HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 12/13/1967December 13: 1967_ _ RE -CONVENED MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The meeting was called to order at 9:30 A.M. by Thomas E. Rondeau, County Board Chairman. The following members answered roll call: No. 59 J. Ray Doyel, Raymond J. Mammoser, William Stuart, Art Hanson, Ernest Heglund, George Moniza, Louis J. Brost, Sanfred Anderson, Axel Lehto, George Sampson, Philip E. Tetzner, Bertyl R. Nelson, William Celinsky, Walter Barningham, Arthur Meierotto, Edwin M. Erickson, Walter, Wasmuth, Alva A. Lattimer, Arthur A. Anderson, Bennie Rude, Thomas E. Rondeau - Total 21. .I The following Resolution was read: No. 60 December 13, 1967 ' Whereas, Chapter 85, Laws of 1965, created section 111.70 (5) of the Statutes, relating to the creation of the position of labor negotiator, and Whereas, the Highway Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors is desirous of employing at this time a qualified person to discharge the duties of labor negotiator and to represent the employer in conferences and negotiations with the labor union and employees of the Highway Department, Therefore Be It Resolved by The Bayfield County Board that the Executive Committee be and is hereby authorized to employ a labor negotiator, enter into a contract with him and fix his compensation. Respectfully submitted, Walter Wasmuth Raymond J. Mammoser Ernest Heglund Philip E. Tetzner Bertyl Nelson Moved by Wasmuth and seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 61 WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Forestry Department operates and uses certain machinery and equipment which is not adequately housed, and WHEREAS, Said Department is in need of building space for said machinery, for servicing the same and for storage of'materials, and WHEREAS, There may be available for purchase by Bayfield County a building and premises located in the City of Washburn of said County, formerly known as the Bay - Land Garage, and WHEREAS, It is deemed desirable and advantageous to Bayfield County to purchase said property for use as aforesaid by the Bayfield County Forestry Department, and WHEREAS, In the event said premises are acquired by Bayf ield County, certain 544 --December -13-,- 1967 -- - - - - -- alterations and repairs will be required to be made, and WHEREAS, It is estimated that the cost of said building and the necessary 41tera- tions and repairs to be made thereto, to provide suitable housing for the above said purposes will be in the amount of $25,000.00. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper committees and officers of Bayfield County be and they are hereby authorized to negotiate for and .purchase for Bayfield County the above described premises, as more fully described on Schedule "A" attach- ed hereto, and to make the necessary repairs and alterations to said building and. premises not to exceed the total amount of $25,000.00, said amount to be allocated out of funds previously provided by this Board of Supervisors on November 14Lh, 1967. George Sampson Raymond J. Mammoser W. C. Barningham Axel Lehto SCHEDULE "A" Lot 8 to 15 inclusive, and Lots 23 to 26 inclusive, all in Block 42, Original Townsite, City of Washburn, Wisconsin® Moved by Sampson and seconded by Mdmmoser to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Mr. G. P. Hargrove, a representative of the Great Lakes Gas Transmission Company appeared before the Board with a request for right of way across certain county owned lands. The matter was discussed but no action taken at this time. The following Resolution was reads No. 62 WHEREAS, certain County Conservation Aid Projects approved by the Conservation Commission were not completed during the summer of 1967, and WHEREAS, the State Aid available to counties for said projects can be.applied for if the projects are completed during 1968, and WHEREAS, the Committee will attempt to complete said unfinished projects in 1968, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the balance of the funds remaining in the 1967 County Conservation Outlay Budget on December 13, 1967, estimated to be approximately $1,800.00, be carried over to 1968, and .BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the funds so carried over shall be only used to complete the County Conservation Aid Projects originally scheduled for 1967. CONSERVATION COMMITTEE George Sampson Walter Barningham Axel Lehto Raymond J. Mammoser Walter Wasmuth - - -----December-13, 1967- - - - --- - - -- -- - - -- ff Moved by Sampson and seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried., The following Resolution was read: No. 63 WHEREAS, Section 174.11 makes provision for payment for damage by dogs to domes- tic animals, and WHEREAS, the said Section 174.11 further provides that the County Clerk shall present to the County Board all such dog damage claims, and WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board has previously authorized the Executive Committee of the County Board and the County Clerk to pay certain claims against the County within prescribed maximum amounts, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee of the County Board, with the approval of the District Attorney, shall be authorized to approve dog damage claims at their discretion. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE George Moniza Bennie Rude William Stuart George Sampson Thomas E. Rondeau Walter Wasmuth Moved by Stuart and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No.64 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Employee Compensation Plan does not cover employ- ment under emergency situations, and WHEREAS, it is necessary under certain circumstances to make emergency appoint- ments, therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 13Lh day of December 1967 that the Departments' appointed official be granted power to make these emergency appointments at the salary deemed equitable to continued sound ad- ministrative procedures. Dated: This 13th day of•December, 1967. PRESENTED BY; Bennie R. Rude Edwin Erickson Art A. Anderson Sanfred Anderson Louis J. Brost Moved by Erickson and seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Moved by Barningham and seconded by Sampson to reconsider the foregoing motion. Motion Carried. 546 December_ 13., ly 67 — - - - --- - --- — - ---- I Moved by Rude and seconded by Erickson to refer the foregoing Resolution to the Personnal Committee with power to act. Motion Carried.., The following Resolution was read: No. 65 WHEREAS, the cities of Washburn and Bayfield are in need of technical assistance in planning that would satisfy the requirement of section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954, and WHEREAS, Federal funds administered by the State of Wisconsin necessary for giv- ing technical assistance on a cost sharing basis under section 701 of the Housing Act of 1954 will not be immediately available, and and WHEREAS, private consultants fees for technical assistance would be prohibitive, WHEREAS, the ten Northern Wisconsin Counties have the services of the Northwest- ern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, which gives special help through their trained planners in the planning and zoning of the rural areas of Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, it may be possible for the Northwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission to extend its service to include technical help to cities for their plann- ing programs NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Department of Local Affairs and Develop- ment be advised of the needs of the above mentioned cities in Bayfield County that need technical assistance in planning, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board go on record in recommend- ing that a regional office be established in the area served by the Northwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, by the Department of Local Affairs and Develop- ment, to give technical assistance to cities who are carrying out a planning program and that the County Clerk be directed to send copies of this Resolution to Governor Warren knowles, Congressman Alvin E. O'Konski, Senator Arthur Cirilli, Assemblyman Barney Gehrmann, Senator Gaylord Nelson, and Senator William Proxmire. 12/13/67 Respectfully Submitted, W. A. Stuart, Chairman Bayfield County Resource Development Committee Moved by Stuart and seconded by Lattimer to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Mr. George Xalinoski appeared before the Board and explained the purpose for sub- mitting the foregoing Resolution to the County Board. After some discussion the the motion on the foregoing Resolution was carried. Mr. Douglas Youngen appeared before the Board and talked to the County Board on the hearing to be held at 2:,00 P.M., December 13Lh on the Sub -Division Control Ordi- nance, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, a copy of such ordinance having been handed to each Board member. He also explained various portions of the Ordinance. Moved by Rude and seconded by Lattimer to adjourn for lunch. December 13, 1967 The meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M. by Thomas E. Rondeau, County Board Chairman The following members answered roll call: No. 66 Doyel, Mammoser, Stuart, Hanson, Heglund, Moniza, Brost, S. Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Tetzner, Nelson, Celinsky, Barningham, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth, Lattimer, Art Anderson, Rude, Rondeau - Total 21. The following Resolution was read: No. 67 BE IT.RESOLVED,.that the following days be classified as legal holidays on which the Bayfield County offices in the County Administration Building shall be closed: New Years Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veterans Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day and the afternoon of Good Friday. Signed: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman Art C. Hanson Philip E. Tetzner Arthur Meierotto Bertyl Nelson Moved by Sampson and seconded by Nelson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 68 WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Board has at a previous meeting created the posi- tion of a full time Bayfield County Zoning Administrator and Sanitary Inspector, and WHEREAS, no salary schedule has been set up for the said Zoning Administrator and Sanitary Inspector, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a salary scale of $525.00, $550.00, $575.00, $600.00 and $625.00 be set for the said Zoning Administrator and Sanitary Inspector,and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all provisions of the Bayfield County classification and compensation plan apply to the position of Zoning Administrator and Sanitary Inspector, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the salary schedule as recommended shall become effective at such time as Bayfield County hires a full time Zoning Administrator and Sanitary Inspector. PERSONNEL AOMMITTEE George Moniza Art C. Hanson Philip E. Tetzner Arthur Meierotto Bertyl Nelson December 13, 1967 Moved by Moniza and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 69 WHEREAS, the salaries of the County Agricultural Agent and the County Home Econ- omics Agent are paid jointly by County, State and Federal Funds, and WHEREAS, the State and Federal share of the salaries of -said County Agricultural Agent and Home Economics Agents have been increased several times with no increase in Bayfield County's share of said salaries, and WHEREAS, it would be mandatory for Bayfield County to increase the County's share of said salaries if it became necessary to hire a new County Agricultural Agent or a new County Home Economics Agent, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Bayfield County's share of the salaries of the County Agricultural Agent be increased by the amount of $400.00 per year, and the County's share of the salary of the County Home Economics Agent be increased by the amount of $500.00 per year, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the salaries as adjusted become effective on January 1 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE George Moniza Art C. Hanson Philip E. Tetzner Arthur Meierotto Bertyl Nelson Moved by Stuart and seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 70 WHEREAS, the classification and compensation plan previously adopted by the County Board makes certain provisions for increases in salaries of clerical and certain other county employees, and WHEREAS, the personnel committee has studied the salary increase requests that have been presented to the committee and also :the salaries of certain other county employees, and WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee is of the opinion that some adjustment in salar- ies are justified, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following Bayfield County employees be advanced one step in•their job classification and that the salaries be adjusted accordingly: Beatrice Kelly Delores Niska Violet Weber Marcella Holzer Step A to, Step B Step A to Step B Step A to Step B Step A to Step $, Step B to Step C_� Mabel Moland ZEN December 13. 