HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/16/1939194 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD --- —------------ ------ - November 18, 1939 - -- . Ideeting called to order at 10 A. Id. by Chairman Squires. The following members, answered roll call: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Irish, Bernard Johnson, ,jonson, Erickson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Tohnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, lvlihalak, Anderson, Uallin, Rowley, Hougas, Tress, Uilliams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, R. J. Nelson, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Olsen, Rude, Squires. Total 36. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County owns the following 'described lands in the Town of Clover: That part of Lot Three(3) lying west of the Lenawee road and south of State Trunk Highway No. 13 in the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter ( NE - .NE-) of Section Eight (8), Township Fifty (50) North, of Range Seven (7) Yest, and aTHEREAS, it is a small triangular piece with but a fraction of an acre and is located between highways, and WHEREAS, the sale of it to an individual for the purpose of building would create a traffic hazard, NOW, THEREFORE, IN VIE`.T OF THE FOREGOING FACTS, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the County Clerk be hereby authorized and directed to issue a quit claim deed to the Town of Clover covering the aforesaid land and that the consideration be the amount of taxes plus interest, and that' said consideration be written off from the excess delinquent credit tax account of the Town of Clover now on the County books, providing no building be placed thereon. Carl E. Erickson P.Joved by Pristash and seconded by Ness to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following communication was read: Mr. Ludwig Tranmal, Dear Sir: PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS' ASSOCIATION OF WISCONSIN Milwaukee, Wisconsin October 28, 1939 County Clerk, Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin The following information at your earliest convenience is requested and will be very much appreciated: When will bids have to be submitted for an audit of your county covering the current year? By whom was the audit made covering last year, and what was the amount of the accepted bid? Are you contemplating having an audit covering 1939, and if so, when must the work be completed2 ;ghat departments of the county does the audit cover? (fill appreciate having you place this association on your mailing list. Thanking you for your courtesy in this matter I remain, Very truly yours,. Harry F. Guentner H. F. Guentner, Pres. jm ffim 190 ANNUAL . MEETING IN_G OF 'THE B.AYF IELD COUNTY BOARD —I November 16, 1939 P. S. I Bill No. 950-A permitting the employment of -licensed public accountants by municipalities has been enacted into laws, (Chapter 483 of the laws of 1939). This law amends Chapter 73.03, subsection 14, subsection A as follows: "Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to be exclusive and prevent a local governing body from employing an auditor of its own choice, duly licensed under Chapter 135 of the Wisconsin Statutes." Moved by Hougas and seconded by Nohl to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion carried. The following petitions were read: In the Matter of Establishing a New ) Water Level on Iron Lake, in Bayfield), County, Wisconsin ) We, the undersigned, being owners of property abutting Iron Lake, in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, believing that the interests of all owners of property on said lake would be aided by having the water level of said lake established at a higher level than there is at the present time, and that the lake would be especially more and better suited to the propagation of fish life therein, and the lake improved from the standpoint of.scenic beauty, and made more desirable for the location of summer homes on the shores thereof, hereby endorses and approves the survey made by R. IV. Smith and believes that the level of the lake should be Fixed at 97.0 feet, or 1.86 feet higher than he found the water on the 23rd day of Suly, 1939. Furthermore, the undersigned, hereby agree to waive all claim for damages arising, or which may arise, by reason of the overflowing of our lands in the event that the higher level of 97.0 feet is authorized by the Public Service Commission of the State of Wisconsin. Dated at Iron River, Wis., August 4, 1939. 15 Signers To the Conservation Committee of the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County: Dear Sirs: The"undersigned taxpayers and owners of lake shore property on the shores of Iron Lake, in the town of Hughes, in said county of Bayfield, hereby petition you to appropriate or recommend for appropriation the sum of Three Hundred Dollars (y$300.00) for the purpose of constructing a.dam at the outlet of said lake, so as to improve ,said lake and make it more suitable for fish life and recreational purposes. 6 Signers. Moved by A. G. Johnson and seconded by A. C. Hanson to receive the foregoing petitions and place on file. IJIotion carried. The following resolution was read: THEREAS, Howard Moland of 231 Commerce Street, Duluth, Minnesota, is indebted to Bayfield County in the sum of $58.00 for land clearance in the Town of T�Tashburn, done through the County Agent's office, And Whereas, repeated demands, both on the part of the County Agent and of the Distric't-:Attorney have not resulted in payment of the account, making it apparent that suit will be necessary to collect the same, now therefore, i96 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 16, 1939 BE IT RESOLVED, that the District Attorney be, and he is hereby authorized to commence a suit in the name of Bayfield County against said Howard Ifoland on said account and take all steps necessary in connectioniith said action to enforce col- lection of the same. PRESENTED BY: C. D. Arnold Moved by Arnold and seconded by Pease to adopt the foregoing resolution. Illotion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS the County Board in annual session November 1938 authorized the Pension Department to hire an extra investigator for the month of December, 1938, and for six (6) months in the calendar year 1939, and, TMVHEREAS the months selected by the Director for this worker to be hired,were December, 1938, January, February, June, July, August and September., 1939, and, WHEREAS a change in the state law made it necessary that the Pension Depart- ment determine the legal settlement of all persons receiving old age assistance, this throwing an additional amount of work upon the Director so that he was unable to make investigations in the field, and, ?WHEREAS the Pension Committee, because of this extra work, authorized the extra investigator to be retained by the Pension Department for the months of October and November, and, �[HEREAS the Finance Committee at a meeting approved this action of the Pension Committee, therefore, be it RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this loth day of November, 1939, that the action of the Pension and Finance Committees as above stated is hereby ratified and the payments by the County Clerk and County 'treasurer to Loretta MacDonald for the months of October and November is hereby approved and authorized; and be it further RESOLVED that the Pension Department is authorized to continue the services of Miss_ldacDonald for the month of December, 1939, and the full year of 1940. I A. J. Unseth I. L. Alcott Ben R. Rude Moved by Unseth and seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read: INDIGENT SOLDIERS' 1WID SAILORS' RELIEF COMMISSION OF BAYFIELD COUNTY WASHBURN, 1,IISCONSIN November 13, 1939 To the Honorable County Board Members, William Lee, Drummond Carl Thoreson, ?Alashburn J. Ili.Gordon, Bayfield Bayfield County Board Jashburn, Wis. ANNUAL. MEETING OF THE BATIIELD CO=Y BOARD November 16, 1939 Gen tle-men : At the last quarterly meeting of this commission the secretary was instructed to compile a report of its functions for this past year, and to present the report to you. The secretary was further instructed, if it met -with your approval to appear before you in person, and explain the necessity of complete co-operation by the different town chairmen and city supervisors with this commission within the scope of actions necessary on your part in connection with the duties of this commission, to the satisfaction of all concerned. The commission received and investigated 41.applications, 32 of these received favorable action, it was necessary to disallow 9 applications when it was found that the applicants had sufficient incomes.to keep them from want. Total expenditures for the.year amounted to 6`839.61,of this amount $150.83 was used for administration and expended as follows: Secretary salary and expenses $ 62.90 Commissioners expenses (2 men) 75.66 Stationery and postage 7.27 Premium on Bond (required by law) 5.00 $150.83 After deducting the above cost from the total amount expended, this commission spent $688.78 for the relief of the indigent soldiers and sailors of this county and their families, and was in the form of groceries and clothing and fuel, the average amount paid in each case was $21.53, not one cent was spent out of this county, but was to the merchants of this county. The commission found it necessary to hold more than the required meetings. This would not have been necessary, if those persons who are required by law to I indorse all applications before