HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/15/1955M-M ANNU2,L MIEPTING OF. THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD November 15, 1955 - - - --- -- - - ---- -- - - - --- Ll Meeting called to order at 10 A. I.L. by Chairman, Clarence L. Olsen. The following members answered roll call: Raymond Mammoser; III. C. Barningham, Stance Burlager, S. W. Buck, Walter Hliszcz, Onne Beeksma, Jr., Edward Reimer, Bernard E. Johnson, Ernest Heglund, J. R. Desparois, Frank Hoefling, 1,zlilliam Stuart, Andrew J. Pristash, Joseph rerweger, Herman Hanson,J. 0. Anderson, C. 0. Nelson, Toivo Elonen, Joe Lupa, Evald Johnson, Clarence Bonk, Paul Trib ovi ch, Edgard Pa j ala, Ernest Moore, Ernest Nelson, Ernest LaPointe, John Boehme, H.J.S. Hanson; Halvor Reiten; George Malinoski, A. A: Anderson, Elmer Flick, A. E. Swanson, Helmer Moe and Clarence L. Olsen® .`'otal: 35. Moved. by Buck and seconded by Reimer to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting held in July. Carried. The following communication was read: TO tMOIVI IT MAY CONCERN: In lieu of the absence of Fourth (4) Ward Supervisor, Iir. Thomas Peterson, Sr., Mayor Hans J. Thompson will serve Ias a Municipal representative on the County :.. . Dated: November 15, 1955. Wayne 0 Lowe City Clerk City of Washburn, Vi sconsin Moved by Malinoski and seconded by Berweger to seat H. J. Thompson as a member of the County Board representing the ath ward of -the City of Mashburn in place of Thomas Peterson, Sr. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION 111HEREAS through an oversight the County Board ommitted to set the rates for publication of the official proceedings at its April 1955 meeting; Therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the rates for publication be effective as of last April as follows: 85V per folio for , official proceedings 25V per folio for printing the supplements $15.00 to each paper for distributing. each board meeting supplement to other than the official paper. Clarence L. Olsen' November 15, 1955 Moved by Desparois and seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION Be it hereby resolved that the Washburn 'Times be the official paper for the ensuing year effective April 1955: Clarence L. Olsen Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Buck to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Loved by C. 0. Nelson and seconded by Lupa to nominate Harry B. Curry as Highway Commissioner for a -two year term commencing in January 1956. Carried. Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Lupa that nominations be .closed. Motion carried. Moved by Desparois and seconded by C. 0. Nelson that the County Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for lair. Curry as Highway Commissioner for the ensuing term of two years commencing January 1956. Motion carried. The County Clerk cast the ballot as directed. The Chair declared Harry B. CurryasyCouncty Highway Commissioner. The Board proceeded with the election of the Highway Commit -tee. Moved by Buck and seconded by Lupa�.to' nominate Paul Tribovich as a member of the Highway Committee from District J/ 1. Motion,.carried. Motion was made and duly seconded that nominations be closed and that a unanimous ballot be cast for Mr. Tribovich as a member of the' Highway Committee for District 7 1. motion carried. The Chair declared Mr. Tribovich duly elected. t Moved by Iulammoser and seconded by Lupa that Ernest Moore be nominated as a member of the. Highway Committee from District # 2. Motion carried. Motion was duly made and seconded that nominations be closed and that Ernest Moore be duly elected. motion carried. The Chair declared Ernest Moore elected as a member of the Highviay Committee from District # 2. moved by Lupa and seconded by Berweger that T. R. Desparois be nominated as a member from District # 3. Motion carried. Motion was made and .duly seconded that nominations be -closed and that Desparois be elected. Motion carried. The Chair declared Desparois duly elected as a member of the Highway Committee from District # 3. November 15, 1955 Mr. Clark, Division Engineer of the Mate Highway Commission appeared before the County Board and explained the.completed Highway program during the past year and also informed the Board of the proposed highway work on the State Highway System for 1956. Moved by Moore and seconded by Pristash to receive and place on file the annual report of the County Superintendent of Schools. Motion carried. Moved by Huck and seconded by Herman Hanson to receive and place on file the annual report -of the County Nurse. Motion carried. The following report was read: TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD BAYF IE LD C OUNTY, VIS C ONS IN I submit herewith a report of all moneys received by me, as Register of Deeds and paid over to the County Treasurer for the months of January, 1955 to November 1, 1955: January $321.95 February .268,55 March 398.80 April 354.30 May 407.30 June 495.40 July 450.35 August 427.25 September 383'.90 October 395.65 $ 32903.45 Earl Pedersen, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that.the foregoing. report is to the best of his knowledge and belief correct and true. Earl Pedersen Register of Deeds Koved by Pristash and seconded by Boehme to receive the foregoing report and place on file. , Motion carried. The following report was read: Washburn, Wisconsin November 14, 1955 To The Honorable Members of the Bayfield Cotulty Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: Submitted herewith is a report of the funds received and disbursed by the November 15, 1955 Bayfield Gounty Court for the year commencing November 1, 1954 and ending October 31, 1955: Collected for and paid to the State of Wisconsin 4 90.% of all fines, except traffic 779.50 50% of traffic fines 282...00 65% of probate fees 283.01 Total for the State of Wisconsin 12344.51 Collected for and paid to Bayfield County 10% of all fines, except traffic 95.50 50% of traffic fines 282.00 100% of County ordinance forfeitures 1742,00 Bail forfeitures 1514.00 35 0 of probate fees 152.24 Court costs: Criminal Cases 269.75 Ordinance Cases 548.00 Civil Cases 225.25 100% Certified Copies 256.25 Total for Bayf ield County 5.084, 99 i Grand Total 6,429.50 Respectfully submitted, L. K. Blanchard BAYFIELD COUNTY JUDGE Moved by A. A. Anderson and seconded by Desparois to receive and place on file -the foregoing report. Carried. The following report was read: To Hon. Members Bayfield County Board From - A. R. Willey... Clerk of Circuit Court Re: Financial Report for -fiscal year ending Oct. 31, 1955. Cash on hand Oct. 31st, 1954 688.35 Receipts for Fiscal year 29518.65 Tot -al 302207.00 Glassified as follows: Suit Tax 145.00 Fees 252.00 Fines 60.00 Costs 52.30 Alimony & Support 20,622.00 Trust Funds 8,924,73 Misc.- Fees & Trust 150.97 Total -30.',207.00 November.15, 1955 Disbursements for fiscal year ending Oct. 3111955 $ 23,653.25 Classified as. f ollows : Suit Tax -135.00 Fees 236.00 Fines 10.00 Costs 22.00 Alimony & Support 20,622.00 Trust Funds 2,479.38 Misc. Fees & Trust 148.47 Total 23,653.25 Cash on Hand Oct..31st, 1955 Classified as follows: Suit Tax Fees Fines Costs Trust Funds Misc. Fees Total Vouchers issued for fiscal.year: Publications Divorce Counsel Court Deputy Clerk Jury Commissioners Circuit Court Reporter Appointed Counsel by Court Jury Certificate issued, two (2) days 1955 Total 10.00 .16.00 50.00 U. 90 6445,35 2.50 0 6553.75 228.00 310.00 72.00 108.80 8.00 2.5.00 751.80 813.80 Respectfully submitted, 6553..75 A. R, Willey , Clerk of Circuit Court, Bayfield County, Wisconsin Koved by Pajala and seconded by Stuart to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Carried. The following report was read: October 149 1955 The Rinance Committee County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: The following is a consolidated report in the number of cases handled favorably November- 15, 1955, through the Bayfield County Veterans' Service Office for the months from October 18, 1954 up until the present date, as taken from the files. This report is not accurate, as in many cases this office does not receive the rating status of the veteran until several weeks after he has been rated. 1. Compensation 2 Z. Pension for Non -Service Connected Disability 5 3. Government Insurance 6 4. Death Compensation - Widows & Children 2 5. Death Pension - Dependent Parents, Widow & Children 3, 6. Accrued Compensation & Pensions 3. _ 7. Re-imbursement of Burial Expense 5. 8. Hospitalization 18 9, Out -Patient Treatment 2 10. Vocational Rehabilitation (P.L.#16 & 894) 1 11. Education & Training (P.L. #346 & #550) 3 12. Burial Flags 6 13. Headstone or Grave Marker 4 14. Application for State Benefits 7 15. Arrangements f or Burial out -of toiM 1 16. Appearance before rating board 1 17. Telephone Contacts 161 18, Personal Contacts 313 " Respectfully submitted, Elmer H. Wedin VETERANS' SERVICE OFFICER BAYF IELD COUNTY Moved by Boehme and seconded by T. 0. Anderson to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following report was read: COUNTY VETERANS' S,1MVICE COPY1 ,1ISSION BAYFIELD COUNTY WAS HBURN , WI S C ON SIN October 159 1955 Finance Committee County Board of Supervisors Bayf i eld County Uashburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen - lye submit herewith a request for an appropriation of $500.00 to the County. Veterans' Service Commission fund for the year of 1956. On hand October 15, 1954 was a balance of �1,189.99. The appropriation of the County Board made January 1,'.1955 added $500.00 to this balance, making a total balance of $1,689.99. Disbursement and administrative expenditures amounted to $867.68, reducing the balance on hand, as of this date, to $822.31. November 15, 1955 Demands,on this fund have been approximately, the same as in the past few years -and we expect itwill run about the same for the coming year. Respectfully submitted, Elmer H. 14redin Executive Secretary COUNTY VETERANSt SERVICE COLMISSION To the Chairman and Merabers Bayfield County Board of Supervisors October �5, 1955 Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: The following is a consolidated report of this Commission for the year from October 15, 1954 to October 15,,, 1955. The books of the Commission are open to anyone who may wish to examine any of the accounts listed therein. On October 15, 1954 the books of this Commission shows a balance of $1,189j90. The appropriation of the County Board made January 1, 1955 added $500.00 to this balance,�making a total of .1,689,99. From October 15, 1954 to October 15, 1955, a total of 13 applications were received from indigent War Veterans or their immediate family. The total cost to the County for the 13 cases which were allowed was $867.68, including the total expenses of the Committee and tiro (2) Bonds, covering the years 1954 and 1955. A new amendment to law 45.12, making it mandatory for each County Veterans, Service Commissioner and'County Veterans' Service Officer to be individually bonded, was signed by the Governor, to become effective immediately. I; therefore, make a request to have this matter brouglt to the attention of the County.Board for their consideration., Respectfully submitted, Arthur Fi ege , Chairman COUNTY VETERANS' SERVICE COMEESSION Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Harningham to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Illlotion carried. The following application was read: October 20, 1955 To the Honorable Chairman Members of the County -Board Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: I hereby make application for reappointment for the following two (2) years as Bayfield County Veterans' Service Officer.. Very truly yours, Elmer H. Wedin COUNTY VETERANS' SERVICE OFFICER November 15, _1955 _ _ __ Moved by Pristash and seconded by Beeksma to appoint Elmer H. Wedin as Veteranst Service Officer for the two year term commencing January 1956. Motion carried. The following petition was read: November 10, 1955 To Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: I hereby petition to purchase Gov. 'Lot 4, Sec. 33-51-6 which is county owned. I applied for purchase to the Sales Committee last September and they decided to withhold from sale. At the present time I own the S NIL of Sec..32-51-6 on which we have a cottage. The land I wish to purchase adjoins our present holdings on the east side. According to the letter I received Oct. 3, 1955, the Sales Committee stated that the Town of Bell may ask the County Board for the right to acquire this property. I do knozr that the Town of Bell does plaxi to, resell this property. When I inquired about this property from the Toiim of Bell about 4 years ago, I believed that said property belonged to the Town of Bell, and when I inquired nothing was said that it belonged to Bayfield County. All that was said to me was that the Town of Bell was keeping the property for a blueP.erry patch. So this Fall I was visiting a neighbor and they had a plat. book. I never heard of a plat book before. It is quite interesting.. So I looked up my property, was studying the section where ray property is located and come to find out Bayfield County owns the land behind my property and not the Town of Bell as I was led.to believe. So I went to 10fashburn Court House. and inquired about this said Land and found it to be true that Bayfield County owns the said property. Now I understand that the Town of Bell wants this property and that they plan to resell this property. I know of two individuals that the t oun of Bell plans to sell part of it to. In all fai3:?.ess I personally think that said property should go out on bids to the public. And if the County Board and the Sales Committee decide to let the `'own of Bell have said land I would like the County Board and the Sales Committee to let me purchase at least 200 feet adjoining my property. sincerely) Ivirs. Esther Louise Celinsky Herbster, Wisconsin Loved by J. 0. Anderson and -seconded by Boehme to lay the foregoing petition on the table. Motion carried. Mr. Holmquist appeared before the -County Board as a representative of the Trinity and St. Tosephts hospitals of Ashland asking that the rate for public assistance cases be increased from $'7.00 per day to �69.00 per day® J. 0. Anderson to grant I%Ir. Holmquist r s Moved by Burlager and seconded by request, that is setting the new rate at $9,00 per day for public assistance cases. November 15, 1955 Moved by Pajala and seconded by Tribovich to amend the foregoing motion that the increase be ti�1.00 per day, making a total of $8.00 per day and that this rate apply to the Washburn Hospital as well as the ones in Ashland. Roll call on the amendment was as follows: Ayes: Buck, Kliszcz;B. Johnson, Heglund,Stuart, Pristash, Berweger,Herman Hanson, Lupa, Bonk, Tribovich, Pajala ; Ernest Nelson; Nays: Mamnoser, Barningham; Burlager, Beeksma; Reimer, Desparois, Hoefling, J. 0, Anderson, C. 0. Nelson, Elonen, Evald Johnson, Moore, LaPointe, Boehme, H.J.S. Hanson; Reiten, Malinoski, A. A., Anderson, Wick, Thompson; A. E. Swanson, I'doe & Olson. Total Ayes: 13 Nays: 23. Motion to amend lost. The original. motion to increase the rate to $9.00 per day was then put to a vote and carried. Moved by Idoe and seconded by A. A. Anderson to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Motion carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P.M. by Chairman, Clarence L. Olsen. The following members answered roll call: Raymond hiammoser, W. C. Barning- ham, Stance Burlager, S. W. Buck, falter Kliszcz; Onne Beeksma, Jr., Edward Reimer, Bernard Johnson; Ernest Heglund,J. R. Desparois; Frank Hoefling,'Nilliam. Stuart; Andrew Pristash; Joseph Berweger, Herman Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, C. 0. Nelson, Toivo Elonen, Joe Lupa; Evald Johnson, Clarence Bonk, Paul Tribovich, Edward Pajala, Ernest Moore, Ernest Nelson, Ernest LaPointe, John Boehme, H.J.S. Hanson, Halvor Reiten, George Malinoski, A. A. Anderson, Elmer Wick, H.J. Thompwon, A. E. Swanson, Helmer 1,1Ioe and Clarence L. Olsen. Total: 36. Moved by Moore and seconded by Stuart to receive and place on file the annual report of the Bayfield County Home Agent. Motion carried. Moved by Pajala and seconded by Herman Hanson to receive and place on file the annual report of the Assistant County Agent. Motion carried. Mr. A. R. Willey, Clerk of Circuit Court; appeared before the Board and spoke on the Infantle Paralysis Program. The following communication was read State of Wisconsin, Conservation.Dept. Madison 1 August 5, 1955 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk, Bayfield rCounty November 15, 1955 lAiashburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: You will find attached two policy statements adopted unanimously by the Wisconsin Conservation Commission at their meeting on June 10. The "Policy on Cooperation with To= and County Boards" will be of special interest to you, but we. also hope the "Policy on Wetland Preservation and IUanagement°T will also be worthy of consideration by,County Boards and their planning committees. In. recent years:-, the.. relationship of proper land management to conservation in all its multiple aspects has, become better understood .