HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/14/1939163 ANNUAL AJIEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- - ----- — NO VETIIBER 14), 1939 ----- The meeting was called to order at 10 A. M. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered roll call: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Irish, Johnson, Monson, Erickson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, Mihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Ness, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, R. J. Nelson, Kasmar.ek,, Rivers, Ambly, Olsen, Squires. Total 35. Two absent. Moved by Nohl and duly seconded that the Board dispense with the reading of the minutea of the May meeting and that they be approved as recorded in the County Board Journal and published. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, duly assembled in regular session this 14th day of November, 1939, that the salary of the County High- way Commissioner be and the same is hereby set at Twenty-seven Hundred Dollars ($2700.00) per annum, for the terra commencing January 1, 1.940,. payable monthly in twelve (12.) equal payments on the last day of each month. Geo. B. Williams Russell E. Rowley C. 0. Nelson BAYFIELD COUNTY HIGHWAY C01011ITTEE Moved by Williams and seconded by Irish to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following application was read: Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: November 1.4, 1939 I wish to make application for the position of County Highway Commissioner for the ensuing term. Respectfully submitted, H. B. Curry Moved by Nohl and seconded by Arnold that the County Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for H. B. Curry as Highway Commissioner for the ensuing terra. Motion carried. The County Clerk cast the unanimous ballot as directed and the Chair declared Curry duly elected. The following communication was read: CITY OF WASHBURN Office of City Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Nov. 14, 1939 Action of the Common Council Nov. 6th, 1939 Mayor Thompson appointed Hans Ambly as Supervisor of the Third ward in place of Carl Thorson, (resigned). It was moved by T. A. Rivers, seconded by Ben R. Rude that the appointed of Hans Ambly as. Supervisor of the Third Ward be confirmed. Motion carried. Hans Ambly was sworn into office by the City Clerk Nov. 6th,.1939, A• I. Lien, City Clerk 164 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE B'AYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1939 Moved by Rowley and seconded by C. 0. Nelson to seat Hans Ambly as a member of the County Board, representing the Third Ward of the City of Washburn. Motion carried. The Chair appointed Unseth and,Arnold as tellers. The Board proceeded with the election of a member of'the Highway Committee to represent District No. 1. The result of the first ballot was as follows: R. J. Nelson 2.0 Rowley 14 Fiege 1 Total 35 The Chair declared Nelson duly elected. Mr. Rude arrived at this time. The Board proceeded with the election of a member of the Highway Committee for District No. 2.. Bernard The Chair appointed/Johnson and Irish as tellers. The result of the first ballot was: Williams 12 Nohl 11 Arnold 5 Art Hanson 3 Wallin 1 Monson 1 Anderson 1 Pease 1 Rowley 1 Total 36 No ma,j ority. The result of the second ballot was:. Williams 14 Nohl 10 Arnold 5 Art Hanson 5 Pease 1 Anderson 1 Total 36 No majority. The result of the third ballot was: Williams 17 Nohl .12. Arnold 4 Art Hanson 2' Ande rs on 1 Total -. 36 ri 165 ANNUAL IVIEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Novem6er.I4, 1939 No majority. The result of the fourth ballot was: Vi l l i ams 19 Nohl 13 Arnold 2, Hanson 2 Total 36 The Chair declared Williams duly elected. The Board proceeded with the election of a member of the Highway Committee for District No. 3. The result of the first ballot was: C. 0. Nelson 15 Hougas 9 Pease 6 Anderson 5 Maryland 1 Total 36 No majority. H. C. Anderson stated that he wished to withdraw as a candidate. The result of the second ballot was: C. 0. Nelson 18 Hougas 13 Pease 4 Maryland 1 Total 36 No majority: The result of the third ballot was: C. 0. Nelson 17 Hougas 16 Pease 3 Total 36 No majority. The result of the fourth ballot was: Nelson 19 Hougas 16 Pease 1 Total 36 The Chair declared Nelson duly elected. The Board proceeded with the election of a Janitor. Applications on file were as follows: Magnus Larson 31 Oscar Iverson 2 Clarence Zanto 1 Albert Begin 2 Total 36 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BA7L!FIELD COUNTY BOARD November-14, 1939 The Chair declared Larson duly elected. The Chair appointed Rude and Unseth as members of the Pension Committee. Moved by Wallin and seconded by Knight to confirm the appointments of Rude and Unseth. 19otion carried. The Chair appointed A. E. Swanson and H. J. S. Hanson as members of the Relief Committee. 1,,10ved by Williams and seconded by Arnold to confirm the appointments of Swanson and Hanson. 140tion carried. The Chair appointed Mr. Alcott to act as a member of the Pension Committee instead of the Chairman of the Board. The ordinance creating the Pension Department provides that the Chairman of the Board shall act as one member. The Chairman so informed the Board and asked if it would have any objection to 1dr. Alcott's serving instead of the Chairman on the Pension Committee. No objection was made. The following re.solution was read: WHEREAS, there is some mature merchantable timber on the County owned lands which are not under the State Forest Crop Law and the location of the lands is such that they are not suitable for agriculture, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the forestry Committee of the Bayfield County Board, together with the Chairman of the town in which the land is located, be and it is hereby authorized to sell the forest cover wherever and whenever it may deem it advisable. C. D. Arnold i1.2oved by Arnold and seconded by Ness to adopt the foregoing resolution. 1,Zoved by Alcott and seconded by Pristash to amend the foregoing resolution) to include buildings, motion to amend carried. Resolution as amended was then -carried. I,loved by Unseth and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to accept and place on file the report of the Pension Director. v/otion carried. 111oved by Nohl and seconded by R. J. Nelson to accept and place on file the report of the County Nurse. lJotion carried. The following communication was:read: THE SALVATION ARIvff 623 N. Fourth Street 1vlilwaukee, Wis. Mr. Ludwig Tranmal, Dear Sir: October 3rd, 1939 Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin re: MARTHA WASHINGTON HOME AND MATERNITY HOSPITAL 6304 Cedar Street, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin It is our pleasure to write you again regarding the above Institution, whose doors are ever open to erring and unfortunate girls. Here is an Institution which is unquestionably one of the finest Institutions in the State. It is all its 1 6 7 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD — ------ - ------ ----- ----- ------ ------------- November l4 , 1939 --- --- — ---- --- ---- name implies - HOME and HOSPITAL. Each year a large number of unmarried girl mothers (some of them in their teens) find shelter here. Certain Counties in Wisconsin make a yearly appropriation to.this Institution, the amounts ranging from $100.00 to $300.00. Martha Washington Home and Hospital does not serve PMwaukee County alone. Applications come to us. -from Counties all over the State. Last year 154 unmarried mothers were given care. Here is a question to face: `Where would a girl in your Township or County go, needing such help?" The answer is: "Martha Washington Home and Hospital"' as relatives and friends desire to protect, shield and shelter such a one. WE NEED YOUR HELP Would you be kind enough to read this letter to your County Board Members at its next meeting with the hope that your Supervisors will give "sympathetic considera- tion" to a work which must "carry, on", and needs their support? If you desire to write me a personal line regarding this matter, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanking you in anticipation, Yours to Help Humanity, Brigadier Wm. H. Fox DIVISIONAL C 018iANDER Moved by Schultz and seconded by Arnold to receipt the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion carried. The following petition was read: TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Gentlemen: I hereby offer the sum of Five Hundred Sixty and no/100 ($560.00) Dollars for the following described lands: NE SE, Sec. 12-45-9 SW SE, fr It It It SE SE, f8 44 PF it SW NW) tr 35-45-9 NE SW, " It it It NW MIT, It it It It SW NE, �" 36-45-9 SIGNED: C . E. STONE Moved by Wallin and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to refer the foregoing petition to the Forestry Committee. Motion carried. The following petition was read: Oct. 3, 1939 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Re: SW SE, Sec. 8-49-4 .Under date of June 30, 1934 the above land was acquired by the City of Washburn from.Bayfield County. Said sale was authorized by the County Board and is recorded in Journal 7 page 208 of County Board record. In accordance with an agreement between the ANNUAL TJIEETING OF THE BAY_FIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1939 city of Washburn and the Town of Bayview a reservation was written into the deed with regard to the timber thereon. We therefore petition your honorable body to authorize and direct the County Clerk to issue proper and necessary papers to withdraw the res- triction. We make this reque.st for the reason that we have recently purchased forty acres from Bayfield County and have exchanged it for the above description by and with the approval of the City Council of the City of Washburn. Yours very truly, Arthur W. Potter Moved by Rivers and seconded by Olson to grant the foregoing petition. Motion carried. Moved by Nohl and duly seconded to adjourn until 1:30 P. M. FJlotion carried. 