HomeMy WebLinkAboutCounty Board of Supervisors - Minutes - 2/12/1974249 February 12, 1974 MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS February 12, 1974 The meeting was called to order at 9:45 AM by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman. The following members answered roll call: No. 1 Present - Edwin,Erickson, Kenneth Howell, Eric Johnson, Clifford Hoagland, Bennie Rude, Louis.. Justice, Larry Seidel, Raymond Mammoser, Wallace Johnson, Ernest Heglund, William Carter, Arthur Hanson, Carl Anderson, Joseph Berweger, Edwin Renoos, Walter Barningham Absent - Arthur Meierotto, Thomas Rondeau Present - 16 Absent - 2 Total 18 Moved by Howell, seconded by Mammoser to dispense with reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 2 February 7, 1974 Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wisc. 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: It has come to my attention that the term of Lois Leslie as a member of the Bayfield County Housing Authority has expired. Please be advised that I am re -appointing Lois Leslie as a member of the Bayfield County Housing Authority for a period of five years. Kindly submit this re -appointment to the County Board at their next meeting. Very truly yours, Walter C. Barningham County Board Chairman Moved by Carter, seconded by Howell to approve the appointment of Lois Leslie. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 3 February 7, 1974 j Edward A. Paj ala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wis. 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: February 12. 1974 Please be advised that I have appointed Kenneth C. Howell as a member of the County Library Planning Committee to fill the unexpired term of Harold Benton. Mr. Howell's term will expire December 31, 1974. Very truly yours, Walter C. Barningham County Board Chairman Moved by Johnson, seconded by Rude to approve the appointment. Motion carried. The following communication was; read: No. 4 January 31, 1974 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wis. 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: I herewith submit a request for permission to appear before the County Board Meeting to be held on February 12th. The matter I wish to relate before the Board is the improper and unethical attack Mr. Jake Hehlein, Zoning Administrator, has started against an approved Bayfield County P;at located in Govt. Lot 1, Sec. 34, T50N, R4W, Town of Bayview. The above described plat has been reviewed and approved by the Bayfield County Zoning Committee as of January 11, 1972, signed by Chairman Thomas E. Rondeau and Town Chairman, Mr. K. C. Howell. Plat recorded on February 10, 1972 by Register of Deeds. Mr. Jacob Heinlein has instituted a Board of Adjustment Meeting requesting the contractor who placed the first building on Lot 3 of the Subdivision, to appear for the change that Mr. Heinlein feels he wants for the lots on the plat. This, in spite of sage advise given by his predecessor, Mr. Alvin Lattimer. Thanking you in advance for your attention to the above, I remain, Sincerely, Merton Heuer Mr. Merton Heuer appeared before the Board in regard to the above matter. Mr. Jake Heinlein then appeared before the Board and gave his view of the matter. He presented a report with drawings of the lots in question. A lengthy discussion, with many questions and answers, followed. Moved by Carter, seconded by Seidel to take action to change this land in question from R-2 to R-1 through the regular procedure. Motion carried. No. 4 B Robert Novack, Architect, appeared before the Board in regard to the proposed project of alterations to the County Board Room. He presented a report to all Board members. Mr. Novack read through the report and explained the project and answered questions raised by the Board. Moved by E. Johnson, seconded by Howell to delay action on: -`the project until the next County Board Meeting. Motion carried. 51 February 12, 1974 Students from the Drummond School District appeared as visitors at the meeting and were allowed a short period of time to ask questions which were answered by members of the Board. The following resolution was read: No. 5 WHEREAS, the Bayfield County Board -did on November 14, 1973, adopt a resolution providing for a full time Veterans Service Officer in Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, the County Board did on December 7, 1973, authorize the hiring of an Emergency Government Director, and WHEREAS, due to a ruling of the State Bureau of Emergency Government, it was found that the county could not receive state funding for a part time director unless that person was employed full time in some position by the county, and WHEREAS, the Executive Committee and the Personnel Committee, together with the approval of the Conservation Committee of the County Board, have determined that a full time position be created covering both Emergency Government and Recreation, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the action taken by the aforesaid committees insofar as it pertains to the creation,of a full time position known as Emergency Government -Recreation Director be approved. PERSONNEL AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES C. E. Hoagland Raymond Mammoser Louis Justice Wallace Johnson Edwin Erickson Joseph Berweger Edwin Renoos i Ernest Heglund Moved by Erickson, seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. d The following resolution was read: No. 6 WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee and the Conservation Committee of the county board have received applications for the position of Emergency Government -Recreation Director for Bayfield County, and WHEREAS, said applications have been considered by the aforesaid committees, and WHEREAS, the aforesaid committees have taken action to appoint Gary Gylund as said ilk Emergency Government -Recreation Director, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the appointment of Gary'Gylund as Emergency Government -Recreation Director be approved. I PERSONNEL AND CONSERVATION COMMITTEES C. E. Hoagland, Raymond Mammoser Edwin Erickson Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Arthur Hanson Ernest Heglund Carl Anderson Louis Justice Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. February 12, 1974 The following resolution was read: No. 7 WHEREAS; there has been established in Bayfield County the position of Emergency Government - Recreation Director, and and WHEREAS, said director must attend meetings and perform various duties away from his office, WHEREAS, it is possible for the county, at times, to obtain the services of secretarial help funded through various state or federal programs, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Emergency Government -Recreation Diredor of Bayfield County be authorized to obtain the services of such state or federally funded secretarial help. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE C. E. Hoagland Edwin K. Renoos Louis Justice Edwin Erickson Ernest Heglund Moved by Rude, seconded by Renoos to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 8 WHEREAS, Mike Malcheski is employed in the office of the Bayfield County Zoning Administrator at the present time as an assistant under a federally funded program, and WHEREAS, said assistant, from time to time, must travel to various parts of the county, and .1 -- WHEREAS, such travel expenses cannot be charged to the.federally funded program, now there- � c fore be it RB SOLVED, that the out-of-pocket travel, -expenses, as well as mileage at the regular rate, be paid to Mike Malcheski and charged to the Bayfield County Zoning budget, and be it further RESOLVED, that in the event that other employees are hired under federally funded programs and said employees do have similar travel and other out-of-pocket expenses, such expenses can be paid and charged to the department authorizing such expenditures. Edwin K. Renoos Wallace Johnson Larry Seidel Raymond J. Mammoser Eric E. Johnson Joseph Berweger Moved by Anderson, seconded by Howell to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 9 WHEREAS, Bayfield County contains within its borders a tax exempt Indian Reservation, namely, the Red Cliff Reservation, and WHEREAS, the County has incurred extra expense in law enforcement, arising by reason of Federal legislation removing Governmental controls over Indians and said Bayfield County appears to be eligible for assistance as provided under the provisions of Section 20.455 (2)(b) of the Wisconsin Statutes, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County, duly JIB assembled, this 12th day of February, 1974, that application be made to the State of Wisconsin, for assistance under the provisions of Section 20.455 (2) (b) of the Wisconsin Statutes, for law enforcement for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1974, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall continue in force from year to year andthat the proper officers of Bayfield County shall make claim annually for such financial assistance in policing said Reservation and for expenses directly connected therewith, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be certified by the County Clerk to the Attorney General of Wisconsin, with a request for certification of such.!appli.cation, as is required under the provisions of Section 20.455 (2)(b) of the Wisconsin Statutes. Wallace Johnson Raymond Mammoser Joseph Berweger C. E. Hoagland Walter Barningham Moved by W. Johnson, seconded by Erickson to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Kenneth Andrews, Chairman of the Red Cliff Tribal Council, appeared before the Board to discuss the Indian Deputy Program in Bayfield County. Mr. Andrews pointed out that recent news releases were misleading as they pertained to the cost of the Indian Police Program in the County. He pointed out that the salary and expenses of the Indian Police are being reimbursed to the County through various federal programs. Mr. Andrews made a request to the Board that a member of the Red Cliff Tribal Council sit on the Sheriff's Commission as an active member. The legality of a person other than a member of the County Board sitting on.any county committee was questioned by the District Attorney and members of the Board. Moved by Erickson, seconded by Justice that the representative of the Red Cliff Tribal Council meet with the Law Enforcement Commission at an early date to discuss the question relative to the deputy assigned to the Red Cliff Reservation area and to report back to the Board at the April meeting. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 10 WHEREAS, Bayfield County took a tax deed to Government Lot One (1), Section Thirty (30), Township Fifty-one (51) North, Range Three (3) West, on August 25, 1926,, and WHEREAS, Said tax deed was defective in that it included all of said Government Lot 1, whereas in fact only a part of said description was subject to said tax deed, and WHEREAS, On May 25, 1944, Bayfield County attempted to correct the record in reference to said tax deed by transferring the portion thereof not subject to said deed to the owners of said excepted parcels, and WHEREAS, In addition to the aforesaid defect in s_aid.tax deed, the excepted descriptions transferred back to said owners are defective in that the.metes and bounds description refer to trees, and so forth, rather than corners that.can now be determined, and WHEREAS, The Bureau of Indian Affairs of the United States Department of the Interior has requested that Bayfield County issue a quit claim deed to the,_United States Government to said Government Lot One (1) for the purpose of clearing title thereto, said title to be held by the United States Government in trust for the heirs of John Jibway, the original patentee under a grant from the United States Government on November 25, 1912, and F February 12, 1974 WHEREAS, It is probable that Bayfield County does not have merchantable title to any part of said Government Lot 1 by virtue of said tax deed, and WHEREAS, It is in the interest of Bayfield County to resolve the question of title by issuing a quit claim deed to the United States Government, as aforesaid, releasing any interest Bayfield County may have in said Government Lot 1 to said grantee for the purposes hereinabove set forth, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the County Clerk of Bayfield County is hereby authorized and directed to issue a quit claim deed running from Bayfield County to the United States of America in trust for the heirs of John J�jbway, covering the aforesaid Government Lot 1 for the purposes herein set forth and to deliver said deed to the Great Lakes Agency of said Bureau of Indian Affairs at Ashland, Wisconsin. Wallace Johnson Joseph Berweger C. E. Hoagland Raymond Mammoser Moved by Berweger, seconded by Renoos to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried, Moved by Mammoser, seconded by W. Johnson to adjourn for lunch. Motion carried. The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PM by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman. The following members answered roll call: No. 11 Present - Erickson, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, W. Johnson Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Renoos, Barningham Absent - Meierotto, Rondeau Present - 16 Absent - 2 Total 18 The following resolution was read: No. 12 WHEREAS, Bayfield County is the owner of the Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter (NEµ of NEµ), except the Southwest (SW) ten (10) acres thereof, Section Thirteen (13), Township Fifty- one (51) North, Range Five (5) West, and WHEREAS, Bayfield County has an opportunity to purchase the aforesaid excepted ten acre parcel belonging to a private person for a consideration of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00), and WHEREAS, Said ten acre parcel of land has been appraised by Bayfield County and is found to have a value of at least $700.00 as a result of said appraisal; and WHEREAS, It would be in the interest of Bayfield County for blocking purposes under the Forest Crop Law program and for other reasons, to acquire said ten acre description, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the purchase of said ten acre parcel is hereby authorized at a consideration of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00) and the Forest Administrator, together with the proper -.:officers of Bayfield County, are hereby authorized and directed to purchase said ten acre parcel of land, to make payment therefor as aforesaid and to receive title to said parcel of land in the name of Bayfield County. Art C. Hanson Carl E. Anderson Raymond J. Mammoser Louis Justice Moved by Rude, seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing resolution. February 12, 1974 5 Q A roll callvote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 12a Ayes - Erickson, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - none Ayes - 16 Nayes - 0 Total 16 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 13 WHEREAS, Section Three (3), Township Forty-eight (48) North, Range Eight (8) West, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, is entered under the ForestrCrop Law with the exception of one forty acre parcel described as the Southeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter (SEµ of SWµ) of said Section Three (3), and WHEREAS, It would be desirable for blocking and other purposes to acquire title in Bayfield County to said forty acre description, and WHEREAS, Said forty acre parcel of land may be acquired either by a trade for a tax title forty acre description of equal value outside of the blocking area or by an outright purchase, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That in the event a.trade can be negotiated as aforesaid, the.Forest Administrator and the proper officers of Bayfield County are hereby authorized to consummate said transaction by accepting and issuing deeds in accordance with the agree- ment, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That in the event a trade cannot be negotiated, the purchase price of said forty acre description shall be determined and a report made to the Board at its April meeting for further consideration. Art C. Hanson Carl E. Anderson Raymond J. Mammosur Louis Justice Moved by Justice, seconded by Mammoser to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 14 WHEREAS, The Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company has made application to the Public Service Commission to abandon its line from Bayfield to Hayward, and WHEREAS, A public hearing on said proposed abandonment will not be held by the Public Servic.e Commission unless sufficient protests are received, and WHEREAS, It is deemed in the interest of Bayfield County and the economy thereof to retain the present railroad service, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That this Board go on record requesting the Public Service Commission of the State of Wisconsin to hold a hearing.on the petition of said railroad for such abandonment of railroad service, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Bayfield County take such official action as may be necessary in resisting said abandonment to the utmost, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this resolution'to said Public Service Commission. Raymond Mammoser Wallace Johnson- Joseph Berweger Edwin Erickson C. E. Hoagland Moved by Berweger, seconded by Howell to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. No. 15 Richard Olson, Sr. and John Blahnik appeared before the Board and reported on the financial and operating condition of the hospital to date and also the proposed clinic addition. Mr. Olson reported he had just received in the mail a check in the amount of $27,000.00 as part payment of the grant made to the hospital by the John D. Hopkins Foundation. The following communication was read: No. 16 Bayfield County Board Walter Barningham, chairman Bayfield Co. Courthouse Washburn, Wise. 54891 Gentlemen: The recent influx of forest products buyers into this area and the resultant acceleration of timber harvest is causing considerable concern among many people in the northernmost counties of our state. The Chequamegon Concerned Citizens (CCC) urge the Bayfield County Board to'immediately evaluate this situation and develop in our county a sustained yield forest harvest plan. Chequamegon Concerned Citizens Box 485 Ashland, Wisconsin 54806 similar letter sent to Ashland Co. Bd. Moved by Seidel, seconded by Howell to receive the communication and place it on file. Motion carried. William Hepner, Forest Administrator, appeared before the Board and reported on the sale of forest products in the county. He informed the Board that the actual timber harvest in forestry Bayfield County is even slightly less than the projected annual harvest in the 10 year plan. He further stated it may appear that more timber is being harvested today due to the fact that most of the pulp and other timber is transported by truck rather than by rail and also due to the fact that much of the forest products are transported to Ashland and consequently many more loads are seen locally on the road than were seen several years ago. The following Forestry Ordinance was presented: No. 17 COUNTY FOREST ORDINANCE FOR BAYFIELD COUNTY. WISCONSIN An ordinance prescribing rules and regulations for the administratnn"of County powers and duties as provided in Chapters 26, 28, 29 and'59 of'the Wisconsin Statutes,''under which the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors is granted specific powers relative to the establishment, protection, development and management of county forests to provide a sustained yield of forest products for commercial use and the associated benefits of soil and water conservation, scenic and recreational values, and fish and game resources; all in cooperation with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. r`ewya A _........