HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 4/15/1952ANNUAL MEETING OF BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD Apra 1 15 ; 19-5-2 Meeting called to order at 10 A.M. by Chairman, Clarence Li -Olsen, The following members answered roll call: Raymond J. Mammoser, Carl Hiekel, Harvey Irish, S.W.,. Buck, CO-C. Laudenschlager, Anthony Janock, Edward Reimer, Bernard E. Johnson, Joseph Pustinger; J.R. Desparois, J.L.. MacRae, William Stuart, Andrew Pristash, Frank Utpadel, Matt Radosevich, Dell Anderson, C.O. Nelson, Theodore Kallinen, Joe Lupa, Harry C. Anderson, Oscar Wallin, Paul Tribovich, John Shykes, Edward Pajala, Ernest Moore, Conrad Tedlund, Ernest LaPointe, H.A. Reiten., ; E.L. Wicklund, A.A. Anderson, Ellsworth Embertson, Harry Moland, Helmer Moe & Clarence L. Olsen. Total 34 Moved by H.C, Anderson and seconded by MacRae to dispense with the reading of the minutes "of the last meeting. Carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded.by Desparois to dispense with the formality of balloting and that the Board give a unanimous vote by acclamation f or Clarence Ls Olsen as Chairman. Carried. Moved by Pajala and seconded by LaPointe to dispense with the formality of balloting and that the Board give a unanimous vote by acclamation for J.Li MacRae as Vice Chairman. Carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Desparois to set the rates of publication for the official news paper as follows: 85V per folio for official. proceedings, 25V per folio for printing supplements, $15.00 to other than official paper for distributing supplements of each county board meeting. Carried: Moved by Desparois and seconded by MacRae that the .,'ashburn Times be the official news paper for the ensuing year. Carried: The following resolution was read: WHEREAS;.hunting seasons for deer have been very liberal the past few years and as a consequence thereof the deer herd has been reduced to a very minimum in most parts of the county; and =REAS, about thirty-five per cent of the zounty is recreational and one of the tourists attractions is the sight of wild game and birds, therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED; that the Conservation Commission be asked to close the season on deer for 1952. C.C. Laudenschlager Ernest Moore C:Oi, Nelson R.J. Mammoser Bernard E. Johnson Harry C` Anderson Carl Hiekel Oscar Wallin Moved by Johnson and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing resolution. A request for vote by ballot was made. The Chair appointed Radosevich and Pajala as Tellers. Roll Call was as follows: 155,2 Aye 23 Nay 11 Open ,Season 1 Total 35 Motion carried. The following .c(ammunication was read. - NOTICE OF STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY HEARING PROPOSED CHLNGE IN STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY SYSTEM BETWEEN CABLE AND DRUMIOND, BAYFIELD COUNTY. A change in the location of the State Trunk Highway System between Cable and Drummond in Bayfield County has been proposed as hereinafter described. The road proposed to be removed as a part of the State -Trunk Highway System is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the present marked and traveled State Trunk Highway System at or near the southeast corner of Section 60 Township 43 North; Range 7 ,Vest, thence northwesterly, northerly, and northeasterly along the present marked and traveled State Trunk Highway to a point at or near the northeast corner of Section 7, Township 44 North, Range 7 ,West. The road proposed to b:e added to the State Trunk Highway System in lieu of the one proposed to be removed is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the present marked and traveled State Trunk Highway System at or near the southeast corner of Section 6, Township 43, North, Range 7 ,Vest, thence northerly along the,most direct feasible route to a point on the present marked and traveled State Trunk Highway at or near the northeast corner of Section 7, Township 44 North, Range 7 Nest. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing in the matter of the proposed change will be held at the Legion Building in Cable at 10:30 otclock in the forenoon of Wednesday, April 2, 1952, All persons interested are invited to attend and present their views. The State Highway Commission of Wisconsin reserves the right to consider any feasible location of the State Trunk Highway System between the.termini noted. STATE HIGHWAY C01Mi ISSION OF %VISCONSIN By Oil. Hughes Secretary Moved by Pajala and seconded by Kallinen to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Carried. The following communication and decision of Highway Commission were read: April 7, 1952 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk, Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: SUBJECT: State Trunk Highway Change no. 446 U:S. Highway 63 Between Cable and Drummond, Bayfield County The State Highway Commission of Wisconsin, at its meeting on April 4, 19529 it 15. 1952 decided to make a change in the State Trunk Highway System in Bayfield County as noted in the attached decision which is hereby filed with you. Before such decision can become effective, it must be submitted to and approved by the County Board of Bayfield County, JTill you kindly submit the same to your County Board at the first convenient opportunity and advise the action taken. Very truly yours, STATE HIGI1,71Y COMISSION OF WISCONSIN O.J. Hughes Secretary DECISION OF THE STATE HIGH rAY COMZISSION OF ;IfISCONSIN Change in the State Trunk Highway System Between Cable and Drummond, Bayfield County TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYII'IELD COUNTY: The State Highway Commission of Wisconsin) at its meeting held Fridays April 4, 1952, pursuant to due notice given to the locality concerned in accordance with the provisions of the statutes in such cases made and provided, decided to make a change in the State Trunk Highway System in Bayfield County by removing a certain road and by adding another road in lieu thereof, as hereinafter described. The road so to be removed as a portion of the State Trunk Highway System is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the present marked and traveled State Trunk Highway System at or near the southeast corner of Section 6, Township 43 North, Range 7 TjVest, thence northwesterly, northerly, and northeasterly along the present marked and traveled state trunk highway to a point at or near the northeast corner of Section 7, Township 44 North, Range 7 17est: The road to be added to the State Trunk Highway System in lieu of the one so removed is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the present marked and traveled State Trunk Highway System at or near the southeast corner of Section 6, Township 43 North, Range 7 West, thence