1ileeting called to order at 1:30 P. M. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered roll call: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Irish, Johnson, Monson, Erickson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, ialihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Ness, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, R. I Nelson, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Olsen, Squires. Total 35. Two absent. The following report was read: TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: Gentlemen: past year: tVe beg to submit the following as our report on Building and Grounds for the COURT HOUSE. This report will not cover particulars on completion of the Vault Annex, which will be the subject of another report. Some expense was necessary in connection with the floor in the Sheriff's office which, at the present time, appears to be in good condition except that we have been instructed by the Industrial Commission to change the location of register from the point in the floor to the wall to comply with state law. The offices of the Pension Director, Clerk of Court and Register of Deeds have been cleaned, painted and varnished. 1rVe have to report, however, that considerable expense was necessary in the Register of Deed's office on account of plastering the ceiling which was loose. After plastering, the walls were painted as well as the floor scraped and varnished. In our report of the previous year, we called y6ur attention to the fact that our expenditures were considerably short of the amount set aside in the budget, which would necessitate consideration in the 1939 budget and which will take carp of this extra expense entailed in the Register's office. The sewer leading from the Court House to Fifth Street has been replaced by soil pipe sewer properly corked which should eliminate repetition of former trouble of blocking by tree roots. This should necessitate about $22.5.00 expenditures. JAIL The Jail, after close inspection, appears in good condition. The roofs of the Jail and Residence referred to -in our former report have been put in good condition at an expense of about $100.' 169 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- - --- - NOVEIIJIBER 14, 1939 — ---- — -- the roof. CENTRAL HEATING PLANT This building is in first class condition after a few minor repairs on SHERIFF'S RESIDENCE This building is in good repair. Vie need not tell you that with the exception of the Central Heating Plant and Garage, all the buildings are at least forty-five years old and from time to time will need close inspection, attention and some expense. Our budget has been carefully figured over and has been submitted to the Finance Committee for consideration. Respectfully submitted: T. A. Rivers E. K. Olsen Joe Kasmarek BUILDING & GROUNDS COMMITTEE Moved by Alcott and seconded by A. C. Hanson to receive the foregoing report and place on file. IVlotion carried. Moved by Fiege and seconded by H. C. Anderson that the County Board make a field inspection trip through the County on November 15. Motion carried. . The following report was read: TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: We, the undersigned Committee on Sheriff, Justices and Constable Bills hereby submit the following report: We went over the Judges' and Justicefs records and found them correct as follows: E. C. Hart, First Municipal Judge, $1,695.21; Second Municipal Judge, P. J. Savage, $401.16; and Justice of the Peace, L. K. Blanchard, $16.96. The Sheriff's Committee disallowed the Justice of the Peace's report and allowed him $8.00. The Sheriff's Committee recommends the Sheriff's Budget at $6300.00,Outlay $400 for trade-in on new car. County. We recommend an appropriation of $2500 for Municipal Courts of Bayfield We recommend $75.00 for clerical help in Judge Hart's office. Signed: Andrew Pristash Carl E. Erickson M. F. Monson Committee on Sheriff, Justices and Constable Bills Moved by Nohl and seconded by Hogstrom to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: ANNUAL 1'.EETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ---N------------------------ ---November 14, 1939 --- --- --- _-- June 8, 1939 Mr. S. E. Squires Mason, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Squires: In absence of a county board meeting, you are hereby notified in accordance with Section 19.01 (dd) that the following surety bonds have been filed in our office: R. L. Schindler, County Service Officer, National Surety Corporation, bond $1500.00. His oath was taken on T,,Zay 4, 1939; Emerson C. Hart, Municipal Qludge, Fidelity and Deposit Company, bond $1,000.00. His oath of office was taken May 1, 1939.- The above bonds have been approved by the district attorney and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in compliance with the Wisconsin Statute covering the same, Yours very truly, Ludwig Tranmal, Bayfield County Clerk Moved by Wallin and seconded.by Pease to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. iaotion carried. The following communication was read: STATE HIGHWAY COT+ 19SSION OF WISCONSIN Madison, Wisconsin Mr. Ludwig F. Tranmal Dear Sir: County Clerk, Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin October 31, 1939 SUBJECT: Estimated Highway Allotments for 1940., Section 84.03, Wisconsin Statutes. Pursuant to Section 84.04 of the Statutes, you are hereby no-tified of the following estimated allotments to your county for highway work under the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of Section 84.03 of the Statutes. The estimated allotments are as follows: 1. Section 84.03 (2). The sum of ti360,435.21 for the improvement of the County Trunk Highway System. 2. Section 84.03 (3) & (4). The sum of $116,342.03 for the improvement of the State Trunk Highway System, allocated as follows: For the retirement of county highway bonds, $4,200.00 Previously allotted for construction on U. S. Highway No. 63, the Ashland-Hayward-Trego Road, $34,000.00 For construction on U. S. Highway No. 2, the Superior -Ashland Road, $43,000.00 For construction on State Trunk Highway No. 13, the Bayfield- Cornucopia Road, $35,000.00 As a reserve for future allocation, $142.03 3:. Section 84.03 (3) from unexpended allotments of previous years for the improvement of the State Trunk Highway System,. allocated as follows: 0 ANNUAL PJiEETING OF THE B-A-Y-FI-EL➢--C-O-M--T-Y--BC-ARD- -- --- --- -- - November 14, 1939 For construction on U. S. Highway No. 2, the Superior -Ashland Road, $25,000.00 The determination are tentative and the amounts cannot be definitely determined until after the close of the fiscal year, which is June 30, 1940. Very'truly yours, STATE HIGHWAY C01/11ISSION OF WISCONSIN By Thos. J. Pattison, Secretary 'TvTBB-1v1L CC - DE#8, H.B. Curry Moved by Arnold and seconded by Rowley to receipt the foregoing communication and place on file. lotion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS: The undersigned special committee, appointed as per Resolution adopted by the Bayfield County Board, relative to the adding of a part of State Trunk Highway Number 112, running West from the Junction with State Trunk Highway Number 63 thru Benoit and thence North to United States Highway Number 2, as a part of the County Trunk Highway system, has been duly inspected by the undersigned Committee on the i date hereof and we recommend as follo-vTs: That portion of road known as State Trunk Highway Number 112 beginning at the Southeast corner of Section Thirty six, To.rrnship.Forty-seven North, Range Six West (S.E.Cor. 36-47-6'), thence west thru Benoit, thence north to United States Highway Number 2., a distance of Three and one Half Miles (3.5), be adopted as a part of the County Trunk Highway system. Harvey Irish Andrew 1-Vlihalak Art C. Hanson Dated June 8th, 1939. Moved by Pris.tash and seconded by Herman Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. Moved by Unseth and seconded by Hougasto accept. the statistical report of the County Highway Commissioner and place on file. Motion carried. The following report was read: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNTY HIGHWAY CONMITTEE BAYFIELD COUNTY To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors: Bayfield County, Wisconsin November 14, 1939 Gentlemen: The undersigned Highway Gommittee begs to sub mi;t:the'following report of Highway work for the past year together with recommend_at:ions``for next year. The County Highway Commissioner's Financial Report of moneys received and disbursed during the twelve -months period ending October 31, 1939, shows considerable cash improvement in the past year. 172 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE B'AYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1.939 The Maintenance of the State Trunk Highway System, including oiling and snow removal is the sole responsibility of the State Highway Commission of Wisconsin. (Section 84.07). The County, in performing the actual work, does so only as directed and only to the extent authorized by the State Highway Commission. Due to the present uncertainty of State finances no definite information is available at this time as to next year's 1aintenance Program. However, unless conditions change, indications point to a very drastically reduced oiling and graveling program for next year. It is possible that the State will.also curtail snow removal operations on the State Trunk Highway System. this 'Winter. The Construction Program on the State Trunk Highway System, involving the relocation, grading and paving of about 152 miles on U. S. #2, #63 and State Trunk Highway #112, has been completed except for some minor finishing operations. This work which has been in progress for the last two years has been carried on without County Highway Bond Issue of any kind. The State Highway Commission of Wisconsin pursuant to Section 64.04 of the statutes, has notified the County Board, try letter to the County Clerk, dated October 31, of the estimated. Highway allotments for 1940. This Committee approves.of the allotments therein made and will introduce a separate resolution providing for their adoption by the Board. The State Aid funds due Bayfield County annually•on July lst each year for the improvement of the County Trunk Highway System has been changed by recent legis- lation (Bill ff9-A, Chapter #42 Laws of 1939, Section 84.03, Sub -section 2') as follows: A $500,000.