HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 1/14/1919Adjourned annual session, January 14th, 1919 The adjourned annual meeting of the County Board was held at the office of County Clerk, January 14th, 1919. Meeting called to order by Chairman, Jas W. Good. The roll was called and the following members were found present® Nourse, Galligan, Thorsen, Gallup, North, Curry, Morris, Daniels, Holm, Xderstad, Axness', Antonson, Vester, Schutt, Johnson, Anderson, Smith, Lavin, Stone, Kransfelder, Flanders, Robillard, Bell, Maxey, Warden, Mertz, Handberg, Robinson, Monroe and Good. Absent: Barnes, Nigard, Bertlett. The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. W. 0. Wallace, District Superintendent;of the Children's Home Finding Society, was permitted to address the board a few minutes. It was moved and seconded that the sum of $100. be appropriated for the benefit of the Wisconsin Children's Home Finding Society, and the Chairman and Clerk be directed to -draw an order for the amount. The mothtn was carried by a unanimous vote of all members(30)present, upon the call of the roll. The board upon motion proceeded to*the election of a County Highway Commissioner for the balance of -the term, ending December 31st, 1919. Upon motion the board ordered the room cleared and executive session declared. Executive session. The following applications for the position of County Highway Commissioner were presented to the Board: John Friberg, Henry Wachsmuth, John Porter, Alois Habelt, H.'M. Juel, Joe Andre.and Eben Olson. Informal ballot for the election of Commissioner resulted as follows: Whole number of votes cast 29, of which John'Friberg received 12; A. Habelt 6, H. Ivi. Juel'9, Joe Andre 1 and Eben Olson 1. Formal ballot resulted as follows: Whole numbor of votes cast 30, of which John Friberg received 16, H. M. Juel 11, A. Habelt 3. John Friberg having received a majority of the votes cast was declared elected. The salary of the Highway Commissioner was upon motion fixed at $1500 per annum and all expenses as provided by law. Upon motion board adjourned until 1:30 F. Id. At 1:30 P. M.-Board met pursuant to adjournment with all members of the morning session present. The following resolution was presented and was upon motion adopted, by the board. On the call of the roll all members voting in the affirmative, except E. F. Daniels. Whereas the County Board represents every locality in the County of Bayfield, and are conversant with the sentiment in almost every community with respect to the sale of liquor therein, and further that the electors of this county are laggely in favor of prohibiting the sale, as evidenced by local option votes, and Whereas, there will be presented to the Legislatures of all the states the question of the ratification of the Constitutional amendment prohibiting the manufacture and sale of liquor in the United States, and Whereas, this question is now before the legislature of.the State of Wisconsin, now therefore be it Resolved, that we the County Board favor the ratification by the Wisconsin Legisla- ture, and that we are willing to.express our position on the subject, be it further Resolved that the Chairman of this Board be directed to send the following telegram to.our State Senator Hon. A. H. Wilkinson and to our Member of assembly, Hon. F. id. 302 Adjourned annual session, Jan. 14th, 1919 Downs, At Madison: "The County Board in adjourned session today, hereby voices its approval of the ratification of the Constitutional amendment, prohibiting the manufacture and sale of liquor, we trust you will vote for ratification." James V. Good Chairman. Be it further resolved that the County Clerk dispatch by special delivery mail, a certified copy of this resolution to our members of, the -Legislature whose names are giver above. Dated Jan.. 14th, 1919 M. A. Robinson The following resolution was presented and was upon motion, adopted: Be it resolved, by the County Board of Bayfield County in adjourned annual session this 14th day of January, 1919, that the county Clerk be instructed to .request the Assemblyman from Bayfield County and the Senator from this Senatorial District to immedi notify every memberof the Bayfield. County Board on the filing or introduction of any bil in the branch of the State Legislature of which either of the above named representati are member, which bill if it becomes a law, might in any way affect Bayfield County, or any town or City of Bayfield County. Dated Jan 14th, 1919. E. F. Daniels. The following resolution was presented and was upon motion laid on the table: Be it Resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County now in adjourned annual session at the Court ho4se in the city of Mashburn, in Bayfield County, Wis., this 14th day of January,. 1919, that the sUary of the Judgex of the second Municipal Court and tl salary of the Judge of the third Municipal Court be fixed at the sum of One thousand dollars each per annum, beginning January 1st, 1919, payable in equal monthly install- menta Dated January 14th, 1919 E. F. Daniels. The following resolution was presented and was upon motion adopted. All members present voting in the affirmative, on the call of the.roll: Be it Resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County now in session this 14th day of January,1919, that in recognition of the faithful services performed for our government by the soldiers, the Red Cross, the Draft and Exemption Board during the war, the County of Bayfield have a big celebration to be held at the city of Mashburn as soon after the return of the soldiers as weather conditions will permit, for the purpose of celebrating the safe return of the soldiers who come home and holding memorial services for those who have made the supreme sacrifice, And that a committee of three members of the County Board, one of which shall be designated its chairman,shall be appointed by the Chairman of the County Board to have full charge of arrangements with power to elect or appoint sub committees and Be it.Further Resolved that we appropriate �1,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary to defray the expenses of such celebration. Dated Jan. 14, 1919. E. F. Daniels. The following ordinance was presented: The County Board of Bayfield County do ordain as follows: Sec. 1. Sections 1, 21 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, and 24 of Township 49 north of Range 7 West are hereby detached from the town of Port Wing and be attached to and become a part of the town of Clover. Sec. 2. Settlement between the towns of Clover and Port ding by reason of the det of said `territory shall be affected as provided by law. Sec. 3. This ordinance to take effect on and after its passage. tely it ie nt Dated this 14th day of January, 1919. J. A. North. 303 Adjourned aflnual session, January 14th, 1919. 4 Moved and -seconded- that the foregoing resolution and ordinance be adopted. Motion lost by the following vote: Aye:-Nourse, North, Daniels, Kransfelder, Flanders, Robillard, Bell and Good. 8. Nay:- Thorsen, Curry, Morris, Holm, Yderstad, Axness, Antonson, Vester, Schutt, Johnson, Anderson, Lavin, Maxey, Handberg and Robinson. 15. Not voting:- Galligan; Gallup, Smith, Stone, Warden, Mertz and Montoe, 7. The following resolution was presented, and was upon motion adopted by vote 29 for adoption and 1 against adoption, on the call of the roll: Resolved by the County Board of-Bayfiel,d County, assembled this 14th day of Januay 19191, that the Sheriff of said county,. be,' and he is hereby authorized to appoint a janitor and turnkey for the county jail, and that the salary of said janitor and turnkey shall be, and the same is hereby fixed at the sum pf $900..00 per year, and that the purpose of this resolution is to increase the duties and the compensation of the turnkey and janitor at the .jail, and not to authorize the appointment of an additional janitor and turnkey. Ole Handberg. The Chairman announced the appointment of committee to have charge of the Celebratin as follows:. W. A. Robinson, E. F. Daniels and Harvey Irish. The following report of the special committee appointed to investigate the excessi-a personal property tax in the city of Washburn was presnted as follows: To the Honotable County Board of Bayfield Co.: Gentlemen: We the,.committee,' appointed by your County Chairman to investigate the excessive valuation of the city of Washburn, as reported by the city assessor, beg leave to report as #ollows: Immediately upon appointment, we engaged C. A. Lamoreaux of Ashland, Wis., to assist in solving the mystery. The committee had four