HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/9/1948Meeting called".to order at 10:00 A. M. by Chairman Meyer. The following members answered roll call: Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Ruf, Janock, Meyer,. B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, S. Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, LaPointe, Knight, Wachsmuth, Callen, Kasmarek, Swanson, Moe. Harold Ruf was appointed Town Chairman by the Town Board of Cable to fill the unexpired term of Metro Maznio who had resigned. Moved by Hanson and duly seconded to seat Harold Ruf as a member of the County Board representing the Town of -Cable.. carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Tohanik to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the meeting held April 20th and to approve them. Carried. Moved by Shuga and seconded by Grubisic to withhold election of the County High- way Co�.mittee until the afternoon session. Carried. The following petition was read: To the Honorable Bayfield County Board: Gentlemen: The town Board of the Town of Clover, County of Bayfield, State of Wisconsin does hereby petition you for the purchase by the Town of Clover of the following parcels of land owned by Bayfield County in said town; to wit, The N W 1/4, the N 1/2 of the . S W 1/4, and the N W 1/4 of the ,S E 1/4 all in .Section 4, Township 49, Range 7 Vil. Also the N' 1/2 of the S E 1/4 of the N E 1/4 in Section 32, T.- 50; R. 7 W. The town board requests that the consideration be written off the Town of Cloverls excess delinquent tax account. Anthony Janock Carl E. Erickson E. L. M0, Ine-reny Moved by Janock and seconded by Bagstad that the foregoing.petition be granted. Carried. The following report was read: To the Honorable Members of Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: 'le the undersigned Committee on Conservation make the following report: The Committee had booths at three Outdoor Shows last winter, namely at Navy Pier at Chicago; Milwaukee Sentinel Show at Milwaukee Auditorium. and the Northwest Sportsmans Show at Minneapolis Auditorium in Minneapolis. Our expenditures to October lst were as follows: 25,000 folders 850.07 Booth space - Outdoor shows 335.00 Expense attending outdoor shows, Freight, Transportation, etc. 1017.15 Miscellaneous 81.49 Indian Head Membership 400.00 Total. 2683.71 We now have completed plans for dam.at outlet of Totagatic Lake but did not proceed with construction due to lateless of receiving plans and high cost of 238 construction. We.are asking that the appropriation be carried over for another year. The construction of a.permanent dam at outlet of Upper Eau Claire Lake was not made 'as the Town Board of Barnes decided not ,to meet with their one half share of costs as originally agreed upon. The Town made some repairs to present structure. To date we have not repaired dam at outlet of the Pike Lake chain. This will have to be done next year. We are planning on the construction of semi -permanent booths for outdoor show displays. It is planned to have a new.map made from the quadrangle maps and a cut made of same for the advertising folder. To date the Wisconsin Conservation Department has not furnished us with any definite information as to -area they want for a'St-ate Park on Lake Superior in the North end of Town of Bayfield. "Therefore, the have not made a study of same as requested by County Board last fall. Yours very truly, Joseph Berweger William Meyer Bernard E . Johnson Anthony Janock BAYFIELD COUNTY CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Moved by MacRae and seconded by Moore to accept the foregoing report and place on file. The following proposal was read: To the. Finance Committee of the Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: I hereby make application to audit the county records for the ,year 1948, at the same price of Fifteen Hundred ($1500.00) Dollars, as prior contract for years 1945, 1946 and 1947. yours very truly, D. V. Murray (J.H_.M.) D. V. Murray, doing business as William J. Maitland Auditing Co. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Smith to accept the foregoing offer. Motion carried. The following report was read: Washburn, Wisconsin November 1, 1948 To :.Honorable Members of Bayfield County Board. From :Asa R. Willey, Clerk of Circuit Court, Re :Financial Statement for the year ending Oct., 31, 1948. Cash on hand November 1st, 1947 Trust funds 2640.83 Fines 525.00 Suit Tax 6.00 Costs 19.00 Fees 17.05 Total 3207.88 November 9,_ 1948 --- - - -- -== - -------- Total, receipts from November ls:t, 1947- to November 1st, 1948 plus cash on hand Disbursements from November ls,t, 1947 to November 1st, 1948. Trust funds $20728.07 Fines 960.00 Suit Tax 55.00 Costs 123.40 Fees_ 291.75 Total 22158422 Trust funds $16851.69 Fines 910.00 Suit Tax 53.00 Costs 105'.20 Fees. 285.05 Total $18204.94 -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Total receipts plus:=cash on hand $22158.22 Total Disbursements $18204.94 Cash on hand November 1, 1948 $ 3953.28 Reserved as follows! Trust fund 3876.38 Fines 50.00 Suit Tax 2.00 Costs 18.20 Fees 6.70 Total 3953.28 Trust Fund of $3876.38 reserved as follows: File #6430,1?ederal Land Bank vs Biola Foreclosure $ 1558.05 Carrick Support - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 625.00 File #6293 H.O.L.C. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 965.00 File. 158 - 1504 Mittelsdorf Accrt. - - - - - 727.50 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 3876.38 --------------------------------- Jury Certificates issued'f o.r year ending November lst, 1948 $ 567.54 Ui the s S rr rr rr rr rr rr r: rr 99.90 Voucher rr rr ra rr n rr n re 574.10 Voucher Certificates in the amount of $574.10 issued as follows; Court Reporter - - - - - - $ 18.15 West Publishing Company - - - 25.00 Divorce Counsel - - - - - - - . 325.00 Callahan & Co. 9 - - - - - - - 14.50 Mason Publishing Co. - - - - 37.50 Jury Commissioners - - - - - - 50.20 Deputy Clerk of Circuit Court-- 18.00 Frank Shepard Publishing Co.- - 36.00 Deputy Sheriffs - - - - - - - - 24.75 Defense, Attorney - - - - - - - - 25.00 Total 0 574.10 Respectfully submitted, A. R. Willey., Clerk of Circuit Court Moved by MacRae and seconded by Pajala to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Notion carried. The following communication was read: TO'.'ALL C OUNTY CLERKS TO BE PRESENTED TO COUNTY BOARDS AT THEIR ANNUAL FALL MEETING Gnetlemen: The Wisconsin County Boards Association, working cooperatively with the department of State Audit, the office of the attorney general, and the Extension Division of the University of 'lisconsin, is proposing "to hold a three day institute for county treasurers -relating to the administrative procedures in that office. The dates picked for the Institute are Monday, Tuesday and 'Wednesday, January 31st, February 1st and 2nd. The Institute will be held at the Memorial Union at the University of Wisconsin, and housing will be arranged for the treasurers at the University inasmuch as this comes in between semesters. Our Association feels that this Institute will be, of great .benefit to county treasurers and recommends that every county consider adopting a resolution authorizing the expenses of their county treasurer to attend this institute. . During recent years special legislation has been passed relating to the taking of tax deeds, sale of county -owned lands, collection of special assessments, etc. One of the particularly new laws that many county treasurers will work under in the next few years is the optional law enacted in 1947 under which the action on delinquent tax matters is directed at the property rather than at the owner of the property. This method eliminates the notices now required to be given to the last owner of -record, the mortgagee of record and to the occupant, if any. It is a wide - sweeping change in the matter -of taking action in delinquent real estate tax matters, and a day and a -half of the Institute will be devoted to not only the law as it now stands in TnTisconsin, but experiences of counties in other states that have operated under this law.. We are sending this letter to all county clerks asking that they present it to the county boards so that axtion may be taken by the county boards authorizing the treasurer to attend this important Institute relative to the administrative procedures in -the treasurer's officO. Very -truly yours, TUISCOivSIN COUNTY BOARD \ASSGCIATIGN By: A. T. Thelan Moved by MacRae and seconded by Desparois to authorize the County Treasurer to ;,,,"attend the Institute referred to in the foregoing communication. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: �AIHEREAS, Bayfield Cotinay acquired a tax deed on June 6, 1946 to a parcel in Lot 2 described in Vol. 96, page 338, Section 10-44-9, said tax.deed is recorded on page 173, Vol. 10 of Tax Deed and covers delinquent tax of 1939 which^cent to sale in'1940, and VMPSAS, the above property has been platted and is part of the G. VV. Smith addition > to Eau Claire Lakes, and WILREAS, the property was assessed both as the sUb-division and as described above, - -- =-- - - = =-- _- -- =----- -- November 9 ,-19 48 ` �- _--- ---- --- - -- - which was double assessment, and consequently it was an.illegal-tax, now THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the aforesaid tax -deed be cancelled and that the tax amounting to 9�18.28 covered by tax certificate number 2996-for,the sale of 1940 be charged back to the town of Barnes, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the County Clerk be instructed to have a copy of this resolution recorded in the -office of the Register of Deeds. Edward Pajala Moved by Knight and seconded by Smith to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The f ollotiving communication was read: September 17, 1948 TO THE'HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Gentlemen: At a regular meeting of the Bayfield County Childrents Board held on above date, said Board unanimously adopted the following resolutions for your recommendati-on: RESOLUTION NO. 1 IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Childrents Board, that said Board make application to the County Board of said Ccinty., for an appropriation in the ,sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, for expenses to carry on the work of said children's Board. Respectfully submitted, Ingeborg Sannes Mrs. John Sannes, Sec. Bayfield County Childrents Board RESOLUTION NO. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that -the Bayfield County Childrents Board, recommend that the. Bayfield County Board appropriate sufficient funds to carry on the work of the County Children' s Worker in cooperation with the Public Welfare Department, as has been so satisfactorily carried on the past several years. Respectfully submitted, Ingeborg Sannes Mrs. John Sannes, Sec® Bayfield County Childrents Board Loved by Pristash and seconded by Pajala to receive the foregoing and place on file, Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTI-ON' ' BE IT' HEREBY'RE SOLVED, that the f ollowing table of 'valuatLons covering Real and Personal property as compiled by the -Supervisor of Assessments be and are hereby adopted as.the equalized valuation of the taxing districts of'Bayfield County for the year 1948: DISTRICT AGGREGATE RECOT.,9 NDED FULL VALUE Barksdale, Town �� 22795,905 Barnes i 7622385 Bayfield 4503,475 Bayview / 372,310 Bell 345,215 Cable 635,815 DISTRICT AGGREGATE RECOI�iIt4IENDED FULL VALUE Clover 3582325 Delta 401,460 Drummond 835,025 Eileen 823,030 Hughes 2059225 Iron River 1,1132035 Kelly 7172215 Keystone 502,045 Lincoln 4582420 Mason 6082805 Namakagon 8732275 Orienta 322,440 Oulu 772-9405 Pilsen 286,110 port Wing 640,155 Pratt 5832720 Russell 1982710 Tripp 292,485 ffashburn 4132450 Town Totals 15,7692440 Cable, Village 3042965 kjason +' 1683,640 Village Totals 4732 605 Bayfiel d, City 12267, 820 Washburn 1,827,275 City Totals 32095,095 - C OTRgTY TOTALS 199338,140 Signed, J. L. MacRae Julian �Ijachsmuth William Meyer Harvey Irish Herman Hanson Moved by MacRae and seconded by Smith to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion Carrie d. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the salary of John Howell, Supervising teacher, was not acted on at the last meeting of the county board, and tiJHEREAS, under the schedule set up by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, T-Ohn Howell is entitled to a basic salary of.$2400 per year plus the $15.00 per month cost of living bonus effective August 1, 1948. THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that John Howell's salary be increased to $2400 per year plus $15 per month cost of living bonus effe'ctive August; 1, 1948. C. L. Tedlund Victor Nattakat Sanfred Anderson -- Moved by Tedlund and seconded by Tribovich to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion- Carried: 'The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfiel:d County -has acquired land by tax deed procedure in the Town of Bayview, and WHEREAS, The Town of Bayview desires too -'acquire sow, of this land, and dBEREAS, the excess delinquent tax account of the -Town of Bayview is very large, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the County Clerk be authorized and directed„. - to issue a quit claim deed to the Town of Bayview covering the following lands and that the consideration be the amount of tax plus interest to d-ate of taking the tax deed which is known as the redemption date and that the total of same amounting to $413.30 be charged off from the excess tax delinquent account of the County records. �- Description Sec. Township Range N 17 NCl 19 49 4 "= NVI SIV 32 50 4 4, 0.17 SW 32 50 4 jr SW 24 49 5 A. A. Bigelow &-Companyts Sub -Division of N2 of Sec. 29-49-4 Lot 79 :• , Harvey Irish Moved by Irish and seconded by Smith to adopt the foregoing resolution® Carried.. Moved by Wachsmuth and seconded by Moore to receive the annual report from the County Superintendent of Schools and place on file. Carried. Moved by Grubisic and seconded by Squires to receive and place on file the annual report of the County Forest Administrator. Carried. Moved by Moore and seconded by Johnson to receive and place on file the annual report of the County Children t s Worker. Carried. Moved by Tribovich and seconded -by Shuga to receive and place on file the annual report of the County Nurse. Carried.. Moved by Pristash and seconded by Desparois to receive and place on file the annual report of the County Welfare Director. Carried. Moved by Moore and seconded by Johnson to receive and place on file the annual report of the County Agricultural Agent. Carried. Mr. Pajala asked,to be excused from the afternoon session as he wanted to attend a funeral. The request was granted. Mr. G. I. Germond, Division Engineer of the State Highway Commission spoke to the County Board and gave them an explanation of the proposed highway program for next year which is supported by resolutions introduced by the Highway Ccmm.ttee, Moved by Moore and seconded by Johnson to receive and place on file the annual report of the County. Highway Commissioner, Carried. Moved by Knight and seconded by Shuga to receive and place on file the annual report of the County Highway Committee. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION NO. _. STATE AND COUNTY AID CONSTRUCTION AND MAIlITENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR "1949 SECTION 1. The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, regularly assembled, does hereby ordain that such funds as may be made available to the County for highway work in the year 1949 under the provisions of Section 20.49 and Chapters 83 and 84 of the Statutes and the additional sums herein appropriated shall be expended as hereinafter set forth: SECTION II. COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTI��'IT. WHEREAS: The State Highway Commission has notified the County Clerk that a sum of money estimated to be Eighty Three Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars 083,800.00) will become available at the end of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1949, under the provisions of Sections 20.49(3), 20.49 (11)(b), and 83.10(1) of the Statutes, for the county trunk highway system in the county, but the actual amount will not be known until the close of the fiscal year, June 30, 1949. BE IT RESOLVED: That the County Highway Committee is authorized and directed to expend the s--aid sum to the extent required, to match and supplement Federal Aid for construction, right of way, and other ccs-ts on any Federal projects located on the County Trunk Highway System of said county, which are not recovered from Federal funds, and to expend any balance for constructing, repairing, and maintaining such county trunk highway system and the bridges thereon, including snow and ice removal and control, as directed in Section 83.10(1) of the Statutes, and to reimburse the general fund for any expenditures that may be made therefrom, pursuant to Section 83.01(6) of the Statutes. SECTION III. STATE TRUNK HIGM[AY ALLOTI,MIT'. (A) M]EREAS: The State Highway Commission has estimated that the sum of One Hundred Fourteen Thousand Dollars ($114,000.00)will become available from the appropriation of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1949, under Sections 20.49(4) and 84.03(3), for the improvement of the State Trunk Highway System in the county in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 84 of the Statutes, BE IT RESOLVED: That the said sum available shall be expended in the following manner, to wit: 1. The sum of One Hundred Fourteen Thousand Dollars (114,000.00) previously advanced pursuant to Section 84.03(5) Statutes, for the improvement of 'State Trunk Highway No. 13 between the Vilest Counter Line & Port ding and between Cornucopia and Baiyfield and for the improvement of U. S. Highway No. 63 between Grandview and. Junction S.T.H. No. 112. SECTION IV. WHEREAS: The various highway activities, for which provision is made in this resolution are continuous from year to year, and the exact cost of any work cannot be known at the time of making the appropriation,therefor, BE IT RESOLVED: That this Board does hereby direct that any balance remaining in any appropriation for a specific highway improvement after the same shall have been completed, may be used,by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement of the same class fcr which provision is herein made, and any balance remaining at the end of the year in any highway fund shall November _ 9 ,_ _ 19 48 remain and be available for the same purpose in the ensuing year, and any deficit, in any highway fund at the end of the year incurred pursuant to Section 83.04(6) of the Statutes shall be paid from the next appropriation made for the same purpose. SECTION V. WHEREAS: The exact amount of the funds that will become available for highway purposes in the county under Section 20.49 of the Statutes will not be known until June 30, 1949, BE IT RESOLVED: That the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make paymEn is for the purposes for which such funds are t o be used, as hereinbef ore authorized, from any funds in the county treasury that are not required for the purposes for which appropriated prior to iugust 1, 1949; and to reimburse such funds in the county treasury from the sums received under.Section 20.49 of the Statutes. SECTION VI. WHEREAS: The County Highway Committee and County Highway Commissioner are charged .with the duty and responsibility of carrying out the construction and maintenance of highways for which provision is made and other related supervisory -and administrative duties, BE IT RESOLVED: That the County Highway Commissioner shall have authority to employ, discharge, suspend, or reinstate such personnel as he deems necessary for such purposes, provided, however, that the County Highway Committee may by action recorded in its minutes determine the number of persons to be hired and their. wages. The term "personnels° or "person" shall include all patrolmen, laborers, foremen, clerks, stenographers, or other employees necessary to carry on such activities. Presented November 9, 1948 voted on foregoing resolution: ayes Noes The foregoing resolution was adopted on County Clerk um By R. J. Nelson J. R. Desparois Ernest Moore County Highway Committee IdOved by Desparois and seconded by Pajala to adopt the foregoing resolution. The roll call was as follows: Olson, Smith-, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Ruf, Janock, Meyer, B. E. Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires,'Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, S. Anderson, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattaka.t�,-_: Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, LaPointe, Knight, Wachsmuth, Callen, Kasmarek, Swanson, and Moe. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION NO. PROVIDI[qG FOR THE ADVANCE OR TRANSFER OF CONSTRUCTION FUNDS IN BAYF IE L D COUNTY Ayes 33, Nayes, None. �VHEREA,S: Federal funds have been aUocated to tVisconsin for the improvement of highways to be allotted for expenditures by the State Highway Commission with the concurrence of the Federal IVorks Agency, Public Roads Administration, and it is desired to take advantage of every opportunity to secure the expenditure of a portion of such funds in this county, and WHEREAS funds must be provided by the state or counties to match the -federal funds allotted and, or, to pay the cost of items twhich are not recovered from federal funds, and WHEREAS other emergencies frequently arise making necessary or desirable the allocation or transfer of funds to or between other authorized construction projects or for additional improvements, NO1J,, THEREFORE, i.h • order to provide for promptly making ' available the funds necessary for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned, and to avoid the delay and expense incident to galling a special meeting of this board for such purpose, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Committee, with the approval of the State Highway Commission, is hereby authorized to transfer to or between any authorized construction projects or for additional needed improvements in this county, any funds allotted to this county by the state under the provisions of Sections 20.49(4) and 64.03(3) and previously allocated by this board to any other project, -or remaining unallocated in reserve; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby petitioned to advance, pursuant to Section 84.03(5) of the Statutes, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway Committee of this county, which said Committee is hereby authorized to file, such sums as may be required and are not otherwise available, for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned on any authorized construction projects or for additional needed improvements in this county, with the understanding that such advance will be deducted from future allotments to this county for state trunk highway construction under Section 84.03(3) of the Statutes. Resolution adopted County Clerk Resolution presented by 194 R. J. Nelson J. R. Des-paroi s Ernest 1ulo ore County Highway Committee Moved by Desparois and seconded by Moore to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resoluti on was read: RESOLUTION IMPROVEMENT OF U.S. NO. 63 Bayfield County, Wisconsin TXHEiREAS, it `is the consensus of this board that the public welfare and the best interests of travel make it necessary to complete as a single project or undertaking the whole or as -much as possible of the improvement.of U.S. highway No. 63 between S.T.H. 112 and Drummond, and 1HEREAS, at the current prices for Portland cement concrete pavement, the improving by concrete paving of that portion of U.S. 63 between S.T.H. 112 and Grandview is estimated to cost Five Hundred thirty one Thousand Dollars (�531,000.00) and, WBEREAS",; That portion of the above project of 11.15 miles includes 3.2 miles across the Bibon harsh, which portion_ across the marsh is in the opinion of this board liable to settlement over an indeterminate,number of. years, and consequently unsuitable for a high type surfacing, and Z'IHERE:AS, that for approximately One Hundred -Seventy Thousand Dollars ($170, 000.00 ) a bituminous mat can be installed over the entire 11.15 miles, now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this board petitions the State Highway Commission of Wisconsin to surface that portion of U.S. 63 from S.T.H. 112 to Grandview with 19 48 _—� -- - _ -- -- — - - . _ --- - --- - bituminous surfacing and to extend the,improvement of U.S. 63 from Grandview to Drummond by grading, draining, and bituminous surfacing with the savings made in changed surfacing type and other state or federal money as is now or can be made available, thereby completing U.S. 63 to Drummond in accordance with the original program for this highway. Resolution recommended for adoption by R. J. Nels-on ` November 9, 1948 J. R. Desparois - Erne st Moore County Highway Committee Moved by Pristash_ and seconded by Moore to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The folloi,,Ting resolution was read: RESOLUTION NO. PURCHASE OF' HIGH,,,1FAY EQUIPI49ENT BAYFIELD C OUIdTY WHEREAS, For the construction and maintenance of highways and removal of snow therefrom, it becomes necessary from time to time to purchase equipment, the nature of and necessity for which cannot be accurately anticipated, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Highway Committee is hereby authorized pursuant to Section 83.015(2) of the Statutes to -purchase without further authority, and to the extent that revolving funds accumulated for such purpose or appropriations made for such purpose are available, such highway equipment as they deem necessary to properly carry on the work, and to trade or sell such old equipment as may be considered to the best interests of the County. November 9, 1948 Recommended by R. J. Nelson J. R. Desparois Ernest Moore County Highway Committee Moved by Desparois and seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION NO. BAYFIELD COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this 9th day of November, 1948, that the County Highway Committee is hereby authorized to attend the 'Jisconsin Road School and that the Committee per diem and expense be paid from the County Highway Administration fund. November 9, 1948 I Recommended by R. J. Nelson J. R. Desparois rn .s t Moor e IaIoved by Pristash a;ad seconded by Johnson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried a The following communication was_ read : August 13, 1948 bIr, T, P. Arseneau Sheriff, Bayfield County, Washburn, Wi-sconsin Dear Mr, Arseneau: In 4ccordance with Section 17 .0� (7) of the Wisconsin Statutes, I am hereby tendering my resignation roni,: the office of Superintendent of Schools, Bayfield County, Wisconsin,, effective .as of August 18, 1948. Very truly yours, LHM's L. H. ' Merrihetry Superintendent of Schools Moved by Pristash and seconded by Desparois to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Carried. The following communication was read: Washburn, Wisconsin July 19, 1948 Board of Supervisors Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: I hereby tender my resignation as Bayfield County Veterans' Service Officer, effective July 31, 1948. Respectfully submitted, James S. Fisk Moved by Desparois and seconded -by Berweger to accept the foregoing resignation. Carrie.-d . The following communication was read: _August,2, 1948 Mr. Elmer Wedin Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Vedin: I hereby appoint you as. Veterans Service Officer for Bayfield County to succeed James S. Fisk who has resigned; the appointment to be effective Monday, August 9, 1948. Please contact the County Clerk regarding the amount of bond required and such other data as *he may be able to` help you out with. The Wisconsin Statutes.requires that your appointment by the chairman of the Board -be -subject to confirmation by the County Board at `their next meeting. The next regular meeting of the County Board will. be held in November. Yours very truly, William Meyer ,°1M: mw Chairman County Board Moved by Macrae and seconded by Bagstad to . appr ove of the appointment of Elmer H. 4ledin as County Veterans' Service Officer. Carried. Aovemoer 9, 1948 The following communication was read; June 19. 1948 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk Bayfiel d County Washburn, Wisconsin SUBJECT: Addition to State Trunk Highway System Section (.3), Chapter 518, Laws of 1947 The Highway Commission, by minute altry on June 19, 1948, pursuant to direction of Section 3, Chapter 518, Laws cf` 1947, declared added to the State Trunk System the road described as From-S.T.H.S. 27 two miles -north of Hayward, northerly on C.T.H. 'INN", town roads, C.T.H. »Y" and ►►Hn to U.S.H. 2 at Brule. The effective date for taking over the highway for state maintenance is established as August 1, 1948. Very truly yours, STATE HIGH`iIAY C014IlInISSION OF WISCONSIN D. J. Summerville Secretary Moved.by Desparois and seconded by Smith to.receive.the foregoing communication and place on filed'. Carried. The following communication was read: Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayf ie 1 d - C ounty Clerk 'lashburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: July 30, 1948 SUBJECT: ,Supplemental Highway Aid County Trunk Highways Section 20.49(11)(b) Wis. Stats. June 30, 1948 uVe are enclosing herewith State Treasurer►s check payable to your order in the amount indicated below. This check for supplementary highway aids was made possible in a bill passed by the 1947 legislature substantially increasing state aids for county trunk highways. The check -represents a highway aid to your county pursuant to Section 20.49(11)(b), 1lisconsin Statutes, as created by Chapter 518 (Bill 516,A), Laws of 19473 This allotment is supplemental to, and is to be used for the same purposes as the CO-Unty Trunk Highway allotment under Section 83.10(1) titi-ich you received -in June. Under this Act., the net revenue from motor vehicle imposts in excess of the amount required for the appropriations, under Section 20.49-(1-) to (9) is distributed, 40% to the State and 60% as supplemental highway aids to the counties, -towns, villages and cities. Of such supplemental highway aids, the'-ccanties, towns and cities each receive 30% and villages 10%.- The total 'amounts available for the counties are apportioned amoung them on the basis of the last allotment for County Trunk Highways under Section 83.10(1). The total of the supplemental aid for Ccu-nty Trunk M Highways for your county under Section 20.49 (11)(b), for which check is enclosed, is computed as follows: Supplemental Aid Section 83.10 Section 20.49(11)(b) Allotment of June 30, 1948 35.171826% of Sec, 83.10, $582650.44 $202628.43 Sincerely yours, Oscar Rennebohm Governor Moved -by Desparois and seconded by Johanik to -receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Carried. The following communication was read: September 15, 1948 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk, Bayfield. County 1,1[ashburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Estimated Highway Allotments fc 1949 Pursuant to Section 94.01(18), Wisconsin Statutes, you are hereby notified of the following estimated allotments to be paid your c cunty from funds becpming available in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1949: Sec. 83.10(1), estimated allotment on June 30, 19492 for the County Trunk' Highway System Sec. 20.49(11)(b), estimated supplemental allotment as of June 30, 1949 (to be paid as soon there- after as practical") ,, to supplement the allot- ment for the County Trunk Highway System Total for County Trunk Highway System 58, 300.00 e) 25, 500.00 $ 83,800.00 The above estimates a e tentative. The actual allotments will not be known until the close of the f iscal year, on June 30, 1949. You will be notified later of the proposed allocation of the estimated total 1948-49 state trunk highway allotment under Section 84.03(3), Wisconsin Statutes. Very truly yours, STATE HIGHWAY COT&USSION OF WISCONSIN Mike 11a ck Acting Secretary Moved by Desparois and seconded by Johanik to accept the foregoing communication and place on file. Carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Motion carried. — __------------=-----=--Nove.mbe.r 9_,--19.48--.___---------------_.___�__—.-----=__-_- Meeting called to order at 1:30 P.M. by chairman William Meyer. The following members answered roll call: Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Ruf, Janock, Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, S. Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, I°viattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Moore, Tedlund, LaPointe, Knight, Wachsmuth, Callen, Kasmarek, A;A. Anderson, C.A. Nelson, Embertson, Moe and Meyer. The "following communication was read: Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk, Bayf'ield County iFlashburn, Wisconsin . Dear Sir: September 30, 1948 SUBJECT: Estimated Highway Allotment for 1949 , Section 84.03(3) ZVisconsin Statutes In our letter of September 15, 1948, we notified you of the estimated allot - went from funds becoming,., available in the fiscal year 1948-49 to be paid to your county for the County Trunk Highway System. You are hereby notified that the estimated allotment for your county in the fiscal year 1948-49 for the State Trunk Highway System, under the provisions of Section 84.03(3), is $114,000.00. The proposed allocation, which is submitted for the consideration of your county board, is as follows: Previously advanced for the improvement of S.T. Highway No. 13 between the ;Vest County Line and Port ;ling and between Cornuco,,,)ia. and Bayfield and for the improvement of U.S. Highway No. 63 between Grandview and Jet. S.T.H. 112 $114,QOO.00 Very truly yours, STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF yVISCONSIN Mike Mack Acting Secretary Moved by Desparois and seconded by Johnaik to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Carried. The following report was read - tide, the undersigned committee on Sheriffs, Justices and Constables wish to report that we have checked the sheriffs records and find them well kept. Due to the increase in saT cries approved by the county board last spring, extensive car repairs such as a new motor for the Chevrolet ect., the present budget will be insufficient by about$730.00. S-Ve recomriiend a budget of $8500.00 for 1949. We also reco;wnend trading in the Chevrolet on a new car and an appropriation of '1000.00 outlay for this item. In keeping with present day trends and for more efficient law enforcement we recommend an outlay appropriation of 1.500.00 for the purchse and installation of a two way radio. have examined the dockets of both municipal courts and found them kept up to date and agree their annual reports. 