HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 8/23/1960August 23, 1960, MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD August 23, 1960 Meeting called to order by Clarence. L. Olsen, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Mammoser,.Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Smart, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Pajala, Moore, Ernest Nelson, Ed Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Malinoski, Arthur A. Anderson, Holman,'Justice, A. E. Swanson, Olsen - Total 36 The following communication was read: August 23, 1960 Bayfield County Board Court House Washburn, Wisconsin Attention: Mr. Ludwig Tranmal, Clerk Dear Sir: In lieu of the absence of the.City of Washburn's Sixth (6) Ward Supervisor, Mr. Albert E. Peterson Jr., Mayor Hans J. Thompson is herewith authorized to serve in said place on the Bayfield County Board. ( City of Washburn Seal) Respectfully, Wayne 0. Lowe City Clerk City of Washburn Bayfield County, Wisconsin Motion made and seconded that H. J. Thompson be seated as a member of the County Board representing the sixth ward"of the City of Washburn® Motion Carried. The following call for a special meeting was read: Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk Court House Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: I hereby petition you to call a special'meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors for 7:30 P.M., on Tuesday Evening, August 23rd to consider the following: 1. To create a Joint County Superintendency District composed of the Counties of Ashland, Bayfield, Douglas and Iron as authorized by Chapter 2?9, Laws of 1959. 2. To consider and act on such other matters as may legally be presented to the Board. Yours very -truly, 2� a August 23, 1960 Clarence L. Olsen John 0. Anderson Raymond J. Mammoser Sanfr.ed Anderson W. C. Barningham Joe Lupa Nick Pristash- Evald Johnson Walter Kliszcz Howard Sibbald Onne Beeksma Paul Tribovich Edward J. Smart G. William Frankie Bernard E. Johnson Edward A. Pajala Ernest Heglund Ernest Moore L. F. Chambers Ernest Nelson Frank Hoefling Edward Jelinek W. A. Stuart W. L. Wasmuth George Moniza Henry J. S. Hanson Joseph Berweger George Malinoski Herman Hanson Glenn. 0. Holman Albert E. Swanson Albert E. Peterson Walter Wasmuth, Chairman of the. Education Committee gave a detailed report on the hearing held at Superior on order of the State Superintendent of Public Instruc- in tion as to jointure of Ashland, Bayfield, Douglas:Counties for a County Super„tendency District. Ashland and Iron Counties had previously voted against the jointure, there- fore the four county consolidation was defeated. Mr. Wasmuth explained Chapter 279, the Laws of 1959 in detail. He further informed the Board that it was tA-s recommendation of � his committee on Education that Bayfield and Douglas County be made a County Superintendency District. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Reiten that the Education Committee be.in- strutted to meet with the Education Committee of the Douglas County Board and that the two committees ask the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to call a hearing for the purpose of considering a joint County Superintendency District con- sisting of Bayfield and Douglas Counties. The vote was taken by ballot which resulted as follows: For -- 22 ,Against -- 8 Total -- 30 Motion Carried. NOTE: Only such Board members representing districts under the jurisdiction of the County Superintendent of schools were eligible to vote on the foregoing motion. The following communications and'petition were read: 800 llth St. W. Ashland, Wis. May 169 1960 Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Due to the fact that we were not notified about having our farm in the NWT/ of F4j the SWY.and the NE/4 of the SW/4 of Section 28-49-59 Town of Washburn, entered into the Forestry Zoning area, we hereby demand that it be withdrawn immediately. Very truly yours, Andrew Petersen, Jr. Dena K. Petersen M01 August 23, 196.0 PETITION FOR AMENDMENT TO BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: The undersigned hereby petitions the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Bayfield County as follows: That the boundaries of the Forestry Zone in the Town of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, be changed so that the North one-half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 49 North, Range 5 West (N36 SW/ Section 28-49-5) be ed from the Forestry Zone, District No. 1, to the Unrestricted,Zone, District No. 3. Dated June 1 - 1960 HJL:bml 5/17/60 To Whom It May Concern: Respectfully submitted, Andrew Petersen, Jr. 800 Eleventh Street, West Ashland, Wisconsin I, Paul Truchon did cut wood and hay on the Andrew Peterson farm near me in 1958 & 1959. Paul Truchon To Whom Concerned: I the undersigned do say.& testify that I have cut wood from the farm that I have owned for several years each year for my fireplace. Also in 1958 & 1959 did get vegetables from the garden Mr. Armstrong planted on this farm with the Tower on Andrew Petersen, Jr. Moved by Stewart and seconded by Tribovich to refer the foregoing petition to the Zoning Committee. Motion carried. The following Petition was read: TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: The petition of the Town of Kelly respectfully represents and shows: That the land described as one acre Railroad Right of Way in the Northeast Quart- er of the Northeast Quarter (NE}4 NEya) of Section Thirty-three (33) Township Forty- six (46 ) North of Range Five ( 5 ) West, is owned by BAyfie.ld County under tax title duly taken; that the Town would like to acquire said property to be used as a Town dump. WHEREFORE, Petitioner requests that said description of land be sold to the Town of Kelly, th�consideration for said purchase to be the delinquent taxes thereon, with interest to date. Signed, TOWN OF KELLY by William A. Stuart, Town Chairman Moved by Stuart and seconded by J. 0. Anderson to grant the foregoing Petition. Motion Carried. Zu August 23, 1960, The following report was read: TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: As authorized by the County Board of Bayfield County, at their meeting of'April 19,1 1960, on July 1, 1.960, your Forestry Committee hired William Hepner, of Bayfield, Wisconsin, as County Cruiser for the Bayfield County Forestry Department, with start- ing salary of 275.00 per month. The above is in accordance with resolution adopted by the County Board, April 19, 1960, and recorded in Volume 11 of County Board,Proceedings, on pages 184 and 185. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William A. Stuart Walter C. Barningham Ernest Heglund Onne Beeksma Toivo Elonen Clarence L. Olsen Moved by Stuart and seconded by Pristash to accept the foregoing report and app- rove of committee action. Motion carried. The following communication was read: Cable, Wisconsin August 4, 1960 TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY HIGHe11AY DEPARTMENT: We, the undersigned citizens of the Village of Cable, wish to express our appre- ciation to the Bayfield County Highway Department and County Board of Supervisors, for the improvement and widening of County Trunk D through the Village of Cable. Sincerely, Signed by: 77 signers NOTE: Names of signers in County Clerks files and available.for inspection. Moved by Moore and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to receive the foregoing communica- tion and place on file. Motion carried. The following resignation was read: June 6, 1960 Mr, Ellsworth Embertson Sheriff of Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Embertson: It is with a great deal of regret that I hereby submit my resignation as Super- intendent of the Bayfield County Schools, in accordance with Section :-17.01 (7) of the Wisconsin Statutes, to become effective as of August 16th, 1960. Very truly yours,. John W. Howell, Superintendent JWH/fmh Bayfield County Schools cd: Mr. Walter Wasmuth Bayfield, Wisconsin -.Mr. Ludwig Tranmal, Bayfield County Clerk, Court House, Washburn, Wisconsin August 23, 1960 Moved by H. J. S. Hanson and seconded by Barningham to receive th oregoing and place on file. Motion Carried. The following report was read: June 24, 1960 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Lud: Reference is made to the request for an easement by the Lake Superior District Power Company to go through County land. The request is for a 40 foot right-of-way from the center line on County Trunk D. east of Cable. The premises affected hereby are described as the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW/ S10/+) of Section 13, Township 43, North of Range 7 West. At the Bayfield County Forestry Committee meeting of June 9, 1960, a motion was made and carried that said easement be granted for the stipulated amount of $5.00 per pole for the total of six poles, plus timber stumpage for any merchantable wood cut. The above to be referred to the -County Board at their next meeting of November 3, 1960, GEL/lc Yours very truly, George E. Leino Forestry Administrator Bayfield County Moved by:Tribovich and seconded by Pristash to grant the request of the Lake Superior District Power