HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 4/19/1960172 MINUTES OF COUNTY BOARD April 19, 1960 Meeting called to order at 10 A. M. by Clarence L. Olsen, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Mammoser,.Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Smart, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman.Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald Johnson, S:bbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Pajala, Moore, Ernest Nelson, Ed Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Malinoski, Arthur A. Anderson, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Peterson Jr. and Olsen. Total 37 Moved by Pajala and seconded by Bernard E. Johnson to dispense with the reading, of the minutes of the last meeting. -Motion carried. Moved by Barningham and seconded by Stuart to nominate Clarence L. Olsen for Chairman of the County Board. Moved by Elonen and -.seconded by Lupa to close the nomination. Motion carried. Moved by Arthur A.. Anderson and seconded by Malinoski that the County Clerk cast an unanimous ballot for Mr. Olsen as Chairman of the County Board. Motion carried. The County Clerk cast the ballot as directed and Mr. Olsen was declared duly elected as Chairman of the County Board for the ensuing year. Moved by Lupa and seconded by Berweger to nominate Edward Pajala as Vice Chairman of the County Board. Moved by Stuart and seconded by BerwegeY-to close the nominations. Motion carried. Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Mammoser that the County Clerk cast - an unanimous ballot for Pajala as Vice Chairman. Motion carried. The County Clerk cast the ballot as directed and Edward Pajala was declared duly elected as Vice Chairman of the County Board for the ensuing year. The chair introduced the new members of the Board which were Ed Jelinek and Arthur A. Anderson. He also introduced Robert N. Ledin, District Attorney, who made a few remarks to the County Board pertaining to his office. , April:19,, 1960 The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That the rates for the publication of official county board minutes and. publication of legal notices be set as follows for the ensuing year: $1.15 per folio for the first publication .35 per folio for printing -supplements of County Board Proceedings, and -$25.00 for the distribution of the.supplements to other than the official paper. RESOLVED, That the official paper send a copy of the County'Board minutes to each County Board Member and to the Clerk of each town, city and village. RESOLVED, That the official paper be required to print the minutes within sixty (60) days after receiving copy from the County Clerk, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that "The Iron River Pioneer".be the official paper for the ensuing year. Presented by: Clarence Lis Olsen Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Reiten to adopt the.foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following Communications were read: BAYFIELD COUNTY SHERIFF Washburn,.Wisconsin December 29, 1959 Ludwig Tranmal ,County Clerk Court House Letters of resignation have been sent to the Governor of the state of Wisconsin.- E. 0.- Embertson Bayfield Co. Sheriff December 28, 1959 Hon. Gaylord Nelson Governor's` Office State Capitol Madison, Wisconsin Dear Governor Nelson: Enclosed please find a copy of Mr. Duane K. Ruth's resignation as District Attorney of Bayfield County. Inasmuch, as his successor has been named by you I believe everything is now in order for a new District Attorney effective Jan. 1, 1960. April 19, 1960 - - - A copy of this letter and resignation is being filed with the Bayfield County Clerk pursuant to the Statute. Respectfully, Ellsworth Embertson Bayfield County Sheriff December 28, 1959 Mr Ellsworth Embertson Sheriff of Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Embertson: You are herewith advised that effective January 1, 1960, I am tendering my resignation as District Attorney for Bayfield County. Accordingly,,I would suggest that a copy of this letter of resignation be forwarded to Hon. Gaylord Nelson, Governor of the State of Wisconsin, and a copy filed with the Bayfield County Clerk. Respectfully, Duane A. Ruth Moved by Tribovich and duly seconded to receive the foregoing communications. and place on file..- Motion -carried. The following communication was read: THE STATE OF WISCONSIN THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE December 15-,' 1959 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk, Bayfield County .Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: .You ---are hereby notified that I have today appointed Robert N. Ledin as District Attorney for Bayfield County to succeed Duane K; Ruth, who has submitted his resignation to become effective January 1, 1960. Mr. Ledin will serve for the balance of the term expiring January 2, 1961. Very truly yours, Gaylord A. Nelson g o v e r n o r Moved`by Herman Hanson and seconded by Pajala to receive the foregoing .communication and place on file. .Motion carried. V6 -April 19, 1960 "x r,4 Z The following appointment and'oath of office was.read: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE'PRESENTS: That reposing special confidence in the integrity and ability of LAWRENCE K. BLANCHARD an attorney and counselor at law of the County of Bayfield, State of Wisconsin, I hereby constitute and appoint him Family Court Commissioner in and.for said County; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said office according to law. /S/ Lewis J.. Charles Circuit Judge Dated this 29th day of December, 19590 STATE OF WISCONSIN: County of Bayfield: the Constitution of the United States I hereby solemnly swear that'I will support^the Constitution of the State of Wisconsin, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Family Court Commissioner in and for said County to the best of my ability, so help me God. /S/ L. K. Blanchard Subscribed and sworn to before me this 31 day of Dec, 1959. Alice Utpadel Clerk of :CO. Court ( SEAL) Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Beeksma to receive the foregoing appointment and oath of office and to place on file. Motion carried. The following Resolutions were read: R E S O L U T I O N RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Barksdale that the*Town petition the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors for sale to.the Town of the property described as The North .half of the Southwest quarter (0 SW/) and the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter (NW/4 - SEy4) of Section 36, Township 48 North, Range 6 West now owned by the County, the consideration for the purchase to be the amount of the delinquent taxes on said real estate: FURTHER RESOLVED,.that the Town Clerk be directed to send'a copy of this Resolution to the -County Clerk of Bayfield County, Wisconsin for presentation to the County Board as a petition for the purchase of said premises. Gerald Terwilliger Supervisor and . I, William Snyder, Town Clerk.of the Town of Barksdale hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution adopted by 177 April `�19 , -1960- - - - - the Town.Board at a meeting held January 23, 1960 William Snyder Town Clerk R E S 0L•UTI ON WHEREAS the Town of Barksdale wishes to acquire the NE NW, NW SW and the NE SE, Section 36 Township 48 north Range 6 west, now owned by Bayfield County, therefore BE.IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be authorized and directed to issue.a quit':--claimdeed to. the Town of Barksdale covering the �foresaid lands. �l BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the consideration be the :amount of delinquent taxes plus interest and penalties to the date -of tax deed as provided by the Wisconsin Statutes, Clarence L. Olsen Moved by Beeksma and seconded by Pristash to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read.: R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS the Bayfield County checks listed below have been outstanding for more.than 2 years and, WHEREAS the auditors recommend that they be written off, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the County Treasurer be authorized and directed to write off the following outstanding checks if they have not been cashed prior to the passage.of this resolution. Date Check Number Amount 3-3-52 1050 $ 49.25 11-21-52 .5381 2.25 11-21-52 5471 1.00 9-9-53 30 1.25 12-4-53 1575 .35 9-21-54 6460 1.35 9-21-54 6529 .15 4-21-55 126 7.58 9-29-55 3151 .15 12-27-55 4913 1.00 7-3-56 8160- .75 9-19-56 9472 5.00 10-8-56 9845 .25 10-8-56 .9852 .50 19=8-56 9900 3,�5 10-8-56 9901 3.25 10-8-56 9914 1.00 10-8-56 182 3.50 T6tal $ 81.83 April 19, 1960 George Malinoski Clarence L. Olsen Herman Hanson R. J. Mammoser Edward-Pajala G. William Frankie Moved by Reiten and seconded by Albert Peterson, Jr. to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, meeting in regular session this 19th day of April 1960, that the Superintendent of Pureair Sanatorium be and he is hereby directed to add to the statement of all out-of-C.ounty and State -at -large cases four per cent for interest carrying charges and ten per cent to generate capital, pursuant to Chapter 555 of the 1959 statutes. The effective date for this charge to be July 1, 1959. George Malinoski R.. J.. Mammoser Clarence L. Olsen Edward Pajala Herman Hanson G. William Frankie Moved by Malinoski and seconded by Pajala to adopt the foregoing resolution.