HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 9/25/19624r-b September 25, 1962 MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNTY BOARD MEETING Sept. 25th,1962. Meeting called to order at 10:00 A.M. by Edward A. Pajala, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Sampson, Mammoser, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Frankie, Rondeau, Jr. Ernest Nelson, Ed. Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, K. P. Bates, Richard Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Glenn Holman, Justice, John Wroblewski, Lindsey, Pajala. The Petition for a Special County Board Meeting was read as follows: Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Court House Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: I hereby Petition you to call a special meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors for 10:00 A.M. Tuesday September 25th, 1962 to consider the following:, 1. To meet with the State Supervisor'of Assessments and the Equalization Committee to study and act on the 1962 recommended equalized values of real and personal property. 2. To consider a joint ownership with Ashland County of the City of Ashland Airport. 3. To consider and act on such other matters as may legally be presented to the County Board. Yours very truly, George Sampson Raymond J..Mammoser W. C. Barningham K. C. Howell Nick Pristash Walter Kliszcz Onne Beeksma Art C. Hanson Bernard E. Johnson . Ernest Heglund L. F. Chambers Frank Hoefling W. A. Stuart George Moniza Joseph Berweger Wm. B. Peterson John 0. Anderson Sanfred Anderson Toivo Elonen Joe Lupa Howard Sibbald Paul Tribovich G. Wm. Frankie Thomas E. Rondeau Ernest Nelson Edward Jelinek W. L. Wasmuth Henry J. S. Hanson K. P. Bates Art A. Anderson Glenn 0. Holman Louis H. Justice John F. Wroblewski Phillip L. Lindsey Edward A. Pajala September._ 25, 1962 Moved by Justice and seconded by Howell to receive the foregoing call for a Special Meeting and place it on file. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: September 24, 1962 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: - Mr. Rudolph Langhammer, Supervisor of the Town of Bayfield, has been authorized to represent the Town of Bayfield Sept. 25th in the absence of the chairman, Mr. W. C. Barningham. ( Town of Bayfield) ( Seal ) Sincerely, Harvey L.'Nourse, Clerk Moved by Elonen and seconded by B. E. Johnson to seat Rudolph Langhammer as a member of the County Board from the Town of Bayfield. Motion Carried. Moved by Johnson and seconded by Mammoser to -dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting. Motion Carried. The State Supervisor of Assessments office was represented by Joseph J. Kavajecz and Keith Simpson 'from the District Office at Rice Lake. Mr. Kavajecz gave a detailed and informative talk explaining the methods used in arriving at the states recommended values of real and personal property for 1962. No action was taken on the recommended values at this time. Action on the values will come before the County..Board at their annual meeting in November. Moved by Berweger and seconded by Arthur C. Hanson to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Motion Carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 P.M. by Edward A. Pajala, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Sampson, Mammoser, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Evald.Johnson, Sibbald, Frankie, Rondeau, Jr. Ernest Nelson, Ed. Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, K. P. Bates, Richard Holman; Arthur A. Anderson, Glenn Holman, Justice, John Wroblewski, Lindsey, Pajala. 437 September 25, 1962 Mr. B. A. Semb, Manager of DuPont Company at Barksdale spoke to the County Board on the City of Ashland Airport' and recommended that the County Board con- sider very carefully the matter of the counties of Ashland and Bayfield acquiring the Airport from the city of Ashland. He recommended that the Counties acquire the Airport. and -provide for the -cost of maintenance. It was suggested that the cost be divided 60% by Ashland County and 40% by Bayfield County. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Kliszcz that the Airport until the November meeting. Motion Carried. The following Report was read: matter be tabled REPORT OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE TO COUNTY BOARD ON HEARING ON PETITION TO AMEND THE BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE To the County Board of Bayfield County: The Bayfield County Zoning Committee of Bayfield County, having considered the petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance filed by Howard Sibbald, Warren Dickerell, and Elmer Gunderson, Town Board of the Town of Pratt, on the 17Lh day of April, 1962, having held public hearings thereon pursuant to Section 59.97 (3), Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been given as provided by law and being duly informed of the facts pertinent to the changes proposed and duly advised of the wishes of the people in the areas affected hereby recommends as follows: That the proposed amendment be approved as is. Dated: September 25, 1962 Harry J. Lowe Administrator W. A. Stuart, Chairman BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE PETITION FOR AMENDMENT OF ZONING ORDINANCE To the County Board of Bayfield County: The undersigned hereby petition the County Board to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Bayfield County as follows: That the following lands be taken out of the Forest Use District and placed in the Unrestricted District, the: SW SW ) ) Section 35-45-6 SE SW ) The foregoing lands are situated in the Town of Pratt. Howard Sibbald Warren Dickrell Elmer Gunderson Town Board of the Town of Pratt. 