HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 5/5/1925117 SPECIAL 1=, TII\TG OF TIC BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - - - _1dAY 5., 1925. — --- _-- -- =--_-_ The Spe.cia.l %lee-ting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, wa.s. called. to order. by Chairman, Roy H. Okerstrorm, at ten O'clock A. H. on :C'ue.sday, May 5, Roll ca 11 showed the following members present.: Alcott, G'a.11igan, Schindler, Baker, Goff, 1?1illiams, Phillips, Norris., Iielme.r, S.quires., Relstrand, Kobelt, I".-eyer.s, Gill, Junek, Froney, Iles -ter, Misun, Habelt, Perrin, lovvnsend, Stone, llachsmuth, McCarty, :Neizorek, Bell, :Doyle. Bergmann, Arntson, jlelson, fterring, Johnson and Okerstrom. Total, thirty-three.. The followinE, communication was then read: Drummond, 13 is. , I.ay 4, 1925. County Clerk, . 71ashburn, Iffisconsin. Dear Sir: As. F. h. Bartlett will be unable to attend the: County Board Veating to be held on Hay 5th, 1925, the. Town Board has appointed 71alter 11ertz t.o attend in his place. fiery truly yours, 0. A. Glassow Town clerk. Lotion was. made and seconded that Falter Tlertz be seated as a member of the Board, for the day as. a representative from the Town of Drummond. ITotion carried unanimoW.sly. The Clerk thereupon read the following request for the special meeting: To Ludwig-Tranma.l, County Clerk of Bayfield County, Wisconsin. We, the undersigned members of the County Board of Bayfield County, 'Wisconsin, request that you iss..ue"a. call for a. special meeting of the County Board of Bayfield County, Iffiaconsin, on Tuesday the 5th day of 1;ay, 1925, at 10 o'clock A. If. at the Court ,..ouse in the City of 'ilashburn, 3-Visconsin, 2or the pu-rpos.e of organization and to transact any other business.that may legally come before the county board at said meeting. Signed: Geo. Froney, Geo. LIi sun 1.1. B. Morris Roy H. Okerstrom R. E. Goff George Vester vas. A. Baker_ A. P. Stone J. 'T. Perrin Leon H. iLcCarty James Gill E. Kobelt A. P. Alelstrand Pat Galligan Geo. A . Curry 11. C . ne lmer 11m. J.-H. IVleyers Geo. B. 77illiams Alois Habelt A. P. Johnson B. Bergmann I. L. Alcott SPECIAL 11M.TING- OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD henry It.. H. 11.1eizorek Hering Wm.-Arntson In response to such request the, County Clerk maileeL each member of the Board. the following call BAYF-rP.Ia COUNTY, Office of County Clark Vfa.9hburn, IVATis.consin. II'Vis. April 24, 1925. Dear S.ir: The. undersigned., having been petitioned. to call a meeting of the County Board-, you will please take notice that a meeting of the Board will be held. at this office. on Tuesday, Hay 5th, 1925, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Yours truly, L. Tranmal, County Clerk. Kotion was made. and saconcLed that the- reading of the minutes of the annual meeting held in Noveffoer, 19234, be. duly dispensed with. Motion carried unanimously. The Board then proceeded with the organization by electing the new officers- Ylotiun wa.s made and seconded gnat ..the nomination for chairman be made by ballot. Motion carried, nnanimously. The first ballot for chairman was. as- o 11 o wa.: Helmer 1, Iffeizorek 1, Bergmann 2, and Okeratrom 30, total 34. Motion was. made, and, seconded that the informal ballot be made formal and thatuRoy Okers.trom. be elected- as chairman for the ensuing year. Motion carried unanimously. weir. Curry, fr-om the Town of Eileen, appeared and, eras duly seated. Motion was made and seconded that the vice-chairman be elected by ballot. Motion carried- The first ballot was as fqllowa: Ga.11igan 1, Baker 3, Curry 2, Helmer 3,- Yroney 2, 717achsmuth 1, nd Bergmann 8. �o al 34. One not voting. No �77aizorek 2. Ball 11, Doyle 1, a t choice. The result of the second ballot w&s as. follows-.: Galligan 2, Baker. 