HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/7/1961November-7, 1961 MINUTES OF BAYFI2LD COUNTY BOARD Meeting called to order at 10:00 A.M. by Clarence L. Olsen, Chairman. The following members answered.roll call: George Sampson, Mammoser, Barninghap,.Howell., Pristash, Kl'liszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Dale Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Pajala, Joseph Maciosek, Ernest Nelson, Ed Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Harvey DeMars, Arthur A. Anderson, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Lindsey and Olsen. The following communication was read: - TOWN OF BARKSDALE Barksdale, Wisconsin November 6, 1961 Board of Supervisors Bayfield County Due to the resignation of Clarence Olsen as Town Chairman, George Sampson R-1 Washburn has been appointed Town Chairman by the Town Board. Wm. Snyder, Town Clerk. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Stuart to seat George Sampson as a member of the County Board representing the Town of Barksdale. Motion carried. Mr. Olsen vacated as Chairman and turned the gavel over to Edward Pajala, Vice Chairman of the Board. The following communication was read: TOWN OF PORT WING Bayfield County, Wisconsin November 6, 1961 Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk Washburn, Wis. Dear Sir: The Town Board of Port Wing has appointed -Dale Johnson to serve on the County Board in the absence of Evald Johnson. Yours truly Willard L. Ogren, Town Clerk Moved by Beeksma and seconded by Sanfred Anderson to seat Dale Johnson as a member of the County Board representing the Town of Port Wing. The following communication was read: Honorable Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Court House Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Motion carried. This is a letter to introduce Mr. Joseph Maciosek who has been chosen to take November 7, 1961 take my place during my absence. You will find Mr. Maciosek to be an honest, fair, practical and unbiased in his decisions.. It is with deep regret that I am unable to attend this session of the county. board. With my few attendances at the committee meeting I was beginning to appreciate the problem faced by different townships and the county board. I can also appreciate the help given by the board in support .of the Cable-Namakagon airport and the many other undertakings that they participate in, Just to mention something about our trip out here, the boys appreciated very much the mountains and the seeing of evergreen trees again. The trip through North Dakota and Montana was very Barron and boring. We have had rain here every day. The weather man has -an easy job here at the present time. Slighty cloudy with scattered showers. Hoping to see you in about a year and until then, I remain, Sincerely yours, cc: Joseph Maciosek Cable, Wisconsin Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Arthur C..Hanson and seconded by Howell to receive the foregoing communi- cation and place on file. Motion carried. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Sibbald to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting. Motion carried. a The County Board proceeded with the election of„Highway Committee. The chair appointed Glenn 0. Holman and Kenneth Howell as tellers. Nomination for District #1 was for Paul Tribovich. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Pristash to close nominations. Motion carried. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by J:. 0. Anderson that the County Clerk be instruc ed to cast a unanimous ballot for Mr. Tribovich as a member of the Highway Committee of District #l. Motion carried. The County Clerk cast the unanimous ballot and the chair declared Paul Tribovich duly elected. Nomination for member of the Highway Committee for District #2 was for Joseph Berweger. Moved by Ernest Nelson and seconded by Barningham to close the nominations. Motion carried. Moved.by Arthur C. Hanson and seconded by Howell that the County Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Joseph Berweger as a member of the Highway Committee of District #2. Motion carried. The County Clerk cast the ballot as directed and the chair declared Joseph Berweger duly elected. u Nomination for a member of the Highway Committee from District #3 was for Frank. Hoefling. Moved by Barn.ingham and seconded by Mammoser to close the nomination. Motion carried. Moved by Stuart and seconded by J. 0. Anderson that the County Clerk be instructed NOVEMBER Nov. 7, 1961 to cast a unanimous ballot for Frank Hoefling as a member of the Highway Committee from District #3. The County Clerk cast the ballot as directed and the chair declared Frank Hoefling duly elected. The following communication was read: Chairman of County Board Mr. Clarence L. Olson Route 3, Ashland, Wisconsin October 20, 1961 Dear �oard of Supervisors: The So Bay Co Sportsmans Club went on record at their meeting October 18th by;7- unanimous vote to extend their thanks to,the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors for the support you have given us in the projects we have undertaken in the last two years. We are happy to report that the Bearsdale Spring Dam is .in and in good shape, the water level is high and the water is clear. The Town of Drummond helped with this project and we also had a full day of volunteer workers from our club and the Eau Claire Lake Conservation Club. You had allowed us $300.00 for this dam project and Mr. Bernard Johnson reported that the cost has run over about $60.00 which our club and the Eau Claire Lake Club will pay. We feel sure that this has been a worthwhile project and a great improvement. The wing dams on the Namakagon Diver have also been completed so that the river is deepened at that point and made navigable by canoe. The Eighteen Mile Creek project that we have been working on has.been a difficult one. As you probably know the old channel had filled in to the point where thre was none; the Conservation Department determined the location of the new channel for the creek and the blasting was done. Everything looked fine until we had some heavy rain and it again began to fill in until the creek was almost back to where it was before the work began. Howard Fallis from the Area Conservation Office at Spooner has in- spected it and the department will make a survey of levels to determine where the chann- el should be and proceed to correct it. All in all, we feel that these projects have been a good beginning to stream improvement. Without the money appropriated for conservation by you they would not have been possible and we are grateful for your support. Our club will soon be starting it's third year and we feel that we should and will be able to help more financially in our projects in the future. However, we urge you to continue your appropriation for conservation as throe is much to be done in Bayfield County to preserve it for those who love to hunt, fish, or just enjoy its beauty. Thank you again. Very sincerely Yours, So Bay Co Sportsman's Club Maybeth J. Foster, Sec., Drummond, Wis. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Bernard E. Johnson to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion carried. B30 November 7, 1961 The following communication was read: Mr. Ellsworth Embertson Sheriff of Bayfield County Dear Sir: I herewith tender my resignation as Treasurer of Bayfield County to take effect December 31, 1961. This resignation is submitted to your office in accordance with Chapter 17.01 Wisconsin Statutes. Yours very truly, John 0. Bodin JOB:gm Above is a'copy of resignation tendered to me, November 6, 1961. E. 0. Embertson, Sheriff Bayfield County Moved by Tribovich and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to accept the foregoing res— ignation with deep regrets. Motion carried. The following report was read: TO THE HONORABLE TMBERS OF THE BAYFIELD CO'. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. GENTLEMEN: Submitted herewith is a report of the funds received and disbursed by the Bayfie County Court for the year beginning Nov. 1, 1960 and ending Oct. 31, 1961. COLLECTED AND PAID TO THE STATE OF WISCONSIN: 50% all traffic fines 1159.95 90% all fines except traffic 3793.50 65% Probate filing fees 309.40 5262.85 COLLECTED AND PAID TO BAYFIELD COUNTY: 50% all traffic fines 1159.95 10% all fines except traffic 421.50 35% Probate filing fees 166.60 100% county fines 2175.00 100% Bail forfeitures 9374.80 13297.85 COURT COSTS: Criminal 822.26 Ordinance 274.00 Civil 94.75 Certified copies 276..75 Forms 96.00 1563.76 Paia to City of Washburn (City forfeitures) 155.00 Paid — Officers' fees 262.00 Miscellaneous payments (Civil Actions, etc.) 21479.88 Support payments 4367.55 Trust money held or paid 25142.82 51407.25 Total collected and Paid 71531.71 November 7, 1961 PROBATE No. Type 20 Guardianships 32 New Testates and Intestates 47 Estates completed 58 Jt. Tenancy & Heirship MISCELLANEOUS CASES 297 Criminal cases 52 Ordinance cases 522 Bail forfeitures 59 Juvenile cases 4 Adoptions 20 Mental Committments Valuation 20846.14 582661.00 489742.50. 390210.65 8 194839460.29 9 Summary estates settlement 1 Support 37_Sanatorium and University Hospital Admissions 85 Miscellaneous cases (Special Dispensation to Marry; Occupational License; Transfer of Motor vehicle, etc.) Respectfully Submitted: L. K. Blanchard, County Judge Moved by Arthur C. Hanson and seconded by Berweger to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. The following report was read: STATE OF WISCO NSIN ) ) ss. AFFIDAVIT County of Bayfield ) Robert N. Ledin, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the duly elected and acting District Attorney in and for Bayfield County, Wisconsin; that he was such officer during the year 1960; that during the year 1960, no collections were made by said office as and for fines, forfeitures and other matters relating to crimin— al or county matters and that all such payments were made direct to the County Court of said Bayfield County, Wisconsin; that there was collected during said year of 1960 on old age assistance.liens the sum of $19933.16, representing Bayfield County's share of said collections, or as more fully set forth in the records of the Department of Public Welfare in and for said Bayfield County, Wisconsin. That this report is made.to the County Board of Supervisors at their November meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes. Subscribed and.sworn to before me this Robert N. Ledin 31st day of October, 1961. Irene Sieren, Notary Public Ashland County, Wisconsin. (Notarial seal) My commission expires 1/6/63. Moved by.Ar.thur C. Hanson and seconded by Beeksma to receive the foregoing report place on file. Motion carried. 33u November 7, 1961 The following communication was read: BEAR CREEK MINING COMPANY 407 Surety Life Building 1935 South Main Street Salt Lake City 15, Utah October 2, 1961 REGISTERED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED County Clerk, Bayfield County Bayfield County Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin Re: AG - Bayfield County Dear Sir: In accordance with Section'No. 3 of our Easement with Option to Lease, we are obligated to send you semi-annual exploration reports, indicating the general nature and the location of the work performed on lands covered by our agreement. This is to notify you that no exploration work was done by Bear Creek Mining Company during the period April 1, 1961 through September 30, 1961. Very truly yours PAG;ab Paul A. Bailly, President cc: M.Flinn G.B.Russell FILED: Oct. 7, 1961 Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk Moved by Stuart and seconded by Howell to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion carried. Harry B. Curry, County Highway Commissioner's term expires Dec. 31, 1961. He had previously sent a letter to each County Board member advising them that he would not be a candidate for reappointment. Application for County Highway Commissioner were read as follows: Washburn, Wisconsin November 6,. 1961 Menbers of the Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: I respectfully submit my application to be considered for the'position of County Highway Commissioner. I am.35 years of age, married, have six children and am a combat veteran. I have a business administrative background and a reputation of fair and hones - dealing. Hoping for your- consideration. Sincerely, Herbert H. Geisler Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: I herewith apply for the position of County Highway Commissioner Filed Nov. 7, 1961, Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk Clarence L. Olsen November 79 1961 I hereby apply to the Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County, for the position of Bayfield County Highway Commissioner. E. 0. Embertson November 7, 1961 Moved by Arthur C..Hanson and seconded by William Peterson to delay election of Highway Commissioner until after noon lunch. Motion lost. Moved by Lupa and seconded by Justice to vote by ballot. The ballot was as follows: Clarence L. Olsen - 20; Total - 37. Motion carried. E. 0.. Embertson - 7; Herbert H. Geisler - 10; The chair declared Clarence L. Olsen duly elected. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by John 0. Anderson to elect a County Treasurer by ballot. Motion carried. The following application was read: Bayfield, Wisconsin November 7, 1961 Honorable Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: I hereby make application for the position of County Treasurer, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. I hereby submit the following educational and employment resume: Education State.Teachers College, Superior, Wisconsin three semesters business administration prerequisites Duluth Business University advanced accounting and business adminis- tration graduate Employment Northern Wisconsin.Power Company; three years accountant and office manager. Lake Superior District Power Company; accountant and assistant district manager for three years Self employed as general insurance agent for the past four years. I am 34 years of age, married, have six children and am a life long resident of the city of Bayfield, except for a period of three years during which time I served in the U S Navy during World War Two. I have also served as Alderman -Supervisor and Clerk of the City of Bayfield. Respectfully, Lawrence Wachsmuth Moved by Lupa and seconded by John 0. Anderson to delay election of the County Treasurer until Wednesday afternoon. Motion carried. ed Moved by Mammoa.er and second,,by Barningham to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Motion carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P.M. by Edward A. Pajala as Vice Chairman. The following members answered roll call: 334 November 79 1961 Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kl:iszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hgefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Dale Johnson, Tribovich, Frankie, Pajala, Joseph Maciosek, Ernest Nelson, Ed Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Harvey DeMars, Arthur A. Anderson, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Lindsey, and Sampson. The following communication was read: October 17, 1961 Mr. Clarence L. Olsen, Chairman Bayfield County Board - Court House Bayfield, Wisconsin Ashland Municipal Airport Dear Mr. Olsen: The City of 'Ashland is considering the improvement of its airport by the installa- tion of a hot sheet overlay on the existing runway pavements. This airport serves Bayfield and Ashland Counties as well as the City of Ashland and as I recall, Bayfield County participated financially in the original development of the airport, which is a mighty fine thing to have done, and which has worked out to the -benefit of the entire Chequamegon Bay area. When this airport was built the hot sheet surface, which was a part of the origin- al design, was omitted in order to keep the cost. down. In lieu thereof the top 3" of the base course was made into a temporary surface, by the use of asphalt and with turnover method. It was intended at that time that after two or three years there would be a further project to install a hot sheet surface which had to be omitted because of finances originally. The surface should now be installed and it appears that the project will be eligible for federal aids as well as state aid. The project is estimated to cost $7290009 with the cost divided $36,000 Federal, State $10,000 and the city of Ashland $26,000. In view of the importance of this airport to Bayfield County it seems proper that I advise you of the presently contemplated program since you may wish to participate with the City of Ashland in meeting the sponsor's cost and want to make provision accordingly in your county budget. If any further information is required, we will be glad to supply it. TKJ/gb cc: Mayor Harry Simon, Ashland Very truly yours, WISCONSIN STATE AERONAUTICS COMMISSION T. K. Jordan, . Director Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Pristash to receive the foregoing communica- tion and place on file. Motion carried. The following resignation was read: I hereby tender my resignation as Chairman of the County Board. It has been a pleasure and privilege to have served on the County Board for so many years, part of the time'as your chairman. November 79 1961 I will always cherish memories and associations with all of you. Clarence L. Olsen Moved by Stuart and seconded by Tribovich to accept the foregoing resignation. Motion carried. The County Board proceeded to elect a chairman. Nominations were as follows: Edward A. Pajala, Arthur C. Hanson. Moved by Barningham and seconded by Chambers to close nominations. Motion carried. The Ballot was as follows: Edward A. Pajala 26 Arthur C. Hanson 5 Glenn 0. Holman 2 Raymond J. Mammoser 2 'Blank' 1 Total 36 The Clerk declared Edward A. Pajala as Chairman of the County Board. Edward A. Pajala resigned as Vice Chairman. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by DeMars to accept the resignation of Pajala as Vice Chairman. Motion carried. Lupa. Nominations for Vice Chairman were as follows: Ernest Nelson, Glenn 0. Holman, Bernard E. Johnson, Arthur C. Hanson, Joseph Moved by Lupa and seconded by Monioa to close nominations. Motion carried. In that Glenn 0. Holman was a nominee the chair appointed Phillip Lindsey to replace him as one "of the tellers. The result of the first ballot was as follows: Ernest Nelson 7 Arthur C. Hanson 7 Glenn 0. Holman 11 Joe Lupa 1 Bernard E.Johnson 9 Total 35 No majority. The result of the second ballot was as follows: Glenn 0. Holman 14 Ernest. Nelson 6 Arthur C. Hanson 6 Bernard E.Johnson 9 Total 35 No majority. The chair gave a. ruling that according to Robert's Rule of Order the County Board after two ballots could limit the balloting to the two highest candidates.. Moved by Justice and seconded by Howell that the two highest candidates be balloted on. . Motion carried. The result of the third ballot was as follows: Glenn 0. Holman 22 Bernard Johnson 14 Total 36 ssc November 7, 1961 CY The chair declared Glenn 0. Holman duly elected as Vice Chairman of the Board. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County enjoys a large recreational business and, WHEREAS, many of our summer residents and visitors coming from otherstates have criticized our policy of no trolling by motors for fish, and WHEREAS, all other adjoining states permit motor trolling, THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session petition the Wisconsin Conservation Commission. to ;issue an order per- mitting motor trolling in the lakes of Bayfield County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be sent to the Governor of Wisconsin, to the Director of Conservation of the State of Wisconsin, and to John Lynch, Commissioner. Bernard E. Johnson John 0. Anderson Ernest Nelson Raymond J. Nlammoser Dated this 7� day of Paul Tribovich November, 1961, CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Moved by Bernard E. Johnson and seconded by Paul Tribovich to adopt the fore- going Resolution. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner of the Southeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter (SE/ of SE/4), Section Twenty (20), Township Forty-seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, and WHEREAS, Said described real property lies in the Town of Iron River and said .Town is interested in acquiring said real property from said Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, Said real property has been appraised at a value of One Hundred Sixty Dollars (3160.00), NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the real property above described be sold by Bayfield County to the said Town of Iron River for the appraised value of One Hundred Sixty Dollars ($160.00), said amount to be charged against the excess delinquent tax credit now standing in favor of the said Town of Iron River. Frank Hoefling Moved by Stuart and seconded by Pristash to refer the foregoing Resolution to the Forestry Committee -with power to act. The following report was read: Motion carried. Washburn, Wisconsin November 2, 1961 To the Hon. County Board, Bayfield County, Wisconsin November 7, 1961 Gentlemen: We, the undersigned Committee on Illegal Taxes, beg leave to report that we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as set forth in the column marked "allowed' and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same, and that the amounts be charged back to the respective taxing districts as designated. Signed, Louis H. Justice Wm. B. Peterson Harvey A. DeMars ILLEGAL TAXES AND TAX CERTIFICATES Charged Back in 1961 Town of Cable . Name of Description and Year Allowed Claimant Reason of Illegality of Cert. Face of Sale No. Cert. Bayfield Co. Parcel in Lot 1 dese. in Vol. 163 page 486 of deeds. Double assessment. 1956 465 2.41 Do. Do. 1958 394 2.50 Do. Do. 1959 393 2.59 Do. Do. 1960 406 2.62 Town of Eileen Bayfield Co. 3 acres in NE NE desc. in Vol. 56 page 470. Tax figured in error. 1958 611 8 28.91 Town of Washburn Bayfield Co. NW SW, Sec. 2-48-5. Entered on wrong line by Town 'Treasurer. Should have been HE SW. 1956 1936 $fi 38.75 City of Bayfield Bayfield Co. Lot 17, Block 116, City of Bayfield. County property since January 13, 1955. 1956 2245 .45 Bayfield Parcel in Lot 1 in Vol. 163 page 4 deeds Sec. 32-43-8, Double assessm — same as Plate No. 1055B Do.' Do. Do. Do. Do. 465 2.41 1958 394 0 1959 393 2.5 1960 406 2.62 Del. Tax charge back to District 2.41 2.50 2.59 2.62 10.12 28.91 $ 38.75 .45 2.41 2.50 2.59 �. 6 2 November 79 1961 Name of Claimant buj Descri �t � Rs-xs'on of ^Ill CHARGED.BACK IN 1961 Allowed of Cer . ace of i� Sale No. Cer Del. Tax Charge back to District Moved by Justice and seconded by Lupa to adopt the recommendation of the fore- going report. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read:* WHEREAS Bayfield County has acquired title by a tax deed to Lot 13, Block 9 of the Original Townsite of Washburn, and . . WHEREAS it has. not been..occup.ied for a long period of time except for personal property, therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the District Attorney be instructed to have the S premises vacated in order that the Sales Committee can sell this property. Louis Justice Moved by Justice and seconded by Lindsey to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion carried. The following Resolution -was read: WHEREAS Bayfield County has acquired by tax de'ecd' •the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section twenty-nine, Township forty-four North, Range seven West, (SW NW Sec. 29-44-7) located in the Town of Drummond, and WHEREAS there is a small body of water with approximately 3Yz acres on this land, and WHEREAS .the pond or lake is neither large enough nor a suitable fishing lake to justify a public landing, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the above forty be,exempt from the resolu- tion covering public landings and that the sales committee be authorized to sell the land. Bernard E..Johnson Moved by Bernard E. Johnson and seconded by Tribovich to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner of the South Seven (7) acres of Government Lot Two (2), Section Seventeen (17), Township Forty-seven (47)9 Range Eight (8) West,. having acquired it by tax deed, and WHEREAS, some of this land may border on Half Moon Lake, and WHEREAS, said property is not suitable for a public landing because the lake November 7, 1961 is neither large enough nor good enough.,to justify a.public landing, THEREFORE, It Is Hereby Resolved that the Sales Committee be instructed to sell this property without the restrictions placed on lake shore property by a former resolution of this Board. Frank Hoefling Moved by Arthur C. Hanson and seconded -by John 0. Anderson to adopt the fore— going Resolution: Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS Bayfield County has acquired by the tax deed the following described property: Government Lot 6 less parcel of land,SW SW, Section 34, Township 47, Range 8 West, lying South and Southwest of the Narrows between Twin Bear Lake and Murray Lake, also,call.ed Government Lot 6 in Town of Iron River, and WHEREAS the public has access to the Pike Chain of Lakes on the County Park site on the north side and adjoining County Trunk Highway H, therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Sales Committee be authorized and directed to appraise this property and advertise for bids. Frank Hoefling Moved by Tribovich and seconded by John 0. Anderson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: V EREAS Bayfield County has acquired tax deed to out Lot A, First Addition to L Long Lake in Section 2, Township 47 North, Range 8 West which borders'on Long Lake,q, and WHEREAS there is public access to this lake, therefore. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Sales Committee be authorized and directed to=' appraise this property and advertise for bids. Frank Hoefling Moved by Tribovich and seconded by DeMars to. refer the foregoing Resolution to the Forestry Committee with power to act. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS Bayfield County has acquired by the tax deed Government Lot- 1, Section 17, Township 47 North, Lange 8 West, and _ Y WHEREAS this parcel is on Millpond Lake and not of sufficient size or value to justify a Public Landing, therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Sales Committee be authorized and directed to appraise this property and advertise for bids. Frank Hoefling 34� November 7, 1961 Moved by Tribovich. and seconded by Berweger to refer the foregoing Resolution to the Forestry Committee with power to act.. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS it would be advantageous to the Northern Counties to meet as a group on Conservation Problems, and WHEREAS such a group is now formed called the Northern County Boards Conservation Committee, and WHEREAS there will be certain expenses for mailing etc. BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors meeting this 7th day of November 1961 that the Conservation Committee of this Board be authorized to join this group and attend the meetings to represent Bayfield County, and BE IT FURTHER -RESOLVED that the sum of Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) be appro- priated from the general government budget expense for a clerical fee. Bernard E. Johnson Paul Tribovich John O. Anderson CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Ernest Nelson Moved by John 0. Anderson and seconded by Bernard E. Johnson to adopt the fore- going Resolution. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Forest Service Chequamegon National. Forest 5420 April 28, 1961 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: Last February we briefly discussed the possible purchase of certain county lands lying within the Chequamegon National Forest. We have checked the ownership and be- lieve the following list covers the county lands outside the Town of Drummond: Description Approximate Acres.- S. 79 T. 49 N, R 5 W SE/4 - NE SW W 3/4 NW -SE SW W/2 SW NW SW NE1/4 SW -SE E/2 SW SW SE EY2 SW SE SE NE/ SE NE SE S 279 48-7, S36 SY2 SA SW SE S 32-49-69 E-h NE NE 10.0 7.5 5.0 10. 5. 5. 2.5 5. 20. S 14-49-7- W/2 NW NW 20 S 36-48-7- NW NW 40. November 7, 1961 Description S 27-48-6 SW NW S 8-47-7 S16 SE S 7-46-8 SE NW Approximate Acres 40. 40. Total - 290.0 Will you kindly bring this subject before the County Board of Supervisors? If the County Board favors the acquisition of these lands by the National Forest we would appreciate a statement to that effect. We will then proceed with an acquisition case as soon as funds are available. Very truly yours, W..R. Paddock, Forest Supervisor By E. R. Crook, Acting Moved by Arthur C. Hanson and seconded by John 0. Anderson to offer in exchange the lands listed in the foregoing communication for the Valhalla Ski site. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County contains within its borders a tax-exempt Indian Reserva- tion, namely, the Red Cliff Reservation,.and' WHEREAS, The County has incurred extra expense in law enforcement, arising by reaso3, of Federal legislation removing Governmental controls over Indians and said Bayfield County appears to.be.eligible for assistance as provided under the provisions of Section 20.180 (11) of the Wisconsin Statutes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, in annual session assembled, this 7th day of November, 1961, that application be and is hereby made to the State of Wisconsin for assistance under the provisions of Section 20.180 (11) of the Wisconsin Statutes,.for law enforcement; and FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy,of this Resolution be certified by the County Clerk to the Attorney General of Wisconsin, with a request for certification of such applica- tion ,.,'as ib required under the provisions of Section 20.180 (11) of the Wisconsin Statutes. Joe Lupa Louis Justice Sheriff's Committee 1961 Moved by Lupa and seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion carried. Moved by Lupa and seconded by Stuart to adjourn until 10:00 A.M. November 8th, Motion carried. November 8, 1961 Meeting called to order at 10:00 A.M. by Edward A. Pajala, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, kliszcz; Beeksma, Arthur Hanson Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers; Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald. Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Joseph Maciosek, Ernest Nelson, Ed Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Harvey DeMars, Arthur A. Anderson, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Lindsey, Pajala. The following Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be authorized and directed to purchase the excess delinquent taxes of 1956 which are as follows: Town of Bayfield 114.86 Town of Cable Town of Clover Town of Hughes Town of Lincoln Town of Mason Town of Orienta Town of Oulu Town of Russell Town of Washburn Village of Cable City of Washburn Edward A. Pajala G. William Frankie Halvor Reiten 285.17 290.92 68.39 209.13 214.22 352.68 355.03 f 249.50 392.35 187.96 1133.20 8 3853.41 Clarence L. Olsen R. J. Mammoser Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing resolution. Roll call was as.follows: Ayes - Sampson, Mammoser,,Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszez, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Joseph Maciosek, Ernest Nelson, Ed Jelinek, Wasmuth, Reiter Harvey DeMars, Arthur A. Anderson, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Lindsey, Pajala. Ayes - 36; Nayes - none; Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the.County Treasurer and County Clerk be authorized and directed to purchase the excess delinquent taxes where the amounts are $400.00 or less as disclosed by the audit report balances as of December 31, 1960. The total cost will amount to $2,540.17 and will clean off the records excess accounts for eleven different years, ranging from the Tax sales of 1930 to the Tax sales of 1935, Inclusive. Edward A. Pajala G. William Frankie Halvor Reiten Clarence L. Olsen R.J. Mammoser 3�3 November, .8," 1961 , Moved by Mammoser and seconded by J. 0. Anderson to adopt the foregoing Resolu- tion. Roll call was as follows: Nayes - Sampson Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Joseph Maciosek, Ernest Nelson,, Ed Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Harvey DeMars, Arthur A. Anderson, Holman, Justice, A.E. Swanson, Lindsey, Pajala. Ayes - none; Nayes - 37. Motion lost. The following communication was readi TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Gentlemen: I own an Und. y interest in the NW NW of Section 5, Township 51 North*, Range 4 West. I have owned this with another party for many many years and paid his share of the tax'as well as my own. I am unable to locate him. In the past few years I have let his share of"the'tax go delinquent so that, it would go to tax deed and I would by this procedure be ablei to purchase the other Und. Y2 interest. Bayfield County has now taken a tax deed on the Und. / and I would like to purchase it. I offer the sum of $50.13 for the counties share. According to a tax statement by your County Treasurer the tax plus interest on this Und. /6 amounts to 9$50.13 at the present time. S. J. Keefe, Park' Falls, Wis. Moved by Evald Johnson and seconded by J. 0. Anderson to refer the foregoing petition to the sales committee with instructions to appraise and advertise for .Bid. Motion carried. The following proposed ordinance was read: AN ORDINANCE TO PRESERVE PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD ORDER WITHIN BAYFIELD I COUNTY PURSUANT TO SEC. 59.07 (64) STATUTES. THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF BAYFIELD DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: �J CONTRIBUTING TO THE DELINQUENCY OR NEGLECT OF CHILDREN 1. The following persons shall.forfeit to Bayfield County not more than $500.00 plus costs and in default of payment of the forfeiture and costs, shall be imprisoned J V in the Bayfield County Jail until such forfeiture and costs are paid but not to c�s exceed one year; qA a. Any person 18 or older who intentionally encourages or contributes to the delinquency or neglect of any child; or R, b. Any parent, guardian or legal custodian who by neglect or disregard of the morals, health or welfare of his child contributes to the delinquency of that child. 344 November 8,. 1961 2. An act or failure to act contributes to the delinquency or neglect of a child, although the child does not actually become neglected or delinquent, if the natural and probable consequences of that act or failure to aet.would cause the child to become delinquent or neglected. 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from.and after its passage and publication. Passage Recommended by: Robert N. Ledin, District Attorney. Joe Lupa Moved by Lupa and seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing Ordinance. Motion carried. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Tribovich to receive and place on file the annual report of George E. Leino, Forest Administrator. Motion carried. . Moved by Nammoser and seconded by J. 0. Anderson to receive and place on file the annual report of Edith_M. Wooland, R. N., Superintendent of Bayfield County Rest Home.. Motion carried. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Berweger to receive and place on file the annual report of the Conservation Committee. Motion carried. The following communications were read: August 9, 1961 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk, Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Re: .That part of the SW/ of the SW/9 Section 7-46-7, which lies west Dear Mr. 