252 Judge Hart reports collections as_ folloiTs for year ending October 31, 1948:. Fines 1360.00 Fees & Costs 97.30 Total 1477.30 Judge Savage reports collections as follows for year ending October .f1, 1948: Fines $ 1132.00 Fees & Costs 142.78 Total 1274.74 All of the fines and costs as reported have been paid to the county treasurer. August Johanik Clarence A. Nelson Moved by MacRae and seconded by Johanik to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Carried. The following resolution iTas read: WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at a meeting held April 20, 1948, authorized Esther C. Ludcke to purchase the 1947 tax certificates on the following described land: NE4 NyT.L Section 12, Toti^mship 49, Range 9 Nff4 Nd114, Section 12, Township 49, Range 9 MI4 MTli , Section 12, Towhship 49, Range 9 SE4 NW.1, Section 12, Township 49, ,Range 9 NE4 SWI, Section 12, Township 49, Range 9 NLY4 S 14, Section 12., Township 49, Range 9 AND, WH_FREAS, she desires to purchase the 1948 tax certificates for the reason of clearing title. THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that she be' granted this right. Sanfred Anderson Moved by Sanfred Anderson and seconded by MacRae to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The f ollow ing resolution was r ead : WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at a meeting held April 20, 1948 authorized Esther C. Ludcke and C.O. Nelson to purchase the 1947 tax certificates on the following described land: NE'- of NE4, Section 30, Township 50, Range 8 Lot No. 1, Section 30, Township 50, Range 8 Sr`f4 of NE4, Section 30, Tawnship 50, Range 8 SE4 of NE4, Section 30, Township 50, Range 8 NE4 of SE4, Section 302 Township 50, Range 8 AND, WHEREAS, they desire to purchase the 1948 tax certificates for the reason of clearing title, THEREFOR, WE HEREBY RESOLVE that they be granted this right. Sanfred Anders (n Moved by Sanfred Anderson and seconded by Bagstad to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County has acquired lands by tax deed procedure in the Town of Barnes and, WHEREAS, the Town of Barnes desires to acquire some Of these lands, � THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the County Clerk be authorized and d.irected%'�, -� to issue a quit claim deed to the Town of Barnes covering the following lands and that 3 the consideration be the amount of tax plus interest t-o date of taking the tax deed which is known as the redemption date and that the total of same amounting to $136.13ti..,. S be charged off from excess tax delinquent account of the county records. 0, Description Sec. Township Range SW NM 18 45 V SW 18 45 9 SW N, 24 45 9 Ylilbur Smith Moved by Smith and seconded by Pristash to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The folio:I ng communication and resolution were read: November 8, 1948 County Board of Bayfield County Washburn, 6'fisconsin Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk Gentlemen: The city council at a meeting held this evening authorized the acquiring of Lots 141 15 & 16, Block 9 of the Vaughn & Austrian Addition to the City of tashburn, by the City. The delinquent taxes and other charges to be deducted from the City's delinquent account receivable.. Yours truly, A. I. Lien, City Clerk Washburn, Wis. Mi_EREAS, Bayfield County has acquired land by tax procedure in the City of Washburn, and WHEREAS, the City of Mashburn desires to acquire some of this land, and UEEREAS, the .excess delinquent tax account of the City of Washburn is very large; THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED -that the County Clerk be authorized and directed to issue a quit claim deed to the City of ,Pashburn covering the following lands and `°. that the consideration be the amount of tax plus interest to date of taking the tax g 1�e deed which is k nown as the redemption date and that the total of same amounting to s�226.08 be charged off from the excess tax delinquent account of the County records Description p Lot Block � �•��� Vaughn & Austrian Addition 1 �` to Washburn 14, 15 & 16 9 Joe Kasmarek���4� Moved by Kasmarek and seconded by A.A. Anderson to -adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried, The following petition was read: To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wis . Gantlemen: The undersigned officials of the City of Bayfield and Town of Bayfield do hereby respectfully petition the Honorable County Board of Bayfield County to add the following described highway to be known as the Bayfield road. to the County Trunk'Highway System: Beginning at the intersection of Washington Avenue and .First Street at a --Junction with S.T.H. J/13 in the incorporated limits of. the City of Bayfield, in Section 13, Town- ship 50 North, Mange 4 Nest; thence westerly on illashington Avenue in t..he City of Bayfield and northerly, easterly and southerly on town highways in the Town of Bayfield to a junction with S.T.H. 13 in Section 12, T. 50 N., R. 4 Nest; thence beginning again at the junction of a town highway in the town of Bayfield with S.T.H. 13 in Section 1.4, Township 50 North, Range 4 rWest., and continuing westerly approximately one and one-helf miles, northerly one mile and easterly about one and e=emaiva one-fourth.miles to an intersection with the above described highway in Section 11, T. 50 N., Range 4 IT., a total mileage of approximately 10.25 miles, all as more fully shown in red on the attached map. Respectfully submitted-;. William Shuga Merton Benton Town Board, Town of Bayfield Harry Callen D. S. Knight Ernest LaPointe Irving Hadland,1Lyor Supervisors, City of Bayfield Loved by MacRae and seconded by Shuga to receive the foregoing petition and place on file. Carried. The following petition was read: To the BAYFI.ELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN. GENTLEIJIEN: . The undersigned Town Board of the Town of Russell does hereby petition the Honorable County Board of Bayfield County to add the -following described Town Highway in the Town -of Russell to the County Trunk Highway System: Beginning at the junction of a town road in the Town of Russell known as the Carver Road with State Trunk Highway #13 in Section 26, T.51 N., R. 4 rl., and extending northerly, westerly, and southerly to a junction with State Trunk Highway #13 in Section 20, T. 51 N., R. 4 W. , a tct al distance of approximately 8.0 miles all as more fully shown on red on the attached map. Respectfully. submitted, Paul Tribovich LeRoy Olson H. T. Meierotto Town Board Town of Russell Moved by Tribovich and seconded by MacRae to receive the foregoing petition and place on file. Carried. I_ November 9; 1948 The following petition was read; TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: The undersigned Town Boards of the Towns of Delta,' Iron River and Mason do hereby petition the Honorable County Board of Bayfield County to add- the following described town highway, known as the Delta Road, to the County Trunk Highway System: Beginning at the junction of County Trunk Highway "All and U.S. Highway No: 2 on the section line between Sections 7 and 8 of Township-47 North, Range 8 West in the unincorporated village of Iron River, thence southeasterly and easterly over -town highways in the Towns of Iron River and Delta to a junction with County Trunk Highway "Erl at the northeast corner of Section 12, Township 46 North, Range 7 Nest, a total mileage of approximately 18.25 miles, all as more fully shown in red on the attached map. Respectfully submitted, TO'Uw BOARD, Town of Delta William Meyer F. W. Schellin Dolan Visocky Town Board, Town of Iron River. J. L. MacRae Claude Coats Arnold O. Fuhrmann Town. Board Town of Mason Herman Hanson Nels Reiten Martin Gerbozy Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Berweger to receive the•foregoing petition and place on file. Carried. The following resolution was read: BE 'IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County assembled in regular session this 9th day of November, 1948, that A .resolution intending to add the Moquah Road to: the County Trunk Highway System, recorded in 'the County Board proceedings of the County Board meeting of April 20, 1948 in JoV.rnal No. 9 on page 224 be and the same is hereby rescinded. Adoption of Resolution: Recommended by" R.' J. Nelson .T. R. nes aroia Ernest Tyloore Moved byj1acR&ja and seconded by 16'Jaanik to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following .resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED: By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in regular session this 9th day of November, 1948 that: A former ordinance of this. Board, now currently in effect.,. and recorded in Journal kTo. 5, page 433. of County Board proceedings, which ordinance directs several restrictions on County Board action increasing the county trunk highway system in.this county, be and the same is hereby rescinded and in lieu/of the following reauirements of this Board are directed to be the policy of the County Board governing additions to the county trunk highway system, effective this date: 1. The mileage of the county trunk highway system shall not exceed 185 miles. 2. The county highway commissioner is authorized,, at his discretion,. to prepare maps and other information required by the state highway commission in connection with state approval -:of _coun.ty trunk highways as required by Section 83.025(1) of the Statutes. 3. Right of way and gravel that may be required for the construction of any county trunk highway adopted subsequent to 'the passage of this resolution shall be provided by the town in wh.ich such right of way or town owned gravel pits are located without cost to the county. 4. The effective date of county maintenance or snow removal on any proposed county trunk highway added to the county trunk highway system shall be that date upon which state aid is available to the county under the provisions of Section 83.1011) of the Statutes. Adoption of resolution recommended by, R. J. Nels on J. R. Desparois Ernest Moore 1,doved by PdTacRae and seconded by Shuga to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: INCREASING COUNTY TRUNK HIGH`VAY SYSTEM f AND 1,1AKING AN APPROPRIATION THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED: by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, assembled in r egular session this 9th day of November, 1948 that: The following four (4) town highways be and the same are hereby added to the county trunk highway system: 1. The highway known as the Moa_uah Road to be known as County Trunk Highway ."G". Beginning at the intersection of a town road on the east and west quarter=line in Section 2, Township 47 North,' Range 5 4fest with U.S. Highway No. 2, thence westerly through the unincorporated Village of Moquah to a junction with U.S. Highway,No. 2 near the southeast corner of Section 19, Township 47 North, Range ,6 West, a distance of approximately 12.25 miles. 2. The highway known as the Delta Road to be known as County Trunk Highway TtH". Beginning at the junction of' County Trunk,"All and U.S. Highway. -No. 2 on the section'line between Sections 7 and 8 of Township 47 North, Range 8 Blest in the unincorporated Village -of Iron River, thence southeasterly and easterly over town highways in the towns of Iron River and Delta to a junction id_th County Trunk Highway "Ell at or near the northeast corner of Section 12, Township 46 North, Range. 7 West, a •distance -of approximately 18.25 miles. The highway known as the Bayf i el d Road to be known as . County Trunk Highway "J". Beginning at the intersection of Washington Avenue and First Street at a junction with S.T.H. No. 13 in the incorporated limits of the City of Bayfield 257 in. Section 13, Township 50 North, -Range 4 West, thence westerly on Washington Avenue in the City of Bayfield and northerly, easterly, and southerly on town highways in the Town of Bayfield to a junction with S.T.H.'13 in Section 12, Township 50 North, Range 4 ',,Vest; thence. beginning again at the junction. of a town highway in the town of Bayfield with, S.T.H. 13 in Section 14, Township 50 North, Range 4 `"lest, and continuing westerly approximately .one: and one-half miles,-. northerly one mile and easterly about one and one-fourth miles to an intersection with the above described highway in Section 11, Township 50 North, Range 4 West, a total mileage of approximately 10.25 milers. 4. The highway known as the Russell Road to be known as County Trunk Highway IIKII. beginning at the junction of a town road in the town of Russell known as the Carver Road with S.T.H. No. 13 in Section 26, Township 51. North, Range 4 IVest, and extending nortterly, westerly, and southerly to a junction with S.T.H. No. 13 in Section 20, Township 51 North, Range 4 West, a total distance 'of approximately 8.0 miles. All as more fully shown in red on the attached map. BE IT`FURTHER RESOLVED that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors does hereby appropriate the following sums in accordance with the provisions of Section 83.065 of the Wisconsin Statutes for the purposes hereinafter set forth: 1. The sum of $16,676.28 for the improvement by grading, draining and 'surfacing of county trunk highway IIGrr also known as the Eoquah Road, beginning in Section 2, Township 47 North, Range 5 ffest and extending westerly as far as the a aid -sum will - construct. 2. The sum of $103000.00 for the improvement by grading, draining and bituminous surfacing of County Trunk Highway piH", also known as the Delta Road, beginning in Section 28, Township 47 North, Range 8 West, and extending southerly and easterly as far as the said sum will construct. The sum of 662000.00 for the improvement by grading, draining and surfacing of County Trunk Highway rift, also known as the Bayfield Road, beginning in the City of` Bayfield and extending westerly and northerly as far as the said sum will construct. 4. The sum of 6p6,000'.00 for the improvenB nt by grading, draining, bridges and gravel surfacing of County Trunk Highway I?K't, also known as the Russell Road, beginning in Section 26, Tovnsh2p 51 North, Range 4 Test, and extending northerly as far as the said sum will construct. THEREFCRE, the Courity Board does hereby levy a tax on all of the! property in the County to meet the above appropriations in the sum of 38,676.28. The County Clerk is hereby directed to levy a tax of _38,,676.28 in the county tax levy, in addition to all other taxes, in accordance with Section 83.065 of the Yisconsin Statutes for the County Road and Bridge.Fund and the purposes herein appropriated, in the manner provided by law. Adoption of Resolution Recommended by, R. J. Nelson J. R. Desp arois Ernest Moore Moved by MacRae and seconded by Johanik to adopt the foregoing resolution. u Roll call- was as follows: Ayes7.01,9on, Smith, Shuga, T-rish, Buck, Ruf, Janock, Johnson,`Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, S. Anderson, Frankie,.Johanik,.Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Moore, Tedlund, LaPointe, Knight, Vlachsmuth, Callen, Kasmarek, A.A. Andersen, Nelson, Embertson, Moe and Meyer. To.tal 351. Mayes - -._Xohd. Carried. Moved by 11,%cRae and seconded by Squires to receive and place on file petitions for county Bridge aid .which are set forth in the resolution following. Carried. The f oll,owing resolution was read: SECTION I. WHEREAS the various towns hereinafter named have filed petitions for county aid in the construction of bridges under Section 81.38 of the Statutes, said petitions are hereby granted, and county appropriations made as follows: Town Bridge Amount raised by .Amount of County Local Units aid granted Bayfield pikes Creek.1159.78 579.89 Clover Cranberry 6024.94 3012.47 Eileen Sikich 2500.00 1250.00 Iron River McGarry Lake 12.00.00 600.00 Kelly White -River 4000.00 2000.00 Lincoln Mdrengo 2032.08 1016.04 Mason 4254.00 2127.00 Orienta (FourY 13401.35 6700.68 Port Cling (Seven) 4170.03 2085.01 Mashburn (Four) r2925.86 1462.93 41668.04 20834..02 SECTION II. The County Board does hereby levy a tax on all of the property in the county taxable for such purpose to meet said apprbpriat ions. Resolution Offered by County Highway Committee R. J. Nelson J. R. Desparois n.e.st 1,71oore Loved by Grubisic and seconded by Shuga to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Ruf, Janock, Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravick, S. Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, ivlattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, h1Ioor e, Tedlund, LaPointe, Knight, Wachsmuth, Callen, Kasmarek, Nelson, L,Ioe and Meyer. Nayes, none; Total.34. Carried. The Chair declared a five minute recess. IVIr. Bodin, County -Treasurer, appeared before the ,County Board and explained the progress that was being made in setting up plates for the addressograph system preparatory to printing the assessment and tax rolls. He stated that they expected to complete making the plates in time to print the assessment' tolls next -Spring. The following resolution was read: j�MEREAS Mandatory county property tax appropriations for County Aid Bridges under the present provisions of Section- 81.38 of the lisconsin'St'atutes constitute a difficult tax problem vh ere the county budget requirements exceeds the legal maximum - -- --- — -_ -- ---- -- ---- --= - - - = November 9 , 19 4G U one per cent of the assessed valuation, NUI THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by this Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this 9th day of November, 1948 that: The Wisconsin State Legislature be petitioned to permit the Payment of the county's share of the cost of County Aid Bridges under Section 81.38 from the state gasoline tax under the provisions of 20.49 (11)(a). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: The Clerk of Bayf ield County be and he is hereby directed to send a copy of this resolution to the State Senator and Assemblyman from this county and County Boards Association. Resolution presented by J. R. Desparois Ernest Moore County Highway Committee Bayfield County Moved by Pristash and seconded by Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS: Section 86.24 of the Wisconsin Statutes, known as the Highway Disaster Fund for Flood Relief, has been of great benefit to the towns, villages and cities in Bayfield County, and VHEREAS: Experience indicates that claims exceed funds available in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948 requiring prorating of payments approximately 54% while in. succeeding fiscal year periods claims may total only a small fraction of the funds available, NO -THEREFORE: BE 'IT RESOLVED by this Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this 9th day of November,.1948 that: The 'Tisconsin State Legislature be petitioned to- authorize that any unencumbered balance remaining in Section 20.49(7)(e) at the end of any. -fiscal year be made available for the payment of prior flood relief claims to the extend required. BE IT'FURTHER RESOLVED: That the County Clerk of Bayfield County be and he is hereby directed to send -a copy of this resolution -to the State Senator and Assemblyman from this county and Wisconsin County Boards Association. Resolution presented by,- T. R. Desk rois Ernest Moore County Highway Committee Moved by, Pristash and seconded by Bagstad to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following communication was read: August 20, 1948 TO THE BAYFIELD COUISTTY' BOARD: The attention of the Bayfield County Board is respe etfully called to the vacancy which exi-sts in- the office of County Superintendent .of. Schools of BayJ. field County. The low .salary that is attached to that office at the it esent time acts as a severe handicap in inducing a qualified person to accept appointment to the office. The annual reports of school districts indicate that the 1947-48 salaries of principals of schools in Bayf field County were as follows: Bayfield......3250 Washburn...... 3400 Port Wing..... 3500 Drummond....... 300 per Mo. Cable ........ 2800 Ondossagon.....3830 The above quoted salaries are for ,less than a full year -of service. ,dith the exception of the Washburn city district, all of the principals and teachers of the schools of Bayfield County are, under the supervision of the County Superintendent. I am sure that the members of the County Board are familiar with the additional statutory duties of the County Superintendent of Schools. Section. 39.01 (2) of the statutes specifies the eligibility of the County Superintendent to be. as follows: 39.01 "COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT'OF SCHOOLS. (2) ELIGIBILITY. To be eligible to the office of ecunty superintendent of schools a person must be a resident of the cc nty, have taught 2 years in a rural public .school or in a graded elementary school in this 'state and after July 1, 1944, must hold an unlimited state certificate based on at least 4 years of accredited scholastic training beyond high school, entitling hire to teach in any public school; provided that this last requirement shall not disqualify any person who held the office of county superintendent on June 30, 1944." The cooperation of, the Bayfield County Board, through the adoption of a resolution by that body, providing for an adequate salary for the County Superintendent of Schools., is respectfully requested. Signe d : John Callahan State Superintendent of Schools Moved by Tribovich. and seconded by Wachsmuth to receive the foregoing communication and place on file.. Carried. The following communication was read: October 5, 1948 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Friend: It has been stated that mothers and children are the nation's greatest assets. If this is true, and we believe it is, then the service rendered by the Salvation Army Home and Hospital for unmarried mothers is one of the .most Christlike and constructive programs of service that can be rendered. I am -sure it will be remembered that it is the darkest hour of a girl's ls"f.e when this event is upon her, and her need of counsel, guidance, spiritual help and hospitalization is paramount. It is in this.hour that -the Salvation Army comes with its open door, with its friendly hand, with its words of counsel and provides care, hospitalization and a home. -- - - =---�—�- - -- - — - -_=- November 9,_ 1948- - - — Perhaps you may ask where these girls come from that knock at the Salvation Army door. They come from the farm, from the rural areas, from the small towns, from the large cities, from the high schools, from broken homes and from many other tragic and heart breaking surroundings and environments. Is this our responsibility? Surely we can not say it is not. On behalf of the mothers and children -of this area, who in so many cases are homeless and friendless, we beseech your aid. You ban do your part by requesting your County Board at its next meeting to make an appropriation for this much needed service. May we anticipate a favorable reply as quickly as. possible? With every good wish, I am, Very Sincerely yours, E. D. Hicks Lt: - Colonel Moved by raIacRae and seconded by Shuga to refer the foregoing communication to the Finance Committee, Carried. Mr. Pajala who had been excused for the afternoon to attend a funeral apfeared at this time. The Board was informed of the filing of the surety bond with. the County Clerk covering the Bayfield County Veteran's Service Commission for the amount of $1000.00. Also the filing of a bond covering Elmer Harold Wedin, County Veterans Service Officer in the amount of $1500.00. Moved by Johnson and seconded by Janock to accept the two bonds and place on file. Carried. The Board proceeded with the election of a County Highway Committee. The Chair appointed-Pristash and Johnson as tellers. The result of the first ballot for a member of the Highway Committee from District #1 was as follows: Tr ib ovi ch - - - - - - - -- - 20 Olson - - - - - - - - - - - - -5 Pajala - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Knight - - - - - _ - - - - - - 5 Buck - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 Shuga - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Total 36 Tribovich having received the majority of the ballots cast, the Chair declared him.duly elected. The result of the first ballot for the member of Highway Committee from District No. 2 was as follows: Olson - - - - - - - - - - - -23 .Moore - - - -- - -- - - - - - 13 Tot al 36 Olson having received the majority of the ballots cast, the Chair declared him duly e72 bted. The result of the first ballot for the member of Highway Committee from District No. 3 was as f ollows: 2fr2 November De sparoi s - - - - - - - - - - 32 NIOore - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Franki e - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Buck - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 Smith - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 Total 36 Desparois, having received the majority of the ballots cast, the Chair declared him duly elected. Moved by MacRae and duly seconded to adjourn until 10:00 A.M., November 10, 1948. Carried. Mo •_=--------------------------==-_=------�—._�_—____Novemb-er__._10, Meeting called to order at 10:00 A.1111. by Chairman Meyer. The following members answered roll call: Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Ruf, Janock, Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, tl o HR Iv I ff, Kravik, S. Anderson, Frankie,/Bagstad, I:llattakat•, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, Wachsmuth, Kasmarek, Swanson, Floe, and Meyer. Total 3L. The following petition was' read: TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BA.YFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN: The petition of Katherine Brozovich of Route #3', Mason, :-Tisconsin respectfully requests your Honorable ibody to authorize the County Treasurer of Bayfield County to sell to her the tax certificate for the sale of 1948, tax of '1947, covering the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE-1 lwtl) and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SE! Nun ) , all in Section Three (3) , Township forty-six (46) North of Range Six (6) West, Bayfield County, Wisconsin; Petitioner respectfully represents that the r-ecords in the office of the County Treasurer will show that she has paid the taxes in. her own name on this, property for the years 1943-1946, both inclusive and she further represents that the taxes for the years prior to 1943 running back to 1936 were paid by her out of her own funds; that she is rightfully entitled to obtain and hold the tax certificate now outstanding on said property. Katherine Brozovich Moved by Pristash and seconded by Irish to grant the foregoing petition. Carried. The f olloirring petition was read: TO THE HONORABLE, THE TEMBERS OF 'TI E BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD SIRS: The lands described as Lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), r eleven (11), twelve '(12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14) and fifteen (15), in Block - eighty -four (84) in Dalrymple Addition to the Original Townsite of Bayfield are held in the names of Tom Grady and Margaret Grady, now deceased. I hold an unsatisfied mortgage as the original mortgagee on Lots one (1), two three (3), eleven (11), twelve(12), and thirteen (13) in said block and Addition, and I have.a deed of conveyance from one of the heirs of Tom Grady and liargaret Grady to all. of the, aforesaid lots. If I were to clear this title by foreclosing my mortgage, the proceedings would be very costly in relation to the value of the lands concerned because there are unknown heirs and one heir is a resident of the Dominion of Canada. e These are lands which have been hgld in the Grader family name for more than thirty (30) years and are lands which surround my homestead. The county .now holds tax certificates on these lands for the tax year 1944, 1945 and 1946. This petition is made for the purpose of asking the County Board for permission to purchase the said tax certificates to assist this petitioner in clearing title to the aforedes-cribed real estate. Julia Adell Grady Petitioner November 1U, IV4d Moved by Shuga and seconded by MacRae to grant the foregoing petition. Carried. The following communication was read: Bayfield County Board ashburn, 1i sconsin Gentlemen: Reference is made to my letter of April 17 to you, regarding the county -'owned Sll of the SVi4 of Section 31, T50N, R71U, Town of Clover, Bayfield County, that I attempted to purchase from you at your April meeting. At that time the County Board refused us the request, owing I believe to a misunderstanding as to our motives in the management of this property and other lands we own in the Flag Yard. I discussed the matter with Mr. Janock, Chairman ' of the Town of Clover, and he informed me that he wool d have no objections to this purchase, and also the mi of the MV-14 of Section 31. our chief reasons for attempting to purchase these lands are to block in our ownership of Section 31, and to assure the future management of these lands as a deer yarding area. Thank you kindly for your consideration of.this matter. Very truly yours, G r, VIE MANAGEMENT DIVISION George F. Hartman Forester, Refuges and Public Hunting Grounds Moved by Janock and seconded by Waehsmuth to deny the foregoing application. Carried. The following report was read: October 19, 1948 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors ?ashburn, Wisconsin RE: The request of the Game Management Division to purchase from Bayfield County the Siff 51T of Section 31-50-•7 to block in their ownership of the Flag River Deer area. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned County Forestry Committee, recommend that the above described land not be sold to the Game Management Division. We feel that, whereas this land is now being used as a deer yard, changing the ownership would not increase its value for this purpose. Signed, John Shlkes, Chairman Andrew Pristash William. Shuga Charles Squires filliam Meyer Moved by Hanson and seconded by Grubisic to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Carried. The following petition was read: 9 /21 /48 Bayfield County Board of Su-Dervisors vlfashburn, 17isconsin Gentlemen: Will you please consider my request to purchase two fortys now in Forest Crop land? Am interested in buying NE M11, and NE SW both of Section 34, "Town 46, Range 9. I would especially like to oiiTn the NE' N;V'forty as it would give me possession of a very small lake where I would like to build immediately. Thank you very much for your consideration of the matter and hoping for a favorable decision, I remain, Very truly -,-yours,, Barbara Hansen Moved by Pristash and seconded by Hanson to deny the foregoing petition. Carried. The f.oll.owing.. report. was. read: October 19, 1948 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn, Wisconsin RE: Barbara Hanson, Blaisdell Lake, Loretta, Wisconsin, request ,to purchase the NE N4T and NTE SW of Section 34-46-9, Forest Crop Land. ` Gentlemen: Your Forestry Committee has considered the above request. Since this party now ovrns all of the shore line of West Eight"Mile Lake except these two forties o fined by Bayfield County and under the Forest Crop Law, the sale of this land would, block off all public access to the Lake. Therefore, vie recommend that this land not be withdrawn from under the Forest Crop Law and sold. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY CO11,TITTEE Sohn ShVke s, Chairman Victor Grubisic Andrea Pristash Charles Squires vIlilliam Shuga William Meyer Moved by Hans cn.,and seconded by Grubisic to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Carried. , The following resolution was read: RE: -Withdrawal of the S2 SE and S1+T4 of Section 12-47-8 from under the Forest Crop law for park purposes WHEREAS, The Forestry Committee has considered the above -mentioned matter referred to it by the Bayfield County Board and feel that it would not be advisable to withdraw all of these descriptions from under the Forest -Crop Law as this would be more acreage than is necessary for county park purposes, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That only the S2 SE of Section 12-47-8 be withdrawn from under the Forest Crop Law, and that this land be set aside as part of the county park system and be withheld from sale. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY C0=TTEE John Shvkes, Chairman Andrew Pristash William Shuga Ti for Gm hi si Charles 5auires William Meve-r Moved by Pristash and seconded by Hanson to adopt the f oregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolutionwas read.: i REAS, The Forestry Committee now handles all sales of timber on county owned and Forest Crop Lands, and WHEREAS, They also handle.hay stumpage sales and cabin permit on Forest Crop Lands, and WHEREAS, The fact that the Forestry Committee handles hay stumpage sales and cabin permits on Forest Crop Land and not on County owned land has in some instances resulted in duplication of sales and misunderstandings, THEREFORE, BE IT -RESOLVED, That the Forestry Committee be authorized to sell hay stumpage and issue cabin permits on County Owned Land as well as Forest Crop Land; Signed, BAYF'IELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMTTEE John Shykes, Chairman Victor Grubisic Andrew Pristash Charles Squires William Shuga lijilliam Meyer Moved by Pristash and seconded by Grubisic to ado?ot the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following report was read: PROPOSED FORESTRY' -BUDGET January 1, 1.94.9 - January 1, 1950 The Bayfield County Forestry Committee plans on the following activities and Forestry Fund expenditures covering the period from January 1, 1949 to January 1, 1950. Estimated Cash Balance January 1, 1949--------------------------------- $262000.00 Estimated Expenditures to January 1, 1950: Plant by hand 120 acres jack pine (Barnes) Section 20-46-9 $29400.00 Plant by hand 10 acres jack pine (Bayview) Section 5-49-5 200.00 Plant by hand 20 acres jack pine (Bayview) Section 32-50-5 400.00 Plant by hand 20 acres jack pine (Bayfield) Section 30-50-5 400.00 Plant by hand 40 acres jack pine (Bayview) Section 31-50-5 600.00 Scalp Plant 20 acres white spruce (2-2) Section 13-51-4 ( Russell) 500.00 Plant by machine 15 acres 3-0 Norway Pine Section 24-50-5 8eyf' el:d} 210.00 Plant by machine 100 acres 3-0 and 2-2 Norway Pine ---Section 9-46-9 (Hughes) 12800.00 80 acres to be released in Section 3-50-5 (Bayfield) 500.00 __���_�_.