4, Curry 7, Helmer 13, Zroney 1, Weizerek 2, Bell 4, Doyle 1, and Bergmann 1. Total 35. No choice. The result of the third ballot was a.s follows: Baker- 3, Curry 6, Helmer 25, and Bell 1. Total 35. Motion -,j,,as made and seconded that the informal ballot be declared formal and that Iffax helmer be chosen as vice-chairman. Motion carried® Motion was made and seconded that the rate of publication for the official. paper forthe ensuing year be forty cents per folio. Motion carried. Motion was, made and seconded that the vote for official paper be made by ballot. Motion carried. The first ballot was as follows: 119 SPECIAL MEE.TING OF Tti� BAYFI=LD COUNTY BOARD 1lAY,5, 1925. uashburn Times,, fourteen, Bayfield -cress, Sixteen, Bayfield Progress, thre-e., Iranr2ioneer, t.wo, total 35. No choice. The second ballot was as follows: i Bayfi.eld. -cress,, eighteen, `Jashb.,urn Time.s., sixteen, Bayfield Progress, one, total 35.. Motion was, made and seconded that the informal ballot be made formal and that the. Bayfield cress_ be declared to be the official paper for the ensuin ear. Motion carriedunanimousl g y Y The following communication from the Jisconsin Tax Commission was I then read: December 15, 1924. Mr. Ludwig Tr.anmal , County Clerk, Bayfield Co., Washburn, ffi s . _ - e Dear Sir:. ;ate have your letter of .)ec. 11 enclosing a resolution by the County i Board protesting against the continued raise of the valuation of Bayfield County year by year. Vle had thought . that we had treated Bayfield County pretty decently - I in our s.ta.te. assessment of 1924. A,he state a.s.s.essment of the two years are as follows.: I Heal Estata Personal 1'roperty Total — 1923 �2.4,622,2.93 $4,08.7,890 �28,710,183 1924 21,572,480 3,916,488 25,488,968 The figures for 1924 are the valuations after the deduction•of homestead exemptions of �947,935. Before the deduction of that homestead ex- empti-on the valuation placed upon the -real estate of Bayfield County by. this commis.s..ion was $22., 520, 415 as, compared to the real estate valuation. of �24, 622, 293. You will notice that we gave you a reduction of �2,100,000 in real estate. This is one of the largest reductions. given any county in the state. vle are at a loss to kno-.. why you should charge us -:;ith having raised the valuation of your county. Very truly yours, 'ZISCONSIN WAX C01MISSION A. J. 11,yrland, Secretary. Motion was made and seconded. that the above colmunication be placed on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was then read.: � i RBSOLVEI)-,by the County Board of Bayfield County, in a se-ssion duly assembled, that Bayfield County do take over as a part of County Trunk System of Prospective. State Highways, the following highway, to wit: I Commencing in Section Sixteen (16), Township Forty-seven (47) North, Range Six (6) ''Jest, on said highway No. 10, hear the Northwest corner .of the I Northeast :quarter of the Southeast 'quarter of Section Sixteen (16) , Township Forty-seven (47) North, Range Six (6) west; Thence following the highway North and Northeasterly passed Moq_uah, to Lhe town line between Township 'orty-seven (47) North, Range Six (6) , and Township ffo rty- seven (47) , North, flange Five (5 ) , at the Southeast corner of Section Six (6), Township Forty-seven (47) North, Range. Five: (5) Test; thence along the Township line on said highway to the inter- s-ection of the East and Jest highway, known as the Cherryville Road; thence has°terly again along the Cherryville. road to the inter -section thereof SPECIAL METING OF THE BAYFIELD_ COUNTY BOARD MAY • 5 , 192.5 .