Company as recommended. Motion Carried. The following Petition and Affidavits were read: PETITION STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ss. COUNTY OF DOUGLAS Comes now your petitioner, Arnold R. Mattson, and petitions the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, as follows: 1. That your petitioner resides at 1708 North 24th Street, Superior, Wisconsin, and that he is the son of A. E. Mattson who is the owner of certain real estate in the Town of Oulu, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and described as follows: North One-half of the Northeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter (N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4) and North One-half of Northwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter (N 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4), Section Six (6)9 Township Forty-eight (48), Range Nine (9); 2. That there are delinquent taxes on which there has been a sale to the County of Bayfield. as follows: 238 August 23, 1960 Description Year of Year of Year of Year of Year of Sale Sale Sale Sale sale Nh of NE'y4 of SE/ Nh of NWY of SY/ 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 Tax of Tax of Tax of Tax.of Tax of 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 S 12.90 12.04 $12.03 $ 11.99 $ 12.12 9.20 8.55 8.55 8.51 8.62 Interest to be added - 3. That the petitioner's father, A. E. Mattson was committed to a mental institu- tion in 1943 and is presently committed to Douglas County Hospital Home & Sanatorium at Parkland, Wisconsin, and that the prospects for his recovery and release are very poor; that since his commitment your petitioner paid the real estate taxes upon the above described forty acres through 1953; that said forty acres is unimproved real estate having a small clearing of about four acres and a small one room shack; that your petitioner discontinued payment of said taxes because he did not realize any rents or profits from said real estate. 4. That the family of A. E. Mattson consists of his wife, Ina W. Mattson of 511 Ogden Avenue, Superior, Wisconsin; two daughters, namely; Arlene D. Allen of 511 Ogden Avenue, Superior, Wisconsin, and Bernice Grigas of 12 23rd Street, Northwest, Minot, North Dakota, and your petitioner, son; that it is the desire of the other members of the family that your petitioner obtain title so.that the property will not be lost because of delinquent taxes. WHEREFORE, your petitioner, Arnold R. Mattson, requests the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, that such body authorize the assignment of the above certificates to your petitioner. Dated this 29 day of April, 1960. Arnold R. Mattson State of Wisconsin ) ss. County of Douglas ) Personally came before me this 29 day of April, A. D. 1960, the above named Arnold R. Mattson to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instrument and ack- nowledged the same. (Notarial Seal) AFFIDAVIT STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ss COUNTY OF DOUGLAS ) Reino A. Perala Notary Public, Douglas County, Wisconsin. My commission Expires Sept. 119 1960.' INA W. MATTSON being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that she resides at 511 Ogden Avenue, Superior, Wisconsin, and that she is over twenty-one years of age and that she makes this affidavit in support of a petition by her son, Arnold R. Mattson to the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, for the assignment of certain tax certificates to him of lands belonging to the affiant's husband, A. E. Mattson. Affiant'further says that it is her wish that the said tax certificates be assign- ed to Arnold R. Mattson in order that he may obtain a tax deed to the following des- cribed property: North One-half of the Northeast quarter of Southeast quarter (N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of August 23., 1960 SE 1/4) and North One-half of Northwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter (N 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4), Section Six (6), Township Forty-eight (48), Range Nine (9). in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and that your affiant has no other interest in said lands. Ina W. Mattson Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29 day of April, 1960. Reino A. Perala Notary Public, Douglas County, Wis. (Notarial seal) My commission expires: Sept. 11, 1960 AFFIDAVIT STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF WARD ) BERNICE GRIGAS being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that she resides at 12 23rd Street Northwest, Minot, North Dakota, and that she is over twenty-one years of age and that she makes this affidavit in support of a petition by her brother, Arnold R. Mattson to the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County; Wisconsin, for certain tax the assignment ofA certificates to him of lands belonging to the affiant's father, A. E. Mattson. Affiant further says that it is her wish that the said tax certificates be assigned to Arnold R. Mattson in'order that he may obtain a tax deed to the following described . property: North One-half of the Northeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter (N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4) and North One-half of Northwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter (N 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4). Section Six (6). Township Forty-eight (48), Range Nine (9), in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and that your affiant has no other interest in said lands. Bernice Grigas Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of April, 1960. Viola L. Lee, Notary Public, Ward County, North Dakota (Notarial Seal) My commission expires Dec. 3'. 1965. AFFIDAVIT STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ss. COUNTY OF DOUGLAS ) ARLENE D. ALLEN being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that she resides at 511 Ogden Avenue, Superior, Wisconsin, and that she is over twenty-one years of age and that she makes this affidavit -in support of a petition by her brother, Arnold R. Mattson, to the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, for the assignment of certain tax certificates to him of lands belonging to the affiant's father, A. E. Mattson. Affiant further says that it is her wish that the said tax certificates be assigned to Arnold R. Mattson in order that he may obtain a tax,deed to the following described property: North One-half of the Northeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter (N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of 220 August 23; 1960 SE 1/4) and North One-half of Northwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter (N 1/2 of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4), Section Six (6), Township Forty-eight (48)9 Range Nine (9), in Bayfield County, Wisconsin,3 and that your affiant has no other interest in said lands. Arlene D. Allen Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29 day of April, 1960. Reino A. Perala Notary Public, Douglas County, Wis. (Notarial seal) My commission expires: Sept. 11, 1960 Moved by Elonen and seconded by Pajala to grant the foregoing petition. Motion Carried. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Barningham that the District Attorney by instructed to check the title record of Government Lot 1 Section 35-52-5. Motion Carried. The following petition was read: TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WASHBURN, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: I hereby wish to have the Board grant me a Plat Book without cost for use in my work as Supervising Teacher of the Bayfield County Schools. Robert H. Wangen, Supervising Teacher Bayfield County Schools Dated this 22nd day of August, 1960. Moved by Chambers and seconded by Justice to grant the foregoing request. Motion -Carried.' The following letter was read: August 10, 1960 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: You are the only person in Bayfield County on whom I feel that I can lean and get some kind of support. I am still trying to help myself and at the same time do a good turn for Bayfield County and get access to my property described as Lots 1 and 2, Section 1-51-4 and Lot 29 36-52-4. Up to this time I must say that I have been disappointed about the little co-operation I have received. To do anything with the land I must be able to get to it. August, 23, 1960 How about an easement or right-of-way across that portion of Section 1-51-4 owned by Bayfield County, from the fire lane near the gravel pitr, running in a northwesterly direction along a small ridge. I should be entitled to a road on the section line but to put in culverts and filling across the small ravines would be expensive in compari son with running the road from the fire lance. With a bulldozer this could be done in a day or two at very little cost and would answer the purpose. I am sure you agree with me that I must. have access to my property if I am going to -handle it and that I can't afford to continue paying taxes on it under the circumstances that exist at this time. If I could get access to the land I might be interested in acquiring Lot 1, 