HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 9/29/1913irm Special Session, September 29th, 1913. Special meeting of the Cdyanty Board of Bayfield County was held at the office of the County Clerk, Monday, September 29th, 1913. Board called to order at 10:30 A. M. by Chairman, T. H. Robinson. The following call was read: To the County Clerk, Bayfield County, Wis. We the undersigned members of the County Board hereby petition you to call a special meeting of the County Board, for the purpose of setting aside a:o money for state aid for building roads and for the transaction of such other business as -may legally be brought before the said board. Dated this 20th day of September, 1913. W. H. Nettleton, Ike Berman, Geo. A. Curry, Martin Rogan, Don C. Bell, Fritz L. Carlson, Ben Holm, T. H. Robinson, M. B. Morris, Ole Dahl, A. G. Johnson, Peter Soronen, Jr., Hans Peterson, 7. 11. Flieth. All members of the county board presented exdept K. A. Morris andThgs Lamors Upon motion, the minuted of the previous meeting were approved without reading. The following resolution was presented and was upon motion adopted: We the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, appointed to make the inspection of the bridge across the Fish Creek in the town of Pilsen, constructed with county aid, did an Sept. 27th, 1913 make an inspection of the said bridge and find it built according to the plans and specifications as furnished by the.Bridge.Engineer and we accept the same as being completed and recommend that the town of Pilsen be allowed the sum of $1040.00, the amount_ due them from Bayfield County. W. H. Nettleton, Ben Holm, Special Committee. The following resolution was presented and was upon motion adopted: Be it resolved that the Committee on Public Buildings be authorized to rent one additional room for the use of the Third Municipal Court of Bayfield C-ounty, at tayf ield. 0. Flanders. , The following repokt.t-.cn was presentedand was upon motion adopted: To the County Board of Bayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: - Your committee on Roads and Bridges have looked over the Sand River road between Bayfield and Cornucppia, and do not deem it advisable to spend any more money on that part of the road, beginning about a mile east of the Sand River, running west over the hill in Section 16-51-5, until we are certain that this is the best possible route. It seems to us that a cut off could be made to save about two and one half miles in distance and avoid the bad hills, and would recommend that an engin-eer be employed to locate a better route. Dated this 29th day of September, 1913. Peter Soronen, Jr. Fritz L. Carlson, Martin Rogan, Committee on Roads and Bridges. Upon motion the Committee on Roads and Bridges was authorized to secure the services of the State Engineer to make sgrveys on any road where they deem it advisable to make any changes, where such changes would cheapen the cost of the road or would make it more servicable. The Committee on Roads and Bridges presented the Claim of John Cuff for .damages sustained in the breaking of his automobile on road between Benoit and Ashland Junction., claim amounting to $ 25.00. The Committee recommended the disallowance of the claim. Upon motion th recommendations of the committee were approved and the claim disallowed. The Claim of Eben Olson for $83.33 for January 1913 salary, was presented, having been referred to the full board for action. Upon motion bill was disallowed. The following resolution was presented: Whereas the county high--,c.ay fund is in need of replenishing, therefore be it Resolved, that in addition to all other sums and appropriati.ons provided and appropriated for said fund, the sum of One half (1) mill on the taxable property of ,Bayfield county be and the same is hereby levied by the County Board for highway purposes, and that said levy be based on the equalization of the property of the county as fixed by the County Board at the annual session to be held in November 1913, and be it further resolved that said levy be apportioned by the County Clergy: and ordered spread upon the tax rolls of the several towns and cities and collected as other taxes are collected. Dated this 29th day of September, 1913. M. B. Morris. At roll call the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye:-Galligan, Barnes, YIieth, Daly, Rogan, Soronen, Bartlett, Curry, M. B. Morris, Johnson, Holm, Yderstad,Werden, Carlson, Pyykola, Peterson ,0 Nettleton, Frick Johnson, Feldmeier, Townsend, Bogenrief, Flanders, Davis, Robillard, Bell, Berman, Mertz, Handberg, Dahl and Robinson---29. 