HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/11/19413i5 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ------------- ------ -- ----- ---------------- November 11, 1941 Meeting called to order at 10 A. M. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered roll call: Buss, Pease, Alcott, M. Thoreson, i B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, P. Johnson, Herman Hanson, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Taipale, Klovstad, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, Tedlund, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Kasmarek, Rivers, Brink, A. E. Swanson, Squires. Total 34. Moved by Unseth and seconded by Meyer to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last annual meeting and of the meeting held Flay, 1941. Motion carried. The following communication tnras read: CITY OF 'dVASHBURN Office of City Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION STATE OF WISCONSIN) )SS COUNTY OF BAYFIELD) I, A. I. Lien, City Clerk of the City of Washburn, do hereby certify, that at a regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, held on the 6th day of October, Willard Thorson, was elected to fill the vacancy of Supervisor in the Third Ward of the City of Washburn, to fill vacancy caused by the death of Hans Ambly, and that he has taken the Oath and is qualified for the office. Given under my hand and the official seal of the City of Washburn this 8th day of November, 1941. A. I. Lien, City Clerk Moved by Pease and seconded by Rowley to receive the foregoing communica- tion and place on file and that Willard Thoreson be duly seated as a,,,member of the County Board as Supervisor representing the Third Ward of the cityof Washburn. lylotion carried. Mr. DoErr of the Addressograph Company appeared before the County Board at this time. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in regular session this llth day of November, 1941, that the salary of the County Highway Commissioner be and is hereby fixed at $2700.00 annually for the ensuing term, to be paid from the County Highway Administration fund in the manner provided by Section 82.03 (6) of the Wisconsin statutes. Geo. B. Williams C. 0. Nelson Bernard Johnson Moved by Pease and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. I11I0t i on carried unanimously. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD----- -- ---------- - November 11, 1941 --------------------- ----- - The following application was read: TO: THE, BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: I herewith wish to apply for the position of County Highway Commissioner. Respectfully submitted, H. B. Curry .Moved by Rowley and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson that the County Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for H.-B. Curry as Highway Commissioner for the two year term commencing in January, 1942. Motion carried. The County Clerk cast the ballot as ordered and the Chair declared H. B. Curry duly elected as Highway Commissioner. The' Chair appointed Meyers, Unseth and Desparois as Tellers. The Board proceeded with the election of a Highway Committee. The result of the first ballot for a member from Highway District No. 1 was as follows: Bernard Johnson 19 Russell E. Rowley 10 D. S. Knight 2 H. C. Fiege 1 C. 0. Nelson 1 Blank 1 Total 34 The Chair declared Bernard Johnson duly elected. Mr. Shykes arrived at this time. The result of the first ballot for a member from Highway District No. 2 was as follows: Geo. B. Williams 25 Gerald Grubisic 3 Erwin Buss 2 L. D. Pease 1 Vic. C. Wallin 1 Herman Hanson 1 Blank 2 Total 35 The Chair declared Williams duly elected. The result df the first ballot for a member from Highway District No. 3 was as follows: C. 0. Nelson 22 L. D. Pease 12 Total 34 The Chair declared Mr. Nelson duly elected. The Board proceeded with the election of a Trustee for Pure Air Sanatorium for the three year period commencing January 1, 1942. 37 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 11, 1941 The result of the first ballot was as follows: Albert Garberg 24 J. P. O'Malley 3 D. J. Buckley 2 Edwin Nyberg 1 George Klovstad 1 S. E. Squires 1 I. L. Alcott 1 Marvin Thoreson 1 Blank 1 Total 35 The Chair declared Garberg duly elected. Erick Sande arrived at this time. The following application was read: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: Washburn, Wisconsin November 10, 1941 I hereby submit my application to you for reappointment as janitor for the Court House. Thanking; you for your kind consideration, I am Yours truly, John J. Johnson The Board proceeded with the election of a custodian for the Court House, the same Tellers acting. The result of the first ballot was as follows: John J. Johnson 34 Harry Kennedy 1 Total 35 The Chair declared Johnson duly elected. The following communication was read: WISCONSIN STATE PLANNING BOARD 300 State Office Building Madison, Wisconsin November 7, 1941 Dear County Clerk: If your county does not have a planning body authorized to cooperate with federal and state planning organizations, it is desirable that one be set up. It is particularly necessary at this time in view of the Public Works Reserve. This is a Federal Agency set up under the joint sponsorship of the Federal Public Works Agency and the National Resources Planning Board for the purpose of planning a program of public works to provide employment, if public works construction on a substantial scale shall be necessary when the present defense emergency is terminated. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD `-- November 11, 1941—'----- --- —_- Staff organizations of the Public.Works Reserve have been or are being set up in every state. In Wisconsin the setup has been delayed somewhat, but present indications are that it will soon become active. It will be necessary for the Public Works Reserve .staff to, make contacts with local governing bodies and since most County Boards do not have frequent- meetings it seems desirable that an agency of the County Board, to provide such contact, should be set up at the annual meeting. This may be the County Park Commission (Sec. 27.05, Statutes), if the county has one, or some committee of the'Coanty Board, as the Board may deem,ad- visable. Its duty should be to confer with representatives of the Public Works Reserve, and make such reports and recommendations to the County Board with respect to post emergency p,4blic,works construction as it shall deem necessary or advisable. The State Planning Board has no connection.with the Public Works Reserve, and has not been requested to send out this circular. But we are aware of the situa- tion and think it should be called to the attention of the respective County Boards. Yours very respectfully, C WISCONSIN STATE PLANNING BOARD T-IffT/gb By T& W. Torkelson, Secretary Moved by Rowley and seconded by Alcott to authorize the Chairman of the County Board to appoint a Planning Committee in conformance with the request in the foregoing communication. Motion carried unanimously. The Chair appointed the Agricultural Committee as the Planning Committee. The f ollowi-ng resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Northwest �Zuarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 45 North of Range Nine West was purchased by the town of Barnes by deed recorded in Volume 112,of Deeds on page 240, and VEIEREAS, the of oredescribed property is still in the ownership of the said town of Barnes, and WHEREAS, inadvertently the of oredescribed land was placed on the tax roll, returned delinquent and thereafter tax deeds were taken by Bayfield County, which tax deeds are recorded in Volume 6, page 364 and Volume 6, page 415, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a quit claim deed be issued to the said town of Barnes and the said tax deeds and certificates, plus fees and penalties be charged off the excess delinquent tax account of the tovin of Barnes. L. D. Pease Moved by Pease and seconded by Unseth to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Rowley that the County Board stand at attention for one minute at 11 O'clock A. Tul. and face the east 'in honor of the soldier dead from the last World War. Motion carried. The following application was read: ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD _ November 11, 1941 Port tiding, Wis . 5/31/41 Dear Sir: I would like to trade the land I now own, the description of which is NE4 of NE4 and SE4 of NE4 of section 9 township 49 N. Range 9 for the land former- ly owned by Mr. Parkins the description of which is NE4 of NE4 of Section 7 and SE! of SE4 of Sec.-6 both in township 49 N. Range 9. Whom will I have to see to make the deal? Can it be done. I understand Mr. Parkins traded the above mentioned which I want for the Currier place. Kindly let me know by return mail if such a deal can be made and who I must go see to make. Yours truly, Wm. J. Julin R#l, Port Wing, Wis . Moved by Pease and seconded by Meyer to receive the foregoing petition and place on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: WISCONSIN VETERANS' Il1EMORIAL ASSOCIATION Grand Army Home King, Wisconsin Mr. S. E. Squires, Chairman Bayf ield County Board Washburn, Wis. Dear Sir: June 17th, 1941 A similar communication is being sent to the chairman of each County Board in the state. Since 1935 a splendid movement has been under way here which we feel certain will interest your Board and also the residents of your county. The members of this Home, its employees, their relatives and friends, have united to make possible the erection of a modest memorial, the first and only one here,•in honor of Wisconsin's soldier dead. This will include Civil, Spanish- American, Indian, Mexican Border, World and all other wars, also the wives and mothers of same, interred here. Beautiful in design and expression'of thought, representing an "Eternal Light," height 24 feet and erected at the highest elevation in our cemetery, it will be visible both day and night for miles in every direction. It is to be built of beautiful native stone of many colors, found here in our own Waupaca county. Its cost is limited to $1,200,.of which 0615.00 has already been contri- buted by our people here. Every county is represented in our cemetery records and the.memorial inscription will indicate our tribute to be that of the entire state. Actual construction is about to begin, and we sincerely trust you will take an active interest in our cause. Your voluntary contribution, no matter how small, in the name of your county, will give us the opportunity of gratefully remem- i 350, ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 11, 1941 bering your former residents who served their country well, who are now, and those who may in the future be laid to rest here. We look forward t'o seeing you as an honored guest at our dedication ceremonies, of which you will.be advised. Thanking you for any consideration you may be able to give our request, which we feel confident is not out of order, we are Sincerely yours, WIS. VETERANS' MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION J. IV. Brown, Chairman Moved by Rivers and seconded by Liebman to appropriate $10.00 as a contri- bution for a memorial as requested in the foregoing communication. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Buckley and seconded by l,,Zeyer to receive and place on file a communication from Salvation Army of Milwaukee requesting funds. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: Whereas, it is necessary for the Wisconsin Telephone Company to replace certain of its telephone lines in Washburn; and Whereas, it is considered advisable for said Telephone Company to place buried wire in Block No. 3 of Residence Park Addition, BE IT RESOLVED, that in consideration of the sum of Five and no/100 ($5.00), the chairman of the Board of .Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and the County Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute a grant unto the Wisconsin Telephone Company,.their successors and assigns, covering the following described rights: To place and maintain buried wire and other appliances necessary in the conduct of their business on, over and beneath land owned by Bayfield County and described as follows: Lots No. 13 and 14 of Block No. 3 of Residence'Park Addition to the City of . Washburn, County of Bayfield, Wisconsin. Helmer A. Moe Moved,by Knight and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read: Members of the County Board of Bayfield County Gentlemen: We the undersigned, Bayfield County Fair Committee, recommend that, if a County Fair is approved for 1942, an appropriation of $2,000.00 be made for this purpose. Herman Hanson, President John Shykes; Vice -President S. E. Squires, Treasurer R. J. Holvenstot, Secretary Erwin Buss, Director Marvin Thoreson, Director Edwin Nyberg, Director WfFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Pease to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ---- --------------------------- November 11, 1941-------------------- 35-1 The following communication was read: THE STATE OF WISCONSIN Department of Taxation Wausau Dear County Clerk: Will you kindly read the following communication to your County Board of Supervisors when they are in session next week? Yours truly, Wm. F. Rohlf To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County Gentlemen: In past years it has been customary for the Supervisor of Assessments to appear before your Board to give a short courtesy talk to its members. Since the reorganization of our Department giving each of the Supervisors many times more area to cover, it has become very hard to extend ourselves to follow this custom. A certain part of our work is legally required under Section 73.05 and 73.06. These provisions of the law have been followed and carried out in -full. Our report of property valuations is in your hands in printed form as legally required together with our reports on the Assessors work in detail outlined in it. Most Counties are in session only a few days and with 25 Counties under my supervision you can readily understand my problem of trying to meet with all of you. In some Counties I may appear and in all Counties I -am at your service to the extent that I am physically able to provide for your needs on County equalizations. I have given you the best that I could in this work. Whether it meets with your approval depends entirely upon you. We stand ready to assist you at any time. Respectfully yours, WM. F. ROHLF Moved by. Unseth and seconded by Meyer to accept the excuse for absence of the Supervisor of Assessments and to place same on file. Motion carried. The following report was read: November 7, 1941 We, the sheriff's committee of Bayfield County, have examined the records of Judge Savage of Iron River, Wi-sconsin, and find that his records are correct and that he has turned over to the County Treasurer $567.39 in fines. We also ,checked Judge Hart's records and find them correct. We found he had collected and turned over to the County Treasurer $1789.00. We also checked the sheriff's records and find that his expenses for the first ten months of 1941 amount to $4739.30 leaving_a balance of the $6100.00 levy of $1360.70 for the months of November and December expenses. We recommend that the sheriff's levy for 1942 be raised to 06500.00 so as to be able to take care of any emergency that may arise, and also to comply with federal government demands. a new car. We also recommend that an outlay of $500.00 be raised for a trade in toward Andrew J. Pristash Erick Sande D. 1. Buckley Sheriff, Justices Committee 352 ANNUAL 1b,ETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- — ovember 11,1941 Moved by Pease and seconded by Desparois to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: UNITED STATES DEPART=T OF AGRICULTURE U.S.D.A. Defense Board Oxford Building, 14 E. Dayton St. Madison, Wisconsin To the Honorable Members of the Bayfield County Board .of .Supervisors Gentlemen: November 8, 1941 The County Boards of Supervisors of the State of Wisconsin represent a very important part of our American type of government, and have contributed to a large extent to the perpetuation of our way of life. American people are being called upon at this time to contributewhat they cari, as individuals and groups, to the greatest defense program that has ever been conceived by this nation. The United States Department of Agriculture, through its State and County , USDA Defense Boards, composed of representatives of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Extension Service,'Farm Security Administration, Soil Conservation Service, Forest Service, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Rural Electrification Administration, Farm Credit Administration, Agricultural Marketing Service and Surplus Marketing Administration, has-been called upon by Claude R. Wickard, Secre- tary of Agriculture, to carry out and be responsible for the important job of produc- tion of ''Food for Freedom". History has'shown that one of the most important factors in any defense program has been that of food.- In order to maintain the health of the civilian population who are working at top speed, to maintain the health and morale of our armed forces and to assist the nations that are resisting aggression to the fullest extent, we must be certain that everyone has plenty to eat. Food is just as important in meeting an emergency as are tanks, planes or guns. Wisconsin farmers have a tremendous responsibility in the defense program. Their job will be to produce the milk, eggs and pork products that are so necessary in a proper diet. Considerable effort will be required to attain the goals that have been established for these products for 1942. Farmers of the State of Wisconsin have never failed in any emergency; I am confident that they will not fail now. By meeting the goals set, at prices established at a parity level for those products, the farmers of the State of Wisconsin will increase their income in 1942 approximately seventy million dollars over their income for 1941. This increase of income will be realized by all counties in the state, in proportion to the extent by which their county production goals are attained. It is interesting to compare the situation in which Agriculture finds itself today with the conditions during the previous �forld War. Farmers throughout this nation, through their national Triple -A farm program, have developed an organization that reaches into every county and township in the United States. As a result of this co-operative movement they are in a position to carry out in a speedy and effi- cient manner Agriculture's part in any program that will be necessary for the defense of the United States. In the previous World War no such action was possible due to 353. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 11, 1941 the,lack of this kind of organization. In establishing the production goals for 1942, the interests of the consumer have been given serious consideration. It is felt that if these goals are reached, the consumers of this state and of the nation will be assured of a plentiful supply of essential vitamin bearing foods-. These foods ' will be furnished at prices that are fair and reasonable to both the consuming public and the farmer. If the goals are attained, the rationing of food products will not be necessary during this emergency. The success of the 'Food for Freedomtr drive that affects not only farmers but consumers and business people as well, will depend to a large extent upon the cooperation and support of people who are concerned with the welfare of the public, and are in a position such as you County Board members enjoy. Your cooperation, as members of the County Board, 'in this "Food for Freedom!* campaign is respectfully requested. Very truly yours, Walter F. Katterhenry, Chairman USDA Defense Board for Wisconsin Moved by Pristash and seconded by Marvin Thoreson to receive the foregoing communication'and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: A RESOLUTION, Adopted at the request of the City of Washburn for the . payment of taxes against and issue of tax receipts for certain real estate owned by said city. RESOLVED. By the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled at the annual meeting thereof, duly convened and held at the court house at the City of Washburn in Bayfield County, -Wisconsin, this llth day of November, 1941, that Bayfield County; at the request of the City of Washburn, issue to said city, tax receipts. for all delinquent taxes on the real estate owned by said city described as follows: Lots numbered Fourteen (14), Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16) and Seventeen (17), of Block numbered Twenty-nine (B.29), and the East one-half (E2) of Lot numbered One (1), of Block numbered One hundred sixteen (B.116), all in the plat of the original townsite of the town (now city) of Washburn; And that the total amount of said receipts be charged upon the books of Bayfield County against the excess delinquent tax account on said books in favor of the City of Washburn. J. A. Rivers Moved by Rivers and seconded by Buckley.to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following communication was read: 354 ANNUAL FETING OF TIE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November.11. 1941 County of Bayfield Gentlemen: Washburn, Wisconsin THE STATE OF WISCONSIN Industrial Commission August 2, 1941 Attention: Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk We acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 28 which we are accepting as a "contrary election" with respect to the benefit payment provisions of Section 108.15. As we pointed out in our earlier letter, your action as an officer of your county merely reserves to your County Board the opportunity to make a contrary election effective as of July 1, 1941. If you had taken no, action by July 31, the benefit payment provisions of the law would have become applicable automatically as of July 1 and a subsequent contrary election would only have been effective on its date of filing. As author of the contrary election, your County Clerk may withdraw it at any time within 60 days and even if the contrary election is not withdrawn it may be voided by failure of your Coui.ty Board to ratify it at its next meeting. It will be unnecessary to hold any special meeting in this connection. RLH:AHL Very truly yours, INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION R. L. Hibbard Unemployment Compensation Department Moved by Knight and seconded by MacRae to refer the matter of unemployment insurance as stated in the foregoing communication to the Finance Committee with power to act. Motion carried unanimously. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the County Clerk be authorized and is hereby directed to issue an easement for a right-of-way to the Town of Iron River across County owned land as follows: A strip of land 2 rods wide off the.east side of Government Lot Five (5), Section Thirty-f our.(34), Township Forty-seven (47) North of Range Eight (8) West. J. L. MacRae Moved by MacRae and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Moved by C. 0. Nelson and seconded by Unseth to adjourn until 1:30 P. M. Motion carried. ANNUAL -MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ------------------------------ - -------- — ----------------- November 11. 1941 Meeting called to'order at°1:30 P M.-by Chairman 'Squires; The following members answered roll call: Buss, Pease, Alcott,-M. Thoreson, Frels, Buckley9'Meyers"Unseth; Grub-isic, Desparois; MacRae- Pristash,'P, Johnson', Herman Hanson, Lie-bmair- C. 0. Nelson; Ta pale, Sande, Klovst'ad' Wallin- Rowley; Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, Tedlund, Fiege, Knight', H. J. S. Hanson, Kasmarek, Rivers,.Thoreson, Brink, A. E. Swanson, Squires. Total 34 Mr. Jack- Wills of. the' Surplus C'ommoditles Corporation appeared before the County Board at this -time and explained the Food Stamp Plan. Moved by J. S. Hanson -and duly seconded to"give a vote of thanks to Mr. Wills. Motion carried. The following report was read: Washburn, Wisconsin October 9, 1941 County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County RE: Sale of NE SW 28-43-9 to Joseph Cernohorsky, Solon Springs, Wisconsin Gentlemen: We the undersigned, County Forestry Committee, recommend that the above described land not be sold to the above named party, inasmuch as this description is under the Forest Crop Law and is zoned as forestry land. The sale of this land would necessitate withdrawing this description from the Forest Crop Law, amending the Zoning Ordinance, and possibly creating other res- ponsibilities on local municipalities. Furthermore, there is only one resident in this township who,'we understand, will soon move, making no occupancy whatever in this township. Herman Hanson, Chairman J. F. Shykes, Vice -Chairman Edwin Nyberg Marvin Thoreson Erwin Buss S. E. Squires BAYFIELD.COUNTY FORESTRY COMMCTTEE Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Unseth to adopt the foregoing Committee recommendations. Motion carried. The following petition was read: County Bayfield/Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: Washburn, Wisconsin September 9, 1941 Re: SE SE Sec. 36-47-9 Enclosed please find my check for $80.00 for purchase of the above mentioned forty acres. This is the price quoted -to me by your sales committee. 356 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- ---------- ---- ----- November 11, 1941 ----- This- land, -doe s ",not, have any" lake frontagev-, but-",a:d joins "my - property and I am interested in- acquiring'it­to keep a wooded section and garden next to my 'home. It is now under the State Forest Crop Law and should be 'withdrawn;' Yours very 'truly, Albert Stockman 3401 Vernon St. Duluth, -Minnesota Moved by Desparois and seconded by,Meyer--to'refer-the foregoing petition to the Forestry Committee with power to act. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: - WHEREAS, .The Bayfield County.Board'of Supervisors has established a salary schedule for clerical help starting -at a minimum salary and containing increases at specified times with the ap�roval of the department -administrators -and WHEREAS, the leng h of time that these clerks have worked in the Court House has a distinct bearing on the amount of salary they receive, and: WHEREAS, on several occasions clerks have worked in the Court House a con- siderable length of -time, and after having been gone from this employment again returning to work for some county department, and WHEREAS, under the existing salary schedule these persons despite months of previous service have had to again begin work at the minimum wage under.the salary schedule adopted by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in - annual session this eleventh day of November, that when a person has rendered satis- factory service as a clerk under a county department, and on the county payroll, and has attained a certain salary rating by virtue.of such employment, and when this person has for some reason or other, not to their discredit, discontinued such employment, and at a later date has again returned to employment in some county department and on the county payroll, that such clerical help on their return shall be -entitled to the rate of salary that they were receiving at the time they left county employment, and that the length of service previous to the termination of their employment shall be credited to them on their return to county employment. This resolution to be effective whether they are employed in the same department on their return, or in case of a transfer from one county department to another. This resolution to be effective December 1, 1941 after its adoption. Albert E. Swanson A. J. Unseth H. S. S. Hanson Moved by Marvin Thoreson and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Emanuel Lutheran Church is a religious institution and has been organized and established as such since Feb. 7, 1887, and WHEREAS, the said Emanuel Lutheran Church -owns certain real estate -in Wash- burn which has- been used as -a parsonage -for the Pastor- of said church- and which is described as-Lot..Ssv.en (7), Block Sixteen (16), Vaughn and Austrians Addition to the original townsite of Washburn,.and AI MAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -----�---------�-November 11, 1941----- -- — WHEREAS,, the said, property".1a not subject--- to ­ taxation, and WHEREAS, the said described premises were assessed -and taxed in the -.years 1930, 19319 1932, 1933 and 1934', and the taxes thereon returned delinquent. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by -"the `Bayfield' County Board of Supervisors, that the tax certificates- held by Bayfield County on said- premises, for- the years of 1931, 1932; 19333, 1934 and 1935, be ,and -they, are hereby- cancelled .and 'the• amount of tax therefore be and hereby.is charged back to the City of Washburn. Albert E'. Swanson Willard T.-Thoreson Peter Johnson -- Daniel J. Buckley Moved by-Unseth and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read: REPORT OF BUILDING & GROUNDS COB26ITTEE TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: The undersigned, members of the Building and Grounds Committee; have to advise the following: COURT HOUSE There were no major alterations necessary with the exception of redecorating the Court Room. JAIL Some repairs were necessary on sewer leading from Jail to 5th Street, be- sides some decorations in Sheriff's residence. expenses. Our 1942 budget has been carefully figured which includes general running We think it only fair at this time to give the Jailer and Janitor of the Court House an increase of $10.00 per month on account of raise in living expenses. We trust this will meet with your approval. Respectfully, J. A. Rivers Joe Kasmarek Moved by Alcott and seconded by Pease to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County is required to advance cash for the payment.of old age assistance and reimbursement by -the State and Federal Government is made after the end of each month,, -and WHEREAS, Bayfield County is required to advance twenty (20%) per cent of such pensions until tax collection of the ensuing year;.theref ore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this llth day of November, 1941, that a revolving fund of forty-five thousand($459000.00) dollars is hereby appropriated from the general fund for payment of old age assistance for the ensuing year, and 8 ANNUAL MEETING OF --THE BAYF_IELD COUNTY BOARD - ,-- -- - November ll, 1941-- — — ---- ----- -- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that amounts received from the,State-and--Federal Government and collected from -the taxingdistricts-for-the,reimbursement of the funds advanced by-Bayfield County for old age assistance shall be paid into the general fund of Bayfield County. Albert E. Swanson Moved by Unseth and seconded by Buss to adopt -.the foregoing -resolution. Motion carried. .. The following resolution was read: RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session this llth day of November, 1941, that -the taxing- districts of said count-y- be --and they - are hereby required to reimburse Bayfield County for all amounts of, money paid in Old Age Assistance and Burial Costs to its residents less the amount received by said County from the State and Federal Government- pursuant- to section 49.38 of the Statutes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that.the amounts to be raised and paid by each city, town and village to reimburse Bayfield County as herein provided, shall be the -amounts set forth in the attached schedule marked Exhibit "A", and made a part hereof in the column entitled "20% County Share." Albert.E.-Swanson A. J. Unseth " Henry J. S, Hanson Moved by Pristash and seconded by Brink to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: A RESOLUTION, To assist in the maintenance of the W.P.A. office and N.Y.A. in Bayfield County. RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board, assembled at the annual meeting thereof at the court house at the City of Washburn, this llth day of November, 1941, that Bayfield County appropriate and pay thirty-five percentum (35f) of the cost of the heating of the Pioneer School Building in the City of Washburn for use as a W.P.A. office and for N.Y.A. use for the year 1942, not exceeding, however, the sum of Four Hundred Dollars ($400iOO). J. A. divers Moved by Rivers and seconded by Brink to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease-, Alcott, M. Thoreson, Frels, Buckley, Meyer; Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash; P. Johnson, Herman -Hanson, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Taipale, Sande, Klovstad, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes­Nyberg; Williams, Tedlund, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Kasmarek, Rivers, Willard Thoreson, Brink, A. E. Swanson, Total 33. NAYS: Squires. Total 1. Motion carried. The following report was read:. To the Members of the Bayfield County Board: The Mediation Board hereby submits the following report from February 21, 1941 to November 1, 1941. _ ANNUAL MEETING OF' 'THE BAYF'IELD COUNTY BOARD November 11, 1941 Feb. 21, 1941 May, 9, 1941 June 62 1941 June 60 1941 July 89 1941 July 129 1941 July 129 1941 Aug. 15, 1941 Aug. 159 1941 Ann Anderson Town of Mason Extended Joseph Me-ssbauer Oulu n Annie Anton -son- Orienta Foreclosed, Martin Miskulin-' " n Mason Foreclosed Martin Rogan " " Cable " Peter D. Clementy, " n Kelly John H. Gautsch Russell '* Joseph Briller, Jr. °' ",Delta Extended Carl W. Hegbloom Y4 " Tripp Foreclosed 3 -- Extended 6 -- Foreclosed Members of the Mediation Board Committee R. J. Nelson- C. D. Arnold H. A. Frels Moved by Liebman and seconded by MacRae to adopt the foregoing report. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: We, the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, do hereby protest the standards for Oleo authorized by Paul V. McNutt of the Federal Security Administration which gives the manufacturers of Oleo permission to sell Oleo in imitation of butter. We protest the above mentioned order as being unfair to the dairy farmers of Wisconsin.. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED -,-That a copy of this resolution be sent to Ralph Ammon, Director of the State Department of Agriculture, who has been selected to represent the Wisconsin dairy farmer in this matter. BAYFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE' Herman Hanson, Chairman Erwin Buss Marvin Thoreson John Shykes Ed. Nyberg S. E. Squires Moved by, Herman-- Hanson- and - seconded by C . 0. Nelson to adopt the foregoing I resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read; WHEREAS, It becomes necessary to lay out a long-time plan program covering activities of the County Forestry Funds, and WHEREAS, One of the items is'the parcel covering the engineering work, it will be necessary to incur a temporary deficit in the Forestry Funds, due to the fact that the Forest Aid money is not received until May each year. NOW, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing facts, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That the County Clerk, County Treasurer and Chairman of the County Board be authorized and directed to make payments for forestry activities out of any moneys available in the County treasury, and that same be -reimbursed upon receipt of the Forest Aid moneys ..6 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ------— - November 11_ I941 -- -- ------------------- from the state. HAYFIELD 'COUNTY" FORESTRY" C0I31ITTEE Herman Hanson, Chairman John Shykes.., Edwin Nyberg' S. E. Squires Marvin Thoreaon' Erwin Buss Moved by- Herman— Han -son �, and seconded by 'Pristash to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following request was read: Washburn, Wisconsin October 9, 1941 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: The County Fair Committee requests permission to retain the unexpended balance - of the 1941 County Fair appropriation amounting to approximately 0250.00 for the pur- pose of repairing the County Fair buildings. Yours respectfully, BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COM UTTEE Herman Hanson, President'' John Shykes', 'Vice-President- S'. E'. Squires -,„Treasurer R. J. Holvenstot; Secretary Erwin Buss, Director D. L. Brace,'Director Marvin Thore's6n, Director - Edwin Nyberg,, -Director Moved by MacRae and seconded by Desparois to grant -the foregoing request. Motion carried. Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Pease to accept the annual report of the Forestry Committee and to place .it on file. Motion carried. Moved by Alcott and seconded by MacRae to accept the annual report of the County Agricultural Agent and the County Home Agent and place same on file. Motion carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Knight to receive the annual report of the County Fair Committee and that it be placed on file. Motion carried. Moved by H."J. S. Hanson and seconded by Liebman to receive the annual report of the County Superintendent of Schools and to place on file. Motion carried. The following report was read: 361 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BA.YFIELD COUNTY BOARD _ November 11, 1941 To the Honorable,Board of Supervisors; Bayfield County,,Wise I herewith . submit 'my annual report for- the fiscal -year ending- October 31, of receipts, disbursements and vouchers issued from this office. Alimony Receipts 3,847.50 Disbursements 3,847.50 Naturalization Receipts 363.75 Disbursements, Department of Justice 361.25 2.50 Fines Receipts 295.00 Disbursements, County Treasurer 50.00 245.00 Suit Tax Receipts 49.00 Disbursements, County Treasurer 43.00 6.00 Costs Receipts 85.88 Disbursements, County Treasurer 46.80 39.08 Fees Receipts 597.66 Disbursements 118.23 479.43 Vouchers Issued Divorce Counsel (seven divorce actions at $10.00 per action) $ 70.00 Court Reporter Transcript of tes- timony, criminal actions 46.24 Jury Commissioners Drawing of the jury $ 56.70 Library Law Books 102.00 Office Help May term of Court 9.00 Jury May term of Court 354.52 Witnesses (None) $ 638.46 Recapitulation Naturalization 2.50 Fines 245.00 Suit Tax 6.00 Costs 39.08 Fees 479.43 772.01 6 ANNUAL_ MEETI_NG OF THE BA_Y_F_IELD COUNTY BOARD November 11, 1941 On -Deposit, Washburn State Bank, 313.20 Cash on hand in vault 458.81 772.01 O.K. Wm. J. Maitland 11/4/41 P. E-. Newhouse Clerk of Circuit Court., Bayf ield County, Wisconsin Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Wallin to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Dear Sir: THE STATE'OF WISCONSIN Highway Commission State Office Building Madison September 25, 1941 County Clerk, Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin SUBJECT: Estimated Highway Allotments for 1942 Section 84.03 - Wisconsin Statutes Pursuant to Section 84.04 of the Statutes, you are hereby notified of the following estimated allotment to your county for highway work under the provisions of subsection (2) of Section 84.03 of the Statutes. This estimated allotment is as fol- lows: 1. Section 84.03 (2) for the County Trunk Highway System - $619063.90 This is an estimated allotment and the amount cannot be definitely determined until after the close of the fiscal year which is June 30, 1942. This notice is being sent early this year so that the counties will be in- formed of the estimated amounts they are to receive for the County Trunk Highway System and for the retirement of county highway bonds, as such information will be used in preparing the county budget as required by Section 65.90 of the Statutes as created by Chapter 221, Laws of 1941. The latter part of October we will notify you of the total estimated allot- ment for the State Trunk Highway,System and the contemplated improvements to be made in your county during 1942. Very truly yours, STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN By Thos.. J..Pattison, Secretary Moved by Meyer and seconded by Williams -to receive the foregoing communica- tion and place on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: 33 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY. BOARD ----------------- November 11, 1941 0 THE STATE OF WISCONSIN Highway' Commission State Office Building Madison Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk, Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: October 28, 1941 SUBJECT: Estimated Highway Allotments for 1942, Section 84.03, Wisconsin° Statutes. t In our letter of September 25, 1941, we notified you of theestimated 1942 allotment to your county under the provisions of Section 84.03 (2) of the Statutes for the County Trunk Highway System. Pursuant to Section 84.04-of the Statutes, you are hereby notified that the estimated 1942 allotment for your county under the provisions of Section 84.03 (3) and (4) of the Statutes, for the -Improvement -of the State Trunk Highway System, is $117,911.92,-as allocated as follows: For construction on State Trunk Highway No. 1.3, the Washburn-Bayfield Road $50,000.00 For construction on State Trunk Highway No. 139 the West County Line -Port Wing Road $111000.00 'For construction on U.S. Highway No. 63, the Ashland-Hayward-Trego Road $500000.00 As a reserve for future allocation 6,911.92 The determinations are tentative and the amount of the 1942 allotment cannot be definitely known after the close of the fiscal year, which is June 30, 1942. Very truly yours, STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN By Thos. J. Pattison, Secretary Moved by Pease and seconded by Wallin to receive the foregoing communication and place on.file. Motion carried. 