HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 9/27/1965September 27, 1965 MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNTY BOARD MEETING Meeting called to order at 10:00 o'clock A.M. by G. Wm. Frankie, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: George -Sampson, Glenn W. Hall, W. C. Barningham, Kenneth C. Howell, Robert M. Jones, Henry Mescheivitz, Onne Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Ernest Heglund, Lester Kesler, Frank Hoefling, Wm. Stuart, George Moniza, Joseph Berweger, Edward Soderlund,' R. E. Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Axel Lehto, Evald Johnson, Howard Sibbald, Philip Arthur Meierotto,/Tetzner, Thomas Rondeau, Jr., Ryan Schraufnagel, Ed. Jelinek, Walter Wasmuth, Melvin Mattson, K. P. Bates, Richard Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Elmer Wick, Louise Justice, Axel Lund, Phillip Lindsey, G. W. Frankie - Total 36. The following communication was read: September 27, 1965 Mr. Edward A. Pajala, Clerk County of Bayfield Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: Please be advised that Mr. Lloyd J. Vienneau, 3rd Ward Supervisor of the City of Washburn will be unable to attend the Bayfield County Board meeting of date. Please also be advised that in lieu of said absence of the regular 3rd Ward Supervisor, Mr. Elmer L. Wick has been authorized to serve representing stated ward for the City of Washburn. Please allow Mr. Wick to be seated accordingly. Wayne 0. Lowe, City Clerk Washburn Moved by Justice and seconded by Stuart to seat Elmer Wick as a member of the County Board. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: Sept. 27, 1965 Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Attention: Mr. Edward A. Pajala, County Clerk Dear Sir: Due to the fact that Herman Hanson, Chairman of the Town of Mason, will be unable to attend the County Board Meeting at Washburn on the 27th day of September, 1965, it is hereby resolved that Edward Soderlund, Town Supervisor, is authorized to take his place at this meeting. Werner Brodin, Town Clerk, Town of Mason September 27 t- 1965-- - -- - - - -- Moved by Art Hanson and seconded by Howell to seat Mr. Edward,Soderlund as a member of the County Board. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: Sept. 7, 1965 REQUEST FOR SPECIAL COUNTY BOARD MEETING TO THE COUNTY CLERK OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Supervisors of the Bayfield County Board, hereby request that a special meeting of said Board be called to meet at the County Board room in the Bayfield County Administration -Building on the 27L' day of September, 19659 at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon, to consider and/or act on the foll ing matters: 1. The proposed equalized values for real and personal property for the various municipalities of Bayfield County as submitted by the State Department of Taxation. 2. The proposed apportionment ordinance relating to the recreation of supervisory districts within the County. 3. The proposal to abandon the Chicago & Northwestern Railway service between Washburn and Bayfield. 4. The application of Bayfield County, filed with the Public Service. Commission for a permit to construct and maintain a dam in the Middle Eau Claire Lake area. 5. The final acceptance of the new Courthouse addition. 6. Adjustment of clerical employees salary schedule. 7. All other business which may lawfully come before said Board of Supervisors. George Sampson Sanfred Anderson Barksdale Tn. Chr. Glenn W. Hall Axel Lehto - Oulu W. C. Barningham Evald Johnson K. C. Howell 4 Howard Sibbald Robert M. Jones Arthur Meierotto Henry Meschievitz Onne Beeksma Art C. Hanson Ernest Heglund Lester H. Kesler Frank Hoefling W. A. Stuart George Moniza Joseph Berweger Herman Hanson R. E. Neitge G. William Frankie Philip E. Tetzner Thomas E. Rondeau Ryan Schraufnagel Edward Jelinek Walter Wasmuth K. P. Bates Richard L. Holman Art A. Anderson Lloyd J. Vienneau Louis H. Justice Phillip L.Lindsey Moved by Justice and seconded by Lindsey to place the above communication on file. Motion Carried. 161 - — -- - -- -----Sept ember -279_ 1965 - - -- - - Moved by Moniza and seconded by Howell to dispense with the reading of the last County Board Minutes. Motion Carried. Edward A. Pajala, County Clerk, gave an oral report on re -apportionment plans, of which two plans were submitted by the Re -apportionment Committee.. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Art Hanson that a vote be taken by ballot on the Ordinance presented for Re -apportionment. The following communication was read: September 22, 1965 Mr. Edward A. Pajala, County Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: Motion Carried. The City Council, at a recent meeting, considered the division of Washburn under the new Re -Apportionment Bill, the division for three representatives being as follows: A Representative from Ward 1 A Representative from Wards 2,, 3 and 4 A Representative from Wards 5 and 6 The Division under four representatives being: A Representative from Ward 1 A Representative from Wards 2 and 3 A Representative from Wards 4 and 5 A Representative from Ward 6 and the Town of Bayview Either of these plans would be satisfactory to the City, but we wish to have it understood that the Council does not approve the 3 representative plan, but still feels that Washburn should have four representatives. Yours respectfully, Wayne 0. Lowe, City Clerk City of Washburn Bayfield County, Wisconsin Moved by Berweger and seconded by Sanfred Anderson to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried. Mr. Ledin, District Attorney, explained the method of voting on the Re -apportion- ment Ordinance to the members of the Board. Motion made by Moniza and seconded by Howell to recess for five minutes to discuss Re -apportionment plans. Motion Carried. September 27, 1965 Meeting called to order by G. Wm. Frankie, Chairman.. The following communication was read: September 279 1965 Mr. Edward A. Pajala, Clerk County of Bayfield Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: John F. Wroblewski, representing the fifth ward of the City of Washburn will be unable to attend today's meeting of the Bayfield County.Board. In lieu of the absence of said supervisor we ask that Mr. Axel Lund be allowed seated in his place in representation of said ward. Wayne 0. Lowe, City Clerk City of Washburn Bayf i eld' County, Wisconsin Moved by Howell and seconded by Justice to seat Axel Lund as a member of the County Board. Motion Carried. I The Board proceeded with the voting on the Re -apportionment plan. The chairman appointed Moniza and Holman as tellers. The result of the ballot was as follows: Plan #1 - 26 Plan #3 - 10 Total - 36 The following Ordinance was read: County of Bayfield, State of Wisconsin ORDINANCE NO. 1 Rw Pursuant to Chapter 20, Laws of 1965, State of Wisconsin, and after public hear- ing, the County Board of Supervisors of the County of Bayfield does ordain: That the Boa rd of Supervisors of Bayfield County shall consist of 21 supervisors to be elected from supervisory districts which are hereby created, numbered, and des- cribed as follows: District Number District Description 1 Town of Pratt Town of Namakagon 2 Town of Cable Village of Cable 3 Town of Drummond Town of Barnes 4 Town of Kelly Town of Lincoln 1960 1960 Number Population Population Supervisors Each Unit Each District In District 387 125 512 1 360 262 622 1 368 194 562 1 371 254 625 1 5 Town of Mason Village of Mason Town bf Delta 351 100 160 611 1 September 27, 1965 c 1960 1960 Number District Population Population Supervisors Number District Description Each Unit Each District In District 6 Town of Eileen 618 618 1 7 Town of Keystone 339 Town of Pilsen 265 604 1 8 Town of Iron River 711 711 1 9 Town of Hughes 128 Town of Tripp 196 Town of Orienta 116 440 1 10 Town of Oulu 649 649 1 11 Town of Barksdale 585 585 1 12 Town of Washburn 318 Town of Bayview 296 614 1 13 Town of Port Wing 487 487 1 14 Town of Clover 274 Town of Bell 238 512 1 15 Town of Bayfield 474 474 1 16 Town of Russell 419 419 1 17 Ward 1 and Ward 4, 286* City of Bayfield 186* 472 1 18 Ward 2 and 153* Ward 39 City of Bayfield 344* 497 1 19 Ward l,City of Washburn 646* 646 1 20 Ward 29 224* Ward 3 and 242* Ward 4,City of Washburn 265* 731 1 21 Ward 5 and 231 * Ward 6,City of Washburn 284* 515 1 (*Estimated) One supervisor shall be elected from each district, commencing with the Spring Election, 1966. References in this ordinance to boundaries of minor civil divisions, ward or precinct lines are to those which existed at the time of the adoption of this ordinance. This ordinance shall become effective upon passage by the Board of Supervisors and publication. Dated this 27 day of September, 1965. Passed this 27 day of September, 1965. (Signed) G. William Frankie Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for Bayfield County. ATTEST: Edward A. Pajala County Clerk for Bayfield County STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) SS COUNTY OF BAYFIELD ) I. Edward Pajala, County Clerk in and for