HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/12/1940ANNUAL MEETING OF TEE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12, 1940 Meeting called to order at 11 A. M. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered roll call: Buss, Thoreson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Herman Hanson, C. 0. Nelson, Mi.halak, H. C. Anderson, Wallin, K. R. Anderson, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, A. E. Swanson, Squires. Total 22. The following communication was read: Mason, Wisconsin July 25, 1940 Mr. Ludwig Traninal Washburn, Wis. Dear Sir: At the regular meeting of the board of trustees of the Village of Mason held on the 3rd day of June, 1940, K. R. Anderson was appointed Supervisor to fill vacancy of 0. H. Hogstrom resigned. Yours truly, C. 0. Hegg Clerk, Vil. of Mason, Wis. Moved by H. C. Anderson and seconded by Unseth that Kenneth R. Anderson be seated.as a member of the Board. Motion carried. The following communication was read: November 11, 1940 To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: The Town Board of the Town of Namakagon respectfully requests you to recognize Mr. Ernest Liebman, as the authorized representative of the Town of Namakagon, at the Annual County Board meeting to be held on November 12th, 1940. Yours very truly, TOWN OF NA1L&KAGON Lottie A. Schultz, Clerk Moved by A. C. Hanson and seconded by Wallin that Ernest Liebman -be seated as a member of the Board. Motion carried. Moved by H. C. Anderson and seconded by A. C. Hanson to dispense with the reading of the minute.s of the previous County Board meeting and that the same be ac- cepted and approved as published. Motion carried. The following communication was read: STATE OF WISCONSIN CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT Madison October 302 1939 File Reference: Co-operation Geographic Bd. 25 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ---------- - -- — —November 12; --I940 ----- ----- —--------- - --- ---- Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: In accordance with the provisions of Sec. 23.25, I am submitted to you for bring- ing before the county board the following action of the state geographic board: At its meeting on October 25, the board approved the proposed change in name for the lake in Sec. 34, T44N, R7W and Sec. 3, T43N, R7W from East lake to Lake Tahkodah, which means "friendly to all" in the Algonquin Indian language. The pro- posal was made by Mr. Harwood F. Smith of Eau Claire, and concurred in by 26 property owners near the lake. We will appreciate your early consideration of this action, in order that final decision may be requested from the U. S. division on geographic names. Thanking you for your co-operation, I remain, Very truly yours, H. W. MacKenzie, Secretary State Geographic Board Moved by Unseth and seconded by A. E. Swanson to grant the request in the foregoing communication. Motion carried. The following communication was read: District #1 Ashland, Wisconsin November ' 4, 1940 1,r. S. E. Squires, Chairman Bayfield County Board Mason, Wisconsin Subject: Sponsor's Contribution Required for Bayfield County Sponsored Projects during Calendar Year from' -January 1, 1941, to Decem- ber 31, 19410 Dear Mr. Squires': For the past several years, we have attempted about this time of the year to make a rather detailed study of what will be required in the way of funds from. sponsors to operate projects for the calendar year and have advised sponsors so that they may make provisions in setting up their budgets. It has been estimated that the sponsor's contribution for Bayfield County to participate in the TIPA program throughout the calendar year from January 1, 1941, to December 31, 1941, will amount to the sum of $71,022. This will take care of ap- proximately the same number of people in the calendar year 1941 that are being taken care of at the present time. Of course, you realize that this amount may not be an actual cash expendi- ture by Bayfield County, depending upon the amount of cash, kind and services the county furnishes toward the project. You realize, also, that the type of projects operated in 194f`have a direct bearing on the actual cash outlay that is necessary. If any questions arise in regard to WPA projects, please.feel free to call on us at any time. Yours very truly, Charles H. Gill, District Manager, Dist. #1 GHG:FB ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12, 1940 259 Moved by Unseth and seconded by Pristash to receive the foregoing communi- cation and,place on file. Motion carried. .The following communication was read: THE SALVATION ARMY Public Relations Department 823 N. Fourth Street Milwaukee, Wis. October- 9, 1940 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Country Clerk .Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Friend: THE FATE OF WISCONSIN'S UNMARRIED MOTHERS IS IN OUR HANDS -- AND YOURS! As you know, if it were not for the timely practical help freely given to unmarried mothers by the Martha Washington Home and Maternity Hospital of 6304 Cedar Street, Wauwatosa, Wlis.consin, their sad plight would be infinitely sadder and more menacing to the social welfare of our women and children. No other haven in Wisconsin offers them the sympathetic Christian care that they find in this consecrated HOME and HOSPITAL. It answers the perplexing question, "Where can I go and not be de"spised?ll These unfortunates come to us from every part of the state and they are wel- comed with open hearts and hands. MORE MONEY IS NEEDED The yearly appropriation of from $50 to $300 by certain counties must be augmented if we are to be enabled to "carry on" as the need arises. So we urgently request you to apprise your County Board members of this appeal at their next meeting. Let us hope that this letter and the enclosed outline of our work will help you to get a favorable response. In behalf of.desperate unmarried mothers, Wt. H. Fox, (Brigadier Wm. A. Fox) DIVISIONAL COMJ..ANDER Lloved by Rivers and seconded by Idihalak to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion carried. The following report was read: ANNUAL REPORT Office of the Clerk of Circuit Court Bayfield County, Wisconsin November 1, 1939 to October 31,1940 JURY Vouchers Issued The jury was called in at three different times during the year, May, 1940, June 1940 and ^October, 1940 1,265.02 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12, 1940 WITNESSES For criminal actions during the terms, Court Reporter Divorce Counsel Library (Law Books) Jury Commissioners Office Help, during court terms Counsel furnished defendants by order of the Circuit Judge ALIMONY Receipts Disbursements FINES Receipts ' Paid to County Treasurer COSTS Balance on hand, Nov. 1, 1939 Receipts Disbursements, County Treasurer SUIT TAX Balance on hand, Nov. 1, 1939 Receipts Disbursements, County Treasurer Balance on hand Nov. 1, 1940 FEES Balance on hand, Nov. 1, 1939 Receipts Disbursements, County Treasurer NATURALIZATION Balance on hand, Nov. 1, 1939 Receipts Disbursements, Department of Justice STATEMENT Naturalization Fees Suit Tax Deposit First National Bank Washburn, Wis. Cash on hand Dated November 1, 1940. 97.50 22.44 145.00 72.00 52.40 21.00 50.00 3530.75 3530.75 65.00 65.00 4.80 120.78 125.58 125.58 2.00 48.00 284.09 50.00 38.00 $ 12.00 543.69 222.68 321.01 27.50 420.00 447.50 441.25 6.25 6.25 321.01 12.00 329.26 65.43 273.83 329.26 P. E. Newhouse, Clerk of Circuit Court Approved November 1, 1940 Wm. J. Maitland, Auditor i 261 ANNUAL METING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -------- -- ---- -November 12, 1940 --- -- Moved by A. C. Hanson and seconded by Desparois to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS the Northern Pacific Railway Company during the year 1938 acquired by quit claim deed from the County of Bayfield, the property hereinafter described, which deed was recorded on November 10th, 1938, in Volume128 of Deeds, page 631, and WHEREAS said forties adjoined the right of way of the Northern Pacific Railway Company in the Town of Iron River in said County and were purchased for and are used for the purpose of removing engine sand, and WHEREAS it is a ruling of the State Tax Commission that sand or gravel pits are exempt from local assessment and are assessed by the State, and WHEREAS said real estate was inadvertently included in the 1939 assessment roll of the Town of Iron River, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, in annual session assembled this 12th day of November, 1940, that the taxes on said premises and the tax sale certificates issued thereon be and the same are hereby cancelled and ordered charged back to the Town of Iron River. The lands affected ;by this resolution being the: "SW NE-1 SE-1 NE', SE-1 NW4, NE-- SW4, NE4 SE4 and NW! SE4, all in Section 10, Township 47 north, Range 8 West, in Bayfield County, Wisconsin. PRESENTED BY: Art C. Hanson Hans Ambly H. A. Frels Moved by Ambly and seconded by A. C. Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD, WASHBMN, WISCONSIN: WHEREAS, Bayfield County took a tax deed on the SW NE, less parcels des- cribed in Volume 107, Page 78, of records of the Register of Deeds, of Section One (1), Township Forty-six (46) North of Range Five (5)-West, covering the sale of 1931, tax certificate No. 1074, face of certificate, $3.27; and on the sale of 1932:, tax certificate No. 1355, face of certificate, $1.78; and WHEREAS, Alfred Hagstrom has paid the taxes on said descriptions for the aforesaid years and the land was doubly assessed and an inaccurate description covering said years, and WHEREAS, Alfred Hagstrom has since sold the land to his son, Walter Hagstrom, NOW THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing facts, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the County Clerk be authorized and directed to issue a quit claim deed to Walter Hag- strom for the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar and that the amount of taxes covering said years on which the County took tax deeds be cancelled and charged back to the town of Kelly. S. E. Squires. Moved by H. C. Anderson and seconded by A. C. Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. t' ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY CLERK -- November 12, 1940 _ — ------------------------- The following resolution was read: A RESOLUTION to authorize the County Treasurer and County Clerk to issue to the Standard Oil Company a redemption receipt for the taxes for the year 1933 on Lots numbered 17 and 18 of Block numbered 41 of the original townsite of the City. WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of Washburn, at a meeting thereof duly convened and held at the City Hall of said City of Washburn on the 7th day of May, 1934, passed a motion as follows, to -wit: "Moved by Rivers and seconded by Rude that the Council present a resolution to the County Board of Bayfield County requesting them to cancel the tax certificates on the above mentioned property and charge the same back to the City of Washburn." and caused the same to be set up in the minutes of the proceedings of said meeting, and WHEREAS, through inadvertence and neglect said City of Washburn has failed to cause the issue of a redemption receipt for said Lots seventeen and eighteen (L. 17 & 18) of Block Forty-one (B.41) aforesaid, to said Standard Oil Company, and WHEREAS, a certified copy of said proceedings have been presented to the annual meeting of the County Board of Bayfield County this 12th day of November, 1940; NOW, THEREFORE, it is: RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County, that the County Clerk and County Treasurer of said County be, and they are hereby directed and instructed to issue to the,Standard Oil Company a redemption receipt of Lots numbered Seventeen and Eighteen (L.17 & 18) of Block numbered Forty-one (B.41) of the plat of the original townsite of the town (noiv city) of Washburn in said County, for the taxes for the year 1933, and to deliver same.to_the City Clerk of said City and to charge the amount thereof with the penalties and interest against the excess delinquent account of said City on the books of Bayfield County. J. A. Rivers Moved by Rivers and seconded by Ambly to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: A RESOLUTION authorizing the sale and conveyance.by Bayfield County to the City of Washburn of certain lots held by tax deed in Block 51,_ original townsite of Washburn. WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner by tax deed of the real estate hereinafter described and the City of Washburn desires to purchase the same, and the Common Council of said City of Washburn, at a meeting thereof duly convened and held on the 13th day of September, 1940, authorized and directed the purchase of said lots and provided -and directed that the same be paid for by charging the cost thereof against the excess delinquent account of said City of Washburn on the books of Bay - field County, and also directed the supervisors of the City of Washburn, and es- pecially the supervisor of the second ward of said city, serving on the County Board of Bayfield County,, to cause a. proper resolution for the purchase of said property by said city and the sale.the reof by Bayfield County and -proper conveyances thereof 263 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12, 1940 to be made and obtained in accordance with the terms of said resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, it is: RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled at the annual meeting thereof this 12th day of November, 1940, that the County Clerk of Bayfield County be, and he is hereby authorized and instructed to make, execute and deliver to the City of Washburn, a quitclaim deed of the following described real estate, to -wit: Lots numbered Twenty-two (22), Twenty-three (23), Twenty-four (24), Twenty- five (25), Twenty-six (26), Twenty-seven (27) and Twenty-eight (28)-of Block numbered Fifty-one (B.51) of the plat of the original townsite of the town (now city) of Washburn, according to said plat as recorded and on file in the office of the Regis- ter of Deeds of Bayfield County, and charge the cost thereof, including penalties and interest up to the date of the recording of the last tax deed issued by said county against said premises, against the excess delinquent account of said City of Washburn, and also any other taxes levied and assessed against the same thereafter. J. A. Rivers Moved by Rivers and seconded by Brink to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Moved by Pristash and seconded by Desparois to adjourn until 1:30 P. M. Motion carried. Meeting was called to order at 1:30 P. M. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered roll call: Buss, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Herman Hanson, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, Mihalak, H. C. Anderson, Wallin, Shykes, Williams, K. R. Anderson, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, A. E. Swanson, Squires. Total 29. The County Board made the following recommendations to the.Wisconsin County Boards' Association as a proposed legislative program for 1941: A. RELATING TO COUNTY BOARDS AND COUNTY GOVERNMENT I. Uniform two year term for ALL county board members. Approve II. County rural planning committees and county park commissions be allowed the same.per diem and mileage as are other standing committees of the county board. Approve III. Regulation of dance halls and taverns. Approve - 26 Disapprove - 3 IV. Clarify statutes relating to power of a county board to change a county officer's .compensation from a fee to a salary basis. Approve - Approximately 12 Disapprove - Not voting VI. Relating to pro -rating of forest crop aids. Disapprove - Unanimous B. PENSIONS I. Secure a deficiency appropriation for old age assistance aids for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1941. Approve - Unanimous ANNUAL METING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- ------------ November 12, 1940 - —— —-------- II. Amend Wisconsin's laws so that federal aid for dependent children between the ages of 16 and 18 be available. Approve - 26 Disapprove - 3 III. State and federal.government to bear entire costs of social security in Wisconsin. Approve - Unamimous C. DIRECT RELIEF I. State to bear 50% of hospitalization and medical care of indigent persons. Approve - Unamimous II. January 1, 1940 be used as a base for direct relief costs. Any increases due to curtailment of federal activities be carried 50% by the state. Approve - 22 Disapprove - None IV. Repeal of 'emergency board's" powers .to raise rates at Wisconsin General Hospital. Approve - 12 Disapprove - 12 D. ELECTIONS I. Amendment 6.05 (6) to eliminate requirement that annual town meeting shall be held in District I of the town and to provide that all elections may be held in the several election districts into which the town is divided. Remarks: Does not affect Bayf ield County. II. Non -partisan election of county officers& Approve - 23 Disapprove - 1 E. HIGHWAYS I. Constitutional amendment segregating gas and tax and auto license fee monies to be used for highway purposes only. Approve - 23 Disapprove - 3 F. REAL ESTATE TAXATION I. Proposed constitutional amendment allowing for optional installment plans for payment of real estate taxes. Approve - 16 Disapprove - 10 III. Statutes be amended to provide more effective methods of collecting taxes on machinery, buildings and other property which was originally assessed as real estate but which has been or is being removed at a time when de- linquent taxes are outstanding against such property. ' Approve - Unamimous IV. In the event the 1941 session of the legislature enacts a sales tax, a portion shall be used to reduce real estate taxation. Remarks: Motion made, seconded and carried that it be. used entirely for replacing real estate taxes. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY COUNTY OFFICERS ASSOCIATIONS PROPOSING LEGISLATION FOR 1941 I. REGISTER OF DEEDS A. Legislation setting uniform fees for filing of plats in Wisconsin. Approve - Unamimous 265 ANNUAL MEETING OF TBE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - ------ ----- ---- ------ -- ---- --- - - --r- November 12, 1940 ---- ------ ------ --- - - B. Clarify minimum fee schedule for all recordings. Approve - Unamimous II. COUNTY TREASURERS A. Clarify 74.08 "Blank Tax Receipts.1t Approve B. Clarify statute relative to cemetery funds. Approve III. COUNTY TRAFFIC OFFICERS ASK CIVIL SERVICE. NOTE:- In the data in the hands of each board member reference to the detail of the proposed bill is referred to on page 15 of the October issue of "Wisconsin Counties." Note, however, that a:.t the bottom of the page you are now working on in the third column is a new digest of the proposed bill. Disapprove SUGGESTIONS RECEIVED FROM INDIVIDUAL COUNTIES PROPOSING LEGISLATION FOR 1941 From La Crosse County - Relating to unemployment compensation reserve credits. Remarks - No action From Pierce County - Relating to repeal of Chapter 98, of the Laws of 1939, relative to citizenship training. Remarks - No action Signed: BAYFIELD COUNTY, Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the cost per capita of our Pure Air Sanatorium has greatly increased during the past five years. This increase seems to be on account of the reduction in the number of patients without a corresponding reduction in the personnel; Therefore, be it resolved that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors res- pectfully request the trustees of the Sanatorium to go into this matter very carefully in view of making a corresponding reduction in the personnel costs. D. S. Knight Moved by H. C. Anderson and seconded by Williams to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, It is desirable that there be an extension of electric service for prospective consumers in Township Forty-seven (47) North of Range Eight (8) West in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and in adjacent areas, and the Iron River Water; Light and Telephone Company proposes to extend its lines into and through said town, and desires to cross the premises hereinafter described; IT IS RESOLVED that the County of Bayfield hereby grants to the Iron River Water, Light and Telephone Company an easement over and across the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter and Lot Five (5), all in Section Thirty-four (34), Township Forty-seven (47) North of Range Eight (8) West. 266 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November__ 2, 1940 IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that said easement be in the following form: n "In consideration of the sum of One Dollar ( $1.00 ) paid to the County of Bayfield, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned does hereby grant and convey to the Iron River Water, Light and Power Company, a Wisconsin corporation, its successors and assigns, the per- petual right, power and privilege to construct, maintain, inspect, repair, rebuild and operate across the premises hereinafter described a line or lines of wires for the transmission and/or distribution of electric cur- rent for light, heat and power purposes, and to carry thereon current for said purposes, and wires for the private telephone service of the grantee, and such anchors, guys and other appliances as may be necessary: There is also granted to said company the perpetual right from time to time to cut, trim, destroy and remove from said lands such brush, trees, logs, stiurrps, branches, weeds or grass as may by reason of their proximity endanger or interfere with said line or lines or the operation thereof; and to enter upon and cross over said premises in so far as may be reasonably necessary in the exercise and enjoyment of said rights. This easement is executed under and pursuant to a resolution of the County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin adopted on the 12th day of November, 1940. The premises hereby affected are described as follows: A strip of land fifty (50) feet in width extending: across the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and Lot Five (5) of Section Thirty-four (34), Township Forty-seven (47).North of Range Eight (8) West, along the abandoned right of way of the Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic Railway Company thereover, and being twenty-five (25) feet in width on each side of the center line of the line of poles now staked out and located on said land. In Witness Whereof, Bayfield County has caused these presents to be executed by its clerk and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 12th day of November, 1940. BAYFIELD COUNTY County Clerk State of Wisconsin)ss Bayfield County ) Personally came before me this day of , 1940, the above named Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk, to me known to be the person who executed the above instrument, and acknowledged that he affixed the seal of Bayfield County thereto, and that he executed said instrument as such Clerk, freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes in said instrument mentioned and as by law required. Notary Public, Bayfield County, Wis. My commission expires '� 2f� ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12, 1940 IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk of Bayfield County be and he is hereby instructed to execute said easement in behalf of the County and deliver the same to the said Iron River Water, Light and Telephone Company upon receipt of .the consideration therefor." A® Go Johnson Moved by Williams and seconded by Fiege that the foregoing resolution be referred to the Conservation Committee with power to act. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, a cooperative association has been organized in Bayfield County, known as the Bayfield Electric Cooperative,.Incorporated, which association is ap- plying for an allotment from the Rural Electrification Administration for the pur- pose of building electric transmission and distribution lines in Bayfield County,and therefore, WHEREAS said proposed lines may cross lands owned by Bayfield County, now BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this 12th day of November, 1940, that the County Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to give easements to said Bayfield Electric Cooperative, Incorporated, for the purpose of authorizing said Cooperative to construct, operate and maintain on any County owned lands and/or in or upon all street, roads, or high- ways abutting said lands and electric transmission or distribution line or system and to cut and trim trees and shrubbery to the extent necessary to keep them clear of said electric line or system and to cut down from time to time all dead, weak, leaning or dangerous trees that are tall enough to strike the wires in falling. Presented by: Herman Hanson Moved by A. Cm Hanson and seconded by Pristash to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: WHEREAS, it appears that Otto C. Anderson residing on the NE4 of Section 2, Township 44, Range 6 West, and Alvin Olson residing on.the NE NW of Section 4, Town- ship 44, Range 6 West, respectively, were living upon and operating these descriptions as farms prior to the adoption of the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance as per the attached statement of Victor C. Wallin, Chairman of the Town of Pratt, and whose names and descriptions were not officially recorded as non -conforming users at the time the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance was adopted, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is hereby instructed to notify.the Register of Deeds that the above descriptions should have been listed as non -conforming users and that the Register of Deeds is hereby instructed to enter these names and des- criptions in his official record of non -conforming users. Signed, Bayfield County Zoning Committee Ed® Maryland John F. Shykes Herman Hanson Andrew Mihalak S. E. Squires ANNUAL MEETING'OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD _ November 12, 1940 Washburn, Wisconsin October 29, 1940 To the Bayfield County Zoning Committee: This is to certify that I personally know that Otto C. Anderson, Grandview, Wisconsin, owned and was operating as a farm the NE-1 4 of Section 2, Township 44, Range 6 West, prior to November 1934 and should, therefore., be listed as a non -conforming user of the farm -under the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. The same also holds true of Alvin Olson, Grandview, Wisconsin, who was living on and operating as a farm the NE NW of Section 4, Township 44; Range 6 West. Since both of these men, respectively, owned and operated the above des- criptions prior to the enactment of the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, both names and respective descriptions should be officially recorded in the Register of Deeds records as non -conforming users. Signed, Vic. C. Wallin Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29th day of October,-1940. Arthur Goff Notary Public, Bayfield Co., Wis. My Commission expires Nov. 28th, 1943. Prioved by Wallin and seconded by Williams to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following petition was read: U. S. Department of the Interior Office of Indian Affairs Great Lakes Indian Agency Ashland, Wisconsin May 9, 1940 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Through the County Clerk Gentlemen: Washburn, Wisconsin We are applying for a reduction of taxes on the William and Rose Bear land at Red Cliff, described as 10 acres more or less, being the South 350' of the North- west Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NWg SW-,';;), and that part of Lot 3 lying west of Bayfield Harbor and Great Western Railroad in Section 31, Township 51 North, Range 3 West. William Bear is now deceased, and he had signed with his wife a mortgage on this land. His loan has an unexpended balance of $38.20, which we have permission to apply on taxes as our corporation and the widow, Rose Bear, have no other funds to apply on the taxes. We would like your approval of our request for a reduction of whatever the present taxes are on this land to the amount of $38.20, in order that the widow may execute a deed to our corporation for this land. We intend giving her a life 269 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- - -----November 12, 1940 -------- — - - -- -------- --- ------ -- interest in the house so that she will not be out of a place to live. Respectfully yours, Mike J. Gordon, Chairman Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians Approved: J. C. Cavill, Superintendent Great Lakes Indian Agency, Ashland, Wis. Moved by A. C. Hanson and seconded by Maryland to refer the foregoing petition to the town of Russell. Motion carried. The following communication was read: Kewaunee, Wis. 219 Ellis Street September 26, 1940 Honorable Chairman, and Members of the County Board, Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: I hereby submit my bid for the 1940 audit of the books and records of Bay - field County as follows: $20.00 per diem for senior accountant, and $10.00 per diem for junior accountant, plus living expenses while engaged in this work in your office. In -'all -engagements where it requires a junior accountant, I have my son, who is a senior accountant, to assist me. This, in many cases, results in less number of days required to complete the audit and is a saving to the client. While we have a general accounting practice, we are giving special attention to Municipal Accounting and Auditing. Should you favor us with this audit, we assure you very satisfactory service and that there will be no unnecessary time spent on the engagement. Respectfully yours, GE ORGE F . GATES Moved by H. C. Anderson and seconded by Knight to receive the foregoing com- munication and place on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: ADDRESSOGRAPH SALES AGENCY 313 Minn. Mutual Life Bldg. St. Paul, Minnesota October 14, 1940 11�r: L. Tranmal, County Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: No doubt you will be bringing up the question of Addressograph at your November meeting of the County Board . I understand that the IV. P. A. project for the 270 _ ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12, 1940 correction of property descriptions has come along very nicely in your county, and naturally, unless the County Board makes some provision for setting up these des- criptions on a permanent basis, it will only be a matter of a short time and they will be right back where they were before the project started. Most of the counties now using our equipment have appointed a committee to investigate just what the other counties have been able to accomplish with the Addressograph system of tax collections. Should you feel you would like to have me at your County Board meeting, or if there is anything that you would like relative to this application, I will appreciate hearing from you. Yours very truly, C. E. DoErr ADDRESSOGRAPH SALES AGENCY Moved by Williams and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read; RESOLVED BY THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BAYFIELD COUNTY THAT: Whereas, the County Board has had occasion in the past to sell to indivi- dual land owners isolated descriptions of land that have been entered under the Forest Crop Law when such land sales do not prevent the blocking of Forest Crop Lands for efficient administration and development,'and Whereas, the amount of money which the state has paid annually to the County in Forest Aid Funds on such land since the land was entered under the Forest Crop Law is withdrawn by the state from the next annual payment to the County, and Whereas, it is the policy of the County in selling such land to add to the sale price the amount received by the state on this land in Forest Aid Funds, Now therefore, be it resolved that on all such land sales the County Clerk be authorized to reimburse the County Forest Fund in the amount which the state has paid to the County Forest Aid Fund and which is automatically withdrawn by the state from the next annual payment to the County. C. D. Arnold Herman Hanson Andrew Mihalak John F: Shykes Ed. Maryland S. E. Squires County Forestry Committee Moved by Mihalak and seconded by Maryland to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried® Moved by Unseth and seconded by Thoreson to adjourn until 10 A. IVI., November 13. Motion carried. 