11r. G. I. Germond, Division Highway Engineer, appeared before the County Board at this time and explained the proposed 1942 Highway program. Moved by Meyer and seconded by Desparois to receive the annual -report of the County Highway Committee and place on file. Motion carried. Moved by Wallin and seconded by MacRae to receive the annual report of the County Highway Commissioner and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: STATE & COUNTY AID CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 1942 SECTION 1. The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, regularly assembled, does hereby ordain that such funds as may be made available to the county for highway work in the year 1942 under the provisions of Section 20.49 and Chapter 84 of the Statutes and the additional sums herein appropriated shall be expended as hereinafter set forth: _ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYF IE_LD COUNTY BOARD November 11, 1941 SECTION II. COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTMENT# IMREAS': The State Highway 'eommission has notified the, County Clerk that a ­sum of money es- timated to be Sixty-one thousand sixty=three and 90/100--- Dollars- ($U X63.90) will become available at the end of the fiscal year -ending June 30, 1942, under the pro- visions of Section 20.49 (4) and Section 84.03 (2) of the statutes,, for the county - trunk highway system in the county, but that its exact amount will not be known until after June 30, 1942. BE IT RESOLVED: That the County Highway Committee is'authorized-and directed to expend the said sum to the extent required, to match and -supplement -Federal Aid for construction, right of way, and other costs on any Federal projects -located on the County Trunk Highway System of said county which are not -"recovered -,from Federal funds, and to expend any balance for constructing; repairing and maintaining such county trunk highway system and the bridges thereon; ineluding..snow removal and snow drift prevention as directed in Section 84.03_(2) of the Statutes, and to reimburse the general fund for any expenditures that maybe made therefrom pursuant to Section 82.03 (6) of the Statutes. SECTION III. -STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTMENT. WHEREAS: The State Highway Commission has estimated that the sum of One hundred seventeen thousand nine hundred eleven and 92/100 Dollars ($117,911.92) will become available at -the end of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1942 under Section 20.49 (4) and of Sections 84.03 (3) and (4), as state aid for the improveXment.of the State Trunk Highway System in the county in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 84 of the Statutes, but that its exact amount will not be known until after June 3G, 1942. to wit: BE IT RESOLVED: That the said sum shall be expended in the following manner 1. Such sum of this allotment, together with any unexpended balances from previous allotments, as may be required on any.Fede.ral projects in this county to match Federal Aid and/or to pay the cost of right of way, preliminary engineering, and other items not recovered from Federal funds. 2. Any balance not otherwise required for the purposes hereinbefore pro- vided shall be expended on the following improvements, to wit: (a) The sum of Fifty thousand and no/100 Dollars ($50,000.00) for the im- provement by gravel -and bituminous surfacing of State Trunk Highway No. 13 beginning at Washburn and extending northerly. (b) The sum of Eleven thousand and no/100 Dollars ($11,000.00) for the improvement by two timber trestles and approaches on State Trunk Highway No. 13 begin- ning at Port Wing and extending westerly. (c) The sum of Fifty thousand and no/100 Dollars ($p50,000.00) for the improvement by grading and draining of U. S. Highway No. 63 beginning at Benoit and extending southerly. SECTION IV. WHEREAS: The various highway activities, for which provision is made in this resolution are continuous from -year to year, and the exact cost of any work cannot be known at the time of making the appropriation theref or,'this Board does hereby direct that any, balance remaining in any appropriation for a specific highway improvement after the same° shall have been completed, may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement , 6 5 --_-- ---- - --- - ---- ----------- ANNUAL IyiEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD------ - - -- ,--- -- - I November 11. 1941 of the same class for which provision is herein made, and any balances remaining, at the. end of the year in - any highway -fund shall remain and be'available for the same purpose -in- the - ensuing year, and and deficit An any' highway fund at -the end of the year.incurred pursuant to Section 83.04 (7) of the statutes shall be. paid from the next appropriation made° for the samepurpose, and il[HEREAS : The exact• amount 'of the- funds that -will become available for highway purposes in the County under Section 20.49 of the Statutes will not be known until.after June 30, 1942, at which time correct --figures will be submitted by the State Highway Commission, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and -directed -to make payments for the purposes for which such funds are to be used, as hereinbefore authorized, from any funds in the county treasury that are hot -required for the pur- poses for which appropriated prior to August 1, 1942;~and to reimburse such funds in the county treasury from the sums received under Section 20.49 of the Statutes. The County Highway Committee and the County Highway Commissioner are hereby directed to carry out the highway construction and maintenance for which provision is herein made, in the manner provided by law, and to employ such employees, regulate their wages, hours, and working conditions, as they may deem necessary for such purpose® Signed: Geo. B. Williams C. 0. Nelson Bernard Johnson Moved by Pease and seconded by Williams to adopt the foregoing resolution, ,Motion carried unanimously. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION PROVIDINNG FOR THE ADVANCE OR TRANSFER OF CONSTRUCTION FUNDS IN BAYFIELD COUNTY TMREAS: Federal funds have been allotted to Wisconsin for the improvement of highways to be allocated for expenditure by the State Highway Commission with the concurrence of the Federal Works Agency, Public Roads Administration, and it is desired to take advantage of every opportunity,to secure the expenditure of a portion of such funds in this county, and WHEREAS funds must be provided by the state or counties to match the federal funds allotted and, or, to pay the cost of items which are not recovered -from federal funds, and WHEREAS other emergencies frequently arise making necessary or desirable the allocation or transfer of funds to or between other construction projects. NOW, THEREFORE, in order to provide for promptly making available the funds necessary for the purposes hereinbef ore mentioned, and to avoid the delay and expense incident to calling a special meeting of this board for such purpose, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Committee, with the approval of the State Highway Commission, is hereby authorized to transfer to or between any construc- tion projects in this county any funds allotted to this county by the state under the provisions of Sections 20.49 (4) and 84.03 (3) and previously allocated by this board to any other project, or remaining unallocated in reserve. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD _CO__UN_TY BOARD__ November 11, 1941 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, -that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby petitioned to advance, pursuant to Section 84.03 (5) of the Statutes, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway'Committee of this County, such -sums as may be required and are not otherwise -available, for the.purposes hereinbef ore mentioned on any construction projects in this county, with the understanding that such advance will be deducted from future allotments to this county for state trunk highway con- struction under Section 84.03 (3) of the Statutes. Resolution presented by Goo. B. Williams C. 0. Nelson Bernard Johnson Moved by Pease and seconded by Desparois to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, for the construction and maintenance of highways -and -removal of snow therefrom, it becomes necessary from time to time to purchase equipment,' the nature of and necessity for which cannot be accurately anticipated. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Committee is hereby authorized pursuant to Section 82.06 (1) and (6) of the Statutes, to purchase without further authority, and to the extent that revolving funds accumulated for such purpose or appropriations made for such purpose are available, such highway equipment as they deem necessary to properly carry on the work, and to trade, sell, rent, repair and provide storaga for such equipment as may be considered t'o the best interests of the County. Resolution Presented Goo. B. Williams C. 0. Nelson - Bernard Johnson Moved,by-Liebman-and seconded by Swanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read: REPORT OF SPECIAL ROAD COINETTEE RE: RELOCATION OF PART OF COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY "E" The undersigned Committee appointed to report on the resolution attached hereto, begs to report as follows: This resolution, if adopted, would remove three miles of County Trunk Highway "Elf, from Ino South to what is known as "Butlers Corner", and would in lieu thereof add 19.6 miles of town highway in the Towns of Delta and Iron River to the County Trunk Highway System. Your Committee met on Friday, August 29, 1941, and inspected this proposed change, and finds that the three miles proposed to be abandoned have just,been recently graded and drained by Bayfield County at a cost of approximately $12,000.00; and servos about twenty farmers and.one Cheese Factory; and, in the opinion of this Committee, should not be abandoned. 06 ANNUAL- MEETING OF` 3'HE `BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 11'. 1941 Your -Committee further finds -that --the 19.6 miles -of -,town highway, which this 'resolution proposes to - add- to the County Trunk Highway System', is, in places narrow, hilly and crooked; and would -,require large sums of County money to build to present -county trunk standards-. Your Committee further finds that this proposed highway does not meet the requirements of the"CountyBoard as to the length of the highway; nor as to the length of time that a part of this road has been a town highway, nor as to the present condition of the road. Your Committee further finds that the area served by --this highway is largely a resort or tourist area, and is at the present time well served by National Forest Highways within the National Forest area, which are built and maintained by the National Forest Service'. Your Committee agrees with the general policy established by many previous committees that the County Trunk Highway System should remain -as it is until Bay - field County is in better condition financially. Therefore, your Committee begs to recommend that the proposed resolution be laid on the table. Respectfully submitted, H. A. Frels Erick Sande John Taipale, Chrm. Moved by.