HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 12/1/1920419 '.he adjourned annual meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County was held at the Circuit Court Room in the Ba.yfleld County Court House,City of rashburn on ;Vednesday,Dec lst,A. D. 1920. At 10 o' clocks .M. Meeting called to order by O.L1. l:xness , Chairman. ROLLI"ALL showed the following members present: lourse,Galligan Barnes,�horeson,Juell,ilorth,Bartlett,Haro.r,Curry,idiorris,lianiels Mialm,Holm,Good Froney,Vester, Schutt, And.,rson,Johnson, SmithLavin, ltone,Ewing,Bell y,,,varden,I.Iertz,Handberg, 2mh±=m_T Monroe and Oxness. Ialotion for an executive session carried. Nell 11. Oscar County Clerk, was not present and J. Yderstad was elected temporary 101erk.Reading of minutes dispensed with.kinutes of last meeting approved. Following communication was duly filed and read: To the County Hoard,Bayfield County,Vis. Gentlemen: - I hereby -tender my resignation as County Clerk of this County,same to take effect at once. Yours truly, Nels Id. Oscar. Moved and seconded,that the resignation of Eels Itii. Oscar as County Clerk of Bayfierl County be accepted. I:'-otion carried unanimously. L.'oved and sec. that the Dist 2itty. and County Treasurer be asked to be present. I,7otion carried. hioved and seconded that Jacob Yderstad be appointed County Clerk of Bayfield County "Vis.to fill the unexpired term of Nels .II. Oscar, resigned.I,iotion carried,all above M members voting aye. loved. and sec,that the Finance Committee be,and they are hereby ordered to mploy Expert _accountants in the Offices of -the County Clerk and County -.reasurer as far back as may be found to be necessary,as embodied in the following resolution to wit: VHEREAS,the books of our County officers have not been audited in the manner consis tent with good business practice,nor-any report of udi filed with this Board for a number of years,therefore be it resolved, IHal the Finance committee be,and they,are hereby instructed to employ a cer- tified,bonded public accountant to make a comprehensive audit of all the books of the County Officers relating to the Handling of any and all the funds of this County;said audit to take place as soon as possible,and that said public Accountant be required to render a report thereof,a copy of which shLIll be mailed to each i;Iember of she County Board. Don. C. Bell. Resolution adopted,All members voting ye. Moved and sec. that the County Board dispense with the services of ._ug. Hoffman previously employed to audit the County Officers Books. Xotion carried. ,?nnual Report of _llfred Froseth,Coun.ty lreasurer,showing the receipts :nd expen- ditur.es of his office up to Oct. 31st,1920,presented and filed. No report from the Ex County Clerk filed. 11oved and sec. that the Board be in open session. Carried. COI:H4U111C2111!ON from V. E. Brubaker, County agent, in relation to getting started the tuberculin test of Cattle throughout 3ayfield County,read and on motion laid over u until next meeting. HEfOR'. from Jessie N. Smith,County Superintendent of Schlol,being the annual re- port duly read and on motion ordered placed on file. Her bill for quarterly expense "'125.97 42, 0 IV / " plus 26.00 as -c)er certific;.te from :Mate Supt. ,total '1��0.97,allo red. I .RE UEST from Rev i+'red Dahlberg for a donation of from 1100.00 to 200.00 to the Ch�ildrerls Home Society of 11fis,vvvas laid. oil the table. At 12,ffoo 1,Recess until 1.30 P.M. At 1-30 P.IFE. il-eeting called -Uo order. Roll call. All members previously reported,pre- s ent . It was moved and :eec that only the most important matters 'be taken ur) at this meeting. Carried. The claim of Arthur E. Anderson for x xki , 944.00 and Clyde Tyler for ' 1OC D.00 rspectively, both claiming darages for accid-nts caused by defective roads,was duly pre,sented.On recommandalion of the List. Atty. and on proper motion,said claims were �) referred to the Comm. on Roads and Bridges,with full -authority to make settlement as they deem just and proper. Adorned. Ylashburn, Wis. Dec. lot,1920. Gentlemen of the County Bon.rd:- 7e,the und.:rsigned Committee on Equ:z.liyation,bef to submit the following report:- 1HAT,having gone over the various gables of assessments of the lowns throughout the County,and that finding the report of Assessor of Income A..Pierce lomkins,as near xx equitable as it could be made, ''THEREFORE,recomu end that, the re -port be adorledas set forth in Pair. lambins' report. Barksdale 2821, 241 Barnes 949,766 Bayfield 1244,831 Bayvievv 693,748 Bell 653,829 , Cable 688,716 Clover 608,213 Drturmond 5146,206 Eileen 838.222 Hughes 406,928 :iron River 609,405 Kelly 726,872 Keystone 429,930 Lincoln 520,973 i,lason 1 12269 732 Namekagon 611,699 Orienta 774,628 Oulu 758,875 Pilsen 371,166 port 1.rig 1076,738 Pratt 932,837 Russell 571,342 Tripp 497971 ',Olashburn 887,586 Bayfield City 1i51,336 Cable Village 230,649 lashburn City - 2519,747 Total valuation for County e27950,188 Signed, Jas bU. Good Geo. S. Barnes ,,m PyG,ltli Z. P. Anderson. It was moved and duly seconded ,that the report of the Committee on Equali- sation be accepted. Roll call. -All members voting aye. 13 4 21 fi The Poll o.aing resolution ',ryas presented:- RESOLVED,by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County,Wis in annual ses- sion this lst day of December,1920,that the valuation set opposite the respective Towns,Cities and Villages in the following list,contair_ing all the Towns,Cities and Villages in Bayfield County be,and the same are hereby fixed as the valuation as dete.rmined by the County Board,to wit: - Name of Town,City or Village. Valuation. �garkedale-------------------- ----------- Barksdale 2821,241 Barnes 949,766 Bayfield 1244,831 Bayview 693,748 Bell 653,829 Cable 688,716 Clover 608,213 Drummond 5146,206 Eileen 838,222 hughes 406928 Iron River 609,405 Kelly 726,872 Keystone 429,930 Lincoln 5209973 Lla.s on 1,226,732 Namekagon 611,699 Orienta 7749628 Oulu 758,875 Pilsen 371,166 Port `,ling io76 , 738 Pratt 932,837 Russell 571,342 Tripp 497,971 5ashburn 887,588 Bayfield City 1151,336 Cable Village 230,649 Washburn City 2519,747 Total for County �27950,188. 11OVED AND SECONDED,that the resolution be adopted. Carried by the following vote: iiYE,Nourse,Galligan,Barnes,Thoreson,Juell,North,Bartlett,Karo}w,Curry,Iviorris, Daniels,Yalm,Holm,Good,Froney,Vester,Schutt,.Lnderson,Johnson,Smith,.Liavin, Stone, Ewing kzxxxfxxBell Maxcy,7V7ard­n,1Jertz Handberg, Robins on,Tvionroe, and Axness. THE FINANCE AND BUDGET C01VIMITTEE submitted the following report and Resolution:- RLESOLVED by the County Board -.assembled at annual meeting thereof this lst day of December,1920,that the report of the Committee on finance of said Countybe,and the same is hereby approved and adopted,and it is hereby re- solved that there be,and there is hereby levied upon all taxable property of Hayf i e ld 'County the sum of i'670 .HUNDRED THIRTY TIWO 1HOTJ S_,'LND EIGHT HUNDRED T'i'JENTY SIX and forty three cents, (;:232,826..43) for the purpose described .and set f forth in said report of said Committee on Finance,and the Budget constituting a part of said report. Signed,Pat Galligan. Following is the Budget for Hayfield County,Nov 1,1920 to Oct 31st,1921:- State taxes: General State tax 050967.03 Special it IT for 1.2669.59 Charitable & penal inst.--------- Total State taxes v63,636.62 'ri-County Tuberculosis Sanitarium Building Account �14,463.55 Building new additions 17139814.50 Total ---------- - � 28,278.05 � Operatin Expenses 5,000.00 �- Bonds: Refunding Bonds Sanatarium Bonds Soldiers Bonus Bonds Road Bonds Total Interest on above Bonds Road and Bridges.. Two mill tax on .27 960,188 (.Federal Project�2Oa�O� Comm. rep est. 76,400.00 ------------- i98 , 400.00 On hand 4r20 , 000. Rects. om income tax2b,566.33 ----------- 45,466.33 �52 9 833.67- "9. 5000.00 113000.00 "5374.36, "4500.00 179874.36 7,105.00 55,900.37 County Superintendent of Schools 41500.00 Clerks Salary 900.00 Expenses 1100.00 -------- 4 3500.00 County Officers Salaries and Expenses. County Board,Per Diem & Expenses y2500.00 County Clerks -Salary 2600.00 Expenses 1000.00 "3600.00 County TReasurers Salary 2000.00 Expenses 2000.00 "4000?00 Dist Att'y Salary_ 2000.00 Exp. 200.00 "2200.00 Reg. of Deeds Salary 2400.00 Expenses 500.00 112900.00 Meeting of Assessors 225.00 Sheriffs Salary 2000.00 Undersheriff 1200.00 . Prisoners Bon.rd 500.00 Janitor 1200.00 Conveyance of Prisoners 1500.00• --------- 116400.00 County Ag. Agent Salary 1600.00 Expenses 920.00 Clerk Hire 780.00 ---------- 113500.00 County Nurse: Salary 1500.00 Expenses 600.00 ----------- 112100.00 Total for County Officers -- ---------- $ 7427.00 County Court: Judges` Salary 1500.00 Deputy 720.00 Expense, 780.00 .1 -------- 113000.00 ilZunicival Court: Sal. 2�Judges' 1600.00 Witness & Jurors fees 100.00 Rent 300.00 '--------- "2000.00 ------------- Coroner 100.00 Circuit Court; Salary Clerk of Court 1200.00 Clerk Hire 1.00.00 witness & Jurors fees--2200.00 Just ice -Court: Justice.,witness fees -;etc Highway Administration; Commissioners' Salary 2000.00 Expenses 2000.00 Miscellaneous: Mothers' Pensions 2700.00 Blind Soldiers Relief 1000.00 Trancient Poor 2000.00 County Fair (All purposes) 1500.00 Town end City Clerks', Assessors and Treasurers books 1000.00 County Buildings-& Grounds: Janitor 1200.00 Repairs 600.00 Coal 1000.00 Water 200.00 Telephone 600.00 Light 500.00 Special Audit Bounties Vital Statistics dependents in outside institution Election Expenses CONTINGENT FUND "3500.00 " 200.00 "4000.00 5000.00 7800.Ou 8200.00 4100.00 3000.00 1200.00 300.00 1500.00 5000.00 423 County Insu rance,Officers6 bonds & County Property Ins. Care of Blind Persons Ivlukeg River Bridge Less Estimated Receipts:. Interest from Banks Mun. Court fees Supervising Teacher State .yid Interest on redemption Int. on taxes paid before sale Amount due from State aid,years 1915,1916 & 1918 State aid that will be due on 1921 work Register of Deeds Office �51650.00 500.00 Grand Total $2000.00 ..100.00 1200.00 400.00 500.00 6392.97 2100.00 2500.00 Total to be levied -was- e ed-�bc-see®�ded;that-the -Res-elat-ie1q-be-adept&d, Signed, 2k Finance Cmmmittee,etc. " 2150.00 " 1050.00 ----------------- '248 , o l9.00 15192.97 ----------------- yP32 , 826.43 ------------------- D. M. IUlaxcy F. H. Bartlett C. W. Smith Id. B. Morris It was moved and seconded,that the above Resolution and Budget be adopted,and the Clerk instructed to place the amount against all taxable property in Bayfield County. Ayes.