HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 5/7/1940229 ANNUAL ORGANIZATION h1iEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD May 7, 1940 -11 Meeting called to order at 10 A. Psi. by Chairman -Squires. The following members answered roll call: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, Mihalak, Anderson, Vallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. T. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmar.ek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, A. S. Swanson, Moe, Squires. Total 37. Moved by H. C. Anderson and seconded by Maryland to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last annual meeting and to approve of same as published. Motion carried. The Board proceeded with the election of a chairman. The Chair appointed Buss and Shykes as tellers. The result of the first ballot was as follows: Squires 28 Alcott 5 Rowley 3 Total 36 The County Clerk declared Squires duly elected as Chairman of the County Board for the ensuing year. year. The Board proceeded with the election of a vice-chairman. The result of the first ballot was as follows: Alcott 23 Schultz 8 Rowley 3 Unseth 1 Phillips 1 Anderson 1 Total 37 The Chair declared Alcott duly elected as Vice-chairman for the ensuing Moved by Pease and seconded by Unseth that the rate for publication of 0 the official proceedings for the ensuing year be .set at forty-five cents per folio. Motion carried. Moved by Arnold and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to continue the rotation of newspapers for the printing of the official proceedings on the same basis as the last few years. Motion carried. (Note: The Washburn Times will be the official paper for the ensuing year in accordance with the foregoing action.) Applications for -janitor were read and ordered placed on file from the following: t. F. Peterson; Wm. Gauger; Clarence J. Miller; Harry J. Veno; Ira Summerfield; Chris Fuskerud; John (Joe) Johnson, Iver Sorness. The result of the first ballot for janitor was as follows: 230 ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD 1VTay 7 ,-1940----- ----— �— Johnson 10 Sorness 7 Gauger 6 Miller 5 Fuskerud 4 Summerfield 2 Veno 1 Peterson 1 Schultz 1 37 No majority-. The result of the second ballot was as follows: Johnson 15 Sorness 10 Gauger 5 Miller 5 Fuskerud 1 Schultz 1 37 No majority. The result of the third ballot was as follows : Johnson 21 Sorness 12 Gauger 2 Miller 1 Schultz 1_ 37 The Chair declared Mr. Johnson duly elected as janitor. The following resolution was read: WBEREAS, there s'being set up in the various counties county canning projects, the articles canned in these projects to be available to the various schools for their hot -lunch projects, and, IMREAS, we deem it advisable for.Bayfield County to have such a canning project, therefore be it RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this 7th day of Iday, 1940, that there is appropriated the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00) as sponsor's contribution for the canning project and be it further RESOLVED that the County Clerk and Chairman of the County Board,are hereby authorized to sign such project as sponsor's agents. A. J. Unseth I. L. Alcott Moved by Unseth and seconded by Alcott to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was -as follows: AYES": Pease, Alcott, B. Johnson, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Maryland, Anderson,. Rowley, Shykes,Nyberg, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, A. E. Swanson, Moe. Total 24. � NAYS: Buss, Thoreson, Frels, Arnold, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C'. 0. Nelson, 2 � 3 ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD May7. 1940 LUhalak, Wallin, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Squires. Total. J.3. Motion carried. The following- communication was read: STATE HIGHVAY COMIVIISSION OF WISCONSIN Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk, Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: State Office Building Madison, Wisconsin December 22, 1939 Subject: County Trunk Highway System Change P-606 Bayfield County The State .Highway Commission of Wisconsin, at its meeting of December 20, 1939, reconsidered their action of November 22 regarding the addition of a portion of high- way in the Towns of Mason and Keystone and the following action was taken: 1. The addition of a portion of highway in the Towns of Mason and Keystone. Beginning at the southeast corner of Section 36, Township 47 North, Range 6 West, thence westerly to the southwest corner of the southeast one -quarter of the southeast one -quarter of Section 35, Township 47 North, Range 6 West, and thence northerly on former State Trunk Highway No. 112 to a junction with U. S. Highway No. 2: near the northwest corner of Section 25, Township 47 North, Range 6 West. SAID ADDITION IS APPROVED. Kindly correct your records and maps to conform to the above action, and notify all parties interested. Yours very truly, STATE HIGHGTAY C0121IISSION OF WISCONSIN Thos. J. Pattison Secretary Moved by Alcott and seconded by A. C. Hanson to accept the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: STATE' HIGHTIVAY COMIITISSION OF WISCONSIN Mr:. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk, Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: State Office Building Madison, Wisconsin February 27, 1940 SUBJECT: County P-689 Connecting Streets on the County Trunk Highway System in Cities and Villages, Bayfield County At its meeting on February 12, 1940, ,the State Highway Commission of 111is- consin considered and approved the selection of the following streets and highways as a part of the County Trunk Highway System of Bayfield County, pursuant to the pro- visions of Chapter 355, Laws of 1939: 232 ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MMEETING OF THE BAYFIELDE COUNTY BOARD City of Vashburn. A portion of highway known as County Trunk MC,'T des- cribed as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the city limits, thence southeasterly to Eighth Street, thence south on Eighth Street to Bayfield Street and a junction with State Trunk Highway No. 13. Village of Cable. A portion of Highway known as County'Trunk "D" des- cribed as follows: Beginning at the east village limits, thence westerly to Randysek Road, thence south on Randysek Road to Pine Street, thence west on Pine Street to a junction with U. S. Highway No. 63. Village of Mason. A portion of highway knows as County Trunk "Ell, des- cribed as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of the village limits, thence south along the west village limits to the west one -quarter corner of S'e-ation 25, Township 46 North, Range 6 Wiest, thence in a general easterly direction on Lincoln Street to a junction with U. S. Highway No. 63. The selection of these streets was made on the basis of conferences between the county highway commissioner, county highway committee, and representatives of the State Highway Commission, in,the absence of a formal action by the county board. The approval is effective as of January 10, 1940. Kindly change your records to conform to the above action. Very truly yours, STATE HIGGHWAY COMMISSION OF T,1iISCONSIN By: Thos T. Pattison` Secretary Moved by Rowley and seconded by Maryland to approve the foregoing communi- cation and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: ` WHEREAS, the present town highway extending from U. S. Highway No. 2 east of Ino and following along discontinued U. S. Highway No. 2. to old Peerless Grade and continuing on Peerless Grade through the Village of Moquah and in a general easterly direction to where it connects with U. S. Highway No. 2 in Section 2-47-5 is well located and is used by about one hundred farmers, and ,,'MEREAS, approximately seven and one-half miles were a part of U. S. Highway Nos. 2 and 10, and WHEREAS, the said road passes through a very good farming district, and WHEREAS, said road is in a good travelable condition, THEREFORE', IN VIET,T OF THE FOREGOING FACTS, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED., that the following described highway: Beginning at