HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 4/15/1947i MINUTES OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD 137 April 15, 1947' Meeting called to order at 10 A.M. by Vice Chairman William Meyer. The following members answered roll call: Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Maznio, Janock, Meyer, B.E.Johnson, Grubisic,.Desparcis, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad,'Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Nyberg, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, ,Tachsmuth, R.J.Nelson, Kasmarek, A.A.Anderson, Potvin, Swanson. Total 34. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Irish to dispense with the reading of the minutes.of the last meeting. Carried. The Chair appointed Pristash and Wachsmuth as tellers. The Board pr ocedded with election of a chairman. The -result of the first ballot was as follows: William Meyer 17 J. L. MacRae. 15 Harvey Irish 1 Blank 1 Total 34 No majority. The result of the second ballot was as follows: Meyer 19 MacRae 15 Total. 34 Mr. Meyer having received the majority of votes cast, the Clerk declared him duly elected. The result of the first ballot for Vice Chairman was as follows: J. L. I+Zacrae 27 Bernard Johnson 1 Harvey Irish 1 J. R. Despar ois 1 William Shuga 1 Walter Frankie 1 A. E. Swanson 1 :Blank 1 Total 34 Mtl ; MacRae having received a majority of the votes cast, the Chair declared him duly elected. Moved by Hanson and seconded by Desparois to set the fees for publication of the board minutes as follows: Publication for the official proceedings: $.60V per folio, $.20 per folio for printing of the supplements and $15.00 fpr distribution of the''supplements to other than the official newspaper. Carried. 138 MINUTES OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD April 15, 1947 Moved by Hanson and seconded by Desparois that the Bayfield.County Press be designated as the official newspaper for the ensuing year. Carried. Moved by Irish and seconded by Shuga that the County Clerk be instructed to notify the auditors to check out excess delinquent tax account on the sale of stumpage for Forest Crop lands. Carried. The following communication was read: _ Grand View, Wisconsin April 14th, 1947; To The Bayfield County Board, ,, ashburn, Wisconsin Honorable Members: For the past ten years it has been my privilege to be a member of the Bayfield County Board. I can truthfully say that I enjoyed my tenurd of office. It not only gained me an educational experience and a deeper understanding of many problems, but it also gained me some loyal and appreciated friends. I regret very much that conditions were such that I could not be a candidate again this year, but I am confident my successor will merit your confidence. The Bayfield County Board has earned a reputation as being one of the best managed Counties in the State. It is my sincere hope that it will continue to merit that reputation. My reason for writing you is, first - To thank all the Board members who served with me, for their co-operation and for their friendliness. Their vote of confidence and trust in having elected me Chairman, will always remain a pleasant memory. And second, to wish this new 1947 Bayfield County Board, a successful administration. With kindest regards to each Board 1-dember, to all County Officers, and Courthouse employees, I remain, Respectfully yours, Vic C. 71allin ,roved by Pri stash and seconded by Johanik to receive the foregoing and place on file. Carried. The following petition was read: Hayward, Wisconsin January 29, 1947 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal, Bayfield County Clerk, Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: I wish to trade land, description: The East half of the Southwest quarter 4 J. MINUTES OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD (E1 S'4) in Section Thirty-two (32) in Township Forty-three (43) North of e�? Range Nine (9) West for land in the Town of Namekagon, description: NET NE, Section 1, Township 43, Range 6, and NE 1\7,V, Section 1, Township 43, Range 6.` , This lendnhas a road running through it which the other one does not p qq N have. , Sincerely, Mr. Edwin Perry Moved by MacRae and seconded by Moore that the foregoing be referred to the Forestry Committee with power to act. Carried. The following application was read: Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, County Court House, Washburn, Wisconsin Attention: Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk Gentlemen: I would like to buy the SE4 of Section 28-44-9, which I am advised is under the County Forest Crop Law. Should the board prefer to sell the entire Section instead of just the SE-1 I, am willing to purchase it, and would then buy the three forties which the county has for sale in Section 21, which is just above Section 28. I was told that in order to be able to acquire this land that a majority of the members of the board would have to agree that this land be sold, and that a letter should be written to the board asking for their favorable action. >y` There is a small lake in this tract which though I have-not seen it myself, I believe can be stocked with bass, and if I am allowed to acquire this land`,` I will build a small place on the lake. I have no intention to cut any ti.niber that might be on this land and then let it go tax title, it will be the same when I own it, as it is now, with the important exception that the County and the s, town of Barnes will have a taxable piece of property where none -existed before. I am willing to pay for this tract on the basis ofa cruiser's estimate, which will insure my paying what it is worth, not more or less, as a chance price would entail. I have purchased a home on Upper Eau Claire Lake, and have bought some other county land, and will be for the town of Barnes, a sizeable tax -payer. I believe I will get, and that I am entitled to get, your favorable consideration based on the facts as stated above. Thanking you, I am Yours very truly, Howard Ihrig, 5239 Wellington Avenue, Chicago 41, Illinois Moved by Smith and seconded by Berweger that the foregoing application be denied. Carried MINUTES OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD April 15, 1947 Moved by MacRae and seconded by Bagstad to refer petitions concerning county owned land under the Forest Crop Law to the Forestry Committee before being presented to the County Board. Carried. Moved by INToore and seconded by Desparois to refer the bills on file to the Finance Committee. Carried. The Board was informed that the following had filed surety bonds: Asa R. Willey had filed a surety bond as required by law as Clerk of Circuit Court in the amount of $5,000.00. James S. Fisk filed a surety bond as Veterans Service Officer in the amount of $1500:J00. The Bayfield County Veterans Service Commission had filed a bond in the amount of $1000.00. The following petition was read: Herbster, Wisconsin March 26, 1947 County Board of Bayfield County: Dear Sir: I am looking for more pasture land. I are interested in SE SE, Secti,.Qn 12-50-8, Town of Port !Ting, which joins my south forty on the west side. This forty has r ` been partly cleared some years ago. I would like to get permission to put a fence around it and use it as pasture. Could you please submit this at your next County Board meeting and notify me. Yours truly, Ted Polkoski Moved by Bagstad and seconded by MacRae to grant the foregoing request subject to sale of county land. Carried. The following communication was read: Murray A. Hoffhines, Surveyor, Barksdale, Bayfield , County- ,',Vi sconsin My dear Mr. Hoffhines : Reference is made to your letter of February 10, 1947, enclosing $420.00. The photostat copies of the field notes of the surveys and plats of Bayfield County, 'Wisconsin, are being prepared and it is found that copies of 251 addi- tional pages and 2 plats will be required. Please remit $38.95 additional to complete the fee. Yours very truly, A. Id. Grove, Acting Chief, Patents Division. Bureau of Land Management U . S . Dept. of the Interior Moved by Pristash and seconded by b_oore to appropriate v38.95 for additional ?