HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 12/1/1913Adjourned annual session, December lst and 2d, 1913. 611 Adjourned annual meeting of the County Board was held at the office of the County Clerk December 1st and 2d, 1913. Meeting called to order at 10.00 A.M. by Chairman, T. 73. Robinson. At roll call the following members were found present: Galligan, Barnes, Hauser, Fleith, Daly, Rogan, Soronen, Bartlett, Currey, Norris, Johnson, Holm, Yderstad, Warden, Carlson, Pyykola, Peterson, Nettleton, Johnson, Meithke, Townsend, Bogenrief, Flanders, Davie, Ro.bbillard, Bell, Berman, Mertz, Handberg, Dahl, Lamoreaux, Robinson. Minutes of previous were read and approved.. The following resolution was presented, and upon motion, adopted: Whereas, it has been the custtaon of the County Board to audit and allow all bills for -the, rental of telephones and tolls yearly Be it resolved that the Committee on Grounds and Buildings be authorized ind .directedeto audit,.all;tbills for tolls -and rental of tele- phones monthly, and that the county dark be authorized to issue orders in payment of same; and that the bills be reaudited by this board at its annual meeting. Ike Berman. The following resolution was presented, and upon motion, adopted: Be it resolved that the County Board of Bayfield County in adjourned annual session assembled this lst day of December, 1913, that the sum of $500 be, and the same is hereby set aside for the purpose of repairing and improving court house grounds and county buildings. That all such work be done under the direction of the Committee on Grounds and Buildings. Ike Berman. The following resolution was presented, and upon motion, adopted: .Resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembbd this 1st day of December, 1913', that a proposal be submitted to the Bayfield County Fair Association, that this board shall appoint five fair commissioners to have ands take full charge and control of.the giving and holding of county fairs in this county, in the name of said Bayfield County Fair Association, and that in case said Bayfield County Fair Association shall accept said proposition,:then such commissioners shall be appointed at the next meeting of this board thereafter. Geo. S. Barnes. The following resolution was presented, and upon motion, adopted: Whereas the next issue of the Wisconsin Municipality Magazine is to contain fifty pages devoted to articles showing up the resources, advantages and prospects of Bayfield county, such articles being written by well known citi- zens of the county, therefore be it Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield county that the proper officers of the county are hereby authorized to draw and order for $450.00, for the purchase of 3000 extra copies of such edition of the magazine, so that the same can be used.to help advertise and advance this county, and that the County Clerk be authorized to make proper distribution. • As it is necessary to know how may copies.of the Wisconsin Municipality will be required.for the next issue before the first part of the magazine is - printed, and the next meeting of the.County Board will be too late for that purpose, therefore, in order to notify the publisher of the magazine at this time that Bayfield County desires -extra copies the undersigned members of the County Board of Bayfield county hereby agree to vote in favor.of the passage of the above resolution when it comes up before the meeting of the Board at the session. C. H. Warden, Chairman Town of. Mason L. E. Davis, Supervisor City Bayfield Frank Robillard 11 it it W. H. Nettleton, Chairman Pratt Ben Holm, " Kelley W. H. Fleith, it Bell W. Day, it Bayfield A. G. Johnson it Iron River Pat Galligan, It Barksdale D.C. Bell, Supervisor City Bayfield Erick Johnson, It Port Ming Fritz L. Carlson," Orienta Martin Rogan, " Cable Ike Berman, " Mashburn D. C. Bell, " Bayfield T. R. Robinson, " Mashburn C. H. Townsend " Tripp Geo. A. Curry,, " Eileen 52 Adjourned annual session, December lst and 2d, 1913. The following report was presented, and upon motion, adopted: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County, ;isconsin. Your special Committee appointed.to look after the building of the bridges and approaches on that part o,£ the prospective State Highway System known as the ''Long Bridge" road, beg leave to submit the following report: Pursuent to .the resolution adopted by .your, Board, ac,ceptirkg the recommendation of the engineers,: that two .stell bridges be built with approaches and fills,, your Committee advertised for bids ,f or two (2) steel bridges complete, to be placed upon concrete piers in accordance with plans and specifications submitted. , A number .of .bids were received and contract made with the Hennepin Bridge Co., of Minneapolis, Minn., their bid being the low8st, in which they agreed to build both biidges complete for the sum of $8,560.,00, the work to be completed by May 1st, 1914. Your Committee then advertised for bids on .the •.a.,ork of building up the road on this route and filling the bridge approaches, but up to this time have received no bids for this part of the work. We have decided not to make any furthereffort until spring, except to purchase what timber.and lumber is required for the work and have it hauled out to its location dur- ing the winter months, so that it will be on hand fore arly spring work. If your Committee is unable in the spring to let contract for this work to responsible parties at a reasonable price, it will then be,necessary for them to have the work done by the day, under the supervision of a com- petent foreman. All of.which is respectfully submitted. Goo. A. Curry, C. H. Warden, Pat Galligan, Special Committee. The following report was presented, and upon motion, adopted: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen:' Woo the undersigned Special Committee on Construction of Long Bridge beg to recommend that the following bills be allowed, and that the County Clerk be authorized todraw orders for amounts shown in column headed "allowed" Respectfully submitted, Goo. A. Curry C. H. Warden, Pat Galligan, Committee. To Whom Drawn For What Purpose Claimed Allowed ___________--__-___-__---____-------------_-___---_- ---" Duluth News Tribune Publishing notice of bids 12.80 12.80 Duluth Herald 8.55 8.55 Superior Telegram " 6.-95 6.95 Ashland Daily Press 2 notices 16.60 16.60 The Ashland News " " 15.70 15.70 R..C. Murray, Livery 6.00 6.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned Special Committee on Fish Creek bridge in the town of Pilsen beg to recommend that the following bills be allowed, and that the County Clerk be authorized todraw orders for amounts shown in column headed "allowed." Rated at Washburn, Wis., this llth day of November, 1913. Respectfully submitted, W. H. Nettleton, Ben Holm, Committee. To Whom Drawn For ghat Purpose Claimed Allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Town of Pilsen Extra work done by Vulcan 61.25 61.25 Manufacturing Co., as per recommendations of the State Highway Engineer. Sag letters and itemized statementlattached hereto. Total claim $112.50 One-half to be .paid by county. ---_------------------------------------------------------------------------ 53 Adjourned annual session, December lst and 2d, 1913. The following resolution was presented, and upon motion, adopted: Be it -resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County that the County Clerk request the State Highway Commission at make all surveys for state aid construction in Bayfield County at the rate named in State' Highway, Commissions letter of November 1st, 1913. The County Clerk is directed to pay into the State Treasury the amounts of any bills submitted from.time to time by the State Highway Commission upon its certification of the amount of survey in each Gov.® ernmental unit, and to state in making payments to the State Treasurer that the amounts are paid into the State Treasury as an appropriation for road purposes by Bayfield county, and that the amount of the appro- priation paid is to be used by the State Highway Commission for the purpose of making surveys in Bayfield County. There is hereby appropriated from the general fund an amount suf- ficient to pay the cost of -the-county of such surveys. Peter Zoronen Jr. The following report was presented, and upon mo-tion adopted. To the Honorable County Board,, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned committee on Printing and Stationery beg to recom- mend t%bat the fallowing bill-s_ be allowed, and that the County Clerk be author ized toLdraw orders for amounts shown in column headed "allowed." Respectfully submitted, L. E. Davis John Pyykala 01e Bahl, Committee. To Thom Drawn For What purpose Claimed Allowe d H. C. Miller Company Blank Books 8.45 8.45 83.50 83.50 '► " 10,37 10.37 16.00 16.00 " 11 9.75 9.75 131.00 131.00 6. 5 5 6.5 5, 26.00 26,00 5.00 5.00 25.00 25.00 6.10 6.10 6.50 6.50 .79 .79 " If 36.00 it 3.05 3.05 If it 8.60 8.60 If If 225.00 225.00 Nels Myhre Ledger 6.47 6.47 - Friend Bros. Stationery 7.00 7.00 F. C. Webster Co, Carbon Paper, etc. 20.05 20.05 Q. W. Frost -0ffic® Supplies 64.25 64.25 Iron River Pioneer Printing 716.60 716.60 1t it 11.05 11.05 The Pioneer Printers Re -binding tract index 5.00 5.00 Callaghan & Company Law books 20.00 20.00 West & Co. If 20.00 20.00 R. H. Gill Pub. Co. Blank Book Reg..-. of Deeds 4.80 4.80 11 . Highway Record 15.00 15.00 Washburn Times Printing Proceedings, etc. J.b9,,' b abg.do Bayfield Progress -. printing 153.05 128.05 Fox Brothers Supplies for Court House 66.60 66.60 News & Itemizer Print. Tx Deed Notice, etc. 441.50 441.50 Washburn Times Brief & Summons Dist. Atty. 87.90 87.90 Bayfield County Press Election.Notice & Printing 99.95 99.95 11 report of Ass. of Incomes 85.00 85.00 H. G. Razall Mfg. Co. Envelopes for Dist. Atty: 2.50 2.50 . Upon motion Board adjourned until 1:30 P.M. Board met at 1:30 P.14.`, with all members of the morning session resent. Adjourned annual session, December 1st and 2d, 1913. To the HpnorableCounty Board, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned committee on Illegal Taxes & Tax Certificates, beg to recommend that the following bills be allowed, and that the County Clerk be authorized todraw orders for amoun'ts shown in column headed "allowed. ++ Erick Johnson Ole Dahl Jacob Yderstad, Committee. To Whom_ Drawn For What Purpose Claimed Billowed John Corry Cert. J.2305 32.50 6 2.87 _ 7 �-1.64 43.09 43.09 Int.Nov. 23, 1911 t637.01 Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% Church property charged to Town of Iron River F. W. Downs Cart. f3837, sale 1904 63.43 _ Int.A.ug.3, 1905 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% 96.41 Disallowed Assigned over 6 years Frank Downs Cart. J-3524, sale 1905 50.15. Int.Aug. s,. 1905 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% 26�07 76.22 76.22 Judgment of Circuit Court, . charge to City of Washburn B. C. Cook Cert. #1152, sale 1910 13.37 Int. May 17, 1910 to Dec. 1, 1913 Q 7% _3.27 16.64 16.64 State land. Charge Town Port Wing E. G. Carter Cart. -f897, sale 1910 3.49 F Int. May 17, 1910 to } Dec. 114 1913 Q 7% .84 4.33 4.33 " Cart. J-867, sale 1911 3.20 Int. May 16, 1911 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% _..56 3.76 3.76 Charge to Town Cable Wis. Loan Trust Co. Cart. #1435, sale 1912 5.47 Int.. May 21, 1912 to Dec. 1, 1913.0 7p 57 6.04 6.04 Taxes paid Toivn Treas. Charge Town of Hughes T. B. pray Cart. #1413, sale 1908 2.65 ++ #1414, sale 1908 2.65 Int. July 29, 1912 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% .,53 5 .83 5.83 +' Cart. #1110, sale 1909 4.24 ++ lll1, sale 1909 4.24 Int. Aug. 7, 1911 to Dec. 11# 193.3 @ 7% 6 _44 9.92 9.9� Illegal County Property Charge Town of Pilsen Emil Hallen Cart. #6661, sale 1910 4.68 Int. May 17, 1910 to . Dec. 1, 1913 4 7% _82 5.50 5.50 Two cart. issued on same property Charge County. 