HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/9/1965November 9, 1965 I' I MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Meeting called to order by G. Wm. Frankie, Chairman, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. The following members answered roll call: George owell, /Sampson, Glenn W. Hall, W. C. Barningham, KennetO Robert M. Jones, Henry Mes- Lester cheivitz, Onne Beeksma; Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Ernest Heglund,/Kesler, Frank Hoefling, Wm. Stuart, George Moniza, Joseph Berweger, Herman Hanson, R. E. Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Axel Lehto, Joseph Lupa, Evald Johnson, Howard Sibbald, Arthur Meierotto, Philip Tetzner, Thomas Rondeau, Jr., Ryan Schraufnagel, Ed. Jelinek, Walter Wasmuth, K. P. Bates, Richard Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Louis Justice, Phillip Lindsey, G. Wm. Frankie. Total - 34. The following communication was read: Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: November 8, 1965 Attention: Mr. Edward A. Pajala, Clerk G. William Frankie, Chairman Please be advised that Mr. John F. Wroblewski, Supervisor of the fifth (5) Ward of the City of Washburn will be unable to attend the Bayfield County Board session convening Tuesday, November 9, 1965. In lieu of said absence, Mr. Wroblewski has requested Mr. LeRoy A. Smith to serve in his place representing stated ward for the City of Washburn. Will you kindly allow Mr. Smith to be seated accordingly. Respectfully Wayne 0. Lowe, Clerk, "City of Washburn Moved by Lindsey and seconded by Stuart to seat LeRoy Smith as a member of the County Board representing the fifth Ward of the City of Washburn. Motion Carried. Moved by Si.bbald and seconded by Justice to seat Elmer Wick in place of Lloyd Vienneau as a member'of the County Board representing the Third Ward of the City of Washburn.. Motion Carried. Moved°by Moniza and seconded by Justice to dispense with the reading of the last County Board Minutes.. Motion Carried. - _ -- -November 9, 1%5 -- ---- - -- - The Board proceeded with the election of a Highway Committee. The following nominations were made for a member of'the Highway Committee from District #1. .Moved by Beeksma and seconded by Stuart to nominate Walter Wasmuth. Moved by Justice and seconded by Lindsey to nominate Kenneth Howell. Moved by Barningham and seconded by Meierotto to close nominations. Motion Carried. The Chair appointed Holman and Justice as tellers. The result of the ballot for District #1 was as follows: Wasmuth - 21 Howell - 15 Total - 36 The Chair declared Wasmuth elected as a member of the Highway Committee from District #1. The following nominations were made for a member of the Highway Committee from District #2: Moved by Sampson and seconded by Rondeau to nominate Joeseph Berweger. Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Howell to nominate Art Hanson. A motion was made and seconded to close nominations® Motion Carried. The result of the ballot for District #2 was as follows: Berweger - 25 Art Hanson - 11 36 The Chair declared Berweger duly elected as a member of the Highway Committee from District #2. -, The following nomination was made for a member of the Highway Committee from District #3. A motion was made and seconded to nominate Frank Hoefling A motion was made and seconded to close nominations. Motion Carried. Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Stuart that the County Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Frank Hoefling as a member of the Highway Committee from District #3. The Clerk cast the ballot as directed and the Chair declared Frank Hoefling duly elected as a member of the Highway Committee from District #3. J ■ -November -9 . 1965 - - - Mr. Martin Olson from the State Highway Department appeared before the Board and discussed the project for the Cable area in Bayfield County. He stated that the construction work in Bayfield County is almost completed -and that maintenance will remain.about the same. He also stated that spot improvements on the Highways are administered by the State. Plans for scenic and rest area improvements are not completed. That a project has been discussed for improvements in the Red Cliff area but the exact time for letting contracts is not completed. The following Resolution was read: COUNTY AID CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 1966 SECTION I. The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County,Wisconsin, reg- ularly assembled, does hereby ordain that such funds as may be made available to the county for highway work in the year 1966 under the provisions of Section 20.420 and Chapter 83 of the Statutes, and the additional sums herein appropriated, shall be expended as hereinafter set forth: SECTION II. COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTMENT:o: Whereas the State Highway Commission has notified the County Clerk that a sum of money es,timated to be Two Hundred Forty -Eight Thousand, Five Hundred & 00/100 Dollars ($248,500.00) will be- come available at the end of the fiscal year under the provisions of Sections 83.10 and 20.420 (83) and (84) of the Statutes, for the county trunk highway system in the county, but the actual amount will not be known until the close of the fiscal year ending June 30,.1966. BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Committee is authorized and directed to 'ekpend the said sum to the extent required to match and supplement Federal aid for construction, right of way, and other costs on any Federal projects located on the county trunk highway system of said county, which are not recovered from Federal funds, and to expend any balance for constructing, repairing, and maintaining such county trunk highway system and the bridges thereon, including snow and ice removal and control, as directed in Section 83.10 (1) of the Statutes, and to reimburse the general fund for any expenditures that may be made therefrom pursuant to Section 83.01 (6) of the.Statutes. The distribution to such purposes is estimated, but not specifically directed, to be as follows: For Construction, Maintenance, Snow & Ice Removal and Prevention on the County Trunk Highway System. The County Clerk is directed to levy the special benefit assessments made here- in as special charges against the respective municipalities as provided by law. SECTION VII. WHEREAS the various highway activities for which provision is made in this resolution are continuous from year to -year, and the exact cost of any work cannot be known at the time of making the appropriation therefor, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does hereby direct that any balance remaining in any appropriation for a specific highway improvement after the same shall have been completed may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement, which is part of the same item in the county budget, for which provision is herein made, and any balances remaining at M�4 - - - --- -- November 9, _ 196 5_ -- - - - - - the end of the year in any highway fund shall remain and be available for"the same pur- pose in the ensuing year. SECTION VIII. WHEREAS the exact amount of the funds that will become available from the state for highway purposes in the county under Section 20.420 of the Statutes will not be known until on or after June 30, 1966. BE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payments for the purposes for which such funds are to be used, as hereinbefore authoriz- ed, from any funds in the county treasury that are not required for the purposes for whit appropriated prior to August 1, 1966, and to reimburse such funds in the county treasury from the sums received under Section 20.420 of the Statutes. SECTION IX. WHEREAS the County Highway Committee and the County Highway Commission er are charged with the duty and responsibility of carrying out the construction and maintenance of highways for which provision is made, and other related supervisory and administrative duties. BE*IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Commissioner shall have authority to employ, discharge, suspend, or reinstate such personnel as he deems necessary for such purposes, provided however that the County Highway Committee may by action recorded in its minutes determine the number of persons to be hired and may also at any time by action so record- ed order the County Highway Commissioner to employ, discharge, suspend, or reinstate any, such person. The term "personnel" or "person" shall include all patrolmen, laborers, foremen, clerks, stenographers, or other employees necessary to carry on such activities. By: Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger Walter Wasmuth County,Highway Committee Motion made and seconded to adopt the foregoing Resolution. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Mescheivitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau,Jr.9 Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Bates, Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Justice, Smith, Lindsey, Frankie Nayes - none Ayes - 35 Nayes - 0 Total - 35 Motion Carried. The Annual Report of the Bayfield County Highway Committee was presented to the Board. Moved by Justice and seconded by Berweger to receive the foregoing report and place on file.. Motion Carried. November 9,. 1965 The following Resolution was read: BE IT RESOLVED .by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this 9 day of November, 1965, that the County Board Chairman, County Highway Committee and County Highway Commissioner, are hereby authorized to attend State Road Schools, conventions and/or other road meetings, and that their per diem and expense be paid from the County Highway Administration Fund. Recommended by: Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger Walter Wasmuth Bayfield County Highway 'Committee. Moved by Heglund and seconded by Barningham to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, The County Highway Department is maintained by segregated State Highway Funds, and WHEREAS, all employees of the Highway Department are paid from these segregated funds, and WHEREAS, the County Highway Committee maintains.a salary schedule for its employees, and WHEREAS, the office manager and clerk are the only two Highway employees that are not on the Highway Department salary schedule THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the office manager and the clerk be transferred from the courthouse to the Highway Department salary schedule. Submitted by: Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger Walter Wasmuth Bayfield County Highway Committee Moved by Sampson and seconded by Justice that the above Resolution be placed on a roll call vote for its adoption. Roll call was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Mescheivitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Meierotto, Tetzner, Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Bates; Nayes - Moniza, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Rondeau, Jr., Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Justice, Smith, Lindsey, Frankie, Ayes - 25 Naye s - 11 Total - 36 Motion Carried. - - - November _ 9 9- 1,965 - - - - - - The following Resolution was read: PURCHASE OF HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT BAYFIELD COUNTY WHEREAS, for the construction and maintenance of highways, including the removal and control of snow and ice, it becomes necessary from time to time to purchase equip- ment, the nature of and necessity for which cannot be accurately anticipated, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Committee is hereby authorized, pursuant to Section 83.015 (2) of the Statutes, to purchase without further authority, and to the extent that revolving funds accumulated for such purpose or appropriations made for such purpose are available, such highway equipment as they deem necessary to properly carry on the work, and to trade or sell such old equipment as may be con- sidered to be for the best interests of the county;' Joseph Berweger Moved by Stuart and seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Petitions were presented to the Board: County Aid Bridge Section 81.38 TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN GENTLEMEN: This petition of the Town of Eileen, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents and shows to your honorable body that: The bridge known as the Karaba Bridge on the road known as the Karaba Road on the Section Line between Sections 35 and 36, Township 47 North, Range 5 West, on a public highway maintainable by the Town of Eileen requires replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The Town of Eileen has provided for such portion of the cost of replacement as is required by Statute. The total cost of such replacement is $7800.00. Wherefore, Petitioner prays and makes this petition to your honorable body for County Aid for one-half of the cost to said Town, in the amount of '$3900.00, all in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: Ernest Heglund John Mesik Albert N. Osmak Town Board, Town of Eileen Dated this 14 day of October 1965.. Bayfield County, Wisconsin November 9, - 1965-- 0 COUNTY AID BRIDGE Section 81.38 TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN GENTLEMEN: This petition of the Town of Orienta, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents and shows to your honorable body that: The bridge known as Culvert No. 1 in t)ie Nelson Ravine on the road known as the C. 0. Nelson Road located in the Eh of the SEY4 Section 12, Township 49 North, Range 9 West, on'a public highway maintainable by the Town of Orienta requires replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The Town of Orienta has provided for such portion of the cost of replacement as is required by Statute. The total cost of such replacement is $1667.20 WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays and makes this petition to your honorable body for County Aid for one-half of the cost to said Town in the amount of $833.60, all in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: Dated this 13'Lh day of October, 1965. Sanfred Anderson John Hoefling David Crozier Town Board, Town of Orienta Bayfield County, Wisconsin COUNTY AID BRIDGE Section 81.38 TO THE COUNTY BOARD .OF SUPERVISORS BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN GENTLEMEN: This petition of the Town of Orienta, Bayfield County Wisconsin, respectfully represents and shows to your honorable body that: The bridge known.as Culvert No. 2 in the Nelson Ravine on the road known as the C. 0. Nelson Road located in the E36 of the SE/ Section 12, Township 49 North, Range 9 West, on a public Highway maintainable by.the Town of Orienta requires replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section-81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The Town of Orienta has provided for such portion of the cost of replacement as is required by Statute. The total cost of such replacement is $1188.84 WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays and makes this petition to your honorable body for County Aid for one-half of the cost to said Town in the amount of $594.42, all in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: Sanfred Anderson John Hoefling David Crozier Town Board, Town of Orienta Dated this 13L4 day of October 1965. Bayfield County, Wisconsin November.- 9, 1-965 --- _- -- --- - -- ---- - --- — -- - COUNTY AID BRIDGE Section 81.38 TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN GENTLEMEN: This petition of the Town of Port Wing, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents and shows to your honorable body that: The bridge known as Bridge No. 2 on the Lake View Road located in the NE quarter of the SE quarter Section 29, Township 50 N., Range 8 W., on a public highway maintain- able by the Town of Port Wing requires replacement in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The Town of Port Wing has provided for such portion of the cost of replacement as is required by Statute. The total cost of such replacement is $3500.00 WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays and makes this petition to your honorable body for County Aid for one half of the cost to said Town in the amount of $1750.00, all in accordance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: Evald Johnson Axel T. Peterson Bertyl Nelson Town Board, Town of Port Wing Dated this 16th day of October, 1965. Bayfield County, Wisconsin COUNTY BRIDGE AID Section 81.38 TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS .. BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSI N GENTLEMEN: This petition of the Town of Orienta, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, -respectfully represents and shows to your -honorable body that: The bridge known as the Culvert in the -Root Ravine on the road known as the C. 0. Nelson Road located in the SWJ4 of the NW/ Section 13, Township 49 North, Range 9 West, on a public highway maintainable by the Town of Orienta requires replacement in accord- ance with the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The Town of Orienta has provided for such portion of the cost of replacement as is required by Statute. The total cost of such replacement is $1767.20. WHEREFORE, Petitioner prays and makes this petition to your honorable body for County Aid for one-half of the cost to said Town in the amount of-$883.60, all in accord- ance with -the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Signed: Sanfred Anderson John Hoefling David Crozier Town Board, Town of Orienta Dated this 13Lh day of October, 1965, Bayfield County, Wisconsin - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - -November 9,-- 19.6-5 - _ - -- --- - -- - - - r 0 The following Resolution was read: COUNTY AID BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION UNDER SECTION 81.38 OF THE STATUTES COUNTY OF BAYFIELD WHEREAS, the various towns hereinafter named have filed petitions for county aid in the construction of bridges under Section 81.38 of the Statutes, said petitions are hereby granted, and the county's share is appropriated as follows: Town Bridge Amount Raised Amount of County by Local Units Aid Granted Eileen Orienta Orienta Orienta Port Wing Karaba Culvert No. 1 Culvert No. 2 Culvert in Root Ravine Bridge No. 2 Less balance available in County Bridge Aid Fund 3900.00 833.60 594.42 883.60 1750.00 7961.62 3900.00 833.60 594.42 1750.00 7961.62 45.00 Appropriation 1966 7916.62 The County Board does hereby levy a tax to meet said appropriations on all of the property in the county which is taxable for such purpose. WARNING:. It is directed that provision for this levy shall be made in the county budget, but that this levy shall not be duplicated. Resolution offered by: Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger Walter Wasmuth Moved by Moniza and seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Mescheivitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Jelinek,.Wasmuth, Bates, Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Justice, Smith, Lindsey, Frankie - Nayes - none Ayes - 36 Nayes - 0 Total 36 Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: PROVIDING FOR THE ADVANCE OR TRANSFER OF CONSTRUCTION FUNDS IN BAYFIELD COUNTY WHEREAS Section 84.03 (5), Wisconsin Statutes, provides that the State Highway Commission and County Board, or a County Highway Committee when authorized by the County Board, may agree upon the advance of one or more future years' allotments for such county under Section 84.03 (3), to be expended on selected improvements on state trunk highways or connecting streets within such county to the extent so agreed, and WHEREAS occasions frequently arise when it is necessary or desirable to provide November 9,.1965 - -- - -- - - --- --------------------------------------- ---- for the advance, allocation, or transfer of construction funds to or between previously authorized or additional needed construction improvements on state trunk highways or connecting streets in this county. THEREFORE, in order to provide for promptly making available the funds necessary for such improvements and to avoid the delay and expense incident to calling a special meeting of this board for such purpose, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby petitioned to advance pursuant to Section 84.03 (5), Wisconsin Statutes, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway Committee of this county, which said Committee is hereby authorized to file, such sums as may be required and are not otherwise available for any such previously authorized or additional needed construction improvements in this county, with the understanding that the amounts thus advanced will be deducted from future state allotments for state trunk highway construction in this county under Section 84.03 (3) of the Statutes, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby petitio ed, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway Committee of this county, which said Committee is hereby authorized to file, to transfer to or between any such previously authorized or additional needed construction improvements in this county, any funds allotted by the State under the provisions of Section 84.03 (3)0 Wisconsin Statutes, and previously allocated to any other improvement or remaining unallocated in reserve. Resolution presented by: Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger , Walter Wasmuth Moved by Berweger and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolution.. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: October 15, 1965 Mr. Clarence L. Olsen Bayfield County Highway Commissioner P. 0. Box 428 Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Clarence: Subject: Project T 011-2(29) South County Line -Cable Road U.S.H. 63 - Bayfield County Parcel No. 21 As you are quite aware, the State Highway Commission plans to reconstruct U. S. H. 63 from the South County Line to the Village of Cable in the summer of 1966. In order to build this portion of U. S. H. 63 to present highway standards, it will be necessary for us to acquire additional right of way. Our records indicate that Bayfield County holds title to a parcel of land in the NWY-NWy, Sec. 19, T. 43 N. R. 7 W. It will be necessary for us to acquire 0.09 acres of this land, as indicated in red on the enclosed sketch. In order to facilitate a land transfer, we have enclosed herewith: 1. 3 Copies of a Resolution to be signed by the Bayfield County Highway Committee' and, subsequently, presented to the County Board for approval at their Fall Meeting. 2. A Warranty Deed"to be executed by the County Board Chairman and County Clerk following approval and adoption of the above mentioned Resolution. It is our belief that the County will approve the transfer of this parcel of land November 9, - 1965 . for $1.00 (Normally, this consideration is not paid). We would very much appreciate having your County Highway Committee sign all three copies of the enclosed "Resolution" and then give the executed copies and the Highway Deed to the County Clerk in order that he can present same to the County Board for action. Following adoption of the Resolution and completion of the deed, we request that two (2) copies of said Resolution and the Deed be returned to our office. All of the enclosed documents are to carry the County Seal. Following recording of the deed, we will return a copy to you for your files. In the interim, we would appreciate your withholding any and all of the proposed highway lands from County sale. Right of Way plats for this project are currently on file with the County Clerk. Appreciating your cooperation in this matter of mutual interest, we remain, with kindest personal regards, Sincerely, M. B. Olsen District Engineer B. W. Bourgeois District Chief of Right of Way The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, certain lands located in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and more particul- arly those lands within the limits of Project T 011-2(29)0 South County Line -Cable o Road, U. S. H. 63, Bayfield County, are owned by Bayfiel4, antdy, WHEREAS, it is necessary that certain portions of such County owned land be es- tablished as highway right of way; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, in regular session assembled this 9 day of November, 1965, do hereby dedi- cate the following described lands for highway purposes; All that part of a strip or parcel of land in the NW/4-NWj/ of Sec. 19, T. 43 N., R. 7 W., lying between the following described reference line and a line parallel to, radially from, and 90 feet easterly of such reference line: Commencing at a point 6.21.S. of the NW corner of Sec. 19, T. 43 N., R. 7 W., thence S. 29° 36' W. 204.5', thence S. 490 52' W. 819.3', thence along the arc of a 10 15' curve left 936.4' to the place of beginning, thence continuing along the arc of said curve 2001. Said parcel contains 0.09 acres more or less, exclusive of land previously acquired or now used for highway purposes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to sign and issue a Quit Claim Deed to the State of Wisconsin (State High- way Commission) for the herein described lands. Resolution Presented by: Frank Hoefling Joseph Berweger Walter Wasmuth Bayfield County Highway Committee Moved by Sampson and seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing Resolution.. Motion Carried. -- - -- .November _9 196 5 --- --_ - - - -- ---------- The following Petitions were read: June 21, 1965 TOWN OF 0 U L U Bayfield County, Wis. TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: We, the undersigned, residents and freeholders of said county of Bayfield, re- siding in the towns therein, as stated hereunder opposite our respective names, do hereby petition your honorable " body to lay out a highway extending on the town line between the towns of Oulu and Orienta and between towns'of Tripp and Port Wing. Ann Hautala Toivo,Nevala, Oulu Emil J. Johnson, Oulu Uno Aho, Oulu Carl Waataja, Oulu Godfred Knuth Ernest Rantala Gertrude L. Taipale, Oulu Mrs. Irma Maki, Oulu John Taipale, Oulu Leo Tolonen, Oulu Isaac Oja, Oulu Roy Reijo, Oulu Edwin Hissa, Oulu Rudy Pihle, Oulu Rodney Lahti, Oulu Anne W. Johnson, Oulu Arthur Pudas, Oulu Esther Pudas, Oulu Lillian Heikkila, Oulu Arch Eldridge, Oulu Irene Tikkanen, Oulu Arthur Suni, Oulu Agnes Laakso, Oulu Emil Rania, Orienta Arne Heikkila, Oulu Iron River Co -Op - Elmer Wallin Oliver Johnson, Orierita Wm. Reinholm, Oulu Mrs. Romania L. Raatz `James Holton, Cornp. Harvey Taipale, Oulu Mr. & Mrs. Harold Keys Oliver Heikkila, Oulu Oscar Getto, Oulu Carl I. Anderson, Iron River Jerry Taipaile, Oulu Eino Sarkkinen, Oulu Joanne Hissa, Oulu Alvin Jensen, Oulu Ailie M. Johnson, Oulu Eleanor J. Heikkila, Oulu Ed. Pudas, Oulu Reino Lind &Sons - Dell Drillny Lillian Tolonen, Oulu Saima Pudas, Oulu Florence Eldridge, Oulu Emil T. Wihela, Oulu Elsie, Oulu Ray Laakso, Oulu Nick Suni, Orienta Fuhrmanns Dairy by Darrell D. Fuhrmann Arne W. Johnson & Sons Excavating Everett Fisheries, Inc. - Everett W.-Johnson Isaksson Lbr. Co. - Axel Isaksson Jardine's - Harry Jardine Standard Oil Agt. - Arne Pyykola Arrowhead Producers Ass. - Donald Danielson Norman Tuura Trucking - Norman Tuura Baillie Oil Co., Inc..- Mrs. Donald Baillie Martens Dairy - Hans Martens - - - November_ 9 s- -1965- — - - - - November 3, 1965 TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF BAYFIELD CO. Gentlemen: The undersigned residents and voters of Bayfield Co. hereby petition your Bayfield Co. Board to take over existing town roads and construct road where none is on the following town lines Beginning where the town line between towns 48 and 49 Range 8 connects with Co. Trunk A and running west along said town line 7'miles to connect with Bayfield Co. Trunk B. N. C. Nelson, Town of Tripp Lyla Kamarainen,Town of Tripp Leander Hegbloom, Tripp C. G. Frankie, Tripp Iris T. Kalin, Tripp George C. Martell,Town of Tripp Darrell D. Fuhrman,Town of Tripp Bernice Lavin,Town of Tripp John McConkey,Town of Tripp Elizabeth Hooper,Town of Tripp Marjorie Tutor,Town of Tripp Sam Raivala,Jr. Tripp Nannie E. Nelson, Town of Tripp Mrs. Katherine Hegbloom, Tripp G. William Frankie, Tripp Edward L. Washnieski, Tripp Elva Martell, Town of Tripp Ralph Williams, Town of Tripp Frances Savage, Town of Tripp Wm. Lavin, Town of Tripp Cleo McConkey, Town of Tripp Irene Davis, Town of Tripp James W. Tutor, Tripp Wilma Raivala, Tripp Moved by Moniza and seconded by Justice that the foregoing Petitions be received and placed on file. -Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Certain residents of the Towns of Oulu, Orienta and Tripp have petition- ed the County Board of Supervisors to lay out a County Trunk Highway running from County Trunk B at the Northeast corner of Section Six (6), Township Forty-eight (48) North, Range Nine (9) West, and running thence Easterly on the township line between townships Forty-eight (48) and Forty-nine (49) North a distance of Seven (7) miles more or less to a junction with County Trunk Aq and WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable that said proposed highway be laid out and opened as a County Trunk Highway, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Trunk Highway, as petitioned for and as hereinabove described, be laid out and opened and that the County Highway Commissioner and proper officers of Bayfield County do such acts as may be necessary to cause said highway to be laid out and opened. Sanfred Anderson G. William Frankie Moved by Justice and seconded by Sanfred Anderson that the above Resolution be referred to the Highway Committee.: Motion Carried. November 9, 1965 The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, it appears advisable to take tax deeds on the Sale of 1961, THEREFORE, BE IT -HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Clerk'and'the County Treasurer be authorized and directed to take tax deeds on the Sale of 1961 by IN REM proceedure under Section 75.521. George Moniza Louis H. Justice Herman Hanson Thomas E. Rondeau Arthur Meierotto FINANCE COMMITTEE. Moved by Justice and seconded by Herman Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, it may be necessary to make short term loans in order to meet payrolls and other obligations -including current and ordinary expenses within the next year, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in annual session assembled this 9 day of November, 1965, that the Chairman of the County Board, the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to make short term loans in the amount not exceeding $509000.00 in the aggregate, if in their opinion it should be to the County's interest to make such loan or loans. George Moniza Louis H. Justice Herman Hanson Thomas E. Rondeau Arthur Meierotto FINANCE COMMITTEE. Moved by Lindsey and'se,conded by Howell to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. a The following Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that Bayfield County purchase the excess delinquent tax accounts of the various taxing districts for the tax of 1960. George Moniza, Chairman Thomas E. Rondeau Louis H. Justice Herman Hanson Art Meierotto Moved by Justice and seconded by Lindsey to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried.. November 99 1965 The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Budget is made up about fourteen and one half months in advance of the closing date of accounts and therefore -it is>impossi-ble to estimate one hundred per cent correctly, and WHEREAS, it now appears that there will be a small over run in a few of the Budget items for 1965, and therefore BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Clerk, the County Treasurer and the County Board Chairman, be and they are hereby authorized to pay out such amounts up to December el, 1965, to cover Budget deficiencies and payments to accounts of the Departments affected. George Moniza Moved by Moniza and seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing Resolution.. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING PUBLIC DEPOSITORY Resolved, that the following banking institutions: All banks located in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, qualified as public depositories under Chapter 34 of the Wisconsin Statutes, shall be and are hereby designated until further action, as public depositories for all public moneys coming into.the hands of the treasurer of ±km Bayfield County, State of Wisconsin, Resolved Further that withdrawal or disbursement from any one of the above named ° depositories shall be only by order check, as provided in Section 66.042 of the Wis- consin Statutes; that in accordance therewith all order checks shall be signed by the following persons: Edward A. Pajala, Clerk and Nick Pristash, Treasurer, and countersigned by G. Wm. Frankie, County Board Chairman and shall be so honored. C,C Resolved Further, that in lieu of their personal signature(s), the following facsimile signatures, which have been adopted by them as below shown G. William Frankie, Chairman G. William Frankie Edward A. Pajala, Clerk ) OR ,( Chairman Edward A. Pajala Nick Pristash, Treasurer ) ( Clerk may be affixed on such order the ck(s) ; that any one of the above named depositories shall be fully warranted and protected in making payment on'any order check bearing such facsimile(s) notwithstanding that the same may have been placed thereon without the authority of the designated person or personso Further Resolved, that a certified copy of this resolution shall be delivered to each of the above named depositories, and said depositories may rely on this resolu- tion until changed by lawful resolution and a certified copy of such resolution has been given to the cashier of the respective above named depositories. George Moniza n November 9, 1965 - _ ___ __ _ - This is to Certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly and legally adopted by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at a legal meet- ing held on the 9 day of November, 1965.,, Date Nov. 22, 1965 (Signed) Edward A...Pajala,.Clerk.. Moved by Justice and seconded by Lindsey to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. t Moved by Sampson and seconded by Justice to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Motion Carried. Meeting called to order at 1:30 o'clock P.M. by G. Wm. Frankie, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Mescheivitz, Beeksma,'Art Hanson, Ber- nard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Bates, Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Justice, Smith, Lindsey, Frankie - Total 36. The following Resolution was read: - WHEREAS, on June 22, 1943, title to Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3)2 Four (4), and Five (5), Block One (1), Pettingill's Second Addition to Iron River, was purport- edly vested in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, by virtue of a Quitclaim Deed dated June 22, 1943, and recorded on June 29, 1943 as instrument No. 148020, in Volume 141 of Deeds on page 282 running from Laura A. Madsen, daughter of James A: Cutland and his wife, Lydia Cutland, to the Public Welfare Department of Bayfield County; and WHEREAS, this parcel of real estate was subsequently sold to Charles A. Diamon and Charlotte I. Diamon, as joint tenants, whereby title was purportedly conveyed by a quitclaim deed running from the Public Welfare Department of Bayfield County, which was executed by H. B. Randall, Jr., as Director of said welfare department, to the foregoing parties, Charles A. Diamon and Charlotte I. Diamon,. dated June 29, 1943, but which deed has not been recorded; and WHEREAS, a question has arisen as to the validity of the foregoing deed, and inasmuch as the grantees have paid valuable consideration for said real estate, having improved the same, and having been iicontinuous possession since June 29, 1943, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Clerk of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, be and the same is hereby ordered to execute a deed forthwith running to Charles A. Diamon and his wife November 9, 1965 Charlotte I. Diamon, as joint tenants, for the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), conveying the following described real estate in the Town of Iron River, Bayfield County, Wiscons to -wit: Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4) and Five'(5), in Block One (1) of Pettingill°s Second Addition to Iron River. G. William Frankie Moved by Moniza and seconded by Art. Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Report Was read: Washburn, Wisconsin Nov. 3, 1965 BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Gentlemen: The Conservation Committee of the Bayfield County Board in compliance with a County Board Resolution adopted September 27th, 1965 and recorded on'Page 174 Volume 12, County Board Journal, made a study of the forty acre tract of land described as the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, (NW/ NW/a), of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Forty-seven (47) North, Range Six (6) West, Town of Keystone. The aforesaid description is presently part of the County Park System. This forty was found to be a wooded area with no public access. A branch of the north Fish Creek runs through this forty entering it at the northwest corner and cross- ing the forty in a southeasterly direction to the east line and thence running along the,,east line in a southerly direction. The stream is generally three or four feet wide and is spring fed with its source about one-half mile from the northwest corner a short distance east of County Trunk "G". Several small trout were observed by the committee as they walked down stream. :The banks of .the ravine are very steep and high with a covering of aspen and some norway and white pine and also some hardwood scattering over the forty. This description is not suitable for farming purposes and would be quite diffi- cult to log. It,is recommended that this forty remain in the County Park System at the present time but that some consideration should be given to the possibility of selling it to the.Wisconsin Conservation Department if they sould.be interested in purchasing it. Signed: CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Bernard.E..Johnson, Chairman George Sampson Glenn W. Hall Evald Johnson Moved by Sampson and seconded by Stuart to receive the foregoing Report and place on file. Motion Carried. November 9, 1965 The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, (NV/ NWY), of Section Twenty-two (22)9 Township Forty-seven (47) North, Range Six (6) West, Town of Keystone, is presently part of the County Park System, and WHEREAS, a Resolution was presented to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at their meeting of September 27th, 1965, which Resolution proposed to withdraw this. description from the County Park System, and WHEREAS, the said Resolution was referred to the Conservation Committee for study, and WHEREAS, the Conservation Committee has made said study and finds that it would not be to the best interest of Bayfield County to withdraw said description from the County Park System. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 9 day of November, 19659 that the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quart- er (NW/ NWy4), of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Forty-seven (47) North, Range Six (6) West remain in the County Park System. Signed: CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Bernard E. Johnson, Chairman George Sampson Glenn W. Hall Evald Johnson Moved by Bernard E. Johnson and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolu- tion,. Motion Carried. The following communication and Resolution were read: October 29, 1965 Mr. Edward A. Pajala, County Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: Your offer dated August 16, 1965, to lease to the United States Government approxi- mately 264 square feet of space on the second floor of the Bayfield County Courthouse, 117 East 5Lh Street, Washburn, Wisconsin, is hereby accepted. The rental consideration to be $315.00 per annum, effective November 19 1965. Enclosed for signature are three copies of Lease No. GS-05BR-5811. Please have an authorized officer of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, sign his name and title in the space provided on -the lease form. Have the signature witnessed, showing full name and address, in the space provid- ed below the signature of the Lessor. i Please return the three signed copies of the lease document. After signature on half of the Government, one copy will be sent to you for your records. We thank you for making this space available to the Government.. Sincerely yours, -Ralph A. Cutter Realty Specialist - - November 9-,- 1965 - RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Draft Board, an agency of the United States Government is now occupying quarters in the Bayfield County Administration Building, pursuant to agreement with the Building and Grounds Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, and WHEREAS, It is required that a formal lease be entered into between Bayfield County and the United States of America covering the provisions and conditions of said lease arrangement, and WHEREAS, a form of lease has been prepared by the General Services Administration and submitted to Bayfield County for approval and execution, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the form of lease submitted be and the same is hereby approved in its entirety and the County Clerk of Bayfield County is hereby authorized to execute said lease for and on behalf of Bayfield County. Edward Jelinek K. C. Howell Art A. Anderson Moved by Bernard E. Johnson and seconded by -'Justice to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Petition & Resolution was Read: PETITION We respectfully petition the Bayfield County Board to adopt the foregoing resolution concerning legal holidays: Alice Utpadel Irene Sieren Lois Arntsen Violet Weber Mary MacDonald Irene Wedin Earl Pedersen Gale A. Celinsky Marcella Guski Mabel-K. Moland Judy Nelson Florence Hedican Louise Anderson Betty M. Leino- Edwin P. Dashner Lawrence Young bonald Brenholt John P. Byhre Genevieve Nilsen Wilma Lamken Beverly Buck June Eskola Beatrice Kelly Eugene Anderson Ardala E. Littlefield Harry J. Lowe Thomas E. Anderson Shirley Brauns Lillian B. Cleary Ruth Pristash Robert N. Ledin James F. Utpadel RESOLUTION RESOLVED: That when a legal holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be the legal holiday.. Dated: November 9, 1965. Submitted by: Henry Mescheivitz Ryan Schraufnagel 202 -- -- ----- - - - -November 99- 196-5 - - Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Evald Johnson to'refer the foregoing Resolution to the Personnel Committee.. Motion Carried. The following recommendation was read: Nov. 9, 1965 -,TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: We, the undersigned, members of the Educational Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, in compliance with Section 40.02 of the Wisconsin Statutes here- by nominate the following named persons as members of the Bayfield County School Committee for terms of three years commencing on January 1, 1966. Member from a' City or Village Ernest Nelson Member from a Town Raymond Mammoser Signed: BY THE EDUCATION COMMITTEE:: Herman Hanson, Chairman Howard Sibbald Axel Lehto Art C. Hanson Motion made and seconded to accept the foregoing recommended nominees for the Education Committee. Motion Carried. The Chair called for nominations from the floor. There were none. Moved by Evald Johnson and seconded by Justice to close.nominations. Motion Carried. Moved by Justice and seconded by Herman Hanson that the County Clerk cast a unanimous ballot for Ernest Nelson as a member of the Bayfield County School Committee representing a city or village. Motion carried. The Clerk cast the ballot as directed and the chair declared Nelson duly elected. Moved by Justice- and seconded by Moniza that nominations for a member of the Bayfield County School Committee representing a township be closed. Motion Carried. Moved by Justice and seconded by Herman Hanson that the Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous. ballot for Ray Mammoser as a member of,the Bayfield County School Committee representing a .town. Motion Carried. The Clerk cast the ballot as directed and the chair declared Mammoser duly elected. Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Stuart to nominate Robert Spears as a i Trustee of the Pureair Sanatorium to succeed himself for a term of three years eommene- -- - November 9_,1965 - ing January 1966. Motion Carried. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Stuart that nominations be closed. Motion Carried-. Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Moniza that the clerk be instructed to i cast a unanimous ballot for Robert Spears as trustee of Pureair Sanatorium representing Bayfield County for a term of three years commencing Jan. 1966. Motion Carried. The clerk cast the ballot as directed and the chair declared Robert Spears duly elected. I I The -following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, on November 14, 1962, as recorded on Page 473, Vol. 11, County Board Journal, a resolution was adopted pertaining to certain restrictions on the sale of County owned lands, and I WHEREAS, it has been proposed that said restriction should be clarified and j modified, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Conservation Committee of the Bayfield County Board -is hereby authorized and directed to make a study of the said Resolution and report back to the Bayfield County Board at their meeting in April, 1966. Signed: . Bernard E. Johnson George Sampson Glenn Hall Moved by Sampson and seconded by Bernard E. Johnson to Adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried, The following application for audit was read: October 18, 1965 To" the. Finance Committee Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: I submit my application to audit the Bayfield County records and books of account for the year ending December 31, 1965 at a perdiem rate of $$70.009 $$40.00 and $30.00 for senior, semi -senior and junior accountants respectively. It is estimated that the cost of the general county audit will be from $2,600.00 to $2,800.00. The con- dition of the records will determine the ultimate cost of the audit and it is agreed that the audit be completed by October 15, 1966, Included in this quote is an estimate of $100.00 for the annual state report. For the 1966.county fair audit, we submit, as in the prior years, an estimate of 9$175.60 which is in addition to the general county audit.. The audit will include the records of the General.County, Register of Deeds, Clerk of Circuit Court, County Court, Highway Department and County Rest Home, as in previous examinations of Bayfield County. Respectfully submitted, W. E. Wickman, Certified Public Accountant. November 9, 1965 Oct. 20, 1965 - Recommended to accept by: FINANCE COMMITTEE: George Moniza Louis H. Justice Arthur Meierotto Herman Hanson Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Justice to accept the foregoing applica- tion for audit. Motion Carried. The following communications were read: November 2, 1965 Mr. Edward A. Pajala, County Clerk Bayfield County Office of the County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Ed: Many thanks for sending me a copy of the resolution of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in regard to the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. You may be interested to know that I intend to ask the Senate Interior Committee to sche-dule pub -lid .hearings in Bayfield County so that the residents of the Apostle I'slan.ds'area will have an opportunity to express their opinions on this proposed national lake shore. Warmest regards. Sincerely, William Proxmire, U. S. S. October 14, 1965 The Honorable Edward A. Pajala County Clerk, Bayfield County Office of County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin My dear Edward: Thank you for sending me a certified copy of the resolution adopted by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors on September 27 concerning the federal Government's propos- ed acquisition of land to establish the Apostle Islands National Lake Shore Park. I personally feel that several sections of this bill need substantial changes. I also feel that developed, private property should be left in private hands whenever that is possible. I would like for you to convey my thoughts to the Bayfield County Board of Super- visors to thank them for passing the resolution and to inform them that I agree with the contents of the resolution. With kindest personal regards and assuring you of my continued interest in this matter, I am Sincerely yours Alvin E. O'Konski, Congressman loth District of Wisconsin i ------- - --- - - --- - -- - November. ----- 205 Moved by Art Hanson and seconded by Heglund to . r-eceive the for:egoing communica- and tions/place on file. Motion Carried, The following Budget was reads NORTHWESTERN REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION 1966 Budget Travel $ 3000.00 Newspaper 30.00 Telephone 300.00 Per Diem 1703.60 Office Supplies 40.00 Office Equipment 130.00 Development Grant 1500.00 Contract payments to the Department of Resource Development 2500.00 9203.60 George Malinoski 1965 EQUALIZED VALUATION ON REAL ESTATE County Equalized Valuation Percent per Co. Ashland 489714,500 $ 1461.44 Bayfield 3890409900 1141.23 Douglas 1372121,000 4113.63 Iron 2299379300 688.12 Price 599972,565 1792.18 $ 9203.60 Rusk $ 4195869200 $ 1247.59 Sawyer 446,3769400 1391.29 Burnett 3929029700 1197.08 Washburn 39,990,300 1199.71 Taylor 6191799185 1835.38 $ 6871.05 Total 10 Counties $169074.65 George Malinoski Moved by Justice and seconded'by Lindsey that the Budget of the Northwestern Regional Planning Commission be received and placed on file. Motion Carried. e 206 November 9 1965-------._ _ A discussion was held on the report of the proposed re -organization of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors and.Commit-tees. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Smith to adjourn until 10:00 A.M. Wednesday morning, November 10th. Motion Carried. 207 November, . •10;_ :19_65 . Meeting called to order at 10:00 A.M. by G. Wm. Frankie Chairman. The following -members answered roll call: Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Mescheivitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernar( E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Evald Johnson, Sibbald-, Mei:erotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Smith, Frankie, Total - 32 The following communication was read: Bayfield County Board Mr. Edward A. Pajala, Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: Irving Van Stone has been authorized to be seated on the Bayfield County Board as of date representing the first ward of the City of Washburn taking the place of Mr. Richard L. Holman who will be unable to attend the Bayfield County Board meeting 11/10/65. Respectfully, Wayne 0. Lowe, City Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Moved by Arthur Anderson and seconded by Kenneth Howell that Irving Van Stone be seated in the absence of Holman as a member of the County Board representing the first ward of the city of Washburn. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: Bayfield County Board Dear Mr. Pajala; November 10, 196 5 Attention: Mr. Edward A. Pajala,Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Please be advised that "Mr. Phillip L. Lindsey of the 6th Ward, City of Washburn will be unable to attend the Bayfield County Board session•of date and that in lieu of said absence Mr. Bennie R. Rude has"been authorized to be -seated. Wayne 0. Lowe, City Clerk City of Washburn Moved by Howell and seconded by Smith that Mr. Rude be seated in the absence of Phillip L. Lindsey as a member of the County Board representing the 6th Ward of the City of Washburn. Igotiori Carried. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Howell to nominate Jerome Merkel as Trustee of MP November -10, 1965 the Bayfield County Rest Home to succeed himself for a term of three years commencing January 1966. Motion -Carried. Moved by Barningham and seconded by. Howell to close. nominations. Motion Carried. Moved by Howell and seconded�by Art Anderson that the. Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for Merkel as Trustee for the Bayfield County Rest Home for a period of three years. , Motion Carried. The Clerk cast the ballot as directed and the chair declared Mr. Merkel duly elected. C Mr. Merkel gave an oral report on the Rest Home and stated it was operating at full capacity. Moved by Beeksma and seconded by Berweger to receive and place on file the annual report of the Bayfield County Rest Home. Motion Carried. The next order of business was the continuation of the discussion of the report of the proposed reorganization of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors and committees. The Report as presented to the Board reads as follows: PROPOSED REORGANIZATION OF BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND COMMITTEES THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the County Board and one member of the following standing _committees of said Board of Supervisors: a) Personnel, Sheriff and Civil Defense. b) Agriculture and Resource Development. c) Forestry and Conservation.. d) Education, Welfare, Library and Health. e) Highway. Should any chairman of the above named five committees be unable to attend the Executive Committee meeting, said chairman shall designate a member of his committee to attend such Executive Committee meeting. The chairman of the committee shall be elected by the members of the Executive Committee and shall hold office for one year or until a successor is elected. The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the County Board shall be ineligible to sit as Chairman of the Executive Committee. The County Clerk shall be the Secretary of said Executive Committee and as such November 10,_ 1965 - - -- ---- --- - - - - - - - - shall attend all meetings of the committee, keep a record of the proceedings and per- form such other duties as may be assigned to him by the committee. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be: a) To supervise county administrative affairs in general, to bring about prop- er coordination and cooperation between various departments and agencies of the County to the end that the best business practices will be observed; and that due efficiency be maintained; and that the interest of the citizens of the County may best be served. b) To confer and advise with the officials and committees of the various departments of the County on official matters where such conference or advice is asked for by officials or committees, or when such conference is deemed advisable by the Executive Committee. c) To annually prepare a budget for the County for submission to the County Board for its approval at the annual meeting in November. d) To generally supervise all financial matters of the County for the purpose of keeping expenditures within control and within the budget adopted by the County Board. To this end all purchases, except those made by the Highway Committee, ex- ceeding $$1000.00, must first receive the approval of the Executive Committee before they can be made, unless otherwise specifically authorized by the County Board, or Executive Committee. e) Prepare schedule of fees and charges to be made by the several County officers, for instruments and other services, issued and performed by them for the public. Said schedule shall consist of fees, as provided by law, and as may be fixed by the Executive Committee, where no fee is provided by Statute. The Executive Committee shall also prepare schedule of prices to be charged by County officials for blanks, forms, and so :forth, as are carried for the convenience of the public at the several County offices. Said schedules shall be approved by the County Board. Schedules and fees now in effect shall continue until changed by Order of the Execu- tive Committee, the County Board, or by Statute. f) To supervise matters referring to delinquent and illegal taxes and secur- ing tax titles -for the County, and to have charge of the appraisal and sale of County owned lands. The Clerk of the municipality in which any land lies, which is advertised for sale by this committee, shall be notified of such liending sale in such time as to permit a representative of said municipality to appear at the Executive Committee meeting con- sidering said sale for the purpose of presenting evidence for or against such sale. g) The Secretary of the Executive Committee shall examine, settle and allow the current accounts against the County not in excess of $$1000.00 on any one account and to issue County orders therefor. All accounts must first be approved by the committee or department head having jurisdiction of the department incurring the account before being ,presented to the Executive Committee Secretary, the Executive Committee or the County Board, for allowance. h) To review all financial reports submitted to the County Board by the Executive Committee Secretary and by the several County officials and by the auditors retained by the County. i) To recommend auditors to the County Board to audit the books of the County. j) To attend to all matters referred to it by the County Board. k) T.o make a report of all its actions to regular sessions of the County Board. 210 November 10 1965 1)Whenever an emergency shall exist in any office or department of Bayfield County and immediate action is required in the interest of the County, the Executive Committee of the County Board shall have full power and authority to act and to take appropriate action until the next meeting of the County Board, and the said Committee is empowered to make or contract for emergency expenditures not exceeding a total of $5,000.00 in any one year. m) To recommend standing rules governing procedure of said Board. n) To keep the County Board advised and informed as to all pending legislation affecting County government. o) The Chairman of the Board and at least two other members of the Executive Committee shall approve the bonds and sufficiency of sureties of the County officers in accordance with Section 59.13 Statutes. p) To maintain and keep in repair the public buildings owned and operated by Bayfield County, exclusive of highway department buildings and buildings used in connec- tion with projects and property under the jurisdiction of the Conservation and. Forestry Committee. q) To assign office storage and County space in the public buildings of Bayfield County to the departments and offices of said Bayfield County. r) To recommend to the Board the necessary insurance protection for the employees and property of Bayfield County. s) To cause to be prepared by the Executive Committee Secretary a perpetual inventory of the real estate and buildings owned by Bayfield County. t) To set up rules and regulations for the use of the County Board room or other meeting rooms in the Bayfield County Administration Building by the public, ex- cept that no one shall be permitted to use the County Board room while the County Board is in session. t The Secretary of the Executive Committee shall be the purchasing agent for Bayfield County and his duties shall be: 1) To purchase the supplies necessary for the maintenace and upkeep of the Bayfield County Administration Building, the making of minor repairs and improvements in and about said building, which can be easily performed by the maintenance depart - went. 2) To perform the duties as set forth under Section 59.07 (7) of the Statutes, insofar as such Statute applies to the County purchasing agent. 3) Heads of County departments itho desire to purchase office equipment and furniture for their offices situated in the Administration Building shall first obtain permission and approval of the purchasing agent before trying out or having demonstrat- ed to them such equipment or furniture. 4) To perform such other duties as may be imposed upon him from time to time by the County Board. 5) The purchasing agent shall, with the cooperation of the various depart- ments, bring about improved and more economical methods to be followed in purchasing procedures. 21� --November--10-,- 1-965-- PERSONNEL AND SHERIFF'S COMMITTEE AND CIVIL DEFENSE 1) The Personnel and Sheriff's Committee shall be composed of five members of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors. The members of the Personnel Committee and the Sheriff's Committee shall be identical and shall, insofar as possible, transact the business of both committees on the same meeting day.. 2) This committee shall confer and meet with the Sheriff and his staff from time to time to discuss and consider matters concerning this department and, if deemed ad - visable, to bring recommendations to the County Board as to changes and improvements for the good of said department. 3) To generally supervise the activities of the Sheriff's department and the operation of the Bayfield County jail and to make reports to the County Board of any deficiencies therein or changes or improvements which may be deemed advisable. 4) To confer with the Sheriff's Department in preparation of the annual budget of said department, to reommend salary adjustment and capital outlay for equipment. 5) To study and recommend to the County Board, from time to time, adjustments in salary schedules for Bayfield County employees and officers, to establish holidays to be observed and working conditions for said employees and officers and to make recommen- dations to the Board --of Supervisors for the improvement in the working relationship between Bayfield County and such officers and employees. No adjustment in salary schedule of any officer or employee of Bayfield County shall be made except upon the recommendation of this committee. 6) This committee shall also represent Bayfield County in matters of civil defense and shall confer with the Bayfield County Director of Civil Defense as may be necess- ary from time to time in establishing and recommending budgets and on matters necess- ary to the efficient operation of said Department of Civil Defense in the protection of the property and safety of the citizens of Bayfield County. AGRICULTURAL, RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT, FAIR, ZONING AND SOIL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE This Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the Board and four other members of the Board, selected by the Board. One of the members thus selected shall be a sup- ervisor from a village or city and the vocation of the majority of the remaining members of the Committee shall be agricultural. This Committee shall meet at such intervals as is deemed necessary to properly carry out its functions and its responsibilities in connection with the Agriculture and Home Economics program of the extension service. This Committee shall have the further function and responsibility of representing Bayfield County in resource development, to include industrial development, dock and airport improvement and to represent the County on the five -county development committee and other cooperative committees which may created from time to time by counties similarly situated, in economics and resources, to Bayfield County. This Committee shall further represent Bayfield County and its Board of Super- visors in the conduct and operation of the Bayfield County fair and shall have full authority therein except as said Committee may be expressly limited by resolution and direction of this Board. 212 November 10, 1965 This Committee shall. also be charged with the responsibility and duties relating to the zoning ordinance of Bayfield County enacted pursuant to the provisions of Section) 59.97 of the Wisconsin Statutes and related Statutes. The Committee shall, as direct- ed by the County Board, draft proposed zoning ordinances and amendments thereto for consideration by the Board as the need therefor may arise and said Committee shall more specifically be charged with the duties and responsibilities as set forth in Section 59.97 (2) (a) of the Wisconsin Statutes. This Committee shall further be charged with the responsibilities and duties of the Soil Conservation Committee, or as more fully set forth in Section 92.06 of the Wiscon- sin Statutes and related Statutes. CONSERVATION. FORESTRY AND FENCING COMMITTEE This Committee shall consist of four members of the County Board of Supervisors, the County Board Chairman and the Chairman of the Highway Committee. The duties of this Committee shall be as follows: a) To maintain and keep in repair public land and buildings owned and operated by Bayfield County as a park or recreational site, inclusive of all access sites charg- ed to this Committee for maintenance and repair. b) To recommend to the County Board such programs for the improvement and develop - went of park and recreational sites as may be beneficial to Bayfield County. c) To carry out the functions and responsibilities of the Bayfield County Forestry Department in cooperation with the Administrator thereof, in connection with County ownec lands and land subject to the Forest Crop Law. d) To recommend to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors desirable projects relating to conservation, forestry, recreation, stream and lake improvement, public access and other projects of good conservation practice. e) To advise -the County Board of Supervisors and recommend programs concerning thee --construction and maintenance of dams and flowages within the County. f) This Committee shall further act in behalf of Bayfield County to its best in- terests in all fencing matters in which Bayfield County may have responsibilities under the provisions'of Chapter 90 of the Wisconsin Statutes. g) This Committee shall, as directed by the County Board, have the responsibility of advertising the advantages, attractions and resources of the County, as authorized by Section 59.07 (30) of the Wisconsin Statutes. WELFARE BOARD ('LIBRARY, HEALTH AND EDUCATION COMMITTEE) This Committee shall consist of five members of the Bayfield County Board of Sup- ervisors and shall be known as the Bayfield County Welfare Board. The members of the Welfare Board shall be the same as the members of the Library, Health and Education Committee. The members of this Committee shall be appointed by the County Board Chairman, each appointment shall be for a period of one year, and each member shall continue in office until his successor shall be appointed. The Welfare Board shall be organized pursuant to the provisions of Section 46.22 (2) (a) of the Wisconsin Statutes and shall have the duties and responsibilities set forth in Section 46.22 (2) (b) (c) (d) (e) of the Wisconsin Statutes, relating to 1_ November 10, 1965 - - - - - - the operation of the Bayfield County Department of Public Welfare. EDUCATION COMMITTEE As to the Education Committee, it shall investigate and advise the Board in res- pect to educational policies and expenditures involving the County as a whole. HEALTH COMMITTEE The Health Committee, in cooperation with the County Health Nurse, the State Board of Health and local Boards of Health within the County shall have the following res- ponsibilities and duties: 1. To formulate administrative policies and transact business necessary for the effective operation of the County nursing and public health service. a) Recruitment and employment of one or more County Nurses when so authorized by the County Board. b).-Direction and supervision of the work of the Public Health Nurse in cooper- ation with the State Board of Health. c) With the cooperation of the Nurse, draw up a tentative annual budget for submission to the appropriate committee and the County Board.,. 2. To become well-informed on all aspects of the public health nursing program and the public health needs of the County. solution. a) To discuss specific problems confronting the Nurse and assist in their b) Direct efforts toward improving health services to the community. 3. To interpret the public health nursing program and its objectives to the Commun- ity and the County Board. a) To assist the Nurse in planning and developing an interesting and edueation- lal annual or bi-annual report with wide County distribution. b) Review form letters, pamphlets and other publicity, and give suggestions as to their acceptability and helpfulness to the persons receiving them. c) Refer families needing service to the Nurse. e) Promote and interpret new programs through individual and group contacts. 4. To cooperate with other community agencies and groups in bringing about better (community coordination and health planning. LIBRARY COMMITTEE It is the duty of the County library committee to survey and study the library needs of the County and to develop and report to the County Board plans and proposals for improving library service within the County. It may promote co-operation between existing library units within the County and aid such units in working out contractual arrangements under existing law for the improvement and extension of library service. It may co-operate with similar committees or other proper authorities of adjoining Counties in developing plans for the establishment of multi -county units of library service. The Committee may utilize the consultant services of the free library commission. 214 November 109 1965 HIGHWAY COMMITTEE The County -Highway Committee shall consist of three members to be elected by the County Board at the annual meeting to serve for one year, their terms to begin on the date of such election.: The duties of the Bayfield County Highway Committee shall include those duties set forth in the State Statutes and such other duties as may be imposed upon it by the County Board. RECOMMENDATIONS AND DIRECTIVES IN RE COMMITTEE MEETINGS.. 1. Insofar as possible, all committee meetings shall be day meetings held at the Bayfield County Administration Building. 2. The Chairman of each committee shall notify the County Clerk of the time and dates of all committee meetings not regularly scheduled to enable the Clerk to properly post the bulletin board at least five days prior to such meeting. 3. The Executive Committee shall meet on specified dates scheduled in advance as may be determined by said committee. 4. Each committee shall be responsible to furnish a copy of the minutes of each meeting to the County Clerk for his records, unless a mutual agreement is reached by the committee chairmen and the County Clerk that the County Clerk shall attend the committee meeting in question and keep records thereof. 5. The agenda of multiple committees should be arranged and scheduled to consider specific business of each branch of the committee at different hours and give reasonable notice to the departments and department heads of such schedule. 6. Each County Board committee is charged with all duties and responsibilities set forth and required by Statute and by order of. the County Board whether or not herein specifically enumerated, together with all such duties and responsibilities as may hereinafter be delegated to each committee by the County Board of Supervisors. 7. All County matters and business not specifically assigned to any committee, either by Statute or by the County Board, shall fall within the jurisdiction of the Executive Committee whether or not herein specifically enumerated and set forth. Motion made and seconded to receive and place on file the foregoing Report. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, FREDERICK C. HARRIES and CATHERINE HARRIES, his wife, were the owners of the North Half of Lot Fifteen, Block Eighty-eight, City of Bayfield, they having purchased the same under date of October 15, 1947, and WHEREAS, their title is clouded by virtue of the following tax deeds taken by Bayfield County, to -wit: 1. Tax deed dated May 8, 1929 conveying Bayfield Transfer Railroad, side track and buildings passing through and on Block 88; 2. Tax deed dated December 4, 1929 conveying Bayfield Transfer Railroad side-track and Railway Company buildings on right-of-way through Block 88; 3. Tax deed dated October 12, 1931 conveying railroad side tracks and buildings November 10,_ 1965 passing through Block 88; and WHEREAS, after the three tax deeds mentioned above were taken, Anne Padden of Bayfield, Wisconsin, predecessor in -title to Frederick C. Harries and Catherine Harries, took a tax deed on the property, said deed being dated August 16, 1935; and WHEREAS, Bayfield County has no interest in said property, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors meet- ing in annual session this 10 day of November, 19659 that in order to clear the title to the aforementioned land, the proper officers of the County be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver a Quit Claim Deed to Frederick C. Harries and Catherine Harries, his wife, conveying the North Half of Lot 15, Block 88 City of Bayfield, Wisconsin. G. William Frankie Robert Spears appeared before the Board and explained the situation under which flaws were on record against the property described in the foregoing Resolution. Moved by Berweger and seconded by Howell to adopt the foregoing Resolution.. Motion Carried. Mr. Robert Spears gave an oral report on the operation of the Sanatorium. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, The Pureair Sanatorium is a medical institution operated and maintained by Ashland, Bayfield and Iron Counties, and WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable that said institution be authorized to give out- patient treatment of persons suffering from or suspected of having tuberculosis or other pulmonary diseases, and WHEREAS, Section 50.06 of the Wisconsin Statutes require that such out -patient treatment must be authorized by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That out -patient treatment for the purposes set forth above be and the same is hereby established and authorized and the County Clerk is directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the State Board of Health and the State Auditor, all pursuant to the provisions of the aforesaid Section 50.06 of the Wisconsin Statutes. G. William Frankie Moved by Moniza and seconded by Rondeau to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Berweger to receive and place on file the Annual Report of the Forestry Department. Motion Carried. November10 1965 -- ------ -- - -- -- -- - -- - --- - -- --- The following Resolution was read: TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Whereas, that portion of Lot 3, of Section 35, Township 52 North of Range 5 West, owned by Bayfield County, now being used as a County Park. Said portion of Lot3 described as follows: Starting from the Southeast corner of Lot 3, Section 35, Township 52 North of Range 5, thence west on the line for a distance of 528 feet, thence north on the line to the`Lake Shore, thence in an easterly direction along the Lake :Shore to east line of Lot 3, thence south along the line to the Southeast corn- er of Lot 3, Section 35, Township 52, Range 5, to the place of beginning. Said par- cel containing 13 acres more or less, and Whereas, as said parcel has not been placed under the County Park System, now WHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the above described parcel of land be placed under the County Park System and be made a County Park. ° Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William A. Stuart Walter C. Barningham Sanfred Anderson Ernest Heglund Phillip L. Lindsey G. William Frankie Moved by Stuart and seconded by Sampson to adopt the -foregoing Resolution.. Motion Carried. 217 November 10, 1965 The following Budget for the Bayfield County Fore Washburn, Wisconsin October , 1965 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Expenditures for 1966 County Forestry Budget for 1966 January 1, 1966 to January 1, 1967 Estimated Receipts: Estimated cash on hand January 1, 1966 5,000.00 1966 Allottment .from State (estimate) 16,300.00 Appropriation from County Board 8,000.00 $ 299300.00 Expenditures: Tree Planting - 100 acres 3,000.00 Work over 48 miles of old fire breaks 300.00 Two miles of new fire breaks 200.00 Building new roads - 2 3/4 miles 1,500.00 Fire Suppression 300.00 Parks & Campsites 700.00 Maintenance & Repair of Equipment 3,000.00 Compensation Insurance 200.00 Materials & Supplies (general) 200.00 Insurance of Equipment & Forestry Garage 250.00 Timber Sales - advertising and paint 450.00 Forestry Committee 1,000.00 Office Expenses 350.00 Administrator's Salary. 59020.00 Administrator's Expense 800.00 40% of Cruiser's Salary 1,752.00 40% of Crui.ser's Expense 400.00 Office Clerk 3,400.00 Tractor Driver for 6 months 29500.00 Snowmobile 19000.00 New Pick-up truck with trade-in 2,000.00 28,322.00 Estimated cash on hand as of Jan. 1, 1967 $ 978.00 Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William Stuart Walter Barningham Sanfred Anderson Ernest Heglund Phillip L. Lindsey G. Wm. Frankie Moved by Berweger and seconded by Art Hanson to receive and place on file the foregoing Budget of the Bayfield County Forestry Department. Motion Carried. 2i8 November 10, 1965 Mr. George Leino, Bayfield County Forest Administrator made a few explanatory re- marks with reference to a report on the 10 Year Comprehensive Plan of the Bayfield County Forest which was prepared by his department and presented to the County Board. Moved by Berweger and seconded by Barningham to accept the foregoing Report and place on file. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: October 13, 1965 Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Upon examination of the right-of-way easement which was granted by the Bayfield County Board by a resolution dated November 15th, 1950, the following errors were found to exist: Not included in the resolution were these descriptions which were traversed by Bayfield Electric electric power lines. Add - N1 NW S..:24 T50N R5W NW NE S 24 T50N R5W NE NE S 21 T50N R5W Delete S36 SW S 13 T50N R5W Also, the right-of-way width was not specified in this resolution so we would de- sire the width to be (30) thirty feet on each side of the existing electric power line. Thank you for your consideration and attention of this matter. Yours truly, BAYFIELD ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. Oscar Lahti, General Manager The following Recommendation was read: RECOMMENDATION TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Your Forestry Committee recommends that the easement request by the Bayfield Elec- tric Cooperative, Inc.,be granted. Said easement request is to widen the present right-of-way which will then be a sixty foot right-of-way going through part of the following descriptions: SE SW, S/ SE/, Section 16; SW SW, Section 15; NW NW, Nh NE/4, Section 22; N16 NW/, Nh NE/, Section 23; NW NW, Section 24; Nh NWy, NW NE, Section 24; NE NE, Section 21; all: in Township fifty (50) North of Range Five (5) West. Said easement to be in accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto. It is further understood that the Bayfield Electric Cooperative, Inc., agrees to pay the amount of $389.79 covering stumpage cut on said right-of-way.. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William Stuart Walter C. Barningham J November 10, 1965 Ernest Heglund Phillip L. Lindsey G. William Frankie SCHEDULE "A" 1. The rights of the grantee of such easement shall apply only to the particular parcel of land granted in the easement and such grantee shall have no right of any nature whatsoever to enter upon adjoining County lands or lands outside of the right-of-way for any purpose whatsoever. 2. The easement grantee shall pay for all trees and timber standing on said right-of-way at the time the easement is granted at the regular going rates for stumpage charged by Bayfield County, said stumpage to be estimated by the Bayf ield County Forestry Department. 3. The easement grantee shall refrain from spraying rights -of -way for the des- truction of trees, shrubs and other plants without thereafter cutting and properly disposing of the dead trees and shrubs on said rights -of -way resulting from said spraying for the purpose of avoiding unsightly conditions, detracting from scenic beauty and possibilities of fire hazardso. 4. Said easement grantee shall have the right of cut and trim branches of trees overhanging the right-of-way, but shall have no right to go outside of the right- of-way to cut trees, pile brush and debris or to bulldoze and construct access roads, except upon written consent of the FQre.st Administrator. 5. The easement grantee shall take all necessary precautions to prevent the obliteration of landmarks relating to -corners and monuments including all corners, bearing trees, bench marks and other Government and private survey references. The easement grantee shall be notified of the penalties for unlawful obliteration of corners and landmarks as set forth in Section 59.635 of the Wisconsin Statutes. 6. That such easement grantee shall, in the clearing of rights -of -way and con- struction thereof, comply with all of the laws of the State and County concerning the cutting of forest products and disposition of slash and shall be more specifically prohibited from windrowing slash in, along or upon said rights -of -way and adjoining lands. Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing recommendation. Motion Carried. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Bernard E. Johnson to adjourn until 1:30 P.M. Motion Carried. 220 November 10, 1965_ Meeting called to order at 1:30 P.M. by G. Wm. Frankie, Chairman.. The following members answered roll call: Sampson,4Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Mescheivitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Ber- nard E.. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Jelinek,` Wasmuth, Bates, Van Stone, Arthur A. Anderson, Elmer Wick, Justice, LeRoy Smith, Ben Rude, Frankie - Total 36. The following communication together with Request for Easement was read: LAKE SUPERIOR DISTRICT POWER COMPANY Ashland, Wisconsin October 1, 1965 Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 ATTENTION: Mr. Edward A. Pajala, County Clerk Gentlemen: We plan to construct a 115,000 volt transmission line extending westward from the Lakehead Pipe Line Company's pump station, located approximately eight miles north- east of Iron River, to Superior, Wisconsin and this line as proposed will cross over certain lands owned by Bayfield County, namely: The S36-Nh of Sec. 26; and the NEA and the NYZ-NWY4 of Sec. 27; T48N9 R8W, Bayfield County., Wisconsin. This line will be built adjacent and parallel to the Lakehead Pipe Line right of way which now crosses the above -described parcels, except for an area as noted on the map attached where we deviate from this right of way in order to make a more desirable crossing over a swamp area. Generally speaking, the centerline of our transmission line will be 15 feet southerly from the south right of way line of the pipe line. We are respectfully making application to you at this time for an easement cover- ing this proposed line - the approximate location of which is -shown by means of a red line on the two sets. of prints enclosed. Our standard corporation form of ease- ment (in duplicate) is also transmitted herewith for your approval and signatures. We have been obtaining easements along the route of this proposed line on the basis of $$20.00 per pole. We estimate there will be 33 poles located on County land. Thus, we are offering Bayfield County $$660.00, plus. the merchantable value of the stumpage to be cut within the right of way, for this easement - and respectfully ask approval of the Bayfield'County Board of Supervisors in its granting. Thank you. Yours very truly, M. E. Juhl, President November 10, 1965 EASEMENT REQUEST AND PROFILE TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: As per attached request and profile your Forestry Committee recommends that the easement request by the Lake Superior District Power Company be granted in accord- ance with Schedule "A", attached hereto, which was adopted by the County Board at their April 229 1964, meeting, and recorded in Volume 12, pages 25 and 26. In addition to the $20.00 per pole for the 33 poles which the Lake Superior .District Power Company agrees to pay, that they also"pay $121.75 for stumpage cut on said right-of-way making a total of S781.75. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE William Stuart Walter C. Barningham Ernest Heglund Phillip L. Lindsey G. William Frankie SCHEDULE "A" 1. The rights of the grantee of such easement shall apply only to the particular parcel of land granted in the easement and such grantee shall have no right of any nature whatsoever to enter upon adjoining County lands or lands outside of the right- of-way for any purpose whatsoever, 2. The easement grantee shall pay for all trees and timber standing on said right-of-way at the time the easement is granted at the regular going rates for stumpage charged by Bayfield County, said stumpage to be estimated by the Bayfield County Forestry Department. 3. The easement grantee shall refrain from spraying rights -of -way for the des- truction of trees, shrubs and other plants without thereafter cutting and properly disposing of the dead trees and shrubs on said rights -of -way resulting from said spraying for the purpose of avoiding unsightly conditions, detracting from scenic beauty and possibilities of fire hazards. 4. Said easement grantee shall have the right to cut and trim branches of trees overhanging the right-of-way, but shall have no right to go outside of the right-of- way, to cut trees, pile brush and debris or to bulldoze and construct access roads, except upon written consent of the.Forest Administrator. 5. The easement grantee shall take all necessary precautions to prevent the obliteration of landmarks relating to corners and monuments including all corners, bearing trees, bench marks and other Government and private survey references. The easement grantee shall be notified of the penalties for unlawful obliteration of corners and landmarks as set forth in Section 59.635 of the Wisconsin Statutes. 6. That such easement grantee shall, in the clearing of rights -of -way and con- struction thereof, comply with all of the laws of the State and County concerning the cutting of forest products and disposition -of slash and shall be more specifi- cally prohibited from windrowing slash in, along,or upon said rights -of -way and ad- joining lands. Moved by Sampson and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Easement. Motion Carries. 222 - Nov:embe-r -1.0, -1965 - - - - - - Mr. Edwin Dashner, Director of the Bayfield County Welfare Department introduced Mr. John Barrett, District Director of the State Department of Welfare who spoke on the Food Stamp Plan program. He referred to this program as a preventative program in that it raised the level of nutrition. Also that it increases the flow of food to families through retail channels. Through test areas, find1/.ngwere that, 1. farmers benefited and 2. families receiv- ing food stamps benefited by eating better, - 3. Rural business and the whole economy of the community benefits. Application for food stamp participation must meet with the approval of the Federal Government. Cost to the County would be very little after it was once set up and the county will receive reimbursement on this program through the State Welfare Department and the Federal Government. Mr. Dashner cited change over in the cost of administration. Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Rude that the Welfare Department with the assist - ance of the District Attorney draw up a Resolution pertaining to the County entering into the Food Stamp Plan program to be presented at their meeting to be held on Friday, November 12th, 1965. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, many persons are unable to maintain an independent self-supporting status and are dependent upon the public -for support to varying degrees, and WHEREAS, the Economic Opportunity Act proposes through training and work experience to develop new skills and retain and improve work habits of unemployed fathers and other needy persons, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this 10 day of November, 1965, that the Bayfield County, Department of Public Welfare be authorized to participate in projects developed to accomplish the above purposes under Title V of the Economic Opportunity Act. Dated this 10 day of November, 1965. Presented by: Henry Mescheivitz Ryan Schraufnagel Moved by Schraufnagel and seconded by Wick to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. 223 November 10, 1965 0 The Following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, the appropriations for social security aids are made under five different headings, and WHEREAS, it is impossible to accurately predict the necessary appropriation for each and every aid so there may be an overrun in some aids and a deficit in others, and WHEREAS, County Board action is necessary to transfer funds from one aid to another, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this 10t' day of November, 19659 that the total amount appropriated for the five var- ious aids administered by the Welfare Department be and hereby is appropriated under one amount listed as Appropriation for Social Security Aids. DATED; This 10 day of November, 1965. Presented by: Henry Mescheivitz Ryan Schraufnagel Moved by Schraufnagel and seconded by Smith to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, a resolution was passed by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors on the 29L4 day of September, 1964, and recorded in Volume 12 of the Bayfield County Records on page 45, relating to the duties of the Bayfield County Department of Public Welfare in juvenile matters, and WHEREAS, The duties referred to are set forth and bontrolled by Statute, together with rules and regulations established by the Juvenile Judge, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the aforesiad resolution passed and recorded as set forth above be and the same is hereby rescinded. K. P. Bates Moved by Sampson and seconded by Smith to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Ordinance was read: AMENDATORY ORDINANCE The County Board of Supervisors of the County of Bayfield do ordain as follows: That.the Zoning Ordinance of Bayfield County adopted November 14, 1934, as modi- fied thereafter, be and is hereby amended so that as amended - All of Sand Island which includes: All of Fractional Section 15, Township 52 North, Range 5 West All of Fractional Section 22, Township 52, North'Range 5 West All of Fractional Section 26, Township 52 North, Range 5 West L All of Fractional Section 14, Township 52 North, Range 5 West All of Fractional Section 25, Township 52 North, Range 5 West All of Fractional Section 13, Township 52 North, Range 5 West All of Fractional Section 7, Township 52 North, Range 4 West 224 November 10,_ 1965 Correction made in accordance with Co. Bd. Res. - Vol.12 Page 335. All of Fractional Section 23, Township 52 North, Range 5 West All of Fractional Section 249 Township 52 North, Range 5 West All of Fractional Section 129 Township 52 North, Range 4 West -5 All of Fractional Section 18, Township 52, North, Range =*� West be changed from Unrestricted Use District No. 3 to the Forestry Use.District No. 1; the above described lands being in the Town of Bayfield of Bayfield County, Wisconsin. - Dated: November 99 1965. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE. William A. Stuart Ernest Heglund Phillip L. Lindsey W. C. Barningham Sanfred Anderson REPORT OF BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE; TO BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD ON HEARING TO, AMEND THE BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE To the County Board of Bayfield County: The Bayfield County Zoning Committee of Bayfield County,,having considered the petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance filed by Walter Barningham on the 20th day of April, 1965, having held a public hearing thereon pursuant to Sec. 59.97 (3); Wiscon- sin Statutes, notice thereof having been given as provided by law and being duly informed of the facts pertinent to the changes proposed and duly advised of the wishes of the people in the areas affected hereby recommends as follows: That the proposed amendment be approved as is. Dated November 99 1965. W. A. Stuart, Chairman of Bayfield County Zoning Committee Harry J. Lowe Bayfield County Zoning Administrator Moved by Stuart and seconded by Barningham to adopt the foregoing Ordinance. Roll call vote was as --follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Jones, Mescheivitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoef ling, Stuart, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Eval d Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Bates, Van Stone, Arthur A. Anderson, Justice, Smith, Ben Rude,. Frankie Nayes - none Ayes - 34 Nayes - 0 Total - 34 Motion Carried. - - - - -- -- November- 10, .1-96-5 - - - -- - --- - --- - The following proposed Budget was read: Washburn, Wisconsin November 4, 1965 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: Fair The Bayfield County /Committee requests an appropriation of $23,915.00 for the 1966 Bayfield County Fair. The proposed budget is as follows: Revenues: Expenditures: Advertising 650.00 Advertising $ 900.00 Horse Race Entry -Fees 300.00 Insurance 650.00 Gate Receipts 22000.00 Judges 485.00 Exhibitor Fees 525.00 Maintenance & Repair 21700.00 Grandstand Receipts 29500.00 Fair Committee 19500.00 Concessions 300.00 Police Gate, Help etc. 29000.00 Carnival 560.00 Clerk Salary 19000.00 Change 250.00 Postage and Freight 150.00 State Aid on Premiums 5,000.00 Fair Premium Book 19000.00 County Board Appropriation 119830.00 Horse Race Purses 22300.00 Rental of Equipment 200.00 Ribbons, Tickets,etc. 125.00 Special Acts & Features 29000.00 Superintendents & Help 800.00 Supplies 350.00 Telephone 85.00 Electricity 200.00 Wis. Assn. Dues 45.00 Change 250.00 Auditing 175.00 Premiums on Exhibits 79000.00 TOTAL 239915.00 TOTAL 239915.00 Signed, BAYFIELD .COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE: William A. Stuart Ernest Heglund Phillip L. Lindsey W. C. Barningham Sanfred Anderson Moved by Justice and seconded by' Stuart to receive and place on file the foregoing Budget. Motion Carried. 22G _-Novemb-er_ 10-9-_ 1-96-5- --- -- - - - - - --- - The following proposed Budget was read: - Washburn, Wisconsin November 4, 1965 ,Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: The Bayfield County Agricultural Committee hereby submits the following proposed budget for the :County Extension Office for 1966. The itemized budget is as follows: Salary, County Agent $ .29900.00 Car Expense, County Agent 1,257.00 Travel Expense, County Agent 125.00 Office 19515.00 Regular Clerk Hire 29940.00 Extra Clerk Hire 2,120.00 Agricultural Committee 655.00 S.C.S. Committee 400.00 Zoning Committee and Maps 550.00 Salary, County.Home Agent 19300.00 Car Expense, County Home Agent 19029.00 Travel Expense, County Home Agent 175.00 4-H.Clubs. 525.00 4-H Leaders 1,000.00 Adult Programs 125.00 Salary, Summer Club Agent 300.00 Car and Travel Expense, Summer Agent 300.00 Salary, County Hort. Agent 200.00 Car Expense, County Hort. Agent 914.00 Travel Expense, County Hort. Agent 175.00 $ 18,505,00 Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE William A. Stuart Ernest Heglund Phillip L. Lindsey W. C. Barningham Sanfred Anderson Moved by Stuart and seconded by Howell to receive and place on file the fore- going Budget. Motion Carried. The following Petition was read: PETITION FOR THE°AMENDMENT OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF BAYFIELD COUNTY TO: The County Board of Bayfield County: The undersigned hereby petition the County Board to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Bayfield County as follows: That the zoning be changed from the Forestry Use District No. 1 to the Recreation Use District No. 2 on the following descriptions of land: 22'7 - - -- - -- -- - - _November 10, 1965 SE'/4 of Section 15, Township 43 North, Range 5 West NY2 NE/ of Section 22, Township 43 North, Range 5 West Lot 1, Section 22, Township 43 North, Range 5 West Lot 1, Section 15, Township 43 North, Range 5 West All of above described lands being in the town of Namekagon® Respectfully Submitted, W. A. Stuart R. 1, Mason, Wisconsin Dated November 10, 1965 Acting in behalf of the Bayfield County Zoning Committee of which is is Chairman.. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Bernard Johnson that the foregoing Petition be referred to the Zoning Committee. Motion Carried. Harry Lowe, County Agriculture Agent commented on the Opportunity Act, which he stated has now been passed givening employment to people. George Malinoski, Secretary for the Commission of the Five County Planning Program gave an oral report on its activities. The following communication was read: COUNTY OF ` TAYLOR Medford, Wisconsin November 6, 1965 To the County Board of Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Honorable Members.: Surely you are all acquainted with the fact that the State Department of Public Welfare is going to build a school for boys in the Northern part of the State. In fact, perhaps your County was in contention to have this facility located in your County. It is now public knowledge that there are only a few contenders left who are being considered by the State. Taylor.County is one of the fortunate ones left and being considered at.present. We, the Taylor County Committee and County Board, are asking for your support in this matter and have enclosed a resolution which we would like to have your honorable body act on in our -favor.. We feel that it is fair to ask this, since you may rest assured that should the circumstance -be reversed, Taylor County would help to support you. We made our proposal to the State and used the following arguments which we feel helped to get us in the finals: 1. Our location is almost exactly at the center of the area set aside by the legislature and would save you many additional miles and hours of travel for your 228 November. .10, - `1965 law officers as well as the parents of the boys. 2. We are a distressed -area -and 'this facility could help to improve our economic condition. 3. Taylor County does not now or never has had any State Institution or other State facility; this would be a first. 4. Our people are all anxiously supporting this effort and each one would do his or her best.to help the ;State's efforts to make this a better institution especially for it's inmates. Thank you for your time and support in our behalf on this project. Yours truly, Gordon Thielke, Chairman Taylor County Coordinating Comm. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Howell to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried. The following proposed Budgets were read: Washburn, Wisconsin Oct. 19, 1965 BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Gentlemen: The Public Property and Grounds Committee of the Bayfield County Board hereby submits the following proposed Budgets for 1966: COURT HOUSE Salary, Custodian 2,160.00 Salary, Assistant- 1,860.00 Lights 19800.00 Water & Sewer 600.00 Fuel 29660.00 Insurance 600.00 Plumbing 250.00 Janitor's Supplies 550.00 Painting & decorating 500.00 Lawn 300..00 Flowers & plants 75.00 S 119355.00 JAIL & SHERIFF'S RESIDENCE Salary $ 19320.00 Lights 600.00. Water 600.00 Fuel 19140.00 Insurance 75.00 Janitor's Supplies 200.00 229 November -10, _196-5 --_ Painting & Decorating Bedding, blankets, etc. Repairs Plumbing OUTLAY Window Repairs 500.00 200.00 200.00 150.00 $ 4,985.00 250.00 Signed, PUBLIC PROPERTY AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE Edward Jelinek, Chairman Art A. Anderson K. C. Howell Moved by Justice and seconded by Hall that the foregoing Budgets be received and placed on file. Motion Carried. The following Report was read: November 5, 1965 BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BAYFIELD COUNTY COURTHOUSE WASHBURN, WI SCONSIN Gentlemen: I respectfully submit my report on operations of the Veterans' Service Office for the year of 1965. So far this year, through the Veterans' Service Office, several thousands of dollars in medical payments, pensions, loans and grants have been granted to the vet- erans and their dependents. A copy of the new benefits granted this year is enclosed. By getting the veterans to the Veterans' Administration Hospital when they need hosp- italization, the local township is relieved of having to pay the bill, as most of these veterans are on pension and carry no insurance. The doctors in our area have been very cooperative with me; also the Veteran Administration, the State Department of Veterans Affairs, the Sheriff's Department, my co-workers in the courthouse and you members of the board. I herewith submit a list of contacts made during the course of the year in this office and a list of the completed applications. I will continue to give the best service I possibly can to the veterans and their dependents of Bayfield County. If you have any further questions of the activities of this office, you are wel- come to stop in the office at any time, as I have the complete records on file. Thank you, Gentlemen: for your help. Respectfully yours, Thomas E. Anderson Veterans' Service Officer 23J November- 10, , 1.965 _ _Y MAILIn - 2105 Out - 1780 VETERANS SERVICE CONTACTS CALLS In - 1598 Out - 669 FORMS USED 1. Support Statements 2. Power of Attorney 3. Compensation and Pension 4. Widow's & Children's Pension 5. Net Worth, Dependents K 6. Net Worth, Veterans 7. Application for Hospital 8. Aid and Attendance 9. Out Patient Treatment 10. Burial Allowance 11. Burial Flag 12. Headstone 13. Graves Registration 14. War Orphan's Schooling 15. Veterans' Educational Assistance 16. Emergency Grants 17. State Loan Applications 18. State Loan Approved 19. Direct Loan Application 20. Direct Loan Denied 21. State Loan Denied 22. Insurance forms 23. Miscellaneous forms 24. Certified copies of discharge 25.. Discharges recorded 26. Cert. copies of death, birth, marriage, etc. 27. Doctor's statements Total forms used in VA work MONETARY BENEFITS: Number of veterans in hospital - 39 Total Number of days 968*, @. $35.00 per day Number of veterans in Domiciliary 2 Total number of days 378 @. $22.00 per day 15 Headstones @ $75.00 Burial Allowances, 11 @ $250.00 Grants, Loans, Educational Assistance Pension & Compensation, Veterans Pension, Dependents Total TELEPHONE In - 3139 Out - 1800 166 90 36 12 44 48 50 12 10 11 9 15 12 9 4 9 9 2 8 1 3 11 62 57 7 20 74 793 $ 33,880.00 8,316.00. 19125.00 29750.00 19398.80 699174.03 239124.30 $ 13%768.13 *This is only the total number of days that we have a record of. We have no way of knowing how long a veteran is in the hospital unless he tells us the date he was dis- charged. Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Art Hanson that the Veteran Service Officer's Report be received and placed on file. Motion Carried. 2311 November 10 196 5 t The following Report was read: November 5, 1965 BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BAYFIELD COUNTY COURTHOUSE WASHBURN, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: I respectfully submit my report on the Veterans' Service Commission for the year 1965; Expenditures from the County Veterans' Service Commission from January 1, 1965 through October 30, 1965 are as follows: Groceries, Clothing, Fuei�nd Medical $ 291.50 Commissioners' Meetings Per Diem & Mileage 49.28 Total 8 340.78 Balance on hand as of January 1, 1965 $ 909.67 Less Expenditures 340.78 Balance on hand as of October 30, 1965 56,8.89 As of late,..we. have had quite a few requests for aid from veterans in their 40's who have suffered strokes and are unable to work for a period:of time. Respectfully submitted, Thomas E..Anderson Executive Secretary Veterans' Service Commission Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Justice to receive and place on file the foregoing Report. Motion Carried. The following Report was read: November 5, 1965 BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BAYFIELD COUNTY COURTHOUSE WASHBURN, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: I respectfully submit my report on Civil Defense operations in Bayfield County for the year of 1965: We have. -had new and review classes in Radiological Monitoring; new and review classes in Medical Self -Help; Communications classes; and several test exercises. You will perhaps remember the test we had on October 2nd with Ashland County, in which we tested our emergency services. We got'a good rating from the State on this test, I might- add. All of our Civil Defense tests and classes are held at night or on week- ends. We also furnish police :for the Bayfield County Fair each year. This year, several thousand dollars worth of medical supplies, which includes a 25 litter emergency station, will be brought into our county and will be a great help in any emergency.-. It is expected that a new Police Fire and Rescue training program will be in operation very shortly. All of our classes and instructors must be approved by the State and Federal Government first, and those who take part have been strictly volunteer. 232 November 10, 1965 ie do have a good record in the State of Wisconsin and we hope to continue to be one of the leaders in preparing for any emergency that may threaten our life and property. I wish to thank you, Gentlemen, for your support in this program. Respectfully submitted, Thomas E. Anderson, Director Bayfield County Civil Defense Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Smith to receive the foregoing Report and place on file. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, -There is presently no complete inventory of furnishings and equipment in the Bayfield County Administration Building, and WHEREAS, It is deemed desirable that such an inventory be taken, placed on file and keptup to..date on an annual basis, NOW THEREFORE! BE IT RESOLVED, That the Building and Grounds Committee prepare such an inventory and place the same on file with the County Clerk. Edward Jelinek Art A. Anderson K. C. Howell Moved by Jelinek and seconded by Herman Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution, Motion Carried. The following Affidavit was read: STATE OF WISCONSI N ) ss. COUNTY OF BAYFIELD ) Robert N. Ledin, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the duly elected and acting District Attorney in and for Bayfield County, Wisconsin; that he was such officer during the years 1964 and 1965; that during the year 1965, no collections were made by said office as and for fines, forfeitures and other matters relating to crimin- al or county matters and that all such payments were made direct to the County Court of said Bayfield County, Wisconsin; that there was collected from the period October 19 1964 to September 309 1965 on old age assistance liens the sum of 3571.47, represent- ing Bayfi.eld County's share of said collections, all as more fully set forth in the records of .the Department of Public Welfare in and for said Bayfield. County, Wisconsin. That this report is made.to the County Board of Supervisors at their November meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes. Robert N. Ledin Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9t' day of .November,.-1965. Irene Sieren, Notary Public, Ashland County, Wisconsin My commission expires l/1/67. (Notarial Seal) - November 10, 1965 - 233 Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Justice that the foregoing Affidavit be received and placed on file. Motion Carried: The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County, on or about the 3rd day of June, 1965, sold a parcel of land at an advertized sale to the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, said parcel being a part of Government Lot Three (3), located in Section Thirty-one (31), Township Fifty-one (51) North, Range Three (3) West, and WHEREAS, The conveyance therein was incomplete because of the re -location of Highway No. 13 and the abandonment of the railway right-of-way running through said description. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Clerk be and he is hereby authoriz- ed to execute a corrective deed in reference to said description to the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, conveying that part of Government Lot Three (3) lying West of old State Highway No. 13 and lying West of the B. H. & G. W. Railway Right-of-way in said Section Thirty-one (31)9 together with the reversionary interest, if any, which Bayfield County may have in the aforesaid railway right-of-way. Art Meierot.to Moved by Meierotto and seconded by Heglund to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, The advisability of constructing -a darn in the,Totogatic River has been considered by the Conservation Committee over a long period.of time., and WHEREAS, A permit must be obtained from the Public Service Commission of .the State of Wisconsin on application.and hearing.thereon, and WHEREAS, The making and filing of said application is required to be by authority of the said Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, and WHEREAS, Among other things, it is.required by the.laws of the State of Wisconsin that Bayfield County, the applicant herein, make provision for the adequate maintenance of said dam for a period of not less than ten years, as more fully set forth in Section 31.14 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County has had previous experience in the cost of maintaining I a similar dam over a period of more than t,en years on the waterway between Middle Eau Claire Lake and Lower Eau Claire Lake similarly situated to the dam now proposed and located in the near vicinity of such proposed dam, such experience having shown that little or no maintenance is required from year to year of like constructed dams and that the cost of maintenance of the aforesaid existing dam under the jurisdiction of Bayfield County has been, and presently is, less than $100.00 per year, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Conservation Committee of this Board, together with the proper -officers of Bayfield County be and they are hereby authorized 233 November . 