HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 4/24/1928! SPI]CIAL lUEETING OF TII:i BAY-B'IELD COUITZY "BOARD APhIL 24,1928. j Special meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors was called to order by O. ii. nyneos, acting Chairmen, at ten o'clocl A. Ma., Tuesday, April i 24th. Poll call showed the following members present: Galligan, Pease, Alcott, Schindler, Randall, Jr., Goff, Phillips, Henson, Willis, ChWmbers; Daniels, Squires, Washniski, Noi.d, Nordin, Liebman, Yalin, ., A1j Sun, H. Anderson, 'voodard, Dri.nville, Armag%ost, Stone, Y4illiams, Axness, N'iee, Meyers, Smith, McCarty, Doyle, Rivers, Stu'rilman, nelson, Hering and Jo7insors. Total thirty-five. The following communication was then read: Drummond, Wis., April 2.1, 1928. L.,Tranmal, County Clerk, ,, a,shburn, lisconsin Dear Sir: At a meeting al the Down Board of the Town of .Drummond, v'ialter Mertz, was appointed to represent said Town at the County Board meeting to be held April 24, 1928, in place of F. H. Bartlett. Very truly yours, O. A. Glassow Town Clerk. Motion was made by Galligan and seconded by Stuhlman thLt falter jjertz- be seated as a representative from the Town of Drummond in 'glace of F. H. Bartlett. INTotion carried unanimously. The following is a copy of a request for the Special hTeeting: April 7, 1928. Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk Bayfield County, '.�'ashburri, Wisconsin. Dear Sir: I, the undersigned, a member of the County Boar. of Ba.,y ield County, bvisconsin, request that you issue a call for a special meeting of the County Board of Bayfield County, 4,i. sconsin, on Tuesday, the 24th day of April., A. D. , 1928, at ten o'clock ' . M.. at the court house in the city of Washburn, Wisconsin, for the purz-pose of transacting the following business: Firsts for the purpose of organization. Second: For the pur_:ose of detei�snining whether or not certain lands in Bayfield County shall be set aside as a Federal Reserve. Third: For the pur-pose of transacting any other business that may legally come before the County Board at said meeting. Signed: Pat Galligan L. D. Pease I. L. Alcott R. L. Schindler H• I3. Rafi(jall-, Jr. MZ- U SPECIAL :NMETIl OF _THE B, =51ELD COUITTY BOARD ATRIL 249 1928. i R. i I � I E. Goff E. R. Phillips � Arthur C. Hansen I F. H. Bartlett i Charles A. Willis L. F. Chambers i E. F. Daniels S. E. Squires I i Frank Washniski C. J. N10id E. L i ebinan Andrew Nalen John Taipale Ge. O . Mi Sun I I Harry C. Anderson ' ii e a./ • 'Woodard J. J. Drinvi lle i A. A. Armagost A. P. Stone i ' 1 I Geo. B. y'illianis 0 . '.'1 . Axne ems," rs i H. C. Fiege F. it. Meyers C . W. Smith I Leon H. MIcCarty i 1,1 ud T". Doyle J. A. Rivers Frank Stuhlman Nels Nelson R. A. Hering i A. P. Johnson In response to such request, the County Clerk mailed each x-ieraber of the Board, t-he following notice: Washburn:, Wisconsin April 12, 1928. BAYFIELD C OMETT Y BOARD MIEI BHER t Dear I ember: The undersigned, having been duly peititioned to call a special meeting of the Bayfield County Board, for the f ollowing reasons: 1. For the purpose- of organization. 2. For the purpose of determining whether or not certain lands in Bayfield County shall be set aside as a federal '-deserve. 3. For the purpose of transacting any other business that may legally come before the County Board at said meetinge You are hereby notified that a ineet ing of the Bayfield -County Board will be held at the Court house in the City of 4aiashburn on Tuesday, April 24, 09 SPACIAL =MTINGi OF THE ' BAYFIELD 24-COUNTY BO.Ai1D APRIL '. 192a. - - - - - - - - - A. Do, 1028, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. Yours very truly, Ludwig Tranmal BAYF I ELD COUNTY CLERK. Yotion was made by Smith and seconded by Hering that the reading of the minutes of the Annual Meeting, held November 15 and 16, 19271 be duly dispersed with. ��lotion carried unanimously. The County Board 'then proceeded to elect a Chairman. Acting Chairman, Mr. Axness, appointed IvIerta and Phillips as tellers. The result of the first ballot for Chairman was as follows: Gal ligan 16 Axness 14 Schindler 1 ' McCarty 1 Gmith 1 Stone 1 Squires 2 Total 36 No majority. The result of the second ballot was as folloi's: Galligan 22 Axness 13 Stone -1 Total 36 Acting Chairman, Axness, declared 1r. Galli8an duly elected as. Chairman of the County Board for the ensuing year, and thereupon surrendered the chair to him. The Board then proceeded with the election of a vice-chairman: The result of the first ballot was as followao KcCarty 8 Axness. 7 Smith 5 iveIson 4 Squires 3 Fiege 2 Anderson 2 Daniels 1 Stone 1 Doyle 1 Stuhlma.n .1 35 Not voting 1 Total 36— No majority. The result of the second ballot for vice-chairman was as follows: Axness 14 Maearty 8 Smi th -3 Nelson 5 Goff 1 Stuhlman 1 Squires 35 Not vot.ing 1 Total 36 No majority. SPECIAL =- I G OF THE B1.'iYFIT!]ID COUNTY BOP- D APRIL 249 1928. I The result of the third ballot for rice-C.hairnian was as follows: A,ne ss 23 McCarty 7 Nelson 1 .Anderson 1 32 not voting 4 Total 7-37 Ur. Galligan declared O. lf-7 Axness duly elected as vice-chairman for the ensuing year. I Motion was made by Stone and seconded 'by Stuh.lman that the rate be fifty cents per folio for the printing of the County Board proceedings in the i official paper for the ensuing year. Roll call showed the following; vote: Aye: Galligan, Pe".se, Alcott, Schindler, Randall, Jr., Goff, Phillips, Hansen, hertz, Willis, Chambers, Darnels, Squires, Wa,shniski, 3.4oi.d, Nordin, Liebman, Kalen, hzisun, H. Anderson, Woodard, Drinville, Arma,gost, atone, Williams, AXness, Fiege, Tveyers, Smith, !cCarty, Doyle, Rivers, Stuhlnian, Nelson, Hering and Johnson. Total thirty-six. iKI-otion carried. I The Board then proceeded with the election of the official paper. The result of the first ballot was as follows: v�ashburn Times ? Bayfield Courity Press r 7 Total 34 The Chairman declared the wrashburn TiIries duly elected as -the official paper for the ensuing; year. The following resolution was then read: I RESOLUTION REIGARDING i`TURSES' HTYIE AT PUREPAIR SANAT ORITMI. I Plans for a $12,000 :nurses' Home given by Architect Schefchik, was found inadequate in every way which was a]:propriated at our Fell County Board meeting. I A plan for a. $14,970.00 home was voted on and accepted by all members of the • I committee subject to an increase of $2,970.00 to be divided as. follows: , , Ashy rid C ot_r t . 0 0 Bayfield `` y 31.8�� Iron 31.C5 An additional cost of $4,g80 must be appropriated to be divided by the three counties to complete the project, namely; Furniture, eyptic tanks, architect fees, grading, side walks and other minor details. A- tots-.l cos-t of i $1°, 9`70 Bayfield County's share $6,320 Iron at It 6200 Ashland 'a it 7 , 418 Be it resolved by the Bayfield County 9oard of Supervisors that there be levied and certificates of indebtedness issued for $2,,498 to cover the balance j I of Bayfield County's share of the proposed building. C. W. Smith Vaud Doyle 1. L. Alcott Motion was made by Smith and seconded by 'Mrs. Doyle that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. SP.. CIAL 3a LE.TING OF- THE BAYFIELD COUF+TY BOARD - :- APRIL 24, 1928.. Roll call showed the following vote: Aye: Ga,lli an" tRWa, A1c'o t Schindler Randall Jr. Goff Phillips Hansen, Mertz, Willis, Chambers, Daniels, Noid, Liebman, lEisun, H. Anderson, Woodard,.Drinville, Axness Fie e Meyers, Smith McCarty,Doyle,: Rivers Stuhlman, Nelson, Hering,Johns,on. Total twenty-nine. Nay: Squires, Va.shniski, Nordin, Kalen, Armagost and Stone. Total six. Motion carried. Motion was made by Smith and seconded by Mrs. Doyle that the Uourity Clerk be instructed to send.a copy of the 'oregoing resolution :regarding a Nurses' Dome at the Sanatorium to'the Ashland County Clerk and: iron County Clerk. lJotion carried unanimously. The following petition was then read: PETITION FOR A COUNTY APPROPRIATION TO AID THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BRIDGE,UNDE_R SECTION 87.01. TO THE C OUT,11' Y BOARD OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: The petition of the undersigned Town Board of the Town of Washburn, County of Bayfield, respectfully represents that- on the third day of April, 1528, at the Annual meeting, of said town, the electors thereof voted to construct a bridge - lying wholly within said town. as described in the resolution hereinafter mentioned; that at the same time due provision was made for the payment of the said Town of Washburn of the proportion of the cost of constructing such bridge required by law to be paid by the said town, as appears from the following, which is a true copy of said resolution: "Resolved by the'electors of the Town of Washburn, Bavfield County, Wisconsin, in annual mee..ting assembled this third day of April, 1928, that the sum of three thousand five hundred-dollars=,(:3,5U0) be and is hereby ap'ropriated for the purpose of constructing a bi.idge over Sioux River on Town Highway between Sections 33 and 34, Township 49, Range 5 West, said bridge to replace the -old wooden bridge commonly known as the Preston Bridge." And further, that the total valuation of the Town of 74'4shburn, according to the last assessment as equalized by the County Board on the 15th day of November, r 1927; was $572,7750 Wherefore your petitioners pray for an appropriations of $1,750to be made by the said County of Bayfieid to aid the construction of said bridge a-s provided by law under section 87.01. Dated this 13th day of April, 1928. A. P. Stone L. P. Flonnes, Ge o . Hause-. Town Board of town of 114ishburn. SPECIAL YIEET ING OF THE BAYEIELD COUNTY BOARD J1PRIh 2-49 ashburn, 'Wisconsin April 3, 1928.,I RESOLYEED by the electors of the Toi:n of 7ashburn,' Bayfield County, 'Nis-consin, in annual meeting assembled this third day of t�pril, 19289 that the sum of- $3,500 be and is hereby appropriated for the purpose of constructing a bridge over Sioux diver on the Town Highway between sections 33 and 34, Township 49, Range 5 hest, replacing the wooden bridge commonly known as 111'reston Bridge." -r� i A.. r . Stone i I, C. u";. Thom -as, 'town Clerk of the 'Town of '�lashburn, do hereby certify, that the foregoing resolution was presented and adopted by the electors of the Tooin of 'Vashburn at the Annual lti�eeting assembled April 3, 1928. C. �-V. 'Thomas Town Clerk, -'Town of'Washburn. Motion was made by Stone and seconded by Squires that the foregoing pet- I ition be adopted as read. motion carried. The following petition was then read. i BRIDGE APPLICATION. CABLE i TO I -PE HONORABLE COUNICY BOARD 01' SU'.ERtIISORS OF BAYFIEELD COU11TY, "'ISCONSIN: The petition of the undersigned '!'own Board of the 'Toy.,n of Cable, in i i Hayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully shovers to your honorable.body and represent: 1. At a regular town meeting of the election of said 'Town held on the 3rd day of April, 1928, voted to construct a certain bridge lying wholly within such town, which said bridge is located on the section line between the SWI of Sec. 26 is built across the Namekagon River and the 14W-1 of 35, 'il. 43- -a. 8 W./and called. "Squaw :Send Bridge." 2. T,,at said town has voted and appropriated 5'1,500 for the building of said bridge, said amount being one-half (2) of the estimated cost of such bridge. i Therefore, your petitioners pray and petition your honorable body to appropriate such sum as shall with the amount provided by said town, be sufficient of erecting such bridge. - Your petitioners pray that your honorable body, at the time of acting upon this petition, designate the members of the Highway Committee and Highway Comm- issioner cooperate with the Carle Town Board, in letting, inspecting and accept- ance of said work. i Dated this 20th day of April, 1928. {espectfully submitted, i I H. E. Goff - Chairman h. ii. 11'rel's, Jacob laaciosek, Supervisors. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) B AYF I.ELD COUNTY } R. E. Goff, being first duly sworn on oath, says the-.t he is chairman of the Town Board of Cable in Hayfield County, Wisconsin, and as such chairman, he and his - co -petitioners above named, executed. said petition for and on behald of said town of Cable, that he has read said petition and knows the contents thereof and that the same is true to his own knowledge. R. E. Goff. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of april, 1928. Reuben aiiorey, Town Clerk. SPECIAL PE:PETING- OF' THE BA'` { IEL?D COUIJTY BOARD APRIL 2-4, 1928. - -- STATE OF 7JISCONSIN ) Bayfield County ) SS. Town of Cable I, the undersigned:, do hereby certify that i am the duly elected, qual- ified and acting town clerk of the `r'own of cable, in bayfield County, `Uisconsin; that at a regular town meeting held within said town on the 3rd day of April, 1928, said town voted to -build the bridge de -scribed in the above and foregoing petition, and at the same time said town appropriated- the sum of fifteen hundred dollars to defray its proportion of the cast of the construction of said bridge, and that the estimated: cost of said bridge is the sum of` 03,000. In witness- whereof I hereunto set my hand this 20 day of April, 1928* Xeuben (Morey, Town Clerk Motion was- made by Goff and seconded by Tiering that the foregoing petition be adopted as read. emotion carried. 1"he following petition was then read: loquah, *is., April 9, 1928. TO THE HONORABLE A'L- VIBIURS - OF TH1; BAYFIELD C'OUi'STY BOARD, WASHBURN, `11 SCONSM& .Ire, the undersigned members of 'the Bayfield County .Fair Association, do herewith petition this County board of Supervisors to take and make some right steps in the promotion of our hayfield County Fair or stop it entirely, its annual. appropriation. vhereas-the present officers are not legally elected, we the under- signed members° of said li'air Association, do demand this I'air Board to conduct this Fair -according to the constitution of Incorporation or else turn in its resig- nation.. under Article- 4 of the Constitution it reads that the annual meeting of the Society for the trans-actiori of its, general business. shall be held at t-he office of the Secretary, and that it should be held on the First Tuesday of each December, and that such Secretary shall give written notice and published in the county newspaper, not lessthan two weeks bef ore such meeting. Whereas this was hardly ever dorze. .Se -fore the last meeting, notices were made out !March 2nd, and mailed out March 5th for the annual meeting to be held March (nth at 10 A. MT., which notices were riot delivered to the stock holders• before the evening of 1AParch the 6th and `%th. And whereas this Bayfield County zair is maintained by the Tax sayers of this County, and is intended for the purpose of promoting the live stock and agriculture business, and industry of this county, we don't think it a fair deal to let one or two men make a lair on the County's expense, whereas without a due publication, such fair does not do this county any good, because such not interested officers can not see to the importance of advertising such fair in time, they never have efficient judges, to judge and award premiums loyally, and many times- this , our "ayf i eld County Fair-, doe-sn!t even have ribbons to distribute to the winners. Now let it be resolved if the County Board, does allow an. appropriation for this year's fair purposes, it must determine whether the present officers are legally elected or not, and whether they have any right to conduct such fair this OPEGIA.L R F'E` l-i,Tu OF TIE HAYFIELD C OUi `1'Y BO,iE D Yi.RI;IL 24, 192t� i year or not. We, the undersigned free -holders and stock -holders o' the hayfield County Agricultural 6oci.ety. ugu st Johanik. 1�att Pihlaja, Iron kiver, i.s. Chas. Chramo`sto, iron iti. ver, vii.s. Chas. I',iitchell, I'lelvin C. Larson, tort Wing, Motion was made by Hering and seconded by linderson that the foregoing petition be laid on the table. Motion carried unanimously. The following resolution was then read: a1HERE-AS, THE Town Hoards of the `.towns of 19'ason. Ee.ystone, Kelly and I Eileen, Bayfield County, ;`Wisconsin, have duly and respectively granted to the Lake Superior District Poi?ier Company permits to construct and operate in said towns lines of electric wires for the purpose of transmitting along, acroos and within the � i limits of certain highways within said towns, electric current for light.., heat and power purposes, as more fully appears from duly certified copies of said permits, j hereto attached and made a part hereof, all pursuant to and in accordance with the instructions and conditions therein and by the statutes of rWisconsin, imposed, � Therefore, be it RESOLITED by the County Board of-Bayfield County, I Wisconsin, that said permits and franchises, be and they are hereby a,_gproved as to all state, county and town highways thereby affected, provided, however, that this approval shall not be effective as to any highway until the said permits shall have been also approved by the Wisconsin Highway Commission in so far as such approval j I may be by statute required and subject to the condition that acceptance of this permit or the operation and maintenance of lines hereunder shall be deemed to i constitute an agreement on the part of said Lake Ouperior District Power Compnny, i its successors and assigns to at all times save Bayfield County harmless from all j damages, cost, liability and expense that may occur through, or be caused by the i construction or operation of any of its, or their, said lines or the equipment used' i in connection therewith and to constitute. an agreement to so operate, maintain and ! construct the same subject to all of the conditions in said permits and franchises contained. S. E. Squires. STATE OF 7ISC0NSII1 j ss COUNTY OF B?iYG'IELD( i I, the Clerk of the Town of 1.1ason in said county do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy oi' permit and franchise with the original thereof and that said copy is a true and correct copy thereof and of the whole thereof. i do further certify that said permit was dui ranted y g pursuant to action of the Town board of said town at a meeting duly held on the 24th day of Barth, 1928. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand as such clerk this � 21st day 'of April, 1928. i Herman Hanson i Clerk of the Town or-Ilason. i SPE+�CIAL MEETING OF TIE BAYFIJ+LLD COUN-TY BOARD -- - - - - APR IL 249 1928. - i:'o the Board of Supervisors of the town of Mason of Bayfield County, Viisconsin: -he undersigned hereby makes application for an indeterminate permit granting to it the rights, powers and privileges subject to the limitations and conditions all as set forth in the attached copy of a proposed permit. :in 3'itness rh.ereof the undersigned has caused this application to be executed: this 21st day of March, 1928. LAKE SUPERIOR, DISTRICT P011TER COMPANY. By J. 0. Forss The Town Board of the Town of Mason having determined to grant the application of the Lake Superior District :rower Company of Ashland, Wisconsin, for an indeterminate permit and certain powers, rights and privileges upon, across, along and within certain public places. in the said town for the purpose of transmitting and distributing electricity for light, heat and power purposes, IT IS RESOLVED that there be and there is hereby granted to the Lake - Superior -District rower Gompany an.' indeterminate permit and franchise having the termsand conditions hereinafter set forth and the said terms, and conditions are hereby approved and the '-'own. B'oa.rd of Supervisors is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of said town to execute and deliver to the said Lake Superior District Power Uompany a written indeterminate franchise. or permit in words and figures, as follows: The Town of Mason, Bounty of Bayfield and State of E,isconsin, in accordance with the proper action of the '-'own Board of said Town, does hereby grant to the Lake Superior District Power Company, a 'lisconsin corporation, an . indeterminate: franchise and permit to install, construct, maintain and operate in said town an electric light and power system for the purpose of distributing and transmitting for heat, light and power purposes therein, electric curreNt. for the use of public and private consumers therein, and elsewhere in the State of Wisconsin; and there is also hereby granted the right to install, erect and maintain in, upon, along and across the highways,stree-ts, alleys, bridges and other public grounds and places in said town all necessary poles, wires-, masts and other fixtures, subject, however, to the approval of the 'Uisconsin Highway Commission and the County Board of Bayfield County as and when such approval is required by statute. Any and all transmission and distributing lines constructed hereunder shall conform to the standard of construction adopted by the Railroad Uommission of Wisconsin and shall be so located as not to interfere with the use of such public places, streets, alleys, highways and bridges, by the -.public, nor unnecess- arily with the use of the land by adjoining owners. Said lines and system shall be constructed and operated in accordance with the Statutes of Wisconsin, the requirements of the Railroad Commission of -Wis- consin, or the State Highway Commission when that body has authority, and with the approved rules of standard construction for such lines or systems. 11hen any part of said system shall be constructed along a state T±unk Highway, the construction in the field shall be further subject to the approval of the Division engineer of the State Highway Commis ion for the terriorty affected, and or such other person as may be approved or designated by the gtate. Highway Commission.. >>yP�CIAL Mu~JETING OF ltI'S' BAY IELD CO 11,riY BOARD n Pi c IL 24,-_ 1928. I a,.he said Uompany shall make such changes in the location of any line I constructed within the limits of any public highway under thus franchise as � shall be necessary to make possible the improvements then about to be made in i said highway. i 1 In v;itness 'Vihere-of, the undersigned has cuased these presents to be l executed by its proper officers and the supervisors of said town as such officers j and to evidence their consent to the foregoing, 'nave hereunto set their hands I the 24th day of March, 1928. Town of IMason Chairman J. A. Johnson Gabriel Vestlund, Supervisor h. Leafblad, Attest: Kerman Hanson, Clerk. m WHEILEAS, the make Superior District ower Company is the owner and holder of an indeterminate: franchise and permit granted by the town of TAiason, County of Bayfield, and State of tilisconsin, for the operation in said town of an electric utility, under wh.ich it has' been granted permission to erect and maintain .its lines and appurtanances in, upon, along and across the highways, streets, alleys, bridges and other places in said town, and it desires the approval of the town board of said town and the other proper bodies of the lines now constructed and the design- ation of the highways along or within the limits of which said lines may be here- after constructed,, and the said lake Superior District Power Company has filed with the clerk of said town a Mat upon which there are indicated in red the highways upon which said lines are now constructed and along or within which it may here- after be desirable to construct them. IT IS RESOLVED that the construction, erection, maintenance and operation of the distributing and transmitting system of said company along said highways as now located, subject to the limitations and conditions contained in the franchise and permit granted said company is hereby approved, and the said company is hereby authorized to construct and maintain its said lines and extensi.ono thereof along the highways indicated in red on said plat and the proper officers of said town are hereby authorized and directed to execute to said Lake Superior District Pourer Company a written permit and consent to such construction and maintenance, which shall be in words and figures as follows: the lovrn of I+_ason, Uounty of hayfield, `,'iscons.in, does hereby consent 'to the installation, construction, maintenance and operation by the Lake Superior District Power Company of a line or lines along or within the limits of the highways in said town designated in red upon the plat marked EXHIBIT A and hereto attached for the distribution and, or transmitting of electric currect for lights, heat and power purposes in said town and elsewhere, subject to the following limitations, Ydl lines constructed or maintained hereunder shall be constructed and main- tained as required by law with the approval of all lawfully authorized commissions and officers, and subject to the approval in the field by such person as may be provided by the State Highway Commission when such construction shall be along a State 'trunk highvray. The company shall promptly upon notice change the :Location of such portions of any line constructed along or within any public highway when such change shall be necessary to make possible the improvements then about to be made in such -- ST C IAL T 'ETING OY TIM BAYFIELD COUNTY BO LR-D - - - - - --- APRIL 24, 1928. 07 highway. 1n `4"itness Whereof, the undersigned has caused these prese-rzts to be executed by its- proper officials and the supervisors of said town as such officers and to the e-vide�nce their consent to the foregoing, have hereunto set their hands this 24th day of :March, 1928. Attest: Herman Hanson, !own Clerk. STATE OF WISCONSIN( ss COUNTY OF BAYF I_lILD ) 'gown of Mason J`. A. Johnson, Chairman Gabriel Westlund), H. Leafblad Supervisors I, the clerk of the down of Keystone in said County do hereby certify. that I have compared the attached copy of permit and franchise with the original thereof and that said copy is a true and correct copy thereof and of the whole therp-of. J do further certify that said permit was duly granted pursuant to action of the Town Board of said 'Town at a meeting held on the 3rd day of April, 1928. in Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand as such clerk this 21st day of April, 1928. Arthur T,felstrand Clerk of the `i'ovin of Keystone. To the Board of Supervisors of the mown of Keystone of Bayfield County, di sconsin: The undersigned hereby makes application for an indeterminate permit granting to it the rights, powers and privileges subject to the limitations and conditions all as set forth in the attached copy of a proposed permit. in Witness 'Whereof the undersigned has caused- thwa application to be executed this 21st day of March, 1928. LAKE SOPERIOR DISTRICT P0i`trLR COArPAhTf By J. O. r'orss The 'Town hoard of the Town of Keystone having determined to grant the application of the Lake Superior :District rower Uompany of Ashland, 'Visconsin, for an indeterminate permit and certain powers, rights- and privileges upon, across, along and within certain public places in the said town for the purpose of trans- mitting and distributing electricity for light, heat and power purposes, 1T IS RESOLVED that there be and there is hereby granted to the Lake Superior District Power Uompany an indeterminate permit and franchise having the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth and the said terms and conditions are hereby approved and the `mown board of Supervisors is hereby. authorized and directed on behalf of said town to execute- and deliver to the said Lake Superior- District power Company a written indeterminate franchise or permit in words and figures,. as follows: The 'Town of eystone, County of Bayfield and State of Wisconsin, in accordance with the proper action of the 'Town Board of said town, does hereby grant to the Lake Superior District Power f ompany, a. Wisconsin Corporation an3., indeterminate franchise and permit. to install, construct, maintain and operate in said town an electric light and power system for the purpose of distributing and transmitting for heat, light and power purposes. therein, electric curreNt..for SPEC I AL YA11,'ET ING Oki' T Eil 3xYF ILL17 C OUT• TY I3Mr D APIRIL 24, 1928. the use of public and private consumers therein, and elsewhere in 'the State of wisconsin; and there is also hereby granted the right to install, erect and maintain in upon, aloe and across the highways, s streets alle s bridges, and � . i 9 A� g g Y 9 � Y 9 g: I I other public grounds and places i.n said town all necessary poles, wires, masts I and other fixtures, subject, however, to the approval of the Wisconsin .-lightrray I i ommission and the Uounty -Board of -Sayfield County as and when such approval is required by statute. Any and all transmission and distributing lines constructed hereunder shall conform to the standards of construction adopted by the Hailroad Commission of ':'Wisconsin and shall be so located as not to interfere with the use of such public places, streets, alleys, highways and bridges, by the public nor unnecess— arily with the use of the land by adjoining owners. Said lines and system shall be constructed and operated in accordance With the statutes of '611sc onsin, the require=ments of the Railroad Commission of • i I `Wisconsin, or the State Highway O ommi ssi on when that body has authority, and I with the approved rules of standard construction for such lines or systems. I -hen any part of said system shall be constructed along a State 1`r:ank ! highway, the construction in the field sh�dl be further subject to the approval of the Division Engineer of the State highway Commission for the territory I I affected, and or such other person as may be approved or designated by the State ! highvray Commission. The said company shall make such changes in the location of any line 14 constructed ti,ith/,\the limits of any public highway under this franchise as shall be necessary to make possible the improvvemerits then about to be made in said I highway. In Uitness +,hereof, the undersigned has caused these presents to be executed by its proper officers and the supervisors of said tovnin as such officers I and t T consent the n d o evidence they-_ c n _lt o Ne to ���e foregoing, have hereunto set their hands the I 3rd day of-pril, 1928. Town of Keystone Chairman L. R. Fleck , Uust Landberg, Suynervisor i uteve 'i'adevich, ` ' I Attest: Y'+m. von monde, clerk® j WILt+M"ZI"LS, the Lake J)uperior llistrict rov.er company is the owner and holder I of an indeterminate franchise and permit granted by the town of 1:.eystone, County of hayfield and State of Wisconsin, for the operation in said town of an electric I utility, under which i.t has been granted permission to erect and maintain its lines and appurtanances in, upon, along and across the highways, streets, alleys, ! bridges and other places in said town, and it desires the approval of "he totrn board of said town and 'the other proper bodies of the lines now constructed and I the designation of the highways along or within the limits of which sail lines may be hereafter constructed, and the said Lake Superior District 1)oiver 'ompany ! ' I has filed with the clerk of said town a plat upon which there are indicated in I red the highways upon which said lines are no,,� constructed and along or within which it may hereafter be desirable to construct there, I ! IT IS IRESOLVEM that the construction, erection, maintenance and oper- I ation of the distributing and transmitting system of said company along said 019 SPECIAL YEE`1'INU OF TIM :BAYFIELD COM-UTY BOARD --- -- - - -- - ------------ - - - -- - - - - APRIL 24, 1928. - highways as now located, subject to the limitations and conditions contained in the franchise --and permit granted said company is hereby approved, and the said company is hereby authorized to construct and maintain its said lines and extensions there- of along the highways -indicated in red on said plat and the proper officers of said town are hereby authorized and directed to execute to said Lake Superior District power,C.ompany a written permit and consent to such construction and main- tenance, which shall be in words and figures as follows: 'rhe Town of Keystone, County of Bayfield, tIisconsin, does hereby consent to the installation, construction, maintenance and operation by the Lake superior District power dompany of a line or lines along or within the limits of the high- ways in said town designated in red upon the plat marked Exhibit. A and hereto attached for the distribution and, or transmitting of electric current for light, heat- and power purposes in said town and elsewhere, subject to the following limit- ations, All lines constructed or maintained hereunder shall be constructed and maintained as required by law with the approval of all lawfully authorized commissions and officers, and subject to the approval in the field by such person as may be provided.by the State Highway Commission when such construction shall be along a State Trunk Highway. The company shall promptly upon notice change the location of such portions of any line, constructed along or within any public highway when such change shall be necessary to make possible the improvements then about to be made in such highway. In Witness Uhereof, the undersigned has caused these presents to be executed by its proper officers and the supervisors of said toven as such officers and to evidence their consent to the foregoing, have hereunto set their hands this 3rd day of April, 1928. .fittest: Wm. Von Ende . STATE OF WISCONSIN( ss COUNTY OF BAYF IELD ) Town of Keystone L. R. 'Fleck, Chairman Gust Landberg Steve Tadevich I, the clerk of the Town of Kelly in said County do hereby certify that I have compered the attached copy of permit and, franchise with the original thereof and thatW said copy is a true and correct copy thereof and of the whole thereof. I do further certify that said permit arras duly granted pursuant to action of the `.Coven board of said log°an at a meeting duly held on the' 3rd day of April, 1928. In '6vitness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand as such clerk this. 2:3rd day of April, 1928. u. J. Thoen Clergy: of the Town of Kelly. 02 PEC II�L hU,'ET I1FG GIi, TEE 131: Yi+'IELD C OU1.I'I'Y BO. -RD -- APRIL 24,1928. --- - - -- -- I I To the Board of Supervisors of the _l o:rn of belly j i of Bayfield County, 18i sc onsin: the undersigned hereby makes application for an indeterminate permit granting to it the rights, powers and privileges subject to the limitations acid conditions all as set forth in the attached copy of a proposed permit. in '0Jitness Thereof the undersigned has caused this application to be executed this 21st day of 1=1a.rch, 1928. LAl1T� SUMERIOR DISTRICT PO`,„ER COT1PAIFf By J . 0. 1'orss The town Board of the Town of belly having determined to grant the application of the Lake Superior District i'owe-r Company of Ashland, Wisconsin, for an indeterminate permit and certain powers, rights and privileges upon, across, along and within certain public places in the said town for the -purpose of transmitting and distributing electricity for light, heat and power purposes, IT IS RESOLVED that there be and there is hereby granted to the Lake Superior District Power Gompany an iridetermiriate permit and franchise having the terms and, conditions hereinafter set forth and the said terms and conditions are hereby approved and the Town Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized and j directed on behalf of said town to execute and deliver to the said Lake uperior District Power Company a written indeterminate franchise or permit ire words and I figures, as follows: The 'Town of Kelly, County of .Hayfield and 13itate of 'Wisconsin, in accord- ance with the proper action of the To,,rn Board of said town does hereby grant to the Lake Superior District .dower, Compa ny, pany, a Y,1 sc onsiri corporation, an indetermin- ate franchise and , , p permit to install construct maintain grid operate in said town an electric light and power system for the purpose of distributing and transmitting for heat light and power g purposes therein, electric current for the use of public ar:d private consumers therein, and elsewhere in the state of -Wisconsin; and there is also hereby granted the right to install, erect and maintain in, upon, along and � across the highways, streets, alleys, bridges and other public grounds and places i in said town all necessary poles,.wires, masts and 'other fixtures, subject, however, to the approval of the �Jisconsin Highway Commission and the County Board of Bayfield. County as and when such approval is required by statute. Any and all transmission and distributing lines constructed hereunder shall conform to the standards of construction adopted by the Railroad Commission of `Wisconsin and shall be so located as not to interfere with the use of such public I places, streets, alleys, highways and bridges, by the public nor unnecessarily with the use of the land by adjoining owners. Said lines and system shall be constructed and operated in accordance with the Statutes of `ffisconsin, the requirements of the Railroad Uorrimission of 'Wisconsin, oR the State lfighway Uommission when that body has authority, and with the approved j i rules of standard construction for such lines or systems. Yhen any part of said system shall be constructed along a state Trunk I I Highway, the construction in the field shall be further subject to the approval of i the Division Engineer of the State HighZiniay Commission for the territory affected, I and or such other person as may be approved or designated by the State Highway Uommisslon. I � 21 SPECIAL MEMING OF U-3 `BAYFTI��UD: COUI:,TY-BOARD ---------.--- - ----- -- - - - APR IL- 24 , 1 g 8 - the said company shall make such changes in the location of any line con- structed within the limits of any public highway under this franchise as shall be nece,ssaxy to make- possible the improvements then about to be made in said. highway. in `6ffitness 'Whereof, the undersigned has. caused these presents to be exec- uted by its -proper officers and the supervisors of said town as such officers and to evidencetheir consent to the foregoing, have hereunto set their hands the 3rd day of April, 1928. r -roWn of Kelly Chairman, S. E. Squires Attest: U. J. Thoe'n, Clerk, H. C. Kelly, Supervisor WHEI19AS, the Lake Superior District Power Company is the owner and holder of an indeterminate franchise and permit granted by the Town of Kelly, County of Eayfield and State of Wisconsin, for the operation in said town of an electric utility, under which it has been granted permission to erect and maintain its lines and appurtanances in, upon, along•,and across the highways, streets, alleys, bridges and other public places in said town, and it desires the approval of the torn board of staid town and the other proper bodies of the lines now constructed and the designation of the highways along or within the limits of which said lines may be hereafter constructed, and the said Lake Sup erior District Power Company has filed with the clerk of said town a plat upon which there are indicated in red the high- ways upon which said lines are now constructed and along or within which it may hereafter be desirable to construct them, IT IS RESOLVED that the construction, erection, maintenance and operation of the distributing and transmitting system of said company along said highways as now located, subject to the limiations and conditions contained in the franchise and permit granted said company is hereby approved, and the said company is hereby authorized to construct and maintain its said lines and extensions thereof along the highways indicated in red on said plat and the proper officers.of said town are hereby authorized and directed to execute to said Lake Superior I)istrict Power Company a written permit and conse-rit to such construction and maintenance, which shall be in words and figures as follows: - The ``own of Kelly, County of Bayfield, -1,1Iisconsin, does hereby consent to - the installation, construction, maintenance and operation by the Lake uuperior J)istrict rover company of a line or lines. along or wit I`-iri the liMi.ts of the highways in said town designated in red upon the plat marked Exhibit A and hereto attached -for the distribution -arid, or . transmitting of electric current for light, heat and power purposes in said town and elsewhere, subject to the following limitations, All lines constructed or maintained hereunder shall be constructed and I maintained as required by law with the approval of all lawfully authorized commissions and officers, and subject to the approval in the field by such person as may be provided by the state High way Commission when such construction shall be along a State Trunk Highway. The Company shall promptly upon notice change the location of such portions of any line constructed along or within any public highway when such change shall be necessary to make possible the improvements then about to be made in s-uch highway. SPECIAL TLEl;T ING Oil T � BAYF IELD COUNTY BO1CiD i I in 'Witness- =here -of , the undersigned has caused these presents to 'be executed by its proper officers and the supervisors of said town as such officers j and to evidence their consent to the foregoing, have hereunto set their hands this 3rd day of April, 1928. Attests 0. J. Thoen STXTR OF t ISCONSIN ( ss COUITiY OF BAYFIELD 1•own of Kelly I S . L . Squires, Uhai rn:an if. E. Kelly I, the clerk of the 'Town of Eileen in said county do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of permit and franchise with the original J cove% thereof and that said copy is a true copy thereof and the whole thereof. I do further certify that said permit was duly granted pursuant to action of the Town board of said.tovrn at a meeting duly held on the loth day of December, 1927. 1n Udit.ness ':hereof I have hereunto set my hand as such clerk this 21st day of April, 1928. Joe J. Nernetz, Jr Clerk of the T`oinin of 11;ileen_. `Zo the Hoard of Supervisors of the Town of Eileen of Bayfield County, Iisconsins The under signed hereby makes application for an indetermin�%te permit granting to it'the rights, pourers and privileges subject to the limitations and conditions all as set forth in the attached copy of a proposed permit. In Vjitness '`'Jhereof the undersigned has caused_ this application to be executed this loth day of December, 1927. LAKE SUPERIOR DISri"RIC`r POWER COMPA11Y i3y J. O e r"orss The "oven Board of the 'sown of Eileen having determined to grant the application of the Lake Superior District � ower Company of Ashland, Wisconsin, for an indeterminate permit and certain pourers, eights and privileges upon, across, and within certain public places in the said town for the purpose of transmitting and distributing electricity for light, heat and power purposes, IT IS PESOLTED that there be and there is hereby granted to the Lake Ouperior District Power Uompany an indeterminate permit and franchise- having the terms anct conditions hereinafter set forth and: the said terrors and conditions are hereby approved and the fown Hoard of F zpervisors is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of' said tot,;n to execute and deliver to the said Lake 6u_perior ''istrict lower Company a written indeterminate franchise or permit in words and figures, as f ollowst ''he.'Town of Eileen, County of-Bayfield and St�-te of Wisconsin, in accordance with the proper action of the burn .hoard of said town, does hereby grant to the Lake Superior :District Power Company, a `¢disconsin corporation an indeterminate franchise and permit Lo install, construct, l-Dai.ntaiin and operate in said town an electric light and potirer system for the purpose of distributin and transmitting for electric current for. the use- of pubic and private consumers 'herein, ' heat, light and power purposes therein and elsethere in the State of 1:131-sconsi.n; and there is also hereby granted the right to install, erect and maintain in, upon, along and across the highways, streets, alleys, bridges and other public grounds and 3`2 3 SPE9�,lCIAL An.INN Or, 1-CH BAYS IELD DOME - -- --- -- APRIL 24-, . 1928. -- - places in said town all necessary poles, wires, masts and other fixtures, subject, a however-, to the approval of the ,a;,-isconsin Highway Commission and the County Board of Bayfield County as and when such approval is required by statute. Any and all transmission and distributing lines constructed hereunder shall 7i T• conform to the standard of construction adopted by the Railroad Commission of Wi'sconsin and shall be so' located as not to interfere with the use of such public places, streets, alleys, highways and bridges:-, by the public nor unnecessarily with the use of the land by adjoining owners. <a Said lines and system shall be constructed and operated in accordance with the. Statutes of �.Ifisconsin, the requirements of the !-�ailroad Commission of Wisconsin, or the State- Ili ghway Commiss5- on when that body has authority, and with the approved rules. of standard construction for , such lines or systems. When any part of said system shall be :constructed along a state 'rrunk High- � way, the construction in the field shall be further subject to the approval of the Division :engineer of the State Highway Commission for the territory affected,.and or such other person as may be approved or designated by the State highway Commission. i, The saide,ompany shall make such changes in the location of any line con- structed within the limits of any public highway under this franchise as shall be necessary to make possible the improvements then about to be made in said highway. In W"itness Where,of, the undersigned has caused these presents to be executed by its proper officers and the supervisors of said town as such officers and to evidence their consent to the foregoing, have hereunto set their hands the loth day of December, 1927. gown of Eileen Chairman A. U. Gipperer Elmer Johnson ) ) Supervisors. Steve Kuraba ) Attest.* Joe j. Nemetz, j'r., Clerk. WHEREAS, the Lake :superior .District lower Company is the owner and holder of an indeterminate franchise and permit granted by the town of Eileen, county of Bayfield and State of 4isconsin, for -t ie operation in said toun of an electric utility, under which it has been granted permission to erect and maintain its lines and appurtanarices in, upon, along and across the highways, streets, alleys, bridges and other public places in said town, and it desires the approval of the town board of said town and the other proper bodies of the lines now constructed and the des - ignition of the highways along or within the limits of which said lines may be here- after constructed, and the said make 6uperior District Power Company has filed with the clerk of said town a, plat upon which there are indicated in red the highways upon which said lines are now constructed and along -or within which it may hereafter be desirable to construct them, IT IS RESOLVED that the construction, erection, maintenance and operation of the distributing and transmitting system of said company along said highways as now located, subject to the limitations and conditions contained in the franchise and permit granted said company is hereby approved, acid the said company is hereby authorized to construct and maintain its said lines and extensions thereof along the highways indicated in red on said plat and the proper officers of said town are hereby authorized and directed to execute to said Lake 'uperior District Power Company a written permit and consent to such construction and maintenance, which shall be in words and figures as follows: S E C IAL T� +;El' Ili G OF T I+ BAYF LELD C OUP, T Y BOARD APIZIL 2.41- 1928. - - - -- -- - - - The tows: of-L•ileen, County of hayfield, Ui.sconsin, does hereby consent to the installation, constructi.ori, .maintenance and operation by the Lake Superior District rower Uompany of a line or lines along or within the limits of 'he highways in said town designated in red upon the plat marked Exhibit A and hereto attached for the distribution and, or transmitting of electric current for light, heat and power purposes in said town and else- -.here, subject to the following limitations, All lines constructed or maintained hereunder shall be constructed and maintained as required by law with the approval of all lawfully authorized commissions and officers, and subject to the aj,.proval in the field by such person. as may be provided by the State-Lighway Coixciission vihen such construct- ion shall be along a State -'runk rtighway. The company shall promptly upon notice change the location of such I portions of any line constructed along or within any public highirfay when such change shall be necessary to make- possible the improvements then about to be made in such highway. In v7i.tness Whereof, the undersigned has camsed these presents to be executed by its proper officers and the supervisors of' said town as such officers and to evidence their consent to the :foregoing, have-. hereunto set their hands this loth day of December, 1927. Town of wileen A. G. Gi-pperer, chairman Amer. Johnson, 'Iteve E-araba, Supervisors Attest: Joe. J. 1,leraetz, jr. r clerk. lh,otion was made by Axness and seconded by Stone that the foregoing resolution with permits attached be adopted as read. 1Lotion carried unanimously. The following report was then read: honorable l embers of the County .,3oard of j3ayfi eld county, assembled on this 24th day of April, 1928, with your b:errnission, I wish, in a few words, to express my sincere appreciation_ for your cooperation during the past twelve years in my affiliation as Counter Agriculture- Agent of your County. You no doubt appreciate that no public official can please his constituents one -hundred per cent, but i .iedwithout doubt that you have supported this work with the thought in mind to give a useful servant. to your farmers and to better agricul- ture- in every -day possible. phis we have always tried to do in the most effic- ient way planned by all those concerned. We know we have been criticised, and have always asked for construct- ive criticism. 