HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 11/12/1968November 12, 1968 �s ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The meeting was called to order at 9:30 A.M. by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman. The following members answered roll call: No. 1 Ray Kyle, Thomas E. Rondeau, Raymond J. Mammoser, William A. Stuart, Ernest Nelson, Ernest Heglund, George Moniza, Louis J. Brost, Sanfred Anderson, Axel Lehto, George Sampson, Kenneth C. Howell, Bertyl R. Nelson, William Celinsky, Arthur Meierotto, Edwin M. Erickson, Walter Wasmuth, Alvin E. Bratley, Peter Hanson, Bennie R. Rude, Walter C. Barningham, Total - 21 present. A motion was made by Moniza and seconded by Heglund to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the October 29th meeting. Motion Carried. The following application was read: No. 2 Washburn, Wisconsin Nov. 8, 1968 To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County, Wisconsin Gentlemen: I wish to submit my application for appointment as Bayfield County Highway Commissioner. I have served Bayfield County as Highway Commissioner since January, 1968. My workin your Highway Department during this time has added a great deal to my knowl- edge of State Highway procedures, and has given me a better understanding of County Highway problems. Thank you for considering my application. Very truly yours, Dale A. Brevak Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Stuart to receive and place on file the fore- going application. Motion Carried. MOTION No. 2a Moved by Sampson and seconded by Howell to elect Dale Brevak as County Highway Commissioner. Motion Carried. The next order of business.was the election of a Highway Committee. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Lehto to recess for five minutes to discuss the election of.a Highway Committee. Motion Carried. M�S November 12, 1968 Nominations for Highway Committee were as follows: District #1 Ed. Erickson nominated Walter Wasmuth as a member of the Highway Committee from District #1. A motion was made and seconded to close nominations. Motion Carried. Moved by Rude and seconded by'B. Nelson instructing the Clerk to cast a unanimous ballot for Mr. Wasmuth as a member of the Highway Committee from District #1. Motion Carried. The Clerk cast the ballot as directed and the chair declared Mr. Wasmuth elected as a member of the Highway Committee from District #1. District #2.' Bennie Rude nominated Kenneth Howell as a member of the Highway Committee from District #2. Moved by Sampson and seconded by Rude to close nominations. Motion Carried. Moved by E. Nelson and seconded by Rondeau to instruct the clerk to cast a unanimous ballot for Mr. Howell as a member of the Highway Committee from District #2. Motion Carried. The clerk cast the ballot as directed and the chair declared Mr. Howell elected as a member of the Highway Committee representing District #2. District #3. William Stuart nominated Ernest Heglund as a member of the Highway Committee from District #3. Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Stuart to close nominations. Motion Carried. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Howell to instruct the clerk to cast a unani- mous ballot for Mr. Heglund as a member of the Highway Committee from District #3. Motion Carried. The clerk cast the ballot as directed and the chair declared Mr. Heglund elected as a member of the Highway Committee representing District #3. District #4. Mr. Rondeau nominated Raymond J. Mammoser as a member of the Highway Committee to represent District #4. Moved by B. Nelson and seconded by Sampson to close nominations. Motion Carried. Moved by Celinsky and seconded by Moniz a instructing the clerk to cast a unanimous ballot for Mr. Mammoser as a member of the Highway Committee representing District #4. The clerk cast the ballot as directed and the chair declared Mr. Mammoser elected as a member of the Highway Committee from District #4. District #5. Mr. Brost nominated Bertyl Nelson as a member of the Highway Committee represent- ing District #5. Moved by Celinsky and seconded by Hanson to close nominations, and. -instructing, the clerk to cast a unanimous ballot for Mr. Nelson as a member of the Highway Committee representing District #5. Motion Carried. The clerk cast the ballot as directed and the chair declared Mr. Nelson elected as a member of the Highway Committee representing District #5. M� November 12, 1968 The following Communication was read: No. 3 STATE OF WISCONSIN - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION September 24, 1968 TO: COUNTY CLERKS - SUBJECT: Estimated Highway ALLOTMENTS for 1969 County Trunk Highway System Pursuant to Section 84.01(18), Wisconsin Statutes, you are hereby notified of the following estimated allotments to be paid your county from funds becoming avail- able in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969. S.. 83...10, estimated basic allotment for the County Trunk Highway System (to be paid on June 30, 1969) $ 649600.00 Supplemental allotments to supplement the basic allotment for the County Trunk Highway System: S. 20.395 (4xg) Supplemental Aid S. 20.395'(4xm) Supplemental Aid (Fuel Tax) Total for County Trunk Highway System $ 144,400.00 68,700.00 213,100.00 $ 277,700.00 Pursuant to legislation enacted in 1957, the payment of the 1969 supplemental aids under Sections 20.395 (2xb,. 4xg) and (2sd, 4xm) will be made in two installments. The first installment, equal to one-half of the 1968 allotment under those sections, will be paid on April 15, 1969 The remainder will be paid as soon as practical after June 30, 1969. The above estimates are tentative. The total actual allotments will not be known until after the close of the fiscal year on June 30, 1969. You were notified by our letter of March 29, 1968, of the estimated 1969 State Trunk Highway Allotment under Section 84.-03(3'), the allocation of which has been completed. Sincerely, V, L. Fiedler, Secretary Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Sampson to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion Carried, The following Resolution was read: No. 4 WHEREAS: A Public Hearing was held in the.High School at Augusta, on Thursday, September 12Lh, 7:30 o'clock P.M. in regard to the re-routing of State Trunk Highway 1127" over U.S.H. "12" be.tween Black River Falls and Augusta, WHEREAS: Said re-routing would mean a loss of direct enter -change to S.T.H. 1127" and corridor from East of Osseo to Augusta, for North Bound traffic on State Trunk Highway "27" into our Northern area from the g y present built Interstate Highway I 1 k WHEREAS: Experience.has already shown that traffic is going to use and does use all Interstate Highways as much as possible to arrive at their destina-tions, WHEREAS: Three Counties of the State would lose S.T.H. 1127" and when listed as such on a State Highway Map means considerable, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, duly convened at an annual meeting this 12 day of November, 1968, to go on record as November 12, 1968 opposed to any re-routing of State Trunk Highway 1127" between Augusta and Black River Falls, over U.S.H. # 111211, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, to send a copy of this resolution to W. J. Burmeister, State Highway Engineer and Assemblyman Barney Gehrmann, Ed. Gobler, Highway Commission- er for Sawyer County, Nick Gostovich, Highway Commissioner for Rusk County, and Mr. Ernest Korpela, Assemblyman -elect. Recommended by: Walter Wasmuth Ernest Heglund Raymond J. Mammoser Bertyl Nelson Philip Tetzner BAYFIELD COUNTY HIGHWAY COMMITTEE Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 5 WHEREAS, the NWY4-SWY/ of Section 9, T. 47 N., R. 8 W., located on the south side of U. S. Highway No. 2 in Bayfield County, Wisconsin,. is owned by Bayfield County, and, WHEREAS, the State of Wis.consin, Department of Transportation, Division of High- ways, desires to expand an existing wayside park on a portion of such county -owned land, Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County Wisconsin, in a regular session assembled this 12 day of November, 1968, do hereby dedicate for easement, the following described land for wayside park purposes: The west 300.0' of that part of the NW%4-SWY/4, Section 9, T. 47 N., R. 8 W., lying south of U. S. Highway No. 2, containing 1.9 acres more or less, exclusive of lands previously acquired or now used for highway purposes. Be It Further Resolved, that the Bayfield County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to draw up the proper easement'to the State of Wisconsin for the herein described land. Resolution Presented by: Walter Wasmuth Raymond J. Mammoser Ernest Heglund Bertyl Nelson Philip E. Tetzner Bayfield County Highway Committee Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Brost to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Moved by Mammoser and Seconded by Moniza to refer the foregoing Resolution to the Forestry Committee. Motion Carried. 49 1 November 12, 1968 J TYe following Resolution was read: No. 6 (Resolution #1, County Memorial Hospital) INITIAL RESOLUTION FOR ISSUANCE OF $6509000.009 BAYFIELD COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL BONDS BE IT RESOLVED, By the County:Board of Supervisors of the County -of Bayfield, Wisconsin, that it is in the interest of Bayfield County and the people of, said County that the said County of Bayfield issue its general obligation bonds in an amount not exceeding $650,000.00, for the purpose of providing for and paying .the costs of con- struction of a County Memorial Hospital, under the provisions of Sections-45.05, 45.055 and other pertinent Sections of the Wisconsin Statutes. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman William Stuart George Sampson W. C. Barningham Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth Moved by Moniza and seconded by Erickson to adopt the foregoing Resolution® Moved by Bratley and seconded by Celinsky that a roll call vote --:be taken on the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. Mr. Pickert of the Washburn Hospital Association brought the County Board members up to date on procedures that have taken place since the last county board meeting and the naming of the hospital. Dr. Stanley of Ashland, Wisconsin made a plea for one hospital in the area and stated that medical needs would be best served throught one area hospital. Dr. Jauquet of Ashland, Wisconsin also addressed the Board and pointed out the advantages of a larger area hospital. Mr. Gary Halverson, from the State Board of Health at Madison, touched on the total needs of the area and the present available.facilities. Communications were read from Gladys Kendall, Public Health Nurse and Edith Nolander, Bayfield County Rest Home Administrator$ as shown under No. 6b. A motion was then made and seconded to adjourn for lunch. Motion Carried. The meeting w*s called to order at 1:30 P.M. by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman. The following members answered roll call: No. 6a Kyle, Rondeau, Mammoser, Stuart, E. Nelson, Heglund, Moniza, Brost, Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Howell, B. Nelson, Celinsky, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth, Bratley, Hanson, Rude, Barningham - Total 21a. 50 --November 12,__1968_ The following communications with reference to a new Memorial Hospital were read: No. 6b November 12, 1968 Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Bayfield County Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Gentlemen: I understand that there is a proposal to build a new hospital in the City of Washburn as a memorial to the servicemen of all wars from Bayfield County who gave their lives for their country. In support of the proposal for a new hospital I wish to state that as Veterans Service Officer I have used the Washburn Hospital for our veterans in every possible way and.wi.th the new facilities that are proposed it certainly should be a step forward to better the service already rendered. I am proud of the service that the veterans from Bayfield County get at the local hospital. This service is available night and day and it is a great asset to my department to know that we have such a good facility available for our use. I further understand that if the new hospital is to be built the present hos- pital will be us$d perhaps for a nursing home which is badly needed, not. only for veterans, but.for the elderly people of our county. Presently I have three veterans that should be in a nursing home instead of in a rest home. But the problem is where are we to send them when there are no beds available. _This is becoming an ever -increasing -need for our people as the years pass along. Any favorable consideration that.you may give to this new hospital in memory of our servicemen will be greatly appreciated. November 8, 1968 Executive Committee Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: Yours very truly Thomas E. Anderson Veterans Service Officer I would like to present my thoughts in regard to a new Memorial Hospital in the Washburn area. The greatest health need at present in our county is more beds for those patients needing extended or custodial care. The waiting list is growing steadily. A new hospital would free the.: present building for this purpose, representing more em- ployment and wages to the community. A small, modern hospital will always have a place for screening purposes and care of the moderately ill patient. This is a selling point for -the community when tourists, either summer or winter, find their needs met with friendly, personal treatment. If Bayfield County loses its hospital in planning for a single, large hospital in the. Ashland area, it will mean a hardship for the northern half of the county since they must travel twice as far for the care.they need. I_ feel the South Shore _.. area would turn to Superior and Duluth. At present we have good coverage of our health needs for the Indians in Red November 1211968 Cliff but I question if they would make the effort to get into Ashland since trans- portation is always a problem. As your county nurse, I can anticipate a hardship for my programs for we would lose the direction of a resident medical advisor. Clinics for school children would be dependent on a doctor to staff them from the Ashland area. Can you anticipate the doctor being freely available to the needs of the County Rest Home if he must travel from Ashland? Would you like to see the area druggists depart and be replaced -by novelty shops as has happened in Iron Rivers Let°s solve our needs locally for the next decade and be able to listen calmly to plans. of comprehensive area health planning for the dim future. Sincerely, (Mrs.)Gladys Kendall, R. N. Bayfield County Nurse November 11, 1968 Honorable Members Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Gentlemen: As a concerned resident of Bayfield County, I am most interested in keeping a hospital in the City of Washburn. .As the Administrator of Bayfield County Rest Home, which is located in the City of Washburn, I am deeply concerned. We have had the best of relations with the Washburn Hospital. It has been most convenient to have the hospital close at hand. All x-rays and laboratory work, when ordered by the physician, can'be done promptly and conveniently. We have been able to call on them.to help us with many of our problems. It.would create a hardship not only for the residents of the R-ast Home; but the personnel as well., if we did not have a hospital in the city. Respectfully, Edith M. Nolander, R. N. Superintendent Bayfield County Rest Home Resolution No. 6 was again read for the benefit of the board members® Roll call vote on Resolution No. 6 was as follows: No. 6c Ayes - Kyle, Mammoser, Stuart, E. Nelson, Moniza, Brost, Anderson,°--Lehto, Sampson, Howell, B. Nelson, Celinsky, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth, Bratley, Hanson, Rude., Barningham Nayes - Rondeau, Heglund Ayes - 19 Naye s - 2 Total - 21. MOTION CARRIED. 2 �� 4 .November 12, 1968 `J The following Resolution was read; No. 7 ( Resolution #2, County Memorial Hospital ) RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE BAYFIELD COUNTY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL AND AUTHORIZING THE PLANNING•AND OPERATION OF SAID HOSPITAL BE IT RESOLVED, By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors as follows: 1. That it is found and determined necessary, expedient and feasible that the Board of Supervisors hereby establish the Bayfield County Memorial Hospital, Inc., as authorized by Wisconsin Statutes 45.05 and 45.055. 2. That the County hereby accept the contribution of the following described site in the City of Washburn for the location of said hospital: W/z S6 SW/ NW/4 of Section 33, in Township 49 North, Range 4 West. 3. That the County issue its general obligation bonds in the amount of $650,000.00 to pay a portion of the costs of construction, and that the County accept a cash con- tribution from the Bayfield County Memorial Hospital, Inc., in the amount of $100,000.00 for the purpose of paying the balance of the costs of construction of said hospital. 4. That the County Executive Committee enter into a lease and operating agreement with the Bayfield County Memorial Hospital, Inc., in substantially the form attached hereto, said lease to,become effective upon the County entering firm construction con- tracts for the building. 5. That the County Board hereby authorizes the Executive Committee of said Board to employ architects and do such other acts as may be necessary in the planning and development of said Memorial Hospital and that said Committee is hereby authorized and empowered to delegate such duties and responsibilities therein to the directors and officers of the Bayfield County Memorial Hospital, Inc., as may be permitted by law. THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman William Stuart George Sampson W. C. Barningham Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth (Lease and Operating Agreement referred to in above Resolution on file) (in the office of Bayfield County Clerk. ) Moved by Sampson and seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. MOTION. 7b. Moved by Mammoser andseconded by Sampson to resolve the County Board into a Committee of the whole for the purpose of a hearing on the Budget. Motion Carried. There were no appearances. �xo�k�xSkx��x�tx�etx���x��x�x�xx &1%Fm=a&x=XRMXMKb1ffXxk9ftx Moved by Moniza and seconded by Sampson to adjourn as a committee of the whole and re -convene as a County Board. Motion Carried. Mr. Jerome Merkel, a Trustee of the Bayfield County Rest Home appeared before the JBoard and made his annual report on the operation of the Bayfield County Rest Home. November 12, 1968 The following Communication and proposed 1969 Budget for the Bayfield County Rest Home was presented: Finance Committee Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Gentlemen: No. 8 October 10, 1968 On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Bayfield County Rest Home, I submit the following budget estimates for the year 1969. BAYFIELD COUNTY REST HOME PROPOSED BUDGET - 1969 1968 Bude t Administration Respectfully submitted, Edith M. Nolander, R. N. Superintendent 1969 Proposed Budget Salaries $ 69300.00 79500.00 Supplies 300.00 350.00 Telephone 300.00 300.00 Incidental Labor Cost 179100.00 337850.00 Travel 475.00 650.00 Miscellaneous 800.00 11500.00 Dep t. Total $ 252275.00 $ 442150.00 Care of Patients Dietary Salaries $ 11,000.00 $ 137400.00 Food 14,500.00 14,000.00 Dishes & Utensils 200.00 250.00 Dietary Supplies 900.00 19000.00 Medical Salaries 1,170.00 17000.00 Drugs 29500.00 2,500.00 Medical Supplies 1,000.00 192.00.00 Physical Therapy - - 400.00 Patient Care Salaries 629000.00 65,000.00 Clothing 100.00 100.00 Recreation 200.00 200.00 Pers. Services & Supplies 100.00 100.00 Dep t. Total $ 93,670.00 $ 992150.00 Household & ProDert Maid Salaries $ 6,500.00 $ 6,500.00 Bedding 600.00 600.00 Household Supplies 19000.00 1,400.00 Laundry Salaries 79000.00 79500.00 Laundry Supplies 950.00 19200.00 Plant Salaries 1,900.00 19950.00 Fuel 3,000.00 39000.00 Elect., Water & Sewer 29400.00 39000.00 Plant Supplies 600.00 600.00 Maintenance Salaries 1,900.00 19950.00 Building Supplies & Expense 300.00 500.00 Ground Supplies & Expense 250.00 250.00 Dep t. Total $ 262400.00 $ 28,450.00 Prepayments Insurance $ 1,000.00 $ 11200.00 Contingency Salaries - - 5,000.00 Outlay General $ 2,735.00 $ 14,685.00 Grand Total $ 1492080.00 $ 1922635.00 Estimated receipts for 1969: $1829000.00 November 12, 1968 Moved by Moniza and seconded by Rude to receive the foregoing Budget and place on file. Motion Carried. - The next order of business was on the construction of a new jail and addition to the Court House. Mr. Robert Novak, Architect reviewed the three proposed plans which had been presented at a previous meeting of the County Board. A motion was made by Rude and seconded by Mammoser to vote on a plan for the jail and addition to the Court House by ballot. Motion Carried. The chair appointed Rondeau and Moniza as tellers. The result of the first ballot was follows: Plan #1 - 14 Plan #2 - 6 Plan #3 - 1 Total 21 Plan #1 Carried. A motion was made by Kyle and seconded by Sampson authorizing Mr. Novak to continue with preparations of working plans and specifications for construction of a jail and addition to the Court House as proposed in Plan #1. Motion Carried. The following board members indicated that they wished to have the record show that they voted in opposition.to Plan #1: William Celinsky, Walter Barningham, Arthur Meierotto, Thomas Rondeau, Kenneth Howell and Axel Lehto. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Erickson to adjourn. Motion Carried. November.l3,, 1968 The meeting was called to order at 9:30 A.M. by Walter C., Barningham, County Board Chairman. The following members answered roll call: No. 9 Ray Kyle, Thomas E. Rondeau, Raymond J. Mammoser, William A. Stuart, Ernest Nelson, Ernest Heglund, George Moniza, Louis J. Brost, Sanfred Anderson, Axel Lehto, George Sampson, Kenneth C. Howell, Bertyl R. Nelson, William Celinsky, Arthur Meierotto, Edwin M. Erickson, Walter Wasmuth, Alvin E. Bratley; Peter Hanson, Bennie R. Rude, Walter C. Barningham - Total 21. MOTION - No. 10 Moved by Sampson and seconded by Lehto to receive and place on file the Forestry Budget. Motion Carried. MOTION - No. 11 Moved by Moniza and seconded by Rondeau that all department budgets filed with the County Clerk be received and placed on file. Motion Carried. MOTION - No. 12 Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Sampson that the various individual department budgets i4e- received and placed on file by the County Board should not be printed in the record or published in order to save publication costs. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 13 RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, meeting in regular session this 13 day of November, 1968, that the County of Bayfield make the following exchange with the Town of Bayview: The County of Bayfield to deed to the Town of Bayview the South' Half of the Southwest Quarter (Syz-SW/4) and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE/-SWY) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Forty-nine (49) North, Range Five (5) West in - exchange for the South Half of the Southeast Quarter (S)6 SE/4) and the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE�/4 SW/4) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Forty- nine (49) North, Range Five (5) West which the Town of Bayview will deed to Bayfield County. K. C. Howell, Chrm. Town of Bayview Moved by Howell and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Lost. November 13_,_ 19.68_ .v The following Communication was'reade No. 14 November 8, 1968 BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. BAYFIELD COUNTY COURTHOUSE WASHBURN, WISCONSIN 54891 Gentlemen: I am hereby submitting a request for an appropriation of $750.00. to the County Veterans Service Commission fund for the year of 1969. As of January 1, 1968 we had a balance of $$1348.27 in the fund and our expenses so far this year have totaled $$226.39 leaving a balance of $1121.88 in the account. An itemized statement of our account is enclosed, Our expenses have been down this year because the economy of the county has con - tinned to be good. But it is hard to know just when we will have an emergency. There- fore, we have requested an addition of $750.00 for such emergencies. Your consideration on this request will be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Gentlemen: Yours very truly Thomas E. Anderson Executive Secretary Veterans Service Commission Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Moniza to receive and place on file the fore- going communication. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 15 SUPPORTING RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT for ECONOMIC GROWTH & COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, The U. S. Department of Agriculture designated a Northern Great Lakes Region in 1962 and began redirecting the agencies' programs to better meet the needs of the people in the Region; and .WHEREAS, The Food and Agriculture Act of 1962, Section 102, Public Law 87-703, pro- vided a source of assistance to local communities by authorizing the.Secretary of Agri- culture to assist local sponsors in developing and carrying out plans for Resource -Con- servation and Development Projects; and WHEREAS, The Public Works and Development Act of 1965 authorized the Department of Commerce to designate an Upper Great Lakes Economic Development Region and to create an Upper Great Lakes Regional Commission through which the federal government, in cooperati with the State, could assist in the economic development of the Region; and WHEREAS, The Wisconsin Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts has a •Northern'Great Lakes Region Committee with responsibilities to promote and guide pro- grams, projects and other efforts needed to improve the economic and social development for people and communities in the Region; and WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Soil and Water Conservation District, in cooperation (with neighboring districts, has evaluated the resources and projected potential develop- Iment which could contribute to the economic growth and development of the county; and WHEREAS, The objectives of these authorities and organizations are to help people 1help themselves to better their economic and social conditions and make their communities 57 November 13, _1968 better places to live; and. WHEREAS, There is a need for an organized and directed approach to implementing some of these developments with technical and financial assistance as may be available regardless of the source; and WHEREAS, The Bayfield County governing board is vitally interested in the develop- ment and growth of the county and the well being of its citizens; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED By The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors that full endorsement is given to the Bayfield County Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisors and other committees of the county board, and,the NGLR Committee of the Wisconsin Association of SW.CD°S in their efforts and activities related to the use and development of natural and social resources for the growth and development of the citizens, communities and the county. Respectfully submitted this 12Lh day of November of 1968. BAYFIELD COUNTY SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT SUPERVISORS. William Stuart William Celinsky Ernest Heglund Walt Barningham Art Meierotto Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Stuart and seconded by Meierotto to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 16 WHEREAS, The County Budget is made up about fourteen months in advance of the closing date of accounts, and WHEREAS, there are occasions when due to unforseen expenditures over -runs will occur in department budgets, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Clerk, County Treasurer and the County Board Chairman be and they are hereby authorized to expend additional county funds in such amounts as may be necessary to cover said budget deficiencies. Signed: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman William Stuart W. C. Barningham George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth Moved by Moniza and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read; No. 17 RESOLUTION DESIGNATING PUBLIC DEPOSITORY AND AUTHORIZING WITHDRAWAL OF COUNTY, CITY, VILLAGE, TOWN OR SCHOOL DISTRICT MONEYS Resolved, that the following banking institutions: All'Banks in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, qualified as public depositories under Chapter 34 of the Wisconsin Statutes, 15 November 13, 1968 ed shall be and are hereby designat,. until further action, as public depositories for all public moneys .coming. into the hands of the treasurer of the County of Bayfield, State of Wisconsin. Resolved Further that withdrawal or disbursement from any one of the above named depositories shall.be only by order check, as provided in Section 66.042 of the Wisconsir Statutes; that in accordance therewith all order checks shall be signed by the follow- ing persons: Edward A. Pajala, Clerk, Nick Pristash, Treasurer, and countersigned by Walter C. Barningham, County.Board Chairman, or their successors in office, and shall be so honored. Resolved Further, that in lieu of their personal signature(s), the following facsi- mile signatures, which have been.adopted by them as below shown Walter C. Barningham Chairman Walter C. Barningham Edward A. Pajala Chairman Clerk Edward A. Pajala Nick Pristash Clerk Treasurer may be affixed on such order check(s); that any one of the above named depositories shall be fully warranted and protected in making payment on any order check bearing such facsimile(s) notwithstanding that the same may have been placed thereon without the authority of the designated person or persons. Further Resolved, that a certified copy of this resolution shall be delivered to each of the above named depositories, and said depositories may rely on this resolution until changed by lawful resolution and a certified copy of such resolution has been given to the cashier of the respective above named depositories. Signed: George Moniza This is to Certify; that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly and legally adopted by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at a legal meeting . held on the 13Lh day of November, 1968. Date November 13, 1968. (Signed) Edward A. Pajala, Clerk Moved by Mammoser and seconded by E. Nelson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 18 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That Bayfield County purchase the excess delinquent tax accounts of the various taxing districts for the tax of 1964. Signed: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman William Stuart W. C. Barningham George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth Moved by Sampson and seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. November 13, 1968 The following Resolution was read: No. 19 WHEREAS, Certain committees of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors have been subject to an abnormal work load due to unforeseen circumstances, and WHEREAS, County Board Committees are limited by Statute as to the number of meet— ings per year, and WHEREAS, Certain committees of the Board of Supervisors have been required to hold meetings in excess of those provided by Statute, NOW'THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That all meetings of committees of the Board of Supervisors held during the year 1968 to this date be and the same are hereby approved, including those held in excess of the statutory limit. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED', that all County Board Committee members be authorized to attend and be paid the regular per diem and mileage for as many committee meetings as necessary for the balance of the year of 1968 as provided by Sec. 59.06 (2)(a)(b). Signed: George Moniza William Stuart W. C. Barningham George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth Moved by Sampson and seconded by E. Nelson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 20 WHEREAS, it appears advisable to take tax deeds on the Sale of 1964, THEREFORE BE,IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County'Clerk and''the County Treasurer be authorized and''directed to take tax deeds on'the Sale of 1964 by the IN REM procedure under 'Section 75.521. Signed:' EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman William Stuart W. C. Barningham George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth Moved by Stuart and seconded by Erickson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 21 WHEREAS it may be necessary to make short term loans in order to meet payrolls and other obligations including current and ordinary expenses within the next year. THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County in Annual Session assembled this 13 day of November 1968, that the Chairman of the County Board, the County Clerk and the County Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to make short term loans in the amount not exceeding $50,000.00 in the aggregate, if in their opinion it.should be to the County's interest to make such loan or loans. Signed: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman William Stuart W. C. Barningham George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth November 13, 1968 Moved by Sampson and seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 22 BE IT RESOLVED by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors assembled in annual session this 13 day of November 19689. that the County Board Chairman, County Hlgnway Committee and County Highway Commissioner, are hereby authorized to attend State Road Schools, conventions and/or other -road meetings, and that their per diem and expense be paid from the County Highway Administration Fund. Recommended by: Walter Wasmuth Raymond J. Mammoser Ernest Heglund Bertyl Nelson Philip E. Tetzner Bayfield County Highway Committee er Moved by Sampson:- and seconded by Mammos,Ato adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 23 PURCHASE OF HIGHWAY EQUIPMENT - BAYFIELD COUNTY WHEREAS for the construction and maintenance of highways, including the removal and control of snow and ice, it becomes necessary from time to time to purchase equipk. - went, the nature of and necessity for which cannot be accurately anticipated. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Committee is hereby authorized, pursuant to Section 83.015(2) of the Statutes, to purchase without further authority, and to the extent that revolving funds accumulated for such purpose or appropriations made for such purpose are available, such highway equipment as they deem necessary to properly carry on the work, and to trade or sell such old equipment as may be consider- ed to be for the best interests of the county; Resolution Presented By: Walter Wasmuth Raymond J. Mammoser Ernest Heglund Bertyl Nelson Philip'E. Tetzner Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 24 PROVIDING FOR THE ADVANCE OR TRANSFER OF CONSTRUCTION FUNDS IN BAYFIELD COUNTY WHEREAS Section 84.03(5), Wisconsin Statutes, provides that the State Highway Commission and County Board, or a County Highway Committee when authorized by the County Board, may agree upon the.advance of one or more future years' allotments for such county under Section 84.03(3), to be expended on selected improvements on state trunk highways or connecting streets within such county to the .extent so agreed, and November 13., 1968 t WHEREAS occasions frequently arise when it is necessary or desirable to provide for the advance, allocation, or transfer of construction funds to or between previously authorized or additional needed construction improvements on state trunk highways or connecting streets in this county. . THEREFORE, in order to provide for promptly making available the funds necessary for such improvements and to avoid the delay and expense incident to calling a ---special meeting of this board for such purpose, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby petitioned to advance pursuant to Section 84.03(5), Wisconsin Statutes, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway Committee of this county, which said Committee is hereby authorized to file, such sums as may be required and are not otherwise available for any such previously authorized or additional needed construction,improve- ments in this county, with the understanding that the amounts thus advanced wil-1 be deducted from future state allotments for state trunk highway construction in this county under Section 84.03(3) of the Statutes, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the State Highway Commission be and is hereby peti- tioned, upon the filing of a request therefor by the County Highway Committee of this county, which said Committee is hereby authorized to file, to transfer to or between any such previously authorized or additional needed construction improvements in this county, any funds allotted by the State under the provisions of Section 84.03(3), Wisconsin Statutes, and previously allocated to any other improvement or remaining unallocated in.reserve. Resolution presented by: Walter Wasmuth Raymond J. Mammoser Ernest Heglund Bertyl Nelson Philip E. Tetzner Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Wasmuth to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. t The following Resolution was reads . No. 25 WHEREAS, it may become necessary to print new Bayffield County Plat Books in 1969 due to depletion of the current supply, NOW .THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Executive Committee be authorized to call for bids for printing new plat books in 1969 if the need arises, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a sum sufficient be transferred from the contingency fund to •the maps -and plat books fund when necessary, to pay for same. (Signed) . I EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman William Stuart W. C. Barningham George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth Moved by Rude and seconded by Erickson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. November 13, 1968 MOTION - 26 Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Hanson authorizing the County Clerk to dispose of the old plat books at $1.00.each excepting the preceding to the current book shall be sold at half price. Motion Carried. The Tri-County Home Health Agency report on the Budget was given by Bennie R. Rude. Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Erickson to adjourn for lunch. Motion Carried. The meeting was.called to order at 1:30 P.M.-by-W. C. Barningham, County Board Chairman. The following members answered roll call: No. 27 Kyle, Rondeau, Mammoser, Stuart, E. Nelson, Heglund, Moniza, Brost, Anderson, Lehto; Sampson, Howell, B. Nelson, Celinsky, Meierotto,, Erickson, Wasmuth, Bratley, Hanson, Rude, Barningham - Total 21. The following Resolution was read.; No. 28 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has placed under the Forest Crop Law the following described property, to -wit: The South one-half of the Northeast (quarter (SJ6 of the NE/4) Section Nine (9), Township Fifty-one (51) North, Range Four (4) West, and WHEREAS, Said lands are suitable for a use higher than that of producing forest products, and WHEREAS, Said property could be sold and used as improved property resulting in a higher type use and tax return to the public, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Clerk is hereby directed to make application to.the Conservation Commission for the withdrawal of said lands from the Forest Crop Law under the provisions of Chapter 77 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and to do such other acts as may be necessary to carry out the intents and purposes of this resolution, to permit said property to be withdrawn from said Forest Crop Law and offered for sale.to the public under usual County procedures. Art Meierotto Moved by,Meierotto and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote was as follows: No. 28a Ayes - Kyle, Rondeau, Mammoser, Stuart, E. Nelson, Heglund, :Brost, Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Howell, B. Nelson, Celinsky, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth, Bratley, Hanson, Rude, Barningham Nayes - none; 1 absent Ayes - 20 Nayes - 0 Total - 20 Motion Carried. November 13, 1968 The following Communication was read: No. 29 21 October 1968 Bayf ield County Board of Supervisors Court House Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Attention: Finance Committee Gentlemen: Your representatives to the North Central Guidance Clinic Board have already reported to you our budget request of eight thousand dollars for 1969. They have asked me to reinforce this request by a formal written statement. As you know, 1968 has found us with a severe shortage of staff caused by the resignation of Mrs. Shelton in May to accept employment at the Chippewa County Mental Health Clinic. The ever increasing cost of contracting such professionally trained people is borne out by our recent unsuccessful attempt to hire a Chief Psychiatric Social Worker. Obviously, it is only through the addition of these personnel that the clinic will be able to adequately service our five county area - both in the clinic proper as well as at the local level. Hopefully, with adequate staff, this local level service will be expanded to include at least part-time units to help overcome some.of our geographic problems. There remains the unavoidable consequence of increasing salar- ies, the increasing burden of more costly retirement and social security programs. These also strain our seriously taxed budget. All county board members as well as various professional and citizen's groups have copies of our annual report. Some of your board members, however, have expressed interest in added help in presenting the clinic's problems to their respective county boards. Therefore, it is appropriate to reiterate our willingness to appear at county board and/or finance committee meetings to answer questions concerning clinic functions, budgeting, etc. Both of our present clinic staff, Dr. Mercer and Mr. Murray, as well as myself as board chairman, are available for such appearances. Your request may be directed to the North Central Guidance Clinic at 682-2382 or to my office at 682-6622. Hoping you will feel free to contact me or the clinic staff regarding any questions you may have, I remain, Respectfully, A. A. Koeller, M. D. Board Chairman North Central Guidance Clinic Moved by Moniza and seconded by Brost to receive the foregoing Communication and place on file. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 30 WHEREAS, the present rate of mileage paid to county employees using their own automobiles on county business is 8¢ per mile, and WHEREAS said amount of 8¢ per mile is considered inadequate due to increased cost of operating automobiles, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that employees of Bayf field County using their a 1 automobiles for county business be paid for use of same at the rate of 100 per mile effective Jan. 1, 1969, Signed: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman Peter Hanson Bertyl Nelson Alvin E. Bratley K. C. Howell November.13, 1968 Moved-.by.Moniza and seconded by Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 31 WHEREAS, it is often necessary for several county board members or other county employees to ride together to meetings or conferences outside of the county, and WHEREAS, under the present policy only the owner of the automobile being used is paid mileage, and WHEREAS, the personnel committee is of the opinion that due to increased cost of transporting additional passengers, some additional expense allowance should be made to the owner of the automobile used, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that when additional passengers are transported outside of the county on county business an additional allowance of 3¢ per mile per passenger shall be paid to the owner of the automobile used, effective Jan. 1, 1969. Signed: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman Peter Hanson Bertyl Nelson Alvin E. Bratley K. C. Howell - Moved by Mo.niza and seconded by Rude to refer the foregoing Resolution to the District Attorney. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read:. No. 32 WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner of the following described real property, to -wit: Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NWY4 of the NEY/4)9 Section Thirteen (13), Township Forty-four (44) North, Range Eight (8) West, and WHEREAS, The Town of Drummond, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, has requested that said forty acre description be conveyed to the said Town. of -Drummond pursuant to the provisions of Section 75.69 (2) of. the Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS., It is necessary for the said Town of Drummond to dedicate said describ- ed property to a public use prior to the conveyance thereof and to meet other require- ments as set forth by prior resolution of this County Board in reference to the con- veyance of County lands to municipalities within the County, and WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable and in the interest of Bayfield County to cause said conveyance to be made upon compliance by said Town of Drummond with the afore- said requirements, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,,. That the Bayfield County Clerk is authorized and directed to deliver to the said Town of Drummond a quit claim deed conveying the above described premises from Bayfield County to the said Town of Drummond for the appraised value thereof, said conveyance to be contingent however, upon the approval of the Executive Committee and the finding of said Committee that the aforesaid requirements have been complied with by the said Town of Drummond. Thomas E. Rondeau Raymond J. Mammoser - - -NOvembdr-13-, �96-8 - : Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: - No. 33 WHEREAS, The 1968 budget provided a sum of money to be expended by the Forestry Committee for the property purchase known as the former Bay -Land Garage and to make repairs and improvements thereon in a total amount not to exceed $$25,000.00, and WHEREAS, There now remains unexpended of said sum the amount of $63,424.51, and WHEREAS, All of the necessary repairs and improvements could not be made due to a change in administration in the Forestry department, the work load and other factors, .e WHEREAS, Said balance of funds is required to complete the aforesaid repairs and improvements, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the remaining balance in the amount of $63,424.51 of the original sum appropriated for the purchase of said building and the repairs and improvements thereon be carried over into the fiscal year 1969 to be used by said Forestry Committee .for the repairs and improvements of said building as pre- viously provided for by resolution of this Board. George Sampson Raymond J. Mammoser Walter Wasmuth Axel Lehto Moved by Sampson and seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Petition was read: No. 34 TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: The undersigned, Margaret Gustafson, 42 Edwards Drive, Silver Bay, Minnesota, hereby petitions the Bayfield County Board to re -convey to the heirs of Edwin Phillips, the former owner of . the Northeast (quarter of Southeast Quarter (NE/4 of SE/4), Section Thirty-three (33), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, which property has heretofore been conveyed to Bayfield County by virtue of a tax deed taken by said Bayfield County on said property, reconveyance to be made for'a consideration totall- ing all of the delinquent taxes, interest and penalties, together with such taxes, penalties and interest as may have accrued had said description been continued on the tax roll. Dated this 6th day of November, 1968. Margaret Gustafson Moved by Sampson and seconded by E. Nelson to refer the foregoing.Resolution to the Executive Committee for further study. Motion Carried. M November-13, 1968 The following application was read: No. 35 October 23, 1968 To the Executive Committee Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin Gentlemen: I submit my application to audit the Bayfield County records.and books'of account for the year ending December 31, 1968, at a per diem rate of $100.00, $70.00 and $40.00 for senior, semi -senior and junior accountants respectively. It is estimat- ed that the cost of the general county audit will not exceed $3,300.00. In addition to the foregoing, an estimate of $250.00 is made for the 1968 annual state report and an estimate of $200.00 for the 1969 Bayfield County Fair report. The audit will include the records of the General County, Register of Deeds, Clerk of Circuit Court, County Court, Highway Department and County Rest Nome; as in previous examinations .of Bayfield County, and will be completed by October 15, 1969. Respectfully submitted, John H. Maitland Certified Public Accountant Moved -by Sampson and seconded 'by Stuart to accept the foregoing Application. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No.36. WHEREAS,.Ruth Pristash has been classified as Clerk Typist II, in step C of the Classification and Compensation Plan adopted by Bayfield County, and WHEREAS Ruth Pristash is now required to, and is capable of doing the work of Stenographer II, and WHEREAS provisions are made: -in the aforementioned Classification and Compensa- tion Plan for promotions, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Ruth Pristash be classified as Stenographer II, Step D, effective January 1, 1969 and that her salary be adjusted accordingly, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said promotion and subsequent increase in salary includes the general. increase adopted at the September 17, 1968 meeting of the Bayfield County Board. W Signed: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman Peter Hanson Bertyl Nelson Alvin E. Bratley K. C. Howell Moved by Erickson and seconded by Stuart to adopt the -foregoing Resolution. Notion Carried. November 13, The following Resolution was read.: No. -37 WHEREAS, Marcella Holzer has been classified as Stenographer I, in Step B of the Classification and Compensation Plan adopted by Bayfield-County, and WHEREAS, Marcella Holzer is now required to, and is capable of doing the work of Stenographer II, and WHEREAS, provisions are made in the aforementioned Classification and Compensa- tion Plan for promotions, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Marcella Holzer be classified as Stenographer I Step A, effective January 19 1969 and that her salary be adjusted.aecordingly, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said promotion and subsequent increase in salary includes the general increase adopted at the September 17, 1968 meeting of the Bayfield County Board. Signed: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE George Moniza Peter Hanson Bertyl Nelson Alvin E. Bratley K. C. Howell Moved by B. Nelson and seconded by Hanson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: .. No. 38 WHEREAS, Lillian Cleary is at present classified as Forestry Clerk, Step B, of the Bayfield County Classification and Compensation Plan as amended .on April 19, 19679 recorded in County Board Journal.12, Page 61, and WHEREAS, the Forestry Committee of the County Board has recommended that some adjustment should be made:in the salary of Lillian Cleary in addition to the. general ..increase approved by the County Board at the September 17th, 1968 meeting, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Lillian Cleary be classified as Forestry Clerk, -1 Step D, and that her salary be. adjusted accordingly, said increase. to include the .ge.neral increase approved at the September 17th, 1968 meeting, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution become effective January 1, 1969. Signed: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman Peter Hanson Bertyl Nelson Alvin E. Bratley K. C. Howell Moved by Sampson and seconded.by Rude to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 39 WHEREAS, Thomas Anderson, Civil Defense Director and Veteran Service Officer is presently classified in Step B of the Bayfield County Classification and Compensation Plan, and WHEREAS, the County Board at a meeting held on September 17th, 1968 adopted a November 13, 1968 _ resolution granting each county employee covered by the Classification and Compen- sation Plan a 'one step increase, and WHEREAS, it is the opini•on-of the Personnel Committee that Thomas Anderson should receive a two Step increase, NOW THEREFORE•BE IT RESOLVED, that Thomas Anderson be. classified in Step D of the Cl'as`sification and Compensation Plan effective January 1, 1969 Signed: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman. Bertyl Nelson Peter Hanson Alvin E. Bratley K. C. Howell Moved. by B. Nelson and seconded by Kyle, to .adopt . the foregoing Resolution® ,Motion Carried. The following .Resol:uti,on was read: No., 40 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board at the September 17th, 1968 meeting appointed Wm. Hepner'to the position of Assistant Forestry Administrator, and WHEREAS, no action has been taken to date creating anew position of an Assist- ant Forestry Administrator and no salary schedule has been adopted for the said - position, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a new position of an Assistant County Forestry Administrator be created, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, thata salary schedule of- $500.00 - $525:00 - $550.00 - $575.00 - $600.00 per month be established for the said position of Assistant County Forestry Administrator, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Wm. Hepner be classified in Step A of said schedule effective January 1, 1969, said classification and subsequent increase in salary to include the general increase granted by the County Board at the September 17Lh, 1968 meeting® Signed: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman Peter Hanson Bertyl Nelson Alvin E. 8ratley K.i C ® Howell Moved by Sam...psdn,_ and seconded by ':Brost to adopt the foregoing Res.olution. Motion Carried® 70 - - - - - - - ---- - -- -------- -- - --November.13, 1-9-68 - - - The following Resolution was read: No. 41 WHEREAS, the position of the bookkeeper of the.county general records is a position which requires a considerable amount of training,. and. WHEREAS, it is of vital importance to Bayfield County that a trained and qualified bookkeeper be on duty at all timeg and WHEREAS, due to unforseeable circumstances it is very possible that occasions may arise when the regular bookkeeper cannot perform her regular duties, and WHEREAS, it is,also necessary that a training program be started to train a new tax deed clerk that will be qualified to take over the duties of the present tax deed - clerk upon her reaching retirement age, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be authorized to hire another -employee to begin training for the two aforementioned positions, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said trainee be employed- beginning Jan. 1, 1969 or as soon thereafter as available. (signed) PERSONNELL COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman Peter Hanson Bertyl Nelson Alvin E.- Bratley K. C. Howell Moved by B...Nel,son.and seconded by Rude to adopt :the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried.. . The following Application was read: Board of Supervisors Bayf ie ld County Washburn, Wisconsin 54891, Gentlemen: No. 42 October 10, 1968 I have enjoyed my work as a Trustee of the Bayfield County Rest Home for the past three years, and I would appreciate the honor of serving another three years if the County Board so desires. Thank you. Respectfully, Jerome L. Merkel Bayfield, Wisconsin The chair called for nominations for a Trustee for the Bayfield County Rest Home to serve for a period of three years commencing Jan. 1, 1969. Alvin E. Bratley nominated Jerome L., Merkel. Edwin Erickson nominated Ludwig Tranmal. Moved by Bratley and seconded by Howell to close nominations. The chair appointed Rondeau and Moniza as tellers. The result of the first ballot was as follows: Merkel - 9 Tranmal - 12 Total - 21 Motion Carried. The chair declared Mr. Tranmal elected as a Trustee of the Bayfield County Rest Home for a term of three years commencing January 1, 1969. November 13,-1968. ---- -- - ----- -- - The following -Resolution was read: No. 43 WHEREAS, The 1968 budget provided for funds to be expended by the Conservation Committee for the maintenance and improvement of County owned parks, and WHEREAS, All of said appropriated funds have not been expended due to unavoid- able factors, and WHEREAS, It is in the interest of the County to carry over said remaining funds into the year 1969 for expenditures by said Committee for ­park purposes, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the unexpended funds'in'said budget provided for improvement and maintenance of County owned parks for the year 1968 be carried over into the fiscal year 1969 for expenditure by said Committee for said purposes. George Sampson Ray C . Kyle Walter Wasmuth Axel Lehto Moved by Sampson and seconded