HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 5/29/192443 SPECIAL IMTING OF THE BAYFIELD. COUNTY BOARD- May 29.1 1924,. The.Specia.l Meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors was called to order, By -Chairman Bell, at. Ten O'Clock A. M.,-May 29, 1924. Roll call showed the. following present: _ Carves, Galligan, Moore, Kjarvick, Baker, Karow, . iUilliams, Soronen, Curry, Morris-, Helmer,_ Squires., Melstrand,, Kobelt, Glass., Axness, Junek, Froney, Taipale., Mihalak, Oke.rs.trom, Hablet, Lamont_, Davin, Tetz,ner;--'1lachsmuth, Smith, Doyle, Bergmann, Arntsen,-Nelson, Hering, Johnson and Bell. Mlotion was made and seconded that thereading of minutes. of previous meeting be dispense with. Motion carried. :. The following communicati.on was then read: Drummond, Wis., May 28, 1924. L. Tranmal, County Cle.rk, Vashburn, Wisconsin. Dear. Sir: This is. to notify you that at a. Town Board Meeting of the Town of Drummond, held on Friday, May 23d, '�lalter Mertz. was named to represent said town at the County Board Meeting to be'held on May 29th, taking place of F. H. Bartlett, who will be unable to attend. Yours truly, 0. A. Glass -ow, Town Clerk. J2otion was made and seconded that Walter Mertz. be seated as the representative from the Town of Drummond.. Motion carried. The Clerk thereupon read the following request for the Special Meeting: TO LUD`uTIG. TRANMAL, COUNTY CLEIRK OF BAYFIELD COUNTY, WIS: We the undersigned i,iembers of the County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, request that you issue a.call for a special meeting of the County Board of Bayfield County, 1liscons-in, on Thursday the 29th day of May, 1924, at Ten O'Clock at the Court House in the City of ;Mashburn, Wis . For the purpose of organization and any other business as may legally come before the County Board at said meeting. SIGNED: Geo. B. Williams.,Frank L. Moore, Andrew Mihalak, Jas. A. Baker, Pat Galligan, E. Kobelt., S. E. Squires, Roy H. Okerstrom, Geo. A. Curry, Edd C. Carver, .Alois Habelt, M. C. Helmer, lid. B. Morris-, F. H. Bartlett, 0. M. Axness,J(. Lamont, Geo. Froney, John Taipale, E. Bergmann, ,Mm.. Arntsen, R. H. Hering, Peter Soronen,- Geo. Karovr, A..`,P. Melstrand., Luke J. Lavin, Nels Nelson, Maude P. Doyle, A. P. Johnson and E. R. Tetzner. In response to such request, the County Clerk mailed each member of the -Board the following call: 77ashburn, Wis., May 12, 1924. Bayfield County, Wis. Office of County Clerk, 'Mashburn, Wiaconsin. Dear Sirl, The undersigned, having been petitioned to call a meeting of the County Board, you.will please take: notice that a meeting of the Board will be held at this office on May 29, 1924, at Ten 0'-Clock in the Forenoon. Yours truly,. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk. The Board then proceeded with the organization of new officers. Motion was made. and seconded that the nomination for Chairman be made by ballot. Motion carried. The first ballot for nomination t,da.s as follows: Oke.rstrom, 13, Axness 1, 7-i7achsmuth 2, Curry 1, Lavin 1, Soronen 5, Bergman 3, Bell 9, total, 35. L. J. Lavin withdrew by request. The ballot of*e nominees for. Chairman was then cast. The first ballot was as follows: 44 SP.E,CIAL MEE`fING OF THE. BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD i Okerstrom 2.3, Axnes.s 1, Curry 1, Sorone.n 2, Bergman 2 and Bell G, total, 35. . Iulot.ion was. made by 1jr. Curry to have. informal ballot be made formal., and that Oke.ratrom be declared elected as Cha.ir.man. 1-lotion was sedonded and carried unan- imously. Motion was, made and seconded that the Clerk be instructed to cast a vote. for S.oronen for. Vice -Chairman. Motion carried. The following dance ordinance was then read: Allay 29, 1924. RE SOLIP;D: By the County Board of Bayfield County, this 29th day of Tkay, 1924, that theattached dance hall ordinance be hereby adopted, and said ordinance to take effect immediately upon its passage. C. 17. S.rnith. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR TFI ,' REGULATION OF DANCE HAILS AND PLACES OF ANNSEIi'LEENT IN BAYFI,� LD CO LINTY, 7,TISCONSIN, AND PROVIDING FOR TIC LIC- ENSING OF SUCH DANCE HALLS AND PROVID- ING A PENALTY. 'WHEREAS., Chapter 222 of the Laws. of 'Uisconsin for 1923, authorizes County Boards to enact ordinances, by-laws, or rules or regulations providing for the regulation, control, prohibition, and licensing of dance halls.and pavillions, amusement parks, carnivals, street fairs, bathing beaches and other like places of amusement; NO`iT TiEREI'ORE, The County Board of Supervisors of 'the County of Bayfield, State of Iffisconsin, at a special meeting held May 29th, 1924, do ordain as follows: AN ORDINANCE Enacted by the County Board of Bayfield County in pursuance of authority granted - by Chapter 222 of the Laws of 193, creating subsection (8) of Section 59.08 of :the Statutes. The County Board of Bayfield County do ordain as follows.: Section 1. No person shall hold, conduct or be present at a public dance within the County of Bayfield except as such a.s.rnay be held within a public dance hall or pavillion or on premises duly licensed to be used as such under the provisions of thas ordinance.' A "public dance" as used in this ordinance shall mean any dance at which admission can be had by the public generally upon payment of an admission fee or by the curchase, possession -or presentation of a ticket or token, or iri which a charge- is made for the caring of clothing or other property, or any other dance to which the public generally without restriction may gain admission with or without payment of fee, or a dance operated for profit. The term "public dance hall" as used herein shall be taken to mean any room, place or space at which a public dance may be held, or any hall or academy in ,,ihich classes in dancing are held and instruction in dancing given for hire. Neither the term "public dance" nor the te.rm "public dance hall." shall be construed to apply to a dance conducted in a churdh or parochial school hall or to such place when conducted under the auspices of the proper church authorities, nor to any dance conducted under the auspices. of a Parent -Teachers" Association in conformity to law and the rules of the proper school authorities, nor -to the place at which the same may be held. Section ;2. Application for license for a public -dance hall may be made by t petition signed by the owner or tenants of :,he premises for which a license is sought, directed to the county Board, and accompanied by a license fee of ten dollars. Such Sl'FC-IAI,__MEETING OF THE B!IYFI:ELD COUNTY -BOARD. n v t�. license shall be granted. by the County'B.oard in case- a majority of the. same. votei.n favor the.re.of,and. shall be denied otherwise., provided that, between s.e.as.ions of the County Board- such licenses. may be granted by the Chairman of the County Board-, subject to the approval of such license by such"Boardat its next. meeting. The license shall expire. one. year after its date or at the date of the next meeting of the County Board- following the expiration of such year. or S.ecti.on 3. No person shall hold/conduct a. public dance except in compliance with a, written .`permit. to be issued by the. County Clerk upon application therefor made at. least three days prior to the date of the holding of such public dance, and the payment to the, said clerk by the said applicant of an inspection fee of three. dollars. The said clerk shall issue such permits for dances to be held only at duly licensed public dance. halls. Section 4. It shall be the duty of ;the said clerk, upon the issue of the said permit, forwith to notify the inspector for the district in which such public dance is. to be held, and it shall be the duty of 2uch inspector to be present at such dance to see: thatthe. laws of, the State, the ordinance, rules and regulations of the County and local ordinances, rules and regulations are complied with and en- forced, and for this: purpose such inspector shall, hdve-1 the ,power's, of';a,- deputy. sheriff. Such inspector shall, within one week after the holding of any public dance, file a report. in writing with the said County Clerk as to the general conduct of such dance the general demeanor of those present thereat -and any violations of law, ordinances or rules and regulations. governing the same which may come under his observation. Such inspector, while present at any such dance, in case of any such violation or I1. noncompliance, or in case of any gross, violent or vulgar disorder -or conduct on 1 the: part of those. present at such dance may, uch 1 y, in the name of the county, order s dance discontinued and the dance hall closed. Section 5: The chairman of the County Board, immediately upon passage of this: ordinance and annually thereafter., shall appoint a.. committee of the County members to act a.s a dance hall inspector committee. Such Committee shall cauAez to be prepared a list of names of suitable persons from each town of the county who a -re qualified to act asdance hall inspectors., and shall. submit such list to the County Board for election as such inspectors. Inspectors so elected by the County Board shall qualify within ,ten days after by filing with the County Clerk a bond conditioned upon proper performance of their regular duties.. Such bond shall be approved as to,form and surieties by the dance hall inspector committee. Section G. In case it shall be impossible for an inspector to be present at any dance by reason of the requisition