HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 10/9/1918) 8 5! i2� I- - Speci:,l S'ession, October 9th, 1.918. I-- — �_------- ----__'-=_ —_`._---- _-_-=- --` ___--- _--- --_—__----_:—==­_ —__=_�--__--- _---___--=-=---- -= -_ -- ------=--- - _.--_._.___ --_-_ _ _- -- -.,:d The County Board of Bayfield County, tiisconsin met in special session at the office of the County Clerk, at ten o'clock A. Li. October 9th, 1918. Kcc eeing called to order by Chairman Jas W. Good. The roll was ordered called and the following members v;ere found present: Nourse, Galligan, Barnes, Thorsen, Nigard, Gallup, North, Bartlett, Curry, lvlorris Daniels, Holm, Yderstad, Axness, Antonson, Vester,, Schutt, Johnson, Anderson, Smith, Levin, Stone, Kransfelder, 'Bell Maxey, Warden, Mlertz., Handberg, Robinson, Ivlonroe, Good. Absent, Flanders. Unon motion the reading of the minutes was dispensed with. The follo';,ing resolution was -presented: To the County Board of Supervisors of -6a.yfield Coi)iity: Gentlemen: - Recognizing the great work vihich is being done along the lines of i,)reserving public health in. other counties of the state where they are employed, and believing the need for the services of a county visiting nurse is necessary and assential in the county of Bayfield, especially since this county has taken up a co-operative effort with the Counties of Ashland and Iron in the care and pee,-- vention of tuberculosis. Therefore be it resolve., by -the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, assembled in special session this 9th day of October, 1916, that a visiting nurse be employed by the said Bayfield County, and be it further, . Resolved, that the matter of the amount necessary to be appropriated for such purpose be left in the hadds of a committee to be designated by the Chairman t of the said County board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, said committee to make full report at the forthcoming annual meeting of the said board. Donald C. Bell. The roll was called on the foregoing resolution and all members of the board present voted in the affirmative, except Thorsen_ and Stone. The vote being 29 ayes and 2 noes. The motion.for the adoption of the resolution was declared carried. The Chairman appointed the following committee: George Hertz, Donald. 0. Bell and 0. If, Axness. The following resolution was presented: To the County Board Bayfield County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen:- Inas much as the cost of conducting the-bueiness of the Indigent Soldiers Relief Commission has increased proportionate to the cost of every other enterprise, and Mereas, the Commissioner in charge of'such work is called upon to travel numbers of times to various points about the county, and for such travel receives no milage payments, and e Uihereas, it appears the present allowance to such commission is in- sufficient to cover the expense thereof, therefore, Be it resolved, that from and after datoe of passage and publication of this resolution, that the salary of the Secretary of the Indigent Soldiers Relief Commission be and the same is hereby fixed at yA300.00 inztead of 6,200.00 per annum, said sum to be paid out of the funds levied for said Indigent Soldiers Special session, october 9th, 1918. Relief Commission. Respectfully, Donald C. Bell. The roll was called on the motion to adopt the foregoing resolution and all members present voted in the affirmative. The motion to adopt was declared carried. The following resolution was presented: To the Honorable County Board Bayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: - For years ybu have only heard the report of the County General expense,, one a year, therefore, Be it Resolved, that each time the County Road and Bridge Committee holds a meeting, that the minutes of the said meeting be published in the official paper of the county, and also the amouht of money paid out on each separate road, so that the members of the county board and the taxpayers of the county will know r�how their money is being spent. Also that the machinery expense be kept separate. I think this method is the only way to keep well informed and that it will give satisfaction. Respectfully submitted, Frank Robillard. Moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted: Tllotion carried. The follooing resolution was presented and was upon motion laid on the table: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wis. _ Gentlemen: - Inasmuch as the new Government regulations which go into effect on the first day of November, 1918, which prohibits the mailing of free copies of newspapers and Whereas, the official paper of Bayfield.County has been and is now being mailed free to the members of the County Board of this county, and Whereas, I believe tlit essential to the welfare of the county that each member of said board receive such paper to enable them to keep in touch with the offic publications of said board, therefore, Be it resolved, that said official paper of Bayfield County be mailed regularl to said county board members and officials, the cost thereffor to be taken from the general fund of the county. Respectfully submitted, Pat Galligan. Upon motion board adjourned until 1:30 P. Yi. Board met pursuant to adjournment, with all members of the morning session present. The report of the Tri-County Sanitorium Committee was presented and was upon motion ordered filed: The following report of the Committee to whom was referred the matter of re -adjusting the salaries of the County officers was presented: We, the committee, recommend the following changes in the salaries of the County officers, to -wit: Sheriff from $1200 to $1500 per annum, undersheriff from $900 to 41200 per annum, for conveying prisoners $70.00 per trip, for boarding prisoners $2000 per annum, County Agricultural agent from $900 to $1200 per annum, County treasurer from $1200 to $1500 per annum. 'Vie further recommend that the county clerk be reim- bursed in the sum of $213.00 for money expended in connection with,the draft and be all1wed the sum of '33.33 per month extra clerk hire after November lst, payable monthly, the said �Y213.00 to be available at once. Special session, October 9th, 1918. 