HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/13/1951Minute s of—Annua November 13,_1951 - - Meeting called to order at 10 A.N. by chairman, Clarence L. Olsen; The following members answered roll call: Raymond J. Mammoser, Carl Iie_kel, Harvey Irish, S.W. Buck, C.C. Laudenschlager, Anthony Jan-ock, Edward -Reimer, Bernard E. Johnson, Joseph Pustinger, J.-R. Desparois, J.L. MacRae, William Stuart, Andrew Pristash, F'rank.Utpadel, Matt Radosevich, Dell Anderson, C.O. Nelson, Theodore Kallinen, Joe Lupa, Harry C. Anderson, Oscar Wallin, Paul Tribovich, John F. Shykes, Edward Pajala, Ernest Moore, Conrad: T'edlund, John Boehme, H.A. Reiten, Toe Kasmarek, Ellsworth Embertson, Harry Noland and Clarence L.—Olsen'. Total 32. Moved by YlacRae and seconded -by Desparois to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting held April 17 & 18, 1951. Motion carried. The Board proceeded with the election of the Highway Committee. Moved by Janock and seconded by Nelson that nominations be made from the floor of the Board. Motion carried. The Chair appointed Radosevich and Pustinger as tellers. Nominations for a member from -Highway District "1 was as follows: E&Tard Pajala and Paul Tribovich. The result of -the first ballot was as follows: Edward Pajala 22 Paul T'ribovich 9 Defective 1 `total 32 Pajala having received the majority of votes cast, the Chair declared him duly elected-. Nomination:- fora member from Highway District -M was as follows: Ernest Moore. Loved by Pristash and seconded by C.O. Nelson that a unanimous ballot be cast for Earnest lai©ore. Motion carried. Nominations for a member for Highway District -113 were as follows: J.R. Desparois and C. 0.,. Nelson. The result of the first ballot was as follows: C.O. Nelson 17 J.R. Desparois 15 'total 32 C.O. Nelson having received the majority of votes cast, the Chair declared him duly elected. The following resolution was read: SALARY OF COUNTY IHIGH4yAY , COI,r t+IISSI0N�R BE IT RESOLVED by the B'ayffield County Board of Supervisors, assembled in annual session, this 13th day of November, 1951, that the salary of the County Highway Commissioner be and is hereby set at $.200.00 annually for the ensuing term. BE IT ,FURTHER RESOLVED, that the f oregoing salary5e paid from State Motor Vehicle funds received under -the provisions of -"Section 63.10 (1) and in accordance with Sections 83:01 (6) and 59.15 (2) of,the Statutes. Adoption recommended by �:R. Desparois Ernest Moore- Paul-Tribovich -County Highway Committee Dated Nov. 13, 19'516' This resolution was adopted on November 13, 1951. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Moore to adopt the foregoing resolution, Carried. , Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Tanock that H.B. Curry be elected -as County - Highway Commissioner for the two year term commencing Tanuary 1, 1952. Motion carried unanimously. The following report was read: To the Honorable County Board- Bayfield County, Wisconsin I submit herewith a report of all moneys received by me, as Register of Deeds and paid over to the County -,,Treasurer for the months of January to November 1st, 1951: Tanuary 207.31 February 162.92 March 231,63 April 213.15 May 29430 Tune .322.59 July 4039'20 August 390.30 September 312.40 October 322.25 Total 2,860.05 Earl Pedersen, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that -the foregoing report is to the best of his knowledge and belief, correct and true. Earl Pedersen Register of Deeds Moved by Pristash and seconded by H.C. Anderson to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Moore to receive and place on file the annual report of the Gounty Nurse. Motion carried. November 13, 1951 The f allowing report was read: To the Honorable Memo ers of Bayfield County Board From - A.R. Willey, -Clerk of Circuit Court Re: Annual Financial Statement for Fiscal Year ending October 31, 1951: Cash on hand October 31st 1950 914.86 Receipts ,for fiscal year ending- 10/31/51 22i466.17 Total receipts plus cash on hand 23,381.03 Classified as follows: Suit tax- 52.00 Fees 266.25 Fines 17500 Costs 44,89 Alimony & Support 122766.50 Trust Funds 99905.24 .Mist. fees 151.15 Total receipts plus cash on hand 23,381.03 Disbursements fiscal year 170498.63 Cash on hand Oct. 31st., 1951 5,882.40 Classified as follows: Suit tax .1000 Fees 2000 Trust funds 5,879.40 5,882:40 .Trust Fund classified as follows: File 182-6627 Standard vs. Standard 53,458.05 Neitge vs. Sorenson 250.00 Gerbocz vs. malone 171i35 Total trust fund p 52679 *40 Vouchers issued: Deputy Clerk, Circuit Court 42000 Divorce Counsel 250.00 Publications 101000 Jury Commissioners 8I060 Circuit Court Reporter 60'12 Defense Attorney Court Order -Criminal 25,00' Ideals for jurors 13:50 Vitness certificates 17.10 Fury certificates - five days Nov. 1950 810.90 Fury certificates - one day Spring term 1951- 271,20 Fury certificates 2 days Oct. term 1951 664.60' Tbtal vouchers and certificates 0 2,282.42 Respectfully submitted, A.R. gilley, Clerk of Circuit Court. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Tribovich to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Carried. The following report was read: COUNTY VETERANS* SERVICE COIvHISSION BAYFIELD COUNTY WASHBURN'.s 11ISCONSIN October 15, 1951 Finance Comittee County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County Washburn, Fisconsin Gentlemen: We submit --herewith a fequest for an appropriation of $19000.00 to the County Veterans * Service Commi-ssi-on fund' for the year of 19520 On' hand October 21, 1950 was 'a balance of, $572:49': <The appropriation of the County Board made January 1, 1951 added $500*00 to this balance, making a total balance of $1,072.49;, Disbursement and administrative expenditures amounted to 348.64, reducing the balance on hand, as of this date, to $723;85. Demands on this fund zhave been relatively light so far and the Commission has, endeavored to hold down expenditures as much as possible without working a hardship on any individual veteran or his family, Respectfully submitted, Elmer H. Wedin Executive Secretary COUNTY VETERANS' SERVICE COMISSION Moved by MacRae and seconded by 'Tribovich to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Carried: The following report was read: October 15, 1951 To the Chairman and Members Bayfield County "Board of Supervisors Washburn, Wisconsin , Gentlemen: The following is , a consolidated -report of this . Commission for the year from y October 21, 1950 to October 15, 19516 The books of.the.Conmission are open to anyone who may wish to examine any of the accounts listed therein. On October 21, 1950'the books of'this.Commission shows a balance of $572,49; The appropriation of -the -County Board made January 1, 1951 added $500,00 to this balance, making a total balance.of $1,072.49. From October 21, 1950 to October 15, 1951 a total of 12 applications were received from indigent War Veterans, two of which were renewals. The total cost to the county for the 12 cases which were allowed was $348,64, including the total expenses of the Committee and $5.00 fee for a bond, leaving a balance of $723485 at this time: Respectfully submitted, Arthur Fiege, Chairman COUNTY VETERANS' SERVICE C0bUCSSION Moved by MacRae and seconded by Radosevich to accept the foregoing report aid place on file. Carried. The following report was read: November 1, 1951 Honorable Chairman and Members Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: The following is a consolidated report in the number of cases handled favorably November 13, 1951 through the Bayf ield , County - Veterans • Service Office- for - the months- from - October 21, 1950 up until the present- date,-as,taken from -the files. This report is not accurate, as in many -cases --this office does not receive the rating status of the veterans until several weeks after he has been rated. 1. Compensation 4 2. Pensions•for non -service connected disability 5 3. Government -Insurance 11 40, Death Compensation —widows & children 2.... 5. Death Pension - Dependent parents. 2 6. Accrued Compensation or Pensions 14 7. Reimbursement of Burial Expense 2 8: Allotments 1 9. Hospitalization 16 10. Domiciliary Care at Wood 1 11. -Out=Patient Treatment 6 12, Prosthetic Appliances 1 13, Vocational Rehabilitation (Public Law 16") 6 14: Education and Training (Public Law 346) 20 15. Review of Discharge 1 16 Burial'Flags 1 17.­­Hbadst one or Grave Marker 1 18® Assistance in Loans assured by VA .5' 19. Applications for State Benefits 19 20. Domiciliary Care at`King 1 21. Personal Problems 103 Respectfully submitted, Elmer H: wedin VETERANS! SERVICE OFFICER Moved by Pajala and seconded by Pustinger to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Carried. Tjoved by MacRae and seconded by Pajala to receive and place on file the annual report of the County Superintendent of Schools. Carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Tanock to receive and place on file the annual report of the Agricultural Agent, Carried. The following petition was read: 4§� JOINT SCHOOL DISTRICT NOo i Bayfield, Wisconsin Office of Clerk TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN The School Board of Joint School District #1 City & Town of Bayfield & Town of Russell, is in need of additional playground facilities adjacent to its high school and grade school buildings. Lots 14,15,18 and 19 and 20 in Block 28 and lots 1 to 19 inclusive in Block 29, are owned by the County of Bayfield and are located next to the school grounds. a The amount of back taxes including interest against the above described lots amounts to $200.84o The School Board of Joint School District #1 would be interested in taking over said lots for that amount. Wherefore, the School Board of Joint School District #1 respectfully petitions the Supervisors of the County of Bayfield to sell lots 14,15,18.19 and 20 in Block 28 and lots l to 19 inclusive in Block 29 in the City of Bayfield, to the School District #1.City & Town of Bayfield & Town of Russell for $200.844 Respectfully submitted JOINT SCHOOL BOARD DIST #1- CITY & TOWN 'OF BAYFIELD & T'OUN ' OF RUSSELL By Roberta Durham, Clerk Dated: November 12, 1951 Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Moore to grant the foregoing petition. Carried. The following petition was read: To the County Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County, Wisconsin: The City of Washburn is in need ,of additional parking facilities adjacent to its high school and grade school buildings. Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8), in Block Thirty-eight (38) are owned by the County of Bayfield and are located.just across the street.from the school buildings; The amount of back taxes including interest against the above described lots amount to $329.374 The City of Washburn would be interested in taking over said lots and the buildings located thereon for that amount. Wherefore, the City respectfully petitions the supervisors of the County of Bayfield to sell Lots 7 and 8. Block 38, Original Townsite of Washburh, to the City of Washburn for $329.374 Respectfully submitted: CITY OF WASHBURN By A.I. Lien Clerk Dated: October 10, 1951 Moved by Pajala and seconded by Pustinger to grant the foregoing petition. Carried. November 13, 1951 The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Bayfield County haa-=acquired by tax deed several parcels of land which are crossed by Long Branch Creek of White River which is an ideal trout stream, and WHEREAS, it would be advantageous from a conservation standpoint to keep these lands wooded, THEREFORE BE IT'HEREBY RESOLVED, that the following lands be made a part of the County Park System and with -held from sale: SW SCE Section 8-45-6 NE NE Section 18-45-6 SW NE Section 18-45-6 Frank Utpadel Edward Reimer Bernard E. Tohnson Clarence L. Olsen Anthony Tanock J.P.: Tlesparois o - Conservation Committee Moved by Shykes and seconded by Pristash to adopt the foregoing resolution. Garried4 The following communication was read: LAKE SUPERIOR DISTRICT POSTER COMPANY Ashland, Twisconsin July 3, 1951 County Clerk Bayfield bounty Court House Building Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: The Lake Superior District Power Company plans to construct a new 66,000 volt transmission line from Cable, ffisconsin to our White River Hydro Plant to replace an existing 33,000 volt line between these points. The route of the line, as now proposed, will cross over certain parcels of lands in the Towns of Drummond, Pratt; Lincoln and Kelly -- the titles of which we are informed, rest in the name of Bayfield County. Our company would very much like to obtain from Bayfield County an easement giving us the right to construct and maintain this transmission line over the parcels referred to above, and for that reason we are enclosing such an instrument, which we wish'you would present to the County Board for approval. In the obtainment of easements from Ashland, Iron, Rusk and Price Counties, in ,connection with other transmission lines recently built - or being built, we have paid them at the rate of $50.00 per mile: The length of the line over the lands which we wish to have covered'by the easement in this particular case is 2.64 miles. So that you may be acquainted with the route of our proposed line, we are also enclosing herewith two prints showing this route by means of a red line -- the County owned lands being shaded in blue. It is our understanding that the County owns the following lands over which our proposed line will run: TGUNSHIP 44 NORTH, RANGE 7 WEST: Section 29: SW4 wi Section 30: NEI NEg NEB SEA TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 5 WEST: Section 7: NEB NE-1 SE! NEI NE4 SE Section 8: NW' NWJ TOWNSHIP 45 NORTH, RANGE 6 WEST: Section 20: NT;g SE-1 Section 23: NV:'j; SEA Section 24: MY SITi Section 29: NEB NWT NW'_ NW I pvt NWg Section 30: NE-1 SIV- Section 31: NWJ NWJ TOWNSHIP 46 NORTH, RANGE 5 WEST: Section 21: SSdV¢ NE-1 Should you require any further details regarding the location and construction of this line kindly inform us, and we shall be most happy to --furnish the same-* Yours very truly`, LAKE SU'PERI OR 'DI STRIC T - POWER COMPANY W.G. Lindstrom i Moved by Pristash and seconded by Pustinger to grant the request for line right of way of the foregoing communication in so far as it affects county owned lands. Carried. The following combined report and resolution was read: Washburn, Wisconsin October 17, 1951 To the Hayfield County Board of Supervisors: Your Zoning Committee, having held a hearing in the Town of Orienta on September 14, 1951, in accordance with a resolution passed by the County Board on April 17, 1951, which action was taken in accordance with a petition presented to the County Board by the Town of Orienta on April 17, 1951, the Zoning Committee recommends as. follows: That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Orienta to amend.the Zoning Ordinance and change the use classification from Forestry Use, District No. 1, to Unrestricted. Use District No. 3 as it affects the following lands be denied: the Northwest quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 17; Township 49 North, Range 9 West, (NW SE Section 17-49-9) located in the Town of Orienta, Bayfield County, Wiscons The :honing Committee therefore offers the following resolution: RESOLVED, That the petition of the Town Board of the Town of Orienta, as it affect the reclassification of the zoning restrictions on the NW SE of Section 17, Township 49 North, Range 9 West, which petition seeks to,reclassify the foregoing described . Ijovember 13,,1951 land -from a restricted Forestry Use, District No. 1, to an Unrestricted Use, District No. 3; be denied as said petition is not in the best interests of the public. Signed, L BAYF IELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE - John Shykes Andrew Pristash L Edward Pajala S.o Buck Theodore Kallinen Clarence L. 018en John Ft. Howell Moved by Pristash and seconded by Buck to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following communication was reads Wo E ® iti ckman Ashland, Wis.'. October 230 1951 To the Finance Committee Bayfield County Board Washburn, oisconsin Gentlemen: I herewith submit my application to audit the Bayfield County records and books of account for the year ending December 31, 1951 for the sum of Eighteen Hundred Eighty Five Dollars ($1885-.00). This will -include, as in prior years, an audit of the records of the general county, register of deeds, clerk of circuit court, Bounty,court, municipal court, and the highway department. Also included in that amount is One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for an audit of the 1952 County Fair records and a general 5% increase amounting to Eighty Five Dollars (085.00) for increased costs in conducting the audit. Respectfully yours, W.E. Vickman Certified Public Accountant Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Boehme to accept the foregoing proposal for audit. Carried. Moved by Pristash and seconded by Buck to grant the petition to install bathroom facilities in a county owned piece of property. Carried. The following communication was read: October 91 1951 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk, Bayfield County Court House Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: SUBJECT: Estimated Highway Allotments for 1952 County Trunk Highways Pursuant to Section 84401 (18), Wisconsin Statutes,you are hereby notified of the following estimated allotments to be paid your county from funds becoming available in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1952: ,np I Sec. 83.10(1), estimated allotment on -June 30, 19529 for the County Trunk Highway System 639000400 Sec. 20.49(11)(b)i estimated supplemental allotment as of June 309 1952 (to be paid as soon there- after as practical), to supplement the allot- ment for the County Trunk Highway System 519800600 Total f or County Trunk Highway System.1 114,,800:00 The above estimates are tentative® The actual allotments will not be known until the close of the fiscal year, on June 30' 1952. State Trunk Highways you are also notified that the estimated allotment for your county in the fiscal year 1951-52 for the State Trunk Highway System, under the provisions of Section 84.03(3), is $1172000.00 The proposed allocation, which is submitted for the consideration of your County Board, is as follows: For the improvement of U.S. Highway 63, the Cable -Drummond Road, approximately 10.0 miles 1I7,000.00 p Very truly yours, STATE HIGHWAY 001,1 JfISSION OF WISC ONSIN O.