-00 increase was made in the annual appropriation to the County Trunk High- way System in the State; pro -rated back to the various counties on the same basis as previously used, plus $65..00 per mile of County Trunk Highways. This change increases the County Trunk allotment, in this County, $16,660.41, or 36%.. The Bayfield County Board has made no tax levy for County Trunk Highways for several years past and this Committee does not at this time, recommend any. Another recent legislative change affecting County Trunk Highway finances is Bill 317-A, Chapter 286 Laws of 1939, amending Section 82.03 of the statutes, per- mitting the payment of the cost of County Highway Administration and Traffic Officer from the County Trunk Highway allotment. Therefore, this Committee does not recommend any appropriation in the County budget this Fall for either County Highway Adminis- tration or Traffic Officer. This eliminates, from the County Board Budget, all appropriations of any kind for Highways other than the Bond Interest and Principal which will be fully retired in another two years. We recommend that the County Traffic Officer be continued and we will intro- duce a separate resolution providing therefor. We find that in this work..a total of seventy-five arrests have been made this year, of which three were suspended sentences. The arrests resulted in two hundred. days served in Jail; the collection of fines in the amounts of $987.81; the revoking of four driver's licenses; 185 warning cards for light violations were issued and 200 warning cards for other violations. The County Highway Committee is constructing a storage garage at Iron River as a W. P. A. Project, at an estimated cost, to the County, of approximately $15,000.00. The Department has sufficient funds to pay for the County's share of the cost of this building without requesting appropriations from.the County Board.. .. 173- ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1939 The Maintenance of the County Trunk Highway System, including snow removal, has been carried on as usual. If the State makes a reduction in snow removal service on the State Trunk Highway System this Winter, a similar reduction in snow removal service should probably also be made in the County Trunk snow removal Program.. The oiling of the County Trunk Highway System recommended a year ago has been completed, with the exception of County Trunk trEtt from Ino to Mason, a distance of twelve miles. Three miles of grading on this road.was done from Ino South, instead of oiling, at the request of the three interested Towns. Additional gravel on this new grading will be needed next year. This Committee recommends that the oiling of the County Trunk Highway System be continued next year, insofar as available funds will permit. The State Aid Funds for the improvement of the Town Highways, paid by the State to each Town and expended by the Town Boards subject to the Supervision and, the approval of the County Highway Committee, has been increased by Chapter 42, Laws of 1939, from $50.00 per mile to $65.00 per mile or 30%. In connection with the above work, the County Highway'Department has sup- plied equipment, when available, to about twenty towns for snow removal this past Winter, to the extent of about $20,000.00. Also Patrol or Maintenance equipment to about fifteen towns to the extent of approximately $5000.00 and grading and graveling equipment in about nineteen towns to the extent of approximately $16,000.00. Of the town grading done this year, approximately $8,500.00 was done on W. P. A. projects--., in seven towns, paid for by W. P. A. in road oil instead of cash; which was satis- factory to the County this past Season. Payment for the above type of work by the various towns to the County should be made during the current year in which the work is done, although somewhat closer regulation of credit will undoubtedly be necessary. Snow removal on the Township Highways is quite a troublesome problem for both the Townships and the County. The sole responsibility for snow removal, on these roads, rests with each individual Town. The County Highway Department owns the following snow removal equipment: 9 - 2:to 3 Ton Trucks with V or Blade Plows 4 - Power Patrols with V-Plows and Wings. 4 - Heavy Duty Four -Wheel Drive Trucks with V-Plows and Wings 2 - 40 Horse Power Tractors with V-Plows 2 - 60 Horse Power Tractors with V-Plows: 2 - 85 Horse Power Tractors with V-Plows The County keeps the above equipment located at various points in the County as required by the work to be done. This equipment is reasonably sufficient for the three hundred.(300) miles of State and County roads in the County. It is clearly insufficient to plow all of the Town roads in addition to the State and County roads as rapidly as the various Towns would like to have the work done. The County is not warranted in investing the large sums of money necessary to purchase additional equipment for the use of the Towns, without a more definite understanding on the part of the Towns as to how much of that cost they should pay. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1939 The road. matters discussed in this rather brief report, covering the State, County and Town Highways affect almost everyone in the County and this Committee requests your serious consideration and help in carrying on a fair and reasonable program for everyone concerned. The various resolutions required,to properly authorize and direct the above program and. policy, will as usual, be separately filed and placed before the Board by this Committee and we recommend their approval. Respectfully submitted, Geo. B. Williams C. 0. Nelson Russell Rowley COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE MITTEE Moved.by Nohl and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read:: - BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, duly assembled in regular session this 14th day of November, 1939, that the public highways of Bayfield County be patroled and policed under the general powers granted the Bayfield County Board by Section 59.07, Sub -section (11)'of the Wisconsin Statutes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the County Highway Committee of Bayfield County be authorized and directed to employ one (1) Special Highway Patrolman, under the provisions of Section 82.07 Sub -section (1). Such Special Highway Patrolman shall furnish a Bond in the amount of $1,000.00 to indemnify the County for any and all claims arising out of the performance of his duties. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the salary, bond, transportation, actual and necessary expenses of such Special Highway Patrolman shall be paid from the County Highway Administration Fund, as provided by Section 1.46 of the Bayfield County Traffic Ordinance. Geo. B. Williams C. 0. Nelson Russell. E. Rowley BAYFIELD COUNTY HIGHWAY C OIVZTITTEE Dated - November 14, 1939 Moved by R. J. Nelson and seconded by Wallin to adopt the foregoing reso- lution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: STATE & COUNTY AID CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR Y'E'AR 1940 SECTION I. The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, regularly assembled, does hereby ordain that such funds as may be made available to the county for highway work in the year 1940 under ..the provisions of Section 20.49 and Chapters 83 and 84 of the Statutes and the additional sums herein appropriated shall be .expended as hereinafter set forth: 1715 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD — --- ----------------- --- --- November 14, 1939 --- -- -- SECTION II. COUNTY.TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTIZ01M, 11=REAS: The State Highway Commission has notified -the County Clerk that a sum of money estimated to be Sixty thousand four hundred thirty-five and 21/100 Dollars ($60,435.21) will become available at the end of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940,'under the provisions of subsection (4) of Section 20.49 and subsection (2) of Section 84.03 of the statutes, for the improvement of the county trunk highway system in the county, but that its exact amount will not be known until after June 30, 1940, BE IT RESOLVED: That the County Highway Committee is authorized and directed to expend the said sum to match and supplement Federal Aid for construction, right of bray, and other costs on any Federal projects located on the County Trunk Highway System of said county which are not recovered from Federal funds, and to expend any balance not required for such purpose for the improvement of the said County Trunk Highway System during 1940 in the following manner, to -wit: For administration, Maintenance, Snow Removal, or Improvement of the County Trunk Highway System, under the direction of the County Highway Committee. SECTION III. STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTIJENT. VJHEREA.S: The State Highway Commission has estimated that the sum of One hundred sixteen thousand three hundred forty-two and 03/100 Dollars ($116,342.03) will become available at the end of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1940, under subsection (4) of Section 20.49 and sub-. sections (3) & (4).of Section 84.03, as state aid for the improvement of the State Trunk Highway System in the county in accordance.with the provisions of Chapter 84 of .the Statutes, but that its exact amount will not be known until after June 30, 1940. BE IT RESOLVED: That the said sum shall be expended in the following manner, to wit: 1. The sum of Four thousand two hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($4,200.00) for the retirement of county highway bonds maturing in 1940. 