`Vourse,Galligan,i3arnes,Thoreson juell,North,Bai-tlett,Ka.row, Curry,l,iorris , Daniels, iiialmHolm, Good,Froney, Vester, Schutt T2:,.ndcrson, Johnson, Smith, Lavin, Stone, Ewing, Bell, I,Iaxcy, Warden,Mertz,Handberg,Robinson. h,Ionroe and A'xness. Noes,None. -Carried. The report of the Road and Bridge Committee,and the Highway Commissioner was read,and on motion received and placed on file. ,Vashburn, Vis Dec. 1st,1920. annual Be it resolved,by the Bayfield County Board in adjourned session assembled this lst day of December,1920,that there be and hereby is a levy of 2 (two) mills on the dollar of equalized valuation of the County for highway purposes for the year 1921. Signed , L. P. Anderson. Above repolution was upon Roll call,adopted,all members present voting Aye. A communication from the Legislative Committee of Jefferson County was read, and upon motion the County Clerk was instructed to communicate to the said Comm. the approval of this Board of the proposition. RESOLVED,by the County Board of Bayfield County assembled at annual meeting thereof this first day of December,1920 that there be,there is hereby rais ed by tax in each of the following named Towns of Bayfield County for the support of the Common Schools for the ensuin year the sum of V ENTY FOUR THOUSAND FIFT_'L�EET and 75/100 Dollars which is hereby apportioned in accordance with the provisions of Section lo74-1 of the rTisconsin Statutes and that said amounts are calculated on the basis of ;3.55 for each person of Shool age residing in each of the Shool districts herein named which maintained a Shool as required by law,to wit: Town of Barksdale Town of Barnes Town of Bayfield Town of Bayview "'own of Bell 72own of Cable Town of Clover Town of Drummond Town of Eileen Town of Hughes Town of IronRiver Town of Kelly Town of Keystone Town of Lincoln Town of L'ason Town of Namekagon TovLq of Orienta Town of Oulu - Town of -ilsen Town of Port suing Town of Pratt_ Town of Russell Touvn of Tripp Town of ,Vashburn �;717.10 "166.85 79S.75 582,20 383.40 798.75 337.25 1089.85 1324.15 362,10 923.00 720.65 894.60 53'9.60 llf8.25 138.45 372.75 1718.20 756.15 940.75 543.15 518.30 440.20 883.95 424 fzwxxzf City of Bayfield 41828.25 City of -Washburn 115119.10 And it is hereby resolved hat the County Clerk of Said County apportions said sums to the various taxing districts of said County and Cause same to be placed upon the several taxrolls of said County in accordance with Law. D. M. 1viaxcy. On motion said Resolution was adopted,all members voting aye upon roll cull. Miss. Anna M. Thompson,Countyif-arse presented her annual report.On Notion, same was accepted and placed on file. BE IT RESOLVED,by the County Board of Bayfield County,assembled in annual sessi this lst day of December,1920,that the salary of the County health Nurse Miss Anna TJi. Thompson,be,and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of two thousand dollars per annum,said salary to commence on the lst day of January,1921. Signed,Donald C. Bell. Res_nectfully submitted and recommended for adoption, Donald C. Bell,Chm. Jas. W. Good J. A: North. Comm. on education,County .Nurse & Sanatarium. IVIOVED & SEC. that the above resolution be adopted. Carried. To the Honorable County Board,Bayfield Colanty,4i'isconsin: Gentlemen: Ne.,the undp-rsigned -Committee on Justices,Cons'table and'Sheriffs fees and b•ills,beg �axxx to, recommend that the foll'bwing bills be allowed,and that the County Clerk be authorized to draw ord.;rs for amounts shown in column headed "Allowedly. Dated 'Washburn,ffis. this lst day of Dec. 1920. Respectfully submitted, A.M.aarden Pat Gallig,�in A. P. Stone. --i"o-vrhom-drawn----------------`For what purpose ------Claim-u------- ed p e Al l oti, State vs. Frank Eanson Bastardy II IT Harry Desionet Illegal Hunting IT TT Foy " olf 11 IT " Mad Goetrick 1I IT • " Roy Wolf & I,t Goetrick IT J-14. Long, fees T' ..IT G. A. Stone Detentuion from School. Sentence susp. IT TV E. J. Fleck Violation of Game laws IT It H. G� . S ry'L7UE 11 IT TT F. A. Foss - IT " if S.L.Boutin Obscene :Language Sheriffs fees IT IT Peter Tdioe Detention of Children from Shool,susp. Sheriffs fees H. G. Mertens Abusive language," " " IT HugoAhlsman Violating Game laws TT TI E. H. Lewis - IT I1 11 IT IT Jos. Levi IT Ir IT IT "Si. itidinshal IT it it iP L. D. Pease IT IT 11 " A. W . Gust IT 17 " " H jalmer Hansen II It T, " IT, John Calvin Burglary rr 11 Herman Spangle Bastardy IT IT Frank Baehr Wife desertion fly IT John Smith Assault 'and Battery IT Lytle Wilkinson r " IT " IT Jos. Grandman Violating Game laws Helmer Johnson Assault an Battery IT IT Jos. Suffolk TT TT IT IT Dan Tlorbine Larceny IT IT I:i. 0. Drue Villat ing game law 'I IT bIrs Nickolson_ Assault & Battery TV 11 'N. 0. still IT TT IT TT Verner Rockord Speeding a fliver 010.00 pd. Arthur Fiege IT 11 1110.00 pd 17 IT Steve Surhik Assault &c battery paid. 6.74 2.40 3.78 6.17 1.20 4.00 3.50 29.50 75 3.50 8.17 pd 3.50 3.50 2.50 paid Ti IT 4.78 paid 2550 18.12 2.40 3.78 6.17 1.20 4m O0 3.50 3.50 3.50 2.50 4.78 2.50 18.12 �n �J;. rl 425 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defendant Charge Fine Allowed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ State Vs Chas Erickson Violating Prohibition law Bound over to Cir. Oft Sheriffs fees 9.00 9.00 " Jake Dibbell Moon shining. Dismissed Sheriffs fees 12.00 12.00 EY( ,N. Sparling Ed. Goetzenberger " IUlfred Larson " T1 M. Rydor J. B. Iu?cLucas Guy 1!IcCall IT " Geo. A. Betz TT " Walter Nelson IT " Erick Erickson IT " John Chilar Iviatt Iiathias Witness fees: Mrs Chas. Irioore klargaret Sarlon John Ledman State vs. Thio. Telepski 1t 11 J.11A.Ba,yatt IT - 11 Ino. Violo IT P1 Erick Erickson it 11 Lew. Anderson 1P " Jno. Suffak Carl Luedke Mrs. Albert Smith ITT1 John Idahallek Iviartin Green) Speeding. Fine _paid Violating Liquor laves, dismissed. Sheriffs fees 26.60 Exposing person 2.50 Abusive language (`3.00 pd) Dismissed Assault & Battery Fine pd. Speeding, Fine paid. Larceny Fine paid Violating Game law (dismissed) Sheriffs fees 2.50 Larceny. dismissed 2.50 it TT 2.50 Travel 100 miles & 1 day 5.00 TT 125 tilday 6.00 It 94 it 1 day 47 `?6 Assault & Battery fine paid Witness,Dan. Ryan 90 mi & 1 day Violation game laws 2.60 pd 14 11 11 2.50 TT 11 1t 1t 1.00 IT 1t 11 E d 9 Assault & Battery pd. tt 11 pd. Larceny I2.50 pd. Assault & Battery pd. Arrone Golek) Witnesses teach '�2.20 paid John Keosky ) T. C. Schutt ) State vs. i+Martin Galek Assault with dangerous weapon,J. v. Long Sheriff 4.60 " Mrs. Miatt I+.Iathaz iz , .Larceny, Dismissed. Chas Jelinek Assault & battery,fine paid TV 11 Peter Mo jek Deserting wife. Bound over. Erick Swanson Violating health laws,fine paid A. Rula Anderson ',arceny. Bound over. " Dwight Lamoreux If " Jno. Belauger Violating Game laws. fine paid. John Doe Fornication, Dismissed. TT 11 Angus Olson Adultery. Bound over. Fred Jonias ',fife deserter. bound over " geo Anderson Drunk. Paid fine " Aug. Christi Abusive language fine paid " Leo. Stokey Violation of game Tales 11 T, Sam Ho yh I 11 11 IT 1i Olga Irallum Abusive language " Alfred Belson Giving away booze. Dismissed IT " Aug.- Christie ��ssault & Battery. fine paid " 11 Martin Olson Transporting hJ-hiskey bound over Jno Thompson& Laura Nourse Burglary, Dismissed Alfred Nelson Giving liquor to Iviinors. Fine paid TT " Magnus Holm Violating game laws " 11 IT 11 John Ostby I IT 11 E. Scott L 1T 11 11 TT 0 26.60 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 6.00 4.76 4.68 4.60 n+PORT F' 0M THE COUNTY JUDGE: FEES ALLOWED THE COURT: ' -----------------------------------------------------------------Y-------------- Name of Individuals -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Cause of Action Claimed ------- Allowed. Francis Auletti Adoption 5.00 5.00 Myrtle. Irene Oa.s Dependency 2.50 2.50 Dorothy Matteke IT 2.50 2., 5.0 Lucille Yloyette " 2.50 2.50 j Raymond Moyette `' 2.50 2.50 Aug Frostman Alleged Insane 5.00 1 5.00 I Dr. T. R. Spears Physician 4.20 4.20 Dr. A. A. Axley " 4.20 4.20 John Jurinko ) Depend ency 2.50 2.50 Chas. Jurinko) Edward and Elinor Judy Adoption 2.50 2.50 Ivan Van Hogan Dependency 2.50 2.50 I John.Carley Insane .5.00 5.00 John Bracken gitness 92 mi. 2 days 5.18 5.18 Dr. T. R. Spears) examining rhysdcian 4.20 4.20 Dr. A. A. Axley ) 4.20 4.20 Herman 'T'eppo -Tuberculosis 2.50 2.50 Edward Geralds Adoption 2.50 2.50 Laura Tviartin� Dependents 2.50 2.50 Rilliam " ) Clara Schmidt) Vialte r it ) Dependents 2.50 2.50 Mary It ) Arthur L. Tennison ) Floreiace ) IT 2.50 2.50 Irene Florence Bonney E1bin 71) 1 Joseph " ) „ 2.50 2.50 Anne. " ) I John Keosky ) Anna " ) Pauline" ) " 2.50 2.50 Mary " ) 17ilard fund Gordon Elinor Henry " 2.50 2.50 Victor i;largaret Jenson Tuberculosis 2.50 2.50 Rudolph Karaba Depend ent 5.00 0.00 John _v °Jestlund Tuberculosis 2.50 2.50 Irene Goulait Insanity 5.00 5.00 Dr. J.R.1,Jitchell) Physicians 4.20 4.20 Dr. A.A.Axley 1 4.20 4.20 Lytle T,rcikonen Insanity 5.00 5.00 Dr A.A.Axley ) 4.20 4.20 Dr. T.R.S-L-ears) Physicians 4.20 4.20 'Roy T. Kyster Adoption 2.50 - 2.50 Steve Hnath Insanity 5.00 5.00 Dr. T.R.Spea.rs ixam. Physicians 4.20 4.20 Dr. J.R.Mitchell 4.20 4.20 A11'redk Christenson Insane 5.00 5.00 Dr. T.R.Spears Exam. --`Physicians 4.20 4.20 Dr. A.A.Axley 4.20 4.20 Joseph Beauregard Insane 5.00 5.00 Dr. 1 .R.Spea-rs Exam. Physicians 4.20 4.20 Dr.A.k.Axley 4.20 4.20 - `•--•hLnnici►al Juuge s-Eutltle(� to r°ees:- - - -- --- !;� 1920 Jan. 22nd.