4�Q September 25, 1962 Moved by Stuart and seconded by Berweger to refer to Zoning.Committee. Carried. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ss. BAYFIELD COUNTY ) I, Ludwig Tranmal, Bayfield County Clerk, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the Bayfield County Board at their meeting held April 17th, 1962 and is recorded in Volume 11, County Board Journal. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Moved by Sibbald and seconded by John 0. Anderson to adopt the foregoing recommen- dation of the Zoning Committee which amends the Zoning Ordinance as it -affects 80 acresi in the Town of Pratt. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, The District Attorney for Bayfield County, Wisconsin, will become a full time officer of the County, commencing with the 1963 term, and WHEREAS, said County officer is required to maintain his office in the Court House building, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That said District Attorney is authorized and directed to move his office to the said Court House building at such time as may be convenient to said officer, but not later than the 1st Monday in January, 1963, and that said officer shall occupy the office formerly occupied by the County Judge, on the first floor of said Court House. SUBMITTED BY: Edward Jelinek Art A. Anderson K. C. Howell Moved by Jelinek and seconded by A. C. Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, The requirements for office space and storage facilities are now exceeding the physical capacity of the present Court House building, and WHEREAS, It is„anticipated that office space requirements will increase from year to year and that it is deemed advisable by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County to initiate a plan and proposal for enlarging said CourVV�House building by such type of construction as may be deemed most practical and beneficial to said County, following a study of said matter, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Building and Grounds Committee make a study of the present requirements and needs of County off icers'and employees for Court House space and to report back to the County Board of Supervisors, at the November meeting, as to the present situation and the recommendation of said Committee as to NOTICE Pursuant to the Statutos; in sd, oases. mad0 and provided, and pursuant to a Resolution .of the_ County Board off' M-oxyf,i elcl County). notice is liereby g vein- that a pizbl.ic hoarang, ivill be hold by the Bay-ftold Caunty Boeird in the Circuit Court; lidorn -at. the Court House in, the City of Washburn' . Wisconsin on the day.of Noveiub®.r', 1562 at 200 00 P.) . , 'gin a pots tion to va-cat' and discontinue tho stredts designated ag Second Streotg Third atroety Lake Av'enuo .and. Bardon A -venue, on the',plait of the 01,iginal. Townsite of Orionta., 13dyfi,eld County, Wis'eonsin, and to vacates and discontinue all of tho all6ys- shown. on - said plat, Va.teda Septoraber �.! ; , 11962., = LUMVTG. TMIAL E34yf a County C1 o rk rl7 -C �y ml� September 25., 1962 the necessity of increased office space and the type and extent of construction recommended. SUBMITTED BY: Edward Jelinek Art A. Anderson Moved by Pristash and seconded by Lupa to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Mammoser to authorize the Committee on Public Property and Grounds to hire an architect to draw up plans and specifications for office and vault space for county officers and employees. Motion Carried. t The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, it is desirable from a Recreational and Conservation standpoint to have surveys made of the proposed highway entrance to Delta Lake Park and at the outlet at Iron bake in order to acquire title to the proposed dam site. THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Conservation Committee be authorized and directed to have such surveys made and, FURTHER, That a sum sufficient be appropriated to pay for same. Bernard E. Johnson John 0. Anderson Evald Johnson Ernest Nelson L. F. Chambers Moved by Evald Johnson and seconded by B. E. Johnson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following communication was read to the County Board as a matter of informa- tion to inform them of the problem referred.to in the foregoing Resolution. September''13,.1962 To the Honorable County Board of Bayfield County c/o Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: We have been authorized by William C. Groebe, owner of the NW/ NTH/ Section 18, Township 46 N. Range 6 West, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, to make the following pro- position - which has been informally submitted to the Conservation Committee of your Board.by Mr. Groebe. Mr. Groebe and his wife propose to give an easement or deed for a right-of=way, 66 feet in width, running from County Trunk H northward to the north- west corner of Section 18, the consideration for the easement or deed to be as follows: September 259 1962 The County will make a formal record of abandonment of the present road travers- ing the part of the NW/4 NW/ which lies North of County Trunk Highway H, running to the public landing located in the SWI/ of the SWV/ of Section 7. After such abandonment, the County is to erect barricades at each end of said road.. A boundary survey of the land between the blacktop road (County Trunk