109 1965 to make application in behalf of Bayfield County, to construct a dam in the Totogatic River in the Southwest quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SWy of the NEY), of Section Thirty-six (36) Township Forty-three (43) North, Range.Nine (9) West, or in that immediate area, to the Public Service Commission and to do all such acts as may be nec- essary to secure said permit and to appear at the hearing on said application and present evidence in support of said application, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That there is hereby appropriated the sum of One Thousand Dollars (81,000.00) to be segregated into a non -lapsing fund to be used in the main- tenance of said dam for a period of ten years from the date of completion of construc- tion, it being the intent of the said Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to maintain said dam and to keep the same in good operating condition for said period of ten years following the completion of said dam. Bernard E. Johnson George -Sampson Frank Hoefling Glenn W. Hall Evald Johnson Moved by Bernard E. Johnson and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resol- ution. Motion Carried. The following Report was read: ' June 15, 1965 Mr. G. Wm. Frankie, Chairman Bayfield County Boa rd of Supervisors Iron River, Wisconsin Dear Sir: In accordance with the provisions of Section 46.17 (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes, the annual official inspection of.the Bayfield County Jail.was,conducted on June 8,1965. All jail sections.were found.to be good in appearance, and it.appear.ed that ade- quate housekeeping -procedures are maintained. It is recognized that because of the old and antiquated facility a great deal of effort must be exercised to keep the jail in a sanitary condition.: It is again brought to the attention of county officials that the window ventilat- ors are in need of a heavy mesh protection which would not only minimize the danger of the introduction of contraband in or out of the_.jail, but act as an insect screen. I have suggested that a -heavy mesh of one -quarter inch, or less, of one -eighth inch wire, be provided or something which would be durable and not subject.to damage by those persons confined. The present situation is such that it would not be much of a problem to introduce items such as guns or hacksaw blades into the jail sections. The adult jail register and juvenile records were found to be maintained currently and providing the necessary required information and additional information deemed necessary. It° -was noted that jail population at the Bayfield County Jail is running slightly higher than that of 1964, but shows no significant changes. .It is my sincere hope that county officials will in the near future make the necessary adjustments on the window ventilators, particularly in view of the.fact that this improvement has been requested for several years. 235 November ^10, Please express my appreciation to-She'riff Embe'rtson and members of his staff for the courtesies extended me at the time of this visit. Should there be any questions or if I can be of assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to call upon me. Very truly yours, Ralph J. DiSalvo.,`:-_Detent ion Supervisor Division of Corrections State Department' ,of Public Welfare Moved by Sampson and seconded by Herman Hanson that the foregoing report be received and placed on file. Motion Carried. - The following communication was read: THE SALVATION ARMY May 17, 1965 Mr. Edward A. Pajala, County Clerk Office of County Clerk Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: This is to gratefully acknowledge your check of $200.00 which represents an appropriation by Bayfield County. We will be faithful in our stewardship of this money. Please convey our thanks to your County Board. Sincerely, Ray Carroll, Major State Secretary Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Art Andersoo receive and place on file the foregoing communication. Motion Carried. Moved.by.Heglund and,seconded by Lupa to adjourn until 10:00 A.M. Friday November,12, 1965- Motion.Carriede zss November 12, 1965 Meeting called to order.at 10:00 A.M. by G. Wm. Frankie, Chairman.. The following members -answered roll caul: Sampson, Hall,.Barningham,, Howell, Mescheivitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, pupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr. Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Bates, Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Justice, Lindsey, Frankie - Total 34., The following communication was read: Cornucopia, Wisconsin Nov. 11, 1965 Edward Pajala, County Clerk Washburn, Wis. Dear Mr. Pajala, This will certify that Andrew Beja was appointed by the town board to represent the Town of Bell at the County Board Meeting Friday Nov. 12, as Robert M. Jones will be unable to attend. Very truly yours, Albert Lawin, Jr., Town Clerk Moved by Sampson and seconded by Howell that Andrew Beja be seated as a member of the County Board to -represent the Town of Bell. Motion Carried. At 10:30 A.M. a -motion was made by Moniza and -seconded by Justice to resolve the County Board into a committee of the -whole for the purpose of a hearing on the Budget. Motion Carried. There were no appearances.. At 10:45 A.M. a motion was made by Stuart and seconded by Howell to close the hearing and to adjourn as a committee of the whole and to reconvene as a County Board. Motion Carried. 237 November- 12, 1965---___-.- The following recommended Budget was presented: Washburn, Wisconsin September 29, 1965 BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Gentlemen: The Sheriff and Traffic Committee of the Bayfield County Board hereby submits the following itemized Budget for 1966: SHERIFF Sheriff's Salary $ 40800.00 Undersheriff's Salary 49500.00 2 Jailer's Salaries 69960.00 1 Jailer's Salary 39989.00 Jailers Vacation pay 420.00 Deputies salaries 19000.00 Prisoner's Board 39600.00 Miscellaneous 300.00 Car upkeep 4,000.00 Insurance 350.00 Telephone 600000 Office 300.00 Radio Service 625.00 Lost Persons 200.00 Committee 450.00 Ambulance 150.00 Travel Expense 1,000.00 $ 339324.00 SHERIFF'S OUTLAY Car $ 29000.00 Tear Gas gun 150.00- Uniforms 425.00 Typewriter 180.00' Two guns 150.00 Total outlay $ 29905.00 TRAFFIC OFFICERS ONE AND TWO Salaries $ 89700.00 Travel 900000 Car Expense 29800.00 Insurance 350.00 Supplies 200.00 $ 129,950.00 J November 12, 1965 OUTLAY' TRAFFIC OFFICERS ONE & TWO Uniforms 100.00 Car - one 29000.00 Siren 185.00 $ 29285.00 Signed: SHERIFF'AND TRAFFIC COMMITTEE Joe Lupa, Chairman K. P. Bates Art C. Hanson Lester Kesler Moved by Moriiza and seconded by Howell that the foregoing Budgets be received and placed on file. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, the' day time Jailer at present is being paid $1.31 per hour, and WHEREAS, said -Jailer works eight hours per day,, six days per week$; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff has had great difficulty in hiring a Jailer for said pay of $1.31 per hour, and WHEREAS, it is more desirable to have a day time jailer' on an annual salary, and WHEREAS, an "increase in the amount of $60.00 per month is being proposed for the night time jailers, and WHEREAS, the day time jailer should receive a like increase, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 12 day of November, 1965, that the salary of the day time jailer be set at $3,989.00-p'er year, effective January 19 1966, said salary being based on the present wage of $1.31 per hour at eight hours per day, six days per week, plus the proposed increase of $60.00 per month. Signed: SHERIFF AND TRAFFIC COMMITTEE Joe Lupa, Chairman K. P. Bates Art Hanson Lester Kesler Moved by Lupa and seconded by Art Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Beja, Mescheivitz, Beeksma, Art Han- son, Bernard E. Johnson Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Bates, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Justice, Lindsey, Frankie Nayes - Sibbald, Holman Ayes - 33 Nayes - 2 Total - 35 Motion Carried. �I November 12,.1965 r _e e 9 The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Sheriff and Traffic Committee of the Bayfield County Board has made a study of the salaries paid to the Sheriff, Undersheriff, Traffic Officers and Jailers in Bayfield County and adjoining counties, and WHEREAS, the result of the study is that the said county employees are paid salaries that do not compare with the average salaries in the area,,and WHEREAS the committee finds that the Sheriff, Undersheriff and Traffic Officers are on call at all times of the day and night, and WHEREAS, the Committee further finds that the Sheriff has great difficulty in hiring qualified Jailers at the present salaries, NOW THEREFFRE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 12th day of November, 1965, that the salaries of the aforementioned Sheriff, Undersheriff, Traffic Officers and the two night time Jailers be increased by the amount of $60.00 per month effective January 19 1966. Signed, SHERIFF AND TRAFFIC COMMITTEE Joe Lupa, Chairman K. P. Bates Art C. Hanson Lester Kesler Moved by Lupa and seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing Resolution, Moved by Moniza and seconded by Justice that the Resolution be amended to read as follows: that the $60.00 per month increase for the Sheriff be subject to determination of its legality. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing Resolution as amended. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes - Hall, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglun4, Kesler, Hoefling, Moniza, Berweger, Lehto, Lupa, Tetzner, Schraufnagel, Justice, Lindsey, Frankie Nayes - Sampson, Barningham, Howell, Beja, Mescheivitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, ,.Stuart, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Rondeau, Jr., Jelinek, Wasmuth, Bates, Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick; Ayes - 14 Nayes - 21 Total - 35 Motion Lost. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, the salary of the Bayfield County Public Health Nurse is one of the lowest paid to Public Health Nurses in the State of Wisconsin, and WHEREAS, the Health Committee of the Bayfield County Board feels that an adjust- ment should be made in the salary of the said Public Health Nurse, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESDLVED, by the Bayfield County Board in session this 12t day of November, 1965, that the salary of the Bayfield County Public Health Nurse be increased by the amount of $500.00 per year, effective January 11 1966. Signed: HEALTH COMMITTEE, Onne Beeksma, Chairman Axel Lehto R. E. Neitge 24� Moved by Beeksma and seconded by Hall to adopt the foregoing Resolution. A roll call vote was taken as follows: Ayes - Beeksma, Art Hanson, Lehto, Schraufnagel Nayes - Sampson,Hall, Barningham, Howell, Beja, Mescheivitz, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Jelinek, Wasmuth, Bates, Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Justice, Lindsey, Frankie; Ayes - 4 Nayes - 31 Total - 35 Motion Lost. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, The County Board Chairman is now receiving as compensation an annual salary of $1220.00, in addition to mileage for official travel, and WHEREAS, Because of the increase in County administrative work from year to year >f the County Board Chairman is inadequate, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the salary resulting in numerous committee meetings, it is deemed that the present salary of the County Board Chairman be and the same is established at $150.00 per month, together with mileage allowance at the regular authorized rate, said salary schedule to become effective at the time of election of the County Board Chairman at the April, 1966 organization meeting. George Moniza Moved by Moniza and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Beja, Mescheivitz, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Moniza, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Meierotto, Tetzner, Schraufnagel, Wasmuth, Bates, Arthur A. Andersin, Wick, Frankie Nayes - Be.eksma, Sibbald, Rondeau?, Jr., Jelinek, Holman, Justice, Lindsey, Ayes - 28 Nayes - 7 Total - 35 Motion Carried. Moved by Sampson and seconded by Bernard E. Johnson to Adjourn. Motion Carried. Nove_mber 12, _1965 Meeting called to order at 1:30 P.Xv by G. VT. Frankie, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Andrew Beja, Mescheivitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler,.Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, 1"leierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Bates, Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Elmer Wick, Lindsey, Frankie - Total 33. Mr. George Malinoski appeared before the Board and reported to the Board on the. work of the Northwestern Wisconsin Planning and Zoning Commission. The Commission will be set up with a director, office and office help.. It will assist the counties in pointing out projects which will fit into their particular area. Federal government, state and county will participate in this program. Legal aspects will'be handled by the District Attorney. If the county is in favor of participation they will have to partake in the program as it is set up. The Commission will approve the projects. The Action Committee will decide which pro- jects will have priority. The Youth Corps is on a Five -county wide basis. Work includes road construction (county does ground work) subject to decision of Action Committee. They will be helpful to the Conservation Department in building dams, etc., Each community submits their projects in as a group. Helpful information will be available very soon. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, the Per Diem of Bayfield County Board members has not been increased since November 1957, and. WHEREAS, since that time all other county salaries have been increased, and WHEREAS, the size of the Bayfield County Board will be reduced in April 1966 which will result in more responsibility for County Board members, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Per Diem of County Board members be set at $15.00 per day. This resolution shall become effective the third Tuesday in April. Signed: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Howard Sibbald, Chairman Richard Holman Philip E.-Tetzner Robert M. Jones Lester Kesler 242 November 12, 1965 Moved by Sampson and seconded by•Kesler to.adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Beja, Mescheivitz, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel,'Jelinek, Wasmuth, Bates, Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Lindsey, Frankie Nayes - Howell, Beeksma, Ayes - 31 Nayes - 2 Total - 33 The following Resolution was read: Motion Carried. WHEREAS, The grandstand bleachers at the Bayfield County Fairgrounds are inade- quate and in need of repair, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That Bayfield County construct a new bleacher at the Fairgrounds and repair the old bleachers as may be necessary. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Fair Committee be responsible for the building and repairing of these proposed facilities, as limited by funds pro- videdr therefor in the 1966 budget. Respectfully submitted, r W. A. Stuart Moved by Stuart and se-conded by Hall to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. A motion was made and seconded authorizing the Bayfield County Treasurer to purchase certificates with the County's surplus monies which in his discretion will be most advantageous to the County. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: L. WHEREAS, Bayfield County and the City of Bayfield now have a working agreement in the employment of a Chief of Police for the City of Bayfield and Bayfield County Indian Police to Police the Red Cliff Indian Reservation, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County contributes to the budget of said enforcement officer an amount in excess of $2,000.00 annually, and, WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable that Bayfield County should police the Red Cliff Indian Reservation directly through the Sheriff's office and that the receipts from the State of Wisconsin for Indian enforcement aid be used to supplement the Sheriff's budget in defraying the cost of law enforcement on the Reservation as aforesaid, and November 12, 1965 that the agreement with the said City of Bayfield be terminated -as of December 31, 1965, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the agreement referred to above between Bay - field County and the City of Bayfield in reference to enforcement on the Red Cliff Reservation.be and the same is hereby terminated as of December 31, 1965, said enforce- ment duties thereafter to be carried out directly from the Sheriff's office. Art C. Hanson J. Lupa Lester Kesler Moved by Lupa and seconded by Herman Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution.. A roll call vote was requested and reads as follows: Ayes - Beeksma, Art Hanson, Kesler, Herman Hanson, Lehto, Lupa, Nayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Beja, Mescheivitz, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth,,Bates, Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Lindsey, Frankie, Ayes - 6 Nayes - 27 Total - 33 The following Report and Recommendation was read: November 9, 1965 To the Hon. County Board, Bayfield County, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Motion Lost. We, the undersigned Committee on Illegal -Taxes, beg leave to report that we have examined the following bills, recommend that same be allowed as Seat forth in the column marked "allowed" and that the County Clerk be instructed to issue orders for payment of same, and that the amounts charged back to the respective taxing districts, as designated. Signed: Richard L. Holman K. P. Bates ILLEGAL TAXES AND TAX CERTIFICATES, CHARGED BACK IN 1965 Description and Allowed Del. Tax Name of Reason of Year Cert. Face of Charged back Claimant Illegality of No. Cert. to District Sale TOWN OF BARNES Bayfield County Lot 9 less parcels recorded in Vol. 159 P.622; V61.159 P.629; Vol.167 P.4; Vol.167 P.73; Vol.167 P.84; Vol.167 P.261;Vol.167 P.369; Vol.167 P.396;Vol.167 P.647 of deeds Sec.19-45-9 W. 1960 Assessment levied in error 92 $ 77.99 S 77.99 244 November.12, 1965 Description and Name of reason of Claimant Illegality TOWN OF CLOVER. Bayfield County S36 NW SE, Sec.4-49-7 Do. Owned by Town of Clover since Jan. 17, 1949. TOWN OF HUGHES Bayfield County Parcel in Govt. Lot 5 desc. in Vol. 167 Page 515 of deeds Sec. 25 & 24 T. 47-9 Double Assessment. Bayfield County Parcel in Govt. Lot 5 desc. in Vol. 112 Page 285 of Deeds Sec. 24-47-9 West Double Assessment. TOWN OF KEYSTONE Bayfield County Parcel in SE SE as desc. in Vol. 120 Page 126 Sec. 35-47-6 Do. Double Assessment. Year Cert.- Allowed of No. Face of Sale Cert. 1965 371 7.81 1964 405 7.53 1 •. 662 1960 663 1965 1964 TOWN OF PRATT Bayfield County Parcel in Govt. Lot 2 Sec. 32-44-6 1959 Do. 1960 Do. 1961 (No description) 1962 Do. 1963 Illegal Description and one year no description 737 786 1354 1374 1498 1252 1142 10.19 71.35 .65 .58 48.12 56.72 59.19 56.81 54.65 Del. Tax charged back to District $ 7.81 7.53 $ 15.34 10.19 71.35 .65 .58 1.23 48.12 56.72 59.19 56.81 54.65 275.49 VILLAGE OF CABLE Bayfield County Dwelling house on leased R. R::, land about " 500 ft. N. of depot Sec.,18-43-7 1960 1612 7.08 7.08 Do. 1961 1750= 6.98 6.98 14.06 Should have been assessed a-s Personal Property. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Recommendation.. Motion Carried. November 12, 1965 245 n Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Herman Hanson to receive and place on file the annual report of the Bayfield County Public Health Nurse. Motion Carried. The following Report was read: TO THE HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE BAYFIELD CO. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. GENTLEMEN: I Submitted herewith is a report of the funds received and disbursed by the Bay- field County Court for the year beginning Nov. 1, 1964 and ending Oct. 319 1965, COLLECTED AND PAID TO BAYFIELD COUNTY: State traffic fines State forfeitures All fines except traffic County traffic fines County forfeitures City fines & forfeitures COURT COSTS: Criminal & Ordinance Probate filing fee Forms Certified copies Civil fees Suit tax 1383.40 4910.00 3375.00 1292.00 3320.00 802.00 528.60 429.00 96.00 368.75 427.25 457.00 Paid to City of Washburn and Bayfield $ 801.00 Paid - - Wardens fees 274.00 Miscellaneous Payments (Civil Actions, etc.)-32284,37 Trust money held or paid 12384.80 Total Collected and Paid P R O B A T E No. Type Valuation 20 Guardianships _ $ 103,740.67 57 New Terstates & Intestates 6939420.50 43 Estate Completed 569,840.09 84 Jt. Tenancy & Heirship 5099135.96 MISCELLANEOUS CASES 483 Criminal Cases 435 Ordinance Cases 319 Bail forfeitures 77 Juvenile, 4 waived to criminal court 6 Adoptions 9 Mental Committments 17 Divorce Actions Respectfully Submitted: $ 159081.40 $ 2,306.60 $ 459744.17 $ 63,132.17 $ 19876,137.22 28 University Hospital 7 Special Dispensations to marry 13 Transfer of Motor Vehicle 7 Real Estate Foreclosures 7 Change of Name 32 Miscellaneous cases Violet Weber Deputy Clerk of Court. November 12, 1965 Moved by Sibbald and seconded by Herman Hanson to receive and place on file the foregoing Report.. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Requests have been made to the Personnel and other committees for adjust- ments in salaries of elected officers of Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, Said salaries must be established prior to the last day for filing nomina- tion papers for the ensuing term of office, and WHEREAS, It will be impractical for the Board of Supervisors at the April, 1965 meeting to adjust or establish said salaries without a prior study thereof, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the matter of adjustment of salaries of elective officers to commence in January, 1967, be referred to the present personnel committee to study said matter and file a report thereon with the County Clerk prior to April 1, 1966 as a recommendation to the new Board of Supervisors. Howard Sibbald Philip E. Tetzner Lester Kesler Robert M. Jones Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Sibbald to adopt the foregoing Resolution., Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS numerous requests have been made for salary adjustments for Bayfield County personnel, and WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee of the Bayfield County Board has made a study of all such requests, and WHEREAS, said Committee is of the opinion that certain adjustments are necessary, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that adjustments as listed below be made in salaries effective January 1, 1966: Undersheriff 40.00 Per Month Traffic Officers 40.00 Night Time Jailer 40.00 Forestry Administrator 25.00 County Nurse 25.00 Highway Commissioner 25.00 " Civil Defense Director 25.00 " County Cruiser 20.00 " 1° Bounty Forester 20.00 11 10 Commodity Truck Driver 20.00 Court House Custodian & Assistant 10.00 each per month Signed: PERSONNEL & CIVIL DEFNESE COMMITTEE 3oward Sibbald9 Chairman Richard Ho1Man Lester Kesler Philip Tetzner Robert M. Jones November 12, _1965_ Moved by Sampson and seconded by Evald Johnson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll. call vote was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Mescheivitz, Beeksma, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Evald Johnson, Sibbald, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Bates, Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Lindsey, Frankie Nayes - Howell, Beja Ayes - 31 Nayes - 2 Total - 33 The following Report was read: Washburn, Wisconsin November 12, 1965 Motion Carried. REPORT CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Bayfield County Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: Your Conservation Committee has made a study of the feasibility of acquiring a parcel of land on Atkins Lake for a public access, as directed by the County Board at their September 27th meeting. Atkins Lake is located in the Town of Pratt in Sections 19 & 20, Township 44 N. Range 5 W. The parcel being offered to the County is on the East side of the lake. Atkins Lake is about 200 acres in size, and according to information available has a maximum depth of 61 feet. Large and small mouth bass, Northern Pike, and other pan fish are reported in the lake. There is no public access to the lake at present,,: A small boat landing and signs put up by the U. S. Forest Service designating a free boat landing are apparently on the property now being offered for sale to Bayfield County. We have checked the records in the Register of Deed's office and it appears that the boat landing does not belong to the U. S. Forest Service. This has been confirmed by the District Forest Ranger. The area being offered to Bayfield County is about 460 feet of lake frontage. The area of the boat landing however, is only about 150 feet and the rest is a steep bank of about-10 or 12 feet from the water line to the town road above. There is a possibility of having a parking area on the east side of the town road, or possibly moving the road east to have more parking area next to the lake. The Committee recommends that Bayfield County negotiate for the purchase of the parcel as it is probably the only site available for a public access to Atkins Lake. 91,igned: THE CONSERVATION COMMITTEE, Bernard Johnson, Chairman George Sampson Glenn W. Hall Evald Johnson Frank Hoefling Moved by Bernard Johnson and seconded by Neitge to receive and place on file the foregoing Report. Motion Carried. Novevember .129- 1965 The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, a parcel of land described as Government Lot Twleve (12), less parcel described in Volume 126 Page 185 of deeds, Section Twenty (20), Township Forty-four (44) North., Range Five (5) West, is being offered for sale to Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to.the best interest of Bayfield County to purchase the above described parcel of.land,. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Conservation Committee of the County Board be and they are hereby authorized to negotiate for the purchase of said parcel, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if it can be purchased for a price satisfactory to the Conservation Committee, the proper officers of Bayfield County be authorized and directed to purchase the aforesaid parcel. Signed: CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Bernard E. Johnson, Chairman George Sampson Glenn W. Hall Evald Johnson Frank Hoefling Moved by Sampson and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following proposed Budget for 1966 was presented to the Board: Washburn, Wisconsin Oct. 15, 1965 BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Gentlemen: The Conservation Committee of the Bayfield County -Board hereby submits the propos- ed Conservation Budget for 1966.. The itemized Budget is as follows: Outdoor Shows $ 5,000.00 Booth Decorating 1 300.00 Folders (75,000) 39300.00 Picture & Write Up 300.00 Indianhead 500.00 Wonderful Wisconsin 175.00 S State Game Congress 150.00 Miscellaneous 200.00 Committee 900.00 Shopping Bags (159000) 600.00 $ 119425.00 OUTLAY Parks $ 19500.00 Watershed Management 2,000.00 Land Aquisitioin 29000.00 Totogatic Lake Dam 6,000.00 $ 11,500.00 Signed by: CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Bernard E. Johnson, Chairman George Sampson Glenn W. Hall Evald Johnson Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Stuart to receive and place on file the foregoing` Budget. Motion Carried. November 12, 1965 The following Resolution and Communication was read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner of a parcel of land in Government Lot One (1), Section Seventeen (17), Township Forty-seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, and WHEREAS, Application was made to the Sales Committee to have said parcel advertis- ed for sale on bids, and WHEREAS, Said property is located'on Mill Pond Lake and there is presently in effect a regulation requiring the reservation of access in the case of sales of County owned lands located on lakes and streams, and WHEREAS, A recommendation was made by the Conservation Committee that the afore- said property should be sold notwithstanding said access regulation on the condition that the Town of Iron River'should open up a public access to said lake, all as set forth in a recommendation of said Conservation Committee on record in Volume 12, Page 157 of the official records of Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, The Town of Iron River has now laid out and opened the access road re- quired and also set aside a parcel of land said said lake for public use as further required by said recommendation of said Conservation Committee with evidence thereof filed with the County Clerk, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the aforesaid parcel of land located in Government Lot One (1), Section Seventeen (17), Township Forty-seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, belonging to Bayfield County be advertised for sale by the Land Committee without reservation of access. W. A. Stuart I Iron River, Wisconsin COPY SPECIAL TOWN MEETING - July 29, 1965 A motion was made by Jay Darwin and seconded by John Fuhrman for the Town to sell to Acme Corporation that part of Government Lot Three (3) lying South of U. S. High- way #2, less a strip of land running from the East line to the West line parallel with Hwy. #2, Three (300) feet deep from the center of Hwy.; less a strip of land running from U. S. Hwy. #2 to the lake parallel to ;the East line Sixty-six ( 66 ) feet deep; less a parcel of land in the Southeast corner of Gov't. Lot Three (3) as follows: starting at a point Five Hundred (500)feet west of the east line where it intersects the lake shore then due north for a distance of Two hundred (200) feet,then due east to the east line then south along the east line to the lake, then following the lake shore to the point of beginning. An area Two hundred (200) feet wide and Two hundred fif±X feet long reserved for public entry. Motion Carried. Respectfully submitted Lillian Morey, Town Clerk Moved by Stuart and seconded by Lindsey to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. 2-50 _________November 12. 1965 The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, Bayfield County has been operating under the Surplus Commodity Program, - which program is costing the County approximately $10,000.00 per year, and WHEREAS, It appears that under the Federal Food Stamp Program, the cost to the County would be considerably less, and would be beneficial to the needy persons of Bayfield County, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESDLVED, By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in annual session this 12th day of November, 1965, to request that Bayfield County be included in the Food Stamp Program and to appropriate necessary funds and provide necessary personn- el and equipment to operate such program if the facts and figures as presented to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at its April meeting show it to be more advanta= geous for the County to participate in this program, Henry Mescheivitz Ryan Schraufnagel Moved by Art Hanson and seconded by Schraufnagel to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried.. The following Report was read: REPORT OF CONSERVATION COMMITTEE FOR 1965 OUT DOOR SHOWS We attended four out door shows in 1965. Moines. The shows draw more people each year. about 500,000 people this year. Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis and Des The attendance at the Chicago show was" We printed 75,000 colored.folders which were distributed at the shows and.other J information centers. We also bought 10,000 shopping bags with "Bayfield County" print ed on one side. They are also used at the shows. We believe the bags.are.a valuable advertising item as they draw people to our booth so we can talk to them. It is also: good as a public relations item. We plan to purchase 75,000 folders, 15,000 bags and 50,000 cards for 1966. The cards make it miuch-easier for people to write for information on accomodations and reservations. We expect to attend four shows in 1966. COUNTY PARKS The Twin Bear Park was overcrowded this summer as usual. We now have a new block building with a concrete floor in this park. It is a well built building. It has rest rooms for men and women with stainless steel stools. This is an improvement in sanitation. We moved two old toilets to the Delta Park from the Pike Lake Park. We are pro- viding more room for parking at Delta Lake and hope we can thus relieve some of the overcrowding at Twin Bear. Twenty tables and ten fireplaces were placed at Twin Bear, Delta, Big Rock and at Sand Point. We need another boat landing at Twin. Bear and one at the Delta Park. WATER SHED & STREAM IMPROVEMENT.. This year most of the funds for stream improvements have been used on 18 mile creek. With the cooperation of the Town of Pratt and the Wisconsin Conservation Commission, we have sandbagged and diked the lower end, and now have the water running in one __November 12, 1965 f . ,I channel again. Banks have been sloped. Rock was placed on the banks to stop erosion. We believe that this stream will again be the.valuable stream it once was. The State shocked the river and found a good supply of trout coming up the stream again. There is need for more of this kind of work. Hope we can get some help from some other source as this work is far behind. It should have been.started thirty years ago. DAMS & SURVEYS Surveys have not been made in the Town of Barnes on the Eau Claire River for the building of a dam and two locks to make navigation possible between the upper and middle Eau Claire Lakes, As of this date no word has been received from the Public Service Commission for approval. Estimated cost of this project is about $$34,000.00. Another survey was made on the Totogatic Lake to find out how much the water could be raised and the possible cost._ Estimated cost of that -project is $10600":00.' A survey shows that the lake could be raised about six feet which would make this lake one of the best. This is the lake we have a county park on. We hav�ho cost estimate on this project but a guess would be $$25,000.00. All these projects would be subject to a 50% town contribution. We believe all of.these are desirable projects as the taxable income from improve— ments would pay back to the county the cost plus a good profit. 1965 EXPENDITURES UP TO DATE Folders $ 2701.86 Indian Head 500.00 Wonderful Wisconsin 175.00 Chicago Show 1158.73 Milwaukee Show 809.80 Minneapolis Show 769.31 DesMoines Show 602.77 Entrance Fees 900.00 Bags -for Shows 406.04 Cards for Shows 60.00 Pictures & i�ri.te ups 166.86 Committee Work 868.00 Fish Mount 185.00 Miscellaneous 46.43 $6 9349.80 OUTLAY Delta Lake Survey $$' 2821.40 Totagatic Lake Survey 1695.80 Eau Claire River Survey 950.00 Parks 2052.97 Total Outlay $$ 7520.17 Signed: CONSERVATION COMMITTEE BernarOJohnson, Chairman George Sampson Glenn W. Hall Evald Johnson t Frank Hoefling Moved by Art Hanson and seconded by Jelinek to receive and place on file the foregoing Report. Motion Carried. 252 v Nov -ember -l2-,--- The following Financial Statement for 1965-o-f..- the Bayfield County Fair was presented to the Board: Washburn,. Wisconsin November 4, 1965' Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: Following is a financial statement of the 1965 Bayfield County Fair, as of November 4, 1965. The total budget for 1965 is $21,505.00. REVENUES: EXPENDITURES: County Aid 99582.20 Advertising $ 926.11 Premium Book Ads 548.00 Premium Book 886.65 Gate Receipts 29019.85 Insurance 632.81 Exhibitor Entry Fees 438.00 Judges 490.83 Grandstand Receipts 29757.30 General Maintenance 29092.69 Concessions 275.00 Fair Committee 933.56 Gifts 25.00 Police & Other Help 1,827.81 Carnival Receipts 494.00 Clerk Salary 560.00 Change Used at Fair 250.00 Change Used at Fair 250.00 Horse Race Fees . 300.00 Postage & Freight 128.51 Misc. and Over -run. 38.95 Premiums on Exhibits 6.097.75 Horse Races 29057.00 Rental of Equipment 112.50 Ribbons & Tickets 32.67 Grandstand Show 1,708.95 Superintendents & Help 758.83 Supplies 622.01 Telephone 93.37 Electricity 141.25 Wisconsin Assn. Dues 45.00 U.S.T.A. License Fee 15.00 TOTALS TO DATE Accounts Receivable State Aid on Premiums (estimated) SIGNED: 169728.30 TOTALS TO DATE $ 209413.30 49500.00 Accounts Payable 815.00 (estimated) $ 219228.30 $ 219228.30 BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE W. A. Stuart Walter Barningham Ernest Heglund Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Art Hanson that the 1965 Bayfield County Fair Financial Statement be received and placed on filed. Motion Carried. 253 November 12_, 1965 The following communication was presented to the Board: NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES July 2, 1965 Dear County Official: During the past few weeks we have sent you a -wide variety of reports, magazines and other material to better acquaint you with the value of the NACO Service Program. We would now respectfully request that you honor the enclosed bill and begin a twelve-month subscription to our COUNTY INFORMATION SERVICE (CIS).. Some 550 counties with a total population of 62 million now subscribe to this service. This rapidly expanding base is giving us the resources we need to better represent counties before Congress and the federal agencies - to expand our informa- tion service - to improve our meetings and publications - and to increase public respect for county government. As a subscriber to this service, your county will have at its service our 20 member professional staff to research your special problem; to hunt down your "lost" application to a federal agency; to advise you on legislation or to perform for you a variety of other services. Perhaps the best recommendation we have is the knowledge that participating counties find this service so valuable that our annual renewal rate is very nearly 100%. We do hope you will give us a chance to serve you. Sincerely yours, Bernard-F. Hillenbrand Executive Director Moved by Sampson and second by Hall to receive the foregoing communication and place on file Motion Carried.. The following Resolution was presented to the County Board: WHEREAS, Ashland Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, realizing that Ashland County and the State of Wisconsin is becoming more and more dependent upon the Tourist Industry, and WHEREAS, one week of tourist business is greatly hampered by the fact that many schools open the week before Labor Day, which causes an employment problem for the resort owners and also a loss of a week of employment by many students and teachers employed by said owners, and WHEREAS, many dollars of tourist business is lost due to the fact that parents of school children cannot vacation the week before Labor Day. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Ashland Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, hereby requests that schools in Ashland and Ashland County begin their school year after Labor Day, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the State Department of Public Instruction, other tourist organizations, and Chambers of Commerce of resort areas requesting them to pass a like resolution and send a copy 254 November__1.2,_ a_9_65 of the same to their local School Boards and the State Department of Public Instruc- tion. INTRODUCED BY: E. J. Hershberger Ashland Chamber of Commerce Tad Bretting Ashland, Wisconsin State of Wisconsin (SEAL of the Chamber of Commerce) County of Ashland July 8, 1965. SIGNED: Don Tyndall, President Moved by Evald Johnson and seconded by Art Anderson to receive and place on file the foregoing communication. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: UNITED STATES SENATE June 3, 1965 Mr. Edward A. Pajala County Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: This is a note to thank you for sending a copy of the resolution placing your Board of Supervisors on record against the proposed cuts in federal support for soil and water conservation, I would appreciate it very much if you would pass on to the Board the good news that the House, in floor action on Wednesday, restored the soil and water conser- vation funds that had been cut out by the Budget Bureau. In effect this also put the House on record against any proposal to. charge farmers for .technical assistance provided by the Soil Conservation Service. The appropriation bill now comes to the Senate, where the restored funds are almost certain to be supported. I want to assure you and the Board that I will continue to do everything I can to keep these funds in the bill.. I also am enclosing a copy of a speech outlining my opposition to these cut- backs. I would appreciate it if you could give the Board an opportunity to see it. Sincerely yours, Gaylord Nelson U. S. Senator. son Moved by .Stuart and seconded by Evald ...J.ohn-./ to receive and place on file the foregoing communication. Motion Carried. November, _ 12 ,_ 196 5 _ _ _ The following Communication was reads DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WASHINGTON 25, D. C. June 2, 1965 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: President Johnson has forwarded your letter and the resolution adopted by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors regarding budgetary considerations for the soil conservation programs, and asked this Department to reply in his behalf. The budget level of the Agricultural Conservation Program has been a matter of concern for many years. In each of the last several years the budget has proposed to reduce the program in view of the many heavy obligations which must be covered in the national budget. In proposing a leval for the 1966 program it was believed that the reduced amount still would permit the Federal Government to share with farmers the cost of a substantial number of conservation practices that will have a minimal stim- ulating effect on the production of agricultural commodities that are in surplus supply. The over-all budget proposal for 1966 for the Soil Conservation Service has been increased to provide for expansion in watershed projects and community wide projects for resource conservation and development. At the same time we are proposing a shift to a user charge approach for financing a part of the cost of on -site technical assist- ance to soil conservation districts. We expect this approach to relieve the taxpayers of $20 million annually which previously has been appropriated by the Federal Govern- ment for this purpose. This is a part of the Administration's announced policy to press for user charges in Government programs where benefits are provided to specific, identifiable indivi- duals and businesses. There are immediate and direct values from technical services each to/ landowner) to groups of landowners, and whole communities which should be paid for, in part, by such beneficiaries. Those who gain immediate and direct benefits should share in the cost of providing the service. The principle of Federal -local sharing of costs is well established. It is in common use in many programs. It recognizes, in principle, both a valid long-term public interest and an interest of the immediate beneficiaries. It is considered a sound proposal and legislation for its implementation is being drafted. Sincerely Yours, John A. Baker Assistant Secretary Moved by Art Hanson and seconded by Art Anderson to receive and place -on file the foregoing communication. Motion Carried. 