-S. L. Boutin Jan. 15th. Peter Moe, 2.50 Jan. 16th.=H. G. -Mertens, 2150 itl Jana 17th.-L, D. Pease, 2,11 transfer 1.00 3.50 +I Feb. 20th:-John Calvin, 2.50 transfer 1.00 , 3.50 , Mar. 29th.-Frank Baehr, 2.50 transfer 1.00 3.50 i Apr: 5th.-John Smith, 2.50 Apr. 21st.-Lytle Wilkinson, 2.50 1il Apr. 27tb.-Dan Modib e,, 1.00 May 27th.-O, W. Still, 2.50 _--- __ _ __ it�rvxs yr uuuii•rx-Jvi,ujti-(Uonrunuea7 j June 21st.-Chas4 Erickson, 2.50 1.00 3.50 , ' Name of Individuals, Cause of Action Claimed Allowed June 30th.-Take Rebell, 2.50 ' + \la.. ce Bursey i " June 29th:-Ed'Goetzenberger, 2-:50 William, Bursey Dependents 2.50 2.50, June 29th.='Wilfur :Larson Etal 2.50 Mary Bursey u Aug. 25th.-Chiler John, 250 Hilma #osenoki, Tuberculosis 2.50 2.60' Aft. 23rd.-Mrs. Matt Matchevies, 2.50 Jesun Brown, Insane 5.00 5.00 Aug. 17th.-John Veda, 2.50 transfer 1.00 2.50.. Dr. J. R. Mitchell Examined) 4.20 4.20 Aug. 17th.-Eri.ck Erickson, 2.50'+ transfer 1:00 3.60 Dr. A. A. Axley, Examined, 4.20 4.20 .- AiiF. 23rd.-M9,rti.n-G'ek. 2.50 traansfer '1.00 , R:se ', .Florence Nelson, Tuberculosis _ ' 2:50 2.50.' Aug'., 2,lrrl.- rs. Matt Maethevics, 2:59 Otto Clark Insane 5.00 5.00 Sept: 16th. 'Peter, Majek, 2.50 transfer, 1.00 3.5-6 Dr. A. A. Ailey, Examined 4,20 4.20 July 15th.-Alf Rud1e Anderson, 2.50 1.00 3,50 i ` Dr J. R. Mitchell, Examined 4.20 4.20 Sent. 24th.-Dwigbt Lamoreaux,` 2.50' 1.00 .15n Martin Henderson, Tuberculosis 2.50 2.50 Sent. 26th.-John Doe, Etal . 2.50 Christian Johnson, Tuberculosis (see report). 5.00 5.00 ' Sept: 26th.-Angus Olsan, 2.50 ,transfer 1.00 3.50 { James C. Young, Dependent child ,2.50 2.50 i Charles C.,, Young, Howard T. Young, ' children ­2.50 2.60 I Herman Teppo, Tuberculosis 2.50 2.50 Alice Mischeivitz, Dependency 2.50 2.50 Chas. Fisher, Insane 5.00 5.00 4.M J it. Mitchell, M. D., Examined 4.20 4.20 4.20 T. B Spears M. D., Examined, 7 62 5 OOi. r Glen G. tGolden Insane (see report) i4 k A T. G Johnson'"; J'lW r�Tartar i_ :Examined. 6 mi., lVday, k Examine d :6 mr 1 acaY 4,60 60 4 60 4 60� i IV ,., -,:,v Jr r"R,?: .. % 4. f ,,:; �, icy i4'' k ',° 0 ,. i::,,;:Fr"-.,^•,+P: t i� OU' P t. r 4+" . ;�,"-�, Iiit r "rrlE"ml.. 4'�`,` p�w �T< .Peter.-9�Mo� ick^dese},°tron�, ; r � i •� -- E Agnes Wickstrom, Emily Wickstrom, Dependent children 2.50 2.5 Genevik Williams,, Tub6rculosis, 2.50"'2.6 Fern Wieksh, infant Adoption (see report) 5.00 5.6 Cl, Clarence N. Ellis". Insane- 5.00 6. Dr.', T. R. Spears,, Examined., amine 4.20 4� Dr. A. A. Axley, Examined 4.20 .4.2 Magnus Olsdnj Insane 6.00;, 5.0 Px.','A. A. Axley, Examined 4.20,, -4.2 Dr. T. R. Spears, Examined, 4.20 4.2 Frank Belobrajdic, Insane 2.60 2.5 Olga' Pekers'6n;, Tuberculosis -San. 2.50- 2.5 Victor Anderson, Tuberculosis -San. 2.50} 2.5 Mary Peterson, Tuberbulosis-',Sin. 2.50 15 Olga G. Thompson, "TubItirculosis-San. 2.50 2.5 Walter Chester, I Neglected child. 5.00 5.0 Elvin ' a Peterson, Witness. -, 22 mi., I day., -3.26 3.2 Katie B., O'Connell, Plea: of guilty 5.06' 5.0 Angus Olson,, Plea of, gulty 5.001, 5.0 Mary'Pagac, - Jacob Pag'ac, Dependent children 2.50 2.5 Martin Hendrickson, Insane 5.00 5.0 Dr. T. R. Spears, 22 miles. Examined 6.20 6.2 Dr. A. A. Axley, 22 miles. Examined .6.20, 6.2 Oscar Hermanson, Sanitoriuln 1. i50 2.5( J I . , or aid Charlotte Rud,, infant j Dependents 2.50 2.50 .Bessie Mayliall, Dependant 2.56 2.50 Gustof Jenson,, Insane' 5.00 5.00 Dr. T. R.Spdax1-11 Examined' 4.20 4.20 Dr. B. Schlossman, Examined 4.20 4.20 Jacob Yderstad, Witness' 60 miles, 1, d. day 3.90 3.90 REPORT -SECOND MUNICIPAL COURT To Whom Drawn , - For What .Purpose State vs. Frank Bohlei�, Bound over for trial. Claimed Allowed Hattie Bohlen, Witness. 26 mi. $3.00 3.04 Stella Hankaup, Witness. 26 mi. i 3.00 3.04 James Rily,- Dep't.' Sheriff, Sup. Witness 45 - 45 Attendance on court 3.00. 3.00 John Farry, Violation game laws Gordon Urquhart, jurors, 2 mi. 1.2 day 62 Paid, Elmer Ambruski, Jurors, 2 mi. 1-2 day 62 John Hicks, - Jurors, 2 mi,, 122 day 62 by J. H.Fitzpatrick, Jurors, 2 mi. 1-2 day' 62' 1 . R. E ,Schramm, Jurors, 2 mi. 1-2 day 62Certificate H. F.'Hirt, Witness for St. 284 mi.,see diet. att. 12.36 C. V. Clark (constable), Subp. witness, J. H. Johnson,- 45 Sheriff, B. Co. 1.00 I day attendance on Court and Sunday services., (Ede rep6rt) Paid) by certificates 1.37 Mable Williams and Hazel Williams, Jerome Repass, Witness. 88 MI. I day �4.52 Paid i Arthur Fleming, J C. pen , dry, Witness. 88 mi. I day ' 4.52 :Thos. Warburton, Witn'ess 88'nil. Iday Witness. 88 mi. I day 4.62 4.52 by 'Den Fleming, Witness., 88 -miles I day 4.52 �Frank Griggs, Witness. 200 mi. I day 9.00certificate 'James Riley; Dep't. Sheriff 110 miles,, .6 11,50 (Floyd.Holly (Constable) Travel 1 -50 miles 5.00 5.00 iA. F. Cameron,, Sheriff, Washburn Co., 12 mi. 6 da.Subp. witness 3-01Y-_­­3.00- Jas. Riley,'Deputy Sheriff, 1-2. day attendance ' I , U0, 1.90 (Jas. Rile�', Deputy Sheriff,. Convey $15.00, summing Jar. '75 1.951 50c Mi. 60 mi. 16-10 State vs. Henry Wedjenoja, Larceny of timber, Bound over. 16.10� ;Jim Riley, Deputy Sheriff Mileage, etc. 5.80 5.'80 IStato vs Herbert Sinioneau' IF. X. Mineau. (Constable),, Mileage, etc. 95 95 State vs. Frank Bohlen;, WITNESS FEES John Lill; 1.40 1.40 Mrs. John Lill, 1.40 1.40 OFFICER James Riley, Deputy Sheriff, -Fee s 5.50 5.50 SHERIFF BILLS Berquist & Kinstler, Repairs as per bill by John Priberg 62.97 Jas. M. Long., Sheriff, Trip to Mendota '(see bills) 70.00 Jas. M. Long, Sheriff; Trip to Sparta (see bills) 70.00 Jas. M.Lbng, Sheriff, 'Trip -to Mendota,, (see bills) -70,00 Jas, M. Long, Sheriff, Trip to Chippewa Falls (see bills) 70.00 Jas: M. Long, Sheriff, Trip to Mendota, ,(see bills) 70.00 Jas. M: 'Long, Sheriff, Trip, to Mendlota , . 70.00 Jas. M. Long, Sheriff, Trip to Mendota 70.00 Jas. M.,Loiig, Sheriff; Trip to Chippewa Falls 50.00''.1 Jas. M. Long, Sheriff, Trip to Waupun 70.0 Jas. M. Long, sheriff, Trip to Mendota 70.00 Jas. M. Long, Sheriff, Trip to Waupun 70.00 Jas. M.Long, Sheriff, Trip.,to Green Bay '70.00 Jas M. Long, Sheriff, Chippewa Falls --70.00,. Jas. M. Long, Sheriff, Trip to Mendota 70.00 Jas. M. Long, Sheriff, Trip to Mend9ta 70.00 Jas. M. Long,,Sheriff, Trip to Mendota 70.00 Jas. M. Long, Sheriff, Trip to Mendota 70.00 Jas-. M. Lbng,'Sheriff, For Bailiff fees 12.00 Jas. M. Longl'�Sheriff, For fees, O. K,1d by M, orro 5.00 PeMars Bros., Repairs, Battery charged 1.50 Jas. M Long, Sheriff, Paid R: R. fare• (see bill) 20.30 Jas. M. Long, Sheriff, To Duluth, in ,per, Walter Nelson 27.36 Jas. M. Long, Sheriff, Francis Gordon Case (0. K..'d by i Judg6Axelbbrg) 28.14 Jas, M.-'Long, Sheriff, 0. K.Id'by Dist, Attorney 51.03 Jas. M. L6nk, Sheriff, '0. K,'d by Dist. Attornek, 14.88 Jas. M. Long, Sheriff, O. K.Idby Dist. Attorney, 209.29 Douglas County, in State, vs. Geo. Basich, 665.75 Flo,ych Holly (Constable) I Sharlow case• 5.56 Jas. M. Long, Sheriff, State vs.- Wddenoja 1 6.8.0 Jas. M. ;Long, Sheriff, Statevs. Frank Bohlen( see bill) 34.50 A. I. Lien, Clothing for prisoners' 45.50 1. Berman, Clothing or prisoners 59.55 Warner & Holman, Clothing for :prisoners 38.15 C. A. Shoresman, Clothing for prisoners 31.75 Doyle' & Rummel, clothing for prisoners 14.05 A. I: Lien, Clothing for prisoners 62.40 T . om Uupthegr I ove, Clerks in for State CaS6 11.85 Berquist & Kinstler, Ford car adnAxtures. - Pd. by bounty Order Alfred Froseth, Minutes in Co. Court 13.40 Alfred. Froseth, Minutes in, State vs. Olson 4.00 1 Alfr ed Froseth, Minutes Estate of D, J. Estabrook 4:00, Alfred Froseth,. Minutes Adolph Carr non I i 26.62 Alfred Froseth, Minutes Estate of D. J. Estabrook, etc. 24i70 Alfred Froseth,. Minutes State vs. Parry, 5-.00 A166d Froseth, Minutes 3rd Municipal Court, etc. 16'83. Alfred Froseth, Minutes Grimm v,s. Bayfield Co. 14.40 AlfredFros6th, Minutes Waltes, Chester' 6.15 Alfred Froseth, Minutes Martin Galik 8.37 Alfred Froseth, M 1�iutes Louis Houle 6.50 F. A. Bell, Fees to Certificate 36.25 T. R. Spears,, Attends W. O. Still1 , 1.10.00 Warner & Holman, Clothing forprisondrs 45.25 John Spitzer, Bailiff, 11 days at $3.00 per day 33.00 Jas. M. Long, Sheriff, Trip to Waupiin .(see bills) 70.00 Jas. M. Long,,Sheriff, Trip to Mendota (see bills) 70,00 Jas. M': Long; Sheriff, Trip to Men dota (see bills) 70,00 John Johnson, From Town of Orlenta 11.50 Q4-4­-4• -0 V­­ W-T. ­ 0­4- wi­ T­-- IfUM -- " Sep -Fred Jonas, 2.50 Ntransfer 3.50 0 Oct:t.1,8t,�­,-Louis Hole,- 2.50-transf6r --- 1.00- UT� 0] Obt:.­18tli*�-' 2.60 0-i Oct. 19th-Makin Olson, 2.56, -transfer 1.00 3.501 0 1 Oct.m �t O.'Still,2.50 tansfer 1.00 3.5 1 0: 0 i27tlL-'Will` IN 'ACCOUNT WIT( JAXE'9ACL0NG,9HERIFF 0-1 -1111119. state �of Wisconsirr vs. Frank s)luster;"sald wiih-intent to`do great; 0 - bodily, harm it, oBarnes'for witiiess---.