11 I ' 55 Adjourned annual session, December lst and 2d, 1913. To Whom Drawn For What Purpose Claimed Allowed --------------------------- __..m_®_P______.._________________--_.,__-____-__..- � Baker Land & Title Co. Cart. #1695, sale 1910 22.78 Interest 4®7__7 27.55 27.55 G•ounty Fair Graounds Charge Iron River 91 Cart. #938, sale 1910 4.30 1 Interest ,90 5.20 5.20 Taxes paid Town-,Treas. Charge Town of Pilsen " Cart. #937, sale 1910. 4.30 Interest ®090 5.20 5.20 Taxes paid•Town Treas. Charge Town of Pilsen " Cart. #93%, sale 1910 4.30 Interest .90 5.20 5.20 -_-T-axes paid Town Treas. Charge Town of Pilsen " Cart. #935, sale 1910 4.30 Interest - .90 5.20 5.20 Taxes paid Town Treas. Charge Town of Pilsen Cart. f934, sale 1910 4.30 -- I.nte rest . 90 5.20 5.20 Taxes iaid Town Treas. Charge Town of Pilsen " Cart. 71933, sale 1910 4.30 Interest 5.20 5.20 Taxes paid Town Treas. _090 \ Charge to Town of Pilsen " Cart. #932, sale 1910 4.30 Interest .90 5.20 5.20 Taxes paid Town,Treas. Charge Town of Pilsen " Ce:rt. J931, sale 1910 4.30 Interest „d90_ 5.20 5.20 Taxes paid town Treas. Charge Town of Pilsen " Cart. J930, sale 1910 4.30 Interest ..99 5.20 5.20 Taxes paid Town Treas. Charge Town of Pilsen " Cart. 1-925, sale 1910 4.30 Interest .9,p_ 5.20 5'.20 Taxes paid Town Treas. Charge Town of Pilsen " Cart. #924, sale 1910 4.30 Interest ,�_.90- 5.20 5.20 Cart. #923, sale 1910 4.30 Interest - 90 5.20 5.20 Taxes paid Town Treas. Charge Town of Pilsen Cart. #918, sale 1910 4.30 Interest 90 5.20 5.20 Taxes paid Town Treas. Charge Town of Pilsen Czrt. #2164, sale 1911 2.37 Interest �36 2.73 2.73 Illegal right of way not accepted Charge Town of Bayfield D. M. Maxcy SW SW 16-4 -7, sale 1902 1.20 1.20 Disallowed Statutes of limitation run against claim Walter Alexander SE SE, sale 1895. 10.59 Interest 12.53 Costs 1.85 SE SE, sale 1896 17.78 Interest 19.80 Costs _, 85• 64.40 Disallowed Statutes of limitation run against claim 56 Adjourned annual session, December lst and 2d, 1913. To Whom Drawn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For What Purpose Claimed Allowed Carl Rudquist Cart. #484, sale 1910 3.95 Int. May 17, 1910 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% .96 4.91 4.91 Illegal - throng section number. Charge County " Cart. #884, sale 1912 4.45 Int. May 20, 1912 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% 4.91 4.91 Government land Charge Town of Pilsen Wm. harder Cert.,#667, sale 1912 30.23 30.23 Disallowed Certificate seems to be legal John Walsh Cart. #774, sale'1911 9.82 Less redemption 4,?9 5.53 Int. May 16, 1911 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% _.996 6.49 6.49 Compromised cart. --Charge Town of Bell " Cart. #1715, sale 1910 5.64 Int. May 16, 1910 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% 98 6.62 6.62 --Government land Charge Town of Iron River " Cart. J1716, sale 1910_ 5.64 Int. May 16, 1910 to Dec. 10 1913 0 7% _ 98 6.62 6.62 Government land Charge Town of Iron River " Cart. J2071, sale 1910 6.35 ___Int. May 16, 1910 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% 1.11 7.46 7.46 Government land Charge Town of Hughes " -Cert.,#23, sale 1910 30.07 Int. May 16, 1910 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% _5.26 35.33 35.33 County Fc Town land Charge to Town of Bayfield " Cart. #468, sale 1910 4.11 Int. May 16, 1910 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% .71 4.82 4.82 Government land -'--yCharge Town of Bayf idld " Cart. #469, sale 1910 4.11 Int. May 16, 1910 to Dec® 11P 1913 0 7% _.71 4.82 4.82 --Government land Charge Town of Bayf ie ld Cart. #1852, sale 1910 9.15 Int. May 16, 1910 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% 1.59. 10.74 10.74 §tate land Charge Town of Port {ling " Cart. -J979, sale 1910 4.30 Int. May 17, 1910 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% „—_90, 5.20 5.20 Paid tax to Town Treas. -- - Charge Town of Pilsen " Cart. #1032, sale 1910 2.32 Int. May 17, 1910 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% _ m_37 2.69 2,69, Taxes paid Town Treas. Charge Town of Barksdale " Cart. #1227-8, 1911 12.64 Int. May 16, 1911 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% 2_21 14.85 14.85 Government land Change Town of Iron River 57 Adjourned annual meeting, December let and 2d, 1913. To Whom Drawn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For That Purpose- CULimed Allowed John Walsh Cert. f-1200-2, sale 193.2 14.00 Int. May 12, 19120 to Dec. 1, 1916 ® 7% 1.551 15.51 15.51 Government land Charge Town of Iron River " NM SE 8-49a6, sale 1907 2.05 Int. Nov. 20, 1907 to Dec. 1, 1910 0 7% _36 2.41 Cost of deed 1.05 Recording .75 Int. May 23, 1911 to Dec. 1, 1913 @ 7% �.68 4.89 4.89 Government land Charge Town of Bell John Corry Cart. #4177, sal°e 1906 11.95 Int. June 8, 1907 to Dec. 1, 1913 ® 7% 5.02, 16.97 16.97 Defective descirption Charge City of Mashburn Frederick Ayer Cert. #554, sale 1903 2.33 t1 #712, t° 1904 2.99 4.62 Disallowed Vacant State lands Statutes of limitation run against claim 11 Cert. f555,sale 1903 2.33 it #713, " 1904 2.29 4.62 " Vacant State lands Certificate assigned' over six years 11 Redemption paid on above for tax 1905 not subject to repayment 6.35 6.35 " " Cert. #601, sale 1902 2.56 2.56 1t Government land Certificate assigned -over six years " Cert. #2210, sale 1907 4.05 Int. May 21, 1907 to Dec. 1, 1913 4 7% 1.84 Cost of deed .35 Recording ®.75 6.99 6.99 Vacate state land Charge Town of Cable 11 Cert. #1593, sole 1903 2.74 _ n 1704 " 1904 1.88 " 1659 " 1905 1.87 " 1659 It 1906 1.95 8.44 Disallowei Assigned over six years " Cert. #2220, sale 1907 1.90 Int. May 21, 1907 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% .86 Cost of deed .35 Recording _�75 .3.86 3.86 Government land Charge Town of Drummond " Cert. #1686, sale 1910 2.30 Int. May 16, 1910 to` Dec. 1, 1913 ® 7% ___58 2.88 2.88 Government land Charge Town of Mason 10 Cert. #2393, sale 1907 3.00 Int. May 21, 1907 to, Dec. 1, 1913 @ 7% 1.36 Cost of deed .35 Recording _.75 5.46 5.46 State land Charge Town. of Barnes " Cert. #2394, sale 1907 3.00 Int. May 21, 1907 to Dec. 1,. 1913 0 70 1.36 Cost of deed .35 Recording __75 5.46 5.46 State land Charge Town of Barnes Adjourned annual session, December 1st and 2d, 1913. To Whom Drawn For What Purpose Claimed Allowed Frederick Ayer Certo H2395, sale 1907 3.00 Int. May 21, 1907 to Dec. 10 1913 @ 7% 1.36 Cost of deed .35 Recording �.75 5-46 5.46 State land Charge to Town of Barnes " Cart. J-2400, salle 1907 3.00 Int. May 21, 1907 to Dec. 1, 1913 01 7% 1.36 Cost of deed .35 Recording ®.75 5.46 5,46 Government land -Charge Town of Barnes " Cart. #2064, sale 1908 3.11 Int. May 19, 1908 to Dec. 11, 1913 Q 7% 1.19 Cost of deed .35 -' Recording ®.75 5.40 5.40 Government land Charge Town of Barnes " Taxes paid NW NW 2-44-9 2.79 2.79 Disallowed for 1911 " Cart. #3005, sale 1906 3.05 3.05 Assigned over six years " Cart. 4-2401, sale 1907 3.00 Int. May 21, 1907 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% 1.36 Cost of deed .35 Recording �,75 5.46 5.46 Government land Charge Town of Barnes " Cart. #2065, sale 1908 3.11 Int. Hay 19, 1908 to Dec. 1, 1913 @ 7% 1.19 Cost of deed .35 Recording �_75 5.40 5.40 Government land Charge Town of Barnes " Taxes paid S'W NW Sec. 2-44-9 for 1911 2.79 2.79 Disallow " Cart. #2413, said 1907 3.00 Int. May 21, 1907 to Dec. 1, 1913 d 70 1.36 Cost of deed .35 Recording 75 5.46 5.46 Government land Charge Town of Barnes " Cart. #2414, sale 1907 3.00 Int. May 21, 1907 to Dec. 1, 1913, C3 7% 1.36 Cost of deed .35' Recording ®.75 5.46 5.46 Government land Charge Town of Barnes " Cert.--§2415, sale 1907 3.00 Int. May 21, 1907 to Dec. 1, 1913 G 71% 1.36 Cost of deed .35 Recording ®.75 5.46 5.46 Government land Charge Town of Barnes " Cart. #2416, sale 1907' 3.00 Int. May 21, 1907 to Dec. 1, 1913 ® 70 1.36 Cost of deed .35 Recording _.75 5.46 5.46 Government land Charge Tovin of Barnes " Cart. #24.21, sale 1907 3.00 Int. May 21, 1907 to Dec. 1,. 1913 @ 7% 1.36 Cost of deed .35 Recording 0.75 5.46 5.46 Government land Charge Town of Barnes j Adjourned annual session, December 1 at and 2d, 1913. :591 To Whom Drawn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For That Purpose Claimed Allowed Frederick Ayer Cert. f1898, sale 1910 5.10 Int. May 160 1910 to Dec. 1, 1913 @ 7% _1.24 6.34 6.34 State land Charge Town of Barnes 10 Cert. #1506, sale 1911 6.02 'Int. May 16, 1911. to Dec. 14 1913 m 7% 1.05 7.07 7.07 _._ State land Charge Town of Barnes f° Cert. 712444, sale 1907 3.00 Int. May 21, 1907 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% 1.36 -Cost of deed .35 -Recording _.75 5.46 5.46 Government land Charge Town of Barnes " Cart. #2150, sale 1908 3.1.1 Int. May 19, 1908 to Dec. 11f 1913 0 7% - 1.19 ,Cost of deed .35 Recording __75 5.40 5.40 Government land Chaage Town of Barnes Taxes paid on Lot #1 Sec. 30-m45-9 for 1911 2.33 2.33 Disallow Cert. #2445, sale 1907 2.36 Int. May 21, 1907 to -Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% 1.07 Cost of deed .35 -Recording .75 4.53 4.53 Government land .Charge Town of Barnes !' Cert. f2452, sale 1907 2.36 Int. May 21, 1907 to Dec. 111 1913 0 7% 1.07 Cost of d eed .35 Recording _.7_ 4.53 4.53 State land ,Charge Town of Barnes- - Cert. #1945, sale 1910 2.17 Int. May 17, 1910 to Dec. 1, 1913 1@ 7% _.53 2.70 2.70 'State land Charge Town of Barnes " Cert. #2417, sale 1907 3.00 Int. May 21, 1907 to .Dec. 1, 1913 @ 70 1.36 Cost of deed .35 Recording . 75_ 5.46 5.46 Government land Charge Town of Barnes " Cert.-#2418, sale 1907 3.00 Int. May 21, 1907 to Dec. 1, 1913 Cif 7%. 1.36 Cost of deed .35 Recording .75 5.46 5.46 Government land, Charge Town of Barnes " Cert. #2419, sale 1907 3.00 Int. May 21, 1907 to .Dec. 1, 1913 @ -7% 1.36 Cost of deed .35 Recording _75 5.46 5.46 Government land Charge Town of Barnes " Cert. #2420, sale 1907 3.00 Int. May 21, 1907 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 7% 1.36 Cost of deed .35 Recording __75 5.46 5.46 Government land Charge Town of Barnes N Adjourned annual session, December 1st and 2d, 1913. To Thom Drawn --------------------_---------------_-_---------------_------------------- For What Purpose Claimed Allowed ------ Frederick Ayer Cart. f-3053, sale 1906 3.05 Int. and cost of deed 2.95 6.00 Disallow Certificate assigned over six years Cart. #2198, sale 1907 3.45 int. May 21, 1907 to Dec. 10 1913 @ 7 1.56 Cost of d eed .35 Recording -JA 6.11 6.11 Taxes paid Town Treas. Charge Town of Cable +' Cart. #2108, sale 1908 4.49 Int. May 19, 1908 to Dec. 11P 1913 @ 7% 1.73 Cost of deed .35 Recording _.75 7.32 7.32 Government land Charge Town of Barnes st To tax certificate on SW Ned 18--43-8 _for year 1906 4.66 Int. and cost of deed 7.76 Disallow Certificate assigned over six years To tax cartif icate on 977 Nil sec . .18-43-8 for :sale of 1907 3.74 Int. and deed 2.39 Sale 1908 4.18 Int. & cost of deed 2.28 Sale 1909 2.77 Int. & Cost of deed 1.59 Sale of 1910 . 3.26 Int. 4%.cost of deed 1.50 Sale of 1911 4.18 Int. & cost of deed 1.40 27.28 27.28 Government land Charge town of Cable " To t axE= s paid 1912 & 1913 - to Town Treas. on STD NTT 18-43-8 7.25 Interest on same -.-69, 7.94 Disallow !' Cart. i2441, sale 1907 1.72 61 2442 it 1907 1.72 Int. x cost of deed 2.43 ��~® 5.87 5.87 Government land Charge Town of Barnes °t Cart. -J396, sale 1910 3.26 Interest .80 4.06 4.06 State land Charge Torn of Cable 40 Cart.-�1356, sale 1909 2.77 Int. & cost of deed 1,47 4.24 4.24 Taxes paid Town.Treas. Charoe Town of Cable 11 Cart. jf1863, sale 1910 6.28 Int. May 17, 1910 to Dec. 1, 1913 0 70 1`54^ 7.82 7.82 Erroneous a escription Charge Town of Barnes '0 Cart. #1738, sale 1908 4.53 Interest 1.74 Cost of deed as per claim .70� 6.97 6.97 Double assessment Charge Town of Cable Cart.