HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/11/1924ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFI. LD COUNTY BOARD November 11,- 1924. At ten O'C,lock J1 IJ. the Annual Meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors . of Bayfield County was duly called to order by 'hair® roan Roy H. Okerstrom. Roll call shouted the following mem1bers present: Carver, Ga.11i.gan, I.1oore, Kjarvick, Baker, Karow, Williams, Qoronen, Bartlett, Curry, Norris, -Helmer, Squires., TMelstrand, Kobelt, Glass, Axness, iJunek, Froney, Taipale, Ylihale. k, Okerstrom, Ha.belt , Lavin, Tetzner, 'mach- . smuth, Smith, Doyle, Bergman, Arntsen, Nelson, Hering, Johnsaia, total 33. the reading of the minutes of the spring meeting held flay 29, 1924, i were on proper motion dispensed with and duly adopted. The reading of the minutes of the Annual meeting held November 11, 1923, were on proper motion dispensed with and duly adopted. the Board the proceeded with the election of a new Highway Committee for the ensuing year. It was moved and seconded that they elect one member from each highway district. %.,lotion carried. "he first ballot for highway district number one was as follows: Arntsen 11, Baker 9. Soronen 5, Kjarvick 2, C. 77. Smith 2, H. Jachsmuth 1, i Niels Nelson 1 and two blank votes, total 33. No choice. Lamont, Hale and Bell from Bayfield arrived at this time and were duly seated. .Peter Soronen requested the withdrawal of .his. name from the nom- inees. The result of the second ballot raas as follows: I Kjarvick 2, Baker 8, Soronen 1, Smith 2, Arntsen 20, Felsn 1 and two blank votes. `total 36. ifiotion was made and seconded that the informal vote be made formal and that Mm. Arntsen be declared elected. Moti-on -carried. The Board then proceeded with the election of a member from the second highway district. The result of the first ba-llot was as follows: Galligan 1, Karow 8, Williams 10, Bartlett 1, Curry 6, Kobelt 3, Axness 3, Habelt 1, Nels.on 1 ,nd tw.o blank votes-, total 36. No choice. the result of the second ballot was as. follows: Galligan 1, Karow, 11, Williams 1-5, -Curry 6. Axness 2 and one blank vote, total 36. T,To.choice. The result of the third ballot was as follows: Karow 8, Williams. 17, Curry 9 and Axness 1, and one blank vote, total 36. No.ch.oice. The result of the fourth ballot_ eras as follows: Karow 7, ':rilliams 17, Curry 11 and one blank Vote. Total 36. No choice. The result of the -ifth ballot was as follows: Karow 3, Williams 19 and Curry 13, Total 35, one not voting. I1flotion was made and seconded that the informal ballot be made formal and that George iffilliams be declared elected. I1fiotion carried. The Board then proceeded with the election of a member from the third district. The result of the first ballot was -as follows: Moore 2, Karow 1, Williams 1, Soronen 1, IVIorris 2, Helmer 7, Froney 10, Taipale 2, Lavin 8 and two blank votes. Total 36. No choice. The result of the second ballot .Eras as follows: Helmer 11, Froney 17, Taipale 1 and Lavin 7. Total 36. No choice. The result of the third ballot was as follows: Helmer 15, Froney 19, Lavin 1 and one defective. Total 36. T.otion l l G* 8 ANNUAI, METING OF THE. BAY -FIE' ID COLPITTY BOARD _ ZIovember 11, 1924. was ma.de and aecond.ed- that the informal ballot be made formal and that George Froney be declared elected. Motion carried. !, The following report of -he Sanatorium Committee was then read: TO TI L COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: Vile, the undersigned San.:.torium Committee. hereby submit the follow- ing report together with our recommendations.. i �- On the information that a -petition had been circulated authorizing the construction of a residence for the attending physician not to exceed the sum of ten thousand five hundred dollars, we assumed the right to represent Bay - field County at the opening of the: bids as no building committee had been appointed at the last meeting of the County .Board.. On September 26th this committee met, with commi -t.ees of Ashland and iron and the following is a detailed report of this meeting: 1VIIeeting of Trustees. from Bayfi:;ld, Iron and Ashland Counties at the Tri-County Sanatorium, Thursday, September 26th - 2 P. T7I. Present at the mee-ting: j Trustees, 011TIa.11ey and Hosmer Architect Shefchik Dr. Fawcett CoyLiittee from the County Boards of Bayf'ield, Iron and Ashland Counties. On motion C. A. Poundstone was elected Chairman and R. C. Bretting Secretary of the meeting. The following bids were opened: GE,i llERAL CONTI'LACT Pugh & R:undlett.-$9,200. Without basement -�8,675 Tomlinson & Egan-r$9 , 800. �ffithout Basement $9 , 287 Charles Blos_s- t19,800. Without Basement 9,300 Roy J . t+ urphy- 10,731.82 Without Basement -10 , 483.82. HEATING & PLIM ING Upthegrove & iicGinn $2,950 Ironwood Plumbing & Heating Co. .3,000 Jos. Stadler 2,762.19 Reinhardt 2,395 ;`TIRING 77m. Reinhardt- p210 E. F. Bauer .376.61 Albert %iloore- 92.75 Manley :electric Co 223.91 Davis. Electric Co 225. After considering the above bids and estimating additions, such as fix- ing up the grounds and walks, it was concluded that the total cost of the building when finished could run to practically hbl3,000.00. The Architect's estimates fell down on account of the heating and plumbing running considerable higher than his estimate. This was caused on account of the construction of, and length of the heating pipes from the present boiler plant to the building. Some discussion took place regarding putting in a separate heating plant, but is was not deerlled advisable, on account of the additional cost of handing the fuel and the central heating y)lanT being amply large enough to take care of this matter much more economically in the long run. After other discussion it was finally moved by j"r. Angsk and seconded by Lr. 1-Toodhead that the trusteeS. enter into a contract with Pugh & Rundlett on the General Contract; 141. Reinhardt on the plumbing and heating contract; Albert Koore on the tuiring contract. For the building the specificationscall for completion on December 20th. On roll call the vote was as follows: ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYIi IELD COUNTY BOARD - --November- - --- - --- - -- ----- - - ----- -- - - - - ---- -- - I IRON COUNTY: ! „Dan , Rv i d Yes. Joe. Defer Yes.. Tim Kirby Yes. R. A,. A.ngsk Yes . BAYF +'LD COUNTY: i H. Lamont_ No. C. W. Smith No. BHLAND COUNTY: _ N.-Uoodhead Yes. C. A. Poundatone Yes. O tt.o' Z.o e.s.ch Yes. R. C.-Fretting Yes. On account of the dissenting late of the Bayfield County representatives they were a.sked their reasons and they stated that the total cost of the build- ing was more than •$10,500.00, which was the original estimated cost for the building, and they did not care to take the responsibility of additional cost without getting the sentiment of their Board. The ren. tter Ufa-_ trA„ i Af+ +n +� o Trustee from Bayfield County and their committee to make a canvass of the Bayfield County Board relative to addition to the contract. The understanding was that Ashland and Iron Counties were willing to go ahead, providing Bayfield County acquiesced to the matter. In other words., Trustee O'Malley and the committee from Bayfield County are to make a personal canvass from the members of the Bayfield . Count. Board innediatel so as to y y get immediate action on this matter. This was deemed advisable so as to start construction at as early a date as possible, if the. Bayfield County Board members were satisfied. Meeting adjourned. R. C. Bretting, Secretary. L At the request of those present we.were instructed to canvass the County and ascertain -the attitude. of'the members_ of the Board in regard to the increased cost of construction a -a shown by the lowest bidder. Not being able to get the authority from the -majority, weadvised the trustees that if'the construction price Could not be lowered to come within the pledge of the majority of the members of the County Board, the matter would have to lay over until the next meeting of the Board. At another meeting held at Ashland October 28th, the following reductions were made: Elimination of `file. Roof, using inatead.,-prepaired roofing reducing the lost about five hundred dollars. and installing an. individual heating � g plant instead of connecting up with the central plant lowering the cost about four hund- red and sixty dollars. Several other minor changes were made, bringing the contract i price down to ten thousand four hundred dollars. i We believe it to be false economy to install an�indeyendent heating plant as the extra cost of operation would in a short length of time more than make up the difference in present cost. j On investigation of the grounds and buildings we find them in orderly j condition. We also find that the cost per patient has been reduced from seventeen dollara and fifty-two cents to fourteen dollars and thirty-two cents. I � ' ! Upon examination we found that pay patients both in our County and outside were charged a rate of eighteen dollars per week, while outside County patients can I only be charged the actual cost of maintenance. We feel that an injustice has been I done and we recommend that a straight rate be charged to all. ANUUAL IME.TING OF TIE, BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - November - 11,124_. Respectfully submitted this- llth day of November, 1924. H. Lamont, C. I. Smith,. I+ . H. Bartlett. - _ Committee. Motion cyaa made and seconded that $4, 325.00 be appropriated to cover Bayfield County'sshare of construction of a residence at the Sanat- orium as recommended. by the Finance Commi-ttee.. Roll call showed the follow- ing vote: AYES.: Carver, Galligan, I,_oore, Kjarvick, Baker, Williams, 5oronen, Bartlett, Morris., Mels_trand, Kobelt, i1xness, Junek, ry•roney, "Tihalak, Okerstrom, Ha_belt, Lamont, Teianer, ffachsmuth, Hale, Smith, Doyle, Arntsen,N_elson, Hering, Johnson and Bell. Total 28. NAYS: Karow, Curry, Telmer, Squires, Glass, Taipale, Lavin and Bergman, total 8. - Motion iruas ma.de and seconded that the informal ballot be made formal and -that the sum of 4�?4,32.5.00 be appropriated to cover Bayfield County's share. of construction of residence, at. Sanatorium. 1,11otion carried.. Motion was made that the Board adjourn until one thirty P . lilt. Motion carried. The. meeting was called to order at 1:30 by Chairman, Roy H. Oker- Strom. Roll call shovred the following members present: Carver, Galligan, 71-Ioore, Kjarvick, Baker, Karow, Williams, Soronen, Bsrtlett, Curry, Morris., Helmer, Squires, Mel strand, Kobelt, Glass, Ax=n.ess, Junek, Froney, Taipale., Mihalek, Okers.trom, Habelt, Lamont, Lavin, Tetzner, Iffachsmuth, Hale, Smith, Boyle., Bergman, Arntsen,. Nelson, Hering, Johnson and Bel 1 Total 36. The, following res.olution was then presented: Resolved by the Bayfield County Board in session this llth day of November, 1924, that the present Sanatorium Committee of the County. Board, consisting of three members., be elected to act as a Sanatorium Bu-lding i ' Committee, and represent Bayfield County in all matters pertaining to the con- struction of a proposed building at the Pureair Sanatorium. Signed: Luke J. Lavin Potion was. made and seconded that the above resolution -be adopted as. read. Motion carried.unanimously. I The- following report wasthen read: I _ To.the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, f,,isconsin. Gentlemen: We the undersigned committee on illegal taxes beg leave to report that we -have examined the following tax certificates issued by the various County Treasurers during the past fifteen years and for numerous reasons find them illegal. However, due t the ,_lax.m4nne_r-of the successive County Boards 1 ANNUALS +STING OF THE B1hYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 11, 1924: in allowing the. 1&.rge. accumulation of illegal certificates together frith the resultant negligence. of the Quunty Clerk'or Treasurer along the same lines, we do not believe it fair to charge these old certificates back to the various taxing districts., but we recommend that they be cancelled and the amount of same be charged to the Certificate Account of Bayfield County. IDES CRI 'l Ioil CJity of Bayfield F. R. Preston's Add. It It It 11 City of Bayfield City of 'Washburn Signed: Ja s . A. Baker, Luke J. Lavin SEC. T. R, i1ot Blk_Sale-No -I'ace, Ground of Ille_gali�z 12 69 1908 2840n .55�Paid Town Treas. 17 30 n 2734,4 1.40•e- City Property tr " 1909 212 6n 1. 01c- " It I tt It 1910 2262A .96., " 1912 1743 A . 98• ` •t " n 1913 1882,1 . 8& - tt " 9 57 1917 2829A4.03.-Church Property 10 it to , 2830n 4.0a- 11 " 7 107 1908 2904n2.0geRailroad " Ir 1909 2249A2.47` j !1 �' 1910 P-411A 1.14•� 1911 2144A 1.10•, " K " 1912 1882n1.15: 1t �� 1913 2019A1.00G 11 to Et `•} 1914 2322n 1.18c `' It 21 95 1912 1871A4.10,z Lot not Platted 17 6 1916 2574A2.17~Cancelled County Property) 5 37 11 2688A .41N 4 49 't 2709A .66- " PA0 Ta 1�r/TY TWtEA5,I 16 122 r' 2799Al. O�3- 1! Paid.to City Treas in 31-49-6 101 " 3359A1.0I-Wrong Description it 1 `'0 " 3360 n 1 O 1- 11 Vaughn Division NE2 Yff- 1t S-1112 SVI City.. of Mashburn Vaughn Division NEB MW-:' 50xl5O feet of STnT &NV1 lOQxl50' faet. of Gty of 'S�iashburn 11 131 1919 3196� .62,-Taken off tax roll lw 131 '* 31966 .62•, 27 20 1917 3584A2.08,rPublic Utilities 28 t' " 3585A 2.08 n tr f 29 it 3586/12.08•-' rt u 13 27 " 3600A3.91NCounty Property 14 it a 3601/13.917•- 2 13 11 3792n2.9a'• "hould have been I\T- Still 3 13 •• 3796A2.0&-Duplicate Assessment 6 21 1916 3376A5.85�-County Property 2 67 tr 3465,%2.1.7.N. ti It 2 13 3561fi 2.5-1-Shotild_:hVe been PE SM 3 13 Y1 3565,15.94e-Duplicate Assessment 16 95 Y 3488A .59.!-M!emorial Park 27 20 1919 3686,i 1.lVPub.lic Utilities 28 `' q 3687,11.37., " •• 29 t4 3688n1.55.N tc. Wa.shburn Real Zs`tate & - - Inves.tm.ent Co Addition to ;7a Ghburn._P,xcept Ry 2 8. r' 4045a 1.31.Y R. R. Property Neil & Wings, -Add to__Uashburn 3 14 3985n 1.54: County Property 4 14 t' 3986^ 1 . 54 - t: " -City of Mashburn Y /o. 20: 1915 3095A6-. 66 ' 11 Vaughn Division. of Washburn f NE2 of YVY- i 50x150 feet of 2 13 " 3497-g2.56:"Should have been 17E.SIV, To`vns•ite of Wa2hburn 12 9 1012 2224A27.89^'Quit Claim deed 1916 It It 12 9 1913 23464 28.90r'., It It 11 11 I 13 27 i* 2387A 4.05:County Property i 14 27 2388,1 4.05: " rr 3&4 67 1916 3466 A 4. 05r st " 5&6 11 11 34674 4.05: 7&8 t1 - 1' 3468,1 4.05,- 9&10 " n 3469,4 4.05: tt tr 11&12 01 " 3470,1 4.05f- " 13&14 41 n 3471,1 4.05- 15&16 t' 3472n 4.05.- Vaughn & Austrian Add. 11&12 18 1917.3833A22.64.Church Property 11&12 " 1918 3746n 33. 53-- It 11 11&12 " 1919 4025422. 98: f1 t1 i 11 " 1920 3720A 24.74.-- 11 it City of V,'=,shburn 4 20 1918. 3543A 1.25t'County t1 5 20 1918 3544,1 1.25;- rr rr 14 I 6 20 1918 3545.n 1.25:' :r If 27 20 1918 35474 3.12:"Public Utilities 1 28 20 1918 3548 n 3.1.2 1 rt tt 29 20 1918 3549 n 3.12: ` tr tt SinT2 of SIV of Vaughn I Division I 3 13 1918 I 3754A 3.12;'Duplicate Assessment ,. 1.2 ANNUAL MET ING_OF l�'_-TE---BAYFIELD CWNTY_ BOARD_- -.November 11. 1924. - Ma-shburn Real Eatate & Investment Cots. Add. .3 -4 19-1-8­; 3.756,i 1.46.v R. 11 . right of :slay .Tovinsite of Na:'lhburn 11 :.9 1909 2565A 2.32,- twit Claim Deed giuen by County to A. Theobald October 30, 1917. 12 29 1909 2566,E 2.32.- it It n 14 11 1914 2686,1 1.96,, City Hose House 1 37 1916 3407 n 3. 1Q.- Church Property 2 37 1915 3168,1 3. 10• �- 2 37 1916 340 8 A 3.10• •� 5 55 1913 2461A 3.10- Pioneer School it a 1914 2801 /1 3. 22•- 11 tt 1915 3216 A 3.10• N it u. F' 1916, 3428 /1 3.10•" it st 32 58 1914 2804A 1.96•� City Building 1 t6 :.32:.84 1920 �32A _ ' 3,H 3. 52. 16� Memorial Park ,qL/- of &OCIV Sl- 1921 4597 A 44.85,-' 1 to 16. 85 1920 3364A to 3379 n 26. OS- 11 It /gt-1..oF BLaclK.FS-1921 4598A 22. 63.- a ss 1 to. 16 95 1920 34204 to 3435 A 22. 96•,, ,t ►' flLl OF,61-oCK& 19121 4633-A 18,92.' n ss Siff MY Sec. 2.6-52-4 1921 394- 10.29- No._such description SE. TNT S.ec 26-52-4 1921 395,1 2.40•,- City of Z`Ta.shburn LoT 17-o 32 96 1920. 34364 to 3467 A 45.. 92:' MTemo ri al Park all of 96 1921 4634 A 37.44:- it It Vaughn & Austrian Add to Washburn 8 17 1909 2812,1 2.33r-Church Property r tt. 1910 2911,1 2.32 - r " It tt 1911 2812 n 2.32;- it n 1912 2554 A 2 .34,K tt n tt n 1913 2687A 2.23•- n ,t n n 1914 30 69 A 2. 30••- fi ct 1915 345 5 /1 2.17 f' 1916 3551^ 2.17.- " Neil & Winga Add to 1.7a shburn 1 1 1912 2 425.1 . 63,vCounty .2 it n 2426,1 . 63r tt 3 tt 2427 rl . 63•�- 7 da 4 r• n 2428, .63: 5 " r' 2429 A . 63.- 6 " °' 24�. 0 A . 6 3: 7 a it 2431A .63,- 8 '' N 2432.1 .63•- 9 r. it 2433A .63: 't r 10 st 2434r1 .63 ; tt it 11 tt n 2435 A . 6 3. 4. acres in NL N�V SW Sec 31-51-3 1915. 6,1 10.30. Wrong Description 2 acres_ in Lot. 3 Se.c 31-51-3 1915 8,1 4.30- Sl; SE Sec 13-48=7 1921 2222.1 3.54: Not proved up on. until 9/27 2 acres in the N1rT Nu Sec 29-48-8 1918 2173 A 4.28:-,De.scription inaccurate NE NE Sec. 24-48-8 1917 2191A 7.51. uovernment,"IlLnd ixineral night on the lEg Sec 7-48-5 1911 303, 4.79- Mineral Right It r tr s: SE See S.ee 7-48-5 1911 304.i 4.79-N tt r. n it n MY- SW Sec 1-48-5 1914 250.1 /I . 55.-- " r' "- S'T Sltf Sec. 5--48-5 1914 255.1 .66- SE S--7 Secll-48-5 1914 262.1 .66- tt tt tr r' NEi Sec 7-46-5 1912 323T, 4. 50 - t' SE,4 Sec 7-48-5 1912 332,1 4.50-, Townsi to of Bayf ield 13 4 1914 21234 1.55:'County Property is tt 20 69 1912 1844 A . 64 - s, r et ? 17 6 1911 1916 A 1. 73 : tt it n tr 20 69 1911 2108 A .61. tt '* 18 14 1917 27�3 + 40 _, 19 18 1917 2736 A . 40:- !! " 15 94 1915 2715A 4.6leSchool " 14 10 1918 2750 n . 62.: County if 1 13 If 2 7 5-1A . 6 2_- n 2 17 ct 2771,1 .62.: " If 13 36 .1' 2831,1 .62.A' if t' 1 47 tj 2851 A 1. 17.- tt u 10 50 M 2862 A . 80;- 11 " 14 58 tt 2879 A . 99." 4 1 70 '_' 2901,1 .62- N t' 13 116 2957A .80.-Paid to Town Treas. 20 Bel 1909 2137 A . 53=- County Property 7 36 ° 2150 A . 53. 72 acres. in Lot 2 lying East of _ road not included in above des- cription Sec 24--52-5 1916 464 A 1. 99.' 7rong 'eseription Sw Sw Sec 4-45=9 1918 2297/1 3.22;-State. Land Sw MW Sec 24-43-9 1917 2282A 5.19,"Government Land NET NVI Sec 15-45-9 1908 2142-A 7.23: Certificate declared void SIFT 1\RV Sec 15-45-9 1908 2143 A 7.23; SE NVT S.ec 15-45-9 1908 2144 A 7. 23.E NE MY Sec 15-45-9 1908 2145 A 7.23./" 't " J ANNUAL i�A , "TII�TG 0r,. TM. BAYrIELD COUITTY BOARD November 11, 1924.. 4 - ,13 NE HE S.ec 3.1-48-7 1908 1586n 2.26,"Gove.rnment Land 1aV NE S.e.c 3.1-48-7 1908 1587n 2.26,-' " ss Sill NE Sec 31-48-7 ' 1908 1588 1\ 2. 