-J. Hughes Secretary a Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Moore to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Carried. The following proposed amendment to Bayfield County Traffic Ordinance was read: i WHEREAS; it appears that the Bayfield County Traffic Ordinance as heretofore adopted and amended contains no provisions relating to: (a) Auto registration (b) Motor vehicle operatorts license (c) Accidents involving vehicles (hit and run) WHEREAS, it appears that the Bayfield County Ordinance as adopted and amended relating to reckless driving is obsolete.and not in conformity with the State Statutes- NOWTHEREFORE, THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. 1.05 (5) of the Bayfield County Highway Traffic Ordinance is created to read: 1.05 (5) AUTO REGISTRATION. It shall be unlawful to operate a motor vehicle upon the public highways of Bayfield County unless the same shall have been registered in the office of the State Motor Vehicle Department, and the registration fee paid as required and defined in Section 85.01 of the Statutes. SECTION 1 (a). PENALTY. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall upon conviction thereof forfeit in like amount of money as the fine provided in Section 85.01 (12)'of the Statutes, and in default of payment of said forfeiture and costs of prosecution, shall be imprisoned in the county jail until said forfeiture and costs are paid, but not to exceed 90 days. SECTION 11. 1.05 (6) of the Bayfield County Highway Traffic Ordinance is created to read: November 13, 1951 1.05 (6) It -shall be --unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle upon the public highways of Bayfield County, unless he `has a valid operatorts license as required and defined in Section 85'.08 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The .persons exempt from the provisions of this ordinance are those enumerated in Section 85.08 (4) of the Statutes. 'SECTION''II ('a). PENALTY'. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section, shial-1 upon conviction thereof forfeit like amount of money as the fine provided in Section 85.08 (4) of -the Statutes and in default of payment -of said forfeiture and costs of prosecution shall be imprisoned in the county jail until said forfeiture and costs are paid but not to -exceed 6-months. SECTION III. 1.05 (7) of the Bayfield County Highway Traffic Ordinance is created to read: 1.05 ( 7 ) It shall be un.laWful for the driver of any vehicle to leave the scene of an accident in which his vehicle was involved resulting in death, personal injury or property damage as defined and prohibited by Section 85.141 of the Statutes. SECTION III (a). PENALTY. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section, shall upon conviction thereof forfeit like amount of money as the fine provided in Section 85.141 (1) (b) and Section 85®141 (2) (b) of the Statutes and in default of payment of said forfeiture and costs of prosecution shall be imprisoned in the county jail until said forfeiture and costs are paid but not to exceed 6 months. SECTION IV. 1.21 (1) of the Bayfield County Highway Traffic Ordinance is repealed and recreated to read; 1.21.(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any vehicle upon the public highways of Bayfield County in a reckless manner as defined in Section 85.395 of the Statutes. SECTION IV.(a). PENALTY. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall upon conviction thereo0--orfeit like amount of money as the fine provided in Section 85.91 (3) of the Statutes and in default of payment of said forfeiture and costs of prosecution shall be imprisoned in the county jail until said forfeiture and costs are paid but not to exceed 6 months. SECTION V. All ordinances or parts of ordinances now in force and in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Peter Hanson Signed: - Joseph Lima, E.O. Embertson .SHERIFF C O1vMTTEE Moved by MacRae and seconded by-Pustinger to adopt the foregoing amendment and changes to the County Traffic Ordinance. Carried: Moved by MacRae and seconded by Mammoser to adjourn until 1:15 P.M. Carried. Meeting called to order at 1:15 P.M. by Chairman, Clarence L. Olsen: Roll call was as follows: Raymond Mammoser, Carl 'Ei.6Icel, Harvey Irish, S.V. Buck; C.C. Laudenschlager, Anthony Janock, Edward Reimer, B,E. Johnson, Joseph Pustinger, J.R. Desparois, J.L. MacRae, William Stuart, Andrew Pristash, Frank Utpadel, Matt. Radosevich, Dell Anderson, C.O. Nelson, Theodore Kallinen, Joe Lupa, H.C. Ander- i son, Oscar Wallin, Paul Tribovich, John Shykes, Edward Pajala, Ernest Moore, C.L. Tedlund, John Boehme, H.A. Reiten, Joe Kasmarek, A.A. Anderson, Peter Hanson, Ellsworth Embertson, Harry Moland and Clarence L. Olsen-, Total 35. The following resolutions were read: I TO THE HONORABLE h-IEMBERS OF *THE BAYF'IELD COUNTY BOARD: Gentlemen: At a regular meeting of the Bayfield County Childrents Board, held on above date, said Board unanimously adopted the following resolutions for your recommendation: RES OLUT I ON'. 'NO. 1 IT IS'HEREBY RESOLVED by the Bayfield County-Childrents Board, that said Board make application to the County Board of said County., for an appropriation in the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, for expenses to carry on the work of said Children's Board. Respectfully submitted, Mrs, John Sannes, Sec. Bayfield County Children's Board RESOLUTION NO. 2 IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Bayfield County Children's Board; recommend that the Bayfield County Board, appropriate sufficient funds to carry on the work of the County Childrents Worker in cooperation with the Public Welfare Department, as has been so satisfactorily carried on in the past years. Respectfully submitted, Mrs. John Sannes, Sec, Bayfield County Childrents Board Moved by Pristash and seconded by Pustinger to approve of the foregoing resolutions of the Children's County Board. Carried. The Following report was read: REPORT ON THE G. A. FINNEY RESOLUTION Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: On April 1.7, 1951 the County Board referred to the Forestry Committee the resole- tion Hof G.A. Finney regarding re -survey of.iost or obliterated section corners in Bayfield County. They also directed the Forestry Committee to make a study of the' situation and report back to the County Hoard. At their meeting on August 28, 1951, your forestry committee considered this matter: As there are no funds available for this purpose and as the cost of such an j ovember 13. 195 undertaking may be prohibitive, we do not think this project reasonable nor practical at, this time. Therefore, we,re.commend that this resolution be denied Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY C00AITTEE John Shykes Theodore Kall-inen S 0, Buck Edward Pajala Andrew Pristash Clarence L. Olsen John 7T. Howell Moved by Desparois and seconded by Buck to adopt the recommendations in the foregoing -report. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it may be necessary to borrow money temporarily to meet payrolls and other obligations before the next meeting -of the County Board; and AREAS, it may prove desirable to liquidate government bonds rather than make short loans, NOW' THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in session this 13 day of November, 1951, that the Chairman of the County Board, the County Clerk and County Treasurer, be and they are hereby authorized to make short term loans,in amount not to exceed $75,000.00 in aggregate, if in their opinion it should be found to be to the county's interest to make such loans rather than to dispose of government bonds held by the county: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an irrepealable tax for the payment of such short loans and interest be placed on the tax roll in accordance with Section 6% 12. Harvey Irish C.O. Nelson -H.A. Reiten J.L. MacRae Clarence L. Olsen FINANCE COMAITTEE Moved by Radosevi!ch and seconded by Reimer to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: Re: County Fair Premiums - 1951 Fair Gentlemen: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That -the County Clerk and County Treasurer are authorized to pay the exhibit premiums in connection with the 1951 Bayfield County Fair, and that state aid for same shall be returned to the general fund. John Shykes Edward Pajala Clarence L. Olsen Signed, BAYF IELD COUNTY FAIR C OLUAITTEE Theodore'Kallinen Andrew Pristash John o Howell S.111. Buck R.J® Holvenstot Moved by Pristash and seconded by -Moore to -adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes: Mammoser; H e.kel, Irish, Buck, Laudenschlager, Janock, Reimer, B.E. Johnson, Pustinger, Desparois, MacRae, Stuart, Pristash, RadoseVvieh, D, Anderson; C.O. Nelson, Kaliinen, Lupa, H.C. Anderson, Wallin, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, Boehme, Reiten, Kasmarek, A.A. Anderson, P. Hanson, Embertson, Moland; and Olsen. Total Ayes: 33 Nays: None6 Carried. The following communication was read: October 25, 1951 lar. Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk Bayfield County Court House litashburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: Will you help us to serve your county better? You are aware, of course, that actions taken ,in s'dashington affect many county interests including taxation of your bonds, taxation of federally owned land, social security and public assistance, highway safety, civil defense, airports and hospitals and the standing of counties in general in the governmental structure. Either we take part in shaping these programs or someone else will dictate our part in them. The National Association of County Officials is the only organization providing regular county representation in Washington and it serves to give the counties a place in formulating rules and regulations that govern their conduct from the federal level of government. We invite your pounty officials to join the thousands of other members of NACO now assisting in this important work. Will you please submit this letter and the attached voucher to your Board with your recommendation for approval, It provides for ten subscriptions to the COUNTY OFFICER magazine and a membership in the National Association with each subscription. Ten is the average per county among figure .our present membership. This may be adjusted up or down, of course, to suit your Boardfs determination. This participation for one year will give your county full benefit of the service of the National Association and at the same time, constitute your reasonable contribu- tion to a work now being paid for by others. Sincerely, Keith L. Seegmiller Secretary -Treasurer Moved by Radosevich and seconded by Boehme to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Carried. The following communication was read: Service Unit Department Milwaukee, Wisconsin October 12, 1951 Mr, Ludwig Tranmal Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: Every county in the State of Wisconsin at one time or another faces the problem of caring for the unwed mother. The Martha Washington Home of Milwaukee shares with you this problem. November 13, 1951 Each year it provides sanctuary for from 275 to 300 of these girls who are faced with motherhood.out of wedlock. Some of them are merely children in their eaj�ly teens. Seventy per cent come outside Milwaukee County. The Community Welfare Council of Yilwaukee provides forty per cent of the operating budget of the Home contributions from interested friends and organizations outside of Milwaukee Countye Because of,the wide -spread service of the Martha Washington Home, many County Boards have made appropriations to, assist with its operating budgeto May -we ask that you again this year bring to your Board our request for an appropriation to the Martha Washington Home for the year 1952. Thanking you, I- am . Sincerely, yours, E.D: Hicks Lt. - Colonel DI;ISIONAL COhUaYDER Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Pustinger to receive the foregoing communica- tion and place on file® Carried. Moved by Pajala and seconded by Radosevich to allow the claim of Ashland County covering tuition of Bayfield County students in the Ashland County Normal amounting to $2,160.75. Roll call was as f olloxvs:. Ayes: Mammoser, H ekel, Irish, Buck, Laudenschlager, Janock, Reimer, B.E. Johnson, Pustinger, Desparois; MacRae, Stuart, Pristash, Utpadel, Radosevich, D. Anderson, C;O. Nelson, Kal linen,, Lupa; H.C. Anderson, Wallin, Tribovich, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, Boehme, H.A. Reiten, Kasmarek, A.A. Anderson, P. Hanson, Embertson, Moland, and Olsen; Total Ayes - 33 Nays - None Carried: The following communications were read: October 15, 1951 To the County Clerk and County Treasurer Bayfield County In accordance with the provisions of Section 59.075 (1) I am certifying the number of elementary teacher units operating in the county during the school year 1950-51 as follows: Numbdr of elementary teacher units under the jurisdiction of the county superintendent in districts which levied and placed on the tax rolls of the district for 1950-51 a tax of not less than 5 mills (districts operating elementary graces only, 3 mills) on the equalized valuation of the district for the year previous to the year of levy 58 x $350. _ L 20,300.00 Number of elementary teacher..-• units under the jurisdiction of city superintendents in districts which levied and placed on the tax rolls of the district for 1950-51 a tax of not less than 5 mills on the equalized valuation of the district for the year previous to the year of levy Washburn 11 x $350. 3;850.00 Total School Tax bevy $ 249150400 It will be necessary for the county board to levy such additional amounts as are certified by the county superintendent pursuant to the provisions,of section 59.075 (2). Signed:: G.E. Watson State Superintendent Dept. of Public Instruction County Clerk Bayfield County Section,4 of Chapter 224 of the laws of 1951 reads as follows: 'tS`ection 4. Counties in which school districts which levied a tag of '3 mills, or more than'3 mills but less than 5 mills, on the equalized valuation of the district as last reported prior to such -levy for elementary school purposes for the school years 1949-1950 and 1950-1951, or either of them, and did not receive $350, per elementary teacher unit under section 59.075 of the statutes of 1949 for such school year or years, may pay such aids to such districts for both or either of such years. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction shall designate to the proper county clerks the school districts entitled to such county aid and the amount due each under this act; where the school district lies in more than one county the amounts each such county shall pay shall be prorated as in section 59.075 (2) of the statutes of 1949, except that 11$350. ►t and 11350" shall be substituted for 11$250: ►t and "250ff where the latter appear in said subsection. The boards.of supervisors of the counties affected by this act may adopt necessary resolutions to make the payments provided by this act, including the raising of the necessary money.tt The attached statement is submitted in accordance with the provisions of this statute. Signed: G.E.--Watson State Superintendent Dept. of Public Instruction Bayfield County Amount districts would have received if minimum levy had 'township and District No. been 3 mills for county aid payable: (In 1949-50) (In 1950-51) Noo'1 Barnes $350.00 No, 1 Namakagon $3500-00 Moved by MacRae and seconded by H.C. Anderson to receive the foregoing communi- cations and place on file. Carried The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the original resolution adopted May 17, 1951 placed Bayfield County under the Federal Old Age and Survivors Insurance System did not designate an agent of the County to handle same, and VEMBEAS, the County Board Chairman in lieu thereof designated the Bayfield County Clerk as such agent until the County Board could act thereon, therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that -the Bayfield County';.B:)ard of. Supervisors duly assembles t in session this 13th day of November 1951 designate the County Clerk of Bayfield County or his successor, as the agent to act on,matters pertaining to the inclusion of per- November 13, 1951 sonnel tinder the Federal Old Age and Survivors Insurance System. - BE IT'FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event of the inability'of such County Clerk to perform the duties of such agent either because of absence, disability or d:_eath, the Deputy County Clerk is hereby designated as the agent, only during the inability of the County Clerk, and prior to'the time of the qualification of his successor who shall thereupon be such agent. Clarence L. Olsen Moved by A.A. Anderson and seconded by Pajala to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION RESOLVED, By the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this 13th day of November, 1951, that the proper county officers be and they 4Te hereby authorized tocommence actions before the State Department of Public Welfare against Ashland County for the collection of claims for relief -9w'ip ru 't sT furnished to Mary Ba sley and Edward Temby. Presented by: Clarence L. Olsen Harry C. Anderson Moved by H.,C. Anderson and seconded by MacRae to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION V=iREAS, Bayfield County is vitally interested in the matter of the proposed re -apportionment of the Wisconsin Legislature, and whereas the unit of government is a factor taken into consideration in representation on every other level of govenment , to -wit: County Board - one representative from each town, irrespective of population; Federal Government - two Senators and at least one .m pres.entative from each state, irrespective of population; united Nations - one votein the General Assembly per member nation; irrespective of population; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT. RESOLVED, That it is the sense of this Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session assembled this 13th day of November, 1951, that we express our opposition to a re -apportionment of the Wisconsin Legislature on a purely proportional representation basis and that we go on record as favoring a constitutional amendment providing for a legislative plan which will take into consideration representation on the basis of units of government, by counties, as well as by population; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copta- s of this Resolution be sent'- 'to Governor 198 Walter J. Kohler, Jr., to:_ Vic,_ �allin,...'Aseemblyman`. of.,Bayfield County, and to Arthur Lenroot, Jr., State Senator for this district. Presented by: Clarence L. Olsen Movedby Moore and seconded by Radosevich to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHERE_4.S, Mr: E. Stevenson, represented by Attorney Robert-- Mi, Spears of Washburn, Wisconsin, has appeared before the Forestry Committee relative to a purchase of certain property in the Town of Bell, described as the South Half of the Southwest quarter (S2 SIT ) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Fifty (50) Norths Range Six (6) West, and the North Half (n1) of Section Twenty-four (24), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Six (6) I -Test, for use as a wildlife refuge; and Whereas, the Forestry Committee has the matter now under consideration; and Whereas the land involved has been dedi- cated to Forest Orop by the Bayfield County Board; -NOW THEREFORE, BE' IT RESOLVED, 'By the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield f County, that the matter of sale of the above described land be turned over to the Forestry Committee, and that they be and are hereby given the power to make a sale of said land if they deem it advisable for the county's interest, and that they also be given the power to withdraw the same from Forest Crop. Dated November 13, 19,51 Presented by: S.W. Buck Moved by Buck and seconded by Moore to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried: The following petition was read: Columbia Missouri October 14..,. 