the west end of the present concrete on U. S. Highway No. 2 at approximately the Southeast corner of Section 19, Township 47 North, of Range 6 West, thence in an easterly direction on old LL S. Highway No. 2. to the Junction of the Peerless Grade in Section la, Township 47 North of Range6 West, thence on the old Peerless Grade in a northerly and easterly direction to a point where it connects with the concrete on the present U. S. Highway No. 2: in Section 2, Township 47 North of Range 5 Nest, 23t- .3 ANNUAL. ORGANIZATION METING OF THE BAYF'IELU COUNTY BOARD - May 7, 1940 ------ --- - - -- -- -- k be.made a part of the County Trunk Highway System to be maintained as a part of said system. tion. Andrew Prlihalak Moved by Pristash and seconded by Arnold to adopt the foregoing resolu- Moved by Wallin and -seconded by Pease to amend the motion to read that the resolution be referred to a special committee for investigation. Motion to amend carried. The original motion as amended was then carried. The following bill was presented: COUNTY OF BAYF'IELD ) STATE OF WISCONSIN) TO: Carl Kainu Washburn, Wisconsin April 22, 1940 Collision occasioned by careless operation of county -owned snow plow, under operation of Chester Peterson, wherein claimant suffered damages to his Chevrolet automobile in the amount of one hundred sixty-five ($165.00) dollars as evidenced by attached itemized statement from Demars Garage, Washburn, Wis. $165.00 STATE OF WISCONSIN) - • ) ss County of Bayfield) Carl Kainu, says that the above claim of one hundred sixty-five (165.00) dollars is true and correct and no portion of the same has been paid. Carl Kainu Subscribed and sworn before me this 24th day of April, A. D. 1940. Eli zabeth:Hawke.s, U...S. Commissioner My Comm. expires 2 24 42 Moved by Schultz and seconded by Arnold to disallow the claim of Iv1r. Kainu. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE­ITRESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this '7th day of May, 1940, that the janitor and jailor employed by the County be and they are hereby allowed and authorized to take a two week's vacation annually and that their compensation continue as -usual during -such vacation period. PRESENTED BY; J. A. Rivers Moved by Rivers and seconded by Swanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Alcott, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Schultz, Anderson, Wallin, Shykes, Nyberg, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, A. E.-Swan.son, Moe. Total 20. NAYS: Pease, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Arnold, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, 1,1Iihalak, Rowley, Williams, Hogstrom, Ambly, Brink, Squires. Total 17. Motion carried. 23 ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- - —-- --- May 7, 1940 - - -- ---- n The following resolution was read: RESOLVED, That in recognition of Dr. Hosmer's long and efficient service in establishing the Pureair Sanatorium, and his continued interest and enthusiam in its growth and upkeep, that we pay him the well -deserved tibute of changing the name of Pureair Sanatorium to the Hosmer Tri-County Sanatorium. D. S. Knight Moved by Pease and seconded by Moe to adopt the foregoing resolution. Moved by_Anderson and seconded by Alcott to table the foregoing resolution. Motion to table carried. The following resolution was read: TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in its May session assembled this 7th day of May, 1940, that the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be, and they are hereby authorized and instructed to proceed with the work of taking tax deeds for Bayfield County on all county -owned tax certificates that are now, and will be subject to tax deed during the next year. L. D. Pease Moved by Phillips and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion. carried. Moved by Johnson and seconded by .Rivers to adjourn until 2 o*clock P. M. Motion lost. Moved by Unseth and seconded by Desparois.to adjourn until 1:30 P. M. 0 Motion carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P. 11. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered roll call: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold; Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson; Maryland, Mihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom;'Fiege, Knight; H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink,.A. Z. Swanson, Moe, Squires. Total 37. The following resolution was read: �M-REAS; Miss Pearl Hay asked for a six -months' leave of ebsence from her position as the Director of the Bayfield County Public Welfare Department in December, and Y1JAEREAS, the Bayfield County Public Welfare Committee on December 15, 1939 appointed H. B. Randall, Jr. to act as temporary director of the Bayfield County Public ;Welfare Department, and VffMEAS a round-robin resolution supporting such action was circulated among the county board members for their signatures, therefore -be it RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this 7th day of May, 1940, that the action of the Bayfield County Welfare Committee in appointing H. B. Randall, Jr. as acting director of the Public Welfare Department on December 1.5, 1939 is hereby ratified.and approved. Henry J. S. Hanson Moved by Unset4 and seconded by Desparois to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. 235 ANNUAL ORGANIZAThON MEETING OF THEBAYFIELD May 7, 1940 The following ordinance was read: THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF BAYFIELD, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. There is hereby created a public welfare department for Bayfield County, which department shall act as a pension department in the admin- istration of all the laws, rules and regulations of this state relative to old age assistance, aid to dependent children, and blind pensions; and in addition thereto administer all laws, rules and regulations of this state relative to referral and certification services for federal programs, and any other matters of relief or assistance not administered by some other department or agency within the county requiring the expenditure of public funds. The present township system of poor relief in force in said county is not intended to be effected by anything contained in this ordinance. Section 2. Such department shall be under the supervision of a director who shall be in responsible charge of all of the activities of the department subject to the supervision of the county welfare committee as herein provided. The director shall be selected as herein provided. Section 3 (a) There is hereby created a committee to consist of three (3) members of this board of supervisors,, which committee shall be knows as the "Bayfield County Welfare Committee. L* (b) Members of"this committee shall be appointed by the chairman of the board for a term of one year. Vacancies on the committee shall be f filed as other vacancies are filled on committees created under section 59.06 of the Visconsin statutes. (c) Members of this committee shall receive the same per diem and mileage as other members of county board committees created pursuant to section 59.06 of the Wisconsin statutes. (d) Upon the organization of the committee, the county clerk shall notify the state department of public welfare of such organization and give the names and addresses of its officers. (e) Meetings shall be held upon the call of the chairman. Section 4. The committee shall represent the county board in all matters relating to the administration of the provisions of this ordinance except that its powers and duties shall be advisory on matters of policy and not administrative or executive: Section 5. The committee shall act, as the appointing authority as provided by the rules and regulations of -the state department of public welfare and shall . select the director of the welfare department upon certification by the state bureau of personnel. The present director shall hold office until appointment of a successor is made pursuant to this section. Upon recommendation of the director and subject to the regulations of the state department of public welfare, the committee shall fix salaries within the ranges set for the various classes of positions. (a) Section 6./The director shall select the employees of the department with the advice and consent of the committee upon certification from appropriate registers of eligibles. (b) The director shall have charge of the administration of all laws rela- 3 ANNUAL ORGANIZATION METING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD --- --- — -- -- - -- Nia v 7. 