• A11 county. and totem governments, to the extent that they own and manage lands, are directly in the conservation business. All are indirectly affected by conservation activities which may bring financial beni- fits to their local citizens or otherwise change the tax base. The Conservation Commission and Department wish to take this opportunity to extend their cooperation in these matters and especially to call the attention of the members of your County Board to the attached policies. I wish to personally assure you and the members of your Board of the sincerity of this offer and urge you to communicate with us if we can ever be of service, Most sincerely yours, L.P. Voigt . Conservation Director Attach. 2 Policy of Wetland Preservation and Management Policy on Cooperation with Town and County Boards 11 Moved by Pa jala and seconded by Barninghamm, to receive acid 'place on file the foregoing communication., I1lotion carried: -The following communications were read: STATE GEOGRAPHIC BOARD Madison Tune 14; 1955 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk 'Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: .This will acknowledge with thanks your letter of Tune 10, informing us of the action taken by the Conservation Committee of the Bayfield County Board relative to the names Camp Two Lake and McCloud Lake. The Committees recommendation will be givethe utmost consideration by the State Geographic Board when these names are presented for discussion; and as soon as a decision on the matter is rendered, you will be notified. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, L. P. Voigt Executive Secretary November 1 5, 1955 STATE GEOGRAPHIC BOARD Madison June 23, 1955 Mr. Ludwig; Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: The State Geographic Board at its June 21, 1955, meeting approved the following names for lakes located in Bayfield County: Camp Two Lake Location: NE-1 Sec. 6, T. 46N.3, R. 8 W. McCloud Lake Location: Sec. 31•& 369 Ti 43N., R. 5 and 6 W, As you will recall, these names were recommended by the Conservation Committee of the Bayfield County Board'on June 7, 1955. They will now be presented to the United StateSBoard of Geographic Names for final approval; and upon receipt of the Board's decision, you will be notified promptly. V%ry truly yours, L. P. Voigt Executive Secretary iKoved by Tribovich and seconded by Barningham to receive the foregoing communica- tions and place on file. Motion carried. The following petition and resolution were read: TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: The Petition of Earl Pedersen, Register of Deeds, respectfully requests that he be given authority under section 59.51 (14) of the Statutes to destroy all obsolete documents pertaining to chattels in accordance with the said statutes.. Signed: Earl Pedersen Register of Deeds BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this 15th day of November, 1955 that the Register of Deeds upon his request be, and he is hereby authorized to destroy all obsolete documents in his office pertaining to chattels antedating by 7 years including final books of entry in accordance with Section 59.51 (14) of the statutes of the State of Wisconsin. Presented by: Albert E. Swanson Moved by Pajala and seconded by Buck to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resignation and communication were read: OFFICE OF SHERIFF Bayfield County Mashburn, Wisconsin 3£iFi November 15, 1955 August 8, 1955 Mr° : Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Court House C Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr, Tranmal: In accordance with Section 17'.01 (5) of the Wisconsin Statutes, I am hereby tendering my resignation from the, office of Sheriff of--Bayfield County, effective as of August 15, 1955, to assume the duties of Postmaster of Vashburn, Wisconsin. Very truly yours, Terence P: Arseneau Sheriff August 8, 1955 Hon. Walter 1. Kohler, Governor State Capitol Madison, Wisconsin Ivey Dear Governor:.: Enclosed please. find a copy of the resignation filed in our office today by Terence P. Arseneau, Sheriff of Bayfield County. Said resignation to become effective August 15th, 1955. Yours very truly, Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk Moved by Tribovich and seconded by A. A. Anderson to receive the foregoing Communications and place on file. motion carried. The following communication was read: November 1, 1955 To the Bayfield County board of Supervisors: In compliance with. Section 19.01 (dd) of the, Wisconsin Statutes, please be advised that the following Surety Bonds have been filed in my office and have the approval of the District Attorney and the Committee on bonds. Toseph A. DeMars, Sheriff, Amount of bond 440,000.00 - by Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co. Frank A. Utpadel, Undersheriff, Amount of bond $5,000.00 - by Hartford Accident & Indemnity Co. Yours very truly, Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk November 15, 1955 Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Barnir_gham. to receive the foregoing communication and place on file: 1dotion carried. The following communication was read: I United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Washburn, Idisconsin November 10, 1955 hir. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk, Bayfield County Washburn, 17is consin Will you please present to the County Board for their action a request for a resolu- tion allowing the U. Si Forest Service to place a radio aerial on the tower which now holds the sheriffsr' antennae. The Forest Service is planning to install F.M. radios in itts towers and Ranger Stations and an antennae on the Washington Avenue hill is needed. Permission to install the antennae on the Sheriffst.Tower would save the erection of another tower. I have been assured by Forest Service radio engineers that this installation will have no effect on the Sheriffs-4 radio reception: Contingent on securing permission to use the Sheriffst Tower, the City of Washburn has agreed to allow the use of sufficient space near the base of the tower to in- stall the necessary equipment. If any additional information is required, I will be glad to furnish it. Very truly yours, J. T. Horner District Ranger Moved by Pristash and seconded by A. A. Anderson to refer the foregoing request to the Sheriffs Committee with power to act. Motion carried. The claim of Ashland County amounting to $22319.24 for Qounty Normal School Tuition was presented to the Board. Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded'by Reiten to allow the claim of Ashland County. Roll call was as follows: Ayes: Mammoser, Barningham,.Burlager, Buck; Klizcz, Beeksma, Reimer, Bo Johnson, Heglund, Desparois, Hoefling, Stuart; Pristash, Berweger, Herman Hanson; J. 0. Anderson, C. 0. Nelson, Elonen, Lupa, E. Johnson, Bonk, Tribovich, Pajald Moore, E. Nelson., LaPointe, Boehme, H.J.S. Hanson, Reiten, Malinoski,A..A. Anderson; 1Yick2 Thompson, Swanson, Moe and Olsen. Total Ayes: 36 Nays: None. 1drotion carried. The following petition and resolution were read: TO THE C OUN'iY BOARD OF SUPERVIS ORS : 3'X0 _--2-- 19.5.5 The petition of the Town of Bell respectfully represents and shows: That the. land described as Government Lot -Four (4), Section Thirty-three (33), Township Fifty-one (51) Forth, Range Six (6)West, located in said township, is owned by Bayfield County under tax title duly taken; that the town would like to. acquire this property in order to undertake improvement thereon, which would make other property accessible to town roads and have the effect of increasing the taxable value thereof. WHEREFORE, Petitioner .recluests that said description of land be sold to the Town of Bell, the consideration for said purchase to be the delinquent taxes thereon, with interest to date, and said consideration to be charged to the exeess�delinquent tax credit of the said township with Bayfield County. TOWN OF BELL S. W. Buck. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, By the County .Board of Supervisors of Bayfield,County, in annual session as-sembled.this 15th day of November, 1955, that the land described as Lot Four (4), Section Thirty-three (33), Township Fifty-one (51) North, -Range Six (6) West, be sold to the Town of +Bell; the consideration for such transfer to be the delinquent taxes, plus. interest; and said consideration to be charged to the excess delinquent tax account of said Town of Bell with Bayfield County; FURTIER RESOLVED, That the County Clerk be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute a quit claim deed in performance of this Resolution. S. If. Buck Moved by Buck and seconded by Reimer to refer the foregoing petition and resolu- tion to the Forestry Committee with instructions to report back to the County Board. Notion carried. The f olloiling resolution was read: RESOLUTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that Bayfield County purchase the balance of the 1951 excess delinquent taxes as follows: Toip'tn of Bell 239.37 -Town of Cable 8630'36 Torun of Clover 410.57 Toi.^rn of Drummond 260.2.E Town of Hughes 294.54 Town of Iron River 416.86 Town of Lincoln 150.87 Town o1 -Mason . 292:79 n Town of Orienta 561.37 November 15,.1955 Town of Oulu 228.05 Town of Russell: 438.97 Town of Tripp 298.51 Town of Washburn 870.98 Vil. of Cable 372.71 City of Bayfield 272.70 City of eiashburn Town of Bayfield Total 1928.27 320.30 P 8220.48 Halvor Reiten George Malinoski Herman Hanson R. T. Liammoser C. 0. Nelson Finance Committee Moved by Malinoski and seconded by Reiten to adopt the foregoing resolution. Doll call was as follows: Ayes: Mamoser, Barningham, Burlager, Buck, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Reimer, B. Johnson, Heglund, Desparois, Hoefling, Stuart, Pristash, Ber- weger, H. Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, C. 0. Nelson, Elonen, Lupa, E. Johnson, Bonk, Tribovich, Pajala, Moore, E. Nelson, LaPointe, Boehme, H.J.S. Hanson, Reiten, idalinoski, Wick, Thompson, Swanson, & Olsen. Total ayes: 34, Nays; None: Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the following table of valuations covering Real & Personal Property as compiled by the Supervisor of Assessments be and are hereby adopted as the equalized valuation of the taxing districts of Bayfield County for the year 1955. Town of Barksdale Barnes Bayf ie ld Bayview Bell Cable Clover Delta Drummond Eileen Hughes, Iron River Kelly Keystone AGGREGATE REC O V21 v,' ENDED PULL VALUE 321922485 1,299,535 603,350 475,555 5232140 871,225 483;745 561,775 1,126,945 120302010 341,585 1,4932600 850,390 604,82.0 November 15,, 1955 DISTRICT Towns of Lincoln. 11a s on Namekagon Orient Oulu Pilsen PortWing Pratt Russell Tripp Washburn Village of .Cable a s on City of Bayf ield iYashb urn Gi AGGREGATE REGOD2MMED FULL VALUE 53;9 5 673; 4:65 1,4-23,315 3592795 955;,785 3402885 -83 O.,ZO5 7602360 238.,265 3482430 404,120 Town Totals 20,332,150 4489525 2261780 Village Totals 675,305 1,8092300 222462955 ty Totals 4,0562255 GOUNTY TOTAL -2.52063,710 Glarence L. Olsen Ray T-lond_,T. lylaramoser George Malinosk-i Herman Hanson Halvor Rei ten EQUALIZATION CO1'Y2i1ITT_UJE Ivioved by Malinoski and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing resolution., Roll call was as follows: Ayes.: L-1ammoser, Barningham, 'Burlager, Buck, Kliszcz, Beeksim., Reimer, B. Tohnscn, Heglund, Desparcis, Hoefling, Stuart, Pristash, Berweger, H. Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, C. 0. Nelson, Elonen, Lupa, E. Johnson,, Bonk, Triboviah Pajala, 17loore, E. Nelson, LaPointe,, aoehme2 H.J.S. Hanson, Reiten, Kalinoski, Wilk, Swanson and Olsen. Total ayes: 33 Nays: Thompson. Total Nays: one. 1viotion aarried. hil-oved by Pajala and seconded by 1,,Ioore to receive and place on file the report of the County Highway Gommittee. Motion carried. 11oved by.Buck and seconded by Stuart to adjourn until 10 A. K., November 16. Motion carried. November 16. 