HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 7/29/1968July 29, 1968 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The meeting was called to order at 9:30 A.M. by Walter C. Barningham, Chairman. The following members answered -roll call: No. 1 Ray: -:Kyle, Thomas E. Rondeau, Raymond J. Mammoser, Wm. A. Stuart, Ernest Nelson, Ernest Heglund, George Moniza, Louis J. Brost, Sanfred Anderson, Axel Lehto, George Sampson, Kenneth C. Howell, Bertyl R. Nelson, Wm. Celinsky, Arthur Meierotto, Walter Wasmuth, Alvin E. Bratley, Peter Hanson, Bennie R. Rude, Walter C. Barningham; Absent - Edwin Erickson - Total present 20. The following communication was read: No. 2 June 3, 1968 Mr. Edward A. Pajala County Clerk Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Sir: Subject to the approval of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at their next meeting, the following appointments have been made by the chairman and vice chairman of the County Board: Ernest Nelson, Mason, replacing Herman Hanson, deceased, also of-Mas-on on the Welfare, Library, Health and Education committee. Peter Hanson, Washburn, replacing Art Anderson, deceased, also of -Washburn on the Personnel, Sheriffs and Civil Defense Committee. Yours truly Walter C. Barningham County Board `'hairman Bayfield County Moved by Moniza and seconded by Howell to confirm the foregoing rappointme'rits:. Motion Carried. The following Petition was read: No. 3 July 10, 1968 Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: You are hereby petitioned to call a special Meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors on Monday, July 29 at 9:30 A.M. at the Court House, Washburn,.Wis- consin, to consider and act on the following: 1. Construction of a new Bayfield County jail. 2. Construction of a hospital, under a lease agreement with the Washburn Hospital Association. F_ —July.29, 1968-- 3. All other matters that may legally come before the said Board of Supervisors. Very truly yours, Signed: Peter Hanson Sanfred Anderson Ernest -Nelson Louis J. Brost 'Art Meierotto Bennie R. Rude Ernest Heglund Raymond J. Mammoser Wm. Celinsky Axel Lehto Alvin E. Bratley William A. Stuart Walter C. Barningham Bertyl Nelson Walter Wasmuth K. C. Howell A motion was made and seconded to receive the foregoing Petition and place on file. Motion Carried. Moved by Sampson and seconded by Stuart to dispense with the reading.of the last County Board minutes. Motion Carried, The following Resolution was read: No. 4 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has been directed by'the State to remodel. the present jail facilities or to construct suitable new facilities, and WHEREAS, By resolution adopted by the Bayfield County -Board at 'its November, 1967 meeting, said resolution being recorded in Volume 12, page 506, the Executive Committee of said Board was authorized and directed to make a preliminary.study of the desirability of remodeling the present facility or building a new structure and to gather certain other facts preliminary to a final decision therein by the said Boar of Supervisors, and WHEREAS, Said Executive Committee has completed said preliminary study and has entered into preliminary negotiations with Robert Novack, an architect of .Iron River, Wisconsin, for architectural services in the remodeling or new construction as may be directed by said Board, and WHEREAS, A proposed contract between Bayfield County and said architect is now on file with the Bayfield County Clerk and is recommended to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors for acceptance by the Executive Committee thereof, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Clerk of Bayfield County be and he is hereby authorized to execute said contract in the name of Bayfield County and to . make the provisions and conditions thereof binding as between said architect.and .said Bayfield County. George Moniza George Sampson William Stuart Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth July ,29 , 19 68 - a 7 Moved by Moniza and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The Board discontinued their discussion on the construction of a jail to take up certain highway matters while Dale Brevak, Highway Commissioner was present. The following Resolution was read: No. 5 RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Delta that Bayfield County be requested to resurface the portion of County Trunk Highway 10H" in the Town of Delta which will become a town road when the relocated portion of County Trunk Highway "H" has been completed, and FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board requests that such resurfacing.be done before that portion of the highway is turned over to the town. FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this Resolution be certified by the Town Clerk and sent to the County Clerk of Bayfield County and to the Highway Commissioner of Bayfield County. William Meyer, Chairman Leonard Wuennecke, Supervisor Martin Brilla, Supervisor The undersigned, Josephine Brilla, Town Clerk of the Town of Delta.,..hereby certifies that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Re.soluti.on adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Delta at a meeting held on the llth day of July,. 