HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 9/21/1967September 21, 1967 r MINUTES OF SPECIAL COUNTY BOARD MEETING. The meeting was called to order at 9:30 A. M. by Thomas E. Rondeau, County Board Chairman. The following members answerel roll call: No. 2 J. Ray Doyel,.Raymond J. Mammoser, Wm. Stuart, Art Hanson, George Moniza, Louis J. Brost, Sanfred Anderson,- Axel Lehto, George Sampson, Philip E. Tetzner, Bertyl R. Nelson, Wm. Celinsky, Walter-Barningham, Arthur Meierotto, Edwin M. Erickson, Walter Wasmuth, Alva A. Lattimer, Arthur A. Anderson, Bennie Rude, Thomas E. Rondeau - Total - 20 Mr. Ernest Heglund was absent and reported ill in Trinity Hospital, Ashland. The Clerk read the following Petition to call a special county board meeting: No. 3 September 5, 1967 TO: Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: You are hereby petitioned to call a Special Meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at 9:30 o'clock A.M., on Thursday, September 21, 1967, at the Court House, Washburn, Wisconsin, to consider and act on the following: 1. To meet as the County Equalization Committee with representatives of the Wisconsin Department of Taxation. 2. To act on the following matters: (a) The acceptance of a parcel of land on Atkins Lake to add to the County Park System. (b) A petition for re -zoning. (c) The re -purchase of tax deeded property by John Fisher, Iron River, Wisconsin., (d) To permit certain persons over the age of 65 to be employed by the County. (e) To petition the State for funds for Indian policing. (f) To consider personnel policy changes. (g) To consider budget changes. (h) To permit excess committee meetings in re certain committees. 3. To consider all other matters which may legally come before the said Board of Supervisors. Signed: J. Ray Doyel Thomas E. Rondeau Raymond J. Mammoser William A. Stuart Art C. Hanson Ernest Heglund George Moniza Louis J. Brost Sanfred Anderson Axel Lehto George Sampson Philip E. Tetzner Bertyl Nelson W. C. Barningham Arthur Meierotto Edwin Erickson Walter Wasmuth A. A. Lattimer Arthur A. Anderson Bennie R. Rude r - - - - September _ 21-,_ 1967- - - - - -- - - The following resignation was read: No. 4 Grandview, Wis. May 15, 1967 Mr. Ellsworth Embertson, Sheriff Bayfield County Dear Sir: I herewith tender my resignation as Bayfield County Supervisor, District #l, Towns of Pratt and Namakagon to be effective June 1, 1967. This is pursuant to Statutes, Chapter 17, 17.01. May 23, 1967 Thomas E. Rondeau Chairman Bayfield County Board Cable, Wisconsin Dear Sir: Very truly yours, Howard Sibbald This is to inform you that on May 23, 1967, I received from Howard Sibbald, Bay - field County $upervisor, District #1 Towns of Pratt and Namakagon, a notice of his -res- ignation to be effective as of June 1, 1967. This is pursuant to Statutes, Chapter 17, 17.01. Yours truly E. 0. Embertson Sheriff Bayfield County Moved by Wasmuth and seconded by Rude to accept the foregoing resignation. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: No. 5. BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN Office of County Board Chairman Cable, Wisconsin 54821 2 June , 196 7 Mr. Edward Pajala, Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: With the resignation of Mr. Howard Sibbald from the County Board of Supervisors, I have appointed Mr. Ray Doyel to replace him. Mr. Ray Doyel will serve on the Agricultural Committee. Mr. Raymond Mammoser will replace Mr. Sibbald on the Highway Committee. If you have not sent in the information for the new book you can put it in this way. I hope that this is sufficient for your records. Sincerely, Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Moniza and seconded by Meierotto to approve the appointment of Ray Doyel as Supervisor of District #1. Motion Carried. n ■ September 21, 1967 09) The following Communication was read: No.. 6. June 12, 1967 To The Honorable Co. Board of Supervisors: I herewith resign my membership of the Bayfield County Highway Committee for business reasons. It was a pleasure to serve with you. Howard Sibbald Member, Highway Committee Moved by Sampson and seconded by Stuart to accept the resignation of Howard Sibbald from the Highway Committee. Motion Carried. The following Motion was made: No. 7 Moved by Moniza and seconded by Lattimer to approve' the appointment -of Raymond J. Mammoser as a member of the Highway Committee to fill the vacancy created by Howard Sibbald. Motion Carried. The following Motion was made: No. 8 Moved by Celinsky and seconded by Stuart that the District Attorney be requested to contact members of the state legislature in regard to the shortage of railroad cars for loading of pulpwood. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: No. 9 Union Airport Cable Drummond Namakagon Cable, Wisconsin 54821 June 22, 1967 Mr. S. C. Johnson S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. Racine, Wisconsin 53403 Dear Mr. Johnson: Receipt of your check No. 88266 for $5,000.00 payable to Wisconsin State Aeron- autics Commission, is hereby acknowledged. We presume this is intended to be used as the Sponsor's Fund remittance which must accompany the Resolution and Agency Agreement recently forwarded to us by Mr. J. M. Abernathy of -the Aeronautics Commission,, We realize it is necessary for this application to be initiated by our Airport -Commission. However, we would want it distinctly understood by your group, the Wis- consin State Aeronautics Commission and the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, that execution of this Resolution and Agency Agreement by the Union Airport Commission does not represent a committment on our part to furnish any of the funds -required, if this proposed extension should materialize. At previous meetings with local area officials and at a special meeting on June 12Lh, the opinion was reaffirmed that no funds would be forthcoming from the municipalities in this area for this proposed extension of the Union Airport runway. A copy of one September 21, 1967 of these meetings is enclosed. If this understanding is in agreement with the groups involved, we shall proceed accordingly in your behalf. We would appreciate your further advice. In the interim, we shall hold your check in our files. Please be advised that Mr. Thomas Rondeau chose to resign from the Cable Union Air - .port Commission due to -the slight stroke he suffered this past winter, which makes his speech and writing difficult. He recommended that his municipality (Village of Cable) appoint me in his place since I formerly served as commissioner from the Town of Namak until moving to Cable. I have accepted this job and the secretary position on the Commission that Tom served so well. Thanking you kindly, I am cc: Bayfield Co. Bd. of Supervisors State Aeronautics Comm. Sincerely yours, Dell V. Anderson, Secretary Moved by Rude and seconded by Celinsky to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: No. 9a S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc., Racine, Wisconsin June 30, 1967 Mr. Dell V. Anderson, Secretary Cable -Union Airport Commission Cable, Wisconsin 54821 Dear Mr. Anderson: We are glad that the Cable -Union Airport Commission is willing to execute the Resolution and Agency Agreement to the Wisconsin State Aeronautics Commission for the engineering study. We ask that you proceed with the application and use our check for $5,000 as the Sponsor Funds to finance the study. We understand that neither the Airport Commission nor the local towns are committ- ed to furnish any of the subsequent funds required for the runway extension. We feel, though, that this project is of paramount importance to the airport, the local communi- ties -and the total of Bayfield County. For this reason, we are anxious for this first planning step to get under way. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Thomas Rondeau found it necessary to resign from the Airport Commission. He has certainly served well and faithfully for many years. We are enclosing an extra copy of this letter and.ask that you forward it to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors since we do not know to whom to. address it. Many thanks to you and the other airport commissioners for your help. Sincerely, cc: Mr. T. K. Jordan, Director Samuel C. Johnson Wisconsin State Aeronautics Commission Moved by Celinsky and seconded by Erickson to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried. September 21, 1967 e The following Motion was made: No. 10 Moved by Moniza and seconded by Sampson to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last County Board Meeting. Motion Carried. Mr. Richard Klimek and Mr. Leon J. Gesicki, Assessment Supervisors from the Rice Lake office of the Department of Taxation appeared before the Board to discuss the recommended valuations of the various taxing districts of the county. The total real and personal valuations for Bayfield County showed an increase of $$13,284,935.00. A number of questions were asked by members of the County Board and other municipal officers present regarding the increase of -valuation of certain taxing districts. The following Petition_-:was_.read: No. 11 Board of Supervisors, Bayfield County c/o Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: The Juneau Land Company, Inc., is the owner of the lands comprising the -West Half of Section Seventeen, the Northeast Quarter of Section Eighteen, the Southeast Quarter of Section Seven and the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Eight, all in Township Forty-five North, Range Nine West in the Township of Barnes, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, Embraced within this land are several lakes, the largest of which is Island Lake, a splendid, clear -water lake affording an excellent recreational facility to the land surrounding it. The land comprising the Northeast Quarter of Section Eighteen has been platted and the approved plat is on file in the office of the Register of Deeds of Bayfield County and lots in said development will soon be offered for sale. The area comprising the Southeast Quarter of Section Seven and the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Eight are in the Forestry Zone under the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance and lie on the extreme southern edge of the boundary of the Forestry Zone in Township Forty-five North of Range Nine West. It is the desire of the Juneau Land Company to develop the Southeast Quarter of Section Seven and the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section Eight for re- creational purposes and said lands are admirably suited to that purpose. Your Honorable Body is being petitioned to change the designation of such lands from the Forestry Zone to recreational or to unrestricted so that said land can be developed for the purposes for which best suited. WHEREFORI petitioner prays that the lands comprising the Southeast Quarter (SEY4) of Section Seven (7), which are more particularly described as the North Half of the Southeast Quarter (N/z SEY4) and Government Lots One (1) and Two (2) of Section Seven (7); and the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SE/ SW/) and Government Lot One (1) which comprise the South Half of the Southeast Quarter (S/ of SEY4) of Section Eight (8), be rezoned and the classification changed from forestry to recrea- September 21., 1967 tional or unrestricted. c All references in the petition herein are to Township Forty-five (45) North, Range Nine (9) West in Bayfield County, Wisconsin. JUNEAU LAND COMPANY, INC. By: Robert K. Hynne.s, President STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ss. County of Sauk ) ROBERT K. HYNNES, being first duly sworn on oath, says that he has read the foregoing petition, knows the contents thereof and that the same is true of his own knowledge; that he makes this petition on behalf of the Juneau Land Company, Inc., a Wisconsin Corporation of which he is President, being authorized as such officer so to do. Robert K. Hynnes Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28 day of August, 1967. James H. Hill, Jr. Notary Public, Sauk County, Wis. (Notarial seal) My commission is permanent. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Stuart to refer the foregoing Petition to the Zoning Committee. Motion Carried. The following Report was read.: No. 12 REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON EQUALIZATION TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: Gentlemen: We; the undersigned Committee on Equalization of Bayfield County, after a careful examination of all evidence and data placed before us by the Supervisor of Assessments of said County, and all other data at our disposal, do hereby agree that the following valuations set out after each taxation district are the full and correct valuations of the real and personal property of said county for the year 1967 and recommend that the county assessment of district values be made on said basis. DISTRICT ITOTAL VALUATION Towns: ASSESSMENT PER CENT RATIO OF EACH OF RECOMMENDED VALUE, DISTRICT TO TOTAL Barksdale 5 206 000 89.22% 08.521 Barnes 5 634 600 09.224 Bayfield 1 759 300 60.88 02.879 Bayview 1 272 700 43.97 02.084 Bell 1 568 600 38.85 02.567 Cable 3-190 000 77.57 05.222 Clover 1 172 600 32.01 01.920 Delta 1 992 500 88.88 03.261 Drummond 4 410 400 07.219 Eileen 2 037 500 57.03 03.336 Hughes 1 158 900 69.55 01.897 Iron River 4 786 000 80.97 07.834 Kelly 1 326 400 70.45 02.171 Keystone 1 195 500 97.95 01.957 Lincoln 886 800 01.452 September 21, 1967 DISTRICT Towns: ASSESSMENT PER CENT RATIO OF EACH TOTAL, VALUATION OF RECOMMENDED VALUE DISTRICT TO TOTAL Mason 1 136 600 01.860 Namakagon 5 058 700 08.281 Orienta 837 700 34.81 01.371 Oulu 1 246 800 51.59 02.041 Pilsen 592 000 89.63 00.969 Port Wing 1 348 700 02.208 Pratt 2 653 200 04.343 Russell 725 000 30.22 01.186 Tripp 531 400 47.23 00.870 Washburn 624 000 100.20 01.022 Villages: Cable 1 101 900 52.84 01.803 Mason 375 000 86.11 00.614 Cities: Bayfield 3 092 800 49.03 05.063 Washburn 4 169 200 06.825 TOTAL COUNTY 61 090 800 64.57 100.000 Respectfully Submitted: George Moniza Bennie Rude William Stuart Walter Wasmuth George Sampson Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Moniza and seconded by Erickson to approve and adopt the foregoing Report. Roll call vote was as follows: No. 12a Ayes - Doyel, Mammoser, Stuart, Hanson, Moniza, Brost, S. Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Tetzner, Nelson, Celinsky, Barningham, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth,.Lattimer, Art Anderson, Rude, Rondeau, Nayes - none Ayes - 20 Nayes - 0 Total - 20 Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 13 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Conservation Committee did not plan on attending the Minneapolis Sports Show in 1966, and WHEREAS, no appropriation was therefore made for that expenditure, and WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Board in the November 1966 session directed the committee to attend the show if space wakvailable, and WHEREAS, the committee pursuant to that County Board directive did attend the Minneapolis Show, and WHEREAS, it appears there will be a deficiency due to the expenditures involved in attending the show, and WHEREAS, there will be a surplus in the County Park Outlay Budget, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be directed to transfer - - - - - - - - September_.2l_,__1%7_ - - $1,136.00 from the County Park Outlay Budget to the County Conservation Budget, said sum being the amount expended by the committee in attending the Minneapolis show. Signed: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman Bennie Rude William Stuart George Sampson Thomas E. Rondeau Walter Wasmuth, Chrm. Hwy. Committee. Moved by Sampson and seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: No. 14 STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN State Office Building 1 West Wilson St. Madison, Wisconsin 53702 April_ 19, 1967 Mr. William Frankie, Commissioner Bayfield County Highway Department Courthouse - P. 0. Box 428 Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Mr. Edw. A. Pajala Project T 022-1(40) Bayfield County Clerk - Courthouse West County Line -Iron River Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Road - U. S: H. 2 Bayfield County Gentlemen: The Highway Commission deems it necessary to make certain revisions on a pre- viously approved right of way plat and to acquire certain lands and interests in lands according to such revisions, for the proper improvement or maintenance of the. above -designated project,and highway. The revised relocation order of the Commission and the map showing the highway as laid out and established and the lands and interests to be acquired are transmitted herewith. The enclosed relocation order provides that the State Highway Commission shall 1. make the necessary acquisitions of lands and interests not previously acquired, pur- suant to Section 84.09 (1) or (2), Wisconsin Statutes. Very truly yours V. L.-Fiedler, Secretary RELOCATION ORDER BY STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION FINDS AND DETERMINES THAT: The proper establishing, laying out, widening, enlarging, extending, constructing, reconstructing, -improving, or maintaining a portion of the highway now designated as U. S. Highway 2, from a point 740 feet north of the west one -quarter corner of Section 18, Township 47 North, Range 10 West, thence easterly to a point 1476.9 feet south of the north one -quarter corner of Section 18, Township 47 North, Range 9 West, and on roads or lands in and about and along and leading to same, requires certain relocation or change and the acquisition of lands or interests in lands as shown on the map or copy thereof marked - - - -- - - - September _21,_1967 - - "PLAT OF RIGHT OF WAY REQUIRED, PROJECT T 022-1(40) for the West County Line -Iron River Road, U. S. H. 2, Bayfield County, dated March 27, 1967, the same being sheets Nos. 4 and 4.1 of the plans for said project, and Pursuant to its authority under Sections 84.02 (3) and 84.09, Wisconsin Statutes, THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION HEREBY ORDERS THAT: (1) The said highway is hereby laid out and established to the lines and widths as shown on the said plat. (2) The required lands or interests in lands as shown on the plat shall be acquired by the State Highway Commission in the name of the State of Wisconsin, pur- suant to the provisions of Section 84.09(1) or (2), Wisconsin Statutes. (3) This order supersedes and amends the previous order issued by the Commission on February 23, 1967. The foregoing order was issued by the State Highway Commission on April 19, 1967. (SEAL) V. L. Fiedler, Secretary State Highway Commission of Wisconsin Moved by Moniza and seconded by Stuart to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Lattimer to adjourn to 1:30 o'clock P.M. Motion Carried. The meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M. by Thomas E. Rondeau, Chairman. The following members answered roll call: No. 15 Doyel, Mammoser, Stuart, Hanson, Moniza, Brost, S. Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Tetzner, Nelson, Celinsky, Barningham, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth, Lattimer, Art Anderson, Rude, Rondeau - Total 20. The following Resolution was read: No. 16 WHEREAS, Chapter 292, Laws of 1965, provides -for the organization of the State of Wisconsin into area vocational, technical and adult education districts by July 1, 1970, and WHEREAS, The governing body of a county may elect, singly or in any contiguous. combination, to be constituted an area vocational, technical and adult school district subject to the approval of the State Board of Vocational, Technical and Adult Educa- tion and the Coordinating Committee for Higher Education. Such approval will enable Bayfield County to establish a vocational, technical and adult education district, and WHEREAS, Chapter 292, Laws of 1965, provides for the organization of the State --_----_--.__--__.-- of Wisconsin into area vocational, technical and adult education districts by July 1, 1970, and WHEREAS, Such organization would enable the expansion and improvement of vocation al and technical education opportunities to all of the people'of Wisconsin, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors that Bayfield County be constituted a part of a vocational, technical and adult education district comprising Douglas, Bayfield, Ashland, Iron, Washburn, Sawyer, Barron and Rusk Counties subject to approval by the State Board of Vocational, Technical and Adult Education and the Coordinating Committee for Higher Education under the provi- sions of Chapter 292, Laws of the State•of Wisconsin 1965, and that Bayfield County shall become a part of this district, effective July 1, 1968. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be forwarded to the members of the State Board of Vocational, Technical and Adult Education and to the members of the Coordinating Committee for Higher Education, State of Wisconsin. George Moniza William Stuart George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth , Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Sampson and seconded,by Celinsky to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. a The following Resolution was read: No. 17 WHEREAS, our Creator in his infinite wisdom has called from our midst Walter Kliszcz, a former member of the County Board, and WHEREAS, we recognize the service that Mr. Kliszcz has given to our County in the many years that he served as a member of the County Board, and WHEREAS, we also recognize the valuable service he has given to the Cable area in promoting many major improvements during his years as a public officer, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 21st day of September, 1967, pause in their deliberations and in silenc respect the memory of Walter Kliszcz, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be made a part of the permanent records of Bayfield County, and that a certified copy hereof be provided by the County Clerk to the family of said Walter Kliszcz. Signed: Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Sampson and seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. ■ . ,_September _21, .1967 -- - — - — The following Resolution was read: No. 18 WHEREAS, our Creator in his infinite wisdom has called from our midst S. E. Squires, a former member of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, and the Wis- consin State Legislature, and WHEREAS, we recognize the valuable service that Mr. Squires gave to Bayfield County during his many years as a County Board member, and WHEREAS, we further recognize the fact that many favorable acts of legisla- tion introduced and supported by Assemblyman Squires became law and have been proven to be beneficial to Bayfield County and the State of Wisconsin, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 21st day of September, 1967, pause in their deliberations and in silence respect the memory of Mr. Squires, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution be made a part of the permanent records of Bayfield County, and that a certified copy hereof be provided by the County Clerk to the family of said S. E. Squires. Signed: Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Stuart and seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Petition was read: No. 19 To the Bayfield County Board of 'Supervisors Gentlemen: The undersigned are the owners of a tract of land on Sand Island located in Government Lot One (1) of Section Twenty-four (24), Township Fifty-two (52) North, Range Five (5) West. They acquired this land by purchase in 1940 from Helga A. Ander- son, daughter and sole heir of C. F. Diesen who had owned the property since 1909. In the deed to your petitioners in 1940, the description was given by metes and bounds; the description having been copied from the original deed of C. F. Diesen which also described the property by metes and bounds. In 1915, the area comprising Government Lots One (1) and Two (2) of said Section Twenty-four (24), had been platted as a part of the Sand Island Plat and the property which petitioners purchased from Helga Anderson had been designated as Lot Twenty-two (22) and Lot Twenty-three (23) on said plat. At the time petitioners