'Tranmal-: and south of the present west water line of Lake Delta This firm represents Mr.'Carl Weschcke and Carl L. Vescheke of St. Paul, Minnesota. You have previously had some correspondence with Mr. Carl L. Weschcke regarding this matter, but to make sure that there is no misunderstanding I will briefly review the facts. On July 10, 1934, Mr. Carl Weschcke and his wife and Mr. Charles Weschcke and his wife joined in a conveyance of the -property described above. The deed expressly reserved the right to raise the present water level of the said Lake Delta and flood and overflow any part of the premises. By reason of the description in that deed, the islands in Lake Delta were not conveyed since only land lying west and south of the west water line was contained in the description. Subsequently Mr. Perrin was apparen erroneously listed on tax rolls as owner of the entire 40. He became delinquent, and we understand that in 1959 the County took tax title to the entire 40. By letter of October 18, 1960, Carl L. Weschcke indicated to you his desire to re- November' 8., 1961_, establish title. to,the ,islands in his father, Carl Weschcke. By resolution ,dated April 18, 1961.1 it appears that the County resolved to retain the land for purpose.s..of public egress to the lake, the same to be made into a public parking lot. It appears to us that this still leaves certain important questions remaining. In the first place, Mr. Weschcke is particularly desirous of re—establishing his title, if it is impaired, to the islands in the lake, which, of course, have nothing to do with public ingress and egress. In addition, by reason of the original deed, the Weschckes retained an easement to overflow the property conveyed. It seems fairly clearly established in Wisconsin that an easement to overflow property does not become extinguished by reason of a'tax sale of the property subject to the easement. Union Falls Power Co. v. Marinette County, 238 Wis. 1349 298 N.W. 598; Doherty v. Rice, 240 Wis. 3899 3 N.W. 2d 7342 7380 Since Mr. Weschcke retains the right.to raise the lake level and overflow the property, it_seems:a rather inappropriate spot for a parking lot. In any event, we do wish to remind the County that all rights of the easement currently lodge in Mr. Weschcke. Since the County apparently has no present declared reason to retain the title to the islands, and since Mr. Weschcke is primarily desirous of clearing his title to the islands, it would seem that this should be able to be worked out satisfactorily to all parties.: If the County wishes to consider and make known their intentions in regard to the islands, we will be most interested. We also would be very grateful if you would provide us with the date on which the land was sold to the County for taxes, and the amount of delinquent taxes, if your office has such information. Thank you very much, WCC;w Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk County Court House Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmals Very truly yours, OPPENHEIMER, HODGSON, BROWN, BAER AND WOLFF By William C. Canby, Jr. October 6, 1961 It has come to our attention that Bayfield County proposes to' create a pu*blic park in the SW/ of the SW/ of Section 7, Township 46 North, Range 7 West in the Town of Delta. We wish to call attention to the fact that the access roadway to the foregoing description runs across our land; that is, the N14/ of the NW/ of Section 18. We feel that this roadway was a private roadway which Mr. Perrin, the former owner of the SW/1 of the SWf , Section 7 may have had the right to continue using but that whatever rights he had would not inure to the benefit of .the succeeding tax title owner of the SW/ of the. SW/ whether that was Bayfield County or a private individual. While we have not, as owners of the NW1% of the NW/ objected to the use of the November 8, 1961 roadway in question ,by•..Mr. Perrin, as a neighboring -property owner, we feel obliged to object to making this.a public road. We request that this letter be referred to the appropriate committee.of the County Board which is studying this matter and that our objection be registered with the County Board when the matter comes before it for consideration early this fall. Yours -very truly, William C. Groebe Moved by Holman and seconded by Howell to refer the foregoing communication,s- to the Forestry Committee with power to act. Motion carried. The foregoing action was reconsidered by the County Board later in the meeting. Moved by Pristash and seconded,by Tribovich to receive and place on file the annual report -of Gladys Kendall, R. N. Bayfield County Public Health Nurse. Motion carriedi Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Holman to reconsider County Board action on the communications -from Wm. C. Canby, Attorney and Wm. C. Groebe with. reference to the SW SW, Sec. 7-46-7 and NW NW, Sec. 18-46-7. Motion carried. ,Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Pristash to refer the foregoing letter from Wm. C. Groebe to the Conservation Committee with the instructions that they meet with .of exchanging lands and Mr. Groebe-with the possibility'„that the Committee report back to the County Board. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Barningham to amend the foregoing motion to include the Forestry Committee.. Amendment carried. The original Resolution as amended was carried. Moved by Lupa and seconded by Justice to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Motion carried. November 8, 1961 Meeting called to order at 1:30 P.M. November 8, 1961 by Edward A. Pajala, Chairman. The following.members were present: Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Ander- son, Elonen, Lupa, E. Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Joseph Maciosek, Ernest Nelson, Ed. Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J.-S. Hanson, Reiten, Harvey DeMars, Arthur A. Anderson., Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Lindsey, and Pajala - Total; 37; Moved by Wasmuth and seconded by Mammoser to receive and place on file the annual report of the County Superintendent of Schools. Motion Carried. It being 2:00 o'clock P.M. motion was made by Tribovich and seconded by Lindsey to resolve the County Board into a committee as a whole for the purpose of a hearing on the Budget. Motion Carried. There were no appearances at the hearing.. Moved by John 0. Anderson,and duly seconded to close the hearing and to resume work as a County Board. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS one of the cars in the Sheriff's Department and the County Traffic officers car have a large mileage,and at the present time are in need of major re- pairs, WHEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Sheriff's Committee be"authorized to purchase two new cars at this time. There is an item in the budget,for'this purpose.. Joe Lupa Louise Justice Nick Pristash Art C. Hansen L. F. Chambers Sheriff's Committee Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Arthur C. Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion carried. Moved by Justice and seconded by Tribovich to receive and place on file the report of the State Department of Public Welfare covering the County Rest Home. Motion carried. Moved by Justice and seconded by Lupa to postpone appointment of a County November 8, 1961 Treasurer until 2:00 P.M. November 9th, 1961. The following communication was read: Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Motion carried. City of kshland, Wisconsin November 8, 1961 Ron Harrison, Chairman of the Ashland-Bayfield Airport Commission and myself would like to express our appreciation to you for the time given us at your county board meeting on Tuesday, November 7, 1961. There can be no doubt that the position taken by several of the members present - namely - since the City of Ashland and not the County levies the tax for airport opera- tions, it does not appear reasonable that Bayfield County should be asked to partici- pate in any contributions toward the resurfacing of the Ashland-Bayfield Airport. It so happened that at a meeting last night at the Ashland City Hall, there were several Ashland County Board members representing districts outside of Ashland, present. 'vdhen•I informed thaw of what occurred at the time I presented the matter to the board they agreed thatth.e position taken by several .of your board, under the present circumstances,,was correct.. They then suggested that the issue would be pre- sented at their board meeting on Tuesday, November 149 at which time they would suggest that their participation should be one third. I realize that you would not want to take a position until the Ashland County Board 'acted. Since the board meeting'is to be held a week after yours., it occurred to me that you might want to take some preliminary action -in this matter, awaiting the final decision of the Ashland..County Board. Respectfully yours, Harry Simon, Mayor Moved by H. J. S. Hanson and seconded.by Kliszcz to receive the foregoing communication and place on file.. Motion.carried. Moved by Chambers and seconded by Lupa to deny request for funds to the City of Ashland for their Airport.- Motion carried. The following communication was read: June 26, 1961 Mr. J. 0. Bodin Bayfield County Treasurer Washburn, Wisconsin SUBJECT; Allotment for County Trunk Highways June 30, 1961 Section 83.10(1), Wisconsin Dear Sir: Statutes The enclosed check is:in payment of your county's allotment for county trunk highways available on June 30, 1961, pursuant to Sections 20.420(81) and 83.10(1)9 Wisconsin Statutes. The total of the allotment is made of the following amounts. Proportionate Share of $3,500,000 $ 52,788.74 County Trunk Highway Mileage at $65 per Mile 129052.30 Total of Enclosed Remittance $ 649841.04. November 8,, 1961 A copy of this' 'letter -is- being mailed to the county clerk in compliance with Section 14.42(10), Wisconsin Statutes. Very truly yours STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN W. B. Blair Director of Finance By S. D. Swartz Supervisor of General Auditing Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Reiten to r6ceive the foregoing communication and -place on file. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: July 28, 1961 Mr. J. Oe Bodin Bayfield County Treasurer Washburn, Wisconsin SUBJECT;'Supplemental Highway Aid County Trunk Highways Sections 20.420T83) & (84) Wisconsin Statutes Dear Sir:June 30, 1961 i The enclosed'StateTreasurers check represents the balance of your 1961 highway aids pursuant to Sections.20.420(83) and (84) after deducting the amount previously paid to you on April 15, 19611, in accordance with Section 20.420(83)(b)5. This allotment is supplemental to and is to be used for the same purposes as the county trunk highway allotment under Section 83.10(1), which you received as of June 30, 1961. The total amount available for the counties is apportioned among them on the basis of the last allotment for county trunk highways under Section 83.10(1). The total of the supplemental aid for county trunk highways for your county under Sections 20.420(83) and(84) has been computed as follows: Basic Suj2plemental Aid S. 20.420 Less Allotment (83) 84 Prepayment 6-30-61 152.3370345% 78.9590442% Total 4-15-61- Balance S. 83.10(1). of Basic of Basic S.620 420(83)(b)5 Due. $ 649841.04 $ 989776.92 8 519197.86 $ 149,974.78 $ 71,603.25 $ 78 071.53 A copy of this letter is being mailed to the clerk of your municipality in accordance with Section 14.42(10) of the Statutes, which provides that the clerk of the municipality shall present this statement at the next regular meeting of the governing body and shall file and keep this statement for six years® Very truly yours, STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN W. B. Blair Director of Finance By S. D. Swartz Supervisor of General Auditing Moved by H. J. S. Hanson and seconded by Justice to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion carried. November 8, 1961 The following communication was read: September 11; 1961 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin SUBJECT: Estimated Highway Allotments for 1962 Dear Sir: County Trunk Highway System Pursuant to Section 84.01(18), Wisconsin Statutes, you are hereby notified of the following estimated allotments to be paid your county from funds becoming available in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962: S. 83.10, estimated basic allotment for the County Trunk Highway System ( to be' paid on June 30, 1962) Supplemental allotments to supplement the. basic allotment for the County Trunk Highway` System: S. 20.420(83) Supplemental Aid S., 20.420(84) Supplemental Aid (Fuel Tax) Total for County Trunk Highway System 64,500 104,700 52,900 157,600 8 222,100 Pursuant to. legislation enacted in 1957, the payment of the 1962 supplemental aids under Sections 20.420(83) and (84) will be made in two. installments. The first in— stallment, equal to one half of the 1961 allotment under those sections, will be paid on April 15, 1962. The remainder will be paid as soon as practical after June 30, 1962. The above estimates are tentative. The total actual allotments will not -be known until after the close of the fiscal year -on June 30, 1962. You were.notifi.ed by our 'letter of April 3,.1961, of the.estimated 1962 state trunk highway allotment under Section 84.03(3), the allocation of,which has been comple ed. Very truly yours STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN V. L. Fiedler, Secretary Moved by Justice and seconded by Berweger to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Reiten to receive and place on file. the annual report of the County Highway Committee. Moved by Justice and seconded by Howell report of the County Highway Commissioner. The following Resolution was read: Motion carried. to receive and place on file the annual Motion carried. COUNTY A,1D CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 1962 SECTION I. The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, regularly assembled, does hereby ordain that such funds as may be made available to the county for highway work in the year 1962 under the provisions of Section 20.420 and Chapter 83 of the Statutes, and the additional sums herein appropriated, shall be expended as November 8,1961 hereinafter set forth: SECTION II. COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTMLENT. WHEREAS the State Highway Commission has notified -the County Clerk that a sum of money estimated to be Two Hundred Twenty -Two Thousand, One Hundred & 00/100 Dollars ( 222,100.00) will become avail- able at the end of the fiscal year under the provisions of Sections 83.10 and 20.420(83) and (84) of the.Statutes, for the county trunk highway system in the county, but the actual amount will not be known until the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962. BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Committee is authorized and directed to expend the said -sum to. -the extent required to match and supplement Federal aid for construction, right of way, and other costs on any Federal projects located on the county trunk highway system of said county, which are not recovered from Federal funds, and.to expend any balance for constructing, repairing, and maintain- ing such county.trunk highway system and the bridges thereon, including snow and ice removal and control, as directed in Section 83.10(1) of the Statutes, and to reimburse the general fund for any expenditures that may be made -therefrom pursuant to Section 83001(6) of the Statutes. The distribution to such purposes is estimated, but not specifically directed, to be as follows: For Construction, Maintenance, Snow Removal and Ice Prevention on the County Trunk Highway System. SECTION III. WHEREAS the various highway activities for which provision is made in this resolution are continuous from year to year, and the exact cost of any work cannot be known at the time of making the appropriation therefor, BE.IT RESOLVED that this Board does hereby direct that any balance remaining in any appropriation for a specific highway improvement after the same shall have been completed may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement, which is part of the same item in the county budget, for which provision is .herein made, and any balances remaining at the end of the year in any highway fund shall remain and be available for the same purpose in the encuing year. SECTION IV. WHEREAS the exact amount of the funds that will become available from the state for highway purposes in the county under Section 20.420 of the Statutes will not be known until on or after June 30, 1962, BE IT RESOLVED.that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payments for the purposes for which such funds are to be used, as hereinbefore authorized, from any funds in the county treasury that are not required for the pur- poses for which appropriated prior to August 1, 1962, and to reimburse such funds in the county treasury from the sums received under Section 20.420 of the Statutes. SECTION V. WHEREAS the County Highway Committee and the County Highway Commission- er are charged with the duty and responsibility of carrying out the construction and maintenance of highways for which provision is made, and other related supervisory and administrative duties, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Commissioner shall have authority to employ, discharge, suspend, or reinstate such personnel as he deems necessary for such purposes, provided however that the County Highway Committee may by action recorded in its minutes determine the number of persons to be hired and may also at any time by action so recorded order the County Highway Commissioner to employ, discharge, suspend, or reinstate any sucPL per -son. The term "personnel" or "person' shall include all 352 November-8, 1961 patrolmen, laborers, foremen, clerks, stenographers, or other employees necessary to carry .on such activities. By Paul Tribovich Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger County Highway -Committee Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Pristash to'adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried unanimously. The-followiAg Resolution was read: PROVIDING FOR THE ADVANCE OR TRANSFER OF CONSTRUCTION FUNDS IN BAYFIELD COUNTY WHEREAS Section 84.03(5), Wisconsin Statutes, provides that the State lighway Commission and County Board, or a County Highway Committee when authorized by the County Board, may agree upon the advance of one or more future years' allotments for such county under Section 84.03(3), to be expended on selected improvements on state trunk highways or connecting streets within such county to the extent so agreed, -and WHEREAS occasions frequently arise when it is necessary or desirable to provide for the advance, allocation, or transfer of construction funds to or between previously authorized or additional needed construction improvements on state trunk highways or connecting streets in this county, THEREFORE, in order to provide for promptly making available the.funds necessary for such improvements and to avoid the delay and expense incident to calling a special meeting of this board for such purpose, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby petitioned to advance pursua4t to Section 84.03(5), Wisconsin Statutes, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway Committee of this county, which said Committee is hereby authorized to file, such sums as may be required and are not otherwise avail- able for any such previously authorized or additional needed construction improvements in this county, with the understanding that the amounts thus advanced will be deducted from future'state allotments for state trunk highway construction in this county under Section 84.03(3) of the Statutes,,and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby petiti ed, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway Committee of this coun which said Committee is hereby authorized to file, to transfer to or between any such previously authorized or additional needed construction improvements in this county, any funds allotted by the State under the provisions of Section 84,03(3), Wisconsin Statutes, and previously allocated.to any other improvement or remaining unallocated in reserved. Resolution presented by: Paul Tribovich Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger BAYFIELD COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE November 8, 1961 Moved by H. J. S. Hanson and seconded by Pristash to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: .