HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 5/4/1937529 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -• ---- - ------ - - MAY 4, 1937 -- ------ —--- --- --- - The meeting was called to,order at 10 A. M. by S. E. Squires, acting Chairman, The following members answered roll call; YOhl-, Smith', A.lcott-, Irish, -Bernard Sohnson, Monson, Buckley', Meyer; Unseth; Arnold-, Chambers, fineaua PP'istash; Kerr, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Anderson, Tohanik, Bystrom; Galin, Rowley, Hougas,'Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, Hadlarid, R. T. Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Rude, and Squires. Total 35. The following communication was read: Mason, 711sconsin May 1, 1937- Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk Bayfield County Dear Sir: This is to certify that Charles Nicholson is authorized by the Town Board of - the Town of Lincoln to act as its representative on the County Board in the absence of Peter Tohnson. Respectfully yours, Cloyd Carlson, Town Clerk, Town of Lincoln Moved by Williams and seconded by Nohl that Charles Nicholson be seated as a member of the Board representing the Town of Lincoln. Motion carried. Moved by Nohl and seconded by Unseth to dispense with the reading of the minnutes of the Annual Meeting held November 10, 11,and 12, 1936, and that the same be approved of as published. Motion carried. The Board proceeded with the election of a chairman. The chair appointed Unseth and Meyer as tellers. Moved by Hougas and seconded -by Tohanik that the County Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Squires as -Chairman of the Board for the ensuing year. Motion carried. The Clerk cast the ballot as directed and declared Squires duly elected. The result of the first ballot for Vice-chairman was as follows.: Nohl 10 Knight 8 Rude 5 Meyer 5. Schultz 3 _ Mineau 2 Chambers 1 Ale oft 1 Total 35 No majority. 10 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING•OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 4, 1937 The result of' the second ballot was as follovrs-: Nohl 15 Knight 9 Meyer- 5 Ruche 4 Schultz 2 Mineau 1. Total 36 No majority. The result of the third ballot was as follows: Nohl 22 Knight 9 Meyer 3 Rude 2. Total 36 The chair declared Mr. Nohl duly elected as Vice-chairman for the ensuing year. The following resignation was read: Baltimore, Md. January 20, 1937 TO THE SHERIFF OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: Having accepted a Federal Civil Service appointment at Baltimore, Maryland, it is necessary that I resign the office of County Surveyor,,which.I now hold. Please, therefore, accept this::. my resignation, from such office as of Tanuary 16, 1937. Harold M. Powell Moved by Gustafson and duly seconded to accept the foregoing resignation. Motion carried. Moved by_Nohl and seconded by Meyer that R. W. Smith be nominated as a cand- idate for County Surveyor. Motion carried. It was moved and duly seconded that the nominations be closed. Motion carried. Moved by Nohl and seconded by Arnold that the County. Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for R. W. Smith, as County Surveyor for the balance of the term. Motion carried. The Clerk.cast the ballot as directed,and the chair declared R. W. Smith duly elected. Moved by Unseth and seconded by Meyer that the rate for publishing the official proceedings of the County Board remain the same as at present for the ensuing year, and that the present arrangement for supplements to the other newspapers remain the same. Motion -carried. Moved by Gustafson and seconded by Hogstrom that Mr. William Sheldon, repres- enting the Resettlement Administration, be allowed to talk to the County Board. Motion Carried.. {7 Moved by Hadland and seconded.by Tohanik that the chair appoint a committee to study the resolution with regard to retirement af homesteads and that said committee ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COIJiVTY BOARD -- --- --. MAY 4, 1937 -- — --- A report back to the County Board during this s-ess-on. Motion c•arri-ed. The•chair-appointed the following committee: Fiege, Buckley, Arnold, J"ohaniks and Hougas.. The following -resolution 'was' read: WHEREAS-the-U. S Government is acquiring-- lands- within-- the Chequamegon Nat- ional Forest from Bayfield County f`or National Forest- purpose's, - and; WHEREAS, occasional buildings, such as abandoned logging camps•s in -various - stages of deterioration are conveyed with the land on which they are located without reservation as to their disposition, and, WHEREAS, the Forest Service is anxious -to dispose -,Of -such -structures -for the better appearance and administration of the National Forest Without depriving former owners of any rights• to' salvage that may- exist, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that Bayfield County quit claims any right; title, or interest - to any such structures on lands already sold to the-Un ted' States•• Government'as- have not been reserved in properly executed options or deeds of -conveyance, and declares that it - has no interest in such structures on any lands that may hereafter be sold to the Dhited States Government A.. �. Unseth` Tin. Meyer Geo® B. 7 lliams Moved by Williams and seconded by R. T. Nelson to adopt the foregoing res- olution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: TO THE B'AYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: WHEREAS, J. C. Sibbald purchased the tax certificate on the NW SE, Section 31-45-5, for the sale of 1932 and obtained a tax deed thereon, and WHEREAS, he intended to purchase the tax certificate on the Mil SE, Section 30-45-5, which was originally part of his grandfatherts homestead, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner of the NV SE, of Section 30-45-5, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the County Clerk be and is hereby auth- orized and instructed to exchange the NU SE, of Section 30-45-5 with the forty owned by J. C. Sibbald, namely the NW SE, of Section 31-45-5, providing he has paid up all the (taxes subsequent to the year on which he obtained a tax deed. Signed: PETER TOHNSON Moved by Meyer and seconded by Hogstrom to adopt -the foregoing resolution© Motion carried. The -following resolution was read together with supplement :agreement between Douglas funeral directors of Ashland, Bayfield'/;and Iron Counties; WHEREAS, the funeral directors of Douglas,'Iron, Bayfield and Ashland Counties (have met and arrived at a mutual agreement regarding burial costs for pension and county charges and T.IHEREAS,•the agreement has been signed by every licensed funeral director in Bayfield,°Ashland, Iron and Douglas Counties and WHEREAS, it is essential that there be a uniform cost for such services and WHEREAS, the costs listed in the attached agreement are fair and equitable ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 4. 1937 BIR.' IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield Gounty Board' of" Supervisors" in - annual session this fourth day of May that --the cost- of" services :'of funeral- --direct-ors - p"erattached agree-- went be ac-cepted and that the -various county- of ficials'concerned are hereby authoriz-ed- to pay for the burial of pension and county charges at the`rate set forth in the agreement Signed: L. A. Mineau - Resolution to be presented to the County Board of Ashland, Bayfield, Douglas and Iron Counties of the State of Wdsconsin. Tie, the undersigned Funeral Directors of .Ashland, Bayfield, Douglas and Iron Counties, hereby present our agreement for the prices to be charged for the burial of Old Age Pension, Relief, Transient, and all other Indigent clients-. For the burial of Old Age Pension Clients we hereby agree,to furnish a comp- lete burial for the sum of One Hundred Dollars, which is the maximum allowance as prescribed by Statute. The the burial of all other Relief, Transient, and Indigent Clients the prices charged shall be as follows: Stillborn Babies 15.00 Age One Month to Two Years 20.00 Two Years to Six Years 25.00 Six Years to Ten Years' 35.00 Ten Years to Sixteen Years 50.00 Sixteen Years or over 65.00 These prices shall include Casket, Outside Case; and Funeral Coach, for local death and -local burial in the City,.Town, or Village, of the Funeral Director. All Cemetery charges shall be separate in addition"to the above listed charges and all mileage beyohd the corporate limits of the Funeral Director's City, Torn, or Village, shall be charged as a separate item in addition to the above listed charges at a rate of Ten Cents per mile. In all cases of Burials of any of the above listed clients the selection of the Funeral Director toserver a family shall be left to the discretion of the next Of,kin of the deceased, except where there is no next of kin or legal representative of the deceased the Pension Director, Poor Commissioner, or Relief Director, or any other officer vested with the authority to authorize su_eh burials, the funerals said unclaimed bodies shall be equally devided according to number among the funeral directors of their respective counties. This schedule of prices shall become effective June 1st, 1937. We deem the above schedule of prices to be fair in view of the fact that for many.years the Funeral Directors have served their communities in these types of funerals at a loss, and due to the increased costs of Funeral Merchandise, equipment costs, and Operating expenses. Ashland County Bayfield. County Douglas County Iron County 6 Signers 4 Signers 5 Signers 3 Signers Moved by -Meyer and seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: `AYES: Smith, Alcott,,Irish, Bernard Tohnson, Monson, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Mineau, Nicholson, C. 0. Nelson, Anderson, Bystrom, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Nyberg, Gustafson, Williams, Hogstrom, Knight, Hadland, R. S. Nelson,/Rivers, Ambly, Olson, and Rude. Total 27. ` 3.9 ANNUAL SPRING IMTING OF THE_BAyFIELD COUNTY BOARD NA.Ya: Nohl, Arnold, Chambers, Pristash, Kerr, Schultz, Johanik, Fiege, and Squires. Total 9. Motion carried, Moved by Arnold and duly seconded to adjourn until 1:30 P. M. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P. lUI. by Chairman Squires. The following members- answered roll call: Nohl, Smith, Alcott, Irish, Bernard - Johnson, Monson, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Arnold, Mineau, Pristash, Nicholson, Kerr; Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Anderson, Johanik, Bystrom,, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Nyberg', Will- iams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, Hadl:and, R. J. Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Swanson, Rude, Squires. Total 36. The following petition was read: It appears from the tax records-that,Bayfield County has acquired -the Kopplin Lumber shed and the log house formerly owned by Kopplin by, virtue of tax deed, acid It appears from checking closely that 'said tax deeds, are illegal, 'due to the illegality of the description on the assessment roll, and -the aforesaid property is in the process of probate proceedings in the Kopplin Estate, and In view of the f oregoing facts, I' hereby offer the sum of" $7'5.00 for- a quit claim deed to the above property, which is to, include- assignment -of` the outstanding','- tax certificates it being understood that this- petition- does not cover the- original Kopplin home generally known as the stucco house nor does it cover the planing mill. Signed:,.HARRY S. KOPPLIN Moved by Nohl and seconded by Arnold to refer the foregoing -petition to the committee 'on illegal taxes and District Attorney. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS the Resettlement Administration, a Federal agency, has purchased poor farm lands in Bayfield County for the purpose of retiring such lands from agricultural_ production, and is assisting, the occupants thereon to secure other farms of greater productivity; and WHEREAS such purchase and assistance enables the County to reduce expenditures of public Funds by closing schools and roads in isolated parts of the County, and by en- abling the County to reduce costs of medical care of isolated relief families; and WHEREAS it is apparent that certain,vendors and occupants of said lands, by reason of old age and other physical infirmities, who are incapable of acquiring and operating 'commercial farm units, must continue to be permanent relief cases and the responsibility of the County or subdivisions thereof; and WHERE there prevails a shortage of suitable accessible facilities in the County for housing these families which has heretofore constituted and does constitute a major relief problem to the County; and WHEREAS the Wisconsin Rural Rehabilitation Corporation, in furtherance of the aims and objectives of said Corporation is willing to construct in Bayfield County a number of "retirement homesteads" for purposes of renting same to .the County upon the terms and conditions hereinaf ter specified and by way of making a substantial contribution to said major -relief problem; and WHEREAS this Board approves such an undertaking and project upon.the:part of the Corporation and believes such an undertaking and project to be a meterial worth while ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE-BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 4, 1937 contribution to the relief ".problem of the County and to be beneficial to the C-ounty; and WHEREAS the Corporation- has submitted to the 'County - a proposed- "Agreement--t-o Lease Retirement Homesteads'#, a copy of which is attached hereto and made -a -part of this I'Resolution, and WHEREAS this Board approves the said Agreement and deems it to the best int- erests of -the County to enter into, such an Agreement; NOT, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED that' the Chairman- of"' this* Board and the-, County- - Clerk (or said members of'- the Relief` Commission or Committee of" the County naming -them) be, and they are hereby authorized to execute such Agreement for and on .behalf of this County. Hans Ambly W. G. Nohl Moved by Fiege an-d seconded, by- Meyer, that, the resolution- regarding Resettlement Homesteads be held over for further consideration. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayf ield, County sold -the NW NE, Section 13-49-5 under land contrae't number 85 to Matt Heckla on a three year term. The contract having been -made on July 26, 1933, and twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) was paid -at -that time, and WHEREAS, the aforesaid Matt Heckla did not make any improvements on said land, and has not made any further payments, and WHEREAS, Matt Heckla is now deceased, and WHEREAS, his heirs have apparently abandoned the premises-, and WHEREAS, Matt Maki now desires to purchase said premises, THEREFORE BE'IT HEREBY'RESOLVED that the land contract,dated Suly 26, 1933, to Matt Heckla be and is hereby cancelled. carried. Submitted by: Harvey Irish Moved by Meyer and seconded by Nohl to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion The f ollowing resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, iVisconsin, that all conveyances of real estate or interests in real estate heretofore executed on behalf of Bayfield County, Wisconsin to United States of America be and the same are hereby ratified, confirmed and ap proved as effective from and after the execution dates of each of said various deeds; said deeds, as shown by. the records of the office of the Register ''of-, Deeds of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, are as follows: DATE RECORDED VOL. PAGE DATE OF DEED 4/3/30 90 532 4/3/30 4/3/30 119 79 4/3/30 3/23/31 119 386 3/21/31 4/6/31 118 257 4/4/31 5/17/32 120 156 3/16/32. 6/2/32 120 614 5/18/32 0 6/27/32 122 1 6/27/32 12/29/32 123 384 12/29/32 1/30/33 122 145 1/30/33 7/10/33 122 253 7/10/33 I 5 AL SPRING MEETING OF THE BA.YFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 4. 19 37 DATE RECORDED VOL. PAGE DATE -OF DEED 8/10/33 122- 265 8/10/3-3 1/24/34 122 332 1/24/34 1/24/34 `122 333 1/24/34 .4/19/35 127 60 4/10/35 6/3/35 127 182 4/24/35 7/19/35 127 209 7/19/35 7/19/35 127 212 7/19/35 7/19/35 127 215 7/19/35 12/6/35 127 361 12/6/35 12/23/35 125 452 12/12/35 4/23/36 127 513 4/23/36 4/27/36 127 517 4/21/36 4/30/36 127 519 4/30/36 11/16/36 128 80 11/16/36 11/1.6/36 128 82 11/1-6/36 2/24/37 128 163 2/24/37 3/2/37 128 172 3/2/37 3/4/37 128 179 3/4/37 7/21/36 127 611 7/21/36 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the agreements heretofore executed on behalf. of Bayf ield C-ounty to- sel]L those, certain lands t-o' United` States of- America, which are des . cribed in -those -certain United States- Forest'Service options, designated Moquah fl-E, Moquah #1-F-and Chequamegon #705-80 be and the same- are hereby ratified, confirmed and approved, and the County Clerk of Bayfield County•is'hereby authorized and directed to convey the lands -described -'in said options to United States of America at such times as the United States, its agents or representatives shall request. Moved- by Al'cott and seconded by Hougas to adopt the foregoing resolution. (Motion carried. Mr. Chambers arrived at this time. The following report was read: AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE REPORT ON REQUEST OF NEIL DIAMON TO RECOVER TITLE TO SE NE, Sec. 11-47-8 At a meeting of the County Agricultural Committee held on June 22, 1936 the Committee discussed the request of Neil Diamon that he be allowed to redeem the. former Diamon property, SE NE, Section 11-47-8. Corrrmittee investigation indicated that this was agricultural land, however, inasmuch as there was some doubt in the Committee's mind that this would continue perm anently on th-e tax roll should the former owner be allowed to redeem it, it is the recommendation of the Committee that the application be denied at this time. Daniel L. Brace, Secretary C. D. Arnold Moved by Nohl and seconded by Meyer to accept the recommendation of the Forestry Gommittee-. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Alcott, Bernard Johnson, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Arnold, Pristash, Nicholson, Schultz, Hougas, Hogstrom, Fiege, Olson, Squires. Total 15. e-J 3 6 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD kAY 4. 1937 NAYS': Smith, Irish, Monaon, Chambers, Mineau, Kerr; C. 0. Nelson, Andersoh., Tohanik, Bystrom, Wallin; Rowley, Nyberg, Williams, Knight, Hadland, R. 1. Nelson, Gust- afson, Rivers, Ambly; Swanson, Rude. Total 22. Motion- lost. Moved by Meyer and -seconded by -Kerr -,to grant the petition of Neil Diamon on payment of the taxes and -accrued interest. Motion carried. was read: The following resolution together with exhibit "A" and committee recommendation RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE C-ONSTRUCTION AND'AGREEING TO THE MAINTENANCE' 'OF- A FEDERAL AID SECONDARY PROJECT Resolved by the County Board of Bayfield County, State of -Wisconsin-, that the chairman and clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute on behalf of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, the attached contract marked Exhibit "-A" and made apart hereof, where- by the County of Bayfield agrees to assume the maintenance of the project, Namekagon River Bridge in Section 15-43-7 C. T. H. "D", Bayfield Co., Wis. if the project for the construction of said improvement,is approved and the same is constructed by the State Highway Commission of Wisconsin with funds apportioned to the State under the provisions of Section 7 of the Act of Congress approved June 16, 1936 '(Public 686 74th Congress HRI1687)., relating to the construction of secondary or feedor roads, including farm -to market roads, rural freedelivery mail roads, and public school bus routes, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Highway Act. Be it Further Resolved, that the -State Highway Commission of �Tisconsin­is here- by requested to submit -the aforementioned project with recommendation, that it, be approved by the secretary, of -Agriculture, and in consideration of -the Highway Gommis'sion submitting the project -for' approval and undertaking its improvement, the County of Bayfield hereby agrees to:- 1. Furnish for the use of the State Highway Gommission- of Wisconsin all real property rights of way and easements necessary to construct said project within the limits of the County of Bayfield,in accordance with plans to be approved therefor, and to satisfy all claims for damages of every kind and nature to any real estate or personal property what'spever that may be filed against the State Highway Commission of Wisconsin and/or the County of Bayfield, arising from or growing out of the construction, maintenance or recon- struction of said project, and to defend any and all suits in connection therewith which may be brought against the said Highway Commission and/or the County of Bayfield. 2. To contribute toward the cost of the project and make available for expend- iture under the direct control of the State Highway Commission a sum sufficient to finance all costs in excess of the Federal Aid funds allotted and expended in the construction of the project, including any and all costs incurred in the execution of survey --and de- velopment of plans for and in the construction of said project Aich are not eligible for reimbursement from the Federal Government under the regulations and rulings of the Federal Government, -or -its -Bureaus or Departments controlling the disbursement of Federal Aid Funds granted to Wisconsin and allotted to said project, such total contributions beirrg-est- imated at $4000.00 but being subject to adjustment, based upon the final costs of the proj- ect. Be It Further Resolved, That the County of Bayfield, Wisconsin, shall hold the State Highway Gommission of Wisconsin and the State of Wisconsin, its agents and employees, 5.37 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BA.YFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 4, 1937 J and its independent-- contract-orn- entirely free from damages" resulting to any person or public or, private property by -reason of- or 'in connection with the constru-ct'ion of said' project, but, however, excepting damage- or liability on- account- of-, negligence of-" the endent-contractor, its or his agents and employees, if - such, damage is not -necessarily caused by-oompliance with the plans and specifications, and Be- It Further' Resolved, That- the County, of Bayfield-, V isconain, shall hold the State Highway Commission of Wisconsin and the State of Wisconsin, entirely free and harm- less from any damage,'including-damage by negligence -or otherwise, which may in any form be; committed in connection with said improvement. Geo. B. W11liams R. X. Nelson' C. 0. Nelson EXHIBIT "A" AGREEMENT BY MUNICIPALITY OR POLITICAL SUBDIVISION ' TO DIAINT-AIN HIGHWAYS IMPROVED WITH FEDERAL AID The County of Bayfield, State of Wisconsin, hereinafter referred to as the hereinafter referred to as the i gray Commission, County, and the State -Highway Commission/ hereby agree as f ol�o s: 1. That the Highway Commission will submit a project for - the improvement - by - construction of the Namekagon River Bridge in Section 15-T43N-R7iW on C. T-. Highway-D in the Town of Cable, Bayfield County, and to be designated as a Wisconsin Federal Aid Secondary Project (F.A.S.) and will recommend its approval by -the Secretary of -Agricult- ure for construction with funds apportioned to the State under the provisions of Section 7 of the Act of Congress approved June 16, 1935 (Public No. 686-74th Congress H.R. 11687) relating to the construction of secondary or feeder roads, including farm -to. Market roads, rural free delivery mail roads, and public school bus -routes, in accord-. ante with- the provisions of` the Federal Highway Act, subject, however, to the condi`ti-on- that the County shall provide for its proper maintenance after completion of its improve- ment. That the said County hereby requests the Highway Gommission to submit the aforementioned project with recommendation that it be approved by the Secretary of Agriculture, and agrees that if such project is approved and constructed by the Highway Commission and the Secretary of Agriculture it thereafter, at its own cost and expense, will maintain the project in a manner satisfactory to the4i, or their authorized repres- entatives, and will make amply provision each year for such maintenance. Washburn, Wisconsin May 4, 1937 Recommendation of the Bayfield County Highway Committee Relative to Proposed Federal Farm to Market Secondary Road Program The attached Resolution covers a small part of the proposed Federal Farm to Market or Secondary Road Program. The following comments give a general outline of such program as it effects Bayfield County. The program has been placed under the supervision of the Federal Bureau of Roads and the Wisconsin Highway Commission jointly. Wisconsin's allotment for this purpose being approximately $640,000, available about July 1st. Bayfield County'';: is entitled or promised no definite amount from this program. These funds must be expended -on a Secondary System of Highways selected by the State Highway Commission and the 524 .ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Federal .Bureau --of" Roads jointly-, which 1n. this county -include-s -,the-,-G'ounty Trunk Highway System only- The work done., must- meet all-- of"-,the--specifieat•i.on,s-----and..requi�reme`n -s- of the - Federal Bureau of Roads covering the particular type of ''work, to be done; als-o-including labor regulations as, to selection of- labor, hours, and wage°--rat-es. .. The work- also must --be let by contract through the. State Highway Commission" and one half of -the - coat` -thereof must be paid- by the- County to the State prior to the exe-cution-,ofthe---c,ont-rac,t-: Thee County must in addition thereto, assume all costs of plans, surveys-, supervision, right of way, etc. There.are various other details too numerous to mention here. The County. Highway Committee believes that Bayfield County cannot justify, in a practical way, the sponsoring of .any.- type- of grading-, draining, graveling, or surfacing - of any part of the County Trunk Highway .System under -the restrictions imposed by the above program, however, it may be possible to realize something -of value from --the program thro, the building of bridges which are usually built by contract' in any case. In the- opinion of the Committee the only bridge on the County Trunk Highway System -warranting immediate rebuilding.is the bridge over the Namekagon River on County Trunk Highway "Dt9 in the Town of Cable, and your Committee approves of the attached resolution covering the construct- ion of that bridge and recommends its passage.. Signed: Geo. B. Williams R. 1. Nelson C. 0. Nelson County Highway Committee Moved by Williams and seconded by R. T. Nelson to adopt the foregoing res- olution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Smith, Alcott, Irish, Bernard Johnson, Monson, Buckley, Meyer; Unseth, Arnold, Chambers, Mineau, Pristash, Nicholson, Kerr, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Anderson, lohanik, Bystrom, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, Hadland, R. T. Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Swqnson, Rude, Squires. Total 37. NAYS:, None Motion carried. Mr. Rivers, Chairman of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, made an oral report regarding the cost of additional vault space covering both proposed projects, that is, the reconstruction within the present building and the proposed addition twenty feet wide across the rear of the Courthouse. Moved by Arnold and seconded by Chambers that the Buildings and Grounds Gommitt be instructed to investigate the cost of air conditioning the basement of the Courthouse and that they make a report at the annual: meeting in November. Motion carried. Mrs. George Erhart was allowed to address the County Board in which she made a.... plea for the County to join the Indianhead Association, Inc. In order to bring the matter properly before the Board, the chair requested Mr. Williams to draw up a resolution and present it for consideration during the session. The following resolution was read: Tract No. 26 John H. Fisher WHEREAS Tohn H. Fisher has been the owner of the following described lands located in Bayfield County, Wisconsin for many years: The SE4 of the SW4 and the S'Wof the SE4, Section 4, Township 46 North, Range 9 West. 5�9 ANNUAL SPRING METING OF _THE BAYFI {` D C OtTNTY BOARD — --- MAY 4 , 1937 ---,----- - That the records in the County TreasurerUsoffice for 'Bayfield County, Wisconsin, disclose that the taxes for 1929 remain unpaid on said premises, and that, therefore, Bayfield County took a -tax deed on said premises, in'the year 1930". thereas it appears that -:the said 6ohn- H. Fisher has- paid the taxes on the prem- ises above described in 1930, 193-1, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1935 and 1936 and that- the said JTohn H. Fisher -is willing to pay the 1929 taxes; that said tax'deed-which was taken by the County in 1930-constitutes a cloud on -the -title on the premises above -described. Whereas it further appears that said lands have been entered on the Forest Crop Law by the County. Whereas it further appears that the said John H. Fisher ought to be --permitted to pay the 1929 taxes and have the 1930 tax deed removed from the record and have the land withdrawn from the Forest Crop Law. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the County Board of Supervisors for Bayfield County, Wisconsin, that the County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to execute a quit -claim deed of the premises above described, to John H. Fisher upon the payment of the 1929 taxes. Be it further resolved that the County Clerk is hereby authorized to apply to the Conservation Commission in the State of Wisconsin for the withdrawal of the land above described from the operation of the Forest Crop Law. C. D. Arnold. Moved by Chambers and seconded by Nohl to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: Washburn, Wisconsin May 4, 1937 Resolved by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, assembled in session Tuesday, May 4, 1937, that the feasibility or practical value of Bayfield County sponsoring a W.P.A. Project for the manufacture of snow. fence to be used by the Towns, Cities, or Villages in the County be investigated. Signed: C. 0. Nelson Moved by Dnseth and seconded by Meyer to receive the foregoing resolution and place it on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: Whereas, the regular annual salary of the County Nurse of Bayfield County was heretofore fixed at the sum of $1500 per annum by action of the)tounty Board of Bayfield C ount y, and . Whereas,.Miss Alice Dillon, County Nurse of Bayfield County, recently tendered to the Health Committee her resignation as County Nurse in order to accept the position of County Nurse of Waupaca County at an increase in salary of $200 per year over what she has been receiving from Bayfield County, and is Whereas, the County Health Committee./desirious of retaining Miss Dillon's services, made arrangements to increase her salary temporarily from funds in the hands of Committee until regular action could be taken by the County Board., and Whereas, the County Health Committee would like to see the services of Miss on continued in' the office of County Nurse of Bayfield Count, now therefore,,. be it RESOLVED, that the County Health Committee recommend to the County Board that ANNUAL SPRING 14EETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD said County Board -at, -its next regular meeting increase the salary of the County Nurse of Bayfield County from $1500 to $1700 annually. D. S. Knight W: E. Kerr C. 0. Nelson Albert E. Swanson S. E. Squires Bayfield County -Health Committee Moved by Gustafson and seconded by'C. 0. Nelson to adopt the foregoing res- olution. Roll call was as follows-: AYES: Nohl, Smith, Alcott, Irish; Monson-, Meyer, Unseth; Arnold, Chambers, Mineau, Pristash, Nicholspn, Kerr, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Anderson, JohaniT;�, Bystrom, Wallin, y f L"Rowley, Houas Nyberg, Williams Hog stro9m Fiege7 Hadland, R. T. Nelson �} � f f t7 9 Gustafson, Rivers, Ambl.y, Olson, Swanson, Rude, Squires. Total 34. NAYS: Bernard Johnson, Buckley. Total 2. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: Whereas', It has long been the custom for the Bayfield County Board to make an annual appropriation for the Bayfield County Fair, in order that this fair might function; and Whereas, Due to the depression and the resultant shortage of funds and fin- ancial support for this great and time honored county institution, it was temporarily discontinued; and '-',Whereas, It was the intention of the county -Board and the county in general that this fair be revived when conditions improve; and Whereas, General business conditions- and county finance -a- have improved to, 'a point where it is no longer necessary or advisable to postpone the opening of this fair; and Whereas, A county fair such as we formerly had is an asset and of great advert- ising value to the county in general and is not for the particular benefit of any one group or locality but a county wide affair should be treated as such; and Whereas, It is the desire of a vast number of farmers, business men, resort owners and public spirited citizens that this fair be re-established and maintained as an annual county fair, sponsored by the Bayfield County Board and under the direct sup- ervision of the countyboard, the county agricultural committee, and the county agricult- ural agent, therefore Resolved, That there be and is hereby appropriated the sum of $1500.00 for the Bayfield County Fair, for the year 1937; and Be it further Resolved, That the Bayfield Gounty Agricultural Agent and the county agricultural committee be and are hereby instructed to conduct a Bayfield County Fair at the county fair grounds in Iron River, this fall, and to use t-Ti:eir best knowledge and resources to make this great and valuable county institution a success, and therefore it will be'a means of telling Wisconsin what a great agricultural county Bayfield County is. Presented by: L. A. Mineau Axel Anderson L. F. Chambers Wilbur Smith ANAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY -BOARD - —-------^- MAY 4, 1937 Moved by Mineau and seconded by- Chamb-ers to adopt the foregoing- resolution, providing -that the County appropriation be available only on condition that State Aid is available., Roll call was as follows: AYES! Nohl, Smith, Alcott, Irish, Bernard Johnson, Monson, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Arnold, Chambers, Mineau, Pristash, Nicholson, Kerr, Schulte, C. 0-. nelson, Anderson, Johanik, Bystrom, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Nyberg, Knight; Hadland, R. J. Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Swanson, Rude, Total 33: NAYS: Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Squires. Total 4. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY ROARD OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: WHEREAS, The county board voted last -fall to place all the county fire insur- ance business with the state insurance fund and, WHEREAS, Certain members -who voted for -the resolution have since become convinced that they voted against the best -interest -of the county and it's citizens, and that state competition against private institutions -is unfair, and ;WHEREAS, the county board is already on record as favoring the purchase of everything within the countyprice and quality considered, BE IT RESOLVED, that the former resolution dealing with this subject be recinded, and all insurance on county buildings be placed with agents within the county, where closer supervision and frequent inspection can be had. Offered by: R. F. C. Schultz Moved by'Knight and seconded by Schultz to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion lost. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the building on lots Ten (10), Eleven (11) and Twelve (12), Block Forty-nine (49), Original Townsite of the City of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, Ihas been vacant for several years and is fast going to ruins, and WHEREAS, we are desirious of obtaining this property for improvements and place lit in better conditions for use, and to bring the same back on the tax roll, and WHEREAS, the delinquent taxes against said property is excessive considering Ithe condition of the property and the value at the present time, and the cost of placing same in good condition will be considerable, and building being of such form and shape Ito be useful for very few purposes and only adapted to very few uses, and WHEREAS, the building on this lot being 75 by 75 constructed of stone, without suitable basement, and a one story building, and covering three lots making the land value high compared to the value of the improvements, thereby making the cost of maintaining and repairing this property for use high and also will be a considerable expense to re- model the building for use for any purpose, and WHEREAS, the building if not protected by being put to use will soon be only suitable for wrecking and will constitute a danger to the residents of this community, Inow therefore be it RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors that the delinquent taxes against this property be compromised to a`suitable amount according -to 'the actual value and condition of this property at this time. Submitted by:J. A. Rivers ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Note: Resolution in the interest of B. Ungrodt who desires to obtain this property and to improve same and place same on tax paying bases. Moved by Rivers and seconded by Gustafson to compromise tax as listed in the foregoing resolution for the stun of' $575. Moved by Nohl and seconded by Arnold to amend the foregoing motion to read that it be referred to the illegal tax committee with instructions to investigate and report to the board. Motion carried. Rivers and Gustafson agreed to withhold action on the original motion , pending committee report. The following resolution was read: BE IT"HEREBY- RESOLVED that the Bayfield County -Board of Supervisors in session this 4th day -of May, 1937, appropriate $200.00 for membership in the Wisconsin Indianhead Country, Inc. Geo. B. Williams - Moved by Williams and seconded by Smith to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Smith, Alcott, Irish, Bernard Johnson, Monson, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Arnold, Chambers, Mineau, Pristash, Nicholson, Kerr, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Ander- son, Johanik, Bystrom, Wallin, Rowley, Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, Hadland, R. T. Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Swanson, Rude, Squires. Total 36. NAYS: None Motion carried. / The following resolution was read:. - WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Pension Department has adopted -a rule requiring every'app,licant for old age assistance to execute a lien on his property in favor of Bayfield County to reimburse said County for advances made in the form of old age 'assistance; and - WHEREAS, The said rule is working hardships on many applicants for old age assistance and is likely to, cause additional hardships on such applicants in the future; WHEREAS, Such a rule if enforced will in time cause a substantial reduction in the assessed valuation of the property within Bayfield County which will result in great difficulty on -the part of the County Board to balance the county budget; and WHEREAS, Section 49i`.23 (2) of the Wlisconsin Statutes places the maximum limit of 1?5,000.00 in value of property owned by persons eligible for old age assistance, and Section 49.26 of the Wisconsin Statutes that the County Court or Pension-iDepartment may exercise discretion in requiring applicants for old age assistance to execute conveyances of their property to the County; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin hereby goes on record as being opposed to the policy of requiring applicants for old age assistance to execute to Bayfield County liens on their property and- homes as a condition to receiving old age assistance, and to release liens which have already been executed and recorded by persons applying for old age assistance. Submitted by: Ben R. Rude. Moved by Rude and seconded by Rivers to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: 53 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - -- MAY 4, 1937------ ---- AYES: Irish, Mineau, Bystrom, Wallin, Nyberg, Rivers,Rude. Total 7 NAYS: Nohl, Smith; Alcott, Bernard Johnson', Monson, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Arnold, Chambers, Pris.tash, Nicholson, Kerr, Schultz, C'. 