1955 Meeting called to order at 10 A. Lill. by Clarence L. Olsen, Chairman. The following members an4wered roll call: Raymond Mam- oser, IT. 0. Barningham, Stance B:urlager, S. V1. Bruck, 1{[alter Kliszcz, Anne Beeksma, Jr., Edward Reimer,y Bernard Johnson, Ernest Heglun.d, J. R. Desparois, Frank Hoeflingg, William Stuart, Andrew Pristash, Joseph Berweger, Herman Hanson, J, 0. Anderson, C. 0. Nelson, Toivo Elonen, Joseph Lupa, Evald Johnson, Clarence Bodk, Paul Tribovich, T'aipale, Edward Pajala, Ernest Moore, Ernest Nelson, Ernest LaPointe, John B.oehme, Hal-vor Reiten, George Iitalinoski', -A.. A. Anderson, Elmer ,Fick, H. J. Thompson, A. E. Swanson, Helmer Moe and Clarence L. Olsen. Total: 36- Mr. Bonacci of the Vocational Education Department appeared before the County Board and sD oke on behalf of the Traveling educator for disabled people. Moved by Pajala and seconded by C. 0. Nelson to receive and place on file the annual financial report of the County Highway Commissioner. Motion carried. The following reolution was read: COUNTY AID CONSTRUCTION AND MLINTENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 1956 SECTION 1. The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield bounty, ?Ij'isconsin, regularly assembled,. does hereby ordain that -suchfunds as may Ue made available to the county for highway work in the year 1956 under the provisions of Section 2.0,420 and Chapter 83 of the Statutes and the additional sums herein appropriated shall be expended as hereinafter set forth: : SECTIOK.:_II COUNTY TRUNK HIGI-FWAY A.LLOTIv1ENT. 111HEREAS the State Highway Commission has notified the County Clerk that a sum,of money estimated to be One Hundred Seventy -Four Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($174,700.00) will become available at the end of the fiscal year under the provisions of Section 83.10 and 20.420(83) & (84) of the Statute's, for the county trunk highway system in the county, but the actual amount ,will not be- knoiin until the close of the fiscal year, June, 30, .1956, BE IT RESOLVED that. the County Highway Committee is authorized and directed to expend the said sum to the extent required,' to match and supplement federal aid for construction,. right of way, .and other costs on any federate projects located on County Trunk Highway System of said County, which are not recovered from federal funds, and to expend any balance for constructing, repairing and maintaining such county trunk highway system and the bridges thereon,. including snow and ice removal and control, as directed in Section 83.10(1) of the Statutes, and to reimburse the general fund for any expendi- tures that may be made therefrom pursuant to Section 83.10(6) of the Statutes. The distribution to such purposes is estimated; but not, specifically directed, to be as follows: FOR Contruction 'Maintenance Administration Snow Removal and'Ice' Prevention on the County Trunk Highway System. SECTION III. WHEREAS the various highway activities for which provision is made in this resolution are continuous from year to year, and the exact cost of any work cannot be known at the time of making the appropriation therefor, ill 374 November 16, ,,1955 BE IT RESOLVED that this board does hereby direct that any balance.remaining in any appropriation for a specific highway improvement after the sane shall have - been completed may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement, which is part of the same item in the county budget, for which provision is herein made; and any balances remaining at the end of the year in any highway fund shall , remain, and be available for the same purpose in the ensuing year: SECTION`IV. ?UIIEREAS the exact amount of the funds that will become available from the state for highway purposes in the county under Section Z0.420 of the Statutes, will not be known until on or after June 30; 1956. BE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payments p t... re author- _ a ment s for the purposes ores for which such .funds are to be used as hereinbez"o ized, .from any funds in the county treasury that are not required for the purposes for which appropriated prior to A:6.gust 1, 1956, �pd to reimburse such funds in the county treasury from the sums received under Section 20.420 of the Statutes. SECTION V. ,7HEREAS the County Highway Committee and County Highway Commissioner are charged with the duty and responsibility of carrying out the construction and maintenance of highways for which provision is made, and other related supervisory and administrative duties, BE IT RESOLVED that the County .Highway Commissioner shall have authority to employ, discharge, suspend, or reinstate such employees as he deeras necessary for such purposes .provided, however) that the County Highway Committee may by action recorded in its minutes determine the number of such employees to be hired,. their wages, classifications, and working conditions. The term employee shall include all patrolmen, laborers, equipment operators, foremen, clerks, and all other employees .necessary to carry on such activities. Presen,.ted November 16, 109'55 by:. Ernest Moore J. R. Desparois Paul Tribovich County Highway'Committee 1loved by Tribovich and seconded by Desparois to .adopt .the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follot^as : Ayes: L'-�ar�,m.oser, Barningham, Burlager, Buck, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Reimer, B. Johnson, Heglund, Desparois, Hoeflling, Stuart, Pristash, Berweger, H. Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, C. 0. Nelson, Elonen, Lupa, E. Johnson, Bonk", Tribovich, Taipale, Pajala, Moore, E. Nelson, LaPointe, Boehme, H.J.S. Hanson, Reiten, Malinoski; A. , Anderson, Wick," H. T. Thompson, A.. E. Swanson, bloe and Olsen. Total: 37. Nays: None., Motion carei ed. The following resolution was read: PROVIDING FOR THE ADVANCE OR TRANSFER OF CONSTRUCTION FUNDS. IN BAYFIELD COUNTY WHEREAS, Section 84.03(5). Wisconsin Statutes, provides that the State Highway Commission and a county board, or a county highway committee when authorized. by the county board, may agree upon the advance of .one or more future years, allotments for such county under Section 84.03(3) to be expended on selected improvements on - - -- -- = - -- -- olve_mbor_15, ._1955 state trunk highways or connecting streets within such county to the extent so agreed, and 1HEREAS, occasions frequently arise when it is necessary or desirable to provide for the advance, allocation, or transfer of construction funds to or between previously authorized or additional needed construction improvements on state trunk highways or connecting streets in this county, THEREFORE, in order to provide for promptly making available the funds necessary for such improvements and to avoid the delay and expense incident to calling a special meeting of this board for such purpose, BE .IT RESOLVED that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby petitioned to advance pursuant to Section 84.03(5) Wisconsin Statutes, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County of Highway Committee this county, which said Committee is hereby ., authorized to file, such sums as may be required and are not otherwise available for any such previously authorized or additional needed construction improvements in this county, with the understanding that the amounts thus advanced will be deducted from future state allotments for state trunk highway donstruction in this county under Section 84.03(3) of the Statutes, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby petition- ed, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway Committee of this county, which said Committee is hereby authorized to file, to transfer to or between any such previously authorized or additional needed construction improvements in this county, any funds allotted by the state under the provisions. of Section 84.03(3) Wisconsin Statutes, and previously allocated to any other improvements or remaining unallocated in reserve. Resolution presented by Ernest Moore T. R. Deaarois Paul TribbVich County Highway Committee Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was reads PURCI 1,SE OF HIGHWAY EQUIPPdiENT BAYFTELD COUNTY VMEREAS, for the construction and maintenance of highways, including the removal and control of snow and ice, it becomes necessary from time to time to purchase equipment, the nature of and necessity for which cannot be accurately anticipated, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Committee is hereby authorized pursuant to Section 83.015(2) of -the Statutes to purchase without further authority and to the extent that revolving funds accumulated for such purpose are available such highway equipment as they deem necessary to properly carry on the work, and to trade; sell, rent, or repair, and provide storage for such equipment as may consider- ed to be for the best interests of the county. Resolution presented by Ernest Moore s7-6 November 16, 1955 November 16, 1955. J. R. Desparois Paul Tribovich County Highway Committee Moved by Desparois and seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing resolution. Lotion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, assembled in annual session this 16th day of 11ovemb:er, 1955, that the County Highway Committee be authorized and directed to: take all necessary steps, or actions, in .connection with preparing plans and constructing a County Highway Garage at 1,1ashburn. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all costs in connection thereL�rith be paid from the building account of the County Highway Mlaehinery fund. Adoption recommended by Ernest Moore J. R. Desparois Paul Trib ovi ch County Highway Uommittee November 16, 1955 Iv oved by J. 0. 11nderson and seconded by Tribovich to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes: Idammoser, Barningham, Burlager, Buck; Yliszcz, Beeksma, Reimer, B. Johnson, Heglund, Desparois, Hoefling, Stuart, Pristash, Berweger, H. Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, C. 0. Nelson, Elonen, Lupa, E. Johnson, Bonk, Tribovich, Taipale, Pajala, Moore, E. Nelson, LaPointe, Boehme, H.J.S. Hanson, Reiten, Kalinoski, A. A. Anderson, 15Tick, H.J. Thorapson, A. E. Swanson, Tube and Olsen. Total ayes: 57, Nays: None, Motion carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this 16th day of November, 1955, that the County Board Chairman, County Highway Committee, and County Highway Coliunissioner are hereby authorized to attend State Road Schools and/or other meetings, and that their per diem and expense be paid from the County Highway Administration fund. Recommended by: Ernest 1,11oore J. R. Desparois Paul Tribovich County Highway Committee November 16, 1955 Moved by Desparois and seconded by Moe to adopt the foregoing resolution. 11otion carried. November 16, 1955 I The following resolution was read: �MEREAS, ,It is deemed advisable by the Ashland and Bayfield County Boards of Supervisors, acting jointly, to establish the Clam Lake-Namekagon Road (F.A.S. Route #771) as.a eounty trunk highway in both counties, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following described public highway be and is hereby added to and made a part of the county trunk highway system of Ashland and Bayfield Counties, effective Tanuary 1, 1956, subject to the approval of the State Highzgay Commission as provided by Section 834025(1) of the Statutes: Beginning at Station 2+00 of F.A.S.Project S 0771(1) on County Trunk Highway ' ., West ,. . _ .._. .. "Dr! in Bayfield Gounty 1439.6 feet south and 925.6 feet/oT' the-N.E. corner -of Section 23, T..43 North, Range 6. West; thence ea)erly and southerly 7.555 miles in Bayfield County to the Ashland-Bayfield county line at Sta. 409+71.2 of F.A.S. Project S 0771 (1) 531.3 feet north of the east corner of Section 25, Township 43North, Range 5 West; thence continuing southerly and easterly 1.41 miles in Ashland County to a junction with State Trunk Highway #77 in the unincorporated Village of Clam Lake, Adoption recommended by: Ernest Moore T. R.-eaparois Paul Tribovich County Hwy. Com. ittee Bayfield County, Wisconsin Tloved by Trib'ovich and seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing resolution. Idotion carried'. The follotiring resolution was read: COUNTY AID BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION UNDER SECTION 81.38 OF THE STATUTES COUNTY OF BAYFIELD WHEREAS the various towns hereinafter named have filed petitions for county, aid in the construction of bridges under Section 81.3.8 of'the Statutes, said petitions are hereby granted, and the county's share is :appropriated as follows: Town Bridge Amount Raised Amt. of County BY Local Units Aid Granted Barksdale Wiekstrom it 1300.00 1300).00 Wickstrom #�`2 650.00 650.00 Cable Glover Eileen Orienta T onka Capps Greek west'Fork Cranberry Schneiders Carlsen #1 Bridge #Z Bridge 950.00 642.75 Z500.00 850.80 1997.88 2537.62. 2.591.87 Oliver Johnson 2477.50 Total Less unencumbered balance 950.00 642.75 2.500.00 850.80 1997.88 2537,62 2591.87 16,498:42 2 092.64 Tax Levy $ 14,405.78 November 16, 1955 The County Board does hereby levy a tax to meet said appropriation on all of the property in the County which is taxable for such purpose. ,Yarning: It is directed that provision for this levy shall be made'in the county budget, but that this levy shall not be duplicated. Resolution offered by: Ernest Kloore J. R. Desparois Paul Tribovich County Highway Committee I+Moved by Desparois and seconded by Beeksma to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes: ivlammoser, Barningham, Burlager, Buck, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Reimer, B. Johnson, Heglund, Desparois, Hoefling, Stuart, Pristash, Berveger, H. Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, C. 0. Nelson, Elonen, Lupa, E. Iohnson, Bonk, Tribovich, Taipale, Pajala, Moore, E. Nelson, LaPointe; Boehme, H.J.S. Hanson, Reiten, Malinoski, A. A. Anderson, Flick, Thompson, A. E. .Swanson, I:Iloe and Olsen. Total Ayes: 37, Nays: None. 1.11otion carried. Koved by.Pajala and seconded by Tribovich to adjourn until 1:30 P.M.. I%otion carried. Fleeting c-alled to order at 1:30 P.1:11. by Clarence L. Olsen, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Raymond Lviammoser, ar. C. Barningham, Stance Burlager, S. TqY. Buck, alalter Kliszcz, Onne Beeksma, Tr., Edward Reimer, Bernard E. Johnson, Ernest Heglund, J. R.. Desparois, Frank Hoefling, 'Tilliam Stuart, ., andrew Pristash, Joseph Berweger, Herman Hanson, J. 0. �Lnderson, C. 0. Nelson, Toivo Elonen., ,Toe Lupa, Evald Johnson, Clarence Bonk, Paul Tribovich, John E. Taipale, Edward Pajala, Ernest Ivloore,� Ernest Nelson,' Ernest LaPointe, John Boehme, H.J.S. Hanson, Halvor Reiten, George 11alinoski, Arthur A. Anderson, Elmer ;lick, H. J. Thompson, E. Swanson, Hemmer Mee and Clarence L. Olsen. Total: 36 The following opinion was read: v Olir ICEOF' DIuTRICT ATTODKEY Washburn, t`liseonsin October 26, 1955 Mir. Ludwig Tranmal 9 Clerk B:ayfield County ;Mashburn, 7isconsin Dear Its. Tranm_al: The Conservation Committee of the Bayfield County Board hat requested my opinion as to the authority of the county to appropriate funds for the purpose of changing the channel between two lakes in the Eau Claire Lakes region in the Town of Barnes., It appears that the existing channel between the two lakes which are on slightly different levels is filling up at the lower end, and it is proposed to change 379 November .16 . 