2. Such sum of this allotment, together with any unexpended balance from previous allotments, as may be required on any Federal projects in this county to match Federal Aid and/or to pay the cost of right -of way, preliminary engineering, and other items not recovered from Federal funds. 3. Any balance not otherwise required for the purpose hereinbefore pro- vided shall be expended on the following improvements, to wit: (a) The sum of forty-three thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($43,000.00) for the improvement by grading and draining of U. S. Highway No. 2 beginning at Iron River and extending easterly as far as the said sum will construct. (b) The sum of thirty-five thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($35,000.00) for the improvement by grading, draining, gravel surfacing & bituminous treatment of State Trunk Highway No. 13 beginning at Bayfield and extending northwesterly as far as the said sum will construct. V'=REAS, There is an unexpended balance from allotments of previous years of approximately twenty-five thousand and 00/100 Dollars (,$25,000.00). BE IT RESOLVED, That such portion of said sum not otherwise required for Federal projects shall be expended on the, following improvements, to wit: (a) The sum of twenty-five thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($2.5,000.00) for crnalww L"EM111. ANNUAL 111EETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1939 the improvement by grading and draining of U. S. Highway No. 2 beginning at Iron River and extending easterly as far as the said. sum will construct. SECTION IV. WHEREAS: The various highway activities, for which pro- vision is made in this resolution are continuous from year to year, and the exact cost of any work cannot be known at the time of making the appropriation therefor; this Board does hereby direct that any balance remaining in any appropriation for a specific highway improvement after the same shall have been completed, may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement of the same class for which provision is herein made, and any balances remaining at the end of the year in any highway fund shall remain and be available for the same purpose in the ensuing year, and any deficit in any highway fund at the end of the year shall be paid from the next appropriation made for the same purpose, and 1:=REAS: The exact amount of the funds.'that will become available for highway purposes in the County under Section 20.49 of the Statutes will not be known until after,June 30, 1940, at which time correct figures will be submitted by the State Highway Commission, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payments oniaccount of the improvements to be made with such'funds, as herein - before authorized from any funds in the county treasury that are not required for the purposes for which appropriated prior to August 1, 1940; and to reimburse such funds in the county treasury from the sums received under Section 20.49 of the Statutes. The County Clerk is hereby directed to levy the taxes named in Section VI hereof in the county tax levy, and to levy the special benefit assessments made in Section VII hereof as special charges against the respective municipalities therein named as provided by law, and the County Highway Committee and the County Highway Commissioner are hereby directed to carry out the highway construction and maintenance for which provision is herein made, in the manner provided by law, and to sell, rent, or pur- chase Highway Equipment, and to employ such patrolmen, laborers, and foremen, as.they may deem necessary for such purpose. SIGNED: Geo. B. Williams C. 0. Nelson Russell E. Rowley Dated November 14, 1939. Moved by -Rowley and seconded by 1.2aryland to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. 11otion carried. J The following resolution iTas read: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ADVANCE OR TRANSFER OF CONSTRUCTION FUNDS IN BAYFIELD COUNTY WHEREAS: Federal Funds have been allotted to Wisconsin for the improve- ment of highways to be allocated for expenditure by the State Highway Commission with the concurrence of the Federal Works Agency', Public Roads Administration, and it is desired to take advantage of every opportunity to secure the expenditure of a portion of such funds in this county, and 177 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD _ November 14, 1939 WHEREAS funds must be provided by the state or counties to match the federal funds allotted and/or to pay the cost of items which are not recovered from federal funds, and ?AIHEREAS other, emergencies frequently arise making necessary or desirable the allocation or transfer of funds to or between other construction projects. NOW, THEREFORE, in order to provide for promptly making available the funds necessary for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned, and to avoid the delay and expense incident to calling a special meeting of this board for such purpose, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Committee, with the approval of the -State Highway Commission, is hereby authorized to transfer to or between any construction projects in this county any funds allotted to this county by the state under the provisions of Section 20.49 (4) and 84.03 and previously allocated by this board to any other project, or remaining unallocated in reserve. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby petitioned to advance, pursuant to Section 84.03 (5) of the Statutes, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway Committee of this County, such sums as may be required and are not otherwise available, for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned on any construction projects in this county, with the understanding that such advance will be deducted from future allotments to this county for state trunk highway construction under Section 84.03 (3) of the Statutes. Resolution presented by: Geo. B. Williams C. 0. Nelson Russell E. Rowley Moved by H. C. Anderson and seconded by Unseth to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Radloff : The Chair declared a five minute recess. The following report of the Children's County Board was.read by Mrs. BAYFIELD COUNTY CHILDREN'S REPORT OF 1939 From November 1938 to November 1939. MR. CHAIRIJIAN, AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNTY BOARD: - The Bayfield County Children's Board consists of five members - Krs. Alpha E. Radloff, Cable, Chairman; I'drs. Ellen S. Anderson, Ashland, Secretary; Mrs. T,Zargaret Christopherson, Washburn, I. L. Alcott, Bayfield, and S. E. Squires, Mason; Mrs. Anderson, who has served the Board as Secretary since its organiza- tion in 1932, moved to Ashland -County in April, 1939. Because of the change in residence she resigned from the Board in May. The Juvenile Department of the State, Board of Control, who appointed Mirs. Anderson to this work, allowed her to continue until January, 1940, when someone else will be appointed to take her place. Our regular monthly meetings have been attended by the Board members, Judge Axelberg, County Judge, Pension Director and D. C. A. worker, District Attorney, County Nurse, Superintendent of County Schools, together with an advisory committee AL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1939 which consists of Tubs. Francis Ryan, Bayfield, Ljrs. John Sannes, Bartsdale, and T,lrs. 11,2. Doyle, Washburn. The advisory committee has assisted much with their fine co-operation. Eight years ago we started our work with the Countyts neglected or depen- dent, feeble-minded, illegitimate and physically handicapped children. In our effort to minister to these unfortunate children we have acquired much information concerning existing conditions in the homes and environments which are largely responsible for the misery and unhappiness involved. In doing this work the Board has not gone out of its way to learn of the cases handled. These cases have been called to the attention of the Board directly by people in various communities, or Town Chairmen. Many have come through the Juvenile Court. One illustration where the Juvenile Court of Ashland County removed six children from one home comai.tting them directly to our Board. These children came from a broken home - one boy had been apprehended by the police and was headed for the Boy's Reformatory. The father is a resident of Bayfield County and the Mother of Ashland County. As the children take the legal settlement of the father, the burden of their care legally fell on Bayfield County. These children range from. eight to seventeen years. The oldest child was placed with the paternal grand- mother - the father willingly assuming the responsibility for her care. The alimony which formerly went to the mother will 'now go the county to assist in paying for the children. After a drive of 227.miles in one day and fourteen hours work four of the children were placed in -as fine foster homes as anyone would wish for their own children. Since November, 1938, seventeen new cases, involving 43 children have been handled by the Board. This does not include many cases which were brought to our attention and which were given some time. The seventeen cases have required many hours of work. Our foster home program has been most gratifying. The adjustments which some of these unfortunate, neglected or delinquent children have made is beyond our expectations. During the year 35 children were cared for in foster homes - 25 foster homes were used -board was paid by the County for 34 children, and one free home was used. One of the above cases is an orphan girl who has been cared for by the County since 1931. Through the efforts of the Children's Board she now holds a position in Chicago, and is making good. Three of the above cases have been adopted thus relieving the County of the financial responsibility. Another adoption is pending and will be completed this month. In connection with our foster home program we want