HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 12/1/1959December,l,.1959 Chairman Meeting called to order at 10:00 A.M. byAClarence L. Olsen. The following members answered roll call: Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Smart, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfre.d Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich., Frankie, Pajala, Moore, Ernest -Nelson, Fi ege, Wa.,smifth,Percy Weaver, Reiten, Malinoski,, Hove, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Olsen - Total 36 Peterson - Proxy The following communication was.read: November 30, 1959 Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: Howard Sibbald has been appointed Town Chairman for the town of Pratt and Dudley Wallin has been appointed Town Treasurer for the Town of Pratt for the balance of the term of office April 1961. Yours truly, rrances:H..Caldwell, Town Clerk Town Board'of Pratt Grandview, Wisconsin No action was taken on the foregoing communication as the chair ruled that the certification governing Mr. Sibbald at the November meeting was in effect. The present meeting being the adjourned annual meeting of November. The following communication was read: December 1, 1959 Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk Attention: Mr. Clarence Olsen, Board Chairman Dear Sir: .Washburn City Mayor, Mayor Hans J. Thompson has been authorized to serve on the Bayfield County Board.of. Directors in lieu of the absence of Mr. Albert Peterson, Jr., Sixth Ward Supervisor for the City of Washburn, Wisconsin.., Dated: December 1, 1959 . He spe ctfully:,. Wayne 0. Lowe City Clerk December 1, 1959 El Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Chambers to seat H..J. Thompson as a member of the County Board representing the sixth ward of the City of Washburn. Motion Carried. Moved by Pajala and seconded by Herman Hanson to receive and place on file the annual report of John W. Howell, County Superintendent -of Schools. Motion Carried. Moved by Malinoski and seconded by Justice to receive and place on file the Annual Report of Harry J. Lowe, County Agricultural Agent. Motion Carried. Moved by,Herman Hanson and seconded by Tribovich to receive and place on file the report of the Conservation Committee. Motion Carried. Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Pajala.to receive and place on file the Report on Handicapped Children by John W. Howell, County Superintendent of Schools. Motion Carried. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Barningham to reconsider action on Petition of Oliver Johnson for the right to purchase tax certificates on the N/2 NE, Sec.8-48-8. Motion Carried. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Pristash to rescind County Board action on N/2 NE, Sec. 8-48-8 and to deny Petition. Motion Carried. Mr. Thomas Nelson, County Surveyor appeared before the County Board and explained the work involved and the value of the recording of his surveys in the County Survey- ors record. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Pristash to adjourn until 1:30 P.M.. Motion Carried. 148 _ Dec.emb.er _1, '1959 Meeting called'to`order at 1:30 P.M. by Chairman,' Clarence L. Olsen. The following members answered roll call: Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma,` Smart, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger,.Herman Hanson,'J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa; Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Pajala, Moore, Ernest Nelson, Fiege,'Wasmuth, Percy Weaver, Reit"en, Malinoski, Hove, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, H. J. Thompson, Olsen. Total--- -- --- --- -.---- - The following Resolution was read: --- - - -- -- 37 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Mr. Clarence T. Bonk, a former memberiof the County Board and until his recent death a member of the Welfare Committee and a member of the Special Committee on Construction of Rest Home. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors express its sympathy and condolence to Mrs. Bonk and family, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Board's proceedings and that, a copy be sent to Mrs. Bonk. Resolution recommended by: Herman Hanson Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Mr. Allan Oakey of the State Civil Defense Department spoke to the County Board on the topic of Civil Defense. His message was most interesting and timely. The following Resolution was read: R E S 0 L U T I.0 N WHEREAS., the appropriations for social security aids are made under sixdifferent headings, and WHEREAS, it is impossible to accurately predict. the necessary appropriation for each and every aid so there may be an overrun in some aids and a deficit in others, and WHEREAS, County Board action is necessary to transfer funds from one aid to another therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this lst day of December 1959, that the total amount appropriated for the six various aids. administered by th$ V1el_'are Department be and hereby are appropriated under one 0 amount listed as Appropriation for Social Security Aids. DATED: This 10th day of November, 195..9. Presented By: Glenn 0. Holman - Evald Johnson - Clarence L. Olsen _December 1, 1959 Moved by Pajala and seconded by Homan to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion'Carried. The following communication was read: August 3, 1959 Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin To the Bayfield County Board: As Secretary -Treasurer of the Ashland-Bayfield Counties Bar Association, the undersigned has been instructed to inform you of'a resolution adopted by the Associa- tion at its meeting on July 30, 1959. The resolution is as follows: W-HI EREAB, there is only one co su el 'table in the Bayfield Circuit Court Room and this table is crowded and leads to difficulties in the trial of law suits, the Bayfield County Board is requested to install a second, matching counsel table in the Circuit Court Room. Dale R. Clark Secretary-Treasurer-Ashland-Bayfield Counties Bar Association Note: The request of the foregoing petition is being taken care of by change of furniture on instructions from the committee on Public Property and Grounds. Moved by Barningham and seconded by Reiten to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: September 10, 1959 Subject: Estimated Highway allotments for .