by Kyle to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion lost'. The following Resolution was read: No. 44 WHEREAS, Bayfield County, through its Board of Supervisors, has undertaken a project to construct a new jail and housing for certain County offices, the.prelimin- ary plan therefor being known as Plan No. 1, on file with the Clerk of said Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, The County has employed an architect to proceed with,said plans and specifications leading to the construction of said building, and WHEREAS, The Executive Committee has been charged with formulating the prelimin- ary plans for said construction project and it is in the interest of the County that said Committee proceed with formulating plans and obtaining specifications necessary for the advertisement for bids for the construction -of said building,., NOW THEREFORE BE. IT RESOLVED, That the Executive Committee of this Board of Super- visors be and it is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the building plans fos said jail and County office building known as Plan No. 1, to work in cooperation with the architect employed by the County and to prepare the advertisement for bids for the construction of said building and to do all acts necessary to carry out the intents and purposes of this resoluti-on, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Committee shall report to all special or regular meetings of the County Board and to develop said building project to a point of adver- tisement for bids as aforesaid not later than the April, 1969 County Board meeting if reasonably possible, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said Executive Committee be and it is hereby authorized to permit the architect to proceed through the necessary steps provided by the contract between Bayfield County and said architect'as the Executive Committee may deem necessary to carry out the purposes of this resolution and to complete plans for the construction of said building to the point of advertisement for bids as aforesaid. George Moniza George Sampson Walter Wasmuth Bennie R. Rude William Stuart November 13, 1968 Moved by Sampson and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 45 WHEREAS, Bayfield County is now a part of the Tri-County Home Health Agency consisting of Bayfield, Ashland and Iron Counties, and WHEREAS, The basis for contribution to the cost of administration of said Home Health Agency by the said counties may not be equitable, and WHEREAS, It may be in the interest of Bayfield County to discontinue its affilia- tion in said Tri-County arrangement, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Health Committee be and it is hereby authorized and empowered to continue the affiliation of Bayfield County in said Tri-County Home Health Agency or in the alternative, if deemed in the best interest of Bayfield County, said Health Committee is hereby granted the authority to discontinue said affiliation with the Tri-County Agency and to establish a Home Health Agency to be operated under.said committee's control as a Bayfield County agency. Bennie R. Rude' Sanfred Anderson Ernest Nelson Louis J. Brost Edwin Erickson Moved by Erickson and seconded by E. Nelson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion • Carried: The following. -Resolution was read: No. 46 WHEREAS, Most higher education is financed by the State, and the new Vocational Districts are financed by the 2 mill tax on property, and WHEREAS, This causes an undue burden on local taxpayers and government and the burden of providing -additional money to continue elementary and high school education, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That we; the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, recommend that the financing of higher education, including vocational schools, be undertaken and controlled by the State of Wisconsin. Bennie R. Rude Edwin Erickson Sanfred Anderson Louis J. Brost Ernest Nelson Moved by Sampson and seconded by Rude to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. 1/ _ Novembe-r 13, 1968 MOTION - No. 47 Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Sampson to send a certified copy of the foregoing Resolution to the Governor, Assemblyman, Senator and to Sam L. Lavine, District Direct- or - Area Vocational, Technical & Adult Education, District #17, 2209 E. 5Lh St., Superior, Wisconsin 54880. Motion Carried. ' The following Resolution was read: ' No. 48 WHEREAS, Bayfield County presently has no well defined policy in reference to the sale of gravel from County owned lands and County owned gravel pits, and WHEREAS, There has been some trespass to County owned lands in reference to the unauthorized removal of gravel from said lands, and WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable that a policy in reference to the sale and re- moval of such gravel from County owned lands and County owned pits be defined by this Board of Supervisors, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Forestry Committee of this Board be and it is hereby directed to make a study of the methods Bay field County might employ to safeguard the interests of the County .in reference to said lands and gravel pits and to assure the County of a fair rate of compensation for the removal of said gravel by municipalities and individuals, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said Committee report back to the County Board at its regular April meeting on the results of said study and to recommend to the County Board at said April meeting a definite proposal for the control of said gravel pits and County owned lands upon which saleable gravel may exist, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That until Bayfield County should adopt regulations concerning,the sale and removal of gravel from County owned lands and pits, that the Forestry Committee shall be and is hereby authorized to do such acts as may be necess- ary to control the removal of gravel from County owned pits and County owned lands to prevent trespass and the removal of such gravel without authorization of said - Committee through its Forestry Administrator, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That until such regulations for the removal and sale of such gravel is formulated by the County Board that said Vorestry Committee shall-ado-pt tentative and reasonable regulations to provide the municipalities within Bayfield County with gravel from said lands and pits as in the judgment of said Forestry Committee is in the interests of Bayfield County and to sell gravel from said pits and lands to private individuals at the going market rate for such gravel as determined by said Committee giving preference in all cases to the municipalities of said Bayfield County, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the aforesaid authority of said Forestry Committee and the Forest Administrator shall continue only until such time as the aforesaid proposed policy is formulated and placed into effect by this Board, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That any resolution.heretofore passed by this Board which may be in conflict with this resolution be and the same is hereby rescinded. George Sampson Raymond J. Mammoser Axel Lehto Walter Wasmuth Moved by Sampson and seconded by Plammoser to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. November 13,_ 1968 The Following Report was read:. No. 49 STATE'OF WISCONSIN ) ) ss. COUNTY OF BAYFIELD ) Robert N. Ledin, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the duly elected and acting District Attorney in and for Bayfield County, Wisconsin; that he was such officer during the years 1967 and 1968; that during the year 1968, no collections were -made by said office as and for fines, forfeitures and other matters relating to criminal or county matters and that all such payments were made direct to the County Court of said Bayfield County, Wisconsin; that there was collected from the period September 1, 1967 through August 31, 1968, on old age assistance liens the sum of $1,591.26, representing Bayfield County's share of ,said collections, all as more fully set forth in the records of -the Department of Public Welfare in and for said Bayfield County, Wisconsin. That this report is made to the County Board of Supervisors at their November meeting, pursuant to the provisions of the Wisconsin Statutes. Robert N. Ledin Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of November, 1968. Irene Sieren, Notary Public, Ashland County, Wis. My commission expires 12/27/70. (Notarial seal) Moved by Moniza and seconded by Brost to receive and place on file the foregoing Report. Igotion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 50 COUNTY AID CONSTRUCTION & MAINTENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 1969 Notice: Section IX on page 4 of this resolution authorizes the County Highway Commission- er, subject to supervision and control by the County Highway Committee, to employ, discharge, suspend, or reinstate county highway personnel,. This change in form was made in 1945 in view of Attorney General's opinions dated March 6 and March 24, 1945. If this form conflicts with any existing general rules or civil service plan, or if the County Board wishes to limit the authority which would be conferred by this pro- vision, the attached form should be appropriately altered in consultation with the District Attorney. Attention is directed to the fact that any action taken by the County Highway Committee in exercising its powers must, to be effective, be recorded in the minutes of the County Highway Committee's meeting. rM - - - - ----November 13 9---1968 - - sev COUNTY AID CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 1969 SECTION I. The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, regul- arly assembled, does hereby ordain that such funds as may be made available to the County for highway work in the year 1969 under the provisions of Section 20.420 and Chapter 83 of the Statutes, -and the additional sums herein appropriated, shall be expended as hereinafter set forth: SECTION II. COUNTY TRUNK HIGHWAY ALLOTMENT. WHEREAS the State Highway Commission has notified the County Clerk that a sum of money estimated to be two hundred seventy thousand seven hundred Dollars ($277,700.00) will become available at the end of the fiscal year under the provisions of Sections 83.10 and 20.420(3)(xg) and (3)(xm) of the Statutes, for the county trunk highway system in the county, but the actual amount will not be known until the close of the fiscal year ending next June 30. BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Committee is authorized and directed to expend the said sum to the extent required to match and supplement Federal aid for construction, right of way, and other costs on any Federal projects located on the county trunk highway system of said county, which are not recovered from Federal funds, and to expend any balance for constructing, repairing, and maintaining such county trunk highway system and the bridges thereon, including snow and ice removal and con- trol, as directed in Section 83.10(1) of the Statutes, and to reimburse the general fund for any expenditures that may be made therefrom pursuant to Section 83.01(6) of the.Statutes. The distribution to such purposes is estimated, but not specifically directed, to be as follows: For construction, maintenance, snow removal, ice prevention and removal on the County Trunk Highway System. SECTION IV. WHEREAS it appears that certain additional highway