to mention one unusual case - that of a diabetic girl eight years of age. This girl is one of a family of eight children. Through Miss Dillon, County Nurse, this case was brought to our attention. Miss Dillon has been in close touch with this family for several years, and a sum of ton dollars per month was being paid to the family by the Town for special diet. Miss Dillon and the Town Chairman realized that the child was not getting any benefit from the money expended, as the family failed to co-operate with the Doctor or Nurse. The child grew rapidly worse until it was very evident that she could not live unless removed from her home. It was a difficult task to find a proper foster home which would be competent and willing 179 ANNUAL DMETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1939 to care for such a child adequately. Such a home.was found and the child is much improved in health and attends school every day. Children, you know, are forced to be somebody's guest, if they have no home of their own where they can receive the necessary equipment to prepare them for life. Then it is our duty and privilege to step in, and, if possible, find the home where they can grow into useful men and women. In our work it is not only necessary to make the investigation, in each case, but it is also important that a record be kept of these cases. This involves the help of a stenographer. In the past we have imposed upon the good nature of various departments for.this help, and very often the opportune time for a member of the Board is not the opportune time for the stenographer. Any suggestion from the County Board as to hoiT this difficulty can be removed will be greatly appreciated. w-e wish to thank the County Board for their co-operation and financial support which. has enabled us to carry on our program. The late David Starr Jordan once said, "There,is nothing in all the world so important as children, nothing so interesting. If ever you wish to go in for some f orra of philanthropy, if every you wish to be of any real use in the world, do something for children. If the great army of philanthropists ever exterminate sin and pestilence, ever work out race salvation, it will be because a little child has led." Alpha E. Radloff, Chairman Ellen S. Anderson, Sec'y. Moved by H. J. S. Hanson and seconded by Pristash to accept the foregoing report and place on file and that the County Board give a rising vote of thanks to the Children's County Board. Motion carried. I-jjr. William Rohlf, Supervisor of Assessments, appeared before the Board and gave an oral report of his work on valuations. The following resolution was read: TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: Be it hereby resolved that the following table of valuations covering Real and Personal Property as compiled by the Supervisor of Assessments, be and is hereby adopted as the equalized valuation of the taxing districts of Bayfield County for the year 1939: DISTRICT Barksdale, Town Barnes Bayfield Bayview Bell Cable Clover Delta Drummond Eileen Hughes AGGREGATE RL+ C OIRAENDED FULL VALUE 2.,096.040 427.560 280,1' 95 247,625 175,855 3701830 249,705 196,580 4351460 599,955 12:2)375 ISO ANNUAL IGEETING OF THE BA.FIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1939 DISTRICT AGGREGATE RECOMMENDED FULL VALUE Iron River, Town, 407,665 Kelly 'p 4717350 Keystone rr 31974.00 Lincoln 'r 294192.5 T,4ason 431,195 Namekagon 56.3,880 Orienta :r 227,620 Oulu T* 544,770 Pilsen °T 1987955 Port Wing pE 469, 665 Pratt t* 351,875 Russell F' . 1392150 Tripp 210,95.0 Washburn rr 28'5,145 Cable, Village 166,030 Ida son " 104,170 Bayfield, City 612,630 Washburn ,r. 995,625 County Total 11,999,180 W . G .. Nohl L. D. Pease 0. H. Hogstrom H. T. Hougas R. F. C. Schultz. S. E. Squires FINANCE & EQUALIZ.ATION COMMITITEE Dated this 8th day of November, 1939. Moved by Alcott and seconded by Hougas to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLVED: Wherein commercial fishing is one of the most important occupa- tions and pursuits in Bayfield County, directly or indirectly affecting practically all of the people of said County, and WHEREAS, Conservation Commission Order #F-405 will result in putting out of business large numbers of the commercial fishermen, not only in Bayfield County, but all along the south shore of Lake Superior by reason of the fact that said order makes useless a large part of the equipment and because the cost of replacing said equipment in a short space of time is prohibitive, and for the further reason that said order places a closed season on certain species and methods of fishing from.April 1'st. to September 1st of each year, leaving only the months of September, October and November during which any fishing can be done for such species and by such methods, in as much as the lake is frozen over from December until April of each year, l8g ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY_ BOARD November 14, 1939 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Bayfield, in annual session assembled this 14th day of November, 1939, that said board go on record as being opposed.to any such far-reaching order and that the con- servation commission and the governor be,, and they are, hereby requested to rescind such order in full as the same applies to the water of Lake Superior within the juris- diction of the State of Wisconsin, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of the resolution be forwarded by the County Clerk to the governor and each member of the State Conservation Commission. PRESENTED BY: Carl E. Erickson Moved by Erickson and seconded by A.-C. Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read:. REPORT OF SPECIAL COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY C OIVDIIITTEE At the last meeting of the County Board, this Committee was assigned the job of presenting to the -Annual Meeting, some kind of a feasible plan or program for the uniform maintenance, snow removal and improvement of the present Township Highways in Bayfield County. The undersigned Committee respectfully begs to report as follows: There are 1552.89.miles of Township Highways in the various towns at the present time. Of this mileage the Towns, this season, have some sort of organized maintenance or team patroling on approximately 900 miles; 11 of the towns do this work with their own town -owned equipment; 9 with County equipment, and 5 with teams. 12.Towns in the County have Town Road Superintendents; 13 do not. The approximate cost of such work for the twelve months period ending July 1, this year was 1$64,000.00. This past season the Towns also plowed snow on approximately 800 miles of these town roads; in 15 of the tou ns the snow removal was performed with County equip - went entirely; in 10 towns with town -owned equipment, supplemented at times with heavy County equipment; 3 towns in the County done snow plowing only in the spring of the year. 13 Towns in the County having been in the habit of plowing private drive -ways under various arrangements; 12 Towns have not. Snow removal on the above basis, this past season cost the Towns approximately $33,000.00. This past construction season the various towns have graded, gravelled and installed culverts on approximately 75 miles of Town road.. 2.0 towns in the County owned some kind of machinery or equipment; 5 do not. A rather hurried inventory of the above equipment would indicate an estimated present value of approximately $35,000.00. Very little of this town -owned equipment appears to be entirely paid for at this time. The condition of the Town Highway Funds, as of the date of this report, appear to vary a great deal as follows: no debts and no anticipation against future gas tax in only two towns; good, with few debts, and little anticipation against future gas tax in six towns; fair in 13 towns, and in very poor condition in four towns. In the above statement this Committee is referring to the financial condition of the Town ANNUAL METING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD' TT-rr. -1-,-- l A l' 070 Highway Funds only. During the twelve months period ending June 30, 1939, the various towns in the County received in gas tax $76,406.27; levied in real estate property taxes at their Annual Spring meetings in 1939, $9,417.47; transferred from Income Tax to Town Highway Funds $4500; placed motor vehicle privilege tax funds in the Highway Fund to the extent of $1789.99; received in the various funds from other sources $307.33; making total cash receipts of $92,421.16, as is more fully shown on the attached schedule. During the same period of time the towns spent $116,273.13 on the 1552.89 miles of town highways approximately $64,500.00 for maintenance, culverts, grading and gravelling; $33,000.00 for. snow removal; $10,400.00 in sponsors, contributions on W.P.A. Projects, and an estimated $84.00.00 in depreciation on town owned equipment., as is more fully shown on the attached schedule. Both receipts and expenditures shown on the schedules are cash items only (except for estimated depreciation on equipment) and make no attempt to estimate either cost or value received for work done on Town Highways by other programs. The above cash receipts and cash expenditures are shown by towns, inasmuch as they are very interesting and clearly indicate that the towns in the County, as a whole, spent nearly $40,000..00 more than they received from the gas tax, or more than 50% over and above the gas tax receipts for a twelve month period ending June 30, 1939. EXPENDITURES - TOWN HIGHWAYS JULY 1, 1938 to JUNE 30, 1939 BAYFIELD COUNTY NAM, OF TOWN ROAD WORK SNOW REMOVAL W. P. A. ESTIMATED TOTAL SPONSORS DEPRECIATION ON CONTRIBUTION EQUIPTjMNT Barksdale 6803.63 3374.2.9 Barnes 2580.04 1630.54 Bayfield 1689.18 1454.57 710.95 Bayview 2096.00 12.38.04 1259.92. Bell 2298.51 432.96 402- 27 Cable 192.0.52 968.03 48.18 Clover 2974.63 1437.22 860.78 Delta 3683.90 1074.59 668.55 Drummond 3730.43 2100.4.5 72.6.46 Eileen 3695.24 1730.17 1001.32: Hughes 2373.54 713.85 21.68 Iron River 1822..88 2109.76 198.87 Kelly 2514.72 1339.04 894.16 Keystone 1067.10 1442.54 763.90 Lincoln 2910.30 14.73.56 167.95 Mason 1402.40 1635.83 890.2.3 Namakagon 2,513.68 1190.75 Orienta 1771.15 614.59 159.82. Oulu 332.7.99 1930.24 Pilsen 1486.63 1099.14 Port tying 2424.20 635..90 Pratt 2419.93 1010.82 110.50 1368.00 11545.92. 