'Whenever this was- given it was of great benefit. In s-ome cases � 4- -,e have been criticised in a most unscrupulous manner, ZFriUh no thought on the 9 g part of those who were doing it, for the party who vvas serving them. we have always given the best we could to those who really showed some degree of co-operation. i ith this thought in mind and as you will now have a new man, to serve you, i wish to ask of you honorable l'u.embers of the County Board of Bayfield County, and as leaders in your respective communities, give him your heartiest co-operation. %4ith the old thought in riiind. 111 e get out of, life a25 -- - - _ _ -- ; DEC I1,T,- XE-JE1' IIIG- OF THE BAYFILLD _COU1:1TY BOARD - -- AL�RIL 24, 1928, what we put into it,' is very similar to our Agriculture work in the County. rlease remember that a public servant in this work spends thirty per cent of his time traveling to reach all kinds of work, in all kinds of weather. Also please remember that a County Agent is not simply hired to go out and tell a farmer how to make two blades of grass grow where one grew before. :'his is the smallest part of his work. His biggest job is to create desire in people to do things more efficiently, to make better homes and better communities. His work in a greater part is educational, but finds many, many more duties confronting him. You as Community' leaders can do much in teaching your people how to use office of the County Agricultural lgent more efficiently. Before leaving my work in your County, i would like very much to leave with you the following future program of Agriculture work. Ito. 1. To improve and increase Dairy and Dairy products-. and above all to encourage a progran of growing more legume hay (especially Alfalfa.), also roots and silage. Use Dairy sires from tested dams. Clear more land. `:ghat we need here is more volume of all farm products. in ,order to cut dovrn cost of marketing. No. 11. Heforestration and conservation should be given special thought and work. Counties can do much with their own efforts to assist in this great future work. Complete fire control irrould mean merchantable lumber_ in twenty to thirty years. tie should riot turn our Cut over lands to our Government, unless we have assurance of future tax returns and also that our Government will plant -these - lands to forests_. Through co-operation with the State County could perfect a real effecient Zire Control and then sow seed where sees trees are not to be found. Vith this system working we would have taxable property within fifteen years, and have many lumbering companies interested in purchasing of these lands. E0. 111. Poultry developement is another very important source- of farm income and should also be given special emphasis. kur farming along with pnultry should be given all assistance possible. No. VI. Along the lake shore communities, small fruits -nee d much assistance. Growers should be- taught the value of high fertility for large; yields, to cut cost of production. Iqo. V. All butterfat now being delivered to the GrandviewTVason, Benoit, Barksdale, Vashburn and Bayfield Creameries should be concentrated to one central point and manufactured into butter with much less- overhead and with more efficient marketing. These creameries should all belong to Land OILdkes i-nc. No. VI. To follow a strong agriculture program, with a desire .for effective results, 1 would -recommend an annual appropriation of $4500 instead of 035000. This will 'be one way our county board can help, but along with this must come co-operative response from our variouscoimiunitie-s, so that this money will bring them the.,things which will: give the greatest service. Uur real substantial immediate success in Bayfield County depends in the steady developement of our farms, taker_them away and we have little left. 'lso along with our farms iryre must offer every possible service and encour- gement to our Resorts and Tourists. As I will ,be permanently located in your county, I hope it shall .always be - my privilege to help in some way to make hayfield County a better place to live. Signed, V. E. Brubaker. I . SPECIAL MEE'' I yG OF T1 ILA B_ YFIELD _ COU'iTY BOARD API IL 24, 192_8.. lJotion was made by Hering and seconded by Anderson that the foregoing report. be accepted and placed on file. Alotion carried.. The- chairman appointed the members of the old Yinance Committee as a special. committee- to examine- the bills on file, and also the claims for illegal taxes and report to the board their finding and recommendations. Motion was made by Goff and duly seconded that the Board adjourn until 1:30 i'. 1% MTotion carried unanimously. T.,leeting was called to order at 20600 i:. M. by i,Ir. Galligan, chairman. Holl call showed the following members present: Galligan, ='ease, Alcott, Schindler,-Handall, jr., Goff, 1;hillips, rianson, lliertG, `al,'illis, Char__bers, Daniels, r3Guires, waohniski, Eoid, LJordin, Liebman, iialen, Taipale, Jy-isun, E-i. Anderson, Woodard, !lrinville, Armagost, Stone, idi_ lia2?is, Axness, Fiege, heyers, �rnith, bcCarty, .uoyle, livers, 3tuhlman, Elelson, i-+ering and Johnson. Total thirty-seven. Mr. Holmes, Division highway Engineer of Division number eight,,nras allowed to address the Hoard for a few minutes. iie explained in detLil the program which will be carried out this'season on the highways in the county. Lotion was made b Stone and seconded b " Y y 1�rrnagost that the County Board approve of the recommendations of the Division office of the high,tay Commission and of the County Highway Committee to let x'i sh Creek Aide°, slide. r_ a oti on carried unanirny ousl . The following resolution was then reads i TO `1' HE H ONORAI3L E BAYF IELD COUNTY B OA l,D 4i!HEREAS, The taxes on the north one-half of the South one-half of the South- west quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section t1vio, to,fr!ship fifty, range six, were paid for the year 1921 -to the 'town Treasurer of the Tovzl of Bell on January 23, 1922, and his receipt number twenty-three was issued covering said tax, and k1HEREAS, It appears that said taxes were turned in delinquent, and were omitted from sale in 1922, but were sold at the sale of 1923 as "1921 Tax urnitted from 1922 v ✓ ' d Tax male , �i and �41M',REAS-, It appears- further that tax certificates number 1968, sale of 1923, �} covering aforesaid tax of 1921, was sold to the Courity of Bayfield and a tax deed was issued on said tax certificate to the County of Hayfield on September 1 , 1926. `=' TOW, THER-2FORE,, In vie,�i of the foregoing facts, be it hereby resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County, that the County Clerk be, and he is hereby instruct- ed to issue a quit claim deed on.the North one-half of the South one-half of the C� Southwest quarter of the 3outhv,,7est quarter of :erection t•,rio, t o rnship fifty, range six, to F. imv% Luedtke, owner of said lands, and that the county clerk. be, and he is hereby instructed to charge the face of said certificate back to the Town of Dell. Dated this 24ti1 day of April, 1928. Gigned: Approved by., S. L. Squires. l'. Daniels 0.' I-J. Axness R. E. Goff R . n. Tiering Leon H. 11.1cCarty, C o!rimi t t e e. SPEC II�L Tu�'.�3'.i I_NG - -OF THE BA FF IELD C OUNTY -BOARD - -- APRIL 2:4, 1928. - --- - - - --- i+�oti.on was made by Axness and duly seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Motion carried. The following resolution was then read. TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD COUIrTY: 'HEREAS, The taxes of 1921 on the 'rest one-half of the iVest one-half of the southwest quarter of theouthvrest quarter of Section thirteen, township fifty-two, range five, were paid to the Town Treasurer of-Bayfield on January 12, 1922, and his receipt numbered nineteen was issued covering same, and WHEREAS, It appears that said taxes we're turned in delinquent, and sold in the form of a tax certificate in June, 1922, to the County of Bayfield, and a tax .� dee-d issued thereon by the County Clerk to the County of Bayfield on December 15, u� 1925. I 11OC19 THEREFORE, In view of the foregoing facts, BE IT HEREBY R-13SOLVED by v the County Board of Bayfield County, that the County Clerk be, and he is hereby. instructed to issue a quit claim deed on the 'nest one-half of the ,'Vest one-half of the Southwest gL.arter of the Southwest quarter of Section thirteen, township fifty- two, Mange• five, to J. henry Moeller, owner of said land, and •tha.t the Clerk be, and he is hereby instructed to charge the face! of said certificate covering said tax, back to the town of Bayfield. Dated this 24th day of April, 1928. Approved by: Signed, X. F. Daniels S". E. aOuires. Re E. Goff R. A. nering. 0. 3Vf . A:xn-e s s Leon H. McCarty, Cornniittee. Tdotion was made by Hering and seconded by Anderson that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Kotion carried. 1'he •following application for refund of taxes was therl read: To the Board of :supervisors, Bayfield County, '?,"isconsin, Gentlement =uarch 10, 1928. I take this means of making application for a refund of $40.20, which was an amount paid by rye to the Bayfield County .on July 21, 1927, for a quit claim deed on the following descriptions: y,o' la,7� NE SE- Sec. 16-49-6, SC SE Sec. 4- 7-7, INJ N71 Sec. 6-47-7, NIJ SW Sec. e; r` 8-47-7. l L �} It now appears that the tax deeds taken by Bayfield County on the above descriptions were illegal due to the fact that the taxes upon which the County's tax deed -was taken had been paid to -the Town and County Treasurer before sale and proper tax receipts issued therefor. Approved by. E. F. Daniels R. E-. Goff ► eon TVIc Carty H: A. tiering 0. TV1. Axness, Yours very truly, George Besser Plymouth Bldg., itJ1i.nneapolis, Minn. U ommi tt e e . SPECIJSL AIM TING Or TTUP B..'L-Y IELD COUNTY BOA-R-D ArP.11 IL 24, i ,Lotion was made by uquires and seconded. by 1v_rs. Doyle that the fore- going application for refund of tax be granted, and that the amount of refund be c1P.arged back to the respective taxing district. Motion carried unanimously. I I ' the following; report was then read: TO THE COIJIN'Y BOAFD OF,BAYFIE'LD CO-JiTTY$ The County Agricultural Uoimnittee met on the morning of December j 14, 1927, to investigate the petition handed the County Board on -November 15 regarding the resignation of cr. Brubaker. The grounds upon which this petition were based were deemed in - :sufficient to annul Mr. Bruba.ker's contract. JM1r. Brubaker made the remark he planned to resign during the summer, possibly in July, upon discussing the proper time to hand the work over j to a new man, it was decided that IJay lst would be the expedient time in order to get the best results. Pr. Brubaker magnanimously offered to resign on Tiay lst with the sole thought in mind that it would give the new man a better chance to a make./good showing in County Agricultural York the coming year. i -Elsie TJ. 1.'