•1960 County Trunk Highway System Pursuant to Section 84.01 (18)9 Vdi.sconsin Statutes, you are hereby notified of the following estimated allotments to b�paid your county from funds becoming available in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1960: S. 83.10, estimated basic allotment for the County Trunk Highway System (to be paid on June 30, 1960) 65,200.00 Supplemental allotments to supplement the basic allotment for the County Trunk Highway System: S. 20.420 (83) Supplemental Aid $ 87,900.00 S. 20.420 (84) Supplemental Aid (Fuel Tax) 499100.00 1372000.00 Total for County Trunk Highway System $ 202,200.00 December_ 1, _1959 _ Pursuant to legislation enacted in 1957, the payment of the 1.960-supplemental aids under Sections 20.420 (83) and (84) will be made in two installments. The first installment, equal to one half of the 1959 allotment under those sections, will be pai( on April .15, 1960. The remainder will be paid as soon as practical after June 30, 196( The above estimates are tentative. The total actual allotments will not be known until after the close of the fiscal year on June 30, 1960. You were notified by our letter of,April 9, 1959, of the estimated 1960 state trunk highway allotment under Section 84.03(3), the allocation of which has been completed. Very ::truly yours, STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN G. H. Bakke, Secretary - Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Moore to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: June 22, 1959 Mr. J. 0. Bodin Bayfield County Treasurer_ Washburn, .Wisconsin SUBJECT: Allotment"for County Trunk Dear Sir: Highways.June 30, 1959 Section 83.10(1),Wisconsin Statutes The enclosed check is in payment of your'county's allotment for county trunk highways available on June 30, 1959,*pursuant to Sections 20.420(81) and 83.10(1)9 Wisconsin Statutes. The total of the allotment is made, of the following amounts: Proportionate Share of $3,500,000 D 539226.07 County Trunk Highway Mileage at $65 per Mile 11,957.40 Total of Enclosed Remittance; 3 659183.47 A copy of this letter is being mailed to the county clerk.in compliance with Section 14.42(10), Wisconsin Statutes Very truly yours, STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN W. B. Blair, Director of Finance By S. D. Swartz, Senior Accountant Moved by Pajala and seconded by Tribovich to receive and place on file the foregoing communication. Motion Carried. Moved by Pajala and seconded by Reiten to receive and place on file the annual report of the County Highway Committee. Motion -Carried. J December 1, 195,9 Moved by Moore and seconded by Justice to receive and place on file the annual report of H. B. Curry, County Highway Commissioner. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: COUNTY AID CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 1960 SECTION I. The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, regularly assembled, does hereby ordain that such funds as may be made available to the county for highway work in the year 1960 under the provisions of Section 20.420 and Chapter 83 of the Statutes`and the additional sums herein appropriated shall be expended as here— inafter set forth: SECTION II. COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTMENT. WHEREAS the State Highway Commission has notified the County Clerk that a sum of money estimated to be Two Hundred Two Thousand, Two Hundred and 00/100 Dollars (32029200.00) will become available at the end of the fiscal year under the provisions of Section 83.10 and 20.420(83) and (84) lof the Statutes, for the county trunk highway system in the county, but the actual am— ount will not be known until the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1960. BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Committee is authorized and directed to expend the said sum to the extent required to match and supplement Federal aid for construction, right of way, and other costs on any Federal projects located on the county trunk highway system of said county, which are not recovered from Federal funds, and to expend any balance for constructing, repairing, and maintaining such county trunk highway system and the bridges thereon, including snow and ice removal and con— trol, as directed in Section 83.10(1) of the Statutes, and to reimburse the general fund for any expenditures that may be made therefrom pursuant to Section 83.01(6) of the Statutes. The distribution to such purposes is estimated, but not specifically directed, to be as follows: For construction, maintenance, snow removal and ice prevention on the County Trunk Highway System. SECTION III. WHEREAS the various highway activities for which provision is made in this resolution are continuous from year to year, and the exact cost of any work cannot be known at the time of making the appropriation therefor, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does hereby direct that any balance remaining in any appropriation for a specific highway improvement after the same shall have been completed may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement, which is part of the same item in the county budEet, for which provision is herein made, and- any balances remaining at the end of the year in any highway fund shall remain and be available for the same purpose in the ensuing year. SECTION IV. WHEREAS the exact amount of the funds that will become available from the state for highway purposes in the county under Section 20.420 of the Statutes will not be known until on or after June 30, 19609 BE IT RESDLVED'that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payments for the purposes for which such funds are to be used, as hereinbefore authorized, from any funds in the county treasury that are not required for the purposes 152 December 1, 1959 for which appropriated prior to August 1, 1960, and to reimburse such funds in