�__ _ to Highway No. 125, and that this, be taken over as a part. of the County Trunk System of rr.ospec.tive Highwaya. Dated this 5th day .of May, 1925. Geo. Mistun Lotion was made and seconded that the above matter be taken up in the regular order'of bus.ineas and that the above order of business- to comply by a resolution passed by a former meeting of this board. Motion. carried unanimously. C. D. Hall, from the ,owvn of Barnea,arrive.d and was. duly seated by the. board.. The following report was then read.: COMIMTEE. REPORT' ON CLAM I,AMii ROAlu To the Honorable..Bayfield. County Board: We the undersigned s._-L?ecial committee on investigation for. the Clam. Lake Road. in the Town of Namekagon beg to report as- follows: The road is 102. miles in length. .About three miles. of this was in fair condition. The balance was. narrow, rough and crooked and in places. was only 9: fe.e.t wide and no ditches. The road runs, through. four swamps. of considerable length and through them the road bed wa.s very narrow. Relocation or straigtening of curves will be necessary. A part of the road is an old railroad grade -.with deep narrow cuts.. The estimated cost. of' -reconstruction will, / be about. twenty, thousand. dollars, or. two thousand dollars a mile, which is a very conservative:figure. We did not find any farma along thiz road with the exception of a few s.umier resort owners.: According to article, III of a resolution passed by this board on December 1, 1.920, we can not recommend the adoption of this road to the County Sys.te4i of Prospect ive State. Highways a.t the present time. Dated. this first day of _uecember, 1924. W -veter Kjaryick S. E: Squires Disapproved.by Alois Rabelt Motion was made and seconded to accept the report as read and that the same be placed on file. Roll call shooed the following vote: Ayes: Alcott., Galligan, Schindler, Baker, Phillips, Curry, Morris, nelmer,, Squires, Melstrand, Kobelt, Meyers-, Gill, Vester, Visun, rerrin, Townsend, Stone, lNachsmuth, 1eizorek, .uoyle, Bergma..nn, Arntson, Johnson and Oker- strom. Total 25. Nays,: , Hall, Goff, Williams, Mertz, Junek, Froney, Habo-lt, Bell, Nelson and Hering. Total ten. Ylotion carried. The following report -taa.s then read: t■ PFCIAL IMTING O1 TIE BAYFIEL) COJNTY BOARD hAY 5, 1925. VVa.shburn, Wis., May 5, 1925. To the. Hon. County Board, Bayfield County, 1'.Us. Gentle4ie.n : VVe the undersigned committ.e,e. on Illegal Taxes, beg, leave to report, that we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as s-et forth in the. column marked -,allowedil and that the County Clerk be instruc- ted. to issue_ orders for payment of same.. Signed, Jas. A. Baker Geo. B. Williams Name of Claimant -Purpose. Claimed Allowed Frank -D. Fulton Illegal Sale '$16.36 *16.36 V1. C. Foster D' `+ Bldg.being burned _ 70.05 70.05 W. C. Foster " t' U 62.95 62.95 Kopplin & Kopplin Illegal vale, Urongfully advertised 3.20 3. ,0 it " :z it 3.13 3.13 '° 3.3.7 3.37 R. W. Smith Illegal Sale; Defective. .11es.cripti.on 14.58 14.58 J. H. Carroll Interest due on 1923 sale dertificate #1495 on �112.64 paid Nov. 11, 1924. 11.83 11.83 J. J. Fisher. Illegal sale. Indian lands 55.67 55.67 Frank D. Fulton °` Tax. building being burned 87.98 87.98 Townoof `,Vashburn Illegal tax. Paid to Toti--,in Treasurer 17.86 17. 86 -- � i1:ark jiessey, to -,in of Iron River Illegal tax. Paid Double Assessment 51.97 51.97 Wis. 1ultge . & Securities. Co. H it °i it 36.73 36.73 1! fl ii it Illegal tax. Pd. to town Areas- 3.23 3. 23.. R. irf. Smith, town of Bayfie-ld 2.30 2.30- _ �p441.2121 0441. 21 Motion was made and seconded that the above report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was then read: Be it hereby resolved that the County Clerk.be instructed to issue county orders covering the claims -for Illegal taxes- as read and recommended by the committee on Illegal taxes and tax Certificates, and that the Clerk be instructed to charge back t:ae several amounts= to the respective localities. Jas. A. Baker- Motion was made a-.