HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 4/17/1973u MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The meeting was called to order at 9:45 AM by Walter C. Barningham, Chairman of the County Board. The following members answered roll call: No. 1 Present — Edwin Erickson, Arthur Meierotto, Kenneth Howell, Eric Johnson, Clifford Hoagland, Lawrence Young, Louis Justice, Larry Seidel, Raymond Mammoser, Wallace Johnson, Ernest Heglund, William Carter, Carl Anderson, Arthur Hanson, Joseph Berweger, Thomas Rondeau, Edwin Renoos, Walter Barningham Absent - none Total present 18. The Chairman called for nominations for Chairman of the County Board Hanson nominated Walter Barningham for Chairman of the Board. The Chairman called three times for additional nominations. No. 2 There were no further nominations. Moved by Rondeau, seconded by Mammoser to close the nominations and that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Walter Barningham for Chairman. The clerk cast the unanimous ballot as directed and Walter Barningham was declared elected County Board Chairman for a term of one year. Chairman Barningham then asked for nominations for a Vice-chairman: No. 3 Mammoser nominated Thomas Rondeau for Vice-chairman of the Board. The Chairman called three times for additional nominations. There were no further nominations. Moved by Erickson, seconded by Meierotto to close the nominations and that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Thomas Rondeau for Vice-chairman of the County Board. The clerk cast the unanimous ballot as directed and Thomas Rondeau was declared elected Chairman of the County Board for a term of one year. The clerk then read Plan A of the Reorganization Plan which is basically the same as the plan now in effect with only a few minor changes. He then pointed out to the Board the changes in Plan B. Both plans had been submitted to the Board by the Personnel Committee for consid- eration. A lengthy discussion of both plans was held by the Board and several questions were raised. The Chairman then suggested that further discussion of the matter be postponed until the afternoon session sD that the Board'members would have time to discuss and consider both plans. April 17, 1973 U© The following resolution was read: No. 4 WHEREAS, a letter was received dated August 11, 1972, from Arthur C. Maxey, Dallas, Texas, requesting that a certain sword now on display in the historical case in the Bayfield County Courthouse, be returned to him, and WHEREAS, upon checking the County Board records of 1929, it was found that a receipt had been issued to one D. M. Maxey, who presented the sword to Bayfield County and whereby Bayfield County agreed to return the sword upon demand, and WHEREAS, a request was presented to the County Board at the September 26th, 1972 meeting providing for the return of the sword to the rightful owners upon verification of the authen- ticity of the claim by the Executive Committee, and WHEREAS, another letter.has now been received from William W. Sweet, Jr., Attorney at Law representing Arthur C. Maxey again requesting return of the sword, and WHEREAS, said letter together with a certain affidavit of Heirship has been referred to the Executive Committee of the County Board, and WHEREAS, said Executive Committee has agreed to return the sword to A. C. Maxey upon approval of the County Board, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the sword of one John McKay, a Spanish American War veteran, now on display in the historical case in the Bayfield County Courthouse be returned to A. C. Maxey., and be it further . . RESOLVED, that the sword be returned in person to A. C. Maxey or in the alternative, that he designate in writing a responsible representative to consummate the transaction in his behalf. Wallace Johnson Raymond Mammoser EXECUTIVE.COMMITTEE Thomas Rondeau Joseph Berweger Walter Barningham Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Howell to adopt the foregoing resolution. Charles Sheridan then appeared before the Board to give them some background on the sword. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 4a Ayes - none Nayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Young, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Rondeau, Renoos; Barningham Ayes - 0 Nayes .I@ - Total 18 Motion lost. Robert Jauch, representing Congressman David Obey, spoke on the acquisition of land for the Apostle Island National Lakeshore. He advised the Board that at the present time there -was no law requiring the county to donate county owned lands to the National Park Service. ril 17, 1973 Mr. Robert E. Matteson, Director of Sigurd Olson Institute of Environmental Studies, made a progress report to the County Board on the Institute study under a Federal grant of the impact of the new Apostle Islands National Lakeshore on Bayfield County. Mr. Matteson reviewed the conclusions of a series of workshops and conference on critical problems related to the impact of the new National Lakeshore. These problems are land use and zoning, transportation, law enforcement, and pollution and sanitation. Among the conclusions favored by over 200 people attending the various Institute sessions, from December through April were: Bayfield and Ashland County land -use plans, part-time county planner, a strengthening of the Zoning Ordinance, a combined Bayfield-Ashland County trans- portation plan, increased law enforcement personnel, preservation of certain natural, scenic and historic areas, effective citizen and government action on red clay erosion, and increased cost of local government state and federal aid to the northern area in view of the increased Q;Awb@a2s wg peePle— services arising from increased numbers of people coming to the National Lakeshore. t-8 the—Natienal�T �kesher�� Moved by Erickson, seconded by Justice to adjourn for lunch. Motion carried. The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by Walter Barningham, County Board Chairman. The following members answered roll call: No. 5 Present - Erickson, Meierotto, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Young, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson,.Anderson, Berweger, Rondeau, Renoos, Barningham Absent - none Total present 18. Dale Brevak, Bayfield County Highway Commissioner, and William Wambaeh, Jr., District Engineer, appeared before the Board in regard to highway facilities, especially as they are related to the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore. Mr. Wambach discussed the planned improve- ments at the intersection of State Trunk Highway 13 and U.S. Highway 2. He stated that planning should be completed during 1973 and the improvements made in 1974. The following letter was read: No. 6 BAYFIELD COUNTY TAXPAYERS ALLIANCE Rt. #1, Washburn, Wis. 54891 April 4th, 1973 Mr. Ed Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: At the March 27th, 1973 meeting of the Bayfield County Taxpayers Alliance, a unanimous vote was registered as follows: "That the Bayfield County Taxpayers Alliance hereby request that the monies received by the Bayfield County Treasurer as a result of Federal revenue sharing be utilized solely for ril 17. 1973 property tax alleviation and that diversions of said monies for any other purpose is contrary to the philosophy of said law and the wishes of the taxpayer". We trust, Mr. Clerk, that you will convey this request to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at your next regular meeting. Very truly yours, Frank Keena, Chairman, George Funk, Vice-chairman, R.L. Schindler, Sec.--Treas. Moved by Rondeau, seconded by W. Johnson to receive the communication and place it on file. Motion carried. The clerk advised the Board that Walter Barningham, Chairman, had received an identical letter from the Taxpayers Alliance. The following resolution was read: No. 7 WHEREAS, an amount of $13,000 was appropriated in the 1973 budget for the purpose of constructing a new roof for the Bayfield County Rest Home, and WHEREAS, it has now come to the attention of the board of trustees that the new roof must be built up in the center to provide a slight pitch to the roof to allow for better drainage, and WHEREAS, such additional construction will increase the costs considerably, and WHEREAS, other factors in connection with construction of the new toof which were not taken into consideration at the time the original estimate was made will add to the construction costs, and WHEREAS, a preliminary survey and estimate has now been made by Robert Nbvack, architect, v and it has been determined that the cost of the new roof will be approximately $20,000, and WHEREAS, in order to protect the building from water damage due to the leaking roof, it is of utmost inportance that the new roof be constructed, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that an amount of $7,000 be transferred from either the Contingency Fund or the Federal Revenue Sharing account to the Rest Home Outlay account to cover the additional cost of the new roof. Thomas*Rondeau Walter Barningham Joseph Berweger Wallace Johnson Raymond Mammoser Moved by Rondeau, seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing,resolution. Ralph Jonas, Chairman of the Rest Home Board'of Trustees, appeared before the Board in regard to the roofing problem at the Rest Home. Robert Novack,, architect, also appeared before the Board and explained to the Board the problem of the roof and outlined two separate plans for a new roof for the building. Moved by'Rondeau, seconded by Justice to amend the foregoing motion to read that the $7,000 should come -out of the Contingency Fund. Motion carried. April 17, 1973 3 A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution as amended with the following results: No. 7a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Young, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Rondeau, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - none Ayes - 18 Nayes - 0 . Total 18 Motion carried. Mr. Jonas gave a brief talk in regard to the operation of the rest home. He stated that the several problems that had arisen in the past have now, in most instances, been resolved. Mr. Jonas again reminded the Board that certain problems in regard to,.care of the patients were much more difficult to handle in a home such as the Bayfield County Rest Home due to the advanced age of most of the patients. He pointed out that the average age of the 29 patients presently in the home was 842 years and most ofr-:the patients are confined to their beds. i� Mr. Jonas then read the following letter to the Board and also a petition from the nursing staff at the rest home. April 17, 1973 We have 30 patients today. Of these 30, only one has a decubitus. In March, a patient died of cancer of the spine. Was this thought to be a decubitus (bedsore)? In February, a male patient was admitted with a huge sacral decubitus. It was healed to the diameter of a quarter within two months; however, he died before healing was completed. Doctors will tell you there are such cases called inevitable decu.b.iti. One such patient expired last month. Our -Medical Director who visits our patients once a week has been very pleased with the care and treatment of his patients at the Bayfield County Rest Home. _ - We have patients here that have been bedridden for years. There is not a trace of decubitus on them due to the diligent care -of the nurses. From a professional viewpoint, may I take this opportunity to commend them for their dedicated service and diligence. Sincerely, Ann H. Bratley, R.N., N.H.A. April 16, 1973 PETITION We, of the Bayfield County Rest Home nursing staff feel the alleged remarks made concerning deceased patients removed from our facility are unfounded and derogatory to our care of these patients. We feel that any individual should have proof before making such remarks in public. In addition we would question any former Board member who would degrade himself by making such a statement. No reference was ever made to the many completely bedridden patients in our care that remained decubitus free. If there is any question as to these patients not getting the best possible care in the State of Wisconsin, we welcome you at any time to confer with our Staff Physician. We feel,.that the remarks made were a personal insult -and demand 'an T ology. We might add that the work is hard, the pay is poor but the satisfaction of working with these people is tremendous. We therefore present this petition to Mr. Ralph Jonas to make our feeling known to the Bayfield County Board. Respectfully submitted, Tom Chaney, Kathy Anderson, Joanne Then, Dorothy Kurschner, R.N., Iris Pratt, Lil Niemisto, Ida Gall, Ann Eliason, Gladys Chaney, LPN, Katherine B. Larson, Yvonne LaGrew, Ellen Leino Moved by Rondeau, seconded by Mammoser to receive the foregoing correspondence and place them on file. Motion carried. 0 NO. 9 Moved by Rondeau, seconded by Erickson to present Plan B to the Board for consideration with the exception that the portion relating to the Finance Committee in Plan B be replaced with the portion of Plan A which provides for an Executive Committee comprised of the Chairman of the various committees. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 10 WHEREAS,.Bayfield County has been divided into five highway districts for the purpose of having representation from all arem of Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, due to a reapportionment of the county supervisory districts, it is now necessary to re -align the highway districts of the county to again provide equal representation on the highway committee from all areas of the county, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that Bayfield County be divided into five highway districts as follows: Highway Dist. #1 shall be comprised of supervisory districts 1 & 2. Highway Dist. #2 shall be comprised of supervisory districts 3 & 8. Highway Dist. #3 shall be comprised of supervisory districts 7 & 9. Highway Dist. #4 shall be comprised of supervisory districts 4 & 5. Highway Dist. #5 shall be comprised of supervisory districts 6 & 10, and be it further RESOLVED, that one highway committee member shall be elected annually to represent each of the five highway districts. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE C. E. Hoagland Arthur Meierotto Ernest Heglund Moved by Rondeau, seconded by Meierotto to adopt theforegoingresolution. The clerk explained which supervisory districts were involved in each highway district. r Motion carried. The following Reorganization Plan of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors was then presented: No. 11 PROPOSED REORGANIZATION OF BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND COMMITTEES EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the County Board and the chairmen of the following standing committees of said Board of Supervisors: a) Personnel and Civil Defense and Sheriff's Commission b) Agriculture and Resource Development c) Forestry and Conservation d) Education, Social Service, Library and Health e) Highway f) Zoning and Soil Conservation Should any'chairman of the above named -six -committees be unable to.;attend the Executive April 17, 1973 Committee meeting, said chairman shall designate a member of his committee to attend such Executive Committee meeting. The chairman of the committee shall be elected by the members of the Executive Committee and shall hold office for two years or until a successor is elected. The Chairman of the County I j Board shall be ineligible to sit as Chairman of the Executive Committee. The County Clerk shall be the Secretary of said Executive Committee and as such shall attend all meetings of the committee, keep a record of the proceedings and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the committee. The duties of the Executive Committee shall'be: a) To supervise county administrative affairs in general, to bring about proper coordin- ation and cooperation between various departments and 'agencies of the County to the end that the best business practices will be observed; and that due efficiency be maintained; and that the interest of the citizens of the County may best be served. b) To confer and advise with the officials and committees of the various departments of i j the County on official matters where such conference or advice is asked for by officials or committees, or when such conference is deemed advisable by the Executive Committee. c) To annually prepare a budget for the County for submission to the County Board for its approval at the annual meeting in November. d) To -generally supervise all financial matters of the County for the purpose of keeping expenditures within control and within the budget adopted by the County Board. To this end all purchases, expenditures and transfers3;except those made by the Highway Committee and from certain agency and trust funds, exceeding $1000.00 must first receive the approval of the Executive Committee before they can be made, unless otherwise.specifically authorized by the. I County Board, or Executive Committee. e) Prepare schedule of fees and charges to be made by the several county officers, for instruments and other services, issued' and performed by them for the public. Said schedule shall consist of fees, as provided by law, and as may be fixed by the Executive Committee, where no fee is provided by Statute. The Executive Committee shall also prepare schedule of prices to be charged by county officials for blanks, forms, and so forth, as are carried for the convenience of the public at the several county offices. Said schedules shall be approved by the County Board. Schedules and fees now in effect shall continue until changed by Order of the Executive Committee, the.County Board, or.by. Statute.. f) To supervise matters referring to delinquent and illegal taxes and securing tax titles for the County, and to have charge of the appraisal and sale of county owned lands. The clerk of the town, village and city and the chairman of the town, president of the village, mayor of the city and supervisor.of the.city wards in which any land lies, which is advertised for sale by this committee, shall be notified of such pending sale in such time as to permit a representative of said municipality to appear at the Executive Committee meeting considering said sale for the purpose of presenting evidence for or against such sale. g) The Secretary of the Executive Committee shall examine, settle and allow the current i accounts against the County not in excess of $1000.00 on any one account and to issue County orders therefore. All accounts must first be approved by the committee or department head having jurisdiction of the department _incurring -the account•before-being presented to the it Executive Committee Secretary, the Executive Committee or the County Board for allowance. h) To review all financial reports submitted to the County Board by the Executive Committee, Secretary and by the several county officials and by the auditors retained by the County. i) To recommend auditors to the County Board to audit the books of the County. j) To attend.to all matters referred to it by the County Board. k) To make a report of all its actions to regular sessions of the County Board. 1) Whenever an emergency shall exist in any office or department of Bayfield County and immediate action is required in the interest of the County, the Executive Committee of the County Board shall have full power and authority to act and to take appropriate action until the next meeting of the County Board. m) To recommend standing rules governing procedure of said Board. n) To keep the County Board'advised.and informed as to all pending legislation affecting County government. o) The Chairman of the Board and at least two other members of the Executive Committee shall approve the bonds and sufficiency of sureties of the County officers in accordance with Section 59.13 Statutes. p) To maintain and keep in repair the public buildings owned and operated by Bayfield County, exclusive of highway department buildings and buildings used in connection with projects and property under the jurisdiction of the Conservation and Forestry Committee. q) To assign office storage and county space in the public buildings of Bayfield County to the departments and offices of said Bayfield County. r) To recommend to the Board the necessary insurance protection for the employees and property of Bayfield County. s) To cause to be prepared by the Executive Committee Secretary a perpetual inventory of the real estate and buildings -owned -by Bayfield County. t) To set up rules and.regulation.s for the use of the county board room or other meeting rooms in the Bayfield County Administration Building by the public, -except that no one shall be permitted to use the county board room while the county board is in session. The Secretary of the Executive Committee shall be the purchasing agent for Bayfield County and his duties shall be: 1) To purchase the supplies necessary for the maintenance and upkeep of the Bayfield County Administration Building, the making.of minor repairs and,.improvements in and about said building, which can be easily performed by the maintenance department. 2) To perform the duties as set forth under Section 59.07 (7) of the Statutes, insofar as such Statute applies to the County purchasing agent. 3) Heads of county departments who desire to purchase office equipment and furniture for their offices situated in the Administration Building shall first obtain permission and approval of the purchasing agent before trying out or having demonstrated to them such equipment or furniture. 4) To perform such other duties as may be imposed upon him from time to time by the County Board. 5) The purchasing agent shall, with the cooperation of the various departments, bring about improved and more economical methods to be followed in purchasing procedures. ril: 17.. 1973 PERSONNEL AND CIVIL DEFENSE COMMITTEE AND SHERIFF'S COMMISSION 1) The Personnel- and Civil Defense Committee, and Sheriff's Commission shall be composed of five members of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors. The members of the Personnel and Civil Defense Committee and the Sheriff's Commission shall be identical and shall, insofar as possible, transact the business of both committees on the. same day. 2) The above committee and commission shall be appointed by the County Board Chairman and -the' chairman and vice-chairman shall be elected by the members of said committee and commission. 3) This commission shall confer and meet with the Sheriff and his staff from time to time to discuss and consider matters concerning this department and, if deemed advisable, to bring recommendations to the County Board as to changes and improvements for the good of said depart- ment. 4) To generally supervise the activities of the Sheriff's Department and the operation of the Bayfield County Jail and to make reports to the County Board of any deficiencies therein or changes or improvements which may be deemed advisable. 5) To confer with the Sheriff's Department in preparation of the annual budget of said department, to recommend salary adjustment and capital outlay for equipment. 6) The Personnel Committee shall study and recommend to the County Board, from time to z. time, adjustments in salary schedules for Bayfield County employees and officers, to establish holidays to be observed and working conditions for said employees and officers and to make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for"the improvement in the working relationship between Bayfield County and such officers and employees. No -,adjustment in salary schedule of any officer or employee of Bayfield County shall be made in a greater amount than recom- mended by this committee. All requests for salary adjustments by employees or officers shall be made direct to the.Personnel Committee. 7) This committee shall also represent Bayfield County in matters of civil defense and shall confer with the Bayfield County Director of Civil Defense as may be necessary from time to time in establishing and recommending budgets and on matters necessary to the efficient operation of said Department of Civil Defense in the protection of the property and safety of the Citizens of Bayfield County. AGRICULTURAL, RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT, FAIR AND FENCING COMMITTEE , This committee shall consist of five members of the Board, appointed by the County Board Chairman. The vocation of the majority of the members. of the, committee shall be agricultural. The chairman and vice-chairman of the committee shall be elected by, members of said committee. This committee shall meet at such intervals as is.deemed necessary to properly carry out its functions and its responsibilities in connection with the Agriculture and. Home Economics program of the Extension Service. This committee shall have the further function and responsibility of representing Bayfield County in resource development to include industrial.development, dock and airport improvement - and to represent the county on the five -county development committee and other cooperative committees which'may be created from time to time by counties similarly situated in economics and resources to Bayfield County. so April..17, 1973 This committee shall further represent Bayfield County and its Board of Supervisors in the conduct and operation of the. Bayfield County fair.and shall.have full authority therein except as said committee may be expressly limited by resolution and direction of this Board. This committee shall further act in behalf of Bayfield County to its best interests in all fencing matters in which Bayfield County may have responsibilities under the provisions of Chapter 90 of the Wisconsin Statutes. ZONING AND SOIL CONSERVATION COMMITTEE This committee shall consist of five members of the Board, appointed by the County Board Chairman. The chairman and vice-chairman of the committee shall be elected by the members of said committee. This committee shall also be charged with the responsibilities and duties relating to the z ordinance of Bayfield County enacted_::pursuant to the provisions of Section 59.97 of the Wisconsin Statutes and related Statutes. The committee shall, as directed by the County Board, draft proposed zoning ordinances and amendments thereto for consideration by the Board as the need therefore may arise and said committee shall more specifically be charged with the duties and responsibilities as set forth in Section 59.97 (2) (a) of the Wisconsin Statutes. This committee shall further be charged with the responsibilities and duties of the Soil Conservation Committee, or as more fully set forth in Section 92.06 of the Wisconsin Statutes and related Statutes. CONSERVATION AND FORESTRY COMMITTEE This committee shall consist of five members of the County Board of Supervisors appointed by the County Board Chairman. The chairman and vice-chairman of the committee shall be elected by the members of the committee. The duties of this committee shall be as follows: a) To maintain and keep in repair public land and buildings owned and operated by Bayfield County as a park or recreational site, inclusive of all access sites charged to this committee for maintenance and repair. b) To recommend to the County Board such programs for the improvement and development of� park and recreational sites as may be beneficial to Bayfield County. c) To carry out the functions and responsibilities of the Bayfield County Forestry Department in cooperation with the Administrator thereof, in connection with county owned lands and land subject to the Forest Crop Law. d) To recommend to the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors desirable projects relating to conservation, forestry, recreation, stream and lake improvement, public access and other projects of good conservation practice. e) To advise the County Board of Supervisors and recommend programs concerning the construction and maintenance of dams and flowa.ges within the county. f) This committee shall, as..directed by the County Board, have the responsibility of advertising the advantages, attractions and resources of the county, as authorized by Section 59.07 (30) of the Wisconsin Statutes. 1 17, 1973 SOCIAL. SERVICES BOARD (LIBRARY, HEALTH AND EDUCATION COMMITTEE) This committee shall consist of five members of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors and shall be known as the Bayfield County Social Services Board. The members of the Social Services Board shall be the same as the members of the Library, Health and Education Committee. The chairman and vice-chairman of the Board shall also serve as chairman and vice-chairman of the Education, Health and Library Committee. The members of this committee shall be appointed by the County Board Chairman. The chairman and vice-chairman of the Board shall be elected by the members of the Board. Each appointment shall be for a period of two years, and each member shall continue in office until his successor shall be appointed. The Social Services Board -shall -be organized -pursuant to the provisions of Section 46.22 (2)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes and shall have the duties and responsibilities set forth in Section 46.22 - (2) (b) (e) (d) (e) of the Wisconsin Statutes, relating to the operation of the Bayfield County Department of Social Services. EDUCATION COMMITTEE As to the Education Committee, it shall investigate and advise the Board in•respect to educational policies and expenditures involving the County as a whole. HEALTH COMMITTEE The Health Committee, in cooperation with the County Health Nurse, the State Board of Health and local Boards of Health within the -County shall have the following responsibilities and duties: 1-., To formulate administrative policies and transact business necessary for the effective operation of the county nursing and public health service. a) Recruitment and employment of one or more County Nurses when so authorized by the County -Board.. b) Direction and supervision of the work of the Public Health Nurse in cooperation with the State Board of Health. c) With the cooperation of the Nurse, draw up a tentative annual budget for submission to the appropriate committee and the County Board. 