HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 5/9/1922557 ADJOURNED SPECIAL MEETING of the BAYF IE LD COUNTY :BOARD of SUPERVISORS May 9, 1922. At 10 A. 1I.'the County Board was duly called to order by 0. M. Axness, Chairman. A Roll Cali showed the following members present: Nourse, Regelein, L. D. Pease, P. Kjarwick, H`. M. Juel, Geo. Karow, Wm. Ewing, P. Soronen, F. H. Bartlett, Geo. Curry, 'N. L. Bradfield E. F, Daniels,, Chris Iverson, -A.. P.-+Melstrand, M. Johnson, E.. Liebman, Geo. Froney, John Taipa.le, Andrew Mihalak, Roy H. Okerstro.:, A. Habelt, H. TaYont, Luke Lavin, E. Tetzner, H. zlachsmuth, Sr., G. Boutin, H. Stark, D: C. Bell, 11. H. :Peavey, A. M. Warden_ , Win. Arntson, 0. Handberg, Geo. Posey, Wm. Potwin, 0. M. Axness. The Clerk thereupon read the notice sent -out and mailed to each member of the County Board, as follows: YOU ARE I '+'BY NOTIFIED That in pursuance of the adjournment made and taken by a majority vote of the members present at the Special Meeting thereof, held'on the 14th day of March, 1922, there will be an adjourned special meeting;_ of the County Board of Bayfield County, at the Court House, at the City of 111ashburn', in -6ayfield County, 'lisconsin, on the 9th day of May, 1922, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, for'the purpose of -taking up such business as may lawfully come before said meeting. DATED this 25th day of April, 1922. J. Yderstad. County Clerk. The minutes of the.previous meeting -were, on motion, duly dispensed with and it, was moved and seconded that the minutes of such meeting be approved" Motion carried. - It was moved and seconded that the election -of Chairman of the County Board . be dispensed with until later; oar.during, the meeting,.- A, roll ca-11 was. demanded and lost - by the following` vote: AYES: Regelein, Pease, Karow,Ewing,.Bartlett, Daniels, Iverson, Melstrand, 19. Johnson, Taipale, Mihal.ak, Lavin, Tetzner Vvachsmuth, .Peavey, Arntson, Potwin. _ NAYS:. Nourse, Kjarwick, Juel,.Soronen, Curry, Bradfield, Liebman, �'roney, Okerstrom, Habelt, LaMont, Boutin, Stark, Bell, Handberg, Posey„ Axness. - (The vote being a tie, the Chairman d-ec,lared­motio-n lost. ) The Chairman thereupon appointed Otto Regelein and Roy Okerstrom as tellers. It was moved and -seconded -that an•-informl ballot for Chairman be taken. Motion carried. Result of the first informal: ballot was as follows: Donald C. Bell, 13 votes; 0. M. Axness', 4 votes; A. M. Warden, 7 votes; E. F. Daniels, 8 vote's; L. V. Pease, 2 votes; Geo. A. Curry, 1 vote. No choice. A formal ballot was ordered to be taken. Result of the first formal ballot for Chairman was as follows: Donald C. :Bell, -16 votes; 0. M. Axness, 1 vote; George A. Curry, 1-vote; E. F. Daniels, 13 votes; A. M. Warden, 4-vote's.- No choice. A second formal ballot was ordered taken. Before the ballot was taken, A. If. Warden --and L. D. Pease withdrew--from--the race°. , Result of the second formal ballot was as follows: Donald C. Bell, 19 votes; E. F. Davie-ls, 15 v-otes;- George A. Curry, 1 vote. - Donald C. Bell, was-; thereupon duly. declared Chairman of the Bayfield Gounty-Board for -the ensuing year. Mr. Bell thereupon immediately took the Chair and thanked. the. County Board for the' confidence shown in him in a few well chosen words. 9 558 Adjourned S:pecial� Meeting, Bayfield County Board, May 9, 1922 it was moved and seconded that a vote of -hanks of the -County Hoard be extended°to the retiring Chairman, 0. M. Axness, for his faithful, impartial and efficient work during the three years he had acted 4s Chairman. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved and -seconded. that, the: Board- proceed- to elect a Vice - Chairman. ]lotion- carried. Result of the first Informal Ballot was as follows: L. D. Pease, 2 votes; Geo. A.. Curry, 1 vote; 0. M. Axness, 5 votes; Henry .�iachsmuth; Sr., 3 votes; A. M. 