HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 5/11/1943ADJOURI\TED ANNUAL ORGANIZATION 1,'VETING OF T1 E B-117YFIELD COUNTY BOARD Meeting called to order at 10 A. M. by''Chairmari Squires. The f ollowing"members answered roll call: Buss, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth,,Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Pearson, Taipale, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Rowley, Shyke's, Ness, Moore, Knight; Hanson, Nelson, Kasmarek, Robinson, Brink, Swanson, Moe, Squires. TOTAL 33. Moved by Meyer and seconded by Unseth to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last annual meeting and that they be approved of as published. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned from Tuesday, May 4th, the County Clerk having received the following petition signed by County Board Members: April 26, 1943 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Washburn Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: You are hereby petitioned to adjourn the County Board meeting from May 4, to Tuesday, May 11, at 10 A. M. Yours very truly, Albert E. Swanson Harvey Irish R. J. Nelson L. D. Pease Tom Trelstad John Pearson 0. T. Bagstad John Taipale I. L. Alcott J. L. MacRae E. Liebman Earl P. Johnson Helmer A. Moe Joe Kasmarek Ora C. Brink Erick Sande Ernest Moore D. S. Knight Russell E. Rowley Dan L. Robinson Conrad Tedlund Andrew Pristash Daniel J. Buckley Henry J. S. Hanson J. F. Shykes I. L. Alcott H. A. Frels J. R. Desparois Victor Grubisic 478 JOURNED ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -------� Mav, 11, 1943 ?'dm. Meyer Arthur Levin Vic C. Wallin Nels Ness A. J. Unseth Erwin Buss On receipt of the foregoing petition the Clerk adjourned the meeting to Tuesday, May llth, and notified the members of the Bayfield County Board accordingly, as re- quired by the statutes. The Board proceeded with election of a chairman. The chair appointed Mieyer and Unseth as tellers. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Desparois to dispense with the tellers and vote by acclamation for Squires as Chairman of the Board. The Chair ruled the foregoing motion out of order. - The result of the first ballot for Chairman was as follows: S. E. Squires 27 I. L. Alcott 4 Not Voting 2 TOTAL 33 The Chair declared S. E. Squires duly elected. The Board proceeded with the election of a Vice -Chairman. The result of the first ballot was as follows: Alcott 21 Unseth 4 MacRae 3 Liebman 1 'Idfallin 1 Knight 1 Irish 1 TOTAL 32 The Chair declared Alcott duly elected as Vice -Chairman. Mr. Pease arrived at this time. Moved by Unseth and seconded by Pristash to set the rate for publishing official County Board proceedings at 45V per folio with a rate of .136 per folio for printing the supplements and $12.50 to each of the papers, other than the official one, for inserting the supplement in their paper. Motion carried. Moved by Meyer and seconded by Liebman that the Washburn Times be designated as the official paper for printing County Board proceedings for the coming year. Motion carried. The following communication was read. - To The Honorable: The County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin Gentlemen: In accord with paragraph 3, section 26.12 and paragraph 3, section 26.14 of the Wisconsin Statutes, we recommend the following men to act as authorized emergency fire wardens for the prevention and suppression of forest fires in Forest Protection ADJOURNED ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD District #1 of which Bayfield County is a part, for the year 1943, and ask your approval of this organization. EMERGENCY FIRE WARDENS Address George Meyer For -Town of Barksdale Ashland, Wis., R.3 George Ehrhart "' it, n Barnes Solon Springs, Wis. George Carter ro "' ,t Barnes Solon Springs, Wis. L. D. Pease It " It Barnes Solon Springs, Wis. E. C. Brandt It It It Hayfield Bayfield, Wis. Alex Butterfield t1 tt It, Bayfield Bayfield, Wis. Herman Sense It tt it, Bayfield Bayfield, Wis. F. J. Roman " tt " Bell Cornucopia, Wis. Frank Kitchak `t " Bell Cornucopia, Wis. J. C. Richardson tt It Cable Cable, Wis. Daniel Buckley " tt It Clover Herbster, 1A.is. ?Vm. Meyer It it It Delta Delta, Wis. Arthur Hanson rr It " Delta Delta, Wis. Joe Nemetz, Sr. IT it " Eileen Ashland, 711s., R.F.D. George Armbruster It " " Iron River Iron River, Wis. Percy Armbruster It " " Iron River Iron River, Wis. Emil Hanson " " Iron River Iron River, Wis. John Kurilla " " " Kelly Mason, Wis. Rol 111illiam Von Ende tt It " Keystone Mason, Wis. R.3 Thorwald Levine it tt Lincoln Mason, Wis. R.1 Joseph Berweger " " " Lincoln Mason, 1.Vis. R.1 Ray Meyers " " " Mason Benoit, Wis. Dan Dickrell " " " Mason Mason, Wis. Philip Young " " " Namekagon Cable, V'lis. John Gustafson " " 't Orienta Port Fling, ?;ris. John Kolarsky " " Pilsen Moquah, Wis. George Samuelson " tf t' Port ;ling Port ?ding, Wis. Otto C. Anderson tt tt It Pratt Grandview, Wis. Vic C. Wallin It IT " Pratt Grandview, Wis. Roy Smith IT " 't Russell Bayfield, Edward 0. Makela It it it Tripp Iron River, Allis. Garrett Tutor t, " tt Mashburn Washburn, Wis. Oscar Arnson tt tt Washburn Washburn, Wis. E. P. Welshinger, N. P. Ry. Bayfield County Superior, Wis., N.P. Ry. C. S. Nightingale Bayfield County Solon Springs, n1is. John Anderson, U.S.F.S. " " Cable, Wis. Clarence Bonk tt t' tt Cable, Allis. Norman Taylor " " Drummond, 11is. Edmund Boiseneau " n " Drummond, Wis. Louis J. Rosinsky " " *' Washburn, Wis. Brule, Wisconsin February 8, 1943. WISCONSIN CONSERVATION COMMISSION By J'. E. Hanson District Forest Ranger ADJOURNED ANNUAL ORGANIZATION 1VEa+ETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Moved by Meyer and seconded by Desparois that the list be approved as submitted except that Jason E. Colgrove of Ashland R. #3 be substituted for George Meyer and that Herman Sense be listed for the City of Bayfield instead of the Town of Bayfield. Motion carried. The following application was read: Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn Wisconsin Gentlemen: A March 29, 1943 I am interested in purchasing the NVT SW less 3.45 acres railway, in Section 13- _; and the NE SE of Section 14-45-6. 45-6/ I do not feel that these lands are worth the minimum price set by the County Board, under whose jurisdiction the Sales Committee acts. I herewith offer the sum of $40;00 for each of the above descriptions.. Yours very truly, Carl E. Dybedal Moved by Wallin and seconded by MacRae to grant the foregoing petition. Motion carried. The following petition was read: May 3, 1943 Dear Mr. Tranmal: I talked to the Town Chairman of the Town of Keystone about county owned land, the N2 NE Section 21-47-6 and the NIff N61 Section 22. There is no way for me to get to this land. I cannot get there the land is cut so bad there is no team that could get any wood out of there. The only thing I have against it, it could be used from the other side, to aproach it from the south and I live on the east side and that's what makes it hard for me. If I could use it I would buy it but I can not get in there. I will give the sum of $100.00 for the N2 NE Section 21. We're taxpayers of Bayfield County for thirty-two years. Yours very truly, i Albert Mihalak, Ashland, Rt. #2. Moved by Pristash and seconded by Desparois to sell the N2 of the NE of Section Twenty-one and the NW NW of Section Twenty-two, all in Township Forty-seven (47) North, Sy Range Six (6) Nest, for the sum of $150. subject to a 4 rod right-of-way across the 4. N2 NE of Section Twenty-one (21), Township Forty-seven (47) North, Range Six (6) West, h.: in case the taxes are let go delinquent or on the NW N1, of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Forty-seven (47) North, Range Six (6) Vdest or in case the forty in Section Twenty-two 22 is sold to a third art y- ( ) party. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Finance Committee, at a meeting held January 8, 1943, authorized the County Clerk and County Treasurer to pay William J. Maitland $100.00 per month for a period of 7 months commencing with January, 1943, and the balance to be paid on completion of audit, and WHEREAS, Mr. Maitland agreed to complete th5 audit by September 1, 1943, 4 L S ADJOURNED ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Mav 11. 1943 THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Board approve of the action taken by the Finance Committee as set forth in the foregoing paragraph. S. E. Squires Moved by Alcott and seconded by R. J. Nelson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: We hereby resolve by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, assembled this llth day of May, 1943, that the County Clerk be authorized to employ a full-time clerk in addition to his deputy, said clerk to receive the scale of wage provided for by resolution covering clerical help for county officers. S. E. Squires Moved by Liebman and seconded by Pease to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner of Lot 20, Block 74, and WHEREAS, the City of Bayfield is desirous of purchasing same, having been directed.'. Vi by action of its City Council to acquire same from the County, §j THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to issue the Quit Claim Deed to the City of Bayfield covering Lot 20, Block_'F"�"° 74 of the City of Bayfield, and that the amount of taxes, interest fees and penalties be charged to the excess credit account of delinquent realestate taxes of the City of Bayfield. Henry J. S. Hanson Moved by Hanson and seconded by MacRae to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. and The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the City of Bayfield purchased from R. J. Nelson Lots 18 & 19, Block 74 WHEREAS, there are delinquent taxes against this property, and WHEREAS, the City purchased the Lots subject to delinquent taxes, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled-'" this eleventh day of May, 1943, that the County Treasurer issue tax receipts for the outstanding taxes in his office on Lots 18 & 19, Block 74, of the City of Bayfield, and taxes, interest fees and penalties thereon be charged to the credit account of the excess delinquent real estate taxes of the City of Bayfield. Henry J. S. Hanson Moved by Knight and seconded by MacRae to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following communication was read: St. Paul, Minn. April 8, 1943. County Treasurer Hayfield County Washburn, Wis. _________ADJOURNED_ANNUAL ORGANIZATION_MEETIN-G QF-THE_BAYFIELD-COUNTY BOARD_-______ Dear Sir: Northern Pacific Railway Company, owner of the Nj Sail of Section 27-46N-9W, .; Bayfield County, Wisconsin, has allowed the taxes to become delinquent and it is under- �Ll� stood that your county will take title unless redemption is made. The Northern Pacific Railway Company does not intend to redeem this tract and in �.z,iorder to relieve the county from the necessity of tax proceedings and in order to get )the tract off our records, it has been decided to convey the land in question to your TY;;county. Quit claim deed dated February 18, 1943, is enclosed herewith. If your county C" �is willing to accept this and take title please acknowledge receipt of delivery of the deed on the enclosed post card. LLS/r 2 enc. Yours truly, L. L. Schwarm General Adjustment Agent Moved by Pease and seconded by Liebman to accept deed from the Northern Pacific Railway Company conveying the N-jT MI of Section 27, Township forty-six (46) North, Range Nine (9) West, to Bayfield County, Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board, at a meeting held May 10, 1941, entered into a contract with John llmesner to purchase Lots 1, 2 & 3 of Block 15, Egan's Subdivision of Vaughn's Division to the City of Washburn, for the sum of $250..00, the down payment was to be $25.00, and 11[HEREAS, no further payments have been made although the man was steadily employed at a good wage for a considerable length of time after entering into the contract, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing facts we hereby resolve that the contract be cancelled. Joe Kasmarek Moved by Swanson and seconded by Kasmarek to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin in annual session this llth day of May, 1943, that the County Clerk be and he is hereby designated as the withholding agent for the County of Bayfield for the purpose of collection of the Federal Victory Tax, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that such withholding agent be and he is hereby authorized and directed to use the optional withholding schedule in computing the amount of tax to be deducted on the wages and salaries of various county employees, subject to the act, and FURTHER RESOLVED, that all moneys withheld by said agent shall be transferred to the County Treasurer and by him carried in a separate bank account until remitted to the Federal Government. PRESENTED BY: Albert E. Swanson Moved by Swanson and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. tion carried.. ADJOURNED ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - ---- --- _ ---- - - IvIav 11. 1943-- - --- --- __------------- The following resolution was read: TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED By the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, at a meeting held this llth day of May, 1943, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59.04 (b).of the Wisconsin.Statutes, that all Bayfield.County banks are designated as county depositories of county funds, all of which banks are designated as working banks in conformity with Section 59.74 of the Wisconsin Statutes. SIGNED: Albert E. Swanson Moved by Hanson and seconded by Wallin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in its May session assembled this llth day of May, 1943, that the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be, and they are hereby authorized and instructed to proceed with the work of taking tax deeds for Bayfield County on all county owned tax certificates that are now, and will be subject to tax deed during the next year. SIGNED: Albert E. Swanson. Moved by Swanson and seconded by Moe to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County has had the service of a Veteran's Service Officer for four years, and P,MEREAS, the report of the Veteran's Service Officer has shown increased benefits to the County from the office, and 417HEREAS, the present war makes the services of a Veteran's Service Officer indispensable to the county, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in special session this llth day of May, 1943, that R. L. Schindler be rehired as Veteran's Service Officer for Bayfield County for two years- and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amount of 600 be transferred from the Stamp Office appropriation so that the salary now received by R. L. Schindler will continue at its present scale and $500 of the amount transferred to be used to provide clerical help at the discretion of the Veteran's Service Officer. Albert E. Swanson A. J. Unseth Henry J. S. Hanson Moved by Pristash and seconded by Unseth to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Moved by MacRae.and seconded by Wallin to refer resolution regarding salaries of officers and help in the courthouse to the Finsnce Committee with instructions that they report back at.this session of the Board. Motion carried. Moved by Johnson and seconded by Liebman to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Motion carried. 48 ADJOURNED ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY_BOARD_ Meeting called to order at 1:30 P. M. by Vice -Chairman Alcott. The following members answered roll call: Pease, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Umseth, Grubisic, Desparois, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Pearson, Taipale, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, Kasmarek, E. Johnson, Robinson, Swanson, Moe, Squires. TOTAL 33. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board has at various times and by different acts recognized recreation and the resort business as being vital to the County's welfare and WHEREAS, Bayfield County must be in a position to capitalize on its recreational advantages after the war, and WHEREAS, the importance of air travel in the future must be recognized, and WHEREAS, no single taxing district in Bayfield County is in the position to make provision to accommodate future air travel, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in special session this llth day of May, 1943, that the County Board Chairman be authorized to appoint a committee of three members of the Board to make a survey of the possibili- ties of constructing an air port in Bayfield County, this committee to report back to the November meeting of the Board its report suggesting site, necessary construc- tion, approximate cost and any other matters relative to the construction of an air port in Bayfield County. A. J. Unseth Moved by Unseth and seconded by Johnson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: 1,71HEREAS, it has come to the attention of the undersigned, that an effort is being made to open the killing season for all deer, including both male and female of all ages, for the deer hunting season in 1943, to reduce the number of deer in the northern counties of the state. It is claimed, there is not enough food for the large number of deer to keep them from starving during the winter months, and that the number of deer should be reduced by legal killing or removal, and WHEREAS, the undersigned has made some investigations of these claims; and have been informed by old time deer hunters, who have been in this northern country for 40 years, and who know deer as well as a farmer knows his cows, that the large number of deer found dead last winter in and near the feeding yards did not die from a scarcity of food, but from improper feeding, and the removal of the timber for com- mercial purposes, from and near the deer yards, which was their protection, and furnished them their natural food, THEREFORE, Be it Resolved, by the County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, now in session at the Courthouse in the City of Washburn, this llth day of May, 1943, that we, the said Board are opposed to a killing or hunting season for female deer or fawns of either sex, and that we are also opposed to the removal of any deer while alive from any of the northern counties in Wisconsin. Dated this llth day of May, 1943. Copy to be sent to the Conservation Commission. Vic C. Wallin -AD-J"OURNED_ANNUAL__ORGANIZAT-I ON--MEETING__OF—THE-BAYFIELD--C-OUN-T-Y--BOARD - --- — -- - _ _ -- ----- - -- -- -- May 11, 1943 Moved by Wallin and seconded by Pease to receive the foregoing resolution and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: I. I TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD: WHEREAS, the..cost of living and subsistence have increased enormously since the salaries of the County officers, assistants, clerks, and other County Courthouse employees were last established, and WHEREAS, The County Board, by virtue of Bill No. 52-S, recently signed into law by the Governor, has the power to adjust the salaries of the County officers, assistants, clerks, and other County Courthouse employees during their terms of office, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board, duly assembled this llth day of May-, 1943, authorize an advance of twenty (20%) percent in the salaries of the County officers, assistants, clerks, and other County Courthouse employees, based on the salaries paid as of December 1, 1942, that all offices will receive equitable wages commensurate with the increase in maintenance costs, to be effective as of May 1, 1943. SIGNED: Vic C. Wallin Moved by Johnson and seconded by Taipale to accept the report of the Finance Committee and reject the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: 'WHEREAS, The County Forestry Program has been expanding each year since its inception in 1932, and WHEREAS, the Federal Agricultural Program requires a large increase in the production of agricultural products in cooperation with the war program, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that Forestry work be set up under a separate head to be supervised by a qualified timber cruiser and logger, who would not only do the field work but would also be in charge of administration, the administrator to be required to spend not less than 2 designated days a week in the office, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chirman of the County Board appoint a Forestry Committee who shall select a qualified man as cruiser and administrator of the office to act solely in Forestry matters, subject to publication and final passage. I. L. Alcott Russell E. Rowley J. L. MacRae E. Liebman I Moved by Pease and seconded by Taipale to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll Call was as follows: AYES: Pease, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson,FRels, Buckley, Unseth Desparois, IVIacRae, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Pearson, Taipale, Bagstad, Rowley, Moore, Knight, Nelson, Kasmarek, Robinson, Moe. TOTAL 23. NAYES: Buss, Grubisic, Sande, Wallin, Shykes, Ness, Tedlund, Hanson, E. Johnson, Swanson, Squires. TOTAL 11. ADJOURNED ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE-BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -------- ------------------ --- -- May 11, 1943 ---- _-- -- - The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, most persons in Bayfield County remember the period of uncertainty and unemployment that followed the return of the soldiers at the end of World afar I, and !dMEREAS, nearly 1200 Bayfield County boys are already in the armed services in World War II with more leaving each month, and WHEREAS, some adequate provision should be made to handle any situation arising after World War II, and WHEREAS, a splendid solution to the problems that may present themselves, as well as providing a memorial appropriate to the boys serving in World War II, would be the construction of a building suitable as a center of activities for the men returning as well as providing quarters for the Veterans Service Officer, personnel for reemployment activities and WHEREAS, Bodin-Finstad Bayfield County Post No. 86 of the American Legion has formulated plans for such a center and the City of Washburn has already pledged lots that provide a suitable location for such a building, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in special session this llth day of May, 1943, that the sum of $10,000 is hereby pledged by the County Board for such a building, and the County Clerk and County Treasurer are hereby authorized to turn over to the proper committee designated by the Bodin-Finstad Bayfield County Legion Post No. 86 the sum of $10,000. E. Liebman Moved by Pease and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll Call was as follows: AYES: Pease, Irish, Liebman, Kasmarek, E. Johnson, Robinson, Swanson, Moe. TOTAL 8. NAYES: Buss, Alcott, B. Johnson, Frels, Meyer,'Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Pearson, Taipale, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Rowley Ness, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, Squires. TOTAL 25. The following communication was read: May 11, 1943 Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: We are taking this opportunity of informing you that due to increased costs in main- taining a hospital, it is necessary to raise our rates $.50 per day, effective May 1st. This is due to increase in wages, food costs and general increase of expenses through- out the hospital. We are notifying all other cities and counties who have patients in.our hospital., Yours very truly, ASHLAND GENERAL HOSPITAL Dorothy Tomkins, Business Manager Moved by Unseth and seconded by MacRae to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion carried. The Chair declared a 5-minute recess. ADJOURNED ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE'BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD May 11, 1943 The following petition and resolution were read: To The Members of the Board of Supervisors for the County of Bayfield: Sirs: Your petitioner is, by virtue of the last will of the late Joseph Spitzer, said will having been admitted to probate on the 12th day of September, 1911, the owner of an undivided one -quarter interest in the premises described as lots fourteen (14) and fifteen (15) in block thirty-eight (38) or the original townsite of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, the remaining three-quarters interest being vested in your petitioner's two brothers and sister, to wit, Henry 0. Stuhlman, John B. Spitzer and Mary Gorvin, which interest in each case became absolute upon the demise of their mother, Anna Spitzer, the said Anna Spitzer having had a life interest in said premises by virtue of the aforesaid will, and having died on the 25th day of January, 1942. Because of the lapse of time from said 12th day of September, 1911, your petitioner and his said brothers and sister, had forgotten, if they ever knew, that their title.was an absolute title subject only to the life interestof the said Anna Spitzer, their mother, now deceased. The said Anna Spitzer was the recipient of Old Age Assistance for several years prior to her demise and shortly thereafter, upon the request of the - then District Attorney for Bayfield County, your petitioner and his brothers and sisters executed quit -claim deeds conveying that which they assumed to be an interest of no value to Bayfield County in the said premises, inasmuch as said premises were appraised at a value far less than the amount of the lien created by the grant of Old Age Assistance. The said deeds were executed as a matter of co- operation and a desire to save further costs for the Public Welfare Department of Bayfield County in acquiring title to the premises. It was not discovered that the premises concerned were not subject to the lien for Old Age Assistance until a few weeks ago and many months after your petitioner and other heirs had conveyed what they believed to be a technical title of no value. h Your petitioner, therefore, prays an order from this Board to the County Clerk for Bayfield County directing that officer to issue, after execution, a quit -claim deed from Bayfield County on the said premises to your petitioner, Frank J. Stuhlman, John B; Spitzer, Mary Gorvin and Henry 0. Stuhlman. Dated this 5th day of May, 1943. Frank J. Stuhlman State of Wisconsin) ) ss County of Bayfield) Frank Stuhlman being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says he is the petitioner above named, that he has read the foregoing petition and the contents thereof are true. Frank J. Stuhlman Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of May, A.D., 1943. A; I. Lien Notary Public, Bayfield Co., 'ffis. My Commission Expires 7/18/43. Be it resolved by the County Board of Supervisors for Bayfield County that the County Clerk of Bayfield County is hereby ordered to execute and deliver a quit claim _ ADJOURNED ANNUALORGANIZATION ME',ETING OF THE _BAYFIELD COUNTY_BOARD____! May 11. 1943 deed on the premises described as lots fourteen (14) and fifteen (15) in block thirty-eight (38) of the original townsite of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, to the following grantees, to wit, Frank Stuhlman, Henry 0. Stuhlman, John B. Spitzer and Mary Gorvin, to each an undivided one-fourth interest therein. 99 I. L. Alcott Moved by Liebman and seconded by Irish to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Moved by Grubisic and seconded by Desparois to adjourn until 10 A. M. May 12th. Motion carried. Meeting called to order at 10 A. M. by Vice -Chairman Alcott. The following members answered roll call: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Pearson, Taipale, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Rowley, Ness, Moore, - Tedlund, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, Kasmarek, E. Johnson, Robinson, Brink, Swanson, Moe Squires. TOTAL 35. The following communication was read: May 12, 1943 Ludwig Tranmal, Bayfield County Clerk Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: Our Town Chairman is unable to attend the County Board meeting on May 12th, and the Town Board of Keystone has appointed Emil Ledin to represent the Town at the County Board meeting. Yours very truly, Louis VonEnde, Town Clerk Moved by MacRae and duly seconded that Emil Ledin be seated as a member of the County Board representing the Town of Keystone. Motion carried. The following petition was read: To The Bayfield County Board; Gentlemen; December 29, 1942 Re: SE SIT Sec. 28-52-4 I wish to purchase the above land from Bayfield County and hereby offer the sum of $100.00. According to your records, this land was placed under option to the U. S. Indian Department on December 18th, 1935, but to date they have not purchased same. 489 ADJOURNED _ANNUAL ORTrANIZATI ON I\IEETING OF_ THE_BAYFIELD-_COUNT_Y BOARD___ ______ __ -____ I hold a judgment against this land and wish to protect same. The taxes plus interest -amount to more than what I offer you, but feel that my offer is all the land is worth. Hoping for a favorable decision I am, Yours very truly, Jack Joanis P. 0. Bx 594, Bayfield, Wis. Moved by Hanson and seconded by Pease to receive the foregoing petition and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, most persons in Bayfield County remember the period of uncertainty and unemployment that followed the return of the soldiers at the end of World War I, and WHEREAS, nearly 1200 Bayfield County boys are already in the armed services in World War II, and with more leaving each month, and WHEREAS, some adequate provision should be made to handle any situation arising after _Vfforld War II, and WHEREAS, a splendid solution to the problems that may present themselves, as well as providing a memorial appropriate to the boys serving in World War II, would be the construction of a building suitable as a center of activities for the men returning as well as providing quarters for the Veterans' Service Officer, personnel for reemployment activities, and WHEREAS, Bodin-Finstad Bayfield County Post No. 86 of -the American Legion has formulated plans for such a center and the City of Washburn has already pledged lots that provide a suitable location for such a building, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in special session this 12th day of May, 1943, that the sum of $10,000 is hereby pledged by the County Board for such a building, the -Building & Grounds Committee of the County Board to act with the proper committee designated by the Bodin-Finstad Bayfield County Legion Post No. 86, and the sum of $10,000 to be turned over to this joint committee at such time as the above committee has raised an equal amount of money. Albert E. Swanson E. Liebman L. D. Pease Moved by Rowley and seconded by MacRae that the foregoing resolution be referred to a committee of three to be appointed by the Chairman of the Board, the Chairman to be one member and that they be instructed to report back to the County Board at their annual meeting in November. Roll Call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, Desparois, MacRae, Levin, Pearson, Liebman, Taipale, Rowley, S4ykes, Moore, Tedlund, Kasmarek, E. Johnson, Robinson, Brink,Sweinson, Moe, Squires. TOTAL 23. NAYES: Alcott, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Levin, Trelstad, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Ne: Knight, Hanson, Nelson. TOTAL 13. Motion carried. ADJOURNED ANNUAL ORGANISATION MEETING OF THE HAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD May 12, 1943 The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, there is a large amount of cash in the County Treasurer's account as of May 1, 1943. The total was $161,900.00 of which $114,000.00 was highway funds, and other trust funds amounted to approximately $17,000.00 and WHEREAS, it is very unlikely that much highway funds will be spent for the duration, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County is required to pay bank deposit insurance on all funds in the County Treasurer's Account, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer purchase U. S. Saving bonds Series 'IF" in amounts of $5000 each to the extent of $40,000 maturity value or purchase value of $29,600. Finance Committee I. L. Alcott Russell E. Rowley J. L. MacRae E. Liebman Moved by Pease and seconded by MacRae to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll Call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease,'Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Ledin, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Pearson, Taipale, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, Hanson, Kasmarek, E. Johnson, Robinson, Brink, Swanson, !Vioe, Squires. TOTAL 34 NAYES: None Motion carried. The following resolution was read: Be it hereby resolved that the County Treasurer be authorized and instructed to purchase excess delinquent real estate tax accounts from the taxing districts of Bayfield County covering the tax of 1941, Sale of 1942, amounting to approximately $19,000.00. Finance Committee I. L. Alcott Russell E. Rowley J. L. MacRae E. Liebman 1,20ved by Pease and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll Call was as follows: AYES: Pease, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Buckley, 11eyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Ledin, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Taipale, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, Hanson, Kasmarek, E. Johnson, Robinson, Brink, Swanson, Moe, Squires. TOTAL 32. NAYES: Buss. TOTAL 1 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: We'hereby resolve that the County Clerk, -County Treasurer and Chairman of the ADJOURNEDANNUAL _ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD_COUNTY BOARD _ Mav 12. 1943 County Board be authorized and directed to expend, not to exceed, $2000.00 for the purchase of small excessdelinquent tax accounts which are of a nuisance nature due to the amount involved compared to the accounting costs. Be it further resolved that the County Auditor be consulted in selecting these accounts. Finance Committee I. L. Alcott Russell E. Rowley J. L. MacRae E. Liebman Moved by MacRae and seconded by Taipale to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll Call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Ledin, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Pearson, Taipale, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, Hanson, Kasmarek, E. Johnson, Robinson, Brink, Swanson, Moe, Squires: TOTAL 34. NAYES: None , Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Town of Bayfield had no excess delinquent real estate tax account of taxes for the years 1940 or 1941, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be authorized and instructed to purchase the excess delinquent real estate tax account from the Town of Bayfield covering the tax of 1939, Sale of 1940, amounting to $622.40. Finance Committee I. L. Alcott Russell E. Rowley J. L. MacRae E. Liebman Moved by Squires and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll Call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Ledin, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Pearson, Taipale, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, Hanson, Kasmarek, E. Johnson, Robinson, Brink, Swanson, Moe, Squires: TOTAL 34. NAYES: None Motion carried. j The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County is owner of Lots 20 and 21, Block 51, Original Townsite of Washburn, and WHEREAS, The City of Washburn, owner of lots adjacent to Lots 20 and 21, has agreed to give title to these adjoing lots to the Bodin-Finstad Bayfield County Post No. 86 of the American Legion when money to build a service men's club or memorial has been raised, and WHEREAS, title to Lots 20 and 21, Block 51, Original Townsite of the City of 492 __ADJOURNED _ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE_ BAYFIEL_D_COUNTY BOARD -- May 12, 1943 Washburn would give a continuous tract of nine lots for such building, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in special session this llth day of May, 1943, that the Bodin-Finstad Bayfield County Post No. 86 of the American Legion shall be given title to Lots 20 and 21, Block 51, Original Townsite of the City of Washburn, when money to build the proposed club has been raised, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk and County Treasurer are hereby authorized to give a deed to the above lots at that time. E. Liebman Moved by Pease and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Moved by Macrae and seconded by Rowley to adjourn until 1:30 P. M, Motion carried. Meeting called to order at 1;30 P. M. by Vice -Chairman Alcott. The following members answered roll call: Pease, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Desparois, MacRae, Levin, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Pearson, Taipale, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Rowley, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, Kasmarek, E. Johnson, Robinson, Swanson, Moe. TOTAL 30. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County is owner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NEJ-NE4), Section Fourteen (14), Township Forty-six (46) North of Range Seven (7) West, and 01HEREAS, the above forty is not included in any County forest unit, and VVHEREAS, the Town of Delta desires this forty for a gravel pit, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in special session this llth day of May, 1943, that the County Clerk and County Treasurer are hereby authorized to give a quit claim deed to the Town of Delta covering the North- east quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE-1-NE-1), Section Fourteen (14), Township Forty-six (46) North of Range Seven (7) West, and to charge the face value of the. tax certificates against said description to the excess delinquent account of the Town of Delta. Wm. Meyer Moved by Meyer and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read:. RESOLVED BY THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BAYFIELD COUNTY in annual session assembled this llth day of May, 1943, that the allowance made for clerical and stenographic help in the office of the District Attorney be placed upon an annual rather than a monthly basis so that when experienced help is available the District Attorney can employ such help, so long as the total amount drawn during the calendar year does not exceed the amount annually appropriated for that purpose, this reso- lution to be effective as of the beginning of the current calendar year. Presented by Russell E. Rowley ays ADJOURNED ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ---------- ---- Moved by Rowley and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner of the E2 of the SE SE Section 6, Township 47, Range 8 West and, WHEREAS, The County Board has by previous action set this land aside as a county forest nursery and, WHEREAS, The Forestry Committee does not wish to establish a County Forest Nursery for the reason that the state has sufficient nurseries for tree planting stock and, WHEREAS, someone wishes to purchase this land for farming purposes, therefore WE HEREBY RESOLVE, that the restrictions placed by the County Board be withdrawn and the Sales Committee be permitted to sell this land. J. L. MacRae Moved by MacRae and seconded by Meyer'to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, at the adjourned regular meeting held on the 5th day of December, 1935, the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County authorized the transfer of county -owned lands in the amount not to exceed eight thousand five hundred (8,500) acres at an average price of $2.50 per acre to the United States Government for the purpose set out in the Resolution aforesaid, and dl=,REAS,,by the aforesaid Resolution, dated December 5, 1935, the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County authorized the County Clerk to execute and sign options to the United Sates Government on such lands as Bayfield County now owns in the Town of Russell and more particularly described by legal sub -divisions in said Resolution of December 5, 1935, and ,UEREAS, The County Clerk of Bayfield County did on December 18, 1935, execute and sign an option to sell to the United States Government the lands described in the Resolution aforesaid, which option was accepted and approved by the Secretary of the Department of the Interior on the 12th day of March, 1936, and WHEREAS, titles to the following described lands have been found, upon exami- nation, to be defective and not acceptable to the Secretary of the Interior: MY14-NE4, Sec. 17, Twp. 51 N., Rge. 3 W. SE4-SE4, or Lot 1, Sec. 30, Twp. 51 N., Rge. 3 W. 1/3 acre in the NE4-NVI.7 Sec. 31, Twp. 51 N., Rge. 3 +Al., assigned to John Artichoe, containing .33 acres in Vol. 81 of Miscellaneous Records, page 32, and Vol. 88 of Deeds, page 99. 4/10 acre in the N6�14-S�,1t4, Sec. 31, Twp. 51 N., Rge. 3 W., described in Vol. 69 of Deeds, page 286. 14-2/3 acres in NT -S If Sec. 31, Twp. 51 N., Rge. 3 W., excepting a parcel described in Vol. 75 of Deeds, page 557. 1 acre, more or less, being a parcel of land in Lot 4, Sec. 31, Twp. 51 N., Rge. 3 ff., lying east of State Highway #13, as described in Vol. 109 of Deeds, page 302, and West of 18.01 acres deeded to Bayfield Transfer R.R. as recorded in Vol. 23 of Deeds, page 132. Lot 3, Block 1, Buffalo's Subdivision of Lot 3, Sec. 31, Twp. 51 N., Rge. 371. South part of Block 2 of Buffalo's Subdivison of Lot 3, Sec. 31, T. 51 N., R. 3 10f. , running 160 feet north and south and 130 feet east and west. Lots 6, 12 and 13, Block 4 in Buffalo's Subdivision of Lot 3, Sec. 31, T. 51 N., R. 3 W. Lot 11, Block 4, of Buffalo's Subdivision of Lot 3, Sec. 31, Twp. 51 N., Rge. 3 W. Lots 1 and 2, Block 5, of Buffalo's Subdivision of Lot 3, Sec. 31, Twp. 51 N., R. 3. W. Lot 11, Block 5, of Buffalo's Subdivision of Lot 3, Sec. 31, T. 51 N., Rge. 3 W. ADJOURNED ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- -- -- May 12, 1943 ---- -- -— -------- Lot 6, Block 5 of Buffalo's Subdvision of Lot 3, Sec. 31, T. 51 N., Rge. 3 111. Lot 1, Sec. 31, Twp. 52 N., Rage. 3 W. Lots land 2, Sec. 1, Twp. 51 N. , Rge. 4 W. NOIY, THEREFORE', BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County at the annual spring meeting this 12th day of May, 1943, that the United States of America is hereby released from all obligations to purchase the hereinbefore described lands under the terms of the option -contract dated December 18, 1935, and accepted by the Secretary of the Department of the Interior on March 12, 1936, and that the County of Bayfield is released from any obligation to convey title to the United States of America under the terms of said option -contract. I. L. Alcott PJloved by Pease and seconded by Taipale to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE AS IT AFFECTS CERTAIN FOREST CROP LANDS Ir'THEREAS, Bayfield'County has by a zoning ordinance adopted November 14, 1934, regulated, restricted and determined the areas within which agriculture, forestry, and recreation 4iay be conducted, and has established districts which are deemed best suited to carry out such purposes outside the limits of incorporated villages and cities, in accordance with the provisions of Section 59.97 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County owns certain tracts of land hereinafter described in said County, the zoning of which is considered to be in the public interest, and WHEREAS, all of these descriptions have been entered under the Forest Crop Law as of March 10, 1943, and WHEREAS, subsection (6) of section 59.97 of the Wisconsin Statutes confers upon county boards the authority to zone any lands owned by the county without necessity of securing the approval of the town boards of the towns wherein such lands are situated and without following the procedure outlined in subsection (2) of section 59:97 of the Wisconsin Statutes; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Bayfield County hereby determines that said county -owned land hereinafter described is set aside as a forest use district as defined in section 2 of said Bayfield County ordinance and shall be subject to all of the provisions of said section 2 as contained in said ordinance in all respects as though said land had originally been set aside by said ordinance as such forest use district. The said county -owned land heretofore referred to is described as follows: the NE NW of Section 9, Township 47, Range 9 ;,Test and the N1W Mill of Section 33, Township 48 Range 8 West to be changed from unrestricted to forestry classification; the NE NE and NW NE of Section 6, Township 49, Range 4 West to be changed from recreation to forestry classification. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the county clerk upon publication of this resolu- tion, be and is hereby directed to file a certified copy of said resolution, including the accompanying map, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Bayfield County. Approved May 11, 1943 BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE Nels Ness J. F. Shykes Victor Grubisic Erwin Buss ADJOURNED ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Moved by Shykes and seconded by Buss_ to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Moved by Pease and seconded by Liebman to refer a resolution to increase salary of the County Trespass Officer to the Finance Committee with instructions that they report back at this meeting. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: We hereby resolve that the Committee on Sheriff's, Justice's and Constable's bills be directed to work out a solution whereby the County Court, Juvenile Court and Municipal Court can be merged into one court at the earliest opportunity. Finance Committee I. L. Alcott Russell E. Rowley J. L. MacRae E. Liebman Moved by Rowley and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Motion was.duly made and seconded and carried to receive and place on file the Legislative report of the Wisconsin County Boards Association. IVlotion carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Liebman to receive and place on file a report on service to rejectees by the Milwaukee County Council of Defense, Motion carried. The following claim was read: BAYFIELD COUNTY EE Bayfield County To amount paid for the following illegal Tax Certificates which are surrendered here- with for cancellation: NE MV - less No. Face GRound of Illega platted part Sec. 10-49-9 Sale of 1941 3692 �3.08 Utility Property That the said amount should be charged back to the town of Orienta STATE OF WISCONSIN) )ss County of Bayfield) J. 0. Bodin, County Treasurer being first duly sworn deposes and says that the above account is just and true and that no part thereof has been �1t- audited or paid.ql Fa J. 0. Bodin, Co. Treas. \` Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of January, 1943. F<4 ;.0 Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk Moved by Wallin and seconded by Hanson to allow the foregoing claim and that the amount be charged back to the Town of Orienta. Motion carried. The following report was read: 49.E -_--�_-ADJOURNED _.ANNUAL ORGANIZATION-�EETIN.G OF-THE_BAYFIELD_C_0_UNT_Y_BOARD Mav 12. 1943 Washburn, Wis., May 11, 1943. To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: We the undersigned Committee on Finance, Budget, Misc., beg leave to report that we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same. I. L. Alcott J. L. MacRae E. Liebman Russell E. Rowley Name of Claimant Purpose Claimed Allowed Earl E. Carpenter, M: D. Aid furnished Miss Anne Morrow 25.00 25.00 Captain F. L. Kozelka Examination of stomach of J. A. Rivers 50.00 50.00 Town of Bayview Aid furnished Isiah Gray 50.00 50.00 P. J. Savage Cash paid for Surety Bond 5.00 5.00 Brown County Aid furnished Henry Mazur 25.40 Disallow City of Washburn Aid furnished Willard Leighton 15.00 15.00 City of Washburn Aid furnished Mrs. Hedwig Justice 18.40 18.40 City of Washburn Aid furnished Anton Roy Family 5.00 5.00 State General Hospital K-Ray, Nancy Nelson Shoes, Mary Karow 9.70 9.70 State General Hospital Drugs, Phillip Pudas .35 .35 Jefferson County Aid furnished Robert Morrison, Sr. 15.20 15.20 Douglas County Aid furnished Patricia Carlson 58.00 Disallow La Crosse County Aid furnished Margaret Neal 90.15 90.15 Kenosha County Aid furnished Lawrence Fronzek 53.34 3.55 R. J. Nelson Mediation Board Expense 111.24 .111.24 H. A. Frels Mediation Board Expense 74.10 74.10 C. D. Arnold Mediation Board Expense 42.46 42.46 Milwaukee County Aid furnished Charlotte Meister 38.50 Disallow E. Stevenson Damage.done by dogs to deer 75.00 Defer Action Washington County Aid furnished Charles Heath 1060.15 Disallow Moved by Meyer and seconded by Liebman to adopt the committee's report and recommendations as listed above. Roll call was as follows: i i AYES: Buss, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, ' D.es arois Ledin Levin Trelstad Liebman Pearson Taipale, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, Kasmarek, E. Johnson, Robinson, Brink, Swanson, Moe. TOTAL 33. NAYES: None Motion carried. The following resolution was read: Whereas the salary of the Cruiser and County Trespass Officer was not included in ADJOURNED ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD the resolution providing for a raise in wages in May 1942 nor was there any raise in his salary`at the County Board meeting in November, 1942, therefore in view of the foregoing facts, be it hereby RESOLVED that the salary be increased from $125.00 per month to $150.00 per month effective May 1, 1943. J. F. Shykes Nels Ness Erwin Buss Victor Grubisic S. E. Squires Forestry and Agricultural Committee Moved by Johnson and seconded by Buckley to accept the oral report and recom- mendations of the Finance Committee and that the foregoing resolution be rejected. Motion carried.' The following resolution was read: VIE HEREBY RESOLVE that the Bayfield County Treasurer be authorized to purchase not to exceed $25,900.00 purchase value, with a maturity value of $35,000.00, in United States Government Savings Bonds, Series t9Fn. Said purchase to be made on instruction by the Finance Committee of the Bayfield County Board. The purchase of these bonds to be in addition to other purchases authorized by the County Board under separate resolution under even date. SIGNED: Wm. Meyer Dated this 12th day of May, 1943 Bayfield County, Wisconsin Moved by Pease and seconded by Desparois to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll Call was as follows: AYES: 'Buss, Pease, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, Ledin, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Taipale, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Rowley, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, Kasmarek, E. Johnson, Robinson, Swanson, Moe, Squires. TOTAL 33. NAYES: None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled this llth day of May, 1943, that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such money and the Chairman and the County Clerk are instructed to issue an order for the amount of such items listed below: Committee Committee -Work Total Name Per Diem Mileage Work Mileage Erwin Buss $10.00 .90 $ 10.90 L. D. Pease 10.00 6.06 16.06 I. L. Alcott 10.00 1.32 11.32 Harvey Irish 10.00 .12 10.12 B. Johnson 10.00 2.64 12.64 H. A. Frels 10.00 6.66 16.66 -498 ADJOURNED ANNUAL ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- ---------------- Mav 12. 1943 - ------ Per Committee Work Name Diem Mileage Committee Work Mileage Dan J. Buckley $10.00 3.96 Wm. Meyer 10.00 3.60 A. J. Unseth 10.00 4.44 5.00 4.44 Victor Grubisic 10.00 2.04 J. R. Desparois 10.00 4.08 J. L. MacRae 10.00 3.84 S. E. Squires 10.00 2.22 5.00 2.22 Andrew Pristash 5.00 2.28 Emil Ledin 5.00 2.52 Arthur Levin 10.00 3.84 Tom Trelstad 10.00 3.36 Ernest Liebman 10.00 5.46 John Pearson 10.00 5.34 John Taipale 10.00 5.28 Erick Sande 10.00 1.80 0. T. Bagstad 10.00 4.68 Vic C. Wallin 10.00 3.42 Russell Rowley 10.00 2.26 J. F. Shykes 10.00 4.50 Nels Ness 10.00 .36 Ernest Moore 10.00 5.56 Conrad Tedlund 10.00 2.34 D. S. Knight 10.00 1.44 H. J. S. Hanson 10.00 1.44 R. J. Nelson 10.00 1.44 Joe Kasmarek 10.00 .12 10.00 .24 Earl Johnson 10.00 1.12 10.00 .24 Dan Robinson 10.00 .12 Albert Swanson 10.00 .12 30.00 .72 Ora Brink 10.00 .12 Helmer Moe 10.00 .12 Signed: Total 13.96 13.60 23.88 12.04 14.08 13.84 19.44 7.28 7.52 13.84 13.36 15.46 15.34 15.28 11.80 14.68 13.42 12.2:8 14.50 10.36 15.58 12.34 11.44 11.44 11.44 20.36 20.36 10.12 40.84 10.12 10.12 $527.82 I. L. Alcott Moved by Pease and seconded by Moe to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, Ledin, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Pearson, Taipale, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin,Rowley, Shykes, Ness, Moore,Tedlund, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, Kamarek, E. Johnson, Robinson, Swanson, Moe, Squires. TOTAL 34. NAYES: None. Motion carried. Moved by Meyer and seconded., by Desparois to adjourn. Motion carried. C ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -------------------------- ----- November 9, 1943---------------- Meeting called to order at 11:00 A.M. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered roll call: Buss, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Wallin, Bloom, Ness, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, E. Johnson, Robinson, Brink,Swanson, .Moe and Squires. Total 23.. The following communication was read: November 5, 1943 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk, Washburn, Nis. Dear Sir: Due to the unavoidable absence of our Town Chairman, Mr. A. J. Unseth, it will not be possible for him to attend the County Board meeting to be held on November 9th, and Supervisor Bernard E. Johnson is hereby designated to represent the Town at said meeting or continuation of same. Yours very truly, E. G. Carter, Town Clerk Moved by Wallin and duly seconded that Bernard E. Johnson be seated as a member of the Board representing the Town of Drummond. Motion carried. The following communication was read: November 6, 1943 Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: This is to certify that Edgar Martin has been appointed to represent the Village of Mason on the County Board when same convenes on November 9, 1943. Very truly yours, K. R. Anderson, Clerk Village of Mason. Moved by Ness and duly seconded that Edgar Martin be seatdd as a member of the Board representing the Village of Cable. Motion carried. The following communication was read: November 8, 1943 Mr. L. Tranmal County Clerk Washburn, Adis. Dear Mr. Tranmal: ,This is to certify that Leonard J. Kranzfelder was duly appointed Alderman and Supervisor of the First Ward of the City of Bayfield, Wisconsin, at the last regular council meeting held on November 3, 1943, in the City of Bayfield. Very truly yours, Herman Sense City Clerk Moved by R. J. Nelson and duly seconded that Leonard J. Kranzfelder be seated as a member of,the Board representing the first ward of the City of Bayfield. Motion MEETING OF THE BAYF_IELD _COUNTY BOARD _ -- ----- November 9, 1943 -- --- -- ---- a- - Proper credentials were filed in the office of the County Clerk .advising that Fred Bloom had been appointed by the Town Board of Russell to fill the vacancy in the office of Town Chairman caused by the resignation of Russell E. Rowley. Moved by MacRae and duly seconded that Fred Bloom be seated as a member of the Board representing the Town of Russell. Motion carried.. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this 9th day of November 1943, that the salary of the County Highway Commissioner be and is hereby fixed at $3000.00 annually for the ensuing term, to be paid from the County Highway Administration fund in the manner provided by Section 82.03 (6) of the Wisconsin statutes. Recommended by. - November 9, 1943. R. J. Nelson County Highway Committee Moved by Knight and seconded by Desparois to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried unanimously. The following application was read: November 9, 1943 To The Honorable County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin Gentlemen: I hereby wish to apply for the position of County Highway Commissioner. Respectfully Submitted, H. B. Curry Moved by MacRae and seconded by Brink to accept the foregoing application and that H. B. Curry be appointed as Highway Commissioner for the ensuing term of two years commencing in January, 1944. Motion carried. Moved by Pristash and seconded by Wallin to defer the election ofa Highway Committee until more members are present. Motion carried. Moved by Bernard Johnson,and seconded by Desparois to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Motion carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P.M. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered roll call: Buss, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Liebman, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, Nelson,.E. Johnson, Robinson, Brink, Swanson, Moe & Squires. Total 28. The following communication was read and the Chair ordered that same be placed on file: STATE OF WISCONSIN, COUNTY COURT, HAYFIELD COUNTY. In the Matter of the Appointment ) of a Commission for the Relief ) of Indigent Union Soldiers, et al.) WHEREAS Section 45.12 of the Statutes of Wisconsin provides, among other things, ANNUAL MEETING OF THE..BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 9, 1943 that every County Judge shall, by,,appointment,'fill all vacancies -for the expired and unexpired terms on the Soldier's Relief Commission in his County, each of whom shall be an honorably discharged soldier, sailor or marine, who performed military service for the United States in time of war; NOW, THEREFORE, in obedience to and in pursuance of said Section 45.12, as aforesaid, I do hereby appoint Arthur Fiege, of the City of Bayfield, in said County of Bayfield, an honorably discharged soldier in the war with Germany and her allies, as a member of the Soldier's Relief Commission for Bayfield County, to succeed J. M. Gordon, resigned, whose term will expire December 1st, 1944. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Hon. H. P. Axelberg, Judge of the County Court of said County, hath hereunto set his hand and affixed the seal of the County Court of Bayfield County, State of Wisconsin, in the City of Washburn, in said County, this 15th day of July, A.D., 1943. H. P. Axelberg County Judge Mr. G. I. Germond, Division Engineer of the State Highway Commission appeared before the County Board at this time and gave an oral explanation of the State and Federal Highway Allotments for 1944. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Wallin to receive and place on file the annual report of the County Highway Committee. Motion carried. Moved by Pristash and seconded by Brink to accept and place on file the annual report of the County Highway Commissioner. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: STATE AND COUNTY AID CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 1944 SECTION 1. The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, regularly assembled, does hereby ordain that such funds as may be made available to the county .;for highway work in the year 1944 under the provisions of Section 20.49 and Chapters 83 and 84 of the Statutes and the additional sums herein appropriated shall be expended as hereinafter set.f orth: SECTION 11. COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTMENT. WHEREAS: The State Highway Commission has notified the County Clerk that a sum of money estimated to be Fifty Seven Thousand, Nine Hundred Ninety Nine & 18/100 Dollars (g57,999.18) will become available at the end of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1944, under the pro- visions of Section 20.49 (4) (a) and Section 83.10 (1) of the Statutes, for the county trunk highway system in the county, but that its exact amount will not be known until after June 30, 1944. BE IT RESOLVED: That the County Highway Committee is authorized and directed to expend the said sum to the extent required, to match and supplement Federal Aid for construction, right of way, and other costs on any Federal projects located on the County Trunk Highway System of said county which are not recovered from Federal funds, and to expend any balance for construction, repairing, and maintaining such county trunk highway system and the bridges thereon, including snow and ice removal and control, as directed in Section 83.10 (1) of the Statutes, and to re- imburse the general fund for any expenditures that may be made therefrom pursuant 5-2 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD _----� ----- --- November 9, 1943--- to Section 83.01 (6) of the Statutes. The distribution to such purposes is estimated but not specifically directed to be as follows: CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE, DRIFT PREVENTION, SNOW REMOVAL & ADMINISTRATION. SECTION 111. STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTMENT. (A) WHEREAS: The State Highway Commission has estimated that the sum of One Hundred Ten Thousand Fifty Nine & 37/100 Dollars ($110,059.37) will become available at the end of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1944, under Section 20.49 (4) (b) and Section 84.03 (3), for the improvement of the State Trunk Highway System in the County in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 84 of the Statutes, but that its exact amount will not be known until after June 30, 1944. BE IT RESOLVED: That the said sum shall be expended in the following manner to wit: 1. Such sum of this allotment, together with any unexpended balances from previous allotments, as may be required on any Federal projects in this county to match Federal Aid and/or to pay the cost of right of way, preliminary engineering, and other items not recovered from Federal funds. 2. Any balance not otherwise required for the purposes hereinbef ore provided shall be expended on the following improvements to wit: (a) The sum of One Hundred Ten Thousand & no/100 Dollars ($110,000.00) for the improvement of U. S. Highway No. 63, the Grand View -Benoit Road, approximately 10 miles. SECTION 1V. WHEREAS: The various highway activities, for which provision is made in this resolution are continuous from year to year, and the exact cost of any work cannot be known at the time of making the appropriation therefor, this Board does hereby direct that any balance remaining in any appropriation for a specific highway improvement after the same shall have been completed, may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement of the same class for which provision is herein made, and any balances remaining at the end of the year in any highway fund shall remain and be available for the same purpose in the ensuing year, and any deficit in any highway fund at the end of the year incurred pursuant to Section 83.04 (6) of the statutes shall be paid from the next appropriation made for the same purpose, and WHEREAS: The exact amount of the funds that will become available for highway purposes in the county under Section 20.49 of the Statutes will not be known until after June 30, 1944, at which time correct figures will be submitted by the State Highway Commission, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payments for the purposes for which such funds are to be used, as hereinbef ore author- ized, from any funds in the county treasury that are not required for the purposes for which appropriated prior to August 1, 1944; and to reimburse such funds in the county treasury from the sums received under Section 20.49 of the'Statutes and the County Highway Committee and the County Highway Commissioner are hereby directed to carry out the highway construction and maintenance for which provision is herein made, in the manner provided by law, and to employ such employees, set their wages, and regulate their working conditions, as they may deem necessary for such purposes. Presented November 9th, 1943 By R. T. Nelson H. A. Frels Highway'Committee �0 ----_-ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BA_Y_F_IEL_D COUNTY BOARD --- November 9, 1943 ---- --- Moved by Liebman and seconded by MacRae to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: PROVIDING FOR THE ADVANCE OR TRANSFER OF CONSTRUCTION FUNDS IN BAYFIELD COUNTY WHEREAS, Federal funds have been allotted to Wisconsin for the improvement of highways to be allocated for expenditure by the State Highway Commission with the concurrence of the Federal Works Agency, Public Roads Administration, and it is desired to take advantage of every opportunity to secure the expenditure of a portion of such funds in this county, and WHEREAS, funds must be provided for the state or counties to match the federal funds allotted and, or, to pay the cost of items which are not recovered from federal funds, and WHEREAS, other emergencies frequently arise .making necessary or desirable the allocation or transfer of funds to or between other construction projects. in NOW, THEREFORE,/order to provide for promptly making available the funds necessary for the purposes hereinbef ore mentioned, and to avoid the delay and ex- pense incident to calling a special meeting of this board for such purpose, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Committee, with the approval of the State Highway Commission, is hereby authorized to transfer to or between any construction projects in this.county any fund allotted to this county by the state under the provisions of Sections 20.49 (4) (b) and 84.03 (3) and previously allocated by this board to any other project, or remaining unallocated in reserve. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby ptitioned to advance, pursuant to Section 84.03 (5) of the Statutes, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway Committee ('this County, such sums as may be required and are not otherwise available, for the purposes hereinbef ore mentioned on any construction projects in this county, with the understanding that such advance will be deducted from future allotments to this county for state trunk highway con- struction under Section 84.03 (3) of the Statutes. Presented By: R. J. Nelson H. A. Frels Moved by Liebman and seconded by MacRae to adopt the foregoing resolution Motion carried. The following resolution was read: PURCHASE OF HIGHlAY EQUIPMENT BAYFIELD COUNTY WHEREAS, for the construction and maintenance of highways and removal of snow therefrom, it becomes necessary from time to time to purchase equipment, the nature of and necessity for which cannot be accurately anticipated. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Committee is hereby authorized pursuant to Section 83.015 (2) of the Statutes, to purchase without further authority and to the extent that revolving funds accumulated for such purpose or appropriations made for such purpose are available, such highway equipment as they deem necessary to properly carry on the work, and to trade or sell such old equipment as may be ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD _ November 9, 1943 .considered to the best interests of the County. Recommended By November 9, 1943 R. J. Nelson H. A. Frels County Highway Committee Moved by Alcott and seconded by Liebman.to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this 9th day of November, 1943, that the County Highway Committee be author- ized and directed to take all necessary steps, or actions, in connection with pre- paring plans and constructing a County Highway Garage at.:Jashburn. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all costs in connection therewith be paid from the County Highway Machinery Fund. November 9, 1943 Recommended by R. J. Nelson H. A. Frels County Highway Committee Moved by Liebman and seconded by Moe to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, The actual cost of repairs to the Cou#ty Aid Bridge over Raspberry Creek in Section 10-51-4 in the Town of Russell, County of Bayfield, exceeded the amount appropriated by Two Hundred Twenty-five Dollars and one cent (225.01) and WHEREAS, The Town of Russell has paid such actual cost in full. NOW THEREFORE, Be it resolved by this Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assem- bled in annual session this 9th day of November, 1943, that the County Highway Committee be authorized and directed to reimburse the Town of Russell in the amount of One Hundred Twelve Dollars and fifty cents ($112.50) from the unexpended balance in the County Aid Bridge fund. Recommended by Dated November 9, 1943 C. 0. Nelson R. J. Nelson H. A. Frels County Highway Committee Fred W. Bloom, Chairman Town of Russell Moved by Knight and seconded by Shykes to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this 9th day of November, 1943, that the County Highway Committee be and is hereby authorized and directed to attend the �Tisconsin Annual Road School. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Highway Committee per diem and expense be paid from the County Highway Administration Fund. Recommended by: _____ AL_MEETING OF THE_BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 9. 1943 November 9', * 1943- R. T. Nelson H. A. Frels County Highway Committee Moved by Bloom and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The Chair ordered the following communications from the State Highway Com- mission placed on file: August 11, 1943 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Dear Sir: Washburn, Wisconsin SUBJECT: Allotment for County Trunk Highway System, Section 83.10 (1) Wisconsin Statutes The enclosed check is your county's allotment for county trunk highways, pur- suant to Section 83.10 (1), Wisconsin Statutes, as renumbered and revised by Chapter 334, Laws of 1943. The total is made up of the following amounts: Your County's proportionate share of 4+3,500.00 $49,640.18 County Trunk Highway Mileage at $65. per Mile 8,359.00 Total of enclosed remittance $p57,999.18 { This remittance is mailed to you as county clerk as required by Chapter 251, Laws of 1943. A copy of this letter is enclosed for your transmittal, with the check to the County Treasurer. Very Truly Yours, I STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN W. B. Blair r-- Chief Accountant 1NBB : IH cc; DE#8 Co.Hwy.Commr. Enc.-Co.Treas. October 14, 1943 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk, Bayfield County Dear Sir: Washburn, Wisconsin SUBJECT: Estimated Highway Allotments for 1944 Section 83.10 (1), Wisconsin Statutes' Pursuant to Section 84.01 (18) of the 1943 Statutes, you are hereby notified of the following estimated highway allotment to be paid your county from funds becoming available in the fiscal year 1943-44: Section 83.10 (1), for the County Trunk Highway System - - - - $ 57,999.18 The allotment for county trunk highways is estimated and the amount cannot be definitely determined until after the close of the fiscal year, which is June 30, 1944. The latter part of this month we will notify you of the total estimated allot- ment under Section 84.03 (3) for the State Trunk Highway System to become available on July 1, 1944, and the proposed allocation thereof. Very truly yours, 5G ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD --------- ----------- ----November 9, 1943 ---- - — - - ----- WBB-ML CC - DE#8 H. B. Curry TjTBB Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerl, Bayfield County Dear Sir: Mashburn, Wisconsin STATE HIGHP+TAY COMIISSION OF WISCONSIN D. J. Summerville Secretary October 23, 1943 SUBJECT: Estimated Highway Allotments for 1944 Section 84.03 (3), Wisconsin Statutes In our letter of October 14, 1943, we notified you of the estimated allotment from the funds becoming available in the fiscal year 1943-44, to be paid to your county for the County Trunk Highway System pursuant to Section 83.10 (1) of the 1943 Statutes. Pursuant to Section 84.01 (18) of the 1943 Statutes, you are hereby notified that the estimated allotment for your county under the provisions of Section 84.03 (3) of the Statutes from funds becoming available in the fiscal year 1943-44 is $110,059.37. The proposed allocation, which is submitted for the consideration of your county board, is as follows: For the improvement of U.S. Highway No. 63, the Grandview -Benoit Road, approximately 10 miles 0110,000.00 As a reserve for future allocation 59.37 The amount of the 1944 allotment is estimated and cannot be definitely known until after the close of the fiscal year, which is June 30, 1944. 1.,VBB-ML CC - DE#8 Harry B. Curry WBB Very truly yours, STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN D. J. Summerville, Secretary Mr. J. B. Miller, representing the William Boniface Lumber Company owned by the Kimberly -Clarke Paper Company, spoke to the County Board with reference to purchase of Forest Crop Lands for a future supply of pulp wood for his company. Oscar E. Palm read a report covering his work for the past year. Arthur Levin arrived at this time. Mrs. Edna Lippert, Child 10felfare Worker, read part of her annual report to the County Board. Moved by Pristash and seconded by Ness to receive and place on file the occupancy grant submitted by the Ration Board and that the County Clerk advise the Ration Board that they may occupy office space as at the present time. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: ANNUAL REPORT of the BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE r07 _________ _ANNUAL_MEET_ING OF__THE-BAYRIELD__C OUN_T_Y_B OARD_______ November 9, 1943 Receipts Aid - State $1,065.76 Aid - County 2,500.00 Gate Receipts 629.35 Grandstand 476.75 Space & Privileges 37.65 Loan from County 1,000.00 Cash from Change 100.00 Total Receipts $5,809.71 Cash on Hand from 1942 34.05 TOTAL $p5, 843.76 Disbursements Advertising 65.55 Judges 80.00 Officers' Salaries 416.89 Police, Gate, Other Help 475.27 Postage 43.56 Premiums 1,332.45 Printing 100.64 Repayment of Loan 1,000.00 Ribbons & Badges 103.83 Special Acts 1,010.00 Superintendents 330.75 Supplies 212.77 Telephone & Telegraph 1-7.54 .Water, Light, Power 99.25 Federal Tax 126.10 Cash used for Change 100.00 Insurance 240.28 Total Disbursements $5,754.88 Cash on Hand from 1943 88.86 TOTAL $52843..76 BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE John Shykes, President Nels Ness, Director Erwin Buss, Vice -President Andrew Pristash, Director S. E. Squires, Treasurer Victor Grubisic, Director R. J. Holvenstot, Secretary Zelda Johnson, Director Moved by MacRae and seconded by Bagstad to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following recommendation was read: Washburn, 111isconsin October 14, 1943 Members of the County Board of Bayfield County Gentlemen: We the undersigned, Bayfield County Fair Committee, recommend that, if a County Fair is approved for 1944, an appropriation of $2,500.00 be made for this purpose. Signed, John Shykes, President Nels Ness,Director Erwin Buss, Vice -President Andrew Pristash, Director S. E. Squires, Treasurer Victor Grubisic, Director R. J. Holvenstot, Secretary Zelda Johnson, Director BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE Moved by Shykes and seconded by Liebman to receive the foregoing redommendation and place on file. Motion carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Shykes to receive and place on file the communi- cation of Congressman Alvin E. O'KQnski regarding the resettlement project in i 50 ANNUAL MEETING_ OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- --- -- --- -- -- November 9 , 19 43 -- --- --------- - Drummond. Motion Carried. The following request was read: Members of Finance Committee Bayfield County vYashburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Bayfield, Wisconsin November 8, 1943 At a recent meeting of the above committee, it was requested that the matter of appropriation of funds in the usual amount of $1000.00 for the Indigent Soldiers and Sailors be called to the attention of your committee. Respectfully yours, Arthur Fiege, Secretary Moved by Liebman and seconded by MacRae to receive the foregoing request and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE WHEREAS, Bayfield County has by a zoning ordinance adopted November 14, 1934, regu- lated, restricted and determined the areas within which agriculture, forestry, and recreation may be conducted and has established districts which are deemed best suited to carry out such pyirposes outside the limits of incorporated villages and cities, in accordance with the provisions of Section 59.97 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and IYEEREAS, Bayfield County owns certain tracts of land hereinafter described in said county, the zoning of which is considered to be in the public interest, and WHEREAS, subsection (6) of section 59.97 of the 1-itisconsin Statutes confers upon county boards the authority to zone any lands owned by the county, without necessity of securing the approval of the town boards of the towns wherein such lands are situated and without following the procedure outlined in subsection (2) of section 59.97 of the Wisconsin Statutes: now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Bayfield County hereby determines that said county -owned land hereinafter described is set aside as unrestricted use district as defined in section 4 of the Bayfield County ordinance and shall be subject to all of the pro- visions of said section 4 as contained in said ordinance in all respects as though. said land had originally set aside by said ordinance as such unrestricted district. The said county -owned land heretofore referred to is described as follows: NW NE of Section 10, Township 50, Range 6, 'lest. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the county clerk upon publication of this resolution, be and is hereby directed to file a certified copy of said resolution including the accompanying map, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Bayfield County. BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE John Shykes, Chairman Erwin Buss Victor Grubisic S. E. Squires Nels Ness Andrew Pristash Moved by MacRae and seconded by Bloom to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. lANNUUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNT— - BOARD November 9, 1943 The following resolution was read: n APPLICATION BY T071VN BOARD FOR AMEND10NT TO COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE l,`• Resolution b the Town Board of Orienta Bayfield Count y y y, Wisconsin. WHEREAS, We, the Town Board of Orienta, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, having duly considered the zoning of certain lands within the Town of Orienta as provided in the Zoning Ordinance pursuant to Section 59.97, Wisconsin Statutes, WHEREAS, It is necessary that approval of the town board of the town in which may be situated any lands affected in the amendment of said Ordinance be secured, now theref ore be it RESOLVED, That, we the Town Board of Orienta, Bayfield County, .�Tisconsin, do hereby approve amending the said Zoning Ordinance as enacted by the County Board of Supervisors on November 14, 1934, and that the areas in the Town of Orienta shown on the accompanying map in red and described as the N2 of NL�l4, N2 of NEI, and SW NE of Section 23, Township 49, Range 9, West be changed from a forestry classification, District No. 12 to an unrestricted use district, Nos. 3, and be made a part of the official zoning map known as the "Zoning Map for Bayfield County, showing use dist- ricts." Approved Oct. 30, 1943. Clerk of Town - Amy Soderquist John Pearson, Chairman Fred B. Harper, Supervisor Folke Pierson, Supervisor Moved by Knight and seconded by MacRae to refer the foregoing matter to the Zoning Committee. Motion carried. The following recommendation was read: Washburn, Wisconsin November 9, 1943 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: If the County Board of Supervisors decides to withdraw the JT4V NW of Section 33,1, Township 48, Range 8 West from under the Forest Crop Law and sell it to any private party, the Bayfield County Forestry Committee recommends that the sale price be f i. $260.00, and that this amount be deposited with the County Treasurer before any�`� 1 �f j action is taken by the County Board. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE John Shykes, Chairman Erwin Buss Nels Ness Victor Grubisic S. E. Squires Moved by Liebman and seconded by Earl Johnson to adopt the foregoing recommendation. Motion carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Earl Johnson to adjourn until 10:00 A.M., November 10, 1943. Motion carried. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE_ BAY_F_IELD COUNTY BOARD November 10, 1943 Meeting called to order at 10 A.M. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered roll call: Buss, Irish, B. Johnson; Frels, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Levin,.Trelstad, Liebman, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, E. Johnson, Robinson, Brink, Swanson, Moe & Squires. Total 29 The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by the Public Welfare Committee that the building on Lot 8, Block 59, in the Townsite of Washburn, which the County had turned over to the Public Welfare Department to be used for storing commodities, now be returned to the County, since the Public 1,11elfare Department has no further use at this time for said building. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we as a Committee wish'to thank the County Board for their cooperation and for the use of the building. Albert E. Swanson S. E. Squires Henry J. S. Hanson Moved by Knight and seconded by Shykes to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Moved by Shykes and seconded by Buss to receive and place on file the annual report of the Acting Director of the County Welfare Department. Motion carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Desparois to receive and place on file the annual report of Mrs. Edna C. Lippert, Child Welfare Worker, and to extend a vote of thanks to her. The following report was read: To the Members of the Bayfield County Board The Mediation Board hereby submits the following report from December 5, 1942, to May 10, 1943. Dec. 5, 1942 Jmrich Lukaes Town of Eileen Foreclosed Jan. 23, 1943 Selma Johnson " " Orienta Foreclosed Feb. 9, 1943 Simon Johnson " " Mason Redeemed Feb. 9, 1943 Albert Carlson (in army.) " " Port Wing Extended Feb. 19, 1943 Matt Jurvelin " " Oulu Redeemed Feb. 19, 1943 Raymond F. Wick " " Bayview Foreclosed Mar. 11, 1943 Harry Compton " " Lincoln Foreclosed Mar. 11, 1943 Charles McCutcheon " " Bell Redeemed Liar. 24, 1943 Stephen Janovec " " Eileen Foreclosed Mar. 24, 1943 Walter Niemi " " Oulu Foreclosed Apr. 19, 1943 Julius Larson " " Port Wing Foreclosed Apr. 19, 1943 Victor Nordstrom " " Oulu Foreclosed Apr. 19, 1943 Adolph Habelt " " Pratt Foreclosed May 10 , 1943 William Shuga " " Bayfield Foreclosed May 10, 1943 Eva E. Whiting " " Bayview Extended 2 -- Extended 3 -- Redeemed 10 -- Foreclosed Members of the Mediation Board Committee A J-1L ANNUAL MEETING OF THE HAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD _ _ _ _ _ November 10. 1943 R. J. Nelson C. D. Arnold H. A. Frels Moved by Pristash and seconded by Liebman to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following petition was read: 400 West Madison Street Chicago, Illinois August 30, 1943 Bayfield County, Wisconsin Tax Deed Notice - Taxes of 1937, Sale of 1938 Board of Supervisors Bayfield County Washburn; Wisconsin Gentlemen: In checking over the advertised list of "Tax Deed Notices" for Bayfield County, Wisconsin, covering delinquent 1937 taxes, sale of 1938, the following descriptions .1 were found: , r Township 45.North, Range 6 West �c1 SE NE Sec. 19 . . . . $ 10.24 NE SW Sec. 19 . . . . 8.21 Vie, City of Bayfield Lot 1, Block 133 1.53 We wrote to the County Treasurer informing him that this Company owns and operates on a right-of-way 100 ft. wide running through the first two descriptions, and on the greater portion of Lot 1, Block 133, and requested that his records be corrected to exclude said right-of-way from said descriptions so that any tax deed issued would not cover our property. By letter of August 28, 1943, Mr. J. 0. Bodin, the County Treasurer, wrote to us as follows: "A tax deed was taken by Bayfield County on the SE NE of Sec. 19-45-6 on June 8, 1943, on the sale of 1937; a tax deed was also taken on the NE SW of Sec. 19-45-6 on June 14, 1941, on the sale of 1935, and on Lot 1, Block 133, City of Bayfield, on July 15, 1940, on the sale of 1935. No tax deed will be taken on these descriptions on the sale of 1938.- "If you wish, you may make application to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to have the tax deeds cancelled as not to impair your title on the above named descriptions." In accordance with Mr. Bodin's suggestion, we are hereby making application to your honorable Board to cancel the tag: deeds in question in view of the fact that our right-of-way is not excluded therefrom. This Company's right-of-way is, as you undoubtedly know, assessed and taxed by the State Tax Commission and, therefore, not subject to local assessment. It should not, therefore, be included in any locally assessed parcels of land advertised as delinquent on account of unpaid taxes. We shall greatly appreciate it if you will be kind enough to cancel these tax deeds as suggested by Mr. Bodin, so that our title ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD_ November 10. 1943 to said right- of=way will not be impaired thereby. 11r'hen this matter has been acted upon by your Board, will you kindly inform us the action taken on our request. Yours very truly, R. A. Miller, Tax Commissioner Nov. 4, 1943 Recommend Quit Claim on Railway Right -of -Way only on Lot 1, Block 133, City of Bayfield and the SE NE, NE SVI Sec. 19-45-6. Dan L. Robinson Illegal Tax Committee Moved by Robinson and seconded by Bloom to adopt the recommendations of the Illegal Tax Committee with reference to the foregoing petition. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Board on May 11, 1943, did by resolution authorize the acceptance of a Quit Claim deed from the Northern Pacific Railway Company covering the North Half of the Southwest Quarter (N; S�ii4), Section Twenty-seven (27), Township Forty-six (46) North of Range Nine (9), as this land was located in the County Forest Unit, and WHEREAS, there are delinquent taxes due on the aforesaid lands for the years of 1939, 1940, 1941 and 1942, NOW THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing facts, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the County Treasurer be authorized and instructed to cancel these taxes by receipt. Daniel J. Buckley Dan L. Robinson Moved by MacRae and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following petition and opinion of the District Attorney were read: November 4, 1943 To the Committee on Illegal Taxes Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: I have recently purchased the residence, described as Lots 8, 9, and 10, in Block 10, Vaughn and Austrian's Addition to the City of Washburn, At the present time there are delinquent taxes chargeable to these premisesin the sum of $422.06, representing delinquencies for the years 1936, 1939, 1940, 1941, and 1942. Of this amount, the sum of $91.31 represents interest and penalties. The assessed valuation of these premises is $1350.00, which is far in excess of a fair valuation. I purchased this property several months ago for $1100.00, in- cluding the delinquency mentioned above, which price is indicative of its present value and, as well, taking into account the fact that real estate values in Washburn have increased greatly, indicative of the gross inequity of this valuation over prior years. Its fair sale value until 1943 was probably not more than $800.00. The residence is in great need of repair which I intend to accomplish as .■ ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- ---- - ---- ----- -- -- ---------------- November 10, 1943 5 V materials may become available. At this time I am ready and willing -to pay the sum of $275.00 in full discharge of the delinquencies and ask that this committee recommend to the County Board the acceptance of my offer and to direct the treasurer to accept that sum in return for a full receipt. Respectfully yours, Ernest Bellile By Elizabeth Hawkes,his attorney. Nov. 4, 1943. District Attorney advises that petition should be directed to City Council. County Board has no jurisdiction. Daniel J. Buckley Dan L. Robinsin Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: November 4, 1943 ' The committee on Illegal Taxes has requested my opinion relative to the petition of Ernest Bellile for a compromise of the taxes on Lots eight (8), Nine (9), and ten (10), in Block ten (10) Vaughn and Austrian's Addition to the City of Mashburn. I do not believe that the County Board has any authority to compromise taxes regularly assessed and levied. Section 75.60 formerly permitted the compromise of illegal taxes but even under that Section, which, incidentally, was repealed in 1939 it had been held that an excessive tax was not an illegal tax (22 Attorney General's Opinion 303). Accordingly, I am obliged to advise that in my opinion the County Board has no alternative but to deny the petition for the compromise. Respectfully yours, ;falter Norlin WTN/crg Moved by MacRae and seconded by Earl Johnson to refer the foregoing petition for compromise of taxes to the City Council of Mashburn. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: November 6, 1943 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Please be advised that I represent Anna Hecimovich, widow and executrix of the estate of John Hecimovich, deceased, late of the Town of Mason. On behalf of Mrs. Hecimovich, I now offer $1200.00 in full settlement of the Claim filed against the estate by Ludwig Tranmal, your County Clerk. This claim covered the care of Mr. Hecimovich in several institutions, including the Pureair Sanatorium. We are ready and willing to pay this money at any time. f Yours very truly, Robert M. Spears RMS/crg i 514 —___ _ANNUAL__MEETING OF_'THE_BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD__ November 104 1943 BE IT RESOLVED that' the off'.er of Anna Hecimovich, executrix of the estate of John Hecimovich; deceased, late- of the Town of Mason, as presented by'Robert M. Spears, her attorney, in a letter addressed to this Board on November 6, 1943, for the payment of $1200.00 in full settlement of the County's claim as filed in said estate, be accepted, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk, be authorized to give a receipt in full for said claim upon payment of the aforementioned $12010.00. Submitted by: Albert E. Swanson Dated: This loth day of November, 1943. Moved by Wallin and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution as recommended by the Finance Committee. Motion carried. The following communication was read: To the Governing Bodies of the Political Subdivisions of Wisconsin Gentlemen: Chapter 417, Laws of 1943, created a "Legislative Interim Committee on Postwar Planning" whose general duties it shall be to "make such surveys and studies and compile such data, information and records as in its judgment will be beneficial and useful in effecting readjustments from emergency and war conditions in this state to a peacetime economy." In addition to its duties in connection with a public works pro- gram for the state, the committee is specifically charged with the duty to "prepare and maintain current progress information with respect to public works projects of the political subdivisions of this state and of public agencies which such political subdivisions are authorized by law to assist." Various governing bodies of the state's political subdivisions (counties; cities, villages and towns) are now considering and preparing plans and specifications for needed construction, remodeling and repair of public buildings and other public works coming under their supervision so that if serious unemployment conditions arise in their communities after the close of the war, they will be ready with a program of useful and needed public works. If the governing body of which you are members has already prepared such a program, will you kindly fill out the enclosed questionnaire and return it now in the enclosed envelope addressed to the Legislative Interim Committee on Postwar Planning, in care of the State Planning Board, 300 State Office Building, Madison, Wisconsin. Keep one copy. If you prepare such a program within the next two months, will you fill out the enclosed questionaire and return it by January 1, 1944, so that the committee can it include it with the report/will make to the legislature which will convene on January 12, 1944. In carrying out its duties, the committee is trying hard to render a useful ser- vice. You will aid materially if you prepare and mail the.report as requested. Yours very truly, LEGISLATIVE INTERIM COMMITTEE ON POSTWAR PLANNING Alfred R. Ludvigsen, Secretary Moved by Pristash and seconded.by Robinson to receive the foregoing communication planning and place on file and that each taxing district make out its own/program and report directly to the state. Motion carried. __.ANNUAL_MEETING_OF . THEBAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD_ November 10, 1943 The following resolution was read: AMENDiIiENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE �.., u L, WHEREAS, Bayfield County has by a zoning ordinance adopted November,14, 1934, regulated, restricted and determined the areas within which -agriculture, forestry, and recreation may be conducted, and has established districts which are deemed best suited to carry out such purposes outside the limits of incorporated villages and cities, in accordance with the provisions of Section 59.97 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County owns certain tracts of land hereinafter described in said County, the zoning of which is considered to be in the public interest, and WHEREAS, subsection (6) of section 59.97 of the Wisconsin Statutes confers upon county boards the authority to zone any lands owned by the county, without necessity of securing the approval of the town boards of the towns wherein such lands are situated and without following the procedure outlined in subsection (2) of section 59.97 of the Wisconsin Statutes: now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED THAT Bayfield County hereby determines that said county -owned land hereinafter described is set aside as forestry use district as defined in section 2 of the Bayfield County zoning ordinance and shall be subject to all.of the pro- visions of said section 2 as contained in said ordinance in all respects as though said land had originally set aside by said ordinance as such forestry use district. The said county -owned land heretofore referred to is described as follows: the North one-half of the Southeast quarter and the Southeast one-fourth of the Southeast quarter of Section 11, Township 50, mange 5, West, and the NE "i of Section 12-50-5. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the county clerk upon publication of this resolution be and is hereby directed to file a certified copy of said resolution including the accompanying map, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Bayfield County. BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE John Shykes, _Ch'airman Erwin Buss Victor Grubisic Nels Ness S. E. Squires Andrew Pristash Moved by Shykes and seconded by Buss to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County has acquired the STY SW, Section 4, Range 9 West, by virtue of a tax deed, and r .s Township 45 North,", 'M WHEREAS, said land was owned by the State of Wisconsin and was not subject to taxation; therefore, in view of the foregoing facts, IT IS'HEREBY RESOLVED that the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to,issue a quit claim deed to the State of Wisconsin covering the SW S741I Section 4, Township 45 North, Range 9 West, and that the face of the tax certificates thereon be charged back to the Town of Barnes. Signed: L. D. Pease, Chairman, Town of Barnes Moved by Liebman and seconded by MacRae to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYF_ IELD_ COUNTYBOARD November 10, 1943 The following report was read: Washburn, �Tisconsin November 9, 1943 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, Bayfield County Agricultural Committee, present the follow- ing financial report on land —clearing activities from January 1, 1943, to October 31. Receipts 1943 County Board Appropriation 2,800.00 Received from Old 1942 Accounts 520.50 1943 Machinery Revenue to date 1,998.01 5,318.51 Expenditures Fuel 150.34 Labor 535.52 Parts 671.40 Operator 385.24 Miscellaneous 274.92 Notes Payable (Note Paid on Tractor) 2,600.00 Interest on above note 171.60 Clerical work 40.00 $ 4,829.02 Cash on Hand October 31, 1943 489.49 Signed: BAYFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL CONZNIITTEE John Shykes, Chairman Erwin Buss Nels Ness Victor Grubisic S. E. Squires Moved by LIebman and seconded by MacRae to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following was read: Washburn, Wisconsin November 4, 1943 To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: We the undersigned Committee on Illegal Taxes and Ta± Certificates beg leave to report, that we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same, and that the amounts be charged back to the respective taxing districts, as designated: 517 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAY_FIELD_ COUNTY BOARD November 10, 1943 ILLEGAL TAXES AND TAX CERTIFICATES Charged Back in 1943 TOWN OF BARNES Allowed Del. Tax Name of Description and Year of Cert. Face of Charge back Claimant Reason of Illegality Sale No. Cert. to Dist. Bayfield Co. SE SW - Sec. 4-45-9 1942 2752 1.90 1.90 A s County owned - Forest Crop Land 3/10/42 TOWN OF HAYFIELD Bayfield Co. Part of N2 MV SE N. & W. of St. Hy. 13, Vol. 198, page 467, Sec. 12-50-4. Wrong volume and page. No such vol. /is in Register's office 1940 171 37.05 37.05 Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. TOWN OF DELTA S7T NE - Sec. 14-46-7 County property at time of assessment 1941 TOWN OF DRUMMOND SW SW except the par- cel described as fol- lows: Beginning at the SW corner of Sec. 35-44-7, thence N. on Section line 550 ft. Thence E. 33 ft. thence S . 550 f t . thence 17. 33 ft. Sec. 35-44-7 Government land. 1942 SE SW - Sec. 35-44-7 Government land 1942 TOWN OF HUGHES SW SW - Sec. 13-46-9 County property since Aug. 13, 1937 1939 SW S17 - Sec. 13-46-9 County Property since Aug. 13, 1937 1940 SW SW - Sec. 13-46-9 County property since Aug. 13, 1937 1941 S_1jT SW - Sec. 13-46-9 County property since Aug. 13, 1937 1942. SV SE - Sec. 16-46-9 County property since June 4, 1937 1937 SE SE - Sec. 16-46-9 County property since June 4, 1937 1937 SW SE - Sec. 16-46-9 County property since June 4, 1937 1938 SE SE - Sec. 16-46-9 County property since June 4, 1937 1938 SW SE - Sec. 16-46-9 County property since June 4, 1937 1939 SE SE Sec. 16-46-9 County property since June 4, 1937 1939 1953 1712 1713 j 6.66 16.88 5.79 3879 5.00 3307 5.67 3383 5.68 2925 5.67 3593 3594 4481 3695 6.6 6 •+� S TN, 4 5.79�R S xv- 'z Z 7 5.00 - V 5.67 s 5.68 N S 5.67 / s Y 3.74 3.74 p s V' Y� 3.74 3.74 ,5 3.08 3.08 �� s " 1, 3.06 . 3.08 /? s 4.57 4.57 j s 4.57 4.57 '`r' ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD'COUNTY BOARD - -------- --------- ----------November 10, 1943 ----------- ------------ ----- ----- --- Name of Claimant Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield County Bayfield Co. TOWN OF HUGHES Description Reason of Illegality SDI' SE - Sec. 16-46-9 County property since June 4, 1937 SE SE - Sec. 16-46-9 County property since June 4, 1937 SW SE - Sec. 16-46-9 County property since June 4, 1937 SE SE - Sec. 16-46-9 County property since June 4, 1937 SAY SE - See. 16-46-9 County property since June 4, 1937 SE SE - Sec. 16-46-9 County property since June 4, 1937 NW SE - Sec. 19-47-9 County property - should have been SW SE Year of Cert. Sale No. 1940 1940 1941 1941 1942 1942 1942 TOWN OF IRON RIVER Lot 3 except parcel desc. in Vol. 125, page 383, Sec. 33-47-8 Wrong volume and page 1941 Parcel in Lot 3 recorded in Vol. 125 page 383, Sec. 33-47-8 Wrong volume and page 1941 Lot 3 except parcel desc. in Vol. 125, page 383, Sec. 33-47-8. Wrong vol. and page. 1942 TOWN OF KEYSTONE Bayfield Co. SE NE - Sec. 26-47-6 Should read part of SE NE (2.55 acres) 1942 T01M OF NAMAKAGON Bayfield Co. SW M1 - Sec. 13-43-5 County property at time of assessment 1942 Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. T07IN OF RUSSELL 30 acres, being the north 2/3 of Lot 2 less school and church property, also 8 acres deeded to the United States as desc. in Vol. 86 of Deeds, page 34, about 19 acres, Sec: 31-51-3. Double Assessment 1937 19 acres, more or less being N. 2/3 of Lot 2 less school house and church property, less 8 acres, more or less, deeded to United States as described in Vol. 86, - page 34, Sec. 31-51-3. Double Assessment. 1938 3323 3324 3399 3400 2941 2942 3080 .•: Allowed Face of Cert. 4.95 .4.95 4.99 4.99 4.96 4.96 9.92 84.52 42.00 2699 18.01 2350 47.51 107.52 315 24 23 1.48 2.45 7.75 9.60 Del. Tax Charge back to Dist. i 4.95 4.95 '2 4.99 4.99 l v. 4.96 4.96 fl f I 9.92 s 84.52 42.00 A s 47.51 107.52 1.48 s - y/ 2.45 H S 7.75 l� 5 9.60 �� S Bayfield Co. 13 acres, more or less, being that part of SW SW and Lot 4 desc. in V01.108 - ---- ------------ ------- ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 10, 1943 9 TOWN OF RUSSELL Allowed Del. Tax Name of Description and Year of CErt. Face of Charge back Claimant Reason of Illegality Sale. No. Cert. to Dist. Bayfield Co. of Deeds, page 165, Sec. 31-51-3 ' Government land 1938 28 22.72 22.72 A S 40.07 40.07 i TOWN OF PRATT Bayfield Co. E2 Gov't Lot 5 Sec. 10-44-6 Government land, Deed to U.S.A. Aug. 14, 1940 1942 1137 1.76 1.76 /� s Bayfield Co. NE NE - Sec. 15-44-6 Government land, deed to U.S.A. Aug. 14, S 1940 1942 1154 4.23 4.23 Bayfield Co. NW NE - Sec. 15-44-6 Government land, deed to U.S.A. Aug. 14, 1940 1942 1155 4.23 4.23 �' S Bayfield Co. SW NE - Sec. 15-44-6 Government land, deed to U.S.A. Aug. 14, 1940 1942 1156 4.23 4.23 A � xj - Bayfield Co. SE NE Sec. 15-44-6 Government land, deed to U. S: A., Aug. 14, 1940 1942 1157 4.23 4,23 Bayfield Co. Part of Gov't. Lot 7 ?; desc. in Vol. 120,`` page 343 (1.70 acres) Sec. 29-44-6 Double assessment. 1942 1200 3.53 3.53 22.21 22.21 4 CITY OF BAYFIELD t -' Bayfield Co. Und. 2/3 Lot 1, Block 118, City of Bayfield Government land 1942 3638 1.17 1'.17 Bayfield Co. Und. 2/3 Lot 2, Block 118, City of Bayfield Government land 1942 3639 1.17 1.17 ; Bayfield Co. Und. 2/3 Lot 3, Block {' 118, City of Bayfield Government land 1942 3640 1.17 1.17 Bayfield Co. Und. 2/3 Lot 4, Block 118, City of Bayfield t Government land 1942 3641 1.17 1.17 Bayfield Co. Und. 2/3 Lot 5, Block 116, City of Bayfield Government land 1942 3642 1.17 1.17 Bayfield Co. Und. 2/3 Lot 6, Block �r 118, City of Bayfield Government land 1942 3643 1.17 1.17!; Bayfield Co. Und. 2/3 Lot 7, Block ! =- ., ; 118, City of Bayfield Government land 1942 3644 1.17 1.17 Bayfield Co. Und. 2/3 Lot 6, Block 118, City of Bayfield Government land 1942 3645 1.17 1.17 Bayfield Co. Und. 2/3 Lot 9, Block 118, City of Bayfield Government land 1942 3646 1.16 1.16 r Hayfield Co. Und. 2/3 Lot 10, Block 118, City of Bayfield Government land 1942 3647 1.16 1.16 I• Bayfield Co. Lot 11, Block 119 City of Bayfield ! Under water 1942 3648 .20 .20 20 ANNUAL_MEETING 0-' THE___BAYFIELD CGUNTY__B_OARD_.__— November 10, 1943 gip.. CITY OF BAYFIELD .;� Name of Description and Year of Cert. Allowed Del. Tax Claimant Reason of Illegality Sale No:. Face of Charge back ;�' Cert. to Dist. 3?, Bayfield Co. Lot 12, Block 119 1942 3649 .20 .20 a City of Bayfield r. Under water ry Bayfield Co. y Lot 13, Block 119, 1942 3650 .20 s City of Bayfield Under Water a Bayfield Co. Lot 14, Block 119, City of Bayfield Under water 1942 3651 .20 .20 Bayfield Co. Lot 16, Block 25 City of Bayfield , County property 1942 3384 8.00 S.00 rj V i 20.4.8 20 ; 48 � Signed: Daniel J. Buckley Dan L. Robinson Moved by Liebman and seconded by Bloom and to adopt the recommendations of the Illegal Tax Committee and that the amounts of illegal taxes be charged back to the I respective taxing districts. Motion carried. The following report was read: The Bayfield County Forestry Committee plans on the following activities and forestry fund expenditures covering the period from January 1, 19440 to January 1, 1945: Estimated balance January 1, 1944 $14,000.00 Accounts Receivable $ 10.35 10.35 i Cash Balance January 1, 1944 (estimate) 14,010.35 Estimated Expenditures to January 1, 1945 Administration 875.00 Bookkeeping 100.00 Insurance 400.00 Trespass Officer 1,368.00 (PO%) Incidentals 200.00 2,943.00 Bridges, Culvert fills, & truck trails 500.00 Furrowing 600 acres 02.50 1,500.00 i Planting 600 acres Q 8.00 49800.00 Land Purchase "800.00 72600.00 j Total estimated expenditures 10,543.00 Estimated Balance 3,467.35 1944 allotment from state 12, 965.75 I Estimated balance on hand 1945 $16,533.10 BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE John Shykes, Chairman Erwin Buss Victor Grubisic. Nels Ness Andrew Pristash S. E. Squires Moved by MacRae and seconded by Liebman to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. i The following report was read: ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY_ BOARD November 10, 1943 TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BAYFIELD COUNTY Gentlemen: At the May, 1943, meeting of the board, the undersigned committee on sheriff's, justices' and constables' bills was directed by resolution to work out a solution whereby the dounty court, juvenile court and municipal court could be merged into one court at the earliest opportunity. The present municipal judge was re-elected in the spring of 1943, for a four-year term. A new county and juvenile judge was elected in the spring of 1943 for a six -year term, starting next January. Under these circumstances, it seems that an investigation into the feasibility of combining these courts is out of order at this time. It is the obvious will of the voters that the men elected should serve °their full terms. In view of the foregoing facts, we recommend that the investigation of this matter be postponed until the May, 1946, meeting of the board, when it can be considered again if the board then desires.. That will give time to plan a legal merger of the courts and adopt it at the November, 1946, meeting, if the board con- siders such a consolidation advisable, so that the preparations for the merger will be completed before the next election for municipal judge in the spring of 1947. COMMITTEE ON SHERIFF'S, JUSTICES' AND AND CONSTABLES' BILLS Erick Sande Daniel J. Buckley Tom Trelstad Moved by H. J. S. Hanson and seconded by Bloom to accept the recommendations of the special Committee in the foregoing report. Motion carried. Mr. Buckley arrived at this time. The following communication was read: October 4,. 1943 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk, Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Friend: There are some things we "just don't talk about." But here is one problem that cannot be ignored ... and we're putting it squarely up to you. With the passing of each day, the number of unmarried mothers increases in Wisconsin. Hundreds of unfortunate girls and their innocent babies have literally no one to help them at a time when they need help desperately. That is ... they have no one tO help them but the Salvation Army. For the Salvation Army maintains the MARTHA WkSHINGTON HO1KE AND MATERNITY HOSPITAL at 6304 Cedar Street, Wauwatosa (Milwaukee) 13, Wis. Here is a haven of hope offering sympathetic, Christian care to unmarried mothers and their infants from all parts of the state. This home and hospital depends upon your financial support. If disposed, your County Board of Supervisors can grant an appropriation to this attested and en- ANNUAL MEETING OF THE_BAYFIELD_ COUNTY BOARD ------ ---_ _ - - — --- November 10, -1943-- - — - _------ — --—_ ---- —_— — dorsed institution. Your dollars can solve the social problem confronting these women and babies. And contributions must be made now if this work is to be carried on. Enclosed please find addressed and stamped envelope for reply, also folder on the Army's part in the war. More than ever before, financial aid is needed today. We urge you to apprise your County Board members of this appeal at their next meeting. The actual fate of these unmarried mothers and babies depends on your generous decision. Can we count on your assistance in this merciful cause? WHP:DK Enc. Yours to Help Humanity, Wm. H. Fox Lt.-Colonel, Divisional Commander Moved by Liebman and seconded by H. 1. S. Hanson to contribute $200.00 to the Salvation Army for the operation of the Martha Washington Home. Roll Call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shyykes, Ness, Moore, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, E. Johnson, Robin- son, Brink, Swanson, Moe, Squires. TOTAL 31. NAYES: None Motion carried. Moved by Desparois and seconded by MacRae to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Motion carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P.M. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered roll call: Buss, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, E. Johnson, Robinson, Brink, Swanson, Squires, Moe. Total 32. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Hayfield County is the owner of Lots 8, 9 & 10, of Block 3, Robert Bartlett Jr. Addition to Orchard City, and WHEREAS, The Town of Clover is desirous of acquiring the aforesaid lots, THEREFORE, WE HEREBY RESOLVE, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this loth day of November, 1943, authorize and direct the County Clerk to issue a quit claim deed to the Town of Clover covering Lots 8, 9 & 10, Block 3, Robert Bartlett Jr: Addition to Orchard City; and that the considera- tion be the amount of taxes plus fees and penalties and that the amount of the consideration be written off from the excess delinquent tax account of the Town of Clover. Daniel J. Buckley Moved by Buckley and seconded by Irish to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. 52,6 ANNUAL MEETING _0_F THEBA_YF'IELD COUNTY BOARD --- - --------------------- November 10, 1943 - - - -- ----------- - - The following communication was read: WISCONSIN STATE PLANNING BOARD 300 State Office Building Madison, Wisconsin November 3,'1943 To the County Clerk: You are respectfully requested to present the following to your County Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: The discussion of postwar public works programs, which has been under way more or less for the past year, has become particularly active during the last month or two. If such programs are to be set up by counties, and provision for them has not already been made, provision should be made at the November, 1943, session of the County Board. If the Board does not already have a Committee charged with this duty, it will be well to set one up. The County Park Commission, provided by Section 27.02 of the Statutes, or the County Rural Planning Committee, under Section 27.015, seem to have all of the necessary powers; but it may be desirable to give them specific instructions if the County Board desires to set up a program. Or, if the County Board desires, it may direct some standing committee to proceed, or it may set up a new committee. The procedure involved in planning a postwar program is essentially as follows: 1. List the necessary or desirable projects and estimate their costs. 2. Decide the order of construction. 3. Estimate the funds that will be available for construction over a period of years. 4. Correlate the estimated- cost of work to be done with the funds estimated to become available. 