�- - -—__---- _-----__--- --- -_=- --- - -November Administrator's salary and expenses-----------------------0 3;600.00 40% of salary & Expenses of trespass of.-ficer-------------- 191284-00 Office Expense --------------- ----------------------------- 400.00 Committee Expense ----------------------------------------- 350000 Aerial Photos --------------------------------------------- 3,000.00 Compensation Insurance ------------------------------------- 300.00 Equipment ------------------------------- 2,300.00 Advertising timher sales bids --------------- -------------- 60.00 Miscellaneous --------------------------------------------- 250.00 18,398.00 Balance-------------------------------------------------------- 7,602 0 . 0" 1949 Allotment from the State (estimated) 14 500.00 CASH ON HAND, JANUARY 13, 1950 (estimated) -------------- 22,102000 BAYFIELD' COUNTY' FORESTRY- C01VID-JITTEE John Shykes, Chairman Victor Grubisic Andrew Pristash 'Plilliam Shuga Charles Squires William Meyer Moved by Grubusic and seconded by Tribovich to adopt the foregoing budget.r`eport. Ayes Roll call was as follows-:1 Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Ruf, Janock, Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Beriveger, Hanson, Kravik, S. Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala9 ;Moore, Tedlund, Knight, Yachsmuth, Kasmarek, Swanson, Moe and Meyer. Total 32, Nayes none. Carried. Moved by Anderson and seconded by Johanik to appropriate the following sums for Aerial Survey work in 1949: Orienta and Oulu ---------------------------- 356.00 Northern Part Port ;Wing and Clover-�-------- 139.40 Town of Cable 43-8------------- - 139.30 634.70 This aerial survey to be, made at the same time as that for the Forestry Department covering county forests. Roll Call was as follows. Olson, Smith; Shuga, Irish, Buck, Ruf, Janock, Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravik, S. Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, Wachsmuth, Kasmarek, Swanson, Moe and Meyer. Total 32, Nayes none. Carried. The following resolution was read: �-'IHEREAS, George Leino, Coanty Forestry Administrator,: and J. ff. Tutor, Cruiser and Trespass Officer, were not included in the resolution raising salaries of other county officers which was passed at the spring -session of the County -Board, THEREFORE, BE IT -RESOLVED, That J. W. Tutor's salary be raised to $175.00 per month and George Leino's salary be raised to $225.00 per month. 1948, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this change in s-alary be made retroactive to June 1, Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY CO1.11ITTEE ----- - —--Noveinber 10,,-1948 John Shykes, Chairman Victor Grubisic - Andrew Pristash Charles Squires William Shuga William Meyer moved by Grubisic and seconded by Tribovich to adopt the foregoing resolution, Roll call was as follows: Ayes _ Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Ruf, Janock, Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pri stash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravik, S. Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, rJioore, Tedlund, Knight, Tlachsmuth, Kasmarek, Swanson, Moe and Meyer. Total 32. Nayes; none. Carried. The following resolutions were read: FVfiEREAS, it is desirable and necessary for the City of Bayfield to axquire certain property for the purpose of establishing a municipal garbage grounds, and WHEREAS some of this property is now owned by'BAYFIELD COUNTY, THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing facts, BE IT F-3EREBY RESOLVED that the County Board of Bayfield County be petitioned to transfer by title to the City of Bayfield the following lots: Lots 5, 72 15 and 20 of Block 53 - City of Bayfield; and that the consideration be tax plus interest. Introduced by Ernest LaPointe Passed by action of the Council Nov. 3,1948 Approved Attest Harry- Callen Alderman Ernest LaPointe Alderman Irving Hadland Mayor R. Johnson City Clerk Be it resolved that the County Board of Bayfield County transfer to the City of ,Bayfield the following lots in the City of Bayfield as per their petition. - Lots 51 7, 15 and 20 of Block 53 of the City of Bayfield., and that the consideration be taxes plus interest. Julian i'Vachsmuth Moved by MacRae and seconded by Tribovich to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: Ii�REAS, the present rate of per diem for County Board and Committee work is $5.00 per day, and r �1;TEREAS, many of our members are earning more at their usual vocations and are taking a loss in leaving their work to attend to county business, therefore in view of.the foregoing, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the per diem be increased to $57.00 per day for County Board and committee work as authorized -by Section 59.03 (1)(f) of the Statutes plus the regularirevailing rate for travel pay as may be in effect for all other county employees and officers. J. L hacRae November 10, 1948 Earvey Irish William Meyer Herman Hanson JulianVachsmuth Finance Committee Moved by IVlacRae and seconded by IVioe to -adopt the foregoing resohationa Carried unanimously. The following report was read: To the Chairman and 1,oembers Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: The following is a consolidated report of this Commission for the year from October 20, 1947 to November 1, 1948. The books of the Commission are open to any one who may wish to examine any of the accounts listed therein. On November 1, 1947-the books of this Commission shows a balance of $183.63. The appropriation of the County Board made January 1, 1948 added $1,000.00 to this balance, making a total balance of 1,183.63 From October 20, 1947 to November 1, 1948 a total of fifteem (15) applications received from. indigent. ,,Kar .'Veterans,., . two. (2). of....these, applications were were/denied for various reasons. The total cost to -the County for the thirteen (13) cases which were allo:,red was $632.13, including the total expenses of the Commission, which leaves a balance at this time of `*;551.50, Respectfully Submitted Arthur Fiege COUNTY VETERANS' SERVICE COM1ISSION Moved by MacRae and seconded by t;fachsmuth to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Carried. The following report was read: To the Chairman and Members- Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: The f ollowing.is a consolidated report in number of cases handled through the Bayfield County Veterans Service Office for the year from January 1, 1948 up until the present date, as taken from the f iles. This report is not accurate, as in many cases this office does not receive the rating status of the veterans until several months after he has been rated. 1. Compensation 15 2. Government Insurance. 7 3. Accrued Compensation or Pensions 11 4. Re-imbursement of Burial Expense 1 5. Arrears in Pay 1 27.0 Nove ber I0,_ 948 6. Hospitalization 10 7. Out Patient Treatment 16 8. Prosthetic Appliances 1 9. Vocational Rehabilitation (Public La W #16) 25" 10. Education and. Training (Public Law #346) 33 11. Applications for State Benefits 32. Respectfully Submitted, _ E. H. Wedin BAYFIELD COUNTY VETERANS' SERVICE .OFFICER Moved by MacRae and seconded by Grubisic to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Carried. The following report was read: October 21, 1948 Bayf iel d County Board of Sgervisors Gentlemen: At a meeting of the Bayfiel d County Fair Committee on October 11, 1948, it was moved by Grubisic, Seconded by Squires, that if the County Board votes to hold a fair in 1949, the Fair "Commnittee recommends the following appropriations. Long time improvements --------------------------------- $ 32500.00 General Appropriation for 1949 Fair -------------------- 3,500.00 Motion Carried. �6 7,000.00 The long time improvements suggested by the Fair Committee are as follows: Water system, pump house; wash house, toilets, etc. ----- •2,000.00 Re -wire exhibit -hall ------------------------------------ 300.00 Plywood for exhibit hall -------------------------------- 300.00 ParkingLot --------------------------------------------- 400.00 Paint--------------------------------------------------- 500.00 Signed, 4 30500.00 BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR CO=TTEM John Shykes, Chairman Victor Grubisic Andrew Pristash Charles Squires William Shuga William Meyer R. J. Holvenstot Moved by Shyke s and seconded by Grubisic to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The follov ng resolution and report . were read: October 11, 1948 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: The Bayfi.eld County Fair Committee offers the following resolution: November 10 , 19 48 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that a deficiency appropriation of $6,000.00 covering the 1948 deficit of the County Fair is hereby approved. Signe d, BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COEOAITTEE Z_Qhn 6qb7r1i:eq, Qliairnian Victor Grubisic Andrew Pristash Charles Squires —William Shuga William lvleyer R. J. Holvenstot .Of the above amount, $2,500.90 has been advanced by the Finance Committee and approximately $1,800.00 State Aid will be returned to the County Treasurer. For your information the following is the financial statement covering the 1948 Fair. 'D'J+!' VT7)mO . Cash on Hand Jan. 1 County Aid Repair Outlay - Returned from Milwaukee Trip Gate Receipts Grandstand Receipts Ball Game Receipts Concessions Booths Phone Calls Estimated State Aid Tot al Deficit 1948 COUNTY F-AI.R FUNDS REPORT EXPENDITURES: 600.00 Parking Lot 3,900.00 Ply tilrood 1,000.00 Grandstand Repair Officers' Expense 7.03 1,362.95 835.50 139.25 505.50 50.00 5.38 1,813.67 10,219.28 5,945.06 1.6,164.34, Postage Premiums - 1948 Premiums - 1947 Printing - Fair Book Ribbons, tags, etc. 1,066.40 200.00 764.52 1,146.35 37.51 2,590.95 21.00 222.66 123.35 Supplies 142.23 Superintendents 96.73 Assn. Dues 19.00 Special Acts & Features 22500.00 Advertising 199.10 Machinery Rental 134.54 Judges 86.85 Ball Games 400.00 Police, gate, other 1,189.85 Bangs testing for 4-H 15.00 Repair & Maintenance 296.00 Light & Power 2,070.46 Federal tax 376.17 Other miscellaneous eXpenses outstanding 150.00 Estimated amount to be 'returned to treasurer 1,813.67 Total 15,664.34 To be retained for repairs 500.00 16,164.34 Of the above amount, approximately 4ip3,157.00 was spent -this year on permanent improvements, the cost of which should be spread over a twenty year period. The _-- — -- — --- — - — - — - -- _ November_ 10, 1948_ Committee feels that while this is a cash outlay for this year, that the cost of these permanent improvements should be spread over a twenty year period and that this year a cost of 150.00"depreciation cca.ld only be properly charged. The Committee wishes the Co my Board to understand that if the Fair is to be continued that these improvements are considered necessary. ,loved by MacRae and seconded by Desparois to adopt the foregoing resolution covering 1948 County Fair deficit. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Ruf, Janock, Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravik, S. Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, I:iattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, Wachsmuth, Kasmarek., Swanson, Moe and Meyer. Total - 32, Nayes none. Carried. !loved by Desparois and seconded by Tribovich to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P.D1. by chairman hieye r. . The folio 1a1ng members answered roll c. all; . 01s on, Smith, Shuga, . Irish, Buck, Ruf, Janock, Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, 1jIacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravik, S. Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore; Tedlund, Knight, Jachsmuth, Kasmarek, Nelson, Eiubertson, Swanson, hiloe and IMeye r . Total 34. The following resolution was read: November 9, 1948 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: WBEREAS, in order to receive state aid it. is compulsory for the County Fair Committee to submit a financial report to the state within thrity days after holding the Fair, showing total premiums paid, and WHEREAS, It was necessary for the County Finance Committee to advance the amount of $2,500.190 in order that said premiums could be paid, now THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That the action of the Finance Committee in advancing the above amount is hereby approved. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COl8/12TTEE John Shykes, Chairman Andrea Pristash yitilliam Shuga Victor Grubisic Charles Squires William Meyer. R. J. Holvenstot Moved by MacRae and seconded by ITachsmuth to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried unanimously. The following recommendation was read: To the Bayfield County Finance Committee: We herewith ,submit a proposed budget for the County Agent's Office for 1949. The.budget requested is 7,505.00. This represents an increase of $1,105.00 over the 1948 budget. Of this amount, $605.00 is due to action of the County Board in separating the Forestry Department from the County Agent's Office and increasing the salary of the regular clerk. The agricultural Committee is requesting an increase of 500.00 as shown in the following comparative budgets. 1948 1949 Salary - County Agent, 19480.00 1,780.00 Car Expense - County Agent 720.00 11000.00 Travel - County Agent 75.00 185.00 Office - .County Agent 360.00 37.5.00 Office - Forestry 100.00 Cle..rk Hire --Regular 1,680,00 19920.00 Clerk Hire - Part Time 100.00 100.00 Clerk Hire - Forestry None 300.00 Agricultural Committee 250.00 250.00 Zoning Committee 100.00 none Salary - Home Agent 700.00 500.00 Car Expense- Home Agent 480.00 600.00 Travel - Home Agent 80.00 100.00 Office - Home Agent 75.00 70.00 4-H Club Work 50.00 75.00 Home Demonstration Club Work 50.00 50.00 4-H Leaders' Expense 100.00 100.00 4-H Club Pins 100.00' none Total Budget - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6,400.00 730505.00 Less amount transferred from forestry funds 875.00 400.00 Net 4.ppropriation..- - - - - - - - 5,525.00 $'7,105.00 Respectfully Submitted, BAYFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE John Shzrke s '�,Villiam TMeyer Charles Squires William Shuga Victor Grubisic Moved by TlacRae and seconded by Shuga to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLVED, that the building known as the Berry shed located on the property described as Lots 23 and 24, Block 15, Port fling Proper, be sold and transferred to the Korpus-Johnson Post #531 of the American Legion for a consideration of 1.00, and the County Clerk be, and he is hereby authorized to execute a Bill of Sale of said building to said Legion Post. Presented by O. T. Ba sg tad. Moved by Irish and seconded by Bagstad to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. - --— - - -_-- ----- �-November 10, 1948 The following petition was read: WHEREAS, The County of Bayfield is the -owner of 'approximately eight acres of land in Government Lot one(1) in Section Five (5), Township Forty-eight (48) North of Range Four (4) west, located in the City of Washburn, on which the Highway Department intends to build a garage building; AIM 'HEREAS, this amount of land is not needed for said garage building, and the Michela Coal & Dock Company are in need of a parcel of land approximately 150 feet by 400 feet for a garage building; NOW, THEREFORE, BE. IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this loth day of November, 1948, that the County of Bayfield sell the following described parcel of land, to -wit: That part of Government Lot one (1) in Section Five (5), Township Forty; --.eight (48) .Norte of Range Four (4) ;Test, Hayfield County, Wisconsin, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point established by extending and continuing the Southwest boundary line of First Avenue East from the Southeast corner of Block Fifty-nine (59), Original Tovinsite of the City of Mashburn, to a point Fifty (50) feet South, measured, at.right angles from the center line of the main track of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railway; thence continuing South along said extended boundary of First Avenue East for a distance of Eight Hundred Seventy-five (875) feet, being the place of beginning; thence at an angle of 900 to the right for a distance of Four Hundred (400) feet; thence at an angle of 900 to the right for a distance of One Hundred Fifty (150) feet; thence at an angle of 900 to the right for a distance of approximately Four Hundred (400) feet to the extended boundary of First Avenue East; thence Southerly along said First Avenue East'a distance of approximately One Hundred Fifty (150) feet to the place of beginning; To the Michela Coal & Dock Company for a consideration of Fifty & no/100 ($50.00) Dollars. Joe Kasmarek Moved by MacRae and seconded by Moore to grant the, foregoing petition. Carried. It being 2:00 P.M.. November 10, 1948, the chairman declared the board adjourned for the purpose of meeting as a committee of the whole to conduct a hearing on the proposed budget of 1949. No one appeared at the hearing. The chair declared the -14- hearing committee dosed and the Board convened for the purpose of conducting their usual business. The following claim and. report -were read: STATE OF V7ISCONSIN COUNTY OF BAYFIELD To --- J. -M.