-Pristash and -seconded by C. 0. Nelson to adopt the recommendations in the foregoing report.. Motion carried. The following resolution was -read: WHEREAS, the Bayfield County'Highway-Department acquired ownership of, and title- to-, Lots #14 and 15- of Block #16 ..of the original plat of Iron River by - quit claim deed on­Tanuary 8, 1937, recorded in'the Register of Deeds office in Volume 128, page 159 and page 160 ofdeeds, and' W1-1EREAS, it-appear6, that Bayfield County holds tax certificates #6438 and 6439 for the tax sale of 1936 against -the said lots #14 and 15 of Block 16 of the original plat 'of,Iron River. NOW, THEREFORE, in -view of the ,foregoing facts, ti BE 'IT RESOLVED: That the County Clerk ' and County Treasurer be authorized and directed -to cancel and write, off- from the County•s records tax --certificates #6438 and 6439 for the sale of 1936, having a face value of $20.16, plus any interest, advertising.or fees. Goo. B..Williams C. 0. Nielson Bernard Johnson COUNTY HIGHWAY COMaTTEE Moved by Pease and seconded by Williams to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried.. The following resolution was read: 368 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ----------- ---- - --- - — --- November 11, 1941 ---- —---------- --- BE' IT RESOLVED by the -County' Board of- -Bayfield County in -annual session assembled this.11th day of November, 1941, that the County Highway Committee, be and is hereby authorized and permitted to attend the -Annual State Road School.. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that -the County Highway Committee per diem and ex- pense be paid from the County Highway Administration Fund. Geo. B. Williams C. 0. Nelson Bernard Johnson Moved by Alcott and seconded by Knight to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the -following -described road be, and hereby is added to the County Trunk Highway System of Bayfield County, subject to the approval of the State Highway Commission of Wisconsin: County Trunk Highway "Y", beginning near -the southwest--corner--of Section 16, Township 44 North, Range 9 West, thence north along the west line of Sections 18, Seven and Six, said-town'and range, and continuing north along the west line of Sections 31 and 30, T. 45 N., R. 9 W.,.to near the northwest corner of the SWI- of NJ of Section 30, T. 45 N., -R. 9 W., a distance of approximately 4.8 miles. Respectfully submitted, Geo. B. Williams C 0. Nelson Bernard Johnson Moved by Liebman and seconded by Pease to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the following described road be, and hereby is, added to the County Trunk Highway System of Bayfield County, subject to the ap- proval of the State Highway Commission of Wisconsin: County Trunk Highway "C" beginning at the east J corner of Section 34, Township 51 North, Range 6 West, thence west along the east -west � line of said Section 34 for 0.75 mile to a junction with State Trunk Highway 13. Respectfully submitted, Geo. B. Williams C. 0. Nelson Bernard Johnson Moved by MacRae and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Moved by Williams and duly seconded to adjourn until 10 A. M.,November 12. Motion carried. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 13LYFIE_LD COUNTY BOARD - ---- -- ------------- - - -- -- - --- ---------------- November 12, 1941 Meeting called to order at 10 A. M. by Chairman Squires. The following -members answered roilcall. Buss, Pease, Alcott, Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Prist-ash, P. Johnson, Herman Hanson, Liebman, Taipale, Sande, Klovstad, Wallin, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, Tedlund, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Kasmarek, Rivers, Brink, A. E. Swanson and Squires. Total 32. The following petitions and resolution were read: The undersigned Town Board of the Town of Mason, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, herewith wish to respectfully petition the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to grant -County Bridge Aid to the Town of'Mason, under Section 67.01 of the Statutes, in the amount of Four Hundred and Fifty ($450.00) Dollars. The proposed bridge will be located between Sections Eight (8) and Nine (9) in Township Forty-six (46) North of Range Six (6) West on Wicklund'Creek. The Board of -Supervisors of the Town of Mason at a special meeting held on September 2, 1941, voted to construct said bridge and has provided for the town's portion of the cost of such construction as is required by Section 87.01, Sub -sections (1) and Three (3) of the Statutes. RespectfuDy submitted: Herman Hanson Sam Krancevich John E: Anderson Town Board of Supervisors, Town of Mason The undersigned Town Board of the Town of Mason, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, herewith wish to respectfully petition the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to grant County Bridge Aid to the Town of Mason, under Section 87.01 of the Statutes, in the amount of Four Hundred and Ten ($410.00) Dollars. The proposed bridge will be located between Sections Twenty-seven (27), and Thirty-four (34) in Township Forty-six (46) North of Range Six (6) West on Elfving Creek. The Board of Supervisors of the Town of Mason at a special meeting held on September 2, 1941, voted to construct said bridge and has provided for the town's portion of the cost of such construction as is required by 'Section 87.01, Sub -sections One (1) and Three (3) of the Statutes. Respectfully submitted: Herman Hanson Sam Kranoevich John E. Anderson Town~ Board-' of- Supervisors, Town of Mason To the County Clerk and County Highway -Committee To the County Board of the County of Bayfield The petition of the undersigned town board of the town of Keystone, county of Bayfield, respectfully represents that on the llth day of September, 1941, at the special town --meeting of said town, the electors thereof voted to reconstruct a bridge lying wholly within said town, as des-cribed in the resolution hereinafter mentioned; that at the same time due provision was made for the payment by the said town of Keystone of the proportion of the cost of reconstructing such bridge required by law to be paid ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFI_ELD_COUNTY BOARD --- —---------------- -- November 12, 1941 - ---- - -------------- by said town, as appears from the' following, which is a, true copy of said resolution attached herewith, and further, ,.that the total valuation of said town of Keystone, according to the last assessment, as equalized by the county board on the 13th day of November, 1940 was $308,635; that 'by reason of'a flood, on -the 30th-day of. August, 1941, the said bridge was washed out, and it is necessary to reconstruct said bridge without delay. Wherefore your petitioners pray"for an -appropriation to, be made by the said county of Bayfield to aid the reconstruction of such bridge without delay as provided by law. Chairman Andrew J. Pristash Supervisors Andrew Imrich Everett J. Erickson The undersigned Town Board of the Town, of Pilsen, -Bayfield County, Wisconsin, herewith wish to respectfully peti-tion'-the Bayfeld County' Board of Supervisors to grant Emergency County Bridge Aid to the Town of Pilsen, under Section 87.01 and 87.03 of the statutes, in -the amount of Fifteen hundred dollars ($1500.00), The proposed bridge will be located in the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Eleven, Township Forty-seven North, Range Six west (NEJ-NE4-11-47-6), on a highway maintainable by the Town of Pilsen. The Board of Supervisors of the Town of Pilsen, at a special meeting held on September 3, 1941, voted to construct said bridge and fill, and has provided for the town's portion of the cost of such construction as is required by Section 87.01, sub -sections (1) and (3) of the statutes. Respectfully submitted, Erick Sande Adolph Mashlan Jerry Lunda Town Board of Supervisors, Town of Pilsen COUNTY BRIDGE AID CONSTRUCTION UNDER SECTION 87.01 OF THE STATUTES; COUNTY OF BAYFIELD SECTION I. IVHEREAS'the various towns hereinafter named have filed petitions for county aid in the construction of bridges under Section 87.01 of the Statutes said petitions are hereby granted, and county appropriations made as follows: Amount Raised Amount of Town Bridge By Local Units County Aid Granted Mason Fish Creek $1600.00 $1000.00 Mason Elfving Creek 410.00' 410.00 Mason Wickland Creek 450,00 450.00 Keystone Fish Creek 1000.00 1000.00 Pilsen Moquah 1500.00 1500.00 SECTION II. The County Board does hereby levy a tax on all of the property in the county taxable for such purpose to meet said appropriations. Resolution offered by Geo. B. Williams C. 0. Nelson Bernard Johnson o l ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12, 1941 Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Meyer to adopt the foregoing resolution. as Roll call was/follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, M. Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, P. Johnson, Herman -Hanson, Taipale, Sande, Klovstad, Wallin, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, Tedlund, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Kasmarek,.Rivers, Brink, A. E. Swanson, Squires. Total 31. NAYS: None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS' the Forestry Service under the U. S. Department of Agriculture has been requested to furnish correct names covering lakes and streams in Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, there appears to be considerable discrepancy as to the spelling of these names on different maps; that is, on one map the name is spelled differently than on another, and in some instances there are three or four different spellings, and WHEREAS, it is difficult for anyone individual to furnish a correct list of names without some field work. THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Conservation Committee be authorized and directed to cooperate with the Forest Service in securing the correct names and if necessary to hold hearings in different parts of the County to establish same. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when these names are finally ascertained that the list be sent to the State Geographic Board to be adopted by them. H. C. Fiege Moved by Wallin and seconded by Desparois to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following -resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Register of Deeds be allowed an extra clerk on a half-time basis, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cost of this part-time clerk shall not exceed $400.00 per annum. This resolution shall be effective as of November 1, 1941. L. D. Pease S. E. Squires I. L. Alcott J. L. MacRae E. Liebman FINANCE COMMITTEE Moved by Pease and seconded by'MaeRae to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: Be it hereby resolved that the per diem of County Board Members for board work and committee work be set at five dollars($5.00) per day commencing May 12 1945. L. D. Pease J. L. MacRae S. E. Squires - E. Liebman I. L. Alcott FINANCE COMMITTEE ,3 7 2 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE HAYFIELD.COUNTY BOARD November 12, 1941 Moved by Pease and seconded by MacRae to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, B. Johnson, Buckley, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, P. Johnson, Liebman, Taipale, Sande, Klovstad, Shykes, Williams, Tedlund, Fiege, Rivers, Brink, A. E. Swanson, Squires. Total 23. NAYS: M. Thoreson, Frels, Meyer, Herman -Hanson, Wallin, Rowley, Nyberg, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Kasmarek. Total 10. Motion carried. The following report was read: We herewith submit a report of the expenditures of the Public Health Nurse for 1941 to September 1: 1941 Budget 1941 Expenditures 8 months Salary 01800.00 $1200.00 Travel 600.00 469.74 Office Help 350.00 279.18 Office Expense 300.00 218.89 X-Ray 150.00 183.00 Small Pox Vaccination 6.00 Diptheria Immunization 100.00 43.44 Iodine Tablets 125.00 124.26 Defect Corrections 50.00 65.50 Total $3475.00 $2590.01 Federal Aid 1000.00 $2475.00 +$884.99 - left for Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec. Signed: D. S. Knight Moved by Alcott and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. C. 0. Nelson arrived at this time. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the last duly elected County Surveyor of Bayfield County,to-wit, R. W. Smith, has removed from Bayfield County and has remained away from Bayfield County for a period of more than sixty (60) days, to -wit, approximately, three (3) years, and WHEREAS, no successor has been elected or appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of,the said-R. W. Smith-, Now Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the office of County Surveyor is hereby declared to be vacant. E. Liebman Moved by Unseth and seconded by Rowley to adopt the foregoing report. Roll call was as follows: 33 ANNUAL MEETING. OF THE-BAYFIELDCOUNTY_ BOARD November 12 1941 ----------- - - ------ ----------- AYES: Pease, Alcott, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, Meyer; Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, P. Johnson, Herman Hanson, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Taipale, Sande, Klovstad, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Williams, Tedlund, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Kasmarek, Rivers, Brink, A. E. Swanson, Squires. Total 31. NAYS: Buss, M. Thoreson, Nyberg. Total 3. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: Be it hereby resolved that the annual salary of the County Nurse be set at eighteen hundred and sixty dollars ($1860.00). 1942. Be it further resolved that this schedule become effective on January 1, D. 'S. Knight S. E. Squires Ora C. Brink John Taipale County Health Committee Moved by Knight and seconded by Brink to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Sheriff be allowed thirty (30¢) cents per meal for board of prisoners effective January 1, 1942. Andrew J. Pristash Erick Sande Daniel 1. Buckley SHERIFF'S COMMITTEE Moved by Buss and seconded by Marvin Thoreson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. 