being submitted to this commission had fully realized the importance of their duties in connection thereto, it is hoped as the general improvement of business progresses, and a better understanding is had between you members of this Board and the Commission on applications in general, that the number of applications will be greatly reduced in the coming year. Respectfully submitted: Soldiers and Sailors Relief Commission of Bayfield County. By the Secretary: J. M. Gordon Moved by Hougas and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS the Mount Valhalla winter sports center on County Trunk Highway C is used by hundreds of Bayfield county residents and by hundreds of outsiders who are attracted to the site by its facilities and who spend money in Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, for the proper accommodation of such visitors, it is necessary to keep the parking space at Mount Valhalla free of snow, thus increasing the number of visitors and aiding in the development of Jointer sports business in Bayfield county, and ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 16, 1939 WHEREAS, this job can be done with maximum efficiency and minimum expense by the county snow plows engaged in plowing County Trunk Highway C, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield county board of supervisors, in annual session assembled this 16th day of November, 1939, does hereby authorize and direct the county highway department to plo�rr out the parking space at Mount Valhalla whenever such plowing is needed and whenever it can be done conveniently in connection with routine plowing of County Trunk Highway C. E. K. Olsen, Moved by Rude and seconded by Olsen to adopt the foregoing resolution. TjIotion carried. The following resolution was read: To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County: Be it resolved that -the following described parcels of land which are now apparently in,the forestry district be reclassified in the unrestricted district: N of MI,(-,�-�, Sec. 2 -43-8, Town of Cable, Bayfield Co. NEr.of Sec. 3-43-8, Town of Cable, Bayfield Co. SW- ,of Sec. 22-43-8, Town of Cable, Bayfield Co. Respectfully submitted: M. F. Monson S. E. Squires Moved by Nohl and seconded by Monson to refer the foregoing resolution to the Zoning Committee with authority to act. 1:Iotion carried. The follo,,ving communication was read: Drummond, Wisconsin November 13, 1939 zoning Committee Bayfield County Board Gentlemen: The following resolution was passed by -the Town Board for the Town of Drummond at a regular meeting, held on the 18th day of October, 1939: u AREAS it is the opinion 'of this Board that it would be to the best interests of the Town of Drummond to have the following described lands placed in the unrestricted area of the Toiyn instead of being restricted: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this Board recommend to the Zoning Committee of the Bayfield County Board that the above lands be taken from the restricted area and placed in the unrestricted area of the Town of Drummond. "Lot 9 SE! Of SE'4 S of SiiV4 Lot 5 Section 33 Township 44 Range 7 '* 33 iP 34 it 34 t 44 " 7 r 44 ,r 7 't 44 'T 7 Yours very truly, T O�PNT OF DRUNII1 IOND 0. A. Glassow, Clerk T,,Ioved by Unseth and seconded by H. C. Anderson to refer the foregoing ANNUAL I:iEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD — �- --------- November 16 , 1939 — - - communication to the Zoning Committee with power to act. Motion carried. The following petition was read.: TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD, COUNTY OF BAYFIELD . I respectfully petition and represent to your Honorable Body: 1. That the undersigned now owns, with other land, the South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S1 NEI) of Section Nine (9), Township Forty-seven (47), Range Nine (9), Town of Hughes, County of Bayf ield,,State of Wisconsin. 2. That the North Half of the Northeast Quarter (N of NEg) of Erection Nine (9), Township Forty-seven (47), Range Nine (9), Town of Hughes, is now in the Forest Crop Area and the undersigned desires to buy that portion of the section to be added to his present holdings. 3. That if this petition is allowed, the undersigned will also buy from. the County the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter ( NEI' N1iT4) of that same :section, which is not under the Forest Crop Law. block. 4. That all of the land referred to herein adjoins itself and is a solid 5. That U. S. Highway No. 2 is adjacent to. and within one hundred yards of my present holdings on the South. 6. That a school bus route also adjoins this property and, in addition the�, the station ('flag stop) of hQuskeg touches it. '7. That there is no merchantable timber on said land, but is all popple and second growth pine. 8:. That this Uras not an original part of the Forest ' Crop Area, but was placed in said area at a later date. 9. That the undersigned. has twenty-two (22) head of stock, aside from other animals on said place. 10. That there are now four persons residing on said place, earning their living thereon. 11. That about forty-seven (47) acres -have been brushed during the last year and arrangements made for 'the county bul.1-dozer to take the stumps therefrom in the spring. 12. Therefore, In View of the Foregoing Facts, I -Hereby Petition your Honorable Body to withdraw the aforesaid lands from the Forest Crop Law which are under contract with the State and that I be allowed to purchase them.together with the forty which has not yet been placed under the Forest Crop Law.' L. John Moerke Dated November 10, 1939. Moved by Desparois and seconded by Hougas to grant the foregoing petition. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS the Chequamegon Ski Club and the U. S. forest service are developing one of the largest and best winter sports centers in the middlewest at Mount Valhalla on County Trunk Highway C, and ANNUAL PEETING OF THE B.A.YFIELD COUNTY BOARD November lei, 1939 t'=REAS, hundreds of people are being attracted into the county to spend money by this development and the newspaper and radio publicity on Mount Valhalla is of substantial benefit in advertising the winter sports advantages of the entire county, and Td,IHEREAS the Chequamegon Ski club, a non-profit organization, is doing work of value to the county as a whole in its development of I1,10unt Valhalla, and WHEREAS the Chequamegon Ski club is in need of an appropriation of $300 to help it carry on its development program during the coming winter,' NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Bayfield County board of supervisors, in annual session assembled this 16th day of November, 1939, does hereby appropriate• the sum of three hundred dollars ($300.00) to the Chequamegon Ski club to contribute to the success of its 1939-40 program. E. K. Olsen Moved by Olsen and seconded by Rivers to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Alcott, Irish, Bernard Johnson, Monson, Erickson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, Mihalak, Anderson, Rowley, Williams, Knight, R. J. Nelson,.Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Olsen, Rude. Total 2.7. NAYS: Pease, Schultz, Wallin, Hougas, ) Ness, Hogstrom, Fiege, H. J. S. Hanson, Squires. Total 9. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE' IT RESOLVED, that the work of the special committee on delinquent land contracts be taken over by the finance committee of the County Board and that said Committee be authorized to work with the.Dis.trict Attorney in the -quieting of title of the lands hereinafter described and to compromise any and all claims against said lands and affecting the titles thereto, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the District Attorney, be and he hereby is authorized to commence actions to quiet title -or in ejectment to.recover possession of any of such lands, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the finance committee be authorized to enter into rental agreements with the occupants of any of such lands either before or after the commencement of such actions. The lands affected by this resolution are more particularly described as follows: Lot 11, Block 90, of the original Townsite of the City of Bayfield. A parcel i•n the Village of Cable described in Volume 109 of Deeds on page 275. Lot 2.5 and the Northeast one-half .(NE-2).of Lot 2.6, Block 49, of the Original Townsite of 'Washburn. Lot 12, Block 24, of the original Townsite of Washburn. PR ES ENI`ED BY: R. F. C. Schultz. Iloved by Pease and seconded by R. J. Nelson to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. The following petition was.read: 201 ANNUAL M�,tETING OF THE BA I IELD COUNTY BOARD November 16, 1939 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1, TOWN OF CLOVER To The Bayfield County Board.: Gentlemen: BAYFIELD COUNTY Herbster, Wisconsin November 13, 1939 WHEREAS: School District No. 1, Town of Clover, Herbster, Wis., was desirous of obtaining title to certain lots adjoining the present school grounds., which were offered for sale by the county, for the site of their proposed gymnasium, and 'UHEREAS: Construction on the proposed gymnasium could not be undertaken unless the district held title to the site of the gymnasium, and WHEREAS: Action on the school district's request for grant of title to said lots would have to be taken by the county board, assembled in annual meeting, and WHEREAS: Actual construction of the gymnasium began on October 5th, 1939, the school ,board, in order to acquire title to said certain lots, paid to the County Treasurer the sum of seventy five dollars for a quit claim deed for the said lots, and WHEREAS: Every cent is needed by the district in order to complete the gymnasium within our budget, and WHEREAS:, The Community interest should be placed before private interests in such cases as this, now Therefore: 17e, the school board members, of School District No. 1, of the Town of Cover, Herbster, A;Tis.., respectfully petition this county board, assembled in annual. meeting, to refund to said school district the sum of seventy five dollars, paid by the district'to acquire title to said certain lots. Respectfully, Anthony Janoch, Clerk PQoved by Erickson and seconded by Pease to reject the foregoing petition. Motion carried. Moved by Arnold and seconded by Wallin to adjourn until 1:30 P. M. Motion carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P. Id. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered roll call: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Irish, Bernard Johnson, T.Zonson, Erickson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C . 0. Nelson',: Maryland, TIlihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Ness, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, R. J. Nelson, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Olsen, Rude, Squires. Total 36. The following amendment to traffic ordinance was read: The County Board of Supervisors of the County of Bayfield, State of Wis- consin, ordain as follows: That there is added to the Bayfield County Highway Traffic Ordinance, two (2) new Sections to be numbered and to read as follows: 202 ANNUAL IJEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD- - A �----- — _ November 16, 1939 Section 1.02 (2) AUTO REGISTRATION The provisions of Section 85.01 of the Laws,of 1939 and all subsections thereof and all provisions supplemental thereto and amendatory thereof, are hereby made a part of this ordinance. The penalty for violation of this section shall be the same as the penalty prescribed for violation of the similar section of the State Statute. A New subsection is added to Section 1.05 to be numbered subsection five (5) and to read as follows: The provisions of section 85.06 of the Wisconsin Statutes of 1939 and all the subsections thereof and all acts supplemental thereto or amendatory thereof, are hereby made a part of the Bayfield County - Traffic Ordinance. The penalty of the subsection shall be the same as that prescribed for violation of the similar section of the State Statute. These amendments shall take effect upon passage and publication. Signed, C. 0. Nelson Geo. B. Williams Mloved by Rowley and seconded by Rivers to adopt the foregoing amendment. I-Iotion carried. The following resolution,was read: 1WHEREAS Bayfield County has during the past t,relve (12) months advanced the money required to pay twenty (200) percent of the cost of old age assistance, and, 7,1MEREAS, under Section 49.37 of the County Board has the authority to charge this twenty (20%) percent so advanced to the various taxing districts of the county, be it hereby RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this 16th day of November, 1939, that the twenty (20%) percent of old age assistance ad- vanced by Bayfield County be, and is hereby charged to the various taxing districts in the county according to (1) from November 1, 1938 to April 30, 1939 on the basis of the residence of those receiving old age assistance, and (2) from Ilay 1, 1939 to October 31, 1939 on the basis of the legal settlement of those cases receiving old age assistance; and be it further RESOLVED that the amounts to be raised and paid by each city, town and village to reimburse Bayfield County as herein provided shall he the amounts set forth in the attached schedule, marked exhibit "A'$, and made a part hereof, in the column entitled 1120% County Charge.." A. J. Unseth I: L. Alcott Ben R. Rude Moved by Pease and seconded by.Hogstrom to adopt the foregoing resolution and that the County Clerk be authorized to correct the amounts set up in the resolu- tion upon proper certification of the Pension Director. Notion carried. I i i 203 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 16, 1939 The following resolution was read: Changing Boundary Lines of Present County Forest Units Resolved that the boundary lines of the present County Forest Units be hereby changed as,.f ollows and that copies of this resolution be sent.to the Superin- tendent of Cooperative Forestry, State Conservation Department, Madison, Wisconsin. In Unit #1 Township 51 - 4 starting from the Northwest corn.er of section 1 thence Westward to the Northwest corner of section 2, thence South to the Northwest corner of section 11, the present boundary corner, thereby adding section 2 - 51 - 4 to Unit #'1; In Unit #2 Township 51 - 5 starting from the Northeast corner of section 25 (the present boundary line) and proceeding Northward on the section line to the Northeast corner of section 1, thence Westward on the section line to the Northwest corner of section 2, thence Southward on the section line to the Southwest corner of section 2 which is on the present boundary line, this will include sections 1, 2, 12, 13 and 24 in County Forest Unit #2; In Unit #2 Township 49 - 5 starting from the Southwest corner of section 14 (the present boundary line) and proceeding Westward on the section line to the Southwest corner of section 177 thence Northward on the section Line to the Southwest corner of section 8 (the present boundary line). This will include sections 15, 16 and 17 in County Forest Unit #2. Russell Rowley I. L. Alcott Harvey Irish Moved by Alcott and seconded by Irish to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session assembled this 16th day of November, 1939, that a vote of thanks be given to the members of the Conservation Commission for their efforts in procuring the modified ladder type tower as erected north of the City of Bayfield. SIGNED: H. C. Fiege Vic. C. Wallin J. R. Desparois Bernard Johnson Geo..B. Williams CONSERVATION C OTJIlETTEE Moved by H. J. S. Hanson and seconded by R: J. Nelson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Moved by Knight and seconded by Wallin to receive and place on file e the report of the Director of `the Public Welfare Department. Motion carried. The following resolution was ,read: TO THE BAYFIELD. COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: IVMREAS Bayfield County has tax title to the following described property ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November T6. I939 situated in the totm - of Bell: Lots , 3,'4, 5 and 6 of Block 16, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Block 17 located in the Village of Cornucopia, and WHEREAS the Town of Bell has an excessdelinquent tax credit on -County record, and WHEREAS.the Town Board of the Town of Bell .have adopted a resolution authorizing and directing that application be made to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to acquire the aforesaid de script ions, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing facts, be it hereby resolved that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue a Quit Claim Deed to the Town of -Bell covering the described property above. AND that the consideration b)e the face value of the tax certificates plus interest, fees and penalties now held by the County.Treasurer, and that said considera- tion be written off from the credit account of the Town of Bell on account of excess delinquent tax•rolls. Bernard Johnson, Chairman, Town of Bell Moved by Bernard Johnson and seconded by Rowley to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following communication was read: DISTRICT 7 Ashland, Wisconsin November 7, 1939 IJIr. S. E. Squires Chairman - County Board Route 2, Mason, Wisconsin Subject: Sponsors contributions required to employ estimated number, of WPA project workers on county sponsored projects during the calendar year from January 1, 1940 to December 31, 1940. Dear PiIr. Squires: This report has been prepared to present a general picture of the amount of sponsors contributions necessary to finance the WPA program for the c.alendar year of 1940. In preparing this report, it was necessary to estimate the average employ- ment for the calendar year of 1940. It has been.estimated that WPA will employ in Bayfield County an average throughout the year of 1940 of 6.994 man months of labor. Of this amount, it is estimated.that Bayfield County will employ on county sponsored projects (not including farm -to market roads, or conservation work) 893 man months of labor. This will necessitate a sponsors contribution of $2.0,566.00. Of course, you realize that this amount may not be an actual cash expendi- ture by Bayfield County, depending upon the amount of cash, kind and services the county furnishes toward the project. These figures do not include, as we stated above, co -sponsored projects by the towns under the farm to market program, or county co -sponsored conservation projects. Separate reports will be furnished the towns, 205 ANNUAL P,METING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 16, 1939 sometime in April before their spring meetings. Separate reports will also be furnished the Wisconsin Conservation Commission. We have worked up this report so that the county will have a figure from which to work so that funds may be included in their budget to carry on a worth- while business -like WPA program in Bayfield County during the calendar year 1940. If any questions arise in regard. to UPA projects, please feel free to call on us at any time. Yours very truly, Charles H. Gill District Director, District #7 Moved by Nohl and seconded by Wallin to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion carried. The following petition was read: We, the undersigned citizens of Bayfield County, hereby petition the County Board to hire Mrs. Alpha Radloff as part time children's worker as we believe her the most competent worker available in the County at this time, and we feel this Work should be given to a local worker. 17 Signers J,,loved by Hougas and seconded by Knight to receive the foregoing petition and place on file. Motion carried: The following communication was read: County Board Gentlemen: .ADIERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COTOANY 420 Third Avenue, South; Minneapolis, Minn. November 7, 1939 Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin line Our toll open wire/between Ashland and Duluth, in general, follows the Northern Pacific Railway right-of-way through Bayfield County. It is our understanding that the land described as 11-47-5, VI, N.W.,,NE is owned by Bayfield County. Our line is located on the railroad fence line adjacent to this property, which has'&rown up with underbrush and trees. We are desirous of obtaining permission to cut all the ,underbrush and soft wood trees, birch and poplar, within 50 feet of the railway fence and our line in order to protect our line from fire that may result along the railroad right-of-way and, also, from falling trees. This, Tape feel, would also safeguard the remaining trees' on the county property -described from possible fire. Any evergreen trees in this strip would be left standing as they would not endanger the line from falling or.fire if'the brush and soft wood trees were cut down. Will you please advise us as soon as practicable if this clearing `can be done and, if so, the disposition of the wood. Yours truly, L. H. Garber, District Plant Superintendent ANNUAL I.IEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ----------- November 16. ;1939 - ----- --- Moved by Arnold and seconded by Hougas to grant the foregoing petition and that the wood be made available to the Town of Eileen. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: ;IHE'REAS, Bayfield County is required to advance cash for the payment of old age assistance and reimbursement by the State and Federal Government is made after the end of each month, and, rTHEREAS, Bayfield County is required to advance twenty (20%) percent of such pensions until tax collection of the ensuing year; therefore, be it RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, in annual session this 16th day of November, 1939, that a revolving fund of forty-six thousand ($46,000.00)' dollars is hereby appropriated from the general fund for payment of old age assistance for the ensuing year and, be it further RESOLVED that amounts received from the State and Federal Government and collected from the taxing districts for the reimbursement of the funds advanced by Bayfield County for old age assistance shall be paid into the general fund of Bayfield County. A. T. Unseth Ben R. Rude I. L. Alcott Moved by Arnold and seconded by R. J. Nelson to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. The folloiniing report was read: To the Members of the Bayfield County Board: The Mediation Board begs to report on the success of their work from December 7, 1938 to October 28, 193Q. Considered nineteen (19) cases,of this number TVIediation was successful in seven (7) cases. Twelve (12) cases were beyond consideration of redeeming. Jan. 10, 1939 Jan. 16, 1939 Apr. 27, 1939 June 24, 1939 July 15, 1939 July 15, 1939 Oct. 28, 1939 Dec. 7, 1938 Jan. 10, 1939 Jan. 30, 1939 Feb. 23, 1939 Feb. 23, 1939 Mar. 7, 1939 Mar. 25, 1939 Cases--successful Hugo Haselhuhn E. L. Braley Steve Kisley Bertha Erickson Oscar Olson Christ Wettmen Oscar Johnson Cases --Unsuccessful Inga Lorentsen Emma Swenson Mrs. James J. Theodore Ole Sorteberg Hans Reitan Beda Carlson Allan Odegaard June 6, 1939 William Grupstra -June 24, 1939 Clarence Holman (executor of H.H. Peavey estate) Town of Kelly Town of Namakagon Town of Mason Town of Eileen Town of Kelly Town of Cable Town of Mason Town of Pratt Town of Kelly Town of Bayfield Town of Kelly Town of Mason Town of Lincoln Town of Bayvi ever Town of Washburn Town of Washburn 207 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE B_A_YFIELD COUNTY BOARD November,16, 1939 Cases --Unsuccessful July 8, 1939 Gertrude Lysager Town of Washburn Aug. 24, 1939 Harry A. Kennedy City of Washburn Sept. L3, 1939 Henry C. Fergusen Town of Washburn Pdembers of Mediation Board Committee R. J. Nelson C. D. Arnold H. A. Frels Moved by H. C. Anderson and seconded by Unseth to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the following budget be allowed for the year 1940 to support the office of the Superintendent of _Schools, Bayfield County, Wisconsin: Salary, Superintendent 1,800.00 `p Clerk 960.00 Car Rental 360.00 Travel Expense 250.00 Office Maintenance 260.00 Telephone 50.00 $ 3,660.00 * Desk Outlay 75.00 Tray. Library rr 200.00 275.00 SIGNED: Harvey Irish A. G. Johnson William Provost Committee on Education, Bayfield County, Wisconsin Dated this 27th day of October, 1939. * The recommended outlay of $75.00 is for the purchase of a desk for the Supervising Teacher. Moved by H. J. S. Hanson and seconded by Hogstrom to accept the foregoing resolution and place on file. R/Iotion carried. I (falter T. Norlin, District Attorney, made an oral report on inter -County collections of claims for poor relief through the Industrial Commission The following resolution was read: TO THE HONORABLE IIE14BERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN: WHEREAS, Chapter 98 of the Laws of 1939 has made it mandatory upon the County Superintendent to annually provide a County -wide education program for Adult Citizenship training for Wisconsin Citizens who have obtained their majority, and for those aliens who have become naturalized within the twelve months immediately preceding the third Sunday QC lulay, and Z® ,iNNUAL IIIEETING OF TN! BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 16, 1939 111HEREAS, the school boards of any city, town or village, or any school district or school districts maintaining high schools, or any local board of vocational and adult education, or any county board, may contract with the University of ?lisconsin Extension Division to conduct said educational program, including teachers" institutes and citizenship training, and WHEREAS, the cost of such program 'is in the neighborhood of $300.00, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Board appropriate the sum of 4300.00 for the use of the County Superintendent in executing this program. SIGNED: Harvey Irish A. G. Johnson William Provost Committee on Education, Bayfield County,,fis, Dated this 27th day of October, 1939. Moved by Irish and seconded by Ness to reject the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: TO THE HONORABLE 1,IJE1,.MERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS,. BAYFIELD COUNTY, _ ISCONSIN: WHIEREAS, the general library facilities in the rural schools are below the accepted standards, and '"11HEREAS, the office of the County Superintendent is trying to build up a traveling library to supplement the libraries in the schools, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors appropriate the sum of two hundred dollar-s(yn2.00.00) to be used for' the purchase of library books for a County circulating library in charge of the County Superintendent of Schools. SIGNED: Harvey Irish A. G. Johnson William Provost Committee on Education, Bayfield County,Wis. Dated this 27th day of October, 1939 Moved by A. G. Johnson and seconded by Provost to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: ALES: Provost. Total 1. NAYS: Nohl, Alcott, Irish, Bernard Johnson, Monson, Erickson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, Idihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Ness, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, R. J. Nelson, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Olsen, Rude, Squires. Total 33. I'.Iotion lost. The following report was read: TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOriRD: Gentlemen: REPORT OF BUILDING &, GROUNDS COIJ11,1ITTEE Re: Completion of Vault Annex In our report a year ago, we advised you that the project above was ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ---- -- -- ---November 16, 1939 - ------- I written up as follows: Total $ 23611..00 Sponsors Contribution 12690.00 Total expenditures for the County were $13412.48 or $722.48 in excess of our original figure. Will say, however, included in the work and which was not I originally planned was the completion of a very substantial vault in part of the old boiler room. With the State government disposed'to create additional county offices from time to time, this additional vault will enable us to property provide necessary office space and a vault for an additional office. We might add, however, that some outlay will be necessary to place the old boiler room in proper condition for use as an office. Figuring in this additional vault space referred to above as a material asset, the total amount would just about round out our total expenditures of $13412.48. The four single and one double vault doors for which you appropriated $1500 at our Iday meeting have been put in place at a total cost of $1432.90, leaving a balance.of $67.10. We have several vault doors on hand which can be sold from time to time. We will., however, need one vault door for the new vault