HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 3/4/1913-10 Special Session,March 4th,1913. A Special Session of the County Board was held in the office of the County C1tf• Clerk,March 4th,1913,pursuant to the following call - To the County Clerk of Bayfield County,Wisconsin: We, the undersigned mambers of the County Board hereby request you to call a special meeting of the County Board,for the purpose of transacting such business as may legally come before it. Dated this 25th day of February,1913. Martin Rogan Ben holm Ike Berman W. H. Flieth Herman Sense M. B. Morris Ole Ramstad A. P. Stone John Pyykola A. G. Johnson Geo. S. Barnes Fred Antonson Geo. A. Curry Board was called to order at 10:00 A. 1T.,by Chairman Martin Rogan. At roll call the following members were found present- Pat Galligan, Goo. S. Barnes,Herman Sense,Walter Flieth,Peter Soronen,Jr.,F. H. Bartlett, Geo. A. Curry,M. B. Morris,Albert Johnson,Ben Holm,C. IT. Werden,Fred Antonson, John Pyykola,Hans Peterson,Erick Johnson,W. H. Nettleton,Ii. E. Tripp,A.P.Stone,. Ike Berman,T. H. Robinson,Geo. TVTertz,Ole Dahl,Ole Ramstad and Martin Rogan. Absent -Ole Aune. The minutes of the Annual meeting were read and approved. Moved and seconded that the resolution adopted Nov.12th,1912, fixing the salary of the County Judge at $1500.00 per year,be reconsidered. Motion carried. Move.d and -seconded that the salary of the County Judge be fixed at $1200.00 per year. Moved and seconded that the motion be amended to read $900.00 instead of $1200.00. Amendment lost by the following vote- Aye- Geo. S. Barnes,F. II. Bartlett,Albert G. Johnson,Ben Holm,T. H. Nettleton, A. P. Stone,Geo. Mertz,Ole Dahl,Ole Ramstad and Martin Rogan. Nay -Herman Sense,Pat Galligan ,Walter Flieth, Peter Soronen,Jr., Geo. A Curry, M. B. Morris, Fred Antonson, John Pyykola, Hans Peterson, Frick Johnson, Ike Berman and T. H. Robinson. Aye 10 Nay 12 Original motion lost by the following vote - Aye - T: H. Robinson. Nay - Pat Galligan, Geo. S. Barnes, Herman Sense, Walter Flieth, Peter Soronen,J F. H. Bartlett, Geo. A. Curry, 14. B. Morris, Albert Johnson, Ben Holm, Fred Antonson, John Pyykola, Hans Peterson, Erick Johnson, W. H. Nettleton, A. P. Stone, Ike Berman, Geo. Mertz, Ole Dahl, Ole Ramstead and 14artin Rogan. Aye 1 Nay 21 Special Session,March 4th,1913. Moved and seconded that the salary of the County Judge be fixed at $1000.00 per year. Motion Carried by the following vote - Aye - Pat Galligan, Goo. S. B.arnes, Herman Sense, Walter Flieth, Peter Soronen,Jr., F. H. Bartlett, Goo. A. Curry, M. B. Morris, Albert Johnson, Ben Holm, Fred Antonson, John Pyykola, Hans Peterson, Frick Johnson, W. H. Nettleton, A. P. Stone, Ike Berman, Geo. Mertz, Ole Dahl, Ole Ramstead and Martin Rogan. Nay - T. H. Robinson. Aye 21 Nay 1 Bill of .;,117.00 for care of Charles Horton,at St Joseph's HospitC61 was presented and was upon motion referred to the Committee on Finance and ?Miscellaneous Claims. Committee recommended that the claim be referred to the Town of Cable and the City of Washburn. The following resolution was presented and was upon motion adopted. To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County,Wisconsin. Gentlemen: Whereas, it appears upon investigation that there is urgent need for more filing cases in the vault of the Clerk of Circuit Court to proper- ly file and preserve the papers and files in said office, Therefore be it resolved, that the County Clerk be,and is hereby empowered and authorized to purchase at the expense of Bayfield County, such files and fixtures for said office as may be needed and which shall be approved by the Committee on Grounds and Buildings. Geo. Mertz Supervisor. Moved and seconded that the election of Highway Commissioner be deferred until a later meeting. Motion lost by the following vote - Aye - F. H. Bartlett, 5M. B. Morris, Albert Johnson, Erick Johnson, W. H. Nettleton, A. P. Stone, Ike Berman, Geo. Mertz,Martin Rogan. Nay - Pat Galligan, Geo. S. Barnes, Herman Sense, falter Flieth, Peter i Soronen, Jr., Geo. A. Curry, Ben Holm, Fred,Antonson, John Pyykola, Hans Peterson, 77. E. Tripp, T. H. Robinson, Ole Dahl and Ole Ramstad. Aye 9 Nay 14 Upon motion Board adjourned to 1:30 P. M. Board called to order at 1:30 P. M._ ,pursuant to adjournment, with all members of the morning session present. The following presented applications for the position of Highway Commissioner- Thos. Moore, John Sundell, A. G. Nelson and Ii. Marion Juel. Upon motion it was decided that the Board vote informally for Highway Commissioner and to continue voting informally,until one of the candidates received a majority. ?Motion carried. Chairman appointed Supervisors Mertz'and Robinson as 'tellers. First informal ballot resulted as follows Whole number of votes cast 24 of which number John Sundell received 