of his presence at some other dance at the same time, or for any other reason, he shall at once apprise the clerk of such fact, who shall then notify any other inspector who is available and who is nearest the locality where such dance is to be held. In case no -other inspector is avail- able, the clerk shall notify the supervisor of the town in which the dance is to be held, who shall act instead of the inspector. Section 7. Dance hall inspectors shall receive compensation in the sum of three dollars for each dance inspected. Section 8. The following rules and regulations shall govern the conduct operation and management of all public dances; SPECIAL METING OF THL BAYF IELD COUNTY BOARD - = - -- ---- Ilay 29,--1924-_ ----- - - - - --- A.. At. no public dance shall the presence of any person under sixteen years of a-ge be_ permitted unless. such person is accompanied- by parent or legal guardian. B. Public dances shall be discontinued, and public dance halls. closed f.or the night on or before one 0Clock A. I:ri. , excepting on Sa-turday evenings,, when they shall be clos_ed.on or before twelve O'clock, midnight.. No public dance shall be conducted between such closing hour and eigth O'Clock A. bT. The dance hall inspection committee may, upon written application, by special permit in writing given over the signatures of at least two members thereof, relieve any licensee from the provisions of this rule, but each such permit shall except one dance only and shall be issued not. more than ten days, prior to the holding @f such dance. C. The possession, drinking or offering to another person of intoxicating liquors shall not be permitted, either in public dance hall or on the premises on which it is situated. D. The participation in a public dance of persons under the influence of liquor or drugs shall not be permitted. E. Idlers or -loiterers shall not be permitted tO remain ether in a public dance hall or on the premises on 'which it is situated. I P. All dances held in the night time shall be kept well and sufficiently i lighted at all times. Section 9. The County Board shall promptly after, three days' notice and anhearing, revoke the license of any person whm shall violate any provisions of this-1 ordinance. Between sessions- of the County Board, the Chairman of the County Board shall ororn,:)tl revoke the license of an person itio shall violate an y y y provision i of this ordinance; provided that such license so revoked b the f 1 Board at its next session, i� upon y president o� she petition by the licensee. county Board may be reinstated by theolarty/� the board shall be of opinion that the action of the president of the county board in revoking such license was improper. Section 10. Upon the revocation of any dance hall license, no new license shall be issued either to the same licensee or to a different licensee for the same dance hall within six months following the date o/such revocation. Section 11. The sheriff of the county and all deputy sheriffs regularly appointed and qualified to act as such shall have the same powers to en -force the provisions of this ordinance as have dance hall inspectors, and when acting as inspectors upon request of the county clerk shall receive the same compensation as is provided for dance hall inspectors. Section 12. iall fees provided herein shall be paid inrt!5-- the county treas- ury, and the compensation of inspectors shall be paid by -the county trea-surer as other moneys. are paid, but no compensation shall be made for any inspection except for which :;. written report has been filed as provided in section 4 of this or- dinance. Section 13. All dance halls within the corporate limits of the cities of and the Villages of are deemed to be regulated by sufficient and satisfactory regulations provided for by the ordinances of such cities and *Villages, and for that reason are exempted from the provisions of this ordinance, subject, however, to inclusion by a later enactment of the county board. ,I - M SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BAYFILLD COUNTY BOARD May 29, 1924. i Section 14. Any licensee hereunder may be, permitted to maintain at such public danca hall, dance pavillion or other public place of amusement stand_for the sale and dispensing of nonintoxicating bevera"es provided he shall have first obtained from his lacal town board, village board or common council a license permitting him to dispense and sell nonintoxicating drinks, and it is hereby declared illegal for a aid licensee to maintain any stand for the sale- of liquid refreshments or to suffer or permit the sale of any Bart of drinka on said premises or portion thereof during the time while the public is in attendance, at such licensed ente.rtaingant, unless he shall have first obtained and have. posted in his hall such local license for the sale of nonintoxicating beverages. Section 15. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this. ordinance, or shall falsely represent the age, parentage or guardianship of any child under sixteen years of age in order to secure the admittance of such child to a,public donne, -or to secure permission to such child to continue to attand such dance, shall be punished by a.fine of not less than twenty-five dollars and not more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than thirty days in the county jail and not more than one year in the state prison, and as- an additional penalty thereto the license or licenses of the person or persona so violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be revoked. Section 16. This ordinance shall take effect on June, 15, 1924. Hotion was made and seconded that.Section 13 of the foregoing dance ordinance- be- struck out. Roll call showed the following vote: Ayes: Carver" Moore, Baker, Karow, Williams, herta, Curry, ;quires, K_obelt, Axness, Junek, l+Toney., Rihalak, Okers.trom, Habelt, Lamont, Smith and Bell. Total, 18. Nays.: Galligan, K_jarvick, S.oronen, Morris, Helmer, helstrand, Glass, Ta.ipale, Lavin, Tetz.ne.r, 'Iachsm.uth, Doyle, Bergmann, Arntsen, Yelson, Hering and Johnson. Total, 17. Motion was made and seconded to raise the inspection fee to four dollars and to pay the inspector for each dance four dollars. Iuotion carried. Motion was made and seconded that the dance hall ordinance be adopted_ with the two foregoing amendments, same to take effect June 15. Roll call showed the following vote: Ayes: Carver, Galligan, Moore, Baker, Karow, Williams, Soronen, Marta, Curry, Helmer, Squir.ea, Melstrand, Kobelt, Glass, Axness,, Junek, Froney, Taipale, Mihalak, Okerstrom, Habelt, Lamont, Lavin, Tetaner,.Tachsmuth, Smith, Doyle, Arntsen, Nelson, Hering, Johnson, Bell. Total, 32. Nays: Kjarvick, Morris, Bergmann. Total, 3. Motion was -tide and seconded to have the clerk get printed copies of the dance hall ordinance �nd to charge same to th& dance hall account. Notion carried. The following resolution was then read: Pllay 29, 1924. RESOLVED: By the County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, i that all future meetings of the County Board or Committee meetings that the. i compensation of all members shall be four dollars per day for the time actually spent on attending such meetings and mileage as prescribed by law; S. E. Squires. Motion was made and seconded that the above resolution be laid on the table. Motion carried. The following resolution was then read: SPECIAL 1,1EETING OF THE' BAYF IELD COUNTY BOARD I May 29, 1924. RESOLVED: By the County Board of Supervisors of. Bayfield County, 1,7isconsin, this 29th day of May, 1924; that the office of the County Agent be abolished at the expiration of the contract now in force with the County Agent, and that the County Agricultural Committee. are hereby instructed not to enter into any contract for and on behalf of this County fc.r hiring of a County Agent. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That ho further appropriations be made for this office beyond that effective under the budget adopted at the last meeting of this. Board. _ H . Lamont i Ballots on the above resolution were called for. The result of the first ballot was as follows: Twenty-three against., twelve. for. Motion los ..... 