1955 the channel in such a way that the water will run faster and carry its silt out into the -lower lake a greater distance, and thereby keep the channel open. I am unable to find any statute authorizing the county to undertake this type of work., On the other hand, I do .find that Section 81.05 gives the town board of a.tovnm in which a water -way is eituated the authority to adopt the same as a Public water -way and, thereupon, expend highway funds in the improvement of the naAd:gability thereof. It would appear to me that this legislative enactment states the legislative intent that -this type of matter should be within the jurisdiction of the town rather than of the county, especially since I am unable -to find any comparitable statute with respect to county board powers. The committee also asked advice concerning the authority of the county with respect to public access to lakes. There does not. appear to be anything in the statutes relating to this subject, but I believe it would be difficult for the county to undertake, a program of insuring public access to lakes within the county. It would seem to me that this again is a town matter, and that the towns have more authority in that regard than the county could possibly.have. I have in mind the fact that a town may . lay out a town highway to a lake, and while in some instances thismay involve the taking of private lands and making an award of damages, the procedure in doing that is much less complicated than it would be for the county tb attempt to lay out such highways on the county level. I am sending a copy of this letter to Mr. Man oser, Chairman.of the Town of Barnes, for his , information, .because of the fact that his torn is the one in which the water-zi,tay in Question is located, sand for the further reason that his town is Particularly interested in the matter of public access to lakes. Sincerely, Walter T. Norlin District Attorney Moved by Kammoser and seconded by Tribovich to receive and place on file. Motion carried. Koved by Mamrnoser and seconded by A. A. Anderson to refer the question of access to, or public landings on lakes or waterways through county owned lands to the Forestry Committee.. Motion carried. U Moved by Stuart and seconded by Barningham to reconsider the County Board action previously taken at this session on hospital rates for welfare cases. Motion carried. Moved by Tribovich'and seconded by Berweger to amend yesterdayts motion to read $8.00 per day for hospitalization of welfare cases, Amendment carried. Moved by Pajala and seconded by B. E. Johnson to, adopt the motion as amended, thereby setting the rate -at $8.00 per day. Motion carried as amended. Loved by Buck and seconded by A. E. Swanson to resolve the County Board into a Committee of the Whole for the purpose of conducting a hearing on the proposed 1956 budget. Carried. November .16, 1955 There were no appearances at the budget hearing. Moved by Pajala and seconded by Pristash to adjourn the board as a committee of the whole and to reconvene as a County Board. Motion carried. The following communication.was read:, Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Hayward, Wisconsin County Clerk 9 November 1955 Bayf field County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: would you kindly put on the agenda of the next County Board meeting a request that Bayfield County grant Scipio N. Wise and Anthony Wise a three rod roadway easement across the Northeast quarter of Section two, Township 43 N., Range 9 lVest. Vfe want to get a road in from Highway V through sections 9213 and 2 to connect up with property we have just acquired in Section 2 and 1 of said township and range. We will appreciate if you will notify us of the action of the board,. Very truly yours, ;Lnth ony Wise I:10ved by Buck and seconded by Kammoser to refer the foregoing communication to, the Forestry Committee. Motion carried., The following communication -was read: Honorable Chairman 3046 North 90th St. Mi.lw auke e 10, Wi s . November. 6, 1955 Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Honorable Chairman and Gentlemen: I am considering purchase of a section of land -in Bayfield County for timber growing, and in future years establishment of a permanent home. The land I am interested in is located in Barnes Township, County Forest Unit 5, Section 1. At present the only access to the property is off U. S. 633, then by township road to Ole Lake, and thereafter by a rough logging trail of about nine miles.. I have noted,upon examination of maps of the Bounty that there are several possibilities of more dependable admittance. One approach would be from State Highway 27 to the Barnes lookout, and then for a distance of approximately two miles to the property in question. The other alternative would be extension of a town road which terminates in Section 31, Drummond Totianship•, at a.tributary of the Ounce River. This would be for a distance of about one mile. The reason for my inquiry is to find out whether the county is contemplating con- struction of any additional town roads into'...Zounty Forest Unit # 53, for better fire protection and more dependable accessibility. If such a plan has-been formulated, I would appreciate hearing from you, what areas in the Unit it would encompass. If no November 16, 19'55 additional roads are planned in this area by the county, I would be grateful to have you furnish me with the names and addresses of the property owners adjacent to Section 1. Namely Sections 2, 3 and 4 to the west, and of Section 36 to the north, all being located in Barnes township. I would like 'to have these names and addresses., for possible construction of a private road into the area. If there is a charge for this service, kindly advise and I Will send remittance for same. Any additional information bearing on this matter that you could furnish me izth would be gratefully appreciated. For your convenience I am enclosing a self-addressed stamped envelope. I am Very respectfully, Gordon E. De Bruin Moved by.1,61ammoser and seconded by Pajala to refer the foregbing communication to the Forestry Committee. Motion carried. The f ollowing resolution was read: tiUashburn, ffisconsin November lq, 1955 Bayf'ield (Rounty Board of Supervisors i++fashburn, a .is.consin Gentlemen Your Forestry Committee has considered the request of the Town of Bell to acquire lot 4 in Section 33., Township 51 North_, Range 6 West, in the Torn of Bell, now County Tax Title Land; the consideration for same being that the Town of Bell would pay up all the delinquent taxes plus interest, up to date. This description has a town road through it Which is now a public access to the lake. If this land is sold to a Private individual it could block off public access to the ,lake. We therefore offer the following resolution: RESOLUTION IAMEREAS,� Lot 4 in Section 33, Toiniship 51 North) Range 6 West in the Town of Bell, is now County Tax Title lands; and 6°IHEREAS, It would be to the interest of the public that this land remain County Land and not be sold; and THEREAS, Bayfield County has a County Park System; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That Lot 4 in Section 332 Township 51 north, Range 6 west be entered under the CoUrity Park System. BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COIMAITTEE Edward Pa jala S. W. Buck ITT. G. Barningham Andrew J. Pristash 17. Ao Stuart Clarence L. Olsen Moved by -Buck and seconded by Pristash to adopt the.Foregoing resolutio n. Motion carried. 8 November 16, 1955 The following communication -was read: 96 So. Wabaaha St. St. Patel. 1, Minn.:_ November 14, 1955 Clerk of the Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: We are owners of long standing of several un-named lakes in Bayfield County. We would like -to request that the board consider the following names for these lakes: Large Lake in NE NE and SE NE of 6-46-7: Lake Magdalene (after my mother) Small Lake in NE NE of 6-46-7: Lake Ton Lake in NIT NW and NE` NW of 19-47-7: Christy's Lake Lake in Said NW anal MY SW of 7-47-7: Lake Weschcke (after my grandfather, Charles Weschcke) 2 small lakes in NE NE 33-47-.7: the northern one: Lake Dolores (after my sisters) the southern one: Lake Carlola Small Lake in SW NVI of 35-47-7: Lake Toyce Small Lake in SW SW of 31-47-7: Neitats Lake Lake,.in NW.x of Sec...'2:5-47-Be Lake' Ernest Lake in SV MY of 25-47-8: Lake Carl Lake connected to Basswood Lake - SE NE of 14-46-8; Lake Harriet ti1e would greatly appreciate your action on these lakes. Sincerely, Carl L. Neschoke 1.1oved by Buck and seconded by' Boehme to table the foregoing request. Motion carried. The following communications were read: Sept. 7; 1955 rs. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk ,Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Lud: Re: NE,i Sec. 21-51-4 The prospective purchaser of the above property is Hans.P. Christiansen formerly of Ashland and now of Ttiiami, Florida. I believe he is well known over in Bayfield County. Very truly yours, Robert N. Ledin August 31, 1955 County Clerk November 16, 1955 Washburn, Jis-cons.in .Dear Sir: Re: NE, Sec. 21-51-4 We would appreciate having you refer our request to purchase the above land and: minerals to, the County Board for consideration. Very truly yours,, Robert N. Leinn Moved by Tribovi ch and seconded by k. A. laiderson to receive the foregoing comaunications and place on file. Lotion carried. The following petition and resolution were read: October 19, 1955 Forestry Comriii.ttee and County Board of Bayfield County Washburn,disconsin Gentlemen You are presently considering the granting of an easement to our Company which affects County owned lands which are crossed by the electric transmission line which extends from the City of Bayfield to Orienta Falls and which was owned by Northern Wisconsin Power Company before its acquisition by our Company. In this connection, representatives of,our Company have met with your Co.mraittee and have had other discussions with 1V1r. Tranmal and 1 r. Leino. Thia letter is written for the purpose of confirming the following agreement on the part of our Company. In .the event that the proposed ",easement is granted it will be necessary to out some forest products which are now growing on land which will constitute part of the right of way for our lines. At the present time it is not known just how many cords of pulp or other merchantable forest products will be involved and Ta%ir. Leino has said that it will not be possible to estimate this quantity prior to the November meeting of the County ward. in order to reimburse the County for the value of the merchantable pulp or other timber which may be out we agree to pay to the County, in addition to the amount required to be paid in accordance with the terms of the easement, the value of the forest products which are cut priced according to the Bayfield County stumpage price schedules which are effective at the time of cutting with respect to the'sale of forest products on County lands generally. If it is possible for your County Forester to estimate the quantity of merchantable pulp or other timber prior to the time that it is cut then our Company will make payment to Bayfield County, on the basis of an agreed,, upon estimate, prior to the time of any cutting on the particular description in question. Reference to this additional payment is not made in the proposed easement it- self because the amount of the additional payr¢ent cannot be determined at this time. Yours very truly, LAK-E SUPERIOR DISTRICT P011ER CO. tip• G. Lindstrom, Engineer November 16, 1955 Washburn, 'Wisconsin October 20, 1955 To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: Re: The attached revised resolution and letter from the Lake Superior District Power Co. concerning their right-of-way easements. Gentlemen: As directed by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors,at your meeting on July 192 1955, your Forestry Committee has taken this matter under consideration and recommends that this easement be granted with the following conditions, to which the Lake Superior District Power Company has agreed: That, in addition to the lump sum .of $428.00, they will pay for any merchantable stumpage that is cut on the proposed right-of-way, the value of which will be determined according to the Bayfield County Forestry Departments price schedule. BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COI+FEETTEE Edward Pai ala Andreiu J. Pristash ti'filliam Stuart Clarence L. Olsen John W. Howell Loved by Pristash and seconded by Stuart to grant easement to Lake Superior District Power Company as recommended by the Forestry Committee. I{llotion carried. Moved by Pa jala...and seconded by Tri bovich to receive and place on file the annual report of the County Forest Administrator. I TZotion carried. The following report y.ras• -read: Washburn, Wisconsin October 20, 1955. Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: The Bayfield County Forestry Committee plans on.the following activities and Forestry Fund expenditures covering the period from January"l, 1956 to January 1, 19576 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS: 142000.00 -Estimated cash b-alance Jan. 11 1956 1956 Allotment from State ( estimate) 16, 000,.0.0 Rental of Equipment (estimate) 13500.00 15 f of money from FCL timber sales from Jan. 11 1955 to Jan. 1, 1956 (estimate) 3,750.00 ESTIrJjATED ExPENDITURES Plant 340 acres of trees by machine in Towns of Barnes Hughes 4,.760.00 Build 4 miles of new fire breaks 160.00 Work over 38 miles of old fire breaks 380.00 Land purchases 600.00 Timber atand improvement (release spraying 35,250.00 a ------------ ---- ---- - -- --- ----- -- - - -- - -- - - --- --- - November 16,, 1955 in planting - 120 acres.) 720.00 Timber•stand improvement (release of Jack Pine 50 acres) 900.00 Administrator's Salary 4,000.00 Administrator's Expenses 12100.00 40 % of Cruisers ,Salary 12320.00 40% of Cruisers Expenses 400.00 Forestry Committee 500.00 Clerical Work 900.00 Office Supplies 100.00 Compensation Insurance 350.00 Kaintenance &.Repair of Equipment 1,500.00 Materials & Supplies 100.00 Depreciation of Equipment - Reserve for replacement of equipment 1,200.00 Miscellaneous Expenses 80.00 Estimated Cash on Hand, January 1, 1957 ---- 192070.00 162180.00 The Estimated cash on hand Jan. 1, 1956 includes 0,1,300.00 reserve for replacement of equipment; $2,000.00 held in reserve in case of fire or insect infestation; balance for normal expenditures through April 30, 1956 when the revenue from the State is received. Edward Pajala William A. Stuart Sighed, BAYFIELU COUNTY FORESTRY COL11ITTEE Andrew Pristash John IV. Howell Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Pajala to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following petition was read: Cable, Wisconsin November 10, 1955 The Honorable County Board of Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: I'am interested in purchasing tax certificates on a parcel in the NE SV described in Vol. 88, page 90 less parcel described in Vol. 155, page 7 in Section 18-43-7. This land belonged to R. A. Gallup (my husband) jointly with myself. In the settlement of the estate about five years ago, tttorney Spears advised me to let the taxes go delinquent and buy them back in order to get title to the land in my name, this being the best way to get title as it involved such a small. parcel of land. .I had written Attorney Spears October 14-, 1955 for advice on how to proceed in this matter but have not received a reply. Would you kindly advise me how to obtain the title. November 16, 1955 Thanking you, Your6 truly, Mrs. R. A. Gallup Cable, Wisconsin Koved by Berweger and seconded by J. 0 Anderson to -grant the foregoing petition. Notion carried. The follo-ming resolution was s read: ,KlEREAS, Bayfield County contains within its borders a tax-exempt Indian Reserva- t . ion namely, the Red Cliff Reservation, and whereas the county has incurred extra expense in law enforcement arising by reason of federal legislation removing governmental controls over- Indiars and appears to be .eligible for the assistance provided for in Chapter 556 of the Laws of 1955; Now therefore: BE IT RESOLVED, By the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County -in annual session assembled this 16th day of November,, 1955, that application be and is hereby made to the State of Wisconsin for assistance under Chapter 556, Laws of 1955, for law enforce - me rit and FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be certified by the County Clerk to the Attorney General of Wisconsin with a request for certification of such application as is required under said Chapter apter 556, Laws of 1955. Joe 1,u pa Moved by Lupa and seconded by Wick to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried, The following resolution Was read: RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, at a meeting held this 16th day of November, 1955, that the annual compensation of the various county officers be adjusted from the figures listed in the left hand column below to the figure. in the right hand column, effective Tanuary 1, 1956. Officer Present Proposed Fees Salary Salary County Clerk 4420.00 4420.00 14,1-7v Conservation fees County Treasurer 3920.00 4200.00 Certified copies of tax aA, 035-"3 su -atem6nts and bank state- at- 4 POO" ment foes Sheriff 3420.00 3600,00 Civil "fees,'-houpe,, rent, - light, water 8c fuel Undersheriff 2980.00 3300.00 Traffic Officer 3000.00 3300.00 Communication' System Operator (part time) 420.00 420.00 Janitor 2720.00 2 84:01. 