HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/13/1962November 13, 1962 MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF. THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Meeting called to order at 10:00 A.M.-by Edward A. Pajala, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: George Sampson, Raymond J. Mammoser, W. C. Barningham, Kenneth Howell, Nick Pristash, Walter Kliszcz, Onne Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Ernest Heglund, L. F. Chambers, Frank Hoefling, W. A. Stuart, George Moniza, Joseph Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Toivo Elonen, Joe Lupa, Howard Sibbald, Paul Tribovich, G. Wm. Frankie, Thomas Rondeau, Jr., Ernest Nelson, Ed. Jelinek, Walter Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, K. P. Bates, Richard Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Glenn Holman, Louis Justice, John Wroblewski, Phillip Lindsey, Edward A. Pajala. - Total - 36. The following communication was read; TOWN OF PORT WING November 12, 1962 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: Mr. Dennis Johnson has been authorized to represent the Town of Port Wing on the county board in the absence of Chairman, Evald Johnson. Yours truly, Willard L. Ogren, Town Clerk. Moved by Beeksma and seconded by Sanfred Anderson to seat Dennis Johnson as a member of the County Board representing the Town of Port Wing. Motion Carried. Mr. Henry Olson representing the State Superintendent of Public Instruction spoke to the .County Board on a proposed jointure of County Superintendency District composed of the counties of Bayfield, Rusk and Sawyer. Mr. Gordon McConnell, Superintendent of the Joint Superintendency District of Rusk and Sawyer Counties was introduce-d to the Board and made a few remarks. Mr. Robert Wangen, former County Superintendent of Schools of the County was also present. 446 November 13, 1962 The following communication and resolution were read: November 13, 1962 To The Honorable Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: WHEREAS, The Education Committees of the Counties of Bayfield, Rusk, and Sawyer, State of Wisconsin at a hearing after notice duly given, held in the courthouse at Hayward, Wisconsin on October 15, 1962, voted unanimously in favor of the merger of the County Superintendent's Districts of .Bayfield, Rusk, and Sawyer Counties into a Joint Superintendency in accordance with Section 39.06 and WHEREAS, The confirmation or rejection of the aforesaid action by a majority of each county board within 30 days of their notification is required by aforesaid section and WHEREAS, The County Boards of said counties are convening during the third week in November, Now .THEREFORE, The Joint Education Committee of the Counties of Bayfield, Rusk and Sawyer HEREBY GIVES NOTICE to each of the said County Boards of its unanimous approv- al of the proposed merger so that each of the County Boards involved may act to confirm or reject the action of the joint education committee of said counties at the forthcoming November meeting of said county boards. Gordon McConnell, Acting Secretary Joint Education Committee of Bayfield, Rusk and Sawyer Counties Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Rondeau to approve the jointure of the County Superintendency District consisting of Bayfield, Rusk and Sawyer Counties. Roll call was as follows: Sampson$ Mammoser, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Dennis Johnson, Sibbald, Frankie, Rondeau, Jr.,Ernest Nelson, Pajala. Ayes - 24 Nayes - none Total - 24 Motion Carried. NOTE: Only County Board members representing taxing districts under the jurisdiction of the County Superintendent of Schools were eligible to vote on the jointure of the County Superintendency District. The following communication was read: R. 3 Box 55 (Ino) Mason, Wisconsin 10/13/62 Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wis. Honorable Sirs: - I wish to purchase tax certificate Re: NW SW, Sec. 7-47-6 covering tax of 1961 Sale of 1962. Millie Brock (sister) I do hold mortgage of sum Five hundred dollars, Bayfield Co. record Oct. 23,1940 Vol. 66 page 82. Would the board recommend giving me a tax title to the property? Since my brother and I are the heirs to the property & paid taxes up to 1961, November 13, 1962. Will you please let me know the outcome of this request. Very truly yours (Mrs.) Rebecca Mills Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Sampson to grant the foregoing request. Motion Carried. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Stuart to receive and place on file the annual report of Gladys E. Kendall, County Nurse. Motion Carried. The chair proceeded with the election of a Highway Commissioner and Highway Committee. The chair appointed Richard Holman, Bernard E. Johnson and Thomas E. Rondeau as tellers. The following application was read: TO THE BAYIIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WASHBURN, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: I hereby submit my application for the position of Bayfield County Highway Commissioner. Respectfully submitted: Clarence L. Olsen Mr. Mammoser nominated Clarence L. Olsen as a candidate for Highway Commissioner. bX�X Motion was duly made and seconded to close nominations. Motion Carried. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Howell that the County Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for Clarence L. Olsen to the position of County Highway Commissioner. Motion Carried. The Clerk cast the Xffff6ffi&cdi9 ballot as directed and the chair declared Mr. Olsen duly elected. The Board proceeded with the election of a County Highway Committee. The name of Paul Tribovich was placed by nomination as a member of District #1. Moved by Lupa and seconded by Justice to close nominations. Motion Carried. Moved by Justice and seconded by Lupa that the County Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for Paul Tribovich as a member of the Highway Committee from District #1. Motion Carried. The Clerk cast the ballot as directed and the chair declared Mr. Tribovich duly elected. November 13, 1962 The name of Joseph Berweger was placed in nomination as a member of the High- way Committee from District42. by Moved by Lupa and seconded/Heglund to close nominations. Motion Carried. Moved by Justice and seconded by Lupa that the County Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for Joseph Berweger as a member"of the Highway Committee from District #2. Motion Carried. The Clerk cast the ballot as directed and the chair declared Mr. Berweger duly elected. The name of Frank Hoefling was placed in nomination as a member of the County Highway Committee from District #3. On motion nominations were closed. Moved by Justice and seconded by Lupa that the County Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for Frank Hoefling as a member of the County Highway Committee from District #3. Motion Carried. The.Clerk cast the ballot as directed and the chair declared Mr. Hoefling duly elected. The following.resolution was read: RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors meeting in regular session this 13th day of November, 1962, that the County withhold from sale all County -owned land within and bordering the Federal Forest; This Resolution is to be in effect for a period of eighteen months from date, or until such time as the County Board shall rescind the resolution. tion. By: Glenn 0. Holman Moved by,Glenn Holman and seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing resolu- Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Wroblewski that the foregoing matter be referred to the Forestry Committee with power to act. Motion Carried.. The Board proceeded with the election of a Trustee for the Rest Home to succeed Jerome Merkel for a three year term.commencing January 1, 1963. Mr. Tribovich nominated Jerome Merkel. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried to close the nomination. Moved by Justice and seconded by Lupa that the County Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for Jerome Merkel as a Trustee for the Rest Home. Motion Carried. The Clerk cast the ballot as directed and the chair declared Mr. Merkel duly elected. November 13, 1962 The following application was read: November 8th, 1962 County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County of Wisconsin Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: I herewith submit my application for Bayfield County Veterans Service Officer for a term"of Four Years beginning January 1st, 1963 also Director of Civil Defense for Bayfield County. I have enjoyed serving Bayfield County as Veterans Service Officer and Civil Defense Director and if appointed I will continue to give the best Service Possible to the people of Bayfield County, I have purchased a home in Washburn and will move in as soon as the home is ready. I want to thank you Gentlemen, for your support in the past_ and hope I can have your support now and through the years to come. Thank you again Gentlemen. Yours very truly, Thomas E. Anderson The name of Thomas E. Anderson was placed in nomination for Veterans Service Officer and Civil Defense Director. Moved by Justice,and seconded by Beeksma to close nominations. Motion Carried. Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Justice that the County Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for Thomas E. Anderson for the position of Veterans Service Officer and Civil Defense Director. Motion Carried. The Clerk cast the ballot as directed and the chair declared Mr. Anderson duly elected. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, the terms of Edward A.'Pajala, Town of Washburn, and Ernest Nelson, Village of Mason, members of the Bayfield County School Committee, expire on January 19 1963, and WHEREAS,.it becomes the duty of the County Board of Supervisors to fill these vacancies, and WHEREAS,.the Committee on Education of the County Board is to nominate candidates for these offices according to Section 40.02 (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes, therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the following be appointed to'Bayfield County School Committee for a term of three (3) years: Edward A. Pajala Ernest Nelson G. William Frankie Howard Sibbald .Thomas E. Rondeau Sanfred Anderson COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION, BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN November 13, 1962 Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Howell to. adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion Carried. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by B. E. Johnson to received and place on file the annual report of H. B. Randall, Jr. Director of Public Welfare. Motion Carried. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Mammoser to receive and place on file the annual report of George E. Leino, County Forestry Administrator. Motion Carried. The following communication was reads October 23, 1962 To the Finance Committee Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: The Bayfield County audit for the year 1961 has been completed and is on file in the office of the County Clerk. We invite members of the County Board to inspect the report. I submit my application to audit the Bayfield County records and books of account for the year ending December 31, 1962 at a per diem rate of 00.00, $40.00 and $$30.00 for senior, semi -senior and junior accountants respectively. It is estimated that the cost of the general county will total Two Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty Five ($2,525.00), the same as for the prior year. Included in this amount is an estimate of $$100.00 for the annual state report. For the 1963 county fair audit, we submit an estimate of $$175.00 which is in addition to the general county audit. The audit will include, as in prior years, the records of the General County, Register of Deeds, Clerk of Circuit Court, County Court, Highway Department and County Rest Home. Respectfully submitted, W. E. Wickman Certified Public Accountant 'Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Tribovich to accept the foregoing proposal of W. E. Wickman, C.P.A. to audit the 1962 county records and that the cost for audit-..' ing the Fair records be made a part of the general audit cost totaling 2700.00. Motion Carried. November 13,_ 1962 A Moved by Lupa and seconded by Kliszcz to adjourn until 1:00 P.M. Motion Carried. Meeting called to order at 1:00 P.M. by Edward A. Pajala, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Dennis Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Rondeau, Jr., Nelson, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J:S. Hanson, Bates, Richard Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Glenn Holman, Justice, Wroblewski, Lindsey, Pajala. Total - 37 Moved by Elonen and seconded by B. E.. Johnson to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last meeting held. September 25t", 1962. Motion Carried. The following communication together with recommendation by the Forestry Committee wure read: October 20, 1962 Bayfield County Board Washburn.s- Wisconsin Per, Ludwig Tranmal Uounty . 01@2rk Gentlemen: Please find enclosed copies of our application for a telephone line right of way across Bayfield County property to serve the Lakehead Pipeline Company with two pri- vate.telephone circuits. We pray for an early consideration on this application. Thank you. Iron River Water, Light and Telephone Company By Beverlee J. Thivierge, Bookkeeper RECOMMENDATION TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOAR-u OF. SUPERVISORS: Reference to the attached application and letter from the Iron River Water, Light & Telephone Company requesting a right-of-way easement through certain County owned lands. Said easement to be 10 feet wide bordering the existing Town toad right-of-way through of sections 28, 27 and ending in Section 26,.Township 48, Range 8 West. Your Forestry Committee recommends that said easement be granted and that the Iron River Water, Light & Telephone Company pay the amount of $17,40 for stumpage. Said easement to be subject to the resolution adopted by The Bayfield County Board at their April 19, 1961 meeting, and recorded in Volume 11, page 306, of the County Board November 139 1962 Journal concerning the clearing of slash and brush on right-of-way easements. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William Stuart, Chairman Toivo Elonen Onne- Beeksma Walter C. Barningham Ernest Heglund Moved by Art Hanson and seconded by Stuart to grant the foregoing request as recommended. Motion Carried. The following -proposal for sale of land to the Wisconsin Conservation Commission was read together.with the cruiser's report from the County Forester: O P T I O N For County Owned Lands Outside of County Forests KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that Bayfield county, hereinafter known as the vendor, in consideration of $1500.00 by. the State of Wisconsin and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby agree with the State Conservation Commission of Wisconsin, as follows: (1) That at any time with►*6 (Six) months from the date of this instrument, if requested so to do by the -said State Conservation Commission,. the said vendor will sell and convey to the State of Wisconsin,, by quit claim deeds of conveyance with the provision that if the vendor's title to any description shall subsequently be voided by court action, the vendor will reimburse the State Conservation Commission in the amount paid for such description, all that tract or tracts of land situate and lying in the county of Bayfield, State of Wisconsin, containing 160 acres, more or less, and more particularly described as follows: T. 50 N - R. 8 W. - Sys of NW/a, See. 35; NWj of SW"/, Sec. 35, Except for the existing Town roads as now laid out and traveled; T. 49 N. - R. 8 W. - SW% of NEA, Sec. 2. and subject to all previously recorded easements. (2) That the price at which said land will be sold to the State as hereinbef ore provided shall be $1500.00 or at the price of each description as listed. (3) That the acreage upon which payment is to be based shall be as given in the U. S. Land Survey except that in cases of gross error the true acreage shall be ascertained by the Conservation Department by a survey made according to the system of horizontal measurements used by the United States in surveying the public lands. (4).Thatq at, the date of this -instrument, the title to said land is by tax deed and the said vendor has full right., power and authority to convey to the State of Wisconsin quit claim deed title to the aforesaid lands, subject to the conditions herein provided, and the said vendor will, during the time stated in clause (1,) here- of, do or suffer others to do no act by which the value or title to said lands may be diminished or encumbered. (5) That during the period covered by this instrument the said vendor does hereby grant to the officers and accredited agents and representatives of the State, at all proper times, unrestricted right and privilege to enter said land for all prop- er and lawful purposes, including examination of said land. November 13, 1962 Withdrawal Request By State S36 NWy4, NW SW, Section 35-50-8 (Town of Port Wing) (County) Generally these descriptions have a fair cover,of aspen 4-10111) White birch 3-911, Maple 1-5", Oak 4-i3", with a scattering of Balsam 3-911. The river winds through the Northeast corner of the NW SW and westerly through the 336 SWY4 NWY/. The SE NW` has a town road .through the Northeast corner and along the North line and West along the North boundary of the SW NW. The stream is nice at -this point and there are no signs of erosion. The total value of the stumpage on the above descriptions is $884.709 plus the land. SW NE, Section 2-49-8 (Town of Port Wing) (F.C.Z.) The SW NE of Section 2-49-8 is Forest Crop land and would have to be withdrawn from under the Forest Crop Law if sold. It has a good cover of aspen 5-11", a scattering of White Birch 3-911 and a scattering of Elm in the river bottom. The river winds along the East boundary. This is a very nice stream and shows no sign of erosion. It has 260 cords of aspen and 5 cords of white birch. The timber stumpage value of this description is $477.00,.plus land. The total value for the timber cover on the above four descriptions would be $1,361.70. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Art Hanson to refer the foregoing proposal to the Forestry Committee with instructions to study and report back. Motion Carried. The following report was read® Washburn, Wisconsin October 2, 1962 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: The Bayfield County Forestry Committee plans on the following activities and Forestry Fund expenditures covering the period from January 1, 1963 to January 1, 1964. Estimated Receipts: Estimated Cash on Hand as of January 1, 1963 1963 Allottment from State (Estimate) $ 139399.84 16,300.00 $ 299699.84 Estimated Expenditures: Plant 120 acres by machine Plant 20 acres by hand Work over 48 miles of old Fire Breaks 29400.00 460.00 250.00 TSI work - Release 40 acres 800.00 November 13, 1962 Timber Sales - advertising for bids Paint New Roads - 2 miles Aerial Photos Disking 30 acres for reproduction Administrator's -Salary Administrator's Expense 40% of Cruiser's Salary 40% of Cruiser's Expense Forestry Committee. Clerical Services Office Expenses Compensation Insurance Maintenance and Repair of Equipment Materials and Supplies (General) Insurance on Equipment and Forestry Bldg. Forestry Tour $ 140.00 310.00 1,000.00 19500.00 120.00 49600.00 19080.00 1,560.00 300.00 900.00 2,820.00 300.00 150.00 3,000.00 150.00 250.00 150.00 Surveying 300.00 22,540.00 Approximate Spraying Bill to be paid in 1962 2,000.00 Estimated cash on Hand as of January 1, 1964 S 5,159.84 Note: The estimated cash on hand, January 19` 1963, is held for wages and normal expenditures through April 30, 1963, when the revenue from the State is received. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William Stuart, Chairman W. C. Barningham Toivo Elonen Ernest Heglund Onne Beeksma . Edward A. Pajala Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Lindsey to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion Carried. Mr. Hilman A. Estenson who had been retained by the Committee on Public Property and Grounds as authorized by the County Board last summer made an oral report to the Board covering his study of Court House building needs. He suggested an addition to the Court House and displayed a proposed lay -out. Moved by Beeksma and seconded by'Wm. Peterson to favor the building of a new Court House providing a Federal grant of 500 or more is available. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Kliszcz, Beeksma, Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Dennis Johnson, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Wroblewski, Lindsey; Nayes - Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Tribovich, Frankie, Rondeau, Jr. Ernest Nelson, Henry J.S. Hanson, November 13,, 1962 Bates, Richard Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Glenn Holman, Justice, Pajala. Ayes - 9 Nayes, -• 27 Total - 36 Motion Lost. .Moved by Beeksma and seconded by Tribovich to favor the building of an addition to the Court House providing a Federal grant of 50% or more is available. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Lupa, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Rondeau, Jr., Nelson, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Bates, Richard Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Glenn Holman, Justice, Wroblewski, Pajala Nayes - Kliszcz, Beeksma, Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Dennis Johnson, Lindsey Ayes - 30 Nayes - 6 Total - 36 Motion Carried. The following resolution was read: To: The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors WHEREAS, The grandstand on the County Fair Grounds is a frame structure and is in need of repair, and WHEREAS, It is a fire hazard, and WHEREAS, The Public Works Acceleration Act provides for Federal Government aid of from 50o up to 7 % of the costs involved in building a new structure; now therefore, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That the Bayfield.County Fair Committee be authorized and instructed to hire an architect to draw up plans and specifications for a new grand- stand. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED.'' That' an application be made for a Federal Grant, and if approved, that the Fair Committee be authorized to call for bids and have the grand- stand constructed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That an appropriation be -made for a sum sufficient to cove the County"s share of the total cost of construction of the new grandstand. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE. W. A. Stuart W. C. Barningham Toivo Elonen Ernest Heglund Onne.Beeksma Harry J. Lowe 11/13/62 Moved by Stuart and seconded by Howell to adopt the foregoing.Resolution. Moved by Lupa and seconded by Justice to table the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. November 1 3, 1962 The following communication was read: Northwester Regional Planning Commission Nov: 59 1962 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal, County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: "WHEREAS, the Northwester Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission is a Regional Wis. Planning Agency duly constituted pursuant.to the provision of Section 66.945.,,,Stats., that has an interest in and responsibility for formulation of plans for developments undertaken within its territorial area." We request that the County of Bayfield contribute their share of money for, the coming year 1963 - each county will be assessed .0003% of their equalized valuation. Sincerely George Malinoski, Sec. & Treas. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Kliszcz to receive the foregoing communica- tion and place on file. Motion Carried. Moved by Lupa and seconded by Mammoser to adjourn until 9:30 A.M. November the 14Lh. Motion host. The following report was read: STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ss. County of Bayfield ) Robert N. Ledin, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the duly elected and acting District Attorney in and for Bayfield County, Wisconsin; that he was such officer during the year-1961; that during the year 1961, no collections were made by said office as and for.fines, forfeitures and other matters relating to criminal or county matters and that all such payments were made direct to the County Court of said Bayfield County, Wisconsin; that there was collected during said year of 1961 on old age assistance liens.the sum of $3,310.25, representing Bayfield County's share of said collections,. all.as more fully set forth in the records of the Department of Public Welfare in and for said Bayfield County, Wisconsin. That this report is made to the County.Board of Supervisors at their November meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of November, 1962. Robert N. Ledin Irene Sieren, Notary Public, Ashland County, Wisconsin. (Notarial Seal) My commission expires 1/6/63 November 13, 1962 Moved by Moniza and seconded by Mammoser to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the following table -of valuations covering Real & Personal Property as compiled by the Supervisor of Assessments be and are hereby County adopted as the equalized valuation of the taxing districts of Bayfield for the year 1962. District Aggregate Recommended Full Value Barksdale $ 3,6149705 Barnes 390569645 Bayfield 779,120 Bayview 601029.5 Bell 7299825 Cable, 10629485 Clover 578,145 Delta 191529065 Drummond 29485,655 Eileen 19504,595 Hughes 603,840 Iron River 2,765,885 Kelly 9959590 Keystone 7169180 Lincoln 6629575 Mason 8129730 Namakagon 29718,550 Orienta 4669105 Oulu 1,237,810 Pilsen 4149835 Port Wing 961,035 Pratt 19413,130 Russell 359,385 Tripp 4319400 Washburn 512,960 Total Towns $ 3191369545 Cable, Village 658,040 Mason, " 303,570 Total Villages 961,610 Bayfield, City 290599660 Washburn, " 3,373,090 Total Cities 594329750 Total County $ 3795309905 Approved 10/22/62 R. J. Mammoser Henry J. S. Hanson George Moniza G. William Frankie Glenn 0. Holman 4�� November 13, 1962 Moved by Mammoser.and..seconded by,Justice to.adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Kliszcz to receive and place on file the annual report of Edith M. Wooland, R. N., Superintendent of the Bayfield County Rest Home, Motion Carried. The" following'"Report was read: Washburn, Wisconsin November 13, 1962 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: Following is a financial statement of the 1962 Bayfield County Fair, as of November 13, 1962. The total budget for 1962, as passed by the County Board, is $17,255.00. REVENUES: EXPENDITURES: County Aid 7,737.94 Advertising 584.15 Premium Book Ads 681.00 Premium Book 992.65 Gate Receipts 1,581.65 Expenses from 1961. 7.10 Exhibitor Entry Fees 457.50 Insurance 432.53 Grandstand Receipts 19527.85 Judges 420.30 Concessions 430.00 General Maintenance 888.87 Gifts 25.00 Fair Committee 1,214.57 Carnival Receipts 361.70 Police & Other Help 19526.87 Change Used at Fair 250.00 Change Used At Fair 250.00 Phone calls 2.50 Postage & Freight 77.27 Over -run 21.79 Premiums on Exhibits 69326.40 Horse Races 292.25 Rental of Equipment 230.55 Ribbons & Tickets 150.03 Grandstand Show 2,500.00 Superintendents &-Help - _ :." 7,83-?:5 Supplies - - - - _ 338.45 Telephone 18.26 Electricity 99.93 Wis. Ass'n. Dues 43.00 Total to Date - S 139076.93 Total to Date - 1 179176.93 November 13, 1962 Accounts Receivable: Accounts Payable: (Estimate) 400.00 State Aid on Premiums (estimated) S 4,500.00 TOTAL $$ 179576.93 TOTAL 179576.93 BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE William A. Stuart, Chrm. Onne Beeksma Walter C. Barningham Ernest Heglund Edward A. Pajala, Treasurer Harry J. Lowe, Secretary Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Lindsey to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion Carried. The following report was read: Washburn, Wisconsin September 20, 1962 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: The Bayfield County Fair Committee requests.an appropriation of $190385.00 for the 1963 Bayfield County Fair. The proposed budget is as follows: REVENUES: EXPENDITURES: Advertising 600.00 Advertising 600.00 Gate Receipts 19500.00 Insurance 450.00 Exhibitor Fees 450.00 Judges 425.00 Grandstand Receipts 2,000.00 Maintenance & Repair 11,500.00 Concessions 795.00 Race Track Improvement 600.00 Change 250.00 Fair Committee 19500.00 Horse Race Fees 100.00 Police, gate, help, etc. 1,500..00 State Aid on Premiums 49700.00 Postage, freight 85.00 County Board 89990.00 Premium Book 1,000.00 Appropriation Horse Races 800.00 Rental of Equipment 215.00 Ribbons, tickets, etc. 125.00 t Special Acts & Features 29000.00 Superintendents & Help 925.00 Supplies 350.00 Phone 35.00 Electricity 300.00 Wis. Ass"n. dues 50.00 Change 250.00 Auditing 175.00 Premiums,on Exhibits 69500.00 TOTAL $ 199385.00 TOTAL 19085.00 Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE William A. Stuart, Chairman W. C. Barningham, Director Toivo Elonen, Director Ernest Heglund, Director Onne Beeksma, Director Edward A. Pajala, Treasurer Harry J. Lowe, Secretary �46 November. 