Northerly along the most direct feasible route to a point on the present marked and traveled state trunk highway at or near the northeast corner of Section 7, Township 44 North, Range 7 West. Since the foregoing changes more than two and one-half miles of the State Trunk Highway System, the order making the change must be referred to and approved by the County Board of Bayfield County before the same can become effective. Your honorable body is therefore requested to act in the matter at the first convenient opportunity and to cause a report of your action to be made to the State Highway Commission of ffisconsin as soon as practicable thereafter. STATE HIGHi'IAY C01VIIUSSION OF 'y}TISCOIJSIN O.J. Hughes Secretary Moved by MacRae and seconded by Reimer to accept and place on file the foregoing communication and decision. Carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in regular session this 15th day of April, 1952, that the attached decision of the State Highway Commission (Change -4446) to change the location of U.S: Highway No. 63 between Cable and Drummond in Bayfield County be and the same is hereby approved. Approval recommended by Erne st Ieoore C.0i Nelson Edward Pajala County Highway Committee Bayf ield County Moved by Pajala and seconded by Moore to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll Call was as follows: Aye: Mammoser, Hiekel, Irish, Buck; Laudenschlager, Janock, Reimer, Johnson, Pustinger, Desparois, MacRae, Stuart, Pristash, Utpadel, Radosevich, De Anderson, Nelson, Kallinen, Lupa, H.C: Anderson, Wallin, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore; Tedlund, LaPointe, Reiten, Wicklund, A:Ae Anderson, Enbertson, moland, Moe Olsen. Total 34, Nay: none Carried. The following communication was read: April 8, 1952 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Court House Mashburn, Wisconsin Subject: State Trunk Highway Change.No. 446 U.S.H. No. 63 between Cable and Drummond Project F 011-2(28) - Bayfield County Dear Sir: We are today in receipt of a copy of a letter from Mr. O.J, Hughes, Secretary of the State Highway Commission of Wisconsin, to you, advising that the State Highway Commission has approved the change of location of the above mentioned highway between Cable and Drummond. Mr. Hughes asks that the County Board act in this matter at the first convenient opportunity and to cause a report of such action to be made to the State Highway Commission of Wisconsin as soon as possible thereafter. We presume that this matter will be taken up at the County Board Meeting on April 15th and we would suggest that you prepare a resolution for action of the County Board in this matter. If the change is approved by the County Board, it will be necessary that the County Board also take some action relative to deeding of certain County -owned lands to the State for right-of-way purposes in the construction of the project. In this connection, we have prepared a suggested resolution form, two copies of which we enclose herewith, together with a copy of a Deed from the County to the State, describ- ing the County -owned lands which will be necessary for right-of-way purposes. The resolution form enclosed, or a similar resolution, will be acceptable. Would you kindly present such resolution form for County Board action. Some one from this office will very probably attend the Board Meeting on Tuesday morning, probably by the time the County Board assembles. Thanking you for your a 555 April 15, 1952 i attention to these matters, we remain, Very truly yours, STATE HIGEYAY COIVEIISSION OF WISCONSIN L:C, Wilson Division R/W Engtr. Moved by Pajala and seconded by Moore to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Carried. The following resolution was read: EEREAS certain lands located along the laid -out route of U:S:Hv No. 63, in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and more particularly those lands within the limits of Project E 011-2(28), Cable - Drummond Road, have been acquired by Bayfield County by Tax Deed and,_ WHEREAS it is necessary for the construction of the above mentioned highway that certain portions of such County -owned lands be established as highway right-of- way, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, in regular session assembled this 15th day of A-Dril, 1952, do hereby authorize the deeding of such lands as are described in the attached Deed to the State of Wisconsin. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Bayfield County Clerk is hereby authorized to sign and complete the attached Deed as the act and deed of such County Board of Supervisors. Resolution presented by: Ernest Moore C:O.- Nelson Edward Pa jala Note: Lands affected by the foregoing resolution are as follows: All of Ti, 44 N:, R.7 W; , Sec. 29 in the SlffTl NWg thereof, lying westerly of a line parallel to and 100t distant easterly at right angles from the following described reference line: Beginning on the E-rii.line of Sec. 29, aforesaid town and range,(the southerly boundary of described parcel) 15.3*'east of the III corner of such section, thence N: 1* 421 E: 13161 to the N. 1/16 line of Sec. 29, the northerly boundary of des- cribed parcel. ALSO All of T. 44 N., R: 7 W., Sec. 30, in the NE-1 NE- thereof lying easterly of a line parallel to and 100, distant westerly from the following described reference line: Beginning on the N. line of Sec. 29, T. 44 N., R: 7 IT., 108.21 east of the NW corner of such section, thence south 1:' 42/ W: 13164. Southerly boundary of described parcel shall -be the N. 1/16 line of Section 30. Northerly boundary shall be north line of Sec. 30, Described parcels contain 4.67 acres more or less Moved by Moore and seconded by Dell Anderson to adopt the foregoing resolution Motion carried. The following communication was read: TO ALL COUNTY CLERKS AND COUNTY BOARD CHAIRMEN RELATING TO RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS OF COUNTY HIGIT�VAY MLINTENANCE COST RECORDS FOR PRESENTATION AT THE APRIL COUNTY BOARD IkMTING Gentlemen: At the fall meeting of county boards in 1950, a proposal that 1/4 of 1% of county trunk highway aids received from the state be paid into a fund for research and cost analysis was approved and became a part of the legislative program of the Wisconsin County Boards Association. A bill wa-s passed in both Houses of the Legislature pro-, viding for such research and analysis, but was vetoed by Governor Kohler with a statement to the effect that he definitely was in favor of having this work done, but thought the work should be done jointly by the State Highway Department and the counties and that each should pay 50% of the cost of such research and analysis work. At the 1951 convention of the Wisconsin County Boards Association, a resolution was adopted asking that our Association work out such a joint plan with the State Highway Commission and that the results of such a joint plan be mailed to all county boards prior to the spring meetings of 1952 so that action can be taken to appropriate the necessary amounts to cover such joint study. A plan has now been developed jointly with the State Highway Commission and the Viseonsin County. Boards Association, a copy of which is attached hereto. Under this plan, the counties' share of financing such research and analysis studies will be only 50% of what was approved by county boards in 1950, the other 50% will be from matching state funds. Therefore, the request for county participation from each county board at their spring meeting is for an appropriation of 1/8 of if of the state aid received for county trunk highways (both regular and supplementary aids). Under this plan the amount that your county is asked to appropriate -for this work is $ 138429. This is a very inportant item of your Associationfs'activities, and we would greatly appreciate having the matter presented at,the April meetings of your county boards so that appropriations for this matter can be made and work commenced in this important field. Very truly yours; WISCONSIN COUNTY BOARDS ASSOCIATION By: A.J. Thelen Moved by Moore and'sec.onded by Radosevich to receive the foregoing communication and place on file, Carried. The following petition and resolution were read: To the County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin The undersigned as attorneys for Mary Meskan, Albert G. Meskan, D.C. Chizek, April 15, 1952 Gertrude Chizek, Edward J: Maruska, Antoinette Maruska, Kenneth Blaha and Lorraine A. Blaha, respectfully make this petition to the County Board of Bayfield County, Titliseonsin and state as follows 1. That heretofore Bayfield County, by its officers has taken certain steps and attempted to acquire certain titles by reason of claimed delinquencies in the real estate taxes affecting a portion of Government Lot 1 in Section 34, Township 44 North, Range 7 Nest in said County; that for a more complete description of the interests claimed by said County in said lands reference is made to the records of the Register of Deeds of said County in Volume 156 of Miscellaneous Records at page 406; 2. That it appears that in acquiring such interests as said County may have in said lands an attempt was made to exclude lands owned by the persons named above in whose behalf this petition is made. 3. That there is considerable confusion in the descriptions of portions of the lands contained in said Government Lot 1 as the same appear of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Bayfield County, 4: That the fact is that the real estate taxes on the portions of said Govern - went Lot 1 which are hereinafter more particularly described have either been paid in full or are not now and never have been delinquent for such a period of time as would permit the County or any other persons or corporations to take title thereto by reason of any such delinquencies but that taxes on -portions of said Government Lot 1 not included in the description hereinafter referred to may be or may have been delinquent so as to permit said County to assert title thereto by reason of such delinquencies. 5. That Albert G. Meskan and Mary Meskan as joint tenants are the owners in fee of the premises described in that certain deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in Volume 157 at page 379; that D Xi Chizek and Gertrude Chizek as joint tenants are the owners in fee of -the premises described in that certain deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in Volume 157 at page 378; that Edward T; Maruska and Antoinette Ularuska as joint tenants are the otirners in fee of the premises described in that certain deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in Volume 157 at.page 377, and that Kenneth Blaha and Lorraine A. Blaha as joint tenants are the owners in fee of the premises described in that certain deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in Volume 157 at page 376. 6. That it is the desire of the persons in whose behalf this petition is made that quit claim deeds be executed on behalf of Bayfield County and be delivered to said persons in order that the record title to said premises may be cleared' of any defect or cloud by reason of the claims of said Bayfield County. WEEREFORE it is requested that your County Board authorize the proper officers of Bayfield County to execute and deliver a quit claim deed to Albert G. Meskan and Mary hileskan of the premises owned by them and described by reference to the deed recorded in Volume 157 of Deeds at page 379; that your County Board authorize the proper officers of Bayfield County to execute and deliver a quit claim deed to D:C. Chizek and Gertrude Chizek of the premises owned by them and described by reference to the deed recorded in Volume 157 of Deeds at page 378; that your County Board - authorize the proper officers of Bayfield County to,execute and deliver a quit claim deed to Edward Ti Maruska and Antoinette Maruska of the premises owned by them and described by reference to the deed recorded in Volume 157 of Deeds at page 377; and that your County Board authorize the proper officers of Bayfield County to execute and deliver a quit claim deed to Kenneth Blaha and Lorraine A: Blaha of the premises owned by them and described by reference to the deed recorded in Volume 157 of Deeds at page 376; Respectfully submitted, SANBORN L- ATAOREUX & PRAY BY: Theron ,P. Pray IT IS RESOLVED that the petition submitted by Sanborn; Lamoreux'& Pray on behalf of Mary Ivieskan, Albert G: Meskan, D:C,& Chizek, Gertrude Chizek, Edgard Ti. Maruska, Antoinette Maruska, Kenneth Blaha and Lorraine A: Blaha with respect to,the issuance of quit claim deeds by Bayfield County covering premises which are hereinafter more particularly referred to be and the same is hereby granted; and IT IS FURTIIER RESOLVED that the proper officers of Bayfield County.be and they are hereby authorized to execute and deliver quit claim deeds of the County as follows: To Albert G. Meskan and Mary meskan as joint tenants, covering premises described in Volume 157 of Deeds at page 379 in the records of the Register of Deeds of Bayfield County. To D.