9 W. H. Nettleton 1,Peter Scronen,Jr.l, H. Marion Juel 6,and A. G. Nelson 5. No majority. Special Session,? -,larch 4th,1913. Second i.nforipal ballot resulted as follows. Whole number of votes cast 23,of which number John Sundell received 11, H. Marion Juel 7, A. G. Nelson 4, T. H. Nettletonl.No majority. Thied informal ballot resulted as follows. Thole number of votes cast 23,of which number .John Sundell received 12, H. Harlon Juel 9, A. G. Nelson 2. The informal ballot was upon motion declared formal and John Sundell was declared elected Highway Commissioner for the unexpired term. The following resolution was presented. i Resolved, that the Chairman appoint a Committee of three to confer with officers of the Town of Barksdale,they to secure the services of competent engineer to go thoroughly over the proposition of building either the Swamp road or Canal road,to report back to this Board,the cost. Expense of such investigation to be borne by the County,and that the County shall keep the long bridge in repair at a cost not to exceed 3500.00,until otherwise provided for.Such report to be made to this Board at the next meeting. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as a waiver of any rights of the County or as assuming any obligations to adopt,construct,repair or maintai said bridge or any approaches or roads leading to or connecting with the same, except as therein set forth. Dated ?March 4th, 1913. T. H. Robinson. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote. Aye e Pat Gallic -an, Falter Flieth, Peter Soronen, F. H. Bartlett, M. B. VortiS Morris, Albert Johnson, C. H. Werden, Hans Peterson, Frick Johnson, 17. E. Tripp A. P. Stone, Ike Berman, T. 11. Robinson. Nay — Geo.' A. Curry, Ben Holm, 77. H. Nettleton, Geo, Mertz, Ole Dahl, Ole Ramstead and Martin Rogan. Aye 13 Nay 7 The following report was presented and upon motion action .eras deferred until the next meeting. To the Honorable County Board of Bayfield County: Your committee to whom has been referred the petition of the Town of Barksdale in relation to the matter of the construction of the bridge over Fish Creek at the head of Chequamegon Bay in section 36 in township 48 north of range 5 west,respectfully report: That we are advised by the District Attorney that Bayfield County is liable for one half of the cost of the construction of said bridge if the `procea.dings had in the town of Barksdale are regular; That the County is not liable for any part of the cost'of constructing the approaches to said bridge; That the County Board should appoint two of its members to act as commissioners with the town board of the Town of 13arksdale,and that said town board and said commissioners shall have charge of the letting, inspect- in- and acceptance of tho work; That notwithstanding the fact that the petition of the town board of the town of Barksdale asks for $5,000.00 as the Countyes one half of the cost of constructing said bridge,%.ve report and recommend that the appropriation Special Session March 4th,1913. of the County's one half of the costs thereof should be made upon the basis of the estimate of the engineer employed by the State Highway Commission, which was that a span 100 feet long, standing on concrete piers, or abuttments, could be built for 10'5,000.00, and that therefore we recommend that the County Board appropriate $2,500.00 as the County's share of the cost of said span. Dated this 4th day of March,1913. Peter Soronen,Jr. W. H. Nettleton Geo. A. Curry. Committee on Roads and Bridges. Moved and seconded that the petition of the Town of Barksdale for $5,000.00 aid be laid over until the next meeting. Motion carried. The bill of H. P. Axelberg for $153.00 for auditing the County records was upon motion allowed. The following resolution was presented and was upon motion adopted. Resolved, by the County Board of Bayfield County, at a regular meeting thereof,held this 4th day of Avfarch,1913, that the Register of Deeds of said County be, and he is hereby directed and instructed to make a new tract index of that part of Volume six(6) Abstracts'of Bayfield County which has become dilapida.ted,torn or worn out,so as to be unfit for further use in the condition it is now in, and that the County shall pay said Register od Deeds the sum of one cent for each entry for doing said work. And be it further resolved, that after completing such new tract index,said Register of Deeds shall take same together with the old,to some first class reputable book bindery, at St Paul_or Milwaukee,znd have same rebound, and shall after said rebinding has been completed bring said index back to his office. The expense of such rebinding and expense of said .Register to have same done to be paid by the County. Geo. Mertz. The purchasing agent was upon motion directed to buy suitable filing