1300.00 5510.58 1368.00 5222.70 4593.96 257..00 3390.74 792..70 3729.43 560.00 5832.63 50.00 5477.04 150.00 6707.34 642:6..73 31.09.07 312.2.7 4443.78 4747.92 50.00 3323.54 4.551.81 50.00 3978..46 3704.43 2545.56 5258.23 2585.77 306.0.10 547.2.E 4088.51 83 1=AL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1939 W. P. A. ESTIMATED SPONSORS DEPRECIATION ON NAME OF TO ^R•1 ROAD ',,TORK SNO1,Y REMOVAL CONTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT Russell 896.06 300.33 Tripp 3689.20 233.15 Washburn 2487.92, 1740.15 TOTALS 64579.78 32910.51 REVENUE FROr,2 NAME OF TOWN STATE 105.03 1585.00 1402.04 10392.61 8390.23 FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR TOWN HIGHWAYS. JULY 1, 1938 to JUNE 30, 1939 BAYFIE-'LD COUNTY GENERAL PROPERTY INCOME TAIL TAX MOTOR VEHICLE TOTAL 2886.42 3922.35 5630.11 116273.13 VILEGE OTHER TAX SOURCES TOTAL Barksdale 4684.27 4500.00 276.34 9460.61 Barnes 4980.50 500.00 5480.50 Bayfield 3139.50 538.42 3677.92 Bayview 2803.60 2803.60 Bell 1717.00 1017.47 2734.47 Cable 2476.00 1500.00 3976.00 Clover 3930.00- 3930.00 Delta 3504.00 200.00 .3704.00 Drummond 7021.50 171.33 7192.83 Eileen 2266.50 1000.00 340.23 3606.73 Hughes 3810.00 3810.00 Iron River 2786.00 800.00 3586.00 Kelly 1991.00 1991.00 Keystone 1367.50 1700.00 3067.50 Lincoln 2224.50 2224.50 Mason 2117.50 700.00 2817.50 Namakagon 21281.00 2281.00 Orienta 2674.50 2674.50 Oulu 2.990.00 1000.00 3990.00 Pilsen 1538.00 1538.00 port Wing ' 2560.50 - 2560.50 Pratt 4033.50 4033.50 Russell 1844.50 1844.50 Tripp 2964.00 1000.00 3964.00 Washburn 4701.00 635.00 136.00 5472.00 TOTAL 76406.37 9417.47 4500.00 $ 1789.99 307.33 $92421.16 It also appears that the various towns incurred current indebtedness for work done in connection with their town highways that they expect to repay from future gas tax allotments due March 1, 1940. The Towns will owe on town -owned equipment next March 1, provided no addi- tional machinery is purchased by the towns between now and March 1, an estimated $22,000.00. The Bayfield County Highway Department estimates that approximately $25,000 18 a NUAL IVEET_ING OF 'THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1939 in credits will be extended to various towns by next March lst; beside an estimated �$10,000.00 of Bank Loans and help -up current bills will apparently be accumulated by March lst, making up a probable total of $57,000 of current debts that the various towns expect to retire from gas tax to be received next March. This amounts to more than one-half of all the money due the Towns next spring, and if paid will seriously reduce available money for next season's work. There are eighteen towns in the County that spent more on their town roads, ending June 30, than they will receive in gas taxes next March; seven that spent less. If the present rate of expense continues many Town Highway Funds are going to.be in serious condition in a short time. In view of the serious financial condition of many town highway funds, it is the opinion of this Committee that the amount of credit extended by the County Highway Department to the various towns for work done, must in many cases be reduced. There are thirteen towns in this County having town highways in the Federal Forest Area that receive supplemental aid from the Federal Forest Service on not less than 250 miles of town highways within the area. There are also four towns in the County where County Forest Units, soil conditions and a dwindling number of actual settlers make present road allotments ample. The other eight towns in the County have. no such cheerful factors in connection with their Town road problems. Bayfield County is a very large County, the second largest in the State, with some very thickly settled farming communities; some very sparsely settled so- called`sand barrens, and some widely separated lake regions. The cost of providing satisfactory local highways, naturally, must vary a great deal. Town Highways in the thickly settled areas being largely on heavy clay soils cost several times as much a mile for maintenance, snow removal, bridges and improvements as many roads in other sections of the County. The distribution of Town highway money at a future rate of $65.00 per mile per torn, in this County particularly, is a very unsatisfactory and unequalled method of opportioning town highway money., The peculiar geography of. this County makes this fact much more important and hard to overcome than in the average county in this State. From all of the above, it is apparent that there is a real need for some definite plan to maintain, plow snow and`improve in a uniform way all the town high- ways in the County. Such a plan should provide, first of all, satisfactory main- tenance for about eight months of the year, from about Tfarch 1, to November 1. This Committee believes that sufficient Patrol Sections should be provided, so that patrolmen operating a power -patrol could cover the entire'system about once a week, probably somewhat more often than that on the 900 miles of town roads now receiving some patrol maintenance and somewhat less than that, on the other 650 miles. A power - patrol can blade a round trip on about 15 miles of road per day, or about 90 miles per week; making necessary about 12 patrol sections in the County, working steadily, which, with some part-time help in the sway of men, teams, trucks, when necessary, should provide very much better maintenance than these same roads are now receiving at an estimated cost of $35,000.00 per year. The second most necessary highway service on local roads is snow removal. Last winter the 23 towns in the County that plowed snow, spent about $33,000.00 on about 1100 miles of town roads. Probably the mileage snowplowed should be increased MOM _ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1939 somewhat, so,that a reasonable attempt is made to let out in the winter time most all of the actual rural residents, probably requiring about 900 miles of snotiplowing for the 25 towns in the County. In the opinion of this Committee to insure sufficient equipment for this work, it would be necessary to provide about twice as many light trucks or power-. patrol plows as Summer sections, or about 2.4 or 25 units located in all the various towns in the County, supplemented when required by about 19 heavy trucks or tractor plows kept available at three convenient points in the County. The cost of snow removal, calculated on the above basis, could be conservatively estimated at $30,000.00 to $35,000.00 annually. On that basis, maintenance and snow removal each year would require about two-thirds of the $100,000.00 available next year for local roads from the gas tax in this County. The balance, or about 30 to $35,000.00 would be available for the improvement of town highways under the above outlined program recommended by this Committee. It is.the studied conclusion of this Committee that the above plan would, over a period of five or six years, provide much improved uniform local roads, and in the meantime, provide better maintenance and snow removal at no cost to the towns, other than the gas tax that they are now receiving from the State. The Motor Vehicle Privilege tax and all other forms of State Aids or incomes except the gas tax would remain in the towns and would not be affected by this program. The necessary funds with which to carry out the above outlined program can be secured from the gas tax, without real estate property taxes on the part of either the towns or the County "only'* if all of the present town highways in the County are adopted as County Trunk Highways under the provisions of Sub -section (6) of Section 83.01 of the Statutes. Such action would require the approval of the State Highway Commission. This Committee is opposed to any plan of turning over to the County only the main travelled roads, such as Mail Routes, School Bus Routes, etc., which now cost the towns more than $65.00 per mile per year without also turning over to the County the less expensive town roads that can be kept up for less than ti465.00 per mile per year. This Committee is opposed to any plan, resolution or action designed to benefit only one or two communities in the County -at the expense of the balance of the County, or at the expense of the present County Trunk Highway System, or any plan that permits highway funds to be used for other purposes. In case any of the above plans were adopted, the County might very soon find itself in much the same position financially as in 1920, 21 and 2.2, when the County Board bonded the County for -highway improvements three different times to the extent of $181,000; $9,000 of which has not yet been retired; besides depriving the present County Trunk Highway ___System of the funds.they need very badly. The above program recommended by this Committee would make impossible the use of town highway funds for other purposes by any -town, would discourage the opening up of new roads from gas tax funds; would stop the direct purchase of machinery and equipment from town gas tax funds; would probably decrease the use of hand or team labor, and increase the use of machine work on town roads; would probably cause con- siderably rearrangement in present methods of carrying on Town road work and in the present manner of allotting and expending Town Highway Funds, and should be entered 186 ANNUAL PEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1939 into only with the clear understanding that the above changes are desirable by the Public as a whole as well as the County Board. If the above program is put in operation it will require the investment on the.part of the County of .considerable money in equipment, organization, etc., which