2. To become well-informed on all aspects of the;public health nursing program and the public health needs'of the county. Ia) To discuss specific problems confronting the Nurse and assist in their solution. j b) Direct efforts toward improving health services to the community.. i 3. To interpret the public health nursing program and its objectives to the community and the County Board. a) To assist the Nurse in planning -and -developing an interesting and educational annual or bi-annual report with wide county distribution. b) Review form letters,.pamp}filets and other publicity, and give suggestions as to their acceptability and helpfulness to the persons receiving them. c) Refer families needing service to the Nurse. d) Promote and"interpret,new programs through individual and group contacts. 4. To cooperate with other community agencies and groups in bringing about their community coordination and health planning. April 17, 1973 LIBRARY COMMITTEE It is the duty of the County Library Committee to survey and study the library needs of the county and to develop and report to .the County Board plans and proposals for improving library service within the county. It may promote cooperation between existing library units within the county and aid such units in working out contractual arrangements under existing law for the improvement and extension of library service. It may cooperate with similar committees or other proper authorities of adjoining counties in developing plans for the establishment of multi -county units of library service. The committee may utilize the consultant services,of the free library commission. HIGHWAY COMMITTEE The County Highway Committee shall consist of five members to be elected by the County Board at the Spring. Organization meeting to serve. for. one year, their terms to begin on the date of such election. The chairman and vice-chairman of the committee shall be elected by the Highway Committee. The duties of the Bayfield County Highway Committee shall include those duties set forth in" the State Statutes and such other duties as may be imposed upon it by the County Board. RECOMMENDATIONS AND DIRECTIVES IN RE: COMMITTEE MEETINGS 1. Insofar as possible, all committee meetings shall be day meetings held at the Bayfield County Administration Building. i - 2. The chairman. of each committee shall notify the County Clerk of the time and dates of all committee meetings not regularly scheduled to,enable the Clerk to properly post the bulletin board at least five days prior to such meeting. 3. The Executive Committee shall meet on specified dates scheduled in advance as may be determined by said committee. .. 4. Each committee shall be responsible to furnish,a copy of the minutes of each meeting to the County Clerk for his records, unless a mutual agreement is reached.by the committee chairman and the County Clerk that the County Clerk shall attend the committee meeting in question and keep records thereof. 5. The agenda of committees should be arranged and scheduled to consider specific business of each branch of the committee at different hours and give reasonable notice,,to the departments and department heads, of _such schedule. 6. Each County Board committee is charged with all duties and responsibilities set forth and required by Statute and by order of the County Board whether or not herein specifically enumerated, together with all such duties and responsibilities as may hereinafter be delegated to each committee by the County Board of Supervisors. 7. All county matters and business not specifically assigned to any committee, either by Statute or by the County Board, shall fall within the jurisdiction of the Executive Committee whether or not herein specifically. enumerated and; set forth.. 8. The County Board shall meet in regular session four times a year,commencing at 9:30 o'clock A.M. Recommended for adoption by Thomas E. Rondeau Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Erickson, seconded by Rondeau to adopt the foregoing proposed Reorganization Plan. ril 17. 1973 Wallace Johnson opposed this plan because the Executive Committee would consist of the chairmen of the other committees. He also asked for a roll call vote. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing Reorganization Plan with the following results.: No. lla Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Seidel, Mammoser, Heglund, Anderson, Berweger, Rondeau, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - Young, Justice, W. Johnson, Carter, Hanson Ayes - 13 Nayes - 5 Total 18 Motion carried. NO. 12 The Chairman then stated that the next order of business would be the election of the Highway Committee and he inquired whether the Board wished to follow the same procedure as in the past by the members of the Board representing each district, meeting in caucus and nomin- ating a candidate or candidates to be voted for by the -Board. The Board was in agreement and proceeded to caucus. Meierotto reported that there were two nominations in District #1 which were Edwin Erickson and Kenneth Howell The Chairman called three times for addithnal nominations. There were no further nominations. Moved by Justice, seconded by Anderson to close the nominations. Walter Barningham appointed Meierotto and Rondeau to act as tellers and they passed out ballots to the Board. The results of the first ballot were as follows: Erickson - 11 Howell - 7 Erickson was declared elected a member of the Highway Committee representing District #1. Hoagland reported that there were two nominations in District #2 which were Arthur Hanson and Eric Johnson The chairman called three times for additional nominations. There were no further nominations. Moved by Rondeau, seconded by Mammoser to close the nominations. The results of the first ballot were as follows: E. Johnson - 12 Hanson - 6 E. Johnson was declared elected a member. of the Highway Committee'. -representing District #2. W. Johnson reported that Joseph Berweger was nominated as a candidate for District #3. The chairman called three -times -for additional nominations. There were no further nomin- ations. Moved by Justice, seconded by Seidel that the nominations be closed. Motion carried. Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Mammoser that the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Joseph Berweger as a member of the Highway Committee. The clerk cast the unanimous ballot as _Z,.0 c't. ,�L directed and Joseph Berweger was declaredva member of the Highway Committee representing District #3. Justice reported that Lawrence Young was nominated as a candidate for District #4. The Chairman called three times for additional nominations. There were no further nominations. Moved by Justice, seconded by Seidel to close the nominations and that the clerk cast the 1 unanimous ballot for Lawrence Young as a member of the Highway Committee. The clerk cast the unanimous ballot as directed and Lawrence Young was declared elected a member of the Highway Committee representing District #4. Raymond Rondeau reported that Mammoser was nominated asa candidate for District #5. The Chairman called three times for additional nominations. There were no further nominations. Moved by Berweger,, seconded, by Renoos, . to close, . the. nominations and that -the clerk cast the unanimous ballot for Raymond Mammoser as, a.member.of.the.Highway Committee. The clerk cast the unanimous.ballot as directed and Raymond Mammoser,was declared elected a member of the Highway Committee representing District #5. The following resolution was read: No. 13 WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors on April 21, 1954, reserved and set aside a parcel'of land located in DuPont Park Addition to the City of Washburn for use as a gravel pit, now generally known as the Washington Avenue Pit, and WHEREAS, The continued use of said pit since said date has resulted in a potential hazardous condition of said pit and pit area, and WHEREAS, It is possible to restore said pit area and the County property immediately adjacent to said pit to such a condition as may permit a higher use of said lands, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the action of the Board under date of April 21, 1954, is hereby rescinded and said pit is hereby closed, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Forestry Committee shall determine the cost of the required landscaping of said area to restore the same to a degree where said lands are acceptable for a higher use and to report such findings, as to cost, to the next meeting of the County Board, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That should immediate measures be required to correct any dangerous situation at said pit, said Forestry Committee is hereby authorized to take such temporary measures as may be necessary to protect the County pending further decision as the the aforesaid proposed landscaping of said area to make the same available for sale or some higher use, as may be determined. Signed BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE Joseph Berweger Arthur Hanson Raymond Mammoser Ray Kyle Walter Barningham William Hepner, Bayfield County Forest Administrator, spoke to the Board on the above matter. Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Erickson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. 4 M The following resolution was read: No. 14 WHEREAS, the term of Rev. Joseph Jenkins, member of the Bayfield County Housing Authority, has expired, and WHEREAS, Walter Barningham, Chairman of the County Board, has reappointed Rev. Joseph Jenkins to : the Bayfield County Housing Authority for a term of three years, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that said appointment of Rev. Jenkins by the County Board Chairman be approved. Walter'Barningham Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Rondeau to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 15 WHEREAS, Ray Kyle is the,present County Park Commissioner, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County is now negotiating through advertisement for bids for the operation of three of the most active Bayfield County parks, and WHEREAS, It is necessary that certain responsibilities be carried out as to maintenance of the parks pending the consummation of the aforesaid proposed arrangement; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That Ray Kyle be continued in his capacity as Park Commis- sioner until such time as the Conservation Committee of this Board of Supervisors enters into a contract in behalf of Bayfield County for the operation of said parks, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said temporary park commissioner shall be compensated at the rate of $2.00 per hour and 10� per mile for such supervision. Raymond Mammoser Joseph Berweger Arthur Hanson Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Young to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Ray Kyle spoke to the Board on the parks and on the new road at Twin Bear Park near Iron River. The following resolution was read: No. 16 BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, That the rates for the publication of Official County Board minutes and publication of legal notices be set as follows for the ensuing year, $ 1.52 per folio for the first publication $ .462 per folio for printing supplements of County Board proceedings $ 33.00 for the distribution of the supplements by other than the official paper BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the publisher of the official paper send a copy of the County Board minutes to each County Board member, to the Clerk of each Town, Village and City, Town Chairmen not on the County Board, Village Presidents and City Mayors. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the minutes of the County Board be printed within 60 days after receiving copy from the County Clerk. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That THE WASHBURN TIMES be the official paper for the ensuing year, effective April, 1973. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Thomas Rondeau Raymond Mammoser Joseph Berweger Moved by Rondeau, seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 17 WHEREAS, Bayfield County contains within its borders a tax exempt Indian Reservation, namely, the Red Cliff Reservation, and WHEREAS, The County has incurred extra expense in law enforcement, arising by reason of Federal legislation removing Governmental controls over Indians and said Bayfield County appears to be eligible for assistance as provided under the provisions of Section 20.455 (2)(b) of the Wisconsin Statutes. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, By the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, duly assembled, this 17th day of April, 1973, that application be made to the State of Wisconsin, for assistance under the provisions of Section 20.455 (2) (b) of the Wisconsin Statutes, for law enforcement for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1973, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be certified by the County Clerk to the Attorney General of Wisconsin, with a request for certification of such applie ation,as is required under the provisions of Section 20.455 (2) (b) of the Wiscons in Statutes. C. E. Hoagland Ernest Heglund Arthur Meierotto Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 18 WHEREAS, the term of Maurice Hart, being a member of the Bayfield County Board of Adjustment, does expire May 4, 1973, and WHEREAS, the Chairman of the Bayfield County Board of 'Supervisors had re -appointed Maurice Hart for a term of three years to the Bayfield County Board of Adjustment, Maurice Hart NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the above named appointee be, and hereby is, approved to serve on the Board of Adjustment for a term of three years. Signed Dated April 17, 1973 Bayfield County Zoning Committee Thomas Rondeau Arthur Meierotto Ernest Heglund Moved by Rondeau, seconded by Meierotto to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. 