46 Special Session, September, 29th, 1913. The following resolution was presented and was..upon motion adopted: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Be it resolved, by the County Board of Bayfield County that the sum of Twelve thousand dollars ($12,000.00), is hereby appropriated, (provided jointly $5,000.00 by the town of Barksdale and $7,000.00 by the county) for the construction of the two bridges on the Swamp road in the town of Barksdale and for the constructioni of the road from the Ashland city limits to the jundtion with the present road west of the long bridge: Seventy• tow hundred dollars ($7,200.00) is allotted to pay the estimated cost -of the, two bridges, and the State Highway Commission is. -hereby petitioned to allot Eighteen hundred Dollars ($1,800.00) to pay the•Stat's share of the -cost of such bridges: Four thousand eight hundred dollars ($.4%,BOO.00) of this sum is allotted to build the road above describ-ad, and.•the. State Highway Commission is hereby petitioned to allot Twenty four hundred dollars ($2,400.00) to pay the stays share of.the cost of the said road. If the road and bridge fund thus made available shall exceed the amounts needed to properly construct the work, any balance shall be expended as this board shall later direct. C. H. Warden. The following resolution was presented: .To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Wis.- .Be it resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County, that the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), out of the mill tax already levied for road purposes in 1914, be hereby appropriated for the permanent grading and culverting on the coubtty system of prospective state highways in 1914 and that the State highway commission is hereby requested to allot the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) to apy the state's share of the cost of such improvements. The sums thus made available shall shall be divided between the towns in the county in the proportion that each town shall vote sums for certain definite impro.vem.ents in the town, and shall be spent only on the system of prospective State Highways in accordance with plans fox the work prepared by the State Highway Commission. No town may obtain more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), from this joint fund and all towns•must pay at least one third•of the cost of the work done in the town and.before May 1st,, 1914, deposit its Aund for this work in the County Treasury. If the towns in the county shall not vote a total amount equal to one third of the amount available in the joint fund derived from the county and state, ahy,balance re- maining in the fund, shall be spent on permanent work as the county* Board shall:. later direct. The county board hereby relinquishes its assumed duty to build and maintain all roads in the county system of prospective s.tate highways as it finds that this duty does not belong to it but to the towns in shich such system lies, each being charged by law with the duty of maintaining -its roads' whether they be in the county system or not. In the spring of 1914 at the annual meeting, or at a special meeting held prior to September 1st, the towns .shall, if they desire County and State aid in 1915, vote taxes -fox certain improvements on the county system of roads in their town, and the Bayfield county board agrees to vote an amount .for 1914 equal to the total amount voted by all the towns -in accordance with the State aid law (Sections 1317M-1 to 1317M-5 inclusive.,of thestatutes). C. H. Warden. At roll call the `foregoing resolution was declared lost by the following vote: Aye-Galligan, Barnes, Bartlett, Curry, Morris, M. B., A. G. Johnson,, Ben Holm, Yederstad, Warden Hans Peterson and Ole Dahl--11. Nay- Flieth, Rogan, Soronen, Carlson, Pyykola, Erick Johnson, Feldmeier, Townsend, Bogenrief, Flanders; Davis, Robillard, Bell, Berman, Mertz, Handberg and Robinson--17. Not voting- W. H. Nettleton. Upon motion board.adjourned intil 1:30 P. 11. Board met at lt'30,P. M. with all members of morning session present. Resolution No. 5 providing for setting aside certain amounts for State aid for the construction of Long bridge and road at head of bay in town of - Barksdale was upon motion rescinded. The following resolution was presented and was upon motion adopted: Be it resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County, in special session assembled, this.29th day of September 1913, that the committee on Equalization is hereby instructed and authorized to make any investigations as to the valuations of property situated in Bayfield county, in order t-o obtain proper valuations; the cost thereof not to exceed Twv Hundred ($200.001 Dollars, the investigations to be made with the advice of the District Attorney. George S. Barnes. The claim of C. A. Hutchinson, Engineer, who was employed on the Long bridge proposition, amounting to 155.65 was presented• and was upon motion ordered paid, said claim being approved by C. H. Warden and Pat Galligan, of special committee. The following resolution was presented and was upon motion adopted: Special Session, September 29th, 1913. 471 Resolved that the surd of $30,060,00, be and the same is hereby set aside from the levy made by the county board for highways and bridges, for the purpose of securing the State Aid for the year 1914;the said amount to be apportioned as follows: l $8,5,60..00 for the building of two bridges at the head of the bay known as the Long bridge. $1,0100.00, for the building of bridge over twenty mile creek in the '-o town of Pratt, on. the line between sections 22 and 15-45a-6. at intersection of county road and twenty mile creek. $2500.00 for bridge over Iron River at Dam. $2,000.00 for .four bridges o'n Four mile creek road. For work on -prospective state highway systems: $960.00.0 for work on Mashburn and Ashland Junction .road. $960.00, for work on Ashland Junction and Benoit road. $960.00, for work on Benoit and Mason road. $.1,, 200.00, for work on Mason and Cable road. $1,200.00, for work on Mashburn and Bayfield road. $3,500.00, for work on Bayfield and Cornucopia road. $1,200.00, for work on Washburn and Herbster road. $1,200.00, for work on Herbster and Port Ming road. $800.00, fo`r work on Iron River and Port Ding road. $320.00, for work on Barnes and Iron River road. $800.00, for work on Drummond and Barnes road. $800.00, for work on Iron River and Brule road. $$2,100, for work on Long bridge road. Dated this 29th day of September 1913. C. H. Merden. The following petitions for county and state aid for the building of roads were presented and were ordered placed on file: r Drummond $500.00;City of Washburn $400.00; Town of Hughes $500.00 and town of Barnes $ 200.00. The fallowing resolution was presented and was upon motion adopted: Resolved that the following amounts for per diem, milage and committee work, for the several members of the county board, be allowed and the Chairman of this Board and the County Clerk are hereby authorized to draw orders for same: Supervisor Per diem Milage Con. work TJfilage Total. < L. F. Davis $3.00 $1.44 $4.44 0. Flanders 3.00, 1.44 $3.00 $6.36 13.80 s� F. Robillard 3.00 1.44 4.44 Donald C. Bel]. 3.00 1.44 4.44 Pat Galligan 3.00. 1.44 6.00 7.80 18.24 Tm. Daly 3.00. .24 3.24 Geo. S. Barnes 3.00 10.02 3.00 2.46 18.4.8 W. H. Flieth 3.00. 3.84 6.84 Martin Rogan 3.00 6.08 21.00 25.74 55,e82 Peter SororLen Jr. 3.00 1.O.G8 21.00 37.74 71.82 F. H. Bartlett 3.00, 4.32 7.32 Geo. Curry 3.00 3.48 3..00 3.48 12.96 M. B.-Morris 3.00 6.26 9.26 A. G. Johnson 3.00 4.92 7.92 Ban Holm 3.00• 2.76 3.00 3.50 12.26 Jacob Yderstad 3.00 3.24 6.24 C. H. Warden 3.00, 2.76 9.00 6.84 21.60 F. L. Carlson 3.00, 6.72 21.00 27.66 58.38 John Pyykola 3.00- 6.24 9.24 Hans Peterson 3.00 3.12 6.12 Erick Johnson 3.00 9.24 12.24 W. H. Nettleton 3.00 3.36 3.00 7.80 14.16 Jos. Feldmeier 3.00 2.04 5.04 C. H. Townsend 3.00 4.92 7.92 C. F. Bogenrief 3.00 .60 3.60 I. Ber/fian 3.00 .12 27.00 1.08 31.20 T. H. Robinson 3.00. .12 3.12 Geo. Mertz 3.00 .12 15.00 .60 18.72 Ole Handberg 3.00 .12 12.00 .48 15.60 Ole Dahl 3.00 .12 3.12 Dated this 29th day.of September, 1913. T. H. Robinson Upon motion Board adjourned. Nels M. Oscar, County Clerk.