meetings. Immediately upon starting the work, we applied to the circuit court for a temporary injunction restraining the city -officials of the city of Washburn from carrying the tax out on the tax roll, and collecting it. The court granted the injunction temporarily, and a hearing was had on the matter. The circuit judge took the matter under advisement, not rendering any decision at that time, whereuppn the parties, by mutual agreement, got together and settled the case out of court, at a private conference, held at the Court House in the city of Washburn. The testimony of Mr. Beers, the Superintendent of the Dynamite Plant at that time, showed that at no time, could the plant have had more than $400,000 of personal property in the city of Washburn, and upon his state- ment a sttlemtant was made on the basis of a valuation of #40090009 which was the best your committee could do under the circumstances. The burden of proof being on you committee, to show the value of $400,000 was not there, and inasmuch as our Assessor of Incomes, had taken the statement of one D. M. Maxey as to the value of the personal property on the first of May, but not investigated it himself, as to the figures and facts in the matter., your committee found that it would be extremely difficult, to prove that there was less than $400,000 of personal property belonging to that company in the city of Washburn on the first day of May. We submit the following statement, showing what difference the settlement made to the original assessment made by the city of Washburn: If your committee had not succeeded in making the settlement with the city of Washburn, the matter would have involved a long drawn out legal proceedings. Adjourned annual session, January 14th, 1919. If the city of Washburn had been permitted to collect personal property tax on valuat of $1,147,000 said city would have received $40,145. This would have been used as an offset by the DuPont.Co. against an income tax of $117,000. Deducting the $40,145, which Washburn would have received would have left a balance of $76,855.00. Of this, the state would have received 20%. or 07,686.50, the county 20% or $15',371. Barksdale, entitled to 2% of the total equalization, or $69,000,.would have received only $53,818.: and there would be nothing left for distribution among the towns in the county. Under Ithe arrangement made by which the city of Washburn collects 014,000, therein left of the income tax $103,000. The state receives.10% or $10,300, county 20%, or $20,600, and the town of Barksdale $69,000, and there is still left for distribution among the towns 030100. Your committee has saved for the state $2,614.50, for the county $5,229.00, for t town- of Barksdale $16,081.50, and for the various towns -in the county $3,100. Respectfully submitted, Donald C. Bell, J. Yderstad, E. F. Daniels, Committee. T foregoing report was upon motion accepted and ordered filed: To the Honorable County .Board, Bayfield Co• Wis. Gentlemen: - We the undersigned Committee on Personal Property tax investigati beg to recommend that the following bills be alllowed, and that the County Clerk, be authorized to issue orders for amounts shown in column headed "allowed." Dated this 14th day of January, 1919 Donald C. Bell, E. F. Daniels J. Yderstad, Committee. John J. Fisher Preparing affidavit `3.00 $3.00 C. A. Lamoreaux Legal services 251.84 2151.84 The -following report of the Committee on County Fair was presented and was upon motion accepted and ordered filed.: To the County Board of Bayfield County: Gentlemen:- Your Committee on county fair and fair grounds beg to report as follows: We visited Iron River Jan. 13th. We found the fair grounds and buildings in fine condition, the°buildings have been newly painted, about 500 feet of fence has been built, a new floor has been iladd made in a part of the second story of the large exhibit hall, and the grandstand has been re -roofed. The money which was appropriated for county fdir purposes has been spent by and under the direction of your committee and we believe it has been judiciously spent. We find on investigation that on account of very bad weather during 1918 fair, the Fair Association are in need of about $800.00 more with which to settle outstared claims, and this sum we would recommend this board allow them for purpose of settling #p outstanding accounts. Dated Jan. 14th, 1919. E. F. Daniels C. W. Smith George Fester Erick Johnson . 0 The following resolution was presented and was adopted by a unanimous vote of all members present, on the call of the roll. Adjouned annual session,January, 14th, 1919. Be it resolved by the County Board of Bayfield. County that there be paid to the Bayfield County Fair Association the sum of $800.00 for the purpose of paying out- standing claims. Dated fanuary 14th, 1919 C. W. Smith. The following report was presented and--uV6n motion adopted. To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: We the undersigned committee on Tuberculosis Sanitorium beg to recommend' that the following bills be allowed and that the County Clerk be authorized to - issue orders for amounts as shown in column headed "allowed." Dated at IVashburn.Wis.January 14th,1919. Bell Or M. Axness Smith Committee. IVI. S. Hosmer Expense $52.88 �j�52. 88 Dr. Coons it 18.17 18.17 W.E.Tripp Surveying for site 198. 13 164.13 D.W.O'Connell 1t 87.50 62.50 Wallace O'Connell t1 3.00 3,00 Laurance Hoefle " 4.00 4.00 Davis House,Bayfield Board of Surveyor 50. 85 50.85 C.St.P.M.&O.Ry. Cost of side track 269.74- 269.74 Chas.R.Leihy Site 7500.00 7500.00 VP.J.Bassett Grading for -side track 165.00 165.00 If " 262.50 262.50 James Phillips Staking out grounds 8.00- 8.00 The following report was presented and was upon motion adopted: To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: - We the undersigned Committee beg to recommend that the following bi bills be allowed and that the County Clerk be authorized to issue orders for amounts shown in column headed "allowed." Dated this 14th day of January, 1919. James W. Good, Mike Thorsen, Jessie N. Smith Committee To whom drawn For what purpose Ciflimed Allowed V. E. Brubaker Supplies 30.63 30.63 IT if 28.89 28.89 11 1T 53.77 53.77 -" 33.73 33.73 IT 1T 11.75 11.75 IT IT 7.01 .7.01 22.04 22.04 " IT 28.36 28.36 11 11 46.84 46.84 Moved and seconded that an addition amount of $300.00 be set aside for the payment of espense of printing and distribution of report and bulletin of the work done by Ithe Agricultural Agent during the past two years. Motion carried. Upon motion Mike Thorsen was elected on.the Agricultural Committee, the Committee under the law to b,e composed of County Superintendent, Chairman of County Board land an elected member of the Board. The bill of J. R. Kunzelman for 15 days pay in January 1918 and for six days pay in January, 1919, together with a bill of 176.60 for expenses, such as meals etc. was presented and upin the recommendations of the .Highway Committee was upon motion disallowed. Adjourned •annual• me o t ing , January 14th , 1919. The following resolution was presented and upon motion adopted. I I TNashburn.Wisconsin. December 2,1918. To the --County Board of Bayfield County, Gentlemen: Whereas,•in 1917, your Committee made an agreement with the Chairman of the Town of Barksdale, that if the said Town would spend 420,000, to surface the County Highway with crushed rock macadam from Nash, thence across the long bridge fill to the line between the Towns.of Barksdale and Eileen, that the County would likewise macadam that portion of the County Highway in the Town of Eileen a distance of 34 ststions to Ashland County line at a cost of $4,714.52 that Whereas said agreement was made before the Federal System was known to have become a law, also that Whereas both agreements have now been fulfilled; that there has also been an earth fill and a concrete culvert placed where the Schram Bridge was located on the County System south and east of Benoit, which work alone cost the County $2,002; that this Schram fill is now on the Federal System; that work on the said concrete culvert and fill was started in the fall of 1917 and had to be completed last spring, that Whereas the State Highway Commission do now refuse to pay.their portion of the cost of the said work, Novi Therefore Be 'It Resiblved, by the County Board in regular annual session here assembled, that our Honorable State Senator and Assemblyman each be furnished with a copy of this resolution and that they be asked to use their good offices to hame the State reimburse the County in the amount which they should legally pay for this said work, it, being work that was necessary for the maintenance alone. Jas W. Good. Frank Robillard. The following report was presented and upon motion adopted. To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: - tie the undersigned Committee on Education beg to recommend that the follow bills be allowed and that the County Clerk be authorized to issue orders for amounts shown in column headed "allowed". Dated at Washburn, Wis. January 14th, 1919. 