HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/14/1933ANNUAL" MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14th Annual meeting called to order at 10 A. M. by H. B. Randall,.Jr., Chairman The following members answered roll call: Fossum, Pease, Alcott, O'Sullivan, Randall, Jr., Larsen, Carl Erickson_,- Meyer,_Bartlett, Olson, Weir, Daniels, Squires, Johnson, Tedlund, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Rank ins on, may, Peterson,--Sibbald, Lamont Hougas, Ness, G. H. Thompson, Ledin, Okerstrom, Hadland, R. J. Nelson, Brubaker,, Ander- son, Summerfield, Hans J. Thompson, Hering and Rude Motion was made by Hering and seconded by Meyer to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the County Board for the last annual meeting and for the specia.l.meet- ing. Motion carried. The County Nurse gave an oral report of her work during th e last year. � The Board proceeded with the election of a highway committee;. The result of the first ballot for District No. 1 was as follows: Carl Anderson 4. Brubaker 2 C. E. Erickson 1 R. J. Nelson 16 H. J. Thompson 10 Blank l Total 311 Douglas Knight arrived at this time. The second ballot for District No. 1 was as follows: R. J. Nelson 24 H.. J. Thompson ll Total 35 The chair declared Nelson duly elected from District No. 1. The result of the first ballot for District No. 2 was as follows: Squires 31 Olson I G. H. Thompson 1 Blank 2 ..Total 35 The chair declared Squires duly elected from District No. 2. The result of the first ballot for District No. 3 was as follows: Harry Anderson Hougas IS C. 0. Nelson I Pease 6 Rankinson 1 Illegal 1 35 The chair declared Hougas duly elected from District No. 3. -- - -- - - - --- - - - - ---- ANNUAL- MEETING OF -DAYF'_IELD_ .COUNTY BOARD- - - -- -- - --- - - - - - -- --- - -- -- - 1�LOVEMBER 14. 15 � to and 17. 1933 Th:e '=f'ollowing-­appl=ication was' .,read: 1 t November .. ... , -., h, 1 33 To -.-the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, Gentlemen: I herewith wish to apply for the office of County Highway Commissioner for the ensuing term. Respectfully submitted, H. B. CURRY HBC:H Motion made by Hering and duly seconded to have County C1erk'cast an unanimous ballot to elect H. B. Curry for County Highway Commissioner for the ensuing term. Motion carried unanimously. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION - RESOLVED, by_the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County that, WHEREAS, there is need today to create employment among local people who are not eligible for work in the State and Federal Civilian Conservation Corps Camps and who were employed in 1930 in the five hundred thousand dollar State Fire Land Construction program or the County Forest Development Work, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County endorse the program proposed by state officials in their meeting at the State Capitol, Monday, October 30th, 1933 with reference to securing three million dollars Federal. Aid for forest development world in the Northern twenty-nine counties; - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Forestry Committee and County Agricul- tural Agent be instructed to assist the State and Federal Government in the establishment of such work in Bayfield County and further to advise the State Conservation Department that there are suitable areas available in Bayfield County where such work could be under- taken to the advantage of the forestry program now being carried on in Bayfield County under joint state and county administration, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that -the county clerk forward a copy of this resolution to Adjutant General Immell, Conservation Commissioner, Paul D. Kelleter, Conservation Director and the State Industrial Commission located at Madison, Wisconsin. Dated -at Washburn, this 14-th day of November, 1933 AGRICULTURAL & ZONING COMMITTEE: Hans J. Thompson, Chairman Carl P. Larsen Steve Kacvinsky H. B. Randall, Jr. Lois G. Nemec ,Motion -was made by H. J. Thompson and seconded by Jarl Olson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County: -BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County that, be- cause of the emergency agricultural situation that the county agricultural committee and county agent. be instructed to continue to do everything possible to assist the State and 127 _--------__-- _-- __-- ------____----ANNUALMEETING OF BAYFIELD__COUNTY BOARD-- -------- ------- -------- ---------------- -- NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and 17,1933 Federal Government in carrying out the purpose and intent of the Agricultural Adjustment 'Act in order that the agricultural industry in Bayfield County may be rehabilitated as rapidly as possible. Be it further resolved and is hereby appropriated the sum of $2980.00 to cover the share of Hayfield County in the support -of the agricultural representative in the said county as provided in Section 59.87 Wisconsin Statutes as amended. Dated this 14th day of November, 1933 AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE: Hans.J.-Thompson, Chairman Steve Kacvinsky Carl P. Larsen H. B. Randall, Jr. Lois G. Nemec Motion was made by Daniels and seconded by Jarl Olson to receive the foregoing recommendation and place on file. Motion carried. Evert Erickson arrived at this time. The following resolution wasreade RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County in annual session this 14th day of November, 1933, that all communications and resolutions be read and placed on file for later disposal and before any other business is done, the Chairman and Clerk of the County Board and the Chairman of each committee, shall get together and arrange a. program, grouping business under different committee headings in. the order in which they will be taken up and disposed of at this meeting. -- E. F. DANIELS Motion was made by Daniels and seconded by Ness to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. The following report was read: REPORT OF BUILDING & GROUNDS COMMITTEE To the Honorable Bayfield County Board: We, the undersigned committee on buildings and grounds herewith submit a report of the past year's work: The floor was refinished in the County Clerk's. office. Several radiators were replaced throughout the building. Two large fire extinguishers were placed in the Courthouse and one in the Jail. Considerable work,was done on the.Courthouse grounds, that is, trimming the trees and shrubs and planting a hedge on.each side of the walk leading from the Court- house to the street. Some redecorating was done in the Sheriff's Residence and the interior of the jail was practically all repainted. New up-to-date sanitary toilets were installed and other plumbing to meet state requirements was done in the jail, costing approximately $300. 00. We recommend an appropriation -of $3900.00 for the Courthouse and$2500.00 for ANNUAL MEETING_ OF_ THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ------NOVETiBER 14, 15, 16 and 17, 19��--- -------- --------------------.- Tthe Jail for the ensuing year. COMMITTEE ON BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Ben R. Rude Ira Summerfield Irving Hadland- Moved by Daniels and seconded by Sibbald to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following report was read: November 14, 1933 To the Honorable Bayfield County Board: We, the undersigned committee on dance halls, made a t7rro-day inspection tour of the dance halls in the County. We -recommend that no annual license be issued to the Marengo Island -Dance Hall in the Town of Lincoln or to the Deep Lake Club in the Town of Hughes until certain improvements have been made whereby they will be safe to the public. The District Attorney gave us a written opinion that the County dance hall ordinance applied to all taxing districts except the City of Washburn regardless of whether they adopt an ordinance of -their own or not. There is considerable discrimina- tion between the Beer Tavern operators and the Dance Hall operators and we recommend the repeal of the County Ordinance, thereby giving the districts the right to control their own problem in this respect. Our recommendation is being supported separately by resolu- tion. For the period from November 1, 1932 to October 31,' 1933 inclusive, there were 13 annual licenses issued and 153 permits. The following were granted annual licenses: -PROPRIETOR = DANCE -HALL Martin Uotinen, Iron River Oulu Finnish Worker's Hall People's Home Society, Herbster People's.Home Society A. C. Hall Mabel -Thorp, Cable Albert Lawin, Jr.. Cornucopia. Joseph Barany, Ashland, Route #3 0. W. Lundgren & Son, Port Wing R. L. Schindler, Mashburn_ Geo. W. Bliven, Iron River Chas. Benning, Mason E. R. Phillips, Herbster Settler's Association, by -A. E: Foster, Drummond Fred Swanson, Mason Moquah Guernsey Breeders' Association, Moquah Cable Town Hall Town Hall of Bell Cozy Corner Lundgren Hall _- Lakeside Pavilion Cottage Grove Pavilion Marengo Island Melody Gardens Maple Grove School Indian Lake Log.Cabin Moquah School We recommend the following as Dance Hall Inspectors for the ensuing year: Barksdale Hans Ellison Bayview Bell John Pristash Clover Edward. Puig _"1 . :■ Drummond Carl Diller Hughes Ray E. Johnson 129 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE B_AYFIELD_ COUNTY BOARD NOVEMBER 14, 151 16 and 17, 1933` �t Iron River Wm. Klino Keystone Joseph Moravchik Lincoln Edwin Hogstrom and Cloyd Carlson Oulu John Knuttila Pilsen Geo. Misun Port Wing Andrew Gidloff Pratt Paul Hagen Russell Robt. Feldmeier Village of Cable Wm. Couture -- City of Bayfield Harold Stark DANCE HALL COMMITTEE: Wm: Meyer Wallace Weir C. Tedlund Moved by Meyer and seconded by Lamont to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. Steve Kacvinsky arrived at this time. The following report was read: Washburn, Wisconsin, November 6, 1933 To the Hon. County Board, Bayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: We the undersigned Committee on Illegal taxes and Tax Certificates, beg leave to report, that,we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be -al lowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same, charging the same back to the taxing districts asde- signated. DESCRIPTION AND REASON YEAR OF CERT. NAME OF CLAIMANT OF ILLEGALITY SALE NO. CLAIMED ALLOWED Bayfield County NW SE,tSection 12-44-9. Paid .13 r Town Treasurer. See Receipt No. 179. Charge back to Town of Barnes. 1932 63066.29 �6.29 — q Bayfield County So. 20 acres of Lot 1 N. of E. and W. 1/16 line,- Section 22-50-.,4.' Should read, So. 20 acres of Lot 1 N. of E. and W. 118 line, Section 22-50-4. Charge back to Town of Bayfield. 1929 397 26.22 26.22 Bayfield County. Do. 1930 378 29.45 29o45 h Bayfield County. Do. 1931 325 24.60 24.60 Bayfield County Do. 1932 297 33.26 33.26 Bayfield County SE SE, Section 30-43-8- Should read: Lot 1, Sec- tion 30-43-8. Charge back to Town of Cable 1931 4135 7.54 7.54 ti J. H. Carroll SE NE, except parts des- - cribed in Vol. 78, page 165 and in Vol. 7�.., page 40, and also except 1 acre cemetery Section 10-50-7. Should - read: SE.NE except parts described in Vol. 71, page 165 and in Vol. 7E,-,page-40, and also except 1 acre cemetery, Section 10-50-7. Charge back to Town of Clover. 1930 4342 30.89 30.89 ,,- ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1933 NAME OF CLAIMANT J. H. Carroll Bayfield County Bayfield County Bayfield County Bayfield County Bayfield County Bayfield County Nels Swanson Bayfield County Bayfield County Bayfield County Bayfield County Bayfield County Bayfield County Bayfield County Bayfield County Bayfield County DESCRIPTION AND REASON YEAR OF OF ILLEGALITY - SALE Part of SE NE described in. -Vol. 78 of Deeds, page 165, Section 10- 50-7. Should read; Part of SE NE described in Vol. 71 `of Deeds, page-165, Section 10-50-7. Charge back to Town of Clover 1931 Do. 1930 Und. 367/825 NW SW less above description, Section 35-44-7. Should read: Und. 367/825 NW SW less So. 16 - _ rods deeded to Jack Butler. Charge back to Town of Drum- mond. 1932 NW SE, Section 15-47-5e Should read; NW SE, Section 17-47-5. -Charge back to Town of"Eileen. 1932 SIN SE, Section 15-47-5. Should read, SW SE, Section 17-47-5. Charge back to Town -of Eileen 1932 Lot 13, Block 20, Drum-- mond's Addition'to Iron River.- No Lot 13 in Plat.` Charge back to Town of Iron Rivera ..1930 First Addition to Iron River Parcel in NE NW described in Vol. 64, Page 535, Section 18--47 '8. Wrong volume and page. Charge back to Town of Iron River. 1932 NE SE, less 1,77 acres ry. and less parcels described - in Vol. 116 of Deeds, Page 395 and in Vol. 120 of Deeds, Page 462, and -lying East of Ry.-, Sec. 35-47-6. Acres .of Ry. should read 1.97.. Charge back to Town of Keystone. 1932 2 buildings on leased parcel in SW SE described in Vol. 93 of Deeds, Page 195, Sec. 25-46-6.. No such parcel in SE. Charge back to Vil- lage of Mason. 1930 26 acres, part of Lot 3 lying West of State Highway_ #13; Section 31-51-3. Should read: That part of Lot 3 ly- ing West of State Highway #13 less B.H.& G.W. Ry.RAf W. and also less that part of Lot, 3 lying west of B.H.&. G.W.- Ry. R. of W. Charge back to Town`of Russell. 1929 Do. 1930 Do. 1931 Do. 1932 NW SE, Section 21-51-4. Paid by Redemption Receipt No. 11261. No charge back. 1931 NE SW, Section 32-52-4. Government land, Charge back to Town of Russell 1929 NW SW, Section 32-52-4'. Government Land. Charge back to Town of Russell 1929 NE St, Section 32-52-4. . Government Land. Charge back to Town of Russell 193C CERT. NO. 3820 4343 3830z 1593 1594 7492 7991 CLAIMED ALLOWED 15.14 15.14 12.08 12.08 8.45 8.45 - h 75.61 75. 61 29.57 29.57 •95 .95 1.73 1.73 �/ N. 3148 19.30 19.30 k 2746 64.47 64.47,- 71 73.78 73. 78 82 68.23 68.23 72 69.62 69. 62 72 71.19 71.19-- 500 11.16 11.16 � 712 . 14.09 .14. 09 k 713 14. og 14.09 -, k' 705 13.o6 13.o6 " _ ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYF'IEL'D COUNTY BOARD - -- - - - -- - - -- NOVI1t4BER 14, 15 16, and 17, 19 DESCRIPTION AND -REASON YEAR OF CERT. _ NAME OF CLAIMANT OF ILLEGALITY` SALE NO CLAIMED ALLOWED Bayfield County NE SW; Section 32-52-4. Government Land. Charge _ back to Town of Russell. 1931 605, 10.09 10.09 Bayfield County Do.- 1932 523 7.42 7.42 Bayfield County NM Still, Section 32-52-4® Government Land. Charge back to Town of Russell 1930 706 13.o6 13.66 Bayfield County Do. 1931 609 10.09 10.09 Bayfield County Do. 1932 524 7.42 7.42,' Bayfield County Lot 21, Block 32, Du Pont Park Addition, City of Washburn. County property at time of assessment. Charge back to City of Mashburn 1930 8676 1.74 1.74 N Bayfield County NE SE, Section 2-45-6. Sold to U. S. Government. Charge back to Torun of Washburn 1932 3158 3. 57 3. 57 ,/ Bayfield County NW SE- Section 2-49-6. Government property at time of assessment. Charge back to -Town of Washburn 1932 3159 3.57 3-57 Bayfield County Lot 18, Block 69, City of Bayfield. Tax paid by County .Tax Receipt No. 6811.No charge back 1932 7482 .85 .85 N Bayfield County Lot 5, Block 60, City of Bayfield. Church property at time of assessment. Charge back to City of Bayfield_- 1929 7029 47.72 47, 72 Bayfield County Part of NE NW lying-N. and W. of the N. P. Ry. R. of W. and containing 28 acres, more or less, Section 6-48-4. Should read: Part- cf the SE NIV lying N. and W. of the N. P. Ry. Co. R. of W. and contain- ing 28 acres, -more or less, Section 6-48-4. Charge back to City of Mashburn. 1930 89, 84.88 84.88 Signed: Evert Erickson I. L. Alcott Aldbr Peterson Moved by Meyer and seconded by Lamont to adopt the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. Motion was made by Jarl Olson and seconded by Meyer to adjourn until 1:30 P.-M. Motion carried. Meeting was called to order at 1:30 P. M. by H. B. Randall, Jr., Chairman. i The following members answered roll call: Possum, Alcott, O'Sullivan, Ran- dall, Jr., Larsen, Carl Erickson, Meyer, Bartlett, Olson, Weir, Daniels, Squires, Evert Erickson, Johnson, Tedlund, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Rankinson, Ka.cvinsky, Peterson, Sibbald,_ Lamont., Ho.ugas, Ness, G. H.. Thompson, Ledin, Okerstrom Knight_; Hadland, R. J. Nelson, Brubaker, Anderson, Summerfield, Hans J. Thompson, Hering and Rude. Mrs. Frank ,Anderson gave an oral report of the work of the Children's Bounty Board during the last year. X I ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY. BOARD NOVEMBER 14 15, 16 and 17,19} - - - -- - The following report of the Children's County Board was read and ordered placed on file; _ NOVEMBER, 1932 to NOVEMBER 1933, inclusive As you all know, the Bayfield County Children's Board was created two years ago, and the work at that time was new to its members and to the county. We are just now becoming --established so that cases are being reported from all sources. This is our second report and,we have gained valuable experience.in these two years of service. Twelve meetings of the County Children's Board have been held during the year and we were represented at the Conference held by the State Board of Control at Superior in October. by two members. Mrs. Radloff and I are both.case workers for the Relief and are also members of the Children's Board and in this way we come in contact with children in out of way places where no other agency reaches. Because.of.our membership on the Chi-ldren's Board we naturally are more interested in children's problems. We find children going blind, children with tuberculoses and children terribly diseased and neglected. Because of the work of the Children's Board, sixty-four children have received medical treatment and aid. We are the only agency in the County who is legally authorized to investigate illegitimacy. We have had fifteen cases referred to us by the State Board of Control. We have interviewed twelve unmarried mothers and in four cases paternity ha.s been estab- lished. Two have been married. Ten babies kept with -mother during nursing period. There are at the present time thirty-four illegitimate children known to the Children's Board in the County and under the supervision of the Children's Board. There has been settle- ment of $1000.00 made in three cases which is very small in comparison to the number of cases, but you must remember Court action is necessary. Children's Board gathered money. -and toys --for Christmas gifts_for children who otherwise would have had none. The Red Cross donated flannel for night gowns and Chil- dren's Board supervised the making of them and distributed them on Christmas Eve, to children who had none. We are trying to board children in homes throughout -the county instead of send- ing them to State Institutions. These homes are licensed by the State Board of Control and under supervision of the Children's Board. Cast to County is less than maintaining children in institutions. The County pays $10.00 per month at Boarding homes thereby saving the County $6.00 per month as.the County's share and saving $16.00 per month as it costs about $9.00 per week for.each child. in an institution. The difference between real home life and life in an institution cannot be measured in dollars and cents. A child was never meant to be in an institution. We have four foster homes and -three -free foster homes in County. Two boys are still on probation to the Children's Board, placed there by the Juvenile Judge. Mothers' Pension cases,investigated twelve. Recommended for cuts, two. Disal- lowed, two. One of our members did the budgeting of income for family of ten for seven months. This meant the supervision of all purchasing and the planning of menus for ba- lanced diet. Crippled boy is at Orthopedic School through the.efforts of the Children's Board We are also co-operating with another County Children's Board and they are assisting a Bayfield County young man to go to school through private funds. 