HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/14/1944ANNUAL 'BEETING-OF-THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1944 Meeting called to order at 10*Ai. M.-by Chairman Squires. 'The following members answered roll call: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Trish, Frels Buckley, Meyer.. Ujiseth, Grubisic, Desparois.- MacRaeg'Pristash,, BO-rweger,"Hanson, Lieb- man,, Pearson, Kallinen, Yihalak', Bagstad , Wallin. Bloom, Shykes, 'Ness, 'Moore, Tedlund Kranzfelder, Knight, IV.achsmut h, Nelson, Brinki Swanson, Moe, Squires. Total 33. Moved by Unsethand seconded by Desparois ,to dispense with reading of the minutes of the last meeting held in May, 1944. Motion carried. Moved by Swanson and seconded by Ness that Albert Garberg be nominated as trustee of Pure Air Sanatorium for Bayfield County fora term of three years., com- mencing in January, 1945. Motion was duly made and seconded to close the nomination. Motion to close nomination carried. Motion to elect Garberg was presented and carried unanimously. follows: The Chair appointed Meyer andPri-stash as Tellers: The Board '-proceeded"with'the election- of,a,Highway- -Committee. The result of the first ballotfora member of Highway.District No. 1 was as Nelson 30 Knight- 2 Robinson 1 33 The--Chairdeclared Nelson duly elected. The result -of the first ballotfora member from Highway District No. 2 was as follows: Frel s 27 Uns-eth 2 Meyer 2 Hanson 1 Pease I 33 The Chair,- declared, Frel s, - duly,- electtd. The, result" of the first ballot -fora -member from Highway District ..No. 3 was as follows: Desparois 31 Shykes ' 1 Bagstad 33 The Chair declared Desparois duly elected. The following communication was read: July 319 1944 Mr. J. 0. Bodin Bayfield County Treasurer Washburn, Wisconsin ING-OF"THE'BLYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1944 Dear Sir. SUBJECT-: AllotmentforCounty Trunk Highway System .Section 8&10 (1) Wisconsin- Statutes -- The enclosed check is -your county's allotment for county ... trunk highways, pursuant to Section 83.10(1), Wisconsin Statutes. The -total is made 'up of the fol- lowing amounts... Your countyt's proportionate share of $3.9­500i00O $499,641.7t' County 'Trunk ,Highway ',Viileage-at $65 per Mile Total of encl6sed remittance $58 0.196. 2'4'-.. A copy" of letter" is-, being.-- mailed -,to- the County Clerk in accordance with Section 14.42(13a) Wisconsin Statutes. Vbr-k'truly, yours STATE HIGMVAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN W. B. Blair - Chief Accountant, The foregoing-communicati-on-was ordered received and placed an file. The following communication was read: HIGHW-AY,.COMSSION_ State Office Building Madison 2 October 289 1944 Mr. Ludwig-Tranmal County Clerk, Bayfield-County Washburn,, Wls-c-onsin Dear- Sir: t SUBJECT: Estimated- Highway -Allotment's, for---1945 Sectionst­83.10(1) --and- 840,03(,-3) Wis-. Statse Pursuant'- to 'Section " 84.01(18) of 'the statutes,,''you-are,,-hereby-4otified of the following- estimated highway allotments for your county from revenues of the fiscal year ending-, June ­30s, 1945--., Section 830,10(1)t for the County Trunk Highway System-' 589098.24 Section- - 84.03(3 )--.9- f or the-, State Trunk Highway .System. $1109062.82 The. -,proposed ,-allocation of- the, allotment. for -the. - State Trunk Highway.. System;- which is­submitted-fot-the ''cons iderati-=­--of your county board, is as follows: .For the improvement -Of, U. S. Highway No. 630 the Ashland"Hayward-Trego (Drummond -Benoit) Road, approximately ,15.0 miles $I-101000.00 As a reserve- fore future- -allocation 62.82 The, proposed- allocation- of, unexpended ­ allotments-. of previous- years under Section 84.0.3(3), which is also submitted for the consideration of your county board, is as follows: 569 - --_ - - - - -T- _- _---- A=AL _MEETING OF -'THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14. 1944 From the reserve for -the improvement of U. S. Highway No. 63, the,-Ashland-Hayward=Trego (Drummond° Benoit") Road; approximately- 15.01 miles 300000.00 From, State Project °No. '8729, for- the"' improvement of State' Trunk Highway- W. - 13, t1re­-,Bayfield® Cornucopia Road, approximately 22.0 miles. 509000.00 The amounts of the 1945 allotments are estimated and cannot be definitely known until after the end of the fiscal year, which is June 30, 1945. Very truly -yours STATE HIGMTAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN,. D. J. Summerville Secretary The foregoing communication was ordered received and placed on file. Moved by Pease and seconded by Knight to receive and place on file the annual report of the County Highway Committee. Motion carried. Moved by Pease and seconded, by Bloom to accept and place on file the annual report of the County Highway Commissioner. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: SECTION 1. The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfeld County, Wisconsin, regularly assembled, does hereby ordain that such funds as may be made available to the county for highway work in the year 1945 under the provisions -of -Section 20.49 and Chapters 83 and 84 of -the Statutes and the additional sums herein appropriated shall be expended as� hereinafter set forth: SECTION 11. COUNTY TRUNK HIGIRVAY ALLOTMENT. 1WREAS: The -State Highway Commission has notified-- the 'County C'1'er'k thnt,.'a sum: of money estimated to be Fifty Eight Thousand— Ninety- Eight,& 24/100 Dollars ( 58'098.24),will become :available at the end of the- fiscal, year ending June 30, 1945, under the -provisions, pf Section 20.49 (4) (a) and Section 83®10 (1) of the, Statutes, for --the --county---trunk- highway syst in the county, but that it-s exact amount � will not be known until -after June 30, 1945. BE IT RESOLVED: That the County, Highway, Committee -is authorized and direct- ed-- to expend ­the -said sum to the extent -required. to match and supplement Federal .Aid for construction', right of -'way, and other, costs on any Federa°l--projects located on the-County'Trunk-Highway, System of scLid county which are not recovered -from Federal funds', and .. to,, expend any -balance for constructing; repairing, and maintaining such county trunk highway -'system and -the bridges thereon, including - °snow and ice removal and- control, as ­directed in .Section 83.10 (1) of the -,Statutes, and to reimburse the general fund ­for any expenditures -that may be made therefrom pursuant to Section 83.01 (6) of the -,-Statutes*-, The distribution to such purposes is estimated, but not specifically`directed to be as follows: For'Construction, Maintenance, Drift and Ice Prevention, Snow Removal and Administration. SECTION'111. STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTMENT. (A) RFAS: The State Highway Commission has estimated that the sum of One -Hundred Ten Thousand -Sixty Two and 82/100 Dollars ($110,062.82) will become available at the,end of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1945, under Section 20.49 (4) (b) and Section 84.03 (3), for the improvement of the State, -Trunk -Highway System in the county in accordance with ;the provisions of .Chapter 84 of the Statutes, but 0 ANNUAL . MEETING - OF- THE "BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1944 that its exaet'amoutt will not be known until after Tune 3.0, 19451 BE IT RESOLVED: That the said sum shall be 'expended in the following manner, to wit: 1. Such sum of this allotment , together with any-unexpen'ded balances from previous allotments, as may be required on any Federal projects in -this -county to match Federal Aid and/or to pay the cost of right of way, preliminary engineering-, and Ether items not recovered from Federal funds. 2. Any balance not otherwise required for the purposes hereinbefore provided shall be expended 'on the --following improvements, to'- wit: ( a) .The sum of One Hundred Ten Thousand & no/100 Dollars ( 110, 000. 00 ) for the impravement-of U. S. Highway No. .63, the Drummond -Benoit Road, approximately 15.0 Miles; and (b) The sum of Sixty Two'and 82/100 Dollars ($62.82) to be held -in reserve for future allocation. (B) WHEREAS: There is an unexpended balance from allotments of previous years of approximately Thirty Thousand & no/100 Dollars ($30,000.00). BE'IT RESOLVED,. That such portion of said sum not otherwise required for Federal projects shall be expended"on the following improvements, to wit: (a).The sum of Thirty Thousand & no/lOO.Dollars (,$30,000.00) for the improvement of U,,S. Highway No. 63, the Drummond -Benoit Road, approximately 15.0 Miles. (C) WHEREAS: The allotment of Fifty Thousand & no/100,Dollars ($50t000.00) previously made for the improvement of State Trunk Highway No. 13, the=Washburn-Bayfield Road, will not be required for that purpose. BE IT RESOLVED, That the above sum be transferred to and expended on the following improvement to wit: , (a) The sum of Fifty Thousand & no/100 Dollars (509000.00) forthe improvement of State Trunk Highway No. 13, the Bayfield-Cornucopia Road, approximately 22.0 miles. - SECTION 1V. WHEREAS: The various highway activities, for which provision is made in this resolution are continuous from year to year, and the exact cost of any work cannot be known at the time of making the appropriation therefor, this Board does hereby direct that any balance remaining in any appropriation for a specific highway improve- ment after the same shall have been completed, may be used by the County Highway.Com mittee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement of the same class for which provision is herein made., and any balances remaining at the end of the year in any highway fund shall remain and be available for the same purpose in the ensuing year, and any deficit in any highway, fund at the end of the year incurred pursuant to Section 83.04 (6) of the statutes shall be paid from the next appropriation made for the same purpose, and VHEREAS: The exact amount of the funds that will become available for high- way purposes in the County under Section 20.49 of the Statutes will not be known until ' after Tune 30, 1945, at which time correct figures will be submitted by the State Highway Commission, the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make pay- ments for the purposes for which such funds are to be used, as hereinbefore authorized, treasury that are not required for the purposes for which from any funds in the county appropriated prior to August 19 1945; and to reimburse such funds in the county treasury from the stuns received under Section 20.49 of the Statutes, and the County Highway Com- ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD -------------�- November - mittee and the County Highway Commissioner are­her-eby