196 Norma Chape Step A to Step B Edith Nolander Step A to Step B Louise Lindsey Step A to Step B Melvin Christianson Step A to Step B Elsie Christianson Step A to Step B Irene Sieren Step .A. to Step .B George-Leino Step A to Step Raymond Anderson Step A to Step,-B: -Lillian Cleary' Step A to Step >B William Hepner Step A to Step.B Gladys Kendall � Step A to Step B Ruth Pristash Step B to Step C Mary MacDonald Step B to Step,C Irene Wedin Step B- to Step C Floyd Brenholt Step B to Step C. Charles Diamon Step B to Step C- Richard Fredericks Step A to Step B Paul Truchon Step A t'o '' Step B Arnold Jacobson Step B to Step C. Gale Celinsky Step A to Step B' Thomas Anderson Step A to Step B June Eskola - Step A to Step B AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all provisions of this Resolution become effective on January 1, 1968. Signed: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman Art C. Hanson Philip E. Tetzner Arthur Meierotto Bertyl Nelson Moved by Nelson and seconded by Art Anderson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. A motion was made by Sampson and seconded by Barningham to amend.the foregoing Resolution to advance the Forestry Administrator to Step C. The -motion to adopt the foregoing Resolution as amended was carried. I The following Resolution was read: No. 71 WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee of the County Board has studied the salary of certain Bayfield County officials, and WHEREAS, the committee is of the opinion that the salary of the Bayfield County Treasurer should be adjusted, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the salary of the Bayfield County Treasurer be increased by the sum of-825.00 per month effective January 1, 1968. Signed: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman Art C. Hanson Philip E. Tetzner Arthur Meierotto Bertyl Nelson 550 - December 13,-1967-- -. -- ---- -- - -- - - - Moved by Moniza and seconded by Meierotto to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Moved by Sampson and seconded by Mammoser to adjourn as a County Board for the purpose of a Hearing on the SubDivision Control Ordinance for Bayfield County, and to meet as a committee of the whole. Motion Carried. The Committee meeting was presided over by Mr. Harry Lowe, Zoning Administrator. The following interested persons appeared at the meeting: Warren Dickrell Town of Pratt Warren Davis Town of Namakagon Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Ruprecht - Town of Barnes Werner Brodin Town of Mason Silas Buck - Chairman Town of Bell Terry Michael Mosinee -Paper Company Jerome Merkel Bayfield Herman Hanson Town of Mason Leland Newman Planner for the Northwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission Mr. Newman and Mr. Lowe explained various matters pertaining to the Ordinance. After some discussion and a question and answer period the Committee meeting adjourned. A motion was made by Moniza and seconded by Rude to re -convene as a County Board. Motion Carried. The following Recommendation was read: No. 72 RECOMMENDATION FOR ADOPTION OF BAYFIELD COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE BY THE BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE TO: The Bayfield County Board The Bayfield County Zoning Committee which has been designated the County Plann- ing Agency for purposes of Chapter 236 Wisconsin Statutes, hereby recommends the attached "Subdivision Control Ordinance Bayfield.County, Wisconsin" to the Bayfield County Board for adoption pursuant to Section 236:45 (4) Wiscansin- Statutes.. Dated: 12/13/67 Signed: BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE - William A. Stuart,Chairman William Celinsky Ernest Heglund Thomas E. Rondeau Alva Lattimer Ray Doyel Moved°by Moniza and seconded by Erickson to receive and place on file.the fore- going Recommendation.: Motion Carried. The following Ordinance was presented to the Board: No. 73 SUBDIVISIONf CONTROL ORDINANCE BAYFIELD COUNTY, WISCONSIN To regulate the division of land within the unincorporated areas of Bayfield County for the purposes listed in Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and to provide safe and orderly shoreland subdivision layouts pursuant to Sections 59:971 (3)9 144.26 (2), 144.26 (8) and 236.45, the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County ordains Subdivision Regulations as follows: SECTION I:. GENERAL INTERPRETATION This ordinance shall not repeal, impair 'or modify private easements or covenants govern- ing the use of lands except that it shall be applicable to the extent that it imposes stricter regulations. SECTION II: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The County Planning Agency or its duly appointed staff, in considering an application for the subdivision of land, -shall be guided by the following considerations and standards. A. The County Planning Agency or its duly authorized staff shall be responsible for administration of this ordinance. B. Subdivision includes any division of a parcel of land by the owner or his agent for the purpose of sale or building development, where: 1. The act of division creates three or more parcels of five acres or less each. 2. Three or more parcels of five -acres or less each are created -by successive divisions within a five-year period. C. This ordinance shall not apply to divisions exempt from platting controls under the provisions of Chapter 236.03 and 236.45 (2) Wisconsin --Statutes. D. Every division of land within the unincorporated areas -of Bayfield County shall be subject to the provisions of this ordinance and Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statute E. All divisions of land subject to this ordinance shall -also be in conformity with the county zoning ordinance, county sanitary code and -any official map ordinances in effect in Bayfield County. F. Before the final plat is approved .by the County Planning Agency and the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, the subdivider shall install all improvements required by this ordinance, or by town or minicipal units of government, or shall file a per- formance bond with the county clerk (or meeting the approval of the District Attorney) insuring installation of such improvements: G. The specifications for all improvements shall he approved by the County Highway Commissioner and County Zoning Administrator: Prior to- either acceptance of the im- provements by the County Board of Supervisors or release of the developer's bond, all improvements shall be inspected by the County Highway Commissioner and County Zoning Administrator and found to have been installed according to specifications. H. Land which is deemed unsuitable for any proposed development by the County Planning Agency for reason of flooding, inadequate drainage -,--adverse soil or rock for- mation, severe erosion potential, unfavorable topography, inadequate water supply or sewage disposal capabilities or any other feature likely to be -harmful to the health, safety or welfare of the future residents of the proposed subdivision or of the comm- unity shall not be subdivided. In applying the provisions of this section, the County planning Agency shall in writing recite the particular facts upon which it bases its 552 December 13, 1967 conclusion that the proposed. development is unsuitable and afford the subdivider an opportunity to present evidence regarding such suitability if he so --desires at a public hearing as provided in this ordinance. Thereafter the County Planning Agency may affirm, modify or,withdraw its determination of unsuitability. SECTION III: LOTS CREATED NOT REQUIRING A PLAT - COUNTY PLANNING A nTT TlT r Tl 11TTTTi.T ATTT . Any proposed lot division where lots are created but in insufficient numbers to require submission of a plat under the requirements of this ordinance shall comply with the pro- visions of the Bayfield County Sanitary Code, the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance and the standards of Administrative Code H-65 of the Division of Health; and shall be approv- ed by the County Planning Agency in accordance with the procedure for -submitting sub- divisions except that no contour map and no state agency review is -required. In those instances where the proposed division is intended for building development and is located either wholly or partially within the Shoreland Protection or Floodplain zoning district the County Planning Agency shall require that'a certified survey map be recorded in the office -of register of deeds of the county. A certified survey map may also be required. where the proposed division might -result in boundary problems or disputes, such as divisions of land within,lh miles of incorporated cities and villages or in developed unincorporated areas. Such certified survey -maps shall meet the re- quirements of Section 236.34 Wisconsin Statutes. SECTION IV: PROCEDURE FOR SUBMITTING SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS ,A. Preliminary Meeting Before filing a preliminary plat application the subdivider, shall consult with the Bayfield County Planning Agency and/or its staff for advice regarding general requirement. - affecting the proposed development. A sketch plan -of -the .proposed subdivision drawn on a topographic survey map should be submitted. This sketch plan should identify the boundaries of the, property being considered for subdivision, any publicly owned lands in the vicinity of the proposed subdivision, proposed roads and general lot layout in - eluding proposed dedication, physical features (slopes over 15%°, bodies of water, wet- land areas, rock out -crops, existing vegetative cover, areas subject to periodic flood- ing, and general soil.condition), gaslines, power transmission lines and towers, and railroads. In addition, the sketch plan should indicate proposed filling, grading, lagooning, or dredging, and a description of any contiguous property owned or controlled by the subdivider even though only a part of the area is proposed for immediate develop - .meet. The subdivider should also submit a location map showing the -relationship of the proposed subdivision to traffic arteries and existing community facilities. 1 a B. Preliminary Plat Application The subdivider shall submit .to the Bayfield County Planning- Agency and to those agencies having the authority to object to plats under provisions of Chapter 236 of ,the statutes, sufficient legible copies (to be determined at the preliminary meeting) of a preliminary plat based upon an exterior boundary survey by a registered land surveyor. The preliminary plat shall show clearly the existing conditions of the proposed sub- division and of the adjoining sites including data on covenants, physical features (slopes over 15%, bodies of water, public access, wetland areas, rock out -crops, existing vegetative cover, areas subject to periodic flooding, and soil conditions) available community facilities and utilities, easements, street locations, and lot widths and depths. The proposed layout shall be shown on a topographic map at a scale of one inch December 13_, 1967 equals 100 feet having contours at vertical intervals of not more than 2 feet where the slope of the ground surface is less than 10%, and of not more than 5 feet where the slope of the ground surface is 10/ or more and shall identify the improvements (grading, tree planting, paving, installation of facilities, and dedication of land) which the subdivider proposes'to_ make and shall indicate when the improvements will be provided. In those instances where contour maps are deemed unnecessary for the purpose of reviewing all or a portion of the land included in the proposed subdivision, the County Planning Agency may waive or modify the contour mapping requirement. Any pro- posed restrictive covenants 'for the land involved shall be stated. The Bayfield County Planning Agency shall reject or approve conditionally the preliminary plat within 40 days, as provided by statute. C. Final Plat Final plats shall be submitted to the Bayfield County Planning Agency within six months of preliminary plat acceptance unless this requirement is waived -in writing -by the Bayfield County Planning Agency. The final plat shall -conform to the preliminary plat as approved and to the requirements of all applicable ordinances and state laws and shall be submitted for certification of those agencies having the authority to object to the plat as provided by Section 236.12 (2)9 Wisconsin Statutes.. The final plat shall be accompanied by detailed construction plans of all improvements. Final plats shall be presented to the Planning Agency at least ten work days prior to the meeting at which they -are to be considered and shall be accepted or rejected by the Bayfield County Planning Agency and the Board of County Supervisors within 60 days of their submission. Approved final plats shall be recorded in accordance with the statut- ory requirements, Section 236.25, prior to the ime that lots are offered for sale, re Iference is made to the map for sale purposes, or use is made of lot and block numbers shown on the plat. SECTION V: DESIGN STANDARDS A. Streets 1. The subdivider shall dedicate land for and improve streets as provided herein. Streets shall conform to any applicable official map ordinance in effect in the county. Streets shall be located with due regard for topographical conditions, natural features, - existing and proposed streets, utilities -,..land uses and public convenience and safety,. 