in the old boiler room. SIGNED: J. A. Rivers Joe Kasmarek E;. K. Olsen •BUILDING AND GROUNDS COMIAITTEE Idoved by Alcott and seconded by Knight to accept the foregoing report and:, place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, in regular annual session assembled this 16th day of November, 1939, that the District Attorney be, and he hereby is authorized and directed to commence an action in the name of-Bayfield County for the purpose of obtaining an injunctual. order removing and ejecting Roy M. Johannes and Rose Johannes, his wife, from the property described as the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter (NE4 SEQ), Section 12, township 50 North, of Range 8 West, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, on which they are residing in violation of the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance and for the purpose of permanent- ly enjoining them from residing on said premises as long as such property shall remain restricted for residential purposes under the provisions of Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. PRESENTED BY: R. F. C. Schultz Moved by H. C. Anderson and seconded by Desparois to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The follotiving resolution was read: RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County that the' annual compensation of county officers elected during the ensuing year shall be and is hereby INNUAL IVEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD_ November 16, 1939 fixed as follows: (a) Sheriff 1700.00 (b) County Clerk 2100.00 (c) County Treasurer 2100.00 (d) Register of Deeds 2000.00 (e)' District Attorney 2000.00 (f) Clerk of Circuit Court 1700.00 (g) County Nurse 1800.00 (h) County Agricultural Agent 1170.00 (i) Highway Co^=nissioner 2700.00 (j)_ Undersheri£f 1340.00 (k) Janitor 12.00.00 (1) Jailor 1250.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Foregoing named county officers shall re- ceive their respective compensation in twelve equal installments payable on the last day of each month. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Bayfield County shall furnish to the Sheriff for his use in carrying out his official duties, a suitable automobile and shall provide gasoline, oil, grease, repairs and maintenance for the same, and that the Sheriff and Undersheriff shall be entitled to receive their necessary and actual expense.s while in the performance of their duties either within or without Bayfield County, and that the Sheriff shall be entitled to all fees for serving civil process and to -the fees allowed by Section 51.06 for transporting insane patients to or from I the hospital. i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the District Attorney shall be reimbursed by Bayfield County for telephone tolls, printing, postage and other expenditures incurred in the performance of his official duties. R. F. C. Schultz Moved by Knight and seconded by A. C. Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. The following resolution.vvas read: WHEREAS, the State Field men for the Soil -Conservation Department have requested that the Bayfield County Agricultural Soil Conservation Association be provided with separate office space in the Court House so as not to be disturbed in I their activities, and WHEREAS, such Association has been severely handicapped in the past because of the fact that they have not had adequate office facilities, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this 16th day of November, 1939, that separate and adequate office space and facilities be provided in the Court House for the Bayfield County Agricultural Soil Conservation Association. Andrew Pristash Iloved by Pristash and seconded by Tjihalak to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion lost. 211 ANNUAL IAEETING OF T_H_E_BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD _I November 16, 1939 Moved by Nohl and seconded by R. T. Nelson to accept and place on file the annual report of the Clerk of Circuit Court. 1Jotion'carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this 16th day of November, 1939, that the County Board go on record as requesting the Legislature to adopt legislation specifically earmarking funds for the purpose of payment to the counties of the amounts which are to become payable to the counties for old age pensions to assure the county of payment by the State of such amounts, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Chief Clerks of the Senate and Assembly.at 1dadison. Presented by Hans Ambly Moved by Ambly and seconded by Rivers to adopt the f ore.going resolution. Motion carried. The following report was road: November 9, 1939 To the Hon. County Board, Bayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: We.the undersigned Committee on Illegal taxes, beg leave to report, that we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk b,e instructed to issue orders for payment of same, and that the amount be charged back to the respective taxing districts as designated.. . NAME OF C L AIIVLM Bayfield County (Town of Barnes) Bayfield County Bayfield County D'ES�RIPTION AND REASON OF ILLEGALITY Gov't Lot a less vX parcels recorded in Vol'. of Deeds 98 p. 93, Vol. 104 page 404, Vol. 92. p. 516, Vol. 101 p. 183, Vol. 80 p . 567, Vol .. 84 p. 567, Vo1.,80'.p. 569, Vol. •,116 p. 87, Vol. 12.0 p. - 118. Wrong vol- umes and pages Sec. 8-44-9 5 acres in YjU corner of Lot 11, Sec. 13-52-5 Incomplete dos- cr.iption That part of Lot 1 desc. in Vol. 15 of D. page 351, Sec. 13-52-5 Wrong volume and page Signed, E. K. Olsen A. C. Hanson I. L. Alcott YEAR GERT _. ALLOWED OF NO. FACE OF SALE CERT. DEL. TAX INT. & CHARGE BACK CERT. FEE TO DIST. 1934 5833 2.15 1.67 .48 h'S 1933 2445 1..47 1.00 .47 /s'S 19'34 2141 1.43 1.00 .43 AS f.. 212 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD. Nov era er T6 ; r939 NAIS OF CLAIP/tANT DESCRIPTION AND YEAR CERT. ALLOWED, DEL. TRAY INT. & REASON OF OF NO. FACE OF CHARGE BACK CERT.. FEE ILLEGALITY SALE CERT. TO DIST. Bayfield County Part of Lot 1 desc. in Vol. 15, page 351, Sec. 13-52-5: Wrong volume and page 1936 1495 1.39 Bayfield County Part of Lot 1 desc. in Vol. 15, page 351, Sec. 13-52-5: W'lrong volume and page 1937 1209 .91 Bayfield County The following lots in Block 82 of Dalrymples Addition in Sec. 6-50-3. Part of the w-i NW4 are not shown on Gov't Plat: Lot 1 1934 7615 .45 2 1934 7616 .45 3 1934 761.7 .45 11 1934 7620 ..45 12 1934 7621 .45 1 to 57 incl. 1935 5347 .79 11. .1.935 5348 .45 12 1935 5349 .45, 1 to 5, incl. 1936 5508 .77 11 1936 5509 .45 12 1936 5510 .4.5 1 to 5, incl. 1937 4610 .36 11 1937 4611 .16 12 1937 .4.612 .18 1 to 5, incl_ 1938 5630 .68 11 1938 5633 17 12 1938 5634 :17 (TOWN OF BAYFIELD) 12.55 Bayfield County NE ISAV - less 1 A. in NE corner. Should be: less 1 A. in NW corner ( TOWII OF CABLE) Sec. 19-43 ;,7 1934 3505 9.64 Bayfield County Lot 2•, Sec. 33-44-7. - Elimi- nated by resurvey J of Gov',t . 1933 4185 155..87 Bayfield County E2 S2 S2 SW MV, Sec. 26-44-7. Should be desc. as parcel in SW NW 1934 35:38 13.96 Bayfield County SWMAT less E2 S2 S2. Should be desc. as SW NW less parcel Sec. 26-44-7 1934 3539 15.48 Bayfield County E2 S2 S SW NW, Sec. 26-44-7. Should be desc. as parcel in SW NW 1935 2132' 7•.60 Bayfield County SW NW - except E2 S2 S2, Sec. 26-44-7. Should be SW MY except parcel 1935 2133 12.13 Bayfield County E2 S2 S2 Sw NIV, Sec. 26-44-7. Should be desc.. as parcel in SW Nil 1936 2.413 10.86. .95 .91 .08 .08 .08 .08 .08 .38 .07 .07 .38 .08 08 .36 .18 .18 .68 .17 .17 7.06 8.67 145.30 12.71 14.13 6.60 10.74. 9.72 . 4.4 A S A•S .37 AS .37 AS .37 AS .37 As .37 AS .41 AS .38 As .38 A s .39 AS .37 AS .37 AS AS AS AS AS A A5 yp 5.49 . 97 /1S 10.57AS 1.25.45 1.35. AS 1.00AS 1.39A,S 1.14A5 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD --- - _ -- - -- _ November 16. 1939_-_-- 213 NAIdE OF CLAINI1=i T DESCRIPTION AND REASON OF ILLEGALITY YEAR CERT . ALLOWED OF NO. FACE OF SALE CERT. Bayfield County SW MV - less ER2 S2 S2, Sec. 26- 44-7. Should be SW 1W less parcel 1936 2414 17.46 Bayfield County E2 S2 S2 SW NW, Sec. 26-44-7. ,Should be desc., as parcel in SW NW 1937 1945 10.22 Bayfield County SW fttV - except E2 S2 S2, Sec. 26-44-7 Should be desc. as SW NW less parcel 1937 1946 16.63 Bayfield County E2 S2 S1 SW MY, Sec. 26-44-7. Should be desc. as parcel in Sj[T 1938 2670 8.79 Bayfield County SW N71 - except Y1 S2 S2, Sec. 26-44-7. Should be desc.- as SW NW less parcel 1938 2671 14.32 (Town of Drummond) 283.32. Bayfield County SW §11T less parcels recorded and desc, in Vol. 12.0 of deeds page 272, in Vol. 120 of deeds page 271, in Vol. 120 of deeds page 273 and in Vol. 122 of Deeds, page 334, Sec. 31-47-8: Last Vol. & page should be Vol. 1201 page 334 1936 3240 Bayfield County SW SW less parcels recorded and desc. in Vol. 120 of deeds page 272, in Vol. 120 of deeds page 271, in Vol. 120 of deeds page 273 and in Vol. 122 of Deeds, page _ 334, Sec. 31-47-8: Last Vol. & page should be Vol. 12.0, page 334. 1937 2802 (Town of Iron River) Bayfield County Und. - SIN SE, Sec. _ 15-47-7: Should read SW SE. less SE-1 1934 3806 Bayf i eld County Und . 2 SE SE, Sec. 15-47-7: Should read N2 SE SE; 1934 3807 (Town of Pilsen) Bayfield County (Town of Pratt) 4.50 11.34 2.10 1..52 3.62 Lot 1 less parts desc. in Vol. 123, Pg. 49, Vol. 118, P. 530 (Omitted tax of 1936 included) Sec. 34-44-6: 1936 tax was paid 1938 1930 253.57 DEL. TAX INT. & CHARGE BACK CERT . FEE TO DIST. 15.83 10.22 16 .63 8.79 14.32 264.99 6.00 4..50 10.50 1.63 1.09 2.72 253.57 1.63 A-T AS AS A S AS 18.33 .84 AS AS .84 .47 AS .43 AS .90 AS NAME OF CLAIMIN'T DESCRIPTION AND: REASON OF ILLEGALITY Bayfield County 102 SW SW, Sec. YEAR CERT. ALLOTTED DEL. TAX IiVT. & OF NO. FACE OF CHARGE BACK CERT. FEE SALE CERT. TO DIST. 24-51-4: Should read N1 SIV SST 1937 289 9.75 9.75 Bayfield County E.N SW SW, Sec.. 24-51-4: Should read Sj SIV SYT 1937 290 4:38 4.38 Bayfield County VVj MiT SW, Sec.. 24-51-4: Should read N2 SW SAY 1938 386 12.48 12.48 Bayfield County EN MIT SW, Sec. 24-51-4: Should read S1 SW- SV" 1938 367 5.6.0 5.60 Bayfield County SW SIV, Se c . 