-534-5,,sale 1902 22.80 Int. & cost of deed 20.53 43.33 43.33 Judgment on file setting two deeds aside Charge Town of Cable " Cart. J1909, sale 1904 9.74 Int. & cost of deed 1,448 17.22 Disallow Certif icate assigned over six years. 61� Adjourned annual session, December 1st and 2d, 1913. To Whom Drawn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For What Purpose Claimed Allowed Frederick Ayer. Cert. , 1831--3, sale 1905 3.74 Int. & cost of deed 3.62 7.36 Disallow Certificate assigned over six years " Cert. #3007-9, sale 1906 6.10 Int. & cost of deed 4.60 10.70 " Certificate assigned over six years " Refund .of taxes paid to town of Barnes on NE SW SW SW 5-44-.9 f or years 1911 & 1912, with interest thereon 13.99 " " Cert. #2067, sale 1908 3.11 Interest 1.19 Cost of deed .35 Recording _.75 5.40 5.40 Government. land Charge to Town of Barnes " Cert. f2069, sale 1908 3.11 Int. & cost of deed 2.29 _ 5.40 5.40 Government land Charge Town of Barnes " Cert. #1917, sale 1905,int.1.31 1918 " 1.31 1919 " 1.31 1920 " 1.31 1925 " 1.31 1926 " 1.31 1927 i1 1.31 1928 " 1.31 1929 " 1.31 1930 " 1.31 1931 10 1.31 Cost of tax deed e 4.55 18.96 18.96 County charge " Cert. J1993, sale 1901 16.07 - Interest 14.03 30.10 Disallow Assigned over six years " Cert. #2503, sale 1898 8.06 Interest 8.73 Cost of deed 1.95 �~ 18.74 " Assigned. over six years Carl'Rudquist Cert. #171, sale 1912 4.63 Int. May 21, 1912 to Dec. 1, 1913 Q 7% -.49 5.12 5.12 Taxes paid bef ore sal e ------------- --------------------------------------- to county treasurer. 7---------------------- The following report was presented, and upon motion adopted: To ,the Honorable County Board, Bayfield, County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned committee on Finance and Miscellaneous Claims, beg to recommend that the following bills be allowed, and that the County Clerk be authorized todraw orders for amounts shown in column headed "allowed." Respectfully submitted, W. H. Flieth A. G. Johnson F. H. Bartlett, Committee. To .Whom Drawn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For What Purpose Claimed Allowed Pay Roll November 30, 1912 1166.66 " December 31, 1912 '1166.66 " January 29, 1913 1083,33 " February 28, 1913 1108.33 " March 31, 1913 1183.08 " April 30, 1913 1191.66 " May 31, 1913 1358..32 " June 30, 1913 1362.17 " July 31, 1913 1374.98 " August 30, 1913 1374.98 " September 30, 1913 11374.98 " October 31, 1913 1374.98 Town of Pratt Transient poor 9.15 9.15 162 Adjourned annual session, December 1st and 2d, 1913. To Whom Drawn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For What Purpose Claimed Allowed Town of Pratt Transient Poor - 39.00 39.00 Town of Drummond, to 28.68 28.68 Town of Oulu if 25.95 25.95 Town of Bayfield " 10.25 10.25 n ++ 48.07 48.07 ++ " 10.00 10.00 ++ ++ 1.35 1.35 n " 5.81 5.81 r+ n 8.50 8.50 n ++ 1.50 1.50 ++ ++ 4.00 4.00 n ++ 6.41 6.41 C. P. Morris Expense account July, 1913 9.90 9.90 " It it Sept. 1913 24.18 24,18 it it +i Oct. 1913 15.55 15.55 Nels Myhre For Canvassing Votes 3.00 3.00 A. H. Wilkinson For State Fair Exhibit. 500.00 500.00 Good Shepherd Ind. School Care of May Bourgeois 109.43 109.43 Chippewa County Asylum Dependent Children 183.15 183.15 R. J. Nelson uto Hire, Washburn 6.00 Disallow L. N. Clausen nsurance, County Jail 56.26 56.26 Nels M. Oscar Expense account 601.59 601.59 Alfred Froseth Expense Posting Tax Notices 10.20 10.20 it Post Office Box Rent - 2.40 2.40 1+ Interest on County Orders 223.10 223.10 Town of Bell Transient Poor 211.74 211.74 Town of Bayfield Care Transient Poor (Burial) 16.00 16.'00 " ++ 34.00 34.00 7.50 7.50 City of Washburn " 5.00 5.00 Town of Iron River '+ 447.36 431.36 Town of Barnes '+ 610.83 535.33 Nels Myhre Rewriting and expense of tract index 95.25 95.25 C. F. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Morris Expense Account 11.51 11.51 To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned committee on Publice Grounds and Buildings, beg to recommend that the following bills be allowed, and that the County Clerk be authorized to draw orders for amounts shown in column headed "allowed." Respectfully submitted, Ike Berman Geo. Mertz Ole Handberg, Committee. To Whom Drawn --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For "that Purpose Claimed Allowed John O'Sullivan Hauling. Coal 20.77 20.77 North-Western Fuel Co. Coal, Court House 291.90 291.90 if Coal for Jail & Court House 41.00 41.00 W. E. L. & Posner Co. Lights for Jail '& Court House 36.60 36.60 E. Bergmann Supplies for Court House 14.40 14.40 Mashburn Plater Works Co. Water for Jail & Court House 41.75 41.75 North Western Fuel Co. Coal for Jail 45.50 451,50 W. E. L. & Power Co. Lights, Jail & Court House 30.05 30.05 B. Ungrodt Iron Bucket for Court House .60` .60 North Western Puel Co. Coal for Jail 31.00 31.00 R. Steinert Co. Work on Boiler 74.62 74.62 Estabrook & Olson Pur.CQ.Carpet for Court House 299.29 299.29 R. Steinert & Co. Drilling & Tapping Radiators, etc. 12.50 12.50 North Western Fuel Co. Coal for Jail 46.00 46.00 W. E. L. & Power Co. Lights, Jail and Court .House 37,60 37.60 it " 24.25 24.25 J. A. Sheridan Labor & Supplies,. Court House 5.25 5.25 it Work at Sheriff's Residence 14.60 14.60 Washburn Water Work Co. Water, Jail &.Court house 41.75 41.75 E. C. Stevens Sawing Mood at Court House 11.00 11.00 North Western Fuel Co. Coal, Jail 44.00 44.00 W. E. L. &- Power Co. Lights, Court & Jail 21.80 21.80 Frank Torbol Trimming Trees 2.90 2.90 Hans Bratley Tearing up floor in basement 3.64 3.64 Frank Johnson Work in basement, Court House 7.50 7.50 Estabrook & Olson Fur.Co.Papering Sheriff's residence 57.40 57.40 Mrs. George Clock Scrubbing & Cleaning Court House 10.00 10.00 Invincible Metal Fur. Co.Piling Cases, County Judge and 60.50 60.50 Municipal Judge, Bayfield Wm. Olson Drayage 14.46 14.46 John O'Sullivan Hauling Coal, Court House 2.00 2.00 W. E. L. & Po-rrer Co. Lights, Court House & Jail 19.70 19.70 B. Ungrodt Sidewalk Scraper & Sewer Pipes 5.80 5.80 W. E. L. & Power Co. Lights, Court House & Jail 16.00 16.00 Adjourned annual session, December lst &; 2d, 1913. To Whom Drawn. For What Purpose Claimed Allowed E. Bergmann Supplies, Court House & Sheriff's Residence Invincible Metal Fur. Co.Special Cabinet and P.B. Guides W. E. L. & Poster Co. Lights, Court House & Jail Washburn dater Works Co. Water, Court House & Jail Frank Torbol Labor, Court House Basement Ole Ramstad Work on Heating Plant John O'Sullivan Hauling Coal, Court House Washburn Pumb. & Heat.Co.Plumbing, Court House E. Bergmann Lawn Mowers, Court House North Western Fuel Co. Coal, Court House Frank Ob-arts Labor, Court House Basement W. E. L'. & Power Co. Lights, Court House & Jail Frank Torbol Work, Basement Court House n ' it J. A. Sheridan R. Steinert E. Bergmann R. Steinert & Co. Welch & Fletcher George F. Morgan Ole Ramstad R. Steinert & Co. Washburn P.& H. Co; J. A. Sheridan W. E. Tripp W. F. L. & Power Co. Gilbert Bruness Frank Torbol J. A. Sheridan B. Ungrodt Frank Torbol Kenfield & Lamoreaux W. E. L. & Power Co. 0. E. Palm Washburn Water Works Co. Fred Finkbiner R. Steinert & Co. Robt. Lowry Gilbert Bruness Frank Torbol Ole Ramstad Repairing Barn, Jail Repairing Heating Plant, etc. Vestibule Door Checks., etc. Pipes, Radiators & fittings Court House Work Cutting Soil Pipe for Basement, Court House Cement & Brick, Court House Gravel & Team Work, Court Hse.Grds. Help change heating plant Work covering heating pipes and material used Plumbing Work at Court House Work at Jail Barn Surveying County Grounds and help for same Lights, Court.House & Jail Hauling Dirt for Court House Work on and around barn Work on Barn and Around Court Hse. Sewer' Pipe, Etc., for Court House Labor, Court House Grounds 22 Loads Black Ground, Court House Lights, Court House & Jail Laying Cement Walk, Court House Water, Court House & Jail Work on Court House Grounds Boiler Grates for Boiler in Court House Work on Court House Team Work, Court House Grounds Work on Court House Grounds if 11.75 91.00 20.60 41.75 3.00 39.00 22.21 21.25 25.40 335.58 21.00 23.20 68.40 12.30 150.00 106.10 30;35 186.38 11.75 91.00 20.60 41.75 3.00 39.00 22.21 21.25 25.40 335.58 21.00 23.20 68.40 12.30 150.00 106.10 30.35 186.38 3.00 3.00 56.58 56.58 17.25 17.25 54.00 54.00 44.07 44.07 251.85 249.00 23,50 18.60 27.50 24.00 127.07 13.93 18.00 5.50 30;35 260.06 46.75 18.00 33.94 5.00' 27.50 14.11 23.25 251.85 249.00 23.50 18.60 27.50 24.00 127.07 13.93 18.00 5.50 30.35 260.06 46.75 18.00 33.94 5.00 27.50 14.11 23.25 Frank Torbol Casting, etc., kitchen Range Sheriff's residence 5.72 5.72 0. E. Palm Work on Court House 5.00 5.00 Amos M. Hanson Cap, ,Automatic Filing Case 57.78 57.78 R. Steinert & Co,. Work, Boiler, County Jail 24.47 24.47 North Western Fuel Co. Coal, County Jail 64.00 64.00 Frank Torbol Work on Court House Grounds 44.40 44,40 0. E. Palm Point up stone work, Court House, 26.25 26.25 and helper I. R. W. L. & Power Co. Lights, 2d Municipal Court 12.00 12.00 Robert Lowry Work on Court House 5.00 5.00 Wis. Telephone Co. Sheriff's Toll Bill 9.30 9.30 " Telephones, Court House, 1st &c 2d 22.05 22.05 quarter Aug. Turnquist Rent, Municipal Court, Bayfield 48.00 48.00 J. I. Holcomb Mfg. Co. Supplies, Court House 12.48 12.48 Wis. Telephone Co. Sheriff's Toll Bill " 10.15 10.15 Telephones, Court House, 3d qter. 12.15 12.15 E. Sauve Rent, Second Municipal Court 100.00 (Submitted to full board for Action) North Western,Fuel Co. Coal, County'Jail 13.50 13.50 0. E. Palm Work°on Court House & Material 49.25 49,25 Prank Torbol Work on Court House Grounds 9.60 9.60 Ole Ramstad " 7.50 7.50 W. E. L. & Power Co. Lights, Court House & Jail 34.25 34.25 Wis. Telephone Co. Telephone, Court House, 4th At 14.40 14.40 if Sheriff's Toll Bill 7.55 7.55 Bayfield Co. Tel. Co. Rentals & Toll, Court House 213.15 213.15 11, G. Mertens Tolls, etc., 1st Municipal Court 15.65 15.65 E. Bergmann Hardware 3.40 3.40 J. A. Sheridan Labor, Barn & Sheriff's Residence 5.70 5.70 Herman Sense Furniture, Municipal Court 99.25 99.25 11 M] Adjourned annual session, December 1st and 2d, 1913. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County, Tisconsin. Gentlemen: Your committee on County Fair Appropriations and the expenditures thereof report as follows: The said appropriation of $1990.00 was expended by the Board of Managers. of ,the Bayfield County Fair as follows: For Indebtedness of the said Board to the Wis. State Bank 561.49 For Material for new building and other improvements 705.79 For Labor on same 358.08 Expended for maintainance J 64.64 1990.00 The improvements made.on the grounds were, one new barn 80 feet long, 14,feet vide. 350 lineal feet of new board fence ,8 feet high. New iron ro6f on grand stand. New judges stand. Repair of exhibition building, and repairs on fence. fainting 50 squares of roof on stock sheds built last year, hauling clay and resutfacing the race track. Geo. S. Barnes Pat Galligan 0. Flanders, Committee. Your committee further report that we believe a proposition should be made by this board to the Bayfield County Fair Association, that the county board appoint a commission of five residents of this county to take charge of and conduct the county fair, instead of having such fairs conducted by the officrers of the Bayfield County Fair Association, and that thereby better results will be obtained. In case such proposition is accepted the county board can appoint such -commission at the next meeting after such action on the part of the'Fair Association. Geo. S. Barnes, Pat Galligan 0. Flanders, Committee.. Communication from the State High`F;ay Commission, certifying the name of John Sundell as eligible to election ,to the office of County Highway Commissioner, was presented to the Board. Upon motion the salary of the Highway Commissioner was fixed at $1000 per annum, and necessary travelling expenses. Upon motion, clerk was directed to cast the unanimous ballot of the County Board for John Sundell for County Highway Commissioner. Ballot coast, and John Sundell declared elected to the office of 'County Highway Commissioner. The following resolution was presented, and upon.rmotion, adopted: Whereas the available funds of the County are now exhausted, Be it resolved that the Finance Committee and the County Treasurer be, and they are hereby authorized to make Arrangements with the b:.anks to carry the county orders of the county until such time as funds will be available for the payment of same. W. H. Flieth. The following resolution 'was presented, and upon motion, adopted: Be it resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County that the Finance Coimittee be'authorized and directed to negotiate a loan of $5,000.00 for the General Fund, until funds become available in March, 1914, and that the Chairman of the County Board and the County Clerk be authorized to execute and deliver a certificate of indebtedness therefore, and that the -County Treasurer be'authorized to pay same when funds are available in March, 1914. 