HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 4/25/1933SPEC.I_AL_MEFTLTG OF THE_RKTF.LELD COUN_T_Y�QARD ___ — APRIL 2S . 107 41 Meeting called to order at 10:30 A: M. by R. A. Hering, Chairman. The following members answered .roll call; A. H. Fossum, L. D. Pease, I.--L. Alcott, W. B. O'Sullivan, H. B. Randall, Jr., C. P. Larsen, Carl Erickson, Wm. Meyer, F. H. Bartlett, Jarl-Olson, W. Weir, E. F.- Daniels, S. E. Squires, Evert Erickson, Peter Johnson, Conrad Tedlund, C. 0. Nelson,- 0.-_Rankinson, Steve Kacvinsky, Aldor -Peterson, . J: C. Sibbald, H. Lamont, H. J. Hougas, Nels Ness, G. H.--Thompson, Nels.Ledin, Roy Okerstrom, D. Knight, I-Hadland, R. J. Nel- son, V. E. Brubaker, Carl Anderson, Ira Summerfield, Hans J. Thompson, R. A. Hering Ben Rude. - The County Clerk received the following petition: April 102 1933 Ludwig_Tranmal, Bayfield County Clerk, Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir; I, the undersigned, a member of the County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, request that you issue a call for a special meeting of the County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, on Tuesday, April 25, 1933, at ten o'clock_A. M. at the courthouse in the City of Washburn, Wisconsin, for the purpose of organization and the transac- tion of any other business that may legally come before the County Board at said meet- ing. Signed: A. H: Fossum, L. D. Pease, I. L. Alcott, W. B. O'Sullivan, H. B. Ran- dall, Jr.,Carl E. Erickson, -William Meyer, F. H.- Bartlett,.Jarl Olson, Wallace__Weir, E. F. Daniels, S. E. Squires, Evert Erickson_; Peter Johnson, C. Tedlund, E. Liebman, C. 0. Nelson,;Oscar Rankinson, Steve Kacvinsky, Aldor Peterson, J. C. Sibbald, H. La- mont, H. J. Hougas, Nels Ness, G.-H. Thompson N.-E. Ledin, Roy H.-Okerstrom, D. S. Knight, R. J. Nelson, V., E. Brubaker, Carl Anderson, Ira Summerfield, Hans J. Thomp- son, Ben R. Rude. In answer to the petition,:the following notice was sent out;. • • April 122 1933 Dear County Board Member; The Undersigned has been duly petitioned to call.a special meeting of the Bayfield County Board for the purpose of organization and the transaction of any other business. which may legally come before the Board at such meeting. Therefore, you are hereby notified that a meeting of the Bayfield County Board will be held at the Courthouse in the City of Washburn on Tuesday, April 25th, 19332 "l at ten.o'clock A.. M. Yours very truly, LUDWIG_TRANMAL, Bayfield County Clerk. -The Board proceeded with the election of a Chairman. The chair appointed C. 0. Nelson and W. B. O'Sullivan as tellers. The result of the first ballot for chairman was as follows: Randall 12, Ledin , 11 Hering 9 Brubaker 4 Total 36 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD APRIL 252 1933 The result of the second ballot for chairman was as follows: Randall 18 Ledin 13 Brubaker 5 Total 36 The result of the third ballot for chairman was as follows: Randall 21 Ledin. 15 Total 36 Motion made by Okerstrom and duly seconded that the. informal ballot be declared formal and that Randall be declared elected as chairman of the County Board for the en - sting year. Motion carried. The Board proceeded with the election of a vice-chairman. The result of the first ballot for vice-chairman was as follows: Brubaker 4 O'Sullivan ­2 Ledin 15 Bartlett 1. Hering 3 Rude 5 Hougas, 1 Okerstrom 2 acquires 1 Blank 1 Total 35. The result of the second ballot for vice-chairman was -as follows: Brubaker 3 Okerstrom 3 Rude 4 Hering Ledin Total 36 Motion made by Meyer and duly seconded that the informal ballot be declared formal and that Ledin be declared vice-chairman of the County Board for the ensuing year. (Motion carried) Motion made by Meyer and seconded by Pease that the rate per,folio be set at Thirty-five Cents (350) for the official paper for the ensuing year. Motion carried unanimously. The Board proceeded with the election of an official paper for the ensuing year. The result of the first ballot was as follows: Washburn Times 26 Bayfield Press 9 Iron River Pioneer 1 Blank 1 Total 37 The chair declared the Washburn Times duly elected as the official paper 109 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - -- -- APRIL 25, 1933 The following report was read: April 242 1933 County Finance Committee:. Herewith please find list of Bayfield County properties sold since my appoint- ment in December. The total number of acres -sold is 760, at a sales price of 01752. 97. The balance of sales are of properties in the City -of Washburn and in the Village of Iron River and amount to a total of $1921.00, making a grand total of 03 673.97• County land sales by months: December, 1932 January, 1933 February, 1933 Amount Acres .