2V SE. NE S-e.c 31-48-7 1908 1589A 2.26� " NE HE Sec 31-48-7 1909 1248A 2.47,E n Yff Sea 31-48-7 1909 1249^ 2.47-/ n ! S`ff Sec 31-48-7 1909 12504 2. 47,/" 0 Sea 31-48-7 1909 1251n 2.47-' `t it miineral eight. on Yff S.ec 29-48-5 1912 359A .94 Tine.ral Right n r is NE, SW.Sea 2.9-48-5 1912 360 A .55., { it n is VT_ SYV .Sea 29-48-5 1912 361A . 67 ~ ss si a N,' SE:.S:ec 29-48-5 1912 3.62A .67.-" Parcel in F54E- S"ec 27-48-5 1-916 314A16.56.•'Description inaccurate -Mineral Right on Niel Yff Sec 27-48-5 1914 275A .57srliineral Light " " •' a.11 S.ec 30-4B-5 1914 279A 2.4.5!-- INN SE .Sec 31-48-5 1914 280A .51/,- M It NE NV Sed 31-48-5 1914 281A .57=- SE MV .Sec 31-48-5 1914 282A . 57,• Part of Lot 2 _Sec 33-49-4 .1917 46 7.68�Paid Gounty Treas. B-L rw NE_ Sec 22-50-4 1919 122A17.82• ilrong Description 10 acres in Lot 4. assessed to Ca.bel .Sec 13-52-5 1917 599/� 4.52. Original Plat of IronR_iver 1910 2611 � 1. 50w Plat of Gornucopia Lot l B1k 10 1917 2966n 1.07-School Property 2 10 1917 2967A11.01- `'If 3 10 1917 2968A 1.07,- f' 4 10 1917 2969n 1.07-c 5 10 1917 2970A 1.07� 6 10 1917 2971 n 7.04,- Rice & Thompson Add to. Bayf ie ld 11 11 12 12 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 4.05 acres. in Lot 1 Sea 12-59-4 _ i acre located in 1.1' 15 .acres" of SE SW Sec 12-50--4 9 acres in -Lot 1 Sec 24-52--5 Rice 8c Thompson Add To 1 , .. 9 9 10 10 II 9 10 7 8 9 10 7 8 9 10 ayfi`eld m ` Mineral rig;,.ts; l+a.,:� s.ec 7-46-5 SE -I Sec 1-43-5 iL' -17, Sec 31-48-7 Nll NE Sec 31- 48-7 SW NE Sec 31-48-7 SE. NE Sec 31-48- 7 To`ltnsite of Bayfield 17 Lyman C. Dayton Add to Bayf i e l d 117 18 19 20 S-' S2 S1IAT4 of Lot 2 Sec 24-5." -5 - Part of Lot 2. South of EM 1/8 line Sec 212-50-4 North part of Lot 1 .Except State- Reserve Sec 27-50-4 South part of N2 of lot 1 except state Reserve Sec 27-50-4 Mineral Right. on S`ff S%7 Sec .17-47-5 L79 SE Sec 17-47-5 SW SE Sec 17-47-5 I Sir N7 Sec 7-47-5 34 1914 %Z99,� 34 1916 2884 n 3.4 1914 2400 �} 34 1916 2885 n 51 1,909 2290 A 51 1910 2461A 51 1916 2889r, 51 1909 2291^ 51 1910 2462A 51 1916 :890/\ 51 1909 2292n 51 1910 2463 n 51 1916 2891 ',n .53-%Lots not listed in plat . 40.,- " s+ ss . 5 3- r '' n .40- .53,. - .52; ss . 401 n .53A` ' . 52-- is . 40-- ., .40�" " 1919 100n'9.70:Deseription inaccurate 1920 111,A 9.40t _ It " 1921 209 9.06 Sold 7lhitehead & Matheson 1922 233 9.29 it 1911 27A .93�Description inaccurate 1916 457A 71.34--- it If 2 1914 2385 n 1. 01 ^� Lots. not listed in plat 2 1916 28394 . 33-/... if ti 1914 C'338 6 /1 1. 01-, s, 1916 2840 A . 33 3. 1914 23 8 7 /1 .5 3 •-� 3 1914 2388 A . 53'.• V' 3 1914 2389i1 .53. 3 1914 2390 A .53 c' e7 4 1914 2391 .53x F' 4 1914 2392 .53.- 4 191,11 23934 .53 r" 4 1914 �`394 .53a, " 5 1914 2395 .53�­ 5 1914 2396 .53,C' n 5 1914 2597 A . 53`0" " 5 1914 2398 n .53s" 1910 338. n 4. 65- ,line.ral Rights. 1913 339 n 1 . ur n cz 1910 1026 n ''.3`"'z-Government Land 1910 1027 .,� " `' `'' " " 1 J10 107?^ A `J. 3%`. it t' 1910 1029 A 2. 32 -.' Y 53 1910 2330n .52�County Property 18 1910 2464 n .45, Vacated Cancelled June, 1910 18 1910 2465 n .45: " " 18 1910 2466 n .45.- n It 18 1910 2467 n .45k 1915 540A 3.09-,�Illegal Description 1919 12'6,130.39, County 1 roperty � 1919 1304 24.60_Y'frong .Description 1919 131A 17.45- it 1913 254A .65:1,,Iineral rights 1913 25.6,� .65,� 1913 257n .65 1914 179,� .84 it " Q4 ANITUAL IVIEE.TING OF T1 E- BA.YFIEL7 COUNTY BOA1�D - - -- ------ -- - - - -- - - - - _ November 11, 192,1. . PAR T" of LOT Lot Blk Kine,ral rights. SE ITY7 Sec 7-47-5 - HE_ S01 Sec- 7-47-5 IRV S71 S.ec 7-4-7-5 I>TE' SE Sec 7-47-5 S1711 SE Se c. 7 - 4 7 - 5 `.---SE SF, Sec 7-47-5 SW Slff Sec 17 - 4 7 - 5 NW SE S.ec. 17-47-5 NE NE Sec 19-47-5 S1J SE Sec, 17-47-5 MY NE Sec 19-47-5 SW N'E. Sec 19-47-5 SE NE Sec 19-47-5 NE SE Sec 19-47-5 I4VT SE Sec, 19-47-5 1 acre in the STY SE S.ec 3.4-51-6 ITE NE Se.c, 17-50-6 MV NE Sec 17-50-6 SW YTE Sec 17-50-6 SE NE. Sec 17-50-6 HE MY Sec 17-50-6 NPT NW Stec 17-5.0-6 MV, NW Sec 17-50-6 SE N!V Sec 17-50-6 NE. S1V Sec 17-50-6 NfV S,1 Sec 17-50-6 SW SW Sec 17-50-6 SE SVV Sec. 17-50-6 NE SE Sec 17-50-6 YU SE S,ec 17-50-6 SW SE Se-c 17 - 5 0 - 6 SE SE. S.ec 17-50-6 SIFT SE Sec 20-50-6 NE NE Se.c. 28-50-6 N� NE.S,ec 28-50-6 S', BE Sec 28-50-6 SE NE Sec, 28-5-0-6 Lot 1 Sec 33-51-6 2 Sec 33.-51-6 Q1 3 Sec 33-51-6 4 Sec. 33-51-6 NE MY Sec 33-51-6 N A SVT S.ec 33-5.1-6. W 30 acres. of NE Sh' Sec 33-51-6 ST'SE Sec 33-.51-6 W 4 of SE SE Sec 33-bl-6 t+�T of NET SE Sec: 33-.51-6 NZ SE Sec 25.-5.1-4 First Add to Port }Ting VPart of Lot 1 Described in Vol. 25 P 512 Sec 25&26-48-5 Part of the ICE SE Sec 28-47-6 Uriginal Plat of Iron River Sec 7-47-8 . Sec 7-47-8 Parcel in SE4 Sec 7-47-8 Described in Vol 46 P 284 $arcel D--scribed in Vol 45, 1p� 309 e Sec 7-4-7-8 Sec 7-47-8 . " Sec 7-47-8 " Sec 7-47-8 Sec 7-47-8 Original Plat of Iron River Pettingills, third addition 13 32 14. ' 32 15 32 16- 32 17 32 18 32 North .160 feet of Ez of 2 2 Staples Addition to Iron River 2 1 Parcel of Land in SE4 Corailencing at a point on the E and W4 line where the E line of Main St intersects with the same, thence E 50 ft, thence South 50 ft, thence S 50 Ftto place of beginning Sec 7-47-8 Lumberman's.Addition to, Iron River 1 1 2 1 22 1 1914 .180 " .84a-Mineral rights 1914 181A .84,, V. If 1914 182 ^ .84: of 1914 183 ^ .84.' « �' 1914 85 A .84.- V 11 1914 186 ^ .84.- 1914 20 9 A .84.- 1914 210 n .84,-, t' 1914 2 20 A .84- V It 1914 till « .84-- 1914 221n .84•" 7 " 1914 222,1 .84.- t' r 1914 223 n . 84•- 1914 2.24^ .84,- 1' n - 1914 22.5 n . 84.-v tt u 1916 11534 6.32-Ihaccurate_.Description 1918 1193m14.59.) R 1194 14.59,-) 1195,,14. 59,") 1196n14.59-), L 1197414.59: _ 1198 114.59�') 11.99 n14.59-) i 1200,t14. 59''). . 1201.n 14. 59�- 1202 a14. 59�� it 1203 A14.59.! ) if 1204A14.59--), 1205414.596 Ille.gal by Decision of 1206 ^14.59�' ). Circuit Court. 1207n14.59--) 1208A14.59..- J 12 37414.59; t! 1327a10.34�,) 1328-i 10.34t 1329 A10.3.4,, �° 14.49n14.59�) 1450n16.18 �) _ 1451 A 18. 14-N) u 14.52-A 9.29w) _ 1453A 13.19,,). 1454A13.19-,v) 1455,\11.06;) 1456A 14.59� u 1457•-x11.04.-) 1458,s11.06-) 1917 155,1 28.52 ,v-. Sale not advertised 1909 2496,1 . 89 -r Church Property r 2497^ .89-, :t " 11 2498.E .89- 9 it 2499,1 . 89 : it it 2500 A . 89 "' It u it 2501 � .89.' If u 1910 349.E 5.93 -Illegal Description 1916 843.1 8.75-.Description inaccurate 1910 2610,\68.43e Double Assessment 1909 2320n91.06.w . " it 1914 17854 3. 11.-Pai.d Town Treas . 1918 2041-A 1. M By order of Circuit Court 1919 21784 1.37. 1920 1698,1 1.40: 1921 2667.1 1. 57 : " 1922 3064 •1 1.69 ; " 1912 2013420.70--Church Property 1912 2014,1 20'. 70 = .- zt n 1912 2015420.70-. 1912 2016,120'.. 70= 1917 3309A 1.48 - 1918 3379.1 1.76 •'- t! 1919 35201 1. 37 -- 1920 2990 .k l . 40 ,,- 19w1 4168/1 1. 5 7 -_ 191 ;215`3�\ 66.25 N• n " 1908 3130^31.95,;�T11egal Assessment 1914 1786,1 1.77-Wrong Description 1916.32194 .50=County Property 1916 32204 .50 v " 't 1916 3221A .50- It ANNUAL iliEuTING t:.F T-HE BAYFIE-LD COUNTY BOARD- - - - - - - -- - --- - --- - -- - -- - -- - - - -- November 11, 1924 Parcel i.n th-__ NE SE Sec 7-47-8 A parcel of land on the south' aide. of Sez 7-47-8 containing 32 acre a . Se.c. 7-4.7-8 Parcel in the I11 SE Seca 7-47=8 Parcel in the NE SE Sec 7-4.7-8 A parcel of land on the. line of Sec 7-47-8, 50 ft frontage by 130 ft bounded by Staples Xdd on the, iiort'i Sec 7-47-8 Lumberman Add to Ir do River - A parcel of -land containing 2, acre more or lesa on the ao.uth side of sec 7-47-8 Parcel of land 60 ft by 65 ft 1916 1928A 1.79 Description inaccurate 1908. 1:774A 2.97. it " 1916 1929A 1.79,. '1 " 1917 20 75. n 2- 69 M " 1908 1776 n 6.86 U• :' it Lot 8 4 1917 32.53A 1.48 .Plat vacated in 1901, illegal - 9 4 1917 3254 A .52- `' It it it 1908 1775 A 2.97 ;Descripti.on Inaccurate 1909 232l, 3.89 It " on the NE4 of See 7-47-8 1909 2322A 9.11,,,E " " 1910 2612 /) 6.99 r+ a 1' Mineral rights. on M11 NE S,ec 7-47-5 1.914 174 - .84i-lvline.ral rights. Hine-ral rights. on SW SE Sec 19-47-5 1914. 226 n .84— tt tt SE SE Sec 19-47-5 1914 227 .84.,- NE NE See 29-47-5 1914 232 .84— It " NW NE Sec 29-47-5 1914 233 .84-- it u S17 NE See 29-47-5 1914 234 A .84.,- SE NE Se c. 29 -47 -5 1914 235 n . 84. , " NE NVT Sec 29-47-5 1914 236 \ .84." Ntill NN Sec 29-47-5 1914 237 A .84 .- tt " SVV M11 Sec 29-47-5 1914 238 A .84.- " it SE NWI Sec 29-47-5 1914 239 t\ .84.,- " It NE Sail Sec 29-47-5 1914 240 A .84.- " " Sec 29-47-5 1914 241 .84, ° !' SW StiFJ Sed 29-47-5 1914 242 .84. tr tt Yff SE S.ec 20-47-5 1914 245 A .84.' it U SE SE Sec 29-47-5 1914 247 n .84.- ss It Motion was made 'and seconded that the recoimiendations. of the committee on Illegal Taxea: be adopted and thatthe County Clerk and County Treasurer be instructed to cancel there and charge the'same off the tax certificate a,.ccount of Bayfield County. Motion carried. The following report from the committee on illegal taxes was then read: To the Ronorable County Board, Bayfield County,-VVisconsin. Gentlemen:. +f1e the undersigned committee on Illegal Taxes beg leave to report that we have. examined the following tax cer.tifica.tes. and for various reasons as stated in the accompanying lists find them illegal and recommend that they be cancelled by action of the County Board and that the County Clerk be instructed to charge the amounts of the: delinquent taxes. out -lined in them, back to the taxing district in which the I taxes. were levied. DESCRIPTION NE NE Sec 27-46-9 ITU NE Sec 27=46-9 M7 NE See 27-46-9 SE NE Stec 29-45-9 S71 Neff Se.c 13-43-9 Sw my Sec 24-4.3-9 NE SE Sec. 28-46-9 SE SE Sec 28-46-9 S?V Nil Sec 26-46-9 NSW S 1 Sec 26-46-9 S NIE Sec 27-46-9- S"Nf SW Sec 31-43-6 SW M-11 Sec 26-46-9 NW S1,41 See 26-46-9 Signed, Jas.. A. Baker Luke J. Lavin I Geo. B. Williams. {{ _ - I Sale No. Face Ground of Illegality 1920 2052+ 5.25 Paid to Town Treas. " 2053+ 5.25 " tt 2054+ 4. 12, 9 1915 2187t 3.52 1918 2246t 6.04 1918 26255+ 6.04 Government Land " 2429# 7.16 Paid to Town Treas. xe 2430+ 4.90 1920 2050 11.00 Sale in error; taxes paid. u 2051.28.93 " 2055 11.45 " 17 1921 1252 5.78 Paid to Town Treas. 1920 2050 11.00-Property.assessed for improve- ° 2051 28.93 rments vihich were destroyed by 1921 3224 20.19 fire prior to the time of assess- .. 3225 48.55 ment of tax. 1922 3785 12.43 " " It 3786 39.60 " It " 1923 3824 31:0.4 tt " 3825 30.4.1 " �� 16 ANNUAL LIM TING OF `SHE _B_AYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - -- - -- - - ---- November 11, 192.4.- -- - --- --- -- --- -- -- - ti Lot B1k SE SE S.e.c 20-51.-3 HE a. Sig Se.c 31- 51- 3 Lot. 2, Sec 10- 44-6 - U0 - 7-6 NE S,Y Kc/ Parcel Described in Vol. 56 P 111, and lots_ 3. and 4..of Sec. 25 Sec. 25 and 26-48-5 Par c e.l in ' Uo l . 56, P 411 and lots. 3. €end 4 of Se.c.2-5. , S,e.c. 2.5 and 26-48�5 NE MY. Sec 4.-47-7 Pike. Park 2.3 2. _Lake 2.4 2. 2.5 2. 26 2 27 2. 28 2 Lot 4 except 1 acre as-sesse.d to Grace O'Halley S-ec 31-51-3 _. 4 acres in MV SW, Ass.es.s.ed -to i11m. Butt.e.rfly Sec 31-51-3 2 acres- in NFiN MW as.s.e.ssed 'to Theresa.. Butterfly 11itche.11 Sea 31-51-3 2. acres, in Nfl SW a.s.aes.s.ed 'to Theresa Mitchell Sec 31-51-3 4 acres in NY1 SW as,s.es.s.ed to Wm. Butterfly Sec 31-51-3 4 a.c.r e-s- in IfYI S W a s s e s.s.ed to Win. Butterfly Sec 31-51-3 S711 NE. Sec. 31- 49 - 6 , S1,7 SE, Sec 5-45-6 HE NVl Sec 18-46-8. 6.44 acres in SE NIN Sec 14-48-9 N'N NE. Se,c 1-50-4 NE IRV, Sec 1-50-4 MY NVV Sec 1-50-4 NE I]E. Sec 2-50-4 f_04 *vIREe.c. .11, 0 232 acres. in' NE SE, Sec 28-50-8 Lot 1 Sec 31-52-5 NW NW Sec 33-48-8 SE N71 Sec 32-45-9 (Original Plat of Iron River 19 1 Xda' ghn Division of 11ashburn ITE17 8 Lot 3 Sec 8-47-8 It 4 Sec 8-47-8 Staples Add to iron River 8 16 Robert Bartlett Jr Add to Orchard C:dty 1 8 Plat of Orchard Gi'ty, 1 3 Town -Plat of Cornucopia 14 9 2 acres in NE SE assessed to Frank Cleveland Sec 34-51-6 2 acres in NE SE assessed to T. J. Stevenson Sec 34-51-6 25 acres- in the SE NE sec 28-49-4 Town plat of Cornucopia NE SW less. SE 10 acres 15 9 14 9 15 9 192.1 27-t- 20.18 No such description tt 3 7`t- 13 .96 - 1' 1p�.2 1526 ��.31 Paid before sale 1923 14Y5 112.64 Paid Town Tr.eas . a, 19Z, , 8155. 1.6.2 3 iVrong Description 1923 748 14.60 " 1923 2308 5.06 Paid to Town Treas. 1922. 5.324 10.53 Error of, Couhty Treasure-r. 1922, 532.5. 10.53 It It n 1922 5326 10.53 1922 5327 10.53 1922 5328 10.53 1922 5329 10.53 1920 17-t- (s. g .1rong Description it 22.- 4.00 Restricted Property n 23t 3.65 ,17rong Description 1919 15 + 4.01 tr rr 1919 14rr 2.51 Restricted Property 1918 17+ 2.44 11 it 1924 21218 7.21 Paid before sale 1921 1261 4,.15 IT to Town Treas. 1919 2137-r- 4.71 Government Land 1929 2193+ 2.55 Description -Inaccurate 1918 64+32.22 Double Assessment 65 20..29 r. u r. 66.t-20.2 9 n n it 67-t-2.4.26 " 1921 2 +4, No such de.s.cription 2960 25.70 Description inaccurate " 1218 10.63 N. P. Right of way 2831 14.06 County has tax -deed t1 3094 -11.12 n n n u 4046 85.13 Refund due a/c Prior to r: 5110.88.33 Lot never improved. 1919 2184+13:59 Town.. Property If 2185+ 9.83 °1 1911 2430+ .60 Paid to Town Treas. 1920 3087+ 4.21 Paid Town Treas. 1917 3377-�- 1.72 Church Property 1919 3241-1- 1.08 Town rrope.rty R1 3242 t 1.08 if It 1920 2702 + 1.18 It " if 2-703q- 1.18 If n it 1136-1- 3.71 Illegal Description " 113 7 t 2.71 if t1 " 54+19.49 Description inaccurate 14 9 1921 4022+ 1.14 To -an Property 15 9 it 4023 + 1. 14 11 11 County Deed Sec 7-49-5 1920 445t 6.09 Illegal Description Lot 1 Sec 7-51-5: 1921 996t 1.99 Government;"Lazid Parcel in Nz Lot 2 Sec 27-50-4 1916 67+ 1.65 Paid to Town Treas. 1917 102t 1,97 Inaccurate Description 1918 121t 2.01 n " 1919 132 + 1.96 1920 138t 2.01 n " 1921 239-� 1.99 1922 274 t 2.03 ° t1 4 acres in S2 NE SE Sec 28-50-4 1915 98t 3.25 1916. 90 3.01 " 1917 105r 3.66 1918 125 3.60 " t1 1920 1424- 4.00 " 4 acres in lot 3 Sec 31-51-3 1915 7+ 2.20 r. SZ{l SW Sec 6-51-3 1919 l+ 9.49 Exempt from Taxation 10 acres in S2 Ntfl Sec. 31-51-3- 1920 21,t- 5.61 Indian Land SVI assessed to iAfm. Bror. " 1921 36tl3.43 Cancelled by Tax :Gommission N1 Yff Sec 3-48-7 1918 1669+ 4.25 laid flown Treas. SI1 MY Sec 3-4-8-7 it 1670-� 4.46 -- t' It r' Townsite of Bayfield 7 136 1913 2069t .70 't " °► st 6 4 1919 2949-� 1.92 " City 10 45 1917 2803 3.92 19& 20 89 " 2873, 9.14 Should not cover all of lots. Washburn 31 13 1911 2489 2.34 Yaid to To -,.in Treas. NE SVW Sec 7-44-9 1922 3576 � .95 --- u I- - - - --- - - - --- -- - - --- --- -- - - -- ._ - - - ------ --- - - - - - - ----- - -- -- - - ----- AF-NUAL MBEL ING OF THE _BAYFIE1D --COUITTY BOARD November 11, 1924 0 Plat of West Ashland Blk 42. 1920. 3114 + 2.86 Plat has been vacated it It It 42 1921 4038 t 3,34 It 11 t1 I1 SE SE Except lots. 3. & 4 block 15 of blocks. 16, 18, 21, 22, 23 & 24 ffest Ashland Plat, Less 2 acres. Ry Sec 2-47-5 SE SE except lots 3 and 4, block 15, lots 16, 18, 21, 22, 2�5,;-',2.4�'& 43, block 44, Yest, Ashland Pls:..t. less 2 acre$1 Ry Sec 2-47-5 SW SlY except lots, 1, 2, 3 & 4 of Plat of Vest Ashland Sec 2-47-5 SNT4 S71-41-, except 1, 2, 3 & 4 Block 54, Vest Ashland Plat Sec 2-47-5 Siff SW excerpt 1, 2 , 3, 4, block 54 plat of West Ashland, aec 2-47-5 SE SE less lots 3, 4, blocks 15, 16, 22, 2.3, 24, 18, 21 less 3 acres R. R. Sec 2-47-5 1921 518 34.38 Erroneous Description 1916 240 25.04 'I u 1924 65.1 23.02 Defective 1922 686 50.96 1923 564 16.36 to n 1922 691 47.93 Motion was made and seconded that thei above illeg71.1 tax certificates be declared illegal, and that the County Clerk be instructed to cancel them from the books. and charge them back to the different taxing districts. There was some ob- jection to illegalities in the Town of Eileen and a motion was made and seconded that an amendment -be added -to the original motion to omit the illegalities from the town of Eileen and to refer them to the. District Attorney, and that his opinion be adopted as the opinion of the Board.. Motion carried. Motion was made and seconded that the original motion together with the amendment be adopted. Motion carried. The following report from the committee on illegal taxes regarding claims for refund was then read: To the Honorabl:& County Board, Bayfield County, 1is. Gentlemen: Ue the undersigned committee on illegal taxes, beg leave to report, that we have examined the following bills, recoininend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same. Name of Claimant Layman Lumber Co It It 11 R. VU. Smith, Co. Treas . It It u if a It 11 11 If ti J. V`J. Carroll &. J. Darwin R. W. Smith, Co. Treas . It It It tt tt Geo. H. McCloud 11 It u " It if 1t it of R. W. Smith, Co. Treas. 49. C. F'oater It It t! R. bar. Smith, Co. Treas . 11 " n it It It p t!. It tt n n r, n tt 11 tt !i 11 t! ti9 n It to t! It 1, it It 11 11 It It 11 M it It It it if It It It It it It it to n It It it 11 It Signed, Jas. A. Baker, Purpose Charge back to County of Bayfield it It To-,„n Iron River Pilsen Barksdale. It tl tt t4 " " r. Pils.en County Town of Russell It N tt H Eileen tt It 11 4 n to tt t+ M it 1t It 1t Nameka.gon It It tt Barnes - It n of to tt r' City. of Washburn !} to 13 to tl it It Bayfield et 1r n to " to Town of ;�Tashburn " tt it Russell o u n m n tt n Barnes tt o It 1t It It tt et it tt Bayf i el d n is It if Luke J. Lavin. claimed Allowed 39.12 39.12 1.62 1.62 5.06 5.06 14.60 14.60 16.23 16.23 112.64 112.64 14.62 14.62 13.96 13.96 20.18 20.18 23.72 23.72 50.96 50.96 16.36 16.36 . 64.39 64.39 5.78 5.78 222.15 222.15 61.65 61.65 2.34 2.34 13.06 13.06 1.92 1.92 .'70 .70 8.71 8.71 19.04 19.04 11.69 11.69 14.79 14.79 3.52 3.52 24.14 24.1.4 31.14 31.14 1.99 1.g.9 ANNUAL METING OI' THE_ BAYk+`'_IE1!�LU COUNTY- _BOARD_ November. 11,=�924. - - R. W. Smith, County Treaa. Charged back to Town of Bayfield 6.09 6.09 It n n It .11 n 11 tt Bell 2:28 2.28 It a u tt a tt tt Bay `Li eld 19.49 19.49- sl it n xt tt tt n Bell 6.42 6 : 42 u st u t� a s' ?► it Bell 2..36 2.36 It it 2.16 2.16 Clover 1.72 1.72 11 It u tt st. tt t1 4.21 4.21 it It It tl a It It Eileen 6.20 6.20 it it 11. LI !! Ja 11 it ��;' Iron ytiive.r, 23.42 2.3.42 it a. n it tt tt u as ' .60 .60 Ge.o . Yc.Cloud ' At Lileen 29.85 29.85 It 11. .. n n tt 41. 