28-52-4: Should read Lot 4 1938 416 6.40 6.40 (Town of Russell) 38.6.1 38.61 Bayfield County Part of N-ff' SE SE desc. in Vol. 55, page 619 (171 acres) Sec: 12-48-5: Vol. & page describes 2,1 acres, parcel in Sec. 12-48-5 1933 1889 9.64 8-.64 Bayfield County Part of SW SE SE desc. in Vol. 46, page 105, Records of Bayfield Co.., Sec. 12-48-5: Vol. 46, page 105 descs. land in Twp. 49, Range 9 1934 1634 3.72 3.14 Bayfield County Part of S1V SE SE, Vol: 46, page 105, Record of Bayfield County, Sec. 12- 48-5: Vol. 46, page 105 descs, land in Twp. 49, Range 9 1935 920 2.81 2.23 Bayfield County Part of STET SE SE, Vol. 46, page 105, Record of Bayfield County, Sec. 12- 48-5: Vol. 46, page 105 descs. land in Twp. 49, Range 9 1936 1165 2.94 2.39 Bayfield County Part of MY SE SE, Vol. 46, page 105, Record of Bayfield County, Sec. 12- 48-5: Vol. 46, page 105 descs. land in Twp`. 49, Range 9 1937 896 2.14 2.14 (Town of ZNashburn) 21.25 18.54 AS AS AS A As 1.00 AS .58 A -S .58 A S .55 AS As 2.71 1,Aoved by H. C. Anderson and seconded by Hougas to adopt the foregoing report and recommendations. 1-lotion carried. The following communications were read: STATE OF WISCONSIN CONSERVATION DEPARTi:�TT 14adison October 30, 1939 i,lr. LudtiTig T-raninal Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, SVisconsin, 1 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 16 1939 Dear 1dr. Tranmal: In accordance with the provisions of ..Section 23.25, I:am submitting to you for bringing before the county board the following action of the state geographic board: At its meeting on October 25, the board approved the proposed change in name for the lake in Sec. 34, T44N; R7W and Sec. 3, T43N, R7111 from East lake to Lake Tahkodah, which means "friendly to all" in the Algonquin Indian language. The proposal was made by Mr. Harwood F. Smith of Eau Claire, and concurred in by 26 property owners near the lake. We will appreciate your early consideration of this action, in order that .final decision may be requested from the U. S. division on geographic names. Thanking you for your co—operation, I remain Very truly yours, H. W. MacKenzie, Secretary State Geographic Board STATE OF WISCONSIN CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT I,fadison Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: October 30, 1939 This will advise you that at its meeting on October 25, the state geographic board finally approved the name, Cisco lake, for the body of water in Sec. 21, T45N, R7W, Bayfield County, formerly known as First Bass lake and also'as Cisco lake. At this same meeting the board approved the name, Lake Louise for the small body of.water created by damraing the headwaters of Pine creek on the property of Dr. C . A. Larsen of IVloquah, in Sec. 10, T47N, R61T. I will appreciate it if you will bring this to the attention of the county board and other interested officials. Very truly yours, H. IV. MacKenzie, Secretary State Geographic Board Moved by Monson and duly seconded to lay the foregoing matter over until the spring meeting of the Board. Motion carried. I%Zr. Schindler, Veterans Service Officer, appeared before the Board and read his report. Moved by Rivers and seconded by A. C. Hanson to receive -the Veterans Officers report and to place it on file. Motion carried. The following petition was read: TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: S. D. Austin of the City and County of 1Mwaukee, State of Wisconsin, being duly sworn, deposes' and says that he is the owner of Government Lots One (1), and Two '216 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD _ November 16, 1939 (2), Section One (1), Township Fifty-one (51) North, Range Four (4) West, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, That on January 3:rd, 1935, a tax deed was issued to. Bayfield County on the Northeast 1/4 of Northwest 1/4, and Northwest 1/4 of Northwest 1/4, Section 1, Town- ship 51 N., Range 4 W., for the 1930 tax, 1931 sale, advertised on the delinquent tax list for the sale of 1931 and sold to Bayfield County, covered by tax certificates y 360 and # 381 respectively as the Northeast 1/4 of Northwest 1/4 and Northwest 1/4 of Northwest 1/4, Section 1, Township 51 N., Range 4 W., That said tax sale and said tax deed are illegal for the reason that the descriptions are erroneous and should have been advertised and sold as Government Lots 1 and 2, Section 1, Township 51 North, Range 4 West and I hereby petition your Honorable i County Board to set aside and cancel said tax deed, recorded in Volume 8, page 514, Bayfield County Records, as far as the above descriptions are concerned. Dated at Milwaukee, this 2'5th day of July, 1939. S. D. Austin In Presence of Elsie Luebben Bert Schrnit STATE OF WISCONSIN( )ss MILWAUKEE COUNTY Personally appeared before me this 25th day of July, 1939, the above named S. D. Austin to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledgetthe same. Elsie Luebben, Notary Public, Milwaukee County, Wis. My Commission expires October 4, 1942 Moved by Alcott and seconded by A. C. Hanson to grant the foregoing peti- tion and to charge the tax back to the Town of Russell. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, at the annual meeting of the County Board held in November, 1938, a resolution was passed ordering -the cancellation of the taxes and tax certificates of 1937 as being illegal on the following described real estate, to -wit: That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast quarter (NWd1, SE4) Section 7, Township 47 North, Range 8 Nest, lying North of the right of way of the N. P. Railroad right of way and West of main street in the Village of Iron River, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. And whereas, it ha`s since been discovered. that said description contained property that was legally assessed and taxable for the year 1937, property, And whereas, the tax has since been paid on said legally taxable And whereas, the tax and tax certificates for the year 1937 still remain outstanding on that portion of the property contained in the above description that was not legally taxable, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the tax and tax certificates for the year 1937 be cancelled and ordered charged back to the Town of Iron River on the following des- cribed real estate, to -wit: '21 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ---------- --- - -- November 16, 1939 — - — Beginning at a point 50 feet from the center of the N. P. Railroad track on the West side of Main Street. in the Village of Iron River, thence West 130 feet, thence North 150 feet, thence East 130 feet, thence South 150 feet to the place of beginning, Section 7, Township 47 North, Range 8 West, in the Village of Iron River, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. being a part of the property mentioned in the resolution of November 1938 referred t to above and being that part which was not legally taxable in the year 1937 and being that part on which the tax certificates are still outstanding. Presented by: E. K. Olsen Art. C. Hanson I. L. Alcott Moved by A. C. Hanson and seconded by Wallin to adopt the foregoing reso- lution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED THAT,'Pursuant to Chapter 33, Laws of 1939, the Bayfield County Highway Committee, be and are herewith authorized to attend the Wiscons-in °Annual Road School, their per diem and expense to be paid from funds received under Section 84.03 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed, Geo. B. Williams Moved by Nohl and seconded by Alcott to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Irish, Bernard Johnson, Monson, Erickson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herrian Hanson, Schultz, C. U. Nelson, Maryland, Mihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Ness, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, R. J. Nelson, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Olsen, Squires. Total 35. NAYS: None. Motion carried. Moved by Alcott and seconded by Knight to classify Margaret Neal as a transient poor commencing with the present bill.. Roll call was as follows: AY2S: Alcott, Bernard Johnson, Pristash,'Herman Hanson, Schultz, Tjlihalak, Anderson, Rowley, Williams, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, R. J. Nelson, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Squires. Total 17. NAYS: Nohl, Pease, Irish, Monson, Erickson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Provost, C. O.