improvements in .the county are necessary and warranted. BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board does hereby appropriate the following sums for the purpose,hereinafter set forth: For administration, including salaries, per diem, officer and travel expense of the County Highway Committee, the County Highway Commissioner, his clerks and assist- ants not paid from construction or maintenance funds, the sum of Thirty thousand & no/100 Dollars ($30,000.00). SECTION V. WHEREAS appropriations are made herein, in addition to the amounts to be received from the state and available for work in the county under Section 20.420 of the Statutes, BE IT,RESOLVED that the County Board does hereby levy a tax on all of the property in the county to meet such appropriations as follows: For County Aid under Section 83.14, as provided by Section III hereof, the sum of none Dollars ($ - - - ). For the various purposes as set forth in Section IV hereof the sum of Thirty thousand & no/100 Dollars ($30,000.00). SECTION VII. WHEREAS the various highway activities for which provivision is made in this resolution are continuous from year to year, and the exact cost„of any work cannot be known at`the time of making the appropriation therefor, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does hereby direct that any balance remaining in any appropriation for a specific highway improvement after the same shall have been completed may be used by the County Highway Committee to make up any deficit that may occur in any other improvement, which is part of the same item in the county November 13, 1968 budget, for which provision is herein made, and any balances remaining at the end of the year in any highway fund shall remain and be available for the same purpose in the ensuing,year. SECTION VIII. WHEREAS the exact amount of the funds that will become available from the state for .highway purposes in the county under Section 20.420 of the Statutes will not be known until on or after next June 30. BE IT RESOLVED that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to make payments for the purposes for which such funds are to be- used, as hereinbef ore authorized, from any funds in the county treasury that are not required for the pur- poses for which appropriated prior to next August 1, and to reimburse such funds in the county treasury from the sums received under, Section 2.0.420 of the Statutes. SECTION IX. 1-WHEREAS the County Highway Committee and the County Highway Comm- ission'er are charged with the duty and responsibility of carrying out the construc- tion and maintenance of highways for which provision is made, and other related r supervisory and administrative duties, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Highway Commissioner shall have authority to employ, discharge, suspend, or reinstate such personnel as he deems necessary for such, purposes, provided, however that the County Highway Committee may by action recorded in its minutes determine the number of persons to be hired and may also at any time by action so recorded order the County Highway Commissioner to employ, discharge, suspend, or reinstate any such person. The term "personnel" or "person" shall include all patrolmen, laborers, foremen, clerks, stenographers, or other employees necessary to carry on such activities: Presented November 13, 1968 By Walter Wasmuth Raymond J. Mammoser Ernest Heglund T_.. Bertyl Nelson Philip E. Tetzner County Highway Committee Moved by Mammoser and seconded by E. Nelson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. A roll.call vote was taken as follows: No. 50a Ayes - Kyle, Mammoser, Stuart, E. Nelson, Heglund, Moniza, Brost, Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Howell, B. Nelson, Celinsky, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth, Bratley, Hanson, Rude, Barningham, Nayes - none Ayes - 20 Absent - one Nayes - 0 ;J. Total - 20 Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No.51 WHEREAS, The Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors has.examined a report.of the Bayfield County Treasurer setting forth that certain tax certificates now owned by Bayfield County are illegal and void in that said certificates were issued on a tax on exempt property, on property on which there was a double or incorrect description and for other reasons set forth in said Treasurer's report, and WHEREAS, From said examination it has been determined that said report is correct and that said certificates described in said report are illegal and void 77 November 13, 1968 and that the taxes upon which said certificates are based are not justly reassessable, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the amounts of said illegal and void tax certi- ficates be charged back to the respective towns, cities or villages wherein such lands are situated. George Moniza William Stuart George Sampson Bennie R. Rude RE: TAXES OMITTED FROM SALE Walter Wasmuth OF 1968 Del. Tax Allowed charged Description and Year Face of back to Name of reason of of Sale Cert. No. Certificate District Claimant Illegality Town of Iron River Par. in Govt. Lot 2 desc. As follows: the land bounded on S. by platted sub-div. known as Ledin sub -dive on the N. by land now owned by Jerod Day desc. in V. 138 P.636. on the E. by E. line of Govt. Lot 2, on We' by Delta Iron River road -less Par. desc. in V. 167 P. 585 Sec. 28-47-8 1968 515 $ 13.00 $ 13.00 Double Assessment. Town of Iron River Part of NE SE Sec. 10-48-8 1968 497A 57.46 57.46 Illegal Description 70.46 Town of Pilsen SE NW, Sec.4-47-7 1968 913 96 6.40 $ 6.40 Illegal Assessment. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 52 WHEREAS, The Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors has examined a report of the Bayfield County Treasurer setting forth that certain tax -c-erti- ficates now owned by Bayfield County are illegal and void in that said certificates were issued on a tax on exempt property, on property on which there was a double or incorrect description and for other reasons set forth in said Treasurer's report,- and WHEREAS, From said examination it has been determined that said report is correct and that said certificates described in said report are illegal and void and that�the taxes upon which said certificates are based are not justly reassessable, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the amounts of said illegal and void tax certi- ficates be charged back to;the respective towns, cities or villages wherein such lands are situated. George Moniza William Stuart George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth RE: ILLEGAL TAXES November 12, 1968 November 13, 1968 Description and reason of Name of Claimant Illegality Town of Bayview Part of Govt. Lot 3 desc. in Vol. 83 P. 331 Sec. 4-49-4 Illegal description. Town of Delta Double Assessment. Town of Delta Double Assessment. Town of Delta Double Assessment. Double Assessment. Town of Drummond Double Assessment. Year Allowed Del. Tax of Face of charged back Sale Cert.No. Certificate to District 1964 Par. in SE SE W. of river desc. in Vol. 146 P. 93, Sec® 3-46-•8 1962 Par. in SE SE E . of river desc. in V. 146 P. 90 or V.176 P. 370 Sec. 3-46-8 1962 N. 825' less N. 100' of S. 175' of Lot 2 desc. in Vo1.159 P.55; & Par. desc. in V.151 P.351; V.159 P•150; V.159 P.601; V.167' P.215; V.167 P.394 Sec. 27-46-7 1963 Do. 1964 Par. desc. in Vol.167 P.454 of deeds Sec. 33-45-7 Town of Drummond NW SW, Sec. 12-44-8 Paid by owner to Local Treasurer. However, this payment not recorded in Tax Roll, therefore had been carried as delinquent in County Records. 280 $ 7.04� 458 $$ 6.80 459 3.09 418 6.94 460 7.15 23.98. 1963 469 1963 474 Town of Iron River Par. in NW SE desc. in V.147 P.449 Sec.7-47-8 1967 Double Assessment. (Note: This description covers the same des- cription as shown on Plate 244F & desc. in Vol ® 177 P. 522.) Town of Iron River Original Plat of Iron River Lots 7, 8, 9, 10 in Illegal tax. Block 11 1964 Church property. Town of Kelly Double Assessments.. SE SW - N. of Tn. Rd® Sec. 19-46-5 1963 Do. 1964 Do. 1965 Do. 1966 Do. 1967 569 Wn I ' -6-5-4- 741 689 646 645 $ 5.31 6.37 $$ 11.68 $$ 7.04 3.09 6.94 7.15 $$ 23.98 $ 5.31 6.37 $ 11.68 $ 3.71 - $ 3.71 87.46 $ 91.17 $$ Z 07 .76 4.41 10.49 18.64 87.46 $ 91.17 $ 2.07 .76 4.41 10.49 18.64 $ 36.37 79 November 13, 1968 0 Description and reason of Name' of Claimant Illegality Town of Namakagon Par. in Lot 9 aesc. in Vol. 142 P. 532 Sec. 13-43-6 Illegal Description. Town of Russell Par. in Govt. Lot 4 desc. in Vol. 136 State owned. P. 153 Sec. 20-51-3 Year Allowed Del. Ta of Face of charged back Sale Cert.No. Certificate to District 1963 849 $ 3.57 $ 3.57 1964 1366 $ 11.26 11.26 City of Bayfield Lot 20 Block 98, City of Bayfield 1964 1573 1.20 $ 1.20 County owned. Moved by Moniza and seconded by Stuart to adopt the foregoing Resolution.. Motion Carried. MOTION - No. 53 It was moved by Rondeau that the Forestry Cruiser No.II not be hired until a further study is made. There was no second to the motion. MOTION - No. 54 It was moved by Brost and seconded by Kyle that Cruiser No. II be hired effective Jan. 1, 1969 and that the budget be adjusted accordingly. Motion Carried. MOTION - No. 55 It was moved by Rondeau and seconded by Celinsky that Al Lattimer be granted a one step increase in classification and a salary increase accordingly effective Nov. 1, 1968 having completed six months of satisfactory service. Motion Carried. MOTION - No. 56 It was moved by Rondeau and seconded by Rude that Robert Spears be elected as a member of the Board of Trustees for the Pureair Sanatorium for a term of three years beginning Jan. 1, 1969. Motion Carried unanimously. MOTION - No. 57 It was moved by Bertyl Nelson and seconded by Moniza that the County Board grant the Trustees of the Bayfield County nest Home the power to set the salaries of all employees of the Rest Home. Motion Carried. -November 13, 1968 The following Proposed Budget for the year-1969''was presented to the Board. No.58 PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1969 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Gentlemen: We, the undersigned members of the Executive Committee, hereby submit our report and recommendations for 1969. IT A TIT A MT [)AT The Supervisor of Assessments recommends a true value of $65,053,100.00. The legal levy limit exclusive of debt items for County General purposes is 1,. The pro- posed levy is $109.,680.00 below the legal limit but is an increase of $181,056.79 over last year's levy. The contingency fund is $36,565.51 which in the committee's judgment is adequate to cover any emergency that might arise. FINANCE There are some new items appearing in the Budget for the first time. The new items under expenditures are: Apiary inspection and Highway Administration. On the receipt side, the new items are: State collections for outside mental care and State Aid for District Attorney. Provisions for salary increases as approved by the County Board -are included in the Budget. Any further adjustments in salaries if approved can be financed by transferring funds from the contingency fund. The large surplus cash balance the county has enjoyed last year is substantially less this year. Last year's cash surplus was $300,000.00 of which $150,000..00 was applied against the tax levy and $150,000.00 was set aside for the Building Fund. This year's cash surplus amounted to $90,000.00 which was all applied against the tax levy. The Executive Committee is not offering any recommendation for financing the new proposed jail facility at Budget time. HIGHWAYS AND BRIDGES Highway expenditures have been financed entirely from gasoline and automobile revenues in the past with the exception of County Bridge Aid to Districts. This year there is $30,000.00,included in the Budget for Highway Administration and $1515.62 for Bridge Aids for 1969. HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES The Health and Social Service Budget is a major factor in the amount of the Budget, especially since the Bayfield County Aid formula has been changed. t The Rest Home continues to operate at full capacity. There is a $14,685.00 Outlay item in the Budget for a sprinkler system for the Rest. Home. The Trustees at Pureair after extended studies have concluded that the facility should remain a Tuberculosis Center for the present. No solution for interim financing of the facility for a Mental Health Center has been found. The Finance Committees of the three owner counties concur - with the Trustees recommendation. North Central Guidance Clinic is.operating to full capacity providing a much needed area service. AUDIT The 1967 Audit Report has not been completed at Pudget time. The auditing firm, due to loss of key personnel was not able to complete the audit as in the past. We recommend the acceptance of the audit proposed for the 1968 records. We wish to commend the County Clerk's office for the up to date bookkeeping records and information.which assisted the committee very much in preparing the Budget. 