1942. The following resolution was read: Be it hereby resolved that the salaries of county employees be set as follows: Court House Custodian (Annually) $1320.00 Jailor (Annually) 1320.00 Be it further resolved that the foregoing scale become effective January 1, J. A. Rivers Joe Kasmarek Building & Grounds Committee Moved by Rivers and seconded by Buckley to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, routine inspection of school children has been conducted by nurses for a number of years, and IMREAS, the same defects, such as vision, teeth and tonsils, have gone on from year to year uncorrected, and - WHEREAS, the County health budget has allowed $50.00 per year for the entire ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12. 1941 County and is asking for $250.00 this year,.,and WHEREAS, the need for the correction 'of physical defect's has been very defin- itely brought to our attention by the results of the Selective Service examinations, and WHEREAS, the State Board 'of Health has recommended that routine school inspection be discontinued because the time spent was unprofitable because nothing was done about corrections, and inasmuch as the County Health Committee -in recommending that $250.00 be allowed realizes that this sum is still insufficient, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Bayfield County'Board of Supervisors at their annual November session increase the sum of $250.00 to $1,000 to be used for physical defect corrections, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the spending of this- money be under the direction of the County Health Committee and each applicant approved before the expenditure is allowed. Respectfully submitted: D. S. Knight Victor Grubisic Ora C. Brink John Taipal.e HEALTH COMMITTEE Moved by Knight and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES.: Buss, Pease, Alcott, M. Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, P. Johnson, Herman Hanson, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Taipale, Sande, Klovstad, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, Tedlund, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Kasmarek, Rivers, Brink, A. E. Swanson, Squires. Total 34. NAYS: None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board in session this llth day of November, 1941, that the Bayfield County Board adopt the Food"Stamp Plan for Bayfield County and agree to abide by the rules and regulations as provided by the Surplus Marketing Administration and to cooperate with the Surplus Marketing Administration® That the Public Welfare 'Committee be designated as administrators of the Food Stamp Plan and that H. B. Randall, Jr. as Welfare Director be appointed certifying officer. THAT there is hereby appropriated the sum of $1500 a year for the adminis- tration expense of the Stamp Office. THAT the Public Welfare Committee be and is hereby authorized to hire one person to be wholly responsible for the sale of food stamps and to set up any other necessary personnel for the operation of the stamp sale office. THAT there is hereby established a revolving fund of $7,000 for the purchase of food stamps for re -sale to the clients of the stamp plan. RESOLVED that as this Stamp Plan -cannot be established in Hayfield County until approved by the Surplus MarketingAdministration, the Public Welfare Committee is designated as that authority to work with the Surplus Marketing Administration and 375 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12. 1941 to hire the personnel and start the operation of the plan in Bayfield County when the final approval is given by -the Surplus Marketing Administrati-on: THAT the cities, villages, and towns in the county agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the Surplus Marketing Administration, and that they appoint one of their -members as a referral agent to refer direct relief clients of the cities, towns, and villages to the Welfare Director, H. B. Randall, Jr., as being eligible 'to purchase food stamps.. Albert E. 'Swanson A. J. Uns-eth H. J. S. Hanson Moved by H. J. S. Hanson and seconded by A. E. Swanson to adopt the fore- going resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Marvin Thoreson, Frels, Meyer, MacRae, Liebman, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Williams, Tedlund,. Fiege, Knight,-H. J. S. Hanson, Kasmarek, Rivers, A. E. Swanson, Squires. Total 17. NAYS; Buss, Pease, Aleott, B. Johnson, Buckley, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, P. Johnson, Herman Hanson, C. 0. Nelson, Taipale, Sande, Klovstad, Nyberg, Brink. Total 16. Motion carried. Moved by Desparois and seconded by Meyer to adjourn until 1:30 P. M.. Notion carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P. M. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered roll call: Buss, Pease, Alcott, M. Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, P. Johnson, Herman Hanson, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Taipale, Sande, Klovstad, Wallin, Rowley, Sh kes Nyberg, edlund Fie e Knight, H. J. S. Hanson Kasmarek Rivers Y � y ga Williams,� s g a g > > > > Willard Thoreson, Brink, A..E. Swanson, Squires. Total 35. The following report was read: TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD, BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: We, the undersigned committee on Finance & Miscellaneous, beg to recommend that the following bills be allowed, and that the County Clerk be authorized to draw orders for amounts shown in column headed "allowed." Dated at Washburn, Wis., this 12th day,of November, 1941. Respectfully submitted, L. D: Pease S. E. Squires I. L. Alcott­ J. L. MacRae E. Liebman i ;I 37 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE _BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD_ November 12, 1941 NAME OF CLAIMANT PURPOSE CLAIMED ALLOWED E. Stevenson 1 deer - damage by dogs 25.00 Disallowed Melvin Faulkenberg 4 sheep killed by dogs 32.00 32.00 Victor blattakat Tails of two animals bitten off by dogs. 20.00 20.00 Anders Hokanson 1 ewe killed 'by dogs 7.00 7.00 Ralph Rose 22 chickens killed by dogs 11.00 11.00 City of Washburn Care of (Pat) Magnus Anderson (Transient' -Poor) 15$.07 153.07 City of Washburn Care of Jens Berg, Transient Poor 101.50 101.50 Care of Jens Berg, Transient Poor 116.30 118.30 Ashland County Care of Emma Boutin (Charge to Town of Bayfield) 339.89 339.89 Ashland County Care of Henry Bour (Charge to Town of Drummond) 9.94 9.94 Ashland County Care of Myron Bovee 485.05 Disallowed LaCrosse County Care of Robert Brinstad .45 Disallowed 3.17 Disallowed Town of Pratt Care of Mrs. Geo. Brokaw 15.00 Defer action Clark County Care of Alexander Brown 295.68 Disallowed Town of Pratt Care of Carver Clark Family (Charge to Dunn County) 44.60 44.60 Ashland County Care of Kathrine Compton (Charge Town of Cable) 37.92 37.92 Ashland County Care of Lester Compton (Charge Town of Cable) 11.34 11.34 Ashland County Care of Mary, Wilcox (Settled for -!-'charge to (Pd. 10/15/41) Town of Kelly) 361.51 180.70 Douglas County Care of Maxwell Freestone (Receives O.A.A.) 18.45 Deferred Ashland County Care of John Gustafson 60.34 Disallowed Douglas County Care of Donald Sauve (Charge Town of Iron River) 11.11 11.11 Douglas County Care of Isaac Hubbard (Charge Town of Iron River) 22.00 22.00 Ashland County Care of Walfred Gustafson 34.88 Disallow Douglas County Care of.Fred Travers (O.A.A.) 85.45 Defer Ashland County Care of Elwood Locks (Charge Town of Bayfield) 56.53 56.53 Douglas County Care of John Hopfengartner (O.A.A.) 28.60 Defer Ashland County Care of Ida Hawkins (Charge Town of Mason) 140.69 140.69 Douglas County Care of Lillian Henry 11.65 Disallow Ashland County Care of John Houghton (Charge Town of Washburn) 31.11 31.11 III Waukesha County Care of Edw. Harley - (.Charge Village of Mason) 105.54 105.54 Chippewa County Care of George F. Day ( Charge 6'ity of Bayfield) 25.98 25.98 Ashland County Care of Nicholas Gima (Charge Town of Drummond) 18.10 Disallow Town of Bayview Care of Isiah Gray, Transient Poor 171.00 31.00 202.00 Dane County Care of William Lay 170.20 Disallow 45.95 Disallow i 37 ANNUAL NEETIN'G OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12, 1941 NAME OF CLAIMANT Milwaukee 'County Ashland County Ashland County Town of Namakagon Ashland County Jefferson County Town of Pratt Town of Pratt Barron County Town of Lincoln City of Washburn Barron County Ashland County Ashland County Ashland County Milwaukee County Ashland County Ashland County Pure Air Sanatorium City of Washburn Estabrook-Swanson Agency Elizabeth Hawkes La Crosse County City of Washburn Town of Washburn Brown County F. G. Johnson Alvin E. Bratley Village of Mason Marathon County T. R. Spears Albert Westen Town of Pratt PURPOSE CLAIMED ALLOWED Care of Hilmer Johnson, (Charge City of Washburn) 5.55 5,.55 Care of Lillian Johnson 3.43 Disallow Care of George Locks 36.32 .10=18-41 Pd. Care of Mary Mansfield (Transient Poor) 13,36 13.36 Care of Peter Miller (Charge Town of Pilsen) 6.00 Defer action Care of Robert Morrison 1.40 Disallow Care of Martin Nelson baby 55.00 55.00 Care of Minnie Nelson & baby (Transient Poor) 491.80 491.80 Care of Gustav Nelson (Transient Poor) 73.91 73.91 Care of Ida Oberg 100.00 Disallow Care of Oscar Olson,transient poor 213.75 213.75 Care of Alex Pajala - 141.00 Disallow Care of Lester Perusse (Charge Village of Cable) 395,49 Disallow Care of Robert Plunkett (Charge City of Washburn 91.39 91.39 Care of Kathr.ine Stefan 52.67 Disallow Care of Matt Then-O.A.A. (Charge Town of Eileen) 63.75 33.75 Care of John E. Toman (Charge Town of Keystone) 70.00 70.00 Care of Siney Verville 747.31 Disallow Care of Edgar N. Watts (Charge Town of Keystone) 79.53 79.53 X-rays 124.00 124.00 Weed Cutting 106.15 Disallow Sheriff's bonds 5.00 5.00 Mileage claims 49.01 49.01 Care of Margaret Neal (Charge Town of Bayfield) 299.45 299.45 74.00 74.00 Care of Willard Leighton (Charge Town.of Clover). 185.96 185.96 16.25 16.25 Care of Willard Leighton (Charge Town of Clover) 65.45 65.45 Care of Henry Mazur 91.60 Disallow Examination of Ernest F. Holmes, deceased 10.00 10.00 Coroner's fees 89.30 89.30 Care of Peter Field,.Transient poor 217.50 217.50 Assessment Office Expense 51.97 51.97 Examination fees 30.00 30.00 Care of Sol&rs' Graves 25.00 25.00 Burial of Alfred Brandon, Transient Poor 100.00 65.00 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - -- November 12 , 19 41-------------- - --- — --- NAME OF CLAIMANT Wis. County Boards Asstn. P. J. Savage Lutheran Welfare Society of Milwaukee L. K. Blanchard Town of Clover Town of Russell Town of Russell Town of Russell Nels Myhre Town of Eileen PURPOSE CLAIMED Annual dues and subscription $ 142.50 ALLOWED $ 142.50 Costs & fees in Co. Traffic Ordinance Cases 62.11 62.11 Care of Laura Anfinson 16.00 16.00 Justices.Fees 7.50 7.50 Care of Alex Nigard, Transient Poor 66.51 66.51 Care of Dale Daugherty family, County transient- 64,37 64.37 Care of Louis F. Houle family, (Charge Vilas County) 18.00 18.0-0 Care of Gust Stute family (Charge Ashland County) 102.52 102.52 Salary (extra help) paid Helen Peterson for clerical work 92.50 92.50 Care of Hannah Nelson (Charge City of Washburn) 35.00 35.00 Moved by Pease and seconded by MacRae to adopt the foregoing report of the Finance Committee. Motion carried. The following report was read by Mrs. Francis Ryan, Secretary of the Childrens County Board: BAYFIELD COUNTY CHILDREN'S BOARD Secretary's Annual Report 1941 Mr. Chairman and members of the County Board: The, Bayfield County Children's Board consists of five members: Mrs. Alpha Radloff, Cable, Chairman; Mrs. Francis Ryan, Bayfield, Secretary; Mrs. Carl Christof- ferson, Mashburn; Mr. S. E. Squires, Mason, and Mr. I. L. Alcott, Bayfield. The Children's Board holds its regular meetings on the fourth Friday of each month and is attended by its members, County Judge Axelberg, The District Attor- ney, The Pension Director, Field Representative of the.Child Welfare Department, Case Workers, The County Nurse, Superintendent of Schools, together with an advisory com- mittee which consists of-, Mrs. A. C. Emerson, Iron River; Mrs. Eskil Swanson, Port Wing; Mrs. M. P. Doyle, Washburn, and Mrs. John Sannes of Barksdale. The,work of the Board has been carried on as usual, taking care of cases as they are brought to our attention. The County Nurse, our County and City Superin- tendent of Schools, the teachers in the various schools throughout the County, The Town Chairman, The Department for Delinquents in the State, our Advisory Committee, and various other reliable sources are most helpful in bringing to .our attention the neglected and delinquent children, and all play a big part in helping us to carry on our work. The County is paying for twenty-eight children in twenty one foster homes. These children are under the supervision of the Children's Board. Twenty eight children may not seem a great many to be -cared for by the board, and no doubt it would not require too much of our time and effort if our work ended here. Now after �9 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12, 1941 a careful investigation is made for. 