HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/15/1921MF AAINUAL SESSION, l�,'ov ember 1.5 , 1921. The Annual }`. eeting of the County Board of Dayfield County, ',risco-tisin, :eras called to order ,.t the Court House in the office of the Counts Cler.,, , in the City of-Tashburn, 21 ayfield County, -;Wisconsin, on Tuesday, November 1.5, 1921, at 10 o'clock A. eeting called to order by J. Yderstad, County C1er} . Done of .t_.le County Board we were L t it filed by the majority of the meTri�:)e r s presci , but the f' 110'4`71n` request was member,,3 as fol:i.ovi s: To J. Yderstad, County Clerk, Bayf field, C;oun'Y. c Sir: You are hereby rec-nested to adjourn the a1-rival )neeting to be held b T the County Loard of Bayfield County, on Il'ovember 15, 11121, to Tuesday, November 29, 1921. S1MEED: A. }• . ..Warden, Henry '?Tachsrnuth, J'as. '6. Good, Peter Kjarvic' , G. G. Boutin,':.' i. Arntson, F. 7. Bartlett, Ole Handberg, Geo. Ka -row, Luke J. Lavin, E. ''R. Tetzner, L. D. Pease, 71ma. Potvin, Geo. ':'F. Po ey, i1lois 11ab6lt, 11. H. Peavey, Geo. T.. Curry, 1pL.,l. =�1_n, 0. M. Axness, TT. i�arion.Juel, H. Ivourse, Roy H. Okerstrom, Otto Regelein, Peter Johnson, `T. L. Bradfield, A. G-. Johnson, Geo. 1"roney, Pete "'oronen, Chris Iverson, H. Lac�ont, Andrew }zihalal'k, In accordance with said written request, the meeting of tho County Board ,eras t1.creupon duly adjourned by the County Clerk until Tuesday, Noveiifoer 29, 1921, at 10 o'clock A. 111. The County .Clerk sent out the fol_oaing notice to each of the meL.!bers of the County Board: -Dear Sir: ` "lease take notice that the Annual N.eeting, of the Count�T Board of r�ayfield County, State of 'ffiseo sin, ,gas duly adjourned by a iiri.tten requ:.st of a majority of the County Board meyalbrs, from t: 15t}�. day of I,rovcrlber, -1921, to the 2'9th day of 14ovelnher, 19:c1, at 10 o'clock A. 1L. J. Yderstad. County Clerk. U 4 �� ADJOURIKED AYITUAL 121,ETI1TG, Novertiber. 29, 1921 At 10 o I clock P JT=% , tne Adj ourned Annual 11',1eeting of -LCnTc- Cour..ty Board of Super- visors of 13ayfield County, State of Vlisconsin, was duly called to order by 0. TV1. Lxn c s s , fMna i rnla n of the C 0 111'! t V Board. Upon Roll Call the followin6, mon,0L)crs -qC',re found to be.L-)resent: 1-1. I'lourse, Otto 11ze2elein, L. D. Pease, P. Kjarwick, H. ldl. Juel, Geo. Karb,.li, -,Ym. E-,.nring, Peter Soronen, F. H. -Bartlett, Geo. A.. Curry, r. L. Bradfield, .11. G. Johnson, Chris Iverson, -a. F -rey, joh-i T-i-oa.le, Andrew It2li'lialalk, 'ttrialm, P. Johnson, Jas. `,,.'V. Good, Go --ron I Roy 11 . Okers-1Crom, ,1. Habelt , , H. Lalv'lfont, _Luke Lavin, T. R. Tetz.-ier, Henry !,VachsY'iAAth-.'iL G. Bouti. nStark, L , Harold S, D. C. Bell, H. H. Pcavey, A. la. ',larder, ,11. Arnitson, Ole iandberg, Geo. H. Posey, Wh�.". _Pot-vin, 0. 1E. laxness, The minutes pertaining to the Adjournment of the Annua-1. Fleeting on Ylovernber 15, 192"l, %-.,,rere read by 'I'lle County Clark a.-_rad on motion, duly a- pproved. It was moved and seconded, that the reading of the minute-s of the ,,zecting on October 11, 19"11,,,,be dispensed -:iith. carried. The following r-esolution iva s read and on motion, unanirao-Lsly adopted: A RESOLUTIOEF TO TITal !.EEILORY OF TION. Currie G. Bell, late of :Bayfield, Bayfield County, ''tiscon'sin. , passed at t1ie Annual Hleeting of the County Board of Bayfield County. "Fl- Infinite LEREAS, --The Alwise Creator of every good and perfect gift, in His Inf wisdom has seen fit to remove from our hiidst, a former fellow -member of tbio body, Honorable Currie G. Bell, of Bayfield, 7,7isconsin, and 'V77 . EREAS,--The deceased has served upon the County Board with honor, and was during the ,.­na-ny years of such service, Chairman of 'his Board, serving :,rich al-bility and disti,_nct-ion. al-ld, we, as surviving members of this Board, deplore the loss of one Tvlfio died "'.Y.nere inanhood's .horning should just begin, yet, after all, it may be best, just the ]---ap-piest, sunniest, hour of all the voyage from the cradle to the grave," and let it be t1,1e sense of this body, that the, commanity's loss is Eternity's gain, T1111,11',EFO"RE -_1113:20 IT RI]SOLVED by t"ne County Board of Bayfield County, and by the r,.ndersi,,:ned commit -tee Ju-.;--.ereof, that we extend to the bereaved fa-inily and f:?Jefids- our deepest syrn,at'hy in 'heir loss and sadness. That a copy of this resolution be L) L, _: L sent to his son, 1,1r. Donald C. Bell, of Bayfield and who, is noa 'a member of this ri County Board. T_or�,at c-,t copy of this resolution be forwa-rded to the Press for t)ublica- uilon -also, that a copy be s.,)read upon tile records of -,..e-ie Coilnt-y, by t.;-,,-e Co-U,.nty Cleric, after action 'Llak(.n by -'U-hc -, oard, at t1­1c n.cxt regular :a,,eet.ing of 'his Boar;d, as a memento to the memory of the deceased former ..-.1en.13er.of this County Board. respectfully /-I)nii teed, e d - ctfully s*, I Jaa. 'il`.T. Good A. '11,1. Warden F. H. Bartlett Committee. The following resolution was read and or, inotion, unanimously adopted: A Rll�'JSOLLUTIEON TO TI-ILP, OF HOE. H. Irish, late of Bayfield County. 1 .2 'TEEREAS, -- The Great Creator of this Universe, for sortie unkno-an reaoon has seen that it ,.,,ras fit to remove from among our midst, a former .,­!e_-rn-1be-r as ?,,,eli as 487 Adjourned Annual Session, November 29, 1921 a Chairman of this County Board, Honorable ':,rm. H. Irish, late of this County, h6 was well and - favorably hhown, Who had filled many posit: ons of trust in the County, _own, and City of Washburn, and, KHEAEAS, -- '-fie: as members of Vis Board regret the loss of so valuable citizen, father and husband, we can only do this as a remembrance to : is son, wife, daughter, and relatives, that we, as members of this body on which he, in the past has served so faithfully and with honor to himself and the co,7nffuni ty, ''•;°ue extend to his family and friends our sympathy for them in their sad bereavement, that the hope of us all is that the passage of him from this terrestrial sphere is only to a better and happier sphere than the one he has just been called from, and, `iHA`l', --- a copy of this resolution be sent to his son and daughter, and that the Clerk of this board spread the same upon the records of Bayfield County. Dated this 29th day of -November, 1921. Respectfully submitted, Peter Kjarvick Geo. T. Posey A. H. Warden Committee. A communication from the Board of Control in relation to the support of blind, andcozs. onsation therefore, was read by the Clerk: November 2, 1921. Mr. J . Yderstad, Co. Clerk Washburn, Wis . by dear Lr. Yde-rstad: We call your attention and through you we desire to call the attention of your County Board to the: fact that the statute which directs the payment of certain sums of money to the blind of this State was changed during the last session of the Legislature. We inclose herewith; a copy of the law and the interpretation thereof; ,given by the Attorney General. The Tureay does this for the guidance of your Board. We wish to call special attention to the fact that the law is z:io-�r mandatory and we su;_;gest that your County Board arrange for sufficient funds to be appr. opr. iated' to meet the payments that must be nade under the 1. The Bureau cannot at present state defin- itely how many 1i.nd who reside in your County are entitled ,to this relief. As the census that has been taken up to date is not complete, the Sureay desires to direct you to grant the same persons the relief to whom you have heretofore aid pensions, and to ;:such additional eraons as you may have knowledge of who may be entitled to aid ,ender the law. The relief, so granted s_ ould be paid at the bamo time and in the same .canner as you paid the pensions heretofore until further notice from the Bureau. The Bureau suggests to you that ycur County Board add sufficient -Funds to your annual budget to meet any payment that may be required under -this new statute. `.:re will be pleased to 'be _}.dvised ,steps you t- vc taken to meet these requirements. C 0 P Y Yours truly G. I. Hague President. Eovember 2, 1921 His._ Elizabeth V. YacCarthy, Acting Director, State ',ureau for the Care of the Blind, Milwaukee, Wis. Dear radam: You inquire whether the provisions of secs. 47.OS, Q.09 and 47.10, as amended b,, Ch. 579 of the Laws of 1921, are mandatory and Yhether the counties can be compelled to levy the Adjourned Annual Session, Noveyiber 29, tax .)rovided tlh,erein. There aiso been ac,.ded a new ;Paragra)h to said sec. 4-7.08 designated 11 (c) ", which reads thus "The 'benefits provided for in paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be paid at such times, in Such manner and amounts and such Deriod of tiIile �S the state bureau for the care; of the blind., shall, from time to time, deter- mine Las most likely to assist in the rehabilitation of such, :)bind or blind and deaf persono." The amount to e given to the persons ;frho are entitled to the benefit is determined under this nevi section by the state bureau for the care of the blind, :Arl�.il = under the statute '_3s it existed -)rior to the amendca: nt the. amount Of the benefit riven leas in -",he discre Lion of the. county board. The statute as amended h.ar I__andatory ;significance, and is clear and explicit, and is not open to constr'..•-ction. the state bureau for the care of the blind has ixed the amount, thLat --persons arc entitled to under thi statute, the co.•I`:ty soa.rd will be compelled to a_1propri,_-.te the money for such purpose. If the county board fails or refuses to 110 so, it I1ay be - Yna.ndamused. APP11RO VI11) : ;Tm . J . T.o r. gan ATTORNEY Gil '7'RAL 11o. 333, A. Very truly yours, J. E. laTesserschmidt Assist. Attorney General. Published July 22, 1921. C? A'EPT i 597 of 1:921 . AN ACT to amend paragraphs (a( and (b) of subsection (1) ' of section ri7.0", Section- 47 09, and subsection (4) Of section 4-7.10 and to create paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section 47.09, section 47.105 and subsection (7a) of section " 0.1'7 Of t1le stat-nt es., relating to County aid for the blind or blind and deaf and making an a.ppro-)ria- ti0n. The people of the state of `,i1isco-resin, represented in senate and as-or;bly, do enact as follows: Section 1. Paragraphs (a) and (b) of subsection (1) of section 4 7.03, SUCt1021 17.09 cLYlc:i SUEJSeCt10Y1 (LJ.) of section '17.10 of the statutes are amended to ead: (1) (a) Has ;an income of fifty :dollars but less than t•:'7o hundred and_ fifty dollars Je:r annum, an 1'Iio has been a bona fide resident Of i,:L"11 i StaU 1:0s" teYi years and of the cOUnt,y in ';!-"'1C'-1 such application is made for at least one year riox'G' preceding the leaking of the application lfreinaft r Jet 'orth,---S:'A.`:..L receive from the county y p HOT f'1 rt , "fl t" in-,r.-nich sucli perSo Or person:) are residents , E:L i)el"Ie fi i, t;i ivO2 O E'XC1,ED one hundred <i fiJ FIF' Y dollars per annular if blind and NOT TO EXCEED— TL RIz E undred dollE.rs if both blind ).nd deaf ---or (iJ) !aas a_i.incoJme of less than fifty dollars •:)or an'�?u l and 1Tho has been a bona fade resident of t1'_is stag for ten years and is a resident of the county lrh.erein a-,_,,,)lication is made at the time of real;ing the IPPli- cation--- STy1LL be entitled to xecei ve from said county a benefit of 1 OT TO E_iCLPET)---TI:TPtEE h-k__ndred d.ol.l_@rs annually if 'blind anc� I OT TO EXCEED ----SI_°i hundred dollars if both blind and deaf . ---- z_7.09 The county bard-a--SHAL•L appoint a re ulcer practicing; -.physician chose official title: shall.'-)e "Examiner of file l�l::.nd and Deaf" and whose dity it ;hall be to e ,amine all. al)plicants for benefits and to indorse on the .applic Lion a ce-;rtifica.te showing ':Mrhether such a-a�ilica It is bl, -ind Or blind ails'. deaf or not, and file the ap-plication so indorsed in the office of the county cleric. Sucl1 examiner s�•lall keo.�) a register in ishic1 — shall enter tae, nam; and address of eacn applicant so examined, <-d tii.e- dote and result of such examination. Such examiner shy,,.1.1 be -paid by the: county for his services the s-am of two' dollars for each applicant so elrarnined. T*1 E COU_Y' 'Y CI��Rr- FOR EAC'� CO[JITITY SHALL FOMAARD 114 D1ATEI,Y T 0 T171 �iTATE '-, -, f FOR r� i CAME.-,, F n- � '('� Tll E 3 -. I` ,t. li S I H U �� i 0 T� T r, .. :r�UPwriU %0�.. 1?LJ �,t'�4� G� .1.�+a I;LTT�l� 1...�f� '"Al��w _1:`D R��ID:�_.C,l, J ALL P...,I��IJ7 PERSONA APPLYING FOR BEIEFI`i'S. ,r7.10 (4) Tie col,.nt•y .13o::..rd of any county in w--_ ich such application has been �� .3,d.e---;Jx_ALL annually levy a tax upon the to :aspic property in the county sufficient to ,)ay such ene fi s to the :,;arsons- entitled to same.the _ Section r2. A new )ai'G,gra) i i'J added to s�:bscctlon (1) of section 47.08, a new subsection io added to Section 20.17 and a -n -a ,3ection is added .;o thy.,' statutes to read: (/l`7.03) (1) (c) T c benefits -�)r„vidcd for in r parasraoha (a) and t -)) shall- be 1.Jaid at such times, in such Y.Ia nner ar1Cz' amounts and. for SUc-1 period of tiLcie as the state bureau for the; care of tide: ol_lzd, sho,1.1, from time t0 t -;Ie, 6 e t r­ rir in -s ::lot_)t likely to assist > As often i17 Gi1e ret7cJJilitaGl t7 Of such blind Or blind and dea-` JUrsOnJ. as any SlaCtl determination is made Une prop-r count; cleric shall be fur- nished with copy 489 2 Adjourned,Annu,,,U Session, riber 1921 47,10b On the first day of. January in each year, t1le county treasurer of each county -shall certify under o:-Dth, - in dup - 1 i c ---, t e,- t 6 "the - ,3 e c r'r_ tary of, otate and to the, State 'board of control they aamount -oid out of such county during the -,,)receding year for aid under the -i)rovision s of Sect -ion 47.08, wmd if the board of control s_iail approve the sa-.-f-Le an;d s"l-iall cause its -a :,roval to be cndorcd by the r; s i d e n t sand s e. c r et-ary of said -board, on the certificate receiv6d by the secretary of state, - the, secretary of state shallah credit sccouUy nt, Ljh one-third of the. amoun-U so Cert-J.-fled -hQ.refrom, :.end the state treasurer shall credit -n e s 0_-ug z�j, L,a t-_:q U -such coun'ClY -,,witli said of such amount in ",tis annual settlei-aent wit"(1 0 Tj 4 7.7; -ie t total 6-lue all. counties state. If the s, ill e.—Iceed t-lie sum, arppropriated by subsoctio-. (7a) of section .0.17 the t�- e, o - pa-i-f-lo n,,-, the var i 0 u,3 c ount i e d 7 aid '-'U- o "Ohe blind, and to the blind and d eaf L annually, begiMning January 1, 19,22, not, to el -.deed fifty thousand. dlollar:,, c -I,- S 1. U n S -tic 7 i 105 of tl-ic statutes. C 9 r 0 e � -11) r 0 V 1 S, -1 of sec )n 4 This act s-ha'Ll ta_.,.tie -eff-ect on January 1, Approved July 141, 0"D LIC,71 1-Y On Proper, motion, -Dr. T. 111'. Spears, v.ias appointed official ee,-.-aiminer of' the Mind.. for this cou-1-ity. it was furt',Ler .coved and seconded, 't.!iq,.t Dayfield Courty pay a mJn_J-_,-,m)mi s-u:m of One ITI]rdred Dollars ­',100.001 per annum ff or total blind persons and a mimimum of T,ire -n yluy,,, fo - p c Him unfired r e d 'D o -1 1 a r s 3 0 0 0 0 r a- r � �.sons beiing i7Cti1 deaf and blind. iUtion carried. -i �; a., read as follov,.rs: The following petition of Anna 1.1. Ledii �7 3 Application 'for ]_,Ienefit under Section. 2, to 570 .Yiscoi-lsin Statutes 1917. STATE OF SS. County of _'Rayfield) Anna 1­1. Ledi-1, being first duly mworn, on oath, Pays that s_!-_e is a female -pers, !, 11 j - , . , " - E� 1,I I i _� -Son over the age of eig--t-en ye@rs �eing c;i­__ty- seven year:1. of age, that shle is nol;� and has been totally "olind since 1919, tliau_Dt she is not -an inmate of any charitable, refor-inatory or penal instit-,_Ition in this state, that she is not receiving a-ry aid froth -L"Inc st'ate or any county or city; thiat she ?ia:1- no inco-i:l.c, -I_f1-.iatever of her own; tl,icat she has 'been a-bon,--j. fide, resident of Statc of -..Yiisconsin for more uhai-.i en ay! p _L �­ I f a n -i years, n(-,,xt I.receed-ing years aind of ie County of -or morle tha L, the data; of this affidavit; A il affian-'Ll asks that she bc _)ovid an annual f - -ccordin(, to oenefit of one TT-�-I­,drad _,nd fifty Dolla-lics, -_-,ayalble quL,�.rt-erly, a the provisio-i-is of ',:')'ec-Gion 5721 to _17-72o of thc ',,-,Tisconsin `.'Llatutes for 1917. Subscribed and savor to be -fore me this 1,51".1 day of 'e._) 19- 0. 'LE. 7L%To ta:Cy 11--lub 1 i c Anna Ledin ',Vitness to mark. John, P. Oloander ir 1 CZ- 0 . Adjourned annual Session, Novcmber 29, '3 �r� , 192' STATE OF 11SCOKSIN. ) . NS Bayfield County. jo.^n P. Olander and E. C.. Erickson, ickson, being first duly sworn each for himself, says that he is a r sidcnt freeholder of the County of Cayf'ield, State of Wisconsin; -that :"ie iS personally � qj�'1 3 G with Anna 4 LE ' ' ''-'l '•acquainted d 1t1: rt__a t:l a CtiYl, t,tl( p p l i C a nt in t; 1. foregoing affidavit, s. i`I. d knows that she _ u has � M e n � � b o Tic'1. -• f!.7. d e resident -of the State of Wisconsin for .i`i'ore than ten y._:ars and Of the said County of `ia;y"fie:'.ld for more than three years i madiatcly ;)-'eceedln€; i"fie. making of this application. John P.: Jlander F.C. Erickson Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15tn day o:f Feb. 191j. 0. Y. A n e s s Totary 2ublic. To whom it .iay concern: I hereby certify that 1 am re,r`__','ularl;T licensed, practicing physician in the County of 3ayfield, State of yr`isconsin, and 'l,hat. 1 1av examined Anna A. Ledin and find t�at she is 'totally blind. David C Harrison, n.D. Dated this 1bth day of Neb. 1921. On motion the petition was granted t-_:Jt said petiti-ner be .;)aid One a'undred dollars (0100.00) LL)or annum, payments to hogin january 1, 1922. petition frcm Reuben Gilden, a blind d person, on, was read as follows: s: Application for benefit under Section 572i t0 572, 7isconsin Statutes 1917 STATE OF VISODYSIX ) SE. County of .iayfield aeuben Gilden, being first duly sworn 6n oath, says that _1E is a Dale erson over the a e of eighteen years, that he is A0 and has been tota.! ly. llind since ce July 6, 1918, that he is not an inmate of any charitable reforma- tory or penal institution in this state, that; he is not :receiving any aid,from the state or Any County or city; that he has n0 income whatever of his own; that he has been a bona-fiK residont of thy-, StL-�te of Wisconsin for ten years, and of the County fo r three years, next proceeding the date of this affidavit: MEREFORE, this affiant asks that he be ,.)aid an annual benefit of one Hundred and Fifty Dollars, payable quarterly, according to the provisions of Section 5721 to 5720 Of the Tisconsin Statutes for M7. Reuben Gilden Subscribed and sworn 't0 before Witnesses to marii: Ise this 26th day of Oct. 1021.. Q. H. AxnesS 0. K. A xness Glenn Samuelson Notary Public. C Adjourned Annual i.'Leetingi oveYiiber `9, 1)r2l S J`TE OF ':;r I i� li'..! _�':• iJ I l�';. ) - iJ _t>2 ;rfield County ) tjQ�"_n P. -lander and ...:rs. fauna- LLallgr'en, being first duly svJ0rY1 each for himself, says t_ at he is a resident freeholder of t' o county of :18'ayfie ld, State(`� n 1 '1 } T n - 1 s /'a c� ^ �- e �y +4r J- �� �I > c t ,•l � ♦�the Q ..+�trl l.,JQI.)-'aA7lY7.f VfY�t :ll. �ti.l ;JLu11�iQ /. I.C�„ll�r l��ul.G .Li3 �J li �.t vVl �.!_.�. rl�. �t ���i �l _�11t��ejZ' U c?pullcant In the fore oln(�' �affi(Javlt, ct�d Y"1O1`'i�i that he '.aS becY7. a bona -fide y resident. of the State of WiscOY:ts:in for ten -,",-ears and cf h Sal;': Couiit,­ of ayfleld for Junree ;}rears, 1_ian:dlate_ly ,Jrc.ceeding the Y:l l4ing of "i:his ap- llca- tion. John P. 0lander Subscri -d. and sv,,orn to b fore Y;le i, .1 3rd. day of Yovember, 1 ?1. Carl=\all7ren :J pus= ice; of the 'Peace To,,`ni of Keystone. To 411n0m It iiiay concern: I h_reby certify ul-tat 1 am a regularly licensed, practicing -physician, In �th:: vount�T of .pia yI'l.1d, State Of l'CIiaJG %Y1SaxY, rind L'_+lc;t 1 __ c Ve Cs>alTilnC d i�euta0Y7 gilden and find that '_r>_e is totally bblind. David ;. Harrison, Dated this Esth ,day of i,overiber, 191"1 On motion, One i.`uridred Dollc:rs, y 100) :tier annum, ,",r.S granted to s aid petitioner, payi.ients to be.. iri J,_.,nuary 1, 19— . -she County Clerk .Bras orde f'c;d to investigate in t le 1,.iatter of the last petitioner in regard to i is 1_c al residence. L'a,.e folio;";ink; resoluti on was -L ereupon read @,-nd on proper ]:1Otion, duly secox_dr-.d and adopted: REAS The Annual 1--eetin�; of County Boards of ''is State is fixed i?;f F.�.�`tatutE'. as the second Tuesday f 0llowi,. t.Cie second 1'; 0fldcty iYl T•Tovei:iber, and j.'_....i � C �,�:4a: J- s s t this tir�.c: is set No tl�Ya� U1 �.:1e various officials may ��repar@ statel_,.ents a_ -ad figures so -t'-, t t taxes may be LL)repared for collection at the proper t:�me, and �, .rEAS . his ti, ie 1_1017 happes to conflict va,i c_.. 61_c: c;�L.lar ue � ri of t1he Circuit Court in t--is County, each year, rr sulting in the use of the Court roo Lt in 'w -ich this Bo_,rd holds it-6 sessions, and also rc=sulting :in the inability of the District Attorney �- attend sessions of thi::., Board at sac,"..". tiY:i.e, nd "TIEl +'xS : unis time also lYappeYis to come during open se;_-Mson for. deer 1�ihen it se --ills J_ripossib e to perform a.ny official functions; TI RE"FO 'L BE IT ESOLG 4D: that t:l:ic County Clerk riotlfy the State lcg,islative officers of this district that it is tale desire of tlnio Board t1lat e_it1:er the dates for r"�nnual Sessions of County-Po-rds, or the crates For o_Lvc n-;easor. for deer be cl-anged so they fi_..1 not conflict; and Di; IT RL"j'OLVPD that t' e County Clerk notify the proper official or officials that it is the desire of this Do�-Zi:d t i.a,t t:,e date for l;olding Circuit Court in t=-is County be changed so as not to conflict lit 1 t-_.e; i'Y:rYual %, eeti Tng of t1�is Board. 