directed to carry out the highway ..construction --and maintenance--for,which provision is'herein made, in the manner-, pr-ovi ded by ' law '; &&&4 and to employ such employees, set their wages, and regulate their working..conn- ditions, as they may deem necessary for such purposes. By R. J. Nelson H. A. Frels J. R. Desparois County Highway Committee Moved by Liebman~and seconded by Ness to adopt the foregoing report. Roll call' was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Alcott, Irish, Frels, Buckley, Meyers,'Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Liebman, Pearson', Kallinen, Mihalak, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore,.. Tedlund, Kranzfelder, Knight, Wachsmuth, Nelson, Brink, Swanson, Moe, Squires. Total 33. NAYS: None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS: Federal funds have been allotted to Wisconsin f or the improve- ment of highways to be allocated for expenditure -by the State Highway Commission with the concurrence of the Federal Works Agency, Public Roads Administration, and it is desired to take advantage of every opportunity to secure the expenditures of a portion of such funds in this county, and WHEREAS funds must be provided by the state or counties to match the federal funds allotted and, or, to pay the cost of items which are not recovered from federal funds, and WHEREAS other emergencies frequently arise making necessary or desirable the allocation or transfer of funds to or between other construction projects. NOVI, THEREFORE, in order to provide for promptly making available the funds necessary for.the purposes hereinbefore mentioned, and to avoid the delay and expense incident -to -calling a special meeting of this board for -such purpose, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County -"Highway Committee, with the epproval of the State Highway -Commission, i s ° hereby° authorized -,to, transfer-- to or -between any construction' proje-cts,- in -,this, county-, any, funds allotted to this county by the state under, the provisions° of Secti-on­20.49 (4) (b,-) and- 84.03 (3) -and previously allocated by this board to any other project, or remaining unallocated in reserve. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby petitioned to advance, pursuant to Section 84003 (5) of the Statutes, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway Committee of this County, such sums as may be required and are not otherwise available, for the purposes hereinbefore men- tioned on any construction projects in this county, with the understanding that such advance will be deducted from future allotments'to this county for state trunk high- way construction under Section 84.03 (3) of the Statutes. By R. J. Nelson H. A. Frels J. R. Desparois Moved by Pease and duly -seconded to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. �,'l MAI �11 W, MEETING -OF THEBAYFIELD—COUNTY BOARD .November 14, 1944 ; 13 The following.resolution-was read; WHEREAS, For the construction and maintenance,--of,highways,and removal,of snow therefrom, it becomesnecessaryfrom-time-to-time to purchase equipment, the nature of and necessity -,for which cannot be accurately anticipat-edt THEREFORE, BE T.,T RESOLVED, that the County Highway Committee is hereby authorized pursuant to Section 83.015 (2) of the Statutes, to purchase without further authority, and to the extent that revolving funds accumulated for such purpose or appropriations made for such purpose are available, such highway equipment as they deem necessary to properly carry on the work, and to trade or sell such old equipment as may be considered to the best interests `of- the County. - By, Ro Nelson H. A. Frels J R. Desparois County" Uighway Committee Moved by, -Liebman and seconded by Brink to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The -following -resolution '-was t-read: BE, IT RE -SOLVED by the, Bayfield-, County­iBoard,* of, Supervisors assembled in the annual session -this, 14th-day"'of"-N-ovember-, 1944, that''the County -'Highway Committee be and is -hereby- authorized,` and directed;, t-o''attend-' the, Wis-consin Annual --Road School. BE IT FURTHER RES.OLVED, that -the , County- .Highway -Committee perdiem and ex- pense be paid from the County Highway Administration Fund: By R. T. 'Nelson H. A. Frets J. R. Desparois County' -Highway -Committee Moved by Kranzfelder,and seconded by Bloom to adopt the -foregoing -resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution- was -read-: Bayfield County has acquired by tax- deed Qovlt-0 Lot One- (-l), Wast �i and -five (45),,Range,Nine,(19 Section Twenty (20) Township Forty 15, 19449 -- - WHERELS, the countclerk is�, in, rece-ipt-,o,f - -a letterdated-July -- ,h from the :General Land Office at Washington,, D. C., stating - that no patenthas ever been issued on the aforesaid land and therefore it is the property of the U. S. government and also'not-assessable. e- tax deed'- on the aforesaid land that th THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, t together with all outstanding'taxes-be cancelled and charged- back to the Town of Barnes ,;t^.where the property is situated. L. D. Pease, Chairman Moved by -Pea -,se and seconded by Kranzfelder to adopt the foregoing resolution* Motion carried. The The following resolution was read: �7 ANNUAL MEETING -OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1944 WHEREAS, The. Town of Bayview acquired t;wo acres of land for gravel pit purposes- in July, 1927, described, a:s, follows: Commencing -at the°northwest- corner of Section 14-49-5, thence running south along Section- line -3323- ft. , thence' 1000- ft. on a bearing of South 54 degrees east to the place of beginning; thence East 418 feet, thence North 209 feet, thence West 418 feet, thence South-209 feet to the place of beginning and° containing 2 acres of the NW S111 of Section 14-49-5. AND WHEREAS it was assessed in error in May, 1934 and was sold for delinquent. taxes in December, 1935, AND WHEREAS,-Bayfield County acquired the aforesaid land by virtue of the tax deed dated April 239 1941, T,., THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing facts, be it HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be instructed to issue a quit claim deed to the Town of Bayview covering the aforesaid description, and the consideration of the deed to be the amount of the tax plus interest. BE IT 'FURTHER"'RESOZVED; that the County Clerk withdraw said two acres of land from the .State Forest Crop -,Law; Harvey Irish Chairman, Town of Bayview Moved by,Pristash-and seconded by Noe to.adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following communication was read: U. S'. DEPARZNENT" OF" THE "INTERIOR Office of Indian Affairs 311 Federal Office Bldg. Minneapolis 1, Minnesota Ludwig-Tranmal, County Clerk Bayf ield County', Washburn; Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: August 18, 1944 There are enclosed four abstracts of title, together with -related title papers attached to each abstract, covering certain lands that were optioned by the County of Bayfield to the United States, said option being dated December 18, 1935. There are also enclosed the following opinions of title: 1. M.29007, dated July 2, 19410 2. M.29007-d, dated July 26, 1944. 3. Memorandum addressed to t:,he Office of Indian Affairs May 10, 1938. 1 Attached to each abstract are copies of memoranda setting forth certain additional information which pertains to the title in each instance. In the Solicitor's Opinion dated July 26, 1944 (M.29007-d) it is suet forth that the titles to these lands are not acceptable unless titles are established by the proper quiet title procedures. The Office of Indian Affairs has instructed us to call this matter to your attention, in order that you may advise us of the action you pro- pose to take to perfect the titles- in accordance with the Opinions. The total area ,,54 ANNUAL MEE_T_ING - OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14 1944 proposed for purchase-, in connection with the four abstracts` is 36.48 acres;. the agreed upon option price is $2.50 per acre, making the total consideration $91.20.. The Solicitor's Opinion of Title, dated July 2, 1941 (M.29007) renders an opinion of title on lands covered by these abstracts together with -several other parcels. The Opinion, however, specifically sets forth the requirements in -connection -with each abstract. In this instance you are concerned only with the requirements pertaining to Abstracts Nos. 41 6, 9 and 11. It is probable you will wish to refer this matter to the County Attorney. If it is determined that Bayfield County is to institute an action to quiet title you should advise us and we will furnish any -additional information possible, In the event it is determined that Bayfield County will not institute an action to quiet title we should be so advised and all of the enclosures should be returned to this office. Very truly yours, Rex H. Barnes, Land Field Agent Moved by Liebman and seconded by Bloom not to' grant the request to quiet title as recommended by the Finance Committee. Motion carried. A communication from Dr. Randolph Stone was read regarding Totogatic Lake and ordered placed on file. A communication from the Wisconsin Federation of Human Societies was ordered received and placed on file. A communication from J. P. O'tNalley regarding County -owned lands was ordered received and placed on file. The Post -War Planning report was ordered received and placed on file. A communication from the 'Wisconsin Geological Survey was ordered received and placed on file. The following petition and resolution were read: TO .THE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN: The petition of John Schweiger respectfully represents and shows to the Honorable body that he is a resident of the.. -Town of Namakagon, where he owns said property hereinafter described; that said property was purchased by petitioner and another under a joint contract, and that the legal title to said lands is in the name of the petitioner and his former partner as co -owners; that pursuant to written agree- went the parties agreed to divide said lands between them in aIparticular fashion, but that the other party to the agreement refused to carry out'said agreement; that your petitioner paid the entire amount of the taxes on said lands for many years without reimbursement from his co-owner for his share thereof, and in addition paid more than his share of the original purchase price under the joint land contract; That at the present time the taxes for the years 1940 on are unpaid and the tax certificates for the years 19419 19429 1943 and 1944 are outstanding and are owned by Bayfield County with the exception of the certificates for the year 1941 on Lots 2 and 4 in Section 7,,Township 43 North of Range 5 'West, which are held by your petitioner; that your petitioner desires to purchase the tax sale certificates now 75 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD.COUNTY BOARD ------------- -------------- —=—November 14, 1944--------- - - I outstanding'- in- order, that he may have th'e'means of collecting from his co-owner the co-owner''-s- share -of the- taxes, which `would be impossible if the petitioner were to merely' -pay the "taxes- and then be redeeming the lands from the tax sales; that your petitioner -is prohibited by the County--Board-resolution forbidding the County Treasurer to sell tax sale certificates on tax delinquent lands to anyone but Bayfield County; and that petitioner makes this petition for the purpose of requesting that your Honorable body make an exception to the general rule in this case and permit the County Treasurer to sell said tax sale certificates to the petitioner; that the lands in question a rectes- dribed as: The South Half of the Southeast Quarter jS-2 SEa) of.Section Six (6); Lots One (1), Two (2) and Four (4), in Section Seven (7), and the Northwest Quarter of the'Northwest Quarter (N-.17, NWT4).in Section Eight (8), all in Township Forty three_(43) forth, of Range Five (5) West,.Bayfield County,17isconsin; WHEREIN, petitioner prays -that the County Treasurer be --authorized and directed to sell to the petitioner the outstanding tax sale certificates on said lands above des- cribed. John Schweiger -RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, in annual session,. assembled this. 14th day of November, 1944, that the County..Treasurer be'and he is hereby authorized and directed to sell, transfer, and assign to John Schweiger all of the out- standing tax sale certificates on the real estate described as: The Sj SEA of -Sec. 6; Lots 1, 2, & 4 of Secs 7; and the NW4 NWj of Sec. 8, all in -Township 4.3 North, of Range 5 West, Bayfield -County, W- isconsin; upon payment by the said John Schweiger of -the amount of the face of said certificates plus interest to the date of transfer. E. Liebman Moved by Pease and seconded by Liebman to'adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. ,The following resolution wa-s read BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, THAT the following table of valuations -covering -Real and Personal property -as , compiled, by the Supervisor° of Assessments, be and is hereby, adopted as the equalized valuation of the taxing districts of Bayfield County for the year 1944: DISTRICT AGGREGATE :RECOIMM,NDED, FULL VALUE Barksdale 297499355 Barnes 4029455 Bayfield 3199270 Bayview 2699945 Bell 228,605 Cable Z649750 Clover 269;510 Delta 23,71735 Drummond 4099730 Eileen 679,240 Hughes 1252015 Iron River 476,315 Kelly 5619825 2 6 ,ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD_COUNTY BOARD - - — - —- November 14 , 1944 - ^-- �---- DISTRICT AGGREGATE RECOMMENDED FULL VALUE Keystone 390,660 Lincoln 3719655 Mason 529,220 Namakagon 578,915 Orienta 252,365 Oulu 645,785 Pilsen 236,050 Port -Wing 52 6 , l80 Pratt 3499900 Russell 150,135 Tripp 2429635 =Washburn 3171,785 Towns.Totals 11,685,035 Cable, Village 1629300 Mason, Village 107.550 Village Totals 269,850 Hayfield City 631,045 Mashburn,.City 12089.830 1,720.875 County Totals 139675.760 Signed: S. E. Squires L. D. Pease E. Liebman I. L. Alcott Finance &, Equalization Committee Moved by Liebman and seconded by Vallin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following communication was read: Mr..Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk Washburn, Wis. Dear Lud: One of the large Wisconsin pulp mills has asked me to locate and buy for their account a tract of land which will produce pine pulp timber running any- where from 3000 to 50,000 acres. I would like very much to have a price on the county owned land in the, Towns of Barnes and Iron River, the west half of Pilsen and. Keystone, and the two north tiers of sections in the.Town of Pratt and the south tier of sections in the Town of Mason. Thanking you for an early reply, I am Very -truly yours, .. ■ N. E. Ledin G ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD --- November 14 , 1944 ---�----- Moved by Pease and seconded by' Liebman to receive the foregoing communicektion and place on file. Motion carried. Moved by,Desparois and seconded by-Unseth to adjourn until 1:30 P. M. Motion carriedi Meeting° called to order at- 1:30 P.. M. by Chairman Squires. The- following members answered roll call: Pease, Alcott; Frels; Meyer, Unseth; Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash-,,Berweger, Hanson, Liebman, Pearson, Kallinen, Mihalak, Bagstad,-Wallin, Bloom, Shykes,-Ness, Moore,'Tedlund, Kranzfelder, Knight; Wachsmuth, Nelson, Brink, Swanson, Moe, Squires. Total 30. -The following report was read: We, the undersigned,Committee on Conservation submit the following report for the past fiscal year: Appropriation 1800000 Disbursements: Committee expense 1160-82 -Cost of.©utdoor Shows: Booth Rental 75.00 Chicago.Committee (2 members) 242.76 Minneapolis .Committee (1 member) 129.74 Milwaukee Committee ( 1 member) 96.04 Freight on Displays 20032 Repairs on :Fish Mounts 7.50 Fish :Drawing,Contest 79.36 Hardware purchased 1.69 Total 652.46 Films 7.77 111rite-up cost for Folders 34.00 Trolling -Film 28.50 Bayfield.County Folders 547.84 Miscellaneous 8e85 Indian Head Membership 400.00 Total.Disbursements 1796.24 Unexpended -Balance 376 Vic. C. Vallin R. Jo Nelson -Jos. Berweger -William Meyer S. E. Squires Moved by Meyer and seconded by Desparois to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: ANNUAL MEETING OF THE :November 14, 1944 COUNTY BOARD YMEREAS, the Conservation Committee of Bayfield, County- contemplates the building, _of a­dam­ at - the- outlet, of Iron Lake in the Town of Hughes, and a dam at the outlet of Totogatic Lake 'in" the Town ---.of,- Cable; And whereas it maybe necessary to take condemnation proceedings to obtain flowage easements for said construction-; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that - the Conservation -Committee b-e authorized to institute condemnation proceedings if, in'their-opinion, they find it necessary, in order to obtain flowage easements for said construction. Vic. C. Wallin Woved,by-Wallin and seconded by Desparois to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following, resolution was read: 17HEREAS, 'the,, County --Board' of Bayfield- County, -Wisconsin, has delegated the power to sell lands, acquired --by tax deed- to- a Committee-' consisting- 'of''the, County ;Clerk, the County Treasurer; and,the-, Chairman of the Town or the Supervisor of the Village, or the Supervisor of a City ward -Where -the particular land is situated; And whereas, on many occasions' the deed is based--on-only-one--tax certificate; NOVA THEREFORE, ,BE IT` RESOLVED, that,- the- Committee- mentioned above be authorized to give -'a deed based- on, only - -one, year's tax certificate, and be further authorized to note on the 'face of said ' deed this -fact. S. E. Squires Moved by Vnseth and seconded by Ness to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfiehd County is the owner of North' one-half of the Northeast Quarter M NE-) of Section eight (a), Township forty-three (43) North, of Range nine AND WHEREAS, the aforesaid land is under the State Forest Crop Law, AND WHEREAS," Alvin E. Johnson is the owner of all of Section five (5). Township forty-three (431' North, of Range nine (9) West, and WHEREAS, he desires additional blocking of, -lands, .THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY R,ESOLVED-, that -'the County Clerk ' withdraw the afore- said land -from Forest Crop Law, -and then sell to Alvin E. J'ohnson by the land sales ,Committee of the County Board. L, D. Pea'se'. Moved by Shykes and seconded by Buss to refer the foregoing matter to the Forestry Committee with power to act. Motion carried. The following report was read: 579 lq;K�:NG OF TIE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14. 1944 .3UNYARY OF ACTIVITIES'OF''ODUNTY4''TR.ESPASS OFFICER from November 1, 1943-to November 30, 1944 Timber contracts19 sales Collections-, on- old contracts over"contractprice One trespass collected Less refund on timber-sale Balance Timber -tallies Landsaletrips'--accompanied by County Clerk & Treasurer Trips accompanied by -State Forester Trips with Forestry & Zoning -Committee - Cruised---- descriptions Placed forest location -signs Gordon Nursery tripsafter-trees Checked - trespass - reported, Planted - spring-, 1944 - 13acres - Town of -Barnes 132 acres -Town of Tripp $29105.00 10390.15 .50.28 3,545.43 187.50. $39'357.93 18 10 5 159 21 4 ------------------- 145 Respectfully submitted Oscar E. Palm- Bayfield County Trespass Officer Moved"by"Ness and seconded by Nelson to accept the foregoing report and place on,file. Motion carried. The following- report- was read'*., We;, the. auditing-- committee, of...the­-Sheriffl s Dept,,- ofBayfield Co.- Wisc... having this - 9th-- day of' -November., , 1944 looked- over, the" records of -Sheriff'- Gidlof and find that for thefirst ,ten, months" o-f-1944 an 'expenditiure--of--$5-0029'.20, leaving a balance to operate :th-e­ office on --"for- the''nexttuo- months- of This balance will be large, enough to take care of the necessary expenses for the balance of this year. We also recommend that the same levy of $6,500.00 be made for the coming year., We - also recommend',''am outlay of- 900.00 for the purchase' of a -new car if one can be had.,if not, that the money -be used towards overhauling the two cars. Respectfully' submitted Andrew Mihalak, Ch. Fred- W. Bloom D-. T. Buckley Moved by Pease -and seconded by Kranzfelder to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The 'following, report was -read: Nov. 9, 1944 To The Honorable-Bayfiold County Board of Supervisors Washburn, Tivi-si Gentlemen: ANNUAL MEETING OF TIM BAYFIELD G'-OUNTY BOARD November 14, 1944 The Commission- for relief- of indigent, soldiers and- sailors- for this County wish to report having held one meeting at Washburn, and two at Drummond since September 25;' 1943. The matter of application from indigent veterans were acted upon and the amounts allowed are on file with the County Clerk. Very trmly yours, Ift. L. Lee Carl Thoreson ,Arthur Fiege, Sec. Moved by Swanson and seconded by Bloom to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. .The following report was read: To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, I hereby submit a report'of all moneys received by me as Register of Deeds, from January 1st, 1944, to November 1st, 1944, and paid over to the County Treasurer as follows: Fees, received during January, February and March, 1944 $487.59 Fees received during April, May and June, 1944 591.77 Fees received during July, August and September 611.96 Fees received during October, 1944 216.48 Total amount of fees received from January 1st, 19449 $1907'.77 to November lst, 1944, and paid over to County Treasurer. I have also done a large amount of recording for the County, including Birth certificates, Death certificates, marriage certificates, Old Age Assistance Liens, tax deeds, and other deeds. Nels Myhre, Being first duly sworn, says that the foregoing report is to the best of his knowledge and belief correct and true. Nels Myhre Subscribed and sworn to before me November,13, 1944. Ludwig.-Tranmal, Bayfield County Clerk Moved by Pristash and seconded by. -Hanson to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: -Resolved by the: Bayfield Bounty Board of Supervisors in annual session, assembled this 14th day of November, 19449 that the following salary schedule be .effective commencing January 1, 1945: County Superintendent of Schools -- $2400e00 per year. County,Nurse -- 1980.00'per years District Attorney office clerical help - $750.00 per year. I. L. Alcott E. Liebman _1 L. -D. Pease S. E. Squires Moved by Knight and seconded by Bagstad to adopt the foregoing resolution. f 58L ----------------------- ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - —-- November 14 1944 =-- --- --------------------- Roll call was a s follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Frels-, Buckley, Meyer, UnSdth, Grubisic-, Desparo s', MacRae-, Pristash; Berweger; Hanson- °Liebman ; Pearson 9 Kallinen, Mihalak-, Bags,tad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness,,,.Idoore, Tedlund, Kranzfelder, Knight, Wachsmuth, Nelson, Brink, Swanson, Moe, Squiresa Total 31, NAYS: None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read; WHEREAS, this County Board at its.annual meeting in,. November, 1943, adopted a resolution supplementing the salary of Charlotte Gibbons, .,Supervising -.Teacher, and WHEREAS, funds were provided for this purpose but an error was made in the effective date of the resolution, and WHEREAS, it is only fair and just that. -Miss Gibbons be paid the difference, which amounts to $75.00, NOW THEREFORE, in.view of the foregoing facts, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the County Clerk and County Treasurer are authorized to issue a check to Charlotte Gibbons for the sum of $75.00 at the expiration of the present.school year, which is June 15, 1945.,- L. D. Pease Moved by Knight and seconded by -Pease to adopt the foregoing resolution; ;Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, -Pease, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, 'Liebman; Pearson, Kallinen, Mihalak, Bagstad, dallin, Bloom, Shykes,.Ness,,Iu'oore, Tedlund,-Kranzfelder, Knight, Wachsmuth, Nelson., Brink, Swanson, Moe, Squires. Total 31. NAYS: None. Motion carried. .The f ollowing,communication and committee report were read: 330 So. Spencer St. Aurora, Ill. Aug. 199 1944 Board of Supervisors County Clerk Washburn, Wis. Gentlemen:' We are interested- 'in- purchasing the :ly2 :of SE4 of Sec. 15-Township 50 : Range 6 0 Would you kindly advise us if this can be- purchased and - at what price. We already -own a cabin on Siskiwit Lake and we are very much interested in this property. Will you kindly advise us at your earliest convenience. Thanking you, I:am Very, truly, W. F. Westphall Mr. Ludes. g. Tranmal County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: At a meeting of the Forestry Committee on October 21, they acted upon the above request as -follows: 582 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFI ELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1944 "Moved- by" So' E. Squires,; seconded --by Nals Ness -that- the mrequezt` for, the purchase of the W2 • SE4 of, Section 15-50-6 be -;denied.. The Committee -requested Mr. Palm to cruise this description °with- a view,-, of selling, the timber...to� Mr. Frank Kit chak who wishes to purchase the timber to builda barn. Lotion passed unanimously.." R. J. Holvenstot County Agr,r 1. Agent Moved -by Knight and,•seconded -by 'Nelson to receive the foregoing communica- tion and report and place on file. Motion carried. The following -resolution -was r,ead:° UHEREAS, Application has been -made to enter certain descriptions in the S2 of Section 15, Township 51 North, Range 4, West, and 4^ IRMS, It is necessary to extend the present boundary of County Forestry Unit No. 1 so as to include these additional descriptions, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Forestry Boundary in Unit No. 1 be changed to. read as f ollows: Starting from -the SE corner of Section 16, Township 51 North, Range 4 iffiest; and proceeding eastward three -fourths of a mile to the SE corner of the.SW SE of Section 15, Township 51 North, Range 4 best; thence north one-half mile to the SE corner of the SW NE of Section 15, Township 51 North, Range 4 West; rejoining the original boundary at this point. BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COT&IITTEE John-Shykes, Chairman Nels Ness Andrew J. Pristash Victor Grubisic S. E. Squires Roved by Unseth and seconded by Shykes to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report and resolution was read: Your Zoning Committee having held a hearing on the proposed amendment of the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance as it affects the Town of Cable as directed in a resolution passed by the County Board on May 21 1944, copy of the minutes of said hearing being on file in the office of the County Clerk, and having reviewed the approval of the Town Board to the proposed amendment,, so far as the same affects the land in said Town, which said approval was given pursuant to a .resolution adopted by the Town Board of Cable a certified copy of which said resolution was filed in the office of the.County Clerk of Bayfield County, WEERREFORE, Your . Commi:ttee recommends for adoption the following resolution: W4EREAS, The Town Board of the Town of Cable has submitted approval of a proposed amendment to the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance insofar as- the ,same affects the lands in said town, in accordance with and as provided by Section 59.97 of the Wisconsin Statutes; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That the above mentioned amendment proposing to reclassify the E2 NE of Section 10; the NW SVI of Section 11; and all of that portion of land lying west of the highway in the NL74 of Section 11 - all of these descriptions being - --- -- - ----- — -- ANNUAL MEETING OF THE _BAYFIELB COUNTY BEARD _ November 14, 1944 B in Township 43,-Range 8, West,, from forestry use to an unrestricted use classification which was approved, -by- the Town, Board` of- the Town of Cable, be and the same is hereby enacted, to become effective- in the gown of Cable. BE IT. FURTHER RESOLVED, -That the-. County- Clerk- upon, publication of said amend- ment to the Zoning Ordinance, be and is hereby -directed to file a certified copy of said amendment, including the -accompanying map made a part thereof in the office of the Register of Deeds of Bayfield County. BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COAWITTEE John Shykes, Chairman -Victor Grubisic Andrew J. �Pristash Erwin; Buss =Nets Ness S. E. Squires Moved by Shykes and seconded by Bagstad to adopt the foregoing report and resolution. Motion carried. The following report and resolution was read: Your Zoning Committee having held a hearing on the proposed amendment of the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance as it affects the Town o-f Bayfield as directed in a resolution passed by the .County Board on May 2, 1944, copy.of the minutes of said hearing being on file in the office of the County Clerk, and having reviewed the approval of the Town Board of Bayfield to the proposed amendment, sofar as the same affects the land in said town, which said approval was given pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Town Board of Bayfield, a certified copy of which said resolution was filed in the office of the County Clerk of Bayfield County, WHEREFORE, Your Committee recommends for adoption the following resolution: uTHEREAS, The Town Board of the Town of Bayfield has submitted approval of a proposed amendment to the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance insofar as the same affects the lands -in said Town, in accordance with and as provided by Section 59.97 of, Wisconsin Statutes, said proposed amendment to reclassify the NE SE of Section 2 - this description to be listed in the official record as non -conforming for agricultural purposes, and shall be assigned the non -conforming use No. 301 and shall be restricted against residence under forestry classification, district No. 1 - and the W2 NW of Section 12 - all in Township 50, Range 5, West, from,an unrestricted use district No. 3, to a forestry classification, district No. 1; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That the above -mentioned amendment, approved by the Town Board of the Town of Bayfield, be and the same is hereby enacted, to become effective in the Town of Bayfield. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County Clerk upon publication of said amend- ment to the Zoning Ordinance, be and is hereby directed to file a certified copy of said amendment, including the accompanying map made a part thereof in the office of the Register of Deeds of Bayfield County. BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COM11ITTEE John Shykes, Chairman Victor Grubisic Andrew J. Pristash Erwin Buss Nels Ness S. E.