- Motion carried. The following Affidavit was read: A F F I D A,V I T Re: Chap. 405 - Laws of 1959 STATE OF WISCONSIN) ss COUNTY OF BAYFIELD) L_. K. Blanchard, being duly sworn says: 1. That he is the Judge of the Bayfield County Court, which is a court of record; 2. That no cause or matter which has been submitted in final form to his court remains undecided that has been submitted for decision for one (1) year. 3. That this affidavit is made pursuant to Chap. 405, Laws of 1959 and is to be presented to and filed with the Clerk -of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, who certifies the whole of the said judge's salary. L. K. Blanchard Subscribed and sworn to this 29 day of Jan 1960 Alice Utpadel Clerk of County Court (Bayfield C-ounty Court Seal) - - - - - - - April, 19,. 1960-- - - ---.. - Moved by Beeksma and seconded by Stuart to receive the foregoing affidavit and place on file. Motion carried. The following Affidavit was read: A F F I D A V I T State Of Wisconsin ss. Bayfield County Duane K'. Ruth, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that he is the District Attorney of Bayfield County, Wisconsin: that affiant says that by virtue of the office of District Attorney he has not received any monies for fines, recognizances, forfeitures, penal: --..ties or costs during the preceding year in the office of District Attorney for Bayfield County, Wisconsin; Affiant.further states that he has no monies as of this time in his possession for the purposes above mentioned. Duane K';. Ruth Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of November, 1959. Z_. K. Blanchard County Judge Bayfield County, Wisconsin Moved by Pajala and seconded by Herman Hanson to receive the foregoing affidavit, and place on file. Motion carried. The following Communication and Resolution were read: DRUMMOND INTEGRATED SCHOOL DISTRICT Drummond, Wisconsin January 18 ', 1960 Mr. Lud Tranmal,.County Clerk Court House Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Lud, The description of the 40 in which we are interested is: NEA of NW/4 of Sec. 36 - T45N - R9WV of the Town of Barnes. .We request the transfer of this 40 to the Drummond Integrated School District for the sum of $1.00 for the purpose of teaching conservation and for use as a school forest. If you check the map you will note this 40 is located where many people will pass as it borders County Trunk N and is located where two, school buses go by each day. This should be an excellent public relations project. I have checked the forest growth on this 40 and it is ideal for the purpose we have in mind of teaching conservation and planting trees. The 40 has considerable open areas for tree planting. April: 19, 1960 - -- - Will you kindly give me some information before the County'Tree Allotment I Committee meets on February 16 as to obtaining this 40? I am a member of the Tree Committee and I would like to request a shipment of trees for planting in May this year. Sincerely, M. A. Vesperman, Principal R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS Bayfield County is the owner of the NE NW, Section 36-45-9 and, WHEREAS the.Drummond Joint School District desires to acquire the above property as a school forest, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the above property be quit claimed to the Drummond Joint School District,.reserving town highway and county $ 22.29 trunk highway A right- of ways, for the sum of tax-aaxawk J 1.(xxffxti as their school forest and that when the eE'oresaid land ceases to be a school forest that the title will revert back to Bayfield County. Raymond-J. Mammoser Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Bernard E. Johnson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: R E S O'LUT I ON RESOLVED: WHEREAS: The three sponsors of the Cable-Namakagon Union Airport, namely, the Village of Cable, The Township of Namakagon and the Township of Cable, have joined together.on a project with the State of Wisconsin and the Federal Government to lenghten the long runway from 2700 ft. to 3300 ft. and to blacktop it next summer in 1961. WHEREAS: This project was voted on last summer and at that time the ratio of the $60,000 total cost of the project was to be shared as follows; Federal Aid $30,000; State Aid $15.,000; and local sponsors aid $15,000. WHEREAS: The State Legislature in their last session, cut the State's share of aid for airports from 1/4 the total cost. to 1/6 total cost, making the following change: Federal $30,000; State $10,000 and local sponsors $20,000. This April, the three local sponsors voted to raise $2500 each toward this project. The Federal. Government's $30,000 share i.s available as of July 11 1960. J April. 19, 1960 THEREFORE: To assure the completion of this worthy project, which benefits the whole Southern part of our County, like the Ashland-Bayfield County Airport likewise benefits the Northern part,we, the undersigned, petition the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in session this 19th day of April for the urgent consideration of a $5,000 grant. With the completion of this project, chartered airline.service can be realized directly to Mount Telemark with the passengers embarking within easy walking distance of the second largest skiing area in the Midwest! Signed, John 0. Anderson Bernard E. Johnson Ernest Moore Moved by J. 0. Anderson and seconded by B. E. Johnson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES Mammoser, Barningham, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Smart, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Hoefling, S-tuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Moore, Ernest Nelson, Ed Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Malinoski, Arthur A. Anderson, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson Peterson, Jr. and Olsen. total 31 . NAYS Howell, Chambers, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Pajala Reiten. total �6 . Motion carried. The following Resolution and Recommendation were read: 1 R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, the Town of Bayfield is desirous of acquiring the real estate described as Lot three (3), of Section thirty-five (35), Township fifty-two (52) North of Range five (5)-West, containing 45.03 acres, less a parcel of land containing approximately seven and one-half acres described as follows: Starting from the southeast corner of Lot three (3), thence west for a distance of three hundred thirty (330) feet, thence north to the Lake Shore, thence easterly along the Lake Shore to the east line of lot three (3), thence south to the southeast corner, the place of beginning, and ,WHEREAS, this area is now inaccessible, and WHEREAS, the Town of Bayfield will build a road into this area for a development of the Lake Shore, now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the above description be sold to the Town of Bayfield, ti.th the following provisions: that the Town of Bayfield pay the delinquent taxes plus interest up to the dam of transfer, and that the deed for said description be subject to a timber contract. Dated, April 19, 1960. Signed, Walter Barningham, Town Chairman April 19.1. 1960 RECOMMENDATION TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Your Forestry Committee has considered the request of the Town of Bayfield to•purchase Lot Three (3) of Section Thirty-five (35), Township .fifty-two (52) North.of,Range five (5) West. At the present time there is no access to this area. The Town of Bayfield will build four miles of road to make this area accessible. Your Forestry Committee has looked this area over and feel that it should -be developed] therefore, we recommend that the above description be sold to the Town of Bayfield with the provision that Bayfield County reserve a strip of land for access to'the Lake Shore for future park purposes, and that said strip of land not be sold. Said strip or parcel of land described as follows: Starting from the southeast corner of Lot three (3),.thence'west for a distance of three hundred thirty (330) feet, thence north to the Lake Shore, thence easterly along the Lake Shore to the east line of lot three.