-.d seconded that the above resolution be adopted. -Motion carried. Motion was made and seconded that the Board adjourn until one P. 11. Motion carried. SPECIAL T +ETING OF THE BAYFILLD COnTTY BOARD MAY 5, 1925. - i I ! 1,1eeting eras called to oraer at one P. M. by Chairman, Hoy i Okars-trom. H,oll call showed the following members present: Alcott, Galligan, hall, Schindler, Baker, Goff; Williams-, Phillips, lKertz, Curry, 1.11orris, Helmer, Squires, �1elstrand, Kobelt, Meyers., Gill, Junek, 1'roney, ve'zter, 11is.un, habelt, Perrin, To-4nsend, atone, ,Vach- srauth, 11ccart.y, YVeizor.ek, Bell, Bergrlarni, Arnts.on, .Nelson, Johnson and Okers.trom,. '4ota.1 34. i ! The following resolution was then read.: V,VHEREAS Bayfield County issued a tax dead on Lot 1, in Section j j 24-4.4-5, to J. A. Olson, on a tax certificate for the sale of 1906, and said land via.s Government land at the time of taxation in 1905, and up to July 15, 1912. I AND 71U�11UAS said land. has been quit claimed to Bayfield County on 1Lky 24, 1912, covering said interest acquired through taxdeed, NOW, THE_- ;FORE, Be it. hereby resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County that the. County rle.rk be instructed to issue a quit claim deed to the present oviner, Axel Nelson, and clear the records on Lot 1 in Section 24-44-5. - I Dated this 5th day of I ay, 1925. Jas. A. Baker Geo. B . Wi -. l lams Committee on Illegal taxes. Motion was made and seconded that the above resolution be adopted. Notion carried. •she following petition Maras. then read: I d;la hbur.n , Wi s . , 1+'eby 25th, 1925. !, To the Honorable County Board Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen: We the undersigned electors. of the City of Iffashburn, respect- fully request your Honorable body to donate Block 53A of the Uriginal Townsite to said City for Park Purposes. Signed by: Seventeen Taxpayers. i Motion was made and seconded that Block 53A be donated to the � City of :hTashburn for Park Purposes., and that the Clerk be instructed to issue a quit claim deed to the City of 71ashburn covering same. 1.1otion carried unanimously. i The following resolution was then read: i To the Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County,, Wisconsin: Res-olved by the County Board of Bayfield County, that the County j Judge of Bayfield County be, and he is hereby authL-:rized to attend the meetings of the Board of County Judges at the expense of said county, as provided by chapter No. 406, Laws. of 1917. i Dated May 5th, 1925. Roy H. Okerstrom i Mlotion was made and seconded that the above resolution be not adopted. Motion carried. 2�3 SPECIAL 1VMT ING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - --- ----- -- 11AY 5, 1925. The- following petition from the Tow..ns of Barksdale, Mason, Bayvieaw, Bayfield and Or-ien.ta. was `then read. SHALL THL -GAS_OLIM1 AND AUTOMOBILE LICB1SE FUNDS BE APPLIED TO REDUCE THE GENERAL PROPERTY TAX? To the. County Board. of Bayfield. County, Wisconsin: We, The Electora of the Town of -in annual meeting assem- bled this seventh day of April, 192 , Believing in a program of economy and tax reduction wherever and whenever possible do hereby, Resolve., ;hat we as taxpayers- and voters insist that our town and county boarda usa all gasoline tax and automobile license funds received from the states to replace, the tax levied on general property for highti:ray purposes.. 