11 represe.ntative of the 1,1is.consin Savings & Loan & Building Association was then allowed by the Board to address there regarding taxes on property in which they are interested in the city of '�JashburnIt was then moved and sec- o.nded that the finance and budget committee have to settle the tax question in the. form of a compromise or otherwise in the ity of Washburn as requested by the 'vffisconsin Savings & Loan & Building Association of Prilwaukee. Motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjc.urn until 1:15 at the County T001 House, and that the Board go out for a,: machinery administration and report back at 2; O'Clock at the Court House for the afternoon session. Motion carried. { i Chairman, ",oy Okerstrom, called the Board together at 1:30. Roll call showed the following members present: - Carver, Galligan 71doore Kjarvick, Baker, Karow, ffilliams, Soronen, Mertz, Curry, Morris, Helmer, Squires, Mels.trand, Kobelt, Glass, Axness, Junek, Froney, Taipale, Mihalak, Okerstrom, Habelt, Lamont, Lavin, Tetzner, I:Iachsmuth, Smith, Doyle, Bergmann, Arntsen, Nelson, Hering, Johnson and Bell. she following resolution was then read: � I `,TEEREAS, Henry Hiltunen is the owner and resides on the South Half of the I i Southeast Qu, arter of Section Thirty-five, in Township Forty-nine, North of Range Nine ffest (S' SE 35, 49, 9) being in the Town of Oulu, in Bayfield County, i _ I Wisconsin, and, ,711EREAS, there s.eems, to be a flaw in the title of his said land which he desires to clear up, and, REREAS, the County of Bayfield, by its county clerk, John Froseth,.on the 24th day of May, 1898, deeded to Robert E. Parcher, by tax deed; sold for taxes May 21, 1895, the Southeast 'quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Thirty-five, in Township Forty-nine, North of Range Nine Crest (SE SE 35, 49)9) and othe.r lands, and, I 1XHEREAS, the: County of Bayfield, by its county clerk, John Froseth, on the 21st. day of June, 1899, deeded to Robert E. Parcher, by tax deed, sold for taxes May 19, 1896, the Southeast �'uarter of the Southeast -�`uarter of Section Thirty-five, in Township r'orty-nine, North of Range Nine `West. (SE SE. 35, 49, 9) and, W`dEREAS, Bayfield County, by its county clerk, Nels Tv1. Oscar, conveyed by tax deed, on the 25th day of May, 1904, to D. M. Tfaxcy, the South Half of the Southeast t�uarter of Section Thirty-five, in Township Forty-nine, North -- -- — — _ - -- — -- -SPECIAL SPECIAL it9EETING ' OF- THE B1�,YFI.ELD- GAUNT-Y- B.OkRD----- - --- - - — - ---- - — — -May _ 2 9 ,_1924. - of Range Nine: West, (S. 2 SE 35, 49, 9�): s.old for taxes May 21, 1901, and, 77HEREAS, the said D. M. Maxcy and :Edith T. liaxcy, his wife, on the 7th day of December, 1904, conveyed by quit claim deed to said Bayfield County, the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of. Thirty-five, in Township Uorty-nine, North.of Range:Nine:, West (S 2 SE 35, 49, 9), and, VIIEREHAS, the said Robert E. Parcher and wife, Mary H. Conveyed the Southeast Qua.rte.r of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty-five, in Township Forty-nine, North of Range Nine West, (SE SE 35, 49, 9) to :7alter Alexander, by quit claim deed, on the 30th day of November, 1907, and, :AREAS, the said t'Jalter Alexander and Sarah R. , his, wife, conveyed by quit. claim deed to said Bayfield County, the Southeast Quarter of the.South,4 east Quarter of Section Thirty-five, in -Township Forty-nine, North of Range Nine Test ('SE 5E-35, 49, 9) being part of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty-five, in Township Forty-nine, North of Range. Nine lest, above described, a.nd, tiJHEREAS, it appears. by the records of the Register of Deeds of said Bayfield County that the United States of America conveyed the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of -Section Thirty-five, in Township l'orty-nine, North of Range i7ine,West (S z SE 35, 49, 9) the above described land, by United States patent, dated Septemver 5, 1903, and recorded February 6,•1904, in Volume 47 of Patents, on.page 200, to Mary Luzette Lockwood, and, 11-JIEREAS, the said land was deeded by s.aid.Bayfield County, prior and long before the issue of the patent therefor by the government of the United States, and that the County of Bayfield had no title at any -of the times of conveying the same by tax deed as hereinbefore stated, and has -no title now, and never had any title to the said.above described land. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, at this County Board mee.ting held at the Court House building, in the city of-Iffashb.urn, in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, on the 29th day of May, 1924, that the County Clerk be and he i-s hereby authorized and instructed to convey by quit claim deed to Henry Hiltunen, the South Half of .the Southeast 4uarter of Section 'Thirty-five., in Township forty, -nine, North of Range. Nine West (S z SE 35, 49, 9) being the land hereinbefore described. Dated May 29th, 1924. M: C. Helmer Motion was na de and seconded that the clerk be instructed to issue a quit. claim deed to Henry Hiltunen. Lotion carried. The following resolution was then read: TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: 13HEPREAS.it appears, as the fact is, that the. United Homestead Patent No. 818991 was issued to Herman Koehler under date of August 11, 1921, conveying to him.the SE-1 of the YE-1 of Section 4, in Township 47 North of Range 6 ffest (see. Vol. 85 on page 103 of Patents); and 7,THEREAS, It further appears that this same land was assessed and placed upon the tax roll in 1897 and sold for non-payment of such taxes in May, 1898, to D. M. Ylaxcy, to whom a tax deed was issued in due time (see Vol. 3 on page 173 of Tax Deeds); and �,4JHEREAS, It further appears, that the said D. M. h1axcy under date SPECIAL Idea T ING OF THE B _,YFIELD COUNTY BOARD I of November 9, 1905, executed a quit claim deed in and to said premises to Bayfield County for a nominal consideration of $1.00 and refund or claim for illegal taxes by him paid on the lands.in question (see Vol. 45, on Page 250 of I Deeds); and WHEREAS., These conveyances constitute more or less.a cloud on the j I title to the lands in question, so far as the present U. S: Patent right owner is concerned: Now, therefore, Be. it I RESOLVED, by the. County Board of Bayfield County, that the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be, and tl-cey are hereby authorized and directed to execute a quit claim deed.on behalf of Bayfield County to Herman Koehler, the patentee i aforesaid, to the lands in question, namely the SET of the NET of Section 4, in Township 47 North of Range 6 '`lest, for a nominal consideration of �1.00. Dated May 29th, 1924. I A. Kalihalak. I Chairman of town of Pilsen. Motion was made and seconded that the clerk be instructed to issue a quit claim deed to Herman Koehler for and in consideration of $1.00. Notion i carried. i Motion was made and seconded that the rates for printing in the official i paper remain the same as before; namely, forty cents per folio. Motion carried. it Vote for she off:- cial paper for. ;the ensuing year. was tfi-ti-a:, made by ballot. The first ballot was as follows: 71ashburn Times, 16, Bayfield Progress, 3, Bayfield Press-14, Iron River Pioneer, 2, total 35. No choice. The second ballot was. as follows: ,,Washburn Times, 19„ Bayfield Progress, 1, and Bayfield Press, 15. Total 35. Motion was made and seconded that the informal ballot be made formal and that the �Washbu-n. Times be •declared the official paper for the ensuing year. Motion carried. The following report was then read: ',Va shl(urn , ?Ili s . lvIay 28, 1924. -TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD, BAYFIELD COUI?TY, WIS. Gentlemen: 'We the ua6rsigned committee on Finance and iViiscellaneuus, beg leave to I report, that we have examined the following bills, recommended that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked"Allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same. Signed: 0. M. Axness. H. Lamont M. C. Helmer E. R. Tetzner i Roy Okerstrom. Name of Claimant Purpose Claimed Allowed 1-1. E . Doyle Town of Mason Town of Iron River Town of Hughes Town of Iron River `,`fill Rose at State San. City of Bayfield 1 day serving tax notices 4,00 4.00 Burial of Transient Poor 50.00 50.00 Hospital care " " 62.85 62.85 -Burial of a' " 24.00 24.00 Rent of Town Hall for Municippl Court Room 200.00 200.00 p340.85 -Disallowed Mdse. furnished Louie Lilikolem 22.15.. Burial Son of Elias Bliss -on (No evidence of payment by city)55.25 L. Chantelois account(previously being disallowed as being a resident poor 804.60 i I I I I I I I i I I Vern R. Edwards Judgment C. Fair Ass'n. Settled by Fair Association. 169.00 $p1, 051 . 00 Referred to District Attorney T. F. Ma.ekmiller, interest accrued on contract 408.27 SPECIAL i 1E.ETING OF THE BAYFI-11:jLD COU1%TTY BOARD May 29, 1924; 1:otion was made and seconded that the report bf the Finance Committee be adopted as read, and that the clerk 'be ordered to place same in file.. Motion carried. The following report -,-ias then read: 5ashburn, Iffis. , Allay 28, 1924. TO THE HONORAT,1LE COUNTY BOARD, BAYFIELD COUNTY, Gentlemen: We the undersigned committee on Illegal Taxes, be leave to report, that vie have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in column marked "allowed' and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same. it Signed: Jas. A. Baker Luke J. Lavin M. B. I'lorris Name of Claimant. claimed allowed Pur ose Bayfield County Indian Lands, charge to town of Russell 24.16 24.16 The Howe Agency Ass.esse'd four times in one year charge to town of Barnes 23.15 23.15 Alexander E. Matheson Illegal description, charge to town of Bayfield 11.73 10.69 to to of 11 12.03 10.40 to of to to to 11.64 10.78 Wark Hessey Double Assessment charge to Town of Iron River 16.34 16.34 'John 4.47 4.47. J..Fisher Double Assessment charge to town of Bayfield 4.85 4.58 W. C. Foster Co. Paid to Town treasurer, charge to the Town ,of Clover 26.19 26.19 Paid to town treasurer charge to town ofBarnes 14.95 14-95 it of Illegal desription, charge to the town of Russell 16.06 16-06 A. W. T.,TacLeod Owned by town of Iron River, Charge to tovn of Iron River 14.78 12.72 Bayfield County Paid to City Treasurer, charge to the City of 'Washburn 53-36 53.36 to to Paid to town treasurer, charge to town of Pilsen 53.88 53.88 77. C. Foster Co. Compromise to owner of land by action of the court. Charge to Town of Bayview 606.00 595.59 to it to 429.45 422.27 Baker Land & TitleCo. County property, charge back to town of Bayfield 19.46 19.46 Illegal description charge back to the town of Bayfield 31.51 31.51 Taxes paid to the Town Treas., charge back to the town of Barnes 14.33 14.15 Taxes paid to the town treas., charge back to the town Washburn 19.60 19.60 Taxes paid to the town treas., charge back totown of Bayview. 