$1)92.97 210 480.0o 160 64o.00 200 March, 1933 951.00 150 April, 1933 1010.00 4o _ Total 3673.97 76o 1-:have.quite.a number of...people that are interested and would purchase but can- not do so at present on account of funds being tied up. The sales to non-residents of the County have been practically nil. Many inquiries have been answered without any results up to the present. Yours very truly, R. W. SMITH County Land Agent. Motion made by Squires and duly seconded to accept report of R. �7. Smith and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION To the Honorable Bayfield County Board: WHEREAS, other agencies for the administration of aid to those in need are in effect, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in special session this 25th day of April, 1933, that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be, and they are hereby instructed to not honor orders for payment ofrMothersa Pension Aid after the budget allowance for said Aid is exhausted. Signed: H. J. Hougas H._.B. Randall, Jr. Motion was made by Squires and seconded by Olson to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Roll call was as follows: AYE: Fossum, Alcott, O'Sullivan, Randall, Jr., Meyer, Bartlett, Olson, Weir, Squires, Evert Erickson, Johnson, Tedlund, C. 0. Nelson, Rankinson, Kacvinsky, peter -- son, Sibbald, Lamont, Hougas, Ness, G. H. Thompson, Ledin, Knight, Hadland, R. J. Nelson, Summerfield, and Hering. Total Twenty-seven. NAY: Pease, Larsen, Daniels, Liebman, Okerstrom, Brubaker, Anderson, Hans J. Thompson and Rude. Total Nine. Motion carried. -- ---- -- - -- -- - --------___-- SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIEL_D_ COUNTY BOARD___ -- APR IL 255� 1933 4\� The following communication was read: Mr. Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk, Bayfield County, nshburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir; SUBJECT: Bayfield County Bond_Issue April 21, 1933 The Commission has recently given further consideration to the investigations by our accounting department with reference to the expenditures made by several counties from funds secured by bond issues authorized by the counties prior to 1925. As a result, the Commission has adopted a more liberal interpretation of the statutes and has consequently approved the revised distribution of the remainder of the outstan- ding bonds, under which the state assumes a larger proportion of these maturities. Copy of the revised statement as adopted by the Commission under date of April 13 is enclosed for your files. You will note that under the revised plan'the state's obligation for 1933 is 04,200. You were recently mailed a check for- 2,607.00.- We are consequently arrang- ing for a further remittance in the amount of 12593.00 which will go forward.about the first of May. Very truly yours, WISCONSIN HIGHWAY COMMISSION By K. G. Kurtenacker, Sec. Motion was made by Hering and duly seconded to accept the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION To the Honorable Bayfield County Board of Supervisors:_ WHEREAS Anita McCormick Blaine is the owner of the Southeast Quarter of the South- west Quarter (SE-1 4 Sw ) of Section Seventeen (17), Township Forty-five (45) North, Range Nine (9) Iffest, and WHEREAS, said land was returned delinquent for the tax of 1525 to the County.Trea_- surer in March, 1926 and was sold by him in the -form of a tax certificate numbered �1 5492, face .$6.93, in June, 1926, and a tax deed was issued thereon to-Bayfield County on November 13, 1929, and ?NHEREAS, the taxes for 1925 were paid on the aforesaid land to the Town Treasurer of Barnes on January 22, 1926 and -his receipt numbered 19 was issued covering same. Now THEREFORE in view of the foregoing facts be it hereby. RESOLVED that the County Clerk be and is hereby instructed to issue a quit -claim ed to Anita McCormick Blaine the present owner thereof and that the face of the tax -certificate amounting to 6.93-be charged back to the town.of'Barnes. Signed: _L. D. Pease Motion was made by Pease and seconded by Ledin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE•BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - — APRIL 25, 1933 - - - - The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION TO VALIDATE AND RATIFY THE CONVEYANCE OF REAL ESTATE HERETOFORE MADE BY THE COUNTY CLERK: RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield. County --assembled in special session this 25th day of April, 1933, that all sales and conveyances heretofore made by Bay - field County of lands acquired by tax deed be and the same are hereby ratified, ap- proved and confirmed in all respects, the same as if the County Board of said County had by order entered in its records, prescribed the terms of sale and authorized the County Clerk to sell and convey such real estate as provided by Section 75.35 of Wis- consin Statutes. Signed: Carl E. Erickson Motion was made by Hering and seconded by Olson to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. Motion was made by H. J. Thompson and seconded by Larsen to adjourn until 1:30 P. M. Motion carried. Meeting was called to order at 1:30 P. M. by Mr. Randall, Jr., Chairman. The following members answered roll call: _ Fossum, Pease, Alcott, O'Sullivan, Randall, Jr., Larsen, Carl -Erickson, Meyer, Bartlett, Olson, Weir, Daniels,_ Squires, Evert Erickson, Johnson, Tedlund, C. 0. Nel- son, Rankinson, Kacvinsky, Peterson, Sibbald, Larront, Hougas, Ness, G. H. Thompson, Ledin, Okerstrom, Knight, Hadland, R. J. Nelson, Brubaker, Anderson, Summerfield, Hans J. Thompson, Hering, Rude. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION To The Honorable Bayfield County Board: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF.SUPFRVISIORS in special meeting assembled this 25th day of April, 1933) that the ,County Clerk and the County Treasurer be, and they are hereby authorized and instructed to proceed with, the work of taking tax deeds for Bayfield County on all county -owned tax.certifica.tes that are now, and will be subject to tax deed during, the next year. Signed: Roy H. Okerstrom Motion was made by Brubaker and duly seconded to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION To the Honorable Bayfield County Board: WHEREAS Ernest Jedlicke is of,,.mer of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (W2 "h NE-4) and the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (W2 SWF NEB) of Section Three (3), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Six (6) West, -and WHEREAS this land is removed from highways, and WHEREAS said Ernest Jedlicke is ready and desires to build and improve land, and ,�E EREAS Bayfield County owns the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE2 NE-.) of Section Three (3), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Six-(6) West, adjoin- SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ---------- - APRIL 25; 1933 ing County Trunk 0, The County Clerk is hereby authorized to trade the Northeast Quarter of the North- east Quarter (NE-1 NEI) of Section Three (3), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Six�(6) West, for the 'Nest Half of the Northwest Quarter of th�Northeast Quarter ('Nz NWT NEB.) and the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (Wz SWrNE�) of Section Three (3), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Six (6) West, provided all taxes are paid on same, and to issue Ernest Jedlicke quit claim deed for same. SIGNED: H. B._.Ra.ndall, Jr. Motion was made by Lamont and seconded by Larsen to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion Carried. The following application was read: April 24, 1933 To the Honorable Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: I tigrish to purchase Lot Three (3), Block Seventy-four (74), Townsite of Bayfield, from the County on the payment plan. I am unable to pay one -fifth down but have steady employment and can pay the sum of $15.00 a, month until the sum of $250.00 is paid. Yours very truly, NE17ELL ANEY Motion was made by Okerstrom and seconded by Lamont to grant the forgoing appli- cation of Newell Aney and that the County Clerk by instructed to enter into contract. Motion carried. The following petition was read: To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: _ I am under contract to purchase build.ing.on Lots Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14), `Block 25,. To,,,insite of Washburn. Owing to conditions, I have not been able to make payment that was due -in November, 1932. I respectfully request your Honorable Board to extend the date of said payment to July 1, 1933• Yours"truly, MRS. CARRIE ARNTSON Motion was made by Daniels and duly seconded to grant the foregoing; petition. Motion carried. Mr. Liebman arrived at this time. The following application was read: April 22, 1933 To the Honorable Board of County Supervisors: 'Mashburn, Wis. Dear Sirs: We respectfully call your attention to an error in taxation; among the delinquent taxes turned over to the county by the city of Washburn is an assessment on the Methodist parsonage, Block Fifty-six (56), Lot Three (3), Townsite of Washburn. This property has not been assessed heretofore, and has been used as the residence of our pastor, count- ing as part of his salary. "Depression" ha.s reduced us to part time service and our SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ---- --------------------- -- -- - - -- -- - -- ---- ------ -- - - --APRIL 25 1933 s pastor lives -in Ashland.- We rent the parsonage and use the money in our church funds.. The city Treasurer said the property -was assessed because we rented. it. We feel that this is discriminatory as three other denomina.tions-are using their property to in- crease their funds --two rent their parsonages and one uses the church hall for gather- ings of a money -making nature to increase church funds. None of these buildings- were assessed. Mr. Pearce Tompkins, Supervisor of Assessments, has assured us that the assess- ment on our property _is illegal and cited us to Section 70.11 (4) Laws of Wisconsin. We beg that you consider this matter and set this tax aside as illegal. Respectfully submitted, Trustees of M. F. Church Signed: Nick.Kurschner, F. E. Wieman, J. E. Westgate, Harry M. Hanson, A. S. Torkelson, H..