HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 3/1/1921441 Special !veeting,IL-arch 1st,1921. I Special rnee .ing of the County 3ear d of 3ayfi eld Ccu my called to order at 10.30 A.1d. in the Circuit Court room, in the Court house at hburn,:>'isch lst,1921, oursuant to the following Call: To Jacob Yderstad,County Clerk of I3gyfidicd County, isconsin i Lear Sir:- 7-e,the undersigned members of the County Board of hayfield County, Yisconsin, � I, hereby request that a special meeting of said County Board be Yr ld at the Ccu rt-house in the City . f Washburn on Tuesday,l,,Iarch lst,11inet een hundred and twenty-one,at ten o'clo,ck in the forenoon,for the purpose of electing a County Clerk to fill the vacancy caused by the failure of the County Clerk elected at the Geneual Election held in 4920 to aualify,a,nd to examine the report of the auditors and Accountants recently emplo yed to examine the County Treasurers' and County Clerks'xxxNxxt book s,to audit accounts I �and c.laims,and to transact any and all business that may legally come before such meeting. Signed,J.A.North,3en holm,'Wm., Tualm,Chas I;eiss,Creo. S. 3arnes, Dono.ld U. Bell,John i�r.nzfeld(,-r,0.1+'l�,.nders,Ii.Nourse,ri.le=arion Juel,F.h._,�artlett, . D.L.7.11[axcy,George Vester, 0. ^'.Smith,Geo. Y.. Ciurry,W.1 .! obinson.,G"Do. i-,Lertz A.P. Stone, is=ike ihorson,J.- P.jnderson,-at Galligan, Erich Johnson,E.F.i)zniels,Ole Handberg, IJas. 1r11f. Goo d,.H.1;i.'i'Ja.rden,°;.C.Schutt,�J,.1�1.tliness,GeO. h ro-w and 'firm. Ewing. Totc`i.1 signatures,30. The .County i?lerk having also in due timemailed each member of he fonty hoard the following notice of the meeting:- 3ayfield County Tjis,consin,Office of County Clerk, �'J .shburn, °lisconsin, -L'ear.Sir :- 1'ebr. 18,1921.. The Undersigned having; been petitioned to call a meeting, of the L:ounty- o_.rd,you are hereby notified that a ,meeting of the vour.ty >Board of _'.u_pervisol's will be held at the of'fir:e of the County Clerk, _A the Court house on Tuesday ,L_i rch Lst,1921,at 10.00 o'clock in the forenoon. Yours truly, J. Yderstad, County Clerk. Ideeting duly celled to order by the Obairman, 0.I.Axness. The Credentials of Chas Reiss, appointed by the City- Council of 3ayfffield,to fill the v".cency of j'rc,.nk iLobillard,resigned, and of Peter Johnson appointed by the Torn Board of the gown of Lincoln,to fill the vacancy of J.Yderstad,resigned,were.read, and on motion, approved by the Hoard and said members were, duly, seated. moll -call, shotrving the follo�-iino members present: Nourse , Galliga,n, liar nes , 1hore Son, Juel ,1 orth, Bartlett, YLarow, i wing', Curry, iz;igrris , -Daniels , 4. ,JohnsomVester,Schutt,_nderson,ml,Stone, r�nzfeldderbia1m7 ,,,,, landers,i-eiss,-bell.laxcy, Trden,luertz,_Lnnder-,Robinson,Munroeand Axness,total 35 , re se nt . I.Lpproved. IvAnut es of the previous meeting was duly read and on proper motion, Following report from the County health Committee wws read: To the 3oa.rd of Su-pervisors, 'gentlemen: - .'ayfield County, isconsiri. 'he and ersi.gned,r_nei_-_begs of the Lounty Health Uornmittee for i3ayf field County, acting under Section 1411 g-3 of the revised stalutes,bet; -eave to urge that 442 Special "3ession,lareh_13t,1 a1. �7 °a County Nurse be appointed in place of Anna Y. Thompson, resigned; As such committee we have had the opportunity to watch and follow the wo done by such nurse in the past,and have come to the conclusion that it would be a distinct loss to the County to be without such nurse; That the work of such nurse is particularly valuable during the period t public schools are in session,and that some action of the County Board at this time would be very desirable,for the interest of public health generally. iospeetfully submitted, O.M.Axness Jessie N. Smith Fated Yar. lst ,1921. Ina M . DeGuire H.P. xelberg On account of there being no resignation of rinna. 1. Thompson,County nurse, on file,it was decided to defer action until such resignation should be filed. Miss Jessie N. Smith appeared before the Board and submitted orally a few figures and facts,regarding the expenditures of the County for School purposes and of Salaries paid School officials. At 12 o'clock,noon,Board adjourned until 1.30 P.M. At 1.30 P.M1 Board called to order by the Chairman. Roll -call showing all members present,except Geo. S. Barnes. It was moved and seconded,that the Board n6w proceed to elect a County Clerki to fill the on -expired term caused by the failure of Eels L. Oscar to qualify for the term of two years to which he was elected,said term commencing on iionday, January 3rd, 1921. Lotion carried. Following apjl:ications duly read by the Clerk: Cole Camp, Mo. January 20th,1921. hembers of the County Board, 3ayfield County,Wis. Gentlemen: - I wish,by this letter,to present for your consideration,my name as a candi date for the position of County Clerk,to be considered in case the Board does not dee it advisable to allow Nels L. Oscar to resume his duties in that capacity. As you know,I was a candidate for the nomination as Clerk at the primaries last September,at which time the people of the County expressed their preferance for i:_r. Oscar.Due to this fact,I wish to be considered'as an applicant for the position o in case ir. Oscar is not acceptable. In case ir Oscar is not to be re-instated,I believe,that saving been a Candidate at the election,my claim to the position should be the first to be conside by the Hoard.If given the position,I can promise to condact the affairs of the Count in an eccnomical w,.nner coupled with efficiency. I wish also to assure the Board that I am under no obligations to any one,have Trade no promises in connection with the business of the .County and if given office will serve without