9.97 9.97 Taxes paid to twon Treas., charge back to town of Iron River 42.67 42.45 Taxes paid to the town treas. , charge back to town of Pilsen 35.03 34.09 to It of it 11 Taxes paid 'before sale, charge back to town of Bell 17.12 16.74 Total--- 1,512.73 �1,487.56 Bayfield County To cancellation of the following certificates which are illegal as the taxes were paid to the County Treasurer before the sale. Sale of 1922. 83.58 196-93 150.04 430.55 A. Iff. MacLeod Referred back to him for more de�cinite information regarding some special assessment certificates in the city of Washburn of which the County Treasurer merely acts as a collection agency. Motion was made and secondedt that the report on illegal taxes be ad- opted as read and that the clerk be instructed to issue orders for the amount SPECIAL T4"E PING OF THE. BAYFIE LD COUNTY BOARD 1�ay 29, 1924. - i I under column headed hallowed." Motion carried. The following resolution was then read: Supervisor M. C. Helmer offered and moved the adoption of the following resolution, which motion was duly seconded by Supervisor H. Lamont: 71-11—EREAS, The County Board of Supe.rvisors. of 3ayfield County, Yisconsin, at the adjourned.annual session of the,Boa.rd, held .on December 2, 1919, adopted a resolution entitled: "A resolution to raise money for the payment of Bayfield County's share of the cost of construction of S.tate Trunk Highway j,110, as relocated by i1-isconsin Highway Commission, as assessed against and apportioned to said.county, by issuing non-taxable semi-annual, interest payment, coupon, serial bonds of Bayfield County." -.Ngzich said resolutionauthorized said county to rasie the sum of Yorty-three Thousand Dollars ($43,000.00) by issuing the serial bonds of said county, in said amount; _-nd section 4 of said resolution provided that said bonds shall bear date of First day of April, 1920, and that bonds of the par value of $4,500.00 shall become due and payable on the First day of April in each of the years 1921 to 1929, both inclusive,'and bonds of ,the par value of $'2,500. shall become due and payable on the First day of April, 1930; and .V _1H AS, through some misunderstanding daid bonds wereactually printed, executed by the county officials, paid for and delivered, maturing as. follows: Bonds of the par value of 5p2,500. on the Wirst day of April, 1921, and bonds of the par value of 94,500.-00 on the First day of April, 1922. to.1930, bosh inclusive; and �=11RJEAS, pursuant to resolution of said county Board adopted January 20, 1920, the proceedings in connection with said bond, issue were sub- j mitted to the Attorney General of the State of.'„risconsin, pursuant to law, and each of said bonds, as -actually printed, executed and delivered, has endorsed thereon a certificate. signed by the Attorney General, that same is regular and incontestable, except for constitutional reasons; and _�7HEMMAS, Bonds numbered 1 to 5, inclusive, for :�500.00 each, aggregating 2 500. which state b their terms that the were due. April 1 1921 I � y Y p , and bonds 6 to 14, inclusive, aggregating $4,500. which state by their terms that they were due April 1, 1922, and bonds. 15 to 23, inclusive, aggregating $4,500. which state by their terms that they were due April 1, 1923, were. paid - by the county on said dates; and Tfi1REAS, it is, now deemed to be for the best interest of the county to a±aend said, resolution adopted D.ecembe.r 2, 1919, so as. to provide .for the issuance of bonds maturing on the dates: upon which said bonds, a_s issued and delivered, actually mature. NOIV, THERREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors. of Bayfield County, 1isconsin that section 4 of said resolution be and the same is hereby amended to read as. `_'ollows,.: Section 4. Said bonds shall bear date the lst day of April, 1920. Bonds numbered one (1) to rive (5), both numbers inclusive, shall become due and made payable on the -1st day of April, 1921. Bonds numbered six (6).to fourteen (14), both numbers..inclusive, shall become due and made payable on the.lst day of April, 1922. Bonds numbered fifteen (15) to twenty-three (23), both numbers inclusive, shall become due and made payable on the Ist day of April, 1923. Bonds numbered twenty-four (24) to thirty-two (02), both num- bers inclusive, shall become due and made payable on the lst day of April, 1924. Bonds numbered thirty-three (33) to forty-one (41), both num- bers inclusive, shall become due and made payable on the lst day of April, 1925. i Bonds numbered forty-t-%kro (42) to fifty (50), both numbers in- clusive, shall become due and made payable on the lst day of April, 1926. Bonds numbered fifty-one (51) to fifty-nine (59), both num- bers inclusive, shall become due and made ayable on the 'lst day of April, 19217. Bonds numbered sixty (60) to sixty-eight (68), both numbers inclusive, shallbecome due and made payable on the lst day of April, 1928. Bonds numbered sixty-nine (69) to seventy-seven (77), both j numbers, inclusive, shall become due and made payable on the lst day of April, 1929. Bonds numbered seventy-eight (78) to eighty-six (66), both j numbers inclusive, shall ) become due and made payable on bhe 1st day of rTpril, 1930.1 -- -- --- -- -- SPECIAL_I�a��.TING:, OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD_ _may 29,_1924. The interest on said. bonds shall become due and made, payable on the 1st day of Octobe.r.and the lst day of April in each year; the first semi.=annual payment of said interest to be made. on the lst dqy of October, 1920, and like payments. on the 21st days of. April and October in each year thereafter until said bonds shall be retired. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the. execution, issuance and delivery of said bonds maturing in accordance with the amendment of said resolution hereby adopted is. hereby ratified and.confirmed in all respects, and said bonds so issued are hereby declared to be legal and valid,outs.t,-nding obligations of Bayfield County, `.Tis.consin, and the payment of the principal and interest -upon said bonds heretofore made by the county officials of said county is hereby ratified and confirmed, and the proper county officers- a:re he.r;eby directed to make payment of the principal and interest upon said bond issue when hereafter due, in accordance with the date of maturity of the principal and -interest on said bonds, as deter- mined by this amendment to the resolutions authorizing said issue. Dated this 29th day of May, 1924. Moved and seconded that the resolution be adotted. it was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: 35. Nays: None. Motion carried. The following request,,;, was then read: -Washburn, 71is . , Iday 239 , 1924. To the Honorable, The County Board of Bayfield County: I respectfully request permission to address yourhonorable body briefly, on the subject of the payment of the money owing to F. T. Mackmiller under the road contracts he performed at Iron River last fall. Respectfully yours, C. F. Morris. Motion was made and seconded that Mr. Morris. be permitted to address the Board on the above mentioned matter. Motion carried. Hotion was made and seconded that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be instructed to draw ank.'order in favor of T. F. Mackmiller for the amount of the contracts now in file in the County Clerk's office plus interest}or the construction of a Highway over the Iron River Dam. Motion carried. i The following report of the Special Fair Committee was then read: To the Honorable County Board of Bayfield County Wisconsin: Gentlemen: The undersigned committee appointed to audit the 1922 Bayfield County Fair report makes report to your honorable body that on the 8th day of December, 1923, the committee met at Iron River With the secretary and treasurer of Bayfield County Fair Association and inspected the recored of said officers of the Assoc- iation. From such inspection it appears that the report is incomplete both aS to moneys received and as to expendtures. Your;.. committee, therefore, desires to make several criticisms of the report and the methods of doing business. by thb officers of said association and to make some recommendations for further transactions and reports. The report shows. tWo items of moneys received from Bayfield County, one being for two thousand dollars and the other for one thousand dollars.. It appears by an inspection:- of ;th"e treasurer's and che- 'County Clerk's records that this statement is entirely incorrec:t.. The"one thousand dollar item credited to the. county was found to be insurance. money received. for loss- under rain insurance policy, and this :item should have been reported as received from that source. The remaining credit of two thousand dollars to the county is also in- correct in that "the total amount furnished by the county to the fair board that year was $2417.14. Of the $417.14 unreported, the sum of $5274.99 was. paid by the county for fire and tornado insurance. 'ode cannot find that the Fair Comm- ittees report shows any expenditure for fire and tornado insurance s.o that the bAlance is not affected b-. the failure t_o" give credit for this item. However, this item was paid to the fair board in­'cess. of the appropriation for that. year which appears to have been �02142.19. The amounts: contributed by the County f_o=.i ."fair purposes that year were as follows: March 24, 1922 274.99 June 15, 1,000.00 August 22, .11,142.19 $2,417.18 It therefore appears that after correcting the error in reporting the 54 4 SPECIAL L'EIEITING :OF TIC' BAYFIw,'LD COU_T:TY BOARD. - - loss. received for rain insurance, there was the sum of $417.18 received from the county which was notsholnrn by this. report., of which amount the sum of �142.19 does not appear to be acoounted for in any way, although the bank deposit records at Iron River show that this money.was deposited to the account of the County Fail" Board: It appears that the secretary of the Association has no book record of the financial transactions of the Association, but that all of his records are available only through cancelled vouchers and check stubs. The failure to give proper credit to the cuunty, and the apparent discrepancy shownn in this report would undoubtedly have been avoided had a systematic book account of the transactions been kept by the secretary. Your committee considers it not only advisable but necessary for the proper record -of the business of the Association that. the secretary should hereafter keep a set of books, and .keep full account therein of all,receipts and expenses of the Association and that in the annual reports. to be made to the. County Board by such association the reports should show all moneys: received, including moneys received from the state, and moneys borrowed for the use of the association. And likewise there should be shown upon such report all expenditures of such moneys, showing the payment for labor, supplies, fair premiums, and other disposition thereof. Also such I book entries should cont&,,In a record of all unpaid bills and claims against the association at the close of the year for which the report is made so far as known to the management. It would be advisable that such.claims should be itemized, showing the name of the claimant and the purpose for which the debt is owing. We recommend further that the reports be made prior to the November meeting of the County Board each year, aside from the payment 'of, fair premiums, and there would seem to be no good reason why the reports could not be made at that time. It probably -would be satisfactory to tl-1e County Board if the report were to be made at that time to have the total amount of premium accounts due to the Exhibitors, but not paid, shown as one consolidated item, thus obviating the necessity of itemizing a large number of premium payments due but not paid. I-t_ is recommended also.. that in showing the account of receipts such report should show the, receipts by items. As for instance all receipts during the fair week. The. gate receipts for each day should be shown separately and the entyr fees should.be shown separately from the gate receipts. Also where money -is received from the county or from other sources in several payments these payments w-ith the dates of the same should be shown separately,:' This would make it poss- ible to check up the account much more readily and accurately and would be. more satisfactory in every way. It appears that a judgment. has been taken against the association by several creditors.in the total tum of about one hundred and sixty-nine dollars, with some interest now accrued. Also that the association is indebted to some creditors for accounts now more. than one year old: Your committee recommends that all of these old accounts,be ascertained and paid by the Association before receiving further aid from the county and if not paid that arrangel-r_ent be made whereby such indebtedness. shall be paid out of the appropriation made by the County Board to said Association for the next year, and as a condition of receiving further aid from the county. Your committee. is impressed with the fact that there appears to be a. much larger expenditureof money i_rz the conduct of the Fair than is needful or ne-cessary. It -is believed that a ;considerable reduction of the general expenses of the Fair might be obtainedbyAreducing the prizes offered for horse racing. Considering the. attendance. at she Fair induced by the horse racing offered it d woulseem thatthe lavish expenditure of so much money for racing is not justified by the results obtained. In fact you/tcommitt_ee feels that if the :,ffering for horse racing -we -re reduced materially and a part of the amount so saved to the Association were expended in increased premiums for exhibitors of live stock and agricultural and horticultural products -the attendance at the Fair would be fully as great as it is at present and the results obtained would be much more satisfac- tory. Your committee recommendshereafter that the Fair be held three days only. Your committee finds that the cost for rain insurance is such as to make it almost prohibitive and recommends that rain insurance be hereafter dis- continued, or greatly limited. Respectfully Submitted, H. Nourse Geo. Karow John J. Fisher Motion was made and seconded that the above report be adopted as read and ordered placed on file:. Motion carried. greater care in looking after the employment of help and obtaining of supplies. Also it would appear that a con- siderable reduction of expenses could be obtained by 00 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIFLD _COUNTY BOARD_ -- --- -----__- _------- - Nay 29 =-1924. _ ---- _---- -- --_--_ _ _ The following ordinances were then read: An Ordinance to change the name. of the Town of Mason, in Bayfield County, to Town of Delta, adopted at a special mee.ting of the County Board of Bayfield County, held on the 29th day of May, 1924. The County Board of Supervisors, of the County of Bayfield, do ordain as follows: Section 1. The. name of the Town of Mason, which embraces Government Township nvmb,ered forty-aix (46) North of Range. Seven (7) ?Nest; and Govern- ment Township numbered Forty-s-ix (46) North of Range Eight (8) West, is here- by changed from the Town of Mason to Delta., so that. the name of said town shall henceforth be the Town of Delta. Section 2. The County Clerk of Bayfield County is hereby directed and required to cause the publication of this.ordinance in the official county paper of Bayfield County, and to procure and distribute copies -of such paper contain - the ing the publication of this ordinance to/several Town Clerks of Bayfield County. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. County Board, Mashburn, ,fliscons.in. Gentlemen: 0. M. Axness:. May 28, 1924. 'Ne, the undersigned residents of the town of Mason, hereby petition your Honorable Body to rename our town. And Whereas; our post.office and rail road stati6n_.has. be.en known by the name of Delta. for a large number of years, we desire to have the town known by the name of Delta. Mike Lysek lm. Stgeyez.e Mrs. John M;tchell �f. J. Hafner Andy Knoll Frank .Davis ,.7. Beebe C. C.. Larson Henry Lauste D. Friedli Mrs. C. C. Larson Frank J. Holubar tnlm. J. H. Meyer IvTr. John Mitchell Edna Holubar Mrs. :ffm. Meyer Mrs..H. Mitchell Fred Clark Mrs. 151. J. Hafner Minutes of Annual Meeting of Town of. Mason. The meeting was called to order by -Max Glass, Chairman. The following recommendations for the town of Mason were made: $1,200.-00 to be appropriated to the General Fund, which were made up as follows: SALARIES: Chairman, $100.00 Three elections, U75.00 Clerk, 100.00 Miscellaneous, 325.00 Supervisors 75.00 or $2.60 per day Book & Equipment, 300.00 Treasurer, 75.00 Highway fund 1200.00 Assessor, 150.00 It was recommended that the town labor be paid thirty cents per houre for man and thirty cents per hour for team. $300.00 was recommended for the grading and fixing of culverts on the road between Sec. 15.and 16 from the Pike River School south to the D. S. S: & A. Ry. A like amount for the grading and ditching of ,the. Southerland road from the D. S. S. & A. Ry. T7es:t and South. $300.00 was also recomrr)ended for the brushing and repairing of the road from the South lines of John Bell's to what is known a's the Little Settlement. A resolution was pass.ed authorizing the Board to borrow $2400.00 necessary to carry on the business of the town, also giving the Board the right ir- SPECIAL 1:EE-TING OF THE BAYFII�aI;D COUNTY B0?RD I�fa-y I to use. their judgment in repairing and. grading of. roads (Thos.e in favor of chan- ging the. Town name to Delta were. seventeen to six). _ I The next town mee.tinE to be held the. first Tuesday in April, 1925, at 2:00 P. 11. There being no: further business, the meeting adjourned. I hereby certify that this, is a correct and true copy of the original minutes. E. D. Butler, Town Clerk. Motion was made and seconded that the- ordinance be adopted as read. Motion carried. I An Ordinance to change the name of the Town of New Mason, in Bayfield County, to Town of Mason, adopted at a,, special meeting of the County Board of Bayfield County, held on the 29th day of May, 1924. ' The. County Board of Supervisors, of the County of Bayfield, do ordain as follows: i ISection 1. The name of the Town of New Mason, which embraces Gov- ernment Township numbered Forty-six (46) North of Range Six (6) West, is hereby changed, by striking out from said name the word "New" so that the name of said i town shall henceforth be the Town of lltason. Section 2. The County Clerk of Bayfield County is hereby directed and I I required to cause the publication of this ordinance in the official county paper of Bayfield County, and'to procure and distribute copies of such paper containing the publication of this ordinance to the several town clerks of Bayfield County. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. I 0. M. Axness. )Motion was made and seconded that the ordinance be adopted as read. Motion carried. '�he following reso.ution was then introduced by request of Spanish, American Nar Veteran. RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield- County, Iffis. , in special session assembled thisZ9th day of May, that the sum of Three Hundred dollars (300.00-), be, and the same is hereby appropriated out of any avail- able funds in the treasury of the said county, for the purpose of purchasing or to build a. suitable cabinet in which is to be preserved in the court house of the said county relics of the Civil ,tar, the Spanish American Tar and the German American `War. � I SOLVI�D FURTHER, that out of the said amount of 2300.00, a sufficient) sum be used for the purpose of a service flag for Bayfield county, to be displayed I in an appropriate place in the court houzse of .said county. I I:CESOLVED 1PUR`!'IIER, that upon a favorable passa`;e of this resolution, the purc;:zasing agent is hereby authorized to make the necessa-y purchase of said cabinet and service flag. j FURTHER REf30LVED, That the County Cle-k of said county, be the custodian of said cabinet and service flag. Dated this 29th day of May, 1924, 5ashburn, ':ffis.' u`/m. Arnts.en. °J 7 SPECIAL I -METING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD. -------------'--- _ _- -day 2.9_, ��2_4 •---- - - ----- Motion was. made and seconded that the foregoing resolution be amend- e.-d_ t.o read the sum of 200.00 instead of $300.00 and that the building of the cabinet. be. under the supervision.of the Buiding & Grounds Commit.t.ee-, and that the resolution be adopted with the amendments. No carried. The following report of the special committee, to linve-stigate the road in the, town of Keystone was then read.: The following petition ,vaa truly read and in accordance with former rules., same was referred. to a committee of three. to be. appointed by the chair- man and report their findings at the next -regular meeting of thisbbard. The Chairman appointed a.s such committee, E. R. Tet.zne.r, Otto Regelein, and '13. L. Bra-df i e Id. TO THE COUNTY BOlLRD OF BAYFI_'LD COUNTY: The undersigned respectfully pe.t.it.i.on your honorable, body that the town highway, now starting -West from highway #112 on the East quarter line in Section 35; Thence running :`lest through Sections 35 and 34 to the East quarter post of Section 33; thence. North on the line between Sections 33 qnd 34 a half mile; thence West on the North line of Section 33' 32 and 31 to the County Highway, running North and South on ;the. Range, line between ranges 6 and 7, said highway being all in the Township forty-seven (47) Range Six (6) .Nest. That a large amount of public travel to Duluth, Minn. coming from the highway -#13, travels along highway #24 to Benoit and then over this road to connect with highway #10 to Superior and Duluth which makes a large amount of outside travel on this particular highway and for that reason we consider it should be- made a part of the county highway system. 1.7e believe 85% of .the travel on this highti-iray is from outside. Dated November 24, 1922. SIGMEID: Thirty-seven tax payers. 'Jashbur.n, Wis. kb-y 29, 1924. j TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: IA1e, the undersigned committee to whom was referred the foregoing petition for placing t p p g 5 � miles of the highway in the To-:Sm of Keystone on the County Highway System, respectfully report to the Bayfield County Board as I follows: This committee in com_jany with John Friberg, County Highway Comm- issioner, and A.,P. 761elstrand, Chairman of the Town of Keystone, did on the 23d day of Lay, 1924, go over and inspect this piece of road, and found that con- siderable wouk has been done since the trip of inspection made in IJTay, 1922. Beginning at -the East end the first c mile is in fair condition as to grading, but hardly wide enough, being not over 16 feet in width. The next mile in sec. 34, 47, 6, is graded narrow and the right of way piled with rocks of which there are an unusual_ number. The next 2 mile turning North is low and in need of drainage as shown by our wet spring season. The next three miles ,,ffest to County Trunk E is fairly well graded, though narrow, and in need of a number of culverts. There are also a. large amount of rocks through the Eastern end of this stretch. In crossing the head waters of Fish Creek this road de- P- 0 SPECIAL MEE.`1_'ING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD May 29, 1924. - I f.lects from the s.e.ction line considerably which however provides a fairly easy I i grade. The bridge over Fish Creek is an old wooden affair and must 'be replaced I soon by a new bridge of not less. than 20 ft. span. i Through the entire stretch of road it was observed that in only one pla.ce not exceeding .2 mile. in length was- the right of way 3. rods. in width between fences. The. balance. of most of this.. right of way is fenced on both sides and I apparently but two rods given so far for highways., and where. the rocks are thick they cover the available space from the ditch to the fence. i i In view of the large amount of money necessary to bring this road up to class. B specifications, and also considering the large amount of State and County mileage. already in the town with the other towns of,much less mileage or no mile- age- at all, this committee feels it cannot recommend the' road for the adoption to i the. county system of highways at this time. SIGNED: E. R. Tetzne.r I VVm. Arntsen i Otto Regelein. I;iotion was made and sec :;nded that the report be adopted as read and placed on file. Mution carried. The following resolution was then read: ';Ihereas, the county of Bayfield has. become thecowner of various tracts i and parcels of land and city and village lots in the county by the taking of tax deeds, and Whereas, the amount of money in some cases accrued by delingyent taxes I is far in excess of the true value of said tracts, parcels and lots, and in other cases much less than the properties are actually worth, be it hereby Resolved that a committee be appointed consisting of the member of the j county board representing the taxing district:, -in which is located each particular tract, parcel and lot, the County Clerk and the County Treasurer, the said comet- i ittee to have the power to establish a reasonable sales value for each tract, parcel or lot. and upon'the payment of the amount of said value by any person, the County Clerk is hereby authorized to execute a quit claim deed to such person of all rights, title and interest which the county may have in such tract, parcel or lot. Signed: C. 'V. Smith Motion was made and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adop- ted as read. Motion carried. The following report of the special committee appointed to investigate the road in the town of Oulu was then read: Ifiay, 29, 1924. I TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: Affe the undersigned committee to whom was referred the rtwo proposals i , attached hereto, did in company with John Fr'iberg, County Highway Commissioner, and; John Taipa-le, Chairman of the T-own of Oulu, make a trip of inspection over these I proposed routes on May 26th, 1924. To begin with, the committee wishes to say that the second,proposition i of the two proposals, namely, the route starting from State Highway #10 at I,Iuskeg � station is not considered at all for 3 ! miles North of Muskeg station for the i reason that the first mile and three civarters which is in the to:an of 'SPECIAL IV]Ek;.'TING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Hughes is mot turnpike.d and in places was impassable for cars at this time. The other route leaves the State Trunk Highway #10 about 2 mile :Test of Iron River and the first mile and three-quarters North runs betw-een the Towns of Iron River and Hughes and is of sandy na.tu.r.e, such as the baryon road and would have to be reconstructed. The next mile North lies between the Towns of Oulu and Tripp and is clay formation, ;wide roadbed and full right of way. i'.,,e next mile Pest is the beginning of the road in Oulu and is somewhat sandy formation at the `,^'leste.rn end but good road material fairly well graded. The next mile North j is wide roadbed and full right of way. The next mile North is he same. I The next three miles `:'hest is in good condition though the last mile of this stretch is- sandy materi,4L and some loose rock on the right of way. `1.'he next mile North is part of the old so-called buolevard road and is in good condition and is -very good road material being a sort of sandy loam. The next mile i crosses Reefer Creek on which a concrete bridge 11 x 9 X 18 with plank top on steel I beams has been constructed. There is a low spot ,rifest of this bridge which, however, has solid bottom and will hold the filling necessary to bring it up to grade. The next section which runs North is over a rollinaCountry, l The toad crosses Reefer Creek twice and the bridges at these places would soon have to be replaced although the larger. of the two was just recently covered with elm planking. Where the road crosses the Creek at the '!,Iestern end of this stretch the hills would have to be cut down to provide an easy grade. In this stretch there is a bridge over a dry run which is to be replaced bIT a concrete culvert by the Town of. Oulu to take care of water in flood times. There is one place also in.this stretch that skirts ReeferC Creek and should