3 April 17, 1973 The following resolution was read: No. 19 r WHEREAS, the County Board has approved funds for reconstruction and approved the recon- struction of a certain parcel of road in the Town of Iron River to direct the thru traffic away from the Twin Bear Park in the Town of Iron River, and WHEREAS, the new road as proposed requires the purchase of a small parcel of privately owned land, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the parcel of land as described on the attached deed be purchased from Raymond F. Mataya and Margery Mataya, his wife, for said purpose of reconstructing the new road and be it further RESOLVED, that the consideration for purchase of said parcel of land be $200.00. Raymond Mammoser Art Hanson Joseph Berweger Moved by Hanson, seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. (The above mentioned deed is on file in the County Clerk's Office.) The following resolution was read : No. 20 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has established a University Extension program as provided for by Section 59.87 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and WHEREAS, Section 59.87 (2) of the Statutes provides that when such a program has been created, the County Board shall create a committee on agriculture and extension education, and WHEREAS, it has been the policy in Bayfield County to delegate to the County Board Chair- man the authority to appoint the agriculture committee, and WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interest of the County to grant the Chairman such authority, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Bayfield County Board shall continue to have the authority to appoint the members of the committee on agriculture and extension education. Thomas Rondeau, Ernest Heglund, Arthur Meierotto Meierotto Heglund Moved by Kxnxax, seconded by Mammaxv to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following Report of the Bayfield County Zoning Committee was read: No. 21 REPORT OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY ZONING COMMITTEE To the County Board on the hearing on the petition to amend the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. TO: THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BAYFIELD COUNTY: The Bayfield County Zoning Administrator, under the direction of the Bayfield County Zoning Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, having petitioned said Board to amend the Zoning Ordinance and having held a public hearing thereon, pursuant to Section 59.97, Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been given as provided by law and being duly informed of the facts pertinent to the changes proposed, hereby recommends that the following cr� i petitions be denied: 0 17- 1973 The Southwest One -Quarter (SW-4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Twenty -One (21), Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Forestry Use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Three (3), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Residential - Recreational Use. The North One -Half (N2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Four (4), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The East One -Half (E2) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Four (4) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Forestry Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Thirty -Six (36) , Township Fifty-one (51) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The West One -Half (W2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Twenty -Five (25) , Township Fifty -One (51) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Residential Recreational Use. Section Nineteen (19) , Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential-2 Use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of Section Nineteen (19), Township Forty-three (43) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Agricultural Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Twenty -Four (24) , Township Forty=Three (43) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Agricultural Use. That part of the Southwest One -Quarter, (SWµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) , lying North of, and excluding the,Commercial strip along Highway Sixty -Three (63), Section Twenty -Four (24), e Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Agricultural Use. The West One -Half (W2) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW-4) of Section Twenty -Three (23), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Twenty -Three (23), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricul Use. The East One -Half (E2) of the East One-Half-(E2) of Section Twenty -Three (23), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Northeast One=Quarter (NE4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Seven (7), Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential - Recreational Use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of Section Twenty (20) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Seven (7) West,is changed from Forestry Use to Residential-1 Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Twenty -Nine (29) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. 99 The North One -Half (N2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Twenty -Nine (29), Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Twenty -Nine (29), Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SE--4) of Section Twenty -Nine (29) , Township Forty -Four (44) , North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 use to Residential -Recreational Use. The West One -Half (W2) of the Northeast One -Quarter.? (NE µ) of Section Twenty -Nine (29) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The West One -Half (W2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Twenty -Nine (20) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) pf the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Thirty -Two (32) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. Portion of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE-4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Thirty -Two (32), Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, lying North of National i Forest Road Two Hundred Twelve (212), is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recrea- tional Use. Portion of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Thirty -Two (32), Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, lying North of National Forest Road Two Hundred Twelve (212)., is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recrea- tional Use. That portion of the Diamond Lake Subdivision in the North One -Half (N2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) of Section Thirty -Two (32) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The East One -Half (E2) of the East One -Half (E2) of Section Thirty -Three (33) , Township Forty -Four .(44) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential - Recreational Use. The West One -Half (W2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Thirty -Three (33), Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter .(NEµ) of Section Thirty -Three .(33) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The. West One -Half (W2) of Section Thirty -Four (34), Township Forty -Four (44), North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Thirty -Four (34).! Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The North One -Half (N2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Thirty -Four (34) , Township Forth -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, is'changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. April 17, 1973 That portion of the Northeast One -=Quarter (NE µ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) of Section Twenty -Seven (27), Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, lying South of County Trunk "D" and South of National Forest Road Two Hundred Twelve (212), is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The East One -Half (E2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Twenty -Seven (27) , Township Forth -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Resid- ential -Recreational Use. That portion of the West One -Half (W2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE-4) of 'Section Twenty -Seven (27), Township Forty -Four (44), Range Six (6) West; lying East of National Forest Road Two Hundred Twelve (212), is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Twenty -Seven (27) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, ' Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to : Residential-Recreational'Use. That portion of the 'Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section TwentySeven (27) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, lying East of National Forest Road Two Hundred Twelve (212), is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recrea- tional Use. The West One -Half (W2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Twenty -Six (26) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential -1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Northwest One Quarter (NWµ) of Section Twenty -Six (26), Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential-Recreational'Use. That portion of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of the Northwest One-Quarter'(NWµ) of Section Twenty -Six (26), Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Eix (6) West, lying,South of County Trunk "D", is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. A parcel of land lying in Section Thirty -Five (35) and Section Thirty -Six (36), Township Forty -Seven (47)'North, Range Six (6) West, more particularly described as follows:'Starting at the Southeast (SE) corner of the Frank Gervais property, located in the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Thirty -Five (35), Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Six (6) West; thence northerly Four Hundred (400) feet; thence easterly to the westerly line of the Ivan Pocernich property, located in the Southwest One -Quarter (SW-4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Thirty -Six (36), Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Six (6) West; thence southerly along the Ivan Pocernich property line to the right-of-way of County Trunk "F"; thence westerly along the right-of-way line of County Trunk "F", to the point of beginning. This property is changed from Commercial Use to Residential-1 Use. The East One -Half . (E 2) of the' Northwest One -Quarter (NW--4) of Section One (1) , Township Forty -Nine (49) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Forestry Use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SW-4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section One (1) , Township Forty -Nine (49) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to For- estry Use. 1,® A parcel of land lying in the South One -Half (S2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Thirty -Three (33), Township Forty -:Five (45) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Zoning Committee also recommends that the following petitions be approved: The Southwest One -Quarter (SW--4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Thirty -Five (35) , Township Forty -Eight (48) North, Range Five (5) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NW-4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Thirty -Five (35) , Township Forty -Eight (48) North, Range Five (5) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The East One -;Half (E2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Sixteen (16) , Town- ship Forty -Four (44) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Residential - Recreational Use. Parcel "A" in the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of Section Fifteen (15) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Nine (9) West, lying South of Pease Road and consisting of approximately Seven and Thirty -Four One Hundredths (7.34) acres, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The South One -Half (S2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Twenty -One (21) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Forestry Use. Section Five (5), Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Nine (9) West, Commercial Use strip is extended East of Highway Twenty -Seven (27) and North to Pickerel Lake Road. Section Five (5) , Section Eight (8) , Section Nine (9) and Section Sixteen (16) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Nine (9) West, the Commercial Use depth bordering Highway Twenty - Seven (27), is set at Four Hundred (400) feet from highway right-of-way. The South One -Half (S2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of Section Twenty -Three (23), Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential Recreational Use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of the Southeast One=Quarter (SE4) of Section Twenty - Three (23), Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The North One -Half (N2) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of Section Twenty -Six (26), Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential - Recreational Use. The Southeast One=Quarter (SE4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Twenty -Six (26), Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Twenty -Six (26) , Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Thirty -Two (32), Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. April 17, 1973 The Northeast One -Quarter (NE-14) of the Northwest One Quarter (NW-14) of Section Thirty -Two (32), Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE-14) of Section Sixteen (16) , Township Forty=Four (44) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Residential -Recreational Use. Parcel in the Southeast One -Quarter (SE-14) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE--4) of Section Thirty -Six (36) , Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Nine (9) West, Six Hundred Sixty (660) feet West of County line and Four Hundred (400) feet South of County Trunk "N", as measured from road right-of-way, is changed from Forestry Use to Commercial Use. The South One -Half -(52) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW-14) of Section Fourteen (14)., Town- ship Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Residential- Recreational'Use. The North One -Half (N2) of the Southwest One-Quarter.(SWµ) of Section Fourteen (14) , Town- ship -Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4).West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Residential - Recreational Use. The South One -Half (S2) of the South One -Half (S2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW-14) of Section Fourteen (14) , Township Fifty . (SO) North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The South One -Half (S 2) of the South One -Half (S2) of the South One -Half (S2) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The North One -Half (N2) of the. Southwest One -Quarter (SW-14) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW-4) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. That portion of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE-14) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE--4) of Section Twenty -One (21), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, lying East of the State Reserve, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The North One -Half (N2) of the North One -Half (N2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE-14) of Section Twenty -Two (22), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The South One -Half (S2) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW -"a) of Section Twenty -Two (22) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Residential - Recreational Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NW-14) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW-14) of Section Twenty -Two (22) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Residential - Recreational Use. The West One -Half (W2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE-'4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW-14) of Section Twenty -Two (22) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SE-4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE-14) of the Northwest One - Quarter (NW-14) of Section Twenty -Two (22) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to. Residential -Recreational Use. April 17, 1973 The Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of the Northwest One - Quarter (NWµ) of Section Twenty -Two (22) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The East One -Half (E 2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Ten (10) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Ten (10), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Residential Recreational Use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SW-4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Four (4) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Forestry Use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Sixteen (16) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed, from Forestry Use to Agri- cultural Use. The South One -Half (S2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Sixteen (16), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE-4)' of Section Thirty - Five (35) , Township Fifty -One (51) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Agricultural Use. The Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Thirty - Five (35) , Township Fifty -One (51) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Agricultural Use. Government Lot Three (3) in the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Twenty -Four (24), Township Fifty -One (51) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential - Recreational Use. Government Lot Four (4) in the Northwest One -Quarter (NW-"4) of Section Twenty -Four (24) , Township Fifty -One (51) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential - Recreational Use. The Commercial Use zone in Section Seventeen (17), Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Seven (7) West,.is set at Four Hundred (400) feet wide, starting at the centerline of such highway. The Commercial Use zone in Section Two (2), Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Eight (8) West, is set at Four Hundred (400) feet wide, starting at the centerline of such highway. The Commercial Use zone in that part of Section Thirteen (13), Township Forty -Three (43) I North, Range Eight (8) West, is set at Four Hundred (400) feet wide, starting at the centerline of such highway. The Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Sixteen (16) Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Resid- ential-1 Use. The Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) of Section Four (4),Township Forty -Three (43),North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential-2 Use. Section Thirteen (13), Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential-2 Use, except that portion in the Southeast One -Quarter (SE-'4) being zoned Commercial Use along Highway Sixty-Three'(63). 104 April 17, 1973 Section Twenty -Four (24); Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential-2 Use, except that part zoned Commercial Use along Highway Sixty -Three (63) . The West One -Half (W2) of Section Twenty -Five (25) ,Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Agricultural Use. That part of Section Thirty -Six (36), Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying West'of Central and Northwestern Railroad, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Agricultural Use. . .. ; That part of Section Thirty -Five (35) , Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying East of Highway Sixty -Three (63), is changed from Residential-1 Use to Agricultural Use That part of the East One -Half (E2) of Section Thirty -Five (35), Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Eight (8) West, lying West of Highway Sixty -Three (63), is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential-2 Use. The East One -Half (E2) of Section Twenty -Six (26) , Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Forestry Use. The West One -Half (W2) of Section Twenty -Six (26), Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential-2 Use. The South One -Half (S2) of the North One -Half (N2) of Section Twenty -Three (23) , Township Forty=Three (43) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use and Residential-1 Use to Residential-2 Use. The Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Twenty -Three (23), Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to'Residential-2 Use. The East One -Half (E2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential- 2 Use. The East One -Half (E 2) of the East One -Half (E 2) of Section Twenty -Two (22) , Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Eight (8),West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential-2 Use. The East One -Half (E2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Twenty -Seven (27), Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential- 2 Use. The Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE-,[) of Section Twenty -Seven (27), Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential-2 Use. The East One -Half (E 2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Thirty -Four (34) , Township Fifty -One (51). , North, Range Seven (7) .West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The North One -Half (N2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Three (3) , Township Fifty (50) North-, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) of Section Three (3) , Township Fifty (50)North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. April 17, 1973 The Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW-4) of Section Three (3) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Five (5) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range j Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use, with the exception ' � I of Commercial Use districts as shown in the Office of the Bayfield County Zoning Administrator. The Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ). of Section Eight (8) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential - Recreational Use, with the exception of Commercial Use districts as shown in,the Office of the Bayfield County Zoning Administrator. The Southeast One -Quarter (SE-4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Eight (8), Township Fifty '(50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential - Recreational Use. The North One -Half (N2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Eight (8) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The South One -Half (S 2) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW2) of Section Nine (9) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Northeast One -Quarter of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Nine (9), Town- ship Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Nine (9) , 1 Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. Parcel in the South One -Half (S2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Nine (9), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, now zoned Forestry Use is changed to Agri- cultural Use. The South One -Half (S2) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Fourteen (14) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The West One -Half (W2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW-,[) of Section Fourteen (14) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The East One -Half (E2) 'of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Fourteen (14) ,; Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The West One -Half (W2) of Section Thirty (30) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The South One -Half (S2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Thirty (30) , Town- ship Fifty (50),North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NW -It) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Thirty (30) Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Thirty (30) Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of the Northeast One - Quarter (NE4) of Section Thirty (30) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is i changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. i 10C) April 17, 1973 The North One---�Half (N2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) of Section Thirty -Two (32) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The South One -Half (S 2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Ten (10) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Ten (10) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The North One -Half '(N 2) of the Northeast One -Quarter .(NE4) of Section Fifteen (15) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Fifteen (15) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Twenty -Two (22) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Eight-(8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The East One -Half (E2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Twenty -Two (22) , Township Forty'Four (44) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. Parcel in the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of 'the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Twenty -Two (22) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of Section Twenty -Seven (27), Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of Section Eleven (11) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agri- cultural Use. The Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of Section Fourteen (14), Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to -Agri- cultural Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Twenty -Three (23) , Township Forty -Four (44) ,North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Twelve (12), Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agri- cultural Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW-4) of Section Seven (7) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agri- cultural Use. That portion in the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Twenty -Three (23), Township Forty-four (44) North, Range Seven (7) West, now zoned Forestry Use is changed to Residential - Recreational Use. The West One -Half (W2) of the West One -Half (W2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Twenty -Three (23), Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. `7 _17,_-_1973 That part of the West One-Half,-(W2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Thirty - Three (33) , Township Forty=Four (44) North, Range Seven (7) West, lying West of the Otter Bay Road is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The East One -Half (E2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) and parcel in the West One - Half (W2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Thirty -Three (33) ,- Township Forty - Four (44) -North, Range Seven (7) West, lying East of the Otter�-Bay Road, is changed from For- estry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The West One -Half (W2) of the Southx-aest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Twenty (20) , Town- ship Forty -Four (44) North, Range Seven (7) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. Portion of the South One -Half (S2) of the North One -Half (N2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Nine (9) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Five (5) West, lying East of Highways Two (2) and Sixty -Three (63), is changed from Agricultural Use to Residential-1 Use. That part of the South One -Half (S2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Two, (2) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Five (5) West, lying West of Highways Two (2) and Sixty -Three (63), is changed from Residential-1 Use to Agricultural Use. That part of the North One -Half (N2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE-,[) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Two (2) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Five (5) West, lying West of Highways Two (2) and Sixty -Three (63), is changed from Residential-1 to'Forestry Use. The Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW-4) of Section Four (4) Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six.(6) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural I Use. The South One -Half (S2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW-4) of Section Twenty. (20), Town- (44) ship Forty-Four,,North, Range Six (6) West, lying South of National Forest Road Three Hundred Seventy -Four (374), is changed from-Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. Portion of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Twenty -Six (26), Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Six (6) West, running Four Hundred (400) feet East of the centerline of County Trunk"D" and Six Hundred Sixty (660) feet North of the centerline of National Forest Road,One Hundred Ninety -One (191), is changed from Residential-2 Use to Commercial.Use. A parcel of land located in the Southeast One -Quarter (SE--4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Thirteen (13) , Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Six (6) West,- more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast (SE) corner of Section Thirteen (13); thence westerly One Thousand Three Hundred Twenty (1,320) feet to the Southwest (SW) corner of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ); thence northerly Four Hundred (400) feet; thence easterly One Thousand Three Hundred Twenty (1,320) feet to the East line of Section Thirteen (13); thence southerly Four Hundred (400) feet to the point of beginning. 11 ( This property is changed from Agricultural Use to Commercial Use. The South One -Half (S 2) of Section Twenty -Four (24) , Township Forty.