-Squires 584 ANNUAL MEEETLITG OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ovemb er 14, 1944 ]loved by -Meyer -and seconded by Ness to adopt the foregoing report and resolu- tion. Motion carried. The following report and resolution and--application- -were­read:. Your Zoning Committee, having held ahearing on a proposed amendment of the Bayfield County Zoning Ord'inance,as itt affects'the Town of -Drummond; as directed in a resolution passed by -the County Board on May-2, 1944, copy"of the minute,s�of said hearing being an file in the office ..of 'the County Clerk, and having,` reviewed the ap- proval of the Town Board to the, proposed amendment so far as the same affects the land in said Town, which said approval was given pursuant to a resolution adopted by the lown Board of Drummond, a certified copy of which said resolution was filed in the office of the- Clerk of Bayfield County-, WHEREFORE, Your Committee recommends for adoption the following resolution: 17HEREAS', The Town Board of the Town of Drummond has submitted approval of a proposed amendment to the Bayfield.County Zoning Ordinance insofar as the same affects the lands in said Town, in accordance with and as provided by Section 59.97 of the Wisconsin Statutes, said proposed amendment to reclassify the E21 NE of Section 28, Township 44, Range 8, I'llest, from a forestry use classification to an unrestricted use classification; and IVHEREAS,.T'he Town Board of the Town of Drummond, at the zoning hearing in the said Town on October 4, 1944, requested permission to amend its original application so as to include the N2, the 52 SW, the I\RAI SE, and the E2 SE, all in Section 32, Town- ship 45, Range 8, West; and also the 10g of Section 33, Township 45, Range 8, West, so that these descriptions might also be reclassified from a forestry use classification to an unrestricted use classification, a copy of the amended application being attached hereto; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That the above -mentioned amendment, including the supplemental amendment, having been approved by the Town Board of the Town of Drummond, be and the same is hereby enacted to become effective in the Town of Drummond. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County Clerk, upon publication of said amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, be and is hereby directed to file a certified copy of said amendment, including the accompanying map, made a part hereof, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Bayfield County. BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COItITTEE John Shykes, Chairman -Erwin Buss Victor Grubisic Nels Ness Andrew J. Pristash S. E. Squires APPLICATION'BY TNT TOWN BOARD FOR A SUPPLIMIrNT TO THE APPLICATION FOR AMENDMEMT ' TO THE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE SUBMITTM BY THE T01N BOARD OF DRUNlMOND ' TO ' THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD'OF SUPERVISORS ON MAY 29,1944-. WHEREAS, On May- 2-, 1944, the -Town 1Board- of -th-e Town of Drummond, Bayfield County, 411is-cousin, submitted an application,for an amendme,nt ,to the .County .Zoning Ordinance whereby it was, requested- that the .E2 of the --NEB of Section 28, . Township 44, Range 89 West be changed from aforestry classification, District No. 1, to an un- restricted use, .District No. 3, and be made a part -of the official zoning map known as the "Zoning Map for Bayfield County, showing use districts." 0 ANNUAL MEETING -OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD - --- ----- - - ---- --- _ - --- November 14, 1944 --- ----- NOW THEREFORE,, The- Town Board- of;'- th,e-, Town,of-Drummond- requests permission to make an addition to the,- aforementioned petition so as to include-, the NN2, the N2 S7179 the MV SE, and the E2:SE, all in Section 32, Township 45, Range 8, West; and also the NW4 of Section 33, Township 45-; Range -8, West, and hereby -petitions- that these des- cription-s, b-e- c,hanged from a forestry use, District No. 1, to an unrestricted use, District No. 3, and that these changes likewise be -made a part --of the official zoning map known as the "Zoning Map for-BayfieldCounty, showing use districts." A. J. Unseth,.Chairman H. J. Seemuth, Supervisor Clerk of Town -.,E. G. Carter Hugo Haselhuhn, Supervisor Moved by Unseth and seconded by -Meyer to adopt the foregoing report and resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: CMR-EAS, Bayfield .County has by a Zoning Ordinance adopted November 1.4, 1934, regulated, restricted, and determined the areas within which agriculture, forestry, and recreation may be conducted, and has established districts which are deemed best suited to carry out such purposes outside the limits of incorporated villages and cities, in accordance with the provisions of Section 59.97 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and 17HEREAS, Bayfield County owns certain tracts of land hereinafter described In said County; the zoning -of -which is considered to be in the public interest, and WHEREAS, Subsection ( 6 ) of Section 59.97 of ,the ,1isconsin Statutes confers upon county boards the authority to zone any lands owned by the County without necessity of securing the approval of the town, boards of the towns wherein such lands are situated, and without following the procedure outlined in subsection (2) of,Section 59.97 of the Wisconsin Statutes; now therefore, BE.IT RESOLVED, That Bayfield County hereby determines that said County -owned land hereinafter described is set aside as a forest use district No. 1, as defined in Section hI of said Bayfield County Ordinance and shall be subject to all of the pro- visions of said Section II as contained in said Ordinance in all respects as though said land had originally set aside by said :Ordinance as such forest district: The said County -owned land heretofore referred to is described as follows: ,NEB of Section 11, the SQ SE of Section 2, and the NE NE of Section 24 - all in Town- ship 50, Range 5, West; the S14' and S2 ,SE of Section. 13, the .SEg of Section. 23, the W2 NE, W- NUJ, E2 SW, and W2 SE of Section 24, and the E2 NE of Section 32 - all in Township 51, Range 5, West; the SE NE, SW-41;, and E2 SE of Section 14, the NE-L, �ti 2 NW, SE NW, and NE SW of Section 15 - all in Township 45, Range 9, Nest; and the 172 NE, W2 NWO, .SE Nif, NW SW, and .SE SE of Section 8, the W2. SE of .Section 12, and the SW Nth of Section 25 - all in Township 47, :Range 9, .West. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County Clerk upon -publication of this resolution, be and is hereby directed to file a certified copy of said resolution, including the accompanying map, in the office of the -Register of Deeds of Bayfield County. BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING .COMMITTEE John Shykes, Chairman Erwin Buss Victor Grubisic Nels Ness Andrew J. Pristash S. E. Squires ANNUAL' METING .OF" THE BAYFIELD -COUNTY BOARD -- -- -- November 14. 1944 ------ 11 Moved by Shykes and seconded by Grubisic to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIIR COMMITTEE 1944 Receipts Disbursements Aid - State1,179.46 Advertis°ing• 89.91 Aid - County- 21.500.00 Judges 61064 Gate Receipts 474.50 Maintenance of 337:42 Building-s & Ground Grandstand 26.80 Officers per diem & 412.18 Dance 32.80 Expense Space & Privileges 73.21 Police,Gate, & Other Help 73505 Cash -from -Change 20.00 _. Postage, express 26.61 Loan from County 19900.00 Premiums - 1,474.45 Printing— 119,15 Partial repayment of 10200000 Loan Ribbons & Badges 72.89 Special Acts•& features 19285.00 .State" Ass*n." of Fairs 70'50 Membership dues ` Supplies', 48.82 Telephone-- & telegraph 6058 Water, Light, Power 142.77 Federal Taxes 133.66 Cash used for Change 20.00 "Total Receipts $6,206.77 Total Disbursements 6,173:65 .Cash.on Hand 68.98 Cash - on.Hand"at 102010 from 1943 End of 1944 TOTAL $6-,275.75 TOTAL $61275.75 BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR C0,18UTTEE John Shykes, President Erwin Buss Vice -President S'. E. S,quiress;-Treasurer -R. J. Holvenstot, Secretary Nels Ness, Director Andrew`J. Prstash, Director Victor Grubisic, Director Zelda Johnson;. Director Moved by -MacRae --and seconded by Desparois to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. Moved by Unseth-' and seconded- by-Desparois to-receive--and--place on file the communication from the Wisconsin Sanatorium. Trustees Association. Motion carried. Moved by Pristash and seconded by NiacRae to-receive.and place on file the annual report of the County Superintendent of Schools. Motion carried. 587 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD —---------- --- ----- — - - - - - - -November 14 , 1944 The following`resolution was read: AREAS, it is desirable and-necessary-f or the city of Bayfield to acgmire certai-n-property- particularly in --and adjoining the -ravines- in order to carry out properly our planning program- for- the prevention'- of- future- floods-, and WHEREAS, some of this property. -is now owned by Bayfield-County, and VMREAS, the city of Bayfield has a credit on the County books for excess delinquent taxes, THEREFORE, BE IT I3EREBy RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors as- sembled in annual session this 14th day of November, 1944, that the County Clerk be authorized and directed to issue a quit claim deed to the city of Bayfield coveting the following property: Lot 1, 2, 3, 12 and 13 1 to 8 and 11 to 18 Inc. All. of 10 to 16 Inc. 5 and 18 20 39 49 62 79 8 and 10 19 17 4 11 1619 17and 18 19 2, 3, 4, 111, 12, 13 & 14 Block 8 10 25 42 43 j, 59 79 80 -- 88 95 103 65 and that the County Treasurer issue the necessary tax receipts and that the amount of taxes plus interest be the consideration and that said consideration be written off from the excess delinquent tax account of the -city of Bayfield on the County records. D.-S. Knight R. J. ^Nelson Julian Wachsmuth Moved by MacRae and seconded by Kranzfelder to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: MEREAS, The Bayfield County Public Welfare Department holds liens on real estate of pensioners; and whereas, on numerous occasions, either the pensioner or his heirs make offers to the Bayfield County -Welfare Committee for settlement of these liens; and whereas in such cases it is necessary that an appraisal be made to arrive at the fair value of the property for settlement purposes; and whereas, on occasions the terms fall through and there is no money to pay the appraisers of the property; Now, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the sum of Fifty ($50.00) .Dollars be appropriated for the use of the Bayfield County Public Y-Telfare Committee for making such appraisals. Albert E. Swanson ANNUAL MEETING OF `fHE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 14, 1944 Moved by Pristash and seconded by Meyer'. -to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Pease; Frels-, Buckley, Meyer; Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Berweger; Liebman, Pearson, Kallinen,.Mlihalak, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Tedlund, Kranzfelder, Knight, Wiachsmuth, nelson, Brink, Swanson, Moe, Squires. Total 29 NAYS: None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: 17HEREAS, wolves and foxes have become extremely numerous in Bayfield-County, and IMREAS, the loss of sheep by wolves is very large, and -WHEREAS, the game birds, particularly pinnated and sharptailed grouse are almost extinct, due -primarily to destruction by foxes, hawks and ravens, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing facts, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the County Board of Bayfield County petition the Governor of the state of Wisconsin to include in his budget an appropriation for a bounty on wolves and foxes, and that the bounty on mature wolves be set at $20.00, on pup wolves $10.00 and on foxes $5.00. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Governor,f State Senators and Assemblyman. L. D. Pease Moved by Liebman and seconded by Meyer to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Moved by Unseth and seconded by MacRae to adjourn until 10 A. M., November 159 1944. Motion carried. 589 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November. 152 1944 Meeting called to order at 10'A. M. by Chairman Squires. The following members answered -roll' call: Buss,, Pease, Irish, Frels, Buckley., Meyer, Unseth, Gtubibic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Liebman, Pearsont Kallinen Mihalak, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Tedlund, Kranzfelder, Knight, YTachsmuth, Nelson, Brink, Swanson, Moe, Squires. Total 32. The following eommunication was read: Nov. 14,'1944 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, Wis. Dear Mr.-Tranmal: This is to certify that the Town Board of the Town Bayfield has authorized Wm. Shuga to represent the Town of'Bayfield on, the County Board in the absence of its chair- man I. L. Alcott, who is unable to attend. Respectfully yours, Walter--T. -Barnifigham,­ Town Clerk, Town of Bayfield Moved by Nelson and seconded by Bloom to receive the foregoing -,communication and that.Wm. Shuga be seated as a member of the Board to represent the town of Bayfield. Motion carried. The Chairman -of -the Board announced the death,of,C. J. Holton and appointed three members of the Board; namely, *Buckley, Bagstad and Bloom to'draw a suitable resolu- tion for presentation to the Board and to represent the Board at the funeral. The following report was read: Wash-burn,,Wis.,-November 9thl 1944 To the Hon. County Board, Bayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: I We the, undersigned Committee— on illegal taxes; beg- leave, to report, that we have examined 'the following bills, recommend that"same-be-allowed as set forth in the column marked "'allowed"- and ­that the County ­Clerk be instructed, to, issue orders for payment of same; and that the amounts be charged back to the ,re8pective taxing districts"'r, as designated* Name of Claimant 'Bayfield Co. ILLEGAL TAXES'AND TAX CERTIFICATES CHARGED­BACK'IN' 1944 TOWN OF, BARKSDALE Del. Tax DObbription and yeat-of Cert. Allowed Face Charge back Reason of. Illegality Sale No. of C6rt i to.. Dist. -V­2 NL&J NE" - Seq& 19 21-48-7 County deed to April, 1930 1943 1559 TOWN. OF BARNES, Bayfield Co. Parcel in GaVlt-e Lot 1 des6. in Vol.,69,'Pag,e 186, Sec',',­15ew44_9. .Double Assessment 1940 3019 Bayfield Co. Parcel in Lot 1 desc. in Vol 134., Page 471, Sec. 15-44-19--. No such description in Vol., 134, Page 471 1941 3076 7.32 8.30 .87 Ate,� 7.32 4 vs";,. 8.30 At 590 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFI.MD COUNTY BOARD November 15, 1944 Name of Claimant Bayfield Co* Bayfield Co* Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co, -TOWN ..OF BARNES Del. Tax Description and Year -'of. Cert. Allowed Face Charge back .Reason of Illegality 'Sale No. of Cert. to District Pardel'in Gov't. Lot 1 dese. in Vol.-134 Page 471; Sec. 15-44-9. No such description in Vol. 134, page 471 1942 2663 7.56 7.56 Parcel in Gov I t Lot 1 deso. in'Vol.--134'. Page 471'. Sec',- -15-44-9. No' such -description in Vol. 134, Page 471 1943 2265 6,070 6'.70 29.68 29.88 TOWN OF LaLYFIELD MW NE SW, Sec. 11-50-4.County-- property at time of assessment 1943 109 1.13 Ni N.W NE less 5 acres in State -Reserve Sec. 9-50-4 Tax paid to Town Treas. on tax receipt #183 1943 102 10-013 1126 TOWN OF DELTA Bayfield-Co. All of North part of - Lot 1 less parcel detc. .in Vol. 102 of Deeds, page 350, Sec. 34-46-7. Should read all of -Lot 1 less parcel desco- in ,Vol. 102, page 350. 1939 2399 5,29 TOWN OF HUGHES Bayfield Co. SW SIT, Sec, 13-46-9 County property at time of assessment 1943 2521 6.50 Bayfield Co. SE NW,' Sec. 29-47-9 Government land at time of assessment 1943 2679 76-02.5 TOTIN OF KEYSTONE Bayfield Co. SE'NE9'-S0c. 19:_47-7 Government Land at - time of assessment 1943 1551 4.28 Bayfield Co. SE $E, Sec. 32-47-7 SE SE less SEJ- was Government land at time of assessment 1943 .111555 47" TOWN OF MASON Bayfield Co.. NE SE all west of new highway 24, See. 36- 46-6. Double assess- ment- 1938 2272 2.66 Bayfield Co. -NE .SE - all 'west -of high- way 24'Sec. 36-46-6 1939 1745 2o53 Double a"sdessment Bayfield Co. NE SE- west- of -highway 24 Sec,,`­36'46-6. Double assessment 1940 1652 2*' 54 TOWN OF OR= A Bayfield Co. NE NW, Sec. 25-49-8. County property at - time of assessment. Acquired by exchange 194,3 2113 -78 40 Bayfield Co. NW NW, Sec. 25-49-8. County property at time of assessment. Ac- quired by exchange 1943 2114 4!078 Bayfield Co. SW NW. See. 25-49-8. County property at time of assessment. Acquired by exchange 1943 2115 4.78 10'.13 11.26 AI 5.29 A 6.50 9. 75 160'25 4,28 AV 2153 2'. 54 7.77 4.78 40- 7B 4.78 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 15, 1944 59 Name of "",Claimant Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co.. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield-.Co. Bayfield .Co. Bayfield Co. Description and Year" -of Cert. Allowed Face Reason of Illegality Sale No, of Cert SE .NW Sec. "25=49-8. County ' propert'y` at time of-. assessment o -- Acquired by exchange 1943 2116 TOWN• OF ' PRATT NE NVI Sec. 21-45-60 Should -except R. R. Right of flay. 1941 1330 NE NE, Sec. 21-45-6. -Should except R. R. Right of Way. 1942 1266 NOD' NE $ Sec."" 21-45-6 Should except R. R. Right- of Tay 1942' 1267 NE NW Sec. 21-45-6 1:942 1270 Should except-R. R. Right of Nay Part of -Gov't. Lot 7 desc., in Vol. 126, page 3,-Sec. 29-44-6. Double assessment. 1943 1086 Part'of Gov't. Lot 7 desc. in Vol. 126, - page 3, Sec. 29-44-6 .1942 1199 DDouble assessment. North" 200 "ft. of" Gov't: Lot ..3 -between Chryst'alLake and Highway- Diamond Lake,SubDivi-sion: No such description in Sec. 29-44-6. 1941 4281 Parcel iii -N2 of Gov't. Lot l'desc. •in Vol® 123,.page 206, Sec. 29-44-6. .Double assessment 1942 1193 Part'of­Gov't. Lot 1 desc; in:Vol.'123,... - page 206, Sec. 29=44-6. Double assessment. 1943 .1088 Sub M79 Sec. 12-44-6. Ind. to U. S. A. through Condemnation proceedings. 1942 1140 SW NW, Sec. 12-44-6. Ind. to U* S. A. through Condemnation proceedings 1943 1039 TO11W OF RUSSELL SE SVd, Sec. 27-51-4. County property at time of assessment 1943 241 Lot 2, Sec. 17-51-3. Should be .IRV NE, and is individual to U. S. A. 1943 7 SE SW, Sec. 27-51-4. County property at time of assessment. 1942 269 S. 440 ft. of N. 881 ft. of Gov't. Lot 1, except E. 553 ft. thereof as desc. in Vol. 119 of Deeds, page 425.. Gov't, land at time of assessment. Sec. 31-51-3. 1943 20 S. 440 ft. of N. 681 ft. of Gov't. Lot 1 except E. 553 ft. there- of as desc. in Vol._ 119 of Deeds, page 425. GoV-: 't land at time of assessment.Sec.31-51-3 1942 18 4:78 19.12 50,82 5.29 5.64 4:93 2.85 2.64 3.75 1.76 3.81 4.23 4.57 45.29 5.78 6.35 5.55 13.48 1205 Del-. Tax Charge back to :District 4:78 19.12 kv1-1 5e82 ASS 5.29 5. 64 4.93 V's 2.85 Ate. s� 2.64 1�rS 3.75 �✓ 1.76 3.81 Jk� 4.23 •. :.4.57 A' 45.29 5.78 6.35'' 5.55 13.48 12.95 /-i A ems" A-L ANNUAL MEET_ ING - OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November_15, 1944 TOWN OF RUSSELL Del. Tax Name of Description and Year of Cert. Allowed .Face Charge back Claimant Reason of Illegality Sale. No. of .Cert. to.District Bayfield Co. Lot 4, Sec. 32=52-4.'. Indian'Land, as rec. Vol. 498, page 391 1939 355 -•. 9� J� _ 53.11 53.11 TOWN OF WASHBURN Bayfield Co. NE NE, Sec. 5-48-5. County property at time of assessment. 1943 662 15:65 15.65 CITY OF BAY -FIELD Bayfield Co. Lot 11, Block 71, City of Bayfield Property of City of Bayfield at time of �S assessment 1939 4779 80:00 80.00 CITY OF WASHBURN Bayfield Co. NE SW except Railway Terminal " and .. Right . of .-Way, Sec. 6-46-4 County property at / time of assessment 1942 37 31*00 31000 A �_ � Bayfield Co. Lot 22, Block-11, -Neill ,& Wings Add. to-Townsite of Washburn. County property at time of Assessment 1942 4366 1.50 1®50 Bayfield Co. Lot 22, Block 11, Neill e& Wing*s Addition" to T'ownsite ' of -Washburn. County property at time - of assessment. 1943 3736 19�00 19:00. 11 51.50 51.50 Signed: D. J. Buckley Moved by Buss and seconded by Grubisic to adopt the foregoing report of the Committee on Illegal Taxes. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WE EREAS, Bayfield County --has- by a zoning ordinance adopted November 14, 10342 regulated, restricted, and determined the areas -within which agriculture, forestry, and recreation may be - conducted, and has established districts which are deemed best suited to carry-out'.such purposes outeide the limits of incorporated villages and cities in accordance- with the 'provi'sionr of Section- 59.97 of the' -Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS, Bayfield- County Owns certain, tracts of" land-,here-inafter described in said county, -the zoning of which is considered to -be in the public interest, and WHEREAS, subsection (6) of Section 59.97 of the Wisconsin Statutes- confers upon county boards the authority to zone any lands owned by the county, without neces- sity of securing" the approval "of, the -town boards of the towns wherein such lands are situated, and without following the procedure outlined in subsection (2) of section 59'.97 of the Wisconsin Statutes; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Bayfield County hereby determines that said county - owned land hereinafter described is set aside as forestry use district as defined in section- 2 of`-'th-e� Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance,, and shall be subject -to all of the provisions of, said section 2 as contained in said ordinance in all respects as though said land -had -originally -set aside -by -'said ordinance as .such forestry use district. The. said county -owned land heretofore referred to is described as -follows: The South one-half of the Southeast one-fourth of Section 20, Township 479 Range 6 Wed;. 