'Iffarden, 5 _ vote's:; E. F . Daniels, 19 votes. - Moved and seconded that the informal ballot be made formal, and that E. F. Daniels; be declared duly elected Mice -Chairman of the County Board for the ensuing year. Motion carried. The following application for' blind relief was read: - APPLICATION FOR AID FOR BLIND State of '01isconsin - - SS County of Bayf"i e ld I, Anna. Person, being duly sworn, on oath depose and say: That I am over twenty one (21) years of age; that I am blind and not an inmate of any charitable, reformatory or penal institution of the State of- Wisconsin and have an income of less than $50.00 per annum; that I have been a bona fide resident of said state for ten years and of the County 'of Bayfield for one year preceding the date of this application, and hereby make application to ' the said County of Bayfield, for the annual benefit of $300.00 as.,provided . r by Chapter 579, Laws of 1921. My residence is Town of Kelly, Bayfield Zounty, Wisconsin. My postoffice address is 1418-7th St.. W., Ashland, ffisconsin. 0 Anna Person. Witnesses. Peter Carlson Mike 'Mickalson R Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day, -of -.May, 1922. Anna,L. Welker, Nee Larson. Notary public. STATEMENT OF FREEHOLDERS State of Uisconsin ) SS. County of Bayfield ) Pete Carlson and mike Mickalson, being first duly sworn, on oath depose and say: That they are freeholders residing in the County of Bayfield; that they are personally acquainted with Anna Person, the above applicant; and know of their own knowledge that said applicant has been a bona fide resident of said state for Special Adjourned Meo tingli Bayfield County Board, May 9, 1922. ten yearsand of said county of Bayfield for one year immediately preceding the filing of this application. Pete Carlson. Dike Mickalson. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of May, 1922. Anna L . Larson, - gee Larson. Notary Public, .Visconsin. CERTIFICATE OF EXAMINER I, T. R. Spears, Examiner of` the Blind and Deaf for the County of Bayfield, and State of Wisconsin, do hereby certify that I have examined Anna Person and find her to be totally blind. T . R. Spears, M. D. Examiner of the Blind & Deaf. Dated at Town of Kelly this 3rd day -of May, 1922. It was moved and seconded., that the application be granted; that there be paid said Anna Person, the sum of $300.00, relief per annum, said relief to take effect as of January 1,_1922. Motion carried. The following application for Blind Relief was duly read as follows: APPLICATION FOR AID'FOR BLIND State of Wisconsin ) SS. County of Bayfield } I, Samuel Gillis, being duly sworn, on oath depose and: say: That I am over twenty .one (21) years of age; that 'I am blind. and not an inmate of any charitable, reformatory or,penal institu- tion of the State of 'Pisconsin and have an income of" -less than $50.00 per annum; that I have been a bona fide resident of said state -for ten years and of the County of Bayfield- fbr"-one year preceding the date of this application, and hereby make application to the said County of Bayfield for the- annual benefit' of' $300.00 as provided by Chapter 579, Laws of 1921. My resident is Town of Or enta-, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. My postoff ice address is. Iron River,, 7.7sconsin. Witnesses. Samue1 -Gillis. Ernest Sauve A. M. Lffarden: Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of May, 1922. J. Yderstad, County Clerk. 560 Adjourned Special .meeting of the Bayfield County Board, May 9, 1922" STATEMENT OF FREEHOLDERS State of Wisconsin SS. County of Bayfield ): H. 0. Lund ^and. J. H. Fitzpatrick, being.. -first duly sworn, on oath depose and say:. That they are freeholders residing in the C-ounty of )ayfield;. that they are personally acquainted with Samuel -Gillis, the above applicant, and know of their own know- ledge that said applicant has been a bona fide resident of said state for ten years and of said county of Bayfield for --one-year immediately preceding the filing of this application. J. H. Fitzpatrick H. 0. Lund Subsctibed and sworn to before me