-C. Koenig. Motion was made by Squires and duly seconded that the taxes be cancelled as requested in the foregoing petition and that the amount thereon be charged back to the City of Washburn. Motion carried. The following communication was read: To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors_of Bayfield County: In accordance with Chapter 15, Laws of 1933, creating a County Boa..rd. of Media. tion, I submit for your a-oproval the following as members of said Board: Jarl Olson E. R. Tetzner I. L. Alcott Respectfully yours, R. A. Hering. Motion was made by Ledin and duly seconded to approve'the appointment of mem- bers to the County Mediation Board as listed in the foregoing communication.' Motion carried. Motion was made by Squires and seconded by Sibbald to allow the members of the County Board of Mediation the same per diem and mileage allowed to County Board Members for County Board work'. Motion carried unanimously. The following communication was read: April 25, 1933 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, Washburn, Wis. Gentlemen: We wish to extend our sincere th<-,-nks to you for naming The Times as official county paper and to earnestly request you to reconsider your action in reducing the folio rate for publishing the board's proceedings. Under the rate ot' 350 per folio vie would not only be publishing the proceedings without a profit but,would actually be losing money. The spring proceedings in 1932 covered 1141- column inches and totaled SS folios. This made an average of two inches for each folio and at the rate of 450 per folio then effective we were receiving 22Lo per column inch.. This was 25 per cent cheaper than our regular advertising rate of 300 per inch.. - - - - -- - - - - — ----- ------------ -- ----- — S LCLAL _I�i EL+_'_T 1W-'_ OTC'___THE._3AYFIELD__COUT_T-Y---BOARD---- ---- --- — ---- ----- APRIL 25, 1933 If the new rate of 350 per folio is put in force, we will be receiving only about 172¢ per column inch. It should be obvious that we cannot print proceedings at that rate without a loss, as the cost of composition of such matter is high and it must be very carefully proofread. May we remind the board that we received a ZO percent cut on the folio rate last year from 500 per folio to45¢ and that previous to teat we had been cut. from 600 per folio. It seems hardly fair that we should no have to suffer another cut. of almost 25 Der cent in this rate,- which brings our total cut in the last few years -to about ' 50 per cent. A newspaper is a semi-public institution but must be conducted for profit if it is to properly- serve the public. The Times performs a distinct service to the Bay -field County government and citizens in printing free a considerable volume: of county govern- ment news which would not otherwise receive the publicity it deserves. On this <Iccount, we feel that we should not suffer unduly from the trend towards too extreme: economies and vie trust that trie members of the board will carefully consider the above facts and restore the rate of 450 per folio. Very truly yours, PAUL ROBIIN SON Motion was made by C. 0. Nelson and seconded by Hering to reconsider the action of the County Board on the rate for printing the proceedings of the County Board in. -the official paper. _Motion carried. Motion was made by Hering and seconded by C. 0. Nelson to set a rate of 450 per folio for printing the proceedings of the County Board in the official paper. Motion carried. Motion made 'by Nelson and seconded by Brubaker that the County Board ratify and approve of the finance committee's meeting held April 24th, 1933. Motion carried. The following report was read: Washburn, Wisconsin, April 24, 1933 To the Hon. County Board, Bayfield County, Wisconsin Gentlemen: We the undersigned Committee on Finance and Miscellaneous, beg leave to report, that we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same. NAME OF' CL A IHANT PURPOSE Signed: Roy H. Okerstrom H. J. Hougas, r. H. Thompson R. A. Hering H. B. Randall, Jr. CLAIMED ALLO VED Joe Susienka 1 horse killed by dogs (Disal- low .as damage was done by o,,,7ner f s dogs) 85.00 None Arby W. Bailey Edwara Buss Chas. A. Willis 1 sheep killed by dogs- 2 sheep killed by dogs ) 1 sheep injured by cogs) 1 ewe killed by dogs ) 1 lamb killed by dogs) 5.00 30.00 00 ;'. E. Squires Z7.�0 7 ewes killed by dogs 0 $2'rO 8 lambs killed by dogs @ 7� 35.76) 5.00 13.00 8.00 53.2ED .E 115 - ----- - ---- - -- -- - -- - - - - SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- - -- -- - - - - -- - - APRIL 25, 1933 -NAME OF CLAI19ANT PURPOSE CLAIMED ALLOWED Frank Kunsky 16.months heifer killed by dogs 18.00 15.00 Dunn County Burial of Eva Ostrum, insane 50.00 .50.00 Edw. H. Bratley Burial of John McIntosh 50.00 Alone -(Disalloinred-no Poor Notice filed) State Bank of Drummond 2% on.daily Bank balances 77.38 None Elsie M. Miller Balance of salary unpaid 183:26 None St.' Croix County Burial of Alfred Johnson (Charge back to Town of Barnes) 100.00 50.00 Town of Delta Care of. VJm. Banister October, 1932 421.92 September, 1932 13.48- August, 1932 18.35 July, 1932 20.74 November, 1932 1.00 December,-1932 2. b0 83.59 83.59 Barron County Care of Gordon Hill (Refer to Town of Bayfield) 10.24 None Clark County Care of Berten Lawrence 112..h3 None Town of Barnes Care of John E. Roth (Transiend Poor) 48.91 48.91 Town of Bayview Care of Mrs. B. 'Neiss (Charge Town. of Washburn) Aw1..71 Jno. Holcheck (Tra.nsient) 1.88 Chas. Albert (Transient.) 3.15 Mr. & Mrs. J. O'Malley (Transient) 2.07 Irving Welton (Charge City of Washburn) 1.11 9.92 9.92 Town of Gable Care of Fred Hermann 3.00 3.oO Town of Eileen Case of Arthur ZiAhlsdorff ( Charge to Town of Pratt), .47 Care of Herman Narr (Charge to Town of Pilsen) 1.15 Care of George Hesse(Transien)l.