cases for the County Judge's office. The following resolution was presented and was upon motion adopted. Resolved, that the Finance Committee and the County Treasurer be auth- orized to pay 2% premium on Railway Aid Bonds purchased or taken up before maturity. Dated March 4th,1913. - T. H. Robinson. The following report of the Committee on Bonds of County Officers was' presel-tol and was upon motion adopted. To The Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen:- Te, the undersigned committee on Bonds of County Officers beg to recommend that the following bills be allowed, and that the County Clerk be authorized to draw orders for amounts shown in column headed "allowed". Dated at Washburn, Wis.,this 4th day of March,1913. Respectfully submitted, Ike Berman Ole Ramstad Fred Antonson. Committee. NTo Whom Drawn --- For That +Purpose � Y Claimed Allowed ..__.-._ Spec;_nl Session ,Mar•ch 4th ,1913. L. N. Clausen Official Bonds,Co.Clerk & Coroner. .25.00 $25.00 0. M. A_.ness " it Register Of Deeds. 15.00 15.00 H. P. Axelberg " " Clerk of Court and Co. Treas. 30.00 30.00 U.S.Fidelity &; Guaranty Co. Official Bond, Co. Treas. 590.00 590.00 'Charles Morris. " " Sheriff 8. Dist Atty. 55.00 55.00 The following report was presented and was upon motion adopted. To. The Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen :- We, the undersigned committee on Education beg to recommend That the following bills be allowed,and that the County Clerk be authorized to draw orders for the amounts shown in the column headed allowed. Dated at Washburn, "Tis.,this 4th day of March,1913. Respectfully submitted, W. H. Flieth Geo. A. Curry C. II. Werden Committee. To. PThorn Drar;*n. For ?^:'hat Purpose. Claimed. A1lowod _-_--- _ - ----- ----- ------------ _ __-_-•------------------------ Jessie N. Smith, Co. Sup't. Expense account $147.93 147.93 Brown, Tracey & Sperry Co. Blanks Etc. Co. Supt. 11.56 11.56 The following report was presented and was upon motion adopted. To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen: We the undersigned committee on Sheriff, Justice and Constable bills beg to recommend that the following bills be allowed and that the County Clerk be authorized to draw orders for amounts in column headed "allowed". Dated at Mashburn, Wis. this 4th day of March 1913. Respectfully submitted, Geo. A. Curry �7. H. Flieth, Ben Holm, Committee. To whom drawn For What purpose Claimed Allowed Harvey Ellorman Deputy Sheriff fees $9.32 $9.32 " " 16.00 16.00 n n 9.82 9.82 " 10 13.20 13.20 B. Mator Hoppenyan Burial George Bureguard 20.00 20.00 Henry Johnson Pictures of"prisoners 4.50 4.50 C. F. Morris Expense account 19.15 19�;15 J. W. Tartar Post Mortem �3.00 33.00 J. A. McDonald Trip -to PJaupun, Charotte Gordon 50.00 50.00 Max Happle Sheriff Trip to Waupun L. Depew 50.00 50.00 " Trip to Mendota, G. Dugee 55.00 55.00 " Trip to Waupun, Viola Varam 50.00 50.00 " Trip to PTaupun, H. W. Hartman 50.00 50.00 " Trip to Mendota, Joseph Davis 55.00 55.00 " Trip to Mendota, Charles Johnson 55.00 55.00 '1 Trip to Sparta , E.G. Gordon, 55.00 55.00 Anna Mattson Assisting sheriff trip to Mendota 10.00 Disallod resolution The following was presented and was upon motion adopted. Resolved that the following amounts for per diem; milage and committee workfor the several members of the county board be allowed and the Chairman and Clerk are hereby authorized to issue order for same: Supervisor Per diem Milage Com. Work Milage Total Herman Sense $3.00 $1.44 $4.44 Pat Galligan 3.00 1.44 4,44 Geo. S. Barnes 3.00 10.02 13.02 Walter Flieth 3.00 3.84 6.84 Martin Rogan 1,00 6.08 9.08 Peter Soronen, Jr 3.00 10.08 $6.00 $10.08 29.16 F. H. Bartlett 3.00 4.42 7.42 Geo A. Curry 3.00 3.48 18.00 24.48 1A. B. Dorris 3.00 6.26 3.00 6.26- 18.52 Albert Johnson 3.00 4.92 7.92 Ben Holm 3.00 2.76 5.76 C. H. Warden 3.00 2.76 5.76 Fred Antonson 3.00 9.24 3.00 9.24 24-.48 John Pykkola 3.00 6.24 9.24 Bans Peterson 3.00 3.12 3.00 3.12 12.24 Erick Johnson 3.00 9.24 12.24 W. H. Nettleton 3.00 3.36 3.00 9.36 I so Special Session, March 4th, 1913. W. E. Tripp 3.00 4.92 7.9.2 A. P.'Stone 3.00 .36 3.00 .36 6.72 Ike Berman 3.00 .12 6.00 .24 9.3-6 T. H. Robinson 3.00 .12 3.12 George Mertz 3.00 .12 12.00 .48 15.60. Ole Dahl 3..00 .12 6.00 .24 9.36 Ole Ramstad 3.00 .12 6.00 .24 9.36 Dated March 4th, 1913. Martin Rogan. The Chairman was upon motion authorized to appoint a committee of five members to cancel paid orders. Chairman appointed the following: T. H. Robinson, Geo. Mertz, Ole Ramstad, A. P. Stone and Ole Dahl. The Chairman appointed the following Supervisors as members of the Committee to investigate the swamp and canal road proposition: C. H. Werden, Geo A. Curry and Erick Johnson. The minutas of the present meeting were upon motion approved.. Ypon motion board adjourned. Nola M. Oscar, County Clerk.