3 _ _ _ _A_NNUAL MPETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1933 One transient family socially diseased and mother mentally deficient was reported to the Children's Board. This family had moved in with a large family of six children. The children were all_in.public school --and there was danger of contami- nation. Dr..Frisbie, State Health Officer, was called on case and ordered children kept from school until Wasserman test was given both families. The mother had menta- lity of an 8 year old child. And baby, mother and father were all 3 plus. Mother was sent to Chippewa and baby to Sparta where it died later. The Childrens+ Board feels that the removal of this family and the protection of the children in one of our public schools as justified the existence of the Children's County Board this year. It, will be impossible to make written reports of work done by this Board and impossible to enumerate miles -travelled and hours spent in the work and some cases are never finished. We have had wonderful co-operation from County Board members, sheriff, and expecially the Juvenile Judge. BAYFIELD COUNTY CHILDREN'S BOARD Alpha E. Radloff, Chairman Ellen S. Anderson, Secretary Mr, R. U. Harmon, U. S. District Forest Supervisor., spoke to the Board re- garding their work in Bayfield County. Moved by Daniels. and seconded by Liebman that the County Board extend a ris- ing vote of thanks to the U. S. Forest Service for their work in Bayfield County. Mo- tion carried. The report of the County Judge on expenditures for Mothers' Pension was read and ordered placed on file. The following report was read: To the Honorable Members of the Bayfield County Board Assembled on this 14th day of November, 1933: We, the members of the Mediation Board, wish to submit the following report: During'the months of June, July, August, September, October and November, the Board has held eight hearings and passed on twenty applications from parties wishing adjustments and reductions -in their mortgages. All these had Federal Land Bank Loans except four. A reduction of 0100.00 was allowed by one mortgage holder and new loan was arranged for with..the Farm Credit Bank at -St. Paul. It was found that it was impossible to get reduction or adjustments of loans with the Federal 'Land Bank Loans due to the fact that the law specifically states that the payments' of the -principle of all loans was extended five years but interest at 4L% must be paid, also the taxes kept up to date. Therefore the Board was unable to do very much for farmers applying as practically all had loans from the Federal Land Bank. In'order to have the closest information possible, the Board. visited the Federal Land Bank at St. Paul and held a conference with -the President and the Attorney of the Bank but found they could do nothing for us, except as the law granted. Some 200 inquiries were answered and consulted regarding loan reductions and adjustments from'all parts of the County. we feel that there will be considerable, work for this board later as there is work now being done to make legal scaling down of old ANNUAL__NfEET ING OF _THE _BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD strntTrhRoa+� -i 11 1 cz 1 1 7 Federal Land Bank Loans, which no doubt -will be adjusted at the coming session of Congress. Signed: JARL OLSON, Chairman V. E. BRUBAKER, Secretary I. L. ALCOTT Loved byLiebman and seconded by Hering that the foregoing report be received and placed on file. Motion carried. The following report was reads To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County. Gentlemen:.. The following is a report of the Soldier's Indigent Relief Commission from Nov. 1st, 1932 to November 1st, 1933: { RECEIPTS Cash on hand $2s899.79 DISBURSEMENTS Mrs. Ed. Peterson, relief 10.00 Geo. Duffy, relief 15.00 ' John Pepite, relief 15.00 Alex C. Charrette, relief 15.00 Edw.- Peterson, relief. 10.00 Fred J. Curtin, relief, 10.0.0 Cecil Smith; relief 15.00 Geo. La Dronte, relief 12.00 Geo. D. Duffy, relief. 20.00 Walter-G. Larson, relief 25.00 Mrs. Edw. Peterson, relief 10.00 Albert Thoreson, relief 7.00 Elmer Wick, relief 9.00 Fred Crossen, relief -_7.00 Edw. Larian, relief 10.00 Ed. ,.Kosberg, relief 10.00 Herb. Ross, relief 8.00 Anton Wigen, relief 10.00 Merian Anderson, relief 5.00 Cecil Smith:;,, relief 10.00 Kenneth El%anon, (A._G. Johnson for) 15.00 (( groceries } Carl Thore=son, operation 38.00 Sig. Obo.r.'ts,,;_ relief 10.00 Geo. Duffy --relief 5.00 Stance Stefinski, relief 30.00 Gunner-punde, relief 25.00 Herb Ross, -relief 8.00 John McCabe, relief 10.00 Elmer Wick, relief 9.00 _ Epbin Larian, relief 7.00 NN M ANNUAL MEETING --OF THE BA-YFIELD COUNTY BOARD DISBTJRSEMENTS_ _(cont' d Eli La Pointe (Frank Stark for groce.r,jes) 13.95 Mrs. Edw. Peterson, relief 10.00 Walter Larson, -relief - 15.00 Felvia Lukaskawicz, relief 10.00 Herbert Ross" relief _8.00 Merian Anderson, �0. P. Lysager for 10.00 groceries ) Oliver Cook, relief 15- 00 Work Commission per diem & Mileage 74.47 Secretary's salary 0.00 Total 596.42 Cash on hand 23Q3-37 2899. 79 Respectfully submitted: J. T. O' SULLIVAN, - Pr.es. _R. A. HERING, Secretary Moved by Ledin and seconded by Liebman that the foregoing report be received and placed on file. Motion carried, The following report was read: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE BAYFIELD COUNTY - November 142 1933 To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Your county Highway Committee begs to submit its annual report of highway, f activities effecting this county in 1933, together with recommendations for 1934. You will find a detailed financial statement of all moneys received and dis— bursed during the year ending October 31, 1933, in the County Highway Commissioner's annual report. This report shows that all highway activities -have been kept within the available funds this past year. The department has been maintained on a cash basis, the cash balance remaining about the same as a year ago; current bills are all paid up to date; there are no deficits, and the department does not owe any money. This committee is not requesting any appropriation from the County Board for the two mill levy, snow removal, machinery fund, county aid bridge fund, or insurance fund this year. Your committee recommends that the State Aid for County Trunk Highways, under Section 84.03, subsection 9, for the year of 1934, be used for the construction and maintenance of the County Trunk Highway System, under the direction of the County High— way Committee. The Highway Committee is opposed to any policy of regulating labor or wages in the Highway Department, except such as will bring reasonable results from an honest day's work for ordinary wages. All construction work on the State Trunk Highway System in this county this year has been at a standstill. A condition -which is probably true in most counties this year, except where there were left over projects partly finished last year. We are ANNUAL _MEETING_ OF'THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ------------ -- - --- --- --------NOVEMBER' --14 9 15. 16 and 119_53 - ------------ ---- - . --- -- unable, at this time, to secure any definite information from the Wisconsin Highway Com- mission as -to plans for future work. The board will undoubtedly recall that in March 1932, a five year•conetruction agreement was entered into between Bayfield County and the Wisconsin Highway Commission, providing for the paving of U. S. #2 and for doing some work on No. 13, 112-, and 24, and pledging our annual construction allotment to such work, to and including the year of 1937. Under terms of this agreement the Wisconsin Highway Commission agreed to grade preparatory -to paving, 25 miles of U. S. Jk2 from Iron River to the Ashland County line this year, including the connections with No. 13 and No. 24. This work has not been done, and this committee has been unable to secure any information as to -when it will be -done and in the meantime our annual construction allot - meat cannot be used. This committee is strongly opposed to our annual construction allotment being tied up in this manner, under an agreement which is not being carried ,-out by the State;-especia.11y when we nave so many jobs that need to be done, and could be done with this money. Your committee is therefore offering a resolution recinding the above -mentioned agreement, -and another resolution allocating.the unexpended balance of the 1934 construction allotment under subsection 3-and 4 of section 84.03 to thegrading, draining and graveling of S. T. H. No. 13 from Cornucopia easterly as far as the said sum will construct, and a third resolution requesting the Wisconsin Highway Commission to prepare proper plans and surveys of No. 13 from Cornucopia to Red Cliff. We strongly urge that the board pass these resolutions. The Federal Administration of Public Works has a system of financing public - improvements, which can include county highway projects, whereby it is possible for the counties, by issuing general obligation bonds for 70% of the estimated cost, to obtain 30% of the cost of labor and -materials from the Federal Government as a. free grant. The Federal Government will buy from the County, sufficient bonds at 41% interest to make up the difference between the amount of the grant and the complete cost of any project with which you may wish to proceed, within the legal limits of the county's bonding capacity. This is the provision under which several adjoining counties are proceeding with plans of county highway improvements at the present time. We do not believe that this county should attempt to issue bonds for even 70% of the cost of any improvement at this time, and we therefor have not filed application for any work under the above provisions. The time limit for filing such applications expires December 1, 1933, so that if this county board should desire to start such work, application should be made at once. The various Gang Maintenance jobs,mentioned in last yearas report, and set up to be done this past year, have all been stopped by the State due to lack of state funds. These jobs have all been set up again now to be.done next year, if funds permit. The regular maintenance -of the State Trunk Highway System has been heavily cur- tailed, due to lack of state funds. The road oiling program was delayed. for the same reason. Snow Removal on the State Trunk System was carried out last year as before, and we presume it will be carried on again this year in the same manner. Bayfield County's share of Mnergency Federal Highway funds under the National Recovery progra,:n would be-approximately70,000. This must be expended in accordance with the various regulations of the National Recovery Act, and is now in the process of being set up by the Federal and State authorities for a bituminous matt surfacing job on S. T. H. No. 13 from Barksdale to Bayfield, 16 miles. It is hoped that this job'can be placed under /contract and completed early next season. 137 ANNUAL MEETING --OF ----- --- --- ---------- - -- - - - - NOVEMBER 14, THE ley, BAYFIELD 16 and 17, COUNTY BOARD ------------ -- -- - 1933 This committee has been notified by a special Legislative Committee, authorized under Chapter 447, Laws of 1932, of their proposed intention to abandon a part of S.T.H� No. 24 and No. 112 in this County, and requesting the -County Board to express its senti- ments in regard. thereto. Your committee has prepared a separate resolution, and recom- mends.its adoption, opposing such abandonment of parts of No. 24 and No: 112. The Board will-reca.11 that it passed a resolution last annual meeting authoriz- ing the District Attorney to commence an action against the Wisconsin Highway Commission to compell payment of a larger part of Bayfield County Highway Bond principle retirements from gas tax revenue, under Section 84.03. The Wisconsin Highway Commission has reversed its stand on this matter, and is now paying the correct amount of principle, making this action unnecessary.- The.County Trunk Highway System has been fairly well maintained by an average of 2 trips per week with heavier patrol machinery, instead of three trips a week made last year with lighter machines. The balance remaining in the county trunk snow removal fund will be sufficient to remove the snow on the county trunk highways again this year. About 48 miles of our county trunk system was ditched, reshaned,,and widened out this year, several bridges were widened, one replaced, and many narrow culverts extended where the ditching was done. All of the county trunks that were reshaped, have been re - gravelled with screened crushed gravel, and we believe. they are now.in the best condition they have ever been, except six miles of C. T. H. "E", which is still unfinished. We re- commend that the same type of regrading and gravelling continue over the remainder of the county trunk system next year, where necessary, and as far as possible f rom.funds received under Sec. 84.03, subsection 9. Relief labor was used to take traffic counts from September 21 to September 27 inclusive, for 16 hours a day -at the following points, and with the following interesting results; Hi �hway 413 Ashland -Washburn #13 Washburn-Bayfield f13 Bayfield-Red Cliff #13 Cornucopia. #13 Port Wing �f2 Pavement Iron River-Brule f:24 Cable #24 Grandview #24 Mason A Jet. of A & N A Jot. of A. & B A Port Wing B Oulu C Washburn C Cornucopia D Cable D Grandview E Mason N Jot. A & N Average Per Day 808 482 312 85 290 521 269 347 367 53 229 140 102 327 71 221 131 26o - .63 Respectfully submitted, HARRY C. ANDERSON S. E. SQUIRES R. J. NELSON Co. Highway Comm I2 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAY -FIELD COUNTY BOARD ------------------ - NOVEMBER 142 15, 16 and 17, 1933 -,Moved by Okerstrom and seconded by Carl Anderson that the foregoing report be received and placed 'on file. Motion carried. The chairman declared a recess. Roll call after recess showed all members present. Mr. Axelrod and Mr. Rodeen representing.the Boynton Land Company ap_oeared be- fore the County Board asking -for a compromise of their taxes on lands in the Town of 0 Cable. Moved by Okerstrom and seconded by Lamont that the County Treasurer prepare a statement of taxes on the Boynton Land Company lands and submit it to the County Board for consideration. Motion carried. The following report was read: November 14, 1933 To the Honorable Bayfield County Board: We, the undersigned committee on Sheriffs, Justice and Constable Fees, here- with submit the following report: We have examined the report -of Justice ofPeace, Hans Clare of Bayfield, and r e-o r approve of $4-.00 as Justice Fees in that' Court. We also approve�o Justice Harmon of Cable, and approve of $11.00 as Justice -Fees in that Court. We have examined the Sheriffla records and find them in a very creditable con- dition. We recommend an appropriation of $6830.00 for that department for the ensuing year. We examined the records @f E. C.- Hart, First Municipal Judge.a.nd found records satisfactory, with fines of $85.00- and costs of $129.4.6 paid to J. 0. Bodin, County Treasurer. We have also examined the records of P. J. Savage, Second Municipal Judge, and find that his report to the County Treasurer is correct and is as follows: Fines, 4.48.00 and costs, $85.32, but said Judge failed to send check with his report. We hereby recommend an appropriation of $2500.00 for the Municipal Courts of Bayfield County and ask that the County Clerk proceed to collect said fines and costs from the Second Municipal Court. Respectfully submitted, SHERIFFS, JUSTICE AND CONSTABLE FEES COMMITTEE Carl Anderson H. Lamont L. D. Pease Moved -by Meyer and seconded by Larsen that the foregoing report'be received and placed on file. Motion carried. Moved by Squires and seconded by Liebman to adjourn until 10 A. M. Wednesday, November 15th, 1933. Motion carried. 13 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVEMBER 14. 15, 16 and 1793� November 15, 1933 Meeting was called to order at 10:30 A. M. by Chairman H. B. Randall, Jr. Roll,call was taken with all members present. . The following petition was read: To County Board of Supervisors: We, the undersigned farmers living in the Town of Barksdale and surrounding community petition the county board to make some arrangements whereby poison bait for grasshoppers maybe purchased in sufficient quantity to take advantage of low prices, THAT, the poison bait be purchased through the county agent's office, mixed and di-stributed under the county agent's supervision, and THAT, whatever appropriation be deemed sufficient to control the grasshopper situation be used for the purchase of an initial supply of poison bait to be distributed only in the towns which take appropriate action to reimburse the county for same. Signed: Emma Laborg, Ivan Craft, Rudolph Johnson, Carl R. Johnson, C.-Y. John- son, Mrs. C. F. __Johnson, Emil Huf,f 0 Paul Lindall, J. T. Heglund, Jos. Langa.s, _Everet Haglund;Mrs. Everet Heglund, John Pechulas, Ben Allis, A.-C. Butte.rfield, Oscar Craft, Mrs. Oscar Craft, Joe Gima, Vendel Vyara,and Jason E. Colgrove. Motion was --made by H-. J. Thompson and seconded by Larsen to receive the fore- going petition and place on file. Motion carried. The following petition was read: United States Department of Agriculture Park Falls, Wisconsin April 29, 1933 L Stations, Wisconsin, Rights -of -Way Lenawee-Herbs ter Road County Clerk Bayf field County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: The-U. S. Forest Service is planning the construction -of several roads -in the Nicolet National Forest. These roads are primarily to be used for the protection and administration of the Forest as an aid in transporting men and equipment as well as to function as fire lines. The proposed location shows that the road would cross a portion of your holdings, and we would be very glad to receive your permission to construct the road across these lands. I am enclosing a rigght-of-way deed on the -Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE4 SW4) of Section Four (4), Township Forty-nine (49) North, Range Seven (7) West, to cover the crossing, and will appreciate it if you will execute the same and re- turn it to this office. An addressed, franked envelope is enclosed for your convenience. No timber of commercial importance will be involved, and I can assure you that all brush and other debris resulting from the clearing will be disposed of,in a satis- factory manner. Since we are very desirous of -commencing work on this project, your early atte n- ANNUAL _MEETING OF_ THE BAYF'IELD_ COUNTY _BOARD NOVEMBER 14. 15, 16 and 17. 