=Five (45) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Agricul,t'dral Use to Forestry Use. The South One -Half (S2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Twenty -Four (24) , Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Forestry Use. The West One -Half (W2) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW4).of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) j of Section Six 6 Township Fort Five 45 North Range Five 5 West is changed from Agri- P Y- ( ) � g () � g g cultural cultural Use to Commercial Use. The South One -Half (S2) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Twenty -Three (23) , Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Five (5) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The North One -Half (N2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of Section Twenty -Three (23), Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Five (5) West, is changed from Residential-l'Use to Residential -Recreational Use. Portion of the North One -Half (N2) of the Southwest One-Quarter-(SW4) of Section Thirty -Four (34), Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Five (5) West, lying'West of the Marengo Lake Road, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SW4):of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of the Northwest One - Quarter (NW-4) of Section Nine (9) , Township Forty -Six (45) , Range Six (6) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. Part of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4); Section Seventeen (17) , Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Six (6) West, lying North of County Trunk "MTT , is changed from Residential -Recreational Use and Forestry Use to Commercial Use. A parcel of land located in the Southeast One -Quarter (SE-4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Six (6) West, being Six Hundred Sixty (660) feet wide and Four Hundred (400) feet deep, more particularly described as follows: Starting at the Northeast corner of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of the South- east One -Quarter (SE-4); thence southerly along the section line for a distance of Four Hundred (400) feet; thence Southwesterly parallel with County Trunk T'M",' Six Hundred Sixty (660) feet; thence_ northerly parallel with the right-of-way of County Trunk "M"; thence northeasterly to the point of beginning. This property is changed from Commercial Use to Residential -Recreational Use. That part of -the Southeast One -Quarter (SE-4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) and the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) , Section Thirteen (13) , Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Six (6) West, lying North and West of County Trunk "M" , more particularly described as follows: Starting at the Southeast Corner of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ); thence northerly to the North boundary of the Oscar Lund property; thence westerly a distance of Six Hundred Sixty (660) feet; thence southerly to the right-of-way of -County Trunk , TTMTT ; thence northeasterly to the point of beginning. This property is changed from Commercial Use to Residential -Recreational Use. A parcel of land located in the Northwest One -Quarter (NW4)' of the Southwest -One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Eighteen (18) , Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Five (5) West, more particularly described as follows: Starting at the Southwest corner of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4); thence northerly Four Hundred (400) feet along the secti line; thence southeasterly parallel with County Trunk "MTT, Six Hundred Sixty (660) feet; thence southerly Four Hundred (400) feet to the right-of-way line of County Trunk TTM",' thence northwesterl to the point of beginning. This property is being changed from Commercial Use to Residential -Recreational Use. I That part of the Namakagon Lakeshore Subdivision, lying North and East of County Trunk I'D", located in the Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) and the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) and the Southeast One -Quarter �SE4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Fourteen (14) , Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Six (6) West, are changed from Forestry Use and Commercial Use to Residential - Recreational Use. That part of the Namakagon Lakeshore Subdivision lying North of Garden Lake Road, located ' ( in the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Fourteen (14) , Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) , Section Eight (8) , Township Forty -Three (43) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Residential -Recreational Use to Forestry Use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of Section Five (5) , Township Forty -Nine (49) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Residential-2 Use to i I Residential -Recreational Use. The South One -Half (S 2) of the South One -Half (S 2) of Section Six (6) , Township Forty - Nine (49) North,.Range Nine (9),West, is changed from Residential-2 Use to Residential - Recreational Use. The North One -Half (N2) of the South One -Half (S 2) of Section Six (6) , Township Forty - Nine (49)-North, Range Nine (9) West,.is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential - Recreational Use. ` The North One -Half (N2) of the South One -Half (S 2) of Section Five (5) , Township Forty - Nine (49) North, Range Nine (9) West, lying North of Highway Thirteen (13), is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) of Section Four (4) , Township Forty -Nine (49) North, Range Nine (9) West, lying North of Highway Thirteen (13), is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The North One -Half (N2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Four (4) , Township Forty -Nine (49) North, Range Nine (9) West, lying North of Highway Thirteen (13), is changed from Residential-2 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Thirty - Three (33), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Residential- 2 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The North One -Half (N2) and the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of. Section Thirty -Three (33) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SE4)_of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of Section Thirty -Four (34) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, lying North of. Highway Thirteen (13) , is changed from Residential-2 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The. Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) of the .Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) and the Southeast One - Quarter (SE-4) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Thirty -Four (34) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The North One -Half (N 2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) and the South One -Half (S 2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Thirty -Four (34) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, lying North of Highway Thirteen (13), are changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential - Recreational Use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Thirty -Four (34) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, lying North of Highway Thirteen (13) , is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The North One -Half (N2) of Section Thirty -Five (35), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, lying North of Highway Thirteen (13), is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential - Recreational Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NW-4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Thirty -Five (35) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range N,jne (9) West, lying North of Highway Thirteen (13) , is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Thirty -Five (35) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, lying South of Highway Thirteen (13) , is changed from Residential-2 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The East One -Half (E2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) of Section Thirty -Five (35) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, lying South of Highway Thirteen (13) , is changed from Forestry Use to Residential-2 Use. The North One -Half (N2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE-,[) of Section Thirty -Five (35) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential-2 Use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SW-,[) of Section Thirty -Six (36), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential-2 Use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Thirty -Six (36) , Township Fifty ' (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential- 2 Use. The West One -Half (W2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE-4) of Section Thirty -Six (36), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential-2 Use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Thirty -Six (36), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential- 2 Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Thirty -Six (36) , Township Fifty (50) , North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential-2 Use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SE-4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Thirty -Six (35) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential-2 Use. The Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) and the North One -Half (N2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE 4) of Section Thirty -Six (36) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, are changed from Agricultural Use to Residential-2 Use. The North One -Half (N2) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Thirty -Six (36) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, lying North of Highway Thirteen (13), is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. 0 April 17, 1973 The Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Twenty -Five (25) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The North One -Half (N2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) and the West One -Half (W2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW-4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE-4) of Section Twenty -Five (25) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West, are changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) and the East One -Half (E2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4)'of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Twenty - Five (25), Township Fifty (50) North, Range Nine (9) West are changed from Residential-2 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The East One -Half (E2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) and the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) 'of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Three (3) , Township Forty -Nine (49) North, Range Eight '(8) West, are changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The West One -Half (W2) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW4) and the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4)of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW-,,) and the North One -Half (N2) of the Southwest One - Quarter (SW-4) of Section Six (6) , Township Forty -Nine (49) North, Range Eight (8) West, are changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of Section Seven (7) , Township Forty -Nine (49) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Southeast One -Quarter (SE-4) and the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of the Northwest One - Quarter (NWµ) and the Northeast One -Quarter (NE-4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section (16), Township Forty -Nine (49) North, Range Eight (8) West, are changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The North One -Half (N2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) and the North One -Half (N2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of the Southwest One - Quarter (SW-4) of Section Twenty -Nine (29) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Eight (8) West, are changed from Forestry Use to Residential-1 Use. The South One -Half (S2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Thirty (30),Town- ship Fifty (50) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential-1 Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NW-4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Thirty (30) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The South One -Half (S2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Thirty -Four (34) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) and the Northwest One - Quarter (NW4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Thirty -Five (35) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Eight (8) West, are changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The North One -Half (N2) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SEµ) of Section Thirty -Six (36) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Agricultural Use. The Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of Section Nine (9) , Township Fifty -One (51) North, Range Four (4) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Residential -Recreational Use. it 17, 1973 The Northwest One -Quarter (NW4)'of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW-4) of Section Thirty -Five (35) , Township Fifty -Two (52) North, Range Four (4) West: is changed from Forestry Use to Resid- ential -Recreational Use. The Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Northwest One -Quarter (NW-4) of Section Thirty -Three (33), Township Forty -Eight (48) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Residential-1 Use to Forestry Use. The East One -Half (E2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of the Northeast One-Quarter(NE4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Thirty -One (31) , Township Forty -Eight (48) North, Range Eight (8) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Commercial Use. A parcel of land lying in the South One -Half (S2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW-'4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Twenty (20), Township Forty -Eight (48) North, Range Eight (8) West, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North boundary of County Trunk "AT', Two Hundred Ninety -Seven (297) feet East of the quarter corner between Sections 0 Twenty -Nine (29) and Twenty (20; thence North at an angle of Ninety degrees (90 ) for a distance of Four Hundred Fifty -One (451) feet; thence East Six Hundred Seventy -Seven (677) feet; thence South at an angle of Ninety degrees (901) , _,for a distance of Four Hundred Fifty -One (451) feet; thence West Six Hundred Seventy -Seven (657) feet; to the place of beginning. This property is changed from Agricultural Use to Commercial Use. A parcel -of land lying in the Northwest One -Quarter (NWµ) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) of Section Twenty -Seven (27), Township Forty -Nine (49) North, Range Five (5) West, lying South of Highway "C",,is changed from Agricultural Use to Residential -Recreational Use. Zoning changes in the Village of Cornucopia, consisting of the East One -Half (E2) of the West One -Half (W2) and the West One -Half (W2) of the East One -Half (E2) of Section Thirty -Four. (34) , Township Fifty -One (51) North, Range Six (6) West, are, on file in the Office of the Bayfield County Zoning Administrator. Zoning changes in the Village of Drummond, consisting of the East One -Half (E2) of the East One -Half (E2) of Section Thirty -Two (32) , Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Seven (7) West, and the West One -Half (W2) of Section, Thirty -Three (33) , Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Seven (7) West, are on .file in the Office of the Bayfield County Zoning Administrator. Zoning changes in the Village of Grand View, consisting of Four (4) changes, are on file in the Office of the Bayfield County Zoning Administrator. Zoning changes in the Village of Iron River, consisting of Two (2) changes, are on file in the Office of the Bayfield County Zoning Administrator. Zoning changes in the Village of Port Wing, consisting of the East One -Half (E2) of the East One -Half (E2) of Section Twenty -Nine (29) and the West One -Half (W2) of the West One -Half (W2) of Section Twenty -Eight (28) , Township Fifty (50) North, Range Eight (8) West, are on file in the Office of the Bayfield County Zoning Administrator. Dated: April 17, 1973 Signed Bayfield County Zoning Committee Thomas Rondeau Arthur Meierotto Ernest Heglund Moved by Seidel, seconded by Young to accept the report and that the changes as recommended by the Zoning Committee be approved. ril 17. 1973 r1 r A roll call votes was taken on the adoption of the foregoing report with the following results: No. 21a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Young, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Rondeau, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - None Ayes - 18 Nayes - 0 = Total 18 Motion carried. (Correspondence in relation to the above report together with proof of publication is on file in the county clerk's office.) The following resolution was read: No. 22 MODEL RESOLUTION OR ORDINANCE FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE LAW ENFORCEMENT STANDARDS BOARD PROGRAM WHEREAS, The County of Bayfield is desirous of electing to participate in the recruit qualifications and training program under the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Standards Act which is Chapter 466 of the Laws of 1969; and WHEREAS, In order that the County of Bayfield be eligible for participation in the pro- gram, the law required that, before an individual may be employed as a law enforcement officer, that individual must have been certified by the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Standards Board as being qualified under the standards set by the Board; and WHEREAS,., The County of Bayfield will, as a minimum, establish the recruit,.qualifications and training standards set by the Board as prerequisites to the employment of its law enforce- ment officers henceforth, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the County of Bayfield hereby elects to participate in the recruit qualifications and training program of the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Standards Board, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That, before an individual may commence employment on a pro- bationary or temporary basis as a law enforcement officer, that individual musthave met the recruit qualifications set by the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Standards Board, and before an individual may commence employment on a part-time orz!full-time permanent basis as a law enforcement officer, that individual must have been certified by the Board as having met the recruit qualifications and as having successfully completed the preparatory training course required under the Boards' recruit training standards. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that such recruit training must be successfully comple'ted by the trainee within his probationary period. Under justifiable circumstances, this period may be extended, but the total period during which a person may serve as a law enforcement officer on a probationary or temporary basis without successfully completing a preparatory training course approved by the Wisconsin Law Enforcement Standards Board shall not exceed two years. C.E. Hoagland Arthur Meierotto Ernest Heglund Sheriff Frechette spoke to the Board in regard to the training program. Moved by Meierotto, seconded by Hoagland to adopt the foregoing resolution, Motion carried. April 17, 1973 The following recommendation of the Forestry Committee was read: No. 23 RECOMMENDATION TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS.: Your Forestry Committee at their March'28, 1973 meeting, recommended that the Right -of -Way Grant hereto attached be granted. Said Right -of -Way Grant to be subject to the provisions and conditions contained in Schedule "A" also attached hereto and made a part of this Right -of -Way Grant.-. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE Joseph Berweger Alvin Bratley Arthur Hanson Ray Kyle Raymond Mammoser Walter Barningham RIGHT-OF-WAY GRANT In consideration of the sum of One Dollar and Other Valuable Considerations, determined by thel Forest Administrator, the undersigned, for itself, its successors and assigns, grants and conveys the Bayfield County Highway Department, its successors and assigns, a right-of-way easement for highway purposes, as long as so used, including the right to protect and remove any vegetation existing on said lands, and the right to plant thereon and protect any vegetation that the highway authorities may deem desirable to prevent erosion of the soil or to beautify the highway, in and to the following lands in Bayfield County, Wisconsin, described as: All that part of the SWµ SEA, of Section 17, Township 49 North, Range 5 West, a reference line to which is described as follows: Commencing at'a--point on the South line of said Section 17, 791.1' east of the south one quarter corner of said Section 17, thence S 58 degrees 11' 40" E 165' to the point of begin- ning; thence N 58 degrees 11' 40" W 1157.4'. Width of parcel all as measured perpendicular to and,.westerly along the reference line from the place of beginning is as follows: On the North Side_: 50' for the first 957.4', flaring to 60' in the remaining 200'. On the South Side: 85' at the point of beginning, tapering to 60' in the next 257.4' 60' for the remaining 900'. Parcel contains o.94 acres exclusive of lands now in use or previously purchased for highway purposes. This right-of-way grant is subject to all of the provisions and conditions contained in Schedule "A" attached hereto, and made a part of this conveyance. Signed this day of 1973. WITNESS: BAYFIELD COUNTY .(SEAL) Edward A. Pajala, Clerk w STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ss. COUNTY OF BAYFIELD ) Personally appeared before me this day of SEAL , 1973,.the above .named Edward A. Pajala, to me known to be the County Clerk of said Bayfield County and the person who executed the foregoing.instrument on the date aforesaid. Drafted by Robert N. Ledin APPROVED.: Robert N. Ledin, Dist. Attorney Bayfield County, Wisconsin Notary Public, County My commission expires WORM ' RMIZi William E. Hepner, Forest Administrator Bayfield County, Wisconsin April 17, 1973 SCHEDULE "N' 1. A map and legal description tied to established or monumented surveyed corners shall be furnished with each application.'fo"r an easement.. Such map shall indicate the width and use of said easement. Where underground cable is used, the exact location of the cable must be indicated. Following the laying of such cable, its location must be marked above ground at reasonable intervals. 2. The rights of the grantee of such easement shall apply only to the.particular parcel of land granted in the easement and such grantee shall have no right of any nature whatsoever to enter upon,adjoining County Forest or other County lands outside of the right-of-way for any purpose whatsoever, except the grantee shall have the right to out and/or trim trees overhanging the right-of-way upon written permission of the County Forest Administrator. 3. The easement grantee shall refrain from spraying rights -of -way for the des- truction of trees, shrubs and other plants, without thereafter cutting and properly disposing of the dead trees and shrubs on said rights -of -way resulting from said spraying, for the purpose of avoiding fire hazards, detracting from scenic beauty and preventing unsightly conditions from developing. 4. The grantee shall pay for all reproduction and timber standing on said right- of-way at the time the easement is granted at the regular going rates for stumpage charged by Bayfield County, said stumpage to be estimated by the Bayfield County Forestry Department. All timber on such rights -of -way shall be out in accordance with the practices established by the Bayfield County Forestry -Department. 5. The easement grantee -shall take all necessary precautions'to prevent the obliteration of landmarks relating to corner and monuments including all corners, bearing trees, bench marks and other Governmi-eh-and private survey references. 6. The easement grantee shall, in the clearing of rights -of -way and con- struetion thereon, comply with all of the laws of the State and County concerning the cutting of forest products and disposition of slash and shall be more speci- fically prohibited from windrowing slash in, along or upon said rights -of -way and adjoining lands. 7. All overhead lines shall be constructed and maintained ao as to have'a minimum clearance of fourteen (14) feet. 8. .There shall be no change in the contour of the land as a result of construction, and all stumps, debris and cut vetetation shall be removed or properly disposed of, and shall not be bulldozed to the edge of the rightof-way or upon adjacent land. 9. Upon the substantial failure of the easement grantee to comply with all the.con- ditions of the easement, including the conditions contained herein,.said easement may be cancelled upon ninety (90) days notice to said easement grantee and upon final action therein by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors. 10. The easement grantee shall have the right of ingress and egress over other County lands adjoining said described right-of-way only where such ingress and egress is required for the exercise of the rights granted by this easement to the said grantee. Such rights of ingress and egress shall be exercised only upon the written approval of the Bayfield County Forest Administrator and over designated routes as established by said Administrator. All special damages which may result from the.opening up and use of such ingress and egress routes shall be compensated for by said grantee. 6v April 17, 1973 Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Berweger to receive this recommendation of the Forestry Committee and place it on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 24 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board, at a meeting held on February 13, 1973, by resolution agreed to sell to the Bayfield County Highway Department for Highway right-of-way purposes, the following parcel of land: All that part of the SWµ SEµ, of Section 17, Township 49 North, Range 5 West, a reference line to which is described -as follows: Commencing at a point on the South line of said Section 17, 791.1' east of the south one quarter corner of said Section 17, thence S 58 degrees 11' 40" E 165' to the point of beginning; thence N 58 degrees 11' 40" W 1157.4'. Width of parcel all as measured perpendicular to and westerly along the reference line from the place of beginning is as follows: On the North Side: 50' for the first 957.4', flaring to 60' in the remaining 200'. On the South Side: 85' at the point of beginning, tapering to 60' in the next 257.4', 60' for the remaining 900'. Parcel contains 0.94 acres exclusive.of lands now in use.or previously purchased for highway purposes. AND WHEREAS, it has since been determined that said parcel of land has been previously entered under County Forest Land and cannot be sold without first withdrawing it from said Forest Land classification, and WHEREAS, it appears to be to the best interest of Bayfield County to not withdraw the said description from the County Forest Land classification and instead to grant the Bayfield County Highway Dept. am easement to use said described lands for highway purposes, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the resolution recorded on page 68, vol. 14 of County Board Journal and previously adopted by the board authorizing the. sale of the above description, be rescinded and be it further RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be authorized and directed to execute the proper easement granting the Bayfield County Highway Dept. the use of said lands for.the highway department, and be it further RESOLVED, that said easement be subject to -.:,the provisions and conditions of schedule "A" attached to said easement. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Raymond Mammoser Wallace Johnson Joseph Berweger Moved by Berweger, seconded by W. Johnson to adopt the foregoing resolution.. Motion carried. The following recommendation and right-of-way grant was read: No. 25 RECOMMENDATION TO THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: Your Forestry Committee at their March 28, 1973 meeting, recommended that the Right -of -Way Grant hereto attached be granted. it 17. 