256 --- - -------Novembe_r_.r12_;-_1.96.5------------- --- -------- -- -------------------------- -- � The following Communication was read: CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES House of Representatives Washington D. C. May 24, 1965 Mr. Edward A. Pajala County Clerk Bayf ield County Washburn, Wisconsin My dear Edward: Thank you for your letter of May 20. Fo'r the life of me I cannot understand what this Administration is thinking about in threatening to cut Programs such as,our various Soil Conservation Programs. In many. respects I think that our present Department of Agriculture is worse than it was under Ezra Benson® As far as I am concerned, in the 22 years I have been in Congress, our various Soil Conservation Programs have been the best part of our Farm Programs, and the only Programs that help the small family farmer. I am opposed to any cuts in this Program. As a matter of fact, I shall work and vote for increased money for these Programs rather than less money. I sure hope everything is going fine for you. With kindest personal regards, I am Sincerely Alvin E. O'Konski, Congressman 1011 District of Wisconsin Moved by Art Hanson and seconded by Stuart to receive the foregoing Communication and place on file. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: UNITED STATES -DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Geological Survey May 17, 1965 Mr. Edward A. Pajala County Clerk Office of County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: Creek I was hoping to hear from you concerning permission to examine Bear drill core from Bayfield County, as you indicated that the County Board was to meet on April 20.- My only chance to examine this core. was on a visit to Minneapolis from which I have just returned, so the opportunity has now been lost, as I don't expect to get back there before my report is written. I am writing to suggest to the County Board that they consider removing the res- striction now placed on access to this core. Bayfield County has nothing to lose and always the possibility of gain from having the core examined by interested people. A county is not at all in the same position as a company, which .may enjoy some com- November 12. 1965 petitive advantage.by withholding information. From the County's point of view, the more scientists and engineers that examine the core the better, if it should, by chance, contain any information of value. Any unnecessary restriction may, as in my case, introduce delays or inconvenience that will reduce the number who might look at it. The storage provided by the Bureau of Mines is -excellent, and the arrangements for examining it include ample safeguards against the kind of harm that might come to the core ..were it under no supervision. Sincerely yours, Walter S. White, Geologist Moved by Stuart and seconded by Bernard E. Johnson that the County Clerk upon advice from the District Attorney be authorized to grant any person the right to examine the drill cores in the Bureau of Mines in Minneapolie on the condition that Bayfield County receive a report of the findingo. Motion Oarried. The following Resolution was read: WHEREAS, on November 14, 1957, as recorded in Vol. 10, Page 611, County Board Journal, a Resolution was adopted providing for additional reimbursement to the addressograph operator & tax deed clerk, and WHEREAS, said Resolution has not been rescinded,.and WHEREAS, the salary of the tax deed clerk has since adoption of said Resolution been adjusted several times, and WHEREAS, the salary has been at the time of said adjustMent based on the aforesaid Resolution notwithstanding the fact that specific mention has not been made of the position of the tax deed clerk and addressograph operator in the salary schedule adopt- ed subsequently by the County Board, and WHEREAS, this has resulted in paying a salary of $80.00 per year over and above the salary schedule now in effect, and WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee of the County Board is expected to make a study of all job classifications in the near future, NOW ,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, By the Bayfield County Board in session this 12th day of November, 1965, that the salary of the said tax deed clerk and addressograph operator continue to be $80.00 per year over and above said court house salary schedule until further modified by the County Board, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk of Bayfield County is hereby authorized to make the appointment of said tax deed Clerk and addressograph operator. Signed: G. William Frankie Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Art Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolu- tion. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Beja, Mescheivitz, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Meierotto, Tetzner, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Jelinek, Wasmuth, Bates, Holman, Arthur A. Anderson, Wick, Lindsey, Frankie Nayes - none Ayes,- 30 - Nayes - 0 - Total 30 Motion Carried. - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- No_vember ---12, 1965- - - - - -- - - ---- The following proposed Budget for 1966 was presented to the Board: PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1966 TO THE HONORABLE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Gentlemen: We, the undersigned Committee on Finance, Budget and Equalization, hereby submit our report and recommendations for 1966. VALUATION The Supervisor of Assessments recommends a true value of $43,155,900.00.. The legal limit of taxation for County general purposes is 1% exclusive of debt items® The • P Budget is up to the legal limit. It includes an item of $24,796.35 for a contingency fund. WELFARE This, continues to be one of the larger items in the Budget. State and Federal aid is reflected according to costs in the revenue section of the Budget. We expect the Medicare Program to affect the Welfare Budget in the future. REST HOME It is operating at full capacity. There is an Outlay Item of $8,000.00 in the proposed Budget which has been recommended by the Board of Trustees. HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES Highway expenditures are financed entirely from gasoline and automobile revenues, with the exception of County Bridge Aid to Districts. The Bridge Aid from 1966 amounts to $7,916.62, a reduction of $19323.14. AUDIT The audit report for 1964 has been completed. The report is on file in the County Clerk's office and is available for inspection.. We recommend acceptance of his proposal for audit of the 1965 records, and he has again agreed to complete the audit on or.before Oct. 15th. The Audit this year was com- pleted on schedule and was of great value to the committee in preparing the proposed 1966 Budget. FINANCE We are again introducing a resolution authorizing short term loans, although for several years it has not been necessary to make such loans. The budget is based on the recommendation of the Personnel Committee as to.wages and salaries. The Committee has kept all Budgets intact as recommended by the various committees with the exception of reductions in:several out lay items in order to keep the county tax within the legal limit. HEALTH CLINIC There is a proposed appropriation of $6,000,00 for the Mental Health Clinic, now officially known as the North Central Guidance Center. Only $1,000.00 of the $6,000.00 appropriated for 1965 has been used. The Board of Directors indicate that the Center should be in operation in the near future,, November 12., _ 196 5 NEW ITEMS An appropriation of $600.00 is recommended to enable the County to take advantage of any projects set up under the anti -poverty program. The fund will be under the direct control of the Finance Committee. The Committee strongly recommends that all county jobs, both elective and appoint- ed be classified as to job description and that just and realistic salary ranges be established, GENERAL GOVERNMENT: County Board County .Clerk County"Treasurer EXPENDITURES 1965 Appropriation 10,000.00 139500.00 10,000.00 Income 'Tax Processing I- - - Assessment & Addressograph 5,200.00 District Attorney, 12-9550.00 Family Court Commissioner lv200.00 County Surveyor 400.00 County Court 129500.00 County Court Expense - - - Circuit Court 10,000.00 Juvenile Court 200.00 Coroner 800,.'00 Court House '119220.00 Elections 2,200.00 Special Accounting & - Auditing 2, 775.00 Liability & Compensation Insurance 1,300.00 Total S 939845.00 *State Special Charges PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY Sheriff $ 299660.00 County Traffic Officer #1 69190.00) County -Traffic Officer #2 .. 5,850.00) Indian Police 2,500.00 Crime Laboratory 172.50* Register of Deeds o 13,030.00 *State Special Charges Recommended for 1966 8 9,000.00 149025.00 109250.00 6,000.00 13,050.00 19200.00 400.00 9,000.00* 6,000.00 11,000.00 200.00 1,000.00 119355.00 79500.00 2,800.00 2,000.00 1049780.00 Revised $ 31,644.00-R. $ 319884.00 12,470.00 2, 500.00 52.50* 149260.00 260 --------- -_--- -- - ----------- November 12,-1965---- EXPENDITURES (CONT'D.) PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY: Civil Defense Civil Air Patrol 10/ of Timber Sales off County Lands to Municipalities County Share -cost of Fighting Forest Fires County Forestry County Forest Ranger Total HEALTH, CONSERVATION & SANITATION: Vital Statistics Tri-County. Sanatorium Patients at State & Other Co. Sanitoria Watershed Management Conservation Fund North Central Guidance Clinic Public Health Nurse Total EDUCATION: ° County Superintendent of Schools County Library'Committee Supervising Teacher Tuition Outside Training Schools Bookmobile County Agricultural Agent Aid to Common Schools County School Committee Vocational Education Education -Handicapped Total CHARITIES & CORRECTIONS: Welfare Administration Outdoor Poor Relief Blind Pensions & Medical Surplus Commodities Soldiers Relief Veterans Service Officer.., 1965 Appropriation $ 59870.00 500.00 200.00 3,425.00. 7,482.00 S 749879.50 40.00 472000.00 1,119.27* 2,000.00 119525.00 12,420.00 S . 74,104.27 19500.00 250.00 2,500.00 4, 850.00 17,140.00 259328.10 300.00 8,000.00 1,200.00 $ 619068.10 649 000. 00 3,000.00 6,000.00 109700.00 500.00** 59810.00 *State Special Charges **Not under 1% Limitation for County Taxes Recommended for 1966 VP 5,.007.50 500.00 500.00 Revised 200.00 5 , 000.00 -- 8,208.00 - �$ 809342.00-R. 809582.00 40.00 489906.00 1.48* credit - - -Transferred to Outlay 110425.00 6,000.00 12,740.00 799109.52 none 250.00 none 49000.00 49 850.00 189505.00 24,207.27 1,000.00 59677.75 4,553.82 8 63,043.84 659000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 500.00** 7,810.00 November 12, 1965 EXPENDITURES (CONT'D.) 1965 Recommended for CHARITIES.. & ,CORRECTIONS: Appropriation 1966 Revised Insane in Outside Institutions Jail.& Sheriff's Residence Industrial School for Boys , Wis. Colony & Training Schools Temporary Care of Dependent Children 0. A. A. & Medical $ 399796.99* 49810.00 828.63* 5,419.83* 200.00 4209000.00 Aid to disabled & Medical 75,000.00 Industrial School - Girls 247.57* A.D.C. & Foster Homes & Medical 95,000.00 State General Hospital Rest Home State Orthopedic Hospital Wisconsin Child Center Salvation Army Childrens Service Society State Diagnostic Center State Reformatory Division of Correction 12,500.56* 1119925.00 19289.84* 2,759.15* 200.00 200.00 19.71*credit 1,502.97* Total $ 861,670.83 UNCLASSIFIED: County Fair Tax Deed Work Repairs to Tax Deed Property 21,325.00 4,200.00 200.00 Dire Calls - Chapter 60.29 (20) e 500.00 Severance tax Due State 10,000.00 Severence tax Due Districts" 5,000.00 $ 43,116.92* 4, 985.00 563.01* 4,539.93* 200.00 4129000.00 92,000.00 400.79* 969000.00 9,767.97* 115,685.00 440.72* 2,652.83* 200.00 200.00 70.71* 491.44* 598.00* 8 875,222.32 23,915.00 4,440.00 200.00 500.00 11,000.00 5,500.00 Contingency Fund 139662.15 249796.35-R. Moving Expense 500.00 none Social Security 59300.00 69200.00 Industrial Development 500.00 250.00 Poverty Program - - - 600.00 Five County Planning & Zoning o - - - 250.00 *State Special Charges 209256.35 November 12, 1965. -EXPENDITURES (CONT'D.) 1965 UNCLASSIFIED:. Appropriation Northwest Regional & Planning Commission - - - State Retirement 99000.00 State Retirement - Past Service - - - - Total $ 702187.15 TOTAL MAINTENANCE GENERAL GOVERNMENT: County Clerk . County Treasurer County Court - Judge Circuit Court OUTLAY PROTECTION OF. -PERSONS & PROPERTY: District,Attorney Sheriff Jail Register. of Deeds Traffic Officer #1 Traffic Officer #2 Veterans Service Office Civil Defense EDUCATION: County Agent HEALTH, CONSERVATION & SANITATION: County Nurse Watershed Management County Parks County Forestry Dams County Fair CHARITIES & CORRECTIONS: Welfare Administration Rest Home HIGHWAY: County Bridge Aid Total Outlay 192359754.85 7,500.00 200.00 850.00 1,100.00 Recommended for 1966 Revised 1,400..00 13,-700.00 1,500.00 942251.35 192969749.03-R. $ 1,292,449.E 435.00 585.00 19205.00 300.00 300.00 130.00 49120.00 2,905.00-R. 2,805.00 150.00 250.00 250.00 185.00) 4,365.00) 200.00 300.00 2, 500.00 4,000.00 600.00 1,000.00 99239.76 $ 379459.76 none 2285.00-R. 29185.00 75.00 none 430.00 none 2,000.00 39500.00 3, 000.00 29000.00 69000.00 350.00 89000.00-R. 29500.00 7,916.62 $ 412366.62-R. $35,666.62 13 GRAND TOTAL - EXPENDITURES I I $ 1127,31214. 61 $ 1,338,115.65-R.$1,328,115.1 November 12, 1965 REVENUES. Recommended 1965 for 1966 Revised GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Appropriation County °Tax Levy 343,000.00 (1/)-$ 431,155.90-R. 4219155.90 Tax for Soldier's Relief 500.00** . 500.00** Surplus Cash on Hand 50,000.00 40,000.00 Total 393,500.00 471,655.90-R. $ 461,655.90 TAXE S : Income 'tax for County 20,000.00 240000.00 Occupational Tax 300.00 300.00' Tax Fees & Penalties 149000.00 12,000.00 Inheritance Tax for County 500.00 500.00 Utility Tax from State 262000.00 28,000.00 Total $ 609800.00 649800.00 FEES & COSTS: County Clerk's Earning 200.00 250.00 County Court Earning & Probata Fees 1,200.00 1,200.00 Circuit Court Earnings 300.00 100.00 Register of Deed's Earnings 59500.00 59500.00 Sheriff's.Earnings 100.00 100.00 Total 7,300.00 $ 7,150.00 FINES, FORFEITS & PENALTIES: Penal Fines -Due County 850.00 600.00 County Traffic Ordinance Fines & Forfeitures 82500.00 82500.00 Total $ 99350.00 9,100.00 GIFTS & GRANTS: State Aid - Sanatorium 349988.61 229056.00 Blind 49500.00 49050.00 °1 Co. Supt. Schools - - - it t° A.D.C.& Foster Homes 81,700.00 79,680.00 f° t1 0. A. A. 357,000.00 335,780.00 41 '° Welfare Admin- istration 449800.00 439550.00 " it Total Disability 56,250.00 659320.00 County Nurse 11000.00 19000.00 n n it it Polio Vaccine 200.00 none Retirements Costs 21,000.00 239000.00 Federal Aid County Nurse 2,180.00 21570.00 Total $ 6039618.61 $ 5779006.00 **Not under 1% limitation for county taxes November .12, i96 5 _ ALL OTHER GENERAL REVENUE: Indian --Law Enforcement Refunds. O.A.A.-County Share Rest Home Civil Defense Gain on Sale of Tax Deed Property Sale of Wood F.C.L. Sale of Wood - County Land County Fair - State Aid County Fair Earnings Sale of Plat Books Total REVENUES (CONT'D.) 1965 Appropriation 29500.00 1,000.00 109,000.00 29270.00 129000.00 609000.00 59 000.00 69276.00 600.00 $ `-1989646.00 Recommended for 1966 -2,500.00 none 1159685.00 29533.75 159000.00 559000.00 59000.00 5,000.00 7,085.00 600.00 $ 2089403.75 Revised GRANT TOTAL _$ 19273,214.61 $ 19338,115.65-H. $ 193289115.65 1 Respectfully submitted this 27th day of October, 1965. FINANCE AND BUDGET COMMITTEE:, George Moniza, Chairman Art Meierotto Thomas Rondeau,Jr., Louis Justice Herman Hanson _G. William Frankie Board Chairman.: Moved by,Berweger and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Budget as re- vised. Roll Call was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Mescheivitz, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Meierotto, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Wasmuth, Holman, Wick, Lindsey, Frankie, Nayes - none Ayes - 25 Naye s - 0 Total- - 25 Motion Carried. MR1 _November_ 12,_ 1965 The following Resolution was read: BE;IT HEREBY RES(OLVED; by,the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, assembled in annual session this 12 day of November, 1965, that there be and is here- by levied against all taxable property in Bayfield County, the following items to -wit: State Tax for Forest Purposes under Sec. 70.58 (2) S 89623.12 Common School tax under Section 59.07 (21) 24,207.27 Veterans Relief 500.00 For all other items of the Budget the sum of 3969448.63 8 4299779.02 George Moniza Louis H. Justice Herman Hanson Thomas E. Rondeau Arthur Meier,otto FINANCE COMMITTEE Moved by Sampson and seconded by Herman Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes - Sampson, Hall, Barningham, Howell, Mescheivitz, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Meierotto, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Wasmuth, Holman, Wick, Lindsey, Frankie Nayes - none Ayes - 25 Nayes - 0 Total - 25 The following Re -location order was read: Motion Carried. RELOCATION ORDER BY THE COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE OF BAYFIELD COUNTY.. THE COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE FINDS AND DETERMINES THAT: The proper establishing, laying out, widening, enlarging, extending, constructing, reconstructing, improving or maintaining a portion of the highway now designated as County Trunk Highway "B" from a point commencing at the road intersection corner comm- on to Sec. 19-20, 29, 30 T. 48 N., R. 8 W. Tn. of Tripp, Bayfield County, Wis., then running west and ending at the road intersection corner common to Sections 23, 24, 25, 26 T. 48 N. , R. 9 W. , Tn. of Oulu, Bayfield Co., a distance of two miles, and on roads or lands in and about and along and leading to same, requires certain re- location or change and the acquisition of lands or interests in lands as shown on the map or copy thereof marked: "PLAT OF RIGHT OF WAY REQUIRED, PROJECT C.T.H. "B";'-for the Oulu -Tripp Road, County Trunk Highway "B", Bayfield County, dated Nov. 12, 1965, and the same being sheet No. 1, inclusive, of the plans for said project and 266 November 12, 1965 Pursuant to its authority under Section 83.08,:Wisconsin Statutes, .THE COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE HEREBY ORDERS THAT: (1) The said highway is hereby laid out and established to the lines and widths as shown on the said plat. (2) The required lands or interests in lands as shown on the plat shall be acquir- ed by the County Highway Committee, pursuant to the provisions of Section 83.08 and 32.05 (1), Wisconsin Statutes.. The foregoing order was issued by the Bayfield County Highway Committee and enter- ed in the minutes of its meeting on November 12, 1965. Signed: Frank Hoefling Walter Wasmuth Joseph Berweger Bayfield County Highway Committee Moved by Barningham and seconded by Art Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution.. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: BE IT HEREBY RES LVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County assembled this 12th day of November, 1965, that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and the Chairman and the County Clerk are instructed to issue checks for the amount of such items as listed below: Name County Board Work Total Per Diem Mileage George Sampson 36.00 3.84 39.84 Glenn W. Hall 36.00 25.92 61.92 Walter Barningham 36.00 5.28 41.28 K. C. Howell 36.00 1.68 37.68 Robert M. Jones 24.00 7.52 31.52 Andrew Beja 12.00 3.04 15.04 Henry Mescheivitz 36.00 23.28 59.28 Onne Beeksma 36.00 15.36 51.36 Art Hanson 36.00 14.40 50.40 Bernard E. Johnson 36.00 20.m64 56.64 Ernest Heglund 36.00 7.20. 43.20 Lester Kesler 36.00 15.84 51.84 Frank Hoefling 36.00 15.36 51.36 William Stuart 36.00 11.04 47.04 George Moniza 36.00 8.88 44.88 Joseph Berweger 36.00 12.48 48.48 Herman Hanson 36.00 11.04 47.04 R. E. Neitge 36.00 21.00 57.00 November 12, 1965 Name County Board Work Total Per Diem Mileage Sanfred Anderson 36.00 23.52 59.52 Axel Lehto 36.00 20.16 56.16 Joseph Lupa 36.00 8.40 44.40 Evald Johnson 36.00 20.16 56.16 Howard Sibbald 36.00 13.59 49.59 Arthur Meierotto 36.00 12.00 48.00 Philip Tetzner 36.00 1.92 37.92 Thomas Rondeau, Jr. 36.00 22.56 58.56 Ryan Schraufnagel 36.00 10.56 46.56 Edward Jelinek 36.00 5.78 41.78 Walter Wasmuth 36.00 5.76 41.76 K. P. Bates 36.00 5.76 41.76 Richard Holman 24.00 .32 24.32 .Irving VanStone 12.00 .16 12.16 Arthur Anderson 36.00 .48 36.48 Elmer Wick 36.00 .48 36.48 LeRoy Smith 24.00 .32 24.32 Louis Justice 36.00 .48 36.48 Phillip Lindsey 24.00 .48 24.48 Ben Rude 12.00 .16 12.16 G. W. Frankie 18.24 18.24 Total . $ 1,248.00 8 395.09 Presented By: G. Wm. Frankie $ 19643.09 Moved by Herman Hanson and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes - Sampson., Hall, Barningham, Howell, Mescheivitz, Art Hanson, Bernard E. Johnson, Heglund, Kesler, Hoefling, Stuart, Berweger, Herman Hanson, Neitge, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Lupa, Meierotto, Rondeau, Jr., Schraufnagel, Wasmuth, Holman, Wick, Lindsey, Frankie Nayes - none Ayes - 25 Nayes - 0 Total - 25 Motion Carried. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Rondeau to adjourn.. Motion Carried. Edward A. Paja , County Clerk fit - �• :�..