00- 41.00 R. W. Smith, County Treas.. Bayfield 156.13 156.13 tl tt tt - tt tt tt at to Oulu �, 12.5a 2.55 11as-on 4.71 4.71 tt t1 n tt E► u �1 tt 4.15 4.15 . r. a Itt it it u ,'lashburn 7.21 7.21 u. P. tt tt M o 1t Russell 2.44 2.44 41 if a at 41 U 11 M 2.51 2.51 n tt n t: it tt u a� t1 4.01 4.01 it to n. tt it n tt t M 1: .24 12.24 11-otion was made and aec-onded that the above report be adopted, and that the claims. be allowed as recommended by the co=ittee on illegal Taxes with the except- ion of the claims in the Towh of Eileen which have been referred to the District Attorney for his opinion. Motion carried unanimously. The following report of committee on Equalization was then read: :ale., the committee on Equalization recommend the report of Pearce Torikins, Income Ass.ess.or, to be accepted. Submitted this. llth day of November, 1924. Henry Wachsmuth, Nels Nelson E . Max Glas s Id. B. Iforris. AS ESSIuIENT AGGREGATE DISTRICT TRUE VALUE Barksdale, Town 2,450,460 Barnes, 924,639 Bayfield, 1,085,416 Bayview, 651,442 Bell, 666,480 Cable, 642,145 Clover 676, 25,3 Delta 515,539 Drunm2ond 3,384,815 Eileen 997,564 Hughes. 367,512 Iron River 601,881 Kelly 765,5.33 Keystone 494,102 Lincoln 570,344 Illason 914,687, Namekagon 538,989 Orienta 996,643 Oulu- 827,746 Pilsen 363,878 Port 1[ing 1,090,827 Pratt- 953,924 Russell 644,888 Tripp- 493,288 Mashburn 898,284 Totals for Towns 22,517,279 Bayfield, (pity 1,044, 382 Cable-, Village 246,682 .9shburn, City 1,55.7,939 Totals for Cities and Village 2,849,203 It • tt Coufity 25,366,482 Resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County, State of Iffisconsin, at Annual session this llth day of November, 1924, that the valuation set opposite the respective toms- in the following list, containing all the towns., cities and taxing districts in Bay -field County, Wisconsin, be and the same -are hereby fixed as the valua- tion of the several towns and taxing districts as determined by the Bayfield County Board, to -wit: ANNUAL IM TING OF THE. BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARI November 11,_ 1924. read. AS SE 8,S11EHT DISTRICT.. Barksdale, Town Barnes, Bayfteld, Bayvie�-r,. Bell, Cable, Clover, Delta, Drummond, Eileen, Hughes., Iron River, I..e1ly, Keys -tone Lincoln, Mason, Namekagon, Orienta, Oulu, Pilsen, Port I'1ing, Pratt Russell, Tripp, "tfJa, shburn , Total for Towns Bayfield, City Cable., Village Washburn, Qi.ty Total for Cities. and Village Total for County AGGREGATE. TRUE. VALUE, 2-, 450 , 460 924, 63.9: 1,085,.416- 651,442 666 ,.480 642,145 676,253, 515,5.39 3,384,81.5 997,564 367,512 6.01,881 7.65,, 533 49A,102 570-, 344 914, 687. 538"989 9-9&, 643 827,746 363,878 1,090,827 95 3 ,, 9 24 644.,688_ 493„288: 8,98,284 22, 517a,�Q 1 , 0.44,. 382 246 ,.882' 1,.557,,.939 2,849849,203; 25,Z66,482 signed, H. Wachsmuth. Motion was made and seconded that the above resolution be adopted as. I,Toti.on carried. The following resolution was -then read: Be it resolved that we, the Bayfield County Board, assembled in annual session this 11th day of November, 1924, protest to the 77isconsin Tax Commission the apparent continued raz4k of the valuation of Bayfield Qounty year by year-, for the reason that we believe the valuati.on of Bayfield County has materially been decreased instead of increased, and that a copy of this resolution be for- warded to Pearce Tomkins and'one to the Wisconsin Tax Commission. Roll call showed the. following vote: Ayes: Carver, Galligan, Moore, Kjarvick, Baker, Karow, Soronen, Bartlett, Curry, Morris, Helmer, Squires, Iyielstrand, Kobelt, Glass, Axness, Junek, Froney, Taipale, blihalek, Okers.trom, Habelt, Lamont, Lavin, Tetaner, irlachsmuth, Hale, Smith, Doyle, Bergma.n., Arntson, Nelson, Hering, Johnson and Bell. Total 36. Motion carried. The following report of the. Dance Hall Committee- was then read: we, the undersigned committee on Dance Hall Regulation, beg to submit the following report. Number of licenses issued, fifteen; total amount coll- ected, $150.00; paid for printing stationery, advertising and committee meet- ings, �93.11. Balance on hand 56.89 $150.00 All reports from inspectors have been favorable and we have reason to believe that the dance hall ordinance is a success in Bayfield County. Respectfully submitted this lst day of November, 1924. C. ff. Smith Nels. Nelson Alois TTiabe It Committee.. Motion was made and seconded that the report be accepted and placed N ANNUAL MEETING -OF TIM BAYFIELD COUNTY COURT on file_. Motion carried. the following resolution ways then read: Be. it. res-olved that the. Bayfield Yien's. Club hereby expresses- its c.onvic-tion that County expenses ought to be cut do-wn,, and requests and urges upon the. county Board the elimination of what may be called the Trills and luxuries. Furthermore, that w-e express our willingness -to sacrifice some of these things. for the sake of economy and the less-ening of the burden of tax- ation, which is now so high that it seriously interferes with and prevents development of the. unoccupied- lands of the county. Passed by Bayfield Hen's Olub, October- 29th. Motion was ma.de and seconded that the above resolution be placed on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was then read: WHEREAS at thespecial spring meeting of the County Board of Supervisors: of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, a recommendation of the Finance Committee was adopted authorizing the Qounty Treasurer ,to accept from the Depository Banks, interest computed on the minimum deposit of eash bank during each of the months. of March, April and May of each year in each of said deposit- ory banks., . and VMREAS the various banks of the County, now members of Tri-County Association of banks, have notified the County.Treasurer that they will pay but one and one-half (12).per cent interest on short time deposits. instead of three (3) per cent as hither -to, now be it,,and it is.hereby RESOLVE'D by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in their annual meeting a.assmbled this ll-th day of November, 1924, that the action taken at the spring meeting be rescinded and that the interest on the average daily deposits be collected from the said depository banks by the County Treasurer for each month of the year and that the rate of interest be computed at one and one-half (12) per cent per annum instead of three (3; per cent as heretofore, and that any and all banks.•of the county furnishing a satisfactory Surety Company's bond shall be a County depository. 1A. C. Helmer. Motion was made and.seconded.tnat the above resolution be adopted. notion carried. The following report was then read: X To the County Board of Bayfield County: This report is a continuance of the committee's spring report. We, the undersigned committee., to whom was referred further inspection of the Oulu road, did in company vvith Highway Cormiissioner john'.rriberg make such inspection oai. October 23,1924. In a. former report the committee called attention to one mile of road in the Town of Tripp connecting 'up with the proposed Oulu road which w.as called to their attention too late for inspection last spring. In going over this mile during our latest trip we found it to be a very satisfactory piece of road conn- ecting up with County TrunkA and by far the most economical to adopt. By adopting the same it eliminates lh miles from the original proposal which would need. to be. entirely and newly constructed. The committee also called attention in their former report the fact ANNUAL MEET-ING OF THE. BAYFILLD COUNTY BOARD Nov_em er _11_,-1RP-4— that there was considerable work in progress. and also contemplated during the road i season on this particular road, such as, building a concrete and steel bridge, l ' installing and replacing plank culverts with the more up to date corrugated steel. These improvements have all been made during the sumriier as well as consideralle ; other improvements. in the way of grading and ditching, etc. �rTe found the road generally quite satisfactory for adoptio-n to the secondary system of county high<rrays. with the exception of the, last mile running in a westerly direction where it connects with a Douglas County Highway, which we understand was only recently added to their County System. This mile of road will no 'doubt be given some attention during the next road season: I It is .also the committee's belief that the County should not assume any responsibility until such time it ,rill have made an appropriation. we, do however, recommend that .in the fall of 1925 the highway Road and Bridge Committee take this mileage into consideration in their budget for their 1926 road program. �- The road for which the com~aittee makes. final recommendation for adoption starts on County Trunk A about 2z miles North of Iron River Village in town of Tripp, West 2 miles, North 1 mile, lest 3 miles, north 1 mile, `;lest 1 mile, North 3 miles and %est 1 mile between the Towns of Orienta and Oulu to Douglas County line. Signed, E. R. Tetzner i hi. Arntsen Pat Galligan. Motion was made and seconded that the above report be adopted as I read. Motion was made and seconded that an amendment be added to the above report to add the road to the County System to take effect January 1, 1925. Motion lost. Motion was made and seconded that the original report be adopted as read and that the road be placed on the County System January 1, 1926, and that the Road and Bridge Committee take this. mileage into consideration in i their budget for the 1926 road program. Motion carried. I Motion was made and seconded to reconsider the last resolution. Motion carried by two-thirds majority. Motion was made and seconded that an i amendriient be made to the original resolution for the adoption of the road to the County System to be effective November 1, 1925. Motion carried. Motion was made and seconded that the original resolution be adopted with t In last amend- ment,, and that; the road be added to the County System November 1, 1925.1"."1otion carried. The following communication ,r,, as then read: R. W. Smith, Co. Treasurer- Bayfield County I i Washburn, '�11is.consin. Dear Sir: I I In re #5202 Bayfield County If you will look at the tax roll for 1923, you will find an assessment of income tax was made against Joseph Brenner, doing business as Joseph Brenner & Co. The amount of this. tax was11,270, with a Soldiers.' Educational Surtax of i y�2,246.50 and a Teachers' Retirement- Fund Surtax ofu1;872.08. This assessment was made in the manner of a doomage assessment for the reason that they had not J 82 ANNUAL I E2_ING _OF THE BAYF I ELD - GOUNT--Y- :HOARD- - - - made proper return. Since. that time, they have had audits made of their accounts, from. the. time they started in business here and filed proper r.eturns of income -,:rith us.. T.hetime for canceling the tax on my part. has gone by. The County can compromise and I suppose the County Board could by resolution authorize the acceptance• of the. amount.. -of :tax now found to be due -from theta. You ban either have this done while , L-he bArd is in s-ess.ion neiit Tuesday by resolution or you can simply accept the payments covered by the check inclosed and apply them on the present assessment as it stands in your books.. The check inclosed is for 'I'P172.94. $136.61 is for normal income tax. The state is- entitled to ten per cent, the county twenty per cent and the'lo-cal'district seventy per cent of this amount. It also covers $19'.82 Soldiers.' Educational Surtax and $16.51 Teachers' Re.tirement..Fund Surtax, both .. of which go to the State'. , applied? Mill you kindly take care of this. matter and see that it is properly Yours very. -truly, Pearce Tomkins, Assessor of Incomes. RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, .Visconsin, in annual meeting assembled this llth day of Noverioer, 1924, that the amounts as listed below be accepted by the County Treasurer in payment of the taxes assessed in the Town of Barksdale against Joseph Brenner & Co., an explanation of which is contained in the attached letter from Pearce Tomkins, Asse-ssor of Incomes. Normal Income Tax $lZ6.61 Soldie-rs' Educational Tax 19.82 Teachers'" Retirement Fund 16.51 Total 5 172.94 Signed, Pat Galligan. Hotion was made and seconded that the above resolution be adopted. Motion carried. The following reports were then read: To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, "ffisconsin. Gentlemen: As Treasurer of Bayfield County, Ffisconsin, I beg to report the follow- ing facts and Figures in connection with the delinquent taxes returned by the various. Town:, City and Village Treasurers for Lhe taxes of 1923. These figures are approximate but nearly accurate: Total amount returned delinquent .",,p'139,000.00 Amount collected as County Taxes 7jefore the sale June loth 26,000.00 Amount that went to sale 113,000.00 Tax Certificates sold at sale 66,465.00 The number of tax certificates issued this year amounted to 8,030. In 1920 the number of tax certificates issued was less than 3,800 which shows an increase of 111% in the four years. This increase, of course, does- not apply to all of '.he taxing districts of the County, but more particularly to the City of Iffashburn and those towns. having a. large acreage of barren lands. From the above. figures it will be seen that the amount of work handled in the office of the Treasurer has more than doubled in four years and the earnings of the office increased, that much, the total for the past year exceeding $7,000 -__ANNUAL_ KEE`1 INO OF T E- BAYFIELD- -COUNTY -BOARD 0 in penalties and fees - Signed, To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen: R.. W. Smi th _ County Treasurer Bayfield County, 7[i s . As Treasurer of Bayfield County and under instructions of your body to -,take tax deed on all tax certificates held by the County, I beg to report that deeds have been taken on all of the old tax certificates up to and in- cluding the sale of 1921 with the exception of those which the committee on illegal taxes -are recommending you to cancel as illegal and some comparatively few certificates on which we have served tax deed notices to occupants and mortgagees. So far the bulk of the tax deeds taken cover City and Village lots only, but I wish to call your attention to the fact that a't-the present time the county holds certificates on a large number of land descriptions of the 1922 sale, which become subject to tax deed in June-1925. Included in this sale is a large acreage of the so called barren lands, the removal of which from the various assessment rolls is greatly to be desired. For this. purpose I have asked a recommendation from the Finance Committee for an appropriation of 300 for the ensuing year. Acting under the authority of a resolution passed by your honorable body at the special spring meeting,,..the county Clerk has issued quit -claim deeds on certain properties in the Cities of Bayfield and 1a.shburn and the Village of Iron Rives, the proceeds from which sales -have about covered the entire ex- pense of taking all of the tax deeds, taken this year. We have under consider- ation'other sales at the present time -which will amount to over 44pl,000. Signed, R . W. Smith, County Treasurer,- County, `=pis. '11ilotion was made and seconded that the above reports be adopted and placed on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was then read: IMMEREAS the operation o,� the Exemption law, known as the homestead exemption law, being Section 2 of Chapter. 435, laws -of 1923, has proved to be unfair and unequal in its enforcement and has been detrimental to the taxing power of the various municipalities of the state. NOW, THEREFORE,, be it resolved by the (bounty Board of Bayfield County, in annual session duly convened, that the Legislature of the State of. `fisconsin, at. its_:coming 1925 session., be requested to repeal said later. RESOLVED FURTI]ER, that copies of this resolution be. forwarded by the County Clerk to the Senator representing Bayfield County and to the Assemblyman for Bayfield County. Proposed by Nels Nelson Dated this llth day of November, 1924. V/ Approved: Roy H. Okers.trom ' Cha i r.,,nan �P Attest: �L_ud_Ej.E..Tranrral County' Clerk. 8 ANNUAL -- T+air�LT ING OF THE BAYi+ NILD COUNTY BOARD _ ----- - - — ------ ---- --------- - ----- -- --- - --- - - ---- -- -- -- November 11, 1924. Motion was made and seconded that the above resolution be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. The following report was then read: V MEAS C. Arthur Callen, a. blind person, has made an application for a pension pursuant to the prjovisions.and requests of Section 47.08 of the Statutes, and whereas it satisfactorily appears by said application and by the reports of the examiner of the blind, and of the committee of the County Board, that said applicant is entitled to receive a. pension. FOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the County Board, in annual session duly convened, that a pension in the sum of $360.0.0 per annum be approved and allowed to said C. Arthur Callen, levied upon the taxable property of Bayfield County. Dated this llth day of November, 1924. Approved: Roy H. Okerstrom uha i rma-n Attest: Ludwig Tranma.l County Clerk. .Motion was made and seconddd that the above resolution be adopted as react. Kotion carried unanimously. The following communication from the, Highway depart- ment was then read: 'e wish the County Board to take some action in regard to the house tipped into the Sioux River channe-1 on State Trunk Highway #13 between Washburn and Bayfield. We believe that in the spring of the year it. will cause damage to the road by daming up the ,;rater and cutting off a. part of the road. This particular place is the most dangerous for a washout in Bayfield County and we have already had one. there. The Highway Commission made inquiry to the District Attorney on whataction to take and he thought it would be the best way to take it up zith the County Board as we have no right to move or destroy someone el.se's property-. Signed, Peter Soronen; Geo. Karow, Luke J. Lavin. woad and Bridge Committee. John Friberg Highway Commissioner. Motion was made and s:.econded that the.Dis.trict Attorney take legal steps. to have the house in Sioux River slough removed from the channel before the spring floods. IT,.otion carried unanimously. The following report of the County Fair - committee -was then read: We, the. -committee on the County Fair,, report as. follows: The -Fair Association had a deficit of $852.76 on January 1, 1924. 