HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 6/10/1919Special session, June 9th, 1919. County Board met pursuant to adjournment at 8:00 A. M. June 9th, at the office of the County Clerk. The following members were found present: Galligan, Thorsen, Nigard, North, Gallup , Curry, Morris, Malm, Yderstad, Holm Axness, Good, Finaney, Vester, Anderson, Johnson, Smith, Lavin, Stone, Kransfelder, Flanders, Rakill 1, Bell, Maxey, Warden, Mertz, Handberg, Robinson, Monroe. Absent:- Nourse, Barnes, Bartlett, Daniels, Schutt, Robillard. It was moved and seconded that the Committee appointed to make an investigation of the expenditures for roads etc. during the past year be given authority to make a similar examination for the two years prior to 1918. Motton carried. Upon motion board adjourned until June loth, at 7:30 A. M. June loth, 1919 Board met pursuant to adjournment with all members of the previous session present. Moved and seconded that the Committee on Fiance and Miscellaneous Claims be authorized to arrange for a temporary loan of $2500.00 to be used for the .repair of the Sioux River Bridge on the Four mile creek road. Motion carried., Moved and seconded that the claim of the Austin Western Road Machinery Co. for $656.00 for a loader be disallowed. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that road funds alotted to town of Bayfield and Town of Russell for work on the Bayfield Sand River Road be made availabld for continuous work from place now being worked, going west. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that resolution passed last meeting, relocating road along the beach, at or near the Sioux River flats, which resolution was introduced by Supervisor Bell, be rescinded. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that the $2000 allotted to the Siskowit bridge near Cornu- copia, be reallotted and made available for a new relocation on the Washburn Cornuc6pia road from the Washout at Porters Lake going north. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that the Agricultural Committee be authorized to purchase a car for the County Agricultural Agent, and that the milage allowed by the State for the use of the car be turned into the County treasury. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that the County Fair Committee be required to make a detailed report of all receipts and expenditures, and to see that all amounts appropriated by the County Board are used for the purposes for which appropriated. Motion carried. Moved and seconded the County Nurse committe be authorized to purchase a car for the use of the County nurse. Motion lost on roll call. Moved and seconded that the Homecoming celebration for the soldiers be left entirely in the hands of the committee. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that the highway Committee be authorized to secure, either by purchase or lease, gravel pits, along the County and state highways. Motion carried. The following resolution was presgnted,and was upon motion adopted: Resolved that the following amounts be and the same are hereby allowed to the members of the Board of Supervisors, as per diem -and milage and committee work, the county treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the said members, and the Clerk and Chairman of this board are hereby directed to issue a county order to the County Treasurer for the total amount as indicated below: 334 Special Session, June 10th, 1919. Supervisors per diem milage Pat Galligan 12. 1.44 Mike Thorsen 12. .30 J. J. Nigard 12 3-84 J. A. North 12 4.32 R. A. Gallup 12 6.08 Geo. A. Curry 12 2.04 X. B.` Morris 12 6.26 Wm. Malm 12 1.68 J. Yde rstad 12 3.24 Ben Holm 12 3.00 0. M. Axness 12 2.76 Geo. Froney 12 9.72 Geo. Vester 12 6.24 L. P. Anderson 12 3.36 Erick Johnson 12 9.24 C. W. Smith 12 2.04 Luke Lavin 12 5.64 A. P. Stone 12 .24 John Kransfelder 12 1.44 0. Flanders 13 1.444 D. C. Bell 3 1.44 D. M. Maxey 12 .12 A. M. Warden 12 .12 Geo. Mertz 12 .12 Ole Handberg 12 .12 W. A. Robinson 12 .12 D. A. Monroe 12 .12. 13.44 12:30 15.84 16:32 18.08 14.04 18.26 13.68 15.24 15.00 14.76 21.72 18.24 15.36 21.24 14.04 17.64 12.24 13.44 4.44 4.44 12.12 12.12 .12.12 12.12 12.12 12.12 Upon motion board adjourned until June 19th, 1919. County Clerk. 