5. Prepare working plans, (or "bluprints") for the first projects to be built, and provide for financing them. There will be some cutting and trying in the process, but it can be done. The Board will decide its program, but there are certain procedures which will be useful in setting it up, in which the Planning Board can help if desired. I Airports are a subject of special interest. Under Chapter 269, Laws of 1943, the Planning Board is made the state .agency to assist local governing bodies in matters relating to airports. The service rendered is set out in detail in the leaflet entitled "Airports for Wisconsin" of which copy is enclosed. Some counties have availed themselves of the service. If yours desires it, please advise; and it will be rendered as promptly as possible. Respectfully submitted, WISCONSIN STATE PLANNING BOARD M. 7T. Torkelson, Director of Regional Planning Moved by H. J. S. Hanson and seconded by Bloom to receive the foregoing communi- cation and place on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: Bayfield County Board of Supervisors November 4, 1943 Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Re: SE SE Sec. 36-47-9 54 ANNUAL MEETING OF T_H_E_B_AYFIEL_D_ COUNTY BOARD --- nTnTramhPr 1 0 - 1 94?, — - - — "- �` { Under date of September 9, 1941, a letter was mailed to you in which a check was 1 enclosed in the amount of $80.00 for the purchase of the above described forty acres. I have also called regarding this land and wonder just what can be done in order to secure the same. I am most anxious to acquire this property as it joins my property and I would like to keep a wooded section and also have it for a garden space. This land was, at the time I contacted you, under the State Forest Crop Law and at that time it was my impression that it should be withdrawn from the same. Will you please let me hear from you in regard to the above? Yours very truly, Albert Stockman 3401 Vernon Street Duluth, Minnesota Moved by Wallin and seconded by Liebman to re -refer the foregoing matter to the Forestry Committee with power to act. Motion carried. Moved by MacRae and duly seconded to adjourn as a County Board and to meet as a committee of the whole for the purpose of conducting a hearing on the proposed budget for 1944. Meeting called to order by Mr. Squires, acting as chairman of the committee as a whole. Andrew Gidlof appeared before the committee with regard to the budget item for the Sheriff's office. He discussed the cost of operating the Sheriff's department in general. He was not sworn and no testimony was taken. There were no other appearances so the committee adjourned as a committee and was called to order again as a County Board. The following report was read: We, the Sheriff's Committee of Bayfield County Board, have examined the records of Judge P. J. Savage of Iron River and find that his records are correct and that he has turned over to the County Treasurer $236.03 in fines. We also checked Judge Hart's records and find them correct. He has turned over to the County Treasurer $1094.25 in fines. The Sheriff's records were examined and we find that his expenses for the first ten months of 1943 amount to $4,366.00, leaving a balance of the $6,800.00 levy of 2,434.00 for the months of November and December expenses. live recommend that the Sheriff's levy for 1944 be the same as last year, $6,600.00. Due to market and supply, we do not recommend any new car for next year. Our recommendation regarding salary increases for the Sheriff and Undersheriff is being supported by resolution. Signed: Erick Sande Daniel J. Buckley Tom Trelstad Sheriff's Committee I Moved by Liebman and seconded by Ness to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. 52 ------__--ANNUAL OF E A'ECOY BOAD ------- November ---------------____------__-.- 10, 1943 The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this 10th-day of November, 1943, that the -salary -of the Sheriff be set at $175.00 per month and the salary of the Undersheriff at $150.00 per month, both exclusive of civil fees. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be effective December 1, 1943. Signed: Erick Sande Daniel J. Buckley Tom Trelstad Sheriff's Committee Moved by Buckley and seconded by Moe.to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Irish, Buckley, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Kranzfelder, Hanson, Nelson, E: Johnson, Robinson, Brink, Swanson, Moe, Squires. Total 23. NAYES: Alcott, B. Johnson, Frels, Desparois, MacRae, Liebman, Moore, Martin, Knight. Total 9. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS: The Hayfield County Land -clearing Program is of vital interest to agriculture within the County and, WHEREAS, The land -clearing tractor in use for the past several years has become worn out and disposed of, and WHEREAS, There is an ever increasing demand on the part of the farmers for the services of such a land -clearing tractor, THEREFORE, Be it resolved, by the Bayfield Count'y Board of Supervisors, in session this tenth day of November, 1943, that the Agricultural Committee be authorized to purchase a new tractor for this purpose, if and when such a tractor becomes avail- able, making a down payment out of such land -clearing funds as are available, the balance of the purchase price to be appropriated by the County Board at its next session. The price of such a tractor is estimated to be about 8,000.00. IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD, That this sum of money is to be returned to the General Fund from the net proceeds of the land -clearing operations. BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the present land -clearing Fund be kept intact as such for future use. BAYFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE John Shykes, Chairman Erwin Buss Nels Ness Andrew Pristash Victor Grubisic S. E. Squires Moved by Shykes and seconded by Ness to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Sandd, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, E. Johnson, Robinson, Brink, Swanson, Moe, Squires. Total 32. NAYES: None. Motion carried. 526 _____ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD_ COUNTY BOARD November 10, 1943 The Board proceeded with election of a Highway Committee. The Chair appointed Sande and Levin -as -tellers. The result of the first ballot for committeeman from Highway District #1 was as follows: R. J. Nelson 22 Bernard Johnson. 7 D. L. Robinson 1 Void 1 31 The Chair declared R. J. Nelson duly elected. The Chair appointed Earl Johnson and A. E. Swanson as tellers. The result of the first ballot for a member of the Highway Committee for District #2 was as follows: H. A. Frels 27 Vic C. Wallin 1 Tom Trelstad 1 Blank 1 30 The Chair dedlared H. A. Frels duly elected. The result of the first ballot for a member of the Highway Committee for District # 3 was as follows: R. J. Desparois 19 Bagstad 8 B. Johnson 1 C. 0. Nelson 1 29 The Chair declared R. J. Desparois duly elected. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT the following table of valuations covering Real and Personal property as compiled by the Supervisor of Assessments be and is hereby adopted as the equalized valuation of the taxing,districts of Bayfield County for the year 1943: AGGREGATE RECOPdIl1+IENDED DISTRICT FULL VALUE Barksdale, Town 2,781,905 Barnes, " 411,070 Hayfield, " 312,055 Bayview, " 262,035 Bell, " 226,385 Cable, " 356,700 Clover, " 254,740 Delta, " 220,435 Drummond, " 403,430 Eileen, " 665,355 Hughes, " 123,355 Iron River n 421,240 Kelly " 554,805 52 ANNUAL MEETING OF BAYFIELDCOUNTY BOARD ---- ---------- ----- 'November 10, 1943 --- --- -- - — AGGREGATE RECOItZENDED District FULL VALUE Keystone, Town 375,740 Lincoln, tt 361,350 Mason, " 497,365 Namakagon, " 5669500 Orienta, " 248,005 Oulu, " 626,655 Pilsen, " 228,135 Port Wing, " 523,200 Pratt, " 356,455 Russell, " 1451440 Tripp, " 235,405 Washburn, " 312,555 Towns Total 11,470,315 Cable, Village 160,960 Mason, tt 102,925 Villages Total 263,885 Bayfield, City 598,660 Washburn, n 11062,280 Cities Total 1,660,940 COUNTY TOTAL 13,395,140 Signed: I. L. Alcott J. L. MacRae, E. Liebman S. E. Squires L. D. Pease Finance & Equalization Committee Moved by Liebman and seconded by Swanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried unanimously. The following petition was read: November 9, 1943 To The Honorable Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn Wisconsin Gentlemen: The State Commission on adult and vocational education plans on stat-ting a class in wood working in Washburn. This work is under the direction of Prof. Peder Pederson of Ashland. Mr. Pederson has looked at the building which has been used by.the Welfare Department as a store room for surplus commodities. He has asked me to secure the use of the building if possible for this school of wood working. I am herewith submitting this request. Yours very truly, J. Henry Chatterson Moved by Liebman and seconded by Robinson to grant the foregoing petition subject to sale. Motion carried. -528 AL MEETING OF THE BAY_FIELD COUNTY BOARD .November 10, 1943 The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this loth day of November, 1943, that salaries be set as follows: Deputy County Treasurer, $150.00 per month, effective Dec. 1, 1943; County Clerk, $2400.00 per annum, and conservation fees; County Treasurer, $2400.00 per annum; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Officers be authorized to hire and regulate the salaries of their help but must stay within a maximum of $125.00 per month. This action on clerical is for the duration of the War and six months there- after. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the salaries in this resolution for County Clerk, County Treasurer and clerical hire be effective January 1, 1944. Signed By; I. L. Alcott J. L. MacRae E. Liebman S. E. Squires Finance Committee Iti2oved by Alcott and seconded by Desparois to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, E. Johnson, Robinson, Swanson, Squires. TOTAL 30. NAYES: None. Motion carried. , The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual sessi this loth day of November, 1943, that the salary of the County Nurse be set at Eighteen Hundred ($1800.00) per year, effective January 1, 1944. Signed: D. S. Knight Ernest Moore Helmer Moe Ora Brink S. E. Squires Moved by Liebman and seconded by Wallin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, E. Johnson, Robinson, Swanson, Squires. TOTAL 30. Nayes: None. Motion carried. The following communication was read: May 26, 1943 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Mr. Daniel L. Brace, County Superintendent of Bayfield County, asked me to say whether or not he is available for service in the army, or in Red Cross, or any other service for thr duration of the war. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -- --- November - -- I am hereby certifying that he is available and that if he is taken into any of those services, I will assume there is no vacancy there, and will not make an appoint- ment of someone to fill the place. The work will.be carried by Miss Zelda Johnson, Supervising Teacher, who is thoroughly familiar with the work in the schools. Sincerely yours, John Callahan State Superintendent Moved by Buss and seconded by aVanson to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion carried. and resolution The following communication/was read: October 5, 1943 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk Bayfield County rViscon sin Dear Mr. Tranmal: Charlotte Gibbons, County Supervising Teacher of Bayfield County, has been placed on the first step of the three year schedule. She has a three year diploma and can qualify under that division of the schedule and since this is her first year of experience, naturally she will have to start on the bottom of the schedule. The state will reimburse the county to the extent of $1450 for Miss Gibbons, salary for the school year 1943-44, providing, of course, that she is employed in accordance with the statutes. The County Superintendent is empowered to hire a county supervising teacher, and the county board by law must fix the salary. Hence, it is quite apparent that the salary must receive county board approval. Kindly note that the county board must pay a salary equal to the schedule set up by the state superintendent. The county board may, at its discretion, set a higher salary than the state schedule calls for. However, the state will reimburse the county in accordance with the state schedule. Sincerely yours, Fred G. Bishop Assistant Superintendent TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, BAYFIELD COUNTY, iIIISCONSIN WHEREAS, the present salary of the Supervising Teacher is $1,300.00 per year, and V'1HEREAS, the State Schedule for one with the qualifications of the present Supervising Teacher is $1,450.00 per year, and 1,11HEREAS, there is a possibility of the State not reimbursing Bayfield County for salary and expenses of the Supervising Teacher unless hired in accordance with specifications set up by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, therefore in view of the foregoing facts, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Board, County Clerk, and County Treasurer be authorized and directed to issue a check to Miss Charlotte Gibbons, making up the difference since Aggust 15, 1943, so that the salary will be at the rate of the State Schedule amounting to $1,450.00 per year, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the salary be increased to $1,600.00 per year 530 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAY_FIEL_D COUNTY _BOARD _ _ _-- _ November 10, 1943 effective January 1, 1.944, and that this additional amount of $150.00 be charged to the appropriation for County Superintendent of Schools; the Education Committee having made provision for it in the budget. Signed: O. T. Bagstad Arthur Levin Committee on Education, Bayfield County, Wisconsin Moved by Knight and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Alcott, Irish, B.. Johnson, Frd.s, Buckley, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, E. Johnson, Robinson, Swanson, Squires. Total 30. NAYES: None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN WHEREAS, the salary of the County Superintendent of Schools is now below that of the high school principals in the county, and bellow the average salaries paid other county superintendents in the State, and WHEREAS, the cost of living has increased, therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the salary of the county superintendent of schools be increased to $2,400.00 per annum, beginning January 1, 1944. Signed: 0. T. Bagstad Arthur Levin Committee on Education, Bayfield County, Wis. Moved by Bloom and seconded by Shykes to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Irish, Frels, Buckley, Grubisic, Levin, Trelstad, Bagstad, Bloom, E. Johnson, Swanson. Total 11. NAYES: Alcott, B. Johnson, B. E. Johnson, Despatois, MacRae, Pristash, Liebman, Sande, Wallin, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, Robinson, Squires. Total 19. Motion lost. The following report was read: TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN The budget for the office of the County Superintendent of Schools for the year 1944 as recommended by the Committee on Education in annual session on October 15, 1943, is as follows: Salary, County Superintendent (Acting) Increase for Supervising Teacher Clerk Car Rental Travel Expense Telephone Office Maintenance 2,400.00 150.00 1,200.00 360.00 250.00 50.00 260.00 ------ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFI_ELD COUNTY BOARD ---------- November 10, 1943 ------------------ ---- -- Testing Program $ 200.00 Total $4,m .00 Signed: 0. T. Bagstad Arthur Levin Committee on Education Hayfield County, Wisconsin Moved by Wallin and seconded by MacRae to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the county Board of Supervisors at a meeting held May 5, 1942, by resolu- tion voted to increase the salary of P: J. Savage, Judge of the Second Municipal Court at Iron River, from six hundred dollars (600.00) to seven hundred fifty dollars (4750.00) per year, and �3e�`_1 WHEREAS, it could not legally be done, therefore he did not receive an increase, .VHEREAS, Chapter 94, Laws of 1943, allows the increase of salaries of County officials during the emergency war period, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the salary of P. J. Savage, Judge of Second Municipal Court at Iron River, be set at seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) per annum and civil fees, effective January 1, 1944. Signed by: I. L. Alcott J. L. MacRae E. Liebman S. E. Squires Moved by Pristash and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Moore, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, Robinson, Swanson, Squires. Total 23. NAYES: Buss, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Ness, E. Johnson. Total 5. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the salaries of the Janitor for the courthouse and the Jailer be $130.00 per month commencing January 1, 1944. Harvey Irish Earl P. Johnson Buildings & Grounds Committee Moved by Robinson and seconded by Irish to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Nelson, E. Johnson, Robinson, Swanson. Total 28. NAYES: Hanson, Squires. TOTAL 2. Motion carried. The following report was read: We, the undersigned Special Committee on a proposed new American Legion Building, ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY_ BOARD_ November 10, 1943 wish to report as follows: Your Committee was appointed by -action of the County Board on May 12, 1943. The Board directed that its Chairman be a member of the Special Committee. The Chairman in turn appointed Erick Sande and D. S. Knight as the other members. Each of us has made some personal investigations and have exchanged views and our findings with one another at a meeting held November 5, 1943. At the present time, there are approvimately 1500 from Bayfield County in the Armed Forces. It is impossible to predict with any degree of accuracy when they will be returned to civilian life. We do not feel qualified without being able to discuss with some of them personally what type or size of building will be suitable for their needs. We feel that they should have the right to make recommendations and determine what they will want themselves. In view of the foregoing information, it is very apparent that it is premature at this time to make any definite recommendation. Ile therefore recommend that no action be taken at this time. Submitted by: Erick Sande D. S. Knight S. E. Squires Special Committee on American Legion Building Moved by Buckley and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing report. Motion carried gnanimously. The following communication was read: Washburn, Wisconsin November 9, 1943 Bayfield County Board Sirs: Washburn, Wisconsin I hereby submit the following offer for the building on Bayfield Street in Mashburn, occupied by the American Legion Post of Washburn. As is, $1,000.00, Payable as desired by the County. I realize this offer is perhaps low, but in view of the necessity of spending at least 10 to 12 thousand dollars to put it in shape for commercial use it is all I feel the building is worth in its present`condition. As soon as material is available I would start to remodel it, which would make a good taxable piece of property for the City of 10fashburn & Bayfield County, rather than the present load it is for the county now. I would purchase this only if the American Legion Post is willing to cancel the present lease they have on the building. Please consider this offer as ending January 1, 1944. Respectfully yours, H. A. Stubf ors Moved by Liebman and seconded by Earl Johnson to refer the foregoing offer to the Sales Committee of the County Board with power to act. Motion carried. ---------_----------_ --_--------=--_--_-- ANNUAL -MEETING OF_ THE_ BAYFIELD_COUNTY_BOAR.D--------.