593 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 15 1944 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the.County-Clerk upon publication of this resolution, be and, is hereby, directed- to file a certified- copy of" said -resolution including the accompanying map, in the office of the register of deeds of Bayfield County. Andrew Pristash :. RESOLUTIOY PETITION"ADOPTED -SEPT. 30 1944 BY THE TOWN. OFKKEYSTONE` BAYFIELD COUNTY,WIS. - GVHEREAS;Certain land within the Town of Keystone is unfit for agricultural use and as it appears likely that this land to wit: 'South.' of the SE4 Section 20-47-6 may be sold in parcels for recreational purposes, therefore, be it RES"OLVED', That the.Town Board of Supervisors petition the County Board of Bayfield County to adopt Zoning Ordinance as,per Section 59:97 of the Wisconsin Statutes and to -classify this land so as to relieve the Town of Keystone of the responsibility of road construction. Andrew Pristash, Chr. Louis Von Ende - Andrew Imr'i ch , Sup. Clerk of town of Keystone Victor Oratch, Sup. Moved by Pristash and seconded by Unseth �t.o adopt the foregoing resolution. Notion carried. Moved by Unseth-and seconded by Desparois t-o receive and place on file the annual report of the County Agricultural Agent. Motion carried. The following -resolution was read-: AREAS, there area certain number of Old Age Assistance cases that are classified as County -at -Large charges; and whereas, the resolution in effect does not cover these cases: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the'sum of"Two Thousand & no/100 Mi000.00) Dollars be appropriated for the fiscal year 1945 to take care of County -at - large Old.Age Assistance- claims. A. J. Uns-oth Moved by Unseth and seconded by Swanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report was read: - We, committee on sheriff's, justices and constable bills, have examined and checked the docket of proceedings held in the Municipal Court, Washburn, Wisconsin, E. C. Hart, Presiding Judge and•find­same has been kept in an orderly manner and the report filed is a true statement of docket entries showing amount collected for fines and- costs -$1095.3&. Also-, we have examined the docket of the second Municipal Court for Bayfield County', P: J. Savage Presiding Judge and find all in perfect order and showing that he has collected $302.22. Respectfully submitted: Andrew Mihalak Fred W. Bloom D. J. Buckley .Moved by Unseth and seconded by Meyer to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. ANNUAL STING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 15. 1944 The following resolution was read: r' WHEREAS'.."it is necessary, due to the war emergency, to adjust" certain salary schedules at the Court House, and whereas, it is desired to have them as. uniform as possible; NOW, THERXFORE, 'BE' IT"RESOLVED,' that the minimum starting salary for all clerk -stenographers in the Court House be raised to $80'.00'per month, and that the balance of a former resolution concerning clerk-stenographerts salaries remain in effect. This resolution shall apply to all Clerk -Stenographers in the Court House except in the Highway Department. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that case workers in the Welfare Department have a minimum -starting --salary of,$110.00 Per month; that the probationary period be six months; that at the end of'six"months period the salary be raised to $120.00 per month; that -every-six -months thereafter a'$10.00 raise be -granted, at the discretion of the Director and the Committee ,of the Public Welfare Department, until a maximum salary of-.150000 be reached. BE ,IT "FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Director of the Public Welfare Department be paid a salary of $2160.00 per"annum, and be it further resolved that these resolu- tions take effect on January 1, 1945 A. J. Unseth 14oved by Swanson and seconded by Bloom to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following.report was read: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin I herewith submit,my annual report of receipts, disbursements and vouchers issued from this office for the fiscal year ending October 31, 1944. Balance -Nov. 1, 1943 Receipts Disbursements Receipts Disbursements Receipts Disbursements Receipts Disbursements Receipts, Disbursements, Alimony 'Naturalization -Fine s Suit Tax Costs 55.00 5592.50 5647:50 5647.50 $ 135; 00 135.00 2511.00 101.00 �$ 150.00 ,19.,00 16,00 3.00 46.95 41.95 5.00 Receipts Disbursements Fees., $ 161-40 155#40 7.QO 59D ANNUAL YIEETING . OF THE BAY_ FIELD COUNTY BOARD -- --- - --- -- --- — — -- - -November 15, 1944—_------- — -- — — -- --- Vouchers Issued Divorce Counsel Court Reporter Jury Commissioners Library $120.00 13,05 56.80 7.6.00 265:85 There were no juror or witness certificates issued during this fiscal year. Recapitulation Fees 6.00 Fines 150000 Suit Tax 3.00 Costs 5.00 $164.00 -Bank Balance $164.00 Roy A. Paulson Clerk of Circuit Court Bayfield County, IVisconsin Moved by Pristash and seconded by Mihalak to receipt the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. ,The following resolution was read: AREAS, it appears that several departments of county government may exceed their budgets for the year ending December 31, 1944, and IMREAS, authority from this Board of Supervisors to the issuing officers of'the county is required whenever any expenditure by the several departments is or shall be in excess of said budget, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the issuing officers of said county may issue orders drawn on the county by those departments which may exceed their budgets wherein said excess is due to lawful expenditures. S. E..Squires Moved by -Wallin and seconded by Shykes to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried.unanimously. The following recommendation was read: Members of the County Board of Bayfield County Gentlemen: We the undersigned, Bayfield County -Fair -Committee, recommend that, if a County. -Fair is approved for 1945, an appropriation of $2,500.00 be made for this pur- pose. BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE John Shykes, Chairman Erwin Buss Victor Grubisic Moved by MacRae and seconded by Bagstad to adopt the foregoing recommendation. Motion carried. tP ANNUAL MEETING -OF THE BAYFIEL_D COUNTY BOARD November 15, 1944 Moved by Un.seth and'duly-see-onded to accept the annual report of the Director of Public -Welfare and place on file. Motion carried. Moved by Desparois and seconded by Meyer to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Motion carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P. M. by_ChairmanSquires. The following members answered roll call: Buss-, Pease, Shuga, Irish, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Lieb- man, Pearson, Kallinen, Ylihalak, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness, Moore, Tedlund, Kranzfelder, ;Knight, Wachsmuth, Nelson, Brink, Swanson, Moe, ;Squires. Total 33. The County Board acted on the questionnaire of the Visconsin County Boards Association relative- t,o--the proposed- 1945 legislative program as follows: A.. RELATING TO.COUNTY BOARDS AND COUNTY GOVERNMENT I. Yes- VI. Yes II. No VII. No III. Yes VIII. No action IV. Yes IX. No V. No Opinion B. RELATING TO REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES. I. Yes V. Yes II . Yes VI. Yes I. -Yes. VII. Yes IV. Yes VIII. No action C. PUBLIC WELFARE I. Yes II. . .Yes -III. Yes IV, Yes V. Yes VI. Yes'and No (Undecided) VII. Yes VIII. Tie D. RELATING TO COUNTY INS17TUTTONS IX. No action I. Tie III. Yes II. Yes N. Yes E. WAR ACTIVITIES'AND VETERANS' SERVICES I. Yes' F. HIGHWAYS I. Yes III. 'No -Yes G. FORESTRY AND CONSERVATION I. Yes For detailed information covering the above items see record in the County Clerk's office. On motion the Board resolved itself to meet as a "Committee of t-1he whole" for the purpose of conducting a hearing on the proposed budget for 1945. There were no appearances. The Board -adjourned --as a "Committee of tha whole" and met again as a County Board for the purpose of acting on the budget. ANKU.0, MEETING OF THE - BAYFIELD Noviam 15. 1944 COUNTY BOARD The following budget was read: Proposed -Budget --for the Year Ending December 31, 1945 Tu-the'Honorable County Board of Supervisors Bayfield.County; Wisconsin Gentlemen—' ,Ue, submit the following proposed budget for '1945 andrecommendits adoption. Your --committee is able -to submit a balanced budget covering the requests from all departments of County Government. -The proposed budget is approximately $5,000.00 under the one percent county -tax levy. - Departmental 'expenditures are on about the same level as last year with the exception that the Sanatorium expense is considerably less because Bayfield.County has had a less number of -patients than in former years,0- It is to be toted too that land sales in the rural areas have been increased with a substantial gait above face of certificate affording increased income to the . county. Ri ITURES Budget Recommended 1944 For 1945 I STATE ,TAX: I -Forestry Tax under -See. 70.58-(2) (This item does not' effect the 1% County tax limit) 2i679003 $,29735.15 GENERAL GOVERNMENT: County Board 2'700*',00 29500li00 County Clerk 5'300"00 5'300*'00 County Treasurer 5flOO.00 51000-400 Assessment of.Taxes 29500-*00 2V000.'00 District Attorney 30000-00 39000 00 Divorce Counsel 5010 00 50000 .County Surveyor 5' * 00 5-'000 County Court 30600 00 3!6,00'00 . municipal Court 29600000 29600000 Circuit Court 3V5000',00 39000,00 Juvenile Court 800"00 800,00 C6totler 2500'00 250 00 Mediation '-'Board•" '300000 1500'00 C"Ourthoifbe,.. 3'V700'000 3 8504'00 Elections-'- 2'_ 5000100 Special lecounting- & Auditing 1 t"500 *10 00 1o500'.00 Prdpert Y_ Liab il ity -Ins, 250-0,00 250000 200.-00 State lDepos'it Insurance :200000 $37p8550-00 $349555.00 PROTECTION QF PERSONS -& PROPEBTLY: Sheriff 6*500;00 6'-500"00 Register of 'DOedt 4,500,iOO 49600*00 Gounty!s Share of, Cost of Fighting- 5001'�00 5007'00 Forest,Fitbs County Council of Defense 20000 None $119700.00 $11-600,00 HEALTH,, CONSERVATION & SANITATION: Vital'Statistics 1''', 1.9_00 :200:00 is000:00 Tti--.Couftty Sanatorium 9000* Patients at State & Other, `Sanatoria 1'162;04* 1 340 - 24?1 P County -Fund b 6 -,'o, 0 2 000-00 Conijdtvatl6ft 900*'00 000 00 Forest Trespass Service 5,3250 00 0.00 6.030 Public Health Nurse $289412iO4 .$282470.24 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 15. 1944 EXPENDITURES" Budget Recommended 1944 For 1945 EDUCATION: County Supt: of Schools 49400;00 59235000 Supervising Teacher" 2,200.00 29200:00 .Tuition -'Outside Training .Schools :800:00 -300:00 County Agricultural Agent 50165,00 59-665:00 Aid to Common Schools 19,,774,.77' 20,406 00 $3P;339.77 $332806.00 CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS: Welfare Administration $1.3,900®00 $T39-000:00 Outdoor: -Poor Relief 22500:00 2,500:00 Blind Pensions 7,500:00 79500:00 Soldiers' Relief .. " None - 'None 'None Veterans' Service Officer 49'000:00 4;-500:00 ,Insane in Outside. Institutions 109495:34* 109608:45X Jail & Sheriff's Residence 29800 00 29800000 Industrial School for Boys 146:43* 132:50" Children's County Board 1,280..00 1'200:00 Wis. Colony & Training Schools lt703.75* 1;45'i:50* State Public School None' 210:21* Temporary Care of Dependent"Children 49500-000 49000:00 O.A.A.