acquired the property, the premises were described on the tax assessment roll by reference to the volume and page in the records of the Register of Deeds' Office and the first taxes paid by petitioners were on a statement describing the property by volume and page, which description included all of their land and included Lots 22 and 23 of the Sand Island Plat, although not so designated on the tax roll or on the tax receipt. In subsequent years in the 1940s, the designation on the tax roll was changed and one entry was made for Lot 22 of the Sand Island Plat which was assessed to petitioners and another entry for Lot 23 of the Sand Island Plat which was assessed to C. F. Diesen, the former owner. The improvements, consisting of a small summer cabin, which is actually located September 21, 1967 on Lot 23 of the Sand Island Plat, were assessed as being on Lot 22 and your petition- ers paid the taxes thereon without noticing the change in designation on the tax receipt from the volume and page description which included all of their land to the entry for Lot 22, which included only a part of their land. In 1949, the tax assessed on Lot 23 in the name of C. F. Diesen, was not paid and in 1956, the description of Lot 23, Sand Island Plat, was included in the County's in rem Judgment on delinquent tax proceedings. The assessment on Lot 23 for the year 1949 was $30.00, resulting in a tax of $1.35 and if your petitioners had been aware of the situation, they would have paid this tax and asked that the tax roll be corrected, but it did not come to their attention because it was assessed in the name of C. F. Diesen and notices of the delinquency were mailed to C. F. Diesen and, presumably, returned undelivered because, in the meantime, C. F. Diesen had passed away. Petitioners have been in actual possession and occupancy of the cabin actually located on Lot 23 of the Sand Island Plat continuously, uninterruptedly and under claim of title thereto ever since they purchased the land in 1940 and have paid the taxes assessed to them, including the tax assessed on the cabin, continuously since 1940. The inclusion of the description Lot 23 of Sand Island Plat in the County's in rem Judgment entered in 1956 constitutes a cloud on the title of peti- tioners and, therefore, because of all of the above circumstances, they respect- fully petition the Board to authorize and direct the County Clerk to issue a Quit Claim Deed to them covering Lot 23 of Sand Island Plat in order to clear their title. Respectfully, Melvin B. Dahl Adella E. Dahl Moved by Sampson and seconded by Stuart to receive the foregoing Petition and place on file. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was reads No. 20 WHEREAS, Bayfield County now has in effect an Ordinance permitting the re - conveyance of tax deeded lands, under certain conditions, to former owners or their heirs within a period of five years from the date of tax deed, and WHEREAS, Parcels of property may be lost to the County by tax deed through no fault or lack of diligence on the part of the owner or' heirs thereof or through errors in assessment, and WHEREAS, Said owners or the heirs of said owners may not have knowledge of the loss of said property to the County by tax deed procedures, and WHEREAS, Under such and other like circumstances, the equities of the former owner or his heirs and Bayfield County would be such as to reasonably require the County to correct the inequity to said former owner or heirs by re -conveying said tax deeded property to said former owner or his heirs at a time beyond the period of limitation of five years, upon conditions established by.the Board in each individual case, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the ordinance permitting the re -conveyance of tax deeded property to former owners or their heirs upon certain conditions and September 21, 1967 i as now in effect, be amended to extend the time for any period of years beyond the five year limitation in which the County could, upon application, re -convey tax deeded property to former owners or their heirs upon the conditions and circumstances as hereinabove set forth. Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Erickson and seconded by Doyel to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 21 RESOLVED, that the County of Bayfield release to Melvin B. Dahl and Adella E. Dahl, his wife, any interest in Lot Twenty-three (23) of the Sand Island Plat ex- cept the north three hundred (300) feet thereof, and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver a Quit Claim Deed to said parties, upon payment to Bayfield County of all delinquent taxes, interest and penalties assessed against said property and which would have accrued against said property if the same had been continued on the tax roll. Walt. Barningham Moved by Barningham and seconded by Lattimer to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 22 WHEREAS, it appears that Carl 0. Dahl and Alma Dahl, his wife, have been the owners of the property described as: A parcel in Government Lot 1 of Section 24, Township 52 North, Range. 5 West, starting at a point in the center of the Bayfield County Road 264 feet south of the north line of said lot; thence 300 feet south along the center line of said road; thence due east to the shore of Lake Superior; thence north along the shore line of Lake Superior to a point 264 feet south of the north line of said Lot 1; thence due west to the point of beginning; since 1941, and have paid the taxes assessed and levied on said property continuously ever since, the same being usually assessed as "the North 300 feet of the Sand Island Plat", and WHEREAS, it appears that said premises was also included in the assessment of a larger parcel for the year 1943 (assessed to Anton Peterson as parcel described in Vol. 66, p. 186) which tax became delinquent and resulted in a tax deed to Bayfield County on.February 15, 1950, recorded February 18, 1950 in Volume 10 of Tax Deeds on page 343, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the County of Bayfield release to Carl 0. Dahl