2. All lots shall have frontage on a public street. 3. Street locations shall be consistent with any applicable street plan officially adopted by the county. All street right-of-way widths, radii of curvature and grades - ;hall conform to the following requirements: Right-of-way Minimum Radius Maximum Street Type Minimum Width of Curvature Grade .rterial or Major Highway 120 feet 300 feet 6% :ollector (function is to carry traffic from minor streets to arterials or highways and to pro- •ide access to individual lots) 80 200 7 [inor (function is to provide access ;o individual lots) 66 100 10 4. Streets shall be laid out to provide for possible continuation wherever topo- graphic and other physical conditions permit. 5. Minor streets shall be so laid out so as to discourage their use'ty-through traffic. December.--13_,.- 1967 - - - - - - -- 6. The number of.intersecti-ons of minor streets with major streets shall be re- duced to the practical minimum consistent with circulation needs and safety require - merits® 7. Where a subdivision abuts or -contains an existing or proposed arterial highway, the County Planning Agency shall require, a frontage road, nonac•cess�reservation along the rear of the property contiguous to such highway, or such other treatment as may be necessary to insure safe, efficient traffic flow and adequate protection of residential properties. 8. Reserve strips controlling access to streets shall-.',be-.prohiblited. 9® A tangent at least 100 feet long shall be required between reverse curves on arterial and collector streets. 10. Streets .shall afford maximum visibility and safety and shall intersect at right angles, where practicable. 11. Dedication of half -width streets shall be prohibited -;--except where it is essential for the reasonable development of the subdivision in. --a nformity with the other requirements of this ordinance. Where a half street has been dedicated adjacent to a subdivision, the remaining half of the street shall be dedicated by the subdivider of the adjoining land. 12. Permanent dead-end streets or cul de sacs shall not be --longer than 600 feet, shall have a minimum width of 50 feet and terminate with a turnaround having an out- side roadway diameter of at least 60 feet, and a street property line of 80.feet. 13. Where possible, lot lines shall be perpendicular to the street line, and to the tangent at the lot corner on curved streets. 14. No street names shall be used which will duplicate or,may be -confused with the name of existing streets. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the County Planning Agency. 15. Alleys shall have a minimum roadway width of 25 feet. B. Block and Lot design and Improvements 1. A block is a parcel of land bounded on at least one side by a street and on the other sides by natural or man-made barriers or unplatted -land: The lengths, widths, and shapes of blocks shall be determined by: a. Building site needs. b. County zoning ordinance lot size and dimensional requirements: In towns which have not ratified the county zoning ordinance the minimum lot size requirements of the R-1 District shall apply. traffic. c. Needs for convenient access, circulation, control, and safety of street d. Limitations and opportunities of topography; 2. Block lengths.shall normally not exceed fifteen hundred (1500) feet, or be less than six hundred (600) feet in length, except cul de sacs and permanent dead-end streets. 3. To provide adequate access and circulation to playgrounds, schools, shopping centers or other community facilities, the Bayf iel d County Planning Agency may require that walkways be provided, either along streets or through the center of'blocks. 4. Double frontage lots shall be avoided except 'where essential to provide separa- tion of residential development from traffic arteries or to ­overcome particular topo- graphic and site disadvantages. 5. `.I'he Bayfield County Planning Agency may require that natural features including 55.5 -- - - - — - - - - December- 1-3,-1.967, trees be preserved and that appropriate landscaping be provided. 6. Sewer and water facilities, street paving, and surface water drainage as re- quired by the Bayfield County Planning Agency shall be provided for each lot in accord- ioner ance with specifications approved by the County Highway Commiss= and the County Zon- ing Administrator. SECTION VI: CLUSTER AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENTS Proposed cluster and planned unit developments shall include a minimum of five acres of land, shall be located in the R-1, R-2 or SR-1 Zoning Districts and shall be dev- eloped as a unit for residential uses only. The permitted number of lots in such developments shall be determined by dividing the total area of the development, ex - eluding streets, by the minimum permitted lot size of the zoning district. The mini- mum distance between pri.ncipal•structures shall be 20 feet. Land not used for lots and streets shall be dedicated in perpetuity to remain in open space. This may be accom- plished by conveyance in common to each of the owners of lots in the development or by dedication to the county or town or municipality. Lands dedicated to the public must be accepted by action of the governing bodies of the accepting unit of government. If land is to be conveyed to owners of lots in the development, a home -owners associa- tion or similar legally constituted body shall be created to maintain the open space land. SECTION VII: EASEMENTS A'. The Bayfield County Planning Agency shall require rear or side lot line utility easements at locations and of widths deemed adequate by the committee, but in no case less than ten feet. B. The Bayfield County Planning Agency shall require that easements or drainage ways of widths sufficient to accomodate storm water run-off be" provided where a subdivision includes a segment or segments of water courses, drainage ways, channels, or streams. SECTION VIII: RESERVATIONS The Bayfield County Planning Agency may require that suitable sites be dedicated or reserved for future public uses such as parks, playgrounds, and open spaces. In locating such sites consideration shall be given to preserving scenic and historic sites, stands of fine trees, marshes, and shorelines. Reservation of land for public acquisition shall be for a period not to exceed three years. SECTION IX: VARIANCES A, The County Planning Agency may grant variances from the provisions of this ordinance after holding a public hearing, with ten day notice in writing to owners of adjoin- ing lands and upon finding that: 1. Because of the unique topographic or other conditions of the lands involved, literal application of the ordinance would impose a hardship. 2. The variance will not violate the purpose of the ordinance or the provisions of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes. B. The requirement of filing and recording a plat for a subdivision or a certified survey shall not be waived. SECTION X: FEES A. Subdivisions - Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant shall pay to the county clerk as a fee for checking and verifying the Plat, a sum computed from a sche- 556 December-_- 13,- dule determined by the Countflanning Agency. A current copy of the schedule shall be on file in the offices of the County Zoning Administrator and County Clerk. B. Certified Survey Map - Prior to approval of the final certified survey map -the applicant shall:pay..to the county clerk as a fee for checking and verifying the plat, a fee to be determined by the County Planning Agency. A current copy of the fee schedule shall be on file in the offices of the county . clerk and zoning administrator. SECTION XI:.ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES The County Zoning Administrator shall have responsibility for enforcement of this ordinance. No land use permit shall be issued for construction on any lot until the final plat for the subdivision has been duly recorded or the certified survey map recorded. Any person, firm or corporation who violates this ordinance, upon convic- tion thereon shall forfeit not more than $200, plus the costs of prosecution, for each day of violation. SECTION XII: SEPARABILITY Invalidation of any part of this ordinance by a court shall not invalidate the rest of the ordinance. SECTION XIII:. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage, publication, and record- ing according to law. SECTION XIV: DEFINITIONS For the purpose of these regulations certain words or terms used herein are defined as follows: A. Alley - a narrow service way providing a secondary public means of access to abutting properties. B. Arterial or Major Highway - A street which serves or is designed to serve the rapid movement of concentrated volumes of traffic over relatively long distances. This 71 type of street provides primarily for movement between rather than within activity areas. C. Block - A parcel or tract of land bounded on at least one side by a public street and on the other sides by natural or man-made barriers or unplatted land. D. Collector Street - A'street.--which serves or is designed to serve the moderate speed movement traffic from minor streets to arterials or major highways and to pro- vide access to individual lots. This type of a street provides for movement within rather-;. than between activity areas. E. County Planning Agency - A county zoning committee authorized by s.59®97 or any agency created by the county board and authorized by statute to plan land use. F. Dead -End Street - A.street or portion thereof with only one vehicular outlet. G. Easement - Authorization by a property owner for the use by another, and for a specified purpose, of any designated part of his property. H. Minor or Local Street - A street which serves or is intended to serve primarily as an access to abutting lots. I. Navigable Water - Any continuous stream or river and any named lake or pond or flowage shown on the "Detailed Zoning Maps Bayfield County". In the event of any conflict reference shall be made to United States Geological Survey Quadrangle maps of the affected water course or other body of water whereby continuous streams and named lakes shall be deemed navigable and intermittant streams and unnamed lakes ;as non -navigable. 557 7 December 13, 1967 J. Street - Includes streets, roads, avenues, lanes, or other ways. K. Subdivider - Any person, firm, corporation, partnership, or association who shall lay out, for the purpose of sale or building development, any subdivision or part thereof as defined herein. L: Subdivision - Any division of a lot, parcel, or tract of land by the owner or his agent for the purpose of sale or building development, where: 1. The act of division creates three or more parcels or building sites of five acres( each or less in'area; or 2. Three or more parcels or building sites of five acres each or less in area are created by successive divisions within a five-year period. (Nov. 16-23-2t) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SUBDIVISION CONTROL ORDINANCE,FOR BAYFIELD COUNTY Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held in the County Board Room of the Bayfield County Administration Building in the City of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin on the 13L' day of December, 1967 at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon' to consider the adoption of the proposed Subdivision Control Ordinance for Bayfield County, Wisconsin. The proposed Bayfield County Subdivision Control Ordinance would regulate the division of land within the unincorporated areas of Bayfield County for the purposes listed in Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes and to provide safe and orderly.shore- land,subdivision layouts pursuant to Sections 59:971:(3'), 144.26 (2)9 144.26 (8) and 236.45 Wisconsin Statutes. A copy of the proposed Subdivision Control Ordinance for Bayfield County, Wisconsi is on file in the offices of the County Clerk and the County Zoning Administrator. Date: November 15, 1967. Harry J. Lowe, Zoning Administrator William A. Stuart, Chairman Bayfield Co. Zoning Committee. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ss. Bayfield County ) Paul Robinson, being first duly sworn, on oath, deposes and says that he is the Editor of THE WASHBURN TIMES, which is a weekly newspaper that is publi ed at Washburn,•Wis., and that a notice, of which the printed slip hereto annexed is an exact and true copy, was published in said newspaper once in each and every week for two successive weeks; that the date of the first of such publications was the 16�' day of November, 1967 and that the date of the last of such publications wasthe 23rd day of November, 1967. Paul Robinson Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12'Lh day of December, 1967. Thomas K. Peterson (Notarial Seal) Notary Public, Bayfield Co., Wis. 55� De-cember .13_, .19.67 __ Moved by Stuart and seconded by Doye.l to adopt the Subdivision Control Ordinance for Bayfield County and to include the changes as noted of record. A roll call vote was taken'as follows. Ayes - Doyel, Mammoser, Stuart, Hanson, Heglund, Moniza, Brost, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Tetzner, Nelson, Celinsky, Barningham, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth, Lattimer, Art A. Anderson, Rude, Rondeau. Nayes - none Ayes - 21 Nayes - 0 Total 21 The following Resolution was read: No. 74 Motion Carried Unanimously. WHEREAS, The Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors has examined a report of the Bayfield County Treasurer setting forth.that certain tax .certificates now owned.by Bayfield County are illegal and void in that said certificat- es were issued on a tax on exempt property, on property on which there was.a double or incorrect description and for other reasons set forth in said Treasurer's report, and WHEREAS, From said examination it has been determined that said report is correct and that said certificates described in said report are illegal and void and that the taxes upon which said certificates are based are not justly reassessable, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the amounts of said,illegal and void tax certi- ficates be charged back to the respective towns, cities or villageswherein such lands are situated. Re: Taxes Omitted From Sale for 1967 „George Moniza William Stuart George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth Del. Tax +` Allowed charged Name of Description Year of Face'of back to Claimant and reason of Sale Cert.No. Certificate District Illegality Town of Barnes SW SW, Sec.25-45-9 1967 112 S 7.07 $ 7.07 State owned Town of Cable . Town of Clover Town of Drummond Par. in Govt. Lot 2 desc. in V.155 P.�O of deeds Sec: 5-4 -7 1967 Town owned. SW NW, Sec. 18-50-7 1967 State owned. Par. in Lot 1 desc..-in V.205 P.25 6f deeds Sec.34-45-8 1967 Double Assessment ,257 365 495 S 7.56 $6 10.66 $ 20.32 $ 7.56 $ 10.66 S 20.32 I December_ 13,_ 1967 Del. Tax Description and Allowed charged Name of reason of Year of Face of back to Claimant Illegality Sale Cert.No. Certificate District Town of Iron River NE SE, Part of Sec. 12-47-8 1967 579 56.98 $ 56.98 No such property Illegal description Town -of Port Wing Part of NE NE desc. in V.154 P.231 or V.177 P.636, less Par. desc. in V.200 P.117 Sec.32-50-8 19.67 1000 $140.37 $140.37 Double Assessment Village of Cable Par. in NW SW. as desc. in V.163 P.461 of deeds Sec.18-43-7 1967 1177 $ 11.96 $ 11.96 State owned. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was reads No. 75 WHEREAS, the salary of the Chairman of the Bayfield County Board has previously been set by the Bayfield County Board at $1,800.00 per year, and WHEREAS, said salary is in lieu of all perdiem for meetings,'and WHEREAS, on many occasions it is not necessary for the Chairman of the Board to attend certain committee meetings, NOW THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, that the salary of the Chairman of the Bayfield County Board be set at $900.00 per year,' and that he be paid regular per diem as paid to other County Board Members for all County Board Meetings and Committee meetings which he attends. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE. George Moniza Art C. Hanson Philip E. Tetzner Arthur Meierot.to Bertyl Nelson Moved by Rude and seconded by Nelson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. IThe following Resolution was ready No. 76 WHEREAS, certain adjustments have been made in''salaries of Bayfield County em- ployees after the County Budget was adopted on November 15, 1967, and WHEREAS, the budgets of the various -County Departments as proposed by the depart - went heads or committee did not include said salary increases, and WHEREAS, the Executive Committee of the County Board has placed a sufficient amount in the contingency fund of the Bayfield County Budget in anticipation of the 5�0 December 13, 1967 aforesaid salary increases, NOW THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, that the County,Clerk is hereby authorized and direct ed to transfer from the contingency fund into each budget affected by said increases, a sum sufficient to finance said increases. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE George Moniza Bennie R. Rude William Stuart George Sampson Thomas E. Rondeau 'Walter Wasmuth Moved by Sampson and seconded by Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes - Doyel, Mammoser, Stuart, Hanson, Heglund, Moniza, Brost, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Tetzner, Nelson,.Celinsky, Barningham, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth, Lattimer, Art A. Anderson, Rude, Rondeau - Nayes - none Ayes - 21 Nayes - 0 Total - 21 Motion Carried. The following Report & Amended Ordinance was read: No. 77 REPORT OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE TO BAYFIE LD COUNTY BOARD ON HEARING ON PETITION TO AMEND THE BAYFIELD.COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE To the County Board of Bayfield County: The Zoning Committee of Bayfield County, having considered the petition- to amend the Zoning Ordinance filed by the Juneau Land Company, Inc. on the 28th day of August 1967, having held public hearings thereon pursuant to section 59.97 (3) Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been given as 'provided by law, and being duly inform- ed of the facts pertinent to the changes proposed and duly advised of the wishes of the people in the areas affected hereby recommends as follows: That the proposed amendment be modified as follows and approved as modified: That the lands comprising the Southeast quarter (SE/) of Section 7, which are more particularly described as the North half of the Southeast quarter (N36 - SE1/) and Government lots one (1) and two (2) of Section seven (7) Township forty-five (45) North, Range nine (9) West and the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter (SE%4 - SWy) and Government lot one (1) which comprise the South half of the Southeast quarter (S36 of SE/4") of Section eight (8) Township forty five (45) North Range nine (9) West be rezoned and the classification be changed from the Forestry Use District to the Recreation Use District. All of the,above described lands being in the town of Barnes, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Dated: December 13, 1967 Signed, Harry J. Lowe, Zoning Administra William A. Stuart, or Chairman Bayfield County Zoning Committee December 13, 1967 AMENDATORY ORDINANCE' The County Board of Supervisors of the County of Bayfield do ordain -as follows: The Zoning Ordinance of Bayfield County adopted'November 14, 1934, as modified thereafter, be and is hereby amended so that as amended the Southeast quarter (SEl) of Section seven (7) which are more particularly described as the North half of the Southeast quarter (N)6 - SEY) and Government lots one (1) and two (2) of Section seven (7), township forty five (45) North, Range nine (9) West; and the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter (SE/ - SW%4) and Government lot one (1) which comprise the South half of the Southeast quarter (S36 of SE/) of Section eight (8) township forty- five (45) North Range nine (9) West be changed from the Forestry Use District No. 1 to the Recreation District No. 2; the above described lands being in the town of Barnes, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Dated: December 13, 1967 Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE William A. Stuart Ernest Heglu nd Alva Lattimer (Nov. 9-16-2t) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE William Celinsky Thomas E. Rondeau Ray Doyel Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held in the Barnes Town Hall in the Town of Barnes, Bayfield County, Wisconsin on the 28th day of, November, 1967, at 8:00 o'clock in the evening on the Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Ordin•ance-of Bayfield County as it affects the zoning regulations of said ordinance and the boun- daries of zoning districts in the Town of Barnes, all pursuant to Sec. 59.97 (3) Wisconsin Statutes. A copy of the petition to amend said ordinance is on file in the6ffice of the County Clerk of this County. Dated: November 8, 1967. Harry J.-Lowe, Bayfield County.Zoning Administrator W. A. Stuart,,Chairman Bayfield County Zoning Committee. .STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ss. Bayfield County ) Paul Robinson, being first duly sworn, on oath, deposes and says that he is the. Editor of THE WASHBURN TIMES, which is a weekly newspaper that is published at Washburn, Wis., and that a notice, of which the printed slip hereto annexed is an exact and true copy, was published in said newspaper once in each and every week for two successive weeks; that the date of the first of such publi-cations- was the 9th day of November, 1967 and that the date of the last of such publications - was the 16th day of November, 1967. Paul Robinson Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of December, 1967. Thomas K. Peterson Notary Public, Bayfield Co., Wis. (Notarial Seal) 562 December .13,_ 1967- _ _ - - Moved by Stuart and seconded by Mammoser to receive and place on file the foregoing Report. Motion Carried. A roll call vote to adopt the amendatory ordinance was as follows: Ayes - Doyel, Mammoser, Stuart, Hanson, Heglund, Moni,z.a, Brost,-Sanfred Anderson., Lehto, Sampson, Tetzner, Nelson, _Celinsky, Barningham, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth, Lattimer, Art A. Anderson., Rude, Rondeau - Naye s - ..none Ayes - 21 Nayes - 0 Total- - 21 Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 78 WHEREAS, the services rendered by operators of ambulance services is a necessity to persons within Bayfield County; and WHEREAS, collection of outstanding accounts for services rendered by such operat- ors is often difficult because of the fact that services are generally provided at times of emergency, requiring immediate action without affording an opportunity to inquiry as to credit and often services being `rendered at the insistance of a bystander or third party who is not obligated for the payment; and, WHEREAS, continuing ambulance services is required in the public interest, BE IT RESOLVED, that operators of ambulance services within the County of Bay - field, State of Wisconsin, may, after a period of not less than six (6) months after ambulance services have been rendered and after due diligence in collection attempts, assign such uncollected accounts to said county and shall be paid by said county the amount thereof; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, following any assignment to the County of Bayfield, said County shall use its resources to effect collection of said account. Presented by Walter Wasmuth Moved by Wasmuth and seconded by Barningham that the foregoing Resolution be re- ferred to the Executive Committee with power to act. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 79 WHEREAS there have been changes in state and federal laws pertaining to the care and treatment of the medically indigent, and WHEREAS the Bayfield County Rest Home is equipped and staffed to provide maximum skilled care to the extent it is classified as a public medical institution and qualifies as an extended.care facility according to federal Medicare requirements, and WHEREAS it was deemed necessary to revise the Rest Home procedures and policies to be in compliance with these new changes in laws, and WHEREAS a joint effort was made by the Bayfield County Board of Public Welfare and I the Bayfield County Rest Home Board of Trustees to revise these procedures, therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 13 day of December 1967 that the revised procedures and poli-ties as established by the - Board of Trustees and Welfare Board, a copy of which is attached, be adopted effective December.13, 1967 January 1, 1968. DATED: This 13 day of December 1967. 