the county treasury from the sums received under Section 20.420 of the Statutes. SECTION V. WHEREAS the County Highway Committee and County Highway Commissioner are charged with the duty and responsibility of carrying out the construction and main-, tenance of highways for which provision is made, and other related supervisory and ad- ministrative duties, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Commissioner shall have authority to employ, discharge, suspend, or reinstate such personnel as he deems necessary for such purposes, provided, however, that the County Highway Committee may by action recorded in its min- utes determine the number of persons to be hired and may also at any time by action so recorded order the County Highway Commissioner to employ, discharge, suspend, or reinsta- any such person. The term "personnel" or "person" shall include all patrolmen, laborers foremen, clerks, stenographers, or other employees necessary to carry on such activities Presented Nov. 10th, 1959, by Ernest Moore C.-O. Nelson Paul Tribovich County Highway Committee. Moved by Reiten and seconded by Pristash to adopt ,tube foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried Unanimously. The following application was read: October 19, 1959 To the Honorable Chairman Members of the County Board Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: I herewith make application for reappointment for the following four (4) years as County Veterans' Service Officer, effective January 1, 1960. Very truly yours; Elmer H. Wedin Veterans' Service Officer Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Barningham to elect Elmer H. Wedin as County year Service Officer for a four „term beginning January 1, 1960. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: PROVIDING FOR THE ADVANCE OR TRANSFER OF CONSTRUCTION FUNDS IN BAYFIELD COUNTY WIEREAS Section 84.03(5), Wisconsin Statutes, provides that the State Highway Commission and County Board, or a County Highway Committee when authorized by the Count Board, may agree upon the advance of one or more future years' allotments for such to county under Section 84.03(3), to be expended on selected improvements on state trunk highways or connecting streets within such county to the extent so agreed, and December 1, 1959 WHEREAS occasions frequently arise when it is necessary or desirable to provide for the advance, allocation, or transfer of construction funds to or between pre- viously authorized or additional needed construction improvements on state trunk highways or connecting streets in this county, THEREFORE, in order to provide for promptly making available the funds necess- ary for_such improvements and to avoid the delay and expense incident to calling a special meeting of this board for such purpose, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby petitioned to advance pursuant to Section 84.03(5), Wisconsin Statutes, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway Committee of this county, which said Committee is hereby authorized to file, such sums as may be required and are not otherwise available for any such previously authorized or additional needed con- struction improvements in this county, with the understanding that the amounts thus advanced will be deducted from future state allotments for state trunk highway construction in this county under Section 84.03(3) of the Statutes, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby petitioned, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway Committee of this county, which said Committee .is hereby authorized to file, to transfer to or between any such previously authorized or additional needed construction improve- ments in this county, any funds allotted by the State under the provisions of Section 84.03(3), Wisconsin Statutes, and previously allocated to any other im- provement or remaining unallocated in reserve. Resolution presented by: Ernest Moore C. 0. Nelson Paul Tribovich Bayfield County Highway Committee Moved by Moore and seconded by Barningham to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: PURCHASE OF HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT BAYFIELD COUNTY WHEREAS for the construction and maintenance of highways, including the re- moval and control of snow and ice, it becomes necessary from time to time to pur- chase equipment, the nature of and necessity for which cannot be accurately anti- cipated, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Committee is hereby authorized, pursuant to Section 83.015(2) of the Statutes, to purchase without further authority, and to the extent that revolving funds accumulated for such purpose or appropria- tions made for such purpose are available, such highway equipment as they deem necessary to properly carry on the work, and to trade or sell such old equipment as may be considered to be for the best interests of the county. Resolution Presented by: Ernest Moore C . 0. Nel son Paul Tribovich Bayfield Co-Unty Highway Committee Decemb.er,l, 1959 Moved by.Berweger and seconded by Smart to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, by the. Bayfield,County Board of Supervisors, assembled in annual session this lst day of December, 1959, that the County Board Chairman, County Highway Committee and County Highway Commissioner, are hereby authorized to attend State Road Schools, Conventions and/or other road meetings,,and that their per diem and expense be paid from the County Highway Administration Fund. Recommended by: Ernest Moore C. 0. Nelson Paul Tribovich Bayfi.eld County Highway Committee Moved,by Moore- and -.seconded ,-by. H6glund -to adopt the 'foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: COUNTY AID BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION UNDER SECTION 81.38 OF THE STATUTES COUNTY OF BAYFIELD WHEREAS the various towns hereinafter named have filed petitions for county aid in the construction of bridges under Section 81.38 of the Statutes, said petitions are hereby granted, and.the county's share is appropriated as follows: `.Towns Bridge Amount Raised Amount of County by Local Units Aid Granted Mason -Pratt