this 4th day of May, 1.922. Hazel D. Sauve, Notary Public. CERT ".o+ICATE OF EXAMINER I, T. R. Spears, Examiner of the Blind and Deaf -for the County of Bayfield and State of Wisconsin, do hereby certify that I have examined Samuel Gillis, and find him to.be totally blind and partially deaf. T. R. S2ears, M.D. Examiner- of "thee Blind and Deaf. DATED at Washburn, ffis. this 5th day of may, 1922. It was moved and seconded that the- aplication be granted; that same take effect as of June 1, 1922, and further, that the $100.00 relief now received by said Samuel Gillis be canceled., making his total Blind Relief the" sum of $300.00. Motion carried. It was moved and seconded that the Board proceed to elect an official newspaper. for the County for the ensuing year. Motion carried and the result of, the informal ballot was as follows: Washburn News1lZ votes; Mashburn Times, 17 votes; Bayfield Progress, 1 vote; Bayfield County tress, 4 votes. No choice. A formal Ballot was -thereupon -taken.. Before the ballot was taken, the Bayfield County Press antoun-ced. that they be not considered. Result of the First Formal Ballot was as follows:. Washburn --News, 15 votes; `aashburn Time"s', 18 votes-; Dayfie-ld - Progress, 2 votes. The Washburn Times was thereupon cdeclared 'to be the official newspaper for, Bayfield County-f`o"r" the ensuing--- year. - It was moved and seconded that the rate of publication be fifty cents.4,50j per folio for publishing the official proceedings of the county.Doard. Motion- carried. The Finance Committee, through its Chairman, H. H. Peavey, made the following report: 561' Adjourned Special Meeting of the Bayfield County Board, May 9, 1922- Mashburn, Wis . May.9, 1922 To the Members of the Bayfield County Board, Gentlemen: At a meeting of the Finance & Budget Committee held on May 8, 1922, we hereby subr_iit the following reco=.:mendations: THAT the Bayfield County Fair Association be allowed $2,.142.19, from the Contingent fund, to be used for County Fair purposes for the coming year. RECOMMEND that the County Clerk take tax title on lands as they become subject to deed, beginning with the sale of 1919, the previous sales having been taken care of by previous resolution of this Board on March 14, 1922. WE RECOMMEND that the County Board take a one hour recess to enable the Finance Committee to receive bids for the County Tax Certificates,' and at the conclusion of such bids, the Finance Committee will then make its recommendations to the -5oard on the matter in question. WE R-ECO2 LEND that an opinion of the District Attorney be filed defining the legality of selling -tax certificates at less than face, and whether or not the municipalities are obliged to accept the same discount on their balances due as the discount on the Tax Certificates sold by. the County Board. VE RECOMMEND that the $6,050.'45, of the Income Tax money be placed in the Contingent r'und. WE RECOMMUND that $700.00 be transferred from the Contingent Fund into the Blind. Fund and that .$1, 000.00 be transferred from the Contingent Fund into the Mothers' Pension Fund. In compliance with the previous resolution adopted, we wish to emphasize the fact, that the contingent fund is at the diapozal of the Finance Committee only. ;ATE REC05 ND that matter of installing_ water meters in the Court House and Jail; be referred to the Building and Ground Committee. In reference to the printing of ballots for the Primary and General -Elections, we call the �oun.ty. Clerk'-s attention. to Section 6:251 Chapter 6, Statutes of 1919. With reference to bill for interest amounting to ,494.54, in favor of the Town of Drummond, we recommend that the same be allowed and taken from the Contingent Fund. W' RECOVDIEND, that the bill for 150.00 :from the Town of Iron River, for the rent of Municipal Court be disallowed. 