'PRESENTED BY: Bennie R'. Rude Edwin Erickson Art A. Anderson Sahfred Anderson— Louis J. Brost BAYFIELD COUNTY REST HOME POLICIES AND PROCEDURES J anuary ' l , 1968 I PURPOSE Ai. The purpose of the Bayfield County Rest Home is to provide maximum skilled Nursing home care to residents of Bayfield County in need of such care. B. The home is equipped and staffed to -meet requirements as a (PMI) Public Medical Institution and as a (ECF) Extended Care Facility according -o Federal Med- icare requirements. C. Persons entering the home will have to be determined in need of care in such a facility. This determination is to be made by the Admittance Committee com- prised of the Medical Director or his associate, a member of the Bayf ield County Department of Social Services and a member of the Rest Home Staff. This evaluation will consider the extent of care required, care now being received and current residence. On thi's basis priority will be established. Admission will be granted upon recommendation of the Admittance Committee and final approval by the Board of Trustees. D. Inasmuch as the Bayfield County Rest Home was built to provide.for the needs of the welfare clients in need of such care, these clients will be given pre- ference when all other circumstances are similar. 1. Welfare clients are described as those persons receiving a money grant from the Welfare Department and those persons certi- fied for the Wisconsin Medical Assistance program. II ADMISSION A. All persons desiring admittance to the Bayfield County Rest Home shall make application to the Bayfield County Department of Social Services to determine if eligibility requirements are met. B. The Bayfield County Rest Home Medical Director shall approve all admittances and be familiar with the physical condition of all patients in residence at the home. 1. Persons afflicted with tuberculosis or any communicable disease shall not be admitted. 2. Persons having a diagnosis of mental illness, alcoholic or drug addiction shall not be eligible. 3. Mild senility due to advanced age shall not bar admission. 4. All admissions must have the following papers properly filled out. a. Admission Application b. Social and Personal History c. Family Physicians Report d. Report on case to Medical Director 564 D e c e m b e r-13-,---1-9-6_7 - ---- -- --- - -- - --- III EVALUATION OF CASES IN HOME A. All persons admitted to the Rest Home shall be evaluated after ninety ('90) days to determine the extent of continued care required and thereafter at intervals not to exceed six (6) months.. This evaluation shall be determined by a Review Committee. B. The Review Committee shall be comprised of the following: 1. Medical Director or his associate. 2. A member of the Bayfield County Department of Social Services. 3. Superintendent of the home or her delegate. C. When joint evaluation of cases indicate that maximum skilled nursing home care is no longer medically necessary and there are other persons waiting for admission, then arrangement for alternative health services as deemed necessary shall be made. D. The person responsible for the patient; family, case -worker, etc., shall be notified in writing within forty-eight (48) hours, if findings indicate that skilled nursing home care is no longer necessary. E. Any patient, or any per -son responsible -for patient, dissatisfied with decision of the Review Committee may have their case appealed to the,Board of Trustees at their next regular meetin&_ Decision of the Board will be final. IV SERVICES. CHARGES AND GENERAL SUPERVISION A. Medical services not performed in the Bayfield County .Rest Home will be done at hospital of choice. If patient is in need of such service transfer to hospital will be necess- ary. B. Diet therapy as ordered by physician. C. Nursing care, medication and treatment as required under the direction of the Medical Director and the Registered Nurse. D. Charges will be based on per capita cost as determined from a system pre- scribed by the Department of Health and Social Services of the State of Wisconsin. E., Patients shall follow medical directions of the Bayfield County Rest Home while resident's in the home. home. Violation of this paragraph will be grounds for termination of care in the F. The staff will do everything within their power to make the home a happy place for the residents. G. Individuals who cannot adjust to community life in the home will be request- ed to leave. H. All visitors and relatives will abide by the rules of the home in the best interests of the patient. Failure to do so will be reason for restricting visitation privileges or may give cause for discharge of patient. V CIVIL RIGHTS POLICY It,is the policy of the Bayfield County Rest Home to admit and to treat all patients without regard to race, color or national origin. The same requirements for admission are applied to all and patients are assigned within the home without regard to race, color or national origin. There is no distinction in eligibility for, or in the manner of providing, any patient service provided by or through the nursing home. All facilities of the nursing home are available without distinction to all patients and visitors regardless of race, color or national origin. All persons and organiza- December 13, 1967 B tions having occasion either to refer patients for admission or to recommend the Bayfield County Rest Home are advised to do so without regard to race, color or national origin. VI If the above policies conflict in any way with Title XVIII or Title XIX of the Social Security Law the regulations of the Social Security law shall prevail. VII The above policies constitute policies established by the Board of Trustees and approved by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, with the aid of the Bayfield County Director of Social Services, The Medical Director and the Superintendent of the Bayfield County Rest Home. Dated this 12 day of December, 1967. Jerome L. Merkel, Chairman Bayfield County Rest Home Board of Trustees Thomas E. Rondeau, Chairman Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Moved by Erickson and seconded by Brost to,adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Motion - No. 80 A Motion was made by Celinsky and seconded by Sampson that the Right of Way Agreement to Great Lakes Gas Transmission Company be referred to the Executive Committee with power to act. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 81 WHEREAS, the County Board at the spring session directed the Personnel Committee to further study a proposed personnel policy for employees of Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, the Committee has during the study afforded the various department heads and employees the opportunity to aid them in preparing a suitable personnel policy,and ,WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee has now completed the study and is of the opinion that the personnel policy as revised would be beneficial to both the employees of the County and to the County as a whole, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 13 day of December 19679 that the personnel policy attached hereto be approved and adopted, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the effective date shall be January 1, 1968: Signed, Dated: September 21, 1967 BAYFIELD COUNTY PERSONNEL COMMITTEE George Moniza Arthur C. Hanson Philip E. Tetzner Arthur Meierotto Bertyl Nelson Moved by Rude and seconded by Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution as revised with reference to legal holidays by a previously adopted,Resolution. Motion Carried. 566 - - - - - - December 131; 1967. -- BAYFIELD COUNTY Information for Employees I. WELCOME You are now an employee of Bayfield County and as such, you are welcome. We trust your service with us will be of mutual satisfaction. The County desires to deal fairly with you. In return, certain things are expected . loyalty, courtesy, cleanliness, dependability and of course a high quality of work. Economy and care- fulness in handling equipment and material is -urged on all personnel. II. STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION Bayfield County is second largest in size in Wisconsin, with a�gross area of 966,400 acres, of which 29,290 acres are water covered. There are a total of 25 towns, 2 villages and 2 cities in the County. Bayfield County was originally7part of La Pointe.County. The name was changed to Bayfield County effective May 19 1886, in honor of Henry Walsey Bayfield, a British Rear Admiral in the Royal Navy. The County Seat was moved to Washburn from Bayfield in 1892. The County is governed by a board of 21 supervisors, elected in April of each even numbered year. The Board normally meets on the 3rd Tuesday in April and the Tuesday after the second Monday in November. Special board meetings are often required at other times during the year. Several separate committees with limited -powers take care of routine business between board meetings. III. PERSONNEL POLICIES A WORKING HOURS The normal working day shall begin at 8 A.M. One hour lunch period will begin at 12 noon, and the offices will regularly close at 4:30 P.M. Two coffee breaks of 15 minutes duration will be allowed each day, one in the morning and one in the after- noon at the convenience of the department head. The normal work week for full-time Court House employees consists of 37y2 hours of duty within a week period. The work week of other departments such as Sanatorium, Rest Home, Highway and Sheriff's Department are governed by separate Trustee and Committee Policy. B. PAY DAYS Salary checks are issued on the 15th and the last day of each month. If and when these dates fall on Saturday or Sunday, you will be paid on the preceeding Fri- day. C. VACATIONS Each officer and employee shall be credited with one week of vacation time for the first year of employment, two weeks for the second year, three weeks for the third year through the nineteenth year and four weeks for the twentieth year and for each year thereafter. The vacation time shall accumulate during each year of employment and shall be taken the year following the year in which it has been earned, except that in special cases as determined by the department head in charge, any earned vacation time can be taken in the year in which it is earned if approved by said department head. Upon termination of employment, an employee shall.be entitled to remuneration for vacation time earned but not used at the regular rate of pay of said employee. D. SICK LEAVES AND ABSENCE Sick leave, not to exceed two weeks per year, will be granted, and is December 139 1967 accumulative to a maximum of six weeks. Any paid sick leave of more than three con- secutive days shall be granted only on the recommendation of the attending doctor. Absence with pay will be allowed for death in a family when arranged with the department head. The immediate list includes the father., mother, sister, brother, husband, wife, the children of an employee, and mother-in-law or father-in-law. Maximum allowed is three days. Other special cases of absence and extended leaves of absence may be authorized by the department head. .Absence without leave will not be paid for, and if .frequent, will be cause for termination of employment. E. CIVIC OBLIGATIONS Employees will be allowed time off from work to serve on a jury. Personnel called for jury duty will notify the person in charge of their department and inform them of the date and time they are to appear in Court. In cases where it would seriously disrupt the function of the County to have an employee absent,. an attempt will be made by the department head to have the person excused. F. HOLIDAYS The following holidays will be observed for regular employees: New Years Day, Good Friday Afternoon, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thenksgiving Day and Christmas Day. When any of the aforesaid dates fall on Sunday, the succeeding Monday shall be the legal holiday. G. HOSPITALIZATION AND MEDICAL CARE Hospitalization through Blue Cross - Blue Shield is available on a voluntary basis to all regular employees. These insurance plans cover most of your hospital and doctor bills when you are sick. Voluntary group disability insurance is also available from Traveler's Insurance Co. One hundred per cent of the premiums are deducted from the employee's pay check. H. SOCIAL SECURITY Bayfield County is included under the Federal Social Security program. Both the employee and the County contribute toward a fund designed to give.the employee and his dependents benefits under the Social Security Act. Employee and employer contribution is statutory and is subject to change. I. STATE RETIREMENT .The County is included in a retirement program for all employees who meet the basic requirements for benefits. Benefits are based on length of service and earn- ings. State retirement is ;compulsory after six months for all except the elected personnel. Employees contribution for general employees is 4)%, and for those engaged in protective occupation, the contribution is 536% of the wages. The County's contri- bution varies from 8.79% to 9.01% of the wages paid. These rates are also statutory and are subject to change. Any employee whose employment for the County is discontinued for any reason, and who is not yet qualified for retirement pay, can withdraw the employee's contribution from the fund. J. MEALS All meal expenses of over $2.00 per'meal shall be accompanied by a receipt. All other travel expenses incurred while on County business outside of the County supported December 13; 1967 by receipts shall be re-imbursed by the County. K. ACCIDENTS All employees are covered by Workmen's Compensation Insurance as prescribed by the Wisconsin Statutes. If you should have an accident or injury while at work, re- port this to the foreman or officer in charge, for whatever treatment needed and a record of the accident. L. PART TIME EMPLOYEES Consideration of benefits to part time employees will be determined by the depart - went head, depending on the length of service. M. PROBATIONARY PERIOD All employees are on probation for the first six months of their employment. Dur- ing this period a concentrated effort is made by the department head to evaluate if the new employee is the type of individual that will do a good job in the position to which he is assigned. N. DISMISSAL Much as the County dislikes to dismiss anyone, the department head at times will find such action necessary. At least one week's notice will be given any employee dismissed for doing an unsatisfactory quantity or quality of work. At least one week's notice is also expected from any employee who decides to terminate employment with the County. The department head may dismiss employees without notice for any gross misconduct on the job such as intoxication, dishonesty or insubordination. 