_--iller I harry C. Anderson 0. itfi . Axn e s s i P. Kjarvick C . J. -Noid. 11otion was made by Smith and seconded by Goff that the foregoing CD report be accepted and placed on file. 11oti.on carried. i i The following resolution ti,,as then read: WII FEREAS, V. E. Brubaker, County Agent has rendered valuable i service in a very acceptable and capable manner for a term of twelve years. THEREFORE Be it resolved That the members of the .Sayfield Uounty hoard to hereby ex- —ess our hearty appreciations for this service, and wish him every success in his future enterprises in hayfield Uounty. I Harry C. Anderson. i Motion was made by Anderson and seconded by Stuhlrnan that the j foregoing resolution be adopted as read. }':'lotion carried. The following; claim for illegal tax refund was then r-ead: iron River, is., January 28, 1928. 1,11r. Ludwig 'Tranmal, i County Clerk, Bayfield County, I 'Washburn, Vis. .Dear Y'r. Tra.•zm.al: Inclosed herewith is a claim of A. ti`:'. IflacLeod against Bayfield I County for an illegal tax certificate, which claim is self-explanatory. You will note that the claim has been assigned to 1'rr. Adolph Carignan, of this city. The item. of interest was left blank for no one knew when the I County would get around to make repayment. . b)29 SPECK 011 THE B:`_YFIELD COUNTY 30ARED - Ar�'RIL 24; 1928. Approved by; You will Kindly refer the matter to the proper authorities for adjustment. j Yours very truly, ". J. Savage E. 2. Daniels x . A-. i-e r i ng u. 1J. Axness R. E. Goff Uommittee. j BAYI' IELD C OUNTY .1 Q A. W. l,'iac L" e od, Dr. To Tax Certificate- No. 2509 on Lot 2, Section 25, 'Township 47, Xange 9 _�est, Sale of 1918, for, �,,p16.72 Interest on above amount from June 18, 1018, to date of payment I Cost of deed, 1.05 i `.ecording, •75 The above description was returned delinquent by the 'Town of Iron River f �.,r the tax of 1917. 1 I A certificate of the County Treasurer shows that said tax was paid to the 'Town Treasurer of Hughes, as is evidenced by -town treasurer's duplicate receipt #84 on file in the office of the County 'treasurer. Eau Claire County - aS. A. i 'Id. 1'acl,eod, being first duly sworn, on oath says that he is the claimant above reamed; that said claim is just and true, and no part thereof has been paid. A. tip!!. MacLeod Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of December, A. D., 1927. L. T . i�,,.I.cCumber Notary-'ublic, .tau Claire Uounty, lisconsin my commission expires 14ay 27, 1928. ZOR VALUE RECEItiED, without recourse 1 hereby assign the above claim to Adolph Carignan. having quit -claimed said lot to his grantor, El-yiily Russell, nee Doba, to remov-e the cloud cast on title to said land by the tax deed issued to me. A. W. 1r1acLoed In presence of L . ]VT. Mc C umb e r Donald L. Farr (Seal) Motion was made by Squires and seconded by Pease that the foregoing claim be granted, and that the amount be charged back to the respective taxing district. Motion carried. The following resolution was then read: A RI-0`ti"OLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR b11MV-1 1123JOVAL RESOLVED, By the County Board of J-Jayfield County, duly convened and i assembled this 24th day of April, 1928, that Bayfield County shall remove snow during the winter season of 1928 and 1929, commencing as early as conditions may require, from State Trunk highinay 24 from Sawyer County Line Northerly to As hland County dine, �I and from State 'Trunk Highviay 13 from the Ashland County line to Port Wing and thence continuing from Port ring on County '.Trunk Eighway A to Iron iiiver. .13E IT EURTITZEZ RESOLVED. That there be and there hereby is appropriated SPECIAL ItFIEE`i'ING OF TI BAYFIELD COU.ITTY BOARD APR IL 24, 1528. - - I and levied upon the taxable property of Bayfi.eld county for the purpose of I� carrying out the foregoing provisions of this resolution regarding snow removal, I , I a tax of `i'en, Thousand 'Dollars, and that such tax be expended by and tinder the direction of the County iiighzray Committee, it being understood and hereby directed I that iV'ive 'thousand Dollars of the moneys hereby levied and appropriated will be required to be expended for the purchase of machinery for snow removal and five Thousand Dollars of such moneys for the actual cost of operation of snow re? loval. This resolution is adopted in pursuance of the provisions of Sec- tion 84.07 (4) (b) of the Wisconsin Statutes. ; ii. C. i+'iege. Motion was m__de by Stone and seconded by Goff that the foregoing resolution be laid on the table. Roll call showed the following vote: Aye: Pease, Randall, Jr., Goff, hertz, '',Vil"lis, Chambers, Daniels, Squires, '�,'a.shniski, l,Toid, Nordin, Alin, 'i'aipale, ,°'ioodard, hanson, Drinville, Armagost, Stone, 'Hel son and .Johnson. Total twenty. Nay: Alcott, Schindler, Phillips, Liebman, I:isun, 11. 1°rderson, Williatns, axnEss, Yiege, Meyers, Smith, McCarty, Doyle , .Hivers, Stuhlman tiering and Galligan. Total seventeen. I.otion carried. NOTE: U-Son I,ir. hansori's request, his vote has been charged regarding the above matter of Snow Removal. The following resolution was then read® RESOLUTION BE 11' M' S OLVED By this Bayfield County Board in session asseribled this 24th day of 1928. That relocation of County Trunk highway I'll" from the Center of Section 28-45-9 Westerly for two and one-half miles to the Douglas County Line be referred to i the Highway Committee with power to act if found necessary. "igned, Dated A-P ril 24, 1928. il. �. ease. ldotion was made by Alcott and seconded by `illiams that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. lioti.on carried. The U'ollo-LT,ring report was then read: Washburn, `V'Visconsin, April 24, 1028. To the honorable County Board, Bayfield Lounty, Wis. Gentlemen: 'aye the undersigned committee on illegal -Taxes and illegal tax certif- icates, beg leave to report, that the have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in colurnn mal-ked "allow0d`a and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of san,,e. Signed, 71 -fil, F. Daniels R. A. Fieri.ng Leon . H. IlIc Carty 0. Iff. Axness I' �. L . Gozf. S Committee. SPECIAL NTEETING OF TH111 BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- - APRIL 24, 1928. 0 Name of Ulaimant Bayfield County _ ie it H Ie 4 to ae ae V . 0. roster a If Is Bayfield County u e! W. C. .Foster S. D. Bustin Bayfield County Description and Cert. Reason of Illegality 'Town Sale. Claimed Allowed 1 o. Wiestr.icted Land s-H IN W.. S.ec. 2.5-51-4 Russell 1924 432 ' 5.00 5.00 - SE WSE, Sec. 25-51-4 i Restricted land °' 1925 4.29 4.29 449 S:E 10i SE, Sec. 25-51-4 Restricted land `i 1926 19.36 19.36 501 i SE mil SE, Sec. 25-51-44 Restricted land " 1927 10.50' 10.50 537 L Ness one acre for enter- prise hall, SE SEA, Sec. 26-49-5, Ille"gal Desc. 77ashburn 1924 17.12 17.12 988 x Do Y8 1925 14.93 14.93 1022 x Do .° 1926 13.6o 13.6o 1473 h Do to 1927 15. o6 15.06 1606 Townsite of Washburn,. Lot 15, Llock 27, County fool house, City of de - -1925 11.95 11.95 64-18 �y Tovvntiite of Washburn-, Lot 16, -Block 27:, County 'Tool House If to if 1925 11.95 11.95- 6419 L'ownsite of 'vwashburn, j Lots 15 and 169 -BIk. I 27, Uounty fool House ti e0 0 1926 16.96 16.96 7740 1 Do' " " 1927 16.51 16.51 7753 x NE SVr, Sec. 13-48- 59 County owned land, Interest 4,'5. 50, face 23.94,Wa.shburn 1924 9.44- 69.44''"`c7g�6 ��'. IdE Mi. Sec. 13-4-8-5, County owned land, �U�. Interest 3.41, face 21.71 �' 19251 25.12 2',5.12- 820 .Fart of the. SE I�r+r, lying southerly from the IN. P. Ry Co. K"ight of way and contai-ning 9 acres more or less, Illegal descr. 1926 Section 6-4=8-4 City of °' 1926 103.32 103.32 61 x Do " �' '1 1927 100.19 100.19 62 BE, SE', S'ec . 29-49-8 Paid to 'i-o:°rn Treasurer Interest 2.75, face 16.18 Orienta, 1925 18.93 18.93 4323 `' x., Lot 1, Section 13-43=5 paid before sale, Interest .89, face 23.93 County 1927 "d-24.82 24.82 829 �1 Hobert Bartlett Jr's Add. . I . to Orchard Oity, Lot 4, -Block 4, Reserved for town road Clover 1g25i 4.7�2 4.32 6o52 IX Do 1926 4.26 Do 1927 4,31 Robert Bartlett Jrrs Add. to Orchard City, Lot 3, Blk. 4, Town Road `'" 192-4 2.36 A strip of land 2 rods wide and 80 rods long from off the south side of the NU NE, Section 28-49-4, public"road -Bayview 1924 3.28 If Pe rarcel in Nof Lot 12 East 4--.27-6-v-q and north of State reserve illegal description Bayfield 1925 2.30 If 11L acres in Lot 2-de' cribed in vol. 70 page 351, wrong vol acid page, Sec. 24-52-5 i° 1925 6.44 Do r 1924 5.88 :� ee rarcel in the NL of Lot 2 East and north of state reserve, sec. 27-50-4, illegal description " 1924 2:04 4.26 7370 ix 4.31 7366 2.36 6003 Ix 3.28 120 x 2.30 297 6.44 1409 5.88 1338 �y I x � 2.04 261 !,� SPECIAL I,�i�TING OF TIE, B.AYEIELD COUNTY BOARD APR IL 24, 1928 . Description and - - Cert. pl Yee of Claimant reason of illegality Town Sale i�1 o. Claimed Allowed, Bayfield County Parcel in lq of Lot 2 lying east and north of state reserve, Section 27-50-4, illegal 1-jesc. -Bayfield. 1923 244 2.09 2.09 is �o slat of orchard city, Lot 4, Block 1, No such lot in block Clover . 1924 5972 2.36 2.36 und. 1/3 :ia�; SE, Sec - 1-48-5, illegal description u,ashburn 1924 723 7.26 7.26 s ilE Slilir, . Sea. 20- 51-3, Should be Gov`t Lot 4 -Lussell 1924 32 16.30 1-6.30 " dW Sill, 18-lec . 20-51-3, should 'be Gov't Lot. 4 1924 33 16.30 16.30 u a� ;3E SE, Sec. 20-51-3, In Lake `` 1924 34 24.31 24.31 Marcel in SL4 .De sc . in vol. 60, page 199, Sec. 7-47-8, Illegal Desc., wrong volu-nae and page` iron Liver 1924 3769 5.40 5.40 Parcel in NE SW, Section 7-47-8, Double Assessment it 1924 3772 1.58 1.58 ie 14E 31141, Section 20-51-3, Should 1�ead Gov''t Lot 4 Fussell 1925 30 17.08 17.08 ri ,a NVV SIV,. Section 20-51-3, Should read Govrt Lot 4 °` 1925 31 17.08 17.08 n a� Und. one-half of lot 5, block 98, fownsite of Bayfield, ;paid to City Treas. _ Receipt ' nuiilber 160; city of Bayfield " 5676 2.16 2.16 'Il.ioti.on was made by tiering and seconded by Stuhlriian that the foregoing claims for illegal taxes be allowed as read, and that the County :Clerk be instructed to charge the proper amounts back to the respective taxing districts. Miotion carried. The following claim uvras then read: To George J. Perra, i Mahnomen, Minnesota. To damage to Chevrolet Sedan owned, by claimant. George J. Perra on August 8th, � 1927, caused by negligence in the operation of truck %lo. 524 of B@,yfield County, consin, said damage being caused by a collision of said Chevrolet Sedan with said truck on the State highway between Grandview and 1jiason, Zisconsin, the circumstances of such collision and damage: being more fully set out in a claim filed tirith the County 'ri:i.gh- way Commissioner of Bayfield County, isconsin, dated September 3rd, 1927, reference to which is hereby made, said damages being itemized as follows., Cost of repairs 68.45 Depreciation and general damage 100.00 �16 .45 STATE OF-UI1,;.,FESOTA ) ss County of hahnomen ) George J. terra says that the above claim for damages is true and correct and th;at no portion of the seine has been paid. ;subscribed and sworn to b of ore me George J. Perra this 2nd day of March, A. D . , 1928. E. A. Jensen, Kotary public, Dlahnomen County, Tflinnesota. 1rly commission expires Jan. 18, 1930- 33 SPE1CIAL I<<;l;L'i ING OF THE BAYFIELD - COUNTY BOARD APRIL 242 1g2-8. - -- - - - - --- -- -- ---- - .I notion was made by Axness and seconded by Stone that the foregoing claim of George J'.' Perra, be disallowed upon recommendation of the District Attorney. carried, the f olloV�rirlg resolution was then read: 11ootion BE IT RE'f OLTED that there be and there is hereby appropriated and levied - upon all taxable property in -bayfield County, such sum of money, riot exceeding yp175-0.00 as ti ill, with the money voted and levied by the 'frown of VVa.shburn a-.t its annual meeting in 1928, be sufficient to defray the expense of constructing the 'bridge described as follows, to Exit_,. such sum and tax, when collected, to be dis- bursed in 'the mariner provided by ;jection 87.01, T'"isconsin btat.utes.. F n. P. Stone . 