562 Adjourned Speoaal Meeting, Bayfield County Board, May 9, 1922 1M RECOTMND that the Commit *Gee on Sheriff, Justice and Constable bills, purchase a new Ford Touring car, equipped with starter, for the Sheriff's use, and that there be appropriated from the Contingent Fund an amount equivalent to the difference between the cost of the new car and the amount allowed for the old car. Respectfully --submitted, H. H: Peavey- Ge°o.. Kar.o.w F. H.-Bartlett E. R. Tetzner L. C. .dell Finance &_Budget- Commi'ttee-. On proper motion, the report was accepted for discussion to be taken'.up section -by section,. In the matter of the- bill of $150.00 for rent of Municipal, Court due the town of Iron River-, ,recommende-d­ by -the County for-- d-isall-owance, It was moved and secand'ed, that same be referred to the District Attorney for him to investigate as to the original contract made by the County Board ,with the Town of iron River, and if he found that the County was liable under such contract to pay said town ,of Iron River, that the County' Clerk be instructed to draw an order -for such an amount as the District Attorney -found to be -due in ,favor of. the Town of- Iron River. In other words, that the-- County Board would abide by- the decision of the District Attorney in this case if the bill was found to be legal .and that it- should bfe paid �. t-- once. The following letter from the -Di -strict Attorney in relation to the legality.- of selling tax certificates at less than face,, and whether or not, the. muriicipalities are obliged 'to accept the same discount on their balances due from the Countyas the discount on the tax certificates sold by the County Board, at a discount, was read as follows: May S, 1922. Mr. J . Yderstad., County Clerk, Mashburn, Wis. Dear S i-r Answering -your• inquiry as to -who takes' the, loss., whether, the: local 'taxin-g municipality or- the county in cases where tax aertif cate's 'are sold at- less than face.,,or ax-e set aside by the Court-, or ,ixr case s,.of. compromise by' the county C.1erk, county 't'veasur.er and distri-c.t attorney; -or by action ' of- the county board; I bey; to advise that in--e-ether• case where pro- ceedings are legally tak-en to sell certificates for less than face, and where certificates are ,canc.eled by a judgment -or -the court, or by -order 'of -the- county b,o-ard-- legally made,. or by order of the county clerk, county treasurer .and district attorney lawfully made, the difference between the amount of the, tax o ' r the certificate is chargeable against the local taxing municipality, the town-, city- or village in which the property was assessed. In all other cases where illegal compromises of taxEi"s are made,, and. wher-e an illegal sale is made, the county stands chargeable with the full amount of the tax returned., delinquent., and the town: is entitled to credit for .i-t, so that in case of the sale in a lump o. the cer.tifica.tes now held by Bayfield County, the several towns will be charged with the . difference between the face of the certificates, and the amount for which they may be sold. Yours.truly, C. F. Morris. Special Adjourned Meeting, Bayfield County Board, May 9, 1922 moved and seconded that the Chairman appoint a Committee -of three to negotiate with the ` Town of Iron 3,iver in relation t`o rent for the Second Municipal Court,of Iron•River. Motion carried. In the matter of the Finance Cormnittee's report as to the Sheriff's car, it was moved and,seconded that said part of the report be laid on the table. Motion lost by -following vote: AYES: Regelein, Kjarwick, Juel, Karo-u, Ewing; Soronen, Bradfield, Iverson, Melstrand, M. Johnson, Tetzner. NAYS: Nourse, Pease, -3artlett, Curry, Daniels, Liebman, Froney, Taipale., Mihalak, Okerstrom, nabelt, Ialont, Lavin, wachsmuth, Boutin, Stark, Peavey, Ar-ntson, Handberg, Posey, Pot'win. It was then .moved and -seconded that ;.the _.recommendation:: of the Finance committee:;..be­a.c.c,epte,d as amended: Motion c:ar;.ried-.unanimously.,, At 12 o'clock noon, the County Board adjourned until 2 P.M. At 2 P.M. the meeting- was- called- to,- order-. Roll call showing all members present. - Moved -and secnded that the Board have an executive session. Motion, carried. _ The matter of selling tax certificates -at less than face, was taken up and discussed pro and can. After -a lengthy discussion, the Finance Committee wast:;ordered to negotiate and enter into a contract with W. C. Foster, Chicago, Illinois, and report to the County Board as to the best offer that could be obtained for the sale of tax certificates. The Finance Committee, after_ negotiating with said Mr. Foster, reported back to the County .