and Alma Dahl, his wife, any interest in the parcel first above described, and the County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver a Quit Claim Deed to said parties, for a consideration of One Dollar ($1.00). Walter Barningham -- -- - - September 21,- 1967--- - - - ---- - Moved by Barningham and seconded by Wasmuth to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 23 BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board on the 21st day of 1967 did upon its own action recommend that the Wisconsin Conservation Department cooperate with the Commercial Fishing Advisory Board and Industry in implementing the limited entry bill as was the intent of the bill. FURTHER, That the proposals to be aired at the hearing in Washburn on the 27t' of September be discarded and a new -course of action taken to take care of the needs of the people of our. county. We strongly advise that the Industry and the W.C.D. develope a plan to strengthen the Commercial Fishing Industry since its decline in the past years. This natural resource shows indication that a remarkable recovery is in progress through the help of the Federal efforts and the lake stocking program. Edwin Erickson Moved by Erickson and seconded by Barningham to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Moved by Erickson and seconded by Doyel to refer the foregoing Resolution to the Conservation Committee. The following Motion was made: Motion Carried. No. 24 Moved by Stuart and seconded by S. Anderson that the present Highway Committee together with two extra members appointed by the Chairman of the County Board act as a bargaining committee to negotiate for a labor contract with Teamsters Union #288. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Doyel that the foregoing motion be amended to read: the County Board Chairman, the Chairman of the Executive Committee and the Highway Committee be appointed to act as a bargaining Committee to negotiate for a labor contract with Teamsters Union-#288. The motion to amend was carried. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing motion as amended. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 25 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That Bayfield County purchase the excess delinquent tax accounts of the various taxing districts for the tax of 1962 and 1963. George Moniza William Stuart George Sampson Walter Wasmuth Bennie Rude Thomas E. Rondeau L Moved by Sampson..:.and,;sec.oAded'by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. A roll call vote was taken as follows: No. 25a Ayes - Doyel, Mammoser, Stuart, Hanson, Moniza, Brost, S. Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Tetzner, Nelson, Celinsky, Barningham, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth, Lattimer, Art Anderson, Rude; Rondeau Nayes - none Ayes - 20 Nayes - 0 Total - 20 Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: No. 26 August 28, 1967 County Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, Wis. Dear Sir: I hereby petition the County of Bayfield'to deed back to the former owners lots 15 to 21 inclusive, Pettingills First Addition, Iron River, Bayfield County, Wis- consin. We will pay the taxes, interest and penalties, plus any taxes and interest which may have accrued in the meantime. Very truly yours, John Fisher Moved by Brost and seconded by S. Anderson to receive and place on file the forego- ing Communication. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 27 WHEREAS, John Fisher, Iron River, Wisconsin, has made application to Bayfield .County to have certain tax deeded property re -conveyed to himself and others as heirs of the former owner of Lots Fifteen (15) to Twenty-one (21), inclusive, Pettingill's First Addition to Iron River, and WHEREAS, Said property was taken by Bayfield County by tax deed within,the past five years, - NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Clerk is'hereby authorized to - execute a deed to all of the heirs of the deceased owner of the above described property, upon payment to Bayfield County of all delinquent taxes, interest and penalties assessed against said property and which would have accrued against said property if the same had been continued on the tax roll. George Moniza George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth William Stuart, Thomas E. Rondeau September'_'21, 1967 Moved by Sampson and seconded by Brost to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Petition was read: No. 28 To the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County-.* Gentlemen: The undersigned is one of the seven children and heirs of Blanche Armbruster who, during her lifetime, was the owner of an undivided two-thirds interest in a piece of real estate in Iron River, Wisconsin, being a parcel described in Volume 113 of Deeds on page 278 in the records of the Register of Deeds. The other one-third interest in the property is owned by Charles Coates, an uncle of petitioner. In my mother's estate, an'undivided 2/21sts was assigned to each of the children of Blanche Armbruster. Accordingly, the title is so divided that none of the heirs feel responsible for the taxes and, accordingly, they have been allowed to go delinquent. This property belonged to my maternal grandmother and has been in the family for about fifty years. I would like to pay the taxes but cannot see my way clear to do so without some assurance that I can collect a proportionate share from each of the other owners. I would like to purchase the tax sale certificates so as to keep the property from going to tax deed.. WHEREFOR, I respectfully petition your:Honorable Board to authorize the county officers to sell me the tax sale certificates for the sale of 1965 delinquent tax of 1964; the consideration to be the amount of the certificate plus interest to date of transfer at the statutory rate. Respectfully,. Delephine Armbruster LaCrosse Moved by Barningham and seconded by Celinsky to receive the foregoing Petition and place on file. Motion Carried. The following Resolution'wa.s read: No. 29 RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin That the tax sale certificate for the year 1965 for the delinquent tax of 1964 on the parcel of land in the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE/ SEY), Section Seven (7), Township1Forty- seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, Bayfield County, Wisconsin described in Volume 113 of Deeds on page 278 be sold to Delphine LaCrosse, the consideration to be the amount of the said certificate plus interest to date of transfer. FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to make proper transfer of said certificate upon payment of said consid- eration. Louis J. Brost Moved by Brost and seconded by Barningham to refer the foregoing Resolution to the Executive Committee and report back at the November meeting. Motion Carried. LS Oft 4 September 21, 1967 The following Communication was read: No. 30 Aug. 25, 1967 Dear Sir: A number of years ago we acquired the tax certificate to Govt. Lot 5, Sec. 31 Township 43 Range 8 West, Bayfield County, Wisc. At the time the only other living relatives of Signa Borglund other than my wife lived in Sweden and so after contacting the County Clerk at Washburn he advised my wife to request a tax certificate because of prohibitive costs of probate. My wife was issued a certificate and we have paid the taxes on this property for a few years, probably about 20. A year ago we were in Washburn and wanted to acquire title to the property but were informed that the tax certificate had expired. We are again asking the County Board to sell us another tax certificate ,so we can acquire title to this property. The property itself is of little value; however it was homesteaded by my wife°s aunt who raised her and is of sentimental value. We again ask the County Board for a new certificate. Sincerely yours, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin & Helen Lund Rt. 1 Box 348 Mound, Minn. Moved by Rude and seconded'by Erickson that the foregoing communication be re- ferred to the Executive Committee and report back at the November meeting. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 31 WHEREAS, Carter H. Leslie has offered to transfer certain real property to Bay - field County, located on Atkins Lake in Government Lot Twelve (12), Section Twenty (20), Township Forty-four (44) North, Range Five (5) West, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, as a gift to the County, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County now owns property on said Atkins Lake adjoining the above mentioned property which is being developed as a County park, and WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable and desirable to accept said parcel of land in behalf of Bayfield County, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the aforesaid transfer of the property hereinab referred to by Carter H. 'Leslie to Bayfield County be and the same is hereby approved and the Clerk is instructed to forward a -communication to said Carter H. Leslie on be- half of said Bayfield County expressing appreciation for,said transfer. George Sampson William Stuart Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth Moved by Stuart and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. September 21,--1967 - - - -- - -- - --- The following Resolution was reads - No. 32 WHEREAS, Bayfield County contains within its borders a tax exempt Indian Reserva- tion, namely, the Red Cliff Reservation, and WHEREAS, The County has incurred extra expense in law enforcement, arising by reason of Federal legislation removing Governmental controls over Indians and said Bayfield County appears to be eligible for assistance as provided under the provisions of Section 20.180 (11) of the Wisconsin Statutes, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, By the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, in annual session assembled, this 21st day of September, 1967, that applica- tion be and is hereby made to the State of Wisconsin, for assistance under the pro- visions of Section 20.180 (11) of the Wisconsin Statutes, for law enforcement for the fiscal year ending June 28, 1967, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be certified by the County Clerk to the Attorney General of Wisconsin, with a request for certification of such application, as is required under the provisions of Section 20.180 (11) of the Wis- consin Statutes. AFFIDAVIT STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ss. County of Bayfield ) George Moniza William Stuart George Sampson Walter Wasmuth Bennie Rude Edward A. Pajala, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says that he is the duly elected County Clerk in and for Bayfield County, Wisconsin; that this affidavit is made for the purpose of obtaining reimbursement from the State of Wisconsin for additional expenses to Bayfield County in policing Indians and the Indian Reservation in said County, pursuant to the provisions of Section 20.180 (11) of the Wisconsin Statutes; that attached hereto, marked Schedule "A" and made a part of this affidavit is a true account of monies expended by said Bayfield County"for such policing from June 28t', 1966 through June 28, 1967; that the items listed in Schedule "A" including salary, expenses and social security, were all paid to the sheriff or deputy sheriffs of the Bayfield County Sheriff's Department acting as Indian police officers. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of September, 1967 Edward A. Pajala Robert N. Ledin Notary Public, Bayfield County, Wis. My commission is permanent. SCHEDULE "A" Indian Police Salary - June 20, 1966 through June 28, 1967 inclusive - 12 months at $150.00 per month Social Security - $6.30 per month - July, 1966 through January, 1967 $ 44.10 $ 1800.00 $6.60 per month - February,1967 through June, 1967 33.00 Automobile expense -- 4 20.00 per month $ 240.00 77.10 240.00 $ 2117®.10. September 21, 1967 AFFIDAVIT STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) ss. County of Bayfield ) E. 0. Embertson, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says that he is an adult resident of the City of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin; that he is and was at all times material hereto the duly elected and acting Sheriff in and for Bayfield County, Wisconsin; that, as such official, he is in charge of the records of the Sheriff's office of said County; that from the 28th day of June, 1966 to the 28th day of June, 1967, the said Sheriff's Department held in custody certain Indian residents of the Redcliff Indian Reservation and certain transient Indians from said Redcliff Indian Reservation and other transient Indians being apprehended in Bayfield County and being from reservations in Ashland and Sawyer Counties, over a period of 811 Indian board days, at a total charge to Bayfield County in the amount of $1622.009 and that said charge is a legal and authorized charge against the said County of Bayfield. E. 0. Embertson Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of September, 1967. Robert N. Ledin, Notary Public Bayfield County, Wis. My commission is permanent. Moved by Hanson and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried® Y The following Resolution was reads No. 33 WHEREAS, Certain committees of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors have been subject to an abnormal work load due to unforeseen circumstances, and WHEREAS, County Board Committees are limited by Statute as to the number of meetings per year, and WHEREAS, Certain committees of the Board of Supervisors have been required to hold meetings in excess of those provided by Statute, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That all meetings of committees of the Board of Supervisors held during the year 1967 to this date be and the same are hereby approved, including those held in excess of the statutory limit. George Moniza William Stuart George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth Moved by Moniza and seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing Resolution.. Motion Carried. 492 September 21,--1967 _ - _ __ _ _ _ The following Motion was made: No. 34 Moved by Stuart and seconded by Celinsky to authorize County Board Committee members to attend and be paid the regular per diem and mileage for as many committee meetings as necessary for the balance of the year 1967 as provided by Section 59.06(2) (a) (b). Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 35 WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors -at its last regular meeting provided for the increase of certain elected official's salaries commencing during the year 1967, and WHEREAS, Said salary increases will require transfer of funds from the contin- gent fund to the budget of the departments affected by said increases in the amounts set forth in Schedule "A", attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That a transfer be made from the contingent fund to increase budgets of the departments set forth in Schedule "A" attached hereto and in amounts therein set forth. George Moniza William Stuart George Sampson Walter Wasmuth SCHEDULE "A" Clerk of Courts $ 1860.00 County Clerk 1980.00 District Attorney 9 780.00 Register of D6eds 8 1740.00 Sheriff 2400.00 County Treasurer 1180.00 Moved by Moniza and seconded by Celinsky to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote was as follows: -No. 35a Ayes - Doyel, Mammoser, Stuart, Hanson, Moniza, Brost, S. Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Tetzner, Nelson, Celinsky,Barningham, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth, Lattimer, Art Anderson, Rude, Rondeau Nayes - none Ayes - 20 Nayes - 0 Total - 20 Motion Carried. 91 AA H September _21,-_1967 The following Dog Damage Claims were presented to the Board: No® 36 Ted Allen Town of Cable $ 225.00 Ann Koval Town of Keystone 5.00 Kermit Lindelof Town of Oulu 160.00 Moved by Barningham and seconded by Meierotto to refer the foregoing Dog Damage Claims to the Executive Committee with power to act. Motion Carried. No. 37 Robert Ledin, District Attorney advised the Board that E. Embertson, Bayfield County Sheriff had requested him to discuss with the County Board the possibility of Bayfield County providing a two-way radio unit for the Iron River Ambulance Service. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Mammoser that the above matter be referred to the Sheriff's Committee and report back to the November meeting. Motion Carried. The Following Resolution was read: No. 38 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the County Board of Bayfield County, assembled this 21st day of September, 1967,that the per diem and mileage be allowed each member of the County Board as listed below and the Chairman and the County Clerk are instructed to issue checks for the amount of such items as listed below: Name County Board Work Total Per Diem Mileage J. Ray Doyel $ 15.00_ 7.20 $ 22.20 Raymond Mammoser 15.00 9.04 24.04 William Stuart 15.00 3.68 18.68 Arthur Hanson 15.00 4.80 19.80 George Moniza 15.00 2.96 17.96 Louis J. Brost 15.00 5.12 20.12 Sanfred Anderson 15.00 7.84 22.84 Axel Lehto 15.00 6.72 21.72 George Sampson 15.00 1.28 16.28: Philip E. Tetzner 15.00 .64 15.64 Bertyl R. Nelson 15.00 6.40 21.40 William Celinsky 15.00 4.32 19.32 Walter Barningham 15.00 1.76 16.76 Arthur Meierotto 15.00 4.00 19.00 Edwin M. Erickson 15.00 1i.92 16.92 Walter Wasmuth 15.00 1.92 16.92 Alva A. Lattimer 15.00 .32 15.32 Arthur A. Anderson 15.00 .16 15.16 Bennie Rude 15.00 .16 15.16 Thomas E. Rondeau 7.50 7.50 Totals 285.00 77.74 $ 362.74 Presented by: Thomas E. Rondeau September 21, 1967 Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Moniza to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote was as follows: No. 38a Ayes - Doyel, Mammoser, Stuart, Hanson, Moniza, Brost, S. Anderson, Lehto, Samp- son, Tetzner, Nelson, Celinsky, Barningham, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth, Lattimer, Art Anderson, Rude, Rondeau Nayes - none Aye s - 20 Nayes - 0 Total - 20 Motion Carried. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Rude to adjourn.. Motion Carried. Thomas E.'Rondeau, County,Board Chairman. Edward A. Pajala, County Clerk.