0. Nelson, Anderson, Johann:, Rowley, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, Hadland, R. -: Nelson, Gustafson, Ambly, Olson, Swanson, Squires. Total 29, Motion lost. The following resolution was read: AREAS, the November 1936 meeting of the Bayfield County Board an appropriation for $1200 was made for county relief expenditures and WHEREAS', after the adjournment of the November meeting of the County Board ruling was made by the state requiring the county to contribute three per cent of total expenditures for relief proportion within -the county which three per cent requires the expenditure by the county of approximately $400 'a month for the months of April and May and WHEREAS, the state has made additional requests for county contribution -for ten per cent for the county share of relief expenditure for the balance of the year: WHEREAS, unless the county makes available sufficient funds to meet the -per- centage imposed by the state there is danger that relief funds from the state will be entirely cut off . THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this fourth day of May, 1937 that an appropriation of five thousand dollars be made to cover the county share of relief expenditures for the balance of the year effect- ive as of April 1, 1937. Signed: Irving Hadland- Charles Pierce L. A. Mineau Moved by., Meyer and seconded by Unseth to table the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Smith, Meyer,Unseth, Arnold, Chambers, Pristash, Nicholson, Kerr, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Anderson, Wallin, Hougas,.Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom, Squires. Total 17. NAYS: Nohl, Alcott, Irish, Bernard Johnson, Monson, Buckley, Mineau, Tohanik, Bystrom, Rowley, Fiege, Knight, Hadland, R. 1. Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Swanson, Rude. Total 20. Motion lost. There was no further action taken on the aforesaid resolution,and the follow- ing resolution was read as a substitute: TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE AND TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: Whereas, at the November 1936 meeting of the Bayfield County Board, an appropriation of Twelve Hundred ($1200.00) Dollars was made for County relief expenditures, e and Whereas, after the adjournment of the November meeting of the County Bomrd a ruling was -made by the State requiring the county to contribute 3% of the total expend- itures for relief purposes within the County, which 3% requires the expenditures by the - County of approximately Four Hundred ($400.00) Dollars per month or a total of Forty- eiglit Hundred (04800.00) Dollars estimated for the year, and Whereas, the $1200 heretofore appropriated by the County Board has already been - expended in the past three months of 1937 in meeting the 3% requirement made by the State, ing it necessary -to have available approximately Thirty-six Hundred ($3600.00) Dollars ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD to meat the State relief requirements on the 3% basis for the balance of the current year, :.. Whereas, unless the -County makes available sufficient funds to me -et -their 3% obligation imposed by the State, there is danger that relief funds from the State will be entirely cut off, now, therefore; be it RESOLVED, that we, members of -the Relief Committee, recommend to, th-e County - Finance Committee and to the County- Board of Bayfield County -that --an appropriation of Thirty-six Hundred ($3600.00) Dollars be made to cover the County's share of relief expenditures for the balance of the year effective as of April 1, 1937. Charles Pierce L . A. Min eau Irving Hadland RELIEF COMMITTEE' Moved by Williams and seconded by Meyer to adopt the foregoing resolution. Moved by Squires -and seconded by Arnold to add the following amendment: "We demand a drastic reduction in direct relief and that same be discontinued at the earliest possible date.'t The motion to amend was carried. Roll call on the original resolution -as -amended was as follows: AYES: Smith, Alcott, Irish, Monson, Meyer, Unseth; Chambers, Mineau, Nicholson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Anderson, Johanik, Bystrom, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom, Knight, Hadland, R. T. Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Swan- son, Rude. Total 29. NAYS: Nohl, Bernard Johnson, Buckley, Arnold, Pristash, Kerr, Fiege, Squires. Total 8. Motion carried. Moved by Johanik and seconded by Gustafson that the County Board adjourn until 10 A. M., May 5. Motion carried. ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 5. 1937 0 N U6 Meeting called to order at 10 A. M. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered roll call: Nohl, Smith, Alcott; Irish, Bernard Johnson, Monson, Brickley, Meyer, Arnold, Chambers, Mneau, Pristgsh, Nicholson, Kerr, o C, .0. Nelson, Anderson, - T.9han1k, Bystrom, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas; Nyberg; Williams, 0 Hogstrom, Fiege,, Knight,. R. J. Nelson, Gusq afson, Rivers,-Ambly, Olson, Rude, Squires. Total 33 ° 0 Moved by Hougas and seconded by Gustafson to -adopt -the resolution authorizing the construction -of resettlement homesteads which was read earlier in the session. Roll 00 call was as follows: ° AYES: A.lcptt-,, Mineau, C`. _0. Nelson, Johanik, Williams, Hogstrom, Gustafson, Rivers, Rude, Squires. Total 10. NAYS:. Nohl, Smith, Irish, Bernard Johnson, Monson, Buckley, Meyer, Arnold, 0 Chambers, Pristash;,}Nicholson, Kerr, Anderson, Bystrom, [Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Nyberg, 0 Fiege, might, R. -J. Nelson, Ambly, Olson, Total 23. Motion lost. c O The following resolution was ;read: Whereas, the County Board has on record a resolution adopted several years ago, 0 setting up a schedule of salaries for clerical assistance, and Whereas, the Deputy Register of Deeds resigned as of February lst, 1937; and Whereas, Miss Mabel Bratley was appointed Deputy Register of Deeds as of 0 February 1st, 1937;.and Whereas, Miss Mabel Bratley, has worked in -.the --Register of Deed�-s Office and is familiar and has had approximately 11 years experience in'said office; and Whereas, under the present schedule- of wages- for- clerical- assistance- the county officers can only pay her the'ninimum, or forty dollars per month; and Whereas, this is an injustice to her in view of her experience:; Therefore, Be It Hereby Resolved, that the County Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay her the maximum salary allowed under the salary schedule for clerical assistance commencing with Feb. 1st, 1937. S. E. Squires L. A. Mineau 4 Geo. B. Williams I. L. Alcott Finance Committee Moved by Meyer and seconded by Arnold to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. An oral report of the committee on illegal taxes regarding the resolution for compromise was presented by E. K. Olson and additional information was furnished by Mr. Nohl. The total outstanding taxes together with accrued interest and penalties amount to $1247.07. Said report covers Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 49, Original Townsite of Mashburn. Moved by Rude and seconded by Meyer that the amount of taxes plus interest -be compromised for $600.00 and that the balance be charged back to the City of Washburn. Motion carried. Mr. Schultz arrived at this time. ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFI_ELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 5, 1937 0 The f oll ow ing- pe-tit ion was read_: 'Washburn, Wisconsin 'April 30, 1937 TO THE -BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: The Common -Council of th-e City of Washburn respectfully petitions --your honor= able body to grant an easement on the northwest side and parallel to --the C. St. P. It. & 0. Ry. a strip of land 66 feet wide off Lots 9 to 16 inclusive , Block 104, Lots- 1 to 16 inclusive, Block 109, and Lots 1 & 2, Block 111, Townsite of- Washburn-. This land is to be -used as a continuation .of road connecting up Sixth Avenue East and Superior Avenue, thereby enabling Memorial Park patrons easy access to same on North side. Submitted by: J-. A. Rivers- 6 Moved by Gustafson and seconded by -Rivers' to . adopt the foregoing petition. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: Whereas,. there is norm in progress a Tuberculin testing program throughout the high schools of Bayfield County, and Whereas, it is considered desirable by the Public Health Committee that students showing a positive reaction be tested by x-ray, and Whereas, the estimated cost of x-ray tests -of such positive reactors will approximate $200.00, and VFhereas, the Finance Committee of the County Board has indicated that it' would approve and also recommend the appropriation of 9200.00 for x-ray testing; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the public Health Committee recommend to the County Board that funds in the sum of $200.00 be made available to be used in the x-ray testing in the Tuberculin testing program now in progress in our high schools. D. S. Knight W. E. Derr C . 0. Nel son Albert E. Swanson S. E. Squires Bayfield County Health Committee Moved by Gustafson and seconded by Nohl to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Smith, Alcott, Irish, Bernard Tohnson, Monson, Buckley, Meyer, -Arnold, Chambers, Mineau, Pristash, Nicholson, Kerr, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Anderson., Tohanik, Bystrom, Wallin, Rowley, Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom, Knight, R. T. Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Rude, Squires. Total 32, NAYS: F'iege. Total 1. Notion carried. The following communications were read: 54 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BA_Y_FIELD COUNTY BOARD - -- - MAY 5, 1937 — ---- -- January 5, 1937 Mir. S. E. Squires Mason, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Squires: You are hereby -notified in accordance with Section 19.01 (4) (dd) that surety bonds have been filed is our Office by the-- following- officers: Harry Burnett Randall, Jr., Pension Director 2500. Ludwig Tranmal, County -Clerk 5000. Sohn 0. Bodin-, County Treasurer- 40000. Nora Olson-, Deputy County -Treasurer 5000. Robert North, Coroner- 500. Percy H. Newhouse, Clerk of Circuit -Court 5000. Robert A. Nixon, District Attorney 1000. Fels Myhre, Register of -Deeds 3000. Harold-M. Powell, Surveyor 1000. To date Hjalmer Frostman has not filed -a --bond, although he has made provision for one;. He did file his oath of office sometime ago. The above bonds have all been approved as to form and surety by the District Attorney, in accordance with the law. Yours very tru;y, Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk. April 30, ,1937 Mr. S. E. Squires Prison, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Squires: You are hereby notified in accordance with Section 19.01 (4) (dd) that surety bonds have been filed in our office by the following officers: Hjalmar Frostman, Sheriff $10000. 'Walter T. Norlin,. District Attorney 1000. The above bonds have all been approved as to form and -surety by the District Attorney, in accordance with the law.. Yours very truly, Ludwig, Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Moved by Meyer and seconded by C. 0. Nelson to accept the foregoing communic- ations and place on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: Clayton, Wisconsin April 26, 1937 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk, Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: At the Annual Meeting of -the U. S. Highway 63 Association was adopted the res- olution which follows. ANNUAL SPRING 112EETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 5, 1937 RESOLVED, the'. Directors'' of the Association go on record` in favor- of marking the center line in yellow on all oiled portions of Highway 63-, and a copy of this resolution be sent to the Division Engineer; County Boards -and County Highway Committees. Carried. Will you please submit this to your County Board at - their next session. Sincerely yours, F. H. Caudy, Secretary Moved by Meyer and seconded by Hougas to adopt the foregoing communication. Motion. carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors that the District Attorney is hereby authorized and directed to recover possession of and quiet title to the following described premises belonging to the County of Bayfield: Lot twenty-five (25) and the northeast one-half of Lot twenty six (26) in Block forty-nine (49) of the Original Townsite of the City of Washburn; Lot five (5) , Block fifty-two (52) of.the Original Townsite of the City of Washburn; and Lot seven (7), Block seventeen (17),'Vaughn & Austrian' Addition to the'City of'Washburn, and Parcel in the NW SE,Section seven (7), township forty-seven (47),Range eight (S)r;est, described in volume forty-five (45) of Deeds, page three hundred ninety-six (396). NW NE, NE NW, NW NW,, all in section twenty-three (23) ; ' township forty-nine (49) , Range nine (9) West. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Attorney be and he is hereby authorized) and directed to commence and prosecute such proceedings in court as may be necessary to quiet title to and bbtain possession of said premises. Submitted by: S. E. Squires Moved by Nohl and seconded by Chambers to adopt the foregoing resolution, Motion carried. The following resolution was read: To the County Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: Whereas Bayfield County has tax title to the X-72- of the SW4 of Section 21, Township 47 North of Range 6 West, and Whereas the Town of Keystone desires to purchase the aforesaid land for town purposes and Whereas the Town Board, at a regular meeting held April 24, 1937 passed a motion to acquire title to this land Therefore in view of the.f oregoing facts be it hereby resolved that the County Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to issue quit claim -deed to the Town of Key- stone covering -the Ez of the SVJ Section 21, Township 47 of the Range 6 West, and that the consideration be the face of the tax certificates plus fees and penalties- now -held by the County Treasurer and that said consideration be written off credit accounts of excess delinquent.tax rolls. Andrew Pristash, Chairman, Town of Keystone 1 ANNUAL SPRING MEE-TING_OF THE BAYFIELD C0UN_Ty__BQARD_ Moved�by Pristash and seconded by Rivers to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: To the County Board of Supervi°aors Bayfield County, Wisconsin Gentlemen: WHEREAS, Bayfield County has tax title to, the NE'NE' of Section 34-45-9 md 7HEREAS the Town of Barnes desires to purchase the aforesaid land for town purposes, and WHEREAS the Town Board at their regular meeting held April 24, 1937 passed a motion to acquire title to this land THEREFORE, in view- of the foregoing- facts, b-e-it hereby- resolved that the - County Clerk i-s hereby authorized and instructed�to issue quit claim deed to the -Town of Barnes covering the NE NE 34-45-9 and that the consideration be the -face -of the tax dertificates plus fees and penalties now held by the County Treasurer and that- sst d- considerationcbe written off credit accounts of excess delinquent tax rolls. Wilbur --Smith Chairman, Town of ' Barnes Moved by Mineau and seconded by Hougas to adopt the foregoing resolution, Motion carried. Moved by Meyer and seconded by Arnold to adjourn until 1:30 P. M. Motion carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P. M. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered roll call: Nohl, Smith, Alcott, Irish, Bernard Johnson, Monson, Buckley, Meyer, Arnold, Chambers, Mineau, Pristash, Nicholson, Kerr, C. 0. Nelson, Anderson, J"ohanik, Bystrom, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Nyberg, Williams, Hog- strom, Knight, Hadland, R. J. Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Rude, Squires. (Total 33. The following resolution was read: RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin: jVHEREAS; the Lake Superior District Power Company, a Public Utility Corporation of Ashland, Wisconsin proposes to construct a high tension line, commencing at about the center of Section Six (6), in Township forty-eight (48) North, Range Four (4) West in the platted part -of the City of Washburn, thence in a northerly direction through the said section Six (6); also through Section Thirty-one (31), Township Forty. -nine (49), Range Four (4) Vest, thence Northeasterly to the quarter post between Section Twenty-nine (29) and Thirty (30), thence Forth along the Section line to the North Township line of Town- ship Forty-nine (49), thence diagonally across Sections Twenty-nine (2.9), Twenty (20), Twenty-one (,�l) and Sixteen (16) to the quarter post between Sections Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16), thence east along the quarter line to the center of Section Thirteen (13), all in Township Forty-nine (49) North, Range Four (4) West, as indicated by a red line placed on the map attached hereto. IT IS RESOLVED, That the County of Bayfield grant to the Lake Superior District JPower Company an easement, in the form of the proposed easement and the rights described 5 15 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 5, 1937 therein, of--which-a copy is hereto'attached and hereby made a part o-f-this resolution, which said easement- is- hereby approved as 'to form and content; in consideration of the payment to the said County of the sum of - One Hundred Dollars, ($100'.00) . IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper officers of - the County 'of Bayfield be and they are hereby instructed and authorized to.,:.exeuute and deliver- to, the- Lake Superior District Power Company an_. easement over, any and all lands- owned -by--the' County along the - route as indicated on the attached map, as soon as the said Lake Superior District -Power Company has completed their survey and submitted blue prints covering the proposed --con- struction, said easement- to be in form and substance the- same as the- easement of whi,c-h 'a copy is hereto attached and made a part hereof, and to'do such other -and further acts as may be reasonable necessary and proper to carry this, -re -solution -into effect. Introduced by S. E. Squires Note: A copy of the easement and map showing the -approximate right-of-way are attached to the resolution on file in the County Clerk's Office. Moved by Meyer and seconded by Irish to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: Whereas Bayfield County has tax title to the following described property sit- uated in the Town of Bell: SE Quarter of Section 32; Township 51 North-, Range 6 West - NEE of SST, n 32- tr 51 tt tr 6 ; tr NW of NE tt 35 tt 51 tr 6 tr . SIP of N7T t' 13 tt 50 "' 'e 6 "Lot 3 tt . .20 'e 50- tr tt 6 tt Lot 3 21 " 50 "' " 6 and Whereas the Town of Bell has an excess delinquent tax credit of $42,719.29 on County records as of Jan. 1, 1937, and TMereas, the Town Board of the Town of Bell have adopted a resolution authoriz- ing and directing that application be made to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to acquire the aforesaid descriptions, Therefore, in view of the foregoing facts, be it hereby resolved that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue a quit claim deed to the Town of Bell covering the following described property to -wit: SE Quarter of Section 32, Township 51 North, of Range 6 West NE of SV tt 32 't 51 Gt tt tt. 6 tr N71 of NE " 35 0 31 M it tr 6 it. Sal of NW "' 13't ,,... 50 ,t.. 6. . Lot 3, tt 20 ft. 50 ,,., . ,t tt... 6.. . Lot 3 't 21- ' tt. 50 tr c*.. • �.... 6 �• and that the consideration be the face of the tax certificates plus fees and penalties -- now held by the County -Treasurer and that said cons-ideration be written off from the credit account of the Town of Bell on account of excess delinquent tax -rolls. Bernard Johnson Chairman, Town of Bell 51 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY-- 19 3? Moved by Gustafson and seconded by Hogstrom to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried unanimously. The following petition was read: TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: It appears that Carl TVescheke and Charles 7tleschcke of --9'6 South lVabasha Street, St. Paul, are the record owners of the NE S??l, Section 3 6, Township 46 North, Range 6 7est, and It appears from the tax records that the aforesaid land has been assessed in two parcels, namely, Part East of White River and Part West of White River, for the yL-ars 1924 to 1928, inclusive, and It appears further that the taxes were paid on that Part East of the River for each of the aforesaid years, It appears further that the tax certificate for the sale -of 1925 covering delinquent tax for the year 1924 was sold to G. E.. Snyder, and It appears further that the tax certificates for the sales of 1926 to 1929, inclusive, were sold to Bayfield County, and Bayfield County took a tax deed on the tax certificates for the sales of 1926 and 1927. It appears further that this forty is not cut up by the river, and therefore the assessment is illegal. Therefore, we petition the Bayfield County Board for'.the cancellation of all the outstanding tax certificates on the aforesaid land covering the taxes for the years of 1924 to 1928, inclusive, and that the County Glerk be authorized and instructed to issue a quit claim deed to Carl Weschcke and Charles Wescheke, the present_owners there- of for the sum of $30.34, which -is the face of the taxes for the years '1925 to 1928, inclusive. carried. Carl Weschcke Charles We-sch-cke By:' N. E. Ledin Moved by Kerr and seconded by Meyer to grant the foregoing petition. Motion The following resolution was read: i To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: Whereas Bayfield County has tax title to the following described property in the Town of Clover, and Whereas the Town of Clover has an excess delinquent tax credit of $38671.53 Ion County Records as of March 31, 1936 and Whereas the Town Board of the Town of Clover have adopted a resolution auth- orizing and directing that application be made to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to acquire the following descriptions; Therefore, in view of the foregoing facts, be it hereby resolved that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue a quit claim deed to the Town of Clover covering the following described property: Description Section Township Range NE NG'T 2 50 7 SE NW 2 50 7 NE SW 2 50 7 .552 ANNUAL -SPRING MEETING _OF_ THE__BAYFIELD -COUNTY BOARD MAY 52 1937 Des-cription Section Township Range S�V 2 50 7- sw SW 2 -50 7 SE, SW 2 50 7 Nff NE 3 50 7 / E2 NE NW 3 50 7 E2 X2 SE SE 3 50 7 4 71-21 E`2 Lot 3 7 50 7 SE SE 7 50 7 VT NE 8 50 7- NE -SW 8 50 7 SW NW 9 5:0 7 Part of SE NE described in Vol. of Deeds 71, Page 165 10 50 7 NE Sw 10 -50 7 %W Sw 10 50 7 SW Sw -10 50 7 NE SE 10 50 7 SW SE 10 50 7 SE SE 10 50 7 SW SW NV 11 50 7 SE NV 11 50 7 SE Sit 11 50 NV SE 11 50 7 S6'V SE 11 50 7 w2 NE NW 14 50 7 my NW 14 50 7 Sw W 14 50 7 NE SE 14 50 7 NW SE 14 50 7 NE NE 15 50 7 ,SW NE 15 50 7 SE NE 15 50 7 0 S 2 SE NW 15 50.7 Siff Sly 15 50 7 SE -SW 15 50 7 2 NE SE' 15 50 7 NV • SE 15 50 7 Ni NW NVV 17 50 7 SW NV 17 50 7 Sw NE 18 50 7 SE NE 18, 50 7 NE. SW 18 50 7 SE S' V 18 50 7 72 NE SE 18, 50- 7 N1j7 SE 18 50 7 Sw SE 18 50 7 5 ( \3 M AL_SPRING ,MOTING .OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD _ MAY 5, 1937 D.esc�ri�ti.on Section, Township Range NE NE 19 50 7 SE NE 19 50 7 Nit 'NW- 20 50 7 sit NW- 20 50 7 N09 SE 20 50 7 SW SE less SE4 20 50 7 NE NE 21 50 7 SE NFU' 21 50 7 NE NE 22 50 7 STD NE 22• 50 7 SE NE 22 50 7 NE NW- 22. 50 7 SI NU 2.2 50 7 SE NET 22 510 7 NE SR 22, 50 7 Nib SE 22 .50- 7 SE SE 29 5:0 7 IN NSF 23 50 7 SW NV 23 50 7 of Plat of OrchardPlat Orchard. Cite.: '. Lot Block 6 3 7 3 8 -3 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 9 6 9 7 9 $ 9 7 10 $ 10 1 11 AO ert Bartlett, Tr.s Addition to Orchard City 1 3 12 3 13 3 17 3 18 3 4 5 5 5 6 5 4 6 5 6 .51 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF -THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 5, 1937 Robert Barlett; Tr.s Addition to Orchard City Lot Block 6 6 7 6 8 6 1 7 2 7 Subdivision of Lot 2. of Robert Bartlett, Jr.s Second Addition to Orchard City 5 6 Plat of Buesch Forest Reserve W and the consideration be the face of the tax certificates plus fees and penalties how held by the County Treasurer and that said consideration be written off from the credit account of the Town of Clover on account of excess delinquent tax rolls. D. J. Buckley Chairman Town of Clover Moved by Nohl and seconded by Gustafson to adopt the foregoing resolution. I Motion carried:: The following: resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County has entered certain lands under the Forest Crop Law, An WHEREAS, some of the lands should be withdrawn for various reasons-, and WHEREAS, the lands whichshould be withdrawn are listed below, together with detailed data as follows: 1. W2 S'QT, Section 18, Township 50 North, of Range 4 West, 80.47 acres; Exchanged by order of County Board with H. J. Wachsmuth, May 5, 1936. See County Board Journal 7, Page 432. Entered under the Forest Crop Law March 13, 1936, order #379. 2-. SW NW, Section 21, Township 43 North, of Range 9 West, 40 acres. .Entered under the Forest Crop Law March 10, 1937. Not county owned. 8. SW SW,, Section 1:8, Township 43 North, of Range 9 West, 41.22 acres . Entered under the Forest Crop Law March 16, 1937. County only owns Undivided 12, 4. MY SW, Section 13, Township 50 North, of Range 6 West, 40 acres. Entered under the Forest Crop Law March 13, 1936, order No. FC-379. County only owns NW SW less part West of River. Little or no land west of river on this forty. 