`G plats and field notes for the county surveyor. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Maznio, Janock, Meyer, B.E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, MINUTES, OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tri'bovich, Shykes, Nyberg, I- Moore, Tedlund, Knight, Wachsmuth, F. Z. Nelson, Kasmarek, A.Av Anderson, Potvin, Swanson, NAYS: None. Total 34. Carried. The following petition was read: I, Walter G. Nordby, cashed an Old Age Assistance check #9510, dated August 24, 1945, issued to Max Freestone for $35.00. The Welfare Department re jeated the endorsement on the of oresaid check and it was returned to me through the regular banking channels. I did not get out in the country to have Mr. Freestone reindorse it immediately and V in the meantime he passed away. The 1,Velfare Department advises that they can not issue me a new check without it being madeoQut to Max Freestone. The amount of the check is small and it would not be worthwhile to go into CountyyCourt and have a special administrator appointed which procedure is necessary according to the attached letter from the State Welfare Department. I am not out only the amount of groceries which I sold to Mr. Freestone but also the balance up to the full amount of the check as I gave him cash for the difference. I HEREBY PETITION your Honorable Body to have you authorize and direct the County Clerk and the County Treasurer to issue me a check direct in the amount of $35 .00 to reimburse me. Signed: -TiValter G. Nordby Moved by Johnson and seconded by MacRae to grant -the foregoing petition. Roll call was as follows: bYES: Olson, Smith, Shuga, 'Irishj Buck, Janock, Meyer, B. E. Johnson, MacRae, Anderson, Bagstad, Tribovich, Nyberg, Moore, Knight, R. J. Nelson, Kasmarek, A. A. Anderson. Total 18. NAYS: Maznio, Grubisic, Desparois, Squires, Pristash, Berveger, Hanson, Kravick, Frankie, Johanik, Mattaket, Shykes, Tedlund, ?,Vachsmuth, Potvin, Swanson. Total 16. Carried. The following petition was read: Mooyuah, Wisconsin, April 10, 1947 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: As owner of the SE SE of Section 35, Township 48 North, Range 6 TiVest, I hereby petition the County Board to amend the Zoning Ordinance as it affects this ��1° description, ;_changing it from a Forestry Use District No. 1 to an Unrestricted,I_ :..�.=.-,,- Use District No. 3. �// 7_ Due to the fact that my house burned, I am now living; on this description and have made other improvements. Respectfully yours, George Henderson MINUTES OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Moved by Johanik and seconded by MacRae to refer the foregoing petition to the Zoning Committee. Carried. } Moved by Moore and seconded by Desparois to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Motion carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30'P.M. by Chairman Meyer. The following members answered roll call: Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Maznio, Meyer, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic; Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, Sanfred Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Nyberg, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, 1Vachsmuth,. R. J. Nelson, Kasmarek, A.A.Anderson, C. A,. Nelson, Potvin, Swanson, Moe. Total 35. The following petition was read: To The Honorable County Board of Supervisors Bayf ield County Gentlemen: Due to the fact that William J. Maitland, late County Auditor, passed away April 3, 1947, I hereby make application to complete his contracp for the same price and stated fees that were agreed upon at your last Finance Committee meeting and meeting of the County Board for Fifteen Hundred (61500.00) Dollars per year. Yours very truly, D. V. Murray, Doing Business as the William J. Maitland Auditing Company Moved by Desparois and seconded by Johanik to adopt the foregoing petition. Carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast Yk }' Quarter (SEA SEz) of Section Eight 8 Township Fort 4 g ( ), p y-seven (47) North, of 1 Range Six (6) Nest, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, which forty the Town of Pilsen wishes to obtain for a gravel pit; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors in annual session assembled this 15th day of April, 1947, that the County of Bayfield quit claim said premises to the Town of Pilsen, the consideration for said transfer to be �33.73. Presented by: August Johanik Moved by Pristash and seconded by Johanik to adopt the foregoing. Carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS the County of Bayfield ovens a number of forties of land .adjacent to the Federal forest in Sections 2, 3, 4, 8 and 17 in Township Forty-seven North of Range Six West, and in Sections 12, 13 and 24 in Township Forty-eight North of Range Six West, Bayfield County, 4'Tisconsin; MINUTE'S OF THE HAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD AND ,THEREAS .the United States government ovens a number of forties located within various units of the County forest; Now, Therefore-, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual. session assembled this 15th day of` April, 1947, thett the consent of the County be, and it -is hereby given to the extension of the boundaries of the Federal forest so as to include the South•Hal.f (SJ) of "3 Section Two (2), the South Half (S2) of -Section Three (3), South Half of Section Four (4), entire Sections Light (8) and Seventeen (17) all in Township Forty-seven 47 North of Range y- ( ) Six (6) West, and entire Sections Twelve (12) , Thirteen (13) , and Twenty-four (24) in Township Forty-eight (48) North of Range Six (6) West, all in Hayfield County, Wisconsin; And Be It Further Resolved that the County Sales Committee be, and then same is hereby authorized to arrange an exchange of lands with the'Federal Government by which exchange the County of Bayfield will quit claim to, the Federal Government certain county -owned lands within the existing boundaries of the Federal forest as well as County owned lands in the proposed extension for deeds from the Federal government covering Federally owned lands within the various units of the County forest. Presented by: Edwin E. Nyberg Moved by Shykes and seconded by Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried unanimously. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the records in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court had not been kept up to date by the predecessor of the present Clerk and considerable stenographic work is entailed in bringing the sane up to date; Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved that authority be, and the same is hereby granted for the employment of stenographic and clerical help to bring the records in the Clerk of Circuit Court's office up to date; And Be It further Resolved that the amount of such clerical hel-o be ascertained by the Finance Committee, and that said Finance Committee work with the Clerk of Circuit Court in supervising the bringing of the records up to date. Presented by: J. L. MacRae Moved by MacRae and seconded by Bagstad to adopt the foregoing resolution and that the appropriation be taken from the contingency fund. Roll call was as'' follows: AYES: Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Maznio, Janock, Meyer, B.E.Johnson, Grubisic,-Desparcis, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berveger, Hanson, Kravick, S.Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Nyberg, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, Wachsmuth, R.J.Nelson, Kasmarek, A.A.Anderson, C.A.Nelson, Potvin, Swanson. Total 36. NAYS: None. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, certain lands located along the laid -cut route of U.S.H. No. 63 in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and more particularly those lands within the limits. of Project No.F-011-2 (27), Grand View-S.T.I. No. 112 Road, have been acquired by Bayfield County by tax deed, and MINUTES OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BO..RD LV TiIIHEREAS, it is necessary, for the construction of the above mentioned highway, that certain portions of such county -owned lands be established as highway right of way, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, 1'1isconsin, in regular session assembled this 15th day of April, 1947, do hereby dedicate the lands described in the attached -donveyance, for highway purposes, as long as so used. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is hereby authorized to sign and complete the attached conveyance as the act and deed of such County Board of Supervisors. Resolution presented by: R. J. Nelson The lands affected by the foregoing are as f ollows: All that part of T. 45N. , R. 6.AT. , Sec. 13, in the SEA - MiAT- thereof lyingIsOut;heasterly of a line parallel to and 100 feet distant northwesterly from the following described reference line: Commencing on the north line of Sec. 1, aforesaid Township and Range, 60.5 feet west of the northeast corner of such section, thence S. 10-25' vT. , 4105.8 feet to the point of curvature of a 20 curve right, thence along the arc of such curve right 593.3 feet to the point of tangency with a line bearing S. 130-171W. , thence S. 130-171W4 , 7167.8 feet to the point of curvature of a 20 curve right, thence along the arc of such curve right 1357.5 feet to the E-Iff g line of aforesaid Sec. 13, the southerly boundary of described parcel. ALSO All that part of a strip or parcel of land 30.0 feet in width lying in T. 45 N. , R. 6 W. , Sec. 13, in the MVL - NE-1 thereof and being 150 feet wide on both sides of the following described centerline: Commencing on the north line of Sec. 1, aforesaid Township, and Range, 60.5 feet west of the nortTie .t corner of such section, thence S. 10-251W., 4105.8 feet to the point of curvature of a 20 curve right, thence along the are of such curve right 593.3 feet to the point of tangency with a line bearing -S. 130-174,V., thence S. 13°-17'tiff. ,. 5816.1 feet to the North section line of aforesaid Sec. 13, which is the northerly boundary of described parcel, thence continuing S. 130-1711tr`. , 1308 feet to the S 1/16 line of aforesaid Sec. 13, which is southerly ,boundary of described parcel. ALSO All that part of T. 45 N., R. 6 W., See. 12, in the 101-SE4 thereof, lying easterly of a line parallel to and 150 feet distant westerly from the follow- ing described reference line: Commencing on the north line of Sec. 1, aforesaid Township. and Range, 60.5 feet west of the northeast corner of such section, thence S. 10-25101., 4105.8 feet to the point of curvature of a 20 curve right, thence along the arc of such curve right 593.3 feet to the point of tangency with a line bearing S. 130-177 W., thence S. 130-171W., 4600 feet. MINUTES OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD April 15. 194 S 1/16th line of aforesaid Sec. 12 shall be the southerly boundary, E-sjl� line shall be northerly boundary, and E 1/16th line the easterly boundary of described parcel. Described parcels contain 14.98 acres more or less. Consideration named above includes payment for limited easement on land to be used for construction of an outlet ditch in addition to above described land, and includes payment for the right to construct and maintain such ditch as long as required for public purposes. Description of limited easement land is as f ollows; A strip or parcel of land 30 feet in width, being 15 feet wide on both sidesof the following described centerline: Beginning on the centerline of hereinbefore described strip or parcel of land in T. 45N. R.6W. , Sec. 13, in the 1 ,14-NE! thereof , S;. 130-171N. , 840 feet from northerly boundary of described parcel --as measured along such centerline, thence westerly parallel with north section line of aforesaid Sec. 13, to the N-S- line of such section. Moved by Desparois and seconded by M;achsmuth to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: 141HEREfiS, certain lands located along the laid -out route of S.T.H.13 in Bayfield_ County, Wisconsin, and more particularly those lands within the limits of Project No. T 0269(3), ;`Test County Line -Port Wing Road, have been acquired by Bayfield. County by tax deed, and t1HERE.,�S, -it is necessary, for the construction of the above mentioned highway, that certain portions of such county -owned lands be established at highway right of way, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, in regular session assembled this 15th day of April, 1947, do hereby dedicate the lands described in the attached conveyance, for highway purposes, as long as so used. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk is hereby authorized to sign and complete the attached conveyance as the act and deed of such County Board of Supervisors. Resolution presented by: R. J. Nelson The lands , affected by the foregoing are as follows: All that part of T. 49 N. R. 9 W. Section 5, the S?"T-Sty, thereof lying northwesterly of a line parallel to and 100 feet distant at right angles south- easterly from the following described reference line: Beginning on the west section line of section 5, T. 49 N. R. 071. 1174.7 feet N. of the S171 corner of such section, thence N. 690-26t E. 336.6 feet to the south 1/16 line of aforesaid section 5. MINUTES OF THE'BAYFTELD COUNTY"BOARD f The west section line of Section 5 shall be the west boundary and the south 1/16 line of section 5 shall be the north boundary of -described parcel, ALSO All that part of a strip or parcel of land 200 feet in width lying in T. 49 N. R. 9 W. Section 4, the thereof and in T. 50 N. R. 9 W. , Section 33 in Gov't Lot 2 thereof, and being 100 feet wide on both sides of the following described centerline: Beginning on .the east section line of Section 34, T. 50 N. R.. 9 W. 2663.3 feet N. of the SE corner of such section, thence S. 690-26' W., 7082.1 feet to the east 1/16 line of Section 4, T.49N. R. 9 W. , thence continuing S. 690-26' 111., 1394.9 feet to the N-S- line of Section 4. The N-S! line of Section 4 shall be the 17. boundary of described parcel and the E. 1/16 line of Section 4-and of section 33 shall be the E. boundary of described parcel. ALSO All that part of a strip or parcel of land 200 feet in width lying in Section 34, T. 50 N. R. 9 'Ar. in Gov't Lots 1 & 2 thereof, and being 100 feet wide on both sides of the following described centerline: Beginning on the E.. section line of Section 34, T. 50 N. R. 9 ,,V. 2663.3 feet N. of the SE corner of such section, thence S. 690-26' z`1., 2820.0 feet to the N-S' line of Section 34. N-S, line Section 34 shall be the west boundary and east section line of Section 34 shall be the east boundary of described parcel. Described parcels contain 20.86 acres morecor less. Moved by Bagstad and seconded by Moore to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following communication was read: April 12, 1947 County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Attention is invited to the attached letter.' In the past it has been customary for the Service Officer to attend these Institutes for with the knowledge and information gained much greater service can be rendered the veteran. Therefore, your permission to attend is respectfully requested at this time so I may be free to go ahead and make arrangements accordingly. Very truly yours, J. S. Fisk VETERANS' SERVICE OFFICER Moved by Johanik and seconded by Desparois to grant the Veterans' Service Officer the right to attend the Institute of Service Officers at the University of Wisconsin on May 26th to 29th inclusive with expenses paid. Carried. MINUTES OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD April 15, 1947 The Chair submitted the questions of the County Boards Association as follows: Should Counties, through their Highway Committees, be authorized by state law to do private work` -as proposed in Bill #4;08-A? The vote was as follows: In favor -- 1, Opposed -- 35. Should gasoline taxes be increased 1¢ per gallon with the -entire increase to be allocated back as extra state aid for county trunks, town roads, city and village streets on a mileage basis as provided in Bill #454-A? In favor -- 35, Opposed -- 1. The following report and resolution together with a report covering the town of Keystone were reads - To The County Board of Supervisors: Your Zoning Committee having held a hearing in the 'Town of Keystone, on March 6, 1947, in accordance with a resolution passed by the County Board on November 13, 1946, which action was taken in accordance with a petition presented to the County Board by, the `'own Board of the Town of Keystone on November 13, 1946, the Zoning Committee recommends as follows: That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Keystone, amending the Zoning Ordinance and changing the Use Classification from Unrestricted Use District No. 3 to Forestry Use District No. 1 as it affects all of Section 35, Township 47 North, Range 7 West, located in the Town of Keystone, be disapproved. This recommendation is based on the fact that several farmers adjoiri�;hg�, Section 35, Township 47 North, Range 7 West appeared at the hearing and opposed the petition of the Town Board. Also, the representative of the owner appeared at the hearing opposing the petition. The Zoning Committee therefore offers the following- resolution: RESOLT40, That the petition of the Town Board of Keystone requesting an amendment to the present Zoning Ordinance as it affects Section 35, To,,mship 47 North, Range 7 iYest be disapproved and that the use classification of this description .remain the same, namely, Unrestricted Use District No. 3. Signed: Bayfield County Zoning Committee Victor Grubisic Herman Hanson John Shykes L. H. Merrihew To The Honorable County Board Members assembled this 15th day of April at ,Mashburn; Wis. J WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Keystone adopted a resolution March 16, 1946 to.request the County Board to zone Section 35-47-7 and place it in restricted area as the land in this section is not fit for agricultural purposes, and ,;ITHEREAS, the County Board appointed a Zoning Committee and direct them to act and report to the County Board at the next meeting. MINUTES OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY -BOARD WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee held a hearing on March 6, 1947 -- Five citizens of the 'Town appeared and opposed the Zoning of the land. The remaining voters felt the Town Board responsible for their interests and as the Zoning Committee did not decide what to recommend at that hearing. THEREFORE, the electors of the Town of Keystone adopted.a resolution at the Annual Meeting by a vote of 39 to 19 to uphold the Town Board in its action to have the land restricted. Moved by Hanson and seconded by Shykes to adopt the recommendation and reso- lution submitted by the Zoning Committee. Motion carried. Mr. Olson of the Addre ssograph Company appeared before the County Board recommending the purchase of one of his machines. It was moved by Irish and seconded by Shuga to instruct the Finance Committee to study the advisability of installing an addressograph system for making up all assessment and tax rolls and to report back to the County Board. Carried. The Chair declared a five minute recess..'` The following resolution was read: ffHEREAS, private individuals are planning a winter sports development to be located in Section 21 and 28, Township 43 North, Range 7 West, and WHEREAS, the S7 MIT! and the STD NE- of Section 28, Township 43 North, Range 7 West are now under Forest Crop and are desired by the aforementioned promoters for their development, and RUEREAS, the promoters of the development have already obtained options on the adjoining lands required for the development at a price of $100.00 per forty acres. THEREFORE, it is recommended by the Town Board of the Town of Uable, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, assembled this 14th day of April 1947 that the County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin withdraw and sell to Anthony Elise and Hobart B. Hewett the aforementioned Forest Crop land at a Trice of �'400.00 per forty acres. 14etro Maznio, Chairman Ialalter Kliszcz, Supervisor Irving Svendsen, Supervisor ;,loved by MacRae and seconded by Hanson to refer the foregoing to the Forestry Committee with power to act either as to sale or on a lease basis with an option to purchase. Carried. The following resolution was read: To The Honorable Bayfield County Board: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer be authorized and instructed to purchase excess delinquent real estate tax accounts from the taxing districts of Bayfield County covering the tax of 1946, amounting to $36,319.04 as of April 1, 1947. Signed: Harvey Irish FJ MINUTES OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Moved by Irish and seconded by MacRae to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Maznio, Janock, Meyer, Jb.E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, .Squires, Pristash,. Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, Sanf?'ed Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, I Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Nyberg, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, 1t1achsmuth, R.J. Nelson, Kasmarek, A.A. Anderson, C. A. Nelson, i'otvin, Swanson. Total 35. NAYS: None. Motion carried. The Chairman presented the following questions submitted by the County Boards Association: Should the tax be reduced from 10¢ per acre to 5¢ per acre on Forest Crop lands as proposed in Bill #245-A? In favor -- 1, Opposed -- 35. Should the bill providing County Court fees be enacted into law? In favor -- 36, Opposed -- None. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner of the SE KE, Section 24-49-5, and IfIHEREAS, the County Board by previous action has set this land aside as mart of the County Park System, and WHEREAS it is located on the Sioux River in the `sown of Bayview and is ' known to the public as the Big Rock location, v` THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing facts, WE HEREBY RESOLVE that the sum of �200.00 be provided for,,cutting out the underbrush and improving it for public use and that said improvements be under the jurisdiction of the C Ut Conservation Committee together with the approval of the Town Chairman. Signed: Harvey Irish Moved by MacRae and seconded by Irish to adopt the foregoing. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, hiaznio, Janock, Meyer, B.E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, Sanf-red Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Matta.kat, Tribovich, Shykes, Nyberg, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, ?Vachsmuth, R.J. Nelson, Kasrtmarek, A.A. Anderson, C. A. Nelson, Potvin, Swanson. Total 35. NAYS: None. Carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board, of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, in. -annual session assembled this 15th day of April, 1947, that in the event of a vacancy in the office of the Judge of the First Municipal Court of Bayfield County, for any cause, that the jurisdiction of said Court be transferred to and vested in the County Court of Bayfield County, 9ii sconsi.n; Signed: John Shykes Moved by Grubisic and seconded by Hanson to adopt the foregoing. Carried. Moved by Grubisic and seconded by Shykes to adjourn until 10 A.M., April 16th. Motion carried. MINUTES OF THE BAYFEELD COUNTY BOARD 6. 1947 The meeting called to order at 10 A.M. by Chairman Meyer. The following members answered roll call: Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Maznio, Janock, Meyer, B.E.Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, Sanfred Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Nlattakat, Tribovich, 5hykes, Nyberg, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, R.,T,. Nelson, Kasmarek, Potvin, Swanson. Total 32. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Shykes that the County Board go on record as being opposed to Bill 255-A. Carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Pristash that the County Clerk advise the County Boards Association of opposition to Bill 255-A for the reasons that it would create a sales tax, close some of the high schools in the county, and that it would give the State Department too much authority. Motion carr-ied. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Hanson that the County Clerk order 1000 county maps. Carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, all court house officers and employees are compensated by Bayfield County on a full time basis, and 71HERE2�S, some Bayfield county officers and employees are in a position to engage in compensated outside activities on Bayfield county time while other Bayfield county officials and employees are not in,a position to do so, and, WHEREAS, some court house officials and employees are using court office, space, heat, light and. equipment while engaged in these outside activities and, tVHER kS, these same officials are in direct comp t3ition,-:with'-iind-ividuals who must make their living in the occupation that the county officer is engaged in as an outside activity while the county officer is being paid by Bayfield County, THEREFORE, -BE IT RESOLVED, in fairness to all 'court house employees, that all court house officers and employees be and are hereby instructed not to engage in any outside activities in the court house during general working hours. Signed: J. L. MacRae IVloved by MacRae and seconded by Moore to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. NOTE: The foregoing resolution came up for reconsideration and County Board action was reversed. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this 16th day of April, 1947, that the resolution providing for a cost of living bonus to county officials and employees be extended to apply to and include the County Veteran's Service Officer, effective as of April 1, 1947. Presented by: Albert E. Swanson Erne s t Mo or e 0. T. Bagstad AlINUTES OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD April 16, 1947 Moved by Swanson and seconded by Moore to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Swanson, Total 1. NAYS: Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Maznio, Janock, B.E.Johnson, Gr.ubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, Sanfred Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Nyberg, Moore, Tedlund, I,a Knight, R.J.Nelson, Kasmarek, Potvin.. Total 30. Motion lost. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED, ..by the County Board of Bayfield County in regular session assembled this 16th day of April, 1946, that the cost of living bonus granted to employees of Bayfield County by a resolution adopted at the November, 1946 session of the County Board be, and the same is hereby ordered continued as to all employees covered thereby except elective officials, such cost of living bonus to continue until further action of the Board; AND BE I.T FURTHER RESOLVED, that ,in the event of the passage of Bill 135S now in the lWisconsin Legislature or the enactment into law of a similar bill continuing the power of the County --Board to grant cost of living bonuses t.o elective officers during their. term of office, that then and in that event, the cost of living bonus of the elective officials shall also continue in force under the resolution of November, 1946. Presented by: William -Meyer R-loved by MacRae and seconded by Johnson to table the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Smith, Shuga, Buck, Alaznio, Meyer, B.E.Johnson, G:tublsic, Desparois, MacRae, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, Sanf;red rnderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Shykes, Knight, R.J.Nelson. Total 21. NAYS: Olson, Irish, Janock, Squires, Tribovich, Nyberg, Moore, Tedlund, Kasmarek, Potvin, Swanson. Total 11. Motion Carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, at a meeting held this 15th day of April, 1947, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59-04 (b) of the Wisconsin Statutes, that all Bayfield County banks are designated as county depositories of county funds, all of which banks are designated as working banks in conformity with Section 59-74 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: Harvey Irish Moved by Irish and seconded by MacRae to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOI,VEDOby the Bayfield Board of Supervisors in its April session assembled this 16; h' day of April, 19-47, that the County Clerk and the County Ireasurer,biBq and they hereby are authorized and instructed to proceed with the work of taking tax deeds for Bayfield County on all county owned tax MINUTES OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD I certificates that are now, and will be subject to tax deed during the next year. Signed: Harvey Irish 14oved by 1400re and seconded by Shuga to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following report and resolution were read: To The County Board of Supervisors: Your Zoning. Committee, having held a hearing in the Town of Hughes on March 6, �. 1947 in accordance with"a re'soluti on� passed by -,the 'County Board on November 13, ` 1946 which action was taken in accordance ,with a.. petition presented to the County Board by the Town of Hughes on November 13, 1946, the Zoning Committee � recommends as follows: That the petition of the Town Board of'the Town ­•of Hughes amending the Zoning Ordinance and'changing the'Use Classification from Forestry .Use District No. 1 J . to Unrestricted Use District No. 3, 'as, -it affects the following lands, be granted; the BE Ned and the 'NE S,'J of Section 10-, Township Range .9 '`Jest, located in the Town `of Hughes', Bayfield County, 'Wisconsin. The Zoning Committee therefore offers the following resolution: RESOLVED, That the County Zoning Ordinance, as it affects the BE N`pJ and the NE ST,J of Section 10, Township 47 Nor th , Range 9 fie st be hereby amended so as to reclassify the use of -these lands from Forestry Use District No. 1 to an Unrestricted Use District .No. -3., and BE IT FURTHER. RESOLVED, That the county clerk, upon publication of this amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, be and is hereby directed to file a certified copy of said amendment, including the accompanying map, in the office of the register of deeds of Bayfield County. Signed: Bayfield County Zoning Committee John Shykes Ervin Buss Victor Grubi si c Herman Hanson Andrew J. Pri stash IMoved by Hanson and seconded by Desparois to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following report and resolution were read: To The County Board of Supervisors: Your Zoning Committee having held a hearing in the Town of Pratt on March 4, 1947, in accordance with a resolution passed by "the County Board -on November 14, 1946, which action was taken in accordance with a petition presented to the County Board by the Town of Pratt on November 14, 1946, the Zoning Committee recommends as follows: That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Pratt amending the Zoning Ordinance and changing the Use Classification from Forestry Use District No. 1 to Unrestricted Use District No. 3, as it affects the following lands, be granted: All of Section 22 and 23; the E BE of Section 21; The E1 of Section 15; the S2 of Section 15 ; the BE Sc and the S71, BE of Section 14 --all in Township '44, TSiINUTES OF THE BAYF IELD COUNTY BOARD April 16, 1947 1531 North,, Range 5 West, located in the Town of Pratt, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. The Zoning Committee further recommends that, upon the written approval of the Town Board of the Town of Pratt, that the NE NE of Section 21, Township 44, North, Range 5 West be also -included in the amendment. The Zoning Committee therefore offers the following resolution: RESOLVED, That the County Zoning Ordinance, as it affects all of Section 22 and 23; the E'j SE of Section 21; the E3 of Section 16; the Sj of Section 15; the SE SAY and the S7 SE of Section 14 - all in Township 44 North, Range 5 Wiest, - be hereby amended so as to reclassify the use of these lands from Forest Use : r'\ sC. District No. 1 to an Unrestricted Use District No. 3 and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; That the County Clerk upon publication of this amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, be and is hereby directed to file a certified r copy of said amendment, including the accompanying map in the office of the register of deeds of Bayfield County. Signed: Bay -field County Zoning Committee John Shykes Ervin Buss Victor Grubisic Herman Hanson Andrew J. Pristash Moved by Hanson and seconded by Shykes to adopt the foregoing. Carried. The following resolution was read: 7,`1HEREAS, A resolution passed by the County Board several years ago, made it possible for local municipalities to use timber from Forest Crop Lands free of charge for the repair of bridges and culverts, and WHEREAS, Such unrestricted use has resulted in misunderstandings and confusion, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That the foregoing resolution is hereby rescinded, and that the sale of any timber to municipalities be handled. in the same manner as other '• i1 A pVs timber sales. Signed: Bayfield County Forestry Committee John Shykes Ervin Buss Victor Grubisic g Herman Hanson Andrew J. Pri stash Moved by Hanson and seconded by Grubisic to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried., The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, The County Fail Committee found it necessary to get an advance of 2,300.00 in order to pay the premiums and other expenses for the Fair last fall; the State does not send its share of aid until the premiums have been paid, and PETITION We, the undersigned Tarn Board of the Town of Pratt, hereby petition the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to change the .zoning classification of the Northeast Northeast of Section twenty--orie (21), Township forty-four (44) North, Range five (5) West, and that this description be added to the amendment to the zoning ordinance about which a Zoning Committee hearing was held in the Town of Pratt on March 49 1947. We petition that it be re-classified from Forest Use District #1 to Unrestricted Use District J3. Dated March 27, 1947 Hearing held March 4, 1947 via C. Wallin Edwin Olson Victor Mattakat Town Board of Pratt 15-4 MINUTES OF THE HAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD April 16, 1947 11HEREAS, After receiving the State Aid, the County Treasurer was reimbursed by $1,750.00, leaving a deficit of $550.00 for the operation of the County Fair in 1946, and T-1HEREAS, The County Treasurer and County Clerk have deducted $550.00 from the 1947 appropriation in making payment to the Fair Committee for the 1947 Fair, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That the County Clerk and County Treasurer be authorized and instructed to issue a supplementary check to the County Fair Committee for the sum of $550.00 Signed: Bayfield County Fair Committee John Shykes Ervin Buss Victor Grubisic Herman Hanson Andrew J. Pristash R. J. Holvenstot Moved by MacRae and seconded by Desparois to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Maznio, Janock, B.E.Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, Sanfred Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Nyberg, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, R. J.Nelson, Kasmarek, Swanson. Total 30. NAYS: None. Carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County sold Lots Twenty-three (23) and Twenty-four (24) in Block Sixty-one (61), Original Townsite of TVashburn, on August 2, 1926 to the Northern Repair Shop of Washburn, Wisconsin, and I ; 1,7HEREAS, J. B. Fisk is the owner of the Northern Repair Shop, and WHEREAS the said quit claim deed has been lost and was never reported, and 'iMEREAS, taxes on the aforesaid property have been paid by J. B. Fisk since c� j acquiring the property from the County in 1926, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing facts, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the (County Clerk be authorized and directed to issue a quit claim deed in lieu of the \ one lost and that the title be conferred directly to J. B. Fisk of Washburn, 't'Iisconsin for the consideration of one dollar ($1.00). Signed: Joe Kasmarek Moved by Pristash and seconded by Maznio to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following petition was read: To The Honorable Members of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: WHEREAS, the present rate of four and one-half cents (42) and four cents (4 cents) per mile allowable -for the use of private cars for official business does not cover the cost of operation and depreciation, MINUTES OF THE BAYF I EL D .COUNTY BOARD THEREFORE, the undersigned petition the County Board to change the rate of allowance to six cents (6 cents) per mile for official driving of all County employees, same to be retroactive to January 1, 1947. Signed: L. H. Merrihew Helen Albertson R. J. Holvenstot Loretta MacDonald George E. Leino James S. Fisk Leone Lund John W. Howell Elizabeth Koons Gladys K. Hale H. B. Randall, Jr. Introduced by: J. L. :MacRae Moved by Hanson and secghded by MacRae to grant the foregoing petition effective April 1, 1947 but excepting the 16tirelfare Director and the employees in the "felfare Department. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, IIaznio, Janock, B.E.Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, TZacRae, Squires, - Pristash, Berveger, Hanson, Kravick, Sanffied Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Nyberg, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, R.J.Nelson, Kasmarek, Potvin, Swanson. Total 30. NAYS: Bagstad. Total 1. Motion carried. Moved by ItlacRae and seconded by Hanson to adjourn until 1 P.M. Carried. Ivleeting called to order at 1 P.M. by Chairman Meyer. The following members answered roll call: Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Itlaznia, Janock, Meyer, B.E.Johnson, Grubisic, 'Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, Sanfred Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, i-Illattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Nyberg, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, R.J.Nelson, Kasmarek, Potvin, Swanson. Total 32. - The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at a meeting held Apri-1 16, 1946 authorized Esther C. Ludcke to purchase the 1946 tax certificates on the following described land: NE of NW, Section 12, Township 49, Range 9 NW of Ny11, Section 12, Township 49, Range 9 SPI of NYI, Secti on 122 Township 49, Ran ge 9 SE of NW, Section 12, Township 49, Range 9 NE of St'l, Section 12, Township 49, Range 9 NW of S1,7, Section 12, Township 49, Range 9 AND, 'WHEREAS, she desires to purchase the 1947 tax, certificates for the reason of clearing title, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED THAT she be granted this right. Signed: 0. T. Bagstad Moved by Bagstad and seconded by Desparois to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. MINUTES OF THE BAYFIELD.COUNTY BOARD ri l 16, 1947 The following resolution was read: VrHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at a meeting. held April 16, 1946 authorized Esther C. Ludcke and C. 0. Nelson to purchase the 1946 tax certi- ficates on the following described land: NE4 of NE4i Section 30, Township 50, Range 8 Lot No. 1, Section 30, Township 50, Range 8 3171 of NE4 , Section 30, Township 50, Range 8 SE-1 of NE4, Section 30, Township 50, Range 8 NE-1 of SE4, Section 30, Township 50, Range 8 AND, 1AIHEREAS, they desire to purchase the 1947 tax certificates for the reason of clearing title, THEREFORE, TE HEREBY RESOLVE that they be granted this right. Signed: 0. T. Bagstad Moved by Bagstad and seconded by :might to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, many of the monuments marking the section corners here in Bayfield, County have deteriorated or been destroyed by fire or otherwise; and 1,11HEREAS, it is to the public interest to have material available to the County Surveyor for permanent markers which will comply with the requirements of Section 59.635 of the zIis.consin Statutes; and WHEREAS, on December 31, 1946, an unspent balance of 4,140.00 from last years appropriation for this purpose returned to the General Fund due to the inability to get delivery of pipe, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the County Board of Supervisors in the annual session assembled this 16th day of April, 1947, ,that the sum of �1140.00 be, and the same is hereby appropriated for. the purchase of steel pipe and pipe caps to be used for section, quarter section and one -sixteenth corner posts. Signed: Clarence Olson Moved byKn g2t and seconded by :Shugai to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Maznio, Janock, -It-ever, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, Sanfr.ed Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Nyberg, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, R.J.Nelson, Kasmarek, Potvin; Swanson. Total 32. NAYS:, None._ Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the other County Departments have been allowed six cents a mile for the use of their cars on official business, therefore be it RESOLVED by the Beyfield County Board of Supervisors, in regular session, this sixteenth day of April, 1947, that the employees of the Trlelfare Department be given six cents a mile allowance for the use of their cars. This Resolution to be effective at the same time the Resolution covering the other County Depart- raents regarding mileage allowance is effective. Signed: Albert E. Swanson 0. T. Bagstad Ernest Moore b,lINUTES OF THE, BAYFIELD COUNTY 'BOARD Moved by Moore and seconded by Knight to ad opt _ the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Iviaznio, Janock, Meyer, B.E.Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, Sanfr-ed Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Nyberg, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, R.J.Nelson, Kasmarek, Potvin, Swanson. Total 32. NAYS: None. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Vic C. Wallin has been a member of this County Board for many years and the past fete years has been its Chairman, and WHEREAS, he has been a very able member and a leader, in county affairs having done an outstanding piece of work, and WHEREA-S, it is only just and fair that recognition should be made for the public service he has rendered and in view of the foregoing facts, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that we concur -in the above thoughts and hereby express our appreciation and thanks to him, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk be instructed to send him a copy of this resolution. Signed: Joe Kasmarek Moved by Hanson and seconded by Desparois to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following petition and resolution were read: To The Honorable Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County: The petition of Earl Pedersen, Register of Deeds, respectfully requests that he be given authority under Section 59.51 (14) of the Statutes to destroy all obsolete documents pertaining to chattels in accordance with the said Statute. Signed: Earl Pedersen, Register of Deeds BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this 16th day of April, 1947, that the Register of Deeds upon his request be, and he is hereby authorized to destroy all obsolate documents in his office pertaining to chattels antedating by seven years including final books of entry, in accordance with Section 59.51 (14) of the Statutes of the State of ;`his con sin. Presented by: Art A. Anderson T,loved by Knight and seconded by Shykes to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. Moved by Hanson and seconded by Shykes to reconsider resolution #27 pertaining to - - county officers and employees. Carried. Moved by Hanson and seconded by Shuga to table resolution #27. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLVED, that the County Board reconsider its action in the matter of the cost of living bonus, said bonus to be continued for a further period of six 158 MINUTES OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD April 16, 1947 1 _ months from date. Signed: Joe Kasmarek Moved by Swanson and seconded by Knight .to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. Moved by Shuga and seconded by MacRae to refer the 'question of cost of living bonus resolution to the Finance Committee with power to ac.t. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the tract indexes in the office of the Register of Deeds are badly in need of replacement and should be replaced while it is still possible to copy the entries therefrom; BE IT RESOLVED. that the Register of Deeds be and he is hereby authorized to purchase new tract index volumes, and that such extra clerical and steno- graphic help as is necessary to copy the tract indexes be employed. Signed: Harvey Irish Moved by Irish and seconded by Shuga to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: 11HEREAS, Lots 3, 4, 5 and the W of Lot 6 in Block 68 of the Original Townsite of Mashburn were formerly owned by Harrison V. and Katherine Clary, recipients of Old Age Assistance, AND WHEREAS, said property has been sold to Gahart Kluge and the proceeds therefrom paid to the various governmental units as a reimbursement for the Old Age Assistance granted; AND s`THEREAS, the taxes for 1945 were not prorated as of July 11, the date of the sale, and the tax certificate is still outstanding; NOT�11, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that upon Gahart Kluge paying to the County Treasurer one half of the delinquent tax for the year 1945, the tax certificate fcr 1946 be cancelled and the remaining one half and interest charged back to the City of Washburn. Presented by: Albert F. Swanson Ernest Moore 0. T. Bagstad Moved by Moore and seconded by Bagstad to adopt the foregoing resolution., Roll call was as follows:. AYES: Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Maznio, Janock, Meyer, B.E.Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, Sanfred Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Nyberg, Moore, `1'edlund, Knight, R.J.Nelson, Kasmarek, Potvin, Swanson. Total 32. NAYS: None. Motion carried. MINUTES OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Aur it 16. 1947 The followwing recommendation, and resolution were read: In order to expedite sales of timber from Forest Crop Lands, the Forestry Committee suggest. that the County Board request, our assemblyman and state senator to sponsor legislation changing the maximum sale that can be approved only by the Forestry Committee and without advertising or bids from $200.00 to $500.00, other terms and conditions to remain the same. The Forestry Committee, therefore, offers the following resolution: RESOLVED, That the County Board, of Bayfield County, in session this 16th day of April, 1947, hereby instructs the county clerk to communicate with our assemblyman and state senator requesting them to sponsor legislation changing the present maximum timber sale from Forest Crop Lands by --the Forestry Committee from 200.00- to ti 500.00 without advertising or bids, other conditions remaining the same. Signed: Bayfield County Forestry Committee L. H. Merrihew• Andrew Pristash John Shykes Victor Grubisic Moved by Grubisic and seconded by Moore to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: ' ;.Sale of Timber on Forest Crop Lands To The County Board of Supervisors: Your Forestry Committee hereby recommends the sale of aspen stumpage with a cutting limit of seven inches d.b.h. on the follovA ng descriptions: SE NE, Section 26-51-5, -- 60 cords f t<.w1 7_ ram. ,`. ... Sl NE, Section 26-51-5 -- 350 cords SE N',�'', Section 26-51-5 -- 100 cords NE Sff, Section 26-51-5 -- 300 cords SE SIV, Section 26-51-5 -- 40 cords NT,V SE, Section 26-51-5 -- 120 cords S7; SE, Section 26-51-5 -- 30 cords Total .1000 cords Since the sale of this amount of stumpage will exceed $1,000.00, it is necessary that the County Board and the State Conservation Commission approve of same before sale can be made. The Forestry Committee, therefore, offers the following resolution: RESOLVED, That the County Board of Bayfield County in session this 16th day of April, 1947, hereby requests the State Conservation Commission to approve the sale of merchantable timber subject to the usual conditions, on the following descriptions, all of which are under the Forest Crop Lahr: SE NE, STd NE, SE NIJ, NE Sal, SE SUIT, MIT SE, and S1,11 SE - all in Section 26, Township 51 North, Lange 5 West. Signed: Bayfield County Forestry Committee L. H. -Trlerrihew John Shykes Andrew Pri stash Vic -tor Grubisic Herman Hanson Moved by Hanson and seconded by Grubisic-to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. MINUTES OF THE BjYFIELD COUNTY BOARD April 16. 1947 The Chair declared a five minute recess. The f ollowing resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled this 16th day of April, 1947 that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such money and the Chairman and the County Clerk are instructed to issue an order for the amount of such items listed below. NAME Clarence Olson Wilbur Smith William Shuga Harvey Irish S . aT . Buck Metfo ATaznio Anthony Janock dVill iam Meyer Bernard E. Johnson Victor Grubi s i c J. R. De sparois J. L. MacRae Charles Squires Andrew Pri stash Joseph Berweger Herman Hanson Elvin J. Kravick Sanf ,d Anderson Walter Frankie August Johanik 0. T. Bagstad Victor Mattakat Paul Tribovich J. F. Shykes Edwin Nyberg Ernest Moore C. L. Tedlund Ernest LaPointe D. S. Knight Julian 'Jachsmuth R. J. Nelson Joe Kasmarek Arthur A. Anderson Clarence A. Nelson COUNTY BOARD WORK PER DIEM MILEAGE 10.00 1.64 10.00 14.52 10.00 3.60 10.00 .24 10.00 5.72 10.00 11.88 10.00 6.96 10.00 7.20 10.00 10.32 10.00 4.08 10.00 8.16 10.00 7.72 10.00 4.44 10.00 4.56 10.00 6.72 10.00 5.52 10.00 9.96 10.00 11.04 10.00 8.64 1.0.00 4.06 10.00 6.24 10.00 7.12 10.00 6.00 10.00 9.00 10.00 1.68 10.00 11.16 10.00 4.68 10.00 2.88 5.00 1.44 10.00 2.68 10.00 .24 5.00 .12 5.00 .12 COMMITTEE 10.00 C Olitl1d1I TT EE STORK MILEAGE 6.72 TOTAL 11.64 24.52 13.60 10.24 15.72 21.88 16.96 17.20 20.32 14.08 16.16 17.72 14.44 14.56 33.44 15.52 19.96 21.04 18.64 14.08 16.24 17.12 16.00 19.00 11.68 21.16 14.68 12.68 6.44 12. 88 10.24 5.12 5.12 MINUTES OF THE BAYFIE LD COUNTY BOARD AD ri l 16. 1947 COUNTY BOARD WORK C OX11I TTEE C 01VIRMITTEE NAME PER DIEM MILEAGE "41TORK WORK MlILEAGE TOTAL William Potvin 10.00 .24 10.24 A. E. Swanson 10.00 .24 10;24 Helme r Moe 554.44 Less 11.68 ° 542.76 Presented by: Joe Kasmarek Moved by Grubisic and seconded by Johanik to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Maznio, Janock, B.E.Johnson, Grubis ic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, Sanfred Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Nyberg, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, R. J. Nelson, Kasmarek, Potvin, Swanson. Total 31. NilYS : None. motion carried. Moved by Moore and seconded by Knight to adjourn. Motion carried. CHAIRMAN, .BAYFIELD COUNT BOARD