(3), thence south to the southeast corner, the place of beginning. This area containing approximately seven and one-half'acres, leaving approximately thirty-five and 531100 acres.' The Town of Bayfield to pay up the delinquent taxes plus interest up to the date of transfer`on said lot.. Also that deed,be subject to pending timber contract. Signed, ' BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William Stuart, Chairman Toivo Elonen Onne Beeksma. Walter C. Barningham, Sec'y. Ernest Heglund Clarence L. O_lsen Moved by Tribovich and seconded by.Stuart to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, Bayfield County has acquired title by tax deed to the SWy4 of SW/4 of Section 7, Township 46N, Range 7W and, WHEREAS, the aforesaid land borders -on Lake Delta and, WHEREAS, this is a good lake and should be accessible to the public,and, WHEREAS, the resolution of the County Board adopted several years ago provides that a public landing be a strip of land 100' wide bordering on the lake and 200' deep with a 4 rod right of way and, WHEREAS, said resolution providing for a public landing does not provide for engineering services and, WHEREAS, some of the land in this parcel is swampy or low land and not suitable for a public landing without a great deal of expense and, WHEREAS, the definite lines are not knoWt, 0 0 April_19, 1960 THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that a sum sufficient be provided for engineering services to survey this parcel in order to determine what should be reserved for a public landing. Bernard E. Johnson Edward Smart Ernest Moore Ernest LaPointe John 0. Anderson Clarence L. Olsen Moved by Smart and seconded by Bernard Johnson to adopt..the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following Petition was read: „ TOWN OF BARNES SOLON SPRINGS, WIS. April 18, 1960 . To the Honorable Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, Washburn, Wis, Gentlemen-': We the. undersigned Board of Supervisorsof the Town of Barnes, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, petition you for the following described lands, held by Bayfield County, located in the Town of Barnes, to develop for a recreational area. Should the Town of Barnes cease to use this property for recreational purposes, it will revert to the County: All of the property now owned by Bayfield County in Meyers and Worthingtons lst addition to Tomahawk Lake Sub -division in Section 20, township 45 north, range 9 west, Town of Barnes. Dated at Barnes this 18th day of April 1960 Approved by Conservation Committee: Bernard E. Johnson J. Edward.,,Smart R.I. Mammoser, Chairman J. C. Scheffer, Supervisor W. P. Goetz, Supervisor John 0. Anderson Ernest Moore by Sm rt Moved by Mammoser and seconded„to grant the foregoing petition. Motion carried. is read: �h April..19, .1960 R E S 0 L U T I 0 N WHEREAS, Bayfield County has appropriated funds to cohtinue paying the County Surveyor for the recording of survey notes, and WHEREAS, there has been some questions as to the amount charged by the Surveyor for the recording of such notes, and _- THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that all survey bills by the County Surveyor for the reoording of survey notes, be referred to`the Forestry Committee before such bills are paid. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William Stuart, Chairman Toivo Elonen Onne Beeksma Walter C. Barningham, Seely. Ernest Heglund Clarence L. Olsen Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Barningham to adjourn. until 1:30 P. M. Motion carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P. M. by Clarence L�. Olsen, Chairman i The following members answered roll call: Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Smart, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich,.Frankie, Pajala, Moore, Ernest Nelson, Ed Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Malinoski, Arthur A. Anderson,'Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Peterson Jr., Olsen. The following Recommendation.was read: RECOMMENDATION TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: As the work load and administration work of the Forestry Department increases each year due to a greater number of.contracts, hetter marking. and harvesting methods and various programs, we have reached a point April,._19, 1960 where we cannot continue to have the number of contracts we have had in the past and do an adequate job. With additional help we can continue to increase the harvest and check Iour contracts more closely. We can also give better service to land sale cruises. Therefore, your Forestry Committee recommends that the County Board considers the hiring of another full time man in the Forestry Department, and that appropriations be made for same. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William Stuart, Chairman Ernest Heglund ,Clarence L. Olsen Toivo Elonen W. C. Barningham Onne Beeksma Moved by Stuart and seconded by Beeksma to adopt the foregoing recommendation. Motion carried. Moved by Holman and seconded by Justice to refer the matter of additional help for the Forestry Department as referred to in the foregoing recommendation to the. Forestry Committee with power to -act and that a sum sufficient for the purpose be appropriated. The roll call was as follows: Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Smart, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling,,Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, J. O..Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald:Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Pajala, Moore, Ernest Nelson, Ed Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson,, Reiten, Malinoski, Arthur A. Anderson, Holman, Justice,"A. E. Swanson, Peterson.Jr., Olsen. Ayes - - - - - - - - - 37 Nayes - - - - - - - -none Motion Carried. The following Petition was read: 4651 No. Manor Chicago 25, Illinois March 29, 1960 Mr."Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranilial: I would like to make application to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors for refund of taxes charged to me in error in 1957 and 1958. I paid taxes in the amount of $11.32 for 1957 and $11.36 for 1958 which should have been charged.to George Ellifson,Port Wing, Wisconsin. April 19, 1960 - - roll. The Town Treasurer made the charge to me because of an error on the -tax I shall appreciate being.reimbursed for these payments. Sincerely yours, Agnes O'Connell 4651 No. Manor Chicago 25", Ill. April 15, 1960 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Deat Sir: In reply to your letter of April 12th, the Town Treasurer to whom my taxes were paid is Betty Helsing, Town of Port Wing. The description of the property as listed on statement #168 dated Feb. 2, 1958 is as follows: Page on tax -roll - 75 Description - NW SE less parcel desc. vol. 147 P. 392 voL 162 p,282 of deeds Sec. 35 Town - 50 Range - 8 Acres - 38.75 Valuation 200 Total tax $11.32 The description is the same.on the tax statement N.o.229 dated Feb. 28, 1959• Yours truly, Agnes O'Connell 1. Moved by Beeksma and seconded by Berweger to grant the foregoing petition. Motion carried. The following Petition was read: Ashland, Wis. January 14, 1960 To the Honorable County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: I am the owner of Lot 1, Section 35, Township 529 Range 5 West, Bayfield County, and I have paid the taxes on this property for a number of years. However, I did not pay the taxes for the year of 1958 for the reason that I would like to obtain a tax deed on tln property so as to improve my title. April- -1-9, 1960 - I have recently paid the taxes for the year of 1959 directly to the Town Treasurer. I would appreciate very much your affording me the opportunity to purchase the tax certificate representing the unpaid tax of 1958®. Respectfully yours, G: Arthur Johnson Moved by Barningham and seconded by John 0® Anderson to grant the foregoing petition. Motion Carried. ( This matter was reconsidered later in the meeting and ordered referred to the District Attorney for a check and report.) Moved by Chambers and seconded by Elonen to refund the sum of $13.36 to Betty Hoving of the Towh of Hughes. Motion carried. ( This refund covers tax interest and penalties paid by her because check for taxes was made out in time but was delayed..in the mails®) The following.Petiton was read: Cable, Wisconsin April 4, 1960 To The County Board of Supervisors County of Bayfield Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: I should like very much to purchase the delinquent tax certificates against the property in the Town of Cable which is described as: - NW SW, less the West 10 rods, Section 13, Twp. 43, Range 8 which was owned by the late Charles M. Smith. The said Charles-M. Smith was my .father. At the time it was purchased I was overseas during the first World War, and I helped my parents to pay for this property,.' Inasmuch as I am their sole heir and the property adjoins my own property, I respectfully petition your Honorable Body for permission to buy up the delinquent tax certificates. The oldest tax due, according to a statement which I received from Mr. Bodin, dated May 8, 1959, is the sale,of 1955, and then there are the years 1956, 1957 and 1959. I paid the 1958 taxes and hold the receipt therefor. There is a lien against the property for old age assistance through the Welfare Department. Respectfully submitted, Reuben W. Smith April _19, 1960 i Moved by Pajala and seconded by Peterson to'grant the foregoing -petition. Motion carried. The following report and communication were read: Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: We the undersigned committee's on Finance and Personnel have made.a study of State Retirement for Bayfield County Employees. We find in applying the.data and.rates.from the.State Actuary that the results will be approximately as follows: estimated 1960 payroll employers contribution rate divided by departments as follows: Highway payroll $195,275.00 $369,557.00 .0811 amounting to $29,971.00 County contribution first year $15,836.00. That part of the payroll for work on state trunk highways will be reimbursed 100% from the state. The balance of the highway contribution costs will be charged to county trunk highway allotment and therefore will not affect the real or personal property tax. The Rest Home payroll is estimated at $51,191.00 which will require an employer contribution of about $4,151.00 for the first year. Of this amount, approximately 555/o will be reimbursable from the State and Federal Government amounting to $2283.00 and balance of $1868.00 will go on the tax roll. The Welfare Administration payroll will be.approximately $30,120.00 this year. The employers contribution will be approximately $2,443.00 of which.65% or $1,588.00 