Bibon 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 The County Board does hereby levy a tax to meet said appropriations on all of the property in the county which is taxable for such purpose. WARNING: It is directed that provision for this levy shall be made in the county budget, but that this levy shall not be duplicated. Resolution offered by Bayfield County Highway Committee Ernest Moore C. 0. Nelson Paul Tribovich Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Sibbald to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. December 1, 1959 The following Resolution was read: AREAS, the Statutes have been changed recently with reference to Legal Holi— days, whereby the County Board is authorized to designate them for its officers and employees, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the following dates be legal holidays: New Years Day Washington's Birthday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor.Day Veterans Day General Election Thanksgiving Christmas Be it further resolved, that this resolution be effective January 1, 1960. Moved by Beeksma and seconded by Barningham to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the following changes of salaries be made: County & Juvenile Judge Present Salary $ 59200.00 County Superintendent of Schools 8 59000.00 The salary to include committee work on the following committees: 1. Agriculture 2. County Fair 3. Soil Conservation 4. Zoning 5. County School Committee Recommended 59700.00 5,500.00* County Treasurer $G 49200.00 $ 4,400.00 Clerk of Circuit Court $ 3,400.00 8 39600.00 Family Court Commissioner — — -- — p 19000.00 (this is. a new office created by present legislative session and becomes effective January 1, 1960) County Highway Commissioner $h 49900.00 $b 5,400.00 County Cruiser $ 3,600.00 $ 3,800.00 60% of County Cruiser's salary be charged to County General Funds and 40% to County Forest Funds. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the foregoing salary changes become effective on January 1, 1960. Nick Pristash Ernest Nelson W. L. Wasmuth December 1, 1959 ----- ------ Moved by Stuart and.seconded by Lupa to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Moved by Reiten and seconded by Tribovich to amend the foregoing Resolution to include the County Cruiser increasing his salary 8200..00 per year. Moved by'Mammoser and seconded by Malinoski to adjourn until 10:00 A.M. December 2nd, 1959. Motion Carried.. December 2, 1959 Chairman Meeting called to order at 10:00 A.M. byAClarence L. Olsen. The following members answered roll call: Mammoser, Barninoham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Smart,.Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald,^��=�-, Frankie, Pajala, Moore, Ernest Nelson, Wasmuth, Weaver, Malinoski, Hove, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Alb. Peterson, Jr. Olsen. Total _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34 Absent: Tribovich, Fiege, Reiten - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS it may be necessary to make short term loans in order to meet payrolls and other obligations including current and ordinary expenses within the next year. THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in Annual Session assembled this 2nd day of December 1959, that the Chairman of the County Board, the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to make short term°loans in an amount not exceeding $100,000.00 in the aggregate, if in their opinion it should be found to be to the County's interest to make such loan or loans. Clarence L. Olsen George Malinoski Moved by Justice and seconded by Moore to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried Unanimously. The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Budget is made up about fourteen and one half months in advance of the closing date of accounts and therefore it is impossible to estimate one hundred per cent correctly, and WHEREAS, it now appears that there will be a small over run in a few of the Bud- get items for 1959, and therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the County Clerk, the County Treasurer and the County Board Chairman, be and they are hereby authorized to pay out such amounts up to December 31, 1959, to cover Budget deficiencies and payments to accounts of the Departments affected. George Malinoski R. J. Mammoser Edward A. Pajala Herman Hanson Clarence L. Olsen FINANCE AND BUDGET COMMITTEE 158 December 2, 1959 Moved by Berweger and seconded by Peterson to adopt the'f-oregoing Resolution. Motion Carried Unanimously, Moved by Wasmuth and seconded by Beeksma to pay the County Surveyor $5.00 per - day for recording surveys and one side of each page to be considered as a days work. Moved by Evald Johnson and seconded by J. 0. Anderson to amend the foregoing motion to read: The pay of the County Surveyor shall be $3.50 per hour for survey. work plus seven cents per mile for travel. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Swanson to ask,the County Surveyor to appear his work and before the. County Board to arrange for compensation agreement covering„the contract being entered into on ix. agreeable terms. Motion Carried. Moved by Hanson and seconded by B.E. Johnson to refer to the Sheriff's Committee - the question on mileage allowance. to the officer on Indian Law enforcement. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Bayfield County has been purchasing the oldest excess delinquent tax roll from the various taxing districts since 19422 therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer and Clerk be authorized to pur- chase the taxing districts equity of the 1954 tax as follows: Town of Cable 189.77 Town of Clover Town of Hughes Town of Ori enta Town of Russell Town of Tripp Town of Washburn City of Washburn These balances are as of November 1, 1959. 