0 Axne s s 1-92 Adjourned Annual lactiog, November 29, 1921 The following :Petition of R. j . Roberts was read as follows: RE S 0LUT 1011 "i EIREAS it appears, as the fact is, that the .County of Bayfie:ld has purchased all of the tax certificates issued against Block 7, of Staple's Addition to Iron Rilier, ,,`:'i consin, since and including sale of 1905, amounting in all to the sum. of ;:8 G . <.... ; and .!T*lREAS it further appears that a tax deed was issued to said Bayffield County in lie,;v of Qx certificate for sale of 1905, under date of January 13th, IWO, after which such lots became exempt from taxation, as provided by Section 1191 of the Statutes; and. :? EAS it further appears that Block 7 as aforesaid, was assessed in 1920, contrary to law, and that the tax ;certificate issued .in li.ew thereof in the sum of 6.15 is illegal and void; an Y. il� S R ',ert J . Roberts has offered to pay tho County of Hayfield the face U_ A value of all the legal outstanding tax certificates nbw outstanding against Block 7 aforesaid, including those deeded to County; TIHE_f FORE, BE IT MOLVED by the County Ward of yayfield County, now in Annual Session assembled, that such offer be, and the sa.__e is' hereby accepted, and that the County Clerk be authorized and directed to issue a quit claim deed to said Robert J. Roberts for Block 7, of Staple's Addition to Iron, ?:fiver, for the sum oI :, 0,,09, and that such sum also to be in full for all tax certificates now held by Bayfield County :against said Block 7; RESOLVED further, to t the fuse of tax cerMicate for the year of 1921 be charged back to the torn of Iron River, same -being illegal for the reason herein - before stated. Dated lwovei,, ber 29t)h , 1921. A. G. Johnson Chairman, Torn of Ir_n River. It was moved and seconded that the County i;hrough _:t'he-,_Co.untl/ Clerk,, issue '. a :quit Claim Deed to said Robert J. Nberts, in accordance with the petition. The following resolution as to County Depositories, was.upon proper motion duly seconded and adopted. RESOLUTION RESOLVED by the County _card of Layfield County in egular Adjourned session, this 29th day of hi ovember, 19 'l : That all banks of I=ay:i:ield County, that conform to, and abide by the following regulations, be and are hereby designated County Depositories; to take effect January 2, 1922; Every ban=_ desiring to become a Count. Depository shall agree to loan to said 3ayfield County, at the option of its County's proper officials, an amount Up to 301 of such banks? capital and surplus, at current rates of interest; such loans to be made on ten ..Elys notice, and provided they shall not exceed the legal amount that the County may borrow in anticipation of taxes only; County bonds being excepted from this clause. very bank desiring to become a County Depository shall furnish a corporate surety bond equal to the maximum amount that any be on deposit in said bank at Hmi Adjourned Annual Session, November 29, 1921 -7 any one time; As the taxes paid by banks are based an Capital, Surplus and Undivided profits, tne County Treasurer shall in distributing the funds to the differant(Spositories, Agulatc such funds among'the different 'banks in accordance with their capital and surplus, as nearly as practicable. Funds of other County officers in t�eir official capacity shall be considdrcd as County deposits under this clause. I 0. Y. mess The Committee on Equalization made the folio: ink; le, the undersigned =,.13 ITT1111E on EQUAIMATION, noreby submit the following report of the Equalization of the County @,nd recommend t1-Laat the amounts set opposite the'respoctive towns and citios in the County be the equalization of the County for the coming year. BATED, this 20th day of I�Fo-�)-eirCber,' 19,':21. Town,;, Aare ate Value ��M�fe Barksdale Barnes 973,155 Dayfield 1,435,729 Bayvie-q 746,822 Bell on,903. Cable 756,542 Clover Y744,283 Drummond 414bS,125 Eileen 866,087 Hughed 441,649 Iron River 092,264 Kelly V01,430 Keystone 409,188 Lincoln 1,4971265 12son 1,.312,765 141e1S-agon 627,432 Orienta 895,307 Oulu 776,266 Pilsen 388,048 Port Wing 1,112,075 Pratt 1,026,466 RuU0011 529,425 Tripp 161,651 ---.[ashburn OS4,S35 Bayfield, City 1,03S,047 Cable, Village 267,V40 ashburn, -_ity 01338,622 TOTAL for County 27,923,407 Respectively submitted; Jas. A. Good, H. NouTse Alois Ha let Peter Johnson John Taipala Equalization Committee. On motion the Committee's report accepted by the following vote: Ayes: Hourse, Regelein, Pease, juel, Ewing, Soroner, Curry, Bradfield, A. G. Johnson !hlm, P. Johnson, Good, Fro4ey, Taipale, Hihalah, Okerstrom, Habelt, Lamont, Lavin Thchsmuth, Boutin, Stark, *.7arden, Arntson, Handberg, Posey, P otvin. hays: Kjarwick, Iverson, anj Axness. The following revolution was thereupon presented as follows-: RESOLUTIO11 HASOLVED1 ty tho County Bonrd of Bayfield County, State of fisconsin, at ad-journed Annual Session, this 29th day of November, 1921, that thE valuation set opposite the respective tonns in the following list, containing all the towns, 491. Adjourned Annual Session, 11'ovehi-oer 21-Do 1921 cities, ---,nd taxing districts in Ejayfield County, .-Ifiscons n, be- and are t hereby -fixed, as L,"Ic vaiva'C. ion of -the severa.., towns "n d u a - districts as c3et-rmined. 'by the County Bo:.,rd, to- uit' T o w ns -VULLIU Barksdale '2, 738 Barnes 115 5- Bayf iold 1 729 I _-�, a& v i e w 746,82 2 Bell 695901 Cable, 7 5 6 5 Clover 7 4 8 4., 4 -',,8 1,25 _Drum-.,ion,d 1 c e n 866,587 1-Tu rah�; s) 441, 649 Iron River 6, 2 G4 Kelly 7-01 4 0 Keystone -69, 181r. �D Lincoln 497 65 h,a s o n 1),312" 765 KE; ameka,on 1 32 627,41 Or i e Yl t a 89-5, 3-57 OUlu 776,266 Pilsen 388)048 Port ':Zing 0-11.5 Pratt 1,026,466 I 'Russell 529 , _-20 Tripp 461,8 j,shburn 98A 5 :& Bayfield, City 1,058,047 Cable, `tillage 2)67,740 -burn, City 6'12 IPOTAI, for County 27 , 9,f 3 `J, /1- 0 rl Signed: Jas. -'JV. Good .,..'.ovczd and seconded th,�-i.t SW Me 'be adopted. Resolution ado ted by folloviing P vote or roll call: I Ayes: Yourse, :iegelein'!Jea,6e, 7,ue -'radfield, Curry, -i,belt, -rmney, , 'impale, 11ihalah , Okerstrom, H:. G. Johl-Ison, P. Johnson, Lamont, Lavin, ',!ac';_is!-.iutfl, C. IP)outin, S'tar_111, -Arntson, Handberg, Posey, I 0 t v i :n .ays: Kjarwich, Iverson, and "xness. A comunica-t-LOl froi-L. John J. Blaine, coverxior, xn relation to road etc., laS duly read and on mot -ion -,placed on file: November, 12, 1921. TO THE COILTw­Y BOARID Or SUP' _J RVI8077LS: I am asking your County C`lcr)K- -to subrnit t",1is colm�,i:uii-iication up, n s i. recPipt to your Count I feel that each County Board ought to )e advised wjith respect to the U - State finances concerning roar! btlilding. The, relatioii s existing between " -the counties and the state are so close, tha' we ougl,it to - have the greatest cooperation, and that co.opt--.-ation can nest be obtainedw1rien we -h all know t Jhc facts. There .has been Eiore or less loose talk regarding t_.0 funds -le availabI6 for high-vfay purposes,, and. I theref ore desire to .i dvise yo,s.�. cif ica ly of the araoUn-LS axtilable. For"the , "ilext t-,�jo years, begimi,,ng January t­.-re will be available for state and. federal aid construction and for ii--ain ' tenance not less the-n, '10, 5-00, 000, . and 161,lat suri be available without the ?as sage of, any new legislation or 'c the ollection Of any adCJ_itianal tax available from the not alreadly -provided f'or"." That is the amount that is av�.-i- state only. in addition, t'o that, therc i11 be the counties' contributlon and the federal -aid from Federal Governy.,ient, which will aimo-otnt to severc:tl ii1illion dollars.-Une... ,,pected. high-oay moneys h,-retofore collected -hway purposes on January 1, 1-1-the- Li .LcorL:pleted contract a r e- I f or hig 71 i r 0 e estimated by the .1 Cora,,li,ssioli to be -C,,­ree iiillion doll 0 v 17. Adjourned Annual Se' ion, I-ove fiber �:;, lj':l 49� In addition to A'he ainlountS I have Stated, there will c r�va_L .u.)10, such S1.UL%?s as coUntie's raise, either by taxation or bon( issues, on 1611eir own in-itiativo. .The Governor is required to a, prove certain contracts for highway construction, and th.a°.t approval is made upon information suuplied by the jT,i6p'Xl';"jay C-orimission. Therefore, if tlie-re 1s Sul1e-'articulc;,r SltuE,lAion, the facts regarding �v-:-.i.ch are within the knowledge of the counts board or its r�_ -or'eSentativas, and vri"llc!`"1 do not come to me, I will have no i,,Ic ,ns m t fP facts. f .{. 4 s � � ti .ram with s.. of krio,li_�t, :;uc1'_ a.�.ct�. Is ��l�re i�� any- such case., �.�zerelore, rit�_ re���:;=ct to rllich you think I ought to have information, or -��ihich you desire to discuss wide. fine "before a contract is approved, I t,iill ­,-,�e very --gad to co- operau with you.. 0f course, you understand that I have no aut%lority over hi 'oaay construction, c1�_ce�Dt witI1 respcect to thea-pprovc�l or disapproval of the contracts, and 1 therefore cannot pass upon the location or re- location of any hi_;hway, or the many details concernin - construction. The amount expended this year exceeds F,,,at is normally; scent on highways, and 16-11e plain reason is t at many counties raised money by issuing Fonds for roads on their ot;•r l initiative. For instance, on Au. zust 6 last, counties had expended under bond issues 3'7,315,000, and since L'hcn several millions additional. The legislature will convene one year from January next, and ,rrhet- •_:ver legislation :is necessary for hi.gh.-�=rays after _:_e year 192;�, it ii.ust be presu:ae.d that t1-�e _Legislature will-1 act accordingly. - I feel that t-�-_e type, of i.,aacadam, gravel, or concrete --should Ibe determined by the respective counties for their respective his-;'fll'ay: , So far as pract:i.cal, and the amount the; counties desire to Spend on hight°Jays should be determined by the coull-Li, thorti- sel.ves. In other words, I feel that there should be no forced highaay program. Due to tree burdens that t-Ele people are carrying on account of the expenses of the' Federal Government and otl;.er expenses, and, the decline in the price of farm: products, I have given the fin�_ancial problemas careful consideration, with a view of preventing additional tares, rand also "y,'ith a vi'e"s'I of ascertaining -the cxact financial condition, so that the necessary and reasonably: things might be dole. In this respect, I know I will h::.vc your hearty co-operation, and I trust tri .t I have' furnished you with information t?-at m,,.y aid you. Yours respectfully, John J. Blaine. Governor. At 12 o'clock; noon, a recess i7as takers un-U1, l 1:30 P.IT,. At 1:30 11. r,.eetin4_ called to order ''ova the Chairillrj,n. Roll Call sho�rino all members present. The following resolution in relation to the Assessor of Iticoi'lles. as on rr,.otion, unanimously adopted: pE' 80LUTI01:. by t11-.e- County Board of Bayfield County, t lip �;0th day of Nov. 192:1, that the -'issesscr of` Incomes, be, and is hereby instructed to _render his Annual Report to t:J.e Boe..rd at least ten dr_;,y„ before date of .Annual _Ieeting, and it suggested t :.at he excrcise ';.is authority with reference to sending for reports f:r•orn Town Clerks 'by messenger if' ncces-,- nary, charging_ gimpp ove�':,5 A -SO, that he investigate a 'ld report .and ci Ly lots, and rport any I,I-LT"TIfER that Said Board desire op_,,osed to.f,,,4/i- Assessor of lncoi-fles' valuations on ,)ersonal--propertzVlllftt{r t'1e year 1921. `MU10 ' it i I 490 annua l `!C e t i ng , llo v . - 9 , 19 2 1. The following resolution Eras presented and on motion,duly seconded, adopted: Resolved by the County 3oard cf .3ayfield County at its adjourned at.nual session "this day of I,'!ovzmbcr, 1921, that the rate of interest on tax -certificates to be sold in the future Toy this �) County,b�, raised to fifteen percent (15 per annuyii,to be effectiv beginning, with sale: of 1922 and subsequent sales. Signed Jas "!. Good. Resolution as to,County School Tax: I1SOLVi D BY the County Board of Bayfield County,as sembled at an annual meeting thereof,this 29th day of %"ovember,1991,-that there be and there is her raised "by taxes in each of the following named" i'owas of Bayfield County for the support of the Common Schools ,for the cns,uing year, the ,um of `T",,,-E ITY SIX TIIOUS:��I\TD,TIT �` HUSTDIR;"D 11T,D ��TG:`i`l'Y DOLLARS (?6,380.00) which is hereby appropriated .•in accordance with the provisions of Section 1074-1 of t� he "riconsin Statutes,and that said amounts as calculated on the basi of ; 3,",7 for each person of School age residing in the a�chool di"stricts therein n-+.r1ed vfnich maintain the =3chools as required by laxi,to Vlit,- Towns : Barksdale Barnes Bayf i c Id :lea yv i cw Bell Cable Cable Village Clover Dru riiond Aileen Hughe s iron River Telly xeystonc Lincoln I.ason Namakagon Orienta Oulu Pilsen Part '.:Ting Pratt Russell Tripp .'lash"burn Bayfield City Washburn City 2 � Apportiorunent. 761.54 E1 203.58 889.72 ' 689.91 452.A0 535.30 " 312.91 ' 392.08 "1157.39 '11436 4 37 448.63 1014. 13 784.16 '999.05 591.39 111255.41 147.03 ;1 395.85 :1854.84 867.10 E1999.05 ;i 667.29 " 550.42 467.48 °11059.37 '12010. 72 ' 5436. 34 AND IT IS HE�,r- ,"BY RESOLVED, that the County ';1erk of said County apportion said sum to tho various taxing districts of said County and cause same to be placed upon the sovlll ral tax -rolls of said County in accordance with the law. Signed O.M.Axness. Roved and seconded,th,.a.t the above resolution be adopted. Roll call. Jill members voting aye. Resolution adopted, ?election of Highway Commissioner: "��shburn,'`is. Nov 29,1921. To The County Board of Bayfiold County: entlemen: - Please consider me as an applicant for County Highway Commissioner for the coming term. 'Yours respectfully, John Friberg. Teo other applications being presented, It was moved and seconded, tf' at the Count Clerk be instructod to cas"t omevote for John:Tri.berig as Zile unanimous choice of this C Board for the office of Highway Commissioner for 'j3ayficld County for a term of tiro years. So done by the Clcrk. Adj. Annual Hecting,Nov. 29, 1921 A communication from Rev. Dahlberg of Ladysmith,Wi s. ;asking fax aid for the: childrens homc,was referred to the: budget Committee with Ax recommandation for an appropriation of 1�100®00, resolution calling for the; crcction of a, soldiers and Sailors monument in the vial Perk or Court douse "rounds was also referred to the Eudgct Committee. Report from Committee on Pure Air Sanatorium: We,tho undersigned Committee onbuilding of the Pure Air Sanatorium respectfully sub -I mit the following report: On July 6th,1921 a meeting of the; full Committee Was held at the Court House in thel (City of Ashland for the purpose of opening bids for the new addition to th6 building,and las the: appropriation was not sufficient to construct the: proposed addition in Ahc manner land of the material the committee de dided to build -to harmonize with the building already built, The appropriation made in 19RO was for a wooden building with stucco finish,and the committee decided as above stated,to build of brick the appropriation was in-sufficion once the committee rejected all .bids and postponed building operation until 1922. `:Chic committees of the three Counties were well aware of the facts that further ap.- ropriations would be: impracticable at t1is time. It was the opinion of your committee that material and labor would be: cheaper next year and the work could be done: in 1922 at a much less cost to the Counties than it could have been done; this year. The Committee would respectfully ask,tha t an additional appropriation of ,015,000.00 c made by the three Counties interested, -then proportion according. to their assessed valuation. This additional appropriation,according to estimates furnished by the Arc.hitoct,will complete the building and pay for all necessary furniture. A w end meeting of the; Committee was hold at the Court House in the City of Ashland on Oct. l , 1:),-:l,at ,;hick time it was. decided the kind of materials to be used and the; pla,nq Hof the proposed addition to be erected should be of brick to harmonize with the original building. on June 24,1921,wo received the; following communication from Chairman 0.7. 1.',.„ncss of the County 3oard:-- 1,11. :achsmuth,Supe;rvisor ,Ba,,yfic ld,jis. 11T Dear :aa �!achsmzL: e,h: I have: had so many complaints about the conditions at the Pura Air Sanatorium that lit seems there must be something radically wrong `s^si-th the management geme nt thorc . 1 have . a long Actter from one patient describing conditions that Would fit better in a penal Institution) than in a Sanatorium. Evcry patient from down this way that 1 have talked with,vorify this. Some have: left bccauso they could not stand it. I believe it would be well for your committee to make an invooti.gation and re_ ort to they 3oard. If ,prom) ter action should be taken, the Trustees should .be: notified,a lso they Superintendent. If the patients are not given fair and just treatment and accorded treat- me nt ,� a.. h e lth s i -� ] r� 1 e T I_ l l complaints l `t '�' s merit �1,�1c�1, will improve their .rz..� ,.�omct_n_irz� oz,_Uh� co b�, dono.l_Ze pri",c...p�., colnp_aiz_�„ seems to be lodged against the Matron in charge. !i th kindest regards,, i O.1__ . Axn e s , Ct hm . Ze:plying to Chairman Axness letter, 1 stated ,as follows: - Hon �}.!'i. xLlns�,olc+s011, 1s. -y Dcar Sir:- 1 aryl in ,receipt of your letter of June Mt z,nnd not surprised of the contents of the sumo. some of the complaints ware called to my attention as early as last +inter,although at the tiny;; -I did not pay- much attention to them, as I did not have any authL city to investigate those: complaints, an and since I became a, member of the County Board and having the "Honor of' being the: Chair- man of that Committee on the --"urE Air "@,natorium, 1 have taken u.; the matter with some of Trustees and they have:, infor-.me'd one that a change sha'Ll be made in the 1_1{atron of the nsti- tution just as quick as they can find a suitable person to take: charge of the same--.1 don't the present Superintendent is the riL t one,as I am acquainted with her also,and have made them su.ggestiond to one of the :�xecutives,ttir 01-1-alley. Cordially Yours, H. T.Tachsmutl-,,,Sr. The Commuhication of Chairman Axness was submitted to the Trustees of they ?uro Air and acting upon its suggestions the 'Trustees made an investigation,and its fin- dings were of such a nature that the matron in charge :-as ismissed October lst,1921,and '..i ss Florence Llerrick was named as her successor, since which time things I-n vc ;Dean run- ning smooth at Pure Air. 11,11 of which is hereby respectfully submitted.by your committee. .11T ry "�rachsnroth H.H.Pcave y I'',.-C . Johnson. On motion,thc above rcport was accepted and placed on file, A resolution from. the County Cha.irmans' association of "::�isconsiYi calling for ion of membership and per diem of Chairman attending the:^ Convention was referred to the 13'udget Coixmnittee. The following report from the- Cor.miittec on Common Shools vras read as follows: 'Ja shburn , %i s , IIay 3rd , 19 .71 . The Committee on Common -3hools met in ro ;ulal se>ssian at the. Court Ho,.�se, at 1 P.T_. 1.clnbers prescnt:Adolph :i%,Lbe1t,`J,yrcl7 Ripley ;.J.''achsmuth. 0 t ]. O Y1 Tn� e.. ?dand carried that T.'Liss e:: esslL, ;Alcorn be re —hire ;.:uporvising Teacher for a l,Gri-il Of tC'.l7 1?10i1 "11s. - I: otion .m.adc>� and ca.rrie;d, that the Jalary for the cnsv ink term be set for 1500.00 is o further business app .aring,ml:cting adjourned. Signed,Jcssiex K. Srnit'_•�, 2'>cting secretary. um ::Io .:ion, tl-c .riit'hin rc?�ort was acccL U c't as read and placed on file. IF NUAT REPORT OF TEI-] REGISTER OF DEEDS: The Honorable County Board, Ba,yficld County,`71sconsin, Gentlemen— I submit 'ierciFrittrl in accordance the laws of ':iisconsin,a report of all fees collected 'ley me as -register of Deeds,from January lst,19`?l,to November lst,1921 - as folloArrs, to wit — Total amount of Total iecs from January 1st,1921 to yovezilbcr lst,192,1,turnedover to County Trcasur.:r Total amount of recording for County,Jan. lst,192.1 to ITov. 1st ,1921,iricluding Certificates of Births, -Ucaths,I�:Iarriage,s,U.S.Discharges County Officers Bonds, ind tax deeds to County,for which no fetes have been charged 135.92 Toa�Tal a, ount of j'ces Jan. 1.st, 1921, to jTov. 1st, 1921 ----®--_..__-_ F , 53"l.'74i Total amont of I I:`ov> lst,l9eo to Jan lst,192 391.08 amount Of f0cs,r,!ov. 1,�,:t,�'O,t0 Nov-�ov. 1�t,1�<1 ; ='2 ,yn •82Total. Niels Dyhre,being first duly s�-rorn,sa.ys that to the bost.of his knowledge and belief,the foregoing report is correct and true. 1a c 1 s lvlyhr e . Subscribed and sworn to before me this ¢18th day of ilovember, 1921. J.Ydc,rstad, County Clerk. "loved and seconds d,that the above report be accepted and placed on file.Carric it c 499 Adj. Annual 3-1--eting,11ov. 29, 1921. L �` `_'_ ACTS I'ROT:11' RULINGS GIIFM� l BY TI ;� AyTORT',I,PY 9EHERAL 01\; COUNTY NURSE LAW SECTION 1,411-N was presented and read, it contains part of the la -us passed and showing, that it is _aadatory upon the County Boards to provide means for hiring a County Nursu,provide a suitable conveyance and expcnses,also showing' the Salaries paid by the different Counties as f ollo-�-,rs :- County Salary Expense fund Transportation. appropriated Ashland :r200.00 per 1o. July l,to Nov. 11 rays oven expenses Barron 1,1800.00 600.00 Car furnishcd Bayfiold 3.2000.00 expenses C%arfurnished Burnett 1�11800.00 %�P700.00 Lalumet '1800.00 "600.00 _________________ Dane '11620iOO expenses Car furnished Dane °' 1500.00 cJtipensa s Car furnished .Dodge 1u1800.00 � 1200.00 Douglas cxpensoS hires transoortation Dunn =1800.00 700.0. Grant 7'1800.00 700.00 Car furnishcd Green =1800.00 -1-700.00 ;'ar Car and gcn expcilscs Iron P1800.00 = 600.00 Car furnishcd Jackson 1800.00 ' 720.00 gar furnished 711* Kenosha 111800.00 `' 600.00 Uses own Car LaCrosse a;2000.00 expenses Car furnishcd Langladc "1500.00 .r 3U0.00 gar furnished Lincoln i�1800.00 expenses Car furnished I,Tani.towoc V1800.00 :, 1200.00 Car furnishcd T:arathon `15UU.00 45U.00 gar furnishcd 1,Iarathon `=1500.00 450.00 uar furnished rincttc 1500,00 500.00 Car :Furnished Monroe 1800.00 °' 700.00 gar furnished Oneida '' 1500.00 V1500.00 -ar furnishcd Outagamie "1800.00 " 650.00 Car furnishF>d Ozaukee "1500.00 `'exponses 13ar furnished Polk 11 00100 7-'1'(.'00.00 Uses o,�m Car Pric; "1500.00 ~1 00.00 ar furnish% d Racine .1500.00 expenses Car furnished Rock 1500.00 expenses Carfurnished Rusk _ 2000.00 ..1500 .00 i:Ti lea gc� , use s o-,, Car Tromploa,u ''1800.00 expenses Car furnished 'alworth 1800.00 ;31 , 00.00 ' ashington 111800.00 expenses U ar furnished -1auk csha 01800.00 expenses Car furnishcd Winnebago J1900.00 .1100.00 Car furnished 'aupa,ca "1800.00 expenses ar furnished The above ,jrms on motion placed on file for publication. bill of Louis Gordon for >322.05 and a similar one of Frank Brosettc for .58 j elaill1ing re --fund for taxes pa,,.id on Indian lands owned privately but under certain G"overm,icnt restriction,wa,s on motion,and on the recommandation of the 'Jist Atty. disallow a A resolution of Barron County Board, protesting against the law, cornpelling a county to meet the 1-3 levy for State and ITedoral Road 'projects,was road and referred to the alighvray Comlission. Be it resmlved, that the Bounty on i ox, amounting to �',?. 