HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 10/29/1968October 29, 1968 RE -CONVENED MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The meeting was called to order at 9:30 A.M. by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman. The following members answered roll call: No. 1 Ray Kyle, Thomas E. Rondeau, Raymond J. Mammoser, Wm. A. Stuart, Ernest Nelson, Ernest Heglund, George Moniza, Louis J. Brost, Sanfred Anderson, Axel Lehto, George Howell, Sampson, Kenneth/ Bertyl Nelson, Wm. Celinsky, Arthur Meierotto, Edwin; Erickson, Walter Wasmuth, Alvin Bratley, Peter Hanson, Bennie Rude, Walter Barningham - Total 21. A motion was made by Moniza and seconded by Lehto to dispense with the reading of the last County Board Minutes. Motion Carried. The purpose of this meeting was to consider and hear the Project Report for an Addition and.Alterations to the Bayfield County Administration Building prepared by Mr. Robert Novack, Architect. Mr. Novack was allowed the floor and first introduced Mr. Robert Bean and Mr. Allan Hill, representing Bean, Gilmore and Hill, Inc., Consulting Engineers of Duluth, Minnesota„& Mr. Alvin T. Nygaard, Wisconsin Department of Health & Social Services, Division of Correction, Madison, Wisconsin. Mr. Novack then presented his Project Report, a copy of which had been handed to each County Board member, together with sketches of the three proposed plans. Mr. Nygaard explained the structual inadequacies of the present jail building. Mr. Bean and Mr. Hill made remarks with reference to the electrical and heating problems in the old Court House building. After a lengthy discussion, a question and answer period took place. This was discontinued to take up another matter. A large framed photograph of Mr. George Leino was presented to the county. Mr. George Sampson, Chairman of the Forestry Committee together with the committee members delegated Mr. Walter Wasmuth to procure this photograph for the county as a memorial to Mr. Leino who dedicated most of his life to Forestry in Bayfield County. A report on Mr. Leino's administration with the Forestry Department was also handed to each member of the County Board. October 29, 1968 I � Q 144" O MOTION - No. 2 A motion was made by Mr. Rondeau and seconded by Mr. Celinsky to delay action on the jail project by the County Board until the November meeting. Motion Carried. MOTION - No. 3 Another motion was made by Mr. Rondeau and seconded by Meierotto to delegate the obtain information on the method of financing Finance Committee to/jgx7 Z mxzmx x XQixXf the proposed construction of a jail and to report such findings at the November meeting. Motion Carried. a Moved by Erickson and seconded by Wasmuth to adjourn for lunch.' Motion Carried. The meeting was called to order at 1:30 P.M. by Walter C. Barningham, County r Board Chairman. The following members answered roll call: No. 4 Kyle, Rondeau, Mammoser, Stuart, E. Nelson, Heglund, Moniza, Brost, Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Howell, B. Nelson, Celinsky, Meierotto,'Erickson, Wasmuth, Bratley, Hanson, Rude, Barningham - Total 21. The following Resolution was read: No. 5 Relating to the Election by Bayfield County, Wisconsin, To Become a Covered Employer as to its Highway Department under Wisconsin's Unemployment Compensation Law - Ch. 108, Wis. Stats. RESOLVED, by the County Board of 'Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, that, pursuant to Section 108.62 (4) (f) of the Wisconsin Statutes, the County of Bayfield not otherwise covered by Wisconsin's Unemployment Compensation Law, does hereby elect to become an employer under said Law (Chapter 108 of the Wisconsin Statutes) as to all of the County's Highway'Department employes not expressly excluded by said Chapter 108; RESOLVED, that said election shall take effect as follows: (1) Benefit credits shall accrue to any County Highway Department employe for any week of his employment (if not expressly excluded by section 108.02 (5) ) by the County ended after January 1, 1968'and (2) Benefits shall become payable to any such County employe, based on such employment, for any week of his unemployment (if he is otherwise eligible) ended after June 30, 1968; RESOLVED, that in accordance with section 108.15 (8) (b) of the Wisconsin Statutes;. the Highway Commissioner of Bayfield County is hereby designated as the County Officer responsible for filing the required benefit reports; AND RESOLVED, that Bayfield County hereby requests the approval of this election by the Department of Industry, Labor and Human Relations. I October 29,, 1968 A motion to adopt the above resolution was duly made by Walter Wasmuth, and' seconded by Bennie Rude. Motion passed October 29, 1968: ayes 21, noes 0, absent 0. To the Wisconsin Department of Industry, Labor and Human Walter Wasmuth Raymond J. Mammoser Relations Ernest.Heglund Bertyl Nelson State of Wisconsin ) ) ss County of Bayfield ) I, Edward A. Pajala, County Clerk of Bayfield County, and custodian of the official records of said County do hereby certify that the above resolution by the County Board of the County of Bayfield, relating to the County's election to become a covered employer under Chapter 108 of the Wisconsin Statutes (Wisconsin's Unemployment Compensation Law) was duly adopted by said Board at its regular meeting on October 29, 1968, and becomes effective on Jan. 1, 1968. I further certify that said copy has been compared by me with the original on file in the office of the County Clerk and that it is a true copy thereof, and of the whole of such original. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of Bayfield County, this 29 day of October, 1968. (Bayfield County Seal) Edward A. Pajala County Clerk Bayfield County, Wisconsin Moved by Wasmuth and seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing Resolution. A roll call vote on the foregoing Resolution was as follows: Ayes - Kyle, Rondeau, Mammoser, Stuart, E. Nelson, Heglund, Moniza, Brost, Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Howell, B. Nelson, Celinsky, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth, Bratley, Hanson, Rude, Barningham, Nayes - none Ayes - 21 Nayes - 0 Total - 21 Motion carried unanimously The following Petition was read: No. 6 TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: The Town of Pratt, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, petitions the above said Board to convey to the Town of Pratt by Order of the Board, a parcel of land located in the unincorporated Village of Grandview, Wisconsin, which is a part of the Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter (SW/ of NW/), Section Twenty-two (22) and a part of the Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter (SE/ of NE/) of Section Twenty-one (21), all in township Forty-five (45) North, Range Six (6) West, said parcel being more particul- arly described in Volume 141 of Deeds, page• 524, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and that said parcel of land be conveyed to said Town of Pratt at a consideration to be determined by the Board. This petition further shows that the said Town of Pratt has, by motion duly made�and recorded, dedicated said property for the use and benefit of the Grandview Volunteer Fire Department., Dated this 28th day of October, 1968. TOWN OF PRATT By Howard Sibbald, Clerk. October 29, 1968 Moved by Sampson and seconded by Stuart to receive the foregoing Petition and place on file. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 7 WHEREAS, The Town of Pratt, Bayfield County,,Wisconsin, has petitioned the Bay - field County Board of Supervisors to have transferred from said Bayfield County to said Town of Pratt a parcel of land located in the unincorporated Village of Grandview, Wisconsin, which is a part of the Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter (SWY4 of NW/4), Section Twenty-two (22) and a part of the Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter (SE14 of NE/4) of Section Twenty-one (21), all in Township Forty-five (45 ) North, Range Six (6) West, said parcel being more particularly described in Volume 141 of Deeds, page 524, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and WHEREAS, The said Town of Pratt has complied with the requirements for such transfer and it is deemed in the interest of Bayfield County to grant said petition, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the aforesaid parcel of land be conveyed by Bayfield County to the said Town of Pratt for a consideration equal to all of the outstanding real estate taxes., interest and penalties charged against said description, together with such real estate taxes, penalties and interest as may be accrued to date had said parcel been continued on the tax roll over the period of time the same has been owned by Bayfield County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to issue and deliver such a deed to the said Town of Pratt upon receipt of the consideration as herein set forth. Ray C. Kyle Moved by Sampson and seconded by Stuart to refer the foregoing Resolution to the Executive Committee with power to act. Motion Carried. The following Petition and Resolution was read: No. 8 TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: WHEREAS, The Village of Mason, Bayfield County, Wisconsin has, by the Resolution adopted by a two-thirds majority of all the members of the Village Board, elected to become subject to all of the provisions of Section 81.38 (6) of the Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS, A certified copy of said Resolution is attached hereto for filing with the County Board of said Bayfield County, NOW THEREFORE, The said Village of Mason, by its duly elected Clerk, hereby petitions the County Board of said Bayfield County to approve said petition and to make the said Village of Mason subject to the provisions of said Statute. Dated this 28th day of October, 1968. VILLAGE OF MASON BY John Gotsky, Clerk RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Village of Mason, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, has been, subject to the provisions of Section 81.38 (6) of the Wisconsin Statutes, for a period of years, paying a tax thereunder as a contribution to the County bridge aid fund, and 39 October . 2-9_, _1968 - ._ _ WHEREAS, Said Village of Mason has not been officially made subject to said bridge aid Statute by action of the Village Board and the Bayfield County Board, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Village of Mason hereby elects to become subject to the provisions of Section 81.38 (6) of the Wisconsin Statutes and directs the Clerk of the said Village of Mason to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the County Board of Bayfield County and to the Clerk thereof. A motion to adopt the above Resolution was made by Ernest Nelson and seconded by Bernhardt Hogstrom. Motion passed October 28th, 1968; ayes 2, noes 0, absent 1. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) ss. COUNTY OF BAYFIELD ) I, John Gotsky, Clerk of the Village of Mason, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and custodian of the official records of said Village, do hereby certify that the above Resolution by the Village Board of said.Village of Mason, relating to the Village election to become subject to the bridge aid Statute, Section 81.38 (6) of the Wis— consin Statutes was duly adopted by said Village on the 28th day of October, 1968, and became effective on the .29th day of October, 1968. I further certify that said copy has been compared by me with the original on file in the office of the Village Clerk and that it is a true copy thereof, and of the whole of such original. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 28th day of October, 1968. (Seal of the Village o-f Mason) J. L. Gotsky, Village Clerk Village of Mason Bayfield County, Wisconsin. Mr. Robert Ledin, District Attorney, made a few remarks of explanation on the foregoing Petition and Resolution before action was taken on same, Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Meierotto to receive and place on file the foregoing Petition and Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 9 WHEREAS, The Village of Mason, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, has elected to become subject to the bridge aid program as provided by Section 81.38 (6) of the Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS, A certified copy of the resolution of said Village of,Mason electing to become subject to such bridge aid program is now on file with the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, and WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable and in the interest of Bayfield County to approve such election by the said Village of Mason to become subject to said bridge aid program under the provisions of Section 81.38 (6) of the Wisconsin Statutes, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the election of the Village of Mason, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, to become subject to the bridge aid program under Section 81.38 (6) of the Wisconsin Statutes, is hereby approved. A motion to adopt the above resolution was duly made by George Moniza and seconded by Bennie Rude. Motion passed October 29, 1968: ayes 21, noes 0, absent 0. Ernest Nelson - October 29, 1968 - V �v(1 Moved by Moniza and seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing Resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing Resolution as follows: Ayes - Kyle, Rondeau, Mammoser, Stuart, E. Nelson, Heglund, Moniza, Brost, Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Howell, B. Nelson, Celinsky, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth, Bratley, Hanson, Rude, Barningham Nayes - none Ayes - 21 Nayes - 0 Total - 21 Motion Carried. The following Petition was read; No. 10 TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: The petition of the Village of Mason, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, respectfully shows that said Village has taken official action to construct a culvert within the Village limits of said ,Village of Mason and located in the unplatted part of said Village in a part of the Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter ( SW%4 .of SE/) , Section Twenty-five (25), Township Forty-six (46) North, Range Six (6) West, lying westerly of White River and northerly of Main Street, as the same is extended from the platted part of said Village to White River, Bayfield County, Wisconsin; that the said Village of Mason hereby applies to the Board`of Supervisors of Bayfield County for aid in the construc- tion of said culvert under the provisions of Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Petitioner further shows that the cost of said culvert is estimated at Three Thousand Thirty-one Dollars and Twenty-four cents ($3,031.24), petition being made to the said Board of Supervisors by the said Village of Mason for a contribution to the cost of construction of said culvert in an amount as determined by the provisions of said Section 81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Dated this 28th day of October, 1968. VILLAGE OF MASON By John Gotsky, Clerk. Moved by Stuart and seconded by Howell to receive and place on file the foregoing Petition. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 11 WHEREAS, The Village of Mason, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, is subject to the bridge aid program under Section 81.38 (6) of the Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS, Said Village has filed a petition with the Bayfield County Board of Sup- ervisors for bridge aid for the construction of a culvert within the Village limits of said Village of Mason at a total cost of Three Thousand Thirty-one Dollars and Twenty-four Cents ($3,031.24), and WHEREAS, Said Village of Mason is entitled to receive a contribution toward the .cost of construction of said culvert from the County bridge aid fund, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, -That the said petition of the Village of Mason for bridge aid, as hereinabove set forth, is granted and Bayfield County shall pay to said Village of Mason such contribution toward the construction of said culvert from the bridge aid fund as is provided for in the formula set forth in Section 81.38 of the J October 29,_ 1968 Wisconsin Statutes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the construction of said culvert shall be under the direction of the Bayfield County Highway Committee and said Village Board as provided in sub -section 4 of the aforementioned Section of the Statutes. Ernest Nelson Moved by E. Nelson and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll -call vote was as follows; No. lla Ayes - Kyle, Rondeau, Mammoser, Stuart, E. Nelson, Heglund, Moniza, Brost, Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Howell, B. Nelson, Celinsky, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth,. Bratley, Hanson, Rude, Barningham - Nayes - none The following Resolution was read: Ayes - 21 Nayes - 0 Total - 21 No. 12 Motion Carried. WHEREAS, Prior to April 17, 1945, Bayfield County was the owner of a parcel of land located in the SWA of the SW/, and Government Lot 4, Section 31, Township 51 North, Range 3 West, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, said parcel being more particularly described in a conveyance recorded in Vol. 127, page 32, Bayfield County, Wisconsin Registry, and including the South 300 feet of Government Lot 4, lying Westerly of Highway 13, Section 319 Township 51 North, Range 3 West, as said parcel is more particularly described in a conveyance recorded in Vol. 178, page 320, Bayfield County, Wisconsin Registry, and WHEREAS, Said Bayfield County was on the 17Lh day of April, 1945, the owner of the above described parcels of land by virtue of a legal and valid tax deed to said Bayfield County conveying unto said Bayfield County the above described parcels of land and other land, said tax deed being recorded in the aforesaid Vol. 127, page 32, Bayfield County, Wisconsin Registry, and WHEREAS, By inadvertence and error in information, the Bayfield County Board by resolution dated April 17, 1945, recorded in Vol. 8, pages 609-610 of the Bayfield County records on file in the office of the Bayfield County Clerk, purported to can- cel the aforesaid tax deed as it pertained to the above described parcels of land, and WHEREAS, Said resolution hereinabove referred to is 6n record in Vol. 148 of Deeds, page 77, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and may constitute a cloud on the title to the above described parcels of land, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County has actually continued to own said parcels of land under claim of title by said tax deed and said parcels were not thereafter placed on the tax roll nor was any other claim made to said parcels of land other than the claim of said Bayfield County, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the foregoing resolution dated April 17, 1945, and recorded in Vol. 148 of Deeds, page 77, Bayfield County, Wisconsin Registry, be and the same is hereby corrected to conform to the facts and to exclude the two parcels of land hereinabove described in such a manner that said resolution dated April 17, 1945 shall have no effect whatsoever on the title to the above described. parcels of land. George Moniza William A. Stuart Bennie R`. Rude George Sampson Walter Wasmuth - - -- ---- — - - ------------- -------—October 291- 1968 — --- -- -- ------ ----- Moved by Moniza and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Communication was read: Edward A. Pajala County Clerk,,- Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin No. 13 October' 1; 1968 Re: Lots 1 - 10 Incl. Block 24 ` DuPont Park Addition to City of Washburn Dear Mr. Pajala: In reference to your letter of June 27, 1968, inquiring about the above specified property, I -can advise you that the minutes of the Bayfield County Highway Committee for August 14, 1968, state as follows: "The Washburn gravel pit was discussed and unanimously agreed to.allow sale of Block 24 in the DuPont Park Addition". Very truly yours, Dale A. Brevak Highway Commissioner Moved by Stuart and seconded by Sampson to receive and place the foregoing communication on file. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 14 WHEREAS, Lots 1 through 10 inclusive, Block 24, DuPont Park Addition to the City of Washburn has been set aside as a County gravel pit, and WHEREAS, it now appears that said lots are not suitable for use as a gravel pit, and WHEREAS, an offer has been made to purchase said lots, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that any restrictions previously made on the sale of said lots be removed and the Sales Committee of the County Board be authorized to sell said lots through the usual procedure. SIGNED: George Moniza Moved by Sampson and seconded by E. Nelson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. MOTION - No. 15 Moved by Celinsky and seconded by B. Nelson to increase the amount of the County Conservation Aid Project for the payment of bounties from $3.,000.00 to $4,000.00. Motion Carried; 13, - ---- ----- - -- --- ----- -- - - - - --- --- -- ----October 29.9 .-1968 . MOTION - 16 Moved by Moniza and seconded by Lehto to instruct the County Clerk to the cost of apportion/the County Bridge Aid to. the various taxing districts as provided by Sec.'81.38 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Motion Carried. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Stuart to adjourn. Motion Carried. Walter C. Barningham, Coin Board Chairman. Edward A. Pajal , County Clerk.