-PURCHASE OF HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT BAYFIELD COUNTY WHEREAS for the construction and maintenance -of highways, including the removal and control of snow and ice, it becomes necessary from time to time to purchase equip- ment, the -nature of and necessity for which cannot be accurately anticipated, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Committee is hereby authorized, `pursuant to Section 83.015 (2) of the Statutes,.to purchase without further authority, and to the extent that revolving funds accumulated for such purpose or appropriations made for such purpose are available, such highway equipment as they deem necessary to properly carry on the work, and to trade or sell such old equipment as may be con- sidered to be.for the best interests of the County.. Resolution presented by: Paul Tribovich Frank Hoe'fling Joseph Berweger ' . Bayfield CountyHighway Committee Moved by'Justice-'and seconded.by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion carried. The following Resolution (supported by five Petitions from the respective towns) was read: COUNTY AID BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION UNDER SECTION 81.38 OF -THE - STATUTES - ..COUNTY -OF BAYFIELD WHEREAS the varioustowns hereinafter named have filed petitions for county aid in the construction of bridges under Section 81.38 of the Statutes, said petitions are hereby granted, and the 'county°s share is appropriated as follows: Town Amount Raised Amount of County Bridge by Local Units Aid Granted Bayfield Pratt Kelly Four Corners Mason -Pratt .. ., , White River,. , Pratt Taylor Washburn Pady Less balance available in County Aid Bridge Fund 19.287.68 19287.68 29312.77. 29312.77 940.7.5- 940.75 1.,522..00 19522.00 29775.00 29775.00 8,838.20 89838.20 548.30 Appropriation 1962 $ 89289.90 The County Board does hereby levy a tax to meet said appropriations on all of the property in the county which is taxable for such purpose. WARNING: It is directed that provision for this levy shall be made in the county budget, but that -this levy.shall not be duplicated., 35� November 8, 1961 Resolution offered by: Bayfield County Highway Committee Paul Tribovich Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers,..Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, William Peterson, J.-O..Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, -E. Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Joseph Maciosek, Ernest Nelson, Ed. Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Ranson, Reiten, Harvey DeMars., Arthur A. Anderson, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, & Pajala.; --- Blank - Lindsey; Ayes - 36; Blank - 1; Total 37 Nayes - none- Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED, by. the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, assembled in annual session this 8th-day of November, 19619 that the County Board Chairman, County Highway Committee and County Highway Commissioner, are hereby authorized to.attend State road Schools,.conventions.and/or other road meetings, and that their per diem and expense be paid.from the County -,Highway Administration Fund. Recommended by: Paul Tribovich Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger Bayfield County Highway Committee Moved by Justice and seconded by Lupa to.adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read.: WHEREAS, the Wisconsin Retirement. Fund (Sec., 66.904 (6) ) permits he transfer of prior service credits between employees of participating municipalities, and WHEREAS.Harry B. Curry has an employment record with Bayfield County and the Wisconsin Highway Commission, both participating in the Wi-sconsin Retirement Fund, NOW THEREFORE, BE ITRESOLVED that Bayfield County does hereby grant prior ser- vice credits to Harry-B. Curry for the period from April 1, 1920 to April 1, 1923 from the Wisconsin Highway -Commission to Bayfield County, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be filed by the County Clerk of Bayfield County with the Wisconsin Retirement Fund. - Adoption Recommended by: Paul Tribovich Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger Dated this 7th day of Bayfield County Highway Committee November, 1961.� November 8, 1961 Moved by 'Tribovich and seconded by Rowell to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. NOTE: The Wisconsin Retirement Fund has ruled that the foregoing Resolution does not qualify Mr. Curry for the additional credit. The following Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, By the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County duly assembled this 8th day of November, 1961, in regular session, that the attached Resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors of Vernon County, Wisconsin, relating to an objection to an increase of the salaries of the Legislators of the State of Wisconsin, be and the same is hereby approved as to form and content and that said Board of Supervisors hereby express their disapproval,of further raises of salaries and maintenance for Legislators of this State. Signed by 3.6 Board Members - 1 absent Moved,by Tribovich and seconded by Sibbald to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following certification was read: STATE OF WI SCONSI N DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Madison 2, Wisconsin Dated: September 22, 1961 To: County Clerk and the County Treasurer County of Bayfield In accordancw with the provisions of Section 59.07 (21) I am certifying the number of elementary teacher units operating in -the county during the school year 1960-61 as follows: Number of elementary teacher units under the jurisdiction of the county superin- tendent in districts which levied and placed on the tax rolls of the district for 1960-61 a tax of not less than 5 mills (districts operating elementary grades only, 3 mills) on the equalized valuation of the district for the year previous to the year of levy. `59 X $350* 209650 Number of elementary teacher units under the jurisdiction of city superintendents in the districts which levied and placed on the tax rolls of the district for 1960- i 61 a tax of not less than 5 mills on the equalized valuation of the district for the I year previous to the year of levy. Jt. 1, Washburn, C. 14 X $350 49900 Total County School Tax Levy $ 259550 I 1 It will be necessary for the county board to levy such additional amounts.as are certified by the county superintendent pursuant to the provisions of Section 59.07 i (21). Signed: Angus B. Rothwell State Superintendent November,8, 1961 Moved by Wasmuth and seconded by Reiten to receive. the foregoing certification and place on file. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: October 19, 1961 To the Finance Committee Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: -The Bayfield County audit for the year 1960 has been completed and is on file in the office of the County Clerk. We invite members of the County Board to inspect the report. I submit my application to audit the Bayfield County records. and books of account for the year ending December 34 1961 at a per diem rate of $50.00, $40.00 and $30.00 for senior, semi -senior and J unior accountants respectively. It is.estimated that the cost will total Two Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy Five Dollars ($2,675.00). . This will include, as in prior years, an audit of the records of the General County, Register of Deeds, C-lerk of Circuit Court, County Court, Municipal Court, Highway Department and County Rest Home. Included in this amount is an estimated. $150.00 for an audit of the 1962 County Fair records, and $100.00 for the annual state report. Respectfully submitted, W. E. Wickman Certified Public.Accountant Oct. 20, 1961 - Recommend acceptance for $2,675.000 Edward A. Pajala R. J. Mammoser Clarence L- Olsen Glenn 0. Holman G. William Frankie Finance & Budget Committee. Moved by Justice and seconded by Beeksma to employ W. E. Wickman, C. P. A. to audit the 1961 records of Bayfield County for the sum of $2,575.00. Motion Carried. Moved by Beeksma and seconded by Stuart to adjourn to 10:00 o'clock A. M. November 9th, 1961. Motion Carried. 35"X November,9,°1961- Meeting called to order at 10:00 A.M. by Edward Pajala, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Xzx±xxT Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sgnfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, 27mx-ffmk Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Joseph Maciosek, Ernest Nelson, Ed. Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Harvey.DeMars, Arthur A. Andersoh, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Lindsey and Pajala. The following communication was read: Town of Port Wing Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk Washburn, Wis. Dear Sir: Dale Johnson has been appointed by the town board of Port Wing to serve on the County Board in the absence of Evald Johnson. Yours truly, Willard L. Ogren, Town Clerk Moved by Beeksma and seconded by B. E. Johnson to seat Dale Johnson as a member of the'County Board representing the Town of Port Wing. Motion Carried. Moved by B. E. Johnson and seconded by John 0. Anderson that the County Board meet a-s a whole as an Equalization Committee and to transact such other business as may legally come before the Board. Motion Carried. Moved by Reiten and seconded by John 0. Anderson.that the County Board make a trip of inspection to the recreational areas of the County and to check on conserva— tion projects.' Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the following table of valuations covering Real & Personal Property as compiled by the Supervisor of Assessments be and are hereby adopted as the equalized valuation of the taxing districts of Bayfield County for the year 1961. November 9, 1961 DISTRICT Barksdale Town., Barnes Bayfield Bayview Bell Cable Clover Delta Drummond Eileen Hughes Iron River Kelly Keystone Lincoln Mason Namakagon Orienta Oulu Pilsen Port tiding .Pratt Russell Tripp Washburn Cable Village Mason. Bayfield. City Washburn Town Totals Village Totals AGGREGATE RECOMMENDED FULL VALUE 3,7789420 299989430 7369290 5619605 6909905 1,437,185 5909450 1,242,505 2,381,645 1,543,695 5609995 2,570,645 985,635 706, 735 664,585 8249650 294859200 4432390 19.2679330 4099950 882,450 192849970 363,495 4059620 512;805 30,329,585 5819555 311,090 1 8929645 290029935 3,365,480 City Totals 593689415 COUNTY TOTALS 3695909645 Edward A. Pajala G. William Frankie Clarence L. Olsen Glenn 0. Holman Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Pristash to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by J. 0. Anderson to reconsider the Resolution on Valuation of the County. Motion Carried. Motion made and duly seconded to adopt the Resolution on Equalized Valuation. I November 9', '1961, A roll call vote was requested by Mr. Mammoser. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Barningham, Howell, Beeksma, Chambers, Stuart, Berweger, William Peterson, Sanfred Anderson, Lupa, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Ernest Nelson, Ed. Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Harvey DeMars, Arthur A. Anderson, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Lindsey, Pajala Nayes - Mammoser, Pristash, Kliszcz, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Hoefling, J. 0. Anderson, Elonen, Joseph Maci•osek, AYES - 25 NAYES - 10 Excused - 1 .Absent - 1 Total - 37 MOTION CARRIED. Moved by J. 0. Anderson and seconded by Sampson that the County Board go on record protesting the Equalized Valuation of the County by the State Supervisor of Assessments. ,Motion Carried. Mr.,.Jerome Merkel, Chairman,of the Board of Trustees for the County Rest Home spoke to the County Board giving them an oral report of the Rest Home operations, (cost and need for expansion. Mr. Merkel stated that the Board of Trustees had a sketch ofa proposed addition which would double the capacity of patient beds and also for additional storage facilities, etc., The estimated cost would be about $150,000.00. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS the_ Trustees of the Bayfield County Rest Home are recommending the en- largement -of the present home to a size somewhere betwen 64 and 70 beds, BE IT ,HEREBY RESOLVED by the Bayfield County- Board .of,- Supervisors in annual session this. 9th day of November 1961 that the Trustees of the Bayfield County Rest Home are authorized to hire an architect to complete plans for the addition,to the building and to issue a call for bids for the construction of the addition, the bids to be called for in advance of the meeting of the County Board in April 1962 so the County Board may act on the approval of the bids before the expiration of the time (covered by the bids. DATED: This 9th day of November 1961. PRESENTED BY: Glenn 0. Holman Moved -by Holman and seconded by Wasmuth to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Reiten that the County Board vote by ballot - on the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried to vote by Ballot. The result of the Ballot was as follows: AYES - 8; NAPES - 28; 1 absent; Total— 37; MOTION LOST. November. 9,. _1961 The following recommended Budget was -read: -October •5, 1961 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: The Bayfield County Forestry Committee plans on the following activities and Forestry Fund expenditures covering the period from January 1, 1962 to January 1, 1963. Estimated Receipts: Estimated Cash Balance as of January 1, 1962 69970.00 1962 Allottment from State (Estimate) 169000.00 Reserve for Machinery Fund for repairs of Equip. etc., 69778.08 Appropriation from County Board for new truck 3,000.00 329748.08 Expenditures: Land Purchases 400.00 Plant 180 acres by machine 3,240.00 Plant 12 acres by hand 260.00 Work over 42 miles of old fire breaks 200.00 Timber Stand Improvement (Release 40 acres) 800.00 Timber Sales (Advertising for bids and paint) 600.00 Disking 20 acres for reproduction 80.00 Administrator's Salary 49600.00 Administrator's Expenses 11020.00 40% of Cruiser's Salary 1;520.00 40% of Cruiser's Expenses 300.00 Forestry Committee 900.00 Clerical Services 29820.00 Office Expenses 300.00 Compensation Insurance 150.00 Maintenance and Repair of Equipment 49000.00 Materials and'Supplies (General) 150.00 Insurance on Equipment and Forestry Building 250®00 Purchasing of new equipment 39000.00 Forestry Tour - 150.00 Surveying 300.00 25,040.00. Estimated Cash on Hand, January 1, 1963 79708.08 Note: The estimated cash on hand-, January 1, 19629 is held for wages and normal expenditures through April 30, 1962, when the revenue from the State is received. Raymond 0. Anderson - County Cruiser's Salary 40% from County Forestry. 19520.00 . 60% from General fund 211280.00 Total 31800.00 Raymond 0. Anderson's Expenses 40% from County Forestry 300.00. 60% from General fund 450.00 Total 7� 50.00. *William Hepner_- County Cruiser's,Salary 8 39420.00 *William Hepner - Expenses 400.00 *from General fund. .Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William Stuart, Chairman Walter C. Barningham,_Secretary Toivo Elonen Ernest Heglund Onne Beeksma November'9 1961 Moved by Stuart and seconded by Barningham to receive the foregoing recommended Budget and place on file. Motion Carried. Moved by J. 0. Anderson and seconded by Kliszcz to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Motion Carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P.M. by Edward Pajala, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, San.fred Ander- son, Elonen, Lupa, Dale Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Joseph Maciosek, Ernest Nelson, Ed. Jelinek, Wasmuth, Reiten, Harvey DeMars, Arthur A. Anderson, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Lindsey, Pa,jala; The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION TO CHANGE FORESTRY BOUNDARY To the Bayf ield County Board of Supervisors: WHEREAS, It is necessary to extend the County Forestry Boundary in Unit No. 3 so as to include additional descriptions; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the boundary of County Forestry Unit No. 3 be changed as follows: Starting from the north quarter corner of Section 33, Township 48,_Range 8 West, which is the present boundary, proceeding north for one -quarter mile, thence east for one-half mile to the east sixteenth corner of Section 28, Township 48, Range 8 West,. rejoining the present boundary. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William Stuart, Chairman Walter C. Barningham Toivo Elonen. Ernest Heglund Onne Beeksma Clarence L. Olsen Moved by Stuart and seconded by.Barningham to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following application for position of County Treasurer to fill the unexpired term of J. 0. Bodin was read: November 9, 1961 Mason, Wisconsin November 8, 1961 Members of the Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Honorable Gentlemen: I hereby make application for the position of Treasurer of Bayfield County. I am 32 years of age`, was born at Mason and am a lifelong resident of Bayfield County° I am married and the father of five children. I attended the grade school at Mason, graduated from Ashland High School, com- pleted courses at the Ashland 'Vocational School and received my college education at St. Thomas College, St. Paul, Minnesota and Northland College in Ashland where I majored in economics and business administration. Some of the college courses which I have completed and feel would be an asset in this position are Principles and Problems of Social Psychology, Principles and Problems of Sociology, Principles and Problems of Economics, Economic Theory, Geoeconomics, Survey of Accounting and eighteen credits in English. I. have also taken the Officer's Training Course while a member of the Ashland Unit of the Wisconsin National Guard. I served with the U. S. Navy in the Pacific Area as an aviation electronics specialist aboard the aircraft carrier, U. S. S.. Bon Homme Richard where I was res- ponsible for the repair and maintenance of aircraft electronic equipment and served a six month period in charge of the division office which included filing, maintainin€ all records, requisitioning supplies, making reports and general office routine. For the past several years, I have been operating a dairy farm jointly with my father in the Towxi of- Kelly'.- In the- past few years, I have had an increasing res- piratory condition due to the combination of hay and grain dust and barn dampness involved'in dairying and.have been advised by doctors to seek another type of work for the continuance of good healthe I also desire to remain in Bayfield County if I can find employment to support my family. I am acquainted with much of the land area and terrain of our County and have quite a wide acquaintance with. its citizens which should be helpful. Some of my community activities include membership in the Mason Rifle Club and Civil Defense Auxiliary Police Force. Respectfully submitted, Donald F. Kinney The Board proceeded with the election of a County Treasurer by ballot. The result of the first ballot was as follows: Donald F. Kinney 16 _Uawrence w'ach.smuth - 2f Total 37 The chair declared Mr. Wachsmuth elected. The following Resolution was read: To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: vMEREAS, it has become necessary to trade in the 1956 International four-wheel drive pick-up truck, and WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Forestry Department does not have the funds avail- 3�3 November 9, 19,61 able for this purchase; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, -that the Bayfield County Board appropriate a sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) for this purpose, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Forestry Committee'be and it is hereby authorized to.purchase this equipment. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William Stuart, Chairman Toivo Elonen Walter C. Barningham, Secretary Ernest Heglund Onne Beeksma Clarence L. Olsen Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution.. .Motion Carried. The following Resolution. was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County now owns the Southwest Quarter of'the Northeast Quarter (SWY NE/), of Section.4, Township 48, Range 5 West, and WHEREAS; the Big Sioux river runs through the above description, and WHEREAS, it is desirable that the public have access to the Big Sioux River, and 111HEREAS9 logging and road building could cause erosion to this valuable trout stream; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the aforesaid land be placed under the County Park System. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William A. Stuart,�Chairman W., C. Barningham, Secretary Toivo Elonen Ernest Heglund Onne Beeksma Clarence Le Olsen Moved by Stuart and seconded by Lindsey to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by B. E. Johnson to refer the matter of denuding lands on or near streams to the Conservation Committee with the thought in mind of contacting land owners for co-operation. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: To the Honorable Bayfield County Board of Supervisors and County Highway Committee: Gentlemen: Whereas, the traffic on County Trunk E from Ino to the Sellung Cheese Factory is increasing every year, especially through the summer season, and whereas it is the main artery to County Trunk H and the Delta recreational area, complaints of it's rough condition have been presented to me. Therefore, since improvement is necessary, be it resolved: November 9,, 1961 that these improvements be made. Signed: Art C. Hanson Chr. Town'of Delta Moved by Hanson and seconded by Moniza to refer the foregoing Resolution to the County Highway Committee. `Motion Carried. The following Petition and Resolution were read.: PETITION FOR AMENDMENT OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE The undersigned hereby petition the County Board to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Bayfield County as follows: nI That the boundaries of the Flood Plain Use District No. 4 be changed to include an area of land in the Town of Eileen, and that the boundaries of the Flood Plain Use District No. 4 in the Town of Eileen be determined by a qualified engineer. That maps be made by an engineer indicating the boundaries of the Flood Plain Use District No: 4 in the Town of Eileen, and that copies of the same be supplied to the county clerk and register of deeds.. Respectfully Submitted, Ernest Heglund, Route 1, Ashland, Wisconsin Acting in behalf of the Town Board of the Dated: November 7, 1961 Town of Eileen of which I am a member. RESOLUTION REFERRING PETITION TO AMEND THE BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING.ORDINAI7CE TO' THE BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE WHEREAS, A petition has been filed by Ernest Heglund, Route 1, Ashland, Wiscon- sin, on the 7Lh day of November, 1961, requesting that the Bayfield County 'Zoning Ordinance be amended, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That said petition be referred to the Bayfield County Zoning Committee which is hereby directed to hold one or more public hearings on changes proposed in said petition, pursuant to Section 59.97 (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed, William,A. Stuart, Chairman Dated: November 7, 1961. ' Bayfield County Zoning Committee Moved by 'Stuart and seconded by Barningham to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: RURAL AREA DEVELOPMENT RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The national program called Rural Areas Development has been establish- ed by the Congress as a major responsibility of the United States Department of Agriculture, with responsibilities assigned specifically to the various agencies within the U.S.D.A.; and, WHEREAS, The Secretary of Agriculture has assigned to the Cooperative Extension Service, nationally, the responsibility for providing the organizational and educa- tional and educational leadership essential to the success of Rural Area Development, November 9,.1961 including the involvement of people'from all segments of the population in a County, i.e. farming, business, industry, labor, professions; and WHEREAS, the overall objective of Rural Areas Development is total economic develo ment in the area or county where it is undertaken; BE IT, THEREFORE, RESOLVED, That the County Extension Agents in Bayfield County, under the direction of the County Agricultural Committee and the University of Wis- consin, be charged with the responsibility for organization and education in Rural Area Development work in Bayfield County; and WHEREAS, The ideas embodied in Rural Areas Development apply as well in non - rural areas of the County; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this work be known as Resource Development work in Bayfield.County and that the County Extension Agents carry out this expanded program, with such necessary staffing and adjusting of workloads under the Agricultural Committee, as may be'mutually agreeable to the County Agricultural Committee and the University of Wisconsin, and in cooperation with other appropriate -board committees, industrial.committees, and groups such as Chambers of Commerces. Signed,. BAYFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE William A. Stuart W. C. Barningham Toivo Elonen Ernest Heglund Onne Beeksma Robert H. Wangen Moved by Stuart and seconded by Pristash to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion carried. The following Report -was read: November 7, 1961 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: Following is the financial statement of the ,1961 Bayfield Couuity Pair, as of November 7, 1961,. This year, there was a total of .535. exhibitors with 52874 exhibits -at the.Zair,- 106 adult exhibitors with 1,942 exhibits, and 429 junior exhibitors with 3,932.exhibits. There was an-estimate.total attendance of 8,.200.at the gate with 59266,adult paid gate admissions. REVENUES: EXPENDITURES: County Appropriation 7,.140.00 Advertising 688.20 Gate & Exhibitor Fees .29115.25 Expenses from 1960 10.50 Grandstand Receipts 2,064.10 Insurance 443.31 Concessions 356.00 Judges 324.26 Carnival Receipts 432.73 Fair Committee 19124.76 Change Used at the Fair 250.00 Change Used at the Fair 250.00 Telephone Calls .3.50 Police,Gate,Other Help 19.573.14 Horse Race Entry Fees 105.00 Horse Race Purses 19609.85 Gifts & Donations 20.00 Postage & Freight 78.47 Premium Book.Ads 615.00 Premium Book Expenses 808.55 Over -run 6.97 .Rental of Equipment 149.00 Ribbons & Tickets 91.25 866 November,9, 1961. REVENUES: Total to Date Accounts Receivable.: State Aid (estimate) Exhibitor Entry Fees Additional County Aid needed to pay bills (estimate) TOTAL EXPENDITURES: Special Acts & Features Superintendents & Help Supplies Telephone Electricity Wis. Assn. Dues General Maintenance Permanent Repair New Construction 8 139108.55 Accounts Payable: 3,800.00 Premiums on Exhibits 2.25 Miscellaneous (estimate) 901.09 172811.89 TOTAL BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE William A. Stuart, Chairman W. C. Barningham, Director Toivo Elonen, Director Ernest Heglund, Director Onne Beeksma, Director 978.63 854.26 352.15 34.98 146.75 39.00 228.82 19033.93 960.33 112780.14 59831.75 200.00 119811.89 Robert H. Wangen, Director Harry J. Lowe, Secretary Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Stuart to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, The Department of Public -Welfare, Bayfield County, -Wisconsin_, is author- ized pursuant to the provisions of Section-49.26 (10), with consent of the.County Board, to expend from its appropriation for old age assistance,,,.monies fornecessary and essential repairs-, payment of taxes, payment of balances -due on land .c.ontracts, pay and cause to be satisfied existing mortgages or other prior liens on property on which the County has an old age assistance lien, to procure -insurance, t.o.pay fees in relation to enforcing and collecting old age assistance li-ens,- among other things set forth in said Statute, and WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable by the County Board of Supervisors .to grant said authority to said Department, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, hereby consents to the expenditure of necessary and essential monies from its appropriation for old age assistance, for purposes set forth in Section 49.26 (10) of the Wisconsin Statutes© DATED: This 7th day of November, 1961. PRESENTED BY:: Walter hliszcz Sanfred Anderson Art A. Anderson November '9.1961 Moved by Sanfred Anderson and seconded by Beeksma to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried, The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, the appropriations for social security aids are made under five differ— ent headings, and WHEREAS, it is impossible to accurately predict the necessary appropriation for each and every aid so there may be an overrun in some aids and a deficit in others,and WHEREAS, County Board action is necessary to transfer funds from one aid to another, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this 7th day of November 1961 that the total amount appropriated for the.five_ various aids administered by the Welfare Department be and hereby are appropriated under one amount listed as Appropriation for Social Security Aids. DATED: This 7th day of November 1961. PRESENTED BY: Walter Kliszcz Sanfred Anderson Art A. Anderson Moved by Justice and seconded by Sanfred Anderson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The'following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Ellsworth Hudson is presently tending the furnace at the heating plant and general utility man and is presently receiving 3100..00 per.month, and vJHEREAS, he is responsible for the heating plant every day of the week and month and we are approaching the peak of cold weather which will require long hours at the heating plant, therefore BE IT.HEREBY RESOLV-0D that he be paid $150.00 per.month effective November 1, 1961. Edward Jelinek Albert E. Swanson K. C. Howell Committee on Public Property and Ground Moved by Lupa and seconded by Barningham to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. �6(b Novembex,I.9., 1961 The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION CONTINUITY,OF GOVERNMENT WHEREAS: In the event of an -enemy attack using nuclear weapons, the essential functions of Government at all levels must be maintained. WHEREAS: Preparations are presently being made by the National and State Govern- ments to assure their effectiveness despite the possible loss of a number of their leaders. WHEREAS: The county of Bayfield would be able to enact a sound program for the Continuity of its Government in the event of an enemy attack upon the United States WHEREAS: The Continuity of Government program is based upon the premise that all Civil Government must continue to function effectively should the United States be attacked. In order for Government to function, it is necessary that there be duly authorized persons to operate it. WHEREAS: Definitions of Continuity of Government shall be Designation, Status, Qualifications and Term of Emergency Interim Successors. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That at the annual meeting of the Bayfield County Board to be held in the Bayfield County Court House Washburn, 'Wisconsin November 9, 1961 adopt the attached resolution on Continuity of Government or order other appro- priate action. RESOLUTION ON CONTINUITY OF GOVERN FONT SUCCESSION BAYFIELD COUNTY. SECTION 1. Short Title. This resolution shall be known and may be cited as the "Continuity of Government Resolution of the County of Bayfield". SECTION 2. Definitionsm As used in the resolution, unless the context other- wise clearly indicates: (a)"Unavailable" shall mean either that'a vacancy in office exists and there is no deputy authorized to exercise all of the powers and discharge the duties of the office, or that the lawful incumbent of the office (including any deputy exercising the powers and discharging the duties of an office because of a vacancy) and his duly authorized deputy are absent or unable, for physical, mental or legal reasons, to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the officeo (b) "Attack" shall`mean any attack or series of attacks by an enemy of the United States causing, or which may cause, substantial damage or injury to'civilian property or persons in the United States in any manner, by sabotage or by the use of bombs, missiles, shellfire, or atomic, radiological, chemical, bacteriological, or biological means or other weapons or processes. (c)."Duly authorized deputy" shall mean a person who is presently authorized to perform all of the functions, exercise all of the powers and discharge all of the duties of an office in the event the office is vacant or at such times as it lacks administration due to the death, absence or disability of the.incumbent officer. (d) "Emergency Interim Successor" shall mean a person designated pursuant to this resolution for possible temporary succession to the powers and duties, but not the office, of a 'County office in the event that such officer or any duly authorized deputy is unavailable to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the office. SECTION 3. Designation, Status, Qualifications and Term of Emergency Interim Successors. (a) Elective Officers. Within thirty days.following the effective date of November 9,.,1961 this resolution and thereafter within thirty days after first entering upon the duties of his office, each member of the County Board and all County Elected Officers shall, in addition to any duly authorized deputy, designate such number of emergency interim successors to his office and specify their rank in order of succession after any duly authorized deputy so that there will be not less than three duly authorized deputies or emergency interim successors or combination thereof for the office. ,(b) Appointive Officers. The County Board shall within the time specified in'sub,section (a) of this Section, in addition to any duly authorized deputy, designate .for appointive officers such number ofemergency interim successors to these officers and specify their rank in order of succession after.any duly authorized deputy so that there .will .be. . not less than ,three.duly authorized deputies or emergency interim successors or combination thereof for each officer.. (c) Review of Designations.- The incumbent in.the case of those elective offic- ers specified in subsection (a) of this Section, and the County Board in the case of those appointive officers s specified in subsection(b) of this Section, shall review and, as necessary, promptly revise the designations,of emergency interim successors to insure that at all times there are at least three such qualified emergency interim success- ors or duly authorized deputies or any combination thereof for each officer specified. (d) Qualifications® No person shall be designated or serve as an emergency' interim successor unless he may under the constitution and statutes of this State and the charter or ordinances of this County, hold the office of the person to whose powers and duties he is designated to succeed, but no provision of any Ordinance prohibiting an officer or employee of this County from holding another office shall be applicable to an emergency interim successor. W Statute of Emergency Interim Successor. A persiondesignated as an em- ergency interim successor holds -that designation at the pleasure of the designator:, Provided, That he must be replaced if removed. He retains this designation as emer- gency interim successor until replaced by another appointed by the authorized designator. SECTION 4. Assumption of Powers and Duties of Officer by Emergency Interim Successor._ If in the eventof an attack any officer named in subsections (a) and (b) of Section 3 of this Resolution and any duly authorized deputy is unavailable, his emergency interim successor highest in rank in order of succession who is not unavail- able shall,except for the power and duty to appoint emergency interim successors, exercise the powers and discharge the duties of such officer. An emergency interim successor -shall exercise these powers and discharge these.duties, only until such time as the lawful incumbent officer or any duly authorized deputy or an emergency interim successor higher in rank in order of succession exercises, or resumes the exercise of, the powers and discharge of the duties of the office, or until, where an actual vacancy exists, a successor is appointed to fill such vacancy or is elected and qualified as provided by law. SECTION 5. Recordinr,, and Publication® The name, address and rank in order of succession of each duly authorized deputy shall be filed with the County Clerk and each designation, replacement, or change in order of succession of an emergency interim succ- essor shall become effective when the designator files with the County Clerk the successor's name, address and rank in order of succession. The County Clerk shall keep on file all such data regarding duly authorized deputies and emergency interim success- ors and it shall be open to public inspection. 370 Novemb5er-'9; 1961 SECTION 6. Formalities of TakinC, Office. At the time of their designation, emer- gency interim successors shall take such oath and do such other things, if any, as may be required to qualify them to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the office to which they may succeed. SECTION 7. Quorum and Vote'R6quir'ements. In the event of an attack (1) quorum requirements for the County Board shall`be suspended, and '(2) where the affirmative vote of a specified proportion of members for approval'of an Ordinance, Resolution or other action would otherwise be required, the - same proportion of those voting thereon shall be sufficient. SECTION 8. Separability Clause. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court ofcompetent jurisdiction,�such portion shall be deemed a separate, dis��.­;-., tinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions -hereof. SECTION 9. Effective Date. The immediate passage of this'resolution is deemed essential to the public health, safety and welfare and shall be in full force and effect -from and after its passage. Chairman; Howard Sibbald Supervisor, Wm. B..Peterson Supervisor, Nick Pristash Supervisor, Joe Maciosek Supervisor, Phillip L. Lindsey Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Lindsey to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS the law changing the Courts becomes effective on January 1, 1962. WHEREBY the Clerk of Circuit Court will also be the Clerk of the County Court creating additional work for said clerk, and WEEREAS it is deemed advisable to employ a full time -clerk and that the qualifica- tions of said employee be subject to the approval of the Personnel Committee. Howard Sibbald Wm. B. Peterson Phillip L. Lindsey Nick Pristash Joe Maciosek Personnel Committee Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Lindsey to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. November 9, 1961 The following Resolution was read: AN APPROPRIATION WHEREAS there has been in the four counties of Ashland, Bayfield, Iron and Price a demonstration of library service sponsored by the Wisconsin Free Library Commission under the'Library Services Act (Public Law 597) known as the Four -County Library Project, and WHEREAS this free demonstration period will come to an end on December 31, 1961, and WHEREAS the continuation of this library service to the residents of Bayfield County is dependent upon an appropriation by the County Board for that purpose. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a sum of Eight thousand two hundred and forty dollars ($8,240) be appropriated by the County Board for the continuation of the Four -County Library Service for 1962. FURTHER that this appropriation is contingent upon a like appropriation by Ashland, Iron and Price Counties. Recommended by the Education and Library -Committee. Walter L. Wasmuth Joe Maciosek Howard Sibbald Dated This 8th day of November, 1961. G. William Frankie ich Moved by D6,M6,r.s-1 and seconded by Tribov:A to table the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Ordinance was reads Providing fo-r a Civil Defense Organization and for Protection and Promotion of Public Safety, Health, and Welfare in the County of Bayfield during Civil Defense Emergencies. The County Board of Bayfield County Do Ordain. as Follows: Section 1. Policy and Purpose. (a) "civil Defense" shall mean the preparation for and the carrying out of all emergency functions, other than functions for which the military forces are primarily responsible, to minimize and repair injury and damage resulting from dis- aster caused by enemy attack, sabotage, or other hostile action, or by fire, flood or other natural causes. (b) By reason of the increasing possibility of disasters of unprecedented size and destructiveness, and to insure that preparations will be adequate to cope with such disasters, and to provide for the common defense to protect th6 public peace, health, safety, and general welfare, and to preserve the lives and property of the people, it is hereby declared necessary: (1) To establish a County Civil Defense Organization. (2) To provide for the exercise of necessary powers during Civil Defense emergencies; and (3) To provide.for the rendering of cooperation and Mutual aid between this County and other political sub -divisions -within the County. (c) It is further declared to be the purpose of this Ordinance and the policy of the County that all Civil Defense functions of this County be coordinated 872 November 9, . 1961 to the maximum extent practicable with existing services and facilities of -this County and with comparable functions of the Federal, State and other political sub- divisions, and of the various private agencies to the end that the most effective preparation and use may be made of manpower, resources, and facilities for dealing with any disaster that may occur. Section 2. Civil Defense Committee. (a) How constituted. There is hereby created a Civil Defense Committee composed of The County Board Chairman and as many additional members as may be determined by the County Board. Committee to be selected as other committees are selected by the County Board Chairman, subject to confirmation of the County Board and who shall serve without compensation. The County Board Chairman shall serve as Chairman of the Civil Defense Committee and the Civil -Defense Director shall serve as its secretary. (b) Duties of Civil Defense Committee. The Civil.Defense Committee shall be an advisory and planning group .and shall advise the Director and the County Board on all matters pertaining to Civil Defense. The Civil Defense Committee shall meet upon the call of the Chairman or during a declared state of emergency -by the Director. Section 3. Civil Defense Director. (a) Appointment. The office of Director of Civil Defense is hereby created. The Director shall be appointed by the County Board and shall receive such salary as may be authorized by the County Board. He shall take and file an official oath. Deputy and assistant Service Directors shall be appointed by the Director, subject to the approval of thO Civil Defense Committee as may be deemed necessary, and such appointees shall receive such compensation as determined by the County Board. (b) Duties and Authority of Director. (1) The Director shall.be the executive head of the Civil Defense organization and shall have direct responsibility for the organization, administra- tion and operation of the Civil Defense organization subject to tIze direction and control of the County Board. He shall coordinate all activities for Civil Defense within the County and shall maintain liaison and cooperate with Civil Defense agenc- ies and organizations of other political subdivisions within the County and of the State and Federal Government. He shall participate in County and State Civil Defense activities upon request, and shall have such additional authority, duties, and responsibilities as are authorized by this ordinance and as may from time to time be required by the County Board. (2) The Director shall prepare a comprehensive general plan for the Civil Defensb of the County and shall present such plan to the County Board and State Civil Defense Director for.their approval. When the County Board has approv- ed the plan by resolution, it shall be the duty of all.municipal agencies and all Civil Defense forces of the County to perform the duties and functions assigned by the County Plan as approved. The plan may be modified in like manner. Section 4. Utilization of Existing Services and Facilities.- In preparing and executing the Civil Defense Plan, The Directorls'riall utilize the services, equipment, supplies and facilities of the existing departments and agencies of the County to the maximum extent practicable; and the officers and personnel of all such depart- ments and agencies are directed to cooperate with and extend suc).i services.and facilities to the Director. Section 5. Emergency Regulations. Whenever necessary to meet a Civil Defense November�9, 1961 emergency for which adequate regulations have-not been adopted by the County Board, the Chairman and in his absence,.the.Dir.ector of Civil Defense, may by proclamation promulgate -and enforce such orders, rules,and regulations relating to the conduct of persons and the use of property as shall be necessary to.protect the public peace, health and safety, and preserve lives and property and to insure the cooperation necess- ary in Civil Defense activities. Such proclamations.shall be posted in three public places and may be rescinded by the County Board by resolution at any time. Section 6. Mutual Aid Agreements. The Director of Civil Defense may, subject to the approval:of the County Board, enter into mutual aid agreements,with other politic- al subdivisions. Copies of such agreements shall be filed. with the State Director of Civil Defense. Section 7. Declaration of Emergencies. Upon the declaration by-.the.President of the United States, Governorof the State of Wisconsin, the County Board Chairman or the.Civil Defense in the absence of the Chairman, or by the County Board of a State of emergency, the Director of Civil Defense shall issue all necessary proclamations as to the existence.of such state of emergency and shall issue such disaster warnings or alerts as.shall be required in the Civil Defense.Plan, The Civil.Defense Planned organization shall take action in accordance with the Civil Defense plan only after the declaration of an emergency and the issuance of official.disaster warnings. Such state of emergency shall continue until terminated by the .issuing authority, provided that any such declaration not issued ..by the Presi- dent of United States,, the Governor of the State of Wisconsin may be terminated at the discretion of the County Board.. Section 8. Penalties. It shall.be unlawful for any person wilfully to obstruct, hinder or delay any member of the Civil Defense organization in the enforcement of any order; rule, regulation, or plan issued pursuant to this ordinance, or to do any act forbidden by any order, rule, regulation, or plan issued pursuant to the authority contained in this ordinance. For a violation of any Qf the provisions of this ord— inance he shall forfeit not less than $100.00 nor more than $500.00, and in default of payment thereof, shall be imprisoned in the County jail for a perimd not exceeding 90 days. Section 9. This ordinance shall take effectand be in force from and after its passage and publication, Posting. Chairman, Howard Sibbald Supervisor, Wm. B. Peterson Supervisor, Nick Pristash Supervisor, Joe Maciosek Supervisor, Phillip L. Lindsey Moved by Justice and -seconded by Moniza to adopt the foregoing Ordnance. Motion Carried. Moved by John 0. Anderson and seconded by Moniza to nominate Thomas E. Anderson as Civil Defense Director. Moved by Lupa and seconded by Justice to close nominations. Motion Carried. 3"4 November 9� 1961 Moved by Justice andseconded by Moniza that the County Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for Thomas E. Anderson as Civil.Defense Director. Motion Carried. The Clerk cast the ballot -as -directed and the chair -declared Mr. Anderson elected. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS Chap. 480, Laws of 1961, effective Sept. 22, 1961•provides that the fees and/or salary of bailiffs attending Circuit or County.Courts must be determined by the County Board WHEREUPON it is hereby RESOLVED that the fees for the bailiffs attending.the Circuit and County Courts shail..be the sum of 410.00 for a full day and $5.00 for each half day. Edward A. Pajala Glenn 0. Holman Raymond J. Mammoser Halvor Reiten G. William Frankie Finance Committee.. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Holman to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED .that a deputy County officer receive $100.'00 more per year than the schedule of salaries or wages provides for, and that all clerical help and Deputies be increased $100.00 per year after 15 years in County employment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that compensation for all new personnel conform to the schedule. Howard Sibbald Wm. B. Peterson Phillip L. Lindsey Nick Pristash Joe Maciosek Personnel Committee Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Pristash to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Budget is made up'about fourteen and one half months in advance of the closing date of accounts and therefore it is impossible to estimate one hundred November 9, 1961 375 1 per cent correctly, and WHEREAS, it now appears that there will -be a small over run in a few of the Budget items for 1961, and therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the.County Clerk., the County Treasurer and the County Board Chairman, be and they are hereby authorized to pay out such amounts up to December 31, 1961, to cover Budget deficiencies and payments to accounts of the Departments affected. Edward A. Pajala Moved by Justice and seconded by TribovicY Ito adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS the excess delinquent tax accounts on the County records for the sales of 1926.to 1935 inclusive amounts to $44,948.01 as of January 1, 1961, and affects seven different Towns all of which have County Forest Crop lands and as a result very few land sales are made in these districts because Forest Crop Lands cannot be sold by the Sales Committee, and 14HEREAS it is desirable to clear these accounts from the County records. The taxing districts referred to are as follows together with the amounts for each as afore mentioned: Town of Barnes 11 11 Bayfield 11 11 Bayview 1° '1 Bell 1503.18 16640.46 4406.88 11339,02 ►' " Clover 1432e49 '► " Hughes 7036.57 " Russell 2589.41 Total 44948.01 Be It Hereby Resolved that each Town be offered a settlement at fifty (50) per cent. on the dollar payable over a period of 5 years commencing in 1962. Be It Further Resolved that each Town act on this proposal and that they notify the County Clerk of their action. Raymond J. Mammoser Glenn 0. Holman Edward A. Pajala Halvor Reiten G. William Frankie Finance Committee Moved by Holman and seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes:- Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Dale Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Joseph Maciosek, Ernest Nelson, Ed Jelinek, Henry J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Harvey DeMars, Arthur A;Anderson, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Lindsey, Pajala November 9, 1961 AYES - 36 Excusted 1 NAYES - 0 Total - 37 MOTION CARRIED. 