0 . November 13, 1968 EXPENDITURES Acct. No. GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1968 Recommended Appropriation for 1969 Revised 51101 County Board $ 99000.00 $ 101,000.00 51103 County Clerk 17,990.00 199000.00-R. 20,120.00 51104 County Treasurer 12,810.00. 139550.00 51109 Surveyor 300.00 300.00' 51110 Elections 89000.00 39000.00 51120 Court House 159920.00 149000.00 51122 Special Accounting & .Auditing 39200.00 39300.00 51128 Property & Liability Insurance 1,000.00 1,000.00 51201 Workmen's Compensation 19000.00 19000.00 51203 Retirement Fund (County's Share) _ 159000.00 159'000.00 51204 Social Security Fund (County's Share) 10,000.00 109000.00 51205 Health Insurance (County's Share) none 6,000.00 51301 District Attorney 179380.00 22,550.00 51304 Family Court Commissioner 11200.00 1,200.00 51310 County & Circuit Court (Expense) 22,915.00 23,835.00 51311 County Court 11,413.73* 13,822.21* 51351 Coroner 1,000.00 11200.00 51401 Assessment, Tax Roll Supplies & Addressograph 5,000.00 59000.00-R. 69500.00 51403 Assessor of Incomes 750.00 750.00 51404 Supervisor of Assessments 500.00 500.00 Total $ 1549378.73 $ 1659007.21-R. 1679627.21 PROTECTION OF PERSON & PROPERTY 52101 Sheriff $ 449140.00 $ 479990.00 52102 Traffic Police 169720.00 17,076.00 52105 Crime Laboratory 52.50* 122.50* 52109„ Civil Defense 59550.00 5,760.00-R. $ 69060.00' 52.110 Apiary Inspection 200.00 200.00 52111 Fire Suppression 200.00 200.00 52113 Civil Air Patrol 500.00 500.00 52201 Register of Deeds 18,050.00 179800.00 52203 Indian Police 2,500.00 2,500.00 Total $ 87,912.50 $ 921,148.50-R. $ 929448.50 HEALTH & SOCIAL.SERVICES 53101 County Nurse $ 15,310.00 $ 159500.00-R. $ 15,620.00 53103 Home Nursing Program 3,934.51 3,000.00 53201 Tuberculosis Sanatorium 44,000®00 59,190.00 53303 Mental Patients in Outside Institutions 589260.52* 579411.70* 53305 Mental Health Clinics (Guidance Center) 6,000.00 8,000.00 53401 Home & Infirmary 1469825.00 1779950.00 *State Special Charge November 13, 1968 EXPENDITURES (CONT'D.) Acct. No. HEALTH..&.:::S.O.GfAh.'..SER.V.I'.CE.S:..(.C.O.NT_''D.. ) 1968 Recommended Appropriation for 1969 53404 Wisconsin Colony & Training School 8 59836.99* S 8g4.49* 53405 State Care of Dependent Children' 49192.43* 49298.72* 53406 State General Hospital 79270.74* 39216.97* 53407 State Orthopedic Hospital 522.20* 2,877.83* 53411 Payments to Social Service Organizations* none 500.00 53601 Welfare Administration 859000.00 1259000.00 53603 General Relief 79000.00 5,000.00 53604 Surplus Commodity Program 7,500.00 none 53701 Old Age Assistance 1209000.00 1309000.00 11 53702 Aid to Disabled 53703 Aid to Blind 53704 Aid to Families with Dependent Children 53705 State Medical Assistance Program 53801 Veterans Relief 53802 Veterans Service Office 53804 Care of Veterans Graves 53901 Jail & Sheriffs Residence 53903 Industrial School for Girls 53904 Industrial School for Boys 53905 Boarding Home Care of Delinquent Children 53906 State Ref6rmatories 53907 Correctional Institutions & Camp Total EDUCATION & RECREATION 55102 Tuition Paid Outside Teachers College 55103 Tuition Vocational School 155104 Tuition Handicapped Children 55105 Aid to Common Schools 55106 County Library & Bookmobile -55108 Agricultural Agent 55114 Agency School Committee 55207 Fairs & Exhibits Total 35, 000.00 3, 000.00 659000.00 69,000.00 750.00 109280.00 200.00 3,525.00 202.63* 200.00 none 19848.41* $ 701,467.32 79000.00 79472.90 89546.03 26,661.41 5,700.00 269060.00 590.49 or, omen nn $ 1079320.83 45,000.00 2,500.00 95, 000.00 104,000.00 500.00 10,910.00 300.00 39500.00 107.32* 688.65* Revised none 12.52* 11545.45* 8569903.65—R.8857,023.65 7,000.00 8,352.53 4,806.66 239540.77 69050.00 279000.00 19300.00-R. 1,089.29 259500.00-R. 25,390'.00 $ 103,549.96 $103,229.25 J*State Special Charges _ _ November 13, 1968 _ EXPENDITURES (CONT'D.) Acct. No. CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT 1968 56102 State Aid Forestry Fund 56104 Conservation 56203 Regional Planning Commission 56204 Zoning 56206 Severance Tax Due State 56207 Severance Tax Due Districts 56208 10% of Timber Sales to Municipalities Total UNCLASSIFIED 59104 Tax Deed Expense 59105 Maps & Plat Books 59106 Repairs to Tax Deed Property Total TOTAL MAINTENANCE GENERAL GOVERNMENT 61103 County Clerk 61104 County Treasurer 61120 Court House 61301 District Attorney 61310 County Court 61340 Circuit Court Total Appropriation 28,940.00 109575.00 19270.77 129550.00 159000.00 79500.00 500.00 $ 769335.77 5,500.0.0 200.00 200.00 59900.00 Recommended for 1969 Revised $ 26,460.00-R. 329225.00 149090.00 '19650.26 13,150.00-R. 13,450.00 159000.00 7,500.00 500.00 78,350.26-R. $ 84,415.26 $ 5,500.00-R. $ 79000.00 200.00 200.00 5, 900.00-R. $ _._79400.00 8 19133,315.15 $ 193039359.58-R.$1,3129143.87 O U T L A Y $ 680.00 200.00 2,500.00 200.00 none 345.00 $ 39925.00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS & PROPERTY 6.2101 Sheriff $ 62102 Traffic Officer Total $ HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES 63401 Home & Infirmary 63802 Veterans Service Office 63901 Jail & Sheriff's Residence Total $ 39670.00 29000.00 59670.00 29735.00 75.00 200.00 39010.00 $ none none 2,000.00 none 250.00 none $ 2,250.00 $ 29350.00 29350.00 $ 49700.00 $ 149685.00 100.00 200.00 $ 149985.00 November 13, 1968 EXPENDITURES (CONT'D.) OUTLAY (CONT'D.) Acct. No. EDUCATION & RECREATION 65108 .Agricultural Agent 65202 _County Parks 65207 Fairs & Exhibits Total °CONSERVATION & DEVELOPMENT 66102 ,State Aid Forestry 66105 Conservation 66112 Dams 66113 Land Acquisition 1968 AnuroDriation 19688.00 3,500.00 3950000.00 $ 89688.00 2, 000.00 5, 000.00 5, 000.00 29,,000.00 14,000®00 Recommended for 1969 $ none 1,000.00 12500.00 $ 2,500.00 none 5 9 000. 00 none none �$ 59000.00 TOTAL OUTLAY 8 359293.00 ' $ 299435.00 HIGHWAY 54101 Highway Administration $ none $ 309000.00 Total $ none $ 30,000.00 OUTLAY 64161 County Aid Bridge Construction $ 19776.96 $ 19515.62 REVENUES. GENERAL REVENUES 41102 Inheritance Tax for County 1,000.00 29000.00 41103 Occupational Tax for County 200.00 200.00 41109 Interest on Taxes- & Penalties 149000.00 15,000.00 41111 Income Tax from State 30,000.00 30,000.00 41112 Utility Tax from State 309000.00 30,000.00 41201 County Clerk's Fees 250.00 250.00 41210 County Court Fees'& Costs 2,500.00 29500.00 41240 Circuit Court Fees & Costs 100.00 100.00 41250 Sheriff's Fees 150.00 150.00 41257 Register of Deed's Fees 5, 000.00 69500.00 41260 Zoning Fees & permits 11750.00 500.00 41401 County Ordinance Forfeitures 99000.00 119000.00 41403 Penal Fines for County 19000.00 19000.00 41502 State Aid for Sanatorium 249000.00 27,400.00 f R REVENUES (CONT°D.) Acct. No. GENERAL REVENUES, 1968 Recommended Appropriation for 1969 41503 State Aid for Nurse 19000.00 19000.00 41510 State Aid for Welfare Administration 72,250.00 100,000.00 41512.1 State Aid for Disabled 31,500®00 399150.00 41512.2 State Aid for 0. A. A. 1089000.00 113,100.00 41512.3 State Aid for Blind 2,700.00 2,150.00 41512.4 State Aid for Child Welfare 55,250.00 769000.00 41516 State Aid for Retirement 23,000.00 269000.00 41518 State Aid Civil Defense 29625.00 29400.00 41521 State Aid for District Attorney none 49500,00 41522 State Aid for Fairs & Exhibits 4,500.00 49500.00 41528 Federal Aid County Nurse 2,650.00 39000.00 41529 Indian Law Enforcement 29500.00 29500m00. 41918 State Collection Outside Mental Care none 159000.00 Total 4249925.00 5159900.00 COMMERCIAL REVENUES, 42401 Home & Infirmary Revenues $ 1469345.00 $ 182,000.00 42601 Sale of Maps & Plats 750.00 750.00 42605 Profit on Tax Deed Sales 25,000.00 259000.00 42606 Sale of Wood (County Forest Lands) 759000.00 359000.00 42607 Sale of Wood (Other County Lands) 5,000.00 1,000.00 42643 County Fair Revenues 89850.00 89875.00 Total 9S 2609945.00 $ 2529625.00 TOTAL REVENUE OTHER THAN PROPERTY TAX $ 6859870.00 $ 7689525.00 SUMMARY 1968 Recommended Appropriation for 1969 Revised Total Maintenance $ 1,1239593.25 $ 1,3019859®58-R. $ 193129143.87 Total Outlay 359293.00 299435.00 Contingency 359000.00. 36 0 565.80-R. 269281.51 Highway Administration none 30,000.0O Highway Outlay (Bridge Aid) 19777.96 19515.62 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 191959664.21 $ 193999376.OQ-_,. AP ,, LESS: Receipts other than property Tax 6859870.00 768,525.00 LESS: Surplus Cash 1509000.00 90,000.00 COUNTY TAX LEVY 359, 794.21 540, 851.00•-._ Respectfully submitted this 24th day of October, 1968. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE George Moniza, Chairman Wm. Stuart Bennie Rude George Sampson Walter Wa.smuth, Walter C. Barningham County Board Chairman. November 13, 1968 Moved by Stuart and seconded by Mammoser that the 1969 Budget as revised be adopted. Roll call vote was as follows: No. 58a. Ayes - Kyle, Rondeau, Mammoser, Stuart, E. Nelson, Heglund, Moniza, Brost, Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Howell, B., Nelson, Celinsky, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth, Bratley, Hanson, Aude, Barningham - Nayes - none Ayes - 21 Nayes - 0 Total - 21 Motion Carried. The following Resolution was read: No. 59 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, Wisconsin, assembled in annual session this 13 day of November 19689 that there be and is here- by levied against all the taxable property in Bayfield County, the following items to wit: State Tax for Forest Purposes under Sec. 70.58 (2) 139010.62 For all other items of the Budget the sum of 54Q,Q5514 S 555v861.,6Z Signed: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE George Moniza William Stuart W. C. Barningham George Sampson Bennie R. Rude Walter Wasmuth Moved by Stuart and seconded by Sampson to adopt the foregoing Resolution. Roll Call vote was as follows: No. 59a Ayes - Kyle, 'Rondeau 1"1ammoser, Stuart, E. Nelson, Heglund, Moniza, Brost, Anderson, Lehto, Sampson, Howell, B. Nelson, Celinsky, Meierotto, Erickson, Wasmuth, Bratley, Hanson, Rude, Barningham Nayes - none - Ayes - 21 Nayes - 0 Total - 21 Motion Carried. Moved by Celinsky and seconded by Howell to adjourn. Motion Carried. 41 " Walter C. Barningham, ounty Board Chairman. Edward A. Paj4 a, County Clerk