HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/15/1927.AaaUAL ACEET ING OF THE' BAY. IELD COUNTY BOARD Iy OVE10ER 153, 1927-- Meeting was called to order at eleven otclock A. M. by Chairman 0. Y: 1 Axness. The following members answered "present" as -roll was called: I Galligan, E arvick, Goff, Chambers, Daniels, Squires, J. A. Johnson, idnek9 Jr.,, ! f f f Kalen Pudas Misun Anderson Woodard Stone xness f f Williams,f 4 i fMcCarty, `smith, Doyle, ungrodt, Stuhlman, nelson, Tiering and A. P. Johnson, total twenty-four. Absent Thirteen. 'Total thirty-seven. The following communication was then read: Drummondm 4"�i s. , Nov. 12, 1927 T'Er. L. Tranmal, County Clerk, Washburn, Visconsin. Dear Sir: At a meeting of the Town Board of the 'Town of Drummond, #alter Mertz was appointed to represent said town at the County Board Meeting to be held %-ovember lath, 1927, in place of r'. H. Bartlett. Very `x'ruly yours, i i 0. A. GlasSow Town Clerk. Motion was made by tiering and seconded by A. P.' 'Johnson that falter Mertz be seated as a member of the Board from the Town of Drummond in place of y'. H. I Bartlett, in accordance with appointment made by the Town Board of the Town of Drummnond. Notion carried unanimously. ' Motion was made by Hering and seconded by A. i. Johnson that the reading I of the minutes of the last Annual Meeting held November 9th, 1926, and of the I Special Meeting held 1lpril 26th, 1927, be duly dispensed with. Iiotion carried unanimously. Motion was made by A. P. Johnson and seconded by Stuhlman that Ungrodt i i be seated as member of the Board in place of Harry nobinson from the second and in the City of `,lashbutn,. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Knight was then allowed to speak five minutes .on "Snow .Removal and Show Blows. �+ i j The following dance hall reports were then read: i June 21, 1927. I TO �1IIE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: i j The Dance Hall Inspection Committee held a meeting June 21, 1927, and f approved: ,of the following dance hall i rispectors and their bonds: i B. 0. Clark j'own of Mason Y. 0. Swanson T own of Bayview f George Hause Town of Washburn Harry Weir L own of Hughes Valc of t r own of Port' V`fing Alois Habelt 'own of Pratt John Knuuttila i'`own of Oulu 'i�he following Annual Dance hall Licenses were also approved of: No. Name of Hall Date .of Xx�iration 34 Herbster Commercial Club Herbster Town Hall June 27, 1927. 35 Geo. Misun Zo-quah Wmporium June 26, 1927. 36 Gus A. Olson Happy center June 28 1927. 37 Midwest Corporation_ (Not in force) Lakeside i'avilion, issued July 3 1A26. 38 ' IIR., E. Goff 1 own Hall of Cable July 1, f 927 . 2 - 1ILP-5 ANNUAL IaETITT G -0-AT THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD_-NOVENBER 15 M. 0. L�a-noreaux Northwoods Pavilion -August 2. 1927- 39 40 John Hecimovich fiecimovich Hall Ia- 7"1027 (Rev-oked)�' 41 Benoit Creamery Aos'n Benoit Creamery Sept. 6, 1927- 42 'm L. T) 1 4- Lakeside -rd 4 1 _; 5"n + 1927. Iz L U, Ti4 ZA "V W21 43 I. 0- 0 F. 1. 0. 0. F. Iron River Oct. 29, 1027- 44 E. J. von Ende Belleville Hall Dec.-31., 1927 45 0. '".-Lundgren & Son Lundgren. Hall March 26, 1928. 46 Finnish Workers' Assn Finnish y4'orkers Hall -,fpril 219 1928. 47 Chas. Kainu, Sec. porkers Hall June 2, 1928. 48 Harvey Bros Long Lake Pavilion June 8, 1928. 49 Deep Lake Club Deep Lake Resort June 6 1028. 50 J. E.,iepson Hall's Resort June 13, 1928. 51 Geo-. Jones, T own Clerk Town Hall,of Bell June 15, 1928. Ij The public in general have cooperated with us in this work for which we wish to thank them and which makes us feel that; they are, well satisfied with the present system of supervision. Geo. Misun 74. D. Woodard Frank Stuhlman. Dance Hall Inspection Committee. November 2i 1927- TO THE BAYFIELD COU11TY BOARD: The Dance Hall Inspection Committee held -a meeting November 2., 1927, and, approved of the following dance hall inspects -ors: Z. R. Phillips iown of Clover Win. 0. Hoffman Town of Kelly The following dance Hall Licenses were also approved of: License No, Name of Hall Date of Expiration 52 Geo. Misun fdaquah Emp orium July 1, 1Q28. 53 R. L. Schindler Lakeside Pavilion 29 1928, 54 R. E. V.off Yown Hall of Cable 2, 1928. 55 lire. Gus A. Olson Happy Center Pavilion 2, 1928. 56 J. D. fleck Maple Ridge Hall Sept- 39 1928. herbster Commercial Club 'Town Hall lot 1928. 5 I. 0. 0. F. I. 0. 0. F. Hall Approved subject to filing necessary papers with county clerk. At this time there are thirteen annual dance hall licenses in force, all of which are supervised.by bonded inspectors. Zhere- have been 213 dance permits issued the past twelve months. The following is the financial status of the account showing the transactions since November 1. 19269 to October 31, 1027, inclusive: Issued 213 dance permits @ 04.25 �,p 9 0 5. 2 5 13 annual dance licenses @ $10.00 130.00 Paid Inspectors for 206 inspections @ $4.00 $824.00 Balance unpaid for 7 inspections @ $4.00 28.00 County's share of dance permits, 213 @ 6.10 21'*30 Clerk's fee of 213 @ $.15 31._95 Cash Balance 118.50 (Note: No deductions have been made to datefor expense of dance hall committee meetings, postage and stationery.) $ $1035.25 1 035.25 Signed! Geo. Misun W. D. W'oodard Frank Stuhlman Dance Hall Inspection Corm. Motion was made by Anderson and seconded by Mrs. Doyle that the reports be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried unanimously. I 10 ANNUAL lutLE`iING OF TIM BAYFIELD COUNTY BOJM NOVETOER 159 1927. notion was made by Anderson and seconded by IJlrs. Doyle that the corsrunication j of Se:nator J. H. Carroll regarding the Wisconsin' Tour Special ':Train be laid on the I I table for later action. Itfotion carried. 'The following communication was then read: I Whereas, The burden of taxation is becoming steadily harder for the farmer to bear. Whereas, The, farmer through lack of organization on a large scale has contributed to cause this condition and likewise through lack of organization has been unable I to control prices of his product that he might help himself. Whereas, the farm lands of Bayfield County are being returned delinquent by the I thousands of acres, thereby increasing the burden upon those struggling sett-lers s whom are endeavoring to create homes for themselves, I , and, there posterity here in I Bayfield County. I ; Whereas, Taxation once started a "Tea Party.' j Be it resolved, that Bibon Social Union of the American Society of Equity (Co-oper- ative)q y ! ! representing a united r p g group of representatives of farmers of Lincoln. and I Kelly, and with the approval of a like united group throughout Bayfield County, do j hereby call upon the Bayfield County Board to bend every energy toward this s t- i uation, that the budget for the coming year may stand out as a shining light along i the road to tax reduction. 1hat the Bayfield County Board may set an example to j other County Boards throughout Northern Wisconsin where a like condition exists. Be it further resolved that we commend Mr. S. k. Squires, Brother Chas. Noid for i their honest endeavors at County Board meetings and that copies of this resolution be sent to the Bayfield County Board to Mr. S. Squires and Brother Chas. Noid, E and a.copy on the minutes of this meeting. i I , Signed, Philip Kinney, rice President. Thoralf Yde'rstad President i I ; P. D. C%lementz Secretary Motion was made by Squires and seconded by Hering that the foregoing communication be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried unanimously. The following communication was then read: 1 To the Bayfield County Board, the Washburn, Bayfield and iron River, City I Council and the business men organized of these cities: WHEREAS, it should be pointed out that agriculture is the basic industry i of this territory, and that thousands of dollars are prevented from circulating in this community due to the crisis in the farming situation. i I BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County union, -American Soeiety of Equity I (Co -Operative) representing a large proportion of the farmers of the county, c'E ll upon the Bayfield County Board, the Washburn, Bayfield and jron River Council, and i I the business men organized in these cities, to bend every energy toward the righting of the unjust economic conditions which now are a. burden to the farmer, to the end i that agriculture, -the basic industry of this territory, may make the progress that it should, and thus bring to the entire community an increasing share of prosperity. Arid that copies of this resolution be sent to the Bayfield County Board, the I Washburn, Bayfield and iron River City Councils, and the business men organized of these cities. Resolutions Committee. i Henry T. J. Cramer V. N• Townsend epee ANNUAL AAERTING 01' THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD _ - NOVE BER 159 1927. PLAINTIFF S F. C. N0................. _ Fir I entifieation �O FRO Iffoti on was made by Squires and seconded by Goff that the foregoing 'ALF� communication be accepted and placed on file. lotion carried-. The following resolution was then read: RESOLUTION TO DIRECT THE COUNTY .CLERK OF BAYFIELD COUNTY TO TAKE TAX DEEDS: RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled at the annual meeting this 15th day of November, 19279, that the bounty Clerk of Bayfield County be and he is hereby ordered, directed and required to rake, execute and deliver to Bayfield County as. Grantee and purchaser of tax deeds upon all tax certificates now held by said County upon real estate and to seethat all necessary legal proceedings are taken to obtain such tax deeds and cause same, when so executed, to be recorded in .the office of the Register of Deeds of such county. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED That all tax deeds heretofore made, executed and delivered by the County Clerk of said county,. to Bayfield County in attempted compliance with Section 75.3 6 of Wisconsin Statutes be and the same are hereby in all respects validated, ratified and confirmed the same as if they had been ordered issued by the County Board before their issuance. Al.proved by r'inance Committee: Pat GalliEan Leon H. McCarty E. 'F . Daniels R. A. hering R. E. Doff Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Mrs. Doyle that the. foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Motion carried unanimously. The following resolution was then read: RESOLUTIONS TO VALIDATE AND RATIFY THE COI'?VEYANCE OF REAL ESTATE HERETOFORE MADE BY THE COUNTY CLERK: RESOLVED By the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled at the annual meeting thereof this 15th day of November, 1927, that all sales and conveyances heretofore made by Bayfield County of lands acquiired.,by tax deed be and the same are hereby ratified, approved: and confirmed in all respects, the same as if the County Board of said County had by order entered in its records, prescribed the terms of sale and authorized the County Clerk to sell and convey such real estate as provided by Section 75.35 of 'Wisconsin Statutes. Pat Galligan Leon h. f cC'arty E. r`. Daniels R. E. Goff R. A. hering M"otion was made. by Goff and seconded by A. P. Johnson that the fore- going resolution be adopted as read. Motion carried unanimously. Lotion was made by Hering and seconded by Daniels that the Board adjourn. until one o'clock P. M. Motion carried unanimously. J I ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYF I ELD COUNTY BOARD NO EMBER. 15, . 19�7 ® - - i ` Meeting was called to order at 1:30 P- Y1. by Chairman 0. M. Axness. Roll Call showed the following members present: i Galligan, Alcott•, Kjarvick Goff', Mertz, Zipperer, Chambers, Daniels, Squires, J. li. Johnson' JUneks j'r.t Kalina Pudasa Misuns Anderson, Woodard,, Perrin, Stone, 7illiamsf Axness9 gf y) 9 8 1'ie e McCarty, Smith Bracken Do le unrodt Stuhlmn Nelson ✓ ! C7gf e9 9 i Hering and k. P. Johnson. Total present, thirty. Absent, seven. Dotal • i thirty-seven. i A representative of the Wisconsin Land of Lakes Association was allowed to address the Board, and he asked the Bayfield County Board to join the Association, i I which membership would cost Three Hundred dollars. Motion was .made by h1cCarty and seconded by Stuhlman that the question of appropriating i`hree Hundred dollars to the Land of Lakes Association for a member- , � ship be turned down., Motion carried. i The following resolution was then read: I To the County Board of Supervisors,' i Bayfield County, Wisconsin. I i i Gentlemen: i WHEREAS it appears, as the fact is, that Bayfield County has acquired and i owns by lax Deeds most of the Lots located on the East and South side of the Omaha � I Railway from Superior Avenue to jLemorial "Park, City of 7ashburn; and Y EREAS it. further appears that if a, road or driveway be constructed along the Omaha railway right-of-way from Memorial Park to Superior Avenue, the lots wwned _by Bayfield County would become more -marketable; Now, therefor, be it RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, in annual session assembled, that the County Clerk, be and he is hereby authorized and directed I - to prepare and execute an Easement for road purposes to the city of Washburn to a I i strip of land Twenty-five (25) feet in width along the mast and South side of the Omaha, railway tracks, as now located, from Superior Avenue to the center of Block 104, k being the north -rest 25 feet of Blocks 109 and 1119 and the North-east half- of Block 104, Original 'ownsite of Washburn. Dated November 15th, 1927. i ~+rank Stuhlman Motion was made by Tiering and seconded by Mrs. -Doyle that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Motion carried. The following communication was then read: HONORABLE TUEJ Bk'RS OF BAYr IELD COUNTY BOARD - i Vle invite you to attend the first Annual poultry show this evening in the , S-yertz Building, Bayfield Street. It will be open till 8:30. 100 birds on exhibition. V. T. Brubaker. No action was taken on the foregoing communication. i The following petition with resolution attacheduts then read: I i TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYF II LD COUNTY: j The undersigned members of the Common Council of the City of Washburn and the Mayor of the said City hereby petition and request your Honorable -board to sell and assign and authorize and. direct the County Treasurer of Bayfield County to se.7-41-and assign to the City of Washburn all tax certificates held by said County upon or against the real estate and g� premises described in the annexed list of descriptions of real estate situated in the.City of Washburn, and to direct said County Treasurer ANNUAL NEETIN-G OI' THE, BAYFIELD CO'UN`i'Y BOARD NO-'M- BER 15, 1927. - - - --- ----._..-. ' to transfer and deliver the tax certificates against said de-ecriptions to the City of Washburn at face and to charge the same back to said City. Dated this 12th day of November, 1927. Elmer W. Olson LF-aud Doyle Carl B. Ungrodt Edw. H. Bratley Frank Stuhlman Peter T. Larson Nels Nelson Edor Peterson Albert 1�'. Swanson ta. ahe + Ul L11 U2 «, P. Johnson H. Peterson Members of City -ouncil. C. 0. Wescott Mayor. List of property in the City of Washburn, that the said City is desirous to obtain the tax certificates from Bayf'ield County: DESCRIPTIONS Lots 15 and 16, Block 59, 11ownsite Corning Building Lot 6, Block 49, Townsite hertz Building Lots 8 and 9. Block 45, 'If own si t e limos Ranson Building Lots 3 and 4, Block 35, Townsite Norman House Lot 1® and 11, Flock 74, lowsriite 'Hbrri:-s Dwelling Lot 12, Block 9, Vaughn & Austrian Lutz Dwelling Lot 29 Block 57, ownsite Doucette Dwelling Lot 5, Block 73, Tbwnsite Ramstead Dwelling Dot 5, Block 38, T'ownsite E-iner Axelberg House Lot 14, Block 21, Vaughn & Austrian Lien House Lot 4, Block 62, Townsite 17riilberg Dwelling Lot 10, Block 23, Townsite Landraint. House Lots 9 and 10 and 11 and 12, Block 62, 7ownsite Hansen Duplex. Lots 7 and 8. Block 63, Townsite Part of Lots..l and 2, Blk. 1, 'Vaughn's Division, and p-att. of Lot 2, Block 65, ovinsite of Vashburn Washburn Dwellings Lot 1, Block 56, ``ownsite Leo Popelier- Lot 6, Block 8, Neill & Pratt. Helmer A. Moe Lots 7, 89 9 and 10, Block 39, DuPont PBRK Albert B. Bakke Egan's Sub -Div. Lot 13,`Block 15, Vaughn DiVisi•on i'lorian Gie-rzak Lot 6, Block 9, Vaughn Division "Carl Herman Lot 10, Block 61, Townsite Victor Cameron Lots 189 19 and 20, Mock 57, Townsite :Bruce corning Lot 3,.Block 39, DuPont {'f'r. City Improvement Uo. Lot 8, .Flock 61, Townsite Marry A,. Kennedy Lot 12, Spring Brook Addition Harriet. Kile Lot 5, Block 109 Townsite Sam Laflamme Lot 4, Bloch 12, 1"6wnsito L. T`. Larson Lot513� Block 52 Townsite Sidney J. Pearson Lots 4 and 5, .dock 48, l'ownsite B. E. White Lot 13, Block 39, sownsite Marry Beck Lot 16, Block 25, 'Zownsite Wm. Arntson Lot 12, Block 38, ''ownsite Peter Chartraw Lot 11, Block 38, ` Cowing AnTUAL 1GMf ING 01' THE BAYF IELD COUNTY BOARD NOVETJ1BER 151, 1927. Northwe st :.2 of Lot 5, B1 oak 4, Vaugrin' s Di vi si on c . H. Downey ILots 7, 8, 9 and 10, �slock 189 Vaughn and Austrian D. J. Estabrook Lot 5, .Mock 53, '1 ownsite Annie Estabrook _I Lots 15 and lb, Block 34, i�ownsite -1enry Johnson Lots 21 and 22, lslock' 48, "L'-ownsite Henry Johnson Lots 13 and 14, -block 28, i`ownsite G. A. Kinney North 2 S'. E.-' Sec. 10, `i'' 48. R. Tl 5 Clarence Kinstler Lots:1, 2 and 3, Egan's Sub- Div Elk 15 of Vaugh's.DivisiQn i+'rank Mesner Lot 7, Block 45, Townsite T. I. Lein I I Lot 11, Block 23, '2owntite I,rs. Peeler Dahl j Lot 16, block 5, Wings First Addition -Newhouse. j RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND GRANTING THE PETITION OF. THE CITY OF WASHBURN FOR THE ASSIGIV`EENT OF SAID TAX CERTIFICATES AND DIRECTING THE COUNTY TREASURER TO ASSIGN I TEE SAi, + TO TEE CITY OF WASHBURN. _ I In the annual Ile et i ng of the County Board of Bayf i eld County this l nth i day of November, 1927, be it I 'ESOLVED, that the County of Bayfield sell, assign, transfer and deliver to the City of Washburn all tax certificates owned and held by Bayfield County upon or against the g premises and real estate described in the annexed list, and that the i i County treasurer of said County be and he is hereby authorized and directed to i assign, transfer and deliver all tax certificatesheld by said County upon or against I the premises described in the annexed listed descriptions to the City of Washburn and I I to charge the face thereof back to said City without interest, same to apply on the excess delinquent tax now on the County Books in account with the City of Washburn. i j Dated this 15th day of November, 1927- Hering j Motion was made by Kjarvick and seconded by Stuhlman that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Roll call showed the following vote: Aye: Galligan, Alcott, Kjarvick, Goff, Mertz, 'Zipperer, Chambers, Daniels, I Squires, J. A,. Johnson, Junek,Jr., Kalen, Pudas, Hisun, Anderson, Woodard, Perrin, Stone' Williams, Axness, 1'ie a9 McCarty, Smith, brackens Doyle, un rodt> Stuhlman > Nelson, Hering and h. -e. Johnson. Total thirty. Absent seven. Total Thirty-seven. The following report was then read: I Washburn, ds., November 15, 1927. T O THE HONOR10LE COUNTY BOARD, BAYF IELD COUNTY, Ua IS . I i Gentlemen: We the undersigned committee on 8heriffIs Justices' and C n ' o stables bills - I beg leave to report that we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked 18allowed" andthat the County Clerk be I instructed to issue orders for payment of same. Signed: ►. P. Stone i P. K•jarvick I Nets Nelson ANNUAL. IE' ET I NG OF TIE BAYF IELD COUNTY BOARD NOVEMBER 1.59 1927. i Name of Claimant Purvose i Claimed Allowed John McDonald Board of Prisoners 132.80 132.80 Visconsin `iTelephone Co. Telephone 11.05 11.05 Iron River Garage Gas, oil and grease 4.12 4.12 Andy Murray Jxpense 11.72 11.72 John McDonald Conveying Prisoners 53.01 53.01 J. B. McLueas Payment of Deputy Sheriffbills allowed by County Board November, 1926. 