7Note:Later on in the meeting the foregoing Resolution -was reconsidered and.rejected. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Kliszcz to adjourn until 10:00 A.M., November loth, 1961. Motion Carried. November 10,_ 1961 Meeting called to order at 10:00 A.M. by Edward Pajala, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Andersooh, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Dale Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Joseph Maciosek, Ernest Nelson, Ed. Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Harvey DeMars, Arthur.A. Anderson, Holman, A. E. Swanson, Pajala; The following communication was read: Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Dear Sir: This is to certify that the Town Board of the Town. of Keystone has authorized John J. Susienka to represent said town at the Nov. 10, 1961 session of the Bayfield County Board in the absence of Chairman George Moniza. John J. Susienka, Clerk Town of Keystone Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Stuart to seat John J. Susienka as a member of the County Board representing the Town of Keystone. Motion Carried. Moved by Beeksma and seconded by Wasmuth to reconsider the Resolution covering appropriation for the Bookmobile. Motion Carried. Moved by Elonen and seconded by Wasmuth to adopt the Resolution providing for Bookmobile Service with the following provisional change that Bayfield County contribute according to the original resolution even though Price County does not. make the , appropriation but that their share be contributed by the State of Wisconsin. NOTE: The Bayfield County Board had received oral information that the Price County Board did not appropriate funds for Bookmobile Service. Roll call to adopt was as follows: AYES - Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Heglund, Susienka, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Dale Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Joseph Maciosek, Ernest Nelson, Ed. Jelinek, Wasmuth, Reiten; NAYES - Sampson, Mammoser, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, William Peterson, Henry J. S. Hanson, Harvey DeMars, Arthur A. Anderson, Holman, A. E. Swanson, Pajala; AYES - 19 HAYES - 15 Absent 3 Total - 37 MOTION CARRIED. November 10, 1961 Robert M. Spears, Trustee for Pureair Sanatorium gave an oral report on the operation of the institution and explained what is being done to convert the Sanatorium to a dual use because of the reduced number of T.B. patients. The following communication was read: November 6, 1961 Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk Dear Sir: I am writing ,you again in regard to Parcel (SE SW and SW SE, Section 20-44-9). In my first inquiry,.Aug.. 29, 1960, as to,a sale price, I was informed (March 3,1961) that the cruise on these lands had been made and they (the County) was to determine what 100 ft. they would withhold, as right-of-way. Has the County Board provided funds for the surveying of this right-of-way, or have they repealed the restriction? I am still interested in buying these parcels. Would you please look into this matter and inform me what decisions have been made. Hoping to hear from you soon in regard to this matter. Sincerely yours, Valerian Brzezinski 2504 W. Bolivar Ave. Milwaukee 219 Wisconsin Moved by Stuart and seconded by Barningham to receive the foregoing communica- tion and place on file. Motion Carried. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Howell that the Committee on Public Property and Grounds advertise for bids on coal and that notice of bid be sent to Bayfield County dealers. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS the Committee on Personnel has studied the salary and wage scale.as published by the State Bureau of Personnel and have made comparisons with other counties which have about the same valuation and population, and WHEREAS we have considered requests from several committees, therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the following increase be granted: Sheriff y 240.00 Undersheriff 240.00 Traffic Officer 240.00 District Attorney 240.00' County Clerk 200,00 2 Jail Attendants 120.00 each The budget as recommended by the Finance Committee includes the foregoing changes, Howard Sibbald Wm. B. Peterson Phillip L. Lindsey Nick Pristash Joe Maciosek Personnel Committee November 10, 1961 Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Elonen to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES - Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefli ng, Stuart, Susienka, Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Dale Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Joseph Maciosek, Ernest Nelson, Ed. Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S..Hanson, Reiten, Harvey DeMars, Arthur A. Ander- son, Holman, A. E. Swanson, Pajala; NAYES - Beeksma AYE& - 33 Nayes - 1 Absent - 3 Total - 37 MOTION CARRIED. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Kliszcz to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Motion Carried. Meeting called to order at"1:30 P.M. by Edward Pajala, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Susienka, Berweger, William Peterson, J. O.-Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Dale Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Joseph Macio- sek, Ernest Nelson, Ed. Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Harvey DeMars, Arthur A. Anderson, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Lindsey, Pajala; The following Resolution was read:. WHEREAS it may be necessary to make short term loans in order to meet payrolls and other obligations including current and ordinary expenses within the next year. THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of`Bayfield County in Annual Session assembled this loth day of November 1961, that the Chair- man of the County Board, the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to make short term loans in an amount not exceeding $100,000.00 in the aggregate, if in their opinion it should be found to be to the County's interest to make such loan or loans. Edward A. Pajala Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Stuart to adopt the following Resolution. Motion carried unanimously. 3R0 November 10, 1961 The.following report was read: To: Hon. Members of Bayfield County Board. From: Viola Benton, Clerk of Circuit Court. He: Financial Report for Fiscal Year Beginning 1/1/61. Ending 9/30/61. On Hand-- Trust Fund 100.00 Receipts for Fiscal Year Classified as Follows: Suit Tax 145.00 County Fees 220.00 Costs 23.90 Alimony & Support 22734.69 Trust 1880.00 Misc. 98.97 Total 25202.56 Disbursements for Above Fiscal Year Classified as Follows: Suit Tax 8 145.00 County Fees 220.00 Costs 23.90 Alimony & Support 2.2734.69 Trust 1980.00 Misc. 98-.97 Total 25202.56 Cash on Hand Oct. lst, 1961 none. Vouchers Issued for Fiscal Year Ending'9/30/61 Classified as Follows: Publications 44.90 Deputy Clerk 240.00 Bailiff 30.00 Jury Commissioners 121.00 Postage & Box Rent 67.56 Law Books 309.00- Printed Checks 5.19 Blood Test .30.00 Total 847.65 Jurors 8 454.40 1302.05 Respectfully Submitted Nov. 3, 1961. 8 25202.56 25202.56 'G 1302.05 Viola Benton, Clerk of Circuit Court, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Moved by.-Tribovich and seconded by B.-E. Johnson to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion Carried. 3pi - --- _.----- - - -- November__10; 1961-_ - - - --- - - The following Resolution was read-: WHEREAS Bayfield County has acquired a tax deed to Lots 8, 9, & 10, Second Addition to Long Lake, and WHEREAS there is access to this lake by the public, therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Sales Committee be authorized and directed to appraise this property and advertise for bids. Frank Hoefling Moved by Elonen and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, the terms of Justin Walstad, City of Bayfield, and Beverlee Thivierge, Town of Iron River, members of the Bayfield County School Committee, expire on January 1, 1962, and WHEREAS, it becomes,the duty of the County Board of Supervisors to fill these vacancies, and WHEREAS, the Committee on Education of the County Board is to nominate candi- dates for these offices according to Section 40.02(3) of the Wisconsin Statutes, there- fore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the following be appointed to Bayfield County t School Committee for a term of three (3) years: Justin Walstad W. L. Wasmuth G. William Frankie Howard Sibbald Joe Maciosek COlv1MITTEE ON EDUCATION, BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN Moved by Justice and seconded by Beeksma to elect Justin Walstad as a member of the Bayfield County School Committee for a term of three years commencing Jan. 1, 1962. Motion Carried. The.following nominations for a second member of the County School Committee were made from the floor of the County Board. Jack Vacha Mabel Leafblad Maynette Gustafson Majella Amundson Moved by Barningham and seconded.by Justice to -close the nominations. Motion Carried. The result of -the first ballot was as follows: Majella Amundson 14 Maynette Gustafson 11 Jack .Vacha 4 Mabel Leafblad 7 T11 otal 36 - No majority. 382 November 109.1961 The result of the second ballot was as follows: Majella Amundson 19 Maynette Gustafson. 12 Mabel Leafblad 4 Jack Vacha 1 Total 36 The chair declared Majella Amundson duly elected. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Justice to allow John 0. Bodin to help the new County Treasurer limiting the time to a total_of 20 days and that he receive the same rate of pay as at present. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: Bayfield County Board Court House Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sirs: Korppas-Johnson Post No. 531 American Legion Herbster and Port Wing August 23, 1961 - Subj: Bayfield County Service Officer Wish to inform you that the Korppas-Johnson Post No. 531 of the American Legion Dep t. of Wisconsin at a regular mtg. held in the Port Wing Town Office on the 8th day of August 1961 passed the following resolution and that the resolution be adopt- ed by our Bayfield County Board. Resolution 1. That the Bayfield'County Board appoint or hire Veteran or Veterans of Bayfield County only to fulfill the Post of Bayfield County Service Officer. Resolution submitted by: Herbert W. Johnson 2nd by: Larry Sthal Approved by -all members present @ mtg. This Resolution Certified by: Commander, James Landon Adjutant, Robert C. Johnson Moved by Justice and.seconded by Nelson to receive the.foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS Theodore Root is the owner of the NE;a of the -SW/ of Section 159 Town- ship 49 N., Range 8 W., and WHEREAS he wishes to exchange it -for County owned tax deed property described as NE%4 of NWA of Section 159 Township 49' N. Range 8 W. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that an exchange be granted provided he pays taxes on :his land. Dale A. Johnson November .ljOq,-_-=1.9-61 - - -- -- — ---- Moved. by Tribovich and seconded by Justice to refer:the foregoing Resolution to the Forestry Committee with power to'.act., Motion Carried. The following report was read:, VETERANS' SERVICE = OFFICE Washburn, Wisconsin November 7, 1961 The Personnel Committee County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Herewith is a breakdown of monies spent by the Veterans Service Commission .of Bayfield County. The dates of these expenditures are from January 1st, 1961 thru October 31, 1961. Total amount expended $764.16. Groceries S 455.00 Graves Care Cemetery 87.00 Drugs • 7.95 Hospital 40.00 Medical - Doctors Care 40.00 Bus Ticket V. A. Hospital Minneapolis 6.71 Clothing - Veterans Children 39..95 Fuel 29.93 Board Meetings and Dues to Commission Association 57.62 764.16 Respectively Submitted, Thomas E.,Anderson.,. Exc. Secretary .. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Pristash to receive the -foregoing report and place -on file. Motion Carried., The following report was read:' P VETERANS' SERVICE OFFICE Washburn,,Wisconsin November 7, 1961 The Personnel Committee County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin ,Gentlemen: Attached to this statement is a consolidated report of the activities of the Bayfie-ld County Veterans Service Off ice From October 19 1960 thru October 31, 1961. In the past few months the cases have increased considerably due to the fact that there are more Veterans looking for benefits because of age and new laws that are continuing to make them eligible for benefits. 3R1 November 10, 1961 I Since becoming _your Service Officer May lst I have at all times tried to give the best of Service to the Veterans and their dependents in the County. There has been considerable increases in monies coming into the County each month through my efforts and will continue as long as we can get the Veteran to. apply and work hard to see that he gets his just benefit. I wish to say that I have appreciated working for you.. Your.cooperation has been wonderful. All the County Officials have been most helpful -and willing at all times to get information.I need for the office. Thank you Gentlemen and I will continue to give the best Service. Yours very truly, Thomas E. Anderson VETERANS BENEFITS REPORT October 1960 .thru October 1961 1. Compensation 4 2. Pension 19 3. Death Pension_ Dependent Parents Widows and Children 4 4. Accrued Compensation or Pension 2 5. Hospitalization 38 6. Out Patient Treatment 2 7. Lost.or destroyed Discharges 2 8. Burial Flags = -5 9. Headstone for Grave of Veterans 5 10. Re-imbursement of Burial Expenses 5 ll.. Direct Federal Loans 2 12, Assistance in Loans .6 13. Loan Application Federal 6 14. State Loans 3 15. Power of Attorney for -organizations 36. 16., Personal Contact in -Office May lst to October 31. 379 17. Personal contacts and home calls away from Office, May lst to Oct. 31 149 18. Mail Incoming, to Office - Six months 400 19. Mail Outgoing from Office Six Months 3$7 Yours very truly, Thomas E. Anderson, Veterans Service Officer. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Beeksma to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion Carried. November .10, .1961: The following Report was.read: OFFICE OF CIUIL.DEFENSE — BAYFIELD'COUNTY WISCONSIN November 7, 1961 The Personnel Committee County'Board of Supervisors Bayfield County Board Washburn; Wisconsin Gentlemen: I submit this report to you Gentlemen on the progress and facts on the Civil Defense program in Bayfield County. It has been a hard up hill pull to get Civil Defense in high gear as there has been very little help from the State Civil Defense Office.until recently. They have been understaffed and were unable to give much advice due to the fact that the Federal Government has been making drastic changes in Civil Defense the past few months. I have been able to get some promises of more aid for Bayfield County to continue their Civil Defense Training and also some aid in the Administration of the office so that more can be done to get the 'information out to the people of the county and to further the development of a good sound working program in Civil Defense. We must all realize that we have been threatened recently by the testing of the Nuclear bombs with fallout radiation and the Federal Government has called this seriousness to our attention for action and they are going to spend millions of dollars to make sure that there is a good sound program on Civil Defense Survival. Bayfield County is a part of this program and we will get our share of aids as long as we continue to work hard on Civil Defense. To date we have received the total of $330.25 in cash as part of the Federal matching fund program, and we are to receive in the near future another sizeable amount to aid the County. The State Director.of Civil Defense stated that as of July 1962 these aids could be greatly increased providing that we get our plan approved. Within the next few months I expect to have the Bayfield County Survival Plan complet— ed. This plan will include all political subdivisions within the County. We will use all their present resources until the time that the State and Federal Government will allot us more to use in our plan. This survival.plan is not just an overnight project it is very serious as it must be planned well enough for the people of Bayfield County to be able to understand its entirety and what part that they come under. Survival is only when -the prople are informed on what to do and when to do it. Most of all they must be willing to give time so the plan can work properly. Gentlemen: my report may seem a little drawn out but each one of you according to law are directly responsible to the Community which you represent and to see that there is an adequate Civil Defense. program. To get the people to take part and train on Civil Defense is your responsibility also. Taking an active part yourself will result in a short time a good program. I will assist you in every way possible and see that you have proper training and well planned meetings so that in your community you will be prepared for any emergency. I have appreciated your fine cooperation and hope that it will continue. Those who have not taken part in Civil Defense will do s,o shortly as there will be more classes near your community so there will be no reason for your not having Civil Defense trained personnel in your own area. With proper trained Civil Defense workers we can survive. Thank you. Respectively submitted, Thomas E. Anderson, Civil Defense Director. 3Rt3 November 10, 1961 i Moved by Arthur C. Hanson and seconded by Berweger to receive the foregoing Report and place on ,fi.le:... Motion. Carried. The following Resolution was read: TO THE BAYFIE LD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: 11HEREAS, Your Forestry Committee has recommended that the County Forestry Admin- istrator's salary be raised. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the salary of George E. Leino, Bayfield County Forestry Administrator, be raised $300.00 per year, effective January 1, 1962. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William A. Stuart W. C. Barningham Toivo Elonen Onne Beeksma Ernest Heglund Moved by Stuart and seconded by Beeksma to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call was as follows: AYES - Barningham, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Heglund, Stuart, Berweger, Elonen, Dale Johnson, Tribovich, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Harvey DeMars, Arthur A. Anderson; r67- ., 1 NAYES - Sampson, Mammoser, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Bernard E. Johnson, Chambers, ,Hoefling, Susienka, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Sibbald, Frankie, Joseph Maciosek, Ernest Nelson, Ed Jelinek, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Lindsey, Pajala; r-P 5 AYES - 14 NAYES - 22 Absent - 1 Total - 37 MOTION LOST. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors has appropriated the sum of Eight Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Two ($8,362.00) dollars for the- continuation of Mobile Library Ser- vice in Bayfield County for the year 1962. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the County Library Committee be authorized to enter into a contract with the other participating counties to create, control, and support, to the extent of this appropriation, said Library service to the.residents of Bayfield. County. Recommended by, Walter L: Wasmuth Dated this tenth day of November, 1961. . Moved by Wasmuth and seconded by Beeksma to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. November 10, 1961 X The County Clerk asked the County Board if they would make some determination on classification of jobs which was needed in:his work with the State Retirement. After some discussion it was moved by Nelson and seconded by J. 0. Anderson to refer this matter to the Personnel Committee with power to act. Motion Carried. Note: At a meeting of the Personnel Committee held December 14th the following action was taken: Moved by Peterson and seconded by Pristash that all County Employees must retire at the end of the month during which the employee reaches 65, effective January 1, 1962. Motion Carried. Moved by Elonen and Seconded by Ernest Nelson to re -appoint Earl Anderson as Trustee for the Bayfield County Rest Home for a term of three years commencing Jan- uary 1, 1962. Moved by George Sampson and seconded by Barningham to close nominations. Motion Carried. Moved by Tribovich and duly seconded that the County Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for Earl Anderson as Trustee to succeed himself. Motion Carried. The County Clerk cast the ballot as directed and the Chairman declared Mr. Anderson duly elected. The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION RELATING TO THE PUBLIC SERVICE OF THE FOLLOWING: HARRY B. CURRY was employed by the Bayfielkcounty Highway Department from April 1, 1919 to November 30, 1919. On April 1, 1923 he became Superintendent of Patrolmen and on February 24, 1927 was appointed as County Highway Commissioner, succeeding John Friberg who had passed away. He served as Commissioner until December 31, 1961 when his term expired. JOHN 0. BODIN was elected County Treasurer in November 1932 and assumed his duties as of January 1, 1933. He served continuously in this position until his resignation became effective December 31, 1961. NORA M. OLSON was appointed Deputy County Treasurer January 1, 1933 and served continuously in this position until her resignation became effective Dec. 15, 1961 CLARENCE L.. OLSEN was elected Chairman of the Town of Barksdale in April 1947 and as such became a member of the Bayfield County Board. He served continuously in that capacity until his resignation became effective in November 1961. He was elected as County Board Chairman in April 1950 and served continuously in that position until his resignation. November 10,1961 THOMAS E. RONDEAU was elected as Supervisor of the Village of Cable in April 19,60. He is' a member' of' 'the National Guard, Thirty-second Division of Wisconsin and was inducted in active Service in September 1961. He is now stationed at Fort Lewis, Washington. Joseph Maciosek'of the Village of Cable is acting in his place during his absence. Out of respect for the long faithful public service of the foregoing BE IT RESOLVED that we go on record with a vote of thanks to each one, and BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be mailed to each. B. E. Johnson Moved by B. E. Johnson and seconded by John 0. Anderson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Moved by Barningham and seconded by Pristash to. thank the businessmen at Bayfield for the dinner. Motion Carried. The following Budget was read: PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1962 TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned Committee on Finance, Budge and Equalization, hereby submit our report and recommendations for 1962. VALUATION The Supervisor of Assessments recommended true value.f or 1961'is $36,590,645.00. The legal limit of taxation for County purposes is 1%. The following recommended Budget is under the limitation by $26,904.49. SANATORIUM The Trustees of Pureair Sanatorium and Finance Committees of each county in Joint Annual Budge meeting decided to recommend dual use of the Sanatorium. We have included an item of'43,000.00 in the budget to cover.our share of cost of needed changes. SALARIES AND WAGES We have included in the budget only such wage increases as recommended by the personnel committee. These changes will be supported by resolution or resolutions. MOBILE LIBRARY SERVICE We have not included'an appropriation for this service in the budget. The Library''Committee will make a -report and recommendation to the Board regarding this service.. November 109196,1 HIGHWAYS & BRIDGES Highway expenditures are financed entirely from gas tax and automobile.license revenues, with the exception of,County bridge aid and are therefor not reflected in the budget. WELFARE The items of Doctor, Hospital and Medical have been added to each class of welfare cases. REST HOME The Rest Home is being operated at full capacity. The Trustees are recommending an addition to double the capacity. If the Board decides on a building program it will have,to be financed by a bond issue, a loan or a combination of both. There are no available funds for this purpose. FINANCE We recommend the adoption of a resolution authorizing short loans. AUDIT The audit report for 1960 operation has been completed. The auditor explained his report in detail to the Committee. We are introducing a resolution covering audit for.1961. Note: Mr. Mammoser did not concur the recommended value of the Town of Barnes. EXPENDITURES 1961 Recommended GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Appropriation for 1962 County Board 8 89500.00 89500.00 County Clerk 129000.00 11,500.00 County Treasurer -99300.00 99300.00 Assessment & Addressograph 59700.00 51,0.00.00 District Attorney 5,500.00 69000.00 Family Court Commissioner lv200.00 19200.00 County Surveyor 500.00 500.00 County Court 99.300.00 39400.00 Municipal Court lt200.00 none Circuit Court 69500.00 7,800.00 Juvenile Court 800.00 400.00 Coroner 800.00 800.00 Court House 69900.00 89000.00 Elections. 1,200.00 3,600.00 Special Accounting & i Auditing 29500.00 29525.00 Liability & Compensation Insurance.. 750.00 750.00. Total 729650.00 699275.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY: Sheriff, 269000.00 279920.00 County Traffic Officer 59475.00 51815.00 Register of Deeds 10,460.00 119145.00 County Share -Cost of Fighting Forest Fires 300.00 300®00 County Forest Ranger 69720.00 69550.00 Total 48 055.00 519'730®00 Revised 39� November 10,1961 EXPENDITURES (CONTID.) 1961 Recommended Revised REEALTH-.x- C-ONSERVATION.& SANITATION., Appropriation for,1962 Vital Statistics 100.00 none Tri-County Sanatorium. 429900.00 449400.00 Patients at State & Other Co. Sanitoria ..51023.20* 99857.83* T. B. State Charges 200.00*- none* Watershed Management 29000.00 29000.00 *State Special Charges Conservation Fund 79850-00 82800.00 Public Health Nurse 119720.00 119300-00 Total S 699593.20 6 769357.83 EDUCATION: County Superintendent of Schools 11j870-00 139840.00 County Library Committee 500 ' .00 200.00 Supervising Teacher 69600.00 79700-00 Tuition Outside Training Schools ..59500.00 49000.00 Bookmobile 29000.00 none - R. 89362.00 County Agricultural Agent 13,950-00 139950-00 Aid to Common Schools 259900-00 259550-00 County School Committee 500-00 300-00 Vocational Education lt500.00 19600.00 Education -Handicapped 29500-00 29500-00 Total 709820.00 $ 69,640.00-H. S 789002.00 CHARITIES & CORRECTIONS: Welfare Administration 409000.00 429000.00 Outdoor Poor Relief 31500-00 49000.00 Blind Pensions & Medical 69800.00 79750-00 Surplus Commodities none .99000.00 Soldiers Relief- 500.00** 500.00** Veterans Service Officer 39700-00 49275-00 Insane in Outside Institutions 319834-52* 339806.06* Jail & Sheriff's Residence 39600.00 39900-00 Industrial School for Boys 484.16* 724.10* Wis. Colony & Training Schools 59412-73* 51200-73* Temporary Care of Dependent Children 200.00 200.00 0. A. A. & Medical 5009000-00 5009000.00 Aid to Disabled .& Medical 509000.-00 509000-00 Industrial School - Girls 787.24* 742.30* A.D.C. & Foster.Homes & Medical 101,000.00 989000.00 *State Special Charges **Not under 1% Limitation for County Taxes State General Hospital 79946.28* %942.94* Rest Home 1009250-00 1029150-00 State Orthopedic Hospital 74.00* 778.62* Wisconsin Child Center 39141.65* 39092.41* Salvation Army 200.00 200.00 Childrens Service'Society 200.00 200.00 State Diagnostic Center none* 58-57* State Reformatory 589.92* 803.40* State Crime Laboratory 2800'00* 637.50* Division of Correction lqOOO.00* 483.60* 8549900.00 8789445.23 *State Special Charges November 1091961 F UNCLASSIFIED: County Fair Tax Deed Work Repairs to Tax Deed Property Severance Tax Due State Contingency Fund Social Security Forestry (10% of Income) Civil Defense Industrial Development Civil Air Patrol Four County Planning & Zoning State Retirement Total EXPENDITURES (CONT'D. 1961 Recommended Revised . Appropriation for 1962 169290.00 17,080.00 - R. 17,255.00 3 2 700. 00 39700.00 200.00 200.00 359000.00 159000.00 19583.31 10,000.00 39200.00 39500.00 none none 19500.00 39400.00 ..1,000.00 19000.00 15000.00 none 969.39 19000.00 .99000.00 91000.00 739442.70 639880.00 - R. 649055.00 Total Maintenance 9$ 191839784.39 112099328.06 - R. $1,2179865.06 GENERAL GOVERNMENT: OUTLAY County Clerk none County Court none Plat Books none Court House., none Circuit Court none -PROJECTION. OF_ .PERSONS & PROPERTY: ' District Attorney 325.00 Sheriff 3,625.00 Register of Deeds 215.00 Traffic Officer 115.00 Civil Defense none Veterans Service officer EDUCATION: County Superintendent 180.00 HEALTH, CONSERVATION & SANITATION: County Nurse none County Parks 19200.00 County Forestry none Sanatorium none 1ARITIES &.CORRECTIONS: Welfare Administration none Rest Home none :GHWAY: County Bridge Aid 5.9008.09 Cable Airport Aid 59000.00 Total Outlay 9$ 159668.09 GRAND TOTAL - EXPENDITURES $ 1,211,629.49 395.00 - R..- 695.00 700.00 none 150..00 580.00 none 3,650.00 - R. 29850.00 210.00 3,575.00 - R. 29975.00 75.00 none - R. 200.00 none 210.00 1,200.00 3,000.00 39000.00 416.00 1,500.00 89289.90 none 269950.90 - R. S 23,348.90 l y$ 19236,278.96 -. R. 8192419213.96 292 November 1.0,1961 EXPENDITURES (CONT'D.) Appropriation GENERAL GOVERNMENT: REVENUES County -Tax Levy (1%) 3 3229265.49 Tax for Soldier's Relief 500.00** Total $ 3229765.49 TAXES: Income Tax for County. 15,000.00 Occupational Tax 300.00 Tax Fees & Penalties 149500.00 Inheritance Tax for County 500.00 Utility sax from State _ 21,500.00 Forest Crop Tax from Districts 31800.0.0 Total $ 55,600.00 **Not under 1% limitation for county taxes Revised Recommended for 1962 $ 339,001.96 - R. $343,936.96 500.00#* S 3399501.96 - R. $344,436.96 16,000.00- 300.00 14,500.00 500.00 229500.00 3,700.00 579500.00 FEES & COSTS: Forfeitures 49000.00 8,000.00 County Clerk's Earning 150.00 150.00 County Court Earning & Probate Fees 19200.00 19525.00 Municipal Court Earnings 250.00 none Circuit Court Earnings 400.00 200.00 Register of Deed's Earnings 49000.00 62000.00 Sheriff's Earnings 50.00 50.00 Total S 109050.00 S 159925.00 LICENSES & PERMITS; Dog Licenses 300.00 none FINES, FORFEITS & PENALTIES: Penal Fines Due County 900.00 900.00 County Traffic Ordinance 1,000.00 22000.00 Total S 19900.00 $ 2,900.00 GIFTS & GRANTS: State Aid - Sanatorium 20,600.00 S 23,000.00 " of Blind 59794.00. 5,362.00 Supervising Teacher 69400.00 79500.00 A.D.C. & Foster Homes 889180.00 829500.00 0. A. A. 435,000.00 4469500.00 Welfare .Administration 269000.00 25,000.00 Total Disability 37,400.00 369300.00 County Nurse 10000.00 11000.00 Federal Aid County Nurse 29150.00 29100.00 Total 622,524.00 6299262.00 ALL OTHER GENERAL REVENUE: Indian - Law Enforcement 2,500.00 S 29500.00( Regunds O.A.A. - County Share 19800.00 11800.00 Rest Home 100,440.00 100,440.00 Civil Defense none 19.500.00 Gain on Sale of Tax Deed Property 99000.00 15,000.00- Sale of Wood - F.C.L. & County Land 75,000.00 60,000.00 c November 10s1961 j- f,, ALL OTHER GENERAL REVENUE: County Fair - State Aid County Fair Earnings Sale of Plat Books Total GRAND TOTAL REVENUES (CONT'D.) 1961 Appropriation $$ 49 500.00 4,650.00 600.00 1989490.00 $ 192119629.49 Recommended for 1962 - V 410 00. 00 59350.00 600.00 191,190.00 Revised 19236,278.96 -R. $y192419213.96 Respectfully submitted this 21st day of October, 1961. FINANCE AND BUDGET COMMITTEE Edward Pajala, Chairman G. W. Frankie Raymond Mammoser Halvor Reiten Glenn Holman Clarence L. Olsen, Board Chairman Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing Budget. Roll Call was follows: AYES - Sampson(Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E.-Johnson.. Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Susienka, Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Dale Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Joseph.Maciosek, Ernest Nelson, Ed. Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Harvey DeMars, Arthur'A. Anderson, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson,. Lindsey, Pajala --- NAYES, none AYES - 36 NAYE S - 0 Absent - 1 Total 37 Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, assembled in annual session this 1011 day of November 1961, that there be and is hereby levied against all the taxable property of Bayfield County, the following items to -wit: State Tax for Forest purposes under Section 70.58 (2) .8 7018.13 Common School Tax under Section 59.07 (21) 259550.00 Soldiers Relief 500.00 For all other items of the Budget the sum of 311 068.83 344,43 .9 FINANCE COHMITTEE Edward A. Pajala Raymond J. Mammoser Glenn 0. Holman Halvor Reiten G. William Frankie November 10,196 1 Moved by Justice and seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing resolution.. Roll call was as follows: AYES - Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard.E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Susienka, Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Dale.Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Joseph Maciosek, Ernest'Nelson, Ed Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Harvey DeMars, Arthur A. Anderson, Holman, Justice, A. E. Swanson, Lindsey, Pajala. NAPES none AYES - 36 NAPES - 0 Absent - 1 Total - 37 Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the'County Board of Bayfield County assembled this loth day of November loth day of November 19619 that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and the Chairman and County Clerk are instructed to issue checks for the amount of such items listed below: Name County Board Work ____ Total Per Diem Mileage Clarence L. Olsen 1.12 1.12 George Sampson 48.00 3.36 51.36 Raymond J. Mammoser 48.00 31.64 79.,64 W. C. Barningham 48.00 6.16 54.16 Kenneth Cs Howell 48.00 1.68 49.68 Nick Pristash 48.00 12.88 60.88 Walter-Kliszcz 48.00 27.16 75.16 Onne Beeksma 48.00 17.92 65.92 Arthur C. Hanson 48.00 16.80 64.80 Bernard E.-Johnson 48.00 .24.08 72.08 Ernest Heglund 48.00 8,40 56.40 L. F. Chambers 48.00 21.84 69.84 Frank Hoefling 48.00 17.92 65.92 W. A. Stuart 48.00 12.88 60.88 George Moniza 36:00 17.77 43.77 Joseph Berweger 48.00 14.56 62.56 William Peterson 48.00 12.88 60.88 John 0. Anderson 48.00 24.84 72.84 Sanfred Anderson 48.00 27.44 75.44 Toivo Elonen 48.00 21.84 69.84 Joe Lupa 36.00 7.35 43.35 Evald Johnson 12.00 5.88 17.88 Dale Johnson 36.00 17.64 53.64 Howard Sibbald 48.00 15.-96 63.96 Paul Tribovich 48.00 14.00 . 62.00 November 10, . 1961 Name County Board Work Total Per Diem Mileage G. William Frankie 48.00 21.28 69.28 Joe Maciosek 48.00 26.04 74.04 Ernest Nelson 48.00 12.32 60.32 Ed. Jelinek 48.00 6.72 54.72 Walter Wasmuth 48.00 6.72 54.72 Henry J. S. Hanson 48.00 6.72 54.72 Halvor Reiten 48.00 6.72 54.72 Harvey DeMars 48.00 .56 48.56 Arthur A. Anderson 48.00 .56 48.56 Glenn 0. Holman 48.00 .56 48.56 Louis Justice 48.00 .56 48.56 Albert E. Swanson 48.00 .56 48.56 Phillip Lindsey 48.00 .84 48.84 Edward A. Pajala '12.00 6.16 18.16 John J.. Susienka 12.00 2.59 14.59 Totals $ 1728.00 472.91 ° 2200.91 Presented by: Edward A. Pajdla Moved by Mammoser and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to adopt the foregoing Res- otion. Roll call was as follows: Ma oser AYES - Sampson,,,arningham, Howell., Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers,.Hoefling, Stuart, Susienka, Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson,, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Dale Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Joseph Macio.sek, Ernest Nelson, Ed. Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Reiten, Harvey DeMars, Arthur A..Anderson, Holman,.Justice, A. E. Swanson, Lindsey, Pajala; NAYES - none AYES - 36 NAYES - 0 Absent - 1 Total - 37 Motion Carried. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Justice to Adjourn. Motion Carried. LuawIg Tr"mal,P 'oun �o