'ff. H. Flieth. The bill of E. Sauve for $100 for rental of 2st Municipal Court, sub- mitted by the committee to the full Board, was, upon motion, allowed. The Committee on Grounds & Buildings was directed to notify Mr. Sauve that the County desired to terminate the lease on January 1st, 1914. 65 I Adjourned annual session, December 1st and 2d, 1913. The following resolution was presented, and upon motion, adopted: Whereas., it has pleased Almighty God to summon from this earth an es- teemed member of this board, Joseph Feldmier, and Therefore be it resolved that this board extend to the bereaved family sympathy and condolence in this, their hour of bereavement, and Be it resolved that a copy of this resolution of condolence be spread upon the minutes of this meeting, and that the clerk thereof be, and he is hereby instructed to f orword to the said bereaved relo.tives a copy thereof, and, • - Be it further -resolved that in respect for the deceased, this body stand adjourned until 8:00 P.M. By tthe County Board. D. C. Bell 0. Flanders Geo. Curry, Committee. Upon motion, Board adjourned until 8:00 P.M. Board met at 8:00 P.M.', with all members of the afternoon session present. The following report was presented, and upon motion, adopted: To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield-County, Wisconsin, Gentlemen: We, the undersigned committee on Sheriff, Justice & Constable Bills, beg to recommend that the following bills be allowed, and that the County Clerk be authorized to,& aw orders for amounts shown in column headed "allowed.°' Respectfully submitted, W. H. Flieth Don C. Hall Thomas Lamoreaux Committee. To whom Draslin. For What Purpose Claimed Allowed Max.Happle, Sheriff Lady asst. to Sparta with 15.00 15.00 G. Johnson 11 Duluth pursuit Wm. Scilin 20.00 20.00 to Mason for Augusta Mattson 8.00- 8.00 of Livery at Washburn, 2 trips 3.00 3.00 ". Lady asst.Mendota with 15.00 15.00 Augusta Mattson " Livery to Depot with Aug. Mattson 1.50 1.50 to Ashland for Geo. Duge 5.00 5.00 it " Harry Anderson 5.00 5.00 it - Miss Baily, trip to Sparta 10.00 10.00 " Livery to hospital, Ashland 1.50 1.50 with Jno.. Kaubus " Expense, with helper 5.00 5.00 " To Hayfield with Eli DePerry 5.00 5.00 " Cornucopia and Eagle Island 19.37 19.37 arrest Clint Lucia " Camps in Town of Bayfield 20.00 20.00 pursuit F. Ritcher " Bayfield with Lawrence DePew 5.00 5.00 " Marengo, pursuit of Frank Ritcher 10.00 10.00 " Town of Barksdale to arrest 5.07 5.07 Stans Dereik " Iron River with Chas. Scott 9..60 9.60 " Moquah as truant ,officer 8.00 8.00 " Orienta to arrest Jno. Howatbe 15.00 15.00 " Nash, Mackmiller boat -house case 5.00 5.00 " Town of Eileen, Theo. Haglund ins. 6.00 6.00 " Bayfield with Jno. Gonier 5.00 5.00 " Ewing, Mich., for Harry Staples, 3.00 3.00 livery " R.R. Fare & Hotel Bills 15.05 15.05 " Two -days 16.00 16.00 " Bayfield, Subp. Paul Haluke 5.00 5.00 " Port Wing 11 Harry Burdick 10.00 10.00 " Subp. witness, State vs. Charbeneau 3.00 3.00 " Cloquet, Minn., in pursuit of 41.67 41.67 Wm. Salty " Benoit for Anna Oulah 12.50 12.50 " Asst. to Mendota with Anna Oulah 15.00 15.00 " Iron River for Carl Smith 10.00 10.00 11 Serving summons, State vs. 1.85 1.85 G. W. Scott Adjourned annual session, December 1st and 2d, 1913. To Whom Drawn -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For What Purpose Claimed Allowed Max Happle, Sheriff Bayfield, Troy &.Olson case 10.00 10.00 " Mason, pursuit of P.O. robbers 8.00 8.00 " Hayward, pursuit P.O. robbers 15.00 15.00 " Services on jurors, Oct. 1913 100.00 100.00 " Cornucopia, subp. witness 10.00 10.00 State vs. Lucia " Iron River, State vs. Barry 12.20 12.20 " Making investigation of matter 31.00 31.00 " Subp. witness State vs. Charbeneau 6.00 6.00 " Cornucopia, State vs-. Lucia 15.00 15.00 " Cornucopia to investigate death 10,00 10.00 of Frank Ruelemann " Cable, supb, witnesses 12.70 12.70 " Iron River for Thom. Barry 12.50 12.50 " Mendota. with Anna Nemec 30.00 30.00 Tow lady assistants " Waukesha with Harry Staples 55.00 55.00 " Green Bay with Joe Charveneau 55.00 55.00 " Waupun.with Thos. Barry • . 50.00 50.00 " Town of Washburn, arrest of 6.97 6.97 Paul Cutey " Paid J. McClaughlin, capture 5.00 5.00 Andy Nelson " Grand View and Iron River. 17.32 17.32 with Andy Nelson " Mason to arrest Swan Anderson 11.20 11.20 " Sparta with Joe Oulah 55.00 55.00 " It Agnes Larson 55.00 55.00 " If Helen Scott 55.00 55.00 " Oshkosh with Ge'o. Calder 50.00 50.00 " Asst. It 15.00 15.00 10 Mendota. with Henry Christianson 55.00 55.00 " Nels Lee, 20 days attending 60.00 60.00 court as deputy sheriff " Waupun with Jno. Thyberg 50.00 50.00 " Green Bay with Wm.. Soulier 55.00 55.00 " Town of Washburn for darner Hanson 6.50 6.50 " If arrest Steve Sinko 8.00 8.00 " Canada for,Frank.Ritcher 78.60 78.60 " Mason,,pursuit of Veno hold-up men 5.00 5.00 " Camps near Spider, pursuit 19.00 19.00 " Bayfield with Harvid Widgfen 5.00 5.00 " Summoning witnesses, Widgren case 6.00 6.00 " It jurors, May court, 1913 100.00 100.00 " Mendota with Carl Syith 55.00 55.00 " if Augusta Mattson 55.00 55.00 Theo. Haglund 55.00 55.00 Warner Hanson 55.00 55.00 Jno. Bear 55.00 55.00 Anna Oulah 55.00 55.00 Ole Setter 55.00 55.00 " IfAnna,Nemoc 55.00 55.00 " Arrest of Stan Dyurick 5.07 5.07 Jack Starr 1.27 1.27 Ed. Finnegan 1.57 1.57 " 10 Sam Gill 1.20 1.20 Susan Jacusin 9.37 9.37 Clint Lucia 1.75 1.75 Jno. Petosky 7.97 7.97 Jno. A. McDonald,ex-sheriff Asst. to Waupum, Char. Cordon 15.00 15.00 " Bayfield with Isidor Hinad 5.00 5.00 " Case of Couture & Carrack 10.00 10.00 " Search warrant 3.00 3.00 Aron Aronson, Const. gommitting And. Anderson, county 1.05 1.05 Jail " Committing Jno. Broeton to 9.05 9.05 county jail " Committing Joe Kawa.lski to 9.55 9.55 county jail J. J. McDonald'. Const. Vaughn -Peterson case 5.05 5.05 " Henry Christianson case 27.42 26.42 " Vaughn -Peterson case 11,28 11.28 2.25 2.25 " Helen Scott case 7.58 6.08 " Vaughn -Peterson case .75 .75 " Halvorson case, 6.08 .51.68 " Galliger case 8.54 6.68 C. R. Miller,_Const. Art Dodge case 24.40 24.40 J. McClaughlin, Const. Henry Christianson, pursuit 21.00 19.00 Fred Burdick Clint Lucia case 11.20 11.20 J. McClaughlin If Andrew Nelson,case 28.80 28.00 Fred Burdick " Chas. Smith case 10.77 10.77 G. Chavin, " Fees for arrests 11.75. 11.75 Aron Aronson, " Art Dodge case 36.20 36.20 Dan,Beaton, " Christ Olson case 2.10 2.10 " H. Hartman case .45 .45 " Jno. Thyberg case 3.60 3.60 Eugene McCarthy, Const. B. Peterson case 8.90 8.90 Con Conture, Const. Board prisoners 1.75 1.75 Adjourned. annual session, December 1st and 2d, 1913. To Whom Drawn For That Purpose Claimed Allowed A. H. Leifeste, Const. Lizzie Fox case t1 Henry Melland case f " Chas. Evan.st on " " John Doe to of Oscar Ronton It 11 Gust Hill " It Jerk Harris " to Jno, Tate 11 to Matt Ruona It it Geo. Dugs It it - Jno. B. Tate f1 S. A. Berring; Const. Subp. served in McCaffrey case " Hooper case t1 Si. Miller case " Pat Lawler " t1 Anton Rock it " Jno. Sheretle" " 0. Sternald " " Wm. Conklin " " Jno. Gordon 11 t0 Chas. Dahl t1 " Chas . Bigler I' " Joe Pelke " " Ole Luthers 11 " Mike Crow " " Pat Lawler to " Mose DePerry It " Troy & Olson " " Geo. Cameron f1 Oscar Otterhold case " Tom Kern It " Alex Cadotte tl " Chas. Cadotte case " Susan Baker It " Guy Vancise case t0 Fred Barabo case 1t Gust Osklund " " Jno. Benner 11 " Arvid Widgren 't " Peter Stone " " Jno. Gournoe case " Susan Baker et al case " Fard Johnson case f1 Jno. Bear, Jr., case " Joe Franklin It 10 Wm. Soulier to Jno. Dvorah, Const. Mary Larson " Christ Olson, Const. Jno. �+hyberg 41 ' Fred Gosselin, It In matter of remains found at Pike River Joe Tamphry, " In matter or remains found at Pike River Fred Burdick, t1 Sharlow case J. J. McDonald, " Ed. Sampson case to Alex Henderson case " Carl Runkle it (Paid in sheriff's bills) Fred Larson, Cornucopia Sharlow case If Jno. .Roman case J. Arthur Tarr, Mason Roland McClaughlin case it Harry Anderson 19 of Tom Thompson to - " Harry Anderson It 1i Jno- Donavan 't it Ole Thoen it " Harry Anderson " to t1 to 11 Joe Baker " " Joe Murphy +t it Alex Mattson " it Henry Quagon If it Joe Johnson case '► Edwin Bunde 11 " Tom Brown , " " W. A. caddy " " F. G. Gasche to of Robt. Gasche 11 It V. Hanson " L. E. Dav2s, Bayfield Strual " to Jno. Starette" to J. Keeley It " Fred Roose " " Albert Abel " " Christianson 11 " Will O'Malley" " Prat Lawler if " Martin Buffalo case Aug. Hoffman, -Washburn Swan Anderson " 9.05 12'55 3.12 2.80 8.68 10.75 9.05 9.05 14.75 8.45 9.05 3.80 3.43 4.63 4,63 3.43 5.05 11.63 4.56 4.56 4.76 1.20 4. 63 3.43 4.63 4.63 4,63 5.35 7.03 7.05 7.03 4.63 4.63 2..60 5.38 4.63 4.63 5.57 10.74 1.20 7.08 11.82 5.76 3.76 4.76 4.36 15.76 9.20 4.92 9.05 12.55 3.12 2.80 8.68 10.25 9.05 9.05 14.75 8.45 9.05 3.80 3.43 4.63 4.63 3.43 5.05 11,63 4.56 4.56 4.76 1.20 4.63 3.43 4.63 4.63 4.63 5.35 7.03 7.05 7.03 4. 63 4.63 2.60 5.38 4.63 4.63 5.57 10,74 1.20 7.08 11.82 5.76 3.76 4.76 4.3 6 13.92 9.20 4.92 4.92 4.92 .75 1.40 2.10 5.20 2.00 1.49 1.01 2.11 2.18 1.25 1.44 1.13 2.41 1.01 1.13 3.45 2.48 2.30 2,59 1.13 1.13 5.12 1.13 1.13 1.75 5.22 3.11 .75 1.50 2.15 3.60 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.25 . 75 Disallow It 2.00 1.49 1.01 2.11 2.18 1.25 1.44 1.13 2.41 1.01 1.13 3.45 2.48 2.30 2.59 1.13 1.13 5.12 1.13 1.13 1.75 5.22 3.11 .75 1.50 2.15 3.60 . 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.25 fib Adjourned annual session, December 1st and 2d, 1913. To Whom Drawn For What Purpose Claimed Allowed °-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i Aug. Hoffman, Washburn Paul C. Boelitz case 2.25 2.25 " Andrew Left case 2.25 2.25 1t Tony Ball It 2.25 2.25 Vl. H. Irish, -Washburn Mrs. Augusta Mattson case 5.00 5.00 Chas. Johnson case 5.00 5.00 " Jno. Kaubus 4t 5.00 5.00 Joe Davic 1t 5.00 5.00 if Goo. Duge 11 5.00 5.00 " Joe Davis " 5.00 5.00 " Jno. Bear. Jr. 11 5.00 5.00 Geo. Clader r' 5.00 5.00 t° mheo. Haglund it 5.00 5.00 to 19 5.00 5.00 Mary Larson it 5.00 5.00 " Henry Christianson case 5.00 5.00 .. T�Irs. Anne. Nemic case 5.00 5.00 " Yrs. Anna Oulah 41 5.00 5.00 1° Carl Lenyth " 5.00 5.00 }° Ole Skyarates it 5.00 5,00 " Ole Setter it. 5.00 5.00 41 H. 7. Hanson It 5.00 5.00 0° Helen Scott °1 5.00 5.00 it Frank Ritcher +' 5.00 5.00 r' Agnes Larson " 5.00 5.00 " Gordon Johnson " 5.00 5.00 '+ Lawrence DePew " 5.00 5.00 " Joe Oulah " 5.00 5.00 " Howard Pugmire 11 5.00 5.00 if Herman W. Hartman 5.00 5.00 it W. A. Naddy if 5.00 5.00 8° Viola Varauo '0 5.00 5.00 1° Harry Staples it 5.00 5.00 Jar`nes Moreaux., Bayfield Sharlow case .75 .75 Albert Vandeventer, it it .75 .75 Louis Vandeventer, it it .75 .75 Frank Smith, Cornucopia to .75 .75 E.' S. Hungerford, it it .75 .75 Joe Baker, it it .75 .75 Arthur Edger, it It .75 .75 H.' A-1. Jue1, " n .75 .75 Dan Hammond, " " .75 .75 Wallace We stcott, " 11 .75 .75 Chas. Englehart, 11 t► .75 .75 Mrs. Chas. Hegg, Mason W. A. Naddy cash .81 .81 (r. , 0. Plocker, it Court work 2.73 2.73 John Eaton, it Murphy case .81 .81 Arthur Rabideau, Bayfield 11m. Lawler case .70 .70 Susan Guruoe', it John Guruoe case 1.80 1.80 Geo. Andres,- is Windgren case 1.20 1.20 Joe Bennett, if it 1.20 1.20 Joe Popper, r° '+ 1.20 1.20 Geo. Andrews, " Benner case .70 .70 Joe Bouchard, " t' .70 .70 John Morrin,` 19 Van Cise case 1.80 1.86 Si;non Bear " it 1.80 1.80 Dr. S. L. Pickett, " Setter case 4.20 4.20 Dr. F. M. Hawley, tt it 4.20 4.20 Swan Lawler, " Isidor Strual case .98 .98 Jno. Krangfelder, " Fred Roose case .54 .54 P. - J. Pedersbn, " It .54 .54 Fritz Brann,' " '+ .54 .54 Al: .Lodle , " 11 . 54 .54 F. Stack, 1t '+ .54 .54 0.' J. Vorous, a e .54 .54 Martin Buffalo, .74 .74 Louis Gordon, „ '+ .74 .74 Augus t De -f or , . 74 .74 C. ' F. Andreas, " Albert Able case .58 .58 Einer Miller, " It .58 .58 Robt. Davis 91 It .58 .58 Jack Mus- ell; If .5S .58 Jack Wachsmuth, " °t .58 .58 Fred Greon, r' " .58 .58 Dr. Piikett, n rr .58 .58 fialph Nelson, " 1° .58 .58 Ben Benson, w rt .53 .58 Lol. Larson,, vt +r .58 .58 Henry Patterson, " " .58 .58 Clarence Holt, t' r+ .58 .58 Aron Aronson; Iron River Christ Olson case .83 .83 A. Sautos, " of .83 .83 A.M. Vaughn- '+ G. T. Scott case 3.00 3.00 J. Rifkin, " J. A. Howatt case 1.12 1.12 E.'C. Johnson, " tt 1.12 1.12 J.'H Fitzpatrick, v► n 1.12 1.12 Ed: Goelet., " " 1.12 1.12 F. AO. Peterson, 1° " 1.12 1.12 11. C . Hall, 41 10 1.12 1.12 Adjourned annual session, December 1st and 2d, 1913. "-To Whom Drawn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For What Purpose Claimed Allowed Max Happle; Iron River J. A. rIowatt case .75 .75 W.-E. Tripp, It If 1.48 1.48 Geo. A." Howard, " it 2,95 2.95 A.-Gisness; " Andrew Nelson case 4.54 4:54 Mrs. M. Clarke, '+ " 4.54 4054 L. Zimmerman, " Chas. Everston case 1.12 1112 Edw. Reed,• '► " 1.12 -1.12 Alex Bellile, " It 1.12 1.12 Michael MacRuire,t' it 1.12 1.12 Maxlace Thorson, " It 1.12 1112 Thomas Bussell, It If 1.12 1:12 Frank Brabant, If It .83 .83 Thos. Cooney, It It .83 :83 Gid. Jacobs, it it .83 .83 Chas. Fountain, It It .83 : 83 Mike Mincek, N Henry gelland case 3.80 3.80 Geo. Minzlick, It '+ 3.80 3.80 Joe Prof t, � it '+ 4.80 4.-80 Con Conture, it Jno. Tate case .83 483 Mary Petros, Mashburn Frank Gacik case 2.36 2.36 Martin"Noyde, It It 4.72 4.72 Annie Noyde, It '+ 2.36 2.36 Annie Polekoxa, It " 2.36 2.36 Mick Leniak, Cornucopia Clint Lucie. case 3.40 3.40 Nick Leniak, " n 4.40 4.40 Anna Leniak, " " 4.40 4.40 Fred Burdick, " '+ 4.40 4.40 Harry Burdick, " " 4.40 4.40 Paul Halucko, " " 4.40 4.40 R. "Jones, " It 4.40 4.40 Lester Jones, " '+ 4.40 4.40 Ym: Yeska, " " 4.40 4,40 Jno. Morrow, ,+ n 4.40 4.40 Arthur Sandow, " " 4.40 4.40 E."Hungerford, It It 4.40 4:40 M. W. Januf f, +' Stan Sdzoek case 5.08 5e08 Felixia Pecos, " " 1.08 1.08 Jacob Dudsuski, '+ '+ 1.08 1:08 Thos. Luciasiac, " '+ 1..08 1;08 Geo. Cildy, • Tashburn Jos. Charbeneau case 1.90 1:90 L.-V. Goodnough, " If 1.08 1.08 Louis Mordner, " it 1.08 1.08 Alex Keosky, Cornucopia Pristash case 3.40 3.40 A. • Cinker, •.. '+ ++ 3.40 3. 40 M. Janenriff, " ++ 3.40 3.40 Julia Finnegan, Mashburn Ed. Finnegan case 1.08 1.08 Esther Finnegan, It It 1.08 1.08 B. • F. Runkle, " Sam Gill case 1.08 1.08 Olaf Olson, " If 1.08 1:08 And. Lien,, " " 1.08 1.08 Frank Messiner, '+ Tony Dancoicz case 3.08 3'.08 Ludwick Molenoski" it 1.08 1:08 W. , E. Bennett, it '► 1.08 1.08 Hadelih a Molinoski " 1.08 1.08 G.-Chauvin; Mashburn " 1.08 1."08 Mary Zioko, If Paul Cutey case 3.12 3.12 Sophia Petoski, " Jno. Petoski case 1.08 1'.08 Paul C. Boelitz, " Swan Anderson case 3.08 3.08 Engvald Johnson.. " '+ 3.08 3.08 Chas. Mitchell, '+ ". 3.08 3.08 C.-H. Thorsen, s Andrew Left case .83 .83 T. R. Spears, Augusta Mattson case 4.20 4.20 J. • R. Mitchell if 4, 20 4:20 T. R. Spears Chas. Johnson case 4.20 4.20 J. R. Mitchell If 4.20 4.20 T.•R. Spears Jno. Kanbus case 4.20 4.20 J.•R. Mitchell It 4.20 4.20 H.-G. Mertens Joe Davis case 4.20 4.20 11- - Hammen - +t • " 4,20 4.20 T.-R. Spears Geo. Duge case 4.20 4.20 J.-R. Mitchell If 4.20 4.20 T.•R. Spears Joe Davis case 4.20 4.20 J.-R. Mitchell " 4.20 4.20 H.,Hammen Jno. Bear, Jr. case 4.20 4.20 H. " G. Mertens It 4.20 4.20 T.-R. Spears Geo. Calder case 4.20 4.20 J. - R. Mitchell '+ 4.20 4.20 T.-R. Spears Theo. Haglund case 4.20 4.20 J.,R. Mitchell it 4.20 4.20 T. R. Spears. If 4.20 4.20 J. • R. Mitchell it 4.20 4.20 T.-R. Spears Mary Larson case 4.20 4.20 J. • R. Mitchell t+ 4.20 4.20 H. Hammen Henry Christianson case 6.40 6.40 T.-R. Spears tt• 4.20 4.20 E. A. Toby. Mrs. Anna Nemic case 4.20 4.20 F. -D. Hulbert '+ 4.20 4.20 J.-P. Melstrand Mrs. Anna Oulah case 4.60 4.60 T. R. Spears it 4,20 4.20 J. R. Mitchell If 4.20 4.20 T. R. Spears Carl Smyth case 4.20 4.20 Adjourned annual session, December 1st and 2d, 1913. To Whom Drawn --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For What Purpose Claimed Allowed J. R. Mitchell Carl Smyth case 4.20 4.20 S. L. Pickett Ole Skjarates case 4.20 4.20 P. M. Hawley It 4.20 4.20 T. R. Spears Ole Setter case 4.20 4.20 J. R. Mitchell " 4.20 4.20 P,, G. Prey H. We Hanson case 4.20 4.20 T. R. Spears " 4.20. 4.20 Mrs. Pam. Vaughn Helen Scottcase 9.68 9.68 Mike Welch " 9.68 9.68 Mrs. P. 0. Peterson " 9.68 9.68 P. 0. Peterson 11 9.68 9.68 J. J. McDonald '} 9.68 9.68 T. R. Spears " 4.20 4.20 T. R. Spears Agnes Larson case 4.20 4.20 J. R. Mitchell Gordon Johnson case 4.20 4.20 T. R. Spears Joe 0ulah case 4.20 4.20 Geo. Weir Harry Staples case 4.70 4.70 Jno. Walsh, Counsel if 15.00 15.00 H. G. Mertens Barry case 21.50 2i.50 J. M. Dodd Victor Hanson case 2.00 2.00 Alfred Froseth Frank Boutin estate case. 110.40 (Referred to full board for action) " Testimony in Anton Daciewize 5.00 5.00 case 1i Pork and expense Barry case 6..70 6.70 " Testimony Matt Rnona case 5.00 5.00 " Testimony ;tans Dyarlik case 10.00 10.00 " Arthur Hanson case 12.40 12.40 " Robt. & Helen Scott case 2.00 2.00 " Helen Scott case 20.00 20.00 " Arvid Wedgren case 7.16 7.10 If Anton Rock case 2.50 2.50 Harry Staples case 9.90 9.90 " Henry Melland case 4.00- 4.00 E. C. Alvord State vs. Gordon case 26.50 26.50 P. J. Savage A. T. Byorklund case .75 .75 Sena E. Bartness Testimony IN. F. Shea 2..50 2.50 T. R. Spears Medical visits, county jail 87.50 87.50 T. R. Spears State Vs. Barry case 20.00 20.00 A. Paulson Supplies 2.00 2.00 Nels Myhre Conveyance Troy case 4.00 .4.00 Henry Johnson Supplies 7.00 7.00 E. Bergmann Hand cuffs & repairs 5.46 5.46 Mr-s. Augusta Johnson Supplies w case of children 40.23 40.23 A. I. Lien Supplies 10.25 10.25 Goo. P. Fox Supplies 23.05 23.05 P: G. Frey Witness, Barry case 20.00 20.00 Judge McCully County Court service 11.00 11.00 J. We Tarter Lee Wren post mortem 25.00 25.00 " Barry case 12.57 12.57 F. G. Jolynson Lee Wron, post mortem 25.00 25.00 J. M. Dodd Barry case 22.00 22.00 Town of Bayfield Board prisoners, county charge 4.28 4.28 3.50 3.50 2.50 2.50 City of Bayf ie ld " 2.50 2.50 4.00 4.00 1.75 1.75 " 1.50 1.50 n II 5.00 5.00 Douglas County Case of Lydia St. Armour vs. 190.00 190.00 Town of Bayfield F. A. Bell Fees covering certified copies 250.40 250.40 transcripts, etc. Amos M. Hanson E. Harkkine case .55 .55 F. Rue•hlemann case .80 .80 " F. Gazdik case .35 .35 P. R uehlemann case 8.60 8.60 " Geo. Meiye case 8.60 8.60 Chas. Shannon, const. Thomas Russel case 2.26 2.26 " J. Kelly case 2.26 2.26 Martin Buffalo case 2.26 2.26 " Alex Cachotte case 2.26 2.2G " William Soulier case 2.26 2.26 " Tom Jackson case 2.26 .2.26 " Jas. Tamurek case 2.26 2.26 " Paddy Lawler case 2.26 2.26 " Eli DePerry case 2.26 2.26 Antone DePerry case 2.26 2.26 " Paddy Lawler case 2.26 2.26 Lawrence Bapew case 2.26 2.26 Alex McDonald case 2.26 2.26 Amos M. Hanson, Coroner Burial unknown man found 16.00 16.00 at Piker River 11 Expense, Pike River 14.00 14.00 " Investigation, Pike River 12.50 12.50 4.00 4.00 �� " 12.60 12.60 Adjourned annual session, December 1st and 2d,,1913. 711 The bill. of. Alfred Froseth for $110.40, %rhich was submitted to the full board by the Committee on Sheriffs, Justices and Constable Bills, was presented, and upon motion, allowed. The following report of the County Highway Commissioner was presented, and was upon motion accepted. Expenditures on County Roads for 1913. Iron River & Port ring road - - - - - __ _ _ - _ _ _ - - _ - _ $38'3.29 Iron River & Port Wing road special in town of Tripp - - - - 158.50 Iron River & Fort Wing road, Dragging - - - - - - - - - - - - 49.60 591.39 Washburn & Bayfield road, town- of Bayview - - - - - - _ _ _ - 1128.20 ' Mashburn & Bayfield road, Bayview, Onion River bridge - - - - 148.70 Washburn.& Bayfield road, Bayview, Sioux River bridge - - - - 9.76 Washburn & Bayfield road, Bayview, dragging - - _ _ _ - _ - _ 81.14 1367.80 Mason & Pratt road in town of Pratt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 237.26 Mason & Pratt road in town of Pratt, dragging - - - - - - - - 5.00 242.26 Mashburn & Ashland road, town of Mashburn - - - - - - - - - - 1933.43 Washburn & Ashland road, dragging - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - 73.50 2006.93 Four mile creek road, town of Mashburn - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ 329.59 Four mile creek road, town of Washburn, Sioux River bridge 1006.24 Vour mile creek road, town of Washburn, dragging - - - - - - 17.75 1353.58 Wanebo road, town of Washburn - - - _. - _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ _ _ 61.75 Manebo road, town of Washburn, dragging - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ 14.00 75.75 Machinery account, new - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 265.92 i�iachinery account, repairs on old - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 319.37 585.29 Miscellaneous account, Preight, Livery & Auto, etc. - - - - - 599.40 Culvert 110.60 710.06 Long bridge, and road work town of Barksdale - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 725.75 Mhittlessy bridge, town of Barksdale - - - - - -- _ - - - _ - 165.69 891.44 Benoit road town of Pilsen - -- _ _ _ _ _ _. _ .. _ _. _ _ _ _ _ 184.81 Benoit road town of Pilsen, dragging - - - - - - - - - - - - 40.00 224.81 Sand River road, town of Bayfield, - - -- ._ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ 50.75 Sand River road, town.of Bayfield, dragging - - - - - - - - - 60.50 Pike Bay road, town of Bayfield - - _ _ _ - _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 157.10 Pike Bay road, town of Bayfield, dragging - - - - - -- - - - - 44.87 , Salmo bridge, town of Bayfield - - - - - - - - - - -• - - - - 17.50 O'Malley bridge, to,, -in of Bayfield - - - - - - - - - - - - -• 45.00' Red Cliff road, town of Bayfield, dragging - - - - - - - - - 21..00 396.72 Washburn & Superior road, or Wanebo road west - - - - - - - - 166.05 Mashburn & Superior road, town of Oulu - - - - _ - _ - _ - - 294.99 461.04 Drummond & Barnes road, town of, Drumi--nond - - - - - - - - - - 407.21 Drummond & Sweden road, town of Drummond _ - - - _ - - _ _ _ 3230.0.6 Drummond & Cable road, town of Drummond - - - - - _ - _ _ - - 1733.16 5370.43 Iron River & Barnes road, town of .Iron River - -- - - -- - - - 71.60 Dam road, near Iron River, town of Iron River - - - - - - - - 24.50 96.1 0 Mashburn & Ashland Junction road, town of Barksdale - - - - - 100.70 Washburn & Ashland Junction road, town of Barksdale, -dragging 18.00 118.70 Benoit & Mason road, town of Mason, Kelley and Lincoln - - - 448.26 448.26 Drummond & Cable road, town of Cable - - _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _. 361.29 , Cable & Sawyer County Dine, town of Cable -- - - - - - - - - - 114.75 476.04 Ashland & Ashland Junction, damages paid - - - - - - - - - - 57.98 Ashland & Ashland Junction, overdraft on state aid appropriati 217.23 Ashland & Ashland Junction road, dragging - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ 53.00 328.21 Cornucopia & Herbster, town of Clover - - - - -• - - - - - - 894.08 Herbster & Port Ming, town of Clover - - - - - - - - - - - - 275.90 Herbster,& Port Wing, town of Clover, dragging - - - - - - - 22.50 Port ?ding & Herbster, town of Port Wing - - - _ - - - - - - 124.02 1316.E Barnes & Drummond road in town of Barnes - - _ _ _ - _ - - - 152.62 152.62 Muskeg road at Iron River- - - - - - - - - - - - - - _. _ - _. 39.46 39.46 Herbster & Cornucopia road, town of Bell - - -• - - - - - - - 249.27 249.24 17,5.02.60 72 Adjourned annual session, Docember lst and 2d, 1913. The following report of the ;torte Highway Commission, relative to the Sioux River Bridge on the Pour Mile Creek road, was presented: WISCONSIN HIGHWAY COMMISSION Madison, 17is,, Aug. 26, 1913. Mr. F. M. Sergeant, Ashland, Wis, Dear Sir: Mr. Hirst has referred your letter of August 13th relative to the pro- posed reloc'ation at the Soo River crossing to me.for reply. From your pro- file it appears that the existing road deviates from the section line a distance about 800 feet in order to descend at a low g rade .to the point at which it is possible to cross the river valley ,with a span of approximately 200 feet length. Your profile shows that at sides of the valley it is possible to get grades of less than 6% in the approaches to the bridge in its existing location. The ob- faction to•this route is that it drifts in winter. The alternative location consists of continuing the road on a straight line and crossing the valley of the Soo River with an elevated trestle. This trestle will have to be about 1001 above the stream bed and in the neighborhood of 9001 long, the advantages of this trestle being that it saves the descent to the bridge in its existing location and the climb to reach_ high level again. also that it will be free from the drifting of snowy in the winter -time. Sometime ago I prepared an estimate of the cost of replacing the exist- ing structure with a steel trestle of approximately equal length, this -esti- mate being about $7000. I have made no careful estimate of the cost of the proposed new trestle, but would say that it will range somewhere between $35,000 and $40,000, tha .probability being that the excess in cost over the bridge to replace the existing structure will be in the neighborhood of $30,000. 47e believe that .the road in its present location can be graded so as to give a perfectly uniform grade from the high level to the level of thebridge in its present position, and that the resulting grade will be much easier than many others on the ame road. ire alsocelieve that it is possible to build snow femces along this road in such.a `gray as to prevent drifting, and we believe that the total cost of this grading and snow fences will not be much. more than one -tenth of the excess cost of the high trestle. We therefore feel that the construction of this high trestle cannot be justified on any grounds, and we must decline to approve this proposed -relocation. Yours very truly, WISCOTdSIN HIGHWAY COMMISSION BY M. W. Torkelson, Bridge Engineer. Moved and seconded that the present location of Sioux River bridge be retained. Motion carried by the following vote: . Aye:-'-.Galligan, Barnes, Hauser, Rogan, Soronen, Bartlett, Curry, Morris, Johnson, Rolm, Yderstad, Warden, Carlson, Pyykola, Peterson, Nettleton, Meithke, Townsend, Davis, Robillard. 20. Nay:--- Bogenrief, Berman, Mertz, Handberg, Dahl, Lamoreaux, Robinson, 7. The following;resolution levying the school was adopted: COUNTY SCHOOL TAX Resolved by the supervisors of Bayfield County, duly assembled this 1st day of Dec'ember,1913, that the County School tax be and the same is hereby apportioned in accordance with section 554 and 55.5, statutes of 1898. That said amounts are calculated on a basis of $2.69 for each person of school age, residing in the districts which maintained a school as required by law Town of City ---------------------------------------------------------------- No. of Children Amount. Bwr sdala 119 320.11 Barnes 47 .126.43 Bayfield 223 599.87 Bayfield (City) 641 1724.29 Bayview 125 336.25 Bell 101 271.69 Cable 170 457,30 Clover 63 169.47 Drummond 156 419.64 Eilder! 260 699.40 Hughes 91 244.79 Iron River 463 1245.47 Kelley 155 416.95 Lincoln 143 384.67 Mason 392 1054.48 Orienta 42 112.98 Oulu 370 995.30 Pilsen 253 680.57 Adjounned annual session, December lot and 2d, 1913. ----------------------------------------------- Town of City No. of Children Amount -------------------------- Port Wing 253 680.57 Pratt 147 395.43 Russell" 110 295.90 Tripp 39 104.91 Washburn 209 562.21 Washburn (City) 1460 3927.40 Total 6032 16226.08 Resolved that the County Clerk is hereby directed to spread the above amounts on the tax rolls of the towns and cities and collected in the same manner as other taxes are collected. T. H. Robinson. The foliowing�report of the Committee on Equalization was presented: We, the undersigned committee on Equalization, hereby submit the following report of the equalization of the property of the county, and recommend that the amounts set opposite the respective towns and cities in the county, be the equalization of the county: Barksdale - - - - - - - - - - 853,359.00 Barnes- - - - - - - - - - - - 5661#409.00 Bayfield (to -an) - - - - - - 1,153,214.00 Bel'. - - - - - - - - - - - 474,663.00 Bayview _ - - - - - - - - 422.1859.00 Cable - _ - - - - - - - - - 7711$523.00 Clover - - --- - - - - - - 271,131.00 Drummond - - _. - - - - - .- 311759, 485.00 Eileen - - - - - - - - - - 405,517.00 Hughes - - - - - - - - - - 258,270.00 Iron River - - - - - - - - 842,255.00 Kelley - - - - - - - - - - 369,033.00 Lincoln - _ - - - - - - - - 322,332.00 Mason n.- - - _ _. _ _ _ - - 1,073,947.00 Orienta - - - - - - - - - - 348, 495 .00 Oulu - - - - - - - - - - - . 346, 932.00 Pilsen - - - - - - - - - - 463,531.00 Pratt - - - - - - - - - - - 604,761.00 Port'Ting - - - - - - - - - 620,562.00 Russell .- - - - - - - - - -. 371.1869.00 Tripp - - - - - - - - - - - 207.9104.00 Washburn - - - - - - - - - 588,597.00 Bayfield (city) - - - - - - 901,852.00 Washburn (city) - - - - ---1,348_,°63.00_ 17,346,663.00 Geo. S. Barnes W. H. Nettleton Thomas Lamoreaux J. F. Hauser C. F. Bogenrief Committee. Moved and seconded that the foregoing report be amended by adopting the recommendation of the Assessor of Incomes. Moved lost by the follow- ing vote: Aye:-- Pat Gall-igan, 5oronen, Curry, Johnson, Holy, Yderstad, Peterson, Johnson; 8. . Nay:-- Barnes, Hauser, Daly, Bartlett, Morris, Warden, Carlson, Pyykola, Meithke, Townsend, Bogenrief, Flanders, Davis, Robbillard, Berman, Mertz, Handberg, Dahl, Lamoreaux, Robinson; 20, Not voting:-- Rogan, Nettleton. Upon motion board adjourned until 10:00 A.M. Tuesday, December 2d. Board met at 10:00 A.M. December 2d, with all members of the previous session present. Moved and seconded that the report of the Committee on Equalization be adopted. Motion carried by the following vote:- Aye:-- Barnes, Hauser, Fleith, Daly, Bartlett, Curry, Morris, Holm, Wer- den, Carlson, Pyykola, Peterson, 11eithke, Townsend, Bogenrief, Flanders, Davis, Robillard, Bell, Berman, Mertz, Handberg, Dahl, Lamoreaux, Robinson; 25. Nay:-- Gilligan, Soronen, Yderstad, Johnson; 4. Not voting:-- Rogan, Johnson, Nettleton; 3. Upon motion the board adjourned until 1:00 P.M. 74 Adjourned annual meeting,.December 1st and 2d, 1913. Board met at 1:00 P.M. with all members of the previous session present. Miss Jessie N. Smith, County Superintendent of Schools, appeared be- fore„ the Board, and presente'd a verbal report, which was upon motion, accepted. The following resolution was presented, and upon motion, adopted: Resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, in annual sessio this 2d,day of December, 1913, that the valuations set apposite the respective towns in the following list, containing all the towns, cities, and taxing dis- tricts in Bayf ield County be and the same are hereby fixed as the valuation of the several towns and taxing districts as determined by the County Board, to wit: - Barksdale - - - - - - - - - - 853.1359.00 Barnes - - - - - - - - - - - 566,409.00 Bayfield (-city) - - - - - - 1,153,214.00 Bell- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 474,663.00 Bayview - - - - - - - - - - - 422,859.00 Cable - - - - - - -- - - - - - 771,523.00 Clover- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - 271,131.00 Drummond - - - - - - - - - -3, 75 9, 485.00 Eileen - - - _ - - _ _ _ - _ 405, 517.00 Hughes - _ _ - - _ - _ _ - - 258,270.00 Iron River - - - - - - - - - 842,255.00 I{elley - - - _ - - _ _ - _ - 369,033.00 Lincoln - - - - - - - - - - .- 322.1332.00 Mason - - - - - - - - - - --1,073,947.00 Orienta - - - - - - _ - - - - 348,495.00 Oulu - - - - - - - - - - - - 346, 932.00 Pilsen - - - - - - - - - - - 463,531.00 Pratt - - - - - - - - - --- - 604.761.00 Port.Wing - - - - - - - - - - 620,562.00 Russell - - - - - - - - - - - 371.869.00 Tripp - - - - - - - - - - - - 207,104.00 Washburn - - - - - - - - - - 5881$597.00 Bayfield - - - - - - - - - - 9010852.00 Washburn (city) - - - - - - _11348,963.00 17,346,.663.00 T. H. Robinson. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following motion was made, seconded and carried: Moved that the Chairman appoint a committee of three to ascertain the true value of the so-called dynamite plant in the Town of Barksdale, and for that purpose such committee be authorized to engage the services of competent engineers and estimators, and that there be appropriated for that purpose a sum not exceeding $500.00. Geo. Barnes. The i ollowing motion was made, seconded and carried: Moved that the committee to be appointed toascertain the value of the dynamite plant be also authorized and empowered to ascertain the value of any other taxable property or of any assessment district in said county., using the same means to do so as in ascertaining the value of said dynamite plant. Geo. Mertz The Chairman appointed the -following committee: 0. Flanders, -M. B. Morris and Martin Rogan. Moved, seconded and carried that the Chairman be authorized to appoint a committee of three, one member of which shell be the County Clerk, which committee be authorized to make an examination of all records:of assessment and equalization in the office of the State Tax Commission, and elsewhere, and to ascertain whether or not Bayfield County is equalized correctly as compared with other counties in *the state, and to report to this Board at a later meeting. The Chairman appointed Geo. A. Curry, C. H. Werden and.the County Clerk. Adjourned annual session, December lst and 2d, 1912. The following report of the Wisconsin Highway Commission was presented and accepted: 11 771SCONSIN HIGHWAY COiUT1IS:3ION Report to Ba,yfield and Doug;jias .County Boards on the conditions affect— the various proposed routes of the Ashland Superior Road Through Douglas and Dayfield Counties with approximate estimate of the cost of each route. Route 1 (The North or Lakeshore route), Distance center to center of cities about 85 miles. This route follows the long bridge road from Ashland to Washburn and leaves Washburn at what is known as the Four Mile Crook Road. West from Wash -- burn it is red clay for about eight miles, with a number of heavy cuts and fills to make. The road then enters what is known as the "Barrens." Soil very light and sandy, but with easy grades for about eight miles, until you reach the Cranberry Valley. From there ?Vest, the country is very rought, with red clay soil to Port Wing, but by disregarding property lines and keeping along the second bench above the Flag River, a road could be located through there with very easy grades. From Port ?ding West there is a very well located road to the County Line, with practically no grades except on corssing the Iron River and the ;Reefer. Soil. from Port Wing [lest is sandy loam and red cloy. From a point a mile Nest of the County Line, this route should lead South to Route J2, through Douglas County, as a road along