showing undue favoritism to any one. Very respectfully, Randall W. Smith. Tashburn,Wis . larch lst ,1921. Hon. Chairman and t.embers of the County Board,3ayfield County. I hereby enter my application as a candidate for the Position of p-b ie Clerk of Bayfield County. To you,Hon. Mr. Chairman and hembers of the County Board in the event that I should be appointed to act as Clerk of 3ayfield County,I would fulfill the duties of the Uffice with justice and fairness to all,to the best of 44 Special Session,Yarch 1st,1521 ability. Thanking you,I aim, Very t ruly, yours , Charles S. Hanson. lachburn, vis. March 1,1921. TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY .BOARD OF, 3AYFIELD COUNTY: I hereby agNty make application for the position of County .Clerk. I have had fifteen years experience as an office mon,filling such positions as Steno grapher,bokkeeper,correspondent and private secretary during that time. served fifteel months in the army. I know I can discharge the duties of County Clerk to the satisfaction of the taxpayers of Ba.yfield County. To the County Board, Ba.yf field County, r^1is . Gentlemen: - Yours very truly, Herbert Lertz. Washburn, 4Jis . Larch lst ,1921. I hereby apply fot the position of County Clerk of .Hayfield County. refer you to my work in the office for the last 3 months. Yours respedtfully, J. Yderstad. !he application of John Proseth,was withdrawn at the request of his representative. Loved and sec. that the Board proceed to vote by ballott.Lotion carried. The Chairman appointed as tellers,Erich Johnson and T. C. Schutt. hovel and seconded,that the first ballot be informal. Carried. Result of the informal ballot: J. Ydorstad 19 votes R.W.Smith 10 votes Chas. S. Hanson 3 votes Herbert ,.iertz 1 vote Blank 1 vote Total .34-votes Yoved and seconded,that the informal ballot be declared formal,and that J. Yderstad )e declared duly elected County Clerk of Bayfield Cannty,7is. for the term ending in January,1923.Lotipn carried. Report of the Committee on Ivason-Ino Road. ;Mashburn, Wis . larch lst ,1921. 20 the Members of Bayfield County Board:- Gentlemen: - Your committee appointed to examine a road proposed to be adopted as a art of the secondary system of roads,beg leave to report as follows: '1e found this road which commences at a point near the Village of Lason There it connects with Trunk Line No 24,thence westward and northward to a point so a point near Ino where it connects with Wrunk line to. 10,the description of which is herein contained,in a very good condition. The road has been graded the entire Listanee,there is no bad hills upon it and not much grading to do.Bridges and culverts the description of which is also herein contai.nedare all in good condition,none of which will exceed lb.feet in lenght.Road is settled on both sides of its entire Lenght 444 `3pecial Session,!,: arch lst,1921. Your Committee do therefore recommend that this road be adopted as a part of our County System. D:A.L,,0 VROP: 71 Geo. L a.row .F.11.Danie1s. Committee. I Don:-ild C. Bell presided. I;oved and sec. that the report of the committee be accepted i and that the said road be and same is hereby declared a part of the County Secondary system,same to take effect on January lst,1922. Motion Carried. .0. M. Axness in the Chair. Following is the description of the above Read as adopted:- Commencing at a point on I.1'ederal Trunk Line No 24,near the east oouartpr post of I Section 25-46-6-111.,thence following present constructed Town Highway thru Sec. 25-46-6-i to the west line of said Section,thence north one mile,thence wvest one mile,thence north 1 1 mile,thence west one mile,thence north one mile,thencewvest tUvomiles,thence north and xx west four miles to connect with federal trunk line No. 10,south of Ino,said route to 11 be more definitely determined by the County Eoad and Bridge Committee. he following Resolution, laid over at the last Annual meeting,,vv�s read:- P,esolved,by the County Board of 3ayfield County in Annual meeting as�-,enbled, IhAt the road hereinafter described,be attached to the Secondary system of Highways of Bayfi Id County. Said Road being described as follows,to vit:- Commencing at the Village or Sown of Port ,i:ig,at or near the Eortheast corner cf 3ectiou 32,in Tovenship 50 north,of range 8 vvest,thence �dvest 2 rni.les,thence ring south one mile,thence running west about 3 miles,thence running southone mile, thence running .aest about three miles and a quarter to the Douglas County Line,a dish of 9 miles. Sighed, Geo honey. A letter, dated, Jan. 7,1921,fror. C.y.Conkey,Construction Engineer of :Douglas County,attached to this resolution and made cart of it vas, read,showing that Douglas County had adopted a County Road,that would connect with the proposed road, embodie d in this resolution. On motion,the above road :vas referred to a committee of three to be named by the Chai.rman,and that said committee report at the next meeting of the Board. Iaotion carried. The Chairman named the follo-rving 'committee:- Pat Galligan, ueo. S . Barnes and E.T. Iviari on Juel . The County Treasurer filed his supplementary report of receipts and expend} tures,ending jan. lst,1921. Repor received and placed on file. Application for benef it u_d :r Section 572 I to 572 0. , ,'iis Statutes, 1917. State of ':viscons in, S County of Bayf field Anna Zvi. Ledin, being first dul,;r svvorn, on oath says that she is a female person over the age of eighteen -, ears,being eighty seven years of age,that she 1 is now and has been totally blind since uiarch,1919,that she is not an inmate of any charitable, ref ormatore or penal institutionin this State,hat she is not receiving any aid from the State or any County or City;that she has no income yvhatever of her own;thtt' she has been a bofafide resident of the State of `visconsin for more than ten years,nextjl next preceeding the d Ae of this affidavit; 44.5 Special 1vipetinb,Lia.,ch lst, l�2l: ''�iore e 1 .