5. SE NE, Section 11, Township 47 North, of Range 8 West. Entered under the Forest Crop Law March 13, 1936, order No. 379. Part of Niel Diamon homestead and farm which county board authorized by resolution to be quit claimed to him. Therefore, in view of the foregoing facts, BE IT HEREBY'RESOLVED that the County Clerk make application to the Wisconsin Conservation Commission for the withdrawal of the ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD above lands from the Forest Crop Law. Wm. Meyer Moved by Hougas and seconded by Mineau to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, The County Board authorized the purchase of -one thousand Bayfield County maps from the State Highway Commission about a.year ago, which had on the.highways up to date at that time, and said supply of maps is about dxhausted. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Clerk be instructed and directed, -to purchase another thousand of the same map, and that he ask the Wisconsin Highway Commission to bring the copy down to date before having the new ones printed. Wm. Meyer Moved by Meyer and seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried unanimously. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the City of Washburn, Bayfield County Wis. desires to make provisions fora site fora proposed new school building, and WHEREAS, the following described premises are desirable for the site for -the proposed new school building and are owned by the County of. Bayfield, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervi sors of Bayf ield County be and it is hereby requested to authorize the County Clerk and County Treasurer to exchange the-. following described lots, namely lots six (6), seven: (7), eight (8), nine.(9), ten (10), eleven (11), and.twelve (12), Block 20 of'Vaughns and Austrian addition to the City of Washburn, for such part of the delinquent tax credit -existing between''the-City of, Washburn and Bayfield County as will equal the unpaid taxes, penalties and other charges -now out_- standing against said lots; and the Treasurer of the City of Washburn is hereby authorized to exchange that part of the said tax credit heretofore mentioned for the lots above described upon the approval of the said Board of Supervisors. Submitted by J. A. Rivers Moved by Rude and seconded by Gustafson to adopt the f oregoing,resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, for the past year the county has been -receiving the third time services of an experience children's worker provided through the state by means of funds from the Federal Social Security Act for the child welfare services, and ?WHEREAS, it has been found that the third time services of a children's worker have been inadequate to handle the load of approximately one, ---.hundred fifty cases under jurisdiction of .the Children's Board and to give efficient services to.the court and District Attorney making investigations, and WHEREAS, under the present arrangement the children's worker is not in -the county fortwo-thirds of the time which means that when an emergency arises "there may be no one available to handle the A tuation. The load having grown too great for the voluntary members of the County Children's Board and WHEREAS, the members of the Bayfield County Children's Board are anxious to have money which they are requesting through the Federal Security Act for the coming year .5 5 6 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 5, 1937 to be used to the best advantage. They suggest that a request be made by, -the' County Board of Supervisors that -the federal funds novr-paid- for the ' third- time worker (approximately 0700. a year for travel and salary) be given to the county to be used in paying for a part time local qua�if ied worker for the coming year -whose services might be combined with some other already existing county department. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Bayf field County Board of Supervisors in,annual session this fourth day of May, -1937 the - state and federal Children*s- Bureaube requested" to make available to the county for the salary and travel expense of a third time local qualified worker for the coming year whose services may be combined with some other al- ready existing county department and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if this request be denied the state- and federal Children's Department is requested to furnish the- services of a local qualified worker on a one-half time basis costing approximately $1050 a year salary and mileage which -being understood that the county furnishstenographic help, office space, files, and office supplies. By: S. E. Squires Moved by knight and seconded by Meyer to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The f ollowing report was read; Washburn, Wisconsin April 30, 1937 TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: Supplementary to our report of November 12, 1936, we have to advise.you that all the windows in the jail and sheriff's residence have been put in first class repair. on close examination it was found that the windows could be reinformced in such a way as to place them in first class condition, which would do away with the necessity of furn- ishing new windows for• a -number of years to come. All windows have been properly- puttidd- and painted, which will also give considerable relief in so far -as fuel is concerned. We might add that the installation of the boiler and stoker of make chosen seems at this time to be fully justified. As near as we can compute figures, fuel bill for fall - winter 1936-1937 totals about 0900.00 as against $1400.00 to $1450.00 as formerly. We have arranged to provide hot water from the boiler to the Courthouse and jail, this work is expected to be completed shortly. In conclusion will advise that there are several minor changes in the Courthouse necessary to conform with state requirements. These changes will be made at once. Respectfully .submitted, J. A. Rivers .114. A. Gustafson Irving Hadland BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Moved by Williams and seconded by knight to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: Washburn-, Wisconsin April 17, 1937 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD 557 Honorable Members of the Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: At a meeting of'the Finance Committee this winter, we presented a -bill for a share of the expense of office- space for the Rural Rehabilitation Division, in connection with the Relief Office in.the Garfield schoolhouse in the City of'Washburn. The committee agreed to allow this bill and present- it at your meeting for your consideration. Our -share of the rent amounts to $66.65, which we are asking you to allow at'this time. Due to the fact that all other counties in my district are allowing -free space for our offices, and also that we are aiding many farmers and keeping them off the relief rolls, we are asking your consideration to pay our share of the rent for the coming year, which amount will be $ 200'. or near that amount. We are presenting this at this time due to the fact that arrangements of this kind will be necessary before the annual meeting of the Board in the fe11. Yours very truly, V, E. Brubaker District RR Supervisor Moved by Meyer and seconded by Hougas to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: Urging the ]Legislature of the State of Wisconsin to increase state aid for administration of Social Security Aid. WHEREAS, many counties are hard pressed for funds to provice for the -efficient administration of Old Age Assistance, Blind Pensions and Aid to Dependent Children, now THEREFORE, Be It Resolved that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in regular session this fourth day of May, 1937 petition the State of Wisconsin to be re- quested to pay 500 of the total administrative cost, including transportation for the administration of Old Age Assistance, Blind Pensions, and Aid to Dependent Children and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be mailed Axsemblyman Laurie Carlson and State Senator Phil E:. Nelson. carried. Signed: ' S . E. Squires A. T. Unseth Bayfield County Pension Committee Moved by Gustafson and seconded by Nohl to adopt the foregoing resolution. Koti The following resolution was read: Urging Congress of the United States to amend Section 403 (A) of Title 4 of the Social Security Act so as to provide Federal financial reimbursement for the mother as well as for the dependent child. WHEREAS, under Section 403 (A) of Title 4 of the Social,Security Act Federal participation with respect to Aid to Dependent Children is limited to one-third of every - grant not to exceed $18.00 per month for one child and 4�p'12.00 a month for each addition- al child, and WHEREAS, $18.00 per month is deemed insufficient for the needs of the mother and one child, now, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the County Board of Supervisors in regular session 5 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD,COUNTY BOARD UAY 5. 1937 this fourth day, of May, 1937 ' that -Secti on 403 (A) of"'T'it'le 4 of- the Social Security- Act be amended to provide a maximum of $18.00 per month for the mother of- other' persons elig- ible to care for the dependent child -,as provided under 403 (A) plus a maximum of 12.00 per month for each child eligible under -the act and BE IT'FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be mailed Congressman B. T. Gehrmann and Senator Robert LaFollette aid Ryan Duffy'. carried. Signed: ' B.. E. Squires A. T. Unseth Bayfield County Pension Committee Moved by Meyer and seconded by Tohanik to adopt the foregoing -resolution. Motion The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Federal regulations under the provisions of:the Social Security - Act do not permit the endorsement of checks by anyone other than the beneficiary named thereon, in cases of Aid to Dependent Children, Blind Pension, and Old Age Assistance -and, for payment of obligations incurred by them between the date WHEREAS, this incurs a hardship on the creditors of the deceased//of' the issuance of the last check and the date of their death, now THEREFORE, Be it Resolved by the Bayfield County'Board of -Supervisors in regul- ar session this fourth day of May,•1937 that the Social Security Board -of the Federal Government be and is hereby requested to consider the feasibility of payment of. Federal participation from date of issuance of said last check until the date of - death upon proper, certification of the next of kin that such obligations are outstanding or upon appoint - went of special administrator by the County Court and BE IT' FURTHER RESOLVED that" a copy- of this- resolution be -mailed Congressman B. 1. Gehrmann, Senator Robert LaFollett,e and Ryan Duffy. Signedt, S. E. Sggires A,. T. Unseth Bayfield County Pension Committee Moved by Williams and seconded by Chambers to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Federal Government does not participate in medical and hospital- ization costs incurred in' caring for Old Age Assistance, Aid to Dependent Children and Blind Pensioners, now THEREFORE, Be It Hereby Resolved that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in r egular- session this fourth day of May petition the Federal GovernmMment to participate in the medical and hospitalization expense incurred in the care of Old Age Assistance, Aid to Dependent Children and Blind Pensioners, whether the same be included within the legal pension limit or in'excess of the maximum grant and spread on a separate payroll, on the same proportionate percentage basis as they do on the -.-regular grants and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that -a copy'of this resolution be mailed Congressman B: J. Gehrmann and Senator Robert M.:LaFollette..and Ryan Duffy. Signed: S. E. Squires A. J. Unseth- Ben- R., Rude Bayfield County Pension Committee 559 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 5_,_l9 37 Moved by Williams and seconded by Johanik to adopt the foregoing resolution Motion carried. The following resolution- wasread: WHEREAS, a number- of per'son's now, receiving- Old, Age Assistance, Dependent- Child Aid, or Blind Pensions are living in homes on which the county has taken.a tax deed and WHEREAS,` continued occupancy by the original owner will invalidate the aounty's tax deed and WHEREAS', the State Pension Department has informed the'County Pension Dept. that the individuals occupying county owned houses may -pay rent to the county for -the same, this rent to be included in the regular budget and state and government reimburse - went be received on the same. THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Bayfield County -Board of Supervisors in regular session this fourth day of May, 1937 that the District Attorney be and is hereby authorized to secure quit claim deeds from the original owner occupying such property and FURTHER that the Bayfield County Pension Dept-. be and is hereby authorized to enter into rental agreements with the pensioner occupants of said county -property, the - amount of rent to be not less than five dollars a month and graded according to the building occupied. Signed: S.' E. Squires Ben R. Rude A-. 'J. 'Unseth Bayfield County Pension Gommittee. Moved by Nohl and seconded by R. J. Nelson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Mrs. Gladys K. Hale has been employed in the Pension Department for the last year and VMEREAS, the salary she has received has been seventy- five dollars per month and WHEREAS, this salary is not commensurated with the training and the work ex- perienced in carrying on her duties, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this fourth day of May, 1937 that Mrs. Hale's salary be fixed at $100.00 a month and the County (Treasurer and County Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to pay Mrs. Hale: the sum of 1$100.00 per month commencing with the first day of June, 1937. Signed: A. T. Unseth Ben R. Rude S. X."Squires Bayfield County Pension Committee ✓ , Moved by Rude and seconded by R. J. Nelson to adopt the foregoing resolution. 