>>oard, two principal offers.- One was for him to take all the certificates now held by the County at sixty per cent (60%) of its face value.; the other offer was for himto take -Fifty Thousand Dollars (50,000) of the tax certificates of which he- wa-s to- take twenty five thousand dollars .(p25,000) at face and twenty five thousand dollars.($25,000) at seventy five per cent (75%) of its face value, provided he, after further investigation, found that there -were -enough good. certificates to warrant him to take such an amount. After a discussion on these bids, it was moved anal- seconded. that the County Board accept the bid -of W. C. Foster, of Chicago, Illinois, to take fifty thousand dollars (450,000) of the tax certificates of which he was to take twenty five thousand ($25,000) at face value and twenty five thousand dollars ($25,000) at seventy five per cent (75%) of the face value. Upon Roll Call; the motion was carried by the following vote: AYES: Fourse, Regelein, Pease, Kjarwick, Juel, Karow, Ewing, Soronen, Bartlett, Curry, Bradfield, Nlelstrand,'M. Johnson,.Liebman, Froney, Taipale, Mihalak, Okerstrom, Habelt, Lamont, Lavin, Tetzner, ffachsmuth, Boutin, Stark, Posey, Potwin, Bell, Axness.' NAYS: Daniels, Iverson, -Peavey, Arntson. Not Voting: Warden. The following report was made by the Committee appointed by the Chairman to investigate as to the.a dvisability of adopting certain portions of roads to be added to the County System: REPORT OF SPECIAL COLUAITTEE TO INVE,9TIGATE THE PROPOSED EXTENSION TO THE COUNTY SYSTEM OF HIGHWAYS. TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: Gentlemen.: This proposed extension to the secndary system of highways of Bayfield County, begins at the junction of 3th Avenue and -4#h Street in the City of Washburn thence in a.Northwesterly direction, a distance of a little more than one mile, connecting with the Bayfield 564 Special Adjourned Meeting, Bayfield County Board, May 9, 1922 County Highway "C"-or-the commonly called Four Mile Creek Road. The Committee found this section of road in good condition all ravines are filled and from our observation the culverts are in good condition. In examining this road, the only improvements which would possibly be necessary in the future, would be to widen the highway, and cover a short distance of sand with some binding material. In view of the fact that this is a very short extension to the County- Aighway system and.,; that it° would connect the County Highway "C" with -the City of Washburh, the recommend that the'same be placed on the Secondary System of Highways ,of Bayfield County, in accordance with such resolutions and -regulations governing the adoption of additional mileage to the County.System.. Respectfully submitted, Roy H. Okerstrom. Chris Iverson. It was moved and seconded that the recommendation of the Committee be accepted and said road be added to the County System, same to take effect at on-ce.