-�..f_r :iant ask that sshe b: One Ij. idreci n0 L , this pant. 3. L 111U.c __ Dt _ef 1't O1 I anCL fifty Dollars,-pay'.:ibI, rll.tji'l,Br_i.;y', accGrdi:ii io the 1DrOViS1G-.; Of Section 5721 to .15 720 of the '�isconsi-n Statutes for 1917. Su-bscri'bed.and s-vorn to before m this 15:.h day of }i�eb. 1921. U 0. V . A mess -iota.ry :public JjT It �Ltnesses to Jghn P. Olan -er E. C. Erickson n!'t trip 01' 711�,0�.,_OI=; J l.ti l.0 .3r'%rfield County ) John T.I. Olancler aa«_ s . C. Erickson Ueiny first duly sUrorn each for hi,rself says that he is a rosider.jt _Freeholder of the Counts- of .3a.yfield, State of ?Tiscoi si-l; that ne is -Personally acquainted with ., na L-i. i,edin, the applicant in the f orego ills affidavit, and knows thai, she has oeen a, b-once,-fide resident of the :hate of disconsin for more than tell years and of the said Count, of Sa/ ield for L=Gre than three 7;ea7'S in-.medi.ately prece ding the making of thi:: a,--ciication. John P. Olander %i Erickson . �i . ;3 - bscrioed a lCi s;ioril to before tie this iL�t1i day of Feb. 191-). 0. `_. 2Lcness Notary PUp1ic 1'0 wholri it L"c;y coilcer'j: I hereby 0c: r'tify that I am a re jularl,5- licensed, ora,ctici,; rhyr;,ician in t County of 3a field, State of ''lisconsi,,,a1i,_ that I have examined Aiina i._. _-e d in a,,,_ find that s he is t o 1d11V u112:td . David �, . Harrison- n:. i). D_ateci thi = le t_, day of" Feb. lj21 it wa . moved acid s econdec, that thc; aoo e rilattc i' un ri. erred -to the iiiiufLce cf_--mTlittee. i,_otion carried.. 'f.'f ^ :i'0110 T11"1 cof'iL_un1cation v-ias read - St. ''a -al, 1 i i ?eb. 16, 1:;2i_ Dear Sir: I ?iave 1)ee11 lil corrJs-�.)ondence 'Lor Soifie t i.me wit.'l T2l:i.stees C,. A. ;a.riio 'et;x _lc? J. 2. WI -alley of the Ashland, ,ay_:r-ield -and Iron lubercul-lr Sa_lLitor- ium with respect to an itetl o-L :26,J.t 72 that this t OMf)an-,T refta::;ded to the S'anitor- ium on two dif-ferent occasions, one rel',a_-,.i'd of Yi1.lich rats in er_ or. Mlle tra-Sacti011 occurred lrl cola-'ectioll with a ce-rtain ? raC;k_ that vuas, under consider- <a.I iCon in 1916 . The S_a,nitorium A' :,.sociation o'i ootobcer lltr_, 19,18, deposited with the Com-gang, the sum of'26°. 74 to cover their proportion of tho cost of this proposed track, - a: and as a satisfactory agreement relative to the expense of constructing the pro- ?.osed track was not arrived at, it was agreed that the sum deposited by the Ha,nitorium Association would be refunded by the Company. Through error this amount wa2 twice refund-d Oy the 6crf pany, the first re- mittance having been forwarded on iv -.arch 15t'i, 1,)1`�, and receipted for oy 151r. Donald C. .3ell, Treasurer of the Tri County Tuoercular :'anitori;zr Association. and returned through the -Bank Aprii list, 1919. The second,payment was made April 1�1_th, 1'�1�, receipted for oy Donald C. Bell, Chairman of the building committee, Tri ;Mate Sanitcrium, on _4ril 18th, lyl) and returned t.1- rough the 3ank cn April. 20"tn, 1919. under date of February 10th, Lamoreux advised, among other things, as follows: It seems to us, if you would send this bill -to the County I'reasu.rer of .Hayfield County, it would be taken care of. W.v, have personally gotten in touch, with the County Clerk, he being the officerwitli whom vie deal in our Sanstoriural ;utters and have requested i,hat he see that the County take care of it. �Te have no dou',)t, but what it -:rill be done when properly brow, ht to their attealti.on." Please, therefore, consider this a dema ld or a refund of the "�269.74 Trusting that a remittance. for the ar,ount vwill ire received vvithin a, very few days, I beg to -remain, Yours , truly, Charles Jensch. County treasurer, Bayfield County, Washburn, vdisconsin It was moves_ and seconded that i:.ile County Clerk be authorized to is;.:i-.e a ; order for the sulM of '<26�.74, iri favor of the Company to balalrce their account. Lotion carried. The oil of the r_-,nr oe UalculatiZg ilachine Company for ;OJ.00 bei,ig 'or a machine left at the office o1 the County Clerk, subject to the approval of the Board, vwa upon prop-r motion disallowed ant the Clerk was instructed to return iirc� said machine and pay the cost oT tralrportatior� tcgethF� 4vitsl reaso__a�1e cor_=}�;�rsatiori -f or the 1;1Se of said ri`1c'..Gt11Zle. The fol.o1wing resolution was upon proper motion adopted: i esolvc �.` 'by the County Board of Bayfield. County 'Hi —cis n, in s(Dcial session this first day of j-arch IJ2') : That an an:._ual Audit be made of Lhe books of the County, at closecf each fiscal year, s;.c el�arninr�_ ation to be id;, by a Certified Audit Com_.aar�e or cYie 7,.iscorisin Tax Commission, under the directions of the Flila<,cr' C0iTlTi.iu-� e;e, -fly are iereo,y authorized and instructed to carry otat this reeoluti0,I. F. a. 3artlett. The Committee on County Gf-.ioers Bc_id, submitted t__r _t'olLowilig report: The under.;i�.ned together with the Chair -.:an of the Country .Board of. :super- `3tate of 7- p Tisconsin, having been duly aointed a visors of Bayfield County and; a committee for the approval of the of trio several co ,nty of:,_"ieers e L ected at, and appointed si_lice the last ge-neral election, the coiant�/ Clerk of said. county having tendered hip; reslr.iaatian as such County Clerk, at ti`"le ad j0urned annual meeting of Said county board, or the 1st, day of December, a.. _D. 1J2i, land isle Saiiie having uecn duly received y the cou,ty board of said counl,y, 6,ri::1. the countiy aoarci iLa.ving duly -appointed Jacob YJerstad t0 gill Such Va.call(3y, and ulle said Jacob lderstad, ha.vinE made and filed his bond as required by law; and the said committee ha.vino, met on the 3rd day of Ja_luary, A. D. 1�;21, for tiie ;purpose of ap)-rovint- or, re jectifig. the bonds Oi the -several officers, and finding th tit they anci each of tjlem filed a su e.ty` b0�ld it the follovdin- na.T11i?d su.1'ety coilll�any, Viz: Two for 1. jIC.E?