--- 0 111111 tatq. of Wisconsin , vs. Elmer Swanson, violatioii•of iquor laws, to 0 Iron'River, fr witnesses ------------------- ------------ - ---- $7.93: 0, 1117119. State of. Wisconsin vs. J. O. Bransky,' paid[ IT. Dubay Speciai,bep-uty 0 $16.09 ',for serving '*itnpsses­., ------------------ --------- -$Iom 7 0 11110119. State of'Wis�consin vs. Elmer Swanson, violation of liquor laws, to 0 Ashland to subpoena Bert Walker__- ---- $3.45, 0 11110119. State vs. E. W. -Gidloff, slander, to Iron, River for witnesses $8.68 ' ' 0' 11.10119. State� vs. Elmer'S,�Ians6n, vioiatia' ' . la' ll...,of, liquor laws, p' elta -to serve I 6 Oliver Farney --------- 0 11110119. Telegram to Phillip �LaFavor, buluth. ------------------ $10A5. .45 0- 1111211k,* To serving? specialjury Circuit 15.00 11115 , 119. State vs. Frank Hanson, Bastardy, to Drummond for---,---- , 9.74 0 11117119. 1 State vs: George Basic'h, to R. R, fare paid to Irou'Rivei to summons 0 witnesses, c, �Sall4d'badk--by -Morris___ ---------- ---------- -$2.26 0' 11129119. and assistant, car hire- and team hire for Emma -Peterson,. 0, Insane, to Oulu',' -for___ ---- - ------------------------------ $15.00 i 1219119. State, of Wisconsin �vs.Abe 0oldflile, illegal lulling doer, John'Doe I I ' subpoena Joe, Dienei7;t to Red Cliff', ---- - -------- $3.65 1212711:9. State vs. Frelling young,, desertibil,.to Ashland for sentence, meals and R. R. fare__----- -------- r ------- $3.27 12129119. Paidl J. O'Sullivan box rent, 1919 ------------------------ ---- I $��40 Unliary, 1920. 115120.,, Stat-e'vs. Edith Seder', John Doe, subpoena 3,fare te. I fares and meals, I 'Grdnd Vie�v for ------- ---------- ---------------------------- 0.00 1 118120. State'vs. Aug. Frostman, lnsane, tivery/ and meals -------------- $2.50 I 20. State vs. S. L. Boutin,, slander, R. A. fare-'-. ----------------- $1.49 ,114 1526. State v6­11. G. Mertens, slander, R. R. fare- ----------------- - $1.49 1,12220. State vs. S. L. Boutin' slander, 2 witnesses --------------- $1.39 112920. 1-­': State vs. John Carley,' " Insane, 3x149 fare, Grand View ------- $4.41 2111120. State vs. John Bear, assault, livery $2." Fare '.76 ------------ $2.76 2 18120. State vs: J. Calvine, burglary, .39 &,'2x42- cents R. fare_-__ 2121120,. John Calvino, to Ashland for sentence, -4x,39 fare &-.65 dinner' $2.21] 3115120. ToAshland, for Herman Speigel, Bastardy, 3 x 39.fare,, supperl 312020. 50 Cents - -- ------- $1.67! -- -i ---------- � iare to & from Nash State of Wis. vs, Frali ear, desertion, $ .52,� 3131120. To Sutherland,, for Isaac GGulalf, 'Ins�ne, fare $1'.38, . , Livery" $2.50 --------- ------------------ ---- --------- - 412120. Telegram, Morris to 'Long at Superior, collect-,----. -------- $3.881 - $ '35; 417120., To Mason, for Isaac doulait, Insane; Ix 9 fare -------- $2.071 4117120.- To Ashrand,-Tor' Steve Hnath, Insane, 2x39 &AlhnLe'r 75-----:- $1.53", 424120. Car hire to Eileen for Lytle Wilkinson, assault, :by ordei, of, DistileV Attorney ------- - --------------------- -------------- $10.001 4126120. To Ina, for Joe Suffak, assault,' 3 fares an train, HendersonI 4127120. To Ashland for D9,li'Mo'dden, Larcelly,-U39 fare---- •$1.881 $ .78 To tilieen,. far Lytle Wilkinson, assaVult,' livery $4.00" Fare .78,,i '.75 ------ Meal -­= ------- 514120. State , vs. Elmer. Swanson, illegal sale of liquor, to iron River 5.521 to sum Mons Wm. Campbell and Hdwr Bousley ----------------------- 514 5110120. To May - $ 7.9 0,' . summoning Jury, by order of Dist. Attorney.---- $1Q6.00. 51620.. ,"for Lytle Wilkinson, assault.- To EIeen and MAson'------- --- $8.06 516, 20. 'To Ashland, for Alfred Christiansoft, Insane, paid car. hire---- $5.60' 516 20.1' Paid car bird to Baines for "Joe }�Beauergaardi, Insane__ ____ $18.00" 5J19[20..- State,vs..W. O-.'Still; assault; 3x1.49, livery $2.50,',meal '.75---- $7.72: 615[20. State, vs. Walter Nelson,, Larceny, to Barksdale .& Nash-'---', $3.06 6115120. State vs. Stevie Surtish, assault, paid car hire_ ------- 'BayflelA,:for $7.00 6126120. Car hire to Chas. Erickson; Illicit still______-___ $5.00 6120120. New` Car by County. 91,21120. Paid E. Chantelois, gasoline, state vs. Mrs. D. W. Paid -- I I ------ ------ -------------- $2.27 10120,120. Paid W. J. 'Bassett.' Coil protector,, Co., ------- V.7a" 10126120. Paid P, Chantelois gas, oil & rep. ia6bount Nov. Jury, i Co., Car --------------------- - ----- 10126120. Paid car hire, State ;vs.. Roxie Still', attempt 'Murder________ - $4.48'. $15.00! 10129120. Paid for gas & oil, State vs. Norval 4Young, house -breaking'-' $2.61; 1111120. PaId'Ri R. fare to &-from Hayward, State vs. W. 0. Still, attempt Murder, 3x187-1. $5,61, & car to depot .50 ______ -------------- $6.1v 1113120. Paid -George Dargle repairing spring Co. Car- ------- $ .150! I To Mason,,- for Gustaf J,olinson,- Insane,,3x79 and supper_ --------- $10 10112010j2 0. - To Drummond, for, Martin Olsen ----------- I.;-----,- ------ .$3;511 Y> Less. 62) "Gentlemen: -The following is the amounts earned with the County Oar And turned into the'different Courts, with Warrants, where Warrants were issued, since the delivery of'said,Car on June 21st, 1920: 6121120. State vs. Jaco bDibbe4l, 'Illicit still__-_- ------------- $ 1 12.00 6122120. State vs. Ed Goetsenberg6r, Illicit still_____________________ 26.60 7114120, State vs. Guy McCall, Assault_________ __--------------- 1.20! 71T9]20. State vs. Nick Voinish, petition and summons_______________ ­ 4.85 7119,120. State sv. John Kowasky, Subpoena------'-,-- -35 7119120. State vs. R. B. Achilles, Subpoena_- --------------­i----------- 8111120. state vs. John Cihler,l' Stealing horses____________'_-__-____- - 8.40,[ 8116120. State vs. Mrp. Matt Melachevics, Larceny. -------------------- 21.80; 8118120. State vs: Joe Suffolk, Assault___-_______ "I ­ ---------------- 9,.00 8123120. State vs. Mrs. Mahalek --------------7 I -. ---- 7 ---- L ---- - 8129120. State vs. Mrs.,Melachevies, witnesses, Cable ------------------ 1.26, 10.20 8125120.. State vs."Carl Ludtke, Assault­Druda;nond ------------- ---- 20.20 8128120. State vs. Mrs. Smith, Larceny— ------------ - '1.20 61128G20. State vs. 'John Mahalqk, Assault, Moqudh ------ 4.80 8I30120.- 9tate.vs. Mrs: Matt Melachevics'Larceny--� ------------------- 21.80 9111,120. State vs. Chas. Jtlinek,'Assault, Dayfieldl'----7------- 6.60 77--- 7 91,11120. State vs. Sam Lulick, Illicit still, Eileen ------------------ - 10.25 9118120., To Iron River, -for Glen G. Golden, Insane_______________--_ ---- 15.00 9123120. State vs.,Dwight Larnoreux; Larceny ---- ------- ---------- I.no 9126:120. State vs. John Doe � (Angus 8-1 Olson) Adultry, Eau Aire Lakes 42.03' 1016120. To, Iron, River, for- Magnus Olson, Insane ------------------- 15.00 10118126. State, vs. Olga Malluni, Assault-- -------- 'Olson) 1.20 1.0119120., State vs. John -Doe (Emil , subpoena, Drummond-'- 23.85 10119120.' State vs. Emil Olson, giving away Liquor, Drummond___-_, 24. . 40 101,20120. state vs. Louis,Houle, Slander___________ ---------- r-,-., 18.00 10121126. State vs. Angus Christiel Assault___________ -_-­- 10.00, 16121120. State vs. Martin Olson, Transportation of Liquor. ---------- 12.91. 1014120.. State vs. Angus Chrikle" Assault_____________ _ ----- - --- 9.00 10121120. State vs. Alfred 'Nelson, giving liquor to minor--: ---------- 1.20 10119,120. To Mason. for Walter Celister, Delinquent ---- 11-------- 15.0.0 10129120. State vs. Norval Young, house-breaiking to Cable and , I Lake Owen --------------------------------------------- 20.00 10126120. State vs. Roxie Still,'Assault with intent to Murder---'----- 15.00 111120. State vs.' A. & I. Clay.ett,,'disturbing the Peace-__-_. -------- 10.20 1111120. State vs. W. O. Still, Assault with Intent to Kill, 13.41 1113120. ,I-layward---. To Dayfleld, for Martin HendribksIon, Insane ---------------- 5:00 $413.771 This amount does not Includle, summoning of November Jury which took Three days and Seven hours, (To be continued) The following resolution was duly presented: - Resolved by the County Board of Bay/field County at its annual meeting held on December 1,1920,that there be, -and it is hereby appropriated the sum of �?1050.00 as the County's share of the cost of construction of the bridge across the h°Iuskeg River, in Section2-48-9,the balance: to be paid by'the Town of Oulu,according to reso- lution and petition to the Cbunt.y Board,which was adopted at their June Meeting. George Vester. MOVED AND SEC. that the above resolution be adopted. Roll €gall. All members present voting aye. Resolution adopted and Clerk otdered to place amount on this year's tax -levy. Washburn, W is . Dec. 1st ,1920. BE IT RESOLVED,by the County,Board of Bayfield County in regular annual session assembled this lst day of Dec.1920. That the former action taken by.this Board,whereby there was created three higi way districts throughout the County and a three man committee on County 4ighways and Bridges was created instead of a five man committee and that we feel that a just and fair representation was not had in the matter of this work,that a five man committe can better, serve a purpose than a three man committee, therefore we ask to dispense with1I`the three highway fiistricts,make the County one district as before,and that there be five men elected from the members of this board as this committee. Effective on and after the passing of this resolution. SiC..ned Geo . Froney. LIOVED AND SECONDED,that the resolution be admpted.i otion lost by the following vote :-Aye,-3arnes,.Bartlett Karow,Daniels,Good,Froney,Davin,Ewing,Bell,Warden,iv,ertz, and ivionroe,total 12. Kay: -Nourse, Gall igan,Thorson, Jae 11, North,Curry, iviorris, Dalm,Helm,VdIPt* Schutt,Anderson, Johnson, Smith, Stone ,Idaxcy,Handberg, Robinson. and Axness. Total 19. Bill from the Town of Clover: - County of 3ayfield in acct. with Town of Clover. To one half of extra cost of Constructing bridge over Granberry River, Original est. Cost :�2478.U0 Extra for piling: 106.25 ------------ Total w2584.25 Paid By County "1239.00 One half of extra „53.13 1v1OVED AND SECONDED,that the bill be all owed.Carried. To the Honorable County Board,3ayfieid County,'�Viscon111n:- Gentlemen:- +ti'e, the undersigned committee on r'inance and i-iscellai,eous accounts beg to recommend that the following bills be alloc,ved,and that the County Ulerk be autho- rized to draw orders for amounts shown in column headed`"allowed" Dated, ,ashburn, 41is. this lst. day of Dec. ,1920 D.Y.Maxey C . W. Smith F.H.Barulett !L.3.1orris. Committee. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- lo whom drawn 4°or what purpose claimed . all.owe -------------------------------------------------------. --------------------•---------- Nels ! . Oscar Town of Iron River A. Froseth,Co. Treas. ✓ Eels vllyhre xx V h.P.Axelberg John Zilgore E. F. Daniels Mason State Bank Express,postage,etc for the year Transient Poor Paid fog, printing Soldiers Ucnu.s Canvassing Election Returns TT T1 TT Damage for sheep killed _ Insurance Fair 'buildings Int. Co. Orders . $902.68 902.66j rr. T1573.46 return for c 11110.00 110.00 IT 9.00 9.00 TT 9.00 9.00 " 30.00 16.00 _ T'272.00 272.00 ; T' 2.72 2.72 1 Report of Finance & tilliscelIdneous Comm. continued:- C. F. Idorris A. Froseth,Co. 'real. City of Bayfield ,T „ ,T • tT C. F. 1:Torris rT n lrlartin Erickson ff. Sorenson City bf -Bayfield 'Aug. Johanick Town of Pilsen J. 1i. Randle -.36 Son John '_'aipo11 J. F. Hauser 9.MI. Axness 9ity of Bayfield TVV. E. rippp Pown of Bayfield Pown of Barksdale lrlrs. Geo DeGuire r own of %,las on 7. 1✓. Anderson able Comm. Fair 'lug. Hoffman County Officers ray-roll:- Expenses,Dist. Att'y 23:95 " 23.95 Paid Int on Co. Orders T'134.34 "134.34 Board trancient poor 61.00 ''_ 61.00 ✓ It 31.00 " 31.00 It 31.00 " 31.00 TT 11149.00 " 149.00 ,✓ If and clothing " ' 4.50 it 4.50 Expenses as Dist. Att'y " 51.16 TT 51.10 ✓' IT If 1174.78 " 74.78 ✓ Damages,Sheep killed [1100.00 " 80.00 ✓ Listing Dogs " 13.80 " 13.80 Trancient Poor IT 31.00 T' 31.00 report on Dogs 10.00 10.00 .Aid Community Fairr 75.00 75.00 ✓ Burial of L. :L'inkomen '.I'r. Poor. ,T 45.00 Listing Dogs ' 13.80 " 13.80 Bay View Comm. Fair ".75.00 7cb.00 iason,et al. Comm. Fair 75.00 T' 75.00 Trans. Poor 1130.00 " 30.00 ✓ Field Votes ,•etc . "312.00 "312.00 Care trans. poor It 37.00 `T 37.00 - Connunity Fair ,T 75.00 75.00 Travelling Exp/ 32.41 3.41 Trancient Poor " 32.13 IT 32.13 Listing Dogs '' 19.00 " 19.00 .� Comm. Fair 75.00 '1 75.00 Expert accountant "400.00 "400.00 January,1920 2226.65 Febr TT 2294.15 March " 2311.65 April " 2311.65 lvlay 'T 2261.65 June " 2428.31 July TT 2343.31 Aug. IT 2343.31 Sept. It. 2422.11 Oct. " 2438.31 Nov. " 2423.31 Total for 11 n-lonths �25804.41. On MOtion,comrriittee's report duly accepted,and bills allowed as above stated. ,Washburn,Wis. ,Dec lst,1920. To th 1Jlembers of the Bayfield County Board : - ? e,the undersigned Committee on Priming and Stationary of the County Board )f Bayfield County, lisconsin,hereby submit our report of the Bill.__ listed belo-,v, Pith the recommendation that the bills in the column headed "cello-vred",be alloy=red ind paid. ,I.A.Robinson T.C.Schutt H. Nour le 11ame. -------------------------------------- 'or what purpose. Claimed ..Lllowed. A. B. Dick & Co. Lim eograph supplies IT 13.38 13.38 i�lels M. Oscar Lisence Co. Nurse';o Car 11 10.00 TT 10.00 H. 0. 17 iller Poll -mists IT 7.65 " 7.65 luluth T�rpewriter Co. Ribbons " 12.00 'T 12.00 The ---,Leader Store Loose Deaf Cover " 3.50 " 3.50 . C. biller Co. Forns,Books,etc• 4-1.10 T' 41.10 National Sales Service Co. Inv. 3119 " 27.00 27.00 H. C. LIiller Co. Record Books " 130.00 130.00 IT Talley Sheets " 22.21 ,T 22.21 .. " Juror '-%ertificates IT 19.50 " 19.50 Washburn :printing Co. Tu`otices,Su.pplies,etc. " 171.19 " 171.19 ell Printing Co. laotices,forms,etc. IT 856.25 " 856.25 Bayfield Progress Tgoticec,Supplies,inf to voters,etc.11694.25 IT 694.25 Peavey Pub. Co. Tax. Cents. printing proceedings T11000.25 111000.25 Iron River Pioneer Su�plies,lnf. to Voters,etc. " 384.25 " 384.25 H. C. ililler Co. 1,1arria e Blanks g T, 12-81 rr 12.81 TV Fasteners,blanks,etc. 5.59 IT 5.59 " Assessors books " 10.67 IT 10.67 If Mortgage Record,etc. " 110.00 " 110.00 fashburn"Printing Co. Ballots Caen. Election,idotices Inf. to Voters,etc. "1409.60 "1409.60 H. C. 1diller Company. Insane Record " 57.5U " 57.50 If Mortgage Records ,ETC . it I 90.00 11 90.00 " Flq-t Filing Envelopes " 50.00 " 50.00 " Record Books 'T 115.00 " 115.00 Peavey tub. Co. Supplies,etc. 118.48 118.48 H. C. ldlille.r Co. Record books 185.00 185.00 IT Assessment Roll IT 8.69 IT 8.69 It Talley SheetsIT " 41.00 "41.00 Tax Rolls 'T 110.00 _7±.110.00 " Clasp Envelopes " 3.69 " 3.69 Bell Printing Co Assessor-s report,noticel�,etc. 257.80 " 2�)7.60 On proper moL.ion,the Committee's report was accepted,the bills allowed,and the Clerk ordered to issue orders for the amounts as stated in report. 430 - - — - — - - - - - - - - - W N 0 - t xx Community Fair for=`76.00 in confor�it A . .3111 of the port ruing any rien �, k� y � y with ,former resolution was presented,and on motion allowed. A RLSOBU'IION having: been duly passed -.nd adopted by the County Board of Super visors at its special session held June 2nd,1920,authorizing the committee on public buildings and Grounds acting together with .F.A.Bell,Clerk of Circuit Court of this County,beg leave to report,that we find that said office and vault are in need of ne, eauipment,and that the vault especial3Zy must be equipped with more filing cases in t. immediate future,as all available filing cases are now filled to overflowing; that th outer office should have new and adquate cabinets for the proper filing for the Vat -a raliz,ation blanks and other legal blanks; :hat we find from 'bids that have been ;secured from two different firms for the installation of such filing cases and c- bin6 as we deem necessary and adequate for the needs of said office and vault will cost approximately r 1781..5G. lWe therefore -recommend that F. A. Bell be,authorized to -contract for and to purchase at the expense of Bayfield County such riling cases and cabinets as are described in the Shaw--1arner bid now on file with the Clerk of Circuit Court provided,ho�=Jever,that the total cost shall not exceed ",1781.50,the amount of said k I bid. Dated this 1st day of Decc :mber,1920. Ole Fiandb e rg I'Like Tho re s on Geo ivlertz . Comm. on public Buildings and Grounds. It was moved and seconded', that the matter be laid on the table. Carried. Be it resolved by the County Board of Supervisors of 13ayfield County,,isconsin,now in nnual r.ession,t---hat the Clerk of the Circuit Court be,and he is hereby authouized to appoint a Deputy Glerk,beginning January lst,1921,and that 6300.00 per annum be,and is herby appropriated as part payment, of the Salary of said Deputy Clerk and to be paid in monthly payments the same as the salaries of the other County officers. Dated Dec. lst,1920. • Mike Thorson. Lotinn mad e to lay said Resolution on the -t:•a'ble. Carried. Loved and Sec.,that the Board. now proceed to elect 3 members to constitute the Road and Bridge Committee for the next ensuing year. Carried. Result of the r'irst Informal vote for Dist. lvo. 1: 0. 'V7 . Smith 10 Geo. 2roney 4 D.C.Bell 1 Y. uTorris 1 D .Y.IMa—.xcy 2 .-rick Johnson 10 Goo. %-ert z 1 Total votes cast 29. Result of the r'irst forll_al ballott : Num_ber of Votes cast :30 of tihich C.'w. Smith received 15 and ]rick Johnsonl5. Ito ChoiQe. Result of the 2nd formal ballot: C. W. Smith received 17 votes and Frick Johnson received 13 votes. Total Votes cast,30. C. Vd. Smith elected. District Nok 2: Result of first formal oallott : Total Votes , 30, of which Geo Curry received 1�,Jas. W. Good 9,F. H. B vrtlett,l, pat Galligan,l,ai3d Geo. Rarow 3 votes. Loved and sec. that the informal ballott be made formal,and that Geo. Curry be declared elected as member from Dist. ido. 2. I4iotion carried. Geo. Curry elected. k. Result of election for 'Dist. No. 3: Total number of votes cast,30;of which Geo. Vester received 14 votes,,L. B. Lorris 3,Geo. Barnes,l,Luke Lavin,2,Geo. Froney,6,and E.F.Daniels 4 Votes. Loved and seeonded,that the fa informal ballott be declared formal,and that Geo, Vester be duly declared elected as member from Dist. No. 3. Carried. Moved and sec. that the Board adjourn until Dec. 2nd,at 9 A. M. Carried. December 2nd,1920, at " 9 A.I. .Board called Zo order. moll Call,showing the follo- wing members pre, ent : Nourse , Galligan, Barnes , ThorsoE, Juell ,Eorth,.Bartlett ,larow, Curry,I prris,Daniels,halm,Holn,Good,Eyeing,2roney,Vester,Schutt,Anderson,Johnson, iih,Lavin.2tone,Flared,rs,Bell,itzcy,Warden, ve-rtz,Handberg,Robinson, ionroe and Ax- ess. On recommenda iion of the Special Comm. in re- Arne Sund, it was moved d Eec. that a claim be filed by the County against the Town of Iron River for ey paid out by the County to said Town for the support of said Arne Sund, hat the County Clerk file an itemized bill with the said 'Town in said Ouse as soon possible. Motion carried. Yoved and sec. that the County Treasurer be allowed 800.00 for extra lerk hire in his office for the ensuing year,to begin Jan. lst,1921. moll call. All members present voting aye. motion carried. Bill of 2. J. Renard, 13..O,for damages to his car on account of bad Roads,on motion,disallowed. Report from the iron River County f+`r= it Comm.: - Gentlemen of she County 3oard: Y1e,your Committee on County Fair, beg leave to report as follows: - All members of Lhe Committee,except :ir. Holm visited the .Fair grounds at Iron River, on Nov. 30th;1920; and Lr. Lavin and iLr. Froney were at =she 020 County fair Turing the whole 3 days ofsaid fair and made a study of the Conditi ons.,j]e have to eport that the Fair was a grand success. The exhibits in all departments were onderful both in qualty and quantity. While it was strictlyx an agricultural a.ir,ther.e were lots of amusements for everyone;a good band furnished plenty of usid,there were good horse races;a wonderful aeroplane exhibition;free platform cts;a merry go --round and all kinds of clean concessions. We found the barn room inadequate to take care of the stock.Mr. Lavin d Kr. Franey counted over 30 heads of Pure bred stock,that were standing outside in the rain on the second day of the Fair,that had.not been housed.The association rented a large tent at a cost of J100.00.and this too was full. On further investigation we found that several la.