0. M. Axness. 1. P. Anderson. 0. Flanders. Committee. To whom drawn For what purpose I' Byron Ripley Per diem and mileage II IT IT Adolph Habelt 1° �j it it 'i H. J. Wachsmuth IT ' W. J. Bassett Conveyance-Bd. of Ed. Fiege Bros. " Foresman Co. Supplies, far 80. Supt. W. M. Welch & Co. i Jessie N. Smith Expense It Tr 1T t' TT Making report Bessie 1. Alcorn Expenses i " " tl 11 it if TT u IY 11 T, tT ti PT I; lr �f Tr i •I tr rr '' Claimed 29.00 11.49 15.75 6.80 7.25 id.00 9.00 28.00 23.07 189.37 142.67 137.01 25.00 31.62 31.40 40.20 71.33 16.21 12.50 17.40 48.97 15.46 Allowed 29.00 11.49 13.75 6.80 7.25 10.00 9.00 25.00 23.07 189.'37 142.67 137.01 25.00 31.62 31.40 40.20 71.33 16.21 12.50 17.40 48.97 15.46 52.69 33.57 607 Adjourned annual session, Janiiary' 14th; 1919. The following resolution was presented and wqs upon motionadopted: To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: Cie the undersigned committee on Roads and Bridges beg to recommend that the following bills be be allovged, and that the County Clerk be authorized to draw orders for amounts showed in column headed 1Pallowed." Dated at Washburn, Wis. this 14th day of January, 1919 James W. Good F. Robillard, A. M. Warden, Committee. To whom drawn For what purpose Claimed Allowed Jas W. Good Per diem and milage 13.20 13.20 IT IT12.30 130'20 It " 15 00 15.00 " it 10.20 10.20 IT " 23.40 23.40 " IT 13.60 13.60 " it 10.20 10.20 " IT 20.20 20.20 23.75 23.75 rr fT 29.20 20.20 10.32 10.32 IT " 3.00 3.00 E. F. Daniels IT 10.86 10.86 1T " 14.40 14.40 IT " 9.00 9.00 TV 1P 10.92 10.92 rT IT 7.20 7.20 IT If 2.8.20 18.20 28.20 it it 7.80 7.80 IT " 22.56 22.56 if " 29.64 29.64 TT /f 14.40 14.40 John Sundell Expense account 14.10 14.10 if It 16.00 16.00 J. R. Kunzelman IT 25.31 25.31 IT TT 37.19 37.19 TT Tr 10.10 10.10 14 i1 6.88 6.88 " 41 3.88 3.88 " 11 3.92 3.92 IT rr 3.34 3.34 TT if 7.81 7.81 4.07 4.07 " 7.54 7.54 T° It 11.02 11.02 Frank Robillard Per diem and mileage 45.36 " " 13.80 .45.36 13.80 IT " 11.86 11.88 rr ff 26.64 26.64 TT n 16.88 18.88 rr IT 21 * 60 21.60 " it 19.44 19.44 " IT 27.49 27.49 it IT 34.24 34.24 IT " 17.76 17.76 it " 4.41 4.41 Geo. S. Barnes °t 35.28 35.28 it T9 12.60 12.60 44.10 44.10 12.48 12.48 25.68 25.68. rr ff 12.36 12.36 IT Tr 17.28 17.28 IT. t1 37.00 37.00 It " 20.12 20.12 iT iT 9.84 9.84 it " 14.22 14.22 IT " 34.92 34.92 It it 16.56 16.56 A. Ni. �darden if 3.12 3.12 " " 3.12 3.12 rr rr 28.20 28.20 41 " 6.12 6.12 rr n 3.12 3.12 It i' 9.20 9,20 n n 27.60 27.60 It 4f 6.96 6.96 rT IT 3.48 3.48 H. P. Axelbe-rg Bond for Aighway Commissioner 2.50 2.50 308 Adjourned annual meeting January 14th, 1919. It was moved and seconded that a. committee of three members of the,County Board be appointed by the Chairman for the purpose of conferring with the officers of the Bayfield County Fair Association, with.a vi ew to making the'Fair more valuable to the people of the county, and to aid and.assist the fair association in its work. Motion carried. Chairman appointed 0. Flanders, M. B. Morris and R. A. Gallup. The following report was presented and was upon motion adopted: To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield Co. Wis. Gentlemen: - We the undersigned•committee on Printing and Stationery, beg to recommend that the following bills be allowed, and that the County Clerk be authorized to draw orders for amounts shown in .column headed "allowed". Respectfully submitted, W. A. Robinson A. P. Stone Committee. To whom drawn Christie Litho &- Ptg. Co. Chamberlain & Taylor Zion Institutions rT " H. H. ,ffest Tf H . 0. Miller & Co. TP ft TT it Tt T1 T4 TT it TV TV TV n n T; T1 TT �T TT it TT T `Iron River Pioneer Bayfield County press for What purpose Claimed Allowed Miemo. supplies $50.95 50.95 Typewriting supplies 166.07 166.07 Office supplies 27.40 27.40 it 12.95 12.95 it -- 1.07 1007 Election supplies 62.50 62.50 't 14.05 14.05 Document files etc 99.10 99.10 Extra size env. 4.00 4.00 Tally sheets 3.62 3.62 Marriage cent record 5.15 5.15 Prisoners record 32. 0,0 32.00 Office supplies 112.35 112.35 Gen. Elect. Tallsheets 17.87 17.87 Blank books 275.00 275.00 Election suppplies 13.49 13.49 Red. Receipts 45.00 45.00 Asst. Roll Iron River 8469 8:"69 Blank books 33.50 33.50 " 35.00 35.00 Tally sheets 42.00 42.00 Tax outfit, all towns 300.00 300.00 Income tax receipts 5.85 5.86 Marriage license applications 7.71 7.71 Mortgage record 27.50 27.50 Legal blanks 5.19 5.19 Sheriff's delinquent roll 8.11 8.11 Marriage record 41.00 41.00 Blank books 78.80 78.80 Income tax receipts 6.70 5.70 Mortgage record 32.50 32.50 Receipt blanks 5.82 5.82 Office and legal printing 511.33 611.33 Legal notices 24.75 24.76 M Adjourned annual session, Jan -nary 14th, 1919. Bayfield County Press Legal Notices 261.60 261.60 I T Miscellaneous printing 102.15 102.15 Tax deed notices and ele. 631.90 831.90 Proceedings etc. 139.50 139.50' 199.45 199.45 Washburn Times* Miscellaneous printing 703.35 703.35 Wrapping paper etc. 21.50 21.50 Ptg. for Co. Supt. 24.70 24.7.0 Bayfield Progress Misc. printing 218.60 218.80 Fox Bros. stationery, etc 22.75 22.75 Washburn News Tax list and blisc ptg 1858.66 1858.65 Ptg. for Co. Supt. 75.25 75.25 Washburn Times Ptg. for Co. Supt. 67.20 67.20 Com.'.reports 9.00 9.00 The following report was presented; and was upon motion adopted: To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield Co- Wis.. Gentlemen: - We the undersighed committee on Finance and Miscellaneous Claims beg to recommend that the following bills be allowed and that thd County Clerk he authorized to draw orders for amounts shown in column headed "allowed". Dated this 14th day of January, 1919. F. H. Bartlett, 0. M. Axnesst Donald C. Bell Committee. To whom drawn, for what purpose Claimes Allowed Pay roll Co. officers Nov. 1917 i D1816.47 1816.47 Dec. 1816.47 1816.47 Jan. 1918 1748.14 1748.14 Feb. 1931.64 1931.64 March 1931.64 1931.64 April 1931.64 1931.64 May 1946.64 1946.64 June 1946.64 1946.64 July 1671.64 1871.64 Aug. 1854.88 1854.68 Sept 1946.63 1946.63 Oct. 1951.64 1951.64 Ij Nov. 2009.98 2009.98 Dec. 2009.98 2009.98 Geo. H. Mcleod Acting auuttgInal Judge 17.46 17.46 H. C. Hall Recording surveys 16.00 16.00 H. P. Axelberg Bd. Co. Canvass 5 meetings 15.00 15.00 Niels Myhre 15.00 15.00 Matilda Halvorson Conv. child to state school 18.93 18.93 Ashland Co. Training Sch. Tuition Nettie Bowers 30.00 30.00 Am.' Nat Bank St- Paul Duplicate orders 21.08 21.08 Alfred �roseth Int. Co- Orders 1579.48 1579.48 C. F. Morris Expense acccount 61.17 61.17 l�j IT id68.34 66.34 310 Adjourned annual session, January 14th, 1919 C. F. Morris Expense account 51.80 51.80 54.47 54.47 23.00 23.00 IT " 20.65 20.55 48.25 48.25 18.62 18.62 `I r, ►' y 29.28 29.28 Will M. Rose Clothing for Tuber. patient 21.35 21.35 Douglas Co. Asylum Care Pat Cyr 20.12 20.12 Town of Barnes Care trancient poor 492.97 492.97 i Town of Pilsen " 213.06 213.06 Town of Mason „ 276.50 276.50 Town of Pratt " 2600-95 260.95 Town of Namekagon " 30.00 30.00 Town of Iron River " 428.02 428.02 ;+ St. Joseph. Hospital Care Ed. Hanson trancient 110.65 110.65 Nels M. Oscar, Ex. account 1143.33 1143.33 „ „ 43.86 43.86 Town of Driunmond Care Trancient poor 197.75 197.75 Town of Cable " 37.80 37.80.---- The following report was presented and was upon motion adopted: ,u To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: - We the undersigned, the Chairman and Secretary 1 of the Bayfield County E Council of Defense beg to recommend the ratification of the payments made, as listed below, from the funds -of the Council. ICI Dat6d January 14th, 1919. 1 D. M. Maxcy, Chairman Nets M. Oscar, Secretary To whom drawn For what purpose Calimed Allowed Harvey Irish Exp• History work 2112 2.12 25.00 25.00 17.00 17.00 Anna Tarbol " 30.00 30.00 Kathleen Calkins Exp. Food Dem. work 2.30 2.30 „ 6.63 6.63 ,1 „ 9.92 9.92 Mrs. E. C. Alvord " 4.06 4.06 „ " 14.30 14.30 Mir • A. H. Wilkinson " 3.75 3.75 6.73 6.73 American Ex* Co. Express 4.41 4.41 I Fiege Bros Conveyance, Irish 4.00 4.00 Mrs. A. Thrall, Sec. ,I For Soldier's kits 100.00 100.00 I. R. Nye Expense Stat.e Conference 22.30 29.40 3.=,u Mrs. DeGuire Exp. Child welfare work 11.37 11.37 Mrs. I.