0 0 Jailer 8620.00 *2740.00 November 16, 1955 N Officer Present Salary Register of - Deeds 3220.00 County Tudge &.Tuvenile Judge 4800..00 Mufticii-)aL Judge' Iron River., Wis. .1080.00 Clerk of Circuit Court 2920.00 District Attorney 312,0.00 County Forester 362-0.00 County Forester Assistant 3000.00 Co Agricultural Agent 4900-000 County Agricultural Fair Secretary 250,00 Co -Agricultural Assistant 4500.00 Co. Home Agent 3800.00 Co. Superintendent-. of Schools 4600.00 Supervising Teacher 4700.00 Welfare Director 4:320.00 Case Worker 3360.00 Case Worker 3360.00 Case Worker 3000,00 Co', Service Of f icer a8aO 0 0 Hi ghway Commissioner 4:320.00 Co. Nurse. 3600.00 Co:Board Chair- man 900.00 Proposed K, Salary 41 r Fee s 3360.00 No f6es,''right to do private'ab- stracting and retain all fees ,Yherefrom. 5000,00 $900.00 charged to Juvenile C our t 1080.00 Civil Fees 3120.00 Passport Fees 3240000 5" 4) Right 'to handle" private- practice and retain all fees therefrom 3900.00 1/ 3300.00 4:900.00 county P6 np.500.00, State & Federal pays $2400.00. 250.00 4500.00 All of salary paid by State 4:000 000- State &. Federal Pays' $2700.00 County will pay $1300.00 4800.00 $8.'0'0 per day for county school committee work 4:320.00, 3360.00' 3360.00� 3000. 00 2940.00 4600.00 38000'00 1000.00 $ 470 '00 er month -for 1st 4-1 months, ­ 2 - - �'L, J4-85.00'per month for 5.1 months. 'Salary to *conform ' 2 to'State 'SApt. of Public Instruc- tion schedule Case Workers— graduated scale until maximum of.$3360.00 is reached Travel and out of pocket expenses as authorized by the County Board are in addition to the above salaries. Presented by: Toivo Elonen Tohn 0. Anderson Onne Beeksma Frank Hoefling Personnel Committee Moved by Elonen and seconded by 1. 0. Anderson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Moved by Stuart and seconded'by Herman Hanson to eliminate all the elective; Officersfrom the foregoing resolution. Motion lost. —__Novemb-er___1.6,_: 19-55-- — — --- Moved by Lupa and seconded by Wick to amend the resolution changing the District Attorney's Salary to $3,440..00. Motion to amend carried. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Pajala to, amend the resolution setting the salary of the County Fareste.r at $4,000.00. Amendment carried. Moved by Pajala and seconded by Stuart to amend the resolution and set the salary of the County Agent at $5,000.00.. Amendment carried. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Boehme to adopt -the foregoing resolution cover- ing salaries, as amended. ,oved by Tribovich and seconded by LaPointe to refer the matter of operatio of the addre sograph system to the personnel committee, with instructions that. ey contact the C my Treasurer and report back. Lotion carried: The following solution was read: RESOLVED, that the comp sation of 14embers of the C my Board, excepting the Chairman, for attendance at Coun B.oard.Sessions a Gommittee meetings, shall be 10.00 per day plus mileage at the ra of 7¢ per mile, effective November 15, 19550' Cla ee L. Olsen Paul Tr' vich W. A. Stuart. Zae seconded by Tribovich to adopt the f oregoi resolution. nd seconded to adjourn until 10 A: M. November,17,.1955. 0 -November_ 15_,__1955___-- Hoved by Tribovich and seconded by LaPointe that the Personnel Committee contact the County Treasurer with regard to the operation of the addressograph system before action is taken on the salary of the County Treasurer. Motion carried. The Chair then submitted the motion by JAL'ammoser with reference to adopting the salary schedule as amended for a vot,e. notion carried., The following resolution was read: RESOLVED, that the compensation of Idembers of the County Board, excepting the Chairman, for attendance at County Board Sessions and Committee meetings, shall b.e'�10.00 per day plus mileage at the rate of 7V per mile, effective November 15, 1955. Clarence L. Olsen Paul Tribovich nIff. A. Stuart Idoved by Buck and seconded by Tribovich to adopt the foregoing; resolution. Doti on carried. Motion was made and seconded to adjourn until 10 A. 11. 17, 1955. Itiotion carried. 39f1 November 17, 1955 Meeting called to order at 10 A. K. by Clarence.L. Olsen, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Raymond-Mammoser, W. 0. Barningham, Stance Burlager, S. W..Buck, Walter Kliszcz, Onne Beeksma, Edward Reimer, Bernard E. Johnson, Ernest Heglund, J. R. Desparois, Fr.azik Hoofling, ,Tos-Oph Bertfdeger, Herman Hanson, T, 0. Anderson, C. 0. Nelson, Toivo.Elonen, Joe Lupa, Clarence Bonk,,Paul Tribovich, John._Taipale, Edward_Pajala, Ernest Moore, Ernest Nelson, H. J. S. Hanson., Halvor Reiten, George Malin.oski, Elmer Wick, H. J. Thompson, A. E. Swarison, Helmer Mo'e and Clarence L. Olsen. `x''otal: 31 The following communication was read: Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk ~Mashburn, Wisconsin, Dear Sir: You are hereby.officially-notified that Hiram Hanson has Kneen duly appointed by Mayor H.J. Wachsmuth to serve on the..County Board in lieu of the absence of Ernest LaPointe, Alderman Supervisor of the first ward; City of Bayfield. Approved H. J. Wachsmuth, Mayor Dated- Nov. 17, 1955 Attest Percy Weaver, City Clerk Moved by Pajala and seconded by Desparois to seat Hiram Hanson representing the first ward of the city of Bayfield. Motion carried. The following communication was read: Mr. Ludwig -Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Washburn:, Wisconsin Dear Sir: You are hereby officially_ notified that Percy Weaver has-been duly appointed by Mayor H. J. Vachsmuth to serve on the County_Boardin lieu of the absence of John Boehme, Alderman Supervisor of the Third ward, City of Bayfield. Approved H. J. Wachsmuth, Mayor Dated- Nov. 17, 1955 City Clerk Attest Percy Weaver, Moved by A. E. Swanson and seconded by Iffick to seat Percy Weaver representing the third ward of the City of Bayfield. 11otion carried. The following resolution was read: SALARY OF COUNTY HIG1W, AY COT, 1ATIS SI ONER BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, assembled in November 17, ,1955 annual session this. 17th day of November, 1955, that the salary of the County Highway Commissioner.be and is hereby set at $4600.00 annually for the ensuing term of office BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing salary be paid from the State Aid Highway funds available to this county, as provided by Section 85.01(6) of the Statutes. Adoption recommended by Ernest Moore T. R. Desparois Pattl Tribovich Gounty Highway Committee 11oved by Beeksma and seconded by Nick to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following communication was read: Route 2 Ashland, Wisconsin November 15, 1955 Bayf iela County Board of Supervisors Washburn, %lisoon sin Gentlemen: In'behalf of the Homemaker Clubs, the wish to express our appreciation for your continued interest in our work. uVe are grateful that an efficient home agent is employed by the County to expand and give guidance to this very oiorthwhile program. Sincerely yours, Mrs. Frank Feldt, Secretary Bayfield County Homemakers E�xecutive Committee Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Desparois to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: Iron River, Wisconsin November 9, 1955 Bayfield County Supervisory Board, Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: We; of the Bayfield County 4-H Leaders Council, tigrish to convey our appreciation to the Bayfield County.Board Members for your co-operation and encouragement given to the welfare,and furtherance of the 4-H club movement in our county. Our sincere. gratitude. and appreciation, also, to the entire office personnel of the Agricultural November 17, -1955 Extension Service Office for their valuable guidance and leadership in this project. Sincerely yours, BAYFI ELT) C OTJNTY 4-H LEADERS COUNCIL By Ed Pudas, President Moved by Buck and seconded by A. E. Swanson to receive and place on file the foregoing communication. IVTOtion carried.. The following resolution was read: RESOLVED that the graduated scale of compensation for county clerical employees shall be adjusted as follows- effective January 1,.1956. Minimum wage per month first six month period 165.00 Minimum wage per month second six month period 175.00 Minimum.rage per month third six month.period 185.00 Minimum wage per month f ourth.six month period 195.00 Minimum wage per month after two years 205.00' I,dnimura wage per month after three years 210.00 Minimum wage per month after four years, 215.00 Minimum wage per month after five years 220.00 Minimum wage per month after six years 225.00 The foregoing schedule shall not apply to the Welfare Department, which employees shall continue to come under the State Schedule adopted by the Board in April 1955. Exceptions to the- above are the presently employed Deputy County Treasurer and the presently employed chief clerk. in the Highway Department Office, and the steno- grapher in the office of the District Attorney, who is a part-time county employee. Their compensation shall,be as follows: Office Present Proposed Deputy County Treasurer 2865.'00 3060.00 Chief Clerk Highway Dept. 3060.00 3060400 D. A. Stenographer 1200.00 1440.00 Application of the foregoing schedule is as, follows for specific offices: Office Deputy Cow.ity Clerk Stenographer County Clerk Stenographer County Clerk Deputy Register of Deeds. Register of Deeds Clerk Register of Probate County Agent Steno. County Superintendent Stenog. Welfare Department Bookkeeper Wel= are Dept. Stenographer tTesenti rl'U1J U.7 CU 2460.00 2700.00 2280.00 2280.00 1920.00 1980.00 2460.00 2700.00 1920.00 1980.00 2460.-00 2700.00 2460.00 2700.00 2460.00 2580.00 2820.00 28aO.00 a 2520.00 2520.00 398 November 17,_1955 t Office Present Proposed Welfare Dept. Stenographer 2340600 2.340.00 Highway Dept. Stenographer 2.460.00 2640.00 County Nurse.Stenog. &.erv. Officer 2460,00 2700.00 In.applying the graduated scale, the office.in charge.of each Department shall have authority to determine what credit will be given to a new employee for previous experience. Presented by:. Toivo Elonen John '0. Anderson Onne Beeksma frank Hoeflin ja Personnel -Committee Moved by-Elonen and seconded by J. 0. Anderson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion oarried. Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Wick to reconsider action on the petition by Mr. 'eschcke to name lakes. Motion carried. 1doved- by Herman Hanson and seconded by Reimer to grant the petition of !@?. tleschcke naming lakes. Motion carried. Moved by Elonen and seconded by J. 0. Anderson to set the salary of the County Treasurer at $4200.00 and that the supervision of the addressograph system remain under the County Clerk. Roll call was by ballot and was as follows: Yes - 15 No - 18 33 Total Motion lost Moved by Lupa and seconded by Tribovich to set the salary of the County Treasurer at $4,000.00 per year and to leave the addressograph system under the supervision of .the County Clerk* Motion carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLVED BY the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, in annual session assembled, on this 17th day of November, 1955, that the retirement age for County employees, excepting only elective officials, be and the same is hereby set at age sixty-five; and that all employees be required to retire upon reaching that age and upon becoming eligible.for social security. This resolution to take effect January 1, 1956. Toivo Elonen Frank Hoefling Onne Beeksma, Jr. Clarence L. Olsen John 0. Anderson 39s November l? , 1955 Moved by Elonen and seconded by Barningham to adopt the foregoing resolution. Tnioved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Moore to table the foregoing resolution. Roll call was- as f ollows: Ayes: ,h ammoser, Barningham, Burlager, Kliszcz, Reimer, Heglund, Desparois, Berweger, Herman Hanson, C. 0. Nelson, Lupa, Bonk, Tribo.vich, Hoore, Ernest Nelson, Hiram A. Hanson; Weaver, H.J.S. Hanson, Reiten, Malinoski, V ck, Thompson, & Moe. Total _-eyes: 23 Nays.: Buck, B.eeksma, B. Johnson, Hoefling, J. 0. Anderson,,Elonen, Taipale, Pajala, A. E. Swanson & Olsen. Total Nays: 10 _ I+.riot ion to table carried. Itir. Pristash and I!Ir. Stuart arrived at this time. lJoved by J. Q. Anderson and seconded by Barningham to�,r.efer the matter of compulsory retirement at age 65 to the personnel committee for fu :. Cher' study and that they report back to the County Board. Iiiotion carried. 0 The. follotivring resolution was read: WHEREAS there is a possibility that the new zoning.map may not be printed and paid for this year, therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the appropriation of �350.00,for this purpose be carried over and made available for this purpose in the event it is not completed this year. Clarence L. Olsen P.loved by Pristash and seconded by Beeksma to adopt the foregoing resolution. Carried. The following resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Building & Grounds Committee be authorized and directed to have a new -tile floor laid in the main lobby of the Court Hous-e, on the stair landing and on the upper floor to replace the present cement tile which is obsolete and is a hazard in its present state. It is also hard to keep clean... BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a sum sufficient be appropriated for this purpose. Helmer Moe Art A. Anderson - A.' 