'afoster home and -a permit granted by the State - of Wisconsin, we' then place the -child -in -the foster home, shifting a great deal of the worry and responsibility for these children from -our shoulders to those of the foster parents, but believe us this is not all of the picture, the neglected and delinquent child, who is still in his own home, offers a greater problem. To attempt - to solve these problems adequately requires great patience, energy and much time. We need not tell you, that, as a Board, we are often greatly handicapped by lack of funds, while the County Board has met the financial needs of the Children's Board with its appropriations for mileage, postage, etc., we do lack funds for emergency cases which often come to us. We wish to thank you, the County Board, for your kindness and co-operation in helping us to carry on this very worth -while work. Respectfully, Mrs. Francis Ryan, Secretary Moved by Liebman and seconded by Brink to accept the foregoing report and to extend a vote of thanks to the Children's County Board for their work in the past year. Motion carried. Moved by Unseth and seconded by Meyers to resolve the Board into a committee as a whole for the purpose of a hearing on the budget for the ensuing year. Motion carri There were no appearances at the Committee hearing on the budget. Moved by Meyer and seconded by Unseth to adjourn the Committee of the whole and to .resume action as a County Board. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS; WHEREAS BAYFIELD COUNTY has tax title to the following described property situated in the Town of Bell: The NW NE, SW NE, Parcel lying SW of highway of SE NE containing approximately two (2) acres and the NE SE of Section Thirteen (13), Township Fifty (50) North and Range Six ( 6 ) VYest. WHEREAS the Town of Bell has an excess delinquent tax credit of $22,082.06 on County records as of November 1, 1941, and WHEREAS The Town Board of the Town of Bell have adopted a resolution authorizing and directing that applicati on.be made to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to acquire the aforesaid descriptions, Therefore, in view of the foregoing facts, be it hereby resolved that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue a quit Claim Deed to the Town of Bell covering the above described descriptions, And that the consideration be the face of the tax certificates plus fees and penalties now held by the County Treasurer, and that said consideration be written off from the credit account of the Town of Bell on account of excess delinquent tax rolls. Bernard Johnson, Chairman, Town of Bell Moved by Bernard Johnson and seconded by Pease to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12, 1941 The following resolution was read':' TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY"BOARD OF'SUPERVISORS: WHEREAS BAYFIELD COUNTY has under the Forest Crop Law tax title to the follow- ing described property situated in the Town of'Bell: The Southwest Quarter (SW-41;) of Section 14, Township Fifty (50) North and Range Six (-6) West, WHEREAS this property borders County Highway C and the Town of Bell has an excess delinquent tax credit of $$22,082.06 on County records as of November 1, 1941, and WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Bell have adopted a resolution authoriz- ing and directing that application be made to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to acquire the aforesaid descriptions, Therefore, in view of the foregoing facts, be it hereby resolved that the County Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to issue a Quit Claim Deed to the Town of Bell covering the above described descriptions, And that the consideration be the face of the tax certificates plus fees and penalties now, held by the County Treasurer, and that consideration be written off from the credit account of the Town of Bell on account of excess delinquent tax rolls. Bernard Johnson Chairman, Town of Bell Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by'Rowley to refer the foregoing resolu- tion to the Forestry Committee with instructions that they report back to the County. Board. Motion carried.. The following resolution was read: Be it hereby resolved that the following table of valuations.covering Real and Personal property as compiled by the Supervisor of Assessments, be and is hereby adopted as the equalized valuation of the taxing districts of Bayfield County for the year 1941 DISTRICT Barksdale , - Town Barnes, It Bayfield, Bayview, t! Bell, tt Cable, t° Clover, Delta, �f Drummond, tt Eileen, tt Hughes, n Iron River, tt Kelly, t� Keystone, t: Lincoln, " Mason, n Namakagon, AGGREGATE RECOMHENDED FULL VALUE 2,635,960 412,580 290,165 244, 930, 203,585 377,005 235,E 630 213,555 399,835 604,850 120,110 4100530 4780875 3279015 302,800 425,445 5609955 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD__ November 12, 1941 DISTRICT Orienta, Town Oulu, f4 Pilsen, " Port Ting, n Pratt,, fr Russell, " Tripp, " Mashburn, Cable, Village Mason, n Bayfield, City Washburn, . COUNTY TOTAL AGGREGATE RECOMMENDED FULL VALUE. 219,175 537,010 191,390 473,310 3372300 139,355 2059055 278,72.5 163,675 104,590 639,215 11029,725 $121,5620410 L. D. Pease I. L. Alcott- S. E. Squires J. L. MacRae Russell E. Rowley E. Liebman FINANCE AND EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE Moved by Pease and seconded by MacRae to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. J. 0. Bodin, County Treasurer, appeared before the County Board and explained the new.law with regard to semi-annual payment of taxes which becomes effective in 1942. The Chair declared a five minute recess. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS,.the Town of Orienta has acquired the school house formerly called the Antonson school,,and located on the SW -SNIT, Section 29-49-8, and WHEREAS, this said description has a considerable amount of gravel and the town desires to acquire same for gravel pit purposes, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Bayfield County issue a quit claim deed to the town of Orienta covering the above described forty, said forty to be used for gravel pit purposes. C. 0. Nelson Moved by Pease and seconded by A. E. Swanson to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. The following claim was read: TO BAYFIELD COUNTY AND THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF SAID BAYFIELD COUNTY: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that Mae Keifer of Iron,River, Wisconsin, is the owner of the W2 of the W4 of the SE4 of Section 18, Township 47N. Range 817, Bayfield County, Wisconsin; that Bayfield County is the owner of the E2 of the NJ— of the SE. 3H`L ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- - - ----- -- ------ - --- November 12 , 19 4I------- --------------- - --- ---- — of Section 18, Township 47 N., Range 8W, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, having purchased the same from Mae Keifer, in January 1929; that said Bayfield County, Wisconsin oper- ates a gravel. pit -on-- the E2 of the Mt4 of the SEj of Section 18 - 47 - 8, Bayfield County; that in the course of the operation of this gravel pit'during and prior to the year 1940, said Bayfield County encroached.on the W2 of the.NW,k of the SE4, Sec- tion 18 - 47 - 8, Bayfield County, the premises owned by Mae Keifer, and removed therefrom .large quantities of gravel without the knowledge or consent of said Mae Keifer, and without paying her for the same; that the amount of gravel so removed has been estimated at 16,897 cubic yards, as determined by a cross -sectional survey of the premises encroached upon; that the reasonable value of the gravel so removed is $1,000.00; that said Mae Keifer has never, and no one on -her behalf has ever removed any gravel from said premises and she has never given or granted any, license or permit to Bayfield County,, or anyone -else -for -the removal of gravel from said premises, nor has anyone on her behalf ; that the market value- of said 72 of the NWj of, the SE4 of Section 18, Township 47N, Range 8W, Bayfield County -was largely dependent on the exis- tence of a sizable deposit of" gravel -on -said land and that,the value has been practi- cally destroyed by the aforementioned removal of said gravel therefrom by Bayfield County. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that sati'sfacti on for the removal of said gravel and for the consequent'depreciation-1n. the value of the W-gl of -the NWJ of the SE4 of Section 18, Township-47N., Range 8W, Bayfield County is claimed from Bayfield County by Mae Keifer in the sum of $1.,000.00. STATE OF WISCONSIN)' )ss. COUNTY OF ASHLAND ) W. H.: Cate -Claimant's Attorney W. H. Cate being -,duly sworn, deposes and�says that he is one of the attorneys -for -Mae Keifer and --makes this claim on her' behalf and is duly authorized so to do; that'he has read the foregoing claim, knows the contents thereof, and the same is true to his own knowledge except as to those matters therein stated on information and belief, and as to those matters he believes the same to be true. W. H. Cate Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of November, 1941. Euphemia Davies NOTARY PUBLIC, ASHLAND GO., WIS. My Commission expires Oct. 31:, 1943. 11/10/41 Ree. Disallowed L. D. Pease Russell E. Rowley I. L. Alcot-t E. Liebman S. E. Squires FINANCE COMMITTEE Moved by Pease and seconded by MacRae to disallow the foregoing claim. Motion carried. In ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12,1941 The following report has'read: Your Special Committee on Sanatorium appointed last May held several meetings. We found that many small matters -on which --complaints were received had } already been -taken care of by -the Board of Trustees. We also met with the Board of Trustees and found them cooperative. Several different matters were discussed and we have been informed the Trustees acted on them at a subsequent meeting of their board. The Secretary of the Board has notified us in writing that all matters discussed have been attended to. SIGNED: Bernard Johnson Victor Grubisic I. L. Alcott SPECIAL SANATORIUM COMMITTEE Moved by Knight and seconded by Pease to receive the foregoing report and fplace on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the County Land Committee on sale of tax deed property is not now empowered to sell County lands for less than $2.00 per acre, and WHEREAS, there is an appreciable acreage of tax delinquent lands within the boundaries of the Chequamegon National Forest, acid WHEREAS, the U. S. Forest Service is not allowed to pay more than the 11 amount of tax delinquency in Tri Partite exchanges, �1 NOW THEREFORE BE.IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the said County Land Committee be ,{ empowered to exchange these County lands with the U. S. Government in a Tri Partite exchange for the amount of the taxes plus an allowance sufficient for advertising said .I sale, .I _ Edwin Nyberg Moved by Rowley and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FINANCE AND BUDGET COMMITTEE TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 11 BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN, Gentlemen: November 10, 1941 We submit the proposed budget'for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1942, and recommend its adoption. For the first time since 1896 (and perhaps before that) Bayfield County does -1 not have any indebtedness.. The last of the bonds having been retired April 1, 1941. The cash on hand November 1, 1941 was less than a year ago. The valuation of the County has been increased $170,465.00 over a year ago, allowing an increase of $1,704.65 in County taxes. PA ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November. 122 1941 One of the larger items showing increase was that of Sanatorium but is par- tially offset by additional state.aid. Another large item is that of County Bridge Aid due primarily to the rainstorm in'September. This year's budget was prepared earlier -than usual and advertssed.in a sum- mary form as required by the new budget law, Chapter 221, Laws of 1941. This makes it more advisable than ever that all appropriations be included in the budget. EXPENDITURES ACTUAL EXPENDITURES RECOISIENDED For 1940 1941 1942 STATE TAX: 8.months, Forestry Tax under'Sec. 70.58 (2),(This item does not effect the if County tax limit) 2,399.84 21418.39 2,512.48 GENERAL GOVERNNMNT: County Board 20658.35 1,396.26 3*350.00 County Clerk 4,148.12 31007.57 49500.00 County Treasurer 30791.94 22913.21 4,300.00. Assessment of Taxes 2,501.02 1,179.59 29500.00 District Attorney 21593.16 19854.51 20700.00 Divorce Counsel 45.00 20.00 75.00 County Surveyor 5.00 County Court 3,183.06 22062.59 32000.00 Municipal Courts 2,560.93- 1,595.77 21500.00 Justices Courts Circuit Court 32672.57 1,745.72 3,500.00 Juvenile Court 600.00 400.00 600.00 Coroner 255.80 109.30 250.00 Mediation Board Court House 5,695.97 2,001.30 3,450.00 Elections 2,450.63 596.64 2,500.00 Special Accounting & Auditing- 21131.46 .900.00 Property & Liability Ins. 291.85 300.00 State Deposit Insurance 143.47 97.38 150.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY: Sheriff 6,436.47 40001:84 69500.00 Register of Deeds 31250.21 29243.59 33,900.00 County' s Share of Cost of Fighting Forest -Fires 143.50 500.00 Motor Police 75.70 County Council of Defense 22.65 200.00 HEALTH, CONSERVATION & SANITATION: Vital Statistics 275.90 261,25 275.00 Tri-County Sanatorium 241611.33 14,811.27 24,000.00 Patients at State & Other County Sanatoria 2,387.58 32451.21 2,423.33* Conservation Fund 19855.49 2,091.31 2,400.00 Forest Trespass Service 908.18 594.27 900.00 Public Health Nurse 3,529.40 21591.01 41530.00 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12, 1941 ACTUAL EXPENDITURES RECOMMENDED .For .. 