the road stay on the Section line a retaining wall would need to br built and the Creek diverted. However, this.could be avoided by moving the road up the beach about three- of four rods.for a. distance of perhaps 30 rods which would make hardly any grade at this particular point and,.cut the expense considerably perhaps. The mile '.lest to the 17ouglas County line between Oulu and Orienta is in need of drainage in the shape of culverts and also has to be graded. The '!rest end crosses i'ish Creek wherea bridge is necessary to provides room for a substantial fill'. The hill on each side would furnish this by cutting, in order to make a reasonable grade. When thepproposed road hits the Douglas County line it connects with a good road to the Lakeside road in said County a mile distant. The proposed road that lies directly in the Town of Oulu and i excepting the ,Hest mile on the boundary line was all being yJlowed at the time or our trip and will be graded as soon as weather pe=its. Galvanized culverts have been ordered and are to be installed in needed places. Attention is called to t.F e good width of the roadbed and width of right of way between fences practically the entire length of this proposed extension. The most of the road im Oulu has been gaveled and the town owns two gravel pits of fine I material which is easily available for use .on this road and for concrete work. In view of the fact that this town which is one of the densely populated towns of the county, comparatively speaking _:nd showing great rural SPECIAL T,ITEETING OF THE BAYFI;,LD COUNTY BOARD ---- ----- - -- - - - - = ----=—T,!Iay_ 29 , 192,4 .� development agriculturally and having no road within its boundaries maintained in any way by State- or County aid, this committee recommends that the proposed extension be adopted and placed on the Secondary system of County Hi`,_hways subject to the following suggestions: 1nas. much as considerable work on this road- is in progress and also contemplated for the coming season, this committee would suggest that another committee be appointed or elected at this meeting of the County Board to again j inspect this proposed extension prior to the annual meeting of the Board in November and.report on same at that time. This committee -could also.. on their I trip of'.inspection, investigate the mile of road in the Town of Tripp running East from the Mleisbauer farm, with the view of connecting the proposed extension in the town of Oulu with County Trunk B and thus, eliminating about one and three - I I ouarte.rs miles of reconstructed work between the towns of Iron Rives and Hughes, I and therefor the maintenance of parallel roads a mile apart. j I The present committee did not view this mile but understand it ds to be graded and gravelled this . summer and if in good shape will make a good connecting link as. aforementioned and cut down mileage. More detailed information{ on this can be obtained from the Road and Bridge Committee. In concluding this report this committee will again mention that they feel the Town of Oulu is entitled to consideration in this matter and make the � gore`oing recoiTnendations-with the view of keeping this matter before the County i Board and preserving the priority rights of said toivn concerning adoption of I highways to the secondary system, as outlined by previous road and bridge comm- � ittees, and adopted by the County Board. Signed: E. R. Tetzner I I -11m. Arnt.sen. I Motion was made and seconded that the report of the special Committee be placed on file and that Pat Galligan be appointed in place of Otto i Regelein, andd that the same committee be instructed to make another inspection of this_ road and report at the next meeting. Tlotion carried. The following resolution .was then read: Washburn, Visconsin. Hay 9, 19H 4; B,solved by the county Board of Bayfield County, this 29th day of May, 1924- that the. County Road and Bridge Committee be and is hereby authorized to take such steps as they deem necessary in starting proceedings to construct an under rail crossing on State Highway j2',°24 at Bibon, `.Visconsin, and to make such settlement with the Duluth South Shore & Atlantic Railway Company, either on a fifty-fifty basis or with a greater portion assessed to the Railway Company of such cost as they,may deem best. 0. 1J. Axness. T.TTotion was made and seconded that the above resolution bd amended to read that the county Road: -.and Bridge committee be authorized to enter into agreement. only with the -Duluth South Shore & Atlantic Railway Company, and that I the above resolution be adopted with.. the amendments. Motion carried. The following resolution was then read: i May 29, 192zt . 11ESOLVED: By the County Board of Bayfield County, this 29th day of Tray, 1924, that the office of the jailor be abolished, and that he only salaried officers in the sheriff's office shall be the sheriff and undersheriff, and that the duties of jailor shall be assumed by the sheriff or undersheriff. SIE'CIAL METING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BO,'-RD NMI MRII s I This, re -solution to be effective January .l, :1.1925. S. F. .Squires Motion was made. and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Motion carried unanimously. 1Iotion was made and seconded that the foregoing resolution regarding abolishment of jailor be reconsidered. Roll call showed the following vote: Ayes.: Carver, Galligan, Moore, Kjarvick, Baker, Karovi, Williams., Soronen, Mertz, Curry, Morris, Helmer, Melstrand, Kobelt, (lass., Junek, Froney, Taipale, Ellihalak, Okerstrom, Habelt, Lamont, Lavin, Tetzner, 77achsmuth, Smith, Doyle, Arnteen, Nelson, Hering., Johnson, Bell. Total, 32. I Nays: Squires., Axness., Bergmann. Total, three: Motion was made and seconded to lay the original resolution regarding abolishment of jailor on the table. Motion carried. The following resolution was then read: Your committee together with -the County Treasurer in examining the s.tatus of County funds at various seasons, find that during the months of March, April and lvlay particularly, these funds are very active, on account of deposits of Towns for County and state taxes, and the heavy withdrawals. This has proven unsatisfactory to depositories, in that the cost of carrying sun.h active funds. exceed the income therefrom. Such deposits cannot be in- vested s.o a.s to bring in returns that compensate for interest paid and cost I of depository bonds, hence some banks refuse to take such short time abd large i deposits. At the suggestion of the Treasurer, we recommend that interest on County deposits in County Depositoriea .carrying such active accounts, be com- puted on the basis - of the lowest daily balance for`.eachr-pionth during March, April and May each year, and the balance of theyyear to be computed on average daily balancers heretofore. The: ->present rate of interest. on daily balances is at 3%:per annum. Ve recommend that all banks of this county be designated as county Depositories, providing such banks furnish sufficient Corporate Surety Bends, and that from and after July 1, 1924, no personal bonds Le accepted for County Deposits. 0 . to : Axn e s s Ray H. Okerstrom M.I. C . Helmer E.' R. Tetzner H. Lamont Motion was made and seconded that the foregoing resolution be; adopted as read. Motion carried. The following resolution was then read: RESOLVED: Byt the County Board of Bayfield County, ",,iriscons.in, this 29th day of r_ay, 19F4;. that the legislature of this state, through the Assemblyman and Senator from this District, be and are hereby petitioned to repeal the Statute requiring counties to engage Supervising Teachers, and that the hiring of Supervising Teachers be made optional with the Counties and that ti-:e Coun4ies hiring such teachers be required to pay the salaries and expenses of such supervising teachers from the Gounty funds, and with- out state aid. Roy H. Okerstrom. SPECIAL I:11EE.TING OF THE BAYFIEL.D COUYTY BOARD --------------- I.Iot.ion was made and s.econded that the foregoing resolution be adopted - as. read. notion carried. The. folio -wing. -resolution was then read: LMEREAS., Chapter 39.14 clause. (1) Laws of Vyisconsin provides that the County Superintendent appoint a supervising t.eachar, and that under this. law Bayf.ield County must have two supervising teachers, and clause (2) provides. that the County Board of Supervisors shall.fix the salary of such supervising teachers for a, term of ten months., and provides for payment of salaries and expenses, until such time, as the State shall reimburse the county for such moneys.paid out; TIa BEFORE., be it resolved that the salary of each supervising teacher for the. ensuing year be, set. a.t one hundred and forty dollars ($140.00) per month for a term of ten months. :Earnest Kobelt C.orpmit.tee on Education. Motian was. made and seconded that the foregoing resolution be referred to the District Attorney. Motion carried. The., District Attorney reported that the salaries_ of the. supervising teachers, remain the same unless, changed by the County Board. Votion was then made and seconded that the foregoing resolution in question, be laid on the table. Motion carried. The following -resolution was then read: TO T1 E HONOR.ABIE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BAYFIELD COUYTY: Gentlemen: Resolved, that a road be laid out. and put on tie County IIlighway System, leaving County Trunk "A" at the 1/8th corner between Sections 11 and 12, 079, thence running in a. southeasterly direction on thee old .road bed to the 4 corner thence easterly on section line between sections 13 and 24-45-9 between sections. 