0. ASSIGNMENTS AND GARNISHMENTS Assignments and garnishments against employees are not handled as a routine matter. However, in the best interest of the employee and with the sanction of the department head, they will be handled favorably. tion of employment. P. SIGNING.IN AND OUT Too frequent requests will result in termina- All time is kept by the department heads. All employees should check with their department head for details concerning the,method of recording and assigning working hours. Some employees are required to sign in and out due to their work schedules. Q. SOLICITATIONS All private and public solicitations by employees shall be discouraged. FRINGE OBLIGATIONS As an employee of Bayf field County, you are part of an important team. As the old daying goes "A chain is as strong as its weakest link". Consider yourself a link in that chain and that the chain is all county employees. Regardless of the.area of employment, your work is important in the accomplishment of the goals as set forth by the County Board of Supervisors. The employee who considers service to his county more important than his personal ambition will always succeed as a public servant. Not only will he have the satisfac- tion of doing a good job, but he will be rewarded for his faithful service by a grate- ful County Board. The responsibilities shared jointly by the County Board of Supervisors, elected and appointed officials, and employees are as follows: 1. J�dueation of children and adults. 2. Responsibilities for the health of the citizens of the county. I_ _ _ _ _ � __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ . _ _ December 13,__1967 3. Responsibilities to the aged and unfortunate citizens of the county. 4. Responsibilities to the veterans of the county. 5. Responsibilities in the administration of County owned land with best interest of its citizens in mind. 6. ]provide for firm but fair law enforcement. 7. Provide good highways. 8. Wise development and conservation of natural resources. 9. Provide for a financially sound county government. 10. Promote industrial development. 11. Accurate recording of all important documents and records. 12. Provide for Civil Defense. 13. Promote good land use and orderly development through zoning ordinances. 14. Promote 4-H Club work today which will pay off in developing more responsible citizens for tomorrow. 15. Cooperate in sponsoring education and service for the agricultural industry of Bayfield County. 16. Assume responsibilities in the maintenance of County owned buildings, grounds and equipment. 17. Cooperate in promoting the recreation industry of Bayfield County. Many of the responsibilities may have been overlooked. However, this will give you, an employee of Bayfield County an idea of the 'scope, the job that is being done, and the job that must be continued. The best rule to follow would be to, treat the County interests as if they were your own. Good Luck® The following Resolution was read: No. 82 At a meeting of the County Board of the County of Bayfield, Wisconsin, duly called and held on the 13 day of Dec., 1967, a quorum being present, the following resolution was adopted. WHEREAS, on or about the 2nd day of January, 1967, Francis D. Peloquin of Cornu- copia, Wisconsin, as Principal, and Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, Hartford, Connecticut, as Surety, executed bond, in the sum of Two Thousand and no/100 ($2,000.00) Dollars, in favor of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, in connection with the appointment of said Francis D. Peloquin as Undersheriff of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, for a term of two years commencing on the 2nd day of January, 1967 and ending on the 2nd day of January,. 1969, and WHEREAS, this County Board desires that said bond be cancelled as of October 16, 1967. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of the County , of Bayfield, 56i} December 139 1967 - - - - - --- --- -- - that Francis D. Peloquin, as Principal, and Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, as Surety, are released and discharged from any further liability after October 16, 1967, by reason of their having executed said bond effective January 2, 1967.- Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Moniza and seconded by Sampson to adopt, the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read; No. 83 November 22, 1967 Mr. Edward A. Pajala, Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: The Wisconsin Board of Vocational, Technical and Adult Education at a regular meeting held in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Tuesday, November 14 approved the requests of the Bayfield, Douglas, Iron;, Ashland, Washburn and Barron County Boards for the establishment of Area Vocational, Technical and Adult Education District 17 to be effective on July 1, -1968. The action of the State Board must now be confirmed by the Coordinating,Committee for Higher Education. You will be advised when this action is taken. Sincerely yours, C. L. Greiber, State Director Vocational, Technical and Adult Education Moved by Sampson and seconded by Mammoser to receive and place on file the fore- going communication. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: Mr. Edward Pajala, Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: No. 84 Cable, Wisconsin 54821 15 November 1967 I have appointed Mr. William Celinsky to serve on the Five County Regional Plann- ing Commission. Sincerely, Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Lattimer and seconded by Nelson to confirm the appointment of Mr. Wm. Celinsky to the Five County Regional Planning Commission. Motion Carried. -- - - - - - - -- December- 13..,- 1967 The following Resolution was read: - -- No. 85 - -- - --_-_ ---- - - - ` - ---_ - - --� . WHEREAS, the State of Wisconsin has found that the new addition to the Courthouse has approximately 660 spaces available that could be used for shelter during a national emergency period, and WHEREAS, this is the largest space available in Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, the Federal Government will stock the available spaces with medical supplies, water drums, emergency food supplies and sanitation supplies without any cost to the County, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board -does authorize the Chairman and the County Clerk to sign the license agreement that the space will be available for Federal stocking. DATED this 13 day of.,December, 1967 at the Bayfield County Courthouse, Washburn, Wisconsin. George Moniza George Sampson William Stuart Walter Wasmuth Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Sampson and seconded by Doyle to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Budgets and reports were presented to the Board: No. 86 Washburn, Wisconsin November 14, 1967 BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Gentlemen: Following is a financial statement of the 1967 Bayfield County Fair, as of November 14, 1967. The total budget for 1967 is $24,995.00. REVENUES: EXPENDITURES: Advertising 495.00 Advertising 974.44 Horse Race Entry Fees 460.00 Expenses from 166 Fair 507.54 Gate Receipts 1792.35 Insurance 769.41 Exhibitor Fees 409.50 Judges 478.26 Grandstand Receipts 3333.00 Maintenance, Bldg. etc. 4692.19 Concessions 247.50 Fair Committee 1950.11 Donations 25.00 Police, Gate, etc. 1622.00 Carnival 470.00 Clerk Salary 1000.00 Change 250.00 Postage & Freight 110.00 Misc. Income & Over -run 33.59 Fair Premium Book 925.65 State Aid on Premiums 4309.38 Horse Race Purses 2220.00 County Aid 14758.40 Rental of Equipment 546.43- Ribbons & Badges 39.71 Grandstand Show 2012.33 Supts. & Assts. 1333.40 Supplies 454.97 Telephone 105.95 Water, Light 138.33 Wis. Association Dues 62.00 Change 250.00 Premiums on Exhibits 6016,,.00 Totals to Date $ 269583e.72 Totals to date $ 26,208.72 December 13, 1967 (Amounts bro't forward from page 571) REVENUES: Totals to Date $ 26,583.72 TOTAL $ 269583.72 EXPENDITURES: Totals to Date Accounts Payable: (Estimated) TOTAL BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE REPORT TO NOVEMBER 11 1967 SANITARY CODE ADMINISTRATION 1967 EXPENSES. BUDGET Administration -salaries $ 6000.00 Clerk Mileage 1200.00 Advertising,hearings 150.00 Supplies 250.00 Deputy fees 300.00 Mileage Committee expenses 1050.00 TOTALS $ 8950.00 Income: 114 permits SPENT $ 1347.73 610.72 178.11 916.13 $ 3052.69 $ 26,208.72 375.00 $ 269583.72 1968 BUDGET $ 6300.00 1000.00 .1000.00 100.00 250.00 1500.00 . 1200.00 1200.00 $ 12550.00 $ 249.00 PERMITS ISSUED - BY TOWNS Barksdale ......®.®®....: 3 Mason ................. 3. Barnes .................. 3 Namakagon .............. 14 Bayfield ......0........ 6 Orienta ............... 2 Cable ................... 6 Oulu .................. 3 Clover ................... 4 Port Wing ............. 4 Delta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Pratt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 13 Drummond ................ 6 Russell ............... 2 Eileen .................. 3 Tripp ................. 1 Hughes .................. 3 Washburn .............. 1 Iron River .....:........ 10 Bayfield-village....... 5 Kelly ................... 1 Iron River -village .... 1 Keystone ................ 2 Washburn -village ...... 13 Lincoln ................. 1 TOTAL .......... 114 Bayview ................. 1 William Stuart - Chairman Al Lattimer - Secretary L December 13, 1967 r November 9, 1967. Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County -Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Gentlemen: I respectfully^submit my 'report of operations of the Veterans' Service Office for the year of 1967. New legislation that was passed effective January 1, 1967 has enabled our veterans that were honorably discharged after February 1; 1955'to become eligible for benefits through our .office. This has increased our workload considerably and has resulted in a large increase in benefits to the veterans in Bayfield County. Also, another new law was passed effective October 1, 1967 that granted an increase in benefits to the disabled veteran, his widow and his children. We are using every avenue of the law to be sure that these veterans and their dependents receive their just share due them. I advise and counsel them'ori all these new benefits. In a lot of cases, the securing of these new benefits for the veteran and his dependents relieves the town chairman as far as the veteran's family needing relief. I am herewith submitting a list of -contacts and completed applications made during the course of business in the year of 1967. I have the -complete cooperation of.the doctors in our area; also the Veterans Administration, the -State Department of Veterans Affairs, the Sheriff's Department, my co-workers in the court house and you members of the board. I will continue to give the best service I possibly can give as I have done in the past. You are wlecome to stop in the office at any time if you have any questions on our activities. I have complete records on file.' Thank you, Gentlemen, for your cooperation with our office. Respectfully submitted, Thomas E. Anderson Veterans Service Officer VETERANS SERVICE CONTACTS MAIL: In - 2046; Out - 1984. CALLS: In - 1606; Out - 848 TELEPHONE: In - 3179; Out - 1651 FORMS USED 1. Support Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 2. Power of Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 3. Application for pension . . . . . . . e . . : . . . . . . 82 4. Net Worth -Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 ,-5. Hospital Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 6. Aid and Attendance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 7. Outpatient treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 8. Burial Allowance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 9. Burial Flag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 10. Headstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 11. Graves Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 12. Education, Loans & Grant Applications . . . . . . . . . . . 