93.69 93.69 Andy Murray Paid to Ed Bryan, Bailiff 32.00 32.00 Reinhart Repair Shop Car Repair and Oil 6.25 6.25 Andy Murray Salary 2.50.00 150.00 John McDonald 1ir 100.00 100.00 Welty & Yorke Car Parts and battery charge 3.95 3.95 John McDonald hoard of Prisoners 22 .20 22 .20 Andy Murray Expense .00 '.00 Visconsin `Telephone Co. Tele Yione 7.00 7.90 Z'.ashburn Motor Co. Car Parts and repair 34.54 34.54 B'. Schlossmann Professional services to inmates 2.00 2.00 Standard Oil Co. Gas 60.00 60.00 J. T . O'Sullivan PP 10.00 10.00 Andy Murray Salary 150.00 150.00 John McDonald It 100.00 100.00 Henry E. Bauman Transportation of charge to insane institution 41.80 41.80 John Sundell Gas 20.00 20.00 John McDonald Board of Prisoners 130.40 130.40 I Tel. J. Anderson Expense 49.08 49.08 VTm. Klino Constable 9.26 9.26 ' Wisconsin 'telephone Co. Telephone 8.65 8.65 Washburn Motor Co. parts for car and labor 32.30 32.30 McDonald & Ahlstrom Clothes purchased by Ashland County for Bayfield County Charge committed to Northern Hospital for insane 39.89 39.89 Q'elty & Rforke Tire and Tube Repair 1.25 1.25 Vli11iam jllina 6onstable 19.36 19.36 Hjalmar Frostman Salary 150.00 150.00 IV. J. Anderson is 100.00 100.00 Hjalmar Frostman. -Board of Prisoners 62.50 62.50 National Rubber Stamp Co. Rubber. Stamp .46 .46 Wisconsin Telephone. Co. Telephone 5.45 5.45 B. Ungrodt Revolver and cartridges 33.10 33.10 Mashburn printing Co. Printing Supplies 1.40 1.40 Verden & Axness Surety Zond 10.00 10.00 Hjalmar Frostman Salary 150.00 150.00 W. J. Anderson it 100.00 100.00 Hjalmar Frostman Board of , Prisoners 49.50 49.50 "' Expense 28.76 28.76 W. J. Anderson " 25.14 25.14 Wisconsin Telephone Telephone 4.95 4.95 Geo. L. Pettingill Surety Bond 25.00 25.00 Hjalmar Frostman Expense and conveyance of Mr. and Mrs. Hilton McCarty and Family 21.97 21.97 Secretary of State Auto License 13.25 1.3.25 Mrs. M. P. Doyle. Conveyance of McCarty Childredn to the State School 57.92 57.92 Hjalmar Frostman Salary 150.00 150.00 �V. J. Anderson " 100.00 100.00 Hjalmar Frostman 1soard of Prisoners 138.50 138.50 to It Expense 29.95 29.95 7. J..Anderson " 18.17 18.17' John 6undell Gas and Oil 20.00 20.00 Demars Bros. Car Repair 1.50 1.50 Bell Printing "o. Stationery 5.25 5.25 C. A. Shoresman Clothes for inmates of State School 8.85 8.85 A. Paulson 17 Pi Pi e► °� 5.75 5.75 tlfisconsin Telephone telephone 8.82 8.82 !jalmar Frostman Salary 150.00 150.00 tiv. T. Anderson °' 100.00 100.00 C. E. Estabrook Car Insurance- 25.30 25.30 Hjalmar Frostman Board of Prisoners- 61.50 61.50 W. J. Anderson :expense 14.14 14.14 � Hjalmar Frostman d' 10. 0 10.5 0 A. I. Lein Clothing for inmates 6.35 6. 35 Fritz -Cross, Co. Office Supplies 1.40 1.40 Wisconsin Telephone Co. 'telephone 4.30 4.30 h almar Frostman Committment of insane to Institution 49.44 49.44 J. E. Andre Constable 12.50 12.50 hjalmar Frostman Salary 150.00 150.00 W. J. Anderson " 100.00 100.00 J. B. Mc Lucas Constable 28.85 28.85 Hjalmar Frostman Board of Prisoners :$126.50 Expense 49.81 176.31 176.31 IVY. J. Anderson Expense 5.20 5.20 Doyle & Rummel Clothing for children committed to State School 10.17 10.17 John Sundell Gas and Oil 31.50 31.50 Roy F. Messinger Deputy Sheriff 17.18 17.18 Francis Rogers Dray 1.00 1.00 Hjalmar Frostman Conveyance of Prisoners 47.00 47.00 Thos. J. Lavin Deputy Sheriff 12.60 12.60 W. N. Anderson Expense 74.50 74.50 Tisconsin 'Telephone Co. Telephone 12.70 12.70 Hjalmar Frostman Salary 150.00 150.00 W. J. Anderson t° 1.00.00 100.00 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYF_IELD COUNTY BOARD -- NOV=- ER 15, 1927. hjalmar Frostman Roy 1".. Messinger J. B. h!cLucas Welty & I+iorke Roy F; Messinger Northwestern Oil Oo. Wisconsin Telephone Go. Roy F. Messinger W. J. Anderson Hjalmar Frostman W. J. Anderson Hjalmar Frostman' Welty & Morke Northern Repair Shop W. J. Anderson Wisconsin `f'elephone Co. James M . Long J. T. O'Sullivan Hjalmar Frostman W. J. Anderson Stanley Plis John Sundell hjalmar Frostman Welty & Morke Geo. Fleck Hjalmar Frostman Harvey Demars Wisconsin Telephone Hjalmar Frostman W. J. Anderson W. J. Anderson Francis A. A. Frostman Hjalmar Frostman A. C. !AcClurg & Co. Welty & Morke Fox -Bros. E. N. rrolever Wisconsin Telephone Co. Northwestern Oil (�o. Hjalmar Frostman hjalmar Frostman , . J. Anderson Gardner Chevrolet Co. Minnie Robison Board of Prisoners 370.00 370.00 Deputy Sheriff 48.36 48.36 Constable expense 4. 7 4.67 `i re s , parts and labor 22.90 22-. 90 Deputy Sheriff expense 11.27 11.27 Gas 40.00 40.00 Telephone- 7.35 7.35 Deputy Sheriff 4.00 4.00 Expense 28.90 28.90 Salary 150.00 150.00 " 100.00 100.00 Board of Prisoners 304.75 304.75. Car Repair 3.35 3-35 °' " 2.00 2.00 Expense 22.07 22.07 Yelephone 4.05 4.05 Conveyance of Prisoner 149.52 149.52 Gas and Oil 40.00 40.00 Salary 150.00 150.00 " 100.00 100.00 Gonstable 13.15 13.15 Gas and Gil 20.00 20.00 Board of Prisoners 265.75 265.75 Tire and tube Repair 6.25 6.25 Car Repair and Gas 10.40 10.40 :expense 9.05 9.0 'arts for dar and repairs 61.85 61.85 Telephone 8.65 8.65 Salary 150.00 150.00 at. 100.00 100:.00 .expense 17.53 17.53 Towing car from Cornucopia to Washburn 5.00 5.00 Board of Prisoners 202.25- 202.25 Uffice Supplies 2.30 2.30 Car Repair and tire repair 5.90 5.90 Medical supplies for. prisoners 21.20 21.20 Transportation of charge to State Institution and per diem 29.81 29.81 Telephone 9.90 9.90 Gas and Oil 40.00 40.00 Paid to Ed Bryan, Bailif f 66.00 66.00 Salary 150.00 150.00 " 100.00: 100.00 $7,o83.03879083.03 OUTLAY Automobile Justice Fees 422.75 422.25 $7,505.78$79505.78 28.74 28.74 Motion was made by kiege and seconded by Goff that the foregoing report be accepted and placed on file, and that the claims be allowed as recommended. Motion carried. The following report was then read: Washburn, Wis., November 11, 1927. Yb the honorable County Board, .hayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: We the undersigned committee on Finance, Miscellaneous Claims and Budget beg leave to report that we have examined the following bills and recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that, the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same. Signed, Leon h. McCarty .`. Daniels i3 .. ("Off Pat Galligan R. A. Tiering ANNUAL MBXI' I_N G OF THE BAYFIE,L-D COUNTY BOARD NOVEMBER 15, 1927. i Dame of'Claimant -Purl2ose Claimed Allowed `i'arr-Maitland Co. Auditing 1926 County Records $850.00 $850.00 Aug. E". Ziehlsdorff Damage to sheep by dogs Z5-50 35.50 of ii fl a. to of U. at 4.00 64.00 n aa, tr as to to " (Allowed claim 16.OQ 16.00 in full. ''onclusive evidence a.s.to owner of dog f urni shed . ) 15teve Kacvinsky Damage to animals by dogs 100.00 �ljisallbwed Frank Kramolis " If tt It to: 50.00 at John Kotval It 0 is to to 16.00 8.00 Joe Nemetz, Sr. of It Geese 6.75 6.75 Peter Pott.inger If It Chickens 50.75 50.75 City of Bayfield Transient Poor (Esther Goslin) 28.00 28.00x town of Cable 43 1° (A. 1j. Norton) 59.66� 59.66 " to (--. D. Norton) 10.00 ( 10.00 If of oftf to (A. D. Norton) 10:54) 10.54 Town of Barksdale i9 of Ed Watson) 73.24 73a24- City of Vashburn t7 " I rs. Garnet Hare) e - o if to Leet.s Children) 7953 79 53 Town of Iron -diver If It, :Gordon bill and family 317.97 - (Mr. be Mrs. Wheeler 4.92 It to a as aW If Unknown � 4.0 0. - 3 56.89 - Town of Bayview ti u• (Abel Hyvonen Children) 50.00' 50.00 Torn of Drummond It: " 569.47 Disallowed Fleming & Son Burial of Wenza E. Borgen (County 50.00 50.00 Charge in State Hospital for insane) 0. A. Schoreder :burial of Fannie Kozar (County charge hospital)in State 50.00 50.00 H. G. Mertens Examination of dead person on by order of District Attorney 10.00 10.00 Town of Mason Claim for refund of .Dank 'fax compromised 452.04 Disallowed upon teconlrnendation of District Attorney. Village of Mason Claim for refund of :Sank Tax compromised 113.40 it, upon recommendation of -District A tt-orney. Ashland General Hospital. Medical Aid and Hospital service to .Pete -Peterson 21.75 21.75 World Bonded Adjusters fsil,l.,-of Ashland General Hospital Assn 23.00 Disallowed '�. A. Richards, County Judge of Thlonroe County Committment fees 5.00 5.00 Albert Westin Care of soldiers' graves. 23.50 23.50 B. Schlossmann .examination of :Mind applicant 2.00 2.00 '2eibels' Clothes Shop Clothing for Henry Hill 43.93 recommended that bill be referred back to Supt. of Tomahawk Lake Camp Sanatorium T. A. Spears, M. D. Medical Service to inmates of County Jail 89.00 " it to" It It ofJ . Pickett. 14 .00 234.00 Motion was made by Sirs. Doyle and seconded by Stuhlman that the report be adopted as read, and the county clerk and county treasurer be'instructed to issue orders in payment for claims listed under column headed "allowed.." Motion carried. The following resolution was then read: 3ESOLUTION. TO THE BAYI'IELD COUNTY BOARD: ti'1IEREAS, the 0ounty treasurer is required by law to place insurance on County Buildings in amounts as specified by the County Board, and .WHEREAS the Board has not taken any action thereon for year, be it hereby T?ESOLVED', by the County -Board of Bayfield County, :visconsin, 1927, that the Chairman of the County Board appoint a commmttee of three to confer with the County Treasurer and to determine a proper amount of insurance to carry on the various buildings and conte.ts as now owned by the County. Signed, Harry C. Anderson Motion was made by njarvick and seconded by A. P. Johnson that the fore- going resolution be adopted as read. 1dotion carried unanimously. -- - - - h1I1IUr1LL `Y EE`1'ING OF `.l'HE BA A+I1;LD COUNTY BOARD NOVEIb ER" 15, 1927. - - i I The following resolution was then read: 4 I RES OLU�2 I ON . TO THE, BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: jWHEREAS, the law provides that the County Board shall, each year,, name the deposit- ! Icries in which the County 'treasurer shall deposit the funds of the County, be it hereby j RESOLVED, by the County .8 o and of Bayfield County in annual meeting, assembled this 15th day of November, 1927, that the depository banks for the year 1928 shall be any i of the banks in Bayfield Uounty who shall deposit with the County 'treasurer a satis- factory Surety Company's Bond covering the full amount of such deposit. Signed, Harry C. Anderson i Motion was made by G. V. Smith and seconded by tiering that the foregoing resolution ! i be adapted as read. hiotion carried unanimously® I The following resolution was then read:. j TO 'TBE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: I i �,tIIF±;REAS', 'khe 'axes on Lot one (1) , Block "ix (6) , Plat of Orchard City, were paid (i I to the 'i`own Treasurer on -Webruary, 8, 19229 and his receipt number `207 was issued j I , covering tax of 1921, and j I AREAS, It appears that the said taxes were turned in delinquent in error to the County 'i,reasurer, and sold by him in the form of a. tax certificate number 5276 in June, 1922, covering aforesaid description, and 1 WHEREAS, 1t appears further that a tax deed was issued on September 16,E 1925, to the k: County of Bayfield, on tax certificate number 5276, sale of 1922, covering Lot one �\ -block six (6), Plat of Orchard City, for the tax of 19219 which was turned in delinq- uent in error. NOWti THEREFORE,In view of the foregoing facts, be it hereby resolved 'by the County " Board of Bayfield County, Yhatthe county Clerk be, and he is hereby instructed to issue a quit claim deed on Lot one (1), dock Six (6), .plat of Orchard City, to i i Mlargaret N. Tooker, the present owner of said Lot, and that the County Clerk b e, and he is hereby iristructed'..to charge the face of the certificate of said illegal tax to the Town of Clover. I i Dated this 22nd day of September, 1927, � I i,'rank Stuhlman ' Motion was made by Squires and seconded by lairs. Doyle that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. !notion carried unanimously. The following resolution was then read: i TO TIU BAYFIELD COUINTY BOARD: ik 1 I , VMRL+TAS, The taxes on the West 25 feet of Lots one (1) and Two (2)1 block fifty- � j six (56); City of Bayfield, were paid to the ' reasurer of the City of Bayfield on Rebruary 28, 1922, and his receipt number 422 issued covering tax of 1921, and � iHEREAS, it appears that said taxes were turned in delinquent in error to the � I County 'i'reasurer and sold by him in the form of tax certificate number 4579 in June, I I 1922, covering all of Lot one (1), Block fifty-six (56). i i T:30'fft, ` I-110 tE`FORE, In view of the foregoing facts, be it hereby resolved by the l County Board of Bayfield Courity, that the C"ounty Clerk. -be, and he is hereby instructed to issue a quit claim deed on the West 25 ieet of Lot one (1). Block fifty-six (56), I I to H. C. i,'iege, the present owner of said lot and that the county clerk be and he is i i hereby instructed to charge the illegal tax back to the City of Bayfield. i , AMIUAL 151EETING 0"'THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD 15, 1-927- Dated this 4th day of iNovember, 1927- Jas. P,,. Baker C. J. Noid---- C; . D. Hall Illegal '113�L, mmittee. !ifotion was made by Danield and seconded. by Kjarvick that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Ifotion carried unanimously. Jas. A. Baker, from the Town of Bell, arrived at this time. Ihe following resolution was then read: 77HEREEAS, every town in the county pays a county 'road tax and whereas it appears that several of.the townships have little or no county roads within their borders and whereas severalAhave only a mile or two of County roads, to -wit: Ke,,,stone, 2 miles, 'Di-ayview, 11 miles and the Towns of hussell, Bayfield, Barksdale, Clover, Pilsen, Eileen and Delta have no County roads whatsoever, and whereas it appears that this situation is unfair and unjust to the townships which have little or no county roads as compared with those townships which have considerable county roads, in view of the fact that the townships which have no county roads nevertheL_ less pay their share of county road tax and none of which is or can be expended in their own townships for county road pur_,,)oses, therefor: BE CET RESOLVED, that in order to equalize the burden of taxation, for county road purposes, the County Hjghway Commission be directed to furnish heavy road •equipment for the purpose of grading, etc., on the basis of three hours per mile of -town road in all townships which have none or only a minimum mileage of county roads, said townships being those mentioned aforesaid, such service based on said mileage not to exceed a.totalmileage of 40 miles per torn and to -.be done under the supervision of the County highway Commission. November 15, 1927- J. V. Perrin Motion was made by Galligan and seconded by hjarvick,that the foregoing resolution be referred to the Highway Committee with instructions to report back to the Board at this session. No action taken on this motion. Motion was made by Smith ,and seconded by Stone that the foregoing resolution be, tabled. �'L'oll call showed the following vote: lay: Galligan, Kjarvick, Chambers, errin, total 'our. Aye: Alcott., Baker Goff Mertz, Zipperer, Daniels, Squires, J. A. Johnson; Junek, jr., Kalen, -Pudas, 1,11sun, Anderson, 'Woodard, Stone, Williams, -hxn e s s ege, TFICCartYq Smith, Bracken, Doyle, jngrodt, Stuhlman, Nelson, Hering and A. P. Tohnson. Total twenty-seven. Absent six. total t.hirty-seven. Notion carried. Kotion was then made by Smith and seconded by Bracken that the foregoing resolution be recalled from the table., doll call showed the following vote:'Aye: Galligan, Alcottq Kjarvick, Baker, 6off'i. �ipperer­, Daniels, Squires, junek, Jr., Kalen, Anderson, Woodard, Perrin, YlcCarty, Smith, Bracken and Hering. Total seventeen. Nay: Mertz, Chambers, J. A. Johnson, Pudas, 11isun, Stone, Willialils, Axness,, Fiege, Doyle, Ungrodt, Stuhlman, Nelson and A. P. Johnson. 'lotal fourteen. Absent 6. Total thirty"seven. Y.Totion carried*, �6 ANNUAL I 'ET I NG OF T tall BAYF I .ELD C OUIgT Y - B O e= _ NOVEI6BER 159=1927. 0 Motion was, made by Squires and seconded by Kjarvick that a i�pecial Committee of five be appointed by the chairman to investigate the foregoing subject, with instructions to report back at a later time during this session in regard to County Aid for 1`own -Roads. potion carried. The Chairman appointed the following members on this committee: Piege, vIilliams, Alcott, Mertz and Chambers. The following resolution, was then read: RESOLUTION TO ' IVY COUNTY SCHOOL TAX. NOVE M^ ER 1927. RESOLVED, That there is hereby levied the sum of $29,631.00 to provide for the County School lax for the support of the common.schools for the ensuing year, such amount to be charged. and apportioned to each of the several municipalities in said county by the County Clerk at the rate of $4.25 for each person of s-chool age residing in the school district therein which maintain schools as required by law as the same have been or shall be certified and returned to said county clerk in accordance with law, as the number of such school children has been determined and properly certified to said county clerk by the proper authorities, and in accordance with section 70.62 of the statutes, is as -follows: Barksdale:, T own Barnes Bayfield Bayvi ew Bell Cable Clover Delta Drummond Eileen Hughe s Iron River Kelly Keyst one Lincoln Mason NaMekag on Orienta Oulu Pilsen Port Ving Pratt 4ussell Tripp Va shbur n Cable, Village - :"Jason, " Bayfield, Gity Washburn, " Number of Children Amount 179 �803 .25- 46 20ti .25 215 913.75 224 952.0-0 129 569. 