-R. Nye 4.36 4.36 I. R. Nye Expense 5.00 5.00 Nels M. Oscar, Expense bills paid 221.21 221.21 Ldjourned Annual session, January 14th, 1919 Nels 11. Oscar, Expense bills paid 49.50 49.50 tt " 258.87 258.67 it it 62.13 82.13 IT t9 19.71 19.71 IT t, 68.00 68.00 The following report was presented and was upon adopted: To the honorable County Board,, -jyyfield County, 'Wis. Gentlemen "1e the undersigned committee on Sheriff, Justices and Constable's bills. beg to recommend that the following bills be allowed and that the County Clerk be authorized to issue orders for amounts shown in column headed "allowed". Dated this 14th day of January, 1919.. Geo. A. Curry k A. 1d. Warden I J. J. Nigard, Committee. COUNTY COURT. To whom drawn For what purpose Claimed Allowed H. P: ,Axelberg In re IVm. Aug Remeke, insane 5.00 5.99 H. P. Axelberg in re'Erick Heikkenon, insane 5.00. 5.00 P. G. Frey examining physician 4.2® 4.20 J: R. Mitchell " 4.20 4.20 H. P. Axelberg, Judge in re Patrick Cyr, insane 5.00 5.00 J. R. Mitchell examining physician 4.20 4.20 P. G. Frey " 4.20 •4.29 H. P. Axelberg, in re Kolk, insane 5.00 5.00 Ella Bentley witness 2.54 2.54 P. G. Frey examining physician 4.20 4.20 T. R. Spears " 4.20 4.20 H. P. Axelberg, Judge in re Anna Erickson insane 5.00 5.00 PG. Frey exam. physician 4.20 4.29 T. R. Spears " 4.20 4.20 H. P. Axelberg, in re Edor J. Eaubertson, 5.00 5.90 P. G. Frey exam. physician 4.20 4.20 I J. R. I,AIitchell " 4.20 4.20 H. P. Axelberg in re Gilden Rose 5.00 5.00 P. G. Frey exam. Physician 6.60 6.60 J. R. Mitchell " 6.60 6.60 H. P. Axelberg in re Thos Bernerd Williams, insane 5.00 5.00 I F. G. Johnson exam. physician 4.20 4.20 J. W. Tarter It 4.20 4.20 H. P. Axelberg in re Frank H. Vevea 5.00 5.00 P. G. Frey exam. physician 4.20 4.20 J. R. Mitchell " 4.20 4.20 H. P. Axelberg in re Frank F. Dahl 5.00 6.00 J. R. Mitchell exam. physician 4.20 4.20 P. G. Frey f1 4.20 4.20. I' H. P. Axelberg in re Anthony Danielson 5.00 5.00 T. R. Spears examin. physician 4.20 4.20 P. G. Frey " 3.20 4.20 H. P. Axelberg in re Parley Burges, insane 5.001, 5.00 H. G. Lampson exam. physician 4.20 4.20 P. G. Prey t4 4.20 4.20 H. P. Axelberg in re Robert Severson,' insane 5.00 5.00 P. G. Frey examin. physician 4.20 4.20 T. R. Spears IT 4.20 4.20 H. P. Axelberg in re Fanny Andrik 5.00 5.,00 J. R. Mitchell exam. physician 4.20 4.20 P. G. Frey IT 4.20 4.20 G. ?Ad. Milstrand Auto hire in re Chas Peterson, insane 5.00 5.00 Recommend by County Judge and District Attorney FIRS' MUNICIPAL COURT. Geo. A. Calder, Judge Andy Murrayfees State vs Wm. Little, observe Language 1.20 See Sheriffs bills Anda Little Witness 5.52 &.52 Andy Murray fees State vs Glaser, vio. school laws 8.80 see sheriffs bills Andy Murray fees " 8.60 It P. S. Markey State vs Jack Nubery, 1.20 1.20 Andy IGiurray, fees State vs Gus Study 1.20 see sheriffs bills Andy Murray, fees State vs Richers West 114.87 " Andy Murray, fees IT 1.20 " E. C. West Witness 10.48 10.48 Tars. J. Welch " 10.48 10.48 Andy Murray, fees State vs Study 1.20 see sheriffs bills J. Bourgouse Jury service State vs Amos Riley 1.08 - 1.08 W. W. lWo on " 1. 08 1.08 D. J. Estabrook " 1.08 1.08 Jack Star " 1.08 1.08 R. A. Hering " 1.06 1.08 W. A. Robinson IT 1..08 1.08 , Andy Ifnzrray fees State vs Ed White 2.40 see 2Iad0iffs bills Rodna Halvorson witness state vs Ed White 1.08 1.08 Mrs. Halvorson 1.08 1.08 'Vine Halvorson 2 1.08 1.08 312 Adjurned annaul meeting, January, 14th, 1919 Andy Murray, fees TV Byron McLucas Andy Murray, fees It H. J. Ehlers John Augustine Mrs. John Augustine Andy Murray, fees' Herbert Borgren Andy Murray Andy Murray PI John B. Green ffm. Logan Andy Murray n R'. H. Rhodes James Welch James McGrath Norman McDonald Andy Murray Mrs. Clara Olson Hidren Loftdahl Ole Wanstrom Andy Murray fees Mrs. Joe Zelinski Andy Murray, fees Christ 1�rickson Hatherson Chatson Hans Nelson Dan Robinson Boyd Cameron Andy Murray fees Andy Murray fees Mrs. Joe Zeniski Amdy Murray, fees /1 It Christ Schmidt Mrs. Van Bogan Mrs. H. M. Juel Mrs • 0. Glau Rudolf Larson Ed Mitchell State vs Ed White State vs Geisert witness state vs Aug. Little State vs Charles Rudeson IT J. Adams witness state vs J.. Adams 11 Frank Pearcy IT IT IT n George Harrison - Robert Mooney Carl Hemans IT Mrs. Porter It Peter Wickerl.a TT IT IT IT '" E . C. Simms IT IT n T► n PT n it Elwood Wicklund IT rt IT TT II IT Tony Verch Interperter " State vs Leonord Bourgeois witness Iff. T. Bailey If IT 11 /4 rr Ir TI n Joe Wingert Aremsick PI Interpreter Peter Melland R. E. Kamm Ed Bresette IT TT n rT TT tT SECOND 'MUNICIPAL COURT P. J. Savage, Judge To Whom Drawn For What Purpose Clmd. Alld. James Riley, deputy -sheriff --Search warrant service ------ _____3.00 James Riley, deputy sheriff__Milage in above ----------------- 3.00 E B Reed ------------------ Jury, State vs Wm Little destrue'n__1.12 Wm .Welch_________________Jury, State vs Wm Little --------- 1.12 Nels Goodrich -------------- Jury, State vs Wm Little ---------- 1.12. Pat Chontelois------------- Jury, State vs Wm Little ---------- 1.12' Wm Pierce ----------------- Jury, State vs Wm Little ---------- 1 12 Ed Bousley---------------- jury, State vs Wm Little ---------- 1.12 Malinr.o, Little ---------- __Witness, State vs Wm Little______1.80 Robert Little --------------- Witness, State vs Wm 'Little______1.80 J A Pettingill ---------------- Witness, 'State vs Wm Little ------ 1.08 Jamco Riley --------------- _Foes, State vs Wra Little --------- 6.27 James Riley ---------------- Fees, State vs Herman Fay, assault_2.75 James M Long, Deputy Sheriff, Fees State vs Goo Hughes ------ 23.90 (See Sheriff's Bills) F X Mineau, Constable ------ State, vs Wm- Kenney, drunk_______ .95 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Jno Kori, drunk ---------- 1.20 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Bill Wilkes, coneld weapon_ .95 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Martin Stockey, drunk___- .95 F X Mineau; Constable ------ State vs H McElroy, vagrant______ .95 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Matt Mattson, drunk__=___ .95 F X Mineau, Constable,__ State vs Ed Booth, J Shorgu, R Jones__7.32 F'X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs P J Crow, drunk__,_______ .96 F X'Mineau, Constable, State vs J J Campbell, liquor to minor___ .95 F X Mineau, Constable______State vs Jno McDermott, drunk____ .95 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Morris Oberg____________ .95 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs And Hakinen, drunk ------ 8.24 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs And Hakinen, drunk ------ F X Mincau, Constable ------ State vs Kapola, drunk ----------- 8.24 F X Mineau, Constable ------ Staate vs Kapola, drunk___________ .95 P C Knapp, Constable ------- State vs L Linquist, drunk -------- .95 P C Knapp, Constable -------- State vs Jno Carlson, drunk______ .95 •'F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Eli Tilos, drunk__________ .95 F,X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Sam Wyant, vagrancy ---- 8.64 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Sam Wyant, vagrancy____ .95 F X Mineau; Constable ------ State vs Fred Martin, vagrancy____ .95 P C Knapp, Constable ------- State vs Anton Anderson, drunk____8.24 P C Knapp, Constable ------- State vs Anton Anderson, drunk___ �.95 F X Mieau, Constable ------ State vs Anton Roller, drunk- -8.24 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Anton Roller, drunk______ .95 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs.Thos Russell, drunk ------ 8.59 -F X Mineau, Contable------ State vs Thos Russell, drunk ------ 1.30 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Goo LaBelle, robbery______ .95 F X Mineau, Constable ------- State vs Vestor Kaugas, drunk ---- 8.24 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Vestor Kaugos, drunk ---- 2.03 CharlesTuera-------------- Interpreter, State vs Kaugos, drunk_ .58 P C Knapp, Constable ------- State vs F Condon, drunk -------- 8.64 P C Knapp, Constable ------- State vs F Condon, drunk________ .95 F X'Mineau, Constable, State vs Ida Patton, larceny from person-8.24 F' X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Ida Patton -------------- 2.11 Oscar Anderson ------------ Witness, State vs Ida Patton_______ .83 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Matt Mattson, drunk ------ 8.24 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Matt Mattson,, drunk______ .95 F'X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs 0 H Wood, drunk -------- 8.24 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs 0 H Wood, drunk_______ .95 F X Mineau, Constable___ --State vs Jno Collins, drunk ------ 8.24 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Jno Collins, drunk________ :95 3.00 3.00 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.80 1.80 1.08 5.00 2.75 -.9,5 1.20 .95 .95 .95 .95. 