1933 tion to the execution and return of this deed will be appreciated. Yours very truly, R. - U. HARMON, Forest Supervisor. Enc. Motion was made by Thompson and duly seconded to grant the .foregoing petition, for right-of-way. Motion carried. The following petition was read: United ota.tes Department of Agriculture Park Falls, Wis. October 19, 1933 L Adjustments, Rights -of -way Lenawee Tel. Line County Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: In order to complete the-above.telephone line, we would like to secure rights - of -way over the south half of the southeast quarter, Section 26, T. 49 H., R. 5 W., in Bayfield County. Our records indicate that Bayfield County owns all of the-SE-4- SE-1 except five acres, which are in the name of Gordon Lord. A right -of -repay deed is enclosed for the portion owned by Bayfield County and we would appreciate your executing and returning it if you can see your way clear to do so. An addressed, franked envelope is enclosed for your convenience in replying. Very truly yours, R. U. HARMON, Forest Superviso By R. A. ZELLER, Acting Motion was made by Meyer and seconded by Ness to grant the foregoing petition. Motion carried. The following petition was read: Washburn, Wisconsin October 16, 1933 To the Honorable Board'of Supervisors, Bayfield County: Gentlemen: We, the undersigned County Board of Directors of the Bayfield County Co-opera- tive Fruit Growers' Association representing 400 Bayfield County farmers, do hereby petition the county board to continue the office of county a.gr.cultural agent for the following reasons: 1. Without his help and assistance it would have been impossible for the farmers of Bayfield County to organize the largest co-operative farmers'selling organization ever overtaken in this territory. 2. That the success of this co-operative organization will depend largely upon the help and assistance the county agent may give it. _ANNUAL NiEETIIvG_ OF__THE BAYFIELD _ COUNTY _BOARD-__ ------------ ----- � ----- ----- --- -- - - NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16. and 17. 1 3. From results already obtained and from benefits which the association will derive in the future it is evident that co-operative effort must be stressed in all lines of farming in the county. 4. In our opinion the advancement of agriculture in Bayfield County depends largely on the continuation of the county agent's office. Signed: Roy-S. Smith Carl E. Erickson Joseph Zirian John Glau S. A. Nicholson County Board of Directors, Bayfield County Fruit GroT,vers' Association Motion was made by Thompson and seconded by.La.rsen to accept the foregoing petition and place on file. Motion carried. The following letter was read: Mr. Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk, Bayfield County, Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: Madison, Wisconsin October 31, 1933 SUBJECT: Estimated Highway Funds Available for 1934 Pursuant to Section 84.04 of the Statutes, you are hereby notified as to the estimated funds which will be available for highway work in your county under the pro- visions of Section 20-49 of the statutes as modified by order of the Emergency Board under authority of_Section 20-745 (1) of the Statutes. .These are as follows: 1. For the improvement of the County Trunk System 33,928.82' 2. For the improvement of the State Trunk System: As state aid for bond redemption purposes 4,200.00 As state aid construction on State Trunk Highway No. 13, the Port Wing -Cornucopia Road 84,467.31 3. For the maintenance of the State Trunk System - an amount sufficient 4. For snow removal and drift prevention- - - - - - - an amount sufficient The determinations are tentative -only and the amounts cannot be definitely known until after the end of the fiscal year which is June 30, 1934. TKP-ML Very truly yours, WISCOI'aSIN HIGHWAY COMMISSION By Thos. J.'Pattison, Secy. Motion was made by Hering and seconded by Olson to receive the foregoing re- port and place on file. Motion carried. Motion was made by Okerstrom and seconded by Larsen to refer the several petitions for compromise of taxes to the District Attorney for an opinion. Motion carried. The following report was read: REPORT OF CONSERVATION AND RURAL PLANNING COMMITTEE The conservation and Rural Planning Committee, together with Mr. M. W. Torkel- son, Director of Regional Planning, made a two-day trip around the County and looked ANNUAL MEETING_ OF THE BAYF IELD_ COUNTY BOARD NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and.l1933 over the Government Observatory site near Bayfield_; and the Drummond woods situated on both sides of State Trunk Highway #24 near Drummond. We also inspected County tree plant- ing in the various County Forest Units, and visited many other places of scenic beauty along and near highways. We recommend that steps be taken by this Board to acquire title to the County or State of Wisconsin of about eight hundred (800) acres of land known as "The Drummond Woods" situated about one mile from Drummond on State Highway J24. This is a beautiful tract of virgin timber that should be preserved as a road -side park. We also recommend that further steps be taken to interest some unit of the National Government or the State Government in building an observation tower on what is known as Observatory hill on which the Government at one time had an observatory, located near Bayfield and also near Federal Highway #13. -We.also recommend further investigation of a road -side camp grounds at the foot of Iron River Falls in Orienta near the mouth of the Iron River and also on highway 13, and also the acquisition of suitable lake shore land on the Nameka.gon Lakes adjoining County Trunk Highway No. D. We believe that more attention should be given by the County and the Towns to the beatification of Federal, State and County highways. It is one of the big assets that we have in this northern County. CONSERVATION AND RURAL PLANNING COMMITTEE By. E. F.-_Daniels, H. _B. Randall, Jr. E. Liebman Nels Ness Motion was made by Hering and seconded by Olson to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following report was read: REPORT OF D. S. S. & A. RY. HEARING A hearing was held on application of Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Railway company to abandon take-up and cease operation of its line from Marengo Junction in Ashland County, to Superior in Douglas County, a distance of 73.52 miles. The hearing was held before the Wisconsin.Public Service Commission and the Interstate Commerce Com- mission on the p6th and 27th days of September, 1933 at the Courthouse in the City of Superior. Daniels. Bayfield County was represented by Robert Nixon, William Meyers and E. F. After hearing the evidence of applicants and Protestants, we,a.re of the opinion that the petition, at least until after another hearing, will be denied. E. F. DANIELS WM. MEYERS Dated this 14th day of November, 1933 Motion was made by H. J. Thompson and seconded by Summerfield to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was -read: BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board. in annual session this 14th-day of November, 1933, that permits be given gratis, by the County Treasurer, to those who are in need of fuel, to out and remove for fuel for personal use only, such Pople and Birch I43 y ANNUAL_�IE�TING OF THE—BAYF_IELIY-CD_UN_T_Y-BOARD_ NOVEmBER 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1933 timber as is not merchantable, from lands owned by Bayfield County; all brush -and slash to be disposed of by the permit holder during the winter when there is no danger of fire; all cutting -and hauling and burning to be done subject to approval•of and under the personal direction of the Chairman of the town in -which permit holder resides and in which the timber is -located. Signed: E.-F. DANIELS Moved by Daniels and seconded by Pease to adopt the foregoing resolution. .Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Larsen to table the foregoing resolution. Motion to table carried. The following resolution was read: - RESOLUTION _WHEREAS, Observatory Hill near the City of Bayfield and State Highway-#13, has been recommended by the Conservation and Rural Planning Committee as_a very desirable_ location for a Government Observatory or State "lookout" Tower; and said Committee has recommended that steps be taken to interest some unit of the Federal Government, or the State in such a project at this point, --now THEREFORE BE=IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County in --annual ses- sion this 14th day of November, 1933, that a committee of one or more members of the County Board, be appointed by the Chairman of said Board authorized and directed to pro- ceed along such lines as he or -they may choose to secure a Government observatory or State Lookout Tower on -the most suitable location near the City of Bayfield and State' Trunk Highway #13; without cost to Bayfield County except, per diem and expenses of the committee, not exceeding the price of committee work as fixed by a former resolution of the County Board. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED-, that the County"Clerk and County --Treasurer are authorized and directed to exchange by quit claim Deed any County owned lands along or near the site selected, for land necessary for highway right-of-way or building purposes, as directed by the Committee. Signed:--D. S. KNIGHT = Moved by Lamont and seconded by Hering to adopt the foregoing resolution. Mo- tion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -OF SUPERVISORS: WHEREAS, Chapter 292-; Laws of 1933 authorizes the County Treasurer to deed county -owned lands to towns having an excess of delinquent real estate taxes to their credit in exchange for such credit, and.. WHEREAS, the law omits this privilege to cities, and WHEREAS, the City of Washburn is desirous of obtaining additional land which adjoins and is contiguous to Memorial Park for park purposes,- THEREFOR, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the county clerk and the county treasurer be and they are hereby directed to issue a quit claim deed to the City of Washburn cover- ing Lot 1, Block 117 and West z of Lot 2, Block 118, Townsite of Washburn, and that the 4 consideration be the'face of the tax certificates against said property and said consi- deration be written off the excess delinquent account of the City of Mashburn. Signed: CARL ANDERSON ANNUAL, MEETING -OF THE B_AYF_IELD 00U_NT_Y BOARD NOVEMBER 14'v 15. 16 and 17. 19'33 Moved by Anderson and seconded -by H. J. Thompson to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. lotion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, an excessive number of delinquencies in payments on deferred payment contracts for the purchase of county -owned tax title property exists, and WHEREAS, the county's interest is primarily the collection of delinquent taxes, and the protection of the taxpayers -interest, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED this loth day of November, 1933 by the County board, in regular session, that the county clerk and the county treasurer are hereby ordered to execute no sale, conveyance, lease or lien of any county owned tax title land to any person not the former owner, excepting for cash, the extension of payments to be made only to the former owner of real estate as such term is used in Chapter ;14 of Wisconsin Statute: in Bayfield County. Introduced by CARL E:" ERICKSON Moved by Erickson and seconded by Ledin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD WHEREAS, Bayfield County adopted a dance hall ordinance in May, 1924, and have made amendments from time -to. -time to take care -of changing conditions, and WHEREAS, the new law regulating the sale and handling of beer have brought on new and trying conditions, especially with regard to taverns which are almost invariably operating in direct -violation of the dand.e hall ordinance, and WHEREAS, several districts have adopted dance hall ordinances of their own attempting to take care of the new conditions, therefore,___ BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County dance hall ordinance adopted May 29, 1924, County Board Journal No. VI, page 44, and amended April 26, 1927, County Board Journal VI, page 247, and November 17, 18 and 19, 1931, County Board Journal VI, page 638 and November 16, 1932, County Board Journal VII, page 59, be repealed. WM. MEYER WALLACE WEIR CONRAD TEDLUND Dance Hall Committee Moved by Daniels and seconded by H. J. Thompson to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. Motion was made by Olson and seconded by Larsen to adjourn until 1:30 P. M. Motion carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P. M. by Chairman, H. B. Randall, Jr. Roll call was taken with all members present. Motion was made by H. J. Thompson and seconded by Lamont that a, telegram be sent to the Industrial. Commission asking them to send a representative to appear before ANNUAL-MEETING__OF THE_ BAYFIELb-COUNTY BOARD__ NOVEMBER.14 15, 16 and 17, 1933 the -County Board before adjournment. Motion was made by Hadland and seconded by Sibbald to table the motion made by H. J. Thompson. The roll call to table was as follows: AYES: Fossum, O'Sullivan, Randall, Jr., Larsen, Carl Erickson, Olson, Weir, Daniels, Squires, Evert Erickson, Johnson, Tedlund, C.-0. Nelson, Rankinson,_Peterson,_ Sibbald, Hougas, G. H. Thompson, Ledin, Okerstrom, Knight, Hadland, R. J. Nelson, Ander- son and Hering. _ NAYS: - Pease, Alcott, Meyer, Bartlett, Liebman, Kaevinsky, Lamont, Ness, Bru- baker, Summerfield, Hans J. Thompson and Rude. Motion to table carried. _Motion was made by Liebman and seconded by Rude that a telegram be sent to the Industrial Commission at Madison, asking, if the Bayfield County goes on the County system of poor and is -unable to pay the $15,000.00 per year, if the state will pay 100% of the Relief bill. Motion lost. Mrs. Lois G. Nemec spoke to the County Board on the educational program in Bay - field County and gave an oral report of the work since July 1st, 1933. The following resolution was read: TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: The undersigned committee -on -education submits the following resolution: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that -whereas the law prohibits the use of the money left in the County School Institute Fund for institute purposes, and whereas the sum of $224.92 is in said fund, and whereas there is a very limited amount of expense money with which to complete the 1933 school year, and whereas the State Department of Public Inst- ruction recommends the use of this money for school purposes, that the County Superinten- dent be authorized to use the -institute money left in said fund for supplies and equip - went which will benefit the school system of the County. F. H. BARTLETT V. E. BRUBAKER W. B. OISULLIVAN Committee on Education Moved by Meyer and seconded by H. J. Thompson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, errors were ma.de,by Bayfield County in the apportionment of School District Loans of the Joint School District No. 1 between the Town and City of Bayfield, as follows: AS CHARGED Year City Town 1920 $930.00 1921 $930.00 1922 870.00 1922 334.00 1, 800. 00 1, 234. 00 1,800.00 ANNUAL MEETING OF - THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD _----------------- - -- --- NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1933 ----- --- Forward AS CORRECTED $12800.00 Year City Town 1920. $418.29 $511.71 1921 391.79 508.21 1922 426.56 443.44 1922 163.76 170.24 1,400.4o 1,633.6o 1,400.4o 399.60 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board in annual session this 14th day of November, A. D., 1933, that the County clerk be and is hereby instructed to charge to the Town of Bayfield the sum of $399.60 and credit the City of Bayfield a like amount on the 1933 tax apportionment. Signed; ROY H. OKERSTROM Moved by Okerstrom and seconded by Nelson to adopt the foregoing z°esolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read; RESOLUTION BE IT. HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of'Bayfield County, Wisconsin, in annual session assembled this 14th day of November, 1933, that all of the banks of Bayfield County be, and they hereby are, designated as depositories of County funds for the coming year, -providing they comply with the Statutes of the State of Iffis- consin regulating the depositories of public -funds. Signed: CARL E. ERICKSO.N Moved by C. E. Erickson and seconded by Hougas to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board.in annual session this 14th day of November, 1933, that the resolution adopted November 17, 1932, hiring a court reporter to care for the work of the County Judge, District Attorney and Municipal court is hereby rescinded. Roy H. Okerstrom H. B. Randall, Jr.' J. C. Sibbald Oscar Rankinson R. A. Hering - Finance Committee Moved by Meyer and seconded by R. J. Nelson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read; RESOLUTION WHEREAS, there are a number of uncollectable items, and some of which have been outlawed that are now listed as assets on the County records, um ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD THEREFORE, WE HEREBY RESOLVE that the County Clerk be directed to write off from the County records -the uncollectable miscellaneous accounts receivable listed on pages 14 and 15 in the audit report as of December 31, 1932, which shall be deemed out- lawed and uncollectable on advice from the District Attorney, and that the District At- torney be authorized"and directed to commence action to collect such items as he deems collectable. Signed: Roy H. Okerstrom Moved by Lamont and seconded by Hougas to adopt the foregoing resolution. Mo- tion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled in annual session this 14th day of November, 1933, that all sales and conveyances heretofore made by Bay - field County of lands acquired by tax deed be and the same are hereby ratified, approved and confirmed in all respects, the same as if the County Board of said County had by order entered in its records, prescribed the terms of sale and authorized -the County Clerk to sell and convey such real esta.te.a.s provided by Section 75.35 of Wisconsin Statutes. carried. Signed: H. B. RANDALL, JR. Moved by Ledin and seconded by Olson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD:- WHEREAS, physicians bills paid by towns for the care of transient poor are sometimes excessive, and WHEREAS, these claims often become a charge against the county, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board in regular session this 14th day of November 1933, that the schedule of allowable charges for medical and doctors' attention adopted by the Unemployment Relief Board be adhered to in settlement of all claims for medical care administered to transient poor patients. Roy H'. Okerstrom H. B. Randall, Jr. J. C. Sibbald- R. A. Hering Oscar Rankinson Finance Committee Moved by Okerstrom and seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION BE IT_RESOLVED by this Bayfield County Board Assembled in annual session this 14th day of November, 1933, that the State Highway Commission be, and is hereby requested to cause proper surveys to be made of State Trunk Highway No. 13 from Cornucopia to Red _ ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and 1Z, 1933 Cliff in this county, -and plans to be drawn for the improvement of the above road by the use of State Aid funds under Subsection 4 of Section 20.49, and Subsections 3 and 4 of Section 84.03 of the Statutes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the -County Clerk be, and is hereby instructed to send one copy of this resolution to the Wisconsin Highway Commission. Harry C. Anderson S. E. Squires R. J. Nelson Co. Highway Committee Moved by R. J. Nelson and seconded by Olson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion -carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION INHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board did on March 22, 1932, pass a resolution and enter into an agreement with the Wisconsin Highway Commission-oToviding for the car- rying out of certain construction work on the State Trunk Highway System in this county, and such agreement is recorded in Volume VII,'.pages 8, 9 and 10, of the County Board minutes, and -- WHEREAS, The Wisconsin Highway Commission has failed to carry out the terms of this agreement, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of this County Board that the Annual Construction allotment due this county under subsections 3-and-4 of Section 84.03, should be used for actual and necessary State Trunk Highway construction work and that such above mentioned agreement should be rescinded so as to release such funds for.other-work, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Bayfield County Board assembled in annual - session this 14th day of November, that the above mention resolution recorded in Volume VII, pages 8, 9 and 10 of the County Board minutes be and the same is hereby rescinded. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk be and is hereby instructed to send one copy of this resolution to the Wisconsin Highway Commission. Harry C. Anderson S. E. Squires R. J. Nelson County Highway Comm. Moved by R. J._„Nelson and seconded by Ledin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried unanimously. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION Whereas, we believe that the State Highway Commission should preserve in so far as is possible for road -side beauty, such portion of lands adjoining or being close to State or Federal Highways as is suitable; in a state of nature by forestation, and presery ing the waters in their original quantity and beauty. We believe that road -side beautification is as essential an attraction to tour - fists as concrete highways and offers great inducements to tourists to stop and investi- gate, and WHEREAS, the state of Wisconsin now has an officer connected with the State Highway Commission known as "Director of Regional Planning" whose duty it is to look 149 _ ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1933 after road -side beautification; which office is now held by Mr. M. W. Torkelson, who, we believe, is a very good man for the job-. NOW THEREFORE BE IT -RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County in annual session this 14th day of November, 1933, that we approve of the office of "`Director of Regional Planning", and that we also approve of the work of the said M. W. Torkelson, in his efforts to coordinate State agencies through a planning body; and we further request and recommend that the office of "Director of Regional Planning' be continued as a part of the highway Commission: and that M.W. Torkelson be continued as Director of said office. Copy to be sent to the Highway Commission. Signed: E. F. DANfELS Moved by Daniels and seconded by Hering to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The Chairman dedlared a fifteen minute recess. Roll call after recess showed all members except Summerfield present. X.. - The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Wisconsin State Legislature -of 1933 did -provide a Special legis- lative Committee who, jointly together with the Wisconsin Highway Commission a.re.autho- rized to revise not to exceed four hundred (400) miles of the State Trunk Highway Sys- tem as provided by Chapter-447, Laws of 1933, and WHEREAS, such special legislative committee has notified. Bayfield County by letter dated October 5, 1933, of their proposed intention to remove a part of both State Trunk Highway -No. 24 and State Trunk Highway No.112 in this county, and requested the Bayfield County Board to express its opinion_in regard thereto,. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by this Bayfield County Board assembled in annual session this 14th day of November, 1933, that it is unanimously and unalterably -opposed to the removal of any part of the original layout of the State Trunk Highway System in this county, for the several following reasons, to --wit: - 1. The change, as outlined by the Special Legislative Committee, would result in all removals and no additions. 2. The above mentioned connection between No. 13, No. 24-,'and No. 2 now does, and will always continue to shorten this distance for thru travel coming up No. 13 and going to the head of the lakes by 4.0 miles.. 3. The Wisconsin Highway Commission has never attempted to make an intelligent or accurate traffic study of the value of this particular road as a part of the State Trunk Highway System. No -traffic counts have ever been taken. No attempt has ever been made by the Wisconsin Highway Commission to find out the amount of local travel, thru state travel, or foreign travel now using this road, or that would use this road after the ultimate, but very indefinite,' construction of No. 24 or No. 2 in this vicinity. 4. This road was included as a. part of the original 5,000 mile State Trunk t Highway System, laid out in 1918, and has been considered a necessary con- nection, from a state wide point of view, .by three previous Joint Legisla- ---_-_---_------_------ ----- --ANNUAL MEUI_0 OF THE BAYFIELD- COUNTY BOARD------------- ------------- ------ NOVEMBER 14, 5, 16. and 17, 1933 Live Committees and State Highway Commissions; first in 1919, again in 1921, and again in 1923. 5. This origina:Vlayout is, and always has been for more than 15 years, satis- factory to the local communities which are served by it, to the county, and to the State, and this County Board wishes now to request your Committee and the Wisconsin Highway Commission to leave the original layout of the State Trunk Highway System in -this county as it is. -- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this County Board strongly urges that the present used and maintained alternate routes in this locality be maintained and continued until the proposed re -locations of U. S. #2 and S. T. H. #24 have been completed and opened for travel. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be, and is hereby instructed to send a copy of this resolution -to the Secretary of the Wisconsin Highway Commission, the Secretary of the Special Legislative Committee, and to the State Senator and Assemblyman representing this county. Harry C. Anderson R. J. Nelson S. E. Squires County Highway Committee Moved by R. J.-Nelson and seconded by Ledin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried unanimously. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION TO THE PRESIDENT AND THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, WASHINGTON, D. C. Gentlemen: WHEREAS the ratification of the Great Lakes to Ocean Ifaterwa.y treaty with Cana- da is to come beforeyouu at the next -session of Congress; and WHEREAS the completion of this project is of inestimable value to the Great Lakes ports, including the Chequamegon Bay region, and all of the northern part of the United States, opening to them the world's markets, and supplying power for industrial development: and WHEREAS more tonnage of a metallic nature is produced and shipped from this region than from any other ports in America; and WHEREAS ten (10) railroads, twenty-two (22) coal docks, thirty-four (34) ele- vators, forty-three (43) wharves, and other main arteries of industry are servedin this' particular region representing the natural supply point of fifty percent (50%) of the American continent; and WHEREAS the region served will represent -the farthest inland ports assuring re- turn cargoes from a. vast trading center; and WHEREAS the adoption of this treaty has already been -unduly -delayed; BE IT THEREFORERESOLVED THAT the citizens of Bayfield Co unty,'Wisconsin, in the Chequamegon Bay region, do hereby urge'the prompt adoption of the aforesaid treaty. Signed: E. F.. DANI ELS Copy to Congressman Peavy and Senators La Follette a.nd Duffy. Moved by Daniels and seconded by Larsen to adopt the foregoing resolution. Mo- tion carried unanimously. 151 ANNUAL MEETING --OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD --- - ----- - - - NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and. 17,133 -- - The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS the County Board is unable to appropriate the money necessary to ope- rate a County Fair, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board in its annual session this 14th day of November, 1933, that the Fair Association is directed to refrain from hold- ing County Fairs in the future until authorized to do so by the County Board. Roy H. Okerstrom H. B. Randall, Jr. J.- C. Sibbald R. A. Hering Oscar Rankinson Finance Committee Moved by Lamont and seconded by Alcott to adopt the foregoing -resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS a resolution introduced November 182 1932, effective January 1, 19332 fixing the salary of the County Board at $4.00 per diem and limiting the amount of any member for committee and Board work at $24.00 in its entire has the effect of crippling the functions of County work and government, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the above resolution be rescinded and the clerk is hereby authorized to pay members ,$4.00 a day for the days actually spent in committee and board work during the year 1933, in accordance with the Wisconsin Statutes. Roy H. Okerst.rom H. B. Randall, Jr. J. C. Sibbald, Oscar Rankinson R. A. Hering Finance Committee Moved by H. J. Thompson and seconded by Larsen to adopt the foregoing resolu- 'tion. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County assembled in an- nual session this 14th day of November, 1933, that the following area in Bayfield County be set aside and declared part of the Moquah Federal Forest Unit to be administered, pro- tected and developed as a National Forest by the Government of the United Mates: TOWN OF DELTA: All of Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 17,'18, 19, 20, 29 and 30, Town- ship 46, Range 7 West. All of Sections 1; 2, 3, 4, 12, 13 and the Nz NW and NW NE Section 11; the E1 ATE and E1 SE Section 14, Ez NE Section 23, W NW Section 24, Township 4b, Range S West. WM. MEYERS Moved by Daniels and seconded by Ledin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Mo- tion carried. _ ____ANNUAL _ITEETING OF THE B AYF IELD_ COUNTY BOARD The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, -by the County Board of Hayfield County assembled in an- nual session this 15th day of November, 1933, that the following area in Bayfield County be set aside and -declared part of the Moquah Federal Forest Unit to be administered, protected and developed as a National Forest by the Government of. the United States: TOWN OF PRATT: All of Sections 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20, 29, 30, 31 and 32, carried. Township 44 North, Range 6 West. J. C. SIBBALD Loved by Meyer and seconded by Ledin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion The following resolution was read; RESOLUTION TO REPEAL AND RESCIND WHEREAS a former resolution authorizing and directing sale of certain County - owned lands to the Federal Government, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board at its annual session this 15th day of November, 1933, that that cent.ain resolution heretofore adopted by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors the 12th day a.f November, 1930, and recorded in Volume 6, Journal of Proceedings of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, pages 504 and 505, directing and authorizing sale of certain County -owned lands to the Federal Government for reforestation purposes and including the same within the boundaries of the Moquah -National Forest Unit, certain County -owned lands described as follows: TOWN OF PILSEN: Sections 8 and 17, Township 47, Range 6. TOWN OF WASHBURN: Sections 12 and 13, Township 48', Range 6; Sections 7 and 18, Township 48, Range 5. TOWN OF BAYVIE:N: Sections 4, 5, 8, 9, 16 and 17, Toimship 49, Range 5; Section 31, 32 and 33, Township 50, Range 5. TOWN OF BAYFIELD: Sections 21, 28, 29 and 30, Township 50, Range 5. TOWN OF BELL: Sections 23 to 36 inclusive, Township 50, Range 6. TOWN OF CLOVER: Section 36, Township 50, Range 7; Sections 2, 3, 10, Township 49,_Range 7- TOWN OF DELTA: Section 5; E2 of NEB and SE2, Section 6; Sections 7, 8, 9, 10 and S2 of Section 11; s2 N2 and NE NE of Section 11; N4"d1, SW711 r W2 of NE} and W2 of SE4, Section 14; Sections 15, 162 172 189 19, 20, 21 and 22; W2 of Section 23; W2 NEI and SE1 of Section 23; NEB-, E2 of NW4 and S2 of Section 24; Sections 25, 26, 27, 28,.29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 and 36, all in Township 46, Range 8; and Sections 31 and 32 and wl of Section 33, Seof Section 33, S2 NE and NI+V NE, Section 33, Township 46, Range (. be, and the same is hereby amended, by striking therefrom all descriptions of lands there- in contained, excepting those lands situated in the Town of Delta, it being the object hereof to rescind, repeal and :revoke said resolution and all the,effect thereof excepting insofar as the same affects the territory embraced in the Town of Delta, and all authority heretofor granted except as aforesaid for any such conveyance is hereby cancelled. H. B. RANDALL, JR. 153 ANNUAL MEETINGOF THE BAY_FIELD COUNTY BOARD - - ----NOVEMBER 14, 15, to and 17. 19i - -- - - - ----- ---- -- - - ---. - - Moved by Meyer and seconded by Alcott to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: tions: The Committee on Conservation and Rural Planning submits the following resolu- BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Conservation and Rur&l Planning Committee be authorized to correspond with the directors of the Rust -Owen Lumber Company relative to setting aside the Drummond 'woods in order to keep this tract of virgin tim- ber, and that steps be taken to acquire said tract of timber for Bayfield County either by purchase or by grant or if said -directors feel that this tract should be set aside as a memorial to the late Mr. Owen who served on the first Highway Commission of Wisconsin. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of this Conservation and Rural Plan- ning Committee be further authorized to contact the government authorities regarding Observation or Olson Hill in order to influence the federal or state government to build an observation tower on one of these historic spots. E. F.. DANIELS H. B. RANDALL, JR. NELS NESS E. LIEBMAN Committee on Conserva- tion and Rural Plannin Moved by Lamont and seconded by H. J. Thompson to adopt the foregoing resDlu- Lion. Motion carried unanimously. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF --SUPERVISORS: WHEREAS, The State Conservation Department is charged with the administration of Emergency Conservation Work on all lands in Wisconsin outride the boundaries of national forests, and WHEREAS, The Conservation Corps Camps will give employment and further forest protection, and in addition improve the county forests, be it RESOLVED, that the State Conservation Director is hereby authorised to 1. Use any county land for camp site. 2. Build fire roads across any county lands. 3.' Do improvement cutting and other forest culture on all county lands within existing or proposed county forests. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, -that a copy of this Resolution be sent to the State Conservation Director. Signed: H. J. THOMPSON Moved by H. J. Thompson and seconded by Squi:e s to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried: The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION TO.the Board of Supervisors of Ba.yfield County: WHEREAS it appears, as the fact is, that on or about the &th day of July, 1924, ---------------------- ---___ _-----------____-- ANNUAL MEETING -OF THE--- NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and 17 1933 Bayfield County conveyed by Quit Claim Deed to J. H. Carroll of Glidden, Wisconsin, its tax title interest in and to Lots 4, 11, 13 and 14, all in Block "A", of Textor a s Addi- tion, for a consideration of $97.50,-and WHEREAS, it further appears that said J. H. Carroll conveyed said Lots 4, 112 13 and 143 Block "A", of Textoras Addition by Quit Claim Deed to The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul, Minnesota., under date of November 5th, 1931, which said Quit Claim Deed is recorded on Page 524, in Volume 120 of Deeds, records of Bayfield County, said The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul holding title to said Lots by sheriff's sale on foreclosure; and WHEREAS, it further appears that the aforesaid Quit Claim Deed by Bayfield County to J. H. Carroll has been lost or mislaid, creating a substantial defect in the title of The Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, in annual session assembled, that the County Clerk of Bayfield County be; and he hereby is authorized and directed to issue and execute a. quit claim deed of said premises to the Federal Land Bank of Saint Paul, for a nominal consideration of One Dollar. Signed: R. A. HERING, Moved by Daniels.and seconded by Ledin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Mo- tion carried. The following application together with recommendation of agricultural committee was read: Iron River, Wisconsin October 30, 1933 To the Members of the Bayfield County Board; I would like to trade my eighty acres of land, the N2 of theSWF of Section 26, Township 48, Range 8, for eighty acres -of land now owned by the County. The land which I would like to trade for is the S2 of the SW4 of Section 15, Township 48, Range 8, said land being better for agricultural land, having about forty - acres of clay land, the balance lighter soil. This place is on a town road and is near a school which are two points in favor of a trade. My intentions are to improve the land for farming purposes and put up farm bui ings if the trade goes through. Hoping you will act favorably on the matter, I remain, Yours truly, MI. J. LAVIN, November 2, 1933 The Agricultural Committee recommends that the attached offer to trade County - owned S2 SWi, Section 15-48-5 for Q SWV1 , Section 26-48-8, be declined inasmuch as the County -owned land has valuable timber on it and the privately owned land has not. Furthe more the privately owned land has an incumbrance on it which has not been satisfactory to date. HANS J. THOMPSON Chairman of Agricultural Committee Moved by H. J. Thompson and seconded by Squires to accept and adopt the recom- mendation of the agricultural committee. Motion carried. ANNUAL PIIEETING OF -THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1933 The following application was read: Washburn, Wisconsin July 20, 1933 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk, Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Tranmal: On your suggestion I am herewith putting in writing my proposal to trade to the county the Nw-1 of -the NINVI of Section ll,_Township 49, Range 7, for the SE4 of the S11P4 of Section�l, Township 48, Range 5. I think one of these forties is about as poor as the other as to the quality of the land, etc., but the one in the town of trlashburn is nearer to town and I might some day make some use of it. I would be grilling to trade for- ty for forty by quit claim on each. answer. Please take this up with the Board as soon as it can be done and give me your The County also has two or three other forties in this same section, 1-48-5. If for any reason it would be better, for the county, I would just as soon make an exchange for the SE4 of the SE - or the NW of the SEA, of 1-48-5. Very truly yours, HUBERT H.