123.72 242.66 301.82 729.19 154.20 554.95 669..62 2965, 93 George Malinoski Herman Hanson Edward A. Pajala G. WilliamEran.kie Raymond J. Mammoser 159 December 2, 1959 Moved by Pajala and seconded by Herman Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N WE HEREBY RESOLVE, that the committee on Public Property and Grounds have j.urisdic— tion of the Court House Janitor and maintenance man and that they also have the right to hire and discharge said personnel. Ernest Nelson Albert E. Peterson Walter Wasmuth Nick Pristash Personnel Committee Moved by Beeksma and seconded by Sanfred-Anderson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the janitor of the Court House be required to pick up the mail in the building, deliver it to the post office and bring the mail back from the post office twice a day and that he be compensated $84.00 per year as expense or car allowance. Ernest Nelson Albert E. Peterson Walter Wasmuth Nick Pristash Personnel Committee Moved by Malinoski and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Note: The rate'of pay as designated in the foregoing Resolution was adjusted later in the meeting. The following Petition was read: PETITION FOR AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE To the County Board of Bayfield County: The undersigned hereby petitions the County Board to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Bayfield County as follows: That the Zoning on the following descriptions of land be changed from the Forestry Use District No. 1 to the Unrestricted Use District No. 3: r 28 The Southeast Quarter of Section 28 (SE/ Section )Z, the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 33 (NE ATE Section 33), the North Half of the Northwest December _ 29 '1.959 --- - Quarter'of Section 34 (NE NW, NW NW Section 34) - all in Township 43 North, Range 7 West of Bayfield County. Respectfully.submitted, Walter Kliszcz, Town Chairman Town of Cable Acting in behalf of the Town Board of the Town of Cable, of which he is the Chairman. Dated: November 10,.1959. Moved by Pajala and seconded by Moore to refer the foregoing Petition to the Zoning Committee. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: September 4, 1959 Mr. Clarence Olson, Chairman Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: In accordance with Section 46.17(3) of the Wisconsin Statutes, Jail was inspected on August 27, 1959. All sections of the jail were found to very good in appearance, sanitation. the Bayfield County cleanliness, and Sheriff Embertson and*the jail staff are commended for the high standards of cleanliness and sanitation which are maintained and were evidenced at this inspection. It is recognized that the jail is old and that a great deal of effort must be employed to keep the jail in a clean and sanitary condition. The jail register was found to be complete and up-to-date. It was interesting to note in examining the jail register that the jail population so far in.1959 is almost equal to the total jail population of 1958. If the present trend continues, the jail or population for 1959 could exceed the total for 1958 by 40„more prisoners.. It was determined at this time that the Bayfield County Jail is complying with the provisions of Section 53.42 ofthe Wisconsin Statutes which requires a jailer to be on duty at all times prisoners are confined in the jail. The sincere interest and coopera- tion of county officials to comply with the provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes and the requirements of this Department is sincerely appreciated. The following was noted and is being brought to your attention: The locks on the doors of the segregated rooms on the second floor -are not operat- ing and it is requested that they be repaired. The locking mechanism in the first -floor cell block is not operating properly and it is requested that this be repaired. The outer fire -escape doors are very difficult to open; also, the cylinder lock on the outer fire -escape door on the first floor does not operate freely. It is requested that,these doors be repaired so that they operate freely. I wish to express my sincere appreciation to-Undersheri.ff Flones for the courtesy and cooperation extended me at the time of this inspection. Should there be any questions in regard .to the jail or if we can be of assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to call upon us. Very truly yours, R. J. Di. Salve, Detention Supervisor, Division of Corrections - STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE - - - - -- - December -_2; 1959 Moved by Malinoski and seconded by Pajala to refer the foregoing communication to the Committee on Public Property and Grounds. Motion Carried. Moved by Pajala and seconded by Mammoser to adjourn until 1:30 P.M.' Carried. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 1:3.0 P.M. BY CLARENCE L. OLSEN, CHAIRMAN. The following members answered roll call: Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Smart, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Pajala,.Moore, Ernest Nelson, Wasmuth, Wegver, Reiten, Malinoski, Hove, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swan- son, Alb. Peterson, Jr., Olsen, Total - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34 Absent: Tribovich, Frankie, Fiege - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ .3 The following Resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N l'E]EREAS, the'matter of state retirement for county personnel :was initiated for 11 . the employees of Pureair Sanatorium, and WHEREAS, it appears that this same retirement should be extended to all county personnel, therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this 2nd day of December, 1959 that the Finance and Personnel Committees be authorized to obtain all information necessary for the Board to be in a position to act and to present this information to the Spring meeting of the County Board. Dated: This 2nd day of December, 1959. PRESENTED BY: George Malinoski Clarence L. Olsen Edward A. Pajala Herman Hanson R. J. Mammoser Ernest Nelson Albert E. Peterson Nick Pristash W. L. Wasmuth December. 