HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 5/5/1936ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - -- ---- --- MAY 5, 1936 The meeting was called to order at 10 A. M. by Chairman Randall. The following members answered roll call: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Potter, Monson, ' Soronen, Meyer, Arnold, Starkweather, Mineau, Squires, Oratch, Johnson, Schultz, C.O. Nelson, Maryland, Johanik, Gidlof, Perrin, Hougas, Ness, Williams, Hogstrom, Okerstrom, Knight, Hadland, R.J. Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Rude and Randall. Total 33. Moved by Nohl and duly seconded to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last annual session and that they be approved of as published. Motion carried. The following communication was read: Grandview, Wis. May 5, 1936 TO THE COUNTY CLERK OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: I hereby certify that Al. T. ' Anderson, supervisor of the Town of Pratt, has been designated by the Town Board of the Town of Pratt to act as a member of -the County Board at the regular County Board meeting to be held May 5, 19.36. TOM SIBBALD Town Clerk MOved.by Squires and seconded by Arnold to receive the foregoing communication and place on file, and that Alfred T. Anderson be seated as a representative for the Town of Pratt. Motion carried. The Board proceeded with the election of Chairman. The chair appointed Hougas and Meyer as tellers. The result of the first ballot was As follows: Randall 31 Okerstrom 1 Blank 1 Total 33 Mr. Okerstrom, Vice-chairman declared Randall duly elected as Chairman for the lensuing year. Unseth and Kerr arrived at this time® The result of the first ballot for Vice-chairman was as follows: Okerstrom 22 Rude 5 Meyer 3 Arnold 1 Perrin 1 Gustafson 1 Squires 1 Total 34 The chair declared Okerstrom duly elected as Vice-chairman for the ensuing year. Moved by Nohl and seconded by Meyer to set $.45 per folio as the rate for print- ing official proceedings of the County Board for the ensuing year. Motion carried. ANNUAL SPRING T�METING �Gr THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 5. 1936 Moved by Nohl and seconded by Nelson to refer petition of Neil.Diamon fo;; re- purchase of land to the Agriculture Committee. Motion carried. - The following resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, H. J. �'�fachsmuth has made application to exchange the East One-half of the Southeast Quarter (El SE4) of Section Thirteen (13), In Tormship fifty (50), North of Range five (5), �d'est, now owned by Bayfield County, and - TIJHEREAS, by resolution adopted by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at its regular meeting held on November 13, 1935, and recorded in Volume VII. on page Z&:=, the County.Clerk was authorized to exchange said lands and make conveyance to one, Charles, Rounshausen, which grantee was erroneously designated; ry THEREp BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session this 5th day of May, 1936, that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed, upon presentation to him of satisfactory proof of clear title to the East One- half of the Southeast Quarter (E1 SEA) of Section Thirteen (13), in Township Fifty (50), North of Range Five (5), Z'lest, in the name of H.' J. Wachsmuth, to exchange the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest (NI-1 and the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section Eighteen (18) , Township Fif ty (50) , North of Range Four (4) , "Test, for the East One-half of the Southeast Quarter (El SEI) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Fifty (50), orth of Range Five (.5), 1'Iest, and to convey to the said H. J. [fachsmuth by appropriate .istrument of conveyance the said Northwrest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (_,MT! S1,1 ) and he Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (&V-L S6f-LL) of Section Eighteen (18), Towrn- hip Fifty (,50) , North of Range Four (4) , lest. Submitted by: I. L. ALCOTT Moved by z,lcott and seconded by Squires to adopt the foregoing resolution. Mot - on carried. The following resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N 0 THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN AWHEREAS Section 59.08 (19) of the Wisconsin Statutes enacted.b:y the 1933 session f the legislature authorizes the County Board to delegate its power to a Committee to sell ounty lands',acq_uired by tax deed, therefore BE IT RESOLVED that said power be and is hereby delegated to a Committee con- isting of the County Clerk, County Treasurer and the Chairman of the town or Supervisor the City, ward or village wherein the particular lands are situated. H. B. RANDALL, JR. Moved by Okerstrom and seconded by Maryland to adopt the foregoing resolution. ion carried. The following report was read: o the Honorable County Board of Supervisors: Your zoning committee having held a hearing on the proposed amendment of the 3ayfield county zoning ordinance for the town of Barnes as directed in. a resolution passed )y -the county board on March 10, 1936, a copy of the minutes of said hearing being on file Ln the office of the county clerk, and having reviewed the approval of the town board to the ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD C OUIdTY BOARD ----- � ---- — MAY 5 , 1936 s. proposed;, amendment, so far as the same affects the land in said town, which said approval was given pursuant to a resolution.adopted by the town board of the town of Barnes at a meeting held on the 18th day of December 1935, a certified copy of which- said resolution was filed in the office of the county clerk of Bayfield County on. the 21st day of Dec- ember 19 35 . 