-rge heards of pure-bred stock stayed away from the fair for reasons that they could not get barn room. We would strongly recommend that more barn room be provided next year. g7ife have found the grounds and buildings in excellent condition and well cared for. A,lot of new fences was built in 1920,new roof's put on same of the buildings,and all ve been re -painted. The officers of the Association submitted to as in detailed.statement of the receipts and disbursements ,which is hereto at Cached, and we believe from investigation that the money has been spent judciuusly. We would recommend that the Board at this time appropriate 0600.00 to take care of the deficiency of about '•200.00 a4d also the 20% of premium which ihe Fair Association must pay,which is estimated at r3'400.00,and that the Board make a further appropriation at its spring meeting of 11400.00 making a tonal of 2000.00. 3/2 Date December lst,1920. Geo 1�arow Geo. Froney Luke J . -Lavin Ben. Holm. Committee. Receipts .1646.70 Disbursements"4830.83. Making an over draft,or deficiency of �:184.13. A detailed statement showing the above receipts and disbursements is attached to this report and filed with the L'ounky Clerk. On motion,duly seconded,the above report was duly placed on file. Carried. Your Committee on special tax certificates at Iron Riverpovering description which an offer was made to the County Board at its last meeting,of ;150.00 ,find on examining the premises,that there is 1,)344.00 taxes against it which the County holds. The party who nowlives ih the House,has made an offer to your committee of 4 300.00 for the purer of the Certificates. 'Ne believe this is a fair offer,and therefore recommend the acce- tance of said offer. Dated Dec. lst,1920. E.F.-Daniels T. C. Schutt n. IA. ;Darden Moved and sac. that the report of the Comm. be accepted,that the Clerk ee authori!i zed to issue a Quit claim deed to iiattie D. Feldsmith,and surrender all taxccrtificate� held by the County to said party,upon payment of the sum of 0300.00. Motion carried. iTHE_ +'AS,the County Treasurer -of the County of Bayfield has now. on deposit in the BW field County Bamk the sum of In the Iiason F`tate Bank the surIl of and in the First National bank of Bayfield the sum of A total of 31706.24 "2127=.80 "32080.38' ------------- '85061.42. WHEREAS,the Wsiconsin State`13ank,a banking institutbon conducted and supportec by tax -payers and residents of this County,is a total stranger to any County Funds a: d is desirous of getting its share of the said County Funds deposited in said .3an.k, and will furnish the :Bond required by the said County ireasurer;now THMREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,at this annual County Board -meeting, held-- at the Court House,in the City of Washburn ih said County,on this first day of �ecember,1920,that slid County Treasurer be,and he is hereby requested and instructed to divid:se the County now in his hands,into four equal parts,as nearly as may be,and deposit the same with the forr following banks: The Bayfield County Bank, �,ITashburn, .pis The First National Bank, Bayfield, ffis . The i.ason State Bank, Lason," is and The Wisconsin Mate Bank,of Iron Ri.ver,Wis. Moved sand Sec. that same be referred to the Finance Comm. Carried. Washburn,Wis Dec. ls-G,192C. RLSOLVED ,that the second Annicipal Court',located at Iron River,17is. be abolished,to take effect :-_t 'the end of this term. —ike Thorson. TVIoved and sec that resolution be adopted. Lotion lost. Bills of Geo. korgan for Insurance Court House $107.35 and of Clausen & 0-; stall '' " " 91.40 On proper motion,bills allowed. e 16 433 la.shburn, rVis,Dec. 1, 1920/ BE IT R+SOLVED,by the Bayfield County Board in regualar adjourned session assembled this lst day of December,1920,that,from and after the adoption and passage of this resolution there shall be no extention or additional maileage added to what is known as the secondary system or County system of prospective State Lighways,excepta; as provided in this resolution,subject to the approval of the State highway Department (where such approval is required by law)until such time as this resolution shall be �amended,changed or repealed by proper action of this Boa.rd.`nd_ in order to amend, change or repeal this resolution,notice off proposed amend,change or repeal,must be read at a regular meeting of this Board and voted upon at the next regular meeting. ARTICLE 1. Lileage of secondary system or County System of prospective State IHighways ,in t is County shall at no time,or in any case,exceeed the mileage of the State Trunk highway in the County. ARTICLE2. 'to proposition to add mileage to said system shall be voted soon at a meeting -at which it is presented,but shall be referred to (such committee as is designated by the County Hoard, for investigation and report lat some future meeting of this :Board. _RTICLE 3. There shall be no .proposition con...idered unless it is for a continuous route of travel and connects at bother ends with an estahlished xjztxmx State or County system of MaxQx highways;and is of sufficient importance that it has been a well -travelled Town road for at least a period of five years,and which is reasonable well constructed as to grading,eulverts and bridges,a.lsc cuts and fills.°the sage to be approved byt the committee and ratified by this Hoard. "Ile age to ARTICLE 4. alter a propositon to add secondary system of County highways Chas been acted up on,as provided in this resolution,and decided b; the County Board ,not to be placed on the system,it shall not be received or acted upon for a period of at least three years. ARTICLE 5.Ihere shall not be morek than one proposition taken ur or referred to a committee which is to increase the mileage of said secondary system of County High- ways at any annual or special meeting of this Hoard, Where there is more than one proposition presented for consideration,the Board shall deiermine which proposition shall be taken no by.. the Board for reference to a committee. .hut no proposition shall be referred to a committee until the preceeding proposition has been fully disposed of by the .Board. Furthermore,any proposition which is properly presented to this Board to increase the mileage of the secondary system of County highways .and which is entitled to be voted on at this meeting,said proposition shall be considered as being in the priority order,and the same shall be entitled to be voted upon by the board at this aforesaid annual meeting. Signed,Geo. A. Curry. .it was moved and sec. io amend resolution in art. 4 so as to make time limit one year instead of three years. Amendment lost. Loved' and seconded,that the resolution be adopted. Lotion carried,and resolu- tion adopted as originally presented. RESOLUTION. PROVIDING FOR i EDERAL, STATE, and COUNTY AID CONSTHUCTIONand M INIENANCE Ili TEE CALM AR YEARR , 1921. The County Board of .Supervisors of 3ayfield County,regularly assembled,does- hereby ordain as follows: - Sec. 1. r?HEREAS,the State High-viay Commission has notified the County Clerk,that the sum of SIXTY SIX THOUSAND dollars (66000.00) of which this County must provide the sum of TWENTY TWO THOUSAND Dolars ($22000.00) will be expended in 1921 or as soo as possible thereafter, under -the provisions of sections 131401315 and 131fa of the Statut�, for Federal and State aid road. construction on a project beginning at the NE cor. Sec � 45 N.R. 6 and extending along State Trunk highway No. 24 in a southerly direction as far as the money available will construct,this determination is hereby approved,and sum of TWENTY TWO THOU SAND Dollars (22000.00) is hereby appropriated to pay the Count share of the cost of said Construction;aa d WHEREAS,the Federal Stac.ute requires that any deficits occurring on federal aid projects must be paid by, the State or it.s Subdivisions, and Sub -section of 1 A. of'�. section 1314 requires that the .cost of such projects, exclusively of the Federal GovernT mnent's share and any sums received from individuals or Corporations shall be shared equally by the State and County,aid County Board hereby assume its share of any defi- cits which may occur,and 'hereby authorizes the same to 'be paid b./ the County Treasurer on order from the County,State xx3i Road and Bridge Committee from the Emergency Fund hereinafter provided. Sec. .II. EFIHEREAS,the State Highway Commission has notified the County Clerk,that the sum ofFIVE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY ONE and 01/100 Dollars ($5171.01) has been allotted to this County under Sections 1317 L-1 to 1.316 m-5 requires that 50" of, the foregoing :,ur1 amoun-ing to Two . Thousand Five Hundred and eighty five and 51/100 (.62585.51) together with at least one and one half this amount of Coun:.y funds must be expended on the State Trunk Highway system lying within the County; There is hereby appropriated, under Lhe provisions of sections 1316-1 to 1317 m 15,inclusive, the sum.of Three Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy Eight and 27/100 Dollars (3878.27) , to rileet the first 50 % of the ,State aid allottment to be placed on the State Trunk Highway kSystem,this making available for this purpose the sum of SiX yhousand four hundred and sixty three and 78/100 Dollars (6463.78),which shall be expended as follows: ` P The sum of SEVEN THOUSANF FOUR HUNDRED Dollars (4;7400.00) for building the Onion River Bridge. The sum of FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND SEVENTY EIGHT 27/100 dollars (U5478.27) for building the Siskwit Bridge. The sum of FOUR THOUSAND and no/100 Dollars ($4000.00) for building a .Bridge on the South Fork of Fish Creek S.T.H. -# 112. The sum of TI10 THOUSAND AND NO/100 Dollars - (42,000.00) for building the Terwilliger Bridge in the Town of Barksdale on State Trunk Highway No. 112. The Sum of SIX HUNDRED and no/100 dollars `a600.00) for building a culve between the Towns of Kelly & Eileen near the NE corner aec. 5 T. 46 R. 5 c,T. on State Trlmk Highway No. 112. SEC.III. And in accordance with Section 1317 !�-5,Stp.tufes,the second fifty per cent .port ion of the State aid allotted to tn. is County, amounting to T.WO1.'HOU- SAND FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE and 50/100 Dollars (q:2585.50),here inbefore undistri- buted,is appropriated for the improvements hereinafter named,County aT_)propriationu- c�re made for each improvement,and taxes are levied against the municipalities in which such improvements lie ,in accordance with the following scedule: 435 Lunicipality State kid Apportinned County Aid Tax against Apportioned, hunicipality -------------------------------------- 2--------------------------------- =------------ Town of fashburn A'`861.83 �1000.00 861.83 Town of Bayview "861.83 "1000.00 "861.83 Town of Bell "861.86 "1000.00 "861.8'1 - Total 92585.50 .3000.00 „2585.50 r,' And the improvements to be made under the foregoing scedule hereby located Wn portions of the County System of i'-rospective State highways not portions of the [State Trunk Highway System,and their character determined as follows: The improvement in the Town of Washburn shall consist of Sand surfacing,beginni:g atS.E. Cor. ,:sec 25 T. 49,N,R. 5 W. and extending along said system in a northwesterly direction along County Trunk Highway C. The improvement in the Town of Bay -view shall. consist of widening roads & cutting down hills,beginning at ' line,Sec 17,T 09 N. R. 5 1.,and extend along said system Tin a northwesterly direction. The improvement in the Town of Bell shall consist of grading,beginning at ENE. Corner,Sec. 22,T. 50,R. 6 W.and extending along said system in a. south direction. For the purpose of maintaining and improving what in known as the Namekagon IRoad,there is hereby appropriated the sum of 05000.00-Five thousand dollars. In case the above road is not made a part of the System,tne above money is not t to be appropriated.Otherwise the money in to be oaken from the road and bridge fund. SECTION 2 B. `.here is hereby appropriated for County Construction on the County System in accordance with the following scedule,the sum Wr9000.00 for sand surfacing, 1commencing at she NE. corner,Sec 31,48 A ,Kence iv and E. and N. through the Town of Tripp , the sum of 4000.00. County Trunk B. Town of Orienta. .sand surfacing , commencing with the South east corner, S ec. 32-49-8, thence norh the sum of 01500.001 County Trunk B. Town of Rort Wing. Sand surfacing commencing at the S. E. corner -Sec. 17 i. 49,R. 8 .'.,thence thence north,the sure of :h1500.00. County Trunk A. !own of Drummond. Year Pigeon Lake,xxxx and W. fill the sum of $1000.00. County - Trunk A. Town of Barnes. 3etween 3arnes and half way house,wideRing fills and filling,the sum of 11000.00. Section 2. A. dhereas,the County has decided to improve the following road as desig- nated in the following paragraph: - The sum of 126800.00 is hereby appropriated in accordance with the fol- lowing scedule for the following named improvements: - State Trunk Highway to. 24. Upper hand danger curve , =th of Drummond,improvement to follow as near as possible the survey mad e by Division Engineer of the Wisconsin highway Commission in 1920. The sum. of n600.00.. St ate Trunk Highway No. 24. 1 Surfacin0 F7� o, outlet ditch across BibCDn swamp, sum of i-, ,4000.00. State Trunk highway No. 24. Sand surfacing, 1aason m.d 1-1.1-lorth 4-;-miles , the ,,,um of �`3000.00. Sta-Ue Trunk Highway No. 112. Sand surfacing,beginning at the NE. corner,Sec 1,1ownshiP 46,.range 6 west,l-L mile to Benoit sum of �"1200.00. 11 V of 93000.00. the sum of State Trunk Highway No. 125. Re-conetraction,the sum of .13000.00. State Trunk highway No. 112. Ashland Junction North,and grading,the sum of 1;1000.00 State Trunk Highway,Uo.- 13- -,nd 10. 'D Rip, rap near bong Bridge ,the -.;um of - State Trunk Highway No. 13. Scarifying end top surfacing, the Long Bridge Crushed rock road, the sum 0 S-Sluate Trunk Highway No. 13._ Re -construction over Sioux River PlAts To-vvn of Bayview,the sum of ;3000. State 1-runk Highw_aly-No. 13. Town of Russell,froa Russell crossing vics-t, construct ion and culverts*, State 'Irunk Highway No. 13. Hierbster, easterly Culverts and fills across swamp,the sum of State ".-L-runk High-tTiay 1.1o. 10. Town of Hughes, (Sec 12,E.. s i dc, )-running -,Tv. grading,the sum of x�_1000.00. Section V. The said County Board does hereby-- appropriate the following sums to be provided by a genearl County 'fax levy for the purposes set forth. 1. For the County's -:.,hare of -thr cost of Federal aid improvements jorovide 41 C) _Fj'S DO 0 00 for in sec I of 'this resolution,the sum of TWENTY 11010 THOUSAND DOLLARS 0 2 For the County's share of the cost of S-Late aid improvements on the State Trunk Highway system provided in �:ection I! of this 1`iLes olut ion, the 8ugi of F1Fr,.E1E1T THOUS AND, SIB HUEDRED DOLLARS (`A5600.00) 3. For the County's share of the costof improvements on portions of the Uounty System of prospective State 111igh-ways,not portion of the State `_:'runk Highway System.as set forth in 3'ec. III of this resolution,the sum of Three (2housand dollars ($p000.00) 4. For the County's share of improvements of the Uounty .3-;ystem of pro- spective State Eighways,as stated in "�ec II _;! and 11 B. the sum of .'-1320.27,the balance �,'27479.63,to be appropriated out of the road and Bridge Pnd. The County '-'reasurer is hereby directed to pay for the maintenance of the Ste Trunk Highway Syste-m froiiany funds in the County "reasury that are notrequired for the e purpose for which appropriated prior to �.�,Ug. ls-c,1921,azid re-imburse such i funds from the funds received. under Section ',0.04 (3) (d) when same received fror,,.� the State Treasury. I-, ' U I 1� a. For the iiiain-L.enance of the County System of -ProsiDective State High- ways (or County 1'runk Highti,vay System* or 'both) in addi-L ion to sums received under section 20.04 (3) (d) the 1-um of Five 1housand dollars ��d.journe ._Y��nuul _;;ession,Dec. 20020 6. For Emergency Road and Bridge Fund,to include needed for road marking,guard rails freight,and to purchase right of way for Federal aid work vrhere required,and_ deficits incurred on federal aid projects,the sum of Five Thousand Dollars (0000.00) 7. For the purchase of Yachinery and nachtnery repairs , the sum of Five Thousand dollars (15000.00) And the County Clerk is hereby directed to place all taxes hereinbefore levied against.the County in the County ia.x,and to certify to all Townx, Village and City Clerks the amount herein levied against their respective municipalities® Signed Geo. A. Curry Erich Johnson George Venter County State xnA Road and_ 3ridge Committee. Dated Dec 2nd,1920. It was moved .anti seconede that the resolution be adopted. Roll call. Aye ,Noorse,Galligon ,Barnes,Thorson,juell,Jori,h,3artlett,Ewing,Carry,1:orris,Daniels, Lalm,Holm,Good ,Zroney, Venter, Schutt,Anderson,John .on,S ith,!-:avin,Stone,olanders,l3oll, Laxcy,Warden,Lertz,Handberg,RobinEon,Konroe and .xness. hoes,rdone. .resolution adopted, A RESOLUTION TO RE -LOCATE A LOR'TION OF STATE TRUNK: HIFGWAY Q 10, IN BA YFIELD COUNTY. R.ESOLVED,by the County Board of Bayfield County,assembled at the annual meeting thereof , this 2nd day of December,1920, that all that part of State Frank Highway to. 10 hereinafter described, be, and, the same is,subject to the approval of the State Highway commission,located and re-loca.teo as follows:- COMENCING at the intersection of the boundary line between Ashland County and Ba.yf ield County and State Trunk Highway 10,113 jhxtzuxja±mtxxkaxRx±ha and running thence westerly along said State Trunk highway j-13 to the point where said State Trunk Highway h13 crosses the section line between - ection 'Thirty-five(35) in, Township Porty-eight (48) North of Rang five (5) dest , and Section Two (2) in Township Forty-seven (07 ) North, of Range five (5) wee t ,and running thence westerly on the `ownship Line between Townships Forty seven and Forty eight (47 & 48) to the point where said Township line intersects the old railroad grade of the linneapolis,> t. Paul and Ashland nailwa.y Company, Commonly known as the "Yereless" grade, thence following said Peereless grade through Sections Three,four,five,six and seven (3 4 5 6 & 7) in Township forty,seven (47) North aforesaid,and Sections Twelve,Eleven,and 'men (12 , 11 & 10),and to a point about seventy rods (70rds.) west of the quarter post on the east side of Section sixteen 116), in Township .Forty seven, (47) North, of Range six (6) west , a map of such re -located portion of said State 1-runk highway "TIO having been filed with the Chairman of the County,State xnA Road & Bridge Committee of Bayfield County,so as to connect with the line and location of State `gunk highway no 10 as heretofore established and laid out by said ;Mate Highway Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,That the County State Road and Bridge Committee of Bayfie ld County acquire by Contract,if possible, from the owners of the premises affected by such change end re -location of such State trunk highway „i10 such land as may be needed therefore, and in case said County StateRoad and :bridge Committee can not acquire at what they consider a reasonable coat the land required for such change and re-locatio said committee is instructed tonaccomplish o ch change by the exersise of the right .of eminent domain,according to the provisions of suV-section 3 of Bection 1317 m-6 of Wisconsin Statutes. Geo. A. Curry. 438 idiourned ._ni�niz T >=�ession.Dec 2,1920 It was moved and seconded,ihat the resolution be adopted® call. Aye,Blourse, Barnes, Thorson,Juell, North, Bartlett, Ewing, Curry harovi,l._orris,Daniels, Holm, Good, Froney,Vester,Schur.t, Anderson, Johnson, Smith, Lavin,' tone,Flanders,Bell,Ivaxcy,7Jarden, ,er�;z, Iiandra erg, Robins on,i, onr oe and a: : mess. Idot Vot ing, Ga11igan. Res olut ion adopted. BE IT RESOLVED by --uhe County Board of Bayfield County in regular annual session assembled this a ecmnd day of Decertiber,1920, That the following Town Road shall be,and the same is hereby adoped as a part ofth secondary system of County highways as follows:- Beginning at Trunk line Rond No. 24 in the incorporated Village of Cable, Thence going east on the Cable-Nameka.gon Road through the towns of Cable and N.-mekagon to where the road turns north toward Grand View in the Town of Ilamekagon,a distance of 11 ! miles,thence going a northerly course through the Towns of Namek.agon and pr,,.tt on the Namekagon and Grand View Road to .Grand Vieti�v,a distance of 15� miles joining the Trunk line road ,'=24 at Grand View, making in all about 27 = miles. That the said road is reasonable well constructed as -to grading,culverts and bridges also as to cuts and fills,that it is and has been a well travelled toTvn.road for a period of at least five years that it -connects at both ends with State Trunk line roads,that the said proposition shall be ehti.tled to consideration and a vote by this boazrd at this annual meeting;it having been before this Board on two pre- vious occasions, that the said resolution shall be effective upon adoption and passage by this meeting of the Bon-rd. Dated this 20th day of 1I71ov. , 1920. Signed, Jas. N. Good.. Chairman 'Town of famekagon. It was moved and'seconded that the above resolution be adopted. I;1otion carriel and resolution adopted. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNTY BOARD in annual meetin assembled, 'h:-1.t the road hereinafter described,be attached to the secondary system: of Hi.gh:vi .ys of. Bayfield Oount.y. Said Road being described as follows. to wit: - Commencing o,t the Village or 'r1own of 1,ort Wing,at or near the north east corner of :Section 32 in Township 50 North, of range 8 west ,thence west two miles, thence runnillg south one mile, thence running west about three miles,thence running south one mile,thence running west about three miles and a quarter to the Douglas County Line,a distance of 9 miles. Dated this 2nd day of Lec,,1920, Geo . Froney. In acordance with previous rules a looted this resolution aws ordered filed for consideration at a later meeting. I�r son,fis. Dec. 2nc1.11920. I�SOLVu'D,by the Count,;' Board of Bayfield. County ltscons in, that the fo11 ing described highway be adopted as part of the secondary ok County system of Highw of said County. Commencing at a point on .,:Federal 'gunk line No. 24,near the east quarter post of `sec. 2._5-46-6,thence following present constructed Town High4 y thru Sec. 25�- 46-6,to the west line of said section,thence north one-nile,thence west one mile, thence north l-L rfile thence west one mile,thence north one mile,i,herice west two mile thence north and west four miles to connect viith federil trunk line i4o. lC,south of Ir. said route to be more definitely determined by the County toad and .Bridge Committee. u .v., xness . In accordance with previous rules ado- pted this Resolution wis ordered filed for . ��-..:, rra - cy r.�:• '1 PY C'rr r,n; f y. rt C—fli _ heb-ry r;r., .y, =`�-d= j ozin_d ;raxu� 1=ssq ionT17�c�2_, i 0 �A nsideration at a later meeting. It was moved and seconded,that the resolution presented by' tar. O.M_'�xness 'be given first consideration at the next meeting,and to be referred to a comm. ppointed by the Chairman at this meeting, said. comm® to re -port their findings at the next regular or special meeting. Jas. V. Good was called to the Chair by the �Chairman,to preside in this matter. {otion,-s above stated,v,�as carried by the fol- loviing vote:_ Aye :Nourse,Gdlligan,3arnes,Curry,%iorris,I•ralm,iIolm,Schutt,Anderson, Flanders, 1,1axcy,,,arden,`ertz,Handberg,Robinson,Iionroe,,total 16 votes. Nays -.Thorson, well, 3ar•tlet t,Ewing,Karow, Daniels, Good, c'roney,Vester, Johnson, Smith, ILavin, St one, ITotal,13 votes. Not voting,lvorth,,Ixness and Bell. Acii.ng Chairman,J. W. Good,appointed the following Comm. to investi- gate the !,,Mason-Ino route,and to report at the next meeting: D. A. i,onroe,Geo. lKarow and E . F . Daniels. 0. 14. Axness in the chair. To the County Board -of Bayf ield County Be it hereby resolved, that the County Road and Bridge Committee be instruc- te,d to attend" the annual road school to be held at !Vla..dison this Winter and that the respective members of said committee be allowed their per diem and mileage while lin attendance. Signed, rat Galligan. loved znu -,-ec. that resolution be adopted. motion carried. FLESOLVED,by the County board of Bayfield County,assersibled ±hi- at the annual meeting thereof this 2nd day of Dec. 1920,that the Committee on pub- lic buildings and grounds of this board be,and they hereby are,directed to cayse an addition to be built on the southerly or the southeasterly s'id e of the barn building at the :.Near of the Court house,su.ch addition to be built and used for and as an r_utomobile Garage,and be it further resolved,that there be and there is hereby appropriated 'out of any funds,not otherwise appropriated,the surd of Five hundred dollars !.r500.00) for constructing such addition,as estimated, and said committee on public buildings and grounds are instructed to see that sz.ch addition is properly constructed. Ole riandberg. x,,.oved and sec. that the resolution be adopted. Doll call. All members voted aye. Resolution adopted. The County rllurse asked for leave of absence until April lst, 1921. Granted. d ago L djourned annual meeting,Dec. 2,192'0 -- - - __ I Resolved that the follows-ng amounts be,and the salve are hereby allowed to the members of the Board of Supervisors,as per diem and mileage and conmiittee . work,and the County Treasurer is authorized to pay the said members,and the clerk and chairman of this Board are hereby directed "co issue a county order to the County Treasurer for the total amount of same as indicated below. ----------------------------------=---------------------------------------------- Per diem I.1,i1ea.ge Comi. 'Work 1.1-ileag Harvey bourse 8.00 i.44 Pat Galligan 16.00 1.44 24.00 1.44 Geo. S. Barnes 16.00 6.48 la, ike Thorson 8.00 30 16.00 1.20 t H. 1d. Juell 16.00 3.64 2.00 Geo.. Zarow 16.00 6.08 4.00 9.48 J. x. North 16.00 4.32 F. H. Bartlett 16.00 4.32 4.30 4.32 Geo. A. Curry 16.00 2.04 M. B. Ldorris 16.00 6.26 12.00 7.71 E. F. Daniels 16.00 4.92 8.00 Ben Holm 16.00 33 06 Jas. W. Good 16.00 7.20 ;gym. Lialm 16.00 1.68 .4. 00 1.68 J. Yderstad 12.00 3.24 4.00 3.24 0. M. Axness 16.00 2.76 17.50 4.98 Geo. Froney 16.00 9.72 24.00 8.30 Geo. Vester 16.00 6.24 T. C. Schutt 16.00 9.68 8.00 3.46 Erich Johnson 16.0 9.24 L. P. Anderson 16.00 3.36 -0. 111,-._ Sr,itih ±8.00 2.04 8.00 2.52 L. J.- Lavin 16.00 5.64 28.00 8.66 A. P. Stone 8.00 24 16.00 96 1,Vm. Ewing 16.00 6.08 4.00 6.08 D: C. Bell 8.00 1.44 4.00 2.88 0. Flanders 4.00 1.44 D. M. Kaxcy 8.00 12 8.00 24 A. iI. Warden 8.00 12 24.00 1.50 Geo. Mertz 8.00 12 12.00 36 Ole Hemdberg 8.00 12 24.00 48 W. A. Robinson 8.00 12 D. A. I:+ionroe 8.00 - 12 .Total D,q.t ed this .2nd day of 4ecember,1920 0. IJI. Axness . Iaoved and sec. that the resolution be adopted. Lotion c-2rried. Moved and seconded,that the Annual I;-eeting of the County Board of :Hayfield County adjourn. i:iotion carried,and the meeting stood ad jo ned. County. Clerk. Total 42.88 22.46 25.50 21.84 35.56 20.32 _ 28.64 18.04 41.97 28.92 19.06 23 i.2 0, 23.36, 22.48 41.24 58.02 22.24 37.14 25.24 19.36 20.6 58.52 25.20 32.16. 16.32 5.44 16'.36 33.62' 2 0 418 32.60 8.12 8.12 64.43