00 per head, bc, and the same is �Exk heroby dis-conti.nuod; 1°LND u�� IT ITUR`'Ia�'R 1 ` SO_l,V5�D,that the bounty on »olves be reduced from Ten Dollars (10.00) per .,!:'(-,ad to Six dollars 6.00) per head and the bounty on Cub golf be reduced from :four dollaro (:4.00) per head to `Three dollars (W.00) per hcc;,d. L.D.Pease. i. otion to adopt the resolution was lost. GOPFaR AND flOODCHUCK .L l, IT- T zSOLV"uD ,'Tha.t the County pay a bounty of ton cents on striped gophers and -twenty cents on Pocket gophers and woodchucks, L.D . Pcawr7e . A suggestion was made to include P0T.,,,T0 :BUGS in the same class. The resolution ,saes lost 'by the following vote,on roll call. Aye: PE,1`,)' ,Z'i,`,Rvicl-c ORCll? aT?, T01i]'i;iC)1',-1.G. ,-.FUME, � ,1TT4{�It;�ON GOOD, ill,--:lEIL'T)1AVIN 41M ',YARD Total 9. JTJ'LL,ru1RM7,1T:,'IXG',L'RIiD=11 Ll)III`LL, ,J0I:11,TSOIT.P 1{RO1,71EY,T.'1IPA :UIH_ I::AX, O1�f,;=�; T1�01 i:, `L"+J.. Oii ' , TJ `iZ R,W", C:[Ia1,LMTH, BOUTIiF, ST.Vi1i,.?,RI�?`l' i0i�[Li%rD:B 'RG, POSEY, POT "dI- X{ �� c- : , ,_ and .-_1L1_L'J1J�. � o gal 2 . Foy Adjourned Annual Session, November 29, 1921 KELLY, LINCOLN HIGH AY The following report from the committee appointed by the Chairman to investigate and recommend the matter of adding said road to the County Secondary 'System of Highway, was read as follows: 1ason, 'Wis. , hay 28, .1921 The Undersigned Committee appointed to investigate the proposed adoption of the highway described below as a part -of the County -or se-cor dart' system of highways, beg leave to report t-,-.at we have this day traveled over said pr-posed highway, and find that it conforms to all requirements designated by youg Board, is well graded, and forms a connecting link between Ashland County and TrunX Line No. 24. We favor.the adoption of said highway as a part of'the Count.- qr secondary system of Bayfield County highways, and hereby move such adoption by your Board. Said high�iay is described as follows: . Commencing where Trunk Line Na. 24, connects witi Town Road now .running East in the ICE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 36-46-6, thence ,following said highway easterly through said Section 36-46-6 to the Town line between Townships 46-5 and 45-5, thence following present highway between said Townships to the East line of said Townships, being•a distance of about 6 miles. Out motion to adopt this highway is made with the understanding that Ashland County shall adopt as a part of their secondary or County System of highways, that highway now running south fr o� what is known ,as "Swede Alley," and connecting with the above described highway in Bayfield,County. Otto Regelein Alois Habelt A.G. Johnson Ashland, , i s . June 4, 1921 Ydr. Jake Yderstad,, County Clerk, Bayfield,-County. Dear Sir: I beg to advise you that the Ashland County Road and Bridge Committee, after reading report of the special Coniaittee and considering my report, decided to recommend that the Ashland County .Board of Sups: rvis,ors accept Ashland County's share of the Bibon to Sanborn Highway, as a part of the County system of.Highways, to -be acted upon at t--eir adjourned meeting,in August, provided however, that Bayfield County place their share of said road on the :Gounty system. Very truly yours, 71. E. Dillon Highway Commissioner. It was moved and seconded that the Highway described, known as -the Kelly Lincoln Road, be adopted as part of the Secondary System of the County Highway. .All members voting AYE. A petition of John Taipale,.Chairman of the Town of Oulu, for the adoption of a certain piece of road to be added to the County Secondary System, was read as follows: To the Bayfield County Board, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen: I HEREBY PETITION for a road in the. Town of Oulu to be put on the County System in accordance with resolution passed by this Board at its last Annual Meeting, providing for.the addition of new roads'on the County System. The Town of Oulu has been paying its share of the road taxes,for a number of years,, and as yet, have no roac� belonging to 'the County System in its territory. I HEREBY CERTIFY, that this road, if adopted, is bounded at both terminals by a trunk line, to -wit, No. 10 on one end, and Douglas County line on the ot.-er terminal. It is unnecessary for me to state that the Town_ of Oulu is one of tine most populated towns in the state. This road will give us an outlet to the main line and all along said line are stores, school- houses, etc. It will also provide for a very handy shortcut from the 9 Mule Post down to Iron River, and southern part of 'the County. The Road is 501 Adjourned ,Annual Session, November ;9, 1921 0 described as- fol.loars: A Highway commencing at the Muskeg Station on the Northern Pacific Railway in Section Nine (9), Township Forty-seven (47), North, Range Nine (9) -,,,Alert, thence running in a North westerly direction to the Northwest_, comes -of said Section Nine (9), thence running west between Sections Seventeen (17) and Twenty (20) in Township Forty -Eight (48) a distance of one (1) mile, thence,.running North three (3) miles to th Township lire, thence running `Test along the Township Line a distance of one (1) mile between Sections -Thirty-one (31) and Six (6) to the Douglas County Line,. The following petition was also read as follows: Respectfully submitted, John Taipale Chairman, Town of Oulu Washburn, 71is. Nov. 29, 1921 BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in Annual. Meeting__assembled this 29th day of November, 1921, that Bayfield County adopt and take over as .a part of the County System of Trunk ._'_ighways that portion of the Four Mile Creek road, begi_,_ning at a point -on -the corner of section .31, Township 49, Range 5 '+est, and running_ in a Nor,thwesterly di:rect-ion across said section to the Northwest corner of Section 31. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of 'the -County -Board appoint a special Commi tee__ to_ investigate this road and report -at the -Spring meeting of the County Board, in accordance with a Resolution already passed by -this Board. SIGNED' Ole Handberg In accordance with former rules adopted, the Chairman appointed as Committee to investigate and report to the next meeting the following Committee: Roy H. Okerstrom, Chris Iverson, and L.'D. Pease. Said Committee instructed to report on both the projects mentioned. The following communication from the 'llisconsin Highway Commission was read and on motion accepted and placed on file: November 4, 1921 Mr. J. Yderstad, County Clerk-Bayfield County, ilashburn, Wisconsin. Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Federal Aid C'onstruction' Funds. For the information of your county board, we submit herewith a financial report of the federal aid construction program in your county.. To date, Congress has a_-Ipropriated $275,000,000 as Federal Aid for highways, of which =111isconsin is allotted $7,004,280.67. Bayfield County's share of this Federal Aid is $105,229.16, which, under the provisions of the ffisconsin statutes, must be met by an equal amount from each the state and the county, providing together a federa aid construction fund of $315,687.48 for the improvement of.the State Trunk Highway System in your county. The statutes do not provide that .the cost of each individual project must be so financed that each unit of government shall furnish one-third of the total cost. They do provide', however, that upon the completion of the last project in a county, each unit named shall have paid one-third of -the total cost of all projects, as nearly as it is possible to make.it come out. In reviewing the first sheet of the attached report, which is a recapitulation of the funds allotted to the individual projects in your county, you will note that the division of the funds for each individual project is not uniform but that the totals available from each unit for all projects are the same.,' The amounts shown for project 325 on the recapitulation sheet represent the funds allotted to --the improvement contemplated in 1922. The statement following the recapitulation shows in detail the cost of Wisconsin project 121 to October 18, 1921. Under t'-e heading of "Engineering" we show the actual cost of all engineer- ing services in connection with the project. This represents the cost of surveys, plans, inspection, supervision, and in face every item other than actual.construction costs a nd right-of-way. Very truly yours, WISCONSIN HIGMWAY COIu1,,IISSION A. R. Hirst. State Highway Eng. 502 Adjourned Annual Session, Nov. 29, 1921 BAYFIELD COUNTY Federal Aid Construction Funds October-29, 1921 Project County State Federal -Total No. Funds Funds Funds 121 $57,Q00.00 4�54,000.00 $60,000.00 $171,000.00 187 22,000.00 16,000.00 32,000.00 70,000..00 325 26,229.16 35,229.1`6 13,229.16 74,687.48 Totals $105,229.16 $105,229.16 $105,229.16 ��315,687.48 INTERHED IATE COST S T ATE %K E N T ASHLAND - IRON RIVER ROAD BAYFIELD COUNTY WISCONSIN PROJECT NO. 121 quantity Unit Item Unit Price Amount (Contract -Ord Company) 85.2 Acres Clearing and Grubbing 157.00 $14,910.00 106,304.00 Cu. Yd. Excavation -Earth 0.62 65,908.48 " " -Ditches, etc. 2,606.40 529.15 " " Concrete -Culverts 25.00 13,226.75 7,567 " " Surfacing -Clay 0.62 4,691.54 14,239 Lin. Ft. Guard Rail 0.50 7,119.50 108,464.67 ENGINEERING Engineering and Supervision Inspect -ion Testing FUNDS PROVIDED 8,750.82 2,115.04 234.33 11,100.19 Cost of Project to date ....... 119,564.86 Bayfield County ............ 57,000.00 State of uisconsin......... 54,000.00 Federal Government ......... 60,000.00 171,000.00 Unexpended Balance Available .... $ 51,435.14 The following resolution -to abandon the Community Fairs was read as follows: BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board'of Supervisors of Bayfield County, now is Annual Session, that all financial support by the County of Bayfield to Community Fairs `from and after t is date be withdrawn. DATED at Washburn, Wis. , Nov. 29, 1921. Roy H.' Orer,strom. It was moved and seconded that said resolution be laid on the table. elation carried. The Superintendent of Schools submitted the following report: ffashburn,�Wis., Nov. 28, 1921. To the Honorable Board of County Supervisors: Gentlemen: I hereby submit my Annual Report for the year ending June 30, 1921. The activities of the schools were planned to care for the pupils revealed by the census taken July 10-15, 1920. This census showed 5,323 persons of the ages 4-19 inclusive. In this connection it is interesting to note that the census of July, 1921, shows 5,492 children 4-19 inclusive, an increase of 163. 50-3 Adjourned Annual Meeting, Nov. 29, 1921 For the school year 1920-2.1 there were enrolled in the public schools 3,599 pupils and in parochial schools 249 pupils, making.a total of 3848 enrolled in the schools. Boys Girls . Total Rural Schools 735 744 1479 712 632 1344 241 264 505 121 150 271 Totals 1,809 1,790 3,599 This total was 229 more than -were--enrolled- -in 1919-20. The total cost of,all schools was $293,334. The average -cost per pupil enrolled was $81.50 (The cost the year before was $68 per pupil.) The cost was not so distributed. In some small schools the cost -was as high as P"200 -_,per pupil, while in some --larger schools -the cost- was as low as j25.00 per pupil per year'. Most of the school officers were alert and attempted to give each child proper 'shhooling. 'The -irregularity of settlement and great distances make this an exceedingly difficult problem. COST Total Valuation of the County 1920-21 $27,950,188.00 Total Valuation of City of Washburn 20-519,745.00 Total Valuation .outside City of Washburn 25,430,443.00 Total Cost of All'Schools 293,334.00 If the Taxation for -schools were uniform throughout the County, each ti$1,000 worth of property would pay -'about $11,50, or each %�:1.00 would pay eleven and one-half mills. This is one argument in favor of the County unit of school Government. However, school taxes.are.local and vary greatly in different districts. In some heavily populated districts the valuation will scarcely- provide schools, -at the possi-,le full school tax rate of two and one-half percent. In this connection, it is fair to say that the total cost of the superintendency for the year 1920-21 ($3,361) put a tax -of thirteen and one-half cents on each $1,000 worth of property. This covered the salary of the county.superintendent, salary of the -clerk, the office upkeep and traveling, expenses.. Schools do cost, but not'so much that reduction of expense should begin with the schools. 'fle need more, and :better schools rather tlan cheaper ones. Good roads will add to our industries, and sanatoriums are fine to provide health protection, but live, well children are entitled to an education that should not stop short of the completion of a high school course. Plans should be devised to give every country child his chance. All worthy effort is for the coming generation. Our school attendance is better than in some more southern counties and above the state average, but it does not seem large enough. There is too much waste. The pupils get only 78% of what the 'school.provides. You would think'it very wasteful to provide a meal every day for twelve and have -only nine to eat it-. Yet this is what we a.re doing every day at school when we do not send the children to school regularly. Irregular attendance cuts down the efficiency -of the school. The irregular pupil retards the progress of the egular-one, and so it becomes part .::f your problem to -help keep your neighbors children.in school as well as your own, if you wish yours to make the progress they should. The compulsory attendance laws help some, but it' is difficult to get a law broad enough to cover all cases.: The schools must be made more attractive, and-parents-mus't make .more effort to keep the children in school regularly. ACTIVITIES Your County Superintendent visited 96 different schools and made 18 visits. Miss Bessie L.'Alcorn, Supervising teacher,. visited 1`20 schools and made 196- visits. .bliss Ruth Smith made -23 visits and assisted with evening .meetings. The main purpose of these visits is to assist the teacher in someway. It may be to report the needs of the school to the school board or it may be to 'show the teacher better methods of work.. I attended 23 evening meetings of school patrons and spoke at each. Miss Alcorn attended 15. Patrons have shown a growing interest in schools. Teachers reported a total of 2,213 as day school visitors or at evening gather; ings. School officers made a total of 294 visits. 504 Adjourned Annual Session, Nov. 29, 1921 Three regular teachers' Institutes were held with a total attendance of 130 teachers, one at Iron River, one at meson, one at Cable. Those assisting were Pres. V. E. McCaskill and Prof. J. A. NTerrill of the Superior State Normal,, Prof. L.,H. -errihew of Iron River, Miss Pearl Blanding, Prin. of the H.S.T,T. of `ffashburn. Teachers of the schools gave class exercises. All ,teachers were excused by their- school boards to - attend.- the North 'Nisconsin Teachers' Association at Ashland. Ten teachers' meetings were held'at the schools and an association of teachers met once a mozzth at ,Washburn at -the Court House. ,ffe endeavored to take'the students from the H.S. Training Course in Washburn into the schools as much as possible, to acquaint them with rural school conditions. -This department is training the greater number of our rural teachers, hence it is well to put the students in touch with the-actual-work•they are to do. The exhibit of school work at :the County Fair,was large and attractive. Much of it was -y eturned to the schools and again exhibited. at local f aims. wile the, premiums were not -large, the blue ribbon made the winner happy. We hope to have a better exhibit next year. .Most of the schools sold Christmas Seals and many took part in the essay' contest which was put on by Dr. Hosmer of the Pureair Sanatorium. The subject was, "Tuberculosis, a Preventable and Curable Disease." The -purpose was instructio al.and educational, and the premiums offered added zest to the work. A number of schools also took part in the essay contest put on by the 11.C.T.U. Two of the district prizes were secured by Bayfield County contestants. Eighty-eight schools held one or more sp-ecial gatherings and eighteen Parent -Teacher -Associations were organised. S-everal.of these associations are help ing to secure playground, apparatus --a, rnost-c�omme€idable thing to do; others are assisting the school to equip, for warm lunches. 71arra lunches were `served in thirty-seven schools. The approved plan is to serve one hot dish. The hot dish should be nourishing and it aids in the digestion of the cold lunch. The plan lends itself to training'in proper eating habits and neatness.. It gives the children energy for the afternoon work. Two schools, Moquah and Hillsdale, held evening school for those of foreign speech. `;chile designed for those who wished to become citizens, many who were already citizens -took the -work offered., The reports of previous years showed many small .schools. Only ten rural schools last year had fewer than eleven children; the next twelve had fifteen pupils, the remaining thirty-seven had from 20 to 50 pupils. The, buildings were inadequate in several places. The enrollment -this Fall is excep- tionally large. All building was discouraged during the war and little has been done since. The schools are-crowded,and the problem of giving the children proper school facilities is becoming a serious one in many -districts: The growth of the rural schools prove.s.the worth of the County as an agricultural region, -and the new school buildings are an indication that the rural communities believe in education and that their children deserve as good and as pleasant school houses as town children. Six rural schools are.now heated by basement furnaces and the buildings are properly planned for comfort and convenience. Two built during the year in the town of Drummond are exception- ally fine types and Barnes has begun one on a similar plan., Three portable school buildings are to be used this year.. The village and city_ schools are all crowded and most of the teachers have over full programs. There' is llf t-tl-e time or chance to.help the.backward or the special child. Free text books are in all the schools and most schools provide free paper and other supplies. The average yearly cost for books and supplies 5�P2.33. TRANSPORTATION There are thirty-seven transportation rigs used. and 627 pupils were transported. Of these 556 lived more than two miles from school. In the County there are 1062 children reported as .1-v ng more.than two miles from school, hence new buildings -or more transportation rigs are necessary. Transportation is open to criticism unless sanitary, covered, well heated rigs are used. The driver should be a competent man or woman who can control children, and the route should be well laid out. It ought not to be necessary for a child to leave home before -fifteen minutes to eight o'clock. -Transportation properly carried on is ideal —The entire cost of transportation in the County last year was 429,025.00. SPELLING CONTESTS The County Spelling Contest was better attended than any previous year. The contestants, one from each town, accompanied by parent or teacher were given a dinner and an educational entertainment. The County School Board Convention was the largest ever held in the County. The Court Room was packed to capacity. 505 Adjourned Annual.Session, November 29, 1921 TEACHERS 143 teachers (18 men and 125 women) were at work when all schools were in session. Preparation of Teachers 34 held State Certificates 30 If County First Grade Certificates 16 " Training School ", n' 20 " County Second Grade 41 " 20 " County Third Grade ." r. 23 Special limited 143 Salaries 73 Teachers received less than $900 averaged about $750) 30 n " from $ 900 to 5 n n ss 1,000 " 1,150 6 " " " 1,200 't 1,260 5 " " " 1,300 " 1,450 3 " It 1,500 2 " " 1,600 2 n n..• 1,800 2 2,025 2 " " 2,700 It was difficult to get-and.keep strong -teachers,. For nearly ten years other avocations have -been calling young people. Shorter hours, less responsi- bility, an all year job, better wages, etc., have all contributed to the pull away from teaching. Real worth as a teacher calls for mare extended ���para.t on than does stenography or bookkeeping. Since it cost more to prepare, cd116dd. for more work and stamina, and offered only eight or nine months wages, and for beginners, took therm into the country, the'supply of teachers grew less and less. Naturally -this -condition has lowered the character of work in the schools.' gages have been advanced but the shortage still exists. 