13 and 24, 45-9/. to the Section corner of Sections 13 and 24,. 45-9 and 18 and 19, 45-8, thence south between sections 24 and 25, 45-9 and 19 and 30, 45-8 to the corner between sections 25-45-9 and 30-45-8, thence ,.south- easterly to where this road intersects County -Trunk "A° at the 1/8th corner be- tween sections 30 and 31-45-8. The money required for this work has already been appropriated by the County Board. Frank L. Moore Chairman Town of Barnes. � I 11otion was made and seconded that the foregoing resolution be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee and that no action be taken regar;�.ing it at this time. Motion carried. The following resolution Was then read: R:E' SOLVED: -t3y the County Board of Bayf ield County, 'Afisconsin, this 29th da.y of May, 1924; that the sum of twenty-five cents (25/) per meal, be paid the sheriff of said county for boarding prisoners, this resolution to become effective the lst day of January, 1925. E. R. Tetzner Motion was made and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Motion lost. The following resolution was then read: May 29, 1924. RESOLVED: By the County Board of Bayfield County, 'Iisconsin* that the legislature of this state be and are hereby petitioned to adopt a sufficient tax JIM SPECIAL. IUM TING OF THE BAYFIE+'LD COUNTY BOARD i on gasoline and also raise the scale of tax on heavy automobiles, so.that the direct tax for construction and Maintenance of State abd County Highways and bridge: be,:abolished.,and that a reasonable amount of funds so raised be applied on town highways. 0. M. Axness 11otiom was made and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Motion carried. The following petitions were then read: Cable, 'di s > u h11.rch 15, 1924; TO THE BAYFI7 LD. COUNTY BOARD: We, the Town Board, do hereby petition your honorable body to connect the town road of Namekagon running from Ashland County line said !.Vest to County Trunk D. to Cable. This road has been put in good shape ! and-we.urge you to put this on the County system as soon as possible. Yours, i 0. Lawren z, J, E. LaPainte r Frank Jur_ek, Jr. i TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: I i We, the taxpayers --Citizens of Name.kagon, do hereby petition.your honorable body -to connect the town road of Namekagon running from Ashland I County line ,,'Test to County Trunk D to Cable. This Road has been put in good shape and we urge you to put this on the County System as soon as possible. SIGNED: .Eighteen Taxpayers. i Motion was made and seconded that the foregoing petition for a road to in the town of Namekagon/be placed on the County System be taken up according to a former resolution passed by the Board, and t_-,at the petition be placed in its turn with similar petitions. Motion carried. The following letter from the `iisconsin Highway Commission was then read: i May 3, 1924. I Ij 31r. Donald C,. Bell, I j :Chairman, Bayfield County Board, I Bayfield, Pdisconsin. f I Dear Sir: On November 13, 1923, the County Board of Bayfield County adopted a I resolution protesting against the location of a State Trunk Highway from Glidde i i to Hayward, requesting that the Commission reconsider its action and.that such contemplated highway be located from highway #13 at Glidden to Highway `24 at j I Cable, adopting as a portion of said new location "County Trunk ID41. The change which your County Board had requested would have to be made under the provisions of Section 84.02 o.f the Statutes which provides that I 'the Highway Commission may change the trunk highway system if it finds that SPECIAL 1-iE1 TING OF TI-M BAYFI'-LD COUNTY BOARD. May 29, the public welfare and public. travel would thereby be benefited, but i.,o change i ' of more than five miles of the trunIzz hgihway system shall become effective until the decision of the Commission making the change. shall have been referred to and approved by the County Board of each county in which any part of the change is situated. -Due notice shall be given to the localities concerned of the intention or proposal to make the change and the commission has construed this to mean that there must be a public hearing. Thus it is plain that there would have to be a hearing in Sawyer County as well as in Bayfield County and if the Commission should decide to .make the change, it would have to be approved not only by the County Board of Bayfield I County but by the County Board of Sawyer�County as well. Since this change would remove from Sawyer County about thirty-five miles of State Trunk Highway I leading to the County seat., it does not appear possible that the County Board j . I of that. county would approve of the change, and that without such approval any i decision that the Highway Commission might make would be totally ineffectite. I Under those circumstances it seems that the holding of hearings to discuss this matter in Mashburn and Hayward would be nothing more than a waste of time and i money and vie bring the matter to your attention with the request that you advise us if you think it necessary or advisable to hold these hearings... The State Highway Commission will meet here in Madison on Monday, May 12th at 9:30 A. bl. and we hope that vie can have, your advice in the matter by that time. A 'stamped addressed envelo-I)e for your convenience is enclosed. Yours very truly, !VISCONSIN HIGH-i'lAY COT:UIISSION, By II. 7. Torkelson Engineer -Secretary. The following resolution was then read: RESOLVED: That the Sanatorium Committee of this Board invest- igate the general affairs and conduct of the Pureair-Sanatorium and submit a detailed report at the next meeting of this. Board. M. C. Helmer Motinn wa,, made and seconded that. the foregoing resolution be adopted as. read. Motion carried. The following offer was then made: Hon. County Board, County of Bayfield, Gentlemen: Bayfield, 7.7is., May 29, 19u4. For all equities held or controlled by the County and City of Balyfield in the form of accumulated taxes, interest or expenses connected therewith to date against the following described property: Lots 9 and 10, Block 73 Lots 18-19 and u0, -block 72 all in the city -,',,,of Bayfield, according to the plat thereof, I the undersigned, do hereby offer as full cash settlement therefor the sum of tiP500.00. Submitted for your imrgediate consideration. Yours very truly, . Henry C. Fiege. r�- 1 SPECIAL I ,"STING OF THE BAYFIEIID COUNTY BOARD May 29, 1924. r Motion was. made and seconded that the foregoing offer be referred to i a committee. of appraisement as d.by a former resolution of this meeting, consisting of the C;;unty Treasurer, :County Clerk and member of :the Board from each ta.-"ing district in which the real estate in question lies.. Motion ! carried. 11otion was made and seconded that the Chairman of the Board appoint a committee to investigate the necessity of clerical assistance in the office of the County Judge and that the District Attorney be a member of this committee. Motion carried. hilotion was made and seconded that the sum of three hundred dollarsbe appropriated out. of the contingency fund and that it. be used for clerical assistance in the office of the County Judge in case the committee on I same find it neces-sary. Motion carried. The following resolution was then read: 'I Be it re2olved by the county board of Bayfield County, that the :;er diem, mileage, and committee work be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below, and the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such money and the Chairman and County Clerk are hereby instructed to issue an order for the total amount of the sums listed below: Signed: ! llonald C. Bell I Name Per Diem Mileage Coma. work Mileage total i Edd C. Carver 4.00 1..44 5.44 Pat Galligaa.n _4.00 1.50 5.50 Frank L. Mloore 12.00 7.20 _ 19.20 Peter Kjarvick 4.00 i .72 4.7�� Jas. A. Baker 12.00 _ 4.84 4.00 - 20.84 ! Geo. Karow 1Ll- 00 6.08 _ Peter Soronen 18.08 12. 00 9.04 ��� 1.04 Ifertz 12.00 4.32 16.32 Geo. _. Curry 12.00 2.887 14.38 Ifl. B. Morris 12.00 5.64 4.00 � 1.64 M. C. Helmer 11-00 �4.80 4.00 20.80 S. E. Squires 12.00 _ _2.76 .76 �1. P. Melstrand 12.00 1.68 114.76 Ernest Kobelt 12.00 3.36 T 15.36 E. Max Glass 12.00 4.2016.20 0. M. Axness _ 12.00 2.76 4.00 18.76 j Frank Jun ek , Jr ._ 12. 00 ~� _ 7.20 Geo. Froney 12.00 9.72 _ 21.72 John Taipale 12.00 6.48 18.48 Andrew 11l!halak 12.00 1.80 _ 13:80 Roy H. Okerstrom 12.00 9.24 4-.00 25.24 i Alois Hablet 12.00 3.72 15.72 H. Lamont 12.00 2;04 0 18.04 E. J. Lavin 12.00 5.64 4.00 21.64 E. R. Tetzne.r 4.00 .48 12.00 9.00 25.48 Geo. B. Williams. 12.00 6.08 18.08 H. Wachsmuth 4.00 1.44 5.44 C. W. Smith 4.00 1. 44 _ 5.44 Maude Doyle - - 4.0 0 � �""`� ! 12 4.12 E. Bergmann 4.00 .12 ---- 4.12 V11m. Arntsen 4.00 .12 12.00 9.00 25.12 Nels Nelson 4.00 .12 4.12 R. A. -Hering. 4:00 .12 4.12 A. P. Johnson 4.00 .12 .12 D. C. Bell 4.00 1.44 4.00 1.44. 14.12 1 .10 Motion was made a.nd seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Holl call showed the following vote. Ayes: Carver, Galligan, Moore, Kjarvick, Baker, Karow, Williams, Soronen,Merts Curry, Morris, Helmer, iffelstrand, Kobelt, Galss, Axness, Junek, Froney, Taipale, Allihalak, Okerstrom, Habeat, Lamont, Lavin, Tetzner, Wachsrnuth, Smith, .Doyle, Betgmann, Arntsem, Nelson, Hering, Fohnson and Bell. Nays: Squires. I.Iotion wasmade and seco nded that the C unty Bo adjourn sub ject to "a ! call. Motio carried. Fti• i