_sta0., County Clerk, `'>5000.00 ea, .__; if -red '+'rasetii �-ou,nL,,T re2�urer, '2:31 .700.60; rederick A. c.,� 1 , Clerk Of G01a_rt, ;. 5,000.00; _ .i. rEVT i•._U1'ic3"y, 3heriff, l %,000.Ii0; C. _ . 1:_01-ris, Di strict .•�ttOriley, 1,000.00;-LIe11, i'._yhre, 1'e6:ister of Deeds, `•� , 000. 00; 1r.ipP , (;o-unty urveyo_ , `,�;,1 , 000. ,),_); Coroner, !ImOS L. _lan; c n, i,000..)0; and that each of said offic: rs have made and filed their ca-bils of of_�ice, viith the cou�:i clerk of said coivaty alld cle-posited t_tle sai;e tole Mier with their se-cera_L ;ands, grid it is tiler u-pL,l1 adj _died and resolved b\ yo».r comj::ittee of the country board, t�_ .t the Se, veral o .': icial bulids, , ilarnel:�y . the County Clerk, County �Zrepasllrer, '-h� riff ' e.:�.i; ter o `' F �- �, �- Deeds, Dist�'ict Attorney, Gorol.i:vr, , arici Cl; rk of the vl-i'c:alt Court, ai_a that they are Food 6111'i(J Su�_flciellti, c`:Li1d that said oal'ldti be an Lhe Sa7Ile Life �lereby ai�l�roved by yowl' SaJ_ COMMiLtee. 1?es-_f ectful__y-ubmitted, Dated Fa.t '5 ash 'ourn, ',.Ti_;Coi"1c:_i,I, this 3rd day of .:wary, 1j2t. 0. -_ A_s.ness Chairman ) ; ard, ) l Omni ittee _ . :tone ) C CC liC� t t t lcJ.t `Lhe r e c 0 r t 0_ GOI::`'.J_ttee an o0nc, D , cGe �B(� Ot 10i1 c-.cried.. The followinE' resolution vaaun �nimLously �;.do- ted : "�O �ti1,D by the Countfi y 3oarJ of Bayeid County, : i_scollsii:, in sr,F,ci l sc,S,_,icli this first day oI" 1-arch, 1:;21, -Lhat Lhe t_usLees of th' luoerculosis lailu.torl_�ill 8.t T'Urt? z11', ;'a'i�c0YlSlfl, (JE , Llii :_ tiicy -Lx'e 1'eCi:;15e(1 t0 I"li^ tiJltll the L oLlnty �J_ 01 3a;,i' ,ifleld COUi.ity, ite_iZed J111. of all cla --,ils, verified by alildav'- of tits claima_it frO;is 'vvho:t1 SU_P71)lieS are )urc ased, or his cag'erit a.r attorney, at 1,i1P, end a-i e ch month, and 'Jie do ilereoy ii-iS-Cruct the cC1.lnty cl_'12k and the co;'%ity trea -u er 'Uhca.t ilo ceuat;y orders Src_l_il oe, li�Sued oJ.1 -(paid fzom Sa101 fuZ,d, until t.ile a,,,ove f'Ils. i"l LS COl i ._L1 :Ci 41%ltii. D. .;l. 1,1axe 7. �a.rtl0tt i:.. 1:_ 0 1, .-,,' 1 S C . �iT'_lttl Committee oil _ lna ,._ce 1-.Le 1`C1',.O'.Vin re:'.olution vJas presented a:l OYl IiOtlOY1 l li Oil�,Ylc: tC ul '. l,C reca , tho o�.:L�lce 0 C i our, 7 y _'i"e..i1 �ia.S t)r oven to be, a V's.r, Gxr;( sive one, tld t.'t1e J8L18fit derlVecL llvis_ J.cll eX';:eiAltui-0. rlla;y 0e (1:'_ OLiol1C',C, (JO 11, re-OlV''Cl the 001.11ty b 3oaru! of �a, y-:L'ield Ccunt�j int'ass ion ass el',)1od this 1st day 0L _1.Lr i1 21, that sak of":Vice of Goul:lty t ire d_i,3colltin-aed as Soon as dos,,. ible, or 'orhen ,Tiheri h is term ex res. 21. p. atone The :following -resolution ,.ras presented and. on proper motion adopted: TO "If', THE COUNTY BOARD- rAYFIELD COti v Y:- "If', It During the year 11)21 their were 9 co.r_; .unit; fairs held- throughout the county and were considered very .uc essful by ali concerned. At a Illeeting held by the Secretaries of the Community Pairs yesterday, plans were discussed in detail for 1921. Owing to the fact' that every property owner in all these districts benefit greatly from such events, five as Secretaries of these fairs do hereby solicit the same financial aid from the County Board. as was offered in 1921,-- therefore: Be it resolved that' the County 3oard approp-riate the sure of {l7b.00 toward aying the premiums offered at any livestock or farm roduce fair held by one or r,,:ore towns in said county and that said town to secure county appropriation toward preiums, to maintain a fair at a standard established by the County kgriculture Committee, and .further that each fair ?_irovide toward such premiums, the s.um of ,4050.00 or more. ;Signed H. ._arion Juel. The followinf, resolution was presented and on _iroper motion u.nai irnously adopted: Resolved ;)-• the Couth 3oard of Bayfiold County, "Iisco l; iri, in special sessiozi this first day of - Larch, 921 : That allthorlt,y is her e oy given foi' the, borrowing iiioney, , re ouir ed for 1't_nlllylE expenses of the County, not .to e,:cer:td -the amoilnts appropriated at the Annual =:_ee ting, at rate not to exceed eight ;:per cent, to pay�UC-oulnty orders and the Chairman zinc: County Clerk are authorized and, directed to issue prolnissc ry notes of -he County therefor. -Payable not latOr than the first day of April followirlFL the date of their -issue, such notes. to be under the inst-I•ucti.oriI of the Finance Committee. Signed D . hi. Max c y The followinc resoi tins was on proper motion d.ulc' seconded, altirnousl,= .ado -pled Resolved bV the County 3oard of 3ayfield County , Tisconsir. in ,special sessioi°; this .L'irst day of .