1940 --- —� — -- — tive to old age assistance (including the filing of claims and collections thereof), aid to dependent children and blind pension within the county. (c) The director shall be in charge of referral and certification services within the county, subject, however, to the supervision of the county board welfare committee. (d)-The director shall cause to be made any and all investigations that may be requested by the county judge, the juvenile judge, the district attorney, and other county officials not herein enumerated in regard to the performance of any governmental functions incumbent upon such county official in the field of public wel- fare and may perform such additional services as assigned by the county board of supervisors. (e) The director shall file claims against the estates of deceased recipients of direct relief according to the law, as in such cases made and provided; prosecute to judgment any and all claims against any persons indebted to the/county for relief assistance. Section 7. The department shall submit to the county board at its November meeting'an annual report. Section 8. To the end that the .County may receive federal and state aid, the department and the committee shall observe all laws, and rules and regulations of the state department of public welfare. Section 9. The provisions of this ordinance shall supersede any inconsistent provision of any other ordinance or resolution relating to the subject matter of this ordinance. Section 10. The county clerk is hereby directed to transmit to the division of public assistance of the state department of public welfare a certified copy of this ordinance. Section 11. This ordinance shall take effect upon passage. A. J. Unseth Moved by Alcott and seconded by A. C. Hanson to adopt the foregoing ordinance. Roll call.was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, B. Johnson, Frels, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nel- son, Maryland, TvIihalak, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, A. E. Swanson, Moe. Total, 34. NAYS: Thoreson, Anderson, Squires. Total 3. Motion,carried. Moved by Anderson and seconded by Pristash that the Zoning Committee request the District Attorney to enforce the zoning ordinance. Motion carried. The Chair declared a ten minute recess. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session November 1938, instituted the office of County Service Officer, and WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board in session May 2, -1939, hired such a service officer for the period of one year and WHEREAS, such term of office will expire May 4, 1940, and ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ------ - -- ---May 7, 1940 ------ -------------- - - WHEREAS, the report of the Veterans Service Officer shows the need and benefit of such service in the county, -THEREFORE .BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 7th day of May, 1940 that the present Veterans Service Officer, R. L. of Schindler, is hereby rehired for the period/one year. A. J. Unseth I. L. Alcott Moved by Fiege and seconded by Williams to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, Mihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom., Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly Brink, Moe, Squires., Total 36. NAYS: None. Motion carried. The Chair appointed H. C. Anderson, Ed. Maryland and Herman Hanson- as a special committee to investigate the addition of a piece of road to the County Trunk and continuing System commencing about one mile east of Ino at the intersection of No.-2/to Peerless east on old No,. 2 Grade; thence on the Peerless Grade'in a general northeasterly and easterly direction, to where it intersects with-U. S. Highway No. 2 in the town of Eileen. The following' resolution was read: WHEREAS, certain towns, cities and villages of Bayfield County have paid the accounts of merchants incurred in July 1937 by the agency, at that time known as the..Bayfield County Relief Department, and WHEREAS, there is a difference of opinion as to the responsibility of certain towns for the payment of these July 1937 accounts and there is some evidence that these towns are not really responsible for said accounts and also that it would be a great hardship on some towns to pay them and it has already meant a hardship for some .towns that havepaid, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in.regular session assembled.this 7th day of Tvfay, 1940, instruct the proper officers to remit to those towns, cities and villages that have already paid the July, 1937 relief accounts incurred by the Bayfield County Relief Department the full amount so paid by them and also to pay the accounts so contracted which have not been paid. Russell E. Rowley Moved by Rowley and seconded by-C. 0. Nelson to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Roll call was as follows: AYES; Thoreson, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, C.. 0. Nelson, Mihalak, Rowley, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Moe. Total 10. NAYS: Buss, Pease, Alcott, B,. Johnson, Frels, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, Maryland, Anderson, Wallin, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Ambly, Brink, Squires, Total 26. Motion lost. The following resolution was read: I '� 238 ANNUAL ORGANIZAATION METING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- May 7 , 19 40 --- -- —------- 'UHEREAS direct relief in Bayfield County is handled by the various taxing districts, and it hereby 7MREAS there is need of uniformity in the granting of such relief, be RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this 7th day of May, 1940, that the following conditions for the granting of direct relief be observed by the officials of the various taxing districts: 1. That all families receiving direct relief wherein there is an employable person, that such person or persons be required to work out the amount received for direct relief on such jobs as may be assigned to them by the Town officials; 2. That all recipients of direct relief shall be'required to plant and care for a garden of sufficient size to furnish vegetables for family consumption during the summer and to be canned by the family .for winter use. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED.that all families employed on IVPA be required to plant and maintain a garden of sufficient size to furnish fresh vegetables for family consumption and to make available produce for canning for family consumption in the winter. The Town officials will cooperate in every way in obtaining garden space for such families receiving direct relief or employed on IVPA who have no garden space available on the property on which they live; Albert E. Swanson I. L. Alcott A. J. Unseth H. J. S. Hanson Moved by Pease and seconded by Unseth to adopt the foregoing resolution. Notion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Town of Pratt wishes to purchase a wood lot, it is hereby resolved that the N ,my., and - NW NTN in Sec. 8 -, Township 45, Range 6 West be deeded to the said Town of Pratt in consideration of all taxes, fees and penalties against such land and that same be charged against the excess delinquent tax of said Town of Pratt. Vic. C. 