11-ny ex -teachers, mostly married women, are supplying at present. Most of them are an asset, but at best their tenure- will be short. The training schools report increasing enrollment so we may expect more -teachers in the next few years. At present our choice is very limited. There is.a prevalent notion that your County Superintendent can furnish',a teacher on call. The.facts are that there is a teacher shortage. Those who may have a general education, but have not had one year of professional training -are not'pr°epared to hold regular teachers certificates. They may receive _special certificates by consent of the State Superintendent when the -shortage is acute. Time needed for other work has been spent searching for teachers. Supt. Callahan sent 'rne 1-ists of available teachers but I secured very few of them. - I learned that the reason for this was the Bayfield County is paying less than'uiost other Counties. Supt. Antisdel of Rock County, told iiie he had'no trouble filling his schools --the prevailing wages' were 125 per month in rural schools. Supt. Lillian Chloupek of Manitowoc-Go-unty said her beginning teachers were getting from $110 to $115 per month, and in rural schools go as high as 40160 per month. School Libraries 'Thexe. a.re 13. 3.3,3. books in the Township libraries. These are provided fro.n the state schocl fund. Ten c-ents per capita on school census (the new law provides twenty cents) --is retained..by the County Treasurer. The books are selected in the County Superintendent's office and are -ordered from the firm under contract with the State, the Eau Claire Book & Stationery -Co.` They are shipped to the town clerks and by-him-distributedto the schools. It will be well for districts to appropriate from ten to thirty dollars each year to -add to their libraries. The Reading Circle work now in progress call for larger libraries. _ The records show that 14,647 books were loaned last year. Institute Fund. Cash on -Hand, July 1, 1920.................$175.39 Cash.frorn State Treasurer................. 110.07 TOTAL...............................,......."285.46 Expense -of three Institutes................. 149.90 Cash on -Hand, June 30, 1921................$135.56 bliss Bessie L. Alcorn, Supervising Teacher, spends most of her time with the rura-1 teachers-, especially with the beginners. She is employed for ten months. her salary is 1,500 and is fixed by the Cor.mittee on Common Schools from whom she also receives her appointment. She reports annually to the State Superintendent and to the County Clerk. When her report is approved by the State Superintendent, the State Treasurer seeds a warrant to the County Treasurer to cover her salary and expenses. She is a county worker paid by the State. bliss Ruth Smith attends to the clerical work of the office, and also assists with the administrative and executive work. I keep daily expense accounts and receipted expense bills on file:. They are open to examination by the finance committee. By requent I have placed my expense budget for the past two years and my recommendations for next year in the hands of the finance committee. I beli-eve I could do more and better work at Less expense were the County to furnish a car for my office. Thanking you for past courtesies, I am Respectfully Yours, Jessie N. Smith. Co. S 506 Adjourned Annual Session, November 29, 1921 r .It was moved and seconded that the report be adopted and placed on file, accompanied with a vote of thanks to the County Superintendent. The following resolution wa&, upon roll call, unanimously adopted: I� BE IT RESOLVED at an adjourned Annual '�eeting held by the County Boa of Bayfield County, this 29th-day of November, -1921, that there be, and there is �Vereby ar)propriated the -sum of Thirty Six Hundred Dollars($3,600) to pay the compensa,ion and allowance of the County Superintendent of Schools for -the ensuing year. AND IT IS HEREBY FURTHER RESOLVED and determined, that the City of 5ashburn is exempt from paying any part of the expenses connected with the compensation of said Superintendent. SIGNED: 0.- 1. Axness Two petitions asking the County Board to keep Route Thirteen (13) open for traffic during the winter months, between Washburn and Ashland was presented and on motion placed on file. The following report was presented: To the Hon. County Board, Bayfield County, ':$lis. Gentlemen:. ;ale the undersigned Committee on Agriculture beg leave to re -wort, that we have examined the,following bills, re -commend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of sau7e. Signed-,_', -Geo'. Karow E.R. Tetzner Naive of Claiment Purpose Claimed Allowed V. E. Brubaker Expenses, February 77.83, 77.83 V. E. Brubaker Printing for Annual Report 350.00 350.00 �� ►+ " Pictures (fork on Experimental Plots 104.00 104.00 E. F. Daniels Insurance on County Fair Buildings 368.00 368.00 V.E. Brubaker Postage 40.00 40.00 Pirnie &, Son Car Expenses 6.76 6.76 V. E. Brubaker Co. Agent Expenses 91.89 91.89 if « Stamps, Co. Agent Report 20.00 20.00 A. J. Danson Hood for Car 9.45 9.45 F. G. Berg • Co. Agent Typewriter 4.00 4.00 V. E. Brubaker Expenses 34.32 34.32 Pirnie & Son Fixtures on car 12.20 12.20 Fitz -Cross Co. Supplies in.Office '89.33 89.33 V. E. Brubaker Stamps 30.00 30.00 Pirnie & Son Fixtures on Car .93.54 93.54 Fitz -Cross Co. Of:'i•ce Supplies 22.50 22.50 Pirnie & Son Fixtures on Car 63.48 63.48 V. E. Brubaker Expenses 37.83 37.83 it ti V' Stamps 25.00 25.00 Pirnie & Son fixtures on Ca-1• 49.70 49.70 V. E. Brubaker Expenses 39.80 39.80 Pirnie & S-on Fixtures on Car 210.77 210.77 City Service Garage Supplies and work on car 13.21 13.21 Fraser & Jackson 15 Billboards 9.60 9.60 Geo. Karow Countv Agent Conference 47.82 47.82 Pirnie & Son Fixtures & Supplies 62.72 62.72 Tire & Battery Exch. Pix ures & Supplies 14.90 14.90 V. E., Brubaker Ex"penses; "'lugust 9.27 9. �7 it. ;'� " Exl: enses, October 95.13 95.13 Standard Oil Co. Gasoline .. 9.27 9.27 V. E. Brubaker Expensee,' Gct'oaer 50.98 50.98 Tire & Battery L,xchange Tube Repairs Z8.50 8.50 V.-E. Brubaker Expenses, Mlay 34.00 34.00 E. Tetzner Trip to St. Paul 23'.42, 23.42 V. E. Brubaker Expenses 79.53' 79.53 On "hFiotion, the above bills were diAi= `'-dallowed as recommended. 507 Adjourned Annual kleeting,, Nov. 29, 19F:31 To the Hon. County Board, Hayfield County 1.7is. Gentlemen: V' the undersigned Conur!ittee on ILLEGAL TAXES 0 CERMICATES, beg leave to report, that we '_nave examined t'-e following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the.County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same. Signed: Peter Soronen Ili L. Bradfield Name of Claimant Claimed Allo-aed _J. 1,11. Tarter Jean Ap Sleeper John T a1sh Pray F. Robillard Just .. Owen Lumber Co'. J. _W Tarter -S. J_- _Darwin -A. ff. 1facLeod - Baker Lana .:"; Title Co. tl !F i1 tL A -^= IF IF It IF If I1 11 if it A. ff 11-cLeod -Baker Land & Title Co. A.. VT. iTcLeod IT !! tl ,t. ill IF - J. J. Fisher -Baker Land CC Title Co. it 11 it 11 it -Bayfield-Land -Abstract Co. Illegal Taxes 16.75 w16.75 11 " 43.06 ­43.06 if " 293.25 ,293.25 " F! 2, 571. 74 2, 571.74 2+�L 136.75 136.75 e, tI !1.91.87 n491.87 a��LL 1.27 1.27 " n 2.79 r 2.79 Tt t. 16.35 16.35 !t I tl ^ 22,a7.0: 221., 70- IF_ It 58.71 58.71 59 o it 7 22'. 65h " -80.97 -v80.97 !--' It -\16.15 =,116.15 11 it -60.18 -"60.18 . F' `' ­14.28 _ti14.28 tt If 16.15 --\l 6.15 1, n ­,17.28 �il7.28 Fl I, �.15.72 -h15.72 !I If 3'4.46 34.46 16.00 16.0 0 ,.a'cr1 u)ul' 11 It �16.77 ¢ �16.77 tt t1. h 339.36 \339.36 " " " 54.09 - - 54.09 it " 20.45 hr'0.45 ,F " 09 y121.09 TN 6A�(F On motion, the above bills were duly allowed as recommended. To the Hon. County Board, Bayfield County, -Jis. Gentlemen: 1 ,ale,. the undersigned Committee on PRINTTYG & STATIONERY beg leave to report, that w, have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set fort; in the dolugin marked "allowed" and t_�at tine County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payr:ent of same. Signed: Roy H. Okers_trom 'lm. Fwing Harold Stark Name of Claimant Purpose Claimed Allowed Peavey _'ublishing Co. Mashburn rinting Co. Peavey Publishing Cp . Bayfield Progress' Vashburn Printing Co. H. Niedeken Co. Peavey Pub .. Company ti tl 1i Washburn Printing Co. Bowron, w Murray T1 II IT V11ashburn Printing Co. Bayfield Co. Press Bayfield Progress Peavey -Pub. Co. Ft 11 it _:Mashburn Printing Co. Bell Printing Co. Peavey. P ub . Co. Bowron `'� Murray Bell Printing Co. Bayfield Progress Bell Printing Co. ,,Washburn Printing Co. H. H, peavey H. C. Ttliller Co. Highway Admin. Expenses, etc. 143.20 143.20 Battle Axe duct. etc. 59.60 59.60 Co. Agt. Circuit Court, etc. 96.25 96.25 Clerk, Nurse, and H. Adm. 30.00 30.00 County Clerk 7.00 7.00 Clerk, Nurse, lfun. Court. 67.70 67.70 Co. Clerk 1.35 1;35 Co. Clerk 23.00 23.00 Co. Board, Clerk, Supt. 134.58 13,_ 58 Reg. of Deeds, llerk,etc. 63.25 63.25 Graphic Chart, Bayf. Co. 1/=.75 14.75 Real testate Re_)orts, Assessor 10.10 10.10 Assessments, Supt. 61.1-25 61.25 Delinquent Tax List 1,098.80 1,098.80 Assessment 12.00 12.00 Supt. Sheriff, Co. Board 96.00 86.00 Counter Board 65.83 65.83 Election, Clerk, Supt. 190.80 190.80 Circuit Court 712,.60 72.60 Ro:.d & Bridges, Bcunty. 46.85 46.85 Assessment 23.90 23.90 Assessment,. E'lection. 84.70 84.70 Bounty, Dogs, _'lection 106.25 106.25 Election, rtounty 84.50 84.50 Election, Supt of Schools 303.75 303.75 Supt. of Schools 131.10 11�1. 10 Books 1,020.41 1,020.41 5f)`� Adjourned Annual Meeting, Nov. 29, 1921 Or a. .f:. h a n^%L - bills were duly lowed as L _ ....Naner..of_Claimants-.- ..- Purpose Claimed Allowed lassment H. C. MilA r Co. Dog blanks 2.60 2.60 " Assessor of Income -Books r 43.95 43.95 " Books Co. Clerk's office ✓ 9.7.50 97.50 'z Supplies 14.21 14.21 ' Election records, etc. 6500 65.00 , " Punch for wolves r 3:11 3.11 " Books, Reg. of .Deeds 92.50 92.50 Redemption Records 32.50 32.50 n Supplies 1 r _ 3.91 3.91 t' Pads for notes 14.25 14.25 " Election Envelopes 7.50 7,50 i' :elections„ etc. ✓ 35.60 35.60 " Ij?arriage License Blanks 35.5.0 35.50 Miscellaneous ✓ 292.50 292.50 " Bond record 27.50 2?.50 E' Orders & Invoices ,% 59.50 59.50 " Books &_Records .for new System Co. Clerk's office 232.50 232,50 ?' Tax -receipts_ 1-60.00 160.00 47 f 72.00 72.00 19.50 . s' Assessment Rolls r 98.00 98.00 i' Tax -rolls 110a00 110.00 " Judgment Book 35400 35.00 Mortgage Records ✓ 0_,0 .00 Iron River Pioneer Miscellaneous 158.50 158.50 f On .motion, . the above bills were duly flowed as _recoinmhied:. To the Hon. County Board, Bayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: We; the undersigned Committee on GROUNDS & BUILDINGS, beg leave.to report, - that we -have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as stet forth in the folumn marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instrusted to issue orders for payment of same. Signed:Ole Handber VIM. Arneson Geo. Posey Name :f Claimant Purpose Claimed 'Allowed l'ashburn.Electric Lt. & Pr. Co. Lighting 34.4.0 Andrew Nelson Varnishing Floors 93.60 Amos Hanson Drinking Cups, etc. 49.00 Northwestern Fuel Co. Coal 559.02 John Score Hauling Coal 31.77 Geo. F. Morgan Insurance, Court Hs. 45.70 Raarup Bros. Supplies, Jail 2.50 B. Ungrodt Supplies, Court House 67.15 George Fluck Plumbing 4.95 Ole Ramstad Shoveling Snow 8.00 Eggle Chemical Company Supplies, Crt. House 108.70 B. Ungrodt. Supplies, Jail 71.70 Northwestern Fuel.Co. Coal, Jail- 63.60 hshburn ';Dater Torkd Water Rent bl.25 C. M. Swanby Plumbing 25490 Andrew 'Nelson Painting Jail 150.80 Washburn Electric Lt.. & Pr. Co. Lighting & "aterial 59.54 Olson & Olson Drayage 1209 North Western Fuel ' Co . Coal 31.80 Northland Products Co. Sweeping Compound 2.25 The -Crescent Paitn & Efg. Co. Supplies, Court House 34.50 Rochester Germicide -Co. Supplies, Court House 18.55 National Sales- &.`,service Co. Office Supplies- 23.40• Associated Ivifg•. -Co. Supplies, Court -House 12.90 Johnson & Haugen Labor on,Garage- 128.25 John'Theriault• Labor on Garage 20.75 Washburn Electric Lt. & Pr. Co•. Lighting & haterial 3300 B. Ungrodt Supplies 33.13 "Tashburn Electric Lt. Pr. Co. Lighting 18.80 H.-P. Axelberg• Insurance, Garage 31.75 Nelson &: Haugen Labor, Jail 6.00 George Pluck Plumbing 2.50 North Western Fuel Co. Coal, Jail 25.25 C. M. Swanby _ Labor, Jail 3.30 Hanson Lbr. Co-. Material 195.10• Washburn Water -Works Water Rent 51.25 A. Froseth Ass-ig. Ole. R. Olson Labor, Sheriff's Garage 63.50- 34.40 93.60 49.00 559.02 31.77 45.70 2.50 67.15 4.95 8.A 108.50 71.70 63.60 51.25 25.90 150.80 59.54 12.79 , 31.80 2.25 34.50 18.55 23.40 12.90 128.25 20.75 33,90 33.13 18.80 31.75 6.00 2.50 25.25 3.30 195.10 51.25 63.50 L. Adjourned Annual iiieeting, Nov. 2-9, 1921 ------------------------�------ ---- - --------------------------------------- Name of Claimant Purpose Claimed Allowed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,B.. Ungrodt E. Bergman ffashburn Elec. Lt. Co. 0._A. Lium #ashburn Elec. Lt. Co. A. R. Nelson C. G. Canfield H. 'P. Axelberg Nofthgestern Fuel Go. 'fachsmuth Lbr..' Co. _ Geo. R. Moore C. -G. Canfield Olson .&' Olson - Nor'thwestern Fuel Co. E. Bergman Ex1te Chemical Co. Gee. 7I. Posey - John John Score Supplies, Court House. 55.27 55.27 Supplies .80 .80 Lighting 20.20 20.20 " U 16.50 1&.50 Laying sidewalk 40.00 40.00 Lighting 16.90 16.90 Labor, Court House 12.75 12.75 Drinking Fountain 7.00 7-.00 Insurance, Jail 49.90 49-.90 Coal, Court.House 546.92 546.92 'food 89.25 89.25 Supplies 7'.30 7.30 Plumbing 19.00 19.00 Drayage 2.31 2.31 Coal 89.10 89.10 Supplies 12.75 12.75 Supplies 10..80 10. 0 Supplies, Jail .70 -.70� Hauling `,flood . 62.50 62.50 -On motion, -the above bills were duly alloyed as recommended. On roll call, the following resolution was adopted unanimously. .BE' IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of- Bayfield County, assembled iri Annual Session this 29th day"of November, 1921, that there be, and there is hereby appropriated the sum of q'i'�1,800.00 for the Indigent Soldier's Relief Commission, and that said.sum be included in the estimate of the Finance and Budget Committee in preparation of the budget for the year extending from November 1, 1.921, to Oct..31, 1921, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said Indigent Soldier's Relief Commission be :hereavith.given.authority to use not more than $100 of said appropriation for the purpose of carrying on investigations of the; needs, of persons making application for assistance from such Indigent Soldier's Relief Fund. To the Hon. County Board, Bayfield County, `,I1is. Gentlemen: I Respectfully submitted, Don C. Bell We the undersigned Committee on SHERITTF, JUSTICE & COS STABLE leave to report that.we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders.for apayment of same. Signed: A. 111. 74'arden Peter Kjarvick Otto Regelein Name of Clail�,iant 'Purpose Claimed Alloyed Underwood Typewriter Co The Detective Pub. Co. F. X•. IVlineau Allan Gordon J . M. Long Fieg.e Bros. Andy. Murray Andy. Murray Andy. Murray Andy. Murray Henry Johnson Richard Hughes. Phillip McQuade A. Froseth Andy I!iurray Fi it Segal Dry Goods Store James MI. Long Andy Murray C. F. Morris Andy Murray Fixing Typewriter 25.00 25.00 Handcuffs 7.66 7.66 Const. Tees 8.50 - 8.5f10 Reporters Fees 21.16 21.16 Board Prisoners 179•.60 .179.60 Fixing Sheriff's Car 4.20 4.20 State vs S". Dumont 10.45 10.45 Expenses 7.25 7.25 Reward for Dodge loam--_, etc. 237.•60 237.60 Expenses in re -Dodge 127.4.2 127.42. Pictures, State vs Gallik 10.00 10.00 Witness, Tv1un. • Court 5.08. 5.08 11 rl p 2.54 2.54 " Orders paid 12.06 12.06 Fees, Adel idz�Roggr�. insane 67.65. 67.65 Expenses, H. Hachdanner 180.15 180.15 " Dan Blzevik 7.98 7.98 ClothinIg Anetta Voght, insane 49.43. 49.43 Boarding prisoners 59.20 59.20 Conveying F & A Voght to.Sparta 90.08 90.08 L'xp. State vs Fiege 2.50 2.50 State vs Asplund 59.76- 59.76 Adjourned Annual Meeting, Nov. .29, 1921 Continued --Sheriff, Constable & Justice Bills. ..r...+.n-.-..rwrr-rrrrr-rrrr.rr-r-rrrrrswr4rrr-rrrrsrrrrorrrrr....rrsrrrrsrrrrrrrrrrrasrr- Name of Claimant Purpose Clairned Allowed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C,. A . Shoresman S,. ff. Ithrk 4ndy Murray _ F.. A. Bell Q. M. Axness_ A.. Froseth n u rr n Northern State Bank R . R . Th oms o_n C.. F. Morris, Alice Hobbs: J.. X-,;. Long Bayfield Co.. Bank A. Froseth,.Treas. n. tr: tt Andy Murray Northern State Bank Bayfield Co. Bank F. A. Bell Northern State Bank A. Froseth J. Yderstad A. Froseth James N1. Long Andy .Murray It 1, A. Froseth, Treas. Fiege Bros. D. W. Corning Bayfield Co. Bank A. Froseth r, n Bayfield Co. Bank Geo. Calder H. P. Axelberg Andy Murray J. V. Long A. Froseth, Treas. ,wardner & Holman =I, P. Axelberg Tr ears. J. Corrier A. Froseth, Treas. Andy Murray H. P. Axelberg A. A. Axley Bayfield Pharmacy Andy Murray J. M. Long C. F. Morris A. L. Lien Town of Iron River Geo. Calder D. W. Corning Thos. Upthegrove A. Froseth, Treas. Andy Murray �. U. Long A. A. Axley T. R. Spears H. P. Axelberg F. G. Johnson J. W. Tarter J. M. Long James Riley Callaghan Co. James ICI.. Long Aldan Gordon J. Yderstad J. 1'1. Long Andy Murray Tire & Battery Exchange F. X. Mineau Maybelle Allen Cable State Bank A. Froseth, Treas. Andy Murray Allan Gordon Andy Murray Allan Gordon J. M. Long If It If A. Froseth Supplies, F. Voght, Insane 21.'89 21.89 " Delia Decker 29.46 29.46 Car hire to Drummond 11.00:' 11.00 Stamps, Circuit Court 2.*00 2.00 Paid Oliver Olson, 'St. vs Flynn 9.00 '9.00 Testimony State vs Iffachsmuth 2.50 2.50 If it in Vogh matter 23.37 2.3.37 Miun. Court orders paid 17.00 17.00 Orders paid 29.'66 29.66 Testimony State vs Flowers 1.50 1.50 Expenses 3.60 3.60 Testimony, Mun. Court 4.00 4.00 Boarding Prisoners 8.40 8.40 Circuit Court orders, etc. 35.00 35.0'0 Orders paid 15.00- 15.00 n r, 2.00 2.00 Bailiff, Circuit Court 42.00 42.00 Orders paid 6.1.2 6.12 „ if 48.94 48_.94 Stamps Circuit Court 3.00 3.100 Orders paid 29.20 29.20 t, n 43.32 43.32 1,0.80 10.80 Transcript, State vs Joanis 1.0.00 10.00 Boarding Prisoners 94.80 94.80 Summoning Jury 44.86 44.86 Conveying Joanis, iffaupun. 57.17 57.1.7 Orders paid 18.06 18.06 Repairs, Sheriff's car 80.96 80.98 Supplies, Jail 2.64 2.64 Orders Paid 20.00 20.00 n r, 5.28 5.28 n n 570..74 570.74 t, If 94.28 94.28 Postage 2.00 2.00 Fees County Court 15.70 15.70 Expenses, etc. 12.11 6.40 12.11 6.40 Boarding Prisoners 1.08 1.08 T!aun. Orders paid Supplies, King Smith, insane 41.95 41.95 Fees, County Court 62.70 1.08 - 62.70 1.08 t, if. " Mun. " 1.08 1.08 Conveying King Smith, insane 79.96 79•96 1.75 Stamps 1.75 6.00 6.00 Medicine prisoners 2.25 2.:215 Supplies, Sheriff Trip Mendota, John Smith an=I 91.87 91.87 other expenses 42.40 42.40 Boarding Prisoners 2.50 2.505.70 Exp.. Dist. Attorney 5.70 Supplies, Insane 150.00 150.00 Rent, Mun. Court 2.00 2.00 Stamps Supplies, JdLil 1.14 1.14 Circuit Court, Exp. 11.85 6.85 11.85 6.85 County Court orders 159.39 159.39 .Exp. Elsie Fisher 5.20 .5•20 Boarding Prisoners 4.20 4.20 Fees, County Court u 4.20 9.20 ,i n t, „ - 35.59 It tr r, tr 1-.35.59 14.80 14.80 „ It n 14.80 14.80 Boarding Prisoners 45.20 45.20 9.47 Const; Fees. 9.47 7.50 7.50 Books Mun. Court 12.40 12.40 Board Prisoners Testimony, State vs .fdilliams 13.44 13.44 Paid Orders 52.83 52.83 Boarding Prisoners 130.10 130.10 296.10 State vs Dodge 296.10 Sheriff's Car .90 8 8.0 9 8'0 Const. Fees Testimony,; State vs Hashey .90 8.05 8.05 Mun. Court Orders 113.50 113.50 33.91 Orders 1)aid, etc. 33.91 2.70 2.70 P,P. Coll. Fees Testimony, 11fun. Court 39.37 39.37 Conveying Prisoners 20.34 39.37 20.34 39.37 Taking testimony Mun-Court. 17.54 17.54 Summoning Jury 240.40 240.40 Board Prisoners 2.00 2.00 Testimony IFun. Court 51l Adjourned Annual Meeting, Nov. 29, 1921 Continue. --Sheriff, Justice and Constable Bills. ®o_ ___a Ivar�le of Clai-giant --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ®---Y�'urpose ®_---_®_____-----®---Maimed __ Allowed Ole holm State vs A3oderstrom 16.85 16.85 `:7alter Ferge Constable :Lees 5.16 5.16 Oliver Olson " 12.16 12.16 J. Yderstad Circuit Court orders paid 111-.68: 111.68 T?.yderstad Justice Fees .87 .87 P. N. -versos-. I Constable Fees State vs Devoe 4.45 o1 4.45 Ole Holm ` N " Goetzenberger et al 6.55 d-,&t 6.55 Thomas Upthegrove Clerk fees, Pearson 11.85 11.85 -?. P. .xelber Fees, Co. Court 19.43 'c.. 19.43 RElIORT OF SECOND MUNICIPAL COURT. Nov. 1, 19`_�0 1921 `Mate vs Axel Thorson alias Fees in Second ITunicipal Court WITI K SS FOR THE STATE: John Murphy MLi leage 4, Days 1 2.32 2.32 1,rs. John Murphy " 4, " 1 2.32 2.32 Esther Springer. " 20 " 1 `,16 2.16 E. J. S��ringer :: 2, " 1 2,16 - w16 • James Riley, Deputy Sl-neriff " 2, :service 2 25 Service of Subpoen's Four Persons Attending Court Conveying Prisoners ----------------------------- State vs Ed. Beckman Violation of Game Laws OFFICER A. 13owell, Game vlarden State vs John K. -ia.ki Violation o1 liquor law Bound over to Circuit Court T Chas. Ana, interpr-ter-;`i1eage one day T-Iartin,gritala, Constable It 18 service one-half day attendance in court Conveying Prisoners Assistance ---------------------------- t a - State vs Hatt Ylimaki ' ' °'Violation of liquor law Bound over to Circuit Curt 0) F, F ICuR J Talorien, Constable Mileage 20, Travel, Service One-half attendance in Court Conveying prisoners Assistance I=iartin Rantalla State vs Ole K::ttlestead Oi+FIC,R F. X. Mineau, Constable Drunkeness Arrest 2 miles One-half day at Court State vs awrence Cartell Drunkeness OFFICE: F. X. TaXi.neau, Constable Arrested, Vileage 2 One-half day at Court -------------------------- 1.00 .50 .75 4.00 0 2.05 2.05 1.16 2.05� . .50 .50 e 00 �l. /ii • 00 2.00F. 2.00 2.25 .50 3.00 2. 00J 7. 75 .45 .50 U G ® 95 .45 .50�.95 Adjourned Annual Meeting, Nov. 29, 1921. ` Continued --Sheriff, Justice and astable Bills. r''_ -------------------- Name of Claimant Purpose Claimed Allowed ------------------ State vs Theo. Rogers- - - - - - - Pointing gun -'-Dismissed Leonard Lund WITNESSES FOR.THE STATE. R. W. Tallant 4 miles - - one-half day 1.32 Frank Tallant - - 1.32 Jas. Riley Dep't Sheriff 6 " arrest 1.1,Q one-half day • 75 'r Conveying prisoners 1.50 6t. 5.99 State vs Matt Ylimaki - - - - - - Violating liquor laws Bound over to Circuit Court Chas. Lura, Interpreter 2 miles and one-half day WITNESSES FOR THE STATE. Esther Springer 2 miles and one-half day wm. J. Jeffries 2 Phillip Elliot 2 OFFICER, F. X. Mineau, Constable 10 miles arrest, etc. 6 subpoens witness 3 witnesses one-half day at court conveying prisoners State vs Search Tarrant Liquor in possession of Proceedings, Not -found OFFICER F. X. Mineau, Constable Travel Searching premises Report from Municipal Court. State vs John Gordon Fees in Municipal Court- Jas. B. McLucas, Const. Mate vs Alf.re& Tourville - 'Fees in Municipal Court 0 " Ole Holms, Const. State vs V. Raymer Fees in Municipal Court Municipal " Ole Holms, Const. State vs Richard kluge et el Fees in municipal Court " Ole Holms, Const. State vs Fred Gode Fees in Municipal Court " Ole Holms, Const. State vs Sam Roy Fees in Municipal Court " J. B. YcLucas, Const. State vs Jake Dibbell Fees in Municipal Court " Ole Holms, Const. State vs Geo. Newajo Fees in Municipal Court J. B. VcLucas, Const.. State vs John Soulier Fees in Municipal Court " J. B. McLucas , Const. State vs Frantz Butterfield Fees in Municipal Court " J. B. McLucas, Const. 