50. 137 682020 37 582.25 71 301.75 314 1 s 33-4. 50 3 1' 361.25 5 293 19245.25 200 850.00 268 1,219.75 148 671.50 243 1,079.50 34 r 1 Jet 93- 395.25 50 2s307.75 244= 1,037.00 214 913-75 174 743.75 17-2 224 5 2.05 .2 22-0 973.25 61 276.25 64 272.00 41�5 1,963.50 1.0�3 _5,�_2g0.77e 0 6,437 $ 29,631.00 Sign e d, Leon H. McCarty. Motion was made by Goff and seconded by Mrs. Doyle that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Roll call showed: the following vote: ,Aye: Ga;lligan, Alcott, Baker, Goff, Zipperer, Chambers, Daniels, Squires, Johnson, Junek, Jr., Kalen, Pudas, Alisun, Ariderson, Woodard, Perrin, Stone,. 'Villiams, Fiege, McCarty, Smith, Bracken, Doyle, 0ngrodt, Stuhlman, Nelson, Hering and A. P. Johnson. 'otal twenty-eight. Nine absent. 1`otal. thirty-seven. Motion i carried. A ITITUAL YEET ING OF THE BAYF IELD C OUN`.LTY BOARD I I - 1`he f oll owing communication was then read s GMAT LAKES HARBORS ASSOCIATION October 14, 1927. County 'hoard of Supervisors, Bayfield County, Washburn, Wis. Dear $ire: Will you kindly appoint not less than five delegates to represent your city at the meeting of the Great Lakes harbors Association, at the King Edward Hotel, Xoronto, Ontario, Canada, November 16 and 17, 1927. Matters of utmost importance to the navigation interests of the Great Lakes will be considered. 'The t..entative program and complete details of the meeting are set forth in the official announcement enclosed herewith. Please ask the press of your city to give publicity to our Iovember meeting, and send us the names .and addresses of persons who should receive invitations to attend the meeting. Also please send us the names and addresses of the delegates appointed by you as soon as possible. The program and complete information will then be sent to them. Cordially yours, Vim. Geo. Bruce President { R. H. Evans Secre-t:ary Motion was made by Stone and seconded by A. P. Johnson that the foregoing communication be accepted and placed on file. Tuotion carried unanimouslys The following communication was then reads To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Bayfield Courity, Wisconsin. In the matter of. the a elinquent taxes on the lands owned by the Realty holding & Investment Company of Blooming Prairie, Minn. In re compromise of said taxes by Clarence 2. Wise of Hayward, Wisconsin, who represents the note holders of the defaulted mortgage on said lands. The petition of t%larence ��l'i se respectfully shows to the Board: kirst4 `hat the Realty Holding & investment Company is.a Minnesota Corpor- ation and was or-rggmi�z.ed for the purpose of s-elling to settlers cut -over lands in Bayfield bounty, Wisconsin. I Second. That the said Realty Holding & Investment Company of Blooming Prairie, Minnesota, own approximately sixty-six hundred (6600) acres of cut -over lands, as per attached schedule. jhird. That said Realty Holding jnvestment Company is now insolvent and is unable to pay any of the delinquent taxes against its property and the records indicate that most of the tax certificates covering these lands for the tax sales i I I I 2G7 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVEkBER _ ' -19_ 7_•-------- - for the years of 1925, 1926 and 1927 are owned and held by Bayfield County. Fourth. Your petitioner hereby agrees to purchase all of the tax certif- icates held by Bayfield County on each and every description shorvin by the attached { I schedule and will pay therefor in cash the face value thereof. I It is further understood that the face value of said certificates is approximately $4500.00. Dated at hzayward, Wisconsin I I i November 12th, 1927. Clarence E. Vise. I Schedule- of Lands owned by II Realty molding & Investment Company Blooming Prairie, Kinne'sota. I IN TOWNSHIP 44 RAIME 5 � All of Section 7 IN T OWNHSI P 44 RAIME 6 I I All of Section 1 rd21 NE' and the SE4 SE4 of Section I NET NE4 and SUP4 /SE4 of Section All of Section 9 SE of Section 11 All of Section 13 i S4 of Section 15 NE4 and W-rl SE4 of Section 17 i IN TOVPNrSHIP 45 RANGE 5 i I, S2 of NUx' and NX4 SW'4 of Section 9 Nt of NW of 8e ct i on 17 S- of NUS of Section 2? I2 of SW4 and E2 of SEW of Section 31 l IN TO INSHIP 45 RANGE 6 SiVIIF NEB and E4 of SW-i of Section 19 NWT of Section 20 j All of Section 2(except the S2 of SE4) Vd, of NE-j and SW-' of Section 27 E2 of NUV-4-. NE4 SWW' and INN- SE¢ of Section 28 j N2 of NEg , SW4 NE' and W2 of SE2 of Section 29 j Nov NU-xr of Section 30 i All of Section 35 (except SEE— NE4) SWit S2 of NE4, K2 of SIT and W-10 of NW- of Section 36 Motion was made by Hering and seconded by Mrs. Doyle that the offer of i Mr. Elise be referred to the County 'Tax 0orrmission. Motion c arried. f The following report was then read: TO THE HONORABL17, BAUIELD COUNTY BOARD: We the undersigned committee on Sanatorium, wish to advise that we have I I i made an investigation of conditions of buildings at the Sanatorium and found same I in good condition. -l'or information regarding the financial status of the Institution; we refer you to the audit report of Vay 7th, 1927- Ve wish to call your particular I I attention to the recommendations of the auditors as to the handling of the petty cash account. We recommend a sum not to exceed $14,500.00 gs Bayfield County's portion of the operating expenses for the ensuing year. I We also find that it is necessary that a nurses' home be constructed. i the present plans as submitted calls for a. total expenditure of $25,000.00 of which i Bayfield County's share would be about $8,000.00 � 0- '�. Smith T. L. Alcott rs. baud Doyle a i o- n o ee ANNUAL MEETING or 1`IM BAYFI c,LD COUNTY BOARD NOVEP.rBER 159 1927. i i I Motion was made by Squires and seconded by Hering that the foregoing report be placed on file. motion earried.unanimously. The following report was then read: November 11, 19279 To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, 'N'is. Gentlemen: We the undersigned committee on Printing, beg leave to report, that we have examined vouchers on file with the County Clerk and find that a -total of $6,620.16 has been expended for printing and stationery during the past year., divided among the various offices as follows: County Board '43 1. 4 County Clerk 311. 3 County :i`reasurer 279.80 Assessments 2,884.92 District Attorney 2.80 County Court 271..52 Paunicipal Court 127.14 Circuit Court 249.41 Elections 473.24 Sheriff Recorder of Deeds 1A4:1, 164 County Superintendent 53 •55 County Agent 42 .90 Maps 400.00 Dog License 91.92 Justice Courts 16.50 Kiiscellaneous 11.50 $6,. 20.1 The cost of printing the Official Proceedings was $270.60. The largest, item was printing of delinquent tax sales for which $1,559.70 was paid c.t. the rate of fifteen cents per line, which was the maximum rate allowed by law. `he- clerk reports that the Washburn Times was the only bidder for this work. We recommend' � that the- Board fix the rate for this item at the time the Official raper is ' 1 designated. The work done by different County publishers is as follows: uVashburn minting Co. $3.9,295.43 Bayfield Progress 1,225.84 Bell Printing Coo 367.00 Scbtt-+.Print.ing Co. 140.00 Respectfully submitted S. E. Squires Andrew Kalen. Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Stuhlman that the report be accepted and placed on files and that orders be drawn for their payment. TAotion carried unanimously. The following resolution was then read: jashburn, Wis., Nov., 15, lQ27. Resolved: 'Xhat the ��'own of Port Laing, be and is hereby detached from Highway District No. 1 of this County, and attached to Highway No. 3. I i B. J. Bracken I I Lotion was made by Kjarvick and seconded by A. P. Johnson that the foregoing I resolution be adopted as read. Motion carried unanimously. i t�NNUAI_ , TING OF `� HE BAYi, IBT�D C OITi�TTY BOARD NOVEMMER 15, 1927. 269 The_ following reports by the Secretary of County Fair, and of the County Fair Committee were then read: Iron River, Wis., Oct. 319 1927. 1.'o The honorable Fair Ground Committee, We the undersigned will make you a proposition to build an electric high line from ouR power house at Iron river to the Fair Grounds, a distance of about one mile, and set poles on the grounds with a light on each pole to light the grounds in good shape. t:e will furnish the poles, wire, transformers, meters, cross arms, lighting arresters, and whatever else it takes for a first class line for the consideration of six hundred Dollars. (�Wo. o0. ) Iron River Water, Light & Telephone Co. •'. F. Mackmiller Pre s . RECEIPTS Bayf i e ld County Fair 2L22 may 18 Check from County "j�l, 500.00 Aug.. 10 Uheck from -County 1,000.00 Sept, 3 Lember ship from J. MacRae I 5.00 I Sept. 22 :exhibitors 'Pickets 128. o0 i i Sept. 23 Gate, Sept. 22nd 417.37 Sept. 24 Gate, Sept.. 23rd 336.25 Sept. 26 Concessions, Grand stand Stalls 233.60 I Sept. 26 Exhibitors .Tickets I _�._122.�.._2�5 otal Receipts $3,632.47 D ISBURSEI + N1 S I Bayf i e ld County r air 1927 April 1st X. P. Hy. 'o. Freight on roof covering 5.69. may 18 Iron River Bank, note for $224.44 and -interest 232.54 May 31 Ed Hunt, 10 hours labor 3.00 June 3', :-dams Paint Co. for roof covering 103.00 Dune 18 Leonard , idre-, 4t days work. on grounds 13.50 June 18 Zd G. Daniels, 42 days work on grounds 13.50 Aug. 18 Emy Vollenhoff', -Postage stamps 5.00 Sept. 3 i{'. J. Yeakey, Donaldson ndv. 81-3 Sept. 7 John Mulloy, Adv. matter 33:86 i Sept. 15 lZarshall 6oulet, posting bills .50 Sept. 16 J-ame's Nellon, putting up bills. 1.00 Sept. 19 Leonard: Andre, labor- on F;�hibit Hall 15.00 Sept. 19 1i'enella Daniels office work 30.00 Sept. 20 Bob Leifeste, 12 days on grounds 4.50 Sept. 21 Washburn-rinting Co., Premium books and adv. 252.25 Sept. 21 Jog Horn Clancy 100.00 Sept. 22 C. 1 . Ris,tow, stock judge 44.60 Sept. 22 . 16. hanson 21.00 Sept. 23 Gar1 Stengel, free -act 75.00 Sept. 22 u'+alter Thiese., rodeo act 330.00 Sept.' . 23 ? . G. �-tarry, i ndian Act. 89.45 Sept. 23 dog Horn Clancy, ',gild 'Vest act 500.00 Sept. 24 Emy lfo11enhoff', rdv. and tickets 9.00 Sept. 24 y . C;, Knapp, Groceries to. India.r.s 10.55. I Sept. 24 yma. _Bazinet, ferry -go -round 150.00 Sept. 26 ;Drummond Band:, :Hand 2 days 150.00 i Sept. 28 1. R. hardware Co., hardware sundries. 108.03 Sept. 28 '.che xopplin Co., ohingle s and lumber 81.09 Sept. 2.8' �hantelois izestaurant, 1"..eals to -Band: 32.50 jot. 28 Washburn Printing Co., Printing _ 19.00 Sept. 28 ?;°ors. J_o�:n b. Graham', judging baking 13.35 I, Sept. 28 'Ers. Z. Bartholomev-, judging fine arts and cut flowers 26.00 Sept. 28 Joe kreisbauer; straw- 25.00 Sept. 28 -8urte _`Ming -:�ta'tion, gas and oil 17.95 Sept. 28 6ity Service Garage, gas and oil 18.05 wept. 28 1. H. �i . L. and P. Co . ,, Yelephone calls 15.90 wept. 28 gels Goodrich, f?xir.. e rump 3. 00 Sept. 28 1V�r' s. P. C® inapp,i meals, 6.o0 Sept . 28 J. B.--�1cijonald, J0 hour ---an bldg. 40.00 Algl\r AL Tt1,F I N G OF B_A`.iF IELD COUNTY BOARD NOV 1QER 152 1927. Sept. 28 Lester lVcDonald, 75 hrs. labor 22.50 Sept. 28 Rayxiiond `rester, 73 hrs. labor 21.90 Seat . 28 Israel Everetts, watchman 4 nights 12.00 Sept. 28 Lester I'IcDonald, 5 days in exhibit hall 15.00 Sept. 28 Leonard Andre, 5 days in exhibit hall 20.00 Sept. 28 Walt hostrawser, 5 dayfs in exhibit hall 15.00 Sept. 28 Eleanor Ripley; 2 days clerk 6.00 Sept. 28 Fe'nella Daniels, 5'days clerk 15.00 Sept. 28 Alice O''oole, 1 day clerk 3.00 Sept. 28 Helen Johnson, 1 day clerk 3.00 Sept. 28 Cele 'Taylor, 12 days clerk 4.50 Sept. Sept 28 Mrs. H. �. Kopplin, 'A.- fine arts 12.00 Sept. 28 Mrs. Ben Upson, Supt. Canned goods 12.00 Sept. 28 MLry Hostrawer, Supt. Baked goods 12.00 Sept.. 28 F. J. lea#key, Exp. and telegraph 14.05 Sept. 28 august ,Tohanik; 4 days stock supt. 12.00 Sept. 28 harry Kennedy, 12 days ticket seller 6.00 Sept. 28 nlbert Johnson, 1-1 days selling tickets 6.00 Sept. 28 Geo. Pett.ingill, 1 day selling tickets 4.00 Sept. 28 r'rof. . Merrihew, 1 day at gate- 4.00 Sept. 28 Ed Goulet, 2 days at gate- 8.00 Sept. 28 Joe Andre, 2 days -policeman 8.00 Sept. 28 iaels Goodrich, 2 days policeman 8.00 wept. 28 Con Couture, 2 days policeman 8.00 Sept. 28 Geo. Roe, 2 days policeman 8.00 Sept. 28. M. C. Freestone, 2 days watching fence 7.00 Sept. 28 Geo, Winall, 2 days watching fence 7.00 Sept. 28 iarshall Goulet, taking tickets .50 Sept. 28 2. !' . Daniels, Adv. with car 11 days 56.00 Sept. 28 H. J. Fitzpatrick, salary . 100.00 Sept. 28 W. �,,. Larson, vice-president 25.00. Sept. 28 Arline Rocheleau, 2 days clerk 6.00 Oct. 1 Ed. Hunt, L day labor 1.50 Oct . 3 Walt Hostrawser, 6 days man and team at $6 36. 00 Oct. 24 The Kopplin Co., lumber 53.91 Nov. 1 Bernard Snyder, 2 day work 1.50 Nov. 1 E. X`. Daniels, Sec. salary 200.00 Nov. 10 Leonard Andre, Balance due 2.40 Nov. 10 T. R. IV. L. and T. uo. , Telephone Calls- 8.40 Nov. 10 Ashland Daily Press, adv. 8.o0 j Nov. 10 _ -,Billboard Publ Co. subscription. 3.00 j Nov. 10 A. G. Johnson & Son, barrel 1.00 Nov. 10 Regalia Yfg. Co., fair supplies 59.15 Nov. 10 John Vacha, supplies .95 Nov. 10 MacRae Drug Oo.y supplies, 3.08 Nov. 10 Bayfield County Press, Adv. 10.80 Yo-v. 10 John Mulloy, express 1.1� T o tal $3 $ 459.21 November 15, 1927. TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUii'TY BOARD: Vie the undersigned Bayfield County Fair Committee met at Iron River November 4th with County Fair Secretary Mr. Daniels, and president Fitzpatrick. An examination of the accounte found them satisfactory. 1'or the information of the County Board members we %.submit the following receipts of the 1927 fair: Tiff ay 18 Check from County $1,5 00.00 Aug. 10 Check from County 1:,000.00 Sept • 3 MerAbership from J'. 11acRae 5.00 Sept. 22 "xhibitors' Tickets 128.00 Sept . 23 Gate, Sept. 22nd 417.37 Sept. 24 Gate, S'e-pt. 23rd 336.25 Sept . 26 Exhibitors' `rickets 12.25 Sept. 26 Concessions, grand stand & stalls 2��.6o, total receipts $3,632.47 Di sbursements 452.21 Balance 0 173.2 If the Board decides to held a fair, we recommend $2,500.00 as an appropriation for the coming year. 'vie urge that necessary repair be made at the grandstand to insure the County from Liability from accidents. It,seems to your I committee that the lighting of the grounds would be a profitable investment, pro- vided it could be made from the $2,500.00 appropriation. We recormmnerid that. hereafter all County :Fair bills be paid by the bounty Treasurer upon authorized vouchers signed by the County Fair Secretary and 'resident. Respectfully submitted, L. F. Chambers. i Eli 'Pudas. ANITUAL MEETING -OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY B0:M NOVEEMIER 15- 1927°-- 2h 6 1• L. Alcott i J® A". Johnson County Fair Committee. 1 Motion was made by Hering and seconded by I Baker that the foregoing reports I jbe placed on file. motion carried. I I '2.e following report of the equalization committee° was then read: 1 � November 10, 1927. i I TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY : OARD: Vie the undersigned bounty Board Committee on Equalization wish to recoY�mend I i for Equalization for the year 1927, the valuations � set forth in `fable 14 of the I I Assessor of Incomes' Report, covering the value of Total Real ar:d Personal iroperty for the present year, the same being as follows: District Aggregate True Value 1 Barksdale, `fown $2,4299iT6 Barnes 7799193 Bayfield 75$,373 i Bayview, 474,502 Bell I 4279910 I Cable 469,367 Clover 502,529 Delta 394,o64 I Drummond 22005,102 I Eileen 8679995 iugh e s 26o,498 Iron iiiver 5509975 Kelly 6559 775 Keystone 436,143 I Lincoln 4939967 i 1 mason 636,9568 Namekagon 490,292 Oriente. 736,025 Oulu 7519630 Pilsen 363,109 !'ort. aging 864vO97� Pratt 7 58 , 4 24 Russell 4$2,362 Tripp 4o8,482 Washburn 572.77 Aotal for .'owns I $17,5 9,273 Bayfield, City 7519 956 Cable, Village 220,339 j Mason, Village 172922 ' Washburn, City- 1 2 I Zotal for Cities & Villages: :$2,65 j 1' ota l for County i i 420, 227, 6443 Signed, gym. lditye r i riarrY C. Anderson A. G. Zip-Perer Armagost � I � B. J. Bracken Committee. + Motion was made by Squires and seconded by Perrin that the foregoing report of the Equalization dommittee. be adopted and placed on file, and that the valuations 1 placed opposite the respective, taxing districts be adopted as the equalized valu- ation of Bayfield County for the year 1927- Motion I carried unanimously. I I A ten minute recess was then declared by I i I the Chairman. ANITUAL RZE`! ING OF THE BAYFIELD -COUNTY BOARD HOVETMER:15, 192-7. After recess, roll was called and the following members answered "present"' as their name was called. I Galligan, Alcott, K:jarvick, Baker; Goff, Mertz, Zipperer, Chambers, i Daniels, Squire , .J- 'e Johnson, junek, Jr., Kalen, Pudas, Misun, nderson' Woodard, Perrin, atone, Williams:, Axness, y'iege,. MbCarty, Nmith, :bracken, Boyle, Ungrodt, Stuhlman,. Nelson, hiering and A. P. i-ohnson. Zotal thirty-one. Six absent, `total thirty-zeven. The following report on Mothers' Pension was then read. To the Board of Supervisors, Bayfield Uounty, Wisconsin: While the statutes does not seem to direct that a report be made by the Juvenile Judge as to the Vother's Pensions- granted, 1 have deemed it of interest to you to have such a report before you at your annual meeting, and submit: same herewith for your information.. I regret to say that this report- will show expenditures for that. purpose co nsiderable in excess of the appropriation made by you a year ago, and the demand seems to be increasing all the time. I have aimed to administer this fund conscientiously as possible, having in mind the needs of the widows and orphans, and at the same time bearing in mind that the average: tax payer of Bayfield County has a hard time to make ends meet. Respectfully yours, ! H. P. Axelberg, j Juvenile Judge. Schedule of Motherrs Pension payments for year ending October 31/270 0 Town or City of lumber of Yfount Flame of Mother &_C. which,a resident. Children Received Beda Tennyson '1,,-own of fort `Ding 1 $144.00 Kate Bonney City of Bayfield 4 420.00 Margaret Deragon ° "' to 4 480.00 Apoionia Pagaa 'own of Eileen 2 240.00 Berntine Thompson G'ity of Bayfield 1 180.00 Mary Doers City of Washburn 2 36o.00. Susie Pagac Town of Keystone 4 360.00 i Mary Veno City of Washburn 2 240.00 Anna. Guski Town of Bayview 6 540.00 Gertrude Wallace `own of iron River 4 480.00 Kilda Druley City of Washburn 2 200.00 Helen Swanson 'Town of Washburn '4 240.00 Caroline Strom City of Washburn 4 420.00 Hose Norton 'Town of Cable 1 180.00 Christine Svendson town of Cable 2 240.00 Xelvina Joanis Gity of �rashburh 3 410.00 Margaret Hebert (ity of Bayfield 5 595.00 Jennie Holly 1* own of Cable 4 480.00 ! Elizabeth Silas City of Bayfield 2 240.00 Selma Lindgren City of uVaashburn 5 540.00 Alvina.