271 A=AL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Meeting called to order at 10 A. M. by Chairman'Squires. The following members answered roll call: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, B.-Johnson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Sigurd Swanson, Herman Hanson, C. 0. Nelson�.Maryland, Mihalak, H. C. Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, K. R. Anderson, Fiege, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, Squires. Total'31. year. The Board proceeded with the election of a Highway Committee for the ensuing The Chair appointed Vic. Wallin and K. R. Anderson as tellers. The result of the first ballot for a member from Highway District No. 1 was as follows: Rowley 13 Bernard Johnson 11 Fiege 2 Reiten 1 Knight 1 R. J. Nelson 1 H. C. Anderson 2 31 No majority. The result of the second ballot was as follows: Bernard Johnson 16 Russell Rowley 14 Fiege 2 32 No majority. The result of the third ballot was as follows: Bernard Johnson 15 Rowley 15 Fiege 2 32 No majority. The result of the fourth ballot was as follows: Johnson 18 Rowley 14 Fiege 2 32 The Chair declared Johnson duly elected as a member of Highway District No. 1 for the ensuing year. The result of the first ballot for a member of Highway District No. 2 was as follows: Williams 24 A. C. Hanson 3 C. D. Arnold 2 Herman Hanson 1 Buss 1 Blank 1 32 _ANNUAL 22ETING OF THE BAYFIE_LD COUNTY BOARD November 13, 1940 The:Chair declared Geo. B. Williams duly elected as a member of the Highway Committee for District No. 2 for the ensuing year. The result of the first ballot for a member of Highway District No. 3 was as follows: C. 0. Nelson 21 H.C. Anderson 9 A. G. Johnson 1 John Shykes 1 32 The Chair declared C.'O. Nelson duly elected as a member of the Highway Committee representing District No. 3 for the ensuing year. The following communication was read: THE STATE OF `aVISCONSIN Highway Commission Madison Jr. Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk, Bayfield County Dear Sir: Washburn, Wisconsin October 31, 1940 SUBJECT: Estimated Highway Allotments for 1941, Section 84.03, Wisconsin Statutes. Pursuant to Section 84.04 of the Statutes, you are hereby notified of the following estimated allotments to your county for highway work.under the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of Section 84.03 of the Statutes. The estimated allot- ments are as follows: 1. Section 84.03(2). The sum of $60,974.44 for the improvement of the County Trunk Highway System. 2. Section 84.03(3) & (4). The sum of $117,493.12 for the improvement of the State Trunk Highway System, allocated as follows: For the retirement of county highway bonds, $2,100.00 For construction on U. S. Highway No. -2, the Ashland -Iron River Road, $90,300.00 For construction on State Trunk Highway No. 13, the Cornucopia - Red Cliff Road, $25,000.00 As a reserve for future allocation, $93.12 3. Section 84.03(3) from unexpended allotments of previous years for the improvement of the State Trunk Highway System, allocated as follows: For construction on U. S. Highway No. 2", the Ashland -Iron River Road, $7,400.00 The determinationsare tentative and the amounts cannot be definitely determined until after the close of the fiscal year, which is June 30, 1941. Very truly yours, STATE'HIGHWAY COM aSSION OF WISCONSIN By Thos. J. Pattison, Secretary 273 ANNUAL MEETING OF THEBAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 13, 1940 Motion was duly, made and seconded to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion carried. Moved by Alcott and seconded by Knight to dispense with the -reading of the Highway Committee's annual report and that the same be received and placed on file. Motion carried. Moved by Unseth and seconded by Desparois to dispense with the reading of the financial report of the Highway Commissioner and that the same be received and placed on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: STATE & COUNTY AID CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 1941 SECTION I. The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, regularly assembled, does hereby ordain that such funds as may be made available to the county for highway work in the year 1941 under the provisions of Section 20.49 and Chapters 83 and 84 of the Statutes and the additional sums herein appropriated shall be expended as hereinafter set forth: SECTION II. COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTMENT, WHEREAS: The State Highway Commission has notified the County Clerk that a sum of money estimated to be sixty thousand nine hundred.seventy-four and 44/100 Dollars ($60,974.44) will become available at the end of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1941, under the provisions of subsection (4) of Section 20.49 and sub -section (2.) of Section 84.03 of the statutes, for the improvement of the county trunk high- way system in the county, but that its exact amount will not be known until after June 30, 1941. BE IT RESOLVED: That the County Highway Committee is authorized and directed to expend the said sum to match and supplement Federal Aid for construction, right of way,'and other costs on any Federal projects located on the County Trunk Highway System of said county which are not recovered from Federal funds-, and to expend any balance not required for such purpose for the improvement of the said County Trunk Highway System during 1941 in the following manner, to -wit: For Administration, Maintenance, Snow Removal, or,Improvement of the County Trunk Highway System. SE.CTION.III. STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTMENT. WHEREAS: The State Highway Commission has estirated that the sum of one hundred seventeen thousand four hundred ninety- three and 12/100 Dollars ($117,493a12) will become available at the end of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1941 under subsection (4) of Section 20.49 and sub -sections (3) & (4) of Section 84.03, as state aid for the improvement of the State Trunk Highway System din the county in accordance with the pro- visions of Chapter 84 of the Statutes, but that its exact amount will not be known until after June 30, 1941. BE IT RESOLVED: That the said sum shall be expended in the following manner, to wit: 1. The sum of two thousand one.hundred and no/100 dollars ($29100.00) for the retirement of county.highway bonds maturing in 1941: THE ANNUAL MEETING OF -THE BA.YFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 13. 1940 2. Such sum of this allotment, together with any unexpended balances from previous allotments, as may be required on any Federal projects in this county to match Federal -Aid and/or to pay the cost of right of way, preliminary engineering, and other items not recovered from Federal funds. 3. Any balance not otherwise required for the purposes hereinbefore pro- vided shall be expended on the following improvements, to wit: (a) The sum of ninety thousand three hundred and no/100 Dollars ($90,300.00) for the improvement by concrete surfacing of U. S. Highway No. 2 beginning at Iron River and extending easterly as far as the said sum will construct. (b) The sum of twenty-five thousand and no/100 Dollars ($25,000.00) for the improvement by sand lifts, gravel surfacing and bituminous treat- ment of State Trunk Highway No. 13 beginning at Cornucopia..and extending easterly as far as the said sum will construct. WHEREAS, There is an unexpended balance from allotments of previous years of approximately seven thousand four hundred and no/100 Dollars ($7,400.00), BE IT RESOLVED, That such portion of said sum not otherwise required for Federal projects shall be.expended on the following improvements, to wit: (a) The sum of Seven thousand four hundred and no/100 Dollars ($7,400.00) for the improvement by concrete surfacing of U. S. Highway No. 2 beginning at Iron River and extending easterly as far as the said sum will construct. SECTION VIII. 1qHEREA.S: The various highway activities, for which provision is made in this resolution are continuous from year to year, and the exact cost of any work cannot be known at the time of making the appropriation therefor, this Board does hereby direct that any .balance remaining in any appropriation for a specific highway improvement after the: same shall have been completed, may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement of the same class for which provision is herein made, and any balances remaining at the end of the year in any high- -way fund shall remain and be available for the same purpose in the ensuing year., and any deficit in any highway fund at the end of the year shall be paid from the next appropriation made for the same purpose, and WHEMAS: The exact amount of the funds that will become available for highway purposes in the County under Section 20.49 of the Statutes will not be known until after June 30, 1941, at which time correct figures will be submitted by the State Highway Commission, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payments on account of the im- provements to be made with such funds, as hereinbef ore authorized from any funds in the county treasury that are not required for the purposes for which appropriated prior to August 1, 1941 and to reimburse such funds in the county treasury from the sums received under Section 20.49 of the Statutes. The County Clerk is hereby directed to levy the taxes named in Section VI hereof in the county tax levy, and to levy the special benefit assessments made in Section VII hereof as special charges against the res- n pective municipalities therein named as provided by law, and the County 270 THE ANNUAL NEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - ---- --- - --- - ------------ -- - --- --- --- -- -- --- --- - - - - -- - - --- -- ----- -- _ - - - - - ---- _ November 13, 1940--_- Highway Committee and the County Highway Commissioner are hereby directed to carry out the highway Construction and maintenance for which provision is herein made, in the manner provided by law, and to employ such em- ployees, regulate their working conditions and. wages, and to sell, rent, or purchase highway equipment, as they may deem necessary for such pur- pose. (Signed) C. 0. Nelson Geo. B.'Williams COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE Moved by Knight and seconded by Pease to adopt the foregoing resolution. Moved by Fiege and seconded by Rowley to amend the foregoing resolution to read that the $25,000 for construction on State Trunk Highway No. 13 precede the item of $90,000 for construction on U. S. Highway No. 2 and that the $25,000 be re - on amendment leased first. Roll call/was as follows: AYES: B. Johnson, Rowley, Fiege, Ambly. Total 4. NAYS: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Sigurd Swanson, Herman Hanson, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, Mihalak, H. C. Anderson, Wallin, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, K. R. Anderson, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Brink, Squires. Total 28. Motion to amend lost. Roll call to adopt the original resolution was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Sigurd Swanson, Herman Hanson, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, IVti.halak, H. C. Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, K. R. Anderson, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, Squires. Total 31. NAYS: Fiege. Total 1. Motion carried. V The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ADVANCE OR TRANSFER OF CONSTRUCTION FUNDS IN BAYFIELD COUNTY. WHEREAS Federal funds have been allotted to Wisconsin for the improvement of highways to be allocated for expenditure by the State Highway Commission with the concurrence of the Federal Works Agency, Public Roads Administration, and it is desired to take advantage of every opportunity to secure the expenditure of a portion of such funds in this county, and WHEREAS funds must be provided by the state or counties to match the federal funds allotted and, or, to pay the cost of items which are not recovered from federal funds, and WHEREAS other emergencies frequently arise making necessary or desirable the allocation or transfer of funds to or between other construction projects. NOW, THEREFORE, in order to provide for promptly making available the funds necessary for the purposes hereinbef ore mentioned, and to avoid the delay and expense incident to calling a special meeting of this board for such purpose, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Committee, with the approval of the State Highway Commission, is hereby authorized to transfer to or between any 27-6-1 ANNUAL FETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 13, 1940 construction projects in this county any funds allotted to this county by the state under the provisions of Sections 20.49 (4) and 84.03 and previously allocated by this board to any other project, or remaining unallocated in, -reserve® BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the State Highway, Commission be and is hereby petitioned to advance, pursuant to Section 84.03 (5) of the Statutes, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway Committee of this County, such sums as may be required and are not otherwise available, for the purposes hereinbefore men- tioned on any construction projects in this county, with the understanding that such advance will be deducted from future allotments to this county for state trunk highway construction under Section 84.03 (3) of the Statutes. Resolution presented by: Geo. B. Williams C. 0. Nelson Moved by Rowley and seconded by Pease to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read: REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO INVESTIGATE A RESOLUTION ATTACHED HERETO RELOCATING APPROXIMATELY EIGHT (8) MILES OF COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY "E" IN THE TOWN OF MASON The undersigned Committee begs to report as f o-6lows: The Committee met on Tuesday, September.24, 1940 at Ino, and viewed and investigated both the present location of County Trunk Highway "E" and the proposed new location. the same. Your Committee finds that the total distance in either case would be about Your Committee finds that the present location of County Trunk Highway "Ell, in the Town of Mason is reasonably well graded and gravelled, and satisfactory as a County Trunk Highway; while all of the new proposed location would need to be both graded and gravelled,., at considerable expense to the County. The Committee also finds that approximately two (2) miles of the proposed new location on the Town line, between the Towns of Delta and Mason, has only recently been opened UP as a Town Highway and has not been a well -traveled Town road for at least a period of five years which is the requirement of Article 3, of County Board Resolution, regulating additions to the County Trunk Highway System. Your Committee also finds that the present location of County Trunk High- way "Et/ goes through a well settled area the entire eight (8) miles; while the new proposed location is entirely unsettled more than one-half of the distance. Your Committee believes that the best interests of every one concerned would be served by leaving the highway in its present location. We, therefore, recommend that the resolution be received and placed on file. Respectfully submitted, Erwin Buss Sohn F. Shykes Marvin Thoreson ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 13, 1940 Moved by Herman Hanson and -.seconded by Williams to accept the report and recommendations of the Special Highway Committee. Motion carried. The following report was reads REPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO INVESTIGATE A RESOLUTION ATTACHED HERETO, PROPOSING TO ADD 12.2 MILES OF TO?+'iTN HIGHWAY IN THE TOWNS OF EILEEN, PILSEN AND KEYSTONE TO THE COU'�IiTY TRUNK HIGHWAY SYSTEM. The undersigned Committee begs to report as follows: The Committee- has inspected proposed road and met at Moquah on Monday, June 10, 1-940 in connection therewith. The Committee ,has attached hereto a brief estimate of the cost of building , this highway up to the standard of the present County Trunk Highway System in the County of somewhat over $100,000.00,complete, as the present County Trunk Highways are constructed, or approximately $80,000.00 for grading and graveling without the oiling. It is the belief of this Committee that the proposed road in the Towns of Eileen and Pilsen is not at the present time graded and graveled up to the standard required by Article 3 of the County Board Ordinance governing additions to the County Trunk Highway System. It is the further unanimous opinion of this Committee that the Towns of Eileen and Pilsen should expend more town funds on this highway and bring it up to a higher -standard, at which time it could be presented to the County Board for future consideration. This Committee also wishes to point out that the County's finances are in - no condition to undertake this added expense at this time. We, therefore, recommend the resolution be received and placed on file. Respectfully submitted, Harry C. Anderson Ed. Maryland Herman Hanson Moved by H. C. Anderson and seconded by Pease to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, certain lands located along the laid out route of U. S. Highway No. 2, in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and more particularly those lands within the limits of Federal Aid Project No. 375-B (2), IronRiver-Ashland Road, are owned by Bayfield County; and WHEREAS it is necessary, for the construction of the above -mentioned highway, that certain portions of such county -owned lands be established as highway right of way, NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the County Board of Supervisors, in regular session assembled, this 13th day of November, 1940, do hereby dedicate the lands described in theattached conveyance, for highway purposes, as long as so used. (NOTE: The lands affected areasfollows: All that part of a strip or parcel of land 200 feet in width lying in T. 47 N., R. 8 W., Sec. 9, the N2 - S2 278 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November f 19�F0 and in Sec. 10 the NOVg - SW1j; thereof thereof/and being 100 feet wide on both sides of the following described centerline of Division Job No. 8451, F.A.P. 375-B (2): Beginning on the west section line of aforesaid Section 9, 1,590 feet north of the southwest corner of said Sec. 9, thence N. 8e -564 E. 6,500 feet® Also,a strip or parcel of land 66 feet in width lying in T. 47 N., R. 81W.1 See. 10,. the NW- - SW- thereof and being 33 feet wide on both sides of the following described centerline: Commencing on the west section line of Sec-. 9, aforesaid Town and Range, 1,590 feet north of the southwest corner of said Sec. 9, thence N. 89° -561 E. 5,560 feet to the place of beginning, thence N..le -521 E. for approximately 430 feet. All as surveyed, staked, and as more fully appears on right of way plats and plans for aforesaid project and containing 30.06 acres, more or less, exclusive of present highway right of way.) , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk is hereby authorized to sign and complete the attached conveyance, as the Act and Deed of the County Board of Supervisors. Resolution presented by: Geo. B. Williams C. 0. Nelson R. J. Nelson Moved by Williams and seconded by Pease to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this 13th day of November, 1940, that the property described as Lots fourteen (14) and fifteen (15) in Block sixteen (16), of the original plat of Iron River, in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, which is now owned by Bayfield County, be sold to Eino Kangas for the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be and he hereby is authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said Eino Kangas of said property upon the payment of said consideration of $100.00; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said One Hundred (6100.00) be credited to the proper highway fund. Presented by: Geo. B. Williams R. J. Nelson C. 0. Nelson Moved by Williams and seconded by Desparois to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by the,County Board of Bayfield County in Annual Session assembled this 13th day of November, 1940, that the County Highway Committee, be and is hereby authorized and permitted to attend the' Annual State Road School. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Highway Committee per diem and expense be paid from the County Highway Administration Fund. Geo. B. Williams ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 13, 1940 lt1oved by H. J. S. Hanson and seconded by Wallin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. tars. Carl Christofferson, member of the County Children's Board, appeared before the Board at this time and read the annual report of their work. Moved by H. C. Anderson and seconded by Arnold to accept the report and that it be placed on file. Motion carried. Moved by C. 0. Nelson and duly seconded to give a rising vote of thanks to the County Children's Board. Motion carried. Moved by Wallin and seconded by Arnold to send a message of good cheer, friendly greeting and a hope for a speedy recovery to R. F. C. Schultz, Chairman of the town of Namakagon. Motion carried. carried. Motion was duly made and seconded to adjourn until 1:30 P. M. Motion Meeting called to order at 1:30 P. M. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered roll call: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Sigurd Swanson, Herman Hanson, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, Ivlihalak, H. C. Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, K. R. Anderson, F'iege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, Squires. Total 34. The following petition was read: To the Honorable County Road and Bridge Committee & County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin: We, the undersigned taxpayers and residents of the TOWN of BARNES, hereby petition that the Town road known as the HAYWARD Road beginning at the Southwest corner of Section thirty-two (32) Township Forty-three (43) North Range Nine (9) West and extending North to Junction of County Trunks "A'* and "N" be annexed to the Bayf ield County Trunk System and make a County Trunk Highway and that the County Road and Bridge Committee take all possible means to have Sawyer County join with a County Trunk Road. This would make a direct route from State Trunk Highways 127", "774t and 11631" to Barnes and Iron River and Port Wing shortening the distance approxi- mately Twenty miles and opening up a Thru Highway. 52 Signers Moved. by A. C. Hanson -and seconded by Pease to accept the foregoing petition and place on file. Motion carried. The following petition was read: Washburn, Wisconsin November 13, 1940 To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: I hereby request permission to buy the NE SW, Section 28, Township 43, Range 9, and hereby offer the sum of $80.00 for same. Respectfully yours, Joe Cernohorsky Pine Grove Resort, Solon Springs, Wis. 28U ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 13, 1940 ��-1-- --- ---- Moved by Alcott and seconded by Pease to refer the foregoing petition to the Forestry Committee with power to act. Motion carried. The following report was read: TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BAYFIELD COUNTY, AND THE CO1g1MITTEE "ON FINANCE: It was recommended by the Committee on Education at their meeting on November 1, 1940, that the budget for the office of the County Superintendent for the year 1941 be as follows: Salary, County Superintendent Clerk Car Rental Travel Expense Office Maintenance Telephone Outlay for Typewriter: (This item will be reduced in amount equal to trade-in value of old machine.) $ 2,100.00 960.00 360.00 250.00 260.00 50.00 3,980.00 100.00 Signed: R. E.\ Rowley E. R. Phillips Edwin Nyberg Committee on Education Moved by H. C. Anderson and seconded by A. C. Hanson to receipt the fore- going report and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS the salary of the County Superintendent of Schools, now $1,800.00 per annum, is below that of other County officers of similar rank and service, and WHEREAS, this is the year when the County Board must set the salary of said officer for the next term of office beginning July 1, 1941, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: That the salary of the County Superintendent of Schools for the next term of office beginning July 1, 1941, be $2,100.00 per annum. Signed: R. E. Rowley E. R. Phillips Edwin Nyberg Committee on Education Moved by Rowley and seconded by Pease to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS the caretaker at the Mount Valhalla Minter Sports area -is a family man having four children now of school age; and ANl`TUAL MEETING OF UIE BA -FIELD COUNTY BOARD -------------- - - November 13,, 1940 , WHEREAS this area is in the Town of Bayview, Bayfield County, and remote from any school facilities, and WHEREAS the Bayview School District No. 1 is obligated-to,provide transportation of these children to some school and to pay the tuition -'of same while in attendance at school at considerable expense unless the home of said caretaker can be declared an illegal domicile according to the rules of the County Zoning Ordinance, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors go on record as (1) favoring the removal of'this family to a home nearer a school where tuition and transportation are eliminated or reduced, or (2) exchanging this caretaker for a non -family man, or (3) for the United States Forest Service to reimburse the Bayview School District No. 1 for a part of the cost of schooling for such caretaker's children. Signed R. E. Rowley' E. R. Phillips Edwin Nyberg Moved by Rowley and seconded by Nyberg to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read® WHEREAS, The State Highway Commission and Bayfield County, in accordance with the Statutes, a year ago, did provide Thirty-five thousand and no/100 ($35,000.00) for the improvement of State Trunk Highway Number 13, and WHEREAS, such sum has to date been withheld from expenditure, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in Annual Session this 13th day of November, 1940, that the State Highway Commission, and other constituted State authorities, be and are hereby petitioned and respectfully requested to release for expenditure said above sum. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the sum of Twenty Five Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($25,000®00), now being made available at this meeting in a similar manner, for the same improvement, be also released for expenditure, and that this Construc- tion Program agreed upon between the State and Bayfield County on State Trunk Highway Number 13-be carried out without further delay. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County Clerk of Bayfield County be and he is hereby directed to submit a copy of this Resolution to the State Highway Commission the State Budget Director and the Governor of the State of Wisconsin. Respectfully submitted, Geo. B. Williams C. 0. Nelson I. Moved by Arnold and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read; WHEREAS: John J. Frasier is the owner of a parcel of land in the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 12, Township Fifty ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 13,. 1940 Range Four, described in Vol. 90, Page 116, and WHEREAS, in 1932 the assessor made an�error-and assessed 'this piece of land incorrectly, causing it to appear delinquent -notwithstanding -the fact that he had a tax receipt for it, therefore-,, be it RESOLVED, that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be authorized to issue a quit claim deed, to John Frasier, to correct this error caused by double Certificate assessment, and.�the 1933 tax/amounting to $13.08 be charged back to the Town of Bay- ,, . field. I. L. A.lcott Moved by Alcott and seconded by Rivers to adopt the foregoing -resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: Be it hereby resolved that the following table of valuations covering Real and Personal Property as compiled by the Supervisor of Assessments, be and is hereby adopted as the equalized valuation of the taxing districts of Bayfield County for the year 1940: DISTRICT° Barksdale, Town Barnes tQ Bayfield '* Bayview '* Bell " Cable Clover " Delta '* Drummond " Eileen Hughes n Iron River " Kelly Keystone Lincoln Mason Hamekagon Orienta Oulu ' Pilsen " Port Wing n Pratt " Russell Tripp Washburn " Cable, Village Mason, it. AGGREGATE RECOMMENDED FULL VALUE 2,5602990 417,795 287,740 239,135 182,865 370,815 2.43,195 2019670 4379015 584,050 1209250 403,820 4669385 3089635 298,865 .431,570 564,125 228,830 5319960 2002505 4619525 3539725 1319675 204,52.5 280,675 1679360 1012305 283 ANNUAL MEETING OF -THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 13, 1940 DISTRICT Bayfield, City Washburn It AGGREGATE RECOMMENDED FULL VALUE County Total L. D. Pease K. R. Anderson S. E. Squires I. L. Alcott Harry C. Anderson 0 624,540 986,400 12,391,945 FINANCE & EQUALIZATION COMdITTEE Moved by Pease and seconded by Rowley to adopt the foregoing resolution. Moved by Johnson and seconded by C. 0. Nelson to amend the foregoing resolution to`read that the town of Bell valuation be set the same as last year. The motion to amend was lost. The original motion was then adopted. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the towns of Iron River and Tripp wish to construct a town highway on the town line, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner of certain lands across which the highway will be constructed, Therefore, in view of"the foregoing information, be it Hereby Resolved that the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issuea right of way release two rods wide off the north side of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW NW) of Section Four (4), Government Lot one (1) and the North Half of the Northeast (N2 NE) of Section Two (2), all in Township Forty-seven (47), Range Eight (8) West, and two rods wide off the south side of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE SE) of Section Thirty-two (32); the South Half of the South- west Quarter (S2 SW) and South Half of the Southeast Quarter (S2 SE), Section Thirty- three (33); the South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S2 SW) of Section Thirty-four (34) and the South Half of the Southeast (S2 SE) of Section Thirty-five (35), all in Township Forty-eight (48) North of Range Eight (8) West. A. G. Johnson J. F. Shykes Moved by Pristash and seconded by A. G. Johnson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read: To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: Referring to the matter of provision in the Court House for office space for the Pension and Relief Department, for which an appropriation of $1000.00 was made at the spring 1940 meeting, we beg to advise that the accommodations have been properly provided at a cost of approximately $900.00. Respectfully submitted: J. A. Rivers Halvor Reiten Joe Kasmarek Building & Grounds Committee ANNUAL_ MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY_ BOARD November 13. 