-C. Chizek and Gertrude Chizek as joint tenants, covering premises described in Volume 157 of Deeds at page 378 in the records of the Register of Deeds in Bayfield County. To Edward Ti 1tMaruska and Antoinette Maruska as joint tenants, covering premises described in Volume 157 of Deeds at page 377 in the records of the Register of Deeds of Bayfield Gounty. To Kenneth Blaha and Lorraine A: Blaha,as joint tenants, covering premises describ- ed in Volume 157 of Deeds at page 376 in the records of the Register of Deeds of Bayfield County. J.L. MacRae Moved by Shykes and seconded by Pustinger to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried unanimously. The following communication was read: Sheriff, T.A. DeMars Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: Due to lack of cooperation, I find it necessary"to resign my duties as County Surveyor of Bayfield County; Iffisconsin, and seek Nemployment elsewhere. I hereby tender my resignation to take effect immediately. Yours truly; G:A: Finney, Sr. Moved by Pajala and seconded by Pustinger to accept the resignation of the County Surveyor. Motion carried. 559 it 15, 1952 The following communication was read: Board of Bayfield County Commissioners Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sirs: I believe you have already been informed by Dr. L:Bo Clausen of the confusion which has arisen about the lot lines on Squaw Point in the Town of Bell, Cornucopia. These properties were taken out of forest crop tax setup some years ago, and since then we lot owners have been paying taxes on pieces of land which we supposed were accurately laid out. Now it seems that the lines may be off. I do not know what you may, or may not, plan to do. But I would like to call your attention to one situation which might simplify an accurate survey. As you probably are aware, the lots involved are parts of what formerly were government lots 3 and 42,lying along the shore of Lake Superior. Government lot 3- with which I am concerned, has been divided up into lots 1 to 13 inclusive as now laid out. Some of the deeds to these lots, I have learned, start from a marker at the southeast corner of government lot 3 and others from the southwest corner of govern- ment lot 30 11Iy own deeds to lots 1 and 2 read from the southeast corner of govern - went lot 3. Running north and south from this southeast corner marker is a road which divides my property and the property of Frederick Curtis, which lies east of me. The road runs down -:-to about 300 or 400 feet of the lake front, where it slants off to a cabin on the Curtis property. Now if this road has been accurately laid out on a north -south -line, it would be a comparatively simple matter to run a survey line from the point where it slants, direct to the hake front. This would mark the northeast boundary, at the lake front, of government lot 3: It also would serve to check the accuracy of any line which is surveyed from the southwest corner of government lot 3, to the lake front. The road I mention may not be direct north and south; but even if it is off a few feet, this correction probably could be made much easier than trying to run a line through the woods: I don't know what importance a surveyor would attach to this road; but I want - to call it to your attention for what it may be worths Incidentally, the town of Bell, I believe, started a road from another east - west road at the back of our lots several years ago. This new road, as I recall was run not more than two or three hundred feet, then stopped. The point where it ended was, I believe, the point at which the southeast marker of government lot 3 would be found. That is where the private road leading north and south and then into the Curtis property started. As I say, I don't know what your board may plan to do. In view of the confusion which now exists and the fact that we have been paying taxes for about 13 years, I think some steps should be taken officially to get things straightened out. Personally, I probably have less of a stake in the situation than any of the other property -owners, because I own two 100-foot lots along the east side of govern- ment lot 3; and the small shack.which I have on the property is about in the middle of the 200 feet. A shift either way wouldn't make much difference to me one way or another. done. But there are some owners, who have built cabins and may now be in a quandary. I think in fairness the board should look into the matter and'see what can be ,So far as the owners of lots on government lot 3. are concerned, I believe all, or at'least a great majority of them, would prefer to have the lines as they are -- if this is legally possible. Sincerely, Milton S. Davis 1roved by Radosevich and seconded by Pajala to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLVED, 'that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to sell and convey to A-Mo- Fox the tax certificates for the tax sales of 1948, 1949, 1950 and 1951 on the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter (NEB SE-) and the Northwest quarter of the Southeast Quarter (MY SEA) of Section Seventeen (17); Township Forty-five (45) North, Range Five (5) West of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, for the reason that Tyr. A.—H, Fox has paid more than fifteen years taxes on these descriptions and now wants the tax certificates to obtain title, Frank Utpadel Moved by Utpadel and seconded by Wallin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: 11EREAS, Anthony ;rise of Hay -card, Wisconsin applied to the County Board for the purchase of the SEL of the NET! of Section 28-43-7 at a meeting held November 1950, and IHE'REAS, the County Board at their annual meeting held in November, 1951 authorized the with-drawal of the aforesaid land ffom the State Forest Crop Law and upon recommendation of the County .Forestry Committee that it be sold to Anthony Ijlise for the amount of $508.00, and WHEREAS, the State Conservation,Department by letter dated Tanuary 23, 1952 has indicated that they will not release the above land from State Forest Crop Law with- out 2/3 majority vote of the County Board, therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in session this 15th day of Aroril, 1952, that the foregoing land be with -drawn from the Forest Crop Law, and sold to Anthony Wise as indicated by previous County Board action as stated in the foregoing part of this resolution. Andrew Pristash Roll call was as follows April 15, 1952 Ayes: Mammoser, Hiekel, Irish, Buck, 'Laudenschlager, Janock, Reimer, Johnson, Pustinger, Desparois, MacRae, Stuart; Pristash, Utpadel, Radosevich, D: Anderson, CoO. Nelson., Kallinen, Lupa, H.C. Anderson, Wallin, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, LaPointe, Reiten, 7icklund, A: A: Anderson, Embei�tson, Moland, Moe and Olsen. Total Ayes: 34, Nays: None Carried. . . Moved by MacRae and seconded by Radosevich to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Carried.. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P*-MI by Chairman, Clarence L. Olsen. The following members answered roll call: Raymond Mammoser, Carl Hiekel, Harvey Irish, S.V. Buck, C.C. Laudenschlager, Anthony Janock, Edward Reimer, B:E, Johnson, Joseph Pustinger, J.R. Desparois, J.L. IdacRae, William Stuart, Andrew Pristash, Frank Utpadel, Matt Radosevich, Dell Anderson, C.O. Nelson, Theodore Kallinen, Joe Lupa, Harry C. Anderson, Oscar Wallin, Paul Tribovich, John Shykes, Edward Pajala, Ernest Moore, Conrad Tedlund; Ernest LaPointe, _H.A. Reiten, E.L. tiVicklund, A.A. Anderson, Peter Hanson, Ellsworth Embertson, Harry Moland, Helmer Igoe, Clarence L. Olsen. Total 35 The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in regular session this 15th'day 'of April, 1952, that: Group Insurmnce'for officers and employees of Bayfield County be authorized and permitted in accordance with the provisions of Section 58.08(14). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Clerk be authorized and instructed to make proper payroll deductions, when and as requested by each employee, for the payment of premiums, for Hospital and/or Surgical Insurance in accordance with the provisions of Section 59.08(14m.): BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a previous motion by this board recorded in Vol. 9 page 207 authorizing only Blue Cross Hospital Insurance for Court House employees be and the same is hereby rescinded. Submitted by Ernest Moore C:O. Nelson Edward Pajala Moved by Pajala and seconded by Moore to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following report was read: To The Bayfield 'County Board of Supervisors: In the November meeting of the County Board, your Welfare Committee advised that the local share of Old Age Assitance costs for the year 1951 amounting to $31201.82 not be charged back to the local taxing districts but be assumed by the County because the County had been found to be eligible for the special state aid available under the new Old Age Assistance reimbursement act. Your Committee had estimated that the County would receive somewhere in the neighborhood of $17500.00 as special aid. your Committee is pleased to report that the County actually received $20791:00 from the state as its share of the special reimbursement. Your Committee also introduced a resolution which you approved, asking the State Emergency Board for additional funds to make up the difference between the $31201.82 and the $20791.00. The County has been advised that the state will conduct an audit in May of this year to determine whether or not the County is entitled to additional money from the Emergency Board. In November the Board also authorized the Committee to investigate the possibility of using the Ashland County Home as a home for nursing cases. Your Committee has met with the Ashland County Welfare Committee and once with the Ashland County Board. It -uas found that it would be.necessary to enlarge the facilities of the Ashland County Home if it is to be used for the Bayfield County cases., Thomas Shefchik, architect from Duluth, has prepared blue prints of the enlargement and is taking these blue prints to Madison to be scrutinized by the v'relfare Department who will have to approve any such plans. As soon as the plans have been approved by the State, the cost of the addition will be determined. It is the aim of the Committee to have our patients admitted to The Ashland County Home at a monthly rate, this' rate to be determined by the expenses of the Home and the number of patients in the home, such as the expenses at the Sanatorium are determined. your Committee is confident that this cost per case will be less than the $90.00 each case is now costing the department. your Committee had hoped to have figures available in this meeting of the County Board, but approval by the Ashland County Board could not be secured until February 19th which delayed the whole matter as nothing could be done until approval by the Ashland County Board had been secured. your Committee wishes to thank the Board for the confidence placed in the Committee allowing them to make an investigation of the possibility of using the Ashland County Home and hopes that the Board will continue to authorize the Committee to carry its plans to completion. The Committee wishes to point out that when the levy for medical payment to social security aids cases under 49.40 was made last fall it was set at seventy-five per cent of the similar levy for 1951. Because of the increase in the Old Age Assistance maxi- mum grant from $50.00 to $75.002 it was felt that enough medical costs could be included in the individual grant to allow a decrease in the medical appropriation. This winter has found an unusual amount of illness and this, of course, has been true of those persons.receiving social security aids: All the hospitals, but one, operating in this area have found it necessary to increase their rate per day. This unusual amount of illness together with the increase in hospital rates is making it impossible to keep our medical costs with the appropriation. The Attorney General under the date of February 182 1952 also strengthened his original interpretation of the supplementary medical payment under 49.40 with the finding that "Section 49140 (1) is mandatory and requires county agencies to grant medical care to recipients of social security aids whenever the same is necessary." April 15, 1952 Under the same date the Attorney General advised that persons receiving Social Security Aids are not eligible for hospitalization at Wisconsin General as County charges certified by the County Judge. This decision means that any person receiving Social Security Aids who has to be hospitalized at Wisconsin General can be admitted to the hospital through arrangements made by the Public Welfare Department, but the cost at Wisconsin General Hospital will have to be borne by the County TIVelf are De- partment through the supplementary medical payroll as authorized under Section 49.40. This' will tend to increase the medical cost of the Welfare Department. The cost of such patients now hospitalized, up to a maximum of ttuenty-eight patients, is borne fifty-fifty by the State and County. Under the new ruling of the Attorney General such'expense.on the supplementary payroll will be borne sixty- five per cent by the County and thirty-five per cent by the State. This also means that where the cost at Madison is charged back under special state charges, the expenses of Social Security aid -patients must come from the medical appropriation of the VTelf are Department. Your Committee will wait until fall at which time they will either ask for an emergency appropriation or if the balance of other appropriations warrants; they will ask for a transfer of the balance from the other appropriations to the supple- mentary medical account, Respectfully submitted, Harry C, Anderson Matt Radosevich Moved by H:C. Anderson and seconded by Radosevich to adopt the foreging report. Motion carried. The following communication was read: Bayfield County Board ,Mashburn, Wisconsin ,Attention: Mr. Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk Gentlemen: We are interested in buying the following described lands located in the town of Bayfield: SEg of the SE4, Section 34, Township 52 Ni, Range 5 W., Government Lot 3, Section 35, Township 52 N., Range 5 °W. and the NW-NW-1 of the SVIL. Section 35, Township 52 N. , Range 5 IJV. We aretaware of the county boards action in selling land that borders lakes and streams, and also the land committee has placed certain restrictions against the' sale of land in this area because of its isolation and the necessity of zoning thi.,� area against building. However; since these three pieces of county owned landare in an area that is part of a block of land that we are buying, we are most anxious to secure these county owned lands in order to round. out the project. 0 There is some merchantable timber on these county lands, however, the logging chance is difficult and the cost of construction roads into the area will be expensive and therefore we need as much timber volume as possible to make it worth while. If we could acquire county owned lands it would improve the logging chance considerably and reduce the cost of road construction into the area. Our company does not operate logging camps, therefore all the work of cutting this ,I timber would be done by local residents. We would not ask the county to build any roads into the area and we would only cut the matured merchantable timber. It would not be our plan to dispose of any of these lands once they are acquired, therefore there would be no sale of these lands to individuals who might want to move into the area and thereby constitute a problem for the county. It is our plan to retain all land that vie, acquire f or f orest. , purposes, and all lands we do acquire would be included in our long range forest management plans. If we were successful in acquiring these lands, we wish to assure you that they would always be available for county use when ever the county decided they were desirable for county purposes. Our forest management program is based upon community needs, and no restriction will be placed on these lands against continued use by the community. Ole ask that you consider our request and take these lands out of restriction and advertise them for sale. If the county board would agree to place these on the market and need any information from our company regarding the use we would put them to if we were the successful bidders, we would be glad to meet with the county board and give you further information regarding our coinpanyts forest management program. Yours very truly; PENOKEE VENEER COMPANY J.C: Cavill Moved by MacRae and seconded by Hanson to table the foreing communication. Motion carried: Moved by Utpadel and seconded by vyallin to sell the W2 NW of Section 11, Township 45 North, Range 5 West to Everett Steinstra for the sum of the high bis amounting to $225.00. Motion carried. Moved by Embertson and seconded by Wicklund to sell the S2 IT -!NW, less platted part of Section 7, Township 47 North, Range 8 West to Ethel F. Leifeste, the high bidder (former owner) for the sum of $11%00. Roll call was as follows: Ayes: Mammoser, Hiekel, Laudenschlager, Johnson, Pajala, Ifficklund, Hanson, EmbertsoA, Moland, Moe. Total Ayes: 10 Nays: Irish, Buck, Janock, Reimer, Pustinger, Desparois, MacRae, Stuart, Pristash, Utpadel, Radosevich, D4 Xnderson, Nelson, Lupa, H:C. Anderson, Wallin, Tribovich, Shykes, Moore, Tedlund, LaPointe, Reiten, A.A. Anderson, Olsen. Total Nays: 24. Motion lost® moved by MacRae and seconded by Moore to adjourn until 10 A.M. Carried. ANNUAL COUNTY -BOARD MEETING April 16 ,—T9 52 Meeting called to order at 10 Ael& by Chairman, Clarence L. Olsen. The following members answered roll call: Raymond Mammoser; Carl Hiekel, Harvey Irish; Sal, Buck, CoC.' Laudenschlager, Anthony' Janack, Edward Reimer, Bernard E. Johnson, Joseph Pustinger, TOR. Desparois, J.L. MacRae, William Stuart; Andrew Pristash, Frank Utpadel, Matt Radosevich, Dell Anderson, C.O. Nelson, Theodore Kallinen, Joe Lupa, Harry C. Anderson, Oscar Wallin, Paul`-Tri;bovich, John Shykes, Edward Pajala, Ernest Moore, Conrad Tedlund,IH.A. Reiten, E.L. ailiek— lund, Ellsworth Embertson, Helmer Moe and Clarence L. Olsen. Total 31. Moved by MacRae and`seconded by Doll Anderson that the Chair appoint a Special Committee to investigate the feasability and avai1abllity, of buildings in Bayfield County for a nursing home. Carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Pustinger to approve of action of the. Forestry Committee in making cash payment for the tractor.' Carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded.by Desparois that the County Fair Committee be authorized to arrange for car racing at the fair grounds. Carried. The following communication was read: Dear County Clerk: As you know, the Wisconsin Conservation Commission is contemplating reorganiz- ing the Wisconsin Conservation Department. This reo3ganizaticn rrould..merge the three branches of the department, namely, Forest Protection, Cooperative Forestry, and State Forests and Parks, under the supervision of one chief state forester. The state would be divided into five areaswith a district forester in charge of each area. Iron County is somewhat concerned about the Greeley-Kirscher plan for reor- ganization. Ye feel that we should have more of an apportunity to study this plan before the commission puts it in action. The Iron County Board of Supervisors requested that the Conservation Commission delay action until the county has had time to study the proposed reorganization. We are writing to find out your countyTs reaction to this plan. Is your county in favor of the reorganization by the commission? Are you against the plan? Should we request that the commission hold meetings throughout the Northern,.:Area explaining the contemplated -:plan before it is put in motion? Please direct this letter to the County Board or the proper committee of the County Board for reply. Your immediate action and reply will be appreciated. Sincerely, H.W. Kinney Secretary .iron County Forestry Committee Moved by MacRae and seconded by Pustinger to refer the foregoing commuhication to the Forestry Committee with power to, act. Carried. t The following petition and resolution was read: PETITION FOR AIENDIAENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: WHEREAS; Your Zoning Committee believes it to be in the best interests of the Dublie to reclassify certain lands under the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance from 1 unrestricted District No; 3_to Forestry District No. 1, these lands being privately owned and described as follows, SE NW and SW NE of Section `13; 31.7 SE of Section 12; and the STPN of Section 12 - all in Township 50 North, Range 5 T'Test. The Zoning Committee further recommenda that the'County-owned land described as the 1UT NE of Section 24, Township 50 ~North, Range 5 West be also reclassified from Restricted Use District No... 3 to Forestry Use District No. 1. In view of the above, the Bayfield County Zoning Committee offers the following resolution: WHE1REAS, A petition has been filed by the Bayfield County Zoning Committee on this 16th day of April, 1952 requesting that the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance be amended as indicated above, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That said petition be referred to the County Zoning Committee as the zoning agency of this county, which is hereby directed to hold a public hearing on the changes proposed in said petition pursuant to Section 59;97 (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes. John Shykes S.V. Buck 'BAY -FIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE � `I Paul Tribovich Andrew Pristash John dT: Howell Clarence L. Olsen Moved by Pristash and seconded by Shykes to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Section 59,715 permits the destruction of obsolete county records by approval of the County Board, and vITHEREAS, the County Clerk has a problem because his vault space is very limited, in fact many of his records are now in steel files in his office which is very inade- quate as to fire protection, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to purchase additional filing equipment at this time unless some obsolete records can be disposed of, therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the following obsolete records be disposed of_: 1; Copies of bounty claims forwarded -to the Conservation Commission, more than one year old. 2. Crop reports to the County Clerk by the Local Assessors, more than three years old. 3. Tax certificates that have been cancelled or redeemed prior to 1920. 567 � April 162 1952 4: Claims paid by the.C:ounty, and papers supporting such claims prior to 1934. 5. -Dog license reports by Torn Treasurer more than three years old. 6. Hunting, Trapping and Fishing License applications more than three years old. Adopted this 16th day of April, 1952. Clarence L. Olsen Moved by MacRae and seconded by Tribovich to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Section 59,715 permits the destruction of obsolete County records by approval of the County Board, and WHEREAS, the files in the County Treasurer's Office are almost filled, -and rather than purchase additional filing equipment some obsolete records can be dis- posed of, therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That the following obsolete records be disposed of: 1.. All copies of Town Tax Receipts to the year of 1923. 2. All copies of County Tax Receipts to the year of 1923: 3. All cancelled checks up to the year of 1944: Clarence L. Olsen Moved by H. C: Anderson and seconded by Shyl�es to adopt the foregoing resolu- tion. Carried. The following resolution was read: P V BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, at a meeting held this 15th day of April, 1952, pursuant to the provisions of Section 59.04 (b) of the Wisconsin Statutes, that all Bayfield County Banks are designated as working banks in conformity with Section 59.74 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Joseph J. Pustinger Moved by Pustinger and seconded by Reimer to adopt the f oreging resolution: Carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, It may be necessary to borrow money temporarily to meet payrolls and other obligations before the next meeting of the County Board; and AREAS, :.It -.may prove desirable to make --short term loans, rather than to liqui- date-. government bonds; r,. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in session this 15th day of April, 1952, that the chairman of the County Board; the County Clerk and County Treasurer, be and they are hereby authorized to make short term loans in amount not to exceed $75,000.00 in aggregate, or to liquidate government bonds, whichever in their'opinion shall be found to be most advantageous to the county?s interest; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That an irrepealable tax for the payment of such short loans and interest be placed on the tax roll in accordance with Section 67:12. Joseph J: Pustinger Moved by MacRae and seconded by Pustinger to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carrieda The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors in regular session assembled this 16th day of April, 1952, that the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the work of taking tax deeds for Bayfield County on all county owned tax certificates that are now and will be subject to tax deed during the next year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the officers proceed with the taking of tax deeds under Section 75.521 of Wisconsin Statutes and also in compliance with County Ordinance v covering the same recorded on page 349 of County Board Journal number 9; with reference to all descriptions of land to which the same is applicable, and as to other descrip- tions of land to which said section is not applicable; the 'said officers are authorized .and directed to proceed in accordance with section 75.12 and other applicable sections of the Statutes. Joseph J. Pustinger Moved by Pristash and seconded by H.C: ilm derson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS, Section 59.14 of the Statutes as amended by the Laws of 1951 authorizes the County Board to permit the closing of county offices on Saturdays; and 7=REAS, the trend throughout the state is to permit such closing; Now; Therefore, Be It RES0VLED, BY THE County Board of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this 16th day of April, 1952, that the county officers be permitted to close their offices on Saturdays from the lst day of ivay, to the 31st clay of Octo- ber each ,year. Art A. Anderson Helmer Moe 11oved by Shykes and seconded by Embertson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Loved by x-rammoser and seconded by Tribovich to amend the resolution to read June 15 to August 31. A ballot was requested and the result on the ballot to adopt amendment was as follows: April 16, 1952 Yes 12 No 19 Total 31 Amendment lost. Roll call to adopt the original resolution was as follows: Ayes: Reimer; Desparois-, Utpadel, tlallin, Shykes, Wickl:und, Embertson and "Moe, Total Ayes: 8. Nays: Mammoser, Hiekel; Irish, Buck, Laudenschlager, Sanock, Johnson, Pustinger, MacRae, Stuart; Pristash, Radosevich, D. Anderson, C.O. Nelson,. Kallinen, Lupa, H.C: Anderson, Tribovich, Pajala, Moore, Tedlund, Reiten and Olsen. Total Nays. 23 Motion lost. The following; communication was read: TO ALL CUJNI'Y CLERKS The Fourth Institute on Public Library Management is to be held in Madison, Wisconsin at the rlisconsin Memorial Union on July 28th, 29th and 30th, 1952® This Institute will stress the results of recent surveys which indicate, for example, that about 22% of the states population has no legal access at all to public library facilities, and that many small libraries have inadequate facili- ties as well as untrained personnel. Many public officials and citizens have attended these Institutes in the past and sought to explore possible courses of action which localities might undertake to correct the'present inadequacies. Our office has been asked to contact all county boards who will meet next week inviting them to attend this Institute. In presenting this matter to the board,"it is suggested that in the event the board decides to send a representative to this Institute that the name or names of persons who would be interested in re- ceiving a personal invitation be forwarded to our office. 11fill you kindly see to it that this matter is brought to the attention of your board at its spring session and then report back to us as to whether or, not your county plans on having a representative at this Institute on Public Library Management in Tuly. Very truly yours, t1ISCONSIN COUNTY BOARDS ASSOCIATION By: A.J. Thelen Moved by MacRae and seconded by Shykes to refer the foregoing communication to the committee on Education with power to act. Motion carried. Moved by MacRae and seconded by Dell Anderson to receive and place on file the list of recommended emergency fire wardens as submitted by the State Conserva- tion Department. Carried. Moved by Reiten and seconded by Laudenschlager to rescind resolution adopted at the last annual meeting restricting sale of county owned land bordering on lakes and streams. Notation - no action. Tdoved by Desparois and seconded by Utpadel to adjourn until 1:30 P.i+,% Carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P.T;tT. by Chairman, Olsen. The following members answered roll call: Raymond Mammoser, Carl-Hiekel, Harvey Irish, S-:1,Vo Buck, C.C. Laudenschlager, Anthony Janock, Edward Reimer, Bernard Johnson, Joseph Pustinger; J.R. Desparois; William Stuart, Andrew Pris-task, Frank Utpadel, Matt Radosevich, Dell Anderson, Theodore Kallinen, Joe Lupa, Oscar Wallin, Paul Tribo- vich, John Shykes, Conrad Tedlund, H.A. Reiten,'E.L. �'licklund, Ellsworth Emb,ertson, Helmer l�floe and Clarence L: ; Olsen. 'Total 26. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the first three rows of seats in the Court Room have ,cushions put on them: Oscar Wallin Edward Reimer J.R: Desparois Cushion Committee koved by Desparois and seconded by Wallin to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. Motion made and duly seconded that the Sales Committee of county property be authorized to sell county owned lands in sections 17,18.19 & 20, Township 49 North; Range 9 Vilest, and that the sale of these lands be not restricted under the resolution adopted in November 1951 prohibiting the sale of county owned lands on lakes and streams. Roll call was as follows: Ayes: Joammoser, Hiekel, Buck, Laudenschlager, Desparois, Stuart, D: Anderson, C:O. Nelson, Kallinen; Lupa, H.C. Anderson, Shykes, Pajala, Tedlund, Reiten and Olsen. Total ayes: 16 - Nays: Irish, ETanock, Reimer, Johnson, Pustinger, Pristash, Utpadel; Radosevich, Wallin, Tribovich, Moore, u'Uicklund Embertson; and hIoe. Total Nays: 14. Carried. Moved by Radosevich and seconded by H.C. Anderson that the Finance Committee the County Treas. he.given the power to act in making a satisfactory arrangement aiding/in getting the proper imf ormation as to ownership of lands off the Register of Deeds records in order to properly prepare and print the Field books, assessment rolls and tax rolls. Carried. The following resolution was read: BEREAS, Almighty God in His infinite wisdom has called to the Great Beyond, Edwin H. Quistorff, who was County Clerk of Ashland County for many years and contri- buted to the welfare and good of the people he served, and o1H1+�R.EAS, he was a Spanish American War Veteran, having served his Country in time of filar, therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: that we express our heartfelt sympathy and condolence to Mir s6 Edwin H. quistorff and family. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to hers. Edwin H. quist orff . Dated this 16th day of April, 1952. Harvey Irish i1 M- April 16, 1952 Moved by H.�: Anderson and seconded by Dell Arf erson that the foregoing resolution be adopted: Carried. Moved by Embertson and seconded by Lupa to reject all bids on the S2 1112 NV1-'--, less platted part, Section 7-47-8. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the county Board of Bayfield County,`'assemb.led this° 16th day of April, 1952, that the per diem and mileage be.allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay such money and the Chairman and the County Clerk are instructed to issue an order.for amount of such items listed below. County Board Work Committee Name Per diem Mileage Iork Mileage Total Clarence L. Olsen 16.00 1,96 17.96 Raymond Mammoser 16.00 14.70 .30.70 Carl Hiekel 16.00 3.36 19:36 Harvey Irish 16.00 .28 16.28 S;VV.- Buck 16.00 6.72 22.72 C.-C. Laudenschlager 16.00 14.14 30:14 Anthony Janock 16.00 8.12 24.12 Edward Reimer 16.00 8.68 24.68 Bernard E. Johnson 16.00 12.04 28.04 Joseph Pustinger 16.00 6.16 22.16 J.R. Desparois 16.00 9.52 25:52 J.L. MacRae 16.00 8.96 24.96 William Stuart 16.00 6.44 22.44 Andrew Pristash 16.00 5.32 21.32 Frank Utpadel 16.00 6.02 22.02 Matt Radosevich 16.00 3.04 8.00 3.27 30.31 Dell V, Anderson 16.00 ll..20 27:20 C.O. Nelson 16.00 12.32 28.32 Theodore Kallinen 16.00. 11.20 27620 Joe Lupa 16.00 4.48 20.48 Harry C. Anderson 16.00 11.48 27.48 Oscar Wallin 16.00 7.98 23.98 Paul Tribovich 16.00 7:00 23::00 J.F. Shykes 16.00 10.92 26,92 .Edward Pajala 16.00 30!08 19.08 Ernest Moore 16.00 13.02 29.02 Conrad Tedlund 16.00 6.18 22.18 Ernest LaPointe 8.00 1.68 9.68 572 County Board Work Committee Name Per diem Mileage Mork Total H.Ai Reiten 16.00 3.36 519.36 E:L. iTicklund .16.0.0 .28 16.26 Arthur A; Anderson 8.00 .14 8.14 Peter Hanson 8.00 .14 8.14 Ellsworth Embertson 16.00 .28 16.00 .28 32.56 Harry I�Joland 8.00 .14 8.14 Helmer Hoe 16.00 .28 - 16*28- , 776.17 Moved by Pajala and seconded by Shykes to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes: Nlamm.oser, Hiekel, Irish, Buck, Laudenschlager, Janock, Reimer, Johnson, Pustinger, Desparois, Stuart, Pristash, Utpadel, Radosevich, D Anderson, Nelson, Kallinen, Lupa, H.C. Anderson, Wallin, Tribovich, Shykes, Pajala, Moore, Tedl-und, Reiten, Wicklund; Embertson, Moe and Olsen. Total Ayes: 30 Nays: None Carried. Moved by Desparois and seconded by Mammoser to adjourn. Carried. j 4�'.YFIW�CO Y CLERK