46 13. Doctor's Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 14. Miscellaneous forms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 TOTAL FORMS USED IN VA WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1236 December 13, 1967 CERTIFIED COPIES 1. Death Certificates . . . . ® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 2. Discharge Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 3. Birth Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4. Marriage Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 5. Misc.(Divorce, Guardianship, etc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6. Discharges recorded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 TOTAL. . . . . . . . . . 221 PHOTO -COPIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 774 TOTALCOPIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 995 MONETARY BENEFITS Number of veterans in hospital - 37 Total number of days - 2758 @ $35.00 per day . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 96, 530.00 Number of veterans'in Domiciliary - 2 Total number of days - 375. @ $22.00 per day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 81250.00 32 Headstones @ $75.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,400.00 Burial Allowance, 32 @ $250.00 . . . . . . . . . . 89000.00 Grants, Loans, Education and Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . 279952.72 Pension and compensation, Veterans . . . . . . 639863.42 Pension and Compensation, Dependents . . . . . 239198.39 TOTAL BENEFITS.. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . $ 2309194.53 This is for the period of January 1, 1967 through September 30, 1967. There is an increase in benefits of $56,468.80 over the same period of 1966. November 9, 1967 BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. BAYFIELD COUNTY COURTHOUSE WASHBURN, WISCONSIN 54891 Gentlemen: I respectfully submit my report on the Veterans' Service Commission for the year of 1967; Expenditures from the County Veterans' Service Commission from January 1, 1967 through October 30, 1967 are as follows: Groceries, Clothing, Fuel and Medical $ 114.94 Commissioners' Expenses 123.28 Total $ 238.22 Balance on hand as of January 1, 1967 $ 894.77 Less Expenditures 238.22 Balance on hand as of October 30, 1967 $ 656.55 Our expenses have been down somewhat.this year because we have controlled the re- quests for aid and the economic picture in the county seems to be somewhat brighter. Respectfully submitted, Thomas E. Anderson, Exec..Sec'y. Veterans Service Commission December 13, 1967 November 9, 1967 BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BAYFIELD COUNTY COURTHOUSE WASHBURN, WISCONSIN 54891 Gentlemen: I respectfully submit my report on Civil Defense operations in Bayfield County for 1967: We have had considerable changes in Civil Defense operations in 1967 due to changes in the State and Federal Programs. Because we have no Area Director, the full responsibility has rested upon me, as County Director, to see that we have programs in operation. So far this year we have conducted several Medical Self -Help classes and have had several tests with other counties. We have been very fortunate in having a Medical Self -Help instructor with such capabilities as Mrs. Dorothy Jacobsen to bring this program to groups in Bayfield County. She has just completed a training class with the Iron River Fire Department which operates the ambulance. This Medical Self - Help training will greatly help them in their work. Just yesterday, November 8L', a fire truck was delivered to the Red Cliff Volunteer Fire Department with a lot of extra equipment. This was done through the efforts of our office and the State Bureau of Civil Defense, the.U. S. Indian Agency, the Governor of Wisconsin and the Fire Fighters Association. This will give the Red Cliff Volunteer Fire Department a good start in protecting the lives and property on their reservation. We were very happy to also police the Bayfield County Fair again this year. The. recent Fallout Shelter survey that was conducted in the State of Wisconsin had an over 90% response from Bayfield County and we are very proud of that. In the future we will continue to train more people in Civil Defense programs. I want to thank you gentlemen for your cooperation in our Civil Defense opera- tions and we will continue to do the best we can in the promotion and instruction of Civil Defense. Respectfully submitted, Thomas E. Anderson, Director Bayfield County Civil Defense CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Proposed 1968 Budget Outdoor Shows Folders Pictures & Writing Indianhead Wonderful Wisconsin State Game Congress Miscellaneous Committee Shopping Bags Cards Newspapers & Other Advertising TOTAL 8 39650.00 39500.00 350.00 500.00 175.00 100.00 100.00 19200.00 1,000.00 $ 109575.00 COUNTY PARK OUTLAY $ 3,500.00 gas December 13, 1967 October 23, 1967 The Finance Committee Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Gentlemen: This request is submitted for an appropriation of $750.00 to the County Veterans Service Commission fund for the year of 1968. As of January 1, 1967 we had a balance of $694.77 in the fund and through October 15, 1967 our expenses have totaled $238.22, leaving a balance of $656.55 in the account. An itemized statement of the account is enclosed. So far this year our expenses have been down due to the fact that we have con- trolled the requests for aid, and the economic picture in the County has changed somewhat. However, it is hard to determine the emergencies that could come up at any time. Therefore, we have requested the $750.00 for such emergencies. Your consideration on this request will be greatly appreciated, as with the passing of more laws this year, we have a considerable amount of veterans and their dependents eligible to ask for aid under this program. Respectfully submitted, Balance on hand 1/1/67 $894.77 October 23, 1967 Thomas E. Anderson Executive Secretary Veterans Service Commission VETERANS' SERVICE COMMISSI'ON`i Expenses through 10/15/67 Groceries 45.00 Drugs & Medical 49.94 Fuel 20.00 Commissioners' Expenses 113.28 Annual Dues 10.00 TOTAL $ 238.22 COUNTY NURSE'S BUDGET 1967 Item Appropriation *SALARIES:, Nurse Stenographer *TRAVEL EXPENSE *OFFICE SUPPLIES Tel. $174.99 Misc. 79.03 Stationery & postage 8.6.10 (on order) $340.12 X-RAYS Sterneedle Kit for T.B. skin testing VACCINES 10/10/67 Balance on hand 10/15/67 656.55 Recommended I.P.,H.S.. Expenditures to Date 1968 Budget $ 6,600.00 $19,650.00 $ 49950.00 $ 69600.00 3,780.00 945.00 3,071.06 39980.00 1,300.00 325.00 817.71 19600.00 500.00 125.00 340.12 500.00 400.00 36.00 (306.00 in 400.00 1966) 143. 50 550.00 420.40 (oral polio on 550.00 order 194.40) PHYSICIAN'S SERVICES IMMUNIZATION CLINICS 300.00 86.25 300.00 - - - - -- - - - D.e-c e mb.e r--1.3-, 19 6 7 - --- - -- - - - 571 (County Nurse's Budget Cont'd.) 1967 Item Appropriation *HEALTH COMMITTEE $ 200.00 CORRECTIVE HEALTH 500.00 LOAN CLOSET 200.00 Recommended I.P.H.S. Expenditures to Date 1968 Budget $ 50.00 $ 200.00 $ 117.00 (54.00 Auth.) 500.00 128.87 (on order-1 commode,200.00 6 walkers) MALPRACTICE INSURANCE 27.00 (q 3 yrs.) 17.00 TOTALS $ 14,357.00 $ 39095:00 $ 10,127.91 *25% Div. of Indian Health Participation HEALTH COMMITTEE:: Bennie Rude, Chairman Arthur Anderson Louis J. Brost Sanfred Anderson Edwin Erickson -TRI-COUNTY HOME HEALTH AGENCY Ashland - Bayfield - Iron Counties COORDINATOR:. Gwendolyn F. Jernstedt, R. N. County Court House Ashland, Wisconsin 54806 September 29, 1967 Amount Received - $21,005.62 'Amount Disbursed- $20,627.42 Salaries: Coordinator Secretary R.N.'s - 12 H. Comm. Travel: Coordinator R.N.'s H. Comm. Supplies: Office Nursing Telephone Prof. Serv® & Audit. Misc. Postage Meals & Lodg. Fringe Benefits S.S. Retirement Salary Schedule Increase Fund 1y�r Grant: $109950.00 Co. Appr: 69000.00 $ 16,950.00 $ 149830.00 Jan. 1 - Oct. 1 1967 Recommended Amount Disbursed Budget-1968 $ 4750.00 1970.00 6276.91 1200.00 279.09 1961.40 323.60 835.79 1655.71 258.19 93.00 46.02 136.31 109.83 526.82 204.75 - TOTALS $ 20,627.42 BAYFIELD COUNTY REQUEST $3,934.51 Gwendolyn F. Jernstedt, R.N. Italo Bensoni Roland E. Kannenberg,Chairman Iver Annalo Albert Zimmerman John Chiapusio Walter Lindblad Clayton H. Landry Sanfred Anderson Art A. Anderson Bennie R. Rude Louis J. Brost $ 6000.00 3120.00 15600.00 1080.00 250.00 3900.00 336.00 200.00 1250.00 350.00 800.00 75.00 200.00 150.00 725.00 850.00 2000.00 $ 369886.00 December 13, 1967 Washburn, Wisconsin November 13, 1967 BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Gentlemen: The Bayfield Country Zoning Committee hereby submits the following proposed budget for the expenses involved with the administration of the Bayfield County Zoning Ordi- nance and Sanitary Ordinance for 1968. The itemized budget is as follows: EXPENSES: Administration & Salaries $ 61300.00 Clerk 19000.00 Mileage 11006.00 Advertising - Hearings 100.00 Supplies 250.00 Deputy Fees 1,500.00, Mileage 19200.00 Committee Expenses 11200.00 TOTAL $ 129550.00 Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE William A. Stuart William Celi nsky Ernest Heglund Ray Doyel Alva Lattimer Thomas E. Rondeau Washburn; Wisconsin November-14, 1967 BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Gentlemen: The Bayfield County Fair Committee requests an appropriation of $25,290.00 for the 1968 Bayfield County Fair. The proposed budget is as follows: REVENUES:. EXPENDITURES: Advertising $ 500.00 Advertising $ 1100.00 Horse Race Entry Fees 800.00 Insurance 300,00 Gate Receipts 2500.00 Judges 500.00 Exhibitor Fees 450.00 Maintenance,"Bldg. etc. 2700.00 Grandstand Receipts 3500.00 Officers Salaries 1500.00 Concessions 300.00 Police, Gate, etc. 2000.00 Carnival 550.00 Clerk Salary 1000.00 Change 250.00 Postage & Freight 150.00 State Aid on Premiums 4500.00 Fair Premium Book 1000.00 County Board Appropriation 11940.00 Purses - Speed 3800.00 Rental of Equipment 500.00 Ribbons & Badges 125.00 Special Acts & Features 2000.00 Supts. & Assts. 1200.00 Supplies 500.00 Telephone _100.00 Water,Light 300.00 Wis. Association Dues 65.00 Change 250.00 Auditing 200.00 Premiums on Exhibits 6000.00 TOTAL $ 25,290.00 TOTAL $ 259290.00 Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FAIR COMMITTEE William A. Stuart William Celinsky Ernest Heglund Ray Doyel Alva Lattimer Thomas E. Rondeau 579 December _13.,.__1,967_ Washburn, Wisconsin November 13, 1967 BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Gentlemen: The Bayfield County Agricultural Committee submits the following proposed budget for the University Extension Office for 1968. The itemized budget is as follows: Salary, County Agent 3,500.00. Car Expense, County Agent 11250.00 Travel Expense, County Agent 150.00 " Office Expenses 2,000.00 Regular, Clerk.Hire 39900.00 Extra Clerk Hire 2,900.00 Agricultural Committee 29000.00 S.C.S. Committee 19500.00 Salary, Home Economics Agent 2,000.00 .Car Expense, Home Economics Agent 19000.00 Travel Expense, Home Economics Agent 175.00 Adult Programs 125.00 Salary, 4-H Club Agent 29000.00 Car Expense, 4-H Club Agent 1,000.00 Travel Expense, 4-H Club Agent 175.00 4-H Clubs 525.00 4-H Leaders 1,000.00 TOTAL 25,200.00 Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY AGRICULTURAL COMMITTEE William A. Stuart William Celinsky Ernest Heglund Ray Doyel Alva Lattimer Thomas E. Rondeau Northwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission 1968 Budget I. 1967-68 Budget Summary 1967 Estimated 1967 Budget Expenditures* Total $ 25,450.11 249712.12 Item Meetings and Travel 9,400.00 .69639.55 Telephone' 700.00 648.43 Office.Supplies 300.00 325.36 Office Equipment 400.00 344.90 Newspaper.Subscriptions 90.00 65.00 Program Development - - - 2,271.88 Contract Payments 14,560.11, 14,417.00 II. -Estimated Cash Balance 12/31/67 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ III. 1968 Individual County Assessments Total- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Levy by County** Ashland 1,484.50 Bayfield 1,270.77 Burnett 1,219.87 Douglas 49350-13 Iron 620.44 Price 19511.38 Rusk 19282.56 Sawyer 19511.67 Taylor 19463.49 Washburn 19278.60 1968 Budget -8 28,632.00 61000.00 650.00 350.00 400.00 65.00 1,000.00 20,167.00 $- 8,964.70 $ 15,993.41 I - - -- - -- --- --- - - --- - __- -- --December-1-3 .,--19 6.7 Northwestern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission - 1968 Budget (Cont'd.) IV. Other Receipts 1968 State Planning Assistance Grant V. Summary 1968 Budget $ 4,000.00 Total Budget (Item I) .. $ 28,632.00. Total Receipt's (Items II., III., and 'IV.) 28,958.11\ *Figures in this column include actual expenses through August 31, 1967 and estimated expenses for the remainder of 1967. **Proportionate 1968,1evy`,,amount by county is .003 per cent of each county's 1966 equalized valuation on real property. MULTI -COUNTY LIBRARY BUDGET 1968 Salaries and Benefits Books Postage and printing Travel and Training Supplies Bookmobile operation Bookmobile depreciation Rent Processing (Cataloging) Contingency Total BUDGET REQUEST STATE OF WISCONSIN VILAS COUNTY DOUGLAS COUNTY ASHLAND COUNTY BAYFIELD COUNTY IRON COUNTY BURNETT COUNTY Total Federal Supplementary Budget. Books.. . • . Equipment — Salaries $ 179000.00 5,850.00 5,600.00 59450.00 59450.00 5,450.00 59500.00 $ 509300.00 10,000.00 59000.00 159000.00 Thomas E. Rondeau $ 27,100.00 129000.00 300.00 2, 500.00 12000.00 1,800.00 2,500.00 600.00 2,000.00 �inn_nn $ 50,300.00 $ (179000.00) ( 5,500.00) ( 5,250.00) ( 59100.00) ( 59100.00) ( 59100.00) ( 5,150.00) $ (489200.00) 309000.00 Total Budget. . . . . .