-Nelson, Maryland, Wallin, Hougas, Ness, Hogstrom, Olsen. Total 18. Motion lost. The following report was read: TO THE HON. COUNTY BOARD, BAYFIELD COUNTY, WIS. Gentlemen: lye the undersigned Committee on Finance & Miscellaneous, beg leave to report, that we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "'allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders ANNUAL I,21'STING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- November 16, 1939 -- - for payment of same. NT,Uv l OF CLAIMANT tiVm. Celinsky George I.,Ii s un Joe Hagstrom George Ifisun Edward Carlson John Niemisto Glenn E. Colgrove Robert Grupstra Fred Ledin _lIders Hokenson Herman Granlund Hilda Alderson City of Mashburn Douglas County Rock County Clark County Mashburn County City of T"dashburn Winnebago County Outagamie County Town of Pratt Town of Pratt Town of Pratt i Ashland County Ashland County Out agamie County Signed: R. F. C. Schultz iT. G. Nohl H. J. Hougas 0. H. Hogstrom L. D. Pease S. E. Squires PURPOSE 1 yearling lamb killed by dogs 9 large Pecin ducks killed by dogs 17 lyr. old hens killed by dogs 62 ducklings killed by dogs 15 chickens killed by dogs 1 setting turkey $4.20 15 turkey eggs 3.00 (Turkey killed by dogs) 30 chickens killed by dogs (4 month old chickens) 5 mature sheep killed by dogs 9 leghorn hens.killed by dogs @ .75 4 pullets c .40 8 white rock chickens killed by dogs c .50 1 ram killed by dogs 1 guernsey yearling heifer (killed by dogs) Care of T.iagnus Anderson, Transient Poor Care of Frederick Anderson Care of Steve & Ellen Bolovich Care of Hazel Brown (No poor notice filed) Care of E1bie Bender (Charge back to Town of Cable) Care of Jens Berg (Transient poor) Care of Robert Chrystal (Charge back to Village of Cable) Care of Betty Jean Chrystal (Charge back to Village of Cable) Care of George Brokaw Care of I:�Trs. Ilartin B. Nelson (Transient poor) Care of I:Irs . Alice Clark (Charge back. to Dunn County Ivar Craft (20% O.A.A.) (No legal settlement in Bayfield Co.) Care of Mrs. Hilda Craft (No legal settlement in Bayfield Co.) Care of Calvin Degel (20% of old age assistance. Charge Town of Drummond C LAILMD 10.00 11.25 17.00 31.00 22.50 7.20 15.00 50.00 8.35 ALLOWED 8.00 9.00 12.75 18.60 22.50 7.20 15.00 40.00 8.35 4.00 3.20 6.50 6.50 25.00 25.00 220.15 220.15 30.00 Defer action 417.88 Disallow 2.75 Disallow 8.00 8.00 184.57 184.57 151.00 90.00 30.00 20.00 46.52 30.00 13.35 7.20 10.80 150.00 90.00 Defer action 20.00 46.52 l i Disallow Disallow j I i •- 18.00 i ANNUAL ' T '2NG OY TI3E ;BAD IELD C OUNTY BOARD November 16, 1939 NAME OF CLAIPdANT PURPOSE CLAI1IIED City of Ashland Care of Vivian Hawkins Elf ing (Charge back to Town of Mason) l5.00 Village of Mason -Care of Peter Field (Transient Poor) 120.00 Town of Delta Care of John Fetsco (Transient Poor) 10.00 Town of Bayview Care of Isiah Gray (Transient Poor) 131'.72 Douglas County Care of Jack Gonia 183.-31 Town of Barnes Care of John Hiltonen. (Transient Poor) 141.55 Kenosha County Care of Lambert Hoffman (Disallow on advice of Dist. Atty.) 972.68 Douglas County Care of George Hancock ( Charge back , t o Town of Barnes) 2.54.81 Douglas County Care of Isaac Hubbard 20% O.A.A. (Charge back to Town of Iron River) 29.00 Town of Iron River Care of Walter Harvey (Charge back to Racine Co.) 310.00 Town of Port tiling Care of R. M. Johannes • (Transient Poor) 120..93 Milwaukee County Care of Stanislaus Kozlowski 46.73 City of Washburn Care of Fred Koski 10.00 Town of iron River Care of Wayne Kosola (Charge back to Town of Oulu) 25.00 Milwaukee County Care of Alex Koronowitz 35.80 Milwaukee County Care of John & Leala Krumnow (Charge back to Town of Bayfield) 271.84 City of Washburn Care of Gahart Kluge (Transient Poor) 88.89 portage County Care of Charles Lane 7.78 Ashland County Care of William I --halm 20% O.A.A. 212.50 (Charge back to Town of Keystone) Milwaukee County Care of Ed. & Frances Mageski (Charge back to Town of Iron River). 15.46 Jefferson County Care of Robert Morrison, Sr. 591.94 Douglas County Care of Howard Morey (Charge back to Town of Cable) 1.00 City of Washburn Care of Nicholas Nelson (Charge back to Milwaukee County) 2.35.00 Town of Eileen Care of Hanna & Leo Nelson & John Nelson. (Charge back to City of Washburn) 60.00 Ashland County Care of Herman Narr 20% O.A.A. (Charge back to Town of Pilsen) 26.00 LaCrosse County Care of Margaret Neal (Charge back to Town of Bayfield) 333.23 Douglas County Care of Mrs. Ben (Ruby) Norton (Charge back to Town of Barnes) 2.30 Barron County Care of Ida Oberg (Judgment from Industrial Commission findings to Circuit Court by appeal) 253.20 Town of Iron River Care of Mrs. Lee. Oldfield (Transient Poor) 120.35 Brown County Care of Carl Pahnke (Charge back to Town of Barnes) 10.58 City of Washburn Care of Alex Pialla 4.25 Town of Iron River Care of Ted Rogers (Charge back toTown of Drummond) 284.93 ' ALLOWED 15.00 120.00 10.00 131.72 Defer action 141.55 . Disallow 250.96 1 29.00 310.00 120.93 Disallow Disallow 25.00 Disallow Defer action 88.89 Disallow Disallow 15.46 Disallow 1.00 235.00 60.00 26.00 333.23 2.30 Disallow 120.35 10.58 Disallow 284.93 220 ANNUAL 1,EETING OF THE BAYFIELD COM-EY BOARD -------------- ----------------- November 16 , 1939--------- NA1,1E OF CLAIMANT PURPOSE CLAITi1D ALLO",YED Town of Barnes Care of Mrs. Thorp i• (Charge back to Lau Claire County);; 60.00 60.00 j Douglas County Care of Bert Twight (Charge back to Town of Pratt. Court order for return dated 5/26/39 47.96 Disallow Ashland County Care of Siney Verville 31.90 Disallow City of Washburn Care of Elmer 7Yick (Charge back to 3shland County) 55.49 55.49 Douglas County Care of Laura Windall (Charge back to Town of Pratt) 52,72 52.72 Ashland County Care of Edgar Watts 20% O.A.A. 12.00 Disallow i Care of Edgar Watts, poor relief i I, (Ashland County resident) 95.18 Disallow I City of Washburn Care of Clarence Zanto 15.00 Disallow l I Barron County Care of Chas. D. Vernon (20% O.A.A.) l i (Charge back to Town of Washburn) 161,00 16.00 Ashland County Care of Chas. I. Larson (20% OAA. Charge back to Town I of Kelly) 9.50 9.50 Ashland County Care of Matt Then.(20% OAA. (Charge back to Town of Eileen) 14.10 Defer action �.. l Ashland County Care of Jasper Dick (20%OAA.) i j (Charge back to Town of Lincoln 18.00 18.00 i J' Ashland County Care of Elizabeth Hoyt (2.0% OAA) (Charge back to Town: of Eileen) 13.50 13.50 I Ashland County Care of Andy Carlson (20% OAA) J I� (Change back to Town of 1Jlason) 16.20 16.20 j, Ashland County Care of Anna Berres (20% OAA) (Charge back to Town of Mason) 12.45 Defer action] I i Frank Stark Groceries 149.77 Disallow Dr. T. R. Spears, M.D. Examination of Henry Deswerts, I, deceased, $5.00 mileage $6.60 11.60 11.60 ! Dr. T. R. Spears, M-D-. Examination of Fred Tinders, deceased 5.00 5.00 j I Dr. T. R. Spears, 1I•D. Examination of Sjord Doldhiss, deceased 5.00 5.00 ! Dr. T. R. Spears, PdI:D. Examination of John Schultz, j J deceased 5..00 5.00 j j Antoine Gordon Placing headstone on grave of 5.00 Disallow j Joseph D. Dennis I R. J. Nelson iviediation Committee per diem j & Mileage 69.37 69.37 i Albert Westen Care of soldiers graves 25.00 25.00 ; Alvin E. Bratley Coroners fees &, mileages i! j (9 cases) 145,45 145.4.5 F. L. Kozelka, Examination of ism. IVlelsa, Toxicologist deceased 50.00 50.00 i j City of Washburn Weed cutting on county owned property 181.25 Disallow i Jaynes Fox Constable fees .95 •`�5 Town of Orienta Care of James Hustad l (No poor notice) 89.93 8993 . Town of Iron River . Rent of court room 50.00 50.00 ; - I Alvin E. Bratley Coroner fee Re: John E. Anderson, 8.00 8.00 deceased ' L. K. Blanchard Justice fees 1696 . 8.00 � l 22L ANNUAL MEETING OF' THE 'BA:YFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 16, 1939 NAI.2E OF CLAII,11ANT PURPOSE CLAIMED ALLOWED Town of Mason Care of Frank Barkovitch (Transient poor) 90.00 90.00 Town of Mason Care of Henry Hurula (Transient poor) 45.00 45.00 Town of Barnes Care of Thomas Pliss 6.00 Defer action Town of Bayfield Care of Louis Larson(Transient poor)-•213.36 213.36 Town of Bayfield Care of Martin Santee (Charge Shawano County) 47.06 47.06 Town of Bayfield Care of Albert Mansfield (Transient poor) 39.00 39.00 Walter T. Norlin Convention expense 6.00 6.00 F. G. Johnson Post Mortem examination of T. Fdw. Anderson 35.00 Inquest.testimony 10.00 45.00 .35.00 Dr. F. C. Jacobson Examination of Chas. Moore, deceased 35.00 2:5.00 Dr. F. C. Jacobson Professional Services Re: Lila Gilbert 59.50 Defer action Dr. F. C. Jacobson Professional Services Re: Oscar Hilmer Johnson 15.00 John Hansen 3.00 Ed. Mattson 3.00 Martin Littl Wolf 1.50 August Kausgrill 3.00 25.50 25.50 Moved by Knight and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to adopt the foregoing report as corrected and that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be instructed to issue orders in payment of the amounts in the column headed P4allowed." Roll call was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Irish, Bernard Johnson, Monson, Erickson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, Mihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Ness, Williams,. Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, R. J. Nelson, Kasmarek, Rivers,, Ambly, Olsen, Squires. Total 35. NAYS: None. Motion carried. I -loved by A. C. Hanson and seconded by Desparois to allow �475.00 for clerical hire for E. C. Hart, Municipal Judge. Motion carried.. The following report was read: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FINANCE AND BUDGET COPJMITTEE. November 11, 1939 TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN The members of the Finance and Budget Committee submit the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1940, and recommend its adoption. The legal limit of taxes that. can be levied is 1% of the equalized. valuation as fixed by the County -Board. The 1% limit amounts to $119,991.80 The County Board in 1day authorized by resolution the borrowing of $90,000.00 ,for current running expenses. Due to favorable legislation to counties, it has not been necessary to borrow any since that time. Our short loans are now $27,500.00. -It will be necessary'to borrow additional money for short periods during the winter ANNUAL Ik11EETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 16, 1939 months and therefore, we do not ask for repeal of the resolution now on the records. We strongly urge that all appropriations for funds be included in the budget.. 