is now the sole responsibility of each individual Town and the County should be protected against change for a sufficient period of time to retire the investment necessary. The various towns in the County received in March this year their town road money from the State, which should carry them through until next March lst. If the County were to adopt all town roads at this time, the County money for these same roads, at $65.00 per mile would not be paid by the State, to the County, until after July Ist. Some arrangement, by agreement, between the County and Towns covering the transfer of town -owned equipment to the County should be made, also in some cases, proper arrangements for the working out or liquidation of accounts due the County by the Towns as of March 1st,'1940. Both arrangements should be completed between March 1 and July 1, 1940. To carry out the recommendations of this Committee would require the passage of a resolution by the County Board, adopting all Town Highways in Bayfield County as County Trunks, and the approval of that re:solution by the State Highway Commission. The undersigned Committee will have the above resolution properly drawn and presented to the County Board at the Annual 1939 Meeting. Your Committee is mailing this report to each member of the Bayfield County Board, almost a month before the Annual Meeting, so as to permit ample time for intel- ligent thought and study on this very important problem. Respectfully submitted, R. J. Nelson S. E. Squires Ed. Maryland Ben Rude H. J. Hougas SPECIAL COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY COMMITTEE Dated October 11, 1939 Moved by Schultz and seconded by Nohl to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors,, duly assembled in regular session this 14th day of November, 1939, that all town highways shown on the 1939 official town plats filed by the various towns in Bayfield County with the State Highway Commission of Wisconsin as required by Section 20.49, subsection 8, be and the same are hereby adopted and added to the County Trunk Highway System of Bayfield County, in accordance with the provisions of Subsection 6 of Section 83.01 of the Wisconsin Statutes effective February 28th, 1940. BE IT. FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the location of the County Trunk Highway System of Bayfield County be and the same is as shown in red on the attached map and that the mileage of the County Trunk Highway System is and shall be 1687.76 miles as of the effective date above and until legally changed as provided by Subsection 6 of N ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - --_--- — November 14, 1939 --- — -- --_- Section 83.01 of the Wisconsin Statutes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this Resolution be contingent upon the pay - went due July 1, 1940, and annually thereafter, by the State of Wisconsin to Bayfield County of the State Aid funds available for County Trunk Highways, appropriated by Subsection 4 of Section 20.49 and apportioned to Bayfield County as provided by Subsection 2 of Section 64.03 of the Wisconsin Statutes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Bayfield County Highway Committee be and is hereby authorized, directed, and empowered to make all proper and reasonable arrange- ments to the best advantage of the County for the highway work herein provided, in- cluding financial adjustments, transfer of town owned highway machinery and equipment as may be agreed upon between the County Highway Committee and the various towns of the County on or before July lst, 1940. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT any previous ordinance, resolution, regulation, or requirement of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors conflicting herewith be and the same is hereby rescinded or repealed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the County Clerk of Bayfield Countybe and is hereby directed to submit a certified copy of this resolution, with map attached to the State Highway Commission of Wisconsin for their approval as required by Subsection 6 of Section 83.01 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Dated Nov. 14, 1939. Submitted by, R. J. Nelson Ed. ,Maryland H. J. Hougas S. E. Squires. Ben R. Rude Moved by Bernard Johnson and seconded by Desparois to table the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Irish, Bernard Johnson, TMOnson, Erickson, Art Hanson„ Unseth, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Williams, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Olsen. Total 26. NAYS: Arnold, Herman Hanson, Imaryland, ljii.halak, Hougas, Ness, Hogstrom, R. J. Nelson, Rude, Squires. Total 10. Motion carried. The following report was read: Annual Report of Bayfield County Fair Committee The following is the financial report of the 1939 Bayfield County Fair as of October 23, 1939. The total disbursement figure ins approximate inasmuch as there are one or two outstanding bills yet to pay. Also, the final audit of the books cannot be completed until all accounts are settled. Receipts Disbursements Advertisements v 317.2.9 Advertising p 175.82 i�id -- State 1343.00 Judges 64.50 Aid -- County 2500.00 Officers, salaries 163.54 Collections from Plant 8c equipment 130.32 previous years 57..44 188 ANINUAL IT STING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ---- _-------------- November 14, 1939 Receipts Disbursements Gate Receipts 450.34 Police, gate,, other help 457.45 Grandstand & bleachers 109.90 Postage, express, freight 34.19 Loans 1000.00 Premiums 1678.75 Space & privileges 251.61 Printing 2.92..25 Exhibitors' Fees 147.00 Rental, of equipment 5.00 Ribbons & badges 4.17 Special acts & features 700.00 Superintendents 321.39 Supplies 70.32 Telephone, telegraph, water, light & power 139.72 Association dues 7.50 Safety cruiser 28.75 Total Receipts 6176.58 Total Disbursements 4273.67 $1,000.00 was borrowed from the County which will be repaid when State Aid is received. Respectfully submitted: Hayfield Co. Fair Committee C. D. Arnold, Chr. S. E. Squires Nels Ness Andrew P,,Iihalak Ed. Maryland D. L. Brace R. T. Holvenstot Moved by Hougas and seconded by Desparois to receive the foregoing report and place on file. ivIotion carried. The following communication was read: STATE OF WISCONSIN Executive Office iladison November 10, 1939 County Board of Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Realizing that the annual November session of the county boards in the state of Wisconsin will convene on November 14 and appreciating that you are faced with grave problems which affect many individuals enjoying old age assistance, blind pensions, aid to dependent children and other items of expenditures which affect your budget for the ensuing year, I feel that it is ray duty to give any information which may be of help to,you at this time. I appreciate there are many counties which have curtailed their expenses to minimize the burdens of their local taxpayers and sincerely trust that you will continue this good work. 189 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Bt-IYFIELD COUNTY BOARD _ November 14, 1939 The last session of the legislature passed laws whereby the state of Wisconsin will.pay to the counties in 1939-1940 an amount exceeding that paid in the previous year by 73,079.000. Of this amount $1,438,980 is an additional aid for county trunk highways. I naturally expect that the funds will be used to reduce taxes and desire to call your attention to my statement made at the time of the signing of bill 9-A, which was as follows: "Bill 9-A has come to my desk today for signature and I am signing it because I have been assured by members of the legislature and county boards that the $5,300,000 that will be paid to the different towns, cities, villages and counties from gasoline taxes in the next biennium will give tax relief to the farmer, the city dweller, the working man and the merchant, in fact all of our people who pay taxes. This will reduce the taxes on real estate if the spirit of the law is fulfilled." you are probably aware, at this time, that the state aid for dependent children for the month of October is approximately 12ti per cent less than the amount that is justly 'due to your county. This does not mean that the county will not re- ceive this money. Bill 563-S has been signed by me as Governor, but has not been published at this time. I, have every reason to feel that it will become the law of the state of Wisconsin. As soon as it is published, payment of deferred items for aid to dependent children will be made. There seems to be some question in the minds of the public whether payments will be made by the state of all aids for schools, dependent people, pensions and funds to local units of government. I desire to state, at this time, that the state of Wisconsin expects,and intends, to pay all aids for schools, dependent persons, pensions, and payment to units of government, in full,,although it may be possible that some of the payments may be made on an installment basis. I know that you appreciate the difficulty in providing funds to finance the state of Wisconsin and I, likewise, appreciate the financial difficulties of the counties. With this true, I know that the counties are going to cooperate most heartily in meeting this problem. Sincerely appreciating your cooperation, I am Very truly yours, Julius P. Heil, Governor Moved by H. C. Anderson and seconded by Ness to accept the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: -VTHEREAS; the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at a meeting held May 3, 1939, adopted a resolution recorded in Volume 7 of County Board Records, page 150, authorizing the County Clerk to execute on behalf of the County, a lease to the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, covering the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter ( NTjV TOTE), Section Thirty-six (36), Township Fifty-one (51) North, of Range -Four (4) 'Test; the terms of said lease to be that said premises will