1.4oved by Gustafson and seconded by Chambers to amend the foregoing resolution Ito read "$90.00 per month". Amendment carried. The foregoing resolution as amended.was then submitted to a vote and carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the State Department does not participate in medical or hospitalization lof Old Age Assistance, or Blind Pensioners where the same is in excess of the maximum grant, 0 5 6 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 5, 1937 now BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Boardd"of Supervisors in regular session this fourth -day of May 1937 petition the State Department to participate on the regular percentage basis for medical and hospitalization of the -Old Age Assistance and Blind Pensioners whether the expense be included -in the legal pension limit or in excess of the maximum grant and spread on a separate payroll and BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be mailed Assemblyman Laurie Carlson and State Senator Phil E. Nelson.. Signed: S. E. Squires Ben R. Rude A. T. Unseth Bayfield County Pension Committee Moved by Meyer and seconded by Tohanik to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. JThe following resolution was read: WHEREAS, under 47.08, subsection 4. of the statutes; it is the duty of the County Board to appoint an examiner of the blind and, WHEREAS, under a ruling of the State Pension Board, Bulletin AD-20 an examiner of the blind must be either an -ophthalmologist" registered by -the American Board of Ophthalmology and licensed to .practice within the State; an -ophthalmologist licensed to practice within a State, a physician skilled in eye diseases and licensed to practice within the state, and WHEREAS, the present examiner of the blind of Bayfield County does not qualify under these provi&nns and WHEREAS, there is no one in Bayfield County who can qualify under these provisions, BE.IT HEREBY RESOLVED by.the Bayfield County Board in annual session this fourth day of May, 1937 that Dr. A. E. Butler of Ashland who qualifies under the prov- ision of the statute and who is acceptable with the state as examiner of the blind and who is the examiner of the blind for Ashland County be and is hereby designated examiner of the blind for Bayfield County. Ben R. Rude A. 1. Unseth S. E. Squires Bayfield County Pension Committee Moved by Williams and seconded by Hogstrom to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, The -Wisconsin County -Boards Association is an organization which has for its purpose the promotion of good county government, devoting its efforts primarily - to reducing the cost of county government as well as advocating helpful, and opposing - harmful legislation; it is non -partisan and non -political; it is the only means whereby County Boards may express themselves collectively on timely matters of common interest and general importance to the county, and WHEREAS, There is every reason to believe that material benefit would be gained 681 ANNUAL -SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- --------- — ----- - MAY 5 , 1937 11 by membership in the association, NOW, THEREFORE; Be It Resolved by the County .Board of Supervisors that this County enroll as a member of said Wisconsin County Boards Association, and, Let It Be Further Resolved that the sum of $75.00be appropriated from the general fund, annually for membership in the Wisconsin County Boards Association. S. E. Squires Moved.by Williams and seconded by Nohl to adopt the foregoing r-ersolution. Motion carried unanimously. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, during the depression the maximum salary paid to Clerks employed by t Bayfield County was reduced from $90.00 to $72.00 per month, and` WHEREAS, salaries,are generally being raised elsewhere due to the increased cost of living, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board -of Supervisors that the salaries of the clerks be increased to the original amount paid, being $60.00 per month as basis of beginning with ,.increase of $5.00 per month after working for --three months, and an increase of $5.00 per month for every six month period thereafter-, by the, recommendation of the officer in charge until the maximum of $90.00 per month is reached, This increase to commence with the salaries as of May 1, 1937. Signed: J.. A. Rivers Moved by Rivers and seconded by Johanik to adopt the foregoing resolution. Moved by Chambers and seconded by Williams to,amend the resolution to read: "Minimum $55.00 a month and Maximum $80.00 per month."' Motion to amend carried. The resolution as amended was then submitted to a vote and carried, The following report was read: T.o the Members of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: I am herewith submitting data on the Educational and Recreational projects sponsored by my office for the period ending April 30, 1937. On the Educational project the total payroll since January 26, 1936 has been $8,829.64 with the contribution from Bayfield County'of $53.00 or less than 7/10 of 1% of the amount of money brought into Bayfield Uounty. Twenty one workers have been em- ployed on this project with an average of,approximately 11 workers per month. Two thousand three hundred forty-five classes have been held with a total attendance of.24,749. On the Recreational project since July, 1936, $4,831.55 has been paid out in salaries with the contribution on the part of Bayfield County being $95.78. Fifteen workers have been employed at an average of 8.workers per month. Approximately 2000 classes have been held with a total attendance of more than 37,00.0. The average monthly attendance has been 4,157. On both projects various local commilaities have contributed the use of build- ings, heat, and light as well as the use of other equipment. The sponsor feels that the projects have been very worthwhile and a large amount of money has been brought into Bayfield County at an expense of about 1%. Daniel L. Brace Moved by Meyer and seconded by Nohl to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried® 5 63 2 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING,OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD The following -resolution was read': Providing for subscriptions to the Wisconsin Taxpayer IT=EAS, The Wisconsin Taxpayers Alliance publishes every two -weeks the V'Tiscon- sin Taxpayer, a four"page printed bulletin giving -vital and authoritative, f'acts on such government problems as relief, highways, education, etc., which information is of great value to county board members; -and WHEREAS, Arrangements can be made to provide county board members with a year-s_. subscription to the Wisconsin Taxpayer -which will include a book to be -published as soon, as the legislature adjourns giving a summary digest of all laws passed by.the 1937 leg- islature, and that broth the Wisconsin Taxpayer and the digest of new laws can be had for only fifty cents per year per county board member; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Board of Bayfield County subscribe and pay for- . 4 a regular annual subscription to.the Wisconsin Taxpayer for each member of this board, on the terms above set forth, and that the county clerk be directed to execute and tran- smit such form and remittance as necessary for this purpose. S. E. Squires Moved by Schultz and seconded by Knight to adopt the foregoing resolution. M1otion carried. The following report'of the Zoning Committee together with resolution was read: REPORT AND RESOLUTION OF COMMITTEE ENACTING AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors: Your zoning committee"having held a hearingon the proposed amendment of the Bayfield county zoning ordinance for..the town of Hughes -as directed in -a resolution passed by the county board on November 10, 1936, copy -of the minutes of said.hearing being on file in the office of the county clerk, and having reviewed the approval of the town board to the -proposed amendment, so far as the same affects the land in said town, which sqid approval was given pursuant to a resolution adopted by the.town board of the town of Hughes at a meeting held on the 24th day of April, 1936, a certified copy of which said resolution was filed in the office of the county clerk of Bayfield County. Your zoning committee having held a hearing on the proposed amendment of the Bayfield county Zoning ordinance for the town of Drummond as directed in a resolution passed by the county board on Nov. 10, 1936, copy of the minutes of said hearing being on file in the office of the county clerk, and having reviewed the approval of the town board to the proposed amendment, so -far as the same affects the land in said town, which said approval was given pursuant to a resolution adopted by the town board of the town of Drummond at a meeting held on the 18th day of Sept., 1936, a certified copy of which said resolution was filed in the office of the county clerk of Bayfield County on the 2 day of Sept., 1936. WHEREFORE, your committee recommends for adoption the following resolutiq�; WHEREAS, the town boards of the towns of Hughes and Drummond have submitted approvals of proposed amendments to the Bayfield. County zoning ordinance -in so far as the same affects the lands in said towns in accordance with and as provided by section 59.97 of the Wisconsin Statutes; now therefore, BE'IT RESOLVED, that the above mentioned amendment, approved by the town board of the town of Hughes, be -,and the same is hereby enacted, to become effective in the town 563 ANNUAL _SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 5. 1937 of Hughes and that the following lands be placed in the Forestry Use District: All of section 19 Township 47N Range 9TiV All of section 30 Township 47N Range 9W N"2 of" section 31 Township 47N Range 9W . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the case of the above mentioned amendment, approved by the town board of the town of- Drummond that the, County Board take no action at this time on the petition for a reclassification of the lands described as follows in the town of Drummond: N2 NE section 5 Township 44N Range 87f All of section 28 Township 44N Range 8W E2 of section 32 Township 45N Range- SW Ni of section 33 Township 45N Range 8W BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the county clerk upon publication of said amend- ment to the' zoning ordinance, as applied to the town of Hughes, be.:and is hereby directed ,to file a certified copy of said amendment, including the accompanying map made a part thereof, in the office of the register of deeds of Bayfield County. Wm. Meyer IT. G. Nohl R. F. Co Schultz S. E. Squires Zoning Committee Moved by Meyer and seconded by Schultz to adopt .the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Federal'Government has purchased many acres of lands, in cert-ain districts, both -improved and unimproved, thereby greatly reducing the taxable property in said districts, and, WHEREAS, such purchases have reduced the tax revenues of these districts, with= out'a proportionate decrease in.the cost of government of these districts, to the point that seriously impairs, the ability of these districts to raise their necessary tax funds, THEREFORE, BE�IT RESOLVED, that the Federal Government be and is hereby requested to grant special aid to these districts in an amount equal to the loss of the taxes due to the said purchases; FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to our Assembly- man, State Senator, and our Wisconsin members. of the U. S. Congress. carried. Submitted by: Vic C. Wallin Moved by Wallin and seconded by Meyer to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, The County Welfare Department with the concurrence of the State Welfare Department has contracted bills within the County for relief purposes up to May First to the approximate total of $34,000.00 WHEREAS, The County is unable to advance the funds necessary to pay these accounts before State Reimbursement is received. THEREFORE Be it resolved by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in -annual session this 5th day of May that the State Legislature is hereby requested to provide the funds necessary to complete the past due reimbursements to Bayfield County, and is further ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD requested to provide funds to continue the present percentage of reimbursement to Bayfield G'ounty through the State Welfare Department for the balance of the .calendar year and Be it further resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to His) Excellency Gov. Phil LaFollette, State'.Senator Phil E. Nelson, Assemblyman Laurie -Carlson and the State Welfare Department. L. A. IVlineau Irving Hadland Moved by Gustafson and seconded by Tohanik to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following petition was read: TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD,COUNTY: Your petitioner, Anton Dennis, respectfully represents that he is the husband of Sophia Dennis, who is named as grantee of the tract of land in Bayfield County des- cribed as follows: South half of the Southeast quarter (S2 SEA) of Section Twenty-six (26), Township fifty-one (51) North, of Range Four (4) West, That said Sophia'Dennis purchased said tract of land from Pierre Rabideaux on the 18th day of July, 1908, with money received by her from the sale of timber cut on her allotment described as West half of the Southwest quarter (W-i MT ) of Section 2, Township 46 North, Range 2 West, and that the deed was recorded March 23, 1920, in Volume 99 Deeds, pbge 119, instrument No. 77617, and that said deed was received by the Office of Indian Affairs,, Department of the Interior of the United States March 27, 1920. (their No. 26456)., That in permitting Sophia Dennis to buy said tract of land, the deed was re- stricted for a period of Twenty-five years by agreement expressed in the said deed. That taxes were paid on said tract from 1908 up to and including the year of 1924; that since 1924 no taxes have been paid and that tax deeds have been taken by Bayfield County on the tax: -:sales of 1926 and 1927, Your petitioner further represents that said lands were tax exempt and hence riot subject to sale for taxes or tax deed, and NOW THEREFORE, your petitioner requeststhe County Board of Bayfield County: 1. To set aside the tax deeds on said property. 