11,Te find ' + the -expenses for 1924 are $2,537,50 compared with $5,267.74 for 1923. This diff- erence is du•e to the fact thatwe had only two days fair- in 1924 and three days and that we had three days of horse racing in 1923 fair in 1923nand only one. day of racing in 1924. It was. moved and seconded that the report of The Bayfield County Fair Association for•1923 and 1924 be.approved. Acc- ording to the statement of 1924 the present indebtedness, of the County Fair is $3,128.43. It was moved., s.econded' and carreed that we. recommend the sum of $2, 500 be appropriated by this Board for 1925. This will leave an indebtedness. of $628.43 ANNUAL hEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 11, 1924. which we believe, tirith the same careful management and favorable conditions, can be ti�ripe.d out in 1925. We wish to call your attention to the advertising in the Superior Tele- gram which was run without cost to the Fair Association. A communication from the Ashland County Fair Association Baas presented to this committee for their consider- ation. sale, the undersigned committee, believe that this proposition is imprac- tible for Ba.yfield County at this. time and therefore reconunend that it be rejected. Dated this llth day of November, 1924. Signed, Geo. Froney John Taipale Pat Galligan Frank L. Moore COI;rROLMI CAT ION FRO_E ASHLAI\D COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION. To the , hembers.. of the Iron, Bayf i eld and Ashland. County Boards. The matter of moving. the Ashland County Fair Grounds has been under.con- sideration for some time and suggestions have been made that we fora tri-County Fair, located -as near the City of Ashland as possible, to include Iron, Bayfield and Ashland.Counties. Committees have been appointed and meetings have been held for the Purpose of getting estimates and the opinion of thos-e interested. So this letter is to inform the different County Board members what has been done. It has been suggested the City of Ashland would probably give subatan- tial help if ground would be so situated .and buildings of proper c Instruction be erected. We believe it would be far better arrangement by having a Tri- County Fair, in a financial way,. and the initial expense will not be greatly in excess of the yearly cost of putting on two fairs at the present time. Better entertainments of all kinds could be had, and with new grounds everyone would sake a more lively interest in the fair. Larger and more premiums could be paid which would mean better advertising for this. district. .Estimated cost of grading, new buildings and all equipment necessary for putting on a fair on new grounds. The Bardon Tract. Grading track yp6,000.00 Barns --Capacity 240 Cattle 5,000.00 Speed barns.-- 30 horses 700.00 Sheds 400.00 Grand Stand--Sarze as now 1,200.00 Exhibition Building--50x120 10,000.00 Tearing down all old buildings and moving to new grounds. 1,500.00 Extras: 5,200.00 Total.-- $30,000.00 The cost of new grounds are not taken into consideration as we have the assurance of the City of Ashland will take over the old grounds fo:r cemetary purposes and provide at least 60 or 80 acres in a suitable. location nearer the city for our needs. Some definite action coupled with an appropriation should be made at this annual meeting of the different County Boards, for. if it is put over at this: meeting it will mean a whole year's delay, and the cemetary association are - - - - - ANNUAL ITT=TING OF-- THE- BAY2Ii LD_-CO.UI\ITY_-B_OARIZ_ _ November 11, 1924. anxious to get the present Fair Grounds., a.s. it will take nearly -..a year to grade and prepare the ground for their needs. Yours. truly, Otto Premo, President. Motion was made and seconded that the above report be accepted and placed on file. !%Tlotion carried. The following County Fair reports were then read: RECEIPTS OF COUNTY FAIR FOR 1923. September 18th Exhibitors'.Tickets it Ath big gate if it Small gate it -J� th Grand Stand It 20th Big Gate it it Small Gate - it It Grand Stand 'r 21st Big Gate n t: Sma l l Gate. tt " Grand Stand tt it Barn Stall Rent " it Concessions. Total Balance._ from Bayf ie ld County From 17 Memberships From loan from Visconsin State Bank Left over from last year D I SBURSETJ!ENT S FOR 19 23- Fa i t BAYFiTPLD- COUNTY Feb. 16th Pioneer Publishing Co.,Printing in 1922 March 2nd E. F. Daniels-, expense to Vlashburn filing papers: It 16th " It " It n see Atty Shea. May 15th 7plisconsin State Bank, Interest on loan It 25th Iron River Hardware Co., to apply on Ford car, June 12th Gong. Ladies Aid, meals to help Fair 1922 Aug. 15th, James Moran, labor on grounds and buildings, It it Edward Daniels Jr. Labor. " " Is if The Henega.n Go., Advertising matter It Douglas. Liefies.ta, watching fire Edward Daniels, Jr., It to Water, Light & Telephone Co, Telephone " 23i'd James. Moran, Labor on grounds and buildings. " 30th American Railway Express, Co, C. 0., D. Advertising rr tt James Doherty, labor on grounds. and buildings. tt tt Brady tr It N i, n tt Janie s It tt tt tt Edward Dan i e 1 s. , Jr. t*, tr tt Gustav Iftollenhoff, P. 0. Postage Stamps Sept. 1st It It G. 0. D. Parcel Post, Supplies. it 14th Estabrook & Olson, Rain Lnsuranoe It It N. F. Shea, Atty. fees it it American Trotting Association, Dues it it Fenella. Daniels., typing Preium Book & in office It it Edward Daniels,.. Jr. Labor on grounds & Buildings: It 15th 77alter Hostraws.er, Labor on Buildings- 01 21st T. H. Robinson, for Band to It J. R. Kunzleman, labor on buildings It. 22nd Geo. Froney, expenses at fair It. 25th W. E. Firth, Iffestern Union Operator, Telegrams it, It Seymour Hotel, meals: to Band It. it John Pyykola,.dragging the track It. 28th Richard Tabell, Straw It- it :ffalter Hostrawser, labor on buildings: it it Clarence. Peterson, labor on grounds It, tt James Doherty, labor on grounds it . E. F. Daniels, salary as Secretary it it Phil Riley, labor on grounds ,t It Edward Daniels., Jr, labor on grounds. " If E. F. Daniels., team work on grounds " tt Brady Doherty, labor on grounds.and buildings n u James, It , horse and Hay rake two days n tt it . It Team two days. tt tt Henry Kamarath, labor tt a Geo. Froney, salary as president. n tt James Doherty, salary as vice-president. " u Byron Ripley, salary as Treasurer " tt James Moran, labor on grounds and in exhibit hall Oct. 5th Geo. Vinall, labor in exhibit hall It " Ed. LaCrosse, labor in exhibit. hall It " Albert Johnston, selling tickets tt 't Herbert Smith Ed. Goulet tending gate 160.00 602.00 111.00 95.00 058'.00 374.25 - 51.50- 45.95 $4-71. 70 107.50 29.50 15.10 F0152.10 92.00 100.00 dal 29 00 $1773.70 1180.18 85.00 2000.00 U5038.88 330.36. �5369.24 �10&.65 7.28 5.16 20.00 100.00 52.55 16.50 16.50 35.00 3.00 3.00 20.40 10.50 15.57 37.50. 27.00 KOO 25.50 5.00 13.82 311.44 35.40 25,00 7.00 10.50 36.00 260.00 37.50 2.35 10.74 56.00 3.80 13.00 30.00 13.50 31.50' 200.00 36.00 24.00 39.00 34.50 3.00 6.00 3.00: 100..00 50.00 25.00 18.00 12.00 9.00- 12.00 12.00 12.00 MW ANNUAL MEET ING OF TIM BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November ll-, 1924. - - - - - --- - - 0 O:et. 5th, Um. K_l.ino, Tending gate 12.00 It " Nels Goodrich " it 12.00. to It Mike LaC-ross.e, watching fence 12.00 to to Neil Diamond, taking.tickets at small gate 12.00 " It James. Tomlinson, labor on grounds during fair 12.00 t' It Mark Diamond, tending gateat grand Stand 6.00 It 1y r s . L. Hobbs., Supt . fancy work 8.00 Mary Hoatrawser, Supt. Bake Goods 8.00 Mrs. Watts, " Canned goods- 8.00 et et Madge, clerk in exhibit. hall 9.00 Alice Fitzsimons,,clerk in exhibit hall 6.00 to to Arline Rocheleau, " " 7.00 if it Ethel Shulatad, " " " 7.50 Vern Kopplin, " " " 7.50 It to Fenella Daniels., to it t' 9.00- " " The Kopplin Co, lumber and pos-ts 142.62 " it City Garage, Auto hire in 1922. 7.75 it to It it • Labor and parts. on Ford 19.45- " of irs. F. U. Barthelmew, Judge salary and expenses 21.22 It if R.. H. Rasmussen, Judging grains 9.84 " it C. R. Miller, Draggin track 15.00 It It Telephone Co,, Telephone on.grounds 16.75 to it E. J. Springer, Dray 1.00 it It Bert Bousley, gas and oil 39.75 it 20th I. R. Hardware Co., incidental supplies 135.87 1t 29 Isra-el Everett.s, Watchman at Fair, 15.00 it It James Doherty,.labor on grounds. 31.50 Aug. 28th Wisconsin State. Bank, note and interest 513.33 Sept.., 5th Bell Printing Co:, Printing Premium books 147.80 Dec. 21st ?Vm."Arntsen, Distributing advertising 10.00 " 26th Fenella Daniels, making out premium statements and making report to sta-te 15.00 �3,322.04 RACES Sept. 20th, Earl Travars., Motorcycle: 12.50 " " Ward Do:nrns, to 6.00 it It Victor Hughea, It 3.75 It it Oscan Odegard, It 1.25 It `t Geo . ticker, Horse Race 22.50 of 21s.t, J. J. Welsh, " " 161.25 er rt G. A. Buchanan," " 222.50 Ole Bredes.on, " " 192.50 W. Carey, tt " 12.50 tr to Um. Ward, It to 100.00 it " W, P. Tayl-or, it it _1-60.00 it It Len Phelps, It It 285.00 it 11 Pat Chantelois," " 492.50 to It W. Mikkleson, " '' 78.50 $1,750.70 AlUNSEMr,NTS: Sept. 21s.t, Tom.Taggart, singing Act 30.00 It It "The: Renzos:" platform act 125.00' it 25th, Ben Hipke, Bucking horse act 40.00 $195.00 Total Expenditurea--- �5,267.74 The foregoing statement includes all of the receipts and expenditures up to January 1, 1924, which is. the. time when the new fiscal year begins; at that time there iias on hand eighty-nine and 5.0/100 dollars in banks and the following liabilities: 20% of the premiums iiihich must 'be me.t. by association-5-40.00 Promisory notes to Bank, with interest 2000.00 Outstanding claims, approximately 500.00 �30 0 00 The County Board at its last fall meeting appropriated the sum of $2500.00 Deducted from this amount for insurance 319.92 Leaving balance for Fair Association of "2180.08 This report as of December 31, 1923. 11. F. Daniels. .1.924 County . Fair Receipts.; . Bair --field County. Bank- Balance - Entry Fees; Admissions Grand Stand Concessions Stall Rent Received from County Drawn from Mason State Bank Notes at Wisconsin State Bank Q1500-600-300 Total amount received 264..24 150.00 718.89 57.25 116.00 83.00 2180.08 94.50 2400.00 $6063.96. i ANNUAL MEE_TIRG OF TFIE BAYFIELD. -COUNTY BOARD- .November 11, 1924. Total Expenae.s. Bills, left unpai-d from 192.3 Total bills, paid for expenses in 1924 Note with intere.s_t at ZIis_consin State Bank 4otal amount. spent. Present Debts. Note for j600 January 2- 23, December 21-24, 8 o at 1.1at.urity 15.00 September 24-24, December 26-24, :8% at. it $300 Oc.t.ober 15-24, December 15-24, 8% At rr. �,otal amount. Checks. unpaid yotal debts. 20% of000.00 as. pre4lium money from county Total Bills Left over from 1923. Mlay 19th, Superior tent & Awning. Co., rent it " Evening Telegram, Advertising Lrnest Eauve, Permiums. " rr Ladies Aid., Meals, for employees Washburn Printing Co, Mrs. Harry Johnson, Judge 4Fla..hburn News, Posters D. 7. Fay, mis.teake in premiums Susan K_linkhexzrler, judge Pioneer Publishing Co. printing June 6th, Verne R. Edwards. Aug.26th, Jas. Doherty, use. of gas engine Oct.13th, John Halmar, premiums Sept25th, Mrs. S. Ozema.a, premiums It 24th, Ben Kacklin, Judge Total amount of unpaid bills for 1923 Expenses, for 1924. May 19th, Telephone. Calls. Aug.29th., Printed ma.tte.r,, B. F. Harrison Sept.2nd, Printed matter, " 10 Rain Insurance 5th, Ray Tester, labor- " 6th, Lawrence, O,uam, labor. Barely Doherty, labor " 9th, Edward Daniels, Jr., Labor ii 10th, Ane.r.ican Trotting Association " 12th, Arthur Jackson, Horse Races " " S. F. Perkins, " 'r Elton Springer " rr 't 13th, Peter Crow it Geo. Buchanan, it " 12th, W. P. Taylor, " °1 " n J. J. Buck, rr it J. Kenney, it it u 'f' C. J. Shannon, " rr it. It " rr 1' ork on Track " Peter Olson, horse Races u s� C. V. Nelson, " " C. R. Dunlap,.rr " Keith Hall, Labor- " " Geo . Viriall, watching gate Ray Tester, Labor William Thompson Israel Everett., night watchman rr rr M. C. Freestone, Watchman n rr Ben Hipke, Horse races rr rr C. E. Andrews, for band hire If " Ed Borski, Iu'+otorc.ycle Race rr a E. Feathers, if it James. Doherty, labor with team " W. Downs, Motorcycle race it Ih., dge• Helmer, clerk. 24th, Mrs. Walter Hostravaser, Supt " Virginia Tarter, Clerk " Geo . McKerrow, . Judge., " A. C. Johnson, Ticket Seller, " G. td. Snyder., Fair;_,Supplies " Mrs. C'. Hobbs, Supt. it Eral Renard, Judge it Mrs. Jane Evarts, Judge '" Bell Printing Co., Premium Books it Herrpan & Johnson, Supplies. - " Post office stamps " Fair Publishing Co_., supplies. " 'U. H. Hughes, cycle race " R. Paulson, Motorcycle race rr Adolph Carignan, rooms for band " Donaldson Lithographing Co It John Irving, tifket seller it James -Doherty, Engine rent 466.46 2537.50 3060.00 6063.96 646.54 1560.00 304.00 �2510.54 17.89 �2528 ..43 600.00 153128.43 11.70 15.00 9.25 30.50 39.15 1.68 70.00 2.00 1.68 122.00 125.00 20.00 1.5G 4.50 12. 50 466.46 3.50 35'.65 6.91 183. 12:rO 19.50 9.Ov 39'.00 6,.00: 302.76 10.00 12.50 6.25 3.75 75.00 75.00 75.00 40.00 150.00 45.00 15.00 30.00 150.00 20.00 9.00 3.00 12:00 12.00 10.00 3.00 2.50 274.00 5..00 5.00 66.00 4R411.76 5.00 9.00 9.00 6.00 52.64 4.00 3.83 9.00 5.00 7.56 126.80 15.60 1.00 5.14 5.00 5.00 4.00 38.00 `4.00 15.00 Z ANNUAL, MEET T ING - OF_ - THE BAYP=LD COUNT-Y - BOARD. -- - - -- _ -__- - - - - -- -- -- — _---- - - = November-- , Sept. 24th, L. H. Me.rrihew, Supt. exhibit hal'1 12.00 It " T. Nilson, Motorcycle race 5.00 it i1 Deachamp Store, Bunting 10.35 It It Geo. Babb, Race. Starter 29:75 a " LatiRrre:zce Quam, labor 4.50 V180'4.93 It 17th, L. H: Merrihew, county advertising 57-.00 ti 19th, Tony Vojavek, Work 7.50 It 17th,. Evening Telegram, advertising 32.00' It It 22nd, Arline Rocheleau, cleric It 17th, Brady Doherty, labor .9.00 15.00 23rd, Piers. Joe Andre. IV'leal.s & rooms for band 8.00 " 22nd, :McRae Drug Store, supplies 1,.40 It15th,'Telegram 24th, Nels. Goodrich, taking tickets .96 4.00 St " Fitzpatrick Br'os., bunting 3.75 " " Con Cuture:, gate 4.75 4.00 " Ed Goulet, if 25-th, Ladies. Aid, meals . 440 24th, Vdalshs Restaurant, meals for Band . " 25th, Iron River Hardware, supplies .695 . 17th, E. G. Staats & Co., ribbons .95 41.04 60 25th, T. F. Ptta.ckmiller, Telephone and long distance: 26th, M.. C. Helmer, Salary g.`5 " " • Lucile 11anson cadge 100.0a I1 R. H. Rasmussen, Judge 6.00 23rd, Harry Hall, ticket seller 14.84 24th, Mrs. C, Blatt, Supt. 4.00 25th, Vera. Rhenstrand, Judge 9.00 " 24th, Mike LaCrosse, Watchman 8.12 25th, T'T1rs. Fred Michales, Judge 3.00 24th, Ethel Johnson, clerk 8.12 §2237.36 Oct. 30th, H. J. Fitzpatrick, salary 7.5'0 3rd, Kopplin Co. Lumber 200.00 " It 15th, Pioneer Publishing Cc .09 " Jas. Doherty, salary 66.65 Total expenses. for 1924 25.00 Left over from. 1923 02537.50 Total Outlay 466.46 �3003.96 Pfotion ,was made and seconded that the above repor strickbe accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The following claim for .damages was then read: To Honorable. County _Clerk. Bayfield County Bayfield, ,Via. Dear Sir> On the 6th day of August this year while traveling from Duluth to Ashland on route 10 my car wa's, badly damaged, due to a bad.spot in the highway about 300 feet east of Moquah Garage. I was not. traveling fast as: I -thought I was within the village limits and eras keeping to the right of the road in case I should meet an opposing car. At this: point there .is a. side. road to the South ,. the patrolman had, just dragged this: part of the road and it all appeared to be hard and smooth. Just as I was about to pass this side road the main highway upo' nwh�ch I vas traveling gave away and -my right fro'-twheel sank into the road about 10 inches; 'the surface of the side road, of course being hard, had the same e'ffecf as hitting a solid wall., The results were that ray front"axle wasbadly bent and the steering apar- atus;damaged so tjia.t I could not control the car from the steering wheel. The impact was so great that it shattered the left rear side plate glass, a piece of which cut deep' gash in my sister's back. The car bounded wildly to' the left a??d. as the highway is down grade at this point my car gained considerable headway and went into the left ditch and down a. deep gullet' and overturned, Other auto -a! stopped and assisted us and took my mother and sister to Ashland where my Sister got medical attention. I hired a. garage man in lloquah who had a team of horses to lift up the. car and pull it to the garage. They fixed the axle and steering apparatus SO I could slowly drive to Ashland ,:There I had the car- repaired. I was advised by an Ashland Attorney that the case bears sufficient ANNUAL 1iTEET ING - 0F - T Hu _ BAYFIE LD,__-CO_UN TY B.OARD, November 11, 1924. --- - -- grounds for damages..TV He advises me to write you an ask that thisbill be presente at the next regualr meeting of your County Boa.rd. The loss., of course, is more than one could really claim, as there were some articles lost from the car,but I have nothing -to show that I really had such articles. The-refore. I am presenting this in the form of a hill to cover the below expenses. The bill from the garage is attached. Repair Bill Dodge Service, Ashland $63.45 Towing_ 5.00 Medical Attention, Dr. Kann, Ashland Clinic 14.00 Total �82.45 Kindly advis-e. what action has been taken on this. Yours very truly, E. V. Driscoll 1827 South Lincoln St North Chicago, Illinois. Motion was made and seconded that the advice of the District Attorney be complied with and that the bill be disallowed. Motion carried unanimously. The following committee report was then read: To the Honorable County Board, Bayzield County, Wis. Gentlemen: We, the unde.rsigre.d committee on Finance and lAisc.ellaneous, beg leave to .report, that we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same. Signed, 0 . M. Axness� 111. C . Helmer, Ge o . CLi r ry , `T,ni c d Ralrorr i Name of Claimant Purpose Cla.imed Allowed The Clinic, Ashland Services to Carl Ludwigson (Medically & care in Hospital) $15.00 Henry Meyers Cattle. damaged by dogs 15.00 5�12.00 Town of Namekagon Transient Poor aid 45.00 45..00 L. C. Young Damage to sheep 30.00 24.00' Town of Pratt Transient Poor -(Oscar S. Ols.on) 91.00 91.00 It It it it John Roe) 50.00 Iron River " " " H. Martin) 62.85 62.85 Rent of Municipal Hall for year 1924 10'0.00 100.00 W1 S.. Rogers Constable. 