HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 4/16/1968April 16, 1968 :ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The meeting was called to order at 9:30 A.M. by Thomas E. Rondeau, County Board Chairman., The following members answered roll call: No. 1 Ray Kyle, Raymond J. Mammoser, William Stuart, Herman Hanson, Ernest Heglund, George Moniza, Louis J. Brost, Sanfred Anderson, Axel Lehto, George Sampson, Kenneth Howell, Bertyl R. Nelson, William Celinsky, Walter tarningham, Arthur Meierotto, Edwin M. Erickson, Walter Wasmuth, Alvin E. Bratley, Arthur A. Anderson, Bennie Rude, Thomas E. Rondeau - Total 21. The first order of business was the election of a County Board Chairman. The Chair called for nominations for a County Board Chairman. George Moniza nominated Thomas E. Rondeau. George Sampson nominated Walter Barningham. A motion was made by Moniza and seconded by Rude to close nominations. Motion Carried. The Chair appointed Celinsky and Erickson as ballot clerks. The result of the ballot was as follows: Thomas E. Rondeau 8 Walter Barningham - 13 Total - 21 The Chair declared Walter Barningham elected as County Board Chairman for the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors �. Nominations for a Vice Chairman were in order. The following were nominated for Vice Chairman: Mr. Thomas Rondeau Mr. Bennie Rude Mr. George Moniza Mr. Moniza and Mr. Rondeau declined the nominations. A motion was made by Sampson and seconded by Mammoser to close nominations. Motion Carried. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Howell to instruct the Clerk to cast a unanimous Motion Carried. ballot for Mr. Rude for Vice Chairman for a term of two years. /The Clerk cast the ballot as directed and the Chair declared Mr.'Rude elected as Vice Chairman for the j Bayfield County Board of Supervisors. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Sampson to dispense with the reading of the last (County Board Minutes. Motion Carried. April 16, 1968 The following Resolution was read: No. 2 PETITIONING FOR ADVANCE OF STH CONSTRUCTION ALLOTMENTS Bayfield County WHEREAS, to accomplish the improvement of portions of U. S. Highway 2 between Iron River and Ino it becomes desirable to agree upon the advance of future years' allotments to become available to the credit of this.county for state trunk highway improvement, BE IT RESOLVED that the State.Highway Commission is hereby petitioned to advance and commit the sum of $242,000.00 or as much thereof as required for such improvement, the amount so advanced to be deducted from allotments as they accrue to the credit . of this county under Section 84.03(3), Wisconsin Statutes, beginning with the allot- ment accruing in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, or such earlier allotment as may be available; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution, when approved by the State Highway Commission, shall constitute an agreement pursuant to Section 84.03(5), Wisconsin Statutes. Presented by: The foregoing resolution was adopted by the County Board on April 16, 1968. Edward A. Pajala County Clerk Bertyl Nelson Philip E. Tetzner Walter Wasmuth Raymond J. Mammoser Ernest Heglund County Highway Committee Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Wasmuth to adopt the foregoing Resolution.. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: No. 3 March.29, 1968 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk - Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Dear Sir: Estimated 1969 Allotment for State Trunk Highway System You are hereby notified that'the estimated allotment in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, under the provisions of Sections 20.420(ly) and 84.03(3), for expendi- ture on the State Trunk Highway System in your county if $1219000.00. The proposed allocation of the estimated 1969 allotment, which is submitted for the consideration of your County Board, is as follows: The sum of $121,000 proposed to be included in an advance for the improvement of portions of the following highways: U. S. Highway 2 between Iron River and Ino, approximately 12 miles. The proposed allocation of unexpended allotments of previous years under Section 84.03(3), which is submitted for the consideration of your County Board, is as follows: The sum of $242,000 from reserve for the improvement of portions of U. S. High- way 2 between Iron River and Ino, approximately 12 miles. April 16,_ 1968 In order to permit us to proceed with advance preparations for the construction program it is requested, if the proposed allocation meets with the approval of the County Board, that it take action, by resolution adopted at its April, 1968 meeting, concurring in such allocation. Sincerely V. L. Fiedler Highway Commission Secretary Moved by'Sampson and seconded by Art Anderson to receive and -place on file the foregoing Communication. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 4 ALLOCATION OF STATE TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTMENT FOR 1969 BAYFIELD COUNTY WHEREAS there has been received from the State Division of Highways its determin- ation.as to proposed projects and the proposed allocation of an unexpended balance from allotments of previous years under Sections 20.420(ly) and 84.03(3), BE IT RESOLVED that such projects and the allocation of such balance be approved as hereinafter set forth: The sum of $242,000 for the improvement of portions of U. S. Highway 2 between Iron River and Ino, approximately 12 miles. Presented by: The foregoing resolution was adopted by The County Board on April 16, 1968. Edward A. Pajala, County Clerk. Bertyl Nelson Philip E. Tetzner Walter Wasmuth Raymond J. Mammoser County Highway Committee Moved by Sampson and seconded by -Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: No. 5 22 February 1968 Mr. Edward Pajala, Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: With reference to the County Accident.Review Committee established by Chapter 292, Laws of 1967, I have appointed the following people to serve: Bayfield County Sheriff Bayfield County Highway Commissioner. The Accident map referred to in this chapter shall be kept by a designated law officer of the sheriff's department. I would appreciate if the sheriff would notify me as to who he has appointed to this task. These appointments are subject to board approval at their next meeting. Sincerely, Thomas E. Rondeau, Chairman County Board of Supervisors April 16_,- _ 1968 Moved by Moniza and seconded by Wasmuth that the foregoing appointments be con- firmed. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 6 WHEREAS, pursuant to regulations as set forth by the Wisconsin Retirement Fund, employees of Bayfield County must retire at the end of the calendar quarter in which they attain the age of 65 years unless authority is granted by the.governing body to continue employment beyond that date, and WHEREAS, Ann Johnson, office manager of the Highway Department has attained the age of 65 years in the first calendar quarter of 1968, and WHEREAS, the Highway Department has not been able to fill the position to date, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that -the Bayfield County Board in session this 16Lh day of April, authorize Ann Johnson to continue in the employment of Bayf iel.d County for a period of six months beginning on April lst, 1968. Signed by: HIGHWAY COMMITTEE Walter Wasmuth, Chairman Ernest Heglund Raymond J. Mammoser Moved by Wasmuth and seconded by Art Anderson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Mr. Ed. Erickson, a member of the Department of Health and Social --Services .:.Board stated that the building, a truck, a freezer and a cooler used in connection with the Commodity program were now for sale. The question to the Board was as to how these items were to be disposed of. The following action was taken: Motion 6a Moved by Celinsky and seconded by Meierotto to authorize the Executive Committee to dispose of the building, cooler, freezer and truck that was used in connection with the Commodity program. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read; No. 7 WHEREAS, Bayfield County, through its Department of Health and Social Services, has entered into. the Food Stamp Program by direction of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, and WHEREAS, It is necessary that said Department provide a vehicle for use through- out the County in administering said Food Stamp Program, and WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable and in the interest of the County that a van type vehicle be acquired for such purpose, and April 16, 1968 WHEREAS, Said Department has been advised, upon investigation, that the cost of leasing such vehicle for a period of three years would be ih the amount of not to ex- ceed 9$85.00 per month and at the expiration of said three year period, said vehicle would become the property of Bayfield County, at its option. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the said Bayfield County Department of Health and Social Services is hereby authorized to enter into an appropriate lease agreement to secure said vehicle under such"a lease agreement for a period of three years at a cost not to exceed $85.00 per month, the aforesaid option to be exercised only by action of this Board. Bennie R. Rude Louis J. Brost Sanfred Anderson Edwin Ericksoni Art A. Anderson Moved by Wasmuth and seconded by Stuart to 'adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 8 WHEREAS Bayfield Uounty has abolished the Surplus Commodity Program and adopted the Food Stamp Program, and WHEREAS the sum of $7,500.00 was appropriated for the Surplus Commodity Program, and no funds have been appropriated for the Food Stamp Program, therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 16 day of April 1968 that any remaining funds in the Surplus Commodity Program account be transferred to the Administration Account of the Bayfield County Department of Social Services. DATED: This 16 day of April 1968. Presented by: Bennie R. Rude Arthur A. Anderson Louis J. Brost Sanfred Anderson Edwin Erickson Moved by Stuart and seconded by Erickson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Mr-. Thomas Kinsey, District No. 8 Engineer, Division of Highways, Superior, Wisconsin, appeared before the Board and discussed the highway improvements program are planned for for Bayfield County. Mr. Kinsey stated that some improvements/x= U. S. Highway 2 from Iron River, west to the Douglas County line. In reply to questions regarding the intersection of U. S. Highway 2 and St. Tr: Highway 13, Mr. Kinsey stated that only work"on better markings and additional signs are contemplated for the next several years. He stated that a preliminary survey had been made on St. Tr. Highway 13 April 16, 1968 between Bayfield and Red Cliff but nothing definite has been decided as to the loca- tion of that road. The following Petition was read: No. 9 WHEREAS, the undersigned are owners and/or operators of ambulances and-as.such Provide services to the