1951 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear 'Mr. Tranmal..: This -is -my annual petition to the County Board of Bayfield County.to purchase the tax certificates on the NTiV NW of Sec. 26-49-5-. I'believe this is my third such petiti The record of the former assignments of this certificate is in Vol. 9, page 386 County Board Journal. time; shall appreciate your presenting this petition to the County Board at the proper Very truly yours, F°.M*' Rarig Moved by Pajala and seconded by Reimer to grant the foregoing petition. Carried. The following communication was read: November 13, 1951 - STATE OF WISCONSIN Department'of Public Instruction Madison 2, To County Clerk County Supervising Teacher County. Superintendent This is to notify you that the County of Bayfield will be reimbursed at the rate of $p340-000' per month for the first 42 months and $350®00 per month for the additional 51 months on account of the salary of Robert H. Wangen, a qualified supervising teacher employed by said county for 'the school year 1951=52. Signed: G.E. Watson State Superintendent of Schools Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Shykes to receive the foregoing communication and place on file: Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors at their last meeting held April 17, 1951 referred the SE Nth Sec.'28-43-7 to the Forestry Committee. A question involved was whether or not the land should be withdrazrn from the Forest Crop Law. and become available for use to the Telemark Ski Hill project. A motion referring it to the Forestry Committee also gives, said committee the power to v&,t and WHEREAS, the Forestry Committee after due investigation authorized the with- drawal of the above forty from the Forest Crop Law at a meeting held August 7, 1951 and ATHEREAS, in the withdra7rxal of lands all monies previously advanced by the State both to the County Forest Fund. and to the Towns. must be re -paid. The amount paid to County Forest Fund amounts to'$72.00, plus an item of $8.00 for survey work, making a total of $80.00 and BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that -upon consummation of sale of the aforesaid forty that $80.00 be credited to the County Forestry Fund. John Shykes S.W. Buck John W. Howell Theodore Kallinen Andrew Pristash Clarence L. Olsen Edward Pajala Bayfield County Forestry Committee Moved by Pristash and seconded by Kallinen to adopt the foregoing resolution® Carried; The following resolution was read: VEREAS, CHAPTER 61 LAWS of 1951, authorizes adjustments in salaries during the term of office until December" 31, 1953. and 117HEREAS, no increase has been made for pay of County Board members for several years. 5-00 THEREFORE BE'IT'HEREBY RESOLVED that the per diem for county board and committee work be increased from 47.00 per day to $8.00 per day: This resolution to become effective November 13, 1951. Clarence L. Olsen Harvey Irish C.O. Nelson J.L. MacRae Halvor Reiten FINANCE GO1ti.LLTTEE Moved by A.A. Anderson and seconded by Boehme to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried: The following report was read: To the Bayfield County Finance Committee: The Fair Committee hereby submits a preliminary financial report as of October 209 1951, showing a deficit of $3,000.00 and requests that said deficit be appropriated by the County Board at its meeting on November 13, 1951, and that this amount be made avail: able immediately to pay outstanding indebtedness. RECEIPTS: Balance from 1950 451.59 Returned from Milwaukee trip 8463 1951 County Board Appropriation 4,200.00 Advertising 225,000 Gate Receipts 19387075 Grandstand Receipts 1,255450 Exhibitors? fees 285.75 Sale of electricity 10.30 Concessions 202.00 Booths 34;00 Change y 135.00 Phone calls 9;00 For stolen iron roller 200.00 Over -run at fair 5008 89409/60 Accounts Receivable: Advertising 20s00 State Aid (estimated at 63%) 12895.00 12915000 $10,324,60 EXPENDITURES: Expense from 1950 19;25 Advertising 213.42 Insurance 202150 Fudges 159060 Maintenance 1,89894 Officers 12579493 Police, gate, other help 867008 Postage 18000 Printing 308004 Ribbons, tickets, etc. 57023 Special acts & features 1;798.64 Superintendents 175011 Supplies 52.63 Truck rental 29.19. November 13, 1951 Fogging grounds -with DDT Change Annual dues Cash not used --on Milwaukee -trip Federal tax on admissions Accounts Payable: Premiums Advertising Labor Supp1ie s Bookkeeper (.estimated) Auditor Advertising financial report (est) Miscellaneous expense (estimate) John Shykes Andrew Pristash John W. Howell 65:00 135.00 27.00 8.63 509.67 $ 89124:86 3'008;50 222.16 403.40 1,278.27 50.00 100®00 5 000 132,41 50199074 DEFICIT BALANCE Edward Pajala S.W. Buck BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR C0182ITTEE 013,324.60 $ 39000400 Theodore Kallinen Clarence Lo Olsen R.D.T. Holvenstot Moved by Pristash and seconded by Pajala to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS the terms of Roy Okerstrom, City of Bayf ield, and John Kallinen, Town of Oulu , members of the Bayfield County School Committee, expire on December 31, 1951 and WHEREAS it becomes the duty of the County Board of Supervisors to fill these vacancies, and WHEREAS the Committee on Education of the County Board is to nominate candidates for these offices according to Section 40:303 (2) of the Wisconsin Statutes, therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the following be appointed to the Bayfield County School Committee for a term of three (3) years: Signed: ROY OKERSTROM, CITY OF BAYFIELD RUDOLPH B. W'OLTER, TOWN OF BARNES C.L. Tedlund Raymond Mammoser TVA. A. Stuart Committee on Education Bayfield County, Wisconsin Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing resolution. (no action). Moved by Janock and seconded by Pajala to :table the foregoing resolu- tion. Carried. The Board agreed to make nominations from the floor for members of the County School Committee. Roy H. Okerstrom was nominated to succeed himself for a three year term cormmencing January, 1952. Motion to close nomination prevailed: Moved by Janock and seconded by Nelson that the County Clerk cast a unanimous vallot for Roy H. Okerstrom. Carried. The Clerk cast a ballot as directed and the chair declared him duly elected: The following nominations for a member to succeed John Kallinen were made from the floor: Richard Nelson, John Kallinen, and Rudolph B."Wolter. gloved by H.A. Anderson ,o and duly seconded that nominations be closed"and that the vote be by ballot. Carried. The result of the first ballot was as follows: John Kallinen 10 Richard Nelson 4 Rudolph B Wolter 19 Blank 1 Total 34 The chair declared Rudolph B. Molter elected as a member of the County School Committee for a three year term commencing January 19524 The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the following table of valuations covering Real and Personal Property as compiled by the Supervisor of Assessments be and are hereby adopted as the equalized valuation of the taxing districts of Bayf field County for the year 1951, DISTRICT" AGGREGATE RECOM,1ENDED FULL VALUE Towns of Barksdale 297629160 Barnes 1086,820 Bayf i eld 571, 085 Bayview 441,750 Bell 468,375 Cable 841,360 Clover 459,470 Delta 4792310 Drummond 9899510 Eileen 19031,130 Hughes 252,115 Iron River 193222510 Kelly 834;750 Keystone 609;035 Lincoln 5051665 Mason 7269920 Namakagon 1,108'920 Orienta 349,075 Oulu 943,190 Pilsen 3549530 Port tiding 8159050 503 `` Novemhe �13-, 1951 DISTRICT AGGREGATE RECOWENDED FULL VALUE Pratt 699, 715'" Russell 2261405' "' Tripp 354$660 Vashburn 444, 600 Town Totals 18;678,110 Village of Cable 415,835 �` `• Mason 198,940 u Village totals 614s775" City of Bayf field 1, 685; 000 City of Iashburn 291009145 City totals 3,785,,145- COUNTY TOTALS $23,.078,030 Harvey Irish C.O. Nelson H.A. Reiten Clarence Le Olsen J.L. MacRae FINANCE 0014MIT.TEE. Moved by Pustinger and ppo6nded by Radosevich to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded. by Moore to adjourn until 10 A.M*y November 14� g �• Carried. No_v_ember 14,__ Meeting called to order at 10t A.M. by Chairman, Olsen. The following members answered roll call: Raymond Mammoser, Carl Heikel, Harvey Irish, S.W. Buck, C.C. Laudenschlager, Anthony Janock, Edward Rie.mer, B.E. Johnson, Joseph Pustinger, J.R. Desparois, .J.L., MacRae, William Stuart, Andrew Pristash, Frank Utpadel, Matt Radosevich, Dell Anderson, C.O. Nelson,.Theodore Kallinen, Joseph Lupa, Edward H.C. Anderson, Oscar-Tallin, Paul Tribovich; John Shykes,/Pajala, Ernest Moore, C.L. Tedlund, H.A. Reiten; Joe Kasmarek, Peter 14anson2 Ellsworth Embertson,'Harry Moland, and Clarence L. Olsen. Total 32 The following communication was read: rutgust 28, 1951 t t Bayfield County Planning Commission Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Aerial surveying methods will save you time and money and give you a more com- prehensive and accurate means of solving your county planning problems. you can have a complete map of your county showing the true position of all buildings, streets and railroad tracks for use in county developments and improvements and the measurements of all buildings to bring your assessment records up to.date and revise appraisal data. We would be glad to discuss the assistance or savings in time and money that is possible through our services without obligation to you. Very truly yours, ROBERT A. CU1,:/2dINGS, -JR. & ASSOC. Aerial Mapping Surveys Pittsburgh 22, Pa. Moved by MacRae and seconded. by Reimer to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION YTfiEREAS: The Town of Mason by resolution recorded in Volume 9, page 224 of the County Board proceedings of April 209 1948, as amended in Volume 9, page 287 of the County Board proceedings of November 9, 1948 did request the Bayfield County Board to give preference to a certain town road in the town of Mason, when and if additional county highways in the Town of Mason might be considered, N07T THEREFORE Be it resolved by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this 14th day of November, 19512 that the following described highway be substituted for and instead of the above referred to road: A public high- way in the Town of. Mason beginning at Benoit and extending southerly ani.westerly appr.ox v- imately three and one-fourth miles to a Junction with County Trunk Highway "Eft at or nea the Northeast corner of Section 16-Township 46 North - Range 6 West as more clearly indicated on the attached map. a November 14, 1951 Presented by: Butt Radosevich George Fleck Martin Gerbozy Town Board of Mason Bayfield County, Wisconsin Moved by Radosevich and seconded by Pustinger to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION UHEREAS; Bayfield County now owns certain tax title lands not under the Forest Crop Law adjoining lakes and streams, and WHEREAS, The selling or the cutting of timber from these lands could seriously affect the value of the streams or lakes, and could in time prohibit public access to them; now THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That all County Tax Title lands adjoining lakes and streams now owned by Bayfield County, or any the County may acquire title to in the future, ee permanently placed under the County Park System. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That lands under the County Park System cannot be removed from the Park System, except by two-thirds vote of the membership of the County Board. Signed, Bernard E. Johnson Edward Reimer Anthony Janock Clarence L: Olsen J.R. Desparois Frank Utpadel CONSERVATION C'0 11'TTEE Moved by Irish and seconded by Johnson to adopt the foregoing.resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session assembled this 14 day of November 1951 that the two resolutions adopted at the April 1951 meeting of this Board, one directing the cancellation of county insurance coverage in the State Insurance Fund, and the other ordering that such insurance be placed with an association of insurance agents in Bayfield County, be and the same are hereby rescinded and repealed, FURTHER RESOLVED, that the insurance placed under said resolutions be cancelled effective as of December 2, 1951, FURTHER RESOLVED, that all fire and extended coverage insurance on county buildings and contents be placed with the State Fire Insurance Fund as of December 2, 1951., FURTHER RESOLVED, that the insurance committee be authorized and directed to work with the county treasurer in determining what types and the amounts of all other insurance coverage to be obtained by the county, the manner in which the same shall be placed, as well as the sources --from which the same shall be obtained. Oscar Wallin J.R. Desparois C.O. Nelson Ernest Moore J.L. MacRae Harvey Irish Clarence L. Olsen J.]?Shykes Edgard Pajala Andrew Pristash Moved by Shykes and seconded by Pajala to adopt the foregoing resolution Before acting on the foregoing motion the board granted representatives of the insurance business the right to present their e't"tuments orally before the board. Moved by Janock and seconded by Tribovich that the vote on the foregoing motion be by ballot. Carried. The result of the ballot was as follows: For adoption 15 Against adoption 16 blank 1 Total 32 The chair declared d ^^_1^=Q_d the motion _aa=r4_e4. lost. Moved by MacRae andduly._seconded to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P.M. by Chairman Olsen. The Following members answered roll call: Raymond Mammoser, Carl Heikel-, Harvey Irish, S.W. Buck; CO-C. Laudenschlager, Anthony Janock, Edward R(Leaer, Bernard E. Johnson, Joseph Pustinger, J.R. Desparois, J.L. MacRae, William Stuart, Andrew Pristash, Frank Utpadel, Matt Radosevich, Dell Anderson, C.O. Nelson, Theodore Kaliinen, Joe Lupa, Harry C. Anderson, Oscar 11Tallin, Paul Tribovich, John Shykes, Edward Pajala, Ernest Moore, C.L. Tedlund, H.A. Reiten, Joe Kasmarek, Peter Hanson., -Ellsworth Embertson, Harry Moland, and Clarence L. Olsen. Total 32 The Board granted Vic C. Wallin the 'floor to explain a resolution previously adopted at this session with reference to re -apportionment of Legislative representation. The Board granted G.I. Germond, State Highway Division Engineer, the floor to explain the proposed highway program for 1952. The Board granted George E. Caspers a representative of the Motorola Co, Inc. the floor to explain the proposed two-way radio installation for the Sheriffs Office. Action on this matter appears in the minutes later on in the session: Moved by MacRae -and seconded by Tribovich that the County Board resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the purpose of conducting a hearing on the proposed budget for 1952. Motion carried. The Chair declared the meeting open for a hearing0 No one appeared at the hearing. November 14, 1951 Moved by nacRae and seconded by Tribovich to adjourn as a committee of the whole and reconvene as a county -board. Carried. The Board granted ;Walter Rolands, Supervisor of Agriculture .Agents of the Agri- cultural.Extension Division the floor to explain new legislation affecting county zoning® Moved by MacRae and seconded by Janock.that Insurance Committee insure county buildings.and contents for at least 90 per cent of value. Carried. The following re..solution was read: RESOLUTION BE IT'HEREBY RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, in annual session, assembled this 14th day of November, 1951, that the TV.o-way Radio Communica- tio4;.System be purchased and installed in the SheriffIs Department, the cost of purchase and installation of -said system to be three thousand three hundred dollars (32300.00). Peter Hanson Joe Lu-Pa E.O. Embertson SHERIFF ° S C 01&1IT TEE BA.YFI ELD COUNTY; WI S . Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Moore to adopt the foregoing resolution® Moved by Anderson and seconded by Utpadel to vote on the -foregoing motion by ballot. Carried. The result of the ballot was as follows: F°or:24 a Against: 8 _ 'Carried:,, Buek} b } + } e, , 7 1 } } } t } M moved by MacRae and' seconded by C.O. Nelson that the Sheriff's Committee advertise for bids for a two-way radio system. Carried. Move& by Macrae and seconded by Buck to adjourn until 10 A.M. November 15. Carried. November 15, 1951 Meeting called to order at 10 A.M. by chairman Olsen. The following members answered roll.call: Raymond Mammoser, Carl HiOkel, Harvey Irish, S.Wi Buck, C.C. Laudenschlager, Anthony Janock, Edward Reimer, Bernard E. Johnson, Joseph Pustinger, J.R.Desparois, J.L. MacRae$ William Stuart, Andrew Pristash, Frank Utpadel, Matt Radosevich,. Dell Anderson, C.O. Nelson, Theodore Kallinen, Joseph Lupa, Harry Anderson, Oscar Wallim, Paul Tribovich, John Shykes$ Edward Pajala, Ernest Moore, C.L. Tedlund, H.A. Reiten, Ellsworth Embertson and Clarence L. Olsen. Total 29 The following report was read: ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNTY HIG119AY COMMITTEE BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin . Gentlemen: The county highway program has been retarded considerably this past season by adverse weather conditions, and other restrictions imposed by a shortage of certain types of materials, parts and equipment: Two jobs were not started this year, a few other jobs havetbeen finished and some that have been finished are not satisfactory°,. and will have to be reworked next year. At the same time the cost of road work has increased considerably. A financial report showing the financial condition of the highway department as of November first, 1951 is submitted separately. Bayfield County has for many years past carried on its highway work on a pay as -you go basis without going into debt through bond issues, advances or otherwise. Current bills are paid up to dated There are no outstanding obligations. Future allotments. of State Aid for road work in this county have,not been mortgaged nor advanced. Progress on U. S. 63 between Grandview and Drummond has continued to be very slow and unsatisfactory again this year. The various state contractors engaged insbuilding t road for the State have proceeded so slowly that the county's portion of the work which is the -bituminous surfacing could not be. properly finished this fall and is one of the jobs previously ?mentioned that will need t'o.be reworked again next year- The State has notified the county of its intention to continue with the construction of U.S: 63 from Drummond southerly toward Cable next year. Sand lift and gravel on S.T®H. 13 between Cornucopia and Herbster which was done under a state maintenance contract has also proceeded very slowly and the work is unsatisfactory and will probably require reworking again next year. Considerable flood damage has occurred in many placed on S.T.H. 13 several times this year, such as Boyd's Creek, Onion River, Pike's Creek, City of Bayfield, Sand River, Lost Creek and Flag River. The county has asked the State to prepare plans and estimates of the work required to relieve these constantly recurring flood damages. It is possible that some improvements may be made on S.T.H. 27 providing that the State can arrange for the exchange of Secondary Federal Aid funds waived by other counties for State construction funds on a dollar for dollar basis. Such a program is now being tentatively discussed in Douglas County and if it succeeds there will then be extended into Bayfield County. _s 504 I November 15, 1951 0 On the County'Trunk Highway System a great deal of work has been finished this year, some has been held over for next year, and a great deal still needs to -be done., A few jobs begun are unfinished at present® County Highway "All from Drummond to the Douglas County line, approximately 15 miles, has been reworked this season and the job turned out very good. Eight miles from Iron'River south on "At' needs the same treatment next year. The proposed blacktopping of "C" south from Cornucopia was not done this year, partly because of weather conditions and partly because the state under road west of Cornucopia was already/construction and impassable part of the year. Six OV miles of bituminous work east of Cable on t'D" and nine miles 8? Grandview were com- pleted and both jobs turned out very good.- Approximately eight miles remain to be improved on this road in the vicinity of Lake Namakagon: Six miles of t'E" from B'ibon east is finished and very- satisfactory. Five miles of ttFlf from Mason northwesterly toward Ino was damaged by wet westher at the time of construction and will probably need reworking next year. Three and one half miles of this road remains to be blacktopped. Some repairs to the present blacktop east of Benoit on "F't'are needed, The westher has interfered greatly with the grading, sand lift and graveling of the west six miles of the Moquah Road, known as County Trunk "G",and increased the cost considerably, however, it still may be possible -to finish the job so that it maybe blacktopped next year. Sand lift, gravel and blacktopping of 11H11'9 the Delta Road, was finished this year and turned out very well. Blacktopping of five miles of ►tJ" was only partly satisfactory and will need more work next year. One -and one-half miles of grading on this road was not started because of wet weather conditions. The same wet weather damaged the four miles of blacktopping on t'K". Considerable other improvements are needed and remain to be done on other portions of the County Highway System. The foregoing very brief outline merely indicates the size of the job and that the expense will run into many thousands of dollars: At the same time the Fed- eral Government has reduced by one-half the availability of Secondary Federal Aid Farm to Market Road money. The regular two fiscal years.allotment of Secondary Federal Aid available July 1, 1950 has now extended over four years 'to the 'end of the fiscal. year June 30, 1955. The large Bayfield County program carried on this past year has used up more than one half of the Federal Aid funds now becoming available for the next --four years. This forced reduction in the. amount of Federal Aid per year over which the county has no control does however affect the amount of money -that the county needs to provide for the 50% matching requirement° This 50% matching appropria- tion has in the past been made by the County Board in the form of a two mill levy. The matching appropriation needed to meet -this -reduced Federal program this coming year does not require a two mill levy and therefore it does not appear necessary or advis- able for the County Board to make such an appropriation this year. The budget this year therefore does not carry this item. It is very clear, of course, that this forced spreading of anticipated revenues over four years instead of two years will require some rearrangement of the County Highway -program, possibly the postponement for a year or two of some planned work; and it certainly leaves the county finances in no position to take over any new work or any new County roads. Eight county aid biidge petitions -have been filed, requiring a total county aid i bridge appropriation of $17,887.00. your county Highway Committee recommends their approval. 510 The usual resolutions required in connection with State Aid f or highway work in this county for the ensuing year will be separately presented to your board and the - undersigned County Highway Committee recommends their approval. Respectfully submitted; T.R. Desparois Paul C. Tribovich Ernest Moore County Highway Committee Moved by MacRae and seconded by Moore to accept the foregoing report and place on file: Carriedi Moved by MacRae and seconded by Pajala to accept and place on file the annual financial report of the County Highway Commissioner. Carried. The following resolution was read: STATE AND COUNTY' -AID CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 1952 SECTION I., The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, regular- ly assembled, does hereby ordain that such funds as may be made available to the county for highway work, in the year 1952 under the provisions of Section 20:49 and Chapters 83 avid 84 of the Statutes and the additional sums herein appropriated shall be expended as hereinafter set forth: SECTION -II. COUNTY TRUNK ' HIGH�jVAY ALLOTMZNT; 111THEREAS: The State Highway Commission has notified the County Clerk that a sum of.money estimated to be One Hundred Fourteen Thousand Eight Hundred and no/100 Dollars ( 114,800:00) will become available at the end of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1952, under the provisions of Section 20.49 (3), 20.49 (11) (b), and 83®10(1) of the Statutes, for the county trunk highway system in the county, but the actual amount will not be known until the close of the fiscal year, Tune 30, 1952, BE IT RESOLVED: That the County Highway Committee is authorized and directed to expend the said sum to the extent required, to match and supplement Federal Aid for construction, right of way, and other costs on any Federal projects located on the County Trunk Highway System of said county, which are not recovered from Federal funds, and to expend any balance for constructing, repairing, and maintaining such county trunk highway system and the bridges thereon, including snow and -ice removal and control, as directed in Section 83.Z_s(1) of the Statutes, and,to reimburse the general fund for any expendi- tures that may be made therefrom, pursuant to Section 83:01(6) of the Statutes. The distribution to such purposes is estimated, but not specifically directed to b,e as f oll ows : November 15, 1951 For construction, maintenance, snow removal and ice prevention on the County Trunk Highwm System. SECTION III. STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY A.LLOT1,1ENT. (A.) WHEREAS: The State Highway Commission has estimated that the sum of One Hundred Seventeen Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($1173000.00) will become available from.,the appropriation of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1952 under Section 20.40(4) and 84,03(3); to be allotted and expended by the State Highway Commission in accordance with the provisions of Section 84.06 for the construction, reconstruction and im- provement of the state trunk highway system and connecting streets upon projects which have been approved by this county, but subject to the provisions of Section 84.03(4) relative to the retirement of bonds, and WHEREAS, there has been received from the State Highway Commission its determina- tion as to the proposed projects and the proposed allocation ; of such sum, BE .IT RESOLVED: That such projects and the allocation of such sum be approved as hereinafter set forth: (1) The sum of One Hundred Seventeen Thousand Dollars ($117,000,00) for the improvement of U.S. Highway No. 63, The Cable -Drummond Roads approximately 10.0 miles; SECTION IV. WHEREAS: The various highway activities, for which provision is made in this resolution are continuous from year to year, and .the exact cost of any work cannot be known at the time of making the appropriation therefor. BE IT RESOLVED: That this Board does hereby direct that any balance remaining in any appropriation for a specific highway improvement after the same shall have been completed, may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement, which is part"of the same item in the county budget, for which provision is herein made, and any balances remaining at the end of the year in any highway fund shall remain and be available f or the same purpose in the ensuing year. . SECTION-V. WHEREAS: The exact amount of the funds that will become available for highway purposes in the county under Section 20.49 of the Statutes will not be known until on or after June 30, 1952, BE IT RESOLVED:: That the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payments for the purposes ,for which such funds are to be used, as hereinbefore authorized, from any funds in the county treasury that are not required for the purposes for which appropriated prior to August 1, 1952; and to reimburse such funds in the county treasu.ry.,from the sums received under Section 20.49 of the Statutes. SECTION VI90 TWHEREAS: The County Highway Committee and County Highway Commissioner are charged with the duty and responsibility of carrying out the construction and maintenance of highways for which provision, is made and other related supervisory and administrative duties, BE IT RESOLVED: That the County Highway Commissioner shall have authority to employ, discharge, suspend, or reinstate such personnel as he deems necessary for such purposes, provided, however, that the County Highway Committee may by,: action recorded in its minutes determine the number of persons to be hired and their wages® The term "PersonnelTe orf4PersonT4 shall include all patrolmen, laborers, foremen, clerks, steno- graphers, or other employees necessary to carry on such activities. Presented November 15th, 1951 By J.R. Desparois Ernest Moore Paul Tribovich County Highway Committee Moved by Desparois and seconded by Reimer to adopt the foreoing resolution. Roll call was as f ollows: AYES: Mammoser; Hi6k01, Irish, Buck, Laudenschlager, Janock, Reimer, Johnson, Pustinger, Desparois, MacRae, Stuart, Pristash, Radosevich, D. Anderson, Nelson, Kallinen, Lupa, H. Anderson, Wallin, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, Reiten, Embertson and Olsen. Total Ayes: 28 Nays: None. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION Whereas, it is the consensus of this board that the public welfare and the best interests of travel make it necessary to complete as a single project or undertaking, the whole or.as much as possible of the improvement of U.S. Highway N04 63 between Cable and Drummond, and Whereas, the completion of such improvement to the extent deemed necessary will require the expenditures of more than one yearts allotment to this County under Section 84,03(3), Wisconsin Statutes, together with Federal Aid or other funds as may be made available therefor, Be it resolved that the State Highway Commission is hereby petitioned to advance and commit the sum of Ninety Thousand Dollars ($90,000,00) or as much thereof -as required for such improvement, the amount so advanced -to be deducted from future allotments as they accrue to the credit of this County under Section 64.03(3), Wisconsin Statutues, beginning with the allotment accruing in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1953; and Be it further resolved that this resolution, when approved by the State Highway Commission, shall constitute an agreement pursuant to Section 84e03(5)2 Wisconsin Statute..s. By: J.R. Desparois Ernest Moore Paul Tribovich County Highway Committee Moved by Desparois and seconded by Dell Anderson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution. was read: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ADVANCE OR TRANSFER OF CONSTRUCTION FUNDS IN BAYFIELD COUNTY WIEREAS: Federal funcb have been allotted to Wisconsin for the improvement of high- ways to be allocated for expenditure by the State.Highway Commission with the.concurrence of the Bureau of Public Rgads' and it is desired to take advantage of every opportunity to secure the expenditure: of a portion of such funds in this county, and WHEREAS: Funds must be provided by the state or counties to match the federal funds November 15. 1951 allotted and, or, to pay the cost of items which are not recovered from federal funds, and '41THEREAS, other emergencies frequently arise making necessary or desirable the allocation or transfer of funds to or between other authorized construction projects or for additional needed improvements, NO10T; THE, in order to provide for promptly making available the funds necessary for the purposes hereinbef ore mentioned, and to av oid the delay and expense incident to calling.a special meeting of this board for such purpose, BE,IT RESOLVED, that.the County Highway Committee, with the approval of the State Highway Commission, is hereby authorized to transfer to or between any authorized construction projects or for additional needed improvements in this county, any funds allotted to this county by the state under the provisions of Sections 20.49(4) and 84.03(3) and previously allocated by this board to any other project, or remaining unallocated in reserve; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the State,Highway Commission be and is hereby petitioned to advance, pursuant to Section 84.03'(5) of -the Statutes, upon.the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway Committee of this county, which said _Committee is hereby authorized to file, such sums as may be required and are not other- wise available, for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned on any authorized construction projects or for additional needed improvements in this county, with the understanding that such advance will be deducted from future allotments to this county for state trunk highway construction under Section 84.03(3) of the Statutes. Resolution presented by: J.R. Desparois Ernest Moore Paul Tribovich County Highway Committee Tffloved by Tribovich and seconded by pajala to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS: The cost of County Trunk Highway Construction has increased considerably the past season due partly to adverse weather conditions and partly to uniform machine rental rates charged to the job for the use of county owned equipment for more hours than is usually required, thereby reducing the county trunk highway fund and increasing the unused balance in the county highway machinery fund. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, By this Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this 13th day of November, 1951, that the -County Highway Committee be and is hereby authorized and.directed to transfer funds from the County Highl1ray 'Machinery Fund to the County Trunk Highway Fuhd as it deems necessary at the end of the calendar ,year. 514 Resolution recommended by: J.R. Desparois Ernest Moore Paul Tribovich County Highway Comm.ittee Moved by Pustinger and seconded by Reimer to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES: Mammoser, Himmel, Irish, Buck, Laudenschlager; Tanock, Reimer, Johnson, Pustinger, Desparois, MacRae, Stuart, Pristash, Rado'sevich, D. Anderson, Nelson, Kallinen, Lupa, H. Anderson, Wallin., Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, Reiten, Embertson and Olsen, Total Ayes: .28 Nays: None Carried. The following resolution was read: 0 �,'IHEREAS, for the construction and maintenance of highways, including the removal and control of snow and ice, it becomes necessary from time to time to purchase equip - went; the nature of the necessity for which cannot be accurately anticipated. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; that the County Highway Committee is hereby authorized pursuant to Section 83.015(2)' of the Statutes, to purchase without further authority, and to the extent that revolving funds accumulated for such purpose or appropraition made for such purpose are available, such highway equipment as they deem necessary to properly carry on the work, and to trade or sell such old equipment as may be considered to be for the best interests of the county. By T.Re- Desparois Ernest Moore Paul Tribovich County Highway Committee Moved by Desparois and seconded by Moore to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayf ield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this 15th day of November, 1951, that the County Board Chairman, County Highway Committee and County Highway Commissioner are hereby authorized to..attend State Road Schools or meetings and that their per diem and expense be paid from the County Highway Administration fund. Recommended by: J.R. Desparois Ernest Moore Paul Tribovich County Highway Committee 515 November 15, 1951 Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Heikel to adopt the forgoing resolution. Carried. The following petitions for County Bridge Aid were read: To the County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin Gentlemen: This 'petition of the Town of Iron River, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respect- fully represents and shows to your Honorable Body that the said town has heretofore voted to construct a bridge on a highway maintainable by said town and has provided for such portion of the cost of such construction as is required by Section 81.38(1) of the Wisconsin Statutes. The bridge is known as the Upsom Bridge over Iron River in Section 7-Township 47North-Range 8West in the unincorporated Village of Iron River in the Town of Iron River, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. At the time of actual construction in August, 1951, the foundation of this proposed Bridge was found to be so unstable as to require piling and other structural changes in bridge design which increases the estimated cost approximately $3500.00 requiring an additional appropriation of County Bridge Aid in the amount of $17510.00. WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays and makes this application to your Honorable Body for additional county aid in the amount of $1750.00 in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the 1,11is.consin Statutes. J.L. MazRae Henry Smith Charles S. Willoughby Town Board— Town of Iron River, Bayfield County; Wisconsin PETITION To the County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County; Wisconsin r This petition of the Town of Cable, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents and shovis to your Honorable body -that the said town has heretofore voted to construct a bridge on a highway maintainable by said town and has provided for such portion of the cost of such construction as is required by Section 81.38(1) of the Wisconsin Statutes® The bridge is known as the Cable Dam Bridge over the Namekagon River in Section 16, Township 43 North, Range 7 West -in the Town of Cable, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. The total cost is estimated not to exceed $10,000.00. Therefore, Petitioner prays and makes this application to your Honorable Body for county aid _n- an ,amount of one half of the cost to said town, estimated not to exceed $5,000.00 in accordance: w%th. the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. C.C. Laudenschlager, Irvin E. Frels Town Board, Town of Cable Bayfield County, Wisdonsin PETITION To the County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin Gentlemen: The petition of the Town of Oulu, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, repectfully repre- sents and shows to your Honorable body that: The Mattson Bridge over Reefer Creek on the section line between Sections 6 and 7. T. 48N Range 9V1 on a public Highway maintainable by the Town of Oulu requires immediate emergency replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section 81®38(3) of the Statutes. The Town of Oulu has provided for such portion of the cost of such construction as is required by Section 81®38 of the Statutes. r ° The total cost is estimated not to exceed Six Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($6300.00) Wherefor: Petitioner prays and makes this applipation-to your Honorable Body— for county aid in an amount of one-half of the cost to said town estimated not to exceed Three Thousand One Hundred and fifty Dollars ($3150.00) in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Statutes. Theodore Kallinen Edward Wentela J: Ernest Rantala Town Board -Town of Oulu Bayfield County, ylis. PETITION To the County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin Gentlemen°; This petition of the Town of Orienta, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents -and -shows to your Honorable body -that':, The Gust Erickson Bridge over the east fork of the Iron River on the South Section Line -of Section 25, Township 49 North, Range 9 �Vest,..on a highway maintainable by the Town of Orienta was damaged by high-water in June, 1.951, and required immediate emergency replacement�in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38(3) of the Statutes° The Town. of ..Or'ientahas provided for such portion of the cost of such construction as is required by Section 81.36 "(3) of. the Statutes: November 15, 1951 The total cost is Ten Thousand One Hundred and Seventy Four Dollars ($10,17 O ). Wherefore: Petitioner prays and makes this application to your honorable Body for County Aid in an amount of one half of the cost to said town or Five Thousand Eighty Seven Dollars ($5,087.00) in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. PETITION C.O. Nelson Leonard Erickson Gordon Clark Town Board -Town of Orienta Bayfield County, Wisconsin To the County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Gentlemen: This petition of the Town of 'Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin; respectfully represents and shows to your Honorable Body that: The -Sioux River Bridge over Sioux River.between Sections 8.and 9 of Township 48 North, Range 5 West, on a highway maintainable by the towh of Washburn requires immediate emergency repairs in accordance with the provisions of Section 81438(3) of the Statutes. The Town of Washburn has provided for such portion of the cost of such construction as is required by Section 81;38(3) of the Statutes: The total cost of completed repairs is Twelve Hundred Dollars.($1200.00). ffHEREFORE, PETITIONER prays and makes this application to your Honorable.Body for County Aidin an amount of one-half of the cost to said town of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) in accordance with the provisions of Section-81i38 of the Statutese Edward Pa j ala Harold Peterson Oscar Arnson Town Board -Torn of Washburn Bayfield County, Wisconsin PETITION To The County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin The petition of the Town of Mashburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents and shows to your Honorable Body, that said Towh has heretofore voted to construct, and has constructed a bridge on a highway maintainable by said Town, which bridge is located over Sioux River between Section 4 and Section 9 of Township 48 North, Range 5 west -in Bayfield County; Wiscon.sinj that the total cost of constructing said bridge, all of which was paid by said town, was $7,420434; that the town antici- pates reimbursement from the State of Wisconsin from the special. ,appropriation for flood disasters in the amount of 62,820:34 which will leave the net cost of the bridge at $4,600.00 that the construction of said bridge was made necessary by the destruction of the old bridge by flood waters in the month of July, 1951; THEREFORE, PETIONER PRAYS and makes this application to your Honorable Body pursuant to the provisions of Section 81:38 of the 171sconsin. Statutes for County Aid in the amount of $2t300.00 to reimburse them for the cost of constructing said bridge. The following resolution was read: Edward Pajala Harold Peterson Oscar Arnson Town Board, Town of Washburn, Bayfield County, ,Jisconsin RESOLUTION COUNTY AID BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION UNDER SECTION 81638 OF THE STATUTES COUNTY OF BAYFIELD SECTION I. WHEREAS the various towns hereinafter named have filed petitions for county aid in the construction of bridges under Section 81.38 of the Statutes, said petitions are hereby :granted, and county appropriations made as follows. - Amount Raised Amount of County Town Bridge By•local units Aid Granted Cable Cable Dam $5,000.00 $5,000.00 Iron River Upsom 12750-000 1,750.00 Orienta Erickson 51087000 59087600 Oulu Mattson 3,150.00 32150400 Washburn Sioux River #1 600.00 600.00 Washburn Sioux River #2 2p300.00 22300.00 17;887000 17;887.00 Less Balance Available Total Tax Levy 973:88 16;913012 SECTION'II® The County Board does hereby levy a tax on all of the property in the County taxable for such purpose to meet said appropriations: Resolution offered by County Highway Committee on November 13, 1951: J.R. Desparois Ernest Moore Paul Tribovich Moved by Desparois and seconded by Kallinen to adopt the foregoing resolution. R011 call was as follows: Ayes: Mammoser, Hie.kel, Irish, Buck, Laudenschlager; Tanock Reimer, Johnson, Pustinger, Desparois, MacRae, Stuart, Pristash, Radosevich, D. Anderson, C.O. Nelson, Kallinen, Lupa, H. Anderson, Wallin, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, November 15, 1951 Tedlund, Reiten, Embertson, Olsen. Total Ayes: 28s Nays: Utpadel. Total Nays: 1 Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION "WHEREAS,, highways in the City of Bayfield are in poor condition as a result of the numerous floods occurring within said city during the past number of years, and specifically on August-30th, September llth and September 12th, 1951; and Whereas, the City of Bayfieldts financial condition is in poor shape as a result of losses sustained in the floods of 1942 and'1946, making it necessary for said city to negotiate short term loans in anticipation of taxes and petitioning the State of Wisconsin for flood damage aid under Section 86.24 of the Wisconsin Statutes; and Whereas; it is obvious that this financial condition will impair the collection of taxes in the future and handicap the City in its usual functions of government and the possibility that the state must apportion this flood damage aid because of the heavy losses sustained throughout the state; and WHEREAS, Bayfield County is vitally interested in the maintenance of County Trunk Highway I which suffered the loss of the heavy fill on Washington Avenue in said City of Bayfield at the mouth of the ball park ravine, at considerable expense to the County; and Whereas no funds are available to the City of Bayfield to stabilize and eliminate the condition that exists, Now, Therefore BE IT RESOLVED, By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, meeting in annual session this 15th day of November,1:951, that the sum of Five Thousand ($59000.00) Dollars be appropriated to the City of Bayfield for improving and repairing the highways in said city, and that the sum of $5;000.00 be levied against all the taxable property of Bayfield County pursuant to Sec. 83®065. Introduced by: Ernest LaPointe John Frostman John Boehme Halvor Reiten Moved by MacRae and seconded by Tribovich to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: � Ayes: Mammoser-, Hdbkel, Irish, Buck, Laudenschlager; Tanock, Reimer; Johnson, Pustinger, Desparois, MacRae, Stuart, Pristash; Utpadel, Radosevieh, D. Anderson, Nelson, Kallinen; Lupa, H. Anderson, Wallin, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, Reiten; Embertson and Olsen. Total Ayes: 29, Nays: none. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Bark Point Road, known as the Lake Shore Road, running from Herbster to -the end of Bark Point in the Town of Clover; Bayfield County, Wisconsin, has under- gone serious damage in the past number of years; and Whereas, it is anticipated that further damage will be done to said road if the same is not improved and repaired; and Whereas, further damage to the road would seriously affect many home owners and farmers in the Town of Clover; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, that the sum of $2260.00 be appropriated for improving and repairing the said Bark point Road; and BE IT FURTHER RLSOLVED, That there be levied against the taxable property in said county, the surd of $2260400 to meet said expense, pursuant to Section 83.065 of the Wisconsin Statutes: Presented by: Anthony Janock Moved by lanock and seconded by Buck to adopt the foregoing resolution. No action taken on this motion. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Radosevich to refer the foregoing resolution to the Highway Committee for investigation and to report back at the Spring meeting f of the County Board. Carried. The following communication was read: t Washburn, Wisconsin October 18, 1951 To the Finance Gomnittee of the Bayfield County Board: The Bayfield County Zoning Committee hereby recommends that an appropriation be made for -the purpose of procuring an up-to-date official zoning map of the county, including all of the amendments to the Zoning Ordinance sina,e its enactment in 1934. The amount requested and break -down is as follows: For a plate etching and new work map - $80.00 For reviewing County Board minutes - 50.00 For printing sufficient -number of maps 50.00 Two meetings of Zoning Committee 120®00 Total --- 300.00 . John Shykes Andrew Pristash BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COIV]MITTEE Edward Pajala S.VT Buck John W'. Howell Theodore Kallinen Clarence L. Olsen Moved'by Pustinger and seconded"by Pajala to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Carried. Moved by MacRae and duly seconded to adjourn until 1:15 P.M. Carried® November 15, 1951 Meeting called to order at 1:30 P.M.- by Chairman, Olsen. The following members answered roll call: Raymond Idammoser, Carl Hie:kel, Harvey Trish, S. f. Buck; C.Co Laudenschlager, Anthony Tanock, Edgard Reimer, B.E. Joseph Johnson,/Pustinger, J:R6 Desparois, J.L. MacRae, a1(illiam Stuart, Andrew Pristash, Frank Utpadel, Matt Radosevich, Dell,Anderson, CoO. Nelson, Theodore Kallinen, Joe Lupa, H.C. Anderson, Oscar Wallin, Paul Trib ovich, John Shykes, Edward Pajala, Ernest Moore, Conrad Tedlund,! H.A. Reiten, Peter Hanson, Ellsworth Embertson and Clarence Olsen. Total 30. The following communication was read: Washburn, Wisconsin October 20, 1951 To the Bayfield County Finance Committee: The Bayfield County Soil Conservation Supervisors (Agricultural Committee) request an appropiation of $420iOO for the purpose of holding two meetings with the P.M.A. within the next year, and also for two additional Soil Conservation meetings during the yearo The Soil Conservation Supervisors believe that these meetings are necessary in the best interests of accomplishing the soil conservation program in Bayfield County. Since these meetings would be held in conjunction with other agencies, the appropri- ation is for soil conservation purposes only, and has not been included in the regular county extension budget: BAYFIELD COUNTY SOIL CONSERVATION SUPERVISORS John Shykes Edward Pajala Theodore Kallinen Andrew Pristash S.7,11. Buck John T. Howell Claren'ae L. Olsen Moved by Buok-and seconded by Janock to receive the foregoing ccmmuneication and place on file. Carried. ` The following report was read: Washburn, Wisconsin October 17, 1951 To the Bayfield County Finance Committee: The County Agricultural Committee hereby submits their proposed I?udget for the County Extension Office for 1952 The itemized budget is as follows: Salary - County Agent $1,780.00 Car Expense - County Agent 1,000;00 Travel - County Agent 125,00 Office ® County Agent 530.00 Clerk Hire 25,220.00 Agricultural Committee 700;00 Salary > Home Agent 60000 Car Expense.- Home Agent 550e00 Travel - Home Agent 75.00 Office - Home Agent 70:00 4-H Clubs 125*00 4-H Club Leaders 125.00 Homemakers Clubs 50,00 Extra Clerical Hire 100.00 Total 82050.00 This budget represents an increase of $600 00 over 1951. However, $300.00 of the additional amount requested is due to the salary increase for clerks voted by the County Board last fall. The extra $300.00 requested is to be. used as follows: $'100.00 for extra clerk hire, and $200.00 for additional Agricultural Committee meetings. The Committee feels that the amount heretofore appropriated for this item is not sufficient to permit -the Committee to meet as often as deemed necessary. .BAYFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL COMNITTEE John Shy kes Edward Pajala Theodore Kal.linen Andrew Pristash S.-tiW. Buck Bohn 11T. Howell Clarence L. Olsen Moved by Shykes and seconded by Kallinen to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Carrieda The following report was read: Washburn, Wisconsin October 20, 1951 To the Bayfield County Finance Committee: The Bayfield County Fair Committee hereby submits a request for $6,500,00 for the operation of the 1952 Bayfield County Fair. This amount is $22000.00 more than was requested last year; inasmuch as the Fair Committee feels that it is better to appropriate an amount sufficient to cover all Fair needs, rather than ask the County Board for a deficit appropriation after the Fair has been held. The Committee wishes to direct your attention'to the property insurance item. If the County 3,oard votes to return to the policy of obtaining their fire, wind, etc. policy from the State, the amount of $372.78 will cover this item. However; if the board continued the policy of obtaining this type of insurance from old line companies this item will cost $745.55, and the budget should be increased accordingly. The breakdown of the proposed budget is as follows: aa' November 15, 1951 RECEIPTS 1952 County Board Approp- riation $6,500.00 Advertising 225000 Gate & Grandstand. 3,0O%00 Exhibitors fees 285400 Concessions 350:00 State Aid 2,200.