'Wallin Moved by Pristash and seconded by Phillips to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following petition was read: SCHOOL DISTRICT'NO. 11 TOWN OF CLOVER To the Bayfield County Board Gentlemen: Bayfield County Herbster, Wisconsin May 6, 1940 WHEREAS; School District No. 1, Town of Clover, Herbster, 7fis., was desirous of obtaining title to certain lots adjoining the present school grounds, which were 239 ANNUAL ORGANIZATION' MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ----_-------------- --- ------ -- May 7, - - - - ----- -- -------- offered for sale by the county, for the site of their proposed gynmasium, and WHEREAS; Construction on the proposed gynmasium could not be undertaken unless the district held title to the site of the gynmasium, and WHEREAS; Action on the school districts request for grant of title to said , lots would have to be taken by the -County Board assembled in meeting, and WHEREAS; Actual construction of the gymnasium began on October 5, 1939, the school board. in order to acquire title to said certain lots, paid to the County Treasurer the sum of seventy five dollars for a quit claim deed for the said lots, and WHEREAS; Every cent is needed by the district in order to complete the gymnasium within its budget, now therefore: We, the school board members, of School district No,. 1, of the Town of Clover, Herbster, Wis., respectfully petition this county board assembled .in meeting, to refund to said school district the sum of seventy five dollars, paid by the district to ac- quire title to said certain lots. Respectfully, E. R. Phillips Moved by Phillips and seconded by A. C. Hanson to grant the foregoing petition. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Phillips, Pristash, Rowley, Nyberg, Kasmarek, Rivers, Brink, Moe, Total 9. NAYS: Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C: 0. Nelson, Mary- land, Mihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Shykes, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Ambly, Squires. Total 27. Motion lost. The following communication was read: CITY OF ;?TASHBURN Office of City Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin To the Chairman and members of the County Board. - Gentlemen: May 7, 1940 The Mayor and Common Council at their regular meeting on the 6th day of May, 1940, extended to the County Board the privilege of the use of the Council Room for their meeting if they so desire for Wednesday and Thursday, May 8 and 9, 1940. Will be glad to accommodate the Board Yours truly, A. I. Lien City Clerk Moved by Johnson and seconded by Ambly to adjourn until 10 A. M., May 8, 1940. Motion carried. ANNUAL ORGANIZATION IdEETING OF THE B.AYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Make - ay 81940 Meeting called to order at 10 A. M. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered roll call: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash; Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, Maryland, Mihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten., Kasmarek, Rivers; Ambly, Brink, Squires. Total 33. Moved by Arnold and duly seconded that the County Clerk and_Chairman of the County Board cooperate with Northern Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin in an effort to have the Colmer Bill, known as H.R. No. 4833, enacted as a Federal law. Motion carried. Moved by H. J. S. Hanson and seconded by Thoreson to receive and place on file a communication from the Works Progress Administration with regard to library project. Motion carried. together with report The following resolution by the town of Cable/and recommendation to the Zoning Committee were read: Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Cable, Wisconsin December 14, 1939 WHEREAS it is the opinion of the Town Board of the Town of Cable that it would be to the best interests of the Town of Cable that the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to place the following descriptions in the unrestricted classification N2 SWq section 2 - Township 43 - Range 8W NEJ section 3 - Township 43 - Range 81V To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: M. F. Monson Metro Maznio Gust Ludzack Town Board of Cable Washburn, Wisconsin January 26, 1940 A zoning hearing was held in the village,of Cable on December 143, 1939 for the purpose of considering an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance as it affects the Town of Cable whereby it -was -proposed that sections 2,_3 and 22 - 43 - 8, now restricted for forestry purposes, be reclassified as unrestricted. In accordance with the recommendations of the Town Board which are hereto attached, the Zoning Committee recommends that the Zoning Ordinance as it affects the Town of Cable be amended placing sections 2 and 3 - 43 - 8 in the unrestricted area. In accordance with the action of the Town Board of the Town of Cable, Committee the/further recommends that section 22 - 43, 8 remain restricted to forestry pur- + It ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ------------ --------------------------------- - May 8, 1940 poses. Signed: C. D. Arnold Nels Ness - Andrew Kihalak Ed. Maryland S. E. Squires Zoning Committee -Moved by Arnold and seconded by Rivers to adopt the foregoing report and recommendations of the Zoning Committee. Motion carried. Z____ The following resolution was read: WFIERLAS, the North one half Northeast of section. 9 - Township 47 - Range 91jT has been withdrawn from under the Forest Crop Law for the purpose of being sold as farm land, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVER that the present zoning ordinance as it applies to Township 47 - Range 9W be amended so as to reclassify the North one half Northeast of Section 9 - Township 47 - Range 9W into the unrestricted use classification. Signed: C. D. Arnold, Chrm. Ed. Maryland Andrew Mihalak S. E. Squires Bayfield County Forestry Committee Moved by Unseth.and seconded by Arnold to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the County Board has at the request of prospective purchasers from time to time withdrawn certain descriptions from under the Forest Crop Law for sale for other purposes, thus making it mandatory for the County Treasurer to refund to the State of Wisconsin the total amount of.Forest Crop aids received for such descriptions, and such action also causing the County Board to amend the zoning ordinance affecting such descriptions, and WHEREAS, such sales have not always materialized after the above action has been taken, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors in session this 8th day of May, 1.940 that no further withdrawals of land under the Forest Crop Law will be made by the bounty Board prior to the deposit, on the part of the purchaser, in the County Treasury of the amount agreed upon for the sale of such descriptions, the same to be held in escrow by the County Treasurer until the title is transferred to the purchaser, or in case of the refusal of the County Board to sell such descrip- tion the amount deposited to be returned to the purchaser. Signed: C. D..Arnold, Chrm. Ed. tlaryland Andrew Mihalak S. E. Squires Bayfield County Forestry Committee ANNUAL; ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Mav 8. 1940 Moved by Unseth and seconded by Rowley to adept the foregoing resolutionb Motion carried. ` The following applications from R. Lee Pratt were read together with recommendations of the Forestry Committee: Washburn, Wisconsin a May 7, 1940 To the Hayfield County Board of Supervisors: Attached herewith is a communication from R. Lee Pratt, Bayfield, Wisconsin wherein he offers to exchange the Northwest Northeast of section 24 - Township 50 - Range 5W for the Southeast Northeast of section 6 - Township 50 - Range 5W. Inasmuch as the County owned description is under the Forest Crop Law in a solid blocking, the. Forestry Committee recommends that this request be disapproved. Signed: C. D..Arnold, Chrm. Ed. Maryland Andrew Mihalak S. E. Squires Bayfield County Forestry Committee Bayfield, Wisconsin March 22, 1940 1U,r. Holvenstot Dear Sir: Washburn, Wisconsin I would like to trade the 40 by the following description, NWT1 of NEB, of Section 24, Township 50, Range 5, for SEJ of NE.1 of Section 6, Township 50, Range 5. I think this is the right description. The one has got a small clearing and some shacks and the original o;rrner was Henry Gotham in section 6. But I want plenty of time to tear the building off my forty. Would like to move on there this spring if possible Yours very truly, R. Lee Pratt Moved by Alcott and seconded by Rowley to adopt the report of the Forestry Committee. Motion carried. The following application was read: Bayfield, Wisconsin May 62. 