residents of the County of Bayfield, State of Wisconsin; and WHEREAS, such ambulance services are provided most generally in cases of emer- gency without inquiry into the need or financial circumstances of the person to whom aid is given; and WHEREAS, services are often provided at the instance and request of third parties, and WHEREAS, services provided under such circumstances may result iny-unpaid accounts, which could in the near future, cause the undersigned to curtail their operations with- in-Bayfield County; NOW.THEREFORE, the undersigned do hereby petition the Bayfield- County Board of Supervisors to consider and adopt one of the following alternatives: 1:, To expand the present program wherein said County guarantees payment for am- bulance service rendered at the request of the County Sheriff's office-, to provide that -the operators of ambulances providing services in Bayfield County shall be re- imbursed for all services which have originated in Bayfield County or -have -been provid- ed for a Bayfield County resident, which remain unpaid after a one-year period,.and which have arisen by reason of an emergency call; 2. Provide a direct subsidy fund to be divided annually between ambulance services regularly serving Bayfield County; 3. Create and develop County facilities to provide adequate ambulance services to the residents of Bayfield County. Merkel Funeral Home - - - - - - - - Jerome L. Merkel Washburn City Ambulance - - - - - - John F. Wroblewski, City of Washburn Mayor City of Ashland - Fire Department - Hubert R. Perrin, City of Ashland Mayor Mason Volunteer Fire Department - Henry L. Horstman,Village of Mason Anderson Funeral Home - Hayward - Robert A. Anderson Anderson Ambulance Ko.erpel Ambulance Service - -- -- - - - - - - George Koerpel, Hayward Iron River -Volunteer Fire Department - - - - - - - - - - - - Robert Philby, Town Chairman Mr. Jerome Merkel, Bayfield, Wisconsin appeared before the Board and spoke in favor of the foregoing Petition. A motion was made by Mammoser and seconded by Stuart to deny the foregoing Petition. Due to the fact that the vote by acclamation was close the chair asked for a show of hands which resulted in the following: 10 in favor of the motion 7 against the motion The Chair declared the motion to deny the Petition, carried. • 1' April 16,_ 1968 The following Resolution was read; No. 10 WHEREAS, The Bayfield County 4-H Leaders Association during the year 1966 made application to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to have transferred to said Association certain County owned lands located in the South One-half of Southeast Quarter (S'/2 of SE/4), of Section Twelve (12), Township Forty-seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to said petition, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at their April, 1966 meeting duly passed a resolution, which resolution is recorded in Vol. 12 of County records, page 283, withdrawing from the Bayfield County Park System and transferring the same, under certain conditions, to said Association, the West One-half of Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter (WY2 of SW/• of SE/) , Section Twelve (12), Township Forty-seven (47)' North, Range Eight (8) West, and WHEREAS, Upon further investigation it has been determined that the aforesaid parcel'of land is not suitable for the purposes intended by said Association, and WHEREAS, Said Association. has requested that the Bayfield County Board of Sup- ervisors re -consider the original petition of said Association and cause to be .transferred to said Association in place of the above described property the East One-half of Southeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter (E)6 of SE/ of SW�4) and the Southeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter (SE/ of SE%4), lying northerly of the natural gas pipe line now crossing the aforesaid descriptions, all in Section Twelve (12), Township Forty -'seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, and WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable to grant said alternative request by said Association in the interests of assisting and encouraging 4-H activities in. said Bayfield County, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the aforesaid resolution passed by this Board of Supervisors in April, 1966 and recorded in Vol. 12, page 283.of the Bayfield County J records be and the same is hereby rescinded in its entirety -and the real property therein°des.cribed is returned as a part of the Park System'-of-Bayfield County, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the East One-half of Southwest Quarter of South- east Quarter (E)6 of SWA of SEYO and the Southeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter (SEY/4 of SE/), lying northerly of the natural gas pipe line as the same runs through said descriptions, all in'Section Twelve (12), Township Forty-seven (47) North, Range Eight (8) West, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, be and the'same is hereby with- drawn from the Bayfield County Park System, and i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the last described property -be conveyed to the Bayfield County 4-H Leaders Association by Bayfield County, -sub ject however to a reservation of a three (3) rod right-of-way over and across said description in an easterly and westerly direction for travel and ingress and egress to and from other lands owned by Bayfield County, said right-of-way to be located in -such an area on the above described property as not to interfere with any completed -improvements of the aforesaid association; ..,that said conveyance shall be made subject to the pipe line and pipe line easement presently in existence® BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the conveyance shall contain a clause to the effect that said Bayfield County 4-H Leaders Association_ shall not sell or transfer said property to any other association, partnership, corporation, person or any grantee whatsoever. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That title to said described premises shall remain in said Association so long as used by said Association for 4-H club work and intended { I April 16, 1968 purposes and that in the event such use is discontinued for one year or more then and in that event fee simple title shall revert to Bayfield County without any rights whatsoever remaining in said Association. William Stuart William Celinsky Ernest Heglund Moved by Stuart and seconded by Heglund to adopt the foregoing Resolution. The foregoing resolution was being discussed when a motion was made to adjourn for lunch and to resume the discussion on the foregoing Resolution after the lunch period. The motion to adjourn for lunch was carried. The meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M. by Walter Barningham, County Board Chairman.. The following members answered roll call: No. 11 Kyle, Mammoser, Stuart. Hanson, Heglund, Brost, Sanfred Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Howell, Nelson, Celinsky, Barningham, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth, Art Anderson, Rude' Rondeau - Total 19. Mr. Moniza and Mr. Bratley arrived later in the afternoon. The discussion on Resolution No. 10 continued with explanations and remarks made by Mr. Lowe, Zoning Administrator and Mr. Leino, County Forester. The motion to adopt Resolution No. 10 was carried. The following Communication was read: No. 12 April 10, 1968 Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Gentlemen: We are planning an electric power line extension to serve a 4-H Camp on Topside Lake in Section 129 Township 47 N, Range 8 W. To construct a power line to this property it will be necessary to build across,some., ounty'owned land. We are hereby requesting a 20' R/W on the Sou-th'side of the existing Northern Natural Gas Pipeline right-of-way. The point, of beginning is where the Northern Natural Gas Company R/W intersects the Bayfield-Electric Cooperative electric power line in the SE of SW Section 12, Township 47 N, Range 8 W, and the proposed line would commence in a Southeasterly direction parallel to the -existing R/W of the Northern Natural Gas line to the East line of the W 1/2 of SW - SE of Section 12, Township 48 N, Range 8 W. Thank you for your consideration and attention of this matter. Yours truly, BAYFIELD ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE, INC. Oscar Lahti, General Manager 1- - April 16,-1968 - Moved by Moniza and seconded by Sampson to receive and place on file the fore- going communication. Motion Carried. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Lehto to refer the foregoing Communication to the Forestry Committee with power to act. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: No.13 Park Falls, Wisconsin 54552 March 29, 1968 5420 Purchase Bayfield County Lange, Henry Board of Supervisors Case #3613 Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Gentlemen: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lange of 614 Circle Avenue, Forest Park,'Illinoi-s, have offer- ed the Forst Service the opportunity to purchase all'of Section 13, T. 44 N., R. 6 W., Town of Pratt. Mr. and Mrs. Lange will retain ownership of the buildings and the right to have them on the land in Lot 4 of the above described land for a period of 25 years. The United States owns very little land fronting on lakes in this area -and what it does own is either swamp frontage or frontage on small lakes not suitable for water based recreation. The Forest Service has need for the offered land for a pro- posed recreation complex which will include camp and picnic grounds, boat access sites, swimming areas and hiking trails. If the Board wishes to comment on the proposed purchase, we will be glad to re- ceive comments before June 1, 1968. Sincerely yours, W. M. Byers William M. Byers, Acting Forest Supervisor Moved by Sampson and seconded by Art Anderson to receive and place -on file the foregoing Communication. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 14 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has been interested for many years in blocking certain of its lands for forestry purposes, and WHEREAS, Such blocking for forestry purposes could not in certain instances be effected because of the private ownership of lands within the blocking area, and WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Forestry Committee, through its Forestry Department, has made tentative arrangements to exchange certain lands in private ownership and County owned lands not within the blocking area for the purpose of eliminating in some instances isolated privately owned forties within the aforesaid forestry blocking area, and WHEREAS, Said exchange involves nine County owned forty acre descriptions and nine privately owned forty acre descriptions, all of which descriptions have been appraised by the Bayfield County Forestry Department and having been found by said Department to be reasonably of the same value, and 612 April 16,_ 1968 WHEREAS, It is deemed in the interest of Bayfield County to make such exchange of lands, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the following described lands owned by Bayfield County, to -wit: THE SE NE, NE SE, Section 1; NE SE, NW SE, Section 22; NW NW, SW NW, NW SW, SW SW, Section 23, and the NE NW of Section 32, all in Township 44 North, Range 9 West, be exchanged for the following described lands owned by Nekoosa Edwards Paper Company of Port Edwards, Wisconsin, to -wit: SW NE, Section 4; SE SW, Section 13; NW SW, Section 14; SE NW, Section 18; SE NW, Section 20; SW NE, Section 21 and the SE NE of Section 3.6, all in Township 43 North, Range 9 West.. The SW NE, Section 26 and the SE NE of Section 28, of Township 44 North, Range 9 West, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County Clerk of Bayfield County is hereby author- ized and directed to issue a deed for said Bayfield County descriptions conveying the same to Nekoosa Edwards Paper Company upon receipt of a conveyance of the above described lands now belonging to said Nekoosa Edwards Paper Company transferring said lands to Bayfield County. George Sampson W. C. Barningham Raymond J. Mammoser Walter Wasmuth Thomas E. Rondeau Axel Lehto Moved by Sampson and seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Notice of Hearing was read: No. 15 There will be a public hearing held at the Bayfield County Court House, County Board Room at 2 P.M. on Tuesday, April 16, 1968, for the purpose of expressing your wishes as to whether your community would prefer to remain a part of the existing North West Wisconsin Community Action Agency, or "option out" of the existing.Commun- ity Action Agency, or become a part of a new Community Action Agency. Thomas E. Rondeau, Chairman County Board of Supervisors Moved by Moniza and seconded by Sampson to resolve the- County Board into a committee, of the whole for the purpose of a Public Hearing. Motion Carried. The Public Hearing was held at 2:00 P.M. A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the Public Hearing and to reconvene as a County Board. Motion Carried. April 169 1968 The Chair called for nominations to elect two representatives for Bayfield County Action to the Northwest Wisconsin Community/Agency. Mr. Warren Dickrell was nominated as the first candidate and Mr. George Malinoski was nominated as the second candidate. A motion was.made and seconded to close nominations. Motion Carried. Moved by Howell and seconded by Art Meierotto that the Clerk be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for, Mr. Dickrell and Mr. Malinoski as representatives for Bayfield County to the Northwest Wisconsin Community Action Agency. Motion Carried. The Clerk cast the ballot as directed and the Chair declared Mr. Dickrell and Mr. Malinoski elected as members to represent Bayfield County to the Northwest Wisconsin Community Action Agency. A motion was made by Rondeau and seconded by Heglund that Mr. Dickrell and Mr. Malinoski be paid regular per diem and mileage for attending the Northwest Wis- consin Community Action Agency meetings. The per diem and mileage will not be paid for attending the regular county monthly meetings of the organization. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was reads No. 16 WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner of Lot Sixteen (16), Block Fifty-nine (59), Original Townsite of the City of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and WHEREAS, There is located upon said lot a building formerly occupied and used by the Bayfield County Forestry Department, and WHEREAS, Suitable quarters have been provided for use by said Department and the aforesaid lot and building are no longer required for forestry purposes or for any other use by said Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable to offer said lot and building for sale to the highest bidder under the usual procedure of land sales as now employed by Bayfield County, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Land Sales Committee be and it is hereby authorized to offer the aforesaid lot and building for sale to the highest bidder, through its normal procedures of land sales. George Sampson Raymond J. Mammoser Walter Barningham Axel Lehto Thomas E. Rondeau Walter Wasmuth Moved by Sampson and seconded by Howell to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. 7 -i Apri1.16, 1968 The following Resolution was read: No. 17 WHEREAS, Bayfield County is, the owner of the Southeast Quarter (SE/a), . and Southeast Quarter of. Northeast Quarter (SEY/ of NE/),. Section Nineteen (19), Township Fifty-one (51) North, Range Four (4) West, Town of Russell, Bayfield County, Wis- consin, and ed WHEREAS, Said lands were previously designat/ by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to be transferred and to become subject to the.Forest Crop Law, said action having been recorded in Volume 12, page 380 of the Bayfield County records, and WHEREAS, said lands have not, as of this date, been transferred and made subject to said Forest Crop Law; and WHEREAS, It is deemed in the interest of Bayfield County that said lands remain as County property and be offered for sale by the Sales Committee, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That,the above described lands be released from the restriction placed thereon by action of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, as recorded in said Vol. 12, page 380 of the Bayfield County records and that notwith- standing said action, said lands be offered for sale by the