- Motion-- carried-. The following -report -of -the Spe-cial -Committee; was read as follows: Report of Special Committee to investigate the, proposed" extension t-o the County Secondary System. To the Honorable Members of the Bayfield County Board, Gentlemen: This proposed extension to the secondary system of Highways of Bayfield County, begins at a point about four miles `Nest of the Village of Iron River, on State Highway No. 10, the place commonly called Muskeg. The highway runs in a North -Westerly direction approximately three -fourths miles, thence North a.dis- tance of one mile.; This section of the road is in the Town of Hughes." Thence it continues North on the,section line through the Town -of Oulu three.miles, over what was at one time, on the County System of Highways and designated as the boulevard road. Thence, ':test one mile, thence Forth three miles to the Last and West boundary line of the Towns of Oulu and Orienta, thence ffest on said boundary line to the Douglas County boundary line, inter - setting with the Douglas County highway "E"'. Total mileage of proposed extension being approximately 94 miles. The Committee found the road in the Town of Hughes not turnpiked.. This road passes over a sandy country and this road is similar to other sand barren roads 'in the County. This section Gould have to be reconstructed. Special Adjourned Session, Bayfield County Board; 1ffay Q_:,:. 1922 The three miles over the boulevard is in good condition, all culverts are galvanized iron. There are no large fills or cuts to be made, the soil is sandy loa�a, very good road material. .One mile North from the beginning of this section the Town of Oulu has a very good gravel pit. The next mile, which runs West crosses Referr creek. The bridge, although rebuilt:?lately is of the _pole type and would have to be replaced in 'the near future. The Town has another -very good gravel pit on this road and have graveled a part of this section.' The next section wh-ich runs North three miles is over a rolling country. The road crosses,the Referr creek in two places. At these places new ridges would be necessary in a short time and the hills which are rather steep at the present time would necessar- ily have to be cut down. The Town of Oulu built one concrete cul- vert 3 x 3 x 22 feet on this section a year ago. There are other places where small culverts would be necessary. The mile West to the Douglas County Line was' graded last year. T:is road crosses the Fish creek. It would be -n.e:cessary to build a new bridge to provide for room in making a substantial fill. The hills on each side of the creek would need grading -in order- to provide a. reasonable.grade. In concluding this, report, the."cormi$tee, in view of present conditions, is submitting this report without .recommendation. However, in view of the fact that the.Town of Oulu has no road within its boundaries, maintained in any way by County or State, aid, this Town should be given the consideration which theyare entitled to and deserve. Respectfully submitted, Roy H. Okerstro..m. Chris Iverson. It was moved and seconded that said report be laid on the table. Motion carried. - The following protest was duly read: We, the undersigned freeholders and citizens. of the town of Orienta, Bayfield.County, Wisconsin, do hereby petition.the County - 3oard of Bayfield County, to take such steps necessary to vacate and abandon the County Agricultural Agent's office,.as we believe it is an unnecessary expense at the present time upon the tax payers of ° Bayf i e-ld County-. SIGNED: By Forty One Voters. f. l S-pecial Session, ,Bayfield County Board, May 9, 1.922, -It was moved and seconded that the protest be laid on the table. Roll Call was demanded and motion to lay on the table was carried by the following vote: AYES: Nourse, Regele,in, Pease, Juel, Ewing, Soronen, Bartlett, -Oradfield, -Uaniels, Melstrand, Liebman,*Froney, Taipale, Mihalak,. Okerstrom, -LaZont., Lavin, Tetzner, 'Stark, Peavey, Posey, Sell. NAYS: Kjarwick, Curry, Iverson, M. Johnson, Axness, Habelt, Wachsmuth, `Bo.utin, Arntson, Handberg, Potwin. A bill of Geo. V. Axelberg, ,for back salary-fo'r $150.00 as Register of Proba.te,.was on proper motion duly seconded and referred to the District Attorney .with instructions that if said bill was found to be legal by the District Attorney, the clerk be instructed to pay -bill at once. Motion. carried. The following communication was duly read and on i2ot i o'n- referred to, the Finance