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS 129,560:00 EIPE'iNDITURES Advertising 250.00 Insur ance 202.50 Judges 160.00 Maintenance 1,500.00 Officers 1,500.00 Police, Gate, Other 925.00 Postage 35.00 Printing (fair book) 310#00 Ribbons, tickets, etc, 60:00 Special Acts 2,500:00 Superintendents 175.00 Truck rental 3000 Fogging Grounds 65,00 Annual Association dues 25.00 Federal Tax 700400 Premiums 39500.00 Compensation Insurance 144072 Property Insurance 372078 Auditor 10000 Financial Report Ad 5.00 TOTAL E11PENDITURES 129560.00 BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COIZEETTEE John !Wo Howell Clarence Li Olsen R.J. Holvenstot Moved by MacRae and seconded by Pajala to receive the foregoing and place on file. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION To the Bayf ield County Board of Supervisors:' Re: Fair Premiums - 1952 Bayf field County Fair Gentlemen: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That the County Clerk and County Treasurer are authorized to pay exhibit premiums in connection with the 1952 Bayfield County Fair even if it exceeds the appropriation, and that state aid for same shall be returned to.the County general. fund. BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COadvIITTEE John Shykes John Howell S.T. Buck R..J, Holvenstot Moved by Pustinger and seconded by Moore to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes: Mammoser, H1e"sel, Irish, Buck, Laudens,chlager, Janock, Reimer, Johnson, Pustinger, Desparois, MacRae, Stuart, Pristash, Radosevlch, D. Anderson, Nelson, Kallinen, Lupa, H. Anderson, Wallin, Trib ovich, Shyke s, Pajala, Moore,'Tedlund, Reiteh, Hanson,'Embertson and Olsen. Total Ayes: 29, Nays:None. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS the cost of living has increased continually since the County Board set salaries and wages and WHEREAS some salaries have been adjusted and others have not and 1VHEEREA-S Chapter 337 laws of 1951 authorizes an adjustment at this time, Therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the following schedule of compensation be adopted for the Officers listed below to become effective January 1, 1952 unless otherwise stated: Office Salary per annum Fees County Clerk $3800400 Conservation fees County Treasurer 3800,00 Certified copies of tax statements and bank statement fees Sheriff 3200:00 Civil fees, house, rent, light, water, and fuel. Undersheriff 2760,00 Jailer 2400*00 Janitor 2600,00 Register of Deeds 3100,00 no fees, right to do private abstra,'t- ing and retain all fees therefrom County Judge 4100,00 which includes 900.00 charged to juvenile court Clerk of Circuit Court 2800,00 Passport fees �-- Municipal Judge 1020.00 civil fees District Attorney 3000.00 Right to handle private practice & retain all fee therefrom County Agricultural Agent 1780,00 Fed® & State Contribution County Home Demonstration Ag. 600.00 .Fed & State Contribution County Forest Administrator 3300,00 County Ranger 2600,00 Co. Supt. of Schools 4100,00 $7.00 per day fpr County Schoo Committee Work 's.pervising Teacher Salary to conform to State Supt. of Public Instruction Schedule Welfare Director 3420.00 Effective Nov. 1, 1951 3600#00 Effective may 1, 1952 County Service Officer 2700,00 November 15, 1951 County Nurse 3000.00 Case ;porkers 2520.00 Effective November 1, 1951 2640.00 Effective May 1, 1952 Travel expenses as authorized by the County Board are in addition to the above salaries. J.L. MacRae Halvor Reiten Harvey -Irish C.O. Nelson Clarence L. Olsen Loved by MacRae and seconded by Janock to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. Moved by Lupa and seconded by Hanson to amend the foregoing resolutioni so as to increase the salaries of the Sheriff and Under -Sheriff at the rate of 15.00 per month. Roll call was as follows; Ayes: Mammoser, Hdiakel, Ae,lm.er, Pustinger, Pristash; Luria, Total Ayes: 11 H. Anderson; Wallin, Shykes, Hanson, Embertson. Nays: Irish; Buck, Laudenschlager, Janock; Johnson, MacRae, Stuart, Radosevich, D. Anderson, Nelson, Kallinen, Tribovich, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, Reiten and Olsen. Nays: 17. Motion lost. Moved by Pajala and seconded by Lupa to table the resolution on salaries. Lupa with -drew his second, but as Pajalafs motion did not receive another second it was not put to a vote: Moved by Lupa and seconded by MacRae to amend the resolution on salaries to read Sheriffts annual salary $3300.00 and Under -Sheriff $2860600. motion oarrieda Roll call on the original resolution as amended was/ as follows: Ayes: Mammoser, Hie'kel, Irish, Buck, Laudenschlager, Janock, Reimer, Johnson, Pustinger, MacRae, Stuart, Pristash, Radosevich, D.'And:erson, Nelson, Kallinen, Lupa, H. Anderson, Wallin, Tribovich, Shykes, Moore, Tedlund, Reiten, Hanson, Embertson and Olsen. Total Ayes: 27 Nays: Pajala. Total Nays: 1 Moved by Mammoser-and seconded by Moore to adjourn until November 26, 1951. Roll call was as follows: Ayes: Mammoser, H e..i�el., Buck; Laudenschlager, Janock, Johnson, Stuart, Pristash, Nelson, 'ufallin, Tribovich; Moore. Total ayes: 12 Nays: Irish, Reimer, Pustinger, MacRae; Radosevich, D. Anderson, Kallinen, Lupa; H® Anderson, Shykes, Pajala, Tedlund, Reiten; Hanson, Bmbertson.and Olsen. Total Nays: 16 Motion lost: Moved by Radosevich and seconded by MacRae to adjourn until 10 A.M® November 16. Roll call was as follows; Ayes: Heikel, Irish, Buck, Laudenschlager, Janock, Pustinger; MacRae, Stuart, Radosevich, Nelson, Kallinen, H. Anderson, Wallin, Tedlund, Reiten, Embertson and Olsen. Total Ayes: 17. Nays : Mammoser; Reimer, Johnson, Pristash, n. Anderson, Lupa, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, -and Hanson. Motion carried: Total Nays 11. 52 6 November 16, 1951 Meeting called to order at 10 A.M. by Chairman Olsen; The following members answered roll call; Carl Heikel, Harvey Irish, S.L. Buck, C.C. Eaudenschlager, Anthony Janock, Edward Reimer; B.E. Johnson, Joseph Pustingeri J.L. MacRae, William Stuart, Andrew pristash, Frank Utpadel. Katt Radosevich, Dell Anderson, C.O. Nelson, Theodore Kallinen, Joseph Lupa, Harry Anderson, Oscar Wallin, Paul Tribovich; John^Shykes, Edward Pajala, Ernest Moore, Conrad Tedlund, H.A. Reiten, Ellsworth Embertson and Clarence L. Olsen. Total 27. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the following rates of compensation be set for clerical employes and appointive deputies excepting the Highway Department and clerical help set by other schedules and resolutions: 1. Clerical and Stenographic: The minimum or starting salary shall be $145.00 per month for the first three months or probationary period and an automatic increase of $5;00 starting with the fourth month and raises of $10.00 per month at the end of each six month period thereafter, provided such raise is approved by the officer in charge, until the maximum monthly salary of $195,00 per month shall have been reached, the current effective wage for each employe to be determined by the above scale and according to the length of time each of said employes has now been in the County Service: Credit for previous services and experience to be determined by the Department head doing the hiring. The Deputy County Treasurerts salary shall be W&O' 50 per month. The District Attorneyts Clerk & Stengrapher*s salary shall be $95000 per month. This resolution to take effect January 1, 1952. J.L. MacRae Halvor Reiten Harvey 1rish Clarence L. Olsen C.O. Nelson 4 Before acting on the above resolution petitions were read with reference to salaries as a matter of information. -Moved by MacRae and seconded by Reimer to adopt the foregoing resolution on Cleric salaries. Carried: The following petition was read: TO THE FINANCE-COMIITTEE OF THE B.A.YFIELD COUNTY BOARD: ,Due to the -increased cost of living and increase'in Federal Taxes, we wish to petition the Finance DiDmmittee of Bayfield County to recommend to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors a $15.00 per month cost of living bonus for each clerk employed November 16, 1951 in the Court House, with the exception of the Highway Department. To be effective as of November 1, 1951. Dated: October 13, 1951 Lillian Iverson Leona Ellis . Wilma Lamken Hetty M. Leino, Genevieve Nilsen Carol Hagstrom Mary Lamoreaux Venette Nelson Nora Olson Marian Wo Mattson Esther Reiten Irene E. 'Holman Moved by MacRae and seconded by Radosevich to receive the foregoing petition and place on file. Carried. The following petition was read: TO THE FINANCE COM5AITTEE AND COI.YIETTEE ON THE STUDY OF SALARIES: We the undersigned Sheriffs Committee wish to bring the following facts before you, regarding the Sheriffs and Undersheriffs salaries. In due of the fact that a committee was appointed to study salaries of the County Officers, we did not feel that we should bring a resolution before the County Board, specifying a set amount of increase in salary for the Sheriff and. Undersheriff. But we wish to present the following information: The Sheriffs salary at present is $3200.00 per year and Civil Pees average approximately $20.00 per month. The Undersheriffs salary at present is $2760.00 per year and.Civil Fees average approximately $20.00 per month. That salary increases for both the Sheriff and Under -sheriff be given due consider- ,ation, in respect to comparison of their salaries to -the salaries of the other County Officers, and also considering -that -they -are the only officers who are on duty 24 hours work every day of the week, in comparison to a 39 hourtweek required of thecther County Officers. Peter Hanson jg.0: Embertson Joe Lupa By Sheriffs -Committee Bayfield County, Wisconsin moved by MacRae and seconded by Pajala to receive the foregoing petition and place on file. Carried. The f oll.owing-resolution was read: TO THE HONORABLE METaERS" OP THE BAYFIELD' COUNTY BOARD: WHEREAS, the salary -of the County -Superintendent of Schools is now'$3,600 per annum and is below that of -other coutiuy teachers of similar r'arikamd service, _and WHEREAS this amount on a monthly basis is less than the,Supervising Teacher, and W=REAS the present salary is also below the minimum set by the State, Therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the salary of the County.Superintendent of Schools be $4,200 beginning January 1, 19520 Raymond J. Mammoser W®A. Stuart CoL. Tedlund Committee on Education, Bayfield County, Wisconsin Moved by'MacRae and seconded by Pajala to receive the foregoing resolution and place on file. Carried. The following petition was read: To the Finance Committee of the Bayf field County Board; From time to time increases in c:,orapensation allowing for the increased cost of living have been made for the appointive and clerical employees of the county and for some of the elective officials. No comparable adjustments have been made for the office of Register of Deeds and District Attorney. We, therefore, respectfully petition your committee to recommend to the County Board an increase of $25.00 per month as a cost of living adjustment for each of these officers, effective forthwith and to continue for the remainder of the current term; the records will show that the salary adjustment for the office of Register of Deeds and District Attorney have not kept pace with those for other offices. We, therefore, further respectfully request your committee to recommend an adjustment /in the basic compensation for these two offices for succeeding terms® Dated this 5th day of October, 1951. Walter T. Norlin District Attorney Earl Pedersen Register of Deeds Droved by MacRae and seconded by Pajala to receive and place on file the foregoing petition: Carried: The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION ?11HEREAS, the present rate of pay for Deputy Sheriff work is $6®00 per day, or $.75 per hour, and �,'IIHEREL.S it is not always feasible to ��{k y get someone to drop their other owrk and go out on deputy work for the present rate of pay, therefore in view of the, foregoing facts, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the rate be increased to $8.00 per day. E.O. Embertson Joe Lupa .Moved by Radosevich and seconded by Reimer to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following report and recommendations were read: November 16, 1951 Washburn, Wis., November 7, 1951 To the Hon. County Board, Bayfield County, Voris. Gentlemen; We the undersigned Committee on Illegal Taxes, beg leave to report that we have examined the following -bills; recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same, and that the amounts be,charged back to the respective taxing districts; as designated. Name of claimant Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co.. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Cob Bayfield Co. Signed, C..C: Laudenschlager Carl Hiekel Harry C. Anderson 'ILLEGAL"TAXES AND TAX CERTIEICATES C_THARGED BA.CIK' IN ' 1951 Town of Barnes Year Description and of Cert. Reason of Illegality Sale No. E. 609. 5 ft. of Govt. Lot'7, Sec. 4-44-9. double assessment, same as Vol® 150, P. 536 1948 Town of Bavf field NE SFt Sec. 1-51-5 Indian Land not assessable 1950 SE MV Sec: 29-51-5 County Property since June 1946 1 1950 Town of Bell E:' N? Nth Sec. 4-50-6, (omitted tax of 1944) 1944 tax on NE NW was paid to Town Treas. January 17, 1945 Town Treas. Receipt No. 60 1946 Town of Cable Govt. Lot 3 less sub- division Sec. 3-43-7., All of Lot 3 is East - Lake Sub -division 1946 part of NW Sit as - desc. in Vol® 150, P. 67 less Dar. desc® in Vol; 155 D. 454 Sec. 13-43-8. Double assessment 1950 Torun of Drummond N. 500 ft. of S2 of Lot 1 Sec. 27-44-7. Double assessment - same parcel as Lot 7. 1950 1341 EM 442 764 809 717 1057 Allowed Del. Tax Charge Face of back to District Cert. 6033 6.33 8.55 8.55 5663 5.63 14.18 7.00 7,00 2015 2.15 11;67 1.67 13:82 9,17 gill Name of Claimant Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. ILLEGAL TAKES AND TAX CERTIFICATES CHARGED BACK IN 1951 Town of Iron River Year Allowed Description and of Cert. face of Reason 'of Illegality sale NO0 cent. Lot 22 dese. in Vol. 136; p. 450 of Ledin t s , Subdivision of Govt. Lot 5 See. 33 & 34-47-8. No buildings on this Lot® 1950 1400 39.41 Town of Pilsen The following has been U.S. land since Aug. 10th, 1942: SE SE Sec. 14-47=7 1946 912' 3.95 SE SE Sec. 14-47-7 1947 844 4.48 SE SE Sec. 14-47-7 1948 851 5.55 SE SE Sec. 14-47-7 1949 1042 7.14 SK SE Sec. 14-47-7 1950 .2028 8:98 Town of Pratt The following is a , double assessment, no such parcel left after sales of parcels in - Lot 7, Section 29.r44-6: Gov't. Lot 7 less par® dese. in Vol. 144, p. 28, Vol. 107, pa 423, Vol. 120, p. 3662 & 367, VO1. 1502 p. 5402 Volo 123 P. 224, Vol. 120 P: 3432 Vol. 142, p. 491. Sec. 29-44-6. DO. Do. Do. Do. 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 Town of Russell 620 563 569 667 2220 Bayfield Co. Gov't. Lot 2 Sec.. - 16-51-3. Indian land 1950 2303 Bayfield Co. Gov't. Lot 3 Sec. 16-51-3. Indian land 1950 2304 City of Bayf iel.d Bayfield Co. Lot 20, Block 6 City of Bayf ie ld , County owned at time of assessment 1948 1670 Gity of Washburn Bayfield Coo SW SU Sec. 31-49-4 County Property since --- April 18, 1944 1946 55 9.71 9023 9:24 11.97 .13, 92 Del. Tax Charge back to District 39.41 3.95 4.48 5.55 7.14 8.98 30;10 9.71 9.23 9,24 11.97 13.92 54.07 10.71 10071 12t24 12624 $.22095 3.15 ,24.00 3015 24.00 Moved by Pajala and seconded by Pustinger to adopt the foregoing report and recommendations. Motion carried. November 16. 1951 The following report was read® To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: We the undersigned committee on Sheriffs, Tustices and Constable bills have examined the dockets of Municipal Court at Iron River for year ending October 31st, and the Municipal Court at Washburn ending April 30th at which time it was combined with that of County Court at Mashburn. We also examined County Court Docket from May 1 to November 1. The Municipal Court at Iron River collected 1285400 in fines and $146.17 in fees and costs. The Municipal Court at Washburn collected $629.00 in fines and $49.40 in fees and costs: The County Court at Washburn collected $1262.00 in fines and $360®85 in fees and costs. The reports checked with the dockets and remittances have been made to the County Treasurer. We have prepared a budget for Finance Committee which includes a communication system which we understand is being referred to the County Board for consideration. E.O. Em ,ertson Peter Manson Toe Lupa Moved by�MacRae and seconded by Shykes to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Carriedo The following resolution was read; RESOLUTION TO CHANGE FORESTRY BOUNDARY To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: [AREAS, It is necessary to extend the present boundary of County Forestry Units No. 1, 2,,and 3 so as to include additional descriptions; now TIEREFORE,-BE IT RESOLVED, That the boundaries of County Forestry Units No. 1; 22 and 3 be changed as follows Starting from the SE corner of Section 9, Township 51 North, Range 4 �dest on the present boundary of Unit No. 1; proceeding north f or three -fourths of a mile;- thence west for one-half mile; thence south for one-fourth mile; thence west one-half mile; thence south one-half mile to the SW corner of Section 9, rejoining the present boundary Starting from the west quarter corner of Section 18, Township 51 North, Range 4 West on the present boundary of'Unit No. 2; proceeding east one-half mile to the center of Section 18-51-4; thence north for one-half mile to the.north quarter corner -of Section 18-51-4.; thence east one-fourth mile; thence north one mile; thence west'one- fourth mile to. -the north quarter corner of Section 7-51-4; thence north three-fourth-s of a mile; thence west -one-half mile to the east one-eig4th,corner of Section 1, Town- ship 51 North, Range 5 west, rejoining the present boundary. Starting from the NL corner of Section 21, Township 47 North, Range 8 West on the present boundary of Forestry Unit No. 3 and proceeding south for one-half mile; thence 532 west one-half mile; thence north one-half mile to the north quarter corner of Section 21, Township 47 north, Range 8 Vest, rejoining the present boundary at this point. BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMTTEE John Shykes S.,74 Buck John Howell Clarence L. Olsen Moved by Buck and seconded by Tribovich to adopt the foregoing resolutiono Carrie.d. The following report was read: PROPOSED FORESTRY BUDGET January 1, 1952 - January 1, 1953 The Bayfield County Forestry Committee plans on the following activities and Forestry Fund expenditures covering the period from January 1, 1952 to January 1, 1953. RECEIPTS County Board appropriation from County General Fund 5,000400 Estimated cash balance, Jan. 1, 1952 119785,73 1952 Allotment from State ( esti.mat.ed ) 14, 500.00 $312285:73 ESTIM&TED =ENDITURES' Purchase of tractor (money to be appropraited by County Board from County General fund) $5, 000.00 Plant 475 acres by hand and with machines in Town of Barnes, Bayfield, Bayview and Bell 7,6000'00 Land Purchase Survey on trespass cases Administrator's salary Administrator's expense 40% of cruiser's salary 40% of cruiser's expense Clerical & Misc, Forestry Committee Office Supplies Aerial photography -- second payment Compensation Insurance Maintenance & repair of equipment Material & supplies Operating, maintenance; insurance on truck Advertising timber sales Miscellaneous expense Cash on hand; January 1, 1953 (estimated) BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COItr1,AITTEE John Shykes Edward Pajala Andrew Pristash S.Ve' Buck 1,700.00 100*00 3,000.00 960.00 9.00 ®00 360;00 500.00 400,00 100,00 584:00 350:00 400.00 50.00 300000 100®00 50400 22,454000 8,831,73 Thdodore Kallinen John IT. Howell Moved by Pristash and seconded by Pajala to accept the foregoing report and place on file. Carried. November 16, 1951 The following resolution was read: To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: Attention - Gounty Finance Committee WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Forestry Department now feels that they must take steps to protect their large plantations and stands of natural reproduction; and WHEREAS, They do not have the money for building fire breaks or purchasing of equipment to safeguard their holdings; and AREAS, They do not wish to discontinue the planting program to purchase equip- ment; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That $5000®00 from the 1951 sale of timber from Forest Crop Land be transferred from the General Fund to the Forestry Fund for the purchase of equipment for use in the Forestry Program; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That 15% of the gross income from Forest Crop timber sales thereafter be transferred to the Forestry Funds to be used for forestry purposes - the. first 15% to be taken from the 1952 sale of timber from Forest Crop Lands. BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMITTEE John Shykes S.W. Buck Edward Pajala Theodore Kallinen Andrew Pristash Clarence L. Olsen John W'. Howell Moved by Reimer and seconded by Nelson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes: Hiekel, Irish; Buck, Laudenschlager, Janock, Reimer, Johnson, Pus.tinger; MacRae, Stuart, Pristash, Utpadel, Radosevich, Ds Anderson; Nelson, Kallinen, Lupa, H. Anderson, Wallin, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, Reiten; Embertson and Olsen. Total Ayes:, 27, Nays: None. Carried. The following resolution was read: To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: WHEREAS, Your Forestry Committee, under separate resolution, is requesting that $5000.00 be transferred from the County General Fund to the County Forestry Funds for use in purchasing equipment, now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Forestry Committee is hereby authorized to purchase this equipment as soon as the money is made available. BAYE`IELD COUNTY FORESTRY C0110ITTEE John Shykes Andrew Pristash Edward Pajala S.�l' . Buck Theodore Kallinen John Tr. Howell Clarence L. Olsen hgoved by Pajala and seconded by Pustinger to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried The following report was read: AMSTUAL REPORT OF PUBLIC WELFARE C01MITTEE The men appointed by the Chairman of the County Board as members of the Public Welfare Committee met in the office of the Director on May 21, 1951, shortly after receiving the notification of their appointmento One of the first acts of the Committee was to -,decide; with the consent of the Director, that the Committee hear the grievances of any person that is denied assistance from the department or who is in any way dis-satisfied with their grant: One person appeared before the Committee and several others were notified of their :right to do so:, but did not appear. - The Committee worked on and approved several land transactions during the year. Representatives of two nursing homes in Bayfield County appeared before the Committee, and an agreement was reached with the proprietors whereby the r ate for all persons in boarding homes, except bed patients, was set at $55.00 a month and the fee for bed patients set at $90.00 per month effective September 1, 1951® 'On -,:September loth the Committee visited all the nursing -homes in the county that have three or more persons boarding and rooming. The Ashland County home was also visited on the same day, and the Committee was impressed with the contrast between the best nursing home in Bayfield County and the fire -proof , hospital -like atmosphere of the Ashland County home. The Committee with the consent of the County Board wishes to explore the possibility of Bayfield County using the Ashland County home® The Committee has met regularly each month and has kept in touch with the administration of the program of the Public Welfare Department and its advise has been consistantly sought by the Director on matters of policy. The Committee has been concerned with the new reimbursement law that became effective with the $75.00 maximum on July 1, 1951. Walter Norlin, District Attorney, has met with the Committee on more than one occasion to discuss the effect of this law and others on the 17elfare Department. The.Committee feels that they have the necessary information and are submitting resolutions covering this situation and others effecting the administration and pays- ments of the Public vfelfare Department. Resolutions regarding the salary schedule, salaries, levies, and the including of the Old Age Assistance payments in the County budget- are being presented to the board after due deliberation and studying, and the Committee hopes that the Board will accept its recommendations® Harry C. Anderson Matt Radosevich John Boehme Moved by H.C. Anderson and seconded by Shykes to adopt the foregoing report. Carried. Moved by Paj,ala and seconded by Pustinger to accept and place on file the annual reports of, the Public Welfare Director and the County Childrens Home Worker. Carried. The following resolution was read: 53J November 16. 1951 RESOLUTION WTHEREAS,.the County is reimbursed only for those salaries that fall within the minimum and maximum set by the State Department of public vTelfare, and WHEREAS,the County Board in April 1948 adopted a salary schedule presented by the State Department of Public Welfare, which schedule contained the maximum salaries on which the State Department would reimburse, and WHEREAS, the salaries for Clerk Stenographers as set by the County Board in November 1950 are $25.00 over the maximum reimbursable salary as listed in the present schedule, which results in the County..losing the sum of $420400 a year in reimburse- ment, and WHEREAS, the adoption of the new salary schedule issued by the State Department of Public d`elfare would result in the County losing only $84.00 a year, benefiting the County by the sum of $340.00 a year, and WHEREAS, the adoption of such a schedule would result in raising the salary of only one person in the department $120.00 a year; costing the County $36.00 a year; representing a savings to the County of nearly $300:00, and 'j'R EREAS, all the salaries of those other persona employed in the Public ;,Welfare Department fall within the minimum and maximum of the new state schedule assuring the County of receiving all possible reimbursement, therefore BE IT'RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this 16th day of November 1951, that schedule II of the two salary schedules - presented by the State Department of Public 'Welfare for consideration by the counties is hereby adopted and becomes effective November 1, 19514 DATED: this 16th day of November, 1951 Class Title Director III Director II (Asst. Administrator III) Director I (Assit. Administrator II) Casework Supervisor Child Welfare Worker Case Worker II (Asst; Administrator I) Case'Worker I Clerk III Clerk II Clerk Stenographer II Clerk - Stenographer 1 Clerk I Clerk Typist Presented by: Harry C. Anderson Matt Radosevich John Boehme SALARY SCHEDULE Schedule II Intermediate Min. Max. Step 280 - 370 15 255 - 345 15 230 - 305 15 240 - 290 10 215 - 265 10 215 - 265 10 200 - 250 10 185 - .235 10 150 - 200 10 160 - 210 10 140 - 180 10 130 - 170 10 130 - 170 10 536 Moved by Radosevich and seconded by Lupa to adopt the foregoing resolution: Carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS,` the Public Welfare Committee has visited all nursing homes in Bayfield County where three or more persons are staying, and WHEREAS, at the same time the Committee visited the Ashland County home in Ashland County, and WHEREAS, the Committee was impressed with the difference between the best in Bayfield County*s nursing homes and the fireproof, hospital -like atmosphere of the Ashland County home, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County.Board of Supervisors in annual session this 16th day of November, 1951, that the Public Welfare Committee is authorized to look into the possibility of utilizing the Ashland County home for Old Age Assistance re- cipients, or a possibility of obtaining a similar home for Bayfield County; and to report their findings and recommendations to the next meeting of the County Board. DATED; This 16th day of November 1951. Presented by:. Harry C. Anderson John Boehme Matt Radosevich , Moved by Reimer and seconded by H.C. Anderson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, it was necessary if Bayfield County was to receive certain reimbursements for Old Age Assistance payments from the State of Wisconsin that the County share of Old Age Assistance payments be included in the budget for the year 1952 instead of charged back to the taxing units, and WHEREAS, the inclusion of this amount in the County budget increases the budget over the one per cent.. limitation, and WHEREAS, to offset this increase, it was necessary to include in the County budget estimated reimbursement from the State Emergency Board, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Hayfield County Hoard of Supervisors in annual session this 16th day of November, 1951, that the County Clerk, County Treasurer, District Attorney, and the Public Welfare Director are instructed and authorized to appeal to the State Emergency Board for aid in meeting the County share of the Old Age Assistance payments for the year, 1952. DATED: this 16th day of November, 1951 Presented by: Harry C. Anderson matt Radosevich John Boehme Moved by Pajala and seconded by Radosevich to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. November 16, 1951 The following resolution was read; BE IT'RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session this 16th day of November 1951-, that the taxing districts of said county be and they are hereby required to.reimburse Hayfield County for all amounts of money paid in Old Age Assistance and Burial costs to its residents from November 1, 1950 through October 31, 1951, less the amount received by said county from the State and Federal Government pursuant to Section 49.38 of the Statutes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amounts to be raised and paid by each city, town and village to reimburse Bayfield County as herein provided, shall be the amounts set forth in the attached schedule marked Exhibit "A", and made a part hereof in the column entitled, Y120% County Sharet4. EXHIBIT "A" TAXING DISTRICT 20�6 CHARGE BACK Tovh of Barksdale 255,20 Town of Barnes 391055 City :of Bayfield 3112.20 Town of Bayfield 1538,80 Town of Bayview 940,05 Town of Bell 745,90 Town of Gable 678;35 Village of'Cable 755:45 Town of Clover 821620 Town of Delta 369.90 Town of Drummond 2243,35 Town of Eileen 752,45 Town of Hughes 952,20 Town of Iron River 2058®45 Town of Kelly 859,35 Town of Keystone 335,00 Town of Lincoln 712.20 Town of Mason 599,75 Village of Mason 346e00 Town of Namakagon 24205 Town of Orienta 509,30 Town of Oulu 1206.40 Town of Pilsen 386,15 Town of Port Wing 2058,21 Town of Pratt. 1408,45 Town - of Russell 955.35 Town of Tripp •126005 City of Washburn 4408,20 Town of Washburn 1122,35 Gounty at Large 2313i85 Total 33,204441 Dated this 1'6th day of November 1951 Presented by: Harry C. Anderson Matt Radosevich .John Boehme Moved by Janock and seconded by Buck to table the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: MHEREAS; the State Department of.Publie Welfare has requested that the County Board name some agency or municipality within the county to receive funds for relief of needy Indians living on tax free lands under section 490046, and AREAS, there undoubtedly will be some Indians in the towns of Russell and Bayfield and the City of Bayfield who will need such relief, therefore BE IT RESOLVED by'the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this 16th day of November`1951-that the Public "iVelfare Department is hereby designated as that agency within the County to receive any funds coming to any municipality within Bayfield County under' 49.046 and the Public Welfare Department is hereby authorized to receive and dispose such funds. Dated this 16th`day of•'Xovember 1951 Presented by: Harry C. Anderson Matt Radasevich John ' Boehme Moved'by Radoseyich and seconded by Pustinger to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS the number of Ron -support cases are on the increase resulting in a great expense to -the County for relief to the abandoned and dependent children; and ITHEREAS, Section 56•.07`'of the statutes provides that the County Board may authorize a committee consisting of its Chairman, the Sheriff and the officer charged with the care of the poor to provide work -for all able-bodied men committed to the county jail; NOV THEREFORE, It is RESOLVED that the County --Chairman; Sheriff and Public Welfare Director be appointed and designated--as-the "Huber- Law" committee, with authority -to arrange for the employment of able-bodied men committed to the county jail on -non-support charges. Harry C. Anderson Matt Radosevi•ch John Boehme Moved by pajala and seconded by Radosevich to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried- 0 The following communication was read: November 16, 1951 M WISCONSIN COUNTY BOARDS -ASSOCIATION Madison 3, Wisconsin October 26, 1951 TO COUNTY BOARD CHAIR173N AND COUNTY CLERKS -OF 27­COUNTIES -Gentlemen: The 1951 session of, the legislature* under Chapter 432,. -of ''the' Laws Of _1951t set up an equalization aid under the Old Age Assistance aid law to bepaidto-those counties where the,cost of providing and administering old age assistance was -more than -one and one-half times the average state tax rate for this purpose. The first ­check8,amounting to $2071'30'have,been mailed to 27-,00unties by the Division of Public- Assistance, State Department of 'Public �Telfare., -under- thisnewequalization- aid law* 'These 'payments represent 75% of the amount which it is -estimated the counties will be entitled to receive during this year. The balances will be paid -after -the countiest share have been finally determined after the first of theyear. WILL YOU KINDLY— CALL -THIS* TO .THE ATTENTION- OF - YOUR FINANCE C 01VITITTEZ' AS 'THEY- - MIGHT BE VITALLY INTERESTED I14'HOW'THIS-NEW LAW IS OPERATING IN:YOUR COUNTY'WEEN'THEY CONSIDER YOUR i952 BUD -GET. Very truly yours'. WISCONSIX''COUNTY'BOARDS - -ASSOCIATION By: A.J. Thelen P.S. Bayfield County's share is $773.00 to be paid in the near future, and 4258.00 to be paid in 1952. Moved by Radosevich and seconded by Pustinger to receive the foregoing.cOmmunica- tion and place on file. Carried. Moved by HiCs Anderson and duly seconded to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Carried . Meeting called -to order - at,­1: 30 P.M. by, Chairman Olsen. The following members answered roll call: Carl Hiekel ,Harvey Irish, S.JT. Bixck3, C.C. Laudenschlager, Anthony Janockj,p Edward 'Reimer, B.E. Tohnson, Joseph Pust-inger; T' L9 MacRae, William Stuart, Andrew I" ,ristash, Frank Utpadel, Matt- Radosevich, Dell Anderson C.O.-Nelson Theodore kAllinen, Joseph --.Lqpa, Hafry-Andersono Oscar"'Wallln,, Paul -Ttibovi,ah.2 John Shykes , Edward Pajalaj Ernest llooret.Conrad -,Tedlund;,Halvor,Re:Lteng Ellsworth Embertsont Harry Moland and Clarence L. OlseA4 -tQtal 28. The following res-olutjoh was read: To the County Board of Supervisors: Washburn, Wisconsin Kovember 16, 1951 1111,510 BE IT'HEREBY"-RESOLVED, That the salary of the County Agricultural Agent and_the County Dome Agent be raised respectively ten dollars per month, effective January 1, 1952. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL COMUTTEE John Shykes Andrew Pristash S.Iff. Buck Theodore Kallinen Paul Tribovich Clarence L. Olsen lost. John W. Howell - Moved by Shykes and seconded by Reimer to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion The following resolution was read: RESOLVED, That it is the sense of this board that the insurance coverage of the county shall be carried in private companies and that the insurance committee be authorized -and directed to work with the County Treasurer in determining the types and amounts of insurance coverage to be obtained and the manner in which the same shall be placed, all previous inconsistent resolutions or actions being hereby rescind- ed. 'J.