the Lake Shore as originally indicated would be practically out of the question &t the present time, and impossible to construct at any reasonable cost. From what 1 saw of the country, T would think it could, however, be acc orripli Che d by winding back and forth between the streams, as some have the best crossing near the mouth, and some of the ravines could be avoided entirely by working back one or two miles, but this would make considerablem more mileage than to drop South to Route 4,2 in the first place, and also Mahe a road with a greater number of heavy grades. I would not want to make an estimate on the cost of a road along the lake shore through Douglas County without at least two weeks' time to go over it thoroughly, but am convinced that it could not be done under $5,000 per mile, including bridges. This' would make the cost about $125,000 to $150,000 through Douglas County to the East City limits of Superior. In my judgment, the only practicable way toctevelop -the Northern part of Douglas County is to construct a good main road back far enough from the lake shore to avoid most of the bad ravines, and then run branch roads North and South between the stream,, where good locations can be gotten without heavy expense for bridging rind cutting down hills. I would estimato the cost of this route about as follows: Ashland to Washburn (constructed). This portion of the work has been provided for by the Bayf ield County board and will have to be built in any event., Washburn to Dayfield County Dine, $55,000 to $60,000 (exclusive of Sioux River bridge,. which must be built anyway) Douglas County Line to Superior East Limits. Along Lake Shore, say $140,000 Along Route #2 90,000 Estimated ttal cost.via Lake Shore, $190,000 to $200000 it Route #2 1501P000 The connection between the "Barrens" and Port Wing could bel oponed in good shape for $25,000, which, with some repairs on present roads,would make a passable road through Hayfield County on this route. The road in Douglas County would be all new on the Lake Shore Route and all new to the Ammicon River on Route ;?2. Route #2 (The Center Route) - This route is thesame As ;f1, Ashland to Washburn. From Washburn it runs by a new location, not precisely settled, up the hill to about the. 1 .post on the South side of Section 2. From the 4 post on the South side of Section 2 west to the 1. post on the South side of Section 6, in the same town, is a fairly good road with no very bad grades. Soil red clay. Adjourned annual session, December 1st and 2d, 1913. At this point we enter s�.ndy soil., grades not bad .f or the f irst two miles or to the 1 post on the South side of Section 48--6. From there we would have to swing northwest regardless of property lines, as the country is very hilly t6 Headquarters on the Northern Pacific Railway. V�rorci headquarters we ,could follow the Town Dine 'to the Southeast corner of. Section 33-39-7, with fairly easy grades, but as we strike country ahead that is too hilly to go through, I would advise.turning Northwest near the Southeast corner of Section 35, or possibly further East, as we have to make a pass in thanange of hills near the post between Sections 28 and 29-49--7 and from there work South along the Northern Pacific track, .crossing just North o: Coda and keeping southwest to the town.corners just north of Slowbridge. This work from where we leave the south line of 49-7 to the pass be- tween sections 28 and 29 is through a very hilly country and will be heavy work as the hills are all sand and will have to be cut to easy grades. All of this stretch to Slowbridge will have to to located regardless of property lines. From Slowbridge .vest, we can follow the sown Line all the vay to the County Line, except across the two forks of the Iron River, where it will be necessary to make slight detours in order to Get the required grades. The first three miles west from Slowbridge is sandy loam, with soft, hills; the other nine miles are red clay and fairly level, except at the two branches of the Iron River and at the Reefer, said streams being in verydeep ravines. There are also a few small ravines but nothing serious. The Reefer and the East branch of the Iron River have wooden bridges Chat would ans9,ver fez• a fevr years, but would have to be replace by the time the road is completed and opened for heavy traffic. From the County Line west through Douglas.County, I think the best route wou be to follow the Torn Line west to the Norltheast corner ,of section 2-48-11, and then go south two miles and turn west (as we find one of the worst ravines on the route at the northwest corner of said section 2) intersecting the Itasca Road on the south line of section 9-48-13 and going in to Superior on the said road. This route is all red clay in Douglas County. From the northeast corner of section 2-48-10 west for two and one-half miles the road has been opened up, and there are wooden bridges across Dermants Creek and across the Brule River, but the hills have never been cut down and thegrades are almost impassable for teams. The bridges will have to be re- built when thegrades are cut down. The balance of this route will be practically all new work west to the Ammicon River. ' In this distance, counting the two that have wooden bridges, there are sixteen of these deep ravines ranging from 451 to 1001 deep, that will hage to be bridged and the hills cut down, and about as many more smaller ones that wou]l only require largo culverts and a small amount of grading. I understand that the money has been raised for a new bridge across the Ammicon River, and the grading across the valley is well under way. From the Ammicon west to the Itasca Road, thegrades are in fair shape, but there are several small bridges that will have to be replaced and some hills to cut down. The Itasca road is surfaced. Estimate of cost (including grading, culverts and bridges) Ashland to Washburn (See route f1l) From Washburn to Bayfield County Line $60,000 Prom Douglas County Line to Ammicon River 85,000 From Ammicon River to Superior (now passable) constructed or provided for. Total estimated cost $145,000. Route J3. Distance center to center of cities about 70 miles. This route runs from Ashland via Ashland Junction., over the 14ason Road, to the crossing of the Omaha Railway on the south line of section 13-47-6; -thence turning ;vest across the Fish Creek on new bridge built by the town of Pilsen .in 1913; thence west along the north side of Fish -Creek to the west side of section 16-•47-6; thence south across the Northern Pacific track; thence west along the south side of the Northern Pacific .track, through Iron River to Pearson; thence dossing to the north side of the tr^,cks and going west to the County Line. Ld " ■ Adjourned annual session, December 1st and 2d, 1913. 771 On this route you would have the- County Road already built to section 13-47-6 and bridges built across Fish Creek. -From the County Road west the road is partly built to the Northern Pacif is tracks, but would all have to be regraded and considerably heavy cutting and filling done at Fish Creek. You can get a road without bridges and with very light grades by following up the valley to the west side of section 20-47-7. From that point to the Topside, a distance of about three miles, it is very hilly and will;be quite expensive. . From Topside west.to Iron River it is rolling, but you can get a very good line through without very heavy work. rpm Iron River West .to the County Line there are fairly a asy grades, except for the first mile out of Iron River, where there would be considerable heavy work. This route would be red clay until we get into Section 15-47_6, From there west to section 20-47-7 is sandy loam. From section 20 to Topside it is sandy loam on the surface. I'think in making cuts that we will open up sand in all the heavy work, requiring the hills to be cut to easy grades and pro- bably soma surface dirt hauled in some places. .From Topside to about four miles west of Iron River it is very sandy, and from there to the County Line, sandy loam. This route through Douglas County should follow the main travelled road along the Northern Pacific to Ammicon, there keeping straight west to Grand Avenue; then northwest on Grand, Avenue to Parkland and thence crossing the South Shore and going in to Superior on the Itasca Road. On this route in Douglas County the road is fairly good now from the County Line to the B rule River. here is a wooden bridge Jthat will soon have to be replaced, There is also a small stream just east of the Brule River that has a wooden bridge. 'From the Bruld to Blueberry -the road is very poor, barely passable for a team. This stretch should be practically all relocated before it is re- built,. Soil'is sandy loam and some swamps. Could be relocated with very easy grades. From Blueberry to Maple there are some hills, but most of them could be he-lped considerably by relocation. Soil, sandy loam. -This stretch could be made fairly good with a little repair (some small culverts .and a fey: large stones removed). From Maple to Popl.r the road has been fairly well graded at one time. This could be put in fair condition by removing a few stoner, opening up the drainage, and going over with a road machine. Sandy loam with easy grades. From Poplar to Wentworth there its all clay. Two miles of veryrbad road before reaching the Ammicon. Nei- bridge on Ammicon and contract let for fill- ing approaches. Job partly done. From the Ammicon one mile very poor road, hardlx_passable; then one mile under construction, and from there to Grand Avenue fairly well graded. . Grand Avenue in bad shape part of the way, but I understand it is to be surfaced next year. Itasca Road surfaced. I would estimate the cost of Route #3 through Bayfield County to be ,'$-38,000 This would include grading and culverts, but would not include the bridge at Iron River, which I understand has already b een taken care of by levy for 1914 work. Would consider that $26,000 would,put to standard grade the part from Mason Road to Topside, This with a little repair on the balance, would make the whole route passable. This route across Douglas County would require for grading, culverts, and bridges about $40,000, or about $15,000 to rebuild the.part now impassable. These figures would give, f or a state standard dirt road from Ashland to Superior, a cost of $78,000; to leave the present passable roads as they are and build to state standard the missing links, would cost $41,000, and this would produce a fairly good road between the two cities... Conclusions. Route #1 would, undoubtedly, be the most popular tourist route if it coulb be opened along the lake shore or in sight of it from Port Wing to Superior, but if it had to coincide with Route #2 in Douglas County it would have no especial advantage for through travel over the other routes. It would provide a direct road from Port Wing to Washburn now lacking. Route #2 would open up a good area of country, -and, in my estimation, with a good system of cross roads, would serve the people farther north just as well as any route could, as they have to come south to about that point to ,get into toe main centers. The great drawback to this route is that it never will be a good road to travel in wet weather until it is surfaced. And as there is no surfacing material along the route, and as it lies far from shipping points at r 78 Adjourned annual session, December lst and 2d, 1913. most parts of its course, it seems to me that the cost of surfacing would be almost prohibitive, , Route ,§3 is the cheapest to build and has not nearly so many heavy grades as the other two. It would ;always be a better road to travel in wet weather befote it is surfaced, and lying as it does, along the rail— roads, could be surfaced at a far less cost. No estimate of the cost of surfacing the