14.89 IV. G. Ziemer Damage to sheep 38-.00 Good Shepherd Industrial Inmate charges of Industrial School charge 240.00 240.00 John Niemisto Damage to sheep 12:00 8.00 E. V. Driscoll Damage claim 82.45 Ed McCulloch " to sheep 16.00 12.80 i Albert Westin Care of Soldiers* Grave-s 22.80 22.80 �618.45 Motion was made- and seconded that the a..bove report be a-ccepted as read, and that the Clerk be'instructed to issue orders for the amounts in the column headed, "allowed" and that the report be placed on file. Motion carried unanimously. The following report was thenread: To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Vfis. Gentlemen: We the undersigned committee on sheriff's, Justices' and constable fees beg leave to report that -,.;e have examined the following bills and recormneud that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked ''allowed" -and that the County 91 _ -ANNUAL _FETING OF THE BAYFIELD_ C0_UNT_Y BOARD November 11, 1924.. Clerk be.. instructed to issue orders f or! payment of same. Signed, P. Kjaryic.k Andrew Mihalak A. P. Melstrand Name of Claimant John F. Manning it to to It J. B. McLuca.s August Hoffman It to to to n It to n It It - n n to it V. J, Gordon Emmet V. Bisa Pi. A. Sutton to If to It It 11 7t if it It It to 11 I I n n 11 11 it It U. It It it It it is to It It It 11 It n u It H it to n it It It 11 11 it 11 11 It n t: of it n it n it it It 71 .s N N It It 17 to 6 it to 11 t1 it n it It n of It It It J. B. Mc Lucas it ' if `' it It to 11 it n to 11 It It to It 11 It !t it it 11 to n: it t1 If it of It It It to. to it it to tt 1t to to is It If n n to It n MUNICIPAL COURT Purpose Claimed Allowed Officers fees, 1.20 11 It 1.20 to If 1.20 3.60 Justice Fees 4.27 4.27 if to 2" 50 It to 2. 50 i to It 2.50 to It 2.50 it N 2.5G n n 2.50 It If 2..50 11 to 2.50 20.00 1 Officerts fees 9.80 9.80 it n 11.00 11.00 JUSTICE COURT Justice of the Peace 2.37 4.05 It n 1.14 2.83 7.34 to It 5.54 u " 3.69 1.77 n' to 2.09 tr It 2.77 to it 6.10 11 It 2.17 It it 4.83 la n 1.87 1.87 it n 2.89 't " 2.36 it It 5.83 " It 2.67 r It 2.93 7t to 1.15 It .87 of It .87 t1 it 2.19 It It 2.87 to 1.33 " If 2.39 tI Is 3.96 it If 2.50 85.24 SHERIFF Deputy Sheriff 1.20 ti n ..1.45 " to 2.14 17 to 6.53 It !! 5.22 to 1.95 - It t' 1.95 It " 4.68 n " 1.20 1.20 to 4.90 to to 1.70 It It 6.50 It for 7.41 n It 6e 66 " to 5.3.30 n It 6.50 114.49 SECOND MUNICIPAL COURT Lyle P. Hage Cons.table 1.25 1.25 C. V. Clark It 1:65 1.65 Max Happle Conveying Prisoners 9.00 9.00 J. E. Andre Deputy Sheriff 6.70 It to to It 11 1.20 t1 to is it u 2.12 Ir n n to 11 12.30 N is 1t to 14.05 36.37 Grand Total 296.67 I,1otion was. made and seconded that the above report be aceepted as read and that the clerk be instructed to issue orders for the amounts in the column headed "allowed. I' Motion carried unanimously. 92 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD No vemberl l ,_ 1924._ , 'ale the undersigned committee on Sheriff's, Justices' and Constable fees, wish to report, that in addition to the bills -.already examined and item- iz.ed, we have examined the reports. required by law from the several courts of the County and have found them to be in good shape. .Ve also found, that in a few cases, only sixty per cent ,Alas remitted to the county Treasurer for fines and costs. The balance has been left unpaid so far. This was due to the closing of the Banks in Mashburn December, 1913. The clerk has separate reports cover- ing these items. vVe recommend that the sum of three hundred dollars be appropriated for. the purchas.e of a new Ford car for the Sheriff's 'office. Respectfully submitted this 8th day of November, 1924. S;i gne d , P. Kjarvick Andrew Mihalak A. P. Helstrand Motion was made and seconded that the above report be adopted as read and that the clerk be instructed to pla-ce the same on file. Motion carried. The following report of the Road and Bridge Committee was then rdad: PAGE 1. TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD We., the undersigned, County Highway Committee and County Highway Commissioner submit the following report of work done and expenditures for the year, of 1924, together with our recommendations for improvements for the year of 1925. FEDERAL AID: There is.a Federal Aid. system of roads1 in the State of Wisconsin i as well as a. State System of Highways, consisting of seven per cent (7%) ' of the ap ,roximate total mileage of highways in the. State, the first four (4) of the seven per cent to be inter -state roads and the second three (3) of the seven per cent.to be, inter -county roads. Cf the first or inter -State classification, Bay - field County has State Trunk Highway #10 on the Federal Aid System and_-dligible for the expenditures of Federal Aid money. Of the second classification, Bayfield County has State Trunk Highway #24,on the Federal Aid System and State Trunk High- way #13 from the Ashland County line to Bayfield but no farther, these tvio are also .eligible for Federal Aid. Numbers, 125, 112 and 13 from Bayfield t.o Superior is ngt eligible for the expenditure of Federal Aid money, and if built at all must be built with County or State Aid funds, The raising of Federal Aid money has also.been changed so that the County does. not participate in the raising of the Federal Aid funds. The. s-tate meets the Federal Aid dollar for dollar and there- by eliminates the county entirely. Heretofore the county has been obliged to raise. 1/3 of the ea-timated.Fed.eral improvement. In each of the three jobs that have .been done in this manner in this county, the county has found it, necessary to bond to raise this money. There will be no assessment against Eayfield County for Federal improve went this year. 58 ANNUAL 18ETING OF TIC BAYFDPLD COUNTY BOARD November 11,._1924..___,__-__ STATE AID - Page T2. The state aid for Dayf i eld County in the year of 1925 amounts to $4.,041.82. The first fifty per cent of phis amount must be placed upon the State Trunk Highway system and must be met by one and one-half times that amount of County money. The second fifty per cent must be placed upon the prospective State High- ways or secondary system of the County and must be met by a like amount from the County and a like amount from the Town or Towns in which the improvement takes place. The 17isconsin Highway Commiss.ion cooperates with the County Highway Comm- ittee in the location of the State money. COUNTY HIGHWAY FUNDS County funds for highway purposes are limited by law to two mills on -the dollar of the assessed valuation of the county, which for the year of 1925 will give us $50.732.96 for high�,,ay purposes. I.t will be easily seen if you study this report that the amount of money cannot possibly take care of all the work that needs to be done in Bayfield County. You will notice that we have tried to place the greater part- of the county and State aid funds on that part of the county and state system of highways that can not receive Federal aid money, and also it is placed in a part of Bayfield County that has no railway service of any kind at the present time, where the people. of this district have no way of transporting their products except by these highways which are very poor to say the least. Page #3. <`le believe this .to be good economy. `,'Ve also believe that the placing of a larger appropriation on each job is economy, because with small appropriations, the moving and overhead costs eat up a larger part -of the money and the jobs nan not be completed and the road therefore is kept torn up year after year, while with a larger amount and fewer jobs they can be completed in one season. SO LUT I ONS ASKED 01e ask that your board pass a resolution discontinuing. that portion of State trunk Highway 24 ,�ihic:n begins. at. the East end of Project 187 and continuing in a 1,11esterly direction to the Vlest end of Federal Aid Project 187 a distance of about eight and eight -tenths miles. '1e ask that your board pass a resolution discontinuing that portion of old State `.Drunk Highway #224 in the village of Drummond about one mile more or less. ffe a.sk.that your board pasts a resolution discontinuing that portion j of County Trunk Highway "D" between the old State Trunk Highway #24 and the new state Trunk Highway JJ 4, a distance of about � mile near Grandview. f fe ask t:mat your board pass a Resolution discontinuing that portion of County Trunk Highway "A" from where the new -cut-off begins a. t or near the SW corner of the RV14 of the of Section 12-451\T-9W to the Town Hall in the Town of I Barnes. Highway Account November 1, 1923 to November 1, 1924. j Page 14. The following expenditures will explain the Highway account for the past year. The total available colunu-1 is the balance on hand November 1, 19w'3 and the appropriation for this season plus any receipts during the year. The ex- penditure from November 1, 1923 to November 1, 1924 plus the bills and orders out- 94 = ANNUAL Itf —TINE OF THE BAYFI:ELD COUNTY BOARD - - - -- - - -- - -- - ------ --_— - - _--------� To vex- b e r =11, _= 1924. _ -- - - —------- - — — standing on November 1, 1924 leave a balance. or deficit shown in that column. Job Total Avail. Expenditure Bills, Balance Nov. 1, 1923 Nov. 1; 1923 Outstanding or Nov. 1, 1924 Nov. 1, 1924 Nov. 1, 1924. Deficit Administration 7,000.00 6,854.36 304.64 331.02 Emergency 10,951.00 6,854.36 723.46 3,373.18 Grading Fund 8,897.85 4,499.92 255.58 4,142-.35 County Ma.intenance 18,576.63 15,443.00 8.84 3,124.79 State r. 48,210.00 35,921.13 4.14 12,284.73 Machinery Repair .15,543.16 14, 492.70.- 609.30 Liability Insurance 1,55:9.77 1,547.95 11.82 Highway Supervision 500.00 500.00 County Trunk "A" 5,334.35 670.70 Def. 313.21 it a itC►t 30,000.-00- 21,806.86 5,948.60 2,244.54 tr It "D't 1,687.09 1,687.09 Iron River Dam 13,000.00 13,000.00 . Salmo to Bayf ie:ld 756.35 694.77 61...58 Bark Bay 3,000.00 2,390.50 392.95: 216.55 Orienta 23500.00 2,041.13 675.00 Def. 216.13 State Trunk #112 4,136.97 3,896.80 240.17 Cable and Drummond 10,377.60 10,377.60 County Trunk "E" 7,098.41 6,809.72 288.69 Highway Building 4 000.00 5,573.69 920.50 Def. 20494.19 totals 193,986.67 159,684.3.7 '10,685.80 Bal. 23,616.50 The total expenditure for Highway purposes in Bayfield County from November 1, 1923 to November 1, 1924 is 159,684.37. Page #5. The following is a general summary of the work done this season: RECONSTRUCTION: Cable - Drummond S.. T. H. #24 62 miles Bark Bay job-#13 3 it County Trunk "A" Relocation 4 it it It "C rr Grading 2 it tt It "D-" Ditching and filling 1 It It If ►'E" Grading 3 It General cleaning up of ditches. and light grading with tractor.outfit 12 it Total. 3.0 It GRAVEL SURFACE COMPLETED: Selman to Bayfield l2 " State Trunk Highway #112 4 " " n It #24 3 tr County " : 't trErt 7x 2 r State Sand River Job. 12 tr Nash z 't Washburn to Bayfield 21 " 't Total 20 BRIDGES BUILT: County Trunk "C" (Bond Issue) Orienta.Bridge. (State Trunk Highway #13) County Trunk"Ar' Bridge (Nels.on's. Bridge between Urib River and Port tieing) Iron River Dam and Fill REC011 [ENDATIONS FOR 1925. STATE. AID: - lst 50% Reconstruction from Cornucopia East as. far as the money will construct. on State. Trunk Highway #13.. State Share (!State. Aid) 2,020.91 County tt (�2 u n ) 3,031.37 Extra. County -Appropriation 5,000.00 Total appropriation for job 10,052.28 Total to come from 2 mill levy 8,031.37 2nd 50% Reconstruction, beginning at the: South Line To --In of. Tripp and running North as far as the money will construct on County Trunk "Alt State- Share ( State. Aid) ` ,020.91 Coupy ( 2 2,020.91 Town Share (2 " " ) 2,020.91 Extra County Appropriation 4,000.00 `dotal Appropriation 10,062.73 95 - -- -- - ANNUAL I:nTING OF _ EE:_BAYFI_ELD CQUITTY BOARD--__-- motal to come from 2 mill levy 6,020.01 Dougla.s.. County Line and East (on 131131 3,000.00 Re.conatruction and gravel Flag River Flats (near Port Wing on #13). 1,000.00 Bark Bay (on #13.) --' - Rec.ons.truction and grading .4,000.00 County Trunk _Highway t'C" ''Reconstruction and grading 4,500.00 00 grading fund. ,000. Emergency Fund 3,925.65 County Eiraintenance 10,000":00 iachinery Repairs 7,500.00 Administration 7,500.00 Total of R-ecorm-nendations to. come from 2 mill levy 50,732.96. The 2. mill l.e.vy is 50, 732. 96. The Administ_.ion comes3 from the general fund of r the county, not the 2 mill levy. A brief expLAnation for the. above recommendations may be interesting to the board. State. Trunk ilighway #112 and #125 are well graded and are in good shape and do not need any money this year, while from Cornucopia to the Sand River on #13 tie road is very poor and. ae,'ther.efore, think it best to put the 1st 50% of State aid there. County Trunk "E" from #24 to Ashland County line has been completely regraded and does not need any further appropriations. County Trunk v, from T:ETason to Ino has had a. large expenditure of money recently and we can not see our %vay blear to place any money there this year although there are 22 miles, left. to grade. County Trunk Highway I'D" from Gr.andvie.ty to Cable is the easiest road in the. County to maintain with patrolmen while.a.t the same time it is.a very ex- pensive road to build and but very little can be done with a small appropriation so we'think the people there should have patience until a large enough amount of money can be.put there. to do some. real good. County Trunk Highway '-`A" from Drummond to Iron River is in fair condition except. for one mile from Barnes to the Douglas County line so vie Make - no appropriation for this road. County Trunk "Al' fromlron River to Port Ming is the poore-st and heaviest traveled county trunk highway in the county so we have therefor placed the 2nd 50,., of S:taae avid these.. County Trunk highway " V is a, very heavy traveled highway and next to County Trunk Highway "A" from Iron River to Port `,'ing is in the poorest con- dition of any so we have thereforeplaced a small appropriation there. State Trunk Highway #10 we expect to betaken care of with Federal Aid money as, also w.,i ll be ter 4. In tl,e Fla River Flats. on #13 there are three bridges that need while West of port Wing there- are two bridges th,4Tneed replacing. replacing/ They will be very expensive to replace :rith concrete so:_we thought best to repair them with lumber which will last for a number of years. Respectfully submitted this 31s-t day of October, 1924. Signed, John Friberg County.'Highway Commissioner. Fete-r Soronen, Luke Lavin George KArow - oui y - 1ghway Committee. T&tion was made and seconded that the above report be adoptdd and placed on file. Motion carried. W11 -- -- _ ANNUAL _ I ,_T-I1V G OE _ TIC_ _B.Z,,YEIEID_ C-OUNT-_ BOARD-- - - -- - -- - -- - November 11, 1924. - ---- -- -- - ---- -- - - -- -- - — - Mlotion was made and seconded that the report be amended to read , on page #5, the: wordy "the South line in Toss of Tr.ipptL and insertin its s.tead the. words. "Sta.te. Trunk Highway #1Q." Motion carried. . Motion was ma.de anti' seconded. that the amendment be added to the original Highway report that the amount of one mill levy instead of two mills -be appropriated for Highway purposes-. Holl call showed the folloti,,zing vote: AYES: Squires., Kobelt and Glas-s. L'otal 3. ITAYS.: Carver, Galligan, h1oore, Kjarv.ick, Baker, Karow, P Williams, Qoronen, Bartlett, Curry, Morris, Helmer, K-els.trand, Axness., June.k, Froney, T.a.ipale, IhIihalak, Okeratrom, iabelt., Lariiont, La -tin, Tetzner, Vlachsmuth, Hale., Smith, Doyle, Bergman, Arnt.s.en, Nelson, hexing, Johnson, Bell. Total 33. Motion lost. _ The following resolution was then read: _ 'ye the undersigned freeholders. residing in the Town of Barnes. do respectfully request to you, honorable County Board members, not to discontinue that portion of County Trunk Highway, "All where the new cut-off beginning at or near the MY corner of the Yff quarter of the IFY quarter of Section 12-45 range 9 bat to the Town Hall in the Town of Barnes. Discontinuing this portion of County Trunk Highway "A" will give no outlet for -the S-outh-western traffic and no corn- ections.to Gordon and Solon Springa with the County Trunk "H" in Douglas County without excessive round -about travel of ten miles out of the way by getting back to the Town hall in the Town of Barnes- Signed, Names. Address. August. Ellerma.n Bingo, Wis.. J. H. Tomlinson I.ron River, Ylis . Amelia Hloo.re. Bingo, `.Adis. Dave. Waldo-n Iron River, Wis.. George Carter a :� C. D. Hall Kate Hall It r Ed Moreland Barnes., cr e m. Turk U. Resolved by the County Board here assembled this llth day of November, 1924, that we donot discontinue that, portion of County Trunk Highway "A" as recommended by the Highway Conunittee.from the new -cut-off at or near the Sill corner of the N1147 of the NWT of Section 12-45-9 to the' Town Hall in the Town of Barnes. And it is further resolved that we do this llth day of lvovembe.r, 1924, changethis portion of County plat to read as maintained as. -follows: Commencing where I the 'new cut-off on County Trunk "A" at or near I the S�j corner of the S'df14 of Section 12-45-9, thence South. on Section line t0 the post between 11 and 12, thence rest on -L line to the I post between 10 and 11, ' thence South on.Section -line to the Section corner of 10, 11, 14 and 15, thence Nest on section line to section 9, 10, 15 and 16, thence South on Section line to section corner 21, 22, 27 and 28, thence Wouth Westerly to the 4 post of I N Section 28 or Town Hall in the Town of Barnes. Thisis a true line of County Trunk Highway "A" as maintained by county 4nd not as shown by plat in County 97 ANNUAL 11EETING _ OF _TIE BAYFIELD _-COUNTY - COUNTY BOARD - - - - - November .11, 1924.. - - -- - ----- -- - '� --- - -- --- ----- — - - -- Clarks. office. Dated this llth day of November, 1924. Frank L. Moore l?iotion was made and seconded that -the foregoing resolution be laid on the table- �-otion carried. the following resolution was then read: , HER:EAS., a portions of. State Trunk Ilighway 24 described as follolks: Cmimiencing at a point near the railroad crossing about one-half mile East of the village of Grandview and continuing into the village of Drummond, has been re- located by the State Highway Comm.is.sion and a new highway between said'.points has been built and adopted as a portion of State",Trunk highway #24. AND .71HEREAS, a portion of County Trunk Highway "A" commencing at Sw corner of Nv12 of 1P,d4 of. Section 12-45-9 and continuing in the torn of Barnes - to a. point at or near the ail corner of NE4 of Section 28-45-9 has been relocated by the Bayfield County Highway Carffiiission and the State load and Bridge Committee of Bayfield County, and a new Highway between said points has been, -constructed and is now open for travel as a part of said County Trunk Hightmiay-"A". ANC M1E" EAS, a portion of County Trunk. Highway "D" betvaeen the old state Trunk Highway #24 and the New State Trunk Highway #24, 'as relocated and opened for travel by the Wisconsin Highway Commission, is not of any use as a part of the County System and is -hereby abandoned. NOW, THEREFORE, Be it Resolved, by the County Board of Bayfield County at it annual -session duly convened, that the portions of said highways which have been relocated and displaced by new highways shall and will revert to the Sole control of the towns through which the same- are continued, to -wit, the towns , of Pratt, Drummond and Barnes:, such reversion to take place on the 31st day of December, 1924, and resolved that,at and after December- 31, 1924, such described portions of said highway #24, and County Trunk Highways "A" and "D" shall be under, the sole control cif the proper officers of said towns to be by them main- tained and kept in repair as to such portions thereof as lie' in each of such respective towns. Dated November 11, 1924. Peter Soronen Approved: Roy H. Okerstrom Chairman Attest: Ludwig Tranmal County. Clerk. IJotion was made and seconded that the, above resolution be adopted. Votion carried. The following resolution was then read: Be. it. hereby resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County, that the sum of $175.00 be appropriated for state Trunk Highway {24 through the Town of Pratt. for the purpose of repgiring one bridge and tviD culverts and a ditch about four hundred feet in length before this road is discontinued. Reapectfully submitted this llth day of November, 1924. Alois. Habelt . I h11otion was made and seconded that the above resolution be laid on -- ANNUAL ; , .TING- OF- TIDE BAYFIELD- - C-OUNTY -BOARD- - - Novembe.r 11, 1924. the table:. Motton carried. Motion -was made and econded that the Board add-ourn until 7 P. M. Motion carried. Chairman Roy H. Okeratrom called tAe Board together at seven P. M. Roll call showed..:the.following members present: Carver, Galligan, Moore, Kjarvick, .Baker, Karow, 'titilliams, Soronen, Bartlett, Curry, Morris., Helmer., Squires., Mels.trand, Kobelt., Glas.s., Axness, Junek, Froney, Taipale, Aiiihalak, Oke.rstrom, Habelt, Lavin, Tet.zner, '7achsrzuth, Smith, Doyle., Bergman, A'rntse.n, Nels.on, Hering and Johnson. Total 33. 