14otion was made. by Stone and seconded by Johnson that the foregoing resol- ution be adopted as read. Boll call showed the following vote: Aye: Galligan, -ease, Alcott, Schindler, Handall, Jr., Goff, Phillips, Hansen, t%Tertz, uillis, Chambers, Daniels, Squires, w'ashniski, Noid, Nordin, Liebman, Kalen, Taipale, i.Iisun, if. A:fiderson, '1Ioodard, Drinville, Armagost, atone, Williams, Axness, Yiege, A1eyers, Smith, McCarty, Doyle, Hivers, Stuhlman, Tielson, Hering and Johnson. i otal thirty-seven. Elot ion carried. The following resolution was then read: April 242 1928. Be IT I -:SOLV.ED that there be and there is hereby appropriated and levied upon all the taxable property in Dwyfield County, such sum of' money, not exceeding, �r1500.00, as will, with the :coney voted and levied by the Town of Cable- at its ann:aal meeting in 1928, be sufficient to defray the expense of constructing ;the bridge described as follows, to -wit, such sum and tax, .;ihen collected, to be dis- bursed in the manner provided by :section 87.01, Wisconsin Statutes.. H. E. Goff. Piotion was made by Stone and seconded by Johnson that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. -toll call showed the following vote: Aye.* Galligan, ease, Alcott, Schindler, xand'all, Jr., Goff, Phillips, Hansen, TvTertz,. `Millis, , chambers, Daniels, Squires, Washniski, Noid, Nordin, Liebman, Ka1en, 1'aipale, Visun, H. Anderson, 'Vioodard, Drinville,' Armagost, Stone., Williams, Axness, i'iege., Meyers, Smith, McCarty, Doyle, Rivers, 5tuhlraan, lde,lson, Hering and Johnson. l'otal thirty-seven. Notion carried. The f ollowing resolution was then read: R_r�SOLVED, By the County Board of Bayfi,eld County, assembled at a meeting thereof this 24th day of April, 1928, that we indorse the attached communication of J. x-. Nelson, S. Ji. Heldmeier and J. J. Drinville to Congressman h.-ii. reavey, and request that action be taken by the Congress of the United States, ox some other authorized body or bureau to protect the tax -payers of the gown of Russell, and other towns and taxing districts similiarly situated against the injustice of having to support a large number of indigent Indians who are now a great burden to the other inhabitants and especially on the tax -payers of said communities, J. J. Drinville. ! SPECIAL MEETING OF THIE BAYF IELD C OUNTY BOJU:0 I I i Ba.yfield, uiisconsin April 23 , 1928. Hon. Mr. Peavey, bii. C. Washington, D. C. I Dear Mr. Peavey: i We beg to call your attention to existing conditions in this part i of Bayfield County, particularly in the Town of Russell, in which the Red Cliff Indian Reservation is. located. As you know the beautiful pine timber on this Reservation was removed some years ago. The land allotted. The Government maintained an Indian Agency thereon and gave them such assistance in every way as is now done in malty other places. About three years ago this came to an abrupt termination. The Indians were pronounced full fledged citizens, and throiin upon their own resources. You are fully aware of their 'resources" after their valuable timber had been removed. ""he, sum and substance of it all is that they have RTO RESOURCES, and in times of need, become town charges according to the laws of our State, I which, in short, compels the few white settlers here to feed them, in case of j need, pay their doctor bills when sick, and bury them when they die. To more clearly define conditions, we beg to submit following figures: i 1n 1927 the tofal taxes levied in our to�,,in was �12,050.84. The i delinquent taxes were $4, 527.49. There are fifty-two white families in our town upon which the brunt of this burden falls. The toal number of Indians on thi;reservation are about one hundred and seventy-five. The taxes derived from. all sources from the Indians on this Reservation vras about $75.00. i If all of' this Indian land was in any manner made subject to tax- ation, vie might derive some help to bear our burdens in their support. In 1927 we gave594.1b out of our poor fund for their support and their demand for aid seems to increase each year. i ,11hile perhaps, it would be impossible to again place them under the full care of our government, it might be possible through your good influence, to I get legislation, by ,�rhich a refund could b-e made, through the nearest Indian. Agency, or, by any other method you may be able to work out, and tyre hereby respect- fully beg of you to interest yourself in our behalf in this matter, that this un- just burden to us be relieved. To substantiate our condition, and verify our statements, we respect - I fully submit the following names of the present members of our county board, and i county officials. By request of, the taxpayers of our town. J. A. !N*elson ) S. h. Feldmeir) :1 . J. Drinville) Committee. C) o35 SPECIAL I!u..EE I�>;G OF `1 HTE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ------ - - - - -- - - APRIL 24, 1928. - -- - - - L}Iotion was made by Goff and seconded by Stuhlman that the foregoing resol- ution be adopted as read. uoll call showed the following vote: Aye: Galliga.n, lease., Alcott, Schindler, ILandall, Jr., Goff, ?hillips, Hansen, Mertz, W-illis, Chambers, Daniels, 3'quires., Washniski, Ieid, Nordin, Liebman, Kalen, ' aipale, Yd'sun, H. Anderson, Woodard, Dririville, F•rmagos.t., Stone, Williams, Axness, Yiege, I.feyera, Smith, McCarty, lloyle, Rivers, Stuhlman; Nelson, Hering and Johnson. Total thirty-seven. Lotion carried. Iyloti on w- as made by Heil ng and sec onded by Stuhlman that the bi lls placed on file with the county clerk be referred to the, 2inance Committee, and that the County Clerk and County ''reasurer be instructed to issue orders for payment of those approved by said committee. %lotion carried unanimously. The following bill was then read. `I'o 2. 1`. Daniels iron ±river, Wisconsin. April 24, 1928. To expenses on trip to 1'Ailwaukee to Commercial Forestry Conference, March 28 and 29, 1928 075.00 This includes railroad fare, sleeper, berths, hotel and cafe . expenses, also of banquet,membership fees and other incidental expenses. STATE OF WISC ONS IN )SS. County of Bayfield ) E. F. Daniels says that the above claim for expenses while attending said Conference is true and correct and that no portion: of the same has been paid. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of April, A. D., 1928. E. F. Daniels Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk. Motion ws.s made by Anderson and seconded by Urs. Doyle that the foregoing bill be allowed as read: Motion carried. A five minute recess was then declared by the Chairman. Droll call after recess showed the following members presents Galligan, Pease, Alcott, Randall, jr., Goff, Phillips, Hansen, Iflertz, Willis, Chambers, Daniels, Squires, yashniski, I-Ioid, Nordin, Liebman, Kalen, Taipale, MUsun, H. Anderson, t1�oodard, Drinville, Armagost, atone, IVilliamS, Axness, 4'iege, Meyers, Smith, McCarty, Doyle, Rivers, Stuhlman, I;elson, Hering and Johnson. Total thirty-six. The following report was then read:: `1'o the Honorable; 1, embers of the County Board: GREETINGS I would like to report to you that I have enjoyed the co-operation you and the people of this county have given me this year. There are a few changes I have tried to make which I would Pike to explain to you, and ask for your co-operation. Acting upon advice from our State'Superintendent, Callahan, l have planned central- ized examinations to be held in six central points of this county. SPECIAL N ETING OF !111E BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD A. IL 24, 1 48. "There are several advantages of holding examinations -for diplomas- at central points. i We consider that it is the only effective way to administer these examination for p the following reasons: (1) The examination is much more standardized than when given by a larger variety of people. (2) It dignifies the work of the seventh and eighth grades and gives the children a decided motive for high attainment. (3) It enables teachers to compare their work with the rest of the county on a purely impersonal basis. (4) It prepares children for tests in secondary school or for competitive examin- ations should they choose to try such. i (5) It enables.a county superintendent to get a closer and more accurate estimate of a pupil's fitness for passing through watching them work during the examination hours. (6) It removes the temptation to give too much help to pupils from weak-kneed teachers. (7) It enables pupils to meet children from other schools and thus compare them- selves with others and through this type of contact every one is given a broader social outlook." I We hope you and your constituents will approve of this charge. The County Declamatory Contests are now in full swing. We hope you have noticed i some enthusiasm among the children of your community in this effort to improve public speaking. j The Final contest will be held in ':rashburr_, May 5, at the hex Theater. the Drummond - I Band will give several selections. We hope you and many people of your community may attend. Another new undertaking is the County -aural Commencement Day to be held at the Ondossagon Schools in the Town of Barksdale, on June 2. , Some circulars will be handed to you giving our plans for that day. re hope all parts of the County will co-operate in making this a very helpful and an exceedingly worthwhile day. Please do not hesitate to bring your school problems tome, as I am anxious to serve you. Sincerely, Elsie M. Miller. Co. Suet. of Bayfield County. Motion eras made by Stuhlman and seconded by Yrs. Doyle that the foregoing i report be accepted and placed on file. Motion was then made by Axness and duly seconded that the following amendment be added to Mr. Stuh.lman s motion: "With exception: of Centralized Exam- inations and Commencement Excercises, and that the County Board go on record as :strictly opposed to such Centralized Excercises." Amendment carried. Motion as amended was then presented to the hoard by the Chairman and carried unanimously. A 7 -- -- _ - SPECIAL IMIE'1'ING OF THE BAYFIELP COUITT'Y BOARD I�PR IL 24 , i 928 . The following report was then read-. REPOi2`C'??��OF �:�E7 E. F. DAITI'.� LS ON F OR]-P,ST-?,.Y CONFERENCE Mr. Chairman and ladies and gentlemen of the County -board, before going into detail as to the question of the establishment of a U. 6.-Vorest Reserve in Bayfield County, I: want to make a report to you of the Wisconsin Commercial Forestry Con- ference which took place at T,Tilwaukee, 4+isconsin, on TVarch 28th and 29th, and which I atiended at the request of your County Chairman, Mr. 0. M. Axness. This meeting was promoted principally by T r. R. E. Goodman of Marinette, Wisconsin, and was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce of the UJnited .States and the iRilwaukee Assoc- iation of Uommerce. The purpose of this meeting, as 1 understood it, was to bring about a proper understanding-of-!'orestry as a business, requiring a survey of the two million acres of its original forests still remaining in the state and what the cutting of this remaining forest will mean to the Pulp and Paper Industry, to the lumber and other wood -using industries that.now give employment to more than one hundred thousand wage earners`l `+=hat its passing will mean to the railroads, the resort owners, to the highways of the forest regions, to the State's general industrial life, to its water powers, to it newspapers, to the public generally, and to the State's finan- cial structure. The land and forest situation was handled by Agriculture and i"orest Specialists, including Dean H. L. Russell, -Professor. B. H. Hibbard, Dr. Raphael. Zon and 'Vi. A Duffy, who pointed out the remedies for the menace to the state that lies in its gradually increasing idle and unproductive areas. Having established the economic use of a general comr!,ercial forestry develope- meat, the physical problems involved was analyzed by men qualified by their iN- timate knowledge and experience. it was agreed that fire, prevention was the first condition essential to the'-developement of Commercial -1-1'orestry. The questions of what has been done, what needs to be done, how it should be done, and who should do it, were then discussed one entire session, presided over by W. J. P. Aberg, President of the Wisconsin Isaac TValton League. The feature of this particular session was the talk by C. L. Harrington, Supt. of the State r'orests and Parks, on the subject, "What is needed for a sorest Fire Prevention and Suppression?" li reception was held in the fern Room of the New Pfister Hotel at 6:30' P. 1J. Wednesday, Larch. 