'E .Swans on Building & Grounds. Commrittee Moved by MLoe and seconded by Reimer to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried unanimously. The following resolution was read: IM, November 17, 1955 WHEREAS the budget is made up about fourteen and one half months in advance of the closing date of accounts and therefore it is impossible to estimate one hundred per cent correctly, and WHEREAS, it now appears that there will be a small over run in a few of the budget items for 1955, and therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED. that the County Clerk and County Treasurer, be and they are hereby authorized to pay out such amounts up to December 31, 1955, to. cover budget deficiencies and payments to accounts of the Departments affected. Halvor Reiten Moved by Desparois and seconded by Pristash to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried unanimously. The following resolution was read: WHEREAS in 1951 a resolution was passed allowing those employees of the court house using their personal cars for business seven cents a mile for the use of such car, and' ITHEREAS_ since that time the average cost of cars has increased 28 per cent, the average cost of ear insurance has increased 22 per cent, the average cost of gasoline -has increased 14 per cent; and the average cost of tires has increased 36 per cent, or an average increase for these four items of 25 plus per cent, and WHEREAS, in view of these facts it is evident that the seven cents per mile does not in any way meet the expense of running a car and the expense of using the car must be met by the person owning the car, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield.County Board of Supervisors in annual session this 17th day of November, 1955 that those individuals using their personal car for county business be reimbursed the sum of nine cents a mile for each mile traveled on county business, this increase to be effective November 1, 1955. .DATED: This 15th. day of .November, 1955.. IT.. C. •Barningham Clarence L. Olsen S . W. .Buck This resolution is supported by a petition signed by those county employees using their personal cars for county business. To the Honorable L embers . of the Bay -field County Board of Supervisors: A resolution has been presented to the County Board sttlting the increased cost of cars, tires, gasoline, and so forth, and asking for an increase from seven cents to nine cents a mile to be paid to those persons using their personal cars on county business. In .support ofthis resolution, we, the following county employees whose personal cars are used for county business, are petitioning the County Board in behalf of the resolution. 396 November 171 1955 H. B. Randall, Jr. George E. Leino Raymond Anderson Harry Lovie E. H. Wedin Ruth Olson Shirley IV+Ioe Charles E. Brovme Robert H. Wangen John W. Hoz1tell Edith Wooland Ruth Kelly Moved by Buck and seconded by Tribovich to table the foregoing resolution. Ialotion carried. The following recommended budget was read: TO THE HONORABLE IdElBERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, BA)FIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN The budget for the office of the Superintendent of Schools for the year 1956, as recommended by the Committee on Education in annual session, is as f ollows: Salary, Superintendent of Schools 't Clerk :Ttravel Expense Telephone Standardized Test Program Office Liaintenance Outlay County School Committee 5,000.00 2 460.00 900.00 150.00 350.00 400.00 9,260.00 100.00 Evald Johnson John Boehme Ernest Heglund C OI Y11ITTEE ON EDUCATION BAYR,IELD COUNTY, WISC ON SIN 200.00 Ivioved by Herman Hanson and seconded by C : 0. Nelson to receive the foregoing proposed budget and place on file. Iaotion carried. 1Ioved by Tribovich and seconded by Stuart to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P.Tvl. by Chairman, Clarence L. Olsen. The following members ans,,.ered roll call: Raymond Marm-aoser, W. C. Barningham, Stance Burlager, S. W. Buck, halter Kliszcz, Onne Beeksma, Jr., Edward Reimer, Bernard E. Johnson, Ernest Heglund, J. R. Desparois, Frank Hoefling, lVilliam Stuart, Andrew Pristash, Joseph Berweger, Herman Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, C. 0. Nelson, Toivo Elonen, Joe Lupa, Clarence Bonk, Paul Tribovich, John Taipale, Edward Pajala, Ernest Moore, Ernest Nelson, H. A. Hanson, Percy Weaver, H. J. S. Hanson, Halvor Reiten, George Mialinoski, Elmer ,Flick, H.J. Thompson, A. E. Swanson and Clarence L. Olsen. Total: 34 November 17, 1955 The following Report and Recommendation was received Mashburn, 17is . Nov. 9, 1955 To the Hon. County Board, Bayfield County, 11fis: Gentle men:- iAfe the undersigned Committee on Illegal taxes, beg leave to report, that time have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the. County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same, and that the amounts be charged back to the respective taxing districts, as des- ignated. Name of Claimant Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. ILLEGAL TAXES AND TAX CERTIFICATES CMkRGEb BACK IN 1955 Town of Barnes Year Allowed Del. Tax Description and Reason of Cert. race of Charge back of Illegality Sale No. Cert. to District SE BE - Sec. 12-44-9 Illegal tax, Gov't. land at time of assessment. 1954 113 3.80 Do. 1955 4.31 To7m of Bayfield Bayfield Co. BE SW less State Reserve, Sec. 21-50-4. Paid to Town Treasurer Feb. 22 1954, rec.#144 1954 Bayfield Co.' Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co. Bayfield Co, Lot 31 - Sand Island Plat Sec.. 13 & 24-5a-5. Co. Tax Deed taken Feb. 15,-1950 310 $ 15.00 , 1954 373 Town of Bayvie_w Part of Lot 2 desc. in Vol. 134 p. 242 Sec. 4-49-4. Double Assessment Do. Do. IM BE - Sec. 17-49-5 r Paid to Town Treas. Ian. 31, 1954 - Rec• #118 15.00 ,p� _Is 8.00 p 23.00 -S 1952 476 3.03 3.03- -S 19 53 423 3.43 3.43 _5 1954: 425 3.41 3.41a' ,5 1954 498111 • 9.32 9.324- 399 11ovember 17, 1955 ILLEGAL TYLKES .AND TAX CERTIF IGATES CHARGED BACK IN 1955 Tm,m of >Bell Description and Reason Year of Illegality of Name of Cla ,lant Sale Bayfield Co. S-7Y NE - N. of Hwy. 13 as desc, in Vol. 1442 page 32Z of Sec. 6-50-6. lyrong Vol. and page. 1950 To -vim of Drond Bayfield Co. Part of S of Lot 6 as desc. in Vol. 107 p. 247 (1.02 A. ) of Sec. 33-44-7,. Wrong Vol. & page. Should be page 246. 1950 Bayfield Co. Do, 1951 Town of HLILhes Bayfield Co. NtiV NE less 12 Beres R.R. Sec. 18-47-9 County Property 1March 3; 1951 Bayfield Co. NE NE Sec. 27-47-9. Cou�ty Tax Deed �— Jan . 11, 1951 Bayfield Co. NIT NE Sec. 27-47-9. County Tax Deed Jan. 11, 1951 Allo,.red Del. Tax Cert. ,Face - of Charge back No. Cert. to District 582 5 1.30 1.30 a ,s 1061 4'p 3.06 3.06, ,s 1028 .80 .80-- 3.86 1954 1071 �qp, 21.00 21.00,0-, s 1954 1954 ,5 1084 17.50 17.50- 1085 17.50 -5 17.50 56.00 Town of Ir on River Bayfield Co. SE Nw Sec. 11-47-8 County I+ . C. L. since Nov. 14, 1947 1953 11.02 . 815 5 � Bayf ield Co. Tract 8 & 9 in Gov*t . Lot 2 in Sec. 28-47-8. Should be Tract 9 & 10 1951 1308 8.77 8.77 d� 16 :92 November 17, 1955 ILLEGAL TAXES AND T11I-- CERT i I'ICriIES CILkRGED B kTL IN 1955 Town of Keystone Allowed Del'. Tax Name of Description and Year of Cert. Face of Charge back Claimant Reason of Illegality Sale No. Cert, to District desc Bayfield Co. 'SE SE less EI,.---%in Vol. 151, p. 341 Sec. 3Z"4-7-7. Gov't. land since 1932 1950 1533 3.12 Bayfield Co. Do. 1951 -1533 1.46 Bayfield Co. Do.- 1952 1420 1.12 Bayfield Co. Do. 1953 1392 1.33 Bayfield Co. Do. 1954 1391, 1.32 Tow of Oulu Bayfield Co. 2 parcels in NE NW desc. in Vol. 137 P. 138, Vol. 139 p. 278 Sec. 8-48-9 . Wrong Volume & page. 1950 1984 $ 10.94� Town of Port Ming Bayfield Co. Part of NE S 11 - t'+T, of Hwy, 13 desc; in Vol. 150 p® 422 less parcel desc. in Vol. 150 p. 506 of Sec. 28-50-8. Double Lssessment. 1950 Town of Russell Bayfield Co. N. 441 ft. of NE MY desc. in Vol. 144-p. 366 of Section 31-51�3 Aron Vol & 208.9 $'38.15 g page. Should be Vol. 114. 19,50 2310 p 3.83 Bayfield Co. Do. 1951 2371 3.56 Bayfield Co. Do. 1952 22.42 3.63 Bayfield Co. Do, 1954 2272. 4.20 5 3 v 12 ,5 1.46 1.12ILI- 5 1.33 -,-15 ,s 1. 3.2 8.35 10.94 �i,5 38.15 f1 -5 3.83 3.56 /q-'S 3.83-s 4.20 A-5 15.42 November 17, 1955 ILLEGAL TAXES AND TAX CERTIFICATES CHARGED BACK IN 1955 Town of �,,ffashburn Year Allowed Del. Tax Name of Claimant Description and Reason of Cert. Face.' of Charge back of illegality Sale No. Cert, to District Bayfield Co. N2 SE NE See. 32-49-6. Gov't. land since Oct. 31, 1949. 1954 2431 2.09 20"09 City of Bayfield 'Bayfield Co. Building located on Lot 1, Block 89, City of Bayfield. Should be assessed as per- sonal property. - 1950 2663 $40.00 40.00 Bayfield Co. Do, 1951 2756 29.25 29.25 69.25 City of Washburn Bayfield Co. Lots 1 to 19 incl. Block 935% Original Towns ite of Washburn. Rec. #655 dated Feb. 3, 1949 issu- -ed. by City Treas. shows Lot 1 to 16 incl. Block 93 paid in full. 1949 2633 $81.70 81.70 Bayfield Co. SW NW, SE N.17 lying NE of County Trunk C. Sec.. 31-49-4. Illegal des- _5 cription. 1950 2954 1.23 1.23 a' Bayfield Co. Do. 1951 3062- . 1.19 1.19 a%5 �� Bayfield Co. Do. 1952 2967 1.24 1.24 Bayfield Co. Do. 1953 3014 1.25 1".25. 86.61 Signed, John R. Boehme Walter Kliszcz Ernest Nelson lVioved by Tribovich and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to adopt the foregoing report and recommendation* Motion Carried.. 0 40 November 17, 1955 __ .0 The folloring petition was read Mauston, Wisconsin September 2, 1955 County Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: We are writing you on behalf of 1r. and Krs. Everett Beimel of this city. IiIr. Evere Beimel is a brother of Harold Beimel, now deceased and desires to purchase the delinquent tax certificate on the property of Harold Beimel, consisting of a part of Lot 1, Section 19, Township 44 Range 5 and being the ;'lest 150 feet of the East 600 feet of. Lot l..as des - Bribed in Volume 160 of Deeds on page 191 in the office of the Register of Deeds. This lake property was originally owned by John Beimel, the father of Everett Beirlel and Harold Beimel, deceased. Upon the death of John Beimel this lake property was divid- ed among his children, as they all wanted to keep it in the family. Harold Beimel died very suddenly and his widow desires Is. and ILrs. Everett Beimel to become the owners of the above property. However, 1:1irs. Beimel has sorae minor children and she does not feel that she can afford the expense of probating the estate of Harold Beimel in order to be a position to sell this property to Everett Beimel. The above property also is next to tr_e lake property now owned by li1r. and gZrs. Everett Beimel and for that reason and for -the further reason_ that the widow of Harold Beimel grants the property to stay in the Beim family and .would convey it to them if she were legally able to do so, are the reasons why ItIr. and Mrs. Everett Beimel desire to purchase the delinquent tax certificate on this property, which will be sold on the third Tuesday in October. ;'le trust that Bayfield County will authorize the sale of this tax certificate for th delinquent taxes for the year 1954 to bIr. and Mrs. Beimel. Recommended Nov. 9 - 1955 by: John R. Boehme Walter Kliszcz Ernest Nelson Very truly yours, CURRAN' & CURRAN By: Charles P. Curran Moved by J. 0. Anderson and seconded by Buck to grant the foregoing petition providing the owner of the land furnishes a statement in writing 'that she consents. Motion Carried. The f ollo-�ring petition was read: PETITION July 6 1955 To the Honorable, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: SIRS - The undersigned purchased the Southeast one -quarter (SEt) of the Southeast one - quarter (SEI_) of Section twelve (12), Township forty-four (44) North, Range nine (9) West, Bayfield. County, �lisconsin, from. Bayfield County on November 27, 1934, for the sum of $80. ; the quit claim deed therefor having been recorded on June 21, 19353, in Volume 125 of Deeds at Page 382 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Bayfield County. November 17 .e 1955 The., ree ords in` the offi ce of. the Register of Deeds for said County of Bayfi e1d show and establish. that a Federal Patent had not been issued on said meal estate at tYp time of sale and that the Federal Government was the owner of said real estate at the time of said conveyance; the County of Bayfield having had noyright or authority to convey and having no title interest therein. That in addition to the purchase price thereof., your petitioner paid as and for taxes for said property the sum of 047.80 from the time of conveyance thereof through the taxable year of 1953, although the same were not taxable lands, Therefore, petitioner respectfully requests reimbursement in the sum of 127.80, the sa=ze -being the amount received by Bayfield'County as and for taxes and the purchase price Loren A.: Smith Loren A. Smith Moved by Pristash and seconded by S. 0. Anderson to grant "the foregoing petition as recommended by the District Attorney and that the refund check be issued to Loren A. Smith and Howard Ihrig. Moved by Pajala and seconded by Reiten to amend the original motion to read that the amoi-mt of the tax only be charged back to the Toisn of Barnes. Totion to amend is carried. The motion as amended was carried: The following Petition was read: NEKOOSA - EDVL=S PAI-ER C OT,4PANY Port Edwards, Wisconsin October 3, 1955 ' The Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County County Courthouse Washbuarn, Wisconsin Attention!' ` ,1r. Lu&�7ig Tranmal Subject: SE SE 12, 441 9 Nest Gentlemen: Bayfield County, Wisconsin Howard Ihrig File This company purchased the land set forth in the caption of this letter on Tune 209 1955, from Hoff,,iTard Ihrig, DrLLrmnond, Wisconsin, and agreed at that time to correct the tax problem existing on the above land.. So that your officials would better understand the problem that I am presenting here, I have forwarded our abstract of title covering the above land to your district attorney, Walter T.. Norlin,- for his examination® In addition, I have disauss•ed this matter vii th Bayfield County Treasurer, I13r. T . p. Bod.in. The problem in suziriary, form here is the fact that Bayfield .County has been tax deeding -and deeding away the above land ahile the said land teas.still held by the ti United States Government. In fact, Bayfield County has been levying taffies for same years on this land, tiahen, of course, property held by the United States Government is not subject to such taxation. The United States Government did not give up i.ta ownership of this property until April 4, 1955, when it conveyed by means of a patent to Howard Ihrig; :vhich in- 404 strument is recorded in Volume of IItiscellaneous 166, Page 163. This patent was obtain- ed through the means of a public land sale held by the Federal Government. I would very much appreciate your discussing this matter with Mr. Bodin and Mr. Norlin, and then present the same to the Bayfield County Board of :supervisors at its next meeting in order to obtain cancellation of the assessed taxes for the ,years 1953 and 1954, which now appear upon the County Treasurerl's book as delinquent. When the Bayfield. County Board has so acted, kindly notify me so that I may have our abstract again brought up to date to uh6VT ownership in this company and proceed to close our land file. With kindest personal regards. Yours truly, LeRoy W.0 Sigler LeRoy i Sigler Moved by Beeksma and seconded by J. 0. Anderson to receive the foregoing petition and' place on file. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: Ashland, vfis c ons in October 24,. 