29, 1.959 Moved by Moniza and seconded by Alb. Peterson,Jr. to adopt "the foregoing Resolution. Motion 'Carried. I The following communication was read: Grand View, Wis. Dec. lst, 1959 The Bayfield County -Board, Washburn, Wis. Honorable Members, I wish to extend my sincere Thank You, as well as Congratulations, for the unanimous vote recently given in behalf of watershed management. Your action ex— emplified both vision and faith in the worth of basic conservation. Many Nations have been suffering -for centuries from the lack of such recognition, until too late. .And yet, the needs of watershed management is based on a simple fact of life. All of our needs stem from the products of our many and varied resources provided by our Creator. Man cannot create a natural resource, but by unwise use he�can destroy the re- production of the fruit it yields. Neither can Man supplant the workings of Nature,. but he can supplement its needs and thus help Nature create its own increased fruits to the benefit of mankind. The step you have taken is an important step, but only if.followed by further steps. Steps that could be'thd stimulus needed for rousing the necessary action. The alternative can only hasten' and add 'to our own defeat. Watershed management is a long range program. It will require years of con- tinuous effort, and no doubt there will be frustration at many points. But once there is sufficient public recognition of the true benefits, the program will move forward. I cannot help but believe that each of you will some day have a deep inward a sense of satisfaction of having made truly worthy decision. With good wishes for -the continued success of the Bayfield County Board, and with Season's Greetings to each and every one, I remain, Respectfully, Vic Wallin Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by B. E. Johnson to receive the foregoing communication and place on,file. Motion Carried. December .2, 1959 Moved by Pajala and seconded by J. 0. Anderson to allow the Janitor $10.00 per month as expense reimbursement for car operation in bringing the mail to and from the postoffice and Court House. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The present salary of Raymond 0. Anderson, Bayfield County Cruiser, is $3,600.00 per year, and WHEREAS, We feel that there is a need for a, raise in salary for Raymond 0. Anderson, and NOW THEREFORE, Be it resolved, that the salary of Raymond 0. Anderson, Bayfield County Cruiser, be raised to $39800.00 per year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That 60% of the raise in salary be charged to the County appropriation and 40% be charged to the County Forestry -Funds, effective Jan. 1, 1960. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE W. A. Stuart, Chairman Walter C. Barningham Toivo Elonen Ernest Heglund Onne Beeksma Clarence L. Olsen Nov. 24, 1959 Recommended for adoption Ernest Nelson Albert E. Peterson Walter Wasmuth Nick Pristash Personnel Committee Moved by Lupa and seconded by Chambers to table all Resolutions pertaining to salaries. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Surveyor does a considerable amount of survey work on private lands, and WHEREAS, these lands often border County owned land of which there are no exist- ing corners, and WHEREAS, the Forestry Department has been furnishing the surveyor steel posts for permanent section corners, and this work has been paid for by the private parties, and WHEREAS, the Field Notes from these surveys are of great value and should be on file in the Bayfield County Court -House, -and WHEREAS, our surveyor receives payment from the County only for such time as he may be working on County land,'now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that $500.00 be appropriated for the filing of such notes, by the surveyor, as the County may'deem necessary. a December 2,- 1959 -- - Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William Stuart, Chairman, Walter.C;-Barningham Toivo Elonen Onne Beeksma Clarence L. Olsen Moved by Justice and seconded by Alb. Peterson, Jr. to refer the matter of com- pensation of County Surveyor to the Forestry Committee with power to act. Moved by Justice and seconded by B. E. Johnson to refer the claim of the County Surveyor for services to the.Finance Committee for consideration within the $500.00 appropriation for 1959 and that the balance of his claim be referred to the Agricultur- al Committee with power to act. Motion Carried. Moved by Evald Johnson and- seconded'by"Justice to set the salary of the Family Court Commissioner at $1000.00 per year and $200.00 travel expenses effective Jan. 1,. 1960. Motion Carried. Moved by Malinoski and seconded by Beeksma to increase the salary of the County Forest Ranger by $200.00 per year effective Jan. 1, 1960. Motion Carried. The following Budget Report was read: PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1960 TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Gentlemen: We the undersigned Committee on Finance, Budget, and Equalization, hereby submit our report and recommendations for 1960. VALUATION The recommended value of the County, by the Supervisor of Assessments for 1959 is $32,312,865. It,will permit an additional $7085.70 tax levy for county purposes. The proposed budget calls for a tak levy of .0093 which is under the 1% legal limitation by $19,769.01. SANATORIUM The replacement of old windows by new aluminum ones is now completed. The number of patients is reduced as'a whole. The number of Bayfield County patients has been reduced more in proportion than the other two counties. 