1940 county Clerk Dear Sir: Washburn, Wisconsin I have a forty acres by the following description, NWT of NMI of Section 24, Township 50, Range 5 that I would like to trade for W2 E- SW SW and Xj W SW SW, Section 17, Township 50, Range 5, and E� of IV-2 N71 NT,1T and W1 W-j NW MV, Section 20, Township 50, Range 5, making a 40 acres. Would like to get action Tuesday. Let me know as soon as possible. R. Lee Pratt 243 ANNUAL ORGANIZATION =TINE OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY_ BOARD --- --- -- - _ May 8 9 1940 - ----- ------ -- Moved by Arnold and seconded by Tdaryland to reject the foregoing application. Motion carried. then read: The following report and recommendation of the Zoning Committee was RECOLMNDATION OF ZONING COMMITTEE ON A=D�MTT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE AS IT AFFECTS CERTAIN DESCRIPTIONS IN THE TOWN OF DRUMMOND To the Bayfield.County Board of Supervisors: Your Zoning Committee held a public hearing in the Town of Drummond on December 14, 1939, as directed by the County -Board, for the purpose of securing information relative to an amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance whereby the following descriptions now restricted to the Forestry classification would be re- classified as unrestricted: Lot 9 section 33 - Township 44 - Range 7W SEISE section 33 - Township 44 - Range 71T Spa: SW section 34 - Township 44 - Range 71ff Lot 5 section 34 - Township 44 - Range,7W Since there was no objection on the part of local residents to the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and since the Town Board of -the Town of Drummond has acted favorably on the amendment as per their resolution to the County Board dated November 13, 1939 and now on file in the -County Board proceedings of November 1939, it is, -therefore, the recommendation of the Zoning Committee that the County Board act favorably on the proposed amendment. C. D. Arnold, Chairman Nels Ness Andrew Mihalak Ed. Maryland S.E. Squires Zoning Committee Moved by Arnold and seconded by Alcott to adopt the foregoing recommenda- tion. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner of the following described property: Lots four (4) to ten (10) inclusive, Block twenty-eight (28); Lots one (1) to nine- teen (19), inclusive, Block sixty-eight (68);. Lots seven (7) , eight (8), nine (9) and ten (10), Block Sixty-nine (69), City of Bayfield, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Bayf ield at a.meeting held May 2, 1940, passed a motion by unanimous vote that the City take the necessary steps to acquire title to the above property from Bayfield County for city use, NOW "THEREF'ORE,' BE` IT' HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be instructed to issue a quit claim deed to the City of Bayfield covering Lots four (4) to ten (10) inclusive, Block twenty-eight (28);. Lots one (1) to nineteen (19) inclusive, Block sixty-eight (68); Lots seven (7) to ten (10) inclusive, Block sixty-nine (69), City of Bayfield, and that the consideration be the face of the tax certificates against said property on the records of the County Treasurer amounting ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MTETING OF THE BAYFIELD C_OUNTY.BOARD to $130,86, and that the said consideration be written off the excess delinquent tax account of the City of Bayfield. H. C. Fiege Dated this 8th day of May, 1940. Moved by H. T. S. Hanson and seconded by H. C. Anderson to adopt the fore- going resolution. Motion carried. (Note: On a reconsideration vote, the County Board changed the wording to read that the consideration be the face of the tax certificates plus fees and penalties against said property,. which changed -the amount set up in the original resolution. The following resolution was read: - REAS, Bayfield County is the owner of all of Government Lot two (2) lying east of State Trunk Highway No. 13 excepting parcels described inVolume 95 of Deeds, Page 384; Volume 127 of Deeds, Page 525; Volume 120 of Deeds, Page 189 and Volume 23 of Deeds, Pages 328-330, in Section Twelve (12), Township Fifty (50) North, of Range Four (4) West, and city park, WHEREAS, the City of Bayfield is desirous of securing this property for a NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be instructed to issue a quit claim deed to the City of Bayfield covering the following described property: All of Government Lot two (2) lying east of State Trunk Highway No. 13 excepting parcels described in Volume 95 of.Deeds, Page 384; Volume 127 of Deeds, Page 525; Volume 120 of Deeds, Page 189 and Volume 23 of Deeds, Pages 328-330, in Section Twelve (12), Township Fifty (50) North, of Range Four (4) West, for the sum. of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars cash; said sum does not include the 1939 tax and that balance of face of certificates be charged back to Town of Bayfield. H. C. Fiege Moved by Knight and seconded by Reiten to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled at a meeting thereof this 8th day. of May, 1940 in the City of Washburn, County of Bayfield, State of Wisconsin, that the County Board grant to the City of Tashburn, a deed to the following described lot and real estate situated in the City of Mashburn, to which Bayfield County holds title by tax deed, to -wit: Lot numbered Fourteen (14), in block Forty-nine (B49) of the plat of the original townsite of the town (now city) of Mashburn in said County, and that the said County charge the amount of taxes against said lot, and the fees of issuing deed, and interest, thereon against the excess deln- quent tax account of said City of Mashburn. 1. A. Rivers Moved by Rivers and seconded by Rowley to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. 245 - -- --- - ---- - - --- - - ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD May 8, T940 -- -----— ------ Moved by Arnold and seconded by Rowley to reconsider County Board action covering resolution No. 28, authorizing quit claim deed to the City of Bayfield for Lots in Block Nos. 28, 68 and 69, City of Bayfield. Motion carried. Moved by Arnold and seconded by A. C. Hanson that resolution No. 28 be corrected to read that the consideration be the face of tax certificates plus interest, fees and penalties and that. the resolution be adopted as changed. Notion carried. The following resolution was read: ?WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors has passed an ordinance creating a Public Welfare Department, and WHEREAS, the present Pension Office is too small to house the combined staffs, and WHEREAS, the relief and pension committees did not deem it advisable to move the Pension Department into the Pioneer School, and WHEREAS, the combined pension and relief committees believe that the proper and economical course would be to remodel the old furnace room and combine it with the present sheriff's office, and WHEREAS, figures- have been obtained on the cost of this remodeling, be it hereby RESOLVED by the Bayfield'County Board-6f Supervisors in annual session this 8th day of May, 1940, that the Building and Grounds Committee be and it is hereby authorized to enter into a contract for the remodeling of the furnace room and combining it with the present sheriff's office, the amount of said contract not to exceed the sum of $1000.00,and be it further RESOLVED, that the County Clerk and County Treasurer are hereby authorized to draw warrants against the. County Treasury for payments for services for such re- modeling upon the Okeh of the Building and Grounds Committee for an amount not to exceed $1000.00. I. L. Alcott A. J. Unseth Members of Relief,& Pension Committees Moved by Rowley and seconded by Hogstrom to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott,.Thore-son, B. Johnson, Frels, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth; Arnold, Desparois, A. G.. Johnson,, Pristash; Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, Maryland, Mihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. 1. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly,- Brink, Squires. Total 33. NAYS: None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: 'uVIIEREAS, Bayfield County owns under the State Forest Crop Law the following described property located in the Town of Bell: NE NW, S2 NV of Section 22; SE NE, NE SE, SE SE, Section 21; Lot 6, Section 20; Lot 1 and Lot 2, Section 21; Wj NW, SE NW, SW SIT, NE SE, E2 SW, ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - — — - Mav 8'. 1940 ---------------------__ NVI SE, all in Section Sixte'en (16), Township Fifty (50), Range Six (6) West; and 1,!MhREAS these lands are situated on or near -an improved road and most of which are also isolated from the Bayfield County Forest -Zone, WHEREAS, the Town.Board of. the Town of Bell has adopted a resolution authorizing and directing that application be made to the Bayfi.eld County Board of Supervisors to withdraw the aforesaid descriptions from under the Forest Crop Law, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing facts, BE IT HEREBY'RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to withdraw said property from under the State Forest Crop Law and deed to town of Bell and that the tax certificates plus -fees and penalties be charged off the excess delinquent tax account of the town of Bell. Bernard Johnson, Chairman, Town of Bell Moved by Johnson and seconded by Unseth to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS': The Wisconsin County Boards association is an organization which has for its purpose the promotion of good county government, devoting its efforts primarily to reducing the cost of county government as well as advocating helpful, and opposing harmful legislation; it is non -partisan and non -political; it is the only means whereby County Boards may express themselves collectively -on timely matters of common interest and general importance to the county, and, WHEREAS: There is every reason to believe that material benefit would be gained by membership in the association. NOW, THEREFORE: BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors that this county enroll as a member of said Wisconsin County Boards Association, and, Let It Be Further Resolved, that the sum of $142.50 be appropriated from the general fund, annually for membership -,in the Wisconsin County Boards Association., such dues to include mailing of the -monthly publication "Wisconsin CountiesIt to each County Board Member and County.Officer S. E. Squires. Moved by A.l,cott and seconded by Desparois to adopt the foregoing resolution Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz$ Maryland, Mihalak, Anderson; Wallin, Rowley, Shykes,, Nyberg, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. S. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, Squires. Total 33. NAYS: None. Motion carried. The following application was read: Solon Springs, Wisconsin May 6, 1940 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk Mashburn, Wis. Dear Mr. Tranmal and County Board Members: Vould you consider trading the NTV SE, See. 2-44-9 for the SW NET, See. 36-45-9 247 ANNUAL 0RGA.NIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ------ ------ — —------- ------ ---- ------------- May 8, 1940 --- -- - ------ ---- --- - ------ which we own on County road "U" �. life own the Lakeshore joining the NW SE on the West and mould like this forty joining it. Yours very truly, Geo. 1'1. Carter Moved by Fiege and seconded by A. C. Hanson to reject the foregoing application. Motion carried. An application for compromise of taxes from R. A. Hering was read. it was moved by Arnold and seconded by Thoreson to receive the application of I&: Hering and place on file. Motion carried. Moved by Arnold and duly seconded to adjourn until 1:30 P. M. Motion carried. Meeting called.to order by Chairman Squires at 1:30 P. M. The following members answered roll call: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoresont B. Johnson, Frels, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, Mihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hansen, Reiten, Ka-smarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, Squires. Total 3.5. A communication from the Department of Taxation asking whether or not the County Board was in favor of assessors' schools of instructions was ordered placed on file without action being taken. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried to approve of the following list of emergency fire wardens for 1940: MIERGENCY FIRE 14VARDENS ADDRESS George Meyer For town of Barksdale Washburn A. P. Haagenson ' 'r Barnes Solon Springs George Carter Tt Barnes Solon Springs, Rt. Herman Sense III It Bayfield Bayfield Alex Butterfield n M' Bayfield Bayfield George Leino Bayview Washburn F. J. Roman to rr 'P Bell Cornucopia Frank Kitehak " It It Bell Cornucopia Cable Johoan Camp tt' `$ Cable Cable Daniel Buckley It M IT Clover Herbster E. R. Phillips K ` Clover Herbster Wm. Plleyers " tf rr Delta Delta Arthur Hanson Delta Delta Ferris K. Green U.S.F.S. " " Delta Delta Francis Klawitter U.S.F.S. fr `� " Drummond Drummond Andy 0. Anderson 'r Drummond Drummond ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF' THE' BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD EMERGENCY FIRE WARDENS ADDRESS Joe Nemetz, Sr. For town of Eileen Ashland, R.F.D. George Armbruster t°' " Iron River Iron River Percy Armbruster n FT " Iron'River Iron River Chas. Johnson If tr n Iron River Iron River John Kurilla t0 t° 'T Kelly Mason, R. 1. William Von Ende tt n: rr Keystone Mason, R. 3 Thorwald Levine n " "' Lincoln Mason, R.F.D. Thomas McClarnon Mason Benoit Lloyd Olsen P° " 1° Mason Mason Phillip Young Namekagon Cable John Gustafson 'r .r 'r Orienta Port Wing Wm. Wentela '° '° n Oulu Brule, R. 1 John Kolarsky " "' " Pilsen Moquah Otto C. Anderson " '" " Pratt Grand View Victor Wallin 4# t° "' Pratt Grand View Arthur M. Anderson, U..S.F.S. 4° M k° Pratt Grand View Clayton C.. Jobbett, U.S.F.S. " " "' Pratt Grand View George Samuelson " rr m Port ?Wing Port Wing Joe Rowley t° " " Russell Bayfield R.F.D. Edward 0. Makela t° " " Tripp Iron River Oscar Arnson " ' " Washburn Washburn J. P. Orcutt, U.S.F.S. tT ' " Washburn Washburn Norman Taylor, U. S . F . S . "' t° 4° Washburn Washburn Geo. E. Hayes, Track Supt. N.P. Ry. " Bayfield County Superior, N.P. Ry. C. S. Nightingale "' tt n, Solon Springs The following request for a ,budget was read: PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE WPA RECREATION: PROJECT IN BAYFIELD COUNTY Office Expenses Telephone Calls 6..00 Typewriter up -keep 6.00 Office Supplies 18.00 30.00 County -Wide Contests' Awards 10.00 Miscellaneous (Rule books, score book, markers, etc.) 15.00 25.00 Miscellaneous Craft tools used on a County -wide basis 10.00 10.00 MR ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ---------- — - -- -- --- --- ----------- - -- - --- — May 8, 1940 ------ -- - ------ --- - ----- - --- - - Miscellaneous (Cont'd) Athletic equipment used on a County- wide basis 10.00 10.00 Rotating Craft Fund 25.00 25.00.. Submitted by: 100.00 Total Berkely Wells WPA Recreational Supervisor, Bayfiel;d County, Nis. Recommended for approval: Daniel L. Brace Sup't., Bayfield County . Wis., SchIls. S. E. Squires Chairman or county Boar Moved by Pease and seconded by Phillips to appropriate One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for County -wide Recreational Project. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Maryland, Shykes, Nyberg, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson,'kasmarek, Rivers. Brink, Squires. Total 17. NAYS: Alcott,-Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Mihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Villiams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Reiten, Ambly: Total 18. Motion lost. Moved by Johnson and seconded by Rowley that the Board reconsider its action covering resolution No. 18 with regard to refunding Seventy-five ($75.00) Dollars to the School District of the Town of Clover. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, C. 0. Nelson, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Nyberg, H. J. S. Hanson; Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers; Ambly. Total 23. NAYS: Pease, Arnold, Schultz, Maryland, Mihalak, Shykes, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, Brink, Squires. Total 12. Motion carried. Moved by Johnson and seconded by Rowley to refund Seventy-five ($75.00) Dollars to the 'School District of Clover and that the face of tax certificates plus interest, fees and penalties against said property be charged to the excess delinquent tax account of the town of Clover. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Alcott,- Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Desparois, A. G, Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, C. 0. Nelson, Mihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Nyberg, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, Squires. Total 27. NAYS: Pease, Arnold, Schultz, Maryland, Shykes, Williams, Hogstrom, Fiege. Total 8. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF.THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Mav 8. 1:940 Resolved, that the acquisition by the Soil Conservation Service of the United States of areas.of land and water in the County of Bayfield, State of Wisconsin, located within the boundaries indicated upon -the map or plat attached hereto is pur- suant to the provisions of Section 1.056 of the 1937 Wisconsin Statutes, hereby ap- proved subject to final approval of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors. C. D. Arnold, Chrm. S. E. Squires Andrew Mi:halak Nels Ness Ed. Maryland Bayfield County Agrtl. Comm. Moved by Alcott and seconded by Brink to adopt the foregoing resolution. motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County in its May session assembled this 8th day of May, 19409 that the County of Bayfield borrow a sum of money under and by virtue of authority invested in it by Section 67.12 of the Statutes for 1937, at a rate of interest not to exceed 4 percent per annum, the amount of said loan to be determined by the County Clerk, County Treasurer-, and Chairman of the County Board at such times and in such amounts as the need arises, not to exceed, however, the sum of Seventy-five Thousand Dollars, such sum to be repaid in any event not later than the 30th day of August, following the next tax levy; said money to be borrowed and used for the purpose of paying current expenses of the County, such as, salaries, care of county charges, and prisoners, expenses of maintaining the courts, and other necessary and current expenses, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk and Chairman of the County Board hereby are authorized to execute and deliver the promissory note of said County to evidence said loan. There is hereby levied on all taxable property of Bayfield County the sum of 75,000.00, together with such additional sum as shall be required to pay the interest on said sum at the agreed rate to the time of repayment of said loan, said sum to be placed on the next tax roll and ,collected as other taxes are collected SUBMITTED BY: L. D. Pease Moved by Williams and seconded by Pease to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried unanimously. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session November, 1938, appropriated the sum of $2000 to maintain the office of County Service Officer and, �,MEREAS, the Bayfield County Board in annual session May 2, 1939, hired such a service officer for the period of one year and, Of WHEREAS, such term/office will expire May 4, 1940, and WHEREAS, the annual report of the service officer shows the need and bene- fit of such services in the County, and 251 A &TUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ----------------------------- - May 8,� 1940 --------..----------------- - WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board did -on -May 7, 1940, rehire R. L. Schindler for the period of one year, THEREFORE be it resolved that there is hereby appropriated the sum of $1200 which with the money appropriated November 11, 1939 will run the office until January 19 1941, and it is further resolved that $1200 will be for the salary of the service officer for the period of time from May 4, 1940 to January l; 1941 which will be in monthly payments of $125, the balance of the appropriation to be used for travel and office expense. - A. J. Unseth I. L. Alcott Henry J. S. Hanson Moved by Unseth and seconded by Rivers to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, Frels, Art Hanson., Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, Maryland, Mihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, Squires. Total 31 NAYS: None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the present hours of the Bayf ield County Court House employees are from.8:00 to 12 A. M. and from 1:15 P. M. to 5:00 P. M. with the exception of the months of June, July and August which are from 8:00 A. M. to 12 A. M. and from 1:15 P. M. to 4:30 P. M., NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the hours, be changed during the months of October, November, December, January, February, March and April from 8:30 A. M. to 12 P. M. and 1:00 P. M. to 4:30 P. id. and, during the months of May, June, July, August, and September from 8:00 A. M. to 12 P. M. and 1:00 P. M. to 4:00 P. M. A. J. Unseth Moved by Brink and seconded by Pease to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, B. Johnson, Frels, Phillips, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Mihalak,, Anderson, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink. Total U NAYS: Thoreson, Art Hanson, Provost, Maryland, llall-in, Williams, Hogstrom, Squires. Total 8. Motion carried. The Chair called 1. Alcott to act as chairman. Moved by Wallin and seconded by C. 0. Nelson to reconsider resolution No. 9 which proposes a change of name for Pureair Sanatorium. Motion carried. idloved by Wallin and seconded by Brink to change the name of Pureair Sana- torium to read "Hosmer Tri-County Sanatorium.n Roll call was as follows: AYES: Wallin, Brink, Squires. Total 3. NAYS: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson-, B. Johnson, Frels, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson., Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, M-aryland, Mihalak, Anderson, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ----- —--- -- May - 8. 1940 - ---- - Hogstrom, Fiege; Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly. Total 32. motion lost-, The following resolution was read: RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled at a meeting thereof this 8th day of May, 1940, in the City of Washburn, County of Bayfield, State of Wisconsin, that the County Board, compromise the taxes on the following described property located in the City of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, to -wit: West fifteen (15) feet of Lot Sixteen (16) and Lots Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18), Block Eight (3) of Vaughn and AustrianTs Addition to the City of Washburn, the amount of taxes against said property is now Two Hundred Eighty six and 67/100 Dollars ($286.67), to be Compromised as follows: One Hundred Eighty Six & 67/100 Dollars, interest and penalties to be charged -to the excess delinquent tax account of the City of Washburn. J. A. Rivers Moved by H. C. Anderson and seconded by Rivers to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Pease, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, Mihalak, Anderson, Iffal.lin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Rivers, Brink, Squires. Total 25. NAYS: Buss., Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Pristash, Provost, Fiege, Kasmarek, Ambly. Total 10. Motion carried. Moved by Pristash and seconded. by Pease that the Town of Russell pay One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars cash, balance to be paid -by the Relief Committee to the Town of Russell, to pay the unpaid July 1937 relief bills of the Town of Russell. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Gentlemen: Whereas our County takes great pride In keeping our finances on the safe side And•whereas thrift is a praiseworthy habit At times ou-r economy, is rather erratic, Just for instance the other day I was in the office where the pensions they pay The office equipment was of modern design Glean and bright as a brand new dime. But up on the wall to and behold There hangs a clock that sure must be old. Its vintage IT.m sure no one knows Just hangs there and it never goes And like an old pensioner who is old in years Whose pinions are rusty as well as its gears So therefore be it resolved That we purchase a clock to .hang on the wall. And further we instruct and authorize That a new.one hang where the other died: Harry C. Anderson 253 ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD May 8,- 1940 - - ---- - -- --- carried. 10ved by Anderson and duly seconded to adopt the foregoing resolution: Moved by Squires and duly seconded to table the foregoing resolution. Motion The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, assembled in regular session this-7th day of May 1940, that County Trunk. -Highway `rE" in Bayfield County, between Ino and 11ason., be relocated and altered as provided by Section 83.01 (6) of the Wisconsin Statutes, as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of Section 12, township 46 N- Range 7 West and running south on the town line between the towns of Delta and Mason between Sections 12 and 7, 13 and 18,, 24 and 19 to the quarter corner between Sections 25,46-7'and 30=46-6; and then east through the town of Mason on the quarter line through Sections 30-29- 28-21 and 26 of township 46N-range 6W where it again joins County Trunk IIE-'t, a distance of approximately eight and one-half (81) miles; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above described highway be adopted as a part of the County Trunk Highway System, and that the existing County Trunk Highway "E", between the points above mentioned be abandoned. Art C. Hanson The foregoing resolution was accompanied by two petitions, one in favor of the change containing eighty-three (83) signers, one opposed to the change containing seventy-six (76) signers. 1joved by Rowley and seconded by Desparois to refer the foregoing resolution to a special road.committee. Motion carried. Moved by Maryland and seconded by Herman Hanson to reconsider action of the County Board referring the matter of relocation of part of County Trunk Highway "E" to a special committee. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Pristash, Herman Hanson, Maryland, Mihalak, Anderson. Total 5. NAYS: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Provost, Schultz, C. 0. Nelson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, Hogstrom,.'Fiege; Knight, H. J. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Amb-ly, Brink, Squires. Total 30. Motion losts Moved by Unseth and seconded by Rowley that the County Clerk provide each Board member with a copy of the relief resolution adopted on May 7. Motion carried. Moved by Unseth and seconded by Maryland to have the bills on file submitted to the Finance Committee for consideration and that if there are any questionable that action be deferred until the following. meeting of the County Board. Motion carried: Moved by Phillips and seconded.by Pease that the District Attorney and County Clerk have all the local clerks attend a meeting at the Court House relative to poor laws and that. the County Board members also be notified of said meeting, the expenses of said meeting to be defrayed by each district. Motion carried. The Chair appointed a special road committee with regard to proposed change for part of County Trunk Highway IT" as follows: Buss, Shykes and Thoreson. 25 ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BA.YFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- -_ -_ Mav 8. 1940 The following resolution was read: _ BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County,. assembled this 8th day of May, 1940, that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below, and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay -such money and the Chairman and County Clerk are instructed to issue an order for the .total amount of such items listed below: NAME PER DIEM MILEAGE COMMITTEE WORK MILEAGE TOTAL Erwin Buss 8.00 .96 L,. D. Pease 8.00 7.68 15.68 I. L. Alcott 8.00 1.20 9.20 Marvin Thoreson 8.00 .12 8.12 Bernard Johnson 8.00 2.40 10.40 H. A. Frels 8.00 7.08 15.08 E. R. Phillips 8.00 4.20 12.20' Art C. Hanson 8.00 3.60 Arthur Unseth 8.00 4.80 12.80 C. D. Arnold 8.00 2.52 10.52' J. R. Desparois 8.00 4.50 4.00 4.50 21.00 A. G. Johnson 8.00 4,28 12.28 S. E. Squires 8.00 2..64 2.0.00 13.20 43.84 Andrew Pristash 8.00 21.70 10.70 Wm. Provost 8-.00 3.00. 11.00 Herman Hanson 8.00 3.30 4.00 3.30 18.60 R. F. C. Schultz 8.00 5.76 13.76 C. 0. Nelson 8100 5.40 13.40 Ed. Maryland 8.00 5.40 13.40 Andrew Mihalak 8.00 2.58 10.58 Harry C. Anderson 8.00 4.80 12,80 Vic. C. Wallin 8.00 3.60 11.60 Russell Rowley 8.00 2:22 10.22 John Shykes 8.00 5.12 13.12, Ed. Nyberg 8.00 .84 0 8.84 George B. Williams 8.00 6.00 4.00 6.00 24,00 0, H. Hogstrom 8.00 2.88 10.88 H. C. Fiege 8.00 1.44 9.44 D. S. Knight 8.00 1.44 4.00 1.44 14.88 H. J. S. Hanson 8..00 1.44 9.44 Halvor Reiten 8.00 1.44 9.44 Joe Kasmarek 8.00 .12 20.00 .60 28.72 J. A. Rivers 8.00 .1a 24.00 .72 32i.84 Hans Ambly 8.00 .12 8.12. Ora C. Brink 8.00 .12 8.12 A. E. Swanson ..4.00 .12 4.12 Helmer Moe 4.00 .12 4.12 SIGNED: I. L. Alcott 255 ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING. OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD May8, 1940------------------------------------------ Moved by Pease and seconded by Schultz to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frets, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth,,Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Provost, Herman Hanson, Schultz, C.- 0. Nelson, Maryland, Mihalak, Anderson, Wallin, Shykes, Nyberg, Hogstrom, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Amby, Brink, Squires. NAYS: None. Total 33. /Motion carried. carried. Motion made and seconded that the County Board adjourn sine die. Motion 'IELTYCOUNT" I i CHAIRMAN`, BAYZIELD COUNTY BOARD TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: In accordance with a resolution adopted by the County Board at their meeting April, 1935, I herewith.submit a report covering the per diem, mileage and expenses paid to County Board members from November 1, 1939.to May 11, 19401 The report is exclusive of the per diem and mileage drawn at the County Board meetings. Neither does it include the per diem and mileage of highway committee members which is given separately in the County Highway annual report. -41' BA LD BOUNTY CLERK NO OF l/ NAME COMAITTEE MEETINGS PER DIEM MILEAGE I. L. Alcott Pensi.on 5 Z.0.00 6.00 I. L.Alcott Childrents Board 3 3.60 H. C. Anderson Health 1 4.00 5.16 C. D. Arnold Mediation 1 4.00 J. R. Desparois Conservation 3 12.00 13.50 Carl E. Erickson Sheriff 2 8.00 6,48 H. C. Fiege Conservation 2 8.00 2.88 H. A. Frels Mediation 4 16.00 12.40 H. J. S. Hanson Relief 6 Z4.00 8.64 Herman Hanson Health 1 4.00 3.30 0. H. Hogstrom Finance 1 4.00 2.88 H. J. Hougas Finance 6 24.00 30.00 K. C. Howell Education 1 4.00 .36 Bernard Johnson Conservation 3 12.00 7.20 A. G. Johnson Education 1 4.00 3.60 Joe Kasmarek Bldg. & Grounds 2 8.00 .2.4 D. S. Knight Health 1 4.00 1.44 EXPENSES 5 6 ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD May Q. 1940 NO OF NAME COMt2ITTEE MEETINGS PER DIEM MILEAGE M. F. Monson Sheriff 2 8.00 12.96 R. T. Nelson Health 2. 8.00 2.88 R. 1. Nelson Mediation 3. 12.00 .28.98 57. G. Nohl Finance 6 24.00 .5.,76 X. K. Olsen Bldg. & Grounds 1 4.0.0 .12 L. D. Pease Finance 5 W.00 32'.40 Andrew Pristash Sheriff 2' 8..00 4.56 Wt. Provost Education 1 4.00 3.00 1. A. Rivers Bldg. & Grounds 2 8.00 .24 Ben R. Rude Pension 5 20.00 .,60 Ben R. Rude Pension & Relief 1 4.00 .12 R. F. C. Schultz Finance 6 24.00 29.58 S. E. Squires Sanatorium 2 8.00 5..04 S. E. Squires Conservation 3 12.00 7.14 S. E. Squires Health 1 4.00 2.64 S. E. Squires Finance- 5 20.00 12.42 S. E. Squires Relief 7 28.00 27.97 S. E. Squires Children's Board 2. 4.50 A. E. Swanson Relief 1 4.00 - .12 A. J. Unseth Pension 7 26.00 33.60 Vic. Wallin Conservation 3 .12.00 10.80 Geo.-B. Williams Conservation 1 4.00 60-1,00 WIN EXPENSES 1.31