•,_arch 1921 : t�iTYi • G 1 r That th�a �Tiscoti��in ;fate .3ank of Ircrl �:i`-er .,_"cor,:ii-:, be wllotrid u;: c; one sun, of 'le;'! Thousand Dollars of the County fUnd._ , subject to check, u-pon t lei ' III agreement to pay i_terest at then rate of �6per annum on daily Bala aces, said interest 'to ee credited to the Coa ty on the last daffy o_t each month, the riling of a Cot -orate Surety ,pond to cover deposit, which bond is to be approved by the finance Committee and upon writ -.en statement frciii said, bank that they agree to take care of their ,%ropo-rtion of mcney- :sorrowed by the County for o.j-)eratin:; ex- pnnses. Further that the agreenitn -now in force between the County and the three depository barks ire continued for th(:, year 1:)21. D. i_. l,_axcy C . t?, . Smith a". W. 3artlet 1,101•ri: Corl;rnitte�, cli _Yinance MR The foliowing, -resolution was duly -resented: , !' �1 ^ld �Z'isconsin, in special session _._ _ C�JV:�D by thle Gount�; 3oard of .0 a.? f iCounty, atsembl'bd-_this lst_d-ay. of iLl_arch,, lU,21_, that the itaIdrVcoft.the County Su ;erintendeiat of ;:schools for 13ayfield County be fixed'at Twenty—five Hundred Dollars ;.per annum, the sarrie to take effect at the Beginning of t,ae view 'term f the Gcunty ;..uperintenderit of chool:, to be elected at the election to be head on the first Tuesday after t .e first ii onday in April , 1 )21. "igned sad. A. Robinson it was moved and seconded that the, above resolution oe aillerlded .3o that the salary be set at two i'housand Dollars i, stead of Twenty-five Euna_red Dollars. Amendment car-_oied. Before a vote oa the original resolution as ariended was taken the Disti°ict Attorney was called for an opinion in the matter. The Dist_ict Attcrie i, -,iv .r:ig�• an oral opinion to the effect that the County 3oard had no authority at this r:peciai rneetir.g to set any salaries for the County _off that Suchaction cclz.id only be taken at a regular or ad joia._ned an;:lual ml eting. in co_,zormit,y i ith said ocinion, it was 1..ov4,d and seec.rid.ed that the Hoard at this time take :o ac ion relative to the above -resolution. Potion carried. The followinE; resolution was on motion dull/ seconded uL.iaraimousiy adopted: LJO�V `D, by -lie County board. of 3ayfield County,. at a Laeetin - thereof •:t71i first day of li,arch, 1921, that _f.'rom a -Lid after the lst day of :arc -, i�2�, no tax certificates owned or held by said Count,, wall oe sold for i-al-ss th!�,ri face and accrued interest at the rate of ten per cer:r.tu,n per annum; and that the County treasurer of said county be, acid he is li:;reby instructed to Charge and col ect for all tax certificates now held or hereafter acquired b:y said County, and of L'er sold or assigned, the full face of such tax certificates, with interest frorn the date of , ueh certificates to the date of such assigrrrnent at said rate of ten per cerit,om 1- e., annum. The folloa✓ing resolution was -on proper motion, July seconded, urianirnously adopted: :!°,"O V'T.` b� the County 3oard of 3ayfie_ld County in pecial _ os ion assembled thi',:• lst day of 1,,arch, 11,21, that the Gounty Road and 3ridge Corrui;ittee and the County Highway Commissioner be instructed to take over thy- petrol a.nc maizitoria.iiee ._f the portion of the Mate and Federal -ys��tem of ghways in 3aeyf ield County, +�cgitiriing at vrd Avenue mast in the City' of Washburn and. exte iding to the Southeast corder of the Southwest corder of Section twc']7t,, -eight , Tow,_: hip Thirty-three, Range "our West, a, distance of about one-mi_i-e . The houses in thi:- section so to be .atroled and. maintained are few and far bet>.een and the land through -which the road -run,L1 is strictly Parrs JEJnds. ',ig:,,ed Geo. } ertz. 1� 450, Special Session,Idarch 1st,.1921. 6r-- -- _--_-__- =-- --------- _ --- _ -=. - __=-..-----___--= - ---_---r=-�-=-___- --_ -_ -_= -_ ---- ---- - - - - - - _ - -- -----= _--� To the Ljembers of the Bayfield County Board: - Due to the fact that the sixty cuts from the pictures used in the bulletin just printed by the Agricultural Agent will become the property of the County and that some additional expenses will not be covered by the advertisements sold to cbve-r th cost of printing this bulletin; Be it resolved,that the members of the County .Board of Hayfield County appr priate the sum of '350.00 (Three hundred and fifty dollars),from which will be used the minimum about possible to meet the above cost of cuts and printing. Signed, W .A•Robinson H. Bourse Ivioved and seconded,that the above resolution be adopted. Roll Call. Aye, Bourse, Gall igan,Juel, North, Rarow,Ewing,Morris,Lialm,Good, Froney,Vest er,Schutt, And Johnson, Smith, Lavin, Kranz felder,Reiss,Be11,h!axcy, Uard.en,Kertz,Handberg,Ivonroe,Axness Total 26. No: Thorson,Curry, Daniels,". Johnson, Holm, and Stone. Total 6. Motion carrie d and resolution adopted. Resolved,that the County Clerk be,and he is hereby appointed to act as Purchasing Agent for Bayfield County for the purchase of all supplies outside of highway materials and supplies,and be it further rsolved , that said Clerk be and 46 is hereby authorized to issue County orders in payment of all invd�icos as same are presented,subject to approval and audit of the proper Committee. Signed, Donald C. Bell. Moved and seconded that the resolution be adopted. Itiotion carried,All members prese voting Aye. Resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County at a meeting thereof the lst day of March,1921,that the County Clerk of said County be,and he is here by in- structed to make out,ltemize and verify a claim against the Town of Iron River for t support 'of Arne Sund,an alleged trancient poor person and file such claim with said Town,ad that in the case of the non-payment thereof,the District Attorney of said County be,and he is hereby instructed and directed to institute an action against said Town for the recovery of said Ifioney with interest. D. Ii. Maxcy. 141oved and seconded,that the resolution 'be adopted. lriotion carried. A communication from taxpayers in the Torn of Kelly,protesting against the present high taxes,etc. was read 'by the Clerk. On motion duly seconded,the c nication was ordered placed on file. Carried. Resolved by the County Board of :Bayfield County,this lst day of Ildarch,1921, that the rate of interest on tax -certificates sold at subsequent sales be 15 per ce per annum. Pat. Galligan. Ivioved and Sec. that the resolution be laid on the table. Carried. rson, "peeial ;'ession,Larch 1, t ,1921. s h1and ,'his . 1'Jov. 17 ,1920. Alfred Froseth,County Treasurer, Mashburn, ris Dear 1-Ar. TWroseth:- "epying to your note of Nov. 15 in the matter of the personal property tax of .ri-S,Iianson, l beg to advise you thatin the winter of 1919 and 192U lur. Hanson turned ver his property to three of his creditors with the understanding that the should ispose of the property and pro -rate the proceeds among 1.r. Hansons' creditors. An examination of IMIr Hansons' affairs shows that he owes about 11,7000.00 and had Lssets of about ``;1600.00. The creditors have all agreed to take their percentage of the proceeds in settlement of their claim except that his personal .property tax which ecame delinquent since the transfer of the property has not been taken care of, l'he representative creditors ask the County -'oard to --pass a resolution to take the same percentage of the tax that is paid to other creditors on their claims. Yours very truly, Geo. T . 1cCloud, The County Treasurer reported,that a settlement had been reached,whereby he ceived 80 % of the original tax. Ivoved and sec. that the Board approve of the ettlerrent made 'by the Treasurer,idotion carried. iNY "'�ashburn,'.7is . Larch lst ,1921 To the Hon. County 3oard,3ayfield County,';',is. 6entlemen:- 7e,the undersigned Committee on Justice and Constable,etc.,beo leave to -eport,that we have examined the following bills,recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for the payment of same. A.1d. r�,arden Pat Galligan A.P.Stone . -1�ame of Claimant Purpose Claimed :allowed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. P. A:�,elberg .Fees for last year and. canvassing J . I,u. Long. „`a-rdner & Holman James Ii'. Long Andy Murray h.fa rkham Drug C o . HP . Axe lbe rg 'eo. Calder jJohn Johnson,et al ndy Lurray 11 lounty Treasurer II 11 Cable State Sank election returns Slheriffs fees,etc Clothing for insane Sheriffs fees,etc. Travelling expenses,ete L.'edicine , etc. Stamps Stamps Constable fees Board Prisoners, Jan "travelling expenses,etc. -'aid Circmit Court Ouddrs I' Ivilun® Court orders .Paid transportation ,,'fitness 264.00 28.50 15.45 84,97 160.35 9.30 2.75 2.00 11.50 14.80 13.10 10.00 1.08 3.00 264.00 28.50 15.45 84.97 160.35 9.30 2.75 2.00 11.50 14.80 13.10 10.00 1.08 3.00 lorence Brown ,fitness fees IMian. Court 6.00 6.00 James ?:iley Const. fees 9.47 9.47 Pox Bros' Supplies 12®®45 12.45 James I-_„ Long Travelling �;xp 10.50 10.60 IT TI 66.36 66.36 James Icy. Quinn As per bill filed. 3.00 3.00 452 Special Session,i,arch lst,1921. Andy Hurray n „ n . „ 14 n James ivi. Long if I, J. R. Tarter H. P. Axelberg A. A. Axley F. G. Johnson T.R.Spears J. W. Tarter F. G. Johnson Andy %iurray As per Bill and -Voucher . 13-10 Trip to i.iendota,Insane " 45.00 Trip with insane " 88.40 " Bayfield 2 Drunks 2.75 Trip Drumn-lond,i."Ioonshine cq.se " 8.36 Francis Flowers' case " 4:08 Francis Flowers,et al '' 9.60 Board of Prisoners IT 32.00 Board of Francis Flowers, et al '1 13.20 -doa.rd of Bazil cordon it 5.20 :Examination insane 1f 4.20 Examin;I�.tion of insane,travelling expenses,etc to iviar. lst IT 35.59 Exam. insane " 4.20 " " 4.80 IT „ 4.n�0 Exam. Insane " 10.00 I, . I, " 10.00 Trip to 3ayfield after Abe Goldfine" 100 Lloved and seconded,that the report of the committee be approved. i.otion carried. J'7ashburn,� is;iviarch lst,1921. To the lion. County -3oa.rd,Bayfield County,�Vis. %orentlemen:- We,the undersigned Committee on Finance and i:iiscellaneous,beg leave to repo' that we have examined the following bills,and recommend that the same be allowed as s forth in the Column marked. "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same. ------------------------------------------------------------- dame of Claimant. Purpose 01 imed - - ---- -------- Alowed -------------------------------- To,rvn of Iron} River ----------------------------------------------------, Trancient Poor 2.35 2.35 Town of Iron River " 571.71 " 370.80 Town of Drummond Community -Fair " 75.00 " 75.00 Town of Pratt Trancien Poor " 395.91 " 395.91 Theo. bender Reportin Dogs 6.00 6.00 J. Yderstad Expenses,.Express,etc 62.46 62.46 Zion Institute Supplies 8.79 8.79 Christie Lithograph Co. " 3o.31 30.31 Pure Air Sanatarium Hills O.K. by Trustees i13819.25 '13819.25 National -Rubber Sta.m-p Co.. Su_L:)lies 7.10 7.10 Norton a,Iilliams Dues Co. Chairmans Organisations 5.00 5.00 James F. Redmond, Pepooting Dogs 9.00 9.00 V. E. Brubaker Expenses Dec. 73.73 73.73 The Tablet & Ticket (-o Supplies 3.21 3.21 Sakah Sandin,et al Support of Blind lst Zuarter 10.0.00 100.00 i�els ia_yhre canvassing election ret. 9.00 9.00 J. P. Anderson eporting Dogs 19.00 19.00 Alfred Froseth,Co. Treas Stamps,etc 25.80 25.80 C. A. Runyan Reporting Dogs 6.00 6.00 Bessie Alcorn Expenses sec. 45.70 45.70 J. Yderstad Express,Stamps, etc. 9.60 9.60. F. E'. 3eacher Sr. deporting Dogs 12.80 12.80 Doris Hansen Stenographer 1.50 1.50 Jessie i`v. Smith Travelling Ex. sec. 42.60 42.60 Frank Rochielleau ..eporting Dogs 8.60 8.60 Pay -roll Co. Officers Jan 2366.62 2366 .62 Secretary of State . Automobile licenses for Co. Agt. Sheriff,Highway Com. and Co Nurse cars 40.00 40.00 American Surety Co. Bond Public Adm. 16.00 16.00 :Fred Anderson Bounty 10.00 10.00 John Carlson IT 10.00 10.00 _"ouise Schmidt Illothers r-ension 25.00 25.00 Pure Air Sanatariam Pay -roll Jan. 828.62 828.82 `Mate treasurer 15 % dog license 9.90 9.90 Anna tVi., Thompson Expens,Cop.nty Hurse. 