-22 Care of Herman Sievert 2.o3 4.87 4.87 Ton of Hup,nes Care of J. D. Culbertson (Transient.) 9.42 Care of John Molten (Transient) 1.47 Care of John Mitchell ( Charge Town of Oulu) 11.76 - 28.65 28; 65 Town of Kelly Care of Arnold Kataja ^(Transient) 30.81 30.81 Town of Pratt Care of Martin Nelson (Transient) 14.43 14.43 Care of Otto Johnson 3.71) 3.71 Toi,,m of Oulu Care of Mrs. Ida Clark 2�.40 2. 4 Care of Edwin Zastrow 14.00 1. .0) Care of Eli Talus 36.90 3.69) 7.63 Care of Louis-Forslund (Have Town. bill _Milwaukee County direct) 72.66 72.66 None City of Washburn Care of Frank Vincent 5.01 None Care of Frank Canaan (Transient) 13.39 13.39 Care of Hazel Johnson (Charge to Town of Russell) 1.94 1.94 City of Bayfield Error in tax a-oportionment of 1921 and 1922, State Special Charges. Recommend it be charged back to To,-n of Bayfield. 399.60 399.60 Town of Lincoln Care of Joseph Cloutier (Transien ) 4.29 4.29 Care of Conrad Bierl (Transient) 19.99 19.99 Care of Hdnry Pence (Transient) 7.42 7.42 Town of Pratt Hay for cattle of 'Ira. Jorgenson 42.38 None SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - -- —---------- --- -- -- -------------- ---- - - -- - - ---- - - - — - APRIL 25, 1933 Motion was made and seconded that the bill of the Town of Hughes for care of Mitchell be held over and that the matter of residence be.referred to the District 'Attorney. Motion Carried. Motion was made by Alcott and seconded by Ledin to defer action on the Claim of the City of Bayfield for $399.60 until the fall meeting of the Board. Motion carried. Motion was made by Olson and seconded by Ledin to allow the bills recommended by the finance committee with the exception of the two bills covered by the two prior mo- -tions, and that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be instructed to issue orders for payment of same. Motion carried unanimously. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the temporary Land Sales Committee set up by the Fi- nance Committee in December, 1932, is hereby'a-pproved by the County Board at its spe- cial meeting,held this 25th day of April, 1933, and the payment of the commissions is hereby ratified and confirmed. Signed: C. 0. .Nelson Motion was made by Sibbald and seconded by Larson —to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll Call was as f of -lows: AYE: Randall,_Jr., Larsen, Carl Erickson, ?heir, Daniels, Johnson, C. 0. Nelson, Sibbald, Hougas, Ledin, O'kerstrom, Knight, _Brubaker, Hering. Total, -fourteen. NAY: Fossum,-Pease, Alcott, O'Sullivan, Meyer, Olson,.Squires_, Tedlund, Liebman, Rankinson, Kacvinsky, Peterson, Lamont, Ness, G. H. Thompson,_Hadla,nd, R. J. Nelson, Anderson, Summerfield, Hans J. Thompson and Rude. Total Twenty-one. Motion lost. Motion was made by Squires and seconded by Lamont that the County Board ratify and approve the sales made by the County Land Committee and approve of tine commissions in connection therewith up to the present time. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Rankinson and duly seconded that the Committee on Sale of County owned land revert back to the committee having charge of same prior to the annual meet- ing in November, 1932, which consisted of the chairman of the town or the supervisor of the city or village in which the property is located, and the county clerk and county treasurer, and that the county officers be allowed the same mileage as county board mein bens when it becomes necessary for them to go out on this work. Motion carried. Motion was made, by Squires and seconded by Ledin that the committee on sale of tax deed property be prohibited from selling County lands and lots to non-residents of the County except for cash only. Motion carried unanimously. Motion was made by Olson and seconded by Rankinson that the county clerk be allowed s $200.00 for clerk hire to take care of the time he must direct to the sale of county owned property. Motion carried. Motion was made by Sibbald and duly secnoded that the zoning committee be instructed to investigate the feasibility of creating a county zoning ordinance governing privately owned lands. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County, at a meeting thereof held this 25th day of April, 1933, that there be constructed and established in the several trout SPECIAL_ MEETING p�_ THE_BAYIr'IELD_ COUNTY -BOARD--_ __------___-- -_-- - --- - ---------- -- APRTL 25, 1933 streams of Bayfield County, under the direction and control of the several municipal W units of said County and the outdoor unemployment organization of said county trout ponds for the impounding of trout fry and small trout in accordance with such plans and regulations as shall be approved by Wisconsin Conservation Commission, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to said Wisconsin Conservation Commission and to the local administrators of outdoor unemployment relief of said County. Signed: Hans J. Thompson Motion was made by Rankinson and seconded by Pease to lay the foregoing resolu- tion on the table. Roll call was as follows: AYE: Pease, Bartlett, Weir, Daniels, Rankinson, Kacvinsky, Ledin. Total, seven. NAY: O'Sullivan, Randall, Jr., Carl Erickson, Meyer, Olson, Squires, Evert Erickson, Johnson, Tedlund, Liebman, O. O. Nelson, Peterson, Sibbald., Lamont, Ness, Okerstrom, Knight, Hadland, R.