_.-.-----._._.._.___._�-. Februar..y........12_,�9.7.4..--.--_..__. The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County does ordain as follows: SECTION I The Bayfield County Forestry Ordinance of November 10, 1937 and any amendment thereto is hereby repealed and recreated to read as follows: SECTION II DESIGNATION OF COUNTY FORESTS A. Determination is.hereby made that fb.r the purpose of proper and complete indentification, all county owned forest lands now held and entered under the Wisconsin County Forest Law by Bayfield County, or hereafter acquired for forestry purposes and located within the areas described below, and as indicated on the official map appended to the comprehensive plan on file in the office of the County Forest Administrator, are established and designated as the Bayfield County Forest. The Bayfield County Forest boundaries are hereby established to encompass the areas described as follows: In T43N - R7W: The NWNW, S2NWµ and S2 of Section 26; The E2 of Section'27; All of Sections 29 through 32,; The S2 N2 and S2 of Section 33: The NEµ S2NWµ and S2 of Section 34; All of Sections 35 and 36. In T43N - R9W: All of Sections 1 through 4 and 8 through 36. In T44N - R9W: All of Sections 25 through 28 and 33 through 36. In T45N - R9W: All of Sections 1 through 6; The N2 of Section 7; The N2, N2SWµ and SEµ of Section 8; All of Sections 9 through 16; The E2 of Section 17. In T46N - R9W: The entire township. In T47N - RBW: The NE-14 of Section 2; The NW-14 and W2SWµ of Section 3; All of Section 4; The N2, N2SWµ and SE-14 of Section 9; The W2NWµ, NWSW, S2SWµ and S2SEµ of Section 10; All of Sections 12, 13 and 14; The E2 of Section 22; All of Sections 23 and 24; The S2 of Section 29; The S2 of Section 30; The N2 and SE-14 of Section 31; All of Section 32. In T47N - R9W: The SWNW and W2SWµ pf Section 1; The S2NE4, NW-14 and S2 of Section 2; All of Sections 3, 4, 8 and 9; The N2 of Section 11; The W2E2 and W2.of Section 12; The NW-1-4 and W2SW4 of Section 15; All of Sections 16, 17 and 19 through 22; The S2SWµ of Section 23; The S2 of Section 25; The NE-14, N2NWµ, NESE and S2SEµ of Section 26; The N2NEµ, SWNE and W2, W2SE4 and SESE of Section 27; All of Sections 28 through 36. In T48N - RBW: All of Sections 1, 2, 3 and 14; The E2NEµ, S2SWµ, NESE and S2SEµ of Section 15; All of Sections 22, 23, 26, 27 and 33; The N2, SW-14 and N2SEµ of Section 34; The N2, N2SK and SEµ of Section 35. In T49N - R4W: All of Sections 6 and 7. In T49N - RSW: All of Section 1 through 5, 8 through 12 and 14 through 17. In T49N - R7W: All -of Sections 2, 3 and 5 through 8'; The N2NEµ and W2 of Section 10; All of Sections 18, 19, 30 and 31. In T49N - RBW: All of Sections 1, 2 and 11 through 14; The E2 of Section 15;.All of Sections 22 through 27 and 34 through 36. In T50N - R4W: The W2NWµ and the SW-1-4 of Section 4: All of Sections 5, 6, 7 and 8; The N2 of Section'17; All of Section 18; The W2 of Section 19; The S2 of Section '31. In T50N - R5W: All of Sections 1, 2 and 3; The E2 of Section 4; A11 of Sections,6 and 7; The W2 of Section 8; All of Sections 10 through 15; The E2 and E2W2 of Section 16; All of.Section 18 and Sections 20 through 36. February 12, 1974 In T50N - R6W: All of Section �; The.S2 of Section 4; The S2 of Section 5; The SE-14 of Section 6, All of Sections 7, 8 and 9; The W2E2 and W2 of Section 10; All of Sections 12 and 13; The E2 and SW-14 of Section 14; The W2NE4, NW-14 and SE-14 of Section 15; All of Sections 18 and 19; The W2NW4 and SWµ of Section 20; All of Sections 23 through 36. In T50N - R7W: The E2E2 of Section J2; All of Sections 13, 24,.25, 35 and 36. In T51N - R3W: The SWNW and SW-14 of Section 6; The W2 of Section 7; The N2 of Section 18. In T51N - R4W: The S2N2 and S2 of Section 1; The S2NW4 and SW-14 of Section 6; All of Section 7; The SE-4 of Section 8; The S2 NE-4 and S2 of Section 9; All of Sections 11 and 12; The N2 of Section 13; The N2 of Section 14; All of Sections 15 and 16; The E2 of Section 17; The NW-14 of Section �8; The NEµ of Section 21; The N2 of Section 22; All of Sections 29, 30, 31 and 32. In T51N - RSW: The S2NE4, NW-14 and 52 of Section 1• All of Section 2; The S2 of Section 9; All .}}�� S i ?1 and S i D of Sections 10 through 16 and 22 through 28, The S2N2 aAd S2 o Section 30; All of Section 31; The N2 of Section 32; All of Sections 33, 34, 35 and 36. In T51N - R6W: The S2 of Section 36. B. It shall be the policy of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors to acquire land within the County Forest boundaries, except in the no purchase areas, as they become available and upon a determination by the Forestry Committee that County ownership of said land is beneficial to the people of Bayfield County and the State of Wisconsin. SECTION III COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors hereby assigns administration of the County Forest to the Committee of this Board, known as the Forestry Committee, and hereinafter referred to as, the committee: SECTION IV RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES OF THE COMMITTEE A. Annually, at the Budget meeting, the Committee shall present to the County Board for its consideration and adoption a work plan for the ensuing calendar year together with a detailed recommended budget in a form prescribed by the Executive Committee of the County Board. The work plan and budget adopted by the County Board at this meeting shall serve as a directive to the Committee and shall establish the limits as well as purpose for which expenditures may be made. B. Subject to budget limitations, the Committee is hereby assigned the responsibilities detailed in sub -paragraphs 1 through 22. 1. The Committee shall direct and supervise the County Forestry Office... Shall employ a competent County Forest Administrator as its agent and such other competent personnel to direct, perform, and enforce the administrative and management functions of this ordinance. 2. The Committee shall establish and maintain forest headquarters for office space.and the housing of machinery, tools, equipment, and supplies needed in conducting forestry operations. 3. In conformity with procedures established by the Forestry Committee or County Board Rules, the Committee may purchase, acquire, sell, trade or dispose.of instruments, tools, equipment and supplies required for the operations of the department. Items costing more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) shall be purchased by competitive bid according to Section 59.08 of the Wisconsin Statutes. n. 9. 4 0 February 12, 1974 4. The Committee is empowered to negotiate for and acquire lands within the designated County Forest area. Acquisition may be by outright purchase, based on competent appraisal of the value or values involved, or by gift, bequest or actions to foreclose tax liens, or by trade of County owned lands outside of such areas for the purpose of blocking the forest for, better administration or for recreational and forestry purposes. The Committee shall have the power and duty to execute applications for entry under provisions of Chapter 28 of the Wisconsin Statutes for lands acquired or owned by Bayfield County within the County Forest boundaries. 5. The Committee shall approve and make application for entry of "County Special User' lands which are defined in Statutes 28.11 (4) (B) . 6. The Committee shall do all things necessary for the protection of the forest, whether from fire, insects, disease, trespass or from damage by animals or from other.causes, in cooperation with the Department of Natural Resources in all such related matters. 7. Regulate the disposal of slash and dispose of all salvaged materials. 8. Locate survey lines and appropriately monument corners of County Forest Land. 9. Construct, improve and maintain a system of forest roads, trails and fire breaks, and purchase or secure easements for access -ways and recreational trails to cross privately owned lands. 10. Conduct forest improvement work including reforestation, release cuttings, thinnings, pruning, and weeding by any method including spraying or dusting of chemicals by airplane and other methods not prohibited by law or County Ordinance. 11. Cooperate with the Department of Natural Resources in the determination of the allowable annual cut by establishment of an intensive county forest management plan including an inventory of growing stock and increment, acreage control, establishment of cutting com- partments. and other necessary items for such plan. 12. Sell timber stumpage in accordance with a county forest management plan in cooperation with the Department'of Natural Resources. 13. In accordance with plans approved by the Board, establish, construct and maintain wherever desirable within the forest, picnic grounds, waysides, c amps and campsites, public access roads and boat landings, scenic areas, nature trails, multiple use trails, and designate, .mark and preserve places of natural or historic interest and significance. Management and regulatory control of all County Forest Recreation Areas is hereby specifically delegated to said Committee. 14. Cooperate with the Department of Natural Resources on all matters relating to game and fish management within the county forest on which a memorandum of understanding between the County Board and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is in existence. 15. The Committee is authorized to enter into an agreement with the North Central - Forest Experinent Station and the University of Wisconsin with the endorsement of or directly with the Department of Natural Resources for the use of tracts of county forest lands, labor, materials and equipment for conducting forest research. 16. Do special recreation development work on other public lands not included in the county forests including such lands as state lands, federal lands, school forests, county special -use lands, community forest, county parks, public highway and similar projects and be authorized to acquire easements and develop trails over private land. February 12, 1974 17. With Board approval and after obtaining Department of Natural Resources approval the Committee may grant permits to prospect for ore or minerals upon County lands under the juris0 diction of this Committee in accordance with the provisions of the County Forest Law. 18. Establish regulations pertaining to the posting of signs on County Forest Lands. 19. The,Committee may issue such permits for private access roads across county land with safeguards to protect the county interest. 20. The Committee may issue easements for utility lines, town roads and permits for municipal disposal sites with such safeguards to protect the county interest!- 21. 1Prepare and present an annual report of its activities to the County Board. The report shall include statistics showing work accomplished. Such reports shall be in sufficient detail so that performance of the Forestry Office may be measured. 22. To follow Schedule A - Terms and Agreements of Easements as adopted by County Board Resolution. 23. The Committee may issue permits for the removal of dirt, sand, gravel or rock on county owned land. SECTION V COUNTY FOREST LAW ADMINISTRATION When the Committee makes. application for entry of additional lands under the County Forest Law, the County Clerk and County Board Chairman shall take all necessary action to approve such applications as provided by statute. Withdrawal of lands entered under the County Forest Law shall be in the manner prescribed by Section 28.11 (11) of the Wisconsin Statutes or any amendment thereof. Upon receipt of a withdrawal request by the Committee, a study group will be designated toyinvestigate. The group will be composed of five members. One from the Forestry Committee, one from the Township in whidh the land lies, one from the Department of Natural Resources, one from the Zoning Department, and the Forest Administrator. Chairman of the study group will be determined by the group. It shall be the dutyoof this study group to investigate the Oith- drawal request and report back to the Committee.all information relative to the proposal. SECTION VI FOREST FINANCES A. All allotments from the State of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to Bayfield County under section 28.11 (8) (b) of the Wisconsin Statutes or any amendment thereof, for the purchase development, preservation and maintenance of the County Forest Lands, shall be deposited in the County Forestry Aid Fund. If any lands or equipment purchased from said funds are sold the County shall restore the purchase prive to the County Forestry Aid Fund. All monies received as cost sharing on the expenditure of County Forestry Aid Funds shall be credited to that fund. All unexpended County Forestry Aid Funds shall be non -lapsing. B. All monies received from the sale of timber stumpage, out forest products, fees and use permits I sale.of building materials, sale of surplus materials and equipment, fire or other damage col- lections or other revenue received by the Committee, except income specified in paragraphs A and C of this Section, shall be deposited in the Bayfield;County General Fund. All severance taxes incurred as a result of such sales shall be paid as;required by Statute from the County General Fund. 4 0A February 12, 1974 "I ( C. For the purpose of financing land acquisition within the County Forest boundaries, there is hereby established non -lapsing fund known as the County Forest Land Acquisition Fund. Said fund to consist of revenues from the following sources: 1. All net proceeds from the sale of lands withdrawn from the County Forest, subject to the limitations set forth herein below in sub -paragraph 2. 1 ( 2. Whenever the balance in the County Forest Land Acquisition Fund is less thahn $20,000.00 the Forestry Committee, with the concurrence of the Executive Committee, may direct that a maximum of 10% of the net proceeds from County Timber sales be deposited in said fund as they are collected, but only until a $25,000.00 lb.aili.ance in said fund has been attained, which last said amount shall be the maximum balance permitted to accumulate in said account. SECTION VII_ COUNTY FOREST USE REGULATIONS A. Recreational Use. I ( 1. All cabin permits will be terminated July 1, 1975. Permit holders will dismantle and/or remove the buildings from County owned land within thirty days after receiving written notice. After the thirty days all structures shall be deemed a public nuisance and shall be removed by the Department at the expense of the owner. 2. Overnight camping, including tents, trailers, cars, trucks and portable hunting and fibhing camps may be permitted at County Forest Camp grounds, or other areas on the county forest as designated by a permit issued by the County Forest Administrator for a period not to exceed two weeks. a. Camping in developed campgrounds will be by permit only and restricted to designated sites. Camping fees will be established by the Committee. b. No overnight camping will be permitted at areas designated as picnic areas, boat landings, or on any town or county forest road or access trail. 3. The Committee shall be enpowered to establish trails and facilities and precedural standards for development and regulations for the use of all types of recreation trails. 4. Vehicular traffic and motorized recreational devices may be banned or otherwise restricted from any part of the county forest when in the opinion of the Committee, serious damage may result from such use, or such restriction is in the public interest. 5. The following activities are prohibited on county forest lands or in the lakes, rivers and streams of such lands: a. Cutting, defacing, pulling or digging up of any tree, trees, brush or vegetation except as authorized by the Committee. ials. b. Careless use of fire. c. Dumping or leaving of rubbish, garbage, debris, dirt, stone or other littering mater- d. Creating a disturbance. e. Damage, destruction or misuse of any improvement including any land, monument, landmark, or corner post of the government survey, county survey or survey of public record. 6. Legal action for violation of rules and regulations under this -section are covered under Section VIII. 62'+ti.+r:' February 12, 1974 B. Timber Cutting 1. Cultural cuttings shall include thinnings, release cutting,.sanitation cuttings and improvement cuttings to remove trees.or inferior species for the purpose of stand improvement. All cultural cuttings on county forests shall be in accordance with County Forest Management Plan and in cooperation with the staff of ,the Department of Natural Resources. Materials cut.in such operations by county agencies for their use, or sold, as the Committee shall determine. When sold to other public agencies, the latter shall pay to the County a sum of not less than prevailing average stumpage rate. 2. Salvage cuttings shall include the cutting of timber damaged by fire, storm, insect or diseas disease. Salvage cutting, shall be done under the procedure specified for cultural cutting or for commercial cutting, as the Committee may decide. 3. Commercial cuttings shall include all cutting where stumpage is sold under contract in which the primary objective of the cutting is the marketing of the timber products, including.logs, ties, poles, posts, pulpwood, piling, Christmas trees and boughs or other forest products. a. Contract specifications for each cutting operation pertaining to payment and financial responsibility of the bidder shall be determined by the Committee. b. All timber sales shall conform to provisions of section 28.11 (6) of the statutes and shall follow the procedure for'pre-sale appraisal, pre -sale approval, cutting notice and cutting report as provided by Department of Natural Resources Timber Sale Handbook 2461 or any amendments thereto. Timber gales may be'submitted to the Committee for approval prior to the sale. SECTION VIII LEGAL ACTION A. Criminal Action: Whenever an,arrest shall have been made for unlawful cutting on land owned by Bayfield County or on which the county holds a tax certificate, the district attorney shall take appropriate action under Chapter 26 of the Wisconsin Statutes or any amendment thereof. B. Seizure: Whenever forest products are found, known to have been unlawfully severed from county lands, the sheriff shall on satisfactory evidence seize such materials pursuant to Section 26.06 of the Wisconsin Statutes for use by the County or sale as the Committee may determine. C. Civil Action: Whenever evidence of unlawful cutting on Bayfield County lands shall be lodged with the district attorney, he shall on recommendation of the Committee bring suit to recover damages as provided by Section 26.09 of the Wisconsin Statutes. Similarly, civil suit shall be brought against parties responsible for forest fire damage under Section 26.21 of the Statutes. D. Cooperation: It shall be the duty of the committee and its appointed administrative agent to secure information and to seek the cooperation of state, county and town officers in securing information required for legal action. E. Penalties: Any person, firm, company or corporation including all forest visitors and users who violate the rules and regulations of Section VII shall be subject to a forfeiture of not less than $10.00 nor more than $100.00 together with the cost of the action and in default of payment thereof to imprisonment in the county jail until such forfeiture and cost be paid but for not more than thirty days pursuant to law. Those who violate any part of Section VII or any State fish and game laws or litter laws shall be subject to ejection from the County Forest. February 12. 