335 Special session, June 19th, 1919 I' Board of Supervisors met pursuant to adjournment with the following members present: Galligan, Thorsen, Nigard, North, Gallup, Curry, 1,1orris, Daniels, Malm, Yderstad, y Holm, Axeness, gester, Schutt, Anderson, Johnson, Smith, Lavin, Stone, Kransfelder, 'I !;; Flanders,Maxcy, Warden, Mertz, Handbe-rg, Robinson, Monroe. j'i Absent: Nourse Bartlett Good Frone Robillard Bell. Barnes, f y. f I ii The following petitions was presented and was upon motion referred to the Road and Bridge Committee: it To the County Board of Bayfield County, Wis. . II We the undersigned residents of Bayfield County, Wis. hereby petition you to adopt as a portion of the county system of highways, the road commonly known as the Namekagon road leading from Grandview, or from that part of the Federal trunk line I now leading through Grandview and to Namekagon lake. This road is now in very good i condition and will need very lettle repair. Being of gravel its upkeep will be inespensive. We believe that this road is traveled more by residents of Bayfield 'l County than the road leading from Cable to Namekagon, and that it is of greater benefit to Bayfield County. Signed L. P. Anderson, Severt Jacobson, Martin Hanson and 20 other residents. The following resolution was presented and was upon motion adopted: Whereas it has come to the notice of the Board that many of the laborers on County highways are aliens, therefore be it resolved, that the County Highway Commissioner be directed to instruct all foremen on county road work, and all other persons who have charge of highway work or any other work in which the county has an interest whatever, that no personsbe employed on such work who are not American citizens or who have made an effort toward acquiring citizenship. Dated June 19th, 1919. E. F. Daniels The following resolution was presented and was adopted by a unanimous vote of all members present, all members voting aye, upon the call of the roll: Be it resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County in adjourned session held this 19th day of June, 1919 at the Court house in the city of Washburn, that the sum al of Fifteen hundred dollars addition/be appropriated out of the General fund of said Bayfield County for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the Homecoming celebra- tion -for returned soldiers and sailors of'the world war to be held at the city of Washburn on the 27th, 28th and 29th of June, 1919, and that the County Clerk be instructed to draw an order for the above amount sum to be turned over to the ! Committee to be expended as they see fit in providing a fitting and proper celebra- tion for our soldierx and sailor heroes of the great war. That the committee in charge of such celebration be required to make an accounting of the funds expended and to the return to the county treasury of Bayfield county so much of the fund as it not expended in providing this celebration and entertainment for the soldiers and sailors. Dated June 19th, 1919 E. F. Daniels. It was moved and seco4ded that all metters pertaining to the relocation of the Sioux River bridge, be referred to the County Road and Bridge Committee and the State Highway Commission. Upon motion board adjourned until F iday, June 20th. 61 ounty Clerk. 336 June 20th, 1919, Special session June 20th, 1919, .Board met pursuant to adjournment with all members of previous session present. The following resolution was presented:' Whereas a two mill levy og all taxable property of Bayfield County, was made by the Bayfield county board of Supervisors at'their adjourned annual meeting held December 3rd, 1918, for road and bridge purposes, and Whereas, said levy made available.the sum of $43,507.90 for 1919 road and bridge'; work, and ' ii Whereas, the allotment as specified in'resolution adopted at the same meeting, including the county's share for -all highway purposes for the year 1919 amounted to 30,001.00, I Be it resolved that the balance available in said fund be and is hereby appro- priated to cover