17HEREFORE, your committee recommends for adoption the following resolution: WHEREAS, the town board of the town of Barnes has submitted approval of a proposed amendment to the Bayfield County zoning ordinance in so far as the same affects the lands in said town, in accordance with and as provided by section 59.97 of the Wjis- ,consin statutes; and whereas, After a complete understanding of the zoning ordinance, the applicants who hold, title to the property involved, requested the zoning committee to withdraw their C. application for an amendment to the zoning ordinance as it now affects the town of Barnes. Therefore, it is the recommendation of the zoning committee that the zoning ordinance as it now affects the town of Barnes be not amended. carried. Signed: Tf�M. MEYER Chr. Zoning Comm. Moved by Squires and seconded by Pease to adopt the foregoing report. Motion The following resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N Whereas, Edw. Gran has made applic:atibn to exchange the Southwe-st quarter of the Southeast' quarter (SW-L SEa) of Section ten (10) in Township forty-nine (49) north of Range eight (8) IjI,(est for the Southeast quarter (SE-) of the Southwest quarter (5v-) of Section eight (8) in Township forty-nine (49) North of Range eight (8) i,est which last named description is now owned by Bayfield County; Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to exchange the above last described land now owned by Bayfield County for the South- west quarter of the Southeast quarter (SV SE41) of Section ten (10) in Township forty- nine (49) north of Range eight (8) West now owned by Edw. Gran upon proof that the said Edw. Gran is the owner in fee of said.last described lands. Submitted by ANDRECT GIDLOF Moved by Meyer and seconded by Gustafson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read: REPORT OF COUNTY HIGIFi!AY COI MZTTEE The undersigned Highway Committee, to whom the attached petition and res- olution has been referred, begs to report as follows: The granting of the attached petition would appear to be impossible under the present existing conditions. An appeal under Section 81.14 of the Statutes, if granted, wrould apparently require an appropriation by the County Board to build the bridge, which if made, would undoubtedly exceed the one per cent county tax limitation. Further, the qualified voters in the Town of Orienta in Special Meeting called for that purpose have refused to. vote funds to construct this bridge, and there might, therefore, be- some reasonable question as to the ability or the willingness of the Town ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD IMAY 5. 1936 1 of Orienta to reimburse Bayfield County for the cost of this bridge as = ovided by the said section of the Statutes referred to above. Your committee therefore begs to recommend that the petition 12:e denied. Dated May 5th, 1936. Signed: S. E. SQUIRES R. T. NELSON ED. MARYLAND County Highway Committee (Note: The above report refers to resolution submitted to the County Board on November 13, 1935, and covers a•proposed bridge in Section 26; Township 49 North of Range 9 West.) Moved by C. 0. Nelson and seconded by Knight to accept the foregoing report. Motion carried. Mr. Lytel of Cable made a verbal offer of $750.00 for the Cable Chemical Plant, expressing that it would not all be in cash. The following communication was read: Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Box 3 Cable, Wisconsin May2, 19 36 Regarding my application to purchase the property formerly owned by the Cable Chemical Works, situated in the Town of Cable and the Village of Cable and now owned by Bayfield County. When talking with Idly. Tranmal some months ago he was of the opinion that the property would be put up again for bids sometime before the first of April this year. He also stated that I would be notified when the matter was so arranged. As I have not received any notice I am not familiar with what has been done about the matter.. I.did hear indirectly that the County intended to wreck the buildings and develop a gravel pit on the property. It would be very disappointing to a large portion of the people here if this were done, for the trackage is badly needed for a. loading track. If it so happens that the matter stands as -stated I would earnestly petition the Board to consider my application to lease the property if they do not want to sell it. I would like to lease the property for a term of five years with the option of buying it should it be put up for sale. To allow the property to be used for industrial purposes. Nvould develop an income from the same for the County as well as the community in which it is located. Very truly yours, S. C . RICHARDSON Moved by Squires and seconded by Pease to refer the foregoing communication to the committee on sale of tax deed property. Motion carried. The following communication was read: Mashburn, Wisconsin Mar. 24, -1936 Bayfield Co. Board 1 Mashburn, Wisconsin _ ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYF'IELD COUNTY MAY 5, 1936 Gentlemen: I am writing you in regards. of my home which I bought on the five year plan. Have not been able to pay one hundred and twenty dollars of it on account of no work. I wish you would please renew my contract for 2. more years and will pay it at $5.00 per month being that work has picked up. Wish you would please consider this matter very close because I do not want to lose my house for one hundred and twenty dollars. Besides I do not know where I would find a house at this time as -you know how hard it is to find a house in the city now. very much. So if .there is any possible chance to renew my contract I will appreciate it Thank you. Mra. Ole Score Washburn, Wis. Pioved by Squires and seconded by Kerr to refer the foregoing communication to the committee on sale of tax deed property with instructions