-PEAVEY Moved by Ledin and seconded by Alcott to refer the foregoing application to the agricultural committee with power to act. Motion carried. The following resolution was read; September 2, 1933 To the Honorable Supervisors of the,Bayfield County Board: 'NHEREAS it appears that Henry Getto of Iron River, Route Jk1, purchased the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SI,7 SE-,) of Section Thirty-three (33), Town- ship Forty-nine (49) North, Range Nine (9) West. -.on December 3rd,1930 and-, WHEREAS the County Treasurer assigned all subsequent tax certificates to Henry Getto together with a quit claim deed and, WHEREAS it appears that he meant to purchase the Southeast Quarter of the South- west Quarter (SE-1 4 SW4) of Section Thirty-three, Township Forty-nine (9) North, Range Nine (9) West and that he paid taxes on said forty for the tax of 1931 to Nels Kalin, Town Treasurer under date of March 17th, 1932, and receipt number 130-was issued covering same, and he paid the tax of 1932 to the County Treasurer on March 31st, 1933, and County Tax. Receipt number 6877 was issued covering same. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the -County Board of Supervisors duly assembled this 15th day of November, 1933, that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be authorized to exchange said Southeast Quarter of the Southwest -Quarter (SE.4 Sw4) Section Thirty-three (33), Township Forty-nine (49) north, Range Nine (9) West, with Henry Getto for the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW4 SE4) of Section Thirty=:three (33) Township Forty-nine- (11-9) North;- Range Nine (9) West, which is now held by him and that they be fur- ther authorized to exchange tax certificates on each piece of land respectively. C. 0. NELSON Moved by C. O. Nelson and seconded by G. H. Thompson to adopt the foregoing re- solution. Motion carried. ANNUAL _MEE_TING_ OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY B_0A_RD_ NOVEMBER 142 152 16 and 17, 1933 The following application was read: STATE OF WISCONSIN ss. ASHLAND COUNTY-- ` Harry S. Kopplin being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that A. 0. Shaw of Ashland, Wisconsin is the -owner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NWT NE-.) and the North Half of the Northwest Quarter (N2 N'NP) of Section Twenty-three (23), Township Forty-nine (4.9) North of Range Nine (9) 'Test, and the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE-1 4 E4) and the South half of the NORTHeast Quarter (S2 NE,.) of Section Eleven (11), Township Forty-eight (4.8) North of Range Nine (9) West, all in Bay - field County, Wisconsin, and that'affiant.is his duly authorized agent. That there are four years. -outstanding taxes assessed against said lands as appears by the Countly Treasurer's statement hereto annexed and made a part hereof; that it. appears from said statement that said la.nd.s are greatly over -assessed and the taxes against the same are discriminatory and out of proportion to the ta.yes upon similar lands in the same territory, and affiant makes this affidavit for the purpose of asking the County Board for a, reduction in the said taxes -,and that said tax certificates are owned and held by Bayfield County. HARRY S. KOPPLIN Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th day of November, A. D.,-1933. Y7. S. CATE NOTARY PUBLIC, Ashland County, WISCONSIN Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Lamont to deny the foregoing application. Mo- tion carried. The following application was read: Honorable Bayfield County Board, Gentlemen: November 10, 1933 I hereby wish to make application to purchase the NEL 01T and S2 N17-1 Section 12-46-�5 on the three year payment -plan, and offer the sum of $240.00 or $2.00 per acre. At the present time I live in Ashland County and the .aforesaid land adjoins my father s farm. It is my intention to commence developing it at'once. CARL JOHNSON Route -Jkl, Ashland, Wisconsin Moved by Meyer and seconded by Sibbald to deny the foregoing application. Mo- tion carried. The following application was read: To the Bayfield County Board: The undersigned, Excelsior Products Company, of Washburn, Wisconsin, hereby represents: That it is the owner in fee of all those parts of Lot one and two in Section 6, Township 48, Range 4, Bayfield County,Wisconsin, described in Volume 92 of Deeds, page 354 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Bayfield County, Wisconsin, all being within the City of Washburn. That on the llth day of June, 1929, the land described in said Volume 92 of Deed page 354, was sold to Bayfield County for the sum of 0320.34, for the unpaid taxes of the year 1928. ANNUAL _MEETING_OF_ THE _BAYFIELD__ COUNTY BOARD_ NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and 17,_ 1933 --- -- -- - --- - - - - That on the 10th-_day of June, 1930, the said" last described land was sold to Hayfield County for the sum of $317.14 for the unpaid taxes of the year 1929. That during the years 1928 and 1929, the said land exclusive of improvements was valued for assessment purposes at 05085.00, and the improvements thereon, other than improvements then owned by said Excelsior Products Company, were valued for asses- ment purposes, at the sum of $915.00 each such year, whereas in-fa.ct the fair market value of said land during the said years 1928 and 1929 did not exceed $2000.00, and the fair market value of said improvements during said years did not exceed .1,250.00. That for the assessment for the year 1932, the assessor for said city of Wash:: burn, valued said last described land at the sum of :t2000'00, and that said land was of no greater value during the years 1928 and 1929 than during the year 1932. That the tax proceedings leading up to the sale of said land at the said tax sales of the years 1929 and 1930, for unpaid taxes of the respective preceding years, were irregular and illegal for the following reasons, among others; (a) the rate of taxation for each such year materially exceeded the amount permitted by statute; (b) the descrip- tions and the items of the taxes levied were so ambiguous and uncertain as to render the said tax rolls and the delinquent rolls as returned to the County Treasurer void; and (c) said lands were sold at the said respective tax sales for amounts greatly in excess of the amounts for which such lands should have been sold, as appears by the tax sale pro ceedings for said years. That the said Excelsior Products Company desires to effect a, compromise of the amounts claimed by said Bayfield County for the unpaid taxes of the years 1928 and 1929, respectively, and the interest and charges accruing thereon, and that it proposes as such compromise, that this Honorable Board authoriz-e the County Treasurer to cancel the said tax certificates so issued for,ta,x sales•of 1929 and 1930,-upon payment to said County Treasurer, by said Excelsior Products Company, or its agents, of such proportion- ate amount of unpaid taxes, interest, and charges thereon, as would be due on the basis of a valuation of said land and improvements at the sum of :$2250.00 for each of said years 1928 and 1929, and that said Excelsior Products Company is ready and willing to make such payment as would be required on the basis of the valuation proposed to be used for the I purpose of compromising the ta.x for said years 1928 and 1929. WHEREFORE, said Excelsior Products Company hereby requests and petitions the County Board cif Bayfield County, that it make an order for the cancellation of said tax certificates upon said land issued as aforesaid for unpaid taxes, interest, and charges for the respective years 1928 and 1929, upon payment to the County Treasurer of Bayfield County of such proportionate amount as shall be found to be due on the basis of a valua- tion of said property at the sum of 2250.00 for . ea.ch of said years 1928 and 1929. Dated: July 15, 1933• EXCELSIOR PRODUCTS COMPANY F. C. Patzer, Sec -trews. Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Meyer to deny the foregoing application. Mo- tion carried. Moved by Liebman and seconded by Larsen to adjourn until 10 A. M. November 16th, 1933. Motion carried. ANNUAL MEETING -OF THE BAY -FIELD.- COUNTY BOARD November 14. 15. 16 and 17. 1g3Z November 16, 1933 Meeting was called to order at 10 Q. M. on November 16th, by Chairman, Randall.; Roll call was taken with all members present. W. A. Rowlands of.the University Extension Division explained to the County Board the zoning Law and its advantages to the County. The following recommendation was read: TO THE HONORABLE IE14BERS OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: In accordance with a motion paased by the County Board -in May, 1933, requesting the Zoning Committee to investigate the advisability of Bayfield County creating a Zoning Ordinance, we beg leave to report that we have made said investigation, and recommend that the County Board -proceed to zone the County in accordance with Section 59.97 (2) of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: Hans J. Thompson Carl P. Larsen Steve Kacvinsky H. B. Randall, Jr. Lois G. Nemec Zoning Committee Moved by Lamont.and seconded by Meyer to accept and approve of the foregoing recommendation. Motion carried. Moved by Meyer and duly seconded to adjourn until 1:30 P. M. Motion carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P. M, November 16th by Chairman Randall. The following members answered roll call: Fossum, Pease, Alcott, O'Sullivan, Randall, Jr., Larsen, Carl Erickson, Meyer, Bartlett, Olson;, ;Weir, Daniels, Evert Erickson Johnson, Tedlund, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Rankinson,_.Kacvinsky, Peterson, Sibba.ld, Lamont, Ness, G. H. Thompson, Ledin, Okerstrom, Knight, Hadland, Brubaker, Anderson, Summerfield, and Rude. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Bayfield is desirous of acquiring all of the lots now owned by Bayfield County in Block number thirty-five (35) in the original townsite of the City of Bayfield, said lots to be used for the purpose of burning refuse and for other purposes, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board, in annual session this 16th day of November, 1933, that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed, upon application from the pro;7:e.r officials of the,.City of Bayfield, to convey to the City of Bayfield any or all of the lots(now owned by Bayfield County in Block number thirty-five. (35) of said City, and to charge said city the face value of' tax certificates held by the County against any of said lots. . ROY H. OICERSTROM. Moved by Hadland and seconded by Larsen to adopt the foregoing resolution. Mo- tion carried. The following resolution was read: ANNUAL:MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ---- NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1933 RESOLUTION WHEREAS the Finance Committee of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, heretofore, to wit: on the 6th day of September, 1933, adopted the following resolution: "WHEREAS the County of_Bayfield had the sum of $8,557.31 on deposit in the Iron River Bank, Iron River, Wisconsin, on November 26, 1932, the date on which said bank closed thereby causing the above named public depositor to suf- fer a loss as'de-Lined by subsection (6) Section 34.01 of the statutes; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of subsection (4) section 34.06 of the sta- tutes each public depositor suffering such a loss is required to assign its claim against such bank to the Board of Deposits of Wisconsin within 60 days or _:forfeit all -:right o,f claim against the state deposit fund, NOW THEREFORE BE -IT RESOLVED that in compliance ;with the statutes the above named municipality hereby sells, assigns, conveys and sets over to thdBoard of Deposits of Wisconsin its interest'in the aforementioned claim against said bank, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors and l the treasurer of this municipality be and they are hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the Board of Deposits of Wisconsin an assignment of said claim against said bark on the form of assignment prepared by the Board of Deposits of Wisconsin." AND WHEREAS the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors and the County Treasurer in accordance with the said resolution heretofore sold, assigned, conveyed and set over to the Board of Deposits of Wisconsin -the interest of Bayfield County in and to the afore- mentioned claim against said Bank, and they did heretofore execute and deliver to the Board of Deposits of Wisconsin an assignment of said claim against said Bank on the form of assignment prepared by the Board of Deposits of -Wisconsin; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the adoption of said resolution by said Com- mittee be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the execution and delivery of an assignment of -said claim against said Bank to the Board of Deposits of Wisconsin by said County officers be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed. H. B. RANDALL, JR. Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Ledin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Mo- tion carried unanimously. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS the Finance Committee of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, heretofore, to wit; on the 6th day, of September, 1933, adopted the following resolution: "WHEREAS the County of Bayfield had the sum of $10,210.22 on deposit in the Mason State Bank, Mason, Wisconsin, on February 27, 1933, the date on which said bank used for reorganization thereby causing the above named public de- positor to suffer a loss as defined by subsection (6) section 34.01 of the sta- tu#'Os; and of which 10 percent has been released in cash and a 40 percent waiver assigned to the State Board of Deposits; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of subsection (4) Section 34.06 of.the statutes ANNUAL MEETING OF T_H_E_B_AAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD _ NOVEMBER 14, - 15, 16 and 17,E 1933 each public depositor suffering such a loss is required to assign its claim'. against such bank to the Board of Deposits of Wisconsin within 60 days or for- feit all right of . cla.im against the --state deposit fund, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that in compliance with the statutes the above named municipality hereby sells, assiE•ns, conyeys and sets -over to the Board of Deposits of Wisconsin its interest in the aforementioned claim against said bank, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors and the treasurer of this municipality be and they are -hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the Board of Deposits of Wisconsin an assignment of said claim against said bank on the form of assignment prepared by the Board of Deposits of Wisconsin." AND WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors and the County Treasurer in accordance with the said resolution heretofore sold, assigned, conveyed and set over to the Board of Deposits of Wisconsin the interest of Bayfield County in and to the afore- mentioned claim against said Bank, and they did heretofore execute and deliver to the Boar of Deposits of Wisconsin an assignment of said claim against said Bank on the form of as- signment prepared by the Board of Deposits -of Wisconsin; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the ddoption of said resolution by said Com- mittee be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed, and, _ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the execution and delivery of an assignment of said _ claim against said Bank to,the Board of Deposits of Wisconsin_ by said County officers be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed. 'H. B. RANDALL, JR. Moved by Ledin and seconded by Olson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried unanimously. The following, resolution was read; RESOLUTION WHEREAS Bayfield County was the first county in Wisconsin to -acquire Federal Forests and Civilian Conservation Corps Camps and that other counties with much less Fed- eral Forest area have been granted two to five C. C. Camps, and WHEREAS, the business centers and farmers in this county are much in need of the funds which would be expended at and for these camps, BE IT THEREFORE RESO•LVED'tha.t the Bayfield County Board at its annual session at Washburn, Wisconsin, this 16th day of November, 1933, does hereby earnestly insist that at least two or three winter C. C. C. Camps operate during the winter of 1933-311- and that a copy of this.resolution be mailed at once direct to -President Roosevelt. and to Congressman H. H.- Peavey, and to Senator Duffy and Senator LaFollette, Governor Schmedeman, and the Industrial Commission. V. E. BRUBAKER Moved by Lamont and seconded by Evert Erickson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. - -------- ---- - --- - ANNUAL MEETING -OF_THE_BAY_FIELD COUNTY BOARD - - NOVEMBER 14, 152 16 and-17,--1933-BOARD---- --- - - - - - The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: -WHEREAS, Chapter 288, Laws of 1933, authorizes. the County Board to waive the payment of all or any part of the interest and penalties on delinquent taxes on real estate for the years 1931 and 1932 for which the County holds tax certificates, provided such taxes are paid before July 1, 1934, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the County Board of.Bayfield County waive all interest and penalties on delinquent real estate taxes excepting the advertising and the certificate fee for the years 1931 and 1932 for which Bayfield County holds the tax certificates, providing such taxes are paid before July lst, 1934. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Treasurer be authorized and directed to accent settlement of taxes as aforesaid. CARL ANDERSON Loved by Daniels and seconded by Evert Erickson'to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion lost. Petition of Dell Barnhart for extension of time on land contract was read and it was moved by Liebman and seconded by Ness to grant the petition. Motion carried. The following -Qetition was read. To the -Honorable Bayfield County Board: Gentlemen: Last year your honorable body was kind enough to extend the November payment on my land contract to July, 1933. I made the payment in July, but am unable to meet the November payment now due and I wish you would kindly extend the 1933 payment to July, 1934 and the November, 1934 payment to July, 1935. burn. This applies to my contract covering lots 13 and 14, Block 28, Townsite of Wash- Yours very truly, MRS. CARRIE ARNTSEN Moved by Alcott and seconded by H. J. Thompson to grant the foregoing petition. Motion carried. The following petition was read: To the.Honorable Bayfield County Board: Gentlemen: On October 6th, the County -Board Committee on sale of tax deed property opened bids on property in the City of Washburn. I was the high bidder on the Ska.ug property and at the time it was generally understood by the committee and myself that I was the successful bidder. Accordingly, I paid the County Treasurer the required down payment and he gave his receipt therefor. Im- mediately, I took steps to have the house boarded up for the winter and had the debris cleaned up and hauled away with a truck, and have continued to keep watch on the place ever since. It has developed that there is a legal technicality 'as to the set-up of the com- mittee. The four Supervisors.of the City who were present at the opening of the bids J c 9A ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVEMBER 14, 152 16 and 17, 1933 voted for acceptance of my bid and the County Clerk and County Treasurer voted against. The County having taken my money in good faith, and the fact that I have acted in good faith are unquestionable. In view of the foregoing facts, I hereby petition your, honorable body to ratify the sale of the aforementioned Skaug property to myself. Yours very truly, ALBERT DEMARS . I - A special committee was appointed by the chair earlier in the session, consis- ting of S. E. Squires, C. E. Erickson and Douglas Knight, to view the Skaug property, made an oral report, recommending that the bid of A. DeMars be rejected and the committee on sale of tax deeds re -advertise for bids. Moved by Rude and seconded by H. J. Thompson to grant the petition of A. De - Mars. Motion lost. The following application was read; September 15-, 1933 NIT. Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk, Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: I wish to purchase the NEV NW71 , Section 20-47-9, in -the Town of Hughes. As I understand, this land can be purchased for two (2) dollars an acre, cash Payment. _ Hoping you will give this your full attention, I remain. Sincerely yours, LAVVRENCE--KEN'NEDY 1737 Deane Blvd., Racine, Wisconsin Moved by Ledin and seconded by Meyer to reject the foregoing,application. Mo- tion carried. The following application was read: Bayfield, Wisconsin November 7, 1933 Mr. Tranmal, County Clerk, Dear Sir: The attached statement shows the location of a piece of land I would like to buy on your contract plan, but I am informed that it is under the forest crop law and County cannot sell it unless it is released back to the County, so will you please pre- sent the information and locations to the County Board at their next meeting and see if they ca n have it released so I can buy it. If so, inform me by mail and I will call at the Courthouse and make the arrangements,, Yours truly, IN. G . ADNEY Moved by Meyer and seconded by, Ledin to deny the foregoing application. Mo- tion carried. The following application was read: 1631 ANNUAL MEETING_ OF- THE _BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- --------------- - --- ------ - - - - --- -- -- NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 . a.nd 17,1933 November 16, 1933 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: Re: S.'W -cl� SVV , Section 16-51-4 I wish to purchase the SWy-�. SW4, Section 16-51-4. The land adjoins my farm on the north side and I wish to use it particularily for pasture purposes, it being well adapted to -his purpose due to the -fact that it has water. There is very little wood on the land. I have made application to the committee on sale of tax deed property and find that the land has been placed under the Forest Crop Law this fall. I make an offer of $80.00 cash for the above land. Yours very truly, ROY SOPER Moved.by Lamont and seconded by Ledin to grant the foregoing application. Mo- tion carried. The following application was read: Bayfield County Board Gentlemen: Brule, Wisconsin May 30, 1933 I am writing; you in regard to the SW4i Section 34-47-9 in the Town of Hughes. 'Would like to 'buy up the tax title to this forty if the County Board will ap- prove of it and.release it from the Forest Crop. I wish you would consider letting it go as I would like to buy it so I could build on it right away. Thanking you in advance, Respectfully, Steve Weyandt Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Evert Erickson to deny the foregoing applica- tion. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, in a special meeting of the Bayfield County Board held March 15, 1932 a resolution was adopted providing for the establishment of County Forest reserves under Section 59.90 of the Wisconsin Statutes, the initial resolution having been adopted at the annual meeting of said board held on the 18th day of November, 1931, and publication having been made and filed in compliance -with the laws relating thereto, and WHEREAS, all legal _requirements having been met with the Bayfield_ County Board is now authorized by law to create and establish boundaries of County Forest Units, THEREFORE, BE.IT RESOLVED, that a new county forest unit be created in Town- ship 44N., Range 571., whose boundary lines shall coincide with the boundaries of such government survey township to be known as Unit #7, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that application be made for entry of all county owned lands which have been classified as forestry.la.nds to be entered under the Forest Crop Law. J. C. SIBBALD Dated this 16th day of November, 1933- _ANNUAL_ MEETING pE THT HAYFIELD -COUNTY__ 0ARD1_____ __- Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Larsen to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Moved by Rude and seconded by H. J. Thompson to allow A. DeMars the privilege of appearing before the County Board on behalf of his petition for approval of sale of Skaug property. Motion carried. (Mr. Rude reported back that Mr. DeMars was out of town and would be unable to appear personally.) The chairman declared ten minutes recess. All members answered roll call after recess except Hering. Moved by H. J. Thompson and seconded by Meyer to have Mrs. Gertrude Gates of the Relief Department of the Industrial Commission aopear before the County Board. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Fossum, Pease, Alcott, O'Sullivan, Larsen, Carl Erickson, Meyer, Their, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Rankinson, Kacvinsky, Peterson, Lamont, Houga.s- Ness, G. H. Thomp- son,Okerstrom, Brubaker, Summerfield, H. J. Thompson, and Rude.- Total, 22. NAYS: Randall, Jr.,.Bartlett, Olson, Daniels, Squires, Evert Erickson, Johnson, Tedlund, Sibbald, Ledin, Knight, Hadland, R. J. Nelson and .Anderson. Total, 14. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION 'J=EAS the records in the County Clerk's office show that at present there are people living in approximately forty (40) County -owned houses within the limits of the City of Washburn who_pay no rent or taxes, and WHEREAS, this condition also exists throughout the County, and 111HEREAS, some of the people'living in above mentioned property take the attitude that they can live therein without paying rent or taxes and also advertise the fact to other citizens, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board in Annual Session this loth day of November,' 1933, that the County Clerk be instructed to make a complete list of such cases and that the District Attorney is hereby instructed to commence action to take possession of said property, the purpose of which will be to discourage other citi- zens to do likewise and to assist the taxing districts to collect more taxes and rent through relief administered to these people. IRA SUMMERFIELD :Moved by Summerfield and seconded by Ledin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: VHEREAS there is need today for the County to adopt a, sound. policy for the use and control of the more isolated cut -over lands in the County, whether under public or private ownership, BE.IT.HEREBY RESOLVED that the County Board of Bayfield County requests and instructs the Rural Planning Committee, created by Section 97.17 (4) of the wisconsin -------------------- -- - - ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYrIELD COUNTY BOARD ---- NOVEMBER 14, 15, -- -- 16 and 17 , 1933 - Statutes to prepare a tentative report and plan as defined by Sec. 59.97 (2) of the Wisconsin Statutes and hold public hearings thereon before submitting a final report to the County Board, - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Committee secure the co-operation of the Wis- consin College of Agriculture and Conservation Department as well as the advice and coun- sel of the District Attorney in the development of this tentative zoning plan for Bayfield County. Signed: V. E. BRUBAKER Moved by Daniels and seconded by Sibbald to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read: Washburn, Wisconsin November 16, 1933 To the Hon. County. Board, Bayfield County, this. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned Committee on Illegal tax and tax certificates, beg leave to report, that we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same and that -the amounts be charged back to the respective taxing districts, as designated. YEAR OF DESCRIPTION AND CERT. NAME OF CLAIMIANT SALE REASON OF ILLEGALITY NO. CLAIMED ALLOWED A. T. Pray 1930 Lot 1, Section 18-43-5 Illegal description. Should read: Parcel in Lot 1 described in Vol. 122, page 307, Section 18-43-5. Charge back "n to Town of Namekagon. 746 y7£. 74 J ;1 78. 74 N. E. Ledin 1932 That part of Lot 1 recorded in Vol. 107 of Deeds, Page 241' _ Description should read: Parcel in Lot 1 described in Vol. 122 page, 307, Sec. 18-43-5. Charge back to Town of Namekagon. 766 15.2.851 152,85 N. E. Lodi n 193.3 Do. 815 103.17 � 103.17 - h . Bayf.ield. County 1931 Lot 1 less part of Lot 1 described in Vol. 107 of Deeds, Page 241, Sec. 18-43-5. Description should read: Lot 1 less parcel described in Vol. 122, page 307. Charge back to Town of Namekagon 647, 4-7.04 47.04 ti Bayfield County 1932 Do. 765 46.14J 46.14 " Bayfield County 1933 Do. 805 37.o4� 37.o4 " Signed: EVERT ERICKSON ALDOR -PETERSON I. L. ALCOTT Moved by Squires and seconded by Evert Erickson to adopt the foregoing report. Motion carri-ed. The following report was read: Washburn, Wisconsin November 16, 1933 To the Hon. County'Board, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen: tNe,.the undersigned Committee on Finance and 16iscellaneous, beg leave to report, ANNUAL -MEETING --OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD --------------NOVEMB}+�R 14, l5. 17 and I7. ---------- that we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the'column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk'be instructed to issue orders for payment of same. NAME -OF CLAIMANT PURPOSE CLAIMED ALLOWED Edward Buss sheep killed by dogs x 36.00 t 24.00 Stanley Stefinski 2 Purebred Guernsey calves killed by dogs 12.00 12.00 Myron Bovee .3 sheep killed by dogs 26.00 18.00 C. E. Huxley 6 sheep (full blood) killed by dogs 45.00 36.00 Bart S. Nemetz 1 heifer, 22 years, A lled by dogs $30) 1 heifer damaged ( inches tail bit off) ��n�. 40.00 15.00 Nick Va•mosh 1 4, 0'..1b hog killed b7 doWs $18.00) 1 1 1;; year 11 11 5.00) 23.00 23.00 Arby Bailey 2 Shropshire rams Killed by dogs 25.00 6.00 Daniel Auti6 1 turkey killed by dogs $ 1.25) IO Rhode Island Red chickens killed by dogs 10.00 13 Rhode Island Red spring chickens killed by dogs 6.50 I 16 White Leghorn spring chickens killed by dogs 6.40 20 Wyandotte spring chickens ' killed by dogs 13.65) 37.80 6.00 Abel Laukkanen 3 sheep killed by dogs 18.00 19.00 Herman Granlund 7 sheep killed by dogs 42.00 42.00 City of Washburn Care of Lowell Hoover, transient poor)775.00 775.00 Charge to Polk County ) Town of Oulu Care of Louis Forslund, rr rr charge back to Milwaukee County 72.66 72.66 Town of Lincoln Care of Harry Pence, Transient Poor 15.39 15.39 To,Arn. of Lincoln Care of Joe Cloutier 10.20 10.20 Village of Mason Care of Peter Field (Poor notice incomplete 5.39 NONE H. B. Randall, Jr. Attending County Board Association Convention 22.40 22.40 Good Shepard Industrial School Care of Mary Va:nderventer 144.00 a44- oo Dr. F. G. Johnson Examination of Florence Peso 2.00 NONE Ellen S.'Anderson Transportation of Munson baby from Duluth to Menominee, Wis. 6.00 NONE Dr. A. A. Axley Medical care of Barbara Giercz-ic (No poor notice filed) 25.00 NONE Edw. H. Bratley Coroner's fees and Mileage 75.05 75.05 Albert Westin Care of Soldiers' Graves 2L.35 21.35 Alice J. Anderson Taking testimony and clerical work for Mediation Board 6.50 NONE W. S. Walcott Constable fees 3.95 3.95 Wm. Burns Constable Fees .95 •95 Wm. Klino Constable Feet. 33.20 33.20 Robert A. Nixon Guardian ad litem of Chester C. Olson 15.00 -15.00 Wisconsin County Boards' Association Annual dues 10.00 10.00 Town of Oulu Care of Edwin Zastrow, tran- sient poor, (Charge to Sheboygan County) 8.90) Care of Eli Talus, transient 5.19 Care of Ida Clark and family, transients 19.00 Care of Louis Forslund and family, transients, (Charge 8.12 to Milwaukee County) 41.-21 41.21 I ri 16 ANNUAL_ MEETING- OF -THE BAY_F_IFLD COUNTY BOARn__ -- -- - - --- - ------ - -- - - -- NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and 17,�33 NAME OF CLAIMANT PURPOSE CLAIMED ALLOWED f - Town of Orienta Medical and hospital care of Earl Boswell $221.40 A221.40 V. E. Brubaker Services, telephone, postage, etc., on Mediation .Board 25.00 25.00 M. G. Larson Claim for refund of overcharge in 1927 of Circuit Court costs 6.30 NONE Oscar Bartness Damage to basement wall and labor 20.00 20.00 Town of Mason Care of John Uruich and Arvid Anderson, Transients $27.57 Care of Geo. Hanson, (Charge Ashland County) 3.35 30.92 30.92 Joe Susienka 1 horse killed by dogs 75.00 75.00 Town• of_,ileen eo.. Hesse, Jr., and Care of Geo..' Geo. Hesse, Sr., Transients 15.96 Care of Mrs: Bierl, Transient 2.81 Care of Joachim J. Janovich, Transient 6.34 Care of Herman Sievert, ° Transient .80 Care of Herman Naar and Myron Bovee (Charge back to Town of Pilsen) 6.60 32.51 32.51 Town of Barksdale Care of Elwood Locks (Charge back to Town of Bayfield) 15.84 Care of Joseph Petrash, Trans. �.45 19.29 19.29 Town of Bayfield Care of M. Bayliss, Transient 63.50 6.3°50 Town of Pratt Care of Otto Johnson, -Trans. 636 ' Care of Martin Nelson, Trans. 25: 7 Care of Thos. Wells (Charge back to Sainger County) 70.45 Care of J. A. Thorpe, Trans. 4.18. Care of David Gustafson (Charge back to Ashland County) 3.30 Care of 11m. Jorgenson (Charge back to Town of Washburn) 2.43 Care of Chas. Mattson (Charge back to Town of Cable) 6.70 Care of Isaac Simington (Charge back to Douglas County) 2.28 121.11 121.17 Washburn Hospital Hospita.l and Medical care of Miss Nancy Newago (Bill ap- proved by Trustees of Sana- torium. Recommend that Dist. be billed direct.) 59.00 NONE St. Joseph's Hospital Hospital and Medical Care of Miss Josephine Boza.nik. (Bill approved by Trustees of Sana- torium. Recommend that Dist. be billed direct.) 55.30 NONE Christ E. Lokken 10 hogs killed by dogs 60.00 40.00 Dr. T.•R. Spears Examination of two blind persons 4.Oo 4.00 Signed: ROY H. OKERSTROM H. B. RANDALL, JR. J. C. SIBBALD OSCAR RANKINSON R. A. HERING Moved by Lamont and seconded by H. J. Thompson to adopt the foregoing recamm.enda Lion. Roll call was as follows: AYES; Fossum, Pease, Alcott, O'Sullivan, Randall, Jr., Larsen, Carl Erickson, Meyer, Bartlett, Olson, Weir, Squires, Evert Erickson, Johnson, Tedlund, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Rankinson, Kacvinsky,_Peterson, Sibbald, Lamont, Hougas, Ness, G. H. Thompson, Ledin, Okerstrom, Knight, Hadland,.R. J. Nelson, Brubaker, Anderson, Summerfield, Hans J. Thompson, Rude. Total, 35° NAYS: None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: ANNUAL MEETING OF -----NOVEMBER THE BAY_F_I_ELD_ COUNTY BOARD— --------- 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1933------- R E S 0 L, U T I O N RESOLVED, by the county board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, as follows: First: On all delinquent real estate taxes for -the years 1931 and 1932 paid on or before July 1, 1934 for which the county holds the tax certificates, the payment of all interest and penalties, except the fee for advertising, are hereby waived. Second: On all delinquent real estate taxes assessed prior to 1931 paid on or before May 1, 1934, for which the county holds the tax certificates, the payment of all interest and penalties, except the fee for advertising, are hereby waived. H. J: THOMPSON Moved by G. H. Thompson and seconded by Ledin to table the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County, that the County Board of Bayfield County go on record to permit owners of homes and farms who are receiving relief and.those who are unable to pay their taxes to be given an opportunity to work on county projects such as'highway construction, reforestation, fire fighting and similar under- takings to the end that such persons may be.4ble to earn an income sufficient_to pay up their taxes. ZONING COMMITTEE: Hans J. Thompson Steve Kacvinsky Lois G. Nemec Carl P. Lassen Moved by H. J. Thompson and seconded by Larsen to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Fossum, pease, Randall, Jr., Larsen,'Carl Erickson, Bartlett, Weir, Evert.Erickson, Tedlund, Liebman', Kacvinsky, Ness, Summerfield, Hans J. Thompson and Rude Total, 15. NAYS: Alcott, O'Sullivan, Meyer, Olson, Daniels, Squires, Johnson, C. 0. Nel- son, Rankinson, Peterson, Sibbald, Hougas, Thompson, G. H., Ledin, Okerstrom, Knight, Hadland, R. J. Nelson, Brubaker, Anderson. Total, 20. Motion lost. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn until 10 A. M., November 17th, 1933. r Motion carried. NOVEMBER 17TH, 1933. Meeting called to order at 10 A. M. by Chairman, Randall, Jr. The following members answered roll call: Fossum, Pease, Alcott, O'Sullivan, Randall, Jr., Larsen, Carl Erickson, Meyer, Bartlett, Olson, Weir, Squires, Evert Erick- son, Tedlund, Liebman, C. 0.. Pielson, Rankinson,. Kacvinsky, Peterson, Lamont, Hougas, Ness, Ledin, Okerstrom, Ha.dland, R. J. Nelson, Brubaker, Anderson, Summerfield, Hering and Rude. - The following a.pplica.tion was read: TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: The undersigned, The First National Bank of Bayfield, 1Visconsin, hereby repre- sents: That it is the owner in fee of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter I' 169 ANNUAL MEETING --OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1933 (NW'j NWW'),-of Section Twenty-one (21), in Township Fifty (50) North, Range Five (5) West, in Bayfield County, Wisconsin. That on or about the 12th day of August, 1932, a Tax Deed upon said described land was issued to Bayfield County upon a -tax certificate issued to Bayfield County upon the tax sale of the year 1929. The amount for which said tax cDerti.ficate was sold being, Twenty-one and 06/100 ($21.06) Dollars, which said tax deed was thereafter, and on the 22nd day of August, 1932, recorded in the -office of the Register of -Deeds for Bayfield County, 'Wisconsin, in Volume 8 of Tax Deeds on page 118. That subsequently, upon the application of said Bayfield County,,by its officers, an order and approval was made by the State Conservation Commission, ordering that the application of Bayfield County for the approval of said land as Forest Crop Lands be, and the same is hereby granted, and the said land shall, by said order, be designated and classified as Forest Crop Lands, under the provisions of Chapter 77 of the Wisconsin Sta- tutes, which said order and approval was made March 18, 1933, and wa,s recorded in the of- fice of said Register of Deeds, March 23, 1933, in Volume 121 of Miscellaneous records on page303. That at the time of the issuing of said tax deed, and for many months immedi- ately prior thereto, the said described land had been continuously occupied and in the possession of Comb Bourgeois, as tenant 'of the First National Bank of Bayfield, Wisconsin, and that no notice of taking said tax deed was made or served upon said tenant, as occu- pant of said land, or upon the First National Bank of Bayfield, Wisconsin, as owner there- of, but that the said tax deed was taken and issued solely upon an affidavit of non -occu- pancy during the period of six months immediately preceding the taking and issuing of said tax deed, and that by reason of the failure of Bayfield County, as owner of said tax cer- tificate, and as grantee under said tax deed, to serve any notice of intention to take tax deed upon said land, upon the sale of 1929, as aforesaid, the said tax deed is wholly void and ineffective, and the order of said State.Conservation Commission, ordering said land to be designated and classified as Forest Crop Lands, is likewise void. That the First National Bank of Bayfield, Wisconsin, is ready and willing to pay all delinquent taxes and unpaid charges against said land by reason of the delinquent tax for the year, 1928, sold to said Bayfield County, at the tax sale of the year 1929., together with any and all other unpaid and delinquent taxes or charges properly charge- able to the undersigned, and owing to said Bayfield County, upon the cancellation of said tax deed so issued to Bayfield County, as aforesaid, and upon the cancellation or revoca- tion of the order of said State Conservation Commission, designating and classifying said land as Forest Crop land. WHEREFORE, said, The First National Bank of Bayfield, Wisconsin, hereby requests and petitions the County Board of Bayfield County, that it make an order for the cancella- tion of said tax deed and that its officers duly obtain from the St,,te Conservation Com- mission, an order removing said land from the,Forest Crop Land, and that the County Clerk be authorized to execute a Quit -claim deed to the undersigned, The First National Bank of Bayfield, Wisconsin, upon payment by it, to. the County Treasurer of Bayfield County, of all amounts which may then be due to Bayfield County for delinquent taxes and unpaid charges, with interest, as aforesaid. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BAYFIELD, WIE By.J. P. 01MALLEY, Its President. Dated, June 3, 1933. ANNUAL MEETING -OF THE BAYFILLD _COUNTY BOARD � NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1933---------- - -- Moved by Lamont and seconded by Larson to defer action on the foregoing applica- tion pending further investigation. Motion carried. The following report was read: TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: Be it hereby resolved that the following table of valuations covering Real and Personal Property as compiled by Pearce Tomkins, Supervisor of. Assessments, -be and is hereby adopted as the equalized valuation of the taxing districts of Bayfield County for the year 1933. AGGREGATE RECOMMENDED DISTRICT FULL VALUE Barksdale, Town 1,893,250 Barnes, 10 565,745 .Bayfield,' " 3179855 Bayview, " 255,885 Bell, 177,495 Cable, !! 338,010 Clove-r, " 228,815 Delta, " 208,630 Drummond, " 750,700 Eileen, If 582 M5 Hughes, 130,435 Iron River, " 425,615 Kelly, " 446,040 Keystone, " 2572160 Lincoln, " 281)005 Mason, " 419,60o Nameka.gon, 387,895 Orienta, " 255,765 Oulu, " 441,040 Pilsen, 181,810 Port 'Xing, " 552,060 Pratt, " 375,320 Russell, " 1832010 Tripp, " 231,610 Washburn, " 2642345 Cable, Village 165,390 Mason, 109,910 Bayfield, City 608,575 Washburn, " 840 , 4-lo Total, 112875,465 Roy H. Okerstrom Oscar Rankinson J. C. Sibbald R. A. Hering H. B. Randall, Jr., FINANCE & EQUALIZATION COMM. Moved by Okerstrom and seconded by Hougas to adopt the.foregoing val:.uations of the taxing districts of Bayfield County for 1933. All members voted Aye except Bartlett. Motion carried. 171, ANN-UAL _MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD _COUNTY_ BOARD__-_ ---------- - NOVEMBER 14, 15,.16 and 1 , 1933 Sibbald, Daniels, G. H. Thompson and.Knight arrived at this time. Mrs. Gertrude Gates, representing the Industrial Commission on Unemployment Relief, explained to the County Board the system of Unemployment Relief in Bayfield County. The following report was read: TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: - BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the following budget be allowed for 1934 to support the office of the County Superintendent of Schools: Salary, County Superintendent It 1,600.00 Salary, Secretary Telephone Transportation Supplies, postage, etc. 972.00 50.00 500.00 178.00 3,300.00 F. H. Bartlett V. E. Brubaker W. B. O'Sullivan EDUCATION COMMITTEE Moved by Pease and seconded by Larsen to accept the .foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following report was read: TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY -BOARD -OF -SUPERVISORS: - W-e, the undersigned Committee on Agriculture, Zoning and Fair, believing in the part played by the Bayfield County Fair in the advancement of agriculture and improve- ment to the farm youth of the County, hereby request the Finance Committee to make a suf- ficient appropriation and guarantee the continuance of the Bayfield County Fair. carried. Hans J. Thompson Carl P. Larsen Steve Ka.cvinsky Lois G. Nemec Moved by Alcott and seconded by Ness -to table the foregoing report. Motion The following resolution was read: R E S 0 L U T I O N WHEREAS, the State is discontinuing for the winter, all supervision of State Forest Crop, county and private lands, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County has much valuable timber to be protected from trespass, BE IT'HEREBY RESOLVED, that this 14th day of November, 1933, by the Bayfield County Board in annual session, the sum of two hundred dollars be hereby appropriated for the purpose of employing a man to protect county owned lands against unlawful tres- pass and removal of county -owned timber. Said employment to continue through the winter months or until such a time as the state resumes protection of county -owned lands, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the State Conservation Department be requested to furnish a competent and experienced forest ranger to act as a trespass officer and'also take care of the details connected therewith. J. C. SIBBALD Moved by :Meyer., and seconded by S• E: Erickson to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion and place on file. Motion carried. I ANNUAL.MEETING­OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD The following petition was read: July .7 , 1933 TO THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, THE COUNTY CLERK AND -THE -COUNTY TREASURER: WHEREAS, the State of Wisconsin has an exhibit at A Century of Progress, the Chicago World's Fair, which provides an ideal opportunity for the free distribution of literature advertising the various regions of the state, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County is not at present represented by any advertising lite- rature in this exhibit and is therefore not receiving the notice and credit it deserves, as a result of which the Common,Council of the City of Washburn has authorized a commit- tee to circulate this 1:)etition so that the County Supervisors may be apprised of the situation and requested to correct it, and WHEREAS, ten thousand (10,000) reprints of the booklet "The Story of Bayfield County, Wisconsin: It's Agricultural and Recreational Advantages", which was printed three years ago, could be published at a relatively low cost in comparison with the ori- ginal cost of production, inasmuch as the expensive cuts are on hand and only slight re- vision of the reading matter is necessary, and WHEREAS, the original supply of ten thousand (10,000) booklets is largely ex- hausted and more will be needed for distribution by county officials in response to the inquiries from interested parties which are continually being received, -now THEREFORE, we th-e undersigned members of the Bayfield County Board of Super- visors, do authorize and request you to arrange for the printing, as soon as possible, of ten thousand (10,000) reprints of the booklet herein referred to, at'a cost of not more than seven hundred and seventy-eight dollars and eighty cents (1778.80), and to retain as many of these as you deem necessary for accomodating the average demand for them in the next two or three years, sending the balance' -to the Wisconsin exhibit at the Chicago World's Fair with a, request that they be distributed only to those showing; interest' in the northern part of the state or specifically in Bayfield County; and we agree to ap- prove your action and this expenditure at the November meeting of the county board. SIGNED: Hering, Anderson,Hans J. Thompson, Ira. Summerfield, W. B. O'Sullivan, Roy H. Okerstrom, D. S. Knight, R. J. Nelson, Brubaker, Olson, Kacvinsky, Evert Erick- son, Meyer, Squires, Ledin, Tedlund, Sibbald, Liebman, Larsen, Bartlett, Pease, Hougas, Weir, C. 0. Nelson, Peterson, Carl Erickson, Lamont, Alcott, Fossum, Ness and G. H. Tho son. Moved by Squires and seconded by Sibbald to receive the foregoing petition and place on file. Motion carried. Motion was made by Squires a.nd. seconded by Okerstrom to receive the application of Otto H: Schneider of Port Wing and Frank Junek, Sr., of the Town of Namekagon for blind pension and to place on file.. Pllotion carried. The following resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: YiTHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board is required to fix the salaries of all elective and appointive officials at this meeting, therefore ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVEMBEER 14, 15, 16 and 17 , 193 3 - -- -- - - BE IT RESOLVED that the salaries for the various officials of the county shall be as follows: Effective January 1, 1934: Per Month Highway Commissioner $200.00 County Nurse 125.00 Juvenile Judge 25.00 Undersheriff 100.00 Effective January 1, 1935: County Clerk 150.00 County Treasurer 150.00 Register of Deeds 150.00 Sheriff 135.00 Clerk of Circuit Court 110.00 District Attorney 150.00 Roy H. Okerstrom H. B. Randall, Jr, J. C. Sibbald R. A. Hering Oscar Rankinson FINANCE COMMITTEE Loved by Squires and seconded by Sibbald to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Fossum, pease, Alcott, 0..'Sullivan, Randall, Jr., Larsen, Carl Erickson, Meyer, Bartlett, 01son,,Wei.r, Squires, Evert Erickson, Tedlund, Liebman, Rankinson, Kac- vinsky, Sibbald, Lamont, Ness, Okerstrom, Knight, H@dland, R. J.' Nelson, Brubaker, Ander- son, Hering, Rude. Total, 28. NAYS; Summerfield. Total, 1. Motion carried. Moved and seconded to adjourn until 2 p. M.-November 17th, 1933. Motion car- ried. Meeting called to order at 2. P. M. November 17th, 1933 by Chairman Randall, Jr. Roll call showed all members except Johnson and H. J. Thompson present. Moved by C. E. Erickson and seconded by Evert Erickson that the committee on sale of tax deed property re -advertise the Skaug property. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: WHEREAS the Bayfield County Fair Association still owes the 'Mashburn Printing Company for printing the premium book of 1932 and for other printing and advertising that year, and WHEREAS the 'Mashburn Printing Company also printed the 1933 premium book and ad- vertising for the 1933 fair, with the express understanding with the fair officials that, because of the"non-payment of the 1932 bill, the cost of the 1933 printing should be paid immediately after publication from the advertising revenues of the 1933 premium book, or other fair proceeds, and WHEREAS the 1933 bill is still entirely unpaid, although part of the advertis- ing revenues, and other fair proceeds, have been collected, and the fair officials have 17 . iy N ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVEIvIBER 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1933 seen fit to pay other accounts, in violation of their agreement to give precedence to the 1933 account of the Washburn Printing Company, and WHEREAS the publication of the premium book is an essential and indispensable adjunct of the fair, and the Washburn Printing Company has acted in entire good faith in the transaction, advancing its own money for stock and labor and thus sacrificing its own best interests -in striving for the success of the fair, as well as giving the fair much valuable free publicity, along -with other newspapers of -the county, now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, in' annual session assembled this 16th day of November, 1933, do hereby request and direct the officials of the Bayfield County Fair Association to apply whatever advertising reve- noes they have on hand or which are yet to be collected on the 1933 account of the Wash- burn Printing Company until such account is settled in full. BEN R. RUDE Moved by -Hering and seconded by 0. P. Larsen to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N To the Honorable Members of the Bayfield County Board: WHEREAS, Bayfield County has fifteen children at the State Public School for which Bayfield County is -chargeable for the care, and 1TIEREAS,.Bayfield County may have these children aforementioned placed in pri= vate boarding homes in the County of Bayfield or in the State of Wisconsin, and WHEREAS, the County now pays $3.99 per week per child for the care of said children at the institution, and WHEREAS, the aforementioned children can be cared for -in private homes for a rate of not more than 810.00 per month per child, and WHEREAS, it is understood the State will provide clothing, medical care, supe�- vision and home finding services in these cases, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board in annual session this 17th day of November, 1933, that the County Clerk be directed to pay to licensed boarding homes caring for these children the amount for their care each month after the bill has, been checked and approved by the State School at Sparta and that the sum of $600.00 be appropriated for this account. OSCAR RANKINSON Moved by Daniels and seconded by G. H. Thompson to adopt the foregoing resolu1 Lion. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N To the Honorable Bayfield County Board: WHEREAS the Indian situation has been an extremely heavy burden on the Town o; Russell, and I WHEREAS it is advisable to locate them on agricultural lands throughout the Town, thereby giving them an opportunity to exchange their labor with the whites, thus enabling them to become more self-sustaining; and WHEREAS Alex Gokee, an Indian, wishes to purchase the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NEB SE � of Section Tl,,Tenty-six (26), Township Fifty-one (51) North, ---- ---- -- ----- ---- ------------ ANNUAL MEETING -OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVEMBER 14, 15�, 16 and 17, 1933 Range Four (4) West, and is able to pay twenty-five dollars ($25.00) in cash and wishes to purchase on the three-year payment plan-, therefore- BE IT RESOLVED that the County Clerk, County Treasurer and Chairman of the Town of Russell .be authorized and directed to enter into contract- on the aforesaid terms with Alex Gokee. H. LAMONT Moved by Lamont and seconded by Ledin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Mo- tion carried. Motion was made by Daniels and seconded by C. 0. Nelson that the County Fair _officials distribute the money allowed them by Bayfield County on the following basis: 1933 Premiums $884- 50 Overdraft 2.63 1932 bills 303.46 Insurance Premium 290.02 1480.61 Motion carried. The following report.was read: REPORT OF FINANCE AND BUDGET COMMITTEE November 14, 1933 -TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: Your Budget and Finance Committee begs to :submit its annual report and a, pro- posed budget for the ensuin€y, year. It is a pleasure to report that practically all departmental expenditures were within the limitations of the budget which the board approved at its last annual meeting. It is such co-operation which makes a budget system worthwhile and one prime reason why :Bayfield County is"in a. sound financie.7�position. Our appreciation is extended to both i -the elected officials and the other employees for their co-operation in rendering effici 'ent service during the past year. The County's cash position, at this time, is adequate to meet current ex-oendit- 'ures. Legislation enacted the past year reducing the penalties on tax collections and -extensions on payment of taxes may result in an increase in tax delinquencies, inevitably forcing the County to borrow money, go on a scrip or tax anticipation warrant system. The committee has diligently investigated the cost of operating the several de- partments, and considered the recommendations submitted by all committees. The committee is supporting its recommendations by resolutions. The budget is limited by statute to one per cent of the equalized valuation of all taxable property in the County, or $132,972•55• for the past three (3) years. For comparison we submit the budget 1932 1161,131.36 1933 141, 577.45 1934 132.972.55 The undersigned Committee on Finance, Miscellaneous.Claims and Budget, submits for your consideration the following budget in detail: STATE TAXES For Forestry purposes, Sec. 70.58 (2), 01,191.E-1. (Not included in the one per cent limit for county taxes), ANNUAL _MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENT: 1933 -1934 Budget Adopted County Board ' 2,600.00 22800.00 County Clerk 3,'200.00 31200.00 County Treasurer 32200.00 32100.00 Assessment 3,6o0.00 3,500.00 District Attorney 2,500.00 2,860.00 Divorce Counsel 50.00 50.00 Surveyor - 2.50 5®00 County Court 2050.00 2,850.00 Municipal Court 22500.00 2,500.00 Justice Courts 6.00 15s00 Juvenile Court 600.00 300.00', Circuit Court 3,6o0.o0 3,60o.00 Coroner 100.00 100.00 Courthouse 3-,900.00 3,700.00 Elections 600.00 2,700.00, Special Accounting and Auditing 500.00 550.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: Sheriff - Register of Deeds County's share of cost of fighting forest fires HEALTH, CONSERVATION & SANITATION: EDUCATION: Vital Statistics County Tuberculosis Sanatorium Public Health Nurse Forest Ranger Service County Superintendent Tuition paid training schools Supervising teacher County Agricultural Agent Common School Tax. CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS: Outdoor Poor Relief Relief of Blind Jail & Sheriff's Residence Insane in Outside institutions Industrial school for girls Industrial school for boys Colony & Training schools State Sanatoria School for dependent children School for dependent children (other State General Hospital Children o s. County Board Wisconsin Orthopedic Hospital Hospital care (other than state) Private Boarding Homes for Children INDEBTEDNESS: than state) (NOTE: * STATE SPECIAL CLIARGES) Interest on Bonds Principal of Bonds UNCLASSIFIED: County Fair County Tax Deed ,York Compensation Insurance Advertising Pamphlets Contingency HIGHWAYS & BRIDGES:, Highway Administration Maintenance - County T. H. S. OUTLAY County Nurse County Superintendent 1933 items omitted in 1934 7,300.00 31200.00 850. 