will be reimbursed by State and Federal Aids. This will,leave about 35016 or $855.00 that will go on the'real and personal property tax. The General Court House payroll will be approximately $921970.004 This will require an employers contribution of approximately $7,540.00 RECAPITULATION The items that will affect the real and personal.property tax as part of the county tax roll will be as follows:. General Court House Payroll $7,540.00 Welfare Administration 855.00 Rest Home 1,868.00 $10263.00 We recommend the adoption of State Retirement for Bayfield County and are supporting this recommendation by introducing a resolution to this effect. We are also adding to this report the statistical data from Nelson and Warren, Inc., State Actuary Firm. April 19, 1960 Bayfield County Estimated Costs of Coming Under Wisconsin Retirement Fund 1. Prior Service Obligation at January 1, 1961 and Annual Requirement to Fund Prior Service Obligation: (a) Audit Obligation $406,056 (b) Actuarial Obligation 398,922 (c) Annual Requirement 18,386 (d) % of Payroll 4,98% 11. Percentage Contribution Rates: (a) For Prior Service ( Item I (d)) 4.98% (b) For Current Service 2.85 (c) For Disability .19 (d) For Expense .09 Total 8.11% 111., Illustration of 1961 Costs Assuming Covered Payroll of $370,000: (a) For Prior Service $ 18,426 (b) For Current Service 10,545 (c) For Disability 703 (d) For Expense 333 Total $ 30,007 Dated this 14th day of April 1960. George Malinoski Edward A. Pajala Rgymond J. Mammoser Ernest Nelson Walter Wasmuth NELSON AND WARREN, INC. Saint Louis 5, Mo. April 4, 1960 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk Bayf i e l.d County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear 1"1r. Tranm.al: Herman Hanson G. William Frankie Clarence L. Olsen Nick Pristash Albert"Peterson, Jr. The actuarial analysis of the data furnished by your office has been completed and the 1961 contribution rates of the Bay`fi.eld County under the Wisconsin Retirement Fund if it becomes a participating municipality thereunder as of January:l,1961 have been determined by this office on the basis of such date. The..attached schedule shows the costs that would result from.the election by the County to become a Participating Municipality. These costs represent em- V ployer costs only. April 19, 1960 The term "audit obligation" refers to the estimated amount of the aggregate prior service credits which would be allowed the eligible employees. The term "actuarial obligation" refers to the expected cost of granting such credits based on the assumptions as to employee turnover adopted by the Board of the Wisconsin Retirement Fund. The "annual requirement" is the annual payment which will amortize the actuarial obligation in the statutory period of 40 years. This amount is more than 1/40 of the actuarial obligation because interest at 3Y2% per year accrues on the unpaid balance of the obligation from year to year. The schedule also includes the employer contribution rates for 1961 for current service credits, disability, and expense purposes. Upon coming under the Fund, the County would make contributions computed by multiplying the compensation of all covered employees by the applicable percent- age rates. If these rates produce greater contributions for prior service credits or current service credits than are required to finance the County's obligations, the contribution rates for subsequent years would be appropriately adjusted so the County would receive credit for all overpayments and be charged with any deficiency. These adjustments become necessary from time to time as a result of.differences between actual and expected turnover experience and of changes in the amounts of covered payroll. The Legislature by enacting Chapter 503, Laws of 1959, permits a County to elect not to make a contribution on account of ,prior service credits in its first year under the Fund and a reduced contribution the second year. If Bayfield County exercise this option its contribution for 1961 would be reduced about $$18,400 and the 1962 contribution about $$9,200. This $27,600 reduction for the years 1961 and 1962 would be made up together with accrued interest by increased contributions paid for the next 38 years. If further information is desired, please write again. Sincerely yours, Samuel Rosenbloom Moved by Malinoski and seconded by A. A. Anderson to accept the foregoing. report and communication and place on file. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, that pursuant*to the provisions of Section 66.902 of the Wisconsin Statutes, such County hereby determine to be included under the Wisconsin Retirement Fund as of January 1, 1961. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon the adoption of this Resolution the County Clerk shall submit a certified notice to the Wisconsin Retirement Fund. Such notice of election shall, (1) be in writing; (2) indicate the date of such action; (3) be officially certified by the County Clerk of Bayfield County, Wisconsin. - April-19;.1960 - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the effective date of participation shall I be January 1, 1961. Walter Wasmuth E. Albert Peterson Jr. Nick Pristash Ernest Nelson PERSONNEL COMMITTEE George Malinoski Raymond J. Mammoser G. William Frankie FINANCE COMMITTEE Moved by Malinoski and seconded by Wasmuth to adopt the foregoing resolution. A request was made to vote.by ballot and granted by the chair. The result of the ballot was as follows: Motion Lost. For - - - - - 10 Against - - - 27 Total ----37 The following Petition was read: March 22, 1960 To The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: I am the owner of the E/2 of the W/2 of the SW/4 of Section 34, Township 51, Range 7, plus three-quarters of an acre described in Volume 152, page 628, lying in the W/2 of the W36 of the SWY/4 of Section 349 Township 51, Range 7, which three-quarters of an acre gives me access to the Bark Point Road. The County has tax certificates on my property dating from the tax of 1953, sale of 1954. with the consent of the Bayfield County Public Welfare Department, who has a lien on my property, arrangements have been made for me to keep this property.in''my family. I, therefore, request your permission to be allowed to purchase all of the outstanding tax certificates against the property to protect my interest as the original owner. If my request is granted, payment will be made immediately to the County Treasurer for the full amount of the tax certificates and penalties. Respectfully submitted, Charles G. Forsberg Moved by Justice and seconded by Howell to grant the foregoing Petition. Motion carried. The following Report was read: REPORT OF ZONING AGENCY TO COUNTY BOARD ON HEARING ON PETITION -TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE To the County Board of Bayfield County: The Zoning Committee of Bayfield County, having considered the petition to amend the -Zoning Ordinance.filed by the Bayfield County Zoning Committee on the 21st day of April, 1959, having held public hearings thereon pursuant to Section Qi 9 �Nr IG/. 192 April 19 ,' 1960 —1 59.97 (3), Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been given as provided by law and being duly informed of the facts pertinent�to.the changes proposed and duly advised of the wishes of.the people in the areas affected hereby recommends i as follows: That the proposed amendment be modified as follows and approved as modified: The following underlined additions should be added to and made a part of the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance: 1. Section I of said Zoning Ordinance -should be amended to read as follows: by inserting.the following underlined words at the places indicated. SECTION I Districts and District Maps For the purpose of promoting, public health, safety, and general welfare and regulating, restricting, and determining the areas within which agriculture, forestry, and recreation may be conducted and regulating and restricting areas along or in natural water courses, channels; streams, and creeks, and establishing districts which are deemed best suited to carry out such purposes, outside of the limits of incorporated villages and cities, and in accordance with the provisions of Section 59.97 of the Wisconsin Statutes, the territory included in the boundaries of the following towns, to -wit: Barksdale, Barnes, Bayfield, Bayview, Bell, Cable, Clover, Delta, Drummond, Eileen, Hughes, Iron River, Kelly, Mason, Keystone, Lincoln, Namakagon, Orienta, Oulu, Pilsen, Port Wing, Pratt, Russell, Tripp, and Washburn are hereby divided into four classes of use districts as follows, to -wit: 1. Forestry District 2. Recreation District 3. Unrestricted District 4. Flood Plain District The boundaries of the aforesaid four (4) use districts are shown upon the official map of Bayfield County, attached hereto, being designated the "Zoning Map showing Use Districts," Bayfield County, Wisconsin, dated November 14, 1934, and made a part of this ordinance, as amended. The Flood Plain District is identified by land levels based on the high water mark of Lake Superior (Chequame�on Bay). All notations, references, and other things shown upon said zoning map showing use districts shall be as much a part of this ordinance as if the matter and things set forth by said map were.all fully described herein. 