14. B..Morris, H. Nourse, J. Yderstad, Committee. Moved and seconded that the separate items in the foregoing report be acted upon by the board separately. Motion carried, Moved and seconded that the salary of the sheriff be fixed at $1500 per annum, that he be allowed $2000 per annu.r# for boarding prisoners and that he be paid 4$70.00 forseach trip conveying pr�isonersrto state institutions. The roll was called and c Ill members,voted .in the affirmative. ` C Moved and seconded that the salary of the Undersheriff be fixed at $1200 per S annum. The roll was called and all members present voted -in the affirmative. Moved and seconded that the salary of the County Treasurer be fixed at $1500 per annum. The roll was called and all members of the board present voted in the affirmative. Moved and seconded that the salary of the Agricultural Agent be fixed at $1200 • per annum beginning November, 1st, 191$. Roll was called and all members voted in t the affirmative. IVIoved and second that the County Clerk be reimbursed in the sum of 0213.00, and that an extra allowance of$33.33 per month in addition to the present allowance be made for Clerk hire, making in all $600. per annum for Clerk hire be allowed: The roll was called and all members voted in the affirmative. Moved and seconded that the salary of the Register of Deeds be fixed at $1800 per annum. The roll was called and all members present voted in the affirmative. The following resolution was presented: Resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled at a special meet.ig thereof this 9th day of October, 1918, that there be and there is hereby appro- priated, out of any moneys in the county treasury, not -otherwise appropriated,' the sum of Two hundred dollars $200.00 for the purpose of defraying thde expense of a surgical operation necessary to be .performed upon William Furguson,. a ii resident of the town of Hughes, in Bayfield count., now an inmate of the Wisconsin Tuberculosis Sanitorium at JPa b.s 'rr.al aukesha County, Wis. , and that the County I` Clerk and the Chairman of the County Board together with a third.person to be appointed by the Chairman of the county board, be appointed a committee to have charge of the disbursement of said money, or so much thereof as may be necessary ! for the purpose aforesaid. I�. B. Morris Moved and 'seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted. The roll was II called and all members present voted in the affirmative. The following resolution was presented: Resolved by the Cpunty Board of Bayfield County assembled this 9th day of October, 1918, that the County of Bayfield be divided into three highway districts as follows: District No. 1 to include the towns of Russell, Bayfield, Bell, Bayview,aWdshburn, Clover, Barksdale and Port ,ding. District No. 2 to include the towns of Pilsen, Eileen, Kelley, Mason, Lincoln �.� Pratt, Drummond, Cable and Namekagon'. li District No. 3 to include the,towns of Barnes, Iron River, Hughes, Oulu 1, Trapp and Orienta. `-J Special session, October 9th, 1918._ Be it further resolved that the County Higlraay,Committee. shall hereaier consist of three members to be elected by the County Board, one member to be choserA from each of the above districts. This resolution to become effective at the time of the expiration of the terms of the present highway committee of Bayfield County. W. A. Robinson. Moved and secolided that the foregoing resolution be adopted. the following vote:- motion carried by Aye: Nourse, Galligan, Thorsen, Nigard, Gallup, North., E3artlett, Curry, Holm, Yderstad, ,13mess, Antonson, Vester, Schutt, Johnson, Anderson, Smith, Lavin, Stone Maxcy, Z.Jarden, T�Zertz, Handberg, Robinson, 1�ionroe-28. Kransfelder, Robillard, Bell, .Nay- Good. Resolution declared adopted. The following specific charges were filed against the County Highway Commissioner: *01hereas the present Highway commissioner of Bayfield County has demonstrated, after eight months in office, his incompetency to understand or discharge the duties of the office of the County Highway Commissioner, and,it appearing that he has been, amongst others, careless and inefficient in the following specific instances, to -wit: r_- 1. He -has filed and neglected to take proper care of the automobile and other road machinery of Bayfield County, leaving it out in the- weather and otherwise neglecting it. 2. He has failed to familiarize or even acquaint himself with the county system of prospective state highways of said county. 3. He.has entitely neglected and failed to care for or keep up the road from 'Mashburn to Port Wing— a part of said prospective state highway system. 4. He has failed and neglected to keep account of expenditures made and uthorized 'gy him. 5.. He has dxpa:ndedlldndt:authorized illegally, the expenditure of more of the county money than was alotted by the state road and bridge committee. 6. Without the authority off the said committee he had the crown.cut off and removed from the Iron River - Barnes road, thereby substantially injuring and damaging the same. 7. Failed and neglected to send proper machinery and men to Schram's pit at the time directed by said committee andagreed upon between the committee and the said Highway Commissioner, to the expense of the county and the delay of the work. 8. Failed to inspect the 'Sand River road but once in entire year, of to make a repairs thereon, although badly needed. i. Now therefore, resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County assembled at a special meeting thereof this 9th day of October, 1918 that the county state road and bridge committee of Bayfield County, be and they are hereby instructed to present the above specifications and charges and any other charges of dereliction of duty, against the County Highway Commissioner of said county, R. J. Kunzelman, to the Wisconsin Highway Cbmmission, and to ask that upon due hearing and the establishment of such charges, he the said county highway commissioner be removed from the,said office. Jas W. Good, Chairman Bayfield County Board, Frank Robillard, E. F. Daniels, < Geo. S. Barnes, A. h . Warden. Highway Cpmmittee special session, October 9th, 1918. Moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Motion carried. The bill of Eben Ols6n for balance due him on contract for the construction Bark Creek bridge, the Fall Creek bridge and the Iron River Port Wing culverts amounting to A366.00 was upon motion referred to the State Highway Commission P through the County Highway Committee. Upon, motion board adjourned. hell N1. Oscar, County Clerk O V L;