-F. Shykes Moved by Radosevich and seconded by Pustinger to adopt the foregoing resolution. By consent of the board the motion vas with -drawn and also the resolution.. The following resolution was read: tiVHEREAS, the budget is made up about fourteen and one half months in advance of the closing date of-aecounts and therefore it is impossible to estimate one hundred per cent correctly, and ITHEREAS, it"now appears -that there will be a small over run in a few of the budget items for 1951, and VMEREAS, it -does not appear nedessary-to call a special board meeting in January 1952 to aot-on this matter, therefore BE'IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the County -Clerk and County'Treasurer be, and they are hereby authorized to -pay out -such amounts -.up to December-31, 1951 to cover budget deficiencies and payments to accounts of the Departments affected. J-:L. MacRae -Harvey Irish Halvor Reiten Clarence L. Olsen C.O. Nelson Moved by MacRae and seconded by Reiten to adopt. Motion carried unanimously. The following communication was read: 13 �1 VOVPmhPr 1 A _ 19,51 WISCONSIN COUNTY BOARDS ASSOCIATION Madison 3,' 'Wisconsin September 20, 1951 TO ALL COUNTY BOARD CHAIRMEN AND COUNTY CLERKS RELATING TO 1951 DUES TO THE WISCONSIN COUNTY BOARDS ASSOCIATION Gentlemen: At this time of -,the. year counties are beginning to -formulate their budets for next year's. operations. In order .so that the proper committee of your county board that is formulating the budget will have the correct amount to place in the budget for the coming year for dues for our Association, we are.writing you .this -letter giving you the amount. Your cooperation in -seeing to it that the proper committee of the board receives this information so that it -will be placed in the annual county budget will be greatly appreciated. DUES 'FOR "'BAYFIELD COUNTY e Regular Dues Magazine Dues Total Dues for 1952 s, 150 00 156.00' $'306.00 WISCONSIN COUNTY BOARDS ASSOCIATION By: A.J. Thelen Moved by MacRae and seconded by Pustinger to receive the foregoing communication and place on file as the item for Association dues is included in the budget. Carried. Moved'bg 1VIacRae and seconded by Pristash to strike from the record all action taken by the County Board with reference to insurance coverage during this session. Garried. Moved.by MacRae -and seconded by Pajala that the.Committee on Insurance be instructed to purchase insurance coverage from,insurance'agencies or from the State Insurance Fund as they deem it 'advisable and in such amounts as they see fit, and that they draw up a resolution'to this effect and present to this board for consideration before adjournment. Carried. The Chair declared a five minute recess. After recess the following resolution was read: RESOLVED, that.. the Bayfield County Board of - Supervisors in ''annual session-- assembled this 16th day -of -November, 1951, that all fire -insurance and extended coverage on county buildings and...contents thereof, be placed with the State Fire Insurance Fund, effective as -of December 2, 1951. RESOLVED, that the Insurance Committee be authorized and directed to work with the County Treasurer in determining the amount of coverage to be placed on the various county properties. Oscar Wallin Ernest Moore 'Harvey Irish Moved by Pajala and seconded by Radosevich to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes: Hiekel, Irish, Buck, Janock, Reimer, Pustinger, MacRae,.Stuart, Pristash, Radosevich, D. Anderson, C.O. Nelson, Kallinen, Lupa, Wallin, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, Moland and Olsen. Total Ayes: 21. Nays: Laudenschlager, Johnson, Utpadel, H.. Anderson, Tribovich, Reiten, and Embertson. Total Nays: 7. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session assembled this 16th day of November, 1951,' that the County :Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cancel the.existing Eire and Extended coverage policy written on County Highway property with private.insurance companies, effective as of December 2, 1951. Oscar Wallin Ernest Moore Harvey Irish Moved by MacRae and seconded by Pajala to adopt.the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLVED, By the Bayf field County Board of Supervisors assembled this 16th day of November, 1951, that the highway committee be given authority and power, to act on the petition of the Town of Clover with -reference to the Bark Point Road, and that the sum of $2260,00 be added to - the budget in order 'to provide an appropriation to cover said matter in the event that the said highway committee determines to exercise the power granted to it: Presented by: Anthony Janock Moved by,MacRae and seconded by Radosevich to table the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes: Hiekel, Irish, Buck, Laudenschlager, Reimer, Pustinger, MacRae, Stuart, Pristash, Utpadel, Radosevich, Lupa, Wallin, Tribovich, Shykes, Tedlund, Moland. Total Ayes: 17. Nays: Janock, Johnson, D. Anderson, Nelson, Kallinen, H. Anderson, Pajala, Moore, Reiten, Embertson and Olsen. Total Nays: 11. Carried. The following resolution was read: 5-43 , ... -I November 16, 1951 RESOLVED, that with reference to a117 Insurance other than Fire and'Extended Coverage, the Insurance Committee be authorized and directed to work with the County Treasurer, in determining what types and amounts of -Insurance Coverage shall be obtained by the County, the manner which the same shall -be placed as -well as the manner the same shall be obtained. Oscar W&U-in Ernest Moore Harvey Irish Moved' by MacRae and seconded by-Pustinger to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: PROP-OSE'D-FOR THE :YEAR, 1952 ffo the.Honorable Hayfield -County Board of Supervisors: :Gentlemen: -. .ale, the undersigned, ,Committee -on Finance, Budget an:d .Equalization., herewith submit our report,and-recommendations for 1952. VALUATION .The recommended equalized value of the county for-1951 is 239078,030:00.. This is an increase of-02',049,935. over last -fear. Under the 1% limitation f.or county tax purposes this allows -an increased levy of S20,499.35 over a year ago. AUDIT Auditor. V7*E. ►llickman, C.P. A. , audited the 1950 county records as per instrub- tions,of the county hoard at the last annual meeting. His report is completed and he mas kind enough to spend considerable time with us in -examining and explain- ing the entire report. :It is very complete and well prepared. He is submitting a proposal to the county board for the audit of the 1051 records at an increase in cost of.085.00. :He also proposes to audit the 1952 fair books for 100.00. We recommend that his proposal be accepted and have in - eluded this item in the budget. COUI=TTY SCHOOL -TAX This item is certified by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and amo-rots to.�24,150.00. .Chapter 224, Laws of 1951 permits the County Boards to levy, for prior school years 1949-19;50'and 1950-1951 or either of them for payments to such districts that levied- 3 mills or more .but., less than 5 mills ,f.or elementary school:distrcts but —did -not qualify under the 1949 law. This affects 2 school districts in the county as follows: .Uo . 1 Barnes 1.949 -19:50 3-50.00 No. 1 ITamekagon 1950-1951 350,00 17e recommend the allourance of these two items and they are included in the budget under county school tax. IVELFARE The last session of the Legislature enacted Chapter-432 which makes it mandatory to include Old Age Assistance under the if limitation instead of charging it back on the unit system if we are to receive our just share of State Aid. It has therefor been included in the budget: In order to balance, it will: be necessary to apply for addition- al.aid of $18,208e00 from the emergency fund set up under Chapter 432. SALARIES AND TWAGES In compliance with instructions from the -county board -we -have studied the salaries and wages. We were guided to some extent by a salary and wage schedule prepared by the State Bureau of Personnel in August 1951. We used ten counties having an- average, pop- ulation and valuation on a comparable basis with ours in arriving at our recommendations which are supported by a resolution. HIGHHTAYS We concur with the .Highway Committee in recommending that no 2 mill levy be made f or highways this year and that no additional mileage be added to the county trunk sys The reasons for our recommendations area 1. Reduction of real and personal property taxes. 2. No additional federal./ad available at this time. OUTLAY The budget does not include a request for a two-way radio short wave equipment for the Sheriff's office and two cars. It is estimated this will cost approximately thirty- three to thirty-five hundred dollars, INSURANCE We recommend that the fire insurance and extended coverage on county structures and contents be placed with the State Insurance Fund as the cost is considerably less than with Stock companies. The budget items which include insurance premiums will have to be increased if this recommendation is not adopted: FINANGE The general cash c:ondiition of the county treasury is fairly good due to highway fund balances. It may, however, be necessary to make short loans from 30 to 90 days. Should this become necessary, it would be good business t o borrow rather than sell bonds in which event we will lose a years interest on bonds soldo EXPENDITURES 19.51 Recommended Appropriation For 1952 GENERAL GOVENMENT: County Board 4,000,00 4p500*OO County Clerk 8;0.00.00 9'240.00 County Treasurer 72000600 7,620.00 Assessment & Addressograph 3,500:00 13,850:00 District Attorney 42000.00 4,480.00 Divorce Counsel 200.00 250.00 County Surveyor 200.00 200.00 County Court 6,100®00 7,220600 Municipal Court 1,650iGO 1,360.00 rJ�z3 November 16. 1951 1951 Appropriation Recommended For 1952 Circuit Court 32650.00 4220000 Juvenile Court 1,0001i00 1,000:00 Coroner 200:00 200.00 court House 69065.00 6,800.00 Elections 1p600.00 3f600+00, Special Accounting & Auditing 12700.00 19885.00 Property & Liability Insurance 450.00 500,00 State Deposit Insurance 125.00 125.00 Total 49,440.00 55-9030.00 PROTECTION -'OF - PERSONS & PROPERTY: G e C/ Sheriff 99450-000 9,.900400 Register of Deeds 79210:00 8'490400 County Share of Fighting Forest Fires 500,00 500.00 County Forest Ranger 1,900000 29000.00 19,060.00 $20j890.00 , HEALTH, CONSERVATION & SANITATION: Vital Statistics 100.00 100.00 Tri-County Sanit-orium 31,096400 39,40040 Patients at State & Other C-o., ,Sanitoria 693.43* 826.95* Conservation Fund 3,600.00 42200400 Public Health Nurse 6,780,00 7j480*-00 42,269,43 52'006 05 EDUCATION: County Superintendent of - Schools 7,020.00 7,64040 Supervising Teacher 3'500.00 4,450.00 Tuition Outside Training Schools 2972040 2:000.00 County Agricultural Agent _ 7 450.00 9 8, 5.90.00 Aid to Common Schools 25, 200 40 24,85040 County School Committee 1,000600 700,00 46,890.00 48,$230.00 CH.1.RIT1E'S & C ORRECTIONS t Welfare Administration 219000.00 23-600.00 Outdoor Poor Relief 19200.00 1,200,00 Blind Pensions 8;500.00 10,200.00 Soldiers Relief 5000-00** 500.00** Veterans Service Officer 31560,= 4,140.00 Insane in Outside Institutions 12;v'2 9.2"9 142822:82* Tail ,& Sheriff t s Residence 49290.00 :'_ 43360.0.0 1 Industrial School For Girls 696.42* 301.43* Industrial School For Boys 240'.71* 70.00* A Childrents County Board 100,00 - 100.00 Wis. Colony & Training Schools 29480.46* 29507.38* V46 Temporary Care -'Of Dependent Children O.A.A. -.County-at-Large Total Disability A.D.C. & Fos.,ter Homes Medical & Hospital O.:A.A. & A.D.C. State General Hospital r State Orthopedic Hospital Wis. Child Center 1951 Appropriation 600.00 20,000.00 62500.00 • <104,000.00 30, 000.00 4, 467.58'* 332.00" 220.71* 220,967.17 I4 None 4,200.00 3,600.00 200.00 4$00.00 200,00 752000.00 750.00 6,008.93 None None 942658.93 OUTLAY GENERAL GOVERNMENT: County `Clerk Court Douse ` Total PRQTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY: Sheriff " Register` of Deeds Forest Traetbr Total e HEALTH, CONSERVATION & SANITATION: Dams CHARITIES & CORRECTIONS: ffelfare `Administration Sail & Sheriff's residence Total Total State Special . Charges Not under 1% limitation UNCLASSTFIEP: County Fair Deficiency d.ounty ,,Fair Tax Deed Work Repairs to Tax Deed Property Severence Tax Due State Survey - Trespass Indebtedness - Short Loans Interest - 'Short Loans Contingency Fund Zoning Work Social Security Total None 730.00 1,085.00 85.00 None 1,17MO t 2,000;00 160.00 350.00 510.00 Re c omme nde d For 1952 200.00 4200000.00 8;000.00 1009000400 22'500.00 / % u [, b 5,092.35* 108.56* 365.00* 618,06% 54 32000.00 62400.00 32920.00 300.00 102000.00 None 75,000.00 600.00 I/ 5, 000.00 300.00 1,400600 105,920.00 150.00 1,700.00 12850.00 1,000.O0-/-3J I0 230,00 5,000 ®00 62230.00 12000400 None 130 000 130.00 November 16, 1951 1951 Appropriation HIGHVAYS : County Bridge Aid City of Bayfield, ' GRAND TOTAL GENERAL: i County Tax Levy (1%). Tax for Soldier's Relief Tax for Interest Tax for Highways Sec. 83.065 Total TAXES: Income Tax for County Occupational Tax Tax fees & penalties Inheritance Tax for County Utility Tax from State Forest Crop Tax From Districts Total FEES AND COSTS: County Clerks Earnings County Court Earnings Municipal Court Earnings Circuit Court Earnings Register of Deeds Earnings Sheriff's Earnings Total LICENSES AND. PERKETS: Dog. Licenses FINES, FORFEITS & PENALTIES: Penal Fines Due County County Traffic Ordinance Total GIFTS & GRANTS: State Aid - 3anitorium State Aid - Blind ,State Aid - Supervising Teacher Stake Aid - A:D.C. & Foster Homes State Aid - O.A.A. State Aid - Medical & Hospital State Aid - Welfare Admininis- tration i `J n w,l 6;421.08 None 6,421.08 482., 735.90 REVENUES 210,280.95 500.00* 750.00 None -211,530;95 52000.00 200.00 7,500;00 75.00 42500.00 3.200.00 20,475.00 Recommended 160913,12 5.9000.00 212913.12 $.931�267;61 230,780.30 500;00 ' 600.00 52000.00 " V •236, 880.30 620VO.00J ✓ 150.00V 8,200;00 75.00 42700.00 y 32200,00 22,325;00 i 100.00 100,00`� 250.00 400.00v 100.00 50.00J 40040 400.00 22500.00 3,300.00 100.00 100.00 3,450000 $43,350•.00 500.00 500.00/ J 400.00 500.00 100;00 150.00� 500.00 650,00 151049.95 162019.71 72500.00 82850.00 32500.00 4,350.00 862320iOO 80,65000 18,000.00 388,50000 109500.00 71875.00 12',810000 142860400 1951 Recommended Appropriation For 1952 State Aid - Total Disability 3,250.00 72200,00 County Nurse 1,000.00 / 957.00 State Aid -,Additional for O.A.A. None �/� �'� 189208.00 Total I57,929,95 547,469.71 ALL OTHER GENERAL REVENUE: Refunds O.A.A0 - County Share None 1,800:00 Gain on Sale of Tax Deed Property 39000.00 7$00.00 Interest on, Bonds 2,000.00 3j942.60 Sale of Wood - F.C.L. and Co.- Land 72500400 30i0004OO County,Health - Immunization 8500'00 850.00 Indebtedness - Short Loans 75,00000 75,00000 Total 88,350.00 1192092,60 GRAND, TOTAL e 482 ' 735; 90 931j267.61 Respectfully submitted this 29th day of October, 1951. SIGNED: J.L. MAC RAE C. O. NELSON HARVEY IRISH H. A. REITEN CLARENC E L. OLSEN Finance 8c Budget Committee Moved;by MacRae and seconded by :pristash to include in the budget an item of $3300.00 under Sheriff Outlay for a two-way radio communication system. Carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Radosevich to add $2200.00 to the County Fair J appropriation and a like amount under receipts which is the anticipated state aid for operation of County Fair. Carried. x Koved by MacRae and seconded by Pustinger to add bill of Ashland County for $306.80 to the,item of County School Apportionment and to reduce the contingency fund by like amount,. Carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Lupa to increase the Sheriffes budget under opera- tion $200.00 and increase estimated receipts from the state by a like amount. Carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Anderson to adopt the recommended budget together with the foregoing changes. Roll ca];_1 was as follows: AYES: Hiekel, Irish, Buck, Laudenschlager, Janock, Reimer, Johnson, Pustinger, MacRae, Stuart, Pristash; Utpadel, Radosevich, D,. Anderson, Nelson, Kallinen, Lupa, H. Anderson, Wallin, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, Reiten, Embertson, M- oland and :Olsen .Total Ayes: 28, Nays: None. Carried. , The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Mayfield County, Wisconsin, assembled,in.annual session this 16th day of November, 1951, that there be and is hereby levied against all taxable property of Bayfield County, the following items to wit: November 16. 19 State Tax for forest purposes under Sec. 70.58 (2) P 42615.61 Oommon School Tax under Sec. 59 075 259158.80 Highways under Chapter 83 5'000.00 For all other items Of budget as appears today in the sum of 206,721:50 241,495.91 J.L. MacRae' Halvor Reiten Clarence L. Olsen C.O. Nelson Harvey'Irish Moved by MacRae and seconded by Tribovich to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: lives: Hiekel, Irish, Buck, Laudenschlager, Janock, Reimer, Johnson, Pustinger; MacRae, Stuart, Fristash, Utpadel, Radosevich, D. Anderson, Nelson, Kallinen, Lupa, H. Anderson, Wallin, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, Reiten, Embertson, Moland and Olsen. Total Ayes: 28, Nays: None Carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Board of Hayfield County,. assembled this 16th day of November, 1951 that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such money and the Chairman and the County Clerk are instructed to issue an order for the amount of such items listed below. County Board Work Name per diem mileage Total Clarence L. Olsen 32.00 3192 35.92 Raymond J. Mammoser 24:00 22105 46.05 Carl Hiekel 32:00 6.72 38.72 Harvey Irish 32.00 :56 32.56 S.W. Buck 32.00 13.44 45.44 C.C. Laudenschlager 32.00 28.28 60.28 Anthony Janock 32.00 16.24 48.24 Edward Reimer 32.00 1% 36 494,356 Bernard E. Johnson 32:00 24:06 56:08 Joseph Pustinger 32:00 12.32 44132 J.R. Desparois 24.00 14128 38:28 J.L. MacRae 32.00 17:92 49:92 william Stuart 32.00 12.88 44:88 Andrew Pristash 32.00 10.64 42.64 Frank Utpadel 32.00 12.04 4444 Matt Radosevich 32.00 10.08 42,08 Dell V. Anderson 32.00 22.40 54:40 C.O. Nelson 32:00 24.64 56.64 Name Per diem Mileage Total Theodore Kallinen 32.00 22:40 54,40 Joe Lupa 32:00 8:96 4006 Harry C. Anderson 32,00 22:96 54:96 Oscar Wallin 32:00 15:96 47.96 Paul•Tribovich 32:00 14.00 46:00 J.F. Shykes 32.00 21.84 53:84 Edward Pajala 32.00 6:16 38:16 Ernest Moore 32.00 26.04 5804 .Conrad Tedlund 32100 12.32 44.32 Ernest LaPointe ----- John Boehme 8:00 1-068 9.68 John Frostman ---�- ---=- ----- H.A. Reiten 32.00 6.72 3802 Joe Kasmarek 16.00 :28 16-028 Arthur Anderson 8:00 :14' 8.14 f, Peter Hanson 24.00 :42 24.42 Ellsworth Embertson 32:00. .56 32:56 Harry Moland 24-000 :42 24:42 HelmerMoe _____ ----- ------ Total 1422;71 Moved by Radosevich-and-seconded by Pustinger to adopt -the foregoing resolution; Roll call was as follows: Ayes: Hiekel, Irish, Buck; Laudensvhlager, Jamock, Reimer, Johnson, Pustinger, MacRae, Stuart; Pristash, Utpadel, Radosevich, D. Anderson, Nelson. Kallinen, Lupa, H. Anderson, Wallin., Trib ovich, Shykes, Pajala; Moore, Tedlund, Reiten, Embertson, Moland and Olsen. Total.Ayes: 28 Nays: None. Carried: Moved by Radosevich and seconded by MacRae to adjourn. Carried: