HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 4/20/1965111 — - --- April--20-; 1965- - -- - ------ -- — - - -- ------ -- — -- -- - 0 MINUTES OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD APRIL 20, 1965 Meeting called to order at 10:00 A..- M. by Thomas Rondeau, Vice Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Sampson,: Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Mesch,0-i:,vitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Frankie, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., SchraufnageL:, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Bates, Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Vienneau, Justice, Wroblewski, Lindsey, Total 37. Motion made by Bernard E. Johnson and seconded by Howell to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the November meeting. Motion Carried. The chair declared that the first order of business be the election of the Chairman of the Board. The following.nominations were made: Thomas Rondeau G. Wm. Frankie Moved by Justice and seconded by Bernard E. Johnson to close nominations. Motion Carried. The chair appointed Richard Holman and K. C. Howell to act as ballot clerks. The resultsof the first ballot were as follows: Thomas Rondeau 14 G. Wm. Frankie 23 Total 37 The chair declared Frankie elected as Chairman of the Board. Mr. Frankie took the chair. The next order of business was the election of a Vice Chairman. The following nominations were made: Thomas Rondeau George Moniza Art Hanson April 202 19-6.5 Moved by B. E. Johnson and seconded by Lupa to close the nominations. Motion Carried. The chair appointed the same ballot clerks to serve. The results of the first ballot,were as follows: Thomas Rondeau 17 George Moniza 15 Art Hanson 5 Total 3? As there was not a majority the chair ordered another vote to be taken. The results of the second ballot were as follows: Thomas Rondeau 21 George Moniza 14 Art Hanson 1 Art Anderson 1 Total 3? The chair declared Thomas Rondeau elected as Vice Chairman. The following Resolution: ALLOCATION OF STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTMENT FOR 1966 - BAYFIELD COUNTY WHEREAS the State Highway Commission has estimated that the sum of $121,000 will become available from the appropriation of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966, under Sections 20,420(?5) and 84.03(3), to be allotted and expended by the State Highway Commission in accordance with the provisions of Section 84.06 for the construction, re- construction, and improvement of the state trunk highway system and connecting streets upon projects which have been approved by this county, but subject to the provisions of Section 84.03(4) relative to the retirement of bonds, and WHEREAS there has been received from the State Highway Commission its determina- tion as to the proposed projects and the proposed allocation.of such sum, BE IT RESOLVED that such projects and the allocation of such sum be approved as hereinafter set forth: improvement of portions of the The sum of $121,000 for the following highways; U. S. Highway 2 between S. Highway 63 and the east county line, approximately 4.38 miles, and WHEREAS there has been received from the State Highway Commission its determina- tion as to proposed projects and the proposed allocation of an unexpended balance from allotments of previous years under Section 20.420(75) and 84.03(3), BE IT RESOLVED that such projects and the allocation of such balance be approved as hereinafter set forth: The sum of $38,000 for the improvement of portions of U. S. Highway 2 between U. S. Highway 63 and the east county line, approximately 4.38 miles. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the County Board on April 20, 1965. Edward Pajala, County Clerk Presented by: C. Frank Hoefling Joseph.Berweger Walt e rim.pmuth "I: ;Z-ke- , M! - - - - - - -April -20,- -1965 - - - - Martin Olson, Division engineer of the State Highway Commission commented on the highway construction program outlined in the foregoing resolution. Motion was made by Berweger.and seconded by Sanfred Anderson to adopt the fore- going resolution. Motion Carried. The following Report was read: THE STATE OF-WISCONSIN STATE DEPARTiVIENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE April 12, 1965 Edward A. Pajala, Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse, Mashburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: We enclose a copy of the report on-Bayfield County Rest Home (Bayfield County) made by our representative on the basis of visits within the last year. Very truly yours, Thomas J. Lucas, Director DIVISION OF PUBLIC ASSISTANCE Bayfield County Rest Home (Bayfield County) Date of Visit: April 8, 1965 Date of Report: April 9, 1965 Preface: This is a small home with limited areas for activity and little or no storage room for supplies; many of the residents work in their rooms on handicrafts, however --sewing or knitting, even whittling.. ACTIVITIES• An activity aide works one morning a week with six or eight residents in crafts -- happily working on mosaics, arranging plastic flowers for centerpieces, making looper clip pot holders, crocheting and embroidery, making tote bags, etc., which they sell from a show case; several people with crippled hands and visually handicapped are quite busy. They occasionally play bingo or have records played on a Hi Fi, in the summer sit outside under big umbrellas, play ringtoss or beachball, listen to a concertina.played by an employee. Four women get together for Finnish religious services one evening a week. VOLUNTEERS: The last of their volunteers is a Gray Lady, herself now too ill for regular visits. Two or three years ago there were several Gray Ladies coming in weekly; a librarian comes in occasionally with books. RECOY1 ENDATI ONS : The home may want to consider the following ideas for expanding a program: 1. Toy rifle practice or bowling for wheelchair residents; Build -it -kits, link belts, copper tooling, for men; floral ribbon sachet, textile painting, for women; poetry reading class for anyone who can hear. 2. Making contacts with community groups or individual volunteers might be useful in taking residents for rides, perhaps taking them to their homes for coffee or tea, - April -20;- -1965 -- - - escorting them outside and visiting, doing oral quizzes or playing beachball, meeting with two or three who like poetry or will have a discussion class together, conduct some sing-alongs. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Justice to receive the report and place on file. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: 13 February 1965 Mr. Gordon McConnell Superintendent of Schools Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. McConnell: This is to let you know that Mr. Ray Mammoser has been appointed to serve on the i�},terim County School Committee. This is just for the 71._._ . period until the County Board meets in April. I am sure that he will do a good job as a member of this committee. Yours truly, cc:Mr. Ray_Mammoser Thomas E. Rondeau Solon Springs, Wisconsin Mr. Ed. Pgjala Bayfield County Clerk Motion made by Moniza and seconded by Justice to confirm the appointment of Ray Mammoser as a member of the Bayfield County School Committee. Motion Carried. The following communication from W. E. Glickman, C. P. A. was read:: To the Finance Committee Bayfield County October 22, 1964 Washburn";. Wisconsin Gentlemen: I submit my application to audit the Bayfield County records and books of account for the year ending December 31, 1964 at a per diem rate of $60.00, $40.00 and $30.00 for senior, semi -senior and junior accountants respectively. It is estimated that the cost of the general county audit will total two thousand six hundred dollars ($2,600.00). The condition of the records will determine the ultimate cost of the audit. Included in this quote is an estimate of $100.00 for the annual state report. For the 1965 county fair audit, we submit, as in the prior years, an estimate of $175.00 which is in addition to the general county audit. The audit will include, the records of the General County, Register of Deeds, Clerk of Circuit Court, County Court, Highway Department and County Rest Home, as in previous examinations of Bayfield County. Respectively submitted, W. E. Wickman Certified Public Accountant By:J.H.Maitland -----April 20, 1965 -- _ Included in above - - - The audit shall be completed by October 15, 1965. Recommend to County Board for approval 12/23/64 George Moniza Ernest Nelson Louis H. Justice G. William Frankie J. H. Maitland - for W. E. Wickman On motion made by Moniza and seconded by Stuart to accept the quotation of W. E. Wickman for audit for the Bayfield County records for the year ending December 1964 as recommended by the Finance Committee. Motion Carried. The following communication from the U. S. Department of Interior was read: Agricultural Research Center Beltsville, Maryland bounty Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: March 15, 1965 This is to request permission to examine the core from certain drill holes put down by the Bear Creek Mining Company in the southern part of Bayfield County. These cores, designated by the letters WC, are now stored in the U. S. Bureau of Nines Core Library, Minneapolis.. In the hope that you will be able to grant us permission to study this drill core, and with best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Walter S. White, Geologist Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Art Hanson to authorize the examination of the drill cores as requested on the condition that Bayfield County shall receive a report of the findings. Motion Carried. A discussion was held on the feasibility of the County Clerk having his secretary take the minutes of the Board meeting in short hand to release the Clerk of the duty l of taking the minutes. Moved by Barningham and seconded by Sampson to try out the procedure at the September meeting. Motion carried. - -- -April--20,--1965 The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Northern Natural Gas Company proposes to construct a pipe line through portions of Bayfield County,and through certain county owned lands as set forth in Exhibit A hereto annexed, and WHEREAS, Said Northern Natural Gas Company has requested the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County to grant said Company a pipe line easement on said lands, a copy of said proposed easement being attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution, and WHEREAS, Said Northern Natural Gas Company has proposed to pay Bayfield County one Dollar ($1.00) per lineal rod. -'-as compensation for said easement, together with damages for forest crop severance as may be determined by the Bayfield County Forest. Administrator, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the form and content of the proposed pipe line easement be and the same is hereby approved, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the compensation for said easement, together with damag- es resulting from forest crop severance as hereinabove set forth be and the same is hereby approved, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper officers of Bayfield County be and they are hereby authorized to execute and deliver to said Northern Natural Gas Company an easement containing the conditions, requirements and obligations as set forth in the copy of the pipe line easement hereinabove referred to, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That prior to the execution and delivery of the aforesaid easement to said Northern Natural Gas Company, said Company shall file with the Clerk of Bayfield County three copies of the survey of the exact location of said pipe line as it may affect Bayfield County lands included in the aforesaid schedule, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the aforesaid pipe line easement before delivery to said Northern Natural Gas Company shall bear the written approval of the Bayfield County District Attorney and the Bayfield County Forest Administrator in addition to those officers required by law to execute said easement.. (Signed) BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE W. A. Stuart Ernest Heglund Phillip L. Lindsey Walter Barningham Thomas E. Rondeau PIPELINE EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the COUNTY OF BAYFIELD, STATE OF WISCONSIN, hereinafter referred to as Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) per lineal rod and other valuable considerations, the receipt of which is .hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto NORTHERN NATURAL GAS COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, hereinafter referred to as Grantee, and to its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and easement to construct, maintain and operate pipelines, and appurten- ances thereto, over, under, across and through a strip of land seventy-five feet (75 ft.) in width across the following described lands situated in the Co4nty of Bayfield and State of Wisconsin, to -wit: All of those certain tracts or parcels of land described on Exhibit "All attached hereto TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto said NORTHERN NATURAL GAS COMPANY, its successors and assign: together with the right of ingress to and egress from said premises across the adjacent April 20, 1965 lands of the Grantor for the purpose of constructing, inspecting, repairing, maintaining, replacing, re -sizing, or removing the property of the Grantee located thereon at the will of the Grantee; it being the intention of the parties hereto that the Grantor may continue to use the surface of the easement strip conveyed hereby for all agricultural purposes, pasturage or other purposes; provided, however, that Grantor shall not con- struct or permit to be constructed anything upon the easement strip which would inter- fere with Grantee's exercise of the rights hereby conveyed. It,is further agreed as follows: 1. That the balance of the consideration due from Grantee to Grantor (if any) shall be paid when the Grantee's first pipeline is constructed. 2. That during construction or removal of any pipeline the Grantee may utilize an additional strip of land not more than twenty-five feet (25 ft.) in width on each side of the easement strip referred to above for working space only. 3. That the Grantee will bury all line pipe to a sufficient depth so as not to interfere with the ordinary cultivation of the soil. 4. That the Grantee shall pay for all trees and timber which it destroys at the regular going rates for stumpage charged by Bayfield County, said stumpage to be estimat- ed by the Bayfield County Forestry Department. 5. The rights of the Grantee shall apply only to the particular parcel ,of land granted in this easement and Grantee shall have no right of any nature whatsoever to enter upon adjoining County lands or lands outside of the right-of-way for any purpose whatsoever. 6. Grantee shall refrain from spraying rights -of -way for the destruction of trees, shrubs and other plants without thereafter cutting and properly disposing of the dead trees and shrubs on said rights -of -way resulting from said spraying for the purpose of avoiding unsightly conditions, detracting from scenic beauty and possibilities of fire hazards. 7. Grantee shall have the right to cut and trim branches of trees overhanging the right-of-way, but shall have no right to go outside of the right-of-way to cut trees, pile brush and debris or to bulldoze and construct access roads, except upon written consent of the forest Administrator. 8. Grantee shall take all necessary precautions to prevent the obliteration of landmarks relating to corners and monuments including all corners, bearing trees, bench marks and other Government and private survey references. Grantee has been notified of the penalties for unlawful obliteration of corners and landmarks as set forth in Section 59.635 of the Wisconsin Statutes. 9. That Grantee shall, in the clearing of rights -of -way and construction thereof, comply with all of the laws of the State and County concerning the cutting of forest products and disposition of slash and shall be more specifically prohibited from wind- rowing slash in, along or upon said rights -of -way and adjoining lands. 10.. That the exact location of the easement snip conveyed hereby shall be deter- mined by the construction of Grantee's first pipeline, and shall thereupon be establish- ed as being fifteen feet (15 ft.) on the Northerly side and sixty feet (60 ft.) on the Southerly side of the centerline thereof. 91R -- April _20,---1965 - - -- 11. That in the event that the Grantee or its assigns shall at any time construct one or more additional -lines of pipe within its easement strip the then owner of the lands subject to this easement shall be entitled to receive'an additional consideration of $1.00 per lineal rod for each pipeline so constructed. 12. That the rights of the Grantee may be assigned in whole or in part. 13. That this instrument contains the entire agreement of the parties; that there are no other or different agreements or understandings between the Grantor and the Grantee or its agents; and that the Grantor, in executing and delivering this instrument, has not relied upon any promises, inducements, or representations of the Grantee or its agents or employees, except such as are set forth herein. This instrument and the covenants and agreements herein contained shall inure to; the benefit of and be binding and obligatory upon the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Dated this day of , 19 . EXHIBIT "All ( BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN ) Township L7 North, Range 5 West SWI NW4 Sec. 15 Township 47 North, Range 7 West SW4 SE4 Sec. 8 SE4 SE4 Sec. 8 Township 47 North, Range 8 West NEI NW4 Sec. 7 Ni NW4 NW4 Sec. 7 SJ S114 NW4 Sec. 7 (less platted part) Si NWI NWI Sec. 7 (less platted part) SEI NEI Sec. 8 (part interest) SWI NEI Sec. 9 SE4 NEI Sec. 9 SW4 NW4 Sec. 9 SE4 NV14 Sec. 9 NEI SWI Sec. 9 NE4 SE1- Sec. 9 NWI SEI Sec. 9 SW4 NWI Sec. 10 NW4 SWI Sec. 10 SE4 SE4 Sec. 12 SW4 SE4 Sec. 12 NEI SW4 Sec. 12 NW4 SW4 Sec. 12 8W4 SW4 Sec. 12 SE4 SW4 Sec. 12 Township L�7 North, Range 9 West NW4 SE4 Sec. 7 SW4 NV14 Sec. 8 SE4 NW1: Sec. 8 SVJI NEI Sec. 8 NW4 SW4 Sec. 8 NWI SE4 Sec. 8 NEI NW4 Sec. 9 NEI NE4 Sec. 9 ' NW4 NE4 Sec. 9 NW4 NW4 Sec. 10 NEI NW4 Sec. 11 NW4 NWI Sec. 11 NE4 NE4 Sec. 11 NWI NEI Sec. 11 M114 NW4 Sec. 12 NEI NEI Sec. 12 Moved by Sampson and seconded by Moniza to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion carried. April 20-1 1965 - The following communication from the Forestry Committee was read: Washburn, Wisconsin April 20, 1965 To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: Reference is made to a previous County Board resolution recorded in Volume 11, page 448, pertaining to the sale of County owned lands within Federal Forest ownership to anyone other than the Federal Forest Service. The question now being put to the County Board of Supervisors is whether or not this policy should be continued. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY C014MITTEE W. A. Stuart Ernest Heglund Walter Barningham Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Hanson and seconded by Berweger to withhold action pending further study. Motion .Carried. i The following Report of the Forestry Committee was read: Washburn, Wisconsin April 20, 1965 To the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: Reference is made to a 4-H Association Petition requesting certain County owned lands. This matter was referred to your Forestry Committee by the County Board at their November 13, 1964 meeting for a recommendation from the Forestry Committee to the County Board. Your Forestry Committee has considered the possibility of leasing this land to the 4-H Association and the State has been contacted as to rules and regulations concerning a lease. The restrictions. and requirements of the lease do not appear to be acceptable to the 4-H Association. Your Forestry Committee feels that it would be advisable to give this matter furth- er study as to the possibility of finding a suitable location on lands other than Forest Crop. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE W. A. Stuart Ernest Heglund Phillip L. Lindsey Walter Barningham Thomas E. Rondeau Motion was made by Stuart and seconded by Art Hanson that the Forestry Committee with the assistance of the District Attorney prepare a resolution on the above matter and present it to the Board for consideration. Motion Carried. 120 April-20, 1965 - The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, productive soil, adequate water, and well -managed woodland are the very foundations of American agriculture, and WHEREAS, the Agricultural Conservation Program is a means through which all people, including farmers, share the costs of conserving these essential natural resources, and WHEREAS, this program increases the rate of application of research, education, technical, credit and other services of the Department of Agriculture in actual accom- plishments of essential conservation work on the land, and WHEREAS, the technical assistance offered by the Soil Conservation Service has been necessary to put the A. C. P. and other Soil and Water Conservation practices into use, and WHEREAS, that A. C. P. cost sharing funds have been a catalyst for the cause of conservation, and WHEREAS, a cut in agricultural Conservation Program funds as well as a cut in funds necessary for giving technical assistance to landowners on Soil & Water Conservation problems would tend to kill the incentive and initiative on the part of landowners and Soil Conservation Districts to'promote and perform Soil & Water Conservation practices, and WHEREAS, no State or Federal program has had a more lasting effect on the economy of our nation and on the beautification of the American landscape, NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Bayfield County Board go on record as being opposed to reducing Federal A.. C. P. cost sharing funds by 100 million dollars and to the establishment of a "Revolving Fund" through which landowners would be charged 20 million dollars for Soil Conservation Service technical assistance to Soil Conservation Districts. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be directed to send copies of this resolution to the President of the United States, Senator Gaylord Nelson, Senator William Proxmire, Congressman Alvin E. 0°Konski, Senator Frank W. Christopherson, Jr., Assemblyman Bernard-ehrmann,and Governor Warren Knowles. 4.- 20- 65 Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE W. A. Stuart Walter Barningham Phillip L. Lindsey Ernest Heglund Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Lindsey and seconded by Art Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution., Motion Carried. April -209- -1965_ - - - R The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Lawrence.Young is presently employed as the Bayfield County Court House janitor and custodian of the Court House grounds and premises, and WHEREAS, Said janitor was employed and his salary established prior to the erection of the new addition to said Court House, and WHEREAS, The work load of said janitor and custodian has been substantially increased by said addition, and WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable by the Building and Grounds Committee of this Board to increase the salary of said janitor to compensate him for said additional duties, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the salary of the janitor and custodian of the Court House and Court House premises be increased in the amount of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per month, to be effective on the first day of May, 1965. Howard Sibbald Ed. Jelinek Art A. Anderson Richard L. Holman G. Hall ;Evald Johnson K. C. Howell Moved by Evald Johnson and second by Ed. Jelinek to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Howell to amend the foregoing Resolution to also grantn$10.00 per month increase NoSLorraine Young, Assistant to the janitor effective May 1, 1965. Motion to Amend carried. ,A roll call vote to adopt the Resolution as amended was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Meschei,vitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Frankie, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel�, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Bates, Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Vienneau, Justice, Wroblewski, Lindsey Nayes - None Ayes - 37 Nayes - 0 Total - 37 Motion Carried. Motion made by Moniza and seconded by Justice to adjourn until 1:30 P.-M. Motion Carried. 122 April. 20', 1965 Meeting called to order at 1:30 P.M. by G. Wm. Frankie, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Meschei.vitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnage,,, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Bates, Holman, Arthur A. And- erson, Vienneau,'Justiee, Wroblewski, Lindsey, Frankie - Total 37. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County is required by the provisions of Section 59.74 (1) of the Wisconsin -Statutes to designate one or more banks within,_the_.County_as-_county depositories, and WHEREAS, There are three banks located within the confines of Bayfield County, to -wit: The Washburn State Bank of Washburn, Wisconsin, the Security State Bank of Port Wing, Wisconsin and the Drummond State Bank of Drummond, Wisconsin, all of which are authorized to accept Bayfield County funds as such depository, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That all of the aforesaid banks be and they are hereby designated as depositories for Bayfield County funds under the provisions of the aforesaid Section of the Wisconsin Statutes and the County Treasurer is hereby direct--; ed to deposit said funds in said banks in such amounts as may be practical and reason- able in the operation of the County Treasurer's office. George Moniza Thomas E.-Rondeau Louis H. Justice Bernard E. Johnson Moved by/BKxm: and seconded by Herman Hanson to adopt the Resolution. Moved -by Stuart and seconded by Howell to amend the Resolution to include the Northern State Bank at Mason. Motion to amend carried. , Motion to adopt the Resolution as amended carried. The following Petition was read; TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: The undersigned employees of Bayfield County hereby petition the above said Board and Committee to consider and take such action as may be necessary to provide an increasE in compensation for the undersigned employees which will reflect a'merit increase, cost of living increase and which will approximate the schedule of compensation paid to the municipal employees and welfare employees in like positions. Said Board and Committee is further petitioned to take action to provide for a reasonable increase in such compensation on a blanket or percentage basis to be effec- tive January 1, 1966, and to initiate such further action as may be necessary to re- evaluate all of the undersigned positions and to establish a schedule of base pay, plus merit increases and fringe benefits, similar to the Wisconsin Civil Service compensation program, to be effective not later than January 1, 1967. The County Board and Personnel Committee hereof is further petitioned to permit a - - April 20,-1965 - - committee representing the undersigned employees to meet with said Personnel Committee in support of this petition, upon at least ten days notice to any one of the under- signed employees. Respectfully submitted, Gale Celinsky, Deputy Treasurer Lillian B. Cleary, Forestry Office June Eskola, Vets. Service Office Beatrice Kelly, Agric. Office Mary MacDonald, Deputy Reg. of Deeds Mabel Moland, .Deputy Co. Clerk Ruth Pristash, Co. Nurse's Office Irene Sieren, District Atty Office Betty Terlson, Co. Clerk's Office Violet Weber, Deputy Clerk of Court Irene Wedin, Reg. of Deed's Office Judy Nelson, Co. Clerk's Office Delores Niska, Agric. Office. Motion was made by Moniza and seconded by Justice to refer the foregoing Petition to the Personnel Committee. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, The Division of Probation and Parole of the State Department of Public Welfare has requested that Bayfield County provide office space in the Court House for an agent of said Department, to be used by said agent to carry on his work and acti- vities in Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, Said request has been considered by the Building and Grounds Committee and it appears advisable to provide said office space, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Department of Probation and Parole of the State Department of Public Welfare be and it is hereby authorized to occupy office space in the Bayfield County Court House, said office space to be determined by the aforesaid Building and Grounds Committee. Edw. Jelinek Art A. Anderson K. C. Howell Moved by Sampson and seconded by Jelinek to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, the North one-half of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter (Nh of SW/ SWy4 ) of Section Ten (10) , Township Fifty ( 50 ) North of Range Four ( 4 ) West, less four acres deeded to the Town of Bayfield, and the West one-half of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter (W36 of SW)/ SWY) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Fifty (50) North of Range Four (4) West, now owned by Bayfield County having been acquired by Tax Deed, and WHEREAS, The Town of Bayfield is desirous of acquiring above descriptions for future development, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Supervisors sell the above said descriptions to The Town of Bayfield. The consideration of sale being 124 -- - - - ---- - --- April 20, 1965 - - - - - - the amount of delinquent taxes plus interest. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County Clerk'be, and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute a quit -claim deed in performance of this Resolution. Signed, Walter Barningham, Town Chairman Town of Bayfield Moved by Barningham and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Certain officers and employees, including County Board members, operate their private automobiles from time to time on County business, and WHEREAS, By virtue of said operation of said private automobiles, Bayfield County may become liable for negligent acts of the operators of said motor vehicles, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County is presently not protected against such liability,;and WHEREAS, The Insurance Committee of this Board of Supervisors has considered this matter and deems it advisable t'o procure proper insurance coverage to protect Bayfield County as to the aforesaid liabilities and contingencies, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Insurance Committee of this Board of Supervisors be and it is hereby authorized to procure the necessary liability insurance to protect Bayfield County from liability due to the operation of private automobiles on County Business, as more particularly set forth above. Louis H. Justice J. Lupa Joseph Berweger Moved by Justice and seconded by Lupa to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. A discussion was held on holding the open house and dedication of the new Bayfield County Administration Building. It was moved by Moniza and seconded by Sampson to authorize and direct the Public Property and Grounds Committee to make the plans for the dedication ceremony. Motion Carried. 125i -April -20,, -1965 - - A discussion was held in reference to the re -apportionment of the County Board as provided for by Senate Bill #1. The District Attorney explained the various provisions of the new law to the Board. The Chair appointed the following Board members to serve on the Re -apportionment Committee. Joseph Berweger, Chairman Louis Justice Walter Wasmuth Onne Beeksma George Moniza Thomas Rondeau G. Wm. Frankie The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County contains within its borders a tax exempt Indian Reserva- tion, namely, the Red Cliff Reservation, and WHEREAS, The County has incurred extra expense in law enforcement, arising by reason of Federal legislation removing Governmental controls over Indians and said Bayfield County appears to be eligible for assistance as provided under the provisions of Section 20.180 (11) of the Wisconsin Statutes, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, in annual session assembled, this 20h day of April, 1965, that application be and is hereby made to the State of Wisconsin,' for assistance under the provisions of Section 20.180 (11) of the Wisconsin Statutes, for law enforcement for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be certified by the County Clerk to the Attorney General of Wisconsin, with a request for certification of such application, as is required under the provisions of Section 20.180 (11) of the Wis- consin Statutes. Joe Lupa Moved by Lupa and seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The Following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Certain expenditures have been made by the Building Committee in the old Court House building and in moving the County offices which expenditures have not been.provided for in the 1965 budget, and WHEREAS, Certain funds were provided in the 1965 budget for the purchase of certain business machines, which are inadequate to cover the purchase price of said machines, and 126 - - -April 209---196-5 WHEREAS, The County Board has provided for an increase in the salary of the janitor and his helper in the amount of $$160.00.for the year 1965, which funds have not been provided for in the 1965 budget, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That sufficient funds be transferred -from the contingent fund to the proper funds to cover the aforesaid deficiencies, as follows: $$1200.00 to the building fund for additional moving costs; $2500.00 for painting, maintenance and operational expenses.for the Court House building, $160.00 to the janitor's salary account and $1000.00 to the County Clerk's Business Machine Fund. George Moniza Louise H. Justice Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Sampson and seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Me141eivitz, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto,. Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnag2)-, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Bates, Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Vienneau, Justice, Wroblewski, Lindsey, Frankie Nayes - none Ayes - 36 Nayes - 0 Total - 36 Motion Carried. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Lupa to adjour?,to April 21, 1965 at 10:00 A.M. Motion Carried. - - - - - April 21, 1965 ` - - -�- -- - - - Meeting called to order at 10:00 A.M. by G. Wm. Frankie, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Meschei.vitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson,- Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Justice, Lindsey, Frankie - Total 34 Absent - 3 The following communication was read: April 219 1965 Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Attention: Mr. Edward A. Pajala, County Clerk Dear Sir: Please be advised that the following Supervisors representing the City of Washburn for their respective ward will be unable to attend the Bayfield County session of date. Richard L. Holman lst Ward Lloyd J. Vienneau 3rd Ward John-F. Wroblewski 5Lh Ward Mr. Albert Garberg has been retained to serve.in lieu of Mr. Holman's absence. Mr. Elmer L. Wick has been retained to serve in lieu of Mr. Vienneau's absence. Mr. Elmer Wedin has been retained to serve in lieu of Mr. WroblewskiIsabsence. We ask that you respectfully approve these replacements and allow them to be seated accordingly. Respectfully, Wayne 0. Lowe, City Clerk, Washburn. Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Beeksma to seat Albert Garberg, Elmer Wick and Elmer Wedin. Motion Carried. Mr. Don Tervo appeared before the Board and discussed the proposed trade of County lands with the Federal Forest Service. The following communication was read: March 12, 1965 County Clerk, Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin. __ April 21, 1965_ _ --- -- ------ ---- - --- ----- - Dear Mr. Pajala: The Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians is in need of land for a public housing site. It has been determined that land owned by Bayfield County and ideally located in the Red Cliff Community, is suitable for public housing purposes. The lands are described as 26 acres, that part of Lot 3 lying west of State Highway No. 13, less B.H. & G.W. Ry. R/W, and, also less that part of Lot 3 lying west of B.H. & G.W. Ry. R/W, section 31, T. 51 N., R. 3 W., The Red Cliff Band would like to acquire this parcel with title to be vested in the United States of America in Trust for the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin, as provided by the Act of June 18, 1934 (48 Stat., 984). Our local housing authority has progressed to the point in planning, where the next step is the preparation of detailed plans by its architects of the site to be developed. It appears that until acquisition of the site is completed no further progress can be made towards public housing on this Reservation unless lands now owned by the Tribe, but less suitable for the purpose, are used. I am attaching a signed Resolution of the Council which authorizes the chairman or vice chairman to bid for the land and sign contracts necessary in the acquisition. The authorization also authorizes the payment of purchase price, fees, etc. Early consideration of this matter would be appreciated. Please keep Mr. E. J. Riley, Superintendent, Great Lakes Agency, Ashland, Wisconsin, advised of actions taken; by this land committee, and should a sale to the Tribe be finalized, the deed, resolu- tions of the committee, etc., should,be mailed directly to Mr. Riley. He will order the abstract of title as required, and submit the same to the Field Solicitor of the Department of the Interior for title examination prior to final approval of the deeds by the Area Director, Bureau of Indian Affairs. When the deed has been approved, and not until, will title be vested in the United States of America for the Tribe: After approval, the deed will be made of record with the Register of Deeds and then delivered to me for filing. Sincerely yours, Richard Gurnoe - Vice Chairman For: Alex Roye, Chairman, Red Cliff Tribal Council cc: Mr. E. J. Riley, Superintendent, Great Lakes Agency, Ashland Mr. Alex Vanderventer, Chairman, Local Housing Authority, Rt. 1, Bayfield Mrs. Alex L. Gokey, Secretary, Local Housing Authority, Rt. 1 Moved by Berweger and seconded by Justice to refer the communication to the Sales Committee with power to act. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, There are a number of employees of Bayfield County who now have access to County funds who are not covered by a fidelity bond, and WHEREAS, Following a study of the problem by the Insurance Committee, it was deemed advisable that Bayfield County procure a blanket public official bond to auto- matically cover all persons handling County funds or having access thereto, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Insurance Committee of this Board of April 21, 1965 Supervisors be and it is hereby authorized to procure an official blanket bond to cover all County employees handling County funds and those who have access to such funds in the amount of $5,000.00 per person, said official blanket bond to be in addition to those bonds specifically required by Statute to be in other amounts. Louis H. Justice Joe Lupa Joseph Berweger Moved by Justice and seconded by Stuart to adopt the' foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The foregoing Resolution was read: WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors has provided for certain liability insurance coverage for privately owned vehicles used in County business at an annual cost of $400.00,and WHEREAS, Said Board of Supervisors has provided for a blanket fidelity bond on employees of Bayfield County not presently bonded at an annual cost of $200.00, and WHEREAS, There are no funds presently allocated in the budget for the year 1965 to cover the cost of the aforesaid insurance and bond premiums, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That there be transferred from the contingent fund the sum of $600.00 to cover the aforesaid expenditures. Louis H. Justice J. Lupa Joseph Berweger Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Lupa to adopt the foregoing Resolution. A roll call vote was taken: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Meschei,vitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau:, Jr., Schraufnagel,, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Bates, Al Garberg, Arthur A. Anderson, Elmer Wick, Justice, Elmer Wedin, Lindsey, Frankie Nayes - none Ayes - 37 Nayes - 0 Total - 37 Motion Carried. Dave Allison and Thomas Peterson appeared before the Board to discuss pay roll deductions on sickness and accident insurance for Bayfield County employees. Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Hall that Thomas Peterson be authorized to solicit Bayfield County employees regarding said insurance and that the County Clerk be authorized and directed to make pay roll deductions. Motion Carried. 130 The following Resolution was read: RESOLVED By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors meeting in regular session this 21st day of -April, 19659 that all lands owned by Bayfield County inside of Federal Forest ownership be withheld from sale for a period of one year from this date, unless sooner rescinded by this Board. Signed, Phillip L. Lindsey Moved by Lindsey and seconded by Hall to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Mrs. Gladys Kendall, Bayfield County Public Health Nurse, Dr. Telford and Edwin Dashner, Bayfield County Welfare Director appeared before the Board to discuss the mental health clinic proposed in the five county area. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County on the 13L" day of November 19649 duly enacted an Ordin- ance relating to the establishment of a Mental Health Clinic in conjunction with Iron, Ashland, Sawyer and Price Counties, Wisconsin, said Ordinance being recorded in Vol.12, Page 86 in the records of the County Clerk of said Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, Certain alterations in said Ordinance are necessary to conform to the Ordinances being adopted by the remaining participating counties, NOW THEREFORE ]BEE IT RESOLVED, That the Ordinance relating to the establishment of a Mental Health Clinic enacted and recorded as aforesaid, be and the same is hereby repealed in its entirety effective forthwith. Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Moniza and seconded by Rondeau to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Ordinance was presented to the Board: THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF BAYFIELD DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. ESTABLISHMENT. Pursuant to Section 51.36 Wis. Stats., there is estab- lished a community mental health agency in combination with Ashland, Iron, Price and Sawyer Counties, Wisconsin. SECTION II. NAME. The name of such community mental health agency shall be the Five -County Mental_ Health Guidance Clinic. SECTION III. PURPOSES. The community mental health agency shall provide the following services: (1) Collaborative and co-operative services with public health and April_ 219 _ 1965 other groups for programs for the prevention and treatment of mental illness,, mental retardation and other psychiatric disabilities. (2) Rehabilitative services for patients suffering from mental or emotion- al disorders, mental retardation and other psychiatric conditions particularly for those who have received prior treatment in an in- patient facility. (3) Outpatient diagnostic and treatment_ services.- 0) Consultative services to schools, courts and health and welfare agencies, both public and private. (5) "Informational and educational services to the general public and lay and professional groups. (6) Such other services as may be within the purview of Sec. 51.36, Wis. Stats., or amendments thereto, and the rules and regulations of the State Department of Public Welfare. SECTION IV. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. There shall be a representative governing and 1 policy -making Board of Directors which shall have charge of the operation and ad- ministration of the program. (1) The Board of Directors shall be composed of fifteen (15) members of re- cognized ability and demonstrated interest in the problems of community.mental health, except that no more than two (2) persons shall be appointed from any one group or interest in the area comprising the five counties combining to establish the Five - County Mental Health Guidance Clinic;,provided that county board membership shall not disqualify a person from appointment to the Board of Directors if such person is also a member of another group or interest in such area. (2) The County Board of Supervisors of the respective counties shall each appoint three (3) members to the Board of Directors, and all actions of the Board of Directors shall be subject to their review and approval in a manner acceptable to the participating counties. (3) The term of office of any member of the Board of Supervisors shall be three (3) years, except for those first appointed, one-third (1/3) shall be for a term of one (1) year, one-third (1/3) for a term of two (2) years, and one-third (1/3) for a term of three (3) years. Appointments to fill vacancies shall be made by the retiring member's appointing authority. Directors may be removed and re- placed by such Director's appointing authority. (4) 6ubject to the provisions of Section 51.36, Wis. Stats.,and any amendments thereto, and the rules of the State Department of Public Welfare, the Board of Direct- ors shall have the following powers and duties: (a) Appoint the administrator of the mental health clinic program, who shall be responsible to the board in the operation of the program. (b) With the co-operation of the administrator, define the program and formulate the necessary policies to implement the program. (c) Establish salaries and personnel policies for the program. (d) Review and evaluate the services of the clinic to assure conformance with the basic plan and budget, including periodic reporting to the director, local public officials, the program administrator and the public and when indicated make recommendations for changes in program and services. (e) Assist in arranging and promoting local financial support for the program from private and public sources. -132 -. Apr_il__2l_, -19.6.5-- ----- - --- --- - --=-- - -- - --- ------ --- (f) Assist in arranging co-operative working agreements with other health and welfare services, public and private, and with other educational and judicial agencies. (g) Establish patient fee schedules based upon ability to pay. If a person who -can afford private care applies for clinic services, consultation and diagnostic services may be offered but any needed treatment services must be obtained from other sources, providing private service is reasonably available. (h) Review the fiscal practices, the annual plan and budget and make recommen- dations thereon. (i) Provide that no one be denied services on the basis of race, color, creed, or national origin or inability to pay.