1940 1041 1942 8 months ® 'EDUCATION: County Supt., of Schools 3,670.38 2,519.60 41,200.00 Supervising Teacher 29085.09 11217.50 29100.00 Tuition Outside Training Schools 1,440.00 932.00 480.00 County Agricultural Agent 4,331.97 22726.62 4,545.00 Aid to Common Schools 279750.00 24,642.50 21,536.19 CHARITIES & CORRECTIONS: Pension Administration 39157.97 ) ) ) Welfare Administration 99359.47 109453.68) 129000.00) Relief Committee 89.84 ) ) Outdoor Poor Relief 2,787.53 19047.28 39500.00 Blind Pensions 6,964.50 4,794.00 61,500-600 Soldiers Relief 546.12 646.43 10000.00 Veterans,Service, Officer 22166.68 19607.62 29800.00 Insane in Outside Institutions 9,440.08 99522.68 8,413.40* Jail & Sheriff's Residence 2,404.68 12928.84 29600.00 Industrial School for Girls 45.0.00 None None ' Industrial School for Boys- None 412.86 46.5.71* Childrens County Board 253.79 168:73 400.00 Wis. Colony &-Training Schools 19883.98 29281.33 4,340.53* School for -Dependent Children 19471.79 19186.61 845.79* Temporary -Cara of Depen•. Children 5,662.39 30428.27 5,200.00 Aid to Dependent Children 300647077 22;395.65 33,000.00 State General Hospital 4,150.45 5,348.90 52644.80* State Orthopedic Hospital 12096.80 895.50 .354.30* Other Hospitalisation 300.00 Food Stamp Plan- 19500.00 INDEBTEDNESS: - Principal on --Bonds 61000.00 -39000.00 None Interest on Bonds & Short"Loans 19560.61 431.67 Principal on Temporary'Loans 409000.00 Interest on Temporary Loans 600.00 UNCLASSIFIED: - County Fair 29754.16 2,000-.00 29000.00 County Tax•Deed Mork 1,360.86 753.87 11500.00 Miscellaneous -Stationery 90099 History of Bayf ield Co. 500.00 Sundry Unclassified 447.76 908.66 10.00 Repairs to Tax Deed Prop. 35.27 Miscellaneous W.P.A. Projects 38.20 Farm Security Admin. 260.56 Chequamegon Ski Assn. 300.00 300.00 300.00 Severance Tax due State 608.23 603.75 W.P.A. - Rental School Bldg. 400.00 l 1 6 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE-BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12, 1941 GENERAL, GOVERNMENT: County Clerk County Treasurer PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY: County Court She ri f f Register.of Deeds HEALTH,,C.ONSERVATION & SANITATION: County Nurse Dam.Construction EDUCATION: County Supt. County Agr. Agent CHARITIES & CORRECTIONS: Pension Director UNCLASSIFIED: Barnes Dam & Bridge County Bridge Aid, STATE TAX: GENERAL: General County Tax Levy (lf) TAXES: Income Tax For County Occupational Tax for Co. Tax Fees & Penalties Inheritance Tax -for -Co. Utility Tax from State - Forest Crop Tax from Districts FEES & COSTS: County Clerk's Fees County Court Fees & Costs Municipal Court Fees & Costs Circuit Court Fees & Costs Register of Deed's Fees County Agr. Agent's Earnings LICENSES & PERMITS: Dog .Licenses OUTLAY ACTUAL EXPENDITURES 1940 1941 8 months $ $ 164.70 240.16 189.37 243.67 400.00 367.20 129.65 49058 442.00 63.22 84.56 250.00 165.29 25.90 $2190078.44 REVENUES 1940 e 2,399.84 119,991.80 709.21 116.80 12,019.65 523.75 21942.55 19364.33 200.90 147.55 238.93 353.26 2,800.68 1,000.00 $1603,282.89 1941 8 months $ 29476.30 123,919.45 4,822.71 31.95 89606.20 4.16 2,864.59' 10763.96 97.10 83.85 2.55 103.03 2,164.86 2.20 REC OMNIENDED For 1942 E. 105.00 165.00 500.00 200.00 50.00 600.00 120.00 42360.00 $2569856.53 ESTIMATED FOR 1942 2,512.48 125,624.10 52500.00 25.00 112000.00 250.00 31142.00 19750.00 150.00 150.00 . 300.00 200.00 30000.00, 500.00 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE HAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12, 1941 387 ` FINES, FORFEITS & PENALTIES': Penal Fines for County. GIFTS & GRANTS': State Aid for Sanatorium .State Aid for Blind State Aid for Supervising Teacher State,. Aid' for � Dependent- Children State Aid for Admin. of Pensions Blind & D.C. State Aid for -Co. Nurse Revenue"from State Highway Bonds ALL OTHER' GENERAL REVENUE-. All Other - Unclassified Forestry Fund for Co. Agent Rent of Tax.Deed Prop. Sale of Wood -Forest Crop Lands Sale of Mood -County Lands COMMERCIAL REVENUE: Short Loans 1940 81.00 9,653.81 59567.20 29045.28 239778.59 8,628.51 12000.00 4,200.00 818.83 513.50 4,034.93 19457.34 1941 8 months 15.00 99000.48 3,800.80 2,063.36 17,421.09 69642.24 1,000.00 2,100.00 2p026.97 286.25 1,018.19 29094.31 $2052'588.24 $1949413.69 Respectfully submitted this loth day of November, 1941. SIGNED: ESTIMATED FOR 1942 $ 200.00 11,864.79 59200.00 21100400 26,000.00 79500.00 19000.00 None 3,863.16 875.00 3, 000.00 40,000.00 $256,856.53 L. D. PEASE, CHAIRMAN I. L. ALCOTT J. L. Mt1CRAE ERNEST LIEBMAN RUSSELL ROWLEY" S . E . 'SQUIRES Committee on Finance, Miscellaneous Claims and Budget (NOTE = `STATE SPECIAL CHARGES) Moved by Pease and seconded'by MacRae to adopt the foregoing budget. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Marvin Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, P. Johnson, Herman Hanson, Liebman, C. 0. Nelson, Taipale, Sande, Klovstad, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, Tedlund, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Kasmarek, Rivers, tiV, Thoreson, Brink, A. E. Swanson, Squires. Total 35. NAYS: None. Motion carried-. Moved by Wallin and seconded by Pease that the Chair appoint a committee to investigate the feasibility of installing an addressograph machine in the Court House, said Committee to carry on this work with the County Treasurer and County Clerk. Motion carried. ANNUAL _MEETING _OFTEE BAYFIE_LD COUNTY BOARD .November 12. 1941 The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors -of Bayfield County, Wisconsin., at.its annual session, assembled this-12th day of November, 1941, that there be and there is hereby appropriated against all the taxable property of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, the following items, to -wit: State Taxes for Forest purposes, under Section 70.58 (2) 2,512.48 Common school tax, under Section 59.075 219536.19 For all other items of budget as adopted this day, the sum of 104,087.91 $128-9136.58 L. D. Pease Moved by Alcott and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution, Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Marvin Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, P. Johnson, Herman Hanson, Lieb- man, C. 0. Nelson, Tai.pale, Sande, Klovstad, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, Tedlund, Fiege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Kasmarek, Rivers, 9. Thoreson, Brink, A. E. Swanson, Squires. Total 35. NAYS: None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled this 12th day of November, 1941, that the per diem and mileage be dllowed each member of the County Board as listed below and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such money and the Chairman and the County Clerk are instructed to issue an order for the total amount of such items listed below: COMMITTEE NAME PER DIEM MILEAGE COMMITTEE"WORK WORK MILEAGE TOTAL Erwin Buss 8.00 .90 4 8.90 L. D. Pease 8.00 6.06 4.00 6,06 24.12 I. L. Alcott 8.00 1.32 4.00 1.32 14,64 Marvin Thoreson 8.00 .18 8.18 Bernard Johnson 8.00 2,64 8.00 5.28 23.92 H. A. Frels 8.00 6.66 14.66 Daniel J. Buckley 8.00 3.96 11.96 Wm. Meyer 8.00 3.60 11.60 A. J. Unseth 8.00 4.44 12.44 Victor Grubisic 8.00 2.04 16.00 8.16 34.20 J. R. Desparois 8.00 4.08 12,08 1. L. MacRae 8.00 3.84 4.00 3,84 19.68 S. E. Squires 8.00 2.22 .12.00 6.66 28.88 Andrew Pristash 8.00 2,28 10.28 Peter Johnson 8.00 3.60 11.60 Herman Hanson 8.00 3.06 11.06 E. Liebman 8.00 5.46 4.00 5.46 22.92 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE HAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12, 1941 NAME C. 0. Nelson John Taipale Erick Sande George Klovstad Vic. C. Wallin Russell Rowley John Shykes Edwin Nyberg Geo. B. Williams G. L. Tedlund H. C. Yiege D. S. Knight H. J. S. Hanson Halvor Reiten Joe Kasmarek J. A. Rivers Willard Thoreson Ora Brink Albert Swanson Helmer Moe PER DIEM 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 MILEAGE 5.16 5.28 1.80 5.28 3.42 2,28 4.50 1.02 5.58 2.34 1.44 1.44 1.44 COMMITTEE WORK 4.00 4.00 "tall] COMMITTEE WORK MILEAGE 10.56 2.28 2.34 6.48 TOTAL $ 13.16 31.84 9.80 13.28 11.42 16,56 12.50 9.02 13.58 16.68 9.44 23.92 9,44 8.00 .12' 16.00 .48 24.60 8.00 .12 16.00 .48 24.60 8.00 .12 8.12 8.00 .12 8.00 1.44 17.56 8.00 .12 2.8.00 .84 36.96 SIGNED: S. E. Squires Moved by Unseth and sec -owned by Pease to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease; Alcott, Marvin Thoreson, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth,.Grubisie, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, P. Johnson, Herman Hanson, Lieb- man, C. 0. Nelson, Taipale, Sande, Klovstad, Wallin, Rowley; Shykes, Nyberg, Williams, Tedlund, Y ege, Knight, H. J. S. Hanson, Kasmarek, Rivers, W"O Thoreson, Brink, A. E. Swanson, Squires. Total 35. NAYS: None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, a co-operative association has been organized in Bayfield County, known as the Bayfield Electric Co-operative, Inc., which association has been granted an allotment -from the Rural Electrification Administration for the purpose of building an electric distribution line in said County, and WHEREAS, said proposed lines- will cross certain lands owned by--Bayfield County or be built- upon highway right-of-ways abutting property owned by Bayfield County, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the County"Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this 12th--day°of November, 1941, that the right be and the: same is hereby granted to the Bayfield Electric Co-operative, Inc., and to its succes- sors and assigns, to enter upon the lands of said County of Bayfield, State of Wisconsin, hereinafter described, and to construct, operate and maintain on the above described 9. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE HAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD --------- -- - --- — --- November 12, 1941 -- -- - -- — lands and/or in or upon all streets, roads or highways abutting said lands, an electric transmission or:distributlon line or system, and to cut and trim trees and shrubbery to the extent necessary to keep them clear of'said electric line or system and to cut down from time to time all dead, wean, leaning or dangerous trees that are tall enough to strike the wires in falling. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said easement be in the following -form: EASEIVIENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the County'of.Bayfield, a municipal corporation of the State of Wisconsin, for a good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof .is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto Bayfield Electric Co-operative, Inc., a corporation whose post office address if Iron River, V'lisconsin, and to its successors and assigns, the right to enter upon the lands of said Bayfield County, situated in the County of Hayfield, State of Wisconsin, and more particularly described as follows: (Descriptions) and to construct, operate and maintain on the above described lands and/or in or upon all streets, roads or highways'abutting said lands, an electric transmission or distribution line or system, and to cut and trim trees and shrubbery to the extent necessary to keep them clear of.said electric line or system and to cut down from time to time all dead, weak, leaning or dangerous trees that are tall enough to strike the wires in falling. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I, Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk of the County of Bayfield, have executed this easement for and on behalf of said County of Bayfield and have hereunto subscribed my name officially and affixed the seal of said County of Bayfield this day of , 1941. IN THE PRESENCE OF: STATE OF WISCONSIN) )ss COUNTY OF BAYFIELD) (SEAL) County Clerk of Bayfield County,'Wisconsin Personally came before me this day of , 1941, the above named Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk, to me known to be the person who executed the above instrument and acknowledged that Yee affixed the seal of Bayfield County thereto and that he executed said instrument''as such clerk, freely and voluntarily,for the uses and purposes of said instrument mentioned and as the law required. Notary Public, Bayfield County,V"his. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute said easement in behalf of and deliver the same to the Bayfield Electric Co-operative, Inc., at Iron River, Wisconsin. The lands affected by the foregoing resolution and easements are described as follows: ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 12, 1941 Description Northeast Quarter, Northeast Quarter (NE4-NE4) Southwest Quarter, Southwest Quarter (SW4-SW4) Northwest Quarter, Northwest Quarter (NW4-NW4) Northeast Quarter, Northeast Quarter (NE4-im ) Southeast'Quarter, Northeast Quarter (SE4-NE4) Southeast'Quarter, Northeast -'Quarter (SE4-NE4) Northwest Quarter, Northeast -Quarter (NW4-NE4) Northeast Quarter, Southwest Quarter (NE4-SW4) Southeast Quarter, Northwest'Quarter (SE4-1VW4) Southeast Quarter, Southeast Quarter (SE4-SE4) Northeast Quarter, Southeast Quarter (NE4-SE4) Section Township Range 25 49 9 31 49 9 31 49 9 29 49 81- 29 49 8 20 49 8 32 49 8 31 47 8 34 47 6 27 46 5- 27 46 5 T. F. Shykes Moved by Knight and seconded by Pease to adopt the foregoing resolution. Notion carried. Moved by Meyer and seconded by Pease to adjourn sine die. Motion carried. CHI , BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD 0