'he following report wa.s. then read: To the County Board of Supervisors. of Bayf ield County, V' iacons.in. ale the undersigned co_ramittee on Finance and Budget hereby present to you the following report and budget -that we recommend to your consideration for adopt±Dn : GENERAL GOVERNT;.IENT : County Board �2,500.00- County Clerk. .3,300.00 County Treasurer 3,300.00 Tax Deed Account 300.00 Assessment. 2,100.00 Ppecial Accounting and Auditing 500.00 District Attorney 2,150.00 Divorce Counsel 50.00 County Surveyor 2-.50 County Court 2,400.00 Municipal Court. 2,900.00 Justice Court 100.00 Circuit Court. 6,500..00 Coroner 50.00 Court House 3,500.00 Elections. 1,600.00 PROTECTION OF PERSON AiTD PROPERTY: Sheriff 6,500.00 Register of Deeds. 2,800.00 Health CONSERVATION JaTD SANITATION: Vital Statistics. 2.80.00 Sanatorium 19,000.00 County Nurse 500.00 HIGH'1:'1AY ROADS do BRIDGI]S: Supervision 7,500.00 50% State Aid,County Share 4,041.82• Two mill Levy for roads 50,732:.96 County Physician 50:00 EDUCATION: County Superintendent 3,800.00 Training Schools 200.00 Supervising Teachers 3,800.00 Agricultural Agent 500.00 CHARITY 10T CORRECTTIONS: Outdoor Poor Relief 300.00 Horiefinding Society 150.00 Hlothers' Pension 12,000.00 Relief of Blind 1,300.00 Soldiers.' Relief 1,500.00 County Jail 2,500.00 State Tax 38,981.65 INDE,BTEDHE S S : .Interest on Bonds 11,097.50 Principal on Bonds. 23,900.00 UNCLASSIFIED: County Fair 2,500.00 Community Fair 1,000.00 OUTLAY: County Sanatorium 4,325.00 Continge_ht AD-Propriation 5,000.00 Borrowed Money 5,000.00 Sheriff 300.00 Total $240,811.43 ANNUAL I ' ' TING OF THE BAYFIELD COUI\TTY BOARD _ _- - - November 11, 1924. tll GEISTBRAL REVEINES FOR 1925. �=S Income lax 20 0 Inheritance Tax Tax Fees_& Penalties Gounty Treasurer County Clerk Circuit Court Regist.er of Deeds S.ta.te, Aid for Sanatorium Supervising Teacher n t' It'lothers.' Pension " Blind Relief u u u Highways. Interest on Deposits Sant•orium Earnings. Dtal 1,000.00 50.00 4,000.00 50.00 200.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 5,122:16 3,800.00 250.00 400.00 4,041.82 500.00 400.00 $19;813.98 77e recommend -that either a certified public accountant or other competent auditor be obtained to audit the books of the County instead of the Wisconsin Tax Commission owing to the high cost of the latter. ',le believe this auditing can be made at about one-third or one-fourth of the present cost in tha t way. ?he increase in the budget for the Sanatorium maintenance is caused by the increase in number of patients by Bayfield County. You will notice also that the increase in State aid will more than offset this increase in the main- tenance budget over last year. In the County Nurse and County Agent budget we simply_ put in. sufficient to run these officesi to the 1st day of January, 1925, as tine under- stand that the terms of the present officials then expire and if the Board - desires to engage them again, it should.provide a budget accordingly. The budget for County Court takes care of salary of Judge and Juvenile court only, including necessary supplies incident to this office. Should the Board decide to engage a.clerk for.the County Judge they roust provide an additional amount in this, budget to take care of clerk hire for County Court. The committee recommends that if the Board alloys the item of $1,000.00 alloted to community fairs. that a resolution be passed providing that any community desiring to participate in county aid for community fairs must raise a like amount from its corn unity. A limit of 5100.00 county aid to each. community fair should be provided ai7d each community desiring such county aid should then be required to meet the county aid with the like amount of :1100..00 maximum. the County Clerk informs, us that it will probably be necessary to borrow about ",Y5,000.00 to pay the running expenses of the county until taxes are, paid in. A proper -resolution made up in legal form should be presented providing for the borroiring of this. money necessary. '.e have placed $5,000.00 in the. budget to provide for this contingency. 0. 11. Axne s s , H . C . Hlemer, , Jas. A. Baker Geo. A. Curry, Committee . Illation was made and s.econde d that the items be allowed as read unles some objection was raised to any one item. Motion carried. ANNUAL MEETING OF T ITE B =;Y.r IELD COUNTY BOARD - -- November 11 1924 `-- - --- --- -- --- - The following report of the Building & Grounds. Committee was then read: We the undersigned committee on Building and Grounds report as follows: We have examined the bills and expenditures for the court house and find that the appropriation has been exceeded by $1,252.72. Part of this is accounted for -by the early purchase of the coal supply amounting to $805.00. By deducting this amount there is still an overrun of €„447.72. Hovveve we are still within the�amovunt recommended by the pre.vious Building & Grounds Committee which was $4,000.00., but was reduced by the Board upon recommendation of the Finance Committee. i The -:;fishes of the Board regarding the varnishing of floors has been carried out. The cost of varnishing floors in the court house was S11504.50. ;re, therefore, I recommend that the sum of. 13,500.00 be appropriated for the ensuing year for the court house; We also recommend that the sum of $2,500.00 be appropriated for the County Jail. This is �'500.00 more than �T,ras a ^ 5� appropriated last year. the e<:_penditures, for the last two years has been 12,259.92 and Q2,540.21, respectively. The increase last year was due to the raise in Jailor's salary fixed by the Board at the last i annual meeting. I The sheriff has requested that -the old pine floors upstairs in the Sheriff's residence be replaced by hardwood floors. This is submitted to the Board without recommendation. However, we feel that the floors are needed if the Board sees fit i to do so. Respectfully submitted this llth day of November, 1924. Signed, v�.m. Arntson, P. Kjarvick, A. P. Johnson. Motion was made and seconded that the report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The following report on the County Nurse was then read: To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen: The County Nurse Committee begs to report as follows: The committee met November 6th at which time the County Nurse submitted a report containing the following information: During ten months of employment by Bayfield County she visited fifty-five of the one hundred schools of the County and has examined 3,399 pupils. four hundred cultures were taken of scarlet fever., measles and diphtheria in the Towns of Mason, Eileen and Keystone. A clinic was held in Ashland in July where two babies were taken from this County. A child's. clinic was held in Iron River in August where twenty-nine babies were examined. During the ten months her expenses in addition to her salary amounted to 0091.17. This amount does. not include clerk hire but covered merely her travel- 4 ing expenses. Uh recommend for the coming year that the Counter Nurse's budget be. cut to 4P3 ,150 .00 . Signed, Geo . Karow-, Maud P. Doyle I . C . He lmar , committee ANNUAL 102ET ING OF THE, BAYI'IEI,D COUITTY BOARD Noyem'oer.11, 1924. Motion was made and seconded that the report be placed on file. Motion carried. IJF�otion was. made by Mr. , Bar.tlett and seconded that the nurse appropriation be made for ,;63,150 instead of k00 as recommended by the. Finance Committee. Rol"1 call shoved the= folloi�ing vote: Ayes:' Carver, Ga.11igan, Moore, Baker Karow,_Williams. Bartlett, Junek, I Froney, Taipale, Tetzner., Doyle and Hering, total 13. Nays: Kjarvick, Poronen, Curry, Morris-, Helmer, Squires, Iir1elstrand, Kobelt, Glass, Ayness, I:Iihalek, Okers.trom, Ha.belt, Lamont, Lavin, Wachsmuth, Smith, Bergman, Arntson, Nelson. Johnson and Bell, total 22. I Ilotion lost. Motion was.then made and seconded that the appropriation for county'nurse be made for $600 as recommended by the Finance Committee, Motion carried. I I;lotion was made and s-econded that Dr. Schlossmann be named as county Physician i and that he be county physician in title only without a salary but on a fee basis and that he be confined to the amount appropriated for that office. h1otion carried. the following report on Special Committee t.o investigate clerk hire for the office of the county Judge was then read: To the Honorable County Clerk, Bayfield County: Dear. Sir : ! The undersigned special.eom7t:ittee having been duly appointed by the Chairman of the County Board in accordance with the resolution for that purpose met on the 29th I day of September, 1924, at which time we conferred with the County Judge'in reference � to the necessities of his office for clerk hire. i Your committee became satisfied and duly reports to the County Board that the County Judge needs clerical assistance in the conduct of his office and we there- fore took action authorizing the employment of a clerk in said office for the balance of -1,he fiscal year. Inasmuch as Judge Axelberg desired to excercise a'persona.l choice " l in the matter of the clerk :o be employed, your committee delegated him to find such i clerk for the time specified, it being understood that the cost of such clerk hire should not exceed the sum of seventy-five dollars per month. III amount of clerical work to be performed in that office is quite vol- uminous and it is work of a character which a.public dfficial ought not to be required to do, but should be done by someone qualified to do such work, Teaving the County Judge free to devote his time and attention to the more important matters connected With his office. 3 Your committee -desires to report further that in order to advise the County Board as to the expense of maintaining County Courts in the neighboring counties, we made inquiry as to the salaries. and allowances for County Courts- in the follo.,ving Counties: Ashland, Burnett, Douglas, Lincoln, Price, Rusk, Sawyer, and Taylor, and we find the following schedule is reported to us including Bayfield County: County Salary Juvenile Clerk hire. Ashland '` yy1800. $600. p1r00;. Bayfield 1500. fees none Burnett 1000. none none Douglas 3300. 1200. 1000. Lincoln 1900. 800. 1080. Price 1800. none 600. Rusk 600. fees 480. Sawyer 600. 300.. 300. Taylor 1500. 6.00. 600. 102 ANNUAL, T1 1ETING OF THE BAYFIELD COTTYTY BOARD November,11, 1924. As to Lincoln County, re.ported above, the County Judge has a con- siderable fivil and criminal jurisdiction in the nature of a municipal Court and he is permitted to receive fees. from tine business of his office. Also his registrar receives fees so thhat lrhile the registrar's salary is '1080 the fees. make that position :jorth about :�1350 per annum. It is reported by the County Judge of Bayfield County that his fees received for various matters in the office would amount to approximately three hundred and fifty to four hundred dollars per annum. In view of tlhe apparent needs of this department and the amounts app- ropriated for conduct of the business of the County Courts in counties very similiarly situated as to Bayfield County, your committee recommends that the County Board appropriate for clerk hire for Bayfield County Court the sum of nine hundred dollars per annum. Respectfully submitted, Ber man ITe1 s Nelson John Fisher. _ Special committee. Yi-otion was made and seconded that the report be accepted and placed on file. 117otion carried. The following report of the committee on Superintendent of Schools was then read: Expenditures of the office for the years 1923 and 1924 areas follovvs: Salary of County Superintendent ,�2000. It It Clerk 900. Supplies 78.90 Printing- 131.81 Postage, 143.39 Telephone 115.85 Telegrams 3.26 Railway Fare 121.36 Auto Hire 191.45 Hotel Bills 51.95 Drayage and Express 15.93 P. 0. pox rent 4.00 Bond - 5.00 Special Report 5.00 Total27-87.90 E. R. Tetzner Henry_ i°iachsmuth F. H. Bartlett P:Iotion was made and seconded that the report be placed on rile, %lotion carried. The folloviing report of the Superintendent of Schools ,,vas then read: To the County Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. I hereby submit fog your consideration such items from my annual report to the State Superintendent as will -be of particular interest to you. A copy of the annual report is,. on file in my office and is open to your inspection at any time. Following is a table showing the census (school) by To�7,ins giving a com- parison by years: 1924 1923 Barksdale 213 234 Barnes. 46 46 Bayfield Town 245 241 Bayfield City 536 546 Bayview 19 121 211 Bell 129 130 Cable Town 157 158 ANIMAL -_ ME' ETIF,1G _0F _!'H 1 BAY1! IELD C0UITTiTY B0A_-1:M - -- No vember. . 11, _ 19 C24 . Cable .ti i 1 la-ge 58 82 Clover-_ 130 137 Delta. 50 Drummond. 316 259 aileen 393 391 �Iughe s.. 92 .95 .Iron River 285. 302 Kelly- 215 210 Ye.ys.tone 301 276 Lincoln 172 169 Ma.s.on 296 339 Na nekagon 27 36 Orient& 110 121 Oulu 635 539 Pi-lsen 243 252 Port `:3.,ing 253 252; Pratt.' 156 169 Russell 14-0 13.7 Tripp 142. 122. Wa-shburn town 239 284. Total for County 5771 572.8 An increase of 43 over last year. Enrollment No. of Children of ages 7 to 13, inclusive 2669 No. of Children of ages. 14 and 1.5 711 Pupils enrolled in schools Rural State Graded Grades. below H. S. H. S. Total Boys 891 397 2100 '- L06 1894 Girls 811 437 451 226 1925 1757 83T T5_1 �81�5 Total enrollment in public s-chools- 3819 Enrollment in Parochial Schools- 207 Ave`ra-ge Daily Attendance. 3104.90 :umber- of pupils having perfect attendance. 13'3 Number --of -children living more than t°o miles from school 714 tt r. a n tt +► 'Xhree a tt i� 432 Total number outsi-e of two -mile -limit 1146 1\um1ber of children transported to and from school 772 Number of rigs used in transporting 53 Total cost of Transportation ""3.0765. 96 The following table shows the comparative sizes, of rural schools;: 4. schools enrolled 5 or fewer children 9 " " 6 to 10 't 10 11 to 15 1.6 a tt 16 to 20 a 9 It it 21 to 25 it 11 tz " 1'6 to 30 9 " " 31 to 35 it 4 Is to 36 to 40 " -3 't Is 41 t o 45 it 1 tt it 46 t o 50 t° It to, 51 t o 59 tt 0 t' ti 60 or over Total number of rural schools--77. Graduated in 1924 from rural :Mate. Graded Grades. Belowl'S H. S. Total Boys 51 29 43 26 149 Girls 58 34- 39 38 169 109 63 62 64 318 Total cost of all schools $339641.81 Average Bost per pupil enrolled 88.93 `° previous Year; �p94.22) Average number of days attended per- pupil for whole county 140.12 days. `aural Schools 143.03 days per pupil State. Graded 143.66 is to " Grades below High School 14-6.79 to r At High School 14, .17 to to, ,t (139.7 for previous year for county) 'or each dollar paid in Bayfield County in taxes, forty-three (43) cents went for the maintenance of schools. This is a conservative. expenditure. some towns paid as low as twenty-six cents and t*e highest was fifty-seven cents.' It is generally conceded that 50% of the taxes should go to schools, hence Bay - field County is not spending too large a proportion of taxes on schools. Average number of days attended per pupil !rural - 10 highest. Ferguson, Hughes. No. 1 17^.2 days per pupil Moore, Barnes. No. 1 167.83 It It of Three Switch, Washburn No. 1 164.93 Hillsdale, Eileen No. 5 160.88 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD. November 11, 1924. -- -- - -_ - ----_--__- _--_ Peterson Spur, Mason-7)elta.Jt. number 1 157. 73 days per pupil Hall, Barnes. Number 1` 15.7 16 r It, " 'Currier-, Orienta number 1 (last year.) 156.. , 56 sr It " Fairview`, Tripp Number 2 155. 19 '_` to " Keystone, Keyston-e Number 2 153. 26 it " It Pine Rock, .Drummond number 1 151. It « " High Schools: 2 highest Iron River 156. 29 days per pupil - Cornucopia 155. 08 Grades below high school: Drummond 164. 01 R 41 Port Iffing 153. 51 to n tt State Graded Schools.: Cable 169.81 days per pupil Highland (Eileen #2) 158.76 Number of School Buildings 97 number of Teachers employed 156 Number of common school districts 41 If " H. S. Districts having sep- arate Boards 3 Total number of school officers 132 Number of schools. visited by county superintendent 94 Number of visits made by '' " 142 - Number of visits made by Supervising teachers 418 Number of Teachers' Institutes held 4 one of these.was in connection with the County School Board convention. Approximate attendance 250 Number of teachers' meetings held 12 Number of Parent-Teachermeetings and other evening meetings attended by County Superintendent and Supervising Teachers 69 Special Activit.ies.