1940 Moved by Pease and seconded by Arnold to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following report was read: TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: The following is our report for the year 1940: Court House Cleaning, painting and varnishing in the offices of County Clerk, Municipal Judge, Superintendent of Schools and Agricultural Agent have placed these offices in good appearance and condition as is the case of the other offices in which this kind of work has been done just recently. In this connection will state that we overran our Court House Budget some. We had planned to repair the roof and cupola but switched this to rearrangement of the steam pipe lines in the basement which more than offset the amount intended for the roof. -etc. Jail, Central Heating Plant, Garage.& Residence After careful checking, we find that with the exception of a few changes, these are in good condition. Our budget has been carefully figured over and has been submitted to the Finance Committee for consideration. For the information of the Board. members, will say that we have a -few vault doors for sale on a strictly cash basis. Mr. Tranmal will be glad to furnish information regarding these doors at any time. Respectfully submitted, J. A. Rivers Joe Kasmarek Halvor Reiten Building and Grounds Committee Moved by H. C. Anderson and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following report was read: Sheriff's Committee Report Nov. 7, 1940 To the Honorable County Board of Bayfield County: We, the undersigned committee on Sheriff, Justices and Constable bills, hereby submit the following report: We went over the Judge's records and found them correct as follows-: E. C. Hart, First Municipal Judge; $1414.76: P. J. Savage, Second Municipal Judge, $552.48: no justices. The Sheriff's committee recommends the Sheriff's Budget at $6300.00, Outlay $400.00 for trade-in on new car. County. We recommend an appropriation of $2600.00 for Municipal Courts of Bayf ield Andrew Pristash A. G. Johnson Ora C. Brink K) ANNUAL MEETING OF THE'BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD__ November 13. 1940 Moved by Pristash and seconded by Brink to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: A RESOLUTION instructing the District Attorney of Bayfield County to bring certain actions to quiet the title and obtain possession of certain lots in the City of Washburn on which said County has tax deed. RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County assembled at the annual meeting thereof this 13th day of November, 1940, that the District Attorney of said County be; and he is hereby directed and instructed to institute and prosecute such actions as may be necessary to quiet the title and obtain possession for Bayfield County to the following described real estate situated in the City of Washburn in said County, upon which said Bayfield County now holds tax deeds, to -wit: Lot numbered Four (4) and the North half (N2) of Lot numbered Five (5), of Block numbered Three (3). Lots numbered Seventeen and Eighteen (17 & 18) of Block numbered Five (5), Lot numbered Three (3) of, Block numbered Eight (8) , ��%`-� u L;, st- J.: Lots numbered Twent one 21 Twenty-two(22).Twenty-three (23)t Twent ,),�'four (24), Twenty-five (25), Twenty-six (26), Twerity-seven (27) and Thirty-two'(32) of Block numbered Twelve (12), Lots numbered Twenty-seven (27) and Twenty-eight (28) of Block numbered Thirteenv,. (13) , Lots numbered One and Two (1 & 2) of Block numbered Twenty-one (21),4, Lots numbered Nine (9), Ten (10), and Eleven (11) of Block numbered Twenty- two (22.) �(ir�tr.'''�,.'. �:.�, `�!AI Lot numbered Two (2) of Block numbered Twenty-three (23), !... Lot numbered Five (5) of Block numbered Twenty-f our (24) Lots numbered Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) of Block numbered Thirty-six (36) , Lot numbered One (1) of Block numbered Thirty-nine (39) , / I Lots numbered Twenty-two (22), Twenty-three (23) and Twenty-four (24) of Block numbered Fifty (50), Lot numbered Four (4) of Block numbered Fifty-two (52) , ,4 Lot numbered. One 1 of Block numbered Sixty all situated in the plat of the original townsite of the town (now city) of Washburn, as recorded and on file in the office of the Register of Deeds of Bayfield County; Also, Lots numbered One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) of Block numbered!`==t Fifteen (15) of Egan's Subdivision in said City of Washburn, according to the plat thereof as recorded and on file in the office of the Register of Deeds of Bayfield County; And that said District Attorney be, and he is hereby directed and instructed to proceed with such actions as soon as reasonably may be done so that the titles of the same may be placed in condition for sale, as there is now a scarcity of dwelling properties in said City of Washburn. S. ' E. Squires ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - _-- -`� — -- -- ----- November 13, 1940 Moved by Rivers and seconded by Brink.to,adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Thirty (30), Township Forty-four (44) North of Range Nine (9) West, and WHEREAS, the town of Barnes is desirous of obtaining title to these lands for town purposes, Therefore, Be it Herby Resolved that the, County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue a quit claim deed to the town of Barnes covering the aforesaid lands and that the County Treasurer be authorized and instructed to issue redemption to receipts or/assign the outstanding tax certificates to the town of Barnes, and that the total amount of taxes and tax certificates together with interest, fees and penalties be the consideration and that said consideration be written off from the excess delinquent tax account of the town of Barnes. L. D. Pease Moved by Pease and seconded by H. C. Anderson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Applications for the position of janitor from John Johnson, Iver Sorness and George Wasson were read and ordered placed on file. The first ballot for janitor was as follows: John Johnson 18 Sorness '13 Blank 1 Total 32 The Chair declared Johnson duly elected. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, it appears that it will be necessary to borrow money to meet current expenses of the County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County in regular session assembled this 13th day of November, 1940, that the County of Bayfield borrow an additional sum of money under and by virtue of authority in it vested by section 67.12 of the Statutes of 1937, at a rate of interest not to exceed 4% per annum. The amount of said loan or loans to be determined by the County Clerk, County Treasurer and Chairman of the County Board at such times and in such amounts as the need arises, not to exceed, however, the sum of $90,000.00, including temporary loans now outstanding; such sum or sums to be repaid in any event not later than the lst day of January following the next tax levy; said money to be borrowed and usedfor the purpose of paying current expenses of the County, such as, salaries, care of County charges and prisoners, expenses of maintaining the Courts, and other necessary and current expenses, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk and Chairman of the County Board are hereby authorized to execute and deliver the promissory note or notes of said County to evidence said loan or loans. There is hereby levied on all taxable property of Bayfield County the sum ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 13, 1940 of $90,000.00, together with such additional sums as shall be required to pay the interest on said sum at the agreed rate to -the time of repayment of said loan or loans,,said sum to be placed on the next _tax roll and collected as other taxes are collected. S. E. Squires Moved by Pease and seconded by H. C. Anderson to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, it has been necessary for the Bayfield County Fair Committee to rent special transformers for the Fair Grounds each year, and WHEREAS, it appeared to the Fair Committee that such rental would continue indefinitely without a reduction in cost as long as the Fair was held, and AREAS, it appeared to the Fair Committee that -it would be more economical to make some permanent arrangement regarding this service, the Fair Committee entered into an agreement with the Iron River Water, Light and Telephone Company to pay part of the cost (not to exceed $500.00) of wiring and installing permanent transformers, this cost to be extended over an eight -year period, the first installment to be paid after the 1940 Fair was held, and which has been paid out of the regular Fair appropria- tion, and WHEREAS, the Fair Committee further agreed to recommend to the Hayfield County Board that, in case no regular appropriation was made in any, one of the succeeding seven years for County Fair purposes, the County Board would annually appropriate a sum of sixty-two dollars and fifty cents ($62.50) until the County's share of the cost of these transformers and special wiring be paid, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board, assembled in session this 13th day of November, 1940, go on record as approving, in case no regular County Fair appropriation is made to fulfill this agreement, to make annually an appropriation of $62.50 for the next seven years. Bayfield County Fair Committee: Ed. Maryland Andrew Mihalak Herman Hanson S. E. Squires John Shykes R. 1. Holvenstot- Moved by Arnold and seconded by Maryland to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following petition and resolution were read; The undersigned Town Board of the Town of Kelly, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, herewith, wish to respectfully petition the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to grant County Bridge Aid to the Town of Kelly under Section 87.01 of the Statutes in the amount of One -Thousand (1,,,000,..00) ,Dollars. The proposed bridge will be located over White River in Section 29, Township 46, Range 5, on a highway maintainable by the Town of Kelly. The estimated total cost of said bridge is Two thousand $2,000.00) Dollars. 8 _ ANNUAL MEETING OF THE _BAYFIELD_COUNTY BOARD -- November 13 A 1940 The Town of Kelly in special meeting called for -that purpose has voted to construct said bridge and has provided for the town's portion of the - cost of such con- struction as is required by Section 87.01 Sub -section (1) of the Statutes. Eric 'S. Johnson S. E. Squires Chas. Poll-ch TOWN BOARD OF -SUPERVISORS' TOWN OF KELLY BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors regularly assembled this 13th day of November, 1940, that the attached petition of the Town Board of the Town of Kelly requesting County Bridge Aid under Section 87.01 of the statutes for the proposed construction of a bridge over White River on a town highway in Section 29, Township 46 North, Range 5 West, be granted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there be and is hereby appropriated the sum of one thousand dollars (01,000.00) to pay the County's share of the cost of constructing said bridge. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk is hereby directed to levy a tax, for the sum of one thousand dollars ($l,000.00) in the County tax levy as a special charge against the various Towns in Bayfield County as provided by Section 87.01 Sub- section (6) of the statutes. S. E. Squires Move& by Rowley and seconded by Rivers to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Pease,.Alcott, B. Johnson, Phillips, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Sigurd Swanson, Herman Hanson, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, Mihalak, H. C. Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, K. R. Anderson, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hansom, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, Squires. Total 31 NAYS: Buss, Thoresor_. Total 2. Motion carried. The following petition was read: The undersigned, all county employees at the Court House, hereby petition the Finance Committee of the Bayfield County Board for a raise in the present salary schedule covering said employees. It is our purpose to point out to the committee that until the onset of the depression, the employees were hired at a minimum of $60.00 a month and a maximum of $90.00 a month. Early in the.depression this schedule was reduced by 20%, part of it being restored at the May term of the County Board in 1937, the maximum then being set at $80.00 per month. We point out to the Finance Committee at this time the fact that the cost of living is rapidly increasing, that the county officials' salaries have been restored officials to the maximum received by the/prior to the depression, and ask that the Finance Com- mittee at this -time recommend to the County Board, that the schedule upon which salaries were paid before the depression be restored; that is, a minimum of $60,00 a month with a $5.00 raise at the end of the first three months' period and a $5.00 raise at the end of each six months' period thereafter until a maximum of $90.00 per month is reached, all raises, of course, to be upon the recommendation of the particular officials in charge. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 13, 1940 It is agreed further that we will put in such extra hours as deemed reasonable and necessary by the Department head in charge. This increase is to take effect beginning January 1, 1941. Approved Nov. 8, 1940: L. D. Pease K. R. Anderson I. L. Alcott, S. E. Squires Harry Co Anderson FINANCE COMMITTEE Respectfully submitted: Naomi Nelson Ruth MacDonald Mabel Moland Dorothy Schultz Nellie Soronen Betty MacDonald Ethelwyn ' Stock Nora Olson Marjorie Patzer Moved by Pease and seconded by Desparois to approve and adopt the request set forth in the foregoing petition as recommended by the Finance Committee. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, many sheep owners of Bayfield County have requested the services of a portable sheep dipping tank as a means of increasing the income from sheep, and WHEREAS, these sheep owners have petitioned the Agricultural Committee to provide this service which necessitates an outlay of $250.00 which the above mentioned sheep owners have agreed to liquidate in from three to four years by paying to the Agricultural Committee a stated amount per head, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that there is hereby appropriated and placed at the disposal of the Agricultural Committee the sum of $250.00 for the purpose of purchasing a portable sheep dipping tank for service within the County, with the understanding that'the Agricultural Committee return to the General Fund the net income from such services each year until the above qpropriation is liquidated in full. County Agricultural Committee: Ed. Maryland John F. Shykes Herman Hanson Andrew Mihalak S. E. Squires Moved by Rowley and seconded by Phillips to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following petition and resolution were read: To the Honorable Members of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors:— We, the undersigned Town Board of the town of Delta,hereby petition your Honorable Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County to appropriate a sum of money to defray half of the expense to rebuild the so-called Murray's dam at the lower end of the Pike Lake Chain located in Sec. 3, Township 46 N., Range 8 W. which is in a decayed condition and has started to underwash, thereby endangering the water level 290 ANNUAL MEETING OF''THE' BAYTIELD .:COUNTY BOARD ----Toverzber 13_; .1940 - - --- - i and fish life of the lekes: _Signed: Art C'. Hanson, Chairman Henry Horstman, Supervisor tuke Mullin, Supervisor BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this 13th day of November, 1940, that the sum of.Four Hundred Fifty ($450.00) Dollars be and it is hereby appropriated for the purpose of paying for one-half of the expense of rebuilding Murray's Dam at the lower end of the Pike Lake Chain of lakes located in Section Three (3), Township Forty-six (6) North of Range Eight (8) West, to meet a similar appropriation to be made by the Town Board of the town of Delta for the purpose of defraying the other half of the repairing of said dam. H. C. Fiege Geo. B. Williams Vic. C. Wallin Moved by Fiege and seconded by Desparois to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Moved by Unseth and seconded by Pease to appropriate Thirty-seven ( 37.00) Dollars for a three -year's subscription to the Wisconsin Taxpayer for each County Board Member. Motion carried. Moved by Pease and seconded by Mihalak to receive and place on file the annual report of the -County Superintendent of Schools. Motion carried. The following report was read: Following is the financial report of the 1940 Bayfield County Fair Com- mittee as of November 1, 1940. Five hundred dollars were borrowed from the County which will be returned as soon as the State Aid is received, together 'wits. the..unuse,d portion of the appropriation which will amount to approximately $701.59. " Receipts Disbursements Advertisements 294.50 Advertising $ 155.70 Aid - State 1,408.44 Judges 63.50 Aid - County 29500.00 Maintenance buildings 26.40 and grounds Gate Receipts 798.85 Officers' salaries 268.78 Grandstand and bleachers 650.20 Plant and equipment 50.00 Space and privileges 227.75 Police, gate, other help 470.24 Exhibitors' fees 124.00 Postage, express, freight 34.35 Refund from 1939 9.82 Premiums 1,760.55 Printing 304.25 Repayment loans 500.00 Ribbons and badges 128.55 Special acts and 1,069.10 features Superintendents 56.99 Supplies 186.03 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ------ ---- -- - ------ November 13, 1940 - - ---- - --- ------- -------- Disbursements Telephone and telegraph 170.78 Water, light, power Membership in Wis. Assoc. 7.50 of Fairs Bank charges 9.25 Miscellaneous 4.00 Clerical help 10.00 Total Disbursements 5,311.97 Total Receipts $ 6,013.56 Respectfully submitted, Bayf ield County Fair Committee C. D. Arnold, Pres.' Andrew Mihalak Ed. Maryland D. L. Brace S. E. Squires Herman Hanson R. J. Holvenstot John Shykes Moved by Wallin and seconded by Knight to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. Moved by H. J. S. Hanson and seconded by Unseth to accept and place on file the report of the Director of Public Welfare. Motion carried. Moved by Arnold and duly seconded to adjourn until 10 A. M., November 14. Motion carried. z9z ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1940 Meeting called.to order at 10 A. M. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered roll call: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Sigurd Swanson, Herman Hanson, Liebman, Maryland, Liihalak, H. C. Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, K. R. Anderson, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, Squires. Total 30. The following resolution was read: x WHEREAS, Bayfield County is required to advance cash for the payment of old age assistance and reimbursement by the State and Federal Government is made after the end of each quarter, and WHEREAS, Hayfield County is required to advance twenty (20%) percent of such pensions until tax collection of the ensuing year; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayf ield County Board of Supervisors in annual _. session this 14th day of November, 1940, that a revolving fund of forty-six thousand ($469000.00) dollars is hereby appropriated from�the general fund for payment of old age assistance for the ensuing year, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that amounts received from the State and Federal Government and collected from the taxing districts for the reimbursement of the funds advanced by Bayfield County for old age assistance shall be paid into the general fund of Bayf ield C ounty . X- A. J. U seth Henry J. S. Hanson Moved by Unseth and seconded by Desparois to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES; Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Des- parois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Sigurd Swanson, Herman Hanson, Liebman, Maryland, Mihalak, H. C. Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, K. R. Anderson, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Aiably,Brink, Squires. Total 30. NAYS' None / Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS the County Board in the ordinance creating the Public Welfare Department adopted at the May meeting, 1940, authorized the Public Welfare Committee to select a Director and WHEREAS this same ordinance authorized the Committee and Director to select the personnel of the Public Welfare Department and WHEREAS the Director and all other personnel in the Public Welfare Depart- ment must be selected from lists certified to the County by the Bureau of Personnel and WHEREAS such lists have not yet been received by the County and WHEREAS the ordinance passed at the May meeting did not list the number of persons to be hired by the Public Welfare Committee, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Public Welfare Committee and the Director shall select the following personnel to be employed in the Public Welfare Department, namely; a case supervisor, four case workers or visitors, and three stenographers or ANNUAL ]MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - November 14. 1940 clerks. The above number of persons to be the maximum to be employed by the committee and Director. The committee and Director are hereby authorized to hire a lesser number of persons if in their opinion the Department can be satisfactorily run with less personnel. A. J. Unseth Henry J. S. Hanson Moved by H. J. S. Hanson and seconded by Arnold to adopt the foregoing resolution. ]Motion carried. The following resolution was read; WHEREAS the Public Welfare Department is handling a greatly increased volume of surplus commodities and WHEREAS the Federal Surplus Corporation has informed the Department that this greatly increased volume of commodities will continue indefinitely and WHEREAS the number of hot lunch projects in the County has increased the volume of commodities handled and WHEREAS the Department is'now distributing commodities with a 1937 short - wheel base truck and WHEREAS most of the commodities must be -hauled from Hayward necessitating extra trips because of the -small truck and WHEREAS large loads are to be distributed often necessitating two trips to one locality.and WHEREAS there is to the credit of the Public Welfare Department 190 unexpended appropriation for 1940 and $376.63 in the old Public Welfare bank account which the auditors credited to surplus commodities and WHEREAS these two sums in addition to the present truck would enable the committee to purchase a new long -wheel base truck for commodity distribution, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors. irAnnual session this 14th day of November that the Public Welfare Committee is hereby authorized to use the above mentioned funds for the purchase of a new truck and be it further resolved that the Public Welfare Committee is hereby authorized to purchase such truck at their earliest convenience. A. J. Unseth Henry J. S. Hanson ](loved by Unseth and seconded by Brink to adopt the foregoing resolution. ]Motion carried. The following resolution was read: ,X RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session this 14th day of November, 1940, that the taxing districts of said county be and they are hereby required to reimburse Bayfield County for all amounts of money paid in Old Age Assistance and Burial Costs to its residents less the amount received by said County from the State and Federal Government pursuant to section 49.38 of the Statutes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amounts to be raised and paid by each city, town and village to reimburse Bayfield County as herein provided, shall be the amounts set forth in the attached schedule marked Exhibit "A", and made a part 294 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BaYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1940 hereof in the column entitled "20f County Share." Taxing District 20County Share Barksdale (town) 977.50 Barnes (town) '288.60 Bayf ield ('city) 39302.10 Bayfield (town) 1,656.20 Bayview (town) 1,428.00 Bell (town) 853.05 Cable (town) 708.00 Cable (village) 505.70 Clover (town) 696.70 Delta (town) 273.60 Drummond (town) 2,437.30 Eileen (town) 19037.90 Hughes (town) 807.60 IronRiver (town) 27649.20 Kelly (town) 10102.40 Keystone (town) 215.40 Lincoln (town) 391.20 Mason (town) 11,118.30 Mason (village 379.40 Namakegon (town 452.70 Orienta (town) 504.70 Oulu (town) 12139.20 Pilsen (town) 387.60 Port Wing (town) 10979.95 Pratt (town) 1,381.11 Russell (town) 19222.30 Tripp (town) 246.10 Washburn (city) 6,772.25 Washburn (town) 1,090_.70 $ 36,004.76 A. J. Unseth Henry J. S. Hanson Moved by H. C. Anderson and seconded by Knight to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Conservation Department in carrying out its program of fire protection and suppression deems it necessary to construct new fire lanes from time to time through County Forests, and AREAS, Chapter 390 of the Session Laws of 1939 authorizes the -County Board to delegate their authority to the Chairman or Mice -Chairman of the County Board or any authorized committee thereof to direct the County Clerk to issue easements for such highway right of way as they deem necessary over and across County owned lands in regularly created County Forest Units, 95 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE B_AYFIELD•COUNTY CLERK ----------------November 14. 1940 Now, Therefore, in.view of the foregoing facts, Be It Hereby Resolved that the Forestry Committee of this County Board be authorized in accordance with Chapter 390 of the Session Laws of 1939 to investigate the request for such highway right of way and if they find it advisable that they direct the County Clerk to issue easements covering County owned lands over which said proposed highways will cross. J. F. Shykes Moved by Liebman and seconded by Maryland to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. Mr. 'Miller of the Department of Taxation appeared before the County Board'at this time and gave an explanation of the procedure in assessment of real and personal property and their method of arriving at equalized values. Williams, Johnson, Nelson and Phillips arrived at this time. R. L. Schindler, County Service Officer, appeared before the County Board and read his report. Moved by Wallin and seconded by H. T. S. Hanson to accept the Service Officer's report and place on file. Motion carried. Moved by Alcott and seconded by A. C. Hanson to accept and place on file the annual report of the -County Agricultural Agent. Motion carried. The following report was read: The Mediation Board hereby submits the following report from November 283, 1939'to October 29, 1940: Nov. 28, 1939 Colby T. Stafford Town of Cable Redeemed Nov. 28, 1939 George D. Jones It '* Bell Redeemed Dec. 29, 1939 Ingeborg Swanson " " Kelly Foreclosed July 25, 1940 Burt Noreng - Sand Island " " Bayfield Foreclosed Aug. 31 1940 Earl Kirkwood tr It Bayfield Foreclosed Aug. 16, 1940 Bonnie N. Killeen " " Namakagon Aug. 16, 1940 Liebman Land & Lbr. Co. '* n Namakagon Redeemed Oct. 25, 1940 Lillian Johnson 't 't Eileen Foreclosed Oct. 25, 1940 George Vestor " " Oulu Foreclosed 3 -- Redeemed 6 -- Foreclosed Members of the Mediation Board Committee R. J. Nelson C. D. Arnold Moved by Knight and seconded by Wallin to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following report was read: ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1940-------- _--- Washburn, Wis. November 1, 1940 To the Hon.. County Board, Bayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen; We the undersigned Committee on Illegal Taxes, beg leave to report, that we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same, and that the amount be charged back to the res- pective taxing districts as designated. NAME OF CLAIMANT DESCRIPTION AND YEAR CERT. ALLOWED DEL. TAX INT. & REASON OF OF NO. FACE OF CHARGE BACK. CERT. FEE ILLEGALITY SALE CERT. TO DIST. Bayfield County 2- A. in SE corner SE NE, Sec. 20-50-5. Should be 2a A. In NE corner- SE NE 1935 1170 .79 .38 .41 Bayfield County 22 A. in SE corner SE NE, Sec. 20-50-5. Should be 2JA. in NE corner SE NE 1936 -1390 .77 .38 .39 Bayfield County 2j A. in SE corner SE NE, Sec. 20-50-5. Should be 21 A. in NE corner SE NE 1937 1141 .36 .36 Bayfield County .2j A. in SE - corner SE NE, Sec. 20-50-5. Should be 22A. in NE corner SE NE 1938 1569 .34 .34 (Town of Bayfield) $ 2.26 1.46 .80 Bayfield County Parcel beginning at the center of Sec-. 7-47-8 and running on the quarter line to the west line of Lea St., thence south to the north line of. a highway running from Drummond's Addition to Iron River, thence west on the north line of said highway to the quarter line running north and south, thence north on said quarter line to center of said section and place of beginning. Said tract containing about 3/8 of an acre, more or less 1939 2883 37.85 37.85 (Town of Iron Double Assessment River) Bayfield County SW S7Tj Sec. 35-48-8. Should be Lot 1 1937 2927 2.06 2.06 Bayfield County SE SW, Sec. 35-48-8 Should be Lot 2 1937 2928 2.06 2.06 Bayfield County SW SW, Sec. 35-48-8 Should be Lot 1 1938 3715 1.15 1.15 Bayfield Gounty SE SW, Sec. 35-48-8 Should be Lot 2 1938 3716 1.15 1.15 Bayfield County SW SW, Sec. 35-48-8 Should be Lot 1 1939 3198 2.18 2.18 Bayfield County SE SWI Sec. 35-48-8 Should be Lot 2 1939 3199 2.18 2.18 (Town of Tripp) 10.78 10.78 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY •BOARD ---------------------------- ---------------------- --- ------------- November 14, 1940 -- —------- - --- -- -------------- --- I NAME OF CLAIMANT Bayfield County (Vil. of Cable) Bayfield County Bayfield County Bayfield County Bayfield County Bayfield County Bayfield County Bayfield County DESCRIPTION AND YEAR REASON OF OF ILLEGALITY SALE Parcel in SE NW dese. in Vol. 51 page 2, Sec. 18- 43-7 . Exempt for` purpose of ball park by.Village Board 1939 Lot 13, Block 599 Building located on Lot 12 and 13 1934 Lot 13, Block 59, Building located CERT. ALLOWED DEL. TAX INT. & NO. FACE OF CHARGE BACK CERT. FEE CERT. TO DIST. 2002 7.89- 7.89 7223 149.89 139.75 On Lot 12 and 13 1935., , -4981 141.22 .128.63 Lot 13, Block 59, Building located on Lot 12 and 13 1936 Lot 13, Block 59, Building located on Lot 12 and 13 1937 Lot 13, Block 59, Building located on Lot 12 and 13 1938 Lot 13, Block 59, Building located on Lot 12 and 13 1939 Lot 4, Block 104. Northern Wisconsin Power Company Prop- erty. Assessed by 5156 139.28 128.63 4310 143.33 143.33 5320 115.00 115.00- 4712 115.00 115.00 10.14 12.59 10.65 State Tax Commission 1936 5365 4.14 3.50 .64 ( City of Bayfield) 807 .86 773.8434.02 Art C. Hanson Hans Ambly H. A. Frels Moved by Ambly and seconded by A. C. Hanson to adopt.the foregoing report and recommendations. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: AREAS, Section 9, Township 49, Range 7 West, with the exception of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter, is County owned, and WHEREAS, a portion of said.land would be of value to the town of Clover as a municipal woodlot, and AREAS, the remainder could be placed permanently on the tax roll by conveyance to individual owners for woodlot purposes, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Clerk and the County Treasurer issue a quit claim deed to the town of Clover for the above mentioned County -owned land and charge the face of the certificates to the excess delinquent tax account of the town of Clover. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District Attorney eooperate.with the Town Board of the town of Clover in providing a form of restrictive deed to be used by the town board of the town of Clover in conveying parcels of said land to private indivi- duals for woodlot purposes. E. R. Phillips. Moved by Phillips and seconded by Rivers to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. ANNUAL -MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14,.1940 The following resolution was read: WHEREAS a program of tuberculin testing and x-raying of school employees has been advocated to school boards by the County Health Committee,, and WHEREAS this program has been proved.to be valuable both to the pupils and to school employees in the prevention of tuberculosis, and WHEREAS inquiry has been made concerning whether or not Bayfield County employees have -been asked to take the same precautionary measure, WHEREAS county employees meet and are exposed to a number of people in their daily work, and ,IN AS MUCH AS the County Health Committee, school boards, P.T.A. and other organizations are cooperating and sponsoring this health measure, . THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED: That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at their annual November session of the County Board stress the value of the tuberculosis program by taking an active part in it themselves. It is also their wish and desire that all personnel connected with the county administration, including pe3ZOns employed on W.P.A..projects sponsored by the County, be requested to participate in the tuberculosis program by submitting to the health committee a certificate of examination showing that he or she is free from tuberculosis in the communicable form. This request is made to promote better citizenship and health of our people. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of this resolution be sent to A. J. Thelan, Secretary of the Wisconsin County Boards Association for consideration with the view in mind of having a state law made making it compulsory for all public employees in the state of Wisconsin to be tuberculin tested. D. S. Knight Moved by Pristash and -seconded by Rowley to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County has been conducting an extensive tuberculosis program through schools and clinics, and WHEREAS, the death rate from tuberculosis in the County has decreased from eleven to six in the last five years, and WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the County Health Committee an instance where a positive open case of tuberculosis has been allowed to go and come as she pleases, residing at times with a son who has five small children, and WHEREAS, the County Health Committee asks the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at their November session of the County Board to request the support of the County Boards Association and the State Board of Health, therefore BE IT RESOLVED: That the County Boards Association and the State Board of Health be requested to assist in the prevention of tuberculosis by urging the necessary legislation making hospitalization or isolation of positive open cases of tuberculosis mandatory. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: -That copies of this resolution be sent to the County Boards Association and to the State'Board of Health. D. S. Knight 299 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November !;,_i949 Moved by Alcott and seconded by Knight to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read: TO THE HON.COUNTY BOARD, BAYFIELD COUNTY, WIS, Gentlemen: We the undersigned Committee on Finance & Miscellaneous, beg leave to report, that we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth'in the column marked "allowed'* and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same. NAME OF CLAIMANT Town of Pratt` City of Washburn Town of Pratt City of Washburn City of Washburn Vilas County La Crosse County Ashland County Ashland County Ashland County Vilas County Ashland County Ashland County Ashland County Ashland County Barron County Town of Iron River Town of Iron River Town of Bayview Alvin E. Bratley F. G. Johnson` Albert Westin' W. G. Ziemer Ashland County L. D. Pease K. R. Anderson S. E. Squires I. L. Alcott Harry E. Anderson PURPOSE Care of George Brokaw Care of Magnus Anderson (Transient Poor) Care of Clarence Bannister (Charge back to Town of Mason) Care of Jens Berg (Transient Poor) Fuel for Pioneer Building 'Welfare Dept Care of George Artishaw (Charge back to Town of Russell) Care of Margaret Neal (Charge back to Town of Bayfield)'' Care of Emma Boutin Care of Alton Bovee Care of John Gustafson Care of Vernon Defoe (Charge town of Russell) Care of Mrs. Willard Richardson (Charge Town of Kelly) Care of Kate Stefan Care of William Soulier Care of Mrs. William Soulier Care of Ida Oberg Rent of Court Room Care of James Owens (Charge Milwaukee County) Care of Isiah Gray (Transient Poor) Coroner's fees & mileage Examination of Earl T. Turner Examination of Bessie E. Pease Care of Soldiers' Graves 1 ram killed by dogs Care of Robert Plunkett CLAIMED $ 269.77 48.00 60.00 25.00 30.94 53.59 273.74 5.45 16.20 21.99 28.65 15.00 19.20 12.00 88.45 559.60 50.00 152.08 31.00 92.90 10.00 10.00 25.00 20.00 30.00 ALLOWED 269.77 48.00 60.00 25.00 30.94 53.59 273.74 Disallow Di sallow Disallow 28.65 15.00 Disallow Disallow Disallow Disallow 50.00 152.08 31.00 92.90 10.00 10.00 25.00 15.00 Disallow ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD --- - --- ----- November 14, 1940 - -- --- --------- NAME OF CLAIMANT Ashland County Village of Mason T. R. Spears 0 Towh of Iron River P. J. Savage Estabrook Swanson Agency George Berger Douglas County Douglas County Douglas County Douglas County Douglas County Douglas County Douglas County City of Washburn City of Washburn City of Washburn T. R. Spears Ashland County Ashland County Ashland County Lawrence Blanchard Joe SusienkA Douglas County Fred Nordell Walter T. Norlin E. L. Basden Kenosha County Orienta School PURPOSE Care of Lambert Bourgo Care of Peter Field (Transient Poor) Examination of Deceased: Adolph Donizigger Anthony Stone Conrad T. Johnson Steve Nlaclola Olaf Axel Almberg Anna Hovanek Care -of Chas. L. Burkhart (Charge Town of Oulu) Premium on surety bond Premium on surety bond Refund of tax double payment Care of John Danielson, Sr. ( Charge to town of Port Wing) Care of Mrs. Andrew Peterson (Charge to town of Oulu) Care of Elmer Colby (Charge to town of Oulu) Care of Oliver Lehtimaki (Charge to town of Oulu) Care of Mrs. Emma Freske (Charge to town of Barksdale) Care of Emma Bain Care of Jack Gonia Fuel Pioneer Building Care of Jens Berg (Transient Poor) Care of Pat Anderson (Transient Poor) Examination of Tom Starcevich, deceased 20% O.A.A. Matt Then (Charge town of Eileen) 20% O.A.A. Anna Berres (Charge town of Mason) Care of Mary Baehr (Charge town of Barksdale) Justice Fees Damage by dogs to cows tail Care of Lillian & Ruth Henry 2 sheep killed by dogs Expense attending Convention Allow providing they send check for $75.66 now owing by A. W. MacLeod. Note: Allowed in full providing a check is re- ceived for the amount of $75.66 now due the county by MacLeod Care of Francis Barber CLA13AED 1.50 120.00 30.00 44.50 5.00 .86 7.00 76.60 64.20 38.42 89.69 15.24 30.70 183.31 15.42 25.00 30.00 5.00 14.10 12.45 37.00 3.00 25.00 202.09 20.00 13.00 138.68 33.10 ALLOWED Disallow 120.00 30.00 44.50 5.00 .86 7.00 76.60 64.20 38.42 89.69 15.24 Disallow Disallow 15.42 25.00 _ I 30.00 - 5.00 14.10 12.45 Disallow 3.00 Disallow Disallow 16.00 13.00 (see note) 138.68 Disallow Dist. #1 Tuition for Joseph Krog 46.72, Disallow Tuition for Chester Bierl 45.50 Disallow Mooed by Pease and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to adopt the foregoing report and recommendations of the Finance Committee. Motion carried. . ANNUAL MEETING OF THE_BA_YF_IELD COUNTY BOARD -- - ---— --- November 14, 1940------_-_-�-- The following report was read: To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: Reference is made to the correspondence of Charles P. Toy -regarding the redemption of the following descriptions: N2 SE, SW SE Section 22, 'Up"N79 SE MV, N2 SW, Section 26, all in Township 49, Range 8, Nest. Upon consultation with the Chairman of the town Board of Orienta, we find that he does not favor the redemption of these lands inasmuch as most of them are entered under the Forest Crop Law, and furthermore are restricted for forestry purposes. He states that the Town Board would not favor removing the zoning res- trictions from these descriptions, hence the property would not be of much value to the former owners. Rather he suggests that Mr. Joy be advised to purchase County -owned lands in either Section 14 or Section 23, Township 49, Range 9, and advises that the Town Board of Orienta would act favorably upon removing the zoning. restrictions from these two sections in order that Mr. Joy might make some use of the land so purchased. Bayfield County Forestry Committee: John Shykes C. D. Arnold, Chairman Andrew Llihalak Herman Hanson S. E. Squires Ed, Maryland Moved by A. C. Hanson and seconded by Pease to adopt the foregoing report. Motion carried. Moved by Unseth and seconded by Arnold to adjourn until 1:30 P. M. Motion carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P. M..by Chairman Squires® The following members answered roll call: Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Sigurd Swanson, Herman Hanson, Liebman, C. Om Nelson, Maryland, Mihalak, H. C. Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, K. R. Anderson, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, Squires. Total 32. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS we believe that there should be a sewing project in Bayfield County as such a project gives work to women who are not otherwise employed and because the garments made on such a project are needed within the County and WHEREAS the material necessary for such project can be purchased from the money received from the State for direct relief and WHEREAS the rent of a building, heat, and lights can be supplied by those -communities having persons employed on such a project, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 14th day of November, 1940, that the Director of Public Welfare, Chairman of the County Board, and County Clerk be hereby authorized to sign the forms for a sewing project as the sponsoring agent. A. G. Johnson Moved by Johnson and seconded by Maryland to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1940 The following resolution was read: WHEREAS Bayfield-County as well as the other northern counties of -the-State are finding the 20% of the cost- of' Old Age Assistance which is charged back to -the counties an ever increasing burden although this,20% is charged back to -the, -taxing districts there remains each year an unsatisfied- amount due from the taxing districts which becomes a burden to the eounty'and WHEREAS the taxing units are also finding it impossible to meet this in- creasing cost of the 20% for the Old Age Assistance and WHEREAS there seems to be a growing demand throughout the country for bigger and better pensions and WHEREAS a remedy for the above situation lies with the legislature at Madison and Congress at Washington, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this 14th day of November, that the Bayfield County Board petition its representatives at Madison and Washington to arrange for the financing of Old Age Assistance grants by the Federal and.State government relieving the County and local taxing units,of,all responsibility for the payment of any part of the amounts paid for Old Age Assistance, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED.that a copy of this resolution be sent to Assemblyman Laurie Carlson, Bayfield; and State Senator Phillip Nelson; United States Representative Bernard Gehrmann; and United States Senators Robert LaFollette.and Alexander Wiley, Henry J. S. Hanson A. J. Unseth Moved by Maryland and seconded by Herman Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: jUIEREAS, the County of Bayfield is indebted to the town of Bell in the sum of Three Hundred Eighty-five ($385.00) Dollars from excess delinquent tax collections plus the sum of One Hundred Twenty-five ($125.00) Dollars collected from the estate of a recipient of old age assistance -in the town of Bell, making a total of Five Hundred Ten ($510,00) Dollars due the town of Bell from Bayfield County at the present time, .and WHEREAS, the town of Bell's share of old age assistance included in the present tax apportionment amounts to Eight Hundred Fifty-three ($853.00) Dollars, leaving a net due the County by the town of Bell of Three Hundred Forty-three ($343.00) Dollars, and WHEREAS, the County has collected from the sale of forest products, on lands within the town of Bell, the sum of Twenty-one Hundred and Fifty ($2150.00) Dollars, and WHEREAS, it appears that the County's equity in the delinquent taxes against such lands has been completely satisfied, be NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the town .of Bell/given sufficient credit from such proceeds for the sales of,forest products as will pay the amount of Three Hundred Thirty-four ($343.00) Dollars due the County from the Town of Bell on their old age assistance apportionment as aforesaid. Bernard Johnson 303 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Rovember 14, 1940 Moved by Johnson and seconded by Alcott to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Phillips, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Brink. Total 7. NAYS: Buss, Pease, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Sigurd Swanson, Herman Hanson, Maryland, Mihalak, H. C. Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, K. R. Anderson, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly., Squires. Total 27. Motion lost. Moved by Wallin and seconded by Shykes to refer the questions raised in the foregoing resolution to the District Attorney for an opinion. Motion carried. The following petition was read: July 26, 1940 Chairman, Bayfield County Board Dear Sir: Washburn, Wisconsin I find that your County has taken tax deed upon the following des- cription in Bayf field County: S/2 SE/4, Sec. 1, Twp. 51 N., R. 4 IV. For the information of your Board I wish to inform you that the above description was allotted to me on May 8, 1897, for which I received a restricted patent from the Government, with the provision that said land 'shall not be sold, leased or in any manner alienated without the consent of the Secretary of the Interior." Theref ore, in view.of the trust patent issued and the fact that the never restrictions imposed therein have/been removed, it is my contention that the County erred in issuing the tax deed. I therefore petition your Honorable Board to take such steps as are necessary to cancel the tax deeds and remove the above description from the tax rolls. Frank Baker Great Lakes Indian Agency Ashland, Wis. Moved by A. C. Hanson and seconded by Rowley to grant the foregoing petition and to charge the tax back to the town of Russell. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: TO THE WISCONSIN COUNTY BOARDS ASSOCIATION: WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Work Projects Administration, has tentatively outlined a plan for the consolidation of County Records Projects, designed for sponsorship by the Wisconsin County Boards Association, and 1MREAS, the consolidated plan includes the many types of work now being done and yet to be done in correcting, preserving and modernizing existing County records, and will provide authorization for the expenditure of Federal funds for County Records Projects as the several counties may select for operation from time to time, and WHEREAS, administrative delays in the initiation of such projects from 30 ANNUAL MEET_ ING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14,' 1940 time to time may be eliminated through -sponsorship by the Wisconsin County Boards Association, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED., and the Wisconsin County Boards Association is directed by the Bayfiel d County Board of Supervisors, to make proposal to the Wisconsin Work Projects Administration for sponsorship on a Statewide basis, of a Consolidated County Records Project. -Further that a copy of this resolution be directed to the Wisconsin County Boards Association at its offices in the City of Madison, Wisconsin S. E. Squires. Moved by Rivers and seconded by A. C. Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following communication was read: CITY OF WASHBURN Office of Mayor Washburn,Wis. County Board Gentlemen: Bayfield Co., Wisconsin November 8, 1940 The Common Council of the City of Washburn feel that as the use -of the Pioneer School Building for offices is as much a County affair as the City, there should be an appropriation by the County Board to share some of the expense of its maintenance. The City supplies Janitor service, lights, water, part of the fuel, repairs and upkeep of building, and supplies, all of which has cost the City about 01,000.00 per year. We would request that the County Board appropriate $300.00 for their share of the maintenance cost. Very truly yours, A. I. Lien, City Clerk Moved by Unseth and seconded by Knight to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Sigurd Swanson, Herman Hanson, Liebman, Mihalak, H. C. Anderson, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Squires. Total 22. NAYS: Alcott, Wallin, Rowley, K. R. Anderson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers,, Ambly, Brink. Total 9. Motion carried. The following report was read: ANNUAL MEETING_ OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- ------__.--------November 14, 1940 ----------- 3o INDIGENT SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' RELIEF COMMISSION OF BAYFIELD COUNTY Bayfield, Wisconsin Nov. 143, 1940 To the Chairman and Members Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: The following is a consolidated report of this commission for the year just past, by action of this commission it was decided to render a consolidated report instead of a report in detail, and to have the commission books open to whoever wished for a report in detail. From our last year report it shows that we had a balance of $618.23 for this past year. Of this amount $137.80 was the cost of administration, which in - eluded the following: Se.c'y. Salary, mileage, postage, telephone, etc. 71.32 Member commissioner expense Per Diem, mileage Postage, etc. 32.01 Member Commissioner expense, Per Diem, Mileage, Postage, etc. 29.47 Bond premium 5.00 $137.80 This commission received and reviewed thirty-one applications from all over the County, of this number it was necessary to disallow seven applications due to various reasons. Twenty-four applications were allowed which were worthy cases and in each case were found necessary. These cases as charged against the commission account in vouchers issued, and authorization for aid outstanding amounts to Five Hundred and thirty-one dollars ($531.06) and six cents, which shows the accounts $50.63 in the red at this date. Respectfully submitted, By J. M. Gordon, Seely. Moved by Pristash and seconded by Brink to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following report was read: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FINANCE.AND BUDGET COMMITTEE INovember 8, 1940 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: We,submit the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning'January 1, 1941, and recommend its adoption. We call your attention to the fact that the short loans in the nature of notes have been reduced to $10,000.00 as of November 1, 1940. This was made possible due to better tax collections. It should also be noted that the cash on hand as of November 1, 1940 was less than a year ago. The foregoing facts together with a larger highway cash balance explains why the short loans were so small as of November 1. The total financial structure of the County as to assets and liabilities remains about ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYF'IELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1940 the same: In other words, we are not in any better shape to assume new and increased obligations than we have been for several years. The valuation of the County has been increased $392,765.00 over a year ago, allowing an increase of-$3,927.65-in County taxes-. The increase in Bayfield County's share of Sanatorium costs will use up the major portion of our increased income from real and personal property taxes. It is important that all appropriations be included in the budget. If not, it means increased borrowing. Recommendations are being made separately for other than the budget in the form of resolutions.. EX-PENDITURES 1940 1941 Bud et Recommended STATE TAX: Forestry Tax under Sec. 70.58 (2) 2,399.84 29478.39 GENERAL GOVERNMENT: - County Board 3,500.00 39,500.00 County Clerk 30900.00 49600.00 County Treasurer 3,900.00 3,900.00 Assessment 22600.00 25,400.00 District Attorney 2,500.00 29500.00 Divorce Counsel 100.00 100.00 Surveyor 5.00 5.00 County Court 31300.00 31100.00 Municipal Court 29500.00 29600.00 Juvenile Court 300.00 600.00 Circuit Court 32,500.00 3,500.00 Coroner .400.00 300.00 Courthouse 3,500.00 3,300.00 Elections 29600.00 700.00 Special Accounting•& Auditing 800.00 9001.00 Compensation Insurance 350.00 350.00 Unemployment Insurance None None State Deposit Insurance 250.00 150.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY: Sheriff 69300.00 6,100.00 Register of Deeds 3,300.00 32300.00 County's Share of Cost of Fighting Forest Fires 500.00 500.00 HEALTH,•CONSERVATION AND SANITATION: Vital Statistics 275.00 275.00 County Tuberculosis Sanatorium 182000.00 202000.00 County Nurse 39225.00 3,475.00 Forest Trespass Service 900.00 .900.00 Conservation Committee 13,500.00 2,500.00 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- - --- November 14, 1940 ---- .-- - — 1940 1941 Budget Recommended EDUCATION: County Superintendent 3,680.00 39,980.00 Supervising Teacher, 2,000.00 29000.00 Tuition Paid Training Schools 900.00 1,000.00 County Agricultural Agent 39470.00 39570.00 County School Tax 26,818.38 239484.11 CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS: Central Application Bureau, None 5,500.00 Administration, Pension Dept. 79500.00 8,500.00 Relief.Department 190.00 None Outdoor Poor Relief 23000.00 39000.00 Dependent Children Aid 30,000.00 30,000.00 Blind Pensions 69900.00 6,900.00 Fail & Sheriff's Residence 2,325.00 2,300.00 Care of Neglected, Crippled and Dependent Children 4,800.00 59500.00 Childrents County Board 300.00 300.00 Hospital Care Other Than State General 300.00 300.00 Insane 92440.08* 92522.68* Industrial School for Boys 459.00* 412.86* Colony & Training Schools 1,883.98* 2,281.33* State Sanatorium 21387.58* 31451.21* State School For Dependent Children 19471079* 1,186.61* Wisconsin Orthopedic Hospital 1,096.80* 895.50* Wisconsin General 39840.90* 52289.90* Soldiers' Relief None 800.00 INDEBTEDNESS: Principal on Bonds 62,000.00 3,000.00 Interest on Bonds 475.00 85..00 Interest on Short Loans lv500.00 12500.00 Principal on Short Loans 27,500.00 25,000.00 UNCLASSIFIED: County Fair 2,000.00 22000.00 County Tax Deed Work 10500.00 1,500.00 Chequamegon Ski Assn. 300.00 300.00 Farm Security Admin. 300.00 None Veterans' Service Officer 19000.00 29300.00 r ANNUAL IMETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1940 I - . 1940 1941. Bud et Recommended HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES: County Bridge Aid None 1,000.00 OUTLAY 'County Clerk None 150.00 County Superintendent 75.00 100.00 Sheriff 400.00 400.00 'County Court 50.00 100.00- Pension Department 150.00- None Register of Deeds 150.00 50.00 .County Agricultural Agent 1W 00 250.00 $g223, 068.35 $22.9, 942.59 ' ESTIKLTED REVENUES 1940 1941 STATE TAX: 29399.84 $P 21478439 GENERAL General County Tax LeVy(l%) 119,991.8.0 1239919.45 From General Cash on Hand _ _ _ - Short Loans 27,500.00 25;000.00 GIFTS AND GRANTS: State Aid for Sanatorium 9,960.60 99000.46 State Aid for Supervising Teacher 29000..00 29000.00 State Aid for Dependent Children 259000.00 249000.00 State Aid for Blind Pensions 5,600.00 59800.00 Revenue from State Bond Redemption 4,200.00 22100.00 State Aid - Forest Crop 1,800.00 lt400.OD State Aid - County Nurse 19000.00 1,000.00 State Aid - Administration of Welfare Department 33,000.00 43,000.00 State Aid - Central Applica- tion Bureau None 53,500.00 TAXES: .Income Tax Revenue 12600.00. 1,000.00 Tax Fees Penalties 9,000.00 99000.00 Inheritance Tax for County 100.00 100.00 .Public Utility Tax from State 29942.55 29664.59 FEES 'AND' CHARGES: County Clerk 200.00 200:00 County Court 150.00 150.00 Municipal Court 300.00 300.00 Circuit Court 500.00 500.00 Register of Deeds 29000.00 29000.00 Dog Licenses 500.00 500.00` ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ------ ---November 14, 1940 -----� -- la, 940 1941 FINES, FORFEITS -AND PENALTIES: 10% Penal Fines Due.County 200.00 200.00 ALL OTHER GENERAL REVENUE: Unclassified j% 123.56 62929.70 $2239068.35 $229,942.59 Respectfully submitted this 9th day of November, 1940. SIGNED: L. D.. Pease, Acting Chairman I. L. Alcott H. C. Anderson Kenneth R. Anderson S. E. Squires Committee on Finance, Miscellaneous (NOTE - 'ESTATE SPECIAL CHARGES) Claims and Budget Moved by Pease and seconded by H. C. Anderson to adopt the foregoing report and recommendations.. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold,'Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Sigurd Swanson, Herman Hanson, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, Mihalak, H. C. Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, K..R. Anderson, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, Squires. Total 34. NAYS: None® Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, -Wisconsin, at its annual session, assembled this 14th day of November, 1940, that there be and there is hereby appropriated against all the taxable property of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, the following items, to -wit': State taxes for Forest purposes, under Section 70.58 (2) 29478.39 Common school tax, under Section 59.075 23,484.11 For all other items of budget as adopted this day, the sum of 100,435.34 1262397.84 L. D. Pease Moved by Alcott and seconded by.Wallin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson,,Pristash, Sigurd Swanson, -Herman Hanson, Liebman, C. O. Nelson, Maryland, Mihalak,.H. C. Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, K. R. Anderson, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, Squires. Total 34., NAYS: None. Kotion carried. 310 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1940 The following resolution was read: WHEREAS Bayfield County is now retiring•the last of its bond issues, and WHEREAS Bayfield County is in a strong financial condition compared with other counties in the Northern part of the State, and WHEREAS this enviable position has been accomplished and maintained in spite of the, loss or our.main industry; more than a third of our area becoming tax delinquent; and in the midst of the worst depression the world has ever known, and WHEREAS May 1, 1941 marks the seventy-fifth anniversary of Bayfield County: Therefore in view of these facts be it resolved by this County Board of Supervisors in session this 14th day of November, 1940, that a suitable celebration be held on our seventy-fif-ty-anniversary, and be it further resolved that the sum of one hundred dollars is appropriated to be used by a committee appointed by the Chair in promoting this event. I. L. Alcott Moved by Brink and seconded by Unseth to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth, Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Sigurd Swanson; Herman Hanson, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, LTihalak, H. C. Anderson, -Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, K. R. Anderson, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, NAYS: None. Rivers, Ambly, Brink, Squires. Total 34.E Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled this 14th day of November, 1940, that the•per diem and mileage to be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such money and -the Chairman and the County Clerk are instructed to.issue an order for the total amount of such items listed below: C OMUITTEE' NAME PER DIEM MILEAGE. COMMITTEE WORK WORK MILEAGE' TOTAL Erwin Buss 12.00 .90 $ 12.90 L. D. Pease 12.00 6.06 18.06 I. L. Alcott 12..00 1.32 13.32 Marvin Thores.on 12.00 .18 12.18 Bernard Johnson 12.00 2.64 4.00 2.64 21.28 H. A. Frels E. R. Phillips 8.00 4.50 4.00 9.00 2550 Art C. Hanson 12.00 3.42• 4.00 3.42 22.84 A. J. Unseth 12.00 4.44 16.44 C. D. Arnold 8.00 2.40 10.40 J. R. Desparois 12.00 4.08 4.00 4®08- 24.16 A. G. Johnson •12.00• 3.84 4.00 3.84 23.68 S. E. Squires 12.00 2.22 12.00 6.66 32.88 Andrew Pristash 12.00 2.28_ 8.00 4.56 26.84 Sigurd Swanson 8.00 3.60 8.00 7.20 26.80 Herman Hanson 12.00 3.06 15.06 31-1 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE.BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD .November 14, 1940 C OIZUTTEE NAME PER DIEM MILEAGE COMMITTEE WORK WORK MILEAGE TOTAL E. Liebman 12.00 5.46 17.46 R. F. C. Schultz 4.00 4.00 C. 0. Nelson 12.00 5.16 17.16 Ed. Maryland 12.00 5.22 17.22 Andrew Mihalak 12.00 2.04 14.04 Harry C. Anderson' 12.00 4.92 9.84 26.76 Vic. C. Wallin 12.00 3.42 15.42 Russell Rowley 8.00 2.28 4.00 2.28 16.56 John Shykes 12.00 4.50 16.50 Edwin Nyberg 8..00 1.02 4.00 1.02 14.04 Geo. B. Williams 12.00 5.58 17.58 K. R. Anderson 12.00 2,58 24.00 15.48 54.06 H. C. Fiege 12.00 1.44 13.44 D. S. Knight 12.00 1.44 12.00 4.32 29.76 H. J. S. Hanson 12.00 1.44 13.44 Halvor Reiten 12.00 1.44 4.00 1.44 18.88 Joe Kasmarek 12.00 .12 16.00 .48 28.60 J. A. Rivers 12.00 .12 16.00 .48 28.60 Hans Ambly 12.00 .12 4.00 .12 16.24 Ora Brink 12.00 .12 4.00 .12 16.24 Albert Swanson 4.00 .12 4.12 Helmer Moe S. 13. Squires Moved by Pease and seconded by Rivers to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Phillips, Art Hanson, Unseth,•Arnold, Desparois, A. G. Johnson, Pristash, Sigurd Swanson, Herman Hanson, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Maryland, IIihalak, H. C. Anderson, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, K. R. Anderson, Fiege, Knight-,-H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Ambly, Brink, Squires. Total 34. NAYS: None. Motion carried. Moved by Knight and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to adjourn sine die. Motion carried. a