7.32 .95 .95 .95 .95 8.24 2.25 8.24 .96 .95 .95 .95 8.64 .95 .95 8.24 .95 8.24 .95 8.59 .95 .95 8.24 2.03 .58 8.64. .95 8.24 2.11 .83 8.24 .95 8.24 .95 8.24 .95 1.20 see S. bills 2.40 IT 2.20 2.20 13.70 SeelSha®iffs 3.00 3.00 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 5.00 See S. bills 1.08 1.08 1.20 See S. bills 1.20 it 1.20 IT 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 5.36 see S. bill: 5.60- 11 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 14.40 see S. Bills 2.04 2.04 2.52 2.52 2,52 2.52 12.50 disallowed 1:08 1.08 7.20- see S. Bills 2.16 2.16 2.16 2.16 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.20 1.20 7.00 see S. bills 12.70 9T 2.16- 2.16 5.29 See S07bills 9.00IT 17.80 5.36 5.36 2.68 2,68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 2.68 ills ■ . ■ 313 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Chas Sullivan, drunk ---- 8.24 8.24 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Chas Sullivan, drunk______ .95 .95 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Mike Donahue, drunk ---- 8.24 8.24 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Mike Donahue, drunk____ .95 .95 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs 0 Anderson, drunk ------ .95 .95 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Tauber, fraud ---------- 8.89 8.89 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Tauber__________________ .95 .95 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs David Johnson, drunk ---- 8.25 8.25 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs David Johnson, drunk_____ .95 .95 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Jas McConud, drunk ----- 8.24 8.24 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs Jas McConud, drunk_"_____ .95 .95 C R Miller, Constable -------- State vs John Morrison,.. drunk____ .95 .95 C R Miller, Constable ------- State vs Matt Carlson, drunk______ .95 .95 F X Mineau, Constable ------ State vs P Riley, assault ---------- 8.69 8.69 James Riley ---------------- Conveying and committing Mattson-8.44 8.44 James Riley ---------------- Convg and Comtg Gust Silphom__8.44 8.44 To Whom Drawn For What Purpose Clmd. Alld. James Riley ---------------- Convg and Comtg L Lindquist ---- 8.44 8.44 James Riley ---------------- Comtg J LePreu, OK by Morris__10.60 10.60 James Riley ---------------- State vs Wm Little -------------- 10.75 10.75 THIRD MUNICIPAL COURT L. E. Davis, Judge To Whom Drawn For What Purpose Clmd. Alld. J B McLucas, Constable ----- State vs Joe Veno, recvg stolen prop 4.58 4.58 J B McLucas, Constable_____ State vs Louis Morrin, larceny ---- 1.20 1.20 J B McLucas, Constable ----- State vs. Joe Veno, recvg stolen prop 1.20 1.20 J B McLucas, Constable ----- State vs Chas Miethke, assault ---- 6.22 -6.22 . J B McLucas, Constable_____ State vs Ida McQuade, assault-___1.20 1.20 J B McLucas, Constable ----- State vs L B Hogland, assault ----- 1.20 1.20 J B McLucas, Constable___ State vs Catherine O'Connell, defam'n 1.20 1.20 L E Davis, Judge ----------- Telephone.and janitor work ------- 33.50 33.50 M A Sutton ---------------- Stenographer, State vs Joe Veno_-_6.70 6.70 J B McLucas, Constable ----- in re John Toutloff--------------- 1.45 _ 1.45 J B McLucas, Constable_____ in re Abe 1. Goldfine-------------- 1.20 1.20 J B McLucas, Constable ----- in re M Ryder -------------------- 4.17 4.17 J B McLucas, Constable ----- in re Lester Jones & Jno Larson --- 13.50 6.50 J B McLucas, Constable ----- State vs John Ben ---------------- 1.20 1.20 James Riley, Deputy Sheriff -in re Lee Martin, Charlotte Gordon_22.78 22.78 James Riley, Deputy Sheriff --In re George Hughes ------------- 8.85 8.85 James Riley, Deputy Sheriff --in re Patrick,Riley & Geo Huges-_25.00 25.00 James Riley, Deputy Sheriff --in re Jno Doe and Richard Roe ---- 6.50 6.50 C R Miller, Constable ------- State vs Geo Hughes et al -------- 12.95 12.95 Drs. Frey and Lampson_____Physicians to jail and medecine--- 39.00 39.00 B A Weishman-------------- Drugs for prisoners ------------- 2.85 2.85 'E R Mitchell ---------------- in re John Sweda--------------- 10.00 10.00 Charles Wickstrom------ Clerk Cir. docket, State vs G'Huges--- 1.10 1.10 Wardnet & Holman --------- Mdse for prisoners -------------- 18.78 18.78 L B Cohen_________________in re State vs Jos E Klemer------ 25.00 25.00 JUSTICE COURT H. Yderstad, Justice To Whom Drawn For What Purpose Clmd. Alld. H Yderstad------------------ Justice fees, State vs Today ------ 6.35 6.35 Peter Mellen --------------- Constable fees ----------------- ..,__ .25 .25 Chart5Strauman------------ Witness one day and milage------ 1.40 1.40 Charles Strauman---------- Witness one day and milage-------- 1.40 1.40 H Yde-rstad---------------- Justice fees ----------------------- 2.87 2.87 Peter Mellen ---------------- Officers' fees -------------------- 10.99 10.99 Carl A Pederson ------------ Witness fees -------------------- 1.40 1.40 John Pederson ------------- Witness fees ---------------------- 1.40 1.40 H Yderstad---------------- State vs John Peacy,larceny ------- 5.11 5.11 Olion Olson ---------------- Constable fees ------------------- 16.27 8.27 William Peterson ----------- Witness attendance --------------- 4.38 4.38 John Peterson -------------- Witness attendance --------------- 1.50 1.50 Mabel Melstrand------------ Stenographer, State vs Tody------ 6.10 6.10 Mabel Melstrand------------ Stenographer, State vs Tody------ 6.10 6.10 Oliver Olson ---------------- Constable, in re P Cyr ---------- 13.33 13.33 Oliver Olson --------------- in re Hans Christian, insane ------ 12.95 12.95 Amos M Hanson ------------ Inquest Lewis Jacobson ---------- 10.00 10.00 Amos M Hanson ------------ Inquest Lewis Jacobson Estate ---- 10.00 disld Alfred Froseth------------- Testimony Pat Riley ------- ------ 13.60 13.60 Alfred Froseth------------- Posting Tax Sale Notices ---------- 4.98 4.98 Alfred Froseth------------- Expense, County -Ivan Ludre------- 7.16 7.16 Alfred Froseth------------- Deptns of Ogren, Bayfield County__3.90 3.90 Alfred Froset::------------- Edwood Wicklund---------------- 14.80 14.80 Alfred Froseth------------- State vs W F Bosley ---------------- 6.70 6.70 Alfred Froseth------------- Bayfield Co vs Eben Olsen --------- 11.25 11.25 Alfred Froseth------------- State vs R West -------------------- 7.75 7.75 Alfred Froseth------------- State vs Wickalick--------------- 5.20 520 Alfred Froseth------------- State vs Siemes------------------ 18.70 18.70 Alfred Froseth------------- State vs H Nanckler------------- 5.00 5.00 Alfred Froseth_____________State vs Edw Bresette------------ 2.50 2.50 Alfred Froseth------------- State vs Carl A Karon ------------ 4.30 4.30 Alfred Froseth------------- In re Myrtle Staub --------------- 5.00 5.00 F X Mineau ---------------- Constable, State D 1---_-_-____-_ A G Hare ------------------ Board Witness, etc -------------- 10.00 10.00 Andy Murray ------------- Fees, C E White, Gary, Ind, Ry fare_86.37 86.37 Andy Murray -------------- Bob Swanson, insane ------------- 55.00 55.00 Andy Murray -------------- Mrs. L. Cartwright and assistant__38.84 38.84 To Whom Drawn For What Purpose Clmd. Alld. Andy Murray -------------- Mrs. Annie Sandstrom, insane ---- 55.00 55.00 Andy Murray -------------- Milage, 2 dys. pursuit Peter Mellen_27.40 27.40 Andy Murray -------------- Waupun, Peter Mellen ------------ 50.00 50.00 Andy Murray -------------- Waukesha with Leo Burga-------- 55.00 55.00 Andy Murray -------------- State vs Richard West -_________116.07 116.07 Andy Murray -------------- State vs Klemmer______________168.52 168.52 Andy Murray ------------- J Embertson, home feeble mded_32.40 32.40 Andy Murray -------------- Anthony Danielson -------------- 55.00 55.00 Andy Murray -------------- Rose Gilden & asst to Mendota ---- 85.57 85.57 Andy Murray -------------- Ole Ramstad, Circuit Court bailiff__36.00 36.00 Andy Murray -------------- Frank S Herbert, Waupun-------- 55.00 55.00 Andy Murray -------------- Pursuit J E Miller, forger -------- 15.28 15.28 Andy Murray -------------- Dan LaBlanc, Waupun------------ 55.00 55.00 Andy Murray -------------- Mrs. Fannie Ondrick to Mendota--55.00 55.00 - Andy Murray ------------- Carl A Karon, fugitive from justice-90.26 90.26 Andy Murray --------------- Ry Mrs. Sandstrom, Mrs Long, exp_38.00 38.00 Andy Murray -------------- Paid Detichin Publishing Company__6.66 6.66 Andy Murray -------------- in re Thos B Williams ------------ 55.00 55.00 Andy Murray -------------- in re Frank W Vervea------------ 55.00 55.00 III Warner & Holman ---------- Merchandise for prisoners -------- 14.10 14.10 James M Long -------------- Revolver for undersheriff-------- 12.00 12.00 C A Shoresman------------ Merchandise for jail --------------- 7.35 7.35 Andy Murray -------------- Frank W Gray, bailiff ------------ 27.00 27.00 I A M Warden --------------- State vs Nels Nelson ------------- 9.15 9.15 BAYFIELD COUNTY IN ACCOUNT WITH ANDY MURRAY, SHERIFF Date For What Purpose Clmd. Alld. 1012117 To Ino or Chas Mattson, insane and frozen ---------- $10.00 $10.00 1112117 State of Wisconsin vs Thomas Holvich, subpoenas ------ 2.10 2.10 j 1112117 St of Wisconsin vs Erick Erickson, shootg dogs, subs_3.60 3.60 1112117 St of Wisconsin vs Wm Jorgenon, assault and bat, subs-3.30 3.30 1112117 State of Wisconsin vs Dan LaBlanc, rape, subpoenas-- .45 1116117 State of Wisconsin vs Eric Breckline, sellg liquor, subs_ .90 11110117 State of Wis vs Frank Herbert, rape, subpoenas ---- 7.85 7.85 11114117 State of Wis vs Erick Breckline, violating ex. laws-- .65 11114117 To Iron River, Hughes, Tripp for special jurors ---- 10.00 10.00 11114117 To Bayfield for special jurors ---------------------- 5.00 5.00 11115117 To Bayfield for Anna Erickson, insane -------------- 7.00 • 7.00 11J15J17 Paid DeMars Bros. Livery to depot, Mrs. Erickson__1.00 1.00 11116117 State of Wisconsin vs Dan LaBlanc, rape, subpoena__ .65 11117117 To Cornucopia for Joe Galozen, violation school laws--8.00 8.00 11117117 To Cornucopia for Felix Galozen, violation school laws-8.00 8.00 11J19117 State of. Wis vs Dan LaBlanc, rape, subpoenas ------ 1.30 11122J17 State of Wisconsin vs Sam Nevers, Della Nevers, Paul Cuty and Mike Zivka, subpoenas ---------------- 5.00 5.00 11124117 State of Wisconsin to Mrs. Brovok, Mrs. Baumun and Hilton McCarthy ,subpoenas --------------- _----- 4.00 4.00 12128117 State of Wisconsin vs Gus Stute, assault ---------- 1.20 12128117 Bayfield county vs Iron River Lumber Co., summons and complaint served on C. H. Werden---------- 5.00 5.00 12131117 State of Wisconsin vs Gus Stute, shooting dogs ----- 1.20 1115118 State of Wis vs Amos Riley, illegal hunting, subpoening ofjury ---------------------------------------- 1.57 1.57 1128118 State of Wisconsin vs Edw White, rape_____________ -1.20 1129118 State of Wisconsin vs Hilmer Johnson, assault ------ 1.20 219118 State of Wisconsin vs Warren Warden and Earl Geisert breaking and entering -------------------------- 2.40 216118 To Inclian Settlet for Karl Staretsky, refsg to register-10.00 10.00 2121118 Ashland fo_• Theo Carroll, insane $5, paid officer $2_-7.00 7.00 2121118 Ashland whit assistant to attend Rose Gilden, insane and confined in St Joseph's hospital ---------------- 10.00 10.00 3125118 Barksdale for And Jacobson, refusing to register--__3.00 3.00 512118 Iron River for Thos B Williams, insane, (2 trips) ---- 15.00 15.00 512118 Port Wing to summon S S Ogren relative to road contract Paid witness fee to Ogren, $5.58-------------- 16.28 16.28 512118 Summons Jury, May 1918 term -------------------- 100.00 100.00 512118 Ashland and Iron River to summons Frank and Joe Be - rude, state vs Jno Granlund, illegal fishing ----- 7.45 7.45 512118 Barnes, Iron River to subpoena Melinda Little, Robt. Lit- tle .and J A Pettingil, state vs Wm Little ------ 11.85 11.85 513118 Mason and Bayfield to subpoena Peter Melland, Mr. Stra- uman, Clarence Strauman and A W Powell, state vs Phillip Tody, stealing deer ------------------ 8.73 8.73 j 516118 Barksdale for Einar Pearson, refusing to register ------ 8.00 3.00 5114118 Summons Peter Peterson, state vs Mm Chatten and Peter___Skaug, illegal fishing____________________ .75 Date For lvfiaf Purpose Clmd. Alld. 5122118 To Cable for Charles Rondeau, fornication ---------- 13.70 13.70 5122�18 Paid L D Perry for car hire, for witness fees in case of Richard West, wife desertion ------------------ 1.50 1.50 5124118 To Barksdale for Joe Dasse and Frank Perko, charged ' vvith cutting fence at munition plant ------------ 5.00 5.00 !-----------•---5.00 5127118 To Ashland for Frank Vevea burglary 5.00 6110118 To Barksdale with Charles Rondeau, on probation ---- 3.00 3.00 6112118 To Herbster for Otto Brancki and Andrew Toth, refus- ing to register -------------------------------- 7.00 7.00 6113'18 Town of Barnes for David Denver refusing to register--7.00 7.00 6jM18 Town of Barnes and Iron River in pursuit of George Hughes, attempt to kill ----------------------- 20.00 20.00 61191!18 Superior for George Ilugnes, attempt to kill--------23.90 23.90 715118 To Sweden to investigate tar and feathering of Martin Nelson---------------------------------------10.00 10.00 7110118 To Ashland vrith assist, nt to investigate insanity of Mrs. Sandtsrom-------------------------------6.00 6.00 7113118 To Town of Barksdale and Ashland in pursuit of Mike Kennedy, larceny-----------------------------10.00 10.00 7114'18 To Mason, Bibon & Benoit for Frank Dahl, insane ---- 15.00 15.00 716'18 To Barksdale for Otto Zinski, insane & breaking jail-3.00 3.00 7�16'18 To Barkscale for Anthony Danielson, insane -------- 3.00 3.00 71171'18 To Barksdale for Peter Wukalich, disloyalty --------- 3.00 3.00 '! 7117,118 To Barksdale for Fined Swanson, disloyalty --------- 3.00 3.00 7I19i18 To Barksdale for Jacob Haugen and Jos Stillman, car - lying matches on person in a munition plant ----- 3.00 3.00 7120;18 To Barksdale for Paul Strutz, refusing to register ---- 3.00 3.00 7121118 To Barksdale for Parley Burgess, insane ----------- 3.00 3.00 7(22118 To 11Iason and Maple Ridge in pursuit of Elwood Wick- lund, bastardy-------------------14.40 14.40 7124118 To P,loquah in pursuit of Steve Britanic, assault ------12.50 pd in Ct. 7124118 To B.�.rksdale for Leonard Miller, breaking and entering i and Otto Johnson and Mr. 0stcnick, refusing to register---------------------------------------3.00 3.00 71125118 To Barksdale for E C Siemes, sedicious utterances ---- 5.60 5.60 7129118 To Ottman's farm to open road closed illegally; paid - M G Larson car hire for same ------------------ 8.00 8.00 7129118 To Ashland in pursuit of stolen brass elainer heads---8.00 8.00 713 0' 18 To Barksdale in pursuit of Gus 0 Reese, house break- ing-------------------------------------------3.00 7130 18 To Barksdale for Mike LaBinsky, deserter ------------ 3.00 3.00 3.00 7130'18 To Barksdale for Leonard Miller, and man and car one clay in rounding up 12 boys for breaking into resi- dence of M S Sprague ------------------------- 10.00 10.00 7;30!18 To Enderline in pursuit of Leonard Burgois, breaking a;Id entering----------------------------------7.00 7.00 7130,'18 To subpeening G F Morgan, F W Downs, A P Stone and T A Oscar as a jury to open up a road ---------- 2.40 7131118 To Van Stones' farm for Leonard Burgois, burglary--5.00 5.00 7131118 To arrest of Burgois, Karon, LaHae, Oberts, Cyr and Miller for breaking and entering----------7.20 7.20 8018 To Barksdale for Job nHakkla, charged with refusing to salute the U S flag -------------------------- 3.00 3.00 81121J8 Bayfirld Co vs Iron River Lbr Co., fare and fees paid--9.93 9.93 8114118 To town of Barksdale for Joe lAreinzel, thrmtming to _ shoot, and threatening to kill ------------------ 7.00 7.00 sty 8114118 - To Iron River in pursuit of bank robbers___________f0:0 10.00 --- - ---- - -- - 8114118 To Mason in pursuit of bank robbers -------------- 10.00 10.00 8123118 State of Wisconsi nvs Thos N Holvich, forcible entry__ .65 8127118 Paid auto hire Bob Syverson to depot, insane ------- 1.00 1.00 8127118 To Barksdale for Henry Stewart, insane ------------ 3.00 3.00 8131118 Barksdale for Clar Lueckke & Geo Blanchard deserters-3.00 3.00 913118 To Moquah in pursuit of Andy Remsik, assault -------- 12.70 12.70 915118 To Barksdale for Mik eMangon, insane -------------- 3.00 3.00 917118 To Barksdale for Ed R Martin, deserter ------------ 3.00 3.00 917118 To Moquah for witnesses in case Andy Remsik, assault__4.80 4.80 9110118 State of Wis vs H M VanHenning, assault ---------- 1.20 9111118 Mason with search warrant to search rooms of Peter Melland-------------------------------------- 10.00 10.00 9112118 To Ashland for Peter Melland, bank robbery --------- 5.29 5.29 9112118 To Mason to search for money stolen by Peter Melland in Mason bank robbery, recovered $1017.00------ 10.00 10.00 9113118 To Ashland with Peter Melland, robbery, W F Bailey, house breaking and Leonard Burgois, burglary, to plead guilty before Hon G N Risjord------------ 5.00 5.00 9120118 To Bayfield for Ed Bresette charged with cutting fences _ - - ---- at Cornucopia_____ _ -----------------------------10.80 Cornucopia--, --- 10.80 - --- - - - - --- Date For Wh t P - - --- - - a urpose Clmd. Alld. 1012118 Fare and expense to Iron River for Dwight Lamoreaux delinquent by order C F Morris 10112118 ---------------- 5.02 State of Wisconsin vs Ed Plant, summons 5.02 10114118 ------------ 1.05 To Cornucopia and Squaw Bay to subpoena witnesses 10122118 in case of State vs Ed Bresette, cutting fence ---- 7.00 State 7.00 of Wis vs Barthold Pady, stealing auto lamp--1.50 10122118 10129118 To Eau Claire Lakes and Barnes in pursuit 10129118 of George Hughes, intent to kill ---------------- 20.00 Summons November 20.00 1111118 Jury ----------------------- 100.00 State of Wicsonsin vs Wm Landraint, assault 1.20 100.00 - 1111118 ------ State of Wisconsin vs Frank Jobin, assault ___________1.20 11129118 State of Wis vs Tony Lukakaciecz, et larceny al, ------ 3.60 1219118 State of Wis vs Florence Jelinek, delinquent, 12114118 fare & exp_4.43 Pat O'Riley to In Rvr for 4.43 12120118 examination, attmpt to kill_15.00 Paid express on jail locks__________________________ 15.00 Y TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN. GENTLEMEN: -We, the undersigned committee on PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS, beg to rec- ommend that the following bills be allowed, and that the County Clerk > e authorized to draw orders for the amounts shown in column headed "allowed." Dated at Washburn, Wis., this 14th day of Jan. 1919. Respectfully Submitted, Ole Handberg, D. A. Monroe, Committee. To Whom Drawn For What Purpose Clmd. Allwd, Bayfield Co. Tel. Co. Telephones $9.30 $9.30 Bayfield Co. Tel. Co Telephones 1.50 1.§0 Bayfield Co. Tel. Co. Telephones 20.55 20.55 Bayfield Co. Tel.Col` Telephones LW 1.510 Bayfield Co. Tel. Co. Telephones 11.50 11.50 ' Bayfield Co. Tel. Co. Telephones 1.50 1.50 Bayfield Co. Tel. Co. Telephones 9.45 9.45 Bayfield Co.' Tel. Co. Telephones 9.60 9.60 Bayfield Co. Tel. Co. Telephones 1.50 '1.50 Bayfield Co. Tel. Co. Telephones 10.70 10.70 Bayfield Co. Tel. Co. Telephones 9.35 9.35 Bayfield Co. Tel; Co. Telephones 1.50 1.50 Bayfield Co. Tel. Co. Telephones 1.50 1.50 Bayfield Co. Tel. Co. Telephones 10.00 10.00 Bayfield Co. Tel. Co. Telephones 18.80 18.80 Bayfield Co. Tel. Co. Telephones 3.90 3.90 Bayfield Co. Tel. Co. Telephones 1.56 1.50 Bayfield Co. Tel. Co. Telephones 8.45 8.45 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones 36.00 36.00 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones .60 .60 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones 29.15 29.15 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones .60 .60 i Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones 29.93 29.93 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones .60 .60 Wisconsin, Telephone Co Telephones 38.35 38.35 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones .60 .60 a Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones 25.45 25.45 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones 60 .60 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones 25.20 25.20 Wisconsin Telephone C¢ Telephones' .60 .60 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones 23.70 23.70 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones .60 .60 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones 25.05 25.05 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones .60 .60 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones 38.62 38.62 Wisconsin Telephone CoJ Telephones 1.73 1.73 Wisconsin, Telerho:.e C6 Telephones 28.40 28.10 Wisconsin Telepl;one Co Telephones 2.00 2.00 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones 38.25 38.25 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones 2.00 2.00 AV-sconsin Telephone Co Telephones 35.30 35.30 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones 2.00 2.00 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones 32.00 32.00 Wisconsin Telephone Co Telephones 3.50 3.50 Wisconsin_ Telepbore Co Telephones 200 9.09 Lake Shore Lbr. Co Lumber Court House 40.44 40.44 Moore Lbi Co Wood Court House 92.00 : 92.00 Northwestern Fuel Co Coal Court House247.29 247.29 Northwestern Fuel Co Coal Ct House 406.71 406.71 Northwestern Fuel Co Coal at Jail 14.86 14.86 Northwestern Fuel Co Coal at Jail 28.72 28.72 ! Northwestern Fuel Co Coal at Jail 36.88 36.88 Northwestern Fuel Co Coal at Jail 36.20 36.20 . Northwestern Fuel Co Coal at Jail 72.40 72.40 . Northwestern Fuel Co Coal at Jail 45.10 45.10 �. Northwestern Fuel Co Coal at Jail 36.48 36.48 Washburn Water Wks Co Water Court House & Jail 46.75 46.75 Washburn Water Wks Co Water Court House & Jail 46.75 46.75 Washburn Water Wks Co Water Court House & Jail 48.00 48.60 Washburn Water Wks Co Watbr Court House & J611 4.75 4.75 " Washburn WatorlWks}Co Wat&Court -- -_____ k 316 • i _ 6 To Whom Drawn For What Purpose Clmd. Allwd To Whom Drawn For What Purpose Clmd. Allwd Washburn Elec. Lt & P Co Light Court House & Jail 16.40 16.40 Washburn Elec. Lt & P Co Light Court House & Jail 33.20 33.20 Washburn Elec. Lt & P Co Light Court House & Jail 54.00 54.00 Washburn Elec. Lt & P Co Light Court __house & Jail 42.40 42.40 -Washburn Elec. Lt & P Co Light Court House & Jail 71.98 71.98 Washburn Elec. Lt & P Co Light Court House & Jail 24.60 24.60 Washburn Elec. Lt & P Cc Light Court House & Jail 22.30 22.30 Washburn Elec. lyt & P Co Light Court House & Jail' 24.10� 24.10 Washburn Elec. Lt & P Co Light Court House & J it 38.94 38.94 Washburn Elec. Lt & P Co Light Court House & Jail 50.75 50.75 Washburn Elec. Lt & P Co Light Court :Iouse & Jail 35.20 35.20 Washburn E Lt & P Co Fixtures Ct H 103.02 193.02 Wshaburn E Lt & P Co Fixtures Ct H 167.96 167.96 Washburn E Lt & P Co Fixtures Ct H 158.68 158.68 Amos M. Hanson Supplies Ct House 19.25 19.25 Amos M. Hanson Supplies Ct house 18.35 18.35 Amos M. Hanson Supplies Ct House 97.75 97.75 B. Ungrodt Supplies Court House 20.01 20.01 B. Ungrodt Supplies Court House 1.10 1.10 B. Ungrodt Supplies Court House 25.16 25.16 J. S. Fletcher Supplies Court House 9.75 9.75 Burroughs Addg. Mch. Co Reprg. Mach 5.20 5.20 Scott -Taylor Co Doors 75.40 75.40 Moore -Thompson Hdw Co Supplies Ct H 24.33 24.33 Moore -Thompson Hdw Co Supplies Ct H 18.75 18.75 Moore -Thompson Hdw Co Supplies Ct H 4.85 4.85' Moore -Thompson Hdw Co Supplies Ct H 4.70 4.70 M. P. Doyle Supplies Court House 8.25 8.25 *L: Anderson Supplies at Jail 7.55 7.55 E. Bergman Supplies at Jail 6.24 6.24 E. Bergman 0 Supplies at Jail 13.65 13.65 E._ Bergman Supplies at Jail 5.50 5.50 Acme Chemical Co Supplies at Jail 75.50 75.50 National Sanitary Co Supplies n t Jail 10.00 10.00 West Disinfecting Co Supplies , t Jail 29.00 29.00 Associated Mfg Co Supplies at Jail 55.85 55.85 Moore -Thompson Hdw Co Supplies Ct H 14.59 14.59 Clausen-Oistad Co Insurance, Jail 12.00 12.00 Albert Peterson Work Jail & Ct H 29.95 29.95 Arnt Hanson Work at Court House 127.00. 127.00 Arnt Hanson Work at Court House 8.00 8.00 Arnt Hanson'-- Work at Court H,)use 11.00 11.00 Arnt IIanson Work at Court House 86.15- 86.15 Dan Robinson Work at Court House 42.50 42.50 Dan Robinson Work at Court House 28.00 28.00 C L Willey Work at Court House 25.45 25.45 Ole Ramstad Work at Court House 22.50 22.50 Ole Ramstad Work at Court House 49.50 49.50 Ole Ramstad" Work at Court House 51.00 51.00 Herman Johnson Work at Court House 111.51 111.52 Herman Johnson Work at Court House 389.10 389.10 Frank Tarbol Work at Court House 34.50 34.50 Frank Tarbol Work Court House yard 40.00 40.00 Frank Tarbol Work Court House yard 24.00 24.00 Peter Nygren Work at Jail barn 20.00 20.00 Geo Fluck Plumbing work at Jail 136.08 136.08 Geo Fluck Plumbing work at Jail 38.02 38.02 R. Steinert , Radiators and work 168.31 168.31 R. Steinert Radiators and work 44.70 44.70 R. Steinert Radiators and work 5.55 5.55 Bayfield Co Tel Co Telephone 3.00 3.00 Aug Turnquist Rent Mun Ct, Bayfield 180.00 180.00 Town of Iron River Rent 2nd Mun Ct 150.00 150.00 To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield Coun- . ty, Wisconsin. GENTLEMEN: -We, the undersigned com- mittee on Illegal Taxes and Tax Certificates beg to recommend that the following bills be allowed, and that the County Clerk be author- ized to draw orders for amounts shown in col- umn headed "allowed." Dated at Washburn, Wis., this 14th day of January, 1919. Respectfully submitted, 0. Flanders, Mike Thoreson, Committee. To Whom Drawn Purpose Clm'd. Alyd. . A. W. McLeod, sese 34-50-6 sale 1915 $8.00 ; inter- est $2.08 ; govern- ment land. nesw 6-50-6 