- Safety'Essays- Highway Education Board. W. C. T. U. Essay Contests.. School Exhibit at County Fair. it It " State it Declamatory Contest for State Graded and grades below high schools--winner-- Roy Glassow of Drummond.. State fair Spelling, Wtitiiig and Arithmetic contest. Prize-- a trip to the State Fair. Winner --Grace Melstrand of Benoit. Essay Contest-HMy Best Opportunities are in W.isconsin"-- prize-- a trip to the exposition at 11ilwaukee.put on by the Wisconsin Products Co. �'linners for Bayfield County --Lyman Nourse of Salmo and Verne Kopplin of Iron River. Essay Contest "Tuberculosis, a Preventable and Curable Disease." This was put on by the '71. A. T. A., Dr. Hosmer having charge. Nine priEes of '�10.00 each were awarded in Bayfield County, as follows: Esther Oman-- Barksdale State Graded School Martha Jenson-- Bayfield Grades. Sophie.ifTocello-- Hillsdale mural Susan Richardson --Maple Midge Rural Elleanora Anderson--'High-land State Graded Edith Compton --Mason State Graded Joseph Harnois--Three twitch Rural Grace Robey-- Washburn City Grades Amelia Hanson ---iron =`.fiver Grades The County Supervising Teachers make monthly reports to the State Super- -int_endent's office. Copies of..their annual reports are attached. thanking yogi for your interest in the welfare of the school children, I am Respectfully yours, (Miss) Jessie N. Smith, Co. Supt. Motion was made and seconded that the.report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried: the following report was then read: To the Honorable Members. of the County Finance Committee: We, as Agricultural Committee of Bayfield County, hereby submit the. following Agricultural Ludget for year from November 1, 1924, to November, 1925. C.-unty Agent Salary 01000 Office Clerk 960 Auto 250 Correspondence, rrinting, Stationery,Postage 400 (RR Travel( 700 Au t 0 Dynamite,. Boys & �'r i rl s' Club Work (Incedental, Etc. (Office Supply 200 43510 Signed, E. R. Tetzner dd C, . aarver Melvin 0. Larson Agricultural committee. Annual meeting of the Bayfield County Board November 11, 1924. Motion was made and seconded' that the report be accepted and placed on file, and that the...amount of $3,510 be appropriated for the office of the County Agent for the ensuing year. moll Call, showed the, following vote: Ayes: Carver, Galligan, Moore, Kjarvick, Baker, Karow, Williams,Soronen, Bartlett-, Morris; Helmer, Melstrand, Kobelt, 'tilas.s, Junek, yroney, Taipale, Illihalek, Okerstrom, rlabelt, Lavin, Tetzner, amith, Doyle, Nelson, Hering and Johnson, total twenty-seven. Nays: Curry, Lamont, Tlfanhsmuth, Bergman and Bell, total five. Motion carried, Motion was made and seconded that $1,000 be appropriated for County aid to Community Fairs, and that each community be required to raise at least one hundred dollars toward ita own fair before the County aid would be available, the County aid not to exceed one hundred dollars. to each community fair in any one year. Motion carried, Motion was made and seconded that new hardwood floorsbe placed in the upstairs of the residence of the jail, providing that the building & grounds committee_ would find it possible to do so and keep within the amount of two thous- and five hundred dollars which is the appropriation for the County Jail. Motion carried. Motion was made and seconded that the. amount of three thousand dollars be appropriated from the general fund for the completion of the addition to the highway building.. Motion carried. The following report of the County Judge was then read: To the County Board of Supervisors,, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen: Attached hereto you will find a complete statement of the expenditures out of the "mothers' pension fund" as, authorized by me as.Juvenile Judge., under Section 48.33 of the Statutes. A year ago I recommended a levy of $9,000 for this fund. I had no idea that there would be so many new, cases corning up, and can only hope that the coming year will not show any substantial increase, but not less than twelve thousand dollars should be provided for the next fiscal year. -0isbursements made out of the Mothers' Pension fund During Fiscal Year ending October 31, 1924'. Emma Ha.rtin, mother `gown -of Kelly 2 t216.00 Beda. Tennyson, " Port `'ling 1: 144.00 Kate Bonney, " City of Bayfield 4 405.00 Julia Keosky, " Town of Bell 2 180.00 Sanna Tr7aa to j a , " Oulu 5' 240.00 Margaret Deragon, Mother Bayfield 6 540.00 Apolonia Pagac, n Eileen 3 234.00 Berthine Thompson, Grandmother Uity of Bayfield 1 180.00 L�Ila,ry Doers, " " Vlashburn 2 360.00 Maty Brilla, Mother Town of Keystone 1 180.00 Beret Erickson, " City of Washburn 1 144.00 Susine Pagac, it Town of Keystone 4 325.00 Anna Asplund, It City of'Washburn 1 36.00 uIa.rie Veno, GranChynother t' " 2 255.00 Anna Guski, Mother Town of Bay view 6 540.00 Katie Morrin, " City of Bayfield 4 350.00 Elizabeth Ross.bach, Motl-,er Village of Cable 3 330.00 Gertrude Wallace, Mother Town .of Iron River 5 480.00 Hilda Druley, Mother. City of Washburn 2 240.00 Hansine Olson, Grandmother " " 1 180.00 Helen Swanson, Mother =own of '' 5 240.00 Delia Raymond, V City of Bayfield 7 45.00 Caroline Strom, n Washburn 6 405.00 Caroline Jasma.n, it, " Bayfield 2 240.00 106 ANNUAL_ MEETING OF THE _BAYFTRLD _COUNTY _BO_! .RD - - -- - - --- -- - -- - - -- - - -- ------ --- -November ll, 1924. Rose Norton, Mother Elms. Mitchell, Christine Svendson, Mother Helvina Joanis, Mother Margaret Hebert-, " Jennie Holly, " Splendora. Larocco, " Elizabeth Silas,, " Amanda Teppo, Mother Selma Lindgren, Mother Anna Aakeberg, It Al.,vina Skaug, it . Olive Peltier, It T�fia.bel Smith, r Esther 77est, tt Sanna Rasimaki, tt Abb-ie Safford, Town of Barnes 2 $240.00 It Iron River 5 480.00 F' Cable, 3. 360.00 City of Washburn 6 (5) 540.00 Town of Bayfield 6' _ 495.00 It Cable 6 460.00 If Bayfield 4 175.00 City of t' 2 220.00 -�own of Tripp 4 330.00 City of Washburn 5 400.00 It " 3 225.00 6 315.00 3 105.00 Town of Iron River 3 150.00 Cable 1 36..00 " Oulu 2 15.00 ' Barnes 5 80.00, Total: $11,165.00 Number of. children 142 Net number of children alloyed full. twelve months,`118.33 -Amount allowed.to each child, $94.35, or $7.86 per month. Dated this 8th day of November, 1924. H. P. Axelber ounty Judge Motion was- made and seconded that the. report be ::Lccepted and �lace.d on file. Motion carried. The following report was then read: To the Honorable Board of County Puper.vi sor. e., Bayfield,County, V'sis.consin. Gentlemen: I beg leave to submit the re -port of the Indigent Soldiers Relief Coltm- ission for Bayfield County, Wisconsin, for the year ending October 31st, 1924, togethei�mith a list of orders drawn. remount levied. Amount expended Balance $2,000.00 1,529.08. 470.92 Ve would respectfully ask for an appropriation of Two Thousand dollars ($2,000) for the coming year. Respectfully yours, Robert Inglis, -5ecy. I. S. R. C. Motion was made and seconded that the report. be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. Motion was made and seconded that the Board reconsider their action regarding the budget -for the County Nurse. moll call showed the following vote: Ayes: Carver, Galligan,Moore, Baker,.Williams, Bartlett, Junek, Froney, Taipale, Okerstrom, Lamont, Tetzner, Doyle, Hering and Bell, total fiftoen. Rays.: Karow, Soronen, Curry, Morris, Helmer, Squires, Melstrand, Kobelt, Glass, Axness, Mih.alek, Habelt, Lavin, .f.fachsmuth, Smith; Bergman, Arntson, Nelson and Johnson, total nineteen. Motion was made by D::C; Bell that the Bayfield County Board go on record this llth day of November, 1924, as favoring maintaining the office. of the County Nurse, and that the sum of 43,150 be appropriated for the -up -keep and running expenses of that. office. Motion was ruled out of order' by the Chairman. 11r.. Bell appealed to the Coard for a vote as- to whether or not they !.,dished to sustain the. action. of the chair. il'oll call showed the following vote: Ayes: Moore, Kjarvick, Ka.row, Soronen, Curry, Morris, Squires, Ilelstrand, Kobelt, I'lass, Axness, Okerstrom, Flabelt, Lavin, Wachsmuth, Smith, Bergman, Arntson, Nelson and Johnson, Total twenty. Nays: Carver, Galligan, Baker, Williams. Bartlett, Helmer, Junek, ANNUAL I}+ + ET ING O F THE BAYF LF LD COUNTY -BOARD — - -- - November 11, 1924, - Froney, Taipale, Mihalek, Lamont, Tetzner, Doyle, Hering and Bell, total fifteen. Motion carried. Motion was made and, seconded that the informal ballot be made formal and that the action of the chair be sustained. Itlotion carried. The following resolution wao then read.: Whereas, the State Highway `'ommission has made an order relocating State Highway #10 from a point about four miles southeasterly, of I+aloquah at or near the East end of the nevi grade recently made upon said highway; running 'thence Esaterly and Northeasterly into the City of Ashland by new location, and aIlhereas.a rehearing was held at the request of certain residents of Bayfield County, and after said rehearing the State Highway Commission made an order reaffirming its previous. determination to relocate said highway #10 as aforesaid, and Tiereas it appears to the County Board of Bayfield County that by such relocation of said State Highway an excessive expense would be created for Bayfield County in building said relocated highway through Bayfield County because of the extremely difficult character Df the country over which said new highway has'been relocated, and such relocation will be of much less scenic value than either the present location or the suggested location known as the Peerless Grade, and ffhereas the :_:aid relocated highway viill not serve any territory which is. capable of.development agriculturally or othertvise, except such territory as is already served by highways now in existence and which under such order of, relocation are to constitute a part of said relocated highway 71-10, and Whereas by such relocation the village of Iiloquah and a populous and valuable agricultural district in the towns. of Pils.en'and Barksdale will be deprived of the present location upon said State Highway, and Miereas it appears that there will be no saving in distance by such relocation of said highway, either for through traffic or for local traffic directed toward the cities of ;Mashburn and Bayfield. Nrw, therefore, be it resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County at it annual November 1924 session convened, that it is the opinion of this County roard :that such relocation of said highway and the building thereof will not result in any advantage or benefit either to Bayfield County or to any territory served by said State Highway #10, coimnensurate with, or such as to justify the said re- location and the building of said highway as relocated. Resolved further that this. County Board protes.ts.against such re- location f said State Highway and respectfully requests of the State Highway Commission that it reconsider the previous orders*in relation thereto and vacate the same, and that. aaid high1;*L,y either be continued substantially u.on its present location or that the railroad grade known as the "Peerleso Grade" be used in re- locating said highway. Resolved further that a copy of this resolution be published in the official paper of Bayfield County, and that a copy thereof be submitted to the , Secretary of the State Highway 'Commission for the consideration of said coi,-miission. Pa.s wed November 11, 1924. Nels Nelson Approved IZoy H. Okerstrom Cha i rma n Attest: Ludwig T ranma l County Clerk. 108 ANNUAL r 10"TT ING OF TIC BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD INTovember_ll,___l_924.- - -- - --- - - -- 11otion was made and seconded that the resolution be tabled. hi -To carried. The following report was then read: !71 EREAS, at a meeting of the -Coard of Supervisors of Ashland County held on the 5th day of August, 1924, a resolution was adopted declaring it to be the sense of the County :Board, that the terra of office of the Supervisor of In- corporated Villages and Town Chairman should be changed to Two years, instead of One, in order that efficiency in government be brought about, and 'AIELERI;AS, the said resolution authorized the Chairman to appoint a Committee of three to present the said resolution to our Assemblyman, N01,I, THEREFORE,, the undersigned so appointed, do hereby request the Legislature of. the State of 'Piisconyin to amend the Revised Statutes of 4lisconsin, so as to .Hake the term of officer of -the Supervisor of Villages and the Town Chair- man Two' years instead of One. v+Te also request our state Senator and !',!ember of Assembly to introduce a bill in the next Legislature, carrying out the purpose of said resolution, a;:d that they use their utmost efforts to procure its passage. Signed, Otto F. :Zoesch Chas. E. Kinne J. I--. O'Brien N. H. 1,77oodhead moved the adoption of the resolution, and that copies of this ..esolution be mailed to each of the County Clerks, requesting them to bring the said resolution to the attention of their respective County Boards. Unanimously adopted. I, E. H. ,uistorff, County Clerk of Ashland County, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and exact copy of the resolution adopted_ by the County Board on August 5th, 1924. E. H.guistorff County Clerk.�� Motion was made and seconded that the foregoing report be tabled. I,lotion carried. The following resolution was then read: RESOLVED that the following highway be placed upon the County Highvray System of Bayfield County: Co=Dencing at about the Y�,,[ corner of Section 24-43-6 from present County Trunk "D", theme Southeasterly along present Town Highway to Ashland County line, connecting with .prospective County Highway in Ashland 'County, a distance of about eight miles. Frank :June]}, Jr. Notion was made and seconded that the above resolution_ be placed on file and that the chairman of the Board be instructed to appoint a special cormll- ittee of Three members to investigate the proposed highvlay and report at the next meeting. 1`he chair appointed the following members: Peter Kjarvick, S. E. Squires and Alois Habelt. Motion was made and seconded that the following budget be adopted for Bayfield County for 1924 �q�s, ANNUAL 1oEE`.1' ING OF THE B"YFIELD 'COUNTY BOARD - November 11, 1924. GEITERAL GOVER1MENT County Board County Clerk County Treasurer Assessment District Attorney Divorce Counsel Surveyor County Court Municipal Court Justice Courts Circuit 'Court. Coroner Court House Elections Special Accounting and Auditing Tax Deed PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: Sheriff Register of Deeds. HEALTH CONSERVATION AND SANITATION : Vital Statistics •Tuberculosis Sanatorium Public Health Nurse HIGHUAYS AND BRIDGES: EDUCATION: Highway Administration- Stdte Aid :. :8. T.. H. S. lst 50% Highway S. H. S. 2 mill Levy County Suj)erintendent Tuition paid Training Schools Supervising Teacher County- Agricultural Agent CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS: Homef.inding.Society Outdoor Poor Relief Iftothers' Pensio�.i County Physician Relief of -'li.nd Soldiers' Relief Jail and Sheriff's residence State Tax INDEBTEDNESS: t.�2, 500. 3,300. 3,300. 2,100. 2,150.0 50. 2.50 3,300. 2, goo. 100. 6,500. 50. 3,500. 1,600. 1,500. 300. 6,500. 2,800. 280. 19,000. 600. 7,500. 4,041.82 50,732.96 3,800. 200. 3,80.0 3,510. 150. 300. 12,000. 50. 1,300. 1,500. 2,500. 38,981.65 Interest on Bonds 11,097.50 Principal of 17onds 23,900. UNCLASSIFIM : County Fair 2,5006 Community Fair 1,000. OUTLAY: TAXES: Sanatorium 4,325. Highway Building 3,00.0. Sheriff's Car 500. Contingent Appropriation 5,000. Borrowed Honey 10,000. Total 0254,136.43 MEVENUES : Inheritance Tax for County 50. Tax Fees and Penalties 4,000. Inco-e Tax Revenue 1,000. l+ GEES AND CHARGES: County Clerk 200. Treasurer 50. Register of =reeds 2,000. Circuit Court 1,000. GIFTS AND GRANTS: State Aid for Highways and Bridges. 4,041.82 it "" Sanatorium 5,122.16 t' tt tt Supervising Teachers 3,800. It a " Mothers' Pension 250. it it a Blind 400. 0 C0122-�+RCIAL: Interest on Daily Deposits 500. Sanatorium 400. Total 22,813.98 110 ANNUAL I:11 mot+ TING OI+ THE BAYPIELD COUNTY BOARD - - - --- - November --- !,lotion carried. The following resolution was then read: � A REs01_UTION to levy State And County Tax and other charges upon the 1924 tax roll. Be it resolved by the County Board of Supervisors at its annual 1924 session that there be and there is hereby appropriated and levied against all the taxable property of Bayfield County the following items, to-Eijit: For State Tax, the sum of $'38,981.65 For two mill Highway levy, the sum of 50,732.96 For all other items of budget as adop- ted this day, the sum of 141,607.84 Total Op231, 3,-2. _5 i 0. M. Axness. Motion ,was made and seconded that the above resolution be adopted. Roll call showed the follo-�,iing vote: Ayes.: Carver, Galligan, K.,00re, Kjarvick, Baker, Ka.row, Williams, . I Soronen, Bartlett, Curry, Morris, Helmer, Squires, Ilelstrand, Kobelt, Glass, I.xness, Junek, Froney, Taipale, 1.Fihalek, Okerstrom, Ha belt, Lamont, •Lavin, Tetzner, kWachsmuth, Smith, Doyle, Bergman, Arntson, Nelson, Hering, Johnson and Bell. Total thirty-five. carried. The following resolution was then read: RIEBOLVED FURTITEr? , That there. is hereby levied the sum of $26, 336. 25 to provide for the County School Tax for the support of the Colil-!ion schools for the i ensuing year, such amount to be charged and�pportioned to each of the several i municipalities in said county by the county clerk at the rate of ��3.75 for each person of school age residing in the school district therein which maintain schools as required by la.W as. the same have been or shall be certified and returned to said County Clerk in accordance with la,,r, and further, as the number of such school childreuz has been determined and properly certified to the said County Clerk by the proper authorities, and in accordance with Section 1074-1 of the statutes, is a.s follows: Barksdale 213 5 798.75 i Barnes. 