2. To cancel all taxes assessed against the same, and 3. To refund to him the I" amount 0 of the taxes paid during the period from 1908 to 1924 under the improper and illegal assessment. Anton Dennis State .of Wisconsin ) ss County of Bayfield ) Anton Dennis, being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says, that he is the petitioner above named; that.he has read the foregoing petition, knows the contents thereof, and that the.same is true of his own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated on information and belief, and as to those matters he believes it'to be true. o Anton Dennis Subscribed and sworn to before me i this 20 day of NoveiAber ..A. D. 1936 P. J-. Savage, Municipal Judge 56 5 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- --- -- — ---- MAY 52 1937 i Moved by Williams and seconded by Meyer to lay the foregoing petition on the table. Motion. carried. The following resolution was read: A. RESOLUTION, To request Bayfield County to pay the expense of installing lights f or a white way of .the same kind and on the same plan now operated in the City of Washburn. RESOLVED, By the common council of the City of Washburn, at the regular - monthly meeting thereof this 3rd day of idlay, 1937, that- the City of 1111ashburn request Bayfield County, to pay the cost and expense of installing and furnishing lights for the white way light system now operated and in use'in said City of Washburn, of the same kind and on the same plan as now operated and in`use in.said city (not including eleettic current or maintenance costs thereof), such white way wiring, posts and lamps to he in- stalled on lower Bayfield Street, in said city, abutting on .the following blocks, to wit; Blocks numbered five (5), six (6), eleven (11), twenty-two (22), twenty-seven (27) and thirty-six (36), and blocks numbered twelve (19), twenty-one (21), twenty-eight (26), and thirty-five (35), all in the plat of the original townsite of Washburn, accord- ing to the plat thereof as on file in the office of the register of deeds of Bayfield County, which said property is owned by, or most of which.said property is owned by Bayfield County. Dated this 3rd day of may, 1937.. Hans Ambly The foregoing resolution was presented by Supervisor'Ambly, its adoption moved by Rivers, which motion was duly seconded and same was adopted by the following vote: Ayes 12. Nays 0. A. I. Lien, City Clerk Moved by Arnold and seconded by Nohl to reject the foregoing resolution . Roll call was as follows: AYES': Nohi, Smith, Alcott, Bernard Johnson, Monson,.Buckley, Meyer, Arnold, Chamber, Mineau, Pristash, Nicholson, Kerr, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Anderson, J'ohdnik*, Bystrom, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom, Knight, Hadland, R. T. Nelson, Squires. Total 28. NAYS: Irish, Gustafson, Rivers; Ambly, Olson, Rude. Total 6. -I10tion carried. The following resolution was read: A RESOLUTION, To request Bayfield County, to furnish and supply cement for the construction and repair of certain sidewalks, on lots abutting on Lower Bayfield Street, in the City of Washburn. RESOLVED, by the common council of th°e City of Washburn, at the regular monthly meeting thereof this 3rd day of May, 1937, that the City of Washburn request the County of_Bayfield to furnish and provide cement for'the construction and repair o of the sidewalks on the following described lots in said city,.owned by Bayfield County, to wit: e u 0 Lots numbered three (3) , four (4), five (5), six (6), and seven (?),-of block O numbered twenty-one (B.21), and lots numbered twenty-two (22), twenty-three (23) and twenty-four (24) , of block numbered twentyrtwo. (B.22) of the plat of the original town- si6.e'of the town (now city) of Washburn, in Bayfield County, which said lots are .owned o by Bayfield County, it being understood that the city owns the gravel and that the ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 5. 1937 labor can be supplied by W.P.A., now available to said city, without additional cost. Dated this 3rd day of May,.1937. Geo. C. Watters "Ben R. Rude W. A. Gustafson H. J. Thompson The foregoing resolution was presented by Supervisor -Gustafson, was duly moved for adoption and the motion seconded, and the same was adopted.by the following vote; Ayes 12, Nays:-0. A. I. Lien, City Clerk Moved by Gustafson and seconded by Ambly to grant the request stated in.the foregoing resolution provided that the cost will not exceed $180.00. Roll call was as follows : AYES: Nohl, Smith, Irish, Bernard Johnson, Monson, Buckley, Pristash, Nicholson, Kerr, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Anderson, Johanik, Wallin, Rowley, Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom, Knight, R. T. Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Rude. Total 25. NAYS: Alcott, Meyer, Arnold, Chambers, Mineau, Bystrom, Hougas, Hadland, Squires Total 9. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled at a meeting thereof this 4 day of May, 1937, that the District Attorney and the Sheriff of said county be, and they are hereby instructed and directed to notify all tavern keepers in said county to close their places of business promptly at one o'clock A. M. and that all persons now or hereafter operating, or keeping for operation, any slot machine, pin ball machine or punch board, immediately remove the same from their places of business and from public use; And be it -further, RESOLVED, That said District Attorney and said Sheriff be and they are hereby instructed and directed to prosecute any and all tavern keepers who fail to close their places of business as herein provided, and also to seize and destroy all such slot mach= ines, pin ball machines and punch boards, and to cause the arrest and prosecution of the keepers and operators of such places and such gambling devices, without delay. C. 0. Nelson Moved by Chambers and seconded by Rowley to adopt the foregoing resolution. Moved by Rivers and seconded by Buckley to table the foregoing resolution . Roll call on the motion to table was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Smith, Irish, Bernard Johnson, Monson, Buckley, Meyer, Arnold, Mineau, Pristash, Nicholson, Schultz, Johanik, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom, Knight, R. J. Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Rude. Total 26. NAYS: Alcott, Chambers, Kerr, C. 0. Nelson, Anderson, Bystrom, Hadland, Squires Total 8. Motion carried. The following report was read: To the Hon. County Board, Bayfield County, Wis. Washburn, Wis. May 3, 1937 Gentlemen We the undersigned Committee on Finance and Misc., beg leave to report, that ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - - ---- -- -- - MAY 5, 1937 we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for pay- ment of same. Name of Claimant F. G. Sohns.on F. G. Johnson $dw. H. Bratley Douglas County To7 n of Iron River Town of Iron River Arthur C. Taylor, M.D. Public Welfare Dept., Green Bay Edward Buss J. `:P 0 *Malley- Estabrook-Swanson St. Francis Hospital Nick Rouskey Edw. H. Bratley Albert Westin 'T. 0. Bodin Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Welfare Dept. Robert North North Funeral Home Estabrook-Swanson Agency Town 'of Barnes Ripley Insurance Agency Signed: Goo. 'B. Williams I. L. Alcott L. A. Mineau S. E. Squires Purpose Examination of body of Ernest T. Gustafson: Examination of body of. Mrs. L. Briggs& Coroners fees and mileage. Care of Lynous Wick, poor person. Care of Catherine Owens and lames Owens, poor persons. Charge back to Milwaukee County. Care of R. Harvey, poor person. Examination of Oscar Craft, Deceased. Care of Henry Mazur, poor person. Charge to Town of Drummond. 3 sheep killed -by dogs. Premium on Sheriff's bond. T° '° Undersheriff*s bond. Care of Vilbert Christianson, poor person. Injury to horse injured on S.T.H. #112. Burial "of , Joe Huebin Digging Grave of Toe Huebin. Expense Attending Co. Boards' Convention. Expense Attending Go. Boards' Convention. Misc. Relief Expenditures. Balance due on County's 3% of Relief costs for March, 1937. Coroner's Fees. Re: Oscar Craft Transportation of Wilbur Christianson, telegrams, etc. Premium on Municipal Judge Bond. Board and care of John Hiltonen. Premium on bond of coroner. Claimed Allowed 10.00 $ 10.00 10.00 10.00 51.25 .51.25 (50.00 (56.75 106.75 (47.60 (83.00 (13.50 144.10 2.00 Disallow. 10.00 10.00 7.88 7:88 54.00 33.00 50.00 50.00 10.00 10.00 53.30 33.30 65.00 Disallow. 65.00 65.00 10.00 10.00 8.90 8.90 8.90 8.90 61.50 61.50 50.50 50.50 9.40 9.40 19.83 19.83 5.00 .5.00 114.50 114.50 5.00 5.00 A ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY_ BOARD MAY 5, 1937 Moved by Meyer and seconded by -Rivers to adopt the foregoing report. Roll call, vas as fbllows : AYES: Nohl, Smith, Alc(ott, Irish, Bernard Johnson, Monson, -Buckley, Meyer, .mold, Chambers, Mineau, Pristash, Nicholson, Kerr, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Anderson, iohanik, Bystrom, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom, Knight, Hadland, 1. J. Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers, Ambly, Olson, Rude, Squires. Total 34. NAYS: None. Motion carried. Moved by Meyer and seconded by C. 0. Nelson that the County Board go on record is favoring state radio system for crime prevention and detection. Motion carried. The County Clerk was instructed to write the Secretary 'of the Wisconsin County 3oards Association advising him -of the Bayfield County Board's action on questions cover- .ng parts 6 and 7 of the "Governor's Citizens Committee Report'- covering poor relief, and ilso regarding the Board's attitude on the recommendations of the County Boards Associatioi ,pecial committee on semi-annual payment of taxes. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled this 5th day )f May, 1937, that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County - Board Ls listed below, and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such money and the Chair- ian and the County Clerk are instructed to issue an order for the total amount of such .terns listed below: NAME PER DIEM MILEAGE COMMITTEE ?STORK MILEAGE TOTAL ail; G. Nohl 8.00 1.20 9.20 Wilbur Smith 8.00 7.20 15.20 I. L. Al'.cott 811.00 1.20 4.00 1.20 14:40 Harvey Irish 8.00 .12 8.12 Bernard Johnson 8.00 2.40 10.40 M. Monson 8.00 6,48 14.48 D. Ji . Buckley .8.00 3.7.8 11.78 Wm.. Meyer 8.00 3,60 11.60 Arthur Unseth 4.00 4.80 4.00 4.80 17.60 C. D. Arnold 8.00 2.52 10.52 L. F. Chambers 8.00 5.04 13,04 L. A. Mineau 8.00 4.28 16.00 4.28 32.56 S. F. Squires 8.00 2.64 8.00 5.28 23.92 Andrew Pristash 8.00 2.2.8 10.28 Charles Nicholson 8.00 3.72 11.72 IV. E. Kerr 8.00 3.14 11.14 R. F. C. Schultz 8.00 5.76 13.76 C. 0. Nelson 8.00 5.40 13.4.0 Axel Anderson 8.00 5.16 13.16 August Johanik 8.00 2.40 10.40 Carl Bystrom 8.00 4.98 12.98 Vic C. Wallin 8.00 3.60 11.60 Russell Rowley 8.00 2.22 10.22 H. J. Hougas 8.00 4.68 12.68 ANNUAL SPRING MEETING OF THE BA.YFIELD COUNTY BOARD MAY 5. 1937 NAME PER -'.DIEM MILEAGE C0I1IlVIITTEE"WORK-' ' MILEAGE TOTAL Ed. Nyberg 8.00 .84 8.8.4 Geo. B. Williams 8.00. 6.00 .4.00 6-00 24.00 0. H. Hogstrom 8.00 2.88 10.88 Henry Eiege 8.Go 1.44 9.44 D. S. Knight- 8.00 1.44 4;00 1.44 14.88 Irving Hadland 8.00 1.44 8.00 2.88 20.32, R. J. Nelson 8.00 1.44 9.44 W. A. Gustafson- 8.00 .12 8:00 � .24 16.36 J. A. Rivers 8.00 .12 8.00 .24 16.36 Hans Ambly 8.00 .12 8.12 1. K. Olson 8.00 .12 8.12 A. E. Swanson 4.00 .12 4.12 Ben R. Rude 8.00 .12 8.12 Signed: A,-J. Unseth Moved by Mineau and seconded by Johanik to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES:- Noh1, Smith, Alcott, Irish, Bernard Johnson, Monson, Buckley, Meyer, Arnold, Chambers, Mineau, Pristash, Nicholson, Kerr, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson; Anderson, Johanik, Bystrom, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas; Nyberg, Williams, HogstroM, Knight, Hadland, R. J. Nelson, Gustafson, Rivers,.Ambly, Olson, Rude, Squires. Total 34, NAYS: None. Motion -carried. Moved by Nohl and seconded by Rivers to adjourn Sine -Die. Motion carried. P