HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 4/27/1926The clerk thereupon read the following request.f or the Special Meet-ing: To' Ludwig; Tranmal, County Clerk, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Ie, the undersigned members of the County :Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, request that you issue a call for a special meeting of the county board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, on Tuesday the 27th day of April, 1926, at ten o'clock A. M. at the Court house in the city of Washburn, Wisconsin, for the purpose of organization and to transact any other business that•may legally come before the county board at said meeting. Signed.: HatBGa�lo�, an,C. D. Hall, I. L. Alcott, Re L. Schindler, H. Marion Juel, e.Otto Be Lauppi, William Meyer, Charles A: 'illis, L. F. Chambers, V. C. Helmer, S-. Be Squires, L- R. Fleck, C. J. Noid, V. J. Anderson; Frank Junek, or., Dike Hopkins, Geo. nester, "Geo. M•iaun, Harry 0. Anderson, Alois Rabelt J. J. Drinville, Chester Townsend,'A. B. Stone., Geo. B.. Williams, 0. M. Axness, Leon H. McCarty, C. 71. Smith, L. W. Barnes, 11-Taud P. Doyle, .Frank Stuhlman, Nels Nelson, A. P. Johnson and R. A. Bering. In response to such request, the County Clerk mailed each member of the Board the Following Call: April 17, 1926. Dear Sir: The undersigned, having been Petitioned to call a meeting of the Bayfield County Board, you will please take that a meeting of the Bayfield County Board will be held at House in the Citv of Wn-p- hii."n ^-n `Puesday, April 27th, 1926, Yourstruly, special notice the Court at ten Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk. SPECIAL PjEETING OY TIE BAYFIE,LD COUNTY BOARD APRIL 27,�1926. - --.__-- :the S- ecial Meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors was called to order by Vice -Chairman, MI. G. Helmer, at 10 o'clock A. Ia., Tuesday, April. 27, D.. , 1926. :Before calling roll, the following communication was read: Drummond, Wis. , April.24g 1926. Hr. . Ludwig T r arimal , County Clerk, ` Washburn, Wis. Dear Sir.: h. Bartlet..t, Town 4hairman, will b-e unable to attend the County Board I�ee.ting to be held April 27th, 1926, the Town Board of the :town of Drum- mond has appointed Walter iertz to attend in his place. Very truly yours, 0. A. Glassow, Town clerk. notion was made by Nels Nelson and duly seconded by Geo. Vester that Walter Mertz be seated as a representative from the. Torun of Drummond in place of F. H. Bartlett. €potion carried unanimously. ` /.Roll call showed the following members present: Galligan, Hall, Alcott.., Schindler, Juel, Goff, I':auppi, IV,eyer, Mertz, Willis, Chambers, Squires, Fleck, lvoid, Ifl. Anderson, Hopkins, Vester, H. Anderson, nabelt, Drinville, Townsend, Stone, Williams, Aamess, Jiiege, Smith, Doyle, Robinson, Stuhlman, Eelson, Hering, .Johnson and Helmer. Total thirty-four.._. Three absent, total Thirty-seven. The Hoard then' proceeded with the election of Chairman by informal ballot. The result of the first ballot was as follows: Helmer 22. §,,phindler 4 Joel° 3 -�ialli gan 3 Alcott 1 Illegal 1 Total 34 Motion was made by 4r. Axness and duly seconded that -the informal ballot be made formal, and that Tdr. Helmer be declared duly elected Chairman of the Hoard for the ensuing year. Idotion.carried unanimously. MLcCarty and .Barnes of the City of Bayfield arrived at this time. The Board then proceeded with the election of vice -Chairman. The result of the first ballot was as follows: Axness 7 Schindler 7 Mrs. :Doyle 6 Nelson 5 Galligan 4 Hopkins 2 Hering 1 C. V7. Smith 1 li-auppi 1 Alcott 1 Me' rtz 1 Total 36 72 SPECIAL TKEPE'iING 02 THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD APRIL 279 .192.6. - - - - -- I `j`here being no majority, a second ballot was taken. Second ballot: Schindler 10 j 1xne s s 7 Hoyle 6 Nel son 5 Galligan 4 Smith 4 Total 36 ho majority. Third Ballot: Smith 10 Schindler 9 Axness $ Galligan 4 Nel s on 3 Doyle 2 Total 36 No majority. i Fourth Ballot: Smith. 17 Schindler $ Akne.ss 9 Galligan 2 Total 36 No majority. Mr. Axness and Tic.. Galligan requested that their names be withdrawn as candidates for Vice -Chairman. The result of the fifth ballot was as follows: Smith 23 Schindler 11 Axness 2 Total 37 hu-,otion was made by Tvir. Hering and seconded by lEx. Stone that the informal ballot. be made formal and that C. W. Smith be declared duly elected Vice - Chairman for the -ensuing yeah°. Lotion carried unanimously. 1'rank Junek, Jr.,, of the Town of Namekagon, arrived at this time. Motion was made by Tyr. nelson and duly seconded by 1"r. habelt that I ' forty cents per folio be set for printing of the minutes in the official. i i newspaper for the ensuing year. boll call showed the following vote: Aye: Galligan, Hall, Alcott, Schindler, Juel, Goff, ciauppi, leyer, Iertz, Willis, Chambers, Squires, iYleck, iioid, W. Anderson, Junek, Jr., Hopkins, wester, Tr sun, if. Anderson, habelt, Drinville, Townsend, Stone, Williams, Axness, Iriege, McCarty, Smith, Barnes, - Doyle, Robinson, Stuhlman, 15elson, tiering, Johnson and Helmer. Total thirty -seven, Motion carried. , The -Board then proceeded to elect the official paper for the ensuing year by ballot. first Ballot: i Washburn limes 23- .8-ayfield County :cress 13 Iron River Pioneer Tress 1 Total 37 i Mlotion was made by fair. Squires and duly seconded by hir. Townsend that the informal -Ballot be made formal and that the Washburn 'Times be de- clared duly elected as the official paper for the County for the ensuing year. 1'=lotion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Mr. Axness and seconded by Tvir. Venter that the Board dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting held November loth and llth, 1,925, for the reason that they had already been published. "rlotion carried. unanimously. SPECIAL YIEETING OF THE BAYFIEELD COUNTY BOARD APRIL-27-,, -1926. Elmer S. hall, Sate conservation Uommissioner, was then called upon followed by U. L. Barrington, buperintendent of I?-orests and State Parks. -both of whom gave very interesting talks on Conservation. 12iotion was made by Mr. Galligan and duly seconded that the Chairman of the County -Board be instructed to appoint a standing committee of three for a committee on Conservation, at the time, and in the same form as other county board committees are appointed. notion carried unanimously. The following report was then read: Wyashburn, Wis., April 27, 1926. To the lion. County .Board of 13ayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: We the undersigned Committee on Finance and Miscellaneous, beg leave to report, that we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same. Signed, 11. C . Helmer Name of Claimant Lur•po �se Claimed Allowed Dr. B. 'O"chlossmann For examining Blind, Ed Holt and Antone holberg 4.00 4.00 County of -Doulgas Re: Anna Aakeberg, poor person Charge back to City of 'i.-Tashburn 17.75 17-75 Toi,,in of Cable Charge- back to Town of -Barnes, Bledical Aid & i4'uel, D. Norton, boor person 19.50 10.50 Sylvester Biolo -Damage to animals 30-00 24.00 T. R. Spears To examining blind person: Sam Gilles in Uct. 1922. 2.00 Disallowed 'otion was made by I Smith and duly seconded by T�r. Alcott that the foregoing report of the Finance Committee on bills be adopted as read. Juotion carried. unanimously. The following resolution was then read: IT IS RErSOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BAYFIEIAD COUNITY: That there is hereby created the office of County Physician. The term of said office shall be one year comriencing on the first day of Mlay of each year. There shall be no salary fixed to said office as hereby created. Fees for duties performed shall be paid as provided by statute under the regular rateszof fees of physicians. The duties of said County Physician shall be as follows: (1) Examine all applicants for blind and deaf pensions and endorse on the application a. certificate showing that such applicant is blind, or deaf and blind. (2) Examine all children found to be dependent or neglected by order of the County Court for said County as provided in Section 48.28. (5) of theVis consin Statutes of 1925. (3) Examine and furnish medical aid to transient.paupers when authorized by the proper officers. (4) Hurnish medical aid to the inmates of the county jail of said county as they be in need thereof. 14 PECIAL %SETIIh G tF THE BAYiiII =1 COUNTY- BOARD APR.IL 27 , 1926 . i5} Perform all such other duties as may be required by law. R. L. Schindler, Bayview. Kotion was made by MIr. Schindler and seconded by !lir. Galligan that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Il. motion was then made by Iar. Stone and seconded by 1r. Johnson that the foregoing resolutio n be tabled. The chair ruled that the latter motion was preferred, and upon being voted upon by the Board, the latter motion was carried. Motion was made by Isar. Stuhlman and duly seconded by Mr. Vester that the former resolution already adopted by the County Board regarding.County -Physician be changed to read 'Examiner of the .Blind and Deaf" instead of County Physician, and that said examiner. - of the blind and deaf be allowed the same fees and the same authority as provided for in the statutes for Examines of the Blind and Deaf. notion carried. Motion was then made and duly seconded that the board adjourn until one o'clock P. hr. It7otion carried. The Bayfield County .Board of Supervisors was called to order by Chairman M. C. nelmer at 1:20. Upon roll call, the following'Members answered as their names were called: Galligan, Hall, Alcott; Schindler, Juel, Goff, Kauppi, Meyer, Mertz, Willis, Chambers, Squires, Fleck, Noid, W. Anderson, Junek, Jr., Hopkins, Vester, Misun, H. Anderson, Habelt, Drinville, Townsend, Stone, Williams, Axne-ss, Fiege, McCarty, Smith, Barnes, Doyle, Robinson, Stuhlman, Nelson, Hering, Johnson and Helmer. Total thirty-seven. The Board then rproceeded with the election of an examiner for the blind and deaf. The result of the first ballot was as follows: Schlossmann 14 Ailey 11 Spears 4 Sohnson 3 Mitchell 3 Mertens -1 Total 3G Second Ballot: Schlossmann 17 Axley 12 Mertens 3 Johnson 3 ITi tchell 1 Tarter 1 Total 37 Third Ballot: Schlossmann 22 Axley 10 Ilertens 3 Tarter 1 Mitchell 1 Total 37 TTotion was made by Mr. Hering and seconded by 11'r..Goff that the informal ballot be made formal and that Dr. B. Schlossmann be declared duly elected for the ensuing year as examiner for the blind and deaf. ITotion carried_. The following resolutions regarding quit claim deeds were then read: TO TIE, HONOR.P.BLE fAYIFIELD COUNTY BOARD VII- PEAS, it appears that Lot four (4) Section 34-51-6 was assessed 17 SPECIAL TfIEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- ----- - - -- --- - - - - - - - - AFRIL 27,-- 1926. -- -- - - - --- - - -- - ---- --- - - --- -_--- --- for taxes in lUay 1914 and, 'SrHEREAS-, said taxes were sold .in the form of a tax certificate by the County Treasurer in June, 1915, and, the purchaser, namely, Bay Land Company applied to the County Clerk for a tax deed on aforesaid property and,said tax deed was issued to the Bay Land Company on July loth, 1918, on the tax certificate for the year, 1915,-and -WHEREAS, the Bay Land Company Quit Claimed to the County of Bayfield the aforesaid lot 4 Section 34-51-6 for the reason that this property was kovern- ment c property at the time of assessment in Ma,y, 1914, and was not assessable until i Yebruary 4th, 1916, as shown by the abstract Entries of Government property. NOT THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing facts as set forth, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be instructed to issue a Quit Claim Deed to the present owner of the property, naa�.ely, Louis TuLoren, for the purpose of clearing the title to this property. DATED THIS 27th day of April, 1926. Ott-o E . Xau-pp i . TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: WHEREAS, Lot numbered seven, Block Nine, in the Village of Cornucopia was and is owned jointly by the Cornucopia Creamery Company and the Consolidated School District No. 1 of the 'Town of Bell, and, WHEREAS, aforesaid lot was assessed as a whole at its full value in 1920, and 7A'HEREAS, the Cornucopia Creamery Company paid the tax on an undevided one-half of aforesaid lot for the year 1920, and, 'IHEREAS, the tax on the remaining undevided one-half went to sale and was sold to Bayfield.County and the County Clerk issued a tax deed to Bayfield County on the undevided one-half of Lot seven, Block nine, tax of 1920, sale of 1921, on August 24, 1924. THEREFORE, in view of the. fact that said deed was taken on the equity owned by the Consolidated School District No. 1, and was not assessable, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County that the County Clerkb e instructed to issue a quit claim deed to the Consolidated School District Yo. 1 of the Town of Bell, and that the tax together with interest thereon be charged back to the 'Town of Bell. Signed: H. Marion Juel WHEREAS, Catherine Weir is the owner of theSouthwest quarter of the Northeast quarter (SW NE) of Section Twelve (12) Township .Forty-seven (47) North Range Nine (9) a"est, being in the Town of Hughes, in Bayfield County, Wisconsin; and WHEREAS, on May 20, 1912, Bayfield County, by tax deed, dated on that day, conveyed to itself the above described land, sold for taxes IFay 18, 1909, for the taxes of the year 1908; and WHEREAS, The County of Bayfield conveyed to itself by tax deed, dated Way 20, 1914, the land above described, sold for taxes Ttaay 16, 1911, being for the taxes of 1910; and 76 SPECIAL MEETING 011' THE BAYFII.MD COUNTY BOARD 27,--1926. - WHEREAS, on August 5, 1915, the said .Bayfield County, deeded to I Hayfield County Land Company the land above described, sold for taxes liay 219 1912, being for the taxes of 1911; and WHER`AS, on May 23, 1916, Bayfield County conveyed to itself the land hereinbefore described sold for taxes May 20, 1913, being for the taxes of 1912; and VrHEREAS, Bayfield County Land Company on July 13, 1916, deeded back to the County of Bayfield and State of Wisconsin, the land hereinbefore des- cribed, with the following note incorporated in said deed: "This conveyance is made for the reason that said tax deeds heretofore issued by the -above named grantee to the above named grantor, are void for the reason that at the time of the assessment of the taxes upon which said tax deeds were based, the title to said premises was in the United States of America." and WHEREAS, by a tax deed dated September 14, 1923, Bayfield County and 13 State of Vii sc onsin, conveyed to Bayfield County, the land above described - sold for taxes hay 19, 1908, for the taxes of 1907; and WIMEAS, it appears by the record of the Register of Deeds of said Bayfield County that the United States of America conveyed to Catherine Ritter, the Southwest quarter of the I` Tortheast'quarter (SW NE) of Section Twelve (12) Township .Forty-seven (47) Range Nine (9) Vilest, by United States Patent dated i`ebruary 109, 1916, and recorded May 15, 1916, in Volume 85 of Deeds on page 81; and ViHEREAS, the said land wa§ deeded by said Bayfield County, prior and long before the issue of the patent therefore by the government of the United States, and that the County of Bayfield had no title at any of the times of conveying the same by tax deed as hereinbefore stated, and has no title now, and never had any title to the said above described land, THEREF.?RE, BE IT RESOLVED, at this County Board meeting held at the Court House Building, in the city of Washburn, in .Bayfield County, Wisconsin, on the 27th day of April, 1926, that the county clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to convey by quit claim deed to Catherine Wei,�)the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter (SVY NE) of Section Twelve (12) Township Forty-seven (47) North, Range Nine (9) hest.,_ being the land herein - before described. Dated April 27, 1926. M. C. Helmer Motion was made by jar. duel and duly seconded by Mr. Stone that the foregoing resolution regarding quit claims be adopted as read, and that the county clerk issue quit claim deeds to the respective parties, and that the amounts be charged back to the respective taxing districts upon the approval of the district attorney. Lotion carried unanimously. lotion was made and duly seconded that the claims for illegal taxes and tax certificates be allowed as recommended by the County Clerk, County Treasurer and 'District Attorney, as there is no committee on illegal taxes and tax certificates at this time, and that the amounts be charged back to the respective taxing districts. Lotion carried unanimously. STECIAL 1-TIETINIG OH THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD APRIL 27,_1926. Iiiollowing is a list of claims for illegal taxes: Washburn, Wis., April 27, 1926. TO THE HOIAT. COUNTY BUARD, BAYi-IELD COUNTY, VIM. Gentlemen: We the under igned committee on illegal Taxes and Tax Certificates' beg leave to report, Tt we have examined the following bills and recomrnend that same be allowed as set forth in the column -marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same. Signed*, Ludwig Tranmal R..W. Smith J r,� N' r: A! L F,�7^ ;`Q John W. Bernard Charged Name-Qf- GlaLniant Lur-O 9 So Sale qert.No. Back Claimed Allowed' Bayfield County, illegal Tazc 1922 31 Russell, Town 14.17 14.17 illegal Tax..,'..- .1922 42 14,90 J 14.90-'- Illegal Tax 1922 44 43.26 j 43.26-1- School Vroperty 1922 4886 Bell, Town .88 .88 School xroperty 1922 4887 .88 t .88 Illegal Desc,. 1922 270 -Bayfield, 1.61 1. 61 1922 1417 3.65 3.65- Paid to Town Treas.1922 4251 Urienta, -76 -76 city it 1922 4841 13ayfield, 27-51 j 27 - 51 1922 4842 5.58 5.58m. -1922 4843 3.65 3.65 1 it of to of 1922 1922, 4644 2-30 2.30 it it is It 1922 4845 484b- .90 .§0 - .90 j •go-tt It to to TV 1019224847 i; tt .90 .90 if to It 1922 4848 n.90 .90 IV ii it it 1922 4849 .90 a .90--,, tf T own if 1922 3583 -Barnes, Town 8.55 8. it ii it it it 1922 3584 8.55 18.5 illegal Tax. 1922 1122 Bayfield, 10.10 10.10 1922 1123 It 10.10 10.10 - 1922 1127 It 10.10 110.10-- it It 1922 1426 It u 9.45 J 9.45 - It It tt 1924 224 U 2.04 j 2. 04 -- it U 1922 4735 17.35 J 17-35- it It tt et. 1923 2310 !`ilsen, 3.14 1 3-14, It: 1923 2311 3.14 ki 3.14- It 1923 2312 3-14 j 3.14, It 1923 2313 3.14 j 3-14- 1923 2314 3 .14 3-14- It tt 1923 2315 tt tt 2.84 J 2.84 1923 2316 of tt 3-31 3.31 - It H 1923 2317 to H 3-14 3-14 - it TV tt tt 1923 2318 it 3.77 3.77-1 if it 1923 2319tt ti 4.86 J 4.86 - It n to It 1923 2320 to it 8.25 J 8.25ti - It at 1923 2321 tt It 4.42 J 4.42 - 178 SP +CIAL METING OF THE BAYFIELD C OUTTTY BOARD APRIL 27, 1926. Bayfield County illegal Tax 1923 2322 Pilsen, :t'own 5.70 J 5.70 19�3 2323 •.. 5.70 J 5.70 "'•" if 1923 �324 u �° 5.70 J 5.70 19�3 �3�5 5 70 j 5- 70 1922 2148 Washburn, °° 1- 35 J 1.35 - - 1922 2150 °° 5.28 a 5.28 - " °: t° 1923 4893 Iron Eiver, t° 1.22 J 1.22 to 0 1923 4894 " 7. 08 J 7. o8 - 1922 5271 Clover, " 2.35 J 2.35 " K 1922 5300 " " 2.35 j 2.35 �-- ° " 1922 47 Russell, 5.8.o J 5.8o to tt at 8t 1922 48 " 3.15 s 3.15 ! at 1922 49 . 41 n 1.39 U 1.39 1922 50 " " lo.38 )10.38 -- '° 1922 51 6.68 J 6.68 ! of, It " It �922 52 u it 7.83 J 7.83 It °° n " 1922 53 of t8 5.00 if 5.00 m of n °o �922 54 a °° 8.97 J 8.97 If to to of 1922 55 °° 5.80, 5.80 to �922 56 a °° 1.39 .1 1- 39 17. C. Foster Co. t° 11 1923 3517 Port Wing, °1 Face 7.11 i Int. 1.49 8.6o - 1924 4168 ° °° face 15.49 int. 2.17 17.66 1923 3844 Hughes, Town face.11.60 int. 2.43 14.03 -- i 1923 3137) Iron River," face 16.71 " 16.71 int. 7.02 40.44 11922 2805 Clover, Town face 26.14 -Int. 7.32 tax deed fee .35' 33.81 1923. 2722. Clover, Town face 24.81 Int. 5.21 30.02 ^' .1922 1427 Bayfield, face 10.91 int. 3.05 13.96 .L 8t It it 88 It it 1923' " 1190 0 f ac e� 7.48 Int. 1.57 9.05 a. " It 0 to " If 1924 1350 " " face 7.28 Int. 1.01 8.29 1923 999 °1 face 14.69 Int. 3.0 17.77 1924 1118 U °1 Fade 14.27 int. 2.00 16.27If w 1923- 3349(patented in June, 1915 ) face 11.32 Int. 2. 37 d is a .' °t to of in " IN 1925 5318 Uri enta, l own Wac e 21.79 Int. 1.52. 23.31 of 0 1922 4917 r'ace 87.24 Int. Hecording� .D.fee 24.42 .40 c i 112.06 .County holds �^ If to of " 1923 4796 prior tax deed face 82.40 ' )recommended Int. )that county re- 17.30 99-70 I r/ 1924 5563 )Purchase cert- face 74.27 )ificates. Int. 10.40 84.67 I � 1925 5842) face 62.24 Int.. 4.36 66.60 , ` SPECIAL I+LIETING OF TIE. BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD APRIL 279 1926. W. C. Foster Co. Illegal Tax 1921 3736 Bayfield, City face. 38.56 In.t • 13.50 52.o6 n n n n n 1922. 4599 a Face 40.88 int. 11.44 52.32 1923 4520 n Face. 46.51 Int. 9.77 Tax deed recording fee on 1921 sale .40 56.68. The following resolution wahen read: Washburn, Wis., April 27, 1926. To the Board of Supervisors, Bayfield, County, pis. TMREAS, paragraph (10) of Section 48.33, Statutes of Wisconsin, pertaining to 'laothers" Tension, contemplates that the State should pay one-third of the cost thereof, and- WHEREAS, Mothers' Pensions constitute one of the largest items in the County Budget: and is steadily increasing, and - WHEREAS, the State has neglected or refused to appropriate money anywhere near the amount required to carry out the intent aforesaid, although it has many resources and means for collections that the counties do not have, and should set an example in meeting obligations. THEREFORE' BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Bayf ie ld County, Wisconsin, hereby petition the Legislature of the State of Wisconsin to appropriate suff-ieient money to carry out the provisions and intent of the aforesaid Statute, and that the counties be reimbursed in accordance therewith, and in accordance with reports of expenditures under this Statute as filed by the County Treasurers to the Secretary of State and State Board of Control. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer of this county be requested to file statement as required by the aforesaid Statute. BE -IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be send to the member of the State Assembly from this District and a copy sent to the State Senator from this .District with the request that this resolution be presented to the legislature of this State at its next session, 0. M. Axness' Lotion was made by 1Ar. Stone and seconded by Mr. Meyer that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read-. laotion carried unanimously. The following resolution was then read: Washburn, Wis., April 2 7, 1926. To the Board of Supervisors, Barfield County, Wisconsin. c`JHL+'REAS, Reports of the various committees of the county board are prepared and submitted to the Finance Committee for budget purposes prior to the annual meeting of the Board, and at times are di'ficult to revise without involving considerable time and discussion, and, WHEREAS, the so-called 1dotor Vehicle and Gasoline tax lave, contemplated a reduction in the general taxes on property, and WHEREAS, this board at its 1925 session passed a two mill levy for highway purposes, as heretofore, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Road and Bridge Committee and Yinance and ISO SPECIAL MEETING Or THE BAYFIELD COUiITY BOARD APRIL 27, 1926. Budget Conunittee of this County, shall prepare their budget of expenditures for the i year 1927, and appropriate for at the annual meeting to be held in the fall of I 1926, in such manner that the amount of such appropriation shall not exceed one i mill on the taxable property of this county. i S. E. Squires Motion was made by C. W. smith-, and seconded by C. iovmsend that the i foregoing resolution be adopted as read. potion was made by A-1r. Stone and seconded j by Mr. nester that the foregoing resolution be amended to read one and one-half j mills instead of one mill. The following vote was then taken on the motion to amend the original resolution to read one and one-half mills: Aye: Hall, Alcott, Goff, Kauppi, Mertz, Wills, Chambers, Junek, Jr., Vester, Misun, i H. Anderson, Habelt, Townsend, Stone, Willi.ams, Fiege,.Doyle, Stuhlman, Hering, Johnson and Helmer, total twenty-one. Nay: Galligan, Schindler, Juel, Meyer, Squires, i'leck, Idoid, V'1. Anderson, Hopkins, Drinville, Axness, McCarty, 6mith, Barnes, Robinson, total fifteen. Motion carried. The., following vote was then taken on the original resolution as amended: Aye: Galligan, Alcott, Juel, Goff, Kauppi, Meyer, Willis, Chambers, Squires, Fleck, Noid, V1. Anderson, Hopkins, Vester, Ylisun, H. Anderson, Habelt, Townsend, Stone, Axness, Fiege, McCarty, Smith,.Barnes, Doyle, Stuhlman, Hering, Johnson, and Helmer, total twenty-nine. I Tray: Hall , Schindler, niertz, Junek, Jr., Drinville, Williams, Robinson, total � seven. Lotion carried. The following petition from the :Town Hoard of the 'sown of Barnes was then read: j Barnes, Wis., April 13, 1926. Petition for a. County Appropriation to construct a Bridge. To the County Board of the County of Bayfield: The petition of the undersigned Town Board of the Town of Barnes, County of Bayfield, respectfully represents that on the 6th day of April, 1926, at the annual meeting of said town, the electors thereof voted to construct a bridge lying wholly within said town, as described in the reolution hereinafter mentioned that at the i same time due provision was made for the payment by the said town of Barnes of the propor-tion of the cost of constructing such bridge required by law to be paid by the said town, as appears from the following, which is a true copy of said resolution: Resolution. Adopted. j BE IT HEIEBY RESOLVED by the electors of the town of Barnes assembled at its annual town meeting this 6th day of April that there be and is hereby levied against � the taxable property of said town, the sum of ( 1,000j One Thousand Dollars to construct a bridge on the__Yest 1/8 line Section 9 on hayward road, bridge to be built with concrete piers or butments with steel stringers,' and further that the. i total valuations of said Town of Barnes, according to the last assessment, as equal- ized by the County Board November, 1925, was eP784, 569. THEREFORE your petitioners pray for an appropriation to be made by the said county of Bayfield to aid the construction of said bridge as provided by law. Dated this 13th day of April. Signed by Town Board: Supervisor: Bam Morris Chairman, C. D. Hall " aim. Denver Y' arie Carter, Town Cleric. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE:BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD APRIL 27,. 1926. I I .+lotion was made by Mr. Squires and seconded by Mr. Stone that the county make, an appropriation not to exceed U750 for bridge aid to the Town of Barnes to be taken from the county road fund. After some discussion the motion was wi th- drawn with the understanding that it was to be presented at the fall meeting. Motion was made by Mr. Johnson and seconded by Mr. Vester that the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Barnes for county bridge aid be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. Motion carried. The following resolution was then read: Washburn.,�f , April 27, 1926. To the Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County, Wis. 'WHEREAS, the sheriff of this county is at present receiving forty cents per meal for board of prisoners, the county furnishing heat, light, water, rooms, and equipment; and WHEREAS, statistics show that this is: somewhat more than it costs, TTCiREFORE BE TT RESOLVED, that from and after January 1, 1927, the sheriff of this county shall receive twenty-five cents per meal for Board of prisoners. C. TV. Smith. Motion was made by Mr. Squires and seconded by Mr. Alcott that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Motion carried. The following petition was then read: Ondossagon Agricultural S-ociety April 22, 1926. TO THE HONORABLE T.N103ERS OF THE COUNTY BOARD WHEREAS, It has been brought to the attention of the people of the Town of Barksdale, Bayfield County, that the County Board has failed to appropriate the customary amount for the financial support of the Community Yair project, and, ti_THEREAS , It results in the deterioration of our community spirit and the destruction of the constructive -program outlined, BE' IT RESOLVED: That the members of the County Board reconsider their decision and allow the the appropriation of past years in order to stimulate/cooperative and community spirit which is vital in the upbuilding of the weakened ,Aorale of the rural people. Abe Anderson, chairman Jason E. Colgrove Wm. Stocks. Resolution Committee. Motion was made by Mr. Robinson and duly seconded that the foregoing resolution be laid on the table.' Tviotion carried. The following communication was then read: Oconto, Wisconsin August 6, 1925. T'O THE C OUi1TTY BOARD OF BAY. ' I ELD COUNTY. Gentlemenu The Wisconsin County Clerks Association wishes to take up with you the matter of paying the expenses of your county clerk to the convention held.by the association annually. 18 2 SPECIAL 111E.E'TING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ---APIRIL 27-,- 1926. - - - - - - The majority of the counties are paying the expenses of their clerks, and we ask most earnestly to treat your clerk in the same manner. I:,e feel that the clerks derive a great deal of benefit from these meetings and think it would be well worth your while to assume the expense. Sincerely, Wis. County Clerks' Association rer Lenora C. Orr Sec. Reco iunended by the Yinance Committee, hi. C. helmer. 11otion was made by Mr. Hering and duly seconded that the county clerk I be allowed actual expenses for attending the County Clerks' Association. motion carried. unanimously. Upon the request of the bonding Company, motion was made by Mr. Squires and duly seconded that the county cl,6rk be instructed to issue a release for the surety bond of John McDonald for the term of his office as sheriff of Bayfield I County. Motion carried. kotion was made by Mr. Squires and seconded by Dir. -Vester that the reading I of the minutes of the Wisconsin County hoard Association be dispensed with, and that they be accepted and placed on file. Tdotion carried. 'Jotion was made by kre. .Doyle and seconded by kr. Kauppi that the question of hiring a county nurse be considered at this time, and that the Board go on record favoring the hiring of a county nurse in time so that she would be - in position to start work when school starts in the fall. moll call showed the following vote: Aye: Galli.gan, Hall, Alcott, Schindler, i�auppi, Trertz, Willis, Junek, Jr., nopkins, h. Anderson, Williams, IrIcCarty, Doyle, i Stuhlman, tiering and Johnson, total sixteen. l,;ay: Juel, Goff, R'Leyer, Chambers, Squires, Yleck, Noid, Vj. Anderson, wester, lLisun, Habelt, Drinville, Townsend, Stone, Axness, r`iege, Smith, Robinson, Nelson and helmer, total twenty. Motion lost. I Motion was made by Mr. Robinson and duly seconded that the highway � Camnissioner be authorized to sell the Ford Sedan formerly used by the County Nurse, . i and that the funds be placed in the general fund of the county. Motion carried unanimously. lvlotion was made by liar. Goff and seconded by furs. Doyle that the amount taken out for insurance for Yair Buildings, from the County Fair Appropriation be reimbursed to the county rvair Association from the emergency fund of the county. lViotion carried. A],Cott. Klotion was made by Mri and seconded by Mrs. Doyle that the county Board members be limited to .per diem for one day and mileage for attending County Board meetings. Roll callshowed the following vote: Aye: Alcott, Squires, Fleck, Ziege, F:cGarty, Smith and Doyle, total seven. l ay: Galligan, hall, Schindler, Juel, Goff, Kauppi, T:,ieyer, Taertz, Willis, Chambers, 11aid, V. Anderson, Hopkins, Vester, Hisun, H. anderson, tiabelt, .Drinville, Townsend, Stone, Williams, Axness, Robinson, Stuhlman, idelson, Hering, Johnson and Helmer, total twenty-eight. kotion lost. 183 SPECIAL J";E'1'ING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD AYRIL 27, 1926. I t Motion was made by fdr. vester and duly seconded that the clerk be authorized to order a re -survey of Section 31, Township 51 i1orth, Range 3 West, in the Town of -Russell. ,=otion carried. The following resolution was then read: Be it hereby resolved, by the county board of Bayfield County, that the per diem, mileage and committee work work be allowed each member of the county board as listed below, and that the treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such money and the chairman and the county( -clerk are hereby instructed to issue an order for the total amount of such sums listed below: Name Per diem I''dilea�e Comm. Work 7r�ilea e Total Pat Galligan 4.00 1.38 5.38 C. D. Hall 12.00 7.20 19.20 1. L. Alcott 4.00 1.44 4.00 1.44 10.88 H. L. Schindler 4.00 .48 4.48 H. Me Juel 12.00 4.84 16.84 R. E. Goff 12.00 6.32 18.32 Utto. E. Kauppi 12.00 9.64 21.64 Ylm. J. Meyer 12.00 4.20 16.20 Walter Mertz. 12.00 4.32 16.32 C-has.- A. Willis 4.00 1.32 5.32 L. Y. Chambers 12.00 5.64 17.64 M. C. Helmer- 12.00 4.80, 4.00 20,80 S. E. Squires 12.00 2.76 16.00 5.52 36.28 L. R. Fleck 12.00 20*16 14.16 C. J. Noid 12.00 3.60 15.60 Walter Anderson 12.00 3.00 15.00 .Frank :lunek 12.00 7.20 19.20 Mike Hopkins 12.00 q.96 21.96 Geo. Vester 12.00 6.00 . 18.00 Geo. lei sun 12.00 1.62 13.62 Harry Anderson 12.00 9.72 21.72 Alois Habelt 12.00 _j 5.72 J . J . Drinvi lle 12.00 2.16 "<"',' _, ` ' 14.16 Chester Townsend 12.00 5.82 17.82 A. P. Stone 4.00 .30 4.00 .30 8.60 Geo. Williams 12.00 6.08 18.08 0. Ie Axness 12.00 2.64 .14.64 henry 0. 2iege 4.00 1.44, 5.44 Leon he 'cCarty 4.00 1.44 5.44 C. We Smith 4.00 1.44 5.44 L. - Barnes 4.00 1.44 5.44 Maud Doyle 4.00 .12 12.00 2.84 18.96 Harry Robinson 4.00 .12 4.12 Frank Stuhlman 4.00 .12 4.12 Nels Nelson 4.00 .12 4.00 .12 8.24 R. A. leering 4.00 .12 4.12 A. P. Johnson 4.00 .12 12.00 .36 16.48 lu1. C. Helmer Roll call showed the following vote: Aye: Galligan, hall, Alcott., Schindler-, Juel, Goff, Kauppi, Ideyer, Willis, Chambers, Squires, I'leck, Noid, `1. Anderson, Junek, "r., hopkins, vester, «lisun, H. Anderson, Habelt, Drinville, Townser:d, Stone, Williams,, Axness, Ziege, McCarty, Smith, Doyle, Robinson, Stuhlman, Hering, Johnson and Helmer, total thirty-four. Motion carried. 'motion was made and duly seconded that. the county board adjourn subject to call. juotion carried. 0 ounty..erk. L4 a rman .