said County of Bayfield, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was duly adopted by the County Board of Supervisors at their Sept. 27, 1965 meeting, and is a true and correct copy thereof. Edward A. Pajala County Clerk for Bayfield County Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2V4 day of Sept., 1965. Mabel K. Moland Deputy County Clerk (Bayfield County Seal) Bayfield County, Wis. 1;c September 279 1-965 i Moved by Justice and seconded by Holman that a roll call vote be taken on the foregoing Ordinance. Motion Carried. Roll Call vote to adopt Ordinance No. 1R was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Jones, Mescheivitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Soderlund, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto,, Tetzner, Rondeau,- Jr., Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Bates, Frankie - f Nayes - Howell, Heglund, Moniza, Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Elmer Wick, Justice, Axel Lund, Lindsey - Ayes - 27 Nayes - 9 Total - ' 36 Motion Carried. The Following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Bayfield County, by its Clerk, and under the direction of the Conserva- tion Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, made application to the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin for a permit to construct, operate and maintain a dam in the Eau Claire River in the Town of Barnes of said Bayfield County, a copy of said application being attached hereto as Schedule A and made a part of this resolution I with the same effect.as though fully set forth herein, and WHEREAS, The making and filing of said application is required to be by authority of the said Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, and WHEREAS, Among other things, it is required by the laws of the State of Wisconsin that Bayfield County, the applicant herein, make provision for the adequate maintenance of said dam for a period of not less than ten years, as more fully set forth in Section 31.14 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and . . WHEREAS, Bayfield County has had previous experience in the cost of maintaining a similar dam over a period -of more than ten years on the waterway between Middle Eau Claire Lake and Lower Eau Claire Lake similarly situated to the dam now proposed and located in the immediate vicinity of such proposed dam, such experience having shown that little or no maintenance is required from year to year of like constructed dams and that the cost of maintenance of the aforesaid existing dam under the jurisdiction of Bayfield County has been, and presently is, less than $100.00 per year, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That under the authority reposed in the aforesaid Conservation Committee by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, the application aforesaid made by the Clerk of Bayfield County on the 27Lh day of April, 19659 is deemed to have been made by direct authority of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors and the said Board of Supervisors hereby confirms all of•the acts of said Conservation Committee and the Clerk of this County in the making and.,.filing.of said application, including the preliminary survey made under the direction of said Conservation Committee and the evidence thereof presented in behalf of Bayfield County, at the September 27, 196 5 public hearing on said application on the 17th day of June, 1965, as set forth in the transcript of the evidence presented by Bayfield County at said hearing on file with the said Bayfield County Clerk, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Bayfield County Conservation Committee and the proper officers of Bayfield County are hereby authorized and directed to do such acts as may be necessary to secure a permit t-o construct,, operate and maintain said dam under the provisions of Chapter 31 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That there is hereby appropriated the sum of One Thousand I I Dollars ($1,000.00) to be segregated into a non -lapsing fund to be used in the maintenan= ce of said dam for a period of ten years from the date of completion of construction, it being the intent of the said Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to maintain said dam -and to keep the same in good operating condition for said period of ten years foll ing the completion of said dam. NAVIGABLE STREAMS Bernard E. Johnson Glenn W. Hall George W. Sampson BEFORE THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF WI SCONSIN In the matter of the Application of Bayfield County for a Permit to Con- struct, Operate, and Maintain a Dam in the Eau Claire River, at (or near) Hayward, Wisconsin, for the purpose of (state whether power development, recreation, cutting ice, or other purpose) aid to navigation A-1 Secs. 31.05 31.06 31.09 31'.12 TO THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN: 1. The applicant herein is Bayfield County of Washburn, Wisconsin. 2. The applicant.is (state whether individual, partnership, corporation, or municipality) a municipality. 3. The applicant hereby makes application for permission, pursuant to the provi- lock sions of Chapter 31, Wisconsin Statutes, to construct, operate, and maintain a dam in the Eau Claire River, a navigable stream. 4. The location of the proposed dammkis in that part of the SW Quarter of the SW Quarter of section 9, township 44 north, range 9 W. (east) or (west), in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, described as follows: (1) The Southwestern quarter of the des- cription. (1) Indicate in what part of the 40-acre tract of land, or other subdivision of land the proposed10 a is to be located. The dam site may be reached by highway route from the nearest city (or village) of Hayward as follows: Follow State Trunk Highway 27 North for 20 miles. 5. The name and address of the owner of said dam site if Point O'Pines, Inc. of Solon Springs, Wisconsin . 6. The proposed dam is to be constructed, operated, and maintained for the follow- ing purposes: aid to navigation. 7. A general description of the proposed dam is as follows: (a) State nature of foundation, sand, gravel,'clay, or rock. Sand. (b) Width of stream (bank to bank at dam site) 50 feet. - - — _— September-27,-1965 = 0 (c) Height of bank abov.e stream bed (at dam site) 10 feet. (d) Normal depth of water in stream at dam site 2 feet. (e) Height to which water will be maintained at dam site above the stream bed 7.2 feet, or to elevation 1133.4 MSL feet. (f) Height of earth fill and abutments of dam above stream bed 9.0 feet, or to elevation 1135.2 MSL feet. (g) Operating head (fall of water through dam) 5.1 feet. (h) General description of dam, whether gates or spillways. (give overall dimensions and elevations of spills or crests. The.dam will have 241.1ong fixed crest spillway constructed of timbers restrained by wooden piles. The spillway eleva- tion is 1132.8 MSL. The normal pond elevation is 1133.4 MSL.' Flood flow elevation is 1133.7 MSL and the top of the dike is 1135.2 MSL. See accompanying report. (1) Description of bench mark to which elevations of dam and water levels have been referred: There is a USGS elevation point on the first bridge over the Eau Claire River downstream from Upper Eau Claire Lakes. The elevation of this point is 1143.10 MSL. This has been tiered into your BM 679B which has an elevation on your datum of 111.171. Elevation of BM 6-7.9B. 'is, ,1145:.:.9'2 MSL. 8. Complete plans of the proposed dam are to be submitted in duplicate. No_con- struction work may be commenced until approval is obtained from the Public Service Commission. The plans and specifications must be in sufficient detail so that all material can be assembled without verbal instruction. Plans may be furnished in prel inary form, so marked, or in final form any time before the date of hearing. 9. The approximate amount of hydraulic power that the proposed dam is capable of developing for 50 per cent of the time is horsepower. NOTE: If the dam will be capable of devel-,oping 50 theoretical horsepower or more available for 50 per cent of the time through the year, proposals shall be filed as required by section 31.09, Statutes. Form of proposals will be furnished on request. 10. The nearest city or village to the proposed dam is the City of Hayward, being 20 miles distance therefrom. The highway route from said (city or village) Hayward to said dam site is as follows: State Trunk Highway 27 Northerly. 11. The nearest existing dam above said site is the dam at the outlet of Upper Eau Claire Lakes known as the Robinson dam, and is 3/4 miles distant therefrom. 12. The nearest existing dam below said site is the dam between Middle and i ' Lower Eau Claire Lakes known as the dam, and is 336 miles distant therefrom. 13. The applicant submits- herewith as Exhibit A the names and addresses of all the owners of land that may be affected by the construction or operation of said dam, or by any flowage that may be caused thereby. (2) It is essential that Exhibit A be furnished with the application. 14. The applicant submits herewith as Exhibit B a map on the scale of not less than 4 inches to the mile, showing the lands that may be affected by the construction, operation, or maintenance of the proposed dam or by any flowage that may be caused thereby, and approximately the outline of such flowage, which map indicates the owner- ship of each tract of land within the flowage. 15. The applicant is financially able to construct and maintain said proposed dam. 173 - - -- - - September._ 27, -_ 1965- 16. The applicant shall furnish such further information as may be required by the Commission. Dated at Washburn, Wisconsin, this 27Lh day of April 1965. Edward A. Pa j al a Applicant (3) It is essential that Exhibit B be furnished with the application. Moved by Bernard E. Johnson and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote was taken on the foregoing Resolution as follows: Ayes - Sampson,. Hall, Barningham, Jones, Mescheivitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Soderlund, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr, Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Bates, Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Justice, Lund, Lindsey, Frankie Nayes - Howell Ayes - 35 Nayes - 1 Total - 36 The following Resolution was read: Motion Carried. WHEREAS'; Bayfield County presently owns the following property in the Town of Drummond within the exterior boundary of the Chequamegon National Forest, to -wit: the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE/ of the NE/), and a parcel of land in the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SEY/ of the NE/), as described in a deed recorded in Volume 140,.page 299, less a parcel described in Volume 130, page 74, Bayfield County, Wisconsin Registry, and WHEREAS, All County lands within the aforesaid boundaries of the Chequamegon National Forest are now withheld from sale by prior resolution, and WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable that the above described property should be with- drawn from the restrictions of the aforesaid resolution and offered for sale, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the above described property be and the same is hereby released from the restrictions of the aforesaid resolution and the Sales Committee is hereby authorized and directed to have the same appraised and offered for public sale. G. William Frankie Moved by Bernard Johnson and seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing Resolution, Moved by Stuart and seconded by Lindsey to amend the foregoing Resolution to in- clude restriction for public access on the property described in the foregoing Resolu- tion., Motion Carried. September27, 1965 The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, The West One-half of the Northwest Quarter (WY2 of the NWy ), Section Twenty-two (22), Township Forty-seven (47) North, Range Six (6) West, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, is now owned by Bayfield County and is part of its park system, and WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable that said lands be withdrawn from the park system and offered for public sale, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the above described lands be and the same are hereby withdrawn from the Bayfield County park system and the Sales Committee is here- by directed and authorized to have said lands appraised and advertised for sale. G. William Frankie Moved by Moniza and seconded by Bernard E. Johnson that the foregoing Resolution be referred to the Conservation Committee. Motion Carried. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Berweger to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Motion Carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 o'clock P.M. by G. Wm. Frankie, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Mescheivitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Soderlund, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Justice, Lund, Lindsey, Frankie - Total 34. Eugene G. ei th R. Mr. /,...Gohl and Mr,//Simpson from the office of Supervisor of Assessments in Rice Lake, Wisconsin, were introduced to the County Board. Mr. Gohl' appeared before the Board- and spoke on the recommended valuations for Bayfield County and explained the various changes to be made in Assessment work. The following Report was read: REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EQUALIZATION TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BAYFIE LD COUNTY: Gentlemen: We, -the undersigned Committee on Equalization of Bayfield County, after a care- ful examination of all evidence and data placed before us by the Supervisor of Assess- ments of said county, and all other data at our disposal, do hereby agree that the following valuations set out after each taxation district are the full and correct September 1965 valuations of the real and personal property of said county for the year 1965 and recommend that the county assessment of district values be made on_said basis. DISTRICT TOTAL VALUATION Towns: Barksdale $ 3 786 190 Barnes 3 765 310 Bayfield 958 820 Bayview 744 630 Bell 964 440 Cable 2,051 380 Clover 720 770 Delta 1 341 300 Drummond 2 794 800 Eileen 1 613 300 Hughes 760 700 Iron River 3 590 700 Kelly 1 066 200 Keystone 762 000- Lincoln 695 700 Mason 840 600 Namakagon 3 092 800 Orienta 539 950 Oulu 1 276 000 Pilsen 438 000 Port Wing 1 124 400 Pratt 1 739 100 Russell 389 500 Tripp 445 600 Washburn 548 100 Villages: Cable Mason Cities: Bayfield Washburn TOTAL COUNTY Respectfully Submitted, 861 200 327 200 2 329 400 3 547 500 43 115 590 G. William Frankie Louis H. Justice Moved by Justice and seconded by Sibbald to adopt the foregoing Report. A roll call vote was as follows: Ayes — Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Mescheivitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, -Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesle r,-Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Soderlund, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, 1v1eierotto,-Tetzner, Ronde.au,Jr. Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Justice, 176 September 27, 1965 Lund, Lindsey, Frankie Nayes - none Ayes - 34 Nayes - 0 Total - 34 Motion Carried. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Sibbald that the County purchase aerial photos for the assessment work and charge same to Bayfield County. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Mesehei.vitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Soderlund, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meie rotto, Tetzner, - Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Justice, Lund, Lindsey, Frankie Nayes - none Ayes - 34 Nayes - 0 Total - 34 The following communication was read: THE STATE OF WISCONSIN State Geographic Board June 19, 1965 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield.County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: Motion Carried. The State Geographic Board at its meeting on April 5, 1965, in Madison, approv- ed the following name pending approval of the Bayfield County Board: Bark River Not: Heron River Location.: A stream 4.5 miles long heading in Sec. 26, T. 50 N, R. 7 W., about 4 miles southeast of Herbster and flowing generally north- ward into Bark Bay in NWy Sec. 6, T.50 N. R.6 W. (Cornucopia Quad.) Requested:..U.S.G..S. mapping section for name clarifi cati on. We would like you to,take action at your County Board meeting in September so that we.may proceed with the processing of the name through the U. S. Board on Geographic Names.. Unless we receive a report from you at that time or a valid reason why no action was taken, we must consider our action as meeting with our approval and will submit the name to the U. S. Board on Geographic Names accordingly. Very truly yours, L. P. Voigt, Executive Secretary 177 - - _Sept.ember__27,•_1965 0 Moved by Beeksma and seconded by Evald Johnson to approve the name of Bark River. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: City of Ashland Wisconsin August 23, 1965 Mr. G. William Frankie, Chairman Bayfield County Board Port Wing Road Iron River, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Fran.kie: I am enclosing a copy of a letter from Alvord and Alvord, Washington Attorneys who handled our Airport case. This letter was read to the Ashland City Council at it's last, meeting and it was suggested that I write the Bayfield County Board in reference to this matter and ascertain if they would participate in the expense. Would you kindly bring this matter to the attention of your Board. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely, Harry Simon, Mayor. Moved by Arthur Anderson and seconded by Wm. Stuart to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried. The following Petition and report was read: CERTIFICATION I. EDWARD A. PAJALA, Clerk of the Counter of Bayfield, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the following is an exact copy of a PETITION presented to the County Board at their meet- ing April 20, 1965 and which was referred to the Personnel Committee at the said meet- ing as recorded on Page 122 Volume 12", of the County Board Journal. !kkzxfffilc3:xxtngx2x tiikxxxxmdxaapxxtxwaxxxgadxx Edward A. Paj ala, County Clerk. (Bayfield County seal) TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: The undersigned employees of Bayfield County hereby petition the above said Board and Committee to consider and take such action as may be necessary to provide an increase in compensation for the undersigned employees which will reflect a merit increase, cost of living increase and which will approximate the schedule of com- pensation paid to the municipal employees and welfare employees in like positions. Said Board and Committee is further petitioned to take action to provide for a reasonable increase in such compensation on a blanket or percentage basis to be effect- ive January 1, 1966, and to initiate such further action as may be necessary to re- evaluate all of the undersigned positions and to establish a schedule of base pay, plus merit increases and fringe benefits, similar to the Wisconsin Civil Service compensation program, to be effective not later than January 1, 1957. The County Board and Personnel Committee hereof is further petitioned to permit a committee representing the undersigned employees to meet with said Personnel Committee in support of this petition, upon at least ten days notice to any one of the undersigned employees. Respectfully submitted, 1. Gail Celinsky, Deputy Treasurer 2. Lillian B. Cleary, Forestry Office. 3.June Eskola, Vets Service Office - ----September=. 279--1965-- ^- - - - --- - = - - --- _- - 4. Beatrice Kelly, Agric. Office 5. Mary MacDonald, Deputy Reg. of Deeds 6. Mabel Moland, Deputy Co. Clerk 7. Judy Nelson, Co. Clerk's Office 8. Delores Niska, Agric. Office 9. Ruth Pristash, Co. Nurse's Office 10. Irene Sieren, District Att'y. Office 11. Betty Terls.on, Co. Clerk's Office 12. Violet Weber, Deputy Clerk of Court 13. ' Irene Wedi,n, Reg. of Deed's Office. September 27, 1965 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Your Personnel Committee has made a study of the foregoing petition and wishes to make the following report. The committee has studied the salaries of the clerical help in Bayfield County and the adjoining counties and finds that in order for the salaries to more equally compare with.the salaries of the adjoining counties we feel that certain adjustments are necessary in said salaries. This committee therefore' recommends that the salary schedule of the Court House and Highway Office clerical help with the exception of the Bayfield County Department of Public Welfare be increased in the amount of $$20.00 per month effective January 1, 1966, and that all employees conform to this schedule. (Signed) PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Howard Sibbald Robert M. Jones Lester Kesler Philip E. Tetzner Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Robert Jones to adopt the foregoing Petition. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Mescheivitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Soderlund, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Justice, Lund, Lindsey, Frankie Nayes - none Ayes - 34 Nayes - 0 Total 34 Motion Carried. September 27; 1965 The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Mrs. Beatrice Kelly was hired as Secretary in the Agricultural Extension Office as of January 1, 1965 and WHEREAS, through an oversight on the part of the Department Chairman the salary of $230.00 per month was based on the old salary schedule rather than the revised schedule and =. WHEREAS, Mrs. Kelly has had approximately eight years experience in office work, WHEREAS, the present salary does not fit into any of the brackets as set up_by the County Board NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Mrs. Kelly be awarded the salary of $240.00 and this revised salary adjustment be retroactive as of January 1, 1965. Howard Sibbald Lester Kesler Philip E. Tetzner Robert M. Jones Richard L. Holman Moved by Howell and seconded by Kesler to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Mescheivitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Soderlund, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Justice, Lund, Lindsey, Frankie Nayes - none Ayes - 34 Nayes Total The following Resolution was read: 0 34 Motion Carried. WHEREAS, a substantial proportion of the land proposed to be acquired for the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore park is presently public property and only a small proportion is developed and improved private property; and WHEREAS, the main opposition to the proposed park is by owners of developed pri- vate property and by those who feel that such property should not be removed from the tax rolls, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, that the Board go on record as opposing the taking of privately owned developed property and recommending the amendment of the proposed park bill so as to exclude such property. Art Meierotto Moved by Meierotto and seconded by Barningham to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Bernard Johihson to amend the foregoing Resolution to read, that the County Board go on record with the above Resolution with the excep- tion to withhold privately owned developed property. Motion Carried - = --September" 27,- -1965- -- - -- -- - - - Motion made and seconded to approve the amendment to the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore Park. Motion Carried as amended. Moved by Meierotto and seconded by Rondeau that copies be made of the foregoing Resolution and mailed to Alvin E. O'Konski, Congressman, Senator Wm. Proxmire and Senator Gaylord Nelson. Motion Carried. Bernard Johnson recommended an investigation into the feasibility of acquiring access to Atkins Lake. Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Barningham to refer the foregoing recommendation to the Conservation Committee and report back to the County Board in November. Motion Carried. Moved by Justice and seconded by Lindsey that the County officers attend the proposal to abandon the meeting on the/=1dxNorthern Pacific Railroad XKK=XX if a hearing is held. Motion Carried. A discussion was held on the re -organization of the County Board. Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Justice that the County Board Chairman appoint a committee to study the re -organization of the new County Board. Motion Carried. Mr. Pajala, County Clerk, stated that some thought should be given to the Land Sales Committee in the re -organization of the County Board. Announcement was made that the Finance Committee would meet on Oct. 20th, at 10:00 A.M. and that all committees arrange their meeting prior to this date® The following. Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, By the County. Board of Bayfield County, assembled this 27P day of September, 19659 that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and the Chairman and Coun.ty.Olerk are instructed to issue checks for the amount of such items as listed below: --Septembe.r 279--'1965 - - - - - - Name County Board Work Total Per Diem Mileage George Sampson 12.00 1.28 13.28 Glenn W. Hall 12.00 8.64 20.64 Walter Barningham 12.00 1.76 13.76 K. C. Howell 12.00 .56 12.56 Robert M. Jones 12.00 3.76 15.76 Henry Mescheivitz 12.00 7.76 19.76 Onne Beeksma 12.00 5.12 17.12 Art Hanson 12.00 4.80 16.80 Bernard E. Johnson 12.00 6.88 18.88 Ernest He gl and 12.00 2.40 14.40 Lester Kesler 12.00 5.28 17.28 Frank Hoefling 12.00 5.12 17.12 William Stuart 12.00 3.68 15.68 George Moniza 12.00 2.96 14.96 Joseph Berweger 12.00 4.16 16.16 Edward Soderlund 12.00 3.68 15.68 R. E. Neitge 12.00 7.20 19.20 Sanfred Anderson 12.00 7.84 19.84 Axel Lehto 12.00 6.72 18.72 Evald Johnson 12.00 6.72 18.72 Howard Sibbald 12.00 4.53 16.53 Arthur Mei.ero tto '12.00 4.00 16.00 Philip Tetzner 12.00 .64 12.64 Thomas Rondeau, Jr. 12.00 7.52 19.52 Ryan Schraufnagel 12.00 3.52 15.52 Edward Jelinek 12.00 1.92 13.92 Walter Wasmuth 12.00 1.92 13.92 Melvin Mattson 12.00 1.92 13.92 K. P. Bates 12.00 1.92 13.92 Richard Holman 12.00 .16 12.16 Arthur Anderson 12.00 .16 12.16 Elmer Wick 12.00 .16 12.16 Louis Justice 12.00 .16 12.16 Axel Lund 12.00 .16 12.16 Phillip Lindsey 12.00 .24 12.24 G. Wm. Frankie 6.08 6.08 Total 420.00 131.33 551.33 Presented by G. Wm. Frankie Moved by Justice and seconded by Bernard Johnson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. 182 - --- _ ----September .27, _1965- --- - _ - Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell-, Jones, Mescheivitz, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Soderlund, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Hondeau, Jr.,' Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Mattson, Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Elmer Wick, Just"ice, Lund, Lindsey, Frankie Nayes - none Ayes - 33 Nayes - 0 Total - 33 Moved by Justice and seconded by Lindsey to adjourn. ward A. a� Coun Motion Carried. Motion Carried. rx. ,2/ , , � L G. Wm. Frankie, County Board Chairman. L—'