— -- November 10, 1943 Moved by Wallin and seconded by Robinson that if the Legion Building is sold by the Sales Committee, that the proceeds be turned over to the Bodi•n-Finstad Post #86 of the American Legion. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, B. E. Johnson, Desparois, Grubisic, MacRae, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness; Moore, IVlartin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, E.Johnson, Robinson, Swanson, Squires. Total 30. NAYES; None. Motion carried. Moved by Alcott and seconded by Robinson to receive and place on file the annual report of the Superintendent of Schools as submitted by Miss Zelda Johnson, Acting Superintendent. Motion carried. The following communication was read: May 25, 1943 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk ?'lashburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: File Reference: Cooperation Geographic Board The state geographic board at its meeting on February 26, 1943, approved the fol- lowing names for the lakes in the Pike Lake Chain in Bayfield County. Buskey Bay - Sec. 21-28, T. 47N., R. 81-11. - (Not Buskey Lake, Lake Buskey or Buscay Bay) Lake Millicent - Sec. 21-22-27-28, T. 47N., R. 8W. - (Not Pike Lake) Hart Lake -_Sec. 27-33-34, T. ON., R. 8W. - (Not Heart or Wiehe) Crow Lake - Sec. 33-34, T. 47N., R. 8W.; Sec. 4, T. 46N., R. 8W. - (Not Twin Bear) Eagle Lake - Sec. 3, T. 46N., R. 8W. - (Not Twin Bear, Murry or Murray) Flynn Lake - Sec. 3, T. 46N., R.,8d14 - (Not Murray) Hildur Lake - Sec. 2, T. 46N., R. 8111. - (Not Bluebird) Will you kindly present these names to your county board for action at its next meeting, and immediately thereafter advise us of the decision reached? If approved, they will then be submitted to the United States Board on. Geographical Names for their consideration and final approval. Very truly yours, E. J. Vanderwall, Secretary Moved by MacRae and seconded by Desparois to approve the foregoing recommended names of lakes. Motion carried. The following application was read: Washburn, Wisconsin November 5, 1943 To The Honorable Members of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: My application is hereby submitted for reappointment to the position of custodian of the Bayfield County Court House. Your consideration will be appreciated. Very truly yours, ANNUAL_ MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 10, 1943 Moved by Prista.sh and seconded by Alcott to approve the foregoing application. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Finance Committee of the Bayfield County Board has made a study of the excess delinquent tax situation of Bayfield County and after due study feel that it would be a good investment on the part of the County to purchase several years of excess delinquent taxes, and WHEREAS, there is a large amount of cash in the County Treasury, which is made up primarily of highway funds, and it is unlikely that the Highway Department will be expending them the very near future, and 147HEREAS, many of the taxing districts having excess delinquent tax rolls are in need of immediate cash, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing facts, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this loth day of November, 1943, that Bayfield County purchase excess delinquent tax rolls for .the following years: YEAR OF TAX SALE OF TAX 1936 1939 1939 1940 1940 1941 1942 1943 Signed By: APPROXIMATE AMOUNT $ 8,670.21 Total I. L. Alcott J. L. MacRae E. Liebman S. E. Squires 109885.36 7,641.09 16,158.14 $ 43,354.80 Finance Committee Moved by Irish and seconded by Swanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Prista.sh, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, E. Johnson, Robinson, Swanson, Squires. Total 30. NAYES: None. Notion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this loth day of November, 1943, that the County Treasurer be and he is here- by authorized and directed to become the exclusive purchaser of all lands hereafter sold for delinquent taxes, it being the intent of this resolution to make Bayfield County the sole and exclusive purchaser of all tax certificates of tax sales hereafter issued by Bayfield County, it being the intent of this resolution to exercize the authority vested in the County Board by Section 74.44 of the Wisconsin Statutes,)and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby empowered to sell tax certificates so acquired to any lien holder on any such lands or to any heir, legatee, devisee, executor or administrator having an estate or interest in such lands. ■ J3 5 ANNUAL MEETING OF -THE BAYFIELD- COUNTY BOARD November 10, 1943 Submitted by: I. L. Alcott- J. L. MacRae E. Liebman S. E. Squires Moved by Knight and seconded by Liebman to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following communication was read: Mr. Ludwig Trammel Bayfield County Clerk Mashburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: Ashland, Wisconsin November 9, 1943 Re: SE NVI Sec. 22-47-6 In reply to your letter on the reverse side of this paper, about the land I want to buy. My offer for this forty acres (40 acres) is fifty dollars# I spoke to Mr. Andrew Pristash and he said the price was satisfactory with him. Yours very truly, John Durica Rt. #2, Ashland, 'Nis. Moved by Pristash and seconded by Sande to accept the foregoing bid. Motion carried. Moved by Earl Johnson and seconded by Swanson that the bills on file in the County Clerk's office be referred to the Finance Committee for action. Motion carried. Moved by Alcott and seconded by Robinson that the Air Port Committee be continued and that they report at the next meeting of the Board. Motion carried. Moved by Earl Johnson and seconded by A. E. Swanson that $1,000.00 be appropriated to the committee on aviation. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Buckley, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, E. Johnson, Robinson, Swanson, Squires. Total 29. 'NAYES: Frels. Total 1. Motion carried. Moved by Earl Johnson and seconded by MacRae to adjourn until 10 A.M., November llth. Motion lost. The following report was read: Proposed Budget for the Year ending December 31st, 1944 To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin Gentlemen: We submit the following proposed budget for 1944 and recommend its adoption. Your committee'gave considerable study,'of the rapidly growing cash balances in the General Fund. These -balances are largely trust fund and must be invested so as to be readily available when needed. In addition to previous investments in bonds and purchases of -"excess tax delinquency" we again recommend an additional.purchase of excess delinquent taxes consisting of the 1938, 1939, 1940 & 1942 tax excess amounting to $43,354.80. Your committee feels that an investment in the excess delinquency is sound and profitable, yielding a return of 9.6% per annum. Following along this general policy, we are proposing under separate resolution that Bayfield County -become the sole purchaser ofall tax certificates. Your committee also gave much attention to the requests by various committees for salary increases in their departments as well as many other requests from individual officers and clerical - help. We recognize that the problem of salary adjustments must be met. The Finance Committee has tried to be fair in consider- ing these requests and'it maybe that the board will desire,to make other increases which the Committee did not feel warranted. However, we wish to point out that a large county with a small population and a small valuation is limited in its capacity to pay and therefore can not meet salary schedules of.wealthier counties or of defense and private industries. 'We have provided for all budget items and a balanced budget, which with the maximum levy of 1% will leave a balance of,$4,984.37 of'receipts over expenditures. We suggest that it seems advisable to levy a 1% county tax and include any unused balance in the contingency fund. 536 ANNUAL_1 EETINCT--OF_THE__BAYFIELD_ COUNTY BOARD ________ November 10, 1943 EXPENDITURES 1943 Recommended Adopted for Budget for 1944 1944 STATE TAX: Forestry Tax under Sec. 70.58 (2) (This item does not 2,609.88 2,679.03 2,679.03 effect the 1% County tax limit) GENERAL GOVERNMENT: County Board 3,000.00 2,700.00 2,700.00 County Clerk 43,600.00 5,300.00 5,300.00 County Treasurer 4,400.00 5,100.00 5,100.00 Assessment of Taxes 2,500.00 20500.00 2,500.00 District Attorney 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 Divorce Council 50.00 50.00 50.00 County Surveyor 5.00 5.00 5.00 County Court 3,600.00 4,400.00 3,600.00 Municipal Court 2,500.00 2,600.00 29600.00 Circuit Court 3,500.00 39500.,00 3,500.00 Juvenile Court 800.00 None 600.00 Coroner 250.00 250.00 250.00 Mediation Board None 300.00 300.00 Courthouse 3,850.00 3,700.00 3,700.00 Elections 600.00 2,500.00 22500.00 Special Accounting & Auditing 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Property & Liability Ins. 300.00 250.00 250.00 State Deposit Insurance 200.00 200..00 200.00 34,655.00 37,855.00 37,855.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY: Sheriff 6,800.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 Register of Deeds 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 County's Share of Cost of Fighting Forest Fires 500.00 500.00 500.00 County Council of Defense 200.00 200.00 200.00 12,000.00 11,700.00 11,700.00 HEALTH, CONSERVATION & SANITATION: Vital Statistics 275.00 225.00 225.00 Tri-County Sanatorium 21,000.00 19,000.00 199000.00 Patients at State & Other County Sanatoria 1,564.23 1,162.04 1,162.04* Conservation Fund 21450.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 Forest Trespass Service 900.00 5 700.00 900.00 5,325.00 900.00 52325.00 Public Health Nurse $ 31,889.23 $.28,412.04 $ 28,412.04 EDUCATION: County Sup't. of Schools 4,400.00 2,100.00 41400.00 2,200.00 49400.00 2,200.00 Supervising Teacher Tuition Outside Trdning Schools 880.00 800.00. . 800.00 County Agricultural Agent 41800.00 20,062.19 5,165.00 19,504.77 5,165.00 19,774.77 Aid to Common Schools 32,242.19 32,069.77 32,339.77 CHARITIES & CORRECTIONS: Welfare Administration 12,000.00 13,900.00 13,900.00 Outdoor Poor Relief 3,000.00 7,200.00 2,500.00 7,500,00 29500.00 7,500.00 Blind Pensions Soldier's Relief 500.00 None None Veteran's Service Officer. in Outside Institutions 20800.00 9,778.43 4,000.00 10,495.34 4,000.00 10,49.5.34* Insane Jail & Sheriff's Residence 2,700.00 2,800.00 2,800.00 Industrial School for Boys 584.29 50,0.00 146.43 1,180.00 146.43* 1,280.00 Children's County Board Wis. Colony & Training Schools 2,079.07 1,703..75 12703.75* None* School for Dependent Children 487.87 None Temporary Care of Dependent Children 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 O.A.A.- County at Large Cases Aid to Dependent Children None 38,500.00 None 49,800.00 2,000.00 491800.00 State General Hospital 2,837.10 49402.70 897.60 4,40,2.70* 897.60* State Orthopedic Hospital 1,284.30 300.00 300.00 300.00 Other Hospitalization Food Stamp Office 1,500.00 None None 90,551.06 $104,125.82 $106,225.82 INDEBTEDNESS: None None None * - State Special Charges ANNUAL MEETING OF_BAYFIEL_D COUNTY BOARD November 10, 194-3 T 537 i UNCLASSIFIED I Airport Committee County Fair County Tax Deed Work Contingency Fund Land Clearing Fund Red Cross Flood Relief Salvation Army TOTAL GENERAL GOVERMENT: PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY: Sheriff HEALTH, CONSERVATION & SANITATION: EDUCATION: CHARITIES & CORRECTIONS: UNCLASSIFIED: County Bridge Aid TOTAL STATE TAX GENERAL: General Co. Tax Levy TAXES: Income Tax for County Occupational Tax for County Tax Fees & Penalties Inheritance Taxf or County Utility tax from State Forest Crop Tax from Dists. FEES & COSTS: County Clerk's Fees County Court Fees & Costs Mun. Court Fees & Costs Circuit Court Fees & Costs Register of Deeds Fees LICENSES & PERMITS: Dog Licenses FINES, FORFEITS & PENALTIES: Penal Fines for County GIFTS & GRANTS: State Aid for Sanatorium State Aid for Blind State Aid for Superv. Teacher State Aid for Dep. Children State Aid for Blind & D.C.A. Administration State Aid for County Nurse ALL OTHER GENERAL REVENUE: Drivers Licenses All Other c Unclassified Forestry Fund for Co. Agent Sale of Wood-F.C.L. TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1943 Budget None 2,500.00 19500.00 1,711.49 5,300.00 200.00 19327.25 $12,638.74 $ 216,579.10 OUTLAY None 700.00 None None None 2,200.00 219,479.10 REVENUES 2,602.88 1309144.15 5,500.00 150.00 11,000.00 150.00 3,200.00 2,000.00 150.00 150.00 300.00 200.00 3,000.00 500.00 150.00 11,107.07 5,800.00 2,100.00 27,500.00 79500.00 900.00 None 1,500.00 875.00 3.000.00 $219,479.10 Recommended for 1944 None 22500.00 12500.00 4,984.37 None None None None $6,984.37 223,147.00 None None None None None None 223,147.00 2,679.03 133,951.40 5,000.00 175.00 10,000.00 100.00 3,200.00 2,500.00 100.00 125.00 400.00 800.00 2,500.00 500.00 200.00 7,103.60 6,000.00 2,200.00 342600.00 71367.00 950.00 500.00 2,000.00 875.00 2.000.00 $223,147.00 Adopted for 1944 11000.00 22500.00 11500.00 11414.37 None None None 200.00 $ 6,614.37 223.147.00 None None None None None None 223,147.00 2,679.03 133,951.40 5,000.00 175.00 10,000.00 100.00 3,200.00 2,500.00 100.00 125.00 400.00 800.00 2$00.00 500.00 200.00 7,103.60 6,000.00 2,200.00 341600.00 7,367.00 950.00 500.00 2,000.00 87.5.00 2.000.00 $223,147.00 538 ANNUAL MEETING OF HAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD — ---- November 10, 1943 ---- ---------------- Respectfully submitted this 2nd day of November, 1943. SIGNED: I. L. Alcott, Chairman J. L. MacRae Ernest Liebman L. D. Pease S. E. Squires Committee on Finance Misc. Claims & Budget Moved by H. J. S. Hanson and seconded by Swanson to adopt the foregoing budget items as set forth in the column headed "adopted for 1944". Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Sande, Liebman, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, E. Johnson, Robinson, Swanson, Squires. Total 30. NAYES: None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, at its annual session, assembled this loth day of November, 1943, that there be and there is hereby appropriated against all the taxable property of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, the following items, to -wit: State Taxes for Forest purposes, under Section 70.58 (2) $ 2,679.03 Common School Tax under Section 59.075 19,774.77 For all other items of budget as adopted this day, the sum of 114,176.63 $136,630.43 Signed by: S. E. Squires Moved by Alcott and seconded by Shykes to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois; MacRae, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, E. Johnson, Robinson, Swanson, Squires. TOTAL 30. NAYES: None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled this loth day of November, 1943, that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such money and the Chairman and the County Clerk are instructed to issue an order for the amount of such items listed below: ANNUAL _]MEETING -OF THE BA_YF_IELDCOUNTY BOARD November 10, 1943 Per Committee Committee Work Total Name Diem Mileage Work Mileage Erwin Buss 10,00 .90 10.90 L. D. Pease Harvey Irish 10.00, .12 10.00 .24 20.36 I. L. Alcott 10.00 1.32 11.32 B. Johnson 10.00 2.64 5.00 2.64 20.26 H. A. Frels 10.00 6.66 16.66 D. J. Buckley, 5.00 3.96 8.96 B. E. Johnson 10.00 4.44 14.44 Victor Grubisic 10.00 2.04 12.04 J. R. Desparois 10.00 4.06 5.00 4.08 23.16 J. L. MacRae 10.0,0 3.84 13.84 S. E. Squires 10.00 2.22 10.00 4.44 26.66 Andrew Pristash 10.00 2.28 12.28 Arthur Levin 10.00 3.84 10.00 7.68 31.52 Tom Trelstad 10.00 3036 13.36 Ernest Liebman. 10.00 5.46 15.46 Erick Sande 5.00 1.80 6.80 0. T. Bagstad 10.00 4.68 5.00 4.68 24.36 Vic C. Wallin 10.00 3.42 13.42 Fred Bloom 10.00 2.88 12.88 J. F. Shykes 10.00 4.50 14.50 Nels Ness 10.00 .36 10.36 Ernest Moore 10.00 5.58 5.00 5.58 26.16 Edgar Martin 10.00 2.34 12.34 L. J. Kranzfelder 10.00 1.44 11.44 D. S. Knight 10.00 1.44 11.44 H. J. S. Hanson 10.00 1.44 11.44 R. J. Nelson 10.00 1.44 11.44 Earl Johnson 10.00 .12 10.12 Dan.Robinson 10.00 .12 10.12 Ora C. Brink 10.00 .12 10.12 Albert Swanson 10.00 .12 50.00 1.20 61.32 Helmer Moe 10.00 .12 10.12 519.62 Moved by Grubisic and seconded by Swanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Alcott, Irish, B. Johnson, Frels, Buckley, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Sande, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, Nelson, Earl Johnson, Robinson, Swanson, Squires. Total 30. NAYES: Done. Motion carried. Moved by Swanson and duly seconded that the Welfare Committee be authorized to increase the wage of the case workersin the Welfare Department to $130.00 per month. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Alcott, Irish, i8�.xxT)DisQ Frels, Buckley B. E. Johnson, Grubisic,. Desparois, Mxxj�jx, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Liebman, Sand9, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Martin, Kranzfelder, Knight, Hanson, 540 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYF_IELD COUNTY BOARD November 10, 1943 Nelson, E. Johnson, Robinson, Swanson, Squires. Total 28. NAYES: None. Motion carried. Moved by Knight and seconded by Shykes to.increase the salary of the cruiser and trespass officer to $1.50.00 per month, Roll call - was as follows•: AYES: Buss., Alcott, Irish, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic-, Pristash, Levin, Trelstad, Sande, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes., Ness, Martin, Kranzfelder Knight, Hanson, E. Johnson, Robinson, Swanson, Squires.. Total 21. NAYES: B. Johnson, Buckley, Liebman, Bagstad, Moore. Total 5. Motion carried. Moved by Wallin and seconded by Levin t,o adjourn., Motion carried. CHAIRM N, COUNTY BOARD