to report back to the County Board. Idotion carried. The following communication was read: Washburn, Wisconsin May 5, 1936 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: Re: Lots 1 & 2, Block 21, Townsite of Washburn. I hereby offer to pay the outstanding taxes plus interest and penalties amounting to $706.61 for the above said property, on which the County recently acquired a tax deed. As a further consideration I would agree to allow the City of Washburn to assess the property as of May 1, 1936. Yours eery truly, ELMER BERGQUIST Moved by Okerstrom and seconded 'by Pease to refer the `foregoing offer to the committee on sale of tax deed property With instructions to report back to the County Board. Motion carried. Moved by Nohl and seconded by Squires to appropriate $118.26 for the purchase of a Remington Noiseless Typewriter with fourteen inch carriage for the office of Dist— rict Attorney. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Potter, Monson, Soronen, Meyer, Unseth, Arnold, Starkweather, Mineau, Squires, Oratch, Johnson, Kerr, Schultz, C.O. Nelson, Maryland, Tohanik, Gidlof, Angerson, Perrin, Hougas, Ness, Mlliams, Hogstrom, Okerstrom, Knight, Hadland, R.T.Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Rude and Randall. Total 36 NAYS: None Motion carried. The following petition was read: To Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk BayEield County Board Gentlemen: I herewith petition your honorable body for a trade or exchange of eighty acres; of land as follows: ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD KAY 5, 1936 I wish to exchange and will deed to the County for the benefit of the Town of Washburn, the North One-half of the Southeast Quarter (N SE-1) of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Forty-nine (49), North of Range Five (5), Nest, for the North One-half of the Southwest Quarter (N2 S-1 ) of Section eight (8), Township Forty-eight (48), North of Range Five (5), [Nest, containing an equal acreage or eighty (80) acres. I agree if the above -exchange is made to pay Forty (,��40) Dollars to the County, which amount equals the difference in the appraised price of the two pieces of land. carried. Awaiting your action, I remain Respectfully yours, HUBERT H. PEAVEY Moved by Ness and seconded by Nohl to approve of the foregoing petition. Motion The following communication was read: May 4, 1936 Ashland, Wisconsin Harry B. Randall, Chrman., Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Iv1r. Randall We would like to request that -the County Board of Bayfield County furnish us with two typewriters for this office. We are lacking equipment to properly take care of the work connected-u:_th.the 1?11PA. projects in Bayfield County. So far in our work, Ashland County has furnished us with equipment -but we are unable to use this equipment full time as it has to be borrowed for short periods from other offices. 0{ir greatest need is for one typewriter with at least a 14 inch carriage, though any machine with a longer carriage would be acceptable. It is understood that such machines, if furnished, would remain the property of Bayfield County, and would be re- turned promptly when there was no longer any need for them in this office. OEP/RI1A Trusting that favorable action will be taken on this request, I remain Very truly yours, OSCAR E. PALM - Project Engineer Bayfield County Moved by Potter and seconded by Okerstrom to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. IJlotion carried. The following resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, The Wisconsin County Boards Association is an organization which has for its purpose the promotion of good county government, devoting its efforts primarily to reducing the cost of county government as well as advocating helpful, and opposing harmful legislation; it is non -partisan and none -political; it is the only means whereby County Board may express themselves collectively on timely matters of common interest and general importance to the county, and WHEREA&, There is every reason to believe that material benefit would be gained i by membership in the Association. ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD NOIJ, THEREFORE, _B6 it Resolved l y the County Board of Supervisors that this County enroll as a member of said Wisconsin County Boards Association, and Let It Be Further Resolved that the sum of $75.00 dollars -,Sae appropriated from -1 the general fund, annually.for membership in the Wisconsin County Boards Association. H. B. RANDALL, JR. Moved by Nohl and seconded by Unseth to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Potter, Monson, Soronen', Meyer, Unseth, Arnold, Starkweather; Mineau, Squires, Oratch, Johnson, Kerr, Schultz, G.O.Nelson, Maryland, Johanik, Gidlof, Anderson, Perrin, Hougas, Ness, Williams, Hogstrom, Okerstrom, Knight, Hadland, R.J.Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Rude, Randall. Total 36. NAYS: None Motion carried. Moved by Arnold and seconded by Pease to adjourn until 2 P. M. Motion carried. The meeting was called to order -at =2 P.M. by Chairman Randall. The following members answered roll call: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Potter; Monson, Soronen,.Meyer, Unseth, Arnold, Starkweather, Mineau, Squires, Oratch, Johnson, Kerr, Schul C.O.Nelson, Maryland, Johanik, Gidlof, Anderson, Perrin, Hougas, Ness, Williams, Hogstrom, Okerstrom, Knight, Hadland, R.J.Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers,'Ambly, Olson, Swanson, Rude, and Randall. Total 37. ° The following petition was Read: Mashburn, Wis. May 4th , 193:6 . R E S O L U T I O N 1,1THEREAS, the Bayfield County Pension Department has adopted the policy of granting old age assistance in amounts so low as not to provide_, decent standard of living for the persons eligible to receive -old age benefits which has resulted in hard- ships and want to many aged "persons; and WHEREAS, the amount to be paid by the local committee is only twenty per cent of the total amount of old age assistance, and the increased cost to the comminities resulting from payment of reasonable old age pensions is comparatively small; therefore be it, RESOLVED THAT THE COMMON COUNCIL of the City of Washburn hereby goes on record as petitioning to County Board of Supervisors to authorize the Bayfield County Pension Department to grant the maximum amounts of old age assistance to all eligible persons less other income and taking into consideration the need of each eligible person. HANS JaIBLY Adopted by the Common Council of the City of. Mashburn, by a unanimous vote May 4th, 1936. A. I: LIEN City Clerk Moved by Squires and seconded by Hougas to receive the foregoing petition and place. on file. Motion carried. - The following resolution was read: May 5, 1936 Whereas the Hayfield. County Board in session March 10, 1936, authorized the ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 5. 1936 hiring of three pension investigators for a period of 90 days and whereas the duties of. said investigators are of a permanent nature necessary to the successful : administration of the Social Security Laws in this County, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that one investigator for Aid to Dependent Children be retained to Jan. 1, 1937 and one investigator for Old Age Assistance be retained until September 1, 1936 and whereas -an addition appropriation is necessary for administration purposes, therefore be it resolved that the County Board of Bayfield County in session this fifth day of May 1936 hereby appropriate an additional �'1,000.00 from the general fund for administration of Social Security Laws in Bayfield County. Respectfully submitted, H. B. RANDALL, JR. BEN R . RUDE A. J. UNSETH Committee Moved by Squires and seconded by Meyer to receive the foregoing resolution and place on file. Motion lost. An oral report was given b)y J. D. Pettingill, Pension Director. Moored by I9ineau and seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing resolution regarding investigators for the Pension Department and i i g $1,000.00 additional for admin- istration of same, Roll call was as follows: AYES: Pease, Alcott, Monson, Soronen, Unseth, Arnold, Starkweather, Idineau, Oratch, Johnson, Maryland, Johanik, Perrin, ��Iilliams, Hogstrom, Okerstrom, Knight, Hadland, Gustafson, Rivers, li-mbly, O1son,S-TTanson, Rude, Randall. Total 25. NAYS: Noh�, Potter, Meyer, Squires, Kerr, Schultz, C.O.Nelson, Gidlof, Anderson, Hougas, Ness, R.J.Nelson. Total 12. Motion carried. Moved by )err and seconded by Arnold that the County pay the Blind Pension, Old Age Assistance and Aid to Dependent Children in proportion to the amount received from the State and Federal Government as allowed by Statute. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Potter, Monson, Soronezi,,.Meyer,.Unseth, Arnold, Starkweather, P,Iineau, Squires, Oratch, Johnson, herr, Schultz, C.O.Nelson, IUlaryland,Okerst Johanik, Gidlof, Anderson, Hougas, Ness, Williams, Hogstrom, Knight, Hadland, R.J.Nelson, Olson, Randall: Total 31. carried. NAYS: Perrin, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Swanson, Rude. Total 6. Motion The following report was read: Washburn, Vlisconsin May 4, 1936 To Members of the Bayfield County' Board : CENTRAL HEATING PL LNT AND GARAGE Favorable responses by the different members of the County Board to our circular letter of August lst last, laying, the ground work for this project enabled your committee to proceed with the W.P.A. for authorization for building the above project. At the outset, we are desirous of advising you we have, and are at all times re- ceiving wholesome help from our County Clerk. ♦8 The general nature of this project wherein it ti,,as necessary to place this matter up to the 7,T.P.A. in a thorough manner with regards to hours, material, equipment, etc. ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD necessary f or completion and parceling out same resulted in the authorization of a $16,931.00 project. Sponsors contribution $6,422.00, material by the W.P.A. $2,942.44, balance common labor furnished by the 7T.P.A. The project was written up the latter part of August, and we were able to secure final 0. K. January 10, ground being broken February 20th this year-. Up to the present time there has been 8,340 hours work of various kinds, digging screening, hauling, carpenter wcr k, sewer and water connections, etc. performed on this project, and despite the fact we had considerable inclement and cold weather -to contend with we are able to report at this time that all the cement wralls are in place and we are about to proceed with the upper structure. Out of our appropriation approximately $2,000.00 has been expended, and the final figures after completion will, no doubt, be within our contribution of ��6,422.00. We are, of course, at this time, unable to say just what those figures will b:e. In concluding this report will state that our able Supervising Foreman, Mr. H. L. Erickson, is with us today and if there are any questions members of the Board wish to ask, we will endeavor to give the information desired. Hoping your Buildings and Grounds Committee may be able to advise you of final completion of this project by early summer, we remain Respectfully yours, S. A. RIVERS IRVING HADLAND T,"T. Al. GUSTAFS ON BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMKITTEE Moved by Aleott and seconded by Arnold to accept the foregoing report and place on file.. Motion carried. The following resolution ivas read: TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIM D COUNTY: �rHEREAS IT APPEARS, As the fact is, that Ida Rogers Beatty holds tax receipt No. 12186, issued by the County Treasurer of Bayfield County, under date of October 31st, 1932, showing, among other things, full p ayraent of the taxes for 1931 on the North -half of the Northwest Quarter, Section 34-43-7; WHEREAS IT FURTHER APPEARING that the County Treasurer erroneously credited this tax payment to the North -half of the Northwest Quarter, Section 33-43-7; NOT21, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the County Board of Bayfield County in special session assembled, that the tax for the year 1931, sale 1932, be and the same hereby is cancelled. Dated May 5th, 1936 . H. B. RANDALL, TR. Moved by Squires and seconded 4?y Nohl to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, the Wisconsin 11orks Progress Administration with headquarters at the City of Ashland is supervising a large number of projects in Bayfield County, thereby giving employment to several hundred needy person, and WHEREAS, the Ashland headquarters of the ?forks Progress Addministrati.on is in need of office equipi4ent and has requested Bayfield County to contribute two steel filing ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD cases, two typewriters with fourteen inch carriages and two chairs for use in the Ashland office, and WHEREAS, this is not an unreasonable request, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to loan to the :'forks Progress Administration Director at r1shland two steel filing cases, two typewriters with fourteen inch carriages and two chairs, and if necessary the committee to purchase such part of this office equipment as may be needed , not exceeding a total of. $200.00. BE IT FURTHEDi RESOLVED that the County Clerk be authorized and directed to re- possess such items of office equipment furnished under this resolution if and when the Works Progress Administration Office is removed from Ashland or is closed. Submitted by: PETER SORONEN Moved by Soronen and seconded by Nohl to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Alcott, Monson, Soronei�, Meyer, Unseth, Arnold, Starkweather, Min - eau, Squires, Oratch, Johnson, Schultz, C.�.O.Nelson, Maryland, Sohanik, Gidlof, Anderson, Perrin, Hougas, Ness, Hogstrom, Okerstrora, Knight, Hadland, R.J.-Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Swanson, Rude, Randall. Total 33. NAYS: Potter... Total 1. Motion carried. The chair declared a five-minute recess. The following resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISCR S: Whereas the Works Progress Administration has made provision for the carrying on of recreational activities; and Whereas Bayfield County is desirous of obtaining a recreational project to be carried on in the various communities of this county, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the County Board is authorized and directed to submit such a project to the Ashland Office of the Works Progress Admin- istration for its approval. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk be instructed to sign such project as Bayfield County°s Fiscal Agent, and that from the five hundred dollars ($500.00) prev- iously authorized by the County Board at its session November, 1935, as a sponsor's con- tribution to all white collar projects the stun of one hundred dollars ($100..00) be diverted - and set up as Bayfield Countyrs contribution to its recreational project. carried. Submitted by: I. L. ALCOTT Moved by Meyer and seconded by Mineau to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion Moved by Nohl and seconded by Nelson that the Pension Committee be authorized to select the investigators for the Pension Department. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS Bayfield County is the owner of a number of improved properties in the City of ,Mashburn, and 441 tutEREAS some of them are in need of repairs, particularly the roofs, and WHEREAS the value of the buildings will quickly depreciate unless some repairs are made in the very near future, THEREFORE BE IT,HEREBY RESOLVED that the sum of two hundred dollars be approp- riated for such work and said repairs to be made -in accordance with the judgement and under the jurisdiction of the Buildings and Grounds Committee of the County Board. T. A. R IVERS IRVING HADLAND Y. A. ,GUSTAFSON BUILDINGGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Moved by Rivers and seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was a's follows: AYES: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Potter, Monson, Soronen, Meyer, Unseth, Arnold, Starkweather, Mineau, Squires, Oratch, Johnson, Kerr, Schultz, G.O.Nelson, I+Taryland, Johanik, Gidlof, Anderson, Perrin, Hougas, Ness,,Williams, Hog'strom, Okerstrom, Knight, Hadland, R.J.Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Swanson, Rude, Randall. Total 37. NAYS: None Motion carried. The following resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors be and he is hereby authorized to appoint a committee consisting of three members from the Board of Super- visors to investigate and report to the neat meeting of the Board of Supervisors on the feasability of acquiring- and setting up a county home for the poor and a county poor farm, said committee to report on the need for such home and poor farm, the probable cost there- of and the probable expense for maintaining same. Submitted by: LEON A. POTTER Moved by Arnold and seconded by Knight to receive the foregoing resolution and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read:. R E S O L U T I O N To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: May 5, 1936 Be it hereby resolved that the Bayfield County Board authorizes the sales committee. to sell the SW NCF Section 27-48-8 to the Town of Tripp for the purpose of re- moving gravel from same; the price to be mutually agreed upon by the Forestry Committee and the Town Board, Town of Tripp. - Signed: H. J. HOUGAS Moved by C. 0. Nelson and seconded by Gidlof to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N TIHEREAS, under present regulations the County Clerk is authorized to have offic- ial election notices published in two newspapers in.Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, the situation is such in Bayfield County that there are only three legal newspapers published within the county, and each is in a distinct and separate territory not served by others, making it impossible to serve the voters of the county Jn 9 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 5 , 1936 with legal election information except to the exclusion of at least one of the Major Voting Districts when such information is published in only two newspapers. Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED., that the members of the county board of Bayfield County do here- by authorize and instruct -the County Clerk of Bayfield County to cause said official elect- ion notices to be published in three representative legal newspapers published within the county. L . A. IVIINEAU Moved by Hougas and seconded by Gustafson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read: Washburn, Wis. May 5, 1936 TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: The Relief Department is responsible for all eligible needy persons under the Wisconsin Statutes Chapter 49. Funds are alloted by the Federal, State, and Counties. Bayfield County contributes $100.00 per month as its share toward relief. The Federal and State contribute the balance. The Relief Department acts as a referral bureau to all other agencies within the county. For this reason this department must acquaint itself with all other agencies within the county, so that they may intelligently refer the persons to the proper agency. For instance, all cases taken over by the R.R.D. and W.P.A. are first investigated by the relief department to determine their eligibility for that particular kind of aid. Up to May 1 the agency has definitely transferred 51 cases to the R.R.D. and 543 cases are employed on W.P.A. 49 Mothers' Aid cases have been transferred to the Pension Department, and 74 Old Age Cases. This makes a total of 113 cases transferred to the Pension Department. All Federal Transient cases are cared for by the relief depart- ment.. Federal transient cases are reimbursed 100% by the State and Federal government. The total amount of relief expenditures for the year 1935 was $169,625.87. $168,425.87 was provided by the Federal and State, and $1200.00 by the County. May 1 of 1935, we had 1499 cases. May 1, 1936, we had 517 active direct relief cases. The department is responsible for the enrollment of CCC boys and the making of investigations for all other agencies outside of the county. All surplus commodities are distributed through the supervision of the Relief Department. Sewing projects are spons- ored by the relief department. Total active cases on direct relief May 1 . . 517 No. relief cases working on IVP.A, May L. . . . . . . . . . . . 543 No. relief cases that have been transferred to the R.R.D, May 1 . . . . . . . . . 51 No. Federal Transient cases on direct relief . . . . . ... . 10 No. employable persons in Bayfield County that are not working . . . . . . . . 175 No. ineligible because of -November 1 ruling . . . . . . . . . 64 Cases with no employable members . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 Submitted: IRVING HADLAND L. A. I/IINEAU RELIEF CO181ITTEE 4 IL 3 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 5. 19 36 Moved by Alcott and seconded by Hougas to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following application was read: Iron River, Wis. April 28, 1936 To the County Board Bayfield County ydashburn, Wis. Dear Sirs: Re: SE NE, Section 11-47-8 I hereby make application to the County Board of Bayfield County to redeem the above forty of land that the county took tax deed a short time ago. This piece of land is really too good for farming to place in forestry, and another reason I have cleared and planted part of same. I have been paying taxes for my mother for a number of years on this forty and last year bought it. I have failed to pay two years taxes on same just by over -sight. I are willing to pay all legal charges ' and delinquent taxes. Thank you for this favor in advance. I remain, Yours truly, NEIL DIAMON The Agricultural Committee to whom the foregoing application was referred re- commended that the application be held for inspection. Moved by Squires and seconded by Meyer to accept the recommendations of the Agricultural Committee. Motion carried® The folloa;Fing communications were read: Madison, Wisconsin April 23, 1936 Mr. H. B. Randall, sr,. Chairman Bayfield County Board c/o County Clerk_ Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: During the drought period in Wisconsin, which extended into the spring of 1935, the Federal Government made certain funds availaklle for drought relief. Up until December 1, 1934 all drought relief was granted in consideration for work agreements signed by -the farmers. In these work agreements the farmers agreed to work on work projects of a public nature. Beginning December 1,,. 1934 farmers wore required to sign promissory notes in consideration for food and/or seed relief advanced. These notes are held by the Wis- consin Rural Rehabilitation Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin. At a recent meeting of the Board of Directors of the Wisconsin Rural Rehabilit- ation Corporation the Board of Directors voted that the farmers should be given an opport- unity to work off up to 50% of the unpaid balance owed on the promissory notes. At the present time there are 784 farmers in your County whose note obligations amount to approkimately '$46,490. ANNUAL SPRING FETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 5. 1936 The Board of Directors also voted that in order to have an opportunity to work off not more than 50% of the unpaid balance of the notes, the farmers must pa,y in cash the other portion of the unpaid balance, or sign a note secured by a real estate or chattel mortgage. The County RR Supervisor in each County will contact the Wisconsin Rural Re- habilitation Corporation clients in order to determine whether the clients wish to take advantage of the opportunity to work off not more than 50% of their unpaid balance. Those clients who wish to take advantage of the opportunity and who either pay the balance in cash or give security therefor will be certified by the County RR Supervisor to you for work on work project of a public nature. Before the County RR Supervisor can certify these clients to you, it will be necessary that ,you submit to us for approval types of projects on which the farmers will work if certified. The Wisconsin Rural Rehabilitation Corporation will examine all of these proposed projects for either approval or rejection, and will notify you accordingly. Types of projects which we think are especially worthy of consideration are: 1. Construction, repair, or improvement of township roads. 2. Lime grinding and marl excavating. 3. Rural school repair and improvement. Other worthy rural public projects will also be given consideration. Such proposals for projects must be definitely approved by the proper town authorities, such as the Town Board or other governing bodies, and a definite resolution passed authorizing the person, who will be in charge of the work, to enploy the drought relief workers. As soon as the projects are approved, our County RR Supervisors will be notified to certify clients to you for work® In view of the fact that the work will redound to the benefit of the County, the proper County officials will be responsible for the execution, financing, and administ- ration of the projects, and must assume all liabilities for accidents. The County will also be required to make proper reports of work to the Wisconsin Rural Rehabilitation Corporation on forms which will be supplied by the Wisconsin Rural Rehabilitation Corporation, in order that the clients' accounts can be credited at sec - unity wages which are in force in the County at the time the work is performed. Detailed procedure, resolution forms, work sheets, and report forms will he sent out in due.time. Until these forms are received by you please submit no project proposals4 We believe that all farmers will be pleased to have the opportunity to work off part of their obligations, and that the work performed will be of benefit to the Counties. Your opinion and acceptance of the plan outlined in this letter will be appreciated. Yours very sincerely, WISCONSIN RURAL REHABILITATION CORPORATION ARLIE MUCKS, President RBO:EM Ludwig Trunmal Washington, D. C. April 22nd, 1936 County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin ANNUAL SPRING ING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD 445 Dear -Mr. Tranmal: Since coming here last- January, I have attempted to reach an agreement whereby feed and seed loans made to farmers in.recent years may be repaid in labor on either County or Town projects. I have finally pinned down the Resettlement Administration to agree to take over 50 0 of the loans made in any one County, and allow them to be worked off on Projects, to be agreed on by the representatives of the Resettlement Administration, County and Town officials. Now, they come. back and say they will not consider,any.County. that does not absolve the clients from compensation in case of inj. aury while at work. Their claim is that technical difficulties prevent coverage of clients by the United States Employees Compensation Commission, but if Counties would assume complete responsibility for clients, who work on Projects, and see to it that clients are insured against accidents, immediate attention would be given to the matter of converting a substantial portion of this debt to Work Agreements. I would appreciate it if you would inform me whether or not your County would be in favor of Works Projects, such as may be agreed upon, and as outlined above. Per- haps your County now has blanket coverage for its employees. If not, would the County Board be willing -to provide such compensation insurance if these feed loans were to be repaid in labor. If you can not give me the above information, or can not contact the majority of the Members, I would appreciate if if you would bring this up at your County Board meeting, which,. in most Counties, is held early in May. Since I didn't get any definite answer from the Farm Credit Administration, I introduced a Bill, as per copy enclosed. Would appreciate it if you'would call the Board's attention to this Bill and get their sentiment either for or against, or perhaps a preference for the other -plan outlined in -my letter. I would appreciate it if you . could send me a directory or a list of Members of the County Board in case I want to get in touch with individual Members. Thanking you for an early reply, because I expect that my Bill will have a hearing before long, and I want to be guided by the actions of the majority of the Counties that I represent. With kindest personal regards, I remain, Very truly yours, B. J. GEHRMANN Enc. BJG/ BS Moved by Hougas and seconded by Okerstrom that the County decline to carry compensation insurancd for work projects covering seed and feed loans and that the Rural Rehabilitation Division contact the Town Officials with regard to setting up local proj- ects. 'Tuotion carried. The following resolution was read: R E S 0. L U T I 0 N WHEREAS, Lot 4, in Section 31, of Township 51 North, of Range 3 West was assessed as an entire parcel in years of 1920 and 1921, and. 'WHEREAS, a parcel of said lot hereinafter described was owned by Rebecca NlacIntyre, who paid the taxes on said parcel for the years of 1920 and 1921, and has paid the:_?taxes on said lot to date, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County has taken a tax deed on all of said Lot 4 on the tax ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ILLY 5, 19 3 6 sales of 1921 and 1922, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Clerk of Bayfield County be and he is hereby authorized to execute and deliver to Rebecca I!iaclntyre a quit claim deed covering the North 440 feet of Lot 4, in Section 31, Township 51 North, of Range 3 West except land conveyed by deed and recorded in Volume 76 of Deeds, on Page 595, and except land conveyed by deed recorded in Volume 23 of Deeds, on Page 132, Records of Register of Deeds Bayfield County, iisconsin, in consideration of the payment of $1.00 and other valuable considerations. Submitted by: J. W. PERRIN Ivloved by Knight and seconded by R. J. Nelson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read: TO THE HON. COUNTY BOARD, BAYFIELD COUNTY, WIS. Gentlemen: Washburn, 'Wisconsin 11a y 5 , 193 6 We the undersigned Committee on Finance and h1iscellaneous, beg leave to report, that we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allm.,ied" and that the County Clerk b•e instructed to issue orders for payment of same. Signed: ROY H. OKERSTROM L. A. MINEAU H. B. RANDALL, JR. I. L. ALCOTT GEO . B . WILLIAMS NAIL OF CLAIIv'LkNT PURPOSE CLAIItCED ALL01,11ED Theodore Rogers 17 hens @ ��'>1.00 (damage by dogs) 4P 17.00 w 17.00 Carl Skaug 1 goose (damage by dogs) 4.00 3.50 C. J. 14iller 2 mallards Q (damage by dogs 4.00 4.00 Town of Iron River Care of James +I. Tutor & Family 19.50 19.50 (Transient Poor) Town of Pratt Care of Edward Nelson (clothing) 16.84 ( Refer to County Court p child under County Court supervision.) Eau Claire County Care of Norman Belknap, poor person 29.18 2.9.18 ( Charge back to Town of Iti7as on) Sheboygan County Care of Geo. Ellis, poor person 48.00 48.00 ( Charge back to Town of Tripp) Town: of Eileen Care of 1,1rs. Conrad Bierl, poor person 15.00 15..00 (Transient poor) Town of Barksdale Care of William Locks, son of Elwood Locks, 151.10 151.10 poor person. ( Charge back to Town of Bayfield) Bayfield County Outdoor Claim of Audit adjustments disallowed 1363.85 52.60 Relief Department excepting items for repairs of machines or office equipment. Town of Barnes Care of John Hiltonen, transient poor 40.00 40.00 Moved by Williams and seconded by Hougas to adopt the foregoing report. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Potter, Monson, Sorone7t�, Meyer, Unseth, Arnold, Starkweather, Mineau, Squires, Oratch, Johnson, Kerr, Schultz, C.O.Nelson, Maryland, ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Johanik, Gidlof, Anderson, Perrin, Hougas, Ness, Williams, Hogstrom, Okerstrom, Knight, Hadland, R.J.Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers. Ambly,-Olson, Swanson, Rude, Randall. Total 37. NAYS: NoneMotion carried. - Moved by Meyer and seconded by Soronen that the County Clerk purchase one thousand (1,000) of the larger size Bayfield County maps fromthe 'Wisconsin Highway Comm- ission. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled this 5th day of May, 1936, that the per diem, and mileage be 'allowed each member of the County Board as listed below, and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such money and the Chairman and the County Clerk are instructed to issue an order for the total amount, of such items listed ti;elow : NlUa PERDIEM MILEAGE COMMITTEE ViORK MILEAGE TOTAL W. G. Nohl 4.00 1.20 8.00 1.20 $14.40 L. D; Pease 4.00 7.20 11.20 I. L. Alcott 4.00 1.20 5.20 Leon Potter 4.00 .72 4.72 11. B. Randall, Jr. 4.00 2.76 2.76 9.52 M. Monson 4.00 6.48 10.48 Peter Soronen 4.00 3.48 7.48 ttm. Meyer. 4.00 3.60 7.60 Arthur Unseth 4.00 4.80 8.W C. D. Arnold 4.00 2.52 6.52 Tames Starkweather 4.00 4.F58 8.68 L. A. Iviineau 4.00 4.28 8.28 S. E. Squires 4.00 2.64 4.00 10.64 Victor Oratch 4.00 2.04 6.04' Peter Johnson 4.00 4.32 8.32. W. E. Kerr.': 4.OG 3.14 7.14 R. F. C. Schultz 4.00 6.2.4 10.24 C. 0. Nelson 4.00 5.40 9.40 Edward Maryland 4.00 5.40 9.40 August Johanik 4-00 2.16' 6..16 Andrew Gidlof' 4.00 4.56 8.56 Al T . Anderson 4.00 4.80 8.80 J. 1°kr. Perrin 4.00 2.76 6.76 H. J. Hougas 4.00 4.68 8.68 Nels Ness 4.00 .36' 4.36 Geo. B. Williams 4.00 6100 10.00 0. H. Hogstrom 4.00 2.68 6.88 Roy Okerstrom 4.00 1.44' 5.44 Douglas Knight t 4.00 1.44 5.44 Irving Hadland 4.00 1.44 4.00 1.44 10.88 R. J. Ne]Lson 4.00 1.44 5.44 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 5. 1936 NAME PERDIEIVI- MILEAGE COMMITTEE WORK MILEAGE TOTAL 'E1. A. Gustafson4..00 .12 4®00 d .12 8.24 J. A. Rivers 4.00 .12 4.00 .12 8'.24 Hans Ambly 4.00 .12 4.12 Emil K. Olson 4.00 .1Z 4.12 Albert Swanson 4.00 .12 4.00 .12 8.24 Ben R. Rude 4.00 .12 4.12 Signed: H. B. RANDALL, Jr. Moved by Nohl and seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYE?: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Potter, Monson, Soronen, Meyer, Unseth, Arnold, Starks^reather, Mineau, Squires, Oratch, Johnson, Kerr, C.0.Nelson ;Maryland, Johani}, Gidlof, Anderson, Perrin, Hougas, Ness, Williams, Hogstrom, Okerstrom, Knight, Hadland, R.J.Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Swanson, Rude, Randall. Total 36. NAYS: Schultz Total 1. Motion carried. Moved by Okerstrom and seconded by Rivers to adjourn. Motion carried.