be used for a 4H Club Forestry Project; said lease to be for a five year period z°rith a provision that the County shall have the option of -conveying said property to the lessee at the ANNUAL E i +STING OP THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1939 end of the five years if progress in forestry has been made during the time of said lease, and WHEREAS, the description should Have read the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE NE), Section Thirty-six (36), Township Fifty-one (51) North, of Range Four (4), NOW, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing facts, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the description be corrected to read the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE NE), Section Thirty-six (36), Township Fifty-one (51) North, of Range Four (4) West. Signed: Russell E. Rowley Iloved_by Rowley and seconded by Rivers to adopt the foregoing resolution. iviotion carried. The following resolution was read: TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: �iMFREAS, according to Chapter 45, Section 45.18 of the Wisconsin Statutes,; it shall be the duty of the county board to make application to the proper authorities for suitable headstones, as provided by Congress, of deceased war veterans, and 1;1HEREAS, according to Chapter 45, Section 45.18, the expense of setting up such stones shall be provided by the county board, and ffHEREAS, the graves of John Iver Wannebo and Edwin Jackson, who are buried in Woodlawn cemetery in the City of Tashburn, and the grave of Axel Laimere, who is buried in the Catholic Cemetery in the Town of Bayview, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, are now unmarked by any Government headstone, and ,1HEREAS, these men are all deceased veterans of the Spanish-American War,. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Clerk of Bayfield County be and he is hereby authorized to make application for three headstones to the Quarter- master General, P'lunitions Building, Washington, D. C., for the. three above named Spanish-American ?;Var veterans, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled in session in the City of Washburn this 14th day of November, 1939, do hereby appro- priate the sum not to exceed Ten (�10.00) Dollars to defray the expense of electing three headstones fior the above named Spanish-American :Var veterans. SIGNED: Harvey Irish Dloved by Irish and seconded bar A. C. Hanson.to.adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Pease, Irish, Bernard Johnson, Monson, Erickson, .zrt Hanson Unseth, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, 1.2aryland, 1'1lihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Ness, Hogstrom, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, R. J. Nelson, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Olsen, Rude, Squires. Total 31. NAYS: None. 12otion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, at a joint meeting of the sheriff's committee and the health comrn-ittee of the County Board, it was voted to recommend that the County Board request v 11 M and instruct the County Judge not to approve transportation at county expense of Mm- ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1939 I indigent patients to the State General Hospital or to the Orthopedic Hospital, And Whereas, the problem of transportation has been a growing one and can best be handled by requiring the patients to secure their own transportation, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this 14th day of November, 1939, that the County Judge be and he hereby is formally requested not to approve or authorize transportation at County expense of any patients to the State General.Hospital or Orthopedic Hospital. PRESENTED BY: D. S. Knight Moved by Rude and duly seconded to table the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: 1 AYES: Johnson, Monson, Erickson, C. 0. Nelson, Mihalak, Rowley, H. J. S. Hanson, Rivers, Olsen, Rude. Total 10. NAYS: Nohl, Pease, Art Hanson, Unseth, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, i4aryland, Anderson, Wallin, Hougas, Ness, Hogstrom, Knight, R. J. Nelson, Kasmarek, Ambly, Squires. Total 21. Motion lost. Moved by Knight and seconded by Wallin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this 14th day of November, 1939, that the standing finance. committee of the County Board be and it is hereby empowered and authorized to examine, settle and allow all current accounts against the County not in excess of five hundred dollars or anyone such account and when so settled and allowed to authorize the issuance of county orders therefore. PRESENTED BY: S. E. Squires' Moved by Pease and seconded by Hogstrom to adopt the foregoing resolution. Moved by Rude and seconded by Ness to table the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Bernard Johnson, Erickson, Ness, H. J. S. Hanson, Rivers, Rude. Total,6. NAYS: Nohl, Pease, Irish, 1-,2onson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, Mihalak, Anderson, 'Jallin, Rowley, Hougas, Hogstrom, Knight, R. J. Nelson, Kasmarek, Ambly, Olsen, Squires. Total 26. Motion to table lost. The original motion to adopt was carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, several of the County officers and employees use their automobiles in carrying on their duties, receiving $30.00 a month for.the use of said automobiles, and whereas, it appears that there may be some liability on the County by virtue of the fact that such automobiles are in effect, rented by the County on a monthly basis, nto,jv therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this 14th day of November 1939 that all such county rented cars be required to be covered by the owner by public liability and property damage ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BA 1:+IELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1939 insurance so as to relieve the county of any possible liability out of claims arising through the operation of said automobiles. PRESENTED BY: S. E. Squires Moved by Pease and seconded by Rivers to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: TO THE FINANCE COI-11ITTEE AND TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: "JHEREAS, the administrative costs of the Public ?Telfare Department of Bayfield County are paid for tpait-h state funds, and WHEREAS, these funds can be used only to cover the payroll, telephone, stamps and a small amount of stationery, and WHEREAS, the department requires other office equipment and funds to repair typewriters, adding machines, etc., and 7-THEREAS, the Public'Welfare Department serves the whole of Bayfield County and adequate office supplies and equipment are necessary to operate the department, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the members of the P70 committee recormiend to the County Finance Committee and to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors that an appropriation of 44100.00 be made for the purpose of purchasing office supplies and office equipment for the Public T�'Telfare Department. RELIEF C OI,/I 1ITTEE Albert E. Swanson S. E. Squires Henry J. S. Hanson Moved by Pristash and seconded by Rowley to receive the foregoing resolu- tion and place on file. Motion carried. The,following resolution was read: TO THE FINANCE C01.11ITTEE AND TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: 7�THEREAS, the county building that is being used as a surplus commodity warehouse is in need of minor repairs to provide adequate heating facilities, and ',`THEREAS, such repairs will improve the appearance'of the building and in- crease its valuation, and WHEREAS, the relief committee has inspected the said building and in - strutted the Public Welfare Director to make the minor repairs, a4d WHEREAS, the said repairs will cost approximately $90.00, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the relief committee recommends to the finance committee and to the county board that the board allow an appropriation that will cover the expenditures of the aforestated repairs. RELIEF COMMITTEE : Albert E. Swanson S. E. Squires Henry J. S. Hanson moved by Unseth and seconded by Desparois to receive the foregoing resolu- tion and place on file. Motion carried. ANNUAL ILEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - - --_—_ — — — November 14, 1939 193 The following communication was read: 1VIr. S. E. Squires, Chairman County Board, Bayfield County, Wis. Dear Sir; In order to maintain and support the following Departments, with heat, light, telephone service, water etc. we are compelled to request an appropriation from the County of $400.00a N. Y. A. Department, Farm and Iv11arket Department, Relief Department, Recreational Department, Farm Resettlement Department. The City of Washburn is furnishing the Building and Janitor and maintains the building with repairs and upkeep that costs the City practically $800.00 per year and we feel that as this is more a County affair that the County should appropriate the amount requested. Hoping that you will consider our request and grant the additional amount that we request. This is a very small increase over the previous appropriation and under present conditions we do not think that vie aredemanding anything out of reason. Thanking you I remain Very truly yours, A. I. Lien, City Clerk City of Washburn Moved by Rude and seconded by Rivers to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion carried. Moved by Desparois and seconded by Unseth to adjourn until 9 A. M., November 15. Motion carried. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 15, 1939 All members present except A. E. Swanson. The County Board made an inspection trip throughout the County which covered the following: United States Forest .urea; County Forest Unit No. 2; Harbor improvement work at Cornucopia; Stumping demonstration arranged by the Agricultural Committee and the County Agent; the Barnes Dam and Bridge; the Resettlement Project in the town of Drummond; and the proposed damsite in the town of Delta.