46 172.50 Bayfield 245 918.75 i Bayview 192 720.00 Bell 129 483.75 Cagle 157 588.75 Clover 130 487.50 Delta 50 187.50 Drummond 316 1,185.00 Eileen 393 1,473.75 Hughes 92 345.00 ' iron River 285 1,068.75 Kelly 806.25 Ti lley; tone 301 1,128.75 Lincoln 172 645.00 I, a.s on 296 1,110.00 Namekagon 27 101.25 Orienta 110 412.50 Oulu 635 2,381.25 Pilsen 243 911.25 Port +i.ng 253 948.75 Pratt 156 585.00 Ruusell 140 525.00 Tripp 142 532.50 `;7ashburn 239 896.25 Village of Cable 58 217.50 City of Bayfield 536 2,010.00 « tt ffa shburn 1252 4,695.00 Total for County 7023 4�26 , 336.25 Dated this llth day of November, 1924. 0. Vt. Axness. Roll call showed the following vote: Ayes: Carver, Galligan, Loore, Kjarvick,, Baker, Karot7, `,Williams, -ANNUAL NETTING OF _THE_ BAYFIELD.__COUI�`Y BOARD- - - -- - - November 11, 1924. I bronen, Bartlett, Curry, Morris, Helmer, -Squires, Velstrand, Kobelt4 Glass, Axness, Junek Froney, Taipale, Mihalek, Okerstrom, Habelt, Lamont, Lavin,Tetzner, Wachsmuth, Smith, Doyle, Bergman, Arntson, Nelson, Hering, Johnson and Bell. total-35. carried. Motion was made and seconded that the bond for Jacob Yderstad, former County Clerk, be released, and that the Chairman of the Board and the County Clerk be authorized to execute such release. Motion carried. 'he following resolution was then read: Be it hereby resolved by a two-thirds yea and nay vote of the members elect taken at the annual 1924 meeting of the County Board of Bayfield County, this llth day of November, 1924, that the Chairman and the Oounty Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to borrow a sum not to exceed 110,000 for current expenses, and that they issue County orders therefor, payable on or before the 15th, day of February, 1925, with interest at not to exceed.G%. Presented by M. C. Helmer Dated November 11, 1924. Approved Roy H. Okerstrom ha.i rman Attest: Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk. Motion was made and seconded that the foregoing resolution be .adopted as read. Roll call showed the following vote: Ayes: Carver., Galligan, Moore, KjaDvick, Baker, Karow, Williams, Soronen, Bartlett, Curry, Morris, Helmer, Squires, Melstrand, Kobelt, Glass, Axness-, Junek, Froney, Taipale, Mihalek, Okerstrom, Habelt, Lamont, Lavin, Tetzner, Wachsmuth, Smith, Doyle, Bergman, A_rntson, Als-on, Hering, Johnson and Bell. Total 35. Carried. The following resolution waa.then read: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR STATE AID COUNITT7ID CONSTRUCTION AND hAINTERANCE IN CALENDAR YEAR 1925. The County Board of Supervisors- of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, regularly assembled, does hereby ordain as follows: Sec. 1. WHEREAS: she State Highway Commission has notified the County Clerk that the sum of Four Thousand and Forty-:o:.-ne and eighty-two cents ($4,041.82) has been allotted to this. county under Section 83.02 of.the Statutes-, (the State Aid Law); and section 83.03 requires that one-half of the foregoing sum amounting to Two Thousand and Twenty dollars and ninety-one cents ($2,020.91) together with at least one and one-half times this amount of county funds must be expended on the State Trunk Highway System lying within the County: There is hereby appropriated, under the provisions of Section 83.03, the sum of Three Thousand and Thirty-one dollars and thirty-seven cents 03,031.37), to meet the first one-half of the State Aid allotment to be placed on the. State Trunk Highway system, thusmaking available for this purpose the sum of Five Thousand and Fifty-two dollars and twenty-eight cents Q5,052.28), which shall be expended as,follows: i 1. `she sum of Five Thousand .and Fifty-two dollars and twenty- eight cents (15,052.28) for the improvement by grading and draining on State Trunk Highway #13, beginning at Cornucopia and extending East as far as the money 112 AID XUAI.1 AMET I_NG OF THE BAYFIEID COUNTY :BOARD November I available will construct. I j Sec. II. And in accordance with Section 83.03 of tie statutes the i second one-half portion of the State Aid allotted to the County amounting to Two Aousand and twenty dollars and ninety-one.cents ($2,020.91) hereinbefore undistributed, is appropriated for the improvements hereinafter named, County j appropriations are made for each improvement, and taxes are levied against. the municipalities in Which such improvements lie, in accordance with the I � I following schedule: State ai—d—­ County Aid Tax -against i Runicialityr _ -_ —Apportioned _Apportioned _Riunicipality Town of Tripp .2,020.91 2,020.91) 673.63 n t' Orienta- } 673.64 n r� port Wing) 673.64 I And the improvements to be made under the foregoing schedule are j hereby located on portions of the County System of Prospective State Highways i not portions of the State Trunk Highway System, and their character determined I as followa: j 1. The improvement in the.Town of Tripp shall consist of grading and draining., beginning at ST corner Section 32-48-8 on County Trunk "A" and extending along said system in a Northerly direction. I 2.The improvement in the Towno of Orienta shall consist of grading and draining beginning at the SW corner of Section 33-49-8 on County ! Trunk "A" and extending along said system .in a Northerly direction. 3. the improvement in the Awn of Port ',ling shai1 con,;ist of grading and draining, beginning at the S'dTl corner of Section 16-49-8 and extend- ing along said system in a- Northerly direction. i Sec. IV. Th.e said County Board does hereby appropriate the follow- . ! i ing sums to be provided by a,general County tax.levy for the purposes set forth. ' 1. For the County's share of the cost of state aid improvements. I on.. -the State Trunk highway System provided for in Section I of this resol- a - c n n- Thirty-one dollars and thirty-seven cents cation the sum of Three Thousand and 1 y ► y ($3,031.37). I � 2. Ar the County's share of the cost of improvements on portions of the'County System of Prospective State Highways not portions of the State Trunk Highway System, as set forth in Section II of this resolution the sum of i Two Thousand and twenty dollars and ninety-one cents (12,020.91) . The County Treasurer is hereby directed to pay for the maintenance jof the State Trunk Highway System from any funds in the County treasury that �i are not required for the purpose for which appropriated prior to August 1, 1925, and to reimburse such funds from the sums received under paragraph "H" of Sub- section 3 of Section 20.04 when the same are received from the State Treasury. 5. Por the maintenance of the County System of Prospective State Highways or County Trunk Highway System, or both in.additi.on to gums received under paragraph 2 of Subsection•, 3 of'Section 20.04 the sum of Ten Thousand I dollars ($10,000). 6. ''or emergency road and bridge fund the cum of three thousand i nine hundred and seventy-five dollars and sixty-five cents ($3,975.65). 1 i 7. For the purchase of machinery and for machinery repairs the sum of seven 'Thousand and five hundred dollars (17,500). 113 ATTITUAL I1�TING GF THE BAYFIELD COUITTY BQARD. November 11, 1924: d'ec. iC!:-' � "Ind the County Board hereby direct that- `taxes. be levied. against'" the several municipalities hereinafter named for the purposes set forth. 2. As. the municipality's share of cost of improvement on portions of the County System of Prospective State Highways not portions of the State Trunk High- way System under subsection 2 of Section 83.03 of the Statutes. (A) The Town of Tripp, the sum of $673.63 (B) the Town of Orienta,The sum of 673.64 (C) The Town of Port ','ling, The sum of673.64 And the County Clerk is hereby �irected to place all taxes hereinbefore levied against the County in the County Tax levy and to certify to all Town, Village and City Clerks the amounts herein levied against their respective mun- icipalities, and the County Highway Gommittee and the Commissioner are directed to carry out the highway construction and maintenance for which provision is here- by made, in the manner provided by law, and to employ such patrolmen, laborers and foremen as they may deem necessary therefor. Signed, Dated November 11, 1924. Vote on Foregoing resolution: Ayes: 35; Nays: None. Peter Soronen Luke J. Lavin Geo. Karow John _Fr iberg County Highway Committee. TMotion was made and seconded that the following resolution be adopted. Roll call showed the following vote: tr Ayes: Carver, Galligan, lHoore, Kjarv.ick, Baker, Karow,-illiams, Soranen, Bartlett., Curry, Morris, Helmer., Squires, Melstrand, Kobelt, Glass, A3mess, Junek, Froney, Taipale, Hihalek, Okerstrom, Habelt, Lamont, Lavin, Tetzner, Ti�ach- smuth, Smith, Doyle, Bergman, Arntson, Nelson, Hering, Johnson and Bell, total 35. Carried. 1 The folowing communication wasthen read: To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, 7pTashburn, ffis. Gentlemen: v7hereas on Tuesday July 15, 1924, the Ashland County Road and Bridge Committee met at a point on County 'Trunk "D" with several residents of the South- ern end of Bayfield County, together with the Highway Commissioner of Bayfield County,, Mereas, after an informal discussion regarding connection of County Trunk "D" and road #77 formerly known as the YVest fork Road, in Ashland County, it was deemed advisable that each Road & Bridge Committee recommend to their res- pective County Board Supervisors at their next annual meeting that Roads be placed on the County System o-1prospective Highways. bind the Clerk was instructed to send a copy of the resolution to their respective County Boards. 114 ANNUAL YL:} `I.'ING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - - November 1-1,.__ 1924'-- ---- -= - - - I I Motion was .Made and adopted. Signed, j I R. C. Brett, Chairman i Geo. DerinEer 0. A. Shaekel Eugene Pierrelle Ed Feeney Committee. I Very truly yours, j U. H. Brown Clerk Ashland County Road & Bridge Committee. i i Motion was made and seconded that the foregoing letter be placed on file- I Hot,ion carried. The following petition was then read: I I PETITION FOR ISSUANCE OF TAX DEEDS I AND PROOF OF LOSS OF TAX CERTIFICATES Ta the Honorable County Board of Bayfield County, asconsin_ Comes now the Bayfield Land Company (formerly Bayfield Investment Association), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State.of IL Wisconsin, by J. C. Halbert, its Secretary, and presents this petition for issu---- ante of tax deeds and proof of loss of tax certificates as follows; to -wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS,) ) s s s COUNTY OF COOK, ) I I, J. C. Halbert, of the County of Cook and State of Illinois, after I being duly sworn, upon my oath depose and say: That I am the duly elected, acting and qualified Secretary -of the Ba-,7field Land Company (formerly the Bayfield Investment Association), a corporation I organized and existing under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, and that, as such j secretary, I have and am entitled to the possession and control of all the records and title papers of such corporation; and THAT heretofore, to -wit, on or about June 14, 1921, the Bayfield Investment Association, now the Bayfield Land Company, aforesaid, became the pur- chaser of certain lands in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, sold in the year 1921 for taxes duly and legally assessed thereon for the year 1920, and there was duly I issued to said Bayfield Investment Association, now Bayfield Land Company, afore- said, tax certif icatea as follows: i 1. Tax certificate #203.6 covering tax sale for the year 1921 of the SW 4 of Lhe TIE4 Section 6, - Town- ship 46, Range 7, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, in the amount of '10.36;' I 2. Tax certificate jf2037 covering tax sale for the year 1921 of the S'v'TI of the Ssr`lj Section 6, Township 46, Range 7, Bayfield County Wisconsin, in the amount j of $7.68 ; and � i 3. Tax certificate #2038 covering tax sale for the year 1921 of the SE4. of the SC�Iq ' Section 6, Township 46, � Range 7, Bayfield- County, Wisconsin, in the amount of $7.8S. � I That such certificates, which were duly issued and delivered to said corporation as a purchaser at said sale, have been lost or mislaid and that your affiant, after careful and diligent search, has been unable to find the same; and I That on June 14, 1924, the Bayfield Land Company, formerly Bayfield Investment Association, the, owners of said lands described in such certificates 1.15_1 ANNUAL_ HE TING OF TIE. BAYFIELD COUNTY -BOARD-__-- - - - - - November 11, .-1924: - - --- not having redeemed the same from said tax sale, became entitled to have issued to it tax deeds to said lands; NOW, THEREFORE, your Honorable. County Board is. hereby respectfully requested to take proper action to cause to be issued to the Bayfield Land Company, formerly Bayfield Investment Association, a Wisconsin corporation, proper deeds to the landa described in certificates described as aforesaid, pursuant to the authority vested in you under the provisions of Section 1177 of the Wisconsin Statutes of 1893 (Sanborn & Berryman). J. C. Halbert Subscribed and sworn to before me, the undersigned, this 30th day of September, A. D. 1924. Dorothy I. Otton Notary Public for Cook County, Illinois. NY Commission expires November 15, 1925. motion was made and seconded that the Clerk be instructed to issue a tax deed to Bayfield Land Company on the above mentioned certificates. in accord - ante with Section 75.15 of the 'Aaconsin Statutes. Ybtion carried. The following resolution was then read: Be it hereby resolved by the Bayfield County Board assembled in annual session this llth day of November, 1924, that the clerk be instructed to issue an order to the Town of Pratt for tie payment of burial to Transient Poor for the two parties for ,which bill already has been filed, said order is not to be drawn until the'proper proof has been certified to the County Clerk by' the Town Clerk of the Town of. Pratt. that the above bills have been paid and.the proper notices filed. Signed, Alois Habelt Potion was made and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Motion carried.' The following communication was then read: Mr... ]EdtTain H. qvi storff , County Clerk Ashland Co.', Ashland, Wisconsin: Mr. Ludwig Tranmal , County Clerk Bayfield County, Mashburn, Wisconsin. Gentlemen: SUBJECT: State Trunk Highway Change No. 98,Peerless Grade This ds to advise that the State Highway Commission, following the hear- ing held Monday, September 29, 1924, considered the petition in the above matter at its meeting of October 6, 1924. he action taken was to deny the petition and the State Trunk Highway will therefore -remain unchanged. Very truly yours, WISCONSIN HIGHWAY COIF MISSION, By T,n. W. Torkelson Engineer -Secretary. Motion was made and seconded that the foregoing resolution be laid on the table. Motion carried. Motion was -then made that the Board reconsider their action regarding the tabling -of communication relative to State Trunk Highway #10. Roll call showed the following vote. ANNUAL IV1EE.TING OF THl', BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - - -- - -- - - - - - - - -- _- November _11, .1924. Ayes: Carver, Galligan, Kjarvick, lilliams, Helmer, l�roney, Taipale, i Habelt, Tet_zne.r, Smith, Doyle, Bergman, Arntson, Ilelson, Hering, Johnson and Bell, total seventeen. Nays-: Moore, Baker, Karow, aoronen, Bartlett,. Curry, 1,17orris, Squires, i Mels-trand, Kobelt, Glass, ITiha"lek, Okerstrom, Lamont, Lavin, Vachsmuth, total sixteen. l4,Lot.i.on was then madie that the Board abide by,a former resolution passed - I by the Board earlier in the less -ion, and Ghat the clerk be instructed send a copy of said resolution to the Highway Commiss.ion for their consideration. 1.1otion` carried. Motion wa.s made and seconded that the communication from the IfUlwaukee County Board. regarding State action for floods. in 11lilwaul:ee County be placed on file.! I 1!ilotion carried. , o t i o n was. then made and seconded that the Chairman of the County Board be allo.•y°,ied exQenses in attending the County Board Association of 7jisconsin. Motion carried. INIotion wa.s made and seconded that the present janitor, Mr. Marsh, be allowed tczo weeks vacation each year with pay. !!lotion carried. The following resolution was then read: BE IT 1-1.E�.,OLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County, that the per diem,: mileage, and committee work be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below, and .the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such !,money and the chairman and County Clerk are hereby instructed to issue ay: order for the total amount of sums listed below: Name Per. Diem 111i 1 e L2C0=1. work 1aiileage Total Ii;dd C. Carver 8. 1.44 9.44 Pat Galligan 8. ' 1.50 8. 7.50 25.00 Frank L. 11ATo ore -16. 7.20 4. 27.20 Peter Kjarvick 8. • .72 20.- 2.16 30.68 I Jas. A. Baker 16. 4.84 16. 4.84 41.98 Geo. Karow 16. 6.08 8. 6.08 36.16 Peter Soronen 16. 9.04 11 . 9..04 46.08 . E. H. Bartlett 16. 4.32 12. 4.32 36.64 Geo. A. Curry 16. 2.88 12.* 2.88- 33.76 l:L. B . ldlorri s 16. 5.64 12. 5.64 39.28 . . !L C. Helmer 16. 4.80, 16. 4.80 41.60 S. E. Squires 16. 2.76 18.76 � A. P. 1:11elstrand 16. 2.16 16. 4.32 38.48 Ernest Kobelt 16. 3.36 19.36 E. Max Glass 16. 4.20 12. 4.20 36.40 � 0. M. Axness 16. 2.'76 12. 21.76 37.52 Frank Junek, Jr. 16. 7.20 23.20 Geo. Froney 16. 9.'72 4. 29.72 John Taipale 16. 6.48 4. 26.48 Andrew Mihalek 16. 1..80 24. 1.80 43.60 Roy H. Okerstrom 16. 9.24 25.24 Alois 'Habelt 16. 3.72 12. ..-3.72 35.44 - H. Lamont 16. 2.Obf` 18.04 L. J. Lavin 16. 5.64 16. 5.64 43.28 E. R. Tetzner S. .48 8. 6.24 22.72 Geo. B. Villiams 16. 6.08 12. 6.08 40.16 H. ilachsmuth 8. 1.44 12. 2.88 24.32 C. VT. ;smith 8. 1.44 20. 21.76 51.20 !,�Fa ud Doyle 8 . .12 4. .12 12. 2,4 i E. Bergman 8. .12 4. .12 12.24 r.1. Arntson S. .12 16. 6.72 30.84 Nels Nelson 8. .12 8. .24 16.36 R. A. Hering 8. .12 8.12 A. P. Johnson 8. .12 4. .12 12.24 Don. C. Bell S. 1.44 9.44 il. S. Hale 4. 1.44 5.44 'Loy H. Okerstrom. !toll call showed the following vote: Ayes: Carver, Galligan, 1,lloor.e, Kjarvick, Baker, Karow, 'T.illiOms, Soronen, Curry, 1;Iorris,.Helmer, Meistrand, Kobelt, Glass, Axness, Junek, honey, Taipale, Mihalek, Okerstrom, Habelt, Lamont_, .,avin, Tetzner, i'+Tachsmut.h, Smith, Bergman, Arntson, Nielson, tiering, Johnson and Bell. . Nays: Squires. 1,aIotion carried. Tdotion was made and seconded that the Doard adjourn s ; ct to call. 14,i10 t 7. 0 c-a .1 e d4�'�"Y