8.67 8.67 V. E. .Brubaker Expenses Jan. 78.19 78.19 Clausen,Oista.d Co Surety bonds' 825.33 825.33 iv`_others Pension Pay -roll Jan 243.00 243.00 ,Wis Dep of Agriculture Dog License tags 31.25 31.25 V. E. Brubaker Stamps 10.00 10.00 Pure :fir Sana.tarium Bills O.K. by Trustees 6299.71 6299.71 C.F.idiorris Salary 166.66 166.66 Elwell,Lieckhofer,Reich-ert,et al .'auditing books of County Clerk and Treasurer 1885.46 1885.46 J. Yderstad, Stamps 6; Express 10.48 10.48 H.D.Klein,Co. Treas Tuition Teachers Training 211chool 13.50 13.50 Bessie 11corn Travelling exp lebr. 56.25 56.25 H..C.Koenig Reporting :;dogs 23.60 23.60 low 00 75 36 08 80 0a 20 20 20 59 .20 �80 120 00 L00 100 �, t. Special :?ession !,:arch lst 1�321 45 Eau-C1ai.re .Book x Stationery Co Supplies 10.53 idational Stamp Rubber Co " 1.20 I�iason State Bank Surety Bonds 15. CU Christie Lithograph Co. Supplies Co. Agt. 15.17 Emma Hochda,nner TUothers Tension 20.00 �. L roseth, Co . Treas Stamps 20.00 J. Yderstad 1x-press,etc 5.32 Continental L Comm. .Sank Int. w Principal on Soldiers .Bonds 6623.44 Jessie N. Smith --eachers Institute 1.44 A. !'rosette, Co •Areas . Credit on order no. 14203 97 Aug. Hoffman Surety 'pond (Bell) 12.50 { A.1'.Runholm Bounty 20.00 i�.� .Axelberg 'Postag•e 2.25 ,V.H.idettleton .eporting Dogs 8.00 hiotthly Ia.y-roll Co. Offic rs 3'al. 2366.'63 F. Brandlt zgt. Telegram _,Tadison 53 A. Froseth Treas 1'eachers Inst Order 14.38 _:onthly pay -roll Co. Officers aql 2358.34 Town of Tripp error Settlement in taxes charged back 91.16 H.P.Axelberg Travelling oxp Co. Judges' Convention 41.05 ';Jels l:iyhre Sta.rnps 20.61 Harold ndcrson Bounty 10.00 Town of Cable Trancient x'oor 32.76 Town of Hell Community Fair 75.00 Signed, D . iv, . Ivlaxcy 0. ,V . Smith !1. 11. Bartlett L1. B. lblorris. 10.53 1.20 15.00 15.17 20.00 20.00 5.32 6623./14 1.44 97 12.50 20.00 2.25 8.00 2366.63 53 14.38 2358.34 91.16 41.05 20.61 10.00 32.76 75.OU is oved and seconded,that the above report of the Finance and iviiscellaneous Commit- Itee,be and same is hereby adopted and approved. 1..otion carried. To the lion County .Board,3ayfield County,',lis. Gentlel,lon : - ;1ashburi,'•'1i.s l:ia..rch 1st ,1921. ie,the undersigned Committee on buildings and Grounds,beg leave to report that Brae have examined the follo.,iing bills and recommend that same be allowed as! set (forth in the Colurin marked "ullo,Jed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue order for the pay-ment of same. Signed ale Handberg i,iike Thoreson u e o . X-Lertz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ivame of Claimant :urpose Claimed -.1lo Jed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------7---------- :'is telephone Co. Tel. rent and. -toll N 58.60 SB.O A. 1estin vttending soldiers graves 20.00 " 20.00 lieni'ield,Ja.moreux ,urnberri etc. Co. Jail 17.20 17.20 North-�aestern Fuel Co. Coal 68.50 88.50 Thoreson & Stock 'repair of Cannon,Court house 3.25 3.25 Northwestern Fuel Co. Coal 29.90 29.90 H.P.Axelberg Insurance Court -house 28.50 28.50 Yashburn El. -Light Co. Light bi1l,lJov. 63.70 63.rT0 Ole Ramstad Assistant Janitor Nov. 100.00 100.00 Geo. F. l,lorgan Insurance 45.70 45.70 C.G.Canfield Plumbing 5.00 5.00 Ole Ramstad Janitor 20.00 20.00 Bayfield Fruit Growers Assn. Sup1ies 2.40 2.40 Yashburn Lighting Co. Light,"an. 52.59 52.59 Geo. ',-V. Posey Matches 1.05 1. 05 Northwestern Fuel Co Coal,Jai1 123.10 123.10 Wis. Tel. Co. nent_l & Toll Dec. 57.05 57.05 C. -2. Dysager Supplies 5.70 5.70 Geo® Moore IT 95 95 Amos hansen " Co Agt. and Co. Surt 25.45 25.45 Vis Tel Co Rental Surt of School 2..50 2.50 IT IT I " for Jan. 43.95 43.95 Geo. F. Cross Fixing signs,Court-house 9.00 9.00 !_rnt Hansen .Fixing• Desk,Co. Clerk 6.80 6.80 . .Bergmann Sur0plies, Court -house 1.95 1.95 ':'';rash burn -Light Co. Light Febr 57.50 57.50 The .Fitz -Cross Co. Bal. Co. Clerks' Desk 673.60 673.80 Washburn ,,Toter ': orks i ter rental lst 6,,uar•ter 51.25 51.25 Arthur -Love Fixing moiler,Co. i-iil 2.50 2.50 Amos Hanson Desk Co. _Lgts. office,etc 49.00 49.00 John :=)core uaulhag Coal 31.77 31.77 Iorthwestern Fuel Co. 1 car of Coal 559.02 55902 5.35 B. Ungroth Supplies 5.35 451 Special Se2sion,1s.'arch lst,1921. It was move and seconded,that the report from the Comm. on Grounds & Buildings be accepted and approved. lUotion carried. 1lrashburn, Iis Larch lst,1921 To the lion. County Board,.3ayfield County, °t'is. Gentlemen: - We,the and rsigned Committee on irinting and Stationary beg leave to repo that we have examined the following bills and recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "Allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to iss orders for payment of same. Signed, N. A. Robinson Name of Claimant H. C. iviiller Co 'ffa.shburn Printing Co. h. C. ivliller Co. r, Peavey"Pub. Co. Purpose Books,etc Printing, supplies, etc Books,etc Publishing minutes of Co. -Board Proceedings,etc " Printing,'Co. Agts' office Printing Su-pplies,etc. Bell ?Tinting Co. T. C. Schutt. Claimed le315.5fl '1202.65 it 3.91 "232.50 "160.00 i' 27.50 59.50 191.35 33.45 123.51 359.25 Allowed. 4-292.50 202.65 Jn .91 "232.60 160.00 27.50 59.50 191.35 33.45 123.51 359.25 3ayfield County 3ress " „ 9.50 9.50 lv.'oved, and seconded,that the report of the said Committee be accepted and approved. motion carried. Washburn, Wis . Laarch lst ,1921. To the rionorable Board of Su-oervisors of 3ayfield County:" uentlemen:- Kindly accept my resignation from the position of 3ayfield Co. ilurse, sane to take effect immediately. Respectfully, Anna 141. Thompson. It was moved and seconded,that the resignation be accepted.l-.v=otion carried. hued-aid-seeeded,t'r3at-the---5et�ty-health-Ceittee-be-atl�ef}$ed-to-lie a Ce���y-�?��se-�e�-Ba.yfleld-6e�ty-ref-th.e-eAs�.l�g-�ea�-at-a-salary-ef- r1888T�9-aAd.- tfe.�ell}:erg-e�pe�ses:-rued-e.�d-see-te-a�e�d-�es�l�tle�.-eetti�.g-th.e-s�,l�.