Committee.; `lashburn, Wis. , May 9, 1922 To the Chairman and Members of the County Board of Bayfield County,'in session this 9th day of May, 1922. Gentlemen: Owing to the increased litigation transacted in the Municipal Court, at the City of Washburn; Be it resolved, that the Judge of said Court be allowed the sum of Forty Dollars per,month for clerk hire, same to begin May .1, 1922. P. Kjarwick, - H. H. Peavey; The Finance Committee -recommended that ,the Judge of ._First Municipal Court. be allowed : 300=.0-0 extra per annum for Clerk Hire, same to -take effect May 1, 19232. Moved -and seconded that the recommendation of the Finance _(%ommittee be accepted., ITotion carried. The following communication from the County Treasurer was duly read as follows: 0 ffashburn , lVis . May 9, 1922. Members of County Board, Bayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: Inasmuch as the work in the office of the County Treasurer has increased, owing to the unprecedented large number of delinquent taxes for the past two years, to a point where it amounts to at least twice what it has been prior to the year. 1920, the. present Treasurer feels that, in order to accomplish the work of the office in a business -like manner it is -absolutely -necessary that he be furnished with a clerk or assistant from now until September 15th. The advertised tax sale list for the present year numbers about 8600 descriptions and the work of entering these 567 Special- Session, Bayfield County Board, May, 9, 1922. descriptions in the sales b-,ok and sales abstract and also is- suing tax certificates is a -job of -large proportions, and it is well nigh impossible for the Treasurer to accomplish it without more -help than he will be able to ::secure on the $200.00, for clerk hire which your honorable body has allowed him for the present year. The above work must be done in addition to handling the usual routine, which alone is more than enough to keep one man hustling. Therefore, -in order that the work of the Treasurer's office may be carried on as you would wish it to be, the Board is res- pectfully requested to take the -necessary action to enable such assistance to be employed. Respectfully, R. ff. Smith, County Treasurer. After'referring' same t,o the. Finance Committee, said Committee reported back recommending that said R. W. Smith be allowed an additional $300.00 for Cleric hire. Moved and seconded that the recommendation be accepted:. Motion- carried. The following resolution was read and -on motion duly seconded and adopted: BE IT RESOLVED. By., the layf i.eld, County Board, at the Special Meeting held at the Court house in the.City of Washburn, on the 9th day of May, .1922, that the -officers of the Bayfield County -Fair Association., together with the'Committee on County Fair, have Ju-11 control Df the Fair Grounds and ail buildings thereon, and in case of trespass.on the said grounds, the said Fair officers and Committee on County Fair, through the President of the Bayfield County Fair Association, or the Chairman of the Committee ofi County Fair, shall have .authority to institute such legal action in the name of the County, as the. District Attorney thinks proper. E. F. Daniels.. It was fur.her moved and seconded that the Bayfield Uounty Fair be ,held .for four- days. Mati on' - carri-ed The following communicati..on-was duly :read. and on- proper motion duly seconded ,and placed on file: To the Honorable County Board of Bayfield County: We, the undersigned Road & Br-idge Committee & Highway Commissioner of Bayfield County, at this adjourned Special meeting May 9, 1922, submit the following report: WHEREAS, there are two twenty -foot wooden bridges under construction now on the Namekagon Road; there are also two more bridges of about two hundred feet each in length which need replanking this season. The s#ringers and abutments will have Wi Special -Meeting, Bayfield County Board, May 9,. 