-Skaug City of Washburn 4 445.00 Mable Smith 'Town of Iron diver 3 300.00 -Esther West- Town of Cable 1 144.00 Sanna Rasimaki Town of uulu 2 190.00 AbVie Stafford 'own of Barnes 5� 4 0.00 Josephine S'irois City of u'ashburn 3 300.00 Charity y�oodbeck 'own of Cable 2. 420.00 Tfaggie Gordon City of Bayfield 1 45.00 i Charlotte Rabideau City of Bayfield 1 144.00 Daza S;)rague City -of Washburn 3 345.00 ! Avis Tull city of Washburn 2 120.00 T11yrtle Roy- "'own of Russell 1 60.00 gartha Olson Town of Pratt. 2 240.00 Doris :die osky T own of Bell 1 120.00 Sanna Waataja Town of Oulu 3 360.00 Lillian Bourgo City of Washburn 1 105.00 Anna, Bush Uity of Washburn 6 480.00 Stefania Mackiewicz Town of (:lover 2 240.00 C'reda xichardson i'own .of Keystnne 4 36o.00 Dora Hare city of Washburn 3 150.00 ! Mrs. LaBarre Town of Drummond 3 350.00 Ira Butterfield City of Bayfield 1 135.00 Lucy Wolfe Town of Pilsen 5 240.00 Mary Comaromy Town of Barksdale 2 200.00 Lydia 1FZ. Stepp i `'own of Drummond 2 160.00 .ANNUA`, ICE-,:XTING OF THE BAYFIEIB COUNTY BOARD -- sarl D. Burkhart Fannie L. Juel Maude Tellinek Sandra Jurvelin Sophie Larson Mary Knott Gust Zanto Stella Kliszcz Alma Mitchell ''own of Oulu 7 360.00 Town of Bell 4 320.00 City cif Bayfield 2 140.00 Town of Uulu 6 240.00 'own of Bell 5 100.00 6ity of Bayfield: 5 16o.00 Town of Buyview 1 60.00 Village of Cable 7 440.00 Town of Iron Hiver 480.00 Totals 167 $151,022.00 j lotion was made by Stuhlman and seconded by A. P. Johnson, that the fore- ] going report be accepted and place on file. motion carried unanimously. I 'The following communication was then read: I j CHAT,BER OF C 01MRCE-, LA CROSSIi , WI SC ONS III' November ll, 1927 Chairman, County Board, Washburn, %'is. Dear Sirs At a meeting of our highway Committee on i;overnber 5th, .i was instructed to I I send you a copy of resolution adopted at that meeting, which has to do with the j construction of all-weather detours before any main. highway is placed under con- struction, or closed for repairs. I I The resolution is as follows: "Resolved, that Highway Commissions of the State, bounties, Townships and j Cities should be instructed by the proper authorities to require construction of all- j a weather detours before any main highway is placed under construction or closed for repairs, and Be it Resolved, that in the opinion of this committee we owe at. least this Bauch consideration to the general traveling public while within our state, and Be It Further .Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the State Highway Commission, to the Chairn�en of the County Boards and to the Chairmen of the County Highway Committees in all counties of the stage." HIGHWAY C OM19I TTEE C HAIdBER OF C0',JTJERCE , LA CROSSE , VV I S . Secretary. Motion was made by Galligan and seconded by lVidsun that a similar resolution be adopted by this Board. t+'otion carried unanimously. 'Motion was made by Stone. -and seconded by Perrin that the reading of the report of John Froseth, Clerk of Circuit Court, be duly dispensed with, and that the report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was then read: Resolution Be it hereby resolved that we, the committee, recommend board for prisoners raised to'thirty-five cents a meal, due to the fact that twenty-five cents is t o0 little for maintenance of prisoners on hard labor. A. P. Stone P. K;jarvick Nels nelson ANNUAL ACEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COU14TY BOARD NOVEKBER 15, 1927. - Motion was made by h jarvick and seconded by riering that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. 'motion carried unanimously. 'motion was made by Kjarvick and seconded by Stone that the increase in Board of Prisoners become effective December 1,'1927. ":lion carried. Motion was made by Stuhlman and seconded by Stone that the Ioard then proceed with the election of a highway Commissioner. motion carried. Chairman U. bl. Axne ss- appointed Alc ott and s'rertz as tellers. The following application was then read: i T 0 • THE HDNORABLE C OUNT Y B OARD OF SUPERVI S ORS BAYFIELO COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: I hereby wish to apply for, the position of County Highway Commissioner for the term beginning January 2nd, 1928. 1espectfully submitted, Rarry Curry. the result of the first ballot was as follows: Curry 30 Not voting 1 Absent 6 `otal 37 the Chairman declared iq. B. Curry duly elected as highway Commissioner for the ensuing term of two years. The Board then proceeded with the election of a Highway Committee. `"'he following vote was the result of the first ballot: for a member of the highway Committee from District No. 1: It'iege 21 Nelson 2: Vester 1 Smith 1 Bracken 1 Baker 1 Not voting 4 Absent 6 Total 37 ?motion w as made by Stuhlman and seconded by intone that the informal ballot be made formal and that Ziege be declared duly elected as a member of the highway Committee from highway District No. 1. INT-otion carried. the result of the first ballot for highway District No. 2 was as follows: Iffil1Tams 18 Goff 11 Axness 1 Squires 1 Absent 6 1` otEll 37 Motion was made by Nelson and seconded by A. P. Johnson that the informal ballot be made formal and that Williams be declared duly elected as a member of the Highway Committee from District No. 2. Motion carried. The result of the first ballot for highway District No. 3 was as follows; Vester 16 Daniels 7 Anderson 7 -Phillips 1 Absent 6 I o tal 37 Motion was made by Stuhlman and seconded by J. A. Johnson that the informal ballot be made formal and that Vester be declared duly elected as a member of the Highway Committee from District ?'3o. 3. I�Lotion carried unanimously. ANNUAL NEXYING OF 'THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- - -- NOVEIVIBER 15, . 1927 •_ motion was made by ljarvick and seconded by Baker that the -board adjourn until ten o'clock A. M., ilovember 16th. loll call showed the following vote: Aye: Xjarvick, Baker, Aalen, Stone, nelson and A. P. Johnson, total six. :[Say: Galligan, 41cott, Goff, hertz, Z.ipper,er, Chambers, Daniels; §quires, J. A. Johnson, Junek, Or., Pudas, Misun, Anderson ,Voodard,:Perrin, V+illiams, i Axness, i"iege, McCarthy, Smith, Bracken, Doyle, Ungrodt, Ctuhlman and Hering. Total twenty-five. Absent, six. Total Thirty-seven. Motion lost. I Tdotion was made by Hering and seconded .by 5tuhlman- that the Board adjourn 4 until seve_. o'clock 11. 1J., Noverfber 15th. Motion carded. I i 4` Meeting was, called to order by Chairman 0. Id. Axness at. 7:15 P.'M. fRoll call showed the following members present: i Galligan, Alcott, :Kjarvick, Baker, Goff., Mertz, Gipperer, Chambers, Daniels, Squires, J. A. Johnson, Junek, Jr., Kalen, Pudas, Hisun, xnde,rson, %loodard, Perrin, Stone, "illiams, Axness, r'iege, 1TT Carthy, Smith, Bracken, Doyle, Ungrodt, Stuhlman, 111'elson, tiering and A. Y. Johnson. dotal thirty-one. Absent six. dotal thirty -seven. The ollowing communication was then read: Mr. Chairman: !, And members of the County Board: The above article gives you a general idea of how we propose to advertise Wisconsin and its products. The train will consi t of five baggage cars with end doors, an aisle through the center, with exhibits on each side of �isbonsinr:I's products. 'These cars will be electric- lighted and'open to the general public at each stop. '`here will also be ten sleepers to accommodate the people who wish to make the trip .and we sincerely hope that each County Hoard will send at least one representative- and pay his expenses which are as follows: One in lower berth including rail fare $154.37 `i''wo in lower berth including rail fare (each) 133.47. One'- in upper berth including rail fare 145.32 T,wo in compartment including rail fare (each) 166.32 Three in compartment including rail fare (each) 145.42 Two in drawing rood including rail fare (each) 191.72 Three in " including rail fare (each) 165.37 Four in ° AT�5s Including rail fare All (each) 152.17 based on Madison The train makes twelve states, twenty-seven stops, six state capitols, no stop for less than three hours. nes,ervations and literature can be had by writing Passenger Agent..of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, R. R., Madison, Wis. Yours very truly, J. H. Carroll Chairman. Motion was made by Daniels and seconded by Mrs. Doyle that the question_ of sending a. Delegate to the State `Four Special as per foregoing corrmunicat.ion be indefinitely postponed. Motion carried. 276 ANNUAL tin I:L+TING OF TIC BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVLT03ER 159 1927 - i'he following letter was then read: November 4, 1927. 0. M. Axness, Esq., Chairman. of Bayfield County Board TT-ason, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Axness: 1 met and talked with representatives of the Ashland and iron County Boards yesterday. Among other things that cama-up was the question of enforcing the collection of unpaid taxes on real estate. You understand that many owners, who have other means, are permitting these lands to go delinquent. L4ihether it is their intention to abandon them for a.11 time or riot, we do not know. 'hey probably hope for the old opportunities of making a compromise at some future date. At any rate this is seriously effecting the financing of county affairs where the blow strikes first. in Ashland County the Town of Sanborn has contributed nothing in County taxes since 1922 and the collections that are made by the treasurer are being returned to the town. 1 have learned in the last few weeks that several owners of large amounts of cut -over lands are planning on abandoning them. r`or that reason some determined effort should be made to collect these taxes by the town treasurers and they should have the necessary assistance and cooperation of the countyas a whole. It was suggested by Mr. Dan Reid, chairman of the iron County Board, and approved by Mr. Ralph Bretting, chairman of the Ashland County Board, that a meeting be held at Ashland some time iimpediatley after the first of the year and that all local treasurers be invited to attend this meeting. It was also thought best to have at least one representative of the toms and village boards and city council present.. i promised to get in touch with the Yax Commission and see if I could riot get some member of the Commission to address the meeting. 1 am writing you so that you may take this matter up with members of the County Board at the annual meeting. The expenses for traveling, etc., would have to be paid by the local districts, but 1 believe the thing is well worth while and that we would be more successful in collecting taxes on these cut -over lands and it would stop all thought of abandoning the same on the part of people who can be held for the tax. Yours very truly, Pearce Tomkins. ASSESSOR OF INCOTaS Motion was made by Hering and seconded by Y. Johnson that the Board ay,prove of the suggestions of Pearce 'Zomkins listed in the foregoing communication. Motion was made to amend the foregoing resolution, and that the County clerk b e instructed to ascertain -the date of such meeting and to notify the proper 'own, City and village officers that the County Board requests at least one, representative of each taxing district to attend such meeting, and that such expense be paid by each town, city or village, respectively. Motion carried.. The following resolution was then read: To, Pearce 'j'omkins, Assessor of incomes, District #30, of u+isconsin. Vie, the members of the 1Bayfield Oounty .Board assembled in annual session, hereby wish to call your attention to and demand that you under the powers and duties as defined in subsection (3) of 6hapter (70.75) of the Wisconsin Statutes, which read in part. as follows: ANNUAL' 1'C�E.T I NG OF TFE BAYF I ELD COUNTY BOARD NOVEI0ER 15, 1927. i ri.e shall have the powers and rights of a local assessor for the examination of persons and property and for the discovery of property subject to taxation and shall have the power to personally value and reassess any property previously assessed by the local assessor. ' And further to use any other powers and duties defined in said chapter (70.75) Subsections (1) to (7), inclusive, toward securing a more accurate and uniform assess- ment for equalization. It is further the opinion of this Board that if this cannot be done the Board must on its own motion as defined in said chapter order a reassessment of several assessment,.districts in the county, so as to prevent the unloading on the County of tax certificates on property assessed above all reasonable value as is pointed out in your report submitted. respectfully submitted By J. A. Johnson Member of Bayfield County Board. Votion was made by �,-lcott and seconded by J. A. Johnson that the foregoing resolution be approved and transmitted:. g!Yotion carried. 'fhe following report was then read: June 16, 1927. We the undersigned committee on County Bonds hereby submit the following report: Gounty officers bonds approved. County Clerk, Ludwig `1'ranmal ,000.00 Iviaryland Casualty Company Nels Myhre, register of Deeds Maryland Casualty Uompany 39000.00 Surveyor, Tiv. E. Tripp Maryland Casualty Company 19000.00 County Coroner, Amos Jil. Hansen Hiedlity and :Deposit 500.00 Clerk of Court, John i+roseth `ideli-ty and Deposit 5,000.00 District Att-orney, Chas. l'. I1orris Fidelity and Deposit 1,000.00 Undersheriff, ualter J. Anderson Maryland Casualty Company 29000.00 Sheriff, H,jalmar Zrostman National Surety Company 10,000.00 County Yreasurer, R. W. Smith Northwestern Surety Co. 50" 000.00 Dep,dty /Sheriff, itoy 1'+ressinger Fidelity and Deposit 2,000.00 Deputy Sheriff, Lyle e. iiage Fidelity a -rid deposit 2,000.00 County Supt. of Schools, Elsie If. Miller i Fidelity and Deposit 500.00 Highway Commissioner, H. :S. Curry I Massachusetts bonding Insurance Co. 29000.00 i Munieipal Judge, John W. Bernard I Widelity and Deposit 1,000.00 County Officers bonds returned for correction i i County Judge, Hartvig P. Axelberg 1 Massachusetts Bonding & Insurance Co. 3,000.00 Committee ordered new bond which will comply with Sec. 19.01 of the statutes. Id'unicipal Judge, P. J. Savage j Personal Bond by J. H. -Fitzpatrick & -Byron I t`ipley. Committee ordered new bond which will comply with Sec. 19.01 of the Statutes. ANNUAL METING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOTEDU - R 151, 1927. County Depository Bonds Approved First National 'Bank of �rashburn National Surety a tr Mason State Maryland Casualty Fidelity and Deposit Massachusetts Bonding Etna Pi rst I at i onal Bank of Bayf i eld Hartford !'idelity and Deposit Rational Surety State -dank of Drummond: Fidelity and Deposit Etna 025,000.00 . 10,000.00 - $35,000.00 159000.00 6,5oo:o0 5,000.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 7,500.00 I,000.00 2,500.00 4,000.00 299000.00 17,500.00 6,5oo.00 0. L. Axness Geo. :ffi sun Tas A. Baker Committee on :fonds. Motion was made by Stuhlman and seconded by Misun that the foregoing report. be accepted and approved as read. emotion carried unanimously. The following resolution was then read RESOLUTION. TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: 1;=REAS, the County `.P reasurer has issued a tax certificate for the stale of 1925 for the taxes of 1923, and whereas it appears from the tax roll that the SW SE of Sec. 18-46-8 upon which the staid tax certificate was issued was riot really returned delinquent for the 1923 taxes and that the issuance of the certificate was riot legal, Th7EREFOR, be it resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County, l isconsiri, . in annual meeting assembled this 15th day of November, 1927, that the County Treasurer be, and he is hereby authorized to cancel tax certificate rto. 3929 of the 1925 sale covering the SW SE of S5ec. 18-46-8. J:as. A. Baker Motion was made by Nelson and seconded by A. P. Johnson that the foregoing resolution .be adopted as read. �:otion c arried unanimously. The following report was then read: Washburn, Wis, November 15th, 1927. To the honorable County Board, Bayfi eld County, Wis. Gentlemen: We the undersigned committee on illegal Taxes beg leave to report that, we have examined the following claims for the cancellation of illegal tax .certificates and have examined the records pertaining thereto and we recommend that the following claims as attached hereto be allowed and the tax. -certificates cancelled, as illegal and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for the payment of same. b,igned Jas. A. Baker. ANNUAL MEET ING OF THS BAYF IELD COUNTY BOARD NOVEMBER 159 1 j27 . Name of dlaimant Bayf"i eld County I tr n I Bayf-ie ld 6 ounty N n Bayfield County Bayf i e Id (ounty Bayfield County I I i I Bayfield County Bayf i eld C ounty It W 1 Bayfield County Bayfield county i Bayfield County I Description Cert. No. Three -fourths SU SE., Sec- 31-49-6 2221 Long Lake- Grange Lot in S I SW' Sid, Sec. 3-48-5 734 inaccurate descriptions. (Illegal_) Charge back to the b own of Washburn. Okerstrom's & Hydloff's Addition to :Port Wing Lot 5, _dock 13 7632 Okerstrom's & Hydloff's Addition to Port Wing, Lot 5, 13lock 14 7635 No 'such Lots on file in Abstract of Lots Vol. 7, gage 105. Charge back to the Town of Port Wing. 1 acre parcel in SE4 Sec. 7-47-8 3779 Description inaccurate. Too vague. Charge back to the Town of iron Hiver. #00 10 acres in Sly IVVV, Sec. 11-50-7 3385 Description inaccurate. Too vagur. Charge back to the 1 own of Mover. .iill S2 NVV SW of .past 20 chains vec. 7-49-5 885 Description too vague. charge back to the sown bf Bayview. 'li#10 2 acres in NW corner of the ME SE, Sec. 34- 51- 6 2682 Description incomplete. Too vague. Charge beck to the Iv,,o��w//..n of Bell. ##77'f Und. z of Lot 8, dock 9, Down flat of cornucopia 4019 Lot 8, dock 9, 'own flat of Cornucopia 4777 School property. Not assessable. Charge back to the Town of Bell. ._ lr;ra,`;tir Lot 6, less 28.17 acres, sec. 7-43-5 470 Description incomplete. Too vague Charge back to the ":own of 11amekagon. ##5### -buffalo's ' bdivision of Lot 3, aec. 31-51-3 Lot 3, .block 1 4746 Lot 4, Block 2 4747 Lot 1, -block 3 4748 Lots 4 and 5, -block 4 4749 North 25 feet of Lot 8 and all of Lot 7, Block 4 4751 Restricted Indian land from which Government had riot lifted restrictions. `'barge back to i•own of Russell. 279 Sale Amount 1924 5.48 J 01 1924 1.12 J r, , 1926 . 1.39 J i` 1926 .79� :. 1924 2.84 i �'i 1924 1924 1.58d I I 1924 3.85 d 1b1 1921 1923 1924 1923 1923 1923 1923 1923 . 7 9 d , V) . 68 tJ I 5.85+1 .F . 24 j 2.48 9.19d 1 6.16c SW SE), Section 1 -8, (Omi Lted in 1923) 3929 1925 17.'.71 Not returned delinquent. No charge back. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD- COUNTY BOARD ra --- OVE RJR 15, 1927- - - t Bayf'ield Bounty 4 acres in a:E', Asse-sled to if-?oses Charotte NX SW, aec... 30=.51-3. Incomplete description. Charge back to i own of Aussell. Cert. No. Sale Amount 35 1924 15.79 d 6 ' Bayf ield County �HT gtabrook towns Subdivision of SE NE, 8'ec . 28-49-4 jLot 6 7209 1927 11.15d 3 7107 1926 8.014 s 6 7108 1926 11.84J !f 7 7109 1926 8.014 s! 8 7110 1926 8.01,E " 3 5828 1925 9.14d 3 6 5829 1925 13.894 5 7 5830 1925 9.14d s 8 5831 �925 9.144 6 5 -51 1924 8.51d n 5552 1924 133.00d -' 1 5553 1924 8 ld i i` n 5554 1924 8.511 y 3 �-4 (�ir.z,..1.904 1922,Y,.,sq-9.&, 2 5 8. �l 7 r��. 41,4 906 1922 29 I 8 `4 0 1022 8.2 1 3 3979 1921 8.3od 6 398o 1921 12.45d 7 and 8 3981 1921 16.16d Plat of Sub -division not on file in Register of deeds office. Uharge back to the `i=own of Bayview. r�'� #74 !Bayfield County Fast part of Lots 1 and 2, Block 45, Townsite -"of Bayfield 5228 1924-- 20.72J Incomplete description. Charge back to the City of Bayfield. Bayfield Uounty Buffalo's Subdivision of. Lot 3, 8ec. 31751-3 Lot 2, Block 1 5504 1924 5.74d% Lot 4, dock 2' 5505 1924 2.66J -� Lot 6, dock 4 55-06 1924 6.45d ' Lot., 7, dock 4 5507 1924 6.76a ' Lots 1 and 2, dock 5 55o8 1924 4.71L1 t" Lot 79 Block 5 5509 1924 7.78d Lot 8, dock 5 5510 1924 5.32 d ' Lot 11,1�lock 5 5511 1924 .704' I 04 / / L. 7 lRu st -Owen Lumber C o . z � i I i Bayfield County i I I I Indian lands from which restrictions had not been removed. Uharge back to the down of Russell. ff-00 3 acres parcel of Lot 3, 8ec, 32-44-7 2188 1923 Interest .21,face .80 Lot 3. 8ec. 32-44-7, Int..20, face .94 2756 1924 Less Ry. R. of W.., Lot 3, Sec. 32-44-7 Int. .17, face, 1.14 2890 1925 Less Ity. Lot 3, S'ec. 32-44-7, int. .09, face 1.03 -Taxes for full acreage assessed and paid and in addition, this part of the lot;; assessed without describing or deducting from• acreage-. Uharge back to the 'Town of Drummonp. 3572 1926 5276 .1922 Paid to 'Town Treas. .Receipt #207, Book #2. Charge back to the ''own of Clover Y Plat of Orchard dity, Lot 1, Block 6 2.35r/ s ■ J ANNUAL MERYING. OIT ThE. BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOMEBE'R 15,, 19270 Bayfield County Undivided three -fourths of SE NE,. aec. 31-49-6 LITO. 2491 a�aLt 1925 -AmIt 5,.. Old orte--half., SE Sec. 32--49-6 2504 1925 3.48V Laid to-26wn Treasurer. Receipts #126 and #105 -. Charge back to the own of V'Iashburn. J. Darwin Less 3. acres East of Hy. Lot sec. 17-47-& 31201 1922 9.45 Ex,ce'pt 3 acres East of Ry. Lot 5, Sec- 17-47-8 3102 1923 3-80 0 3­acres East of Do S. 8. and A. Ay. Lot 5, - Sec. 17-47-8 3832 1924 2.84 # Lot 5, West of Ay. Sec. 17*47-8 4938) 1926 2.58 Interest 4:78 Part of the above descriptions-ard Park property and: is owned by 1'own of iron -River, and is not assessable. charge back to the -eown of iron River 8'. J. Darwin Lot 5, Sec. 17-47-8, Interest - 2.95, Yace, 8-71 2719 1921 11..66 Double assessment. Charge back to the ilown of iron River. Bayfield County Original Townsite, City of Washburn -'!'Ot 17, -block 4 5300 1923 16720 Lot 18, Block 4 5301 1923 19.49J Fax paid to City Treasurer. See his receipt #239. Uharge back to the City of Washburn Bayfield County Lot 4 Block 8, Abberto Bartlett. Srots Addition to Urchard City. 5187 1923 2.13J Yown Property. Road to "-Vown bock. Not -assess- able. charge back to the Town of Clover. ZAA Ir-hrO B'ayfield County IN SE. Sec. 8-47-7 2326 1923 6.46t/ Government Land. Charge back to the 'Zown of Pilsen. 4 4 Bayfield County RE SE, Sec. 27-47-9 5927 1926 9.75d illegal description. Should be Government Lot 2. Charge back to the ''own.of Hughes. Rust -Owen Lbro Co. my SE,,. 6*e:c. �-44-8, Interest '4024,face 20.20 3578 1924 24-44 , ax paid to ":own Treasurer. Charge back to Town of Drummond. 1170Ar Rust -Owen Lbr. Co. Part of -SW NV, Sec. 8-44-7, Into -32, face'l-53 2720 1924 1.85 P,/. SW NU sec. 15�44a-8. Into 1.67., 11 face 11.12 " _- /,�/ 3838 1925 12-79 First descriptibn illegal. dharge: back to the `iown of DrLunmond.. 8econd description., `paid to County freasurer before sale and no charge back. F..W. Rogers 14Y 35 acres NWSE', S'ec. 16-50-4, mace 36.29 17 Into :9:80 216 1923, 46.og Description inaccurate. To-o vague'. Charge back to the -owyi of Bayfield. 6- 1� 8 C�) 1 A10TUAL K@ETIN_G OF THE BA1FIELD COUNTY BOARD, NOVENMER 152 1927- Cert. No. iA_1_e Amount A. W. MacLeod SE SXIF kec- 34-45-5, Face 20-95 Interebt8.17 Tax deed & recording fee 1.75' 602 1921 30.87 'axes paid to 'Town Treasurer. See his receipt #100. Charge back to the town of Lincoln. W. C. Foster Co. SE SE, Sec. 18-50-4, Face, 35.39, Int. 9.55 238 1923 44.94 Description also includes school property. Charge back to the Town of :Hayfield. - S. D. Au st i n 6-L acres East of D. S. S. and A. Ry. Lot 6, 2 See. 17-47-8, Face- 5.40, Int. 1-13 3833 Same Description 1924 6. 1�- as above, face 9.95, . 4.41,2720 1921 14.36 62 acres East of D. S. 6. and -I- Ry. Lot 6, Sec,* 17-47-8, F`ace'4.15, Int. 4022 1925 4-77 Same description a ' s above,face 11.28,irit.4.23,3121 1922 15.51- 3 acres East of D:. S. b. and Ry. Lot, Sec. 17-47-8., Face 2.90, Int. .44 4020 1925 3.34) Double assessment. 6harge back to the Town of Iron river ##### S. D. Austin 6ec. - av- a Lot 1, 24-51-6, il'a Int. Face 17-989 �1­7 1--3-4-6-3 -'1-9��� Gf__B eaM � ,Bayfield County Original Townsite, City of Washburn, Lot 12, (NE 15 Feet), Block 63 5619 1923, 5.33 d Paid to City Treasurer. See receipt.#573 charge back to the City of _VVashburn. ##### H. J. McKusick 81V NE,, Sec. 14-44-9, iTace 19.86, Int. 6. 55 1 1922 26.4116_` SE, Sec . 14-44-9, Face 1�.�% Int 3.82, 1922 15.41' S, Tax deed and recording fees 2. 0,5j Taxes paid to '!%own Treasurer. Receipt #10. Charge back to the sown of Barnes. W. C. Poster Co. That part of the SE -If of the 1VWW1 lying 6outherly. from the X. P. Ry. Co.'s right, of way and con- taining 9 acres more or less, Sec. 6-48-4 Face 133.45., Interest 44.04 67 1922 177.49 It it It it; That part of the SE-,LI of the NWT lying Southerly from the N. P. Ry. Co.'s right of way and con- taining 9 acres more or less, Sec. 6-48-4 Face 113.62, Interest 30-;68 53 1923 144.30 That part of the SX' of the NVI-1 lying Southerly from the N. P. Ry. .Co.'s right of way and c.on- y taining 9 acres more or less, Sec. 6-48-4 Face 116.83, Interest 24.53 49 1924 141.36 That part of the SE-i of the NWT' liring 'Southerly from the N. P. Ry. Co.."s right of way and con- taining 9 acres more or less, Sec. 6-48-4 Face 153.97, Interest 23.10 46 1925' 177.07 Illegal description. No valid tax, deed can be taken. Charge back to the City of Washburn. Motion was mad4 by Hering and seconded by errs. Doyle that the foregoing report be adopted and approved as read, and that the clerk 'be instructed to issue orders in payment for claims allowed. Motion carried unanimously. z83 AliNAUL YL;ET ING OF THE Br,.YI+' IELD COUNTY BOARD --- — ----- - -- --- - - - - - --- NOV ITMBER 15 , 1927 . — - -- - - - -- I � ' i - The following communication was then read: WISCONSIN COUNTY BOARDS ASSOCIATION Ashland, Vy'i s . , August 31, 1927 - County Board of Supervisors, Hayfield County. Dear Sirs,: Under separate cover we, are mailing you copies of the proceedings of the last meeting of the s'isconsin County .hoards Association held in the City of Milwaukee. There should be enough copies so each member of your board will receive one. The next meeting of the Association will be held at Lancaster, Grant. Bounty, during the first week in June, 1928. You will be notified of the exact dates. i 'iYhe annual dues of each countybelonging to the "ssociation is 410.00, and the Association requests and urges every county board to join the Association and de.legate your chairman, and as many more as may be interested, to attend the next annual meeting. A considerable number of the resolutions were acted upon by the legislature and the sentiment -of your board on those resolutions which were not acted upon favor- able or were vetoed by the governor should be given to your representative so they can be brought up for consideration at our next annual meeting. i As you will notice, forty-four counties were represented at the meeting at Iiilwaukee and we had the largest representation in our history. ire would like to make this next meeting at Lancaster as nearly 100% as possible and urge that your Board take favorable action for paying the Association dues and naming the delegates to the next convention. ?lease notify the secretary as promptly as possible of your county board action as regards to the payment of dues in the Association and the names of the representatives delegated to attend the meeting. Also let us have the name and address of the chairman of your county board after your November meeting. i r Yours very truly, WISCONSIN COUNTY BOARDS ASS-OCIATION 0. F. f}oessler, Pres. R. C.,Bretting, Sec'y-Treas. i Iiiotion was made- by tiering and seconded by Stuhlman that the County Clerk be instructed to draw an. order of i'en dollars to the ' isconsin County Aoard:s Association for the annual fee, and that the chairman be 'authorized to attend the, annual con- vention at the expense of` the County. Motion carried. the following report was then read: Mashburn, u;is., Nov. 1st, 1927. _ lo t1=e honorable County -Hoard, .hayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: I respectfully submit the following report of the Indigent Soldiers' Relief Commission for Bayfield County, iris., for t::-_e year ending Iovember 1st, 1927: tIJCEIj'rS .Amount of Levy �19000. 00 D ISBURSEiOENTS Officers per diem Nov. 1, 1926 51.60 Iron Kiver Hardware Co., coal to .mod. Koss, C, v. Clark and C. Miller 192.00 ,8 AITTUAL TVIEET II9 G OF THE BAYF IELD COUNTY BOARD. NOVET3ER 159 1927. i i I Dr. F. G. Johnson, Iced. attendance to G. Miller ��170.00 Bagstad & Nelson, :fort Vi'ing, Mdse. E. G. Chamberlin 200.`00 7ashburn Printing Go., Application blanks 15.75 Salary Secretary 50.00 H. G. Iffertens, Med. attendance J. Mitchel, Red Cliff 15.00 .Postage, express, :etc. 2.10 Dr. IT. G. Johnson, Iced. attendance to Did. Ross 20.00 ff. V. Good, Bayfield, rued. assistance- 100.00 Per diem Commission, Nov. 1, 1927 62.40 Balance on- hand 121.1 Total. 01, 000.00 We further ask'that a levy of 41,000.00 be made for the ensuing year. Respectfully submitted, R. A. rlering Secretary Indigent Soldiers' Relief Commission. Motion was made by Stuh;mari and seconded by A. P. Johnson that the report be i accepted and placed on file. Motion carried unanimously. the following communication was then read: WISCONSIN HIGHWAY C Olrul I S S I OIT Madison, October 20, 1927. Ludwig lranmal, Clerk, Bayfield County Washburn, ' isconsin. Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Estimated Highway .Funds available for 1928. As required by Section 84.04 of the Statutes, this Commission has determined, so far as is possible, what improvements shall be made in your county under the prov- isions of Chapter 84 of the Statutes, with appropriations for the present fiscal year, and you are hereby notified of such determination. The funds estimated to be available for the work in the county under $ec. 20.49 are as follows:. 1. For the improvement of the County Trunk Highway System �18, 395� 59 2. For the improvement of the State Trunk Highway 8ystemee As Federal kid Construction on S.T.H. #24, J the Grand: View -Mason Iioad: 73 s 582.36 i 3. For the Maintenance of the State Trunk.,Highway System 57,702.40 net The determinations are tentative only as the actual amounts can not be known until after the end of the fiscal year, which is June 30, 1928. Respectfully, I�TISCONSIN HIGHWAY COMMISSION By H. J. Kuelling State Highway Engineer. Potion was made by Stone and seconded by :Baker that the foregoing communication I be accepted and placed on file. I,Iotion carried unanimously. The communication of ifred Dahlberg, District Superintendent of the Children's Home Society of Wisconsin, requesting �p100 for the Society was laid on the table with- out any action being taken. ! Motion was made by atuhlman and seconded by Hering that. Dr. Mertens be allowed five minutes to address the Board regarding the Nurses° Home at the Sanatorium. Motion carried. Dr. Mertens gave a very interesting talk to the Board and cited his' personal views regarding the construction of a Nurses' Home. Motion w as made by Baker and seconded by A. P. Johnson that the Board adjourn r until 9:00 A. M. November 16th. Motion carried. ANNUAL K-EET-ING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOV.ER 16, 1927. - -------------- -- - -- --- -- --- -- --- ---- - - --- --- --- - i ivieeting was called to order at 9:15 A. IVI. by Chairman G. 1 . Axness. R-oll call showed the following members present: Galligan, ball, A-lcott, iijarvick, Baker, Goff, Mertz, lipperer, chambers, Daniels, Squires, J. n`. Johnson, Junek, Jr., halen,-Pudas, !: isun,=inderson, Woodard, Herrin, Stone, Williams, Axness, i,'iege, MdCarty, smith, -bracken, Doyle, Ungrodt, Nelson and A. P. Johnson. "Total thirty. seven absent. Total thirty-seven. The following report was then read: riNNU I REPORT O.F THE COUNTY H 7_GHWAY C I T T EE - NOVEI�0, ER 15, 1927. Your county highway Committee begs to submit their annual report on highway conditions with recomriiednations. for the following year. r'or a. statement of moneys received and disbursed we refer you to the County .Highway Commissioner's financial report. Your committee went over the State and County highway systems last spring during the wet weather that we had then and we found them at that time to be in no condition to stand any prolonged wet period of weather. de found mi,&s and miles of State highwaysi and all of the 129 miles of County highways without any surfacing of any kind, even some of the red clay roads that had been surfaced with sand were not holding up under the traffic that was going over them. Sie could readily see that we must 'try to get a better grade of gravel on these roads as fast as possible if vie were going to expect therm to hold up during wet weather. Just receritly we went over the same highways again and found them to be in the best shape we,have ever seen them, due partly to the good work which has been done on these highways this summer and partly to the favorable fall weather, but we know very well that just as soon as the sky gets cloudy and it starts to rain, these same roads will soon become almost inpassable, and will continue to be that way until they are surfaced with fairly good gravel. In setting dowr: the work that really needs to be done badly, on the County Trunk Highways alone, we find that we cant even begin to do a half of what needs to 'be done with the money that can be raised under the 2 mill provisions of the Jiigh- way laws. This is due to the fact that the assessed valuation of this County is very low in comparison to the large number of miles of County Trunk highways that we have to bu-'ld and maintain and each year the assessed valuation of the county is going down, thereby forcing our available highway appropriation down also. This reduced valuation makes a cut in our highway appropriation necessary of �2398.08 for this year and has reduced our county highway appropriation $15,773.98 less than the amount raised by 2 mills in 1920. in view of these facts your c om?iiittee� is firmly of the opinion that we can- not reduce our 2 mill levy for county trunk highways and still keep them up in any kind of fit shape to travel on at all. We believe that if the two mill levy is re- duced you will have to bond this county within a year or two in order to do the work that absolutley has to be done to koep these highways passable and we all know that it costs more money to borrow and bond the county and pay interest than it does to just do the best we can with the money we can raise and pay as we go. Disregarding for the time being the State Trunk Highway System entirely as far as County money is concerned we find the County highway system about as follows; 9 '!, 8 6 AMA-L. HEE'LINC OF T—__1E BAY]± IELD COUNTY BOARD NOV73111BER 16, 1927. - - County Trunk highway "A"" and "'N"". - Drummond., Darnes and iron itiver road, I,TX County Trunk "A" part of this highway is 26 miles long and is fairly well constr- i ucted with the completion of this year's work for the first 13 miles from Drummond toward Iron River. The other 13 miles needs to be widened and graded, but we do not i feelthat we can do anything on this piece of road this coming year with the small amount of money available. The type of soil on this road is sandy or gravel and is not slippery during wet weather. i - 'The County 'hunk "NO part of this highway is from near Halls' corner to Douglas County line near Barnes , is 7-_1lj- miles long, very narrow and winding and needs regrading badly, and because it is the only piece of road on the 33 miles of highways between Drummond andiron river that we feel should be improved this coming year, we are recommending 43000.00 for grading same. i County 'Trunk "All from Iron River to Port Wing. This highway is sixteen miles long and is red clay soil almost the entire distance. We have just completed the last of the grading on this highway this year i and started to gravel the road from Iron Diver North. a'1e consider this highway one of the most important in the County, because it is the only outlet to a railroad for a great many people in the vicinity of Port ;'ling and its present condition is absol- utely impassable after a wet period of weather. I'fe are therefore recommending an appropriation of $5,000.00 to continue the graveling started this year. County Trunk "B" - Town of Oulu This Highway is 12 miles long and all red clay. the first 8 miles from the Jct. of "B" is graded and sand surfacing was placed on part of same last winter,but with the very bad spring break-up this year, the sand -has all worked into the clay, and at the present time the road is slippery when wet, which is one reason we believe that,. we must have a bet.t-er grade of gravel on these clay roads. 'i'here is a bridge on the first mile of this highway over Iron River that needs some repairs. On the last 4 miles of this road there are five bridges that need to be built.:and the grading and surfacing of this last four miles, which is heavy clay soil, we estimate at about $129000.00 besides the bridges. tile. do not believe that we can allot enough money to make even a good start toward building this last 4 rniles.of road this year, and we believe it would be better to complete graveling the 8 miles that have been graded and we are therefore recommending an appropriation of 03,000.00 for that purpose. County Trunk "C" Washburn - Cornucopia. This highway is 21 miles long with all types of soil, from red clay -to sand barren, and is undoubtedly one of the most important county trunk highways in i the county for the reasons that the road from iron River to Port t7ing is important, i and is also in need of a great deal of work soon; for instance there are 19 Vitrofied 'rile Culverts on 1-0' miles of this road inside of the city limits of Vrashburn that will need to be replaced within a few years, some of them are under high fills and we estimate the probable cost at about $,4,000.00 for this work alone. Then there are two or three miles of very expensive construction in the Four ]Kile Creek Valley that should be done soon, three miles of sand barrens that need grading and six miles of the old grade from the barrens to Cornucopia that needs widening, ditching and grad- ing at once. i)ue to the backward spring and late start that our construction crews got this spring and the ]merge amount of construction work that our county crews did by force labor for the State it was impossible for us to complete the grading provided for on this highway this year unless we tofle up the road late in October, which we: did not consider wise to do. ZS 7 ANNUAL HEFTING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVITIMMER_ 16. 19 I I I We therefore recommend 03,500.00 to continue grading from where this year's appropriation will end. f County 'Zrunk °'D" - Cable to 'Grandview. This highway is-29 miles long. The soil is largely gravel and only a short I i piece- of it needs to be surfaced, but about 12 miles of it is narrow., hilly, crooked i and needs grading. The center abutment: of the bridge over the Namekagon river in the' `1`own of Cable is crumbling away and needs repairing and there are three large. wooden j bridges at Namekagon Lake that will soon need replacing. `he replacement of .these three bridges will b e . a heavy expense :so for this year we are only recor.mer:ding an � 000.00 for the re g g g appropriation of 4r �„ pair of the z�ameka on Brid e raisin of the Highway across two sinkholes and grading a short piece of this highway in the Yown of Cable. i "Ell _ ) County '�'�ruri.� E = Sanborn to �ibon asor., - lno. i'his Highway is-18 miles long and mostly clay soil. what part of this road from I;t�asorl to lno which is 12 miles long is fairly well graded and surfaced and with i the completion of this year's work can do as it i.s for another year. A concrete bridge was constructed on this highway this season, but the six miles of this road � I between the Town of Kelly and Lincoln needs surfacing badly, and regrading in spots - and for this work we are recommending �h3,000.00. The total real estate and personal property valuation of thf.s county as re- ported by the Income- 'i"ax Assessor's, office is ��20,230,143.00 for this coming year, which with a two mill. levy, (Chap -ter ter 8 .06 Sub. Sec. 4) will � Y9 p�� 3 � provide �40,, 460:28 for the county trunk highways during the season of 1928.. Your committee, after a careful study, recommends the following highway program for the season of 1928, to be appropriated as follows' County 'i:'runk Highway T=laintenance (129) miles 57,500.00 County Machinery Zund - 7 500.00 Indemnity -Insurance , 1,000.00 County' Trunk "A' and "N" - Drummond, Barnes and Iron river, grading from end of -present project westerly 3,000.00 County 'Trunk "k" - Iron .giver to sort 1,+ing, gravel surfacing 5,00o.00 County ±'-runk °'Bp - Oulu .(Surfacing) 3,000.00 County 'gunk "C" - "nvashburn to Cornucopia, grading and " 3,500.00 County 1`runk crllu - Cable to �randview-, bridges and grading 3 000.00 ' County 'Trunk "lE" - Sanborn;j6_,��Ison, Ino, gravel surfacing and grading 39000.00 County Highway i mergency r`und 960.28 T OTAL 040t460.28 } 'our committee recommends an appropriation of 5 25000.00 for. the removal of � snow on Mate Trunk Highway 71-13. Your committee recommends an appropriation of 4�7,500.00 for highway Adminis- tration from the general fund of the County. Te recommend that the estate Aid for County `Trunk highways under the present - State Highway Laws (Subsection 9 of Section 84.03) for the season of 1928 be used for j the maintenance of the County system of highways. Sr:ow- removal appropriation to be taken from any available funds in charge of the Highway Committee derived through the regular two mill tax and will not be any additional appropriation or extra expense to the tax -payers. Very strong demands have jbeen expressed to this committee, from citizens and members of the Bayfield County Board from the a rthern -" o part of the Gountyr`etitionirig .for snow removal on one highway , 'I to or from isolated communities of Cornucopia, Herbster and fort `ring, so as to give them transportation to and from a railroad all of the winter, or as much of the winter as the available money would keep the highway open. fie do riot thiN.K this county should I try to move snow on all the State o/i. County Highways novv or any other time unless the A1,11M L ITEETING OF THE BA.YFItMD COUNTY BOARD NOVMER, 16, 1927. � I State provides at least a..part of the expense from the gasoline tax revenue. "she above appropriation to be used as far as it would go, would give the Board an idea of the cost of this work. We are inserting a few figures to the County valuation in relation to the County Highway appropriations since 1920. Valuation Two Mill lax highway 3'unds otal County High - Year of County for Highways Raised by Bonds way funds raised. 1920 28,117,131 56,234.26 439000.00 099234.26 1921 2799503,188 55P900. 38 - 551900. 8 1922 27,9239407 55,846.81 111,000.00 1663,846.91 1923 2891639092 56,326,18 56,326.18 1924 269499,52.5 52,999.05 30,000.00 82,999.05 1925 25,366,482 50,732.96 50,,732.96 1926 22,016,927 44,033.87 44,033.87 192,' 210429,181 42,858.36 42,858.36 1928 20,230,143 40,460.28 (Proposed) 40,46o.28 The above figures if carefully studied will give the members of the Bayfield County Board an idea of how much the county highway appropriations have been reduced in the past year and in this proposed program for the next year and also the fact that in 1920 there were ninety-six miles of highways on the county Trunk highway System in this County, while today there are 129 miles of highways on the County Trunk Highway System. In other words, County Highway Funds have decreased about 56.8%, while the County Trunk Highway Tiileage has increased about 34.44% since 1920. In the face of these facts your committee strongly recommends that the two mill levy for highways be not reduced this year, or any year as long as Bayfield County wishes to be responsible for 129 miles of County 'Trunk Highways. Your committee strongly recommends that there be absolutley no additions to the County 'Trunk highway System in this Ccunty as long as the present State highway laws are in force, because under the present Highway Laws the 'Towns receive $25.00 per mile for every mile of Toir:n Highways in their towns and the County does not receive any more state aid funds reg ardless of how many miles may be added to the system. Your committee believes that if anything a reduction, in the present County Highway System rather than any additions should go hand in hand with any attempt to reduce County Highway appropriations. ffe believe the members of this board might be interested in the number of vehicles going over our state and county highways as shown by traffic courts this season, These counts were taken on the following dates: June 6, July 4., 13 and 23, August 3, 14 and 24, September 5 and 21, on all State and County roads in the County, and only the average for the season for each road is inserted here. Average' per day County 'Trunk "All - Drummond to Iron River 18 County Trunk '"A" - Iron River to fort '% inrg 193 County Trunk "B" - 'Town of Oulu �91 County Trunk "Ct'' - Washburn to Cornucopia 272 County Trunk I'D" - Grandview to Cable 165 County Trunk "E" o Mason to !no 218 State Trunk #13 - " ashburn to Bayfield 627 State 'Trunk #13 and #2 - Ashland, Washburn, Iron River 1509 State Trunk #24 - Cable to Ashland 508 'The maintenance of the State Trunk Highway System as provided for by the State funds4g on about the same as this past season. The State Department desires to spend as much of the Gang Maintenance Mroney as possible for gravel surfacing on the State 'Trunk System, and in order to secure better gravel for both State Gang M-aintenance and County money we have purchased a small port -able screening and crushing plant which 289 0I5UAL MEETING Of THE BAYF IELD COUNTY _- OARD NOVEMBBR 16, 1927: was -used this past season for the graveling of the Vashburn-Ashland road on 113, with Fang 11aintenance money, and on the graveling job on County Trunk "A" between Iron '-iiver and Fort Ving with County money. -both of these jobs have turned out eery good, due largely to the good grade of gravel which was possible for us to put on these roads with this plant. ii1Je believe this is one of the most practical and commercial pieces of equipment that the county has secured in a long time and we might also add that the state pays us a rental price for the use of this plant at the rate of 30 cents per cubic yard, which this season has :amounted to about one-third of the pur- chase price. Gang Maintenance money will be used this coming year to surface with gravel the most slippery parts of Stat.eTrunk #13 from the Douglas County line to Bayfield I with possibly a small amount of Gang Maintenance money being used to syrface two miles of ##24 from Drummond South. j As to the construction of the State Trunk highway system for this coming year, the Wisconsin Highway Commission have agreed not to do any furtl.-er work on the fish Creek slide on U. S. #2' this season, and have also agreed with us that if the con- dition of this slide is as serious next spring as it is at present they will then i consider the changing of this highway back to some other route. In any event whether they use any other route or the Fish Creek route for U. S. #r2, they have definitely ! agreed NOT to use any of Bayfield County°s allotted construction funds for the con- i struction of U. S. ##2 in this county. "he Wisconsin highway Commission has allotted the State and Federal Aid I Gonstruction of this county available in 1928 under section 84.03, a'ubsection 9, to construct State Trunk i#24, beginning near Grandview, thence across Bibon Swamp and ' said sum will construct. The present program calls for the North as far as the/funds allotted under t<<is provision for 1929 to be expended be- tween Washburn and Bayfield. i In regard to this County Aid Bridge, appropriation voted by this County i Board last spring to the Towns of Pilsen, Oulu and Delta, the plans were made for the doing of all three of these jobs. The bridge in the 'town of Delta has been completed. the voters of the `i''own of Pilsen decided to postpone the construction of their bridge and the 'Town of Oulu rejected bids received on their bridge because they exceeded the available money. i -respectfully submitted, I ' Geo. Bvv. `illiams, H. C. 15iege Geo. Vester. I - Highway Committee. Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Nelson that the foregoing report be adopted as read. Motion was made by njarvick and seconded by Stone that the original motion be I amended to read that the report of the Highway Committee be accepted with the except- ion of the recommendation of Snow removal on highway #13 moll call on the amendment was as follows: Aye: Tay . . Nall, Kjarvick, Goff, Mertz, Zipperer, Chambers, Squires, J. A. Johnson Junek, Jr., Pudas, Woodard, Stone, Williams, Axness, Doyle, Ungrodt, Nelson and A. D. Johnson. Total eighteen. Galligan, Alcott, Baker, Daniels, Kalen, iffisun,-inderson, Perrin, iege, McCarty, Smith, Bracken and Hering. T`otal thirteen. Six absent. Amendment carried. ANNIUA.L 2METING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD. .doll Call on the Original motion as amended was as follows: - Aye: hall, h jarvick, Goff, Mertz, v.ipperer, Chambers, Daniels, Squires, J X•® Johnson, Junek, -Js'., Kalen, Pudas, Anderson, 'u+oodard, Stone, Williams, ii'xness, Doyle, U-ngrodt., Nelson grid n. Johnson. 'Total twenty-one. Nay: Galligan, Alcott, Baker, 10,1sun, eerrin, k'i.ege, McCarty,. Smith, Bracken and Hering. Total ten. Six absent. 'Total thirty-seven. Motion carried. Motion was made by Baker and seconded by l'isun that the -Board dispense with the reading of the highway Co-mmissioner's financial report, and that the Clerkbe instructed to place it on file. lViotion carried unanimously. The following application for blind pension was then read.* APPLICA`ItION FOR AID FOR FLI3TD or BLIND and DEAF. Benoit, v'iisconsin, October 18, 1927- I hereby apply for aid under the provisions of Chapter 355, laws of 1923. 1 submit my application for consideration upon the facts herein set forth in answer to the following questions: 1. Name in full r'rank Paul Brozovich 2. Address in full Benoit, his. 3. Date and place of birth 11ay 29, 1906, Walsenberg, Colo. Age 20 4. Married, single, widow, widower or divorced Single I 5- If married, is husband or wife living ---- Whe-re ---- 6. is husband or wife employed? --- if so,states ---- (a) Name and address of employer unem- ployed (b) Average weekly wage ---- 7. Has husband or wife sufficient means to provide proper care? --- 8. dames, addresses and ages of children, if any 9. If children are employed, state: (a) 'Tames and addresses of employers --- Average weekly Mirage of each child ---a (c) Have children sufficient means to provide care or aid in your support?--- 10. What aid has.been given you during the past twelve months by your'children, brothers. or sisters, or parents.? Board and clothing provided by mother.. 11. Names and addresses of parents, if living furs. Catherine Brozovich. .Father died October 8, 1925. Benoit, Wis. (a) have parents sufficient means to provide proper care? No. 12. If living with relatives other than with husband or wife, state with whom. TZIother. (a) has relative with wham you are residing sufficient means to provide proper care? No. 13. What occupation do you follow for a living? Haven't any except help on the farm. (a) Wiaa.t was your average income per month from your own labor, for the last twelve months? hone. (b) What other income have your? None. 14. Do you receive a pension of any sort? No. if so, state amount and source---- ' i 15. have you resided in vjisconsin for ten consecutive years immediately preceding j the date of this application, or were you a resident of the state at the time you lost your eyesight? -resident of State, at time; also past ten years. 16. Have you resided in County one year? yes. _ 17. Are you an inmate of any state, county or municipally owned charitable, reform- ANYUAL IIEETI]1G OF THE, BAYFIELD COM- TY BOARD NOVETURM atory or penal institution in the state or in attendUnce at any state, county or mun- icipally owned school for the Blind or Deaf wherein instructions, room and boards and � other incidentals are furni•ehed free. of charge, except the Summer School of the Iffis. School for. the Blind? -Xe. i _ - I 18. Are you publicity soliciting alms? No. . i SYliTE OF 711SCONSIN j j County of Bayfield Frank Paul Brozovich, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that each and all of the foregoing answers to the foregoing questions are true and correct to the best of his knowledge. and belief. 'chat he is. over 18 years of age; that he is blind -s", and not an 'inmate or any state, county or municipally owned charitable, reform- atory or penal institution in the State of Wisconsin, and has an income of less than 1�100.00 per annum; that he has been a bona fide resident of the said state for ten years, and of the County of Bayfield for one year preceding the date of this application, and hereby makes application to the said 1ounty of Bayfield for the annual benefit of i ,jp.200.00, as provided for by Chapter 355-, haws of 1923. Frank Brozovich x his mark. Ap_)licant's Signature. i Clarence J. dolman ) j Signature or witnesses. Laura Holman j i Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of'(jctober, 1927. Ludwi g '1 ranmal County Clerk. STAZEIMNT OF 17='REHOLDERS' (If applicant has resided in County one year). State of naisconsin j County of Bayfield Id. -b. Ledin and 0. hi. Axness being first duly sworn on oath depose and say; that they are freeholders residing in the County of Bayfield; that they are personally acquainted with r`ranlc Brozovich, the above applicant, and know of their own knowledge 1 � that said, applicant has been a bona fide resident of said state for ten years and of said county of Hayfield for one year or that he lost his vision while he was a resident I of this state and of the county in which application is made for at least one year i FY7- immediately preceding date of application. Subscribed and sworn to b efar me this 20th day of lei. J�. Ledin October, .1927. - i G.. 0. Samuelson, Notary public, Bayfield County, ois. 0. M. Axness lay commission expires 1.Earch 23, 1930. CERTIFICATE OF EXAMIMI]R I, B. Schlossmann, 1i, D., Examiner of the blind and deaf for the ounty of hayfield,, and State of Wisconsin, do hereby certify that i have examined Frank Brozovich and find that his right eye was removed through operation. Left eye intact. : Schlossmann, _ram. 1). Dated at u ashburn, V is. , :examiner of Plind and Deaf. this 18th day of Oct., 1927. ORDER FOR PENSION The application of Yrank 1;aul .Brozovich of the !own of Keystone in saidCounty, for a pension under the provisions of Chapter 3559 laws of 1923, alleged to be blind or blind and deaf, having been presented to the undersigned County Board of Bayfield County, I; and upon due investigation and examination it satisfactorily appearing: 1. That the said ............................was. a resident of this state at the j time......lost.... ..sight or has-been a resident of this state for ten years or more i and of the county in which such application is made for at least one year preceding the date of making application. 2. That .......annual income is less that. '.......per annum. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - . NOVEMBER 16, 1927 •-. --' 3. ''hat ...... is not an inmate of any state, county or municipally owned charitable reformatory or penal institution in this state or in attendance at any state, county or municipally owned School for the 31ind or Deaf wherein instructions, rooms and Board, and other incidentals are furnished free of charge, except the Summer School of the Wisconsin School for the :Blind. 4. i�hat .... is not publicity Soliciting alms. 5. That ..... has no relatives who can be compelled to support....... under the provisions of Sec. 49.11 to 49.13 both inclusive. 6. That ....is blind or blind and deaf and is entitled to a pension ofper annum. Therefore, it is ordered, that the County Treasurer of the said Bayfield County, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay to said Frank Paul'Brozovich the sum of Unone, the first payment to be made on the ..... day of .......... 19... and a like sum quarterly until the further order of the County Board. County Board of Bayfield County, Chairman. Date November 16, 1927. ITIotion was made by Goff and seconded by J. 1i. Johnson that the foregoing application for blind pension be denied. Notion carried unanimously. The following report was- then read: �I TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: , We the undersigned County Board Committee on .Finance, kiiscellaneous claims and Budget, wish to make the following report and recommendations: i We wish to call your attention that the recommended budget of this committee has been increased to some extent over the appropriations of last year. This is due largely to the following items: Mothers' pension, an increase of $.5,500.00, contingency 05, 000.00, Principal of Eonds, 03,000.00, Elections '? 2, 000.00, State Special Charges 1,676.27, Sheriff $600.00 and County Court $500.00. The County Board has no option in the payment of Mothers' Pension but must pay i the court orders issued by the Ccunty Judge. The amount of such claims paid during last year as shown by the records and the number of claims on file with others in prospect, leads the committee to believe that the amount now recommended will probably bed Iufficient to meet them. i 77e have increased the contingency fund to $P20,000.00, which we hope will offset the estimated shortage in tax collections. The increase on Principal of Bonds is due to the fact that the first series of Sioux River Bridge Bonds becomes due in 1928. 'i'he increase on Elections is due to the fact that next year7irill have General and Presidential Election. the increase in State especial Charges is due to the increase in the number of i inmates in State Institutions. These amounts are certified to the County by the Secretary of State and are fixed charges. The increase of Sheriff's office is due principally to liquor later violations. ANNUAL ME E.T ING OF THE BAYS' IELD COUNTY BOARD NOiIEMBER 169 1927. The increase in County Court is due largely to increase of County Court and -Probate ! work. A number of items have -been reduced, the largest being the reduction of interest on I bonds, $1,100.00, teed Gross., `�11,000.00, Humane Society 200.00, vounty Maps. $500.00, Justice Uou-rts �250.00, Tuition laid. 'i'raining Schools. 4150.00, Uounty's share of forest fires y�150.00, and District. A-tt.orney $100.00. We wish to refer you to the minutes of our July Committee meeting and the report of the Auditors for the financial status of the Sanatorium. i We have examined the Audit Report of the County Books and records and wish to call � your attention to the fact that a copy of same is on file in the County Clerk's office � � I for your personal -inspection. 1. (See page 189 of County .Board Journal, Vol. 6.) j i 2. We -recommend that the claim of Frank Brozovich for blind pension be disallowed for the reason that one eye is intact according to the report of the Examiner of blind and Deaf. I � i 3. We recommend that the Pension of Sam Gilles for Blind and Deaf relief be increased from y 37.50 to 4�40.00 per month, the maximum allowed by l.aw. j Your committee believes that the two mill levy is an absolute necessity if we are to I � j continue the upkeep of the present county highway system and the improvements such a.s � I .I graveling outlined by the Highway Committee. l,e believe also unless the two mill levy for highways is continuted vie will be forced to bond for highway work within the next I i.: few years. I i Your Budget and Finance Oommittee further recommend the adoption 'of the full report ! of the road and Bridge committee as filed by said committee, and recommend that the i several amounts constituting the Highway appropriations be allocated as recommended by I said: iioad and Bridge committee. 4i'e further wish to submit to you a proposition of Superintendent of Schools. ML s. i TJrIller has an item of about $900.00 which she wants the board to appropriate for Special purpose, and suggest that hirs. Miller be given a chance to appear before the Board. BUDGET' I Recommended Adopted State Tax 8947.77 6 .0, 647.77 GENERAL GOV�r{,RM T;T : i I . County Board �2,200.00 29200.00 Gounty Clerk. 3400.00 Count rea.surer ! 3,400.00 y 3,4GO.oU 3,400.00 Assessment 3,000.00 3,6G0.0o Listrict Attorney 2,100.00 2,7GO.G0 Divorce Counsel 50.00 50.00. Surveyor- 5.00 5.00 County Court 3,700.00 3,700.00 j Municipal Court 3,000.00 3,000.00 Justice Courts 50.00. 50.00 Circuit 6our t; 5,500.00 59500.00 Coroner 50.00 50.00 Courthouse 3,700.00 3,700.00 h1Cctio11s 2,8UO.o0 2,800.00 I SiDecial Accounting and 1-_uditing 925.00 925.00 "RG`lECTION, 01F P"OSO S AND PROPERTY: Sheriff' 69800.00 6,80o.00 Register of -ueeds 2,800.00 2,800.00 i Humane Society County's share of fighting forest fires 150.00 150.00 i I I 94' AMUAL IfEETING OF `1'HE; BA�� IE'LD COUNTY BOIL NOVEIVBER 169 1927. Recommended. Adopted HEALTH CONSERVATION AND SANITATION: Vital Statistics 275.00 275.00 County `1'uberdulosis Sanatorium 14,500.00 149500.00 Public Health Nurse 3,500.00 .3,500.00 HIGHIAYS AND BRIDGES: Highway Administration Mlaintenance S.T.H.S. 0 Co. Y.H.S. To Mill `Tax County Aid bridges under erection 87.01 - Town of Delta EDUCATION: County Superintendent Tuition raid Training Schools Supervising Teachers County Agricultural Agent CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS: Outdoor Poor Relief Mothers' 'Pension Relief of Blind Soldiers' Relief 0-ail and. Sheriff's residence Insane in Outside Institutions Industrial Schools for Girls Boys Northern Colony & Training Schools School for Dependent Children State General Hospital State Sanatarium STATE SPECIAL CHARG-ES. INDEBTEDNESS: Interest on Bonds Interest on 'Temporary Loans Principal of Bonds UNCLASSIFIED: Unclassified Gounty Fair Cornmunity fairs Insurance on Fair building Expense of taking county tax deeds Contingency Grand Total OUTLAY GENERAL GOVERI NT: Courthouse PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: Sheriff Register of Deeds Municipal Court HEALTH CONSERVATION AND SANITATION?: Sanatorium County Nurse EDUCATION: County Agriculture. Agent Total for Outlay ESTIIJATED REVENU.Ii;S TAB S : inheritance Tax f or County Street Railway Tax from State Tax Fees and Penalties Occupational 'Tax for County Income 'Tax Revenue FEES AND CHARGES: County Clerk County Treasurer Register of Deeds Municipal and Circuit Courts GIFTS AND GRANTS: Revenue From State - Co. T. H. S. e I'Alairite riance S.`T'.H.S. State Aid for Supervising leachers 79 500.00 579702.40 18,30/5.50 40,455.29 1,986.89 4;000.00 150.00 4,500.00 3.9200.00 600.00 18,000.00 1,540.00 1,000.00 2,600.00 lot804.21 3o6.43 191.07 1,703.63 181.71 2,782.22 387.86 69775.00 21,900.00 21813-50 .01 1,000.00 19200.00 20. 000. 00 $302,851-.58 4725.00 300.00 85.00 61.50 65o.00 100.00 �2,121.50 175- 00 229.78 8,000.00 00.00 00.00 250.00 50.00 29000.00 1, 500.00 18,395.59 579702.40 4,.500.00 79500.00 57,702.40 189395,59 40,455.29 1,986.89 4,700.00 150.00 49500.00 3,200.00 600.00 18,000.00 1, 540.00 1,000.00 2600.00 10:864.21 3o6.43 191.07 1,703.63 181.71 2,782.22 387.86 69775.00 219900.00 23.50 29813.01 1,000.00 1,200.00 20.000.00 364 151.58 $725.00 300.00 85.00 61.50 4,000.00 650.00 300.00 6,121.50 State aid for mothers' -Pension State aid for blind ALL OTHER GENERAL REVENUE: Rent of Tax deed property C OM, ERC IAL : Interest on daily deposits Sanatorium l`otal estimated Revenue 300.00 275.00 200.00 500.00 _ 5, 500.00 $100,677.77 i ANNUAL ME`f I NG OF T H + BAYFI 1 LD COUNTY BOARI -- - _-- —-_--_--- — — --- --- — --- ------ NOVEIAIER S.10.AATORIUM OUTLAY Vhile we have omitted the item of Uutlay for Bayfield County's share of cost of Construction of Nurses' home at i-ureair Sanatorium we are thoroughly convinced of the necessity of such a home, and wish to submit this item to the Board for their full consideration. Bayfield County's estimated share of this construction is eight thousand dollars. I Dated this 15th day of November, 1927. �. k. Daniels Leon H. McCarty R. E'. Goff Pat 'Gall igan :R . A.. He ri ng FINANCE C01afITTEE. Motion was made and duly seconded that recommendations one, two and three made by the .Finance Committee be adopted as read. Motion carried. Motion was made and duly seconded that the. budget items be acted upon separately I and that they be set as recommended by the r'inance Committee, except where they made changes by ,resolution. aaotion,carr'ded unanimously. i The following resolution was then read: RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE' '1lfri DIS`L`RICT ATTORNEY OF BAYFIELD COUNTY TO APPOINT A STsEN- OGRAPHE,R AND CLERK TO AID IN THE PERFORTZhNCE' OF THE DUTIES OF HIS OFFICE: RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County at the annual meeting thereof this 15th day of November, 1027, that the District Attorney of .Bayfield County be and he is hereby authorized to appoint a stenographer and clerk to aid him in the perfor- mance of the -duties of his office, that said stenographer and clerk be paid a salary of' 14�50.00 per month, , payable monthly in the manner provided by law for the payment of salaries of 0ounty Officers, said appointment to commence.December lst, 1927.' Pt Galligan Motion was made by hjarvick and seconded by Nelson that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read, and that the District Attorney's budget be increased to 441)2,700.00. Motion carried. The following report was then read: November 9, 1927. Tle, the undersigned committee on Buildir_gs and Grounds wish to make the following report on the past year's work: dourthous'e appropriation 19aintenance: �3,700.00 Outlay 40.00 Total $3,740.00 Total expenditure .61 Balance. 166.39 County :Jail Appropriation �;2,500.00 Expenditure 2.-672.93 Overrun �$172.93 Less balance on courthouse account 166.39 6.54 on both accounts. The committee wishes to inform the board that the courthouse, county jail and garage buildings are in better' condition at the present time than they have been for the the past several years,.for which, fact vie wish to give a great deal of credit to the janitor and extra help from the county prisoners through the cooperation of the sheriff.° Fie also took it upon ourselves to enter into a contract with a "portable Dook Binding Ooncern to have many of the record books rebound and repaired in the several offices as listed. ANNUAL 1METIhTG' OF THE BAY. 'IELD COUNTY BOA-J) NOVEIMER 16, 1927. - REGISTER- OF DEEDS: i 5 rebound- ; j 14 remounts i 52 nevi canvass covers 321.00 CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT: 9 nevi canvass covers 22.50 COUNTY CLERK: 1 book rebound and cover 22.50 COUNTY 'TREASURER: 2' new canvass covers 5.00 The largest expenditure being in the office of the Register of .Deeds, which, cost was charged to Bch office. i,'or this reason the budget of the Register of Deeds was overrun. T.hree or four of these books would have had to be repaired within the next year, the cost of which would have equalled the total cost of all the books ewe had repaired at this time. �y having these additional books repaired at this time we do not believe it will be necessary to have any books repaired for the next ten or fifteen years. We recommend the following appropriations for the ensuing year: Courthouse, Maintenance $3t700.00 Outlay, sidewalk on North side of courthouse block 50.00 Power Lavin Yower .275.00: . Fixing up new office 400.00 Total for Outlay 725.00 County Jail, Maintenance 2,600.00 We also recommend the purchase- of a holler Shelving Section for the Register of Deeds office, which can be had at the present time for $85.00. Signed: ar e Johnson A. P. Stone - `rank Stuhlman Motion was made by Baker and seconded by Kjarvick that the foregoing report be accepted and placed on file. kotion carried. The following report was then read: TO ITIE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: Vie the undersigned committee on sheriff's, Justices' and constables' bills have examined the,reports with the dockets of the,two municipal courts and of the several justices where they have made reports, with the exception of the docket from the Village of I0ason, which docket was not sent in for examination. j Z_e are not recommending the payment of any justices' or constables' bills for the reason that there were no claims on file at the time; of our examination of the ! records. 7e recommend the following itemized budget for the ensuing year for the office of the sheriff: Sheriff's salary $1,800.00 Undersheriffrs salary 1,200.00 Board of Prisoners 22000.00 eransportation of prisoners 850.00 Other expenses of office 800.00 $6,750.�00 OUTLAY New car (Balance for trade in) 450.00 Sotal 87,100.00 �1 ANN-UAL IFEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVELMI ER 16, 1927 j fhe committee. wishes to call your attention to the fact that the sheriff has j i cooperated with other county officers andthe highway Department have had approximately one hundred and forty days labor @_61.00 per day, which would be a saving of at least 2.50 per day, or a total of350.00 saving to the Highway Department. In addition to this the prisoners have torn down several county owned buildings (acquired by tax deeds) i and they have also worked a considerable: number of days for the :'ark Board in improv- ing Memorial 'ark in the pity of `Vashburn. !he saving in work done, we believe, will off'set the overrun in the sheriffs office the past year. Dated this 8th day of November; 1927, 31 g n e d-: hd• P atone Nels Nelson '. Kiarvick Motion was made by Squires and seconded by baker. that the foregoing report be accepted and placed on file. Eotion Carried. The following resolutions were then read: -RESOLUTION STATE AND COUNTY AID CONISTRUCTION & M,IINTTENANCE DURING 'TMil CALEYIDrR YEAR 1928 SECT'IOAT 1. The County Board of Supervisors of Dayfield County, 51isconsin, regularly assembled, does hereby ordain that such funds as may be made available to i the county for highway work in .the year 1928 under the provisions of Section 20.49 and Chapters 83 and 84 of the a-tatut-.es., and the additional sums herein appropriated shall be expended as hereinafter set forth: j SECTION 11. WHEREAS: The State Highway Uommission has notified the County Clerk that a sum of money estimated to be ninety-one Zhousand Dine Hundred and seventy- seven and 95/100 Dollars (01,977.95) will become available at the end of the fiscal year ending tune 30, 1928, under the provisions of subsection (9)- of section 20.49 of the Statutes, for the improvement of the state and'county trunk highways systems in the county, but that its exact amount will not be known until after June 30, 1928, and M=EAS.: 'Twenty percent of the said sum, oR Eighteen Thousand, Three. Hundred and Iine-ty-five-and 591100 dollars: (18,395.59) is required. by law (subsection 9 of section 84.03) to be set aside for the improvement of the Gounty 1'runk Highway i System, in the county; the County highway 0ommit.tee is hereby authorized and directed t o e-xpend the said sum for the improvement of the said G ouri ty 'trunk Highway system during 1928 in the following manner, to wit: j For the maintenance of" the County 'Drunk Highway System. I that I , SECTIOIy 111. WHEREAS: The State highway Commission has estimated/the sum of Seventy-three 'thousand., i,' ve hundred and -Lighty-two and 36/100 Dollars ($73, 582.3.6 ) will become available under subsection (9) of Section 84.03, as h`ederal aid. for the improvement of the State 'trunk highway System in the County i-n accordance with the provisions of Cha Aer 83 of the Statutes: 1 BE IT RES30LVED: That the said sum shall be expended in the following improvements, to wit: l 1. The sum of Seventy-three Thousand, Zive Hundred and Eighty-two and 36/100 Dollars 6 for the improvement b grading -draining drainin and surfacing of State 'Trunk (� 73 f 58 •- . 3 J s y g g' g g Highway No. 24 beginning at 1',;orth end of present i,'ederal i�•id Project #187 and extend- ing Northerly as f ar as the 'said sum will construct. i 298 ANNUAL METING OF :THE BAYFIELD COUNT�Y BOARD, NOVEIGEIR 16, 1927- SE C T I OIT 1V. IVEEREAS: &-ubsection (4) of section 20.49 of the Statutes has made appropriations for the maintenance of the State Trunk highviay System within the County, in an amount estimated to be 2ifty-seven 'I�housand and Seven hundred. and TvTo and 40/100 Dollars, (6`573,702.40). SEC"I'ION V. WIMREAS: it appears. that certain additional highv,,,at improvements in the county are necessary and warranted, the said county Board does hereby appropriate the following sums for the purposes hereinafter se,t forth: (1) The sum of Three Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($p3,000-00), for the improvement by grading and draining county trunk Highway No. "N' beginning at West end of present project and extending Vesterly as,far as the said sum will construct. (2) The sum of rive 'Thousand and 1%'*o/100 dollars 05,000-00),.for the improvement by gravel surfacing County Trunk Highway No. "A" beginning at the South-. east corner of Section 4-48-8 and extending on said highway as far as the said sum will construct. (3) The sum of Three 1"housand and --Ifo/100 Dollars ($3,000-00). for the improvement by gravel surfacing County Trunk Highway No. "B" beginning at HE corner of Section 31-48-$ and extending Westerly as far as the said'sum will construct. (4) The -sum of Three Thousand .6'ive Hundred and XoI100 Dollars ($3,500,00), for the inrorovement by grading- draining and surfacing County Trunk Highway No. "C" beginning at about the ITV corner of Section 15-50-6 and extending Yortherly and Southerly as far as the said sum will construct. The sum of `Three Thousand and No/00 Dollars ($3,000-00), for the improve- ment by 3ridge repairs and grading of County Trunk highway Ho. "DO beginning at 'Yamekagon liver Bridge and extending on said Highway as far as the said sum will construct. (6) The sum of Three Thousand and No/lOGbollars 43o000-00), for the improve- ment by surfacing of County Trunk high -way No. "Ell beginning at Bibon or Jet. of -,T;; 2 4 and "Ell and extending Easterly as far as the said sum will construct. (7) ii'or the maintenance of the County Trunk hightray System, the sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred and N01100 Dollars (87,500-00). (8) -''or emergency road and bridge fund the sum of 'VII-iree Thousand Nine Hundred and -Vifty-five and 29/100 Dollars, (43,,955.29)_ (9) Zor the purchase of machinery and for machinery re_,-)ai rs the sum of Seven Thousand hive Hundred and No/100 Dollars, ($7,,500.00). . (10) for Indemnity Insurance: the sum of One Thousand and N01100 Dollars, ($1,000.00). (11) Y'or administration from general fund, including salaries, per diems, office and travel expense of the County Highway Committee,, the County Highway Commissioner,, his clerks and assistants not paid from construction or maintenance funds the sum of Seven Thousand Yive hundred and No/100 Dollars., ($7,500-00- SEPCTION VI. .(1'}or.the various purposes set forth in Section V hereof, the sum of Yorty Thousand Four Hundred and -q'ifty-five and 29/100 Dollars, (40.,45*5-.29) Administration(from general fund) 7 5001--oo ANNUAL 1! ETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVI�iBER 16 , 19 27 . SECTION VII. VMRRAS: The various highway activities, for which provision is made in this resolution are continuous from year to year, and the exact cost of any i work cannot be known at the time of making the appropriation therefor, this Board does hereby direct that any balance remaining in any appropriation for a specific highway improvement after the same shall have been completed, may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improve- ment of the same class for which provision is herein made, and any balances remain - in at the end of the g year in any highway fund shall remain and be available for ithe same purpose in the ensuing year, and any deficit in any highway fund at the end of the year shall be paid from the next appropriate on made for the same purpose. i ! WHEREAS: The exact amount of the funds that will become available for highway i purposes in the County under Section 20.49 of the Statutes will not be known until after June 30, 19289 at which time correct figures will be submitted by the State i Highway Commission,the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payments on account of the improvements to be made with such funds, as hereiribe- I fore authorized, from any funds in the County Treasury, -that are not required for the i pur oses for which appropriated ppropriatecl prior to August 1, 1928; and to reimburse- such funds J.n the County Treasury from the sums received under Section 20.49 of the Statutes.. The County Clerk is hereby directed to levy the taxes named in Section i VI hereof in the County Tax levy, and to levy the special benefit assessments made i in Section VII: hereof as special charges against the respective: municipalities i therein namep as provided by law, and the County Highway Committee and the County I Highway Commissioner are hereby directed to carry out the highway construction and i maintenance for which provision is herein made, in the manner provided by law, i and to employ such patrolmen, laborers, and foremen, as they may deem necessary for I ' such purpose. Dated November 16th, 1927- (Signed) Geo. B. Williams H �._ Geo. Vestet i County Highway Comm. RESOLUTION COUNTY AID BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION I UNDER SECTION- 87:. Ql of THE STATUTES I SECTION 1. iWHEREAS: The various towns hereinafter named have filed petitions for county aid in the construction of bridges under section 87.01 of the Statutes;. said petitions are hereby granted, and county appropriations made as follows: IMOUNT OF COUNTY TOWN FRIDGE' AID GRI VTED Delta Whi to River 4P1,986.89 SECTION II. The County Board does hereby levy a tax on all of the property i in the county t axable for such purpose to meet said appropriations. Resolutions offered by I Geo. B. Williams H. C. Fiege Geo. TTester e Dated November 16th, 1927. i i Ju ANNUAL MEETING Or THE B-AYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVE v'iBER 16, 1927 . Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Baker that the foregoing• resolutions be adopted as -read. Roll call showed the following vote: ! .bye: Galligan, Hall, Alcott, Kjarvick, Baker, Goff, Mertz, G'i.pperer, Chambers, Daniels, Squires, J. A. Johnson, Junek, Jr., Kalen, i'udas, M'J,-sun, Anderson, I Woodard, Perrin, ' illiams, Axne'ss, Fiege, TrIcCarty, Smith, Bracken, Doyle, Ungrodt, Johnson. i'otal thirty. Nelson, Hering and A. y . Nay: h. P. Stone. Six absent. Total thirty-seven. 11otion carried - The following report was then read: November 8, 19274 TO THE HONORABLE B'AYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: Vre the undersigned County Board Gormnittee on Education recommend a. sum of p5, 000.00 for the County Superintendent's office for the ensuing year, itemized as follows: . Salary Clerk Transportation Telephone Supplies Dated this 8th day of November, 1927. �2,000.00 900.00 65o.00. 50.00 1.400.00 $5, 000.00 Signed: J. W. Perrin J. A.. Johnson Committee. Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Hering that the foregoing report be accepted and placed on file. lotion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Daniels and seconded by Galligan that the County Superintendent's budget be increased from $4,000.00 as originally recommended by the Finance Committee to the sum of $4,700.00. Roll -call showed the following vote: Aye: Galli an9 Hall, Kjarvick, Bakers ZiAPerers Daniels,J. A. Johnson, Junek, Jr., Kalen, Misun, Anderson, Woodard, Perrin, Stone, Fiege, Bracken, Doyle, Ungrodt, Hering and A. P. Johnson. Total twenty. Nay: Alcott., Goff, Mertz, Chambers, Squires, i'udas, Williams, Axness, McCarty and Smith. Total ten. One not voting. Six absent. Total thirty-seven. 11-otion carried. 'fhe following report- was then read: J'o the Honorable MEembers of the Finance committee of Bayfield County Board, i !Ve, the. Members of the Agricultural Committee, submit the following , budget for agricultural work for the coming year 1927-28, being the same as last i year: ►y1, 000.00 Salary for Agent 900.00 Clerk Hire 275.00 Trade for new car 700.00 Travel expense by car and rail 150.00 Boys and Girls club work 250.00 Por exhibiting farm produce at shows and committee work. 225.00 Printing, office supplies, paper, stamps, etc. 403, 500.00 Signed: Harry. G. Anderson, Chr. P. Kjarvick J. Noid Elsie 1'f. Miller Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Perrin that the foregoing 301 ANRUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIEI►D. COUNTY --BOARD - -- - - - - — - - - -- --- - - - NOVEMBER 169 1927- report be accepted and placed on file. Motion carried. The following petition was then read: To the Honorable County Board of Bayfi eld County, Wisconsin: We, the members of the Orienta Farmers Co-operative Shipping Association assembled at our meeting on October 15th, 1927, with a total membership of 122 paid up members residing in the towns of Port Ming, Orienta, Tripp, Oulu, Hughes and Iron River, do petition the County Board of B'ayfield Uounty to cancel the Contract of the Bayfield County Agent; namely, V. E. Brubaker, for neglect of duty and in- ability to secure co-operation with the farmers and the farming interest of Bayfield County. Signed: Orienta Co -Operative Shipping Assn. By Richard Swanson Seely-.Treas. Motion was -made by Kjarvick and seconded by Anderson that the foregoing petition be laid on the table. Roll call showed the following vote: Ayes Galligan, Hall, Alcott, Kjarvicg, Baker, Mertz, Daniels, Junek, Jr., Kalen, Misun, Anderson, Woodard, Perrin, Williams, Fiege, Smith, Bracken, Doyle, Ungrodt, Hering and A. P. Johnson. Total twenty-one. Nays Goff, Zipperer, Chambers, Squires, J. A. Johnson, Pudas, Stone, Axness, and McCarty. Dotal nine. Seven absent. Total thirty-seven. Motion carried. Motion was made by Baker and seconded by Perrin that the foregoing petition be taken off the table. Motion carried. Motion was made by Hering and seconded by Mrs. Doyle that the foregoing petition be referred to the Agricultural Committee. Motion carried. Motion was made by Baker and seconded by 6hambers that the Agricultural Committee be instructed to thoroughly investigate the charges in the foregoing petition and that they report to the County Board at its spring meeting. Motion carried. Motion was made by.Goff and duly seconded that no appropriation be made for County Fair. Motion lost. Motion was made by Mrs. Doyle and seconded by Goff that the Board appropriate only enough funds to cover the insurance on the County Fair buildings and to cover the deficit. Holl call showed the following vote: Aye: Kjarvick, Goff, Mertz, J. A. Johnson, Doyle, Ungrodt and A. P. Johnson - Total seven. Nay: Galligan, Mall, Alcott, Baker, Zipperer, Chambers, Daniels, Squires, Junek, Jr., 1143.en, Pudas, Misun, Anderson, -Woodard, Perrin, Stone, Williams, A�ness, Fiege, McCarty, Smith, Bracken, Nelson and Hering. Total twenty-four. Six absent. Total thirty-seven. Motion lost. Motionvas made by Hering and seconded by Uhamber s that the amount recommended by the Finance Committee for County Fair be allowed to stand as recommended. Xotion carried. Motion was made by Stone and seconded by Perrin that the appropriation for community Fairs be stricken from the budget. Roll call showed the following vote: Aye: Stone, McCarty, Ungrodt and Nelson. Total four. Nay: Galligan, Hall, Alcott, Baker, Goff, Mertz, Zipperer, Ohambers, Daniels, Squires, J. A. Johnson, Junek, Tr-, Kalen, Pudas, Misun, Anderson, 'Woodard, Perrin, Williams, Axness, Viege, Smith, Bracken, Doyle, Hering and A. P. Johnson. Total twenty-six. Six absent. One not voting. Total thirty-seven. Motion lost. 002 -- ------ -_-- - - - - .-------,-ANNUAL -MEETING OF THE-BAYFIELD -COUNTY BOARD -- __- .___.--____--__---------- - ---- - -- -_ _--- NO`IEMBER 16, 1927. gotion was made by Baker and seconded by Chambers that 01,000.00 be appr iated for community r'airs, with the same restrictions to apply as qmV last year, with each community not to receive an amount to exceed $100.00. Motion carried. Motion was made by Nelson and seconded by Kjarvick that a sum of 04000.00 be appropriated as Bayfield Countyrs share of construction of a Nurses+ Home at Pureair Sanatorium. Motion carried. Motion was made by Anderson and seconded by Baker that the County Board re- consider their action on the two mill levy for Highways as acted on previously at this meeting, under section 83.06 of the Statutes. Holl call :showed the following. vote: Ayes Galligan, Alcott, Baker, Daniels, Junek, Jr., Kalen, Pudas, Misun, Anderson, Perrin, 'Williams, Fiege, McCarty, Smith, Bracken, Doyle, Ungrodt, Stuhlman and Hering. Total nineteen. Nay: Hall, Kjarvick, Chambers, Woodard, Stone, Nelson and A. P. Johnson. Total seven. Eleven absent. Total thirty-seven. Motion carried. Motion was made by Anderson and seconded by Baker that there be levied $A455.29 for highway construction and maintenance instead of $40,455.29, and that $2,000.00 be and is hereby appropriated for Snow Removal on State Trunk Highway #13, and that the Highway Emergency fund appropriation be and is hereby reduced to $19,955.29• Roll call showed the following vote: Aye: Galligan, Alcott, Raker, Daniels, Junek, Jr., Kalen, Pudas, Misun, Anderson, Perrin, Williams, Viege, McCarty, Smith, Bracken, Doyle, Ungrodt, Stuhlman and Hering. Total nineteen. Nay: Hall, Kjarvick, Chambers, Woodard, Stone, Nelson and A. P. Johnson. Total seven. klvven absent. Total thirty-seven. ?lotion carried. The following resolution was then read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by Ae County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, iisconsin, at its annual 1927 session, assembled this 16th day of November, A. TS., 1927, that there be and there -is hereby appropriated and levied against all the taxable- property of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, the following items, to wit: State Tax $89647.77 For Maintenance & construction of highway under Section 83.06, Highway Levy the sum of 38,455.29 Snow Removal under Section 64.07 (5) (b) 2,000.00 Yor all other items of budget as adopted this day, the sum of 160.492.25 Grand "Total $2093,595.31 Signed .R . A. Hering Motion.was made by Baker and duly seconded that the resolution be adopted as read: Roll call showed the following vote: Ayes Galligan, Hall, Alcott, Kjarvick, Baker, Daniels, Junek, Jr., Kalen, Budas, Misun, Anderson, Woodard, Perrin, Stone, Williams, Fiege, McCarty, Smith, Bracken, Doyle, Ungrodt, Stuhlman, Nelson, tiering and A. Y. Johnson. Total twenty- five. Twelve absent. Total thirty-seven. Motion carried. The following resolutions were then read: A RESOLUTION, Fixing the salary of the District Attorney of Bayfield County, to be elected in 1928, for the term commencing the first Monday of January, 1929. , RESOLVED, By the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled at the annual mee.ting thereof, this 15th day of November, 1927, that the salary of the District Attorney of Bayfield County, to be elected in the year 1928, for the term commencing 1 The Special Committee, consisting of Mertz, Williams, Viege, Alcott. and Chambers,.appointed by the Chairman to invest- igate and report back to the Board their recommendations regard- ing the furnishing of County Highway Machinery Aid to 'Towns having little or no County or State Trunk Mileage, reported as follows: "All the members of this committee, with the exdept- ion of Alcott, were gpposed to the matter of furnishing County Aid to Towns." This report was verbally given by Walter Mertz, and no action was ..taken by the County Board on Same. U� ANNUAL MEETING OF TIE] BAYF'IELD COUNTY BOARD --- NovLTr M 16:-i927 on the first Monday of January, 1929, be and the same hereby is fixed at the sum of three thousand dollars (�3,000.00) to be paid in the manner provided for the payment of salaries of other county officers. lat Galligan. To the Honorable Nlembers of the 0ounty Board of Nupe-rvisors, Bayfield County Gentlemen: bite, your committee on i' inance and Claims bed; leave to recommend that we feel that on account of faithful and painstaking service rendered by our efficient county clerk, this board increase his salary from $1800 to ��2100 per year, and that the maximun salary paid the deputies for the various county officers be fixed at $�0.00 per month, same to be graduated according to service and be determined by same, by the Finance Uommittee. Signed.* Leon H._11CCarty- R. A. Hering R. E. Goff i Pat Galligan M. R. Daniels Finance Oommittee. 1 Be it hereby Resolved that the following salaries be set for County officers to be elected in 1928, said salaries to -take effect the term commencing the first Monday in January, 1929, or at the beginning of their next term as set by statutes: i County Clerk $2,100 County Treasurer 29100 District Attorney 2,400 Register of Deeds 29,200 j Clerk of Court 1,800 Sheriff 1,800 Undersheriff 19200 County Judge 1,500 Municipal Judge 19500 F. J. Savage 640 County uuperintendent 29,000 j County Agent' 1, 000 County Hi ghway Comm- i ssi oner 2, 500 '( e further recommend that the maximum salary paid the deputies for the various county officers be fired at �90.00 per month, same to be graduated according to service, and be -determined by b;inance Committee. This to take effect January, i 1st, 1928. Leon H.I -ar-_ R. A. Hering I L.F . Daniels Pat Galligan Motion was made by Hering and seconded by Stuh.lman that the resolution I I offered by the r?inance Committee on salaries of County Officers and clerk hire be adopted as read. Roll call :showed the following vote: Aye: Galligan, Hall, Baker, Daniels, Junek, Jr., Kalen, Anderson, Perrin, iTJIcCarty, voyle, Urigrodt, Stuhlrnan, Nelson, and Hering. Total fifteen. Hay: Alcott, Chambers, P'udas, 1lisun, Woodard, Stone, Williams, Fier e and i Smith. •'otal nine. Thirteen absent. 'Total thirty-seven. Motion carried. ' I I I� 3 AN11UAL MEETING OF THE. BAYFIELD COUNTY CL= NOVEPfBER 16, 1927. i 'the following resolution was then read: Be, it hereby resolved, by the County Board of Bayfield County, that the � per diem, mileage and committee work be allowed each member of the County -Hoard as listed below, and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such money and the Chairman and the county clerk are hereby instructed to issue an order for the total amount of such items listed below: NAME PER DIEM MILEAGE. C 01M, IT TEE MIL-1 AGE `I`OTAL FORK Pat Galligan 8.00 1.38 16.o0 4.14 29.52 �. D. Hall 16.00 7.20 12.00 7.20 42.40 i. L. Alcott, 8.00 1.444 20.00 7.68 37.12 Peter K_jarvick 8.00 .72 20.00 2.16 30.88 Jas. A. Baker 16.00 4.84 12.00 4.84 37.68 R. E. Goff 12.00 6..32 48 . oo 18.96 85.28 1. ]�. hillips William Meyer 12.00 4020 16.20 Walter Mertz 16.00 4.32 20.32 A. G. Zipperer 16.o0 2.28 12.00 2.28 32.56 L. ii. Chambers 16.00 5.64 4.00 .84 26.48 E. F. Daniels 12.00 4.80 16.00 19.20 52.00 S. E. Squires .16.o0 2.76 12.00 2.76 33.52 L. R.. y leek C. j. Noid 24.00 7.20 31.20 J. A. Johnson 16.00 3.48 16.00 5.88 41.36 Frank Junek, Jr. 16.00 7.20 23.20 Andrew Kalen 16.00 6.24 12.00 6.24 40.48 Eli Pudas 16.00 6.96 4.00 1.32 28.28 Geo. Pjisun 16.00 1.62 12.00 3.86 33.48 Harry 0. Anderson 16.o0 7.20 16.o0 7.20 46.40 W. D. Woodard 16.00 5.64 8.00 11.28 40.92 J. W. Perrin 16.00 2.64 4.00 2.64 25.28 A. A. Armagost 12.00 5.76 17.76 A. P. Stone 8.00 .30 32.00 2.40 42.70 Geo. B. Williams 16.00 6.08 22.08 0. 101. Axne ss. 16.00 2.64 24.00 0.24 48.88 H. O. i"iege 8.00 1.44 9.44 Leon i''. Miccarty . 8.00 1.44 16.00 2.88 28. 32 0.f. Smith 8:00 1.44 8.00 2.88 20.32. B. J. Bracken 8.00 1.44 4.00 1.44 14.88 Blaud Doyle 8.00 .12 8.00 1.56 17.68 Carl Ungrodt 8.00 .12 8.12 itrank Stuhlm_an 8.00 .12 16.00 .48 24.60 Ifels Nelson 8.00 .12 16.00 .48 24.60 R. A, Hering 8.00 .12 16.00 .48 24.60 A. 0. Johnson 8.00 .12 20.00 .60 28.72 Signed, Leon H. M-IcCarty. •305 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -otion was made by Anderson and seconded by Stone that the foregoing resol- ution be adopted as read. Roll call showed the following vote: Aye: Galligan, Hall, Alcott, Baker, Chambers, Daniels, dunek, Sr., Kalen, Fudas, Yisun, Anderson, WIoodard, Perrin, Stone, Williams, Piege, McCarty, Pmith, Bracken, Doyle, Ungrodt, S'tuhlman and A.. P. Johnson. Total twenty-four. Nay: Nelson. Absent twelve. Total thirty-seven. Lotion carried. Motion was made by Baker and seconded by &tuhlraan that the absent members be allowed their per diem and mileage for Committee work. Motion carried. Motion was made by Baker and seconded by S:tuhlman that the- Board adjourn. Motion carried. 10 CHAIRMAN