2. Following Section III of the ordinance add a new section as follows: SECTION III-B District Number 4 - Flood Plain District In the -Flood Plain District no building or structure used for human habitation shall be erected and no existing building shall be relocated in or moved onto unless the land upon which said building or structure is to be erected or located and ten` feet beyond the limits of, said building or structure shall prior to the time of construction be raised to such a level that the main floor of said building or April 19',. 1960 structure shall not be less than seven feet above the high water level of Chequamegon Bay or Lake Superior. No basement or. other ,floor shall be constructed below or at a lower elevation than the main floor. Provided further, that septic tanks, dry wells., and disposal fields shall be constructed in such a way that the outlet of the septic tank shall be at a minimum elevation of 610 feet. Explanatory (Note the average elevation of the Chequamegon Bay is 603 feet above sea level). For property which fronts on Chequ Ejegon_BBay or Lake Superior and is not directly subject to the high water conditions of an individual river or stream the main floor of such .building shall not be, less than four (4) feet above the high water level of .Chequamegon Bay or Lake Superior, Minimum lot areas in the flood plain shall conform with Section'H 65.03 (1) and (2) H 65.05 and H 65.06 (4) of Chapter H 65, Wisconsin Administrative Code. 3. Said Zoning ordinance should be amended to change the boundaries of use districts as follows: That the boundaries of District No. 4, the Flood Plain District in the Town of Barksdale.be in accordance -with drawing 8 M 1031 by the Wisconsin Conservation Department a copy of which is on file in the Offices of the County Clerk and County Register of Deeds. 4. That the following definition of a flood plain be added to Section XII Definitions of the Ordinance: Flood Plain - An area of land bordering the present or former course of a river or stream and built of silt and other materials deposited at times of flood. Habitation - A' lace of abode, a settled swelling, residence or house for people. 5. Add underlined: Section II District No. 1 - Forestry District Section III A Section IV - District No. 3 -.Unrestricted District William A..Stuart, Chairman Harry J. Lowe, Administrator Bayfield County Zoning Committee AFFIDAVIT of PUBLICATION COUNTY OF BAYFIELD) I ) ss. STATE OF WISCONSIN) Bayfield County Zoning Frank G. Dexter, being first duly sworn on oath, says that he is the Editor of The Bayfield County Press, a weekly newspaper published in the City of Bayfield in said County, and thata notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy taken from such paper, has been published in said;,paper, once each week, for three weeks successively; that the first publication thereof was on the 22nd _ day of October , A.D. 1955 , and that the last publication thereof was on the 5th 194 April. .1.9 , .1960 - - day of November "A`.D. 1959 Frank G. Dexter Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day 6f November , 19 59 (Bayfield County Seal) Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk, Bayfield County NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will b e held in'the Court Room of the Bayfield County Court House in the City of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, on the loth day -of November, 1959, at 11:00 a.m. o'clock in the forenoon on the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of Bayfield C-ounty as it affects the zoning regulations of said Ordinance and the boundaries of zoning districts in the Town of Barksdale,' all pursuant to Section 59.97 (3), Wisconsin Statutes. A.copy of the petition to'amend said ordinance is on file in the office of the County Clerk of this County. Dated: October 19, 1959• Harry J.. ,Lowe Zoning Administrator - William A. Stuart Chairman, Bayfield County Zoning Committee 22-29-5 Moved by Stuart and seconded by Barningham to adopt the foregoing report and amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS the building on Lot 10 of Block 8, Neill and Pratt's Addition to the City of Washburn constitutes in the opinion of the City officials of the city of Washburn a hazard, and WHEREAS the said premises are privately owned; and WHEREAS the City contemplates condemning said property; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors, meeting in regular session this 19th day of April, 1960, that, notwithstanding the fact that there are outstanding and delinquent taxes against said premises, that the County Board of Supervisors consent to the razing of said building by the City of Washburn. Date; April 19, 1960 By: Albert E. Peterson, Jr. 6th Ward Supervisor - April-- 19', .1-960 - - Moved by Pajala and seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The insect pests and diseases spread rapidly from neglected apple trees to well -cared -for orchards, and WHEREAS, The folks who own and operate the well -cared for orchards depend on income from apples for their livelihood, and WHEREAS, The diseases and pests are as great a menace to our agricultural economy in the fruit as Bangs disease in cattle, Foul Brood in bees, and Cholera in hogs, and WHEREAS, Wisconsin Statute'94.57 provides that diseased and insect infested apple trees must, be removed or destroyed if they are incapable of successful treatment; and. theref ore BE IT RESOLVED, That $250.00 be appropriated,by Bayfield County to finance the operation of removing diseased and insect infested apple trees in the Bayfield fruit area, and that said funds be administered by the Bayfield County Agricultural Committee of the County Board. Presented by, W. C. Barningham., Chairman Town of Bayfield 4/10/60 Moved by Chambers and seconded by Albert Peterson, Jr. to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Moved by Tribovich and seconded.by Lupa to adjourn until 10:00 A.M., April 20th. The Chair de.clared'the motion lost. The decision by the .Chair was questioned and the Chair ordered roll call which was as follows: AYES Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Hoefling, Stuart, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Tribovich., Frankie, Moore, Ed Jelinek, WaBmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Arthur A. Anderson, A. E. Swanson, Olsen.. total 21 , NAYS Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Smart, Chambers, Moniza,.Berweger, Herman Hanson, Sibbald, Pajala, Ernest Nelson, Malinoski, Holman,.Justice, Peterson Jr. total 15 . Motion carried to adjourn. 19u April 20, 1960' Meeting called to order at 10:00 A. M. by Clarence Olsen,. Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Smart, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen,,Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie,.Pajala, Moore, Ernest Nelson, Ed Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Malinoski, Arthur A.'Anderson, A. E. Swanson, Peterson Jr., Olsen. Total - - - - - - - - - - 34 Absent:Reiten, Homan, Justice- - 3 37 The following Certification was read: CITY OF WASHBURN April 20, 1960 Bayfield County Board Attention:' Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk Dear Sir:. Please be advised that Mr. John Celmer, resident of the Third (3) Ward in Washburn City has been duly authorized to serve on the Bayfield County Board in the absence of Mr. Glenn Holman, Third Ward City Supervisor. Respectfully, Wayne 0. Lowe City Clerk (Seal of the City of.Washburn) City of Washburn Bayfield.County, Wisconsin Moved by Malinoski and seconded by A. A. Anderson that John Celmer be seated as a member of the County Board representing the 3rd Ward in the City of Washburn. Motion carried. The following Certification was read: - CITY OF WASHBURN April 2a, 1960 Board of Directors Bayfield County Attention:' Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Dear Sir: Kindly be advised: L In the absence of the regular Fourth (4) Ward Washburn City Supervisor, Mr. Louis Justice, Mr. Ben L. Lorenzen, Jr. has been duly authorized to serve on the Bayfield. County Board. Respectfully, April 20, 1960--- i Wayne 0. Lowe (Seal of the City of Washburn) City Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Moved by Peterson and seconded by Howell to seat Ben L. Lorenzen Jr. as a member of the County Board representing the 4th Ward of the City of Washburn. Motion carried. Moved by Barningham and seconded by Stuart to re -consider action on Petition of G. Arthur Johnson for the right to purchase tax certificates on Govt. Lot 1, Section 35-52-5 for the sales of 1958 and 1959.. Motion carried. Moved by Barningham and seconded by Stuart to refer the Petition of G. Arthur Johnson for right to purchasetax certificates to the District Attorney for study and to report back to the County Board. Motion carried. The following Report and Recommendation were read: REPORT OF ZONING AGENCY TO COUNTY BOARD ON HEARING ON PETITION TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDINANCE To the County Board of Bayfield County: The Zoning Committee of Bayfield County, having considered the petition to amend the Zoning ordinance filed by Walter Klisz_ez on the loth day of November, 1959, having held public hearings thereon pursuant to Section 59.97 (3)9 Wisconsin Statutes, -notice thereof having been given as provided by law and being duly informed of the facts pertinent to the changes proposed and duly advised of the wishes of the people in the areas affected, hereby recommends as follows: That the proposed amendment be approved as is. Dated,, April 19, 1960 William A. Stuart, Chairman Bayfield County Zoning Committee Harry J. Lowe, Bayfield County Zoning Administrator Dear Mr. Lowe: I received the notice of public hearing on the proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance which will be held April 16, 1960 at 2:00 P.M. at the American Legion Hall ih Cable, Wisconsin. March 26th -Date Received Signed, Edna Neer Town Clerk Town of Cable Apr-i l - 20 , 1960 - AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION _ - COUNTY OF BAYFIELD) ) ss. STATE OF WISCONSIN) Mary E. Hepner, being dirst duly sworn on.oath, says that she is the Publisher of The Bayfield County Press , a weekly newspaper published in the City of Bayfield in said County, and that a notice, of which the annexed is a printed copy taken from such paper, has been published in said paper,.once each week,.for _three weeks successively; that the first publication thereof was on the 31st day of March A.D.,1960 , and that the last publication thereof was on the 14th day of April-A.D. 1960 . Mary E. Hepner, Publisher NOTICE OF PUBLIC H=EARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held in the American Legion Hall in the Village of Cable, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, on the 16tn day of April,. 