-J. Nelson, Brubaker, Anderson, Summerfield, Hans J. Thompson, Hering -and Rude. Total, twenty-five. Motion lost. Motion was made by H. J. Thompson and seconded by Hering to adopt the foregoing resolution on trout rearing ponds. Motion carried. The following application was read: Washburn, Wisconsin April 20th, 1933 To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn, Viisconson. Gentlemen: Bayfield County is the owner of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter (W2 sill) of Section seven (7), I-ownship Forty-eight (48) North, Range Five (5) ;"Jest. This land was burned over with a fire the summer.of 1931 and there is considerable jack pine and other pine trees which were killed by the fire and are dry. I would like to have permission to cut some of this wood for firewood purposes, about three or four loads. Unless it is cut soon it will rot and be of no use'to any one. T live about two miles from this land and need dry firewood. Hoping to hear from you favorably, I am Yours very truly, MIKE MIHAL Washburn, Wis. , R f , Box 81 Motion was made by Squires and seconded by Ledin that the foregoing,_a.pplication be referred to the chairman of the Town of Washburn. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION To the Honorable County Board of Bayfield County: WHEREAS, Bayfield County has tax title to a certain tract of land described. as v follows: The East Ten (10) acres in the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE, SW4.) in Section Twelve (12) To,,,nship Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) Nest, and SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ----------------------------------------------------------------April 25, 1933 WHEREAS', the City of Bayfield is desirous of obtaining said land for the purpose of providing a, tract for gardens and public use, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board authorizes the County Clerk to issue a. quit claim deed of said tract to the City of Bayfield. Signed: ROY H. OKERSTROM Motion was made by Sibbald and duly seconded to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion lost. Motion was made by Squires and seconded by Larsen that the committee on sale of tax deed property either rent or sell to the City of Bayfield, the land referred to in the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following application was read: County Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Re: SW1 NVV1 Section 12-47-8 Dear Mr. Tra.nmal-: February 24-, 1933 I am enclosing a right-of-way deed covering the construction -of a road and tele- phone line across the indicated description which, I understand, is in County ownership. If the county has no objections to the relocation of the old Snake Trail and the con- struction of this project I would appreciate the right-of-way deed being executed by the proper officials and returned to.this office in the enclosed addressed envelope. Yours very truly, R. U. HARMON) Forest Sunervisor .Motion was made by Meyer and duly seconded that the request for right�of-,gray deed to the U. S. Forest Service by granted and that the County Clerk by instructed to issue same. Motion carried. The Chairman declaired a. fifteen minute recess. The following answered roll call after recess;- Fossum, Pease, Alcott, O'Sullivan, Randall, Jr.,.Larsen, Carl Erickson, Meyer, Bartlett, Olson; Weir, Daniels, Squires, Evert Erickson, Johnson, Tedlund, G. H. Thompson, C. 0. Nelson, Rankinson, Ka.cvinsky, Peterson, Sibbald, Lemont, Hougas, Ness, Ledin, Okerstrom, Knight, Ha.dland, R. J. Nelson, Brubaker, Anderson, Summerfield, Hans J. Thomp- son, Hering and Rude. The following application was read: Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: I am the owner of the Nz SW} of Section 26, Township 48 North, Range 8 West, and desire to exchange with Bayfield Gounty for the County -owned land described as N2 N'r14 of Section 33, Township 48 North, Range & West. If an exchange is granted, the taxes will all be paid up on my present land, namely, the N2 SW -!of Section 26, Township 48 North, Range 8 'Neat. Yours very truly, WM. J. LAVIN 119 SPECIAL MEETING_ OF___THE_ BAYFIELD_ COUNTY BOARD 1� Motion was made by Lamont and seconded by Meyer to grant the foregoing application for exchange of lands. Motion lost. Motion was made by G. H. Thomason and seconded by Ledin to refer the a.pplica:tion of Wm. L. Lavin to the zoning committee. Motion carried. The following resolution was read:, RESOLUTION Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, Washburn, Wisconsin WH=.AS Bayfield County is the present owner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE4 SEA.) of Section Twenty-nine (29), and the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE, NEL of Section Thirty-two (32) in Township Fifty-one (51) North, Range Four (4) West, and WHEREAS S. A. Feldmeier owns one hundred twenty (120) acres of land adjoining and now wishes to purchase the aforesaid forties, and WHEREAS the aforesaid forties are under the Forest Crop Law, THEREFORE, Be it resolved that the County Clerk be instructed to withdraw said. lands from the Forest Crop Law and that the committee on sale of tax deed property be authorized to set a sales price and sell said lands to S. A Feldmeier. Signed: H. LAMONT Motion was made by Hering and seconded by Lamont to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. The following resolution wa.s read; RESOLUTION To The Hon. Bayfield County Board: WHEREAS Harvey Nourse was the former owner of the Northeast Quarter of the North- east Quarter (ATE,-� NE�1.