28th. Oscar l+stotzer was toastmaster, address of Welcome by hon.Daniel vd,...Hoan, Yayor of Trilwaukee. \ �, I1"tfir. Fred ld. Sargent director of U. S. Chamber of Commerce read a paper on Commerce and --forestry. Messages from Secretary W. IT. Jardine and Forest R. Y. Stewart was delivered by assistant -Forester L. F. Thheipp of 'IVashington, D. C. Governor Zimmermann smoke on "'A Glance ahead in Wisconsin Forestry," and made a very good impression. Glen. Frank, president of the University of Was.consin, spoke on the subject, "The Importance of Yorests to the Social Welfare of usi"isconsin." There were five hundred people at the three first sessions of the conference. The whole thing was very interesting and instructive, but it dealt wholly with the questions of sire Protection and Suppression and r'orestry from a purely Commercial stand point, w, ISPE IAL OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - -- - -- -- - Ar R IL.- 24, 1, 28 . - and did not touch the subJQQ_t of u. b. irorest xeserves. 1 met our old frl!and, tNalter .Duffy, now commissioner OOLgriculture, who was a member of this i3oard in 1018, and also represented .hayfield County in t1'1-e Legislature. Duffy appeared to be very pleased, to welcome one from Bayfield County, and when he got through introducing me to the :-_iedera,l men and the L'adison crowd, they knet,a .3ayfield County was represented: at the "'orestry Conference. A resolution was passed declaring the Conference a success, and directing the .executive Committee to/on, ar�perfect a permanent organization. Full records were made of the -Lorestry Conference, including all of the s-.ee.ches and papers read. `Phis official pamphlet report was paid for and will be sent fine as soon as they are ready for distribution, and i will then file it with the,County Clerk. :'his is about all I can say of the conference, except to say that it was the. means of bringing me in personal contact with ''alter B. Duffy, the U. �. Forest - ervice men from 'drashington, Deriver and -Duluth, and also Mr. harrington of she State Conservation Commission. With your permission i will now pass on to the subject of U. S. -' orest ILeserves. I first grant to call your attention to the serious conditions which not only confront Bayfield County with re- to county owned lands and tax certificates, but also several other northern, counties° Ashland County has 171,000.00 Bayfield 267,955.98 Douglas 305, 218. 90 Florence '° °' 65,000.00 y`orest 86,300.00 Langlade R 198,973.90 Lincoln 0 A 121, gg4.79 Iia-rinette 11 .3352665,15 Uconto " 100,955.00 Oneida `i "' 160,721.76 Trice `' 8' 130,000.00 Husk '' It 200,000.00 Taylor " It 8124-72.35 Washburn It 63, 000.00 Of the 52)217,000 which Bayfield County has invested in lends and tax certificates probably 50% covers land that is absolutely worthless, except for the growing/trees, and of the w107,000 balance, conservatively speaking, not more than ,$50,000 will be realized by redemptions or individual sales, so as the matter for stands now, Bayfield County can not expect a return of more than 50,000Aands and certificates that has cost the County 8217,000'accepted in payment of County tax from the different towns and cities, it can easily be seen that Bayfield County has lost a lot of money in the process of eliminating these worthless lands from- -the local tax rolls, but it has weathered the storm, and shown wonderful improve- ment this year in 'the way of tax collections and bonifide redemptions. 'There is, however, that ever present. danger that some one wdll come before the county board at some future time with an offer to buy a large tract of thiE; wort} -Mess land at a low price, simply as a speculative proposition, figuring to colon,�ze it -with 039 SPECIAL ICEETING OF, TIE BAYPIELD COI NTY B-01M APRIL 24, 1928. people from the cities, get a good payment down, continue to bet what they c:-an out ( . of it, and not, pay any taxes. The different towns, of course, assess it at a high price, as soon as. it is again placed on the -tax - roll-, the taxes ate not paid, and are- turned over to the county in payment of the 1°own' s share of County 'fax. This same yoroce:dure- goes on for f our.- years before the County can again take a tax deed and retire: these lands from the tax. roll., and once again it has- cost the County approximately a dollar an a cre to get them back w here they c an p t do any more damage. In my judgment there is only one- safe, procedure, and that is to - sell these worthless lands to the U. S. Government for -a CT. S. Forest Reserve, providing we can do so, then we will be sure they are not going back on the tax rolls of the different towns. Within the last year 1 have given some thought and study to the'. ques-tion of what we should do with these worthless lands, -and after some con- siderab..le research and corresponding, 1 'concluded that it should be a i'orest Reserve, either State or National, i mentioned it to Mr. P. J. Savage of Iron River, and he expressed himself as being heartily in favor of it. 1 next talked with Ole Axness, our County Chairman, and found that he had exactly the same ideas as I had. Vdhile in ',Kilwaukee I had a conference 1%rith L. .1". Kneipp,, assistant Uf. S. Forester, Washington, D. C., and L. �7. Pinker, assistant District "orester from Denver, Colorado. Mr. Kneipp had been here and made an investigation of the proposed tract, and expressed himself as being very much in favor of this tract for Forest lieserve purposes. I want to read to you some newspaper, clippings on the subject under discussion, and also a communication from E. VI. Tinker, assistant .Forester from Denver, Colorado. E. F. Daniels. lJotion was made and duly seconded that the foregoing report be accepted and placed on file. 11otion carried. RESOLVED: The following resolution was then read: 'hat the Board of Commissioners of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, herewith gives its approval and consent to the purchase of not to exceed .125,000 acres of land within said county by the Government of the United States to be protected, administered and developed as a National Forest. This resolution should not be construed in any way binding or committing this Board to the sale of any lands to the government for National Forest Purposes -'except as it may be poss- ible to reach an agreement as to terms and price mutually satisfactory 'to the Government as a willing buyer and the County as a willing seller. E. i, . Daniels. Motion was made by Liebman and seconded by 1ashniski that the fore- going resolution be ado,)ted as read. Yot'ion carried unanimously. Mr. Sherman, Assistant Forester of the U. S. Forest Department. ` appeared before the Board at this time and explained in detail the program and working plans of his department. 0 SPECIAL 1ILL.T ING OF T-HE BAYYI.NLD COU-11TT 1 BV1 RL D -- - ---- - - APRIL 24, 1928. -- - - - - Motion was made by Rivers and seconded by S.tuhlman that a rising vote of thanks be given hr,.r. Sherman. Alotion carried unanimously. The Chairman then asked the members to arise -as an expression of thanks to Mr. Sherman for his talk. Mr. Phillips of the Town of Clover then explained to the Board the feasibility of adding a piece of Town Road from County Trunk 9V1 running through the South end of the Town of Clover and then ending up with Part Wing, to the County System of 1 i ght: ay s . 1.-lotion was made by Daniels and seconded by Stuhlman that Tr. Phillips, road ropostion be referred -to the road and Bridge Committee with P g pourer to act. 11otion was made by Hering and duly seconded that 11r. Daniels, motion be amended to read as follows: "That a special committee of four should be <3.ppiointed by the chairman one i of the county board,of which the chairman should be / member, to act with the County Highway Conunittee regarding the foregoing matter." Roll call on the amendment was as follows: Aye s Galligan, cease, Randall, Jr., Phillips, Villis, Chambers, i -quires, Noid, Nordin, Liebman, Misun, H. Anderson, Stuhlman and Hering. 'Total Fourteen. Nay: Alcott, Goff, Hanseri, !Jertz, Daniels, 1 ashniski, Kalen, Taipale, 000dard, Drinville, �Ilrrnagost, Stone, ,Villiarrs, Axness, Fiege, I:Teyers, Smith, IrIcCarty, Doyle, rivers, "Tel'san and Johnson. 'Total tirienty-two. 1�meridment lost. The original motion without the amendment was then put to a vote. blot ion carried. The following resolution was then read: �\ Be It Hereby resolved by the Lytield County Board that the County Clerk and the County Treasurer are hereby instructed toquit claim the following \`6escribed property to the School District of the Town of Iron River: w"a All of Blocks ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen and twenty-four, and Lots three to twelve, inclusive, Block twenty-one. zj 3 �.uots one to twelve, inclusive in Block twenty-two, and Lots one to seven inclusive-, in Bloxk twenty-three of the 1.+'i.rst Addition to the '!'own of iron River. kY, ','ir\1 And that the face of the certificate against said property be cancelled and the aTnount of the same be the consideration, said amount to b e written off the credit account of the `town of iron River on the County Books. L. F. Daniels. c, r IJotion was made by Daniels and seconded by Y`rs. Doyle that the fore- going resolution be a dopted as read. rjrotion carried. � o i 1tiiotion was made by :Llaniels and seconded by TAIrs. Doyle that 'the County Clerk be instructed to attend the County Clerks' Convention to be held at ivilioaukee, and that the expenses be paid by the County. 'Iotlon carried unanimously. SPEC III, a^ EETING OF THE BAYS IELD COUNTY BOARD APRIL 249 1928. I'he following resolution was then read'� Be it hereby resolved, by the County Board of Bayfield County, that the per diem, mileage and coini-!iittee work be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below, and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such money and the Chairman and the County clerk are hereby instructed to issue an order -J" or the total amount of such items listed belcwtp NA1,1E ±�er Diem Corinittee work IN'l i 1 e a � e To al }'at Galligan 4.00 1-38 5-38 L. D. Pease 12.00 7.20 19-70 1. L. Alcott 4.00 1.44 12.00 6.24 23.68 t. L. Schindler 4,00 .48 4.48 H. B. Randall, Jr. 12.00 4.84 16.84 E. Goff 12.00 6-32 18-32 R. Phillips 12.00 9.64 31.64 A. C. Hansen 12.00 3-4-8 15.48 'Walter Irlerta 12.00 4-32 16-32 Chas. A. Willis 4.00 1-32 5-32 L. F. Chambers 12.00 5,64 17.64 E. F. Daniels 12.00 4.80 4.00 20;80 u. E. Squires 12.00 2-76 14-76 Frank Washniski 12.00 2-76 14-76 C. J. Jffoid 12.00 3.60 15.60 Adolph Nordin 12.00 3.48 15.4-8 E. Liebman 12.00 7.20 10.20 Andrew Kalen 12.00 6.24 18.24 John Taipale 12.00 6.48 18.48- G e o . .1,1 i s u n 12.00 1.62 13-62 -.--ha-rry`X. Anderson 12-00 7.20 10-20 71. D. 'Viloodard 12.00 5.64 17.64 T. J. Drinville 12.00 2.52 14.52 A. A. Armagost 12.00 5-76 17-76 Stone 4.00 -30 4-30 Geo. B. '�,,'illiams 12.00 6.08 18.08 0. Ax-ne s s 12.00 2.64 24.00 8 52) telegram 52.51 ldenry!C. l'iege 4.00 1.4-4 5.44 Fred Mle y e r s 4.00 1.44 5.44 C - V-1. Smith 4.00 1.44 4.00 2.4-0 ll.84 L. H. T;!c(I'larty 4.00 1.44 5-.44 Mrs. 11au d D o yl e 4.00 ,12 12.00 2.40 18'. 52 J. Ii.. Rivers 4.00 .12 4.12 Frank Stuhlman 114.00 .12 12-00 -36 16.48 "%rels Nelson 4.00 .12 4.12 A. tiering 4.00 -2 4.12 A. P. Johnson 4.00 .12 4.00 .12 8.24 Signedv - Axness 6 Z, SIPEC IAL I[E'E2' Ii%TG OF TIE, BAYIPIELD COUNTY BOARD 7 R IL 24, 1928. I.Iotion was made and duly seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read. Roll call showed the following vote: Aye"- Ualligan, tease, xlcott, - -; Handall, Jr., Goff', shillips, Hansen, Willis, Chambers, :Daniels, esquires, ,"iashniski, i`loid,- , Nordin, Liebman, K,len, `1'aipale, T4jsun, h. Anderson, '000dard, Drinville, Armagost, ;Dtone, 'afi11iams, Axness, i{iegef y f Y:Ie ers '9 with McCarty, y f 9 Doyle, 'Rivers atuhlman9 Nelson and Johnson. ' Total thirty-four. I otion carried. Lotion was made- by 11-irs. Doyle and seconded by utuhlman that the Board adjourn. Motion c arried. County Clerk. i I ' . i . i Chairman. I J j I i