'Je want it plainly understood that when the County Board makes an appropriation for any item not included in the budget, whether at this meeting or any subsequent meeting, it means an increase in debt and consequently increased borrowing. AN INCREASE IN DEBT T,IIEANS AN INCREASE IN FUTURE TABS. ile are making some recommendations but are submitting them in the form of resolutions. The County officers have shown cooperation in County financing in that they have stayed within their budgets wherever possible. EXPENDITURES 1939 1940 Budget. Recommended STATE TAX.: Forestry Tax under Section 70.58 (2.) 2,442..01 2,399.84 GENERAL GQ VERNI, 1 + NT : County Board 3,500.00 3,500.00 County Clerk. 33800.00 3,900.00 County Treasurer 3,700.00 3,900.00 Assessment 3)000.00 2,600..00 District Attorney 2,500.00 2,5UO.OQ Divorce Counsel 100.00 100.00 Surveyor 5.00 5.00 County Court 3,100.00 3,300.00 Municipal Court 2,500.00 2,5..00.00 Juvenile Court 300.00 300.00 Circuit Court 3,500.00 3,500.00 Coroner 400.00 400.00 Courthouse 3,350.00 3,500.00 Elections 600-.00 2,600.00 Special Accounting & Auditing 800.00 800.00 Compensation Insurance 350.00 350.00 Unemployment Insurance 17000.00 None State Deposit Insurance 300.00 250.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: Sheriff 6,300.00 6) 300.00 Register of Deeds 3,300.00 3,300.00 Countyts Share of Cost of Fighting Forest Fires 1,000.00 500.00 County Traffic Officer 2,400.00 None I3EALTH, CONSERVATION AND SANITATION: Vital Statistics 275.00 2,75.00 County Tuberculosis Sanatorium 16,500.00 18,000.00 County Nurse 3,2.50..00 3,225.00 Forest Trespass Service 900.00 900.00 Conservation Committee 13,000.00 17500.00 223 ANNUAL PEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 16, 1939 1939 1940 Budget Recommended EDUCATION:. County Superintendent 3,680.00 $ 3,680.00` Supervising Teacher 2,000.00 2,000.00 Tuition Paid Training Schools 6.50.00 900.00 County Agricultural Agent 3,470.00 3,470.00 County School Tax 28,386.58 26,81.8.38 CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS: Administration Pension Dept. 6,500.00 7,500.00 Relief Department 2.50.00 190.00 Outdoor Poor Relief 2.9000.00 2,000.00 Dependent Children Aid 28,500.00 30,000.00 Blind Pensions 5,500.00 6,900.00 Jail and Sheriff's Residence 2,475.00 23325.00 Care of Neglected, Crippled and Dependent Children 4,000.00 4,800.00 Children's County Board 300.00 300.00 Transportation to State General Hospital 400.00 None Hospital Care Other Than State General 300.00 300.00 Insane 91584.11* 9,440.08* Industrial School for Girls None* None* Industrial -School for Boys 366.43* 459.00* Colony and Training Schools 2,010.55* 1,883..98* State Sanatorium 1,194.58* 2,387.58* ` State°School for Dependent Children 2.2118.41* 1,471:7-* ` Wiscohsiry Orthopedic Hospital 1,212..60* 12096.80* Wiscohsin`General 31689.70* 311840.90* INDEBTEDNESS: Principal on Bonds 6,000.00 6,000.00 Interest on Bonds 600.00 475.00 Interest on Short Loans 2.2500.00 1,500.00 Principal on Short Loans 70,000.00 272500.00 UNCLASSIFIED: ` County Fair 2,500.00 2. 000.00 County Tax Deed Work 1,200.00 1, 500-.00 Chequamegon Ski Association 200.00 300.00 Indian Head Association 200.00 None Farm Security Administration 300.00 300.00 Veterans' Service Officer 23,000.00 12000.00 HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES: Administration 5,650.00 None 229 ANNUAL IvEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - --- — - ---�` ovemb e r -- -- — `County Treasurer ` Sheriff County Superintendent County Court Barnes Dam & Bridge Court Douse Pension Department register of Deeds` County Agricultural Agent OUTLAY 1939 1940 Budget Recommended 300.00 200.00 400.00 400.00 - - - - 75.00 85.00 50.00 3,950.00 - - - 2:, 752..39 - - - - - - - - 150.00 - - - - - 150.00 - - - - - 100.00 277,397.36 223,668.35 ESTIr1ATED REVENUES 1939 1940 STATE TAX.: 2,442.01 2,399.84 GENERAL: General County Tax Levy (1%) 122,100.55 1192991.80 From General Cash on Hand, - - - - - - - - - - Short Loans 70,000.00 27,500.00 W.P.A. Projects: Town of Barnes, Darn and) Bridge - y'3,950.00 ) (Over 1?o Levy) Vault Annex - $12,500 ) 16,450.00 - - - - - GIFTS AND GRANTS: State Aid for Sanatorium 8.7647.07 9,960.60 State Aid for Supervising Teacher 2,000.00 2,000.00 State Aid for Dependent Children 19,000.00 25,.000.00 State Aid for Blind Pensions 42400.00 5,.600.00 c - c Revenue from State - Bond Redemption 42a00.00 4,200.00 State Aid - Forest Crop 1,900.00 1,800.00 State Aid - County Nurse 1,000.00 13*0'00.00 State Aid - `Administration of Welfare Department 1,500.00 33,000.00 TAXES: Income Tax Revenue 1,600.00 1,600.00 Tax Fees and Penalties 9,000.00 9,000.00 Inheritance Tax for County 50.00 100.00 Public Utility Tax from State 2,657.73 2,942.55 FEES AND CHARGES: County Clerk 300.00 200.00 County Court 150.00 150.00 14unicipal Court 300.00 300.00 Circuit Court 500.00 500.00 Register of Deeds 2,500.00 2,b00.00 Dog Licenses 500.00 500.00 i,-NNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD �-- — ----- November . 16, 1939 — - ESTIMATED REVENUE'S (Cont'd) FINES, FORFEITS AND PENALTIES: 10% Penal Fines Due County Fines under County Ordinance ALL OTHER GENERAL REVENUE: Unclassified ( NOTE - `STATE SPECIAL CHARGES) 1'939 200.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 277,397.3.6 SIGNED: 1940 200.00 3,923.56 223,868.35 T. G. Nohl L. D . Pease R. F. C. Schultz 0. H. Hogstrom H. J. Hougas S. E. Squires ComtAittee on Finance, Miscellaneous Claims and Budget Moved by Williams and seconded°by Unseth to'adopt the foregoing report and budget. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Irish, Johnson, 'Monson,.Erickson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, !. G. Johnson,* Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, I.2ihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Roiiley, Hougas, Ness, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson,` R. J. Nelson, Kasmarek, Rivers, Risibly, Olsen, NAYS: None. Squires. Total 35./ Motion'carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, ?7isconsin, at its annual session, assembled this 16th day of November, 1939, that there be and there is hereby appropriated against all the taxable property of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, the following items, to -wit: State taxes for Forest purposes, under Section 70.58 (2) w'2,399.84 Common school tax, under Section 59.075 26,818.38 For all other items of budget. as adopted this day, the, sum of 93,173.42 Total 122,391.64 Signed: R. F. C. Schultz .Tioved by Alcott and seconded by Nohl to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Irish, Bernard Johnson, Monson, Lrickson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, Iviihalak,,Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Ness, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, I,Cnight, H. J. S. Hanson, R. J. Nelson, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Olsen, Squires. Total 35. ANNUAL METING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 16, 1939 c NAYS:' None. notion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled this 16th day of November, 1939, that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below, and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such money and the Chairman and the County Clerk are instructed to issue an order for the total amount of such items listed below: N.A20- PER DIEM MILEAGE C0181ITTEE WORK PJIILEAGE TOTAL W. G. Nohl 12.00 .96 s �h � �P 12•.96 L. D. Pease 12.00 7.68 19.68 I. L. Alcott 12..00 1.20 4.00 1.20 18.40 Harvey Irish. 12.00 .12 4.00 .12 16.24 Bernard Johnson 12.00 2.40 14.40 Id. F. Monson 12.00 6.68 18.68 Carl E. Erickson 12.00 3.66 15.66 Art C. Hanson 12.00 3.60 4.00 3.60 19.20 Arthur Unseth 12.00 4.80 16.80 C. D. Arnold 12.00 2.52 14.52 J. R. Desparcis, 12.00 4..50 12..00 13.50 42.00 A. G. Johnson 12.00 4.28 4.00 4.28 24.56 S. E. Squires 12.00 2.64 4.00 2.64 21.28 Andrew Pristash 12.00 2.70 14.70 Wra. Provost 12.00 3.00 4.00 3.00 22.00 Herman Hanson 12.00 3.30 16.00 13.20 44.50 R. F. C. Schultz 12.00 5.76 17..76 C. 0. Nelson 12.00 5.40 17.40 Ed. Maryland 12.00 5.40 4.00 5.40 26.80 Andrew Mihalak 12.00 2.58 14.58 Harry C. Anderson 12.00 4.80' 16.60 Vic. C. Wallin 12.00 3.60 15.60 Russell•, Rowley 12.00 2,.22 14.22. H. J. Hougas 12.00 5..20 17.20 Nels Ness 12.00 .36 12.36 George Williams 12.00 6.00 18.00 0. H. Hogst,rom 12.00 2.88 16.00 11.52 42.40 H. C. Fiege 12.00 1.44 4.00 1.44 18.88 D. S. Knight 12.00 1.44 13.44 H. J. S. Hanson 12.00° 1.44 13.44 ° R. J. Nelson 12.00 1.44 13.44 Joe Kasmarek 12.00- .12 28.00 .84 40.96 T. A. Rivers 12.00 .12 28'.00 .64 40.96 Hans Ambly 12.00 .12 12.12 Emil K. Olsen 12.00 .12 12,.00 :36 24.48 A. E. Swanson Ben R. Rude 12.00 .12 12.12. Signed, R. F. C. Schultz 227 ANNUAL IMITING OF THE BAYFIELD 'COUNTY BOARD - November, I6, ,,,1939 — --- - -- Moved by Nohl and seconded by Arnold to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Nohl, Pease, Alcott, Irish, Bernard Johnson, IVIonson, Erickson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland., Mihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Hougas, Ness, Iffilliams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, R. J. Nelson, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Olsen, Squires. 'Total 35. NAYS: None. Motion carried. moved by Arnold and seconded by Alcott to adjourn sine die. Motion carried. Z 4BAYFIE"CO CLERK CHAIRMAN, IELD COUNTY BOARD