-County at Large Cases "2;000'00 29000:00 Aid to Dependent,Children 49800:00 51;000:00 i State General Hospital 4 9 402.11 .0 3 9 028: 35* State Orthopedic Hospital 897:60* 19037:40* Other Hospitalization 300.00 3,00.00 01069225.82 $1059274.41 UNCLASSIFIED: Airport Committee $ 1,000:.00 $ None County Fair 295000,00 29500:00 County ,Tax -Deed lVork 10500.00 1,900100 Contingency Fund 19414-37 4,800:00 Salvation Army 200.00 None 6,6140-37 90200.00 TOTAL _ $2239147.00 $2229905065 OUTLAY ,PROTECTION OF -PERSONS & PROPERTY: Sheriff None 900.00 ,HEALTH, CONSERVATION & SANITATION: Dams None 800.00 None 1t700*OO .GRAND TOTAL $223,14% 00 $2249605,065 REVENUES STATE TAX 2,679.03 $ 29735:15 GENERAL : General Co. Tax Levy $1339951.40 $1309855.65 TAXES: Income Tax For -County 59000:00 29000:00 Occupational Tax For County ."175:00 200:00 Tax Fees.& Penalties 109000.:00 129000:00 Inheritance Tax For'C.ounty 100:00 100:00 Utility Tax from State':- 39200:00 3;200:00 Forest Crop Tax from Dists. 29500:00 29600.00 FEES &, COSTS: County Clerkos"Fees 100.00 100 00 County Court'*Fees &-Costs 125:00 125.-00 Mun. -Court Fees,:- &'- 400:00 200.00 Circuit-Court'Fees & Costs 800:00 '400:00 Register -of Deed's Fees 29500.00 2,400.0,0 LICENSES & PERMITS: Dog.Licenses 500:00 500.00 Q REVEN U, Budget Recommended 1944 for 1945 FINES; FORFEITS" M PENAL` UX t ` Penal Fines for County 200.00 200.00 GIFTS & GRANTS: State Aid- for Sanatorium _79,103.60 -7;150,00 Stat-e Aid -for Blind 6;000,00 6,00000 State Aid fore Supert'ising Teacher 2;20000 2;200.00 State Aid -for Depen, Children' 34960000 42-9000000 State Aid for Blind & D.-C. A. 79367.00 6,000,00 State Aid'for County Nurse 950.00 1,000.00 ALL OTHER GENERAL REVENUE: Drivers-' Licens-es­ - 500-00 None All Other ="Unclassified 2,000:00 2,000000 Forestry Fund for'Co.:Agent 875TOO `875:00 Sale of 17ood -Forest Crop Land 2A_000.00, 2.500;00 TOTAL $223,1470'00 $224,605:65 - State Special Charges Respectfully submitted this 23rd day of October, 1944. SIGNED': I-. L. ALCOTT; CHAIRMAN J. L: MACRAE ERNEST LIEBMIAN L. D. PEASE - Se, .E. SQUIRES' Committee on Finance, Misc. Claims & Budget Moved, by- MacRae and seconded by ffal,lin to adopt the foregoing budget. Roll call was as follows:, AYES: Buss, Pease, Shuga, Irish, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth;-Grubsic-, Desparois,, MacRae, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson; Liebman, Pear- son, Kallinen, Mihalak, Bagstad, Wallin, Bloom, Shykes, Ness', Moore, Tedlund, Kranz- . -NAYS : None felder, Knight, Wachsmuth, Nelson, ,Brink, Swanson, Moe, Squires. Total 33./ Motion carried'. The following--resolution-'Was read: WHEREAS, The Town- of Drummond­is- now -negotiating -,with the Federal Forestry Department% for land for,,building--a dam -at- the outlet- of. the Drummond Mill Pond' Lake, AND WHEREAS, the building of this dam would greatly increase -the area of said lake, increase the value of the lake shore, and would also greatly increase t he lake°s value for general public use, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that if'satisfactory arrangements can be secured from all parties concerned, that, at their discretion, the Bayfield County Conservation Committee be, and is hereby, empowered to have such suitable survey made as may be necessary in order to construct a dam at the'out.let of the said Drummond,Mill Pond Lake. Vice C. Wallin R. J. Nelson Jos. Berweger Wt. Meyer Moved by �lallin and seconded by Bloom to adopt the foregoing resolution Motion carried. ANNUAL MEETING OF THB BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 15, 1944 The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by ,the County Board of Bayfield County-, assembled this 15th ,day- of November, 1944, that the per, diem and mileage- be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such money and the Chairman and the County Clerk are instructed to issue an order for the amount of such items listed below: COMMITTEE NAME PER DIEN& MILEAGE COMMITTEE WORK . WORK MILEAGE TOTAL Erwin Buss 10.00 990 100-90 L. D. Pease 10.00 6.06a 16.06 Harvey Irish 10:00 .12 10.12 I. L. Alcott 5.00 1.32 10.00 2.64 18.96 -H. A. Frels -1.0-000, 6.66 36.66 Daniel J. Buckley 10.00 3.96 13.96. William Meyer 10.00 3.60 13.60 ,,Arthur 'J. Unseth 10.00 4.44 14.44 Victor Grubisic 109,00 20'04 12.04 R. J. Desparois 10.00 4,08 14,08 J. L. MacRae 10.00 3.84 13.84 ,/S. E. Squires 10,00 2.22 10.00 4.44 26:66 Andrew Pristash 10000 2.28 12,28 Joseph Berweger 10.00 30'36 5.00 3.36 21:72 Herman Hanson 10.00 2.76 5.00 2076 20.52 Ernest Liebman 10.00 5.46 15.00 16.38 46.64 John Pearson 10.00 5.52 5.00 5052 26.04 ,Theodore Kallinen 10.00 4.44 10.00 8.88 33.32 .Andrew-Mihalak 10.00 2 16 12.16 O. T. Bagstad 10.00 4.68 200,00 18.72 53.40- .'Vic. C. Wallin 10.00 3.42 13.42 Fred Bloom 10.00 2088 12088 J.•F. Shykes 10.00 4.50 14.50 /Nels Ness 10.00 36 m 10.36 Ernest Moore 10.00 5,58 15000 16,74 47.32 C. L. Tedlund 10.00 2034 5.00 2.34 19.68 ;L. Kranzfelder 10.00 1.44 11.44 D..S. Knight 104W00 1044 10000 1,74 23.18 Julian-Wachsmuth 10-000 1,44 5000 1044 170,88 R. J. Nelson 10.00 1.44 5.00 1a44 17.88 Ora Brink 10.00 _ ,12 10.12 A..`E. Swanson 10.00 .12 30.00 972 40.84 Helmer Moe 10.00 .12 5.'00 .12 15.24 /Wm. Shuga 5000 1.80 6.80 Signed: S. -E. Squires Moved by Liebman and seconded by Kranzfelder to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Roll call was as follows: AYES: .Buss, Pease, ahuga,-Irish, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Berwgger, Hanson, Liebman, Pearson, It-allinen, Mihalak, Bagstadf-Wallin, Bloom, Shykes,,-Ness, Moore, Tedlund,.. ANNUAL MEETING - OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 15, 1944 Kranzfelder, Knight, Wachsmuth, Nelson, Brink- Swanson, Moe, Squires. Total 33. NAYS: None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County -Board of -Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, at its annual session, assembled this 1.5th day of.,November, 1944, that there be and there is hereby appropriated against all the taxable property of Bayfield County,. -Wisconsin, the following items, to -wit: State Taxes for. -Forest purposes, under -Section 70.58 ( 2 ) 2 , 735.15' Common School Tax under -Section - 590075 209406.00 For all other items of,budget as - adopted this day, the sum of 110,449.65 $13395900-80 SIGNED: S. E.-Squires. Moved by Meyer and seconded by.Brink to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Buss, Pease, Shuga, -Irish, Frels, Buckley, Meyer, Unseth,`Grubisic,--_Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Berweger,:Hanson, Liebman, Pearson, Kalliten, Mihalak, Bagstad Wallin, Bloom,-Shykes, Ness, Moore, Tedlund, Kranzfelder, Knight,:-Wachsmuth, Nelson, Brink, Swanson, Moe, Squires. Total 33. .MAYS:' None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, word' has been received by this Board of the death of C-.-.J. Holton, Chairman- of--the� -Town- of ---Bell, on- November 14, 1944; and whereas C. Je Holton was, at the time of - his- death; a `member- of- this County Board, and- whereas, C. J. Holton has been a loyal Town Chairman of-the.Town of Bell, and for many years interested in civic affairs in said Town; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board go on record as expressing its sympathy and -condolence on the death of C. J. Holton; and be it further resolved that the Clerk be instructed to send a copy of this resolution to the family of Mr. Holton as an expression of their sympathy. PRESENTED BY: 0. T. Bagstad -Fred W. Bloom D. J. Buckley Moved by Pristash and'seconded by Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield,-County in annual session this 15th day of November, 1944, that the taxing districts of said county be and they are hereby required to reimburse Bayfield County for all amounts of money paid in Old Age Assistance and Burial: costs to its residents, less the amount received by said County from the State and Federal Government pursuant to section 49.38 of the Statuteso BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amounts to be raised and paid by each city, town and. village to reimburse Bayfield County as herein provided, shall be the amounts 602 ANNUAL MEETING - OF THE _B_AYFIE_LD COUNTY BOARD November 15, 1944 set forth in the attached schedule marked Exhibit "A", and made a part hereof in the column entitled, "20% County Share." EXHIBIT "At' TAXING DISTRICT' 20 o CHARGE- BACK Town of Barksdale 892.20 Town of Barnes 397.55 City of Bayfield 39590'30 Town of Bayfield 1835.90 Town.of Bayview 1819.55 Town of Bell 853.55 Town of Cable 1042.50 Village of -Cable 7100*35 ,Town of Clover 1120.15 -Town of Delta 345.90 .Town of Drummond 2807.55 Town of Eileen 1262.20 Town.of Hughes 11840'55 .Town of Iron River 3683.05 Town of.Kelly 920.7O -Town of Keystone 3880175 Town of Lincoln 6570'85 -Town of Mason 1437.05 ,Village of Mason 420035 -Town of Namakag on 843.20 Town of Orienta 555.65 Town of Oulu 1366.30 Town of Pilsen .400.00 Town of Port Wing 2921.25 Town of Pratt 1282.20 Town of'Russell 1624.90 Town of Tripp 1820-I0 City of Washburn 7207.05 Town of Mashburn 1143.10 County -at -large 1966.15 TOTAL 459230.90 S. E. Squires Moved by Liebman and seconded by Bloom to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried unanimously. The following resolution was read: TMREAS, Bayfield County, is-- required to advance cash- for the- payment of Old Age Assistance and -reimbursement by the State and:Federal Government is made after the end of each quarter, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County is required to advance twenty (200) per cent of such pensions until tag collection of the ensuing year; therefore, BE. -IT -RESOLVED by the-Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this 15th day of November, 1944, that a revolving fund of forty-eight thousand 603 ANNU-n MEETING. -OF THE EAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 15, 1944 ($4,8j000O-00) dollars- - is,- hereby--- appropriated from the general fund for payment of,.Old Age Assistance for the ensuing --year,_ and BE IT FURTHER�RESOLVED that amounts--received--from-the.-State and..Federal Government and collected from the taxing' -districts --for the reimbursement of the funds advanced by Bayfield-County for.Old Age Assistance shall be paid into the general fund of Hayfield -.,County. S. _,E. Squires Moved by Bloom and seconded by --Nelson to adopt the foregoing resolution. -Motion carried. Moved by.-Desparois and seconded by Bagstad to adjourn. Motion carried, C HAIRMk�I/BAYFIELD,COITTY'FOAM