-) of Section Twenty-five (25), Town Fifty (50) North, Range Five (5) West , and WHEREAS said land was sold for delinquent taxes and-Bayfield County took a tax deed thereon, and WHEREAS the aforesaid land lies in County Forest Unit No. 2 and which was entered under the Forest Crop Law by Bayfield County,.and' WHEREAS said land adjoins Mr. Nourse's farm and he wishes to lazy it back, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing facts, we hereby resolve that the County Clerk be instructed to withdraw the aforesaid land from the Forest Coop Law and issue a Quit Claim Deed to Harvey Nourse on the time payment plan, 'the original sales price being eighty dollars ($80.00). Signed: I. L. ALCOTT Motion was made by Lamont and duly seconded to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Motion was made by Daniels and seconded by Pease to reconsider action on claim of Elsie IVI. Miller listed in the finance committee's report. Motion carried. Mrs. Miller was granted permission to appear before the Board on behalf of her claim. SPECIAL %MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD_COUNTY BOA.RD______ ________•_ ___ ______ -_�____ APRIL 25, 133 9 Motion was -made by Daniels and seconded by Meyer to allow the claim of Mrs. 14iller. Motion lost. The following petition was read: PETITION To the Members -of the County Board: WHEREAS, I now own. the North Half of the Southwest Qua.rt'e'r (N2 SW ) of Section Twenty -.four (24) , Township Forty-eight (I4-8) ; Range Six (6) ?test, and also own land in Sec. Nineteen (19), Township Forty,eight(4$) North, Range Five (5) Test, which is developed for farming purposes, I, THEREFORE petition the County Board to grant me title to the North Half of the Southwest Quarter (ITT' SIV ) of Section Nineteen, (.19) , Township Forty-eight (I4•8) North, Range Five (;) 'Nest, in exchange for the North Half of. the Southwest Quarter (i? S?N1) of Section Twenty-four (24), Toti,,rnship Forty-eight (48) North, Range Six (6) West. The purpose of exchange is to block up the land I already own. It is understood that all taxes will be paid up to date. Signed: G. E.-Terwilliger by R. J. Holvenstot Approved: Pat. Galligan Chairman Agr. Committee Introduced by: A. H. Fossum Motion was made by Hering; and duly seconded to grant the foregoing petition. • S Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION To the Honorable Members of County Board of Bayfield County assembled at Special Meet- ing on April 25, 1933: WHEREAS, the present county relief committee was not appointed at an official County Board Meeting, and WHEREAS, it is the belief of some of the members of the present County Board that this committee should be made u-o entirely of County Board members, NOW WHEREFORE be it resolved that the Chairman of the County Board. appoint a new County Relief Committee, consisting entirely of County Board members. Signed: V. E. BRUBAKER Motion -was made by Pease and seconded by Brubaker to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion was made by Hadla.nd and seconded by'Lamont to table the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was .read: RESOLUTION i1IHEREAS, various make-work programs are being started by the State Industrial Com- mission and the Nisoonsin-Highway Commission jointly, on the State Trunk Highway System, proposing to use poor relief labor exclusively, and at a. scale of wages below the pre- I vailing wage scale for such highway work, 1?1 SPECIAL MEETING THE BAYF IELD__COUNTY_ BOARD ___--- --_-- _-_-- ___-- __ AND INHEREAS,-such poor relief.labor.could in the opinion of this board, be used to better advantage in this county by the local units of government, and without dis- criminating against present highv;ray workers who, under the above policies would not be permitted any work. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved'by this Bayfield County Board, assembled in special session this 25th day of April, 1933, that it is the sense of this Board that the policy of such make-work programs is considered impractical in this county. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that --a copy of this resolution be sent to 'the State Indus- trial Commission, TfPisc.onsin Highway Commission, and the Senator and Assemblyman repre- senting this county. Signed: - Hans J. Thompson Motion was made by Thompson and -seconded by Meyer to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion lost. Motion was made by Daniels and seconded by H. J. Thompson that the County Board go on record favoring a minimum scale of wages for common labor at 322¢ per hour. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION local WHEREAS the present system of administering ;/. unemployment relief is contrary to the State Set up by pauperizing the public and i now discriminating against certain of the tax payers by giving certain tax payers benefits, depriving those receiving so called unemployment relief of their just and legal right to be paid in cash and is undermining and crippling our local schools and churches, BE IT RESOLVED, that beginning on the first day of May, 1933, local poor relief be administered according to the State Set Up, by the rules and regulations therein provided, that jobs be created by the Municipal Board for unemployment projects and that the men employed on such projects be paid in cash, providing however that if there are some persons so employed, who in the opinion of the proper authorities are not responsible persons to be paid in cash, then such persons be paid in work orders as is being done at'the present time, to the.end that such persons receiving said un- employment relief may maintain -their self-respect and not be treated as paupers for their unfortunate financial condition which has been brought about through no fault of their own. 0 Signed: Hans J. Thompson Motion .was made by Thompson and seconded. by Summerfield to adopt the foregoing re.solut ion. Motion lost. Motion was made by Daniels and seconded by Hougas that Bayfield County sell dry and green wood to local town boards for town relief purposes. Motion lost. Motion was made by Okerstrom and seconded by Daniels that the zoning and agricul- tural committees be authorized to sell wood to toi ns from County ov*rn.ed lands. 1: otion carried. SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -------------------------- ---- ---- ----- -- ---------- A^PRIL 25, 1933 The following resolution was read; RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County owns considerable land on which free fuel can be supplied to needy individuals and.public institutions without detriment to the forestry nrogra.m, BE IT RESOLVED that a. town, village, or city may make application to the County Agricultural Committee for a, permit to cut end remove fire wood in a, specific descrip- tion and that such taxing district be held responsible for any damage by cutting mer- chantable timber or creating a, fire hazard. Signed: ROY H. OKERSTROM Motion was made and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled in special session this 25th day of April, 1933, that the per diem, mileage and committee work be allowed each member or the County Board as listed below, and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such -money and the Chairman and the County Clerk are instructed to issue an order for the total amount of such items listed below. NAME PER DIEM MILEAGE COMMITTEE TOTORK MILEAGE TOTAL A. H. Fossum 4.00 gip. .60 :"4.60 L. D. Pease 4.00 7.20 11.20 I. L. Alcott 4.00 1.46 5.46 W. B. 018rullivan 4.o0 .12- 4.12 H. B. Randall, Jr. 4.00 2.76 4.0o b 2.76 13.52 C. P. Larsen 4.0o 6.48 10.48 Carl Erickson 4.00 3.66 7.66 Wits. J. Meyer 4. o0 3. 6o 7.60 F. H. Bartlett 4.00 4.32 8.32 Jarl Olson 4.00 1.56 12.00 3.12 20.68 Wallace Weir 4.00 4.68 8.68 E. F. Daniels 4.00 4.28 8.29 S. E. Squires 4.00 2.64 4.00 2.64 13.28 Evert Erickson 4.00 1.32 5.32 Peter Johnson 4.0o 4.32 8.32 Conrad L. Tedlund 4.00 3.00 7.00 E. Liebman 4.00 6.60 10.60 C. 0. Nelson 4.0o' 6.70 10.70 Oscar Rankinson 4.00 5.28 9.28 Steve Kacvinsky 4.00 1.62 5.62 Aldor Peterson 4.o0 6.42 lo.42 J. C. Sibba.ld 4.00 3.72 7.72 Hector Lamont 4.00 1.80 5.80 H. J. Hougas' 4.00 4.62 4.00 4.62 17.24 Nets Ness 4.00 .36 4.36 G. H. Thompson 4.-00 6.08 4.00 6..08 20.1.6 123 SPECIAL MEETING _ OF_ THE _ _BAYF IELD__COUNTY _ BOARD_ APRIL 25, 1933 NAME PER.DIEM MILEAGE COMMITTEE WORK MILEAGE TOTAL N. _ E. -Ledin 4.00 2.89 4. 00 $.2. 88 $13. 76 Roy Okerstrom 4.00 1.44 4.00 1.44 10.88 Douglas Knight 4.00 1.44 5.44 Irving Hadland 4.00 1.44 5.44 R. J. Nelson 4.00 1.44 8.00 2.88 16.32 V. E. Brubaker 4.00 .12 12.00 .36 16.48 Carl Anderson 4.00 .12 4.12 Ira _ Summerf i 6ld 4. 00- .12 4.12 Hans J. Thompson 4,00 .12 4.00 .12 8.24 . R. A. Hering 4.00 .12' 8.00 .24 12.36 Ben Rude 4.00 .12 4.12 Signed: OSCAR RANKINSON Motion was made by Ledin and seconded by Squires to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion provided the committee work does not exceed? six days per member. Roll call was follows: AYE: Fossu_m, Pease., Alcott, 01Sulivan, Randall, Jr., Larsen, Carl_ Erickson, Meyer, Bartlett, Olson, Weir', Daniels, quires,_Evert Erickson, Johnson, Tedlund, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Rankinson, Kacvinsky, Peterson, Sibbald, Lamont, Hougas, Ness, G. H. Thoimp- son, Ledin, Okerstrom, Knight, Ha.dla.nd, R. J. Nelson, Brubaker, Hans J. Thompson, Hering, and Rude. Total, Thirty-five., NAY: Summerfield. Motion carried. Motion was made by H. J. Thompson and seconded by Sibbald that the County enforce the blueberry rake law. Motion carried. Motion was made by Ledin and duly seconded that the committee work of the Relief Committee, Highway Committee and committee on County Board of Mediation be excluded from the six day limit. Motion carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN C Y BOARD.