-Gibeau City Claim herewith, herewith, on account of damages sustained by me because of negligence of County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, in placing a culvert under the; public highway in the Town of Pratt, in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, which highway is known as the former State Highway No. 24, which is located adjacent to and south of, my laa d November _lu l Iv,%0 described as the West half of the Southwest Quarter (SW-14) , of Section Fourteen (14) in Township No. 45, North of Range Six (6), in Bayfield County, Wisconsin. That said culvert, instead of disposing of surface water accumulated" in theF- ditch on -the south side of said township highway, caused the same to flow north through said culvert and across my land, preventing me from using same for farm purposes and to my damage in the amount of Two Thousan_d..and no/100 ($2,000.00) Dollars. STATE OF WISCONSIN ss. J. NI. Gi-- beau ________says that the above claim COUNTY OF BAYFIF,LD __ for T'.v o Thousand and no/100 ($2,000.00) is true and correct and that no portion of, the same has been paid. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th' day of Tune A. D.,, . 1946 . J. ICI. Gibeau Donald D. Darwin Notary Public, Bayfield County Uisconsin My Commission expires: October 8, 1950 REPORT ON D. AhRGE CLAI IA OF LQ . G . M. GIBEAU IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,000.00 ATTACHED The County Highway Committee, Commissioner and District Attorney investigated the. attached claim at the site on 7fednesday, July 14, 1948 and liability is denied for the following reasons: 1. The previous natural watercourse wa-f-.�^,,, e or direction of drainage has not been changed. 2. Neither the capacity of the culvert nor the volume of water taken across the highway has been increased. 3. No ditching or work of any kind has been done off the public Right of Way. 4. Bayfield County, .in preparing the town highway for a detour; was- performing work for the State Highway -Commission under Contract No. 1 U. S. Highway No. 63 (detour) Project F 011-2(27) and liability, if any, in this case would rest against the State and claim should have been filed with the Secretary of the Wisconsin Highway Commission, State office Building, Madison, Wisconsin. THEREFORE, the undersigned recommend to the County Board of Bayfield County that the claim of ter. J. M. Gibeau in the amount of $2,.000.00, be disallowed. Signed: R. J. Nelson J. R. Desaprois Ernest Moore County Highway Committee H. B. Curry County Highway Commissioner Walter T. Norlin District Attorney Bayfield County Moved by Desparois and seconded by MacRae to disallow the foregoing claim. Car -tied. The following communication was read: November 10, 1948 -- -------�— -- ---- TO TOWN, VILLAGE AND CITY TREASURERS Dear Sir: , SUBJECT: Flood Damage Aid Payments Pursuant to Sec. 86.24"1is. Statutes The enclosed State Treasurerts check is in payment of Flood Damage Aid paid, pursuant to Sec. 86.24 of the dais. Statutes, toward the cost of construction, reconstruction, repair or improvement of facilities damaged by flood and based on certified statements of cost received from your local unit. A copy of this letter, to which is attached a detailed statement setting forth the method of computing the amount of the aid, is being mailed to the clerk of your municipality as required by Sec. 14.42 (13a) of the statutes. This section provides that the clerk of the municipality q;hall present this statement at the next regular meeting of the governing body and/Veep it for six years. Very truly yours, STATE HIGH;"JAY - COhRV=SION OF WISCONSIN 17. B. Blair, Chief Accountant By: S. D. Swartz Senior Accountant FLOOD DAMAGE AID Section 86.24 - Wisconsin Statutes Flood of June, 1946 Estimate No. 1 - FINAL County of Bayf ie ld, Wis--c ons in Certified Statement Commission Estimate Recommended Identification of Cost of Cost in Kind. Allowance In Kind Improved 1 1,032.26 1,032.26 2 1,752467 19752,67 3 762.93 762.93 4 12516.18 13,516,18 5 8,689.23 89689423 6 42397.43 42397.43 7 22168.59 2,168.59 8 5,527.64 4,650.00 59088.82 9 42288.18 3,525.00 32906.59 11 & 12 1,978.38 19978.38 13 49628.98 42628.98 14 1,441.53 12441.53 15 82669,48 8,669.48 16 & 17 2,414.02 23,414.02 18 29073.91 23073691 19 & 20 23,908.81 2,908.61 21 659.13 659.13 22 647.32 647..32 Totals 452740.85 92815.82 82175.00 $'542736.26 Todial Recommended Allowance - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 54,736.26 a M_� --=—_-_- Maximum. Prorated Aid Recommended Allakvance,. Above Sub -Total Less 1/4 Highway Allotment Total Recommended Allowance Total Maximum Prorated Aid %, 21,773.44 212773.44 Recommended Allowance 54,736.26 54,736.26 172736.73 36,999.53 36,999.53 -Payments Made & Re c omme n de d None Recommended for Payment - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - -- - - - - $ 21,773.44 G. I, Germond - Division Engineer 10 /16 /48 Dated Note: Project 10 (incomplete) and small .tool rental not included in above estimate. Total work exceeds amount of Aid without including such items. Moved by Hanson and seconded' by Bagstad to receive the foregoing communication and ,place on file. Carried. The following resolution was. read: WHEREAS, the Conservation Committee of the County Board did not receive completed plans for the dam at the outlet of Totagatic Lake until late in the summer, and WHEREAS, 'construction costs were high and there was a shortage of cement,. and for that reason the dams were not constructed, THEREFORE, BE IT FIEREBYY' RESOLVED, that the appropriation of $3,000.00 for the dam be held.over' and made available for 1949. Joseph Berweger ryilliam_bleyer Bernard E. Johnson Anthony Janock Moved by Grubisic and seconded by Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: ijVHEREAS, the present salary of the County Superintendent of Schools is at the rate of $2700.00 per year, and ti= REAS, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction has by letter informed the county board that it is difficult to find a qualified party for said position, and ,-VHEREAS, the Attorney General under date of October 8, 1948 handed down an opinion to Walter T. Norlin, District Attorney, where in he stated as follovis: t'y=There there is a vacancy in the office of county superintendent of schools, the county board has authority to increase the salary to be paid the person who will be appointed to fill said vacancy if it meets and makes such change prior to the time such person is appointed and qualifies. Secs. 59.15 (1) and.(4) and 39.01 (3), Stats.tt NOrd THEREFORE, in view of the foregoing information be it hereby resolved that the salary of the County Superintendent of Schools be set at a rate of *3500.00 per annum for the balance of the unexpired term, effective with the appointment to be made by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. November 10, 1948- Moved by Shykes and seconded by Janock to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll Call was as follo,,,Ts: _Ayes - Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, R.uf, Janock, Meyer, Johnson, Grubisic, Desp arois, TvlacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravik, S. Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich,'Shykes, Pajala, imoore, Tedlund, Knight, !Vachsmuth, ,Kasmarek, Nelson, Embertson, Swanson and Moe. Total 34, Nayes none. Carried. The following report was read: TO THE HONORABLE IAMvIBERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, BAYFIELD COUNTY, iiISCONSIN The budget for the office of the Superintendent of Schools for the year 1949, as recommended by the Committee on Education in Annual Session, is as follows: Salary, Superintendent of Schools 32500.00 Salary, Clerk Travel Expense Telephone Standardized Test Program Office Maintenance File Equipment (Outlay) To tal ' Includes $150.00 for extra.clerical hire. Signed, Dated this 4th day of -- October, 1948. 1,920.00 875.00 90.00 275.00 500.00 200.00 7,360.00 _ Q. L. Tedlund Victor Mattakat Sanfred Anderson C OMIVZI'I' TEE ON EDUCATION BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN Moved by MacRae and seconded by Shuga to accept the foregoing report and place on f ile . Carried. The following report was read: TOT E HONORABLE IVI+IdIBERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN tilde, the undersigned Committee on Education of the Bayfield County Board, in accordance with Section 40.303 (2) of the Wisconsin Statutes, wish to nominate Mr. Vic C. Wallin and Mrs. Alta Gustafson to membership for a term of three (3) years on the Bayfield County School Committee. These members mre appointed for a term of one (1) year, and in recognition of their understanding of, and sympathy for, the problems of our schools, we are in favor of their reappointment to fill the vacancies that will exist. Signed, Dated this 4th day of October, 1948 Victor Mattakat Sanfred Anderson C. L. Tedlund COI+ AITTEE ON EDUCATION, BAYFIELD COUNTY, �RIISCONTSIN November lU, u Moved by MacRae and seconded by Idoore'to accept the recommendations in -the foregoing toport and that the said nominees be appointed. Carried. The following communication was read: October 14, 1948 To the County Clerk and the County Treasurer Bayfield County According to the provisions of Section 59.075, Uisconsin Statutes of 1927; 19392 ' I 1943, and 1945, I am certifying the number of elementary teachers in service in your county and the average daily attendance for small schools for the school year 1947-48. Counties are required to levy county school equalization taxes -pursuant to the provisions of Section 59.075 and Section 40.87 of. the statutes as follows: Number of elementary teachers under the jurisdiction of the county superintendent in districts which levied two mills or -over as per chapter 435, Laws of 1945, and which had an A.D.A. of ten or over, � 61 @ $250.00 s $15,250.00 i Number of elementary teachers under the jurisdiction of the county superintendent in districts which levied ,one mill and less than two mills as per chapter 435, Laws of 1945, and which had an A.D.A.; of ten or ,over, None Number of elementary teachers under the'jurisdiction of city superintendents of city districts which levied ttivo mills or over as per, chapter 435, Laws of 1945, I'lashburn 12 C $250.00 a . $5) 000 e00 Amount to be levied by county on account of districts with average daily attendance of lass than 10 which levied 2 mills or over as per chapter' 435, Laws of 1945, None Amount to be levied by county on account of districts with average dei ly attendance of less than 10 which levied 1 mill and less than 2 mills as per chapter 435, Laws of 1945, None Amount to be levied by the county .on account of districts,coming under the provisions of section 40.87 (4) (f } Total school tax levy $' 18,250.00 TOHN CALLAHAN State Superintendent Moved by MacRae and seconded by Smith to receive the foregoing communication" and place on file. Carried. The following resolution was read: V=EAS, the County has placed its surplus funds in government- bonds so as to obtain the benefit of interest accruing therefrom as well as to avoid payment of bank deposit fees; AND WHEREAS, it may be necessary to sell some or all of said government bonds from time to time as financial -needs require; Now, Therefore, be it resolved by the County Board of Supervisors in annual session assembled this 10th day of November, 1948, that the chairman of the County --— —November1948 - ---- Board, the County Clerk and the County Treasurer acting as a Committee be, and they are hereby authorized to sell and convert government bonds into cash as and when they deem it necessary for sound financing, and when in their opinion the financial needs of the county so require. Presented by: J. L. MacRae VIN l 11 am TSAYer Harvey Irish Herman Hanson Julian Wachsmuth Finance Committee Moved by MacRae and seconded by Frankie to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried, The following res-olution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield Caznty in annual session this loth day of November, 1948, that the taxing districts of said county be and they are hereby required to reimburse Bayfield County .for all amounts of money paid in Old Age Assistance and Burial costs to its residents, less the amount received by said County from the State and Federal Government pursuant to Section 49.38 of the Statutes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amounts to be raised and paid by each city, town, and village to reimburse Bayfield County as herein provided, shall be the amounts set forth in the attached schedule marked Exhibit "A", and made a part hereof in the column entitled, "CH,LRGE BACK". TAXING DISTRICT Town of Barksdale Town of Barnes City of Bayfield Town of Bayfield Town of Bayview Town of Bell Town of Cable Village of Cable Town of Clover Town of Delta Town of Drummond Town of Eileen Town of Hughes Town of Iron River Town of Kelly Town of Keystone Town of Lincoln Town of INias on Village of mason Town of Namakagon EXHIBIT `"A» CHARGE BACK 536.75 465.55 3556.30 1459.50 1578.80 944.85 814.25 570.80 940.85 360.60 2497.20 1122480 889.20 2890.75 811.25 483.70 232.10 1123.65 425.00 454.50 Town of Orienta 600.20 November lu, ly4ti TAXING DISTRICT CHARGE BACK Town of Oulu ._177705 Town of Pilsen 478.10 Town of Port ;'ding 2484,60 Town of Pratt 1486.10 -Town of Russell 1381.30_ Town of Tripp 113.30 City of Washburn 6051.20 Town of 'dashburn 1137.55 County -at -Large 2472.00 TOTAL - - - - 40839.80 Dated this 9th day of Novenh er, ':1948. PRESENTED BY: 0. T. Bagstad .�'T.�iiTi�is • 4 lilbur Smith Moved by MacRae and seconded by Johanik to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried unanimously. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayf ield County is requir ed to advance cash f or the payment of Old Age Assistance and reimbursement by the State and Federal Government is made after the end of each quarter, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County is required to advance a percentage of such pensions until tax collection of the ensuing year; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this 9th day of November, 1948, that a revolving fund of thirty-five thousand ($35,000.00) dollars is hereby appropriated from the general fund for payment of Old Age Assistance for the ensuing year, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that amounts received from the State and Federal Government and collected from the taxing districts for the reimbursement of the funds advanced by Bayfield County for Old Age Assistance shall b-e paid into the general fund of Bayfield County. DATED: this 9th' day of November, 1948. PRESENTED BY: ©. T. Bagstad -William Myer Albert j. Swanson Wilbur Smith Moved by TiiacRae and seconded by Smith to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. Mr. Randall appeared before the County Board and explained the distribution of costs of the. various welfare aids. —_ _- ------ -- — -- —November 10;--1948- The following resolution was read: ,�'dHEREAS, the commitments of the County Highway Department and other County Departments may require the raising of cash to meet payrolls and other obligations within the next year; AND WHEREAS, it may prove desirable for the County to make short term loans to raise cash rather than to liquidate or convert government bonds; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT' RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this loth day of November,-1948, that the Chairman of the County, -Board, the County Clerk and t:he County Treasurer be, and they are hereby authorized to make short term loans in an amount not exceeding $50,000.00. in the aggregate if in their own opinion it should be found to be to the County's interest to make such .loans rather than to dispose of government bonds held by the County. Presented by: J. L. MacRae William bleyer Harvey Irish Herman Hanson Julian YTachsmuth Finance Committee Moved by MacRae and seconded _by Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried unanimously. The following resolution, was read: ;WHEREAS, due to rising costs there has been an overrun in the expenditures of most County departments above the budget allocations; BE IT RESOLVED that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be, and they are hereby authorized to transfer funds as of December 31, 1948 in such amounts as will be necessary to cover the budget deficiencies and balance the accounts of the various County departments. Presented by: J. L. MacRae ffilliam Meyer Harvey Irish Herman Han so n Julian fYachsmuth Finance Committee TVfoved by MacRae and seconded by Shykes to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: aJhereas, the County Cis: rk and the County Treasurer have heretofore signed all County checks personally, which requires a great deal of time; and Whereas, addressograph plates have been made with the County -Clerk and County Treasurer's signatures, as well as that of the Chairman of the County Board; November 10,_ 1948 BE IT"RESOLVED that the use of the addressograph plates for check signatures of the County Clerk, County Treasurer and County Board Chairman, be, and the same is hereby duly authorized. Presented by: J. L. MacRae 'Jilliam Meyer Harvey Irish He rman Han s on Julian 'Wachsmuth Finance Committee Moved by MacRae and seconded by Johanik to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was.read: BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors in annual session assembled this loth day of November, 1948, that the cost of living bonus as to the Supervising Teacher of Bayfield County be discontinued, effective upon the change in that office. J. L. MacRae William Meyer Harvey Irish Herman Hanson Julian Jachsmuth Finance Committee Moved by MacRae and seconded by Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED that the salary of County Superintendent of Schools for the term commencing July 1, 1949 be, and the same is hereby set at $3600.00 per annum, plus mileage at the regular county rate and plus out of pocket travel expenses, with no cost of living bonus. Presented by: J. L. MacRae William Meyer - Harvey Irish Herman Hanson Julian wJachsmuth Finance Committtee 1,joved by MacRae and seconded by Janock to adopt the foregoing resolution® Roll call was as f ollow s: ,Iyes - Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Suck, Ruf, Janock, Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravik, S. Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, Knight; 711achsmuth, Kasmarek, Nelson, Embertson, Swanson, Moe and Meyer. Total 34, Nayes none. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLVED, that the fees for examing physician in County Court be, and the same is hereby fixed at 65.00 for each examination,., ,all other previous resolutions on the November 10„1948 subject being hereby rescinded and repealed. Presented by: 1Tilliam Meyer J. L. MacRae Harvey Irish Herman Hanson Julian Wachsmuth Finance Committee Moved by lacRae and seconded by Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following questionaire from the Wisconsin County Boards Association was acted on by the County Board as indicated by a b ross (X) before the words yes or no. PROPOSALS RELATING TO COUNTY GOVERMENT ACTED ON BY THE COUNTY BO.�RD AT ITS "NNTM1:,.L 1948 SESSION 1. SHOULD THE COUNTY CLERK IaNDATORILY BE MADE THE COUNTY FINANCE OFFICER IN ALL COUNTIES THROUGH THE ENACMIENT OF A N N STATE LAW? Ye s X No II. SHOULD PRESENT AID LAPIS RELATING TO COUNTY MENTAL HOSPITALS BE CH_�.NGED? A. Should legislation be introduced asking for the full 50% aid retroactively to include operations for the fiscal years 1948 and 1949? X Yes No B. Should the state law be amended giving the State Emergency Board authority to increase or decrease the pre -determined fixed rate set by the legislature whenever substantiating data shows that the statutory rate set by the legislature is not sufficient? Yes X No C. Should the present laws be amended to provide that out -of -county patients in county mental hospitals pay the full cost of care instead of the pre -determined fixed rate? (Note: This type of law now applies to the operation of Coa my T. B. Sanatoria.) Ye s X No III. SHOULD STATE AID TO CO 1 UY' T. B. SANATORIA BE INCREASED? X Yes No IV. SHOULD THE STATE BE GIVEN CO!,:1PLETE CONTROL OVER, BUILDING OF ALL STATE TRUIZ IIIGMTA Ye s X No V. SHOULD THE, LIEN LAiF PROVISIONS BE EXTENDED TO ALL FORMS OF PUBLIC- ASSISTANCE? Yes X No VI. SHOULD THE STATE -4.10 COUNTIES JOINTLY. ERECT HOSPITALS FOR THE CARE OF THE AGED II1TFIRM AND THE CHRONICALLY ILL? X Yes No (On a permissive basis) er lU, VII.. SHOULD CONGRESS AGAIN BE PETITIONED TO EXTEND SOCIAL SECURITY COVERAGE TO GOVERNIVEh''TAL EMPLOYEES? Ye s X No. VIII. SHOULD WISCONSIN HAVE A STATE POLICE SYSTEM? Yes X No IX. - SHOULD WISCONSIN HAVE A ONE MAN HIGHIVAY COM1f[SSION? Ye s X No X. SHOULD 17.0.B.A FACILITIES BE EXTENDED TO TOWNS? Yes X NO XI. SHOULD SOCIAL- SECURITY IN WISCONSIN BE FINANCED SOLELY BY _FEDERAL AND STATE FUNDS? X Yes No XII. SHOULD THE (STATE PREPARE ITSELF NOV dTITH' A CUSHION FUND -TO TAKE CARE OF DIRECT RELIEF IF SUCH AN EMERGENCY ARISES? X Yes NO XIII. IS THE STATE BOARD OF HEALTH PLAN FOR COUNTY HEALTH'DEPARTMENT'S SOUND? :Yes No Remarks.. No acti-on. XIV. SHOULD ALL COUNTIES iv1ANDA:TORII;Y ADOPT THE UNIFORM COST SYSTEM IN THEIR COUNTY HIGHTVAY DEPARTItENTS? Ye s X No Signed Bayfield County By: Ludwig Tran ma 1 Clerk The following resolution was read.: WHEREAS, it is necessary to s-et the salary and compensation of the :.County Judge for the next tarm of office at -the annual meeting preceding the election for that cf-Mice, And whereas, the election will be held in April of 1949, and the salary must therefore be set at the present meeting of the County Board; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Bca:.rd of Supervisors in annual session assembled this lOth day` of November, 1948 that the salary of the County Judge of Bayfield County for the term commencing Jandary,.l, 1950 be set at 42100.00 per annum with an additional $900.00 per annum as Juvenil,w-Judge' making a total compensation of $3,000.00, and that said compensation be in lieu of all fees. Presented' by: .. J. L. MacRae Herman Hanson .Julian Wachsmuth Harvey -Irish - Tillian. Meyer Moved by MacRae and seconded by Johanik to,adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll, call was as. follows: Ayes Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Ruf, Janock, _ Meyer, Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois,-IvlacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Han.s4n; Kravi4, S. Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich,:Shykes, Pajala, Moore- Tedlund, Knight,' �jachsmu h, Kasmarek, Nelson, Embertson, Swanson, and Igoe. Total :34, Na e s o y N.ne. Carried. :.The_ f,o`llowing recommendation was read: November 10, 1948 Bayf ield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: We recommend that the County Agent's salary be increased in the amount of $300.00 as of January 1, 1949, making his salary from the County $1,780.00 per year. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE John Shykes, Chairman Victor Grubisic Andrew Pristash Charles Squires ililliam Shuga William Meyer Moved by Grubisic and seconded by Shykes to adopt the foregoing recommendation. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Ruf, Janoek, %Meyer, Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravik, S. Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, Knight, Wachsmuth, Kasmare'k, Nelson, Embertson, Swanson, and Moe. Total 34, Nayes none. Carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Town highway running through the Towns of Oulu, Orienta and Port Wing, starting at the Southwest corner of Section 24-48-0 West, and running thence North 5 miles, thence East 2 miles, thence North one half a mile; thence ;'Test one half a mile; thence North and Westerly to the Northivest corner ;of Section 30-49-8 West; thence North 4 miles; thence East 2 miles to a junction vith County Trunk A approximately 1 mile North of Port ";ling, Traverses a well settled farming area and is a highly desirable and much used avenue of traffic in said towns; a AND WHEREAS, improvement of said raod would be'difficult undertaking for the Towns affected thereby, but would have distinct advantages as a route for the High School bus from the South Shore High School serving said communities, and should for these reasons, be properly- made a part of the County Highway system. NOXf', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this loth day of November, 1948 that upon completion of the improvements to highways added to the County Trunk system by action at this session of the County, Board, the highway herein above mentioned be placed next on the agenda of the County Board for consideration for addition to the County Trunk Highway System, it being the intent of the Board at this meeting not to make any commitment as to this proposed addition to the County Trunk Highway System, but merely to put itself on record to the effect that when the present County Highway program is completed and consideration is given to adding additional mileage to the County system, that the highway above described be given first preference. Proposed by: Walter Frankie Sanfred Anderson O. T. Bagstad -------__--�------------------- -_ -->_- ---_� -November=10_,-1.948�--_�__�-- ___-____ --- ----------------------_ --- Anthony Janock S. 1U. Buck William Shuga J. F. Shykes Moved by Frankie and seconded by Anderson to accept the foregoing resolution, and place on file. Carried. Moved by Hanson and seconded by Squires to reconsider Resolution on page 224 of County Board Journal No. 9, regarding addition to County Trunk Highway. System in the T6wns of Mason and Pratt and that this be given the same preference as the highway described in the preceding r7esolution just acted on. The length of this highway in the towns of mason and Pratt is about two and one-half (22) miles. Carried. The following report was read: Washburn, Wis., November 4, 1948 To the Hon. County Board, Bayfield County, Wis. Gentlemen: We the undersigned Committee on illegal taxes,beg leave to report, that we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "alloxvied" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same, and that the amounts be charged back to the respective taxing districts as designated. ILLEGAL TAXES AND.TAX:CERTIFICATES CHARGED BACK IN 1948 TOWN OF BARNES Year Allowed Del.Tax Name of Description and of Cert. Face of Charge Back Claimant Reason of Illegality Sale No. Cert. To District Bayfield Co. NE Still, Section 32-46-9 1947 1170 5.54 5.54 Gov't. Property since June 171 1939 TOWN OF BAYFIELD Bayfield Co. NE NE lass.State Reserve, Section 16-50-4. Should be NU NE less State Reserve 1945 73 2.25 2..25 Bayfield Co. Lot 4 except N. 10 rods (Omitted Tax of 1945) Section 24-52-5. Assessed on 1945 tax roll 1947 530 3.38 3.38 5.63 TMAIN OF CLOVER Bayfield Co. -SV . SW, Sec.. 30-50-7.. Receipt shows tax paid in full 1943 1651 1.93 1.93 Bayfield Co. Lot 8; Block 7, Plat of.. Orchard City. Deeded to. Tn. of Clover, by R. B. Bartlett, Jr. July:,23, 1915- 19 44 2812 3.09 3.09 5.02 November 10, 1948 ILLEGAL TAXES AND TAX CERTIFICATES CHARGED BACK IN 1946 TOWN OF` DELTA yew Allowed Del. Tag Name of Description and of Cert. Face'of Charge Back Claimant Reason of Illegality Sale No. Cert. In Distri.e't Bayfield Co. Parcel in SE NVI desc. in Vol. 90, page 352, Sec. 18-46-8., Wrong volume '& page. 1947 678A TOWN OF DRUL:IOND Bayfield Co. Lot 14 - That part desc. in Vol. 107, page 246, Section 33-44-7. Wrong volume and page. Vol. 107, page 246 covers property in Lot 6. 1940 1963 Bayfield Co. Do. 1941 17-13 Bayfield Co. Do. 1942- 1698 Bayfield Co. Do. 1943 1449 Bayfield Co. Do. 1944 1101 Bayfield Co. Do, 1945 917 Bayfield Co. Do.; 1946 856 Bayfield Co. NW, MIT, Sec. 36-45-7. Gov't. property at time of assessment. 1943 1480 Bayfield. Co. SIFT N1, Sec. 36-45-7. GGov':t:,. property at time of assessment. 1945 1481 Bayfield C o . NW N111, See. 36-45-7 . .92 6.86 7.08 7.24 7.36 7.38 8.13 7.47 5.87 4.91 Gov*t. property at time of assessment. 1944 1126 6.88 Bayfield Co. SW NW, Sec. 36-45-7. Cov.t. property at time of assessment. 1944 1127 TOWN OF HUGHES Bayfield Co. SE NE, Section 30-47-9. Individual to-U.S.A.- Got. 10, 1940. 1941 Bayfield Co. NE SE, Section 30-47-9... Individual to U.S.A..!- Oct. 10, 1940. 1941 Bayfield Co. SW NFU Sec. 32-47-9. Individual to U.S.A. Oct. 10, 1940. 1941 3563 4.92 8.52 .92 6.86 7.08 7.24 7.36 7.38 8.13 7.47 6.87 4.91 6.88 4,92 75.10 8.52 3566 15.63 15.63 3571 7.11 7.11 lY V Y V131 N V l y V, y e/ Z V ILLEGAL TAXES AND TAK'CERTIFICATED" CHARGED 'BACK -IN "1948 TMUN OF HUGHES Year Allowed Del: "Tax Name of Description and of Cert. -Face of Charge Back Claimant Reason of Illegality Sale No. Cart. to District Bayfield Co. NW SSV, Section 32-47--9. Individual to U.5.A.- Oct. 10, 1940 1941 3572 5.68 5.68 TOWN OF IRON'RIVER Bayfield Co'. NW NW, Section 26-47-8. Toren pfloperty at time of assessment. '1945 1199 2.38 2.38 Bayfield Co. SW SE., Section 18-47-8. Double assessment. 1947 804B 7.14 7.14 Bayfield Co: Tract in Gov't. Lot 2 desc. in Vol. 136, page 509, Sec. 28-47-8. No building on this lot. Tax roll shows improvements 1947 825B 54490 54..90 Bayfield Co. N2 NE SE; Sec. 34-47-8. Pd, on Town Treasurer's Receipt #103: 1947 846B 2.91 2.91 Bayfield Co, Lot 1, Block 9, Staples Addition to Iron "River. County tax deed taken on Sales of 1929 and 1930. 1946 1967 .80 .80 68.13 T07M OF KELLY Bayf ie ld Co. NE SW, Section 10-46-5. Should have been assessed as the S. 30 acres of NE,SW. 1943 507 4.77 4.77 TOWN OF NAMQEAGON Bayfield Co. The following were Govtt. property -at the time of assessment: Lot 12, Sec. 11-43-6 1944 729 2,88 2.88 Lot 13, Sec. 11-43-6 1944 730 1.92 1.92 Lot 14-, Sec. 11-43-6 1944 731 1.53 1..53 Lot 15, Sec. 11743-6 1944 732 .19 .19 Lot 169 Sec. 11-43-6 1944 733 .19 _19 Lot 17, Sec. 11-43-6. 1944 734 2.88 2,88 Lot 20, Sec. 11-43-6 1944 735 1.53 1.53 `290 November 10, 1948 Name of Claimant Bayfield Co. Bayf i el d Co. Bayfield Co, Bayf ie ld Co. Bayfield Co. ILLEGAL TAXES AND TAX CERTIFICATES CHARGED BACK IN 1948 TOWN OF PILSEN Year Depeription and of Cert. Reason of Illegality Sale Noo MY NW, Sec. 3-47--7-. Gov't. Land - Dec. 24, 1945 1947 840. SW NE, Sec. 9-47-7. Gov't: Land, Dec. 24, 1945 1947 843 TOWN OF PORT WING MV NE, Sec. 12-49-8. Pd. to Town Treas. , Jan. 7, 1944. Rec. #381 and not entered on tax roll 1944 NE NE, Sec. 13-50-8, County property at time of assessment. 1944 SE SE, Sec. 17-49-7. Tax paid to Tn. Treas. 1947 TQTN OF PRATT Bayfield Co: The following lands are to be charged back to the Town of Pratt as-t-hey were Gov't. property since Oct. 16, 1941i SW NE, Sec: 20-44-6 1943 STW NE, Sec. 20-44-6 1944 Sill NE, See. 20-44-6 1945 SW NE, Sec. 20-44-6 1946 SjV NE, See. 20-44-6 1947 MY SE, See. 20-44-6 1943 NW SE, Sec. 20-44-6 1944 NjV SE, Sec. 20-44-6 1945 NW SF, Sec. 20-44-6 1946 MY SE, Sec. 20-44-6 1947 NE SW, Sec. 6-44-6 1943 SjV SW, Sec. 6-44-6 1943 SE SW; Sec. 6-44-6 1943 NE SE, Sec. 6-44-6 1943 NW SE, Sec. 6-44-6 1943 SW SE; Sec. 6-44-6 1943 SE SE, Sec. 6-44-6 1943 1553 1615 1072 785 691 616 558 1073 786 692 617 559 1030 1031 -10 32 '1033 1034 1035 1036 Allowed Face of :Cert. 5.00 6.67 1.91 4.57 4.49 4,90 5,82 5.54 4,57 4.49 4.90 5482 5.54 4.57 4.57 4.57 4, 57 4.57 4.57 4@57 De 1. Tax Cahrge Back to District ORM 4.48 8.96 5.00 6.67 4.57 4.49 4.90 5.82 5.54 4.57 4.49 4.90 5.82 5.54 4.57 4, 57- 4.57 4,57 4.57 4.57 4,57 -__� ------ -------------------_=-=_=--===NOV-ember _10, 1948 _--=-=----=_ -=-------�_.�_ ILLEGAL TAXES AND TAK CERTIFICATES CILUGED'BACK IN 1-9448 TOWN OF PRATT ( Coot' d ) Year Allowed Del.Tax. Name of Description -and of Cert. Face of Charge Back Claimant Reason of Illegality Sale No® Cert. to.bistrict Bayfield Co . The f ollowing lands are to be charged back to the Town of Pratt as they were Gov't. property since Oct. 16, 1941: NE $W, Sec. 6-44-6 1944 752 4.49 4,49 SIT' SVd, Sec. 6-44-6 1944 753' 4.49 4.49 BE swSec. 6-44-6 1944 754 4.49 4.49 NE S.F., Sec. 6-44-6 1944 755 4.49 4.49 IRV SE, Sec. 6-44-6 1944 756 4.49 4.49 SW BE, Sec. 6-44-6 1944 757 4.49 4.49 BE BE, Sec. 6-44-6 1944 758 4.49 4.49 114.06 TOIItN OF RUSSELL Bayfield Co. Parcel 100 ft. wide in MY SV'T as desc . in Vol. 83 - of Deeds, page 340, Sec® 31-51-3. Iffrong volume- and page - should be Volume 23; page 340. 1943 34 .58 .58 Bayfield Co. E1 E1 SE NE, Sec: 26-51-4. Town of Russell property.. 1943 239 1.54 1.54 Bayfield Co. Parcel in Gov't. Lot 1 desc. in Vol. 116, page 472� Section 31-51-3. Wrong volume and page. 1947 16 2.62 2.82 Bayfield Coe Lot 132 Block 3, Buffalo's SubDivision. No such lot shown on plat. 1945 2103 9.11 9.11 Bayfield Co. Do. 1946 1919 10.13 10.13 Bayfield Co, South 440 Ft` of N. 881 ft. of NE NW except T 1205 ft. r thereof, as desc. in Vol® 119, page 425, Sec. 31-51-3. Gov't. property at time of assessment. 1942 25 .56 .56, Bayfield Co. Do. 1943 25 .58 .58 Bayf ield Co. Do: 1944 21 .62 .62 Bayfield Co. Do. 1.945 10 .61 .61 Bayfield Co. Do. 1946 12 .68 ..68 .27.23 N5-v_&fa'b_&f -10 ------ ILLEGAL TAXES AND TAX CERTIFICATES CH&RGED BACK -IN 1948 TOWN CF TRIPP Year Allowed Del Tax Name of Description and of Cert. Face of Charge Back Claimant Reason of Illegality Sale No: Ce rt. to District Bayfield. Co. The following lands to be charged back ito Town of Tripp being !they were ccunty property as of ijarch, 1944: NE S1,11, Section 14-48-8. 1945 124.7 2.06 2.06 MIT S-19, less parcel desc. in i Vol. 115, page 130, See. 14-48-8. 1945 1248 2.06 2,i06 NW NE,, less parcel desc. in Vol. 115, page 130, Sec. 22-48-8. 1945 .1255 1.74 1.74 SW NE, Sec. 26-48-8 1945 1264: 1.74 -1i,74 NE NW, Sec. 26-48-8 1945 -1265 1.74 1.74 NW MV, Sec. 26-48-8 1945 1266 1,74 1.74 NE SE, Sec. 26-48-8 1945 1.267 1.74 1.74 NE SW, Sec. 14-4-8-8 1946 1151 2.08 2,08 N14V sW less parcel desc.. in Vol.-115, page 130; See. 14-46-8 1946 1152 2.08 2.08 A strip of land 100 ft, wide across NW, sW as desc. in Vol. 115, page 130, Sec. 14-48-8 1946 1153 .52 .52 NW NE less parcel desc. in Vol. 115, page 130, Sec. 22-48-6 1946 1162 2.08 2.08 A strip of land 100ft. wide across N. end of N1jV NE desc. in Vol. 115, page 130, Sec. 22-48-8. 1946 .1163 _-.52 .52 StiV NE, Se.c. 26-48-8 1946 1164 2.08 2.08 NE MV,, Sec. 26-48-8 1946 1165 2.08 2.08 NET NW, Sec. 26-48-8 1946 1166 2.08 2.08 NE SE, Sec. 26-48-8 1946 1167 2.08 2.08 28.42 T01N OF kSEBTJRN Bayfield Co. Nz NE SE, See. 1-48-5. County property -at time, of assessment. 1946 396 2.87 2.87 Bayfield Co.. Do. 1947 3147 .3.61 3.61 2 9 November ILLEGAL'TAXES AND TAX CERTIFICATES CHARGED BACK IN 1948 TO 41N OF r,iASBBURN (Cont, ) Year Name of Description and of Claimant Reason of Illegality gale Bayfield Co. S2 NE, Sec. 7-48-7 Gov't. property Dec. 242 1945. 1947 Bayfield Co. N2 SE, Sec. 7-48-7. Gov't. property Dec. 24, 1945 �1947 Bayf iel d Co. NTT NVV', Sec. 17-48-7 . Gov't. property dec. 24, 1945. 1947 Bayfield Co. SiV NIV, See. 17-48-7. Gov't® property Dec. 24, 1945. 1947 Bayfield Co. NW SW; Sec. 17-48--7. Gov't. property -Dec. 242 1945. 1947- Bayfield Co. SW SW, Sec. 17-46-7. Gov't, property Dec. 24, 1945 1947 Bayfield County SE SW, Sec. 17-48-7. Gov't. property Dec. 24, 1945. 1947 CITY OF 'BAYF'IELD Bayfield Co. Lot 13, Block 115, City of Bayfield. County property -June 6, 1941 1943 Bayfield Co. Lot 5, Block 24, Cityof Bayfield. Pd. to City Treas. Jan. 31, 1946, Receipt '194. 1946 Bayfield Co. The following lands are to be charged back to the City'of Bayfield as these lots are in the Lake and, therefore, not assessable: Lot 1, Block 38 1942 Lot 2, Block 38 1942 Lot 3, Block 38 1942 Lot 4, Block 38 1942 Lot 5, Block 38 1942 Allowed Del. Tax Cert. Face of Charge Back No. Cert. to District 847 4.80 4.80 4.80 4.80 849 2.41 2.41 850 2.41 2.41 851 2.41 2.41 852 2.41 2.41 853 2.41 2.41 28.13 3175 .68 .68 1734 2.25 2.25 3398 .20 .20 3399 .20 .20 3400 .20 .20 3401 .20 .20 3402 .20 .20 - --- --- ---- - - ----- --- --- _ _. _ - - -- ----=- -- --= -- _------- ---- ?Oov embe.r_10 19 48_- - -.--- - -- - -- - - - Name of Claimant Bayfield Co. ILLEGAL TAXES AND TAX CERTIFICATES' CHARGED BACK IN 1948 CITY OF BAYFIELD (Cont.) Year Description and of Cert. Reason of Illegality Sale No. The following lands are to be charged back to the City of Bayfield as these lots are in the lake, and therefore, not assessable: Lot 1, Block 38 Lot 2, Block 38 Lot 3, Block 38 Lot 4, Block 38 Lot 5 , Block 38 Allowed Del. Tax Face of Charge back Cert. - to District 1943 2918 .23 1943 2919 .23 1943 2920 .23 1943 2921 .23 1:943 2922 .23 Lot 1, Block 38 1944 2344 .23 Lot 2, Block 38 1944 2345 .23 Lot 32 Block 38 1944 2346 .23 .P Lot 4, Block 38 1944 2347 .23 Lot 5, Block 38 1944 2348 .2'3 Lot 1, Block 38 1945 1906. .23 Lot 22 Block 38 1945 -1907 .23 Lot 3, Block 38 1945 1908 .23 Lot 4, Block 38 1945 1909 .23 Lot 5, Block 38 1945 1910 .23 Lot 1, Block 38 1946 1747 .45 Lot 2, Block 38 1946 1748 .45 Lot 32-Block 38 1946 1749 .45 Lot 4, Block 38 1946 1750 .45 Lot 52 Block 38 1946 1751 .45 CITY OF IWASHBURN Bayfield Co. N- SE NE, NE Sec. 31-49-4. County property at time of assessment. 1942 82 6.25 Bayfield Co. Do. 1943 79 6.25 Bayfield Co. NE SE NW, Sec. 31-49-4. County property at time Of assessment. 1942 84 12.50 Bayf ield.Co. NE SE NTT, Sec. 31t�49-4. County property at time of assessment. 1943 82 12.50 Bayfield Co. NE' Nil SE NET or tha t p ar t lying NE of County Trunk C . Section 31-49-4. -County property at time of assessment 1942 85 6.25 .23 .23 .23 .23- .23 .23 .23 .23 .23 .23 .23 .23 .23 "To 23 .23 . 45, .45: .45 .45 .45 9.63 6.25 6.25 12.50 12.50 6.25 _1Q,,_1948=---�_---==-=--__------------------- ILLEGAL TAXES AND -TAX CERTIFICATES CHARGED BACK IN''1948 CITY OF VIASHBURN (C ont . ) Year Allowed Del tax Name of Descripti on and of Cert . Face of Charge Back Claimant Red.son of Illegality Sale No. Cert. to District Bayfield Co. Do. 1943 83 6.25- 6.25 50.00 Signed, Ernest LaPointe Edw. A. Pajala Moved by Grubisic and seconded by Wachsmuth to accept the foregoing report and to adopt the recommendation of Illegal tax Committee. Carried. The following report was read:. PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1949 To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors Bayf i eld : County ---- Gentlemen: We submit the proposed budget for 1949 together with recommendations and comments as follows: The equalized Valuation of the county has been increased over last year- by approximately twenty per cent. This allows an additional amount of $27, 341.40 which can be levied under the one per cent limitation for county general tax purposes. The budget has not been balanced by the sum of $9,826.65 and it is expected to be placed in the budget next year so that the cQunty financial condition will not be jeopardized. There were several reasons for this. One of the major reasons was an item for county bridge aid amounting to 20,834.02'..--This was an accumulation of several years. The several towns were asked to withhold claims until flood relief money was released and definite amounts could be determined-. The several towns are to be commended for their patience and cooperation. Our share of Sanatorium costs is one of the large items of increase. During the last five year's our percentage of costs has been about 23%. However, we have used 25% as our base for budgeting due to our' increased patient load. This is lower than the last three months and is subject to.fluctuation. For a general picture of Sanatorium costs we refer you to page 7 of the November issue of Wisconsin County Boards Association magazine. This shows that Pureair is operating for approximately u4.10 per patient week less than the state average. V'te also call your attention to the increase of $1800.00 in State aid for Sanatorium under revenues. Another -large item is that of welfare aids. This too is due to increased living costs over which we have no control. The federal aid for Old Age Assistance has been increased and is re:lected in our budget. It will also affect the charge back°to the taxing districts proportionately. i 2B6 November 10, 1948 The increase in salaries granted by the County Board last April was taken into consideration and are included in this budget. We recommend the adoption of several resolutions which are being introduced - separately as foll ms: Salary of County Superintendent of Schools Supervising Teacher Resolution pertaining to physicians fees Resolution to carry over dam fund Resolution for 2 mill•levy covering county highway program Resolution by Fair Committee Resolution regarding audit of 1948 records Resolution of equalized valuations Original budget requests exceeded our anticipated income by approximately $27,000.00 and we found it necessary to make a number of reductions. Said reductions were made with- due. regard to necessity. Such items that were not considered urgent yvere dropped and may come up for consideration at a later date. Vile wish to. thank the several committees and ecanty officers for their cooperation. We wish to reiterate that any request for funds should as a matter of good policy be first referred to the Finance Committee for consideration. BUDGET EXPENDITURES - BUDGET - 1948 Recommended for 1949 STATE TAX: Forestry Tax under Sec. 70.58 (2) 32320.80 32867.63 (This item does not affect the 1% County tax limit) GENERAL GOVERMENT': County Board 22800.00 32000.00 County Clerk 62300.00 72500.00 County Treasurer 51,400.00 6.700.00 Assessment of Taxes 22000.00 42000.00 District Attorney 3.800.00 4,000.00 Divorce Counsel 100.00 150.00 County Surveyor 100.00 100.00 County Court 42500.00 42000.00 Municipal Court 2,700.00 2,800.00 Circuit Court 32600.00 3,700.00 Juvenile Court 850.00 1,550.00 Coroner 250.00 250.00 Courthouse 43900.00 53000.00 Elections 2,600.00 '600.00 Special Accounting & Auditing 1,500.00 13,500.00 Property & Liability Ins. 250:00 300.00. State Deposit Fund 150.00 __ 50.OG 412800.00 452200.00 Ij BUDGET 1948 Recommended For 1949 PROMOTION OF PERSONS f& PROPERTY: Sheriff 79200.00 8,,250..00 Register of Deeds 5,900.00 7,300.00 County's Share of Cost of -Fighting Forest Fires 500.00 500.00 Forest Trespass Officer 13,200.00 1,800.00. 142800.00 17,850.00 HEALTH, CONSERVATION & SANITATION: Vital Statistics 100.00 100.00 Tri-County Sanatorium 232300.00 292500.00 Patients at State & Other County Sanatoria 918.65* 277.17* Conservation Fund 32000.00 3,000.00 Public Health Nurse 6,565.00 7,50000 33,883:65 402377.17 EDUCATION: County Supt. of Schools 5,900.00 P 72200.00 Supervising Teacher 32000.00 32300.00 Tuition Outside Training Schools 450.00 500.00 County Agricultural Agent 6,300.00 79400.00 Aid to Common Schools 162498.28 142814.12 County School Committee 1,000.00 500.00 332148.28 333,714.12 CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS: Salvation Army 50.00 None welfare Administration 189600.00 21,200.00. Outdoor Poor Relief 1,000.00 200.00 Blind Pensions 79800.00 8,500.00 Soldiers' Relief 1,000.00 600.00 Veteranst Service Officer 41630.00 4,700.00 Insane in Outside•Institutions 10,192.56* 10,675.82* Jail & Sheriffts Residence 33,690.00 3,900.00 Industrial School-For<Boys None None Industrial School For Girls 37.14� 465.72* Childrents County Board 100.00 100.00 Wis. Colony & Training Schools 21062.82* 29380.40* State Public School None None Wis. Child Center 4. 29* None Temporary Care of Dep. Children 1,500.00 800.00 A.D.C: Foster Homes 42500.00 62000�.00 O.A.A. - County at Large 209000.00 20,000.00 Total Disability �1500.00 59500.00 Aid to Dependent Children 90,500.00. 98,000.00 November 10, 1948 Medical & Hospital O.A.A. & A.D.C. State General Hospital State Orthopedic Hospital Other Hospitalization - State Special Charges UNCLASSIFIED: County Fair Deficiency Addressograph Operation County Plat Books Tract Index Work County Fair County Tax Deed Work - Contingency Fund TOTAL COURTHOUSE•. Park Lot Addressograph PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY: County Clerk County Treasurer County Superintendent Courthouse & Jail Sheriff Register of Deeds District Attorney Fair Ground Building HEALTH, CONSERVATION &.SANITATION: Veterans, Service Officer Nurse Dam. County Bridge Aid GRAND TOTAL STATE TAX GENERAL: General County Tax Levy. TAXES: Income Tax For County Occupational Tax For County BUDGET 1943 Recommended For 1949 142500.00 y 259000.00 22018.60* 32764.80*' 174.00* 173.00* None None $..18?1859041 211,959.74 None 43,200.00 12000.00 None 12000.00 None 12000.00 None 32900.00 3'2900.00 2,200.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 None 12,100.00 112100.00 3232591.34 3602201.03 OUTLAY 500.00 None 5,200600 None 20 0:00 None 100.00 None None None 100.00 None 1,050.00 900.00 300100 340.00 None None 12000.00 3,000.00 125.00 None 130.00 None 32000,00 None None 20,834.02 11,705.00 25,074.02 335,296.34 385,275.05 REVENUES 3,320.80 3,867.63 1669040.00 193,381.41 33,700.00 32700.00 150.00 150.00 Tax Fees & Penalties Inheritance Tax For County Utility Tax From State Forest Crop Tax From Dists. FEES AND COSTS: County Cl.erks's Fees County Court Fees & Costs Municipal Court Fees & Costs Circuit Court Fees & Costs Register of Deed's Fees Sheriff.4s Earnings LICENSES AND PERMITS: Dog Licenses FINES, FORFEITS & PENALTIES: Penal Fines For County Fines - Co. Traffic Ordinance GIFTS AND GRANTS.: " State Aid For Sanatorium State Aid For Blind. State Aid For Supervising Teacher State Aid For Dependent Children State Aid For O.A.A. State Aid For O.A.A. Medical and Hospital State Aid For Blind & A.D.C. Administration State Aid For Total Disability State Aid For County Nurse State Aid For Foster Homes ALL OTHER GENERAL REVENUE: BUDGET 1948 Recommended For 1949 7,000.00 72000.00 0 150.00 3,200.00 32000.00 100.00 175.00 300.00 350.00 22600.00 200.00 500.00 300.00 900.00 82000.00 6t700.00 2,750.00 639350.00 17,000.00 5,075..00 11,658.00 2,750.00 900.00 None Gain on Sale of Tax"Deed Property 7,000.00 Sale of County Plat Books 600,00 Interest on Bonds 4,965.40 All Other - Unclassified 500.00 Forestry Fund For -County Agent 875.00 Sale of a°food - Forest Crop Land & County Land T,000.00 County Health Program- None Cash on Hand 92507.94 TOTAL, 335, 296.34 Respectfully submitted this 23rd day of October, 1946. SIGNED: 150.00 3, 500:00 3,000.00 100.00 175.00 300.00 350.00 22500.00 200.00 500.00 300.00 900®00 92800.00 7,500.00 3,300.00 73,892.00 172500.00 8, 750.00 13,750.00 2,750.00 100.00 2,000.00 10,000.00 None 2,500.00 500.00 400.00 5 2.000.00 1,500.00 9.826.65 $ 3651,275.05 J. L. MacRae Harvey Irish Julian Wachsmuth Herman Hanson t1Ti 1 1 i m �2A�r Committee on Finance Disc. Claims & Budget 3C0 November 10, 1948 Moved by !MacRae and seconded by l'lachsmuth to adopt. the foregoing budget as read: Roll call was as follmvs: Ayes Olson, Smith, Shuga, ' Irish, Buck, Ruf, Janock, Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berti,reger, Hanson, Kravik, S. Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, 111attakat,,Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, i1Jachsmuth, Knight, Kasmarek, Nelson, Emb.ertson, Swanson, Moe and Meyer. Total 34, Nayes None. Carried. The follo6,iing resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield Coa.nty,. :Wisconsin assembled in annual session this loth day of November, 1948, that there be and there is hereby appropriated against all the taxable property of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, the f ollowing items, to wit: State Taxes for Forest Purposes, under Section 70.58 (2) 32867.63 Common School Tax under Sec. 59.075 142814.12 For all other items of budget as adopted this day, the sum of 178,567.29 .Signe d : J. L. 1.1acRae Moved by MacRae and seconded by Johanik to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Buck, Ruf, Janock, Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, MacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravik, s., Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Poore, Tedlund, Knight, Wachsmuth, Kasmarek, Nelson, Embertson, Swan son, Moe and Meyer. Total 34, Nayes none. Carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled this loth day of November, 1948 that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such money and the Chairman and the County Clerk are instructed to issue an order for the amount of such items listed below. Committee Name Per Diem Mi.leaFe Ulork Mileage Total - Clarence Olson $•10.00 $ 1.64 20.00 $ 2.46 34.10 Wilbur Smith 10.00 14.52 15.00 16.12 57.64 filliam Shuga 10.00 3.60 10.00 3.60 27.20 Harvey Irish 10:00 .24 5.00 .12 15.36 S. W. Buck 10.00 5.72 20.00 15.52 51.24 Harold Ruf 10.00 11.40 - - 21.40 Anthony Janock 10.00 6.96 5.00 3.48 25.44 William Meyer 10.00 7.66 15.00 11.52 44.20 Bernard E. Johnson 10.00 10.32 10.00 10.32 40.64 Victor Grubisic 10.00 4.08 10.00 4.56 28.64 J. R. Desparois 10.00 8.16 - - 18.16 J. L. MacRae 10.00 7.72 20.00 15.44 53.16 Charles Squires 10000 4.44 10.00 12.66 37.10 , 301 November 10- , 196 Name Per. Diem Mileage Work Mileage Total Andrew'Pristash 10.00 •2.56 - _ 12.56 Joseph Berweger 10.00 6.72, .10.OQ 6.72 33,44 Herman Hanson 10.00 20.00 11.04 46.56 Elvin'Kravik 10.00 996 10.00 9.96 39.92 Sanf red Anderson 10.00 i1.04 10.00 11.04 42.08 Walter Frankie 10.00 9.64 10.00 9.64 39128 August Johanik 10.00 4.OS 15.00 6.12 35.20. 0. T. Bag-stad 10.00 1 .6'4 15.00 9.36 40.60 Victor Mattakat. 10.00 7..12 5.00 3.56 25.68 Paul Tribovich 10.00 6:.00 10.00-. 15.12 41.12 J. F. Shykes' 10.00 9..:00 10.00 5.46 34.46 Edward Pa j ala 10.00 2,:64 10.00 6.72 29.36 Ernest Moore 10.00 11.16 5.00 5.58 31.74 C. L. Tedlund 10.00 4.68 5.00 2.34 22.02 Ernest LaPointe ;5.00 1..44 _ - - 6.44 D.' S. Knight 10.00 2.,88 1000 2.88 25.76 Julian '�Tachsmuth 10.00 2.88 15.00 4.32 32.20 Harry ' Cal len -5.00 1.44 _ 6.44 Joe Kasmarek 10900 .24 o - 10.24 Arthur A. Anderson -- -- _ Clarence A. Nelson 10.00 *24 5.00 •12 15.36 Ellsworth Embertson 10.00 .24 - ® 10.24 Albert E. Swanson 10.00 •24 15.00 .36 25.60 Helmer Moe 10.00 .24 - 10.24 TOTALS 1070.82 Mlliaq Meyer Moved by MacRae and seconded by Moore to adopt the foregoing resolution. R011 call was as follows: Ayes - Olson, Smith, Shuga, Irish, Busk, Ruf, Janock, Johnson, Grubisic, Desparois, IUiacRae, Squires, Pristash, Berweger, Hanson, Kravik,,. S: Anderson, Frankie, Johanik, Bagstad, Mattakat, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore., Tedlund, Knight, V;achsmuth, Kasmarek, Nelson, Embertson, Swanson, Moe and Meyer. Total 34, Nayes none. Carried unanimously' Moved by MacRae and seconded by Johanik to adjourn. Carried, r i si BAYF /LD COUNTY CLERK • � 1 i i r i� � s