1922. to be investigated after the old planking has been removed to see if they are strong enough to warrant new covering. The funds voted for this road are under the bond issue and State 'Aid and the law will not allow us to use either of these. funds to build wooden bridges or to repair them. Our emergency fund is not sufficient to take care of this work,_ and .therefore, we submit this report to the board to let you know what condition we are in.. If this necessary work is carried out there will very likely be a,deficit in the emergency fund. Up to the present time, we have been unable to get the right-of-way on this road. We have met with some objection by the pro:e rty owners and this necessitates condemnation pro- ceedings. Before we can proceed with condemnation- proceedings it will be necessary to have a survey made. This process is slow and expensive and therefor: -we cant promisee that any of this work will be done this season. Resp.ectfully submitted- this- 9th day of May, 1922.. Luke J. Lavin Peter- Soronen- G'e o. Kar-ow Road & Bridge Committee. John Frib,erg. . Highway Commissioner. It 'was moved- and, s-ec-onded to reconsider the .motion authorizing the Finance Committee to enter into a contract with W. C. Foster, Ohicago, Illinois, pertaining tq the -sale of Tax Certificates. On- ro'.l call, said motion was -carried--unanimously, . all members- present voting, Aye. AYES: Nourse, Regelein, K_jarwick, Pease, Juel, Karow, Ewing, Soronen,. Bartlett, Curry., Bradfield, Daniels, Iverson, lvlelstrand, Y. Johnson, Froney, Liebman, Taipale,_Ilihalak,.Okerstrom, Habelt, LaMont, Lavin, Tetzner, Iffachsn-tuth, Boutin, Stark, Peavey, Warden, Arntsoh, Handberg, Posey, Potwin, -'ell, Axness. It was moved and seconded that the original resolution be laid on the..table. Lotion carried. It was moved and seconded that the -Chairman, County Clerk and County, Treasurer be authorized to enter into a written contract with 7. C. Foster, of -Chicago, Illinois, for the sale and transfer of the tax certificates at face and less than face as authorized and agreed to by the Board, subject to modification if such should be'found necessary. Lotion carried:",. The following resolution as to per diem and mileage was presented as follows: BE IT RESOLVED bar the County Board of Bayf i eld County, that the per -diem, mileage and committee work be allowed to each member of the County Board as listed below, and the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay out such money and the Chairman and County Clerk are hereby instructed to issue an order to the County Treasurer for the total amount of the sums listed below: especial Meeting, Bayfield County Board, TvTay 9, 1922. NAME PER. DIEM XI LEA GE COMM.. TORT, MILEAGE TOTAL Harvey Nourse 4 $1.44 .'; 5.44 Otto Regelein 4, 1.44 5.44 L. D. Pe`a9e 12 7.20 19.20 Peter Kjarwick 4 .72 4.72 'H. Tl. Juel 12 3.84 4.00 1984 George Karow 12 6.08 4.00 22.08 ,0Im. Ewing 12 6.'08 18.08 Peter Soronen 12 4.32 4.00 21..24: F. H. Bartlett 12 4.32 4.00 20.32 Geo. A. Curry 12 2.04. 14.04 �1. L. Bradfield 12 a.64 17.64 E. F. Daniels 12 4.80 4.00 20.80 Christ Iverson��-r��,. 12 1.68 12..00 3.24 30.48 A. P. Melstrand 12- 1.68 13.68 Martin Johnson 12 3.36 15.36 Geo. Froney 12 9..72 8.00 29.72 John Taipale 12 6.48 18.48 Andrew Mihalak 12 1.80 4.00 17.80 Roy Okerstrom 12 9.24- 8.00 3.00 32.24. Alois Habelt 12 3.72 15.24 H. Lamont 12 2.04 14.04 L. J. Lavin 12 5:64 8.00 25::,64 V. Tetzner 4 .48 4..--)0 .8..48 H'. Wachsmuth 4 1.44 8.00 6.24 19.68 G. G. Boutin 4 1.44 5.44 Harold Stark 4 1.44 5.44 D. C. Bell 4 1.44 8.00 1.44 14.88 H. H. Peavey 4 .12 4.00 .12 8.24 A. M. :harden 4 .12 4.12 ,gym. Arntson 4 .12 8.::0 .24 12.36 Ole Handberg 4 .12 8.00 .24 12.36 Geo. Posey 4 .12 8.00 .24 12.36 'ydm. Potwin 4 .12 4.12 0. M. Axness 2.76 .75 15.51 E. Liebman 12 7.20 19.20 Moved and s econded that, the- former- resolution be- ado-Q-ted. Motion carried. It was moved and seconded that the County Board adjourn sine die. Motion carried and meeting adjourned. -� Chairman, County Board. TY County Clerk. -- a