1G5 December 2, 1959 The number of patient days of Bayfield County charges in recent months has been the lowest since the institution -began operation.. Our estimated share is 2Q% for 1960. It is interesting to note that 60% of the cost of operating the institution in 1960 will be paid by the State for State at barge Patients and by other counties. The budget includes an item of'$6000.00 for State Retirement Plan for its employees, of which Bayfield Countys share will be approximately $1200.00, SALARIES & WAGES We have followed the recommendations of the personnel committee. HIGHWAYS & BRIDGES The County,Bridge Aid is_S2000.00 a reduction of $21,427.02. WELFARE We refer you to the Welfare Directors report for detailed information. However, we wish to call to your attention to the large increase from $140,000.00 to $180,000.00 for the item of doctor, hospital and medical care. REST HOME The Rest Home is nearly completed. Items to be completed are landscaping, grad- ing and road improvement. The total cost of building,.grounds improvements and equip= ment will be approximately $2089000.00. The first patients moved in about the middle of last April. PLAT BOOKS We have contracted for new plat books to be completed and delivered by February 19 1960 at a cost of $3,588.00. They will be larger than the present one and will sell for $4.00 per copy. FINANCE There is no provision in the budget ,for county participation in a health insurance program for its employees. Nor does the budget provide for State Retirement for County Personnel. We recommend the adoption of a resolution authorizing short term loans., AUDIT The audit report covering 1958 operations has been completed. The auditor met with the committee and explained his report. We commend him for a fine and complete report. d EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT: 1959 Recommended Appropriation for 1960 County Board $ 89000.00 3 89000.00 County Clerk 119300.00 .12.9000.00 County Treasurer 9,150.00 9,000.00 Assessment,& Addressograph- 4,000.00 3,600.00 District Attorney 59500.00 5,500.00 Divorce Counsel 300.00 35000 R. Family Court Commissioner - - - 17200:00 R.� County Surveyor, 500.00 500.00 County Court 99200.00 99600.00 R. Municipal Court 1,200.00 19200.0,0 Circuit Court 6,500.00 69500.00 Juvenile Court 600.00 800.00 R. Coroner 200.00 200.00 Revi sed none 1,200 9,300 600.00 De..cemb.er :2j.t'1959 EXPE11TDITURF S GENERAL GOVERNMENT: 1959 Recommended Revised Appropriation for 1960 Court House 69800.00 79280.00 Special Accounting & Auditing 29275-00 29475.00 Elections 29500-00 59500-00 Liability & Compensation Insurance 750-00 750-00 Total 689775.00 9C 739255.00 R, 73,605-00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS &PROPERTY: Sheriff 179600.00 .23,950-00 County Traffic Officer 59225-00 59430-00 Register of Deeds 109485-00 10,520.00 County Share -Cost of Pighting Forest Fires 300-00 300-00 County Forest Ranger 31 2 00. 00 49200.00 Total 8 369810.00 b 44,400.00 HEALTH, CONSERVATION & SANITATION: Water Shed Management R. Jv 29000.00 Vital Statistics 100.00 100.00 Tri-County.Sanatorium 499000.00 309190-00 Patients at State & Other Co. Sanitoria 49455-93* 3,630-77*` T.B. State Charges 199.40* Conservation Fund. 61650-00 6,500-00 Public Health Nurse 119945,00 119770-00 Total 729150.93 4 529390.17 R. 549390-17 *State Special Charges EDUCATION County *Superintendent of ' Schools sb 109150-00 109770-00 R. 109270-00 County Library Committee 500-00 Supervising Teacher 6,500-00 Tuition Outside Training Schools .69000.00 59500-00 59000-00 County Agricultural Agent 13,635 .00 13,700-00 R. + 250-00 Aid to Common Schools 23,800.00 259200.00 County School Committee 250-00 250-00 Vocational �ducation 19100.00 19500-00 Education -Handicapped 300-00 27000.00 Total 61,235-00 64,920.00 R. 649670-00 CHARITIES & CORRECTIONS Welfare Administration 389000-00 3 389000.00 Outdoor Poor Relief 29000.00 39500-00 Blind Pensions 8,000.00 69000.00 Soldiers Relief 800.00** 5000'00** State I.B.M. Machine 47.81* Veterans Service Officer 37600.00 96 39700-00 *State Special Charges **Not Under 1% Limitation for County Taxes December 2, 1959 _ 167 EXPENDITURES.(Cont'd.) 1959 Recommended Revised CHARITIES & CORRECTIONS: A pr®priation for 1960 Insane in Outside Institutions 269848.75* 27,736.96* " Jail & Sheriff's Residence 59275.00 39-900.00 Industrial School for Boys 1,473.90* 2.50.80* State Charge - Poor Relief 214.97* - - - Wis. Colony & Training Schools 49355.50* 59116.20* Temporary Care of Dependent children 200.00 200.00 0. A. A. 300,000.00 2759000.00 Aid to Disability 159000.00 15,000.00 Industrial School - Girls 510.00* 216.70* A.D.C. & Poster Homes 859000.00 85,000.00 Medical & Hospital O.A.A. & A.D.C. 1409000.00 1809000.00 State General Hospital 11,949.00* 5,997.34* w Rest Home - - - 86,200.00 State Orthopedic Hospital 819.50* 322.50* Wisconsin Child Center 19489.20* 29173.68* Y Salvation Army 200.00 200.00 *State Special Charges **Not Under if Limitation for County Taxes Childrens Service Society State Reformatory 'State Crime Laboratory Division of Correction Total UNCLASSIFIED: - County fair Tax Deed Work Repairs to Tax Deed Property Severance Tax Due State Contingen-cy Fund Social Security Forestry (10% Income) Civil Defense Industrial Development- Total Maintenance *State Special Charges 200.00 474.30* 83.83* none $ 6369541.76 15, 324.00 31800.00 200.00 159000.00 10, 614. 24 29900.00 19500.00 1.000.00 Total $ 50,338.24 8 9267380.93 200.00 441.10* 109.65* 19046.10* v 7409811.03 15,374.00 R. 159474.00 39800.00 200.00 15,000.00 6,580.90 R. 69930090 3,200.00 29000.00 19 5 0 0.0 0 X 1,000.00 489654.90 499104.90 31,0241431.10 R.. 170269981.10 Decembe,r--- _, 1959:,.. EXPENDITURES (Cont'd.) OUTLAY 1959 Recommended GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Appropriation for 1960 Revised County Clerk none 460.00 Court. House 19510.00 none Circuit Court see court none house County Court. see court house 475.00 Plat Books 4,000.00 49000.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY: Sheriff Register of Deeds Traffic Officer HEALTH, CONSERVATION & SANITATION: County Parks Dam-level'survey - Drummond make Sanatorium - Residence Kitchen CHARITIES & CORRECTIONS: Welfare Administration Jail & Sheriff's Residence Rest Home HIGHWAY: County Bridge Aid Total Outlay GRAND TOTAL - EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT: County Tax Levy (lf) Tax for Soldier's Relief Total 14000 17300.00 11250:00 see court 35.00 house, none 17200.00 none 19000.00 169000.00 none none none wt none 3`25.00 ' ' 19150. 00 no 59000.00 49500.00 239527.02 29000.00 S 529057.02 15,385.00 $ 9789337.95 8 190399816.10 R. $ 1,0429366.10 REVENUES 8 3169042.95 800.00** 316,842.95 **Not under if limitation for County Taxes 3009509.64 R. $ 3039059.64 500.00** $ 301,009.64 R. $ 3039559.64 December 2, 1959 REVENUES 1959 Recommended TAXES: Appropriation for 1960 Income Tax for County 149000.00 149000.00 Occupational Tax 200.00 200.00 Tax Fees.