1955 To the Finance Committee Bayfi el d County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: I herewith submit ray application to audit the Bayfield County records and books of account for the year ending December 31, 1955 for the sum of Two Thousand One Huftddred Dollars ($2,100.00). This will include, as in prior years, an audit of the records of the general county, register of deeds, clerk of. circuit court, county court, municipal court-, and the high - tray department. Also included in that amount is One Hundred Twenty Five Dollars ($125.00) for an audit of the 1955 County Fair records. Because of increasing overhead expense and volume of transactions, it was necessary to increase the price by $aO.00 for the county fair audit and $105.00 for the general county audit, which is approximately 6% over the previous year. This represents the first increase since the 1951 audit. Respectfully submitted, Ili,' E. Wickman W. E. Dickman Certified _Public Accountant Loved by Tribovich and seconded by Halvor Reiten to grant or accept the application Of W E. I`fickman as set forth in the foregoing letter. Motion Carried. The following communication was. read: STATE OF WISCONSIN Department of Public Instruction Madison 2, To. County Clerk County Supervising Teacher County Superintendent November, 17, 1955 This is to notify you that the County of Bayfield will be reimbursed at the rate of 1470 per month for the first 1i months and $485 per month for the additional 51 months on account of the salary of .Robert H. Wangen, a qualified supervising teacher employed by said county for the school year 1955-56. Dated: August 21, 195-5 Signed: G. E . Watson State Superintendent of Schools I Moved by Pajala and seconded by Barningham to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion .Carried, The following communication was read: Department of Public Instruction il Room 147 North, Capitol Madison 2 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal : ° Sept. 2; 195 Chapter 453., Latins of 1955 changes the reimbursement for mileage to 7 cents per mile for the first 2,000 miles per month and 6 cents per mile for each mile over 2,000 miles per month for County Supervising Teachers: This law was effective July 1, 1955. Cordially yours, G. E. YATSON. ,State Superintendent by William C. Kahl William b .Kahl Director of Aids Moved by Buck and seconded by Beeks<<a to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried. The following resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, An annual meeting for members of the County Agricultural Committees is held at Madison during Farm and Home Week, ., and EEREAS, This meeting is similar to those attended by other county committees, and WHEREAS, Funds for expenses for this meeting are available from the expense budget of said committee, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, That the members of the Bayf field County Agricultural Committee be allowed per diem and expenses incurred for meals, lodging, and travel in attending the annual meeting of the County Agricultural Committee members at Madison, Edgard Pa j al a Signed; COUNTY AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE Andrew J. Pristash dUfi November. 1.7. 1955 ° S. W. Buck Tq. A. Stuart 111. C . Barningham Clarence L . Olsen 11/14/55 John Ni. Howell Moved by Buck and seconded by Reimer to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The f ollauing Resolution was read: RESOLUTION. I;JHEREAS,;500.00 was appropriated, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to finance the operation of removing diseased and insect infested apple trees from .County Tax Title, Forest Crop, and privately owned lands, in the commercial fruit growing area; and fore, WHEREAS, only $262.50 of the above specified amount was used in 1955, and EREAS, The removal of all diseased apple trees has not been completed; now there- 01/ BE IT RESOLVED,That the remknder of the $500.00 appropriated for 1955 ($237.50) be carried over to be used to complete the removal of diseased apple trees in the co mercial fruit growing area of Bayf field County. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL COLjRV1ITTEE Edward Ai Pajala Andrew J. Pristash S..ff. Buck T.Y. A. Stuart W*rC; Barningham Clarence L. Olsen 11/14/55 John W4 Howell Moved by Pristash and seconded by'Barningham to adopt the foregoing resolution. IJIbtion Carried. The following Resolution ,ras read: R E S O L U T I O N Because of the large range of salaries paid in the various Public VVelfare Depart- ments in the State of Wisconsin and as the State Department is cooperating to see that these salaries can fall within a schedule approved by the State Department so the count- ies can be guaranteed full reimbursement, the State Department of Public Welfare has nor: given the county departments a choice of six salary steps. As.long as a salary paid in the Public Welfare Department falls within any of the six steps chosen by the county, the county will be eligible for full. reimbursement. The Bayfield County Public 1'1e1fare Committee has recommended the' Schedule (2) through (7) be adopted as this will guarantee Bayfield County full reimbursement onall salaries paid within the department. It is understood that the adoption of these schedules will in no way .change the present salaries paid in the department, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield. County Board of Supervisors in annual session t,h s 17th day of November, 1955, that the . schedule of steps as submitted by .the State Depart- ment of Public Welfare, (2) through (7), be and is hereby adopted. DATED: This 17th day of November, 1955 November 17. 1955 Stance Burlager John E. Taipale Clarence Bonk IVIoved by Burlager and seconded by Taipale to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried, The following Resolution was read: RE S 0LU'T I.O.N iJI3EREAS, the Welfare Department is in need of four desks for the Case Workers; and 1MEREAS, the Finance Committee did not recommend an outlay expenditure for these desks, and , IVHEREAS', the Welfare Departiiient, having been wi thout a Case Worker s rnce July 1, has a sufficient surd of money in the Administration account to purchase such desks from the 1955 appropriation, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this 17th day of November, 1955a that the Welfare Director, County Clerk, and County Treasurer are authorized to purchase four desks for the Case Workers in the Public Welfare Department at a cost not to exceed $500, it being understood that the county will be reimbursed approximately sixty-five per cent ..of the cost of these desks making the county expenditure in the neighborhood of $175. DATED; This 17th day of November, 1955. Stance'Burlager John.-E. Tai ale Clarence Bonk Moved by Reimer and seconded by Reiten to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the appropriations for social security 4,ds are made under six different headings, and WFIEREAS, it is impossible to accurately predict the necessary appropriation for each and every aid so that there may be an overrun in some aids and a deficit in others, and 17HDREAS, County Board action is necessary to transfer funds from one aid to another, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this, 17th day of November, 1955,, that .the total amount appropriated for the silo various aids administered by the Welfare Department be and are hereby appropriated under 'one amount listed as Appropriation fol: Social Security Aids, DATED; This 17th day of November 1955. PRESENTED BY: Stance Burlager November 17 , 19 55_—�_ John E. Taipale Clarence Bonk Moved by Burlager and seconded by J.. 0. Anderson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Moved by Elonen and seconded by Lupa to appropriate $200.00 to aid in the Vocations) Education Program of disabled persons in Bayfield County.. Motion carried unanimously.. The following report was read: Washburn,,. 'Wisconsin October 26, 1955 To the Bayfield County Finance Committee: Following is a financial statement of the 1955 Bayfield County Fair, showing the actual receipts and disbursements to date, together with the estimated accounts receivable and accounts payable for the balance of the year. The budget for 1955 asset up by the County Board was tn15,034.00,. You will note that receipts this year exceeded that amount, 1l^chile expenditures were less. REVENUES: EXPENDITURES: Receipts to 10/26/55: Disbursements to 10/26/55: Fair Book ads -------------- 571.00 Advertising ---------------------- 427.58 County Brd.Appropriation --- 9,134.00 1954 .Fair Expenses -------------- 6.00 Refunds from 1954 Fair ----- 55000 Insurance ----------------------- 853.96 Dairy Bar ----------------------- 64.16 Gate Receipts (3976 paid admissions) ------ 994400 Judges -------------------------- 182.15 Grandstand Receipts,- Maintenance Bldgs. & Grds. ------ 929.84 (1,128 adult,361 childst) 943.00 -Fair Committee ------------------ 12320.06 Concessions (includes Dairy Bar concession) -- -- 519.50 Police,Gate,Other Help ---------- 1,520.20 Postage, freight -------.--------- 42.23 Exhibitor fees ------------- 263.75 Premiums (78 adult, 215 junior exhibitors with 32475 exhibits)- 3,923.05 Refund on Hilvaukee trip --- 30.21 Phone calls ---------------- 1.74 Fair Premium Book-------------- .20- 599 . Change used at Fair ------=- 175.00 Ribbons, tags, -badges ----------- 115.68 Refund from Grandstand ----- 1500 Special Acts & Features --- ------ 1,281.42 Superintendents ----------------- 200.00 Supplies ------------------------- 180.11 Telephone. ----------------------- 23.60 Electricity --------=------------ 169.77 Wis. Asstn. dues --------------- 21.00 Fogging Grounds ---------------- 65.00 Change used at Pair ------------- 175,00 Sound Equipment Rental --------- 85.00 Federal tax ---------- ----------- 43.65 November 17, 1955 REVENUES: 12,702:20. Accounts Receivable: State Aid (estimate) - 3,061.64- 32061.64 Total Estimated Revenue Deficit-------------- none TOTAL ----- 415, 763.84 EXPENDITURES: Road -binder --------------------- Electrician --------------------- Accounts Payable: Fair Committee (estimate) Other help (estimate) -------- Additional premiums---------- Yliscellaneous (estimate) ----- Total Estimated Expenditures: ------------- Unspent Baiance Retained by County -------=--------- TOTAL The estimated cost of the 1955 Fair to the County would be $5,994076. 24.64 50.0.0 12,303.30 86.30 125.00 10.00 100:00 321.30 12,624.60 3,139.24 �l 5, 763.84 Betty K. Leino I,4oved by %Moore and seconded by H. A.. Hanson to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: Mr. John 0. Bodin Bayfie ld County Treasurer Washburn, ?_ilis c onsin Dear Sir: THE STYLTE OF WISCONSIN HIGHuTAY COIEdISSION. Idadi s on 2 July 272 1955 SUBJECT: Supplemental Highway Aid County Trunk High ,gays Section 20.49(11) (b),Wisconsi.n Statutes June 30, 1955 The enclosed State Treasurer's check in the amount indicated below represents a highway aid to your county pursuant to Section 20.49 (11) (b} ,Wisconsin Statutes, with adjustment pursuant to Section'20.49 (11) (d), if any. This allotment is supp- lemental to and is to be used for the saii,e purposes as the county trunk highway allot- m.ent under Section 63.10 (1), wihich you received as of June 30, 19550' The total amounts available for the counties are apportioned among them on the basis of the last allotment for county trunk highl,vays under Section 83.10 (1) . The total of the supplemental aid for county trunk highways for your county under Section 20.49 (11)(b) has been computed as follows: Supplemental Aid Section 83.10 Allotment of June 30, 1955 463,808.87 $71,373.61 A copy of this letter is being mailed to the clerk of your municipality in accordance ii!ith Section 14.42 (10) of the Statutes, which provides that the clerk of Section 20,.49 (11) (b) 111.8556322d%o of Sec. 83.10 the municipality shall present this statement at the next regular meeting of the govern- November 17, 1955 ing body and shall f ile and keep this statement f or six years Very truly yours, STATE HIGH.' AY -COi5IISSION OF WISCONSIN Till . B, Blair Director of Finance, by A. A.. S.�Tartz Senior Accountant Moved by Pajala and seconded by Moore to receive the .foregoi ng communication and place on file.. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: THE STATE OF u'TI SC ONS IN HIGHWAY TAY COIIII SS I ON' hjtadi son 2 September 1, 1955 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk SUBJECT: Estimated Highway Allotments for Washburn,) 'Tisconsin 1956 County Trunk Highway System Dear Sir : Pursuant to Section 84.01 (18) , �`Ti sconsin Statutes, you are hereby notified of the follo,,uing estimated allotment's to be paid your county from funds becoming available in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1956: Sec. 83.10 estimated basic allotment on June 30, 1956 for the County Trunk Highway System Q632800 Supplemental allotments as of June 30, 1956 (to be paid as soon thereafter as practical), to supplement the basic allotment for the County Trunk. Highway Sustem: Sec. 20.420 (83) Supplemental Aid $69,500 - Sec. 20.420 (84) Supplemental Aid (Fuel Tax) 412400 1102900 Total for County Trunk High:vay Sustem $ 174,700 The above estimates are tentative. The actual allotments will not be knoti.-on until the close of the fiscal year on June 30, 1956; You were notified by our letter of April 112 1955, of the estimated 1956 state trunk highway allotment under Section 64.03 (3), the allocation of which has been completed. Very truly yours, STATE HIGFB IY CO, ISSIM OF 11TISCONSIN 0. J. Hughes Secretary P,Ioved by Buck and seconded by Swanson to received the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried. November 17, 1955 9_0 The foilowing communication was read: _.C.HEQVIU,IEGON DISTRICT OF UPPER 13 Park Falls, ai sconsin November 8, ' 1955 County Clerk; Bayfield County Washburn, T,97is c ons in Dear Sir• You' are aware no doubt, of the good our organization has done for your motels, re- sorts, gas stations, stores and so forth, by bring-ing more tourists and property owners to your oc unty each year. Our organization is supported by f our county boards now and we would like and need your help, for 1956. Our program for 1956 is larger than ever and we expect to bring more tourist dollars to your area than before. Tourist. dollars help your people pay their taxes. .Our organization is run by busy businessmen and we have not the time to appear at your caunty board budget meetings; but we are willing to do the work to get these tourist_doll,�Irs to your county, We ask you as a good business man to zresent our call to your budget meeting and ask theca to appropriate the sum of 6150.00 to help our organ- ization continue the good advertising job we are doing. Your county will be entitled to a �ariteup on the 35,000 folders we print and dis- tribute at four outdoor shows and threeinformation booths. This is a good investment for your improved tax roll. I am enclosing printed matter and reports and will,appreciate your cooperation in presenting our case to your committee,. You will be helping your county people. Thanking you for your cooperation that will help all of the people in the area and hoping to receive a reply stating that your county board acted favorably on -th.e small quota assigned to them. Sincerely yours, Dan F. Vicker Chsquamegon District of Upper 13 Moved by Pristash and seconded by B. E.. Johnson to receive the foregoing communication and Place on f ile. Motion Carried: Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Ber:^reger to receive the report of the County Welfare Director and place on file. Motion Carried. The following Budget Report was read: PROPOSED BIB_DGET For the year 1956 To the Honorable Bayf field County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: de the undersigned Committee on Finance, Budget and Equalization, herewith sub- mit our report and recommendations for 1956. VALUATION November 17, 1955 The recommended equalized value of the County for 1955 is 425,063,710.00. This is an increase of $83,135.00 over last year and will permit an additional County tax of $8,313.50, Some of the larger increases •J17ere: 1. City of Bayfield 115,165.00 2. City of Yashburn 552490.00 3. Village of Cable 32.2-460.00. The largest decrease was the Town of Barksdale of $li6,625.00 due principally from the loss of one of the units of the DuPont Company by explosion. Generally speaking the deceases were in the agricultural districts; AUDIT The audit of. 1954 is completed, Mr. Wickman met with the Committee and explained the report in detail. He is submitting a proposal to audit the 1955 records at an increase of $120.00 -r�Thich is the first in several years. We recommend its acceptance. SANATORIUM A recent opinion of the Attorney General states that surgery for Sanatorium patients are a charge against the sanatorium, whereas,in the past it was reflected in the item of State General Hospital.. It is expected that this will add $15,000.00 per year to Sana- torium costs. There is a large increase in the -item of patients in State and other County Sanatori- ums. In view of the fact that there are a number of empty beds at Pureair Sanatorium we are giving this matter further study. CONSERVATION We reduced this item from the Committees recommendations of $5350000 to $4350.00 in order to help balance the budet.; We feel that this will enable the Conservation Committee to put on two better quality shows. HEALTH The increase in costs for Doctors at clinics granted by the 'County Board last April is reflected in the budget for County Nurse. WELFARE tote made several reductions in some of these items as recommended by the Welfare Comm- ittee. Receipts from State & Federal .aid show corresponding _reductions. The item for I:Iedical & Hospital for 0. A. A. and A. D. C. has been increased from 40 to 55 thousand. The {lelfare Department request for this item was �,60,000000. SALARIES & WAGES These have been included in the budget ' items as recommended by the Personnel Committee. HIGHWAY County Bridge aid is increased over last year and we recommend $14,405.78 which is in the budget. The one mill levy to complete the Namel.capon-Clam Lake road tirill amount to �a5,063.71 is over the 1_per cent County tax limitation. 0 November 17, 1955 FINANCE GENERAL ,We left out the item of 15 Hof stumpage sales to the Forestry Department as, there appears to be a sufficient balance in the Forestry Fund at this time. The audit report for 1954 operation shovis.an increase in assets over liabilit- ies of ��52,000.00 of which approximately �8;000.00 is tied up in additional tax deeds and tax certificates, 65,000.00 increase in tax revenues over budget estimates, the u. balance in decreased expenditures in welfare aids & Sanatorium. The Sanatorium re- duction wds due primarily to a 'smaller number of patients. I--ie call your attention to 'the 'fact that the budgeris balanced. In doing so, we did not apply any excess revenue from 1954 operations; Vie feel that current expenses should be taken care of by revenues of the same year. We 'are recommending that the County purchase the balance of excess delinquent tax rolls for "the tax of 1951'amouiiting to 8,220.48, This is being supported by a separate resolutitori. LXPENDITURES 19.55 Recommended Appro-priat ion - f or 1956 GEI�IERAL GOVERNIVIEI NT : County Board. 5*1300.00 52600.00 - R..$6000.00 County Clerk 9,3000'00 9,800.00 ✓ County Treasurer 7,850.00 8,600.00 - R. 8,400.00 Assessment &-Addressograph 3,200900 33200600 District Attorney 4,700.00 4,840.00 - R. �5,040.00 ✓ Divorce Counsel 300000 30,0.00 County Surveyor 100,00 1010.00 County Court 7,420.00 7,700.00 Municipal Court 1,400.00 12300000 Circuit Court 5,300.00 52300.00 Juvenile Court 12,000.00 1,000.00 Coroner 200000 200.00 Court House 5,900.00 6,250.00 ✓ Elections" 900000 42200.00 ✓ Special Accounting & Auditing , 13,Y980000 2,100.00 Liability_ Compensation Insurance 750.00, 700.00 - $750.00 R. Total $ 55, 600 .'00 612190.00 - . R. 9612640.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY: Sheriff 13, 5GO.00 14, 345.00 -- County Traffic Officer 45,450.00 42900.00 Register of Deeds 92000.00 93,440.00 County Share & Cost of Fighting Forest Fires 300.00 300.00 County Forest Ranger 2,.200.00 2,280-00 Total 2 9, 450-.00 312265,00 W 414 November 17, 1955 EXPENDITURES (Conttd.. me � 1955 Recommended - Appropriation for 1956 HEALTH, CONSERVATION & SANITATION: Vital Statistics 100.00 100.00 Tri-County Sanatorium 332000.00 352-350.00 Patients at State & Other Co. S anitoria 4 187.48* , 12 243.44* s Conservation Fund 5,350.00 4,350.00 - R.,$5,350.00- Public Health Nurse 7,960.00 92800.00 Total 502597.48 61,843.44 - R. $64,843.44 EDUCATION: County Superintendent of Schools 8,380.00 9,1201.00 Supervising Teacher 42800.00 5,100:00 Tuition Outside Training Schools 32000.00 22000.00 `J County Agricultural Agent. 12,400.00 1311040.00 - R. 6-13,140.00 Aid to Common Schools Z42150.00 247150.00 County School Committee 200.00 200.00 Vocational Education -__>- = -.-: vR. $200.00 i4rliscellaneous - - - --- - - R. 49.50 Total 59,930.00 532610.00 - R. $530959.50 CHARITIES & CORRECTIONS: Welfare Administration 26,000.00 30,000.00 � Outdoor Poor Relief 19000..00 19000.0. v Blind Pensions 10;800.00 102800/00 Soldiers: Relief 500400** 500.00** Veterans Service Officer 49300.00 42500.00 Insane in Outside Institutions 19;624.16* 222517.53* Jail & Sheriff Is Residence 42700.00 4,585,00 Industrial School for Girls 77.86* 77.14-_ .v Industrial School for Boys 135.00" 499.29'� Tis. Colony & Training Schools ... _ '- 3,670::67 4,450.45* Temporary Care of Dependent 'Chi.ldredn.*, . -.-. 00..00..:... .:. . 2ao -00 0: A. A." 380,000.00 350,000.00 Total Disability 112000.00 129500000 A. D. Co & Foster Homes 952000.00 88,000.00 Medical & Hospital O.A..A. & A.I.C. 40,000.00 55$000.00 � State General Hospital. 39998.10``'` 21061.15` State Orthopedic HospitalL 599,.75'' Wisconsin Child Center 1$87.86* 15,177.86* Salvation Army.. 200.00 200.00 Childrens Service Society - - - 200.00 Total 6032193.40 589,313.17 *State Special Charges "Not Under 1% Limitation for County Taxes 15 November 17, 1955 UNCLASSIFIED: County Fair Tax Deed lWork Repairs to Tax Deed Property Severence Tax Due State .Contingency Fund Social Security Forestry (15% of Income) Civil Defense Total Maintenance GENER! L GO VEP,N1,., ' T : County Clerk County Treasurer Court House Circuit Court State ,1,-Lachine District Attorney County Court EXPENDITURES (Cont?d.) 1955 Appropriation 14,400.00 3,200.00 250.00 12,000.00 62663039 1,.400.00 3,000.00 Total 402913.39 833,,404.27 OUTLAY Total PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY: Sheriff Register of Deeds Traffic Officer Total EDUCATION: County Superintendent HEALTH, CONSERVATION & .SANITATION: County Nurse Sanatorium _- Resi Bence ~Kitchen CHARITIES & CORRECTIONS: Welfare Administration Jail & Sheriff's Residence Total �P 85.00 700.00 12900.00 6.40* 2,691.40 1,375.00 1,375.00 500.00 22024.11 vie 2 , 524.11 350.00 350.00 Recommended for 1956 11,530.00 3,200.00 250.00 10,000.00 ✓ 32637.80 12550.00 300.00 30,467.80 8272689.41 - R. $829,488.9: 630.00 - R. $12630.00 12300.00 ✓ 175.00 175.00 2 , 280.00 1, 6 5.5.00 150.00 12200.00 3,005.00 N 100.00 / 200.00 200.00 1,300.00, 6,885.00 - R.h71885.00 November 1721955 HIGM.-TA:YS : County Bridge .Aid Total Outlay GRAND TOTAL -- EXPENDITURES . EXPENDITURES (Cont'd.) 1955 Recommended Appropriation for 1956 11,830.81 $ 14,405.78 182771 32 6,885.00 - R.$7288560C 8522175.4.59 8482980.19 - R.$8512779.69 REVENUES GENERAL GOVERNIENT: County Tax Levy (1%) 4 249,805.75 250,637.10 Tax For Soldier's Relief 500.00** 500.00** Total 250,30 5.75 2512137.10 TAXES: Income Tax for County 10, 500.00 14, 000.00 Occupational Tax 100.00 v 100.00 Tax Fees.& Penalties 113000.00 ✓ 15,000.00 Inheritance Tax for County 100.00 150.00 Utility Tax from State 52700.00 ,/ 162000.00 Forest Crop Tax from Districts 32400.00 ✓ 3,400.00 Total ' 30,800.00 482650000 FEES & COSTS:. Forfeitures - - -- ✓ 23000.00 County Clerk's Earning 100.00 125:00 County Court Earnings 2.3200.00 1,300.00 Tit-unicipal Court Earnings 100.00 200.00 Circuit Court Earnings 500.00 � 500.00 Register of Deed's Earnings 4,000.00 ✓ 4,0000100 Sheriff's Earnings 200.00 200.00 Total 72100.00 8,325.00 LICENSES & PERMITS: Dog Licenses 500.00 450.00 FINES, FORFEITS & PENALTIES: Penal Fines Due County 1,7500.00 v 13000.00 County Traffic Ordinance 800,000 1,000.00 Total 22300.00 2,000.00 �"�` Not under 1% limitation for County Taxes November__17,_19 55 REVENUES (Contrd.) 1955 Recommended Appropriation For 1956 GIFTS & GRANTS: State Aid - Sanatorium 11,749.84 ✓ 5p 142733009 ,T tt Blind 93720.00 9 2 780.00 t4 q4 Supervising Teacher 42800.00 `� 5,000.00 ft rr A.D.C. & Foster Homes 76,500.00 V 70,320.00 `� to O. A. n. 3582000.00 ✓ 3302000,00 Ldedical & Hospital 14.2000.00 �+ 19,250 oOO hlelfare Administration 16, 900.00 19, 500.00 r: qt Total Disability 9,350.00 10, 625.00 `t t4 County Nurse 12000.00 ✓ 1,000.00 Total y 5023,019.84 4802148.09 ALL OTHER GENERAL. REVENUE: Refunds O.A.Ao - County Share 12800.00 12800.00 U Gain on Sale of Tax Deed Property 33,000.00 52000.00 Interest on Bonds 42600.00 ✓ 4,800.00 Sale of 7ood - F.C.L..and County Land 43,000,00 v' 402000.00 County Health, Immunization 850.00 - - - County Fair - State Aid 22000.00 % 3,000.00 Couni,y Fair - Earnings 3,900.00 3,520.00 Sale of Plat Book - - - - 150.00 592150.00 58,270:00 UNAPPROPRIATED CASH - - - - - - - R.$ 2,799.50 GRAND TOTAL 852,175.59 SP 848,980.19 - R.85Z,779.69 Respectfully submitted this 27th day of October, 1955. Signed: H. A.' REITEN HERIELN HANSON GE 0 RGE Iv1 L IN 0 SKI RAYMOND I��� lll,,,SIOSER CLARENCE L. OLSEN C. 0. NELSON Finance and Budget Committee R. e Revision by County Board before adoption of Budget. i;oved by J. 0. Anderson and seconded by H. A. Hanson to amend the Budget Report, changing the Budget Report to read 1956 Appropriation for Conservation Cormittee, $5,350.00. Motion Carried. R,Ioved by C. 0. Nelson and seconded by T. 0. Anderson to adopt the Budget as re- vised. Roll call was as f oll'ows : 1a1ammoser; Barningham; Burlager; Buck; ]Rliszcz; Bereksma; Reimer; Bernard E. Johnson; Heglund; Desparois; Hoefling; Stuart;.Pristash; Bertieger; Herman Hanson; s. 0. Anderson; C. 0. Nelson;'Elonen; Lupa; Bonk; Tribovich; Taipale; Pajala; Moore; Ernest Ne is on ; H. A. Hanson Weaver; H. J. S. Hanson; Reiten; Malinoski; tglck; 418 H: T, Thompson, E. Swanson and Olsen; Total. 34 Ayes - L'lotion Carried. The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION Nays - None. BE 1"T HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of ' Supervisors of Bayfield County, �;'lisconsin, assembled in Annual session this 17th day of November 1955, that.there be and is hereby levied against all the taxable property of Bayfield County, the. following items to -ait : State Tax for Forest purposes under Section 70.58 (2) Common School Tax under _ Section 590'075 Soldiers, Relief For all other items of the budget as appears today in the sum of 1 mill levy for highway Total 5,012.74 24,150.00 500.00 226,487.10 25,063.71 $281,213.55 Halvor Reiten Lloved by-Iilammoser and seconded by J. 0. Anderson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: Idlarmaoser; Barningham;. Bur lager; Buck; Kliszcz; Beeksma; Reimer; Bernard E. Johnson; Heglund; Desparois; Hoefling; Stuart; Pristash; Berweger; Herman Hanson; J. D., Anderson; C. 0..Nelson; Elonen;.Lupa; Bonk; Tribovich; Taipale; Pajala; 1)loore; Ernest Nelson; H. A. Hanson; Weaver., H. J. S. Hanson; Reiten; Idalinoski; Wick; H. J.. Thompson; A. E. Swanson and Olsen. Total.- 34 dyes - Nays, None. Motion Carried. Moved by Tribovi ch and seconded by Bertveger that the next. meeting of the County Board be on the Second Wednesday, (January 11) of January; 1956 at. 10:00 o'clock ii.I& Lotion Carried. The follo�ving Resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Board of Bayfield County assembled this 17th day of November, 1955, that the per diem and mileage be alloy%ied each member of the County Board as listed below and that the Treasurer is hereby ordered to pay, such money and the Chairman and County Clerk are instructed to issue an order for the amount of.such items listed below; Narm County Board Work Committee Work Total Per diem - TKileage Per diem:7-1j -leage Raymond J. blaruiioser $30.00 23.73 $ 53.73 f. C. Barningham 30.00 Stance Burlager 30.00 S. W. Buck 30:00 Walter Kliszcz 30.00 3.96 33.96 1.26 31.26 10.08 40.08 20.37 50.37 Onne Beeksma, Jr. 30.00 13.44 •43:44 November 17., 1955 anz Count- Board Work Committee Work Total Per diem - Mileage Per diem-IvIileage Edward Reimer 30.00 13.02 43.02. Bernard E. Johnson 30.00 18..06 48.06 Ernest Heglund 30.00 6.30 36.30 J. R. Desparois 30:00 14.28 44.28 .Frank,Hoefling 30.00 13.44 43.44 W. A. Stuart 30.00 9.66 39.66 Andrew J. Pristash 30.00 7.98 37.98 Joseph Berweger 30.00 10.92 40.92 Herman Hanson 30.00 9,.66 39.66 J. O. Anderson 30.00 19.53 49.53 C. 0. Nelson 30.00 18.48 48,48 Toivo Elonen 30.00 16:38 46.38 Joe Lupa 30.00 6.78 36.78 Ewald Johnson 20.00 11.76 31.76 Clarence Bonk 30.00 11.97 41.97 haul Tribovich 30.00 10.50 40 . 50 Jol]n. E. Taipale 20.00 10.64 30.64 Edgard Pajala 30.00 4.62 34.62 Ernest Idoore 30.00 19.53 49.53 Ernest Nelson 30.00 9.24 39.24 Ernest LaPointe. 20.00 3.36 23.36 John Boehme 20.00 3.36 23.36 Percy' l'leaver 10.00 1.68 11.68 Hiram Hanson 10.00 1.68 11.68 George 1VIalinoski 30.00 .42. 30.42 A. A.. Anderson 30.00 .42 30,42 Elmer Wick 30.00 .42 30.42 A. E. Swanson 30.00 .42 30 : 42 Hans J. Thompson 30.00 .42, 17, 42 C. L. Olsen H. J. S: Hanson H. A. Reiten Helmer Moe none 3.36 30 .0,0 5.04 3.36 35.04 1000.00 p 336.17 1336.17 30.00 5.04 35.04- 30.00 .42 30.42 1060.00 341.63 1401.63 Clarence L. Olsen Moved by Tribovichand seconded by ldar:,anoser to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: Mammoser; Barningham; Burlager; Buck; hliszcz; Beeksia.; Reimer; Bernard E. Johnson; Heglund; Desparois; Hoef ling; Stuart; Pristash; Berweger; Herman Hanson; J. 0. Anderson; C. 0. Nelson; Elonen; Lup a; Bonk; Tribovich; Taiple; Pajala; Moore; Ernest Nelson; H. A. Hanson; Weaver; H. J. S. Hanson; Reiten; 1Aalinoski; Wick; H. J. Thompson; A. E. Swanson; and Olsen. Total 34 Ayes - Nays, None. Iotion Carried. Moved by 1A.'Tnaoser and duly seconded -to adjourn. Carried. (Continued) Clarence L. Olsen, County Board Chairman