sale 1914 $10.80, in- terest and fees paid $5.37------ $26.25 $26.25 Charge Town of Bell. A. W. McLeod, nese 2-48-8 sale 1917, $13.31; in- terest $1.40_____$14.71 $14.71 Illegal taxes paid to town treas. Chge town of Tripp. A. W. McLeod, n1/2 Lot 1 sale of 1914, $1.16; in- terest .37c------ $ 1.53 $ 1.53 Wrongfully adv. Chge. town of Clover. A. W. McLeod, Lot 1, 20-43-6 sale 1914, $6.40, in- terest $2.50 ; deed and recdg ,$1.80_$10.70 $10.70 Government land, chg. 317 A. A F3 A. I1 A J. W. McLeod, 35A in sese sale 1914, $11.95 ; in- iI terest, $3.72---- $15.68 $15.68 j Improperly described; Chg. town of Bayfield W. McLeod swnw 24-43-9 sale 1914, $5.45 ; in- I terest, $1.74 ---- $ 7.19 $ 7.19 Government Id. Chg. town of Barnes. W. McLeod, Lot 3, 24-52-5 sale 1914, $7.84 ; in- terest $2.42----- $10.26 $10.26 Improperly described. Chg. town of Bayfield. W. McLeod, nene 23-50-5 sale %I 1914, $10.80 ; in- i terest $4.15 ; deed j and recdg $1.80-$16.75 $16.75 i Tax paid town treas. Chg. town of Bayfield. W. McLeod, nwnw 2-50-7 sale 1913, $1.11; in- terest, $2.92 ; .nw nw 2-50-4 sale of 1916, $1.39, in- terest .92c------ $ 6.34 $ 6.34 Illegal desc. and comp. Chg. twn of Bell $4.03., Chg. twn Bayfield $2.31 W. McLeod, Parcel in n1/2 lot i 2, sale 1915 $1.78; 27-50-4. Interest �I .65c-----------$ 2.43 $ 2.43 No such desc. Chg. town of Bayfield. W. Tarter, swsw 30-48-8 sale I, To Whom Drawn Purpose Clm'd. AI1'd. 1917, $21.99 ; nw sw 30-48-8 sale of 1917, $18.04 ; nw sw 30-48-8, sale of 1917 $14.08; ne nw 30-48-8 sale of 1917 $15.54; in- terest $7.80;---- $76.45 $76.45 Tax paid to town trea. Chg. town of Tripp. John Walters, swse 21-50-4, sale 1913, $4.22 ; in- terest $1.56; cost and recdg $1.80--$ 7.58 Illegal description Chg town of Bayfield. A. W. McLeod, part of nw1/4 of 31-51-3 .62c; in- terest .15c, costs and recrdg $1.80, $ 2.57 Illegal desc. Chg. town of Russell. Badger Title Co. nwne 23-50-5 of sale 1914 $10.80 ; el/2sw 13-51-5 sale 1914 $17.18; in- terest $6.85----- $34.83 Taxes paid to town treas. Chg. to of Bay - field. S J. Darwin, sene 18-44-6 sale of 1915 $6.29 ; inter- est $1.54-------- $ 7.83 Double assessmt. Chg. town of Pratt. Bayfield Co. Ld. Co. wl/)sw sene 31-49-4 sale 1914 $5.12; interest $1.61----------$ 6.73 City property. Charge city of Washburn. Bayfield Co. Ld. Co. nesw 24-52-5 sale 1915 $9.63 ; nesw 24-52-5 sale 1916 $8.83 ; in- terest $3.89-$22.35 Gov. Ld. Chg. town of Bayfield. nesw 8-47-8 sale 1915 $15.71; in- terest $3.84-$19.55 Double assessmt.. Chg. town Iron River. sese 32-47-9 sale 1915 $7.37 ; in- terest $1.80-$9.17. Gov. Ld. Chg. town of Hughes. Lot 5, 20-51-3 sale 1915 $20.17 ; in- terest $3.42-$23.59 Indian Land. Chg. to town of Russell. Total claim ------ $74.66 Baker Ld. & Tit. Co. part swsw 24-51=4 sale of 1914 $9.05 ; inter- est $2.43-------- $11.48 Tax paid town teras. Chg. town of Russell. T. B. Pray, Claim for illegal certi- ficate on land in city of Bayfield, claimed to have Indian prop. bot with Inddan funds $7 .58 2.57 $34.83 7.83 $ 6.73 $74.66 $11.48 318 To Whom Drawn Purpose Clm'd. All'd. and that said pro- perty cannot be sold or alienated without consent of U. S. Govern- ment. Claims for $133.89, $85.92, a and $100.68 all rec ommended for dis allowance. Johanna Golz, Petition for can- cellation of cer- tain taxes claimed to be illegal and that part of the, tax now assessed and unpd against Lot 1, Blk 75 in city of Bayfield for the sale 1918, we recommend pe tition be granted and that $77.68 be deducted from the face of the certificate issued by the county for the sale of 1918 and that the said amt. be charged back to city of Bayfield. H. P. Axelberg, Following certi- ficates declared il- legal by the cir- cuit court, all for the tax of 1917. All see..10-50-6, $208.80 w1/2 14-50-6,__ $107.18 swse- 20-5$-6, sene and nwnw 21-50-6, ___$39.00 nel/4n1/2sw, sesw, sel/4 22-50-6, -------$143.00 All sec. 23-50-6__$218.33 nel/4, el/2ne, nese, sV2se 28-50-6 ------$105.57 All 17-50-6----- $195.20 sw1/4 29-50-6----- $49.61 All sec. 33-50-6, $157.12 All sec. 35-50-6__$157.12 Interest, __$140.97, $1521.80 $1521.80 Illegal, chg. town of Bell. The following resolution was presented and was upon motion adopted; Be it resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, this 14th day of January, 1919, that it be the sentiment of this board that they sustain and approve the action of Mr. C. M. Axness, in the proceedings taken in the personal property tax case of the city of Washburn. L. P: Anderson The following resolution was presented and was upon motion laid on the table: Nhereas the work in the office of the County Court for this county has increased so as to require a register in Probate, to assist in the clerical work connected there- with, and Whereas the County Board has made no provision for a salary for such Register in Probate, therefore be it Resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County, in adjourned annual session assembled, that the sum of Ip--- per month, be and the same is hereby appropriated out of the general fund, commencing on the ist day of February, 1919, same to be paid the same as other salaries o3ff county officers. Dated Jan. 14th, 1919. AV. A. Robinson By request. It was moved and seconded that the Highway Committee be authorized to attend the State Road school at Madison, and their per diem and actual expenses be paid out of the county treasury. Motion carried. The following resolution was presented: Whereas, we believe that the Municipal courts of Bayfield County are a great b .j Adjourned annual session, Janury 14th, 1919 319 J expense over the Justice system, therefore Be it resolved that this board go on record as favoring the abolition of the three IVIunicipal Courts of Bayfield County, and that the present members of the ` Legislature from Bayfield County be asked to use their good offices to have a law passed for such abolition. Dated this,14th day of January, 1919. A. P. Stone. The foregoing resolution was ldatt;, by the fie vote as follows: Aye:- Gallup, North, Yderstad, Axness, Schutt, Anderson, Smith, Lavin, Stone, Maxey, Handberg, Robinson and blontoe-13 Nay:- Galligan, Thorsen, Curry, Morris, Daniels, Holm, Antonson, Vester, Johnson, Bell, Warden, Mertz and Good-13. The following resolution was presented: - Whereas we believe that the idunicipal Court at Bayfield, is a great expense over the justice system, therefore, Be it resolved that this Board go on record as favoring the abolition of the third Idunicipal court at Bayfield, and that the present members of the legislature from Bayfield County be asked to use their good offices to have a law passed for such abolition. Dated this 14th day of January, 1919. 0. hil. Axness. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the following vote: Aye:-Galligan, Thorsen, Gallup, North, Curry, Morris, Daniels, Holm, Yderstad, Axness, Antonson, Vester, Schutt, Johnson, Anderson, Lavin, Stone, Liaxey, Mertz, Handberg, Robinson, Monroe, and Good.-23. Nay:- smith, Bell, Warden 3 The following resolution was presented and was upon motion adopted: Resolved that the following amounts be and the same are hereby allowed the membe of the Board of ,Supervisors, as per diem and milage and committee work, and the County Treasurer is authorized to pay the said f2e-mberaq.rbnd the Clerk and Chairman of this board are hereby directed to issue a county order to the County Treasurer for the total amount as indicated below: Supervisors per diem milage Com. work milage total Harvey Nourse 43.00 1.44 4.44 Pat Galligan 3.00 1.44 4*.44 Geo..S. Barnes 9.00 6.48 15.48 Mike Thorsen 3.00 .30 3.30 J. J. Nigord 9.00 3.84 15.00 3.96 31.80 J. A. North 9.00 4.32 12.00 35.32 F. H. Bartlett 9.00 4.32 13.32 R. A. Gallup 9.00 6.08 15.08 Geo A. Curry 9.00 2.04 15.00 1.44 27.48 Y1. B. Morris 9.00 6.26 15.26 E. F. Daniels 9.00 4.92 9.00 6.72 29.64 Ben Holm 9.00 3.00 12.00 J. Yderstad 9.00 3.24 15.00 8.04 35.28 0. IVI. Axness 9.00 2.76 11.76 Jas *f. Good 9.000 6.92 7.15 23.07 Fred Antonson 9.00 9.72 18.72 George' Vester 9.00 6.24 3.00 1.20 19.44 T. C. Schutt 9.00 1.68 10.68 L. P: Anderson 9.00 3.36 3.00 1.92 17.28 Erick Johnson 9.00 9.24 3.00 2.16 23.64 C. W. Smith 9.00 2.04 6.00 6.72 23.76 Luke Lavin 9.00, 5.64 14.64 A. P. Stone 3.00 .24 3.00 .24 6.48 John Kransfelder 3.00 1.44 4.44 0. Flanders 3.00 1.44 3.00 1.44 8.88 Frank Robillard 3.00 1.44 4.44 D. C. Bell 3.00 1.44 15.00 13.92 33.36 D . Id. Maxey 3.00 .12 3.12 A. IVI. Warden 3.00 .12 12.00 .48 15.60 3 2 Adjourned annual session, January 14tht 1919.: Dated January 14th, 1919 521.45 Jas W. Good. Upon motion Board adjourned. Rels MI. Oscar, Conn'ty Clerk. ' '