1.16 I 1.16 1.16 1.16 ti 1.25 .60 .36 .50 { .3.00 10.a .25' .50 .75 - r 2.50 I 5.56 J _� 1. 2.50 1.20 II 2.50 s: 1.20 2.50 1.20 2. 50 I� 1.20 2.50 5.67./ 2.50 j 1.20 i P . 50 5.95 2.50 5.30 I 2.50 5.67 f Adjourned Annual ,eeting, Nov. 29, 1921 513 State vs Raymer Ole Holm Constable Richard " it f1 3t °1 Tom ]VIonette Sam Roy J . Mc Lucas 3' Fred Gode Ole Holm " Sam Roy J.B.McLucas " t1 '' Jake Dibbell Ole Holm 1t " Newago J.B.McLucas n °i John Soulier it Frank Butterfield It J' e9 iY Spllding 'J3 3Y Sam Roy John Gordon it It John Smith It a, - aY at Jack Abt t' " �1.20 a' 120 `'1.20 "5.30 g'1.20 ''3.80 ✓ " 1'. 20 "5.95 v5.30 "'5.30 `1.20 'Y5. 7 t15. 7 7'4.55 "5.30 'We,your Comm&ttee on bills hereby refer the claims of the Municipal Juge,C-alder, to the full board,as the full board passed the resolutiom,allowing him such fees. Respectfully submitted, A.M.�,Tarden Peter Kjarvick Otto Regelein. It was moved and seconded,that the claim of Geo. C. Calder for Municipal Court fees,be disallowed, Motion Carried. Report of Bills in Probate Court,H.P.Axelberg,Judge: Hearing Condemnation Proceedings Bayfield County vs. Northwestern Bond Co. :p2®50 Witness fees,John Bartness .$3.30 If H.P.Swanby 112.66 Hearing petition of John Rosenkrantz for treat- ment as County Charge for Tuberculosis.(refused) �$2.50 jleari.ng petition of Francis Gordon for treatment as County charge for tuberculosis.(sent to Pure Air) 112.50' Examination of Erick Johnson,fo insanity.(disinissed) 115.00 Examining Physicians,T.R.Spears $4.20 A.A. Axley "4.20 ✓' Hearing on complaint of Dist Atty,alleging thatAnita,Frank and Muriel Vogt are neglected Children.(Anita and Foank'committed to Sparta a15.00 Vlitness fees: Johanna Vogt $2.98 Ole Dagsgaard 112.98 7Tilliam Harvey 112.98 John Mathias 112.98 Theodore Bender 2.98 A. A. Axley, examining physician 4.20 To hearing petition and examination of Adelia Rodgers --alleged Feeble Minded (Committed to Chippewa Falls) Court Fees Examining Physicians: Albert A. Axley, 4.20 Tunis R. Spears 4.20 To examination of Erick Asplund, alleged insane (Comtaitted to 1 endota) Court Fees Examining P:,.ysicians: A. A. Axley J. R. Mitchell To hearing petition of Frank Johanes for treatment for tuberculosis as a county charge (sent to Pureair) Court Fe'e s To hearing petition o� Benedict Patka, for treatment for tuberculosis as a County Charge, (sent to Pureair) Court Fees To hearing petition of Betsey Erickson for allouance under "Mother's Pension Act." (Granted 5;�10.00 per month) Court Fees 4.20 Pf 4.20 To hearing petition of Jennie C. Young, for renewal of allowance under "SIother's Pension Act." (Reduced to y510.00 per month) Court Fees To hearing petition of Frederick R. Hamlin for treatment for ;tuberculosis as a County Charge -(Sent to dales) Court Fees To examination of Alice IFT. Waters, alleged insane (Committed to Mendota) Court Fees 5.00 v� 5.00 2.50 2.50 .5 2.50 2.50 5.00 Adjourned Annual Meeting, November 29, 1921 Examining physicians: Albert A. Axley v Jos. R. Mitchell To hearing petition for'adoption of Robert Ilelson b N% L..and Clara Hanson (Granted) •5.00 Court Fees To examination of Margaret Pollock, alleged .insane (Coinimitted to Mendota) Court Fees 2.50 Examining physicians: . G. Johnson .60 Tunis R. Spears. 4.20 Id. B..--(Dr. Johnson took patient and witness over in his oven private cRr. To hearing petition of i,illie Hanson for treatment for tuberculosis as a county charge. (Sent to Pureair) Court Fees 2.50 To trial of Matt Blazunay for larceny complaint by District Attorney. (Commi`,.ted to Iaukesha ) Court Fees 5.00 To hearing petition of ,Iilvina Joanis for allow- ance under "mother's Pension Act." ('Granted .,35.00 per month) Court Fees 2.50 To examination of' John IVIer_•ihew, alleged insane. (Committed to Mendota) Examining physicians: A. A. Axley 4.20 T. R. Spears, 4.20 Court Fee's 5.00 To examination under Sec. 4096 for arson. Matt Pribonic et al vs Harry Fulton. Court Fees 5.00 To hearing petition for -adoption of Oletta E. Stansberry and Ogretta K. Stansberry, by Charles F. Paul and wife. Court Fees 2.50 To hearing petition of Mary Barkovvitz, for treatment for tuberculosis as a county charge (Sent to Pureair) Court Fees 2.50 To'hearing petition of Susie Pagac for allowance under "Mother's Pension Act" for her four children. (Allowed* 15.00 per month.) Court Fees 2.50 To hearing on complaint of Anna I,I'. Thompson-, County Nurse, in the matter of John Buvala, an alleged neglected cinild. (Continued.) Court Fees 5.00 To hearing plea of guilty of Anton Bart. (Fines $200.00 or sixty days in County Jail.) Court Fees 5.00 To investigation relative to aid heretofore granted to Louise Schmidt. (Aid discontinued.) Court Fees 2.50 Examination of Flora B.-Long, alleged insane. (Committed to vendota.) Court fees and examination fees paid., To hearing•plea of guilty of Steve Kubas. (Fined 5100.00 and costs) Court Fees .5 00 To hearing plea of guilty of Samuel Hahn. ( (Fined 6100.00 and costs) Court ifeea`, (5.00 To examination of I:'.iThgmgs,L•S-totbue -,, alleged insane (Committie d t o I,Iendota ) Court Fees 5.00 Examining Physicians: Bernard Schlossrrian 4.20 Jos. R. 12itchell 4.20 515 November 29, 1921. Adjourned Annual L'Ieeting To examination of Grace Thorp, alleged insane: (Dismissed) Examining phys _ c fans T. R. Spears $4.20 A A. Axl e y 4 .,20 Court Fees y35.00 To hearing petition for renewal of petition of Freda `t,a ickstrom for allowance for dependent children (Two.) Continued at $15.00 per month. Court .Fees 2.50 To hearing petition of Victor Anderson,°for treatment for tuberculosis as a County Charge. 'Sent to ;Dales . ) Court Fees 2.53 To hearing petition of Olianna Anderson for allowance for dependent child. (Refused.) Court Fees 2.50 To hearing applicati<_n of Anna 1.1. Thompsb,n - for .;ommitment of Joseph Patka to the. -.Bradley Institute for treatment for deformity. Examining physician: Albert A. Axley. 4.00 Court Fees 2.50 We, your Committee, hereby submit the following bills and recorimend the allowance of same except the items on page and above checked with brackets, and submit the'above two items to the full board. November 28, 1921. Signed: A. M. Warden Peter Kja.rvick Otto Regelein The following report from the FINANCE BUDGET C0M�IJITTEE, was duly read and on motion, duly seconded, adopted with the recommendation to the County Clerk that from now on, it shall be his duty in every respect, to adhere to the instructions as recommended above. Also, a notice to all other public officers that such instructions shall govern teem in their future actions. The FINANCE and BUDGET COMIATITTEE desires to present for your consideration the following recommendations: WE RECOINEND that all departments of the County Government filing expense. statements, include with such fi ling, ,thereof, itemized receipts, setting -forth each and every expenditure of money made from each -Department. IKE RECU0TEIND, that the Board of Trustees of the Pure Air Sanatorium, file copies or duplicates of all original bills covering expenditures made for said Sanatorium, in itemized form; showing weights and prices on all purchases; said bills to be filed with the County Clerk. _iJE FURTHER RECOMIEND, that in the future, when 'the County Board contemplates a tour of the Counter Highway System, that no greater price be paid for automobile service than Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) per car per day. ME IRECOLEIEND, that the proper Town Official furnish a sworn statement to the County CleP.k in reference to the residence of any person or persons king applica- tion for aid and relief from the Poor Fund, and that failure to present such affidavit shall be sufficient grounds on the part of the County to refuse such aid. INEE FURTHER RECO1 AND, that all -gapers filed in the office 'of CLERK OF COURT, remain therein and that under no circumstances or on no condition shall they be removed therefrom except on -an order from the Court. It has come to the attention of the Finance and Budget Committee that papers of great value filed in the Circuit Court Clerk's office, have been removed from said office and never returned. RE RECOIA ND that the County Clerk prepare a form Budget Sheet and have sufficient quantities thereof, printed and distributed to each Department, thirty days prior to the Annual r_eeting of the Bayfield County Board, and that each department shal'1 make up an estimate of the required expenditures for the future coming year, basing,such expenditures upon the disbursements of the Department during the preceding year. ;'JET RECOM END, that in the future, the payment of the expenses of the County Judge, attending State Judicial Conventions, be dispensed with. Your Committee on Finance and Budget, desires herewith to lay stress upon and emphasize the absolute necessity of the County Board abiding by the deliberations of the Finance and Budget Committee. ffe further em_,)--,asize, that it is i.mparative, eac'- County Department keep its expenses within the budget allotment, and that only through authority given by the Finance and Budget Committee may 'the Contingent. Fund, as provided in this budget, be used for any purpose whatsoever. It is apparent through operation of a Budget System for which purpose the Finance and Budget Committee is rilaintained, is not adequately understood by the majority of County Board members. They should become thoroughly familiar with the fact that if a Budget Cormmittee is to prbperly function, that the decisions and deliberations of said Committee as presented for consideration through trle Budget report if adopted, should be thoroughly adhered to. E. Reichert, certified Public Accountant, of Madison, Wis. , in submitting the audited report of the County of Bayfield covering the period from November 1, 1920, to October 31, 1921; said: "Attention is called to the fact that almost without exception -the expenditures for the various purposes classified exceeded the budget estimates wi.ich constituted the levy for the fiscal year. Greater attention should be given to the curtailment o expenditures within budgetary allotments. A budget form has been prepared showing the expenditures for all departments for the past year, and which should be used as a basis in making the estimates for the current levy." Your Committee desires to call attention to a few items which appear in the Budget under the column headed: EXPEIMITURES ESTI1UTED and SUB1.1I`1'TED .rVITHOUT REC012MEFDAI I0N. The first item, thereunder, is an item of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) for Clerk Hire in the office of the County Clerk. We give this to tl�e County Board unrecommended for their final action. The second item, thereunder, is an item covering Eight Hundred. Twenty Two Dollars (P'822.00) for a new automobile for the Sheriff, and Twelve Hundred Dollars for the employment of an additional Deputy in the Sheriff's office. These two items are submitted without recoriunendation. The third item, t-_ereunder, is one setting forth the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for the purpose of keeping Highway Thirteen '13) open for traffic during the winter months, fronn Bayfield to the Ashland County Line. This item is submitted for consideration without recommendation. The fourth item, thereunder, is an item of Two Thousand Dollars ( 2,000.00) for the erection of a Soldiers and Sailors monument. Tt is likewise submitted for consideration without recommendation. The one item under the column headed, "Expenditures Estimated and Submitted with Recormuendation against Adoption," is an item for Fourteen Hundred Dollars HI�1,4'_j0) covering the purchase. of two lots at Six Hundred Dollars ()600) adjoining the present County Tool House, and the erection of an additional Tool I�ouse thereon, at the cost of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00). The reason your-Corrfnittee recommends that the County board refuse this - proposal, lies in the fact, that we consider, in the first place, the price asked for the two lots is beyond a reasonable price; in the second place, that the request for such purchase of lots and erection of said building, came to the Finance Conunittee through the wrong channel. Respectfully submitted, H. H. Peavey. Don. C. Bell. E. R. Tetzner F. H. Bartlett Geo. Karow. At six o'clock P. IE., a recess held until seven thirty P. Ell. Itieetingf called to order by Don C. Bell, Vice -Chairman, :7ho presided. Roll Call showing all members present. The following resolution was upon roll call duly adopted; all members present voting AYE. 11SOLVED, by the County. Board of Bayfield County at its Adjourned Annual 'Session, this 29th day of November, 1J21, that there be, and there is hereby provided the sum of "224.75, for the County's share under Section 1319, Statutes of 1919, in corpleting the bridge known as the Castle Garden Bridge. SIGNED: Ole Handberg. The following resolution was an motion duly adopted. The Chairman appointed as such Committee, Teter Xjarvick and Otto Regelein. RESOLVED, that the Chairman appoint a Cormnitttee of two me..'. e.rs to investigate t.-e matter of residence of E. Chantel.ois, a nonresident poor, at present living in the City of Bayfield, and report to the next meeting of this Board. SIG'I\.ED: Don C. Bell 517 The f011o-ring -resolution was read, and on Roll. Call, duly adopted; all members present voting AYE. RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County in Annual Session this 29t'-1 day:of November,. 1 21, that authority is hereby -given the Finance Committee of this Board to borrow -money, required for 'the running expenses of the County, not to exceed the amount appropriated at this meeting, at a rate not to.exceed seven per cent per annum interest, to pay County "rders and the Chairman and Clerk, are authorized and directed to issue promissory motes of 'the County therefor, payable not later than April lst, 1923. Don C. Bell. The Finance Gomm.ittee submitted the following stipulation, changing the compensation of .the office of Clerk of Circuit Court from a part fee office, to a salaried office entirely. MIJEREAS, the method of compensation of the Clergy: of the Circuit Court of Bayfield County, ixlisconsin, has been and nova is by payment in part by salary and the balance.by certain fees received as taxed in civil actions in said court, AND VFTEREAS, Section 59.15, paragraph 5, provides tiLat the County Board of .Supervisors may at any time change the method of payment to a salary basis by -entering into a written stipulation with.said Clerk of the Circuit Court, fixing the amount of the salary to be paid annually to said Clerk, and said stipulation having been made and entered into in writing by the said Clerk and the Finance Committee of said Board of Supervisors fixing the salary at Two Thousand Dollars per annum, and that all fees taxable and collectable by said Clerk under the provisions of the 1isconsin Statutes shall be remitted and turned over to the County Treasurer, of said Bayfield County at t':-e close of each month. NOW T10HREFORE, be it resolved by the County Board of Supervisors now in Annual Session, :that said stipulation 'be accepted and adopted and that the salary of said Clerk of the Cir.;.it Court be fixed at the amount of Two Thousand Dollars (�2,000) from after January first, 1922, and that said salary be paid monthly as other salaries of County Officers are now paid.. H. H. Peavey. Supervisor. IT IS IEHEB1' STIPULA`1'ED by and between r. A. Bell, Clerk of the Circuit Court for .Bayfield County, '71sconsin, and the Finance Committee of the County Board of. Su;a_, rvisors that the _annual .salary of said Clerk of Circuit Court shall be and is•fixed at the_sum of two thousand dollars per annum to be paid in monthly insta11- meats, and that.all fees received and collected by said Clerk as taxed collected under and by the provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes shall be turned over and remitted to.the County Treasurer. Finance Comm- ittee. Dated this 29th. day of November, 1921.. F. A. Bell Clerk of Circuit Court. ( H. H. Peavey ( F. H. Bartlett ( Geo. Karow ( L. R. Tetzner ( Don C. Bell On motion the agreement and sti-oulation was duly approved. The following report was presented: To- the Hon. County Board, -Jayfield County, ffis. Gentlemen:. `Ile, the undersigned Co}-Imittee on Finance & 'Miscellaneous Bills beg leave to. report, that we have examined the following bills, reconanended that same be allowed as set .forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to it,.=ue orders for payment of same. Signed: H. H. Peavey E. R. Tetzner F. -Bartlett Geo. Karow Don C. Bell 518 ------------. ---- ---.----------_.--- _- ITame of 'Claimant Purpose Claimed Allowed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doris Hansen Pure Air ,sanatorium 1-1ason State Bank A. Froseth, Treas. Louise Schmidt Eino Konu Lawrence Anderson D. Atkinson A. Froseth., Treas. Jessie N. Smith Jessie IT. Smith I:iiothers Pension .7. G. Siemer C. F. 'Morris tate School Apportionment Acct. A. H. Herrneau Town of Cable Town of Bell Torn of Pratt Town o`' Iron River Town of Tripp Theo. Bender Harry Olson E. F. Daniels Eugene ' Wilhelm Dias on State Bank State Treasurer I:tonroe Calculating Machine Co. Emma Hachdanner Bernard Johnson E. Blanchard Pure Air Sanatorium A. Froseth, Treas. Rust Owen Lbr. Co. Horace Barnes Edw. Sibley Tifg. Co. Eugene I u'Dbard Bessie Alcorn Chas Jensch A. Froseth Arvid Nordin American :-Express Louise Schmidt Ashland Cycle :'forks Albert Nemec Albert Nelson John Carlson U,in. Frels H. J. ',,Vachsmv.th Chas I�Cclii llann Byron Ripley A. Habelt A. Froseth Jessie i�. Smith Fox Drug Store I•iati onal Rubber ;_tamp Co. Fitz -Cross Co. Pure Air Sanatorium J. Yderstad I,1others Pension. Chas. Jones Eimna hachdanner',' !Mason State Bank ;j1m. Cadotte Arthur Radloff Geo. Wald 'Mason State Bank Remington Typewriter Co. John Thompson State Treasurer F. /. Clock, Town Treas, City Service Garage Gordon young Leslie North John Thompson Pure Air Sanatorium J. yderstad Frank Catlin Pay Roll Underwood Typewriter Co. Forsythe Constructi,-.n Co. Relief of Blind Work for County_, Board Pay -Roll, February Outstanding orders it It I1 ?..,{others Pension Bounty n Dog License Fees County Board_perdiem Supt. Expenses School Supplies Miothers Pension Dog Licence Fees 7istrict -attorney Exp.: Appor. Common ��chool Fund Bounty Poor Relief Coriununity Fair Transient Poor Transient Poor Surplus ' Deficit Repor :,ing Dogs tf It if County Board perdiern Dog License Fees Bonds, Reg. of Deeds, Surveyor State Taxes Rent of-jachine, December 1fothers Pension Dog License Fees H it It -:_onthly Bills, Llarch Teachers' Inst. Ind. Soldiers Soldiers Relief Dog License Fees Supplies, Reg. of Deeds Dog License Fees Expenses lvioney refunded. Vital Stat. Bounty Express, Co. Clerk !�.lothers Pension Co Nurses' Car Bounty r, F9 Board of Ed. Illegal Taxes, Town of Cable Supt. of Schools !t if 11 Testimony in Court Supplies Office Supplies Rubber 'tamps & Fads Office Supplies Pay Roll, 4,pril Stamps !,,'others ±lension Fund Bounty Mothers Pension County Surveyor's Bond Bounty t, n Teachers Inst. One Typeivriter, , Co. Clerk Bounty Income Taxes, etc. Income Tax, Drummond County Board Trip Boulzty to if Monthly Bills, "ay Drayage, Express, etc. Bounty County officers, May Repairs on Machines lfiuskeg Bridge Relief of Blind 6.50 783.50 15.00 62.88 15.00 2.00 10.00 7.80 521.86 45.96 29.79 207.00 5.00 100.00 24,045.84 10.00 32.76 75.00 395.91 3' 1.15 91.16 6.00 4.40 12.92 .9.00 10.00 51,291.97 10.00 20.00 9.60 8.20 2,241.20 93.75 60.00 5.40 .75 8 . __) O 69.01 269.74 .50 10.30 3.54 15.00 24.25 . `0 0 4D 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 2. 57 7.00 7.50 6.00 71.95 13.12 9.25 22.30 807.,50 5.00 26r7.00 10.00 20.00 2.50 10.00 12.00 10.00 2.00 120.00 10.00 814.88 1,568.31 12.00 18.00 10.00 10.00 1,863.74 4.94 30.00 .2,381.64 75.20 1,050.00 50.00 6.50 1178.50 15.00 62.88 15.00 2.00 10.00 7.80 521.86 45.96 29.79 207.00 5.00 100.00 24,045.84 10.00 32.76 175.00 395.91 371.15 91.16 6.00 4.40 12.92 9.00 10.00 51,291.97 10.00 2 G.3'' 0 0 9.60 8.20 2,241.20 93.75 5.40 .75 8.00 69.01 269.74 .50 10.00. 3.54 15.00 24.25 2.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 2.57 7.00 7.50 6.00 71.95 1'>.12 9.25 22.30 807.50 5.00 267.00 10.00 20.00 2.50 10.00 12.Ov 10.00 2.00 120.00 10.00 814.88 1,568.31 12.00 13 .00 10.00 10-. 00 1,863.74 4.94 30.00 2,381.64 75.20 1,050.00 50.00 Adjourned Annual Session, Nov. 29, 1921 519 Continued: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name of Claimant ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose Claimed Allowed Pure Air Sanatorium Pay Roll, July 803.00 803.00 Mothers Pension- Mothers Pension 247.00 247.00 J.•Yderstad Stamps, :Box Rent 6.00 6.00 Bayfield County -Bank Soldiers- relief, Justice Courts- 62.24 62.24 Bell Publishing Co. Supt. and Treas. 25.75 25.75 State Treasurer- Teachers Retirement Fund 1,207.50 1,207.50 Fred Travers Bounty 10.00 10.011) John Carlson " 10..0 10.00 J. H. Selby `-' 2.00 2.00 Carl 1.�Foore if 10.00 10.00 Olson & Olsun Drayage, Clerk Jail 16.25 16.25 Byron Ripley, Treas. Bayfield Co. Fair. 1,500.00 1,500.00 .kshland Garage, County Board Trip 11.88 11.88 Pure Air Sanatorium Monthly, Bills, August 1,137.15 1,137.15 Emma Hachdanner- 1,.Wthers Pension- �310 .00 20.00 Wm-. E.. Gleason Bounty 10.00 10.00 John Roman i° 10.00 10.00 Bayfield County :Bank Soldiers Relief 45.00 A.