Sales Committee of said Board of Supervisors through its usual procedures. Arthur Meierotto Moved by Meierotto and seconded by Nelson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 18 WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Zoning Committee, as .directed by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, has advertised for applicants for the position of Bayfield County Zoning Administrator, said advertisements having been run in all County weekly news- papers and the Ashland Daily Press, and WHEREAS, The only response to said advertisements was received from one applicant, Alva Lattimer, and WHEREAS, Said application was duly processed by the Bayfield County Zoning Committe and said applicant was found by said Committee to meet the requirements for said pos- ition by way of education and experience, and WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Zoning Committee unanimously recommends that Alva Lattimer be hired as Bayfield County Zoning Administrator and that he be paid the sal- ary previously budgeted for the year 1968 as established by the Bayfield County Bud- get Committee. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the recommendation of the Zoning Committee is hereby approved and that Alva Lattimer be hired and employed as the Bayfield County Zoning Administrator, effective as of April 17, 1968, and that he be compensated therefor on a salary schedule o-f $6300.00 per annum. William Stuart Ernest" Heglund William Celinsky Moved by Stuart and seconded by Rude to adopt the Foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. April 16, 1968 Mr. Wasmuth, a member of,the negotiating committee for the Highway Department with the.Teamsters Union #288 reported on tentative opinions and agreements to be presented at a meeting to be held April 23rd with a mediator from Madison. A copy of his report was handed to each member for their information. The following Resolution was read: No. 19 WHEREAS, Bayfield County and the City ,of Bayfield now have a working agreement in the employment of a Chief of Police for the City of Bayfield and Bayfield County Indian Police to Police the Red Cliff Indian Reservation, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County contributes to the budget of said enforcement officer an amount in excess of $2,000.00 annually, and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable that the agreement with the City of Bayfield be terminated and that Bayfield.County should police the Red Cliff Indian Reservation directly through the Sheriff's office, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the agreement made by resolution of the Bayfield County Board dated April 22, 1959, and recorded on Page 100, Volume 11 of the ,County Board Journal be terminated as of May 31st, 1968, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Sheriff be authorized and directed to appoint a special deputy to police the Red Cliff Indian Reservation and the immediate surrounding area of said Red Cliff Indian Reservation, and BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED, that appointment of the special deputy by the Sheriff shall be made with the approval of the Chairman of the Red Cliff Tribal Council and the Chairman of the Town of Russell. Signed by: SHERIFF'S COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman Arthur Meierotto Bertyl Nelson Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Moniza and seconded by Nelson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 20 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board at the November 15th, 1967 meeting, adopted a resolution providing for payment of bounties on coyote and fox, and WHEREAS, payment of said bounties will terminate on June 30, 1968 or earlier if funds now provided are depleted prior to June 30, 1968, and WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the sportsmen and farmers of Bayfield County that the payment of bounties be continued after June 30, 19689 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Conservation Committee of the County Board be authorized and directed to make application to the Department of Natural Resources for a County Conservation Aid Project for matching funds for payment of bounties during the period of July 1, 1968 to June 30, 1969, and 6W April 16; 1968___ s BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Conservation Committee of the County Board be authorized to determine the amount of bounty to be paid for each animal. Signed by: CONSERVATION COMMITTEE George Sampson, Chairman Walter-Barningham Axel Lehto Raymond J. Mammoser Walter Wasmuth, Chairman Highway 'Committee Moved by Sampson and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Motion was made: No. 21 Moved by Moniza and seconded by Rude to instruct and direct the Clerk to appoint bounty agents and that they be reimbursed 250 per animal, said appointments to be made with the approval of the Conservation Committee of the County Board. Motion Carried. The following Motion was made: No. 22 Moved by Stuart and seconded by Mammoser that the County Conservation Aid Pro- ject for payment of bounties be not in excess of a total of $3,000.00. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 23 WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Board on April 21, 1965 adopted a resolution authoriz-1 ing and directing the Insurance Committee of the County Board to procure a Fidelity Bond for all County employees that are not otherwise required to furnish a bond, and WHEREAS, said committee has procured the blanket bond as directed covering all Bayfield County employees, and WHEREAS, it now appears that due -to a conflict with state laws the bond cannot be continued except on an individual or position basis, and WHEREAS, it would be impractical and excessively costly to bond all of the county employees on an individual or position basis, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee of the County Board is hereby authorized to procure a bond covering the employees or positions that the committee deems necessary or advisable to have bonded due to the access to or handling of county funds by such county employee. Signed: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman Bennie R. Rude William Stuart George Sampson Thomas E. Rondeau Walter Wasmuth, Chairman Highway Committee 0 April.16, 1968 617 Moved by Sampson and seconded by Moniza to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 24 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That the rates for the publication of official County Board minutes.and publication of legal notices be set as follows for the ensuing year, $ 1.26 per folio for the first publication G .385 per folio for printing supplements of County Board proceedings 8 27.50 for the distribution of the supplements by other than the official paper. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the publisher of the official paper send a copy of the County Board minutes to each County Board member and to the Clerk of each town, city and village. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the minutes of the County Board be printed within 60 days after receiving copy from the County Clerk. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Press be the official paper for the ensuing year, effective April, 1968. Signed by: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman Bennie R. Rude William Stuart George Sampson Thomas E. Rondeau Walter Wasmuth, Chairman Highway Committee Moved by Stuart and seconded by Art Anderson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: No. 25 Mason, Wisconsin Route #1 April 5, 1968 Mr. William Stuart Route #1 Mason, Wisconsin Dear Sir: I have lived and owned property on Lake Marengo.for a number of years and it is very apparent that the lake is 136 to 2 feet lower then it was some years ago. As a result of the present water level the weeds are appearing in a number of places in the lake which interferes with boating and fishing. If nothing is done to raise the level of the water, in time the lake will become unattractive as vacational area. During the last few years a number of cottages have been built along the lake, and they are all enjoying the boating, fishing and the wild life which can be pre- served with your help. _ April 169 1968 A short distance down the river. from Marengo. Lake is a small lake known as Mud Lake. Marengo river flows into and out of this lake. FQr many years the water level of this lake was maintained by the beavers building dams in the river. During that time there were a lot of fish in this lake, as well as beaver, muskrats and ducks. If the water in this lake can be raised to its former height, I am sure it will make another beautiful place. I hope you will feel that these lakes are worth restoring and we will be glad to help in any way we can. Yours truly, C. F. Wilson Moved by Moniza and seconded by Heglund to refer the foregoing Communication to the Conservation.Committee. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No.-26 WHEREAS, it appears advisable to take tax deeds on the Sale of 1963, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be authorized and directed to take tax deeds on the Sale of 1963 by the IN REM procedure under Section 75.521. Signed by: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman Bennie R. Rude William Stuart George Sampson Thomas E. Rondeau Walter Wasmuth, Chairman Highway Committee Moved by Moniza and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following :QQmmUnica/�.lwoas read: No. 27 Star Route Spooner, Wis. 54801 North part — Pratt Dear Sirs: T. 45 N. R. 6 W. I am interested in purchasing some swamp land in the town of Pratt that belongs to the countye There are no trees on this land as it is all marsh grass and water. I would like to make an offer to buy section 11 520 acres section 12 269 acres and the 40 acres in Section 1 that borders on sections 2, 119 12 If it would be possible to buy this'I would be willing to give permanent access to the part of the river that runs through a small part of this property, so anyone could use the river. This area is very brushy and wet and I am sure no one would want to go along the shore without a boat, but with the above clause it -would not restrict anyone. April 16, 1968 I would appreciate an answer as soon as possible and if this will be available please let me know the price and any thing else that will be necessary. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, Keith Kimball Star Route Spooner, Wis. 54801 Moved by Moniza and seconded by Erickson to refer the foregoing.communication to the Conservation Committee for further study. Motion Carried. The following Motion was made: No. 28 A Motion was made by Mr. Moniza and seconded by Mr. Hanson commending Thomas Rondeau, former County Board Chairman, fora job well done during his tenure of office. Motion Carried. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Hanson to adjourn. Motion Carried. Walter C. Barningh,�in, County Board Chairman. Edward A. Pajal ounty Clerk.