1968.. I further certify that the above Resolution has not.been rescinded and remains in full force and effect. Josephine Brilla, Town Clerk. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Stuart to refer the foregoing Resolution to the Highway Committee. Motion Carried. The following Communication and Re -location order was read: No. 6 June 20, 1968 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk - Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Project T 0269 (19) Gentlemen: West County Line -Port Wing Road S. T. H. 13 Bayfield County The highway Commission deems it necessary to make certain revisions on a previou approved right of way plat, for the proper maintenance of the above -designated pro- ject and highway. The revised relocation order of the Commission -and. the map showing the highway as laid out and established and the lands and intere-s.ts.which have been completely acquired are transmitted herewith. Very truly yours V. L. Fiedler, P. E. Highway Commission Secretary. - = July -29, 1968 - - -- - Project: RELOCATION ORDER Wisconsin Department of Transportion Division of Highways Name of Road: T 0269 (19) West Bounty Line -Port Wing Road Right of way Plat date: Plat sheet numbers: June 7, 1968 1 4, 4.1 and 4.2 Description of Termini of Project: Highway: S.T.H. 13 County: Bayfield Date of previous order: October 7, 1963 From a point approximately 1335 feet west and 245 feet north of the east one - quarter corner of section 5, Township 49 North, Range 9 West, thence northeasterly to a point approximately 665 feet west and 490 feet north of the east one -quarter corner of Section 5, Township 49 North, Range 9 West. ALSO From,a point approximately 655 feet west and 470 feet north of the southwest corner of Government Lot 1, Section 36, Township 50 North, Range 9 West, thence north- easterly to a point on the west line of said Section 36, approximately 715 feet north of the southwest corner of said Government Lot 1, Section 36, Township 50 North, Range 9 West. To properly establish, lay out, widen, enlarge, extend, -construct, reconstruct, improve, or maintain a portion of the highway designated above, it is necessary -to relocate or change and acquire certain lands or interests in lands as shown on the right of way plat for the above project. To effect this change, pursuant to authority granted under Sections 84.02(3) and 84.09, Wisconsin Statutes, the Highway Commission hereby orders that:. 1. The said highway is hereby laid out and established to the lines and widths as shown on the plat. 2. The required lands or interests in lands as'shown on the plat shall be ac- quired by the Division of Highways, in the name of the State of Wisconsin, pursuant to the provisions of Section 84.09(1)or (2), Wisconsin Statutes.. (All lands or . interests in lands have previously been acquired). 3. This order supersedes and amends any previous order issued by the Commission. Date: June 20, 1968 V. L. Fiedler, (SEAL of the Dept. of Transportation) Highway Commission Secretary Moved by Wasmuth and seconded by Rude to -receive and place on file the foregoing Communication and Relocation Order. Motion Carried. discussion on The Board again resumed the/construction of a jail. After considerable dis- cussion the Board recessed to inspect the present facilities of the lower level of the Court house and for a noon lunch. 3 - July_ 2-9 , .1968 - - - - - The meeting was called to order by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman at 1:45 P.M. The following members answered roll call: No. 7 Kyle, Rondeau, Mammoser, Stuart, E. Nelson, Heglund, Moniza, Brost, S. Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Howell, B. Nelson, Celinsky,Meierotto, Wasmu.th, Bratley, P. Hanson, Rude, Barningham; Absent - Erickson Total present - 20. The discussion of the construction of a jail was resumed after which the following Resolutions was read: No. 8 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has been ordered by authorities of the State of Wis- consin to remodel the present jail facility or to construct a new jail building, and WHEREAS, The Executive Committee, at the direction of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, has made preliminary plans to construct a new jail building and has been authorized by this Board to enter into a contract with Robert Novack, an archi- tect of Iron River, Wisconsin, to provide architectural services. -in the construction of said building, and WHEREAS, It is necessary that the construction of said building proceed at a reasonably early date in accordance with the directions of said -.State authorities, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Executive Committ.ee'be'and it is hereby authorized, empowered and'directed to proceed with the .draf ting..of preliminary plans for the construction of a jail building for Bayfield'County and .to gather all necessary facts as to cost and other data which may be necessary for the-,Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to proceed with the advertisement for bids and.._entering into contracts for the construction of said jail building, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the information and data here-inabove referred to in reference to the construction of said jail building, be assembled by said Executive Committee for presentation to a future meeting of the.Bayfi.eld.C.ounty Board of Supervisors. George Moniza George Sampson Bennie R. Rude W. L. Wasmuth William Stuart Moved by Sampson and seconded by Meierotto to adopt.th.e.f.oregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 9 WHEREAS, our Creator, The Lord Almighty, has called from our midst Herman Hanson; a member of the Bayfield County Board for many years, and WHEREAS, during his terms in office Herman Hanson was an active member of the Bayfield County Board, serving on the Finance, Agricultural and Fair Committees for a number of years and being vitally concerned with the welfare of the citizens I ,July 29., _ 1968 of Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, we recognize that Herman Hanson for many years served as a public offi- cial of the Town of Mason, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board -.-of Supervisors assembled this 291-h day of July, 1968, pause in their deliberations, and in silence respect the memory of Herman Hanson, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be made a part of the.permanent records of Bayfield County, and that a certified copy hereof be provided by the County Clerk to the family of Herman Hanson. Respectfully submitted by: Ernest Nelson Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Stuart to adopt the.forego.ing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No.. 10 WHEREAS, our Creator, The Lord Almighty, has called from .our midst Arthur A. Anderson, a member of the Bayfield County Board.,for many years.,, and WHEREAS, we recognize the service that Arthur A. Anderson has given to Bayfield County during his terms in office as a County Board member, and WHEREAS, we also recognize the fact that Arthur A. Anderson served the public for many additional years in law enforcement work in the.City of Washburn and as a member of the City Council of the City of Washburn, . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board, of Supervisors assembled this 29Lh day of July, 1968, pause in their deliberations..and in silence respect the memory of Arthur A. Anderson, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be made a part of _the permanent records of Bayfield County, and that a certified copy hereof be provided by -the County Clerk to Mrs. Arthur A. Anderson. Bennie R. Rude Alvin E. Bratley Peter H. Hanson Moved by Rude and seconded by Howell to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 11 WHEREAS, our Creator, The Lord Almighty, has called from our midst George E. Leino Bayfield County Forestry Administrator, and, WHEREAS, George E. Leino was employed by Bayfield County continuously since 1936 except during the period he served in the armed forces of our country, and WHEREAS, during most of the time of his employment he served in the capacity of Forestry Administrator of Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, during his administration thousands of acres of unproductive forest I _. July -29,- 1968-__ ___ -- -- - - land in Bayfield County has been reforested, some of the lands already producing forest products, and WHEREAS, we recognize that due to the efforts of George.-.E. Leino, much has been done to make Bayfield County.a more. attractive and more productive county to live in, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled this 29th day of July, 1968, pause in their deliberations.and in silence respect the memory of George E. Leino,'and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution be made a part of the permanent _1 records of Bayfield County, and that a certified copy hereof be provided by the County Clerk to Mrs. George E. Leino. George Sampson Committee Chairman. Moved by Sampson and seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Pursuant to the three foregoing resolutions the Board. paused.. in their delibera- tions for one minute and in silence respected the memories..of Herman Hanson, Arthur A. Anderson and George Leino. At 2:00 P.M. members of the Washburn Hospital Association appeared at the meeting. Mr. Richard Olson, Sr.. introduced the.following: Dr. John Telford, Staff Physician, John J. Blahnik, Hospital Administrator, Donald Terry and Joseph Homan, Finance Committee, Vincent Smith and°Henry Malinoski, Building & Grounds Committee, Pershing Kurschner, Personnel Committee, John Maitland, Accountant, Robert -Spears, Attorney, - Elizabeth Hawkes, Attorney, L. E. Shaughnessy, Jr., representing the Shaughnessy & Co. Inc. Investment Securities firm of St. Paul, Minnesota. Mr. Olson next gave a resume of the history of the Washburn Hospital and the need for construction of new facilities. He related to the Board the attempts that have been made by the Hospital Association to take care of financing through various Federal Agencies. All attempts to secure financing have to date been unsuccessful. Mr. Olson, assisted by L. E. Shaughnessy, next explained to the Board the Hospital Association's proposal for county financing to construct a hospital. -According to the proposal the county would float a bond issue of approximately $700,000.00 to finance construction of a hospital and then lease the hospital to the Washburn Hospital Association. The Association.would pay an annual amount for rental sufficient to amorti e the indebtedness. The hospital would contribute approximately $100,000.00 in cash toward the project together with approximately $100,000.00 worth of equipment. Title to the hospital would remain in the name of Bayfield County until the in- debtedness incurred by the county would be paid in full. After the final payment of the debt the title to the hospital.would be transferred to the Washburn Hospital Association Several other members of the Hospital Association spoke on the matter and numerous questions were asked by the Board members. July•2991968 A Motion was made by Sampson and seconded by Stuart to refer the hospital matter to the Executive Committee for further study, said committee to report back at the a September meeting. � aQ It was suggested a vote by ballot be taken on the foregoing motion. The chair appointed Moniza and Meierotto as tellers. �} The result of the ballot was as follows: 10 against the foregoing motion, 9 in favor of the foregoing motion and 1 defective ballot. Motion lost. A motion'was made by Moniza and seconded by Bratley that the County.Board continue working with the Hospital Association towards the building of a new hospital. This motion was carried. The following Communication was read: No. 12 May 17, 1968 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: The State Geographic Advisory Council at its meeting held on April 1, 1968, in Madison, approved the following names for features in Bayfield County pending approval of the Bayfield County Board: Half Moon take Not: Mill Pond Lake, Mill Pond Location: take 1/2 mile ESE of Iron River, Sections 8 and 17, Township 47 North, Range 8 West, Town of Iron River (Iron Lake Quad.) Requested: Charles J. Willoughby, Duluth, Minnesota, and.V. L. Rockwell, Union Grove, Wisconsin, both landowners. Mount Telemark Not officially named Location: Mount 2 miles SE of Cable, Wisconsin, Sections 21 and 28, Township 43 North, Range 7 West, Town of Cable (Namakagon- Hayward Quad.) Requested: Anthony Wise, Hayward, Wisconsin, President of the Telemark Phantom Lake Company. Not: Pantheon Location: Lake in the SW/, Section 6, 11 miles NNW of Village of Drummond, Township 46 North, Range 7 West (Drummond Quad.) Requested: Department of Natural Resources for name clarification use in Southwest Lake mapping and Wisconsin Lakes booklet. Not: South Lake Location: Lake located in Section 31, Township 44 North, Range 6 West (Grandview & Namakagon Lake Quad.) Requested: Department'of Natural Resources to clarify name for mapping and Wisconsin Lakes booklet. July 29, 1968 ay We would like you to take. action at your next County Board meeting so that we -may proceed with the processing of the names through the U. S. Board on Geographic Names. Unless we receive a report on your Board's action before August 19 1968, or a valid reason why no action was taken, we must consider our action.as meeting with your approval and will submit the names to the U: S. Board on Geographic Names accord- ingly. Very truly yours., Joseph P. Corbin,, Secretary State Geographic Advisory Council Moved by Sampson and seconded by Mammoser to approve the names as recommended in the foregoing communication. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: No. 13 June 10, 1968 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: In the process of bringing our files up to date the names forfeatures in Bayfield County listed on the attachment were sent to the U. S. Board on Geographic Names for their consideration. The names were approved as listed by the U. S. Board for official standard use. This is for your information. Very truly yours, Joseph P. Corbin, Secretary State Geographic Advisory Council BUSKEY BAY - Bayfield County (Not Buskey lake, Lake Buskey or Buscay Bay) GN Location: Sec. 21, 289 T. 47 N., R. 8 W. Approved: State Geo. Bd. - Feb. 26, 1943 - County Board Nov. 10, 1943 U. S. Board - LAKE LOUISE - NEy NW/4 - Bayfield County Location: Sec. 10, T 47 N., R. 6 W. Approved by: Geo. Bd. - October 25, 1939 - U. S. Bd. - Co. Bd. --Unnecessary LAKE MILLICENT - Bayfield County (Not Pike) Location: Sec. 21, 22, 27, 28, T.-47 N., R. 8 W. Approved: State Board - Feb. 26, 1943 - County Bd. - Nov. 10, 1943 U. S. Bd. - GN GN July 29, 1968 IN) LAKE R - Bayfield County - Unnamed lake Location: SW NW NW SW Sec. 7, T. 47 N., R. 7 W. (Iron Lake Quad.) Requested: Fred L. Jacobson, 53 Downing Road, Peabody, Massachusetts Approved by: State Geog. Bd. - 4-2-62 County Board - # U. S. Board - Moved by Sampson and seconded by Bratley to receive and place on file the foregoing communication. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read; No. 14 WHEREAS, John Fisher, Iron River, Wisconsin, has made application to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors for the repurchase of Lots 15 to 211inclusive, Block 4, Pettingill's First Addition to Iron River, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, for the de- linquent taxes, interest and penalties accrued against said description, and WHEREAS, Said property was taken by tax deed by Bayfield County within five years of this date, and WHEREAS, Said John Fisher has presented adequate proof to be filed with the Bayfield County Clerk that all of the remaining heirs to said property relinquish their in- terest therein to the said John Fisher, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Clerk is hereby authorized to re -convey said property to John Fisher, one of the heirs of the former owner of said property for the accrued delinquent taxes, interest and penalties in accordance with the usual procedures for reconveying tax deeded properties. George Moniza George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth William Stuart Moved by Moniz a and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No 15 WHEREAS, the Town of Kelly, Bayfield County, has made application through the County Clerk's office, to purchase a parcel of land in the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, (NE/4 SW/), Section thirty three (33), Township forty-six (46) North, Range five ( 5 ) West, and WHEREAS, the Town of Kelly has indicated that the Town needs the above describ- ed property for a garbage disposal site, and WHEREAS, the consideration as agreed to by the Town of Kelly would be the amount of taxes plus interest, the need for and the consideration both shown on the resolution adopted by the Town of Kelly attached herewith, and - July 29, 1968 - - -- v i R WHEREAS., the Executive Committee of the County Board has considered the request, and ._-'ta.Y+t.Yro.=��7�nr��ie�a�a'Ya���1a^_a.eY6.uut��.r�na=a e��Aa._�<.:.r a.��t��ra.r_'� .�.r=.�•.�wL ..Ch�..�r��}...:;..: $.C.rr'in�.: rs�.3r�rc �g=x WHEREAS, C Committeehas recommended that the request be granted pursuant to certain conditions, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Bayfield County sell to the Town of Kelly the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, (NE/ SW/), North of Right of Way, Section thirty-three (33). Township forty six (46); North, Range five (5)-West, providing that the Town of Kelly gets approval from the proper state department for use of the property as a garbage disposal site, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the consideration be the amount of taxes plus in- terest and other charges as normally calculated by the County Treasurer. Respectfully submitted by: William Stuart The following resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Kelly being attached to the above resolution. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the town board of Town of Kelly purchase the north part of NEY4 SWY,-Section 33, T. 46 N., R. 5 W., for the amount of taxes plus interest-. dump. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the land be used for the sole purpose of a garbage 0 Vernon A. Johnson Ronald R. Hellstrom Edward M. Salamon Town Board - Town of Kelly Moved by Stuart and,seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 16, WHEREAS, The office of Bayfield County Forest Administrator is now vacant, and WHEREAS, It is necessary, in the interest of Bayfield County, to fill said vacancy at an early date, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Forestry Committee is hereby authorized and directed to accept applications for said position, to screen said applicants as to qualifications and to submit to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors the names. of three. of the.most qualified applicants in the judgment of said Forestry Committee for selection by said Board of one of said three applicants to fill said position of Bayfield County Forest Administrator, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the event that there are fewer than.three applicants for said position, that the names of all of the applicants be submitted to said Board of supervisors for such selection. George Sampson Axel Lehto Walter Wasmuth Ray C. Kyle Raymond J. Mammoser `. - July- 29 .1968= - Moved by Sampson and seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read:' No. 17 WHEREAS, Bayfield County now compensates its supervisors on a per diem, mileage 0 and expense basis, and WHEREAS, No recent study has been made or policy established by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in reference to said compensation, and WHEREAS, It is deemed in the interests of Bayfield County to make such a study and to formulate a policy in reference to the payment of per diem, mileage and ex- penses to said Board members in reference to duties and assignments as may be made from time to time, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board Chairman be and he is hereby authorized and directed to appoint a committee from the membership at large of said Board of Supervisors to make a study of the present policies of the County in reference to payment of per diem, mileage and expenses to County Board members in reference to their duties and assignments and to make recommendations to this Board for changes in, and additions to, said policy as such committee may.find to be in the interests of Bayfield County. George Moniza George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth William Stuart Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 18, RESOLVED, That the gift by Carter H. Leslie and Dorothy W. Leslie, his wife of 140 Arlington Avenue, Elmhurst, Illinois (60126) of a parcel of land containing approx- imately 1.58 acres in Government Lot Twelve (12), Section Twenty (20), Township Forty- four (44) North, Range Five (5) West, and having -frontage on Atkins Lake of 233.42 feet, be accepted and the parcel dedicated to the public use, and that the County Clerk be authorized and directed to make suitable acknowledgment of said gift. George Moniz a George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth William Stuart Moved by Sampson and seconded by Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. l - July_ 29, - 1968 The following Resolution was read: No. 19 WHEREAS, The County of Bayfield has been notified that it is -'a member of a class of claimants in an action commenced by the State ofWisconsinto recover damages from United States Steel Corporation, Paper, Calmenson & Co., St. Paul Foundry & Manufactur- ing Co. (now the Maxson Corporation), St. Paul Structural Steel Company, Crown Iron Works Company, and The Hustad Company, resulting from an alleged conspiracy to allo- cate sales of structural steel and to refrain from competition, and WHEREAS, The determination has been made that aforesaid governmental entity has purchased steel directly or indirectly from the corporations named during the period specified in the complaint, to -wit, approximately January 1, 1949 to approximately February 10, 1964, and are thereby entitled to assert a claim to recover damages sus- tained as a result of such conspiracy, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Clerk of Bayfield County be directed to prepare and assert such claim and that he be and hereby is authorized to complete and mail the necessary claim forms and to take such other action or steps..as.may be necessary in the premises. George Moniza George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth William Stuart Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Moniza to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 20 WHEREAS, on November 18, 1931, the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors authoriz- ed and instructed the County Clerk to issue deeds to the School Board of the City of 10 Washburn for Lots One (1) to Thirteen (13) and Seventeen (17) to Thirty-two (32), Block Ninety-nine (99), Lots One (1) to Thirty-two (32), Block One Hundred Three (103) and Lots One (1) to Eight (8), Block One Hundred Ten (110), "for the purpose of teaching and instructing.pupils of the schools of the City of Washburn in -Forestry and that the above -described lands will be used for the purpose of planting trees"., and WHEREAS, it has become impracticable to plant more trees on the tract because of t Z growth of existing timber, and WHEREAS, such lands have now become generally encircled by a developed residential area, and V v. WHEREAS, numerous inquiries have been received as to the availability of such lands for building sites, the City of Washburn requiring construction within two (2) years after sale, thereof would place the property on the tax roll and shortly add to the value of the City and County for tax purposes, BE IT RESOLVED, that any restrictions imposed by the Resolution of November 18, 1931 above mentioned, be and the same are hereby stricken® Introduced by: Bennie R. Rude, Supervisor Moved by Heglund and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. - -- July_ -2-9_, . 1968 .- The following Resolution was read: No. 21 WHEREAS, Title to the Southwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter (SW/w of SW/a), Section Eighteen (18), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, was taken by Bayfield County by tax deed and thereafter placed under the Forest Crop Law, and WHEREAS, Said premises were, at the time of the taking of the aforesaid tax deed, occupied by Harold Munson and family, and WHEREAS, It is now in the interests of Bayfield County to require said family to vacate said premises, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County District Attorney is here- by authorized and directed to contact said Harold Munson family and request the voluntary removal of said family from said premises and in the event of failure to comply with such request, that the necessary legal action be taken by said District Attorney to effect such removal. George Moniza George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth William Stuart Moved by Sampson and seconded by Kyle to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried® The following Resolution was read: No. 22 WHEREAS, Section 59.07 (2) (d) of the Wisconsin Statutes relates to the bond- ing of County officers and employees, and WHEREAS, Said Section provides`in part as follows: "any number of officers, department heads or employees not otherwise required by Statute to furnish an official bond may be combined in a schedule or blanket bond or contract of insurance", and WHEREAS, Said provision of said Statute prohibits Counties from bonding certain officers, department heads and employees under a blanket or schedule bond, and WHEREAS, It is deemed desirable that Counties should have the option of -includ- ing all officers, department heads and employees under a blanket or schedule bond for the purpose of providing protection for the County and the public against loss or damage resulting from the act, neglect or default of such persons, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,- That the Wisconsin County Board's Association at its September, 1968 meeting be requested to adopt a resolution recommending the amendment of the aforesaid Statutory provision to provide that all County officers, department heads and employees, at the option of the County, may be included in a blanket or schedule bond for the purpose of protecting the County and public from loss or damage resulting from the act, neglect or default of said persons, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Clerk is hereby authorized.and directed to prepare a resolution in proper form to be submitted to said County Board's Association and presented -to its members at the said September, 1968 meeting, recommend- ing such Statutory change® George Moniza George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth William , Stuart - ---July �.29_, 1968 - ---- - x v k Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read:, No. 23 The Common Council -of the City of Washburn, meeting at regular session this 8Lh day of July, 1968, do resolve as follows: ,WHEREAS, Bayfield County is considering a comprehensive amendment to its present zoning ordinance, and WHEREAS, the proposed comprehensive amendment contains provisions which would discourage and retard development of Bayfield County, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board be urged to reject the comprehensive amendment in its current form, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a substitute amendment to the Ordinance be drafted which will permit the orderly development of property in Bayfield County. FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be directed to transmit to the County Clerk of Bayfield County a copy of this Resolution. (SEAL of the city of Washburn) Subscribed and sworn before me this 9th day of July, 1968. Thomas K. Peterson, Notary Public Bayfield County Commission Expiration Date 4 - 4 - 71 Certified Correct: W. 0. Lowe, Washburn City Clerk (Notarial seal) Moved by Rude and seconded by Mammoser to refer the foregoing Re-s.o-lution to - the Zoning Committee. Motion Carried. The following Petition was read: No. 24 The undersigned residents and land owners in the Town of Drummond, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, hereby petition the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wis- consin, to enact or amend existing County ordinances to further regulate the sub- division of water front lands in the said Town of Drummond or the entire County, as the said Board may deem fit and proper to promote public health, safety, general welfare and to further the orderly layout and use of water front lands and in said enactment or amendment to provide that no sub -division of water front lands shall be made that shall contain less -than 150 contiguous feet of frontage on any lake, stream, river or other body of water and that said minimum lot or parcel width shall extend back from the shore line of such body of water not less than 150 feet from the waters edge, with such further provisions or conditions as may be necessary to carry out the intent of this petition. NAME ADDRESS DATE Nancy Benson Drummond, Wis. 7/10/68 Elmer H. Ahlvin Drummond, Wis. 7/17/68 July 29, 1968 NAME Frances H. B. Thompson Richard A. Quam Stanley W. York Otto Huddleston John S. Owen Mary F. Owen Phyllis G. Stratton Frederick P. Stratton Joe T. Stratton Claude Scheibe W. L. Christ .arson-' Harold A. Lee Vinnette E. Bass Grace D. Lee Roland Benson Franklin Pierce John Yarley, Jr. E. R. Peterson Janet E. Lee James 0. Lee ADDRESS: Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Box 55 Drummond, Wis. Box 55 Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Harold A. Lee DATE 7/17/68 7/17/68 7/17/68 7/19/68 6/11/68 6/11/68 6/18/68 6/18/68 6/20/68 6/21/68 6/28/68 6/28/68 6/28/68 6/28/68 6/28/68 6/28/68 6/28/68 6/28/68 6/28/68 6/28/68 Drummond, Wisconsin Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of July, 1968. (Notarial Seal) r NAME Samuel C.-Johnson J. Wm. Batten John E. Erskine Nora Peterson Notary Public, Bayfield County State of Wisconsin My commission expires 1/4/1970 M. E. Erskine - John E. Erskine as Attorney in fact Karen Johnson Keland Gordon R. Walker Frank H. Miller, Jr. R. B. ? H. F. Johnson Gerry Will Betty Nordby William T. Will Paul C. Tychsen Walter G. Nordby William F. Owen Re ? C ? Michael Gartner ADDRESS 16 Vincennes Circle Racine 3030 Michigan Blvd. Racine, Wis. Lake Owen, Drummond, Wis. 1505 Valley View Dr. Racine, Wis. Lake Owen, Drummond, Wis. 1425 Valley View Dr. Racine 4825 Lighthouse Drive 115 Eldorado Drive 119 - 11Lh St. Racine, Wis. Lighthouse Drive Drummond, Wisc. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wisc. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. Drummond, Wis. DATE June 11, 68 June 13, 1968 18 June 1968 18 June 1968 20 June 1968 1 July 1968 July 2, 1968 July 10/68 July 14/68 7/3/68 7/3/68 7/3/68 7/4/68 7/11/68 7/12/68 7/14/68 7/16/68 Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Bratley to refer the foregoing Petition to the Zoning Committee. Notion Carried. July 29, 1968- - -- The following Communication was read: No. 25 July 24, 1968 To Whom it may concerns For the purpose of redeeming the estate of John Peacock located in the Buffalo Sub -Division, Block #5, Lot #8 T hereby request that the lot and dwelling be turngd back to the remaining heirs for the back taxes and interest. Sincerely Eugene G. Peacock P. 0. Box 564 Duluth, Minn. .55801 Moved by Moniza and seconded by Sampson to refer the foregoing communication to the District Attorney. Motion Carried. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Moniza to adjourn. Motion Carried. Walter C. BarninghamyUounty Board Chairman I- --� -Z �S Edward A. Pajal , County Clerk