13, 1962 Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Lindsey to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion Carried. .The following report was read: Washburn, Wisconsin September 26, 1962 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: The Bayfield County Agricultural Committee hereby submits the following proposed budget for the County Extension Office for 1963. The itemized budget is as follows: Salary, County Agent $ 39000.00 Car Expenses, County Agent 12100.00 Travel Expenses, County Agent 125.00 Office 875.00 New Typewriter 250.00 Regular Clerk Hire .39045.00 Extra Clerk Hire 600.00 .Agricultural Committee 470.00 S.C.S. Committee 585.00 Z-oning Committee & Zoning Maps 350.00 Salary, County Home Agent 19500.00 Car Expenses, County Home Agent 900.00 Travel Expenses, County Home Agent 175.00 4-H Clubs 400.00 4-H Club Leaders 500.00 .Homemaker Clubs 100.00 Salary,.County Horticultural Agent 200.00 Car Expenses, County Horticultural Agent 800.00 Travel Expenses, County Horticultural Agent 175.00 Total 159150.00 Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE William A..Stuart W. C..Barningham Toivo Elonen Ernest Heglund Onne.Beeksma Edward A. Pajala Moved by Justice and seconded by Kliszez to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion Carried. Moved by Lupa and seconded by Wm. Peterson to adjourn until 10:00 A.M., November 1469 1962. Motion Carried.' November 14,.1962 Meeting called to order at 10:00 A.M. by Chairman, Edward A. Pajala. The following members answered roll call: Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Dennis Johnson, Sibbald, Tri- bovich, Frankie, Rondeau, Jr., Nelson, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Richard Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Glenn Holman, Justice, Wroblewski, Lindsey, Pajala. Total - 35 The following resolution was read_: WHEREAS, the. Bayfield County Board of Public Welfare has been uable to select a Director, and 1 1\,4 WHEREAS, it has been agreed among the members of the Bayfield County Board of h cw M Public Welfare and with those who have applied for the position that the person 'A' selected should be employed for one month's time under the present Director, and 4 E WHEREAS, the time of employment of the present Director was extended by the April meeting of the County Board of Supervisors only to this present meeting, 3 therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this 101 day of November, 1962, that the employment of the present Director of Public Welfare be extended until 'a new Director is hired and has worked for one y� month with the present -Director, or until the April meeting of the County Board `t of Supervisors,. whichever comes first. Dated: This 14th day -of November, 1962. PRESENTED BY: Walter Kliszcz John F. Wroblewski Sanfred Anderson Moved by Justice and seconded by Kliszcz to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Department of Public Welfare, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, is authorized pursuant to the provisions of Section 49.26 (10), with consent of the County Board, to expend from its appropriation for old age assistance, monies for necessary and -essential repairs, payment of taxes, payment of balances due on land contracts, pay and cause to be satisfied existing mortgages or other prior liens on property on which the County has an old age assistance lien, to procure insurance, to pay fees in relation to enforcing and collecting old age assistance liens, among other things -set forth in said Statute, -and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable by the County Board of Supervisors to grant said authority to said Department, 46'63 November 14, 1962 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, hereby consents to the expenditure of -necessary and essential monies from its appropriation for old age assistance, for purposes set forth in Section 49.26 (10), of the Wisconsin Statutes. Dated: This 14L day of November, 1962. PRESENTED BY: Walter Kliszcz John F. Wroblewski Sanfred Anderson Moved by Sanfred Anderson and seconded by.Wroblewski to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion Carried. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Ernest Nelson to re -consider the matter of the Welfare Director. Motion Carried. Moved by Sampson and seconded,by,Stuart to approve of the action of the Welfare Committee. Motion Carried. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Justice to adopt the Resolution which is under reconsideration concerning the hiring of a Welfare Director and extending the services of the present Director until a new one becomes available. Motion Carried. The following ordinance was read: An Ordinance to provide authorization for the Bayfield County Department of Public Welfare to participate in a civil defense program under Section 22.01 (4) (j). Wis. Stats. The County Board of Supervisors of the County of Bayfield does ordain a%ollows: 1. Any prior ordinance delegating duties to the Bayfield County Department of Public Welfare to perform welfare services'in relation to civilian defense is here- by repealed. 2. (a) That.the Bayfield ..County.Department of Public Welfare is hereby -des- ignated .to participate in the civil defense plan as organized by the county civil defense director in.accordance:with policies, procedures and standards of -the State Department of Public Welfare and shall for.such purpose have the authority to par- ticipate in any civil defense activity, whether it be a case of enemy attack, nation- al disaster, Federal alert or practice or test runs. (b) Shall establish an approved plan for a line of succession to key agency positions for preservation and protecti,on,.of essential documents and records and the protection of duplicate records; personal service and other costs related to the continuity of operations of the Public Assistance programs in an emergency, including November 14, 1962 disaster preparedness training and the development and establishment of offices essential for the resumption of operations after the emergency. (c) That these duties shall include without limitation by reason of enumera- tion:- "Feeding, clothing; housing or lodging in private and congregate facilities; registration; locating and reuniting families, I care of unaccompanied children, the aged, the.handicapped,.and other groups needing specialized care or service; necess- ary financial or other assistance; counseling and referral services to families and individuals; aid to welfare institutions under national emergency or post -attack conditions; and all other feasible welfare aid and services to people in need during civil defense emergency. Such measures include organization, direction and provi- sion of services to be instituted before attack, in the event of strategic or tac- tical evacuation, and after attack in the event of evacuation or of refuge in shelters." (d) Such other welfare services as'may be delegated by the State Depart- ment of Public. Welfare. 3. (a) 'The agency in performance of civil defense activities may employ addition- al administrative staff," either full time or part time. Such staff shall be employ- ed under the merit system classification and salary range, pursuant.to Sec. 49.50 (2) to (5), and Rule PW-PA 10. (b) The,County Agency in the performance of civil defense activities may also make use of voluntary workers who shall receive no salary., but who may be paid nec- essary and usual out-of-pocket expense incurred in performing this work; such pay - went to be made from the administration account of said agency. Dated: November 14, 1962 Walter Kliszez John F. Wroblewski Sanfred Anderson Moved by Lindsey and seconded by Sanfred Anderson to adopt the foregoing ord1ance. Motion carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, the appropriations for social security aids are made under five diff- erent headings, and WHEREAS, it is impossible to accurately -predict the necessary appropriation for each and every aid so there may be an overrun in some aids and a deficit in others, and WHEREAS, County Board action is necessary to transfer funds from one aid to another, therefore, BE I:T RESOLVED by the Bayfield -County'-Board of Supervisors in annual session this 14th. day of November, 1962, that the total -amount appropriated for the five various aids administered by the Welfare Department.be and hereby is appropriated under one amount listed as Appropriation for Social Security Aids, DATED: This 14th day of November, 1962. PRESENTED,BY: Walter Kliszcz John F. Wroblewski Sanfred Anderson Moved by Sanfred Anderson and seconded by Wroblewski to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried, j ,Nov.embe.r.- 14, 1962 A The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS the Joint Library Committee on Bookmobile has adopted a budget of $35,144..00 of which Bayfield County's share .is $4,850.00, and Federal Library funds $17,000.00, Ashland and Iron Counties share being the same as ours, now Therefore, BE IT.HEREBY RESOLVED that Bayfield County's share be appropriated ($4,850.00) providing the other Counties appropriate a like amount without special consideration by the State to any of the others. G. William Frankie Thomas E. Rondeau Sanfred Anderson Howard Sibbald LIBRARY COMMITTEE. Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Sibbald to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszdz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Dennis Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Fran kie, Rondeau, Jr., Nelson, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Richard Holman, Arthur A. Anderson,Glenn Holman, Justice, Wroblewski, Lindsey, Pajala. Nayes - Chambers. Ayes - 34 Nayes - 1 Total - 35 Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: Whereas, Bayfield County has built and maintained a campsite and picnic area known as Big Rock Park and Whereas, this area is used by 'many campers and fisherman during the summer season and Whereas, the hole at the big rock has .been permanently closed to fishing by the Conservation Dept. because of fishing violators during the early and late special trout seasons. Therefore be it hereby resolved that, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors recommends that the Sioux River be closed from below the hole at the big rock and upstream during the early and late seaso.nsq but that the entire, river be open during the regular trout season. Further, that.a copy of this resolution be sent to the secretary of the Wis- consin Conservation Commission. Respectfully submitted, Dated this 101 day of November, 1962. W. L. Wasmuth Bernard E. Johnson Glenn 0. Holman Paul Tribovich John 0. Anderson George Sampson John F. Wroblewski ME November.l4, 196.2 ,. Moved. by Sampson and_ seconded by. Glenn. Holman to. adopt- the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Report was read: REPORT OF THE AIRPORT AND HARBORS COMMITTEE The,Airport and Harbors Committee held three meetings.. One for the purpose of inspecting the Ashland airport facilities and the Ether two were joint meetings with the Ashland County Airport Committee. Many problems concerning the present and future needs for air service in this. area were discussed. Many questions were raised that could not be answered at this time. At the final meeting, the Ashland committee felt that this was not the right time to present a resolution advocating the joint ownership of the airport, so they withdrew their request for an appropriation of $49000.00.by Bayfield-County for the maintenance of the airport. They did however indicate a desire to continue to pursue the idea -of joint owner- ship of the airport by Bayfield and Ashland counties. They were informed that we would be glad to consider joint ownership again at some future date. Respectfully submitted, Dated this 9th day of November, 1962. W. L. Wasmuth R. J. Mammoser George Moniza Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Berweger to receive the foregoing report and place on file. Motion Carried., Mr.-Mart,in Olson, State Division Highway Engineer.and Mr. Harry B. Curry, former County Highway Commissioner appeared before the Bounty Board and each made a few remarks with reference to the Highway planning program. Mr. Curry suggested that the County Board take action urging the.State Highway Commission to carry out the pro- posed Highway improvements on Highway #2 and 13 next year. It consists of a four lane highway commencing.at..the west end on front.street in the City of Ashland and extending to a point near Ashland Junction including a clover -leaf approach at the intersection of Highway 13 with U. S.,Highway.#2 at the head of the bay. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, State Trunk Highway #13 and U. S. Highway #63 where combined with U. S. Highway #2 in Bayfield County is in poor driving condition, congested, dangerous to traffic and obsolete, and"' WHEREAS, the annual traffic record is above 49500 vehicles per day and does warrant divided four lane construction now, and November.14, 19.62 WHEREAS, the accident record -at the intersection of the above highways is very high and it is the considered judgment of this Board that traffic at this intersection should be separated, and WHEREAS, several years' allotments of State Trunk Highway funds (84.03(3)) amounting to approximately $7259000.00 is at present unincumbered and available to match Federal Aid but is now being .held in unallotted reserve by the State Highway Commission, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County.is concerned by the lack of progress on this project to date, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Bayfield County respectfully requests that the State Highway Commission proceed with this road and interchange construction as soon as possible. Adoption.Recommended By: Paul Tribovich. Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger County Highway Committee Moved by Sampson and seconded by Arthur Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: COUNTY AID CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 1963. SECTION I. The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, reg- ularly assembled, does hereby ordain that such funds as may be.made available to the county for highway work in the year 1963 under the provisions of Section 20.420 and Chapter-83 of the Statutes, and the additional sums herein appropriated, shall be expended as hereinafter set forth; SECTION II. COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTF2NT. WHEREILS the State Highway Commission has notified the CountyClerk'that a sum of money estimated to be Two Hundred Thirteen Thousand, Seven Hundred &-oo/100 ($b213,700.00) will become available at the end of the fiscal year under the provisions of Sections 83.10 and 20.420 (83) and (84) of the Statutes, for the county trunk highway system in the county, but the actual amount will not be known until the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963. BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Committee is authorized and directed to expend the said sum to the extent required to match and supplement Federal aid for construction, right of way, and'other costs on any Federal projects located on the county trunk highway system of said county, which are not recovered from Federal funds, and to expend any balance for constructing, repairing, and maintaining such county trunk highway system and the bridges thereon, including snow and ice removal and control, as directed in Section 83.10 (1) of the Statutes, and to reimburse the general fund for any expenditures that may be made therefrom pursuant to Section 83.01 (6) of the Statutes. 'The distribution to such purposes is estimated, but not specifically directed, to be as follows: For Construction, Maintenance, Snow Removal and Ice Prevention on the County Trunk Highway System. November 14,'1962 The County Clerk is,directed to levy the special benefit assessments made herein as special charges against the respective municipalities as provided by law. SECTION III. WHEREAS the various highway.activities for which provision is made in this resolution are continuous from year to year, and the exact cost of any work cannot be known at the time of making the appropriation therefor, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does hereby direct that any balance remaining in any appropriation for a specific highway improvement after the same shall have been completed may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any,deficit that may occur in any other improvement, which is part of the same item in the county budget, for which provision is herein made, and any balances remaining at the end of the year in any highway fund shall remain and be available for the same purpose in the ensuing year. SECTION IV. WHEREAS the exact amount of the funds that will become available from the state for -highway purposes in the county under Section 20.420 of the Statutes will not be known until on or after June 30, 1963. BE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payments for the purposes for which such.funds-are to be used, as hereinbefore authorized, from any funds in the county treasury that are not required for the pur- poses for which appropriated prior. to August 1, .1963, and to reimburse such funds in the county treasury from the..sums received under Section 20.420 of the Statutes. SECTION V. WHEREAS the County Highway Committee and the County Highway Commission- er are charged with the duty and responsibility of carrying out the construction and maintenance of highways for which provision is made, and other related .,supervisory and administrative duties, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Commissioner shall have authority to employ, discharge, suspend, or reinstate such personnel as he deems necessary for such purposes, provided however that the County Highway Committee may by action re- corded in its minutes determine the number of persons to be hired and may also at any time by action so recorded order the County Highway Commissioner to employ, discharge, suspend,, or reinstate any such person. The term "personnel" or "person" shall in- clude all patrolmen, laborers, foremen, clerks, stenographers, or other employees necessary to carry on such activities. By Paul Tribovich Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger County Highway Committee Moved by=•Tribovich and seconded , by Hoefling to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Kliczcz to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. November 14tb, 1962. Motion Carried. 0 November 14, 1962. -a 1: 0 P M b Edward A. Pa'ala Chairman. Meeting called�to order t 3 y � , The following members answered roll call: Sampson,- Mammoser,.Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefl- ing, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, William Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elon- en, Dennis Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Rondeau, Jr., Ernest Nelson, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Richard Holman, -Arthur A. Anderson, Glenn -Holman, Justice, Wroblewski Lindsey,/` Pa jala - 20tal 35. The following relocation order was read: BY THE COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE OF BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN: The County Highway Committee finds and determines that: The proper establishing,. -laying out, widening, enlarging, extending, constructing, reconstructing, improving or maintaining of a portion of the highway now designated as County Trunk Highway "H" from a point fifty (50) feet west of the southwest corner of Lot eight (8) of Ledin's subdivision in Government Lot three (3), Section Thirty-three (33), Township Forty-seven (47) North, of Range Eight (8) West, and extending southerly, easterly, northerly and easterly to the south one -quarter (1/4) line of -'Section Thirty- four (34); Township Forty-seven (47) North of Range Eight (8) West, -and -on roads or lands in and about and along and leading to same, requires certain relocation or change, and tle acquisition of lands or interests in lands as shown on the plans for project E 0767(2) Ext. on County Trunk Highway "H" in Bayfield County, dated November 149 1962. Pursuant to its authority under Section 83.08 of the Wisconsin Statutes, the County Highway Committee hereby orders that: The said highway is hereby laid out and established to the lines and widths as shown on the said plans. It is further directed that a copy of this order and plat be filed with the County Clerk of Bayfield County. The foregoing order was issued by the County'Highway Committee of Bayfield County and entered in the minutes of its meeting on November!7, 19620' M Signed: Paul Tribovich Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger HIGHWAY COMMITTEE, BAYFIELD COUNTY, WIS. Moved by Justice, and seconded by - Lindsey to -adopt the'foregoine;­order. Motion Carried. November-14, 1963 The following Resolution was read:` PROVIDING FOR THE ADVANCE OR TRANSFER OF CONSTRUCTION FUNDS IN BAYFIELD COUNTY WHEREAS. Section 84.03 (5), Wisconsin Statutes, provides that the State Highway Commission and County Board, or a County Highway Committee when authorized by the County Board, may agree upon the advance of one or more future years' allotments for such county under Section 84.03(3), to be expended on selected improvements on state trunk highways or -connecting streets within such county to the extent so agreed, and WHEREAS occasions frequently arise when it is necessary or desirable to provide for the advance, allocation, or transfer of construction -funds to or between pre— viously authorized or additional needed construction improvements on state trunk highways or connecting streets in this county, THEREFORE, in order to provide for promptly making available the funds necessary for such improvements and to avoid the delay and expense incident to calling a special meeting of this board for such purpose, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby petitioned to advance pursuant to Section 84.03(5), Wisconsin Statutes, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway Committee of this county, which said Committee is hereby authorized to file, such sums as may be required and are not otherwise available for any such previously authorized.or additional needed construction improvements in this county, with the understanding that the amounts thus advanced will be deducted from future state allotments for state trunk highway construction in this county under Section 84.03(3) of the Statutes, and BE ,IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby petitioned, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway Committee of this county, which said Committee is hereby authorized to file, to transfer to or between any such previously authorized or additional needed construction improve— ments in this county, any funds allotted by the State under the provisions of. Section 84.03(3), Wisconsin Statutes, and previously allocated to any other improve— ment or remaining unallocated in reserve. Resolution presented by: Paul Tribovich Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger Bayfield Co. Highway Committee. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: PURCHASE OF HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT BAYFIELD COUNTY WHEREAS for the construction and maintenance of highways, including the removal and control of snow and ice, it becomes necessary from time to time tp�purchase equipment,.the nature of and necessity for which cannot be accurately anticipated, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Committee is hereby authorized, pursuant to Section 83.015 (2) of the Statutes, to purchase without further authority, November 14,.1962 and to the extent that revolving funds,. accumulated for such purpose or appropriations made for such purpose are available, such highway equipment as they deem necessary to properly carry on the work, and to trade or sell such old equipment as may be consider- ed to be for the best interests of the county. Resolution presented by: Paul Tribovich Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger Bayfield Co..Highway Committee Moved by Sampson and seconded by Pristash to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS assembled in annual session this 14 day of November, 19622 that the County Board Chairman, County Highway Committee and County Highway Commissioner, are herebyauthorized to attend State road schools, conventions and/or other road meetings, and that their per diem and ex- pense be paid from the County Highway Administration Fund. Recommended by:, Paul Tribovich Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger Bayfield County Highway Committee Moved by Justice and seconded by Pristash to adopt the forgoing Resolution. Motion Carried. 'Moved by Bernard E. Johnson and'seconded by Lindsey to receive and place on file the annual report of the County Highway Committee. Motion Carried. Moved by Justice and seconded by Wroblewski to receive and place on file the annual report of the Highway Commissioner. Motion Carried. which The hour being 2:00 P.M. /; was scheduled for a hearing on the Budget, motion was made by Lindsey and seconded by Arthur A. Anderson to resolve the County Board into a committee of the whole for the purpose of conducting a hearing on the proposed Budget. There were no appearances at the hearing. Motion Carried. Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Berweger to adjourn the hearing and to reconven( as a County Board. Motion Carried. 471 November.14,.1,962 Mr. Walter T. Norlin appeared -before the County'Board and explained the effect of the next Resolution which action was as follows. The following Resolution was read: �VHEREAS'an initial Resolution was adopted by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin at their April 1962 meeting setting for public hear- ing on the loth day of'November 1962 at 2:00 P.M., at the Circuit Court room at the Court House in the City of Washburn, Wisconsin a Petition to vacate and discontinue the streets designated on the plat of the Town of Orienta, designated as Second Street, Third Street, Lake Avenue and Bardon Avenue, and all of the alleys shown on said plat,- and notice of hearing on said Petition having been duly given by the County Clerk of Bayfield County and such hearing having been duly held, and all interested persons having been given opportunity to be heard BE IT RESOLVED that since the public interest will be thereby served and requires it, the streets designated as Second Street, Third Street, Lake Avenue'and Bardon Avenue on the plat of the Original Townsite of Orienta and all of the alleys shown on said plat be vacated and discontinued. RESOLVED FURTHER that a certified copy of this Resolution be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds.in and for Bayfield County, Wisconsin by the Bayfield County Clerk. Presented by: Sanfred Anderson Moved by Sanfred Anderson and seconded by Barningham to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Petition was read: To the Honorable County Board, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, Gentlemen: The petition of Carl Weschcke respectfully shows to the said Board: 1. That Carl Weschcke acquired title to the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (S`41/4 SWY) of Section Seven (7), Township Forty-six (46) North, Range Seven (7) West, Bayfield County, Wisconsin,'from Bayfield Land Company by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of said County on November 4, 1932, in Volume 122 of Deeds, page 132. 2. That Charles Weschcke obtained an undivided one-half interest in said land by deed from Carl Weschcke and Magdalene Weschcke, his wife, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of said County on the lst day of August, 1933, in Volume 122 of Deeds, page 270. 3. That on the loth day of July, 1934, Charles Weschcke and his wife, Harriet M. Weschcke, and Carl Weschcke and his wife, Magdalene M. Weschcke, conveyed to C. F. Perrin the following portion of said premises, to -wit; that part of the SW4 of SWf of Section 7, Township 46, Range.7 West, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, which lies west and south of the present west water line of Lake Delta, reserving the right to raise the present water level of the said Lake Delta and flood and overflow any part of the premises, said deed being recorded on August 16, 19349, in Volume 120 of Deeds, 4a2 November:.14, ,1962 page 393, in the office of said Register of Deeds. 4. That subsequent to said conveyance,,, the assessor of the Town of Delta neg- lected to list the property owned by the plaintiff and the property owned by the said C. F. Perrin as separate descriptions on the tax roll and continued to carry said lands on the tax roll of said Town as one description, namely, the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW/ SW/),.Section 7, Township 469 Range 7 West, and there- by failed to levy a. tax on the portion of the said SW/ of SWY/ retained and owned by the said Charles Weschcke and Carl Weschcke, and the said County proceeded to issue a tax certificate on the entire SW/ of SWy of said Section 7 as one unit for the year of 1953, which tax certificate was retained as the property of.Bayfield County. 5. That the said County did on the 3rd day of February, 1959, enter judgment in rem purporting,to vest title to the entire SW/ of SWI/ of said Section 7 in the said County of Bayfield, State of Wisconsin; that the said County failed to give notice of the proceedings in rem as required by the provisions of Section 75.521 of the Statutes, and erroneously included in the judgment in rem the parcel owned by the petitioner. 6. That your petitioner owns large areas of land in said county, and each year proceeded to pay all taxes on all the lands owned by him which were included on the tax roll of said Town, and would have paid the tax on this parcel retained and owned by him had the,.same been included on the tax roll.as the property of the petitioner. 7. That this petition is made to your Honorable Body for the purpose of obtain- ing -the passage of a resolution authorizing the proper authorities of Bayfield County to execute a quit claim deed of said premises to your petitioner; that your petitioner believes the taxes which should have been assessed and levied against said property during the years said parcel was not separately assessed would, reasonably have amount- ed in the aggregate to Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00)9 and your petitioner is willing to pay that amount to the County; that your petitioner verily believes that this request is fair and equitable, and trusts that it will receive favorable action. 8. That this petition is made by Carl Weschcke on behalf of all of the owners, namely, himself and his wife, Magdalene M. Weschcke, and Charles Weschcke and his wife, Harriet M. Weschcke. Respectfully submitted, Carl Weschcke, Petitioner Moved by Arthur C. Hanson and seconded by Mammoser to receive the foregoing petition and place.on file. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read.: RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session assembled this 10h day of November, 1962' That Bayfield County quit claim the premises described,as: The Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter (.SW/ SWY4) of Section T, Township 46 North, Range 7 West, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, except the part which lies west and south of the water line of Lake Delta, to Carl Weschcke-and Charles Weschcke, upon the payment of the sum of$200.00; and the Bayfield County Clerk be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute the necessary quit -claim deed upon payment of said amount. Presented by: Paul Tribovich 473 November 14, 1962 Moved by Tribovich and seconded by John 0. Anderson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion lost. Moved by Tribovich and.seconded by Wm. Peterson that the County Board members be allowed $14.00 per diem effective with the April 1963 meeting. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Barningham, Kliszcz, Beeksma, Arthur Hanson, Heglund, Hoefling, Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Dennis Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Rondeau, Jr.,.. Nelson, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Arthur A. Anderson, Wroblewski, Lindsey, Pajala, Nayes - Mammoser, Howell, Pristash, Bernard E. Johnson, Chambers, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Richard Holman, Glenn. Holman, Justice, Ayes - 22 Nayes - il Total - 35 The District Attorney gave an oral opinion that it would require a two-thirds vote of all Board, -members to adopt the foregoing Resolution and if adopted the increase could only apply to such Board members that would be re-elected in April 1963 before the annual reorganization meeting. The increase would apply to supervisors of the cities and villages after the successors are elected in April 1964. The chair ruled the motion lost as it did not receive,'. a two-thirds majority. The following Resolution was read:. WHEREAS we have a serious watershed management problem in Bayfield County, and WHEREAS Bayfield County owns lands bordering on streams, and WHEREAS we can aid in preserving what we now have by reserving lands on each side of the streams from being denuded, etc. THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that a strip of land 66 feet wide on each side of the stream be reserved for use as a fishing and hunting and trapping area by the public and shall include the following rights and privileges: 1. The general public shall have the right to catch and take fish in the waters thereof by legal means and to hunt and trap game on such premises by legal means and for this purpose to travel in and along such waters and to utilize the lands above described to the extent necessary for the full of this right and privilege. BE IT HEREBY FURTHER RESOLVED that cutting of timber or trees on these reserved lands be under the supervision of the.Conservation Committee of the County Board and with the advice and assistance of the County Forester, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the foregoing shall apply on County lands to the streams and their tributaries named as follows: Siskiwit River r Lost Creek #1 Flagg River "" Cranberry River Lost Creek #2 it it 43 V Sand River 0. 1 474 November 14, 1962 Pikes Creek Sioux River Fish Creek ✓' 18 Mile Creek 4 Mile Creek White River d. Marengo River .j Namakagon River Bark River Onion River Frog Creek Spring Creek Five Mile Creek Raspberry River r, 20 Mile Creek. Long bake Branch Castle Creek Iron River Whittelsey Creek Morgan Creek, Whiskey Creek Preemption Creek Pearl Creek Big Brook Caps Creek Bernard E. Johnson John 0. Anderson Ernest Nelson Paul Tribovich CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Moved by B. E. Johnson and seconded by Tribovich to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: Resolution authorizing filing of application with the Housing and Home Finance Agency, United States of America, for a grant under the terms of Public Law 345984th Congress, as amended by the Public Works Acceleration.Act. WHEREAS, under the terms of said Public Law 345, as amended, the United States of America has authorized the making of grants to public bodies to aid in financing the construction of specific public projects: Now Therefore, Be It Resolved By -the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors 1. That Bayfield County Highway Commissioner be and he is hereby authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of Bayfield County with the Housing and Home Finance Agency, United States Government, for a grant to aid in financing the construction of additions to the County Highway Garage. 2. That Clarence L. Olsen, County Highway Commissioner, be and he is hereby authorized and directed ;to furnish such information as the Housing and Home Finance Agency may reasonably request in connection with the application which is herein authorized to be filed. Adoption Recommended By: Paul Tribovich Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger HIGHWAY COMMITTEE Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing Resolutiono Motion Carried. 4"s5 November 14, 1962 The following Resolution was read: Resolution providing for increase in planned total expenditure for capital improvement projects. Whereas, under the terms:of Public Law 87-658, approved September 14, 19629 the United States of America has authorized the making of grants to aid in financ- ing construction of specific public works projects, provided the proposed or planned total expenditure of the public body'for its capital improvement projects is increas- ed by an amount approximately equal to. the non -Federal funds required to complete such public works projects: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved By Bayfield County Board of Supervisors 1. That as of the date of filing of an application by Bayfield County (herein- after called Applicant) with the. Housing and Home Finance Agency, United States Government, for a grant to aid in financing the construction of addition to County Highway Garage, the Applicant had a capital improvements plan or capital improvement budget for the fiscal year or years during which construction of the proposed pro- ject is expected to occur; and that the total expenditure for capital improvements in said plan or budget was $ None for the fiscal year ending 1962 and $35,000.00 for the fiscal year ending 1963. 2. That, in the event that said Federal grant is approved by the United States of America, said capital improvements plan or capital budget will be (is hereby) increased by None for the fiscal year ending 1962 and 359000.00 for the fiscal year ending 1963.for a total increase of $35,000.00 in the proposed or planned total expenditure for capital improvement projects (exclusive of Federal funds). 3. That said increase in the proposed or planned total expenditure for capital improvement projects is approximately equal to the non -Federal funds required to complete the public works project for which the application is to be submitted. This resolution is adopted pursuant to the authority provided by Sec. 59.07 (1)(d) Wis. Stats. Adoption Recommended By: Paul.Tribovich Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger HIGHVdAY COMMITTEE Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Petition was read: County Aid TO THE.COUNTY BOARD 6F SUPERVISORS BAYFIELD COUNTY, WI SCONSIN Gentlemen: - Bridge Section 81.38 (1) This Petition of the City of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents and shows to your honorable body that: The Thompson Creek Bridge located on Biglow Street near Thompson Road in the west end of the City of Washburn, on a public highway maintainable by the City of j Novemberf 14,'1962 Washburn, requires- -replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section 83.03(1) of the Wisconsin Statutes. The City of Washburn has authorized such construction and provided for the cost as is required by statute. The total estimated cost is $11,000.00. WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays and makes this Petition to your honorable body for a county bridge aid appropriation of $5500.00 all in accordance with the provisions of Section 83.03(1) of the Wisconsin.Statutes. Dated: October 23, 1962. CITY OF WASHBURN By: Hans J. Thompson, Mayor Wayne 0. Lowe, Clerk Moved by.Wroblewski and seconded by Glenn 0. Holman to receive the foregoing Petition and place on file. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: Mr. Lawrence Wachsmuth Bayfield County Treasurer Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin-. Dear Sir: June 25, 1962 SUBJECT: Allotment for County Trunk Highways, June 30, 1962 Section 83.10(1),- Wisconsin Statutes The enclosed check is in payment of your county's allotment for county trunk highways available on June 30, 1962, pursuant to Sections 20.420(81) and 83.10 (1)9 Wisconsin Statutes. The total of the allotment is made of the following amounts: Proportionate Share of $3,500,000 $ 52,042.40 County Trunk Highway Mileage at 65 per Mile 122036.05. Total of Enclosed Remittance $ 649078.45 A copy of this letter is being mailed to the county clerk in compliance with Section 14.42(10), Wisconsin Statutes. Very truly yours, STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN W. B. Blair, Director of Finance By: S. D. Swartz, Supervisor of General Auditing. Moved by Arthur C. Hanson and seconded by Sampson to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried.. November 14, 1962 The following communication was read: Mr. Lawrence Wachsmuth Bayfield County Treasurer Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: July 25, 1962 SUBJECT: Supplemental Highway Aid County Trunk Highways Sections 20.420(83) & (84) Wisconsin Statutes June 30, 1962 The enclosed State Treasurer's check represents the balance of your 1962 highway aids pursuant to Sections 20.420(83) and(84) after deducting the amount previously paid to you on April 15, 1962, in accordance with Section 20..420 (83)(b)5. This allotment is supplemental to and is to be used for the same purposes as the county trunk highway allotment under Section 83.10(1), which you received as of June 30, 1962. The total amount. available for the counties is apportioned among them on the basis of the last allotment for county trunk highways under Section 83.10(1). The total of the supplemental aid for county trunk highways for your county under Sections 20.420(83) and (84) has been computed as follows: Basis Supplemental Aid. S. 20.420 Less Allotment 83 84 Prepayment Balance .6-30-62 151.0490563/ 79.8269375% Total 4-15-62 Due S. 83.10(1) of Basis of Basis S.20.420(83)(b)5 64, 078.45 96, 789.89 . '. .$C-51,151..8.6. $147, 941. 75 $ 749987.39 $6729954. 36 A copy of this letter is being mailed to the clerk of your municipality in accordance with Section 14.42(10) of the Statutes, which provides that the clerk -of the municipality shall present this statement at the next regular meeting of the governing body and shall file and keep this statement for six years. Very truly yours, STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN W. B. Blair., Director of Finance By: S. D. Swartz, Supervisor of General Auditing Moved by Arthur C. Hanson and seconded by Sanfred Anderson to receive the fore- going communication and place on file. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: September 11, 1962 SUBJECT: Estimated Highway Allotments for 1963 County Trunk Highway System Pursuant to Section 84.01(18), Wisconsin Statutes, you are hereby notified of the following estimated allotments to be paid your county from funds becoming available in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963: S. 83.10, estimated basic allotment for the County Trunk Highway System(to be paid on June 30, 1963) $649000.00 November 14, 1962 Supplemental allotments to supplement the basic allotment for the County Trunk Highway System: S. 20.420(83) Supplemental Aid 979900.00 S. 20-.420(84) Supplemental Aid. (Fuel Tax) 512800.00 149,700.00 Total for County�Trunk Highway System 2139700.00 Pursuant to legislation enacted in 1957, the payment of the 1963 supplemental aids under Sections 20.420(83) and (84) will be made in two installments. The first in- stallment, equal to one half of the 1962 allotment under those sections, will be paid on April 15, 1963.- The remainder will be paid as soon as practical after June 30, 1963. The above estimates are tentative.. The total actual allotments will not be known until after the close of the fiscal year on June 30, 1963. You were notified by our letter of April 9, 1962, of the estimated 1963 state trunk highway allotment under Section 84.03(3), the allocation of which has been com- pleted. Very truly yours STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN V. L. Fiedler, Secretary Moved by Ber%vege,r and seconded' by Justice to receive. the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried. Moved by Beeksma and seconded by Stuart to adjourn to November 27th, 1962 at 10:00 A.M. Motion lost. Moved by Lindsey and seconded by Chambers to adjourn to 9:00 A.M. November 15th, 1962. Motion lost. Moved by Stuart and -seconded by Peterson to adjourn to 10:00 A.M. November the 15t, 1962. Motion Carried. 11 November 15, 1962 Meeting called to order at 10:00 A.M. by Edward A. Pajala, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Dennis Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Rondeau, Jr., Ernest Nelson, Ed. Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, K. P. Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Justice, Wroblewski, Lindsey,.Pajala, - Total 33. The following communication was read: November 15, 1962 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County.Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Mr. Edward A. Pajala, Chairman Bayfield County Board Gentlemen: 9 Please be advised that in lieu of the absence of Washburn City third (3) ward supervisor Glenn 0. Holman, Mr. Clarence A. Nelson representing said ward has been duly authorized to serve on the Bayfield County Board for the municipality. (Seal City of Washburn) Respectfully, Wayne 0. Lowe, City `Clerk Dated: 11/15/62 City of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin Moved by Arthur A. Anderson and seconded by Justice to seat Clarence A. Nelson as a member of the County Board representing the third ward of the city of Washburn. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION OF GOVERNING BODY OF APPLICANT - RESOLUTION No. 57 Resolution authorizing filing of application with the Housing and Home Finance Agency, United States of America, for a grant under the terms of Public Law 345, 84th Congress, as Amended by the Public Works Acceleration Act. WHEREAS, under the terms of said Public Law 345, as amended, the United States of America has authorized the making of grants to public bodies to aid in financing the construction of specific public projects: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved By Bayfield County Board 1. That Bayfield County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to execute and file an application on behalf of Bayfield County, a Municipal Corporation with the Housing and Home Finance Agency, United States Government, for a grant to aid in financing the construction of Addition to Court House & alteration of present structure. 2. That.Ludwig Tranmal, Bayfield County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to furnish such information as the Housing and Home Finance Agency may reason- ably request in connection with the application which is herein authorized to be filed. Edward Jelinek K. C. Howell Art A. Anderson November 15t 1962 Moved by Jelinek and seconded by Pristash to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, The Board ,of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, has authorized, by resolution, the construction of an addition to the present Court House, subject to certain conditions relating to the financing of said project, and WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable that said Board of Supervisors re -consider said action, for the purpose of rescinding said resolution and in the alternative consider the advisability of construction of an entirely new court house, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the previous action of this Board authoriz- ing the construction of said.addition to said Court House be and the same is hereby rescinded and in the alternative that said Board of Supervisors take the necessary steps and proceed with plans for the construction of an entirely new court house. George W. Sampson John 0. Anderson John.F. Wroblewski Moved by Sampson and seconded by Wroblewski to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion .,lost, The following Resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by this Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in regular session this 15 day of Nov. 1962, that There be and is hereby appropriated the sum of Fifty-five Hundred ($5500.00) Dollars as County Aid for the construction of the Thompson Creek Bridge in the City of Washburn, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this appropriation is made under the provisions of Section 83.03 (1) of the Wisconsin Statutes. Presented By: Paul Tribovich Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger Moved by Lindsey and seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll Call was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, IYiammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszdz, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling,'Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Peterson,. J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Dennis Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Rondeau, Jr., Ernest Nelson, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Bates, R±xkxxdx ±mxa* Arthur A. Anderson, Clarence Nelson, Justice, Wroblewski, Lindsey, Pajala Nayes - None Ayes - 34 Nayes - 0 Total - 34 Motion Carried. November 15, 1962 Moved by Stuart and seconded by Ernest Nelson to receive and place on file petitions for County Bridge Aid. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: COUNTY AID BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION UNDER SECTION 81.38 OF THE STATUTES COUNTY OF BAYFIELD WHEREAS the various towns hereinafter named have filed petitions for county aid in the construction of bridges under Section-81.38 of the Statutes, said petitions are hereby granted, and the county"s share is appropriated as follows: Town Bridge Amount Raised Amount of County By Local Units Aid Granted Barksdale Pope 59500.00 8 59500.00 Bell Siskiwit River Culvert 895.87 895.87 Cable Philippi 225.00 225.00 Eileen Flesik Culvert 2,150.00 29150.00 Port Wing Evald Johnson Culvert 262.51 262.51 99033.38 The County Board does hereby levy a tax to meet.said appropriations on all of the property in the county which is taxable for such purpose. WARNING: It is directed that provision for this levy shall be made in the county budget, but that this levy shall not be duplicated. Resolution offered by: Paul Tribovich Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Lindsey to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Dennis Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Rondeau, Jr®;Ernest Nelson, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Clarence Nelson, Justice, Wroblewski, Lindsey, Pajala Nayes - None Ayes - 34 Nayes - Total - 34 Motion Carried. 4-82 November 15,1962 The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS it may be'necessary to make short term loans in -order to meet payrolls and other obligations including current and ordinary expenses within the next year, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in Annual Session assembled this 15'h day of November 1962, that the Chairman of the County Board, the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be and they are here- by authorized to make short term loans in an amount not exceeding $100,000.00 in the aggregate, if in their opinion it should be found to be to the County°s interest to make such loan or loans. R. J. Mammoser George Moniza G. William Frankie Henry J. S. Hanson FINANCE COMMITTEE Moved by Moniza andsecondedby Mammoser to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS the Conservation Committee of the County Board has discussed the possibility of motor trolling on the lakes in Bayfield County and they have agreed that they favor County option, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the State Conservation Commission re-instatE the 1961 motor trolling regulations, including County option, upon request by the Bayfield County Board. Bernard E. Johnson. John 00 Anderson Ernest Nelson Paul Tribovich CONSERVATION COMMITTEE: Moved by Bernard E. Johnson and seconded by John 0. Anderson to adopt. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by John 0. Anderson to amend the Resolution to send'a copy to the Governor, to the Secretary of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress, Director of the Wisconsin Conservation Department, State Senator, Assemblyman for Ashland and Bayfield Counties and to Jack Lynch, member of the Wisconsin Conservation Commission. Amendment carried. The original Resolution as amended was adopted. Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Mammoser to receive and place on file the report of the Conservation Committee. Motion Carried. 483 November 15, 1962 The following report was read: TO THE HONORABLE KIiEMBERS OF THE BAYFIELD CO.. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Gentlemen: Submitted herewith is a report of the funds received and disbursed by the Bayfield County Court for the year beginning Nov. 1, 1961 and ending Oct. 319 1962. Collected and Paid to Bayfield County: State Traffic Fines State forfeitures All fines except traffic County traffic fines County forfeitures City fines City forfeitures COURT COSTS: Criminal Ordinance Probate filing fees S 893.95 2095.00 5969.00 1615.00 4267.50. 470.00 1195.00 199505.45 754.00 295.00 442.00 Forms 75.00 Certified copies 332.75 Civil 939.50 29838.25 Paid to City of Washburn (City Forfeitures) 1614.00 Paid - Wardens fees, 222.00 Miscellaneous Payments (Civil Actions,etc) 20121.50 Trust money held or paid 27144.46 $ 499101.96 Total Collected and Paid P R O B A T E S 689445.66 NO. TYPE VALUATION 14 Guardianships 34900.00 76 New Testates & Intestates 762071.99 48 Estate Completed 504624.33 67 Jt. Tenancy &Heirship 438280.70- 1, 739, 877.02 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- MISCELLANEOUS CASES 315.Criminal Cases, 311 Ordinance Cases 321 Bail forfeitures 46 Juvenile, 6 waived to criminal 6 Adoptions court 11 Mental Committments 19,Divorce Actions 36 University Hospital 6 Sanatorium Admissions 7 Special Dispensations to Marry 5 Transfer of Motor Vehicle 5 Real Estate Foreclosures Respectfully Submitted: Viola Benton Clerk of County ..Court November ,15,.: 1962 Moved by Justice and seconded by Sampson to receive and place on file the fore- going report. Motion Carried. The following re -location order was read: THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION FINDS AND DETERMINES THAT: The proper establishing, laying out, widening, enlarging, extending, constructing, reconstructing, improving, or maintaining a portion of the highway now designated as U. S. Highway 2, from a.point on the west one -sixteenth line of Section 27, Township 47 North, Range 6 West, 286 feet south and 1318.5 feet N 85° 01' E of the northwest corner of such section, thence northeasterly to a point on the east one -sixteenth line of aforesaid Section 27, approximately 16 feet south of the northwest corner of the northeast one quarter of the northeast one quarter of aforesaid Section 27, and on roads or lands in and about and along and leading to same, requires certain re- location or change and the acquisition of -lands or interests in lands as shown on the map or copy thereof marked "PLAT OF RIGHT OF WAY REQUIRED, PROJECT T 022-1 (29)"for the Ino-U.S.H. 63 Road (Scenic Easement) U. S. H. 2, Bayfield County, dated September 189 1962 the same being sheet No. 4 of the plans for said project, and Pursuant to its authority under Sections 84.02 (3) and 84.09, Wisconsin Statutes, THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION HEREBY ORDERS THAT: (1) The said highway is hereby.laid out and established to the lines and widths as shown on the said plat. (2) The required lands or interests in lands as shown on the plat shall be ac- quired by the State Highway Commission,,in the.name of the State, pursuant to the provisions of Section 84.09 (1) or (2), Wisconsin Statutes. The foregoing order was issued by the State Highway Commission and entered in the minutes of its meeting on November 7, 1962. (SEAL of State Highway Commission) V. L. Fiedler, Secretary State Highway Commission of Wisconsin . Moved by Berweger and seconded by Mammoser to receive and place on file the foregoing order. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS,. the Personnel Committee has made a study of salaries and wages of the officers and employees of Bayfield County, having compared them with compensation paid by other counties.from bulletins printed by the State Bureau of Personnel, therefor BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the following increases be made effective January 1, 1963: November 159 1962 Annual.Compensa- Present Annual tion, Effective Compensation 1/l/63 Arnold Jacobson 8 3300.00 96 3500.00 Surplus Commcdity Truck Driver Thomas E. Anderson Veterans Service -Officer ) 3000.00 2500.00 Civil Defense Director ) 1000.00. 2000.00 Gladys E. Kendall 4300.00 4500.00 County Nurse Bertha Hudson 1200.00 1500.00 Assistant custodian Court House Register in Probate None 120.00 George E. Leino 4300.00 4500.00 County Forester Raymond Anderson 3800.00 3900.00 Assistant County Forester Wm. Hepner 3420.00 3600.00 Forest cruiser. 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that extra help which would qualify at.the top scale of wage for stenographers be paid at the rate of $11.00 per day and others at the rate of $9.00 per day. Howard Sibbald George W. Sampson Nick Pristash Wm. B. Peterson Phillip L. Lindsey PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Moved by Lindsey and seconded by Wroblewski to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call was as follows:' Ayes - Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Dennis Johnson,, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Ron- deau, Jr.,,Ernest Nelson, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Clarence Nelson, Justice, Wroblewski, Lindsey, Pajala Nayes - None Ayes - 33 Nayes - 0 Total - 33 Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED by this Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in regular session this 15t day of Nov., 1962, that: The salary of the County Highway Commissioner of Bayfield County be and is hereby set at 5300.00 annually, effective January 19 1963, for the ensuing year, as provided by Section 59.15 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Adoption Recommended By:.. Paul Tribovich Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger Dated this 14 day of Nov., 1962, County Highway Committee November 159 1962 Moved by Arthur C. Hanson and seconded by Barningham. to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Dennis Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Rondeau, Jr., Ernest Nelson, Ed Jelinek, Wa.smuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Bates, Arthur A..Ande.rson, Clarence Nelson, Justice, Wroblewski, Lindsey, Pajala Nayes - None Ayes = 34 Nayes - 0 Total - 34 The following Resolution was read: Motion Carried. WHEREAS, The present clerical schedule for Bayfield includes an increase for employees who have held their present positions or other positions with Bayfield County for a period of fifteen years of $100.00 per year, and WHEREAS, It is felt that employees with ten years of service with.Bayfield County are deserving of an increase; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That clerical employees who are under the regular clerical schedule as set by the Bayfield County Board receive an increase. in salary of $100.00 after ten -years of service and for every five years thereafter. Signed, W. A. Stuart 11/15/62 County Board Member Moved by Moniza and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to refer the foregoing Resolution to the Personnel Committee. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Secretarial employees of Bayfield County who are under the clerical pay schedule have not received a salary increase since 19,56, and WHEREAS, Secretarial employees of Bayfield County who are not under the clerical pay schedule have received regular pay .increases, and WHEREAS, the deputies of the various officers have had an increase of $100.00 per year within the last year; now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, That the wages of secretarial employees who are on the clerical schedule as established by the County Board and who are now at the maximum of this schedule, excluding deputies, shall be increased by the sum of $100.00 per year; and those who have not reached the maximum of this schedule have their salaries adjusted accordingly. Signed, W. A. Stuart 11/15/62 County Board Member November 15,,1962 Moved.by Moniza and seconded by J. 0. Anderson to refer the foregoing Resolu- tion to the Personnel Committee. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS,,The secretary of the Agricultural Extension Office has been employed by Bayfield County for over 22 years, and WHEREAS, Said secretary has not had an increase in salary since 1958, and WHEREAS, The present salary schedule does not take into consideration employees with over 15 years of service, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the secretary of the Agricultural Extension Office be granted a salary increase of $125.00. Signed, W. A. Stuart Toivo Elonen Onne Beeksma 11-13-62 BAYFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE Walter C. Barningham el Ernest Heglund Moved by Justice and seconded by J. 0. Anderson to refer the foregoing Resolu- tion to the Personnel Committee. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, the provisions of section 22.01 (8) (d) (1) of -the Wisconsin Statutes requires that all counties develop and promulgate Civil Defense Plan con- sistant with the State Plan and WHEREAS,.the Bayfield County Civil Defense Operational Survival Plan has been developed and approved by the Wisconsin Bureau of Civil Defense. NOW, THEREFORE, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors does hereby adopt the approved Bayfield County Operational Survival Plan as the official Civil Defense Plan for Bayfield County, and -that it be officially promulgated by Publication and distribution in accordance with the table of distribution in the Plan. Recommended for Adoption By Civil Defense Committee Howard Sibbald - Chairman Nick Pristash Phillip L. Lindsey v Wm. B. Peterson Joseph Maciosek Moved by Lindsey and seconded by B. E. Johnson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. 488 November 15, 1962 Moved by Moniza and seconded by Justice to receive and place on file the annual report of the Veterans Service Officer and Civil Defense Co-ordinator. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: October 15, 1962 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear fir. Tranmal: We are happy to inform you that the U. S. Board on Geographic Names has approved the names Jo Ann Lake, Little Hidden Lake and Samoset Lake located in Bayfield County. This constitutes final approval for these Bayfield County -names. Very truly yours, L. P. Voigt Executive Secretary Moved by Arthur A. Anderson and seconded by Justice to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: August 17, 1962 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: The State Geographic Board at its meeting on April 2, 1962, in Madison, approved the following -lake name pending approval of the Bayfield County Board: Lake R Unnamed lake Location: SW NW, NW SW, Sec. 7, T 47 N, R 7 W. (Iron Lake Quad.) Requested: Fred L. Jacobson, 53 Downing Road, Peabody, Mass., for official name. Our field investigation reveals that the lake is known by the local people as Lake R. The lake is presently encompassed by lands owned by Mr. Jacobson who request- ed the name in remembrance of a deceased relative. We would like you to take action at your next County Board meeting so that we may proceed with the processing of the name through the U. S. Board on Geographic Names. Unless we receive a report on your Board's action within six months or a valid reason why no action was taken, we must consider our action as meeting with your approv- al and will submit the name to the U. S. Board on Geographic Names accordingly. Very truly yours, L. P. Voigt Executive Secretary 489 .November 15, 1962 Moved by Tribovich and seconded by B. E. Johnson to approve of name of Lake R. as per foregoing communication. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: September 18, 1962 Mr. Ludwig Tranmal Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Tranmal: This letter is to inform you that after thoroughly checking the possible change of a lake name from Bladder Lake to Kransz Lake, the Wisconsin State Geographic Board at its meeting on April 2, 1962, voted to retain the name of Bladder Lake. The'name Bladder Lake will now be referred'to the U. S. Board on Geographic Names for their final approval, and you.will be notified of their action. Very truly yours, L. P. Voigt Executive Secretary., Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Sampson to receive the foregoing communica- tion and place on file. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: 14 September 1962 Mr. Edward A. Pajala, Chairman Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Route #1 Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: In accordance with the provisions of Section 46.17 (3) of the Wisconsin Statut- es, the Bayfield County Jail was inspected on September 11, 1962. All jail sections were found to be very good in appearance, cleanliness, and sanitation. The jail register was found to be up-to-date, complete, and giving the necessary required information. I was most pleased to find that light switches have been relocated so as to permit all lights to be controlled by the jail staff. Also,, it was noted that some glass block has been purchased and in the near future will replace the windows which are in a deteriorating condition. Upon my examination of the ventilator which is to be used with the glass block, I found that it did not appear adequate or durable enough-: which could result in continual damage and nuisance after installation. I discussed the ventilator unit with Mr. Tranmal, County Clerk, and with representatives of the Bayfield Lumber Company in Bayfield, Wisconsin., I am -sure that Mr. Tranmal is aware of my objections to this unit and I.therefore suggest that installation.of this unit be deferred until a suitable unit can be purchased. Representatives of the Bayfield Lumber Company informed me that they would -attempt to locate a better ventilator unit and November 15, 1962 provide this office with the specifications of the unit for approval before installation, The cooperation and sincere interest of County Officials in maintaining the Bayfieli County Jail and making those improvements which are in the best interests of good op- eration in the Bayfield County Jail, is sincerely appreciated. Should there be any questions or if I can be of further assistance in this matter, please do not hesitate to call upon me. Very truly yours, Ralph J. DiSalvo, Detention Supervisor Division of Corrections STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE Moved by Tribovieh and seconded by Jelinek to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: May 13, 1962 Bayfield County Board Court House Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sirs: It has been brought to my attention that Bayfield County welfare patients are being sent to the St. Anthony Nursing Home in Ashland, Wisconsin. I realize of course that a patient has a, certain amount of right to say where they wish to go, but I believe that the Welfare Board should try to place these res- idents of Bayfield County in nursing homes within the county when there are vacancies in the nursing homes in Bayfield County. Inasmuch that we hire most of our employees from in and around Washburn, and pay taxes in the County of Bayfield I earnestly believe that the Welfare Department has not cooperated in many cases, now or in the past. They have even come into our nursing home and taken a patient from us in order that they could fill a vacancy in the Bayfielc County Home when at the time there was a waiting'list. We have always cooperated with .the Welfare Department in every way - there has been many instances where I have saved them the amount of an ambulance call by transporting the patient to the Washburn Hospital in'my car. In one case especially - I made two round trips with the patient in the same day --the patient's name was Howard Crozier and the treatment rendered at the hospital was a circumcision. I believe that my complaint is justified and hope that this matter of placing patients outside the county boundaries while there are openings in nursing homes within the county should.be investigated. Sincerely yours, Robert B. Dolen - Dolen Nursing Home Moved by Tribovieh and seconded by Justice to refer the foregoing -communication to the Welfare Department. - Motiori'Carried. I November 15, 19.62 The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS the Central United States°Ski Association has'decided to use Mount Val- halla as a training site for jumpers; and WHEREAS such use will focus attention on Mount Valhalla and bring much publicity to the entire Chequamegon Bay region; now, therefore, BE IT RESDLVED by the Bayfield County Board.of Supervisors that the Central United States Ski Association be welcomed into the area and that they be extended the full cooperation of the Bayfield County Board. By Glenn 0. Holman Moved by Lindsey and seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, the County Board at their annual meeting of 1961 adopted a resolution offering to purchase the excess delinquent tax accounts covering the sales of 1926 to 1935 Inclusive at 50% on the dollar, payable over a period of five years, and WHEREAS the following towns at their annual meeting last April agreed to accept this proposal. The .taxing districts and face of taxes are as follows: Town of Russell. Town.of Clover. Town of Hughes Town of Bayfield Town of Bayview 29569.56 1,355.26 79016.77 16,408.09 4,363.87 319 713:.-55 THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be authorized and instructed to make payment of 20% each year to the foregoing taxing districts for a period of five years. R. J. Mammoser Glenn 0. Holman G. William Frankie Henry J. S. Hanson George Moniza FINANCE COMMITTEE Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Moniza to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash_, Yliszcz, Arthur Hanson Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart,,Moniza, Berweger, Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sa.nfred Anderson, Elonen, Dennis Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Rondeau, Jr. Ernest Nelson, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J.-S. Hanson, Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Clarence Nelson, Justice, Wroblewskis Lindsey, Pajala, Nayes - None Ayes - . 34 Nayes - 0 Total - 34 Motion Carried. 492 November 15, 1962 0 Moved by Barningham and seconded by Jelinek to adjourn until 1:00 P.M. on November 15th, 1962. Motion carried. Meeting called to order at�1:00 P-.-M..'by Edward A. Pajala, Chairman. members The following/answered roll -call:' George Sampson, R.J. Maffimoser, W. C. Barningham, Kenneth C. Howell, Nick Pristash, Walter Kliszcz, ftz=T Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Ernest Heglund, L. F. Chambers, Frank Hoefling, W. A. Stuart, Gadoge o_r a, Joseph-Berweger, William Peter- son, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Toivo Elonen, x3x, Dennis Johnson, Howard Sibbald, Paul Tribovich, G. Wm. Frankie, Thomas Rondeau, Jr., Ernest Nelson, Ed. Jel- inek, Walter Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, K. P. Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Clarence Nelson.' Louis Justice, John Wroblewski, Phillip Lindsey, Edward A. Pajala. Total - 33 The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County is, by virtue of a tax deed, the owner,of Lot Seven (7)9 Block Twenty-five (25)9 Original Townsite, Washburn,Wisconsin, and' WHEREAS, Said property includes.a residence occupied by Arthur Smith, a former owner,,-;, and WHEREAS, Said Arthur Smith has refused to remove from said premises, and WHEREAS, It has been the policy of Bayfield County to re -sell tax deed property to the former owner upon request and upon payment of all delinquent taxes, interest and penalties, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Clerk communicate with said Arthur Smith forthwith and notify said Arthur Smith to remove from said premises with- in 60 days and that in the alternative, said Arthur Smith may apply to the Land Committee of said Board of Supervisors to re -purchase said property on the conditions set forth above, AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the event said Arthur Smith does not remove voluntarily from said premises;or, in the alternative,.apply and re -purchase said property that then and in that event the District Attorney of Bayfield County is hereby authorized and directed to take such legal. action as may be.necessary to remove said Arthur Smith and all other occupants.of said residence.from the above described premises. _ Clarence A. Nelson Moved,by Arthur C. Hanson and seconded by Howell to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried.'- November 15, 1962 The following Petition was read: TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN The petition of William B. Peterson respectfully represents and shows that he is the Chairman of the town of Mason; that he has been authorized and directed by the annual meeting of said town and by the Board of Supervisors thereof, to bring this petition to your Honorable Body; That the town highway, hereinafter described, is a connecting link between County Trunk Highway "F" at Benoit and County Trunk Highway "E" between U. S. High- ways #2 and #63, is a mail and school bus route and main traveled road, and petitioner prays that the same be placed on the County Trunk Highway System and its maintenance taken over by the Bayfield County Highway Department. The highway above referred to commences at the NE corner of the NW/ NE/ of Section 2, Township 46 North, Range 6 West; thence south approximately one -quarter mile to the SE corner of the NW/ NE/9 Section 2, Township 46 North, Range 6 West; thence west approximately three-quarters of a mile to the SW corner of the NW/ NVP/, Section 2, Township 46 North, Range 6 West; thence south approximately one -quarter mile to the West one -quarter corner of Section 2, Township 46 North, Range 6 West; thence west one mile to the NW corner of the SW/4. Section 3, Township 46 North, Range 6 West; thence south approximately one mile to the West one -quarter corner of Section 10, Township 46 North, Range 6 West, on County Trunk Highway "E". Presented By: -Wm. B. Peterson, Chairman Dated this 15 day of Nov® 1962. Town of Mason Moved by Stuart and seconded by Heglund to receive the foregoing Petition and place on file. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: STATE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Madison 2, Wisconsin Dated: September 19, 1962 To: County Clerk and the County Treasurer: County of Bayfield In accordance with the provisions of Section 59.07 (21) I am certifying the number of elementary teacher units operating in the county during the school year 1961-62 as follows: Number of elementary teacher units under the jurisdiction of the county super- intendent in districts which levied and placed on the tax rolls of the district for 1961-62 a tax of not less than 5 mills,(districts operating elementary grades only, 3 mills) on the equalized valuation..of,the district for the year previous to the year of levy. 57 x 8350= $ 199950 Number of elementary teacher units under the jurisdiction of city superinten- dents in districts which levied and placed on the tax rolls of the district for 1961- 62 a tax of not less than 5 mills on the equalized valuation of the district for the year previous to the year of levy. November 15, 1962 Washburn 13 x $350 = 49550 Total County School Tax Levy $ 249500 It will be necessary for the county board to levy such additional amounts as are certified -by the county superintendent pursuant to the provisions of Section 59.07 (21). Signed Angus B. Rothwell State Superintendent Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Pristash to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: BEAR CREEK MINING COMPANY September 309 1962 REGISTERED MAIL - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED County Clerk, Bayfield County Bayfield County Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin RE: AG - Bayfield County Dear Sir: In accordance with Section No. 3 of our Easement with Option to Lease, we are obligated to send you semi-annual exploration reports, indicating the general nature and the location of the work performed on lands covered by our agreement. This is to notify you that no exploration work was done,by Bear Creek Mining Company during the period April 1, 1962 through September 30, 1962. Very truly yours, Paul A. Bailly, President' - Moved by Mammoser and seconded by J. 0. Anderson to receive the foregoing communi- cation and place on file. Motion Carried. The following Report was read: PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1963 TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Gentlemen: We, the undersigned Committee: on Finance, Budget and Equalization, hereby submit 40 our report and recommendations for 1963. VALUATION The Supervisor of Assessments recommends a true value of $37,5309905.00. The legal limit of taxation for County purposes is if exclusive of debt items. The follow- ing Budget is under the limitation by $25,245.88. November 15, 1962 SANATORIUM The needed changes have been made on the Sanatorium proper for dual use of the institution. However the Industrial Commission will not give its approval for dual use until such time as a fire escape is built on the nurses home. We recommend dual use of the institution as soon as practical because of the small patient load. WELFARE This continues to be one. of the larger items in the budget. State and Federal aid is reflected according to costs.in the revenue section of the budget. REST HOME The Rest Home•is operating to full capacity most of the time. Dual use of the Sanatorium would make more beds available for patients. MOBILE LIBRARY SERVICE The education &.library committee will submit a report covering details. Our share of costs for a continuation of this service in 1963 is included in the budget. DOCK AND AIRPORT We have not included any item in the budget for the support of these services. HIGHWAY AND BRIDGES Highway expenditures are financed entirely from gas tax and automobile revenues, with the exception of County Bridge Aid to Districts. The County Bridge Aid for 1963 is estimated at $149533.38 an increase of '$6,243.48. COUNTY AND CIRCUIT COURTS The Courts'were combined as of the first of this year. We have tried to adjust the budget accordingly but there may be more accurate budgeting after a full year of expenditures are available. VETERANS`SERVICE OFFICER & CIVIL DEFENSE CO—ORDINATOR We have adjusted the budget costs on the recommendation of the personnel committee. More particularly as to division of salaries. This was done for. -two reasons, namely, to more accurately charge the accounts properly and to get additional matching funds. TAX DEEDS We recommend taking tax deeds on the two oldest tax certificate years the coming year. If approved by the board it will be necessary to adjust this budget item. PLAT BOOKS At the present rate of sale, the supply of plat books will last until about the end of next year. We are recommending that new ones be printed and brought up to date. AIR PORT & DOCK COMMITTEE This committee will make a separate report. We have not included any appropria— tion in the budget for these items. AUDIT The audit report for 1961 operation has been completed. The auditor explained his report in detail. We recommend acceptance of his proposal for audit of 1962 records, FINANCE If the County Board adopts a.building program, it will be necessary to borrow in large amounts,at.such times of the. year that cash is low. It may not be necessary to bond. The banks within the County may be able to furnish the necessary funds. 496 November 15, 1962 EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT:., 1962 Appropriation County Board 89500.00 County Clerk 119500.00 County Treasurer 91300.00 Assessment & Addressograph 59000.00 District Attorney 69000.00 Family Court Commissioner 19200.00 County Surveyor 500.00 County Court 31400.00 Circuit Court 79800.00 Juvenile Court 400.00 Coroner 800.00 Court House 81000.00 Elections 39600.00, Special Accounting & Auditing 29525.00 Liability & Compensation Insurance 750-00 Total 699275.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY: Sheriff .S 27,920.00 County Traffic Officer 59815.00 Crime Laboratory 637.50 Register of Deeds Civil Defense County Share -Cost of Fighting Forest Fires County Forest Ranger 119145.00 39400.00 300.00 6,550.00 Total S 559767.50 HEALTH, CONSERVATION & SANITATILON: Tri-County Sanatorium b 449400.00 Patients at State & Other Co. Sanitoria 91857.83* T. B. State Charges none* Watershed Management Conservation Fund Public Health Nurse Total EDUCATION: County Superintendent of Schools County Library Committee Supervising Teacher *State Special'Charges 2,000.00 8,800.00 llj 300.00 769357.83 13-9840.00 200.00 79700.00 Recommended for 1963 92000.00 129200.00 99000.00 4, 300.00 11,900.00 19200.00 400.00 79500.00 10,500.00 400.00 800.00 9,000.00 29100.00 2,525.00 850.00 819675.00 $ 299460.00 69240.00 375.00 49875.00 200.00 6,730.00 58,930.00 529352.00 12,275.83* None* 29000.00 9:350.00-R. 15,575.00-R. S 91,552.83-R. 79253.07 250.00 none - -- - - - .. ._. r�. WE Revised 10,350.00 11,575.00 88,552.83 November 15, 1962 EDUCATION: EXPENDITURES (00 T'D.) 1962 Appropriation Tuition Outside Training Schools Bookmobile County Agricultural Agent Aid to Common Schools County School Committee Vocational Education Education -Handicapped Total �HARITIES & CORRECTIONS:, elfare Administration lutdoor Poor Relief - ,land Pensions & Medical surplus Commodities �oldiers Relief eterans Service Officer nsane in Outside Institutions ail & Sheriff°s Residence ndustrial School for Boys is. Colony & Training Schools 'is. Home for Women emporary Care of Dependent hildren . A. A. & Medical id to Disabled & Medical ndustrial School - Girls 49 000.00 8,362.00 139950.00 259550.00 :300.00 `19600.00 2,500.00 3- 78,002.00 429000.00 4, 0.00.00 79 750.00 99000.00 500. 00** 4,275.00 33,806.06* 39900.00 724.10* 5,200.73* none 200.00. 5009000.�OO 509000.00 742.30* State Special Charges *Not under 1% Limitation for County Taxes .D.C. & Foster Homes & edical 98,000.00 torte General Hospital 99942.94* est Home 1029150.00 tate Orthopedic Hospital 778.62* isconsin Child Center 39092.41* alvation Army 200.00 hildrens Service Society 200.00 tate Diagnostic Center 58.57* tate Reformatory 803.40* tate Crime Laboratory 637.50* ivision of Correction 483.60* Total 8789445.23 State Special Charges Recommended for 1963 $ 4,000.00 49850.00 14,475.00 249500.00 300.00 2,500.00 12500.00 599628.07 509000.00 39500.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 500.00** 59300.00 37,756.57* 49000.00 404.03* 59291.79* 439.68* 200.00 4759000.00 609000.00 731.90* 1039000.00 99598,07* 1019600.00 21.79* 39118.48* 200.00 200.00 62.14* 413.97* none 822.54* 8789160.96 Revised November 159 1962 UNCLASSIFIED: County Fair Tax Deed Work - Repairs to Tax Deed Property Severance tax Due State Contingency Fund Social Security Civil Defense. Industrial Development Five County Planning & Zoning State Retirement Total Total Maintenance EXPENDITURES (.CONT'D.) 1962 Recommended Appropriation for 1963 17,255.00 189385.00-R. 3,700.00 49500.00-R. 200.00 200.00 15,000.00 209000.00, ..101000.00 259245.88-R. 39500.00 49000.00 39400.00 none 19000.00 800.00 19000.00 19125.93 92000.00 3,500.00 649055.00 779756.81-R. 8 19209028.06 Revised 199385-. 00 59000.00 229745.88 76,756.81 $ 192479703.67-R. $ 1,2439703.67 OUTLAY GENERAL GOVERNMENT: County Clerk 695.00 $ none County Treasurer none 250.00 County Court 700.00 none Plat Books none 4000.00 Court House 150.00 none Circuit Court. .580.00 150.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY: District Attorney none none Sheriff 2,850.00 39500.00 Register of Deeds 210.00 none Traffic Officer 29975.00 100.00 Civil Defense- 75.00 29000.00 Veterans Service Office 200.00 100.00 EDUCATION: County Superintendent none none County Agent 'none 250.00 HEALTH, CONSERVATION & SANITATION:, County Nurse 210.00 County Parks 19200.00 County Forestry 39000.00 Sanatorium _..3,000.00 Dams none CHARITIES & CORRECTIONS: Welfare Administration 416.00 Rest Home lt500.O0 none 29000.00 none none 3,000._00 180.00 1,500.00 November,, .15, .1962 400(1 1� OUTLAY HIGHWAY: County Bridge Aid Total Outlay GRANT TOTAL - EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT: County Tax Levy (1%) Tax for Soldier's Relief Total TAXES:: EXPENDITURES (CONT'D.) 1962 Appropriation 89 289.90 8 239348.90 1,241,213.96 R E V E N U E S 8 3439936.96 500.00** S 344,436.96 Income Tax for County -8 161000.00 Occupational Tax 300.00 Tax Fees & Penalties 14,500.00 Inheritance Tax for County 500.00 Utility Tax from State 22,500.00 Forest Crop Tax from Districts 3 �700.00 8 579500.00 **Not under 1% limitation for county taxes FEES & COSTS: Count:' OLerk's Earning G ounty Court Earning & Probate Fees Circuit Court Earnings Register of Deed's Earnings Sheriff's Earnings Total LICENSES & PERMITS:.° Dog Licenses FINES, FORFEITS & PENALTIES: Penal Fines Due County County Traffic Ordinance Fines & Forfeitures Total 150.00 'r,t) 1,525.00 200.00 69000.00 50.00 159925.00 none 900.00 2, 0`00.00 $ 2,900.00 Recommended for 1963 $ 14,533.38 329063.38 1027/9/ 767.05 8 3759309.05 500.00** $ 3759809.05 8 189000.00 175.00 149500.00 500.00 239000.00 3,300.00 59,475.00 150.00 19500.00 300.00 59500.00 100.00 79550.00 none 1,000.00 9,000.00 3 • 10, 000.00 Revised 500 November 15, 1962 RE VENUES.(CONT'D.) 1962 Recommended Revised Appropriation for 1963 GIFTS & GRANTS: - State Aid - Sanatorium $ 239000.00 299508.00 11 " Blind 59362.00 49500.00 Supervising Teacher 79500.00 none t1 " A.D.C. & Foster Homes 829500.00 f1 " 0. A.. A. 4469500.,-00 Welfare Administra- tion 259000.00 Total Disability 36,300.00 County Nurse 1,000.00 Polio Vaccine none Federal Aid County Nurse 29 100.00 Total $ 6299262.00 ALL OTHER GENERAL REVENUE: Indian - Law Enforcement 29500.00 Refunds O.A.A.-County Share 19800.00 Rest Horne 1009440.00 Civil Defense, 1,500.00 Gain on Sale of Tax Deed Property 159000.00 Sale of Wood-F.C.L. & Co. Land 609000.00 County Fair -'State Aid 4;000.00 County Fair Earnings 59-350.00 Sale of Plat Books 600.00 Total S 1911190.00 GRAND TOTAL $ 192419213.96 Respectfully submitted this 20 day of October 1962. 82,500.00 424,000.00 289800.00 469000.00 800.00 49000.00-R. 2,100.00 622,208.00..R. 3 21500.00 19800.00 1039680.00 19750.00 149000.00 709000.00 41700.00 59695.00 600.00 8 204,725.00. none S 618,208.00 $ 112799767.05 $ 1,2759767..05 FINANCE AND BUDGET COMMITTEE Raymond Mammoser, Chairman G. W. Frankie H. J. S. Hanson George Moniza Glenn Holman Edw. A. Pajala, Board Chairman Moved by Frankie.and seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing Budget as re- vised. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Arthur Hanson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart; Berweger, Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred And- erson, Elonen, Dennis Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Rondeau, Jr., Ernest Nelson, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Clarence A. Nelson, Justice, Wroblewski, Lindsey, Pajala Naves - None Ayes - 32 Nayes - 0 Total - 32 Motion Carried. 501 iovember 1.5,. 1962 The following Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Bay'field County, Wisconsin, assembled in annual session this 15 day of November 1962 that there be and is hereby levied against all the taxable property in Bayfield County, the following items to wit: State Tax for Forest purposes under Sec. 70.58 (2) 79506.18 Common School tax under Section 59.07 (21) 24,500.00 "Soldiers Relief 500.00 For all other items of the budget the sum of 350,809.05 $$ 383, 315.23 R. J. Mammoser Glenn 0. Holman G.-William Frankie Henry J. S. Hanson George Moniza FINANCE COMMITTEE Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Frankie to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Mammoser, Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Dennis Johnson., Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Rondeau, Jr., Ernest Nelson, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Clarence A. Nelson, Justice,.Wroblewski,­ Lindsey, Pajala Nayes _ None . . Ayes - 32 Nayes - 0 Total - 32 Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, it is desirable to increase the water level on Iron Lake in order to correct a problem of weeds and to set a definite elevation so that the adjoining land owners in building docks that they will not be under water at times and out of water at other times, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Conservation Committee be authorized and directed to petition the State Public Service Commission to establish a higher elevation of water level, FURTHER:,: that the committee secure flowage easements, engage engineering services, call for bids and other necessary,.details in the. construction of a dam at the outlet of Iron Lake, FURTHER, that the Town of Hughes in which.the dam site is located participate in the cost of this work to the extent of not to exceed 50% exclusive of engineering services. L. F. Chambers November 15, 1962 Moved by Tribovich and seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that all outstanding checks of Bayfield County dated prior. to January 19 1962 be written off the records as of December 31, 1962. 'R. J.' Mammoser G. William Frankie Henry J. S. Hanson FINANCE COMMITTEE Moved by Mammoser.and seconded by H. J. S. Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, it appears advisable to take -tax deeds on.two years in 1963, namely cov- ering the sales of 1958 and 1959, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED,, that the County Clerk and County Treasurer be .authorized and directed to take tax deed,on the, -'Sales of 1958 and 1959 during the year of 1963 by IN REM proceedure under Section 75.-521. R. J. Mammoser G. William Frankie Henry J. S. Hanson FINANCE COMMITTEE. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by J•...,O.:.Anderson to adopt the foregoing Resolution Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that Bayfield County purchase the excess delinquent tax accounts of the various taxing districts for the tax of 1957. R. J. Mammoser G. William Frankie Henry J. S. Hanson FINANCE COMMITTEE. Moved by Mammoser and seconded.by- Tribovich to. adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes -.Sampson,- Mammoser,.Barningham, Howell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson:, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Peterson, J. 0. Sanfred Anderson Anderson.,AElonen, Dennis Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Rondeau, Jr., Ernest Nelson, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Clarence A. Lp November 15, 1962 Nelson, Justice, Wroblewski; 'L nd'sey","-P'ajala* Nayes - None Ayes - .3.3 Nayes - 0 Total - 33 Motion Carried. -Moved by Tribovich and seconded by J. 0. Anderson that the Welfare Committee be directed to check on the food stamp plan and report back in the Spring. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: _ BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED., by the County.Board of Bayfield County assembled this 151-h day of November, 1962, that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and the Chairman and County Clerk are instructed to issue checks for the amount of such items listed below: Name County Board Work Total Per Diem Mileage George Sampson 36.00 3.36 39®36 Raymond. ,J.- Mammoser ., 36.00 2:3..73 59.73 W. C. Barningham 36.00 4.62 40.62 Kenneth C. Howell 36.00 1.26 37.26 Nick Pr.istash 36.00 9.66 45.66 Walter Kliszcz 36.00 20.37 56.37 Onne Beeksma 24.00 8.96 32.96 Arthur C. Hanson 36.00 1 12.60 48.60 Bernard E. Johnson 36.00 18.06 54.06 Ernest Heglund 36.00 6.30 42.30 L. F. Chambers' 36.00 16.28 52.28 Frank Hoefling 36.00 13.44 49.44. W. A. Stuart 36.00 9.66 45.66 George Moniza 36.00 7.77 43.77 Joseph Berweger -36,.00 10.92 46.92 William Peterson 36.00 9.66 45.66 John 0. Anderson 36.00 18.63 54.63 Sanfred Anderson 36.00 20.58 56.58 Toivo Elonen 36.00 16.38 52.38 Joe Lupa 12.00 2.45 14.45 Dennis Johnson 36.00 17.64 53.64 Howard Sibbald 36.00 11.97 47.97 Paul Tribovich 36.00 10.50 46.50 G. William Frankie 36.00 15.96 51.96 5011. November;1591962 Board Work Total Name County Per Diem Mileage Thomas E. Rondeau 36.00 .19.74 55.74 Ernest Nelson 36..00 9.24 45.24 Ed. Jelinek 36.00 5.04 41.04 Walter Wasmuth 36.00 5.04 41.04 Henry J. S. Hanson 36.00 5.04 41.04 K. P. Bates 24.00 3.36 27.36 Richard Holman 24.00 .28 240'28 Arthur A. Anderson •36.00 .42 - 36.42 Glenn 0. Holman 24.00 .28 24.28 Louis Justice 36.00 .42 36.42 John F. Wroblewski 36.00 .42 36.42 Phillip Lindsey 36.00 .63 36.63 Edward A. Pajala 4.62 4.62 Clarence A. Nelson 12.00 .14 12.14 Totals b 1236.00 8 345.43 a 1581.43 Presented by: R. J. Mammoser Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Ernest Nelson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll Call was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Mammoser,, Barninghan,,_How,ell, Pristash, Kliszcz, Arthur Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Chambers, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Peterson, J. 0. Anderson, Sanfred Anderson, Elonen, Dennis Johnson, Sibbald, Tribovich, Frankie, Ron- deau, Jr.,•Ernest Nelson, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Henry J. S. Hanson, Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Clarence A. Nelson, Justice, Wroblewski, Lindsey, Pajala Nayes - None Ayes - 33 Nayes - 0 Total - 33 Motion Carried. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Pristash to adjourn. Motion Carried. udwig 7AAmal County Clerk Edward A. Paja a, Board Chairman