existing deficits from 1918 overdrafts on the highway fund as shown • .by the books of the County Clerk, amounting to $13,506.90 in order to make available the funds necessary to complete the 1918 improvements, and Be it further resolved, that the present, County, State road and Bridge committee -be hereby instructed and authorized to overdraw the present county road maintenance i� fund and the county machinery fund sufficiently to adequately maintain the county system of highways during the year 1919. Dated June 20th, 1919. Geo. A. Curry Erick Johnson George Vester, Bayfield County, State road and bridge Committee. j i' Upon the call of the roll all members present voted for the foregoing resolution.;; The following.resolution was presented: Resolved that the sum of $350 M2±ee hundred fifty dollars be appropriated for the building of the county aid bridge in the town of Lincoln and the sum of Two hundred fifty dollars $260.00 be appropriated for the building of the county aid' bridge in town of Mason in addition to appropriations made at special meeting of the board in 1918 to cover deficiency and that any money so appropriated and not used +� revert to the general road fund of the county. J. Yderstad: Upon the call of the roll on above resolution, all members voted in the affirma tine. Resolution declared adopted. ;j The following resolution was presented: i Resolved that such portion of the money appropriated for 1918 and 1919 on Bibon Swamp rpad, as the highway committee and state engineer may decide as.available, be used in grading and graveling, the state.trunk line, commencing at Southwest corner of section 34-47-5 and running west and south as far as said funds will cover. J. Yderstad. Upon .the call of the roll on above resolution, all members voted in the' affirmative. Resolution declared adopted. It was moved and seconded that the Committee on County Buildings and grounds be authorized to make the best arrangement for constructing approach to County tool house, that they can. Motion carried. Moved and seconded that a county food Demonstrator be engaged at $80.00 per month. Upon the call of the roll, all members voted in the negative. Motion declared lost.- Special Session, Juno 20th, 1919. 337 It was moved and seconded that the petition presented at the session of Junel9th for the adoption of a road from Grandview to Lake Namekagon as a county road, be recalled from the Committee on Roads and Bridges. Motion carried. It was -moved and seconded that the petition mentioned be laid on the table. Motion carried. i 338 Special Seocion June 20th, 1919.. Moved and seconded that fifteen cents per mile be paid for the use of all cars on the inspection trip of the county roads and that the county also pay for all breakage. The Highway Committee was directed to make settlement with car owners onabove basis. Motion carried. The following resolution was presented and was upon motion adopted: Resolved that the following amounts be and the same are hereby allowed to the members of the Board of Supervisors, as per diem and milage and committee work, and the county treasurer is authorized to pay the said members, and the Clerk and Chairmar of this board are hereby -directed to issue a county order to the county treasurer for the total amount as indicated below; Supervisors er diem milage total Pat Galligan MOO 1.44 9.44 Mike Thorsen 8.00 .30 8.30 J. J. Nigard 16.00 3.84 19.84 J. A. North 12. 4.32 16.32 R. A. Gallup 16. 6.08 22.08 Geo. A. Curry 8.00 2.04 10.04 M. B. Morris 8.00 6.26 14.26 E. F.Daniels 16.00 9.84 25.84 Wm. Malm 8.00 1.68 9.68 J. Yderstad 8.00- 3.24 11.24 Ben Holm 8.00 3.00 11.00 0. IVI. Axness 8.00 2.76 10.76 George Vester 16.00 6.24 22.24 T. C. Schutt 16.00 1.68 17.68 L. P. Anderson 16.00 3.36 19.36 Erick Johnson 16.00 9.24 26.24 C. W. Smith 8.00 2.04 10.04 Luke Lavin 16.00 5.64 21.64 A. P. Stone 8.00 .24 8.24 John Kransfelder 8.00 1.44 9.44 0. Flanders - 8.00 1.44 9.44 A. X. Warden 8.00 .12 8.12 George Mertz 8.00 .12 8.12 Ole Handberg 8.00 .12 8.12 W. A. Robinson 8.00 .12 8.12 D. A. Monroe 8.00 .12 8.12 Dated June 20th, 1919 0. M. Axness. Upon motion board adjourned. � />. County Clerk.