- (j) To enter into contracts for the use of such services, facilities, and personnel of non-profit corporations as can be integrated into the Five - County Mental Health Guidance Clinic, all to the end that community resourc- es can be utilized to the fullest extent through unity of management, control, and fiscal responsibility. SECTION V. FINANCES. The Clinic and its services shall be financed by such funds as may be available from public and private sources and the Board of Directors is authorized to accept private donations and to request State Grants -in -Aid in addition to county funds. (1) The Board of Directors shall plan the'financial operations of the clinic on a calendar -year basis. (2) The Board of Directors shall request the necessary appropriations of county funds through the Finance Committees appointed by the Boards of Supervisors of the respective participating counties. (3) The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the collection of fees from patients and shall account for the same in such manner as the par- ticipating counties may agree upon. (4) The Board of Directors is authorized to make application for necessary and available State Grants -in -Aid. (5) The Board of Directors may solicit and accept funds from private sources. SECTION VI. REPORTS. The Board of Directors shall make annual reports to the Board of Supervisors of'the respective participating counties on its program and acti- vities and shall make such reports as may be required by the Director of the State Department of Public Welfare: SECTION VII. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication and the adoption of a like ordinance by Ashland, Iron, Price and Sawyer Counties, and the Five -County Mental Health Guidance Clinic shall become operative when the appropriate officials of Ashland, Iron, Price, Sawyer and Bayfield Counties execute a detailed contractual agreement defining the program and the plans for operation. Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Justice and seconded by Moniza to pass the Ordinance. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, MeschP.Lvitz, Beeksma, Art I Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, - - - April __21.,_.- 1965---- - - - - -- - -- -- -- - Meierotto-, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnageb_, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Bates, Al Garberg, Arthur A. Anderson, Elmer Wick, Justice,, Elmer Wedin, Lindsey, Frankie; Nayes - None Ayes 37 Nayes - 0 Total - 37 Motion Carried. Mr. Jerome Merkel appeared before the Board to discuss the need for a name plate on the outside wall of the Bayfield County Rest Home. I Moved by Beeksma and seconded by Sampson that the County Board recommend to the Board of Trustees that a name plate be installed. Motion Carried. Mr. Thomas Anderson, Civil Defense Director appeared before the Board and spoke of the surplus equipment -available to the municipalities through the office of the Civil Defense. Moved by Bernard Johnson and seconded by Barningham t`o adjourn to 1:30 P.M. Motion Carried. - -April--21, 196_5_- Meeting called to order at 1:30 P.M. by G...Wm. Frankie, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Meschg"vitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnage,l, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Garberg, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Wedin, Lindsey, Frankie - Total 34. The following Resolution was read: BE IT -HEREBY RESOLVED, that Bayfield County purchase the excess delinquent tax accounts of the various taxing districts for the tax of 1959. George Moniza Thomas E. Rondeau Louis H. Justice Ernest Nelson G. William Frankie FINANCE COMMITTEE Moved by Stuart and seconded by Howell to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote was taken: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Meschevitz, Beeksma, Art Han- son, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnage-1, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson; Bates, Al Garberg, Arthur A. Anderson, Elmer Wick, J„E , Elmer Wedin, Lindsey, Frankie; Nayes - none Ayes - 36 Nayes - 0 total - 36 The following Resolution was read: Motion Carried. WHEREAS, Bayfield County is participating with Ashland, Iron, Price and Sawyer Counties in a mental health project, and WHEREAS, A. budget in the amount of $6,000.00 has been proposed for the year 1965 as Bayfield County's share of the total five county budget, and WHEREAS, No provision was made in the budget for this expenditure, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the sum of $6,000.00 be transferred from the contingent fund to a separate fund for said mental health project, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That no withdrawal or expenditure from said fund be made except with the express direction of the Finance Committee of this Board of Supervisors. George Moniza Thomas E. Rondeau 13<5 Apri-1-- 21, - 1965 - - Moved by Moniza and seconded by Howell to adopt the foregoing.Resolution. Roll call vote was taken: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Mesch6-vvitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnage(.,, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Bates, Al Garberg, Arthur A. Anderson, Elmer Wick, Elmer Wedin, Lindsey, Frankie; Nayes - none Ayes - 36 Nayes - 0 Total - 36 The following Resolution was read: Motion Carried. WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner of a parcel of land in the Town of Hughes located on Crystal Lake and described as Parcel No. 10, Lot 4, as described in Vol. 140 of Deeds, page 352, Section 15, Township 47 North, Range 9 West, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County has an ordinance in effect requiring access reservations on County owned lake property, and WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable in this -instance that the aforesaid described property be sold without a reservation of access, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the above described property be offered for sale in its entirety by the Sales Committee of Bayfield County without the aforesaid re- servation of access. Lester Kesler Moved by Kesler and seconded by Wedin to adopt the foregoing Resolution Moved by Stuart and seconded by Barningham to refer the foregoing Resolution to the Forestry Committee and report back at the next meeting. Motion Carried. Motion was made by Rondeau and seconded by Sampson that the Public Property and Grounds Committee purchase a large County map for the' .:County Board Room. Motion Carried. 33fi April 21, 1965 The following Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That the rates for the publication of official County Board minutes and publication of legal notices be set as follows for the ensuing year; $$1.26 per folio for the first publication. $$.385 per folio for printing supplements of County Board proceedings. $27.50 for the distribution of the supple- ments by other than the official paper. RESOLVED, That the official paper send a copy of the County Board minutes to each County Board.member and to the Clerk of each town, city and village. RESOLVED. That the official paper be required to print the minutes within 60 days after receiving copy from the County Clerk. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Press be the official paper for the ensuing year, effective April, 1965. G. William Frankie Moved by Beeksma and seconded by Howell to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, A great quantity of obsolete records has accumulated in the Court House and in the various County offices, and WHEREAS, It is necessary that said obsolete records be destroyed from time to time, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the elected officers of Bayfield County and the various department heads be and they are hereby authorized to destroy said obsolete records from time to time as may be required, subject to the Statutory restrictions relating to the destruction of such records as set forth in Section 59.715, Section 159.716 and 59.717 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Edward Jelinek Moved by Moniza and seconded by Bernard Johnson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Moved by Herman Hanson and Seconded by Wm. Stuart that all old correspondence in the County Clerk's office be preserved. Motion Carried. 137 - - — --- -Aprils 21,--196.5 - - The following Petition was read: TO: County Board of Bayfield County The undersigned hereby petition the County Board to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Bayfield Uounty as follows: That the Zoning be changed from the Unrestricted Use District No. 3 to the Forestry Use District No. 1 on the following descriptions of land: All of Sand Island which includes: All of Fractional Section 15, Township 52 North, Range 5 West All of Fractional Section 22, Township 52 North, Range 5 West All of Fractional Section 26, Township 52 North, Range 5 West All of Fractional Section 14, Township 52 North, Range 5 West All of Fractional Section 25, Township 52 North, Range 5 West All of Fractional Section 139 Township 52 North, Range 5 West All of Fraetional Section 7, lownship 52 North, Range 5 West All of Fractional Section 239 Township 52 North, Range 5 West All of Fractional Section 24, Township 52 North, Range 5 West All of Fractional Section 122 Township 52 North, Range 4 West All of Fractional Section 18, Township 52 North, Range 4 West Respectfully Submitted, Walter Barningham Route 1, Bayfield,.Wis. Acting in behalf of the Town"Board of the Town 4-20-65 of Bayfield of which he is Chairman. Motion by Stuart and seconded by Rondeau to refer the foregoing Petition to the Zoning Committee. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS,'The Bayfield County 4-H Leaders Association has petitioned the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, requesting that certain lands in the Town of Hughes now under Forest Crop Law be transferred to said Association for 4-H Club use, and WHEREAS, It is not deemed feasible by this Board to effect said transfer due to the restrictions which must be imposed on said transfer, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County owns certain lands not under the Forest Crop Law which may be suitable for the aforesaid use, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Sales Committee of Bayfield County is hereby authorized to effect a transfer of County owned property, not exceeding 40 acres, to said 4-H Leaders Association, on the condition that said land shall revert to Bayfield County in the event that said land shall be abandoned or discontinued for 4-H use. W. A. Stuart W. C. Barningham Moved by Stuart and seconded by Barningham to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. - I W April---219_ 1965- - - — ----- - The following claim was presented to the Board: STATE OF WISCONSIN ) County of Bayfield ) TO: BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN IN ACCOUNT WITH GEORGE AND FRANCES PEACEY WASHBURN, WISCONSIN April 21, 1965 Claim of George and Frances Peacey against Bayfield County, Wisconsin For damages to their pump house and granary and contents, resulting from Bayfield County's grader running into claimants' pump house and granary under date of February 3rd, 1965 - - - - - - - S 3,150.00 - - - - - - - - - STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ss. County of Bayfield ) George Peacey and Frances Peacey say that the above claim of Three Thousand One Hundred Fifty Dollars is true and correct and no portion of the same has been paid. Frances Peacey George Peacey Subscribed and sworn before me this 21st day of April A. D. 1965• Robert M. Spears Notary Public, Bayfield Co., Wis. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Rondeau to deny the foregoing claim and refer same to the Highway Committee. Motion Carried. The following claims were presented: STATE OF WISCONSIN ) March 3. 19 6-5- County of Bayfield ) TO: Gordon McConnell Washburn, Wisconsin March 1/65 Per Diem - Iron River Hearing 12.00 3/18 Per Diem - Bayfield County School Committee Hearing - Iron River Gymnasium, Iron River, Wisconsin 12.00 4/13/65 Per Diem - Bayfield County School Committee, Hearing and Conference, Iron River Gymnasium, Iron River Wisconsin 4/12/65 - 8:00 P.M. 12.00 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ss. County of Bayfield ) GORDON McConnell says that the above claims are true and correct and no portion of the same has been paid. Gordon McConnell Secretary, Bayfield County School Committee. April 21, 1965 0 Motion made by Sampson and seconded by Art Anderson to deny the claims. Roll call was as follows: i Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Howell, Bernard E. Johnson, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Meierotto, Arthur A. Ander- son, Art Hanson, Nayes - Barningham, Jones, Meschei,vitz, Beeksma,/Heglund, Herman Hanson, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagej:, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Bates, Al Garberg, Elmer Wick, Elmer Wedin, Lindsey Frankie Ayes - 15 Nayes - 21 Total - 36 Motion Lost. Moved by Evald Johnson and seconded by Sibbald to refer the foregoing claims to the Education Committee. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: WA,SHBURN CITY SCHOOLS Washburn, Wisconsin February 1, 1965 Mr. Edward A. Pajala, Clerk Bayfield County - Uourt House Washburn, -Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: Will you please convey to the Bayfield County Board, our commendation of the services and cooperation extended to us by the Bayfield County Nurse, Mrs. Kendall. This week.she is spending a number of hours with our teachers, informing them of particular health problems among our student body. She has been very valuable to this community and this school system, in following up on cases involving the need for glasses by students. Her services are very much appreciated in this school system. Sincerely yours, Kenton E. Holm, Superintendent Moved by Moniza and seconded by Berweger to receive the communication and place on file and that a copy of the communication be send to the'County Nurse. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: Bayfield County Clerk Dear Sir: STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN December 30, 1964 Federal -aid Secondary Highway Funds Federal Aid Highway Act of 1964 Under the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1964, Federal Aid'secondary highway funds will be available to Wisconsin in the amount of approximately $7,207,143 for each 1 M1131 - --April--21-9. 1965_ - - - - - of the fiscal years 1966 and 1967. The plan for the distribution and administration of the Federal Aid secondary funds becoming available to Wisconsin under the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1964 is outlined in the accompanying statement. The provisions of the'plan were discussed with Mr. A. J. Thelen, Executive Secretary of the Wisconsin County Boards Association and the officers of the county highway commissioners and county highway committee members associations ata meeting held in Madison''on'December 2, 1964. The plan was approved as presented at this meeting. The 1964 Act Federal Aid secondary funds apportioned for your county for the two fiscal years 1966 and 1967 are as follows: County Total 2-Year Apportionment Bayfield $184,000.00 These funds may, within the time limitation provided in the accompanying statement, be matched by your county and used on qualifying improvements requested by your county on county trunks or local roads or streets located on the Federal Aid Secondary High- way System or its extensions in urban areas. In planning the utilization of Federal Aid secondary funds, due consideration should be given to qualifying improvements on the F.A.S. System or extensions thereof in cities and villages and to qualifying and desirable extensions of rural improvements into such municipalities. It need not be construed that the 2-year apportionment of Federal -aid secondary funds must be spread over a 2-year period. Within certain limits, which can be deter- mined only after the total program of all counties is known, up to a total of a county's 2-year apportionment may be used in one year. Requests for the programming of projects using 1964 Act funds hereby apportioned may be filed at once. The Commission's District Engineer and the District Engineer -of Secondary Roads will discuss with your county highway committee your potential Federal -aid secondary program, and your county, through your county highway committee, is requested to work i with them in developing a proposed program of improvements on the Federal Aid Secondary, System to utilize the funds apportioned to your county. The program requests by your county highway committee, submitted through the district office, will be subject to re- view by the Commission. Please bring this letter to the attention of your county board. i Sincerely, V. L. Fiedler, Secretary i j METHOD OF DISTRIBUTION AND ADMINISTRATION OF FEDERAL -AID SECONDARY HIGHWAY FUNDS AVAILABLE TO WISCONSIN I . UNDER THE FEDERAL -AID HIGHWAY ACT OF 1964 i Adopted by the State Highway Commission -December, 1964 i Federal -Aid Highway Act of 1964 Federal -Aid secondary highway funds authorized by the Federal -Aid Highway Act of 1964 and to be available for Wisconsin are tentatively estimated to be as follows: i l'or fiscal year 1966 (approximate) $ 792079143 For fiscal year 1967 (estimated) 722072143 Total $ 149414,286 April 21, 1965 A -sum of $12,250,000 for the two fiscal years of 1966 and 1967 will be appor- tioned among the counties. The remainder of Federal -aid secondary funds becoming available to Wisconsin under the Federal -Aid Highway Act -of 1964 will be used by the State Highway Commission for the one'and one-half percent required to be set aside for financing state-wide planning andiresearch and for state trunk or`other highway improvements under the direct jurisdiction of the Commission on a state-wide basis. The method of apportionment among the counties of the $12,250,000 for the two years is: 60/ on the basis -of total highway mileage as of January 1, 19645 exclusive of the Federal -aid Primary System and exclusive of other mileage in "urban areas" established pursuant to the Federal -aid highway acts (places of over 5;000 popula- tion); and 40% on the basis of the total number of motor vehicles registered in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964. The FAS funds thus apportioned to a county may, within the time limitation hereinafter provided, be matched by the county and used on qualifying improvements requested by the county on county trunks or local roads and streets on the PAS system or its extensions in urban areas, in accordance with the requirements of the federal -aid highway acts and amendments thereof and regulations pursuant thereto and of the established requirements and procedures of the State Highway Commission. On January 1, 1965, and January 1, 1966, each; $6,125,000 of the total.amount of the F. A. S. funds apportioned to the Commission for the fiscal years 1966 and 1967 will be made immediately available to the counties for use on the county F.A.S. system. At the close of the first fiscal year following each allotment the Commission will review each individual county's balance of its allotment and, in cooperation with the county, determine the extent the county has formulated plans to use this allotment on.the County F.A.S. System. If the county has no such plan or an approved program and indicates it has no interest in providing a plan or program, then 50% of the balance outstanding to the credit of the county will revert to the epedi-t-e-f the-Bex Commission for state-wide use. At the end of either calendar year 1965 or calendar year 1966, any county which has adopted an approved improvement program which will require additional F.A.S. funds over and above its proportionate share hereinbefore alloted, may apply to the Commission for such additional F.A.S. funds as will be required to complete the federal aid financing of the approved program. The period of availability for the use of a county's regular allotment as herein provided will be through the calendar years 1965 and 1966. To those counties which request and receive additional F.A.S. funds from the Commission on December"31, 1966 the Commission will extend the period of availability for the use of these funds to June 30, 1967. Any F.A.S. funds not "used" by a county within the time limitations herein set forth will revert to the Commission for statewide use. F.A.S. funds will be deemed to have been "used on a project which has been advanced to the contract state" when bids have been received and the county matching funds have been deposited with the state; or in case the work is to .be performed by day labor, when an acceptable day labor contract has been signed by the county and delivered to the state; or for a project involving only preliminary engineering and/or the acquisition of rights of way, when all acts required of the county prior to placing the project under agreement with the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads have 142 - - -� --- --------_April 219-1965- - -- -- - t - - been performed. When more than one contract is involved in a single F.A.S. project, the determination shall be based on the last contract. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Howell to receive the communication and place on file. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Chequamegon National Forest Park Falls, Wisconsin 54552 Ref er In Reply to: 1310 JC Mr. Edward A. Pajala, Clerk Bayfield County Route #1 Washburn,.Wisconsin 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: We have recently received copies of the bids for the Clam Lake Youth Corps Center. This Center is to be built near .Chippewa Lake in Sections 15 and 22 of T. 43 N., R. 5 W., Bayfield County. The plans provide for facilities to accommodate 210 youths and Camp staff. The key staff, consisting of the Camp Director and his two principal assistants, will be required to live at the Camp so as to provide 24-hour- a-day supervision. Construction plans are for semi -portable buildings throughout. Three of the buildings will be' used to house the families of the key staff. The bids have been received and have been sent to Washington for final approval and acceptance. The total construction costs will be about $625,000. We estimate that spending by the Youth Corpsmen and staff plus purchases of local services and supplies will add approximately $300,000. per year to the local economy. The Camp is located in a Forestry Zone. We selected this location after talking to the local people of Bayfield and Ashland Counties with the objective of keeping the Camp isolated and with minimum interference with local businesses and resorts. Our main concern now is to determine if the Youth Center is going to cause the County any problems. The Camp fieldwork will greatly benefit such activities as timber culture work, improvement planting, trout stream improvement, and related conservation projects for .which we do not have regular appropriations. This work will result in a major investment in the resources for the future economy of this area.. The buildings are to be of semi -portable construction although we fully expect the Camp to be used for many years in the future. If you believe that the Camp will create some problems, we will be very glad to meet with you and work out a solution. Sincerely yours, Steve Yurich, Forest Supervisor By: E. R. Crook. Motion was made by Bernard Johnson and seconded by Berweger to approve location of the youth corp5center in the Clam Lake area and to refer the communication to the Zoning Committee with power to act. Motion Carried. April 21, 1965 The following Resolution adopted by Langlade County Board was read: A RESOLUTION NO. 65 RE: Bounties on predatory animals Whereas, the State of Wisconsin is not presently paying a bounty on predatory animals and, Whereas, the increase in the population of predatory animals in the past year has been dramatic, which will sharply reduce the number of game birds and animals available to the sportsman, who must pay $4.00 (four dollars) for a small game hunting -license, which, ironically, was increased several years ago, so that a bounty system to control predatory animals would be maintained, and Whereas, contrary to conservation department officials beliefs, the payment of bounties on predatory animals was never intended to eliminate them, but rather, was established to control the population thereof, and Whereas, it is our firm belief, that in order for nature to maintain a proper balance between wild game and predatory animals, the predators of small game must be controlled in order to achieve that balance and Whereas, the payment of bounties on predatory animals provides the hunter and trapper with an incentive for the taking of such animals, so as to control their numbers, and provides reimbursement for expenses incurred in the taking of same and Whereas, on the 7Lh day of January 1965, Health authorities of the State of Tennessee identified 382 positive cases of rabid foxes in a given area and in the same vein the,city of Austin, Texas, reported a similar situation exists, requiring a quarantine to be placed on all animals and, Whereas, we believe that a similar situation could develop in Wisconsin which would create a health hazard to both people and livestock, therefore Be it Resolved, that the Langlade County Board of Supervisors respectfully re- quests the Legislature to re-establish the State bounties on predatory animals and in addition, to provide the necessary funds for payment of such bounties, and Be it further resolved that copies of this Resolution, duly attested, be sent to the Governor, to our Assemblyman and Senator from this district, and also to the County Boards of the other 71 counties. Dated this 2nd'day of February 1965. State of Wisconsin County of Langlade Walter Klimoski Ruben Krause Clarence Rasmussen I, R. M. Moss, Clerk of the County Langlade, Antigo, Wisconsin, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution Number 65 is a true and correct copy of said resolution as passed by the Langlade County Board of Supervisors at their adjourned annual meet- . ing February 2, 1965. R. M. Moss, Langlade County Clerk Moved by Bernard Johnson and seconded by Sampson to approve of the foregoing Lang- I'de County X esolution and mail copies to our Assemblyman, Senator and Governor. Motion Carried. - - -Apri-1- 211--1-965- - - - --- - - ---- The following per diem Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County assembled this 21st day of April, 19659 that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and the Chairman and County Clerk are instructed to issue checks for the amount of such items as listed below: Name County Board Work Total Per Diem Mileage George Sampson 24.00 2.56 26.56 Glenn W. Hall 24.00 17.28 41.28 W. C. Barningham 24.00 3.52 27.52 Kenneth C. Howell 24.00 1.12 25.12 Robert M. Jones 24.00 7.52 31.52 Henry Mescheivitz 24.00 15.52 39.52 Onne Beeksma 24.00 10.24 .34.24 Art Hanson 24.00 9.60 33.60 Bernard E. Johnson 24.00 13.76 37.76 Ernest Heglund 24.00 4.80 28.80 Lester Kesler 24.00 10.56 34.56 Frank Hoefling 24.00 10.24 34.24 William Stuart 24.00 7.36 31.36 George Moniza 24.00 5.92 29.92 Joseph Berweger 24.00 8.32 32.32 Herman Hanson 24.00 7.36 31.36 R. E. Neitge 24.00 14.40 38.40 Sanfred Anderson 24.00 15.68 39.68 Axel Lehto 24.00 13.44 37.44 Joseph Lupa 24.00 5.60 29.60 Evald Johnson 24.00 13.44 37.44 Howard Sibbald 24.00 9.06 33.06 Arthur Meierotto 24.00 8.00 32.00 Philip Tetzner 24.00 1.28 25.28 Thomas E. Rondeau 24.00 15.04 39.04 Ryan Schraufnagel 24.00 7.04 31.04 Edward Jelinek 24.00 3.84 27.84 Walter Wasmuth 24.00 3.84 27.84 Melvin Mattson 24.00 3.84 27.84 K. P. Bates 24.00 3.84 27.84 Richard Holman 12.00 .16 12.16 Albert Garberg 12.00 .16 12.16 Arthur A. Anderson 24.00 .32 24.32 Lloyd Vienneau 12.00 .16 12.16 Elmer Wick 12.00 .16 12.16 Louis Justice 24.00 .32 24.32 John F. Wroblewski 12.00 .16 12.16 Elmer Wedin 12.00 .16 12.16 Phillip Lindsey 24.00 .48 24.48 G. Wm. Frankie 12.16 12.16 Totals 864.,00 268.26 8 1,132.26 Presented by: George Moniza ----------------Apr-l--21-�---1.965-----_-���_, __--____. ---- _ _..__----_------ ----- ---- Motion was made by Berweger and seconded by Bernard Johnson to adopt the fore- going Resolution. Roll call vote was taken: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Mescheivitz, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling,- Stuart, Moniza., Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Al Garberg, Arthur A. Anderson, Elmer Wick, Justice, Elmer Wedin, Lindsey, Frankie Nayes - none Ayes - 34 Nayes - 0 Total - 34 Motion Carried. Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Heglund to adjourn until the equalization meeting in September. Motion Carried.. . rajala, rK. . Wm. Frankie, County Board Chairman.: