HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 9/20/1973SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SEPTEMBER 20, 1973 The meeting was called to order by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman at 9:30 A.M. The following members answered roll call: No. 1 Present: Edwin Erickson, Kenneth_ -_Co. Howell,:-Eric"Johnson., .Clifford Hoagland, Bennie Rude, Louis Justice, Larry Seidel, Raymond Mammoser Wallace Johnson, Ernest Heglund, William Carter, Arthur Hanson, Carl Anderson, Joseph Berweger, Thomas Rondeau, Edwin Renoos, Walter C. Barningham Absent: Arthur Meierotto Present - 17 Absent - 1 Total 18 Moved by Ray Mammoser to dispense with the reading of the minutes, seconded by Erickson. Motion carried. Floyd Iddings, Clerk of the Town of Bell was present and was introduced. The following petition was read: No. 2 August 28, 1973 TO: Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: You are hereby petitioned to call a Special Meeting of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors at 9:30 A.M. on Thursday, September 20, 1973, at the Court House, Washburn, Wisconsin, for the following purposes: 1. To meet as the County Equalization Committee with representatives of the Wisconsin Department of Taxation. 2. To consider and act on certain amendments to the County Zoning Ordinance. 3. To consider and act on Federal Revenue Sharing expenditures. 4. To consider all other matters which may come before the said Board of Super- visors. Signed: The petition was signed by: Anderson, Barningham, Berweger, Carter, Erickson, (Heglund, Hoagland, Howell, E. Johnson, W. Johnson, Justice, Mammoser, Meierotto, Renoos, Rondeau, Rude, Seidel, Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Howell to receive the foregoing petition and 1place it on file. Motion carried. The purpose of the meeting as stated in the petition was to meet with representa- tives of the Department of Revenue as the County Equalization Committee and following the Committee meeting to act on other routine business of the County Board. September 20. 1973 No. 3 Mr. Howard Reynolds, Supervisor of Assessments and Mr. Keith Simpson, Depart- ment of Revenue, Eau Claire office, were present and appeared before the Committee on Equalization. Several questions regarding property assessment were raised by members of the board which were answered by Mr. Simpson and Mr. Reynolds. Mr. Simpson stated that county land sale figures are not used inlarriving at the equalized valuation figures for the county, nor are sales to the Department of Natural Resources or other governmental agencies. Mr. Simpson informed the Committee that the state's contribution toward Class A Personal Property Tax would be revised to be as following during the next five year period: State Contribution 1973 65/ 1974 80/ 1975 80/ 1976 85% 1977 90% 1978 100% The payments made to municipalities beginning in 1978 will be based on the 1977 payments and will decrease on a sliding scale of 10% per year with the last payment to be made in 1987. After 19771 no further assessments will be made on personal property. Mr. Simpson further informed the Committee that beginning in 1974 the assessment on all manufacturing property will be made by state assessors. The manufacturing machinery will be exempt from taxation. Mr. Simpson and Mr. Reynolds were excused and the board then took up other routine matters. No. 4 Miss Judy Polich, Associate Director of the Environmental Information Clearing House, Sigurd Olson Institute, Northland College, appeared before the board. She stated that the research services of the Institute are available for the use of county board members and the public at large. The board was advised that Tom Rondeau is Chairman of the Bi-County Committee. Moved by Howell and seconded by Mammoser to adjourn for the noon lunch. Motion carried. The meeting was called to order by Walter C. Barningham, Chairman at 1:00 P.M.. The following members answered roll call: No. 5 Present: Erickson, Meierotto, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Justice, Seidel,_ Mammoser, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Rondeau, Renoos, September 20, 1973 _ Barningham. Total-17 members present, 1 absent. i The following communication was read: No. 6 The State Historical Society of Wisconsin 816 State Street Madison, Wisconsin 53706 September 18, 1973 Mr. Edward A. Pajala, County Clerk Bayfield County Court House Washburn, Wisconsin .54891' Dear Mr, Pajala: Thank you very much for the opportunity to discuss questions concerning the dispos- ition of county's noncurrent records and to examine the storage areas in the Court House. .,Mr. Jallings and I appreciate very much the time you, Mr. Rude and the other county officers spent with us and we look forward to futute visits to Washburn. The enclosed letter to the Board briefly presents our proposal. 'As I mention in that letter I would be pleased to appear before the Boards perhaps in November as we discussed last week. I would like to be able to put a definite date on my calen- dar as soon as is convenient for you in order to coordinate my trip wi-th other work in the northern area. Again thanks for a vewy profitable and enjoyable visit. Sincerely, John A. Fleckner Assistant Archivist Moved by W. Johnson and seconded"by Seidel to receive the foregoing communication and place on file. Motion carried. The following Communication was read: No. 7 September 18, 1973 Mr. Walter Barningham County Board Chairman Bayfield, Wisconsin 54814 I Dear Mr. Barningham: The purpose of this letter is to request the officers of Bayfield County to consider N transfer of the county s permanently valuable, noncurrent records to the State Historical Society of Wisconsin for deposit in its Area Research Center at Northland T College. Transfer of such records may be accomplished under authority of Wis. Stats. 44.09 and 44.10 which instruct the Society to provide an orderly, uniform state-wide system for the retention and preservation of important court, county and local d public records on a manageable basis and under proper professional care -in the region of origin" Records transferred to the State Historical Society will be properly arranged, labelled catalogued, and laced in the Area Research Center for p , g p permanent reser- vation under good environmental conditions. Transfer of these records not only �` assures their preservation but also makes them accessible to a broad range of re- , searchers studying local or regional problems. The county, of course, could borrow I back any record necessary for extended use' in the courthouse. _Iil�' Many county and local governments have transferred records to the State Historical cj"�� Society. Ashland County, for example, has transferred a large body of materials including original Board proceedings and many Circuit Court records. The enclosed copies of a recent article in Wisconsin Counties provide additional information and I would be very pleased to meet with the Board to discuss this proposal in greater detail. Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, John A. Fleckner, Assistant Archivist 2 September 20. 1973 The County Clerk advised the board that he and Mr. Rude had met recently with Mr. Fleckner and Mr. Jallings of the State Historical Society, Mr. Pajala pointed out some advantages and disadvantages of transferring county records to the State Historical Society. Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Hanson to refer the foregoing communication to the Executive Committee for further review. Motion carried. The following Report of the Bayfield County Zoning Committee was read: No. 80 0 TO: The County Bdard of Supervisors of Bayfield County on the hearing on the petitions to amend the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, having held a public hearing pursuant to Section 59.97 (5),' Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been given as provided by law and being duly informed of the facts pertinent to the proposed changes, hereby recommends that the properties described as follows be denied: The Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of Section Twenty -Five (25), Township Forty -Eight (48) North, Range Five (5) West, be changed from Residential-1 Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The East One -Half (E4) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE4) of Section Twenty - Eight (28), Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Nine (9) West, be changed from Forestry and Commercial Use to Residential -Recreational Use. I. The Bayfield County Zoning Committee also recommends that the following petitions be approved: The East One -Half (E4) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Thirty-six (36)1 Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Nine (9) West, be changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. The South One -Half (S%) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW4) of the Southeast One - Quarter (SE4) of Section Thirty -Three (33), Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Nine (9) West, be changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. Dated: September 20, 1973 Signed, Bayfield County Zoning Committee Thomas E. Rondeau Eric Johnson Larry Seidel- W. H. Carter Edwin Renoos Walt Barningham Moved by Rondeau, seconded ,by Wm. Carter to accept the foregoing report. Motion carried. For the record, the Applications for Amendments, Notice of Public Hearing and proof of publication of the hearing are on file in the County Clerk's office. ___......... _____._.___— __ September_20_.,,_ 1973 l The following Amendatory Ordinance was read: No. 9 The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors of'dains as follows: That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, adopted May 4, 1971, be and the same, is hereby amended so that as amended, 1. The East One -Half (E%) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE4) of Section Thirty -Six (36), Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Forestry and Commercial Use to Residential -Recreational Use, 2. The South One -Half (S-1-2) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWa) of the Southeast One -Quarter (SE%), of Section Thirty-Three.(33), Township Forty -Five (45) North, Range Nine (9) West, is changed from Forestry Use to Residential -Recreational Use. Dated: September 20, 1973 Signed, Bayfield County Zoning Committee Thomas E. Rondeau Eric Johnson Larry Seidel W. H. Carter Edwin Renoos Walt Barningham Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Erickson that the foregoing Amendatory Ordinance be adopted. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing Amendatory Ordinance: No. 9a Ayes: Erickson, Meierotto, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Rondeau, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - none - Ayes - 17 Nayes - 0 Total - l7 - 1 member absent Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 10 WHEREAS, Andrew Carlson, Route 1, Washburn, Wisconsin, is presently in violation of certain sections of the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance and the County Sanitary Ordinance, relating to mobile homes now located on the property of said Andrew Carlson in the Town of Washburn, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, and WHEREAS, Said Andrew Carlson has failed &.nd continues to refuse to comply with the provisions of said Ordinances, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the'Zoning Committee and the Zoning Admin- istrator be and they are hereby authorized to refer said matter to the District Attorney's office for further action and prosecution at the direction of said Committee. Thomas E. Rondeau Edwin Renoos W. H. Carter Eric E. Johnson Larry Seidel Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Seidel to adopt the foregoing resolution. Mr. W. Johnson asked for an explanation of the resolution and Mr. Rondeau gave a resume of the;...problem. Mr. Heinlein also appeared before the board at this time. Motion carried. September 20. 1973 The following resolution was read: No. 11 WHEREAS, certain areas of Bayfield County are subject to periodic flooding and/or mudslides from the streams and lakes therein, causing serious damage to residential properties within these areas; and WHEREAS, relief is available in the form of flood insurance as authorized by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 as amended; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of this Board to comply with land use and management criteria regulations as required in said act; and WHEREAS, it is also the intent of this Board to recognize and duly evaluate flood and/or mudslide hazards in all official actions relating to land use in the flood plain and/or mudslide areas having special flood and/or mudslide hazards; and WHEREAS, Bayfield County is'authorized to adopt land use and control measures under the authority of Sections 59.97, 59.971 and Chapter 87 of the Wisconsin Stat- utes and the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that this Board hereby assures the Federal Insurance Administration that it takes the following legislative action: (1) Appoints the Bayfield County Zoning Committee with the responsibility, authority, and means to: (a) Delineate or assist the Administrator, at his request, in delineating the limits of the areas having special flood and/or mudslide hazards on available local maps of sufficient scale to identify the location of building sites. (b) Provide such information as the Administrator may request concerning present uses and occupancy of the flood plain and/or mudslide area. (c) Maintain for public inspection and furnishing upon request with respect to each area having special flood hazards, information on elevations (in relation to mean sea level) of the lowest floors of all new or substantially improved structures; and (d) Cooperate with Federal, State, and local agencies and private firms which undertake to study, survey, map, and identify flood plain or mudslide areas, and cooperate with neighboring communities with respect to management of adjoining flood plain and/or mudslide areas in order to prevent aggravation of existing hazards. (e) Submit on the anniversary date of the community's initial eligibility, an annual report to the Administrator on the progress made during the past year within the community in the development and implementation of flood plain and/or mudslide area management measures. (2) Take such other official action as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the objectives of the program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board hereby appoints the Bayfield County Zoning Committee with the overall responsibility, authority and means to implement all commitments made herein. - Thomas E. Rondeau Edwin Renoos W. H. Carter Eric E. Johnson Larry Seidel Moved by Hoagland and seconded by E. Johnson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. September 20, 1973 The following resolution was read: No. 12 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has adopted and is enforcing the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, and WHEREAS, Section 2.1 of said Ordinance as adopted by Bayfield County prohibits ( any person, firm or corporation from erecting, constructing, enlarging, altering, repairingo,,improving, moving or demolishing any building or structure without first obtaining a separate building permit for each building or structure from the Zoning Administrator, and WHEREAS, The Zoning Administrator must examine all plans and specifications for the proposed construction when application is made to him fora building permit, i now therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County as follows: 1. That the Zoning Administrator for Bayfield County when reviewing applications for buildin permits, including the plans and specifications for the proposed con- struction, will review all building permit applications to determine if the proposed a construction is consistent with the need to minimize flood damage. I I 2. That the Zoning Administrator shall review all ;.building permit applications to determine if the site of the proposed construction is reasonably safe from a 4-1 flooding and to make recommendations for construction in all locations which have flood hazards. 3. That the Zoning Administrator in reviewing all applications for construction in flood hazard locations within the County shall require that any such proposed I construction must: r (a) Be -designed and anchored to prevent the flotation, collapse or �J i lateral movement of the structure or portions of the structure due to flooding. (b) Use of construction materials and utility equipment that are resistant to flood damage. i i (c) Use of construction methods and practices that will minimize flood j damage. I j (d). Provide adequate drainage in order to reduce exposure to flood hazards. (e) Locate public utilities and facilities on the site in such a manner 1 i as to be elevated and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage, such utilities and facilities including sewer, gas, electrical and water systems. 1 4. It is further resolved that the Bayfield County Zoning Committee in review- ing all subdivision applications shall make findings of fact and determine if: I (a) All such proposed developments are consistent with the need to mini- mize flood damage. I (b) Adequate drainage is provided so as to reduce exposure to flood hazards. (c) Adequate drainage is provided so as not to increase the exppsure to flood hazards of adjacent lands. (d) All public utilities and facilities are located,.elevated and con- structed so as to minimize or eliminate flood damage, these utilities and facilities to include sewer, gas, electrical and water systems. Thomas E. Rondeau Edwin Renoos W.H. Carter Eric E. Johnson Larry Seidel Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Carter to adopt the foregoing resolution. ( Motion carried. i , September 20, 1973 Mr. Heinlein, County Zoning Administrator,appeared before the board at this time in regard to a problem of substandard lots in certain subdivisions as recently platted. He explained to the board that due to the planned cul de sacs (dead end entrances) the minimum front footage as provided by the county subdivision ordinance cannot be practically complied with. Mr. Heinlein stated that his appearance was only to acquaint the county board with the problem and no action was necessary. The following resolution was read: No. 13 WHEREAS., Public Law 92-258 adds Title VII to the Older Americans Act which is program to provide social service and nutrition programs for the aging and WHEREAS, two million dollars ($200001,000.00) has been allocated to the State of Wisconsin to fund a nutritional program for the elderly,and WHEREAS, Bayfield County has been given the option to participate in the program at a program cost of $41,679.00 for a period of one year, and WHEREAS, The County's share will be $4,169.78 in cash or in kind, and WHEREAS, The Federal's share will be $37,528.03, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County has a total population of persons age 60 and over of 1,228.of which 523 have income below the Federal poverty line, therefore be it RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 20th day of September to formally accept the offer to participate in the program and to sponsor said program for the elderly citizens of the county. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Board appoint a county committee on aging comprised of seven members of which one member shall be a dietician and the County Board Chairman shall serve as ex -official member. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Board of Supervisors appoint the Department of Social Services as the administering agency, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Board of Supervisors authorize the Director of the Department of Social Services to select a co-ordinator for the program. Walter Barningham Mr. John Lindoerffer, Division of Aging, was present and appeared before the board and spoke in support of the nutritional program. Betty.Lucas, Director of the Washburn Senior Citizen's Center, and Arnold Peterson, Chairman, City of Washburn Housing Authority, were also present. Mrs. Lucas gave some comments on the nutritional needs of senior citizens. Mr. Dashner, Administrator, Department of Social Services, also gave his views on the program.- Questions on the method of administering the program, the projected total annual cost, the estimated number of participants, and the future financing of the program in the event that Federal funds are discontinued were also raised. September 20, 1973 G�J `G Moved by Justice and seconded by Seidel to adopt resolution No. 13. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution, the results of which were as follows: No. 13a Ayes: Howell, Hoagland, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, Hanson, Anderson Nayes: Erickson, Meierotto, E. Johnson, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Berweger, Rondeau, Renoos, Barningham Ayes - 7 Nayes- 10 Total- 17, 1 member absent. Motion declared lost. The following resolution was read: No. 14 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Sheriff's Department has been operating with a reduced staff since January 1, 1973, and WHEREAS, due to the large size of the county, it is necessary to have a larger full time staff of law enforcement officers in the county to provide better law enforcement in all areas of the county, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Sheriff's Commission be authorized to employ one additional full time officer for the Sheriff's Department January 1, 1974 and another full time officer on July 1, 1974, and be it further RESOLVED, that said law enforcement officers be hired by the Bayfield County Sheriff's Commission pursuant to the guidelines as outlined in the Bayfield County Sheriff's Commission Ordinance. SHERIFFS COMMISSION C. E. Hoagland Edwin K. Renoos Ernest Heglund Louis Justice Edwin Erickson Moved by Erickson and seconded by Carter to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 15 WHEREAS, It is in the interest of Bayfield County to continue to update its crime detection @apabilities, and WHEREAS, There is presently available to Bayfield County financial assistance to acquire such equipment under the Crime Control and Safe Street Act, and WHEREAS, There is presently a need for certain technicaleequipment to be used in the prevention and detection of crime, to wit: a polygraph (lid detector) unit, portable tape recorders to equip each squad car and the Sheriff's office and a metal detector, the cost of which, including the training of a polygraph operator, can be deferred by funds from the above mentioned program, with the exception of 5% thereof, calculated to be in the amount of $390.00 representing the County's cost for the procurement of all of said equipment and the, training program referred to, and September 20. 1973 WHEREAS, It is deemed to be in the interest of Bayfield County in upgrading its law enforcement program, to make application under said program for funds to defray the cost of said equipment as hereinabove set forth, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Sheriff of Bayfield County be and he is hereby authorized to make application under the above mentioned program for funds to defray the cost of purchase of said equipment, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon approval of said application and the furnishing of said funds, said Sheriff,with the cooperation of the County Clerk,.is hereby auth- orized to purchase said equipment and to receive the funds therfor under said program. C.E. Hoagland Louis Justice Edwin-, K. Renoos Edwin.:Erkckson Ernest Heglund Moved by Justice and seconded by Hoagland to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 16 4 4) WHEREAS, Toe compensation to the Sheriff for boarding prisoners of Bayfield Jam. J j County is presently $2.00 per day, and Y WHEREAS, Said compensation is insufficient to provide proper meals for said N ,1 prisoners, and ITj WHEREAS, Information received from other counties in the State and from a 7 representative of the Division of Correction of the State of Wisconsin indicates that J compensation in the amount of $3.75 per prisoner day is reasonable in amount, now z therefore be it RESOLVED, That the compensation to the Sheriff for providing meals for prisoners s y i be established at a rate of $3.75 per prisoner day retroactive to Ausust 1, 1973. Louis H. Justice Edwin K. Renoos C.E. Hoagland Ernest Heglund Edwin Erickson Moved by Justice and seconded by Seidel to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 17 Bayfield, Wisconsin 54814 August 21, 1973 Mr. Edward Pajala County Clerk, Bayfield County Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: In May three persons interested in establishing a Bayfield Historical Society sent an application for affiliation to the State Historical Society, Madison. We were surprised to receive certification of our affiliation on the basis of Bayfield County Historical Society. September 20,1973 There are several advantages in accepting this affiliation wording: 1. This could function as a unit embracing ALL communities which have any interest in historicalpreservation of any sort here in the county. 2. Affiliation would therefore only need to be from community to the county level. 3. Each community could concentrate on its own special identity in'the to-kal' county picture. 4. Each local group would select its own interests and goals and be using its own funds and resources under its own plans. 5. Should one or two local groups suddenly lose interest, an over-all group is still maintained to which they may return later if wished. Beyond these specified advantages, I see one which I believe should have high priority with the county officials. With no further loss of time and with minimal expense, the unrecorded original documents, diaries, maps, oral information, etc. now less- ening with each passing day, could be steered to Madison where it could be micro- filmed or otherwise properly be preserved for all who have interest in it. By informing each community of such services, many items,might become available for loaning for this purpose. It takes a plan and a leader, at least, to accomplish such a program. Then there must be a place for working with adequate filing and clerical tasks. I think that I might volunteer some time for'.this and with other "senior citizens" who might likewise volunteer, the personnel problem would be solved.. The remaining problems would involve minimal expenses. Would the county board meet these? The affiliation has already been established! Respectfully, Marjorie F. Benton Moved'by W. Johnson and seconded by Mammoser to receive the foregoing communi- cation and place it .on file. Mrs. Benton was present and she advised the board that Mr. Lyle Cowley would present information concerning Bayfield County's affiliation with the State Hist- orical Society. Mr. Cowley was then given the floor and he explained to the board the importance of organizing a county historical:. society. He explained in detail the procedure for forming the society and stated that some funds would be required for material purchases and he also stated that it would be necessary to arrange for office space.' MOTION NO. 17a Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Justice that Bayfield County go on -record in support of the Bayfield County Historical Society. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 18 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board did.,at their November 1972 annual meeting, increase the salaries of county courthouse employees in the amount of $30.00 per month, and WHEREAS, a separate resolution was also adopted by the County Board at the November meeting providing that said increase whould apply to certain regular part time employees, and WHEREAS, said increase did not apply to salaries paid certain part time employees presently employed in the office of the Bayfield County Register of Deeds, Bayfield County Treasurer, and the Bayfield County Clerk of Courts, and 70 September 20. 1973 WHEREAS, a request has now.been made to the Personnel Committee by Earl Pedersen, Register of Deeds, Nick Pristash, Treasurer, and Lois Arntsen, Clerk of Courts, that the salary increase be made to apply to the salaries paid to Venette Nelson and Lorraine Warren, and WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee of the county board does believe'that Venette Nelson and Lorraine Warren are.well qualified and experienced part time employees and therefore should be entitled to said increase in pay, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the aforementioned employees be given the benefit of the salary increase and that their daily rate of pay as part time employees be adjusted to reflect the $30.00 per month increase given -to regular courthouse employees. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE C.E. Hoagland Edwin Erickson Louis Justice Ernest Heglund Edwin.Renoos Moved by Justice and seconded by Erickson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following report of the Personnel Committee was read: No. 19 This report is made in compliance with Resolution No. 32 adopted by the County Board at the July 18, 1973 meeting. The Resolution was in reference to the salary of the Registrar in Probate. At the present time, the duties of the Registrar in Probate have been delegated to Lois Arntsen, Clerk of Courts. No separate salary has been provided for the Registrar in Probate. The Personnel Committee, with the approval of the County Board,•has initiated a study of all Courthouse employees job classifications and salaries. The study is now underway. It is the recommendation ZTy the Personnel Committee that the salary of the. Registrar in Probate be made a part of the Bureau of Personnel study and no action be taken by the County Board in reference to the salary until the study is completed. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE C.E. Hoagland Edwin Erickson Louis Justice Ernest Heglund . Edwin K. Renoos Moved by Erickson and seconded by Justice to accept the foregoing report. Motion carried. September 20. 1973 . ...... _.... _ _.... _... _ The following report of the Executive Committee was read: No. 20 This report of the Executive Committee is in compliance with a motion of the i i County Board relative to a request by the Town of Iron River to purchase Lot 5 Block 1 of the Original Plat of Iron River. We find that Bayfield County took a tax deed on the above mentioned lot on April 30, 1973. We further find that on June 148 1973, LeRoy Hanson, owner and.operator of the ' l � 1 Hanson Hardware inquired about said lot. We also find that the building owned by LeRoy Hanson extends almost to the boundary of Lot 5 Block 1 and that the rear \4 entrance to said building is from a privately owned lot to theeast of the building owned by Mr. Hanson and access to Mr. Hanson's building could be cut off by the owner of the lot through which Mr. Hanson now has access to his building. The Committee further finds that said Lot 5 Block 1 is a lot 25 feet by 130 feet and it is the -opinion of the Committee that the lot would not be large enough to use 10 as a parking lot which is the intended use by the Town of Iron River. �?..1 it is the recommendation of the Executive Committee of the Bayfield County Board that the request of the Town of Iron River to purchase said Lot 5 Block 1, Original Plat of Iron River be denied. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Thomas E. Rondeau Joseph Berweger Raymond J. Mammoser 4 C.E. Hoagland Wallace Johnson { Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Berweger that the foregoing report be accepted, a I and that the request be denied. Motion carried. The following Easement wAs read: No. 21 Bayfield County, a municipal corporation, with its county seat at Washburn, Wisconsin, hereby grants to the Bayfield Electric Cooperative, Incl, of Iron River, Wisconsin, a right-of-way for the purpose of constructing an underground cable across P °Y that portion of Lot Five (5), of Section Twenty-six (26), Township Forty-seven (47) �?�,- North, of Range Nine (9) West, Town of Hughes, being county owned land. Said right- 1 of -way to be 15 - feet in width, and upon laying of the underground Cable, the Bayfield t Electric Cooperative Inc., of Iron River, Wisconsin, will make a detailed plat designating location of said underground cable. 'S This easement is subject to the provisions and conditions contained in Schedule N� "A" attached hereto and made a part of this easement. A TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said right-of-way unto said Bayfield Electric Cooperative, i i Inc., its successors and assigns until such time as said underground cable is aban- doned or discontinued, in which event all of said rights shall revert to the grantor i herein. i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Bayfield County has caused these presents to be executed this 20th day of -September, 1973, by its Clerk, said Clerk being duly authorized thereunto. IN PRESENCE OF BAYFIELD COUNTY � By: Edward A, Paja a, Clerk 72 September 20. 1'973 STATE OF WISCONSIN ) ) ss. COUNTY OF BAYFIELD ) Personally appeared before me this day of September, 1973, the above named Edward A. Pajala, to me known to be the County Clerk of said Bayfield County and the person who executed the foregoing instrument,on the date aforesaid. Drafted by Robert N. Ledin APPROVED: Robert N. Ledin, District Attorney Bayfield County, Wisconsin SCHEDULE "A" Notary Public, Co.,Wis. My commission expires APPROVED: William E. Hepner, Forest Adm. Bayfield County, Wisconsin 1. A map and legal description tied to established or monumented surveyed corners shall be furnished with each application for an easement. Such map shall indicate the width and use of said easement. Where underground cable is used, the exact loca- tion of the cable must be indicated. Following the laying of such cable, its location must be marked above ground at reasonable intervals. 2. The rights of the grantee of such easement shall apply only to the particular parcel of land granted in the easement and such grantee shall have no right of any nature whatsoever to enter upon adjoining County Forest or other -County lands outside I I of the right-of-way for any purpose whatsoever, except the grantee shall have the I right to cut and/or trim trees overhanging the right-of-way upon written permission of I the County Forest Administrator. 3. The easement grantee shall refrain from spraying rights -of -way for the des- truction,of trees, shrubs and other plants, without thereafter cutting and properly i disposing of the dead trees and shrubs on said rights -of -way resulting from said spraying, for the purpose of avoiding fire hazards, detracting from scenic beauty and preventing unsightly conditions from developing. 4. The grantee shall pay for all reproduction and timber standing on said right-of-way at the time the easement is granted at the regular going rates for stumpage charged by Bayfield County, said stumpage to be estimated by the Bayfield I ! County Forestry Department. All timber on such rights -of -way shall be cut in accord- j i ance with the practices established by the Bayfield County Forestry Department. I 5. The easement grantee shall take all necessary precautions to prevent the obliteration of landmarks relating to corner and monuments including all corners, bearing trees, bench marks and other Government and private survey references. 6. The easement grantee shall, in the clearing of rights -of -way and construction i ithereon,'comply with all of the laws of the State and County concerning the cutting I of forest products and disposition of slash and shall be more specifically prohib- ited from windrowing slash in, along or upon said rights -of -way and adjoining lands. 7. All overhead lines shall be constructed and maintained so as to have a min- imum clearance of fourteen (14) feet. 8. There shall be no change in the contour of the land as a result of construct- ion and all stu pps, debris and cut vegetation shall be removed or properly disposed of, and shall not be bulldozed to the edge of the right-of-way or upon adjacent land. 9. Upon the substantial failure of the easement grantee to comply with all the conditions of the easement, including the conditions contained herein, said easement may be cancelled upon ninety (90) days notice to said easement grantee and upon final action therein by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors. 10. The easement grantee shall have the right of ingress and egress over other County lands adjoining said described right-of�way only where such ingress and egress is required for the exercise of the rights granted by this easement to the said grantee. Such rights of ingress and egress shall be exercised only upon the written approval of the Bayfield County Forest Administrator and over designated routes as established by said Administrator. All special damages which may result from the opening up and use of such ingress and egress routes shall be compensated for by said grantee. MOTION NO. 21a Moved by Seidel and seconded by Hanson that the foregoing easement be granted. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 22 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board did on November 15, 1966,adopt Resolution No. 25, said resolution being recorded on pages 380 and 381, County Board Journal, Vol. 12, and WHEREAS, said resolution did provide for the creation of County Forest Units 1 and 2 , and WHEREAS, said resolution further provided that all of the county owned lands within the boundaries of said County Forest Unit be withheld from sale, and WHEREAS, the NW% SW% of Section 26-49-9 is within the boundaries of Forest Unit #1, and WHEREAS, said NW% SW4, Section 26-49-9 was inadvertently advertised for sale by Bayfield County in the usual manner in June, 1973, and WHEREAS, -it did not come to the attention of the County Clerk's office, the Bayfield County Forestry Department, the Executive Committee, or the Conservation Committee that said NWQ SW-1-4 Sec. 26-49-9 was within the boundaries of Forest Unit #1 until the bids had been opened and the bid of John F. Sullivan, Chicago, Illinois, .in the amount of $4,111.11 was accepted, and WHEREAS, the County Clerk cannot issue a quit claim deed for said land to said John F. Sullivan as the said described land has been withheld from sale by county board action, except with the approval of the County Board, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that a special exception be made to the resolution referred to above and the County Clerk be directed to issue a quit claim deed to John F. Sullivan and Patrick F. Sullivan, as joint tenants, to the NW'h SW%, Section 26-49-9 for the bid price of $4,111.11. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Bayfield County shall reserve sixty-six feet on each side of the river as recommended by the Conservation Committee of the County Board. Thomas E. Rondeau C.E. Hoagland Raymond J. Mammoser Joseph Berweger Wallace Johnson Moved by Hanson and seconded by Justice that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Motion carried. 197 The following Resolution was read: No. 23 WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors that it is the intention of the Chicago & North Western Transportation Company to make application for the abandonment of the rail line from Trego to Bayfield, Wis- consin, serving Hayward, Cable and Washburn, with sidings or tracks serving Earl, Springbrook, Seeley, Drummond, Grand Vidw, Mason, Benoit, Barksdale, Sioux River and Bayfield, and WHEREAS, it is in the interest of this body that this line not be abandoned due to the large pulpwood industry in the area, as well as the incoming transpor- tation of various Commodities vital to the area, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors duly convened this 20th day.of September, 1973, that this Board go on record as being opposed to the abandonment of the above mentioned rail line, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be and he is hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the State Legislative representatives for Bay - field County and the Public Service Commission. Larry Seidel Thomas E. Rondeau Carl E. Anderson Raymond J. Mammoser Edwin K. Renoos Wallace Johnson Joseph Berweger K. C. Howell, Edwin Erickson W. H. Carter C. E. Hoagland Walter Barningham Louis Justice Eric E. Johnson Moved by Mammoser'and seconded by Berweger to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 24 WHEREAS,, the Bayfield County Board did on July 18, 1973, adopt certain res- olutions providing for using Federal Revenue Sharing funds for the construction of a County Highway shop in Mason, a County Highway salt shed in Iron River, in- stallation of new windows in the County Administration building and a new roof on the Bayfield County Forestry garage, and WHEREAS, construction -of said buildings or improvements is now underway or is expected to be underway shortly, and WHEREAS, contracts have been let or will be let for said construction or im- provements, and WHEREAS, it has now come to the attention of Bayfield County that the provisions of the Davis -Bacon Act must be complied with when a contract is let if said contract requires the hiring of labor of any type, and WHEREAS, approval of the Department of Labor is among the requirements to be met in complying with the Davis -Bacon Act, and WHEREAS, due to the fact that the County was not aware of the Davis -Bacon Act prior to letting the contracts or advertising for bids for said contracts and con- sequently the approval of the Department of Labor has not been applied for and other requirements have not been met, and 7 WHEREAS, among other guidelines of the Federal Revenue Sharing program is the requirement that the Davis -Bacon Act must -be complied with in any contract which is funded 25/ or more by Federal Revenue Sharing funds, and WHEREAS, other county funds are available to partially finance the said con- struction projects, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the action previously taken by the County Board in relation to financing the aforesaid construction projects with Federal Revenue Sharing funds be rescinded and that said projects be financed to the extent of 24% of the total cost by Federal Revenue Sharingi'funds and that funds previously designated as building funds for the Bayfield County Courthouse and Jail be used to the extent that said funds are available and the balance required be transferred from the Contingency fund to finance said projects, be it further RESOLVED, that in the event that said building funds and Contingency funds are not sufficient to complete the aforesaid construction projects, the Executive Comm- ittee of the County Board be authorized to use any other surplus funds for the construction and improvements, be it further RESOLVED, that said general Revenue Sharing funds previously allocated by the County Board for said construction be used for other general operating or construction purposes as the Executive Committee deems most advantageous to the county. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Thomas E. Rondeau C. E. Hoagland Raymond J. Mammoser Joseph Berweger Wallace Johnson • Arthur Meierotto Moved by Mammoser and seconded by W. Johnson that the foregoing resolution be adopted. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution, the results of which were as follows: No. 24a Ayes- Erickson, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Rondeau, Renoos, Barningham Nayes- none Ayes - 16 Nayes - 0 Total - 16 - - two members absent, motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 25 August 311 1973 Dept. of Revenue Bureau of Property and Utility Tax 201 E. Washington Ave. Madison, Wis. 53702 Attention: Ralph D. Taylor Dear Mr. Taylor: Enclosed please find a completed Levy Increase Request for the County of Bayfield, together with a copy of the Revised Adopted Budget for the year 1973. Very truly yours, Edward A. Pajala, Bayfield County Clerk ' September 20.-1973 Moved by W. Johnson and seconded by C. Anderson to receive the foregoing and place on file. Note: A detailed copy of the above request is on file in the. County Clerks office. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 25a WHEREAS, the 1973 session of the Wisconsin Legislature has enacted legislation limiting the 1973 general property tax levies'for municipal and county purposes, and WHEREAS, provisions have been made in said legislature for the Department of Revenue to notify each municipal and county clerk of the allowable levy increases, and WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Clerk has been informed that the Bayfield County levy can be increased in the amount of $7,731.88 in 1973 over the 1972 levy, and WHEREAS, said Bayfield County Clerk has further been notified that said in- crease does not apply to taxes levied for state special charges, special charges for loans or levies previously made for the payment of various categorical aids through the Department of Social Services, and WHEREAS, the Department of Revenue has further.notified the County Clerk that an appeal can be made by the county to adjust said increase, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the appeal filed by the county through its Executive Committee for adjusting the maximum allowable increase for the 1973 levy, be approved, it being only the intent of the committee in filing the appeal to comply with the, deadline for filing such an appeal as any accurate .projection of the actual county tax levy cannot be made at this time. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Thomas E. Rondeau C. E. Hoagland Raymond J. Mammoser Joseph Berweger Wallace Johnsonn Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Erickson that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 26 Town of Clover Herbster, Wisconsin 54844 July 13, 1973 Mr. Edward Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wis'. Dear Mr. Pajala: Enclosed is a copy of a resolution adopted at the Town Board meeting of the Town of Clover, July 12, 1973, concerning ,the desire to purchase county owned land. We request that this resolution be presented to the Bayfield County Board, at their next meeting. Sincerely, Signe Dana, Clerk September 20. 1973 The communication was accompanied by the following resolution from the Town of Clover: Town of Clover Town Board Meeting: July 12, 1973 Resolution: WHEREAS, Bayfield County owns the NW4 of SE-1-4 of Section 21, T. 50, Range 7 W. and that the Town needs said NW4 of SE4, Section 21, T. 50, R. 7 W. for the avail- ability of sand fill material for public use, be it therefore RESOLVED, to dedicate such property for a site for sand fill and materials for public use. WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Clover has complied with the policy as set forth by the Bayfield County Board, dedicating such property to public use by required resolution; RESOLVED, that the Town of Clover be allowed to purchase the NW4 of SE4, Sec. 211 T. 504, R. 7 W. for consideration of delinquent taxes, plus interest and other charges as computed by the County Treasurer, Signe Dana, Clerk William Celinsky, Chairman Opie Beeksma & Clayton Beckman, Supervisors I. Signe Dana, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution is true and correct copy of resolution adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Clover at a Town Board Meeting, July 12, 1973. Signe Dana, Clerk Moved by Justice and seconded by E. Johnson to receive the foregoing and place on file. Motion carried. The following report was read: No. 27 The request of the Town of Clover, Bayfield County, Wisconsin to purchase the NW4 SE-1-4 of Section 21, Township 50 North, Range 7 West for a public purpose for the consideration of the delinquent taxes p Qs interest has been considered by the Executive Committee of the County Board. As the request did not arrive in time to be presented to the July meeting of the County Board, the Committee felt it necessary to expedite: the matter and prepare a report to the County Board at the September meeting. together with the request of.the Town of Clover. The Bayfield County cruiser's report of the property, dated June 3, 1971, indi- cates that there may be a possible gravel deposit on the land. Subsequent investi- gation by the Highway Department confirms the report of the county cruiser in ref- erence to gravel. Due to the scarcity of gravel, especially in the northern part of Bayfield County, it is the recommendation of the Executive Committee that the request of the Town of Clover to purchase the NW4 SEA-4 of Sec. 21-50-7 be denied. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Thomas E. Rondeau Joseph Berweger Raymond J. Mammoser C.E. Hoagland Wallace Johnson Moved by W. Johnson.and seconded by Renoos that the foregoing report be accepted. Motion carried. September 20. 1973 The following communication was read: No. 28 10 September 1973 Mr. Walt Barningham, Chairman Bayfield County Board Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Barningham: This is my letter of resignation as a member of the North Central Guidance Committee. I have enjoyed serving on this committee, but as of late I have been a poor attender,. and I don't believe in that. Sincerely, Thomas E. Rondeau Moved by Mammoser and seconded by Seidel to accept with regret the resignation o-r Thomas Rondeau. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 29 September 12, 1973 Mr. Bennie Rude Washburn, Wis. 54891 Dear Mr. Rude: Please be advised that you have been appointed as a member of the North Central le ",mi'f fCC+ Guidance Clinic/due to the resignation of Thomas Rondeau. Mr. Rondeau was appointed in May, 1971 for a term of three years. Your appoint- ment will be presented to the County Board for confirmation at the September 20th meeting-. Very truly yours, Walter C. Barningham, Chairman Bayfield County Board Moved by Carter and seconded by Berweger that the appointment of Bennie Rude be approved. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 30 April 23, 1973 Mrs. Stanley Barnes Solon Springs, Wis. 54873 Dear Mrs. Barnes: Walter Barningham, Chairman of the Bayfield County Board, has appointed you to serve on the Bayfield 'County Zoning Board of Adjustment. The appointment is for a period of three (3) years. The Board of Adjustment meets periodically as required when appeals from\decis- ions made by the Zoning Committee are filed. Per diem and mileage is paid to,members for all meetings attended. Very truly yours, Edward A. Pajala, Bayfield County Clerk Moved by Rondeau and seconded by Mammoser that the appointment of Gretchen Barnes be confirmed. Motion carried. September 20, 1973 The following resolution was read: No. 31 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has received notice from the Department of the Treasury, Office of Revenue Sharing, that it will receive an estimated total of $221,735.00 R Sharing funds for the 40 entitlement period beginning July 1, 1973 and .ending June 30, 19741 and WHEREAS, the Executive Committee of the County Board is of the opinion that all of said funds should be used to reduce the tax levy for the year 1975 by applying said funds to the ordinary operating expenses of the county, and WHEREAS, said Executive Committee has directed the County Clerk to complete the Planned Use report covering the entitlement 4 period indicating that the sum of $221,735.00 to be received for said period, will be used to reduce the 1975 tax levy, and be it further RESOLVED, that said funds can be used for a purpose or purposes other than those cited above with the approval of the county board. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Thomas E. Rondeau Joseph Berweger Raymond J. Mammoser C.E. Hoagland Wallace Johnson Moved by W. Johnson and seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 32 Bayfield County Sheriff Washburn, Wis, 54891 Sept. 18, 1973 Mr. Walter C. Barningham Chairman Bayfield County Board Courthouse Building Washburn, Wis. 54891 Re: County Traffic Safety Comm. Dear Mr. Barningham: Chapter 279, Laws of 1971, created section 83.013, Wisconsin Statutes requiring each county to establish a County Traffic Safety Commission. I have attached to this letter, a list of persons residing in Bayfield County who have indicated an interest in participating in this program I would hope that these recommendations for appointment are approved at the county board meeting of September 20, 1973. Thanking you for your interest in our Highway Safety Program, I remain Very truly yours, R. A. Frechette Sheriff, Highway Safety Coordinator Highway Safety Coordinator: Rudy A. Frechette Highway Engineer: LeRoy Weingarten, Alvin Wiesner Highway Commissioner: Larry Young State Patrol: Charles Folley, Sgt., District #8 County Traffic Law Enforcement: Richard W. Fredericks Educator: Paul Kopp, Washburn High School, Washburn, Wis. Medicine: John Blahnik, Administrator, Bayfield County Memorial Hospital Law: Thomas P. Fox* Attorney, Washburn, Wis. Additional members: Mary Kahn, Star Route, Solon Springs, Wis. Moved by Rondeau & seconded by Justice that the foregoing list be approved. Motion carried. September 20. 1973 The following resolution was read: No. 33 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Department of Social Services has a malfunctioning electric typewriter that has undergone extensive repairs, and WHEREAS, it is economically advisable to purchase a new unit rather than continue repairs, and WHEREAS, there was no outlay request for purchase of same, therefore be it RESOLVED, by the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors in session this 20th day of September, 1973, that funds in the amount of approximately $500.00 be transferred from the contingency fund to the Bayfield County Department of Social Services outlay account for purchase of said machine. Dated: This 20th day of September, 1973 Presented by: Wallace Johnson K. C. Howell W. H. Carter Bennie R. Rude Art C. Hanson Moved by W. Johnson and seconded by E..Johnson that the foregoing resolution be adopted.' Motion carried. The following resolution was -read: No. 34 A RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO EARLY PERIODIC DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF QUALIFIED INDIVIDUALS WHEREAS, Title XIX of the Social Security Act was amended in 1967 to direct attention to the importance of preventive health services and early detection and treatment of diseases in children eligible for medical assistance; and WHEREAS, in October 1972, with the passage of Public Law 92-603, a monetary penalty for non-compliance of 1/ of funds allocated to the State of Wisconsin for aid to dependent families with dependent children became law; and WHEREAS, Bayfield County would share in th.e penalty if it failed to comply; and WHEREAS, The purpose and objectives of the Early and Periodic Screening, Diag- nosis and Treatment Program are: 1. Creation 'of awareness of existing health services. 2. Stimulation of appropriate use of these services. 3. Making available services which provide necessary medical care before health problems become chronic and irreversible damage occurs. 4. Coordination and integration of the various health specialities to accomplish a complete evaluation of the health status of each individual. 5. Enlistment of the help ofindividual practitioners, training institutions, professional associations, and official and voluntary agencies to provide the services needed to carry out this program. 6. Establishment and strengthening of a continuing relationship between each individual and a primary health care practitioner; and WHEREAS, The Bayfield County Public Health Nursing Agency will administer this program, and such additional duties will necessitate the hiring of an additional part- time nurse and part-time secretarial help; and He Septembex__2.2,_ 973 WHEREAS, $1,000.00 is needed to fund the aforementioned part-time personnel and the supplies and equipment needed for the Program; and WHEREAS, It is necessary for the Program to begin on January 1, 1974; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the County to enter into a contract with the State of Wisconsin Division of Health and Social Services, now therefore befit RESOLVED, that the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors authorize the Health Committee to'enter into a contract with the State of Wisconsin Division of Health and Social Services for the purpose of beginning the Program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors authorizes the expenditure of $1,000.00 for part-time staff, supplies and equipment needed by the Bayfield County Public Health Nursing Agency. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the contract will provide that the Bayfield County Public Health Nursing Agency will screen qualified individuals under 21 years of age who are eligible for medical assistance and are interested in screening, diagnosis and treatment services. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Supervising Public Health Nurse include this Program in the preparation of her 1974 budget. RESOLUTION OFFERED BY: Wallace Johnson K. C. Howell Art C. Hanson Moved by Howell and seconded by Hanson that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Motion carried. Moved by Hanson and seconded by Mammoser that the Highway matters be held over until the November meeting of the board. Moved by Renoos and seconded by Justice that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. Walter C. Barningham County Board Chairman Edward A. P ' la Bayfield unty Clerk