•Froseth Municipal Court Indigent Soldiers 42.20 42.20 Fred Travers Bounty 10.00 10.00 min Anderson `` 10.00 10.00 National Rubber Stamp Co. Co. Board Exp. 2.50 2.50 Zion Institutions '�upp.lies, Co. Supt. 27.00 27.00 Garrett '.Tutor Bounty 10.00 10.00 iT1�r. Frets 41 2.00 2.00 Anton ukila `` 4.00 4.00 Louise Schmidt T,.others Pension 15.00 15.00 A.-Froseth, Treas. Exp. posting tax notices 4.98 4.98 State Treasurer- County 1-3 share Iron River Road 57,000.00 57,000.00 .k.-P. Tomkins Printing, etc. 23.88 23.88 Sanatorium Payroll 805.59 �j05.59 Mothers Pen lion- Part pay roll for month 252.00 252.00 Bessie Alcorn Expenses 80.31 0.31 He-nry Richter Bounty 10.00 10.00 Frank Catlin If 10.00 10.00 Bayfield Co. Bank Orders paid 40.54 40.54 Elmer"llings.on Bounty 2.00 2.00 Chas. Verville _ i0 10.00 10.00 A.- M. Warden Per diem 12.12 12.12 'yid.- A. Robinson Car hire Co. Board '75.00 75.00 J.• J. Campbell Bounty 10.00 10.00 Co-unty Board Expense Trip inspecting roads. 842.14 Eziuna Hachdanner- -Mothers Pension 20.00 20.00 Jessie N. Smith Co. Supt. .xp. 102.43 102.43 Adoloh Anderson Bounty 10.00 10.00 Gordon T\1orth " 10.00 10,.00 L.- J. Lavin County -Board per di..-.m 13.64 13.64 Geo . Ilarow " " " " 14.08 14.08 F,: R. Tetzner " " „ „ 4.48 4,48 Town of Bayvi.ew Part payllient on tax 200.00 .200.00 P: A. Savage Bounty 10.00 10_.00 A: Froseth, Treas. Stamps for Treas.,& Clerk 27.55 27.55 Js Yderstad . - Court orders etc. paid 6.71. 6.71 Pure Air Sanatorium Bills for maintenance, etc. .934.62 934.62 Continental L Corn. Bank Int. & Pri nc . on San. 3onds 3,754.88 3,754.88 Louise Schmidt - - 2:uothers pension 15.00 . 15.00 County Officers Salary, June 2$91.64 2,391.64 Nels T,Iyhre Stamps 7-5. ")0 15.00 L; (�. Match Teachers Training Tuition 36.00 36.00 Barron County " if " 30.00 30.00 Trargaret Armstrong Salary, Co. Nurse 50.00 50.00 T< J. Kincaid Bounty 10.00 Frank Catlin " 10.00 10.00 ?dm. F r e I s " 10.00 10.00 Mi. G. Larson Fixing in 11teg. of Deeds office 2.50 -.50 Bessie 'Acorn expenses 34.46 34.46 Zion Inst. tag Industries Supplies Co. Clerk 11.26 11.26 Garrett Tutor.- Bounty 10.00 10.00 Jacob Gazdik " 10.00 10.00 Fitz -Cross Co.- Supplies 5.59 5.59 Mothers Pension Payroll 267.00 267.00 Sanatorium 4i 946.50 946.50 C. -:d. Smith Co. Road Bridge Com. 18.08 18.08 Geo. A. Curry if It `t 18.04 18.04 Fred Traverse Bounty 10.00 10.00 J'. J. i'ishe r Judgment 1I".2.79 1 '2.79 Adjourned Annual Session, Nov. 29, 1921 Continued: _-_j;•;rame^of _Claimant Purpose Claimed Allowed American Express Express 3.44 3.44 Emma, Hachdanner• Mothers Pension '0.00 20.00 Geo: Karow Per diem. mileage 18.08 18.08 . R.- Tetzner If T' " 8.48 8.48 A. Froseth Stamps, etc. _ 20.75 20.75 Louis Gordon :Mind Relief .25.00 5.J0 Fred Traverse Bounty 10.00 10.00 Clarence Unseth• - " 10.00 10.00 Sara. Sandin Blind Relief 25.00 25.00 Bayfield County•Bank Ind. Soldiers orders, etc. 234.00 Clausen & Oistad_ Supt. Schools' Bond "_2.50 2.50 L'mi 1 Anderson lounty _ 10'.00 10.00 Rust Owen Lbr. Co. Soldiers Relief 80.00 80.00 Louise Schmidt 1,1others Pension 15.00 15.00 John O'Sullivan- Refund on stam-ps, etc. 4.00 4.00 County_Officers- July Payroll 2,306.64 2,306.64 Fred Travers. Bounty 10.00 .10.00 Geo-. Brown " 10.00 10.00 Victor Hansen " 10.00 10.00 American Express Express 1.68 .1.68 A. Froseth, Treas. Vital Statistics paid 309.70 309."iO Amos Hansen . Suppllies Co. Supt. 4.90 4.90 1y . L . �Nioreland Bounty 10.00 10.00 Louise Schmidt t:`others Pension 15.00 15.00 George Karow County Board perdiem 14.08 14.08 Pay Roll County Officers 2,575.78 2,575.78 J. B. Maus Bounty 10.00 10.00 John Anderson if 2.00 2.00 J-. 1derstad County Court, -express , etc. 37.37 37.37 Frank Catlin Bounty 10.00 10.00 Alois Habelt " 10.00 10.00 Pure Air Sanatorium Pay Roll, Sept. 850 rS42.50 F. G. Kilp Bounty. 10.00 10.00 L. G. Jones IT 10.00 10.00 Pure :fir Sanatorium Monthl: Bills, September 1,685.31 1,685.31 T . J . Kincaid Bou sty 10. '.-�0 10.11 0 Merman Radloff " 10....0 10.00 Henry Richter " 10.00 10.00 J. Campbell ;, 13..00 - 10.00 �,d�:�ard Johnson - L �: 10.00 10.00 Erl'and Carlson IT 2.00 2.00 Mothers Pension• Mothers Pension 275.00 275.00 John Thomason 'Bounty 10.00 10.00 T.'J. Kincaid 10.00 10.00 i Rust Owen Lbr. Co. Soldiers Relief 20.00 20.00 Fitz -Cross -Co. . Supplies, Co. Clerk 17.98 17.98 Underwood Typewriter Co. One Typewriter, Reg. of Deeds 107.50 107.50 Jessie X. Smit'.-_ Co. Supt. Supplies 1xp. 89.93 39.93 Anna M. Thompson N=se's Exp. Aug.- 41.32 41.3,'-; Emmet Biss Bounty 10.00 10.00 -era=ik Catlin " 10.00 10.00 Juke J . Lavin " 10 . 00 10.00 Thomas Heritage " 10.00 10.00 Bayfield Co. Bank Soldiers Relief 80.00 80.00 Jacob IK1. Johnson Bounty 10.00 l0. 00 Henry/.Richter ". 10.00 10.00 0e_oz�ge Broom " 10.00 10.00 Tablet & Ticket Co. Supplies, Co. Nurse 8.44 8.44 1=-arkham-Drug Slbore Supplies, Co. Nun se 3.30 3.30 � r our�e - Harvey i� Sanatorium 10.20 10.20 Coitnty-Board Yen, bers Co. Board perdiem 501.12 501.12 Ei'ima Hacnda.Lqne-2 Hothers Pension 20.00 20.00 ---cCulloch Bounty 2.00 2.00 L.rnett 3iss " 10.00 10.00 V.•Tutor " 10.00 10.00 Fred Travors " .40 deducted postage 39.60 39.60 Carl Kloore' 2.00 2.00 1Tartinus Danielson " 8.00 8.00 Pure - it -anatorium 1-Tonthly Bills, Sept. 2,206.27 2,206.27 Norman Pettingill Bounty 30.0.0 30.00 John Thompson " 10.00 10.00 Joiman Overby " i).00 10.00 Louis Gordon Relief of :Blind 25.00 25.00 C.-F. Morris Dist, Attorneys Expense 100.00 1.30.00 Albert-.7elin Bounty 10.00 10.00 Ed. Anderson " 10.00 10.00 i John rare 10.00 Fred Shuy,-iway T' 10.00 10.00 K.- Knutson T' 10.00 10.00 L.-G. Jones " 10.00 10.00 Isaac Goulait 10.00 10@-0 Firs. Emil Hendrickson " 10.00 10.00 November 29, 1921, Adjourned Annual Meeting 52'i Continued-. Name of Claimant Purpose Claime.dt- Allowed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- L. P., Walters R. E. Boyd. E.. R. Tetzner Emil Anderson Washburn Printing Co. J.. Yderstad Mrs. Louise Schmidt H.. L. Moreland Bayfield Counter Bank George Brown Vernon Tutor Byron Brown Pay Roll . Frank I cNe i 1 E. Amundson George Brown Pure Air Sanatorium Ed iacCulloch Henry Johnson Bernard Anderson John Carlson Rust Owen Lumber Co. Bessie Alcorn Burroughs Add. Iliach. Co. K. Knutson- C-ontinental Scale `:`Yorks Ashland County Treasurer Cantwell Printing Co. Eau Claire -Book &,Stationery A: I. Lien - Jessie 11. Smith Zion Inst. �r'w Ind. City Service Garage National Rubber Stamm Co. National Sales & Service Co. J. Yderstad hlIothers Pension Pure Air Sanatorium Byron Ripley, Treas. Mrs. Geo. Young Andrew Scharf Emma Hachdanner halter -:,v. Moon Oscar Nelson Joseph Tober J.' J. Campbell Harry Moore A.- L. Moreland Gordon North Leslie North John Thompson Byron Brown Alex Ramberg Chas. C..YYork Bayfield County Bank Bayfield County rank Garrett Tutor Fred Travers Herman ffindall John Anderson K. Knutson, George lald J. Yderstad- E. S. Hungerford Elmer R. Olson Joe Diamon Eau Claire -Book & 'Stat . Co. Bayfield Co. Bank Town of Pilsen Northern State Bank Bayfield Co. Bank A•. Radloff• American Express State Treasurer -. 1*+1. Gidloff J-. Yderstad Burroughs Add. I:;achine Co. Mason State Bank ?ay Roll Bounty U Agr. Com. h1eeting perdiem Bounty County Agent Justice Fees, Express, etc pd. Yothers'Pension Bounty Interest Soldiers Bonus Bounty 13 County Officers, slug. Bounty t1 it Pay Roll, August Bounty County Road Damage suit Bounty P1 Soldiers Relief Expenses ^eachers Conf. Court House Bounty County Nurse -,Supplies County Training School Supplies County. Nurse Co.School Library Books Requisition Supt. Expenses County Clerk Supplies County Nurse County Treasurer Office Supplies E7rpress, Justice Fees, e Mothers Pension Monthly Bills, September County lair !Mothers Pension Bounty Mothers Pension Bounty Ef 33 11 r1 P1 {.1 13 r1 11 P1 Circuit Court, Indigent Soldiers Ref. Bonds, Highway Bonds Bounty r1 1, 13 t1 11 tc. pd. County Clerk Supplies;, Laid Dog License Dog License. Bounty Supt. of Schools Supplies Indigent Soldiers Iiunicipal Court State School A,:port. Outstanding Orders Prin. & Int. due on Bond Bounty Supt. Supplies Surtax, 1/3 Income Tax Dog License Fees County Clerk Supplies, paid Maintenance Bonds, 11un . Judge County Clerk County Officers, Parch 20.00 10.00 4.48 10.00 36.02 15.00 10.00 1,082.70 10.00 10.00 10.00 ", 473. 37 "10.00 10.00 10.00 776.00 2.00 10 00 10.00 10.00 E0.00 52.27 6.50 10.00 '53.60 165.75 5.07 113.30 6.25 58.44 10.88 39.85 5.05 27.00 3.84 265.00 1,851.00 6 312. 00 10.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 146.00 6,596.47 10.00 20.00 20.00 -10.0 0 10..:0 10.00 13.49 5.40 7.20 10.00 20.80 213.06 781.71 177.00 6,208.75 2.00 1.66 2,135.08 7.60 4.44 6.50 15.00 2,366.63 20.00 10.00 ..48 10.00 49.25 36.02 15.00 10.00 1,082.70 10.00 10.00 10.00 2,473..7 10.00 10.00 10.00 776.00 2.00 10,. 00 10.00 10.00 20.00 52".27 6.50 10.00 33.60 165.75 5.07 113.30 6.25 58.44 26.88 39.85 5.05 27.00 23.84 265.00 1,851.00 632.00 10.00 10.00 2i0.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 146.00 6,596.47 10.00 2-0.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 13.49 5.40 7.20 10.00 20.80 781.71 177.00 6,;08.75 •2. 00 1.66 2,135.08 7.60 4. Z�4 6.50 1.5.00 2,366.63 Adj-turned Annual 1,eeting, Nov. 29, 1921 Continued: ® Name of Claimant =urpose Claimed Allo.zaed AmericAn E'x_ ress -Co. County Clerk Supplies 11.48 11.48 'Pure j!ir Sanatorium Pay Roll, IiIa.rch 754.00 754.00 It`Iartinus Danielson Bounty ::2 a00 2..00 TH-others Pension l,!others Pension Fund 222.00 222.00 B. H. Davis Bounty _ 10.00 10.00 Cash Coburn it. - 10.00 10..00 Jessie N. Smith Supt's Expenses 49.14 49.14 Albert Shinoe Bounty 10.00 �10..00 Elizabeth Pilon :fork at Sanatorium 15.00 15.00 J. Yderstad Supplies 6.14 6.14 V. E. Anderson Bounty 2.00 2.00 Sam lbnundson- Dog License Pees 7.40 7.40 C. W..Sibbald Bounty 10.00 10.00 Herbert Ziehlsdorff _ " 2.00 2.00 Fels lklyhre Canvasc!ing Votes for Election 3.00 3.00 Bessie Alcorn Expenses 29.66 29.66 J. Yderstad , Express, etc. paid 3.66 3.66 J. J. Cambell Bounty 10.00 10.00 Byron E. Brown _ f9 10.00 10.00' Pure Air Sanatorium Monthly bills 2,495.79 2,495.79 Relief of Blind 5:elief of Blind 100.00 100.00 �. Froseth_, Treas. Stamps, etc. 20.75 20.75 American Express Co. Drayage 3.64 3.64 . N. Anderson Dog License Fees 6.40 6..40 13. A. Gidlof I' _ :, _ " 3.20 3.20 Louise Schmidt Mothers -Pension 15.00 15.00 Gounty Board Co. Board perdiem 4457`s'23 457.23 Pay Roll County Officers, April 2,366.67 2,366.67 Hayfield Co.;Bank Teachers Inst. Circuit Crt. 60.68 60.68 J. Yderstad Stamps, Express, paid 5.47- 5.47 Fred Shumway Bounty 10.0.0 10.00 nssesso-rs 1'lssesso s meeting 226.44 2,26.44 Wilfred Froseth Circuit-"C_.urt, _ Teachers Inst. 15.67 15.67 Y,L. Froseth Co a Co-urt 1.50 4..50 Sec. of ;Mate Fees', Notary Public 2.00 2.00 Geo. Karow Co. Board perdiem 14.08 14.08 Luke J. Lavin Comm. 7York, mileage 13.64 13.64 J. S. "Jerry Bounty 20.00 110.00 71m. ?I-iite a' 10.00 10.00 Edwin Olson ' 10.00 10.00 Tli j o Amich ' 10.OQ 10.00 Bernard Anderson " 10.00 10.00 Crthur Levin' U 10.00 10.00 Carl `,.Pestling .10.00 10.,00 ?lay Holl " 10.00 10.00 0. Yderstad County Ufficcrs, October 2,570.87 2,570..87 John Anderson Drayage, Court fees, 30.93 30.93 G. L. Catlin Bounty 10.00 10.00 C. R. Brown " 12.00 12.00 rn. !,-�Ieyer " 2.00 2.00 Ed. Lind " 10.00 10.00 H. L. Ijlorelarid '' 10..10 10.00 Robert J. Burkhart " 10.00 10.00 Harry Richter °i 10.00 10.00 1:0rchianciaz " 10.00 10.0:� Marry Anderson. " 10.00 10.00 Edwin Olson " 10.00 10.00 Emmet Biss " 10.00 10.00 4. ?. Smith Stamps 10.00 10.00 h. J. Ziehlsdorff Bounty 10.00 10.00 B. Niemisto T' 10.00 10.00 .,lex Mattson , relief of Blind 25.00 25.00 Joseph Causineau Bounty 10.00 10.00 S na`oriu:n. Pay Roll 873.33 873.33 Blind Relief" Blind 50.00 50.00 .Arthur Pady Bounty 2.00 2.00 2,lmer- Anderson " 20.00 lz .00 ,`ilex Ritchak 3' 10.00 10.00 Edi�lard Jo nson " 10.00 10.00 Otto Olson " 10.00 10.00 Albert Arhenius " 2.00 2.00 Arthur Radloif °' 10.00 10.00 Albert T`Jemec' " 10.00 10.00 Adolph Anderson 'i 10.00 10.00 Toiro Y1erila' " 10.00 10.00 . E. Reichert Auditing Co. Books 100.00 100.00 2d. McCulloc"il Bounty 4.00 4.00 %,Mothers Pension lJothers Pension .272.00 272.00 E. E. Reic:`ert Special Audit 400.00 400.00 Adjourned -Annual Meeting, ?`rov. 29, 1920 523 Continued:. ___Name of Claimant ___ __ Purpose Claimed Allowed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emma Hachdanner Anna M. Thompson ffm. Johnson Alfred Anderson Ed. Blanchard Sena F'roseth E. N. '�Wolever Bayfield County :Bank T . J., Kincaid Andrew Sar:iuel,son Chas. Johnson A. 11. '-Yoerle J. J. Campbell Chas. Sjaquist City of Bayfield City of Bayfield Town of Iron River L. Anderson H. -� . Axelberg Ray -Bailey, Town of Mason 1lTothers Pension 20.00 20.00 Supplies, Co. Nurse 51.63 51.63 Bounty 10.00 10.00 14 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Dept. Co. Treas.- 50.00 50.00 Conununity Fair, Cable 75.00 75.00 Ind. Soldiers, Court, etc. 113.92 113.92 Bounty 10.00 10.00 1+ 2.00 2.00 � 10.00 10.00 f� 10.00 10.00 � 10.00 10,00 10.00 10.00 Bills for maintenance of 248.00 Eugene Chantelois, a transient poor. (Recolmmended for disallowance until the matter df residence has been established.) Transient Poor, Dennis Curran 141.85 141.85 Charge To-\��in of Barnes for Prank Shuster 41.43 Charge Town of Hughes for Firs. L. '",Aright 50.00 Transient Poor, Herb. Decker 137.60 137.60 Expenses attending County Judges Convention 26.71 26.71 For Sheep killed by dogs 50.75 50.75 Transient'Poor, King Smith 73.18 73.18 The following resolution was upon motion, duly seconded and adopted. Roll Call. All members present voting AYE. RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County, at its Adjourned Annual Session, this 29th day of November, 1921, that there be, and there -is hereby levied against all the taxable property of Bayfield County for the following purpose for the year 1922, to -wit: State Tax Special charg6 upon County ��50; 327. GG 12,764.22 Respectfully submitted, H . H . -Peavey. -Report from the County Road (: Bridge Cor2mittee , was thereupon read by Chairman Curry, as follows: '01e, the undersigned, County, State, Road and Bridge Committee, and County Higi e^ray Cormiissicner, submit the following report of expenditures for t-1:e year of 1921,.and also mentioning a list of improvements to the State Trunk and County Systems of highways'for the year of 1922. In the first place, comes what are known as the Federal Aid imp-roverients, which are paid for in equal amounts by the Federal, State and County funds. This work is located and carried out under the direction and supervision of the State Department. in Bayfield County this Federal Aid amounts to $105,229.16, as provided b_- la,,v of 1917. This was divided to cover three separate improve- ments.- lst. Placed on State Trunk Highway No. 10 between Mcgvah and Iron River and. is practically completed. For this work �171,000,00 was made available, :!?57,000.00 from each unit. 2nd. Was placed on State Trunk Highway No. 24, between Grandview and Drumraon, and ,b66 , 000.00 was made available, one third County, State and Federal. Plans and specifications for this work are ready and bids will be ca-iled for in the near future. 3rd. Has been decided to be placed on State Trunk Highway No. 13, near Sand River, and for this work $74,687.48 will be made available, provided Bayfield County at this Annual-eeting make provision to raise one third of this amount o r n26 , 229. 16 . Then we have the State Aid for 1 )__'2, v�ihich amounts to The County must raise at least one and one half times thin amount, and one half must be expended on State Trunk System and one half on County System of highways. Then we have the 'improvements vJhich are in -al -Le by County funds alone. In the last year t:-:ere has been p -aced upon the COL111ty System of :highways by the Bayfield County Board ad:_itional mileage amounting to fifty miles. To provide for improving and taking care of this increased mileage, it will be, necessary that additional funds be provided. It must be remembered' that Bayf field County is a very large County, and com- pared to our resources, our road mileage is very large. At the present time we have on the tvio systems the following mileage: - State Trunk Highways 148.6 Yiles County Trunk Highways 123 Both systems total 271.6 We consider it very unfortunate that the County Board saw fit to increase the mileage of the secondary system so rapidly, especially in view of the fact tl�a.t the new mileage is in such condition as regards the standard of road bed, - also a. number of old wooden bridges which will call for heavy expense. `11e understand that two mills on the dollar of the assessed valuation is all - tllat "can be levied by direct tax by the County :3oard in one year for higlittiay purposes. Ba;yfield County must raise )26,229.16 to meet its share of Federal Improvement, and as large sums of money must be provided on account of increased mileage, ,rre can see no other way that the needed work and improvements can be made on our highways and bridges, exce1pt by issuing bonds in sufficient amount to cover, cost of said improvements. 'dith this object in view, we are slaking a list of improvements we consider most urgent, and in our opinion, must be made in the near future. ,rle are not including in this list any irnprove,,..ents of a high type of construction such as concrete or a Macadam road bed, bu' are aiming to 1. improve to (class C) standard, and replace certain-rhridges with concrete and steel construction, which in our opinion, are not safe for the traffic and load ,,rhich comes under the State La,;r. We are pleased to report that the 1921 program (although a large one) has been completed. Lie have followed the instructi_ns of the County Board which were given to us at the April meeting, to carry out the 1921 work even if in doing so, it caused a deficit in funds. The 22,000.00 made available for the Federal. Aid project between Grandview and Drum1-nond, has not "been called for. This money has been used to carry on the work of the Count,,T and therefore this amount of money must be made available subject to call of the State Department. We are pleased to report, that with the co-operation of the Division Engineer, all old State Aid money (in comes cases running back to 1913) amounting to some �p15,000.00 has been clew.-ned up and the money turned over to the County. Following you will find a suigrnary of the expenditures for the different jobs for 1921. Anyone v=rishing more detailed informati _.n may get it from the highway Commissioner's Clerk. Following this summary you will find our suggestions for improvements for 1922m We wish to call your attention to the fact that said suggestions for improvements do not provide for the rebuilding of the big bridge over Sioux River on the '7ashburn-Cornucopia Road, and for the reason that we believe that this bridge will stand another year of service, and for the further reason that the District Attorney has advised us -that the Gounty Board cannot legally vote bonds (for highs?ay purposes) in any one year in excess of two fifths of one per cent of the assessed valuation of the County and the accumulated issues of highway bonds cannot exceed one per cent of the assed valuation at any one time without a vote of the people. Hz)viever, it must be remembered that provision must be made for replacing this bridge very soon. Administration 4,275.16 Long Bridge Rip Rap 2,200.98 1,Iachinery & riepairs 11,602.96 Town of Bell (State Aid)' 2,750.16 Town of ';Mashburn (State ,,id) 2,900.64 Town of Bayview (State Aid) 2,791.80 Terwilleger Bridge (State Aid) 2,121.80 South Fork Bridge (State Aid) 5,466.31 Culvert S. T. H. #r24 (State Aid) 420.68 Cable & Drummond (Lower Danger Curve) 1; 054. 30 Kelly & T:ason S . T . H. #'24 2,877.46 T;-,wn of Bell Bridges 1,320.88 Siskwit Bridge 88.94 Herbster & Port VMing 1.75 Box Factory Road 1,055.50 General I,'Iaintenanc e 5,199.06 Sand River 2,561.22 Town of Barnes 783.90 Town of Port Wing 1,808.50 To.�in of Orienta 2,163.65 Town of Tripp 4,180.12 Namekagon Road 4,640.24 Bibon Swamp 5,399.88 Sioux River flats 3,542.40 ,uarry 81� Gravel Pit 227.80 Onion. River Bridge 7,218.40 S. T. H. 112, from S. T. H. 24 to Benoit 1,163.50 Emergency Fund 2,637.53 Town of Drummond ( County Trunk .a) 963.90 November 29, 1921, Adjourned Annual Session 52!) 'eterson Bridge 2,445.00 Barksdale Dridge 2,44-5.00 State Trunk li1aintenance 24, 969. `71 Town of Hughes 656.50 Crushed mock.Road 2,873.56 State Trunk Highway No. 125 2,514.09 lerbster Swamp 2,224.1L Drurmnond Dange_c Curve (Upper) 600.00 Town of Iroll River 697.00 Sweden Crossing 175.00 Federal Aid Project #t121 57,000.00 T-,iuskeg River Bridge 1,050.00 Highway Commissioners Salary 2,000.00 Undistributed Funds as per auditors retort 471.26 Total Expenditure 183,540.66 _FEDERAL AID To -meet, the 1921 Federal Aid between Grandview ancI-Drummond, 22,000.00 To,me'et :tne 1922 Federal. Ai.d on State.. -Trunk `iighway::No-,..-1.3.near Sand River 26 `29.16. STATE AID lst 50 . State Trunk Highway No. 125 and 11.2 to State Trunk Highway No. 10, surfacing.. State Aid a2,552.30. County Share �p5,000.00. ffe recommend that the second 50 o be spent on the Nariekagon Road, amounting to 42,5r52.30 State Aid. This must be met with $2,552.30, County share, and $2,552.30, Town's share, as provided by lave. COUNTY FUNDS ON STATE TRUNI:� HIGITUAYS. State Trunk.Highway No. 24 starting one-half mile wrest of corner below Bibon Swamp and running west about two miles. 3,OOC®00 Bibon to Mason corner, reconstruction 3,500.00 Nash to fashburn, widening and,graveling 3,C00.00 Bayfield to Red Cliff', reconstruction 3,500.00 Beginning center line section 27-51-4 and running east about 11" miles, reconstruction 2,000.00 Cornucopia and west about 4 miles, reconstruction 3,000.00 Village of Port Ting, State Trunk highway No. 13, (Top surfacing slabs.) 3,000.00 State Trunk Highwriay No. 13 Siskwit Bridge and'{Testlund culvert, filling approaches 2,500.00 State Trunk nigh -.;ay No. 125, Slaughter House Bridge. 