H) and the said public landing, and from the West line of Section 18 to Mr. Groebe's property bordering Lake Delta, the corners to be staked and the lake line delineated on the survey. f As a further consideration, the County would agree to conserve all trees cut down on the road right-of-way and cut them into 100" lengths,, to be decked on the pre- mises and left for Mr. Groebe's use. All slashings and debris are to be burned or othe wise disposed of. Copies of this letter are being sent to Mr. Bernard Johnson, Chairman of the Con- servation Committee, with whom the matter has been discussed informally, and a copy is also being sent to Mr. Thomas Nelson, Bayfield County Surveyor. Very truly yours, NORLIN AND SPEARS, Attorneys for William C. Groebe By: Walter T. Norlin The following Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED That the County Clerk be authorized to destroy the follow- ing records: Dog licenses prior to 1961 Bounty claim blanks prior to 1961 Vouchers prior to.,1945. The object is to create filing space which is very much needed. Dated September 259 1962. R. J. Mammoser Moved by Mammoser and seconded by B. E. Johnson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Petition was read: August 15, 1962 Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: We; the undersigned, hereby petition your honorable body to help correct the Water situation on Totogatic Lake, located in the southern part of Bayfield County in Township 43 North, Range 8 West, which at present is in a very deplorable state. September-25, 1962 At the present time the lake is approximately four feet -lower than normal. If this condition is permitted to continue, there will be a large winter kill of fish - if not a complete kill - this coming winter. There is considerable aquatic vegetation in this lake and, as a result, the available oxygen in the water is used up when we have a cold winter and little snow. The decaying vegetation uses up the available oxygen. This situation has been re- peated every few years. It is one of our better fishing lakes when the fish.popula- tion has been restored, after the winter kills. We are enclosing a report covering a survey of one winter kill, simply as.an example. This lake has been an excellent fishing lake and has also supported good duck hunting. With proper management it can do so again. We ask that a provision be made in the budget.for engineering services and for the County's share of constructing a dam to keep the water at a suitable level. signed by 150 signatures Moved by B. E. Johnson and seconded by Nelson to refer the foregoing Petition to the Conservation Committee. Motion Carried. Moved by Lupa and seconded by Glenn Holman that the County Board make a tour of the southern part of the County on October 011 to inspect -and study the work of building dams and stream improvement by the Conservation Committee and to see the recreational areas of this part of the County. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in session this 25 day of Sept., 1962, that: Bayfield County does hereby grant prior service credits to its employees included under the Wisconsin Retirement Fund, for periods of employment in previous qualifying service by the State of Wisconsin, all in accordance with the provisions of Section .•66.904 (1) a (6) of the Wisconsin Statutes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Bayfield County Clerk, as Agent, file certified copies of the amended forms, employment records and this resolution with the Wisconsin Retirement Fund. Adoption Recomm6nded: Paul Tribovich Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger September_.25, 1962 Moved by Pristash and seconded by John 0. Anderson to adopt the foregoing Resolu- tion. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County assembled this 25th day of September, 1962; that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and the Chairman and County Clerk are instructed to issue checks for the amount of such items as listed below: Name County Board work per diem Mileage Total George Sampson 12.00 1.12 13.12 Raymond J. Mammoser 12.00 7.91 19.91 Rudolph Langhammer 12.00 1.54 13.54 Kenneth C. Howell 12.00 .42 12.42 Nick Pristash 12.00 3.22 15.22 Walter Kliszcz 12.00 6.79 18.79 Onne Beeksma 12.00 4.48 16.48 Arthur C. Hanson 12.00 4.20 16.20 Bernard E. Johnson 12.00 6.02 18.02 Ernest Heglund 12.00 2.10 14.10 L. F. Chambers 12.00 .5.46 17.46 Frank Hoefling 12.00 4.48 16.48 W. A. Stuart 12.00 3.22 15.22 Joseph Berweger 12.00 3.64 15.64 William Peterson 12.00 3.22 15..22 John 0. Anderson 12.00 6.21 18.21 Sanfred Anderson 12.00 6.86 18.86 Toivo Elonen 12.00 5.46 17.46 Joe Lupa 12.00 2.45 14.45 Evald Johnson 12.00 5.88 17.88 Howard Sibbald 12.00 3.99 15.99 G. William Frankie 12.00 5.32 17.32 Thomas E. Rondeau 12.00 6.58 18.58 Ernest Nelson 12.00 3.08 15.08 Ed. Jelinek 12.00 1.68 13.68 Walter Wasmuth 12.00 1.68 13.68 Henry J. S. Hanson 12.00 1.68 13.68 K. P. Bates 12.00 1.68 13.68 Arthur A. Anderson 12..00 .14 12.14 Glenn 0. Holman 12.00 .14 12.14 Louis Justice 12.00 .14 12.14 John F. Wroblewski 12.00 .14 12.14 Phillip Lindsey 12.00 .21 12.21 .Edward A. Pajala none 1.54 1.54 Richard Holman 12.00 .14 12.14• Totals $ 408.00 $ 112.82 $ 520.82 George Moniza Dated September 25s 1962 12.00 2.59 signedg2--K. P. Bat�s.115.41 14.59 $ 535.,41 September 25, 1962 Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Berweger.to adopt the foregoing Resolution.. Motion Carried. Moved by Lupa and seconded by Justice to adjourn. Motion Carried. Edward A. P ala County Boar Chairman.