1960, at 2:00 O'clock in the afternoon on the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of Bayfield County as it affects the boundaries of Zoning Districts in the Town of Cable, all pursuant to Section 59.97 (3), Wisconsin,Statutes. A copy of the petition to amend said.ordin.ance is on file in -the office of the County Clerk of Bayfield County. Dated: March 23, 1960. William A. Stuart, Chairman Bayfield County 'Zoning Committee Harry J. Lowe Zoning Administrator 31-7-14 PETITION FOR AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE To the County Board of Bayfield County: The undersigned hereby petitions the County Board to amend the Zoning ` Ordinance of Bayfield County as follows: That the Zoning on the following descriptions of land be changed from the Forestry Use District No. 1 to the Unrestricted Use District No. 3: The Southeast Quarter of.Section 28 (SE/4 Section 28), the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 33 (NE NE Section 3), the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34 (NE NW, NW NW Section.34) - all in Township 43 North, Range 7 West of Bayfield County. Respectfully submitted, Walter Kliszcz, Town Chairman Town of Cable p - --- - - - April20., 1960 Acting in behalf of the Town Board of the Town of Cable, of which he is the Chairman. Dated: November 10, 1959• Moved by Pajala and seconded by Moore to refer the foregoing Petition to the Zoning Committee. Motion Carried. STATE OF WISCONSIN). ) ss. COUNTY OF BAYFIELD) I, Ludwig Tranmal, Bayfield County Clerk, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the County Board at their meeting held December 2, 1959 and is recorded on pages 159 - 160 Volume 11, County Board Journal Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Moved. by Stuart and seconded by Moore to adopt^the.foregoing recommendation on amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: R E S GLUT ION WHEREAS, Bayfield County has acquired the following property by tax deed: NW NW, SW NW, NW SW, Section 20-50-7, (on Cranberry River) and NW NE, SW NE, Section 15-45-5, (on -Marengo River) and, .WHEREAS, it is-desireable that both the Cranberry River, in the Town of Clover and the Marengo River, in the Town of Lincoln be accessible to the public and, WHEREAS, the land on the Marengo River has considerable erosion and, WHEREAS, it is necessary to keep the forest cover on both of the streams, THEREFORE BE.IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the aforesaid lands be placed under the county park system. Bernard E. Johnson Ernest Moore John 0. Anderson Edward Smart Clarence L. Olsen Moved by Bernard E. Johnson and seconded by Beeksma to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read.: RE.S GLUT I-0N B E IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Clerk furnish a copy.of-the new plat book to. each of the following: April 20, 1960 1. County Board members 2. Town, city and village clerks, treasurers and assessors 3. the trustees of each village and to the supervisors in..each town, village presidents. 4. each county officer and department head. 5. each case worker. 6. Farm & Home Development Agent, and Home Agent. 7. Undersheriff, Indian Police and Traffic Officer. 8. County Cruiser. 9. Supervising teacher... BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said plat books be furnished without charge. George I"Ialinoski Moved by H. J. S. Hanson and seconded by Pristash to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion carried. The following Recommendation was read: RECOMMENDATION TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Your Forestry Committee has considered the request of the Town of Russell for an easement through County owned lands as per resolution presented by the Town of Russell. It is our understanding that the road will be an eighty (80) foot right-of-way, forty (40) feet from the center line of the existing road. Your Forestry Committee recommends that said easement be granted to the Town of Russell with the provisions covering timber stumpage according to the resolution adopted by the Bayfield County Board November 14, 1952, as recorded. in Volume 10, page 38 of Bayfield County Board proceedings. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William Stuart, Chairman Toivo Elonen Onne Beeksma Walter C. Barningham, Sec'y. Ernest Heglun.d Clarence L. Olsai Moved by Pajala and seconded by Barningham to receive the foregoing Recommendation and place on file, Motion carried. The following Resolution was read_: RESOLUTION TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WHEREAS, the road known as the Blueberry road in the Town of Russell will be re -built following along the center line of the existing road and re -locating the curves. - - - A ril ..20, -1960 -- NOW, THEREFORE, the Town of Russell is requesting an easement for an eighty (80) foot right-of-way through the following descriptions of Bayfield County owned lands: NW SE, Section 18, T51N, R3W. A strip of land 40ft. wide, for highway purposes, along the entire west line of the NW SE of Section 18-51-3, containing 1..20.acres. SE NW, Sec. 18, T51N, R3W. A strip of land 40 ft. wide,.for highway purposes, along the entire east line of the SE NW of Section 18-51-3, containing 1.20 acres. SW NE, Section 18, T51N, R3W. A strip of land 40 ft. wide, for highway purposes, along the entire east line of the SW NE, Section 18-51-3, containing 1.20 acres.. NW NE, Section 18, T51N, R3W. A strip of land 40 ft. wide, for highway purposes, along the west line of the NW NE of Sec.. 18-51-3, beginning at the SW corner of the above description; Thence N 30441W. 945 ft. Containing 0.87 acres. along west line a distance of NE NW, Section 18, T51N, R3W. That portion of.a strip of land 80 ft. wide, for highway purposes, -lying within the NENW, Sec. 18-51-3, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at the SE corner of the above description; Thence N 31441W., along east line a distance of 711.2 ft. to a point of curvature; Thence following the are of a 10 degree curve to the left a distance of 480.2 ft. to a point of tangency; .Thence N 51045' W. a distance of 265 ft. to a point on the -north line a distance of 387 ft. west of the NE corner of the above description. Containing 1.91 acres.. SE SW, Sec. 7, T51N, R3W. That portion of a strip of land 80 ft. wide, for highway purposes, lying within the SE SW, Sec. 7-51-3., the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line a distance of 387 ft. west of the SE corner of the above, description; Thence N51a 45'W., a distance of 1212 ft. to the west line a distance of 535 ft. south of the NW corner of the above description. Containing 2.23 acres. SW SW, Sec. 7, T51N, R3W. That portion of a strip of land 80 ft. wide, for highway purposes, lying.within the SW.SW, Section 7-51-3., the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line 535 ft. south of the NE corner of the above description; Thence N 51°45'W., a distance of 833 ft. to the north line a distance of 644 ft. east of the NW corner of the above description. Containing 1.53 acres. NW SW, Section 7-51-3 West. That portion of a strip of land 80 ft. wide, for highway purposes, lying within the NW SW, Section 7-51-3W., the centerline of which is described as ,follows: Beginning.at a.point on the south line a distance of 644 ft. east of the SW.corner of the ab:ove description; Thence N 51°451W. a distance of 201.3 ft. to a point of curvature; Thence following the arc of a 10 degree curve a distance of 496.7 ft. to a point of tangency; Thence N 2105'W., a distance of 735 ft. to the north line a distance of 330 ft. east of the NW corner of the above description. Containing 2.63 acres. 