2,036.00 State Trunk Highway 17,. 24, starting at Ashland County line and west one mile, surfacing, 800,00 Sioux River Flats on S. T. H. j`13, reconstruction 1,500.00 State Trunk Highway No. 24, Section 6-43-7 relocation 2,000®00 State Trunk Highway No. $112, Benoit to Ashlanc- Junction, reconstruction 5,000.00 COUNTY FUNDS ON COUNTY TRUNK HIGH,7AYS COUNTY TRUNK A. extends from jJrummond to Barnes and Iron River. COU NTY TRUNK B. extends from. Iron River to 'Port 'Wing. COUNTY TRUNKC C. extends from �'1ashburn to Cornucopia. COUNTY TRUNK D. extends from Grandview by way of Lake Namekagon to Cable. FUNDS: COUNTY TRUIKK A CU 11E7TY TRUT;IK B reconstruction cutting hills COUNTY TRUNK C . Cornucopia and south about 22 miles, reconstruction I;i.ASON--INTO ROAD 3,500.00 1, 500.00 1,500.00 Cutting two hills and surfacing same, location near south-west section 10-46--6 ,�'p,000.00 Reconstruction where most n.ecessary 3,000.00 There are several small wooden bridges on this road which must be replaced by concrete in three or four years and balance of road must be widened and graded. Adjourned Annual Lrieeting, Nov. 2 9th, 1�)21 I PORT .LING TO DOUGLAS COUNTY LII,1'. (ORIENTA ROAD) Reefer Creek Bridge (rough estimate, 50 foot span, 20 feet high.) 0,500.00 Bridge over branch of Fish Creek (rough estimate 30 foot span, S feet =igh.) 4,500.00 Cutting hills and filling approac'-es for above -.:ridges. 1000.0.00 Besides t _e above work- the :re is another bridge on this road known as, "Fish Creek Bridge," which -is an 00 foot span and stands 16 feet high. This is in very poor co ndition and must be replaced as soon as funds can be provided. Also hills to be -cut down, and a new floct must soon be placed upon bridge over, "Iron Diver," which is 1,'-5 foot span. ' The west half of road must also be brushed out and widened, and a large number of pole culverts must be replaced by corrugated culvert pipe. NAE7,W,KAGON ROAD. ( COUNTY TRUNK D . ) Reconstruction where most necessary 6,000.00 It is not e1<_pected that the -above amount will, be sufficient to reconstruct the entire road and more funds m..st 'be provided for t1iis. purpose in the near future. There are also a number of wooden bridges which Must be replaced soon, and will be quite expensive. SPECIAL TRACTOR OP1{RA`1'ING FUND. Fund -to be used throughout the county as determined by the road and bridge c-ommittee. 5,000.00 �, ACHIN RY & REPAIR FUND 10,000.00 1,11-kIN'T H, NAI<CE (COUN—L'Y SYSTK,`) 10,000.00 GUARD RAIL & M�ERG%'N(ff r'UND 5,000.00 <'5, 000.00 iDMINISTRATION If the above suggestions are to be carried out, it drill be necessary that the county board at the annual meeting vote :bonds to the amount of 111,000.00 besides the two mill tax levy. Respectfully submitted this 9th .day of lioveiiber, 1921. John F:riberg, ( County 11ighwa;7 Commissioner) George A. Curry C . T.-I. Smith George Vester lCounty State Road & Bridge Com.) It way rzoved and seconded that the said report be adopted, ,Published and )laced on -file. The following resolution was dul„-- read. It was .gloved and seconded !� that same be adopted. ROLL CALL. All members present voting AYi�. BE , IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board, assembled in adjourned Annual Session, this 29th day of November, 1921, THAT THERE BE, and hereby is levied the sum of tyro mills on the dollar of assessed valuation for 1,ighirra.y purposes for the coming year; AND the sai suni of ttvo mills on the dollar be, and is hereby ordered spread upon the taxable property of the County. SIG'ED: Geo. A. Curry. The following, resclution to outline work for 1922 for which Bonds to the amount of �111,000 are proposed, was read as follows: +'AS, the county state road and bridge conmiittee of Bayfield County has on this day submitted to the county board of Bayfield County, assembled at the annual meeting thereof, this 29th day of 11ovember, 1921, a report and statement of the highway work and improvenients wlich they deem necessary in said county for the year 1922, which said recommendation includes the work hereinafter mentioned, and will cost the sums hereinafter set -forth; 5r27 BE IT RESOLVED, by the county board of Bayfield County at its annual meeting, this 29th day of November, 1921, that Bayfield County shall provide and pay for its share for the maintenance, upkeep andimprovement of the highways hereinafter described and referred to,, in accordance with the report and recommendation of said county state road and bridge committee, and for the purpose of separately describing the' projects of said road and bridge committee and county, the following sections of this resolution are hereby adopted: SECTION 1. That Trunk Highway No. 24 be maintained and improved between Grandview and Drummond, so as to obtain Federal kid therefor, in the manner provided by law, and that the e�Aima.te of the cost thereof, as made by the county state road and bridge committee, to -wit: Twenty Two Thousand Dollars ($22,000.00) be, and the same is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 2. That State Trunk Highway No. 13, near Sand River, between Bayfield and Port 71ing, be maintained and improved in a, ccordance with the plan and recommendation of said county state road and bridge committee, so as to obtain federal aid therefor, in accordance with law, and that the estimate of the cost thereof, as made by said committee, namely, Twenty Six Thousand, Iwo Hundred and Twenty Nine Dollars and Sixteen Cents ($26,r 29.1fi) be, and the same is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 3. That State Trunk Highway No. 13, from the city of Bayfield% and north be reconstructed according to t_.le plans and recommendation of said conmiittee , at a cost of Thirty Five Hundred (4"3 , 500.00) dollars, and that the plan and estimate of the cost as made by said committee be and the same is approved and adopted. SECTION 4. That State Trunk Highway No. 13, in the Town of Russell, be reconstructed, improved and.maintained easterly from Four Corners at a cost of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), and that the recommendation and report of said committee as to.the work -,to be done and -the cost be; and the, same is herebY approved and a. dopted. SECTION 5. That State Trunk highway No. 13, in the village of Port Wing be.improved by..covering the slab fill, at an expense of not toexceed Three Thousand 7ollars ($3,000.00), as reported and recommended by said committee, and that the -estimate and recommendation of said committee as to the work to be done and the cost thereof, be and the same is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 6. That State Trunk Ilighway No. 13, be surfaced. from Nash to -'.'Tashbuvn, in accordance with the plans and reco=nendation of said committee, and at a cost of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00), and that the report and reco.rmendation of, said. committee .as to the work to be done, and the cost thereof be, and the same is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 7. That bridges and approaches be constructed and erected on County- Trunk Highway frog Port Wing through the town of Orienta to the Douglas County Line, in accordance with the -Man and recommendation of said Count, State Road and Bridge commZi-l.tee, and that the estimated cost thereof, to -wit: Fourteen Thousand Dollars ($14,000.00), as made by said committee, be, and the same is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION B. That county trunk highv7ay Line D. known as the Namekagon Road, bemc::,nstructed, improved and maintained in accordance with the plans and recommendation of said committee, and that the cost thereof, as estimated and proposed by said committee, namely, Eight Thousand Dollars (�18,000.00) be, and the sai: e is hereby approved and adopted. � SECTION 9. That the I.Iason-Ino County trunk line be reQu.nstructed, improved.and maintained in accordance with the recommendation and estim�_te of said committee, at a cost not exceeding Fs,ve': hduvancl� Ddllar n:(-$5,000,OQ). and that the report and recommendation of said committee in relation thereto be and the same is hereby approved and adopted. SECTIO1. 10. That State Trunk Highway No. 24, Bibon to :ason corner, be reconstructed, repaired and maintained in accordance with the recommenda- tion and estimate of said committee, at a cost not exceeding Thirty Five Hundred Dollars ,�3,5`,,O.00), and that the report and recommendation of said committee in relation thereto be and the saine is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 11. That a portion of State Trunk highway No. 24, as relocated in Section i3ix (6) , . `i'owns-_io Forty Three (43) North of Range Seven (7) Test, be constructed and maintained at a cost not exceeding Two Thousand Dollars (y 2,000) , in accordance with the report and recomm,iendation of said committee, and that the report and recommendation of said co.rimittee be and the same is hereby approved and adopted in relation thereto. SECTION 12. That State Trunk Highway No. 24, xunning East from Grandview, beginning.at Grandview corner, and running Last, be reconstructed, improved 528 and maintained in accordance with the re-,)ort and recommendation of said committee, at a cost nbt <�xceeding Three Thousand Dollars (0,000.00) and that the report and recommendation of said cormitittee in relation there- to be', and the same is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 13. That State Trunk highway No. 112, from Benoit. to Ashland Junction be -reconstructed, improved and maintained in a ccordance with the report and.recommendation of said committee, at an expense not exceeding Four Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy Lollars and Eighty Four Cents, (jd,�4,770.84), and that the report and -recommendation of said committee in relation thereto be and the same is hereby approved and adopted. I SECTION14. That Count, Trunk Line A be reconstructed, improved and maintained at a cost not exceeding Three Thousand Dollars (j)3,000.00), in accordance with the report and recommendation of said committee, and that the recommendation and report of. said committee in relation thereto be and the same is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 15. That County Trunk Line B be improved by making cuts and fills as reported and recommended by said committee, at an expense not exceeding Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) and that the report and recommendation of said committee in relation thereto,be and the same is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 16. That County Trunk Line C. be reconstructed, improved and maintained from Cornucopia south, in accordance with the report and recommen- dation of said committee, at a cost not to exceed Fifteen Hundred Dollars ( 1,500.00) and that the report and recommendation of said comrnittee in relation thereto be, and the same is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION .17'.' That the County share of first fifty per cent of .State Aid to be used for surfacing S. T. H. 125, beginning at Ashland County Line to Ashland Junction and S. T. H. ATo.'112 from Ashland Junction to S. T. H. No. 10, at a cost not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), and that the report and recommendation of said Committee in relation thereto be, and the same is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 18. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is the intention and policy of the county board of Bayfield County to appropriate and levy upon all the taxable property of Bayfield County the total amount which said county board is authorized to appropriate for highway purposes at this time, and to raise the balance of the money necessary to carry out the plans, program and projects of highway improvement, construction and rnaintainence, here- inbefore referred to, by issuing the bonds of Bayfield County for such sum as may be necessary., and that the District Attorney of Bayfield County be and he is hereby directed to pro -pare a resolution to provide for the issue of -bonds of Fayfield County for the purioose of carrying this resolution into effect. DATED this 29th day of November, 1921. Don C. Bell. It was moved and seconded that the said resolution be read and voted on by sections. !Motion carried. Section one (1) , on motion, was duly adopted.. Section ttivo (2), moved ar,d seconded that same be rejected. 1,9otion lost. It was thereupon roved and seconded that the whole resolution be adopted as read. 3,11otion carried, by the following vote. AYE: Nourse, Regelein, Juel, Soronen, Bartlett, Curry, Bradfield, Curry, Bartlett, -A. G. Johnson, Good, Froney, Taipale,. Tiihalak, Okerstrom, habelt , LaIt2ont, Lavin, Tetzner, Wachsmuth, Boutin, Stark, Bell, "arden, Arntson, Handberg, Potvin, Axness. NAY:' Pease, Kjarwick, Karol, Ewing, Iverson, TvIalm, P. Johnson, Peavey, Posey. Resolution adopted. The following resolution authorizing the issuance of Bayfield County :Bonds, to the amount of :Eleven Thousand Dollars ($1111000.00) as outlined from. former :resolution, was thereupon read as follows: �IiT;P�EAS, the county bc,ard of Bayfield County has this day adopted. a resolution providing for the improvement of certain portions, of the system of prospective state highways and of the state trunk highway system in :Bayfield County, and has therein decided upon the amount to be expended on the several certain specified improvements, :in propertions determined by said resolution; AND WHEREAS it will be necessary to iss-L--e the bonds of said county to the sum and amount of One Hundred and Eleven Thousand Dollars ($11.1,-000.) to raise the money to make the improvements as specified in said resolution; NOW TI-M-REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the county board of Bayfield County assembled at the annual meeting thereof, tFiis 29th day of November, 19n1, as follows: 529 SECTJ- 1. That Bayfield County raise the sum of One Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Dollars (yp111,000.00) to ?gay for said improvements -to be made in the year 1.922, and that said sum be raised by issuing non-taxable, semi-annual interest payment coupon serial bonds of said county, bearing interest at the rate of' six per cent per annu�n. SECTIOI\T 2. That said bonds shall be in a for:_i to be approved by the estate Highway Commission of the State of `Tisconsin, and the blank bonds, ready for signing, shall be printed under the direction of said State T4ighway commission, in the .,fanner provided by .law, Q T i 0 H 3. Said bonds shall consist of two hundred and twenty t-.,vo bonds (2��) of the._. par value of Five Hundred dollars (g500.00) each, the total amount of said bond issue, -.to be as aforesaid, One hundred and eleven thousand dollars (�)111,000.00), and said bonds shall be numbered from one (1) to two-hundred.and twenty-two (222), both numbers inclusive. SECTIOiT 4. Said bonds shall bear date the first day of April, 1922. Bonds numbered one(l) to twelve (12 ) , both numbers inclusive, shall be made payable, and becoLle-.due on the 1st day of April, 1923; Bonds numbered thirteen (13) to tv,lenty four (24), both numbers inclusive, shall be made payable and become due on the lst day of April, 1924; Bonds numbered twent-y, five to thirty six, both numbers inclusive, shall be made payable and become due on the lst day of ;aril, 1925; Bonds numberedthirty seven (37) to forty eight (48) both numbers inclusive, shall be made payable and become due on the lst day of April, 1926; Bonds numbered £.orty nine (49) to sixty (60), both numbers inclusive, shall be made payable and become due on the lst day of"April, 1927; Bond numbered sixty one (61) to seventy two ('72), both numbers inclusive, shall be 1:iade payable and become due on the 1st day of April,. 1928; Bonds numbered seventy three (73) to eighty four (84), both numbers inclusive,. shall be made payable and become due on the lst day of April, 1929; Bonds numbered eighty five (85) to ninety six (96), botli numbers inclusive, shall be made payable and bec.ine due on the lst day of April, 1930; Bonds, -numbered ninety seven (97) to one hundred and eight (108), both nur,ibers inclusive, shall be made payable and become due on the lst day of April, 1931; Bonds numbered one hundred and nine (109) to one hundred and twenty (120), both numbers inclusive, shall be made payable and become due on the lot day of April, 1932; Bonds numbered one hundred and twenty one (121) to one hul.dred'a.nd thirty two ('132), both numbers inclusive, shall be made ,payable and become due on the lst day of .April, 1933; Bonds numbered one hundred and thirty three (133) to one hundred and forty four (144), both numbers inclusive, shall be rnade payable and become due on the lst day of April, 1934; Bonds numbered one hundred and forty five (145) to one hundred_ and fifty six (156) both numbers inclusive, shall be made payable and become due on the lst-day of April, 1935; Bonds numbered one hundred and fifty seven (157) to -one hundred'and' sixty eight (16-3), both numbers inclusive, shall be made payable and become due on the lst day of April, 1936; Bonds numbered one hundred and sixty nine (169) to one hundred and eighty (180), both numbers inclusive, shall be made payable and become due on the lst day of April, 1937; Bonds numbered one hundred and eighty one (181) to one hundred and ninety tl,,io (192), both numbers inclusive, shall be made payable and beco.,,ie due on the lst day of April, '1938; Bonds numbered one hundred and ninety three (193) to two hundred and four (204), both numbers inclusive, shall. be made payable and become d__e on the lst day of April, 1939; Bonds numbered two hundred and five (205) to two hundred and--ixteen (216) both numbers inclusive, shall be made payable and become due on the lst day of JIpril, 1940; :bonds numbered Two hundred and seventeen (217) to two hundred and ttxrenty two (222) , bot. numbers inclusive, amounting to Three Thousand Dollars (.�3,000.00) shall be made payable and become due on the lst day of 1941. SECTION? 5. The interest on said bonds shall be made payable and become due on the lst day of October and the lst day of April, in each year, the first semi-annual payment of said interest on said bonds sha_.l be made on the lst day of October, 1922, and like payments on the lst day of April, and the lst ,day of October in eac:-1 year thereafter, until said bonds shall be paid and retired. SECTION 6. The Chairman of the County Board of Hayfield County, County Clerk of said C:'ounty, and'the Chairman of the County State Road and Bridge Committee of said county, are hereby instructed to negotiate the sale of ancL sell said bonds for cash, at not less than par. They.shall advertise and offer said bonds for sale to the highest bidder, and sell and dispose of the same, so as to have the money available for use in the early part of the year,.1922. SECTION- 7. Said bonds, principal and interest, shall be made payable at Continental & Commercial Trust � Savings Bank,. at -the City of Chicago, and State of Illinois. SECTION 8.i:hat there be, and there is hereby levied upon all the taxable property of Bayfield County, a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds as it falls due, and to -pay the principal within the time herein - before fixed therefor; That the sums so levied upon the taxable pro-perty of said county, and provided for the pur-cose of paying the principal and interest on said bonds for the several years when the same shall become due, is as follows: There is now levied and appropriated upon the taxable property of said county the sum of Three Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty Dollars (,;p3,330.00) which sum shall be placed in the several ax rolls of said county for the -,:year 1921, to pay and discharge the semi-annual interest which will fall due upon said bonds on the lst day of October, 1922; There is appropriated and levied for the year 1922'and shall be collected to discharge the principal and interest on said bonds due in the year 1923, the sum of Twelve Thousand Four 7T.undred and Eighty Dollars ($12,4230.00)., and there ishereby levied and shall be collected for the pay,�!ent of said principal and interest, as the same falls due, in each of the years hereafter, the following sums, to -wit: In the year 1923, Twelve Thousand, .One Hundred and 1,,'Tenty Dollars (y 12,120.00) ;II In the year 192;4,-Eleven Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Dollars (:r�11,760.00); In the year 1925, Eleven Thousand Four Hundred Dollars (y11,400.00); In the year 1926, eleven 'Thousand and Forty Dollars (1�11,0Z:0.00); In the year 1927, Ten Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty Dollars (4;10,680.00); In the year 1928', Ten Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty Dollars ($10,320.00); In the year 1929, :i' ine Thousand Nine -Hundred and Sixty Dollars ($9 , 960. 00) ; In the year 1930, Nine Thousand Sixes Hundred Dollars (')9,6J0.00); In the year 1931, Nine Thousand Two Hundred and For /y Dollars ( 9 , 24_,' . 00) ; In the year 1932, `Eight Thousaii 1-i1ight Hundred and Eighty Dollars (%%8,880.00) ; In the year 1933, Eight Thousand Five ,hundred and Twenty Dollars ($8, 520. 1-1) ; In the year 1934, :Bight Thousand One Hundred and Sixty Dollars (!�8,160.00)' In the year 1935, Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars (-7,800.00); In the year 1936, Seven Thousand !lour Hundred and Forty Dollars (°n7,440.00) ; In the year 1937, Seven Thousand and Eighty Dollars (p7,0.90.00); In the year 1938, Si.x Thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty Dollars (;I�6,720.00); In the, year 1939, Six Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Dollars ($6, 360.00) ; In the year 1940, Three Thousand One Hundred and Eighty Dollars ($3,180.00); ;SECTION 9. It has been determined and is hereby determined, declared and represented by the County Board of Bayfield County, that the assessed valuation of Bayfield County, as equalized by the Tax Commission of the State of Wisconsin for the year 1921 is the sum of 27 , 9%,3, 407 . 00 , and that said sum .of One Hundred and Eleven Thousand Dollars ($111,000.00) does not exceed two -fifths of one per century of the total assessed valuation of said county, and that the total amount­-,df 'bonds outstanding at any time by the sole action of the county board of Bayfield County, under the provisions of Section 1217-ni, including the bonds hl,_reby authorized, does not exceed two --fifths of one per centum. of the total ' assessed valuation ::)f said county, and that the total in ebtedness of said County does not and will not, including the bonds hereby authorized, exceed the five per cent constitutional limit of indebtedness. DATED this 29th day of November, 1921. Don C. Bell. 531 Adjourned Annual 1' eeting, Yov. 2::, 19`21 The above Resolution w.as carried by the following vote: AYES-34. NOS -bone. The following resolution providing for Federal State and County Aid, for construction and maintenance for the Calendar Year of 1922, was thereupon read as follows: RESOLUT!ON PROVIDII'M FOR FJDIMAL, STATE, Ai_\?D COUNTY AID CONSTRUCTION AND 11AINTEI?ATTCE IN T ITE, CA1, .E ITDAR YEAR 1922. The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County regularly assembled, does hereby ordain as follows: - SECTION 1. T-1E ,AS, the State FTighway Commission has not-ified t-I e County Clerk that the sum of P74,687.48, of which t'.is county must provide the surd of ,`�26,229.16, -grill be expended in 1922 or as sk on as possible thereafter, under the provisions of Sections 131,1, 1515 and 1316 of the Statutes, for federal and State Aid road construction on a project beginning at the NE corner Section 24-51-5 •;J, and extending along State Trunk highway i o; 13 in a westerly, direction about five: miles or as far as the_ mone7T available will construct, this determination is hereby approved and the sum of `�26,229.16, is hereby appropriated to pay the County' s share of the cost of said construction; and EFFAS, the Federal Stattute requires that any d. fi.cits occur=ng on .Federal Ai-d projects must be paid by the State or its subdivisions, and Subsections la of fections 1314 requires that the cost of sucG1 projects exclusive of the Federal Government's share and any sums received from individuals or corp--rati.ons shall be shared equally by the State and the County, said County Board. does hereby assume its share of any deficit which may occur, grid Thereby. authorizes the same to be paid by the County Treasurer on order from the County Mate Road and Bridge Committee from the.erahergency fund hereinafter provided. (note) . Your county may not have received this notice. While each county tirill, in due time, receive its proper.share of the State and federal money, there will not be work in all counties in 1922. If you have riot received notice, strike out Sec. 1 of the resolution and renumber n11 folloviinr_; sections. SECTION ll. 7,,THER_EAS, the State Highway Commission has notified the County Clerk that the sum of �;5,104.60_,has been allotted to this County under Section 1317m-1 to 1317m-15, inclusive of the states, (the State Aid. Lahr); and �!.AS, Section_ 131`'lm-5 recuires that 50 per cent of the fore -going sum amounting to :; 2, 552. 30 together with at J east one and one-half times this amount of county i'unds roust be expended on the State Trunk Highway System lying within the county; There is hereby appropriated, under the provisions oi° Sections 121_7m-1 to a_- p 4h i317m-15, inclusive, the sum of %�b,000.0.0, to meet the first 50 per cen o ���e State Aid allotm::nt to be placed.on the State Trunk Highvray System, this making available for this purpose the sum of ,�37,5b2.30, which shall be expended as fol:LovFvs: The sure. of .�7,552.30 for the improvement by surfacing of State Trunk Highlvay T?o . 125, 112, beginning at Ashland Junction ai7(_ extending to . S . T . H . 711 , to include all of 125, as•far as the money available will construct. SECTION 111. And in accordance with Section 1317rt-5, Statutes the second fifty per cent ,portion of the State Aid allotted to thi; county, amounting to $2,552.30, hereinbefore undistrivuted, is appropriated for the improvements here- inafter undistributed, is appropriated for the improvements hereinafter named, county appropriations are made for eaclh improvement, and taxes are levied against the mlanicipa-'.ities in which such improvements lie, in _accordance vAth the following schedule: ----•--- -___-_-_Mate-_�i d - ------County Aid® Tax 11uni.cipality Apportioned Against -Apportioned 1lunicipality 850.77 Tvamekago'n .�� 850.77 � 850.77 Town of � 850.77 1; of Pratt of 350.77 9, of Cable 850.76 8,50.76 � 850.76 TOTALS: 552.30 2, 552.30<', 552.30 (note). The former intricate distribution of the second fifty per cent was repealed by the Legislature of 1919. 1'hc amount ce State Aid al.ed to any Improvement and the location of the tii'ork is nowde"ermined by the County Board. The County appropriation i ust not be less, and the tax �;gainst the municipality not greater than one-third of the total State, County and local unit fun,_. The improvement dust be located on the County system of cirospective State Highways but off the State Trunk Highway f Subsection 1 of Section 13171ri-5.). System (p�uragra_,'_n 6 o f Namekagon shall consist of reconstruction The improvement in the Town 0 532 beginning at a point near S J corner Section '18-4--3-6 `,Y, and extending .along said system in an. easterly direction. T'­Ie improvement in the Town of Pratt shall consist of recon.straction beginning at the South townshil) line on County Trunk D, and extending along sdid. system in an. hortherly,"dired ti:on. The improvement in the Town of Cable shall consist -of reconstruction beginning at the East Township line of the 'gown of Cable on County Trunk D, and extending along said system in a.'resterly direction. SECTION lr The said county board does hereby appropriate the following sums to be ;provided by a Bond Issue for the purposes set forth. 1. For the County's snare of the cost of Federal Aid Improvements provided for in Section 1 of this resolution, the sum of Forty-eight `Thousand• Two Hundred Twenty-nine ds)llars and Sixteen Cents, ("46,229.16). 2. For the Coun�ty's share of the cost of state aid improvements on the State Trunk Highway.Systerz provided for in Section 11 of this resolution the sum of w5,000.00. 3. For the County's share of improve, -.,eats on the County system of Prospective estate Highways, under ��ection 1317ra.-4; ; 5,800.00) . SECTION V The said County Board does hereby appropriate the following sums to be provided by a general tax levy for the purposes set forth in accordance with the following schedule: S.T.H. No.— 13. Sisk^pit Bridge and ` estlund Culvert filling 6pproac .es, h Five Hundred V,, 500 � . I'Vro Thousand ( � S.T.H. No. 125. Slaug-,ter House Bridge, Two Thousand_ Thirty Six, S.T.H. No. 24. Starting at Ashland County Line and 'crest one bile, surfacing, Eight Hundred Dollars ($800). S.T.H. No. 13. Sioux River Flats, One Thousand 'Five Hundred, (41,500). Special Tractor Operating Fund, to be used'as determined by Road and Bridge Corunittee throughout t-le County, rive Thoi_san( Dollars (-�5,000) . 1_n,,chinery and repair Fund, Ten Thousand Dollars ($10 , 000) . - Guard Rail and Emergency Fund, -+'ive Thousand Dollars ($5,000). 1aintenance County System, Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,)00). Administration, Live Thousand -dollars, (�5,000) . Town of Namekagon, the sun of T,850.'T7. Town of' Pratt, the sum of To-vn of Cable, the sum .of l,850. 76. And the County Clerk is hereby directed to,. -Place all ;taxes hereinbefore. the County Tax, and to certify to all Town, Village levied against the County in and City Clerks the amounts herein levied against their respective 11lunicipalities. Signed: Geo. A. Curry. George Veste-r C. (r. Snii th. County State Road and Bridge Committee. Dated November 29U 1921. Vote on foregoing resolutions: AYi'5-34; NOES-I1one. It was _roved and seconded that same be, and is hereby, adopted. J�Jotion carried. The following resolution was thereupon duly read as follows: R E S O L U T I O N ,AHER;As Unde-1, the present law, Mate `j'runli Highway financed by three, units, --the Federal government, the St, each paying one-third, the States one-third being raised tax and the County's being required to raise an equal am general. property tax; ;;1u�R?�AS, �'Ie believe that the loading of the 's estate on a general property tax and especially the requirement Construction is now ite, and the Counties, by a general property bunt locally by a share of this fund that the counties shall r 533 raise an equal amount by a•general property tax is unjust, and has become a burden to many counties in the state; `,AFHEREAS, We are thorough believers in good roads but believe that the burden of constructing and maintaining these roads should be_ borne by those most benefited, the owners of automobiles and trucks.. To;iay,. the 60,000 miles of town highways are built and maintained by a general property tax. '.ple believe that the burden of the construction and maintenance of the 7,500 miles of 'Mate Trunk Highways and the 7,500 miles of County Trunk Highways, .should, instead of -bein put on the shoulders of the general property tax payer, be placed on motor vehicles. The motor vehicle has created the demand for good roads and is getting the-aenefit from them and hence, the owner should pay a larger part of the bill. T1dl'REAS, At present, no less, than 20 % of the motor vehicles registered each year are not assessed for local -tax purposes and it is a conservative estimate that 30`'0 offset their personal property tax against their income ,tax, and pay no personal property tax on their automobile. Practically every farmer pays a persona 1 tax. THEREFORE, Be it resolved, by the County Board of Bayfield County, that tlHs Board go on record as favoring a law along the lines of the highway appropriation bill known as 465-s, which was defeated in the closing days of the last session of the legislature. We realize th::A there were some features of this bill which could be eliminated without injury to the cause, but feel that in the mair, the bill was along the right lines and would have relieved the direct property taxation for road purposes and would have placed the burden of taxes for road improvements upon those benefited, where it justly belongs. BE IT FURTHER "F',SOLVED, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the Governor of 'risconsin and to the representatives of this county in the State Legislature? Respectfully submitted, Geo A Curr,r. It was moored and seconded that same be P.dopted. Idlotion carried, there being a few scattered votes against it. It was moved and seconded that the Road and Bridge Committee and the Highway Commissioner attend the Road School to b.e held in 141adison, Wis., the first part of January, 19212, and that the mileage and per diem be paid, also all other expenses, to such Committee by the County. Motion carried. It was thereupon -moved and seconded that the Board proceed to elect a Road Committee of three members for the coming year. The Chairman a_jpointed as tellers: -Messrs. Boutin and Froney. District No. -I. Result of the first informal ballot. Peter Soronen, 17 votes; Geo. ilarow; 2 votes; P. Kjarvick; 3 votes; H. Waschmuth, 2 votes; C. 15. Smith, 5 votes; E. R. Tetzner, 4 votes;, L. Lamont, 1 vote. No choice. Result of first formal ballot. Peter Soronen, 26 votes,; E. R. Tetzner, 3 votes; L. Lamont, 1 vote-; Peter Kjarvick, 1 vote;. C. V1. Smith, 2 votes. It was moved -and seconded that Peter Soronen be elected member of the Road and Bridge Committee from District No. 1. Motion carried. District No. 2. Result of the first informal ballot. George Curry, 16 votes;'J. VI1. Good, 1 vote; Geo. Karow, 17 votes. No choice. Result of first formal ballot. Geo. Curry, 16 votes; Geo. Karow, 18 votes It was moved and seconded that Geo. Karow be declared elected member of the Road and Bridge Committee from District No. 2. Milotion carried. District No: 3. Result of the first informal ballot. Geo. r•roney, 9 votes; 'L. J. L,:,vin, 16 votes, A. G. Johnson, 5 votes, Chris Iverson, 1 vote; Y. L. Bradfield, I vote;Geo. Nester, 2 votes. No choice, 534 Result of the first formal ballot. Froney, A. votes; Lavin, 23 votes; Bradfield; 1 vote. It was moved and- seconded that L. J. Lavin, be declared elected Member of the Road and Bridge Committee from District No. 3. ,10tion carried. The term of office for each of the me::.,...ers will be a period of one year. It was moved and seconded that the County Board adjourn until morning. Hotion lost. The following resolution in relation. to the budget for ,the coming year was t:iereupon read and on motion, by roll call, duly adopted. All the members present voting AYE. RESOLVED, by the County Board assembled at Ar?NUAL 1,U...IITG, thereof, this 30th day of 1Tovernber, 1921, that the report of the Committee on finance of said County, be, and the same is. hereby adopted; and it is hereby resolved that there be, and there is hereby levied upon all taxable property of Bayfield County, the sum of Two hundred Thirty Eight Thousand fifty Two Dollars and 11inety Six Cents, ( 238, 052.96) , for the ,_)uroose described and set fort_, on said re?�ort of said Committee of Finance, and the Budget constituting a pL-,2t of said -report. SIG �,D: Don C. Bell. Folloging is the Budget for Bayfield County, Xoveimber 1, l921, to October 31, 1922: .Expenditures for 1922 L'stimated by Finance Committee. Operation and maintenance Expenses General Goverpment r, County ' Bo�.rd 2,800.00 Couy:ty Clerk 3,600.00 County Treasurer 3,00..00 3,2U0.00 i'assessment Special Accounting and Auditing 300.00 District Attorney "o , Public °��"``7 a� �y 2,400.00 i o Divorce Counsel and 50.00 Administration County Court (Inc. Register of Probate) 2,000.00 f 1;Tunicipal Court ,450.00 50.00 Justice Court 3,500.00 Circuit Court --0.00 Coroner 4,455.00 Courthouse 3,500.00 Elections B. Protection of Person and Property `7,500.00 Sheriff (Inc. Conveyance of l�r�.soners:); �? 500.00 Register of Deeds n,500.00 Bounties C Health Conservation and_ Sanitation Vital Statistics 325.00 County Tuberculosis Sanitorium 15,788.00 Public :wealth 1Turse 3,000.00 D ?,TiF;:zvrays, Roads and Bridges Supervision (Inc. Road. and B`--idge Committee and friberg ' s .salary) 55 846. 81 all included in the Two Trill Tax 6,000.00 Principal , on Bonds Interest on Bonds r�, 6c 6' 00 535 11, Continued: Education Count, Superintendent, 3,600.00 County Training School for Teachers 250.00 County Board of Education 25.00 Supervising Teacher 1,750.00 Agrlcultuoal,Representative 4,075.00 s F_ , Charities and Corrections Outdoor Poor Relief,.. c_=:; 1,250.00 Nothers' Pensions 4,000.00 :Relief of Blind 500.00 Soldiers' Relief 1,800.00 County Jail 1,500.00 State Tax 50,327.66 Special State Tax (Charges against County for care cif insane, and others in outside institutions.) 12,764,22 GG Indebtedness Interest on Yotes 700.00 Interest on Bonds 6,1S7.00 Principal of.. Ponds .17,900.00 - Cormissioms 36.00 H Unclassified County Fair 1,000.00 Community Fairs 1,000.00 Due Town of Drummond on Road 4,7 7.13 I Outlay ExIoenses Circuit Court (For fixtures in Clerk of Court's office) Register of Deeds County Bridge slid under Section 1319 Deficiency Fund County Traps__ Battle Axe Fund Total Estimate Expenditures, 1922 J General Revenue Taxes K L Street Railway Tax from State -AO% Income Tax -County ' s Share-20 % Inheritance Tax -County' Share-7.;'-; Tax _Fees and . _penalties_ Occupational Tax Fees and Charges County Clerk (Marriage Licenses, etc.) Register of Deeds Circuit Court fees Gifts and Grants State Aid for Tuberculosis Sanitorium State _;id for Supervising Teacher State Highway System -Revenues from State State :yid for Highways fror_2 1110tor Licenses State Aid for Rothers' Pension 1,668.00 400.00 224.75 15,000.00 500.00. 2,500.00 lys 7sr 67 Revenues for 1922 Estimated Q, Finance Committee 150.00 1,000.00 50.00 8,000.00 200.00 350.00 2,Boo .QO 500.00 2,268.00 1,800.00 5, 104 ..61 3,500.00 150.00 536 N Commercial acid Departmental Earnings Interest on Current Deposits Highway De_p't. revenue Total Estimated Revenues other than County Pro)erty Tax for year 1922 Total Estimated`[�xpenditures for year Less Estimated -Revenue as above TOTAL amount to'be levied against all pru.perty of B2yfield County Revenues for 1922 LOstizuated by Finance Committee 750.00 200.00 Phi, 5U. 61 192E �264,875.57 26, 822. 61 taxable 4?238,052.96 Respectfully Submitted, H.H. Peavey, Chairman F.H. Bartlett Geo . K*arow Don C_. Bell E.R. Tetzner Each of the above items was called separately by the Chairman, and voted on by all the members. Each item carried unanimously. H.. H. Peavey presented the follo:-aing resolution, -ahich upon proper motion was duly. adopted, a, few mea,_bers voting NAY. TO THIS BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ASSET BIFD, Greetings: It must appear to the I�..Iembers of your Honorable Body that the o•resent financial conditions. prevailing are fast becoming serious both .as to poverty and to unemployment. it appears to be the general opinion among the farmers of this County that one\ \of the prin- cipal causes of this calamity is the breaking down and the absolute failure of the Country's Transportation System to function under the provisions of the Esch-Cummins Act. Again Consider: Bayfield County, by enlistment and -by draft, sent thirteen hundred suldiers into the World Uar, add to these the dependent wives, fathers, mothers or other relati,es and you will find that Bayfield Gounty had over four and nearly five thousand cit- izens that were directly interested and would have been directly benefited by the passage of the Soldiers' _adjusted Compensation Act, and the retention of the Excess Profits Tax -by which it could and should have been paid. Again: The present United States Senate this week, ad- journed, voted to give the Railroads, five hundred million, to exempt the `,7ar Profiteers from paying their Sur -Tax, cut off one-half of their Income Tax and told the soldier boys they must not get avaricious or mercenary but must wait for the payment of the Nation's Debt ,to them until some future unstated time. Two of every three families in Bay - field County are directly and under the conditions that now prevail vitally interested. in the passage of the -Soldiers Adjusted Compensation Act. Again: Congress has allowed the Railroad under the Esch-Cuiiunins Act, to abolish, scuttle, and dismantle the Battle Axe Railroad.- They have allowed them to fix rates so high under this law that it makes farm products in Bayfield County valueless, it has all but stopped the timber industry and has demoralized business generally. Again: Realizing and feeling the injustice of these tyrannical acts enacted by the United States Senate in favor of Special. Privilege -and against the best interest of the people of Bayfield County and the Nation. It would appeal that the people of Bayfield County and the State -of ','Tisconsin has one representative in the United States Senate that is stubbornly and consistently fighting for the welfare of the soldiers and the common people. 53( Therefore, be it resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County.herein assembled: That the stand of United States Senator Robert 111'.. LaFollette wherein he opposed the passage of the Eq. ch-Cummins Railroad lict, and whe-•ein he has since sought to have the same repealed, be and the same is endorsed by this County Board. That we endorse his action in seeking the enactment of the Soldiers Adjusted Compensation Bill and other measures in the interest of the people of this County and against the war Profiteers and Powerful influences of Special Privilege & Grab. 13e it further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent to Senator LaFollette at %Vashington. Respectfully Submitted, H. H. Peavey. The following resolution as to the per diem and mileage, was duly read and upon roll call, duly adopted. BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County, that the per diem, TJileage and.Committee work be allowed to each member of the County Board as listed below, and the Treasurer is hereby ordered to payout such money and the Chairman of the Board and County Cleric are hereby instructed to issue an order to the County Treasurer for the total amount of the sums listed below: NAITM' PER DIEE 1JUIr,AGE coilf I. 1%7ORK IfJII.ZAGE TOTAL Harvey Nourse 8.00 y 1.44 5 9.44 Otto Regelein 8.00 1.44 20.00 1.44 30.88 �. D. Pease 16.00 7.20 4.00 2.7.20 Peter Kjarilrick 8.00 .72 24.00 .7' 33.44 ?T. M. Juel 16.00 3.84 4.00 23.84 George Karow 16.00 6.08 16.00 6.08 44.16 'Um. awing 16.00. 6.08 4.00 26.08' Peter Soronen 16.00 4.32 20.32 F. H. Bartlett 16.00 4.32 4.00 24.32 Geo. A. Curry 16.00 2.04 18.04 J. L. .Bradfield 16.00 5.64 4.00 25.64 r,.. G. Johnson 16.00 4.80 20.80 Christ Iverson 16.00 2.08 4.00 22.08 17m. Malm ic.00 1.68 4.00 21.68 Peter Johnson 16.00 3.60 Zi.00 23.60 Geo. Froney 16.00 9.72 4.00 1.45 31.17 John Taipale 16.00 6.48 4.00 26.48 Andre-:r hlihalak 16.00 1.80 4.00 21.80 Roy Okerstrom • 16.00 9.24, 4.00 29.241 Alois Habelt 16.00 3.72 19.72 H. LaYlont 16.00 2.04 18.04 L. J. Lavin 16.00 5.64 4.00 25.64 E. Tetzner 8.00 .48 12.0n .48 20.96 H. Vlachsmuth 8.00 1.44 24-:00 - 5.28 38.72 G. G. Boutin 8.60 1.44 - 9.44 Harold, Stark 8.00 1. <x4 9.44 D. C. Bell 8.00 1.44 4.00 1.44 14.88 II. H. Peavey 8.00 .12 24.00 3.60 35.72 A. N1. Vlarden 8.00 .12 24.00 .12 32.24 'Nin. Arntsen 8.00 .12 16.00 .40 24.60 Ole :nandberg 8.00 .12 32.00 .48 40.60 Geo. Posey 8.00 .12 16.00 .48 24.60 Potwin 8.00 .12 4.00 12.12 0. 11. .Axne s s 16.00 2.76 20.01. Jas. vW. Good 16.00 _7.20 23.20 TOTAL 0 a50.14 At one o'clock A. 11., November 30, 1921, upon proper motion, the Annual Meeting of the County Board was duly adjourned, subject-, to .the call of the County Cleric. I:_otion Carried. I IEREBY CERTIFY, that the above minutes are the true and correct proceedings of the Bayfield County Board at its Adjourned Annual I''deeting, held on November 29th and 30th, 1921. Dated: This 30th day of November, 1922. 11