-,.$ 80,300.00 Bennie R. Rude --December 13,_1967 REGISTER OF DEEDS Budget 1968 Salaries $ 139860.00 Part'Time Employee 200.00 Postage 200.00 Telephone 200.00 Xerox - Rental & Supplies 19500.00 Recording Books & Sheets 330.00 Office Supplies & Misc. 400.00 Book Binding - Repairs 19000.00 $ 179690.00 Thomas E. Rondeau COURTHOUSE BUDGET 1967 Expenditures Appropriation to Date �$ ' 13 ,180.00 Salaries $ 49602.50 Lights 29030.17 Water & Sewer 178.14 Fuel 29084.51 Insurance 162.56 Supplies 980.48 Repairs 168.41 Garbage Collection 84.00 Snow Plow 32.00 TOTAL ' - $ 109293.24 OUTLAY $ 355.90 Thomas E. Rondeau BAYFIELD COUNTY CLERK BUDGET October 20, 1967 1967 Expenditures Appropriation to date $ 159685.00 Salaries Telephone Bond ` Clerk Dues Postage & Stamped Envelopes Bookkeeper Adver. Supplies Convention & Other Expenses Maintenance Agreements Miscellaneous Payroll Transfer from Contingency Fund 1,980.00 TOTAL $ 179665.00 OUTLAY $ 600.00 Mimeograph machine Electric Typewriter $ 11,749.46 216.12 31.65 15.00 230.61 7.00 870.08 112.37 367.16 108.14 $ 13,707.59 $ 600.00 Estimated for 1968 $ 6,000.00 29500.00 250.00 39000.00 165.00 19400.00 200.00 100.00 zc fin $ 13,650.00 $ 29500.00 Estimated for 1968 $ 149640.00 300.00 15.00 350.00 19350.00 125.00 370.00 300.00 $ 17,450.00 $ 480.00 200.00 600.00 $ 680.00 $ 600.00 $ Thomas E. Rondeau 582 D.e c e mb e r 13, 1967 7 ------ --- - --- --=- -- CONSERVATION COMMITTEE. Proposed 1968 Budget Outdoor Shows $ 3,650.00 Folders 3,500.00 Pictures & Writing 350.00 Indianhead 500.00 Wonderful Wisconsin .175.00 State Game Congress 100.00 Miscellaneous o 100.00 Committee 1;200.00 Shopping Bags Cards Newspapers & Other Advertising 19000.00 TOTAL $ 109575.00 COUNTY PARK OUTLAY $ 39500.00 CONSERVATION COMMITTEE. George Sampson Raymond J. Mammoser W. C. Barningham Axel Lehto Walter Wasmuth Washburn, Wisconsin October 17, 1967 BAYFIELD COUNTY FINANCE COMMITTEE Gentlemen: The Bayfield County Forestry Committee plans on the following activities and Forestry Fund expenditures covering the period from January 1, 1968, to January 1, 1969 Estimated Receipts:. Cash on hand as of January 1, 1968 1968 Allottment from State (estimate) Appropriation from County General Fund to the County Forestry Fund Salary Raises Expenditures: Tree Planting - 300 acres Work over 41 miles of fire breaks 1 mile of new fire break Building new road - 2/4 miles, Fire Suppression Control burning - 150 acres - $4..00 per acre Maintenance & Repair of Equipment Compensation Insurance' Materials, supplies &'Miscellaneous (paint etc.) Insurance on garage & equipment Timber Sales Advertising 'Forestry Committee ` Office Expense 'Office Manager Administrator's Salary Administrator-'s Expense Forester -Cruiser's Salary (R. Anderson) Forester -Cruiser's Expense (R. Anderson) Forester -Cruiser's Salary (W. Hepner) Forester -Cruiser's Expense (W. Hepner) Tractor Operator Tractor Operator's Expense $ none 16,400.00 28,940.00 2,160.00 $ 47,500.00 7,950.00 200.00 100.00 2,400.00 100.00 600.00 2,500.00 350.00 300.00 200.00 260.00 19200.00 500.00 4, 740.00 69900.00 800.00 5,640.00 900.00 59640.00 800.00 49920.00 500.00 479500.00 _December_13;_1967 Bayfield County Forestry Committee, Cont'd. Estimated cash on hand as of January,l, 1969.. . . . . . . . none County Forestry Account from General Fund includes: Raym6nd`Anderson's Salary and Expense William Hepner's Salary and Expense Tractor Operator's Salary and Expense Committee'Expense Compensation Insurance Insurance on Forestry Garage and Equipment Maintenance & Repair of Equipment 25% of Office expense Miscellaneous Expenditures Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE George SgRi3on Walter Barn�n-aha r irmany Raymond J. Mammoser Axel Lehto Walter Wasmuth Thomas E. Rondeau COUNTY_ SHERIFF BUDGET Recommended for 1968 Sheriff, Undersheriff & Jailor's Salary $$ 259980.00 Deputies & Committees 49200.00 Board for Prisoners - 3,800.00 Gas, Oil & Supplies 59000.00 Insurance 800.00 Telephone 600.00 Radio 700.00 Ambulance 150.00 Repairs 500.00 Travel Expense 1,500.00 Doctor & Drugs 200.00 Uniforms 200.00 Bond 150.00 TOTAL $ 439780.00 OUTLAY Automobile 2,000.00 Radio Tower Antenna 1,670.00 TOTAL $ 39670.00 SHERIFF'S COMMITTEE: George Moniza, Arthur Hanson Chairman Philip E. Tetzner Arthur Meierotto Bertyle Nelson December_ COUNTY TRAFFIC POLIICE BUDGET Salary Travel. Expense & Telephone Gas, Oil & Supplies Insurance Uniforms Car Repairs TOTAL COUNTY TRAFFIC POLICE OUTLAY Automobile Lights. Water & Sewer Fuel Insurance Supplies Repairs Snow Plowing. Telephone Garbage Collection Recommended for 1968 109440.00 1,500.00 39250.00 400.00 150.00 500.00 $ 16,240.00 Recommended 1968 Budget $ 2,000.00 SHERIFF'S COMMITTEE George Moniza Arthur Hanson. Chairman Philip E. Tetzner Arthur Meierotto Bertyl Nelson JAIL .& SHERIFF'S, RESIDENCE BUDGET 1967 Expenditures Appropriation to Date 39365.00 Black top Sheriff's Office Parking Lot & Driveway 860.00 375.00 1,075.00 25.00 225.00 600.00 190.00 15.00 $ 39 365.00 $ 676.72 178.13 874.90 16.35 223.14 474.97 32.00 143. 96 $ 29620.17 Estimated. for 1968 860.00 300.00 1,200.00 25.00 300.00 600.00 35.00 190.00 15.00 $ 39525.00 OUTLAY 1967' Expenditures Estimated Appropriation to Date for 1968 $ 175.00 $ 627.80 $ 200.00 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, George Moniza Arthur Hanson Chairman Philip E. Tetzner Arthur Meierotto Bertyl Nelson December 13, 1967 - BUDGET VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE Service Officer Secretary Travel, Lodg. MZ s. Postage Telephone Office Supply Office Equipment Extra Clerical Bond Miscellaneous TOTAL OUTLAY 1967 1967 Budget Expenses* $ 3150.00 $ 2362.50 3720.00 2790.00 1800.00 1761.53 120.00 83.00 275.00 35.0.59 200.00 112.89 100.00 100.83 150.00 149.50 17.75 21.00 none none 9532.75 $. 7582.34 * 1967 expenses based on first 9 months of 1967. * taken off Civil Defense Budget. Director Trvl, Ldg. Meals Postage & Office Telephone & Freight MSH & RADEF Misc. Warning System Spec. Rad. Classes TOTAL *Through September, 1967. BUDGET CIVIL DEFENSE' 1967 1967 Budget Expenses* $ 3150.00 $ 2362.50 500.00 248.01 200.00 122.58 240.00 81.59 500.00 62.44 60.00 None 400.00 None 360.00 None $ 5410.00 $ 2795.53 1968 Budget 3300.00 500.00 200.00 240.00 500.00 None 400.00 360.00 8 5500.00 Recommended for 1968 8 3300.00 3900.00 2000.00 120.00 400.00 200.00 100.00 200.00 none Gn nn** $ 10280.00. W,-�..., VY1vJJJ • vv Reimbursement 8 1650.00 250.00 100.00 120.00 None None 200.00 360.00 $ 2680.00 Moved by Barningham and seconded by Moniza that the foregoing Budgets and Reports of the various County Departments be received and placed on file. Motion Carried. December 13, 1967 The following Communication was read: No. 87 STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN September 21, 196-7 TO: COUNTY CLERK - BAYFIELD COUNTY SUBJECT: Estimated Highway Allotments for 1968 County Trunk Highway.. System Pursuant to Section 84.01(18)-, Wisconsin Statutes, you are hereby notified of the following estimated allotments to be paid your county from funds becoming available in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1968. S. 83.10, estimated" basic allotment for the County Trunk Highway System (to be paid on June 30, 1968) Supplemental allotments to supplement the basic allotment for'the County Trunk Highway System: S..20.420(3xg) Supplemental Aid S. 20.420(3xm) Supplemental Aid (Fuel Tax) Total for County Trunk Highway System S � - 64, 700 S 134,,300 662300 2001600 S 265,300 Pursuant to legislation enacted in 1957, the payment of the 1968 supplemental aids under Sections 20.420 (lxb, 3xg) and (lxd, 3xm) will be made in two installments. The first installment, equal to one half of the 1967 allotment under those sections, will be paid on April 15, 1968. The remainder will be paid as soon as practical after June 30, 1968. The above estimates are tentative. The total actual allotments will not be known until after the close of the fiscal year on June 30, 1968. You were notified by our letter of March 31, 19679' of the estimated 1968 State Trunk Highway Allotment under Section 84.03(3), the allocation of which has been completed. Sincerely, V. L. Fiedler, Secretary Moved by Sampson and seconded by Stuart to receive and place on file the fore- going communication. Motion Carried. The following communication was read: No. 88 STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN July 10, 1967 Mr. William Frankie, Commissioner Bayfield County Highway Department -'Courthouse P. 0. Box 428 Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk - Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 -Project T 0269(21) West County Line -Red Cliff Gentlemen: Road S.T.H. 13 Bayfield County The Highway Commission deems it necessary to make certain revisions on a pre- viousiy approved right of way plat and to acquire certain lands and interests in lands according to such revisions, for the proper improvement or maintenance of the above -designated project and highway. The revised relocation order of the commission December-13, 1967 and the map showing the highway as laid out and established and th'ylands and interests to be acquired are transmitted herewith. The enclosed relocation order provides that the State Highway Commission shall make the necessary acquisitions of lands and interests not previously acquired, pur- suant to Section 84.09(1) or (2), Wisconsin Statutes. Very truly yours V. L. Fiedler, Secretary RELOCATION ORDER BY STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF WISCONSIN THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION FINDS AND DETERMINES THAT: The proper establishing, laying out, widening, enlarging, extending, constructing, reconstructing, improving, or maintaining a portion of the highway now designated as State Trunk Highway 13, as follows: Section I: From a point approximately 2075 feet west and 920 feet north of the center of Section 4, Township 49 North, Range 9 West, thence northeasterly to a point 1190 feet west and 1270 feet north of the center of Section 4, Township 49 North, Range 9 West; Section II: From a point 760 feet south and 425 feet west of the northeast corner of Section 35, Township 50 North, Range 9 West, thence northeasterly to a point 1920 feet east and 30 feet north of the northeast corner of Section 36, Township 50 north, Range 9 West; Section III: From a point 510 feet north of the center of Section 79 Township 50 North, Range 7 West, thence northeasterly to a point 875 feet east of the north one - quarter corner of Section 8, Township 50 North, Range 7 West; Section IV: From a point 475 feet east and 25 feet north of the northwest corner of Section 35, Township 51 North, Range 6 West, thence easterly to a point 2.4 feet south of the north one -quarter corner of Section 35, Township 51 North, Range 6 West. and on roads or lands in and about and along and leading to same, requires certain relocation or -change and the acquisition of lands or interests in lands as shown on the map or copy thereof marked "PLAT OF RIGHT OF WAY REQUIRED, PROJECT T 0269(21)'.0 for the West County Line -Red Cliff Road, S. T. H. 13, Bayfield County, dated June 8, 1967, the same being sheets Nos. 4 through 4.4 of the plans for said project, and Pursuant to its authority under Sections 84.02 (3) and 84.09, Wisconsin Statutes. THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION HEREBY ORDERS THAT: (1) The said highway is hereby laid out and established to the lines and widths as shown on the said plat. (2) The required lands or interests in lands as shown on the plat shall be acquired by the State Highway Commission, in the name of the State of Wisconsin, pur- suant to the provisions of Section 84.09(1) or (2), Wisconsin Statutes. (4) This order supersedes and amends the previous order issued by the Commission on June 18, 1965. The foregoing order was issued by the State Highway Commission on June 21, 1967. ( S E A L ) V. L. Fiedler, Secretary State Highway Commission of Wisconsin Moved by Moniza and seconded by Mammoser to receive and place on file the fore- going Communication. Motion Carried. December 13, 1967 Moved by Erickson and seconded by Mammoser to adjourn. Motion Carried. Thomas E. Rondeau, County Board -Chairman Edward A. Paja2a, County Clerk.