�y-at--159eT8a leioved and seconded,that the matter of hiring a County Nurse to take the place of =nna IIiI. Thompson,resigned,be left over until next meeting of the Board. -Roll call on the motion was ordered. Aye, Juel,Curry, 4+Dorris, Daniels ,1dalm,P.Johnson, ho Vester,E. Johnson, Smith, Lavin, Stone, Reiss,,,Varden, Handberg, and IVIonroe,Total 16. info.eurse,Galligan,Thoreson,North,Bartlett,Karow,Kwing,Good,Froiiey,Schutt,And,6rso Bell, IYiaxcy,ik�lertz,Robinson and ,:�xness,total 16. 1�tiotion declared lost by the Chairmzn. Moved and seconded,that the County health Committee be `-authorized to hire a. County Darse for Bayfield County for the ensuing year,at a salary of $1800.00 per annum and travelling expenses. lv_oved a.nd seconded to amend resolution and set the I salary at $1500.00 pefx annum and expenses.Amendment carried. The original resolution as amended was thereupon on proper motion,duly 455 Special es'sion,11'arch lst,1921. �adoptedland the said Committee duly authorized to proceed to hire a County nurse. ,ashburn,''Uis. IIarch lst,1921. To the Hon. County Boa-rd,Bayfield County, nI`is. Gentlemen:- ' F1e,the undersigned Committee on illegal taxes and tux -certificated beg lea ve to report,that we have examined the following bills, -and recommend that same be -allowed as set forth in the column marked "Allowed" and thatt the County Clerk. be instructed to issue orders for the payment of.same. Signed, 0. Flanders Name of Claimant S. J. Darwin A. 'r"i . 1-do L e o d John Love F. J. Colignon Chas IVI'c1dillan John 'Nalsh A. W.bl'-1-cLeod John Walsh A.W.1 a.cLeod IT T. A. Tovelend A. W. I,,1P.c T1e o d r, A. T. Golder Affidavit of A.iv'i. Ta.rden Purpose Tax paid Town Treas Illegal Des, See voucher Refund on fees Double _a ssessriient Tax paid Cert. Cancelled by order of Circuit Court U.S.Lands Illegal Description Indian Allottments Tax paid Town Treas Porperty owned by County Illegal description Govt . D ands Tax paid To-,rvn ''reps. D.A.Lonroe VVm. Living;. Claimed sr 5.64 " 8.54 " 5.92 " 26.32 „ 2.58 "121.78 ,r 18.93 " 10.34 194.49 " 58.76 " 10.19 " 3.42 5.79 13.46 11owed. 5.64 IN IS) Ay-F 8.54 5.92 " 26.32 „ 2.58 N CAB Lt "121.78 ALL_ " 18.93 " 10.3 4 T�f Vd ts�-Fv "160.24 5 8 . r/ 6 „ 3.42 5.79 13.4.6 Atty. bands allotted to Indians 96.49 96.49 e, 2:1-L- V. IvacLeod Illegal Des. 13.10 13.10 Bayfield Land & ;:Ibstact Co. " 42.23 42.23 A. 45` .IdacLeod " 6.79 6. 79 Baker Land & Title Co. " 16.40 16.40 if /T r, " 27.47 27.47 ii."J.1Iac ,eod. IT 52.37 52.37 It was moved and seconded,,that the report of the Committee be accepted,tha,t the County Clerk be instructed to dra;i orders for the amount,and charge the original tax back to the respective Towns wherein the property affected is located. 11_otion carried. to Bill of. The Town of Iroi} River for Rent , 2nd T";Iunicip e'l Court one year, $150.00 was on motion allowed. To The Honorable County Board,Bayfield County,Iffisconsin, Gentlemen: - I submit herewith according to the lakes of Tisconsin,a report of all fees collected by me as Register of Deeds.for the quarter and year ending December 31st,1920,n.s iollows,to wit: - Total amount of fees collected, during the months of October, November and December 4Y 601.62 Freviously reported during 1920 "1978.55 V5, 6 Nels I1,yhre,being duly sworn,says that to the best of his knowledge and belief the foregoing report is correct and true. !gels ilyhre . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of Ja,nuary,1921. Alfred Froseth, rotary Public, evis. The Report of the Special LL,"auditors.Elwell,liiekhofer,Reichert & Ray, on the books of the County Clerk and Treasurer was ordered filed. Geo Curry,Chairman of the Road and .Bridge Committee read a report of, the program outlined by the Committee for the year,also gave a review of the pro- ceedings of the Road School at 11adison last February,etc. Report ordered placed on file. In the matter of extra compensation for the Sheriff,in transporting 2risoners and insane to the different Institutiond.,itx was moved and seconded,that the Sheriff receive his actual expenses for such trips,and.that he file with his bills vouchers in support of such expenses. Carried. Resolved that the following amounts be,and'the same are hereby allowed to the members of the Board of Supervisors as per diem and mileage and Committee work,and th County Treasurer is authorized to pay the said iilembers,a.nd the Clerk and the chA.irm,-in are hereby directed to issue a County Oredr to the County treasurer for the total °mount of same,as indicated below. 0 Name Per diem 1-Aileage Comm. work 1V ilea.ge `T'ota Harvey bourse 4p 4.00 1.44 5.4 Pat Ga lligan 8 . b0 1.44 � 4.00 13.4 Geo S . Barnes 12.00 6.48 18.4 ivike Thorson 4.00 30 4.3 H.11.Juel 12.00 3.84 15.8 Geo. Karow 12.00 6.08 8.00 3.00 29.0 J.A.dorth 12.0� 4.32 16.3 F.H..Bartlett 12.00 4.32 4.00 20.3 Geo. A. Curry 12.00 2.04 14.0 lri..B.1Slorris 12.0u 6.26 4.0v 22.2 T'.F.DaAtels 12.00 4.92 8.00 3.60 28.5 Ben. :Holm 12.00 3.06 15.0 James V. Good 12.0u 7.20 19.2 M. i,1alm 12.O'u 1.68 13.6, P. Johnson 12.00 3.60 lb.IQ' 0.bi.Axness 12.00 2.76 4.00 18.71 Geo. Froney 12.00 9.72 21.7; Geo. Vester 12.OU 6.24 18.2, T.C.Schutt 12.00 1.80 4.00 17.& Erich Johnson 12.00 9.24 21.2, L.P• nderson 12:00 3.60 15.6( C . v7 . Smith 12.00 2.04 4.00 18.0, L.J.Lavin 12.00 5.64 17.6, A.P .Stone 4.0" 48 8.00 12.4f ■ OWN Nm. is�ving 12.6.08 4.00 22.0, i 1 l John lranzfelder 4000 1.44 5.44 Chas Reiss 4.00 1.44 5.44 D.C.Bell 4.00 .144 5.44 0. Flanders 4.00 2.86 4.00 10.88 D.1,61.11axey 4.00 12 . 4. Ou 8.12 c .I4' . Warden 4.00 12 ._ 4.00 8.12 Leo. Mertz 4.00 12 4.12 Ole Handberg 4.00 12 16.00 20.12 W.A. Robinsmn 4.00 12 4.12 v.A.1donroe 4.00. 12 8.00 2.76 14.88 Total �521.86 On motion,avove resolution was adopted. It was thereupon moved and seconded,that this sroecial meeting of the 3gard be adjourned sine die. Iiotion Carried,and Board adjourned si6e die. / r 0.l.Axness, --- ----------------------- Chairman. County Clerk