1974 SECTION IX Any previous ordinance or resolution of the County Board of Bayfield County in conflict herewith, is, to the extent of such capacity, hereby i;ppealed. SECTION X This ordinance shall become effective upon passage and publication in the official newspaper of Bayfield County. Dated this 19th day of June, 1973. BAYFIELD COUNTY FORESTRY COMMITTEE Raymond J. Mammoser Larry Seidel Carl E. Anderson Art C. Hanson Louis Justice /s/Walter C. Barningham Walter C. Barningham Co.,Bd. Chrmn. /s/ Edward A.'Pajala Edward A.:Pajala, County Clerk Date of ;Passage 4AWDS.LL 1q14 Date of Publication A copy of the ordinance was passed out to each Board member. The ordinance was not read, but William Hepner explained the ordinance in detail to the Board and also answered questions that were raised. Moved by Anderson, seconded by Justice to amend the ordinance to provide that the Land Acquisition Fund be limited to $25,000.00. CpAuuat.a.A -t-o �nc.enpo-ca�-Et. �h.�.e. d-�►� . Moved by Erickson, seconded by Justice to adopt the ordinance as amended. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing ordinance with the following results: No. 17a Ayes - Erickson, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, W. Johnson, Heglund, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - none Ayes - 16 Nayes - 0 Total 16 No. 18 Motion carried.. Moved by Mammoser, seconded by E. Johnson that the Civil -Defense -Recreation Director's office be moved.from the.Forestry Office to the old sheriff's office upstairs in the.Bayfield County Courthouse. Motion carried. rkV John Skulan gave the Board a report on the parks and snowmobile trails.. He stateaLthat he would work closely with Gary Gylund., Recreation Director, insofar as the County Recreation Program is concerned. Larry Seidel stated that on behalf of the Conservation Committee and the County Board, he wished to thank Mr. Skulan for the work he has done in carrying out the recreation program in the county. The following resolution was read: No. 20 WHEREAS, An amount of $500 was included in the outlay budget for the County Nurse, and WHEREAS, the amount was to be expended for the purchase of a new electric typewriter for the County Nurse's office-, and WHEREAS, the actual -cost of the typewriter was not known at the time when the budget was prepared, and WHEREAS, it now appears that the cost of one IBM electric typewriter which the County Nurse would wish to buy is slightly in excess of $600, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that an amount not to exceed.$110 be transferred from the Contingency fund to the outlay account of the County Nurse to cover the cost of the aforesaid typewriter. HEALTH COMMITTEE Wallace Johnson Bennie Rude K. C. Howell Arthur Hanson W. H. Carter Moved by Rude, seconded by Carter to adopt the foregoing resolution. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foreging resolution with the following results: No. 20a Ayes - Erickson, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, W. Johnson, Hegbnd, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - none Ayes 16 Nayes - 0 Total 16 Motion carried. The following Ordinance was read: No. 21 Establishment of Speed Zone on County Trunk Highway "M" Bayfield County, State of Wisconsin The Board of Supervisors of the County of Bayfield do ordain as follows: Section I. A traffic and engineering investigation having been made on the following described highway, the maximum permissible speed at which vehicles may be operated on said highway, which speed is herewith established as reasonable and safe pursuant to Section 349.11, Wisconsin Statutes, shall be as set forth herein, subject to the approval of the State Highway Commission, and upon the erection of standard signs giving notice thereof: No, 1. County Trunk Highway "M", Town of Cable, Bayfield County. Fifty miles per hour from a point 0.50 of a mile east of its intersection with the road to Mt. Telemark to the East Corporate limits of the Village of Cable. Section 2.. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance may be fined not less than i $10 nor more than $200 or imprisoned not more than 30 days or both. i Bennie R. Rude Raymond J. Mammoser Joseph Berweger Walter Barningham Eric Johnson Edwin Erickson dbo February 12, 1974 '.�...-.,.�.v.-..r-•.��:�2yr.e..r..s g..�. .... . ._ 'rx.. .�.t.�. •Se�� else end __ �. �.+.. �.�.i.1+i+�Ju r.�M�� r�rM - � -� Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Erickson to adopt the foregoing ordinance. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 22 STATE OF WISCONSIN/Dept. of Natural Resources Box 450 Madison, Wise. 53701 January 4, 1974 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Washburn, Wis. 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: On January 12, 1973, I wrote to you requesting your recommendations for a proper name of a feature located in Bayfield County. We received your replies dated January 17, 1973, and March 23, 1973, recommending Twenty Mile Creek. Since that time our field personnel made.a field investigation and contacts were made with local residents in the area. It seems to be the desire of local residents and their opinion that the proper name for this feature is T1Pearl Creek". I am attaching a list of comments received in this regard. Therefore, the State Geographic Names Council at a recent meeting in Madison approved Pearl Creek as being the older, established name for this feature. Attached is a description. We would like you to again approach your County Board of Supervisors with the.revi.sed name so we may proceed in submitting the proposal to the U. S. Board on Geographic.Names. It is our strong desire to select the proper name for this creek based on common local usage and the most well established name. Unless we receive a report on your action before February 28, 1974, or a valid reason why no action was taken, we will consider our action as meeting with your approval and will submit the name Pearl Creek to the U. S. Board on Geographic Names accordingly. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, Joseph P. Corbin, Sec. State Geographic Names Council Attach. PEARL CREEK BAYFIELD COUNTY. Not: Twenty Mile Creek, Twentymile Creek LOCATION:. Approx. 10-mile stream heading in Sec. 8, .T44N:, R5W,. and. flows_ to Sec. 10, T45N, R5W (Grandview Quad.) REQUESTED: U.S. Geological Survey Mapping Branch APPROVED: State Geog. Council - 10/1/73 County Board - U. S.., :Board - C NOTIFIED: An investigation was conducted to determine desires of local residents regarding naming of Twenty Mile, Twentymile or Pearl Creeks in Bayfield County. The following local persons were contacted: Mr. James E. Nettleton, Mason, Wisconsin, who surveyed the area in the past. He indicated he preferred Pearl Creek because it was the original name and would be more appropriate.' Vic Wallin, Grandview., former assemblyman and local resident since 1904. Indicated he pre- ferred Pearl Creek as it was called Pearl Creek many years before it was changed. Frank Nicotera, Grandview, local resident. Preferred Pearl Creek but it didn't make too much difference to him. Warren Dickrell, Grandview, Town Chairman -Grandview, indicated preference for Pear.l.Creek over Twenty Mile Creek. He also indicated SoBayCo Club would have no opposition to change to Pearl. f Le] Lq Marvin Kern, owns farm on the creek preferred Twenty Mile Creek but it didn't make too much difference to him. The above was discussed with Conservation Warden �eorge Phillips, local warden. He indicated in his contacts with local people Peark Creek was preferred. It is my opinion, as well as George Phillips, that the proper heading is in Section 8, T44N RSW. We also believe the most appropriate name would be Pearl Creek. The origin of Pearl Creek could not be found. J. L. Rieckhoff - Brule It appears Twenty Mile'Creek as well as Eighteen Mile Creek was named by their distance from Cable, Wisconsin by railroad line. Most comments from local people indicated Twenty Mile was not as appropriate because many people assume the Twenty Mile means the creek is twenty miles long - which it is not. Also the stream is at this time called Pearl Creek on Federal Forest Service map. Moved by Berweger, seconded by Carter to approve the name of Pearl Creek. A discussion followed. Berweger withdrew his motion with the consent of Carter. Moved by Renoos, seconded by Mammoser-that final action be withheld until the February 26th meeting. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No.23 TOWN OF BARNES January 5, 1974 Mr. Edwin P. Dashner Bayfield Co. Dir. of Social Services Washburn, Wis. 54891 Dear Sir: It is time that the head of the Bayfield County Social Services Department and the Bayfield County Board show some action in the matter of Mrs. Frieda Smith of Barnes. The Barnes Town Board will cooperate. This woman walked over a mile in below zero weather to reach a phone and told Mr. Elmer Peterson, Supervisor and Mr. Roy McMinn, Chairman, that she was sick and needed help. This was on December 31, 1973. Mrs. Smith lives alone and has no means of transportation or phone. Mr. McMinn and Mr. Peterson went to the Smith "home" and found the woman very ill. She had written to a Mr. Clinton Miller, associated with the Social Service Department, but had had no response or action. Mr. McMinn called Mr. Dashner at his home on January 1,.1974, but this call did not bring any immediate action. Mr. Dashner suggested that Mr. -McMinn call Mr. Ray Kyle, a Volunteer aid. Mr. Kyle was called and his wife came the following day, January 2, 1974, and took Mrs. Smith to the Doctor in Hayward. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kyle have gone out of their way over a period of about 3 years and should be paid more than their mileage for this emergency call. They have certainly gone beyond the duties of a volunteer worker. This situation demands action by a trained case worker, with instructions to go into the matter fully and follow up with the necessary and indicated action. If this matter, as it seems, is beyond the scope of the local and county, perhaps we should ask for some help from the State of Wisconsin. Very truly yours, cc: Bayfield Co. -Board Roy T. McMinn, Chairman State Dept. Soc. Services Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Carter to receive the communication and place it on file. Motion carried. 26 February 12, 1974 e Ray Mammoser advised the Board that it was his understanding that the matter has been taken care of, at least temporarily,and Mrs. Smith is now living at the home of some other resident of the Town of Barnes. It was also pointed out that the Department of Social Services has investigated the situation and there does not appear to be any serious problem at the present time. The following Report of the Zoning Committee was read: No. 24 TO: The County Board of Supervisors of Bayfield County on the hearing on the petitions to amend the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Committee of the Bayfield .County Board of Supervisors, having held a public hearing pursuant to Section 59.97 (5), Wisconsin Statutes, notice thereof having been given as provided by law and being duly informed of the facts pertinent to the proposed changes, hereby recommends that the properties described as follows be approved: That portion of the East One -Half (E 2) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NE 2) lying South of U. S. Highway Two )2), in Section Twenty -Nine (29) , Township Forty -Seven (47) North, Range Six (6) West,is changed from Agricultural Use to Forestry Use. That portion of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW-4) of Section Nine (9) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Nine (9) West lying East of Highway Twenty -Seven (27) and North of the Eau Claire River presently zoned for Commercial Use,is changed from Commercial Use to Residential -Recreational Use. Dated: February 12, 1974 Signed Bayfield County Zoning Committee Eric E. Johnson William Carter Larry Seidel Edwin Renoos Moved by Seidel, seconded -by Justice:to receive the report and place it -on file. Motion carried. The following communiedtions'were read: No. 25 TOWN OF KEYSTONE ALPHONSE SELKE, CLERK RT. #2 BOX 205 MASON, WIS. 5-4856 Mr. Jacob Heinlein Zoning Administrator - D.earTMrn- Heinlein: The Town Board of the town of Keystone at the board meeting last evening has approved the following parcel description to be changed from the agriculture zone to a zone that would permit a campground site. The north half (N2) of the northeast quarter (NEµ) lying south of Highway #2 as now located, and the southeast quarter (SEµ) of the northeast quarter (NE-4), all insSection twenty-nine (29) , Township Forty-seven. (47) , Range Six (6) West, Town of Keystone, Bayfield County Wisconsin. As I would understand it that Mr. Erickson is selling this land to a party that wants to establish a campground. Safari Camp Ground Inc. Seems to be the intended Trade Name. Sincerely Yours Alphonse Selke Town Clerk P.S. This parcel of land contains 62 acres February 12,;1974 TOWN OF BARNES November 8, 1973 Bayfield County Zoning. Committee,.. Jacob Heinlein, Zoning Admn. Washburn, Wisconsin 54891 Gentlemen: The Town Board of the Town of Barnes requests that you consider a change of zoning from Commercial to Residential -Recreational for a strip of property 400' deep along State Highway #27 in the SWSW 9-444-9. The balance of the property is zoned -Residential -Recreational. The property is now owned by Chester Marshall. The description is as follows: 512.50' along Highway #27 south from the Town Road. Parcel A of the survey. The Town Board has no objection. Very truly yours, Jean Barker, Clerk Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Carter to receive the communications and place them on file. Motion carried. (Copy of notice of public hearing and affidavit of publication is"on file in the County Clerk's office.) The following Amendatory Ordinance was read: No. 26 The Bayfield County Board of,Supervisors ordains as follows: That the Bayfield County Zoning Ordinance, adopted May 4, 1971,..be and the same, is hereby amended so that as amended, That portion of the East One -Half (Ez) of the Northeast One -Quarter (NEµ) lying South of U.S. Highway Two (2), in Section Twenty -Nine (29), Township Forty-Sevenn(47) North, Range Six (6) West, is changed from Agricultural Use to Forestry Use. That portion of the Southwest One -Quarter (SW-4) of the Southwest One -Quarter (SWµ) of Section Nine (9) , Township Forty -Four (44) North, Range Nine (9)_ West. lying East of Highway Twenty -Seven (27) and North of the Eau Claire River presently zoned for Commercial Use is changed from Commercial Use to Residential -Recreational Use. Signed Dated: February 12, 1974 Bayfield County Zoning Committee Eric Johnson Larry Seidel William Carter. Edwin Renoos Walter Barningham Moved by Carter, seconded by Renoos to adopt the foregoing Amendatory Ordinance. . Motion carried. Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Rude to adjourn until February 26, 1974 at 9:30 AM. Motion carried. February 26. 19 MEETING OF THE BAYFIELD COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS February 26, 1974 The meeting was called to order at 9:45 AM by Walter C. Barningham, County Board Chairman. The following members answered roll call: No. 1 Edwin Erickson, Arthur Meierotto, Kenneth Howell, Eric Johnson, Clifford Hoagland, Bennie Rude, Louis Justice, Larry Seidel, Raymond Mammoser, Wallace Johnson, William Carter, Arthur Hanson, Carl Anderson, Joseph Berweger, Thomas Rondeau, Walter Barningham Absent - Ernest Heglund, Edwin Renoos Present - 16 Absent - 2 Total 18 NO. 2 Mr. Richard Gurnoe, Nutrition Program Coordinator, appeared before the Board and gave a report on the Nutrition Program to date. He named the sites available at this time for serving meals. A lengthy discussion followed. NO ..3. Mr. Earl Neilson, representing the Bayfield County Housing Authority, appeared before the Board and gave a report on the Housing Authority to date. The following communication was read: No. 4 N.A.C.H.P.O., Inc. Northwest Areawide Comprehensive Health Planning Organization, 'Inc. 201 Iowa Ave. Mr. Walter C. Barningham, Chairman Bayfield Co. Bd. of Supervisors Star Route Bayfield, Wisc. 54814 Dear Mr. Barningham: P. 0. Box 368 February 22, 1974 Hayward, Wis. 54843 -The NACHPO Board of Directors has amended its bylaws to include a representative from each of our eight county boards of supervisors to serve on our Board of Directors. We wanted to expedite this change, at the request of Mr. Charles Tollander, Chairman, Burnett County Board of Supervisors, but amending our bylaws required full board action at two consecutive meetings. Since the Board meets bi7monthly, the final approval came at our February 20, 1974, meeting. The selection of the board member is the perogative of the county board chairman. Possibly your recommendation for the board member designee must be approved by the entire county board. It would be opportune of the NACHPO board member representing Bayfield County could be selected before the end of March, as we will be conducting a board member orientation meeting on comprehensive health planning in late March or early April in Superior. Your choice for this position could be the health committee chairman, a board member who is serving on the 51.42 Unified Mental Health Board, or a member of the county board who has a special interest in health. I want to emphasize that this selection is yours, and the above are suggestions only. In order to provide for the proper turnover ratio of board members (no more than 25% per year) and a limit on the number of full terms (two-fourtyear terms) the Bayfield County representative should be appointed for an initial 1 year term. Please call me at 634-4897 concerning any questions you may have on the county board member selection to our Board of Directors. NACHPO is looking forward to a stronger and most effective relationship with county gocaernment. Respectfully, Paul F. Markgren Executive Director February 26. 1974 Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Carter to receive the communication and place it on file. Motion carried. Walter Barningham nominated Wallace Johnson, Chairman of the Health Committee, to represent I! Bayfield County. Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Rude to approve the appointment of Wallace Johnson as a member of NACHPO for a one year term. Motion carried. and The following resolution was read: No. 5 WHEREAS, Bayfield County has hired Gary Gylund to serve as Emergency Government Director, and WHEREAS, the County Board, by prior action, designated certain office space for Gary Gylund, WHEREAS, at the present time there is no office furniture in the room to be used by the Director, and WHEREAS, it appears that matching funds may be available through the State for the purchase of office furniture and equipment, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that a sum not to exceed $600.00 be transferred.from the Contingency Fund to the Emergency Government Outlay Fund to finance the purchase of office equipment and be it further RESOLVED, that,proper application be made to the State Department of Emergency Government for matching funds for said office equipment. C. E. Hoagland PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Louis Justice Edwin Erickson Moved by Erickson, seconded by Justice to adopt the foregoing resolution. Gary Gylund, Emergency Government -Recreation Director, appeared before the Board and gave a brief progress report. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 5a Ayes --Erickson, Meiierotto, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, W. Johnson, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Rondeau, Barningham Nayes - none Absent - Heglund, Renoos Ayes - 16 Nayes - 0 Total 16 Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 6 WHEREAS, C. H. Diamon, the Bayfield County Chief Deputy Sheriff, will reach his retirement date on September 30, 1974, and ,. WHEREAS, It is in the interest of the Department and Bayfield County to continue his services `J ` for a period of one year as permitted by law, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the aforesaid C. H. Diamon be continued in his present `v cj j position for a period of one year and that his effective date of retirement be extended to September 30, 1975. i C. E. Hoagland Louis Justice Edwin K. Renoos Edwin Erickson A __.._........ _... _.._._Februar_2 Moved by Carter, seconded by Hoagland to adopt the foregoing resolution. Motion carried. Gary Gylund again appeared before the Board and reported that he was unable to get a federally funded secretary. He mentioned the fact of getting a part-time girl to be paid by the County. He also advised the Board that there is a possibility of matching funds to pay the salary of a secretary beginning July 1, 1974. No definite committment has been made by the State Civil Defense Board to date regarding future matching funds, but Mr. Gylund did state that there is such a possibility. Moved by Erickson, seconded by Justice to authorize the employment of a part-time secretary for the Civil Defense Office. Motion carried. The following communication and Emergency Fire Warden List was read: No. 7 STATE OF WISCONSIN/Dept. of Natural Resources Box 80 Brule, Wis. 54820 Feb. 8, 1974 Mr. Edward A. Pajala Bayfield County Clerk Courthouse Washburn, Wis. 54891 Dear Mr. Pajala: Attached is the recommended list of emergency fire warden for Bayfield County for-1974. Would you kindly present this list to the County Board for their approval at the next meeting. Please notify us as to what the Board's action is sometime before March 15, 1974. You may keep the attached list for your records. Very truly yours, BUREAU OF FIRE CONTROL Fred G. Wahlquist Acting Area Forest Ranger FGW:bs Attached EMERGENCY FIRE WARDEN ORGANIZATION LIST To the Honorable: The County Board of Bayfield County, Wisconsin Gentlemen: In accord with section 26.12 (3) of the Wisconsin Statutes we recommend the following men to act as authorized emergency fire wardens for the prevention and suppression of forest fires o in this'county for the year 1974, and ask your approval of this orgaftlitation list. EMERGENCY FIRE WARDENS 0 F72 February 26, 1974 Marshall Brinkman Joseph Berweger Thorwald Levin Robert Hanson E. D. Kravick Ralph Wagoner Roger L. Jewell Nels V. Pearson Robert C. Keys Patricia J. Cairns Duane D. Kick Kathy.Bucheger Reino Makela Harry E. Pudas Erick Sande John L. Helsing Clifford Hoagland Milton 011enberger George Tribovich Joseph Pascale Jr. Alden E. Allen Edward A. Pajala Orlyn Lowe Donald Snippen D. Niles Eilertsen Murry A. Hartshorn James J. Dibbell Phillip Tetzner George A. LaFay Arthur L. Easterbrook Joseph S. Brandis, Jr., Vernon Tutor John P. Desrosiers Jerry Friermood William Friermood Walter Pease Benjamin F. Arney David Hyde Michael Bonney Rueben Daubner Paul S. Regorrah Robert Anderson Thomas Rondeau Jr. Bokkie Beeksma Anthony Janock for -town of Keystone Mason, Rt. 3 54856 Lincoln Mason, Rt. 3 54856 Lincoln Mason, Rt. 3 54856 Mason Mason 54856 Namakagon Cable 54821 Namakagon Cable 54821 Namakagon Hayward 54843 Namakagon Hayward 54843 Namakagon Hayward 54843 Namakagon Hayward 54843 Namakagon Hayward 54843 Namakagon Hayward 54843 Oulu Brule, Rt.l 54820 Oulu Iron River 54847 Pilsen Ashland, Rt.3 54806 Port Wing Port Wing 54865 Port Wing Port Wing 54865 Port Wing Port Wing 54865 Russell Bayfield, Rt.l 54814 Russell Bayfield,Rt.l 54814 Russell Bayfield,Rt.l 54814 Washburn Washburn,Rt.l 54891 Washburn Washburn 54891 Washburn Washburn,Rt.l 54891 Washburn Washburn 54891 Washburn Washburn 54891 Washburn Washburn 54891 Washburn Washburn,Rt.l 54891 Washburn Washburn 54891 Washburn Washburn 54891 Washburn Ashland, Rt.3 54806 Barksdale Washburn.,Rt.l 54891 Barnes Solon Springs 54873 Barnes Solon Springs 54873 Barnes Solon Springs 54873 Barnes Solon Springs 54873 Bayfield Bayfield *Rt. 5481.4 Bayfield Bayfield *Rt. 54814 Bayfield Bayfield 54814 Bell Cornucopia 54827 Cable Cable 54821 Cable Cable 54821 Cable Cable 54821 Clover Herbster• 54844 Clover Herbster 54844 "i F�r ° 3 February 26, 1974 for town of Edward Puig Clover Herbster 54844 Arthur Hanson Delta Mason, Rt.3 54856 William Meyers Delta Delta S031 Robert Sykes Delta Delta Box 8 54831 Walter G. Nordby Drummond Drummond 54832 George Siebert Drummond Drummond,Rt.1 54832 Kenneth Greenwood Drummond Drummond 54832 Bart Nemetz Eileen Ashland,Rt.l 54806 Edward Sechen Eileen Mason, Rt.2 54856 Rudolph Habelt Grandview Grandview .54839 Dudley Wallin Grandview Grandview 54839 John E. Hanson Iron River Iron River 54847 Wayne Wheeler Iron River Iron River 54847 Paul Brozovich Iron River Iron River 54847 Kenneth Patenaude Iron River Iron River 54847 Lee Kavajecz Iron River Iron River 54847 William Stuart Kelly Mason, Rt.l 54856 Gary C. Shaffer Washburn Washburn 54891 Mark R. Delfs Washburn Washburn 54891 Duane H. Raspotnik Washburn Washburn,Rt.1 54891 Joseph Johanik Washburn Ashland, Rt.3 54806 Brule, Wisconsin DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES By: Fred G. Wahlquist February 8, 1974 Acting Area Forest.Ranger It was suggested that the following corrections and additions be made to the list: Rudolph Habelt - deceased - Stricken William Hepner, added for City of Bayfield Richard Sorenson, added for Town of Cable Walter Hovey, added for City of Washburn { Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Justice to approve the list as revised. Motion carried. The following relocation order was read: No. 8 RELOCATION ORDER BY THE CITY OF WASHBURN, WISCONSIN THE CITY OF WASHBURN FINDS AND DETERMINES THAT: The proper establishing, laying out, widening, enlarging, extending, constructing, recon- structing, improving, or maintaining a portion of the highway now designated as S.T.H. 13, from the intersection of the centerlines of S.T.H. 13 and Third Avenue West, thence easterly and northeasterly to the intersection of the centerlines of S.T.H. 13 and Washington Avenue, and on roads or lands in and about, along and leading to same, requires certain relocation or change and the acquisition of lands or interest in lands as shown on the map or copy thereof marked. PLAT OF PROJECT 8161-2-71, for the Bayfield Street, City of Washburn, reconstruction of S.T.H. 13, Bayfield County, the same being sheets No. 1 and 2, inclusive, of the plans for said project, and February 26;, 1974 Pursuant to its authority under Section 62.23 (17), Wisconsin Statutes, THE CITY OF WASHBURN HEREBY ORDERS THAT: (1) The said highway is hereby laid out and established to the lines and widths as shown on the said plat. (2) The required lands or interests in lands as shown on the plat shall be acquired by the City of Washburn pursuant to the provisions of Section 62.23 (17), Wisconsin Statutes. This order supersedes and amends any previous order issued by the City of Washburn. The foregoing order was issued by the City of Washburn and entered in the minutes of its meeting on January 22, 1974, City of Washburn. John F. Wroblewski Mayor Wayne 0. Lowe Clerk Moved by Seidel, seconded by Justice to receive the relocation order and place it on file. Motion carried. The proposed project report for the County Board Room.was taken up at this time. Many suggestions were made. NO. 9 Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Erickson to refer this matter back to the Executive Committee with power to act with a limitation of a maximum of $10,000 expenditure for the project. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing motion with the following results: No. 9a Ayes - Meierotto, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Seidel, Mammoser, W. Johnson, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Rondeau, Barningham Nayes - Erickson, Howell, Rude, Justice Ayes - 12. Nayes - 4 Total 16 Motion carried. Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Justice to adjourn for lunch. Motion carried. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM by Walter C. Barningham,County Board Chairman. The following members answered roll call: No. 10 Erickson, Meierotto, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, W. Johnson, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Rondeau, Renoos, Barningham Absent - Heglund Present - 17 Absent - 1 Total 18 February 26, 1974 cn 1 c The following communication was read: HISTORICAL SOCIETY BAYFIELD COUNTY Edward A. Pajala, Co. Clerk Courthouse Washburn, Wisconsin Dear Mr. Pajala: No. 11 Iron River, Wisconsin Feb. 23, 1974 ,As instructed in our conversation last Friday, I am making the following request to be presented to the County Board. The Bayfield County Historical Society requests that the society be allowed to make use of the old Law Library room off the'old court room and also the old jury room. As pictured at this time, the old jury room could serve as a work room and display room for some kinds of materials. The law library room, because of its location and the fact that it could be locked for security, would serve as storage space for collected materials. The Board of Directors of the society feel that it is essential that visible evidence of progress be made available as soon as possible to justify the organization, and the avail- ability of these rooms would greatly improve chances of this progress. Thanks for your attention. L. M. Gowley,'Pres. Bayfield Co.,Historical Society Iron River, Wisc. 54847 Moved by Mammoser, seconded by W. Johnson that the matter be referred to the Building and Grounds,Committee with power to act. Motion carried., A petition from John F. Goetz, Secretary, Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, in reference to the abandonment of the rail road to Bayfield was presented to the Board. As the petition was for information only, it was suggested that.it not be made part of the record, but will be kept on file in the county clerk's office. The Bureau of Personnel Study was next brought up for consideration. The Compensation Schedule, the Fiscal Analysis, the Vacation Policy and the Job Class Specifications were distributed to Board members and department heads present at the meeting. Edward A. Pajala, Clerk, read through the.Compensation Schedule and explained in detail the changes being proposed from the previous schedule and also read some of the highlights from the Fiscal Analysis and Vacation Policy. Questions in regard to the study were raised by members of the County Board as well as various department heads. All questions were answered by either the county clerk or members of the committee. February 26, 1974 c,• The following resolution was read: No. 12 WHEREAS,%The Bayfield County Board of Supervisors heretofore provided for a wage and job classification study by the Bureau of Personnel of the State of Wisconsin, relating to certain Bayfield County employees and officers, and WHEREAS, Said Bureau of Personnel has completed said study and reported its findings and recommendations to the Personnel Committee of the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors as of the 15th day of February, 1974, said report now being on file with the Bayfield County Clerk, and WHEREAS, Said report, salary schedule and job classification covers all County employees and officers, except the represented Highway employees, and WHEREAS, It is deemed in the interest of Bayfield County that all County officers and em- ployees, except represented Highway employees, shall be subject to the provisions of said report, salary schedule and job classification, including all employees of the Bayfield County Rest Home, the said Bayfield County Board hereunto reserving to itself jurisdiction of salary schedules of all of said officers and employees from the date of this Resolution, and WHEREAS, The Personnel Committee of said Board of Supervisors has heretofore made a study of said report, salary schedule and job classification and recommends its acceptance by the Board as presented, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the compensation schedule hereinabove referred to as prepared by the State Department of Personnel be and the same is hereby accepted and adopted as the compensation schedule for all non -represented employees and officers of Bayfield County, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That said salary schedule shall be implemented in accordance with the procedures set forth and made a part of said report and study and that no changes therein shall be permitted except upon and pursuant to resolution by this Board of Supervisors. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE C. E. Hoagland Edwin K. Renoos Edwin Erickson Louis Justice Moved by Hoagland, seconded by Renoos to adopt the foregoing resolution.' A brief discussion followed. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing resolution with the following results: No. 12a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, W. Johnson, Carter, Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Rond eau, Renoos., Barningham Nayes - none Absent - Heglund Ayes - 17 Nayes - 0- Total 17 Motion carried. (All material referred to in the foregoing resolution is on file in the county clerk's office.) MOTION #13 Walter Barningham appointed Mrs. Charles Nettleton to serve on the Bayfield County Nutrition Program Advisory Board. Moved by Rude, seconded by Erickson to approve the foregoing appointment. Motion carried. 7 February 26, 1974 Motion #14 Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Carter that the Personnel Committee shall have the power to resolve any questions that might arise in regard to administration of the policy referred to in Resolution #12. Motion carried. MOTION #15 Moved by Erickson, seconded by Justice to transfer $2320 from the Contingency Fund to the Civil Defense Budget to cover the salary of a part-time secretary. A roll call vote was taken on the adoption of the foregoing motion with the following results: No. 15a Ayes - Erickson, Meierotto, Howell, E. Johnson, Hoagland, Rude, Justice, Seidel, Mammoser, Garf-eh-9. Hanson, Anderson, Berweger, Rondeau, Renoos, Barningham Nayes - W. Johnson Absent - Heglund Ayes - 16 Nayes - 1 Total 17 Motion carried. MOTION #16 Moved by Rondeau, seconded by Carter to authorize and direct the county clerk to make the necessary and appropriate adjustments to each of the departmental budgets to cover the increase as allowed by Resolution #12. The adjustments to be made by transferring funds from the' Contingency Fund to the various departmental budgets. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 17 13 February 1974 TO: Bayfield County Board of Supervisors Ed Pajala, County Clerk FROM: Judith Polich In behalf of the Drummond High School and Junior High School students who visited the last County Board Meeting, I would like to thank the Bayfield County Board of Supervisors, for generously taking time from their busy meeting agenda to welcome these students and to answer their questions. Most of them had never visited the County Court House or observed the Board in session. It was an exciting learning experience for them. Thank you for your cooperation. JP/asl n Moved by Erickson, seconded by Renoos to receive the communication and place it on file. Motion carried. The following communication was read: No. 18 10 January 1974 Mr. Walter Barningham, Chairman Bayfield County Board Star Route Bayfield, Wise. 54814 Dear Mr. Barningham: 2 7 S- February;26, 1974. I recently received the 1973 real estate tax statement payable in 1974. The amount has dropped two years in a row; in fact it is down about one third from what it was for 1971, the principal decreases occurring in both the county and local mill rates. I presume revenue sharing has had something to do with this, but in any .event I would like to express my appreciation to someone and you seem to be the most obvious person as Chairman of the Bayfield County Board. Maybe some times your responsibility produces something besides grief! Sincerely Judson Bemis 800 Northstar Center Mpls., Minn. 55402 Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Justice to receive the communication and place it on file. Motion carried. The following resolution was read: No. 19 WHEREAS, during the past years of the existence of the Northwest.Criminal Justice Planning Council, Director Theodore Kaye has diligently worked with and for the said Council, and WHEREAS, the accomplishments of Mr., Kaye have been outstanding and have resulted in direct benefits to the community, the units of local government, and the criminal justice system, and WHEREAS, Director Kaye has, at all time, put the interests and well being of this Council above his own -individual -interests, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; that this Council commends the past activity of Director Theodore Kaye, assures him of its continuing support and urges him, despite the many obstacles, to continue in his efforts to advance the interest of this Council. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED; that this resolution be presented to the several city councils and county governments of the region asking for their endorsernent_of its contents. Moved by Rondeau, seconded by Seidel to receive the communication and place it on file. Motion carried. A letter received from Warren Dickrell, Chairman, Town Board, Town of Grand View, in regard to the maintenance and construction of township highways was presented to the Board. The lengthy letter was not read as at least most members had received copies of the letter from the Town of Grand View. Mr. Dickrell especially noted the need for some type of a training program for town road superintendents. The complete letter is on file in the county clerk'.s office. MOTION #20 Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Hoagland that the correspondence be referred to the Highway Committee with power to act. Motion carried. MOTION #.21 Moved by Seidel, -seconded by Renoos to leave the name of Twenty Mile Creek as is and not change it to Pearl Creek as recommended by the DNR. Motion carried. Moved by Mammoser, seconded by Justice to adjourn. Walter Barningham, C airman Bayfield County Board Motion carried. Edward A. PaOal Clerk Bayfield Cou ty� 0