36-52-4, Mary Gordon listed as owner and the 40 acres east of my Lot 2, 36-52-4, marked USA on the maps. What is the present status of these descriptions as to owners and taxes? I do not -get any response from Paul Tribovich, the Town Chairman to my letters, except to say the Town does not have the money to do any worke I should be entitled ,to some benefit from the taxes I pay. Someone should be able to help me work out this problem and.I would appreciate ,hearing from you with your suggestions as to what can be done to give`me access to my property. With best regards,.I am, Yours very truly, S. D. Austin Moved by Malinoski and seconded by Justice to refer the foregoing communication to the Forestry Department for a check and report. Motion Carried: The following resolution was' -read: RESOLUTION TO -CORRECT FORESTRY BOUNDARY WHEREAS, It is necessary to correct the present boundary of County Forest Unit No. 1, so as t;o include the NE SE of Section fifteen (15), Township fifty-one (51) North of Range four (4) West, which was omitted in the resolution adopted by the County Board on November 11, 19539 recorded in volume 10, page 141, of County Board Proceedings, and WHEREAS, said NE SE of Section fifteen (15), Township fifty-one (51) North of Range four (4) West, was entered under Forest Crop Law on March 19, 1948, now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the corrected boundary of Bayfield County Forest Unit No. 1 be changed to read as follows: Starting from the South quarter corner of Section 16, Township 51 North, Range 4 West, on the present boundary of Forest Unit No. 1, proceeding South for one-half mile to the center of Section 21, Township 519 North Range 4 West; thence East for one and one-half miles (136 miles) to the East Quarter corner of Section 22, Township 51 North, Range 4 West; thence North for one mile to the East Quarter corner of Section 159 Township 51 North, Range 4 41est, rejoining the present boundary. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William Stuart, Chairman Walter C. Barningham,Secre Toivo Elonen Ernest Heglund Onne Beeksma Clarence L. Olsen 222 August 23, 1960 Moved by Barningham and seconded by Tribovich to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion Carried. The following resolution was read: R E S O L U T I O N BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayf ield County assembled this 23rd day of August, 1960, that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and the Chairman _and County Clerk are instructed to issue checks for the amount of such items listed below: Name County Board Work Total per diem mileage Clarence L. Olsen - 1.12 1.12 Raymond J. Mammoser 12.00 7.91 19.91 W. C. Barningham 12.00 .1.54 13.54 Kenneth C. Howell 12.00 .42 12.42 Nick Pristash -12.00 3.22 15.22 Walter Kliszcz .12.00 6079 18.79 Onne Beeksma 12.00 4.48 .16.48 Edward Smart 12.00 4.06 16.06 Bernard E. Johnson 12.00 6.02 18.02 Ernest Heglund 12.00 2.10 14.10 L. F. Chambers 12.00 5.46 17.46 Frank Hoefling 12.00 4.48 16.48 W. A. Stuart 12.00 3.22 15.22 George Moniza 12.00 2.59 14.59 Joseph Berweger 12.00 3.64 15.64 Herman Hanson 12.00 3.22 15.22 John 0. Anderson 12.00 6.21. 18.21 Sanfred Anderson 12.00 6.86 18.86 Toivo Elonen 12.00 5.46 17.46 Joe Lupa 12.00 2.45 14.45 Evald Johnson 12.00 5.88 17.88 Howard Sibbald 12.00 3.99 15.99 Paul Tribovich 12.00 3.50 15.50 G. William Frankie 12.00 5.32 17.32 Edward A. Pajala 1-2.00 1.54 13.54 Ernest Moore 12.00 6.51 18.51 Ernest Nelson 12..00 3.08 15.08 Ed. Jelinek 12.00 1.68 13.68 Walter Wasmuth 12.00 1.68 13.68 Henry J. S. Hanson 12.00 1.68 -13.68 Halvor Reiten 12.00 1.68 13..68 George Malinoski 12.00 .14 12.14 Arthur A. Anderson 12.00 .14 12.14 Glenn 0. Holman 12.00 .14 12.14 Louis Justice 12,00 .14 12.14 Albert E. Swanson 12.00 .14 12.14 H. J. Thompson 12.00 .28 12.28 Totals 432.00 118.77$550.77 Presented by: Frank Hoefling August 23, 1960 Moved by Malinoski and seconded by Tribovich to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as follows: Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Smart, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Pajala, Moore, Ernest Nelson, Ed. Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Malinoski, Arthur A. Anderson, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, H. J. Thompson, Olsen. Ayes - 37. Motion Carried. Nayes - none Total - 37 Moved by Justice and seconded by Barningham to refer to the Education Committee the problemsof the County Superintendent of Schools with power to act. Motion Carried. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Stuart to adjourn. Motion Carried, .