1973 Said Right -of -Way Grant to be subject to the provisions and conditions contained in Schedule "At' also attached hereto and made a part of this Right -of -Way Grant. Signed, BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY."COMMITTEE Joseph Berweger Alvin Bratley Arthur Hanson Ray Kyle Raymond Mammoser Walter Barningham RIGHT-OF-WAY GRANT In consideration of the sum of One Dollar and Other Valuable Considerations, determined by the Forest Administrator, the undersigned, for itself, its successors and assigns, grants and conveys unto the Chequamegon Telephone Co-operative, Cable, Wisconsin, Iron River Exchange, its successors and assigns, a right-of-way easement to place, replace, maintain or remove an underground cable, telephone line, including associated appliances such as conduits, marker posts and pressure alarm apparatus,.on and through certain lands owned by the grantor in the Town of Hughes, Town of Iron River, and the Town of Tripp, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, des- cribed as: part of the SW4 NW4,-Section 1, T47N, R9W, and part of the SW4 SWµ, Section 6, T47N, RBW, and part of the Nz NWµ, Section 33, T48N, RBW, Bayfield County, Wisconsin. No cable shall be laid or apparatus installed, however, outside the above described right-of-way. Width of right-of-way granted is 10 feet. This grant likewise included the right of ingress and egress on the lands of the under- signed for the purpose of exercising the rights herein granted; the right to install a gate or to make temporary opening in any fence on said lands at the point where such fence crosses the route of said telephone line which may, in judgment of the grantee, interfere with the exercise of the rights herein granted. Said rights of ingress and egress, however, shall be governed by the conditions contained in Schedule -"A!' attached hereto and made a part of this grant. The rights herein granted may be assigned by the grantee in whole or in part. The grantor, for itself, its successors and assigns, covenant not to•erect any structure on said lands that would interfere with the installation, replacement „�r3intenance or removal hereunder of said telephone line or lines and associated appliances. The grantee, for itself, its successors and assigns, covenants that it will pay the reasonable value of any crops destroyed and other physical damage done to the property of the grantor, its successors and assigns, arising at any time out of the exercise by it of the rights herein granted. The grantee shall also pay to the grantor the initial compensation required by Bayfield County for the uses granted herein and provided by this easement in accordance with the schedule established by the Board of Supervisors of said County, together with such com- pensation as may be required by the provisions of the aforesaid Schedule 'W' This right-of-way grant is subject to all of the provisions and conditions contained in Schedule "A" attached hereto, as aforesaid, and made a part of this convenyance. Signed this day of 19 WITNESS: BAYFIELD COUNTY (SEAL) BE Edward A. Pajala, Clerk (SEAL) � -1 �'q April 17, 1973 STATE OF WISCONSIN ss. COUNTY OF BAYFIELD ) Personally -appeared before me this day of 19 , the above named Edward A. Pajala, to me known to be the County Clerk of said Bayfield County and the person who executed the foregoing instrument on the date aforesaid. Notary Public, Co. Wis. My Commission expires Drafted by Robert N. Ledin APPROVED: APPROVED: Robert N. Ledin, Dist. Attorney William E. Hepner, Forest Admn. Bayfield County, Wisconsin Bayfield County, Wisconsin Moved by Berweger,_ seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing right-of-way grant. Motion carried. (Schedule "A" - Same as Schedule "A" attached to Resolution #23.) The following resolution was read: No. 26 WHEREAS, an amount of $300.00 was appropriated for Outlay for the County Courts 1973 budget for the purpose of purchase of additional files, and WHEREAS, at the time that the appropriation was made a definite figure on the cost of the new files was not available, and WHEREAS, it has now been determined that the new files will cost an amount of $82.00 in excess of the $300.00 appropriated, now therefore be. -..it RESOLVED, that an amount of $82.00 be transferred from the Contingency Fund to the County Courts Outlay account to cover the additional cost of the files. Thomas Rondeau Raymond Mammoser Moved by Rondeau, seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 26a Ayes �: Erickson, Meierotto, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Young, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Rondeau,,Renoos, Barningham Nayes - None Ayes. - 18 Nayes - 0 Total 18 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 27 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board did rn November 9, 1971 create the BayfieldCounty Housing Authority, and WHEREAS, it has been the policy of Bayfield County to pay the travel and other incidental expenses of the members of the Housing Authority, and April 17, 1973 i WHEREAS, the County Board, through an oversight, when preparing the 1973 budget, failed to make an appropriation to cover the expenses of said Housing Authority, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that $.500.00 be transferred from the Contingency Fund to the Housing Authority expense fund to cover said travel and .incidental expenses of the members of the Housing Authority. Thomas Rondeau Raymond Mammoser Joseph Berweger Moved by Erickson, seconded by Anderson to adopt the foregoing resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 27a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Young, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Rondeau, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - None Ayes - 18 Nayes - 0 TOTAL 18 0 Motion carried. The following resolution was -..read: No. 28 WHEREAS, The Zoning Administrator is charged with -,-,keeping minutes and records of Zoning .Committee meetings, public hearings and other proceedings, together with -,public hearings and minutes of the Board of Adjustment, and WHEREAS, The Zoning Committee and the Board of Adjustment have been involved from time to time, and continue to be involved, in appeals to Circuit Court requiring a transcript of all of said records, and WHEREAS, It became necessary to obtain certain -recording equipment to carry out the duties and responsibilities of said office in respect to said records and transcripts as follows: 1 tape recorder, 2 microphones, 1 microphone stand and 1 monitoring head set, at a total cost of Two Hundred Forty and 65/100 Dollars ($240.65), and WHEREAS, Said expenditures were made out of the outlay budget of the Zoning Committee, and WHEREAS, The original budget of the said Zoning Committee did not provide for such capital outlay, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the capital outlay budget of the Zoning Committee be increased by Two Hundred Forty and 65/100 Dollars ($240.65) and that said sum of money be transferred from the contingency fund to the Zoning Committee outlay budget. Signed Dated: April 17, 1973 Bayfield County.Zoning Committee Thomas Rondeau Arthur Meierotto Moved by Rondeau, seconded by Meierotto to adopt the foregoing resolution. A roll call vote -,was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 28a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Young, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Rondeau, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - None Ayes - 18 Nayes - 0 Total 18 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 29 WHEREAS, a request has been made -to the Conservation Committee of the Bayfield County Board by Don Bublitz, area game manager, for acquisition -of the following described lands located in the Town of Cable, adjacent to or in the proximity of Totogatic Lake: NWµ SE4, Sec. 29 SE4 SEµ, Sec. 30 S2 NWµ, Sec. 31 N2 SW4, Sec. 31 E2 SE4, Sec: 31, all in Township 43 N., Range 8 W., and WHEREAS, the Conservation Committee is of the opinion that further study should be made by the Conservation Committee of the County Board in regard to either selling or leasing to the Department of Natural Resources the said lands or retaining said lands by Bayfield County, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Conservation Committee of the Bayfield County Board is directed to make a further study of the matter and report back to the County Board and be it further RESOLVED, that until such report is made to the County Board and further action taken by the County Board, all of said lands shall be withheld from sale. Raymond Mammoser Arthur Hanson , Joseph Berweger Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Hanson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 30 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board has previously designated the NW SW, Sec. 19-47-8 to be included in the County Park System as recorded in Volume 12 P. 278, County Board Journal, and WHEREAS, the Conservation Committee of the County Board is of the opinion that said NW SW, Sec: 19-47-8 could be put to better use if it were withdrawn from the County Park System and advertised for sale in the usual manner, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the NW SW, Sec: 19-47-8 be withdrawn from the Bayfield County Park System and that it be advertised for sale in the usual manner. CONSERVATION COMMITTEE Raymond Mammoser Arthur Hanson Joseph Berweger Ray Kyle Moved by Hanson, seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing resolution. A roll call -vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 30a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Young, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Rondeau, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - None Ayes - 18 Naves - 0 Total 18 Motion carried. FA April 17, 1973 The following communication from the Department of Health:& Social Services was read: No. 31 STATE OF WISCONSIN/DEPT. OF HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES March 30, 1973 Mr. Walter Barningham, Chairman Bayfield County Board of Supervisors In Bayfield, Wisconsin 54814 Dear Mr. Barningham: �T On March 21, 1973 the Bayfield County jail was inspected in accordance with the provisions of Section 46.17 (3) of the -Wisconsin Statutes. I am pleased to report that all jail sections were found.to be very -good in appearance which 'x d indicates that adequate housekeeping procedures are maintained. I Operational procedures relating to detention in the Bayfield County jail were generally discussed with Sheriff Frechette who is aware of the limitations concerning the confinement ci of juveniles and females and it is my understanding that these limitations are being complied with. You may recall, that as a result of a decision made by the County Board in 1969 to delay any construction or remodeling a meeting was held with Mr. Nygaard and the Bayfield County Executive Committee on December 10, 1969 at the Bayfield County Courthouse. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss those minimal improvements necessary to permit the operation of the facility though on a restricted basis. At the time of my inspection it was noted that most of the improvements which were discussed have been effected with the exception of the following: 1. Some of the window ventilators need mesh protection and.replacement of glass and in one or two instances may need replacement of the entire unit. (As you may recall, I did inform �County Officials in 1962 that the window ventilators were not adequate for the intended use prior to installation.) 2. All bunks in the 2nd floor dormitory be replaced with prison type bunks. 3. Worn and deteriorating mattresses be replaced. 4. Provide some type of forced ventilation on lst and 2nd floors. The food preparation area was very good in regard to appearance and.cleanliness, however, it is recommended that new floor covering and countertops be installed since the existing is deteriorating. In view of the fact that the remaining aforementioned improvements have been in th.e process for over 3 years, I would think it reasonable to assume that the remaining improvements will be accomplished in the near future. Please be assured of my full cooperation in this.matter. and. my availability to assist in matters concerning your jail facility. Very truly yours, Ralph J. DiSalvo, Detention Supervisor Division of Corrections Moved by Justice, seconded by Young to receive the communication and place it on file. Motion carried. The following communication from the DNR was read: No. 32 STATE OF WISCONSIN/ Dept`;. of Natural Resources r J' �, March 15, 1973 4 Mr. Edward A. Paj ala „- Bayfield County Clerk ;. County Courthouse v Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: In reply to your letter of March 1, 1973, to Mr. C. D. Besadny, Director of the Bureau of Environmental Impact, we would appreciate any comments that the County Board may offer 4` April 17, 1973 on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement to Rebuild and Enlarge'the Bayfield Fish Hatchery. County Board action on April 17th, would not be too late if we received a reply as soon as possible after the meeting, since preparation of the Final Environmental Impact Statement will be nearing completion. I a Very truly yours, Bureau of Environmental Impact Duwayne Gebken Environmental Specialist Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Hanson to receive the communication and place it on file. Motion carried. The following communication from the Wisconsin County Boards Association was,read: No. 33 WISCONSIN COUNTY BOARDS ASSOCIATION OFFICIAL MAGAZINE - WISCONSIN COUNTIES April 2, 1973 To: COUNTY BOARD CHAIRMEN; COUNTY CLERKS, CORPORATION COUNSEL, HIGHWAY COMMISSIONERS, HIGHWAY COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN, SOCIAL SERVICE BOARD CHAIRMEN AND OFFICERS AND ADVISORY BOARD From: ROBERT MORTENSEN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Subject: REQUEST FOR THEME, PROGRAM SUGGESTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS FOR 1973 WISCONSIN COUNTY BOARDS CONVENTION TO BE HELD AT HOLIDAY MOTOR INN, EAU CLAIRE, WISCONSIN, SEPTEMBER 23, 24, 25 and 26, 1973. HOST COUNTIES: CHIPPEWA, DUNN AND EAU CLAIRE Planning has begun for the annual Wisconsin Co. Bd. Assoc. Convention, and it will soon be here. Don't wait to act. The officers will meet at the Eau Claire Holiday Inn on May 25, to discuss facilities and arrangements. Officers and Advisory Board Members will meet at Holiday Inn #1, State Trunk 151, 4402 East Washington Avenue, in Madison on July 13, 1973, to formalize the convention program and complete arrangements. Two special county interest dialogues, which were inaugurated four years ago, will probably be continued this year on Monday morning, September 24. Please suggest topics and moderators to lead the discussions. The Corporation Counsel are requested to submit to our Madison office the subject of their suggested and customary (September 25) Tuesday morning program,by May 22, If they prefer, we will select the theme of their panel presentation. Please suggest possible topics of great interest for Corporation Counsel. Please send us your convention theme and program suggestions on the attached form. Please indicate whether or not you prefer to hear political speeches. IMPORTANT NOTE: All resolutions, except congratulatory resolutions and those submitted by the Resolutions Committee, proposed for adoption at the convention must be adopted by.a. majority vote of the sponsoring county board and presented to the office of the Executive Director, Robert Mortensen, at least 35 days prior to the convening of the convention 'so that copies may be transmitted to each county clerk at least 30 days prior to the convention. In other words, your county board resolution must be at the Madison office not later than August 17, 1973. Please submit your resolutions on the attached form. Moved by Berweger, seconded by Rondeau to receive the communication and place it on file. Motion carried. NO. 34 Moved by Rondeau, seconded by Hanson that the County Board go on record opposing the donation of approximately 1300 acres of County owned lands to the Apostle Islands National Park Service. Motion carried. April 17, 1973 William Hepner, Forest Administrator, explained to the Board a little about the Snowmobile Trail Program. NO. 35 Moved by Young, seconded by Justice that an agenda be prepared and sent to all Board members at least one week before the Board meets. Motion carried. NO. 36 Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Young that the Executive Committee make a thorough study of Revenue Sharing Funds and report .back to the County Board with their findings. Motion carried. TITO Q 7 Moved by Hoagland, seconded by E. Johnson to refer the matter of hiring two full-time janitors to the Executive Committee with power to act. Motion carried. Moved by Hanson, seconded by Justice to adjourn. Motion carried. Walter C. Barningham, Cha Bayfield County Board cXl-��, �' '_ - � Edward A. Pajald, Clerk Bayfield County