& Penalties 169500.00 149500.00 Inheritance Tax for County 300.00 350.00 Utility Tax from State 209000.00 20,000.00 Forest Crop Tax from Districts 3,800.00 3,800.00 Total 549800.00 8 52,850.00 FEES & COSTS: Forfeitures p 2,000.00 3,000.00 County Clerk's Earning 100.00 150.00 County Court Earning & Probate Fees 1,400.00 19200.00 Municipal Court Earnings 250.00 250.00 Circuit Court Earnings 400'.00 400.00 Register of Deed's Earnings 4,000.00 49000.00 Sheriff's Earnings 200.00 200.00 Total 8,350.00 9,200.00 LICENSES & PERMITS:. Dog Licenses 300.00 300.00 FINES, FORFEITS & PENALTIES: Penal Fines Due County 800.00 $ 900.00 County Traffic Ordinance 1,500.00 19500.00 Total $ 2,300.00 8 2,400.00 GIFTS & GRANTS: State Aid - Sanatorium 29,450.00 229911.46 " " Blind 7,360.00 59700.00 Supervising Teacher 59800.00 6,300.00 A.D.C. & Foster Homes 719250.00 .8 29000.00 0. A. A. 2929000.00 2739000.00 Medical & Hospital 869260.00 108,370.00 Welfare Administration 24,700.00 24,700.00 " Total Disability 139200.00 14,000.00 County Nurse 19000.00 800.00 Federal Aid, County Nurse - - - 29150.00 Total $ 5317020.00 8 5399931.46 ALL OTHER GENERAL REVENUE: Town of Drummond - Dam 89000.00 none Indian - Law Enforcement 29500.00 2,500.00 Refunds O.A.A. - County Share 1,800.00 19800.00 Rest Home - - - 729000.00 Gain on Sale of Tax Deed Property 99000.00 9,000.00- Interest - Investments none. none Sale of Wood - F.C.L. and County Land 359000.00 40,000.00 Revised 170 December- 2, _1959 _ - - ALL OTHER GENERAL REVENUE: . Sale of Bonds ' County Fair - State Aid County Fair Earnings Sale of Plat Book Total GRAND TOTAL REVENUES (Cont'd.) 1959 Appropriation none 4,200.00 49025.00 200.00 b 649725.00 9789337.95 Respectfully submitted this 24th day of October, 1959• Recommended for 1960 none 4,200.00 49025.00 600.00 134,125.00 Revised $ 110399816.10 R. $ 1,042,366.1C Signed: GEORGE MALINOSKI, CHAIRMAN HERMAN HANSON EDWARD PAJALA G. WILLIAM FRANKIE RAYMOND J. MAMMOSER CLARENCE L. OLSEN, BOARD CHAIRMAN ,FINANCE AND BUDGET COMMITTEE Moved by Justice and seconded by Malinoski to adopt the foregoing Budget as revised. Roll call was as follows: Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Smart, Bernard E. Johnson,Chambers,. Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Ber- weger, Herman Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Frankie, Pajala, Moore, Ernest Nelson, Wasmuth, Weaver, Rei.teng Malinoski, Hove, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Peterson, Jr., Olsen; Ayes - _-.-. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 34 Nay e s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 Total -- -- ---------- -- 34 Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: R E S 0 L U .T I 0 N BE .IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, assembled in annual session this 2nd day of December 19599 that there be and is here- by levied against all the taxable property of Bayfield County, -the following items to wit: State Tax for Forest purposes under Section 70.58 (2) 69462.57 Common School -Tax under Section 59.07 (21) 259200.00 Soldiers Relief 500.00, For all other items of the. budget the sum of 277,859.00 W. C. Barningham 31090220-21 December 2, 1959 Moved by Justice and seconded by Alb. Peterson, Jr. to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call was as follows: Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Smart, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Frankie, Pajala, Moore, Ernest Nelson, Wasmuth, Weaver, Reiten, Malinoski, Hove, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Peterson, Jr., Olsen; Ayes - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 35 Nayes - - - - - - - - - - - -= 0 Total - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 35 Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED., by the County Board of Bayfield County assembled this 2 day of December, 1959, that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and the Chairman and County Clerk are instructed to issue checks -for the amount of such items listed below: Name County Board Work Committee Work Total Per Diem Mileage Raymond J. Mammoser 48.00 31.64 79.64 W. C..Barningham 48.00 6.16- 54.16 Kenneth C. Howell 48.00 1.68 49.68 Nick Pristash 48.00 12.88 60.88 Walter Kliszcz .48.00 27.16 75.16 Onne Beeksma 48.00 8.96 56.96 Edward Smart 48.00 16.24 64.24 Bernard E. Johnson 48.00 24.08 72.08 Ernest Heglund 48.00 8.40 56.40 L. F. Chambers 48.00 21.84 69.84 Frank Hoefling 48.00 17.92 65.92 W. A. Stuart 48.00 12.88 60.88 George Moniza 48.00 10.36 58.36 Joseph Berweger 48.00 14:56 62.56 Herman Hanson 48.00 12.88 60.88 John 0. Anderson 48.00 26.04 74.04 Sanfred Anderson 48.00 27.44 75.44 Toivo El.onen 48.00 21.84 69.84 Joe Lupa 48.00 9.80 57.80 Evald Johnson-.. 48.00 23.52 71.52 Howard Sibbald 48.00 15.96 63.96 Paul Tribovich 36.00 10.50 46.50 G. William Frankie 48.00 21.28 69.28 Edward A. Pajala 48.00 6..16 54.16 172 December 2, 1959 Name County Board Work Committee Work Total Per Diem MileaLe Ernest Moore 48.00 26.04b 74.04 Ernest Nelson 48.00 12.32 60.32 Arthur Fiege 36.00 5.04 41.04 Walter Wasmuth 48.00 6.72 54.72 Percy Weaver 48.00 6.72 54.72 Halvor Reiten 48.00 6.72 54.72 George Malinoski 48.00 .56 48.56 Ben Lorenzen 24.00 .28 24.28 Louis Justice 24.00 .28 24.28 Alvin Hove 48.00 .56 48.56 Glenn 0. Holman 48.00 .56 48.56 Albert E. Swanson 48.00 .56 48.56 Albert Peterson, Jr. 36.00 .42 36.42 Hans J. Thompson 12.00 .14 12.14. Clarence L. Olsen 4.48 4.48 Total 1704.00 461.58 2165.58 Presented by: Clarence L. Olsen Moved by Barningham and. seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing Resolution. -Roll call was as follows: Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Smart, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Betweger, Herman Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, -Frankie, Pajala, Moore, Ernest Nelson, Wasmuth, Weaver, Reiten, Malinoski,' Hove, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Peterson, Jr., Olsen; Ayes-- ---- --.--- -- --- 35 Naye s- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 Total----------------35 Motion Carried. Moved by Justice and seconded by B. E. Johnson to adjourn. I CLARENCE L. OLSEN; Motion Carried.