three routes has been a.t— tempted,.as to make any adequate estimate wo-uld involve a careful exami— nation of the surrounding country to,locate available materials, if any. All routes are deficient in surfacing materials, and from information available, it would seem that surfacing will be a tremendously expensive proposition, on all of them. Number 1 will probably be the least expen— sive per mile, number 3 the next, and number 2 the most expensive. Inasmuch as surfacing would be probably delayed for years, even if either of these routes is opened, and inasmuch as conditions and types of surfacing may alter before the time comes to surface, it would seem wise t& disregard this question at this time. Respectfully submitted, Approved: W.ISCO?,?SIN HIG-117-AY COMMISSION. A. R. Hirst, State Highway Engineer. By F. M. Sergeant, Division Engineer. The follo,tiing report was presented: Your committee appointed to look over the several routes for a road from Washburn to Superior begs leave to make the following report: After having looked over the two proposed routes, we believe that the straight line known as the Wanebo road should be adopted as the through road between Washburn and Superior, but in vievr of the heavy ;.pork on this route in Douglas County, we recommend that a tem— porary road be opened up along the N.P. tracks to intersect with our county road about two and one—half miles north of Dauby. This tem— porary road should be opened up at once and the other road built as fast as we can. C. F. Bogenrief rritz L. Carlson Hans Peterson. Moved, secornud and carried that the report of the State Highway Engineer and the Joint Committees of the County Boards of Douglas and Bayf ield Counties, be received and placed on file. The following resolution was presented: Be it resolved by the County Board, in adjourned annual session as- sembled this 1st day of Tbecember, 1913, that Route ¢;2, as designated by tho State Highway Commission, and known as the Wa.nebo road, be, and the .me is hereby adopted as the through route between the City_ of Washburn and the City of Superior, and Be it further resolved that the route soaesignated and adopted be opened up and made fit for travel as quickly as funds can be spared from other county work, and that the work be done under the direction of the Committee on Roads and Bridges. and the County Highway Comraif;sioner. .Erick Johnson. Moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be, laid on thetable: Motion lost by the following vote: Aye:--- Galligan, Barnes, Rogan, Bartlett, Curry, 1VTorris, Johnson, Holm, Yderstad, Peterson, Nettleton, Meithke, Lamoreaux, 13. Nay:--- Hauser, F 1eit#, Italy, rcronen, Carlson, Pyykola, Townsend, Bogenrief, , Planders, Davis, Robillard, Bell, Borman, tt1artz, I-Tandberg, Dahl, Robinson, 17. . The foregoing resolution vv as adopted by the following vote: Aye:-- Barnes, Hauser, Fleit�, Daly, Soi°onen, Carlson, Pyykolta, Johnson, T:.eithke, Tovt7nsend, Eogenrief, Flanders, Davis, Robillard, Bell,, Berman, Mertz, Handberg, Dahl, Robinson;. 20. May:-- Bartlett, Curry, Mor-is, Johnson, Holm, Yderstad, Peterson,- Yettleton, S. Adjourned annual session, December 1st and 2d, 1913. The following report was presented, and upon motion, adopted: To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County r(isconsin. Gentlemen:, re, the undersigned Committee on Education, beg to recommend that.the following bills be allowed, and that the County Clerk be at?thorived to draw orders for amounts shown in column hoaded 19allowed." Respectfully submitted, C. H. Werden, Geo. A. urry, {committee. To Whom Drawn For What Purpose Claimed Allowed L. N. Clausen Bond for County Supt. 5.00 5.00 Jessie N. Smith, Co. Supt. Expense Account 91.54 91.54 Mashburn Nevis & Itemizer Printing, Co. Supt. 110.00 110.00 Jessie N. Smith Ex�en se a,cc'ount 25.61 25.61 Washburn Nevis & Itemizer Printing report of Co. Supt. 75.00 75.00 The following resolution wo.s presented: Resolved by the County Board of; Bayfield County, in adjourned annual session assembled this 1st day of December, 1913, that the following state and county takes be leived on the taxable property of the county, and that the special charged on towns be levied against the towns and cities named therein for the year 1913; Resolved further that the County Clerk be and he is hereby directed to spread the following amounts.on the tax rolls of the several towns and cities and collected as provided by law. 3.. S t at -e taxes - - _ _ _. - a _- _ _. _. - _ _ _. - _ _ 47,009.95 2. Ca -re patients in state institutions - - - - - - - - - 7,677.91 3. County school tax - - - _ _ - _ _. _ _ _ - _. - _ _ - 16,226.08 4. Salaries of county officers - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - .. _. _, _ 1310300.00 5. Intere,�:t, railway adi bonds - - - _ _ _ - _. _ _ _. _ _ :,,3,500.00 6. Sinking fund, railway aid bonds - -- - - - - - - - - -. 10,750.00 7 . General f and - - -- _ - _ - _ _ _ -- _ -- _. _ _ _. _ _ _ 20, 000.00 8. 2 mill tax for county roads and bridgew - - - - - _. _. - 34,693.32 9. Salary and expense Superintendent of Schools & Deputy -- - 1,950.00 10.Indigent soldiers relief commission, - - -- - _ - _ 800.00 155,907.27 T. R. yjobinson. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Jaye:-- Galligan, Barnes, Fleith, Daly, Rogan,Soronen, Bartlett, Curry, IJlorris, Johnson, Holm, Yderstad, IVerden, Carlson, Pyykola, Peterson, Nett -le ­ ton, Johnson, Heithke, Townsend, Bogenrief, Flanders, Davis, Robillard, Bell, Berman, Ivlertz, Handberg, Dahl, Robinson. Nay:-- None. The following resolution was presented, and upon motion, adopted: Be it resolved that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to e►,lploy. a deputy to assist in the duties of his office at a salary of $200.00 per annum, and such sum of $200.00 is hereby appropriated for the purpose of pay- ing the salary of such deputy, in the same manner as the salary of other county officers is paid. Geo. Mertz. Moved, s eccnded and carried that the salary of the District,Attorney for the next term be fixed at $1500.00 per annum. Moved, seconded and carried that the salary of the County Clerk for the next -term be fixed at g3'1800 per annum. The following resolution was presented, and upon motion, adopted: 80 Adjourned annual aession, December lst and 2d, 1913. Resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County this 1st day of December, A.D. 1913,:in adjourned annual session assembled, that the salary of the Register of Deeds of Bayfield County, be, and the Game is hereby changed, fixed and determined as follows: Resolved, that the salary of said Register of Deeds of Bayfield County, on and after the lot day of January, A.D. 1915, be, and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of $1500 per annum, the above compensation to include all deputy clerk, and copyist hire, and all fees due the register of Deeds from,County, Be it further resolved, as heretofore.provided, that the said Register of Deeds be required to keep accurate records of all fees received by him for re- cording instruments, and all other fees received as Register of Deeds, said fees to be turned over to the County Treasurer, the 1st day of each montly, and the report of said officer to be rendered to the County Board every three months. Martin Rogan. Communications.regarding the organization of a Human oociety, and an appropriation therefore, was upon motion refferred to a special committee _composed of 17. H. Fleith and Donald C. Bell. Communication regarding appropriation for Mothers, Pensions was, upon Ygotion, referred to thesame committee. The.following resolution was presented: Whereas, engineers, contractors,taxing officers.and others familiar with the values of real and personal property in Bayfield County are al- most unanimous in the opinion that the Income Tax Collector in his annual reports has greatly overvalued the property of the several assessment districts of the said county for the present and past several years, and has arbitrarily and with- out cause from year to year greatly raised his figures as to such values, and has treated the officers of said county, and the taxing officers of the assess- ment districts therein with contempt, and has expressed a desire to be relieved from the duty of supervising the assessment and equalization of said county in the following terms, "I am entirely disgusted with the attitude of the town officers of the County, and it is my intention to ask the Tax Commission to be relieved of Bayfield County, and will take any other County on its place." Now, therefore, by the County Board of Bayfield County assembled this 2d day of December, 1913, Do resolve .that the Wisconsin _Tax Commission. be requested to relieve Mr. Landraint of the .performance of any official duties in Bayfield County, and that the,County Clerk of the county be; and is hereby directed to trans- mit a certified copy of this -resolution to the Wisconsin Tax Commission. Donald C. Bell. Moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be laid on the table. Motion lost by the following vote: Aye;-- Galligan, Curry, Morris, Johnson, Holm, Yderstad, Peterson, Nettleton, Johnson, A.G., Handberg, 10. - Nay:-- Barnes, Hauser, Fleith, Daly, Rogan, Soronen, Bartlett, Carlson, Pyykola, Meithke, Townsend, Bogenrief, Robillard, Bell, Berman, Handberg, 3.5. Not voting:-- Davis, Mertz, Dahl, Lamoreaux, Robinson. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aya:-- Barnes, Hauser, Fleith, Daly, Rogan, Bartlett, Carlson, Meithke, Townsend, Bogenrief, Robillard, Bell, Berman, Mertz, Handberg, Robinson, 16. Nay:-- Galligan, Curry, Morris, Johnson, A.G., Holm, Yderstad, Peterson, Nettleton, Johnson, Erick, 9. Not voting:-- Soronen, Pyykola, Davis, Dahl, Lamoreaux. The folowing resolution was presented, and upon.motion adopted: Whereas it has been customary to compensate the Rhairman of the County Board for actual services rendered during 6he year, Therefore be it resolved that the sum of $200 be paid the Chairman of the County Board, and that the.Clerk and Chairman of this Board be direct- ed to issue an order in payment of same. Peter Soronen, Jr. Adjourned annual session, December 1st and 2d, 1913. 811 P The following resolution was presented, and upon motion adopted: Resolved by the County Board that the following amounts for per diem, mila.ge and committee work for the several members of the County Board be allowed, and the Chairman of this Board and the County Clerk are hereby authorized to a raw order, f or same: Supervisor Per Diem Milage Com, Tork Milage Total John A. Hauser 12.00 2.88 14.88 L. E. Davis 12.00 2.88 14.88 0. Flanders 12.00 2188 3.00 6.36 24.24 Frank Robillard 12.00 2.88 14.88 Donald C. Bell 12.00 2.88 1.5.00 2.88 32.76 Pat Galligan 12.00 2.88 3.00 4.88 22.36 Tim. Daly 12.00 .48 3.00 15.48 Geo. S. Barnes 12.00 20.04 6.00 10.02 48.06 V1. II, i, leith 12.00 7.68 12.00 3.84 35.52 martin Pogan 12.00 12.16 9.00 18.24 51.40 Peter Soronen, Jr. 12.00 20.16 6.00 20.16 58.32 F. H. Bartlett 12.00 8.64 20.64 Geo. A. Curry 12.00 6.96 3.00 3.48 25.44 M. B. Morris 12.00 12.52 3.00 27.52 A. G. Johnson 12.00 9.84 21:.84 Fen. Holm 12.00 5.52 17.52 J. Yderstad 12.00 6.48 3.00 3.24 24.72 C. H. ;harden 12.00 5.52 1.7.52 F. L. Carlson 12.00 13.44 29.00 15.72 70.16 John Pyykola 12.00 12.48 24.48 Mans Peterson 12.00 6.24 24.00 9.00 51.24 Erick Johnson 12.00 18.48 9.00 9.24 48.72 17. H. Nettleton 12.00 6.72 3.00 3.36 25.08 John Gordon 3.00 2.04 5.04 Paul Meithke 9.00 2.04 11.04 C. 3?. Townsend 1.2.00 9.84 21.84 C. F. Bogenrief 1.2.00 1.20 94.00 9.60 46.80 T. Berman 12.00 .24 18.00 .72 30.96 i' . 11. Robinson 12.00 .24 12.24 Geo. Mertz 12.00 .24 15.00 .60 27.84 Ole Handberg 12.00 .24 15.00 .60 27.84 Ole Dahl 12.00 .24 3.00 .12 15.36 Thos . Lamoreau.: 12.00 .24 1.5 .00 1.20 28.44 935 .06 Upon motion Board adjourned. Frick Johnson. Vela 11. Oscar, CountyClork.