2C2 April 20, 1960 SW NW, Section 7, T51N., R3W. That portion of a strip of land, for highway purposes, lying within the SW NW, of Section 7-51-3W., the width and centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a.point on the south line.a distance of 330 ft. east of the SW corner of the above description; Thence N2105'W., a strip of.land 80 ft. wide, a distance of 1172 ft.; Thence N2°05'W. a strip of land 60 ft. left and 40 ft. right of centerline a distance of 124 ft. to the north line a distance of 372 ft. east of the NW corner of the above description. Containing 2.44 acres. NW NW, Section 7, T51N, R3W. That portion of a strip of land, for highway purposes, lying within the NW.NW, Section 7-51-3W., the width and centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south line a distance of 372 ft. east of the SW corner of*the above description; -'Thence N2005'W., a strip of land 60 ft. left and 40 ft. right of centerline a distance of 176 ft.; Thence N2005'W., a strip of land 80 ft. wide a distance of 603.3 ft. to a point of curvature; Thence following the arcof. a 10 degree curve to the left a distance of 656.7 ft. to the north line'a distance of 81 ft. east of the NW corner of the above description. Containing 2.32. acres. - SW SW,.Sec. 6, T51N., R3W. A strip of land, for highway purposes, lying within the SW SW, Section 6-51-3W., which is described as follows: Beginning at the SW corner of the above description, a triangular parcel of land a distance of 165 ft. east along the south line and 74 ft. north along west line of the above description. Containing 0.28 acres. Signed, Paul Tribovich; Chairman Town of Russell Dated April 19, 1960 Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Pajala to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion carried. The following Communication was read: THE STATE OF WISCONSIN Highway Commission Madison 2 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: April 13, 1960 SUBJECT: Estimated 1961 Allotment for State Trunk Highway System You. ar.e hereby notified that the .estimated allotment in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1961, under the provisions of Sections 200420 (75) and 84.03 (3), for expenditure on.the State Trunk Highway System in your county is $122,000. The proposed allocation of the estimated 1961 allotment not previously advanced, which is submitted for the consideration of your County.Board)is as April 20, 1960 Follows: The sum of $122,000 to be held in reserve for future allocation. Very truly yours, STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN V. L. Fiedler Secretary Moved by Moore and seconded by Tribovich to receive the foregoing Communication and place on file.. Motion carried. The following Communication was read: THE STATE OF WISCONSIN Highway Commission Madison 2 John 0. Bodin Bayfield County Treasurer Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: April 15, 1960 SUBJECT: Prepayment of Part of 1960 Supplemental. Highway Aid for County Trunk Highways Section 20.420(.83)(b)5 Wisconsin Statutes The enclosed State Treasurer's check in the amount indicated in the right-hand column below represents the prepayment of part of the-1960 supplemental highway aid for county trunk highways in your county.pursuant to Section 20.420(83)(b)5, Wisconsin Statutes. It is computed as 50 percent'of the supplemental aid paid to your county in July 1959• The exact amount of the 1960 supplemental highway aids for county trunk highways pursuant to Sections 20.420(83) and (84) will be determined.after the closelof the current fiscal year on June 30, 1960. The balance of your 1960 supplemental highway aid, after deducting the amount of this payment, will be.remitted during the month of July. The funds represented by this payment are supplemental to and are to be used for the same purposes as the county trunk allotment under Section 83.10(1), which will be paid in June. 'Total Supplemental Aid Paid in July 1959 $ 136,304.08 Prepayment of Part of 1960 Supplemental Aid S. 20.420(83)(b)5 $ 68,152.04 A copy of this letter is being mailed to your county clerk in accordance. with Section 14.42(10) of the Statutes, which provides that the clerk shall present this statement at the next regular meeting of the governing body and shall file and keep this statement for six years. Very truly yours, STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN W. B. Blair Director of Finance By S. D . Swartz Senior Accountant 1204 April 20, 1960 Mov.ed by Moore and seconded by Bernard E. Johnson to receive the foregoing Communication and place on file. Motion carried. The following Communications were read: VILLAGE OF CABLE CABLE, WISCONSIN Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: April 13, 1960 I and the residents of the Village of Cable would appreciate it very much if ,you would have the enclosed petition read to the Bayfield County Board of Trustees, in session this spring. On behalf of the people of Cable, Wisconsin a sincere thank you for your assistance. Sincerely yours, Walter Paulsen. Village President VILLAGE OF CABLE CABLE, WISCONSIN Honorable Board of Trustees April 13, 1960 County of Bayfield Gentlemen: The Cable, Wisconsin Board of Trustees and its citizens are appealing to the Bayfield County Board of Trustee:, in session at the reading of this plea, to amend what we feel is a great injustice to us. County Trunk Highway "D", now currently being improved through.the Village of Cable, by the Bayfield County Highway Department is ruining taxable property by being graded too high. Also a hill which should be cut down, to permit better visibility, is being left. If the present grade is left, all of the waters, rain and snow, will continue draining onto property adjacent to County Trunk Highway "D". Much_to the unhappiness of the people who are tax payers as you are. We feel the grade should be cut down at least a foot, to permit us to install, in the near future, curbs and gutters. We also feel_ that the entire hill should be cut down, to permit unobstructed visibility for all traffic. The cutting down of the hill.would also permit all waters to drain into a swamp, therby eliminating the drainage onto taxable property. -April 20,1960 The property in question is in the Village of Cable, and the petition is submitted to you by the people of the Village of Cable. As much as you appreciate your community, we are just as proud of ours. We have submitted this same request to Mr. Harry Curry, Bayfield County Highway Chairman and the Bayfield County Highway Committee, Mr. Ernest_Moore, Chairman. We have been completely unsuccessful in our plea. Our only chance now is to present our plea to you, which we hope and pray you will recognize. We as citizens of Bayfield County submit this to you, the Bayfield County Board of Trustees, for consideration and action. Sincerely yours, Walter Paulsen Village President Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Hoefling to refer the foregoing Communications to the Highway Committee for further study. Motion Carried. Mr. Ed Reiten appeared before the County Board at this time, having been invited to do so by the Chairman of the Board. After some discussion as to Mr.. Reit.en's duties and his rate of pay it was moved by Lupa and seconded by Kliszcz to discontinue paying the additional $25.00 a month to Ed Reiten as of May 1, 1960. Motion carried. Moved by Albert Peterson Jr. and seconded by Pristash to adjourn until 1 P. M. Motion carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P. M. by Chairman Clarence L. Olsen. The following members answered roll call: Mammoser, BArningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Smart, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Tribovich, Frankie, Pajala, Moore, Ernest.Nelson, Ed Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J.'S. Hanson, Malinoski, Arthur A. Anderson, Celmer, Lorenzen, A. E. Swanson, Peterson, Olsen. Total - - - - - 35 Absent: Sibbald, Reiten - - - - - - - - - 2 37 _ April 20, .1960 - The following Petition was Read: TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BAYFIEZD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WHEREAS, the clerical staff working in the Bayfield. County Court House has not had a raise in -their salary for two years last past; and WHEREAS, the cost of living has steadily increased as well.as wages elsewhere, NOW, THEREFORE, it is herewith respectfully requested that the clerical staff of those workers not under State schedule be granted a 10% pay increase retroactive as of January 1, 1960. Money to be taken from County contingency fund or other moneys available. Dated: April 6, 1960. Signed: Alice Utpadel Mary Mac Donald. Helen Hanson Lillian B. Cleary Nora Olson Betty M. Leino Florence Hedi•can Irene Wedin Mabel Moland Olga A. Pearson Moved by John 0. Anderson and seconded by Stuart to refer the foregoing Petition to the Personnel Committee. Motion carried. The following Proposal was read: Jarvi Radio & TV Service 600 E. Cloverland Dr. - Ironwood, Mich. April 5, 1960 Ellsworth Embertson Bayfield County Sheriff Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Embertson: A service contract on the Law Enforcement Dept. in your area per month would be at the rate of $7.70 per mobile unit plus $18.50 for the base station. This includes.all parts used, FCC frequency measurements, periodic maintenance checks and any emergency calls that may develop. Thus assuring you that your equipment is always kept up to factory specifications. As I mentioned to you, these are strictly local rates, but because I service a.number of units in your area already, I feel that I can service yours at these urices. Thank you. Yours truly August Jarvi - -- --- - - - April 201- 1960--- -- - Moved by Pajala and seconded by Beeksma to refer the foregoing Proposal to the Sheriff's Committee. Motion carried. The following report was read: CERRO DE PASCO CORPORATION New York 22, N. Y. January.12, 1960 County Clerk Bayfield County Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: During 1959, Cerro de Pasco geologists made a careful general reconnaissance of all the surface showings of possible copper-beari:ng lodes.in the properties covered by the-Exploration'Agreement and Option to Lease entered into as of November 13, 1958 between Bayfield County and Cerro de Pasco Corporation. Although minor indications of copper are found in the amygdaloid flows over a wide area, at no place was the copper content or geologic conditions such as.could be .considered favorable.for the existance of an economic copper deposit of interest to Cerro. More favorable conditionsin neighboring areas of.Douglas County were drilled during the past year but also failed to disclose possibilities for economic deposits. Due to this evidence, Cerro does not feel that drilling, surface excavations or sampling of the Bayfield areas would be justified. Very truly yours, Stanton Be Keith, Chief Geologist Move. by Berweger and seconded by H: J. S..Hanson to receive the foregoing report and place on file Motion carried. The following Report and request for lease was read: CERRO DE PASCO CORPORATION NEW YORK 22, N. Y. December 30, 1959 County Clerk Bayfield County Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: Cerro de Pasco Corporation has carried out an extensive geological examination in Bayfield and Douglas Counties and has diamond drilled what appeared to be the most favorable locations,for copper deposits in Douglas_County close to those areas of.Bayfield County which were covered by the Exploration Agreement and Option to Lease' entered into as of November 13, 1958 between Bayfield County and Cerro April 20, 1960 de.Pasco Corporation. Unfortunately, the results of the work done do not indicate encouraging possibilities for the development of economic copper deposits within the areas covered. Consequently Cerro feels further exploration work would not be justified and will surrender its rights under the agreement by default of the payment otherwise due on December 31, 1959, in accordance with Paragraph 11 of its agreement with the County. Cerro regrets the necessity of making this decision but wishes to express its appreciation to the,officials of the Bayfield County for their interest and cooperation in this venture. Foreseeing your request for information on the work done, Cerro is preparing a summary report which will be forwarded to you in duplicate in the near future. Very truly yours, CERRO DE PASCO CORPORATION By George H. Cain Assistant Secretary Moved by Tribovich anal seconded by Berweger to grant the foregoing request. Motion carried. The following Communication and Report were read: BEAR CREEK MINING COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS 26, MINNESOTA April 5, 1960 REGISTERED MAIL - RECEIPT REQUESTED County Clerk, Bayfield County Bayfield County Courthouse Washburn_, Wisconsin Dear Sir: Re: AG - Bayfield County In accordance with Section 3-of the Easement with Option to Lease, we are enclosing our second semi-annual exploration report. It indicates the general nature and the location of the work performed on lands covered by our agreement during the period October 11 1959-_through?March 31, 1960 Very truly.yours, Paul A. Bailly District Geologist BEAR CREEK MINING COMPANY Mellen, Wisconsin March 319 1960 SECOND SEMI-ANNUAL EXPLORATION REPORT For the Period October 1, 1959 through March 31, 1960 Exploration of Lands Owned by Bayfield County, Wisconsin 209 - - - - - Apri1: 20,_-1'960 - Continued use of an electric logger has been made to aid in correlating the rocks between drill holes. The following diamond drill holes have been completed on County -owned lands:. Hole No. Date Started Date -Completed_ WC#12 June 18, 1959 October 23, 1959 WC#13 July 27, 1959 November 2, 1959 WC#14 November 16,. 1959 December 29, 1959 WC#15 January 7, 1960 March 22, 196.0 WC#16 February.29, 1960 March 24, 1960 At this time one drill is moving to Section 6, T45N, R9W. Location SE NE 11-47 19W E /4 cor. 35-46-9W SE SE 32-48-9W NW NW 33-48-8W NE NE 8-45-6W BEAR CREEK MINING COMPANY Moved by Bee ksma 'and seconded by Howell to receive the foregoing Communication and Report and place on file. Motion carried._. The following Communication was dead: THE STATE OF WISCONSIN HIGHWAY COMMISSION Madison 2 November 30, 1959 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk, Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: SUBJECT: County Trunk Highway System Changes County P-1673 Bayfield County The State Highway Commission of Wisconsin, at its meeting of November 19,. 1959, considered the petition of. Bayfield'County for certain changes in the County Trunk Highway System, and the following action was taken. 1. The addition of a road in the Town of Barnes. Beginning at an intersection with County Trunk Highway "Y" near the southwest corner of Section 7, Township 44 North, Range 9 West, thence northerly along the Bayfield-Douglas County line to an intersection with State Trunk Highway 27, SAID ADDITION WAS APPROVED. 2. The addition of a road in the Town of Oulu. Beginning at an intersecztion with County Trunk Highway "B" near the southeast corner of Section 18, Township 48 North, Range 9 West, thence westerly to the-Bayfield-Douglas County line, all in said township and range. SAID ADDITION WAS APPROVED. 3. The removal of a road in the Village of Iron River (unincorporated), Town of Iron River, Beginning at the intersection of Mill Street and Main Street, thence southerly along Main Street -to the intersection with Franklin Street, thence westerly along Franklin Street to an intersec-tion with Lea Street. SAID REMOVAL WAS APPROVED. 4. The .addition of a mad in -the Village of Iron River (unincorporated), Town of Iron River. Beginning at the intersection -,of Mill Street and Lea Street, thence southerly along Lea Street to an intersection with Franklin Street. SAID ADDITION WAS APPROVED. 21u April 20, 1960 and Kindly correct your records maps -to conform to the above action and notify all parties interested. Very truly yours STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONS G. H. Bakke Secretary Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Moore to receive 'the foregoing Communication and place on file. Motion carried. A claim was presented by Joe Maciosek for attending Four County Development Meetings. Moved by Malinoski and seconded by Mammoser to allow per diem, mileage and meals to Joe Maciosek as a member of the Hardwood Committee of the Four County Development Group -fox -past services. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Malinoski that the Chairman of the County Board be authorized to appoint a member to the Hardwood Committee of the Four County Development Group. Motion Carried. George Malinoski gave an oral report on the work and accomplishments of the Four County Development Group. Walter Wasmuth gave an oral report on the Book Mobile activities in the County. Moved by Malinoski and seconded by Lupa to refer the matter of charging Board of Prisoners to the Cities of Bayfield and Washburn to'the Sheriff's Committee for a study and report to the Board. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: R E .S 0 L U T I 0 N BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County assembled this 20th day of April,'1960, that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and the Chairman and County Clerk are instructed to issue checks for the amount of such items below: Name County Board Work Total _ Per Diem Mileage Clarence L. Olsen 2.24 2.24 Raymond J. Mammoser 24.00 15.82 39,82 W. C. Barningham 24,00 3.08 27.08 Kenneth C. Howell 24.00. .84 24.84 Nick Pristash 24.00 6.44 30-44 Walter Kliszcz 24.00 13.58 37•58 Onne Beeksma 24,00 8.96 32.96 Edward Smart. 24.00 8.12 32.12 211 - April_ 20, 1960 Name County Board Work. Total _ Per Diem Mileage Bernard E. Johnson . 24.00 $ 12.04 $ 36.04 Ernest Heglund 24.00 4.20 28.20 L. F. Chambers 24.00 10.92 34.92 Frank Hoefling 24.00 8.96 32.96 W. A. Stuart 24:00 6.44 30.44 George Moniza 24.00 5.18 29.18 Joseph Berweger- 24.00 7.28 31.28 Herman Hanson 24.00 6.44 30.44 John 0. Anderson 24.00 12.42 36.42 Sanfred Anderson 24.00 13.72 37.72 Toivo Elonen 24.00 10.92 34.92 Joe Lupa 24.00 4.90 28.90 Evald Johnson 24.00 11.76 35.76 Howard Sibbald. 24.00 7.98 31.98 Paul Tribovich 24.00 7.00 31.00 G. William Frankie 24.00 10.64 34.64 Edward A. Pajala 24.00 3.08 27.08 Ernest Moore 24.00 13002 37.02 Ernest Nelson 24.00 6.16 30.16 . Ed Jelinek 24.00 3.36 .27.36 Walter Wasmuth 24.,00 3.36 . 27 e 36 Henry J. S. Hanson 24.00 3.36 27.36 Halvor Reiten 12.00 1,68 13.68 George Malinoski 24.00 .28 24.28 Arthur A. Anderson 24.00 .28 24.28 Glenn 0. Holman 12.00 .14 12.14 Louis Justice 12.00 .14 12.14 Albert E. Swanson 24.00 .28 24.28 Albert Peterson, Jr. 24.00 .56 24.56 Ben L. Lorenzen 12.00 .14 12.14 John Celmer _ 12..00 "m14 12.14 Totals 852.00 235.86 1087.86 Presented by: Clarence L. Olsen Motion made by Herman Hanson and seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call was as follows: Mammoser, Bdrningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Smart, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa; Evald Johnson,. Tribovich, Frankie, Pajala, Moore, Ernest Nelson, Ed Je;linek, Wasmuth_, H..J. S. Hanson, Malinoski, Arthur A. Anderson, Celmer, Lorenzen, A. E. Swanson, Peterson, Olsen. -Ap,ril20, 1960 Ayes 34 Nayps 0 Total 34 Motion carried. Moved by Wasmuth and seconded by Malinoski to adjourn until 10 A. M. November 3, 1960. Motion carried.