'We. are opposed to any expansion of the highway program at this time -due, to'thesa funda becoming available. Considered and adopted at meeting place and date stated above. Motion was made and seconded that the above petition be placed on. file.. Notion carried. The following resolution was then read: r. HLESOLVED THAT THE County Tax Commission be and they are here- by authorized to bring ouster proceedings to vacate any or all properties owned by Bayfield County and the :district Attorney is .directed to carry the findings 'and orders ? f said Comc_iss.ion into effect by legal action or otherwise and, Be yt Further resolved that the said County Tax Commission - - _ w be authorized to rent and lease, under Atenancy from month to month, any county propert1as, upon which the County ha.s obtained a tax deed. Geo. A. Curry Kati -on was made- and seconded that the above resolution be adopted. Mation carried. Motion was. mada and s.ecornded- that the County Tax :Deed property be insured under the instructions and judgment of the Buildings and Grounds Commit.ta.e. Motion carried. The following resolution was then read: INI REAS, John Froseth, Clerk. of Cir.G.uit Court and Nets Myhre, Register of Deads, did. on the 5th day -of December, 1923, have. in the Bayfield County Bank, in their respective official positions, the sums of $1,29-9..74 and ;p383.41, respectively, on checking account, and whereas, the said bank Vas; on said day closed by the State. Banking Commissioner, and a dividend of 60% later was paid to said officers: causing a, present loss to the said officersof. $519.90 and $153.36. THE RE F0.RE1, BE IT SOLVED That the County of Bayfield appropriate the sum of �673.26 to cover the loss. sustained by the said officers of Bayfield County provided, however, that the said officers pay to the County Treasurer any and all future. dividends, which they or either of them may realize as; a dividend from their respective accounts. Roy H. Okerstrom Ilo k�,ion wa.s. made and seconded that the above resolution be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. I SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - - 9AY 5, 1925. i Tha following resolution was then read: WHEREAS, the County of Bayfield is the oyner of numerous tax certificates. upon 'which a cash sum can be realized, therefore, be it resolved that in order to realize a. sum on said tax certificates of sale, the county clerk and the county treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to borrow, at :intervals., sums of money not to exceed as a total the sum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars, at a.rate of interest not to exceed 6%, and as a security i for said loans., said county clerk and county treasurer are hereby authorized of said. aum to give and leave with the lende.q/a, promisory note of the county together -+ One Hundred Thousand Dollars and she amount of U i with certif.ica yes of sale to - j the.sa.id loan shall not exceed one-half of the face value of said certificates as provided for by Section 74.44 of the Wisconsin Statutes. j K. C. Helmer I - Donald C. Bell i Jas. A. Baker Geo. A. Curry Finance committee. Motion was made and seconded that the above resolution be adopted. Motion carried unanimously. The following report was then read: ` hshburn, Wis., Ely 5, 1925. i To the Hon. County Board, Bayfield County, Vs. Gentlemen: We the undersigned committee on finance and Miscellaneoua, beg leave to.report, that we have examined :the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the i County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same. Signed., M. C. Helmer Donald C. Bell Jas. A. Baker Geo . A. Curry Name of Claimant. Purpose Clained Alloyed Wm. G. Ziemer Damage to animals. by dogs- �13.00 �?14.40 I , . a ., � fie• o0 1G• p0 I Town of Namekagon Poor rerson (Myrt_e Mmarner) Rejected for insufficient.notice 45.00 none �, (T ) Yedical aid 14.00 14.00 lo���n� of Cable Poor (Mrs. A. D. Norton It tt io ie. fi 6 " 11.00 — — — Louis Sollie Coroner bill and burial of transient utt.o Kuhl0l 90.00 90.00 Amos N. Ilanson Coroner's fees 63.00 63.00 1197.40 Motion was -made and seconded that the above report be adopted and that the clerk be instructed to .issue orders, for payment of bills as. set forth in the column marked "allowed." Motion carried. Motion was made and seconded that the District Attorney be instruc- ted to locate the township to which Raspberry Island belongs and: to notify the town clerk of same so that it will be placed on the tax roll. Motion carried. SPECIAL 1METING OF TITS. BAYFIELD -COUNTY BOARD i The following communication was then read: April 30, 1925. John-b'riber.g, Co. Highway Commr. ; j Bayfield County, Washburn, 71isconsin. Dear Sir: Afte-r completing -t;he installation of the uniform accounting system in your office we believed it advisable to submit a recorihmendation as to the balances which were used in opening up the new set of books as I i of January 1, 1925. 1 I i The balances as determined were the result of a copscientious investigation running back to the audit made- of your county books in 1920 and we believe are as reasonably correct as can be determined without an absolute audit of all the intervening business. We therefore respectfully tecommend that your County Board at its next meeting accept the balances as determined as the correct balances and approve. the same as set up. iespectfully, :IISCONSIN HIGHWAY COTEIISSION. I I Motion irt,as made and seconded that the above communication be placed on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was then read: Moved, that the -ilisconsin 1Iighuay Commission installation report and classification of Highway accounts. for Bayfield County, for 1925, be approved and placed on file. Geo . B. �Iilliams , Whi. Ar-ntson Geo. Zroney Votion -nias made and seconded that the above resolution be � I adopted as read. Motion carried. i The following communication was then read: i OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK BRO-l"M COUNTY - Green Bay, 1?1is., November 20, 1924. I By the Honorable Chairman and Members of the Brown County Board of Supervisors. Gentlemen: I;TI +t AS, The Primary Law in its present form is believed to be I undemocratic by many voters when it compels them to vote a straight. ticket f and has a tendency to keep many voters away from the polls.at the primary elections. NOVI THEL--tEl"OR , BE IT RESOLVED, That the Brown County Board on this 20th day of November go on record favoring an amendment to the primary law which will. grant the voters of this. s._tate the right of voting a, split ticket I at the priinary elections, and be it further i MEMSOLV.ED, Thatwe petition our state Senator to draft this .amend- ment, and ask our. Ass.ermblymen to support this measure -%uhen it comes up for i consideration and that a copy of this resolution be sent to every County Clerk )6 SPEECIAI, I1METING_ 'OF T II+'. BAYI+'IE_LD. COUNTY BOAR VAY 5, I in the sta-t.e. asking them to bring this. mat -tar be.fore. their respective boards. Yred W. Foerster. State. of 'Wis_consin., ) sa. County of Brown, I, R. B. Vickery, County Clerk in and for the County of Brown, ffis-consin, d.o he-raby certify that the above, and foregoing is, a true and correct copy of a. resolution rr.hich Was. adopted by .the Board. of Supervisors" at its annual meeting in November, on the 2lat of said month. Dated at Green Bay, this 16th day of Dec. 1924. R. .B.. Vickery, County..Clerk, Brown County. Hotion was made and seconded that the above communication be acc.e.pted and placed on file and County Clerk be instructed. to notify our legis.-- lators. and that our county go on rocord. favoring same. toll call showed the following vote.: j Ayes-: Hall, Goff, ffilliams, Gill-, Junek, F{roney, Perrin, Stone, Doyle, ArPtson and Johnson. 'Total eleven. Nays_ Alc_ot.t., Schindler", Baker, Phillips, Mertz, Curry, Morris., Telmer, Squires, Idelstrand, Kobelt, Meyers, Vester, Hdsun, Habelt, Wachsmuth, McCarty, Bell, Borgmann, ltielson and Okerstrom. Total twenty-two. Motion was made and seconded that the request of Maslowski, Tarr and Co. for $300 payment on audit report be laid on the table. Motion carried. The following petition was then read: TO Tom; HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD, OF BAYFIEI,D COUNTY, IUD 8CONS;IN. Believing that the children, the future citizens., are the most imparta.nt product of this county and that the best possible aid should be j provided for the mothers and teachers. of the county: vVe the undersigned electors- and residents of Bayfield County hereby pe-tition your honorable. body "to appropriate an amount sufficient to employ a county nurs.e.for the remainder of the present year, such appropriation to be taken from the Contingent fund if sufficient money is therein available. Dated Ifarch 25, 19025. Signed by 154 residents and electors of Bayfield County. Motion aaa.s made and seconded that the above petition be laid on the table. Motion carried. Motion was made and seconded that the Chairman be.instructed I to appoint a committee to. inves-tigate a portion of State Trunh- Highway #10 be- ginning South of Moquah and following the old Cherryville Road to State Trunk i i 1 Highway #125 for adoption to the county system and that this committee be instruc- ted t'b report at t :e next meeting of the Board. Motion carried. i The following resolution was then read: Be it hereby resolved, by the County Board of Bayfield County, I that the per diem, mileage and committee work be allowed each member of' the r County Board: as listed below, and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay SPECIAL MEETING 01' TtiE BAYYIELD COUNTY BOARD 1 r�e.� such money 'and- the Chairman and the County Clerk are hereby instructed to isaue an ord.e-r for the total amount of such sums listed below: Name Per Diem Mileage Comte. work mileage Total Pat Galligan. $4.OQ �1,.50 ��5.50 C. D- Hall 12- 00 7.20 19.20 I. L. Alcott 4.00 1.44 5.44 R.. L. S.chindlex - 4.00. . 4.8 4.48 Jas. A. Baker 12.00 4.84 4.00 3.00 23.84 R. E. Goff 12.00 6.32 18.32 E. K. Phillips,: 12.00 9.64 21.64, Win. keyer s . 12.00 4.20 16.20 Walter Mertz 12. OU 4.32 16.32 Geo. A..Curry 12.00 4.88 12.00 5.76 32.64 DI.- B. Morris 12.00 .5.64 17.64- Y. C. Helmer 12.00. 4.80 _ 4.00 3.00, 23.80 S. E. Squires. 12.00 2.76 4.00 2.76 21.52 A: P. Nelstrand. 12.00 2.16 14.16 Ernest Kobel.t 12.00. 3.36 15.36 James_ Gill. 12.00 2.76 14.76 Frank Junek 12.OQ 7.20 19.20, Geo. Froney 12.00 9.72 21.72 Geo. Vester 12.00- 6.00 18.00 Ge . Misun 12.00 1.62 13.62 Roy H. Okex8trom 12.OU 9.24 21.24 Alois. Habelt 12.00 3.72 4.00 3.00 22.72 J. "N. Perrin 12.00 2.64 14.64 Chester Townsend 12.00 5.82 17.82 A. P. Stone 4.00 .30 4.30 Geo. 4illiama 12.00 6.08 4.00 3.00 25.08 H. Wa.chsmuth 4.OQ 1.44 5.44 L. H. McCarty 4.00 1.44 5.44 R. H. Weizorek 4.00 1.44 5.44 D. C. Bell 4.00 1.44. 4.00 1.44 10.88 Haud Doyle. 4.00 .12 4.12 E. Bergmann 4.00 .12 4.OQ .12 8.24 ",1rm. Arntson 4.00 .1.2 40.00 1.20 45.32 Nels Nelson 4.00 .12 4.12 R. A. Tiering 4.00 .12 4.12 A. P-. Johnson 4.00 .12 8.00 .24 12.-36 554-.64 Roy H. Okerstrom Roll call -showed. the following vote.: Ayes,: Alaott., Ga-lligan, Hall; .Schindler, Baker, Goff, `iilliains, Phillips,, -Mertz, Curry, Irlorris, Helmer, IlelLtrand, Kobelt, .Meyers, Gill; Junek, .iironey, _Venter, Misun,. habelt, Perrin, .tozans-end, Stone, Ivachsmuth, 4cCarty, iffeiaorek, Bell., Doyle, Bergmann, Arntson, Nelson, -ilering, Plohnson and Okerstrom. Total 35.: Nays.: Squires.. Total one. ITOtion carried. M SPECIA 1.11-ii'El'ING OF THE: BAYFIELD COUI`TTY BOARD - flay 5, 1925. I ID hilotion was made and seconded that the meeting ,CL4ournecl. I L'iotion carrieu-. !^ Cou er'