00 250.00 15,000.00 2 , 230.00 3 , 500.00 200.00 4,500.00 22880.00 338750.00 1:. , 000'. 00 3,984.00 21200.00 10,177.54* 500.3 �* 311.78* 2 , 638. 92* 725e96* 4,181.39* 12000.00 1,634.99* 150.00 1 , 258. 60* 200.00 None 3.,150.00 9,000.00 1,200..00 1.;10000 1,00. 00 None 102000.00 6,300.00 4195Z2.92 205 , 29 . 13 1' 11 2. �� 2 6,850.00 3;200.00 1000. 00 250.00 14,000.00 2,200.00' 200.00 3,300.00 3 00.00 2=, 000.00 21880.00 3 2 , 750. 00 2,000.00 3,408.0o 2 , 3 00.00 lo,147.39*' 455, 71* �+09.65* 2,16.99*� 1,o47.32* 3,103.08* i,200.00 894.81* None 509, 53* 100.00 600-..00 22700.00 92000.00 1,480.61 12200.00 175- 050 770.00 82000.00 62000.00 None 335.00 70.00 159 MFI--t9 159 , 791. 89 i 'ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVEMBER 142 15, 16 and 17, 1933 ESTIMATED REVENUES 1934 19 Estimate TAXES.: Inheritance -tax for county 25.00 A 25.00 Public Utilities Tax from State 2,000.00 1,"Yn0.00 Tax fees and penalties 11,000.00 5,000.00 Income Tax Revenue 2,000.00 1,500.00- FEES AND CHARGES: County Clerk 200.00 150.00 County Treasurer (10% penal fines) 100.00 None Register of Deeds 1,500.00 12500®,00 00.00 250.00-Circuit Municipal courts 400.00 Court 400.00 County Court 115.00 100.00 Penal fines for county, 10% None 100.00 GIFTS AND GRANTS: - Revenue from State for Highway Bond -Redemption 2_1,607.00 4,200.00 State Aid for Supervising Teachers • 4, 500.00 2-2000.00 State Aid for Mothers, Pension 175.00 700.00 State aid for Blind 450.-00 400.00 State aid for Forest Crop Lands None 1,140.00 All other General Revenue 100.00 300.00 Revenue from State — County T. H. S. 4-1,512. 2 None State Aid for Sanatorium 7,210®44 6,956.21 Rent of Tax deed property 700.00 300.O Total, 742895.36 261821.271 Signed: Roy H. Okerstrom H. B. Randall, Jr. R. A. Hering Oscar Ra.nkinson J. C. Sibbald Committee on Finance, Miscellaneous Claims and Budget. 4 Mov;ed by Sibbald and seconded by Meyer to adopt the foregoing report together - with budget contained therein. Roll call was ds-follows: AYES: Fossum, Pease, Alcott, O'Sullivan, Randall, Jr:,•Larsen, Carl Erickson, Meyer, Bartlett, Olson, weir, Daniels, Squires, Evert Erickson, Tedlund, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Rankinson, Kacvinsky, Peterson, Sibbald, Lamont, Hougas, Ness, G. H: Thompson, Ledin, Okerstrom, Knight, Hadland, R. J. Nelson, Brubaker, Anderson, Summerfield, Hering, Rude. Total, 35. NAYS: None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: R E S 0 L U T I 0 N BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Ba.yfield County, Wisconsin,.at its annual session assembled this 17th day of November, 1933, that there be and there is hereby appropriated and levied against all the taxable property of Bay — field County, Wisconsin, the following items, to wit: For State Taxes 1,191.41 For Common School Tax, Under Section 59.075 32,750.00 For all other items of budget as adopted this day, the sum of 100,220.68 Total,' 1342162.09_ Signed: Roy H. Okerstrom Moved by Daniels and seconded by Hougas to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Fossum, Pease, Alcott, O'Sullivan, Randall, Jr. Larsen, Carl Erickson, Meyer, Bartlett, Olson, 'Neir, Daniels, Squires, Evert Erickson, Tedlund, Liebman, C. 0. LAM ANNUAL ME, STING OF _THE BAYFIELD COUNTY_ BOARD -------- ---------------- -------- ----___-__-.-------------- , NOVEMBr'R 142 15, 16 and 17, 1933 Nelson, Rankinson, Kacvinsky- Peterson, Sibbal-d, Lamont, Hougas, Ness, G. H. Thompson, Ledin, Okerstrom,Knight, Hadland, R.J. Nelson, Brubaker, Anderson, Summerfield, Hering and. Rude. Total, 35. NAYS: None. Thotion carried. The .following resolution was read; RESOLUTION OBJECTING TO AND PROTESTING AGAINST THE ADOPTION OF A SO CALLED GREAT LAKES FISHING CODE. WHEREAS, it -appears that an attempt is being made to secure the agreement and ,cooperation of the fishermen and others interested in the fishing industry in those parts of Lake Superior situated in Wisconsin, and it appearing that certain persons occupying public positions in certain Bureaus, and certain departments of the United States, includ- ing the Bureau of Fisheries, so actively supporting propaganda favoring regulations of the fishing industry which will be subversive of and injurious to the fishing industry, -especially.to Chequamegon Bay and that part of the waters of Lake Superior bordering upon -Bayfield and Douglas counties because of the restrictions as to the manner of taking the fish, size of mesh of nets, and other details, would result in practically suspending or wiping out the.fishing industry to the irreparable damage and injury of the fishermen engaged in the industrial fishing on Lake Superior in Mayfield County; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Bay_field County assembled at the annual meeting thereof this 17th day of November, 1933, that said County Board does hereby ob- ject to and unreservedly condemn the said proposed code:`'and the provisions and details thereof with reference to the marketing of fish, size and kind of nets, manner of opera- ting.,.closed seasons, size of mesh, and other regulations contained in said proposed code, and we do hereby earnestly request the Commissioner of Fisheries and other persons inter- ested in the subject to oppose the adoption of said proposed code regulating said fishing industry and R,ll the details thereof, especially insofar as the same shall be made appli- cable or Ehall apply to Ba.yfield County and the other counties in Wisconsin bordering upon the waters of Lake Superior. Signed: IRVING HADLAND Moved by Daniels and seconded by G. H. Thompson to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. The :following application was read; To the Honorable Bayfield County Board: r Gentlemen: I am interested in purchasing Lots 3, 4+ 5, 62 7, &, 9, 10, ll,.12 and 13, Block 3, Vaughn's Division of Church's Subdivision, City of Washburn. If I cannot purchase the above lots on a three-year contract, I would like to have them transferred to my present contract. Please let me know as soon as possible what the sales price is and what my yearl payments would be. Yours very truly, WALLACE F ORT IER November 17th, 1933 Moved_by Squires and seconded by Ledin to refer the foregoing application to'the committee on sale of tax deed property. Motion carried. 179 __ANNUAL. MEETING_OF _THE_BAYFTELD__COiI TTY BOARD__ NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1933 The Chairman declared a, ten-minute recess. All members except Johnson and H. J. Thompson answered roll call after recess. The following resolution was read: STATE & COUNTY .AID CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 1934 SECTION 1. The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, regularly assembled, does hereby ordain that such funds as may be made available to the county for highway work in the year 1934 under the provisions of Section 20.49 and Chap- ters 83 and 84 of the Statutes and the additional sums herein appropriated shall be ex- pended as hereinafter set forth: SECTION II. WHEREAS: The State Highway Commission has notified the County Clerk that a sum of money estimated to be Thirty-three Thousand -Nine Hundred Twenty-eight and 82/100 Dollars ($33,928.82) will become available at.the end of the fiscal year end- ing June 30, 1934, under the provisions of subsection (4) of section 20.49 and sub -section (2) of Section 84.03 of the statutes, for the improvement of the county trunk highway system in the county but that its exact amount will not be known until after June 30, 1934; BE IT RESOLVED: that the County Highway Committee is authorized and directed to expend the said sum for the improvement of the said County Trunk Highway System during 193?- in the following manner, to wit: For the Construction and Maintenance of the County Trunk Highway System. SECTION III. WHEREAS: The State Highway Commission has estimated that the sum of.Eighty-eight Thousand Six Hundred Sixty-seven and 31/100 Dollars ($88,667.31) will become available under sub -section (4) of Section 20.49 and subsection (3) and (4) of Section,84.03, as state aid for the improvement of the State Trunk Highway System in the County in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 83 of the Statutes: BE IT RESOLVED: That the said sum shall be expended in the following.improve- ments, to wit: 1. The sum of Four Thousand Two Hundred and No/100 Dollars (.$4200.00) for Highway Bond Retirement. 2. A sum sufficient to complete the ?payment of the cost of State Aid Project No. 5471, Port Wing -Cornucopia Road. 3. Any remaining balance to be expended for the improvement by grading, drain- ing, and graveling of State Trunk Highway No. 13, as State Aid Construction, beginning at a. point-262.5 feet west of the northwest corner of NE, NIN of Section 35-50-6, knovn as the easterly end of State Aid Project No. 8471 at station 891+00, and extending thence easterly as far as the said sum will construct. AND WHEREAS, THERE IS IN the unalloted -reserve of such funds to the credit of this county approximately Nineteen Thousand -Six Hundred Ten and 99/100 Dollars ($19,610.99) BE IT RESOLVED, that the sum of Nineteen Thousand Six Hundred Ten and 99/100 Dollars (1916I0.99) be placed in reserve to be used, to such extent as may be necessary, for financing costs on National Recovery Highway projects, and National Recovery Wort{ Re- lief projects in.Bayfield County, which cannot be recovered from the United States Govern- ment; and any remainder not required for that purpose to be allocated to the improvement .of State Trunk Highway No. 13, in addition to the provision of Article 3, of Section III of this resolution. ANNUAL_ME_ETING OF THE BAYF_IELD__COUNTY _BOARD - ------------------------------------- NOVEMBE'R lZl_l5 , 16 and 17, 1933 SECTION V. WHEREAS: it appears that certain additional highway improvements in the county are necessary and warranted, the said County Board does hereby appropriate the following sums for the purpose hereinafter set forth: (1) For administration including salaries, per diem, office and travel expense of the County Highway Committee, the County Highway Commissioner, his clerks and assis- tants not paid from construction or maintenance funds the sum of Six Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($6,000.00). SECTION VI. `J,UEREAS: Appropriations are made herein, in addition to the amounts available for work in the county under Section 20.E-9 of the statutea-, the County Board does hereby levy a tax on all of the property in the County to meet such appropriations as follows: (1) For the various purposes set forth in Section V hereof, the sum of Six Thousand and N0/100 Dollars ($6,000.00) SECTION VIII. WHEREAS: The various highway activities, for which provision is made.in this resolution are continuous from year to year, and the exact cost of any work cannot be known at the time of making the appropriation therefor, this Board does hereby direct that any balance remaining in any appropriation for a specific highway im- provement after the same shall have been completed, may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement of the same class for which provision is herein made, and any balances remaining at the end of the year in any highway fund shall remain and be available for the same purpose in the ensu- ing year, and any deficit in any highway fund at the end of the year shall be paid from the next appropriation made for the same purpose- and WHEREAS: The exact amount of the funds that will become available for highway purposes in the County under Section 20.49 of the Statutes will not 'be known until after June 30, 193)T, at which time correct figures will be submitted by the State Highway Com- mission, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and -directed to make payments on ac- count of the improvements to be made with such funds, as hereinbefore authorized from any. funds in the county treasury that are not required for the purposes for which appro- priated prior to August 1, 1934-; and to reimburse such funds in the County Treasury from the sums received under Section 20-s-49 of the Statutes. The County Clerk is hereby di- rected to levy the taxes named in Section VI hereof in the county tax levy, and to levy special benefit assessments made in Section VII hereof as special chb.rges against the re- spective municipalities therein named as provided by law, and the County Highway Commit- tee and the County Highway Commissioner are hereby directed to carry out the highway construction and maintenance for which provision is herein made, in the manner provided by law, and to employ such patrolmen, 11aborers, and foremen, as they may deem necessary for such purpose. Dated November,14th, 1933. Signed: HARRY C. ANDERSON S: E. SQUIRES R. J. NELSON Moved by Sibbald and seconded by R.,J. Nelson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Fossum, .Pease, Alcott, O'Sullivan, Randall_, Jr., Larsen, Carl Erickson, Meyer, Bartlett, Olson, Weir, Daniels, Squires, Evert Erickson, Tedlund, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson,.Rankinson, Ka.cvinsky, Peterson, Sibbald, Lamont, Hougas, Ness, G. H. Thompson, Ledin, Okerstrom, Knight, Hadland, R. J. Nelson, Brubaker, Anderson, Summerfield, Hering ts� I _ANNUAL _iME_ETING_OF THE HAYFIELD COUNTY_EOARD___________ NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and,17, 1933 and Rude. Total, 35. NAPES: None. Motion carried. Moved_by Meyer and seconded by Ledin to accept the report of the County Highway Committee and place on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: Bayfield County.Board of Supervisors, Gentlemen: November 17, 1933 There are quite a number who have not paid their dog taxes for number of years and us poor -farmers must pay. If the treasurers of the County unable to -collect why not Sheriff or some other official. If not paid take the dogs and do away with -them. We hope you_will take speedy action and collect or rid of.the canine. Yours for action, SETTLERS & FARMERS, BAYFIELD Moved by Squires and seconded by Meyer to refer the foregoing 'communication to the District Attorney. Motion carried. The f ollowinQ� resolution was read: R-E S 0 L U T I 0 N-- WHEREAS, the County Court, District Attorney and First Municipal Court are with- out clerical or stenographical assistants, due -to abolishing the ofkice of Court Reporter, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board in regular session, this 17th-day of November, 1933.that the Judge of the County Court and the District Attorney be and they are hereby authorized to employ such clerical help necessary on a part pay basis in com- pliance *ith the appropriation provided,in the 1934 budget to be effective on passage. ROY H. OKERSTROM Moved by Okerstrom and seconded by Sibbald to adopt the foregoing .resolution: Motion carried. Moved by Hering and duly seconded to have the County Board Chairman and the County Clerk attend the 0. W. A. Meeting at Madison, Wisconsin on November 21st and that their expenses be paid by Bayfield County. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: R E S_0 L U T I O N RESOLVED by the County Board of.Bayfield .County assembled at the annual meetirg thereof this 17,th da.y of,November, 1933, that the County go 'on the County system of unem- ployment relief for the purpose of better .co-operation .with the state and County, authori- ties in charge of such relief, without in_any way affecting the present town system of poor relief. which is understood to be a distinct and separate function from the unemploy- ment relief as now administered. N. E. LEDIN Moved by Lamont and seconded by Summerfield to adopt the foregoing. resolution. Roll call was as.follows: AYES: Fossum, Alcott, O'Sullivan, Larsen, Meyer, Bartlett, Olson, Weir, Daniels, Squires, Evert'Erickson, Tedlund, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Rankinson, Lamont, Hougas, Ness, G. H. Thompson, Ledin, and Summerfield.• Total, 21. f4 ANNUAL MEETING OT THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOVEMBER 14 15, 16 and 17, 1933 - NAYS: Pease, Randall, Jr., Carl Erickson, Kacvinsky, Peterson, Sibbald, Oker- Strom, Knight, Hadland, R. J. Nelson, Brubaker, Anderson,. Hering and Rude. Total, 14. Motion carried. The following resolution was read; R-E S O L U T I O N BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Board of Ba.ylield County,assembled in an- nual session this 17th day of November, 1933, that the per diem, mileage and committee work.be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below, and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such money and the Chairman and the* County Clerk are instructed to issue an order for the total amount_of such items listed below. NAME PER DIEM MILEAGE COMMITTEE IVORK MILEAGE TOTAL A. H. Fossum $16.00 $ .6o 4.o0 .6o 621.20 L. D. Pea.se 16.00 6.72 8.00 13.44 144.16 I. L. Alcott 16.00 1.46 8.00 2.92 28.38 % B. O'Sullivan 16.o0 .12 4.00 .12 20.24 H. B. Randall, Jr. 16.00 2.76 72.00 I8.56 109.32 C. P. Larsen 16.00 6.48 12.00 6.48 4o.96 .Carl Erickson 16.0o 3.66 8.00 7.32 34.98 'Nm. J. Meyer 16.00 3.60 4.00 3.6o 27.20 F. H. Bartlett 16.0o 4.80 20.80 Jarl Olson 16.o0 1.56 .00 3.12 28.68 Wallace Weir 16.0o 4.68 20.'68 E. F. Daniels 16.00 4.28 20.00 18.00 58.28 S. E. Squires 16.0o 2.64 4. o0 2.64 25.28' Evert' Erickson 16.00 1. 3P 00 1.32 22.64 Peter Johnson 12.00 4-.32 16.32 Conrad L.*Tedlund 16.00 3.00 4.0o 3.00 26.00 E. Liebman 16.00 6.6o 12.00 13.20 47 . 80 C. 0. Nelson 16.00 6.70 22.70 Oscar Ra.nkinson 16.00 5. 28, 4o. 00 15. 84 77.12 Steve Kacvinsky 16.0o 1.62 8.00 1.62 27.24 A1dor Peterson 16.00 6.4.2 22.11.2 J. C. Sibbald 16.00 3.60 32.00- 3. 6o 55,.20 Hector Lamont 16.0o 1.80 8.00 3.6o 29.4-0 H. J. Hougas 16.00. 4.62= 20.62 Nels Ness 16.o0 .36 12.00 .72 29.08 G. H. Thompson 16.0o 6. oo 4. oo 26.00 N. E. Ledin.' 16.00 2.88 16. o0 12. 84 47.72 Roy Okerstrom -16.00 1.44 36.0o 2.00 5,6.32 Douglas Knight 16.0o 1.44 8.00 2.88, 28.32 Irving Hadland 16.00 1.44 4. 00 2.64 24.08 R. J. Nelson 16.00 1.44 17.44 V. E. Brubaker 16.00 .12 20.00 .6o 36.72. Carl Anderson 16.Oo .12 12.00 .36 28.48 Ira Summerfield 16.00 .12 16.0o .48 32.6o Hans J. Thompson 12.00 .12 12.12- ANNUAL MEETING -OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- --- --- - - ------------ ----- ---- -- NOVEMBER 14, 15, 16 and 17, 1933 NAME PER DIEM MILEAGE. COMMITTEE WORK MILEAGE TOTAL R. A. Hering 116.00 .12 $32.00 i ,84 $48.96 Ben Rude 16.00 .12 4.00 .12 20.24 By. F. H. BARTLETT Moved by Lamont and seconded by Larsen to ado-ot the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Fossum, Pease, Alcott, O'Sullivan, Randall, Jr., Larsen, Carl Erickson, Meyer, Bartlett, Olson, 1,111eir, Daniels, Squires, Evert Erickson, Tedlund, C. 0. Nelson, Rankinson, Kacvinsky, Peterson, Sibbald, Lamont; Hougas, Ness, G. H. Thompson, Ledin, Okerstrom, Knight, Hadla.nd, R. J. Nelson, Brubaker, Anderson, Summerfield, Hering and Rude. Total, .3�. NAYS: None. Motion carried. Moved by Larsen and seconded by Hering to adjourn. Motion carried. YFI HAIRMAN BAY LLD COUNTY BOARD, 0